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the resonator is then given by excited at frequencies in the icinity of the fundamental resonant fre-

quency (f11 ) of a corresponding simple circular microstrip antenna

Y1 y Y2 . 2 without slots. The two closely excited resonant modes can cause the
e2 j L s . 9. enhancement of the impedance bandwidth of the proposed circular
Y1 q Y2 . 2 microstrip antenna, and experimental results show that the obtained
bandwidth for the proposed antenna can be greater than two times that
This result is readily verified from a complete analysis where of a simple circular microstrip antenna. The proposed antenna design
the transverse electric and magnetic fields are matched at and obtained broadband performance are presented. 1999 John Wiley
z s 0 and z s L. Since the analysis is straightforward, it is & Sons, Inc. Microwave Opt Technol Lett 23: 205207, 1999.
not presented here.
Although the technique has been applied only to rod and Key words: microstrip antenna; broadband operation
ring resonators, it can be applied to more complex structures
under the assumption listed at the beginning of Section II. 1. INTRODUCTION
With some specific slots loaded in microstrip antennas,
IV. CONCLUSIONS broadband operation has been achieved. For such slot-loaded
A simple equation to design rod and ring dielectric res- broadband circular microstrip antennas, the specific slots
onators in a cutoff waveguide is presented. At a prescribed loaded in the patch include a U-shaped slot w1x, an arc-shaped
frequency, the length of the resonator is given explicitly in slot w1x, and two sectoral slots w2x. In the design with a
terms of the propagation constant of the resonant mode in U-shaped slot or an arc-shaped slot, broadband operation is
the dielectric-loaded region and the phase of its reflection demonstrated by incorporating a foam or an air substrate w1x.
coefficient at the interface between the loaded and empty As for the case with two sectoral slots, the broadband an-
regions. The approach is validated both analytically and nu- tenna shown is fabricated on a regular electrically thin mi-
merically. crowave substrate w2x. The presence of the two sectoral slots
in the circular patch results in the excitation of two closely
REFERENCES excited resonant modes for the antenna to have a wide
1. W.H. Harrison, A miniature high-Q bandpass filter employing impedance bandwidth. However, some distortions in the radi-
dielectric resonators, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT- ation patterns of the frequencies within the obtained wide
16 1968., 210218. impedance bandwidth have also been observed for such a
2. S.B. Cohn, Microwave bandpass filters containing high-Q dielec- design w2x.
tric resonators, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT-16 In this letter, we demonstrate another promising slot-
1968., 218227. loaded circular microstrip antenna with two open-ring slots
3. T. Hishikawa, K. Wakino, K. Tsunoda, and Y. Ishikawa, Dielectric
for broadband operation. The broadband antenna to be stud-
high-power bandpass filter using quarter-cut TE 01 image res-
ied is printed on an inexpensive FR4 microwave substrate.
onator for cellular base stations, IEEE Trans Microwave Theory
Tech MTT-35 1987., 11501155. The present proposed broadband design is related to the
4. Y. Kobayashi and M. Minegishi, Precise design of a bandpass filter dual-frequency operation of a circular microstrip antenna
using high-Q dielectric ring resonators, IEEE Trans Microwave with an open-ring slot w3x in which two operating frequencies
Theory Tech MTT-35 1987., 11561160. with similar radiation characteristics are obtained, and the
5. K. Zaki and C. Chen, New results in dielectric-loaded resonators, frequency ratio between the two frequencies is within a
IEEE Trans Microwave Theory Tech MTT-34 1986., 815824. region of about 1.231.32. It is then found that, by embed-
6. M. Jaworski and M.W. Pospieszalski, An accurate solution of the ding two open-ring slots, the frequency ratio between the two
cylindrical dielectric resonator problem, IEEE Trans Microwave operating frequencies can be significantly lowered to be close
Theory Tech MTT-27 1979., 639643.
to unity, which leads to bandwidth enhancement for the
7. T. Itoh, Numerical techniques for microwave and millimeter-wave
proposed antenna. Moreover, for the proposed antenna, good
passive structures, Wiley, New York, 1989.
broadside radiation patterns of the frequencies within the
impedance bandwidth are observed. Details of the proposed
1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
CCC 0895-2477r99 antenna design are described, and measured radiation pat-
terns and gains are given.

The proposed slot-loaded broadband circular microstrip an-
A BROADBAND CIRCULAR tenna is shown in Figure 1. The circular patch in this study
MICROSTRIP ANTENNA WITH TWO has a disk radius of 23.36 mm, and is printed on an FR4
OPEN-RING SLOTS substrate of thickness 1.6 mm h. and relative permittivity 4.4
r .. The outer open-ring slot is at a small distance of 1 mm
Jen-Yea Jan1 and Kin-Lu Wong1 away from the patch boundary. The two open-ring slots have
Department of Electrical Engineering
the same narrow width, 0.5 mm, and the distance between the
National Sun Yat-Sen University
Kaohsiung, Taiwan 804, R.O.C. two slots is set to be 1 mm. Both of the two slots are placed
symmetrically with respect to the y-axis in which an optimal
Recei ed 21 May 1999 probe feed for good impedance matching can be located. The
distance between the probe feed and the disk center is
ABSTRACT: This letter presents a new design of a probe-fed circular denoted as d p here. The inner open-ring slot has a small
microstrip antenna with two open-ring slots for broadband operation. opening, and is fixed to be 2 mm in this study. The outer
Due to the two embedded open-ring slots in the circular patch, two open-ring slot has a relatively large opening, and has an angle
resonant modes of similar radiation characteristics are found to be of . In the proposed design, it is found that, by choosing a

MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 4, November 20 1999 205
Figure 2 Measured return loss against frequency for the proposed
broadband antenna; r s 4.4, h s 1.6 mm, d p s 13 mm, s 32,
ground-plane size s 75 mm = 75 mm. Other parameters are given in
Figure 1 Geometry of the proposed broadband circular microstrip Figure 1
antenna with two open-ring slots. The dimensions shown in the figure
are not to scale
from 10 dB return loss, is found to be 90 MHz or about
4.14% with respect to the center frequency at 2175 MHz.
suitable angle of , two resonant modes can be closely The center frequency is determined from f L q f H .r2, where
excited at frequencies in the vicinity of the fundamental f L and f H are the lower and higher frequencies with 10 dB
resonant frequency f 11 . of a corresponding simple circular return loss in the antenna bandwidth.. This impedance band-
microstrip antenna without slots, leading to the enhancement width is about 2.1 times that about 2%. of the corresponding
of the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna. simple circular microstrip antenna without slots.
The radiation characteristics of the operating frequencies
3. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS within the 10 dB impedance bandwidth formed by the two
Figure 2 presents the measured results of return loss for the resonant modes are also studied. Figure 3 shows the mea-
proposed antenna. The angle is selected to be 32, and the sured radiation patterns at the two resonant frequencies of
feed position is at d p s 13 mm. First note that, when there 2148 and 2200 MHz. Similar broadside radiation patterns
are no open-ring slots, the fundamental resonant frequency have been observed for the two resonant modes, and good
f 11 . of the circular microstrip antenna with a radius of 23.36 cross-polarized radiation less than y20 dB. is also seen.
mm in this study is at about 2 GHz. And it is clearly seen that Figure 4 shows the measured antenna gain in the broadside
the proposed antenna has two adjacent resonant modes ex- direction for the operating frequencies within the impedance
cited at frequencies near 2 GHz: one at 2148 MHz, and the bandwidth. The results show that the gain variation within
other at 2200 MHz. The impedance bandwidth, determined the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna is within a

Figure 3 Measured E-plane yz plane. and H-plane xz plane. radiation patterns for the antenna shown in Figure 2. a. f s 2148
MHz. b. f s 2200 MHz

206 MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 4, November 20 1999
S. Uysal1
Department of Electrical Engineering
National University of Singapore
Singapore 119260

Recei ed 19 May 1999

ABSTRACT: In this work, a C-band passi e microstrip four-element

antenna-array beam-forming network (BFN) using high-directi ity
directional couplers is described. In the transmit mode, an input signal is
split into four equiphase equiamplitude parts so as to correctly feed the
elements of a linearr2-D array. The amplitude difference among the four
feeds is within 0.5 dB, and the phases of the signals at the feeds differ by
Figure 4 Measured antenna gain in the broadside direction against
less than 10 in a 4:1 bandwidth. 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
frequency for the antenna shown in Figure 2
Microwave Opt Technol Lett 23: 207209, 1999.

variation less than 2.6 dB. Also, it should be noted that, Key words: beam-forming network; wideband array feed
mainly owing to the FR4 substrate used in this study, which
has a large loss tangent about 0.025., the antenna gain level INTRODUCTION
obtained here is lower than about 3.5 dBi. When some other In the context of a beam-forming network, the phase and
low-loss dielectric substrates are used in place of the FR4 amplitude equality between the radiating elements means
substrate utilized here, a higher antenna gain level of the that the signals presented to the radiating elements can be
proposed antenna than that obtained here can be achieved. added. In other words, the signal that is transmitted or
received. at the source or detector. has an amplitude of N
4. CONCLUSIONS where N is the order of the BFN. times that of a signal at
By loading two open-ring slots in a circular microstrip an- any one of the feeds. In addition, it also has a phase charac-
tenna, two adjacent resonant modes with similar broadside teristic equivalent to that of a signal at any one of the feeds.
radiation patterns can be excited, and the enhancement of The methods of achieving the equiphase equiamplitude
the impedance bandwidth of the proposed antenna can be condition differ due to the nature of the network configura-
obtained. For the specific parameters studied here, the ob- tions used in the BFN. The corporate-feeding and series-
tained impedance bandwidth can be about 2.1 times that of feeding networks are two of the more commonly used net-
the corresponding simple circular microstrip antenna without work configurations. For the corporate-feeding network, in
slots. Good broadside radiation patterns of the operating order to preserve the symmetry property that is necessary for
frequencies within the impedance bandwidth have also been the equiphase equiamplitude condition, the number of radiat-
observed, and the cross-polarization radiation is seen to be ing elements is preferably binary. Otherwise, part of the
less than y20 dB. The variation of the antenna gain within power that is available at the source in the transmit mode. is
the impedance bandwidth is observed to be less than 2.6 dB. dissipated in matched loads. Besides the requirement for a
Finally, it should be noted that, since the specific design binary number of elements, the relatively higher coupler loss
parameters are not optimized in this study, better broadband makes this feeding network impractical for high-order BFN.
performance than that obtained here is also possible. The series-feeding network, on the other hand, has no re-
striction on the number of radiating elements as long as
REFERENCES medium allows the realization of tight couplers., and has
1. S. Dey, C.K. Aanandan, P. Mohanan, and K.G. Nair, A new more flexibility in circuit design.
broadband circular patch antenna, Microwave Opt Technol Lett 7 Waveguide BFNs utilizing directional couplers have been
1994., 604605. reported in the literature w1x. A recent paper reports a BFN
2. K.M. Luk, Y.W. Lee, K.F. Tong, and K.F. Lee, Experimental using high-temperature superconductor HTS. technology for
studies of circular patches with slots, Proc Inst Elect Eng 144 communication systems w2x. This Ku-band BFN uses a cas-
1997., 421424.
cade of 3 dB branch-line couplers to form a one-to-four BFN.
3. J.Y. Jan and K.L. Wong, Single-feed dual-frequency circular mi-
In this paper, we report on a wideband four-element
crostrip antenna with an open-ring slot, Microwave Opt Technol
array-antenna BFN based on the series-feeding concept. Sim-
Lett 22 1999..
ulations are performed using the HP EEsof RF and Mi-
crowave Design System MDSTM . software package. The
simulated BFN using smooth edge couplers is first built and
1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
tested. An improved BFN simulated with ideal couplers is
CCC 0895-2477r99
then built using high-directivity couplers which can be found
in w3x; both BFNs are built on 25.4 = 50.8 mm2 alumina
substrates with r s 9.9 and thickness h s 0.635 mm.

For a general N-order series-feeding BFN as shown in Figure
1, if the input in the transmit mode. power is unity and the

MICROWAVE AND OPTICAL TECHNOLOGY LETTERS / Vol. 23, No. 4, November 20 1999 207

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