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What G12 is

G12 is about a MAN. (Jesus)

G-12 is based on Jesus discipling 12. It was believed His life and ministry is the template for a
generation of disciple today.
Jesus spent His entire three and a half years forming his disciples. (The teacher of teachers, the wisest
man of the whole universe, dedicated 3 years of His life in forming 12 men.)
When He left and ascended to heaven, He left these 12 disciples with the mandate to go and make
disciples and change the world. He is our example. (Matthew 28:18-19)
Strategy Vision

Select 12 World
Form 12 Jesus Conquest
Send 12

Select 12 World
Form 12 Pastor Conquest
Send 12

Select 12 World
Form 12 144 Conquest
Send 12

Select 12 World
Form 12 1728 Conquest
Send 12

G12 is a message

Jesus spoke powerful words when He chose His 12. He said: Come and follow me and I will make you
fishers of men. JESUS imparts the vision of WORLD CONQUEST and He knew the Fathers plan for His
life and He had a divine compulsion which we call the Great Commission: Go and make disciples of all
nations to accomplish it.

G12 is a model

G-12 has a local expression at MCI Bogota, Colombia along with several other churches in all parts of the
This dynamic G12 life and ministry has actively living the words of Jesus: Let your will be done on earth
as it is in heaven.
The Senior Pastor equips the 12 with practical tools on how to do it and draws out their God-given
potentials and spirit of conquest to be used for the kingdom.
G12 is a movement

A leadership strategy has been developed called win, consolidate, disciple and send plus a *training* tool
called PEPSOL. This strategy develops the new believer spiritually as well as in the areas of soul winning,
consolidating new believers, discipleship and to be sent to multiply. They learn how to: 1) gather the
harvest; 2) preserve the harvest; 3) disciple the harvest, and; 4) send the harvest
* We know who we are in Christ. We are able to stop focusing on ourselves and become aware of the needs
of those around us. United, once we become aware of the need, we realize we cannot do it alone. It is
going to take all of us, we then become united. The the church becomes all she was ever meant to be: a
powerful force. And the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. It become a movement.

What G12 does

1. G12 sounds like a wake-up call

G12 is a wake up call for all pastors and leaders, exposing the battleground we didnt realize was there. We,
as the church, cannot passively sit by and watch this generation be saturated with a culture that will kill

Our church today is more focused on: program and not on people.
We see gifted people but not fruitful people in the kingdom of God.
Christians love Church events and activities but not training process.
Church attendance is the only achievement and the spiritual exercise that we have
Personal devotional time is absent among many believers today.
Soul winning and discipleship is totally unpopular among the church leaders.
Ministry was perceived as Church program maintenance. (This church bad culture destroys the life
and effectiveness of the church)
As a culture, we have facilitated early development in every area other than spiritual.
Our kids have accelerated in their growth
a) Physically c) Educationally
b) Emotionally d) Developmentally
but have lagged sadly behind Spiritually

2. G12 provokes action

Barna says, we retain 10% of what we hear, 30% of what we see, 60% of what we do. Our ministry consists
mostly of telling and hearing which is too critical at this time in history to allow the few moments we have
with the believers every week to be a 10% retention factor or even a 30%.
G12 is a get in the action model of ministry that compels our lives to live boldly for the cause of Christ
now! Just like Jesus, we expect our life is involved in taking the nations for Jesus by WINNING and
DISCIPLING people and not to be hidden in the house or found inside the church building alone. We want
every believer to walk in the revelation of His word and to live supernaturally.
G12 equals action. FAITH is great, but faith without works is dead. Our people need opportunity to win
souls and make disciples, learn more about them, step out in faith-filled prayer so that God can respond to
this faith in action. They will know that they have experienced God for themselves and no matter what
contradicting or confusing messages they face, they cant deny it.

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