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Evidencia 8: Paragraph Exercise

Para continuar con el proceso bilinge es importante revisar la presentacin

denominada (Chapter_Paragraph Structure), y se invita a profundizar ms
sobre el tema en el captulo la estructura del prrafo, y a partir de lo
aprendido, elaborar un prrafo en ingls y sealar sus partes sobre la temtica
del papel que juega Colombia en la globalizacin.

Esta evidencia debe entregarse en formato de Microsoft Word o Pdf y enviarla

a travs de la plataforma Virtual de Aprendizaje, as:

1. Dar clic en el enlace que dice: Evidencia 8: Paragraph Exercise.

2. Escribir en el recuadro comentarios, el mensaje al tutor (Opcional).
3. Clic en el botn Examinar mi equipo de la opcin Adjuntar Archivo.
4. Ubicar en su computador el archivo de la evidencia, dar clic en abrir y
despus en enviar.


Globalization is a process of interaction and integration between people,

companies and governments of different nations. It is a process in terms of
trade and investment in the international arena and has had an important
development for Colombia to export their products such as coffee, flowers, sugar
cane, mining with emerald, as the main products export, and also with the
importation of other products for a supply of goods to the people of the country.

Globalization plays an important role in the Colombian economy as this process

brings several benefits: lower costs of production and therefore products at
lower prices, increased employment in places where Multinationals offered,
increases competitiveness among entrepreneurs and product quality rises, they
are discovered and implement technological improvements that help speed
production and economic transactions, quality education, improved
communication and transport, etc. All these benefits make for Colombia
globalization is a very important and decisive in the country's economy factor.

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