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Linear sequencing for machine layouts by a

modified simulated annealing

D.-S. Chen , Q. Wang & H.-C. Chen

To cite this article: D.-S. Chen , Q. Wang & H.-C. Chen (2001) Linear sequencing for machine
layouts by a modified simulated annealing, International Journal of Production Research, 39:8,
1721-1732, DOI: 10.1080/00207540010023565

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int. j. prod. res., 2001, vol. 39, no. 8, 1721 1732

Linear sequencing for machine layouts by a modiWed simulated annealing

D.-S. CHENy*, Q. WANGz and H.-C. CHEN

Machine sequencing is an essential step towards the physical layout of machines

as it determines the relative positions of machines in a layout. Linear machine
sequencing is most popular due to its e cient ow structure and its ability to
arrange machines in various ow layouts. For example, in a conveyor or an AGV
system, the layout can be a straight line, a U-shape line, a serpentine line, or a
loop. This paper addresses the problem of determining a common linear machine
sequence (also known as a linear owline) for multi-products with dierent
operation sequences. Each machine type has a limited number of duplicates
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available for use. The objective is to minimize the total ow distance travelled
by the products on this linear owline. The ows of products are allowed in the
forward direction, either in-sequence or by-pass (i.e. no backtrack movements are
allowed). To solve this problem, we rst construct a feasible ow network that
satis es all operation sequences and then transform it into a linear machine
sequence. To improve the solution, a modi ed simulated annealing is utilized.
The new algorithm was tested on several examples in the literature.

1. Introduction
Machine sequencing is an essential step toward the physical layout of machines
as it determines the relative positions of machines in a layout. A linear machine
sequence is most popular among production systems due to its simple and e cient
ow structure (Heragu and Kusiak 1989, Kouvelis and Chiang 1992, Braglia 1997)
as well as its ability to arrange machines in various ow con gurations. For example,
the ow con guration of a linear machine sequence can be a straight line, U-shape
line, serpentine line, or loop for a conveyor or an AGV system (Aneke and Carrie
1986). For a rotating robot system, the ow con guration can be a U-shape or a
loop (Ho and Moodie 1994).
This paper addresses the problem of determining a common linear machine
sequence (or owline) for multi-products processed by dierent operation/machine
sequences. Products are assumed to be processed in the forward direction, either in
consecutive order (known as in-sequence movement) or non-consecutive order
(known as bypass movement). No back-track moves are allowed. The input of
this problem includes the operation or machine sequence for each product,
amount of each product to be produced and available number of duplicate machines
of each type. The distance between two successive machines is assumed equal. The
ow distance travelled by a product is de ned as the distance between the machine of
its rst operation and the machine of its last operation along a given machine

Revision received October 2000.

{ Department of Industrial Engineering, The University of Alabama, Box 870288,
Tuscaloosa, AL 35487, USA.
{ Bellsouth, Oracle Corporation, USA.
} Department of Computer Science, The University of Alabama, USA.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. e-mail.

International Journal of Production Research ISSN 0020 7543 print/ISSN 1366 588X online # 2001 Taylor & Francis Ltd
DOI: 10.1080/00207540010023565
1722 D.-S. Chen et al.

sequence. The objective of this problem is to determine a common linear sequence

for all machines so that the total ow distance travelled by all products is minimized.
The sequence is subject to the following constraints: (1) each product must go
through a subset of the common machine sequence either in-sequence or bypass,
and (2) the use of duplicate machines is limited.
It is well known that the linear machine sequencing problem is an NP hard
combinatorial problem (Braglia 1997). The number of possible sequences even grows
exponentially as duplicate machines are allowed. Moreover, the set of all feasible
sequences is not simply the set of simple permutations of a xed number of
machines, as they must satisfy dierent operation sequences of all products.

2. Literature review
This section describes the related problems. The study of the linear machine
sequence can be traced back to the late 1950s. For two decades, all the sequencing
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algorithms in the literature were limited to problems with a single machine of each
type (e.g. Noy 1957, Singleton 1962 and Hollier 1963). Although the use of duplicate
machines is quite common in reality, no sequencing algorithms had been reported
until the work of Carrie (1975). However, the problem addressed by Carrie is
dierent from ours in three aspects: (1) it allows backtracking movements, (2) its
objective is to nd the most economic compromise between high machine utilization
and low backtracking movements, and (3) the use of duplicate machines is unlimited.
This method does not clearly de ne the overall criterion used for selecting the best
sequence and is highly dependent on the designers subjective judgement for elim-
inating uneconomical machines.
Aneke and Carrie (1986) addressed the above problem and proposed a travel-
chart method in which the ow lines are constructed from both ends simultaneously.
Like the earlier method of Carrie (1975), this method does not provide a clear-cut
method for the elimination of uneconomical machines. Kouvelis and Chiang (1992)
utilized a simulated annealing procedure to determine a owline (or single row
layout) under the assumptions that the number of machines is xed and backtrack
movements are allowed. The objective is to determine a machine sequence with a
minimum total backtrack distance. This problem is dierent from ours. We assume
that the number of machines of each type is limited, but not xed, and that the
machine sequence developed could contain a variable number of machines less than
the limited number. Another dierence is that our problem always has zero back-
track distance (since backtrack is not permitted) and the objective is to minimize
total travel distance in terms of in-sequence and bypass movements. Another related
problem was addressed by Braglia (1997). His objective is to nd a machine layout
(or, equivalently, linear machine sequence) with a minimum expected movement of
the machine handling device between the machines in a machine cell. The problem is
essentially to arrange a xed number of machines and the expected movement is
determined by the frequency of part displacements between machines.
Ho et al. (1993) dealt with a similar problem to the one addressed in this paper
except that the number of duplicate machines is unlimited. They developed a heur-
istic pattern matching method in which a ow line (or linear machine sequence) is
initially constructed by the product with the largest number of operations. For each
remaining product, its sequence similarity coe cient with the currently constructed
ow line is calculated and the product with the largest coe cient is selected to be
incorporated into the current ow line. Next, the feasibility of the machines is
Linear sequencing for machine layouts 1723

checked and the infeasible ones are eliminated. The procedure is terminated when all
the operation sequences of the products have been accommodated into the con-
structed ow line. In this paper, we propose an alternative algorithm, which con-
structs ow networks and the corresponding linear owlines that satisfy the
operation sequences of all products and the limited number of duplicate machines
of each type. To improve the sequence, a modi ed simulated annealing is applied.

3. Generic simulated annealing

Traditionally, a sequential search method for nding an optimum begins with an
initial solution and sequentially moves to a better solution in the neighbourhood
until no improvements can be made. The search is frequently terminated at a local,
not global, optimum. Simulated annealing (SA) is an algorithmic approach attempt-
ing to avoid the search being trapped at a local minimum by occasionally allowing
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unimproved moves. The generic SA procedure is outlined below.

Step 1. De ne an initial solution S.
Step 2. Set an initial high temperature T > 0, cooling ratio 0 < r < 1, and the
number of times L.
Step 3. Do steps 4 and 5 until T approaches 0.
Step 4. Do L times for the following:
Step 4.1. Pick a random neighbouring solution S 0 of S.
Step 4.2. Compute cost S 0 cost S
Step 4.3. If < 0 then set S S 0 .
Step 4.4. If 0 then set S S 0 with probability exp( =T.
Step 5. Set T rT and go to step 4.
Step 6. Return solution S.
Note that the above generic SA algorithm returns only the last (best) solution
obtained. In order to increase the probability of obtaining a global optimum, several
researchers (e.g. Rich and Knight 1991) modi ed the generic SA to allow several
good solutions to be kept in addition to the last. All these good solutions are
candidates for future perturbations. The proposed algorithm utilizes a similar idea
to increase the search space.

4. Proposed algorithm
We propose a new algorithm consisting of three stages: (1) construct a feasible
ow network representing the given problem, (2) convert the feasible ow network to
a single linear machine sequence, and (3) apply a modi ed simulated annealing. A
feasible ow network is a collection of feasible ow paths, one for each product. A
ow path is feasible if it satis es the prescribed operation sequence of each product,
the availability of each machine type, and the permissible ow movements (either in-
sequence or bypass). The feasible ow network is then compressed to a single ow
path that represents a feasible, linear machine sequence. Finally, an optimal machine
sequence is attempted by generating alternative feasible ow networks, thereby con-
structing the corresponding linear machine sequences. These alternative feasible ow
networks are obtained by modifying the current feasible ow network and can be
viewed as neighbouring feasible solutions in the context of simulated annealing.
1724 D.-S. Chen et al.

4.1. Constructing a feasible Xow network

Based on the constraints imposed on the given operation sequences for all prod-
ucts and on the given number of machines available per machine type, a feasible
network is constructed as follows.
Step 1. Select a product with the largest un lled amount of demand.
Step 2. Assign a new (unassigned) machine, if available, to each operation required
by the selected product. If unavailable, select a machine previously assigned.
Step 3. Construct a ow path for the selected product based on its operation
Step 4. Repeat steps 1 3 until the demands for all products are lled.
By step 1, we intend to select a product type with greatest contribution to the total
travel distance. By steps 2 and 3, we intend to maximize the number of in-sequence
movements by assigning as many as possible the previously unassigned machines.
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Note that the use of all unassigned machines ensures that all movements can be
consecutive (or in-sequence), which always yields a shortest ow distance; while the
use of any previously assigned machine may yield bypass movements, which we want
to keep to a minimum.
To illustrate the details of the above steps, consider problem 1 given in tables 1(a)
and (b), which respectively lists the amount of demand and machine sequence for
each product and the number of available machines of each type. Table 1(b) must be
updated after each machine has been assigned.
First, we select product 4 because it has the largest un lled demand of 200 and
then assign the required machines, resulting a ow path [ 1-2-4-6-7 ] shown in gure
1(a). Here, all operations are assigned new machines, and the number of available
machines is updated accordingly. Similarly, we select product 1, resulting in an
independent ow path [ 3-2-4-5-6 ] carrying 150 units ( gure 1(b)) and update the
remaining machines. Next, consider product 2. Since its rst operation requires

( Operation
Product Demand sequence

1 150 3-2-4-5-6
(a) 2 100 3-2-5-6-4
3 50 3-2-1-4-6-8
4 200 1-2-4-6-7

Machine type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
No. of duplicates available 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1

Linear machine No. of duplicates Total
Algorithm sequence used (in parenthesis)y distance
(c) Ho et al. 3-2-1-2-4-5-6-7-4-8 2(2), 4(2) 3150
Proposed 3-2-4-5-6-1-2-4-6-7-8 2(2), 4(2), 6(2) 2600

y Machine types using a single machine are not shown.

Table 1. Problem 1 and comparison of its solutions.
Linear sequencing for machine layouts 1725


200 200 200 200

1 2 4 6 7


200 200 200 200

1 2 4 6 7

150 150 150 150

3 2 4 5 6


200 200 200 200

1 2 4 6 7

Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 18:39 25 October 2015

150 150
3 2 4 5 6
250 250


(d) 8
200 200 250 200
1 2 4 6 7

50 100
150 150
3 2 4 5 6
300 250


Figure 1. Constructing feasible ow network.

machine type 3, which has no more new machines, we are led to utilize machine 3
already assigned. We adopt the rule that once a machine along any existing ow path
has been used, the current product ow should continue utilizing the machines along
the existing paths until no such machines are available, in which case, new machines
(if available) are used instead. The resultant ow path for product 2, [ 3-2-5-6-4] , is
depicted in gure 1(c). Finally, product 3 is processed and the construction of a
feasible ow network is complete ( gure 1(d)). In this network, a node corresponds
to an assigned machine, and an arc weight corresponds to the total demand owing
through the arc. Note that an unassigned machine is selected prior to any previously
assigned machines. This priority rule is intended to maximize the utilization of
available machines in order to minimize the total bypass movements.

4.2. Converting to a linear machine sequence

After a feasible ow network has been constructed, the corresponding linear
machine sequence can be uniquely determined by the following steps.
Step 1. Combine the two nodes with the maximum arc weights to form a `super
Step 2. Check each pair of nodes to see whether they contain both direct and indir-
ect paths. If so, add the arc weight of the direct path to each arc along the
1726 D.-S. Chen et al.

indirect path; and then delete the direct path. Repeat this step until no such
pair exists in the network.
Repeat steps 1 and 2 until all nodes are included in a single super node. In which
case, a linear machine sequence is obtained and the conversion is terminated. The
rationale of these steps is as follows. Recall that the arc weight between any two
nodes represents the number of units travelling through the arc. By assuming con-
stant (or unit) ow distance between two successive machines, this arc weight can
also be interpreted as the total distance for all products travelling through the direct
path. If this direct path were disconnected and replaced by an indirect path, the total
travel distance would be increased. The greater the weight, the larger the increase in
the total travel distance. Therefore, we select the pair of nodes with the greatest arc
weight to be combined rst in order to ensure that this direct path will not be
disconnected and replaced later by any indirect paths. The repeated selection of
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the greatest weights associated with the reduced networks can eventually lead to a
single super node, which in turn represents a good, if not optimal, feasible sequence.
Again, to illustrate these two steps, we continue to use the feasible ow network
( gure 1(d)) obtained previously. To generate a linear machine sequence, we rst
combine nodes 3 and 2 since their associated arcs have the largest weight of 300.
Note that there exists a direct path from node 1 to node 4, and an indirect path from
node1, via node 2, to node 4. Applying step 2, the direct path from node 1 to node 4
is deleted and the weight of this path is added to the arcs along the indirect path [ 1-2-
4] . Likewise, the direct path from node 2 to node 5 is identi ed and its weight is
added to the indirect path [ 2-4-5] . After deleting these two direct paths, the network
in gure 2(a) is generated.
Next, we combine the current super node with node 4, and then check for direct-
path and indirect-path pair nodes. If no such pair exists, then apply step 1 again by
combining node 5 to the super node. This procedure is repeated until gure 2(b) is
obtained. This network contains a direct path leading from the new super node S1 to
node 4, and an indirect path, [ S1-1-2-4] , sharing the same initial and terminal nodes.
To condense the network further, the weight of a direct path must be augmented to
every arc along the indirect path as shown in gure 2(c). After repeating the node
combining and the path checking steps, nodes 1, 2 and 4 are included in a larger
super node S2, as shown in gure 2(d). By repeated applications of these two steps,
gures 2(e), (f) and (g) are generated.
As shown in this illustrated problem, the steps for network reduction by com-
bining nodes to form growing super nodes and by deleting direct paths in the pres-
ence of indirect paths will be repeated until a single super node is formed. Thereby, a
linear machine sequence is obtained: [ 3-2-4-5-6-1-2-4-6-7-8 ] , with a total ow dis-
tance of 2600.

4.3. Applying a modiWed simulated annealing

In an attempt to obtain an improved sequence, the generic simulated annealing
(SA) algorithm discussed in section 3 is modi ed. The parameters of SA were used
below: (1) initial T is de ned as twice the cost of the rst feasible sequence, (2) the
number of times, L 500, and (3) the cooling ratio, r 0:91.
In the SA developed by Kouvelis and Chiang (1992), a neighbouring solution is
obtained by a simple switching of two sub-sequences of a current sequence/solution.
However, the neighbouring solutions thus obtained are very likely to be infeasible
Linear sequencing for machine layouts 1727

(a) 8
250 250 250 200
1 2 4 6 7

50 100

3-2 4 5 6
250 250 250

(b) 8
250 250 250 200
1 2 4 6 7
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 18:39 25 October 2015

50 100

S1: 3-2-4-5-6

(c) 8
350 350 250 200
1 2 4 6 7


(d) S1: 3-2-4-5-6 8

250 200
S2: 1-2-4 6 7


S1: 3-2-4-5-6

S2: 1-2-4-6-7


S1: 3-2-4-5-6

(f) 50




Figure 2. Converting feasible ow network into a linear sequence.

1728 D.-S. Chen et al.

for the following reasons: (1) the operation sequence for each product is predeter-
mined, not arbitrary, (2) the number of operations for each product is dierent, and
(3) each machine type has a dierent number of duplicate machines available. To
circumvent this problem, we de ne the neighbouring solutions of a given solution (or
feasible ow network) as the alternative feasible ow networks obtained by modify-
ing the current feasible ow network. Note that once a feasible ow network is
determined, so is the machine sequence (based on stage 2 converting to a linear
machine sequence). They are a one-to-one correspondence. Thus, instead of random
switching two sub-sequences of an existing sequence, we generate feasible
sequences from alternative feasible ow networks obtained by modifying the current
The procedure for reconstructing an alternative network is done by randomly
selecting one product ow path to remove from the current network and reassigning
machines to form a new ow path. For example, consider the current network in
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gure 1(d). In order to indicate dierent machine units of the same type, we re-label
nodes with letters a, b and c, as shown in gure 3(a). If we randomly remove the ow
path [ 3-2b-4b-5a-6b ] for product 1 with demand 150, a reduced network is shown in
gure 3(b). Now we randomly select a machine (instead of a new unassigned machine
in stage 1) for each operation. For example, if the machines assigned to product 1 are
[ 3-2a-4a-5b-6a ] , then the new network will be the one in gure 3(c). In order to
convert the given network to a linear sequence, the network must be acyclic (i.e. a
directed network with no cycles). Therefore, in this reconstruction stage, we must
continuously check for the possible cycles and break up any cycles by either adding a
new node or reassigning machines to the current ow path. For example, if the
machines assigned to this product 1 are [ 3-2a-4a-5a-6b ] , then there exists a cycle
[ 4a-5a-6b-4a ] , we can break up this cycle by adding node 4b for product 1 with
demand 150. The resultant network is shown in gure 3(e). This random selection of
one product and the random assignment of machines to its operations are repeated
to generate various alternative networks. Then, for each generated network, a cor-
responding linear machine sequence is constructed in accordance with the steps
described in subsection 4.2.
Each generated alternative sequence can be either accepted or rejected, based on
the total distance of the sequence and the probability of the acceptance speci ed by
the annealing procedure. If the sequence is rejected, then another product path is
selected and a random assignment procedure is repeated. If a sequence is accepted,
then the sequence is used to replace the worst sequence in the current buer that
contains multiple good sequences. This newly accepted network becomes the current
feasible ow network. The procedures for generating alternative networks and their
corresponding alternative machine sequences are repeated for various decreasing
temperatures until the cooling ratio approaches 0. At this time, the annealing is
terminated and the best sequence stored in the buer is taken as the nal solution.
During this annealing procedure, we modify a current network to get a new
feasible ow network, which in turn can be modi ed to get another feasible ow
network. At the end of the annealing, the last alternative network in the process can
be quite dierent from the rst feasible ow network obtained. Figure 3(f) shows
another alternative feasible ow network for the same example, and the correspond-
ing machine sequence is [ 3-2-1-4-5-6-2-1-2-4-6-7-8 ] with a total ow distance of
Linear sequencing for machine layouts 1729

200 200 250 200
1a 2a 4a 6a 7

50 100
150 150
3 2b 4b 5a 6b
300 250

200 200 250 200
1a 2a 4a 6a 7

50 100
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 18:39 25 October 2015

3 2b 5a 6b
150 100 100

5b 8
200 350 150 150 50
1a 2a 4a 6a 7
250 200
150 50 100

3 2b 5a 6b
150 100 100

(d) 8
200 350 250
1a 2a 4a 6a 7
150 50 100

3 2b 5a 6b
150 100 250
(e) 8
200 200 250
1a 2a 4a 6a 7
150 200
150 50 4b 150 100

3 2b 5a 6b
150 100 250

200 200 250 200
1a 2a 4a 6a 7

50 50 50
1b 4b 6b 8
50 150 250
3 2b 5a
300 100

Figure 3. alternative feasible ow network.

1730 D.-S. Chen et al.

5. Comparisons
In this section, the proposed algorithm is compared with the most recent pub-
lished methods by Aneke and Carrie (1986), and Ho et al. (1993). Since no computa-
tional results have been reported on the problems of limited duplicate machines, four
test problems were re-constructed from example problems given in these articles.
Test problem 1, taken from example 2 of Ho et al. (1993), is reproduced as tables 1(a)
and (b). The given data include the demand and operation sequence of each product,
and the number of duplicate machines available for each type. Figure 1(c) tabulates
the linear machine sequences with their associated total distances resulting from Ho
et al.s algorithm and the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm yields a
shorter total distance of 2600 even before the step of modi ed SA is applied.
The demands and operation sequences for test problems 2 are listed in table 2.
This table was originally taken from Aneke and Carrie (1986), where a single
machine of each type was assumed. For comparison with the Aneke-Carrie
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method, Ho et al. (1993) modi ed the problem to allow an unlimited number of

machines of each type. In the case of limited duplicates, we further modi ed the
problem by setting the number of duplicates determined by Aneke and Carrie (see
table 3) as the limit of duplicate machines to be solved by the proposed algorithm. By
doing so, we impose additional restriction on our solutions space and, in a way, we
undervalue the performance of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm
produces a linear machine sequence with less total distance, as shown in table 3.
This result is obtained after the step of modi ed SA has been applied.
The demands and operation sequences of test problem 3 are the same as those of
problem 2. Likewise, for comparison with the algorithm of Ho et al. (1993), we set
the duplicate machines solved by them. The linear machine sequence generated by

Product Demand units Operation sequence

1 250 3-5-8-9-11-12-13
2 5 1-2-4-5-3-9-7-12-11-13
3 40 1-2-3-5-4-7-12-11-13
4 30 8-3-5-11-13
5 4 4-5-7-6-11-13
6 8 3-4-10-11-13
7 200 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13

Table 2. Demands and operation sequences for problems 2 and 3.

Linear machine Duplicate machines Total

Algorithm sequence used (in parenthesis)* distance

Aneke and 1-2-3-4-5-6-4-7-8-3-9- 3(2), 4(3), 5(2), 6(2), 9379

Carrie 4-7-6-5-12-10-11-12-13 7(2), 12(2)
Proposed 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-3-9-4- Same 8880
* Machine types using a single machine are not shown here.
Table 3. Comparison of solutions for problem 2.
Linear sequencing for machine layouts 1731

Linear machine Duplicate machines Total

Algorithm sequence used (in parenthesis)* distance

Ho et al. 1-2-8-3-4-5-3-9-4-6-7- 3(2), 4(2), 6(2), 8(2), 8792

6-12-8-9-10-11-12-13 9(2), 12(2)
Proposed 8-1-2-3-4-5-3-9-4-6-7- Same 8607

* Machine types using a single machine are not shown here.

Table 4. Comparison of solutions for problem 3.

Product Demand Operation sequence

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1 20 2-3-4-6-8-9-7
2 10 14-2-3-4-5-10-11-12
3 15 2-4-6-8-9-13
4 10 1-2-3-5-11-12

Machine type 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
No. of duplicates available 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Algorithm Linear machine sequence distance

Ho et al. 1-14-2-3-4-6-8-9-13-7-5-10-11-12 480

Proposed 14-1-2-3-4-6-8-9-7-13-5-10-11-12 475

Table 5. Problem 4 and comparison of its solutions.

the proposed algorithm produces less total distance, as given in table 4. This result is
obtained after the step of modi ed SA has been applied.
Finally, problem 4 demonstrates that the proposed algorithm is also capable of
solving the problem with a single machine per type. Table 5 lists the product
demands and operation sequences given in Ho et al. (1993) as well as the comparison
of solutions generated by both algorithms. Again, the proposed algorithm found a
linear machine sequence with a less total distance of 475, even before the modi ed
SA was applied.
The CPU time prior to the step of the modi ed SA for the four problems is less
than 1 second, and it takes about 2 seconds to execute the additional SA step on a
RS6000 platform.

6. Conclusions
This paper proposes an algorithm capable of nding a good, if not optimal,
unidirectional owline for multi-products of dierent operation sequences with
single or a limited number of duplicate machines of each type. The algorithm con-
structs feasible ow network, from which a linear machine sequence is deduced. A
1732 Linear sequencing for machine layouts

modi ed simulated annealing is incorporated to get improved sequences. For the

four example problems, the owlines generated by the proposed algorithm yield less
travel distance than the existing methods given in the literature.

The authors are grateful to the reviewers for their comments and helpful sugges-

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owlines. International Journal of Production Research, 24 , 471 481.
Braglia, M., 1997, Heuristics for single-row layout problems in exible manufacturing
Downloaded by [University of Otago] at 18:39 25 October 2015

systems. Production Planning & Control, 8, 558 567.

Carrie, A. S., 1975, Layout of multi-product lines. International Journal of Production
Research, 13, 451 457.
Heragu, S. S. and Kusiak, A., 1989, Machine layout: an optimization and knowledge-based
approach. International Journal of Production Research, 28, 615 635.
Ho, Y. C. and Moodie, C. L., 1994, A heuristic operation sequence-pattern identi cation
method and its applications in the design of a cellular exible assembly system.
International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 7, 163 174.
Ho, Y. C., Lee, C. E. and Moodie, C. L., 1993, Two sequence-pattern, matching-based, ow
analysis methods for multi- owlines layout design, International Journal of Production
Research, 31, 1557 1578.
Hollier, R. H., 1963, The layout of multi-product lines, International Journal of Production
Research, 2, 47 57.
Kouvelis, P. and Chiang, W. C., 1992, A simulated annealing procedure for single row
layout problems in exible manufacturing systems, International Journal of Production
Research, 30, 717 732.
Noy, P. C., 1957, Make the right plant layout mathematically, American Machinist, March,
p. 121.
Rich, E. and Knight, K., 1991, ArtiWcial Intelligence, Second Edition, chapter 3, pp. 71 72
Singleton, W. T., 1962, Optimum sequencing of operations for batch production, Work
Study and Industrial Engineering, March, 100 110.

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