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Bearing Bearing

1 2
Amplitude Of X (horizontal) 0.4 0.38
Phase of X (deg): 0 0
Orbit will be correct when viewed
from end where XY probes follow
cartesian coordinate orientation
Amplitude Of Y (vertical) 0.23 0.21
Phase of Y (deg) 10 45

Amplitude of Z (axial) Left 0.008 0.005 \

Phase of Z (deg) Left 147 109
Ampl of Z (axial) Right* 0.008 0.005
Phase of Z (deg) Right* 95 69
*No pie chart
Will always plot orbit on scale from -1 to 1
1 corresponds to the following: 0.5 0.5

1 1

0.8 0

0.6 0.6 0

0.4 0.4 0

0.2 0.2 0
0 0
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2
-0.4 -0.4
-0.6 -0.6
-0.8 -0.8

-1 -0
Bearing Bearing
3 4
0.42 FourAx0.37
0 FourPx 0

0.22 FourAy0.19
90 ### 110

0.032 FourAz 0
240 FourPz 0

0.5 FourFullScale
1 1

0.8 0.8

0.6 0.6

0.4 0.4

0.2 0.2

0 0
-1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 -1 -0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
-0.2 -0.2

-0.4 -0.4

-0.6 -0.6

-0.8 -0.8

-1 -1
Rotating CCW
X measured at 3:00, Y measured at 12:00
Filtered "orbit" only shows 1x component

Interpretation of orbit for bearing housing may be different than for shaft prox readings.
Units velocity or displacement are not relevant to shape of the orbit. (but absolute vs relative, shaft vs housing are)


Orbit is inscribed within a rectangle of width 2*Ax and height 2*Ay.

Shape of orbit within that box depends upon the difference between X and Y phases (call it delta).
For delta = 0, the orbit (line) hits the box in upper RH and lower LH corner.
As delta increases, the point where orbit hits the box moves out, forming an approximate angle delta between the place where
At 90 degrees delta, the intercepts are 90 degrees apart and orbit sits square within the box, no tilt
As delta passes 90, orbit continues to tilt further in the box.
When delta hits 180, orbit is again square in the box.

Narrow highly oval orbits can be caused by high ratio of Ax/Ay OR by angle close to 0/180
Close to 90/270 - sits square in the box. As expected with unbalance force if both horiz and vert far away from resonance

Enter data in the yellow box only
If you move/change the graph in any way, be very careful to make sure that the aspect ratio is not disturbed1 unit x same len
s housing are)

between the place where it hits vert and horizontal

way from resonance

sturbed1 unit x same length as 1 unit y

2*pi*f*t: 1x(t) 1y(t) 2x(t) 2y(t) 3x(t)
0 0.8 0.4530115664 0.76 0.2969848481 0.84
0.125664 0.793691761 0.4594508232 0.754007173 0.3318651052 0.833376349
0.251327 0.774866529 0.458644266 0.736123202 0.3615116513 0.813609855
0.376991 0.743821189 0.4506046148 0.706630129 0.3854569428 0.781012248
0.502655 0.701045344 0.4354586597 0.665993077 0.403323348 0.736097611
0.628319 0.647213595 0.4134452613 0.614852916 0.414829103 0.679574275
0.753982 0.583174902 0.3849115842 0.554016157 0.4197927554 0.612333647
0.879646 0.509939192 0.3503076215 0.484442232 0.4181360251 0.535436151
1.00531 0.428661436 0.3101790983 0.407228364 0.40988504 0.450094508
1.130973 0.340623433 0.2651588654 0.323592262 0.395169923 0.357654605
1.256637 0.247213595 0.2159569189 0.234852916 0.3742227402 0.259574275
1.382301 0.149905052 0.1633492027 0.142409799 0.3473738412 0.157400304
1.507964 0.050232416 0.108165372 0.047720795 0.3150466492 0.052744036
1.633628 -0.05023242 0.0512757088 -0.04772079 0.2777509834 -0.05274404
1.759292 -0.14990505 -0.006422603 -0.1424098 0.2360750187 -0.1574003
1.884956 -0.2472136 -0.064019626 -0.23485292 0.1906760099 -0.25957428
2.010619 -0.34062343 -0.120607022 -0.32359226 0.1422699265 -0.3576546
2.136283 -0.42866144 -0.175292373 -0.40722836 0.0916201614 -0.45009451
2.261947 -0.50993919 -0.227213259 -0.48444223 0.0395254916 -0.53543615
2.38761 -0.5831749 -0.275550855 -0.55401616 -0.013192519 -0.61233365
2.513274 -0.6472136 -0.31954285 -0.61485292 -0.065702475 -0.67957428
2.638938 -0.70104534 -0.358495464 -0.66599308 -0.117176265 -0.73609761
2.764602 -0.74382119 -0.39179439 -0.70663013 -0.166802114 -0.78101225
2.890265 -0.77486653 -0.418914484 -0.7361232 -0.213797395 -0.81360986
3.015929 -0.79369176 -0.439428047 -0.75400717 -0.257420963 -0.83337635
3.141593 -0.8 -0.453011566 -0.76 -0.296984848 -0.84
3.267256 -0.79369176 -0.459450823 -0.75400717 -0.331865105 -0.83337635
3.39292 -0.77486653 -0.458644266 -0.7361232 -0.361511651 -0.81360986
3.518584 -0.74382119 -0.450604615 -0.70663013 -0.385456943 -0.78101225
3.644247 -0.70104534 -0.43545866 -0.66599308 -0.403323348 -0.73609761
3.769911 -0.6472136 -0.413445261 -0.61485292 -0.414829103 -0.67957428
3.895575 -0.5831749 -0.384911584 -0.55401616 -0.419792755 -0.61233365
4.021239 -0.50993919 -0.350307621 -0.48444223 -0.418136025 -0.53543615
4.146902 -0.42866144 -0.310179098 -0.40722836 -0.40988504 -0.45009451
4.272566 -0.34062343 -0.265158865 -0.32359226 -0.395169923 -0.3576546
4.39823 -0.2472136 -0.215956919 -0.23485292 -0.37422274 -0.25957428
4.523893 -0.14990505 -0.163349203 -0.1424098 -0.347373841 -0.1574003
4.649557 -0.05023242 -0.108165372 -0.04772079 -0.315046649 -0.05274404
4.775221 0.050232416 -0.051275709 0.047720795 -0.277750983 0.052744036
4.900885 0.149905052 0.006422603 0.142409799 -0.236075019 0.157400304
5.026548 0.247213595 0.0640196264 0.234852916 -0.19067601 0.259574275
5.152212 0.340623433 0.1206070222 0.323592262 -0.142269927 0.357654605
5.277876 0.428661436 0.1752923731 0.407228364 -0.091620161 0.450094508
5.403539 0.509939192 0.2272132586 0.484442232 -0.039525492 0.535436151
5.529203 0.583174902 0.2755508553 0.554016157 0.0131925188 0.612333647
5.654867 0.647213595 0.3195428504 0.614852916 0.0657024753 0.679574275
5.78053 0.701045344 0.3584954639 0.665993077 0.1171762645 0.736097611
5.906194 0.743821189 0.3917943897 0.706630129 0.1668021141 0.781012248
Pi Charts
SliceWidth 8
3y(t) 4x(t) 4y(t)
2.694223E-17 0.74 -0.129967654
0.0551466228 0.734164879 -0.084188429
0.1094235504 0.716751539 -0.037081502
0.1619748032 0.6880346 0.0106102227
0.2119716166 0.648466943 0.0581346178
0.258625511 0.598672576 0.1047421952
0.3012007266 0.539436784 0.1496979256 Bearing 1 Bearing 2
0.3390258268 0.471693752 0.1922928304 Horiz 356 356
0.3715042872 0.396511828 0.2318551623 8 8
0.3981239031 0.315076676 0.2677609998 0 0
0.4184648672 0.228672576 0.2994440864
0.4322063903 0.138662173 0.3264047608 Vert 346 311
0.4391317605 0.046464984 0.3482178372 8 8
0.4391317605 -0.046464984 0.3645393103 6 41
0.4322063903 -0.138662173 0.3751117807
0.4184648672 -0.228672576 0.3797685143 Axial 209 247
0.3981239031 -0.315076676 0.3784360715 8 8
0.3715042872 -0.396511828 0.3711354658 143 105
0.3390258268 -0.471693752 0.3579818321
0.3012007266 -0.539436784 0.339182611
0.258625511 -0.598672576 0.3150342776
0.2119716166 -0.648466943 0.2859176654
0.1619748032 -0.6880346 0.2522919608
0.1094235504 -0.716751539 0.2146874613
0.0551466228 -0.734164879 0.1736972123
-5.59256E-16 -0.74 0.1299676545
-0.055146623 -0.734164879 0.0841884291
-0.10942355 -0.716751539 0.0370815019
-0.161974803 -0.6880346 -0.010610223
-0.211971617 -0.648466943 -0.058134618
-0.258625511 -0.598672576 -0.104742195
-0.301200727 -0.539436784 -0.149697926
-0.339025827 -0.471693752 -0.19229283
-0.371504287 -0.396511828 -0.231855162
-0.398123903 -0.315076676 -0.267761
-0.418464867 -0.228672576 -0.299444086
-0.43220639 -0.138662173 -0.326404761
-0.439131761 -0.046464984 -0.348217837
-0.439131761 0.046464984 -0.36453931
-0.43220639 0.138662173 -0.375111781
-0.418464867 0.228672576 -0.379768514
-0.398123903 0.315076676 -0.378436071
-0.371504287 0.396511828 -0.371135466
-0.339025827 0.471693752 -0.357981832
-0.301200727 0.539436784 -0.339182611
-0.258625511 0.598672576 -0.315034278
-0.211971617 0.648466943 -0.285917665
-0.161974803 0.6880346 -0.252291961
Xmax 0.1
Ymax 0.1


Bearing 3 Bearing 4
356 356
8 8
0 0

266 246
8 8
86 106

116 356
8 8
236 0

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