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What's your name skinny kid?

Benny. He looked at the girl
in the wheelchair with one leg.

Ill call you Skinny Kid. She

looked past him at other kids
on the lawn and on the swings.

Why you here? she added looking

back at him. Had an operation
and am here for rest. He looked at
her red skirt and the one leg visible.

What happened to your leg? She

pulled up her red skirt and showed
him the stump. Lost it, can't find it
anywhere; have a good gawk, Kid.

He did. Can I touch it? She stared at

him sure why not. He touched her
stump. It feels warm. Look out the
penguins are about. She pulled down
her skirt. The boy looked back at the lawn
and saw a tall nun dressed in black
walk towards them. He sat on one of
the white metal chairs. The nun stopped
by the table and stared at Benny. You are
the new boy? Yes Im Benny. She nodded.

She gazed at the girl. I hope you are behaving

and not leading Benny astray. Anne looked
at the nun. I always behave Sister Paul.

The nun didn't look convinced. That has yet

to be seen. The nun turned and walked to
the swings and talked to other kids.

That crow is always on my case, Kid,

avoid her like the piles. Benny nodded
and put on one of his good boy smiles.

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