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Development and Field Use of a Novel

Solvent/Water Emulsion for the Removal

of Asphaltene Deposits in Fractured
Carbonate Formations
Stephen Lightford, Halliburton; E. Pitoni, Eni SpA; F. Armesi, Halliburton; and L. Mauri, Eni E&P

Summary nents of petroleum. These compounds occur in many crude oils in

The formation of asphaltene scale inside the tubing or in the res- the form of colloidal, suspended, solid particles. They are charac-
ervoir is a common problem associated with crude oils in many terized by their insolubility in light paraffin hydrocarbon solvents,
parts of Italy and is common to the industry as whole. In Italy, such as pentane or petroleum ether. Chemically, the asphaltene
regular treatments with coiled tubing or washing by bullheading fraction of petroleum is composed of polycyclic, condensed, aro-
are performed to re-establish production. While asphaltene inhibi- matic rings with several side chains. These compounds have rela-
tors can be injected into the tubing string, asphaltenes can still tively high molecular weights and are considered polar materials
create problems below the injection point and plug the perfora- because atoms of sulfur, nitrogen, oxygen, and complex metals
tions, formation pores, and/or natural-fracture-network systems. are present.
There is a wide range of hydrocarbon-based solvents that have Asphaltene precipitation takes place when the crude oil loses its
been used in the industry to remove asphaltenes. The more effec- capability to disperse and stabilize the particles. The asphaltene
tive solvents have a low flash-point temperature, making them stability depends on the composition of the crude oil, temperature,
expensive and hazardous. In addition, these hydrocarbon-based pressure, and the nature of the reservoir-rock surface. Under static
solvents leave the formation in an oil-wet state after asphaltene reservoir conditions, asphaltenes normally are held in a stable
removal instead of re-establishing the water-wet condition that acts suspension by resins, a family of polar molecules. Changes in fluid
as barrier to slow down the deposition of the asphaltene on the temperature and pressure that are associated with oil production
formation. This effect accelerates the redeposition of the asphal- from the reservoir may cause the asphaltene to flocculate and
tene in the formation and increases the rate of the production precipitate out of suspension and adsorb to the rock or pipe sur-
decline, increasing the frequency of remedial treatments. faces. Additionally, the asphaltenes may flocculate because of
This paper describes the laboratory development and field ap- electrical charges created by the motion of flowing hydrocarbons.
plication of a water/aromatic-solvent emulsion system that has Asphaltenes may also flocculate by mixing of different oil types
been used successfully to clean/dissolve asphaltene and leave the (e.g., along a flowline collecting oil from different wells/
carbonate fractured formation in a water-wet state to delay the reservoirs). To compound the problem further, emulsions can be
production decline. Other advantages when using this type of stabilized by asphaltenes. Regardless of the mechanism causing
emulsion are cost reduction and improved effectiveness in remov- the asphaltene to deposit, the result is a plugging effect that inhibits
ing asphaltene deposits, when compared to alternative solvents that or reduces oil production. Precipitation of asphaltene particles may
have been used. This is of particular significance to those wells also provide nuclei for paraffins to start precipitating, as in the case
where large volumes of a washing phase have to be pumped down- of the wells discussed in this paper where the deposits are fre-
hole. Hazards also have been reduced by using relatively high- quently a combination of asphaltene and paraffin, often associated
flash-point aromatics. Continuous mixing of the emulsion when with inorganic material such as formation solids, salts, and
pumping reduces waste and improves the logistics involved in iron oxides.
pumping the large volumes needed to treat long openhole sections The variable nature of the asphaltene problems is caused by
and/or to treat the fractures deeper in the near-wellbore region. reservoir conditions and chemistry of the oil. Intervention-
Two successful field applications in southern Italy will be dis- treatment design and timing is based generally on local practices
cussed, describing the placement technique used and the results that are put in place to manage the problem. In the field described
achieved with this new system. These treatments will be compared in this paper, there had been long-established practices to deter-
to previous treatments using a hydrocarbon-based solvent. In the mine the timing and the method of the intervention. The same
first well where previous treatments had failed to make significant practices, however, were no longer achieving the success of the
improvements, following the application of this emulsion the pro- past, and the severity of the problem was increasing with the age
duction was almost fully restored and the production decline was of the field. To improve the performance of the treatments with the
significantly slower than previous treatments. The second well changing reservoir conditions, a review of the local practices was
treated was a long horizontal wellbore; again, the emulsion and implemented. It was during this review that the emulsion system
technique proved successful in returning the production to previ- described in this paper was developed. The remainder of the paper
ous levels and sustaining the new level for an extended period of time. describes the methods used to develop and optimize the solvent,
leading to the development of the emulsion system. This emulsion
system was then applied in the field. Two case histories in two dif-
Background ferent well configurations (perforated casing and horizontal open
Asphaltene is well known in the industry for causing production hole) in the same field are described to illustrate the application.
loss through plugging the tubing, perforations, and formation. The
term asphaltene is applied to the black, carbonaceous compo- Process of Asphaltene Deposition, Removal,
and Prevention
Asphaltene/Paraffin Deposition. Fundamental to solving any
problem is having a good understanding of the processes involved.
Copyright 2008 Society of Petroleum Engineers
In recent years, considerable work (Dubey and Waxman 1991;
This paper (SPE 101022) was accepted for presentation at the 2006 SPE Annual Technical Crocker and Marchin 1988; Gonzlez and Moreira 1991; Gonzlez
Conference and Exhibition held in San Antonio, Texas, 2427 September 2006, and revised
for publication. Original manuscript received for review 27 December 2006. Revised manu-
and Travalloni-Louvisse 1993; Acevedo et al. 1995; Dean and
script received for review 30 April 2007. Paper peer approved 7 November 2007. McAtee 1986; Piro et al. 1996) has been conducted to further

August 2008 SPE Production & Operations 301

understanding of the mechanism and chemistry of asphaltene floc- tent; hence, asphaltene deposits can occur in each area, leading to
culation, deposition, and adherence to surfaces. The modern un- plugging and loss of production.
derstanding of the deposition process can be summarized as follows: Under ideal conditions, the well should be produced at a pro-
The asphaltene-deposition process is controlled by the ther- duction rate such that the flocculation and deposition will not
modynamics of the system (Leaontaritis et al. 1994); only when occur (Leaontaritis et al. 1994; Galoppini 1994). In managing the
these conditions change can flocculation and deposition of the reservoir, the issue becomes one of balancing the production con-
asphaltene occur. ditions and production rate with one that will reduce the produc-
Crude oils contain asphaltene and polar elements (lower mo- tion loss through the deposition of the asphaltene and/or delay the
lecular-weight resins) that are deposited onto the rock surface in a timing of the intervention. In the field discussed in this paper, these
manner that follows a Langmuir-1 or -2 type curve, which are actions are being taken, but inevitably the problem still requires
characterized by a steep slope at very low concentrations (Giles regular intervention treatments. Monitoring the production pres-
1981) and a point of stability reached quickly. Research has shown sure and flow and the trend of the decline is important; generally,
that this deposition can continue at a much slower rate and does however, once this effect is seen in the surface data, a rapid pro-
not stabilize (Piro et al. 1996). The resins also adsorb on the rock duction decline will occur that can result in the loss of the entire
or tubulars, but not as strongly as the larger asphaltenes (Gonzlez production from the well until an intervention is performed. Proper
and Travalloni-Louvisse 1993). well management involves making a decision at the right time to
More-polar asphaltenes, which contain a larger percentage of treat the well, comparing the loss in production to the cost of the
hetero-elements, adsorb even more strongly and alter the rock treatment. Experience in this field shows that an important further
consideration in this decision is that the longer the problem exists,
surface more toward being oil-wet (Crocker and Marchin 1988) by
the more difficult it is to treat, especially in long, naturally frac-
penetrating the connate-water film and replacing the water at ac-
tured intervals.
tive sites on the rock surface (Hall et al. 1983).
The presence of water also affects the adsorption process.
Modifying the Rock or Pipe Surfaces. Although the surface of
Experiments on water-wet rock show a considerable reduction in the pipe or formation cannot be changed, the material coating the
adsorbed asphaltenes (Dubey and Waxman 1991; Crocker and surface can be changed. Surface conditions that favor the accumu-
Marchin 1988; Buckley et al. 1997; Trbovich and King 1991). lation of deposits are oily coatings, surface roughness, and elec-
It has been shown that asphaltenes can precipitate in the trically chargeable materials. All these exist in the formation ma-
formation, resulting in pore plugging (Piro et al. 1996), but this trix and tubulars. Water-wet surfaces have a lesser tendency for the
occurs close to the point of destabilization, hence the damage zone deposition of asphaltenes; asphaltene inhibitors also can be used to
is likely to be quite small (Kocabas 2003); however, if the depo- coat surfaces.
sition is likely to be high, severe core plugging occurs in a rela- Some inhibitors are designed to function so that they disperse
tively short time frame. and adhere to the surface in preference to the asphaltene from
Paraffin separates from crude oils when the temperature of reservoir fluid, thus delaying or preventing the deposition (Piro
the oil cools sufficiently. Fine particles including asphaltenes act et al. 1996). For the inhibitor or water-wetting agent to be effective
as nuclei for the crystallization of the small wax particles sus- in delaying the redisposition, it must first adhere to the surface,
pended in the oil. This mechanism can create paraffin deposition in which requires a clean, asphaltene-free surface. In the case of the
conditions under which this might not occur normally. tubulars, this is relatively easy to achieve by washing with suitable
Under normal production conditions, deposition cannot be solvent combined with jetting for mechanical action; subsequently,
stopped; it might only be delayed by controlling the production an inhibitor can be injected through an injection nipple if the
rates to minimize the changes in thermodynamic conditions that completion design permits.
cause the precipitation. In the field described in this paper, injection nipples are placed
as close to the production packer as possible, and inhibitors are
Delaying the Deposition Process. Because the composition of the injected to delay the problem occurring inside the tubing, if the
produced fluids is fixed, the only factors that can be controlled to well design permits; however, the lower part of the well and the
delay the deposition are producing the well with the aim of formation remain unprotected. In an attempt to protect this area of
eliminating the thermodynamic conditions that cause the floccu- the wellbore during well interventions, the use of squeezable in-
lation and/or modifying the surface of the rock or pipe by coating hibitors also has been a common practice. These have been placed
the surface. in the solvent or as an overflush in an attempt to delay the depo-
sition on the formation in the lower wellbore by their slow de-
Controlling the Thermodynamic Conditions. To produce oil sorption and backproduction with the oil. This creates a more
from a reservoir, the thermodynamic conditions of the fluid must stable condition for asphaltenes, which in turn remain stable in the
change, resulting in a temperature and pressure drop, causing the bulk oil for a period of time long enough to produce them at the
deposition of the heavier organic compounds (Leaontaritis et al. surface, avoiding deposition.
1994; Alkafeef et al. 2005). Pressure has little or no direct effect on Coating the formation surface with water or an inhibitor is far
increasing the solubility of the heavier organics in crude oil; how- more difficult. Laboratory work indicates that complete removal of
ever, it holds dissolved gases and volatile constituents in solution. the asphaltene is not achievable, and therefore the rock surface can
Pressure assists in maintaining the asphaltenes in solution at for- be cleaned only partially. Cleaning should, however, be as com-
mation temperature. plete as possible, and the key to a successful treatment lies in the
In producing the reservoir, significant change occurs when asphaltene-removal process so that the asphaltene coating can be
there is a pressure drop needed for production (i.e., at the pore replaced by water and/or an inhibitor.
throat, inside the natural fractures, and as the fluid enters the
wellbore and moves up the tubing to the wellhead). For instance, Removal. As described earlier, it is necessary to remove the as-
asphaltene solubility is decreased by reducing the fluid pressure to phaltene from the tubulars and/or the formation face and pores, but
the bubblepoint. The greater expansion of the paraffin portion ideally it is necessary to leave all surfaces in a condition that will
while reducing pressure, compared to the minor expansion of the prevent or slow down asphaltene deposition once the well is back
aromatic fraction, practically increases the paraffin volumetric on production. On the basis of internal core-test studies and pre-
fraction of the crude and destabilizes the asphaltenes. It is like vious work, the following factors are all considered to be keys to
adding a paraffin oil or solvent to the crude, causing asphaltene a successful, long-lasting removal treatment:
flocculation and precipitation. Below the bubblepoint, light paraf- Deposits have different solubility in different solvents, de-
fin components are released by the oil as a gas phase and the pending on the type of asphaltene in the crude (Minssieux 2001).
aromatic fraction can grow again in the liquid phase, stabilizing the Cosolvents can be added to the solvent to improve the efficiency
asphaltenes again because of the minor paraffin volumetric con- of dissolution of the asphaltene, and generally they will also im-

302 August 2008 SPE Production & Operations

prove the desorption from the formation surface; therefore, cosol- surface of the tubulars, as was illustrated by the condition of the
vents serve two beneficial purposes in the removal process. coiled-tubing (CT) equipment pulled out of the well after several
Though it might be possible to remove/desorb the asphaltene, interventions. Fig. 1 shows the condition of the CT tools as a
in the wrong environment, it will be readsorbed immediately onto consequence of the accumulation of asphaltenes inside the riser
the formation or rock, either during the removal process or when during a well-washing operation.
placing the well on production. To prevent the readsorption, these There was evidence from the production declines and from
polar sites need to be occupied by other polar chemicals that have the failure of the solvent treatments to re-establish previous pro-
a greater affinity for the rock surface; asphaltene inhibitors and/or duction levels in some wells that the deposition of asphaltene was
water can be used for this purpose. occurring deep in the natural-fracture system inside the formation.
Because asphaltenes have a higher affinity to adsorb onto The depth and extent of this damage was difficult to determine;
surfaces with a similar structure [i.e., that is, on core surfaces with however, it was envisaged that much larger volumes of solvent per
adsorbed asphaltenes (Acevedo et al. 1995)], cleanup of asphal- m of interval were needed to penetrate deeper into the natural-
tene-damaged wells should be as thorough as possible. Simple fracture system.
solvent treatments, with toluene for example, are usually not very A constraint on the review was that to perform this work
effective because their effect lasts for a few days/weeks only. quickly, the testing needed to be performed predominantly in a
Treatments with a water-based fluid are much more promising and field laboratory with limited resources; thus, the test method
are reported to remain effective over several months (Howard 1987). and measurement of the performance of the products needed to
To dissolve and remove the asphaltene from the rock/pipe be simple.
surface requires a strong polar solvent that not only takes the
asphaltene into solution but also breaks the molecular bond of the Issues Related to Sample Source. The first issue to be addressed
asphaltene that retains it to the surface of the formation. Experi- in the laboratory was the selection of the samples to be used to
ments have shown that cleanup with pure toluene removes most of evaluate the solvents and cosolvents. Asphaltene samples used in
the asphaltene fraction, but the surface will still be covered with the laboratory are generally prepared by mixing a crude oil with an
asphaltenes (Cimimo et al. 1996; Speight and Moschopedis 1982). aliphatic hydrocarbon such as n-hexane. The composition of the
The remaining asphaltenes are likely to be the most-polar and precipitated asphaltenes can be varied by using a lighter alkane or
highest-molecular-weight fraction. As a consequence, the core sur- heavier alkanes. In propane, for example, asphaltenes, resins, and
face will still be intermediate- to oil-wet. Because an asphaltene- other heavy hydrocarbons precipitate; while in decane, the
covered surface is more prone to redeposit of asphaltenes (Buckley harder asphaltenes, but few resins, precipitate (Gonzlez and
et al. 1997), cleanup should be as efficient as possible. Travalloni-Louvisse 1993). Regardless of that, the composition of
Besides film formation, the presence of water can be benefi- the deposits in the well will most likely be different from those
cial since it can compete with asphaltenes for active sites on the produced in the laboratory (Speight and Moschopedis 1982), with
rock surface; however, from the literature and from in-house ex- downhole asphaltene samples normally containing a much higher
periments, desorption of asphaltenes cannot be achieved fully. In fraction of the more-polar, insoluble asphaltenes. Solvents that are
other words, the rock surface can be changed to intermediate-wet regularly applied in the field, such as toluene and xylene, will
at best. usually dissolve only 50% of a typical downhole sample. In addi-
It has been demonstrated that the wettability of a core can be tion, the deposits in the wellbore typically are not only asphaltenic,
changed from water-wet to oil-wet by a Dean-Stark extraction but also comprise other organic or inorganic deposits and water.
because toluene strips the water off the formation-core surface
(Dubey and Waxman 1991).
Effective plugging can occur because of mechanical plug-
ging, and damage can be removed by injection (flow reversal) of
an inert fluid; this benefit, however, will be short-lived because the
asphaltene will be deposited on returning the flow (in a manner
similar to a well that has been damaged by mobilized forma-
tion fines).
Treating the surface of the rock and tubulars requires a well
intervention and injection of solvents to remove the adhering as-
phaltene both from the pore space and as much as possible from
the rock surface to slow down the deposition process. Complete
removal from the rock surface has proved to be difficult or im-
possible in laboratory conditions; so, given the more complex
nature of a wellbore and the inefficiencies involved in fluid diver-
sion in long perforated or openhole sections, complete removal is
unlikely to be achieved during a well-intervention treatment. To
maximize the effectiveness of the treatment is not only a question
of selecting the most effective and strongest solvent, but also the
surface coated with the deposits should be left such that the next
deposition process is delayed. This can be achieved if the maxi-
mum possible amount of the asphaltene coating is removed from
the surface and the surface is left water-wet, and/or is coated with
suitable asphaltene inhibitors during the treatment.

Development of the Emulsion

General. It was noticed that interventions performed in the field in
southern Italy were becoming less effective and shorter lasting
than in the past. To try to improve the design of the intervention,
it was decided that a detailed review of the current solvent being
used should be made for several specific reasons:
Improve the solvency capacity of the solvent routinely being
used, thus improving the cleanup efficiency.
The dissolved asphaltene, while still in the solvent used for Fig. 1Tools extracted from the well (Case 2) show asphaltene
the treatment, was being immediately readsorbed onto the metal accumulation in the CT riser and on the CT tools.

August 2008 SPE Production & Operations 303

On the basis of these factors, downhole samples are preferred ResultsSolvent-Only Testing. Testing quickly established that
and the results using laboratory-prepared samples might be unrep- with the downhole samples, a large amount of residue was remain-
resentative of the deposit in the well. There are difficulties in ing after using the current solvent, a wash oil comprising distillates
obtaining sufficient samples of the materials from the well for (coal tar), naphthalene oils, and methylnaphthalene fraction
comparative testing purposes. In addition, downhole samples from (OLG). A pyrrolidone cosolvent was then used in conjunction with
one well are likely to be different from samples collected in an- solvents; it was found that the cosolvent improved the performance
other area of the field. Further, a sample of asphaltene plugging the of the base solvent. The residue diminished from 24% to approxi-
side of the tubing may not be the same as the material plugging the mately 2%. Toluene resulted in less residue (6%), without the use
permeability in the formation. An ideal situation would be to have of a cosolvent; this was expected. When adding the cosolvent,
a sample from each source; however, they are difficult to obtain. however, the residue was reduced further to a negligible amount.
Therefore, a compromise needs to be reached and in this work, it Downhole and surface samples were tested with similar results
was decided that the following procedures would be implemented: (Fig. 2). On the basis of the successful initial laboratory tests with
Samples taken from surface separators and surface lines the cosolvent, it was decided not to evaluate further cosolvents.
would be used for intial testing and screening of solvents. Although the solubility was comparable between the xylene added
When available, samples from the well to be treated would be with cosolvent and the OLG, the appearance of the samples was
checked with the standard composition of emulsion to confirm vastly different. The xylene/cosolvent had only a small amount of
its suitability. adherence to the glassware used in the testing, while the OLG had
Selected analysis of the asphaltene sample was also performed a strong affinity and left sticky deposits that were difficult to clean.
to determine the amount of asphaltene, paraffin, and other organic This was not a problem seen only in the laboratory; field work had
and inorganic material in the sample and to compare this with also indicated that this was reducing the effectiveness of the treat-
other sources. A typical analysis of sample from southern Italy is ment. There was clear evidence from the condition of the down-
presented in Table 1. What was considered important in this work hole CT tools used on the cleaning operation that deposition of
was that regardless of the sample source, the selected treated fluid solids was occurring; this, in fact, had created some operational
would be equally effective in the dissolving capacity in the labo- difficulties during well interventions (Fig. 1). The most likely
ratory; therefore, there was confidence that it would be successful cause of this stickiness was that the higher-polarity fractions of the
in removing the apshaltene deposits in the well or formation. asphaltene, while being dissolved in the solvent, were immediately
attaching to surface sites as soon as available or when the solution
eventually became saturated. If this was happening to the tool
Solvent Selection
strings being used, it could be surmised that this was also occurring
General. A number of theoretical methods exist to determine the in the tubulars and in the formation. Moreover, OLG was consid-
optimum solvent for a particular asphaltene [Kauri-butanol num- ered unsuitable for well treatments because of the foreseeable use
ber, Hildebrand solubility parameter (Minssieux 2001), and of acid in some of the treatments; OLG is acid-sensitive because it
Hansen solubility parameter]. The variable composition of asphal- contains components that are precipitated by hydrochloric acid,
tene samples should be considered. The simpler approach in this making the residual solvent ineffective and making the acid par-
situation was to try different solvents and determine the amount of tially spent by the reaction.
residue after applying the solvent for a period of time at a specific In the laboratory testing, any residue that was left on glass was
temperature, mimicking the conditions during a well treatment. also not being measured on the filter paper, which was distorting
Because there was a high level of residue using high-flash-point the results. In summary, having a fluid that prevented this imme-
solvents required by the field for safety reasons, only the addition diate deposition of the asphaltene was thought to be the key to
of cosolvents (highly polar solvent) was made to determine wheth- improving the performance in the well.
er the residue could be reduced further. The approach taken is
summarized as follows: Handling and Safety at the Wellsite. If the existing solvent was
Test the solvent currently being used with the field sample, to be replaced, the safety issues in handling and pumping the fluid
then test with toluene and compare the results; this method was had to be addressed. The main issue of concern was the flash point.
used because it has the highest Kauri-butanol rating of the com- For the fluid to be pumped safely without resorting to complicated
mon solvents, so it provided a base line to compare results. handling procedures, the flash point needs to be maintained at well
Add a cosolvent to the solvent in use in the field to determine above the maximum ambient temperature conditions; generally, a
whether this addition could improve the result, then optimize the minimum of 5C is used. The OLG solvent currently used had a
concentration of the cosolvent. flash point of 90C, so it could be stored safely in standard tanks
Repeat the tests using higher-flash-point solvents to arrive with suitable valve material. Because of the large-volume treat-
at a suitable solvent/cosolvent system that has a sufficiently ments being planned, toluene (flash point of 6C), while being the
high flash point to be used safely in the field with improved as- best-performing solvent in the laboratory, was seen to be too haz-
phaltene solvency. ardous for use in the field. A similar situation also applied to the
The test procedure, detailed in the Appendix, is based on a use of xylene (flash point of 28C), which could be used during the
standard company procedure. This procedure was modified to rep- cold winter and cool spring months, by using inert blankets on the
resent the conditions expected with regard to the contact time of tanks to enable safe storage and pumping; this procedure would
the solvent at the bottomhole temperature: Instead of the standard not be acceptable in the summer, when the ambient temperatures
4-hour test we used a 1-hour test period. are above 30C.

304 August 2008 SPE Production & Operations

Fig. 2Capacity of solvent to dissolve deposits.

A further complicating factor in Italy is that any commercially It is well understood that the addition of surfactants (McAuliffe
available industrial solvents that could be used as fuel must contain 1973) can be used to disperse organic deposits in the water phase
a contaminant to prevent them from being used as a fuel. If a and assist in removing these deposits from surfaces. These re-
contaminant is not added, a tax penalty is paid regardless of the moved organic deposits are not generally taken into solution and
use. Some of the contaminants used were found to have a negative are dispersed in the water phase, ideally as fine particles. After
effect on the solvency power of the base solvent, decreased the trying a number of different surfactants, we found a surfactant,
flash point, or were potentially damaging to the refinery catalyst alkyl poly glucoside, that was particularly effective in breaking
(e.g., chlorine-based compounds). down the samples of the deposits from the tubulars in the wells in
Based on in-house testing work previously completed, a list of southern Italy. Fig. 3 shows the dispersed sample in the water
potential suitable solvents was compiled (Table 2). A search of the phase following heating. When washing tubing, the dispersion
local market was made, and any solvent that could be supplied in processes are assisted by a large amount of mechanical action.
sufficient quantities (150 m3) with a flash point greater than 55C Mechanical action is generated from turbulent flow created by the
was considered suitable and was tested using field samples from high flow velocities from the rig pumps; turbulent flow not only
southern Italy. Eventually, a higher-flash-point (66C), heavy aro- erodes the particles from the surface but also carries the dispersed
matic naptha solvent was found that yielded results similar to the solids to the surface for disposal. In the case of treating a forma-
xylene (listed as the Solvent 3 in Table 2). The locally available tion, there is not enough mechanical action available for erosion to
solvent was, however, contaminated with 10% 1-methoxy-2- be effective, and injection of the dispersed solids could create
propanol acetate; this contaminant was found to be compatible further plugging in the perforations, formation natural fractures,
with the refinery catalyst and has a higher flash point than the base and pores. Initially, consideration was given to inject this type of
solvent, and it did not appear to affect the solubility results in the flush in alternating stages with the solvent. An alternative was to
laboratory testing. combine the solvent with the water flush in an emulsion.
If a solvent could be introduced into the water-based fluid, a
Justification and Development of the Emulsion. A water-based very effective solvent would be capable of dispersing the deposits
fluid system was being tested to remove asphaltene and organic and allowing them to be dissolved quickly by the solvent. The
debris from the tubing before tubing removal during workover solvent and the water-based wash fluid were combined at a 50:50
operations; this process minimizes problems that would accom- concentration. This produced an unstable emulsion. Repeating the
pany handling of contaminated tubing. Various well-washing sur- standard solubility test with the emulsion gave a result that sur-
factants (detergents) were being tested. passed the solvent-only system. The emulsion was found to not be

August 2008 SPE Production & Operations 305

Fig. 3Dispersion of deposit in water and surfactant.

only as effective in dissolving the asphaltene as the base solvent, water-wetting capability of the emulsion. Using a large amount of
but it appeared to do this more quickly and leave a much cleaner water in the solvent also meets the second criterion of permitting
residue (Fig. 4). greater volumes to be used without needing to store great volumes
The appearance of the all laboratory equipment following dis- of solvent. Combining the well-wash fluid with the solvent had
solution of the deposits showed that it was water-wetting and there resulted in retaining the good dissolving capacity of the solvent-
was little to no adhesion of the dissolved asphaltene on the equip- only system, which (1) addressed the issue that greater treatment
ment. Further tests using core material also indicated this strong volumes could be used and (2) held the possibility that the water-

Fig. 4Residue left on the filter, left to right: (1) southern Italy: 1 g/100 mL; (2) northern Italy: 1 g/100 mL; (3) southern Italy:
5 g/100mL; (4) 100% xylene: 1 g/100mL.

306 August 2008 SPE Production & Operations

wetting capability of the emulsion might delay the redeposition of on a rock density 2.72 sg, is capable of dissolving or opening up
the asphaltene. a pore volume of 80 L/m3. Using this comparison indicates a
significant dissolving capacity of the solvent, which has more than
Optimization of the Emulsion. Once it had been established that three times the pore-opening or damage-removal capacity of the
a solvent/water emulsion could be used to remove the deposits, 15% hydrochloric acid. Deep formation penetration of the active
optimization was necessary to determine the maximum amount of solvent would be anticipated with this level of dissolving power of
the water phase that could be used in the emulsion. Maximizing the the emulsion. The asphaltene-cleanup process is envisioned as
water phase reduced the cost of the solvent per unit volume and being similar to the process of damage removal in a sandstone
also would permit larger volumes of material to be used for deeper formation where the rock matrix is not dissolved but the plugging
penetration into the formation. material is removed from the pore spaces to a depth beyond the
Solubility parameters of the solvent phase are determined by damaged zone.
the type and amount of the organic solvent, cosolvent, surfac- Following further testing using 30 g of sample per 100 mL, a
tant(s), and water content. This determines the amount of asphal- formulation with a 66% water/surfactant phase in combination
tenes and other organic components in the deposits that can be with a 34% organic (xylene) solvent and cosolvent phase was
taken into solution. Depending on the organic components in the found to be more suitable and effective. The resultant formulation
deposit, the solvent capacity will vary, and, therefore, to determine was capable of dissolving 0.3 g deposit/mL of solvent, considering
the capacity of the solvent requires a fixed/known sample of the that the currently used solvent-only system (OLG) that was leav-
deposit. In this work, we took a more holistic approach to the ing 24% residue (tested at 0.05 g/L only) using the same samples
problem and decided on a fixed quantity of deposit to test and (Fig. 5). The emulsion combined with the deposit was not exces-
determine if this could be taken into solution. This approach, how- sively viscous and could pass through the filter paper leaving only
ever, leads to the further question of how much solvent capacity is a slight coloration of the filter material. The saturation point of the
required to treat a formation. deposit in the solvent was never fully defined; however, the testing
To determine whether the emulsion system would dissolve sig- indicated that 30 g/100 mL (or 300 g/L) was close to the limit.
nificant amounts of solvent, a test was conducted with increased
amount of deposits; instead of using the standard 5 g per 100 mL Diversion and Placement Issues. At the start of the project, an
as in the standard test, 6 times this amount was added (30 g). in-house information/data search was completed on laboratory
Extrapolating this volume to the well, it would relate to the re- studies that had been performed to solve similar problems. Exten-
moval of 300 kg (approximately 300 L based on an assumed sive coreflood testing in a sandstone core had been completed
density of asphaltene of 1.0 sg). The increase in volume of the previously in the evaluation of different solvent treatments; this
sample from 100 to 130 mL after the dissolution of the deposits included some emulsions with 10% water. The cores used for the
confirms the systems solvency power and deposit-removal capac- testing had been damaged in the laboratory with asphaltene ex-
ity. While this is possible in the laboratory, the situation in the well tracted from the crude oil that was injected into, then baked onto,
is somewhat different because some of the solvent will be ab- the core. Subsequently, solvents were injected into the core to
sorbed by the formation fluid before coming into contact with the remove the damage. During injection, the effluent was monitored
asphaltene and, therefore, will be less effective. for asphaltene, the regained permeability was tested, and the core
To remove all the deposits from a completely plugged tubing was split and examined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). It
would require 3 to 4 times the tubing capacity. The aim of this was noticed that when injecting the various solvents into the cores
work, however, was to treat the formation better, and a comparison to remove the asphaltene damage, successful removal of asphal-
to the dissolving power of stimulation fluids such as acids was tene was accomplished only when there was an initial increase in
thought to be more applicable. The dissolving power of a 15% the injection pressure. The researchers involved explained this
hydrochloric acid is 220 kg/m3 of calcium carbonate, which, based phenomenon as a process such that when the asphaltene adsorbs

Fig. 5Residue left on the filter by the novel emulsion.

August 2008 SPE Production & Operations 307

the solvent into the organic coating, this adsorption causes the water, an in-line high-pressure mixer, and suitable liquid-additive-
coating to swell and reduces the effective pore diameter. There- injection pumps.
fore, in a well treatment, an increase in pressure could be expected Using this mixing system creates less waste because tank bot-
when the solvent enters the formation and begins to remove the toms are minimized, and if the operation is terminated early, the
asphaltene/deposits. base materials could be reused.
In the case of using an emulsion, a second factor that could lead
to an increase in wellhead pressure (WHP) during injection of the Case Histories
solvent is an increase in viscosity of the water phase. While the Case 1. A well constructed as a dual-tubing completion was cho-
asphaltene is taken into solution, the oil-in-water emulsion incor- sen for a pilot test because of the severe nature of the asphaltene
porates more oil and asphaltenes in the internal phase and the plugging in the well. Two previous remediation attempts with
internal-oil-phase ratio increases with a corresponding increase in solvent and asphaltene inhibitor had failed to improve production.
viscosity. Emulsions can have a severe damaging effect on the After the pilot treatment with the water/aromatic-solvent emulsion
formation, as has been demonstrated both in wells and in the system, the well produced enough additional hydrocarbon revenue
laboratory; therefore, in general, emulsions should be avoided in 2 weeks to pay for the treatment.
(Soo and Radke 1984; Kokal et al. 1992; Edwards et al. 1991).
There is also evidence to indicate that more-stable emulsions Case 2. A horizontal hole more than 1000 m long, in the same
cause a greater extent of formation damage. Formulations that are reservoir as in Case 1, had its exceptional production potential
considered unstable (i.e., with a break time on the order of a few reduced by agglomerates of asphaltenes being produced and car-
ried to the surface. These agglomerates caused the choke to be
minutes at ambient temperature) do not cause significant damage
plugged with an increasing frequency, up to several times each
and are acceptable. Also, if the emulsion viscosity enables it to be
day. Previous cleanout efforts had resulted in even worse plugging.
removed from the formation under normal production conditions,
A treatment with the water/aromatic-solvent emulsion system
it can be considered undamaging. In the fields considered for
presented here was performed over a 2-day period, working
treatment, production is from an extensive natural-fractures system 24 hours. An outline of the operational sequence follows:
and not from the pore spaces in the formation; therefore, unless the 80 m3 of emulsion pumped, bullheading at 20 bbl/min with
created emulsion was extremely viscous, it was felt that the for- nitrogen, N2, at 2,000 scf/min (approximately 3,700-psi WHP at
mation would produce this emulsion in the returned fluid without the end of this stage) and 20 m3 pumped without N2 to stabilize the
creating a problem of damage to the formation. In case of using WHP during shut-in (3,450 psi at the end of pumping).
solvents with high levels of asphaltene absorption, it was noticed 2-hour shut-in (315 psi at the end of the shut-in) to give time
that the solution can become viscous on initial contact with the to the system to dissolve asphaltenes and disperse agglomerates.
solvent, but with time, it absorbs the asphaltene and returns to a 50 m3 of emulsion pumped by bullheading to renew the
thin fluid. solvent in the wellbore (3,370-psi WHP at the end of pumping, just
Increase in injection pressure from increasing viscosity may be before stopping pumps).
used as a method to divert fluid across the interval being treated; Run in hole with the CT to maximum producing depth (i.e.,
examples of this usage are gelled-acid systems. If the increasing depth beyond which no mud losses were detected while drilling
viscosity is seen in the well by the corresponding increase in WHP, and no evidence of fracture from logs) while pumping the emul-
then this may have a positive effect in diverting the fluid into sion at 1.0 to 1.5 bbl/min, reciprocating the coil at the most inter-
untreated areas of the formation. Providing that the treating fluid esting depths. Pumped 225 m3 of emulsion through CT in more
returns from the formation carrying the dissolved deposits, this than 20 hours while washing the horizontal section.
effect was seen as a possible benefit during the treatment. The well was put on production by bullheading N2 (one
tubing volume) and opening the valve to the flowline.
Laboratory to the Wellsite. At this point, it was decided that When the CT tools were inspected following the operation,
sufficient laboratory work had been completed to justify a trial they were completely clean with no asphaltene deposits sticking to
treatment in a candidate well. The laboratory testing had proved the tool. Fig. 7 shows the tools at the surface; see Fig.1, which
that the fluid met the first two criteria, as detailed below: shows tools from an earlier treatment on this well.
Improve the dissolution of the field samples.
Maximize the amount of solvent that could be used at Conclusions
the wellsite. 1. Water/solvent emulsion systems have proved effective in re-
In addition, the emulsion system was also water-wetting the moving asphaltene deposits from oil wells that previously
laboratory equipment, and a wettability test using formation showed limited production benefit from solvent-only treat-
samples taken from stones returned to the wellhead confirmed that ments. In addition, emulsion systems are seen as beneficial to
the emulsion would water-wet the formation. It was thought that the process because they leave the pipe and possibly the forma-
this water-wetting capability would also assist in meeting the third tion in a water-wet condition; a water-wet condition delays the
criterion (longevity of treatment); longevity could be evaluated onset of asphaltene plugging once the well is placed back on
only with a field trial. production.
Since the emulsion created is unstable and separates into two 2. The use of high ratios of water (60%) in the emulsion allows
phases in a matter of several minutes, the emulsion cannot be larger treatments (200% more) to be performed when solvent-
stored at the surface unless it is placed in tanks that are agitated. tank capacity is limited. The emulsion being prepared by con-
Agitating tanks was not considered practical for the volumes tinuous mixing also has proved effective in minimizing flam-
needed to treat these long production intervals and because of mable-fluid storage capacity and permits flexibility in the op-
safety issues related to agitating tanks containing flammable liq- erations at the wellsite, with an overall reduction in cost.
uids. To overcome this problem, it was decided that the best ap- 3. The reduced amount of active solvent in the emulsion did not
proach was to mix the emulsion continuously as it was pumped influence the effectiveness of the treatment. Applying an asphal-
downhole. The safest place to do the mixing was in the high- tene-removal treatment using solvents/emulsions can be com-
pressure line immediately before the lines entered the wellhead. A parable to the use of acid in a sandstone formation. The capacity
surface system arrangement as shown in Fig. 6 was used to com- of the emulsion to dissolve 300 g of asphaltene per liter of
plete injection and pumping. Equipment was arranged so low- or fluid was seen to be more than adequate for successful removal
high-rate injection could be performed. Low rates were needed in the formation.
during injection into the CT equipment; high rates would be used 4. An increase in injection pressure during injection of the emul-
when bullheading the fluid. Using this method of mixing permits sion into the formation has been seen both in the laboratory and
larger treating volumes to be used (450 m3 instead of 150 m3), with during well treatments. The authors propose that this increased
the only additional equipment being tanks for the storage of the injection pressure is from a combination of the increase in vis-

308 August 2008 SPE Production & Operations

Fig. 6Equipment layout for treatment.

cosity of the emulsion as it dissolves the asphaltene and the from the logistical and safety issues of pumping the treatment at
swelling of the asphaltene coating on the formation during the the wellsite. The authors believe this system is unique in using
removal process. an emulsion for the removal of asphaltene deposits from the
5. Increased injection pressure during the removal process is seen formation matrix.
as beneficial to the treatment because it assists with diversion of
the fluid when the maximum-rate diversion technique is being Acknowledgments
used during the bullheading phase of the treatment. This is The authors thank their colleagues who have been involved in
beneficial only if this higher-viscosity fluid is returned from the these operations and the development and testing of the products
formation when the well is placed on production, and this has for their support and collaboration. We also acknowledge the work
proved to be the case in the wells treated. that was performed in Halliburtons European research center by
6. Large volumes of dispersed, undissolved (or even partially dis- M. Rietjens and P. Steenbergen in some earlier studies into as-
solved) asphaltenes have been detected on every treatment in the phaltene deposition. Finally, the authors thank the management of
returned fluid. Caution should be exercised in using the emul- Eni SpA, Shell, and Halliburton for their permission to publish
sion if there is a concern that this solid or semisolid and de- this paper.
formable material might plug the pore throats of the formation
(e.g., in certain sandstone formations). References
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310 August 2008 SPE Production & Operations

Appendix A Solubility Testing
SI Metric Conversion Factors
The asphaltene-solubility test is used to determine which solvent ft 3.048* E01 m
solution dissolves the most asphaltene. ft3 2.831 685 E02 m3
1. Prepare 100 mL of the desired solvent blend.
lbm 4.535 924 E01 kg
2. Place the blend in a flask.
3. Add weighted asphaltene sample and seal the top of the *Conversion factor is exact.
flask tightly.
4. Vigorously shake the jar by hand for 10 seconds. Stephen Lightford works for Halliburton as part of the European
5. Place the jar in a water bath heated to the test temperature Technology Team based in the UK. He provides technical sup-
(50 to 70C) and leave static. port to projects in eastern hemisphere and is primarily involved
6. Weigh a Whatman No. 50 (2.7m) filter-paper disc. in the companys production optimization operations that
deal with sand control, stimulation, and completion tools.
7. Place the filter paper disc inside the Buchner funnel. Lightford has worked for Halliburton Services since 1980 in op-
8. Using a Filtervac seal, insert the Buchner funnel into the erations in the Middle East, Africa, the North Sea, and Europe.
sidearm vacuum flask. Before the current assignment, he was working as the Technol-
9. Using the vacuum hose, attach the sidearm vacuum flask to ogy Manager for Production Enhancement in Russia, leading a
either the vacuum pump or the faucet aspirator. group of engineers involved in well stimulation. Lightford holds
10. After 1 hour, remove the flask from the heated water bath. a BSc degree in mechanical engineering. Enzo Pitoni is the
11. Activate the vacuum. Project Team Leader for Production Optimization in the ENI
SpA Italian district. In his current position, he is responsible for
12. Open the flask, and pour the contents onto the preweighed the development of innovative solutions to improve the pro-
filter-paper disc. duction of oil and gas from existing or newly developed fields.
13. Rinse the solids on the filter paper with alternating stages of Before taking his current position, he worked as a global advi-
water and IPA. sor for production optimization, based in Milan, and was in-
14. Remove the filter paper. volved in both Italian and international operations. He has also
15. Place the filter paper in an ambient-temperature vacuum oven. worked and lived in Tunisia and the Middle East. His expertise
16. After the solids are dry, weigh the filter paper and solids to includes stimulation, water shutoff, and sand-control opera-
determine an exact amount of sludge. tions. He holds a PhD degree in chemistry from Perugia U., Italy,
and started his career working in the research department
Data Interpretation: Calculate the percentage of asphaltene dis- there. Franco Armesi, deceased, was a Senior Scientist Labo-
solved with Eq. 1: ratory Supervisor for Halliburton Services, Italy, since 1986.
There, he developed procedures and led research projects in
Percent production enhancement and cementing. Before that, he
Final weight Filter paper weight worked for the R&D department at a chemical company in
asphaltene = 100 100
dissolved Initial weight of the sample Ireland. Armesi held a chemistry doctorate. Luca Mauri cur-
rently works for Production Optimization Technologies Depart-
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (A-1) ment of ENI Exploration & Production Division.

August 2008 SPE Production & Operations 311

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