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NOV/DEC 2008


Meeting Schedule: Regular Chapter Meetings are held at the LUCKY LABRADOR on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:30 PM with a so-
cial get-together and the formal meeting at 7:00 PM unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website. Lucky Labrador, Multnomah Village,
7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, (503) 244-2537. Food and Beverages available.

November 12, 2008—Fly Fishing Movie Night -Enjoy a fly fishing video double feature including Craig Matthews’ tour de force on Fly Fishing
the Madison River, along with a surprise selection.

December 10—Alex Barkume presents a Fly Fishing Sabbatical.-

What would you do if you had ten weeks of paid time off to go fishing? Alex gave this a lot of thought in between designing electrical circuits
for Intel, so that nearly eight years later when his sabbatical finally arrived he had a hit list of fishing adventures planned to destinations span-
ning from British Columbia to Montana. How’d he do? Come and see the photos that must now sustain his cubicle life until his next sabbati-
cal years from now, and witness the healing wonder of extended days on such waters to flush away the toxic stress of corporate America and
rejuvenate the soul.

Every Dollar Counts you donate to this Chapter goes directly to supporting local pro-
jects and our other valuable activities.
In the course of the last year this Chapter has undertaken many
very successful activities that reflect the interests of our large
As a Chapter we decided a long time ago to be self supporting .
and diverse membership. By doing this we assure that your annual Trout Unlimited dues go
directly to the national organization and to the Oregon Council of
We have been successful in numerous conservation projects, Trout Unlimited. You may ask why we chose this course. With-
including this Chapter‟s work with the North Coast Land Con- out the support of the national organization and the Oregon Coun-
servancy. This project has included grants exceeding $50,000 to cil we would never have been able to participate in a project as
recover coldwater fisheries in the Necanicum watershed. (See large as the one on the Necanicum. I think you would agree with
the picture on page 2.) the value of that project.

We have hosted monthly meetings with interesting guest speak- I am sure that you are interested in knowing what we are doing to
ers and enjoyed fishing outings that have taught skills and test- assure that any dollars that you donate are used wisely. To reduce
ing abilities of Chapter members. We are involved in the work- operating costs in 2009 we are moving to an electronic version of
ings of TU National, the Oregon Council of TU and activities of this newsletter. Since printing and mailing constitute 50% of our
other Chapters and clubs in our area. budget we will save significantly with this change. There is im-
portant information regarding this change on page 6. We are
This year we entered into an agreement to sponsor the local ef- constantly looking for opportunities to turn your donations into the
forts of Project Healing Waters, a program to teach flyfishing to good works you support.
veterans and members of the military. There will be a feature
article in the next issue of this newsletter on that program. We The members of the board of this Chapter are working together to
have also continued our support for Reel Recovery and Casting continue our successes in the future. We constantly look for your
for Recovery, two very successful programs for persons who input, feedback, ideas and constructive critique of the activities
have dealt with cancer. and direction of the Chapter. I, along with all other board mem-
bers thank you for your generous support in the past and hope that
Logistical processes to support the activities that interest you you can find it in your heart and
include renewed efforts to grow our Chapter web site. More wallet to donate, again this year,
mundane requirements include room rental for monthly meet- to TVTU. We are enclosing a
ings, speaker fees, newsletter publication, and more. donation slip and pre-addressed
return envelope to assist you in
As a member of the Chapter you are a part of a powerful block supporting our mission.
of interest. This influence allows us to continue to work toward
your interests in furthering TU‟s mission to conserve, protect, I want to close my column in this
restore and sustain coldwater fisheries. Of course, the Chapter issue with a wish to all of you for
offers more than this in terms of education, fun and fellowship, a fantastic Holiday Season and a
accomplishment feelings; even fishing. We continue our goal of wonderful New Year. As always,
making this a better Chapter. Our 541 members make us the I encourage you to fish and enjoy
largest in the Northwest! the incredible resources that we
all value so highly.
As we have done in years past we are sending out a request for
donations from our membership in this issue. Every dollar that Please Donate.
Page 2


Chapter Continues Land Trust Restoration By: Robert L. Bernard

Our TU chapter assisted in the placing of 1,500 plants as part of a restoration effort on Lake Creek. Over the last five years, this is
the eighth time, we‟ve helped the Deschutes Land Trust restore land within the Deschutes watershed. On Friday, October 10 and
Saturday, October 11, we restored a location made natural by removal of a huge culvert and road. Removal of the culvert and road
allow fish to move within their normal living and spawning ranges, a usual water flow and a beautiful land recovery.

Digging holes in the rocky soil permitted us to restore nine diverse plant types. We planted everything from ground cover, to bushes
to flowers.

Working together were our Clackamas River TU chapter, Deschutes Land Trust, Wilderness International, local residents, Deschutes
Watershed Council and us.

We all experienced the restoration effort as being emotionally, visually and physically rewarding. I hope our chapter members help
with future conservation, reconnecting restoration and sustaining efforts at the Deschutes Land Trust property. We‟ll do more con-
servation here about this same time next year. Members will receive notice in advance of each event.

Pictures of the crew hard at work on the restoration project on Lake Creek.

Coldwater Resources and Our Chapter By: Robert L. Bernard

Our conservation model to protect native and wild trout or 5) Work with other conservation or business or government or
salmon links directly to TU‟s Protect, Reconnect, Restore and private groups.
Sustain conservation model. I believe it is important that we fo- 6) Provide on-going communications with members and other
cus a substantial portion of our chapter resources on conserva- groups informing of the who, what, when, where and why.
tion. Using this model is our starting point. 7) Participate in the many facets of conservation efforts lead by
our chapter in conjunction with education programs for
Most of us joined TU for two reasons. The first is conservation members.
while second is fishing. Conservation and good fishing go hand- 8) Have a membership recruitment plan and volunteer opportu-
in-hand. nity plan.
9) Become involved through your physical, mental or fiscal
One of my personal goals for us is to increase our chapter‟s posi- actions.
tive impact on coldwater resources. How do we go about in-
creasing our impact? We need to do the following: These are long-term, many phased goals. I know each are neces-
1) Develop a Voluntary Access Program to help secure and sary for us to help is live in this beautiful state.
create additional angling opportunities and to engage more
anglers in conservation activities. For the short term----help us with our Necanicum Watershed-
2) Tailor our efforts to local interests. Thompson Creek project scheduled for November 22, 2008.
3) Have On-the-ground Outcomes along with Ultimate Out- Contact me for more information 503.310.8714 or bearber-
4) Have a strategic plan.
Page 3

N O V / DE C 2 00 8

Environmental Protection and the Brain:

The Hidden Psychology of Environmental Action. Dr. David Illig
I certainly prefer writing about fishing, especially catching fish. How- on new meanings. (Don‟t you wish you were fishing? I know I do.)
ever, in this time of systemic turmoil and change, as well as elections, I The human brain, out of conscious awareness, makes associations,
thought it would be more helpful, though less fun, to present some ideas connections, and relationships out of areas that somehow get put to-
about psychology and protecting our environment and our fisheries. I am gether. Conversely, the brain makes connections between things BE-
especially hoping to contribute some knowledge about why so many ef- CAUSE there are already connections in the brain between the areas,
forts have failed in the past and how we can be more effective in the fu- but out of awareness. Even though in reality there is little or no con-
ture. nection. These brain structures can be thought of as neural webs of
symbols, metaphors, thoughts, feelings, images that are like large com-
To do this it is necessary to learn more about how humans and their brain plex nets. Yes, like fishing nets that get lit up. Metaphors and symbols
actually operate in terms of such things as environmental action, environ- and values are all examples of the brain connecting things and then
mental beliefs, environmental policy and politics. It is clearly amazing having those very connections influence when something has a connec-
how little attention is given to human psychology and what role that it tion or not.
plays in what humans support or not in real life. And what occurs in soci-
ety. We typically seem to assume that humans are incredibly simple crea- Madison Avenue, corporate persuaders, and non-environmental devel-
tures, creatures who do what they do for very simple reasons, creatures opment think tanks and more right-wing political organizations, and
who can be easily understood, and creatures who understand themselves fundamental groups have extensively studied this and use this process
and others quite easily, all of which is FALSE. It‟s like looking for the relentlessly. They don‟t think it is silly “woo woo” psychology to work
quarter under the street light, because the light is good, even though it fell with the unconscious brain process. Hundreds of millions have been
over there in the shadows. We pretend who and what we are. So its no invested in this study. Most members of these organizations have little
wonder we are often wrong. Is it any wonder we prefer trying to figure idea what is being done in their name.
out how to get a rainbow to eat our fly? Those pea sized trout brains usu-
ally fool us; its no wonder our own brain, and that of other humans, scares Ironically, environmental groups and leaders, political movements of
us away even more. There have been many fishing books talking about the more progressive or liberal drift, up to now have generally adopted
how we make a mistake to assume fish are like humans. There has not a false belief that human brains are completely cognitive, rational and
been as much talk about the errors we make when we assume humans are logical and we don‟t have to deal with any hidden messy unconscious
pretty much just like trout. It might be nice to be that simple but we process. They are almost proud of rejecting any and all unconscious
aren‟t. process (brain science and data, be danged). They assume humans are
these simple logic machines, even when they aren‟t. They assume that
Recent advances in cognitive science, neuroscience, tell us that the human we only have to deal with logical thought patterns in awareness. Just
brain plays tricks, both with humans, organizations, and societies which get the audience the facts and truth and that‟s enough. That has to
really are just a collection of human brains. A human brain can be looked change. The brain isn‟t that simple or consistent.
at as a large number of fast processing computers which are churning
away on data, analyzing and reaching conclusions, drawing connections These realities explain the phenomena of why in previous elections so
and associations, making decisions and acting. many people voted often in direct opposition to what was clearly in
their own best interest, and against the interest of their family. It‟s easy
What rarely gets talked about is that most of this processing, analyzing to just say they are stupid. It‟s more likely they were following their
and concluding is not done in conscious awareness. Only a small part of unconscious brain and didn‟t know it. An example would be where
our analyzing and concluding is done in full awareness. Most of it is not people who are generally living month to month, have less than
in consciousness. It is unconscious, out-of-consciousness, in a way that $10,000 in their retirement account, and they will vote for reductions in
somebody like Freud never dreamed of, but in ways that computer scien- public services their children need, just so that the few people who have
tists are very comfortable with. Most of the processing computers have over $3 million in assets won‟t have to pay any inheritance tax. Why,
no screens to see and we can‟t tell what their output and influence is. At because the ballot measure is called the “DEATH TAX” and who
least without real effort. wouldn‟t be against a “death tax.” The brain structures related to;
“death,” “taxes-are-bad,” “I hope to be rich too,” “the rich are ap-
Recent advances in cognitive brain science, neuroscience, explain that our proved by god,” “death tax,” “government is taking my money,” are all
thoughts, beliefs, feelings, images, values about a particular subject actu- activated at an unconscious level. Large “webs” of symbols and brain
ally result in actual brain structure coming into being in the brain that is structures are activated. And they then basically vote to harm their own
associated with them. Thoughts, opinions, values, beliefs, moral beliefs, family. They will construct conscious reasons so they are comfortable,
feelings, or even pictures about something become brain structure. They not knowing the real reasons.
are not just ideas. Neuroscience also tells us that the associated brain
structures that come into being then impact ongoing and future thoughts, The supporters of such measures were well aware of how human brains
ideas, opinions, values, feelings, and behavior. work and purposively constructed their campaigns to make use of this
Thought =brain structure. knowledge of the brain, right down to what the measure was called.
Brain structure then impacts future related thoughts. They were addressing unconscious process all the time. They didn‟t
announce they were doing so of course. Humans are symbolic crea-
So when we think of a person‟s or an organizations “position” or thoughts tures. Words are critically important to our brain. And just because the
about something we should think both about their conscious reasons as conscious mind says there is no connection, this doesn‟t stop the un-
well as their unconscious reasons which include the underlying brain conscious mind from making the connections. Opinion or feeling or
structure that has come to exist over time. We have to impact thoughts as value formation involves thought and brain structure interaction. We
well as impact brain structure. “Changing minds” and “persuasion” takes usually pretend its all in thought, all in conscious awareness, conscious

Continued on next page

N O V / DE C 2 00 8 Page 4

Environmental Protection and the Brain: (continued from page 3) By Dr. David Illig

logic and rational thinking. We may have very nice logic strings that the future of our success in protecting the environment. Since
support some idea or belief or value. But at the deeper brain structure “development” for many brains has been associated with progress, abun-
level we either have a massive brain construction of connections that is dance, economic and financial success, jobs, opportunity, “anti-
either in support of the logical string or it could be the exact opposite. development,” “against-development,” for many people accesses damag-
ing neural webs. “Against jobs” is a large important neural network
Madison Avenue and Conservative/Pro Development think tanks have associated with the environmental movement which causes serious prob-
lead the way into this model of persuasion more so than formal psychol- lems.
ogy, and certainly more than the environmental movement.
If networks associated with no job, less jobs, losing jobs, poor paying
Another extreme and scary example, that is actually non-political, is the jobs, going hungry, not being able to support the family, being poor, etc.,
phrase; “Support our Troops.” I assure you that phrases like this have are in connection with environmental positions, then it‟s no wonder that
been used by every government throughout history to support their wars. there is extensive opposition to environmental positions and proposals.
This was true of Stalin, Hitler, Sadaam, Genghis Khan, Napoleon, the The network conflict of “development-jobs” and “environmental-no
British, the Romans, the Egyptians, Roosevelt and Churchill, the Catho- jobs” is a critical area that will have to change a great deal more. And
lic Church and Osama bin Laden. The neural webs, symbol webs, brain remember that the “belief” or “truth” of losing jobs may be false and
structures connecting to “Support our troops” actually have nothing to irrational and illogical at the conscious level. However, the connections
do with whether a war is wise or stupid, needed or not, illegal or legal, to the webs about job loss will drive the behavior and the lack of sup-
just or murderous, saving humanity or destroying it. This plays a great port.
role in why humans through history have engaged in so much warfare
even though logically, rationally, cognitively it might be unwise. It‟s “Environmental” has come to be connected to neural webs against jobs,
hard to resist when these other neural webs are activated and attached to against making a living in tough times. Environmental connects to not
symbols of war. People are put in binds they don‟t know how to untan- having family responsibilities or being so well off as to not have to
gle, the webs they don‟t know exist. They end up “supporting” the worry. Environmental means city, liberal, democrat, and doesn‟t
bombing of Poland when they really only “supported the troops” which “mean” country or living off the land. Environmental “means” rich
are mostly 18 year old children. enough to have time to play, not work in nature. A bunch of kids. Not
working men. Remember, these meanings may all be unconscious.
We therefore have to ask what brain structure of associations and net-
works are most likely connected to environmental protection, save the Anti-environmental is connected to caring about family jobs. And there-
rivers, save the salmon, protect the fish, save the wilderness, help the fore connecting to caring about families. It means living off the land and
cause, etc. And which HELP? We need to assess what negative webs resources like real men, not just using the land for recreation and play
have become connected to environmental action that harm it. like children who never grew up. It means supporting ranches and
Conversely, we also need to ask what brain structures and neural net-
works have been connected to things which are DAMAGING AND A hopeful example of appropriately addressing these brain issues was
LIMITING AND UNHELPFUL to the environment. What brain struc- the extensive presentation by the primary supporters for removing the
tures are associated, connected to excess development, excess popula- four dams on the Snake River. They presented extensive economic
tion, corporate expansion, polluting industries, anti-environmental posi- analysis which concluded that the areas involved would have a net eco-
tions, movements, proposals, organizations? What supports those posi- nomic improvement from the dams being opened and a net economic
tions and what weakens those positions? loss by keeping them up. This was a very wise approach given the past
associations which have been built and become connected to environ-
It is not an accident that “tree hugger” has lasted so long as a pejorative mental movements and certainly those previously connected with dams.
describer of an “environmental” man. Men are generally “fearful” or at
least concerned about their manhood and masculinity at deeper levels. This approach should be continued concerning the Snake River dams. It
That brain structure has been well developed. “Tree hugger” accesses will also be necessary to build further positive associations with dam
brain structures and fears many men and potential mates are uncomfort- removal as well as weakening long standing connections which have
able with. It does not access webs associated with manliness, strength, “protected” the dams. It will also be necessary to build more positive
virility, potency. At least not yet. I‟m an “environmental hero,” or associations connected to the people and groups who support the re-
“environmental warrior,” or “environmental soldier,” “environmental moval. If “wacko, left wing, liberal, socialist, anti industrial, anarchist,
stud,” “environmental husband,” might access other structures or de- anti-job extremists” propose a plan that supposedly brings economic
velop different structures. The Environmental movement has been asso- gains to an area, its no big surprise that its not trusted, believed, or fol-
ciated with unmanliness, wimpy, not sexy in the past. lowed. We could call these credibility networks which need to be ac-
It would be helpful to start associating protecting the environment with
terms that connect with manly, fatherly, protecting the children, fighting The environmental movement needs to develop connections to brain
against enemies of the family. Real men, potent men, virile me do sup- networks about employment, jobs, making money, supporting your self
port the environment and fight for environment, the fish. Potent sexy and family which are connected with environmental positions and the
men do fight the large uncaring companies who threaten the women and movement. The connections need to not just be with environmental
the children and the family. Or potent sexy men do get the companies to jobs. It would be impactful for environmental groups to propose plans
do the right things. Companies have sexy potent men and fertile sexy and programs which would “maximize” logging in Oregon within envi-
woman who do care about and protect the environment. Sexy compa- ronmental values and boundaries. It would be wise for environmental
nies DO protect and support the Earth. organizations to propose programs that would hugely increase the num-
ber of board feet of lumber harvested from Oregon. Putting loggers to
Networks associated with jobs and finances are critically important to work in Oregon should be a goal of TU and other environmental groups.

Continued on next page

Page 5

N O V / DE C 2 00 8

Environmental Protection and the Brain: (continued from page 4) By Dr. David Illig

“We want to maximize the timber that can be safely and environmentally liefs, policies, programs, actions, plans, goals, etc., and the neural net-
soundly harvested.” (which means the same as:) “We want to maximize works that are valuable and powerful and extensive and influential and
the amount of timber that can be harvested.” (which means the same that already exist in people‟s brains. These connections develop be-
as:) “We want to maximize the lumber jobs and mill jobs.” Just with cause of large numbers of repetitions and also because of the amount of
environmentally sound levels and methods. It‟s our meanings but we contact points. Key words and phrases need to be developed and used
claim the words. that are effective for accessing powerful influential unconscious neural
There is limited reward and great cost if environmental groups are only
associated with NO JOBS and or NO CUT and development groups, anti New webs and new structures and connections to them also need to be
-environmental groups, big business are the only ones associated with developed in programs, policies and concepts. This is a combination of
JOBS. “Lumberjacks for a Sustainable and Environmental Oregon” both the triggers and the webs they connect to. An example would be
or “TU Lumberjacks” would be a really useful creation. It would be that up until recently, product development, product creation, product
wise for environmental groups to support middle class lumber jobs, and manufacturing was seen as generally disconnected from environmental
organizational structures that increase middle class lumber jobs with impact. Certain people and their brains dealt with the production side of
significant adjustments in corporate policies which harm middle class things and a totally different group of brains dealt with the clean ups of
workers but help corporate interests. It would be wise to associate many the messes caused by either the production or the disposal of the product
corporate timber policies with harming middle class lumber or mill at the end of its life. By requiring both clean production processes and
workers. As you may already be thinking, the corporate powers already clean disposal of used products to be the responsibility of manufacturers
know this psychological technology and it would be common for them to of products from the start, environmental responsibility webs are forced
name their plan to clear cut every tree in Oregon something like: to connect with production neural webs. For example, in the future you
“Environmental Recycling to Save Oregon‟s Children.” won‟t have beverage companies creating billions of plastic water bottles
from toxic materials and processes and releasing billions of empties into
The jobs neural network is related to another very strongly “hard wired” the environment. “Manufacturing” will be connected to the neural webs
neural network we could call the “protect the children” network. Al- related to environment.
though possibly even genetically established, it is built upon and ex-
panded throughout life in all cultures to some extent. The network is Another part of the program has to be to DISCONNECT some connec-
large and powerful. It is also one of the most abused and misused ma- tions that already exist. Some do relate to improper connections associ-
nipulations of persuasion. It is scary how many persuasive strategies tap ated with environmental issues. More relate to destructive connections
into the neural network of “protect the children” but actually have that already exist to anti-environmental groups, policies, programs, or-
NOTHING to do with really protecting the children or actually put chil- ganizations and which have given them great power, control and influ-
dren at risk or result in literally killing them. It‟s been used to promote ence, even while they harm us.
war and genocide. You could see a ballot measure directed to allowing
fully automatic land mines in every home and it wouldn‟t be surprising DISCONNECTION involves withdrawing repetitions. This means not
to have it be entitled something about protecting the children, or more using the language and words that anti-environmentalists use. DISCON-
subtle ways of accessing this important network. Fear appeals DO work. NECTION also means that people and organizations need to learn about
Unconscious hidden fear appeals work even more. That said, it will be the brain, the unconscious, and also talk about how these connections
important to build connections between both “save our children,” can occur and when such methods are being used and used against them.
“create and save jobs,” and the environmental movements. And also We actually have to interact with our own inner brain in order to protect
begin reducing the connections between those and the opposition. ourselves from being manipulated. Manipulations need to be pointed out
and made conscious. For example, if improper connections are being
One of the problems with the environmental movement is that many drawn between “save the children” and environmental poisoning, we
networks associated with what some see as negative aspects of human need to point it out, explain it, and protest its use, and rename it.
behavior have become connected to the environmental symbols. What
are some of the damaging networks that have become associated? You Part of the program needs to be to teach people and organizations about
know many. Extremist, radical, liberal, excessive, communist, socialist, our brains and how they are being manipulated. Until we recognize that
elite, democrat, anti-money, anti-business, anti-work, fish and owls are these efforts work and influence us, we can‟t defend against them. Pre-
more important than people, anti-money, urban, impractical, un- tending we are only conscious and logical doesn‟t protect us. We have
American and so on. These connections need to be weakened. to learn to counter improper connections. We have to learn to spot the
attempts to make improper connections. Improper connections are ma-
This explains why environmental programs where ranchers, farmers, nipulations. Warning lights need to go off anytime anybody, anywhere
lumberjacks and cowboys are heavily involved traditionally do better uses such words that are similar to those like “protect the children,” or
than those that don‟t have that kind of involvement. Projects that seem “support our troops.” If we want to deal with reality and the truth we
more connected to neural networks associated with “wimps, girly men, have to deal with the reality of the human brain and how it operates and
weak men, city slickers, professor types, anti development types,” don‟t how it is influenced. We can take into account the nature of our own
do as well, . brain. We can make adjustments and corrections to what our brain and
other brains are doing. We can turn the hidden capacities of our brains
What needs to be done now and in the future? You into assets. This is true of individual brains as well as organizational
can already figure some of it out from what you‟ve learned. The envi- brains. Wow, this does feel almost like fishing or sex, or sex and fish-
ronmental groups need to start building connections between their be- ing. Catch it and keep it. D.
Page 6


IMPORTANT — Chapter Converting to Electronic Newsletter

Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter‟s mission statement mirrors the HOW TO UPDATE YOUR PERSONAL IN-
other 400+ TU chapters located in 35 states: “To conserve, protect
and restore coldwater fisheries and their watersheds.”
Publishing our newsletter is our largest single expense, requiring $3,000
in 2008, or 50% of our chapter‟s budget. Money that could be better 1. Log onto
spend on conservation projects. 2. Click on Member Services
This Chapter has decided to „go green‟. By distributing the Chapter
3. Click on Welcome to My TU
Newsletter electronically, we will better use our resources to conserve, 4. Members Log In will come up
protect, restore and sustain rather than publishing our paper newsletter. 5. Enter TU followed by your membership
We are following in the footsteps of nearly one-half of all TU chapters number (no space or symbol)
located in the US, including two of Oregon‟s five chapters. With coordi- 6. Enter your password
nation from TU National other chapters throughout the US are going to
an electronic newsletter.
7. Click on Edit Profile
you will see your completed profile
Our last full distribution of a paper newsletter is this issue of The 8. click on Edit-then make changes as nec-
Trout Line. For those of you who have email addresses in the TU Na- essary
tional Chapter Roster, we will send you an electronic copy of the Nov/ 9. close out this section
Dec 2008 issue as a test of the system. The Jan/Feb 2009 issue of The
Trout Line will be sent electronically to all members providing an e- 10. Log out by clicking on the box-top right
mail address to the TU National Chapter Roster. No paper copies
will be sent unless you indicate your wish to receive one.
While in your profile—make sure that all in-
Individuals wanting a paper newsletter mailed must notify our chapter
formation is accurate and current.
president, Robert Bernard by calling 503.239.8507 or email: bearber- Be prepared to provide him with all mailing address
information. To continue receiving your chapter newsletter,
you must update your e-mail address via TU
We will get electronic and postal mailing addresses via TU’s Na- National records
tional Chapter Roster in the future. To assure that you receive the
electronic newsletter and any of our important postal mailings you
will need to keep your personal information current in the TU Na- NOTE: Should you need assistance with any of
tional database. To do that you should follow the directions pro- these procedures you can contact TU National
vided in the adjacent information box. on the Website or a member of the board of

Photo taken by Ron Reinebach while on the lat-

est TVTU outing on the Fall River in September.

11960 SW Pacific Highway, Tigard, Oregon 97223

Phone 503-639-6400 Fax 503-684-7025 email
“Everything for the flyfisher”
Tackle, Classes, Guided Trips & Worldwide Travel
Page 7

N O V / DE C 2 00 8

Fly of the Month – Green-butt Pink or Cabellero by Alex Barkume

Fly of the Month found in the rising waters. Breaks in the wet-fly swing when possible, some-
fall rains allow the coastal rivers to drop times the salmon demand a semi-
This time of the year brings thoughts and clear enough for the salmon to see dead drift presentation. Keep chang-
of fall freshets causing rivers to swell and take a well-presented fly. ing presentation methods until you
with water stained a “tea” color by the Depending on the river clarity and level, find one that works.
tannic acid in the leaves falling from this is a fly that I use during the season.
the alders leaning over the river banks. It was originally tied by Mike Gorman Materials:
It also brings a hope, an optimism that (Scarlet Ibis Fly Shop).
healthy runs of salmon will also be Hook: Tiemco 7999 or equivalent
I use this fly in higher # 1/0 - 4
off-colored water. The
Thread: Florescent Red
florescent green/pink
combination is highly Tail: Florescent Pink or Cerise
visible and seems to be a
favorite with those that Butt: One wrap of florescent green
count – the salmon. It is med. chenille
also an excellent pattern
Body: Florescent Pink med. Chenille
for winter steelhead in
hook sizes 2 and 4. Hackle: Florescent Pink or Cerise
I fish salmon with either
a mini-shooting head of Wing: White Bucktail or Arctic Fox
high-density line or with
a Teeny sink tip line. Overwing: Few strands of Pearlescent
While I prefer to use a


Officers Board of Directors:
President- Robert L. Bernard (503) 310-8714 Ron Reinebach (503) 477-6266
Vice Pres. Michael J. Gentry (503) 636-0061
Bill Schoen (503) 638-7748
Treasurer- Erle Norman (503) 293-6006 Jerry Heppell (503) 639-9408
Communications Vacant
Outings Andy Andrews (971) 409-6149
Membership Vacant

Ex-Officio Hank Hosfield (503) 228-6553 Newsletter editor Jerry Lorang (971) 404-5154
(Past Pres.)
Please read the important notice on page 6 of this newsletter or this could be the last
issue of Trout Line you will receive. Please assure that your contact information is current!
We are changing to electronic format in January 2009.
Conserving, protecting and restoring North America’s coldwater fisheries and their watersheds..
BEAVERTON, OR Portland, OR 97206-3117
PERMIT # 543 4739 SE Franklin Street
U.S. POSTAGE PAID Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter

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