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Refers to employment activities that ensure Employee resourcing is not just abou
the organization has the people it needs, and t recruitment and selection. It is conc
deals with employee issues. It is concerned ernedwith any means available to me
with any means available to meet the firms et the firms need for certain skills an
need for certain skills and behaviors. d behaviors.
Resourcing recognizes that the strategic
capability of a firm depends on its resource
capability in the shape of people
(for integration of resourcing and business plans)
1. Workforce planning/ human resource
It is concerned not only with obtaining and keeping planning assessing future business needs and
the number and quality of staff required but also with deciding on the numbers and types of people
selecting and promoting people who fit the culture required.
and the strategic requirements of the organization 2. Developing the organizations employee
OBJECTIVES: value proposition and its employer brand
3. Resourcing plans preparing plans for finding
1. To ensure that the organization has the people from within the organization and/or for
people it needs to achieve its business learning and development programs to help
goals. people learn new skills.
2. To achieve competitive advantage by 4. Retention plans preparing plans for retaining
recruiting, retaining and developing more the people the organization needs.
capable people than its rivals 5. Flexibility plans planning for increased
3. To provide better opportunities, rewards flexibility in the use of human resources to
and conditions of employment by enable the organization to make the best use
developing a positive psychological of people and adapt swiftly to changing
contract circumstances.
4. To develop its people in ways that 6. Talent management ensuring that the
maximize the added value they supply organization has the talented people it requires
and develops their talents and skills to provide for management succession and
meet present and future business needs.
Resourcing strategies exist to provide people
and skills required to support the business st DEFINITION CIPD (2010a: 4)
rategy, but they should also contribute to the
Workforce planning is a core process of human
formulation of the strategy
resource management that is shaped by the
organizational strategy and ensures the right number
of people with the right skills, in the right place at the
Strategic resourcing places more emphasis t right time to deliver short- and long-term
han traditional personnel management on fin organizational objectives.
ding people whose attitudes and behavior ar
e likely to fit what management believes to b Hard workforce planning is about numbers.
e appropriate and conducive to success. It is the use of past trends to predict the future,
matching supply and demand for labor
Soft workplace planning focuses on general Forecast activity levels- forecasts of
issues relating to the supply of and demand for future activity levels flow from the
people and how they are deployed. business plan, which will have
implications for the demand for people.
LINK BETWEEN WORKFORCE AND Data will need to be collected and
BUSINESS PLANNING analyzed for this purpose.
Workforce planning is an integral part of Scenario planning- assessment of the
business planning environmental changes that are likely to
It identifies the core competencies that th affect the organization so that a
e organization needs to achieve its goals prediction can be made of the possible
and therefore its skill and behavioral req situations that may have to be dealt with
uirements in the future
Data collection- the information used in
REASONS FOR WORKFORCE PLANNING workforce planning can be collected
under Qualitative internal data,
1. Planning for substantive reasons Quantitative internal data, Qualitative
2. Planning because of the process benefits external data, Quantitative external data
3. Planning for organizational reasons Analysis- brings all the information
together from the business plan, the
RATIONALE FOR WORKFORCE PLANNING activity forecast, scenarios and internal
and external data to provide the basis for
provides basis for a systematic approach
demand and supply forecasts.
to assessing the number and type of
Demand forecasting - process of
people needed
estimating the future numbers of people
takes into account information on the
required and the likely skills and
supply of labor and environmental
competences they will need.
scanning for the preparation of
Supply forecasting- measures the
recruitment, retention, management
number of people likely to be available
succession and talent management plans
from within and outside the organization
Workforce planning is important because it Forecast of future requirements-
encourages employers to develop clear and forecasts future requirements it is
explicit links between their business and HR necessary to analyze the demand and
plans and to integrate the two more effectively. supply forecasts to identify any deficits or
WORKFORCE PLANNING ISSUES Action planning- plans are derived from
the broad resourcing strategies and the
The main difficulties faced by those involved more detailed analysis of demand and
in workforce planning are the impact of supply factors
change and predicting the future. Implementation of the action plans-
involves quick responses is needed to
cope with unforeseeable changes in
people requirements.
Business planning- provides the basis Monitoring and evaluation- necessary
for the workforce plan insofar as it sets to monitor progress carefully, evaluate
out what the organization intends to do in the effects and, as required, amend the
terms of activities and the scale of those action plan.
1. Managerial judgement: requires mana The following steps are required
ger to sit down, think about their futur when planning how to attract
e workloads candidates
and decide how many people they nee a. Analyze recruitment strengths
d and weaknesses to develop an
2. Ratio-trend analysis: employee value proposition and
analyzing ratios between an activity l employer brand.
evel and the number of employees w b. Analyze the requirement to
orking on that activity establish what sort of person is
3. Work study techniques: calculate ho needed.
w long operations should take and th c. Identify potential sources of
e number of candidates.
people required
4. Forecasting skill and competency req SOURCES OF CANDIDATES
uirements: exercised on the basis of a Online recruitment
n analysis of Online or e-recruitment uses the
the impact of projected product/mark internet to advertise or post
et developments and the introduction vacancies, provides information
of new about jobs and the organization and
technology, either information techn enables e-mail communications to
take place between employers and
ology or computerized manufacturin
Social media
The use of social media means
applying Web 2.0 technologies to
Recruitment is the process of finding and engaging
search for recruits and find out more
the people the organization needs.
about them online on sites such as
LinkedIn and Facebook. Potential
Selection is that part of the recruitment process
recruits sometimes provide blogs
concerned with deciding which applicants or from existing employees covering
candidates should be appointed to jobs their experiences in working for the
SELECTION Advertising
Advertising has traditionally been
1. Defining requirements the most obvious method of
requirements are set out in the form of attracting candidates and it is still
job descriptions or role profiles fairly important, especially at local
(overall purpose of the role, its level and in specialized journals
reporting relationships and the key
result areas) and person specifications Recruitment agencies
(knowledge, skills and abilities Most recruitment agencies deal with
required to carry out the role, secretarial and office staff who are
behavioral competencies, education, registered with them.
qualifications, training and
experience) Jobcentre Plus
The jobcentres operated by the
government are mainly useful for
2. Attracting candidates manual and clerical workers and
sales or call centre assistants.
Administering the selection p
Recruitment consultants rogram
Recruitment consultants advertise,
interview and produce a shortlist. SELECTION METHODS
They provide expertise and reduce
Interviews: most familiar and involve
s face-to-face discussion.
Executive search consultants The aim is to elicit information about
Use an executive search consultant candidates that will enable a predictio
or headhunter for senior jobs be made about how well they will
where there is only a limited do the job and thus lead to a selection
number of suitable people and a decision.
direct lead to them is wanted. Selection testing: used to provide vali
d and reliable_evidence of levels of a
Educational and training establishments bilities, intelligence, personality chara
Graduate recruitment is a major cteristics, aptitudes and attainments
annual exercise for some
Assessment centers: assemble a group
companies, which go to great efforts
to produce glossy brochures, visit of candidates and use a range of asse
campuses on the milk run and use ssment techniques over a concentrate
elaborate sifting and selection d period (one or two days) with the ai
procedures to vet candidates, m of providing a more comprehensive
including biodata and assessment and balanced view of the suit
centres. ability of individual members of the g
Recruitment process outsourcing 4. Interviewing
Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO) the aim is to elicit information about
is the term used when an candidates that will enable a
organization commissions a prediction to be made about how well
provider to take responsibility for
they will do the job and thus lead to a
the end-to-end delivery of the
selection decision.
recruitment process, covering all
vacancies or a selection of them. INTERVIEW ARRANGEMENTS
3. Sifting applications Structured: one based on a defined
examining the information supplied framework. Within the framework th
by applicants, sorting them and ere may be a set of predetermined qu
drawing up a shortlist of applicants to estions. All candidatesare asked the s
be interviewed. ame questions, which will focus on t
he attributes and behaviors required t
o succeed in the job. The answers ma
y be scored through a rating system.
Examining information from Unstructured: general discussion duri
candidates ng which the interviewer asks a few
Processing applications questiosn that are relevant to what he
Sorting applications (essentia or she is looking for but without anys
l, very desirable, desirable) pecific aim in mind other than gettin
Draw up an interviewing pro g an overall picture of the candidate
gram as an individual
5. Testing The most important criterion
used to provide valid and reliable is the ability of a selection
evidence of levels of abilities, method or combination of
intelligence, personality methods to predict future
characteristics, aptitudes and performance. The
attainments combination of structured
interviews and intelligence
tests is the most effective in
Intelligence tests: measure a rang terms of predictive validity.
e of mental abilities that enable a
person to succeed at a variety of 7. Obtaining references
intellectual tasks using the facult After the interviewing and testing
ies of abstract thinkingand reason procedure has been completed, a
ing. provisional offer by telephone or in
Personality tests: attempt to asses writing can be made. The main
s the personality of candidates in purpose of a reference is to obtain in
order to make predictions confidence factual information about
about their likely behavior in a ro a prospective employee.
Ability tests: establish what peop 8. Checking applications
le are capable of_knowing or doi checks with universities, professional
ng and measuring capacity for institutes and previous employers that
verbal, spatial, mechanical and the facts given by applicants are
numerical reasoning. correct
Aptitude tests: occupational or jo 9. Offering employment
b-related tests confirms the offer of employment
that assess the extent to which pe after satisfactory references have
ople can do the work been obtained. The contract of
6. Assessing candidates employment should also be prepared
provides more comprehensive and at this stage
balanced view of the suitability of 10. Following up
individual members of the group follows up newly engaged employees
to ensure that they have settled in and
ASSESSMENT CENTER FEATURES to check on how well they are doing
include one-to-one role DEALING WITH RECRUITMENT
plays and group exercises PROBLEMS
it is assumed that performan Ensure that all the possible
ce in these sources of candidates have
simulations predicts behavior been used.
on the job Consider any ways in which
several candidates or particip the advertisement or website
ants are assessed together to a entry could be made more
llow interaction and to make t attractive.
he experience more open and Check that the person
participative specification is realistic that
CHOICE OF SELECTION the requirements have not
METHODS been overstated.
Consider whether it might be An effective orientation program is a
necessary to improve the n ongoing process, allowing the empl
package offered to candidates oyee
check market rates to time to assimilate all the required inf
ensure that the level of pay ormation. It is a critical tool in makin
and benefits are competitive. g
In discussion with the line employees feel part of the organizati
manager, examine the on and increasing
possibility of reshaping the employee engagement and loyalty.
role to increase its
attractiveness. most important source of information
If the worse comes to the is the immediate manager, supervisor
worst, discuss with the or team leader
manager alternative ways of DEPARTMENTAL INDUCTION
carrying out the work with departmental induction program
existing staff. should start with the departmental
manager general welcome and a
INTRODUCTION TO THE ORGANIZATION brief description of the work of the
department before handing over new
Induction is the process of receiving and welcoming employees to their team leaders
employees when they first join a company and The detailed induction in the
giving them the basic information they need to settle workplace is probably best carried
down quickly and happily and start work out by the immediate team leader.
The team leader should introduce
smooth the preliminary stages when new starters to their fellow team
everything is likely to be strange and members who will act as guide or
unfamiliar to the starter; starters friend.
establish quickly a favorable attitude to ON-THE-JOB INDUCTION TRAINING
A planned, systematic approach can
the organization in the mind of new
incorporate an assessment of what
employees so that they are more likely to the new starter needs to learn, the use
stay; of designated and trained colleagues
obtain effective output from the new to act as guides and mentors, and
employee in the shortest possible time; coaching by team leaders or
reduce the likelihood of the employee specially appointed and trained
leaving quickly departmental trainers

is the process of introducing employ
ees to their new jobs and work envir
Orientation provides an opportunity f
or new employees to become acclim
ated to
their new company, department, coll
eagues and work expectations.

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