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Comprising a Directory of the General Conference,

Union and Local Conferences, Mission Fields,
Educational Institutions, Publishing Houses, Peri-
odicals, and Sanitariums.

CLAUDE CONARD, Statistical Secretary
of the General Conference


'undamental beliefs 4

'General Conference and Departments 7


North America 19

Australasian 57
Central European 65
China 77
Far Eastern 94
Inter-American 108
Northern European 121
South American 134
Southern African 146
Southern Asia 169
Southern European 181
General Conference Detached Missions 194
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 197

Institutions :

Educational 198
Publishing Houses 240
Periodicals Issued 252
Sanitariums 266
Treatment Rooms 278
Food Companies 281

Statistical Tables 283

Constitution 294
Ministerial Directory 300
Obituary Record 369
Index 370
A directory of the conferences, mission fields and institutions connected with
the Seventh-day Adventist denomination is given in the following pages. Adminis-
trative and workers' lists have been furnished for this issue of the Year Book by the
organizations concerned. In cases where current reports were not received, pre-
vious official and personnel rolls have been retained or adjusted to the best infor-
mation available. The data appearing below is summarized largely from the 1940
Statistical Report, the one last issued at this date.
The Seventh-day Adventist denomination was organized May 21, 1863, with a
constituency of 125 churches and 3,500 members. The work was largely confined
to North America until the year 1874, when the first missionary, Elder J.. N.
Andrews, was sent to Switzerland. Gradually other countries were entered. In
1886 a minister went to Russia, the first non-Protestant country in which this work
was started. The schooner "Pitcairn" was launched in San Francisco Bay on
July 28, 1890, and was soon prepared to carry groups of missionaries to various
Pacific islands. In 1894 Seventh-day Adventist workers first entered a heathen
land, opening a mission in Matabeleland, South Africa. South America was entered
the same year, and Japan in 1896.
Since 1901 to the close of 1940, 4,693 missionaries have been sent out for mission
service in various lands, occupying all of the larger countries of the world and
many of the islands of the sea. At the close of 1940 Seventh-day Adventists were
conducting work in 412 countries, islands, and island groups. Twenty-nine thou-
sand eight hundred sixteen evangelistic and institutional workers were using in
their work 824 languages and modes of speech.
The membership of the 8,924 Seventh-day Adventist churches throughout the
world in 1940 was 504,762. There were 69 union conferences and missions, 136
local conferences, 194 regularly organized mission fields, and 521 institutions.
Of the 29,816 laborers, 11,426 were in North America, and 18,390 in other countries.
The funds in tithes and offerings contributed in 1940 by Seventh-day Adventists
were the largest ever raised by the denomination during any one year. The amount
of $14,226,329.58 was a per capita contribution of $28.18 for every member in the
world field. In North America alone the per capita giving in tithes and offerings
was $53.38.
The Statistical Report showed that there were 83 Seventh-day Adventist pub-
lishing houses and branches, whose book and periodical retail sales in 1940 were
$4,324,906.93. These publishing houses employed 1,255 workers in producing this
literature, and 3,062 more were engaged in its distribution. Seventh-day Adventist
literature has been printed in 202 languages, and there were 329 periodicals issued.
The enrollment in the 14,817 Sabbath schools was 618,507, and the annual
Sabbath school contributions were $1,765,277.38. Sanitariums, hospitals, and treat-
ment rooms, to the number of 90, engaged in the care of the sick, with 6,184 physi-
cians, nurses, and other attendants, who treated 730,937 patients during 1940.
There were 2,626 elementary schools, and 251 secondary and advanced schools,
with 5,867 teachers employed, and an enrollment of 110,779 pupils. At the close
of the 1940-41 school year 1,247 students entered some line of denominational work.
The property value of all organizations and institutions connected with the
Seventh-day Adventist denomination, including churches, at the close of 1940, was
The total amount of funds in tithes and offerings contributed since the organ-
ization of the Seventh-day Adventist General Conference in 1863 to the close of
1940 was $293,822,040.09. Literature sales for the same period were registered as
Workers have reported entering 59 countries or island groups and starting work
in 246 new languages and dialects during the five years from 1935 to 1940.

Seventh-day Adventists hold certain fundamental beliefs, the principal features
of which, together with a portion of the scriptural references upon which they are
based, may be summarised as follows:
1. That the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were given by
inspiration of God, contain an all-sufficient revelation of His will to men, and are
the only unerring rule of faith and practice. 2 Tim. 3:15-17.
2. That the Godhead, or Trinity, consists of the Eternal Father, a personal,
spiritual Being, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, infinite in wisdom and love;
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal Father, through whom all things were
created and through whom the salvation of the redeemed hosts will be accomplished ;
the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Godhead, the great regenerating power in
the work of redemption. Matt. 28:19.
3. That Jesus Christ is very God, being of the same nature and essence as the
Eternal Father. While retaining His divine nature He took upon Himself the
nature of the human family, lived on the earth as a man, exemplified in His life
as our Example the principles of righteousness, attested His relationship to God by
many mighty miracles, died for our sins on the cross, was raised from the dead, and
ascended to the Father, where He ever lives to make intercession for us. John
1 :1, 14 ; Heb. 2 :9-18 ; 8 :1, 2 ; 4 :14-16 ; 7 :25.
4. That every person in order to obtain salvation must experience the new birth ;
that this comprises an entire transformation of life and character by the recreative
power of God through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. John 3:16 ; Matt. 18:3 ;
Acts 2:37-39.
5. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church and should follow
repentance and forgiveness of sins. By its observance faith is shown in the death,
burial, and resurrection of Christ. That the proper form of baptism is by immer-
sion. Rom. 6 :1-6 ; Acts 16 :30-33.
6. That the will of God as it relates to moral conduct is comprehended in His
law of ten commandments ; that these are great moral, unchangeable precepts,
binding upon all men, in every age. Ex. 20:1-17.
7. That the fourth commandment of this unchangeable law requires the observ-
ance of the seventh day Sabbath. This holy institution is at the same time a
memorial of creation and a sign of sanctification, a sign of the believer's rest from
his own works of sin, and his entrance into the rest of soul which Jesus promises
to those who come to Him. Gen. 2:1-3 ; Ex. 20:8-11 ; 31:12-17 ; Heb. 4:1-10.
8. That the law of ten commandments points out sin, the penalty of which is
death. The law cannot save the transgressor from his sin, nor impart power to
keep him from sinning. In infinite love and mercy, God provides a way whereby
this may be done. He furnishes a substitute, even Christ the Righteous One, to die
in man's stead, making "Him to be sin for us, who knew no sin ; that we might be
made the righteousness of God in Him." 2 Cor. 5:21. That one is justified, not by
obedience to the law, but by the grace that is in Christ Jesus. By accepting Christ,
man is reconciled to God, justified by His blood for the sins of the past, and saved
from the power of sin by his indwelling life. Thus the gospel becomes "the power
of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth." Horn. 1:16. This experience is
wrought by the divine agency of the Holy Spirit, who convinces of sin and leads to
the Sin-Bearer, inducting the believer into the new covenant relationship, where the
law of God is written on his heart, and through the enabling power of the in-
dwelling Christ, his life is brought into conformity to the divine precepts. The
honor and merit of this wonderful transformation belong wholly to Christ. 1 John
2 :1.2 : 1 :4 ; Horn. 3:20 ; 5 :8-10 : 7 :7 Eph. 2:8-10 3 :17 ; Gal. 2 :20 : Heb. 8 :8-12.

9. That God "only hath immortality." 1 Tim. 6 :15. Mortal man possesses a
nature inherently sinful and dying. Eternal life is the gift of God through faith in
Christ. Rom. 6:23. "He that hath the Son hath life." 1 John 5:12. Immortality
is bestowed upon the righteous at the second coming of Christ, when the righteous
dead are raised from the grave and the living righteous translated to meet the Lord.
Then it is that those accounted faithful "put on immortality." 1 Con 15:51-55.
10. That the condition of man in death is one of unconsciousness. That all men,
good and evil alike, remain in the grave from death to the resurrection. Eccl.
9:5, 6 ; Ps. 146 :3, 4 ; John 5:28, 29.
11. That there shall be a resurrection both of the just and of the unjust. The
resurrection of the just will take place at the second coming of Christ; the resur-
rection of the unjust will take place a thousand years later, at the close of the
millennium. John 5:28, 29 ; 1 Thess. 4:13-18 ; Rev. 20:5-10.
12. That the finally impenitent, including Satan, the author of sin, will, by the
fires of the last day, be reduced to a state of non-existence, becoming as though they
had not been, thus purging God's universe of sin and sinners. Rom. 6:23; Mal.
4:1-3 ; Rev. 20:9, 10 ; Obadiah 16.
13. That no prophetic period is given in the Bible to reach to the second advent,
but that the longest one, the 2300 days of Dan. 8:14, terminated in 1844, and
brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
14. That the true sanctuary, of which the tabernacle on earth was a type, is the
temple of God in Heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of
which the Lord Jesus, as our great high priest, is minister; and that the priestly
work of our Lord is the antitype of the work of the Jewish priests of the former
dispensation ; that this heavenly sanctuary is the one to be cleansed at the end of
the 2300 days of Daniel 8:14; its cleansing being, as in the type, a work of judg-
ment, beginning with the entrance of Christ as the high priest upon the judgment
phase of His ministry in the heavenly sanctuary foreshadowed in the earthly service
of cleansing the sanctuary on the day of atonement. This work of judgment in the
heavenly sanctuary began in 1844. Its completion will close human probation.
15. That God, in the time of the judgment and in accordance with His uniform
dealing with the human family in warning them of coming events vitally affecting
their destiny (Amos 3:6, 7.),sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the
second -advent of Christ; tht this work is symbolized by the three angels of
Revelation 14 ; and that their threefold message brings to view a work of reform
to prepare a people to meet Him at His coming.
- 16. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary, synchronizing with the
period of the proclamation of the message of Revelation 14, is a time of investi-
gative judgment, first with reference to the dead; and secondly, with reference to
the living. This investigative judgment determines who of the myriads sleeping in
the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection, and who of its
living multitudes are worthy of translation. 1 Peter 4:17, 18 ; Dan. 7 :9, 10 ; Rev.
14 :6, 7 ; Luke 20 :35.
17. That the followers of Christ should be a godly people, not adopting the
unholy maxims nor conforming to the unrighteous ways of the world, not loving
its sinful pleasures nor countenancing its follies. That the believer should recog-
nize his body as the temple of the Holy Spirit, and that therefore he should clothe
that body in neat, modest, dignified apparel. Further, that in eating and drinking
and in his entire course of conduct he should shape his life as becomes a follower
of the meek and lowly Master. Thus the believer will be led to abstain from all
intoxicating drinks, tobacco, and other narcotics, and the avoidance of every body
and soul defiling habit and practice. 1 Cor. 3:16, 17 ; 9:25 ; 10:31 ; 1 Tim. 2:9, 10 ;
1 John 2:6.
18. That the divine principle of tithes and offerings for the support of the gospel
is an acknowledgment of God's ownership in our lives, and that we are stewards
who must render account to Him of all that He has committed to our possession.
Lev. 27 :30 ; Mal. 3:8-12 ; Matt. 23:23 ; 1 Cor. 9:9-14 : 2 Cor. 9:6-15.
19. That God has placed in His church the gifts of the Holy Spirit, as enu-
merated in 1 Corinthians 12 and Ephesians 4. That these gifts operate in harmony
with the divine principles of the Bible, and are given for the perfecting of the
saints, the work of the ministry, the edifying of the body of Christ. Rev. 12:17 ;
19:10 ; 1 Cor. 1:5-7.

20. That the second coming of Christ is the great hope of the church, the grand
climax of the gospel and plan of salvation. His coming will be literal, personal,
and visible. Many important events will be associated with His return, such as the
resurrection of the dead, the destruction of the wicked, the purification of the earth,
the reward of the righteous, the establishment of His everlasting kingdom. The
almost complete fulfillment of various lines of prophecy, particularly those found
in the books of Daniel and the Revelation, with existing conditions in the physical,
social, industrial, political, and religious worlds, indicates that Christ's coming
"is near, even at the doors." Matt. 24:33. The exact time of that event has not
been foretold. Believers are exhorted to be ready, for "in such an hour as ye think
not the Son of man" (Matt. 24:44) will be revealed. Luke 21:25-27 ; 17:26-30 ;
John 14:1-3 ; Acts 1:9-11; Rev. 1 :7 ; Heb. 9:28 ; James 5:1-8 ; Joel 3:9-16 ; 2 Tim.
3 :1-5 ; Dan. 7 :27 ; Matt. 24 :36, 44.
21. That the millennial reign of Christ covers the period between the first and
the second resurrections, during which time the saints of all ages will live with
their blessed Redeemer in Heaven. At the end of the millennium, the Holy City
with all the saints will descend to the earth. The wicked, raised in the second
resurrection, will go up on the breadth of the earth with Satan at their head to
compass the camp of the saints, when fire will come down from God out of Heaven
and devour them. In the conflagration which destroys Satan and his host, the
earth itself will be regenerated and cleansed from the effects of the curse. Thus
the universe of God will be purified from the foul blot of sin. Revelation 20 ;
Zech. 14:1-4 ; 2 Peter 3:7-10.
22. That God will make all things new. The earth, restored to its pristine
beauty, will become forever the abode of the saints of the Lord. The promise to
Abraham, that through Christ he and his seed should possess the earth throughout
the endless ages of eternity, will be fulfilled. "The kingdom and dominion, and the
greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven will be given to the people of
the saints of the Most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all
dominions shall serve and obey Him." Dan. 7:27. Christ, the Lord, will reign
supreme, and every creature which is in heaven and on the earth and under the
earth, and such as are in the sea, will ascribe "blessing, and honor, and glory, and
power," unto "Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb forever and
ever." Gen. 13 :14-17 ; Rom. 4 :13 ; Heb. 11:8-16 ; Matt. 5:5 ; Isaiah 35 ; Rev. 21:1-7 ;
5:13 ; Dan. 7:27.
Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination

Organized May 21, 1863

Territory: The following-named Division Assistant Treasurer: H. H. Cobban.

Conferences: North American, Aus-
tralasian, Central European, China, General Field Secretaries: F. C. Gilbert,
Far Eastern, Inter-American, North- Meade MacGuire, G. W. Schubert,
ern European, South American, South- Frederick Griggs, M. L. Andreasen,
ern African, Southern Asia, Southern W. E. Read, R. Ruhling.
European, Union of Socialist Soviet
Republics. Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard.

Cable Address: Adventist, Washington. Auditor: W. E. Phillips; Associates,

(A B C Code, fifth edition.) Where H. W. Barrows, Claude Conard.
tne above cable address cannot be
used, please address as follows, "Gen- Secretaries of Departments
eral Conference, Washington, D. C.,"
or ',Adventist Headquarters, Washing- Bureau of Home Missions: L. Halswick ;
ton, 1). C." Associates: German, R. Ruhling;
Swedish, Danish-Norwegian, Russian,
Telegraphic Address: General Confer- and Ukrainian, G. E. Nord ; Miscel-
ence, Washington, D. C. (NOT Takoma laneous Languages, L. Halswick ;
Park.) Jewish Department, F. C. Gilbert ;
Spanish, Portuguese, and Indian De-
Express and Freight Address: General partments, H. D. Casebeer.
Conference, Takoma Park, D. C. (Not
Washington.) Consign freight via Educational: H. A. Morrison ; Associ-
B. & 0. Ry. ates, W. H. Teesdale, J. E. Weaver.
Postal Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Home Missionary: R. G. Strickland ;
ington, District of Columbia, U. S. A. Associates, Wm. Butler, W. A. Scharf-
Telephone: GEorgia 0800. fenberg.
Medical: H. M. Walton ; Associates.
Executive Officers M. A. Hollister, D. Lois Burnett.
President: J. L. McElhany.
Ministerial Association: Chairman, J. L.
Vice-Presidents: W. H. Branson, L. H. McElhany ; Secretary, L. E. Froorn ;
Christian, J. F. Wright, W. G. Turner, Associate, R. A. Anderson.
C. H. Watson, A. Minck, N. F.
Brewer, V. T. Armstrong, Glenn North American Negro: G. E. Peters.
Calkins, R. R. Figuhr, N. C. Wilson, Publishing: H. M. Blunden ; Associates,
G. G. Lowry, A. V. Olson. J. J. Strahle. E. E. Franklin.
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw ; Asso-
Associate Secretaries: A. W. Cormack, ciate, C. S. Longacre.
H. T. Elliott, T. J. Michael. Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens; Asso-
Office Secretary: Roger Altman. ciates, S. A. Wellman, W. K. Ising.
Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
A. W. Peterson ; Associates, C. L.
Undertreasurer: W. H Williams. Bond, D. A. Ochs.
President: J. L. McElhany. Union Conference Presidents:
General Vice-Presidents: W. H. Bran- Atlantic: M. L. Rice.
son, L. H. Christian, J. F. Wright. Canadian: W. B. Ochs.
Central: N. C. Wilson.
Secretary: E. D. Dick. Columbia: F. H. Robbins.
Lake: J. J. Nethery.
Associate Secretaries: A. W. Cormack, Northern: M. V. Campbell.
H. T. Elliott, T. J. Michael. North Pacific: E. L. Neff.
Treasurer: W. E. Nelson. Pacific: L. K. Dickson.
Southern: J. K. Jones.
Undertreasurer: W. H. Williams. Southwestern: J. W. Turner.
Assistant Treasurer: H. H. Cobban.
Ex-President of General Conference:
W. A. Spicer. President: C. H. Watson.
Union President: E. B. Rudge.
General Field Secretaries: F. C. Gilbert,
Meade MacGuire, G. W. Schubert, Central European
Frederick Griggs, M. L. Andreasen,
W. E. Read, R. Ruhling. President: A. Minck.
Secretary: 0. Schildhauer.
Statistical Secretary: Claude Conard. Treasurer: M. Voigt.
Field Secretary: E. Gugel.
Auditors: W. E. Phillips, H. W. Bar-
rows. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretaries of General Departments Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Bureau of Home Missions: L. Halswick ; Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
Associates: German, R. Ruhling; M. Busch.
Swedish, Danish-Norwegian, Russian, Medical: L. E. Conradi.
and Ukrainian, G. E. Nord; Miscel- Publishing: H. Box.
laneous Languages, L. Halswick ; Union Presidents:
Jewish Department, F. C. Gilbert ; East Geiman: M. Budnick.
Spanish, Portuguese, and Indian De- Netherlands: J. Wintzen.
partments, H. D. Casebeer. South German: G. Seng.
Educational: H. A. Morrison ; Associ- West German: C. A. Motzer.
ates, W. H. Teesdale, J. E. Weaver.
Home Missionary: R. G. Strickland ;
Associates, Wm. Butler, W. A. Scharf- Arabic (administered temporarily by the
f enberg. General Conference) : G. Keough.
Hungarian (administered temporarily
Medical: H. M. Walton ; Associates, by the Southern European Division) :
M. A. Hollister, D. Lois Burnett. L. Michnay.
Ministerial Association: Chairman, J. L. China
McElhany ; Secretary, L. E. Froom ;
Associate, R. A. Anderson. President: N. F. Brewer.
Secretary: S. L. Frost.
North American Negro: G. E. Peters. Treasurer: W. I. Hilliard.
Publishing: H. M. Blunden ; Associates, Departmental Secretaries:
J. J. Strahle, E. E. Franklin. Educational: --.
Home Missionary:
Religious Liberty: H. H. Votaw ; Asso- Medical: C. L. Dale.
ciate, C. S. Longacre. Missionary Volunteer:
Sabbath School: J. A. Stevens; Associ- Publishing: E. L. Longway.
ates, S. A. Wellman, W. K. Ising.. Sabbath School: Bessie Mount.
Young People's Missionary Volunteer: Union Presidents:
A. W. Peterson ; Associates, C. L. Central China: G. J. Appel.
Bond, D. A. Ochs. East China: 0. A. Hall.
Northwest China: M. C. Warren.
North America South China: A. L. Ham.
Vice-President: W. G. Turner. West China: C. B. Miller.

Far Eastern Union Presidents:

President: V. T. Armstrong. Austral: E. N. Lugenbeal.
Secretary: W. P. Bradley. East Brazil: J. L. Brown.
Treasurer: P. L. Williams. Inca: L. D. Minner.
North Brazil: L. B. Halliwell.
Departmental Secretaries: South Brazil.
Educational: W. P. Bradley.
Home Missionary: Southern African
Sabbath School and Young People's President:
Missionary Volunteer:
Medical: Secretary: Milton Robison.
Publishing: . Treasurer and Auditor: C. W. Bozarth.
Departmental Secretaries:
Union Presidents: Educational, Milton Robinson.
Chosen: Home Missionary and Publishing: L. A.
Japan: S. Ogura. Vixie.
Malayan: E. A. Moon. Medical:
Netherlands East Indies. Religious Liberty, Sabbath School, and
Philippine: L. C. Wilcox. Young People's Missionary Volunteer:
G. E. Shankel.
President: Glenn Calkins. Union Presidents:
Secretary-Treasurer: Angola:
Congo: J. R. Campbell.
Departmental Secretaries: South Africa: F. G. Clifford.
Educational and Young People's Mis- Southeast Africa: C. W. Curtis.
sionary Volunteer: A. H. Roth. Zambesi: G. R. Nash.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Southern Asia
W. Amundsen.
Publishing: W. A. Bergherm. President: G. G. Lowry.
Religious Liberty: Glenn Calkins. Secretary-Treasurer: A. F. Tarr.
Union Presidents: Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Young People's Mis-
Antillian: W. E. Murray. sionary Volunteer: J. M. Steeves.
Caribbean: E. E. Andross. Field Missionary: J. M. Hnatyshyn.
Central American: Home Missionary and Sabbath School:
Colombia-Venezuela: W. H. Bergherm. E. D. Thomas.
Mexican: --. Medical: G. A. Nelson.
Northern European Religious Liberty: R. B. Thurber.
Work temporarily being administered Union Presidents:
from the General Conference office at Burma: E. M. Meleen.
Washington, D. C., except as otherwise Northeast India: F. H. Loasby.
indicated. Northwest India: 0. 0. Mattison.
South India.
Union Presidents: Western India: F. P. Spiess.
British: H. W. Lowe. Southern European
East Nordic: G. A. Lindsay. President: A. V. Olson.
Gold Coast: J. Clifford. Secretary: W. R. Beach.
Kenya (administered temporarily by the Treasurer and Auditor: F. Brennwald.
Southern African Division) : S. G. Departmental Secretaries:
Maxwell. Educational: W. R. Beach.
Nigerian: W. McClements. Home Missionary: H. Struve.
Upper Nile (administered temporarily Medical and Religious Liberty: J. Nuss-
by the Southern African Division) : baum, 49 Avenue de la Grande Armee,
V. E. Toppenberg. Paris 16, France.
West Nordic: P. G. Nelsen. Publishing: F. Charpiot.
Sabbath School and Young People's
South American Missionary Volunteer: Robert Gerber.
President: R. R. Figuhr.
Secretary: H. 0. Olson. Union Presidents:
Treasurer: F. L. Harrison. Franco-Belgian: 0. Meyer.
Indian Ocean Union: E. Benezech.
Departmental Secretaries: Italian: L. Beer.
Educational and Young People's Mis- Jugoslavian: A. Lorencin.
sionary Volunteer: N. W. Dunn. North African: J. de Caenel.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School: Portuguese: A. D. Gomes.
E. M. Davis. Rumanian: D. Florea.
Publishing: J. C. Culpepper. Swiss: Robert Gerber.

Union of Socialist Soviet Republics Wilcox, P. T. Magan, W. A. Ruble,

No reports have been received regard- M. C. Taft, W. E. Howell, M. V.
ing officers. Tucker, H. G. Childs, M. E. Kern,
I. H. Evans, G. W. Wells, H. J. Kloo-
Elective Members ster, C. B. Haynes, J. J. Ireland,
0. Montgomery, W. P. Elliott, F. M. B. G. Wilkinson, H. W. Vollmer.

The Departments of the General Conference named below, while doing
work, some of them prior to the time the General Conference was organ-
ized, and some at a much later date, were organized under the terms of
the General Conference Constitution at the dates mentioned in each case.
BUREAU OF HOME MISSIONS Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Organized 1933 South America.
Southern African: Milton Robison,
Office: General Conference, Takoma Grove Ave., Claremont, Cape Prov-
Park, Washington, D. C. ince, South Africa.
General Secretary: L. Halswick. Southern Asia: J. M. Steeves, Box 15,
Poona, India.
Associate Secretaries: Southern European: W. R. Beach,
R. Ruhling for German Department. Hiffieweg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
Address: Takoma Park, Washing- Union Secretaries
ton, D. C.
L. Halswick for Miscellaneous Lan- Atlantic: R. L. Hubbs, South Lancas-
guages in North America. Address: ter, Mass.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Canadian: D. N. Reiner, Box 396,
F. C. Gilbert for Jewish Department. Oshawa, Ontario, Canada.
Address: Takoma Park, Washing, Central: G. R. Fattic, 4547 Calvert St.,
D. C. Lincoln, Nebr.
H. D. Casebeer for Spanish, Portu- Columbia: J. P. Neff, 900 Carroll Ave.,
guese and North American Indian. Takoma Park, D. C.
Address: 223 N. Sinclair Ave., Lake: V. P. Lovell, Box C, Berrien
Glendale, Calif. Springs, Mich.
G. E. Nord, Scandinavian Department Northern: K. L. Gant, 2718 Third Ave.,
and Russian-Ukrainian Languages. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
Address: 4425 Calvert St., Lincoln, North Pacific: H. C. Klement, 202 S.
Nebr. Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash.
Pacific: A. C. Nelson, Box 146, Glen-
Bureau Committee: L. Halswick, Chair- dale, Calif.
man ; H. D. Casebeer, L. H. Christian, Southern: C. A. Russell, Box 449, De-
H. T. Elliott, F. C. Gilbert, G. E. catur, Ga.
Nord, R. Ruhling, W. G. Turner, Southwestern: R. L. Roy, Keene, Tex.
W. H. Williams.
College PresidentsNorth America
EDUCATIONAL DEPARTMENT G. W. Bowers, College Place, Wash.
G. E. Jones, South Lancaster, Mass.
Organized 1902 M. E. Kern, Takoma Park, D. C.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- H. J. Klooster, Berrien Springs, Mich.
ington, D. C. P. T. Magan, 304 North Boyle Ave.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
Officers M. E. Olsen, Takoma Park, D. C.
Secretary: H. A. Morrison. A. H. Rulkoetter, College View Station,
Associate Secretaries: W. H. Teesdale, Lincoln, Nebr.
J. E. Weaver. W. I. Smith, Angwin, Calif._
B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park, D. C.
Division Secretaries
Junior College Presidents
Australasian: 11. H. McMahon, Wah- North America
roonga. New South Wales, Australia.
Central European: -- E. E. Cossentine. Arlington, Calif.
China: - H. H. Hamilton, Keene, Tex.
Far Eastern: W. P. Bradley, Box 226, H. M. Johnson, College Heights, Al-
Singapore, Straits Settlements. berta, Canada.
Inter-American: A. H. Roth, Box 2006, J. L. Moran, Huntsville, Ala.
Balboa, Canal Zone. C. W. Shankel, Oshawa, Ontario, Can-
Northern European: ada.
South American: N. W. Dunn, Calle J. C. Thompson, Collegedale, Tenn.

Foreign School Directors Central European: M. Busch, Regens-

(Colleges and Junior Colleges) burger Str. 22, V., Berlin W. 50,
C. A. Carter, Box 1674, Kowloon, Hong China: --,
Kong, China. Far Eastern:
F. Charpiot, Collonges sous Saleve, Inter-American: Wesley Amundsen,
Haute Savoie, France. Box 2006, Balboa, Canal Zone.
R. A. Garner, Mussoorie, U. P., India. Northern European:
T. C. Lawson, Cooranbong, N. S. W., South American: E. M. Davis, Calle
Australia. Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
G. H. Minchin, 401 Upper Serangoon South America.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Southern Africa: L. A. Vixie, Grove
W. G. C. Murdoch, Newbold Missionary Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa.
College, Rugby, Warwick, England. Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box 15,
Domingos Peixoto, Colegio Adventista, Poona, India.
Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil, Southern European: H. Struve, Hohe-
South America. weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
E. W. Pohlman, Bangalore Heights,
South India. Union Secretaries
G. E. Shankel, P. 0. Mont Clair, via (All Home Missionary Secretaries of
Somerset West, C. P., South Africa. organized Union Conferences and Un-
M. J. Sorenson, Mandeville, Jamaica,
ion Missions are members ex-officio.)
British West Indies.
T. W. Steen, Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Other Members
Rios, Argentina, South America.
L. M. Stump, Box 1772, Manila, Philip- (All of whom may be addressed at
pine Islands. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.)
H. Yamamoto, Showa-machi, Kimitsu- Roger Altman, H. M. Blunden, L. H.
gun, Chiba-ken, Japan. Christian, M. A. Hollister, F. D.
Nichol, G. E. Peters, A. W. Peterson,
Other Members J. L. Shuler, J. D. Snider, J. A.
The following to be addressed at Stevens, W. G. Turner, W. H. Wil-
Takoma Park, D. C.: liams.
D. Lois Burnett, Claude Conard, E. D.
Dick, L. E. Froom, C. S. Longacre,
A. W. Peterson, A. W. Werline. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT
Academy Principals: Organized 1902
E. E. Bietz, Cicero, Ind.
A. J. Olsen, Auburn, Wash. Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
L. G. Sevrens, South Lancaster, Mass. ington, D. C.
W. H. Shephard, Loveland, Colo.
C. D. Striplin, 700 Kimlin Drive, Officers
Glendale, Calif. Secretary: H. M. Walton.
Board of Regents Associate Secretary: M. A. Hollister.
Associate Secretary for Nurses' Divi-
Secretary and Associate Secretaries sion: D. Lois Burnett.
of the Department of Education, Associate Secretary for Medical Exten-
D. Lois Burnett, E. E. Cossentine, sion: G. A. Roberts, 312 North Boyle
G. R. Fattic, E. F. Heim, E. H. Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Risley, W. I. Smith. Assistant Secretary: Lillian Bragan.
Sectional Counselors
HOME MISSIONARY DEPARTMENT Medical Education: W. E. Macpherson,
Organized 1918 312 N. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Institutions in Western United States:
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- H. W. Vollmer, Box 146, Glendale,
ington, D. C. Calif.
Officers Institutions in Eastern United States:
W. A. Ruble, Melrose, Mass.
Secretary: R. G. Strickland.
Associate Secretaries: W. A. Butler, Division Secretaries
W. A. Scharffenberg.
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. Grace D. Australasian: T. A. Sherwin, War-
Mace. burton, Victoria, Australia.
Division Secretaries Central European: L. E. Conradi, San-
itarium "Waldfriede," Alsenstrasse
Australia: T. A. Mitchell, "Mizpah," 99-109, Berlin-Zehlendorf-West, Ger-
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. many.

China: C. L. Dale, 526 Ningkuo Road, Southern European: A. V. Olson, Hobe-

Shanghai, China. weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
Far Eastern: Detached Overseas Missions: T. J.
Northern European: A. Andersen, Sani- Michael, General Conference, Takoma
tarium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Park, D. C.
Southern African:
Southern Asia: G. A. Nelson, S. D. A. Advisory Council
Mission, Surat, Bombay Presidency,
India. Chairman: J. L. McElhany.
Southern European: J. Nussbaum, 49 Secretary: L. E. Froom.
Avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris
16e, France. General Advisory Group
(All union conference medical secreta- General Conference Officers: W. H.
ries are members ex-officio, and should Branson, L. H. Christian, A. W.
be addressed at the union offices.) Cormack, E. D. Dick, H. T. Elliott,
T. J. Michael, W. E. Nelson, W. G.
Other MembersAdvisory Council Turner, J. F. Wright.
H. M. Blunden, Claude Conard, H. T. General Members: G. K. Abbott, M. L.
Elliott, L. E. Froom, J. L. McElhany, Andreasen, R. L. Boothby, T. G.
H. A. Morrison, A. W. Peterson, R. G. Bunch, L. K. Dickson, W. P. Elliott,
Strickland, W. G. Turner, F. M. Wilcox, I. H. Evans, C. B. Haynes, W. E.
all of whom may be addressed at Howell, M. E. Kern, George Keough,
Takoma Park, D. C. H. W. Lowe, G. A. Lindsay, Meade
D. H. Kress, 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando, MacGuire, P. G. Nelson, F. D. Nichol,
Fla. H. M. S. Richards, E. B. Rudge, J. L.
The President and Deans of the College Shuler, Mary A. Walsh, F. M. Wilcox.
of Medical Evangelists. Departmental Members: R. A. Ander-
The Medical director, business man- son, H. M. Blunden, Mable A. Hink-
ager, and director of nurses in each house, Louise C. Kleuser, C. S. Long-
. regularly organized and denomina- acre, G. E. Peters, A. W. Peterson,
tionally recognized medical institu- J. A. Stevens, W. H. Teesdale, W. A.
tion. Scharffenberg, H. M. Walton.
Editors of denominational health jour-
nals. North American Members at Large:
Union Presidents: H. J. Detwiler, J.
K. Jones, W. B. Ochs, M. L. Rice.
Local Presidents: M. V. Campbell, 0.
Conaughey, W. A. Nelson, J. J. Reis-
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- wig, H. L. Rudy.
ington, D. C.
Official Organ: The Ministry (48-page Evangelists and Pastors: C. J. Coon,
monthly). R. F. Cottrell, F. W. Detamore, L.
C. Evans, R. S. Fries, F. L. Peterson,
C. S. Prout, C. A. Reeves, B. R.
Officers Spear, D. E. Venden, A. E. Webb.
Secretary: L. E. Froom. Educators and Teachers: E. H. Emmer-
Associate Secretary: R. A. Anderson. son, F. B. Jensen, V. J. Johns, H. J.
Assistant Secretary: Louise C. Kleuser, Klooster, L. A. Semmens, E. R.
Thiele, B. G. Wilkinson, L. H. Wood,
Division Association Secretaries F. H. Yost.
Australasian: E. E. Roenfelt, "Mizpah," Gospel Musicians: P. 0. Campbell,
Harold Graham, L. R. Mansell, L. C.
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Metcalfe, H. A. Miller.
China: 0. A. Hall, P. 0. Box 145,
Baguio, Philippine Islands. Denominational Editors: Frederick Lee,
Far Eastern: A. S. Maxwell.
Inter-American: Glenn Calkins, Box Bible Workers: Mrs. Irene Anderson,
2006, Balboa, Canal Zone. Rose E. Boose, Mrs. Dorothy W.
Northern European: - - Conklin, Mrs. Howard A. Curran,
South American: H. 0. Olson, Calle Mrs. Jessie M. Heslip, Addie Mae
Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Kalar, Pearl Stafford.
South America.
Southern African: W. H. Anderson, Overseas Division Members
Grove Avenue, Claremont, Cape,
South Africa. Presidents of Divisions (ex-officio), and
Southern Asia: R. 13. Thurber, Box 15, Division Association Secretaries, as
Poona, India. listed above.

NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO Chungking, Szechwan, China.

Organized 1909 Inter-American: W. A. Bergherm, Box
2006, Balboa, Canal Zone.
Secretary: G. E. Peters, Takoma Park, Northern European.
Washington, D. C. South American: J. C. Culpepper, Calle
Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Other Members South America.
Southern African: L. A. Vixie, Grove
L. H. Bland, 4250 Tireman St., Detroit, Ave., Claremont, Cape 'Province,
Mich. South Africa.
J. E. Cox, 406 Jefferson Ave., Brook- Southern Asia: J. M. Hnatyshyn, Box
lyn, N. Y. 15, Poona, India.
J. G. Dasent, 2616 Republic Street, Southern European: F. Charpiot, HOhe-
New Orleans, La. weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
L. K. Dickson, Box 146, Glendale, Calif.
J. E. Johnson, 606 N St., N. W., Wash- Ex-officio Members
ington, D. C.
J. K. Jones, 437 Ponce de Leon Ave., Union Field Missionary Secretaries.
Atlanta, Ga. Publishing House Managers (see list
F. S. Keitts, 437 Ponce de Leon Ave., in directories of Publishing Houses
Atlanta, Ga. in later pages).
H. W. Kibble, 100 Barclay St., Apt. Managers of Book and Periodical De-
2-A, Newark, N. J. partments and Branches.
J. L. Moran, Oakwood Junior College, Superintendents and Treasurers of pub-
Huntsville, Ala. lishing houses.
J. J. Nethery, Box C, Berrien Springs,
Michigan. Other Members
F. L. Peterson, 127 E. 47th Street, N. F. Brewer, P. 0. Box 145, Baguio,
Los Angeles, Calif. Philippine Islands.
M. L. Rice, South Lancaster, Mass. Glenn Calkins, Box 2006, Balboa, Canal
F. H. Robbins, 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Zone.
koma Park, D. C. R. R. Figuhr, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos
T. M. Rowe, 269 Lenox Ave., New Aires, Argentina, South America.
York, N. Y. G. G. Lowry, Box 15, Poona, India.
J. G. Thomas, 715 N. Lee St., Americus, J. L. McElhany, Takoma Park, D. C.
Ga. T. J. Michael, Takoma Park, D. C.
J. W. Turner, Keene, Tex. A. Minck, Regensburger Str. 22, V.,
W. G. Turner, Takoma Park, D. C. Berlin W. 50, Germany.
J. H. Wagner, 824 Harlem Ave., Balti- A. V. Olson, liblieweg 17, Berne,
more, Md. Switzerland.
A. E. Webb, 2524 Tracy, Kansas City, R. G. Strickland, Takoma Park, D. C.
Missouri. W. G. Turner, Takoma Park, D. C.
N. C. Wilson, 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, C. H. Watson, "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Nebr. New South Wales, Australia.

Organized 1902 Organized 1902
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D. C. ington, D. C.
Officers Officers

Secretary: H. M. Blunden. Secretary: H. H. Votaw.

Associate Secretaries: J. J. Strahle, E. Associate Secretary: C. S. Longacre.
E. Franklin. Division Secretaries
Office Secretary: Mrs. Nell H. Hunter.
Australasian: R. E. Hare, "Mizpah,"
Division Secretaries Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
China: N. F. Brewer, P. 0. Box 145,
Australasian: J. J. Potter, J. R. Kent, Baguio, Philippine Islands.
H. Stacey, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Far Eastern: V. T. Armstrong, Box
New South Wales, Australia. 226, Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Central European: H. B8x, Regens- Inter-American: Glenn Calkins, Box
burger Str. 22, V., Berlin W. 50, 2006, Balboa, Canal Zone.
Germany. North American: W. G. Turner, Takoma
China: E. L. Longway, S. D. A. Mission, Park, D. C.

Northern European: China: Miss Bessie Mount, P. 0. Box

South American: R. R. Figuhr, Calle 145, Baguio, Philippine Islands.
Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Far Eastern.
South America. Inter-American: W. Amundsen, Box
Southern African: G. E. Shankel, Grove 2006, Balboa, Canal Zone.
Ave., Claremont, Cape, South Africa. Northern European.
Southern Asia: It. B. Thurber, Box 15, South American: E. M. Davis, Calle
Poona, India. Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina,
Southern European: J. Nussbaum, 49 South America.
avenue de la Grande Armee, Paris Southern African: G. E. Shankel, Grove
16e, France. Ave., Claremont, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Union Secretaries Southern Asia: E. D. Thomas, Box .15,
Poona, India.
The Religious Liberty secretaries of the Southern European: R. Gerber, Hohe-
Union Conferences and Union Mis- weg 17, Berne, Switzerland.
sions are members ex-officio.
Other Members Other Members

H. M. Blunden, W. A. Butler, L. H. H. M. Blunden, H. H. Cobban, H. T.

Christian, E. D. Dick, W. P. Elliott, Elliott, Louise Kleuser, A. W. Peter-
I. H. Evans, L. E. Froom, F. C. son, R. G. Strickland, J. E. Weaver.
Gilbert, W. H. Hackett, C. B. Haynes,
M. E. Kern, Frederick Lee, J. L. Mc- Sabbath School Lesson Committee
Elhany, H. A. Morrison, W. E. Nel- Resident Members: Roger Altman, M.
son, F. D. Nichol, W. A. Spicer, L. Andreasen, T. E. Bowen, L. H.
J. A. Stevens, R. G. Strickland, M. Christian, H. T. Elliott, Rosamond
C. Taft, G. W. Wells, F. M. Wilcox, D. Ginther, B. P. Hoffman, W. K.
B. G. Wilkinson, J. F. Wright, all of Ising, Frederick Lee, D. E. Robin-
whom may be addressed at Takoma son, J. A. Stevens, W. H. Teesdale,
Park, Washington, D. C. W. G. Turner, Margaret Weir, S. A.
A. R. Bell, 2209 Young St., Bellingham, Wellman, J. F. Wright, F. H. Yost.
Wash. Non-Resident Members: W. T. Bartlett,
V. J. Johns, Loma Linda, Calif. F. M. Burg, M. Busch, L. L. Cavi-
Samuel Kaplan, 1783 Marmion Ave., ness, R. Gerber, F. B. Jensen, G. M.
New York, N. Y. Masters, 0. Montgomery, Andrew
L. H. King, Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Nelson, H. M. Tippett, W. H. Wake-
A. S. Maxwell, Mountain View, Calif. ham.
J. E. Shultz, 2119 Twenty-fourth Ave.,
N., Nashville, Tenn.
Hon. George A. Williams, Fairmont,
W. G. Wirth, 5447 El Verano Ave., OF MISSIONARY VOLUNTEERS
Eagle Rock, Calif.
Organized 1907 ; made a Department by
General Conference Constitution 1909
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Organized 1902 Officers.

Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Secretary: Alfred W. Peterson.

ington, D. C. Associate Secretaries: C. Lester Bond,
Daniel A. Ochs.
Officers Office Secretary: Mrs. Marjorie W.
Secretary: J. A. Stevens. Marsh.
Associate Secretaries: S. A. Wellman,
W. K. Ising. Division Secretaries
Assistant Secretary: Rosamond D. Australasian: E. L. Minchin, "Mizpah,"
Office Secretary: Margaret Weir. Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus-
Division Secretaries Central European: M. Busch, Regens-
burger Strasse 22, V., Berlin W. 50,
Australasian: G. M. Masters, "Mizpah," Germany.
Wahroonga, New South Wales, Aus- China.
tralia. Far Eastern: --
Central European: M. Busch, Regens- Inter-American: A. H. Roth, Box 2006,
burger Str. 22, V., Berlin W. 50, Balboa, Canal Zone.
Germany. Northern European :

South American: N. W. Dunn, Calle COMMISSION ON NATIONAL SERV-

Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, ICE AND MEDICAL CADET TRAIN-
Southern African: G. E. Shankel, Grove FERENCE OF SEVENTH-
Ave., Claremont, Cape Province, DAY ADVENTISTS
South Africa.
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
Southern Asia: J. 114. Steeves, Salisbury ington, D. C.
Park, Poona, India.
Southern European: Robert Gerber, Officers:
Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzerland. Chairman, W. H. Branson.
Director of Cadet Training, E. N.
Union Secretaries Secretary, Carlyle B. Haynes.
All union conference and union mission Members: F. G. Ashbaugh, W. H. Bran-
Missionary Volunteer secretaries. (To son, E. N. Dick, H. T. Elliott,
be addressed at their respective of- Carlyle B. Haynes, T. J. Michael, H.
fices.) A. Morrison, A. W. Peterson, C. P.
Sorensen, H. H. Votaw, H. M. Wal-
Other Members ton.
(All of whom may be addressed at
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.,
unless another address is given.) ELLEN G. WHITE PUBLICATIONS
The General Conference officers, H.
M. Blunden, Lora E. Clement, E. W. An organization formed in harmony
Everest (Mountain View, Calif.), L. E. with the trust created in the will of
Froom, M. E. Kern, Meade MacGuire the late Ellen G. White, to act as her
(Route 5, Box 1304, Modesto, Calif.), agent in the custody of her writings,
J. L. Moran (Oakwood Junior College, and in the promotion of their continued
Huntsville, Ala.), H. A. Morrison, publication in all lands.
G. E. Peters, J. D. Snider, A. W. Office Address: General Conference,
Spalding, J. A. Stevens, R. G. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Strickland, W. H. Teesdale, H. H.
Votaw, H. M. Walton, C. E. Weaks Officers: President, F. M. Wilcox; Sec-
(2119 - 24th Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn.), retary, A. L. White.
J. E. Weaver.
Board of Trustees: The five trustees ap-
pointed by Ellen G. White, or their
successors: F. M. Wilcox, J. L. Mc-
Elhany, M. E. Kern, W. E. Howell,
A. L. White.
Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing.
Chairman, J. L. McElhany. Incorporated 1916
Vice-Chairman and Secretary, C. S.
Longacre. Legal Title: "General Conference As-
Treasurer, W. E. Nelson. sociation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Committee: F. G. Ashbaugh, R. L. Constituency: The General Conference
Benton, H. M. Blunden, C. L. Bond, delegates.
Lora E. Clement, E. D. Dick, I. H.
Evans, N. G. Evans, H. T. Elliott, Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash-
L. E. Froom, W. H. Hackett, L. A. ington, D. C.
Hansen, C. B. Haynes, W. B. Holden,
M. A. Hollister, W. E. Howell, J. K. Officers:
Jones, M. E. Kern, D. H. Kress,
President, J. L. McElhany.
Ernest Lloyd, C. S. Longacre, P. T.
Magan, J. L. McElhany, H. A. Morri- Secretary, H. H. Cobban.
son, E. L. Neff, J. J. Nethery, F. D. Treasurer, W. E. Nelson.
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams.
Nichol, J. F. Piper, A. W. Peterson,
D. E. Reiner, M. L. Rice, E. H. Board of Trustees: B. H. Cobban,
Risley, W. A. Ruble, J. D. Snider, Claude Conard, E. D. Dick, H. T.
J. A. Stevens, R. G. Strickland, H. H. Elliott, J. L. McElhany, W. E. Nel-
Votaw, H. M. Walton, J. E. Weaver, son, W. G. Turner, F. M. Wilcox,
F. M. Wilcox, B. G. Wilkinson. W. H. Williams.


ADVENTISTS Board of Trustees: Claude Conard, H.
T. Elliott, W. P. Elliott, M. E. Kern,
Incorporated 1904 W. E. Nelson, M. C. Taft, F. M.
Legal Title: "General Conference Cor- Wilcox.
poration of Seventh-day Adventists."
Constituency: The General Conference PUBLICITY BUREAU
delegates. Secretary: C. B. Haynes, Takoma Park,
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Washington, D. C.
ington, D. C.
President, J. L. McElhany.
Secretary, H. H. Cobban. Superintendent of Transportation: W.
Treasurer, W. E. Nelson. E. Nelson, Takoma Park, Washing-
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams. ton, D. C. (Also general agent for
trans-Atlantic steamship lines.) As-
Board of Trustees: H. H. Cobban, sistant, W. H. Williams.
Claude Conard, E. D. Dick, H. T.
Elliott, J. L. McElhany, W. E. Nel- General Transportation Agent: G. C.
son, W. G. Turner, F. M. Wilcox, Hoskin, Chicago agency, Bankers
W. H. Williams. Building, 105 West Adams St., Room
1836, Chicago, Ill. (Telephone, Ran-
dolph 2899.)
GENERAL CONFERENCE OF SEV- Eastern Transportation Agent: J. W.
ENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS IN- Cole, Room 802 - 30 Irving Place,
SURANCE SERVICE New York, N. Y. (Telephone, Algon-
and quin 4-0979.) Cable Address: "Advent-
ist, New York." (Consign freight to
INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE COM- office address, and express care Atlas
PANY OF TAKOMA PARK, Transportation, 508 West 37th St.,
MARYLAND New York, N. Y.)
6840 Eastern Ave, Takoma Park,
Washington, D. C. Western Transportation Agent and Gen-
eral Agent for Transpacific Steamship
Organized 1936 Lines: H. G. Childs, Pacific Press Pub-
Board of Directors: lishing Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Telephone 527 (Residence telephone
President, J. L. MeElhany. 701). Cable address, "Uprising,"
Vice-President and Treasurer, W. E. Mountain View. (Consign freight
Nelson. and express care Union Transfer
Secretary, W. A. Benjamin. Company, 821 Howard St., San Fran-
Undertreasurer, W. H. Williams. cisco, Calif.) Assistant, I. J. Wood-
Other Members: H. H. Cobban, E. D. man.
Dick, H. T. Elliott, W. P. Elliott,
W. B. Mohr, J. H. Nies, C. C. London Transportation Agent: C. H.
Pulver. Anscombe, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg-
ware, Middlesex, England. Cable ad-
dress: "Adventist, London." Tele-
grams, "Adventist, Phone, London."
NORTH AMERICAN CONFERENCE (Telephone, Edgware 7758.)
DAY ADVENTISTS The treasurers of division fields out-
side of North America and of union
Incorporated 1913 conferences in North America are
Legal Title: "North American Confer- transportation agents for their respec-
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad- tive territories.
Constituency: The General Conference
delegates from the United States and PERSONS HOLDING CREDENTIALS
Office Address: Takoma Park, Wash- Ordained Ministers
ington, D. C.
Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Wash-
Officers: ington, D. C.
President, W. E. Nelson. Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Secretary, Claude Conard. ington, D. C.

Andreasen, M. L., Theological Semi- Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing-

nary, Takoma Park, D. C. ton, D. C.
Armstrong, V. T., Post Box 226, Singa- Klooster, H. J., Emmanuel Missionary
pore, Straits Settlements. College, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Blunden, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando,
ington, D. C. Fla.
Bond, C. L., Takoma Park, Washington, Loasby, R. E. 913 Hadden Drive,
D. C. Takoma Park, D. C.
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Loebsack, H. J. Moscow 10, Mica
ton, D. C. Durowa 22, Whg. 19, U. S. S. R.
Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D. C. ington, D. C.
Brewer, N. F., P. 0. Box 145, Baguio, Lowry, G. G., Box 15, Poona, India.
Philippine Islands. MacGuire, Meade, Route 5, Box 1304,
Butler, W. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Modesto, Calif.
ton, D. C. Magan, P. T., 304 North Boyle Ave.,
Calkins, Glenn, Box 2006, Balboa, Canal Los Angeles, Calif.
Zone. McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Wash-
Campbell, M. N., Route 1, Paw Paw, ington, D. C.
Mich. Michael, T. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Casebeer, H. D., 223 Sinclair Ave., ton, D. C.
Glendale, Calif. Minck, A., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V.,
Christian, L. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Berlin W. 50, Germany.
ington, D. C. Montgomery, 0., 110 E. Smith Ave.,
Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Orlando, Fla.
ington, D. C. Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Cottrell, R. F., 140 Harvey Drive, ington, D. C.
Glendale, Calif. Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Counsell, I. V., Takoma Park, Wash- ington, D. C.
ington, D. C. Nord, G. E., 6011 Prescott St., Lincoln,
Detamore, F. W., Box 55, Los Angeles, Nebr.
Calif. Nordstrom, J. A., 912 W. 31st St.,
Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washington, Minneapolis, Minn.
D. C. Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, Washington,
Eastman, W. W., 1551 Latham St., D. C.
Mountain View, Calif. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing- ton, D. C.
ton, D. C. Olson, A. V., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Elliott, W. P., Takoma Park, Washing- Switzerland.
ton, D. C. Peters, G. E., 1839 California St., N. W.,
Evans', I. H., Takoma Park, Washing- Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Peterson, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Figuhr, R. R., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos ington, D. C.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash- ington, D. C.
ington, D. C. Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
ton, D. C.
Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Richards, H. M. S., Box 55, Los Angeles,
ton, D. C. Calif.
Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park, Washing- Roberts, G. A., White Memorial Hospital,
ton, D. C. Boyle and Michigan' Ayes., Los An-
Griggs, Frederick, 312 N. Boyle Ave., geles, Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif. Robinson, A. T., 4037 Mt. Veeder Road,
Halswick, L., Takoma Park, Washing- Napa, Calif.
ton, D. C. Robinson, D. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Washing- ington, D.. C.
ton, D. C. Ruble, W. A., New England Sanitarium,
Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Washing- Melrose, Mass.
ton, D. C. Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Washing-
Hoffman, B. P., 201 Garland Ave., ton, D. C.
Takoma Park, D. C. Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Hollister, M. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Washington, D. C.
ington, D. C. Schubert, G. W., Route 1, Box 304,
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Anaheim, Calif.
ton, D. C. Schuberth, H. F., Hunibach-Thun,
Ising, W. K., Takoma Park, Washing- Switzerland.
ton, D. C. Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif.
Kaplan, S., 1783 Marmion Ave., New Shuler, J. L., Theological Seminary,
York, N. Y. Takoma Park, D. C.

Spalding, A. W., Madison College, Tenn. Casebeer, George, Box 55, Los Angeles,
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Calif.
ton, D. C. Cobban, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washing- ington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Crane, Wesley, Box 55, Los Angeles,
Strahle, J. J., Takoma Park, Washing- Calif.
ton, D. C. Mattison, C. C., Box 55, Los Angeles,
Strickland, R. G., Takoma Park, Wash- Calif.
ington, D. C. Turner, Raymond, Box 55, Los Angeles,
Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Calif.
ington, D. C. Williams, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Tucker, M. V., 2119-24th Ave., N., ington, D. C.
Nashville, Tenn.
Turner, W. G., Takoma Park, Wash- Licensed Missionaries
ington, D. C. Barrows, H. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Vollmer, H. W., 2215 E. Glenoaks, ington, D. C.
Glendale, Calif. Benjamin, W. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Washing- ington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Bragan, Lillian, Takoma Park, D. C.
Walton, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Burnett, D. Lois, Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D. C. ington, D. C.
Watson, C. H., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Childs, H. G., Mountain View, Calif.
N. S. W., Australia.
Weaver, J. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Conard, Claude, Takoma Park, Wash-
ton, D. C. ington, D. C.
Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Ginther, Rosamond D., Takoma Park,
ington, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Washing- Hunter, Mrs. Nell, Takoma Park, Wash-
ton, D. C. ington, D. C.
Westphal, F. H., 217 N. Verdugo Road, Ireland, J. J., Takoma Park, Washing-
Glendale, Calif. ton, D. C.
Westphal, J. W., Weslaco, Tex. Kleuser, Louise C., Takoma Park, Wash-
White, A. L., Takoma Park, Washing- ington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Mace, Mrs. J. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park, Washing- Marsh, Mrs. Marjorie W., Takoma Park,
ton, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Wilkinson, B. G., Washington Missionary Peck, Sarah, Pacific Press, Mountain
College, Takoma Park, Washington, View, Calif.
D. C. Phillips, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Wood, L. H., Theological Seminary, ington, D. C.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma Park,
Wright, J. F., Takoma Park, Washing- Washington, D. C.
ton, D. C. Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Yost, F. H., Theological Seminary, ton, D. C.
Takoma Park, D. C. Seamont, Robert, Box 55, Los Angeles,
Ziprick, 0. J., 18131/4 Michigan Ave., Calif.
Los Angeles, Calif. Taft, M. C., Takoma Park, Washington,
D. C.
Licensed Ministers Weir, Margaret, Takoma Park, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Beddoe, H. E., Takoma Park, Washing- Williams, Mrs. Flora H., Takoma Park,
ton, D. C. Washington, D. C.
Organized 1901

Territory: The Conferences of Greater BERMUDA MISSION

New York, New York, Northern New
England, Southern New England, and Organized as The Seventh-day Adventist
The Seventh-day Adventist Church Church of Bermuda
of Burmuda. Address: Box 370, Hamilton, Bermuda.
Population: 20,781,407; churches, 203 ;
Population: 30,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem-
members, 14,093.
bership, 190.
Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass.
(Telephone, Clinton 682.)
Superintendent, J. F. Knipschild.
Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Edna L.
President, M. L. Rice. Knipschild.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, W. Departmental Secretaries:
C. Raley.
Executive Committee: M. L. Rice, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
D. A. Bailey, C. M. Bunker, R. J. Y. P. M. V., J. F. Knipschild.
Christian, W. H. Howard, R. L. Ordained Minister: J. F. Knipschild.
Hubbs, G. E. Jones, J. F. Kent, J. F.
Knipschild, W. C. Raley, T. M. Rowe, Licensed Minister: C. A. Nelson.
W. A. Ruble, J. D. Smith.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Home Commission, and FERENCE
Y. P. M. V., R. L. Hubbs.
Field Missionary, J. F. Kent. Organized 1902
Home Missionary, R. J. Christian. Territory: The city of New York ; and
Medical, W. A. Ruble. the following counties in the State of
Negro Representative, T. M. Rowe. New York: Westchester, Rockland,
Religious Liberty and Radio, M. L. Putnam, Orange, Dutchess, Ulster,
Rice. Sullivan, Delaware, Greene, Columbia,
Transportation Agent, W. C. Raley. Nassau, and Suffolk.
Ordained Ministers: Population: 8,448,704 ; churches, 34 ;
members, 4,370.
R. J. Christian, L. H. Hartin, R. L.
Hubbs, G. E. Jones, J. F. Kent, H. K. Office: Room 2605, Paramount Bldg.,
Martin, M. L. Rice, W. -A. Ruble. 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
Honorary: C. L. Blandford, J. F. (Telephone, LOngacre 5-7258.)
Bohner, H. W. Carr, M. R. Coon, Officers:
D. H. Hanson, A. J. Haysmer, H. F.
Kirk, E. E. Osborne, W. W. Rice, President, C. M. Bunker.
A. E. Sanderson, E. W. Thurber, Secretary-Treasurer, J. B. Frank.
D. G. Turk, W. R. Uchtmann, L. S. Executive Committee: C. M. Bunker,
Wheeler. C. Beck, J. B. Frank, E. Guenther,
P. G. Herwick, A. E. Lickey, C. S.
Licensed Ministers: Prout, T. M. Rowe.

G. T. Anderson, Winston Beaven, Departmental Secretaries:

E. R. Colson, C. A. Haysmer, P. C. Book and Bible House, 0. H. Pitts.
Jaynes, I. G. Ortner, W. C. Raley. Educational, Home Commission, Sab-
bath School, and Y. P. M. V., V. W.
Licensed Missionaries: Becker.
Field Missionary, ; Assistant,
H. E. Rice, W. M. Vehorn. C. S. Miles.
Honorary: Eva Daggett, Sophia Home Missionary and Religious Lib-
Gooss, H. P. Hansen, Elizabeth Keh- erty,
rein, Ellery Robinson, Emma Wells.
Ordained Ministers:
Legal Association: "The Atlantic Un- H. J. Alcock, W. R. Andrews, C.
ion Conference Association of Sev- Beck, V. W. Becker, C. M. Bunker,
enth-day Adventists." J. E. Cox, R. W. Engstrom, B. M.

Heald, P. G. Herwick, S. Kaplan, Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Gerald.

A. E. Lickey, D. A. Mozar, E. Ney, (Telephone, Union Springs 4211.)
H. W. Peterson, C. S. Prout, T. M. Executive Committee: W. H. How-
Rowe, H. G. Stoehr, 0. A. Succor, ard, A. S. Anderson, G. A. Coon,
V. C. Townsend, R. Valerio, T. Wil- C. H. Gerald, M. E. Munger, G. E.
son. Personius, S. N. Rittenhouse.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
G. E. A ppleyard, B. Kanachky, L. Book and Bible House, P. 1. Nos-
Ninai, L. D. Pratt. worthy.
Licensed Missionaries: Educational and Sabbath School, Nida
G. Davis.
Mrs. C. Beck, Vesta Cash, J. B. Field Missionary, C. J. Oliver.
Frank, G. M. Harris, Harriet. Hollo- Home Commission, Acting Home Mis-
way, Louise Johnson, Maria Larson, sionary, and Y. P. M. V., A. F. Ruf.
Mrs. H. McDade, Augusta Meyer, C. Radio and Religious Liberty, W. H.
S. Miles, E. Nopper, J. J. North, Howard.
Dorothy Pigott, 0. H. Pitts, Florence
Vollrath, Marion Warrington. Ordained Ministers:
Bible Workers: A. S. Anderson, G. A. Coon, H. P.
Vesta Cash, Harriet Holloway, Louise Gram, Alexander Houghton, W. H.
Johnson, Maria Larson, Augusta Howard, N. S. McLeod, M. E. Mun-
Meyer, Dorothy Pigott, Florence Voll- ger, S. N. Rittenhouse, A. F. Ruf,
rath, Marion Warrington. Joseph Schnetzler, L. R. Scott, D. P.
Church School Teachers:
Walter Arties, Miriam Burgess, Chris- Licensed Ministers:
tine Dyer, Breta Frank, Ida Jane W. P. Atwood, W. A. Fagal, David
Gosse, Emma Hunt, Marie Katcher, Johnson, R. T. Minesinger, C. J.
Helen Mead, Mary Anna Mead, Grace Oliver, E. A. Robertson.
Oakley, Elizabeth Sims, Eunice Wil- Honorary: Albert N. Shafer.
Legal Association: "Greater New York Licensed Missionaries:
Corporation of Seventh-day Advent- Cora Bowers, Nida Davis, Ena Fergu-
ists ;" President, C. M. Bunker ; Sec- son, C. H. Gerald, P. I. Nosworthy,
retary-Treasurer, J. B. Frank. Mabel Vreeland, S. C. Eldridge.
(General Conference S. D. A. Trans- Bible Workers:
portation Agency: 30 Irving Place, Cora Bowers, Ena Ferguson, Mabel
Room 802 ; Telephone, Algonquin Vreeland.
4-0079. J. W. Cole, Transportation
Agent. Cable Address: "Adventist, Church School Teachers:
New York." Consign freight to of-
fice address, and express in care of Mrs. A. S. Anderson, Mrs. Glenn
Atlas Transportation, 508 West 37th Edmister, Esther M. Feltus, Ottilie
St., New York.) Frank, Gerald Greene, Mrs. Gerald
Greene, Doris Larsen, Helen Morris,
Dorothy Musick, Lawrence Myers,
Madge Myers, Mrs. Frank Parkhurst,
Dorothy Pendergast, Mrs. Alice. Peter-
NEW YORK CONFERENCE son, Jean Smith, Mrs. Esther Woodin.
Organized 1922 Legal Assn.: "The New York Confer-
ence Association of S. D. A."
Territory: That portion of the State of
New York north and west of the
formed by the northern boundaries
of Delaware, Greene, and Columbia
Population: 4,500,000 ; churches, 64 ; CONFERENCE
members, 3,047.
Office: 25 Park St., Union Springs, Territory: States of Maine, New Hamp-
N. Y. (Telephone, Union Springs shire, and Vermont.
2351.) Population: 1,622,327 ; churches, 62 ;
Officers: members, 1,910.
President, W. H. Howard. (Tele- Office: 55 S. Main St., Rochester, N. H.
phone, Union Springs 2951.1 Telephone 540.)

Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. Osterblom.

SC11 (Telephone, Clinton 516.)
Secretary-Treasurer, L. E. Idriche, Executive Committee: J. D. Smith,
Executive Committee: PLA": . , G. H. Blood, Jr., T. Carcich, A. W.
L. E. Aldrich, D. K. Bettie, W. A. Clarke, C. R. Kinney, A. W. Ortner,
Bickford, R. W. Moore, M. E. Reyn- J. E. Osterblom, C. L. Taylor.
olds, 0. R. Snipes. Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Book and Bible House, F. R. Aldridge.
Book and Bible House, L. E. Aldrich. Educational, Home Commission, and
Educational, Home Missionary, and Y. P. M. V., N. H. Saunders.
Sabbath School, 0. It. Snipes. Field Missionary, I. H. Ihrig ; Assist-
Field Missionary, Nathan Russell. ant, J. A. Jarry.
Religious Liberty and Y. P. M. V., Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
G. Butler.
Religious Liberty: Connecticut, C. M.
Ordained Ministers: Pike; Massachusetts, J. D. Smith;
V. A. Anderson, C. 13. Green, R. W. Rhode Island, C. R. Kinney.
Moore, V. R. Pike, H. It. Rolfe, 0. R.
Snipes. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: W. M. Andress, G. Butler, T. Carcich,
A. W. Clarke, V. W. Collins, F. W.
Branson Chrispens, B. J. Hartman, Cummings, C. E. Eldridge, C. E.
Wayne Massengill, Nathan Russell. Guenther, W. C. Jensen, C. R. Kin-
Licensed Missionaries: ney, A. W. Ortner, C. M. Pike, N. H.
Saunders, J. D. Smith, A. It. Sousa,
L. E. Aldrich, Helen Armstrong, C. L. Taylor, H. R. Thurber, A. L.
Edith Davis.
Westphal, 0. D. Wright, A. G. Young-
Bible Workers: berg.
Mrs. Helen Armstrong, Edith Davis. Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers: F. It. Aldridge, C. L. Chastain, 1. H.
Orpha Collins, Mrs. Alva Emerson, Ihrig, E. A. Lockett, S. Lombard,
Ruth Gove, Mrs. Violet Hall, Dorothy W. K. Mansker, A. B. Pohlman, F.
Lovitt, Mrs. Bertha Peake, David Smith.
Shaw, Barbara Tyler, Rachel Tyler.
Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Assn.: Maine Conference Assn.
of S. D. A.; President, C. M. Bunker; Frances Bishop, Mrs. Dorothy W.
Treasurer, L. E. Aldrich; Clerk, It. W. Conklin, Mrs. R. H. Cooke, J. A.
Moore; D. K. Bettie, W. A. Bickford, Jarry, Elizabeth Kehrein, J. R. Ken-
M. E. Reynolds, 0. R. Snipes. nedy, Elizabeth Moore, J. E. Oster-
Northern New England Conf. S. D. A., blom, Mrs. B. Redmond, Mary H.
Inc. ; President, C. M. Bunker ; Treas- Stocks.
urer and Clerk, L. E. Aldrich ; D. K. Bible Workers:
Bettie, W. A. Bickford, R. W. Moore,
M. E. Reynolds, 0. R. Snipes. Frances Bishop, Dorothy Conklin,
0 levi a Cooke, Elizabeth K ch rein ,
Elizabeth Moore, Berenice Redmond,
Mary H. Stocks.
CONFERENCE Church School Teachers:
Reorganized 1926, combining the Mas- Vera Baldwin, Emma Brown, Euphe-
sachusetts Conference, organized in mia Bryne, Beatrice Butler, Helen
1870, and the Southern New England Campbell, Margaret Drown, Lillian
Conference, organized in 1903. Eastman, Lois R. Eldridge, Joseph-
ine Folsom, Marion Folsom, Effie
Territory: Commonwealth of Massachu- French, Marie Fuchs, Dorothy Gray,
setts, and States of Connecticut and Howard Greene, Isabel Greene, Mrs.
Rhode Island. Robert Hall, Edna Hall, Russell Holt,
Florence Kidder, Doris Lamont, Olive
Population: 6,544,014 ; churches, 63; Lindberg, Alice Martin, Dana Mar-
members, 4,353.
tin, Marie Mathewson, Beulah Oliver,
Office Address: South Lancaster, Mass. Lida Patchett, Hazel Ray, Lawrence
(Telephone, Clinton 255.) Smart, Edna Stevens, Beatrice Ware.
Officers: Legal Assn.: ''The Southern New Eng-
President, J. D. Smith. (Telephone, land Conference Association of S.
Clinton 508.)


Educational : Brookside Junior Academy (Portu-
guese), East Taunton, Mass.
Atlantic Union College, South Lan-
caster, Mass.
Greater New York Academy, Corner Sanitarium:
Washington St. and Gates Ave., New England Sanitarium, Melrose,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Mass.


Organized 1932

Territory: Dominion of Canada and Legal Associations: "Eastern Canadian

Dominion of Newfoundland. Union Conference Corporation of
Seventh-day Adventists," and "West-
Population: 11,280,000 ; churches, 148 ; ern Canadian Union Corporation of
members, 9,275. Seventh-day Adventists."
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 396, Oshawa,
Ontario, Canada. (Telephone, 3293W.)
President, W. B. Ochs.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Organized 1906
A. Shepard. Territory: The Province of Alberta.
Executive Committee: W. B. Ochs,
E. A. Beavon, A. Clark, W. A. Clem- Population: 772,017 ; churches, 30 ;
enson, C. W. Degering, E. S. Hu- members, 2,441.
mann, H. M. Johnson, C. G. Maracle,
A. E. Millner, C. L. Paddock, D. N. Office: 324 Birks Building, Edmonton,
Reiner, W. H. Roberts, C. W. Shankel, Alberta, Canada.
H. A. Shepard, J. A. Toop, S. G.
White, J. M. A. LeMarquand, Stanley Officers:
Bane. President, C. W. Degering.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary-Treasurer, D. C. McFeters.
Educational, Home Commission, Home Executive Committee: C. W. Deger-
Missionary, and Y. P. M. V., D. N. ing, William Chadwick, R. A. Hubley,
Reiner. W. V. Mabley, D. C. McFeters, C. C.
Field Missionary, A. Clark. VOth.
Medical, W. H. Roberts. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty, C. G. Maracle. Book and Bible House, D. C. McFeters.
Transportation Agent, W. B. Ochs.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Ordained Ministers: Y. P. M. V., J. M. Ackerman.
A. Clark, H. M. Johnson, C. G. Mar- Field Missionary, R. Carlill.
acle, W. B. Ochs, C. L. Paddock, D. N. Religious Liberty, C. W. Degering.
Reiner, C. W. Shankel, C. 0. Smith, Sabbath School, Mary Neufeld.
L. W. Welch. Ordained Ministers:
Honorary: E. M. Chapman, J. J. J. M. Ackerman, C. W. Degering,
Gillatt, Neil McGill, J. L. Wilson. R. A. Hubley, M. L. Long, Donald
Licensed Ministers: Mackintosh, P. A. Rick, L. M. Seltzer,
R. C. Sharman, C. C. Voth, P. G.
T. S. Bowett, T. J. Gibson, E. S. Yakovenko.
Humann, H. A. Shepard, H. W.
Taylor. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: R. Carlin, D. C. McFeters, W. B.
Streifling, L. W. Taylor.
Margaret Beach, C. H. Casey, H. F.
Christie, Verda Deer, Charlotte Erd- Licensed Missionaries:
man, Donald Lee, C. W. Mayor, Ada Mary Neufeld, Bertha Obermayr.
Manuel, M. McDougall, C. L. Pad-
dock, W. H. Roberts, R. E. Robinson, Church School Teachers:
B. H. Stickle, Ruth Stickle, N. C. Evelyn Chambers, Helen Horne, Mrs.
Taylor, Esther Trefz. G. R. Johnson, Amanda Kandt.

Legal Assn.: "Alberta Conference Asso- MANITOBA -SASKATCHEWAN

ciation of S. D. A." Trustees : C. W. CONFERENCE
Degering, D. C. McFeters, William
Organized 1932
Chadwick, R. A. Hubley, C. C. Voth,
W. V. Mabley. Territory: The Provinces of Saskatche-
wan and Manitoba and that portion
of Ontario lying west of the 89th
Population: 1,721,281 ; churches, 47 ;
Organized 1902 members, 2,391.
Territory: British Columbia, Canada. Office: 404 Avenue Building, Saskatoon,
Saskatchewan, Canada. (Telephone,
Population: 809,203 ; churches, 21 ; 2561.)
members, 1,647.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Vancouver,
B. C. President, S. G. White.
Secretary-Treasurer, U. Wissner.
Office: 3250 Fraser Ave. at Kingsway, Executive Committee: S. G. White,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. W. R. Foulston, P. J. Harder, M. H.
Philbrick, L. Smith, U. Wissner.
Departmental Secretaries:
President, W. A. Clemenson.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. Sather. Book and Bible House and Sabbath
Executive Committee: W. A. Clemen- School, U. Wissner.
son, W. J. Graham, W. J. Hurdon, Educational, Home Missionary, and
J. M. LeMarquand, C. A. Reeves, Y. P. M. V., L. L. Reile.
G. L. Sather. Field Missionary, F. W. Connors.
Religious Liberty, S. G. White.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers:
Book and Bible House and Sabbath
School, G. L. Sather. T. T. Babienco, F. T. Balmer, A. M.
Educational, Home Commission, Home Baybarz, D. D. Neufeld, J. D. Neu-
Missionary, and Y. P. M. V., H. D. feld, M. H. Philbrick, S. G. White.
Field Missionary, R. D. Steinke. Licensed Ministers:
Religious Liberty, W. A. Clemenson. H. W. Bedwell, D. F. Neufeld, L. L.
Reile, U. Wissner.
Ordained Ministers:
W. A. Clemenson, George Freeman, Licensed Missionaries:
H. D. Henriksen, W. J. Hurdon, C. A. F. W. Connors, Miss S. Johnson,
Reeves, George Soloniuk, C. C. Weis. L. W. McEvers, Anna Nickel, Martha
Licensed Ministers:
H. Cameron, C. M. Monks, G. L. Church School Teachers:
Sather, R. D. Steinke. Minnie Bokovoy, Catherine Spcnst.
Licensed Missionaries: Legal Associations: "Saskatchewan Con-
Mrs. H. Cameron, Alice Campbell, ference Assn. of S. D. A.," 404 Ave-
Mrs. Thelma Smith, Grace E. Snow- nue Bldg., Saskatoon, Saskatchewan ;
den, D. E. Tinkler, Mrs. Ruth Tinkler. President, S. G. White ; Secretary-
Treasurer, U. Wissner. "The Mani-
Bible Workers: toba Conference of S. D. A.," 355
Mrs. Thelma Smith, D. E. Tinkler, Young St., Winnipeg, Manitoba ;
Mrs. D. E. Tinkler. President, S. G. White; Secretary-
Treasurer, U. Wissner.
Church School Teachers:
Percy Andrews, Mrs. L. 0. Astelford,
Mrs. M. Betts, Helen Booth, E. Ed-
strom, Mrs. E. R. King, Mrs. R. H. MARITIME CONFERENCE
Locke, Charles Sterling, Mrs. J. D.
Stickle. Organized 1902

Legal Assn.: "British Columbia Asso- Territory: The provinces of New Bruns-
ciation of S. D. A." President, W. A. wick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Ed-
Clemenson ; Secretary-Treasurer, G. L. ward Island, with the Gaspe Penin-
Sather. sula.

Population: 1,124,000 ; churches, 13 ; personnel is as follows: J. T. Adams,

members, 671. A. Clarke, R. Duffett, G. H. Morgan,
Mac Morgan, S. Nosworthy, J. A.
Office: Rooms 15-16, Subway Block, Toop, S. Webber.
Moncton, N. B. (Telephone 8622.)
Ordained Minister: J. A. Toop.
Postal Address: Box 125, Moncton,
New Brunswick.
Church School Teachers:
Officers: Hazel Avery, Alma Butler, Jessie
President, E. A. Beavon. Woodland, Mrs. George Russell.
Secretary-Treasurer, S. E. White.
Executive Committee : E. A. Beavon,
L. Astleford, A. Blair, F. Coolen, R.
Matthews, F. W. Stray, S. E. White. ONTARIOz Q1LTEBEC CONFERENCE
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1932
Book and Bible House and Sabbath (Ontario 1899Quebec 1880)
School, S. E. White. Territory: The province of Ontario
Educational, Home Missionary, Reli- lying east of the 89th meridian, and
gious Liberty, and Y. P. M. V., the province of Quebec, with the ex-
E. A. Beavon. ception of the Gaspe Peninsula.
Field Missionary, G. F. Wimer.
Ordained Ministers: Population: 6,246,281; churches, 33 ;
membership, 1,782.
L. Astleford, E. A. Beavon, Ainsley
Blair, F. W. Stray. Postal Address: Box 337, Oshawa,
Ontario, Canada. (Phone 223-W.)
Licensed Ministers:
G. Hewlett, P. Moores. Officers:
President, A. E. Millner.
Licensed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Neithercut.
S. E. White, G. F. Wimer. Executive Committee: A. E. Millner,
H. R. Brennan, J. A. Buckwalter,
Church School Teacher: 0. B. Gerhart, F. W. Hosking, J. C.
Lulu VanBuskirk. Neithercut, W. J. Pincombe.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House and Sabbath
NEWFOUNDLAND MISSION School, J. C. Neithercut.
Educational, Home Missionary, and
Territory: The Dominion of Newfound- Y. P. M. V., J. A. Buckwalter.
land which includes Labrador, and all Field Missionary, P. G. Biy.
islands surrounding the main island ; Religious Liberty, A. E. Millner.
also the French possessions of Mique-
lon and St. Pierre. Ordained Ministers:
Population: 294,700 ; churches, 5; mem- G. S. Balharrie, H. R. Brennan, J. A.
bers, 335. Buckwalter, L. H. Davies, W. R. Foul-
ston, 0. B. Gerhart, Andre Lecoultre,
Office Address: 106 Freshwater Road, A. E. Millner, W. Polishuk, A. W.
St. John's. (Phone 3160.) Wennerberg.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 574, St. Licensed Ministers:
John's, Newfoundland. L. E. Houser, C. Long, J. C. Neither-
Officers: cut, W. C. Rick.
Superintendent, J. A. Toop. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, J. A. Toop. P. G. Biy, Almeda Gustaysen, Clar-
Mission Committee: J. A. Toop, W. C. ence Long, E. Victoria Shannon,
Baird, G. H. Morgan, S. Nosworthy, Addie M. Wood.
J. Simms.
Bible Worker: Addie M. Wood.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Home Missionary, Reli- Church School Teachers:
gious Liberty, Sabbath School, and Madelyn Bresett, Esther Neufeld,
Y. P. M. V., J. A. Toop. Mrs. L. Oxford, Victor Soloniuk,
Home Commission, Mrs. Gladys Toop. Mrs. A. Vickers.
Educational: School Board which has Legal Associations: "The Ontario Con-
charge of all educational work ference of Seventh-day Adventists,"
throughout our territory is appointed and "Quebec Association of Seventh-
by the Governor in Council, and the day Adventists."


UNION CONFERENCE Canadian Watchman Press, Box 398,
Oshawa, Ontario.
Educational: College Press, College Heights, Al-
Canadian Junior College, College
Heights, Alberta. Medical:
Oshawa Missionary College, Box 308, Rest Haven Sanitarium, Sidney,
Oshawa, Ontario. British Columbia.


Organized 1902

Territory: The conferences of Colorado, A. S. Bringle, J. G. Hanhardt, J. D.

Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Wy- Johnson, A. W. Kuehl, H. Langen-
oming Mission. berg, Charles Lightner, C. W. Miller,
D. P. Miller, W. L. Nott, W. F. H.
Population: 8,253,865 ; churches, 257 ; Schroeder, W. K. Smith, J. H. Wheeler.
members, 15,549.
Telegraphic Address: Telephone 4-2182, Licensed Ministers:
Lincoln, Nebr. R. E. Bowles, R. J. Brown, H. G.
Burden, L. W. Cobb, E. N. Dick, C. B.
Office Address: 4547 Calvert St., Lin- Ermshar, L. J. Lilly, A. L. Moon,
coln, Nebr. C. C. Prince, J. C. Shull.
Officers: Honorary: R. L. Bradford, R. M.
President, N. C. Wilson. Carter, H. A. Green, W. H. Kruse,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, F.W. F. A. Page.
Executive Committee: N. C. Wilson, Licensed Missionaries:
R. E. Bowles, C. G. Cross, G. R. Mrs. R. J. Brown, Mrs. H. G. Burden,
Fattic, G. F. Eichman, 0. T. Garner, Mrs. J. B. Carter, Ave Covington,
H. C. Hartman, L. G. Jorgensen, J. H. Mrs. G. R. Fattic, Genevieve Hansen,
Roth, A. H. Rulkoetter, F. W. Schnep- Martha Huffines, Mrs. J. M. Jackson,
per, J. C. Shull, C. L. Torrey, A. E. Harry Johnson, Mrs. Verna Johnson,
Webb, G. A. Williams, F. A. Mote. Mrs. Edna Judd, Mrs. S. J. Lashier,
Angie Mahurin, Mrs. A. L. Moon,
Departmental Secretaries: Mrs. J. F. Piper, Dorothy Prince,
Educational and Y. P. M. V., G. R. Mrs. J. C. Shull, Mrs. C. L. Torrey.
Fattic. Honorary: Mary Doan, Esther Smith.
Field Missionary, C. G. Cross.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Legal Association: "Central Union Con-
L. G. Jorgensen. ference Association of the Seventh-
Medical, C. C. Prince. day Adventists."
Negro, A. E. Webb.
Radio, N. C. Wilson.
Religious Liberty, N. C. Wilson.
Christian Record Board: COLORADO CONFERENCE
(Work for the blind), President, N. C. Organized 1908
Wilson ; Secretary, D. D. Rees ; Treas- Territory: State of Colorado and San
urer, F. W. Schnepper ; M. V. Camp- Juan County in New Mexico.
bell, H. T. Elliott, W. E. Nelson, J. J.
Nethery, M. L. Rice, W. G. Turner. Population: 1,118,820; churches, 66;
members, 4,686.
Ordained Ministers:
I. F. Blue, F. E. liresee, E. M. Cad- Office: 1081 Marion St., Denver, Colo.
(Telephone, Tabor 2231-2232.)
wallader, J. B. Carter, C. R. Fattie,
H. C. Hartman, J. M. Howell, F. R. Postal Address: Box 1107, Denver, Colo.
Isaac, J. M. Jackson, L. G. Jorgensen,
S. J. Lashier, J. F. Piper, D. D. Rees, Officers:
J. W. Roland, A. H. Rulkoetter, F. W. President, G. F. Eichman.
Schnepper, C. I. Torrey, A. E. Webb, Secretary-Treasurer, W. H. Raley.
N. C. Wilson, C. G. Cross. Executive Committee: G. F. Eich-
Honorary: J. N. Anderson, C. G. Bel- man, D. C. Butherus, W. K. Hills.
lah, G. W. Berry, P. E. Berthelsen, A. A. Leiske, R. W. Numbers, C. C.

Prince, W. H. Raley, J. C. Shull, Office Address: 612 Taylor St., Topeka,

M. B. Van Kirk. Kans. (Phone, 2-4141.)
Departmental Secretaries: Mail Address: Box 267, Topeka Kans.
Book and Bible House, W. H. Raley ; Officers:
Assistant, G. C. Lashier.
Educational, Home Commission, and President, J. H. Roth.
Y. P. M. V., D. C. Butherus. Secretary-Treasurer, P. W. Ochs.
Field Missionary, Ben Savage. Executive Committee: J. H. Roth,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, E. F. Coy, S. S. Mohr, R. R. Newman,
R. H. Wentland. P. W. Ochs, D. L. Olsen, Beaman
Medical, A. L. Moon. Senecal, B. R. Spears.
Religious Liberty, G. F. Eichman.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Book and Bible House, P. W. Ochs.
D. C. Butherus, G. F. Eichman, C. E. Educational and Y. P. 14. V., L. R.
Grant, W. B. Johnson, A. A. Leiske, Reiswig.
C. H. Miller, C. M. Norman, W. S. Field Missionary, E. F. Coy.
North, R. W. Numbers, M. H. Schu- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
ster, W. H. Shephard, J. A. Smith, W. I. Unterseher.
Carl Swenson, M. B. Van Kirk, A. E. Religious Liberty, J. H. Roth.
Von Pohle, R. H. Wentland, C. L.
Wickwire, F. G. Young. Ordained Ministers:
N. J. Aalborg, W. II. Clark, E. F.
Licensed Ministers: Coy, Ross Dustin, Calvin Gordon,
L. G. Barker, Floyd Byers, Avery Kurt Kurz, R. R. Newman, D. L.
Dick, D. F. Haynes, Henry Meissner, Olsen, L. R. Reiswig, L. B. Reynolds,
W. H. Raley, D. R. Rees, L. E. Rogers, J. H. Roth, B. T. Senecal, W. I.
Ben Savage. Unterseher.
Honorary: G. P. Gaede.
Licensed Missionaries:
Margrett Barclay, Florence Eichman, Licensed Ministers:
Joe Hardy, Etta Hewgley, Daisy John- J. J. Aitken, Theodore Herr, P. W.
son, Ruth Lamb, G. C. Lashier, Ochs, F. W. Ruddle.
Bertha Leiske, Gladys Pettit.
Licensed Missionaries:
Bible Worker: Ruth Lamb.
Mrs. F. A. Detamore, Mrs. R. R. New-
Church School Teachers: man, Sylvia Nielsen, Mrs. P. W.
D. C. Barr, Mrs. D. C. Barr, Mrs. Ochs, Mrs. Lydia Roth, Gladys
Edith Benton, Grace Duffield, La Rue Thompson.
Franks, Juliette Herscher, P. G. Hills,
Francis Jones, Mrs. Francis Jones, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. Gertie Jones, Gwendolyn Judd, Dolores Dodd, Thelma McBroom, Jew-
Susan Lehmann, Mrs. Mary Lloyd, ell Mohr, Jessie Pride, Mrs. Mary
Lola Malone, T. W. McIntyre, Mrs. Wakefield, Mrs. Leonard Wood.
T. W. McIntyre, W. G. Nelson, Mrs.
W. G. Nelson, Mrs. L. B. Orr, Ellen Legal Assn.: "The Kansas Seventh-day
Pearson, Dora M. Pederson, M. W. Adventist Conference Association."
Perkins, Mrs. Hazel Rouse, Gladys
Schumann, Ethel Swayze, Helen
Swenson, Iva Thorp, Dorothy Thrall,
Anna Torkelson, Mrs. Rosamond Van MISSOURI CONFERENCE
Divier, Mrs. Carolyn Vuloff, Herbert
Wall, Delnhine Watson, Crystal Organized 1876 ; reorganized 1914
Wheeling, Helen Wyrick.
Territory: The State of Missouri.
Legal Assn.: "The Seventh-day Advent-
ist Association of Colorado ;" Presi- Population: 3,629,367 ; churches, 51 ;
dent, G. F. Eichman ; Secretary- members, 3,265.
Treasurer, W. H. Raley.
Office: 2928 Campbell St., Kansas City,
Mo. (Telephone, Logan 6077.)
President, F. A. Mote.
Organized 1.875; reorganized 1914 Secretary-Treasurer, C. W. Marsh.
Territory: The State of Kansas. Executive Committee : F. A. Mote,
C. M. Babcock, C. W. Marsh, L. L.
Population: 1,880,999 ; churches, 63 ; McKinley, H. H. Schmidt, H. G.
members, 3,129. Turner.

Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:

Book and Bible House, C. F. Lee. Book and Bible House, L. R. Alex-
Educational, Home Commission, and ander.
Y. P. M. V., L. V. Grunke. Educational and Y. P. M. V., L. W.
Field Missionary, N. H. Waters. Pettis.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Field Missionary, F. L. Burkhardt.
L. L. McKinley. Home Commission,
Religious Liberty, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
M. H. Jensen.
Ordained Ministers: Religious Liberty, G. A. Williams.
C. M. Babcock, E. S. Dillett, E. F.
Finck, L. V. Grunke, L. 11. Lindbeck, Ordained Ministers:
C. W. Marsh, L. L. McKinley, C. J. J. H. Apigian, A. A. Dirksen, 0. T.
Metzger, E. H. Meyers, F. A. Mote, Garner, A. E. Hagen, M. H. Jensen,
J. L. Pettis, H. H. Schmidt. C. A. Mock, L. W. Pettis, Adam
Rudy, R. W. Wentland, E. W. Wolfe,
Licensed Ministers: M. A. Wyman.
C. F. Kearbey, C. F. Lee, B. E. Olson, Licensed Ministers:
C. W. Teel, N. H. Waters.
L. R. Alexander, F. L. Burkhardt,
Licensed Missionaries: A. B. T. Humphrey, E. E. Jensen,
Jesse Williamson.
Evelyn Davis, Hester Kessler, Ida Honorary: G. A. Williams.
Robinson, Edna Wallace.
Honorary: Mrs. C. W. Marsh, Mrs. Licensed Missionary: Addie M. Kalar.
J. W. Turner.
Bible Worker: Addie M. Kalar.
Bible Workers: Church School Teachers:
Evelyn Davis, Hester Kessler, Ida Velma Campbell, Ida Edgerton, Mau-
Robinson. rine Peterson, Frances Stoddard,
Church School Teachers: George Stone, Mrs. Gordon Stout.
Mrs. C. D. Adams, E. J. Barnes, Mrs. Legal Assn.: "Nebraska Conference As-
E. J. Barnes, Clarence Brinley, Mrs. sociation of the Seventh-day Advent-
Clarence Brinley, Janice Davis, W. L. ists."
Vickers, Emeth Giddings, Marion Kel-
ler, June Lanning, Jennie Newkirk,
Rubie Oaks, Alpha Rahn, Mrs. W. J.
Shrake, Elaine Skinner, LaVerne
Turner, W. L. Vickers, Wilma Wahl, WYOMING MISSION
J. A. Ward, Mrs. J. A. Ward, Mavis Territory: State of Wyoming.
Population: 250,742, churches, 19;
Legal Assn.: "Missouri Conference As- members, 860.
sociation of Seventh-day Adventists ;"
President, ---; Secretary-Treas- Office: 425 W. 12th St., Casper, Wyo.
urer, C. W. Marsh. (Telephone, 1053.)
Postal Address: Box 803, Casper, Wyo.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. E. Hagen.
Organised 1878 Executive Committee: M. E. Hagen,
N. R. Hickman, S. J. Lashier, T. M.
Territory: The State of Nebraska. Nelson, J. F. Piper.
Population: 1,377,963 ; churches, 54; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 3,422.
Book and Bible House and Y. P. M. V.,
Office Address: 3405 S. Seventh St., M. E. Hagen.
Lincoln, Nebr. (Telephone, 3-2171.) Field Missionary and Home Mission-
ary, L. E. Loomer.
Sabbath School, Mrs. M. E. Hagen.
President, 0. T. Garner.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. R. Alexander. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: 0. T. Garner, M. E. Hagen, N. R. Hickman, S. B.
L. R. Alexander, I. F. Blue, A. A. Olney, R. J. Thomas.
Dirksen, Henry Johnson, L. W. Pet-
tis, Adam Rudy, G. A. Williams, Licensed Ministers:
E. W. Wolfe. L. A. Baughman, K. D. Johnson,

L. E. Loomer, W. H. Ludwig. Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,

Honorary: L. G. Beans. Shelton Academy, Shelton, Nebr.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. M. E. Hagen. Union College, College View Station,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Church School Teachers:
Vera Beall, Gertrude Dahlberg, T. A. Publishing:
Mohr, Mrs. T. A. Mohr, Sarah Mor- Christian Record Benevolent Assn.,
ton, Rhoda Pedersen. College View Station, Lincoln,
Pacific Press Pub. Assn. Branch, 2508
Educational: Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium, Boul-
Campion Academy, Loveland, Colo. der, Colo.
Denver Junior Academy, 659 S. Porter Sanitarium and Hospital, 2525
Navajo St., Denver, Colo. S. Downing St., Denver, Colo.


Organized 1907

Territory: The conferences of Chesa- R. D. Hottel, J. M. Jackson, G. W.

peake, East Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Lawrence, J. W. MacNeil, J. B. Mal-
Ohio, Potomac, West Pennsylvania, lory, B. E. Manuel, J. J. Marietta,
West Virginia. C. E. Overstreet, U. D. Pickard, J. E.
Saunders, J. H. Schilling, W. H.
Population: 26,827,212 ; churches, 331 ; Sebastian, W. J. Shafer, J. W. Shultz,
members, 22,053. R. M. Spencer, William Steele, C. L.
Stone, J. S. Washburn, C. C. Webster,
Office: 900 Carroll Ave., Takoma Park, D. E. Wellman, G. L. West, C. L.
D. C. (Telephone, Sligo 3162.) White, J. H. Wierts, B. A. Wolcott,
W. C. Young.
Licensed Ministers:
President, F. H. Robbins.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, C. H. D. A. Bailey, S. L. Clark, L. W.
Kelly. Graham, C. H. Kelly, .7. P. Neff,
Executive Committee: F. H. Robbins, C. E. Palmer, C. C. Pulver, E. L.
R. L. Boothby, S. L. Clark, J. C. Richmond, J. D. Snider, L. F. Thiel,
Holland, R. A. Hare, C. H. Kelly, A. W. Werline.
J. P. Neff, J. D. Snider, C. P. Soren- Honorary : W. A. Beall, G. H. Clark,
sen, J. H. Wagner, B. G. Wilkinson, L. W. Kurz, C. E. Reichenbaugh,
and the presidents of conferences in 0. C. Weller.
the Union. Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Lora Clement, Mrs. L. Holbert, Mrs.
Educational, J. P. Neff. C. C. Lewis, J. H. Nies, R. L. Runk.
Field Missionary, S. L. Clark; Maga- Legal Association: "Columbia Union
zine Sales Director, Mrs. L. Holbert. Conference Association of Seventh-
Home Missionary, J. C. Holland. day Adventists."
Negro Representative, J. H. Wagner.
Religious Liberty, F. H. Robbins.
Y. P. M. V., C. P. Sorenson.
R. L. Boothby, A. E. Coyne, R. A. Organized 1890
Hare, 13. P. Hoffman, J. C. Holland,
Frederick Lee, F. D. Nichol, D. E. Territory: The States of Delaware and
Maryland, except the counties of Alle-
Rebok, F. H. Robbins, 0. Schuberth,
L. A. Semmens, C. P. Sorensen. gany, Garrett, and Montgomery, in
Maryland ; and including the counties
Honorary: A. N. Allen, C. Baierle, C. S. of Berkeley, Jefferson, and Morgan,
Baum, C. P. Bollman, R. L. Bradford, in West Virginia, and Accomac and
M. E. Cady, E. W. Carey, F. L. Chaney, Northampton, in Virginia.
A. N. Durrant, C. T. Everson, J. P. Population: 1,820,845 ; churches, 28 ;
Gaede, J. G. Hanna, G. W. Holman, membership, 2,061.

Office: 24 Fusting Ave., Catonsville Office: 1701 Conlyn St., Philadelphia,

Branch, Baltimore, Md. (Telephone, Pa. (Phone, Hancock 4000.)
Gilmor 3840.)
Officers: President, T. M. French.
President, C. V. Leach. Secretary-Treasurer, W. H. Jones.
Secretary-Treasurer, N. C. Van Horn. Executive Committee: T. M. French,
Executive Committee: C. V. Leach, Harry Detwiler, Walter Edwards,
E. L. Jackson, C. B. Newmyer, W. R. H. H. Frizzell, W. H. Jones, Dallas
Riston, W. E. Strother, N. C. Van Youngs.
Horn, J. H. Wagner. Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Book and Bible House, C. J. Sumner.
Book and Bible House, Educational and Home Missionary,
Educational and Y. P. M. V., F. W. H. R. Nelson.
Baldwin. Field Missionary, G. H. Carter; As-
Field Missionary, F. E. Thumwood. sistants, F D. Myers, P. C. Winley.
Home Commission and Religious Lib- Religious Liberty, T. M. French.
erty, C. V. Leach. Sabbath Schdol and Y. P. M. V.,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Mrs. A. E. King.
E. L. Hanson. Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: L. W. Belote, E. E. Carman, R. B.
W. L. Cheatham, L. 0. Coon, E. L. Clapp, J. A. Dominski, T. M. French,
Hanson, C. V. Leach, C. B. Newmyer, B. P. Gernet, C. W. Guenther, M. A.
J. E. Patzkowski, W. R. Riston, W. F. Maloney, B. E. Miller, J. G. Mitchell,
Schmidt, J. H. Wagner, L. H. Bland. W. C. Moffett, F. L. Bland, H. R.
Veach, Dallas Youngs.
Licensed Ministers: Honorary: J. Z. Hottel.
Curtis Quackenbush, F. E. Thumb-
wood. Licensed Ministers:
.Licensed Missionaries: H. W. Bass, G. H. Carter, Mrs. Jessie
W. Curtis, W. H. Jones, F. D. Myers,
F. W. Baldwin, N. C. Van Horn. H. R. Nelson.
Bible Workers: Licensed Missionaries:
Julia Z. Cooper, Mary Bierly. Maude Belmont, Mrs. A. E. King,
Church School Teachers: Lilla Morati, Mrs. F. D. Myers, Mrs.
W. B. Parkins, Mrs. Gertrude Res-
J. R. Adams, Mrs. Marion Adams, seguie, C. J. Sumner, P. C. Winley.
Dorothy Boyer, J. G. Dasent, Bonita Honorary: Sadie Baker, Mrs. Lydia
Dick, Mrs. Nellie Hale, Mrs. Lillian Kester.
A. Hill, Vivien Hill, Mrs. Genevieve
Hobbs, Irene McNett, Elaine Norman, Bible Workers:
Mrs. Lillian A. Pinckney, Harold Maude Belmont, Lilla Morati, Mrs.
Toms, Ruth Toms, Mrs. Vera Toms, F. D. Myers, Mrs. W. B. Parkins,
Mrs. J. H. Wagner. Mrs. Gertrude Resseguie.
Legal Assn.: "Chesapeake Conference
Church School Teachers:
Assn. of S. D. A."
Board of Trustees: C. V. Leach, E. L. Helen Bassett, Mrs. Clayton Beck,
Jackson, C. B. Newmeyer, W. R. Ris- Mrs. L. W. Belote, Helyn Bochnek,
ton, W. E. Strother, N. C. Van Horn, Mrs. E. E. Carman, Elva Copple,
J. H. Wagner. Rose DeBenedetto, Mrs. Ethel Det-
wiler, Mrs. Mabel Dominski, Agnes
Eroh, Dorothy M. Jenkins, Audrey
Lee, Fern Losie, H. T. Mitchell-Pal-
EAST PENNSYLVANIA CON- mer, Mildred Quick, Eleanor Rue,
FERENCE Oscar Schmidt, Mrs. C. J. Sumner,
Violette White, Violet Wiles.
Organized in 1903, out of territory com-
prising the Pennsylvania Conference, Legal Assn.: "The East Pennsylvania
which was organized in 1879. Conference. Assn. of S. D. A., Inc."

Territory: That portion of Pennsylvania

lying east of the eastern line of
Potter, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Hunt-
ingdon, and Fulton Counties. NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE

Population: 5,674,254; churches, 60; Organized 1902

members, 3,123. Territory: The State of New Jersey.

Population: 4,041,334 ; churches, 46; Postal Address: Box 831, Mt. Vernon,
members, 2,667. Ohio.
Office: 1574 Brunswick Ave., Trenton, Officers:
N. J. (Telephone, 2-3010.) President, W. M. Robbins.
Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, E. F. Willett.
Executive Committee: W. M. Robbins,
President. 1VI. G. Conger. G. R. Carter, C. C. Morris, F. C.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. F. Miller. Phipps, Walter Sooy, D. S. Teeters,
Executive Committee: M. G. Conger, C. E. Welch, E. F. Willett.
H. J. Adams, R. S. Fries, H. W.
Kibble, T. A. McCoy, W. F. Miller, Departmental Secretaries:
S. G. Silvers. Book and Bible House, R. G. Burch-
Departmental Secretaries: field.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., 0. S.
Book and Bible House, M. A. Paden. Hershberger.
Educational, Home Commission, and Field Missionary, W. A. Higgins
Sabbath School, Miss E. F. Williams. Assistants, Loren Ward, Virgil
Field Missionary, C.. A. Dornburg ; Gibbons.
Assistant, J. R. Britt. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Anol Grundset.
R. H. Fickling. Medical, C. E. Welch.
Religious Liberty, M. G. Conger. Religious Liberty, W. M. Robbins.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
M. S. Banfield, M. G. Conger, C. C. Henry Berg, Carl Bruck, G. R. Carter,
Ellis, C. T. Everson, R. H. Fickling, 0. L. Denslow, R. F. Farley, Anol
R. S. Fries, R. K. Krick, T. A. Mc- Grundset, J. W. Kasa, C. C. Morris,
Coy, A. D. Nagy, 0. J. Nerlund, J. C. F. C. Phipps, Leon RObbins, W. M.
Oswald. Robbins, E. E. Russell, Joseph Spicer,
Licensed Ministers: U. S. Willis.
Honorary: F. M. Fairchild, N. J.
J. R. Britt, J. Dobias, C. A. Dorn- Michals, J. F. Olmsted, J. S. Shultz;
burg, W. G. Gibson, W. C. Jeffreys, L. A. Springs, T. W. Thirlwell.
E. H. 0. Lehnhoff, W. F. Miller, A. F.
Reynolds. Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: Charles Crider, Virgil Gibbons, 0. S.
Hershberger, W. A. Higgins, R. B.
Mrs. E. Hetzell, Miss I. Landor, M. A. Hill, J. M. Hoffman, Siegfried Lehn-
Paden, Mrs. Hazel Schellenger, Miss hoff, Elmore McMurphy, Merle Mills,
E. F. Williams, C. F. Wilson. Ben Mondics, Calvin Osborn, Earl
Bible Workers: Robbins, W. R. Robinson, G. L.
Stauffer, D. S. Teters, A. E. Wade,
Mrs. E. Hetzell, Miss I. Landor, Mrs. F. C. Webster, Jr., C. E. Welch,
Hazel Schellenger.
E. F. Willett.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss I. Butler, Mrs. H. Hand, Miss Mrs. Verna Bretz, R. G. Burchfield,
E. Jennings, Miss H. Johns, Miss E. Margaret Cosby, Cora Gibson, Vinnie
Katcher, Miss S. Lochstamphfor, Miss
Goodner, Lillian Halstead, Lawrence
E. Long, Miss L. Masaracehia, Mrs.
Jones, Lillie Kraft, Miss A. Larson,
W. F. Miller, Miss M. Minner, Mrs.
Mrs. Rose Lindsey, Nellie McDowell,
M. Monell, Mrs. K. Moss, Miss G. Mrs. Hazel Perkins, Loren Ward.
Pettress, Miss L. Whitfield, Mrs. F.
Williamson. Bible Workers:
Legal Assn.: "New Jersey Conference Mrs. Verna Bretz, Margaret Cosby,
Association of S. D. A." Cora Gibson, Vinnie Goodner, Lillian
Halstead, Lawrence Jones, Lillie
Kraft, Alf rids Larson, Mrs. Rose
Lindsey, Nellie McDowell, Mrs. Hazel
Organized 1863 Church School Teachers:
Mrs. L. M. Cox, Lorraine Edmond,
Territory: The State of Ohio. Julia Edson, Lorraine Fankhouser,
Population: 6,713,000 ; churches, 83; Anna Farley, L. J. Fritz, Mrs. L. J.
members, 5,778. Fritz, Lottie Gibson, Mrs. Leo Had-
ley, M. J. Harvey, Mrs. Eldon Haw-
Office Address: 111 S. Mulberry St., kins, Mildred Hilderbrandt, Mrs. J. M.
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. (Telephone 1175.) Hoffman, Nina Hunt, Mrs. Frances

Kiehl, Mrs. Raymond Kraft, Bertha Bible Workers:

Laughlin, Darlene Mayes, Mrs. El- Hazel Brent, Martha Ferree, Mary
more McMurphy, Josephine McQueery, Saxton.
Pearl Meese, Carolyn Mitts, Ruth
Nelson, Mrs. Hurley Phillips, Mrs. Church School Teachers:
F. C. Phipps, H. T. Saulter, Catherine Mrs. Cosby Banner, Mrs. Lela 13losser,
Shepard, Ethel Smith, Mrs. Ruth Mrs. Doris Brown, Gwendoline Brown,
Solomon, Thomas Stottlemyer, Mrs. W. A. Connell, Annabelle Eshenko,
Thomas Stottlemyer, Mae Stebbins, Mrs. Gertrude Fowler, Mrs. France;
Mrs. Lester Trubey, Margaret Van Groves, Mrs. Lenna Guenther, Mrs.
Buskirk, C. H. Warren. Gwendolyn Harris, Grace Harrison,
Mrs. Amelia Hess, Mrs. A. 0. Hiebert,
Legal Association: "The Ohio Confer- Mrs. R. C. Hill, Mrs. E. R. King,
ence Assn. of the S. D. A. Church." Mary Little, Mrs. Grace Meade,
President, W. M. Robbins ; Secretary, Velma Midghall, Ruby Montgomery,
E. F. Willett. D. B. Myers, Mrs. D. B. Myers, Mae
Painter, Mrs. Marie Payne, Mrs. Elsie
Pohle, Carl Shafer, Mrs. Carl Shafer,
Mrs. Martin Sievers, Mrs. D. M. Sor-
POTOMAC CONFERENCE ensen, Louise Stuart, Anna Tucker,
Organized 1924 Mrs. S. W. Tymeson, Irene Walker,
Vesta Webster.
Territory: The State of Virginia, except
Accomac and Northampton Counties ; Negro Department
the District of Columbia; and that Committee: H. J. Detwiler, J. E.
portion of Prince Georges County, Johnson, G. S. Mason, W. B. Mohr,
Maryland, within five miles of the L. J. Pryor.
District line ; and Montgomery County,
Maryland. Departmental Secretary:
Population: 2,955,991 ; churches, 52 ; Asst. Field Missionary, D. Warner.
members, 5,263. Ordained Ministers:
Office: 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, A. Burgess, J. E. Johnson, H. R.
Washington, D. C. (Telephones, Murphy, L. J. Pryor, F. B. Slater.
Georgia 5791 and 5792.)
Licensed Minister: J. H. Lester.
Licensed Missionaries:
President, H. J. Detwiler.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. B. Mohr. Geneva McDonald, Mrs. Ethel Nell,
Executive Committee: H. .1. Detwiler, D. Warner.
L. W. Graham, W. C. Hannah, W. B. Bible Workers:
Mohr, H. A. Morrison, J. L. Price,
G. S. Rapp, A. B. Russell. Geneva McDonald, Mrs. Ethel Nell.

Departmental Secretaries: Church School Teachers:

Book and Bible House, E. S. Knecht. I. A. Christian, Mitchellena Gibson,
Educational and Sabbath School, Virginia Roberts, Athelie Shanos,
A. 0. Dart. Marian Stafford.
Field Missionary, W. H. Atherly. Legal Associations: "Potomac Confer-
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., ence Corporation of S. D. A." Also,
.7. E. Edwards. "District of Columbia Conf. Corp. of
Religious Liberty, H. J. Detwiler. S. D. A." and "Virginia Conf. Agency
Ordained Ministers: of S. D. A."
C. J. Coon, A. 0. Dart, H. J. Det-
wiler, J. E. Edwards, E. H. Emmer-
son, R. E. Griffin, Peter Hafenmayr,
E. F. Koch, Russell Quackenbush, WEST PENNSYLVANIA CON-
G. S. Rapp, A. B. Russell, J. H. FERENCE
Smith, W. T. Weaver, R. F. Woods. Organized 1903
Licensed Ministers: Territory: All of Pennsylvania lying
W. H. Atherly, K. S. Crofoot, G. R. west of the easterly line of Potter,
Finley, F. E. Froom, W. C. Hannah, Clinton, Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon,
T. J. Jenkins, P. W. Manuel. and Fulton Counties.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 4,050,000 ; churches, 40;
Hazel Brent, Martha Ferree, E. S. members, 1,626.
Knecht, W. B. Mohr, D. B. Myers, Office: 744 N. Negley Ave., Pittsburgh,
Mary Saxton. Pa.

Officers: Secretary-Treasurer, C. M. Paden.

President, L. H. King. Executive Committee: W. B. Hill,
Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Garrarde. N. S. Ashton, J. H. McHenry, L. A.
Executive Committee: L. H. King, Niswander, C. M. Paden.
E. F. Boucher, W. W. Fordham, H. E. Departmental Secretaries:
Garrarde, C. Guenther. E. H. Swan-
son. Book and Bible House, C. M. Paden.
Educational, ---
Departmental Secretaries: Field Missionary, Arva Nickless.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Book and Bible House, W. L. Well- Y. P. M. V., H. E. Voorhees.
Educational and Sabbath School, Miss Ordained Ministers:
E. R. Hochschorner. N. S. Ashton, W. B. Hill, A. E. Hoist,
Field Missionary, Roger Van Arsdell. Arva Nickless, L. L. Philpott, Chancey
Home Commission, Mrs. A. C. Fear- Wood.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Licensed Ministers:
W. S. Johnson. Ralph Logan, C. M. Paden, Stephen
Religious Liberty, L. H. King. Paully, W. A. Thompson, H. E.
Ordained Ministers:
0. G. Carnes, A. C. Fearing, W. W. Licensed Missionary: Jessie Welsh.
Fordham, A. D. Haynal, G. W. Hos- Bible Workers:
ford, L. H. King, D. F. Roth, E. H. Peter Dran, Mary Walsh, Jessie
Swanson, A. Yakush. Welsh.
Licensed Ministers: Church School Teachers:
C. P. Anderson, F. S. Fowler, H. E. Mrs. Mae C. Bradley, Flora Mann,
Garrarde, J. R. Johnson, W. S. John- Mrs. Mary Varney.
son, M. W. Sickler, W. L. Wellman, Legal Association: "Seventh-day Ad-
H. L. Yates. ventist Book Society."
Licensed Missionaries:
Myrtle Bateman, R. C. Brown, Mrs.
Nancie Harris, Miss E. R. Hochsehor-
ner, H. Lindsay, Thelma Pangborn, INSTITUTIONS IN THE COLUMBIA

Bible Worker: Myrtle Bateman. Educational:

Columbia Junior College, Takoma
Church School Teachers: Park, Washington, D. C.
Grace Ashton, Mrs. Roscoe Bartlett, Home Study Institute, Takoma Park,
Mrs. William Davis, Mildred Evelyn, Washington, D. C.
John Greene, A. R. Lawson, Mrs. Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt. Vernon,
A. R. Lawson, Lila M. Rex, Mrs. Ohio.
Isabella Taylor. Plainfield Academy, 622 W. 8th St.,
Plainfield, N. J.
Legal Association: "West Pennsylvania Seventh-day Adventist Theological
Conference Assn. of S. D. A." Seminary, Takoma Park, D. C.
Shenandoah Valley Academy, New
Market, Va.
Takoma Academy, Takoma Park, "
Organized 1887 Washington Missionary College, Ta-
koma Park, Washington, D. C.
Territory: The State of West Virginia,
except the counties of Morgan, Ber- Publishing:
keley, and Jefferson, and including Review and Herald Publishing Assn.,
the counties of Garrett and Allegany Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
in Maryland.
Population: 1,775,995 ; churches, 16 : Washington Sanitarium, Takoma Park,
members, 934. Washington, D. C.
Office: 1455 Seventh St., Parkersburg,
W. Va. (Telephone, 394.) Dispensary:
Washington Mission Hospital Dispen-
Officers: sary, 1262 - 6th St., S. W., Washing-
President, W. B. Hill. ton, D. C.
Organized 1901
Territory: The Conferences of Indiana, ILLINOIS CONFERENCE
Illinois, Michigan, and Wisconsin. Organized 1931
Population: 19,718,730; churches, 391 ; Territory: The State of Illinois.
members, 25,492.
Population: 7,630,654 ; churches, 73 ;
Office Address: Box C, Berrien Springs, members, 5,241.
Mich. (Telephone, 4321.)
Office: Pacific Press Bldg., Brookfield,
Officers: Ill.
President, Jay J. Nethery. Postal Address: Box 29, Brookfield, Ill.
Secretary-Treasurer, It. M. Harrison. (Telephone, Brookfield 6100.)
Executive Committee: Jay J. Nethery, Officers:
R. R. Bietz, R. M. Harrison, L. N. President, L. E. Lenheim.
Holm, G. C. Hoskin, C. S. Joyce, H. J. Secretary-Treasurer, E. L. Green.
Klooster, V. P. Lovell, T. R. Lukens, Executive Committee: L. E. Lenheim,
B. C. Marshall, B. E. Wagner, and J. C. Christenson, 0. J. Dahl, W. A.
the presidents of the conferences com- Dessain, E. L. Green, H. W. Kibble,
prising the Lake Union Conference. J. W. Osborn, J. It. Purdy.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, V. P. Lovell. American Temperance Society, Edu-
Field Missionary, B. E. Wagner. cational, Home Commission, and
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., D. V. Cowin.
C. S. Joyce. Book and Bible House, C. B. Burgess.
Negro, -- Field Missionary, R. G. Campbell.
Religious Liberty, Jay J. Nethery. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Y. P. M. V., R. R. Bietz. J. C. Christenson.
Ordained Ministers: Religious Liberty, Raymond Gales.
R. R. Bietz, H. E. Edwards, C. S. Ordained Ministers:
Joyce, H. J. Klooster, V. P. Lovell, A. L. Beazley, W. 0. Berry, Raymond
J. J. Nethery, D. C. Newbold, K. A. Gales, R. G. Campbell, Anthony Cata-
Offerman, W. E. Straw, E. R. Thiele, lano, J. C. Christenson, 0. J. Dahl,
B. E. Wagner. W. A. Dessain, A. G. Emmer, H. W.
Honorary: H. P. Anderson, Dija Be- Kibble, T. J. Kroeger, L. E. Lenheim,
lich, R. J. Bellows, J. B. Blosser, F. E. A. 0. Lund, E. H. Moldrzyk, W. P.
Ferris, C. M. Gruesbeck, P. M. Han- Ortner, J. W. Osborn, J. B. Penner,
son, F. H. Henderson, J. J. Irwin, Alexander Pietrasz, M. N. Skadsheim,
J. B. Maas, S. T. Shadel, Lyle Shep- G. Varga, J. A. Wasenmiller, R. J.
ard, P. E. Sheppler, F. Stebbeds, J. C. Winders.
Stotz, W. E. Videto. Honorary: G. C. Hoskin.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
V. H. Campbell, 0. Granlund, B. L. F. W. Avery, D. V. Cowin, J. A.
Grundset, C. A. Thorp, Cecil Woods. Dewald, E. L. Green, G. W. Habe-
Honorary: A. W. Hallock, Karl Matt- nicht, Clarence Kohler, Lewis Lang-
sson, H. R. Stearns. worthy, T. R. Lukens, Leonard
Licensed Missionaries: Marsa, B. C. Marshall, Tomas Reque-
nez, Clarence Richards.
H. P. Bloum, R. M. Harrison.
Honorary: Frank Hiner. Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Associations: "Lake Union Con- C. B. Burgess, Jody Ketterman, Inis
ference Association of Seventh-day Morey, Mrs. Celia McAlister, Richard
Adventists." "Indiana Medical Mis- Robinson, Mary Weiss, Mrs. Lula
sionary and Benevolent Association." Young.
Jay J. Nethery, President; F. 0. San- Honorary: Anna Hibben.
ders, Vice-President; R. M. Harrison, Bible Workers:
Secretary-Treasurer. Jody Ketterman, Inis Morey, Mrs.
The James White Memorial Home, Celia McAlister, Mrs. Lula Young.
Plainwell, Mich., established 1898 ;
Jay J. Nethery, President; T. G. Church School Teachers:
Bunch, Vice-President; R. M. Harri- Martha Anderson, Marjorie Butler,
son, Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. J. C. Christenson. Cecil Con-
2 33

quest, Mrs. Cecil Conquest, Mrs. Church School Teachers:

Laurabelle Cook, Ruth Husted, Mrs. Irene Amen, Frances Blake, Inez.
T. J. Kroeger, Doris Lawrence, Mrs. Bird, Viola Boat, Dorotha Case, Mrs.
May Lemmon, Myra Lockhart, Ger- Margaret Cox, Geraldine Ingels, Pearl
aldine Moore, Virginia Mott, Mrs. Kettleman, Sylvia Kee, Lillian Kel-
Edward Nachreiner, Louise Schultz, ler, K. M. Kennedy, Mrs. K. M. Ken-
Mrs, Dorris D. Scott, DeWitt Smith, nedy, H. W. Laurence, Jocelyn Lau-
Mrs. DeWitt Smith, Mrs. C. E. rence, Mrs. Oro Moore, Fern Pitcher,
Thompson, Mrs. Pauline Watkins. Mrs. Roland Price, C. E. Sauder, Ber-
Legal Associations: "Illinois Conference nice Soliday, H. A. Weaver, Mrs.
Association of S. D. A." and "Chicago H. A. Weaver.
Conference Association of S. D. A." Legal Association: "The Indiana Asso-
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."

Territory: The State of Indiana. Organized Oct. 5, 1861 ; reorganized
Population: 3,427,796, churches, 78;
members, 4,422. Territory: State of Michigan.
Office: 310 E. 23d St., Indianapolis, Population: 4,842,325 ; churches, 159 ;
Ind. (Telephone, Talbot 4420.) members, 11,530.
Officers: Office: 620 Townsend St., Lansing,
President, F. 0. Sanders. Mich. (Telephone, Dial 4-1317.)
Secretary-Treasurer, A. E. Mobley. Postal Address: Box 900, Lansing, Mich,
Executive Committee: F. 0. Sanders,
M. W. Deming, W. R. Elliott, Harry Officers:
Hardt, A. E. Mobley, F. E. Thompson, President, T. G. Bunch.
A. H. Welklin. Secretary-Treasurer, H. P. Bloum.
Executive Committee: T. G. Bunch,
Departmental Secretaries: H. P. Bloum, U. Bender, 0. T. Burt,
Book and Bible House, W. A. Peter- H. 0. Butler, W. C. Hankins, T. S.
sen. Hill, M. W. Prince, H. B. Taylor.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. A.
Nelson. Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, C. H. Smith ; As- Book and Bible House, H. P. Evens.
sistant, Forrest Skaggs. Educational and Home Commission,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, G. M. Mathews.
H. K. Halladay. Field Missionary, ; Assistant,
Religious Liberty, F. 0. Sanders. C. L. Wilber.
Home Missionary, H. F. Brown.
Ordained Ministers: Medical and Religious Liberty, T. G.
E. E. Bietz, P. M. Boyd, 0. K. Butler, Bunch.
M. W. Deming, M. K. Eckenroth, Sabbath School, Edith Shepard.
W. R. Elliott, H. K. Halladay, W. L. Temperance and Y. P. M. V., D. W.
Latham, J. H. Laurence, A. V. Mc- Hunter.
Clure, L. L. Murphy, W. A. Nelson,
C. W. Pruitt, F. 0. Sanders, F. E. Ordained Ministers:
Thompson, S. E. Wight, C. E. Wood. J. 1. Beardsley, U. Bender, H. E. Bisel,
Honorary: 0. B. Hall, F. W. Halla- H. F. Brown, T. G. Bunch, 0. H. Chris-
day, T. F. Hubbard, W. B. White. tensen, H. R. Coats, N. R. Dbwer, H. P.
Evens, J. Florea, W. D. Forde, W. C.
Licensed Ministers: Hankins, T. S. Hill, G. G. Hmelevsky,
F. N. Crowe, C. D. Henri, P. T. Jack- D. W. Hunter, S. W. Hyde, A. C.
son, A. E. Mobley, C. H. Smith, El- Lien, L. W. Light, G. M. Mathews,
bert Tyson, Jr., G. E. Vandeman. Paul Matula, C. B. Messer, E. L.
Pingenot, W. B. Pontynen, B. L.
Honorary: T. M. Butler. Post, E. R. Potter, 0. F. Schwedrat,
Licensed Missionaries: H. L. Shoup, H. B. Taylor, D. E.
Venden, M. L. Venden, W. A. Wester-
Edith Cross, Mary Kent, W. A. Peter- hoot, H. W. Williams, A. N. Nelson,
sen, Forrest Skaggs. L. E. Reed.
Honorary: Ida V. Hadley, Eva Pitcher.
Licensed Ministers:
Bible Workers: E. D. Calkins, H. H. Crandell, M. S.
Mrs. Edith Cross, Mary Kent. Culver, W. W. Ellis, V. E. Garber,

Obed Klein, George Liscombe, Charles Postal Address: Box 512, Madison, Wis.
Mellor, J. C. Miklos, J. H. Nylander,
M. J. Perepelitza, T. I. Rush, George Officers:
Schram, J. R. Shull, F. B. Wells, President, T. E. Unruh.
E. P. Weaver. Secretary-Treasurer, Clarence Lawry.
Executive Committee: T. E. Unruh,
Licensed Missionaries:
A. A. Cone, Clarence Lawry, W. T.
Mrs. D. Brander, Mrs. Anna Collard, Lindsay, Theodore Lucas, A. W. Nel-
Mrs. B. Davison, Elton Dessain, son, A. H. Parker.
Jennie DeYoung, Alma DuBois, Mae
Grills, J. Hickman, Nell Ketterman,
Okareda Ketterman, Mrs. F. McCor- Departmental Secretaries:
rnick, H. E. Moon, Edith Shepard, Book and Bible House, R. E. Spangle.
Mrs. E. Smith, F. B. Steen, L. G. Educational, Home Commission, and
Wartzok, Mrs. C. Webster, C. L. Y. P. M. V., Theodore Lucas.
Wilber. Field Missionary, P. M. Lewis.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Bible Workers:
C. C. Kott.
Mrs. D. Brander, Mrs. Anna Collard, Religious Liberty, T. E. Unruh.
Mrs. B. Davison, Jennie DeYoung,
Alma DuBois, Mae Grills, Nell Ket-
Ordained Ministers:
terman, Mrs. F. McCormick, Mrs.
E. V. Smith, Mrs. C. Webster. M. E. Anderson, C. M. Bee, Herbert
Church School Teachers: Christensen, A. A. Cone, J. J. Dol-
linger, H. Grundset, W. H. Holden,
Louise Ambs, Gladys Bakeman, R. C. C. V. Keiser, C. C. Kott, Theodore
Barger, Margaret Benedict, Wynnton Lucas, 0. A. Lyberg, J. C. Michalenko,
Bunnell, Mrs. LaVerne Cameron, T. M. Summerville, G. F. Theiss,
Myrtle Camp, Mrs. Dorothy Clark, T. E. Unruh, Justus Vitrano.
Emilie Crouch, Elaine Dennison, El-
vers Eckerman, Mrs. Percy Eggert, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Irma Ellsworth, L. E. Foll,
Verna Goodsite, Grayce Hamilton, D. W. Anderson, Erling Calkins,
LaVina Henderson, Ethel Hull, Madge V. R. Hillman, W. J. Kisack, Clar-
Kamerer, Helen Kannenberg, Mary ence Lawry, P. M. Lewis, M. H.
Kickbush, Adele Kindt, Mrs. Leona Odegaard, A. H. Parker, G. C. Sowler.
Klidder, Huldrich Kuhlman, Mrs.
Estelle Ludeman, Grace Maas, Shelley Licensed Missionaries:
Marshall, Pansy Middaugh, Shirley Alice bodine, Mrs. A. A. Cone, Sue
Morrow, Mrs. Mabel Nelson, Florence Jones, Mrs. G. Mitterhausen, R. E.
Orth, Genevieve Pangburn, Laura Spangle, Helen Spangle.
Pelleymounter, Ina Peterson, Marie
Pfeifle, Marie Satterlee, Ida Smalley, Bible Workers:
Mildred Steigenberg, Mrs. Mattie
Sterling, Mary L. Stevens, Maxine Alice Bodine, Mrs. A. A. Cone, Mrs.
Stevenson, T. H. Stockton, It. I. S. G. Mitterhausen.
Thompson, Jean Van Arsdale, Bernice
Webber, W. J. Wilkinson, Evelyn Church School Teachers:
Winston. Esther Alkire, Frances Bartlett, May
Legal Association: "Michigan Confer- Brodersen, Maxine Bundy, Harold
ence Assn. of Seventh-day Advent- Current, Kenneth Day, Mrs. Kenneth
ists," Incorporated. T. G. Bunch, Day, Ramona Ellis, Mrs. Paul Hamel,
Chairman ; H. P. Bloum, Secretary. Mrs. Eric Johnson, Myrtle Johnson,
B. A. Jones, Mrs. B. A. Jones, Marie
Justiss, Viola Keiser, Mrs. Eugene
Lemon, Mrs. R. K. Nelson, Ruth
WISCONSIN CONFERENCE Nelson, Mrs. Henry Olsen, Mrs. E. R.
Orrick, Lucille Parfitt, Mrs. Pauline
Organized 1871 ; divided as North and Schaal, Mrs. Hilda Schulz, Aileen
South Wisconsin Conferences 1916; Sheppler, Marian Steigenberg, Irma
reunited 1927. Sterling, Daisy Sterns, Genevieve
Vitrano, Paul Weichert.
Territory: The State of Wisconsin.
Population: 2,939,006 ; churches, 91; Legal Associations: "South Wisconsin
members, 4,210. Conference Assn. of the S. D. A."
and "North Wisconsin Conference
Office Address: 342 E. Lakeside St., Assn. of S. D. A." (Continuing as
Madison, Wis. (Telephone, Badger long as there is business to be done
,2210.) under that name.)

INSTITUTIONS IN THE LAKE Emmanuel Missionary College, College

UNION CONFERENCE Station, Berrien Springs, Mich.
Emmanuel Missionary College Acad-
Educational: emy, College Station, Berrien
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. Springs, Mich.
Battle Creek Academy, Battle Creek, Indiana Academy, Cicero, Ind.
Mich. Shiloh Academy, 606 E. 46th St.,
Bethel Academy, Arpin, Wis. Chicago, Ill.
Broadview Academy, R. F. D. 1,
Box 58, La Grange, Ill. Publishing:
Cedar Lake Academy, Cedar Lake, Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield,
Mich. Ill.
College Wood Products, Berrien The College Press, Berrien Springs,
Springs, Mich. Mich.


Organized 1902; Reorganized 1937

Territory: The conferences of Iowa, Legal Association: "The Northern Un-

Minnesota, North Dakota, and South ion Conference Association of Sev-
Dakota, enth-day Adventists, Inc." President,
M. V. Campbell; Secretary-Treasurer,
Population: 6,408,586 ; churches, 223 ; A. R. Smouse.
members, 12,214.

Telegraphic Address: Telephone, Colfax IOWA CONFERENCE

8004, Minneapolis, Minn.
Organized 1863
Office Address: 2718 - 3d Ave., S., Territory: The State of Iowa.
Minneapolis, Minn.
Population: 2,538,268 ; churches, 65 ;
Officers: members, 3,607.
President, M. V. Campbell. (Tele- Office: 734 Main St., Nevada, Iowa.
phone, Pleasant 1811.) (Telephone 158.)
Secretary-Treasurer, A. R. Smouse.
(Telephone, Midway 9482.) Officers:
Auditor and Transportation Agent, President, D. N. Wall.
A. R. Smouse. Secretary-Treasurer, Eugene Woesner.
Executive Committee: M. V. Campbell, Executive Committee: D. N. Wall,
R. E. Bowles, K. L. Gant, P. D. G. C. Lauterbach, L. C. Lee, J. 0.
Gerrard, D. S. Osgood, D. E. Reiner, Marsh, I. W. Reck, J. A. Tucker,
H. L. Rudy, A. H. Rulkoetter, A. R. Eugene Woesner.
Smouse, H. W. Walker, D. N. Wall.
Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Book and Bible House, Eugene Woes-
Educational and Y. P. M. V., K. L. ner.
Gant. Educational, Home Commission, and
Field Missionary, P. D. Gerrard. Y. P. M. V., C. L. Smith.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Field Missionary, L. L. Grand Pre.
Temperance, D. E. Reiner. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Religious Liberty and Radio, M. V. J. 0. Marsh.
Campbell. Medical, --
Religious Liberty, D. N. Wall.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
M. V. Campbell, K. L. Gant, P. D.
Gerrard, D. E. Reiner. A. E. Axelson, E. T. Gackenheimer,
R. T. Hudson, C. Lee, J. 0. Marsh,
Honorary: August Anderson, F. E. A. L. Miller, E. H. Oswald, B. Peter-
Bates, C. Edwardson, W. H. Han- sen, J. A. Tucker, C. L. Vories, D. N.
hardt, H. M. Hiatt, C. A. Larsen, Wall.
J. A. Litwinenco, J. H. Seibel, P. G.
Stanley, J. R. Staton, M. F. Wiede- Licensed Ministers:
mann. G. H. Boehrig, Ralph Combes, M. S.
Durichek, L. L. Grand Pre, L. R.
Licensed Minister: A. R. Smouse. Holley, J. D. Nichols, W. S. Sanders,

C. L. Smith, Eugene Woesner, Paul Vandeman, H. W. Walker, C. S.

Whitlow, Burton Castle. Wiest.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Ervin Foster, J. E. Van Divier, D. J. Bieber, C. B. Caldwell, H. W.
Mrs. Stemple White. Christian, Clarence Duffield, L. A.
Honorary: Josephine Blanchard, Ruby Edwards, Gordon Zytkoskee.
McSparran. Licensed Missionaries:
Bible Workers: Ethel Beeson, Mrs. V. B. Cummings,
R. Jannette Greene, Alice Ramsey, Alice Mattson, Helen Zeelau.
Phyllis Ray, Mrs. Stemple White. Bible Workers:
Church School Teachers: Ethel Beeson, Mrs. V. B. Cummings,
Mrs. Irvin Anunsen, Lois Bailey, Helen Zeelau.
Frances Davis, Ella Esau, Dorothy Church School Teachers:
Gray, E. M. Hagele, Mrs. Hagele,
Mrs. Gladys Huston, Mabel Madsen, A. M. Amundson, Lillie Beeson, Ruth
Amy Messenger, Dorothy Nye, Lillian Burgeson, Ralph Carter, Mrs. Ralph
Peters, P. W. Peters, Wilma Rouse, Carter, Mrs. H. B. Douglas, Eileen
W. S. Sanders, Helen Smith, Wilda Engeberg, Wava Holm, A. F. Houck,
Smith. I. 0. Johnson, Bessie McCumsey,
K. M. Nelson, Eunice Skadsheim, Irene
Legal Association: "The Iowa Seventh- M. Timothy, Elizabeth Townsend,
day Advntist Association." D. N. Mrs. Ernest Wold, A. S. Zytkoskee.
Wall, President; Eugene Woesner,
Secretary-Treasurer. Legal Association: "The Minnesota Con-
ference Association of Seventh-day

Organized 1902
Territory: The State of Minnesota.
Territory: The State of North Dakota.
Population: 2,563,953 ; churches, 74 ;
members, 4,749. . Population: 641,935 ; churches, 53 ;
members, 2,268.
Office: 1854 Roblyn Ave., St. Paul, Office Address: 213 Second St., S. E.,
Minn. (Telephone, Midway 8441.) Jamestown, N. Dak. (Telephone 676.)
Officers: Postal Address: Box 1491, Jamestown,
President, H. W. Walker. (Tele- N. Dak.
phone, Minneapolis, Pleasant 1811.)
Secretary-Treasurer, C. B. Caldwell. Officers:
(Telephone, Midway 6316.) President, D. S. Osgood.
Executive Committee: H. W. Walker, Secretary-Treasurer, B. L. Schlott-
C. B. Caldwell, J. W. Christian, G. E. hauer.
Hutches, E. C. Mitchell, F. J. Nenno, Executive Committee: D. S. Osgood,
Carl Sundin. W. R. Archbold, W. 0. Johnson,
M. S. Krietzky, Chris Lang, G. H.
Departmental Secretaries: Rustad, B. L. Schlotthauer.
Book and Bible House, H. W. Chris- Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. A. Book and Bible House, B. L. Schlott-
Howe. hauer.
Field Missionary, Educational, Home Commission, and
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., Glenn Fillman.
G. E. Hutches. Field Missionary, N. J. Aaboe.
Medical, 0. J. Grundset. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Religious Liberty, C. S. Wiest. G. H. Rustad.
Religious Liberty, D. S. Osgood .
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Ministers:
J. W. Christian, S. A. Douglas, David
Gulbrandson, J. C. Harder, W. A. W. R. Archbold, J. Braun, M. F.
Howe, G. E. Hutches, V. A. Lidner Grau, W. Holbrook, M. S. Krietzky,
A. J. Lockert, N. R. Nelson, D. K. H. R. Kuehne, D. S. Osgood, G. H.
Olson, V. E. Peugh, E. A. Piper, H. V. Rustad.
Reed, C. E. Smith, Carl Sundin, H. A. Honorary: J. H. Seibel.

Licensed Ministers: Field Missionary, C. C. Stoner.

N. J. Aaboe, A. W. Bauer, R. H. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Brodersen, W. S. Dennis, Glenn Fill- B. A. Scherr.
man. Religious Liberty, H. L. Rudy.

Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:

G. J. Lang, C. A. Lindquist, B. L. Carl Braun, J. A. Estey, A. J. Gor-
Schlotthauer. don, R. J. Kegley, E. R. Lauda, G. H.
Loewen, S. A. Reile, H. L. Rudy,
Church School Teachers: B. A. Scherr.
Erma Dietrich, Mrs. C. A. Lindquist, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Leo Merkel, Anna Petersen.
F. W. Bieber, H. J. Perkins, Clarence
Legal Association: "The North Dakota Renschler.
Conference Association of Seventh-
day Adventists." Licensed Missionaries:
Lena Myers, J. V. Peters, Grace
Stewart, C. C. Stoner.
Church School Teachers:
SOUTH DAKOTA CONFERENCE Mrs. J. A. Estey, Dorthory Fitzger-
Organized 1879 ald, Gideon Hochstatter, Mrs. J. V.
Peters, Annie Strudel.
Territory: The State of South Dakota.
Legal Association: "South Dakota Con-
Population: 692,849 ; churches, 32; ference of Seventh-day Adventists."
members, 1,737. President, H. L. Rudy ; Secretary-
Treasurer H. J. Perkins.
Office Address: Broadway and Third
Ave., N. E., Watertown, S. Dak.
(Telephone, 2115.)
Postal Address: Drawer 36, Watertown, INSTITUTIONS IN THE NORTHERN
Officers: Educational:
President, H. L. Rudy. Maplewood Academy, Hutchinson,
Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Perkins. Minn.
Executive Committee: H. L. Rudy, Oak Park Academy, Nevada, Iowa.
Floyd Gilbert, A. J. Gordon, H. J. Plainview Academy, Redfield, S. Dak.
Perkins, S. A. Reile, B. A. Scherr, Sheyenne River Academy, Harvey,
C. M. Scriven. N. Dak.
Departmental Secretaries: Sanitariums:
Book and Bible House, H. J. Perkins. Iowa Sanitarium and Hospital, Ne-
Educational and Y. P. M. V., vada, Iowa.


Organized 1906

Territory: The conferences of Idaho, Executive Committee: E. L. Neff,

Montana, Oregon, Upper Columbia, V. G. Anderson, G. S. Belleau, G. W.
Washington, and the Alaska Mission. Bowers, D. E. Collins, L. E. Esteb,
Population: 3,982,728; churches, 271; H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement, D. A.
members, 24,618. Lower, T. L. Oswald, F. W. Peterson,
J. J. Reiswig, C. A. Scriven, H. L.
Office Address: 202 S. Palouse St., Wood.
Walla Walla, Wash. (Telephone,
702.) Departmental Secretaries:
Officers: Educational, Home Commission, and
President, E. L. Neff. Y. P. M. V., H. C. Klement.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. C. Kephart. Field Missionary, D. E. Collins.
Auditor and Transportation Agent, Home Missionary, T. L. Oswald. "'-
H. C. Kephart. Religious Liberty, E. L. Neff.

Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers:
G. W. Bowers, W. S. Boynton, F. M. M. L. Miles, M. W. Smith.
Burg, T. M. Cole, D. E. Collins, V. E.
Hendershot, H. C. Kephart, H. C. Licensed Missionaries:
Klement, L. B. Losey, D. A. Lower,
E. L. Neff, T. L. OsWald, J. I. Robi- Mrs. M. L. Miles, Mrs. M. W. Smith,
son. Mrs. Fred Wagner, Mrs. Myrtle Wood.

Honorary: R. W. Airy, H. A. Aufder-

liar, M. A. Belding, A. R. Bell, A. C.
Bird, G. L. Budd, C. H. Castle, J. J.
Clark, I. C. Colcord, C. J. Cole, J. M.
Cromer, F. H. Conway, F. H. Curtis, Organized 1907
W. D. Emery, W. G. Forshaw, J. C.
Foster, T. R. Flaiz, C. A. Hansen, Territory: That portion of Idaho south
J. F. Harder, 0. W. Herwick, W. T. of the 45th parallel, including all
Hilgert, J. A. Holbrook, Fred John- of Lemhi County, together with six
son, W. M. Landeen, N. W. Lawr- counties in Oregon, as follows: Wal-
ence, H. M. Lee, Martin Olson, S. W. lowa, Union, Baker, Malheur, Har-
Palmer, R. W. Pearson, John Peter- ney, Grant.
son, C. A. Purdom, W. R. Smith,
A. G. Steinert, F. E. Stratton, C. Population: 463,937; churches, 31;
Sulzle, G. F. Watson, M H. Wentland, members, 2,125.
C. A. Wyman.
Office: 523 Main St., Boise, Idaho.
Licensed Ministers:
P. W. Christian, E. S. Cubley, Holger Postal Address: Box 2238, Boise, Idaho.
Lindsjo, T. A. Little, C. E. Thurston, (Telephone 1651.)
E. K. Vande Vere.
Honorary: S. J. Abegg, W. F. Hahn, Officers:
R. E. Keller, J. S. Kilgore. President, G. S. Belleau.
Secretary-Treasurer, Andrew Roedel.
Licensed Missionaries: Executive Committee: G. S. Belleau,
K. A. Aplington, Pearl Cook, Mrs. G. William Butler, T. Hendryx, E.
Dalrymple, Ione Dorner, Dorothy Knauft, A. Roedel, J. R. Sloop, A. T.
Foreman, Thorne Koorenny, G. G. Treat.
Kretchmar, R. B. Lewis, Florence
Departmental Secretaries:
E. Pester, F. W. Peterson, H. R.
Sittner. Book and Bible House and Sabbath
Honorary: W. L. Manful, Nellie J. School, Andrew Roedel.
Educational and Religious Liberty,
Orr, Asa Smith, Mrs. Eliza C. Thorp,
Miranda Schmidt. G. S. Belleau.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
Legal Association: "The North Pacific G. V. Larson.
Union Conference Association of Sev- Field Missionary, J. F. Hamel.
enth-day Adventists."
Ordained Ministers:
G. S. Belleau, W. E. Gillis, B. L.
Hassenpflug, A. T. Treat.
ALASKA MISSION Licensed Ministers:
J. F. Hamel, E. Knauft, G. V. Lar-
Population : 82,524 : churches, 7 ; mem- son, A. Roedel, H. E. Sample, C. J.
bers, 209. Smith, T. W. Walters.
Office Address: 101 E. Second St., Licensed Missionaries:
Juneau, Alaska. (Phone 241.) Lorena Feris, G. H. Gibson, Alice
Postal Address: Box 2841, Juneau, Soper.
Alaska. Church School Teachers:
Radio Call: WIFE. Edna Borton, Margaret Buchert, A.
D. Butherus, Myrtle Egelhoff, Paul
Officers: Featherston, Mrs. Paul Featherston,
Superintendent, H. L. Wood. Mrs. L. E. Ladd, Willard Meier, Clara
Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Myrtle Pease, Mrs. J. L. Pine, Mrs. Esther
Wood. Slaght, Louise Unruh.
Ordained Ministers: Legal Association: "The Southern Idaho
Fred Wagner, H. L. Wood. Conference Assn. of S. D. A."

MONTANA CONFERENCE Office: 414 S. E. 39th Ave., Portland,

Oreg. (Telephone, LAncaster 2187.)
Organized 1898
Territory: The State of Montana. President, V. G. Anderson. (Telephone,
Population: 559,456; churches, 27 ; LAncaster 9944.)
members, 1,391. Secretary-Treasurer, R. T. Emery.
(Telephone, LAncaster 6387.)
Office: 417 S. Black St., Bozeman, Mont. Executive Committee: V. G. Ander-
Postal Address: Box 743, Bozeman, son, St. Clair Diamond, G. T. Dick-
inson, F. H. Doleman, R. T. Emery,
Mont. (Telephone 435.) J. R. Nelson, R. W. Nelson, H. A.
Officers: Peckham, H. C. Sprague.
President, J. J. Reiswig. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, H. N. Brodersen. Book and Bible House, H. R. Gay.
Executive Committee: J. J. Reiswig, Educational and Home Commission,
F. E. Barkley, H. N. Brodersen, R. E. H. S. Hanson.
Finney, Jr., H. A. Green, F. W. Field Missionary, C. S. Johnson.
Steunenberg, A. R. Tucker. Home Missionary, J. R. Nelson.
Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Book and Bible House, H. N. Broder- G. W. Chambers.
sen. Religious Liberty, V. G. Anderson.
Educational, Home Missionary, and Conference Nurse, Agnes D. Kezer.
Y. P. M. V., A. J. Reisig. Ordained Ministers:
Field Missionary, Roy Zumwalt. V. G. Anderson, G. W. Chambers,
Religious Liberty, J. J. Reiswig. G. T. Dickinson, N. C. Erntson, J. K.
Sabbath School, Mrs. J. J. Reiswig. Fish, G. L. Goffar, H. R. Gay, H. S.
Ordained Ministers: Hanson, H. H. Humann, Adolph John-
H. N. Brodersen, R. E. Finney, Jr., son, C. S. Johnson, William Lay, J. R.
L. B. Mershon, A. J. Reisig, J. J. Nelson, L. E. Niermeyer, G. E. Pat-
Reiswig, W. F. Specht, F. W. Steunen- terson, H. A. Peckham, G. W. Pettit,
berg. J. A. Rippey, B. E. Schaffner, G. J.
Seltzer, G. H. Simpson, H. D. Strever,
Licensed Ministers: G. A. Thompson, J. L. Tucker, H."
Morris Lewis, H. J. Thomsen, A. R. Wentland, E. J. Westman, C. C.
Tucker, A. L. Zumwalt. Wilcox.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Ministers:
Verna Dietrich, Burt Kurtz, Mrs. P. C. Alderson, P. P. Bartholomew,
J. J. Reiswig. G. L. Beane, H. T. Bergh, R. D.
Drayson, R. T. Emery, W. R. Em-
Church School Teachers: merson, K. E. Groves, H. W. Hempel,
Edith Carpenter, Florence Gill, Mrs. W. B. Holden, R. E. Kepkey, G. M.
D. V. Harris, Mrs. A. M. Stacy, MacLafferty, A. J. Purdey, John Rob-
Lucille Stoops, Anna Surdal, Jessie ertson, E. R. Walde, T. 0. Willey.
Thomsen, Lois Wilson. Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Association: "The Montana Con- Pearl Canwell, Mrs. Bertie Crick,
ference Assn. of S. D. A." Mrs. Velva Farquharson, Mrs. Velma
Fischer, Fred Hardin, Nora Haugen,
Rose Herr, H. A. Jenks, Mrs. Lee
Kallenbach, Agnes Kezer, Marjory
Mereen, R. W. Nelson, E. E. Rippey,
OREGON CONFERENCE Pearl Stafford, Edith Starbuck, Ann
Organized 1877; reorganized 1902; Stratton.
reorganized 1932 Bible Workers:
Territory: That portion of the State of Rose Herr, Pearl Stafford.
Oregon lying west of Gilliam, Grant, Church School Teachers:
Wheeler, and Harney Counties ; also
the counties of Clarke, Skamania, Mrs. Carrol Aimes, Pearl Anderson,
Cowlitz, Wahkiakum, Klickitat west Audrey Ashby, Mabelle Banks, E. L.
of Klickitat River, and southern por- Barclay, Mrs. Gladys Beasley, Alton
tion of Pacific, in the State of Wash- Bringle, Mrs. H. S. Burnett, Margaret
ington. Chase, Mrs. L. B. Christensen, I. C.
Colcord, Mrs. I. C. Colcord, Mrs.
Population: 1,087,335; churches, 89; Pearl Cox, Blanche DeMerice, Mrs. L.
members, 9,717. Docherty, Mabel Dougherty, Evelyn

Dufloth, George Finlayson, Mrs. G. E. Field Missionary, -C. E. Wimer.

Fouts, Faith Fullerton, Hazel Gre- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
goire, Mrs. Mabel Griffin, G. B. Har- L. A. Reynolds. .
bison, Mrs. Henry Hardt, Mrs. Earl Medical, J. E. Potts.
Hargrove, Genevieve Herwick, Mrs. Religious Liberty, L. E. Esteb.
Gerald Hibbard, Mary Hight, Luther
Hill, Mrs. Clara Howland, Harold Ordained Ministers:
Huey, Mrs. Harold Huey, H. A. Jenks, V. C. Becraft, R. F. Bresee, L. E.
Mrs. J. R. Jennings, Bonnie Johnson, Esteb, W. A. Gosmer, S. Kime, A.
George Jones, Mrs. Ellen F. Kennedy, Kruger, J. W. McComas, R. H. Night-
G. K. Lashier, Esther Miller, Madge ingale, F. M. Oliver, Melvin Oss, L. A.
Moore, Dewey Payne, Mrs. Dewey Reynolds, Jacob Riffel, 0. E. Schnep-
Payne, Miriam Pease, Grace Prentice, per, H. A. Schultz, H. E. Weaver,
Lorene Putnam, Estel Rogers, Gale E. H. Wilcox.
Rood, Mrs. Ruth Roth, Francetta
Rustin, Enid Sparks, Alex Steinert, Licensed Ministers:
Mrs. Alex Steinert, Earl Stewart,
Cecil Balser, Everett Duncan, G. F.
Mrs. Elvira Strong, J. H. Stuivenga,
Mrs. J. H. Stuivenga, C. A. Taylor, Hilton, K. C. Holman, Werber John-
Mrs. C. A. Taylor, Mrs. E. L. Terrill, son, A. P. McDow, W. H. McGhee,
Mrs. Mildred Thorman, Francis Tip- R. Patzer, J. E. Potts, F. G. Roper,
ton, Mrs. Ruth Vance, James Vetter, H. R. Turner, C. E. Wimer.
Mrs. James Vetter, Buford Ward,
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Buford Ward, Mae Wells, Ken-
neth Wilson, Mrs. R. E. Wolgamott, Loretta Davidson, R. S. Dexter, Al-
Evelynne Wright. vina Gruzensky, Leona Warren, Mrs.
G. R. Soper.
Legal Association: "Western Oregon
Conference Association of Seventh- Bible Worker: Florence Backstrom.
day Adventists." President, V. G.
Anderson; Secretary-Treasurer, It. T. Church School Teachers:
Emery. Mrs. Louise Beers, V. Braaten, Mrs.
V. Braaten, Lois Brody, Carrie Cooper,
Robert Dexter, Mrs. Ernest Fresk,
S. J. Hegstad, Mrs. S. J. Hegstad,
UPPER COLUMBIA CONFERENCE Lowell Howson, Helen Hudson, Ethel
Johnson, Henrietta Lamberton, Mrs.
Organized 1880 John Lamberton, 0. F. Lenz, Mrs.
0. F. Lenz, Mrs. Mabel Lewellen,
Territory: That portion of the State of Mrs. Eleanor Lindsjo, Theodore Lust,
Washington lying east of the Cascade Mrs. M. Matson, H. Neil, Mrs. H.
Mountains, excepting that portion of Neil, Margaret O'Dea, L. Pedersen,
Klickitat County lying west of the Mrs. L. Pederson, S. Peterson, Mrs.
Klickitat River, and the counties S. Peterson, Mrs. Grace Pierce, Mrs.
of Umatilla, Morrow, Gilliam, and Hilda Qualley, Emerald Rogers, Mrs.
Wheeler, in the State of Oregon ; and Ivan Rood, Bernice Searle, Mavis
that portion of the State of Idaho Smith, Mrs. L. Stephens, Hannah
lying north of the 45th parallel, ex- Swanson, Dorothy Tininenko, Mrs.
cepting Lemhi County. Ruth Wage.
Population: 686,173; churches, 54; Legal Association: "Upper Columbia
members, 6,169. Mission Society of Seventh-day Ad-
Office: 817 W. Nora Ave., Spokane, ventists."
Wash. (Telephone, Broadway 0597.)
President, L. E. Esteb. (Telephone, WASHINGTON CONFERENCE
Broadway 2443.)
Secretary-Treasurer, A. P. McDow. Organized 1902
(Telephone, Glenwood 5980.)
Executive Committee: L. E. Esteb, Territory: All of the State of Washing-
W. A. Gosmer, G. F. Hilton. C. D. ton west of the Cascade Mountains,
Hobbs, J. H. Link, A. P. McDow, except the counties of Clarke, Ska-
R. H. Nightingale, F. W. Peterson, mania, Cowlitz, and Wahkiakum, and
L. A. Reynolds. the south tip of Pacific County.

Departmental Secretaries: Population: 1,113,303 ; churches, 62 ;

members, 4,626.
Book and Bible House, A. P. McDow.
Educational, Home Commission, and Office: 2610 Nob Hill Ave., Seattle,
Y. P. M. V., Melvin Oss. Wash. (Tel., Garfield 8231.)

Officers: Regina Magary, Mrs. Howard Martin,

President, C. A. Scriven. (Tel., Gar- Mrs. Grace Maxson, B. A. Meier, Mrs.
field 9280.) li. A. Meier, Archie Moreley, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. G. Dealy. Vivian Morton, Gerald Mosier, Mrs.
(Tel., Alder 2776.) Joan Noland, C. D. Overton, Mrs.
Executive Committee: C. A. Scriven, C. D. Overton, Doris Porter, A. H.
M.G. Dealy, L. W. Hallsted, K. J. Warner, Mrs. A. H. Warner, Ione
Nelson, Philip Nelson, E. N. Sargeant, Youtsler, Elva Zachrison, Mrs. V. N.
H. E. Willoughby. Zachrison.

Departmental Secretaries: Legal Association: "Western Washing-

Book and Bible House, M. G. Dealy. ton Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Educational and Y. P. M. V., W. L. ventists."
Field Missionary, G. E. Lindquist.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Medical, Philip Nelson. CIFIC UNION CONFERENCE
Religious Liberty, C. A. Scriven.
Ordained Ministers: Educational:
A. V. Bentz, A. D. Bohn, W. H. Auburn Academy, Route 1, Auburn,
Bradley, H. A. Fish, L. W. Hallsted, Wash.
K. Inoue, G. E. Johnson, E. M. Oberg, Columbia Academy, Route 2, Battle
A. J. Olson, F. H. Parrish, N. F. Ground, Wash.
Pease, E. N. Sargeant, R. G. Schaff- Gem State Academy, Box 691, Cald-
ner, C. A. Scriven, D. H. Spillman, well, Idaho.
Laurelwood Academy, Route 2, Gas-
H. E. Willoughby.
ton, Oreg.
Licensed Ministers: Mt. Ellis Academy, Route 4, Bozeman,
Austin Butler, M. G. Dealy, G. E. Mont.
Lindquist, L. W. Lyman, R. S. Michel, Portland Union Academy, 4837 N. E.
M. M. Mohr, Wesley Siegenthaler, Couch St., Portland, Oreg.
Van Blair. Rouge River Academy, Route 1, Box
182, Medford, Oreg.
Licensed Missionaries: Walla Walla College, College Place,
Lola Dick, Esther Nerlund, Yvonne Wash.
Olney. Yakima Valley Academy, Granger,
Bible Workers:
Publishing :
Mrs. Diantha Hansen, Mrs. L. John-
son. Northwest Branch of the Pacific Press
Pub. Assn., 2101 N. E. Flanders St.,
Church School Teachers: Portland, Oreg.
Mrs. Lula Haney, Mrs. Eunice Bar-
tholomew, Vivian Carman, Myrtle Sanitariums:
Cochran, Dorothy Dawson, Edna Portland Sanitarium, E. 60th and
Dopp, Viola Elvin, Norman Everett, Belmont Sts., Portland, Oreg.
Wilma Gates, Mrs. Mildred Gyes, Walla Walla Sanitarium, Walla
Florence Jacobson, Carrol Lyman, Walla, Wash.


Organized 1901

Territory: The Arizona, Central Cali- Office: 1531 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale.
fornia, Nevada-Utah, Northern Cali- Calif. (Telephones, Chapman 5-1047
fornia, Southeastern California, and and Citrus 1-5174.)
Southern California Conferences, and Postal Address: Box 146, Glendale,
the Hawaiian Mission. Calif.
Population: 7,613,437 ; churches, 294 Officers:
members, 36,485. President, L. K. Dickson.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. L. Bauer.
Cable Address: Adventist, Glendale, Auditor, James Howarth ; Associate,
Calif. A. R. Smith,

Transportation Agents, H. G. Childs Neumann, A. J. Osborne, M. Ostoich,

and C. L. Bauer. F. M. Owen, F. W. Paap, H. B.
Executive Committee: L. K. Dickson, Parker, R. W. Parmele, D. A. Par-
W. M. Adams, C. E. Andross, F. G. sons, L. F. Passebois, J. R. Patterson,
Ashbaugh, C. L. Bauer, L. E. Biggs, F. L. Perry, N. W. Philips, A. E.
R. R. Breitigam, G. T. Chapman, Place, G. W. Reaser, C. E. Rentfro,
T. L. Copeland, E. E. Cossentine, H. M. J. Richards, C. H. Rittenhouse,
E. W. Dunbar, E. M. Fishell, J. E. P. G. Rodgers, Emil Rosenvold, C. N.
Fulton, E. F. Hackman, H. H. Hicks, Sanders, Melzar Shepard, 0. H.
James Howarth, W. E. Macpherson, Shrewsbury, G. II. Skinner, E. K.
A. C. Nelson, C. E. Nelson, F. L. Slade, G. H. Smith, G. B. Starr, G. A.
Peterson, E. L. Place, W. I. Smith, Stevens, J. B. Stuyvesant, W. A.
G. E. Taylor, A. W. Truman, H. W. Sweany, Swin Swinson, T. L. Thuem-
Vollmer, David Voth, I. J. Woodman. ler, H. G. Thurston, W. H. Wakeham,
N. J. Waldorf, H. A. Washburn, F. H.
Departmental Secretaries: Westphal, J. W. Westphal, G. A.
Educational and Home Commission, Wheeler, C. D. M. Williams, A.
A. C. Nelson. Chavrenko.
Field Missionary, E. M. Fishell,
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Licensed Ministers:
School, R. R. Breitigam. A. D. Butterfield, G. T. Chapman,
Medical, H. W. Vollmer. H. W. Clark, Scott Donaldson, R. H.
Associate Religious Liberty and Tem- Duncan, N. G. Evans, E. W. Everest,
perance, W. M. Adams. J. R. Ferren, R, E. Hoen, J. Howarth,
Y. P. M. V., E. W. Dunbar. A. W. Johnson, C. C. Mattison, B..0.
Medical Cadet Corps Training, Na- Maxson, H. R. Miller, J. M. Peterson,
tional Service Commission, and As- R. B. Prout, C. A. Pyle, J. M. Rowse,
sociate Y. P. M. V., F. G. Ashbaugh. A. R. Smith, H. B. Thomas, C. E.
Negro, F. L. Peterson. Weniger.
Ordained Ministers: Honorary: L. J. Black, I. A. Ford,
0. J. Graf, E. L. Lutz, I. T. Reyn-
W. M. Adams, C. R. Anderson, F. G. olds.
Ashbaugh, A. L. Baker, C. L. Bauer,
R. R. Breitigam, L. L. Caviness, Licensed Missionaries:
R. M. Cossentine, Howard Curran, D. A. Courville, G. H. Curtis, Minnie
L. K. Dickson, E. W. Dunbar, Eman- E. Dauphinee, Esther Heim, Otis Hud-
uel Ehlers, E. M. Fishell, W. R. son, Myrna C. Lee, W. E. Macpher-
French, J. E. Fulton, B. F. Gregory, son, Mary McReynolds, A. It. Mon-
M. M. Hare, F. B. Jensen, V. J. teith, 0. B. Pratt, R. P. Rowe, A. A.
Johns, Ernest Lloyd, H. G. Lucas, Sprengel, Mrs. Margaret Williamson,
A. S. Maxwell, Frank Moran, M. L. H. A. Young.
Neff, A. C. Nelson, E. H. Risley, Honorary: S. P. S. Edwards, Mrs.
E. T. Seat, W. L Smith, 0. R. Staines, M. E. Hoyt, Mrs. Ella E. Hughes,
George Taylor, A. W. Truman, H. W. Mrs. J. L. Kay, Stella B. Lowry,
Vollmer, L. A. Wilcox, W. G. Wirth, Mina M. Mann, Mrs. Alma E. McKib-
G. F. Wolfkill, K. H. Wood. ben, Mrs. Jessie F. Moser, Cora A.
Honorary: J. W. Allison, F. B. Armi- Rapp, H. L. Rawson, Mrs. Alice H.
tage, E. E. Backus, W. C. Baldwin, J. Robinson, D. K. Royer, Miss L. C.
W. Beams, J. H. Behrens, 0. 0. Bern- Scholz, Margaret Warnock, Mrs.
stein, W. L. Bird, E. B. Bray, E. A. Luther Warren.
Bristol, E. A. Brown, R. J. Bryant, J. A. Legal Association: "Pacific Union Asso-
Burden, W. D. Burden, L. J. Burgess, ciation of Seventh-day Adventists."
J. M. Campbell, J. A. Chaney, A. G. Board of Directors: C. L. Bauer,
Christiansen, R. B. Coberly, Arthur G. T. Chapman, H. G. Childs, L. K.
Currow, E. A. Curtis, E. C. Cush- Dickson, James Howarth, A. C. Nel-
man, I. P. Dillon, G. F. Enoch, 0. 0. son, David Voth.
Farnsworth, D. P. Gaede, E. E. Gard-
ner, F. D. Gauterau, W. A. George,
L. A. Gibson, A. C. Gilbert, B. M.
Grandy, W. R. Hansen, E. G. Hayes, ARIZONA CONFERENCE
C. H. Hayton, B. L. Howe, L. L.
Hutchinson, Daniel Isaac, John Isaac, Reorganized March 1, 1936
C. C. Jensen, E. R. Johnson, C. C.
Kellar, 0. M. Kittle, C. E. Knight, 0. Territory: State of Arizona.
B. Kuhn, C. J. Kunkel, T. M. Lang- Population: 499,261 ; churches, 19 ;
berg, J. D. Lorenz, W. P. McLennan, members, 1,448.
C. A. Meleen, A. A. Meyer, W. W.
Miller, A. Mountain, A. G. Nelson, Office: 1230 N. First St., Phoenix, Ariz.
Andrew Nelson, R. J. Nethery, H. F. (Telephone, 3-8112.)

Postal Address: Box 1871, Phoenix, Jose. Calif. (Phone, Columbia 2343.)
Officers: President, W. A. Nelson.
President, C. E. Andross. Secretary-Treasurer, F. T. Oakes.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Kozel. Executive Committee: W. A. Nelson,
Executive Committee: C. E. Andross, E. H. Adams, R. C. Baker, J. R.
E. E. Beddoe, A. H. Field, J. C. Ferren, E. E. Gloor, F. T. Oakes,
Kozel, H. M. Moore, E. R. Reynolds, D. R. Schierman, Isaac Schneider,
R. L. Ward. G. R. West.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, J. C. Kozel. Book and Bible House, W. F. Van
Educational and Religious Liberty, Atte,.
C. E. Andross. Educational and Home Commission,
Field Missionary, E. J. Kraft. W. L. Avery.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Field Missionary, A. G. Sutton.
and Y. P. M. V., A. H. Field. Home Missionary, J. D. Haynes.
Ordained Ministers: Religious Liberty, W. A. Nelson.
Sabbath School, Eva Beeler.
C. E. Andross, E. E. Beddoe, M. B. Y. P. M. V., C. H. Lauda.
Butterfield, A. H. Field, Orno Follett,
J. F. Games, W. F. Miller, J. Phillips, Ordained Ministers:
A. F. Purcell, E. R. Reynolds. E. H. Adams, P. P. Adams, W. L.
Honorary: E. von Pohle. Avery, R. C. Baker, G. G. Brown, C.
Bufano, P. Chiodo, T. L. Copeland,
Licensed Ministers: Vernon Flory, C. E. Hall, J. D.
J. W. Allison, Jr., D. E. Jacobs, J. C. Haynes, F. H. Jenkins, C. H. Lauda,
Kozel, E. J. Kraft, 0. F. Locke, H. E. McWhinny, V. J. Maloney, S. 0.
Marvin Walter. Martin, L. S. Melendy, W. A. Nelson,
C. S. Nicolas, K. Nozaki, W. M. Rum-
Licensed Missionaries: inson, A. 0. Sage, D. R. Schierman,
Vivian Crosslan, Mrs. Dorothy Twain- R. A. Smithwick, C. M. Sorenson,
bert. G. R. West, H. B. Westcott, H. E.
Bible Workers:
Honorary: P. J. Gaede, D. P. Harder,
Vivian Crosslan, Mrs. Dorothy Twain- W. B. Miramontes, Isaac Schneider,
ley. H. G. Thompson.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Ministers:
J. D. Bare, Mrs. J. D. Bare, Ruth C. I. Chrisman, Donald Darst, F. C.
Gary, Ruth Jensen, H. L. Kuhn, Mrs. Denney, A. C. Madsen, L. M. Nelson,
H. L. Kuhn, Mrs. M. Maxam, Helen Jr., F. T. Oakes, J. W. Rhodes, A. G.
Schell, Mrs. L. Willard. Sutton, C. 0. Trubey, K. H. Wood, Jr.
Legal Association: "Arizona Confer- Licensed Missionaries:
ence Corporation of S. D. A."
Mrs. Jane Baldwin, Eva Beeler, Viv-
ian Birden, Anne Caton, Mary Clark,
Mrs. Florence Collier, Charles Cooper,
CENTRAL CALIFORNIA CON- Thelma Flattum, Verda Gibson, Celia
FERENCE Green, Katherine Hale, Millicent Hale,
Mrs. Gladys Hibbard, Myrtle Hudson,
Organized 1932 Mrs. L. L. Hutchinson, C. T. John-
Territory: The following-named coun- son, Maxine Kochenderfer, Marjorie
ties in the State of California: San Miller, Hazel Roth, Clyde Sage, Mar-
Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Cruz, jorie Sather, Mrs. Amos Shadsheim,
Santa Clara, Stanislaus, Alpine, Tuol- Doris Smith, W. F. Van Atta, Mrs.
umne, Merced, Mariposa, Madera, San Emma Wagner.
Benito, Monterey, Fresno, Kings, Tu- Honorary: Mrs. Helen Jarvois.
lare, San Luis Obispo, Kern (north of
Tehachapi Mountains), Santa Barbara Bible Workers:
west of 120th meridian. Mrs. Jane Baldwin, Mrs. Julia Bena-
vides, Anne Caton, Mary Clark, Mrs.
Population: 1,447,735 ; churches, 75 ; Florence Collier, Thelma Flattum,
members, 7,841. Celia Green, Effie Hale, Katherine
Office: 435 N. Third St., San Jose, Hale, Mrs. C. W. Hibbard, M. B.
Calif. Hudson, Maxine Kochenderfer, Mar-
jorie Miller, Mrs. Ethel Mitchell,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 580, San 011ie Tornblad, Mrs. Emma Wagner.

Church School Teachers: Licensed Ministers:

Mrs. Millie Adamson, Irma Andrews, V. Aladen, S. Morikone, Hideo Oshita,
A. W. Babienco, Mrs. A. W. Babienco, H. L. Tuttle.
Delmer Bond, Geneva Brookshire,
Ruth Carlson, C. R. Cyphers, Mrs. Licensed Missionaries:
C. R. Cyphers, Mrs. June Ehrler, Mrs. R. F. Alderson, Geneva Acker-
Oleta Frakes, A. T. Friend, Mrs. A. T. man, Mrs. W. P. Barto, Alice Boyd,
Friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Gehring, Mar- Mrs. A. Delafield, J. 0. Emmerson,
cella Geraty, Lucille Haagensen, Myrta Mrs. J. 0. Emmerson, Richard Gima,
Hart, Della Hemme,- Leeta Hemme, Mrs. R. Gima, Mrs. L. T. Heaton,
Mrs. Dorothea Hoffman, Hila Hughes, Donald Hemphill, Mrs. D. Hemphill,
Lester Knowlton, R. B. Lessard, Mrs. J. H. Horning, Mrs. J. H. Horning,
Irene Lottman, D. E. Lust, Mrs. D. E. Evelyn Isaac, Anna Jenson, W. W.
Lust, Martha MacElvaine, Gladys Kennedy, Mrs. W. W. Kennedy, Mrs.
Martin, Irma Martin, Harold Mauk, J. D. Marshall, G. W. Meldrum, Mrs.
Paul Meeth, Emma Neufeld, F. M. G. W. Meldrum, Mrs. Tashi Miyake,
Owen, Harold Pendry, Mrs. Harold Mrs. S. Morikone, R. S. Morrison,
Pendry, Mabel Pope, Frances Rigdon, Mrs. R. S. Morrison, Mrs. Albert
Elmer Ross, Mrs. Elmer Ross, Gladys Munson, Nellie Odell, Mrs. Winifred
Rosser, Reginald Shephard, Hazel Oshita, Emma Ramstead, Mrs. F. E.
Striplin, W. F. Storz, Mrs. V. W. Rice, Nellie Roser Margery Smith,
Swayze, Mrs. Bertha Towler, Mabel Mrs. G. E. Taylor, Mable Taylor,
Thompson, Walter Werth, Mrs. Walter Mary Treber, Mrs. H. L. Tuttle, Irene
Werth, Inez Williams, Mrs. Carl Wil- Wakeham, Mrs. L. D. Weber, J. H.
son, Mrs. Eiffel Winn, Maurine Wolfe. Whitney, Mrs. J. H. Whitney.

Legal Association: "Central California Bible Workers:

Conference Association of the Sev- Margery Smith, Mary Treber.
enth-day Adventists, a Corporation."
Church School Teachers:
Geneva Ackerman, Rachel Alderson,
Irene Au, Alice Boyd, Bernice Chang,
J. H. Horning, Mrs. J. H. Horning,
HAWAIIAN MISSION Evelyn Isaac, Anna Jenson, Nellie
Entered 1895 Odell, Emma Ramstead, Mable Taylor.
Legal Association: "Hawaiian Associa-
Territory: The Hawaiian Islands. tion of Seventh-day Adventists."
Population: 423,336 ; churches, 12 ;
members, 951.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Honolulu. NEVADA-UTAH CONFERENCE
Office Address: 1112 Keeaumoku St., Organized 1931
Honolulu, T. H. (Telephone, 91979.)
Territory: The States of Nevada and
Officers: Utah, and that part of the State of
Superintendent, G. E. Taylor. California which lies along and east
Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. Emmerson. of Highway 89, beginning at the
Advisory Committee: G. E. Taylor, junction of that highway with High-
J. 0. Emmerson, W. P. Barto, Arthur way 50 south of Lake Tahoe and
Delafield, M. J. Jackson, J. D. Mar- continuing northward along Highway
shall, S. Miyake, G. H. Miranda, F. E. 89 to the junction of that highway
Rice, L. a Weber. with Highway 36 west of Lake Alma-
nor, and along and south of Highway
Departmental Secretaries: 36 eastward to the junction of that
Book and Bible House and Sabbath highway with Highway 395, continu-
School, J. 0. Emmerson. ing eastward along Highway 395 and
Educational, F. E. Rice. an unnumbered roadway to the Cali-
Field Missionary and Y. P. M. V., fornia-Nevada line.
H. L. Tuttle.
Home Commission, Home Missionary, Population: 603,905 ; churches, 18 ;
and Religious Liberty, G. E. Taylor. members, 791.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: 1852 S. Eighth East,
R. F. Alderson, W. P. Barto, Arthur Salt Lake City, Utah. (Telephone,
Delafield, L. T. Heaton, M. J. Jack- 6-2747.)
son, J. D. Marshall R. J. McKeague,
Shohei Miyake, Albert Munson, F. E. Postal Address: Box 139, Sugarhouse
Rice, G. E. Taylor, L. D. Weber. Station, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Officers: Office: 537 25th St., Oakland, Calif.

President, H. H. Hicks. (Phone, Highgate 1853.)
Secretary-Treasurer, C. J. Nagele. Officers:
Executive Committee: H. H. Hicks,
W. S. Casey, B. W. Mattison, C. J. President, E. F. Hackman.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Lewis.
Nagele, C. M. Smith, H. W. Tamka, Executive Committee: E. F. Hackman,
A. J. Werner. F. L. Abbott, F. 0. Fowler, R. G.
Departmental Secretaries: Lewis, M. C. Lysinger, J. C. Ras-
Book and Bible House and Home mussen, B. A. Reile, W. W. Ruble,
Missionary, C. J. Nagele. W. L. Taylor.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. J. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. W. West.
Field Missionary, Arthur Morgan. Educational and Temperance, W. W.
Religious Liberty, Sabbath School, and
Temperance, H. H. Hicks. Ruble.
Field Missionary, J. D. Leslie.
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary, J. A. Neilsen.
H. H. Hicks, C. F. Lickey, B. W. Medical, G. K. Abbott.
Mattison, H. A. Rentfro, F. H. Rahm, Religious Liberty, E. F. Hackman.
Home Commission and Sabbath
B. J. White.
School, L. L. Moffitt.
Licensed Ministers: Y. P. M. V., L. A. Skinner.
Melvin Adams, Kraid Ashbaugh, Ar- Ordained Ministers:
thur Morgan, C. J. Nagele, R. F.
Radke, A. J. Werner. F. L. Abbott, G. K. Abbott, C. E.
AcMoody, E. G. Annofsky, M. R.
Church School Teachers: Bailey, A. L. Bietz, P. 0. Campbell,
James Attarian, Marjorie Jacobs, Gene Dell'Anno, H. D. Dobbins, F. 0.
Ruby McGee, James Reichard, Mrs. Fowler, C. W. Hartwick, E. F. Hack-
James Reichard, Laura Shafer, Leola man, E. F. Heim, P. C. Heubach, S.
Woodruff. Imai, F. M. Larsen, L. L. Moffitt,
J. A. Neilsen, A. E. Nelson, H. C.
Legal Association: "Nevada-Utah Asso- Olmstead, E. F. Peterson, B. A. Reile,
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists." J. W. Rich, W. W. Ruble, Paul Scog-
gins, L. A. Skinner, F. A. Stahl, 0. B.
Stevens, L. E. Tupper, H. L. Wallace,
V. B. Watts, A. J. Wearner, Warren
Wittenberg, T. D. Zaharis.
CONFERENCE Honorary: B. L. Diffenbacher, C. C.
Organized 1911
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: The following-named coun- W. 0. Baldwin, John Hancock, 0. D.
ties in the State of California: Modoc, Hancock, Waldo Hesseltine, S. M.
Siskiyou, Del Norte, Humboldt, Trin- Jefferson, J. D. Leslie, R. G. Lewis,
ity, Mendocino, Shasta, Lassen, Te- W. P. Lockwood, D. A. Neufeld, E. A.
hama, Glenn, Plumas, Butte, Sierra, Schmidt, A. F. Storz, W. W. West,
Lake, Colusa, Sutter, Yuba, Nevada, W. Wilkinson.
Eldorado, Placer, Sonoma, Marin, Honorary : F. A. Lashier.
Napa, Yolo, Amador, Calaveras, Sac-
ramento, San Joaquin, Contra Costa, Licensed Missionaries:
Alameda, Solano, with the exception Soverine Anderson, S. Arrabito, W. B.
of that small portion of these coun- Bristow, Alberta Butler, Virginia
ties along and east of Highway 89, Butler, Rose Garvin, Florence Kim-
beginning at the junction of that mel, Louise King, Ella MacBrown,
highway with Highway 50, south of Mrs. Nan MacKenzie, Mrs. L. M.
Lake Tahoe and continuing north- Maycock, L. C. Metcalfe, Stella Peter-
ward along Highway 89 to the junc- sen, Della Reile, Mrs. Mae Van Horne,
tion of that highway with Highway Miss E. Workman.
36 west of Lake Almanor and along
and south of Highway 36 eastward Bible Workers:
to the junction of that highway with Soverine Anderson, Florence Kimmel,
Highway 395, continuing eastward
Louise King, Mrs. Nan MacKenzie,
along Highway 395 and an unnum-
Mrs. L. M. Maycock, Stella Petersen,
bered roadway to the California- Mrs. Mae Van Home.
Nevada line.
Population: 1,288,087 ; churches, 67 ; Church School Teachers:
members, 7,810. Carl Anderson, Ruth Arbuckle, R. P.

Axtell, A. R. Barron, Mrs. A. R. Sabbath School and Radio, ---.

Barron, Mrs. Ruth Bowen, Edwin Y. P. M. V., J. C. Nixon.
Broadbeck, Lena Butler, Winnifred
Craig, Mrs. Mary Gil de Leon, Mrs. Ordained Ministers:
Jessie Dillon, Paul Felker, Mrs. Paul L. R. Anderson, Nathaniel Banks,
Felker, Mrs. Lettie Fiman, Elma Fo- L. E. Biggs, S. T. Borg, I. M. Burke,
land, A. 0. Forbes, Mrs. A. 0. Forbes, H. M. Burwell, F. C. Carrier, E. E.
Clarise Gough, Jay Hamilton, Mrs. Cossentine, D. E. Dirksen, C. R. Har-
Mae C. Hanley, Mrs. A. W. Hanson, rison, J. C. Haussler, Edward Heppen-
Worth Hardesty, Muriel Harlow, stall, A. B. Huenergardt, V. J. Johns,
Frank Hartwick, Mrs. Clara Hein- F. W. Johnston, R. H. Kezer, C. L.
rich, Pauline Hopkins, Mildred Jones, Lingerfelter, E. J. Lorntz, G. R. E.
Evelyn Karr, Myra B. Kite, Myrtle McNay, J. C. Nixon, N. C. Petersen,
La Rue, Mrs. Lila Marshall, Mildred L. R. Rasmussen, C. J. Ritchie, H. J.
Martin, Mrs. Mabel Miller, Mrs. Vera Shaw, J. A. Simonson, J. T. Thomp-
Palmer, Kenneth Phillips, Willf red son, W. W. White, J. E. Young.
Rathbun, M. A. Reese, Hazel B.
Ringer, Mrs. Dorothy Roach, Mrs. Honorary: L. J. Borrowdale B. W.
J. R. Ross, C. Scheppler, Mrs. J. V. Brown, J. C. Stevens.
Schull, Mrs. J. J. Shafer, Mrs. W. J.
Shafer, LeVaughn Tarpenning, Ruth Licensed Ministers:
Terrill, Marian Toews, Carrie Tiche- Milton Adams, K. F. Ambs, Dennis
nor, Mrs. Lucille Tuttle, T. R. Water- Black, H. L. Graham, Claude Heit-
house, Mrs. T. R. Waterhouse, L. A. man, Leland Hesseltine, T. H. Jemi-
Wheeler, Mrs. Mae Woodcock, Robert son, Alger Johns, Walter Lind, C. E.
Young, Helen Youngs. Nelson.
Legal Association: "Northern California Licensed Missionaries:
Conference Assn. of the S. D. A.," a
corporation. Harlyn Abel, Marguerite Ambs, Max-
ine Atteberry, R. W. Bickett, W. T.
Crandall, L. H. Cushman, Bertha
Davis, Edna Farnsworth, Mrs. G. Fol-
kenberg, Frank Ford, Theressa Gate-
SOUTHEASTERN CALIFORNIA wood, Oma Gentry, Caroline Hopkins,
CONFERENCE Maybel Jensen, Lucile Johnson, A. C.
Larson, W. G. Lawson, Mrs. Mary E.
Reorganized 1932 Little, Ruth Lehman, Evelyn Lorntz,
Mrs. Delpha Miller, Mrs. Hazel E.
Territory: The following-named coun- Morey, Henry Norton, L. G. Palmer,
ties in the State of California: San Otto Racker, K. J. Reynolds, Mrs.
Diego, Orange, Imperial, Riverside, Vivian Risley, Mrs. Edith Sawyer,
San Bernardino. S. A. Smith, Mrs. E. B. Stoddard.
Population: 750,000; churches, 47 ; Ernestine Volkers, Velma Wallace,
members, 6,825. Mrs. Madge Williams.
Office: 9707 Magnolia Ave., Arlington, Bible Workers:
Calif. (Telephone, 9012.) Bertha Davis, Mrs. G. Folkenberg,
Postal Address: Box 584, Arlington, Theressa Gatewood, Lucile Johnson,
Calif. Mrs. Mary E. Little, Mrs. Edith Saw-
yer, Mrs. E. B. Stoddard, Ernestine
Officers: Volkers, Mrs. Madge Williams.
President, L. E. Biggs. (Telephone, Church School Teachers:
Riverside 9736-R.)
Secretary-Treasurer, H. M. Burwell. Mrs. Fauneil Avilla, C. R. Baker,
(Telephone, Riverside 9736-J.) L. H. Booth, Mrs. L. H. Booth, Mrs.
Executive Committee: L. E. Biggs, Lucelia Bower, Mrs. Vera Brady,
H. M. Burwell, E. E. Cossentine, W. B. Clawson, Mrs. Drystal Duce,
D. E. Dirksen, M. B. Graybill, A. C. Esther Duce, Mrs. A. L. Ellquist,
Larson, G. S. Luther, L. R. Ras- John Ewing, Lawrence Ferguson, R.
mussen, S. A. Smith, W. W. White. M. Gardner, Mrs. R. M. Gardner, Vine
Georgeson, Mrs. Lloyd Gillarn, James
1)epartmental Secretaries: Gillespie, Mrs. James Gillespie, Clar-
Book and Bible House, Henry No'rton. ice Gompert, Mrs. Mary Groome, John
Educational and Home Commission, Guptill, Mrs. Ethel Haley, Mrs. Ethel
L. R. Rasmussen. Hickman, Virginia Hughes, Dorothy
Field Missionary, Walter Lind. Hunton, Mrs. A. R. James, Helen
Home Missionary, C. J. Ritchie. Johnson, Anna Johnston, Mrs. C. E.
Medical, C. E. Nelson. Kellogg, Flora Kellogg, Phyllis Kel-
Religious Liberty, L. E. Biggs. logg, Marie Lucas, Mrs. Rilla Man-

ning, Alma Murray, Alma Nephew, L. E. Folkenberg, William Guthrie,

Mildred Ostoich, Mrs. Mabel Pierce, G. B. Haining, W. J. Harris, C. A.
Bernice Reeves, Paul Rice, Betty Holt, J. F. Huenergardt, W. R. Jef-
Riley, Evelyn Roose, Mrs. Frances ferson, A. H. Johns, Robert Kitto,
Ross, Mrs. Delight Rusche, Mrs. Eve- P. L. Knox, H. C. Lacey, F. G. Lane,
lyn Sheldon, Bernice Squier, E. C. W. C. Loveless, W. S. McCully, J. H.
Walter, Mrs. E. C. Walter, Emil McEachern, Glenn Millard, F. W. Mil-
Werner, Mrs. Emil Werner. ler, R. D. Moon, C. C. Morlan, A. T.
Okohira, F. L. Peterson, J. T. Porter,
Legal Associations: "Southeastern Cali- W. H. Schacht, L. B. Schick, H. J.
fornia Assn. of S. D. A.;" "Seventh- Sheldon, B. R. Spear, C. D. Striplin,
day Adventists Assn. of Southeastern J. H. N. Tindall, 0. A. Troy, David
California, a Corporation Sole." Voth, C. R. Webster, B. F. Williams.
Honorary: Riley Russell.

Licensed Ministers:
SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA CON- Henry Baerg, A. E. Barnes, P. B.
FERENCE Bontemps, W. B. Dart, Henry de
Organized 1901 Fluiter, B. M. Emerson, A. J. Esco-
bar, Herbert Griffith, Harold Lindsey,
Territory: The following counties in the Melvin Lukens, Douglas Marchus,
State of California: Los Angeles, W. L. Miller, W. A. Priebe, Ray
Ventura, Inyo, Mono, that part of
Kern County lying south and east of
the Tehachapi Mountains, and all Honorary: Rudolph Rodriguez, W. W.
that part of Santa Barbara County Worster.
lying to the east and south of a line
beginning at the intersection of the Licensed Missionaries:
120th meridian with the north bound- Edna Ackerman, Irene Anderson,
ary line of said Santa Barbara County, Alice Bartlett, Myrtis Beaman, An-
thence south on the said 120th merid- geline Belyanski, Viola Borchart,
ian to the summit of the No Joqui Lona Brosi, Oleta Butcher, Mary
Grade; thence following the No Cass, Mrs. Scott Donaldson, Mrs. T.
Joqui Grade in a southwesterly direc- Fullerton, Una Greene, E. J. Gregg,
tion to the Pacific Ocean. Vienna Hamilton, Esther Heim, Mary
Hopkins, Jennie Ireland, Reathel
Population: 2,315,883 ; churches, 57 ; Jenkins, Evelyn Knight, Tui Knight,
members, 10,820. Dorothy McLatchy, Ada Madison,
Office: 3131 Pasadena Ave., Los Angeles, Mrs. Jean Miller, Mrs. Marguerite
Calif. (Telephone, Capitol 7344.) Muff, John Nahorney, G. B. Nelson,
Clementina Nicolas, Mrs. Eleanor
Postal Address: Station A, Box 148, Petersen, Lillian Santee, Maxine
Los Angeles, Calif. Sheldon, Helen Thompson, Selma
Uhrig, Ruth West.
President, David Voth. Bible Workers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Scott Donaldson. Edna Ackerman, Irene Anderson,
Executive Committee: David Voth, Myrtis Beaman, Angeline Belyanski,
G. H. Curtis, S. Donaldson, W. R. Lona Brosi, Oleta Butcher, Mary
Goss, Philip Knox, J. T. Porter, R. Cass, Mrs. Scott Donaldson, Mrs. T.
Rodriquez, B. R. Spear, H. B. Thomas. Fullerton, Una Greene, Vienna Ham-
ilton, Esther Heim, Mary Hopkins,
Departmental Secretaries: Reathel Jenkins, Evelyn Knight, Ada
Book and Bible House, Herbert Grif- Madison, Lillian Santee.
Educational and Home Commission, Church School Teachers:
J. T. Porter. Mrs. Helen Albright, Olga Almskog,
Field Missionary, A. E. Barnes. Mrs. W. B. Ammundsen, Mrs. Estelle
Home Missionary and Temperance, Barker, Mrs. M. L. Bergin, Mrs. Re-
A. A. Esteb. carda Blough, Hylda Booker, Dovie
Medical, Helen Thompson. Brix, Mrs. Effie Carroll, Mrs. Daisy
Religious Liberty, W. M. Adams. Chapman, Iris Chrisman, Mrs. L. B.
Sabbath School, W. J. Harris. Conddington, Mrs. R. F. Cook, Vir-
Y. P. M. V., W. C. Loveless. ginia Corson, Mrs. Alice Dent, Mrs.
Fern Denzel, Mrs. Eunice DeVore,
Ordained Ministers: Charles Dickerson, Lee Fickess, Ethel
W. B. Ammundsen, A. D. Armstrong, Griese, Mrs. Lillian Hathaway, Ber-
H. E. Baasch, W. E. Barr, Miller nice Hawkins, Willamae Hawkins,
Brockett, R. F. Cottrell. Scott Don- Barbara Howarth, Vada Holing, Mrs.
aldson, W. A. Dunn, A. A. Esteb, Virgil Jackson, Rhoda Jefferson,

George Jenkins, Vera Jones, Mrs. Fresno Academy, 841 W. Belmont

Esther Kmetz, Mrs. Dorothea Larsen, Ave., Fresno, Calif.
Paul Limerick, Gilbert McConnell, Glendale Union Academy, 700 Kiml:n
Mrs. T. A. McFarland, Mrs. Hazel Drive, Glendale, Calif.
Merkel, Mrs. LaVonne Mink, Mrs. Golden Gate Academy, 1709 Alcatraz
Maurine Moore, Alfrieda Mortensen, Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
G. G. Neff, Mrs. Gertrude Nunn, Emi- Hawaiian Mission Academy and Ad-
lene Olson, Mrs. DeGrove Padgett, vanced Training School, 1415 Ma-
J. J. Paulson, Mrs. J. J. Paulson, kiki St., Honolulu, Hawaii.
Truman Reed, Lucille Redmon, Mrs. Kern Academy, Shafter, Calif.
0. W. Serns, Mildred Shannon, So- Loma Linda Academy, Loma Linda,
letha Smith, Mrs. Irwin Taylor, Mrs. Calif.
Viola Wade, Mrs. G. M. Weyand, Lynwood Academy, 11081 Locust St.,
Mrs. E. A. Williams, Mrs. Anna Lynwood, Calif.
Wilson. Modesto Union Academy, 210 Figaro
St., Modesto, Calif.
Legal Association: "Southern California Mountain View Union Academy,
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Mountain View, Calif.
ists ;" Secretary-Treasurer, B. M. Em- Redwood Empire Academy, 950 Wright
erson. "oad, Santa Rosa, Calif.
Sa,, Diego Academy, 3057 G St.,
San Diego, Calif.
Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
Educational: View, Calif.
College of Medical Evangelists, Loma Sanitariums:
Linda and Los Angeles, Calif. Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital,
La Sierra College, La Sierra Station, 1509 E. Wilson Ave., Glendale,
Arlington, Calif. Calif. (Mail address, Box 871,
Pacific Union College, Angwin, Napa Glendale, Calif.)
Co., Calif. Loma Linda Sanitarium, Loma Linda,
Boarding Academies Paradise Valley Sanitarium, National
La Sierra Academy, La Sierra Sta- City, Calif.
tion, Arlington, Calif. St. Helena Sanitarium, Sanitarium,
Lodi Academy, Box 640, Lodi, Calif. Napa Co., Calif.
Pacific Union Academy, Angwin, White Memorial Hospital, 312 N.
Napa Co., Calif. Boyle Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Non-Boarding Academies Food Company:
Arizona Academy, 1325 N. 14th St., Loma Linda Food Co., Arlington,
Phoenix, Ariz. Calif.


Organized 1932

Territory: The Conferences of Alabama- Auditor and Transportation Agent,

Mississippi, Carolina, Florida, Geor- Charles Franz.
gia-Cumberland, and Kentucky-Ten- Executive Committee: J. K. Jones,
nessee. C. V. Anderson, H. J. Capman, I. M.
Evans, L. C. Evans, Charles Franz,
Population: 20,179,000 ; churches, 310 ; R. I. Keate, C. J. Larsen, H. E.
members, 19,510. Lysinger, B. M. Preston, D. E. Rebok,
Telegraphic Address: Telephone, Dear- E. A. Sutherland, J. C. Thompson,
born 7748, Decatur, Ga. K. A. Wright.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office: 437 E. Ponce de Leon Ave.,
Decatur, Ga. Educational and Y. P. M. V., K. A.
Postal Address: Box 449, Decatur, Ga. Field Missionary, I. M. Evans.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Officers: B. M. Preston.
President, J. K. Jones. Religious Liberty and National Serv.
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Franz. ice Commission, J. C. Thompson.


H. K. Christman, I. M. Evans, M. D. FERENCE
Howard, A. E. Hughes, J. S. James, Organized 1932
J. K. Jones, B. M. Preston, P. E. Territory: The States of Alabama and
Quimby, C. A. Russell, J. E. Shultz, Mississippi, and the following counties
H. E. Snide, E. A. Sutherland, J. C. in Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa,
Thompson, C. E. Weaks, K. A. Wright. Walton, Holmes, Washington, Jack-
Honorary.: W. L. Adkins, W. E. Bid- son, Okaloosa, Gulf, Bay, and Calhoun.
well, C. E. Boynton, J. F. Brownlee, Population: 4,984,678; churches, 58:
C. J. Buhalts, A. J. Clark, V. 0. Cole, members, 2,912.
0. B. Crary, L. T. Crisler, F. H.
DeVinney, F. W. Field, M. C. Guild, Office Address: 1703 - 24th Ave., Me-
K. R. Haughey, S. G. Haughey, J. W. ridian, Miss. (Phone 431.)
Hirlinger, H. M. Kelley, W. G. Knee- Officers:
land, J. H. Krum, J. B. Locken, C. F. President, H. J. Capman.
McVagh, E. L. Sheldon, C. B. Stephen- Secretary-Treasurer, J. M. Jansen.
son, R. E. Stewart, R. J. Sype, Charles -Executive Committee: H. J. Capman,
Thompson, Allen Walker, H. C. J. F. H. Dortch, J. M. Jansen, W. J.
Walleker, P. A. Webber, J. G. White, Keith, H. 0. Rogers, W. W. Walker.
L. E. Wellman.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers:
Book and Bible House,
S. D. Brown, F. A. Coffin, C. 0. Educational, Home Commission, and
Franz, C. J. Larsen, D. C. Ludington, Y. P. M. V., Marion Seitz.
E. C. Waller. Field Missionary, V. It. Johnson.
Honorary: Mrs. Minnie Sype Atte- Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
berry, T. D. Gibson, C. G. Ortner, W. R. Westermeyer.
L. D. Randall. Religious Liberty: Alabama, C. F.
Licensed Missionaries: Graves ; Mississippi, W. J. Keith.
Negro Dept. Secretary, F. L. Bland.
R. G. Bowen, L. S. Christensen,
W. A. Harvey, W. R. White. Ordained Ministers:
Honorary: Mrs. M. Balsbaugh, Miss C. J. Ashlock, H. J. Capman, J. D.
M. Baxter, Miss E. McHugh, Mrs. E. Dobbs, W. D. Fleming, C. F. Graves,
Meek, Miss R. Orchill, Mrs. M. Smith. W. J. Keith, W. W. Walker, W. H.
Negro Department Licensed Ministers:
V. R. Johnson, W. L. Mazart, W. W.
President, J. K. Jones. Scott.
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Franz.
Secretary Negro Dept., J. H. Wagner. Licensed Missionaries:
Assistant Educational, Home Mission- J. M. Jansen, Rachel Lemon, Marion
ary, Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V., Seitz, Melville Seitz, Mrs. Sadie Wal-
Anna Knight. leker.
Committee: J. K. Jones, C. V. Ander- Bible Workers:
son, F. L. Bland, H. J. Capman, L. C.
Evans, W. W. Fordham, T. M. Foun- Rachel M. Lemon, Mrs. Sadie Wal-
tain, Charles Franz, It. I. Keate, leker.
Anna Knight, H. E. Lysinger, H. D. Church School Teachers:
Singleton, J. G. Thomas, J. W. Wag- Mrs. Rossie Chastain, Paul Hender-
shot, Mrs. Paul Hendershot, Lucille
Ordained Ministers: Hoskins, Mrs. Oscar Johnson, Cleone
0. B. Edwards, F. S. Keitts, J. L. Lewis, Annie Lowe, Juanita Mathieu,
Moran, C. E. Moseley, J. H. Wagner. Russum Miller, Alice Osborne, P. A.
Parker, Mrs. P. A. Parker, J. R.
Honorary: J. A. Bookhart, J. F. Perkins, Mrs. J. R. Perkins, A. Pot-
Crichlow, N. J. Grant, N. B. King, lin, Flora Savelle, Melville Seitz, Ar-
C. M. Kinney, M. C. Strachen. minnie Snyder, Mildred Snyder, Mrs.
Licensed Ministers: W. H. Westermeyer.
C. A. Dent. Negro Department
Honorary: C. B. Holloway. COmmittee: H. J. Capman, J. M.
Licensed Missionary: Anna Knight. Jansen, V. Lindsay, J. F. Street.
Honorary: Jennie Hankinson. Ordained Minister: W. G. Mills.
Legal Association: "Southern Union Licensed Ministers:
Conference Association of Seventh- W. E. Adams, V. Lindsay, J. N.
day Adventists." Richardson, J. F. Street.

Church School Teachers: Bible Workers:

Althea Bailey, Katherine Brooks, Mrs. M. Lucas, Lucille Tibbetts.
Natelka Burrell, Seneva Crosgrove,
Mrs. C. E. Galley, Hortense Price, Church School Teachers:
Mrs. L. A. Smith, Alice Thompson, Mrs. Quinnette Bailey, Mrs. Bessie
Mrs. Loretta Watts. Baker, Bruce Bush, Mrs. M. B. Byrd,
Mrs. Claudia Dillard, H. A. Gober,
Legal Association: "Alabama-Missis- Mrs. Helen Graham, Mrs. M. J. Har-
sippi Conference Association of Sev- vey, Alyce Ivey, Lowell Johnston,
enth-day Adventists." Mrs. Florence Kohler, Mrs. James
Larson, Katherine Linker, Grayce
Marquis, R. E. Maxson, Mrs. R. E.
Maxson, Irma Shaw, Ileta Vance,

Organized in 1901 and 1907 as the North Negro Department

Carolina and South Carolina Confer-
Committee: H. E. Lysinger, R. S.
ences; reorganized as Carolina Con-
Blackburn, H. D. Singleton, N. B.
ference in 1918.
Territory: The States of North Carolina
Ordained Ministers:
and South Carolina, excepting Chero-
kee County, in North Carolina, which H. D. Singleton, N. B. Smith.
is included in the Georgia-Cumber- Licensed Ministers:
land Conference.
W. M. Fordham, Matthew Green,
Population: 4,892,890 ; churches, 61 ; A. P. McNichols.
members, 2,982.
Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: 213 N. McDowell St., 0. B. Hall, Charlotte Weeks.
Charlotte, N. C. (Telephone 6951.)
Church School Teachers:
Postal Address: Box 930, Charlotte, Marion Cantrell, Mrs. Alberta Dan-
N. C. iells, Mrs. 0. B. Hall, Olivia Mason,
Sarah Meredith, Mrs. L. A. Rogers.
President, H. E. Lysinger. Legal Association: "Carolina Confer-
Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. Blackburn. ence Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Executive Committee: H. E. Lysinger, ventists, Incorporated."
It. S. Blackburn, J. M. Cox, W. L.
Hyatt, J. A. Oliver, W. T. Smith,
E. C. Waller.
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1893
Book and Bible House, M. J. Harvey.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., A. D. Territory: The State of Florida, except-
ing the counties of Escambia, Santa
Field Missionary, A. C. McKee. Rosa, Walton, Holmes, Washington,
Home Commission, Mrs. H. E. Ly- Gulf, Jackson, Okaloosa, Bay, and
Calhoun, which are included in the
Home Missionary, Radio, and Sabbath Alabama-Mississippi Conference.
School, J. M. Cox. Population: 1,887,804 ; churches, 67;
Medical, J. F. Brownsberger. members, 5,384.
Religious Liberty, H. E. Lysinger.
Office: 311 N. Rosalind Ave., Orlando,
Ordained Ministers: Fla. (Telephone, 8131.)
J. M. Cox, It. H. Hartwell, W. L. Postal Address: Box 1313, Orlando, Fla.
Hyatt, L. P. Knecht, B. F. Kneeland,
H. E. Lysinger, 0. Olson, W. 0. Officers:
Reynolds, W. T. Smith, R. L. Win- President, L. C. Evans.
ders. Secretary-Treasurer, H. E. Schneider.
Licensed Ministers: Executive Committee: L. C. Evans,
R. S. Akers, E. C. Banks, F. F. Bush,
R. S. Blackburn, Paul Boynton, A. L. H. J. Doolittle, C. R. Gibbs, H. Lester,
Dickerson, J. W. Franklin, A. D. H. E. Schneider.
Kaelin, A. C. McKee, E. M. Spivey.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book and Bible House, C. H. Boyts.
A. C. Brantley, J. F. Brownsberger, Educational, Home Commission, and
M. J. Harvey. Y. P. M. V., J. C. Gaitens.

Field Missionary, A. E. Deyo. GEORGIA-CUMBERLAND CON-

Home Missionary and Sabbath School, FERENCE
M. E. Chapman.
Religious Liberty, L. C. Evans. Population: 3,743,880 ; churches, 73 ;
members, 4,116.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: 547 Cherokee Ave., S. E.,
E. C. Banks, F. F. Bush, M. E. Chap- Atlanta, Ga. (Phone, Jackson 5538.;
man, A. E. Deyo, H. J. Doolittle,
L. C. Evans, C. R. Gibbs, H. C. Hart- Postal Address: P. 0. Box 4929, At-
well, S. H. McLennan, H. S. Prenier, lanta, Ga.
J. D. Reavis, F. F. Schwindt,. A. F. Officers:
Wellman, J. E. Whelpley. President, R. I. Keate. (Phone, Jack-
Licensed Ministers: son 2992.)
Secretary-Treasurer, Charles Fleming,
C. R. French, J. C. Gaitens, F. W. Jr. (Phone, Main 7946.)
Harvey, W. E. Kuester, E. A. Lemon, Executive Committee: R. I. Keate,
H. E. Schneider, Robert Wieland, Charles Fleming, Jr., W. S. Lawr-
J. R. Young. ence, B. F. Summerour, B. F. Tucker,
C. A. Wilhelm.
Licensed Missionaries:
C. H. Boyts, Beatrice Jordon, Robert Departmental Secretaries:
Metcalfe, Lucille Smith. Book and Bible House, R. E. Craw-
Bible Workers: Educational and Y. P. M. V., T. S.
Beatrice Jordon, Lucille Smith. Copeland.
Field Missionary, J. R. McWilliam.
Church School Teachers: Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
P. C. Cardey.
Mabel Andrews, Mrs. Irva Baessler, Medical, J. F. Schneider.
Louise Batten, Grace Bush, Mrs. J. R. Religious Liberty,
Conger, Jane Douglas, Barbara Gibbs,
Mrs. Sidney Keller, Vesta Lester, Mrs. Ordained Ministers:
Mabel, Maguire, S. G. Northcott, Mrs. P. C. Cardey, T. S. Copeland, S. R.
S. G. Northcott, Larabel Peavey, An- Haynes, J. S. Jameson, A. R. P. John-
nette Rilea, Viola Simmons, Mrs. son, R. I. Keate, W. E. Lanier, W. S.
Mabel Smith, Mrs. R. R. Solenberger, Lawrence, J. R. McWilliam, S. M.
Mrs. Geraldine Stanley, Patricia Sul- Schleifer, C. A. Wilhelm.
livan, Mrs. Alice Weinberg, E. G. Honorary: C. P. Lillie, G. Medairy.
Licensed Ministers:
Negro Department J. G. Conmack, R. E. Crawford,
Charles Fleming, Jr., F. E. J. Harder,
Committee: L. C. Evans, B. W. Ab- S. C. Harris, John Hegeman, A. D.
ney, A. J. Bailey, L. S. Follette, H. E. McKee, F. D. Meintzer, J. R. Mitchell.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: Byron Lighthall, Mrs. G. C. Phillippi,
B. W. Abney, Sr., L. S. Follette, Richard Schirner, J. F. Schneider,
W. S. Lee. Mrs. Rossie Smith.
Honorary: Mrs. R. I. Keate.
Licensed Ministers:
B. W. Abney, Jr., L. R. Hastings, Bible Workers:
B. F. Marbury. Hazel Carroll, Mrs. G. C. Phillippi,
Mrs. H. W. Smith, Mrs. R. 0. Terry.
Licensed Missionary: Jennie Hankinson.
Bible Worker: Jennie Hankinson. Church School Teachers:
Pauline Burgess, Mrs. Olivia Dean,
Church School Teachers: Mrs. Harry Duff, Nellie Ferree, Min-
Margaret Caldwell, Charles Cunning- nie Goble, Roger Goodge, Mrs. Edith
ham, Pearl Currie, Bernice Davis, Haas, N. M. Harlan, Leonard Hill,
Henrietta Emanuel, Frances Foun- H. W. Ingham, Mrs. H. W. Ingham,
tain, Bernice Hall, Catherine Murray, W. S. James, Mrs. W. S. James, Mrs.
Katrina Nesbitt, Lucille Roberts, Mrs. Bessie Levering, Byron Lighthall,
Elizabeth Russell. Mrs. Byron Lighthall, Mrs. Eva Ly-
sell, Dorothy Mathews, Emil Messin-
Legal Association: "Florida Conference ger, Winifred Pearce, Vera Perkins,
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Richard Schirner, Mrs. Richard Schir-
ists, Inc." ner, Nellie Smith, Irma Storey, Le-

land Straw, Mrs. Leland Straw, T. D. burn, V. W. Esquilla, J. C. Klose,

Strickland, Lela Whorton, Edna Wil- R. H. Libby, H. E. McClure, P. E.
bur, Mary Winkler. Shakespeare, B. H. Shaw, W. E.
Strickland, F. C. Webster, Frank
Negro Department Weeks, H. J. Welch.
Committee: R. I. Keate, Charles Flem- Licensed Ministers:
ing, Jr, J. W. Jones, F. H. Stevens,
J. G. Thomas. A. N. Atteberry, Sherman McCor-
mick, David Miller.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries:
J. W. Jones, F. H. Stevens, J. G.
Thomas. W. E. Burns, Clyde Franz, C. L.
Jacobs, Jessie Heslip, Anne Meyer,
Licensed Ministers: Jean Meyer, Ruby Simmons, Mrs.
R. E. Berry, C. A. Lynes, P. H. J. W. Wilhelm.
Morgan, W. M. Starks. Bible Workers:
Licensed Missionary: J. S. Wise. Jessie Heslip, Anne Meyer, Jean
Meyer, Mrs. J. W. Wilhelm.
Church School Teachers:
Ceola Hagan, Mildred McClellan, El- Church School Teachers:
vire Mason, Mrs. F. H. Stevens, Mrs. Mrs. H. H. Ard, E. J. Beardsley,
M. F. Sweedenberg, Trula Wade, Mrs. Minnie Brown, Mrs. W. S. Bryan,
John Wise. James Chambers, Mrs. James Cham-
Legal Associations: "The Cumberland bers, Harold Cole, Mrs. Harold Cole,
Conference Association of Seventh- Mrs. Bertha Coppock, Iva Fleming,
day Adventists, Incorporated." "The Maxine Follis, Mrs. Elbert Fry, Mrs.
Georgia Conference Association of Betty Harter, Lester Heifner, Mrs.
Seventh-day Adventists, Incorporated." Lester Heifner, I. C. Levering, ",Mrs.
I. C. Levering, Mrs. K. P. McDonald,
R. W. Martin, Mr's. H. M. Mathews,
Mrs. Lorena Nichols, W. F. Ray, 'Earl
KENTUCKY-TENNESSEE CON- Shepherd, William Swatek, MrS: Flor-
FERENCE ence Taylor, Lucile Turner,. Jean
Walton, Elsie Weeks, Elliott
Organized: Kentucky, 1908; Tennes- J. T. Wheeler, Edra ""
see, 1888; Consolidated 1932
Territory: The State of Kentucky and Negro Department - ern C1
Western Tennessee, the eastern bound- rT T
ary being the eastern line of the coun- Committee: C. V."-Andersou, M.
ties of Macon, Trousdale, Wilson, Fountain, Clyde Franzi. GeOrge:Slaugh-
Cannon, Coffee, Franklin. ter, R. F. Warnick.
Population: 4,486,533 ; churches, 53 ; Ordained Ministers':"' t'thriri:
members, 4,255. .11 7-T
T. M. Fountain,..11. It: F.
Office: 2001 - 24th Ave., N., Nashville, Warnick, NV H.;WiRstehr -T
Tenn. (Telephone, 6-0573.) Licensed Minister William !Cleveland.
Officers: Church Selimi
,L TelticilerS1- .W
President, C. V. Anderson. Rosetta Baldwin, Mrs. Archie Branch,
Secretary-Treasurer, Clyde Franz. Mrs. William CleVelblid:IMis."D."M! S.
Executive Committee: C. V. Ander- Custard, .J. N. ,fischerrI/Mre. .Grace
son, L. A. Butterfield, Clyde Franz, Frazier, AliVealey.,H
Jeff Hickman, B. H. Shaw, W. E.
Strickland, J. T. Wheeler. Legal Aseeei,ation:,,1 ''cKentucky-Tennes-
see Conference "-Asso'ciation of .Sev-
Departmental Secretaries: enth-day Adventists, Inc."
Book and Bible House, C. L. Jacobs. T .7/ .1. . titsbiwerl
Educational, Home Commission, and eur-8
Y. P. M. V., R. H. Libby.
Field Missionary, P. E. Shakespeare.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
H. E. McClure.
Religious Liberty : Kentucky, I W, E.
Strickland; Tennessee, B..11 ,Sbaw. .e"?1 , 51.0 ,T91107(r .o ImPo41
Forest Lake Academy,. Route 2, Mait-
Ordained Ministers: land, Fla. :sass,.fnilt
J. E. All, C. V. Anderson,.. Im A. Oakwood,- Juni6r gollege,LaluntsVille,
Butterfield, 0. D. CartleY,lill Ala. .If .a

Southern Junior College, Collegedale, Sanitariums:

Tenn. Florida Sanitarium and Hospital,
Publishing: Orlando, Fla.
Southern Publishing Assn., 2119-2125 Riverside Sanitarium and Hospital,
24th Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Route 3, Box 53, Nashville, Tenn.


Organized 1901; Reorganized 1902

Territory: The Conferences of Arkan- Legal Association: "The Southwestern

sas-Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, and Union Conference Corporation of S.
Texico. D. A." J. W. Turner, President ;
W. E. Abernathy, Secretary-Treas-
Population: 13,579,228 ; churches, 194 ; urer. Board of Trustees : J. W.
members, 11,852. Turner, W. E. Abernathy, H. H.
Office Address: Keene, Tex. (Tele- Hamilton, E. A. Manry, J. L. Mc-
phone 7.) Conaughey, F. D. Wells.

President, J. W. Turner. ARKANSAS-LOUISIANA
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, W. CONFERENCE
E. Abernathy. Arkansas organized 1888; Louisiana
Transportation Agent, W. E. Aber- Organized 1900 ; Consolidated 1932
Executive Committee: J. W. Turner, Territory: States of Arkansas and
W. E. Abernathy, H. II. Hamilton, Louisiana.
V. A. LaGrone, E. A. Manry, J. L.
McConaughey, I. C. Pound, Emanuel Population: 3,956,075; churches, 43;
Remsen, R. J. Roy, F. D. Wells. members, 2,855.
Departmental Secretaries: Office: 1215 Marshall St., Little Rock,
Ark. (Telephone, 4-4501.)
Educational and Y. P. M. V., R. J.
Roy. Officers:
Field Missionary, Emanuel Remsen. President, I. C. Pound.
Home Missionary, E. A. Manry. Secretary-Treasurer, T. R. Gardner.
Medical, T. H. Coopwood. Executive Committee: I. C. Pound,
Negro, J. G. Dasent. Isaac Baker, C. R. Beeler, T. R.
Religious Liberty, J. W. Turner. Gardner, J. B. Ross, M. L. Wilson,
Ordained Ministers: R. 0. Yeatts.
H. H. Hamilton, H. B. Lundquist, Departmental Secretaries:
E. A. Manry, Emanuel Remsen, R. J. Book and Bible House, T. R. Gardner;
Roy, J. W. Turner. Assistant, Kenneth Beem.
Honorary: N. H. Conway. B. M. Educational, National Service Com-
Garton, D. U. Hale, J. G. Oblander, mission, and Y. P. M. V., J. B. Ross.
W. R. Pohle, J. I. Taylor. Field Missionary, C. L. Crandon ;
Assistant, Ruth Parker.
Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary and Medical, J. L.
W. E. Abernathy, H. L. Shull. Neil.
Honorary: D. E. McNeil. Religious Liberty, I. C. Pound.
Sabbath School, Mrs. C. L. Grandon.
Negro Department
Ordained Ministers:
President, J. W. Turner. Isaac Baker, W. D. Frazee, M. R.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. E. Aber- Garrett, W. A. Lusk, J. L. Neil, I. C.
Pound, J. B. Ross, M. L. Wilson.
Committee: J. W. Turner, W. E. Licensed Ministers:
Abernathy, B. J. Bryant, T. H. Coop- C. R. Beeler, K. C. Beem, The Cal-
wood, S. B. Huddleston, V. A. La- derone, W. A. Clarke, T. R. Gardner,
Grone, J. L. McConaughey, I. C. C. L. Grandon, Verne Kelsey, Morris
Pound, 0. S. Trotter, F. D. Wells. Lowry.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
J. G. Dasent, T. H. Coopwood. Mrs. W. D. Frazee, Mrs. C. L. Gran-
Honorary: E. M. Gates, don, Julia Inabinet, Mrs. Verne Kel-

sey, Elva O'Brien, Ruth Parker, Rosa Ordained Ministers:

Woodruff. H. N. Bresee, R. E. Browning, C. N.
Bible Workers: Eckman, A. Kiesz, J. L. McConaughey,
R. F. Marshall, R. A. Nesmith, C. D.
Julia Inabinet, Lucille Whisnant. Smith, 0. J. Trotter, G. A. Truesdell,
Church School Teachers: B. Voth, R. M. Whitsett.
Mrs. Orval Atkins, Mrs. Bernice Honorary: C. J. Dart.
Bates, Mrs. Thelma Beem, Byrd Bul- Licensed Ministers:
lard, Edward Coffman, Roy Cole, Mir-
iam DeLaune, Garland Dodge, Annie Harold Hampton, J. 0. Hanson, 0. S.
Gifford, Neta Hanna, Laura Howell, Plue, M. K. Wahl.
Anita Johnson, Jesse Jones, Mrs. Licensed Missionaries:
Jesse Jones, Ina Laws, Helen Living-
ston, Morris Lowry, W. A. Lusk, Mrs. V. Carter, A. Draper, Helen Maxwell,
W. A. Lusk, Mrs. Lou Montgomery, 0. Padgett.
Henrietta Oncal, Mrs. Edith Ortner, Bible Worker: Helen Maxwell.
J. B. Patrick, Martin Pettey, W. D.
Pierce, Mrs. W. D. Pierce, Esther Church School Teachers:
Pitman, Mrs. Roscoe Wentz, Nina Mrs. Ruby Austin, Marian Averett,
Wilcox, J. 0. Wilson. Vera Baker, Agnes Barnes, Mrs. Lois
Burton, Clarence Howell, S. Kannen-
Negro Department berg, Mrs. S. Kannenberg, Althea
Ordained Ministers: Lightner, H. M. Lodge, Mrs. H. M.
Lodge, Mrs. A. S. Lutz, Katherine
F. J. Bryant, T. H. Coopwood, R. E. McAfee, Donald Madison, Mrs. Don-
Louden, J. H. Williams. ald Madison, Ted Moors, Leona Ort-
Church School Teachers: ner, M. 0. Paschall, Gladys Ross,
Mrs. Ellis Taylor, Doris Tennent,
Mrs. Z. L. Burns, Gustava Manning, Mrs. Lee Thomas, Matylene Thomas,
Mrs. M. Montgomery, R. L. Ryles, Wilma Turner.
Viola Washington.
Legal Association: "Arkansas Confer- Cherokee Indian Mission
ence Association of Seventh-day Ad- Near Stilwell, Okla.
ventists." Address: Route 3, Stilwell, Okla.
Director: C. D. Smith; Assistant, 0.
Mission School Teacher: T. B. Moors.
Organ!Zed 1894
Legal Association: "Oklahoma Confer-
Territory: The State of Oklahoma and
ence Corporation of Seventh-day Ad-
Lipscomb County, Texas. ventists."
Population: 2,336,434 ; churches, 51 ;
members, 3,102.
Office: 217 N. W. Seventh St., Okla- TEXAS CONFERENCE
homa City, Okla. (Phone, 3-1678.) Reorganized 1932
Postal Address: Box 528, Oklahoma Territory: That part of the State of
City, Okla. Texas lying east and south of the
Officers: following counties, except the city of
President, J. L. McConaughey. Texarkana: Hardeman, Foard, Knox,
Secretary-Treasurer, J. 0. Hanson. Haskell, Jones, Taylor, Runnels,
Executive Committee: J. L. McCon- Concho, Tom Green, Irion, Reagan,
aughey, C. N. Eckman, J. 0. Hanson, Upton, Crane, Ward, Reeves, Culber-
0. J. Kemmerer, Arthur Kiesz, R. A. son, Hudspeth, and El Paso.
Nesmith, G. A. Truesdell, E. Weis, Population: 4,931,953 ; churches, 61 ;
R. M. Whitsett. members, 4,313.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: 2838 Hemphill St., Fort
Book and Bible House, Veleda Carter Worth, Tex. (Telephone, 4-6548.)
(acting). Officers:
Educational, Home Commission, and
Y. P. M. V., R. A. Nesmith. President, F. D. Wells.
Field Missionary, 0. S. Plue. Secretary, G. T. Burgess.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Executive Committee: F. D. Wells,
C. N. Eckman. W. L. Barclay, H. R. Beckner, G. T.
Religious Liberty, J. L. McConaughey. Burgess, J. L. DeWitt, W. G. Hassell-

pflug, R. P. Montgomery, G. A. counties (excepting Lipscomb County

Schwerin, T. B. Westbrook. included in the Oklahoma Confer-
ence) : west of the eastern line of
Departmental Secretaries: Hardeman, Foard, Knox, Haskell,
Book and Bible House, J. S. McMullen. Jones, Taylor, Runnels, Concho, and
Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. H. north of the south line of Concho,
Rhoads. Green, Irion, Reagan, Upton, Crane,
Field Missionary, A. E. Van Noty. Ward, Reeves, Culberson, Hudspeth,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, and El Paso.
W. L. Barclay.
Religious Liberty and Isolated, F. D. Population: 1,296, 866 ; churches, 36 ;
Wells. members, 1,533.
Ordained Ministers: Postal Address: Box 1040, Clovis, N.
J. F. Anderson, W. L. Barclay, G. T. Mex.
Burgess, H. R. Beckner, A. R. Careth- Officers:
ers, A. C. Griffin, S. B. Huddleston, President, V. A. LaGrone.
R. P. Montgomery, J. H. Rhoads, Cree Secretary-Treasurer, 0. J. Bell.
Sandefur, G. A. Schwerin, A. E. Van Executive Committee: V. A. LaGrone,
Noty, F. D. Wells, T. B. Westbrook. 0. J. Bell, Lee Carter, G. W. Case-
Honorary: J. B. Hampton, A. G. beer, R. E. Delafield, F. Fortner,
Haughey, H. S. Miller, Thomas Mur- A. D. Tuttle.
phy. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers: Book and Bible House, 0. J. Bell.
W. N. Andrews, Ray Archuleta, A. B. Educational, Home Commission, Na-
Butler, Edmond Clifford, G. M. Ell- tional Service Commission, and
strom, W. J. Hackett, P. W. Mc- Y. P. M. V., Lee Carter.
Daniels, Russell McMullen, A. K. Field Missionary, R. R. Coble.
Phillips, L. F. Webb. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Licensed Missionaries: D. W. O'ffill.
Religious Liberty, H. L. Peden.
Mrs. H. Eder, Mrs. Beulah Langdon, Spanish, G. W. Casebeer.
J. S. McMullen. Medical, Mrs. W. W. Ruminson.
Church School Teachers: Ordained Ministers:
Katie Baker, Mildred Baldwin, Ethel Lee Carter, G. W. Casebeer, R. E.
Beck, Eldon Burkett, Mrs. Eldon Bur- Delafield, V. A. LaGrone, H. L.
kett, Mrs. Edmond Clifford, Virginia Peden, C. A. Walgren.
Craig, Naomi Draper, M. A. Dunn, Honorary: G. A. LaGrone.
Carl Franz, Mrs. Carl Franz, Vesta
Fritz, Mrs. Janie Fuller, Mrs. Alna Licensed Ministers!
Grant, Mrs. P. M. Greene, Mrs. A. G. 0. J. Bell, R. R. Coble, J. L. Ditt-
Haughey, Mrs. Frank Holland, Emery berner, P. Mireles, R. W. Nelson,
Hoyt, R. A. Jenkins, Mrs. R. A. Jen- D. W. O'ffill, Orville Schneider, M.
kins, Mrs. W. T. Jones, Elizabeth Vargas.
Lothian, Mrs. C. R. May, Mrs. Flora
Moyers, Mrs. Charles O'Dell, Mrs. Church School Teachers: .
Dorothy Porter, Maude Reid, Hilda Marieda Blehm, Pauline Day, Betty
Remley, Loneta Richter, Mrs. Kath- Dickinson, Ivagene Elliston, Mildred
leen St. Clair, C. E. Shepard, Mrs. Elliston, Sallie Espinosa, L. L. Ham.
C. E. Shepard, Mrs. J. H. Singleterry, Mrs. L. L. Ham, A. T. King, Mrs.
Velma Smith, Hattie Stewart, Mrs. A. T. King, J. J. Knittel, Mrs. W. M.
J. C. Turner, F. E. Walther, Mrs. Ladd, R. D. Murray, Inez Myers, Mrs.
F. E. Walther, Mrs. G. S. Whitley, D. W. O'ffill, Mrs. Emily Patrick,
Mary Woodward. Mrs. G. Romero, Mrs. Malissa Ruy-
Legal Associations: "Texas Conference balid, C. F. Staben, Mrs. C. F. Staben,
Association of Seventh-day Advent- Mrs. F. E. Wilson, Mildred Winters.
ists ;" "South Texas Conference Asso- Legal Association: "The Texico Con-
ciation of Seventh-day Adventists." ference Assn. of S. D. A."

Territory: The State of New Mexico
(excepting San Juan County, in- Educational:
cluded in the Colorado Conference), Southwestern Junior College, Keene,
and that part of the State of Texas Tex.
lying west and north of the following Ozark Junior Academy, Gentry, Ark.
Created a Division Conference by action of the General Conference
in session at San Francisco, Calif., May 24, 1922
Population: 10,250,000 ; churches, 434 ; Vice-President for Australasia: C. H.
members, 20,378. Watson.


Organized 1894

Territory: The Conferences of North Stratford, R. A. Thrift, C. W. Tin-

New South Wales, South New South worth, C. F. L. Ulrich, W. J. Wester-
Wales, North New Zealand, South man, L. V. Wilkinson.
New Zealand, Queensland, South Aus- Departmental Secretaries:
tralia, Victoria, West Australia, and Educational, B. H. McMahon.
Tasmania; Eastern Polynesia, Fiji, Health Food, C. F. L. Ulrich ; Assist-
Samoa, Tonga, Papua, Cook Islands, ants, A. W. Dawson, T. J. Dowling,
Solomon Islands, New Hebrides, Niue, B. 0. Johanson, W. L. Kilroy, C. W.
Norfolk Island, Lord Howe Island, Tinworth.
Territory of New Guinea, Monamona, Home Missionary, T. A. Mitchell.
and North Queensland Missions. Medical, T. A. Sherwin.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Sydney. Ministerial Assn., E. E. Roenfelt.
Office: "Mizpah," Wahroonga, New Publishing, J. J. Potter,
South Wales, Australia. (Telephone, Religious Liberty, R. E. Hare.
JW1061.) Field Missionary, H. Stacey, J. R.
Officers: Kent.
Sabbath School, G. M. Masters.
President, E. B. Rudge. Y. P. M. V., E. L. Minchin, W. T.
Vice-Presidents, E. E. Roenfelt, H. E. Hooper.
Piper, R. A. Thrift. J. M. V., Miss H. K. Lewin,
Secretary, S. V. Stratford. National Emergency and Welfare
Assistant Secretary, E. H. Guilliard. Service, N. H. Faulkner.
Treasurer, R. H. Adair. Temperance, A. W. Anderson.
Assistant Treasurers, W. L. Pascoe,
R. W. Lang. Ordained Ministers:
Field Secretaries, A. W. Anderson, A. W. Anderson, J. B. Conley, E. H.
R. E. Hare, A. G. Stewart, W. J. Guilliard, It. E. Hare, W. T. Hooper,
Westerman. A. W. Knight, A. F. J. Kranz, T. C.
Auditor, A. G. Minchin. Lawson, G. M. Masters, B. H. Mc-
Assistant Auditors, L. J. Stace, W. S. Mahon, E. L. Minchin, T. A. Mitchel].
Renn. C. S. Palmer, H. E. Piper, J. J. Pot-
Executive Committee: C. H. Watson, ter, E. E. Roenfelt, E. B. Rudge, G.
E. B. Rudge, E. M. Abbott, G. E. L. Sterling, A. G. Stewart, S. V.
Adair, R. H. Adair, F. A. Allum, Stratford, R. A. Thrift, C. H. Wat-
A. W. Anderson, A. H. Battye, W. E. son, W. J. Westerman.
Battye, G. Branster, A. W. Dawson, Licensed Ministers:
T. J. Dowling, G. H. Engelbrecht, R. H. Adair, WM. Chapman, M. A.
N. H. Faulkner, G. S. Fisher, E. H. Cott, F. Gifford, C. W. Harrison,
Guilliard, R. E. Hare, C. W. Harrison, J. R. Kent, A. L. King, W. L. Pascoe,
W. T. Hooper, B. 0. Johanson, E. J. C. H. Schowe, T. A. Sherman, H.
Johanson, John Keith, J. R. Kent, Stacey, L. H. Turner, A. Westerman.
J. W. Kent, W. Kilroy, A. F. J. Kranz,
R. W. Lang, T. C. Lawson, L. D. A. Licensed Missionaries:
Lemke, Miss H. K. Lewin, W. N. G. E. Adair, A. H. Battye, G. F.
Lock, G. M. Masters, J. C. McDonald, Bohringer, A. W. Dawson, T. J.
B. H. McMahon, E. L. Minchin, T. A. Dowling, C. H. Eiszele, H. E. Eiszele,
Mitchell, H. G. Moulds, L. C. Naden, L. Engelbreeht, N. H. Faulkner, S.
C. S. Palmer, James Pascoe, W. L. Paull, G. S. Fisher, H. J. Franks,
Pascoe, J. C. H. Perry, H, E. Piper, A. W. Gersback, S. C. Grieve, Miss
J. J. Potter, E. E. Roenfelt, W. M. R. M. Hay, G. R. Hopkins, C. J. Howell,
Scragg, T. A. Scherwin, H. Stacey, B. 0. Johanson, W. Kilroy, C. G.
A. G. Stewart, H. Stockton, S. V. Lane, R. W. Lang, Miss H. K. Lewin,

E. Miller, A. G. Minchin, H. Mitchell, Departmental Secretaries:

V. Nilsson, E. L. Pengilley, L. A. Educational, J. W. Kent.
Piper, W. S. Renn, R. J. Riley, L. J. Field Missionary, H. A. L. Freeman.
Stace, H. Stockton, J. Strange, H. C. Home Missionary,
Tempest, C. W. Tinworth, C. F. L. Religious Liberty, J. L. Smith.
Ulrich, L. G. Unwin, R. W. Wester- Sabbath School, Madge Rogers.
man, G. Wheeler, R. 1. Wright. Y. P. M. V.,
Licensed Medical Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers:
0. M. Anderson, Miss N. Ashton, Miss
M. Bathgate, Miss W. Beveridge, D. F. F. A. Allum, W. Gillis, L. J. lmrie,
Black, F. Black, Miss R. Bunney, J. R. James, J. S. Jackson, E. P.
Miss M. Burnside, H. M. Carter, Miss Jewson, J. W. Kent, R. W. Lane,
D. Chapman, Miss I. Colley, R. G. L. E. H. Parsons, W. H. Pascoe, R. A.
Cooper, Mrs. A. M. Cott, F. R. Daw- Salton, J. L. Smith, W. D. Smith.
son, Miss N. Dray, D. Dunlop, Miss
M. Furmister, Miss M. Grieve, 0. V. Licensed Ministers:
Hellestrand, Miss R. Hill, Richmond W. H. Ferris, H. A. L. Freeman,
Hill, Miss E. Hodgkinson, Miss M. D. H. Gray, J. Harvey, H. W. Kings-
Howe, Miss N. Hollings, Miss J. Mc- ton, W. D. Lauder, F. Masters, D. W.
Cullough, Miss K. McEwin, G. H. A. Rollo, W. Budge, E. E. Thorpe, E. R.
McLaren., Miss E. Mitchell, J. New- Tucker, V. Warden.
man, D. I. Parker, Miss F. Parkin,
Miss Phillips, E. S. Richards, Miss L. Licensed Missionaries:
Risbey, Mrs. E. M. Shannan, J. L. Miss G. Clarke, W. Drain, Miss K. M.
Simpson, Miss J. Spencer, R. A. Markey, D. Whittaker, G. Ratliffe.
Thompson, Alan Tulloch, Miss E.
Zeunert. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Teachers: W. Driscoll, R. D. Dorrington, A. W.
Ivey, Miss C. Kent, Miss S. Kent,
Miss I. Behrens, Miss G. Clarke, Miss R. Parr, G. Rosenhaim, Miss M.
M. Dawkins, K. Dickens, Miss S. Hall, Schnepel, N. Sheppard, Miss E. Wood.
Miss B. Johanson, Miss I. King, H.
Millist, Miss E. Robson, T. Rutter,
Miss M. Schnepel, C. H. Schowe, B. H.
Schwartzkoff, Miss E. Stewart, H.
Totenhofer, H. Vetter, R. B. Watts,
Miss G. Wood, L. S. Wood. NORTH NEW ZEALAND
Legal Assn.: "Australasian Conference Organized 1889
Association, Ltd." General Manager,
C. H. Watson ; Manager, R. H. Adair ; Territory: That portion of the Domin-
Secretary, W. L. Pascoe; Assistant ion of New Zealand north of Cook's
Secretary, R. W. Lang; Treasurer, Straits.
R. H. Adair; Assistant Treasurer,
W. L. Pascoe. Cable Address: "Mastery," Auckland,
New Zealand. Also "Adventist."

Office: 84 Jervois Road, Auckland, New

Organized 1920
President, H. G. Moulds.
Territory: That part of the state of New Secretary-Treasurer, R. E. G. Blair.
South Wales north of the Hawkesbury
and Capertee Rivers as far west as Departmental Secretaries:
the 150th meridian of east longitude, Educational, H. G. Moulds.
thence east of the line running north Field Missionary, R. N. Price.
to Cassius. Thence northeast of a Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
line running northwesterly from Cas- A. Mitchell.
silis to where the 147th meridian of Religious Liberty, F. L. Sharp.
east longitude meets the 29th parallel Sabbath School, Miss A. E. Douglass.
of south latitude.
Office: Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Ordained Ministers:
Box 27), New South Wales, Australia. J. D. Anderson, R. J. Burns, G. Burn-
side, A. G. Judge, S. T. Leeder, H. G.
Officers: Moulds, W. J. Richards, G. Robinson,
President, G. G. Stewart. F. L. Sharp, W. H. Stevens, H. L.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. J. Imrie. Tolhurst.

Licensed Ministers: Office: 82 Angas St.. Adelaide, South

A. C. Ball, S. Bartlett, R. E. G. Blair, Australia, AustraLa.
R. P. Brown, W. P. Claus, P. Glock- Office Address: Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
ler, L. Graham, R. N. Heggie, 0. W. South Australia, Australia.
Knight, A. R. Mitchell, A. Parker,
R. N. Price. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: President, W. M. R. Scragg.
Miss A. E. Douglass, Miss R. G. Dray, Secretary-Treasurer, C. Hill.
Miss V. Flanigan, L. Hay, Miss J. Departmental Secretaries:
Johnstone, Miss 0. Prescott, Mrs. Educational and Religious Liberty,
H. L. Tolhurst, J. H. Wade, D. H. W. M. R. Scragg.
Watson. Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Church School Teachers: ary, H. White.
Miss E. Blair, A. Hockley, H. M. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Lansdown, E. Woods. N. A. Ferris.
Legal Assn.: "New Zealand Conference, Ordained Ministers:
Inc." N. A. Ferris, R. H. Powrie, E. A.
Reye, W. M. R. Scragg, L. F. Were,
G. I. Wilson, C. A. Wrigley.
Organized 1899 S. C. Butler, C. Hill, A. G. Jacobson,
Territory: All that portion of the State L. J. Kent, H. White.
of Queensland lying south of a line Licensed Missionaries:
drawn from Yeppoon west to Kum-
viarara on the Marlborough line, and A. P. Cook, Mrs. N. A. Ferris, Miss
thence due south to the top of the R. V. Stratford.
range just west of Deeford, and from Church School Teacher: Miss J. Cox
thence in a direct line to the South
Australian border.
Office: 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen
Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. SOUTH NEW SOUTH WALES
President, G. Branster. Organized 1895
Secretary-Treasurer, F. J. Butler.
Territory: That part of the state of New
Departmental Secretaries: South Wales south of the Hawkesbury
Educational and Religious Liberty, and Capertee Rivers, as far west as
G. Branster. the 150th meridian of east longtitude,
Field Missionary, J. Young. thence west of the line running north
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and to Cassilis, thence southwest of a line
Y. P. M. V., A. J. Dyason. running northwesterly from Cassilis
to where the 147th meridian of east
Ordained. Ministers: longitude meets the 29th parallel of
0. K. Anderson, G. Branster, S. W. south latitude.
Carr, H. J. Meyers, R. Tudor, H. 13. Office: "Tereora," The Boulevards,
P. Wicks. Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
R. H. Abbott, F. J. Butler, A. J. President, G. G. Stewart.
Dyason. Secretary-Treasurer, P. A. Donaldson.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Miss H. L. Cozens, J. T. Young. Educational and Religious Liberty,
Church School Teachers: G. G. Stewart.
Field Missionary, E. A. Turner.
Miss M. Miller, Miss L. Robb, A. E.
Home Missionary, E. R. Whitehead.
Sabbath School, Miss G. Hadfield.
Y. P. M. V., N. H. Speck.

SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CON- Ordained Ministers:

FERENCE R. Brandstater, T. S. Brash, Ray
Organized 1899 Bullas, E. R. Gane, M. Grolimond,
Robert Hare, H. C. Harker, T. R.
Territory: The state of South Australia. Kent, J. A. Lawson, H. Mitchell, W.

Morris, A. H. Piper, F. G. Rampton, Church School Teachers:

C. J. Reynolds, A. Smart, G. G. Stew- R. L. Blair, Miss M. Gilmore, V.
art, A. H. White, E. R. Whitehead, Herbert, Miss E. Macintosh, H. Mil-
M. H. Whittaker, K. J. Woollen list.
Licensed Ministers:
W. R. Carswell, J. C. Dever, R.
Fraser, E. Hon, M. Pascoe, C. H.
Prettyman, F. L. Taylor, E. A. Tur- TASMANIAN CONFERENCE
ner, D. H. Wyborn.
Formerly included in Victoria-Tasmania
Licensed Missionaries: Conference, organized as separate
F. A. Basham, Mrs. H. Bridgett, Mrs. conference 1926.
G. E. Chapman, W. Doherty, P. A. Address: 361 Argyle St., North Hobart,
Donaldson, Miss A. Forster, Miss F. Tasmania.
Grolimund, Miss G. Hadfield, E. S.
House, Miss I. Hoy, Miss E. Moran, Officers:
Miss A. E. Pearce, Miss S. Read, Mrs. President, W. E. Battye.
M. E. Tank, Miss E. Westerman. Secretary-Treasurer, I. R. Stratford.
Church School Teachers: Departmental Secretaries:
Miss V. G. Camp, G. Currow, E. Educational, Field Missionary, Home
Felsch, A. L. Hefren, E. G. McDowell, Missionary, and Religious Liberty,
Miss V. Mobbs, N. Stacey, Miss M. W. E. Battye.
Streeter, E. Tonkin, H. Vetter. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,

Ordained Ministers:
W. E. Battye, E. Behrens, N. C.
Burns, L. R. Harvey, A. H. Rogers.
FERENCE Licensed Minister: A. E. Magnussen.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1915
Miss V. M. Rogers, I. R. Stratford,
Territory: That portion of the Domin- Miss E. Watters.
ion of New Zealand south of Cook's Church School Teachers:
E. A. Butler, Miss D. Fisher, F. J.
Office: 40 Bealey Ave., Christchurch, Brown.
New Zealand.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Christ-
Officers: Organized 1888
President, E. J. Johanson.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. S. Herbert. Territory: The state of Victoria.
Departmental Secretaries: Office: 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Victoria,
Educational and Religious Liberty, Australia.
E. J. Johanson.
Sabbath School, Officers:
Field Missionary, J. W. Nixon. President, James Pascoe.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Halliday.
Departmental secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Educational, James Pascoe.
C. J. Griffin, E. J. Johanson, W. J. Field Missionary, A. S. Jackson.
Smith, S. M. Mtley. Home Missionary, C. Head.
Licensed Ministers: Religious Liberty, E. G. Whittaker.
Sabbath School, Miss A. Rocke.
H. 13. Christian, A. S. Herbert, A. W. Y. P. M. V.,
Macauley, J. A. Mitchell, C. Murchi-
son, J. W. Nixon, W. A. Stewart, Ordained Ministers:
C. E. Summerfield, G. Westlake, S. H. E. S. Butz, L. Currow, P. G. Foster,
Wood. B. E. Hadfield, C. Head, L. L. Jones,
G. E. Marriott, A. I. Mitchell, James
Licensed Missionaries: Pascoe, G. Peacock, E. Rosendahl, D.
Miss N. Knowles, Miss V. Parker. Sibley, J. Thompson, E. G. Whittaker,

Licensed Ministers: Officers:

T. Austin, A. M. Badcock, W. A. President, L. C. Nadel).
Beatty, C. V. Bell,' C. J. Boulting, Secretary-Treasurer, W. R. Litster.
E. G. Foster, A. J. Gathercole, W. J.
Hawken, E. B. lbbott, A. S. Jackson, Departmental Secretaries:
A. F. Parker, G. Phillips, H. S.
Streeter, S. Wallace. Educational and Religious Liberty,
L. C. Naden.
Licensed Missionaries: Field Missionary, H. G. Bone.
Mrs. M. Badcock, Miss E. Britten, Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
Miss F. Carver, Miss G. Clarke, L. C. G. I. Wilson.
Coombe, Mrs. A. Cornell, Miss R. Sabbath School, Miss F. Cherrett.
Creelman, H. J. Halliday, Miss C. E.
Hodgetts, Miss E. F. Hopgood, Miss Ordained Ministers:
E. McCashney, Miss M. McDowell, T. J. Bradley, L. A. Butler, L. D. A.
Miss A. F. Rocke, Leo Rose, Miss Lempke, F. E. Lyndon, G. J. Parker.
A. M. Williams, R. A. Wood.
Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers:
M. Badcock, Miss R. Beveridge, Miss L. S. Barnes, H. G. Bone, H. G.
E. Clery, Miss J. Easthope, Miss A. Bryant, J. A. Charlton, W. R. Litster,
Hardy, W. Hill, L. B. Large, Miss G. V. Palmateer, C. P. Southwell,
H. J. Patterson, M. Robb, D. Stewart, D. A. Speck.
W. R. Whisker.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss F. Cherrett, Mrs. F. E. Lyndon,
Miss P. Nippress.
Organized 1902 Church School Teachers:
Territory: The state of West Australia. Miss V. Beacham, Miss 0. B. Blay-
den, R. Brinsmead, Miss G. Clark,
Office: 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth, West H. Lethbridge, Miss J. Nash, J. Ross,
Australia, Australia. H. Totenhofer, Miss A. Weetman.

Mission Fields
COOK ISLANDS MISSION Territory: All the Pacific Islands east
Organized 1892 of the 160th degree of west longitude,
and south of the tenth parallel of
(Included as part of the Central north latitude.
Polynesian Mission, 1916 to 1923; re-
organized 1923.) Headquarters: Papeete, Tahiti, Society
Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Territory: Those islands comprising the
Cook or Hervey Group, and other Superintendent: F. Hollingsworth.
small islands adjoining.
Headquarters: Box 31, Rarotonga, Cook Ordained Minister: F. Hollingsworth.
Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Licensed Missionaries:
Superintendent: L. G. Maxwell. Mrs. F. Hollingsworth, Mrs. A. Poroi,
Ordained Minister: L. G. Maxwell. Teahatu, Tofa, Mrs. F. P. Ward.
Licensed Minister: Joseph Vati. Church School Teacher: F. P. Ward.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. L. G. Maxwell, Miss W. E. Nie-
bunr, Tauraki.

Established 1889
(Included as part of the Central Poly-
Established 1892 ; Reorganized 1916 nesian Conference, 1916 to 1921 ; re-
organized 1921.)
Comprising the following former mis-
sions: Society Islands, and Pitcairn Address: Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific
Island. Ocean.

Officers: Officers:
Superintendent, L. V. Wilkinson. Superintendent, J. B. Keith.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. Forbes. Secretary, J. E. Martin.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
Maika Dauniika, A. P. Dyason, W. G. Joe, Joel, J. B. Keith, Masing Nalo,
Ferris, Semite Gade, Jope Laweloa,
Mitieli Nakasamai, Nafitalai Navara, A. H. Weil.
Timoci Nawara, Williame Rabalotu, Licensed Ministers:
Sanivalati Ramuai, Feresi Rokesala,
J. H. D. Miller, A. Pies.
Isimele Seresere, Semi Vuloaloa, L. V.
Wilkinson. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: J. Cernik, Mrs. J. Cernick, Mrs. J.
A. H. Forbes, John Kamea, Joeli Keith, J. E. Martin, Mrs. J. E. Mar-
tin, Mrs. J. Miller, Mrs. A. Piez, Mrs.
Lotawa, Tereti Nagara, Saimoni Na- A. H. Weil, also more than ten local
laubo, Anitipasa Naucukidi, Joseph
Osborne, Tevita Railave, Semi Tiki- licensed missionaries.
vili, Taniela Vauvau.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. A. P. Dyason, Miss E. E. Ed- MISSION
wards, Mrs. W. G. Ferris, Mrs. A.
Forbes, S. C. Pennington, Mrs. S. C. Established 1914
Pennington, Esther Whinny, Sarah
Whippey, also over 40 local licensed Address: Niue Island, Pacific Ocean.
missionaries. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. G. Head.


Under direction of North New Established 1893
South Wales Conference.
Address: Norfolk Island, Australia.
Ordained Minister: H. T. Howse.
LORD HOWE ISLAND MISSION Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. T. Howse.
Address: Lord Howe Island, Australia.
Licensed Minister: R. Farrar.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. R. Farrar. NORTH QUEENSLAND MISSION
(Formerly included in the Queensland
Conference. Operated as Mission under
MONAMONA MISSION FOR direction of Australian Union Confer-
ABORIGINES ence from Jan. 1, 1929.)
Established 1913 Territory: All that portion of the state
of Queensland lying north of a line
Address: Oak Forest, via Cairns, North drawn from Yeppoon west to Kum-
Queensland, Australia. viarara on the Marlborough line, and
Superintendent: L. A. Borgas. thence due south to the top of the
range just west of Deeford, and from
Ordained Minister: L. A. Borgas. thence in a direct line to the South
Australian border.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss E. Flack, Mrs. L. A. Borgas, H. Officers:
Mills, Mrs. H. Mills, Mrs. H. Rowland, Superintendent, W. N. Lock.
S. C. Ward, Mrs. S. C. Ward. Secretary-Treasurer, A. C. Risbey.
Ordained Ministers:
T. A. Anderson, M. S. Ball, R. A.
Organized as separate mission Licensed Minister: A. C. Risbey.
in 1924
Licensed Missionaries:
Address: Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific T. L. Howse, A. C. Needham, J.
Ocean. Newman.

PAPUA MISSION Rowe, Miss E. Totenhofer, Mrs. C.

Tucker, and over 100 local licensed
Established 1908 ; Organized 1928 missionaries and teachers.
Address: Mirigeda, Port Moresby, Papua,
Pacific Ocean.
Superintendent, G. H. Engelbrecht. Established 1929
Secretary, R. Frame.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 52,
Ordained Ministers: Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New
G. H. Engelbrecht, C. E. Mitchell. Guinea.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
E. Boehm, L. I. Howell, L. N. Lock, Superintendent, E. M. Abbott.
W. H. Nolan. Secretary-Treasurer, C. Sharpe.
Licensed Missionaries: Ordained Ministers:
Mrs. G. H. Engelbrecht, R. Frame, E. M. Abbott, A. S. Atkins, D. Bren-
Mrs. R. Frame, K. Gray, Mrs. K. man, A. J. Campbell, Oti, Salau,
Gray, Mrs. L. I. Howell, T. Judd, R. H. Tutty.
Mrs. T. Judd, Mrs. L. N. Lock, Mrs.
C. E. Mitchell, Mrs. W. H. Nolan, Licensed Ministers:
Dick Richardson, Jessie Richardson, S. H. Gander, C. Pascoe, A. R.
Minnie Sheppard, Stanley Sheppard, Hiscox.
Mrs. Alma Wiles.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. E. M. Abbott, Mrs. A. S. Atkins,
Mrs. D. Brennan, Mrs. A. J. Camp-
SAMOAN MISSION bell, Mrs. S. H. Gander, Mrs. A. R.
Established 1895; Reorganized 1936 Hiscox, Mrs. C. Pascoe, C. Sharpe,
Mrs. C. Sharpe, Mrs. R. H. Tutty,
(Included as part of the Central Poly- and 100 island licensed missionaries
nesian Conference, 1916 to 1921; re- and teachers.
organized 1921.)
Address: Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Ordained Ministers: TONGAN MISSION
Sanika Afa'ese, R. Reye. Established 1895
Licensed Minister: C. H. Rapnale. (Included as part of the Central Poly-
Licensed Missionaries: nesian Conference, 1916 to 1921 ; re-
organized 1921.)
Mrs. C. H. Rapnale, Mrs. R. Reye.
Address: Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly
Islands, Pacific Ocean.

SOLOMON ISLANDS MISSION Superintendent: A. W. Martin.

Established 1914 ; Organized 1920 Ordained Ministers:
Address: Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, L. A. Dyason, A. W. Martin.
Solomon Islands, Pacific. Ocean.
Licensed Minister: James Moala.
Licensed Missionaries:
Superintendent, J. C. H. Perry.
Secretary:Treasurer, A. R. Barrett. Beaus Isilali, Taliauli Joni, A. Knud-
son, Havea Sila.
Ordained Ministers:
A. R. Barrett, D. Ferris, J. Howse,
Jugha, J. C. H. Perry, Kata Ragoso,
Licensed Ministers:
J. Cormack, C. Tucker.
Aore Training School, Aore, New
Licensed Missionaries: Hebrides.
Mrs. A. R. Barrett, Mrs. J. Cormack, Australasian Missionary College, Coo-
J. Gosling, Mrs. J. Gosling, Mrs. J. ranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Howse, G. Maywald, Mrs. G. Maywald, Batuna Training School, Marovo La-
Mrs. J. C. H. Perry, J. Rowe, Mrs. J. goon, Solomon Islands.

Beulah Training School, Vaini. Nu- Sanitariums:

kualofa, Tonga. Amyes Memorial Hospital, Island of
Choiseul Intermediate School, Ruru- Kolombangara, Solomon Islands.
vae, Choiseul, Solomon Islands. Sydney Sanitarium and Hospital,
Fulton Training School, Tai Levu, Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Fiji. Warburton Sanitarium, Warburton,
Mirigeda Training School, Mirigeda, Victoria, Australia.
via Port Moresby, Papua.
New Guinea Training School, Put Put, Health Food Factories:
Territory of New Guinea.
New Zealand Missionary College, Sanitarium Health Food Co., Cooran-
Longburn, New Zealand. bong, N. S. W., Australia.
Sanitarium Health Food Co., 62 Ran-
Vatu Vonu Central School, Vatu Vonu, dolph St., Auckland, New Zealand.
Vanua Levu, Fiji. Sanitarium Health Food Co., Papanui,
West Australian Missionary College, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Carmel, West Australia. Sanitarium Buyers and Packers, Syd-
ney, N. S. W., Australia.
Publishing: Sanitarium Health Food Co., War-
Eastern Polynesian Mission Press, burton, Victoria.
Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Sanitarium Health Food Co., Carmel,
Islands. West Australia.
Fiji - Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Sanitarium Health Food Co., Bris-
Papua Mission Press, Mirigeda, Papua. bane, Queensland, Australia.
Signs Publishing Co., Ltd., Warburton, Sanitarium Health Food Co., Ade-
Victoria, Australia. laide, South Australia, Australia.
Solomon Island Mission Press, Batuna, Sanitarium Health Food Co., Lewis-
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands. ham, Sydney, N. S. W., Australia.
Organized at Darmstadt, Germany, 1928
Territory: The East German, South Busch, H. Fenner, W. Hans, W. K.
German, West German, and Nether- Ising, W. Michael, W. Mueller, 0.
lands Union Conferences, Bohemian- Schildhauer, G. W. Schubert, G. Seng,
Moravian, Slovakian, and General- A. Vollmer, J. Wintzen.
Government Conferences.
Population: About 114,124,847; churches,
1,141 ; members, 42,387. ADVENT WELFARE WORK
Cable Address: Adventist, Berlin. ASSOCIATION
Postal Address: Regensburgerstrasse Organized 1927; Reorganized 1935
22, V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. Legal Name: Verein "Advent-Wohl-
Officers: fahrtswerk" E. V.. Sitz Berlin, Re-
gensburger Str. 22, V., Berlin W. 50,
President, A. Minck. Germany. (Operates the Welfare
Secretary, 0. Schildhauer. work and eight Nurses' Homes in
Treasurer, M. Voigt. Germany.)
Auditor, P. A. Brandt.
Executive Committee: A. Minck, H. Officers:
Box, 0. Brozio, M. Budnick, M. Busch, President, A. Minck.
L. E. Conradi, J. Doubraysky, E. Secretary-Treasurer, M. Voigt.
Gugel, J. Lichy, W. Michael, C. ,A.
Motzer, 0. Schildhauer, G. Seng, M. Board of Trustees:
Voigt, A. Vollmer, J. Wintzen. A. Minck, M. Budnick, E. Gugel, E.
Departmental Secretaries: Meyer, Elfriede Schroder, G. Seng,
M. Voigt.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Nurses Homes:
Y. P. M. V., M. Busch. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer Str. 3,
Medical, L. E. Conradi, Krankenhaus Germany.
Walfriede, Fischerhiittenstr. 99-109, Breslau, Lohestr. 79, Germany.
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Chemnitz, Heinrich Beckstr. 9, Ger-
Ministerial Association, E. Gugel. many.
Publishing, Dresden A. 16, Haydnstr. 16, Ger-
Welfare, 0. Brozio. many.
Ordained Ministers: Frankfurt AVIain, Eschenheimer An-
lage 32, Germany.
H. Box, 0. Brozio, M. Busch, W. Kln, Salierring 60, Germany.
Eberhardt, E. Gugel, S. Lupke, W. Leipzig, Humboldstr. 17, Germany.
Michael, A. Minck, 0. Schildhauer, Wiesbaden, Riidesheimer Str. 7, Ger-
M. Voigt. many.
Licensed Ministers:
P. A. Brandt, L. E. Conradi, G. Lupke, HAMBURG SEVENTH-DAY ADVENT-
E. Meyer, E. Muller, W. Nehls, P. IST ASSOCIATION
Staubert, A. Vollmer, H. Wertenauer. (Hamburger Verein der Siebenten-Tag-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany
(Advent-Missionsgesellschaft E. V.) (Legal society to hold all property of
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany the denomination in Hamburg and office
of the denominational archives.)
Organized 1913
Office: Regensburger Str. 22, V., Berlin Officers:
W. 50, Germany. President, A. Minsk.
Board: Vice-President, 0. Schildhauer.
Power of Attorney, A. Vollmer.
President, A. Minck. Other Members: H. Box, 0. Brozio,
Vice-President, E. Gugel. M. Budnick, M. Busch, H. Fenner, E.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Voigt. Gugel, W. Michael, C. A. Motzer, W.
Other Members: H. Box, P. A. Mueller, 0. Schildhauer, G. Seng, M.
Brandt, 0. Brozio, M. Budnick, M. Voigt.
3 65
Organized 1909

Territory: The Berlin, Danzig-Warthe, Population: About 5,300,000: churches,

East Prussian, March Lusatian, 49 ; members, 3,179.
Northeast Saxonian, Pomeranian, Si-
lesian, Sudeten, and West Saxonian Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. (Tele.
86 63 48.)
Population: About 34,784,847; churches,
537 ; members, 18,770. Officers:
President, G. Mai.
Office Address: Koblenzer Strasse 3, Secretary-Treasurer, R. Kluttig.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. (Tele., Executive Committee: G. Mai, E.
86 63 51.) Adventhaus. Kolsch, S. Liipke, W. Oestreich, W.
Officers: Backer, W. Rogge, H. Schacht, R.
President, M. Budnick.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Diiumichen. Departmental Secretaries:
Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Executive Committee: M. Budnick, Y. P. M. V., W. Backer.
M. Baier, H. Brinkmann, A. Burger,
H. Daumichen, R. Daumichen, H. Ordained Ministers:
Glass, 0. Haase, F. Hambrock, W. A. Behrens, F. Dombrowsky, R.
Hans, M. Hartmann, W. Klinkmuller, Dangschat, A. Dorner, R. Helm, F.
W. Michael, B. Ohme, A. Rebens- Kessel, W. Lesovsky, G. Mai, W.
burg. Ninow, W. Backer, F. Rinder, G.
Ronisch, A. Schenck, R. Scheibitz,
Departmental Secretaries: H. Vollrath.
Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and Honorary: F. Baucke, G. Freund,
Sabbath School, A. Burger. J. Seefried.
Medical, E. Meyer.
Licensed Ministers:
Ordained Ministers: K. Danke, W. Korinth, H. Ventzke.
M. Budnick, A. Burger, R. Daumi-
chen. Licensed Missionaries:
P. Fentross, M. Glockner, Mrs. K.
Licensed Minister: H. Daumichen. Horn, Miss H. Junker, R. Kluttig,
Licensed Missionary: J. Bohm. J. Muller, A. Reinhold, Miss M.
Thummel, Mrs. E. Trusen, Mrs. M.
Legal Building Assn.: "Mitteldeutsche Soyk.
Grundstiicksgesellschaft m. b. H."
Office: Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Koblenzer
Str. 3.
Manager, W. Hans, Dresden-A, Franz
Architect: F. Hennig, Berlin-Wil-
mersdorf, Koblenzer Str. 3, Germany. Organized 1939
"Deutscher Verein fiir Gesundheitsp-
fledge e. V. Friedensau," Friedensau Territory: Districts of Danzig, Warthe,
b. Burg, Post Grabow, Bez. Magde- and West Prussian.
Manager: H. Diiumichen. Population: About 6,750,269 ; churches,
31 ; members, 810.
Office Address: Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin-
Wilmersdorf, Germany. (Telephone,

Organized 1909 Officers:

President, M. Budnick.
Territory: Province of Berlin, Admin- Secretary-Treasurer, R. Diumichen.
istration District of Potsdam (except- Executive Committee: M. Budnick, A.
ing the Districts of Angermtinde, Burger, R. Daumichen, F. Fentross,
Beeskow-Storkow, Jilterbog, Ober- E. Tiesnes.
barnim, Prenzlau, Templin, Ebers-
Departmental Secretaries:
walde) Strausberg, Werneuchen, Ora-
nienburg, Burg, School Church Fried- Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
ensau. Y. P. M. V., A. Burger.

Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, F. Vogt.

F. Dzik, A. Felte, J. Gomolla, 0. Executive Committee: 0. Haase, P.
Kiehnast, E. Roocks, W. Strohl, E. Horn, A. Klapper, K. Kohler, P.
Tiesnes, J. Zielinski. Schulze, W. Suckert.

Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:

E. Kruger, K. Nowicki. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Licensed Missionaries: Y. P. M. V., K. Kohler.
H. Manke, J. Pieschka, Olga Wei-
ranch. Ordained Ministers:
J. Beier, Tr. Bottcher, A. Brendel,
A. 0. Faetting, 0. Haase, G. Hum-
mel, E. Jager, K. Kohler, A. Kraut-
EAST PRUSSIAN CONFERENCE schick, H. Langner, W. Ludwig, W.
Organized 1903 Radke, 0. Schwenecke, E. Simon.
Territory: Provinces of East Prussia. Honorary: H. Dietrich, R. Dietrich,
E. Dwehus, P. Horn.
Population: About 2,600,000; churches,
72 ; members, 2,028. Licensed Ministers:
F. Dobinski, E. Oestreich, H. H.
Office Address: Steindamm 32 a III, Oestreich, F. Vogt.
Konigsberg (Pr.), Germany. (Tele-
phone, 32292.) Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: K. Hossfeld, H. Pohle.
President, Hugo Glass.
Sec.-Treas., E. Tulaszewski.
Executive Committee : H. Glass, F.
Budnick, J. Heimann, F. May, W. NORTHEAST SAXONIAN CON-
Noack, J. Urgien, M. Zielinski. FERENCE
Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1919
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., W. Noack. Territory: District of Dresden, Bautzen,
Ordained Ministers: and Leipzig.
W. Adamsky, P. Behrendt, H. Eich- Population: About 3,284,578 ; churches,
hoff, H. Glass, W. Gotz, K. Hilweg, 61 ; members, 2,532.
W. Kloss, H. Korsch, W. Noack, E. Office Address: Haydnstr. 16, Dresden
Rathke, B. Schulz, J. Schwital, M. A. 16, Germany. (Telephone, 64421.)
Wasidlow, M. Zielinski.
Licensed Ministers:
President, H. Brinkmann.
E. Karwatzke, J. Kulessa, L. Kuzma, Secretary-Treasurer, E. Kermer.
W. Wachhaus. Executive Committee: H. Brinkmann,
Licensed Missionaries: R. Diene, M. Fischer, F. Heinrich, B.
Neuhaus, H. Richter, M. Thiermann,
E. Denkert, H. Morenings, W. Uhlig,
K. Weise. M. ThOrmer.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Organized Jan. 1, 1929 Ordained Ministers:
Territory: Upper and Lower Lusatian, H. Brinkmann, J. Brzezinski, W. Der-
Grenzmark and the territory of prov- lath, F. Heinrich, M. Hochmuth, F.
ince Brandenburg except the districts Jurke, R. Klinger, H. Kobs, R. Lusky,
belonging to the Berlin and Pomera- F. Meyer, B. Nee, R. Patzig, A.
nian Conferences. Porsch, H. Richter, W. Thalmann, W.
Thiermann, B. Westhofer.
Population: About 2,350,000; churches,
56 ; members, 1,632. Honorary: M. Ballack, W. Schwen-
Office Address: Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz
46, Cottbus, Germany. (Telephone, Licensed Ministers:
2993.) A. Geserick, H. Gunther, H. Werner.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, 0. Haase. G. Ackermann, H. Schluttig, K. Vogt.


0. Bahr, 0. Bauscher, J. Chodura, P.
Organized 1901 Englert, R. Gomola, F. Grellmann, W.
Guldenpfennig, J. Kanzok, K. Keller,
Territory: Province of Pomerania, Dis- E. Kluth, R. Langholf, H. Laue, G.
tricts of Friedeberg, Soldin, Arns- Lehmann, A. Ludtke, H. Neumann,
walde, Landsberg /W., Konigsberg E. Niedoba, B. Ohme, E. Pistorius,
N /M., Oberbarnim, Kiistrin, Schneide- K. Schafer, H. Schmidt, F. Stekla,
mahl, Angermtinde, Templin, Prenz- A. Thomas. '
lau, and North Grenzmark.
Licensed Ministers:
Population: About 2,500,000; churches,
69 ; members, 1,666. A. Kruk, J. Parusel, M. Rothe, H.
Office Address: Arndtstrasse 37 a, III,
Stettin, Germany. (Tel. 22319.) Licensed Missionaries:
F. Besehn, R. Clausnitzer, R. Irmer,
Officers: P. Schaar, L. Walter.
President, A. Rebensburg.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. Wiedmer.
Executive Committee: A. Rebensburg,
R. Bischoff, W. Gauger, S. Kohl, R. SUDETEN CONFERENCE
Schade, G. Suckert, R. Wulff. Organized 1938
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Sudetenland.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Population: 2,100,000; churches, 33 ;
Y. P. M. V., G. Suckert. members, 923.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Augasse 11, Reichen-
D. Brinkmann, 0. Dabritz, K. Dobin- berg, Sudetenland, Germany.
ski, W. Gauger, E. Kulessa, Fr.
Leskien, C. Maier, W. Muller, G. Officers:
Petzold, A. Rebensburg, W. Schmie- President, M. Hartmann.
der, E. Schubert, G. Suckert. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Kunert.
Honorary: W. Tribbensee. Executive Committee: M. Hartmann,
F. Klimt, H. Riistig, W. Schnabel,
Licensed Ministers: A. Weinert.
R. Saborowski, E. Schafer, R. Departmental Secretaries:
Schmidt, C. Wloka.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Licensed Missionaries: Y. P. M. V., H. Riistig.
P. Bohlmann, H. Lingel, F. Wiedmer.
Ordained Ministers:
F. Bohm, R. Frauenberger, G. Geier,
M. Hartmann, E. Luftner, F. Munich,
T. Neuwirth, M. Posel, J. Richter, H.
Organized 1907 Licensed Ministers:
R. Fischer, 0. Gutwald, H. Knobloch,
Territory: Upper Silesia, and districts A. Kunert, A. Strala.
of Breslau, Oppeln, Liegnitz, and
Kattawitz. Licensed Missionary: 0. Fuchs.
Population: About 7,900,000; churches,
91 ; members, 3,352.
Office Address: Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau WEST SAXONIAN CONFERENCE
13, Germany. (Telephone, 30952.) Organized 1920
Officers: Territory: District of Chemnitz and
President, B. Ohme. Zwickau.
Secretary, 0. Bahr.
Treasurer, Erna Spichale. Population: 2,000,000; churches, 76;
Executive Committe: B. Ohme, 0. members, 2,648.
Bahr, J. Becker, G. Dombek, R. Milke, Cable and Telegraphic Address: Ad-
P. Munch, H. Schmidt. venthaus, Chemnitz.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: Adventhaus, Hans
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Sachs-Strasse 9, Chemitz, Germany.
Y. P. M. V., 0. Bahr. (Telephone, 51332.)

Officers: Hambrock, P. Haufe, K. Hoffmann,

H. Hufnagel, K. Jonuleit, J. Kling-
President, F. Hambrock. beil, E. Koch, Kurt Kohler, 0. P.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. Wolf. Muller, W. Oswald, K. Pansegrau, R.
Executive Committee: F. Hambrock, Schafer, H. Schaper, K. Thiele, K.
K. Amelung, M. Baier, P. Haufe,
R. H. Kohler, E. Lippert, B. Ohme,
R. Queck, 0. Wilde. Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
G. Krautschick, H. Saborowski, F.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Tertel, W. Wolf.
Y. P. M. V., K. Amelung.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
K. Amelung, R. Biller, A. Doling, F. E. Loser, H. Vogel.


Organized 1938

Territory: The Netherlands. NORTH NETHERLAND CON-

Population: 8,500,000; churches, 33;
members, 1,405. Organized 1938
Territory: Noord-Holland, including the
Office Address: Lange Beestenmarkt village Hillegom of Zuid-Holland ;
102', The Hague, Netherlands. (Tele- Gelderland northward of the river
phone, 's-Gravenhage 11 70 25.) Rijn from Lobith to Rhenen ; Overij-
sel ; Drente, Groningen, and Fries-
Officers: land.
President, J. Wintzen. Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 18
Secretary, P. Voorthuis. members, 716.
Treasurer, C. A. L. Havenstroom. Office Address: Badhuisweg 14, Apel-
Executive Committee: J. Wintzen, F. doorn, Netherlands.
Baecker, H. Eelsing, T. Eikelenboom,
J. Kerssen, J. Toben, P. Voorthuis. Officers:
President, H. Eelsing.
Departmental Secretaries: Secretary, P. Voorthuis.
Treasurer, C. A. L. Havenstroom.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Executive Committee: H. Easing, J.
Y. P. M. V., F. A. Baecker. Kerssen, C. Schutte, J. Toben, P.
Welfare Work, H. Eelsing. Voorthuis.
Ordained Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
F. A. Baecker, J. Wintzen. Same as in the Union.
Licensed Missionary: C. A. L. Haven- Ordained Ministers:
stroom. H. Eelsing, J. Lankhorst, P. v. Oos-
sanen, A. Schmutzler, H. Schor, P.
Institutions: Voorthuis.
Publishing House: Stichting : Bock- Licensed Missionaries:
enhuis der Advent-Zending, van G. L, A. Faber, H. Heykoop, P. Klop,
Weede van Dijkveldstr. '77, 's-Gra- D. Vink.
venhave, Netherlands. (Telephone,
55 41 40.)
Children Home: "Zonheuvel," Bilt-
scheweg 14, Den Dolder, Nether- SOUTH NETHERLAND CON-
lands. (Telephone, Huis ter Heide FERENCE
Organized 1938
Legal Name: Kerkgenootsnhap der Territory: Zuid-Holland, excepting the
Zevende-Dags-Adventisten in Neder- village Hillegom ; Gelderland south-
land, gevestigd to 's Gravenhage. ward of the river Rijn from Lobith

to Rhenen ; Limburg, Noord-Brabant, Departmental Secretaries:

and Zeeland. Same as in the Union.
Population: 4,500,000; churches, 15;
members, 689. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Lange Beestenmarkt J. W. Berthold, W. Betram.
102, The Hague, Netherlands.
Licensed Ministers:
H. H. Schmitz., F. J. Voorthuis.
President, J. Wintzen.
Secretary, F. Baecker. Licensed Missionaries:
Treasurer, C. A. L. Havenstroom.
Executive Committee: J. Wintzen, N. N. Heykoop, P. L. Prins, C. P. de
Baars., F. A. Baecker, T. M. Eikelen- Ruiter, J. A. de Ruiter, B. Slond,
boom. P. Sol.


Organized 1912

Territory: Wurtemberg, Baden, Bava- BADEN CONFERENCE

ria, Rhine, Palatinate, Thuringia,
Organized 1912; Reorganized 1922
North Eastmark, South Eastmark,
comprising the Baden, Central Rhen-
Territory: Baden and the Bavarian
ish, Franc.-Thuring., South Bavarian,
Wurtemberg, North Eastmark, and
South Eastmark Conferences. Population: 3,300,000; churches, 28 ;
members, 1,117.
Population: 25,040,000 ; churches, 242 ;
members, 10,041. Office: Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe,
i /B., Germany.
Office Address: Diemershalden Str. 23, Officers:
Stuttgart-0, Wurtemberg, Germany.
President, E. Berner.
Officers: Treasurer, Miss B. Muth.
Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.
President, G. Seng.
Treas. and Office Sec., Helene Kofink. Executive Committee: E. Berner, Th.
Auditor, P. A. Brandt. Gawlik, F. C. Grieser, K. Kafitz, Fr.
Executive Committee: G. Seng, W. Muller, K. Ohme, Fr. Zapp.
Amelung, E. Berner, W. Edener, E.
Mayer, W. Meinhardt, A. W. Muller, Departmental Secretaries:
0. Neubauer, A. Sachsenmeyer, L. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Schneebauer, A. Wegener, A. Wick- Y. P. M. V., E. Berner.
Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: E. Berner, E. Csammer, Fr. Purr,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and D. Eicher, H. Gobel, F. Ch. Grieser,
Y. P. M. V., 0. Neubauer. Fr. Kobele, R. Lange.
Honorary: G. F. Horner.
Ordained Ministers:
0. Neubauer, G. Serig. Licensed Ministers:
F. Breuninger, A. Nussle, J. Schmidt.
South German Building Association:
Manager and Bookkeeper, Wilhelm
Committee: W. Amelung, W. Edener, CENTRAL RHENISH CONFERENCE
E. Mayer, A. W. Muller, 0. Neubauer,
A. Sachsenmeyer, G. Seng, A. Wick- Organized 1920
Territory: The Free State Hessia (Prov-
South German Health Association Com- inces Rhinehessia, Starkenburg and
mittee: Upper Hessia). Of the Hessia-Nas-
sau Province: The administrative dis-
W. Amelung, W. Edener, A. W. Mill- trict of Wiesbaden excepting the Un-
ler, A. Sachsenmeyer, G. Seng. terlahn district. Of the administra-

tive district Kassel: Hanau, Geln- Departmental Secretaries:

hausen, Schffichtern, Fulda, Hiinfeld. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Of Bavaria: Aschaffenburg, Alzenau, Y. P. M. V., H. Schmidt.
Obernburg and Miltenberg. The
Saar-District. From the Rhine Prov- Ordained Ministers:
ince, the districts : Trier, Saarburg, E. Adolph, H. Feddersen, W. Gehl,
Merzig-Wadern, St. Wendel, Baum- W. Gericke, A. Haag, 0. Kelle, L.
holder, Bad Kreuznach. From the Krug, E. Kuschel, W. Lorenz, A. W.
State Oldenburg: the district Birken- Muller, R. Muller, E. Schank, H.
feld. Schmidt, F. Schrattenholzer, E.
Population: 4,600,000; churches, 34; Schwarz, A. Stammberger, H. Wittig.
members, 1,419. Honorary: K. Sinz.
Office: Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Frank- Licensed Minister: 0. Elssmann.
furt am Main, Germany.
Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Miss K. Fischer, Miss A. Gutmann,
President, A. Sachsenmeyer. Miss A. Hertwig, Miss M. Scheiben-
Treasurer, Miss Lydia Rein. berger, H. Simon.
Auditor, Miss Helene Kofink. Honorary: G. Bohm, M. Michaelis.
Executive Committee: A. Sachsen-
meyer, W. Christanz, F. Fritz, F.
Hasel, G. Meyer, H. Nau, 0. Schnei-
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1936
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., A. Sachsenmeyer. Territory: Vienna, Lower Danube, Up-
per Danube.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 4,840,000; churches, 20;
K. Fleck, W. Gemeinhardt, W. Haas, members, 936.
E. Maier, H. Nau, M. Prull, A. Sach-
senmeyer, 0. Saur, H. Zimmermann. Office: Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna XV /101,
Honorary: H. Behr, F. J. Ott. Germany.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
H. Noltze, A. Ohme. President, L. Schneebauer.
Treasurer, Miss M. Rollett.
Licensed Missionaries: Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.
Miss L. Furst, J. Schonach. Executive Committee: L. Schnee-
bauer, H. Auer, K. Floder, R. Grab-
ner, F. Pfingstl, E. Pickhart.

FRANCONIAN-THURINGIAN Departmental Secretaries:

CONFERENCE Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., J. Schor.
Organized 1934
Territory: Upper, Central, and Lower Ordained Ministers:
Franconia (excepting Aschaffenburgl. Fr. Gruber, R. Lohner, J. Penner,
Upper Palatinate (excepting Regens- F. Pfingstl, L. Schneebauer, J. Schor,
burg), Thuringia with the adminis- M. Schwab.
trative district Erfurt, district Schleu-
singen, Schmalkalden, Ziegenruck Licensed Ministers:
(excepting Sondershausen). Th. Erbes, F. Pieringer.
Population: 4,600,000 ; churches, 59 ; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 2,431. M. Drechsler, E. Kiepe.
Office Address: Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Nurnberg, Germany.
President, A. W. Muller.
Treasurer, Miss F. Andersson. Organized 1936
Auditor, Miss H. Kofink. Territory: Salzburg, Tirol, Vorarlberg,
Executive Committee: A. W. Muller, Styria, Carinthia.
H. Feddersen, W. Hof mockel, R.
Kopp, H. Martin, W. Meinhardt, Th. Population: 2,000,000 ; churches, 15 ;
Muller, W. Touchard, F. Vogel. members, 718.

Office Address: Adolf Hitlerkai 81, Grieser, C. H. Loosen, G. Schmalkoke,

Salzburg-Aigen, Germany. H. Schnotzinger, H. Schwarz, A.
Ulrich, R. Vogel, Fr. Weigel.
President, A. Wegener. Licensed Ministers:
Treasurer, Miss M. Rollett. E. Alberth, H. Riedel.
Auditor, Miss H. Kofink.
Executive Committee: A. Wegener, K. Licensed Missionaries:
Brich, R. Grabner, H. Mayer, P. Miss M. Kuffer, A. Schneider, J. G.
Weinand. Somer, Miss K. Westenberger.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., A. Wegener.
W. Binanzer, K. Fleck, W. Gast, F. Organized 1912
Lubschina, A. Wegener, P. Weinand.
Territory: Wurtemberg including Hoh-
Licensed Minister: 0. Lenzi. enzollernSigmaringen.
Licensed Missionary: J. A. Gratz. Population: 2,600,000 ; churches, 44 ;
members, 1,601.
Office Address: Fangelsbachstr. 11,
Organized 1919
Territory: Upper and Lower Bavaria, President, Ed. Mayer.
Swabia, Neuburg, and the southern Treasurer and Office Secretary, Jo-
part of the Upper Palatinate, includ- hanna Walz.
ing Regensburg. Auditor, Helene Kofink.
Population : 3,200,000 ; churches, 42 ; Executive Committee: Ed. Mayer, L.
members, 1,819. Feucht, Fr. Gregorius, Fr. Hager,
W. Kramer, Fr. Kurz, E. Spah.
Office Address: Tizianstrasse 18, Mu-
nich 19, Bavaria, Germany. Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Officers: Y. P. M. V., 0. Neubauer.
President, W. Edener.
Treasurer, Aurelia Hilbsch. Ordained Ministers:
Auditor, Helene Kofink. A. Ansel, Fr. Gregorius, A. Henger,
Executive Committee: W. Edener, J. M. Kunze, Ed. Mayer, Fr. Roth, K.
Bauer, E. Beck, W. Kehr, A. Konrad, Scheele, H. Zettwoch.
A. Schneider, H. Schwarz. Honorary: C. Reihlen, R. Werner.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and K. Burk, F. Gunther.
Y. P. M. V., G. Schmalkoke.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
W. Edener, H. Erzberger, Fr. Fleck, Miss J. Baschenegger, E. Fuchs, Miss
M. Ganzleben, K. Golzer, J. F. A. Kohle, Miss E. Kuspert, A. Posch.


Organized 1909
Territory: Central German, Hanover, Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft der
Hansa, Hessia-Westphalian, and Siebenten- Tags - Adventisten, West-
Rhenish Conferences. deutscher Verband.
Population: 25,600,000 ; churches, 244 ; Officers:
members, 9,512. President, C. A. Motzer.
Secretary-Treasurer, Otto Gmehling.
Office Address: Richard-Wagner-Str. Auditor: For the Union, the Division
28, Hannover-N., Germany. (Tele- Auditor. For the Conferences, the
phone, 60018.) Union Treasurer.

Executive Committee: C. A. Motzer, Licensed Ministers:

W. Althoff, R. Dettmar, K. Faesecke, E. Fischdick, W. Koch, W. Rieck-
0. Gmehling, W. John, E. Kamann, mann, A. Scherf, P. Schornstein, F.
L. Lutz, W. Peters, A. Pioch, A. Sutor, H. Tilgner, A. Weisse.
Licensed Missionary: Miss J. Volk-
Departmental Secretaries: mann.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., R. Dettmar. Full Title in German: Gemeinschaft der
Siebenten - Tags - Adventisten, Mittel-
Ordained Ministers: deutsche Vereinigung.
R. Dettmar, 0. Gmehling, C. A.
Legal Assn.: Westdeutsche Grund-
stiicks-Gesellschaft m. b. H., Ham- HANOVER CONFERENCE
burg. Organized 1919
Office: Richard-Wagner-Str. 28, Hann-
over-N. ; Manager, C. A. Motzer. Territory: From the Province Hanover
(Free-State Prussia) the administra-
tive districts Liineburg, Stade, Au-
rich; the administrative district Han-
over without Hameln-Pyrmont. The
CENTRAL GERMAN CONFERENCE administrative district Osnabruck city
and rural, Melle, Wittlage, Iburg.
Organized 1934 From the Province Saxony (Free-
State Prussia) the districts: Gardele-
Territory : . The Free-States Brunswick, gen, Osterburg, Salzwedel, Stendal
Anhalt ; from the Free-State Thur- city and rural. The Free-State
ingia the district Sondershause ; from Bremen, the Free-State Oldenburg
the province Saxony (Free-State without Birkenfeld and Eutin.
Prussia) the administrative district
Merseburg ; the administrative dis- Population: 3,600,000 ; churches, 45 ;
trict Erfurt without Erfurt ; from members, 1,523.
the administrative district Magdeburg
the districts Wernigerode, Halber- Office Address: Neustadt-Contrescarpe
stadt city and rural, Quedlinburg city 30, I., Bremen, Germany. (Tele-
and rural, Aschersleben, Oschersleben, phone, 50626.)
Wanzleben, Calbe, Wolmirstedt, Neu- Officers:
haldensleben, Jerichow I and II,
Magdeburg city; from the province President, C. A. Motzer.
Hanover (Free-State Prussia) the ad- Secretary, It. Kaufmann.
ministrative district Hildesheim. Treasurer, Miss F. Meier.
Auditor, the treasurer of the West
Population: 4,400,000 ; churches, 45 ; German Union.
members, 1,593. Executive Committee: C. A. Motzer,
M. Barlach, K. Barmann, 0. Drose-
Office Address: Fasanenstr. 63, I., meier, It. Kaufmann.
Braunschweig, Germany. (Telephone, Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Officers: Y. P. M. V., R. Kaufmann.
President, W. Althoff. Ordained Ministers:
Secretary, C. Steudel. W. Amian, E. Baumbach, W. Bege-
Treasurer, Miss M. Fuchs. mann, F. Brandt, K. Druge, E.
Auditor: The treasurer of the West Ersatz, K. Harress, C. Kapitz, R.
German Union. Kaufmann, A. Mannesmann, H.
Executive Committee: W. Althoff, E. Wehrmann, H. Wille.
Pabst, W. Schubert, 0. Stein, C.
Steudel. Honorary: J. Christoffers, H. Fenner,
W. Prillwitz.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Ministers:
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., C. Steudel. H. Heuser, A. Piorr, H. Treeck, P.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. Thaden.
W. Althoff, J. Fenner, G. Fischdick,
W. Herbert, H. Knoner, L. Martin, Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
0. Panzig, W. Pohland, K. Schieber, ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hannoversche
C. Steudel. Vereinigung e.V.

HANSA CONFERENCE Ziegenhain, Hiinfeld, der Eder, des

Eisenbergs, der Twiste, Schaumburg ;
Organized 1900 from the administrative district Wies-
baden the district Biedenkopf ; from
Territory: The Free-States Hamburg the administrative district Osnebruck
and Mecklenburg. From the Free- (province Hanover) the districts:
State Oldenburg the district Eutin. Osnabruck city and rural, Wittlage,
From the Free-State Prussia the
Melle and Iburg ; from the adminis-
Province Schleswig-Holstein. trative district Hanover the district
Population: 3,900,000 ; churches, 50 ; Hameln city and Hameln-Pyrmont.
members, 2,187. The Free-States Schaumburg-Lippe-
Office Address: Grindelberg 11, I., Ham-
burg 13, Germany. (Telephone 559- Population: 6,400,000, churches, 53;
080.) members, 1,687.
Officers: Office Address: Briickenstrasse 34a,
Hamm i. W., Germany. (Telephone,
President, W. John.
Secretary, H. Teichmann. 158.)
Treasurer, P. Jaschke. Officers:
Auditor, the treasurer of the West
President, A. Pioch.
German Union.
Executive Committee: W. John, G. Secretary, E. Bartz.
Elf, P. Jaschke, A. Kulow, F. Rickers, Treasurer, G. Bahr.
Auditor, the treasurer of the West
F. Ritzmann, C. Schwiderowitz, H.
German Union.
Teichmann, H. Zuber. Executive Committee: A. Pioch, E.
Departmental Secretaries: Bartz, A. Bente, A. Bremer, B.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Schenk.
Y. P. M. V., H. Teichmann.
Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
A. Arnhold, J. Bohlmann, G. Durolf, Y. P. M. V., E. Bartz.
C. Glockner, E. Hennecke, W. John,
Ordained Ministers:
E. Kaufmann, G. Kortenhorn, W.
Schon, R. Schroder, W. Schutte, H. E. Bahr, E. Bartz, A. Bremer, H.
Stoltenberg, H. Teichmann, W. Un- Kramer, P. Paprotny, A. Pioch, H.
ger. Potschke, F. Racker, F. Rischmu]ler,
Honorary: F. Gotting, 0. Janert, A. W. Rohde, F. Schluter, A. v. Wallen-
Honorary: C. Dangschat, W. Varle-
Licensed Ministers: mann.
Binnebossel, H. Burger, K. Got-
zinger, W. Hampel, A. Heiderstadt, Licensed Ministers:
F. Kopp, 0. Lutz, H. Oswald, E. E. Binan2er, E. Christoffers, H. Claus,
Tilgner. E. Detlefsen, H. Waldeck.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. E. Prieser, A. Witepsky. P. Gode, 0. Klemt, K. Wittwer.
Honorary: C. v. Fintel. Honorary: A. Thomas.
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben- ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hessich-Wcst-
ten-Tags-Adventisten, Hansa-Vereini- falische Vereinigung, e. V.
gung, e.V.


Organized 1902
Organized 1898 as West German
Conference Territory: From the Free-State Prussia
the province Rhineland (excepting
Territory: From the Free-State Prussia Saarland) without the districts
the province Westphalia ; from the Kreuznach, Meisenheim, St. Wendel-
province Hessen-Nassau the adminis- Baumholder, Trier city and rural,
trative district Kassel with the dis- Merzing-Wadern, Saarburg. From
tricts Eschwege, Frankenberg, Fritz- the province Hessen-Nassau and the
lar, Hersfeld, Hofgeismar, Homberg, administrative district Wiesbaden the
Kassel city and rural, Kirchhain, Mar- Underlahn district and the districts
burg city and rural, Nelsungen, Ro- St. Goarshausen, Niederlahnstein,
tenburg, Witzenhause, Wolfhagen, Oberlah n stein , B.aubach.

Population: 7,300,000 ; churches, 51 ; Ordained Ministers:

members, 2,522. R. Brager, H. Detlefsen, R. Eichwald,
Office Address: Adlerstrasse 70, Diissel- B. Engel, F. Hilmer, H. Osterburg,
dorf, Germany. (Telephone, 16167.) W. Peters, R. Rittau, K. Schulte, R.
Stein, E. Wenzel.
President, W. Peters. Licensed Ministers:
Secretary, F. Hilmer. F. Ernst, 0. Hesse, H. Kachel, R.
Treasurer, A. Pohl. Linker, G. Ludwig, H. Rohwedder, A.
Auditor, the treasurer of the West Soetbeer, K. Voget, 0. Westermann,
German Union. G. Wucherer, P. Wuttke.
Executive Committee: W. Peters, 0.
Adolph, H. Eickermann, F. Hilmer,
0. Hirth, E. Kamann, P. Knitter, A. Licensed Missionaries:
Pohl, F. Huger. F Brockmann, Miss M. Diekmann.
Departmental Secretaries: Legal Name: Gemeinschaft der Sieben-
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and ten-Tags-Adventisten, Rheinische Ve-
Y. P. M. V., F. Hilmer. reinigung e. V.

Organized 1919 ; Reorganized 1939 Organized Dec. 4, 1939
Territory: Bohemia and Moravia. Territory: District of Warsaw, Cracow,
Lublin and Kielce.
Population: 7,000,000 ; churches, 45 ;
members, 1,570. Population: 10,600,000 ; churches, 16;
members, 540.
Office Address: Prag-Kgl. Weinberge,
Miinchenerstr. 35. Protektorate Bo- Office Address: Turecka 1, Warschau
hemia and Moravia, Germany. S 36.
Officers: Officers:
President, J. Doubraysky. President, W. Czembor.
Sec. and Treas., J. Cepl. Secretary-Treasurer, M. Babinski.
Executive Committee: J. Doubrav- Executive Committee: W. Czembor,
sky, J. Cepl, J. Mokry, K. Polednik, M. Babinski, J. Borody, J. Klotz, W.
F. Sumbera, P. Surman, F. Zidek. Siemionowicz.
Departmental Secretaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Sabbath School, P. Surman. Y. P. M. V., J. Borody.
Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:
J. Cepl, J. Doubraysky, F. Konvalina, W. Czembor, J. Kulak, 0. Niedoba,
V. Kroulik, J. Oborny, K. Polednik, Kl. Piontek.
P. Raska, F. Sumbera, P. Surman, Licensed Ministers:
A. Zurek.
J. Borody, L. Geisler, M. Hintz, St.
Licensed Ministers: Kwiecinski, J. Lipski, J. Wierz-
0. Kimler, D. Krynsky, A. Kubecka, bowski.
J. Kuty, J. Marcolla, A. Prazan, J. Licensed Missionaries:
Skrla, B. Teply. M. Babinski, F. Cybura, E. Lawaty.
Licensed Missionaries: Legal Assn.: "Konstrukcja" Lim. War-
M. Adamova, M. Bujokova, F. Bores, saw, Turecka 1.
0. Drapal, P. Gajdusek, K. Hurta,
J. Kantor, V. Kysilko, A. Martisova,
B. Moskorova, K. Seitz, 0. Wagen-
Organized 1919
Legal Assn.: Ceskomorayskit jednota
adventistu sedmeho dne v Brne. Territory: Slovakia.
Office: Miinchnerstr. 35, Prag, XII ; Population: 2,600,000 ; churches, 24 ;
Manager, J. Doubraysky members, 549.

Office Address: Schanzstr. 24a, II., INSTITUTIONS

Pressburg, Slovakia. Educational:
Friedensau Missionary Seminary,
Officers: Friedensau bei Burg, Post Grabow,
President, J. Lichy. Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
Secretary-Treasurer, St. Macko. Publishing:
Executive Committee: J. Lichy, St. Netherland Publishing House, "Stich-
Macko, A. Messerschmidt, M. Shnei- ting : Boekenhuis der Advent-Zend-
der, T. J. Zigmund. ing," van Weede van Dijkveldstraat
77, The Hague, Netherland.
Departmental Secretaries:
Sanitariums and Treatment
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Rooms:
Y. P. M. V., J. Lichy. Krankenhaus "Waldfriede," Fischer-
hiitten Str. 99-109, Berlin-Zehlen-
Ordained Ministers: dorf, Germany.
Kurhotel, Wittelsbach, Bad Aibling,
J. Gajan, J. Lichy, T. J. Zigmund. Oberbayern, Germany..
Charlottenbad, Charlottenstr. 24,
Licensed Ministers: Hamburg 19, Germany.
St. Macko, J. Sobotka, J. Strba, P. Recreation Home, Marienhohe, Darm-
Styk. stadt, Germany.
Food Factory:
Licensed Missionary:
German Health Food Factory, Campe-
J. Zahoransky. strasse 18, Hamburg 26, Germany.
Organized 1931

Territory: China, Manchuria, Mongolia, Division Executive Committee. This

Tibet, Sinkiang, and the islands con- emergency committee is known as the
trolled by China, together with Hong Shanghai Branch Committee of the
Kong and Macao ; all of which are China Division of the General Con-
comprised in the Central China, East ference of Seventh-day Adventists,
China, North China, Northwest China, and functions while the Division of-
South China, West China, and Man- ficers are not residing in Shanghai.
churian Union Missions. All members of the Division Commit-
tee are ex-officio members of the
Population: 491,170,632 ; churches, 295 ; Shanghai Branch Committee, which
members, 19,455. committee is organized as follows:
Officers: Y. H. Chu, Chairman ; S. J. Lee,
Secretary-Treasurer ; other national
President, N. F. Brewer. members resident in Shanghai: Y. C.
Secretary, S. L. Frost. Hsu, Goh Chao-Oh, David Hwang,
Treasurer and Auditor, W. I. Hilliard. Chang Peh-an, Helen Woo, Chen
Executive Committee: N. F. Brewer, Ming, Shen Tien-ran, Chuang Hsi-
G. J. Appel, C. A. Carter, Chen Wen- tien, Lin Wei-su.
hsioh, Y. H. Chu, C. L. Dale, Du Legal Association: "General Conference
Shu-ren, S. L. Frost, Goh Chao-Oh, Corporation of Seventh-day Advent-
A. L. Ham, W. I. Hilliard, Y. C. ists." W. I. Hilliard, Attorney-in-
Hsu, David Hwang, K. T. Khng, Koh f act.
Chiao-liang, S. J. Lee, Liu Fu-an,
E. L. Longway, C. B. Miller, Bessie Educational Department:
Mount, John Oss, R. C. Shen, F. Y.
Wang, E. C. Wood. Secretary, H. C. Shen.
Members: Division officers, C. A. Car-
Due to the war situation in the ter, B. A. Liu, E. L. Longway, H. H.
Orient, and the fact that the officers Morse, Bessie Mount, Y. P. M. V. sec-
of the China Division, as well as many retaries of union missions, heads of
of our leaders, are now isolated from senior and junior training institutes,
their fields, temporary emergency ar- superintendents and general field sec-
rangements have been worked out for retaries of union missions.
the carrying on of our work both in
free and occupied sections of China as Home Missionary Department:
follows: Secretary, E. L. Longway.
Temporary Division Headquarters: Members: Division officers, Division
Chungking, Szechwan, China. departmental secretaries, union home
missionary secretaries as appointed,
Cable Address: "Adventist Mission," union field missionary secretaries,
Chungking. superintendents and general field sec-
retaries of union missions.
Acting President, E. L. Longway. Medical Department:
Acting Secretary-Treasurer, G. J. Secretary, Herbert Liu.
Appel. Members: Division officers, physicians
Provisional Division Committee: E. connected with all recognized sani-
L. Longway, G. J. Appel, W. S. Chen, tariums, treatment rooms, and hos-
F. A. Liu, Herbert Liu, C. B. Miller, pital-dispensaries; superintendents of
James Wang, M. C. Warren, G. L. nurses in institutions conducting
Wilkinson. nurses' training schools, superintend-
The above acting officers and pro- ents and general field secretaries of
visional committee will function during union missions. ,
the war emergency in all parts of the Ministerial Association:
China Division territory that are ac- Secretary, C. Meng.
cessible to them.
Advisory Council: Division officers,
Shanghai Branch Committee : An emer- superintendents and general field sec-
gency committee has been authorized retaries of union missions, division
to look after the interest of the work departmental secretaries, union evan-
in the occupied areas of the Manchu- gelists, principals of senior and junior
rian, North China, East China, and training institutes, heads of the Bible
Central China Union fields, in con- and evangelistic departments of the
junction with the China provisional China Training Institute, C. I. Meng.

Missionary Volunteer Department: South China, Central China, and Man-

churian Union Missions.
Secretary, H. C. Shen.
Members : Division officers, C. A. Car- Division Building Committee: G. J. Ap-
ter, B. A. Liu, E. L. Longway, H. H. pel, N. F. Brewer, S. L. Frost, W. 1.
Morse, Bessie Mount, Y. P. M. V. sec- Hilliard, E. L. Longway, E. C. Wood.
retaries of union missions, heads of Ordained Ministers:
senior and junior training institutes,
superintendents and general field sec- G. J. Appel, N. F. Brewer, C. A. Car-
retaries of union missions. ter, Chen Wen-hsioh, Du Shu-ren, S.
L. Frost, T. G. Giang, Goh Chao-O,
Publishing Department: A. L. Ham, David Hwang, K. T.
Khng, Koh Chiao-liang, B. A. Liu,
Secretary, E. L. Longway. E. L. Longway, C. I. Meng, C. B.
Members: Division officers, union field Miller, John Oss, H. C. Shen, F. Y.
and home missionary secretaries, local
field missionary secretaries, manager Wang.
and chief editors of the Signs Pub- Licensed Ministers:
lishing House, superintendents and T. C. Chin, Y. H. Chu, Chow Hsin-
general field secretaries of union mis- min, Charles Dale, W. I. Hilliard,
sions. Ho Ping-duan, Kwan Sung-yao, Liu
Fuh-an, Herbert Liu, Chen Ming,
Religious Liberty: H. H. Morse, S. H. Pang, Shan Ying-
N. F. Brewer. min, J. H. Su, A. F. Tai, E. C. Wood.
Sabbath School Department: Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary, G. J. Appel. Mrs. N. F. Brewer, P. A. Chang,
Members: Division officers, union Chuan Hsi-tien, Mrs. Minnie H. Cris-
Sabbath school secretaries, David ler, Mrs. Charles Dale, Mildred Du-
Hwang, E. L. Longway, Chen Ming, mas, Mrs. S. L. Frost, Benjamin Gia,
Mary Ogle, Shen Tien-ran. Mrs. W. I. Hilliard, Y. C. Hsu, Hsu
Yen-ging, R. Y. Hwang, Hwang Yao-
The Home Commission: tso, F. B. Knight, Mrs. F. B. Knight,
Secretary, Mrs. Minnie H. Crisler. C. C. Krohn, Mrs. C. C. Krohn, Rachel
Members: N. F. Brewer, C. L. Dale, Landrum, Lee Ming-ih, S. J. Lee,
Miss H. Dju, Abbie Dunn, Mrs. J. H. Lin Wei-su, Mrs. H. C. Liu, Mrs. E.
Effenberg, S. L. Frost, Mrs. W. I. L. Longway, Mrs. Mi Deh-feng, Bessie
Hilliard, Mrs. David Hwang, B. A. Mount, Pauline Neal, Mary Ogle,
Liu, E. L. Longway, Mrs. C. B. Mrs. John Oss, Mrs. S. H. Pang,
Miller, Mrs. Joseph Su, Mrs. Wang Emma Pflug, Tsai Bu-duou, Samuel
Fuh-yuan, Mrs. M. C. Warren. Tsai, Tsao Chun-kai, John Wang, S. T.
Wang, Mrs. S. T. Wang, C. E. Win-
Transportation Agents: W. T. Hilliard, ters, Mrs. C. E. Winters, Helen Woo,
chairman ; the union treasurers of the Mrs. E. C. Wood, Wu Hsiao-chen.


Organized 1919
Territory: The provinces of Honan, Effenberg, Y. S. Leng, Liu Djung-
Hunan, Hupeh, and Kiangsi. Gwang, Peng Hsien-We, I. V. Stone-
brook, A. F. Tai, Wang Ging-Bo, G.
Population: 104,011,642 ; churches, 30 ; L. Wilkinson.
members, 2,207.
Departmental Secretaries:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Han-
kow . Educational and Y. P. M. V., I. V.
Office Address: 31 Hwang Pei Road, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Hankow, Hupeh, China. J. H. Effenberg.
Officers: Publishing, J. E. Christensen.
Superintendent, G. J. Appel.
Acting Secretary-Treasurer, G. J. Ordained Ministers:
Appel. G. J. Appel, J. H. Effenberg.
Associate Secretary-Treasurer, A. F.
Tai. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: G. J. Appel, J. E. Christensen, 0. G. Erich, Fan
J. E. Christensen, Du Shu-Ren. J. H. Den-Yu, I. V. Stonebrook.

Licensed Missionaries: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-

Mrs. G. J. Appel, Miss T. M. Chao, sion," Changsha.
Mrs. J. E. Christensen, Carl Currie, Address: S. D. A. Mission, 75 Fu Dzen
Mrs. Carl Currie, Djao Ih-Biao, Mrs. St., Changsha, Hunan, China.
J. H. Effenberg, Stanley Ho, Miss E.
Koh, Mrs. Liu Gwoh-Hsien, Miss Officers:
Lti Fu-Min, Miss Ma Hwo-Ying, Mao Acting Director, E. H. James.
Rung-Hsing, Arthur Mazat, Mrs. Ar- Secretary-Treasurer, Lee Hung-Bing.
thur Mazat, Ren Yung-Deh, Mrs. I. Executive Committee: E. H. James,
V. Stonebrook, Tsao Shen-Yuen, J. E. Christensen, C. H. Currie,
Wang Hsioh-Wen, D. C. Wu, Miss S. Hwang Tsung-Sen, Lee Hung-Bing,
B. Yen, Mrs. Yti Ging-Yiien. Li Deng-Ren, Li Gwang-Ren, Liu
Djung-Gwang, Wang Deh-Dzi.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Li
Organized 1917 Gwang-Ren.
Territory: The Province of Honan; also Field Missionary, Li Deng-Ren.
Tungming-hsien and Chang-yan-hsien Sabbath School,
of Hopei, and Tsao-hsien of Shan- Ordained Ministers:
Hwang Djung-Seng, Liu Djung-
Population: 31,031,909 ; churches, 12 Gwang, Wang Deh-Dzi.
companies, 25 ; members, 1,260.
Licensed Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Hwang Dzi-Ling, Li Gwang-Ren,
sion," Yencheng. Wang Chuen-Yung.
Address: Yencheng, Honan, China. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Djang Gwang-Sing, Djan Tien-Neng,
Director, G. L. Wilkinson. H. C. Currie, Hwang Ren-Wu, Ih Fei,
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. G. Erich. Lee Hung-Bing, Ling Fu-Tang, Tsai
Gwei-Hsiang, Wu Hsin-Fang.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Church School Teacher:
Y. P. M. V., Djao Lien-Ren. Liang Sui-Seng.
Home Missionary, Djang Djen-Hai.
Medical, Hunan Training Institute Teachers:
Publishing, Hou Hsu-Hsuan. Chen Djung-Sui, Djang Hsiu-Deh,
Li Kwang-Ren.
Ordained Ministers:
Djang Djen-Hai, Liu Djen-Bang,
Peng Hsien-Djung, Shih Ru-Ling, Su HUPEH MISSION
Dien-Ching, Tang Hsin-Loh, Wang
Ging-Bo, G. L. Wilkinson. Organized 1909

Licensed Ministers: Territory: The Province of Hupeh.

Djang Gwoh-Djen, Mrs. Thelma Population: 27,167,244 ; churches, 3 ;
Smith, Wang Ih-Dj. companies, 7 ; members, 290.
Licensed Missionaries: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Han-
Cung Dzi-Djen, Djang Hsilan, Mrs. kow.
Djang, Djang Ying-Kou, Djao Lin- Address: 107 Woo Tsu Street, Hankow,
Ren, Mrs. 0. G. Erich, Feng Chen- Hupeh, China.
Chieh, Feng Cheng-Yuin, Mrs. Gia,
Gia Wen-Deh, Hou Hsu-Hsuan, Li Officers:
Siu-Feng, Tang Hsin-Ho, Mrs. G. L. Acting Director, Y. S. Leng.
Wilkinson, Wu Yung-Guang. Secretary-Treasurer, Y. S. Leng.
Church School Teachers: 9. Executive Committee: Y. S. Leng,
Abbie Dunn, Fang Chih-Hsiang, Hsu
Yao-tang, Lo Ying-chiao, Yen Chun-
HUNAN MISSION Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1917 Book and Bible House, Y. S. Leng.
Territory: The Province of Hunan. Educational, Home Missionary, Sab
bath School, and Y. P. M. V., Yams
Population: 40,700,285; churches, 10 ; Lien.
companies, 14 ; members, 447. Field Missionary, Yen Chuen-shan.

Ordained Minister: Fan Chih-Hsiang. Officers:

Licensed Minister: Hsu Sin-Tang. Director, J. E. Frick.
Acting Director, Du Shu-ren.
Licensed Missionaries: Secretary-Treasurer, Peng Hsien-Wu.
Chu Yeh-Chang, Abbie Dunn, Y. S. Departmental Secretaries:
Leng, Anna Lo, Lo Yin-Chiao, Wang
Yung-Kang, Yen Chuen-shan, Yen Book and Bible House and Educa-
Gia-Gieh. tional, Peng Hsien-wu.
Field Missionary, Du Shu-ren.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Wang Wen-Hwei.
KIANGSI MISSION Ordained Ministers:
Du Shu-ren, Wang Wen-Hwei.
Organized 1917
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: The Province of Kiangsi. Peng Hsien-Wu, Shen Hsuen-Hung.
Population: 17,569,210 ; churches, 5 ; Licensed Missionaries:
companies, 7 ; members, 210. Deng Siao-Sien, Peng Liang, Lo
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Dzen-Yuan, Lo Yue-Ching.
sion," Kiukiang. Bible Woman: Kung Yu-Hwa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 41 Hsiao Giao Church School Teachers:
Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, China. Hsin Hwa-Cho, Lo Kwo-Hwa.


Organized 1909; reorganized 1919

Territory: The Anhwei, Kiangsu and Ordained Ministers:

Chekiang Provinces. 0. A. Hall, David Hwang, E. H.
Population: '77,073,623 ; churches, 95 ; James, K. D. Karallashvilly, S. R.
members, 4,379. Pan.
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang- Licensed Minister: S. M. Yen.
hai. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Mrs. David Hwang,
Shanghai, China. (Tel. 20167 or Mrs. E. H. James, Mrs. K. D. Karal-
21311.) lashvilly, Mrs. F. M. Larsen, N. I.
Superintendent, 0. A. Hall.
General Field Secretary, David ANHWEI MISSION
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Organized 1910
Associate Sec.-Treas., Helen Woo. Territory: The Province of Anhwei,
Executive Committee: 0. A. Hall, and Nanking district of Kiangsu
Andrew Chen, Y. S. Chen, R. H. Province.
Dinsbier, Goh Chao-Oh, David Hwang, Population: 21,976,920 ; churches, 7 ;
E. H. James, K. D. Karallashvilly, members, 846.
S. R. Pan, T. R. Shen, Y. C. Shih, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Nan-
Swen Tsung-gwang, Helen Woo, S. king.
M. Yen.
Departmental Secretaries: Postal Address: 20 Gao Lou Men, Nan-
king, Kiangsu, China.
Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Field
Missionary, David Hwang. Officers:
Home Missionary, E. H. James and Director, T. S. Wu.
S. M. Yen. Secretary-Treasurer, Y. C. Shih.
Medical, Andrew Chen. Executive Committee: T. S. Wu,
Sabbath School, S. M. Yen. Djang Ging-yuen, Gu Hsiao-chiao,
Ministerial Assn., 0. A. Hall. Liu Bao-yi, S. R. Pan, Y. C. Shih,
Russian Dept., K. D. Karallashvilly. Wang Hsi-tien.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:

Educational, S. R. Pan. R. S. Chang, Mrs. S. T. Chang, T. M.
Home Missionary, T. S. Wu. Chen, Chiang Peh-yu, C. S. Chwang,
Sabbath School, Mrs. W. S. Djou, Miss H. Dju, P.
Field Missionary, A. F. Djao. Fang, Mrs. W. F. Fee, C. S. Feng,
Mrs. Y. H. Feng, L. S. Fu, Hsu
Ordained Minister: K. S. Wu. Yung-thing, Mrs. A. L. Hu, F. F. Hu,
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. S. C. Hu, Mrs. W. H. Ku, Ih
Dju Gien-pan, Djang Ging-huen, Gu Shao-tsu, Miss A. L. Kou, I. P. Ku,
Shao-chiao, Lei Hsien-gwang, Y. C. Miss Lan Chu-mei, Mrs. M. D. Li,
Shih, Wang Hsi-tien. H. K. Ling, P. K. Ling, Shen Wen-
hwang, Mrs. Grace Swen, Mrs. T. T.
Licensed Missionaries: Tang, Tsai Sho-ling, Miss C. L. Tsui,
Beh Wen-bing, Wang Chien, Djang Mrs. Y. T. Wei, H. Y. Wang, Helen
Chun-dao, Mrs. Djang Hsi-ling, Djang Woo, Mrs. Katherine Yang.
Si-mu, H. F. Djao, Mrs. Dju Gien- Church School Teachers:
pan, Hsiao Dzi-hsuen, Hsiao Si-mu,
Hsu Si-deh, Lien Yueh-f an, Meng Chang Peh-yu, Miss Chao San-mei,
Tsing-en, Wang Feng-meng, Wong Mrs. Chen, Miss'Chwen Wen-yu, Mrs.
Li-djung, Mrs. Wu Pei-ding, Mrs. Yao Liu Po-tang, Mrs. Samuel Tsai, Wang
Lo-tien. Ping-than.
Church School Teachers:
Djang Guo-min, Hsu Si-hsiung, Wu
Organized 1931

KIANGSU MISSION Territory: The Northern two-thirds of

the Kiangsu Province, except the
Organized 1913 Nanking District.
Territory: The southern portion of Population: 16,781,489 ; churches, 16 ;
Kiangsu Province, and the northern members, 564.
Portion of Chekiang Province. Postal Address: Tsing Kiang Pu,
Population: 30,456,610 ; churches, 40 ; Kiangsu, China.
members, 1,684. Officers:
Telegraphic Address: "Mizpah," Shang- Director, Swen Tsung-Gwang.
hai. Secretary-Treasurer, Y. C. Shih.
Executive Committee: Swen Tsung-
Office Address: Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Gwang, Chen Ging-nih, Liu Chuen-
Road, Shanghai, China. (Phone, hwan, Shan Teh-djen, Y. C. Shih,
20167.) Tsen Yu-bing, Wang Yu-tien.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
Director, Educational and Y. P. M. V., Tsen
General Field Secretary, T. R. Shen. Yu-bing.
Secretary-Treasurer, Helen Woo. Home Missionary, Swen Tsung-
Executive Committee: P. H. Chow, gwang.
Miss H. Dju, K. Y. Lee, T. R. Shen, Publishing, H. F. Thom
T. C. Wang, D. C. Woo, Helen Woo. Sabbath School,
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Minister: Swen Tsung-Gwang.
Book and Bible House, Helen Woo. Licensed Minister: Wang Yu-Tien.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., T. C.
Wang. Licensed Missionaries:
Field Missionary, P. H. Chow. Y. H. Chang, C. N. Chen, Chen Yu-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Then, Chiao Yuen-dju, Ding Chang-
K. Y. Lee. yuen, Djou Shi-djen, H. F. Fang, Gi
Women's Work, Miss H. Dju. Djao-tung, Li Su-djen, Lien Na-na,
Hwang Li-hwei, S. S. Liu, Liu Chuen-
Ordained Ministers: Huan, Shan Teh-djen, Swen Doo-tse,
T. R. Shen, L. S. Wang, D. C. Woo. Mrs. T. G. Swen, Tsui Sze-Djou, Tsen
Licensed Ministers: Yu-bing, Tsui Yung-en, Wang Li
Gwan, Wang Su-djung, Y. Y. Wang,
I. F. Chen, K. L. Chow, P. H. Chow, Mrs. K. H. Yao, Yao Kwang-Hwa.
K. C. Fang, Y. Y. Fu, L. S. Han,
K. Y. Lee, S. M. Sung, T. S. Wang, Church School Teacher:
T. S. Yeh. Djang Hsi-hsien.


Organized 1919 Y. S. Chen, Hu Dzieh-Ren, S. T. Liu.
Territory: The Prefectures of Wenchow, Licensed Ministers:
Chuchow, and Taichow, in .he Che-
kiang Province. Chang Pao-Ren, Z. Chang, I. M.
Chen, W. S. Chen, R. H. Dinsbier,
Population: 7,616,517 ; churches, 32 ; Djiao Ming-Shien, T. M. Dju, Wu
members, 1,285. Kao-Fu.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist, Wen- Licensed Missionaries:
chow. Yie Bing, Chie Djung-Koa, Chieh
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wen- Sing-Oh, Mrs. R. H. Dinsbier, Djiae
chow, Chekiang, China. Ta-Tsing, Djiu Vu-Sang, Djiu Z. Toe,
Dzang Fi, Dzang Li-Foe, Dzang
Officers: Tung-Chieh, Dzeng Fu-Sae, Dzing Mi-
Director, R. H. Dinsbier. Chang, Dzing Nyo-Li, Ku Djung-Z,
General Field Secretary, Y. S. Chen. Li Si-Mo, Liu Tsoa-Z, Nie Ka-Djung,
Secretary-Treasurer: R. H. Dinsbier. Ng Sha-Tung, Yie Kue-Nee, Yoa
Executive Committee: R. H. Dinsbier, Koa-Shu, Yoa Zing-Yieh.
Y. S. Chen, Chi Teh-Ming, Chie
Djung-Koe, Dzang Nyie-Ming, Dzang Training Institute Teachers:
Fi, Poe Sz-Z. Y. S. Chen, D. S. Chang, T. T. Chang,
F. Y. Chou, S. Wu, Mrs. R. H. Dins-
Departmental Secretaries: bier.
Educational, R. H. Dinsbier.
Field Missionary and Home Mission- Church School Teachers:
ary, Chiang Djung-Kwang. Chie Da-Sai, Chie Tsung-Dee, Djiu
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Ung-Nyo, Ng Tsz-Ch'ung, Ng Sa,
Dju Teh-Ming. Ue Shung, Vu Chang-Lung.


Organized 1919
Territory: Manchukuo (except Chien- Field Missionary, R. H. Liang.
Tao Province) and Kwantung Chow. Home Missionary, G. Y. Wang.
Home Commission,
Population: 37,888,176; churches, 30; Medical,
members, 2,219. Ministerial Assn.,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Muk- Sabbath School, H. W. Gwo.
den. Ordained Minister: F. Y. Wang.
Postal Address: Shen Yang Post Office, Licensed Ministers:
Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo. S. Y. Kwan, R. H. Liang, K. K.
Office Address: 47 Hwang Shi Da Giai, Yang.
Beh Shih Chang, Mukden, Manchukuo. Licensed Missionaries:
Residence Address: 14 N. Er Ging Lu, H. G. Chao, W. C. Chao, Miss H. S.
Mukden, Manchukuo. Chen, T. F. Chen, C. P. Chi, S. K.
Kwan, K. H. Li, Mrs. K. H. Li,
Officers: I. H. Liu, Miss H. C. Tsui, T. C.
Superintendent, F. Y. Wang. Tsui, Mrs. Helen Wang, W. F. Wang.
General Field Secretary,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Associate Treasurer, S. Y. Kwan.
Executive Committee: F. Y. Wang, (Formerly Kirin Mission)
C. P. Chi, H. W. Gwo, T. C. Hsu, Organized 1918
S. Y. Kwan, It. H. Liang, T. C. Tsui, Territory: The province of Kirin,
G. Y. Wang, T. Y. Wang. Northern Half of Hsin-An South,
Departmental Secretaries: Southern Third of Lung-Kiang,
Southern Part of Hsing-An North,
Book and Periodical House, H. G. Southern Part of Hsing-An East.
Y. P. M. V., W. C. Chao. Population:" 6,445,353 ; churches, 3 :
Educational, ----. members, 219.

Office Address: 147 East San Ma Lu, Licensed Ministers:

Hsinking, Manchukuo. C. L. Chang, T. C. Hsu, Y. D. Tsui.
Residence Address: 1 Hsing Yun Lu, Licensed Missionaries:
Gung Na Fu Chien, Hsinking, Man- H. F. Djou, H. L. Dung, C. W.
chukuo. Hwang, H. K. Na, T. D. Wang.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bible Woman: Mrs. T. C. Hsu.
Hsinking. School Teachers:
Officers: C. C. Ho, C. C. Li, Mrs. S. H. Wei.
Director, G. Y. Wang.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. P. Chi.
Executive Committee: G. Y. Wang, SOUTH MANCHURIA MISSION
W. C. Chao, C. P. Chi, W. H. Hu, (Formerly Fengtien Mission)
D. D. Ma. Organized 1913
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The Provinces of Fengtien,
Educational, Antung, Tung-Hwa and Kwangtung
Field Missionary, D. D. Ma. Chow.
Home Missionary, G. Y. Wang. Population: 14,414,430 ; churches, 8
Sabbath School, members, 1,000.
Y. P. M. V., W. C. Chao.
Office Address: 46 Hwang Shi Da Giai,
Ordained Minister: G. Y. Wang. Beh Shih Chang, Mukden, Manchu-
Licensed Ministers: kuo.
T. F. Hsiao, W. H. Mu. Postal Address: Shen Yang Post Office,
Licensed Missionaries: Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo.
H. W. Djeng, P. G. Hsu, D. D. Ma. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Muk-
Bible Woman: Mrs. G. Y. Wang. den.
School Teachers: Officers:
H. C. Djou, Miss L. R. Wang. Director, T. Y. Wang.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. C. Tsui.
Executive Committee: T. Y. Wang,
H. G. Chao, Y. S. Chin, H. W. Kwo,
R. H. Liang, C. C. Liu, L. C. Tsai,
(Formerly Pinkiang Mission) Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1929 Educational, W. Y. Chen.
Field Missionary, C. C. Liu.
Territory: The Provinces of Pin-Kiang, Home Missionary, T. C. Tsui.
San-Kiang, Muh-Tang-Kiang, Hei- Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., H.
Ho, Northern Two-thirds of Lung- W. Kwo.
Kiang, Hsing-An North, and North-
ern Two-Thirds of Hsing-An East. Ordained Minister: T. Y. Wang.
Population: 8,217,327; chuiches, 10 ; Licensed Ministers:
members, 558. T. T. Chao, Y. S. Chin, H. T. Lee.
Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Ta-Tung Lu, Dao-Li,
Harbin, Manchukuo. C. T. Chih, C. M. Chow, H. W. Kwo,
Y. C. Li, C. L. Liu, W. H. Yuen.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Har- Bible. Women:
Miss Y. N. Chen, Mrs. Y. S. Chin,
Officers: Mrs. C. C. Kwan, Mrs. F. Y. Wang,
Director, Mrs. T. Y. Wang.
Acting Director, T. C. Hsu. School Teachers:
Secretary-Treasurer, C. P. Chi. Miss C. J. Li, A. C. Liu, F. S. Tsou.
Executive Committee: C. P. Chi, D. L.
Djang, T. C. Hsu, R. H. Liu, D. D.
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1925
Educational, Territory: All Russians in Manchukuo
Field Missionary, D. D. Ma. and Kwangtung Djeu.
Home Missionary,
Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., T. C. Population: 45,000 ; churches, 3 ; mem-
Hsu. bers, 194.

Office Address: 9 Tsitsihar St., Nan Population: 8,766,066 ; churches, 6 ;

Kang, Harbin, Manchukuo. members, 248.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Office Address: 160 Fuh Teh Giai, Chin-
Harbin. Hsien, Chin-Chow Province, Man-
Officers: chukuo.
Director, Telegraphic Address: "An Shih Rih
Acting Director, M. Kalabugin. Hwei," 160 Fuh Teh Giai, Chin Hsien,
Treasurer, M. Kalabugin. Chin-Chow Province, Manchukuo.
Executive Committee: M. Kalabugin,
B. Kasitsin, V. Platonoff. Officers:
Departmental Secretaries: Acting Director, F. Y. Wang.
Book and Periodical House, M. Kala- Acting Treasurer,
bugin. Sec.-Accountant, T. C. Tsui.
Educational, Executive Committee: F. Y. Wang,
Field Missionary and Home Mission- Y. T. Chu, C. F. Djou, C. L. Hsu,
ary, V. Platonoff. T. C. Tsui.
Sabbath School, Mrs. B. Kasitsin.
Y. P. M. V., Departmental. Secretaries:
Ordained Minister: M. Kalabugin. Educational and Y. P. M. V., F. Y.
Licensed Missionaries: Field Missionary, C. L. Wang.
K. Kasitsin, V. Platonoff. Home Missionary, C. F. Djou.
School Teachers: Sabbath School, Mrs. Helen Wang.
B. Kasitsin, Mrs. B. Kasitsin.
Licensed Ministers:
Y. T. Chu, C. F. Djou.
WEST MANCHURIA MISSION Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1939 C. L. Hsu, P. S. Li, Y. C. Li, Y. H.
Li, H. H. Liu, H. T. Wang.
Territory: Provinces of Chin-Chow, Je-
hol, Hsing-An West, and Southern School Teachers:
Half of Hsing-An South. Mrs. Heu, Y. T. Hsieh, Y. H. Li.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Chahar, Tze-heng, Shan Lo-t'ien, Shen Chen-

Hopei, Shansi, Shantung, and that pan, Wang Hsi-yuan, Wang Te-chun.
portion of Suiyuan province lying
north of 40 degrees North Latitude, Departmental Secretaries:
and Mongolia. Educational, Koh Chiao-liang.
Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Population: 97,560,000; churches, 17; ary, T'an Hsin-hsu.
members, 2,363. Sabbath School, Liao Hwa.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Peking. Home Commission,
(Telephone 5-2841.) Medical,
Y. P. M. V., Liao Hwa.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta Ministerial,
Fang Chia Hutung, Peking, Hopei,
China. Ordained Ministers:
Koh Chiao-liang, Shan Lo Tien.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
Superintendent, Chow Hsin-min, T'an Hsin-hsu, Hsu
General Field Secretary, Koh Chiao- Wen-Ping, Liao Hwa, J. Maltsev,
Hang. P. V. Rodinoff.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor,
Licensed Missionaries:
Associate Treas., Chow Hsin-min. Chat Wii-Ssu, Koh Chung-yao, Jack
Executive Committee: Chiao Wen-li, Kuo, Li I-t'sun, Li Kuang-then, Li
Chow Hsin-Min, Duan Yung-Chien, Yu-thing, Shen Meng-kuang, Miss
Koh Chiao-liang, Li Su-Jiang, Pai Wang, Yin Cha'ng-lan.

HOPEI MISSION Departmental Secretaries:

Organized 1918 Book and Bible House, Shen Tze-
Territory: The Province of Hopei. "Field Missionary and Sabbath School,
Wang Ya-ju.
Population: 35,500,000; churches, 5; Home Missionary and Educational,
members, 718. Wang Te-chun.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Pe- Y. P. M. V., Shen Tze-ming.
king. Ordained Minister: Wang Te-chun.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Chu Kan Licensed Ministers:
Hsinag, Peking, Hopei, China. Liu Chang-hsi, Wang Ya-ju.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
Director, Koh Chiao-liang. Chang Fu-en, Chang Mei-chih, Wu
Secretary-Treasurer, Chow Hsin-min. Chieh, Ch'u Te-ming, Chao Fa, Hsu
Executive Committee: Koh Chiao-li- Yao-t'ang, Mrs. Li Su-liang, Li Wen-
ang, Chang Po-thing, Chow Hsin- Yuan, Liu Chen-chiang, Shen Tze-
min, Keng Chiao-chun, Ma Ch'i-min, ming.
Pai Tze-heng, Sung Chieh-Ming,
Wang Hsi-Yuan.
Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1928
Book and Bible House, Hsu Wen-ping.
Field Missionary, Sung Chieh-ming. Territory: The Province of Shansi,
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, south of the Great Wall.
Chang Po-ching.
Y. P. M. V., Population: 12,000,000; churches, 4;
members, 602.
Ordained Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Tai-
Keng Chiao-chun, Keng Fu-kuang, yuanfu.
Pai Tze Heng, Wang Hsi-yuan.
Licensed Ministers: Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Fu Hsi
Chang Jen-chu, Chang Po-ching. Chieh, Taiyuan, Shansi, China.

Licensed Missionaries: Officers:

Ch'i Chiu-ying, Hsieh Ching-lan, Director, Tuan Yung-ch'ien.
Mrs. Koh Chih-ching, Li Huan-Min, Sec.-Treas., Keng Kun-lin.
Meng Wen-shu, Sung Chieh-ming, Executive Committee: Tuan Yung-
Wang Hsin-Ming. ch'ien, Fan Kuo-tung, Keng Kun-lin,
Wang Wei-chieh.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical House, Keng
(Formerly Cha-Sui Mission) Educational, Sabbath School and Y.
Reorganized 1939 P. M. V., Tuan Yung-ch'ien.
Home Missionary, Tuan Yung-ch'ien.
Territory: Provinces of Chahar and
Suiyuan, except that portion of Sui- Ordained Minister: Tuan Yung-ch'ien.
yuan south of latitude 40, also in- Licensed Missionaries:
cluding that portion of Shansi north
of the Great Wall; and all of Mon- Chang Chien-an, Chang Ching-Jiang,
golia. Fan-Kuo-tung, Li Fu-t'ien, Mrs. Li
Wen-mien, Keng Kun-lin, Wang
Population: 11,000,000: churches, 2 ; Wei-chieh.
members, 174.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Kal-
Organized 1917
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan,
Mengchiang, China. Territory: The Province of Shantung.
Officers: Population : 38,500,000 ; churches, 6 ;
Director, Wang Te-chun. members, 869.
Secretary-Treasurer, Shen Tze-ming. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Tsi-
Executive Committee: Wang Te- nan.
chun, Li Su-liang, Liu Chen-chiang,
J. Maltsev, P. V. Rodinoff, Shen Tze- Address: S. D. A. Mission, 102 Wei I
ming, Wang Ya-ju. Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.

Officers : Ordained Ministers:

Director, Chiao Wen-li. Chang Chien-kuang, Chiao-Wen-li,
Sec.-Treas., Liu Fu-ning. Shen Chen-pan.
Executive Committee: Chiao Wen-li,
Jen Yung-ch'ang, Liu Fu-ning, Liu Licensed Ministers:
Hsiao-chiu, Shen Chen-pan, Yang Hsu Chi-li, Jen Yung-cha'ng, Liu
Han-chang. Hsiao-chiu, Yang Han-chang.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Liu Fu-ning. Licensed Missionaries:
Field Missionary, Deng Pao-hsien. Cheng Ching-wen, Duan Yu-ying,
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Duan Yung-ching, Hsieh I-hwa, Liu
Chiao Wen-li. Te-yu, Wang T'ien-to, Wang Yu-
Educational, Yang Chun-ting. ming, Wu Chi-Yu, Yang Chun-Ling,
Home Missionary, Deng Pao-Hsien. Yao Mei-t'ang.


Organized 1932

Territory: Provinces of Chinghai, Teh, C. C. Wang, Mrs. M. C. Warren,

Kansu, Ninghsia, Shensi, and Sin- Miss Wu Lan-Ying, Yuan Su-Kuei.
kiang, and that portion of Suiyuan
Province south of 36 degrees North
Population: 26,147,023 ; churches, 20; Organized 1933
companies, 18 ; members, 1,127.
Territory: Chinghai Province.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan-
chow. Population: 700,000 ; churches, 2 ; com-
panies, 3 ; members, 62.
Postal Address: Northwest China Un-
ion Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, Postal Address: Choni, Kansu, China.
Kansu, China. Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mis-
Officers: sion, Choni, Kansu.
Superintendent, M. C. Warren. Officers:
General Field Sec., Chan Wen-hsioh. Acting Director, C. B. Miller.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Johnson. Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Johnson.
Executive Committee: M. C. Warren, Executive Committee: C. B. Miller,
Chang Chien-Kuo, Chen Wen Hsueh, Feng Yong-sen, Hao Tze-Tien, F. W.
Chia Tai-hsiang, Cho Ching Mei, N. Johnson, Li Teh-Sheng, YU Dun-Tien.
0. Dahlsten, F. W. Johnson, Shao
Chen Shiu, C. C. Wang, Wu Dz Shan. Departmental Secretaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Home Missionary,
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Cho Publishing,
Ching-Mei. Sabbath School, Yuen Su-kuei.
Publishing and Home Missionary,
Chang Ch'ien-Kuo. Licensed Minister: Hsiao Djen-hsio.
Medical, C. C. Wang.
Sabbath School, C. B. Miller. Licensed Missionaries:
Chu Tze-Hou, Goh Chun-Chi, Feng
Ordained Ministers: Yong-sen, Hao Tze-Tien, Yang
Chen Wen-Hsioh, F. W. Johnson, M. Tsuen-ho.
C. Warren. Church School Teacher:
Licensed Ministers: Chen Pei-Chuan.
Chang Ch'ien-Kuo, Djia Tai-hsiang,
T. S. Geraty, Wu Dz-shan.
Licensed Missionaries: KANSU MISSION
Chan Wen-tien, Chia Tai-yuen, Cho Organized 1933
Ching-Mei, Goh Chieh, Mrs. T. S. Territory: Kansu Province.
Geraty, Mrs. F. W. Johnson, Meng
Hsiang-ling, Swen Deh-ran. Swen Population: 9,750,645; churches, 4
Jen-Hua, Tan Wei-luen, Wang Bao- companies, 3 ; members, 220.

Postal Address: Kansu Mission of Licensed Missionaries:

S. D. A., Lanchow, Kansu, China. Ching Keh-ren, Chu Chong-huei, Fan
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Lan- Chung-sen, Liang Kuei-San, Liu
chow. Tseng-hou, Swen Hsuei-chin.

Officers: Church School Teacher:

Chien Hsiao-Wen.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Johnson.
Executive Committee: Cho Ching-
Mei, F. W. Johnson. SHENSI MISSION
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1933
Home Missionary, Territory: Shensi Province.
Publishing and Sabbath School, Population: 11,802,451 ; churches, 12 ;
companies, 9 ; members, 751.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Cho
Ching-Mei. Postal Address: Shensi Mission of
S. D. A., Outside West Gate, Sianfu,
Licensed Missionaries: Shensi, China.
Mrs. Kuo Er-Chieh, Sen Keh-Chang.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist, Sianfu.
Church School Teachers:
Cho Wen-Pin, Ho Mo-Ch'ien Li Officers:
Wen-Ih, Ning Peh-ran, Wu Hsiu- Director, N. 0. Dahlsten.
Yun. Secretary-Treasurer, Chang Tzu-
Executive Committee: N. 0. Dahl-
NINGHSIA MISSION sten, Chen Peh-Dao, Djang Dzi-Chien,
Organized 1933 Djia Tai-Hsiang, Liu Wei-an, Ma
Territory: Ninghsia Province, and that Departmental Secretaries:
portion of Suiyuan Province south of
36 degrees North Latitude. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, Djia
Population: 1,342,425 ; churches, 2 ; Sabbath School, Chen Peh-dao.
companies, 3 ; members, 94. Home Missionary and Publishing,
Peng Hsi-hsien.
Postal Address: Djung Shan Da Chieh,
Ninghsia, Ninghsia, China. Ordained Ministers:
N. 0. Dahlsten, Wu Tze-Shan.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mis-
sion, Ninghsia. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: Chen Peh-Dao, Djang Dzi-Chien, Liu
Director, Swen Hsuei Chin. Wei-An.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. W. Johnson. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: Fan Chung-
Shen, Liang Kuei-San, Swen Hsuei- Mrs. N. 0. Dahlsten, Mrs. Liu Kao-
chin, Tan Teh-En. Chieh, Ma Hsien-ling, Tan Deh-en.
Departmental Secretaries: Church School Teachers:
Sabbath School, Swen Hsuei chin. Chin Keh-Ih, Mrs. Chu Tseng-Huei,
Home Missionary, Educational and Li Tien-Lu, Li Tien-Yu, Liu Shih-
Y. P. M. V., Fan Chong-sen. Chang, Wang Hsi-Ling, Yuan Su-
Publishing, Ling, Mrs. Yuan Su-Ling.


Reorganized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Kwangsi, Telephone: Office, 33653 ; residence,

Kwangtung, Fukien ; the Island of 23407.
Hainan ; the Colonies of Hong Kong
and Macao. Office Address: 1st Floor, "Dina House,"
Population: 71,900,000; churches, 71; Dudell St., Hong Kong.
members, 4,252.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- Postal Address: P. 0. Box 310, Hong
ventist," Hongkong. Kong.

Officers: Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,

Superintendent, A. L. Ham. S. K. Lei.
General Field Sec.. K. T. Khng. Medical, P. H. Leung.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Sabbath School, S. K. Lei.
H. Morse. Ordained Ministers:
Associate Treasurer, T. C. Chin. J. P. Anderson, C. F. Larsen, T. P.
Executive Committee: A. L. Ham, B.
L. Anderson, J. P. Anderson, T. C. Tshi, C. N. Tso.
Chin, D. D. Coffin, C. H. Davis, C. Y. Licensed Ministers:
Hung, K. H. Hung, K. T. Khng, C. F. S. C. Chan, S. M. Cheung, W. P.
Larsen, T. M. Lei, H. S. Leung, N. Chung, Y. T. Fung, S. C. Ha, S. K.
T. Leung, H. H. Morse, C. N. Tso, T. Lei, Leung Tong-Leung, Lung Ping-
S. Woo. Hang, Tshoi Sze-Man.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Educational, C. E. Wittschiebe; asso- Mrs. J. P. Anderson, Au Sz-Tai,
ciate, H. S. Leung. Chan Ye-Ku, Chan Yue-Fong, Y. N.
Y. P. M. V., C. E. Wittschiebe. Chow, Lam Sz-Ki, Mrs. C. F. Lar-
Field Missionary, ; associate,
sen, P. T. Lo, Lo Tet-Tshien, Leung
K. H. Hung. Noito, Pak Yuen-Chick, Mrs. P. 0.
Home Commission, ; associate,
Mrs. lva Poon. Shiu, T. Y. Tso.
Home Missionary, Church School Teachers:
Medical, D. D. Coffin ; associate, W. Ha Shau-Shek, Miss Hui Yuen-the-
C. So. ung, Leung Wing-shau, Lo Ka-
Sabbath School, B. L. Anderson. Chung, Mrs. P. 0. Shiu.
Ordained Ministers:
B. L. Anderson, A. L. Ham, K. T.
Khng, C. E. Wittschiebe.
Licensed Ministers: HAINAN MISSION
T. C. Chin, D. D. Coffin, W. Y. Ho, Organized 1935
K. H. Hung, H. S. Leung, H. H. Territory: Hainan Island and two lower
Morse. counties of the peninsula of Liu-
Licensed Missionaries: chow, Kwangtung Province.
Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Helen Ander- Population: 4,250,000 ; churches, 4;
son, Mrs. D. D. Coffin, Mrs. A. L. companies, 3 ; members, 143.
Ham, Albert Lau, H. H. Luke, Mrs.
H. H. Morse, Mrs. Iva Poon, K. H. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Siu, Mrs. C. E. Wittschiebe. sion," Hoihow.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hoi-
how, Hainan Island, China.
Territory: The Cantonese-speaking por- Director,
tion of Kwangtung Province ; Hong Secretary, W. K. Tso.
Kong and Macao. Treasurer,
Population: 11,000,000 ; churches, 14 ; Mission Committee: W. Y. Leung, W.
companies, 7 ; members, 1,117. K. Tso, T. S. Wong, T. S. Woo.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Licensed Ministers:
sion," Canton. W. Y. Leung, W. K. Tso.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Tung- Licensed Missionaries:
shan, Canton, China. Foo Chiu-Leung, Lei Hing-Fong, Lei
Officers: Hok-Chai, Lung Kien-Man, Tang To-
Yan, Wan Chung-Shan, Wong Tak-
Director, J. P. Anderson. Shan.
Secretary-Treasurer, Chan Lun-San,
Mission Committee: J. P. Anderson,
Chan Lim-Shang, Y. T. Chue, C. F. HAKKA MISSION
Larsen, H. S. Leung, Leung Ping-
Hang, C. N. Tso, S. M. Tsoi. Territory: The Hakka-speaking portion
Departmental Secretaries: of the Province of Kwangtung.
Educational, H. S. Leung. Population: 8,200,000 ; churches, 18 ;
Field Missionary, W. P. Chung. companies, 12 ; members, 750.

Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mission, Licensed Ministers:

Waichow, Kwangtung. P. H. Cheung, Cheung Yan-Kin, Chou
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Wai-
chow, Kwangtung, China. Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Chan Chuck-Ping, Chick Tai-
Officers: Keung, Lei Chak-Man, Lei Hang-
Director, T. S. Woo. Sung, Lo Tai-Ma, So Nei-Kei, Tong
Secretary-Treasurer, Lei Huan-ging. Oi-Chan, Wong King-Sing, Yang
Mission Committee: T. S. Woo, Chong King-Shan.
Kwet-En, Chung Yuk-Hon, Lei Huan-
ging, Van Shau-Van.
Departmental Secretaries: NORTH FUKIEN MISSION
Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Field Missionary, W. 0. Loh. Territory: The northern portion of the
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Province of Fukien.
T. N. Lo, Acting. Population: 13,200,000 ; churches, 15 ;
Medical, So Wai-Chuen. companies, 10 ; members, 671.
Ordained Ministers: Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Lo Sin-Tsai, T. N. Lo, Lo Tet-Tsun, sion," Foochow.
Ng Yuk-Pin, T. S. Woo.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Foo-
Licensed Ministei: Chong Kwet-En. chow, China.
Licensed Missionaries: Officeis:
Chong Sin Tso, Chong Thau-Fam, Director, C. H. Davis.
Chung Yuk-Hon, Li Moi-Fa, Li Tau- General Field Sec., Ging Su-tang.
Fan, Liu Tsu-Nyau, Ng Yok-Chhi, Secretary-Treasurer, A. B. Davis.
Hoh Nyong, Vun Shau-Vun, Wong Mission Committee: C. H. Davis, Chai
Yip-Chiu. Kuok-Uong, A. B. Davis, Diong
Chiong-Mi, Ging Su-Tang, Ling Bu-
Church School teachers: ong-Sieng, Ngu Go-Hua, Ngu Ong-
Chong Yun Fo, Li Chun-Shi, Wong Ing.
Pan-Shau, Yeung To-Yung.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical House, Cong Ga-
KWANGSI MISSION Educational and Y. P. M. V., Ling
Territory: The Province of Kwangsi, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
and On Po, Ling Shan and Yam Ging Su-Tang.
Chow Districts in Kwangtung. Field Missionary, Kiu Gi-Sau.
Population: 12,250,000 : churches, 6 ; Ordained Ministers:
companies, 14 ; members, 459. Chai Guok-Uong, C. H. Davis, Ging
Ko-Bing, Ging Su-Tang.
Telegraphic Address: Adventist Mis-
sion, Nanning, Kwangsi. Licensed Ministers:
Cong Ga-Ciong, Kiou Gi-Sieu, Ling
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nan- Bu-Hi, Ling Buong-Sieng, Ling Ging-
ning, Kwangsi, China. Ciong, Iek Sing.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
Director, T. M. Lei. Mrs. C. H. Davis, Ding Iek-Sing,
Treasurer, Lei Hang-Sung. Diong Chiong-Mi, Eu long-Chong,
Committee: T. M. Lei, P. H. Cheung, Ling Baik-Ho, Ngieng Kieu-Hok, Ngu
Chick Tai-Keung, Lei Hang-Sung, Ong-Ing, Tang Sing-Ming, Uong
Annie Lo. Bing-Dung, Uong Ong-Po, Bong
Ting-Sing, Wong Hung-Gi.
Departmental Secretaries:
Bible Women:
Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Field Missionary and Home Mission- Mrs. Dang Cie-Ing, Mrs. Ling Hok-
ary, Chick Tai-Keung. Ong, Mrs. Ngu Hok-Liong, Mrs. Woi
Medical, Siong-Chang.
Sabbath School, Lei Hang-Sung. Church School Teachers:
Ordained Minister: T. M. Lei. Mrs. Guang Nguk-Ding, Li Daik-Gie.


Territory: The southern half of Fukien Territory: The Eastern slope of the
Province. province of Kwangtung.
Population: 12,000,000 ; churches, 9; Population: 11,000,000 ; churches, 5 ;
companies, 4 ; members, 613. companies, 14 ; members, 499.
Cable Address: "Adventist Mission," Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis-
Kulangsu, Amoy. sion," Swatow.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Ku- Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Huei
langsu, Amoy, China. Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
(Telephone No. 192.) China.

Officers: Officers:
Director, J. G. Maclntyre. Director, B. L. Anderson (acting).
Secretary, E. H. Ngo. Secretary, Joseph Hwang.
Treasurer, Treasurer, South China U. Office.
Mission Committee: J. G. Maclntyre, Sub. Treasurer, Joseph Hwang.
K. H. Ang, T. T. Chhoa, C. Y. Hung, Accountant, Harry Wan.
N. K. Keh, E. H. Ngo, T. S. Ngo, Committee: B. L. Anderson, Cheng
K. T. So, C. T. Tan. Wai Fai, Ho Ching, J. Hwang, B. C.
Kang, Lee Hwa Long, Dr. Lim, P.
Departmental Secretaries: T. Lim, H. C. Pang.
Book and Bible House, Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Ang
Kim-hi. Educational and Y. P. M. V., Lee
Home Miss., C. Y. Hung. Su-Hui.
Publishing, E. H. Ngo. Field Missionary and Sabbath School,
Sabbath School, Ang Kim Hi. K. J. Lim.
Home Missionary, H. L. Lee.
Ordained Ministers:
C. Y. Hung, N. K. Keh, E. H. Ngo, Licensed Ministers:
C. T. Tan. Ho Ching, Heng Seng-Teck, Joseph
Hwang, Lee Theng-Huan, Ng Hi-
Licensed Ministers: long, Ng Mia-Cheng.
K. H. Ang, T. K. Keh, J. G. Mac-
lntyre, T. S. Ngo, K. T. So. Licensed Missionaries:
Ang Tsu-Ch'ai, Cheng Wai-Fai,
Licensed Missionaries: Hwang Yung-Yiu, Kho Khi-Heung,
In Su-Hui, Jim Se-kong, Keh Khou Kia-Tsun, Khu Su-Tak, Lee
Hong-mo, Lee Thien-chia, Lu Tat- Hua-Nung, Lee Su-Hui, Lin Kek-Ren,
Cheng, Mrs. J. G. Maclntyre, Ng So- Lin Pan-Tau, Pang Chi-Yung, Tan
Cheng, Si Iau-teng, So Keng-Hi, B. L. Choeh-Kun, Tin Hue-Hur, Tsang
Tan, Tan Giok-chia, Tiu Hoai-kok. Yuen.
Church School Teachers: Church School Teachers:
Ang Sick-tiam, Jim Se-kong, Keh Fong Tak-Yee, Khu Su-Tak, Ng Seng-
Hong-mo, Ng So-Cheng, Tan Kiok- Fat,- Te So-Hui, Yao Tien-Yau, Yu
chio, Yap Le-Goat. Mui-Cheng.


Organized 1919

Territory: The Provinces of Szechwan, Officers:

Yunnan, Kweichow, Sikang, and Superintendent, C. II. Miller.
General Field Secretary, Liu Yu-an.
Population: 92,679,380 ; churches, 32; Acting Secretary-Treasurer, A. Fos-
members, 2,908. sey.
Executive Committee: Z. H. Coberly,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- A. Fossey, C. B. Guild, Hwang Dzi-
sion," Chungking. Chiang, Li Deh-Hsing, Li Tien-fu,
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Liu Fu-An, H. C. Liu, Lu Shou-Dao,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Wang An-Hsi, C. B. Miller.

Departmental Secretaries: chung, Pengan, Suining, Neikiang,

Educational and Y. P. M. V., James Lunchang, Kiangtsing, Anyo.
D. Wang. Population: 32,550,000 ; churches, 10 :
Home Missionary and Field Mission- members, 446.
ary, Liu Fu-An.
Sabbath School, A. Fossey. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chungking,
Medical, H. C. Liu. Szechwan, China.
Ministerial Assn., C. B. Miller.
Ordained Ministers: Director, Liu Fu-an.
Z. H. Coberly, A. Fossey, C. B. Secretary-Treasurer, Yang Fu-yung.
Miller. Mission Committee: Liu Fu-an,
Cheng Shang-Dji, Li Chuan-an, Yang
Licensed Ministers: Fu-yung, Yang Sin-Seng.
H. C. Liu, Ting Fu-Chen, James D.
Wang. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Wang
Licensed Missionaries: Heng-Yang.
Mrs. Z. H. Coberly, Djang Dji-Djung, Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Djen Djao-Uung, Mrs. A. Fossey, ary, Li Chuan-an.
Guns Ping-San, Ho Wen-Djieh, Julia Sabbath School, Cheng Shang-Dji.
Li, Liu Dz-Shih, Mrs. H. C. Liu, Mrs.
C. B. Miller, Swen Dz-deh, Wang Ordained Minister: Lee Ken-yu.
Heng-Yang, Wang Wen-Tien, Yang
Djung-Pei. Licensed Ministers:
Li Chuan-An, Loh Yun-Djang, Yang
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1928
Cheng Shang-Dji, Giang Lung-Gao,
Territory: All of Kweichow Province Lin Li-dzai, Wang Heng-Yang,
except nine counties allotted to West Wang Su-Chiao.
Kweichow Mission.
Church School Teachers:
Population: 7,850,000; churches, 4 ;
members, 262. Chen Wen-kwang, Chuen Ying-wu,
Ho Wen-Gieh, Hsieh Chang-Man,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kweiyang, Wang Su-chiao, Yang Ai-Dao.
Kweichow, China.
Director, Hwang Dz-chiang.
Secretary-Treasurer, Li Tien-Fu. TIBETAN MISSION
Mission Committee: Hwang Dz-chi- Organized 1919
ang, Chen Feng-Lin, Dai Chi-Ming,
Li Dch-Hsing, Li Tien-Fu. Territory: Sikang Tibet and following
Departmental Secretaries: 13 hsiens in Szechwan: Chaokioh,
Sichang, Yenyuan, Yuehsi, Luipo,
Book and Bible House, Tsingki, Jungking, Yaan, Tienchiian,
Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V. and Edu- Lushan, Kintang, Mowkung, Mien-
cational, Li Deh-Hsing. ning.
Field Missionary and Home Mission-
ary, Da Chi-Ming. Population: 6,500,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Ordained Minister: Hwang Dz-chiang. bers, 21.

Licensed Ministers: Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kangting

Chen Feng-Lin, Li Deh-Hsing. (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.

Licensed Missionaries: Officers:

Dai Chi-Ming, Djou MM-Yen, Lung Acting Director, M. H. Vinkel.
Cheng-Djou, Tang Djen-Ying. Acting Secretary and Treasurer, M.
H. Vinkel.
Mission Committee: M. H. Vinkel, Ku
Licensed Minister: M. H. Vinkel.
Organized 1919
Territory: All hsiens east of boundary Licensed Missionaries:
formed by and including the follow- Ku Ming, Swen Mingsen, Mrs. M. H.
ing: Kwangyiian, Changchih, Ci- Vinkel.

WEST KWEICHOW MISSION Departmental Secretaries:

Organized 1927 Sabbath School, Educational and Y.
P. M. V., Lu Shou-dao.
Territory: 9 hsiens in Kweichow: Si- Home Miss., and Publishing,
shui, Chichshui, Jenhwai, Tating,
Kiensi, Chihkin, Pichieh, Shuicheng, Ordained Ministers:
Weining ; 7 hsiens in Yunnan: Chen- C. B. Guild, Wang An-Hsi.
siung, Iliang, Lutien, Chaotung, Tak- Licensed Ministers:
wan, Yungshan, Suikiang ; 14 hsiens Lin Han-Ching, Lu Shou-dao, Yang
in Szechwan: KulM, Suyung, Kun- Kai-hsuen.
lein, Kunghsien, Kaohsien, Kingfu,
Nanki, Kiangan, Nachi, Luhsien, Ho- Licensed Missionaries:
kiang, Kusung, Hingwen, Changning. Mrs. C. B. Guild, Hwang Dzi-ran,
Organized Churches: 6 ; members, 921. Shih Yu-Jiang.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pichieh,
Kweichow, China. YUNNAN MISSION
Officers: Organized 1928
Director, Li Wan-chuan. Territory: Three hsiens in Szechwan:
Sec. and Treas., Li Tien-Fu. Hweili, Yenpien, Ningnan, and all of
Mission Committee: Li Wan-Chuan, Yunnan except seven hsiens given to
Li Tien-Fu, Yang Ming-Ding. West Kweichow as listed.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 14,795,486 ; churches, 7 ;
Sabbath School, Educational, and Y. members, 1,030.
M. M. V., Yang Ming-Ding. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 87 North
Publishing and Home Miss., Gate Street, Kun-ming, Yunnan,
Ordained Minister: Li Wan-chuan. China.
Licensed Ministers: Officers:
Dju Yung-Ting, Loh Wen-Bi, Ren Director, Milton Lee.
Djen-Hsing, Wang Hsin-Bang, Yang Secretary-Treasurer,
Ming-Ding. Mission Committee: Milton Lee, Feng
Deh-Sen, Fu Ben-Dzen, Han Gieh,
Licensed Missionaries: Hang Tsong-Gwan, Ho Ai-Deng, Lo
Djang Djung-Hsing, Dju Ren-Djung, Gwei-Ih, Lung Chang-Deh,
Dju Wen-Gia, Ma Deh-Yin, Wang Departmental Secretaries:
Hsing-Djou. Educational and Y. P. M. V.,
Teachers: Sabbath School, Hu Ben-Djen.
Chen Yen-kuan, Li Gi-An. Tract Society, Tom Ho.
Field Missionary, --.
Ordained Ministers:
Feng Deh-Sen, Ho Ai-deng, Milton
Organized 1919
Licensed Ministers:
Territory: All hsiens west of lines Fu Ben-Dzen, Liu Hen-Ih, Lo
formed by and including the follow- Gwei-Ih.
ing: Chaohwa, Kienko, Yenting, She-
hung, Lochih, Tzechung, Fushun, Licensed Missionaries:
Ipin (Suifu), except those already al- Beh Chuin-Yong, Chang Swen-Djen,
lotted to West Kweichow and those to Chiang Hsing-Ming, Dao Yang-Wan,
be allotted to Sikang as noted under Mrs. Dora L. Feng, Han Gieh, Hang
Tibetan Mission. Tsong-Gwang, Mrs. Milton Lee, Lung
Hsuen-Ming, Lung Tsan-Deh, Neng
Population: 32,062,000 ; churches, 4 ; Da-Deh, Pan Yao-Deh, Wang Tsu-
members, 228. Hsiung, Wang Wei-Dzung, Ma Wu,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu, Ma Yin.
Szechwan, China. Church School Teachers:
Officers: Chang Deh-Yin, Chang K'ai-Hwei,
Director, C. B. Guild. Han Chieh, Dju Dji-Ming, Dzang
Secretary, C. B. Guild. Tsao-Gwang, Feng Kai-Lin, Han
Treasurer, Mrs. C. B. Guild. Hsin-Deh, Han Hsin-Tsai, Li Dzen-
Mission Committee: C. B. Guild, Mrs. Ho, Lung Tsan-Deh, Pan Fu-Chen,
C. B. Guild, Lin Han-ching, Lu Shou- Pan Gwang-Deh, Wang Li-Hsin, Ma
dao, Yang Kai-Hsuen. Wu, Yuen Deh-Hsuen.


DIVISION Signs of the Times Publishing House,

Educational: 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
Bee Hwa Training Institute, Ku- Tibetan Mission Press, Tatsienlu, Si-
langsu, Amoy, China. kang, China.
China Training Institute, Kowloon, Mongolian Mission Press. S. D. A.
Hong Kong. Temporary address, Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China.
Box 1674, Kowloon, Hong Kong.
East China Union Jr. Training In- Medical:
stitute, 458 Ningkuo Rd., Shanghai, Canton Sanitarium and Hospital, Sam
China. Yuk Road, Tung Shan, Canton,
Far Eastern Academy, 468 Ningkuo China.
Road, Shanghai, China. Choni Dispensary, Choni, Kansu,
Foochow Junior Training Institute, China.
Foochow, China. Chungking Medical Center, Chung-
Hankow Bible and Industrial Insti- king, Szechwan, China.
tute of S. D. A., Wang Gia Dun, Fui On Hospital-Dispensary, Advent-
Hankow, Hupeh, China. ist Mission, Waichow, Kwangtung,
Harbin Training Institute, Tsitsihar China.
St., 9, New Town, Harbin, Man- Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary,
chukuo. Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwang-
Home Study Institute, Oriental tung, China.
Branch, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Nanning Hospital-Dispensary, Nan-
hai, China. ning, Kwangsi, China.
Honan Junior Training Institute, Lo- North China Sanitarium and Hospi-
wanho, Yencheng, Honan, China. tal, Kalgan, Chahar, China.
Hunan Provincial Junior Training Northwest China Sanitarium and
Institute, Changsha, Hunan, China. Hospital, Lanchow, Kamm, China.
Manchurian Union Bible Training In- Shanghai Sanitarium. Postal Ad-
stitute, Shen Yang P. 0., Box 36, dress, Box 1281. 150 Rubicon Road,
Mukden, Manchukuo. Shanghai, China ; the Clinic at 171
North China Training Institute, Range Road, Shanghai, China.
Fengtai, Hopei,. China. Shen. Yang Sanitarium-Hospital, Pei
Northwest China Union Training In- Ling, Mukden, Manchukuo.
stitute, Ba Fu Tien, Puncheng, Shen Yang (Mukden), Clinic, 57 - 29th
Shensi. Wei Lu, Mukden, Manchukuo.
Shantung Junior Training Institute, Shensi Mission Dispensary, Outside
102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung. West Gate, Sianfu, Shensi.
South Chekiang Training Institute, Sining Dispensary, Sining, Chinghai,
Wenchow, Chekiang. China.
South China Training Institute, tem- Tibetan Mission Hospital, Kanting
porarily combined with China (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China.
Training Institute. Wuhan Sanitarium and Clinic, Wu-
West China Training Institute, Da chang, Hupeh, China. Postal ad-
Bao, Tsitsikow, Szechwan. dress, 35 Hwang Pei Rd., Hankow,
West Kweichow Provincial Mission Hupeh.
Junior Training Institute, Pichieh, Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital, Low-
Kweichow, China. anho, Yencheng, Honan, China.
Organized, apart from China, in 1931; Netherlands East Indies Union
included as from January 1, 1938

Territory: Chosen (Korea), Chien Tao Medical Department:

(Kando) Province in Manchukuo, Secretary,
Japan, Formosa, Japanese Mandates, Members: H. C. Honor, S. Ogura.
Philippine Islands, Guam, Straits
Settlements, British North Borneo, Ministerial Association:
Brunei, Sarawak, Malay States, Secretary,
Thailand (Siam), French Indo-China, Members: The Division departmental
Netherlands East Indies, and the' secretaries, the superintendents of
Portuguese section of Timor, all of union missions, the principals of the
which are comprised in the Chosen, advanced training schools in the Far
Japan, Philippine, Malayan, and Eastern Division.
Netherlands East Indies Union Mis-
sions. Publishing Department:
Population: 235,803,360; churches, 732; Members: E. W. Bahr, L. I. Bowers,
members, 34,520. F. H. A. Ficker, I. E. Gillis, N.
Hayashi, S. Kanamori, T. Kato, J.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Far- A. Leland, R. M. Milne, Y. Okohira.
east," Singapore. For the present,
cables should be addressed to " Religious Liberty:
(name of person), Far Eastern Divi- Secretary, .
sion, Singapore."
Sabbath School Department:
Headquarters: 800 Thomson Rd., Singa- Secretary,
pore, Straits Settlements. (Tele- Members: L. F. Bohner, L. A. Butter-
phone, 7015.) field, M. Fukazawa, S. Hiraoka, L.
M. D. Wortman.
Postal Address: Post Box 226, Singa-
pore, Straits Settlements. Young People's Missionary Volunteer
Acting President, W. P. Bradley. Members: L. F. Bohner, S. Hiraoka,
Secretary, W. P. Bradley. H. Yanami, N. E. I. Union M. V.
Treasurer and Auditor, P. L. Wil- Secretary.
Executive Committee: 0. A. Blake, Transportation Agents:
W. P. Bradley, I. E. Gillis, M. Hira- P. L. Williams, Chairman ; the union
yama, H. Imura, N. Matsumura, E. treasurers of the Chosen, Japan,
A. Moon, J. M. Nerness, S. Ogura, Malayan, Netherlands East Indies,
K. Tilstra, L. C. Wilcox, P. L. Wil- and Philippine Unions.
liams, Pedro Diaz.
Division Building Committee:
Educational Department: The Division Executive Committee.
Secretary, W. P. Bradley. Ordained Ministers:
Members: N. Matsumura, F. R. Mil- W. P. Bradley, F. Dittmar, P. Drin-
lard, L. M. Stump, L. M. D. Wortman, haus, K. Erlecke, G. Faass, S. Horn,
H. Yamamoto. M. Hirayama, W. J. Kolling, E. A.
Moon, E. Niemann, S. Ogura, L. C.
Home Commission: Wilcox, H. Zimmermann.
Members: N. Matsumura, Mrs. E. A. Licensed Ministers:
Moon, Mrs. S. Ogura, Mrs. K. Tilstra, 0. A. Blake, L. F. Bohner, I. E.
Mrs. L. C. Wilcox. Gillis, S. Kinbara, I. Krautschick, P.
L. Williams.
Home Missionary Department: Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary, Mrs. W. P. Bradley, H. Imura.
Members: L. A. Butterfield, F. H. A.
Ficker, S. Hiraoka, T. Kajiyama, R. Legal Assn.: "General Conference Cor-
M. Milne. poration of Seventh-day Adventists."
Mission organized 1908; Conference organized 1917;
Union Mission organized 1919

Territory: Chosen (Korea) and the Pyun. Young Hung, Chyung Pyung,
Kando Province in Manchukuo. Tuk Won Ko Won, and Mun Chun
counties ; Wonsan City in South Ham
Population: 24,326,327 ; churches, 124 ; Kyung Province.
members, 3,789.
Churches: 34 ; members, 1,199.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Keizyo.
Western Union Five Letter Code. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Mission, Seiryori-machi, Keizyo Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
(Seoul), Chosen. (Telephone, Higashi Mission, Seiryori-machi, Keizyo
1721.) (Seoul), Chosen. (Telephone, Higa-
shi 1721.)
Superintendent, M. Hirayama. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, S. Director, H. Kunimoto.
Kinbara. Secretary-Treasurer, T. Tokumura.
Executive Committee: M. Hirayama, Executive Committee: H. Kunimoto,
N. Hayashi, H. Hiraoka, S. Hiraoka, K. Hiraoka, M. Kanamori, H. S.
S. Kanamori, S. Kinbara, S. Kiyohara, Sung, N. Takayama, K. Takehara, T.
H. Kunihara, H. Kunimoto, N. Matsu- Tokumura.
mura, Y. Motoe, K. Shirakawa, S.
Toyohara, S. Yanagihara. Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, N. Takayama.
Departmental Secretaries: Sabbath School, Home Missionary and
Educational and Home Commission, Y. P. M. V., K. Takehara.
N. Matsumura.
Field Missionary, N. Hayashi. Ordained Ministers:
Sabbath School, Home Missionary, H. Kunimoto, K. Takehara.
and Y. P. M. V., S. Hiraoka. Licensed Ministers:
Medical, .
T. Atachi, M. Kanamori, M. Kanaumi,
Ordained Ministers: K. Kawamoto, K. Nobukawa, N.
N. Hayashi, M. Hirayama, N. Mat- Takayama.
sumura. Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: N. Kamikuni, Y. Kaneziro, P. S. Oh
I. Akiyama, S. Hiraoka, S. Kanamori, Y. Rinohara, T. Tokumura, K.
Y. Kaneziro, S. Kinbara, R. Matsu- Yamaki, S. Yamamoto, K. Yoshihara.
yama, J. Miura, Z. Takayama, M. Church School Teachers:
Toyokawa, A. Yasumoto.
F. Hoshimitsu, Y. Kaneziro, K. Ki-
Licensed Missionaries: hara, K. Nobukawa.
S. Hirayama, G. Kanemitsu, C. Kan-
emura, Y. Minami, W. Nagai, C.
Tokumura, M. Yoshino. NORTH CHOSEN MISSION
Legal Organization Title: Zidon of the Organized 1934
Chosen Union Conference of Seventh-
day Adventists. Territory: North Ham Kyung Province;
South Ham Kyung Province except
the counties of An Pyun, Young
Hung, Chyung Pyung, Tuk Won, Ko
CENTRAL CHOSEN MISSION Won and Mun Chun, Wonsan City ;
and Kando Province.
Organized 1919
Churches: 16 ; members, 413.
Territory: Provinces of Kang Won
except Sam Chuk and Ul Chin coun- Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
ties; Kyung Ki ; North Choong Mission, Seishin, Chosen.
Chung, except the counties of Ok
Chun and Young Dong ; South Officers:
Choong Chung, except the counties Director and Secretary-Treasurer, Y.
of Non San and Tai Chun ; and An Motoc.

Executive Committee: Y. Motoe, S. Licensed Ministers:

Kiyohara, M. Omine, R. Sugiyama, Y. Kanemura, T. Kaneziro, T. Kuni-
S. Toyokawa, Y. Yoshita. moto, S. Oyama, 0. Terauchi, H.
Departmental Secretaries: Toyohara, S. Toyota.
Field Missionary, Y. Yoshita. Licensed Missionaries:
Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V. and
Sabbath School, M. Omine. F. Asano, K. Hirayama, A. Ito, T.
Kawamatsu, H. Kunimoto, M. Mat-
Ordained Ministers: suno, M. Matsuyama, S. Minami, S.
Y. Motoe, S. Toyokawa. Nakazima, Y. Toyokawa.
Licensed Ministers:
F. Kanayama, B. Kunimoto, E. Kure-
yama, M. Omine, Y. Yoshita.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1919
Y. Amaziro, K. Kanaumi, D. R. Kim,
S. Mitsuyama, M. Sato. Territory: North and South Pyeng An
and Whang Hai Provinces.
SOUTH CHOSEN MISSION Churches: 45 ; members, 1,366.
Organized 1939 Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist
Territory: North and South Kyung Mission, Junan (Soonan), Chosen.
Sang, North and South Chulla Prov-
inces; and the counties of Sam Chuk Officers:
and Ul Chin in Kang Won Province, Director, K. Shirakawa.
and Ok Chun and Young Dong in Secretary-Treasurer, T. Fukuyama.
North Choong Chung Province, and Executive Committee: K. Shirakawa,
Non San and Tai Chun in South K. C. Cho, Y. R. Chun, T. Fukuyama,
Choong Chung Province. R. Kaneta, T. Kanezawa, K. S. Pak.
Churches: 29 ; members, 816. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist Field Missionary, K. Taniyama.
Mission, Taiden, Chosen. Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
K. Yamamoto.
Officers: Sabbath School, T. Fukuyama.
Director, H. Kunihara.
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Nakazima. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: H. Kunihara, R. Kaneta, T. Kanezawa, S. Kane-
K. Kanamatsu, Y. Kanemura, S. ziro, K. Shirakawa.
Nakazima, T. Narita, 0. Terauchi, S.
Toyota. Licensed Ministers:
T. Fukuyama, K. Kanemura, T.
Departmental Secretaries: Kaneyasu, T. Kawamura, K. Kimura,
Field Missionary, T. Kawamatsu. Z. Takazima, K. Tamura, K. Yama-
Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and moto.
Sabbath School, S. Toyota.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ordained Ministers: M. Hyun, K. Kanekawa, K. Tani-
H. Kunihara, S. Toyohara. yama.


Organized as a mission 1896; as a conference, November 2, 1917;
and as a Union Mission, August 20, 1919

Territory: Japan Proper, Saghalin, Headquarters Location and Postal Ad-

Formosa, and the Japanese Mandates. dress: 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Sugin-
Population: 79,532,440 ; churches, 27 ; ami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
members, 1,247. Railway Station: Ogikubo; 35 minutes
Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo. from Tokyo Station, 11/ hours from
(Telephone, Ogikubo 2051). Yokohama.

Officers: Licensed Missionaries:

Superintendent, S. Ogura. Mrs. T. Hasegawa, S. Ikeda.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. Imura.
Executive Committee: M. Fukazawa,
T. Hasegawa, H. Imura, T. Kajiyama, JAPANESE MANDATED ISLANDS
S. Kaneko, Hiroshi Kuniya, S. Na- MISSION
kauchi, G. Nishi, S. Ogura, K. Otsuki,
E. Seino, B. Takagi, Y. Watanabe, H. Members: 41.
Yamamoto, Kanto-Tohoku Mission Di-
rector. Address: Korror, Palau, West Caroline
Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary, T. Kajiyama. Officer: Leader, K. Ochiai.
Sabbath School, M. Fukazawa. Ordained Minister: K. Ochiai.
Medical, S. Ogura.
Field Missionary, Tetsuzo Kato. Operated under the direct supervision
Educational, H. Yamamoto. of the Executive Committee of the
Y. P. M. V., H. Yanami. Japan Union Mission.
Home Commission, Mrs. S. Ogura.
Ordained Ministers:
T. Kajiyama, Hide Kuniya, S. Ogura, KANSAI-CHUGOKU MISSION
H. Yamamoto. Churches: 7 ; Members, 300.
Licensed Missionaries: Address: 31, Kitakyo-machi 1-chome,
Mrs. M. Fukazawa, H. Imura, M. Matsuyama, Japan.
Legal Name: The Japan Seventh-day Director, Y. Watanabe.
Adventist Holding Corporation (Dai Treasurer, H. Imura.
Shichi Nichi Kirisuto Sairin Dan Executive Committee: Y. Watanabe,
Iji Zaidan). Recognized as a cor- S. Asai, T. Hayakawa, H. Imura, S.
porate body by Japanese Govern- Morita, K. Otsuki.
ment, July 31, 1932.
Ordained Ministers:
K. Otsuki, Y. Watanabe.
Licensed Minister: T. Hayakawa.
Licensed Missionaries:
Members: 14.
T. Fujita, D. Takagi, Miss E. Yoko-
Address: 7 Hanazono-cho 3-chome, mizo.
Tainan, Taiwan.
Ministerial Interne: S. Yamamoto.
Ordained Minister: N. Wachi.
Operated under the direct supervision
of the Executive Committee of the KANTO-TOHOKU MISSION
Japan Union Mission.
Churches: 11 ; members, 653.
Office and Postal Address: 171, Ama-
numa 1-chome, Suginami ku, Tokyo,
HOKKAIDO MISSION Japan. (Telephone, Ogikubo 2051).
Churches: 4 ; members, 107. Officers:
Director, S. Ogura, pro tern.
Address: Minami 9 Jo, Nishi 16-chome, Secretary, H. Yanami.
Sapporo, Japan. Treasurer, H. Imura.
Officers: Executive Committee: S. Ogura, H.
Director, S. Kaneko. Imura, Hiroshi Kuniya, G. Nishi, M.
Secretary, T. Hasegawa. Sasaki, H. Yanami.
Treasurer, H. Imura. Ordained Minister: Hiroshi Kuniya.
Executive Committee: S. Kaneko, T.
Hasegawa, S. Ikeda, H. Imura, S. Licensed Minister: S. Nakauchi.
Ishikawa, S. Ogasawara, S. Sugi- Licensed Missionaries:
K. Hai, Tetsuzo Kato, S. Sai, E.
Ordained Minister: S. Kaneko. Shibata, S. Watanabe.
Licensed Minister: T. Hasegawa. Missionary Interne: M. Wada.

KYUSHU MISSION Treasurer, H. Imura.

Executive Committee: E. Seino, Mrs.
Churches: 4 ; members, 132. A. Araki, K. Hatada, S. Imamura,
Imura, S. Tabuchi, Mrs. T. Yamagata.
Address: 77 Torikai-cho 1-chome, Fu-
kuoka, Japan. Ordained Minister: E. Seino.
Officers: Licensed Minister: K. Hatada.
Director, E. Seino. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary, K. Hatada. Mrs. A. Araki, S. Imamura, R. Usuda.


Reorganized 1929

Territory: Straits Settlements, Malay B. L. Ngo, P. M. Stuart, L.

States, British North Borneo, Brunei, Tamboenan, C. K. Tan, Mrs. S. M.
Sarawak, Thailand (Siam), French Tan, Y. P. Yeo, Mrs. G. B. Young-
Indo-China. berg.
Population: 45,468,290 ; churches, 36 ; Church School Teachers:
members 1,742. Cheong Wong Sung, Mrs. Ngo Beng
Lim, Gloria Tan.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Singapore. Legal Association: "General Conference
Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Office Address: 399 Upper Serangoon E. A. Moon, attorney-in-fact.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements.
(Telephone, 7085.)
Superintendent, E. A. Moon. BRITISH BORNEO MISSION
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, L.
F. Bohner. Organized 1914
Executive Committee: E. A. Moon,
R. P. Abel, L. F. Bohner, L. I. Territory: British North Borneo, 1.a-
Bowers, V. L. Kon, W. W. R. Lake, buan.
Z. H. Macarewa, S. Mangatas, F. R. Population: 278,146 ; churches, 8 ; mem-
Millard, R. M. Milne, J. Moses, J. M. bers, 337.
Nerness, Y. H. Phang, K. G. Praka-
sham, A. P. Ritz, S. H. Tan, T. N. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Te, R. F. Waddell, G. B. Youngberg. ventist," Jesselton.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: Signal Hill, Jesselton,
Educational, F. R. Millard. British North Borneo.
Field Missionary and Home Mission- Postal Address: P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
ary, It. M. Milne. British North Borneo.
Assistant Field Missionary and Home
Missionary, K. 0. Tan. Officers:
Medical, Director, G. B. Youngberg.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., L. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Silalahi.
F. Bohner (Acting). Executive Committee: G. B. Young-
Home Commission, Mrs. E. A. Moon.
berg, Ginal, H. M. Ku, D. P. Siagian,
Ordained Ministers: M. T. Sibadogil, L. S. Sibarani, A.
M. Milne, E. A. Moon, N. T. Silalahi.
Phang, A. P. Ritz, K. 0. Tan. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Minister: L. F. Bohner. Tract Society, A. Silalahi.
Educational, L. S. Sibarani.
Licensed Missionaries: Y. P. M. V., and Home Commission,
Mrs. R. P. Abel, M. Arokiasamy, Mrs. G. B. Youngberg.
Mrs. R. Bentz, Mrs. L. F. Bohner, Sabbath School, and Home Mission-
G. G. Innocent, Mrs. G. G. Innocent, ary, D. P. Siagian.
Blanche Keasberry, K. T. Kong, Mrs. Field Missionary, R. M. Milne.
W. W. R. Lake, D. P. LaTourette,
Mrs. D. P. LaTourette, Z. H. Maca- Ordained Minister-:
rewa, Mrs. R. M. Milne, Mrs. E. A. M. T. Sibadogil, L. S. Sibarani, G.
Moon, Mrs. J. M. Nerness, B. H. Ngo, B. Youngberg.

Licensed Ministers: Territory: Straits Settlements (exclu-

M. Agian, Ginal, H. M. Ku, Lumpi- sive of Labuan), Malay States.
sau, D. P. Siagian, A. Silalahi. Population: 5,095,520 ; churches, 14 ;
Licensed Missionaries: members, 843.
Bulangak, Peter Leopold. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Kuala Lumpur.
Office Address: 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay
Organized 1937 Officers:
Territory: Cochinchina, Cambodia, An- Director, J. M. Nerness.
nam, Tonkin, and Laos. Secretary-Treasurer, K. T. Kong.
Executive Committee: J. M. Nerness,
Population: 23,000,000 ; churches, 7 ; R. Abdy, C. C. Huang, K. T. Kong,
members, 269. D. Liem, Y. Liew, R. J. Moses, K.
Office Address: 61 bis Route Localle 22, B. Tan, Y. C. Wan.
Gia-Dinh, Saigon, Indo-China. (Take Departmental Secretaries:
Rickshaw to Central Market; take
bus marked Govap, show driver ad- Tract Society, K. T. Kong.
dress of Mission, to know where to Field Missionary, K. T. Kong (Act-
get off bus. Proceed in same direc- ing).
tion about 800 yards.) Educational, J. M. Nerness.
Y. P. M. V., Home Commission,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Home Missionary, R. Abdy.
ventiste," Gia-Dinh. Sabbath School, S. F. Chu.
Officers: Ordained Ministers:
Director, E. A. Moon (Acting). L. I. Bowers, R. J. Moses, J. M. Ner-
Secretary-Treasurer, R. H. Howlett. ness, Y. H. Phang.
Executive Committee: E. A. Moon, Licensed Ministers:
R. Bentz, S. V. Cham, T. N. Te,
Pham Thanh, Le Trung. R. Abdy, Y. F. Choo, C. C. Huang,
D. Liem, S. Mangatas, K. G. Praka-
Departmental Secretaries: sham, M. Siregar, Y. C. Wan.
Tract Society, Licensed Missionaries:
Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School, and S. F. Chu, K. T. Kong, Y. S. Lee,
Home Missionary, Y. Liew, Y. Y. Poong, C. H. Ratnam,
Field Missionary, T. N. Te. Y. Samuel, K. B. Tan.
Home Commission, Mrs. R. Bentz. Church School Teachers:
Licensed Ministers: Mrs. C. H. Hwang, Mrs. K. T.
E. Pheng, T. N. Te, Pham Thanh. Kong, Mrs. Y. Liew, Mrs. Y. Y.
Poong, D. Tamboenan, S. Tan, Miss
Licensed Missionaries: F. L. Wang, S. T. Yeong.
R. Bentz, V. V. Cha, H. D. Loc, N.
V. Long, N. H. Luyen, N. H. Nha,
P. T. Nhon, T. V. Phung, T. Qua,

Church School Teachers: Organized 1937

Le Huu, V. H. Son, P. H. Thuan, Territory: The Raj of Sarawak and the
N. V. Ty, N. V. Xa. Sultanate of Brunei.
Seminary Teacher: P. T. Thanh. Population: 630,135; churches, 3; mem-
bers, 130.
Cambodian Training Institute:
R. Bentz, E. Pheng. Office Address: P. 0. Box 54, Kuching,
Sarawak, Borneo.
Legal Assn.: Societe des Missions Ad-
ventistes du France. Officers:
Director and Treasurer, W. W. It.
Secretary, D. Tan.
MALAY STATES MISSION Executive Committee. W. W. R.
Lake, Y. F. Chong, C. G. Koay, J. T.
Organized 1914 (Reorganized 1932 to Pohan, E. Sinaga, D. Tan, Gloria
include former Singapore Mission) Tan.

Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: R. P. Abel,

W. W. R. Lake, J. T. Pohan. Prachurd Jolavicharana, V. L. Kon,
Puie Tonasudh, R. F. Waddell.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Y. F. Chong, E. Sinaga.
Tract Society, and Sabbath School,
Licensed Missionaries: . Mrs. J. T. Ee.
A. Chong, S. M. Hutapea, C. G. Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Koay, M. P. Sormin, S. T. Tsen. ary, V. L. Kon.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Pra-
churd Jolavicharana.

THAILAND (SIAM) MISSION Ordained Ministers:

R. P. Abel, V. L. Kon.
Organized 1919
Reorganized in 1937 to include East Licensed Ministers:
K. Paw, D. P. La Tourette.
Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Kingdom of Thailand.
Mrs. J. T. Ee, Hiu Hiushon, Liu
Population: 16,464,489 ; churches, 3 ; Hon-thong, Prachurd Jolavicharana,
members, 163. Sorot Muangtong, Tan Oui-kiang,
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Sailon Sitanggang, Boon Mee Su-
vanakut, Puie Tonasudh, Pleng Vitia-
ventist Mission," Bangkok.
Office Address: 629 Suriwongse Road,
Church School Teachers:
Bangkok, Thailand.
Miss Pajong, Nai Choy Sirichotera-
Officers: tana, Nai Noi Sirichoteratana, Nai
Director and Secretary-Treasurer, Yoi. Sirichoteratana, Mrs. Yoi Siri-
R. P. Abel. choteratana, Ngow Weng.


Organized 1929

Territory: Netherlands East Indies, Home Missionary and Field Mission-

and Portuguese Timor. ary, F. H. A. Ficker.
Y. P. M. V.,
Population: 70,476,000 ; churches, 149 ; Home Commission, Mrs. K. Tilstra.
members, 6,423.
Ordained Ministers:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- K. Tilstra, L. M. D. Wortman.
ventzending," Bandoeng. (Telephone,
Bandoeng 445.) Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenoot- M. E. Diredja, F. H. A. Ficker, I. E.
schap in N. 0. I., Hoofdkwartier, Gillis, W. R. Holley.
Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Nether- Licensed Missionaries:
lands East Indies.
Mrs. F. IL A. Ficker, Mrs. I. E.
Postal Address: Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Gillis, T. Hasiboean, Mrs. W. R.
Java, Netherlands East Indies. Holley, B. Hutapea, G. P. Jap, Mrs.
D. S. Kime, H. Kosakoy, J. H.
Officers: Lesiasel, J. P. Ruijtenbeek, Mrs.
Acting Superintendent, K. Tilstra. H. E. R. Schell, J. Tends, Mrs. K.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, I. Tilstra, Mrs. H. Twijnstra, M. R.
E. Gillis. van Emmerik, F. Wattimena, A.
Executive Committee: K. Tilstra, G. Waworundeng, Mrs. A. Wood, Mrs.
A. deJager, M. E. Diredja, F. H. A. L. M. D. Wortman.
Ficker, I. E. Gillis, W. R. Holley,
D. S. Kime, Dr. Liem, K. Mandias,
H. E. R. Schell, J. Sumaykoe, K.
Tamboenan, H. Twijnstra, L. M. D. AMBON MISSION
Wortman. Organized 1929
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Residency Moluccas, except
Educational and Sabbath School, L. the islands of Ternate, Halmahaira,
M. D. Wortman. and Batjan ; Dutch New Guinea.

Churches: 11 ; members, 294. Church School Teachers:

Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- T. B. Lie, Moerdoko, H., Tarumasely,
ventzending," Ambon. Toesijem, Mrs. E. Vijsma, J. Wairata.
Office Address: Advent Zendingsgen-
ootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Am- NORTH CELEBES MISSION
bon, Amboina, Moluccas, Netherlands
East Indies. Organized 1923
Officers: Territory: Residency Menado and the
Director, D. S. Kime. islands Ternate, Halmahaira and
Assistant Director, J. Sumaykoe. Batj an.
Secretary, Th. H. Njio. Churches: 57 ; members, 2,303:
Treasurer, J. Tenda.
Executive Committee: D. S. Kime, Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ton-
D. Lesiasel, Th. H. Njio, J. Sumay- dano.
koe, J. P. Tomasowa, L. Tuasuun.
Office Address: Advent Zendings-
Ordained Minister: J. Sumaykoe. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Noord-Celebes, Tondano, Celebes,
Licensed Minister: L. Tuasuun. Netherlands East Indies.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
Mrs. A. Leiwakabessy, A. Pesulima,
I. Tuamulia. Director, D. S. Kime.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. T. Siong.
Executive Committee: D. S. Kime, G.
Coloaij, E. Dompas, A. Londa, M.
EAST JAVA MISSION Malingkas, W. Nelwan, A. T. Siong,
Ch. L. Sondakh, Bro. Walalangi.
Organized 1913
Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Provinces East Java, Cen-
tral Java (except the Residencies Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Banjoemas and Pekalongan) ; Resi- ary, Ch. L. Sondakh.
dencies Bali, Lombok, Madoera, and Sabbath School, A. T. Siong.
Timor. Home Commission and Y. P. M. V.,
Mrs. D. S. Kime.
Churches: 16; members, '706.
Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventzending," Soer- D. S. Kime, A. Londa, H. Pattyranie.
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Advent Zendingsgenoots- R. S. Rantoeng, A. Sakul, Ch. L.
chap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost-Java, Sondakh, F. Walean, H. Zacharias.
Buttewegstraat 3, Soerabaja, Java,
Netherlands East Indies. Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: F. Hamel, H. F. Laloan, J. Moroisa,
A. T. Siong, K. Walandouw.
Secretary, R. 0. Walean. Church School Teacher:
Treasurer, J. Tenda. F. Mangkey.
Executive Committee: D. A. Dompas,
S. H. Liem, K. Maspaitella, Di.
Panggabean, K. S. Tan, R. 0.
Departmental Secretaries: Organized 1917
Field Missionary, Dj. Panggabean. Reorganized 1937 to include former
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Batakland Mission
and Y. P. M. V., R. 0. Walean. Territory: Residency of Tapanuli, East
Ordained Ministers: Coast of Sumatra, Atjeh.
S. H. Pandjaitan, R. 0. Walean. Churches: 38: members, 909.
Licensed Ministers: Office Address: Advent Zendings-
M. Sormin, D. van Waardenburg, E. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
H. Vijsma. Noord-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn-
Licensed Missionaries: laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East
D. A. Dompas, H. M. Mangero, L. S.
Njoo, M. Onsoe, Di. Pangabean, D. Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Pattikawa, M. L. Saraum. ventzending," Pematangsiantar.

Officers: Bangka, Djambi, Palembang, Lam-

Director, H. Twijnstra. pongsche Districten, West Coast of
Secretary-Treasurer, S. F. Sitompoel. Sumatra, Riouw.
Executive Committee: H. Twijnstra, Churches: 9 ; members, 337.
K. T. Lie, T. D. Manullang, Ani
Moeda, S. Ritonga, S. F. Sitompoel, Cable Address: "Adventzending,"
K. Tamboenan. Palembang.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Address: Advent Zendings-
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Zuid-Sumatra, Palembang, Sumatra,
ary, T. D. Manullang.
Netherlands East Indies.
Educational, Mrs. H. Twijnstra.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., S. Officers:
F. Sitompoel. Director, K. Mandias.
Home Commission, H. Twijnstra.
Ordained Ministers: Treasurer, J. H. Lesiasel.
H. Aritonang, K. Tamboenan, H. Executive Committee: K. Mandias, K.
B. Injo, Z. Tahalea.
Twijnstra, G. A. Wood.
Ordained Minister: K. Mandias.
Licensed Ministers:
M. Hoetapea, A. Mamora, U. H. Licensed Ministers:
Manullang, Kr. Pandjaitan, M. V. A. Hasiboean, Sm. Rantoeng.
Pandjaitan, S. Ritonga, S. F. Sitom- Licensed Missionaries:
poel. V. E. Siwij, E. Turangan.
Licensed Missionaries:
Elman Hutapea, N. U. Hutapea, T.
Church School Teachers: Organized 1913
S. Goeltom, G. 13. Ritonga, B. Sima-
Territory: Province West Java and
toepang. Residencies of Banjoemas, Peka-
longan, Western Borneo. ,
SOUTH CELEBES MISSION Churches: 16 ; members, 727.
Organized 1939 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Territory: Residencies of Celebes, South- ventzending," Bandoeng.
ern and Eastern Borneo Portuguese Office Address: Advent Zendings-
Timor. genootschap in N. 0, I., Afdeeling
Churches: 2 ; members, 147. West-Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ma-
kassar. Officers:
Director, K. Tilstra.
Office Address: Advent Zendings- Secretary-Treasurer, L. I. Loc.
genootsehap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Executive Committee: K. Tilstra, G.
Zuid-Celebes, Tamarindeweg, Makas- de Jager, M. Kauntul, L. I. Loe, A.
sar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. K. Pasuhuk, H. E. R. Schell, B.
Officers: Soemampow.
Director, W. R. Holley. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary, R. Saerang. Field Missionary, A. K. Pasuhuk.
Treasurer, J. Tenda. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Executive Committee: W. R. Holley, Y. P. M. V.
E. Losu, L. Meijer, S. H. Tan, Z. Educational, L. M. D. Wortman.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Ministers: P. R. Goeltom, M. Kauntul.
E. Losu, Z. Tuasuun.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: R. Saerang.
B. C. Dompas, L. Hogendorp, W. U.
Hutapea, L. I. Loe, A. K. Pasuhuk,
H. E. R. Schell, B. P. Simandjoentak.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1929; reorganized 1939 to Z. Maruanaja, H. C. Mende.
include former Padang Mission
Church School Teachers:
Territory: Residencies of Bengkoelen, M. Pisarahu, C. Soselisa.
Organized 1914
Territory: The Philippines and the CENTRAL LUZON MISSION
island of Guam.
Organized 1931
Population: 16,000,303; churches, 396 ; (Formerly a part of Central Luzon
members, 22,333. Conference)
Cable Address: "Philipunion," or "Ad- Territory: Province of Zambales, Tar-
ventists," Manila. lac and Nueva Ecija (except those
Office Address: 1939 Luna St., Pasay, parts in the north given to Northern
Rizal, Philippine Islands. (Please Luzon Mission), Pampanga, Bulacan,
do not direct mail to this address.) Rizal, Cavite, Bataan, the towns of
Telephone, 5-19-96. Baler and Casiguran of the province
of Tayabas, the City of Manila, the
Postal Address: Post Office Box 401, town of San Jose, Mangarin, Mindoro.
Manila, Philippine Islands. and the province of Palawan.
Officers: Population: 2,275,112 ; churches, 70 ;
Superintendent, L. C. Wilcox. members, 3,018.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, 0.
A. Blake. Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila.
Executive Committee: L. C. Wilcox, Office Address: Baesa, Caloocan, Rizal,
E. M. Adams, J. 0. Bautista, 0. A. Philippine Islands. (Please do not
Blake, A. Capobres, P. R. Diaz, H. direct mail to this address.)
C. Honor, J. A. Leland, F. A. Pratt,
W. B. Riffel, R. R. Senson, L. M. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
Stump, E. J. Urquhart, R. A. Villa- Philippine Islands.
nueva. Officers:
Departmental Secretaries: Director, 9 E. J. Urquhart.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Secretary-Treasurer, and Auditor, V.
Field Missionary, E. W. Bahr. M. Montalban.
Sabbath School and Home Mission- Executive Committee: E. J. Urquhart,
ary, T. Abellera, P. S. Magsalin, V. M.
Home Commission, Mrs. L. C. Wil- Montalban, F. A. Velasco, M. G.
cox. Yorac, L. A. Yutuc.
Medical, H. C. Honor. Departmental Secretaries:
Religious Liberty, R. R. Senson.
Book and Periodical Agency, F. A.
Ordained Ministers: Velasco.
E. W. Bahr, A. A. Douglas,JC. W. Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. M.
Lee, T. A. Pilar, 9L. M. Stump, N. Herrera.
S. Tan,9L. C. Wilcox. Field Missionary, J. Sto. Domingo.
Licensed Ministers: Field Ministerial, M. G. Yorac.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
1- O. A. Blake, ,ZI3. B. Davis, P. H. P. S.- Magsalin.
Eldridge, P. H. Romulo, R. A. Villa- Medical and Home Commission, P. G.
nueva. Molimbayan.
Licensed Missionaries: Religious Liberty, E. J. Urquhart.
Miss R. Atwell, Mrs. E. W. Bahr, Ordained Ministers:
cy Mrs. 0. A. BlakeAMrs. W. J. Blake, C. Cara, J. M. Imperio, P. S. Mag-
R. D. Brion, M. Claveria, A. Cruz, salin, M. C. Pascual, E. J. Urquhart,
Mrs. B. B. Davis, Mrs. A. A. Douglas, M. G. Yorac, L. A. Yutuc.
H. L. Dyer, Mrs. H. L. Dyer,$Mrs. Honorary: F. Dalisay.
P. H. Eldridge, 'W. E. Guthrie, Mrs.
W. E. Guthrie, H. C. Honor, Mrs. Licensed Ministers:
'H. C. Honor, R. C. Imperio, Miss B. A. J. Abawag, A. A. Alcaraz, J. Sto.
Irvine, I. A. Kintanar, N. F. Legas_pi, Domingo, F. Martin, F. Reyes.
-.2, J. A. Leland, Mrs. J. A. Leland,$C.
C. Morrison,..I-Mrs. C. C. Morrison, Licensed Missionaries:
Miss B. Parker, Mrs. P. H. Peng, Miss L. Lacuesta, D. L. Liwag, Miss
Miss M. Perez, L. L. Quirante, P. Molimbayan, V. M. Montalban,
Miss M. Silloway, Miss E. Stone- F. A. Velasco.
burner, 4Mrs. L. M. Stump, J. Suban,
R. Umal0Mrs. E. J. Urquhart,I)Mrs. Church School Teachers:
L. C. Wilcox,.,W. C. Williams,1 Mrs. Miss E. Abawag, Miss R. Macalinao,
W. C. Williams. Miss P. Silvestre, Miss E. Suban.

EAST VISAYAN MISSION Postal Address: P. 0. Box 124, Caga-

(Formerly Cebuan Mission) yan, Misamis Oriental, Philippine
Organized 1914
Territory: Provinces of Cebu, Bohol, Directory W. B. Riffel.
Leyte, Samar, Oriental Negros, and Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, D.
the island of Masbate. B. Ladion.
Population: 3,696,132 ; churches, 34 ; Executive Committee: W. B. Riffel,
members, 2,752. A. N. Anderson, A. Comets, P. Jano-
lino, D. B. Ladion, A. Macasiano, A.
Office Address: 307 Tres de Abril St., Somoso.
San Nicolas, Cebu City, Philippine
Islands. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Periodical Agency, L. L.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 119, Cebu Villanueva.
City, Philippine Islands. Educational and Y. P. M. V., A.
Officers: Macasiano.
Field Missionary, A. Comets.
Acting Directo4 W. B. Riffel. Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A. A. Somoso.
Aqui. Religious Liberty and Home Commis-
Executive Committee: W. B. Riffel, sion, J. D. Cristobal.
A. Aqui, R. Cahilig, A. Capobres,
P. Gonzales, U. Oliva, D. Sabrine. Ordained Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: 5 A. N. Anderson, A. Cabardo, R. S.
Llaguno, 9W. B. Riffel, A. Somoso,
Book and Periodical Agency, A. Aqui. J. Yovan.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Eugenio
Capobres. Licensed Minister: A. Sumicad.
Field Missionary, A. Sta. Rita.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Licensed Missionaries:
D. Sabrine. 4,Mrs. A. N. Anderson, G. A. Briones,
Home Commission, F. Cabansag. C. Chiu, A. Comets, J. D. Cristobal,
Religious Liberty, W. B. Riffel. D. Danlag, Z. Ferenal, D. B. Ladion,
T. Layon, P. Lobitania, A. Macasiano,
Ordained Ministers: J. Obregon, R. Pasco, Mrs. XN5r. B.
R. Cahilig, D. Sabrine. Riffel, E. Sanchez, S. Solano, L. L.
Licensed Ministers: Villanueva.
E. Abas, T. Cabaluna, E. Capobres, Church School Teachers:
P. Gonzales, D. Noval, U. Oliva, A. R. Cruz, V. Cuambot, F. Fernandez,
Sta. Rita. M. Figalan, E. Ladion, 0. Llaguno,
Licensed Missionaries: R. Medina, L. Noval, E. Parago, M.
Polapos, Mrs. E. Rosell, P. Sabayle, B.
A. Aqui, F. Cabansag, A. Chiu, B. Talaboc, Mrs. F. Ong Uy, S. Villa-
Ferraren, L. Garcesa, B. Mary, D. campa.
Pabriga, E. Salazar.
Church School Teachers:
Tomasa Basiga, Candida Baylon, MT. PROVINCE MISSION
Armelina Cacal, Rosalia Cosep, Mrs. (Unorganized)
Francisca Dicen, Paz Florendo, Mrs.
C. Llaguno, Deborah Luzano, Emilia (Formerly a part of the Northern Luzon
Malinao, Modesta Manuel, Gregorio Mission; now under the director-
Silud. ship of the Union)
Established 1939
MINDANAO MISSION territory: The sub-provinces of Apayao,
(Formerly a part of the East Benguet, Bontoc, Ifugao, Kalinga,
Visayan Mission) and Lepanto-Amburayan.
Organized 1937 Population: 296,874 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
bers, 90.
Territory: The island of Mindanao and
all adjacent small islands included in Office Address: P. 0. Box 7, Baguio,
the province of Mindanao as well as Mt. Province, Philippine Islands.
the Sulu Archipelago. (This mission is operated under the
direct supervision of the officers and
Population: 1,462,401 ; churches, 39 ; the Executive Committee of the Phil-
members, 3,463. ippine Union Mission.)

Ordained Minister: V. C. Medina. G. Pulido, E. Sahagun, N. Sanidad,

C. Tango, J. Umagat, 0. Vigilia.
Field Nurse: M. Balaoas.
Church School Teachers:
F. Berto, L. Juarizo, J. Wandag.
Organized 1931
NORTHERN LUZON MISSION Territory: Provinces of Batangas, La-
guna, Marinduque, Mindoro, Tayabas,
Entered 1913 ; Organized 1917 and the islands politically adminis-
Territory: Provinces of Pangasinan, tered thereby.
Nueva Vizcaya, Isabela, Cagayan, Population: 1,292,263; churches, 65;
Ilocos Norte, Ilocos Sur, Batanes, La members, 2,495.
Union, and the northern portions of
the provinces of Nueva Ecija and Office Address: P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
Tarlac. Tayabas, Philippine Islands.
Population: 2,164,419 ; churches, 64 ; Officers:
members, 3,034. Director, L. C. Wilcox.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist Mis- Assistant Director, J. 0. Bautista.
sion," Artacho via phone Pozorrubio, Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, M.
Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. M. Zamora.
Assistant Mission Auditor, M. P.
Office Address: Artacho, Sison, Pangasi- Arevalo.
nan, Philippine Islands. Executive Committee: J. 0. Bautista,
S. Barrameda, F. G. Dabu, I. Enri-
Officers: quez, S. V. Manuel, T. Reyes, M. M.
Director,3-E. M. Adams. Zamora.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A.
Balinao. Departmental Secretaries:
Executive Committee : E. M. Adams, Book and Periodical Agency, M. M.
A. Balinao, P. Bautista, Q. Cabansag, Zamora.
It. R. Senson, J. A. Valdez, E. Vigilia. Educational and Y. P. M. V., S. V.
Departmental Secretaries: Field Missionary, M. R. Cudanin.
Book and Periodical Agency, A. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Reyes. P. C. Banaag.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Q. Religious Liberty, J. 0. Bautista.
Cabansag. Home Commission, Constancia C.
Field Missionary, R. Umali. Buzon.
Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
E. Vigilia. Ordained Ministers:
J. 0. Bautista, I. Enriquez, B. Nepo-
Ordained Ministers: ` muceno.
- E. M. Adams, J. 0. Afenir, T. P. Licensed Ministers:
Atiga, R. A. Pilar, R. R. Senson, R. P. Alinsod, F. G. Dabu, M. M.
J. A. Valdez. Zamora.
Honorary: A. A. Panaga, E. Valera.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: M. P. Arevalo, P. C. Banaag, C. N.
G. Amansec, J. Bangloy, Q. Caban- Enriquez, S. V. Manuel, V. Quintal,
sag, F. de la Cruz, A. Roda, A. San F. I. Zamora.
Juan, R. Umali.
Church School Teachers:
Licensed Missionaries: Miss C. Atienza, Miss N. Cardinoza,
Mrs. E. M. Adams, A. Balinao, B. Miss D. Esguerra, Miss L. Ferrer,
Bionat, L. Cabansag, V. Cabansag, Miss T. Galang, Miss E. Lagabong,
E. de Leon, E. Dizon, L. Garcia, A. Miss L. Leynes, F. Magnaye, Mrs.
Guadiz, M. Jereos, D. Laureta, P. Gloria Magsalin, Miss F. Mopera,
Medina, A. Miguel, C. Miguel, P. Miss M. Racal.
Milaor, P. Poblete, A. Reyes, P. Ri-
mas, B. Sanidad, Mrs. R. R. Senson,
L. Taaca.
Church School Teachers:
Organized 1926
I. Adangas, M. Agpasa, F. Aquino, F.
Cabanada, S. Cabansag, P. Castillo, Territory: The provinces of Camarines
C. Lazaro, F. Lestino, T. Pasamonte, Sur, Camarines Norte, Albay, Sorso-

gon, and the islands of Ticao, Burias, Educational and Y. P. M. V., I,.
and Catanduanes. Duriquez (acting).
Field Missionary, J. K. Ramos : As-
Population: 1,021,275; churches, 40; sistant Field Missionary, 1VI. Pana-
members, 1,232. guiton.
Office Address: P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi, Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Albay, Philippine Islands. and Religious Liberty, G. de Guz-
Officers: Medical and Home Commission, D.
Director, P. R. Diaz. Moscatel.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, L. Ordained Ministers:
P. Gaje. G. de Guzman 3F. A. Pratt, T. G.
Executive Committee: P. R. Diaz, C.
Barnedo, M B. Gabarra, L. P. Gaje, Recalde, A. C. Same, E. Tantia.
J. Martinez, R. Verdan. Honorary: F. H. Jornada.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Book and Periodical Agency, L. P. V. Diaz, J. K. Ramos, T. B. Tortal,
Gaje. J. Urbanoso.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Licensed Missionaries:
Y. P. M. V., R. R. Verdan.
Field Missionary, S. Quines. A. Barrios, F. Bayuna, Z. B. Cahilig,
Home Commission, Adela Andal. L. Dalumpines, R. de Asis, A. de
Home Missionary and Religious Lib- Lamers, T. Diancia, L. Duriquez, A.
erty, P. R. Diaz. Hilado, F. Jereos, J. M. Lee,S.Mrs.
J. M. Lee, G. Maypa, A. Mopia, D.
Grdained Ministers: Moscatel, M. Panaguiton, J. G. Qui-
P. R. Diaz, F. L. Jabola. jote, F. Sargado, J. M. Tauro.
Licensed Ministers: Church School Teachers:
Gregorio Arguzon, C. B. Barnedo, A. Aguilar, M. Arellano, F. de Lo-
Mel Gabarra. riezo, R. Garcia, A. Gonzales, M. Gon-
Licensed Missionaries: zales, Mrs. C. Isuga, R. Mercurio, D.
P. Estipona, T. Frias, L. P. Gaje,
S. Quines, R. R. Verdan.
Church School Teachers:
P. Aspe, M. Delizo, A. Gavin, T. INSTITUTIONS IN TEE FAR
Nabong, Maria Paredes, S. Reyno, EASTERN DIVISION
Mrs. R. San Juan, Mrs. H. Verdan. Educational:
Ayer Manis School, Serian, Kuching,
WEST VISAYAN MISSION Bangkok Seventh-day Adventist Mis-
Organized 1914 sion School, Rama IV Road, Bang-
kok, Thailand.
Territory: The provinces of Iloilo, Chosen Union Workers' Training In-
Capiz, Antique, Romblon, Occidental stitute, Keizyo, Chosen (Korea).
Negros ; the Cuyo Islands, and the East Visayan Academy, Box 119,
island of Guimaras. Cebu City, Cebu, Philippine Islands.
French Indo-China Training School,
Population: 2,131,622 ; churches, 82 ; 61 bis, Route Localle 22, Gia-Dinh,
members, 5,815. Saigon, French Indo-China.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 271, Iloilo Japan Junior College (Boys' School),
City, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Showa-machi, Kimitsu-gun, Chiba
Ken, Japan.
Officers: Japan Junior College (Girls' School),
Directory F. A. Pratt. 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, Z. Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
B. Cahilig. Malayan Seminary, 401 Upper Seran-
Assistant Auditor, J. G. Quijote. goon Road, Singapore, Straits Set-
Executive Committee: F. A. Pratt, tlements.
Z. B. Cahilig, G. de Guzman, T. H. Netherlands East Indies Training
Jamandre, N. Jardinico, F. H. Jor- School (Opleidingsschool der Ad-
nada, A. C. Same. vent-Zending), Tjimahi, Java, Neth-
erlands East Indies.
Departmental Secretaries: Northern Luzon Academy, Artacho,
Book and Periodical Agency, F. Sison, Pangasinan, Philippine Is-
Bayuna. lands.

Philippine Union College, Box 1772, Bhuket Mission Clinic, Bhuket, Thai-
Manila, Philippine Islands. land.
Sabah Training School, Tamparuli, Blind People's Home and Dispensary,
Tuaran, British North Borneo. Sipogoe, Sumatra, Netherlands East
Seoul Junior Training Institute, Men- Indies.
bokuri, Outside East Gate, Keizyo, Bukit Nyala Mission Dispensary,
Chosen. Bukit Nyala, Tatau River, via Bin-
Sunny Hill School, Third Mile, Si- tulu, Sarawak, Borneo.
manggang Road, Kuching, Sara- Cebu Public Health Dispensary, P. 0.
wak, Borneo. Box 119, Cebu City, Cebu, Philip-
Ubol Seventh-day Adventist Mission pine Islands.
School, Ubol, Thailand. Ceram Dispensary, Roemahkay, via
West Visayan Academy, Box 502, Ambon, Moluccas, Netherlands East
Iloilo City, Iloilo, Philippine Is- Indies.
lands. Children's Home and Dispensary,
Groote Postweg, Tjimahi, Java,
Publishing: Netherlands East Indies.
French Indo-China Press, 61 bis, Djiring Moi Dispensary, Djiring, An-
Route Localle 22, Gia-Dinh, Saigon, nam, French Indo-China.
French Indo-China. East Thailand Dispensary, Kulu,
Ubol, Thailand.
Japan Seventh-day Adventist Pub-
lishing House, 169-171 Amanuma 1 Manila Sanitarium and Hospital, 1875
Chome, Suginami-Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Donada St., Pasay, Rizal, Philippine
Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper Ser- Islands. Postal Address: P. 0. Box
angoon Road, Singapore, Straits ' 3242, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Settlements. Penang Sanitarium, No. 465 Burma
Netherlands East Indies Publishing Road, Penang, Straits Settlements.
House (Advent Boeken Depot), Penang Mission Clinic, 422 Chulia St.,
Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Neth- Penang, Straits Settlements.
erlands East Indies. Philippine Union College Dispensary,
Philippine Publishing House, 1939 Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Is-
Calle Luna, Pasay, Rizal, Philip-
pine Islands. Postal Address: Box Phnom Penh Maternity Home and
813, Manila, Philippine Islands. Clinic, Villa Nanou, Rue Verdun,
Signs of the Times Publishing House, Phnom Penh, French Indo-China.
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo, Chosen Polyclinic of the Advent Mission,
(Korea). Tanah Tinggi 16, Batavia Centrum,
Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Medical: Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital, Ki-
keicho, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
Bangkok Mission Clinic, 4986 Plab- Soonan Dispensary-Hospital, Junan
plachai Road, Bangkok, Thailand (Soonan), Chosen.
(Siam). Tokyo Sanitarium-Hospital, 171 Ama-
Bangkok Mission Sanitarium, 807 Lan numa 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku,
Luang Road, Bangkok, Thailand. Tokyo, Japan.
Organized 1922

Territory: Mexico, Guatemala, Hondu- son, W. E. Murray, A. H. Roth, E. R.

ras, British Honduras, Salvador, Sanders.
Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Co-
lombia, Venezuela, British, Dutch, Departmental Secretaries:
and French Guiana, West Indies, Educational, Home Commission, and
Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Santo Do- Y. P. M. V., A. H. Roth.
mingo, Puerto Rico, Trinidad, Wind- Horne Missionary and Sabbath School,
ward and Leeward, also Virgin and Wesley Amundsen.
Bahama Islands. Ministerial Assn. and Religious Lib-
Population: 49,696,738 ; churches, 677 ; erty, Glenn Calkins.
members, 39,235. Publishing, W. A. Bergherm.
Transportation Agent,
Cable and Wireless Address: "Inter-
america," Balboa, Canal Zone. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Cor. Balboa and Gavi- Wesley Amundsen, W. A. Bergherm,
Ian Roads, Balboa, Canal Zone. Glenn Calkins, R. L. Odom, W. C.
(Telephone, Balboa 1349.) Raley, A. H. Roth.
Postal Address: Box 2006, Balboa, Ca- Licensed Minister: A. V. Larson.
nal Zone.
Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Mrs. Wesley Amundsen, Mrs. W. A.
President, Glenn Calkins. Bergherm, R. B. Caldwell, Mrs. R.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, B. Caldwell, Mrs. Glenn Calkins,
Grace H. Johnson, Mrs. A. V. Lar-
Asst. Sec.-Treas., E. R. Sanders. son, Mrs. R. L. Odom, Mrs. W. C.
Division Committee: Glenn Calkins, Raley, Mrs. A. H. Roth, E. R. San-
Wesley Amundsen, E. E. Andross, W. ders, Mrs. E. R. Sanders, H. I.
A. Bergherm, W. H. Bergherm, H. Smith, Mrs. H. I. Smith, A. L.
L. House, N. H. Kinzer, A. V. Lar- Tucker, Mrs. A. L. Tucker.


Reorganized 1923

Territory: The Bahamas, Cayman Is- Departmental Secretaries:

lands, Cuba, Haiti, Jamaica, Puerto Field Missionary, D. A. McAdams.
Rico, Santo Domingo, and the Turks Educational and Y. P. M. V., V. E.
and Caicos Islands. Berry.
Population: 11,559,855 ; churches, 276 ; Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
members, 17,418. H. C. Brown.
Religious Liberty, W. E. Murray.
Cable Address: "Unionantil," Havana,
Cuba. (Telephone, 1-6004). Ordained Ministers:
V. E. Berry, H. C. Brown, J. S.
Office Address: D'Strampes No. 252, Marshall, W. E. Murray, M. J. Sor-
Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba. enson.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
Superintendent, W. E. Murray. I. M. Angell, A. L. Christensen, J.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. W. Cole, D. A. McAdams.
W. Cole.
Cashier, K. H. Emmerson. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: W. E. Murray, Mrs. I. M. Angell, Mrs. H. C. Brown,
W. E. Atkin, V. E. Berry, H. C. Mrs. A. L. Christensen, Mrs. J. W.
Brown, J. W. Cole, L. L. Dunn, W. Cole, K. H. Emmerson, Mrs. K. H.
H. England, D. A. McAdams, J. S. Emmerson, Mrs. J. S. Marshall, Mrs.
Marshall, B. A. Meeker, G. C. Nickle, D. A. McAdams, Mrs. W. E. Mur-
A. G. Roth, J. B. Sales, M. J. Soren- ray, Mrs. M. J. Sorenson, C. B.
son. Smith, Mrs, C. B. Smith, Mrs. F. W.

Thorp, C. L. von Pohle, Mrs. C. L. B. Moreno, Bartolome Mufioz, E.

von Pohle, Mrs. V. E. Berry. Pupo, C. A. Rentfro.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, C. A. Rentfro.
Field Missionary, Francisco Rodriguez.
BAHAMAS MISSION Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Entered 1909 Y. P. M. V., Roberto Perez.
Territory: The Bahamas Islands in- Ordained Ministers:
cluding the Turks and Caicos, de- J. B. Sales, J. Veiga.
pendents of Jamaica.
Licensed Minister:
Population: 66,219 ; churches, 17 ; mem- E. Pupo.
bers, 549.
Licensed Missionaries:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Nassau,
Bahamas. Ana Rosa Alvarado, Raul Galeano, C.
A. Rentfro, Mrs. C. A. Rentfro, F.
Postal Address: Box 356, Nassau, Ba- Rodriguez.
Church School Teachers:
Officers: Melecina Estrada, Teresa Pallagas,
Director, B. A. Meeker. Mrs. J. I. Skyars, Felix Vasquez.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. 0. Rathbun.
Executive Committee: B. A. Meeker,
W. W. Antonio, J. B. Dean, F. 0.
Rathbun, F. Thompson. HAITIAN MISSION
Departmental Secretaries: Established 1905
Book and Bible House, F. 0. Rathbun. Territory: Republic of Haiti.
Home Missionary and Educational,
B. A. Meeker. Population: 3,126,000; churches, 33;
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., B. members, 4,023.
A. Meeker. Cable Address: "Adventiste," Port-au-
Ordained Minister: Prince, Haiti.
B. A. Meeker. Office Address: Joseph Nicolas Avenue
and Magloire Ambroise.
Licensed Ministers:
S. G. Lindo, M. G. Nembhard, F. 0. Postal Address: Casier A-65, Port-an-
Rathbun. Prince, Haiti.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
E. Lawrence, Mrs. S. G. Lindo, Mrs. Superintendent, A. G. Roth.
B. A. Meeker, Mrs. F. 0. Rathbun, Secretary-Treasurer, Julien Craan.
Paul Ward. Executive Committee: A. G. Roth,
F. D. Apollon, A. L. Christensen,
Church School Teacher: Julien Craan, A. J. Jean-Baptiste.
Eulahe Lawrence. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Julien Craan.
Field Missionary, Mathew Berming-
EAST CUBA CONFERENCE Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Organized January 18, 1941 Y. P. M. V.,
Educational, A. G. Roth.
Territory: The eastern portion of Cuba.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 1,518,034 ; churches, 24 ; F. D. Apollon, A. J. Jean-Baptiste,
members, 1,300. A. G. Roth, A. Theodore.
Office Address: Calle G. Gomez No. 65, Honorary: D. Dorsinville, M. N.
Camaguey, Cuba. Isaac.
Postal Address: Apartado 30, Cama- Licensed Ministers:
guey, Cuba. Julien Craan, N. Isaac, B. Lanoix.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
President, J. B. Sales. Napoleon Charles, M. Cherenfant, A.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. A. Rentfro. Isaac, Horatius Petigny, Mrs. A. G.
Executive Committee: J. B. Sales, Roth, A. Valcourt.

Church School Teachers: Population: 1,723,543 ; churches, 24;

J. Brutus, Renee Cantave, Carpel members, 1,370.
Desvarieux, L. P. Gibbs, E. Lator- Cable Address: "Adventista," San
tue, A. Painson, Mrs. A. Painson, G. Juan, Puerto Rico.
Rodriguez, D. St. Aubin.
Office Address: Stop 14, Santurce,
Puerto Rico.
JAMAICA CONFERENCE Postal Address: Apartado 3005, San-
turce, Puerto Rico.
Organized 1903
Territory: Island of Jamaica and Cay- Director, L. L. Dunn.
man Islands. Secretary-Treasurer, S. L. Folkenberg.
Population: 1,119,266; churches, 135; Executive Committee: L. L. Dunn,
members, 7,833. S. L. Folkenberg, M. Mendez, Pedro
Perales, R. W. Prince.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Kingston,
Jamaica. Departmental Secretaries:
Office and Postal Address: 176 Orange Book and Bible House, S. L. Folken-
Street, Kingston, Jamaica, British berg.
Field Missionary, Francisco Deyne.
West Indies. Educational, L. L. Dunn.
Officers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
President, W. E. Atkin. Y. P. M. V., P. Perales.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. S. Thompson. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: W. E. Atkin, E. Acosta, R. Bracero, L. L. Dunn,
W. S. Nation, A. C. Stockhausen, E. F. Megrant, M. Mendez, P. Perales,
W. Storing, F. S. Thompson, J. N.
J. A. Phipps, R. W. Prince.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, F. S. Thomp- S. L. Folkenberg, R. Hernandez.
son. Licensed Missionaries:
Field Missionary, A. R. Haig. P. Cardona, Francisco Deyne, Mrs.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and L. L. Dunn, Mrs. S. L. Folkenberg,
Y. P. M. V., D. V. Pond. L. Hernandez, Blanca Santiago.
Ordained Ministers: Church School Teachers:
W. E. Atkin, L. S. Crawford, F.
Fletcher, A. R. Haig, W. A. Holgate, Rosalina de Cardona, Angel Delgado,
W. S. Nation, E. E. Parchment, D. V. Ana Gonzales, Ruth Martinez, Raul
Pond, D. B. Reid, R. H. Robertson, Villanueva.
G. A. E. Smith, A. C. Stockhausen,
E. W. Storing, J. N. Williams.
Honorary: Frank Hall, W. H. Ran-
dle, L. Rashford, J. A. Reid. Organized 1924
Licensed Ministers: Territory: Republic of Santo Domihgo.
R. Harriott, F. S. Thompson. Population: 1,478,121 ; churches, 16 ;
members, 1,183.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. W. E. Atkin, Mrs. L. S. Craw- Cable Address: "Adventists," Ciudad
ford, Mrs. D. V. Pond, Miss A. W. Trujillo, Rep. Dominicans.
Sangster, Mrs. E. W. Storing, Mrs. Office Address: Avenida Mella 91, Ciu-
F. S. Thompson. dad Trujillo, Rep. Dominicans.
Church School Teachers: Postal Address: Apartado 568, Ciudad
Dell Brodie, Miss J. V. Brown, Mrs. Trujillo, Rep. Dominicans.
S. N. Gorden, A. D. Laing, Amy Officers:
Shaw, Mrs. F. S. Thompson, Miss E. Director, W. H. England.
E. Williams. Secretary-Treasurer, A. L. Edeburn.
Advisory Committee: W. H. England,
Arthur L. Edeburn, Juan Palau, J.
PUERTO RICO MISSION I. Rivera, Juan Rivera.
Organized 1909 Departmental Secretaries:
Territory: Island of Puerto Rico and Book and Bible House, Arthur L.
Viequez. Edeburn.

Field Missionary, Juan Palau. Cable Address: "Adventista," Havana,

Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Cuba. (Telephone 1-4004).
Y. P. M. V., W. Cadiz.
Educational and Religious Liberty, Office and Postal Address: Patrocinio
No. 20, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.

Ordained Ministers: Officers:

W. H. England, J. I. Rivera, Eugenio President, G. C. Nickle.
Valencia. Secretary-Treasurer, J. A. Zaragoza.
Executive Committee: G. C. Nickle,
Licensed Ministers: A. Perez, F. W. Thorp, M. Vasquez,
Jose Alonzo, A. Moreta, Juan Rivera. J. A. Zaragoza.

Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:

Pablo Decena, A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. Book and Bible House, J. A. Zaragoza.
A. L. Edeburn, Mrs. W. H. England, Field Missionary, M. A. Suarez.
Leonela Gonzalez, Juan Palau, Mrs. Home Missionary, G. C. Nickle.
J. A. Phipps, J. W. Williams. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Ramiro Alonzo.
Honorary: Mrs. L. E. Moulton.
Ordained Ministers:
Church School Teachers:
G. C. Nickle, F. W. Thorp, M. Vas-
Ana de Cabral, Josef a Felix, Evange- quez.
lina Gonzalez, Felipe Hernandez, Mrs. Honorary: Pedro Cruz.
W. Adolfo Moreta.
Licensed Ministers:
R. del So'. J. A. Zaragoza.
Licensed Missionaries:
Ramiro Alonzo, E. Girardo, Jr., E.
Organized January 18, 1941 Girardo, Sr., Rene Marcia, Mrs. G. C.
Nickle, M. A. Suarez, Valeriano Vas-
Territory: The western portion of Cuba quez.
and the Isle of Pinos.
Church School Teachers:
Population: 2,528,672. churches, 25; Waldina Lopez de Alonzo, Petronila
members, 1,160. Ozamendez, Manuel Rosado.


Organized 1926

Territory: Trinidad and Tobago, Bar- Departmental Secretaries:

bados, the Windward, Leeward, and Educational, R. E. Cash.
Virgin Islands; British, Dutch, and Field Missionary, C. A. Edwards.
French Guianas. Home Missionary, R. E. Cash.
Population: 1,982,334 ; churches, 144; Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., J.
members, 8,995. T. Carrington.
Cable Address: "Caribunion," Port-of- Ordained Ministers:
Spain, Trinidad. E. E. Andross, R. L. Badgley, J. T.
Office Address: 25 Edward St., Port-of- Carrington, R. E. Cash, C. A. Ed-
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. wards.
(Telephone 4732.) Honorary: R. T. Colthurst, Philip
Postal Address: Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: H. L. Nielsen, C. E. Stenberg.
President, E. E. Andross.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, H. Licensed Missionaries:
L. Nielsen. Mrs. E. E. Andross, Linda Austin,
Executive Committee : E. E. Andross, Mrs. R. L. Badgley, Mrs. R. E. Cash,
J. T. Carrington, R. E. Cash, A. 0. Mrs. C. A. Edwards, F. E. Hills, Mrs.
Dunn, C. A. Edwards, A. E. Hempel, F. E. Hills, Mrs. H. L. Nielsen, W. A.
Charles Manoram, H. L. Nielsen, A. E. Osborne, Mrs. C. E. Stenberg, Mrs.
Riley, C. E. Stenberg, C. B. Sutton. R. E. Thomas.


Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs.
Established 1929 Isabella Downer.
Territory: French West IndiesMar- Ordained Ministers:
' tinique, and Guadeloupe and its de- Henry Beck, A. A. Carscallen, Charles
pendencies. Manoram, 0. P. Reid, C. B. Sutton.
Population: 514,212; churches, 13;
members, 476. Licensed Minister:
E. S. Greaves.
Cable Address: "Adventiste," Fort-de-
France, Martinique. Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Casier Postal 16, Fort- R. E. Brooks, Mrs. Isabella Downer,
de-France, Martinique, F. W. I. Mrs. C. B. Sutton, W. W. Weithers.
Officers: Church School Teachers:
Director, Mrs. R. E. Brooks, Myrtle Fleming,
Secretary-Treasurer, Guiscard Sab- Enid Harris, Mrs. D. P. Mitchell,
lier. Jonathan Riley.
Executive Committee: Eugene Berle,
Henri Girard, S. B. Jean-Elie, A. H. Legal Title: "Guiana Conference of
Linzau, Guiscard Sablier. Seventh-day Adventists."
Departmental Secretaries: Mission Station:
Book and Bible House, Guiscard Sab- Roraima. Indian Mission Station
Field Missionary, Postal Address: Roraima Mission, Ku-
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, rupung, Mazaruni River, British Gui-
A. H. Linzau. ana, South America.
Y. P. M. V.. ---.
Ordained Ministers:
Eugene Berle, S. B. Jean-Elie.
Licensed Missionaries:
Reorganized 1926
Henri Girard, Louise Ledran, A. H.
Linzau. Territory: Barbados, St. Lucia, Lee-
ward and Virgin Islands, excepting
the French West Indies.
Population: 399,713 churches, 35 ;
GUIANA CONFERENCE members, 2,921.
Reorganized 1926 Cable Address: "Adventist," Barbados,
British West Indies.
Territory: British, Dutch and French
Guianas, South America. Office Address: McGregor St., Bridge-
town, Barbados, British West Indies.
Population: 531,537 ; churches, 34 ;
members, 1,670. Postal Address: Box 216, Bridgetown,
Barbados, British West Indies.
Cable Address: "Adventist," George-
town, British Guiana, South America. Officers: .
Office Address: 43 Regent Street, President, A. E. Hempel.
Georgetown, British Guiana, South Secretary-Treasurer, R. S. J. Hamil-
America. ton.
Executive Committee: A. E. Hempel,
Postal Address: Box 78, Georgetown, A. A. Fortune, C. M. Greenidge, R.
British Guiana, South America. S. J. Hamilton, W. H. Lewis, F. A.
Sebro, 0. C. Walker.
President, C. B. Sutton. Departmental Secretaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, Book and Bible House, R. S. J. Ham-
Executive Committee: C. B. Sutton, ilton.
Henry Beck, R. T. Colthurst, E. S. Educational, A. E. Hempel.
Greaves, Charles Manoram. Home Missionary, A. A. Ward.
Field Missionary, Charles Dirgoon-
Departmental Secretaries: anan.
Book and Bible House, Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Field Missionary, W. W. Weithers. Olive Edwards.

Ordained Ministers: Officers:

A. A. Fortune, R. S. J. Hamilton, President, A. 0. Dunn.
A. E. Hempel, W. H. Lewis, A. E. Secretary-Treasurer, J. W. Grounds.
Riley, C. G. Van Putten, 0. C. Executive Committee: A. 0. Dunn,
Walker. S. C. Andrews, Nathaniel Gooding,
J. W. Grounds, Nathaniel Payne, J. B.
Licensed Minister: Ramratan, John Roberts.
F. A. Sebro. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book and Bible House, J. W. Grounds ;
Olive Edwards, L. P. Giddings, Mrs. Assistant, Arthur Nobbee.
R. S. J. Hamilton, Mrs. A. E. Hem- Educational and Home Missionary,
pel, Joshua James, A. A. Ward. Nathaniel Gooding.
Field- Missionary, J. B. Ramratan.
Church School Teachers: Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Charles Gibson, Sal Greaves, Moses Camilla Beckles.
Haynes, David Lewis, Trephana Nan- Ordained Ministers:
ton, Marjorie Philpot, Elsie Rode-
rique. A. 0. Dunn, Nathaniel Gooding, C. D.
Henry, Nathaniel Payne, John Rob-
Legal Titles: The Board of Trustees of erts, T. J. Warner, J. D. Wood.
the Seventh-day Adventist Church in
the Leeward Islands. The Leeward Licensed Ministers:
Islands Conference of Seventh-day C. L. Jones, C. M. Crawford.
Adventists (Barbados).
Licensed Missionaries:
Camilla Beckles, Mrs. C. M. Craw-
ford, A. L. Darlington, Mrs. A. 0.
Osborne, J. B. Ramratan.
Reorganized 1925
Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Grenada, Church School Teachers:
the Grenadines, and St. Vincent. Iona Bernard, Prisca Elder, Gertrude
Population: 536,872 ; churches, 62 ; Foster, Priscilla Fraser, George Riley,
members, 3,928. John Sergeant, Phillipa Thorne, Reu-
ben Wilson.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Port-of-
Spain, Trinidad . Legal Titles: The Incorporated Trustees
of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Office Address: 31 Dundonald St., Port- in Trinidad and Tobago. Also: The
of-Spain, Trinidad, British West In- Incorporated Trustees of the Seventh-
dies. (Telephone, 6401.) day Adventist Church in St. Vincent.


Reorganized 1926

Territory: Bay Islands, British Hondu- Orley Ford, A. V. Larson, F. I. Mohr,

ras, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Hondu- P. Nygaard, F. W. Steeves, C. E.
ras, Nicaragua, Panama, Salvador. Westphal, W. A. Wild.
Population 7,461,082 ; churches, 108 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 4,934. Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home
Missionary, H. M. Larrabee.
Cable Address: "Adventista," San Jose, Field Missionary, F. W. Steeves.
Costa Rica. Sabbath School, H. M. Larrabee.
Postal Address: Apartado 1059, San Jose, Ordained Minister: N. H. Kinzer.
Costa Rica, Central America. (Tele-
phone, 3359.) Licensed Ministers:
Officers: David Garcia, H. M. Larrabee, F. I.
Superintendent, N. H. Kinzer.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, F. I. Licensed Missionaries:
Mohr. H. L. Higgins, Mrs. H. L. Higgins,
Cashier, H. L. Higgins. Mrs. N. H. Kinzer, Mrs. H. M. Lar-
Executive Committee: N. H. Kinzer, rabee, Lilia Levy, B. W. Miller, Mrs.

H. W. Miller, Mrs. F. I. Mohr, C. F. GUATEMALA MISSION

Montgomery, Mrs. C. F. Montgomery, Reorganized 1927
Dorothy A. Ninaj, F. W. Steeves,
Mrs. F. W. Steeves. Territory: The Republic of Guatemala.
Population: 2,466,227 ; churches, 10 ;
members, 625.
Reorganized 1937 Cable Address: "Adventista," Guate-
mala, Central America.
Territory: The Colony of British Hon- Postal Address: Apartado 218, Guate-
duras. mala, Republic of Guatemala, Cen-
tral America.
Population: 51,347 ; churches, 9 ; mem-
bers, 351. Officers:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Belize, Director, W. A. Wild.
British Honduras. Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Marie Fan-
Postal Address: Box 123, Belize, British Executive Committee: W. A. Wild,
Honduras. Jose C. Aguilar, Mrs. Marie Fanselau,
D. Santos.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
Director, N. H. Kinzer (acting).
Secretary-Treasurer, F. I. Mohr (act- Book and Bible House, Mrs. Marie
ing). Field Missionary, D. Santos.
Ordained Minister: L. L. Garbutt. Home Missionary, W. A. Wild.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Mrs. W. A. Wild.
COSTA RICA MISSION Ordained Ministers:
J. C. Aguilar, W. A. Wild.
Organized 1927
Licensed Minister:
Territory: Republic of Costa Rica. Fulton Archbold.
Population: 591,862 ; churches, 16 ; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 641.
Mrs. Marie Fanselau, Fco. Molina,
Cable Address: "Adventista," San Jose, G. Orozco, D. Santos, Mrs. W. A.
Costa Rica, Central America. Wild.
Postal Address: Apartado 1325, San
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
(Telephone, 3359.)
Director, Orley Ford. Reorganized 1937
Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Robinson.
Executive Committee: Orley Ford, Territory: Republic of Honduras.
S. Farrell, A. G. Robinson, F. W.
Steeves. Population: 962,685; churches, 17
members, 663.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, A. G. Robin- Cable Address: "Adventists," La Ceiba,
son. Honduras, Central America.
Field Missionary, F. W. Steeves. Postal Address: La Ceiba, Republie of
Home Missionary and Educational,
Honduras, Central Amdrica.
Orley Ford.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Officers:
Orley Ford. Director, C. E. Westphal.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, Mayme Wright.
Executive Committee: C. E. West-
S. Farrell: Orley Ford. phal, M. Hyde, D. Moncada, E. E.
Licensed Ministers: Neblett, Mayme W. Wright.
J. Vela, Ed. Ruiloba. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book and Bible House, Mayme W.
Mrs. Orley Ford, A. G. Robinson. Wright.

Field Missionary, D. Moncada. Population: 467,459 ; churches, 38;

Home Missionary, C. E. Westphal. members, 1,789.
Sabbath School, Mayme W. Wright.
Y. P. M. V., Mrs. C. E. Westphal. Cable and Wireless Address: "Advent-
ist," Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Masonic Temple, Elev-
R. T. Rankin, C. E. Westphal. enth and Bolivar Sts., Cristobal, Ca-
Licensed Minister: nal Zone. (Telephone 3-1325.)
I. Vasquez. Postal- Address: Box M, Cristobal, Ca-
Licensed Missionaries: nal Zone.
A. E. Lutz, Mrs. A. E. Lutz, Mrs. C. Officers:
E. Westphal, Mayme W. Wright. President,
Honorary: David Haylock. Secretary-Treasurer, W. L. Adams.
Executive Committee :
W. L. Adams, B. L. Archbold, A. E.
Connor, A. V. Larson, R. T. Newball,
C. W. Omphroy, B. F. Perez, C. E.
Organized 1928 Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, W. L. Adams.
Territory: Republic of Nicaragua and Field Missionary, C. E. Townsend.
Corn Island. Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and
Educational, B. L. Archbold.
Population: 1,133,572 ; churches, 8 ;
members, 359. Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventista," Managua, W. L. Adams, Ishmael Ellis, A. A.
Nicaragua. Grizzle, R. R. Mattison, A. R. Ogden,
B. F. Perez.
Postal Address: Apartado 92, Managua, Licensed Ministers:
Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America.
B. L. Archbold, Samuel Clarke, C. E.
Officers: Townsend.
Director, R. G. Jones. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Jones.
Executive Committee: R. G. Jones, Mrs. W. L. Adams, Mrs. B. L. Arch-
0. D. Andrean, M. Mejia. bold, Mrs. R. R. Mattison, Mrs. B. F.
Perez, Mildred Skeete, Mrs. C. E.
Departmental Secretaries: Townsend, B. 0. Villareal, Roy Wil-
Book and Bible House, Educational,
and Home Missionary, R. G. Jones. Honorary : R. T. Newhall.
Field Missionary,
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs.
R. G. Jones.
Ordained Ministers:
0. D. Andrean, R. G. Jones. Reorganized 1927
Territory: The Republic of El Salvador,
Licensed Ministers: Central America.
D. Thomann, Eduardo Revelo.
Population: 1,787,930; churches, 10;
Licensed Missionaries: members, 506.
Roger Brooks, Mrs. R. G. Jones, Ru-
ben Ruiz, Mrs. D. Thomann. Cable Address: "Adventists," San Sal-
vador, El Salvador, Central America.
Office Address: 8a Ave. Norte No. 57,
San Salvador, RepUblica de El Salva
PANAMA CONFERENCE dor, Central America.

Organized 1906 Officers:

Director, P. Nygaard.
Territory: Republic of Panama, Canal Secretary-Treasurer, T. J. Galliano.
Zone, Talamanca Valley (Costa Executive Committee: P. Nygaard,
Rica), and the islands of Old Provi- Eduardo Acosta, Carlos- de la Roca,
dence and San Andres (Colombia). Tomas J. Galliano, Jorge M. Hasbun.

Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:

Book and Bible House, Tomas J. Gal- Eduardo Acosta, Victor Printemps.
Field Missionary, Carlos de la Roca.
Home Missionary and Educational, Licensed Missionaries:
P. Nygaard.
Sabbath School, T. J. Galliano. Carlos de la Roca, Tomas J. Galliano,
Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Eduard Acosta.
Mrs. P. Nygaard, Rafael B. Saga-
Ordained Minister:
P. Nygaard. stume.


Organized 1927

Territory: The Republics of Colombia, ATLANTIC COLOMBIA MISSION

Venezuela, and the Islands of Cura-
cao, Aruba and Bonaire. Organized 1926
Population: 12,289,447 ; churches, 47 ; Territory: Departments of Atlantico,
members, 2,546. Bolivar, Magdalena, and the territory
of La Guajira, Ocaiia district of
Cable and Wireless Address: "Advent- North Santander, and that part of
ista," Medellin, Colombia, South Choco and Antioquia that lies north
America. of 7.5 degrees.
Office Address: Carrera 72, No. 44-57, Population: 1,774,616; churches, 14 ;
Medellin, Colombia South America. members, 660.
Postal Address: Apartado 39, Medellin, Cable Address: "Adventists," Barran-
Colombia, South America. quilla, Colombia, South America.
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo Apar- Office Address: Calle Magdalena es-
tado 609, Medellin, Colombia, South quina Carrera Cuartel, Barranquilla,
America. Colombia, South America.
Officers: Postal Address: Apartado 261, Barran-
quilla, Colombia, South America.
Superintendent, W. H. Bergherm.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A. Officers:
P. Christiansen. Director, E. M. Trummer.
Executive Committee: W. H. Berg- Secretary-Treasurer, C. A. Woodland.
herm, W. E. Baxter, G. W. Chapman, Executive Committee: E. M. Trum-
A. P. Christiansen, L. H. Gardiner, mer, Gilberto Bustamante, G. Laguna,
R. 0. Garner, M. E. Lowry, L. H. M. J. Martinez, C. A. Woodland.
Olson, A. R. Sherman, E. M. Trum-
mer, W. H. Wineland. Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, C. A. Wood-
Departmental Secretaries: land.
Educational, R. 0. Garner. Field Missionary, Gregorio Laguna.
Sabbath School, Mabel L. Head. Home Missionary, E. M. Trummer.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
W. H. Bergherm. Mrs. C. A. Woodland.
Field Missionary, M. E. Lowry.
Ordained Minister: E. M. Trummer.
Ordained Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
W. H. Bergherm, G. W. Chapman, Jose Martinez, C. A. Woodland.
R. 0. Garner.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Ministers: Aquilino Gonzales, Mrs. E. M. Trum-
A. P. Christiansen, L. E. Greenidge, mer, Mrs. C. A. Woodland.
M. E. Lowry.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. W. H. Bergherm, Mrs. G. W.
Chapman, Mrs. A. P. Christiansen, Organized 1934
Mrs. R. 0. Garner, Mrs. R. E. Green- Territory: Islands of Aruba, Bonaire
idge, Mabel L. Head, Mrs. M. E. and Curacao, Netherlands West In-
Lowry, Esther Pierce. dies.

Population: 103,000 ; churches, 2 ; mem- Ordained Minister: L. H. Olson.

bers, 121.
Licensed Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventist," Curacao Vicente Moreno, Jorge Rendon, Moises
(N. W. I.). Valdez.
Office and Postal Address: Piscadera- Licensed Missionaries:
weg 22, Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Neth-
erlands West Indies. Pedro Gonzalez, Tirso Escandon, Mrs.
L. H. Olson.
Director, L. H. Gardiner.
Secretary-Treasurer, L. H. Gardiner.
Executive Committee: L. H. Gardi- UPPER MAGDALENA MISSION
ner, Mrs. L. H. Gardiner, Fred La- Reorganized 1929
Territory: Departments of Cundina-
Departmental Secretaries: marca, Boyaca, Tolima, Huila, San-
Book and Bible House, Mrs. L. H. tander, and Santander del Norte ex-
Gardiner. cept the 'Deana district north ; and
Field Missionary and Home Mission- the territories of Vichada, Meta, Vau-
ary, L. H. Gardiner. pes, Arauca, Caqueta and Amazonas.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Mrs. Population: 3,599,176 ; churches, 11 ;
L. H. Gardiner. members, 656.
Ordained Minister: L. H. Gardiner. Cable Address: "Adventists," Bogota,
Licensed Missionaries: Colombia.
Ignacio Carrillo, Mrs. L. H. Gardiner. Office Address: Luna Park, Bogota,
Colombia, South America.
Legal Board of "Advent Zendingsge-
nootschap," L. H. Gardiner, Mrs. L. Postal Address: Apartado Nacional de
H. Gardiner, Fred Labega, D. Mar- Correos No. 436, Bogota, Colombia,
tyn, Jacob Myers. South America.
Director, W. E. Baxter.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. L. Powers.
PACIFIC COLOMBIA MISSION Executive Committee: W. E. Baxter,
Reorganized 1929 R. D. Fleitas, C. J. Plata, Eugenio
Plata, C. L. Powers.
Territory: Departments of El Valle,
Cauca, Naritio, CaIdes, the comisariat Departmental Secretaries:
of Putumayo, and that part of Choco Book and Bible House, C. L. Powers.
and Antioquia that lies south of 7.5 Field Missionary, Rafael Fleitas.
degrees. Sabbath School, Mrs. W. E. Baxter.
Population: 3,321,597 ; churches, 9 ; Y. P. M. V., and Home Missionary,
members, 459. C. J. Plata.
Cable Address: "Adventista," Cali, Co- Ordained Ministers:
lombia, South America. W. E. Baxter, Eugenio Plata.
Office Address: Carrera 7a, No. 15-68, Licensed Ministers:
Cali, Colombia, South America. Rafael Fleitas, C. J. Plata.
Postal Address: Apartado 313, Cali, Co- Licensed Missionaries:
lombia, South America. Mrs. W. E. Baxter, Juan, Mejia,
Officers: C. L. Powers, Mrs. C. L. Powers.
Director, L. H. Olson.
Secretary-Treasurer, Tirso Escandon.
Executive Committee: L. H. Olson, VENEZUELA MISSION
Tirso Escandon, Pedro Gonzalez, Vi-
cente Moreno, Jorge Rendon. Territory: 'Republic of Venezuela.
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 3,491,159; churches, 11;
Book and Bible House; Tirso Escan- members. 650.
don. Cable Address: "Adventista," Caracas,
Field Missionary, Pedro Gonzalez. Venezuela.
Home Missionary, L. H. Olson.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Office Address: Carrel a pilita No. 2,
Y. P. M. V.; Mrs. L. H. Olson. Caracas, Venezuela.

Postal Address: Apartado 986, Caracas, Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath School,

Venezuela, South America. Mrs. A. R. Sherman.
Home Missionary, A. R. Sherman.
Officers: Ordained Ministers:
Director, A. R. Sherman. Julio Garcia, D., A. R. Sherman.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Fite.
Executive Committee: A. R. Sherman, Licensed Ministers:
Jorge Escandon, R. Fite, Julio Gar- Alberto Acosta, Wm. E. Baxter, Jr..
cia, D., D. Rodriguez. Jorge Escandon.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Missionaries:
Book and Bible House, R. Fite'. Francisco Cabrera, R. Fite, Mrs. R.
Educational, Fite', J. A. Lamas, Mrs. A. R. Slit r.
Field Missionary, Jorge Escandon. man.


Organized 1923

Territory: The Republic of Mexico. CENTRAL MEXICAN MISSION

Population: 16,404,020 ; churches, 104 ; Organized 1924
members, 5,342. Territory: The northern half of Vera
Cable Address: "Adventista," Monter- Cruz and Puebla, the states of Hi
rey, N. L., Mexico. dalgo, Guerrero, Morelos, Queretaro,
Tlaxcala, Guanajuato, Michoacan and
Office Address: Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- Mexico.
terrey, N. L., Mexico.
Population: 7,338,229 ; churches, 19. ;
Officers: members, 1,524.
Superintendent,, H. F. House.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. G. Cable Address: "Adventists," Mexico,
Petty. D. F.
Executive Committee: H. F. House, Office Address: Agricultura 79, Colonia
Max Fuss, C. E. Moon, W. R. Mul-
holland, A. G. Parfitt, J. G. Pettey, Escandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Emiliano Ponce, J. A. Salazar. Postal Address: Apartado No. 8, Tacu-
Departmental Secretaries: baya, D. F., Mexico.
Field Missionary, W. R. Mulholland. Officers:
Home Missionary and Medical, C. E. Director, Emiliano Ponce.
Moon. Secretary-Treasurer, A. J. Calderon.
Sabbath School and Educational, C. P. Executive Committee: Emiliano
Crager. Ponce, Rafael Arroyo, A. J. Calderon,
Y. P. M. V., H. F. House. Gilberto Corona, H. F. House, Jose
Ordained Ministers: Leor, A. G. Parfitt.
C. P. Crager, H. F. House, C. E. Departmental Secretaries:
Moon, A. G. Parfitt. Field Missionary, Gilberto Corona.
Licensed Ministers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., Rafael Arroyo.
Rafael Munoz, W. R. Mulholland,
J. G. Pettey. Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionaries: Rafael Arroyo, Jose Carpintero,
Emiliano Ponce.
Raymundo Garza, Mrs. H. F. House,
Mrs. C. E. Moon, Mrs. W. R. Mul- Licensed Ministers:
holland, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt, Mrs. J. G. A. T. Baez, A. J. Calderon, V. M.
Pettey, Felipa Trevino. Calvo, Gilberto Corona, Abraham
Honorary: Mrs. Juana de Sauza, Mrs. Paez, Benigno Velazquez.
Gregoria M. de Vera, Mrs. E. 0. de
Verduzco, Demetrio Gonzalez, Vir- Licensed Missionaries:
ginia Hernandez, J. G. Rojas, Chris- Antonio Alarcon, Sra. Luz U. de
tian Schultz. Baez, Sra. E. 0. de Verduzco, Eus-

tano Hernandez, Ana Maria Johnson, Postal Address: Apartado 605, Guadala-
Jose Leor, Maria Sollano. jara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Agencia de Publicaciones Mexico Cen- Offiaers:
tral, Postal Address, Apartado 13,
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Secre- Director, J. A. Salazar.
tary, Jose Leor. Secretary-Treasurer, Julio Morgado.
Executive Committee : J. A. Salazar,
M. L. Flores, H. F. House, Julio
Morgado, M. E. Olsen.
GULF MISSION Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1924 Field Missionary, M. E. Olsen.
Home Missionary, J. A. Salazar.
Territory: The states of Coahuila, Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi, Tamau- Julio Morgado.
lipas, Chilhuahua, Durango, Zacatecaz,
and Aguascalientes. Ordained Ministers:
Population: 3,238,482 ; churches, 23 ; J. A. Salazar, F. B. Zaynos.
members, 922. Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Calle Hidalgo Sur 114, Alfonso Castillo, Julio Morgado, M. E.
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Olsen, Alfonso Rodriguez.
Postal Address: Apartado 139, Saltillo, Licensed Missionaries:
Coahuila, Mexico. Francisco Cortez, M. L. Flores, Este-
Officers: ban Leon, Lydia Salazar, Cleofas
Director, H. F. House.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. L. Dinius. Agencia de Publicaciones del Pacifico:
Executive Committee: H. F. House, Postal Address, Apartado 605,
. Melchor Covarrubias, C. L. Dinius, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Sec.,
Jose Quintero, V. A. Sauza. M. L. Flores.
Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, Jose Quintero.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and TEHUANTEPEC MISSION
Y. P. M. V., V. A. Sauza.
Organized 1924
Ordained Ministers:
Jose Castillo, C. L. Dinius, J. E. Territory: The states of Chiapas,
Perez, A. E. Torres. Oaxaca and southern halves of the
states of Puebla, and Veracruz,
Licensed Ministers: Mexico, Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco,
Jose Corral, Daniel Landeros, Israel and Territory of Quintana Roo.
Lopez, Jose Quintero, Francisco
Population: 3,560,485; churches, 52 ;
Reyes, V. A. Sausa. members, 2,539.
Licensed Missionaries:
Cable Address: "Adventista," Puebla,
Melchor Corvarrubias, Mrs. C. L. Mexico.
Dinius, Della Mendoza, Manuel
Nunez, Francisco Parades, Elizabeth Office Address: Calle 9 Poniente 1702,
Perez, Maria. Trevino, Raquel Torres. Puebla, Pue., Mexico. (Telephone,
Agencia de Publicaciones del Golfo: Mexicana 3404.)
Postal Address, Apartado 22, Sal-
tillo, Coahuila, Mexico. Sec., Mel- Postal Address: Apartado 107, Puebla,
chor Covarrubias. Puebla, Mexico.
Director, Max Fuss.
Secretary-Treasurer, H. A. B. Robin-
Organized 1924 Executive Committee: Max Fuss, H.
F. House, Ignacio Ponce, H. A. B.
Territory: The states of Jalisco, Co- Robinson, Vicente Rodriguez, J. A.
lima, Sonora, and Lower California. Williams.
Population: 2,266,824 ; churches, 10 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 357.
Field Missionary, J. A. Williams.
Office Address: Avenida Libertad 747, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Y. P. M. V., Vicente Rodriguez.

Ordained Ministers: Colege Vertieres, Casier A-115, Port-

Cornelio Aquino, Ladislao Arriaga, au-Prince, Haiti.
Simon Conde, Max Fuss, Aurelio Colegia Adventista de las Antillas,
Jimenez, Vicente Rodriguez, Paciente Apartado 329, Santa Clara, Cuba.
Trinidad. Colombia-Venezuela Union Training
School, Apartado 224, Medellin, Co-
Licensed Ministers: lombia, South America.
Institute Biblico, Calle Prosperidad
Jose Castrejon, De La Paz Matus, 85, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Cutberto Moctezuma, H. A. B. Rob- West Indian Training College, Post
inson, J. A. Williams. Office Box 22, Mandeville, Jamaica,
B. W. I.
Licensed Missionaries:
Josue Fernandez, Mrs. Max Fuss, Publishing:
Buenaventura Gudiel, Marcario Gu- Pacific Press Publishing Association,
tierrez, Erasto Jimenez, Francisco Inter-American Branch, Box 6007,
Jimenez, Ildelisa Lara, Jose Ma. Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Mena, Ignacio Ponce, Xavier Ponce,
Mrs. H. A. B. Robinson, Ofelia Ro- Dispensaries:
mero, Arturo Vargas. Benito Juarez Dispensary, Calle 9
Libreria Mexicana del Sur: Postal Poniente 1702, Puebla, Pue., Mex-
Address, Apartado 288, Puebla, ico.
Pue., Mexico. Office Address, Calle Clinica Adventists de Monterrey,
9 Poniente 1702, Puebla, Pue., Mex- Calle Vallarta Sur 644, Monterrey,
, ico. Secretary, Ignacio Ponce. N. L., Mexico.
Clinics Tacubaya, Calle Agricultura
73, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Clinics Adventists de Saltillo, Calle
Hidalgo Sur 114, Saltillo, Cosh.,
AMERICAN DIVISION Dispensary, Agua Escondida, Villa
Allende, Chiapas, Mexico.
Educational: Dispensary Libertad, Lista de Correos,
Academia Adventista Hispanoameri- Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico.
cana, Apartado 1320, San Jose, Dispensary No. 1 de Chiapas, Morelos
Costa Rica, Central America. 57, Huamanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico.
Caribbean Training College, Box 175, Veracruz Dispensary, Dias Aragon 51,
Port-of-Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Veracruz, Ver., Mexico.
Organized 1928

Territory: British Isles, Denmark, Nor- which make it impossible for the North-
way, Sweden, Finland, Estonia, Lat- ern European Division to function in
via, Lithuania, Iceland, Greenland, the usual manner, the Division interests
Faroes, Pemba, Zanzibar, French are being administered temporarily by
Guinea, Ivory Coast, Niger, Dahomey, the General Conference Committee from
Upper Volta, French Sudan, and that its headquarters in Washington, D. C.,
portion of French Equatorial Africa U. S. A.
and French Cameroons lying north of
latitude 10 North extending North to General Conference Transportation
Lybia and Algeria, Nigeria, Liberia, Agent: C. IL Anscombe, 41 Hazel Gar-
Gold Coast, Togo, Sierra Leone, Gam-' dens, Edgware, Middlesex, England;
bia ; comprising the Baltic, British, Telephone: Edgware '7758 ; Cable Ad-
East Nordic and West Nordic Union dress, "Adventist, London." Tele-
Conferences; the Nigerian, and Gold grams, "Adventist, Phone, London."
Coast Union Missions.
Legal Association: "World Wide Advent
Population: 113,775,310 ; churches, 478 ; Missions, Limited." President, W. E.
members, 28,875. Read ; Secretary, W. T. Bartlett ;
Because of war conditions in the field Treasurer, C. H. Anscombe.


Organized 1923

Territory: Estonia, Latvia, and Lithu- Honorary: A. Klement.

Licensed Ministers:
Population: 5,635,942 ; churches, 81 ; A. Kallaste, E. Kanna, V. Karmas,
members, 5,098. V. Suve, J. Vilba, R. Vinglas.
Office Address: Merepuiestee 14a, Tal- Licensed Missionaries:
linn, Estonia. A. Kaldma, E. Laimets, J. Ney, H.
Pilt, Mrs. N. Seestrand, Miss L. Tali,
V. Viirsalu.

Organized 1912
Territory: Estonia. Organized 1920
Population: 1,126,413; churches, 39; Territory: Latvia.
members, 2,019.
Office Address: Merepuiestee 14a, Tal- Population: 2,010,000 ; churches, 28;
linn, Estonia. members, 2,885.
Officers: Cable Address: "Advent," Riga.
President, E. Magi. Office Address: Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Secretary, Latvia.
Treasurer, A. Kallaste.
Executive Committee: E. Magi, A. Officers:
Aug, E. Kell, A. Paaksi, V. Suve, J. President, J. Oltins.
Vaga. Vice-President, E. Klotins.
Secretary, A. Colders.
Departmental Secretaries: Treasurer, A. Jurkevics.
Educational, R. Vinglas. Executive Committee: J. Oltins, A.
Field Missionary, V. Viirsalu. Colders, A. Jurkevics, E. Klatins, R.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Vilsons.
Y. P. M. V., V. Suve.
Religious Liberty, E. Magi. Departmental Secretaries:
Ordained Ministers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Welfare Missionary, A. Colders..
A. Aug, M. Barengrub, J. Daniel, E. Y. P. M. V., E. Klotins.
Magi, L. Nikkar. Field Missionary, V. Arius.

Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Vakieciu g-ve 57,

Kaunas, Lithuania.
0. Balodis, J. Birzins, J. Colderis,
A. Colders, J. Drikis, A. Eglitis, K.
Fogelis, E. Grinbergs, A. Jurkevics, Officers :
E. Klotins, E. Krievs, P. Macanovs, Director, A. Birzgal.
J. Oltins, D. Platonovs, P. Purmalis, Secretary-Treasurer, K. Strazdauskas.
K. Sutta. Executive Committee: A. Birzgal, P.
Kaltanas, J. Simonaitis, K. Straz-
Licensed Ministers: dauskas.
R. Auzins, A. Lejnieks, A. Mednis.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
L. Colders, A. Dambis, J. Lapa, V. Field Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
Spruds, M. Stumbergs, A. Vilerts, K. Strazdauskas.
V. Vilmanis. . Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
A. Birzgal.
Ordained Minister: A. Birzgal.
Organized 1920 Licensed Minister: V. Krause.
Territory: Lithuania. Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 2,499,529 ; churches, 14 ; P. Bluzmanas, A. Rusteika, K. Straz-
members, 194. dauskas.


Organized 1920

Territory: England, Wales, Scotland, Ordained Ministers:

Northern Ireland, Irish Free State G. W. Baird, W. L. Emmerson, J.
and adjacent Isles. Harker, J. M. Howard, H. W. Lowe,
W. G. C. Murdoch.
Population: 49,196,724; churches, 92;
members, 5,908. Honorary: H. F. De'Ath, E. G. Es-
sery, S. Joyce, W. H. Meredith, E. B.
Cable Address: "Advent," Watford, Phillips, P. C. Poley, A. S. Rodd, A.
Herts, England. Watson, J. B. West, R. Whiteside,
A. H. Williams.
Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
Herts, England. (Telephone, Garston Licensed Ministers:
2251-2.) A. Carey, J. C. Craven, C. F. W.
Officers: Futcher, N. H. Knight, L. Norming-
ton, A. J. Raitt, P. Schuil, E. E.
President, H. W. Lowe. White.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A.
Carey. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: H. W. Lowe, W. G. Baldry, J. Rigby, A. H. Thomp-
A Carey, E. E. Craven, W. L. Em- son, A. Warren.
merson, J. Harker, J. M. Howard,
R. S. Joyce, S. G. Hyde, G. D. King, Legal Assn.: British Advent Missions,
J. A. McMillan, W. G. C. Murdoch, Limited ; chairman, H. W. Lowe ; sec-
J. Rigby, A. Warren. retary, A. Carey.
General Conference Transportation
Agent: C. H. Anscombe, 41 Hazel
Gardens, Edgware, Middlesex ; Tele- IRISH MISSION
phone, Edgware 7758 ; Cable Address, Organized 1902
"Adventist, London" : Telegrams,
"Adventist, Phone, London." Territory: Northern Ireland and Irish
Free State.
Departmental Secretaries:
Population: 4,258,854 ; churches, 3 ;
Educational W. G. C. Murdoch. members, 207.
Field Missionary, J. M. Howard.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
Y. P. M. V., J. Harker. Herts., England.

Officers: Licensed Missionaries:

Director, E. E. Craven, S. D. A. Miss E. Adair, Miss E. A. Buck, Miss
Church, Florenceville Ave., Ormeau A. F. Clarke, Miss B. Cleary, Miss
Road, Belfast, Ireland. J. M. Cowan, Miss L. C. Elias, Miss
Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry, H. M. Ford, Miss L. Gardner, Miss
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., G. H. Goodier, Miss J. Handysides,
England. Miss I. Himsworth, Miss L. Mason,
Advisory Committee: E. E. Craven, Miss 5.. Mitchell, Miss R. Richardson,
J. G. Bevan, J. Houston, A. Johnston, Miss Stendall.
A. C. Vine.
Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, J. M. Howard. SCOTTISH MISSION
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Organized 1902
Y. P. M. V., J. Harker.
Territory: Scotland, including The Heb-
Ordained Ministers: rides, Orkneys, and Shetlands.
J. G. Bevan, E. E. Craven, A. C.
Population: 4,842,980; churches, 5 ;
Vine, L. A. Watson.
members, 315.
Licensed Ministers:
Office: 15 Rowallen Gardens, Broomhill,
R. W. Dougerty, E. Zins.
Glasgow 1, Scotland.
Licensed Missionary: Miss M. Kirby.
Director, J. A. McMillan.
NORTH ENGLAND CONFERENCE Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry.
Organized 1904 ; Reorganized 1928 Advisory Committee : J. A. McMillan,
A. L. Barr, L. G. Hardinge, R. Ken-
Territory: The counties of Lancashire, nedy, G. McNaughten, D. Thompson.
Yorkshire, Durham, Cheshire, Isle
of Man, Westmoreland, Cumberland, Departmental Secretaries:
Northumberland, Derbyshire, Notting- Field Missionary, J. M. Howard.
hamshire, Lincolnshire, Staffordshire, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Northamptonshire, Rutland, Leices- Y. P. M. V., J. Harker.
tershire, Worcestershire, Warwick-
shire. Ordained Ministers:
L. G. Hardinge, J. A. McMillan, D.
Population: 19,015,553 ; churches, 31 ; Morrison.
members, 1,833.
Licensed Ministers:
Office: 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Park, E. A. Butters, H. T. Johnson.
Nottingham, England. (Telephone,
Nottingham 66312.) Licensed Missionaries:
Officers: Miss J. Archibald, Miss R. Gowlett,
Miss B. Hanna.
President, R. S. Joyce.
Secretary-Treasurer, F. D. Buckle.
Executive Committee: R. S. Joyce, G.
Baird, B. Belton, F. D. Buckle, W.
Madgwick, E. Merchant, H. Rhodes. Organized 1902; Reorganized 1928
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The Counties of Cornwall,
Field Missionary, B. Belton. Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Gloucester,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Wilts, Oxford, Berks., Bucks., Hants.,
Y. P. M. V., B. E. Sparrow. Surrey, Sussex, Kent, London, Middle-
sex, Hertford, Bedford, Huntingdon,
Ordained Ministers: Cambridge, Norfolk, Suffolk, Essex,
J. E. Bell, A. F. Bird, W. J. Cannon, Isle of Wight, and the Channel Is-
R. S. Joyce, S. G. Joyce, W. M. Len- lands.
nox, H. W. McCrow, W. R. A. Madg- Population: 18,130,406; churches, 45;
wick, W. Maudsley, L. Murdoch, B. E. members, 3,079.
Office: 780 St. Albans Road, Watford,
Licensed Ministers: Herts., England. (Phone, Garston
B. Belton, F. D. Buckle, D. J. Clarke, (Watford) 2213-4.)
D. Conroy, F. Edwards, K. Elias,
E. H. Foster, J. C. French, D. J. Officers:
Handysides, B. F. Kinman, K. Lacey, President, G. D. King.
S. H. Parkin, R. D. Vine. Secretary-Treasurer, J. H. Parkin.

Executive Committee: G. D. King, dale, Miss A. E. West, E. E. White,

W. W. Armstrong, H. Benwell, W. H. Miss W. Willis, A. J. Woodfield.
Meredith, A. J. Mustard, J. H. Par-
kin, E. R. Warland, A. H. Williams.
Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, A. W. Cook. WELSH MISSION
Educational, Home Missionary, Sab- Organized 1902
bath School, and Y. P. M. V., E. R.
Warland. Territory: Principality of Wales, Coun-
Ordained Ministers: ties of Monmouthshire, Shropshire,
and Herefordshire.
A. K. Armstrong, W. W. Armstrong,
F. C. Bailey, J. H. Bayliss, G. R. Bell, Population: 2,948,931 ; churches, 8 ;
R. T. Bolton, C. R. Bonney, S. Bull, members, 474.
0. M. Dorland, G. D. King, L. E. A.
Lane, A. J. Mustard, W. J. Nicholson, Office: Stanborough Park, Watford,
F. A. Spearing, L. D. Vince, E. R. Herts., England.
Licensed Ministers: Director, S. G. Hyde, "Ventnor,"
E. Ashton, R. H. Bainbridge, A. W. Tyglass Road, Llanishen, Cardiff,
Cook, E. Cox, P. Cummings, A. E. Glam.
Farrow, A. W. Howard, J. D. Maffey, Secretary-Treasurer, W. G. Baldry,
L McGougan, J. H. Parkin, 0. H. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Rosier, G. Roper, L. Shaw, R. H. England.
Smith, A. G. Tapping, R. A. Vince, Advisory Committee: S. G. Hyde,
J. P. West, F. J. Wilmshurst, A. J. F. S. Jackson, R. Jacques, J. Ruther-
Woodfield. ford, F. E. Powell.
Licensed Missionaries: Departmental Secretaries:
Miss W. Buckle, Miss M. Clements, Field Missionary, J. M. Howard.
Miss 0. C. Davies, Miss E. Donaldson, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Miss R. V. Foster, Miss M. P. Graves, Y. P. M. V., J. Harker.
Miss E. Guntrip, Miss M. John, Miss
M. L. Keough, Miss M. L. Lane, Miss Ordained Ministers:
K. Mahon, Miss E. M. Powell, Miss T. H. Cooper, S. G. Hyde, F. S,
V. Warren. Jackson, H. K. Munson.
Honorary: Mrs. M. E. Brooks, Mrs. Licensed Ministers:
D. Casey. H. Humphries, J. R. Lewis.
Church School Teachers: Licensed Missionaries:
Miss B. Coupland, Miss V. M. Lauder- Miss M. Mason, Miss L A. Hapgood.


Organized 1931

Territory: Sweden and Finland. Miettinen, A. Rintala, Vilh. Sucks-

Population: 10,036,333 ; churches, 95 ; Departmental Secretaries:
members, 5,861.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., David
Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm, Carlsson.
Sweden. Medical, V. Sucksdorff.
Publishing and Home Missionary, S.
Office Address: Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Jonasson.
holm, Sweden. Sabbath School, G. A. Lindsay.
Ordained Ministers:
0. Angervo, G. A. Lindsay, C. Gid-
President, G. A. Lindsay. lund, S. Jonasson.
Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, A. Karlman.
. Executive Committee: G. A. Lindsay, Honorary: K. A. Farnstriim, A. J.
Alfr. Anderson, A. Blomstedt, C. Settergren, J. Wallenkampf.
Gidlund, S. Jonasson, A. Karlman, Licensed Missionaries:
E. H. Larsson, John Larsson, Y. A. Karlman, V. Sucksdorff.

FINLAND CONFERENCE Ordained Ministers:

G. Forsblom, John Larsson.
Organized 1929
Licensed Minister: H. Olsson.
Territory: Finland.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 3,443,923 ; churches, 26; Helge Nyholm, Elsa OlauSen, Lydia
members, 2,280. Sandholm.
Office: Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Secretary-Treasurer, T. Heinonen. Organized 1929
Executive Committee: A. Rintala, A.
Arasola, T. Heinonen, 0. Jaakkola, Territory: Northern part of Sweden.
Y. Miettinen, E. Rosengren, E. Saari. Population: 3,158,304: churches, 30;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 1,615.
Field Missionary, I. Heikkinen. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., 0. Peltonen. Office: Tunnelgatan 26, Stockholm,
Ordained Ministers:
A. Arasola, V. Kohtanen, K. Osola, Officers:
A. Rintala, 0. Peltonen, T. Seljavaara, President, Alfr. Anderson.
K. Soisalo. Secretary-Treasurer, Lisa Soderberg.
Executive Committee: Alfr. Ander-
Licensed Ministers: son, J. 0. Eriksson, C. Gudmunds,
V. Heikkila, E. Luukko, V. Parhan- W. Johansson, W. Runolf, 0. Sund-
kangas, E. Peltonen, E. Sivonen, A. qvist, R. Svensson.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Field Missionary, Eric Roslind.
I. Heikkinen, T. Heinonen, Ester Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Hells-ten, Viivi Kangasvuori, Irja Y. P. M. V., P. Hornfeldt.
Koski, Liina Lehti, Elsa Luukkainen,
Veers, Luukko, 0. Maatanen, Y. Miet- Ordained Ministers:
tinen, Saimi Moberg, J. Pekkanen, Alf. Anderson, Eric Hansson, W. Ru-
Siiri Savolainen, Helmi Sihvola, Aini nolf, 0. Spanghagen, R. Svensson,
Sysimetsa, Lydia Turunen, rrja Varvi. Eric Svenzon, K. Ulfstrom, K. Utter-
Legal Assn. (for Finland and Finland
Swedish Conferences) : "Filantropinen Licensed Missionaries:
Yhdistys Aikain Vartija r. y." Presi- Olga Forsberg, Elsa Hagberg, P.
dent, A. Rintala. Hornfeldt, Stina Sandholm, Vera
Sandstrom, Lisa Soderberg, Paul
Legal Assn. (for North and South
Swedish Conferences) : "Sallskapet
FINLAND SWEDISH CONFERENCE Sanningens Harold." President, C.
Organized 1929 Gidlund; Vice-President, A. J. Setter-
gren ; Secretary, J. P. Lindberg;
Territory: Finland. Treasurer, E. H. Larsson. Executive
Committee: C. Gidlund, Alf. Ander-
Population: 342,921 ; churches, 13; son, Axel Bengtsson, A. Blomstedt,
members, 471. S. Magnusson, I. Unhall, A. Ander-
Office: Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Fin- son, G. W. Ericsson, A. Axelsson.
land. Advisory: G. A. Lindsay; Auditors,
A. Karlman, A. C. Christensen.
President, John Larsson.
Secretary-Treasurer, Helge Nyholm.
Executive Committee: John Larsson, SOUTH SWEDISH CONFERENCE
G. Forsblom, H. Karstram, K. F.
Nyberg, AnseIm Syring. Organized 1929
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: Southern part of Sweden.
Field Missionary, I. Heikkinen. Population: 3,091,185 ; churches, 26;
Home Missionary, members, 1,495.

Cable Address: Advent, GZiteborg. Ordained Ministers:

Costa Berglund, A. Blomstedt, C. 0.
Office Address: Wasagatan 12. Gote-
Carlstjerna, D. Carlsson, E. Erenius,
borg, Sweden. G. Hermansson, S. Lundstriim, Ernst
Mattsson, Nils Zerne.
President, A. Blomstedt. Licensed Ministers:
Secretary-Treasurer, Anna Sundqvist.
Ch. Lindberg, H. Rosenberg, C Ile
Executive Committee: A. .Blomstedt, Svensson.
C. 0. Carlstjerna, E. Karlson, S.
Lundstrom, Svante Magnusson, H.
Rosenberg, Nils Zerne. Licensed Missionaries:
Elisabeth Carlsson, Adna Dahlqvist,
Departmental Secretaries: Alfhild Erenius, Gunne Flodin, Bertil
Field Missionary, Eric Roslind. Fried, Alice Lind, Helge Lindberg,
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Dora Mattsson, Anna. Sundqvist, Egon
Y. P. M. V., David Carlsson. Svensson, Ellen Svensson.


Entered 1894; Reorganized 1933

Territory: Gold Coast, Ivory Coast, AGONA MISSION STATION

Dahomey, Togoland, and the French
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Agona,
Sudan, West Africa.
Ashanti, Cold Coast, W. Africa.
Population: 12,833,097 ; churches, 16 ;
members, 1,159. Director: T. H. Fielding.
Primary School: Agona, Ashanti, Man-
Cable Address: "Adventist," Bekwai. ager, T. H. Fielding; 7 African
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box
45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Out School: Assamang, Ashanti.
Officers: Out Stations: 12.
Dispensary: Mrs. T. Fielding.
Superintendent, J. Clifford.
Executive Committee: J. Clifford, C. African Evangelists: 10.
A. Bartlett, S. B. Essien, T. Fielding,
F. L. Stokes.


European: J. Clifford, T. H. Fielding,
F. L. Stokes. Address: Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast,
African: S. B. Essien, J. K. Garbrah West Africa.
(honorary). Director: J. Clifford.
Licensed Ministers: Station School: 1.
Teachers: 3.
European: C. A. Bartlett.
African: J. M. Arloo, J. Ashun, Out Stations: 18.
C. K. Boaten. African Evangelists: 14.
Licensed Missionaries:
European: Mrs. C. A. Bartlett, Mrs.
J. Clifford, Mrs. T. H. Fielding, Mrs. KOFORIDUA MISSION STATION
F. L. Stokes.
Address: Box 60, Koforidua, Gold Coast,
African: D. Agboka, J. K. Agyie, G. West Africa.
Aisah, A. Amofah, H. G. Arthur, J.
Baidoo, I. Benson, B. Mensah, J. D. Director: F. Stokes.
Owusu, J. C. Sappong. African Evangelists: 10.
Organized December, 1913; reorganized June, 1930

Territory: Nigeria, British Mandated Jengre Station

territory of the Cameroons, French Established 1932
Colony of the Niger, West Africa.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jengre
Population: 22,557,449; churches, 41; Railway Station, via Jos, N. Nigeria,
members, 3,355, including 14 Euro- West Coast, Africa.
peans; total adherents, 14,537.
Membership: 29 ; total adherents, 62.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Ibadan,
Nigeria. Director: J. J. Hyde.
Dispensary: Mrs. J. J. Hyde.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box
No. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Superintendent, William McClements. MISSION
Sec.-Treas., Miss It. Muderspach.
Executive Committee: W. McClem- Entered 1914 ; Organized 1930
ents, L. Edmonds, J. J. Hyde, W. T. Territory: Dorm, Kabba, Sokoto, Zaria,
B. Hyde, W. G. Till. and Niger Provinces,
Departmental Secretaries: Population: 6,371,693 ; churches, 2
Educational, W. T. B. Hyde. members, 495 ; total adherents, 1,252.
Publishing, Y. P. M. V., and Sabbath
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Awtun,
School, W. J. Newman.
via Ilorin, Nigeria, West Coast, Af-
Ordained Ministers: rica.
W. T. B. Hyde, William McClements. Officers:
Licensed Ministers: Director, W. G. Till.
T. L. Gillett, G. A. S. Madgwick. Local Committee: W. McClements, J.
Oriole, W. G. Till.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. W. T. B. Hyde, Mrs. W. Mc- Ordained Ministers:
Clements, Miss R. Muderspach, W. J. European: W. G. Till.
Newman, Mrs. W. J. Newman. African : John Oriola.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. W. G. Till.
Ibadan Training School, P. 0. Box 19,
Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Af-
rica ; Principal, W. T. B. Hyde. Awtun Station
Established 1923
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Awtun, via
Ilorin, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
MISSION Director: W. G. Till.
Organized 1930 Village Schools: 7.
Teachers: 11.
Territory: Kano, Plateau, Bornu, Bauchi
and Adamwa Provinces. Evangelists and other workers: 16.

Population: 5,801,613.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jengre SOUTHEASTERN NIGERIAN
Railway Station, via Jos, Northern MISSION
Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Entered 1923; Organ:zed 1930
Officers: Territory: Calabar, Owerri, Warri,
Director, J. J. Hyde. Ogoja, Onitsha, Benue Provinces, and
Local Committee: J. .1. Hyde, Wm. part of British Mandated Territory of
McClements. Cameroons South of Benue.

Ordained Minister: J. J. Hyde. Population: 7,025,996 ; churches, 37 ;

members, 2,527 ; total adherents,
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. J. Hyde. 12,398.

Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Station School: 1 ; J. J. Hamilton, as-

Box 41, Aba, Nigeria, West Coast, sisted by 3 African Teachers.
Africa. Vernacular Teachers and Evangelists:
Officers: 16.
Director, L. Edmonds.
Local Committee: L. Edmonds, A. J.
Dickay, W. McClements, B. Walton, SOUTHWESTERN NIGERIAN
Ordained Ministers: Entered 1913 ; Organized 1930
European: L. Edmonds. Territory: Lagos Colony, Ijebu, Ondo
African: P. Onwere, R. Wosu. Oyo, Benin, and Abeokuta Provinces.
Licensed Minister: Population: 3,358,147 ; churches, 2 ;
European: B. A. Walton. members, 304 ; total adherents, 825.
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19,
Mrs. L. Edmonds, Miss M. Morgan, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
Mrs. B. A. Walton. Officers:
Director, W. McClements.
Local Committee: W. McClements,
A. I. Balogun, S. Dare, W. T. B.
Aba Station Hyde.
Established 1923 Ordained Ministers:
Address: P. 0. Box 41, Aba, South European: W. T. Hyde, W. McClem-
Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. ents.
Director: L. Edmonds. African: A. I. Balogun.
Ministers: African, 2. Licensed Minister: S. Dare.
Colporteurs: 26. Schools: 4.
Station School: 1. Teachers: 14.
Vernacular Schools: 6. Evangelists and Others workers: 10.
Vernacular Teachers and Evangelists:
Girls' Boarding School: 1. Ibadan Station
Established 1928
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Box 19,
Elele Station Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
Established 1930 Ibadan Station School:
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Elele, Ahoada, Address: P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria,
via Port Harcourt, Nigeria, West West Coast, Africa.
Coast, Africa. Headmaster: N. B. Taiwo, assisted by
Director: B. A. Walton. 2 teachers.


Organized 1931

(The former Scandinavian Union Con- Office Address: Badesanatoriet, Skods-

ference, organized in 1901, was in 1931 borg, Denmark.
divided into an East Nordic and a West
Nordic Union.) Officers:
Territory: Denmark, Norway, Iceland, President, P. G. Nelson.
Faroe Islands, and Greenland (un- Sec.-Treas. A. C. Christensen.
entered). Executive 'Committee: P. G. Nelson,
A. Andersen, E. Bjaanaes, A. C.
Population: 6,731,733 ; churches, 141 ; Christensen, P. A. Christiansen, R. F.
members, 7,141. Jensen, M. Larsen, Alf. Lohne, M.

Muderspach, 0. J. Olsen, P. J. Olsen, Officers:

Paul Olsen, T. Opsahl, L. Saboe- President, Axel Varmer.
Larsen, C. M. Scott, L. Tobiassen, Secretary-Traesurer, H. L. Henriksen.
T. Tobiassen, A. Varmer. Auditor, A. C. Christensen.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: Axel Varmer,
Johs. Cristiansen, H. L. Henriksen,
Home Missionary, E. Bjaanaes. J. I. Henriksen, L. J. Kirkelokke,
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., P. 0. Koch, L. Muderspach.
Alf. Lohne.
Medical, A. Andersen, C. M. Scott. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Field Missionary, 0. S. Sorensen.
Religious Liberty, P. G. Nelson. Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
Ordained Ministers: and Y. P. M. V., A. Berg.
K. Abrahamsen, E. Bjaanaes, Tho. Ordained Ministers:
Kristensen, 0. S. Lie, P. G. Nelson, J. P. U. Jensen, Johs. Jensen, L. J.
P. J. Olsen. Kirkelokke, L. Muderspach, Axel
Honorary: E. Arnesen. Varmer.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Ministers:
P. A. Christiansen, R. F. Jensen, M. A. Berg, E. V. Nielsen, V. Olsen.
Larsen, Alf. Lohne, 0. S. Sorensen,
L. K. Tobiassen. Licensed Missionaries:
Irene Capion, H. L. Henriksen, A.
Licensed Missionaries: Holm, Othilia Nielsen, I. Wikkelso.
Ruth Andersen, Georg Bagger, A. C.
Christensen, Ester Hange Inger K. Church School Teachers:
Lund, P. Myhre, K. Naerland, Gu- Mrs. M. Ditlefsen, K. Frederiksen,
drun Nielsen, C. M. Scott. E. Schou.

The Nordic Philanthropic Society ICELAND-FAROES CONFERENCE

Organized 1897 Entered 1897 ; Organized 1930
Address: Skodsborg Badesanatoriet, Territory: Iceland and the Faroe Is-
Skodsborg, Denmark. lands.
Legal Name: Nordisk filantropisk Sels- Population: 141,614 ; churches, 8 ; mem-
kab. bers, 449.
Officers: Address: Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland.
President, W. E. Read.
Vice-President, A. Andersen. Cable Address: Adventkirkjan, Reyk-
Secretary, javik.
Treasurer, Chr. Hansen. Officers:
Auditor, Alf. Karlman.
President, 0. J. Olsen.
Trustees: Secretary, S. Heidar.
W. E. Read, A. Andersen, C. Gidlund, Cashier, M. Helgason.
C. C. Hansen, Chr. Hansen, G. A. Executive Committee: 0. J. Olsen,
Lindsay, H. Muderspach, P. G. Nel- S. Hallgrimsson, S. Heidar, M. Helga-
son, Carl Ottosen, B. Rost, L. Saboe- son, J. Gudmundsson.
Larsen, Axel Varmer, H. Westerlund.
Departmental Secretaries:
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
J. Gudmundsson.
Field Missionary, M. Z. Thorvaldsson.
Organized 1880; Reorganized 1931 Ordained Minister: 0. J. Olsen.

Territory: East Denmark. Licensed Ministers:

J. G. Jonsson, Guom. Palsson, N. J.
Population: 1,648,823; churches, 28 ; Viderti.
members, 1,696.
Cable Address: Expedit, Copenhagen. Licensed Missionaries:
Office Address: Suomisvej 5, Copen- S. Hallgrimssun, M. Helgason, J.
hagen, Denmark. Gudmundsson.


NORTH NORWAY CONFERENCE Home Missionary, Sabbath School,

Organized 1929 and Y. P. M. V., E. Stinessen.
Territory: North Norway. Ordained Ministers:
0. Jordahl, Paul Olsen, L. Saeboe-
Population: 793,422 ; churches, 28 ; Larsen, R. J. Skyllstad, L. J. Stene,
members, 958. E. Stinessen, Chr. Tobiassen, 0. Ud-
Office Address: KjOpmannsgt. 28, Trond- bjorg, T. S. Valen.
heim, Norway. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: A. A. Andreassen, L. K. Tobiassen.
President, T. Tobiassen. Licensed Missionaries:
Sec.-Treas., Borghild Fulsebakke. R. Abrahamsen, , Ruth Andersen,
Auditor, A. C. Christensen. Borgh. Fulsebakke, Mina Jacobsen,
Executive Committee: T. Tobiassen, Magnus Larsen, Ingeb. Londal, P. M.
A. Aalmo, Haakon Flak, 0. Frenning, Myhre, 0. K. Naerland, Elise Nagle-
Paul Frivold, S. H. Myklebust, R. stad, Helga Pedersen, 0. Wiik.
Departmental Secretaries: Church School Teachers:
Lina Mordahl, Charles Wang.
Field Missionary, Home Missionary,
Sabbath School, and Y. P. M. V.,
0. Frenning.
0. Frenning, J. A. Tillgren, T. Organized 1880; Reorganized 1931
Territory:. West Denmark (Jylland and
Licensed Ministers: Fyn).
Paul Frivold, J. Reichelt.
Population: 2;054,526 ; churches, 37 ;
Licensed Missionary: members, 1,557.
Borghild Fulsebakke.
Office Address: Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
(Formerly a part of the Norway Con- President, H. Muderspach.
ference, organized in 1887 ; divided and Secretary-Treasurer, Axel Rasmussen.
reorganized in 1929.) Auditor, A. C. Christensen.
Executive Committee: H. Muderspach,
Territory: South Norway. P. A. Christiansen, C. C. Hansen,
Johs. Jensen, M. Jensen, Alfred Niel-
Population: 2,093,348; churches, 40 ; sen, N. P. Nielsen.
members, 2,481.
Departmental Secretaries:
Cable Address: "Sunnhetsbladet," Oslo,
Norway. Field Missionary, 0. S. Sorensen.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Office Address: Akarsgaten 74, Oslo, Y. P. M. V., M. Bakke.
Norway. (Telephone, 22862.) Ordained Ministers:
Officers: A. Guldhammer, Johannes Jensen, H.
President, T. S. Valen. Muderspach, G. E. Westman.
Sec.-Treas., R. Abrahamsen. Licensed Ministers:
Auditors, A. C. Christensen, P. Pet- M. Bakke, F. Nielsen.
Executive Committee: T. S. Valen, Licensed Missionaries:
0. Haugvik, S. K. Johansen, Thv. Ester Andreasen, Dorothea Praestiin,
Paulsen, 0. Schibstad, L. J. Stene, Axel Rasmussen, Noomi Rasmussen.
E. Stinessen.
Church School Teachers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Alice Christensen, Karan Dyger,
Field Missionary, Paul Olsen. Marie Schmidt, Anna Simonsen.

EQUATORIAL AFRICAN MISSION* Guinea, Fernando-Poo, and neighbor-
Entered 1928 ing islands.
Territory: The Cameroon, Oubangui- Population: 5,758,000 ; churches, 3;
Chari, Middle Congo, Gabon, Spanish- members, 682.


Postal Address: Mission Adventists, ray, Jesse Sumo, E. Thomas, A. Woer-

Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, mann.
West Africa. Station Schools: 3.
Officers: Village Schools: 2.
Superintendent, M. Fridlin. Dispensary: 1.
Secretary, A. Cosendai.
Treasurer, M. Fridlin.
Executive Committee: M. Fridlin, Z.
Yeretzian, P. Benezech, A. Cosendai, Konola Station
R. Hirschy. Established 1937
Departmental Secretaries: (Head office of Liberian Mission)
Educational and Y. P. M. V., Z. Address: Konola Mission, Post Kaka-
Yeretzian. town, Monrovia, Liberia.
Sabbath School, M. Fridlin.
Director: K. F. Noltze.
Ordained Ministers:
P. Benezech, M. Fridlin, Z. Yeretzian. Station School: 1 ; Headmaster, N. S.
Licensed Ministers:
A. Cosendai, I. Curmatureanu. Dispensary: Mrs. K. F. Noltze.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. P. Benezech, E. Boniface, Mrs.
A. Cosendai, Mrs. M. Fridlin, Mrs. R. Liiwa Station
Hirschy, J. Medjo, J. Mimbiang. D.
Ndi, G. Ndongo, A. Nion, Mrs. A. Established 1931
Nion, A. Upfoumi, Mrs. Z. Yeretzian. Address: Liiwa Mission, Post Kakatown,
Teachers: 17 natives, and 49 catechists. Monrovia, Liberia.

Mission Schools: 4. Director: T. Ketola.

Village Schools: 28. Station School: 1 ; Headmaster, T.
Mission Stations: Nanga-Eboko, Batouri, Ketola.
Ndoumbi, Grand-Batanga, Maroua.
Dispensaries: Nanga-Eboko, Ndoumbi, Palmberg Station
Maroua, Batouri.
Established 1927
The administration of this field was
temporarily assigned to the Northern Address: Palmberg Mission, c/o M. J.,
European Division, June 8, 1941, by Grand Besse, Liberia.
action of the General Conference Com- Director: I. W. Harding.
m ittee.
Station School: 1 ; Headmaster, I. W.
Entered 1927
Territory: Republic of Liberia.
Population: 1,250,000; churches, 2; NORTHERN FRENCH CAMEROONS
members, 137. MISSION
Address: Konola Mission, Post Kaka- Entered 1931; Reorganized 1933
town, Monrovia, Liberia. Territory: That part of the French
Officers: Cameroons north of latitude 10, and
the colony of French Equatorial Af-
Superintendent, K. F. Noltze. rica north of latitude 10, Chad.
Secretary-Treasurer, K. F. Noltze.
Population : 1,223,577 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Ordained Ministers: bers, 35.
European : K. F. Noltze.
African: N. S. During, I. W. Harding. Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Ma-
roua, French Cameroons, West Africa.
Licensed Minister: T. Ketola.
Superintendent: R. H. Bergstrom.
Licensed Missionaries:
Licensed Minister: R. H. Bergstrom.
African: M. K. Davies, T. Fodei, J.
Hallowanger, J. H. Hallowanger, W. Licensed Missionary:
Helbig, M. S. Massaquoi, J. J. Mose- Mrs. R. H. Bergstrom.

SIERRA LEONE MISSION Norway, S. D. A. Mission School,

Algarheim, Norway.
Territory: Sierra Leone, Gambia, French Swedish Missionary School, Ekeby-
Guinea. holm, Rimbo, Sweden.
Population: 4,310,455 ; churches, 13 ; Waterloo Training School, S. D. A.
members, 501. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Leone,
West Africa.
Cable Address: Advent, Waterloo, Sierra
Leone. Publishing :
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, British Publishing House, Stanbor-
Sierra Leone, West Africa. ough Press Ltd., Stanborough Park,
Officers: Watford, Herts., England.
Copenhagen Publishing House, Suo-
Superintendent, S. Broberg. misvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss A. S. Nuka. Estonian Publishing House, Mere-
Executive Committee: S. Broberg, puiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia.
S. C. Nicol, A. S. Nuka, H. Ras- Finland Publishing House, Annegatan
mussen, D. B. Thomas, H. Wilson. 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
Departmental Secretaries: Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House,
Box 262, Reykjavik, Iceland.
Educational, H. Rasmussen. Latvian Publishing House, Brivibas
Field Missionary and Sabbath School, iela 11, Riga, Latvia.
S. Broberg. Nigerian Press, Box 19, Ibadan,
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Nigeria, West Africa.
Miss A. S. Nuka. Norwegian Publishing House, Akers-
Ordained Ministers: gaten 74, Oslo, Norway.
European: S. Broberg. Stockholm Publishing House, Tunnel-
African: S. C. Nicol, M. S. Williams, gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden.
H. Wilson. Depositories:
Honorary: H. E. A. Lynch. Advent Publishing Association, Sierra
Licensed Ministers: Leone, West Africa.
European: H. Rasmussen. Gold Coast, West Africa, S. D. A.
African: J. B. Leigh, J. B. Terry, Mission, Box 45, Bekwai.
D. B. Thomas. Lithuanian Depository, Vokieciu g-ve
57, Kaunas, Lithuania.
Licensed Missionaries: Southeast Nigeria Depository, S. D. A.
D. S. Conteh, S. F. During, T. E. Mission, Box 41, Aba, Southern
Foray, A. J. Harding, T. E. Harding, Nigeria, West Africa.
W. E. Harding, A. 0. Kennick, J.
Mbakpoh, J. S. Myers, Miss A. S. Sanitariums:
Nuka, S. M. Sanko, S. Sao, A. S. Hultafors Sanitarium, Hultafors,
Turay, J. Vandi, S. E. Williams. Sweden.
Skodsborg Sanitarium, Skodsborg,
Stanborough Park Sanitarium, Stan-
INSTITUTIONS borough Park, Watford, Herts.,
Educational : England. (Temporarily taken over
Baltic Union School, Brivibas iela 11, by government.)
Riga, Latvia.
Bekwai Training School, Box 45, Summer Sanitariums:
Bekwai, Via Takoradi, Gold Coast, Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium,
West Africa. Rimbo, Sweden.
Danish Mission School (Vejlefjord Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium,
Hojskole), Daugaard St., Denmark. P iikkio, Finland.
Estonian Training School, Tallinn,
Estonia. Treatment Rooms:
Finland S. D. A. Mission School, Batouri Dispensary, Mission Adven-
Hiirla, Piikkiii, Finland. tiste, Batouri, Cameroon, A. E. F.
Girls' School, Aba, S. E. Nigerian Fysisk Kuranstalt, St. Kongensgade
Mission, Nigeria, West Africa, 36-38, Copenhagen, K., Denmark.
Ibadan Training School, Box 19, Hydro-Electric Institute, Annegatan 7,
Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa. Helsingfors, Finland.
Liberian Mission School, Konola Mis- Hydro-Electric Institute, Humlegards-
sion, Post Kakatown, Monrovia, gatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden.
Liberia. Kurbadet, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor-
Newbold Missionary College, Pack- way.
wood Haugh, Packwood, near Hock- Maroua Dispensary, Mission Adven-
ley Heath, Warwickshire, England. tiste, Maroua, Cameroon, A. E. F.

Nanga-Eboko Dispensary, Mission Ad- East Nordic Union

ventiste, Nanga-Eboko, Cameroon,
A. E. F. Finland Mission Property, Annegaten
Ndoumbi Dispensary, Mission Adven- 7, Helsingfors, Finland.
tiste, Ndoumbi, Cameroon, A. E. F. Sanningens Harold Assn., Tunnel-
Nyhyttan Sanitarium, Nyhyttan, gatan 26, Stockholm, Sweden.
Jarnboas, Sweden. Stockholm Mission Property, Tunnel-
gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden.
Legal Associations:
West Nordic Union
World Wide Advent Missions, Ltd.,
41 Hazel Gardens, Edgware, Eng- Aarhus Church Property, NOrreallee
land. 30, Denmark.
Bergen Church Property, Sigurds-
Baltic Union gaten 25, Bergen, Norway.
Estonian Building Department, Mere- "Ebenezer," Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,
puiestee 14a, Tallinn, Estonia. V., Denmark.
Riga Mission Property, Brivibas iela Nordic Philanthropic Society, Skods-
11, Riga, Latvia. borg, Denmark.
Oslo S. D. A. Assn., Akersgaten 74,
Oslo, Norway.
British Union Oslo Church Property, Akersgaten 74,
Oslo, Norway.
British Advent Missions, Ltd., Wat-
ford, Herts., England. Food Companies:
Granose Foods, Ltd., Stanborough
Park, Watford, Herts., England. Copenhagen Food Factory, Baldersgade
Good Health Assn., Ltd., Stanborough 14, Copenhagen, L., Denmark.
Park, Watford, Herts., England. Granose Foods, Lt. (British Health
Stanborough Press, Ltd., Stanborough Food Factory), Stanborough Park,
Park, Watford, Herts., England. Watford, Herts., England.
Organized 1916

Territory: Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Members: R. W. Belz, J. L. Brown,

Uruguay, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, and J. C. Culpepper, E. M. Davis, N. W.
Ecuador, with the islands in the Pa- Dunn, R. R. Figuhr, L. B. Halliwell,
cific and Atlantic Oceans adjacent L. D. Minner, Principals of the ad-
thereto, comprising the Austral and vanced training schools in the Divi-
South Brazil Union Conferences, and sion.
the Inca, East Brazil, and North
Brazil Union Missions. Publishing Department:
Population: 78,496,007 ; churches, 257 ; Secretary, J. C. Culpepper.
members, 33,412. Members: E. Doehnert, W. A. Ernen-
Cable Address: "Division," Buenos putsch, M. I. Fayard, J. B. Johnson,
Aires, Argentina. F. B. Moore, Manoel Soares, Luiz
Waldvogel, Pablo Wensell.
Office Address: Calle Pino 3801, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, South America. Sabbath School Department:
Officers: Secretary, E. M. Davis.
President, R. R. Figuhr.
Members: L. B. Halliwell, R. L.
Secretary, H. 0. Olson.
Jacobs, Santiago Schmidt.
Treas. and Auditor, F. L. Harrison. Young People's Missionary Volunteer
Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, Department:
R. W. Belz, J. L. Brown, J. C. Cul-
pepper, E. M. Davis, N. W. Dunn, Secretary, N. W. Dunn.
L. B. Halliwell, F. L. Harrison, L. D. Members : L. B. Halliwell, R. L.
Minner, H. 0. Olson. Jacobs, E. R. Maas, Leon Replogle.
Transportation Agent: F. L. Harri-
son. Religious Liberty:
Educational Department: Secretary, R. R. Figuhr.
Secretary, N. W. Dunn.
Ordained Ministers:
Members: C. D. Christensen, J. D. J. C. Culpepper, E. M. Davis, N. W.
Hardt, R. L. Jacobs, E. R. Maas, J. H.
Dunn, R. R. Figuhr, H. 0. Olson.
Meier, C. H. Morton, D. Peixoto, Leon
Replogle, 0. E. Santo, T. W. Steen. Licensed Minister: F. L. Harrison.
Home Missionary Department:
Secretary, E. M. Davis.
Licensed Missionaries:
Members: W. A. Ernenputsch, L. B. Esther M. Adams, J. D. Cornell, Mrs.
Halliwell, F. B. Moore, Santiago J. D. Cornell, Mrs. J. C. Culpepper,
Schmidt. Mrs. E. M. Davis, Mrs. N. W. Dunn,
W. Everist, Marjorie Fields, Mrs. R.
Ministerial Association: R. Figuhr, Mrs. F. L. Harrison, Otto
Secretary, H. 0. Olson. Keppke, Mrs. H. 0. Olson.


Organized 1906

Territory: The Buenos Aires, Chile, and Office Address: Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Central Argentine Conferences; and Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
the Cuyo, Magellan, North Argentine, Argentina, South America.
and Uruguay Missions.
Population: 21,320,007; churches, 102;
Cable Address: Division (Para Austral), members, 8,214.
Buenos Aires, South America.
Telegraphic Address: "Union Austral," President, E. N. Lugenbeal.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires. Secretary-Treasurer, J. Wagner.

Executive Committee: E. N. Lugen- Secretary-Treasurer,

beal, C. Becker, P. M. Brouchy, W. A. Executive Committee: W. Schubert,
Ernenputsch, J. B. Johnson, E. R. Juan Ferri, Daniel Hammerly, Frank
Maas, Ner Soto G., G. E. Norris, Leeds, II. Perverini, Juan Riffel.
L. A. Rojas, W. Schubert, T. W.
Steen, J. Wagner, Niels Wensell, C. Departmental Secretaries:
E. Westphal. Book and Bible House,
Educational and Sabbath School,
Departmental Secretaries: Field Missionary, Pablo Gomez.
Educational, Sabbath School, and Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
Y. P. M. V., E. R. Maas. Juan Riffel.
Field Missionary and Home Mission-
ary, F. B. Moore. Ordained Ministers:
Medical, C. E. Westphal. A. Ascione, J. Ferri, D. Hammerly,
Juan Riffel, W. Schubert.
Ordained Ministers:
E. Brooks, W. A. Ernenputsch, J. B. Licensed Ministers:
Johnson, J. D. Livingston, E. N. J. A. Bonjour, Gaspar Cammarata,
Lugenbeal, E. R. Maas, Juan Meier, Enrique Lautaret, Jose Ramos, M.
F. B. Moore, T. W. Steen, J. Wagner. Rasi.
Honorary: A. M. Buzugherian, Luis Licensed Missionaries:
Ernst, Camilo Gil, M. Gnadjin, I.
Kalbermatter, G. D. Klatt, C. E. Amelia Chiochio, Elisa Ferri, Leon
Krieghoff, M. Leytes, S. Mangold, Gambetta, Pablo R. G6mez, Adan
E. W. Thomann, V. E. Thomann. Mayer, Matilde de Paredes, David
Rhys, Francisco Scarcella.
Licensed Ministers:
Church School Teachers:
F. Chaij, F. G. Drachenberg, M. I.
Fayard, Ner Soto G. Mrs. D. Brooks, L. Gambetta, Magda-
lena Gurian, Victoria Machain, Mrs.
Licensed Missionaries: Adela Rhys, Sara Vazquez.
V. Ampuero, Mrs. Carl Becker, 0.
Biaggi, Mrs. E. Brooks, Mrs. Cleo H.
de Brouchy, Mrs. M. C. de Papasian,
Mrs. W. A. Ernenputsch, G. Ernst, CENTRAL ARGENTINE CON-
Mrs. M. I. Fayard, S. Ferri, P. Szent FERENCE
Galy, Mrs. M. Gnadjin, M. Hammerly, Organized 1921
Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. J. D. Territory: Provinces of Entre Rios,
Livingston, Mrs. E. R. Maas, Mrs.
J. H. Meier, G. E. Norris, Mrs. G. E. Santa Fe, and Cordoba.
Norris, Sara Rode, Mrs. W. Schubert, Population: 3,500,000 ; churches, 21 ;
Mrs. T. W. Steen, A. E. Thomann, members, 1,957.
Mrs. I. Vacquer, D. von Pohle, Mrs.
D. von Pohle, Mrs. J. Wagner, C. E. Office Address: Cervantes 144, Parana,
Westphal, Mrs. C. E. Westphal, Mrs. Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
H. J. Westphal, J. Zevallos, Mrs. ica. (Phone, 10671, Parana.)
E. N. Lugenbeal, Mrs. F. B. Moore. Officers:
Honorary: J. A. Ayvazian, Mrs. President, Carl Becker.
Lydia G. de Oppegard, Mrs. C. Diin- Secretary-Treasurer, Ernesto Steger.
ner, Facundo Olavarria, G. B. Replo-
gle, T. E. Saviano. Executive Committee: C. Becker,
David Badenas, Nicolas Chaij, Felipe
Sittner, Ernesto Steger, S. C. Weber,
Enrique Weiss.
BUENOS AIRES CONFERENCE Departmental Secretaries:
Organized 1921 Book and Bible House, Romualdo
Territory: City of Buenos Aires, Prov- Kalbermatter.
ince of Buenos Aires, Territories of Educational, Home Missionary, Sab-
La Pampa, Rio Negro, Neuquen. bath School, and Y. P. M. V.,
Felipe Sittner.
Population: 6.101,890 ; churches, 16 ; Field Missionary, Nicolas Chaij.
members, 1,365. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Uriarte 2429, Buenos V. C. Aeschlimann, Carl Becker,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Godofredo Block, Daniel Feder, Fe-
(Telephone, Palermo (71) 3904.) lipe Sittner, S. C. Weber.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
President, Walter Schubert. Nicolas Chaij, P. R. Tabuenca.

Licensed Missionaries: Foppiano, J. Godoy, Zoila Poblete,

Romualdo Kalbermatter, Ernesto Brunilda Vyhmeister.
Church School Teachers:
J. Bernet, Hilda Bernhardt, EMS CUYO MISSION
Cardozo, Yolanda Kalbermatter, Jose
Riffel, Julia Roscher, S. Zurigian. Territory: Provinces of Mendoza, La
Rioja, Catamarca, San Juan, and San
Luis in Argentina.
Population: 1,046,484 : churches, 3 ;
CHILE CONFERENCE members, 257.
Organized 1907
Office Address: Florida 1444, Villa
Territory: Chile, South America, (ex- Hipodromo, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza,
cept Territory of Magellan). F. C. P., Argentina, South America.
Population: 4,974,726 ; churches, 35; Officers:
members, 2,532. Director, A. Aeschlimann.
Cable Address: "Adventist," Santiago, Secretary-Treasurer, J. Wagner.
Chile, South America. Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Porvenir 58, Santiago, Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Chile, South America. (Telephone, Y. P. M. V., A. Aeschlimann.
Auto. 51748.) Field Miss., .
Postal Address: Casilla 2830, Santiago, Ordained Ministers:
Chile, South America. A. Aeschlimann, A. Berchin.
President, L. A. Rojas.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. E. Emmeneg-
Executive Committee: L. A. Rojas, Territory: Territories of Chubut, Santa
E. Almonte, E. Arias, Domingo Casa- Cruz, Tierra del Fuego (Land of Fire)
nova, J. C. Castellano, G. E. Emme- in Argentina, Territory of Magellan
negger, Hans Mayr, J. H. Meier, I. in Chile, and the Falkland Islands.
M. Vacquer.
Population: 103,000 ; church, 1 ; mem-
Departmental Secretaries: bers, 34.
Book and Bible House, G. E. Emme-
negger. Office Address: Casilla 12, Trelew Chu-
Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Home but, Argentina, South America.
Commission, E. Arias. Director: J. D. Replogle.
Field Missionary, J. C. Castellano.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Ordained Minister: J. D. Replogle.
E. Almonte.
Ordained Ministers:
E. Almonte, T. E. Block, L. A.
Griott, C. H. Mayr, J. H. Meier, NORTH ARGENTINE MISSION
L. A. Rojas, I. M. Vacquer. Organized 1906
Licensed Ministers: Territory: Paraguay; Provinces of
E. Arias, Fernando Arriagada, Ro- Santiago del Estero, Salta, Tucuman,
berto Block, J. C. Castellano, G. E. Jujuy, and Corrientes, and the Terri-
Emmenegger, Samuel Fayard, Andr6s tories of Misiones, Chaco, Formosa,
Riffel. and Los Andes, in Argentina.
Licensed Missionaries: Population: 3,642,125; churches, 13;
members, 1,130.
Marina AcuSa, W. Aeschlimann,
Benjamin Almonte, Annie Cameron, Office Address: Carlos Pellegrini 1645,
Celina Dunner, Ernesto Marinkoyic, Corrientes, Argentina, South America.
Pablo Mora, P. Pidoux, Mrs. Ida
Pioux, Mrs. Ruth Riffel, Luis Rojas, Officers:
Jose Schmied, Herta Vyhmeister. Director, Niels Wensell.
Sec.-Treas., Alfredo Bellido.
Church School Teachers: Executive Committee : Niels Wensell,
Flora Bishop, E. Bustos, N. Cespedes, A. Bellido, J. Pidoux, B. Riffel, J. F.
Avelina Ferraresi, Rene Flores, Angel Sittner.

Departmental Secretaries: Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-

Book and Bible House, Alfredo Bel- ventists," Montevideo.
lido. Office Address: Avda Italia 2360, Mon-
Educational, Home Missionary, Sab- tevideo, Uruguay, South America.
bath School, Y. P. M. V., and Home (Telephone, 43-5-83.)
Home Commission, J. F. Sittner.
Field Missionary, B. Riffel. Officers:
Ordained Ministers: Director, H. J. Westphal.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. J. Weiss.
Juan Pidoux, N. Wensell. Executive Committee: H. J. Westphal,
H. P. Beskow, Julio Ernst, E. Gmelin,
Licensed Ministers: D. J. Weiss.
J. F. Sittner, Eduardo, Torreblanca.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries: Book and Bible House, D. J. Weiss.
Alf redo Bellido, Roberto Otto, B. Educational, H. J. Westphal.
Riffel. Field Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
E. Gmelin.
Church School Teachers: Home Missionary, H. P. Beskow.
Edmund:. Bublitz, Cristosa Diaz, Mrs. Sabbath School, D. J. Weiss.
Elena K. de Lichner, Dora E. Feiock, Ordained Ministers:
I. Hardy, M. Hengen, Vasthy Kalber-
matter, Mrs. Lelia C. Lavooy, Daniel H. P. Beskow, P. M. Brouchy, Benja-
Leichner, Irma Leytes, Fenia Masloff. min Bustos, Marcelo Pidoux, H. J.
Licensed Ministers:
J. H. Cairus, E. Gmelin.
Licensed Missionaries:
Organized 1906
Ida Beskow, David Biaggi, D. J.
Territory: Uruguay Republic. Weiss.
Population: 2,000,000; churches, 13; Church School Teachers:
members, 939. Encarnacion Ramos, Celsa Vazquez.


Organized 1919

Territory: Federal District and the Departmental Secretaries:

States of Rio de Janeiro, Minas Ge- Educational and Y. P. M. V., Leon
rais, Espirito Santo, Bahia, Sergipe, Replogle.
Alagoas, Pernambuco, Paraiba, Rio Field Missionary, P. E. Wensell.
Grande do Norte. Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Population: 24,776,000 ; churches, 45 ; S. Schmidt.
members, 4,839. Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventists," Rio de J. L. Brown, W. J. Brown, J. D.
Janeiro. Hardt, Leon Replogle, S. Schmidt.
Postal and Office Address: Rua Lopes Licensed Ministers:
Trovao 84, Nictheroy, Brazil, South J. F. Cummins, F. Vegele, P. E.
America. (Telephone, 2372.) Wensell.
Officers: . Licensed Missionaries:
Superintendent, J. L. Brown. J. Bork, Mrs. J. L. Brown, Mrs. W. J.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, F. Brown, Mrs. J. F. Cummins, Mrs. J.
Vegele. D. Hardt, Miss E. Hermanson, J. los
Executive Committee: J. L. Brown, Passos, J. Monteiro, Mrs. L. Replogle,
J. H. Boehm, W. J. Brown, 0. Cas- Mrs. S. Schmidt, Hilda Silva, Mrs.
tellani, J. F. Cummins, E. Doehnert, F. Vegele, Mrs. P. E. Wensell.
A. C. Harder, J. D. Hardt, D. Peixoto, Legal Association : "Associacao da Uniao
L. Replogle, S. Schmidt, K. H. 'F. Este Brasileira dos Adventistas do
Tulaszewski, F. Vegele, P. Wensell. Setimo Dia."

BAHIA MISSION Departmental Secretaries:

Reorganized 1937 Book and Bible House and Sabbath
School, M. Fuhrmann.
Territory: States of Bahia and Sergipe. Field Missionary, R. C. Araujo.
Home Missionary, Educational, and
Population: 4,821,000; churches, 3 ; Y. P. M. V., M. Nigri.
members, 699.
Ordained Ministers:
Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Bahia.
0. Castellani, W. W. Stoehr.
Office Address: Rua Alvora Tiberius 58,
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. Licensed Missionaries:
R. C. Araujo, C. Carvalho, M. Fuhr-
Postal Address: C. P. 198, Cidade do mann, M. Nigri, Israel Zorub.
Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.
Church School Teachers:
Officers: Malagne Araujo, Joanita Castellani,
Director, A. C. Harder. Lia de Araujo, Nathan Florencio,
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. M. Groeschel. Zulmira U. Morais, Angelina Ramos.
Executive Committee: A. C. Harder,
0. M. Groeschel, Jorge Hoyler, Julio
Miriam, S. M. Oliveira, P. Seidl.
Departmental Secretaries:
Established 1919
Book and Bible House, 0. M. Groe-
schel. Territory: State of Espirito Santo and
Field Misisonary, S. M. Oliveira. the northern part of the State of Rio
Home Missionary, A. C. Harder. de Janeiro, northeastern part of the
Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and State Minas Gerais, part of the State
Educational, P. Seidl. of Bahia south of Rio Jequitinhonha.
Ordained Ministers: Population: 2,200,000 ; churches, 24;
A. C. Harder, Jorge Hoyler, Julio members, 1,838.
Mifiam. Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Vi-
Licensed Ministers: toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Eufrasio Sant Ana, P. Seidl. Office Address: Rua Graciano Neves 250,
Licensed Missionaries: Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil.
Cyro P. Cunha, 0. M. Groeschel. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Church School Teachers: America.
Antonio G. Liro, Josefa Ludevice,
Lourdes Ludevice, Albertina Pereira, Officers:
Ruth Rodrigues, Gilds Santos, Isabel Director, K. H. F. Tulaszewski.
M. Silva. Secretary-Treasurer, E. Ebinger.
Executive Committee : K. H. F. Tulas-
zewski, America Coelho, E. Ebinger,
J. Oliveira, E. Roth.
Reorganized 1937 Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, J. J. Oliveira.
Territory: States of Alagoas, Pernam- Book and Bible House, E. Ebinger.
buco, Paraiba, Rio Grande do Norte. Educational, Sabbath School, and
Population: 6,405,000 ; churches, 3 ; Y. P. M. V., E. Roth.
members, 745. Home Missionary, K. H. F. Tulas-
Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Re-
cife. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Rua Gervasio Pires 717, R. M. Rabello, E. Roth, K. H. F.
Recife, Brazil.
Honorary: K. Kaltenheuser'.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 378, Re-
cife, Brazil. Licensed Ministers:
E. Ebinger, Mrs. K. Kaltenheuser,
Officers: J. J. Oliveira, W. Reissner, Mrs. K.
Director, Oscar Castellani. Tulaszewski, H. Weber.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Fuhrmann.
Executive Committee: 0. Castellani, Church School Teachers:
R. C. Araujo, M. Fuhrmann, M. Ph. Assumpcao, Celina Barcelos, M.
Nigri, W. W. Stoehr. J. Correa, E. Gutzeit, Augusta Lud-

wig, Celia Melo, Anna Monteiro, Nes- J. Baracat, M. Ost, R. J. Wilfarth,

tor Oliveira, Alice Rockel, Sebastiana J. M. Zeroth.
Santos, Antonio Correa Sobr., Nori-
val Sonza, Balardino Tavares, Ade- Departmental Secretaries:
lina Will. Book and Bible House,
Educational, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., M. Ost.
Field Missionary, J. M. Zeroth.
RIO-MINAS GERAIS MISSION Home Missionary, J. H. Boehm.
Established 1931 Ordained Ministers:
Territory: The State of Minas Gerais J. Baracat, J. H. Boehm, M. Ost.
except Southwest corner of the State; Honorary: R. J. Wilfarth.
the Southern part of the State of Rio
de Janeiro and Federal District. Licensed Ministers:
Population: 12,330,000 ; churches, 15 ; G. F. Ebinger, G. Streithorst, Jr. '
members, 1,657. Honorary: M. Alencar.
Telegraphic Address: Adventistas, Rio Licensed Missionaries:
de Janeiro. H. S. Bergold, Mrs. J. H. Boehm,
Office Address: Rua Mattoso 161, Rio de Josue Oliveira, J. M. Zeroth, Mrs.
Janeiro, Brazil. (T11. 28-7796.) J. M. Zeroth.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio Church School Teachers:
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. 0. A. Andrade, E. Braun, Waldemar
Conrad, Miss M. Ferreira, Miss E.
Officers: Hermanson, Elza Krueger, Waldemar
Director, J. H. Boehm. Oneiroz, Nilza Rachael, Martha
Secretary-Treasurer, Rogue,- Mrs. Maria Stuart, E. 14.
Executive Committee: J. H. Boehm, Teles, Maria Vieira.


Organized 1914
Territory: The Bolivia, Ecuador, Lake Field Missionary, Home Missionary,
Titicaca, Peril, and Upper Amazon and Home Commission,
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 12,500,000; churches 46; C. D. Christensen, R. L. Jacobs, L. D.
members, 10,905. Minner, M. F. Perez, G. E. Stacey.
Cable Address: "Incaunion," Lima, Licensed Minister: P. H. Barnes.
Telegraphic Address: "Incaunion," Mi- Licensed Missionaries:
raflores, Peru. Mrs. P. H. Barnes, Mrs. C. D. Chris-
Office Address: Avda. Comandante Es- tensen, E. C. Christie, H. V. Espino,
pinar 670, Miraflores, Lima, Peril, Mrs. R. L. Jacobs, Mrs. L. D. Minner,
South America. Mrs. M. F. Perez, R. N. Rojas, Mrs.
R. N. Rojas, Mrs. Mary Stacey.
Postal Address: Casilla 1003, Lima,
Peril, South America.
Superintendent, L. D. Minner. BOLIVIA MISSION
Secretary-Treasurer, P. H. Barnes. Established 1907
Executive Committee: L. D. Minner,
P. H. Barnes, C. D. Christensen, C. E. Territory: Republic of Bolivia, South
Fillman, R. A. Hayden, R. L. Jacobs, America.
Juan Plenc, G. F. Ruf, G. E. Stacey, Churches: 7; members, 1,916.
B. L. Thompson.
Departmental Secretaries: Cable and Telegraphic Address: Adven-
tista, La Paz, Bolivia.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., G. E.
Stacey. Office Address: Esquino Pedro Garcia y
Sabbath School, R. L. Jacobs. 20 de Octubre, La Paz.

Postal Address: Casilla 355, La Paz, Licensed Ministers:

Bolivia, South America. E. Aeschlimann, S. Kalbermatter.
Officers: Licensed Missionaries:
Director, Juan Plenc. Mrs. E. Aeschlimann, Mrs. S. Kalber-
Secretary-Treasurer, R. G. Mote. matter, Mrs. B. L. Thompson.
Executive Committee: Juan Plenc,
R. C. Floren, S. M. Leon, R. G. Mote,
W. R. Robinson.
Departmental Secretaries: LAKE TITICACA MISSION
Book and Bible House, R. G. Mote. (Mision del Lago Titicaca)
Field Missionary, S. M. Leon.
Home Missionary, Juan Plenc. Established 1916
Medical, R. C. Floren. Territory: Departments of Puno, Cuzco,
Sabbath School, Educational, and Apurimac, Arequipa, Moquega,
Y. P. M. V., W. R. Robinson. Tacna, and Madre de Dios, Peril.
Ordained Minister: Juan Plenc. Churches: 14 ; members, 6,567.
Licensed Ministers: Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
F. Chuquimia, R. C. Floren. ventista," Puno,
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address:1 Calle Lima No. 21,
Andres Achata, Mrs. Andres Achata, Puno,
R. C. Floren, M. Isidro, Mrs. M. Isi-
dro, Segundo Leon, Mrs. Segundo Postal Address: Casilla 85, Puno,
Leon, Clarita Linares, I. Mamani, A. South America.
Manrique, Mrs. A. Manrique, J. N.
Perez, Mrs. J. N. Perez, P. Perez, Officers:
Mrs. Juan Plenc, Mrs. W. R. Robin- Director, A. M. Tillman.
son, Sale Ruiz, Mrs. Sale Ruiz, Dan- Secretary-Treasurer, J. I. Hartman.
iel Utz, Mrs. Daniel Utz, R. G. Mote, Executive Committee: A. M. Tillman,
M rs. R. C. Mote. A. J. Alva, H. C. Morton, C. R. Potts,
Honorary: Mateo Urbina. S. C. Pritchard, L. R. Wilkins.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, J. I. Hartman.
Educational, Y. P. M. V., and Sab-
ECUADOR MISSION bath School, A. J. Alva.
Field Missionary, Jenaro Moran.
Established 1906 Home Missionary, A. M. Tillman.
Territory: Republic of Ecuador, South Medical, C. R. Potts.
America. Ordained Ministers:
Churches: 2; members, 125. C. E. Fillman, B. A. Larsen, H. C.
Morton, S. C. Pritchard, A. E. Sosa.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventista," Quito. Licensed Ministers:
Postal Address: Casilla 44, Quito, Ecua- A. J. Alva; Luciano Chambe, F.
dor, South America. Chambilla, J. M. Linares, P. P. Leon,
Anselmo Maquera, J. Moran, Marce-
Officers: lino Pacco, C. R. Potts, I. Ramos,
Director, B. L. Thompson. L. R. Wilkins.
Secretary-Treasurer, B. L. Thompson.
Executive Committee: B. L. Thomp- Licensed Missionaries:
son, E. Aeschlimann, Julio Espinosa, Victor Achata, Anita Angulo, C. Ca-
S. Kalbermatter. callaca, Mrs. C. E. Fillman, F. J.
Hebenstreit, Mrs. F. J. Hebenstreit,
Departmental Secretaries: M. Huayllara, Mrs. B. Larsen, Mrs.
Home Missionary, S. Kalbermatter. P. P. Leon, Mrs. Ana A. Marker, En-
Field Missionary, E. Aeschlimann. rique Marker, Mrs. H. C. Morton, P.
Educational, B. L. Thompson. Neira, Mrs. C. R. Potts, Mrs. S. C.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., B. Pritchard, Mrs. I. Ramos, C. E.
L. Thompson. Schmidt, Mrs. C. E. Schmidt, Jose'
Tabuenca, Mrs. Jose Tabuenca, Mrs.
Ordained Ministers: L. R. :Wilkins, Mrs. Lloyd Wilkins,
J. E. Espinoza, B. L. Thompson. Gregorio Yujra.

PERU MISSION tero, Mrs. G. F. Ruf, J. C. Ruskjer,

Established 1906 Mrs. J. C. Ruskjer, Mrs. S. Weiss.

Territory: Republic of Peru, excepting

the Departments making up the Lake
Titicaca and Amazon Missions. UPPER AMAZON MISSION
Churches: 16 ; members, 1,691.
Organized 1927
Telegraphic Address: "Adventista,"
Miraflores, Lima, Peru. Territory: The Departments of Loreto,
San Martin, and Amazonas.
Office Address: Calle Colina 254, Mira-
flores, Lima, Peru. Churches: 7 members, 606.

Postal Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Peru, South America. ventists," Iquitos, Peru.
Officers: Postal Address: Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Director, G. F. Ruf. Peru, South America.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. E. Denehy. Officers:
Executive Committee: G. F. Ruf, A.
A. Alva, C. D. Christensen, J. E. Den- Director, It. A. Hayden.
ehy, 0. Krause, A. Martin, S. Weiss. Secretary-Treasurer, A. Alberro.
.Executive Committee: R. A. Hayden,
Departmental Secretaries: S. Alberro, Bernabe Chavez, J. P.
Book and Bible House, J. E. Denehy. Ramos.
Home Missionary, G. F. Ruf. Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Sabbath School, and Y.
P. M. V., --. Educational and Sabbath School, S.
Field Missionary, A. Marin. Alberro.
Publishing, --
Ordained Ministers: Y. P. M. V., and Home Missionary,
R. A. Hayden.
A. A. Alva, Wm. Goransson, 0.
Krause, G F. Ruf, S. Weiss. Ordained Ministers:
Bernabe Chavez, R. A. Hayden, J. P.
Licensed Ministers:
Mateo Aguilar.
Honorary: Raul Chavez, Cayetano Licensed Minister:
Diaz. S. Alberro.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
J. E. Denehy, Mrs. J. E. Denehy, Mrs. Mrs. S. Alberro, Israel Alomia, J.
Wm. Goransson, Mrs. 0. Krause, A. Chavez, D. del Aquila, L. Gomez,
MaHn, Mrs. A. MaHn, Bernabe Mon- Mrs. R. A. Hayden, R. Pacho.


Organized 1936

Territory: States of Ceara, Piauhy, Secretary-Treasurer, B. W. Steinweg.

Maranhao, Para, Amazonas, and Evangelists, G. S. Storch, John Baerg.
Territory of Acre.
Ordained Ministers:
Population: 7,200,000 ; churches, 7 ; John Baerg, L. B. Halliwell, G. S.
members, 470. Storch.
Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Be- Licensed Missionaries:
lem, Para, Brazil. Mrs. John Baerg, Mrs. L. B. Halli-
Office Address: Rua Arcipreste Manoel well.
Teodoro 386, Belem, Pare, Brazil
South America. (Telephone, 2794.)
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 658, Be- CENTRAL AMAZON MISSION
lem, Pare, Brazil, South America. Established 1940
Officers: Territory: Amazonas and Territory of
Director, L. B. Halliwell. Acre.

Population: 1,000,000 ; churches, 2; Licensed Minister:

members, 68. J. Gnutzmann.
Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Ma- Licensed Missionaries:
ngos, Amazonas, Brazil.
F. Garcia, J. P. Lobo, Mrs. B. W.
Office Address: Praca Oswaldo Cruz Steinweg.
139, Mangos, Amazonas, Brazil, South
America. Church School Teachers:
M. Dias, J. Gnutzmann.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 243, Ma-
ngos, Amazonas, Brazil, South Amer-
Secretary-Treasurer, Established 1936
Licensed Minister: Territory: States of Ceara, Piauhy,
A. Carvalho. Maranhao.
Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 2 ;
members, 104.
LOWER AMAZON MISSION Telegraphic Address: Adventists, For-
Established 1927 taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South. America.
Territory: Para, part of Amazon states. Office Address: Rua Guilherme Rocha
834, Fortaleza, Ceara, Brazil.
Population: 2,200,000 ; churches, 3 ;
members, 298. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 341, For-
taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America.
Telegraphic Address: Adventista, Be-
lem, Para., Brazil. Officers:
Director, R. A. Wilcox.
Office Address: Rua Arcipreste Manoel Secretary-Treasurer,
Teodoro 386, Belem, Para, Brazil,
South America. (Telephone, 2794.) Departmental Secretaries:
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 658, Be- Field Missionary, J. Kattwinkle.
lem, Para, Brazil, South America. Book and Bible House, Mrs. R. A.
Ordained Minister:
Director, L. B. Halliwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. P. Lobo. R. A. Wilcox.
Departmental Secretary: Licensed Missionaries:
Book and Bible House, F. Garcia. J. Kattwinkle, Mrs. R. A. Wilcox.
Ordained Minister: Church School Teacher:
B. W. Steinweg. H. F. Tavares.


Organized 1911

Territory: The Conferences of Rio Office Address: Alameda Caetes No. 30,
Grande do Sul, Parana Santa Cata- Bairro Indianopolis, Sao Paulo, Bra-
rina and Sao Paulo, and the mission zil, South America. (Do not send
fields of Matto Grosso and Goiaz, in- mail here.) (Telephone, 7-3122.)
cluding the Minas Trifingulo.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 2898, Sao
Population: 14,300,000; churches, 57; Paulo, Brazil, South America.
members, 8,984. Officers:
Cable Address: "Adventista," Sao President, Rodolpho Belz.
Paulo, Brazil. Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, P.
C. Beskow.
Telegraphic Address: "Unifio," Sao Executive Committee: Rodolpho Belz,
Paulo. P. C. Beskow, Q. Dau, E. Doehnert,

C. E. Lambeth, J. R. Passos, D. Church School Teachers:

Peixoto da Silva, F. M. Porto, G. G. Joao F. Barboza, D. A. Costa, Celisa
Ritter, 0. E. Santo, C. C. Schneider, Mota, M. H. Toledo.
N. Schwantes, Manoel Soares, G.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., MATTO GROSSO MISSION
Home Missionary and Sabbath School, Established 1921
C. E. Lambeth.
Field Missionary, Manoel Soares. Territory: The State of Matto Grosso,
Medical, C. C. Schneider. Brazil.
Ordained Ministers: Population: 1,000,000 ; churches, 4 ;
members, 177.
Rodolpho Belz, J. G. Garcia, C. E.
Lambeth, D. Peixoto da Silva, C. C. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 146,
Schneider, Luiz Waldvogel. Campo Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil,
Honorary: John Lipke. South America,
Licensed Ministers.: Officers:
R. de A. Butler, Emilio Doehnert, L. Director, Jose R. Passos.
E. Downs, Romeu R. Reis, S. Secretary-Treasurer, E. Langenstras-
Schwantes, Manoel Soares. sen.
Executive Committee: J. R. Passos,
Licensed Missionaries: A. Barboza, R. Bivar, C. E. Lambeth,
Adolpho Bergold, Mrs. L. E. Downs, E. Langenstrassen.
Esther Ehlers, Jose Guimaraes, E. Departmental Secretaries:
Mario Hermanson, Mrs. C. E. Lam-
beth, Alfredo Mondes, Mrs. A. Pages, Book and Bible House, Sabbath
Mrs. C. C. Schneider, Mrs. 0. F. School, Home Missionary, and Field
Silva, Albertina R. Simon, Freda Missionary, E. Langenstrassen.
Trefz, Walter R. Wheeler, Mrs. W. Y. P. M. V. and Educational, J. R.
R. Wheeler, Alice Zorub. Passos.
Honorary: A. Pages. Ordained Minister:
Jose R. Passos.
Legal Assn.: "Uniiio Sul Brasileira dos
Adventistas do Setimo Dia." Licensed Ministers:
A. Barboza.
Honorary: Max Rohde.
Licensed Missionary:
E. Langenstrassen.
Established 1927
Church School Teachers:
Territory: The States of Goiaz and Mi- Y. Karru, V. Matos.
nas Triangle, Brazil, South America.
Population: 800,000; churches, 2 ; mem-
bers, 240.
Postal Address: Caixa Postal 60, Goi- CONFERENCE
ania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America. (Associacao dos Adventistas do Setimo
Officers: Dia no Parana e Santa Catarina)
Director, Nelson Schwantes. Organized 1940
Secretary-Treasurer, Silvestre Toddai.
Executive Committe: Nelson Territory: States of Parana and Santa
Schwantes, Manoel Soares, Silvestre Catarina.
Toddai. Population: 2,400,000 ; churches, 14 ;
Departmental Secretaries: members, 2,342.
Book and Bible House and Sabbath Telegraphic Address: "Adventistas,"
School, S. Toddai. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil.
Y. P. M. V., Home Missionary, and
Educational, N. Schwantes. Office Address: Rua Dr. Ermelino de
Ledo No. 170, Curitiba, Parana, Bra-
Ordained Minister: zil, South America. (Do not send
Nelson Schwantes. mail here.)
Licensed Missionary: Postal Address: Caixa Postal 810, Curi-
Silvestre Toddai. tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.

Officers: Ordained Ministers:

President, Querino Dau. H. Hoffmann, S. Kuempel, Aracely
Secretary, D. S. Lima. Melo, G. Streithorst.
Treasurer, F. H. Gerling. Honorary,: H. F. Graf.
Executive Committee: Q. Dau, E. R.
Azevedo, W. R. da Silva, W. Ehlers, Licensed Missionaries:
F. H. Gerling, D. S. Lima, A. Rutz. 0. G. de Pinho, 0. dos Reis, L.
Giannini, I. Reis, H. Ruhe, 0. E.
Departmental Secretaries: Santo, Mrs. G. Streithorst, E. Weidle.
Book and Bible House, F. H. Gerling.
Educational, Y. P. M. V. and Sabbath Church School Teachers:
School, D. S. Lima. E. Avila, Flora C. Azevedo, Lidia
Field Missionary, W. R. da Silva. Azevedo, D. T. Costa, E. Cruz, F.
Home Missionary, Querino Dau. Ditberner, Adolfo dos Reis, H. Fried-
rich, Paulo Gonzales, Pedro Gonzales,
Ordained Ministers: A. Jaime, H. Knoener, W. Koehler,
E. R. Azevedo, W. R. da Silva, Quer- M. Kuempel, L. Lutz, P. Marquart, G.
ino Dau, D. S. Lima. Oliveira, W. Oliveira, J. M. Rabelo,
Honorary: F. R. Kuempel, M. Kuem- D. Reis, Dorvalina Reis, J. Rohmann,
pel. R. S. Santos, R. Schuck, J. R. Silva,
E. V. Toledo, A. Varela.
Licensed Ministers:
Legal Assn.: "Associagao dos Advent-
A. Rutz. istas do Setimo Dia no Rio Grande
Honorary: C. Stoehr. do Sul."
Licensed Missionaries:
W. Avila, F. H. Gerling, S. Giannini,
A. Jimenes, M. Malty, Boni Renck.
Church School Teachers: SAO PAULO CONFERENCE
C. Antunes, E. Avi, P. C. Braga, D. Organized 1922
Crivelaro, L. Duarte, C. Gabriel, Z.
Krueger, N. Maurer, D. Paula, E. W. Territory: The State of Sao Paulo,
Paula, H. Pereira, L. Reinert, W. South America.
Weber. Population: 8,500,000; churches, 14 ;
members, 3,827.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists," Sao
Organized 1906 Office Address: Rua Tagus, No. 88, Sao
Territory: The State of Rio Grande do Paulo, Brazil, South America. (Do
Sul, Brazil, South America. not send mail here.) (Telephone,
Population: 5,000,000; churches, 23 ;
members, 2,398. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Officers:
Brazil. President, Germano G. Ritter.
Secretary-Treasurer, Arno Schwantes.
Office Address: Rua General Vitorino Executive Committee: Germano G.
No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Ritter, W. Arouca, E. M. Castilho, F.
Sul, Brazil, South America. Luz, R. E. Oberg, Arno Schwantes.
Officers: Departmental Secretaries:
President, G. Streithorst.
Secretary-Treasurer, Book and Bible House, A. Schwantes.
Executive Committee: G. Streithorst, Educational and Y. P. M. V., M. S.
J. A. Krueger, S. Kuempel, 0. E. Nigri.
Santo, G. N. Vieira. Field Missionary, W. Baranski.
Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Departmental Secretaries: E. Zorub.
Book and Bible House, Ordained Ministers:
Field Missionary, H. Ruhe.
Educational, 0. E. Santo. W. Arouca, E. M. Castilho, T. Kan-
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and .ada, M. Margarido, Germano Ritter.
Y. P. M. V., H. Hoffmann. Honorary: L. Braun.

Licensed Ministers: Instituto Industrial (Lima Training

0. Azevedo, M. S. Nigri, R. E. Oberg, School), Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru,
E. Zorub. South America.
Institute. Teolegico Adventista (East
Honorary: F. Belz. Brazil Academy), Correas, Estado
Licensed Missionaries: do Rio, Brazil, South America.
Instituto Industrial Boliviano (Bo-
W. Baranski, W. Bechara, N. Klein, livia Training School}, Casilla 82,
J. Lucca, A. Martins, I. Peixoto, A. Cochabamba, Bolivia, South Amer-
Schwantes, J. Siqueira. ica.
Church School Teachers: Instituto Bernadino Rivadavia (Bue-
nos Aires Academy), Estanislao del
D. Apolinario, A. Bronze, D. Ca- Campo 1546, Florida, F. C. C. A.,
margo, N. Cunha, R. Ferreira, 0. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gouvea, B. Krueger, M. A. Leme, E.
Maluf, L. Martins, E. Meibach, E. Publishing:
Morais, 0. Oberg, P. Pinto, E. Quei- Casa Editora Sudamericana, Florida,
roz, Z. Queiroz, E. Reis, M. Rodri- F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
gues, L. Siqueira, Y. Trezza, E. Trigo, tina, South America.
R. Vieira. Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa
Postal 34, Santo Andre, S. P. R.,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
AMERICAN DIVISION Sanitariums and Hospitals:
Casa de Salud Liberdade (Sao Paulo
Educational: Clinic), Rua Tamandare 495, Sao
Colegio Adventista de Butia (Butia Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Academy), Turvo, L. S. F., Santa Clinica Juliaca (Juliaca Clinic), Ca-
Catarina, Brazil, South America. silla 22, Juliaca, Peru, South Amer-
Colegio Adventists del Plata (River ica.
Plate Junior College), Puiggari, F. Sanatorio Adventists del Plata (River
C. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, Plate Sanitarium), Puiggari, F. C.
South America. E., Entre Rios, Argentina, South
Colegio Adventista del Titicaca (Lake America.
Titicaca Training School), Casilla Sanatorio y Hospital de Sud Yungas
4, Juliaca, Peru, South America. (Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospi-
Colegio Industrial Adventista (Chil- tal), Chulumani, Sud Yungas, Bo-
Ian Training School), Casilla 7 D, livia, South America.
Chillan, Chile, South America.
Colegio Adventists (Brazil Junior Food Company:
College), Santa Amaro, Sao Paulo, Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Anonima
Brazil, South America. (Buenos Aires Food Company),
Ginasio Adventista (Taquara Acad- Avenida San Martin 4625, Florida,
emy), Taquara, Rio Grande do Sul, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argen-
Brazil, South America. tina, South America.
Organized 1920
Territory: The Union of South Africa, Ministerial Assoc., W. H. Anderson.
Basutoland, Swaziland, Southwest Af- Sabbath School, Religious Liberty,
rica, Portuguese East Africa, Belgian Y. P. M. V., G. E. Shankel.
Congo, Angola, Ruanda, Urundi, NY-
asaland Protectorate, Bechuanaland Ordained Ministers:
Protectorate, Northern Rhodesia, W. H. Anderson, C. W. Bozarth,
Southern Rhodesia, the islands of St. E. W. Marter, W. E. McClure, M.
Helena, Tristan de Cunha, Ascension ; Robison, G. E. Shankel, L. A. Vixie,
Tanganyika, Kenya Colony and Pro- J. V. Wilson.
tectorate, the islands of Zanzibar and
Pemba ; Uganda Protectorate and Licensed Ministers:
Southern Anglo-Egyptian Sudan.
D. H. Abbott, C. C. Marais, J. L. Mil-
Population: European, 2,222,431; Asi- ford, D. A. Webster.
atic, 324,599 ; Colored, 827,902 ; Na-
tive, 50,444,576 ; Total Population, Licensed Missionaries:
53,819,508. Miss C. Anderson, Mrs. W. H. Ander-
Churches: White, 57; Colored, 14; In- son, Mrs. M. Botes, Mrs. C. W. Bo-
dian, 1 ; Native, 246 ; Total, 318. zarth, C. F. Clarke, Mrs. C. F. Clarke,
Members: White, 3,856; Colored, 685 ; Mrs. F. G. Clifford, A. Davy, Mrs. A.
Indian, 23 ; Native, 36,379 ; Total, Davy, Miss E. Delhove, Miss E. Ed-
40,943. Believers not baptized, med, Miss G. P. Fortner, Miss L
33,810. Total Adherents, 74,753. Fouche, S. Glanz, Mrs. S. Glanz, Mrs.
(These figures include Kenya nd R. Gorle, Miss C. Grobler, Miss H.
Upper Nile Unions.) Hayton, Miss E. Hinterleitner, Miss
H. M. Hyatt, Mrs. L. LeButt, Mrs.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- C. C. Marais, Mrs. E. W. Marter,
ventist," Claremont, Cape. Mrs. W. E. McClure, Miss H. McCul-
Office Address: Grove Avenue, Clare- lough, F. E. Meckling, Mrs. F. E.
mont, Cape Province, South Africa. Meckling, Mrs. J. L. Milford, Erico
Msuseni, Miss M. Nickel, Mrs. M.
Officers: Robison, J. G. Slate, Mrs. J. G. Slate,
President, S. Sparrow, Mrs. S. Sparrow, Miss H.
Secretary, Milton Robison. Ueckermann, P. J. van Eck, Mrs.
Treas. and Auditor, C. W. Bozarth. P. J. van Eck, Miss A. Visser, F.
Executive Committee: . . Visser, Mrs. F. Visser, Mrs. L. A.
W. H. Anderson, C. W. Bozarth, J. R. Vixie, Miss B. Webb, Mrs. D. A.
Campbell, F. G. Clifford, C. W. Cur- Webster, Miss P. A. Willmore, Mrs.
tis, T. R. Huxtable, S. G. Maxwell, J. V. Wilson, Mrs. N. C. Wilson.
W. E. McClure, G. R. Nash, M. Honorary: Mrs. W. B. Commin.
Robison, J. G. Slate, H. M. Sparrow,
V. E. Toppenberg, L. A. Vixie. Legal Association: Seventh-day Ad-
ventist Community of Africa (Incor-
Departmental Secretaries: porated) ; President, N. C. Wilson ;
Educational, Milton Robison. Vice-President, 'J. G. Slate; Secre-
Home Missionary and Publishing, L. tary, Milton Robison ; Asst. Secretary,
A. Vixie. D. A. Webster; Treasurer, C. W.
Medical, Bozarth.


Organized 1925
Territory: Angola (Portuguese West Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Africa). ventists," Nova Lisboa, Angola.
Area: 510,670 square miles. Postal Address: Angola Union Mission
Population: White, 30,000; native, of Seventh-day Adventists, Caixa Pos-
4,170,000. tale No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola,
Portuguese West Africa.
Churches: 28 ; members, 1,436, includ-
ing 24 Europeans and 1,412 natives; Officers:
believers not baptized, 1,087. Total Superintendent,
adherents, 2,523. Secretary-Treasurer, Peter Stevenson.

Executive Committee: . . Luccusse Mission Station

0. I. Fields, 0. U. Giddings, R. B.
Parsons, Peter Stevenson. Postal Address: Caixa Postal No. 34,
Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese West
Departmental Secretaries: Africa.
Medical, R. B. Parsons. VDirector: A. J. Rodrigues.
Sabbath School, Mrs. R. B. Parsons.
Y. P. M. V., Peter Stevenson. Licensed Missionaries:
A. J. Rodrigues, Mrs. A. J. Rodrigues.
Ordained Minister: Herculano.
Portuguese Teacher: A. J. Rodrigues.
Licensed Minister: Peter Stevenson.
Village Schools: 2.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. Peter Steven- Native Teachers: 3.

Luz Mission. Station

Bongo Mission Station
Postal Address: Missao de Luz, Caixa
Address: Missao Adventists, Lepi, An- Postale, No. 33, Vila Luzo, Distrito
gola, Portuguese West Africa. de Moxico, Angola, Portuguege West
Director, 0. I. Fields. \ Director: J. Falcao.
Doctor, R. B. Parsons.
Nurse, Ruth Johnson. Licensed Minister: J. Falcao.
Accountant, E. L. Jewell. Portuguese Teacher: J. Falcao.
Teachers: V. Chaves, 0. I. Fields,
Mrs. 0. I. Fields, E. L. Jewell, Village Schools: 6.
Mrs. E. L. Jewell, Miss R. Visser,
Capinala, Catimba, Chicondo, Go- Native Teachers: 8.
mes, Leonardo, Mario, Tomaz.
Ordained Minister: R. B. Parsons.
Licensed Minister: 0. I. Fields.
Namba Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries:
V. Chaves, Mrs. V. Chaves, Mrs. 0. I. Postal Address: Caixa Postal 3, Nova
Fields, E. L. Jewell, Mrs. E. L. Jew- Lisboa, Angola.
ell, Miss R. Johnson, Mrs. R. B. Par- Director: --.
sons, Miss R. Visser.
Village Schools: 3.
Village Schools: 4.
Native Teachers: 3.
Native Evangelist: 1.

Cuale Mission Station

Postal Address: Duque de Braganca, Ovimbundu Outschools
Districto do Malange, Angola, Portu-
guese West Africa.
Address: Missao Adventista, Lepi, An-
Director: 0. U. Giddings. gola.
Portuguese Teacher. Director:
Ordained Minister: 0. U. Giddings.
Inspector: Venancio.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. U. Gid-
dings. Ordained Minister: Venancio.
Village School: 1. Schools: 20.
Native Teachers: 2. Teachers: 20.
Organized 1925

Territory: Congo Beige, except the ter- Legal Representative for Ruanda
ritory comprising the Southern Congo Urundi:
Mission Field ; Ruanda, Urundi. Suppleant: M. Duplouy.
Area: 909,654 square miles.
Population: White, 25,000; native,
14,500,000. Bikobo Hill Mission Station
Churches: 30; members, 4,646, includ- Established 1930
ing 25 Europeans and 4,621 natives.
Believers not baptized,- 12,689. Total Postal Address: Boite Postal 3, Kon-
adherents, 17,335. golo, Belgian Congo, Central Africa.
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Ad- Director: V. Davies.
ventist," Usumbura.
Licensed Minister: V. Davies.
Postal Address: Gitwe, Ruanda, via
Usumbura, Belgian East Africa (Cor- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. V. Davies.
respondence from Europe or America Village Schools: 22.
should be sent via Dar-es-Salaam, Native Teachers: 20.
East Africa).
Superintendent, J. R. Campbell.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Duplouy. Buganda Mission Station
Executive Committee: J. R. Camp-
bell, K. F. Ambs, M. Duplouy, G. A. Established 1925
Ellingworth, A. Matter, H. Monnier, Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura,
L. K. Rittenhouse, A. Siepman, E. L. Urundi, Africa.
Director: P. L. Howe.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Minister: P. L. Howe.
Educational, E. L. Tarr.
Sabbath School, M. Duplouy. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. P. L. Howe.
Y. P. M. V., J. R. Campbell. Village Schools: 10.
Ordained Ministers: Native Teachers: 12.
Mp. Abeli, J. R. Campbell, M. Ezekiel,
M. Joseph, H. Monnier, N. Sila, L.
Yohana, M. Yohana.
Honorary: Paolo.
Gitwe Mission Station
Licensed Ministers:
Barnabas, Maxime Duplouy, M. Jonas, (Seminaire Adventiste)
M. Manase, S. Mariko, R. Nataniel, Established 1921
K. Nehemya, M. Noa, K. Samuel, S. Postal Address: Via Usumbura, Ru-
Stephano, Yonatani, R. Zakeyo. anda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Licensed Missionaries: Director: E. L. Tarr.
Mrs. J. It. Campbell, Mrs. M. Du- Nurse: Mrs. M. Duplouy.
plouy, Mrs. H. Monnier.
Ordained Ministers:
Legal Organization for Congo Beige: D. Kagegera, A. Muhaya, M. Segatwa,
The Congo Union Mission of Seventh- E. Sumutwa, E. L. Tarr.
day Adventists.
Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Representative for Congo Beige: A. A. Matter, T. W. Staples, Mrs.
J. R. Campbell. T. W. Staples, Mrs. E. L. Tarr.
Suppleant: M. Duplouy.
Legal OrganizatiOn for Ruanda Urundi: A. A. Matter, A. Muhaya, M. Nyirin-
Mission Evangelique des Adventistes gondo, E. Sumutwa, T. W. Staples,
du Septieme Jour. Mrs. T. W. Staples, Mrs. E. IL Tarr.

Katanga Mission Station Ndora Mission Station

Established 1923 Established 1936
Postal Address: Boite Postale 446, Postal Address: P. 0. Usumbura,
Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Urundi, Africa.
Director: G. A. Ellingworth.
Director: P. L. Howe.
Ordained Minister: G. A. Ellingworth.
Licensed Minister: P. L. Howe.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. G. A. Elling-
worth. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. P. L. Howe.
Teacher Evangelists: 3. Village Schools: 12.
Village Schools: 2. Native Teachers: 13.

Kikamba Mission Station

Ngoma Medical Mission Station
Established 1924
Established 1931
Postal Address: Boite Postal 3, Kongolo,
Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Postal Address: Gitwe, Ruanda, Usum-
bura, Urundi, Congo Beige.
Director: Kosam.
Director: A. Matter.
Licensed Minister: Kosam.
Medical Supt.: L. K. Rittenhouse.
Village Schools: 2.
Nurse: Miss F. Spillman.
Native Teachers: 3.
Ordained Minister: A. Matter.
Licensed Minister: L. K. Rittenhouse.
Kirundu Mission Station Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Kirundu, via Kindu, Mrs. A. Matter, Miss T. Matter, Mrs.
Province Orientale, Congo Beige, Cen- L. K. Rittenhouse, Miss F. Spillman.
tral Africa.
Village Schools: 33.
Director: D. E. Delhove. Native Teachers: 34.
Ordained Minister: D. E. Delhove.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. D. E. Del-
Rwankeri Mission Station
Native Licensed Minister: 1.
Established 1922
Village Schools: 17.
Native Teachers: 19. Postal Address: P. 0. Goma-Kivu, via
Kabale, Uganda, East Africa.
Director: K. F. Ambs.
Lubembe Central School
Nurse: Miss L. Delhove.
Established 1939
Licensed Minister: K. F. Ambs.
Poital Address: Chisunka Village, Mo-
kambo, via Elisabethville, Congo Licensed Missionaries:
Beige, Africa. Mrs. K. F. Ambs, Miss L. Delhove.
Director: Titus Kiana. Village Schools: 67.
Ordained Minister: Titus Kiana. Native Teachers: 69.
Pastor: 1.
Village Schools: 4.
Songa Mission Station
Native Teachers: 7.
Established 1921
Postal Address: Boite Postale, Kamina,
Lubero Mission Station Congo Beige, Africa.
Established 1941 Director: Geo. Hiten.
Postal Address: Care of Congo Union, Licensed Ministers:
Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Bel- George Hiten, 0. Rouhe.
gian East Africa_ Licensed Missionaries:
Director: A. Siepman. Miss M. Haseneder, Mrs. George Hiten.
Licensed Minister: A. Siepman. Mrs. 0. Rouhe.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. Siepman. Village Schools: 9.
Village Schools: 3. Native Teachers: 12.
Native Teachers: 3. Native Evangelists: 3.
Organized 1912; reorganized 1926, 1933

Territory: Kenya Colony and Protecto- Address: Box 1757, Nairobi, Kenya
rate, the islands of Zanzibar and Colony, East Africa.
Pemba. Director: H. A. Matthews.
Population: 3,500,000; churches, 40;
Ordained Ministers:
members, 5,741.
European: H. A. Matthews.
Address: Box 1352, Nairobi, Kenya African : 1.
Colony, East Africa.
Licensed Minister: African: 1.
Office: Rooms 22 and 23, Albert House,
Government Road, Nairobi, Kenya Licensed Missionaries:
Colony. European : Mrs. H. A. Matthews.
African: 1.
Superintendent, S. G. Maxwell.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. T. Bannister.
Executive Committee: S. G. Maxwell, Karura Mission Station
C. T. Bannister, S. W. Beardsell, R.
A. Carey, L. G. Ermshar, G. A. Address: Box 1757, Nairobi, Kenya
Lewis, H. A. Matthews, M. C. Mur- Colony, East Africa.
doch, W. C. S. Raitt, F. H. Thomas. Director: H. A. Matthews.
Departmental Secretaries: African Teachers: 7.
Educational, S. W. Beardsell.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., D. Kas-sahun.
Medical, L. G. Ermshar. KENYA COAST MISSION
Ordained Minister: S. G. Maxwell. Entered 1934
Licensed Ministers: Territory: Kenya Protectorate, Coast
Province and that portion of the
S. W. Beardsell, D. M. Swaine. Northern Frontier Province lying
Licensed Missionaries: south of the equator, and the islands
of Zanzibar and Pemba.
N. Aga, C. T. Bannister, Mrs. S. W
. Beardsell, R. A. Carey, Mrs. R. A. Churches: 2; members, 59.
Carey, Miss G. A. Clarke, Mrs. L. G.
Ermshar, Miss K. Jorgensen, D. Kas- Address: Box 273, Mombasa, Kenya
sahun, Mrs. S. G. Maxwell, Miss D. Protectorate, East Africa.
Nielsen, Miss K. Nielsen, Miss C. Director: W. C. S. Raitt.
Olsen, Miss C. Schuil, Mrs. D. M.
Swaine. Ordained Ministers:
Institutions: European: W. C. S. Raitt.
African : 1.
Kamagambo Training School ; Princi-
pal, S. W. Beardsell, Kamagambo, Licensed Missionary: Mrs. W. C. S.
P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Colony. Raitt.
The Advent Press ; Manager, R. A.
Carey, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
Kendu Hospital. Supt., L. G. Ermshar, Changamwe Mission Station
Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya Address: Box 273, Mombasa, Kenya
Colony. Protectorate, East Africa.
Director: W. C. S. Raitt.
African Teachers: 10.
Entered 1933
Territory: Kikuyu and Ukamba prov- NORTHWEST KENYA MISSION
inces and that portion of the Northern Entered 1931
Frontier Province lying north of the
equator. Territory: North Kavirondo, Eldoret,
Nakuru, Suk, Turkana and North
Churches: 3; members, 145. Rift Valley districts.

Churches: 2 ; members, 74. Director: G. A. Lewis.

Address: P. 0. Kakamega, Kenya African Teachers: 58.
Colony. Girls' School:
Director: M. C. Murdoch.
Ordained Minister: M. C. Murdoch. WEST KENYA MISSION
Licensed Missionaries: Entered 1906; Organized 1933
Mrs. M. C. Murdoch.
Territory: The Luo language area
African : 1. around the Kavirondo Gulf (Lake
Victoria), and Utende district.
Churches: 26 ; members, 4,172.
Chebwai Mission Station Address: Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
Address: P. 0. Kakamega, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Colony. Director: F. H. Thomas.
Director: M. C. Murdoch.
Departmental Secretaries:
African Teachers: 10.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., S. Omondi ; S. Ngao.
Ordained Ministers:
European: F. H. Thomas.
Entered 1912; Organized 1933 African: 4.
Territory: The Kisii and Kericho dis- Licensed Ministers:
tricts and the Masai reserve. European: C. J. Hyde.
Churches: 7 ; members, 1,291. African: 12.
Address: Nyanchua Mission, Kisii, Licensed Missionaries:
Kenya Colony, East Africa. European: Mrs. C. J. Hyde, Mrs.
Director: G. A. Lewis. F. H. Thomas.
Departmental Secretaries: African : 3.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y. P. M. V., N. Misati.
Gendia Mission Station
Ordained Ministers:
European: G. A. Lewis. Address: Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya
African: 2. Colony, East Africa.
Licensed Ministers: African: 6. Director: F. H. Thomas.
Licensed Missionaries: African Teachers: 52.
European : Mrs. G. A. Lewis.
African: 4.
Kanyadoto Mission Station
Address: Kanyadoto, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya
Nyanchua Mission Station Colony.
Address: Nyanchua Mission, P. 0. Kisii, Director: C. J. Hyde.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. African Teachers: 59.


Organized 1902

Territory: The Union of South Africa, Area: 851,063 square miles.

Southwest Africa, Basutoland, Swazi-
land, and that portion of Portuguese Population: White, 2,053,331 ; Asiatics,
East Africa lying south of Latitude 235,327 ; Natives, 8,420,598 ; Colored,
22, comprising the Cape Conference, 823,334. Total population, 11,532,590.
the Natal-Transvaal Conference, the Churches: White, 53; Colored, 14; In-
Cape Mission Field, the North Bantu dian, 1 ; Native, 43 ; Total 111. Mem-
Mission Field, the South Bantu Mis- bers: White, 3,544; Colored, 685;
sion Field, and St. Helena Island. Indian, 23 ; Native, 2,396; Total,

6,648. Believers not baptized, 529. CAPE CONFERENCE

Total adherents, 7,177.
(Formerly part of South African
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Conference)
Bloemfontein, 0. F. S. Reorganized 1936
Office Address: 31 Fichardt Chambers, Territory: All Europeans and Asiatics
Maitland Street, Bloemfontein, 0. F. in the Cape Province, except for the
S., South Africa. territory north of Kuruman and
Taungs ; that portion of the Orange
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- Free State south of and including
fontein, Orange Free State, South Boshof, Brandfort, and Ladybrand ;
Africa. Basutoland; and the mandated terri-
Officers: tory of South West Africa. (For
European work.)
President, F. G. Clifford.
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, J. E. Area: 630,610 square miles (approxi-
Symons. mately).
Executive Committee: F. G. Clifford,
J. N. de Beer, E. D. Hanson, W. H. Population: 923,485 (approximately) ;
Hayter, W. H. Hurlow, E. G. Marcus, churches, 22 ; members, 1,417.
W. E. McClure, J. Raubenheimer, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Port
J. G. Siepman, A. W. Staples, G. S. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af-
Stevenson, J. E. Symons, E. W. Tarr, rica.
and the Educational Secretary of the
South African Union. Office Address: 162 Russell Road, Port
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af-
Departmental Secretaries: rica.
Field Missionary, Division Field Mis- Postal Address: Box 508, Port Eliza-
sionary Secretary. beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., W. Officers:
H. Hurlow.
Medical, President, E. D. Hanson.
Religious Liberty, F. G. Clifford. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss P. E. Will-
Ordained Ministers: Executive Committee: E. D. Hanson,
E. A. Buckley, F. G. Clifford, A. V. E. L. Cardey, N. Jeffes, A. C. LeButt,
Edwards, W. H. Hurlow, E. G. Mar- G. W. S. Marais, B. B. Piercey, J. C.
cus, J. E. Symons. van der Merwe, P. J. Trytsman, Jr.,
Honorary : 0. 0. Bredenkamp, W. Miss P. E. Willmore.
H. Haupt, A. N. Ingle, J. C. Rogers, Departmental Secretaries:
G. W. Shone, D. F. Tarr.
Educational, E. D. Hanson.
Licensed Ministers: Field Missionary, C. S. Pike.
W. H. Hayter, A. G. Kohen, P. H. Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., A.
Mantell, H. W. Stevenson, E. W. C. LeButt.
Tarr. Medical, Miss A. G. Fleming.
Religious Book Depository, Miss P. E.
Licensed Missionaries: Willmore.
Mrs. W. Baxter, S. J. Bloemetzie, Sabbath School, A. C. LeButt.
Mrs. S. J. Bloemetzie, Mrs. E. K. Cer- Ordained Ministers:
fontyne, Miss R. Curtis, Miss H. Dale,
J. Davies, Mrs. A. V. Edwards, E. L. Cardey, E. D. Hanson, A. C.
Mrs. Jane Gacula, R. Grant, Mrs. LeButt, J. van der Merwe, P. Wick-
R. Grant, Mrs. W. H. Hayter, Mrs. 0. man.
Honey, Mrs. A. G. Kohen, Mrs. W. H. Licensed Ministers:
Hurlow, B. Khumalo, Mrs. B. Khu-
malo, Miss J. B. Kleinert, D. Mac- D. A. de Beer, R. Visser.
donald, Mrs. P. H. Mantell, Miss A. J. Licensed Missionaries:
Marais, Mrs. E. G. Marcus, Mrs. L. L.
Moffitt, Miss C. Ndyambo, Mrs. H. W. D. Baird, Miss E. K. Beaton, Miss
Stevenson, Mrs. J. E. Symons, Mrs. L. Bradley, Mrs. E. L. Cardey, Miss
E. W. Tarr, E. Tsotetsi. H. Clarkson, M. Coetzee, Mrs. M.
Honorary: Mrs. C. Burton, Mrs. M. Coetzee, Miss J. D. Cramond, Mrs.
Commin, Miss E. Edie, Mrs. W. H. D. A. de Beer, Miss A. G. Fleming,
Haupt, Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Mrs. E. L. Miss P. Fouche, Mrs. E. D. Hanson,
Stevenson, Mrs. M. Walston. Mrs. A. C. LeButt, Mrs. J. F. R.
Linton, C. S. Pike, Mrs. C. S. Pike,
Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist Miss L. Roberts, J. Theron, D. D.
Community of Africa (Incorporated). Toerien, Mrs. J. van der Merwe, Mrs.

R. Visser, Mrs. P. Wickman, Miss Licensed Missionaries:

P. E. Willmore. A. v. d. Bergh, Mrs. A. v. d. Bergh,
P. Coetzee, Mrs. J. J. B. Combrinck,
Church School Teachers: Mrs. W. Cowper, Miss P. Dawkins,
Miss J. D. Cramond, Mrs. J. F. R. Miss J. de Beer, Miss M. J. Dixie,
Linton, J. Theron. Mrs. P. J. A. Haarhoff, Mrs. A. J.
Herholdt, Miss J. Knoetze, Mrs. R.
Lindup, Miss C. E. Lund, Mrs. P. J.
v. d. Merwe, G. A. W. Meyer, Mrs.
Orchard, Mrs. John Raubenheimer,
(Formerly part of South African Miss A. Seager, Mrs. A. W. Staples,
Conference) Mrs. E. J. Stevenson, Mrs. I. Swane-
Reorganized 1936 poel, Miss D. Tribe, Miss C. Tucker,
Mrs. P. A. Venter, Mrs. P. W. Will-
Territory: All Europeans and Asiatics more.
in the territories of the Provinces of
Natal and Transvaal ; portion of the Church School Teachers:
Cape Province known as British Mrs. E. Bulgin, Miss L. Ficker, Mrs.
Bechuanaland north of Kuruman and S. E. Louw, Miss M. Sheppard.
Taungs; portion of the Orange Free
State Province north of Boshof,
Brandfort, and Ladybrand; Swaziland
and Portuguese East Africa south of DURBAN INDIAN MISSION
Latitude 22.
Area: 425,508 square miles (approxi- (Under the direction of the Natal-
mately). Transvaal Conference)

Population: 1,098,857 (approximately) ; Postal Address: Seventh-day Adventist

churches, 31 ; members, 2,084. Church, Keats Avenue, Durban, Na-
tal, South Africa.
Telegraphic Address: "Natracon,"
Johannesburg. Church: 1 ; members, 23.
Licensed Minister: V. Norcott.
Office Address: 14 Claim Street Johan- Licensed Missionary: Mrs. V. Norcott.
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 7768, Jo-
hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Officers: (Formerly part of South African
President, A. W. Staples. Mission Field)
Executive Committee: A. W. Staples, Reorganized 1936
E. F. Birkenstock, J. J. B. Corn- Territory: Native work in Basutoland,
brinck, V. R. Cooks, H. L. Havenga, Bechuanaland (south of Mafeking),
S. S. Hiten, B. V. Ingle, J. J. Millard, Orange Free State, Natal, Portuguese
J. Raubenheimer. East Africa (south of Latitude 22),
Departmental Secretaries: Swaziland, Transvaal, and Zululand.
Educational, Area: 332,901 square miles.
Field Missionary, G. A. W. Meyer. Population: 5,254,142; churches, 27;
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, members, native, 1,493 ; white, 12;
and Y. P. M. V., W. Cowper. total, 1,505.
Religious Book Depository, P. W. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Jo-
Willmore. hannesburg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Ila Beckett's Buildings,
L. S. Billes, J. J. B. Combxtinck, A. J. President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
vaal, South frica.
Herholdt, S. G. Hiten, S. S. Hiten,
P. J. v. d. Merwe, John Rauben- Officers:
heimer, A. W. Staples, P. A. Venter. Superintendent, J. G. Sieprnan.
Licensed Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Pitt.
Executive Committee: J. G. SiePman,
J. B. Cooks, W. Cowper, P. J. A. J. N. Bacela, R. A. Buckley, J. M.
Haarhoff, J. M. Staples, E. J. Steven- Hlubi, H. J. Hurlow, Eka J. Kuboni,
son. A. A. Pitt.

Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Minister: H. J. Hurlow.

Publishing, J. D. Harcombe. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. J. Hur-
Sabbath School, low.
Y. P. M. V., J. G. Siepman. In Charge of Dispensary: H. J. Hur-
Ordained Ministers: low.
Native Worker: E. Kglema.
R. A. Buckley, H. J. Hurlow, D.
Masina, J. G. Siepman, W. C. Tarr. Teacher: W. Ndabambi.
Licensed Minister: A. A. Pitt.
Licensed Missionaries: Natal Mission District
J. D. Harcombe, Mrs. J. D. Har-
combe, Mrs. J. G. Siepman, Miss Postal Address: Watersmeet, Private
M. J. Tarr, Mrs. W. C. Tarr. Bag, P. 0. Besters, Natal, South
Director: E. Ka-J. Kuboni.
Bechuanaland Mission District Ordained Minister: E. Ka-J. Kuboni.
Postal Address: P. 0. Taungs, Cape Licensed Ministers:
N. M. Ngwenya, P. Zungu.
Province, South Africa.
Honorary Licensed Missionary:
Director: M. R. Moeletsi.
E. Ndhlovu.
Licensed Ministers:
M. R. Moeletsi.
Honorary: K. I. Itumeleng. Orange Free State Mission District
Licensed Missionary: R. M. Borne. Postal Address: 288 Lovedale Road,
Teacher: M. Manchwe. Mohlamola Location, Bloemfontein,
0. F. S., South Africa.
Director: J. Ndabambi.
Honorary Minister: J. Ndabambi.
Emmanuel Mission Station and District
Teacher: Mrs. J. Africa.
Established 1910
Address: P. 0. Leribe, Basutoland,
South Africa.
Pretoria Mission District
Director: R. A. Buckley.
Postal Address: Ila Beckett's Buildings,
Licensed Minister: R. A. Buckley. President Street, Johannesburg,
Licensed Missionaries: Mrs. R. A. Buck- Transvaal, South Africa.
ley, Bantu, J. Senkoto, I. E. Seteka. Director: T. Kote.
Native Worker: Licensed Minister: T. Kote.
Hon. Minister: Andrew Xabba.
Teacher: C. Legoabe.
S. Moralana, T. Tabane.
Childrens' Home Rand Mission District
(Home for Untainted Children Postal Address: Ila Beckett's Build-
of Leper Parents.) ings, President St., Johannesburg,
Address: Emmanuel Mission, P. 0. South Africa.
Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa. Director: J. N. Bacela.
Board of Management: Ordained Minister: J: N. Bacela.
F. G. Clifford, J. G. Siepman, Sir Licensed Missionaries:
Walter Johnson, Miss M. Martin, R. Mrs. A. Molokomme, A. M. Nkosi.
A. Buckley. Teachers:
E. Kuboni, G. Vilakazi.

Koh) Mission Station

Established 1899 Shiloh Mission Station and District
Established 1930
Address: P. 0. Mahlalefi, Basutoland,
South Africa. Postal Address: P. 0. Lunsklip, via
Potgietersrust, N. Transvaal, South
Director: H. J. Hurlow. Africa.

Director: Officers:
Native Workers: Superintendent, G. S. Stevenson.
Licentiate: K. Mosedi. Secretary-Treasurer, Miss L. M. Klei-
Teachers: nert.
A. P. Mabowe, Mrs. A. Mabowe. Executive Committee: G. S. Steven-
son, R. E. Ansley, F. Macdonald, S. S.
Mgqamqo, D. D. Ntsikeni, S. K.
Ntwana, E. W. Tarr, and Educa-
Swazi-Eastern Transvaal Mission tional Secretary South African Un-
District ion.

Postal Address: P. 0. Mahamba, Swa- Departmental Secretaries:

ziland, South Africa. Publishing, G. S. Stevenson.
Director: J. M. Hlubi. Sabbath School, Mrs. A. P. Tarr.
Ordained Minister: J. M. Hlubi. Y. P. M. V. and Home Missionary,
G. S. Stevenson.
Licensed Minister: T. A. Nkosi.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. M. Hlubi. Ordained Ministers:
Teachers: G. S. Stevenson.
P. Hlubi, Miriam Khubeka, Mrs. Honorary: A. P. Tarr.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss L. M. Kleinert, Mrs. G. S. Stev-
Western Transvaal Mission District Honorary: Mrs. A. P. Tarr.
Postal Address: P. 0. Linokana, West-
ern Transvaal, South Africa.
Director: Abel Magotsi. Bethel Mission District
Licensed Minister: Abel Magotsi. Postal Address: Bethel Training Col-
Teachers: lege, P. 0. Butterworth, Cape Prov-
A. Lecogo, W. Solontsi. ince, South Africa.
Director: A. V. Edwards.
Ordained Ministers:
Zululand Mission District A. V. Edwards, E. S. Jakavula.

Postal Address: P. 0. Nongoma, Zulu- Licensed Minister: H. W. Stevenson.

land, South Africa.
Director: J. S. Moya.
Ordained Minister: J. S. Moya. Cancele Mission Station
Licensed Minister: M. M. Langa.
Postal Address: P. 0. Cancele, Via
Licensed Missionary: M. Bole. Mount Frere, East Griqualand, Cape
Teacher: Mrs. J. Moya. Province, South Africa.
Director: R. E. Ansley.
Ordained Minister:
R. E. Ansley.
Licensed Ministers:
(Formerly part of South African D. D. Mankayi, S. T. Pikoli.
Mission Field)
Licensed Missionaries:
Reorganized 1936
Mrs. R. E. Ansley, G. S. Glass, Mrs.
Territory: Native work in the Province S. T. Pikoli.
of the Cape of Good Hope.
Area: 207,869 square miles (approxi- G. S. Glass, Headmaster ; L. Gewabe,
mate.) I. Mbenenge, Mrs. S. T. Pixoli, C.
Population: 2,045,110 ; churches, native,
16; members, native, 903 ; white, 20.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," East
London. Eastern Province Mission District
Postal Address: 19 Union House, Union Postal Address: Native Post Office,
Street, East London, Cape Province, Kingwi liamstown , Cape Province,
South Africa. South Africa.


Ordained Minister: S. S. Mgqamqo.
Licensed Ministers: Work for the Cape Colored People in
J. Ncuka, A. F. Williams. the Union of South Africa.
Teachers: Population: 767,984; churches, 14;
M. Mkumatela, H. Ndukwana, W. members, 685 ; white, 11.
Nomvete, A. G. Williams, V. Wil-
liams, E. Vappie. Postal Address: Claremont Chambers,
Main Road, Claremont, Cape, South

Glen Grey Mission District Superintendent, J. N. deBeer.
Postal Address: 1063 Location, Queens- Executive Committee: J. N. deBeer,
town, Cape, Province, South Africa. A. Felix, P. Jackson, K. Landers.
Director: G. S. Mayaba.
Ordained Ministers:
Ordained Minister: G. S. Mayaba. J. N. deBeer, N. C. Stuart.
Licensed Ministers: A. Mredlane, G. Honorary: D. J. May, D. C. Theu-
Potwana. nissen.
Licensed Missionary:
Honorary: Hans Shai. Licensed Ministers:
S. J. Fourie, K. Landers, G. Theu-
Teachers: nissen.
V. Magalakangqa, G. Potwana.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss I. Damon, Mrs. J. N. deBeer, I.
du Preez, L. Hunter, Mrs. L. Hunter,
Mrs. K. Landers, V. Shone, Miss A.
Lusikisiki Mission District V. Sutherland.
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Honorary: Mrs. S. J. Fourie, Mrs. N.
Box 12, Lusikisiki, East Pondoland, C. Stuart, Mrs. D. C. Theunissen.
South Africa.
Director: D. D. Ntsikeni.
Ordained Minister: D. D. Ntsikeni.
Licensed Minister: 0. S. James.
Teachers: For Non-European Work
S. J. Balintaba, A. Bhonga.
Territory: The mandated territory of
South West Africa (formerly German
South West Africa). ,
Area: 317,725 square miles.
Umtata Mission District
Population: Non-whites, 320,868.
Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Umtata, Transkei, Cape Province,
South Africa.
Director: B. T. Scott.
Ordained Minister: B. T. Scott. ST. HELENA ISLAND MISSION
Licensed Minister: N. G. Zuma. (South Atlantic Ocean)
Area: 47 square miles.
Population: 5,000 approximately.
Willowvale Mission District Postal Address: Jamestown, St. Helena
Postal Address: P. 0. Badi, Willowvale,
Cape Province, South Africa. Director: A. G. Kohen.
Director: S. K. Ntwana. Licensed Minister: A. G. Kohen.
Ordained Minister: S. K. Ntwana. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. G. Kohen.
Organized 1925

Territory: Nyasaland, Portuguese East UNATTACHED MISSIONS

Africa north of latitude 22; North-
east Rhodesia, east of meridian 32.
Area: 272,928 square miles. Chileka Mission Station

Population: White, 7,600, approx. ; na- Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.

tive, 5,467,606. Director: Yokoniah Sosola.
Churches: 25 ; members, 9,246, includ- Ordained Ministers:
ing 27 Europeans and 9,219 natives. Jonathan Kabambe, Morrison Ma-
Believers not baptized, 6,007. Total linki, Yokoniah Sosola.
adherents, 15,253. Licensed Ministers:
Jeremiah Karonga, Spurgeon Napan-
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," gana.
Blantyre, Nyasaland.
Village Schools: 11.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 51, Blan- Inspector: Mills Mbvundula.
tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Head Teacher: Fester Nseula, assisted
Officers: by 16 teachers.
Superintendent, C. W. Curtis.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. 13. Jewell.
Executive Committee: C. W. Curtis,
W. L. Davy, W. B. Higgins, E. B. Cinyama Mission Station
Jewell, E. P. Mansell, E. L. Morel, (Formerly Mlanje Mission District)
H. W. Stevenson, M. M. Webster.
Organized 1929
Departmental Secretaries: Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Educational, W. B. Higgins. Director: Sopha Saiwa.
Field Missionary,
Medical, E. L. Morel. Ordained Ministers:
Sabbath School, Harry Khonje, Sopha Saiwa.
Y. P. M. V., Village Schools: 11.
Ordained Ministers: Inspectors:
C. W. Curtis, E. B. Jewell. Moses Kamwenje, Bexter Misiri.
Head Teacher: Simon Buxton, assisted
Licensed Missionaries: by 14 Teachers.
Mrs. C. W. Curtis, Mrs. E. B. Jewell.

Lake View Mission Station

Malamulo Mission Station Address: P. 0. Fort Mlangeni, Nyasa-
Established 1902 land, Africa.
Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Cholo, Director: Roman Cimera.
Nyasaland. Faculty:
Roman Cimera, Simon Simon, as-
Postal Address: P. 0. Malamulo, Ny-
sisted by 4 teachers.
asaland, B. C. Africa.
Ordained Minister: Roman Cimera.
Director: W. B. Higgins. Licensed Ministers:
Village Schools: 9. Tom Kachoka, Willard Magombo, Si-
mon Simon.
Ordained Ministers:
W. B. Higgins, Yolam Karnwendo,
Phillip Kasonga, Edward Martin.
Luwazi Mission Station
Licensed Missionaries:
Address: P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland,
I. L. Ansley, Mrs. I. L. Ansley, Miss
L. M. Delhove, Miss R. Foote, Mrs.
W. B. Higgins, Miss M. Johnson, Miss Director: W. L. Davy.
H. E. Lude, E. L. Morel, Mrs. E. Faculty:
L. Morel, V. E. Robinson, Mrs. V. E. Simon Ngaiyaye, assisted by 5 native
Robinson. teachers.


Ordained Ministers: Ordained Ministers:

Simon Bunyani, W. L. Davy, Paulos E. P. Mansell, John Thomas.
Mhango, Simon Ngaiyaye. Licensed Minister: Ce Divison.
Licensed Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. P. Man-
William Abanda, Robert Akondwe, sell.
Ce Benjamin, Ce Isaac.
In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. W. L. In Charge of Dispensary: Mrs. E. P.
Davy, assisted by 1 native orderly. Mansell.

Matandani Mission Station Mwami Mission Station

Acquired 1908 Address: P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasa-
Postal Address: Blantyre, Nyasaland, land, Africa.
Africa. Director: H. W. Stevenson.
Director: M. M. Webster. Faculty:
Ordained Ministers: H. W. Stevenson, Mrs. H. W. Steven-
Ben Chona, M. M. Webster. son, Henderson James, Samuel Moyo,
Licensed Ministers: assisted by 7 teachers.
Nelson Denga, Hamilton Kanjira. In Charge of Hospital and Leper Col-
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. M. M. Web- ony: Miss D. Ingle and 4 assistants.
ster. Licensed Minister: H. W. Stevenson.
Inspector: Harrison Cipao.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. W. Steven-
Village Schools: 10: son.
Teachers: 15 natives.
Dispensary: Mrs. M. M. Webster.

Thambani Mission Station

Mombera Mission Station Organized 1929

Address: P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, Af- Address: P. 0. Mwanza, Nyasaland, Af-

rica. rica.
Director: Simon Msuseni. Director: Victor Mpheza.
Head Teacher: Berson Barto. Ordained Minister: Victor Mpheza.
Faculty: Inspector: Joseph Mangame.
Simon Msuseni, assisted by 4 teachers. Village Schools: 5.
Ordained Ministers: Head Teacher: Everson Jonas, assisted
Simon Msuseni, Jeremiah Muzemala, by 7 teachers.
David Nkosi.
Licensed Ministers:
Amos Nanyanga, Beriat Ntilosanje.
Thekerani Mission Station
Acquired 1923
Munguluni Mission Address: P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland,
(Formerly Mozambique Mission) Africa.
Organized 1933 Director: B. Ellingworth.
Territory: Portuguese East Africa Ordained Ministers:
North of latitude 22. Soldier Kanjanga, Ben Bitch.
Area: 260,200 square miles. Licensed Ministers:
Dickson Cikapa, B. Ellingworth.
Population: White, 5,800 ; native, 4,-
803,900. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. B. Elling-
Postal Address: P. 0. Munhamade, Dis- worth.
trict de Quilemane, Portuguese East Inspectors:
Af ries. Ce Maynard, Ce Matthew.
Director: E. P. Mansell. Village Schools: 28.
Faculty: Teachers: 35 natives.
M. M. Webster, John Thomas, Ce Di- Dispensary: Mrs. B. Ellingworth and
vison. native orderly.
Entered 1927; reorganized 1933

Territory: Uganda Protectorate. Licensed Ministers:

Population: 3,553,534; churches, 14; African: S. Golola, E. Mwanje, G.
companies, 21; members, 490. Namaswala.
Office Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Licensed Missionary:
Uganda, East Africa. European: Mrs. F. H. Muderspach.
Headquarters: Kireka Hill Mission, African Workers: 39.
Mile 6 on Jinja Road.
Superintendent, V. E. Toppenberg. Kireka Mission Station
Secretary, E. W. Pedersen. Established 1930
Treasurer, Miss M. Sachs. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kam-
Executive Committee: V. E. Toppen- pala, Uganda, East Africa.
berg, G. Gudmundsen, M. E. Lind,
F. H. Muderspach, E. W. Pedersen, Director: G. Gudmundsen.
Miss M. Sachs. African Workers: 3.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, E. W. Pedersen.
Sabbath School, Home Missionary and Nchwanga Mission Station
Y. P. M. V., V. E. Toppenberg. Established 1927
Field Missionary, M. E. Lind. Postal Address: P. 0. Mubende,
Evangelist and Translator: Ashe W. Uganda, East Africa.
Director: E. W. Pedersen.
Ordained Ministers:
African Workers: 5.
G. Gudmundsen, E. W. Pedersen, V.
E. Toppenberg.
Licensed Missionaries: EASTERN UGANDA MISSION
Mrs. G. Gudmundsen, E. Kibuga, Entered 1932
Ashe W. Musoke, Mrs. E. W. Peder-
sen, Miss M. Sachs, Mrs. V. E. Top- Territory: Busoga, Budama, Bugwere,
penberg. Bugishu, and Teso Districts.
Institutions: Population: 1,169,001.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 49, Mbale,
Nchwanga Training School, P. 0.
Uganda, East Africa.
Mubende, Uganda, East Africa.
Principal: E. W. Pedersen. Officers:
African Teachers: 5. Director, M. E. Lind.
Local Committee: M. E. Lind, L.
Kaddu, V. E. Toppenberg.
CENTRAL UGANDA MISSION Departmental Secretaries:
Entered 1927 Sabbath School, Home Missionary, and
Territory: The Kingdoms of Buganda, Y. P. M. V., M. E. Lind.
Bunyoro, and Toro. Field Missionary, E. Kibuga.
Ordained Minister:
Population: 1,190,026. European: M. E. Lind.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 22, Kampala, Licensed Minister:
Uganda, East Africa. African: H. Guwedeko.
Officers: Licensed Missionary:
Director, F. H. Muderspach. European: Mrs. M. E. Lind.
Local Committee: F. H. Muderspach, African Workers 9.
E. Basulwa, S. Golola, E. W. Peder-
sen, V. E. Toppenberg.
Departmental Secretaries: Kakoro Mission Station
Sabbath School, Home Missionary and Established 1934
Y. P. M. V., F. H. Muderspach. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 49, Mbale,
Field Missionary, E. Kibuga. Uganda, East Africa.
Ordained Minister: Director: M. E. Lind.
European: F. H. Muderspach. African Workers: 3.
Organized 1916
Territory: Northern and Southern Rho- Licensed Missionaries:
desia, Bechuanaland Protectorate, E. J. Barnes, Mrs. E. J. Barnes, C.
and Southern portion of Belgian A. Bradley, Mrs. C. A. Bradley, Mrs.
Congo ; comprising Northern Rhode- C. P. Bringle, W. M. Cooks, Mrs. W.
sia Mission Field, Northeastern Rho- M. Cooks, Mrs. J. G. Foster, Miss W.
desia Mission Field, Southern Rhode- Fourie, Mrs. I. H. Harrison, Petra
sia Mission Field, South Congo Mis- Hovig, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, Hazel Mote,
sion Field and the Rhodesia-Bechu- Mrs. G. R. Nash, Mrs. W. P. Owen,
analand Conference. Miss Yvonne Staples, Miss I. Tarr,
Mrs. W. R. Vail, Mrs. C. E. Wheeler.
Area: 1,020,164 square miles.
Legal Assn.: Seventh-day Adventist
Population: White, 80,000 approxi- Community of Africa (Incorporated).
mately; native, 2,977,666 ; colored,
4,568 ; Asiatic, 2,772.

Churches: Native, 48 ; European, 4 ; to-

tal 52. Members : Native, 9,459 ; Kanye Medical Mission Station
European, 218 ; total, 9,677. Believ- Established 1921
ers not baptized: 10,444 ; total believ-
ers, 20,121. Postal Address: P. 0. Kanye, Via Lo-
batsi, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Bul- South Africa.
awayo. Medical Supt..
Office Address: 114 Jameson St., Bula- Nurse: Miss W. Fourie.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Native Orderlies: 2.
Telephone: 2210. Native Minister: H. R. S. Tsukudu.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Maun Medical Mission Station
Superintendent, G. R. Nash. Established 1936
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, P. Postal Address: P. 0. Maun, Bechuana-
W. Willmore. land Protectorate, South Africa.
Executive Committee: G. R. Nash, Medical Supt.: J. G. Foster.
A. W. Austen, E. J. Barnes, G. A.
Ellingworth, R. M. Mote, R. P. Robin-
Miss P. Hovig, Hazel Mote.
son, W. R. Vail, P. W. Willmore.
Orderlies: 2.
Departmental Secretaries: Native Evangelist: A. A. Tsotetsi.
Educational, W. R. Vail.
Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Y. P. M. V., W. R. Vail. CONFERENCE
Ordained Ministers:
Gladstone Imasiku, G. R. Nash, I. X. Organized 1929
Nkomo, H. R. S. Tsukudu, W. R. Territory: European work in Southern
Vail, C. E. Wheeler. Rhodesia, Bechuanaland Protectorate,
Honorary: Moses Donga, Mark Gan- and Beira in Portuguese East Africa.
gasa, John Ross, Harry Sibagobe, F.
R. Stockil. Area: 425,354 square miles.
Population: White, 66,226; colored and
Licensed Ministers: Asiatic, 9,158 ; churches, 3 ; members,
C. P. Bringle, J. G. Foster, F. B. 156.
Jewell, J. Mwesa, James Myeba, W.
P. Owen, Geo. Sikongo, W. Sim- Postal Address: Private Bag, Gwelo,
bombo, A. A. Tsotetsi, P. W. Will- Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
more. Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Honorary: E. V. Tarr. Gwelo.

Officers: Licensed Missionaries:

President, R. M. Mote. Mrs. A. W. Austen, A. Bristow, Mrs.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. R. Symons. A. Bristow, Mrs. I. B. Burton, Miss
Executive Committee: R. M. Mote, E. Ellingworth, Mrs. B. Searle, W.
W. D. Eva, Fred McEwen, C. E. M. Webster, Mrs. W. M. Webster.
Sparrow, D. R. Symons, C. T. Trevi-
Departmental Secretaries: Broken Hill Mission District
Educational, W. R. Vail.
Sabbath School, Mrs. R. M. Mote. (Native Mission)
Established 1941
Ordained Ministers:
W. D. Eva, R. M. Mote. Address: Care of C. M. Landless, Esq.,
P. 0. Chisamba, Northern Rhodesia,
Licensed Missionaries: Africa.
Mrs. W. D. Eva, Mrs. R. M. Mote, Director: Job Mabuti.
D. R. Symons, Mrs. D. R. Symons. Ordained Minister: 1.
Village Schools: 5.
Village School Teachers: 5 .
NORTHERN RHODESIA MISSION European Inspector: A. W. Austen.
Organized 1921
Territory: Northern, Southern and Bwengwa Mission District
Central Provinces of Northern Rho- (Native Mission)
desia. Established 1935
Area: 122,995 square miles. Address: P. 0. Monze, Northern Rhode-
Population: Native, 369,154; European, sia, Africa.
9,500. Director: Jack Mahlatini.
Churches: European, 1; members, 13. Native Minister: 1.
Native, 17; members, 3,278. Village Schools: 4.
Postal Address: P. 0. Mission, North- Village School Teachers: 5.
ern Rhodesia, Africa. European Inspector: A. W. Austen.
Superintendent, A. W. Austen.
Secretary-Treasurer, W. M. Webster. Demu Mission District
Executive Committee: A. W. Austen, (Native Mission)
I. B. Burton, Lawson Endaenda, Pe-
ter Lengalenga, James Malinki, W. Established 1930
G. Webster, W. M. Webster. Address: P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rho-
Departmental Secretaries: desia, Africa.
Sabbath School, W. M. Webster. Director: Seth Shimabwachi.
Y. P. M. V., James Malinki. Evangelists: 2.
Village Schools: 5.
Ordained Ministers: Village School Teachers: 7.
European : A. W. Austen, I. B. Bur- European Inspector: A. W. Austen.
Native: Lawson Endaenda, Peter
Lengalenga, Henry Mabona, Job Ma-
buti, Jack Mahlatini, James Malinki, Dimbwe Mission District
. Luck Ndhlovu, Elmer Nkomo, Paul
Shamalambo. (Native Mission)
Established 1935
Licensed Ministers: Address: c/o Tara Trading Co., Private
European: B. Searle. Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia,
Native: Matthew Chiwanga, Simon Africa.
Kaliba, Lotson Kausu, Simon Ka- Director:
zemba, Harry Mwananyau, Simon
Mwenda, Joseph Mwimo, Simon Evangelist: 1.
Mwinga, Jacob Nkuluchila, Chamyolo Village Schools: 4.
Pison, Andrew Shamilimo, Seth Village School Teachers: 4.
Shimabwachi, Moses Zunga. European Inspector: A. W. Austen.

Munenga Mission District Rusangu Mission Station

(Native Mission) Established 1905
Established 1930 Address: P. 0. Mission, Northern Rho-
Address: c /0 A. Hartzenberg, Esq., desia, Africa.
Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern Director: I. B. Burton.
Rhodesia, Africa. Headmaster: I. B. Burton.
Director: Paul Shamalambo. Teachers:
Native Minister: 1. I. B. Burton, Miss E. Ellingworth,
Evangelist: 1. Mrs. W. M. Webster, and 5 native
Village Schools: 7. teachers.
Village School Teachers: 12. Dispensary: I. B. Burton.
European Inspector: A. W. Austen. Village School: 1.
Village School Teachers: 2.
Native Minister: 1.
Evangelists: 2.
Musofu Mission Station
Established 1917
Address: Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rusangu Mission District
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: B. Searle. (Native Mission)
Teachers: Established 1941
B. Searle, Mrs. B. Searle and 2 na- Address: P. 0. Mouse, Northern Rho-
tive teachers. desia, Africa.
Evangelist: 1. Director: Simon Mwinga.
Village Schools: 4. Evangelists: 2.
Village School Teachers: 4. Village Schools: 5.
Dispensary: Mrs. B. Searle. Village School Teachers: 6.
European Inspector: A. Bristow.

Nadezwe Mission District

(Native Mission) Sala Mission District
Established 1934 (Native Mission)
Address: P. 0. Mazabuka, Northern Established 1931
Rhodesia, Africa. Address: P. 0. Lusaka, Northern Rho-
Director: Henry Mabona. desia, Africa.
Native Minister: 1. Director: Lawson Endaenda.
Village School: 1. Village Schools: 2.
Village School Teacher: 1. Village School Teachers: 3.
European Inspector: A. W. Austen. Native Evangelists: 2.
Minister: 1.
European Inspector: A. Bristow.

Ndola Mission District

(Native Mission)
Established 1937 UNATTACHED FIELDS

Address: P. 0. Ndola, Northern Rho-

desia, Africa.
Director: Peter Lengalenga. Katima Mulilo Mission Station
Native Minister: 1.
Established 1921
Native Evangelist: 1.
Address: P. 0. Sesheke, Northern Rho-
Village Schools: 3. desia, Africa.
Village School Teachers: 5. Director and Village School Inspector:
European Inspector: B. Searle. W. P. Owen.


Mrs. W. P. Owen and 3 native teach- MISSION FIELD
Established 1926
Dispensary: Mrs. W. P. Owen.
Territory: Northeast Rhodesia, west of
Native Evangelist: 1. meridian 3.
Village Schools: 5. Area: 97,000 square miles.
Village School Teachers: 5. Population: Native, 513,550.
Address: P. 0. Kawambwa, Northern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Liumba Hill Mission Station Churches: 3 ; members, native, 321 ;
Established 1928 European, 2.
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rho-
desia, Africa. Superintendent, R. P. Robinson.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Director: C. E. Wheeler. Executive Committee: R. P. Robin-
Teachers: Mrs. C. A. Bradley, Mrs. C. son, Jonathan Mwesa, James Myuba.
E. Wheeler and 3 native teachers. Ordained Minister: R. P. Robinson.
Dispensary: Mrs. C. E. Wheeler. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. R. P. Robin-
Native Minister: 1. son.

Luanginga Mission District Chimpempe Mission Station

(Native District)
Established 1921
Established 1941
Address: P. 0. Kawambwa, Northern
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland, N. Rhodesia, Africa.
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: R. P. Robinson.
Director: Willie Simbombo.
Teachers: 3 natives.
Native Evangelist: 1.
Village Schools: 7.
Village Schools: 6.
Village School Teachers: 9.
Teachers: 6.
Native Inspector: 1.
European Inspector: C. A. Bradley.
Dispensary: Mrs. R. P. Robinson.

Lwambi Mission District

(Native District) Luapula Mission Station
Established 1941 (Native Mission)
Address: P. 0. Mongu, Barotseland, N. Established 1929
Rhodesia, Africa. Address: c/o Chimpempe Mission, P.
Director: Gladstone Imasiku. 0. Kawambwa, Northern Rhodesia,
Native Minister: 1. Africa.
Village Schools: 6. Director and School Inspector: R. P.
Teachers: 8.
Native Teacher: 1.
European Inspector: C. A. Bradley.

Tapo Mission District SOUTHERN RHODESIA

(Native District)
Established 1936 Organized 1921
N. Territory: Native work in Southern
Address: P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland,
Rhodesia, and Tati Concession of
Rhodesia, Africa. Bechuanaland Protectorate.
Director: Geo. Sikongo.
Area: 150,616 square miles.
Native Evangelist: 1.
Village Schools: 4. Population: Native, 1,376,000.
Teachers: 4. Churches: 19 ; members, native, 4,364;
European Inspector: C. A. Bradley. European, 25.

Address: Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Chiduku-Makoni Mission District

Rhodesia, Africa.
(Native Mission District)
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Established 1938
Gwelo. Address: c/o Inyazura Mission, Inya-
zura, S. Rhodesia.
Officers: Director: Enoch Wahungana.
Superintendent, R. M. Mote.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. R. Symons. Native Teachers: 7.
Executive Committee: R. M. Mote, A. Village Schools: 7.
N. Gama, Edward Janda, Christopher European Inspector: Christopher Rob-
Robinson, J. N. Sibanda, D. R. Sy- inson.

Departmental Secretaries:
Sabbath School, R. E. Eva ; associ- Filabusi Mission Station
ates: A. N. Gama, Edward Janda. (Native Mission)
Y. P. M. V. and Field Missionary, Established 1929
S. B. Dube.
Address: c/o Mayfair Mine Store, P. 0.
Self-Supporting Secretaries: Mayfair Mine, South Rhodesia, Af-
A. N. Gama, Edward Janda.
Director: J. N. Sibanda.
Ordained Ministers: Village Schools: 6.
European: R. M. Mote, C. Robinson. Mission School: 1.
Native: Alfred Gama, Edward Janda,
Native Teachers: 10.
Paul Mbono, Emory Mlalazi, James
Moyo, James Ndebele, Stephen European Inspector: W. Bastiaans.
Ngwenya, John Nigani, Philip

Licensed Ministers: Fort Victoria Mission District

European: P. B. Fairchild. (Native Mission District)
Native: S. B. Dube, John Lupahla, Established 1910
Jeremiah Mogobola, John Ncube,
Philemon Ncube, Register Ndhlovu, Address: c/o "Stanhope," P. 0. Fort
Harry Nkiwani, B. S. Nkosi, Rich- Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
ard Taipa, Enoch Wahungana, Director: James Moyo.
Noel Zemba. Native Teachers: 3.
Licensed Missionaries: Village Schools: 2.
W. Bastiaans, Mrs. W. Bastiaans, R. European Inspector: R. E. Eva.
E. Eva, Mrs. P. B. Fairchild, Miss H.
Furber, Mrs. R. M. Mote, Mrs. C.
Robinson, Miss C. L. Stevens, D. R.
Symons, Mrs. D. R. Symons, Miss W. Gwaai Mission Station
Tickton. (Native Mission)
Native Colporteurs: 10. Established 1929
Address: c/o Mr. MacKinnon's Store,
P. 0. Gwaai Siding, Southern Rho-
desia, Africa.
Director: Stephen Ngwenya.
Bulawayo Mission District Mission School: 1.
Village Schools: 4,
(Native Mission District)
Native Teachers: 5.
Established 1929 European Inspector: W. Bastiaans.
Address: c/o Box 563, Bulawayo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: John Ncube. Hanke Mission Station
(Native Mission)
Native Teachers: 2.
Established 1910
Village Schools: 2. Postal Address: P. 0. Selukwe, South-
European Inspector: W. Bastiaans. ern Rhodesia, Africa.

Director: James Ndebele. Mapani Mission Station

Native Teachers: 9. (Native Mission)
Mission School: 1. Established 1936
Village Schools: 4. Address: c/o Private Bag 29 K, Bula-
European Inspector: R. E. Eva. wayo, Southern Rhodesia.
Director: Philip Nkomazana.
Native Teachers: 5.
Headlands-Mrewa Mission District Mission School: 1.
(Native Mission District) Village Schools: 4.
Established 1929 European Inspector: W. Bastiaans.
Address: P. 0. Headlands, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: Jeremiah Mogobola. Maranke Mission District
Native Teacher: 1. (Native Mission District)
Village School: 1. Established 1938
European Inspector: C. Robinson.
Address: P. 0. Odzi, Southern Rhode-
sia, Africa.
Director: Richard Taipa.
Inyazura Mission Station
Native Teacher: 1.
Established 1910
Village School: 1.
Address: Inyazura Mission, P. 0. Inya-
zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. European Inspector: Christopher Rob-
Director: Christopher Robinson.
European Headmistress: Miss C. L.
Stevens, assisted by 3 native teachers.
Village School: 1. Midlands Mission District
Village School Teachers: 2. (Native Mission District)
Dispensary: Mrs. C. Robinson. Established 1036
Address: c /0 Lower Gwelo Mission,
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rhode-
Lower Gwelo Mission Station sia, Africa.
(Formerly Somabula) Director: Emory Mlalazi.
Established 1901 Village Schools: 7.
Address: Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Native Teachers: 8.
Rhodesia, Africa. European Inspector: R. E. Eva.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Gwelo.
Central Day and Boarding School: Eu- Mondora Mission District
ropean Headmaster, P. B. Fairchild, (Native Mission District)
assisted by 3 native teachers.
Established 1936
Village Schools: 3.
Village School Teachers: 5. Address: P. 0. Featherstone, Southern
Rhodesia, Africa.
European Inspector: P. B. Fairchild.
Director: Register Ndhlovu.

Lower Shangani Mission District

Nata Mission District
(Native Mission District)
(Native Mission District)
Established 1911
Established 1936
Address: c/o Messrs. Chitrin & Treger,
Shangani Reserve, P. 0. Lonely Mine, Address: c /o Solusi Mission, Bulawayo,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Director: John Lupahla. Acting Director: S. Nkosi.
.Native Teachers: 4. Native Teachers: 5.
Village Schools: 4. Village Schools: 6.
European Inspector: W. Bastiaans. European Inspector: W. Bastiaans.

Solusi Mission Station African: M. Lazaro, Y. Mseli, T.

Nzota, B. Shaqira, E. Wandea, P.
Established 1894 Zechariah.
Address: Solusi Mission, Box 673, Bula-
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Licensed Missionaries:
Director: E. J. Barnes. Mrs. L. P. Foster, Mrs. H. Kotz, Miss
L. D. Melvin, Mrs. K. H. Minifie, Mrs.
Union Training School (See Educa- F. G. Reid, Mrs. H. Robson, Mrs. D. K.
tional Institutions). Short, Mrs. H. M. Sparrow, Mrs. 4A.
Dispensary: F. B. Jewell, Mrs. R. L. Sprogis.

Ikizu Mission Station

Tati Mission District
(Native Mission District) Established 1908
Established 1940 Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika
Territory, East Africa.
Address: c/o Mr. L. R. Tarr, P. 0.
Tsessebe, Bechuanaland Protectorate, African Teachers: 11.
S. Africa. African Minister: 1.
Director: William Myengwa. African Evangelist: 1.

Majita Mission Station
Entered 1903
Address: Majita, P. 0. Musoma, Tan-
Territory: Tanganyika Territory. ganyika Territory, East Africa.
Population: European, 9,000 approxi- Director: K. H. Minifie.
mately ; Asiatics, 31,500 ; natives, African Evangelists and Teachers: 18.
5,523,429; total, 5,563,929.
Churches: 18 ; native members, 3,041 ;
European members, 18 ; total, 3,059 ;
believers not baptized, 3,054 ; total
believers, 6,113. Mbeya Mission Station
Office Address: P. 0. Musoma, Tangan- Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Mbeya,
yika Territory, East Africa. Tanganyika Territory, East Africa.
Director: D. K. Short.
African Minister: 1.
Superintendent, H. M. Sparrow.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. Pearson. African Teachers: 3.
Committee: H. M. Sparrow, L. P.
Foster, H. Kotz, K. H. Minifie, G.
Pearson, H. Robson, A. Sprogis, and
Principal Ikuzu Training School.
Mwagala Mission Station
Departmental Secretaries:
Address: Mwagala, P. 0. Maswa, Lake
Educational, Principal Training Province, Tanganyika Territory, East
School. Africa.
Y. P. M. V. and Home Missionary,
H. M. Sparrow. Director: H. Kotz.
Sabbath School, Mrs. H. M. Sparrow. African Minister: 1.
Medical, L. P. Foster. African Teachers: 9.
Ordained Ministers:
European : H. Kotz, K. H. Minifie, G.
Pearson, H. Robson, H. M. Sparrow,
A. Sprogis.
African: Isaiah Fue, Ezekieli Fafuru, Ntusu Mission Station
Elisa Manongi, James Odero, Paolo Address: Ntusu, P. 0. Maswa, Lake
Saburi, Andrea Siti. Province, Tanganyika Territory, East
Licensed Ministers: Africa.
European : L. P. Foster, F. G. Reid, Director: L. P. Foster.
D. K. Short. African Evangelists and Teachers: 19.

Suji Preparatory School and Mission Medical:

Station Hospitals
Bongo Hospital, Lepi, Angola, Portu-
Address: Suji Mission, P. 0. Makanya, guese West Africa.
Tanga Province, Tanganyika Terri-
Kanye Hospital, Kanye, via Lobatsi,
tory, East Africa. British Bechuanaland, Africa.
Director: H. Robson. Kendu Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Ki-
sumu, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
African Minister: 1. Lower Gwelo Hospital, Private Bag,
Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia.
African Evangelists and Teachers: 32.
Malamulo Hospital, Malamulo Mis-
sion, P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland,
Central Africa.
Maun Medical Mission Hospital, P. 0.
Maun, via Palapye Road, Bechu-
Utimbaru Mission Station analand Protectorate.
Address: Utimbaru, P. 0. Musoma, Mwami Mission Hospital, Fort Man-
Lake Province, Tanganyika Territory, ning, Northern Rhodesia.
East Africa. Ngoma Mission Hospital, P. 0.
Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa.
Director: A. Sprogis. Nokuphila Hospital, Western Native
African Minister: 1. Township, Johannesburg, Trans-
African Teachers and Evangelists: 9. vaal, South Africa.
Ntusu Mission Hospital, Ntusu, P. 0.
Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika
Territory, East Africa.
Songa Mission Hospital, B. P. Ka-
mina, Belgian Congo, Central Af-
Educational :
Cancele Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Bethel Training College (Native), P. Cancele, via Mount Frere, East
0. Butterworth, C. P., So. Africa. Griqualand, South Africa.
Bongo Training School, Missao Ad- Chimpempe Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
ventista, Lepi, Distrito de Bengu- Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia,
ela, Angola, Portuguese West Af- Africa.
rica. Gitwe Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Gitwe Training School, via Usumbura, Usumbura, Urundi, Central Africa.
Urundi, Central Africa. Inyazura Mission Dispensary, Inya-
Good Hope Training School, River- zura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
side, Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Katima Mulilo Mission Dispensary,
Cape Province, South Africa. Private Bag, Livingstone, North-
Helderberg College (for Europeans), ern Rhodesia.
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- Kirundu Mission Dispensary, Ki-
ince, South Africa. rundu, via Kindu, Province Orien-
Ikizu Training School, Ikizu Mission, tale, Congo Belga, Central Africa.
P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Terri- Kolo Mission Dispensary, Morija,
tory, East Africa. Basutoland, South Africa.
Kamagambo Training School, Kama- Liumba Hill Dispensary, P. 0.
gambo, P. D. Kisii, Kenya Colony, Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern
E. Africa. Rhodesia, Africa.
Malamulo Training School, P. 0. Lucusse Mission Dispensary, Caixa
Malamulo, Nyasaland, British Cen- Postale No. 34, Missao de Lucusse,
tral Africa. Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese
Nchwanga Training School, P. 0. West Africa.
Mubende, Uganda, East Africa. Luwazi Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Solusi Training School, Bulawayo, Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Luz Mission Dispensary, Caixa Postal
33, Vila Luzo, Angola, Portuguese
Publishing : West Africa.
Malamulo Mission Press, P. 0. Mala- Matandani Mission Dispensary, Blan-
mulo, Nyasaland, British Central tyre, Nyasaland, Africa.
Africa. Munguluni Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
Sentinel Publishing Co., Rosmead Munhemade, Districto de Quile-
Ave., Kenilworth, Cape, South Af- mane, Portuguese East Africa.
rica. Musofu Mission Dispensary, Private
The Advent Press, Gendia, P. 0. Ki- Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia,
sumu, Kenya Colony, E. Africa. Africa.

Nova Lisboa Dispensary, Caixa Pos- Shiloh Mission Dispensary, Lunsklip,

tal No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Northern Transvaal, South Africa.
Portuguese West Africa.
Rusangu Mission Dispensary, P. 0. Solusi Mission Dispensary, Bulawayo,
Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Rwankeri Mission Dispensary, Rwan- Thekerani Mission Dispensary, P. 0.
keH P. 0., Kilgali, Ruanda, Central Thekerani, Nyasaland, B. C. Af-
Africa. rica.
Organized as the India Union Mission, 1910; reorganized 1919

Territory: India, Burma, Ceylon, and Ministerial and Religious Liberty, R.

adjacent islands, politically attached, B. Thurber.
Afghanistan, Baluchistan, Nepal, and Sabbath School and Home Missionary,
Bhutan. E. D. Thomas.
Publishing, J. M. Hnatyshyn.
Area: 2,232,057 square miles. Uplift, L. C. Shepard.
Population: 400,000,000; churches, 148 ;
members, 7,197. Ordained Ministers:
R. A. Garner, J. M. Hnatyshyn, G.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- G. Lowry, E. W. Pohlman, L. C.
ventist," Poona, India. Shepard, J. M. Steeves, A. F. Tarr,
Post Office Address: Box 15, Poona, E. D. Thomas, R. B. Thurber.
India. Licensed Ministers:
Officers: J. S. Dason, C. H. Mackett.
President, G. G. Lowry. Licensed Missionaries:
Secretary-Treasurer and Auditor, A. Miss L. Baird, B. G. Butherus, Mrs.
F. Tarr. B. G. Butherus, Mrs. R. A. Garner,
Division Committee: G. G. Lowry," Mrs. J. M. Hnatyshyn, Mrs. G. G.
R. A. Garner, J. M. Hnatyshyn, F. Lowry, Mrs. C. H. Mackett, W. Mack-
H. Loasby, C. H. Mackett, 0. 0. Mat- ett, Mrs. W. C. Mackett, Mrs. Nora
tison, E. M. Meleen, H. C. Menkel, Mattison, Miss R. Meister, Mrs. S.
L. G. Mookerjee, G. A. Nelson, E. W. Owens, Mrs. E. W. Pohlman, M. S.
Pohlman, L. C. Shepard, South India. Prasada Rao, R. Rice, J. L. Shannon,
Superintendent, F. E. Spiess, J. M. Mrs. L. C. Shepard, Miss L. Streeter,
Steeves, A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas, Mrs. A. F. Tarr, Mrs. R. B. Thurber.
R. B. Thurber.
Legal Assn.: "The India Financial As-
Departmental Secretaries: sociation of Seventh-day Adventists."
Educational and Y. P. M. V., J. M. Chairman, G. G. Lowry.
Steeves. Secretary-Treasurer, A. F. Tarr.
Medical, G. A. Nelson. Transportation Agent, A. F. Tarr.


Organized 1919
Territory: Burma, including the Shan Departmental Secretaries:
States; the Andaman and Nicobar Field Missionary, J. Johanson.
Islands. Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and
Y. P. M. V., E. B. Hare.
Population: 14,696,601; churches, 12; Educational, 0. A. Skau.
members, 879. Medical, I. S. Walkersi
Cable Address: "Adventist," Rangoon. Ordained Mthisters:
H. Baird, W. W. Christensen, E. A/
Office Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Crane, Deacon David, E. B. Hare,
goon, Burma. J. A. Johanson, Chit Maung, E. M.
Meleen, Tha Mying, Thra Peter, Myat
Officers: Po, A. J. Sargent, Po Shwe, O. A.
Superintendent, E. M. Meleen. Skau, Po Toke, F. A. Wymand
Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi. Licensed Ministers:
Executive Committee: E. M. Meleen, J. W. Baldwin, Arthur Batin, Ohn
H. Baird, W. W. Christensen, Deacon Bwint, Myat Po, Saw U.
David, Pein Gyi, E. B. Hare, J.
Johanson, Thra Peter, A. J. Sar- Licensed Missionaries:
gent, Po Shwe, 0. A. Skau, I. S. Mrs. H. Baird, Mrs. W. W. Christen-
Walker, F. A. Wyman. sen, Mrs. E. A. Crane, Baw Dee, Pein

Gyi, Po Han, Mrs. J. Johanson, Tun Myaungmya Mission Station

Kyine, Miss E. Lehmann, Aye Maung,
Tun Maung, Maung Nee, Thra Paul, Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, My-
Mrs. A. J. Sargent, Ma Than Sein, aungmya, Burma.
Ma Shwe, Mrs. 0. A. Skau, Mrs. G. Director: Po Shwe.
W. Tarleton, John Ba Tin, I. S. Ordained Minister: Po Shwe.
Walker, Mrs. I. S. Walker, Mrs. F.
A. Wyman, Saw )(al. Licensed Minister: Arthur Batin.
Village Schools: 4.
Village School Teachers: 4.


Rangoon Mission Station
Territory: Rangoon, the Delta, Arracan
Division, Andaman and Nicobar Is- Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon,
lands. Burma.
Churches: 7; membership, 568. Director: E. M. Meleen.
Address: 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon,
Cable Address: "Adventist," Rangoon.
Superintendent, E. M. Meleen: Territory: Tenassarim District, includ-
Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi. ing Toungoo District.
Executive Committee: E. M. Meleen,
W. W. Christensen, Pein Gyi, Myat Churches: 3; membership, 201.
Po, A. J. Sargent, Po Shwe. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kama-
Ordained Ministers: maung, P. 0. Shwegon, Thaton Dist.,
W. W. Christensen, E. A. Crane, Dea- Burma.
con David, J. A. Johanson, E. M. Officers:
Meleen, Po Shwe, Po Toke. Superintendent, E. M. Meleen.
Licensed Minister: Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi.
Arthur Batin. Executive Committee: E. M. Meleen,
H. Baird, Ohn Bwint, Pein Gyi, Tlia
Kin, Tun Maung, Thra Peter. ,
Ordained Ministers:
H. Baird, E. M. Meleen, Tha Mying,
Bassein Mission Station Thra Peter.
Office Address: Kozu Road, P. 0. Box Licensed Minister:
23, Bassein, Burma. Ohn Bwint.
Director: Pastor A. J. Sargent.
Village Schools: 4.
Village School Teachers: 4. Kamamaung Mission Station
Evangelist: Tun Kyine. Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kama-
maung, P. 0. Shwegon, Thaton Dist.,
Director: Pastor Thra Peter.
Htugyi Mission Station Village Schools: 8.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Village School Teachers: 8.
Htugyi, Henzada Dist., Burma.
Director: Pastor Myat Po.
Village Schools: 4.
Village School Teachers: 4.
Territory: North Burma and Shan
Evangelist: Aye Maung. States.

Churches: 2 ; membership, 110. Licensed Ministers:

J. W. Baldwin, Saw U.
Office Address: Headquarters not yet es-
tablished. Evangelist: Po Han.

Superintendent, E. M. Meleen. Shwenyaungbin Mission Station
Secretary-Treasurer, Pein Gyi. Director: Pastor H. Baird.
Executive Committee: E. M. Meleen,
Ordained Ministers:
J. W. Baldwin, Fein Gyi, Chit Maung, H. Baird, Tha Mying.
Tun Sein, 0. A. Skau, F. A. Wyman.
Ordained Ministers: Baw Dee, Maung Ni.
V Teacher: Ka Yai.
E. M. Meleen, 0. A. Skau, F. A.
Wyman. Village School: 1.


Organized 1919

Territory: Assam, Bengal, Bihar, Or- ASSAM MISSION FIELD

issa, Sikkim, Bhutan and Nepal.
Territory: Assam.
Area: 299,841 sq. miles.
Area: 55,014 sq. miles.
Population: 109,617,248 ; churches, 28 :
members, 901. Population: 9,250,000 ; church, 1; mem-
bers, 55.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist,"
Ranchi. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nongthym-
mai, Shillong, Assam.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, Bara-
gain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry., India. Officers:
Superintendent and Secretary, J. F. \
Officers: Ashlock.
Superintendent, F. H. Loasby. Treasurer, R. S. Fernando.
Secretary, L. G. Mookerjee. Executive Committee: J. F. Ashlock,
Treasurer, R. S. Fernando. R. S. Fernando, 0. W. Lange, F. H.
Executive Committee: F. H. Loasby, Loasby, S. K. Mawflang, R. E. Rajee.
J. F. Ashlock, R. J. Borrowdale, C.
A. Boykin, R. S. Fernando, U. N. Departmental Secretaries:
Haldar, G. B. Hoag, LeRoy Hunter, bbath School and Home Missionary,
J. Johannes, P. D. Kujur, H. H. J. F. Ashlock.
Mattison, L. G. Mookerjee, A. E. Educational and Y. P. M. V., 0. W.
Rawson. Lange.
Departmental Secretaries: Ordained Ministers:
Book Depot, R. S. Fernando. J. F. Ashlocle, 0. W. Lange.
Educational, H. H. Mattison. Licensed Minister:
Medical, J. Johannes. R. E. Rajee.
Field Missionary, G. B. Hoag.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Licensed Missionaries:
Y. P. M. V., L. G. Mookerjee. Mrs. J. F. Ashlock, Mrs. 0. W.
Ordained Ministers:
Indian Workers: 8.
F. H. Loasby, L. C. Mookerjee.
High School: 1.
Honorary: A. C. Haldar, B. Peters.
Church School: 1.
Licensed Ministers: Stations: Shillong, Jowai, Mawkaiew,
R. S. Fernando, G. B. Hoag, and Thaintynrsh.
Honorary: W. A. Barlow.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. G. B. Hoag, Mrs. F. H. Loasby, Jowai Mission Station
P. K. Mandal, Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jowai, Via
Honorary: Miss M. Harms. Shillong, Assam.

Director: 0. W. Lange. Karmatar Mission Station

High School: 1. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar,
Vernacular Teachers: 4. E. I. R., India.
Ordained Minister: 0. W. Lange. Director: R. J. Borrowdale.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. 0. W. Lange. Village School: 1.
Baording School: 1.
Vernacular Teachers: 6.
Shillong Mission Station Evangelists and Workers: 4.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nongthym-
mai, Shillong, Assam.
Director: J. F. Ashlock. Khunti Mission Station
Church School: 1. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Khunti Post
Vernacular Teachers: 2. Office, Ranchi District, India.
Evangelists and Workers: 2. Director: W. B. Votaw.
Ordained Minister: J. F. Ashlock. Boarding School: 1.
Licensed Minister: R. E. Rajee. Vernacular Teachers: 2.
Evangelists and Workers: 3.


Territory: Bihar. Oraon Mission Station
Area: 51,054 square miles.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Population: 33,829,553; churches, 1.1; Ghagra, Dist. Ranchi,
members, 488. Director: P. D. Kujur.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Karmatar, Evangelists and Workers: 3.
E. I. Ry., India.
Superintendent and Secretary, R. J. EAST BENGAL MISSION FIELD
Treasurer, R. S. Fernando. Territory: East Bengal.
Executive Committee: R. J. Borrow- Area: 45,000 sq. miles.
dale, R. S. Fernando, Barko Kisku,
P. D. Kujur, H. H. Mattison, L. G. Population: 28,000,000; churches, 13;
Mookerjee, W. B. Votaw. members, 180.
Departmental Secretaries: Address: S. D. A. Mission, P. 0, Jalir-
Home Missionary, L. G. Mookerjee. par, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, India.
Sabbath Sc 601 and Y. P. M. V., S. Officers:
K. Besra.
Educational, H. H. Mattison. Superintendent and Secretary, LeRoy
Ordained Ministers: Treasurer, R. S. Fernando.
R. J. Borrowdale, P. D. Kujur, W. B. Executive Committee: LeRoy Hunter,
Votaw. T. C. Bairagee, R. S. Fernando, P. C.
Gayen, S. K. Haldar, J. Johannes.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries:
Ohma Ekka, Barko Kisku, H. H.
Mattison. Sabbath School, Home Missionary,
Educational and Y. P. M. V., LeRoy
Licensed Missionaries: Hunter.
Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale, Mrs.4H. H. Ordained Ministers:
Mattison," Mrs. W. B. Votaw.. P. C. Gayen, LeRoy Hunter. si
Indian Workers: 35.
Licensed Ministers:
Village Schools: 9.
I. B. Bairagee, T. C. Bairagee, B. K.
Boarding Schools: 2. Haldar, J. Johannes,' S. C. Madhu,
Stations: Karmatar, Khunti, Ranchi, P. N. Paroi.
Basmata, Kolyan, Chota Solbandha,
Bagri, Raniya, Sardikal, Moro, Licensed Missionaries:
Ghagra, Taku Patratoly, Gurula, 4 Mrs. LeRoy Hunter, Mrs. J. Jo-
Baragain, Aprol, Pomea, Ronhe. hannes,

Indian Workers: 22. Population: 24,000,000 ; churches, 3 ;

Doctor: 1. members, 178.
Hospital: 1. Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Park St.,
Village Schools: 4. Calcutta, India.
Boarding School: 1.
Stations: Barisal, Gopalganj, Jalirpar,
Suagram, Buruabaree, Narikeltala, Superintendent and Secretary, A. E.
Betkachia, Kalikapur. Rawson.
Treasurer, R. S. Fernando.
Executive Committee: A. E. Rawson,
G. C. Arinda, C. A. Boykin, R. S. Fer-
nando, U. N. Haldar, C. Jensen.
Gopalganj Mission Station Departmental Secretaries:
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gopalganj Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and
P. 0., Faridpur Dist., Bengal, India. Home Missifinary, L. G. Mookerjee.
Educational, 5/H. H. Mattison.
Director: J. Johannes.
Hospital: 1. Ordained Ministers:
Nurses, Evangelists and Workers: 8. C. A. Boykin, U. N. Haldar, C. Jen-
sen, A. E. Rawson.

Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. C. A. Boykin, Miss M. V. Brod-
Jalirpar Mission Station erson, Miss P. Bullock, Miss H. Du-
drenec, Mrs. C. Jensen, Mrs. A. E.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Jalirpar P. Rawson.
0., Faridpur District, Bengal, India.
Director: LeRoy Hunter. Bible Worker: Miss N. bowman.
Boarding School: 1. Office Worker: Miss J. Regal.
Teachers, Evangelists and Workers: 7. Indian Workers: 9.
Village Schools: 2.
Church School: 1.
ORISSA MISSION FIELD Stations: Calcutta, Chuadanga, Hili,
Bogra, Chokoakheti, Akelpur, Bel-
Territory: Orissa. danga, Labdakatha].
Area: 32,000 sq. miles.
Population: 8,500,000.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Baragain, Calcutta Mission Station
Ranchi, Bihar, India.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, 36 Park
Officers: Street, Calcutta, India.
Superintendent and Secretary, F. H.
Loasby. Director: A. E. Rawson.
Treasurer, R. S. Fernando. Church School: 1.
Executive Committee: The Union
Committee. Teachers: 3.
Departmental Secretaries: Office Worker: Miss J. Regal.
The Union Deparmental Secretaries.
Ordained Minister: F. H. Loasby.
India Worker: 1.
Station: Khurda.
Chuadanga Mission Station
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chuadanga
P. 0., Nadia District, Bengal, India.
WEST BENGAL MISSION FIELD Director: Pastor C. Jensen.
Territory: West Bengal. Village School: 1.
Area: 37,955 square miles. Vernacular Teacher: 1.
Organized 1919; reorganized 1929; reorganized 1937

Territory: Punjab, United Provinces, PUNJAB LOCAL MISSION FIELD

Delhi Province, Rajputana, Sind, Organized 1919 ; reorganized 1937
Kashmir, Afghanistan, Baluchistan,
Northwest Frontier Province, with Territory: Punjab, Northwest Frontier
connected native States. Province, Kashmir.
Population: 110,053,942 ; churches, 18 ; Population: 36,821,464; churches, 8 ;
members, 1,485. members, 714.
Office Address: 23 Curzon Road, New Address: Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab,
Delhi, India. India.
Officers: Officers:
Superintendent, 0. 0. Mattison. Superintendent, 0. 0. Mattison.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. H. Bel- Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. H. Bel-
chambers. chambers.
Executive Committee: 0. 0. Mattison, Executive Committee: 0. 0. Mattison,
L. E. Allen, Miss M. H. Belchambers, L. E. Allen, Miss M. H. Belchambers,
J. C. H. Collett, A. Gardner, R. A. Faqir Chand, W. Janes, .Munshi Ram,
Garner, D. C. Jacob, R. L. Kimble, T. R. Torkelson.
R. P. Morris, Mela Ram, R. J. Departmental Secretaries:
Ritchie, Miss T. E. Sandberg, V. W.
Stotesbury, E. R. Streeter. Sabbath School, Home Missionary and
Y. P. M. V., Miss T. E. Sandberg.
Departmental Secretaries: Educational, W. Janes.
Educational, E. R. Streeter. Ordained Ministers:
Field Missionary, J. M. Hnatyshyn
(Acting). L. E. Allen, Faqir Chand, J. C. H.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School Collett, Viru Mall, Mela Ram, T. R.
and Y. P. M. V., Miss T. E. Sand- Torkelson.
Medical, H. C. Menkel. Licensed Ministers:
Manager of Book Depot, D. C. Jacob. Badderuddin, Nabi Bux, Harnam Das,
Umar Din, Jhande Khan, Mehnga
Ordained Ministers: Mall, Barkat Masih No. 1, Barkat
B. A. Howard, 0. 0. Mattison, H. C. Masih No. 2, Prem Masih, Joseph
Menkel, 0. W. Nolda, E. R. Streeter. Massey, Matthias, R. J. Ritchie, Paul
Licensed Minister:
C. H. Hamel. Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. L. E. Allen, Daniel, Charag Din,
Licensed Missionaries: Hakim Din, Shriff Din, Allah Ditta
Miss M. H. Belchambers, Miss V. Chil- No. 1, R. A. Ditta, W. Janes, Labhu
ton, Mrs. M. Christo, Mrs. C. H. Mall, Fazil Masih, Grulam Masih,
Hamel, D. C. Jacob, Akbar Masih, Inayat Masih, Miss Z. Miller, K.
Mrs. M. M. Mattison, Mrs. 0. 0. Mat- Peter, Munshi Ram, B. M. Shad, Sul-
tison, Mrs. E. Meyers, F. M. Sajid, tan, Mrs. T. R. Torkelson.
Miss T. E. Sandberg, Mrs. E. R.
Streeter. Stations:
Chuharkana, Gujranwala, Lahore,
Office Workers: Rawalpindi.
B. Martin, Solomon Moses.
Regular Colporteurs:
P. L. Bose, Qaim Din, M. S. Gilbert,
J. M. Khan, M. H. Luqa. Chuharkana Mission Station
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Chuharkana
mandi, Punjab, India.
Rawalpindi Mission Station
Director: T. R. Torkelson.
Address: 162. Mackeson Road, Rawal-
pindi, India. Village School: 1.
Director: J. C. H. Collett. Vernacular Teacher: 1.

Gujranwala Mission Station chambers, R. L. Kimble, B. Peter,

Sher Singh, E. R. Streeter.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Gujranwala,
Punjab, India. Departmental Secretaries:
Director: L. E. Allen. Sabbath School, Home Missionary and
Y. P. M. V., Miss T. E. Sandberg.
Village Schools: 4. Educational, H. C. Alexander/
Vernacular Teachers: 5. Ordained Ministers:
A. Gardner, R. L. Kimble, T. K. Lud-
gate, R. P. Morris, B. Peter, P. K.
Karachi Mission Station Simpson.
Address: 91 Depot Lines, Karachi, In- Licensed Ministers:
H. C. Alexander, G. D. Bates, Albert
Director: V. Stotesbury. Chand; Piyare Lal, Sher Singh, Fran-
cis Wray.
Licensed Missionaries:
Lahore Mission Station J. M. Abraham, Mrs. H. C. Alexan-
Address: 37 Lawrence Road, Lahore, der, P. C. Austin, Masih Charan, Jr.,
India. Masih Charin, Sr., Sunder Das, Ma-
Director: R. J. Ritchie. sih Dayal, Edward Gardner, S. Joel,
Mrs. R. L. Kimble, Hira Lall, Mrs.
T. K. Ludgate, Mrs. R. P. Morris,
Chander Sen, Mrs. P. K. Simpson,
SIND LOCAL MISSION FIELD Nihal Singh, Nirmal Singh, H. F.
Organized 1937
Territory: Sind Province.
Hapur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Delhi,
Area: 46,378 sq. miles. Moradabad.
Population: 3,887,070; church, 1 ; mem-
bers, 21.
Allahabad Mission Station
Address: 91 Depot Lines, Karachi, In-
dia. Address: 8 Cawnpore Road, Allahabad,
Officers: U. P., India.
Superintendent, 0. 0. Mattison. Director: R. L. Kimble.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. H. Bel-
Executive Committee: The Union Delhi Mission Station
Committee. Address: 23 Curzon Road, New Delhi,
Departmental Secretaries: India.
Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Director: R. P. Morris.
Home Missionary, Miss T. E. Sand-
Educational, E. R. Streeter.
Hapur Mission Station
Ordained Minister: V. Stotesbury.
Licensed Minister: S. Chowla. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, U.
P., India.
Director: R. P. Morris.
Lucknow Mission Station
Territory: United Provinces and Delhi
Province. Address: 17 Abbott Road, Lucknow, In-
Population: 50,251,079 ; churches, 9 ;
members, 750. Director: R. L. Kimble.
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Hapur, Mee- Village Schools: 2.
rut Dt., India. Vernacular Teachers: 4.
Superintendent, R. P. Morris. Moradabad Mission Station
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. H. Bel-
chambers. Address: S. D. A. Mission, Moradabad,
Executive Committee: R. P. Morris, U. P., India.
H. C. Alexander, Miss M. H. Be]- Director: R. P. Morris.
Organized 1919

Territory: The Madras Presidency with Y. G. Prakasam, D. W. Smith.

its neighboring native states, includ-
ing such parts of Hyderabad State as Departmental Secretaties:
are allied thereto by languages; Cey- Honie Missionary,VID. W. Smith.
lon, the Maldive and Lacadive Is- Y. P. M. V., and Educational, E. T.
lands. Austin.
Sabbath School, A. R. Peiris.
Population: '75,006,000 ; churches, 76 ; General and Field Missionary, A. F.
members, 3,326. Jessen.
Telegraphic Address: "Ad;ientist," Ordained Ministers:
Bangalore. A. F. Jessen, D. W. Smith.
Office Address: S. D. A. Mission, 9 Licensed Ministers:
Cunningham Road, Bangalore, South
India. E. T. Austin, F. W. Hill, Y. G. Prak-
Licensed Missionaries:
Superintendent, G. G. Lowry. Mrs. A. F. Jessen, Mrs. D. W. Smith.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. A. Hart.
Executive Committee: G. G. Lowry, Other Workers:
C. A. Hart, G. Isaiah, H. M. Kent, Mrs. E. T. Austin, P. Dias, S. De
T. Killoway, V. D. Koilpillai, I. K. Silva, D. Gnanasundaram, E. Goon-
Moses, E. R. Osmunson, H. M. Peak, tilleke, J. Illisinghe, A. Jayasundra,
R. H. Pierson, C. A. Schutt, D. W. P. Jonahs, G. Savarimuthu, C. K.
Semmens, H. G. Woodward. Varkey.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, Home Missionary and
Y. P. M. V., C. A. Schutt. Colombo, Kottawa, Moratuwa, Jaffna,
Field Missionary, H. M. Kent. Nugegoda, Batticaloa.
Medical, D. W. Semmens.
Sabbath School, Mrs. G. G. Lowry.
./ 1
J. C. Dean, H. M. Kent, G. G. Lowry,
C. A. Schutt. Territory: Mysore State, North and
South Coorg, Kollegal Taluk, Doddo-
Licensed Minister: gazanur, and that portion of North
T. Killoway. Kanara not included in Western
Licensed Missionaries: India.
Miss E. P. Dyer, Mrs. H. M. Kent, Population: 11,000,000; churches, 5;
I. K. Moses. members, 286.
Other Workers: Office Address: 9 Cunningham Road,
S. J. Custon, Enos David, V. V. Bangalore, Sout India.
Krishnayya, Miss M. Sterling. Officers:
Superintendent, G. Q. Lowry.
CEYLON MISSION FIELD Secretary-TreasurerWT. Killoway.
Executive Committee: G. G. Lowry,
Territory: Ceylon and Maldive Islands. C., K. John, A. D. Jonothan, T. Killo-
way, L K. Moses, H. M. Peak, C. A.
Population: Maldive Islands, 80,000; Schutt.
Ceylon, 6,000,000.
Departmental Secretaries:
Churches: 3 ; membership, 165.
Educational and Y. P. M. V., C. A.
Office Address: Bethel Chapel, Alfred Schutt.
House Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo, Home Missionary and Sabbath School,
Ceylon. C. A. Schutt
O fficers : 1 Publishing, H. M. Kent.

Superintendent, A. F. Jessen. Ordained Minister: H. M. Peak.

Treasurer, F. W. Hill.
Executive Committee: A. F. Jessen, Licensed Ministers:
E. T. Austin, F. W. Hill, A. R. Peiris, C. K. John, A. D. Jonathan.

Licensed Missionary: Y. Chelliah. Pathanamthitta, Pujapura, Palodu,

Perumkulam, Vadavathur, Venga-
Other Workers: noor, Veloor, Vennikulam, Vidura.
R. S. Sathyaseelappa, M. Stephen.
Kollegal, Kaliyur, Bangalore, Krish-
narajapuram, Mercara, Mysore City. TAMIL MISSION FIELD
Territory: North Arkot, South Arkot,
Chingleput, Salem, Coimbatore, (ex-
cluding such portion as is being
MALAYALAM MISSION FIELD worked in the Kanarese language),
Territory: Cochin, South Kanara, Mala- Nilgiri Hills, Trichinopoly, Tanjore,
bar, Travancore State (except portion Ramnad, Madura, Tinnevelly, Palni
included in the Tamil Mission), and Hills, Pudukotah State, Pondicherry,
the Lacadive Islands. Karikal and that portion of Travan-
core State lying south and east of
Population: 12,500,000; churches, 21; the river which runs immediately
members, 1;156. north of Martadam.
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist Population: 24,000,000 ; churches, 27 ;
Mission, Quilon, Travancore, South members, 900.
Office Address: Roadside House, Ootaca-
Officers: mund, South India.
Superintendent, E. R. Osmunson. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, G. P. Crussiah.
Executive Committee: E. R. Osmun- Superintendent, R. H. Pierson.
son, G. P. Crussiah, S. N. David, Secretary-Treasurer, M. Amirtham.
L. L. Huntington, J. Joshua, L. J. Executive Committee: R. H. Pierson,
Larson, K. S. Peter. M. Amirtham, J. C. Dean, G. Guru-
batham, V. D. Koilpillai, S. Thomas.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational and Y. P. M. V., L. J. Departmental Secretaries:
Larson. Home Missionary, R. H. Pierson.
Publishing, M. T. Philip. Educational, V. D. Koilpillai.
Sabbath School, G. P. Crussiah. Sabbath School, M. Amirtham.
Home Missionary, E. R. Osmunson. Field Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
M. K. Samuel.
Ordained Minis/ers:
S. N. David, L. L. Huntington, A. C. Ordained Ministers:
Jacob, J. Joshua, E. R. Osmunson, J. C. Dean, G. Gurubatham, V. Isaac,
K. S. Peter. A. M. J;tudawson, V. D. Koilpillai,
R. H. P' rson, C. A. W. Ritchie, S.
Licensed Ministers: Thomas, E. D. Willmott.
M. Bhaggian, J. V. Jacob, L. J.
Larson, S. Nallathampy, S. Nathan- Licensed Ministers:
iel, T. V. Zechariah. S. K. Arumanayagam, P. K. David,
C. John, Job Miller, John Samuel,
Licensed Missionaries: K. G. Samuel, A. Selvanayagam, Y.
C. Alexander, D. Charles, L. C. G. Thomas, N. Vinayagam.
Charles, G. P. Crussiah, K. G. Dason, Licensed Missionaries:
J. Gabriel, A. D. Jackson, P. M.
Jacob, C. P. John, P. S. Johnson, Y. Abraham, M. Amirtham, M. Ar-
T. M. Joseph, M. J. Laban, A. I. putham, Mrs. G. Arulmoney, I. Chel-
Lazarus, S. S. Lazarus, Mrs. D. liah, T. Datchinamurthy, P. Devasa-
Mary, K. R. Matthew, M. C. Moses, hayam, Mrs. Gnanappu, A. M. Job,
V. S. Sastry, A. Shadrack, Miss M. J. Joseph, K. Joseph, M. D. Kodan, A.
Thaiamma, Mrs. P. Vethamuttu, T. Manual, Gabriel Matthew, N. Rath-
P. Wilson. nasamy, S. Rebecca, M. K. Samuel,
D. Santhanaswamy, S. Seenivasagam,
Stations: Miss Joy Sugirtham, G. Vetharnoney.
Ayroor, Adventpuram, Aruvicodu,,
Aramana, Chengulam, Erathavoor, Stations:
Karamana, Kanjirakonam, Kacka- Madras, Pondicherry, Palikondai, Ma-
mulla, Karickam, Kulathoor, Kizhan- dura, Nagercoil, Kuruattoor, Trichi-
guvilla, Kottayam, Kumbanadu, Kula- nopoly, Kariananthal, Allagianallor,
thamal, Kunnamkulam, Kunnathukal, Kallorany, Tuticorin, Nazareth, Saw-
Manchavilakam, Meyannor, Mylaudy, yerpuram, Sarodu, Arthur, Sanaivil-
Nedumangadu, Oondencodu, Pandara- lakam, Chellankonam, Eathavillai,
thara, Pareala, Pattam, Paruthipally, Adiyal Mudalur, Palaniappapuram,

Podanur, Tirupur, Ootacamund, Kan LicInsed Missionaries:

nankarai, Mulachi, Makamandapar I, G. A. Anandam, P. Asirvadam, Miss
Yellagiri Hills, Achampetty, Karadi4- E. Binder, Y. Daniel, G. H. Devanan-
kulam, Natchipalayam, Ketti, Coo- dam, P. Devadanam, Miss B. Gore,
noor, A thinathapuram, Kumaraku- Mrs. H. A. Hansen, E. J. Hiscox,
lam, Arunachalapuram, Pondiapuram, M. Jacob, P. Jacob, K. Jesudass, M.
Sivagnanapuram. V. Jesudass, D. John, 0. B. Jonathan,
K. Joseph, S. Joseph, M. B. Laban,
H. C. Lamb, B. S. Moses, P. Moses,
M. V. Nehemiah, Mrs. K. Peter, T.
TELUGU MISSION FIELD Prakasam, E. S. Eswar Rao, R. S. P.
Rao, Miss S. Ruth, D. Samuel, K.
Territory: That portion of the Hydera- Satyanandam, Mrs. D. W. Semmens,
bad State within the South India B. Solomon, G. N. Solomon, K. Solo-
Union, and that portion of the Mad- mon, N. Subramanyam, E. S. Sudar-
ras Presidency lying north of the sanam, C. B. William, E. N. William,
North Arcot District, and all native Mrs. H. G. Woodward.
States and foreign possessions related
thereto. Other Workers:
Population: 28,000,000 ; churches, 20 ; A. Annamma, K. G. Annamma, K. P.
membership, 819. Appleton, Balamma, Basheer Benja-
min, K. P. Chelliah, J. David, L. B.
Office Address: Seventh-day Adventist Devasikhamony, A. Grace, K. A.
Mission, Nuzvid, Kistna District, Grace, K. E. Grace, K. P. Jeevarat-
South India. nam, M. Jeevaratnam, T. Joseph, Ch.
Krupavaram, Anna Marial, C. V.
Officers: Mary, K. M. Mary, Miriam, Janobi R.
Superintendent, H. G. Woodward. Murray, Davy Pandya, G. Prasada
Secretary-Treasurer, E. S. Eswar Rao. Rao, M. L. Pushpama, N. A. Salomi,
Executive Committee: H. G. Wood- G. Samuel, Alice Singh, K. Sunda-
ward, E. S. Eswar Rao, H. A. Han- ram, M. B. Vazramma.
sen, 0. Israel, P. J. Kelly, D. W. Regular Colporteurs: M. P. David, J.
Semmens, E. S. Sudarsanam. Reuben, L. D. Wilson.
Departmental Secretaries: Probationer Colporteurs: P. David,
Sabbath School and Home Mission- K. George, Y. Joseph, M. J. Laban,
ary, P. J. Kelly. S. Lazarus, K. John, Prasada Rao,
Educational and Y. P. M. V., H. A. D. Raju.
Hansen. Stations:
Field Missionary, E. S. Sudarsanam.
Guntur, Bezwada, Nandigama, Chen-
Ordained Ministers: darlapadu, Keesaru, Madhavaram,
Ch. Devadass, H. A. Hansen, G. Nuzvid, Narsapur, Rustumbada,
Isaiah, P. J. Kelly, M. Prakasam, Woodpeta, Rajahmundry, Lakawa-
H. G. Woodward. ram, Anthravedi, Sreerangapatam,
Mirthipadu, Mandapaeta, Mogalara-
Honorary: M. P. Daniel. japuram, Gudapalli, Hanumanthimi-
Licensed Ministers: guden, Atkuru, Narendrapuram, Chi-
likuru, Pekkellapadu, Vizagapatam,
M. Benjamin, Ch. Devasahayam, 0. Pedapudi, Gopavaram, Yelamandala,
1 Israel, Ch. John, P. Sundar Rao, D. Kesanapalli, Bobbili, Senagapadu,
W. Semmens. Dondapadu, Antervedipalem, Gunti-
Honorary: G. C. Joseph. pedapudi.


Organized 1929; reorganized 1937 and 1941

Territory: Bombay Presidency, the Postal Address: Box 64, Poona, India.
parts of Hyderabad State related
thereto by language, Central India; Officers:
Central Provinces with related native Superintendent, F. E. Spiess.
states, and Goa. Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Mackett.
Population: 54,562,622; churches, 14; Executive Committee: F. E. Spiess,
members, 606. C. C. Cantwell, E. L. Clark, G. A.

Hamilton, B. J. Hivale, W. H. Jor- Officers:

dan, H. P. Khajaker, C. H. Mackett, Superintendent, F. E. Spiess.
W. H. McHenry, A. E. Nelson, G. A. Secretary-Treasurer, C. H. Mackett.
Nelson. Executive Committee: Union Execu-
Departmental Secretaries: tive Committee.
Educational, C. C. Cantwell. Ordained Ministers:
Home Missionary, F. E. Spiess. G. A. Hamilton, W. H. Jordan, W. H.
Y. P. M. V. and Publishing, E. L. McHenry.
Medical, G. A. Nelson. Licensed Ministers:
Sabbath School, Mrs. F. E. Spiess. Dayanand Borge, Kemuel Bunsode,
Ordained Ministers: P. M. Bunsode, S. S. Chavan, B. J.
C. C. Cantwell, F. E. Spiess. Hivale, Hanock Khajekar.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
E. L. Clark, G. A. Nelson. S. P. Engle, Mrs. G. A. Hamilton,
Honorary: G. S. Borge. Mrs. W. H. Jordan, Mrs. W. H. Mc-
Henry, M. D. Moses, V. P. Muthiah,
Licensed Missionaries: S. S. Pandit, Miss F. Tuckey.
Mrs. C. C. Cantwell, Mrs. E. W. Honorary: 0. B. Pakhre, J. L. Wal-
Clark, Miss G. M. Hurd, Mrs. G. A. haker.
Nelson, Mrs. F. E. Spiess.
Indian Evangelists and Teachers:
Teacher Evangelists: R. K. Aswale, D. Bunsode, S. B.
C. N. John, S. L. Khandagale, D. N. Devade, B. P. Nade, V. S. Shinde.
Ohal, S. S. Pandit, Hanabai Ranade, Bible Workers:
P. M. Thomas, Alec. Wood. GraJebai Bhakre, Dayabai Gaikwad.


Territory: Gujerati territory. Address: 15 Club Back Road, Byculla,
Population: 11,160,000 ; church, 1 ; Bombay, India.
members, 30. Director: G. A. Hamilton.
Officers: Ordained Minister: 1.
Superintendent, F. E. Spiess. Indian Evangelist: 1.
Advisory Committee: Western India
Union Executive Committee.
Licensed Ministers: Central Marathi Mission Station
P. R. Phasge, C. K. Rathod.
Indian Evangelists: Address: S. D. A. Mission, Nevasa,
T. S. Arlie, V. T. Thomas. Ahmednagar Dist., India.
Director: W. J. McHenry.
Bible Worker: 1.
Surat Medical Mission Evangelists: 4.
Address: S. D. A. Mission Hospital,
Nanpura, Surat, India.
Superintendent:) G. A. Nelson. Kalyan Mission Station
Managing Committee: G. G. Lowry, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Kalyan,
G. A. Nelson, J. Devadason. India.
Director: F. E. Spiess.
Evangelists: 2.
Territory: Bombay Presidency, Berar,
Goa, and Hyderabad State related by
language. Kolhapur Mission Station
Population: 20,771,921 ; churches, 12 ; Address: S. D. A. Mission, Shahupuri,
members, 567. Kolhapur, India.
Post Office Address: Box 64, Poona, Director:. W. H. Jordan.
India. Village Schools: 3.

Village Teachers: 5. Prakasapuram High School, S. D. A.

Bible Worker: 1. Mission, Prakasapuram, Mukuperi
Post, Tinnevelly District, South
Evangelists: 4. India.
Rangoon Elementary Church School,
68 Wisara Road, Rangoon, Burma.
Roorkee High School, The Retreat,
Roorkee, U. P., India.
Poona Mission Station Shillong Elementary Day School,
Address: S. D. A. Mission, Post Box 64, Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam.
Poona, India. Spicer College, P. 0. Bangalore
Heights, Mysore State, South India.
Director: F. E. Spiess. Vincent Hill School and Junior Col-
Ordained Minister: W. H. McHenry. lege, Mussoorie, India.
Bible Worker: Miss F. Tuckey. Publishing:.
Evangelist: D. P. Borge. Oriental Watchman Publishing House,
Votaw Welfare Center Dispensary: Post Box 35, Poona, India ; with
Mrs. C. H. Mackett. depots at Bangalore, New Delhi,
Church School: Rachelbai Borge, A. M. Rangoon, Ranchi, Poona.
Job, Nallaminah Storer.
Sanitariums and Hospitals
Giffard Mission Hospital of S. D. A.,
INSTITUTIONS IN SOUTHERN Nuzvid, Kistna District, South In-
Gopalganj Hospital, S. D. A. Mission
Educational: Hospital, P. 0. Gopalganj, District
Bangalore Elementary Day School, Faridpur, Bengal, India.
S. D. A. Mission School, 3 Spencer Simla-Delhi Sanitarium Hydro-Elec-
Road, Cleveland Town, Bangalore. tric Institute, Simla, and Delhi,
Calcutta Elementary Church School, India.
36 Park St., Calcutta, India. Surat Hospital, S. D. A. Mission,
Chuharkana Mandi Elementary School, Surat, Bombay Presidency.
Chuharkana, N. W. Rly., Punjab,
India. Dispensaries
Hapur Elementary School, S. D. A.
Mission, Hapur, U. P., India. Brightlands Nursing Home, Bright-
Jalirpar High School, S. D. A. Mis- lands, Maymyo, Burma.
sion, P. 0. Jalirpar, Faridpur Dis- Chuharkana Dispensary, Chuharkana
trict, East Bengal, India. Mandi, Punjab, India.
Jowai Secondary Boarding School, Hapur Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission,
Jowai, Via Shillong, Assam. Hapur, Meerut District, India.
Karmatar High School of S. D. A., Htugyi Dispensary, S. D. A. Mission,
Karmatar, E. I. Rly., India. Htugyi, Burma.
Kollegal Elementary Boarding School, Kottarakara Dispensary, S. D. A.
Kollegal, Coimbatore District, In- Mission, Kottarakara, Travancore,
dia. South India.
Kottarakara High School, Kottara- Meiktila Dispensary, Meiktila, Burma.
kara, South Travancore, South In- Myaungmya Dispensary, Mo So Kwin
dia. Rd., Myaungmya, Burma.
Kottawa High School, Kottawa, Pan- Narsapur Mission Dispensary, S. D.
nipittiya, Ceylon. A. Mission, Narsapur, W. Godavary
Khunti Elementary Boarding School, District, India.
Khunti, Ranchi District, India. Ohndaw Dispensary, Ohndaw, Swe-
Lasalgaon High School, S. D. A. Mis- gon P. 0., Thaton District, Burma.
sion, Lasalgaon, G. I. Rly., India. Palaniappapuram Dispensary, Pala-
Meiktila High School, Meiktila, niappapuram, Tinnevelly District,
Burma. South India.
Myaungmya Elementary School, S. D.
A. Mission, Myaungmya, Burma. Prakasapuram Dispensary, Prakasa-
Narsapur High School of S. D. A., puram, Mukuperi Post, Tinnevelly
Narsapur, West Godavary, South District, South India.
India. (Telugu Mission.) Shwengaungbin Dispensary, Shwen-
Ohndaw Elementary School, Ohn gaungbin, Burma.
Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton Dis- Spicer College Dispensary, Bangalore
trict, via Moulmein, Burma. Heights, South India.
Poona Elementary Day School, Salis- Votaw Welfare Center, Salisbury
bury Park, Poona, India. Park, Poona, India.
Organized 1928

Territory: Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Officers:

France, Hungary, Monaco, Belgium, President, A. V. Olson.
Luxembourg, Spain, Andorra, Portu- Secretary, W. R. Beach.
gal, Italy, Vatican State, San Marino, Treasurer and Auditor, F. Brennwald.
Jugoslavia, Rumania, Tripolitania, Division Committee: A. V. Olson,
Cyrenaica, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, W. R. Beach, L. Beer, F. Brennwald,
Morocco, Tangier, Rio de Oro, Mau- F. Charpiot, J. de Caenel, D. Florea,
ritania, Senegal, Spanish and Portu- It. Gerber, A. J. Girou, A. Lorencin,
guese Guinea, that portion of French 0. Meyer, J. Nussbaum, H. Struve.
Equatorial Africa and French Cam-
eroons lying south of latitude 10 Departmental Secretaries:
north, Eritrea, Italian and French
Somalilands, Madagascar, Reunion, Educational, W. R. Beach.
Mauritius and Dependencies, the Sey- Home Missionary, H. Struve.
chelles Islands, Comoro Islands, the Medical and Religious Liberty, J.
Azores Islands, Madeira, Canary Is- Nussbaum, 49 avenue de la Grande
lands, Cape Verde Islands, Corisco, Armee, Paris 16, France.
Elobeye, Fernando-Poo, St. Thomas, Ministerial Association, A. V. Olson.
Annobon, and neighboring islands: Publishing, F. Charpiot.
comprising the Franco-Belgian, Hun- Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
garian, Swiss, Rumanian, and Jugo- R. Gerber.
slavian Union Conferences; the Por- Ordained Ministers:
tuguese, Italian, North African, and
Indian Ocean Union Missions ; the W. R. Beach, F. Charpiot, R. Gerber,
Spanish and the Equatorial African A. V. Olson, H. Struve, A. Vaucher.
Missions. Licensed Ministers:
Population: 200,000,000; churches, 946; F. Brennwald, Henri Evard, J. Nuss-
members, 31,666. baum, Maurice Tieche.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Advent, Licensed Missionaries:
Berne. Telephone, 34.181.
Lydia Erdman n , Erna Ihlenburg,
Office Address: Hoheweg 17, Berne, Gretly Krebs, Hazel Olson, A. Ransy,
Switzerland. Jeanne Revert, P. Tissot.


Organized 1928
Territory: France, Monaco, Corsica, Departmental Secretaries:
Belgium, and Luxembourg. Educational, M. Tieche.
Population: 50,000,000 ; churches, 71 ; Field Missionary, E. Grisier.
members, 2,439. Home Missionary, Sabbath School
and Y. P. M. V., G. Desmet.
Telegraphic Address: "Conference," 130 Medical and Religious Liberty, J.
blvd. de l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Nussbaum.
Office Address: 130 Boulevard de l'Ho- Ordained Ministers:
pital, Paris 13e, France. (Telephone, Ch. Gerber, 0. Meyer.
Gobelins, 6176.) Honorary: E. Fawer, A. Guyot, M.
Raspal, J. Vuilleumier.
President, 0. Meyer. Licensed Ministers:
Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, Ch. Wehrli. G. Desmet.
Executive Committee: 0. Meyer, G. Honorary: D. Lecoultre, A. Sallee.
Desmet, 0. Ganty, Ch. Gerber, E.
Grisier, J. C. Guenin, G. Haberey, J. Licensed Missionaries:
Nussbaum, A. G. Roeland, M. Tieche, Miss M. Abgrall, Miss M. Chevalieras,
Ch. Wehrli, 0. Ganty, E, Grisier, Ch. Wehrli.

BELGIAN CONFERENCE Field Missionary, Home Missionary,

and Y. P. M. V. , E. Brobecker.
Organized 1920 Religious Liberty, G. Haberey.
Territory: Belgium. Ordained Ministers:
Population: 8,386,500 ; churches, 15 ; J. P. Frei, G. Haberey, Charles
members, 606. Kamm.
Office: 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Brus- Licensed Ministers:
sels, Belgium. (Telephone, 113680.)
E. Brobecker, F. Kiehl, R. Kloetty.
Licensed Missionaries:
President, A. G. Roeland. Miss J. Gutekunst, A. Henriot, Miss
Secretary-Treasurer, H. J. Roeland. M. Hessloehl, Miss W. Hockenberger,
Executive Committee: A. G. Roeland, Ch. Zigan.
F. Lavanchy, A. De Ligne, M. Rin-
goot, Henri Roeland, F. De Wilde, Church School: 5, boulevard d'Anvers,
J. Wils. Strasbourg.
Teacher: Paul Bernard.
Departmental Secretaries:
Book and Bible House, Henri Roeland. Legal Assn.: Societe Missionnaire de
Field Missionary, Jean Desmet. I'Est de la France: Blvd. d'Anvers.5,
Religious Liberty, M. Ringoot. Strasbourg, France.
Sabbath School, J. Belloy.
Y. P. M. V., L. Belloy.
Home Missionary, A. G. Roeland.
Educational, F. Lavanchy.
Ordained Ministers:
A. De Ligne, F. Lavanchy, M. Rin- Organized 1923
goot, A. G. Roeland, J. Wibbens.
Territory: Departments north of Cha-
Licensed Ministers: rente Inferieure, Charente, Haute-
J. Belloy, L. Belloy, R. Buyck, J. Vienne, Creuse, Allier, Saone et Loire,
Desmet, J. Vandromme, F. Van Geel. and Ain ; and west of Meuse, Haute-
Marne, and Haute-Saone.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss B. Mossaz, Miss Rita Roba, Population: 22,000,000; churches, 15 ;
Henri Roeland, Miss Ph. Swallyee. members, 764.
Legal Assn.: "Association des Zelateurs Office: 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris
de la Conference Beige des Adventis- 13e, France. (Telephone, Gobelins,
tes du Septiembe Jour," 11-13, rue 6176.)
Ernest Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Telegraphic Address: "Conference," 130
Boulevard de l'Hopital, Paris 13e,
Organized 1919 President, 0. Meyer.
Territory: The departments of Bas- Secretary-Treasurer, Ch. Wehrli.
Rhin, Haut-Rhin, Moselle, Meurthe et Executive Committee: 0. Meyer, L.
Moselle, Vosges, Haute-Saone, Meuse, Bouger, H. Carville, F. Jochmans,
Haute-Marne, the territory of Belfort L. A. Mathy, Ch. Wehrli, C. Winandy.
and Luxembourg.
Departmental Secretaries:
Population : 4,000,000 ; churches, 15 ; Book and Bible House, Ch. Wehrli.
members, 438. Field Missionary, E. Grisier.
Office: 5 Boulevard d'Anvers, Stras- Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
bourg, Alsace, France. and Y. P. M. V., G. Desmet.
Medical and Religious Liberty, J.
Officers: Nussbaum.
President, G. Haberey.
Secretary-Treasurer, Ch. Zigan. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: G. Haberey, G. A. J. Girou, F. Jochmans, L. A.
Kiehl, R. Kloetty, Ch. Zigan. Mathy, J. Monnier, Ch. Winandy.
Departmental Secretaries: Licensed Ministers:
Book and Bible House and Sabbath E. Ducret, P. Haignere, R. Lefevre,
School, Ch. Zigan. A. Scalliet.

Licensed Missionaries: P. Badaut, It. Birckel, J. l'Huillier,

Miss E. Huguenin, P. Lanares, Miss M. Raspal, A. Vaucher, A. Vuilleu-
E. Pache, Miss S. Souchu, Miss G. mier.
Departmental Secretaries:
Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de la Book and Bible House and Sabbath
Conf. des Adv. du 7e Jour du Nord School, R. Birckel.
de la France, 130 blvd. de FHOpital, Field Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
Paris 13e, France. J. Medard.
Home Missionary and Religious Lib-
erty, J. C. Guenin.
Ordained Ministers:
P. Badaut, M. J. Bureaud, J. C.
Organized 1923 Guenin, P. Meyer.

Territory: Departments south of Ven- Licensed Ministers:

dee, Deux Sevres, Vienne, Indre, R. Meyer, W. Milhorat.
Cher, Nievre, Cote d'Or, Haute-Sa-
voie, Doubs, the island of Corsica, Licensed Missionaries:
and the principality of Monaco. Ch. Comiot, Miss G. Ferciot, A. Her-
bet, R. Hirschy, Miss A. Liotie, J.
Population: 16,000,000 ; churches, 28 ; Medard.
members, 631.
Church School: Collonges-sous-Saleve,
Office: 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Mar- Haute-Savoie.
seille, France. Teacher: Miss E. Jac.
Officers: Legal Assn.: Association Cultuelle de la
President, J. C. Guenin. Conf. des Adv. du 7e Jour du Midi
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Birckel. de la France, 5, boulevard Long-
Executive Committee: J. C. Guenin, champ, Marseille, France.


Organized 1912; Reorganized 1925, 1936

Territory: Hungary; comprising Cen- Licensed Missionaries:

tral East, and West Hungarian Mis- Ch. Greiner, A. Ro6z.
Legal Assn.: Building Society "Koch
Population: 10,820,000; churches, 195; es Tarsa," Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
members, 6,025. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Manager, L. Michnay.
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. (Tele-
phone, 114-549.)


President, L. Michnay.
Sec.-Treas., representative, A. Rooz. Organized 1925 and 1936
Executive Committee: L. Michnay, I. Territory: Pest-, Csongrad-, Bass-,
Berghauer, J. Egyed, B. Gyarmati, Hont-, Heves-, and Nograd-Comitates.
B. Jeszenszky, A. Muranyi, K. Sohl-
mann, J. Toth, D. Zarka. Population: 3,200,000; churches, 35 ;
members, 1,284.
Departmental Secretaries:
Office Address: Szekely Bertalan-utca
Field Missionary, J. TOth. 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y. P. M. V., K. Sohlmann. Officers:
Director, I. Bergauer.
Ordained Ministers: Secretary-Treasurer, A. Rooz.
L. Michnay, K. Sohlmann, J. Toth. Executive Committee: I. Berghauer,

M. Buzg6, J. Dobos, J. Pechtol, A. Licensed Missionaries:

Ram, R. Skultety, J. Toth. M. Bajor, M. Erdodi, V. Fekete, J.
Departmental Secretaries: Kiss, F. Kokonyei, E. Muranyi.
Field Missionary, G. Santha.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y. P. M. V., K. Balazsi.
Ordained Ministers:
I. Berghauer, K. Berzencey, M. Buzgo, Organized 1925; Reorganized 1936
J. Pechtol. Territory: Esztergom-, Fejer-, Baranya-,
Licensed Minister: J. Veszelovszky. Komarom-, Veszprem-, Somogy-, So-
pron-, Tolna-, Zala-, Vas-, Moson-,
Licensed Missionaries: and Gybr-Comitates.
K. Balazsi, Z. Csanyi, J. Koroknai, Population: 2,600,000 ; churches, 24 ;
E. Marinka, M. Michnay, J. Molnar, members, 637.
J. Negyesi, G. Santha, M. Stodola,
P. Szamec, J. Zsurek. Office Address: Nagy Sandor u. 21
Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Herceg.
Organized 1925 and 1936 Executive Committee: D. Zarka, S.
Territory: Borsod-, Szatmar-, Bihar-, Debreceni, K. Kovacs, J. Nagy, M.
Hajdu-, Bekes-, Csanad-, Szolnok-, Pammer, I. Stoics, J. Szabo.
Bered-, Maxamaros, Ugocsa, Ungvar,
and Zemplen Comitates. Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, K. Kovacs.
Population: 5,020,000 ; churches, 50 ; Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
members, 1,403. and Y. P. M. V.,
Office Address: Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc,
Hungary. Ordained Ministers:
S. Debreceni, I. Stoics, J. Szabo, J.
Officers: Szigethy, D. Zarka.
Director, A. Muranyi.
Secretary-Treasurer, M. Erdodi. Licensed Missionary: M. Herceg.
Executive Committee: A. Muranyi, J.
Albrecht, L. Bajor, M. Erdodi, K.
Kovacs, A. Kraszko.
Departmental Secretaries: TRANSYLVANIAN CONFERENCE
Field Missionary K. Kovacs. Organized 1940
Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
and Y. P. M. V., Churches: 86 ; members, 2,801.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: See address of Somes-
J. Albrecht, L. Bajor, A. Benyovsky, Mures Conference in Rumanian Un-
L. Csizmar, 1. Danhauser, A. Fodor, ion.
L. Halasz, S. Katona, A. Muranyi.
Licensed Ministers: President,
K. Kovacs, L. Lenk, M. Vanko. Secretary-Treasurer,


Organized 1936

Territory: Madagascar and Dependen- Telegraphic Address: "Adventiste, Ta-

cies, Mauritius, Reunion, Seychelles, nanarive."
and Rodriguez.
Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Am-
Population: 4,617,000 ; churches, 36 ; bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
members, 1,203. (Telephone, Tananarive 291.)

Officers: School Teachers:

Superintendent, E. Benezech. E. Bernard, Rabenja, Randrianasolo,
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Erdmann. Miss B. Ranorohanta, E. Rasolofo.
Executive Committee: E. Benezech,
R. Erdmann, P. Girard, R. Guenin,
W. Ruf, K. Sturzenegger, E. Veuthey.
Departmental Secretaries: MAURITIUS MISSION
Home Missionary E. Benezech. Entered 1914
Sabbath School, R. Erdmann. Territory: Islands of Mauritius and
Educational, R. Guenin. Rodriguez.
Y. P. M. V., W. Ruf.
Population: 400,000; churches, 11 ;
Ordained Minister: E. Benezech. members, 619.
Licensed Minister: It. Guenin. Telegraphic Address: "Adventists,"
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: Salisbury Road, Rose
Mrs. E. Benezech, R. Erdmann, Mrs. Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
R. Erdmann, Mrs. R. Guenin, J.
Joelson. Officers:
Director, E. Veuthey.
Secretary-Treasurer, S. Davis.
Local Committee: E. Veuthey, Casse,
MADAGASCAR MISSION V. Cundasamy, W. Fuchs, L. Hertogs,
Entered 1926 A. Savannah, S. Sibilant.
Territory: Madagascar and Dependen- Departmental Secretaries:
cies. Home Missionary, Lydia Le Wine.
Sabbath School, Mrs. E. Veuthey.
Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 21 ; Y. P. M. V., E. Veuthey.
members, 482.
Ordained Ministers:
Cable Address: "Adventiste, Tanana- W. Fuchs, E. Veuthey.
Licensed Ministers:
Office Address: Mission Adventiste, Am- V. Cundasamy, D. Munroop.
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
(Telephone, Tananarive 291.) Licensed Missionaries:
S. Davis, Mrs. W. Fuchs, L. A. Hen-
Officers: riot," K. Noel, S. Sibilant, Mrs. E.
Director, E. Benezech. Veuthey.
Secretary-Treasurer, R. Erdmann. Honorary: C. Cuniah, Alice Le Meme,
Mission Committee: E. Benezech, R. Mrs. F. Moikeenah.
Erdmann, R. Guenin, A. Long, J.
Rakotovao, J. Ramamonjisoa, E. Vil- Legal Assn.: The Seventh-day Adventist
leneuve. Diocese of Mauritius.
Departmental Secretaries:
Educational, It. Guenin.
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
J. Ramamonjisoa. REUNION MISSION
Field Missionary, Razanajatovo. Entered 1936
Sabbath School, R. Erdmann.
Ordained Ministers: Territory: Reunion Island.
A. Long, J. Ramamonjisoa, C. Tolici, Population: 190,000; churches, 2 ; mem-
E. Villeneuve. bers, 41. .
Licensed Ministers: Address: 38 rue Dauphine, St. Denis,
J. Bar-Joel, N. Rajaonize, Jacob Reunion.
Rakotovao, A. Rasamoelina. Postal Address: Boite Postale No. 200,
Licensed Missionaries: St. Denis, Reunion.
Miss L. Haran, Mrs. A. Long, J. Officers:
Raharijaona, E. Rakoto, G. Razafin- Director, P. Girard.
dralambo, Razanajatovo, J. Razana- Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. P. Girard,
kolona, Mrs. C. Tolici, Mrs. E. Vinne-
neuve. Ordained Minister: P. Girard.

Licensed Missionaries: Officers:

R. Devins, Mrs. R. Devins, Mrs. P. Director, K. Sturzenegger.
Girard. Secretary-Treasurer, K. Sturzenegger.

SEYCHELLES ISLANDS MISSION Ordained Minister: K. Sturzenegger.

Territory: The Seychelles Islands.
Licensed Missionaries:
Population: 27,000 ; churches, 2 ; mem-
bers, 61. R. Jayram, Mrs. K. Sturzenegger.


Organized 1928

Territory: Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, San Home Missionary, L. Beer.

Marino, and Italian East Africa. Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
F. Sabatino.
Population: 55,000,000 ; churches, 31 ;
members, 950. Ordained Ministers:
Office Address: Via Trieste 17, Florence, R. Bongini, G. Cavalcante, A. Karl,
Italy. (Tel., 42850.) E. Libonati, G. L. Lippolis, G. Pfer-
Post Office Address: Casella Postale Licensed Missionaries:
408, Florence, Italy.
E. Bertalot, D. Cupertino, Miss F.
Officers: Foditsch, Miss M. Lippolis, Miss M.
Superintendent, L. Beer. Vanzetta, D. Verona.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. Fenz.
Executive Committee: L. Beer, R.
Bongini, G. Cupertino, G. Fenz, G.
Ferraris, G. Ferraro, A. Karl, R. SOUTH ITALIAN MISSION
Magni. Organized 1928
Departmental Secretaries: Territory: The provinces of Marche,
Field Missionary, R. Magni. Umbria, Lazio, Abruzzi-Molise, the
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Vatican State, Campania, Puglie,
and Y. P. M. V., L. Beer. Basilicata, Calabria, and the island
of Sicily.
Ordained Minister: L. Beer.
Population: 18,500,000 ; churches, 17 :
Licensed Minister: F. Sabatino. members, 446.
Licensed Missionaries: Office Address: Via Generale F. Pigna-
G. Fenz, R. Magni, M. Vincentelli. telli 15, Napoli, Italy.
Director, G. Ferraro.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss D. Bertalot.
Organized 1928 Mission Committee: G. Ferraro, S.
Territory: The provinces of Piemonte, Agnello, D. Asiano, G. Cesario, R.
Lombardia, Liguria, Venetia, Emilia, Novelli.
Toscana, the republic of San Marino, Departmental Secretaries:
and the island of Sardinia.
Field Missionary, R. Novelli.
Population: 24,500,000 ; churches, 14 ; Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
members, 504. and Y. P. M. V., G. Ferraro.
Office Address: Via Triestt 17, Florence, Ordained Ministers:
D. Asiano, E. Bertalot, G. Ferraris,
Officers: G. Ferraro, N. Marzocchini, V. Spe-
Director, L. Beer. ranza.
Secretary-Treasurer, Miss M. Lippolis.
Mission Committee: L. Beer, G. Caval- Licensed Ministers:
cante, E. Libonati, G. L. Lippolis, S. Agnello, G. Cesario.
F. Sabatino. Licensed Missionaries:
Departmental Secretaries: Miss D. Bertalot, Miss M. Infranco,
Field Missionary, R. Magni. R. Novelli, A. Tallini.
Organized 1925

Territory: The Kingdom of Jugoslavia; Ordained Ministers:

viz., the Danube, Morava, and Sava I. Danyi, Dj. Kalezic, D. Krstic, St.
Conferences. Strangar, M. Trifunac.
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 146 ; Licensed Minister: B. Radovanovic.
members, 3,865. Licensed Missionaries:
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Preporod, K. Berner, P. Brehelmacher, I. Mol-
Beograd, Jugoslavia. nar, V. Vranjesevic.

Office Address: Vojvode Protica 12,

Beograd VII, Jugoslavia. (Telephone,
Officers: Organized 1931
- President, A. Lorencin. Territory: Morayska, Vardarska, and
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Zivkovic. Zetska banovina.
Executive Committee: A. Lorencin,
K. Kastl, Z. Krdjalic, M. Ludewig, Population: 5,000,000 ; churches, 31 ;
A. Mocnik, R. Schillinger, W. Schup- members, 1,058.
nik, N. Slankamenac, D. Zivkovic. Office Address: Nemanjina ul. 11, Nis,
Departmental Secretaries: Jugoslavia.
Field Missionary, Z. Krdjalic. Officers:
Religious Liberty, A. Lorencin.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, President, N. Slankamenac.
and Y. P. M. V., K. Kastl. Secretary-Treasurer, D. Zivkovic.
Executive Committee: N. Slankame-
Ordained Ministers: nac, D. Mirkovic, D. Pecarski, St.
Petrovic, R. Radivojevic, Di. Sem-
K. Kastl, A. Lorencin, A. Mocnik, kovic, D. Zivkovic.
R. Schillinger.
Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionaries:
Field Missionary, It. Dedic.
Z. Krdjalic, S. Ludewig, W. Schupnik, Home Missionary, Sabbath School,
D. Zivkovic. and Y. P. M. V., N. Slankamenac.

Ordained Ministers:
St. Petrovic, R. Radivojevic, Dj. Sem-
DANUBE CONFERENCE kovic, N. Slankamenac.
Organized 1925 Licensed Ministers:
Territory: Dunayska and Drinska bano- P. Petrovic, M. Radancevic, A.
vina. Schleicher.
Population: 5,000,000; churches, 67; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 1,764. R. Dedic, N. Strahinic.
Office Address: Petra Zrinjskog ulica
13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Secretary-Treasurer, V. Vranjesevic. Organized 1925
Executive Committee:
L. Civric, Dj. Kalezic, S. Sabo, St. Territory: Hrvatska, Vrbaska, and
Strangar, M. Trifunac, V. Vranje- Drayska banovina.
Population: 5,000,000 ; churches, 48 :
Departmental Secretaries: members, 1,043.
Field Missionary, P. Brehelmacher.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, Office Address: Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb,
and Y. P. M. V., St. Strangar. Jugoslavia.

Officers: Home Missionary, Sabbath School,

and Y. P. M. V., M. Ludewig.
President, M. Ludewig.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Zivkovic. Ordained Ministers:
Executive Committee: M. Ludewig, N. M. Ludewig, J. Plesko, V. Plesko,
Abramovic, P. Grbin, Dj. Janosevic, M. Sarcanski.
J. Plesko, M. Sarcanski, D. Zivkovic.
Licensed Ministers:
Departmental Secretaries: S. Manestar, 11. Reth.
Field Missionary, Z. Maras. Licensed Missionary: Z. Maras.


Organized 1928

Territory: Algeria, French Morocco, Departmental Secretaries:

Spanish Morocco, Tangier, Tunis, Field Missionary and Home Mission-
Tripolitania, Cyrenaica. ary, F. Mottin.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M.
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 14 ; J. de Caenel.
members, 375.
Ordained Ministers:
Postal Address: 139 ter, Chemin du A. Arnone, H. Pichot, Eugene Rey,
Telemly, Algiers, Algeria. D. Riemens.
Officers: Licensed Ministers:
Superintendent, J. de Caenel. A. Bard, E. Landa.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. Erzberger. Licensed Missionaries:
Executive Committee: J. de Caenel,
P. Douay, J. Erzberger, H. Ferrand, P. Abella, H. Ferrand, H. Jaquenod,
Henri Pichot, E. Rey, Jean Reynaud. F. Mottin, Miss A. Rovira, Miss J.
Departmental Secretaries:
Legal Corporation
Field Missionary, J. Colomar.
Home Missionary, Sabbath School, and Name: Association Philanthropique des
Y. P. M. V., J. de Caenel. Amis des Malades. (Philanthropic
Society of the Friends of the Sick.)
Ordained Ministers:
J. de Caenel. Postal Address: Institut "Vie et Sante"
Parc d'Hydra, Birmandreis (Alger),
Honorary: G. G. Roth. Algeria.
Licensed Missionaries: Officers:
J. Erzberger. President, J. de Caenel.
Honorary: Miss H. Roth. Secretary, H. Ferrand.
Treasurer, J. Erzberger.
Other members of the board: A. Bard,
C. Barral, P. Douay, J. Reynaud.
Organized 1905; Reorganized 1928
Territory: Algeria. Organized 1928
Population: 6,500,000; churches, 9; Territory: French and Spanish Morocco,
members, 256. and Tangier.
Postal Address: 139 ter, Chemin du Population: 6,000,000; churches, 4 ;
Telemly, Algiers, Algeria. members, 77.
Officers: Office Address: Mission Adventiste, 40,
Director, J. de Caenel. rue de la Republique, Rabat, Morocco.
Secretary-Treasurer, J. Erzberger.
Mission Committee: J. de Caenel, A. Officers:
Arnone, C. Barral, J. Erzberger, H. Director, J. Reynaud.
Pichot. Secretary-Treasurer, W. Lagger.

Mission Committee: J. Reynaud, F. Population: 2,500,000: church, 1; mem-

Galbes, W. Lagger, F. Lefebvre, Ch. bers, 42.
Office Address: 2 Rue de l'eglise, Tunis,
Departmental Secretaries: Tunisia.
Book and Bible House, Field Mission-
ary, and Sabbath School, W. Lagger. Officers:
Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V., Director, P. Douay.
J. Reynaud. Secretary-Treasurer,
Ordained Minister: J. Reynaud. Mission Committee: P. Douay, S.
Cortesi, R. Daueng, Mrs. S. Palliser.
Licensed Ministers:
F. Lefebvre, Ch. Rihs. Departmental Secretaries:
Licensed Missionary: W. Lagger. Book and Bible House, Field Mission-
ary, and Sabbath School,
Home Missionary, P. Douay.
Y. P. M. V., S. Cortesi.
Organized 1937 Ordained Minister: P. Douay.
Territory: Tunisia. Licensed Minister: S. Cortesi.


Organized 1936 as the Iberian Union Mission; Reorganized 1939

Territory: The Portuguese Conference, Address: Rua Santa Clara 2, Ponta

the Azores Islands, Madeira Islands, Delgada, Azores Islands.
Cape Verde Islands, and St. Thomas Director.
Island Missions.
Population: About 29,071,000: churches,
Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Entered 1935
Lisbon, Portugal. Territory: Cape Verde Islands.
Officers: Population: 142,000 ; church, 1; mem-
Superintendent, A. D. Gomes. bers, 41.
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro.
Executive Committee: A. D. Gomes, Address: Nossa Senhora do Monte,
J. Freire, E. V. Hermanson, M. Leal, Brava, Cape Verde Islands.
E. P. Mansell, A. F. Rapso, P. Officers:
Director, A. F. Raposo.
Departmental Secretaries: Treasurer, A. F. Raposo.
Field Missionary and Home Mission- Ordained Minister: A. F. Raposo.
ary, J. Freire.
Educational, Religious Liberty, and Licensed Missionary: Mrs. A. F. Raposo.
Y. P. M. V., A. D. Gomes.
Sabbath School, P. Ribeiro.
A. D. Gomes.,
Honorary: F. Simoes. Entered 1931; Organized 1933
Territory: The Madeira Islands.
Licensed Missionary: P. Ribeiro.
Population: 250,000 ; church, 1; mem-
bers, 84.
AZORES ISLANDS MISSION Address: Rua Antonio J. d'Almeida,
Funchal, Madeira Island.
Entered 1934 Cable Address: Missao Adventists.
Population: 270,000 ; church, 1; mem- Officers:
bers, 33. Director, E. V. Hermanson.

Secretary-Treasurer, E. V. Hermanson. Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,

0. Ide.
Ordained Minister: E. V. Hermanson.
Ordained Ministers:
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. E. V. Her-
0. Ide, M. Leal.
man son.
Church School: Rua Antonio J. d'Al- Licensed Missionaries:
melds, Funchal. J. Grave, L. Simoes, K. Sommer,
Teacher: Miss C. Texeira-Brazao. M. Viegas.
Church School: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio,
M. A., Lisbon.
Organized 1904 ; Reorganized 1935
Territory: Portugal.
Population: 6,000,000 ; churches, 8 ; ST. THOMAS ISLAND MISSION
(Sao Tome)
members, 505.
Entered 1938
Office: Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M.
Lisbon, Portugal. Territory: St. Thomas and neighboring
Officers: islands.
President, A. D. Gomes. Population: 52,000 ; church, 1; mem-
Secretary-Treasurer, P. Ribeiro. bers, 29.
Mission Committee: A. D. Gomes,
0. Ide, M. Leal, P. Ribeiro. Address: Caixa Postal Noy 349, St.
Thomas, West Africa.
Departmental Secretaries:
Director: J. Freire.
Book and Bible House, P. Ribeiro.
Field Missionary J. Grave. Licensed Minister: J. Freire.
Sabbath School, K. Sommer. Licensed Missionary: Mrs. J. Freire.


Organized 1919

Territory: All of Rumania, comprising Religious Liberty, V. Diaconescu.

the Bucegi-Marea, Suceava-Prut, So- Ordained Ministers:
mes-Mures, Timis-Olt, and Dunarea
de jos-Nistru Conferences. H. Bauer, V. Diaconescu, D. Flores,
H. Herman, P. P. Paulini, P. Paun-
Population: 18,025,419; churches, 375 ; escu, I. Reit.
members, 13,373.
Licensed Ministers:
Cable Address: Florea, Labirint, 116, N. Ghiorghita.
Honorary: N. Dorobat, I. Stanescu.
Office Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghe-
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Licensed Missionaries:
Rumania. C. Albulescu, I. Batrana, B. Danau,
0. Geckle, G. Stanica.
Legal Society: Societate Anonima pe
President, D. Florea. Actiuni.
Sec.-Treas., and Auditor, G. Stanica.
Executive Committee: D. Florea, D.
Badescu, V. Diaconescu, I. Dragusin,
N. Ghiorghita, P. H. Hermann, M.
Manchen, M. Manes, V. Mocanu, P. "Cuvantul Evangheliei"
Paunescu, A. Popov, I. Reit, G. Stan- (Society for the Extension of
ica, A. Vacareanu. Evangelical Work)
Departmental Secretaries: Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie
Field Missionary, N. Ghiorghita. Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania.
Home Missionary, I. Reit.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Officers:
P. H. Hermann. Executive Committee: D. Florea, V.

Diaconescu, V. Mocanu, I. Reit, N. Population: 3,161,734 ; churches, 62 ;

Ghiorghita. menibers, 1.964.
Building Association Office Address: Lascar Catargiu No. 26,
Galati, Rumania.
Office Address: Str. Mitropolitul Ghe-
nadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Officers:
Rumania. President, D. Badescu.
Secretary-Treasurer, G. Gherase.
Officers: Executive Committee: D. Badescu, N.
President, D. Florea. Arcaliefscky, R. Artenian, G. Daso-
Treasurer, I. Danetiu. veanu, G. Gherase, I. Liga, D. Maer.
Executive Committee: Union Confer-
ence Committee. Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, V. Schiopoaia.
Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and
Sabbath School, R. Artenian.
(Formerly West Muntenian Conference) Ordained Ministers:
Organized 1928 N. Arcaliefscky, D. Badescu, I. Da-
nila, I. Dantos, Gr. Dasoveanu, D.
Territory: Tinuturile Bucegi and Marea. Faurescu, N. Ganea, M. Hioara, F.
Mateescu, C. Popeseu.
Population: 4,367,863 ; churches, 116 ;
members, 5,705. Licensed Missionaries:
R. Artenian, G. Gherase, G. Iorda-
Office Address: Str. Eduard Grand 25, nescu, I. Knittel, V. Schiopoaia.
Bucuresti II, Rumania.
President, M. Manea.
Secretary-Treasurer, C. Andries. SOMES-MURES CONFERENCE
Executive Committee: M. Manea, N.
Alexe, C. Andries, M. Caraivan, T. (Formerly Transylvanian Conference,
Dobre, I. Ghiorghisor, C. Marculescu, a part of which is now adminis-
St. Ouatu. tered by the Hungarian Union)
Organized 1911
Departmental Secretaries:
Field Missionary, R. Eremia. Territory: Tinuturile Somes and Mures.
Home Missionary T. Dobre.
Sabbath School and Y. P. V., Population: 3,548,298 ; churches, 57 ;
C. Alexe. members, 1,547.
Ordained Ministers: Office Address: Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
Cluj, Rumania.
N. Alexe, D. Ceausu, T. Coconcea,
D. Cristil, P. Cucurezeanu, T. Dobre, Officers:
V. Georgescu, I. Ghiorghisor, G. President, M. Manchen.
Graure, I. Iorga, St. Kelemen, M. Secretary-Treasurer, I. I. Stitz.
Manea, N. Marinescu, P. Olteanu, Executive Committee : M. Manchen, S.
St. Ouatu, D. Paraschiv, I. Pascu, Csiki, D. Csongvay, D. Farkas, I.
A. Petrescu, S. Popa, A. Rizea, I. Prevlitz, I. I. Stitz, 0. Streza, V.
Solea, F. Turturica. Truppel, N. Zsigmond.
Licensed Ministers: Departmental Secretaries:
C. Alexe, I. Nedelciu, A. Oprisan, Field Missionary. M. Hariuc.
C. Paun. Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and
Sabbath School, D. Farkas.
Licensed Missionaries:
C. Andries, A. Bolan, P. Costov, It. Ordained Ministers:
Eremia, G. Iancu, St. ',Wiesen, T. Pop. B. Bartha, F. Cionca, C. Csongvay,
D. Csongvay, D. Farkas, I. Gotferth,
F. Illyes, R. Kestner, M. Manchen,
A. Mustafa, A. Nemes, I. Pasztor,
DUNAREA DE JOS NISTRU I. Prevlitz, I. Toltesy, V. Truppel,
(Formerly South Moldavian Conference) Licensed Ministers:
I. Salay, S. Tajti.
Organized 1928
Licensed Missionaries:
Territory: Dunarea de Jos and Nistru. Des. Csongvay, M. Hariuc, I. I. Stitz.


(Formerly North Moldavian Conference) (Formerly Banat-Crisana Conference)
Organized 1028 Organized 1920
Territory: Tinuturile Suceava and Prut. Territory: Tinuturile Timis and Olt.
Population: 3,551,231; chnrchcs, 54 ;
members, 1,806. Population: 3,396,293 ; churches, 86 ;
members, 2,351.
Office Address: Str. Pictor Bucewsehi 2,
Cernauti, Rumania. Office Address: Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Officers: Craiova, Rumania.
President, A. Popov. Officers:
Secretary-Treasurer, G. Radoi.
Executive Committee: A. Popov, T. President, V. Mocanu.
Miriuca, I. Petrescu, G. Radoi, W. R. Secretary-Treasurer, T. Mateescu.
Reinheimer, I. Tremmel, V. Zamfir. Executive Committee: V. Mocanu, G.
Baciu, St. Csedula, G. Darvasan, D.
Departmental Secretaries: Trod, Th. Konderth, T. Mateescu.
Field Missionary,
Home Missionary, V. Zamfir. Departmental Secretaries:
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Field Missionary, G. Sibianu.
T. Schuster. Home Missionary, Y. P. M. V., and
Ordained Ministers: Sabbath School, Th. Konderth.
Leon Balan, L. Constantinescu, P. Ordained Ministers:
Costomschi, M. Kestner, T. Melnic,
T. Miriuca, P. Morosan, G. Nahirni, G. Baciu, P. Crisan, St. Csedula, D.
A. Panait, I. Petrescu, A. Popov, Irod, Th. Konderth, V. Mocanu, I.
W. R. Reinheimer, V. Zamfir. Radulescu, D. Roibescu, I. Tachici,
V. Tolan.
Licensed Ministers:
G. Cleuciuc, D. Curetu, P. Istrate, Licensed Ministers:
M. Kieltsch, G. Ottschofshi, G. Radoi, T. Mateescu, G. Sibianu.
T. Schuster.
Licensed Missionaries: Licensed Missionaries:
L. Bilinschi, Z. Bolotnicov. G. Cazan, M. Radu, F. Szchernyes.


Organized 1928
Territory: Switzerland and Liechten- Ordained Ministers:
stein ; viz., the German Swiss and A. Meyer.
the Leman Conferences.
Honorary: J. Curdy, E. Frauchiger,
Population: 4,000,000 ; churches, 65 ; H. Meyer-Bartschy.
members, 2,462.
Licensed Minister:
Office Address: La Ligniere, Gland Honorary: H. Provin.
(Vaud), Switzerland.
Legal Assn.: Societe Philanthropique de
Officers,: la Ligniere, Gland (Vaud), Switzer-
President, A. Meyer. land.
Secretary-Treasurer, 0. Fasnacht.
Executive Committee: A. Meyer, J.
Bollier, A. Buser, V. Butler, F. Char- GERMAN-SWISS CONFERENCE
piot, 0. Fasnacht, J. Fehr, E. Haring, Organized 1901
F. Magnin, A. Meyer, C. Monnier, A.
Schluchter, H. Struve, G. Weber, A. Territory: German and Romansh-speak-
Winandy. ing parts of Switzerland and Liech-
Departmental Secretaries:
Population: About 2,700,000; churches,
Field Missionary, F. Charpiot. 35 ; members, 1,409.
Home Missionary, H. Struve.
Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and Office: Stampfenbachstr. 85, Ziirich,
Religious Liberty, Switzerland.

Officers: Population: About 1,300,000; churches,

President, J. Fehr. 20 ; members, 1,053.
Secretary-Treasurer, E. Haring. Office: 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Anglaise,
Auditor, 0. Fasnacht. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Executive Committee: J. Fehr, A.
Baumann, J. Bommer, A. Buser, E. Officers:
Haring, H. F. SchuberthT. Stocker, President, A. Meyer.
G. Unternahrer. Secretary-Treasurer, G. Weber.
Departmental Secretaries: Executive Committee: A. Meyer, U.
Augsburger, F. Magnin, Ch. Monnier,
Book and Bible House, Jakob Bollier. Ch. Veuthey, G. Weber, A. Winandy.
Field Missionary, A. Baumann.
Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V., Departmental Secretaries:
R. Gerber. Book and Bible House, G. Weber.
Home Missionary, H. Struve. Educational, M. Tieche.
Ordained Ministers: Field Missionary, Ch. Veuthey.
Medical, H. Muller.
R. Bahler, J. Bommer, V. Butler, J. Sabbath School, Y. P. M. V., and
Fehr, K. Fischbacher, 0. Hollenweger, Home Missionary, Ch. Monnier.
H. Moschinger, H. Willi.
Licensed Minister: E. Bachmann. Ordained Ministers:
F. Augsburger, U. Augsburger, Ch.
Licenied Missionaries: Monnier, J. Rey, A. Schmid, Th.
A. Baumann, J. Bollier, A. Brand, Schreyak.
S. Buchli, Miss M. Dutler, Miss E.
Fehr, E. Haring, Miss E. Haas, Miss Licensed Ministers:
M. Muller, Miss M. Rommel, Miss B. Ch. Cornaz, A. Corsini.
Schmidt, N. Stuber.
Licensed Missionaries:
Legal Assn.: German Swiss Building
Assn., 85, Stampfenbachstr. Miss M. Favre, Miss J. Fetter, Charles
Switzerland. Veuthey, G. Weber.
Church Schools:
"La Ligniere," Gland (Vaud), Swit-
Organized 1884 Teacher, Lucie Villeneuve.
La Chaux-de-Fonds, 39, rue du Tem-
Territory: The French-speaking parts ple Allemand, Switzerland.
of Switzerland. Teacher, Marie Romanovitch.

SPANISH MISSION Home Missionary and Y. P. M. V.,
I. Aguilar.
Organized 1903; Reorganized 1932 Sabbath School, D. Santafe.
Territory: Spain, Baleares and Canary Ordained Ministers:
Islands. I. Aguilar, Jose Boix.
Population: 22,551,000; churches, 10; Honorary: V. J. Garcia, P. Sanz.
members, 282. Licensed Minister:
Office: Calle Zurbaran 2, Pral., Madrid, Honorary: A. J. Lopez.
Spain. Licensed Missionaries:
Postal Address: Apartado 4078, Madrid, C. Comabella, L. del Rio, I. Gonzalez,
Spain. D. Santafe, D. Sanz, F. Valtuena.
Officers :
Director, I. Aguilar.
Secretary-Treasurer, D. Santafe. INSTITUTIONS IN THE SOUTHERN
Mission Committee: I. Aguilar, J. EUROPEAN DIVISION
Boix, C. Comabella, D. Santafe, F.
Valtuena. Educational:
Indian Ocean Union Training School,
Departmental Secretaries: Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mada-
Field Missionary, F. Valtuena. gascar.

Jugoslavian Union Training School, Madagascar Publishing House, "Ny

Pantovcak 121, Zagreb, Jugoslavia. Fitarikandro," Ambohijatovo, Ta-
Portuguese Training School, Rua Joa- nanarive, Madagascar.
quim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon, Mauritius Mission Depository, Li-
Portugal. brairie Polyglotte, Salisbury St.,
Rumanian Union Training School, Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Casuta Postala No. 71, Brasov, Portuguese Publishing House, Rua
Rumania (operating at present as Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Lisbon,
a military hospital). Portugal.
Seminaire Adventiste du Saleve, Col- Rumanian Publishing House, "Cuvan-
longes -sous - Saleve, Haute- Savoie, tul Evangheliei," S. A. Institut de
France. A rte Grafice si Editura, Strada
Mitrop. Ghenadie Petrescu 116,
Publishing: Bucharest IV., Rumania.
Spanish Publishing House, Apartado
Algerian Publishing House, 139 ter, 4078, Madrid, Spain.
Chemin du Telemly, Algiers, Al-
geria. Medical:
Book and Bible House Advent Ver- Lake Geneva Sanitarium, "La Lig-
lag, Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Zurich, niere," Etablissement Medical, Die-
Switzerland. tetique et Physiotherapique, Gland,
French Publishing House, Librairie Canton de Vaud, Switzerland.
"Les Signes des Temps," 92 avenue Rabat Dispensary, 9, Avenue Dar-el-
Anatole Jacquin, Dammarie-les-Lys Maghzen, Rabat, Morocco.
(S. et M.), France. "Vie et Sante," (Life and Health)
Hungarian Publishing House (Advent Institute, Parc d'-Hydra, Birman-
Kiadohivatal Fiokja), Budapest I, dreis, Algiers, North Africa.
Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hungary. Tunis Dispensary, 2, rue de l'Eglise,
Italian Publishing House, Via Trieste Tunis, North Africa.
17, Florence, Italy. Food Factories:
Jugoslavian Publishing House, Izda- "Phag," Gland, Canton de Vaud,
vacka Knjizara "Preporod," Voj- Switzerland.
vode Protica 12, Beograd VII, Jugo- "Pur Aliment," Rue du Mont-Cenis
slavia. 128, Paris XVIII, France.


Territory: The General Conference De- Population: About 88,420,000; churches,

tached Missions consist of Bulgaria, 67 ; members, 2,642.
Albania, Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Ara- Headquarters: Takoma Park, Washing-
bia, Cyprus, Syria, Palestine, Trans- ton, D. C., U. S. A.
jordan, Iran, Iraq, comprising the Executive Committee:
Arabic Union Mission ; and the Bul-
For the present, the general inter-
garian Mission, Grecian Mission, ests in the fields noted above are
Turkish Mission, Iran Mission, and being administered by the General
Ethiopian Mission. Conference Committee in Washington.


Organized November, 1927

Territory: Egypt, Arabia, Palestine, Cable Address: Advent-Jerusalem.

Transjordan, Cyprus, Syria, Iraq;
comprising the Egyptian, Palestine- Office Address: Advent House, Julians
Transjordan, Syrian, and Iraq Mis- Way, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Population: 31,040,000; churches, 13; Postal Address: Box 592, Jerusalem,
members, 466. Palestine.


Superintendent, George Keough. Organized 1923
Secretary-Treasurer, A. G. Rodgers.
Union Committee: G. Keough, E. L. Territory: Iraq.
Branson, G. Arthur Keough, A. G. Population: 3,300,000; churches, 2;
Rodgers. members, 31.
Departmental Secretaries: Address: c/o Hasso Bros., Baghdad,
Educational, G. Arthur Keough. Iraq.

Ordained Ministers: Officers:

Director, H. G. Rutherford.
G. Keough. Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Honorary: R. S. Greaves, I. Khalil. Committee : Union Officers, H. G.
Rutherford, B. Hasso.
Licensed Minister: A. G. Rodgers.
Ordained Minister: H. G. Rutherford.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. G. Keough.
Licensed Missionary: Mrs. H. G. Ruth-
Hotel Directory: Visitors are recom- erford.
mended to the following hotels: Church School: Mosul.
Palestine: Johanniter-Hospiz, Jeru-
Syria: Mr. Fuad R. Saadeh, Kasm
and Kabbany Bldg., Apt. 16, Rue PALESTINE-TRANSJORDAN
Du Parlement, Damascus, Syria. MISSION
Tourists are recommended to Sah-
har Bros., Mamillah Road, Jerusalem, Organized 1929
for the arrangement of tours in Pal- Territory: Palestine, Transjordan, and
estine and Syria. Arabia.
Population: 6,700,000 ; churches, 2 ;
members, 55.
EGYPTIAN MISSION Address: Box 592, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Entered 1899 Officers:
Director, G. Keough.
Territory: Egypt. Treasurer, Union Treasurer.
Population: 16,000,000; churches, 7; Licensed Missionaries:
members, 274. Bror Faernstroem, Mrs. B. Faern-
stroem, Miss Valborg Larson.
Address: 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Heliopolis,
Egypt. Church School:
Al-Husn, Transjordan.
Cable Address: "Advent," Heliopolis.
Legal Assn.: General Conference Cor-
Officers: poration of Seventh-day Adventists in
Director, E. L. Branson. Palestine, Jerusalem.
Treasurer, Union Treasurer. Same for Transjordan, Amman.
Mission Committee: E. L. Branson,
Basta Bishai, Nashid Yacob.

Ordained Ministers: SYRIAN MISSION

B. Bishai, E. L. Branson, M. Grin, Entered 1899
Nashid Yacob.
Territory: Syria, Grand Lebanon, and
Licensed Minister: Samuel Farag. Cyprus.
Population: 5,040,000 ; churches, 2 ;
Licensed Missionaries:
members, 106.
Mrs. E. L. Branson, Mrs. M. Grin, Address: Boite Postale 595, Beirut,
Mrs. Erna Kreuger, Emily Levi.
Nurse: Erna Krueger. Cable Address: Adventist, Beirut.
Church Schools: Officers:
Beniadi, Upper Egypt. Director, G. Keough.
Tetaliah, Upper Egypt. Treasurer, Union Treasurer.

Mission Committee: G. Keough, N. Population: 12,000,000; churches, 8 ;

Hovhannessian, G. A. Keough, G. M. members, 423.
Krick, S. Nowfel.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Ad-
Ordained Minister: S. Nowfel. dis-Ababa.
Licensed Ministers: Office Address: Casella Postale 145, Ad-
dis-ababa, Ethiopia.
N. Hovhannessian, G. A. Keough, G.
M. Krick. Officers:
Licensed Missionaries: Superintendent, Herbert Hanson.
Sec.-Treas., N. B. Nielsen.
Mrs. G. A. Keough, Mrs. G. M. Krick. Executive Committee: H. Hanson,
Church Schools: Beirut, Arab and Ar- Miss M. Matthews, N. B. Nielsen.
menian. Departmental Secretaries:
Legal Assn.: General Conference Cor- Sabbath School and Y. P. M. V.,
poration of Seventh-day Adventists Miss M. Matthews.
in Lebanon and Syria. Ordained Minister: Herbert Hanson.
Licensed Missionaries:
Mrs. Herbert Hanson, Miss R. Hofstad,
BULGARIAN MISSION Lisa Johannesson, Miss M. Matthews,
Organized 1911 N. B. Nielsen.
Territory: Bulgaria.
Population: 6,200,000 ; churches, 29 ;
members, 1,344.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Sofia,
Solunska 10. Entered 1903
Office Address: Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Territory: Greece and Albania.
garia. (Telephone, 2-64-66.)
Population: 7,980,000; churches, 5;
Officers: members, 127.
Director, J. Mihailoff. Office Address: Delighiorghi 14, Athens,
Sec. and Treas., D. Kiroff. Greece.
Executive Committee: J. Mihailoff,
N. Athanasoff, B. Boneff, K. Christoff, Postal Address: Post Box 71, Athens,
B. Kiriloff, D. Kiroff, K. Waswasoff. Greece.
Departmental Secretaries: Officers:
Field Missionary, B. Kiriloff. Director, Chr. A. Christoforides.
Y. P. M. V., Sabbath School and Sec. and Treas., A. N. Stabellos.
Home Missionary, B. Boneff. Executive Committee: Chr. A. Christ-
Religious Liberty, J. Mihailoff. toforides, N. S. Papastamoulis, A, N.
Ordained Ministers:
B. Boneff, M. Ganeff, St. Konstanti- Ordained Ministers:
noff, D. M. Kristoff, J. Mihailoff, Chr. A. Christoforides, N. S. Papasta-
B. Nikoloff, K. Waswasoff. moulis.
Licensed Ministers: Licensed Missionaries:
A. Georgieff, D. Harboff, N. Ivanoff, Miss M. Kalfa, Daniel C. Lewis
W. Iwanoff. (Korce, Albania), A. N. Stabellos.
Licensed Missionaries:
Miss N. Gancheva, B. Kiriloff, Chr.
Kiroff, D. Kiroff, P. Kostoff, Miss S.
Mindova, Miss M. Nenkova, Miss K. IRAN MISSION
'Nikolova, D. Opreff. Entered 1911; Reorganized 1935
Territory: Iran.
Population: 15,000,000 ; churches, 9;
Entered 1921; Reorganized 1938 Cable Address: "Advent," Teheran.
Territory: Ethiopia, Eritrea and Soma- Postal Address: S. D. A. Mission, Shah
liland. Ave. 638, Teheran, Iran.

Officers: Ordained Minister: F. F. Oster.

Director, H. E. Hargreaves. Licensed Ministers:
Mission Committee: H. E. Hargreaves, A. E. Ashod, K. Kalustian.
A. Arzoo, and the Secretary-Treas-
For indigenous matters and prob-
lems: Jos. Gabrielian, Melc. Gas- INSTITUTIONS
parian. Educational:
Ordained Minister: H. E. Hargreaves. Beirut Training School, Boite Postale
595, Beirut, Lebanon.
Licensed Ministers: Ethiopian Mission Training School
A. Arzoo, Haik Salakian. for Boys, Casella Postale 145, Ad-
dis Ababa, Ethiopia.
Licensed Missionaries: Ethiopian Mission Training School
Mrs. A. Arzoo, M. S. Beitzakhar, Jos. for Girls, Casella Postale 145, Ad-
Gabrielian, Melc. Gasparian, Mrs. H. dis Ababa, Ethiopia.
E. Hargreaves, Ohan Keshishzade,
Casper Mannassarian, Mrs. Xenia Publishing:
Nazarian, Nadir Poorhadi, Yoash Bulgarian Book and Bible House
Sangarloo. (Knigoisdateltsvo "Nov Schivot"),
Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Legal Association: General Conference
of Seventh-day Adventists. Depositories:
Arabic Literature Society, P. 0. Box
592, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Greek Depository, Delighiorghi 14,
Literature Society, Shah Ave. 638,
Entered 1899 Teheran, Iran.
Territory: Turkey. Turkish Depository, P. 0. Box 2214,
Istanbul-Beyoglu, Turkey. A. Bar-
Population: 16,200,000 ; churches, 3 ; las. (Request using personal name
members, 83. only.) Manager, F. F. Oster.
Office Address: 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz Sanitarium and Treatment Rooms:
Pass, Istanbul, Turkey. Adventist Eye Clinic, Tabriz, Iran.
JerusalemInstitution for Massage
Officers: and Hydro-Electric Therapy, P. 0.
Director, F. F. Oster. Box 592, Jerusalem, Palestine.
Mission Committee: F. F. Oster, A. S. D. A. Mission Hospital and Dis-
E. Ashod, A. Barlas, K. Kalustian. pensary, Arak, Iran.


Organized 1920; Reorganized 1928

(Because of conditions, it is impossible to report further than above

respecting any organizations or work in the preceding territory.)

As a result of various actions taken by the Department of Education, it is

recommended that the work of our intermediate schools, academies, and colleges
be organized upon a semester basis, each semester to be subdivided approximately
into three periods of six weeks each. It was also recommended that the credits
given in secondary schools be reckoned upon a unit basis, one unit representing a
study pursued 36 weeks with five recitations a week, forty-five minutes in length,
or its equivalent ; that college credits be given on the semester-hour basis, a
semester-hour representing a study pursued one sixty-minute hour a week for
eighteen weeks. The scope of the work offered in these schools is as follows :
Intermediate Schools (Grades 7-10) 4

Secondary Schools (Grades 9-12) 4

Junior Colleges and Lower Divisions of Senior Colleges
(Terminal Courses) 2
Applied Arts
Bible Workers' Training
Business Administration
Pre-Nursing (1 Year)
Teachers' Training (Elementary)

Senior Colleges 4
Liberal Arts
Nursing Education
Teachers' Training

Medical College (Includes 1 year internship) 5

Theological Seminary 1
Schools of Nursing in Sanitariums 3

Lists of church school teachers will be found in connection with directories of

the conferences in which such teachers are located. Directories of colleges, acad-
emies, and intermediate schools follow in alphabetical order.
If it is desired to find the directory of a school or other institution whose name
can not be recalled, refer to the list of institutions at the close of the Division
directory in preceding pages, and there will be found the name of every institution
listed. Then refer to the index, where the institution may be readily located.

ACADEMIA ADVENTISTA Preceptress, Mrs. H. W. Miller.

HISPANOAMERICANA Accounting, Mrs. H. W. Miller.
Apartado 1320, San Jose, Costa Rica, Bible, C. F. Montgomery.
Central America Mathematics and English, H. W.
(Telephone, Tres Rios No. 3) Miller.
Established 1927 National Language and Literature,
Board: N. H. Kinzer, Chairman; W. A. Mariano Lezcano.
Wild, Secretary; Orley Ford, A. V. Science,
Larson, F. I. Mohr, G. C. Nickle, P. Bakery, C. F. Montgomery.
Nygaard, A. H. Roth, F. W. Steeves, Carpentry, II. W. Miller.
C. E. Westphal. Farm,
Faculty: Matron, Mrs. 0. M. Schult.
Principal and Manager, Elementary School, David Garcia,
Preceptor, David Garcia. Mrs. David Garcia.


Holly, Michigan
South Lancaster, Massachusetts
Established 1904
Established 1882
Board of Trustees: T. G. Bunch, Chair-
man ; G. M. Mathews, Secretary. Telephones:
Faculty: College Office, Clinton 1408.
Men's Dormitory, Clinton 1593.
Principal and Manager, M. S. Culver. Women's Dormitory, Clinton 233.
Registrar and Accountant, Mrs. G.
A. Spaulding. Board of Trustees: C. M. Bunker, T.
Dean of Boys, W. L. King. Carcich, E. R. Colson, J. B. Frank,
Dean of Girls, Ethel Stamper. L. H. Hartin, W. H. Howard, R. L.
Bible, J. I. Beardsley. Hubbs, G. E. Jones, W. A. Nelson,
Biology, Ethel Stamper. J. E. Osterblom, H. E. Rice, M. L.
Commercial, Nellie Phillips. Rice, W. A. Ruble, L. G. Sevrens,
English and French, Jeanne Griffin. J. D. Smith, 0. R. Snipes.
History, W. L. King.
Music, Mrs. G. P. Christensen, Mae Officers of the Corporation: M. L. Rice,
Sorenson. President; G. E. Jones, Secretary.
Science and Mathematics, Edward
Seitz. Local Board: E. R. Colson, R. L. Hubbs,
G. E. Jones, J. E. Osterblom, M. L.
Farm, G. P. Christensen. Rice, L. G. Sevrens, J. D. Smith.
Laundry, Mrs. Edward Seitz.
Matron, Ruth Whitfield. Administration:
Printing and Bindery, Walter Nelson.
President, G. E. Jones.
Woodwork, E. P. Weaver, Raymond
Registrar and Dean of Freshmen, G.
Greer, G. A. Spaulding.
E. Miles.
Librarian, D. G. Hilts.
Dean of Men, W. H. Heaven.
AORE TRAINING SCHOOL Dean of Women, Evelyn Lindberg.
Dean of Theology, L. H. Hartin.
Aore, New Hebrides, Pacific Ocean Principal of South Lancaster Acad-
Established 1929 emy and Director of Summer Ses-
sion, L. G. Sevrens.
Principal: J. Cernik. Director of Cafeteria, Iva Sumner
College Physician, G. L. Beckner.
Accountant and Cashier, W. M.
1325 North Fourteenth Street,
Phoenix, Arizona Faculty:
President, G. E. Jones.
Established 1920
Agriculture, L. G. Sevrens.
Board: C. E. Andross, Chairman ; Bible and Theology,. L. H. Hartin,
Joseph Phillips, Secretary. H. K. Martin.
Faculty: Biology, Lauretta W. Jaynes.
Business Administration and Eco-
Principal, Joseph Phillips. nomics, H. U. Wendell.
Treasurer, W. M. Bolinger. Chemistry, P. S. Chen.
Registrar, Mrs. Blanche S. Palmer. Education, G. E. Miles, S. Ellen
Librarian, Helena Sargent. Klose.
Bible and Denominational History, English, W. H. Beavon, Rochelle Phil-
Joseph Phillips, Helena Sargent. mon Kilgore.
Domestic Science, Helena Sargent. Greek, G. L. Caviness.
English, Helena Sargent, Mrs. Blanche History, G. T. Anderson, E. R. Col-
S. Palmer. son.
History, Joseph Phillips, Mrs. Blanche Home Economics,
S. Palmer. Library Science, D. G. Hilts.
Mathematics and Science, W. M. Mathematics, M. D. Hare.
Bolinger. Modern Languages, G. L. Cavinets,
Music, Mrs. Grace Golding. Joy Crouch Churchward.
Typewriting, Mrs. Blanche S .Palmer. Music, Elisibeth Garay DuVal, Madge
Woodwork, W. M. Bolinger. Gould, Gladys Capman Martin.
Physics, G. E. Jones, M. D. Hare.
Elementary School, J. D. Bare, Mrs. Pre-Nursing and Health Education,
J. D. Bare, Helen Schell. Lauretta Wilcox James.

Secretarial Training, Irene E. Ortner. B. H. McMahon, E. E. Roenfelt, J. F.

Speech, W. H. Beaven. Strange, S. V. Stratford, L. H. Tur-
ner, C. H. Watson, R. B. Watts.
Critic Teachers:
English, Blanche D. Clymer. Faculty:
Mathematics, Rowena E. Purdon. T. C. Lawson, Principal ; Miss R.
Natural Sciences, L. G. Sevrens. Bonney, J. B. Conley, G. Currow, C.
Social Studies, P. C. James. H. Eiszele, A. M. Fraser, Miss M.
Intermediate Grades, Doris Brown, Greive, L. R. Harvey, Jr., G. H.
Olive Lindberg. Minchin, G. Richardson, Miss E. M.
Grammar Grades, Euphemia Bryne. Robson, T. Rutter, C. H. Schowe,
Primary Grades, Beulah Oliver. B. H. Schwarzkopf, J. F. Strange,
Miss E. Thorpe, L. H. Turner, Miss
Industries: C. Walker, R. B. Watts.
College Store, Joy Stansbury Hare.
Engineering, R. M. Edmister.
Farm and Dairy, C. S. Munn.
Printing, V. N. Clymer. AYER MANIS SCHOOL
Woodwork, L. T. Johnson. (Dyak Training School)
Serian, Kuching, Sarawak
Established 1933
AUBURN ACADEMY Board: Sarawak Mission Committee.
Auburn, Washington
Principal: J. Pohan.
Telephone, Auburn 640J1
Established 1918
Board of Managers: C. A. Scriven, BANGALORE ELEMENTARY DAY
Chairman ; A. J. Olson, Secretary. SCHOOL
(Kanarese Mission)
Principal and Manager, A. J. Olson. Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Registrar and Dean of Girls, Mrs. 3, Spencer Road, Cleveland Town,
Marguerite Hemp. Bangalore
Dean of Boys, W. L. Schoepflin. Board: Kanarese Local Mission Board
School Nurse, Mrs. Vernon Winn. and Church Board.
Bible, N. F. Pease, W. L. Schoepflin.
Bookkeeping, J. G. Mehling, Jr. Faculty:
English, Mrs. A. J. Olson. Miss Edna Dyer, Principal ; Miss
History and Library, A. B. Bringle. Lorna Jelowitz, Miss Mahoney.
Home Nursing, Mrs. Vernon Winn.
Music and French, Doris Parkinson.
Science and Mathematics, V. R.
Jewett, Vernon Wipn.
Sewing, Mrs. A. B. Bringle. BANGKOK S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL
Shorthand and Typewriting, Mrs. J. Rama IV Road, Bangkok, Thailand
G. Mehling, Jr.
Reorganized 1934
Farm, Vernon Winn.
Food Service, Mrs. A. B. Bringle. Managing Board: Thailand Missioi,
Woodwork, J. A. Lofgren. Committee.
Faculty: Prachurd Jolavicharana, Prin-
cipal; Nai Choy, Nai Noi, Miss
Pajong, Mrs. Praphanda, Miss Som-
AUSTRALASIAN MISSIONARY chit, Miss Somli, Ngow Weng, Miss
Cooranbong, New South Wales,
245 North Kendall Street, Battle Creek,
Board of Managers: E. B. Rudge, Chair- Michigan
man ; R. H. Adair, A. W. Anderson,
A. H. Battye, J. B. Conley, C. H. Board of Managers: The Battle Creek
Eiszele, J. W. Kent, T. C. Lawson, Tabernacle Board comprises the

Academy Board with E. L. Pingenot, BETHEL ACADEMY

Chairman ; H. E. Moon, Secretary- Arpin, Wisconsin
Established 1899
Board of Managers: T. E. Unruh, Chair-
Principal, V. E. Garber. man; A. H. Parker, Secretary.
Registrar and Bookkeeper, Mrs. V.
E. Garber. Faculty:
Librarian, Virginia Buck. Principal and Manager, A. H. Parker.
Bible, C. S. Field, John Miklos. Preceptor, R. B. Little.
Commercial and Library, Mrs. V. E. Preceptress, Eliza Parfitt.
Garber. Accountant, Leroy Ramsey.
Economics and Bookkeeping, V. E. Agriculture, Lee Eusey.
Garber. Bible, J. C. Michalenko.
English and French, Virginia Buck. Biology and Geometry, Roland Cole.
History, C. S. Field, Mrs. V. E. Gar- Commercial, Leroy Ramsey.
ber. English and French, Mildred Sum-
Printing, C. S. Field. merton.
Science and Mathematics, Geneva History and Algebra, Eliza Parfitt.
Durham. Home Economics, Dorothy Elkins.
Elementary School, Mrs. A. Clark, Music, Louise Larmon, M. G. Hamel.
Emilie Crouch, Florence Orth, Physics, A. H. Parker.
Laura Pelleymounter. Farm, Lee Eusey.
General Mechanics and Maintenance,
Roland Cole.
Matron, Dorothy Elkins.
Marovo Lagoon, Solomon Islands,
Pacific Ocean
(Previously known as Spion Kop
Principal: Missionary Institution)
For Native Constituency
Transferred present location 1938
Butterworth, C. P., South Africa
Established 1928
Kulangsu, Amoy, China
Board of Managers: R. E. Andsley, R.
(A Training School, Established 1909) A. Buckley, J. M. Hlubi, F. G. Clif-
ford, S. K. Ntwana, J. G. Siepman,
Board of Directors: J. G. Maclntyre, G. S. Stevenson, J. E. Symons, E.
Chairman; Ang Kim-hi, T. T. Chhoa, W. Tarr.
A. L. Ham, C. Y. Hung, N. K. Keh,
Lee Thien-chia, H. H. Morse, E. H. Faculty:
Ngo, T. S. Ngo, E. T. So, C. T. Tan, Principal and Business Manager, E.
C. E. Wittschiebe. W. Tarr.
Preceptor, D. Macdonald.
Faculty: Preceptress, Mrs. J. Gacula.
J. G. Maclntyre, Principal; Ang Kim-
hi, Dean ; Tu Su-Chi, Keh Hong-mo, Bible, A. V. Edwards.
T. C. Lee, Lu Tat-Cheng, Mrs. J. G. Education and Teacher Training, D.
Maclntyre, Ng So-Cheng, Si Iau- Macdonald.
teng, Miss Si Phoe-Eng, Miss Ang Needlework, Mrs. E. Khumalo.
Sioktiam, So Keng-Hi, Tan Giok- E. A. Buckley.
chia, Yap Le-Goat. W. A. Hurlow.
Elementary School, M. Khumalo, Miss
C. Ndyambo.


(Formerly Agona Training School)
Box 45, Bekwai, Via. Takoradi, Gold BEULAH TRAINING SCHOOL
Coast, W. Africa Vaini, Nukualofa, Tonga, Pacific Ocean
Established 1939 Established 1938
Principal: C. A. Bartlett. Headmaster:

BOLIVIA TRAINING SCHOOL Preceptor, Orion Fonseca.

(Institute Industrial Boliviano) Preceptress, Rosalie Engel.
Physicians, Galdino N. Vieira, C. C.
Casilla 82, Cochabamba, Bolivia, South Schneider.
Established 1931 Faculty:
President, D. Peixoto da Silva.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Ad-
ventista, Cochabamba, Bolivia. Agriculture, Adolfo Bergold, Ernesto
Board of Managers: Juan Plenc, Chair- Bible, Jeronimo G. Garcia.
man ; R. C. Floren, Wm. R. Robinson. Carpentry, Antonio de Lucca.
Faculty: Culinary Art, Maria Talvik.
Drawing, Rute 0. Guimaraes.
, Principal ; J. N. Perez, Treas- English, Walter Wheeler, Dario Gar-
urer ; A. A. Achata, Moises Aguilar, cia.
Eusebio Choque, Julian Llusco, French and Geography, Jose Alva-
Mrs. J. N. Perez, Sale Ruiz. renga, Jr.
History, Franklin M. Porto.
Mathematics, Siegfried J. Schwantes.
Manual Arts, Alma H. Bergold.
BONGO MISSION TRAINING SCHOOL Music, Maria de Falco de Brito, Wer-
Missao Adventists, Lepi, Angola, ner Weber, Walter Wh.teler.
Portuguese West Africa Normal Training, Dario Garcia.
Nursing, Galdino N. Vieira, Alice W.
Faculty: Hermanson, Frida Treiz.
0. I. Fields, Director and Head- Physical Culture, J. Darcy de Car- .
master ; Capimala, Catimba, V. valho.
Chaves, Mrs. V. Chaves, Chiconda, Portuguese and Latin, Albertina R.
Comililo, Mrs. 0. I. Fields, Gomes, Simon.
E. L. Jewell, Ruth Johnson, Leonardo, Sciences, Rosalia Engel, Siegfried J.
R. B. Parsons, Mrs. R. B. Parsons, Schwantes.
Sofino, Tomaz, Miss R. Visser.
Farm, Adolfo Bergold, Ernesto Ber-
Elementary School, Haydee Castelani.
(Colegio Adventista Brasileiro)
Established 1915
Telegraphic Address: "Colegio," Sao
Paulo, Brazil. La Grange, Illinois
Established 1910
Postal Address: Colegio Adventista
Brasileiro, Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Corporate Name: Broadview College
Brazil, South America, Box 3868. and Theological Seminary.
Board of Managers: R. Belz, President; Board of Managers: L. E. Lenheim,
E. Doehnert, Under-President; D. Chairman ; G. W. Habenicht, Secre-
Peixoto da Silva, Secretary ; Adolfo tary; D. V. Cowin, 0. J. Dahl, W. A.
Bergold, J. L. Brown, Querino Dau, Dessain, E. L. Green, T. R. Lukens,
Guilherme F. Ebinger, Jeronimo G. J. W. Osborne, W. H. Williams.
Garcia, E. Mario Hermanson, Leon
Replogle, G. G. Ritter, Germano Administration:
Streithorst. Principal and Business Manager, G.
W. Habenicht.
Executive Committee: R. Belz, Presi- Treasurer and Assistant Business
dent; E. Doehnert, Under-President; Manager, C. C. Cleveland.
D. Peixoto da Silva, Secretary ; Registrar, Twila M. Klebba.
Adolfo Bergold, E. Mario Hermanson, Librarian, Arlene Marks.
G. G. Ritter, Secretario Educational Dean of Boys, R. B. Hatt.
da Uniao Sul Brasileira. Dean of Girls, Alice Hoist.
Administration: Matron, Mrs. Jessie Bernhardt.
President, D. Peixoto da Silva. Faculty :
Superintendent of Schools, Joao B. Principal, G. W. Habenicht.
Admissions, Silas F. Lima. Agriculture, A. N. Johnson.
Secretary, Jose M. Guimaraes. Bible, A. G. Emmer.
Treasurer, E. Mario Hermanson. Bookkeeping, C. C. Cleveland.

Commercial Studies, Alice Ho1st, Staff : Miss M. V. Broderson, Principal;

Twila M. Klebba. Miss Phyllis Bullock, Miss H. Du-
English, Lessie L. Culpepper, Arlene drenec, Mrs. N. Ryan.
Foreign Language, E. Nachreiner.
Mathematics, R. B. Hatt, C. Roy
Music, W. A. Schram, H. H. Schyde. CAMPION ACADEMY
Physical Education, R. B. Hatt. Loveland, Colorado
Printing, C. Roy Smith. Established 1907
Science, N. R. Hallock, C. Roy Smith.
Board of Trustees: G. F. Eichman,
Farm and Dairy, A. N. Johnson. Chairman ; W. H. Shepherd, Secre-
Laundry, Mrs. J. 0. Ferris. tary ; D. C. Butherus, W. K. Hills,
Printing, C. R. Smith. A. A. Leiske, R. W. Numbers, C. C.
Woodwork, T. A. Lorren, T. R. Prince, W. H. Raley, M. B. Van
Lukens. Kirk.
College Wood Products: Faculty:
General Manager, T. R. Lukens. Principal, W. H. Shepherd.
Treasurer, Earl Beaty. Preceptor, W. E. Rust.
Plant A., Berrien Springs, Michigan. Preceptress, Elva Bartell.
Plant B., La Grange, Illinois. Accountant, Mrs. R. R. Rice.
Board of Directors: J. J. Nethery,
Chairman ; T. R. Lukens, Secretary ; Bible, W. E. Rust, W. H. Shepherd.
H. J. Klooster, 0. R. Shreve, Earl Commerce, Mrs. R. R. Rice.
Beaty, L. N. Holm, L. E. Lenheim, English, Elva Bartell, Clyde G. Bush-
G. W. Habenicht, T. A. Lorren. nell.
History, W. E. Rust, W. H. Shepherd.
Industrial Arts, L. M. Cowin.
Mathematics, R. R. Rice.
BUTIA ACADEMY Modern Language, Clyde G. Bushnell.
(Colegio Adventista de ButiIi) Music, Mrs. W. E. Rust.
Turvo, L. S. F., Santa Catarina, Science, L. M. Cowin.
Farm, R. R. Rice.
Established 1940 Matron, Mrs. Marie Becker.
Elementary School, Mrs. Carolyn
Director and Treasurer, Waldemar Vuloff.
Preceptor, Werner Frank.
Preceptress and Matron, Erna Boeken-
Bible. Waldemar Ehlers, Rosa Frank. CANADIAN JUNIOR COLLEGE
Dressmaking. Judith E. Ehlers. College Heights, Alberta, Canada
English and Music, Judith E. Ehlers. Phone No. 7
Geography, Waldemar Ehlers. Established 1907
Mathematics, Werner Frank, Luiz R.
Pereira. Territory: Conferences of British Co-
History, Werner Frank. lumbia, Alberta, and Manitoba-
Portuguese, Luiz R. Pereira. Rosa Saskatchewan.
Science, Luiz R. Pereira. Board of Trustees: W. B. Ochs, Chair-
Shorthand and Typewriting, Walde- man ; H. A. Shepard, Secretary ; E. A.
mar Ehlers. Beavon, A. Clark, W. A. Clemenson,
C. W. Degering, E. S. Humann, H. M.
Elementary School, Herondina R. Johnson, A. E. Millner, C. L. Pad-
Pereira. dock, D. N. Reiner, C. W. Shankel,
J. A. Toop, S. G. White.
CALCUTTA ELEMENTARY DAY Executive Committee: W. B. Ochs,
SCHOOL Chairman ; C. W. Degering, Vice-
(West Bengal Mission) Chairman H. M. Johnson, Secretary ;
E. A. Beavon, D. C. McFeters, A. E.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, Millner, L. L. Reile, D. N. Reiner,
36, Park Street, Calcutta B. H. Stickle.
Established 1927 Administration:
Board: West Bengal Local Mission President and Business Manager, H.
Board and Church Board. M. Johnson.

Treasurer, B. H. Stickle. CEDAR LAKE ACADEMY

Registrar, Delbert R. Dick. Cedar Lake, Michigan
Dean of Men, C. W. Mayor. (Incorporated)
Dean of Women, Esther Trefz.
Matron, Mrs. C. W. Mayor. Established 1899

Faculty: Board of Managers: T. G. Bunch, Presi-

dent ; G. M. Mathews, Secretary.
President, H. M. Johnson.
Bible, L. W. Welch. Principal and Manager, John It.
Commerce, B. H. Stickle.
English, Alice Bauer. Shull.
Registrar, Mrs. F. Summerton-Woods.
History, C. H. Casey. Preceptor, P. J. Hoar.
Language, Louise Dedeker. Preceptress, Mercedes Habenicht.
Mathematics, Florence C. Moline.
Music, Roy K. Hampton. Accountant, L. I. Woods.
Nursing, Dorthie R. Dick. Bible and History, G. W. Lisombe.
Printing, Donald Lee. Commercial, Mrs. P. J. Hoar.
Science, D. It. Dick, C. W. Mayor. English, Mercedes Habenicht.
Farm, Elbert Neilsen. History, L. I. Woods.
Laundry, Fair I. Johnson. Home Economics, Mrs. Olive Cady-
Elementary School, Evelyn Chambers. Language, Mrs. F. Summerton-
Music, Pearl Olson.
Science, P. J. Hoar.
Farm, F. J. Pitchen.
CARIBBEAN TRAINING COLLEGE Matron, Mrs. Olive Cady-Pitchen.
Printing, G. W. Lisombe.
Box 175, Port-of-Spain, Trinidad,
British West Indies
Established 1927
Cable Address: "Training," Port-of- TRAINING INSTITUTE
Spain, Trinidad. 31 Huang Pei Rd., Hankow, China
(East Lake, Wuchang, Hunch)
Board of Managers: E. E. Andross,
Chairman ; C. E. Stenberg, Secretary ; Established, 1940
R. L. Badgley, J. T. Carrington, R. Board of Directors: Central China
E. Cash, A. Orville Dunn, A. E. Union Committee.
Hempel, H. L. Nielsen, W. A. Os-
borne, C. B. Sutton. Faculty:
Principal, Geo. J. Appel.
Faculty: Treasurer, A. F. Tai.
Principal and Manager, C. E. Sten- Dean and Preceptor, D. C. Wu.
Registrar and Preceptress, Mrs. R. L. Bible, Y. C. Lo.
Badgley. Stanley Ho.
Preceptor, Floyd E. Hills. Mrs. Y. C. Lo.

Bible, R. L. Badgley. Elementary School, Miss Chao Tung

Commercial, W. A. Osborne. Mei.
English, Mrs. R. L. Badgley.
History, Floyd E. Hills.
Home Economics, Mrs. R. E. Thomas.
Music, Mrs. Floyd E. Hills, Mrs. C. CHILLAN TRAINING SCHOOL
E. Stenberg. (Colegio Industrial Adventista)
Normal Training, Mrs. It. E. Cash.
Sewing, Mrs. Floyd E. Hills. Established 1906

Farm, Floyd E. Hills. Postal Address: Casilla 7 D., Chillan,

Laundry, Mrs. C. E. Stenberg. Chile, South America.
Matron, Mrs. 11. E. Thomas. Telephone: 3032.
Printing, W. A. Osborne.
Woodwork and Broommaking, R. L. Telegraphic Address: Mariposas, Chil-
Badgley. Ian, Chile, South America.
Elementary School, Linda Austin, Board: L. A. Rojas, President; G. E.
Mrs. C. E. Stenberg. Emmenegger, Secretary; Andres

Riffel, Treasurer ; E. Arias, Carlos CHOISEUL INTERMEDIATE

Mayr, J. H. Meier, Jose Schmied. SCHOOL
Ruruvai, Choiseul, Solomon Islands
Local Board: J. H. Meier, E. E. Pidoux,
Andres Riffel, Jose Schmied. Headmast er :
Faculty: J. H. Meier, Director; Marina
Oliverio Ibarbe, Ernesto
Marinkovic, Mrs. J. H. Meier, Berta CHOSEN JUNIOR TRAINING
Nicolaus, E. E. Pidoux, Mrs. Ida INSTITUTE
Pidoux, Andres Riffel, Mrs. Ruth Myung-Mok, Keizyo, Chosen
Riffel, Jose Schmied, Mrs. Nora A. Established 1939
Schmied, B. Vghmeister.
Board of Directors: E. W. Bahr, T. H.
Chat, C. H. Cho, D. S. Chong, B. S.
Chyung, 0. C. Kim, Y. S. Kwak,
S. W. Lee, Y. S. Oh, G. H. Rue,
(Temporarily Combined with the South Board of Management: D. S. Chong,
China Training Institute) Hubert Kwak, C. W. Lee, S. W. Lee,
Temporary Address : P. 0. Box 1674, Y. S. Oh, H. E. R. Schell, R. S.
Kowloon, Hongkong, China Watts.
Established 1910 Faculty: S. W. Lee, Principal; Miss 0.
In Chae, Hubert Kwak, Miss Wakaeta
Board of Trustees: N. F. Brewer, Chair- Nagai.
man ; A. L. Ham, Vice-Chairman ;
F. A. Landis, Secretary ; G. 3. Appel,
C. A. Carter, S. L. Frost, W. I. CHOSEN UNION WORKERS'
Hilliard, C. C. Krohn, K. I. Liang, TRAINING INSTITUTE
S. H. Lindt, M. E. Loewen, C. I. Seiryori-machi, Keizyo, Chosen (Korea)
Meng, C. B. Miller, H. H. Morse, A.
N. Nelson, H. C. Shen, S. T. Wang, Established 1937
C. E. Wittschiebe, K. H. Wood. Board of Directors: M. Hirayama,
Chairman ; N. Matsumura, Secretary ;
Committee on Administration: C. A. H. Hiraoka, S. Hiraoka, S. Kanamori,
Carter, Chairman ; C. C. Krohn, F. Y. Kaneziro, S. Kinbara, H. Kuni-
A. Landis, K. I. Liang, S. H. Lindt, hara, H. Kunimoto, R. Matsuyama,
C. I. Meng, D. F. Mi, H. C. Shen, Y. Motoe, K. Shirakawa, A. Yasu-
J. H. Su, S. T. Wang, C. E. Winter. moto.
Faculty: Board of Management: M. Hirayama,
President, C. A. Carter. Chairman ; N. Matsumura, Secretary ;
Principal, South China Training In- S. Kinbara, H. Kunimoto, R. Matsu-
stitute, K. I. Liang. yama, A. Yasumoto.
Business Manager, F. A. Landis.
Treasurer, S. T. Wang. Faculty: N. Matsumura, Principal; R.
Dean of Men, H. C. Shen. Matsuyama, S. Hiraoka, S. Kanamori,
Dean of Women, Mrs. D. F. Mi. Y. Kaneziro, S. Kinbara, J. Miura,
Mrs. K. Ugawa.
Agriculture, C. C. Krohn.
Bible and Theology, S. H. Limit, C. I.
Chinese Language, J. H. Su. BOARDING SCHOOL
Commercial, F. A. Landis. (Punjab Mission)
Domestic Science, Mrs. J. H. Su. Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
History, C. A. Carter. Chuharkana Mandl, Punjab, India
Mathematics and Physics, C. E.
Winter. Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ; L. E.
Music, Anna Mi. Allen, Miss M. H. Belchambers, F.
Normal Training, P. D. Ho. Chand, W. Janes, Munshi Ram,
Pre-nursing, Mrs. J. H. Su. Pastor T. R. Torkelson.
Farm, C. C. Krohn. Staff: Mr. W. Janes, Principal; Abdul
Mechanics, F. A. Landis. Aziz, J. Ali Baksh, Miss D. Chand,
Shrif Din, Miss H. Khan, R. Peter,
Mrs. C. A. Carter, T. G. Giang, W. Y. - S. Rai, Mrs. T. R. Torkelson.
Ho, R. Y. Hwang, M. I. Lee, Mrs.
S. H. Lindt, C. S. Lo, P. A. Shao, Industries: Farming, Gardening, Tailor-
T. K. Tsao, Miss B. L. Yang. ing.


Cosier A-115, Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Loma Linda and Los Angeles,
Established 1934 California
Established 1906; Chartered 1909
Office Address: Joseph Nicolas Avenue
and Magloire Ambroise, Port-au- Board of Trustees: Frederick Griggs,
Prince, Haiti. Chairman ; C. L. Bauer, Lloyd E.
Biggs, A. D. Butterfield, W. C.
General Board: Antillian Union Mis- Clough, G. H. Curtis, L. K. Dickson,
sion Committee. Newton Evans, H. A. Hall, Otis A.
Hudson, G. S. Luther, W. E. Mac-
Local Board: A. G. Roth, Chairman ; pherson, Percy T. Magan, J. L. Mc-
A. L. Christensen, Secretary ; F. D. Elhany, F. B. Moor, E. L. Neff, W. E.
Apollon, Julien Craan. Nelson, J. J. Nethery, Tesla Nicola,
J. F. Piper, 0. B. Pratt, E. H. Risley,
Faculty: Alfred Shryock, George Thomason,
A. W. Truman, W. G. Turner, David
Principal, A. L. Christensen. Voth, H. M. Walton, I. J. Woodman,
T. I. Zirkle.
Bible and History, Edner Pierre-
Louis. Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs,
English, A. L. Christensen. President; P. T. Magan, First Vice-
French and Spanish, Evese Latortue. President; L. K. Dickson, Second
History and Geography of Haiti, Al- Vice-President; Otis A. Hudson,
bert Painson. Comptroller and Treasurer; G. S.
Mathematics, Albert Painson. Luther, Secretary ; G. H. Curtis, W.
Printing, Antony Henry. K. West, Assistant Secretaries ; S. S.
Merrill, Assistant Treasurer.
Wood Products, Michel Toussaint. Administrative Faculty, Loma Linda
Vocational, A. L. Christensen. Preclinical Division: Percy T. Mogan,
President Emeritus; W. E. Macpher-
R. Birmingham, Carpel Desvarieux, son, President ; Professor of Clinical
Denize Guillaume, Mrs. A. Painson, and Cultural Medicine ; E. H. Ris-
G. Rodriguez. ley, Dean, Professor of Chemistry;
L. M. Ashley, Instructor in Anatomy ;
S. A. Crooks, Associate Professor of
Anatomy ; C. W. Dail, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Pharmacology and Thera-
COLEGIO ADVENTISTA DE LAS peutics; C. C. Fink, Registrar; W.
ANTILLAS C. Fisher, Instructor in Medicine;
F. W. Gardner, Professor of Physi-
Apartado 329, Santa Clara, Cuba ology ; Jacob Janzen, Assistant Pro-
fessor of Anatomy; V. J. Johns,
Established 1923 Professor of Biblical Exegesis ; T. F.
Judefind, Assistant Professor of Bac.
Board of Managers: W. E. Murray, teriology ; K. E. Kellogg, Instructor
Chairman ; J. S. Marshall, Secretary ; in Physiology; L. H. Lonergan, Asso-
V. E. Berry, J. W. Cole, L. L. Dunn, ciate Professor of Pharmacology ; H.
J. B. Sales. R. Miller, Dean of Men ' R. A. Mor-
tensen, Professor of Chemistry ; Al-
Faculty: fred Shryock, Professor of Anatomy;
Principal and Business Manager, J. E. H. Shryock, Assistant Professor
S. Marshall. of Anatomy ; C. S. Small, Assistant
Treasurer, I. M. Angell. Professor of Pathology, Russell T.
Registrar, Mrs. M. B. Marshall. Smith, Instructor in Bacteriology ;
Preceptor, Santiago Espinosa. 0. R. Staines, Editor of Medical
Preceptress, Carmen Monzon. Evangelist, T. I. Zirkle, Associate
Accountant, Manuel Carballal. Professor of Surgery.
Additional Seventh-day Adventist Fac-
Bible, F. W. Thorp. ulty Members, School of Medicine,
English and Music, Mrs. C. C. Angell. Loma LindaPreclinical Division:
Normal Training, Mrs. M. B. Mar- C. N. Abbott, Instructor in Medicine ;
shall, Olga Gonzales, Hilda Sales F. F. Abbott, Associate Professor of
de Mendez. Medicine ; K. H. Abbott, Instructor
Science, I. M. Angell. in Neurology ; A. D. Butterfield, In-
Spanish, H. S. Mendez. structor in Surgery; G. D. Curtis,
Instructor in Pathology; E. C.
Printing, I. M. Angell. Ehlers, Assistant Professor Medicine ;

Mrs. Esther L. Gardner, Instructor Pratt, E. B. Ray, F. G. ReBell, Leslie

in Chemistry ; A. R. George, Instruc- Riechel, J. D. Rogers, A. R. Roos,
tor in Ophthalmology W. A. George, L. K. Rosenvold, F. L. Scott, E. T.
Professor Emeritus of Surgery ; L. J. Seat, E. A. Sheldon, R. E. Shipley,
Klingbeil, Assistant in Chemistry; N. E. L. Shultz, Loleta E. Simpson,
B. Lawrence, Instructor in Medicine; Wilburn Smith, C. E. Stafford, E. J.
G. S. Luther, Business Manager and Steen, G. A. Stevens, W. L. Stilson,
Assistant Comptroller ; N. Reeves, P. T. Sumida, H. 0. Swartout, C. H.
Instructor in Medicine; E. L. Rogers, Talmage. Eva G. Taylor, G. M. Taylor,
Instructor in Medicine; M. C. Schroe- George Thomason, R. J. Thompson,
der, Instructor in Otolaryngology; R. L. D. Trott, Margaret Van Atta, J. P.
M. Smith, Instructor in Surgery ; H. Vogel, Ferdinand Welebir, W. G.
D. Specht, Registered Pharmacist, In- Wirth, P. V. Yingling, H. F. Ziprick.
structor in Pharmacology. Administrative Faculty, School of Die-
Administrative Faculty, Los Angeles tetics: P. T. Magan, President Emer-
Clinical Division: P. T. Magan, Presi- itus ; W. E. Macpherson, President ;
dent Emeritus ; W. E. Macpherson, E. H. Risley, Dean, Health Principles ;
President; Albert Brown, R. M. Clark, C. C. Fink, Registrar and Secretary;
B. N. Colver, D. D. Comstock, Newton Mrs. Esther L. Gardner, Food Analy-
Evans, D. E. Griggs, H. J. Hoxie, sis, Nutrition, Biochemistry ; Pauline
F. B. Moor, W. F. Norwood, 0. B. Hart, Dean of Women; Pearl M.
Pratt, Clarence Stafford, George Jenkins, Administration, Dietetics,
Thomason, Ralph Thompson. Food Demonstrations, Food Market-
ing, Experimental Foods ; V. J. Johns,
Other Seventh-day Adventist Faculty Bible; Alfred Shryock.
Members, School of Medicine, Los
Additional Faculty, School of Dietetics:
AngelesClinical Division: R. W.
Allen, Ethel M. Andre, H. 0. Arndal, Eva Crites, Student Supervisor, Cafe-
C. E. Babcock, H. A. Ball, Ora M. teria Management and Institutional
Barber, R. W. Barnes, Marvel Beem, Cookery ; Helen L. Curtis, Student
C. B. Behrens, R. T. Bergman, 0. A. Supervisor ; C. W. Dail, Physical
Blomquist, M. S. Bourdeau, W. C. Therapy ; Nellie DeFord, Student Su-
Bradbury, A. F. Brown, S. B. Browns- pervisor; F. W. Gardner, Physiology;
berger, L. J. Brunie, C. A. Burrows, T. F. Judefind, Bacteriology ; K. E.
F. P. Cady, A. L. Chaney, H. G. Kellogg, Physiology; Elvira Lee, Stu-
Childs, Jr., S. T. S. Ching. R.. M. dent Supervisor; C. G. Macaulay, X-
Clark, C. B. Coggin, D. D. Coleman, ray Technique; Martha Miller, Stu-
B. N. Colver, Belle Wood-Comstock, dent Supervisor; R. A. Mortensen,
D. D. Comstock, Delos Comstock, C. Biochemistry, N. I. Reeves, Diseases ;
E. Counter, C. B. Courville, G. D. E. H. Shryock, Psychobiology; C. S.
Curtis, G. H. Curtis, Alethea M. Dol- Small, Laboratory Technique ; Jennie
linger, A. N. Donaldson, H. H. Drake, L. Stagg, Student Supervisor.
James Drake, Hertha Ehlers, Newton Administrative Faculty, School of Phys-
Evans, R. A. Falconer, W. A. Fate, ical Therapy: P. T. Magan, Presi-
L. W. Fish, P. D. Foster, E. W. Gil- dent Emeritus ; W. E. Macpherson,
bert, B. E. Grant, J. E. Gregory, D. E. President; E. H. Risley, Dean; F. B.
Griggs, Kathryn Hagen, W. L. Hal- Moor, Director ; C. W. Dail, Assistant
verson, Alfred Hansen, H. J. Hara, Director; C. C. Fink, Registrar; W. F.
J. E. Haskell, D. D. Haughey, C. H. Norwood, Executive Secretary.
Hayton, B. M. Higa, M. R. Hill, L. R.
House, E. G. Hoxie, H. J. Hoxie, J. E. Additional Faculty, School of Physical
Hughes, H. W. Ingle, A. K. Jensen, Therapy: 0. A. Blomquist, Medicine;
E. J. Joergenson, G. A. Johnstone, A. H. Carlson, Clinical Practice; S. A.
F. H. Jones, G. K. Kawaichi, Florence Crooks, Anatomy; F. W. Gardner,
Keller, E. C. Kellogg, T. S. Kimball, Physiology; A. E. Gilbert, Surgery;
S. C. Knox, A. A. Kosky, A. H. V. J. Johns, Biblical Exegesis ; G. R.
Larson, Elizabeth Larsson, Lucy K. Kaufman, Clinical Practice ; K. E.
Lawrence, J. H. Leary, F. J. Lee, Kellogg, Physiology ; S. C. Knox, Clin-
M. E. Loy, J. W. McFarland, C. C. ical Practice; L. H. Lonergan, Prin-
McReynolds, J. G. Manning, B. C. ciples of Physical Therapy ; J. W.
Marsh, C. A. Mason, N. E. W. Mat- McFarland, Therapeutic Exercise and
thews, George Michaelson, F. B. Massage; B. C. Marsh, Neurology;
Jeanne Middleton, Technic and Gym-
Moor, Ella Moyers, F. E. Neff, E. A. nastics ; A. J. Neufeld, Orthopedics ;
Nelson, A. J. Neufeld, Otto Neufeld, Harold Shryock, Psychology; C. S.
Paul Nilsson, W. F. Norwood, C. W. Small, Pathology; R. T. Smith, Bac-
Olsen, R. H. Osborne, V. 0. Parrett, teriology ; G. M. Taylor, Orthopedics ;
G. E. Paullus, F. E. Poole, 0. B. W. G. Wirth, Biblical Exegesis.


TRAINING SCHOOL Takoma Park, Washington, District
Apartado 224, Medellin, Colombia, of Columbia
South America Organized 1933
Established 1936 Board of Trustees: Same as that of
Washington Missionary College.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Co-
inco," Medellin, Colombia. Local Board: Same as that of Wash-
ington Missionary College.
Air Mail Address: Correo Aereo 877,
Medellin, Colombia, South America. Administration :
Board of Directors: W. H. Bergherm, President,. B. G. Wilkinson.
Chairman ; W. H. Wineland, Secre- Dean, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
tary ; and all other members of Union Business Manager, C. C. Pulver.
Committee. Registrar, Blanche Black-Ost.
Librarian, T. G. Weis.
Executive Board: W. H. Bergherm, G. Dean of Men, Walter Ost.
W. Chapman, A. P. Christiansen, R. 0. Dean of Women, Minnie E. Abray.
Garner, M. E. Lowry, W. H. Wine- Associate Dean of Women, Maybelle
land. Vandemark.
Accountant and Cashier, Martin Kem-
Faculty: merer.
Principal and Business Manager, Director of Cafeteria, Mary Montgom-
W. H. Wineland. ery.
Preceptor, L. E. Greenidge. College Physician, D. Josephine Wal-
Preceptress, Mrs. C. A. Woodland. worth-Furness.
College Nurses, Ella May Stone-
Bible, R. 0. Garner. burner, Pauline Wendell.
Commercial, R. 0. Garner.
English, C. A. Woodland. Faculty:
History, L. E. Greenidge. President, B. G. Wilkinson.
Mathematics, C. A. Woodland, L. E.
Greenidge. Art, T. K. Martin.
Music, Mrs. R. 0. Garner. Bible and Theology, L. A. Semmens,
Normal Training and Spanish, Gil- H. T. Terry.
berto Bustamante. Biology, F. H. Quimby, Eleanor Sisler.
Nursing, Mrs. C. A. Woodland. Chemistry, Robert Lay, E. C. Blue.
Commerce, S. W. Tymeson, Minnie E.
Matron, Mrs. G. W. Chapman. Abray.
Education, Mrs. Vera Morrison.
Elementary Education, Lorena Wil-
English, P. T. Gibbs, L. F. Thiel.
COLUMBIA ACADEMY History, A. W. Werline (on leave),
Battle Ground, Washington W. J. McComb, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
Home Economics and Dietetics, Har-
Established 1903 riett Hanson.
Library Science, T. G. Weis.
Board of Managers: V. G. Anderson, Modern Languages, Otto Schuberth,
Chairman ; G. L. Beane, Secretary. L. S. Davis, P. de F. Henderson.
Music, Gilmour McDonald, George
Faculty: Greer, Mrs. Ethel Casey, George
Principal and Business Manager, G. L. Wargo.
Beane. Nursing Education, Edyth T. James.
Preceptor, E. B. Holm. Physical Education, E. L. MacDonald.
Accountant, Mrs. G. L. Beane. Physics and Mathematics, W. L.
Bible, H. W. Hempel. Political Science, W. J. McComb.
Bookkeeping, Mrs. R. D. Kaylor. Typewriting, Margie Kemmerer.
English and French, Bernice Swigart. Woodwork and Vocational Education,
History and Science, R. D. Kaylor. E. L. MacDonald.
Mathematics, E. B. Holm.
Music, Mrs. E. B. Holm.
Typewriting, Mrs. G. L. Beane.
Baking, Kirby Wallace. Vejlefjord Hojskole, Daugaard,
Matron, Mrs. H. W. Hempel. Denmark
Elementary School, Buford Ward, Established 1908
Mrs. Buford Ward. Board of Trustees: A. Christiansen, A.

Guldhammer, C. C. Hansen, Marius Faculty:,

Jensen, R. F. Jensen, H. Muderspach, Principal, S. R. Pan.
P. G. Nelson, Chr. Pedersen, Fr. Registrar, Dju Tsu Hao.
Sonne, E. Tobiassen, A. Varmer.
Bible, S. R. Pan, Gu Hsiao Chiao.
Faculty: Chinese, Dju Tsu Hao.
Principal, P. A. Christiansen. Commercial, K. H. Yuan.
Preceptor, Carl Bagger. English, Glenna Lee.
Preceptress, I. K. Lund. Language, Gu Hsiao Chiao.
Industrial, Li Kwan Hsin.
Bible, A. Guldhammer. M. S. Chia.
Danish and English, Esther Hange..
Geography, Carl Bagger.
German, Grethe West.
History, Carl Bagger, Grethe West. EAST VISAYAN ACADEMY
Mathematics and Physics, P. A. Chris- Talisay, Cebu, Philippine Islands
Science, Gudrun Nielsen. Established 1930
Sewing and Cooking, I. K. Lund. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 119, Cebu
Elementary School, Gudrun Nielsen. City, Philippine Islands.
Board of Management: A. S. Aqui, A.
Capobres, E. A. Capobres, D. B. La-
EAST BRAZIL ACADEMY dion, E. N. Lugenbeal, A. Macasiano,
U. M. Oliva, H. C. Pascual, A. N.
(Instituto TeolOgico Adventista) Ragsdale, W. B. Riffel, L. C. Wilcox.
Correas, Estado do Rio, Brazil,
South America Faculty: P. C. Cabansag, Mrs. C. 13.
Elumir, Lucia M. Hernandez, A. D.
Established 1939 Lazaro, 13. G. Mary, Mrs. B. G.
Mary, U. M. Oliva, H. C. Pascual,
Board: J. L. Brown, Chairman; W. J. Mrs. H. C. Pascual.
Brown, Secretary ; J. H. Boehm, J.
Bork, 0. Castellani, J. F. Cummins,
J. D. Hardt, Leon Replogle, S.
Schmidt, K. Tulaszewski, Paul Wen- EMMANUEL MISSIONARY COLLEGE
Berrien Springs, Michigan
Faculty: Established 1901
Acting Principal, W. J. Brown.
Treasurer, J. Bork. Legal Title: "Emmanuel Missionary
Preceptor, J. dos Passos. College, Incorporated."
Preceptress, Hilda Silva. Board of Trustees: J. J. Nethery,
Bible, J. dos Passos. Chairman ; H. J. Klooster, Secretary ;
Chemistry, J. Monteiro. N. L. Beebe, T. G. Bunch, H. 0.
English, W. J. Brown. Butler, F. L. Came, W. C. Cole, 0. C.
Domestic Science, Mrs. W. J. Brown. Durham, E. L. Green, B. L. Grundset,
History and Geography, J. Monteiro. G. W. Habenicht, R. M. Harrison,
Mathematics and Science, J. Bork. C. W. Lawry, L. E. Lenheim, J. L.
Music, Mrs. Eunice S. Monteiro. Levens, W. T. Lindsay, V. P. Lovell,
Natural History, W. J. Brown. T. R. Lukens, B. C. Marshall, A. E.
Sewing, Mrs. J. dos Passos. Mobley, W. B. Ochs, M. W. Prince,
F. 0. Sanders, F. W. Schnepper, L. C.
Farm, A. Cardinot. Shepard, T. E. Unruh, A. H. Welklin,
Matron, Mrs. W. J. Brown. W. H. Williams.
Elementary School, Elim Hermanson. Administration:
President, H. J. Klooster.
Dean, A. N. Nelson.
Business Manager, L. N. Holm.
EAST CHINA UNION JUNIOR Registrar, Wanda MacMorland.
TRAINING INSTITUTE Librarian, Anna L. Blackney.
526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Dean of Men, V. H. Campbell.
Dean of Women, Rachel Christman.
Established 1940 Accountant and Assistant Treasurer,
House Address: 458 Ningkuo Road, Earl Beaty.
Shanghai, China. Associate Accountant, Robert Mac-
Board: East China Union Mission Com- Assistant to Business Manager, P. R.
mittee. Cone.

Assistant Dean of Women, Abbie Industries:

Culbert. Applied. Arts, L. Smith.
Matron, Maria Hornbacker. Cafeteria, Maria Hornbacher.
Publicity Secretary, H. M. Tippett. Dairy and Farm, W. H. Wohlers.
Physician, G. W. Brown. Engineer, J. E. Riffel.
Garden, Fruit, and Poultry, Glen
Faculty: Houck.
President, H. J. Klooster. Printing, Vinston Adams, Paul Apple-
gate, G. E. Shultz.
Agriculture, L. N. Holm, V. H. Camp- Store, A. B. King.
bell, Glen Houck. Wood Products, 0. R. Shreve. (See
Bible and Religion, A. N. Nelson, Broadview Academy..)
W. E. Straw, D. C. Newbold, E. R.
Biology, B. H. Phipps, Edwin A.
Brooks, Leatha Wenke Brooks. ENTERPRISE ACADEMY
Chemistry, H. F. Halenz.
Education, Mabel Cassell, Leona Bur- Enterprise, Kansas
man, Robert MacMorland, Louise Organized 1919
Ambs, Grace Maas, Bernice Webber.
English and Literature; H. M. Tip- Board of Trustees: J. H. Roth, Presi-
pett, Irma Berner. dent ; R. R. Newman, Secretary.
French, Irma Berner, Helen Merriam. Faculty:
German, Arabella Moore.
Home Economics, Beatrice Holquist. Principal and Manager, R. R. New-
Library Science, Anna Blackney. man.
Mathematics, C. L. Woods. Librarian, Mrs. Otto Kingsfield.
Music, H. B. Hannum, J. H. Metzger, Preceptor, Theo. Herr.
Helen F. Cone, J. J. Hafner. Preceptress, Marybelle Huffman.
Nursing Education, Letha Wenke School Nurse, Mrs. R. R. Newman.
Brooks. Accountant, Phoebe Little.
Philosophy, W. E. Straw, E. R. Thiele. Agriculture, Otto Kingsfield.
Physical Education, Edith Gilbertson. Bible, Calvin Gordon.
Physics and Mathematics, J. L. Commerce, Phoebe Little.
Thompson. English, Marybelle Huffman.
Secretarial Training, Glee King, Edda German, R. R. Newman.
Rees-Larimore. History, Theo. Herr.
Social Science, H. 0. McCumber, Earl Mathematics and Science, Rodger
Beaty, Robert MacMorland, E. D. Neidigh.
Ryden. Music, Mrs. Theo. Herr.
Critic Teachers: Farm, Otto Kingsfield.
Matron, Mrs. Jacob Erdman.
Elementary Education, Louise
Ambs, Grace Maas, Bernice Web-
Social Science, Robert MacMorland. (Adventusuiihingute Usuteaduse Kool)
Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia
Academy Faculty:
Principal, Leona Summey Burman. School Board: A. Aug, E. Kell, E. Magi,
Registrar, Wanda. MacMorland. A. Paaksi, V. Suve, J. Vaga, R. Vin-
Librarian, Anna L. Blackney. glas.
Agriculture, V. H. Campbell. Faculty:
Bible, E. A. Brooks, Rachel Christ- Principal, R. Vinglas.
man, Abbie Culbert. Bible, R. Vinglas, E. Magi.
Biology, E. A. Brooks. Estonian and History, R. Vinglas.
Chemistry, H. J. Klooster.
English, Abbie Culbert. Elementary School, V. Suve.
French, Helen Merriam.
History, E. D. Ryden.
Home Economics, Beatrice Holquist.
Mathematics, C. L. Woods. SCHOOL FOR BOYS
Music, Helen F. Cone, J. J. Hafner, Casella Postale 145, Addis Ababa, A. 0. I.
Physics, J. L. Thompson.
Typewriting, Glee King, Edda Rees- Staff: Herbert Hanson, President;
Larimore. Waldgera Dankie, Merigeta Mulla-
Woodcraft, L. Smith. burhan, Negarie Mullata.

ETHIOPIAN MISSION TRAINING Teachers: Mrs. C. H. Davis, Ging Neng

SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Ngiong, Mrs. Cong Hok Ong, Sia
Casella Postale 145, Addis Ababa, A. 0. I. Chung-Ong, Mrs. Ling Buong Sieng.
Staff: Mae Matthews, Principal; Der-
resa Danki.
Maitland, Florida
FAR EASTERN ACADEMY Established 1926
458 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China
Board: L. C. Evans, Chairman ; K. A.
Established 1926 Wright, Secretary.
Principal and Business Manager,
Principal and Business Manager,
Librarian, Mrs. G. G. Hamp. K. A. Wright.
Preceptress, Registrar, M. Lauer.
Preceptor, J. A. Lauer.
English, Mrs. G. G. Hamp, Preceptress, H. Kickliter.
French and Typewriting, . Accountant, R. Craig.
History, --.
Mathematics and Science, W. H. Bible, K. A. Wright, J. A. Lauer,
Wood. C. Kirstein.
Music and Shorthand, Mrs. W. H. Biology, J. A. Lauer.
Wood. Bookkeeping, R. Craig.
(Operation temporarily suspended.) English, H. Kickliter, L. Haskin,
C. Kirstein.
History, L. Haskin, C. Kirstein.
Home Economics, G. Henriksen.
Mathematics and Science, W. Rem-
(Toivonlinnan LaThetysopisto) Music and Spanish, V. Lester.
Shorthand, M. Lauer.
Piikkiii, Finland Typewriting, V. Craig.
Established 1918 ; Reorganized 1931 Dairy, 0. Tomkins.
Telegraphic Address: Toivonlinna, Piik- Engineer, L. J. Knight.
kW, Finland. Farm, E. Tomkins.
Laundry, E. W. Bradley.
Telephone: Piikkiii 24. Matron, G. Henriksen.
Board: 0. Jaakkola, V. Kohtanen, G. A. Printing, W. Kirstein.
Lindsay, 0. Maattanen, Y. Miettinen, Elementary School, Mrs. J. R. Conger.
A. Rintala.
Bible, A. Rintala, 0. Maattanen. SCHOOL
English and German, Aini Sysimetsa. 61 bis, Route Localle 22, Gia-Dinh,
Finnish, J. Pekkanen. Saigon, French Indo-China
History, 0. Maattanen, J. Pekkanen.
Languages, Aira Sakslin. Established 1939
Mathematics, Aira Sakslin, 0. Mast- Board of Management: R. Bentz, R. H.
tanen. Howlett, F. R. Millard, E. A. Moon,
Science, 0. Maattanen. T. N. Te.
Faculty: R. Bentz, R. H. Howlett, Mrs.
R. H. Howlett, P. T. Thanh.
Foochow, China
Board of Directors: C. H. Davis, Chair- 841 W. Belmont Ave., Fresno, California
man. Telephone 2-7649
Faculty: Established 1908 as an intermediate
school; as an academy 1921.
Principal, Ngu Ong-Ing.
Preceptor, Ling Buong Sieng. Board: H. T. Swinson, Chairman; C. I.
Preceptress, Mrs. Lau Cu-Iu. Chrisman, Secretary-Treasurer.


Principal, C. I. Chrisman. Box 691, Caldwell, Idaho
Bible, C. I. Chrisman. Established 1918
English, Miss E. 0. Stone.
History and Science, V. W. Swayze. Board of Managers: G. S. Belleau,
Mathematics and Spanish, L. E. Chairman ; T. W. Walters, Secretary ;
Breitigam. Wm. Butler, Truman Hendryx, Emil
Music, Miss 0. J. Gage. Knauft, J. R. Sloop, Andrew Roedel.
Elementary School, D. E. Bond, Mrs. Faculty:
M. Hoffman, Mrs. V. W. Swayze. Principal, T. W. Walters.
Registrar and Accountant, Mrs. H. D.
Preceptor, H. D. Schwartz.
FRIEDENSAU MISSIONARY Preceptress, Mrs. Tola Gish.
Bible, W. E. Gillis.
Friedensau, Post Grabow, fiber Burg, English and Commercial, Esther
Bez. Magdeburg, Germany Logan.
Established 1899 History, H. D. Schwartz.
Board: H. Box, 0. Brozio, M. Budnick, Home Economics, Mrs. M. 0. Cheney.
Language, Mrs. H. D. Schwartz.
M. Busch, L. E. Conradi, E. Gugel, Mathematics and Science, G. H. Gib-
W. Michael, A. Minck, C. A. Motzer, son.
0. Schildhauer, G. Seng, M. Voigt, Music, Mrs. Tola Gish.
A. Vollmer.
Board of Business: M. Baier, H. Brink- Baking, J. R. Sloop.
Industrial, M. 0. Cheney.
mann, M. Budnick, A. Burger, H. Matron, Mrs. M. 0. Cheney.
Daumichen, R. Daumichen, H. Glass,
0. Haase, F. Hambrock, M. Hart-
mann, W. Klinkmuller, W. Knitter,
G. Mai, W. Michael, B. Ohme, A.
Faculty: Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Urundi,
Belgian East Africa
Principal, W. Michael.
Business Manager, H. Daumichen. Established 1931
Preceptor, G. Lupke. Faculty: Mrs. M. Dupluoy, S. Kana-
Preceptress, P. Schubert. kuza, A. A. Matter, A. Muhaya, M.
Ancient Languages, W. Michael. Myiringondo, E. Semutwa, T. W.
Bible, W. Eberhardt. Staples.
Bookkeeping, J. Langholf.
Church History, S. Lupke, W. Eber-
Economic Course, Vera Rebensburg. 700 Kimlin Drive, Glendale, California
English, W. Nehls. Established 1923
German, W. Michael, G. Lupke, S.
Lupke, W. Nehls. Board of Managers: W. M. Adams,
Gymnastics, W. Michael, Vera Rebens- Chairman ; C. D. Striplin, Secretary-
burg, H. Wertenauer. Treasurer.
History, S. Lupke.
Mathematics, W. Eberhardt, S. Lupke. Faculty:
Music, G. Lupke, S. Lupke. Principal and Business Manager,
Nurse Training, D. Hoyer. C. D. Striplin.
Science, H. Wertenauer. Registrar and Cashier, Ethel J.
Shorthand, W. Eberhardt, H. Wer- Fessler.
tenauer. Accountant, Clara M. Striplin.
Elementary School, P. Schubert. Art, Mabel Cason.
Bible, W. S. McCully.
Commerce, Elizabeth Whitnack.
English and German, Kathryn Speh.
FULTON TRAINING SCHOOL History, A. P. Hanson, W. S. Mc-
Tai Levu, Fiji, Pacific Ocean Cully, Willett Myers.
Home Economics, Edna L. Colburn,
Established in Buresala, Ovalau, 1904 ; Willett Myers.
in Tai Levu, 1940 Library Science and Journalism,
Headmaster: A. P. Dyason. Kathryn Speh.

Mathematics, George Pool. GREATER NEW YORK ACADEMY

Music, Vera Hoopes-Watts, Roy Clint. 484 Washington Ave., Brooklyn,
Physical Education, Willett Myers, New York
George Pool.
Printing, E. F. Jeys. Telephone, Main 2-7899
Science, E. I. Mohr. Established 1920
Spanish, Ruth Wilcox.
Board: W. A. Nelson, Chairman; H. J.
Cafeteria, Edna L. Colburn. Alcock, Secretary.
Maintenance, A. P. Hanson.
Press Superintendent, E. F. Jeys. Faculty:
Woodwork, George Pool. Principal, H. J. Alcock.
Elementary School, P. E. Limerick, Librarian, V. I. Shull.
Principal; Fern Denzel, Bernice Bible, H. J. Alcock.
Hawkins, Willamae Hawkins, Tru- English, V. r. Shull.
man Reed, Mrs. I. Taylor. French, P. H. Cutting.
History, H. J. Alcock, P. H. Cutting.
Home Economics, Mrs. H. J. Alcock.
Mathematics and Science, L. Larson.
1709 Alcatraz Ave., Berkeley, Calif.
Board of Directors: Paul Campbell, (United Provinces Mission)
Chairman; W. 0. Baldwin, Secretary.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Faculty: Hapur, U. P., India
Principal and Manager, W. 0. Bald-
win. Board: United Provinces Local Mission
Registrar and Librarian, Mrs. Patricia Committee.
Emmerson. Faculty: C. H. Alexander, Principal ;
Accountant, Dwight Miller. Mrs. C. H. Alexander, Miss M.
Bible, H. L. Wallace. Christo, E. Gardener, Phoebe Mall,
Business and. Typewriting, Dwight Jalal Salik, Mrs. Jalal Salik, Cath-
Miller. erine Singh, Sher Singh.
English and Music, Mrs. Evelyn Industries: Farming, Gardening, Sew-
Rupnow. ing.
History, W. 0. Baldwin, H. L.
Home Economics, Mrs. Evelyn
Mathematics, F. D. Fisher, Dwight 9 Tsitsihar St., Nan Kang, Harbin,
Miller. Manchukuo
Science, F. D. Fisher. Established 1929
Spanish, Mrs. Patricia Emmerson.
Faculty: A. J. Robbins, Principal (on
Woodwork, F. D. Fisher. furlough) ; B. Kasitsin, Mrs. B. Ka-
Elementary School, Myra B. Kite, sitsin, Mrs. A. J. Robbins (on fur-
Principal; Gertrude Foland, Clarise lough).
Gough, Mrs. Mabel Miller.


1415 Makiki St., Honolulu, T. H.
(For Cape Colored People)
Klipfontein Road, Athlone, Cape, Board of Directors: G. E. Taylor, Chair-
South Africa man; F. E. Rice, Secretary.

Managing Board: F. G. Clifford, Chair- Faculty:

man ; W. H. Hayter, Secretary ; J. N. Principal and Business Manager,
de Beer, J. E. Symons, and the Edu- F. E. Rice.
cational Secretary of the South Afri- Registrar, Doris Gima.
can Union. Librarian, Juliette K. Lau.
Accountant, Winifred W. Hemphill.
Faculty: W. H. Hayter, Principal ; S. J.
Bloemetjie, Mrs. E. K. Cerfontyne, Bible, R. F. Alderson.
Miss I, Damon, Willie Hurlow. Biology, D. V. Hemphill.

Commercial and French, Irene Wake- HOME STUDY INSTITUTE

English, It. S. Gima, Alta H. Mel- (Formerly known as the Fireside
drum. Correspondence School)
History, George Meldrum. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Mathematics, D. V. Hemphill, J. H.
Whitney. Established 1909
Music, Alta H. Meldrum, Evelyn D.
Rice. Constituency: The General Conference
Printing, R. S. Morrison, W. W. Committee.
Science, J. H. Whitney. Board of Directors: W. E. Nelson,
Typewriting, Doris Gima. Chairman; H. A. Morrison, Vice-
Chairman ; M. E. Olsen, Secretary-
Elementary School, Geneva Acker- Treasurer; M. L. Andreasen, W. H.
man, Rachel Alderson, Irene Au, Branson, L. H. Christian, E. D. Dick,
Alice Boyd, Bernice Chang, Evelyn H. T. Elliott, W. E. Howell, M. E.
Isaac, Anna Jenson. Kern, A. W. Peterson, J. A. Stevens,
R. G. Strickland, W. H. Teesdale,
W. G. Turner, H. M. Walton, J. E.
Weaver, F. M. Wilcox, B. G. Wilkin-
(European) Advisory Council: W. R. Beach, G. W.
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Bowers, W. P. Bradley, E. E. Cossen-
C. P., South Africa tine, N. W. Dunn, H. H. Hamilton,
H. M. Johnson, G. E. Jones, H. J.
Board: N. C. Wilson, Chairman; W. E. Klooster, B. H. McMahon, J. L. Mo-
McClure, Secretary; C. F. Birken- ran, A. N. Nelson, Milton Robison,
stock, C. W. Bozarth, J. R. Campbell, A. H. Roth, A. H. Rulkoetter, C. W.
V. R. Cooks, C. W. Curtis, E. D. Han- Shankel, W. I. Smith, J. M. Steeves,
son, T. R. Huxtable, N. Jeffes, E. W. J. C. Thompson, B. G. Wilkinson.
Marter, S. G. Maxwell, L. L. Moffitt,
G. R. Nash, Milton Robison, H. M. Administration: M. E. Olsen, President
Sparrow, A. W. Staples, V. E. Top- and Business, Manager ; M. E. Evans,
penburg, J. V. Wilson, and the Edu- Acting Registrar and Accountant.
cational Secretary of the South Afri- Faculty:
can Union.
President, M. E. Olsen.
Local Board: C. W. Bozarth, E. W. Bible, Christian Evidences, and Evan-
Marter, W. E. McClure, Milton Robi- gelism, L. A. Semmens, E. W.
son, J. V. Wilson, N. C. Wilson. Carey, B. P. Hoffman, Mrs. Myrta
Faculty: Kellogg-Lewis.
Biblical Language and Non-Christian
Principal, W. E. McClure. Religions, J. N. Anderson.
Business Manager, J. V. Wilson. Bookkeeping and Accounting, M. E.
Registrar, Helen M. Hyatt. Evans.
Librarian, Hope H. Hayton. Christian Salesmanship and Sociology, ,
Preceptor, C. C. Marais. S. W. Tymeson.
Preceptresses, Anne Visser, Mrs. R. Education, Lorena E. Wilcox, H. E.
Gorle (Junior Hostel). Edwards, G. F. Wolfkill.
School Nurse, Anne Visser. English, Rhetoric, and Literature,
Afrikaans, P. J. van Eck. Leo Thiel, M. E. Olsen, Celia
Agriculture, J. V. Wilson. Walker.
Bible, E. W. Marter, C. C. Marais. Expression, M. E. Cady.
Commercial, Ethel M. Edmed. French and Spanish, L. S. Davis.
English, Mrs. L. C. LeButt. General Science and Agriculture,
History, W. E. McClure, F. E. Meek- E. C. Blue.
ling. Geology, H. W. Clark.
Home Economics and Dressmaking, German, Mrs. Olivia Lockwood.
Mrs. F. E. Meckling. Harmony, H. B. Hannum.
Mathematics, Helen M. Hyatt. History, A. W. Werline, P. W. Chris-
Modern Languages, Hope H. Hayton. tian, E. W. Carey.
Science, C. F. Clarke. Home Nursing, Cooking, Dietetics,
Typewriting, Miss A. L. Fouche. and First Aid, Mrs. F. M. Wilcox.
Woodwork and Carpentry, S. Glanz. Latin, Mrs. F. L. Chaney.
Mathematics, E. B. Ogden, Louis
Critic Teachers, Margaret E. Nickel, Machlan, C. L. Stone.
Director ; Miss C. Anderson, Miss Newswriting and Editing, P. T. Gibbs.
H. McCullough. Public Speaking, C. E. Weniger.

Shorthand and Typewriting, B. P. in Education ; S. K. Chiang, C. I.

Foote. Meng, Mrs. Mi Deh-Feng, Miss Bessie
Elementary School, Mrs. Clara Nor- Mount, C. K. Tsao.
Korean Section:
C. W. Lee, James Lee, R. S. Lee,
S. E. Lee, Mrs. Theo Wangerin.
Japanese Section: F. R. Millard.
(Oriental Branch)
526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China Philippine Section: P. H. Romulo, Gen-
eral Secretary; 0. A. Blake, Advisor.
Established 1922
Constituency: The China and Far East-
ern Division Executive Committees. HONAN JUNIOR TRAINING
Board of Directors: N. F. Brewer, INSTITUTE
Chairman ; G. J. Appel, V. T. Arm- Lowanho, Yencheng, Ronan, China
strong, W. P. Bradley, S. L. Frost, Established 1916
0. A. Hall, A. L. Ham, W. I. Hilliard, Faculty:
H. H. Morse, R. S. Watts, L. C.
Wilcox, P. L. Williams, K. H. Wood. Principal and Treasurer, 0. G. Erich.
Associate Principal, Wang Ging-Po.
Administration: Preceptor, Fan Yung-Fu.
President, Preceptress, Mrs. Mao Ming-Hwa.
Vice-President and Dean, H. H. Teachers: Djang Dzi-Yun, Mrs. 0. G.
Morse. Erich, Feng Cheng-Yuin, Han
Business Manager, H. H. Morse. Geng-Shen, Wu Gwoh-Ching, Yu
Dean Korean Section, C. W. Lee. Ging-Fang.
Dean Japanese Section, F. R. Millard.
Office Staff:
Bookkeeper, Ernest Tsai. IBADAN TRAINING SCHOOL
Assistant Registrar, B. Y. Tsai.
Recording Secretary, C. P. Yang. P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria,
Manila Office Secretary, P. H. Ro- West Africa
mulo. Established 1932
Secretary Shanghai Language School, Principal: W. T. B. Hyde.
C. M. Chang.
Department of Oriental Languages:
Chinese, P. A. Chang, Dean. IKIZU TRAINING SCHOOL
Annamese, Phan Xuah-Thai.
Cantonese, James Wong. Ikizu, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika
Japanese, F. R. Millard. Territory, East Africa
Korean, C. W. Lee. Faculty: F. G. Reid, Principal; Mrs.
Malay, V. E. Hendershot. F. G. Reid; African Teachers, 7.
Siamese, R. P. Abel.
Tagalog, P. H. Romulo.
Head Teachers, C. C. Chen, C. H.
Yasui San, S. C. Wang. SCHOOL
Assistant Teachers, L. H. Ching, T. Soamanandrarina, Tananarive,
C. Hsy, James Wang. Madagascar
Instructors: L. H. Chao, C. K. Chou, Established 1938
F. H. Chuen, Paul Han, E. John-
son, C. F. Lee, L. Leiasel, W. School Board: Indian Ocean Union Mis-
Sitoemorang, S. M. Swen. sion Executive Committee.
Faculty: W. Ruf, Principal and Man-
English Section: ager; R. Guenin, J. Joelson, R.
W. E. Anderson, Ruth Atwell, 0. A. Rasamimanana.
Blake, W. P. Bradley, Ralph Dins-
bier, Mildred Dumas, Herbert Karo,
S. H. Lindt, Oilene Liu, B. E. Mer-
rias, H. H. Morse, Mrs. H. H. Morse, INDIANA ACADEMY
C. F. Thurston. Cicero, Indiana
Chinese Section: Established 1902
P. A. Chang, General Secretary; Board: F. 0. Sanders, President; E. E.
Chen Yu Shih, Dean Five Year Course Bietz, Secretary-Treasurer.

Faculty: urer ; S. Arima, Mrs. T. Arima, Mrs.

M. Fukazawa, T. Tiara, Mrs. T.
Principal and Business Manager, E. Hara, S. Hasegawa, S. Inowaki, S.
E. Bietz. ' Ito, Mrs. S. Ito, K. Nagashima, S.
Librarian, Mrs. Grant Guth. Seino, H. Yanami.
Preceptor, Grant Guth.
Preceptress, Miriam Foreman. The Girls' School
Accountant, H. A. Wohlers.
Address: 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Su-
Agriculture, H. A. Habenicht. ginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Bible, L. L. Murphy.
Biology and Bookkeeping, E. E. Bietz. Telephone: Ogikubo 2051.
Commerce, H. A. Wohlers.
English, Grant Guth. Board: T. Kajiyama, H. Imura, S.
History, Miriam Foreman. Ogura, Y. Okohira, T. Yamagata,
Language, Mrs. Grant Guth. H. Yamamoto, M. Yamamoto.
Science and Mathematics, A. L. Watt. Faculty: T. Yamagata, Principal; Y.
Music, Iva Dell Kirk. Okohira, Treasurer ; Miss S. Koizumi,
Farm, H. A. Habenicht. Miss Y. Nishiinura, Mrs. S. Ohura,
Matron, Mrs. Walter Gettys. Miss F. Shibata, Miss M. Sudoki,
Printing, A. L. Watt. Miss M. Yamamoto.


Calle Prosperidad 85, Tacubaya, SCHOOL
D. F., Mexico (Assam Mission)
Faculty: A. G. Parfitt, Rafael Munoz Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
y Nunez, Mrs. A. G. Parfitt. School, Jowai, Via Shillong,
Assam, India
Established April 20, 1941
JALIRPAR SECONDARY BOARDING Board: J. F. Ashlock, Chairman; 0. W.
SCHOOL Lange, S. K. Mawflang, R. E. Rajee.
(East Bengal Mission)
Faculty: 0. W. Lange, Principal; 0.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High Gatphoh, C. B. Israel, Mrs. 0. W.
School, Jalirpar, Faridpur District, Lange, Miss G. Morton, P. S. Prasada
East Bengal, India Rao.
Board: LeRoy Hunter, Chairman; P. Industries: Agriculture, Dairying,
C. Gayen, S. K. Haldar, J. Johannes, Gardening.
F. H. Loasby, H. H. Mattison.
Faculty: LeRoy Hunter, Principal;
Mrs. M. M. Biswas, S. C. Deuri, S.
C. Madhu, P. K. Sarkar, J. N. Sircar, SCHOOL
Miss Surajini Sircar. (Tecaj za sveopste vaspitanje)
Industries: Canning, Gardening, Wood- Pantovcak 121, Zagreb, Jugoslavia
working. Established 1931
Managing Board: Jugoslavian Union
(Nihon San-Iku Gakuim)
Established 1926
Director, R. Schillinger.
The Boys' School Preceptor and Treasurer, S. Ludewig.
Address: Showa Machi, Kimitsu Gun, Preceptress, Mrs. S. Ludewig.
Chiba Ken, Japan. Anatomy and Biology, Mrs. S. Lude-
Telephone: Narawa 18. Bible, R. Schillinger.
Board: M. Fukazawa, T. Hara, H. Commerce, S. Ludewig.
Imura, S. Ogura, T. Yamagata, H. German, French and Jugoslavian, D.
Yamamoto, H. Yanami. Stojcevic.
History, D. Stojcevic.
Faculty: Household Economics, Mrs. B. Stoj-
H. Yamamoto, Principal and Treas- cevic.

Mathematics and Science, S. Ludewig. KHUNTI ELEMENTARY BOARDING

Farm, R. Schillinger.
(Bihar Mission)
Seventh-day Adventist'Mission School,
Khunti, Ranchi District, India
Kamagambo, P. 0. Kisii, Kenya Board: Bihar Mission Committee.
Colony, East Africa Faculty: W. B. Votaw, Principal; Helon
Board: The Kenya Union Mission Com- Lakra, Joseph Tiru.
mittee. Industries: Canning and Farming.
Principal, S. W. Beardsell.
Girls' School, Miss K. Jorgensen. KOLLEGAL ELEMENTARY BOARD-
Evangelical Department, D. M. ING SCHOOL
Swaine. (Kanarese Mission)
Industrial Department, N. Aga.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Elementary School, Miss C. J. Schuil. Kollegal, Coimbatore District,
African Teachers, 6. South India
Board: C. K. John, A. D. Jonathan, T.
Killoway, I. K. Moses, H. M. Peak, C.
A. Schutt.
ING SCHOOL Faculty: A. D. Jonathan, Principal;
(Bihar Mission) Mrs. Leona Philips, R. Sathyaseela,
I. R. Thomas.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
School, Karmatar, E. I. R. Rly., India
Board: R. J. Borrowdale, Chairman; BOARDING SCHOOL
S. K. Besra, P. D. Kujur, F. H.
Loasby, H. H. Mattison, B. Peters, (Malayalam Mission)
W. B. Votaw. Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
School, Kottarakara, Travancore,
Faculty H. H. Mattison, Principal; South India
S. K. Besra, Mrs. R. J. Borrowdale,
R. N. Bass, M. M. Ekka, J. Hansdak, Board: E. R. Osmunson, Chairman:
B. Nowrangi, J. Pandit, R.'K. Pandit, G. P. Crussiah, S. N. David, Letcher
Ram Swaroop Singh. Huntington, J. Joshua, L. J. Larson,
K. S. Peter.
Industries: Gardening, Printing.
Faculty: L. J. Larson, Principal; L.
C. Charles, M. J. Laban, Mrs. L. J.
Larson, M. J. Thai, T. P. Wilson,
KERN ACADEMY T. V. Zechariah.
Shaf ter, California Industries: Book-binding, Poultry,
Printing, Tailoring, Weaving.
Established 1930
Board: P. J. Buller, Chairman ; C. 0.
Trubey, Secretary-Treasurer. KOTTAWA SECONDARY BOARD-
Principal, C. 0. Trubey. (Ceylon Mission)
Librarian, LeVerne Melendy. Seventh-day Adventist Mission High ,
Bible, Mrs. L. E. Westermeyer, Le- School, Kottawa; Pannipitiya,
Verne Melendy. Colombo, Ceylon
English, Mrs. L. E. Westermeyer. Board: A. F. Jessen, Chairman E. T.
German and Commercial, L. E. Austin, F. W. Hill, A. Pieris, Praka-
Westermeyer. sam, D. W. Smith.
History, LeVerne Melendy.
Mathematics and Physics, C. 0. Tru- Faculty: E. T. Austin, Principal ; Mrs.
hey. E. T. Austin, P. Dias, Miss M. Fer-
Music, C. 0. Trubey, Irene Newmann. nando, G. Gnanasundaram, Miss H.
M. Goonatilleke, Miss A. Jayasundra,
Elementary School, Oleta Frakes, G. Illesinghe, S. de Silva, C. K.
Emma Neufeld, Maurine Wolfe. Varkey.

LA SIERRA COLLEGE Biology, N. L. Parker, L. H. Cush-

La Sierra Station, Arlington, California Domestic Science, Verdadee Ayers-
Established 1922 English, Fedalma Ragoon.
Graphic Arts, D. S. Miller.
Board of Trustees: David Voth, Chair- History, J. C. Haussler.
man ; L. K. Dickson, Vice-Chairman ; Mathematics, N. L. Parker.
E. E. Cossentine, Secretary; K. F. Modern Language, Margarete Ambs.
Ambs, C. E. Andross, C. L. Bauer, Music, Harlyn Abel, Edna Farns-
L. E. Biggs, G. A. Calkins, G. T. worth, Otto Hacker.
Chapman, B. M. Emerson, Wm. Guth- Physics, L. H. Cushman.
rie, A. C. Nelson, H. C. Nelson, J. Printing, W. G. Lawson.
T. Porter, F. H. Raley, L. H. Ras- Typewriting, Caroline S. Hopkins.
mussen, E. H. Risley, W. I. Smith, Vocational Arts, A. L. Toews.
C. A. Thompson.
Agriculture, G. E. Stearns.
President, E. E. Cossentine. College Store, F. E. Romant.
Dean, K. J. Reynolds. Laundry, Letha Eastman-Lane.
Manager, K. F. Ambs. Food Factory, A. A. Sprengel.
Registrar, Willeta Carlsen. Printing, W. G. Lawson.
Librarian, Olive Severs-Palmer. Wood Products, A. L. Toews.
Dean of Men, Walter T. Crandall.
Dean of Women, Velma M. Wallace.
Principal of Academy, N. L. Parker.
Assistant Business Manager, R. W. LAKE TITICACA TRAINING
Bickett. SCHOOL
Matron, Ann Giddings-Van Ausdle. (Colegio Adventista del Titicaca)
College Nurse, Audine Osborn. Casilla 4, Juliaca, Peru, South America
College Faculty: Established 1922
O President, E. E. Cossentine. Cable and Telegraphic Address: Colegio
Accountancy and Economics, Robert Adventista, Juliaca, Peru.
Bible, Edward Heppenstall. Board of Managers: A. M. Tillman,
Biology, George Thompson, L. H. President ; J. I. Hartman, Secretary ;
Cushman. A. J. Alva, H. C. Morton, C. R. Potts,
Business Administration, K. F. Ambs. S. C. Pritchard.
Chemistry, L. C. Palmer. Faculty:
Domestic Science, Verdadee Ayers- Principal and Manager, H. C. Mor-
Education, W. T. Crandall. ton.
Elementary Education, Maybel Jen- Cashier and Bookkeeper, C. E.
sen Schmidt.
English, Mabel Curtis-Romant. Teachers: Victor Achata, P. P.
Graphic Arts, D. S. Miller. Leon, Mrs. P. P. Leon, Mrs. H. C.
Greek, Edward Heppenstall. Morton, Mrs. C. E. Schmidt.
History, K. J. Reynolds.
Modern Language, Margarete Ambs,
Music, Harlyn Abel, Edna S. Farns- ING SCHOOL
worth, Otto Hacker.
Physics, L. H. Cushman. (Marathi Mission)
Pre-nursing, Maxine Atteberry. Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Printing, W. G. Lawson. School, Lasalgaon, Nasik District,
Vocational Arts, A. L. Toews. India
Wilfred J. Airey. Board: F. E. Spiess, Chairman ; C. C.
Elementary School, Maybe] Jensen, Cantwell, E. L. Clark, G. A. Hamil-
Principal ; Willamae Hawkins, Mil- ton, B. J. Hivale, W. H. Jordan, H.
dred Ostich, Daisy Darrow-Sturges ; Khajekar, C. H. Mackett, W. H.
Mary Witchey-Groome. McHenry, A. E. Nelson.
Faculty: C. C. Cantwell, Principal;
Academy Faculty: Mrs. C. C. Cantwell, Pullenbai Hivale,
Principal, N. L. Parker. C. N. John, Mrs. C. N. John, S. L.
Assistant Dean of Women, Eva Philo- Khandagle, D. N. Ohal, S. S. Pandit,
Macaulay. Hannabai Ranade, P. M. Thomas,
Bible, W. T. Crandall, Eva Philo- A. L. Wood.
Macaulay, J. C. Haussler. Industries: Farming, Poultry, Printing.

LATVIAN CONFERENCE (3) Konola Mission School, established

SCHOOL 1937, and 1 Village-School.
(Adventes Misijas Seminars)
Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia
Board of Managers: A. Colders, J. LIMA TRAINING SCHOOL
Colders, A. Jurkevics, E. Klotin, J. (Institute Industrial)
Oltin. Casilla 2102, Lima, Peru
Faculty: Office Address: Comandante Espinar
Principal, E. Klotin. 750, Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
Business Manager, J. Colders.
Board of Managers: L. D. Minner,
Ancient Languages, M. Augstkalnin. President ; P. H. Barnes, C. D. Chris-
Bible and History, E. Klotin. tensen, C. E. Fillman, R. A. Hayden,
Latvian, English and German, A. R. L. Jacobs, F. B. Moore, Juan
Karnovska. Plenc, A. F. Ruf, G. E. Stacey, B.
Mathematics, K. Zemberg. L. Thompson.
Science, K. Brutan.
Principal and Manager, C. D. Chris-
LAURELWOOD ACADEMY Treasurer, E. C. Christie.
Gaston, Oregon Preceptor, M. E. Perez.
Preceptress, Mrs. E. C. Christie.
Established 1904
Bible, C. D. Christensen, M. F. Perez.
Board: V. G. Anderson, Chairman; G. Domestic Science & Manual Arts,
H. Simpson, Secretary. Mrs. E. C. Christie.
Faculty: English and Commerce, E. C. Christie.
History and National Subjects, Mateo
Principal and Business Manager, G. Aguilar.
H. Simpson. Mathematics, Miss Jacoba Florian.
Registrar, Ella Schultz. Music, Mrs. C. D. Christensen.
Accountant, J. H. Irvine. Normal Training, Mrs. M. F. Perez.
Bible, William Lay, W. G. McCready. Penmanship, Mrs. C. D. Christensen.
Biology, R. A. White. Spanish and Public Speaking, M. F.
Bookkeeping, J. H. Irvine. Perez.
English, Mrs. Milo Hill. Carpentry, C. D. Christensen.
French, Mrs. William Lay. Farm, Mateo Aguilar.
History and Science, R. 0. Stone.
Home Economics, Sylvia Simon.
Mathematics, W. G. McCready.
Music, Olivia Harder, Milo Hill. LODI ACADEMY
Spanish, Juanita Paxton. Box 640, Lodi, California
Stenography, Ella Schultz.
Established 1908
Baking, M. L. Wisbey.
Carpentry and Maintenance, R. A. Board of Management: T. L. Copeland,
White. 1941-42 Chairman ; E. F. Hackman,
Farm and Dairy, C. 0. Noblitt. 1942-43 Chairman ; E. F. Heim, Sec-
Matron, Sylvia Simon. retary.
Principal and Manager, E. F. Heim.
LIBERIAN MISSION SCHOOL Registrar, Ione McAllister.
Konola Mission, Post Kakatown, Librarian, William Wilkinson.
Monrovia, Liberia Preceptor, L. W. Roth.
Preceptress, Oletha Lane.
Address (for all schools): Konola Mis- Assistant Manager and Treasurer,
sion, Post Kakatown, Monrovia, Li- W. R. Bobst.
beria. School Nurse, Mr's. E. G. Annofsky.
School Board: The Mission Committee. Agriculture, Ben Dupper.
Bible, E. G. Annofsky.
General Principal: K. F. Noltze, Konola Biology, Oletha Lane.
Mission. Bookkeeping, W. R. Bobst.
(1) Palmberg Mission School, estab- English, J. P. Stauffer, Wm. Wilkin-
lished 1928, and 1 Out-School. son.
(2) Liiwa Mission School, established First Aid, Mrs. E. G. Annofsky.
1932. German and Spanish, Olive Westphal.

History, Wm. Wilkinson. Librarian, Mildred Grandbois.

Home Economics, Rae Weinheimer. Cashier and Accountant, Maree Clark.
Language and Maintenance, L. W.
Roth. Art, Mabel Cason.
Library Science, Wm. Wilkinson. Bible, Robert Kitto, W. B. Ammund-
Mathematics and Science, H. B. Wil- sen.
cox. Commerce, Edna Simon.
Music, Melvin Davis, Lois Mae Stauf- English and Library, Grace Morel,
fer. Elinore Hahn.
Shorthand and Typewriting, J. P. Foreign Language, Mildred Grand-
Stauffer. bois.
German, P. G. Wipperman.
Farm, Ben Dupper. History, W. B. Ammundsen, Robert
Matron, Rae Weinheimer. Kitto, P. G. Wipperman.
Printing, R. K. McAllister. Home Economics, Geneva Kern-Al-
Elementary School, Lena Butler, Win- Mathematics, Edna L. Kilcher.
nifred Craig, Mrs. L. W. Roth, Music, Frances L. Brown, Yvonne
Pauline Hopkins. Caro Howard, A. W. Rowe.
Physical Education, V. A. Jackson.
Science, W. V. Albee.
LOMA LINDA ACADEMY Auto Mechanics and Shop, J. W.
Loma Linda, California Craig.
Matron, Eunice Bridwell.
Board of Managers: W. W. White, Woodwork, P. G. Wipperman.
Chairman ; J. A. Simonson, Secre-
Principal and Business Manager, J. INSTITUTE
A. Simonson. Cholo, Nyasaland, Africa
Registrar, Viola H. Simonson.
Accountant, Margaret Wareham. Established 1902
Bible, T. House] Jemison. Telegraphic Address: P. 0. Malamulo,
Biology and Agriculture, Paul Emde. Cholo, Nyasaland.
Commercial, Margaret Wareham.
School Board : Union Executive Com-
English and Journalism, Viola H.
mittee, Yolam Kamwendo, Edward
History, T. Housel Jemison, J. A. Martin.
Simonson. Faculty:
Mathematics, Spanish, and Sewing, W. B. Higgins, Principal; V. E. Rob-
Mabel Andre. inson, Normal Director; I. L. Ansley,
Music, A. A. Avilla, Mrs. Harold Mrs. I. L. Ansley, Miss R. Foote,
Dahl. Miss M. Johnson, Yolam Kamwendo,
Science and Vocational, Paul Adams. Miss H. E. Lude, Fred Maliro, Ed-
Elementary School, Fauneil A. Avilla, ward Martin, E. L. Morel, Mrs. V. E.
Helen Johnson, Marie Lucas, Alma Robinson and 10 native teachers.
Nephew, Evelyn Roose.

401 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
11081 Locust St., Lynwood, California Straits Settlements
Telephone, Newmark 1-2101 Established 1916
Established 1938
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
Operating Board: Wm. Guthrie, Chair- ventist," Singapore.
man ; S. Donaldson, Vice-Chairman ;
W. B. Dart, Sec.-Treas.; B. M. Board of Directors: Malayan Union
Emerson, L. E. Folkenberg, C. A. Mission Executive Committee; W. P.
Holt, R. W. Maker, A. C. Nelson, Bradley, L. Fox, B. H. Ngo.
W. F. Norwood, J. T. Porter, J. S. Board of Management: L. F. Bohner,
Rouse, L. B. Schick, David Voth, N. Z. H. Macarewa, F. R. Millard, E. A.
C. Woods. Moon, B. H. Ngo, Y. H. Phang, P. M.
Faculty: Stuart.
Principal, W. B. Dart. Faculty: F. R. Millard, Principal, Busi-
Registrar, Eleanor Wentworth. ness Manager, and Treasurer; P. M.

Stuart, Cashier; W. S. Cheung, Z. H. Bible, L. A. Edwards.

Macarewa, Mrs. E. A. Moon, B. H. Commercial, D. J. Bieber, 0. E.
Ngo, B. L. Ngo, Mrs. B. L. Ngo, J. P. Simon.
Rao, J. Richards, S. N. Siregar, W. English, Mrs. L. W. Roth, Ruth M.
Sitoemorang, Mrs. P. M. Stuart, L. B. Ingram.
Tamboenan. Agnes Tan, C. K. Tan, German, L. W. Roth.
Gloria Tan, Mrs. S. M. Tan. History, L. A. Matthews.
Home Economics, Mrs. G. W. Curry.
Mathematics, Paul Ford.
Music, A. R. M. Lauritzen, Betty
TRAINING INSTITUTE Physical Education, Ruth Running.
Shen Yang Post Office, Box 36, Science, Paul Ford, L. W. Roth.
Mukden, Manchukuo Bindery, G. W. Curry, Leland Torkel-
Established 1923 sen.
Craftshop, Paul Ford.
Telegraphic Address: Institute "Advent- Farm, E. D. Kirk.
ist," Mukden. Maintenance, L. W. Roth.
Board of Directors: F. Y. Wang, Chair- Matron, Ruth Running.
man; W. Y. Chen, K. H. Li, K. H. Printing, 0. E. Simon.
Wood, K. K. Yang, and all the mem-
bers of the Manchurian Union Mis-
sion Executive Committee.
Faculty: SCHOOL
Principal, R. F. Cottrell (on fur- (North Burma Mission)
lough). Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Acting Principal and Manager, W. Y. School, Meiktila, Burma
Acting Treasurer, S. Y. Kwan. Board: E. M. Meleen, Chairman; H.
Preceptor, W. Y. Chen. Baird, J. W. Baldwin, Arthur Ba
Preceptress, Miss H. S. Chen. Tin, Pein Gyi, Tha Khin, Thra Peter,
Y. P. M. V. Activities, W. F. Wang. Po Shwe, 0. A. Skau.
Agriculture, W. Y. Chen. Faculty:
Bible, W. Y. Chen, Miss H. S. Chen. 0. A. Skau, Principal ; Ah Chu, Mrs.
Cooking, Miss H. S. Chen. Ah Chu, Harry David, Robert David,
Languages, W. D. Chao, W. F. Wang. Maung Hla, Myat Kyaw, Chit Maung,
Literature, W. D. Chao. Mrs. Ohn Myit, Harry W. Nisanka,
Mathematics and Geography, C. H. Hla Pe, Tun Sein, Mrs. 0. A. Skau,
Wei. Pein Yee, Mrs. Pein Yee.
Music, Miss H. S. Chen.
Science, W. Y. Chen, K. H, Li. Industries: Agriculture, Book Binding,
Vocational, K. H. Li. Carpentry, Printing.


700 N. Main St., Hutchinson, Mirigeda, via Port Moresby, Papua
Headmaster: K. Gray.
Established 1904 at Maple Plain, Min-
nesota ; transferred to Hutchinson,
Minnesota, in 1928.
Executive Board: H. W. Walker, Presi-
dent; D. J. Bieber, Secretary; C. B. 210 Figaro St., Modesto,
Caldwell, J. W. Christian, W. A. California
Howe, G. E. Hutches, C. J. Martinson, Board Members: R. C. Baker, Chair-
E. C. Mitchell, F. J. Nenno, Carl man ; J. W. Rhodes, Secretary.
Faculty: Principal, J. W. Rhodes.
Principal and Manager, D. J. Bieber. Accountant, Marian Orser.
Assistant Librarian, Mrs. L. W. Roth.
Dean of Men, L. A. Matthews. Bible, A. C. Madsen, J. W. Rhodes.
Dean of Women, Ruth M. Ingram. English, Marian Orser.
Accountant, C. R. Swan. History, A. C. Madsen.
Home Economics and Typewriting,
Agriculture, E. D. Kirk. Leola Castle.

Science and Mathematics, I. R. Neil- Matron, Lenora Slate.

sen. College Press, Leland Schultz, R. B.
Music, J. W. Rhodes. Wheeler.
Spanish, Leola Castle.
Elementary School: Lucille Haagen-
sen, Walter Werth, Mrs. Walter MOUNTAIN VIEW UNION
Mountain View, California
Established 1922
Board: M. L. Neff, Chairman; J. L.
Bozeman, Montana Jones, Secretary; H. E. Westermeyer,
Established 1901 Treasurer.
Officers: J. J. Reiswig, President; A. Faculty:
R. Tucker, Secretary.
Principal, H. E. Westermeyer.
Faculty: Registrar, Mrs. M. Mathisen.
Principal and Business Manager, A. Bible, C. H. Baker.
R. Tucker. Business, Mrs. M. Mathisen.
Registrar, Mrs. A. R. Tucker. English and Library Science, Ruth
Librarian and Preceptress, Janet Wiest.
Miller. History, H. E. Westermeyer.
Preceptor, B. M. Kurtz. Mathematics and Science, M. E.
Accountant, L. G. Cooper. Mathisen.
Music, Mrs. M. Mathisen.
Bible, A. R. Tucker. Spanish, Mrs. C. H. Baker.
Commercial and Science, L. G. Typewriting, Ruth Wiest.
Cooper. Woodwork, C. H. Baker.
English, Mrs. A. It. Tucker.
History, Harry Jenks. Elementary School, Paul Meeth, Di-
Home Economics, Beulah Smith. rector; Martha Doris MacElvaine,
Mathematics and German, B. M. Mabel Pope.
Music, Janet Miller.
(Irrawaddy Delta Mission)
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
Mount Vernon, Ohio Board: E. M. Meleen, Chairman ; W. W.
Established 1893 Christensen, Pein Gyi, A. J. Sargent,
Po Shwe, Arthur Ba Tin, Sra U.
Legal Name: Mt. Vernon College Cor-
poration. Faculty: Arthur Ba Tin, Principal;
San Chee, Mrs. Rosetta San Chee,
Board: W. M. Robbins, President; C. C. Ba Nyein.
Morris, Secretary-Treasurer ; W. B.
Mohr, Auditor. Industries: Vegetable Gardens.
Principal and Manager, C. C. Morris.
Librarian and Preceptress, Esther NARSAPUR SECONDARY BOARD-
Preceptor, H. F. Lease. (Telugu Mission)
Accountant, Mrs. Phyna Kelley.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Bible, R. F. Farley. School, Narsapur, West Godavary
Commercial, Mrs. Phyna Kelley, Mrs. District, South India
M. Plymire.
English, Mrs. M. Plymire. Board: Telugu Mission Committee.
French, Esther Bruck. Faculty: H. A. Hansen, Principal;
History, R. F. Farley. Alice Devasahayam, N. V. Jesudas,
Home Economics, Lenora Slate. D. John, 0. B. Jonathan, 0. W.
Mathematics and Science, H. F. Lease. Matthews, T. Prakasam, M. Prada-
Music, D. R. Edwards, Mrs. Maude sana Rao, C. H. Williams.
Industries: Agriculture, Cooking, Sew-
Farm, M. E. Willison. ing, Woodwork.

NCHWANGA TRAINING SCHOOL Mathematics and Science, C. F. W.

P. O. Mubende, Uganda, East Africa Futcher.
Music, L. Meredith, K. Baird.
Established 1931 Shorthand and Typewriting, E. R.
Principal: E. W. Pedersen. Howard.
African Teachers: 5.
NETHERLANDS EAST INDIES St. John's, Newfoundland
Faculty: Hazel Avery, Principal ; Alma
Opleidingsschool der Advent-Zending, Butler, Jessie Woodland.
Gadobangkong, Tjimahi, Java,
Netherlands East Indies
Executive Board: Netherlands East Put Put, via Rabaul, Territory of New
Indies Union Committee. Guinea
Local Board: Available members of the Headmaster: A. Hiscox.
Union Committee; M. R. van Em-
merik, T. Hasiboean.
Faculty: T. Hasiboean, Miss Di. L. NEW ZEALAND MISSIONARY
Siauw, M. R. van Emmerik, L. M. COLLEGE
D. Wortman, Mrs. S. Wortman.
Longburn, New Zealand
Elementary School: L. Ritonga, C. Established 1907
Vortman, A. Waworoendeng.
Board: E. Furness, E. J. Johanson, W.
Kilroy, E. G. McDowell, B. McMahon,
H. G. Moulds, C. S. Palmer, C. H.
Packwood Haugh, Packwood, near Hock- Faculty: C. S. Palmer, Principal; H.
ley Heath, Warwickshire, England Collett, H. Fisher, F. Gifford, Miss B.
Gorrell, Miss M. Parker, V. Pascoe,
Established 1901 C. Sawyer, Miss J. Thrift, Miss N.
Board of Directors: G. W. Baird, W. T. Timmins.
Bartlett, E. E. Craven, W. L. Em-
merson, J. Harker, J. M. Howard,
S. G. Hyde, R. S. Joyce, G. D. King,
N. H. Knight, H. W. Lowe, J. A. NORTH CHINA TRAINING
McMillan, W. G. C. Murdoch, J. INSTITUTE
Rigby, A. H. Thompson. Fengtai, Hopei, China
Executive Committee of the Board of Established 1926
Directors: G. W. Baird, R. S. Joyce,
G. D. King, N. H. Knight, H. W. Board of Directors: The North China
Lowe, W. G. C. Murdoch, J. Rigby. Union Mission Committee.
Administration: Local Board: Koh Chiao-liang, Chair-
Principal, W. G. C. Murdoch. man ; Shan Lo-t'ien, Secretary ; Prin-
Business Manager, N. H. Knight. cipal, Preceptor, Preceptress, Hopei
Registrar, C. W. Futcher. Mission Educational Secretary, Fac-
Librarian, E. B. Phillips. tory Superintetident.
Preceptor, A. J. Raitt. Faculty:
Preceptress, E. R. Howard.
Principal, and Manager, Shan Lo-
Faculty: t'ien.
Principal, W. G. C. Murdoch. Treasurer, Chai Wei-ssu.
Bible, W. G. C. Murdoch, E. B. Preceptor, Shan Lo-t'ien.
Phillips. Preceptress, Shan Meng-kuang.
Education, A. J. Raitt. Japanese, Miss Toriumi.
English and Literature, M. Dorland. Languages, Chang Hsiao-hsien.
French and German, P. Schuil. Science, Li I-t'sun.
Greek and Hebrew, E. B. Phillips.
History, G. W. Baird, K. Baird. Elementary School, Chang Chien-
Latin, K. Baird. ming.


Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, IST MI$SION SCHOOL
Philippine Islands (Onsrud Misjonsskole)
Onsrud, Ullensaker, Norway
Established 1924
Established 1922
Board of Management:
E. M. Adams. Chairman ; R. R. Sen- Postal Address : Onsrud Misjonsskole,
son, Secretary; M. G. Jereos, Treas- Algarheim.
urer; A. Balinao, J. Bangloy, Q.
Cabansag, A. M. Ragsdale, J. Valdez, Telegraphic Address: Onsrud, Jess-
L. C. Wilcox. heim.

Faculty: Telephone: Jessheim 213.

Principal and Business Manager, R. Board of Trustees:
R. Senson. P. Frivold, 0. Haugvik, S. Johansen,
Treasurer and Accountant, M. G. Magnus Larsen, 0. K. Naerland,
Jereos. Thy. Paulsen, 0. Schibstad, L. J.
Registrar, B. M. Bionat. Stene, E. Stinessen, L. K. Tobiassen,
Preceptor, J. A. Bangloy. ' T. Tobiassen, T. S. Valen.
Preceptress and Matron, D. Laureta.
Local Board:
Bible, R. R. Senson, Mrs. R. R. Sen-
son. Ruth Andersen, A. A. Berger, E.
Bookkeeping, M. G. Jereos. Haug, Magnus Larsen, A. Lindblad,
Economics, J. A. Bangloy. P. M. Myhre, 0. K. Naerland, K.
English and Literature, P. B. Milaor, Oyestad, L. J. Stene, T. Tobiassen,
F. Labastida. T. S. Valen.
History, J. A. Bangloy, F. Labastida, Administration :
It. R. Senson.
Matheinatics and Science, E. G. Principal and Business Manager,
Manalaysay. Magnus Larsen.
Music, P. B. Milaor. Librarian, M. Larsen.
Physical Education, D. Laureta. Preceptor, 0. K. Naerland.
Sewing and Home Economics, Mrs. E. Preceptress, Ruth Andersen.
M. Adams. Faculty :
Shorthand and Typewriting, B. M.
President, Magnus Larsen.
Vocational, Mrs. E. M. Adams, F. Agriculture, E. Haug.
Labastida. Art, Ingeborg Bo.
Bible, L. J. Stene.
Elementary School, L. C. Cabansag, Education, Leif Kr. Tobiassen.
V. C. Cabansag, P. Medina, B. Sani- English and History, M. Larsen.
dad. Domestic Science, Ebba Larsen.
German, Gudrun Larsen, 0. Wiik
(on leave).
Greek and French, P. M. Myhre.
Mathematics and Science, A. Selso.
TRAINING SCHOOL Norwegian, 0. K. Naerland, Inge-
Ba Fu Tien, Pucheng, Shensi, China borg Bo.
(Formerly at Tsao Tan Chen, Shensi) Farm, E. Haug.
Organized 1932 Garden, Johan Lohne.
Matron, Ebba Larsen.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Pu-
Elementary School, I. Londahl.
Executive Board: The Northwest China
Union Committee.
Local Board: Chang Tze-Chien, Chia
Nevada, Iowa
Tai-Hsiang, N. 0. Dahlsten, Kao
Chieh, Meng Hsien-Ling, C. B. Mil- Established 1911
ler, Wang Chiao-Wei, Wu Tze-Shan,
Yu Ming-Yang. Board: D. N. Wall, President; J. A.
Tucker, Secretary.
Faculty: Chia Tai Hsiang, Principal;
Chia Tai-Yuan, Kao Chieh, Chen Faculty:
Wen-Tien, Djeng Hsuei-ming, Meng Principal, J. A. Tucker.
Hsien-Ling, Swen Teh-Jen, T'an Preceptor, J. R. Siebenlist.
Wei-luen, Wu Tze-Shan. Preceptress, Victoria Larsen.

Accountant, I. E. Anunsen. OHNDAW ELEMENTARY BOARD-

Bible, A. E. Axelson.
Commercial, I. E. Anunsen. (Tenassarim Local Mission)
English, Victoria Larsen, L. L. Nel-
son. Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
History, J. A. Tucker. Ohn Daw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton
Home Economics, Mrs. M. E. Smith. District, Burma
Manual Training, M. E. Smith.
Mathematics, L. L. Nelson, M. E. Board: E. M. Meleen, Chairman; H.
Smith. Baird, Ohn Bwint, Tha Khin, Tun
Science and German, J. R. Siebenlist. Maung, Thra Peter.
Spanish, Victoria Larsen.
Faculty: Tha Khin, Principal; David,
Broomshop, S. B. Alexander. Nelly, Samson.
Farm, Otho Kirk..
Matron, Mrs. M. E. Smith. Industries: Agriculture, Compound-
Printing, R. E. Lynn. cleaning, Cooking, Timber, Wood-cut-


(For Colored)
Huntsville, Alabama
Oshawa, Ontario
Established 1896
Established 1912 ; Incorporated Dec. 20,
Board of Trustees: J. K. Jones, Chair- 1920
man ; J. L. Moran, Secretary T. T.
Frazier, Treasurer ; C. V. Anderson, General Board: W. B. Ochs, Chairman ;
R. L. Benton, J. G. Dasent, Carl H. A. Shepard, Secretary; E. A.
Dent, H. J. Detwiler, L. E. Ford, C. Beavon, A. Clark, W. A. Clemenson,
0. Franz, F. S. Keitts, A. Knight, C. W. Degering, E. S. Humann,
H. A. Morrison, J. J. Nethery, G. E. H. M. Johnson, C. G. Maracle, A. E.
Peters, M. L. Rice, T. M. Rowe, C. Millner, C. L. Paddock, D. N. Reiner,
A. Russell, W. G. Turner, J. H. Wag- W. Roberts, C. W. Shankel, J. A.
ner, H. W. Walker, H. M. Walton, Toop, S. G. White.
A. E. Webb, W. H. Williams.
Local Board: W. B. Ochs, Chairman;
Administration: A. E. Millner, Vice-Chairman; C.
President and Manager, J. L. Moran. W. Shankel, Secretary ; J. C. Neither-
Treasurer and Accountant, T. T. cut, C. L. Paddock, D. N. Reiner, H.
Frazier. A. Shepard, N. J. Wagar.
Registrar, N. E. Ashby.
Librarian, 0. A. Taylor. Faculty:
Dean of Men, W. C. Webb. Principal and Manager, C. W. Shan-
Dean of Women, Inez Lang. kel.
Normal Director, N. E. Burrell. Treasurer, N. C. Taylor.
Matron, M. G. Gresham. Registrar, Agnes M. Severson.
Faculty: Dean of Men, H. F. Christie.
Dean of Women, Verda A. Deer.
President, J. L. Moran.
Bible, C. E. Mosely. Bible, C. 0. Smith.
Commercial, Charles Galley. Commerce, N. C. Taylor.
Education, N. E. Burrell. English, H. W. Taylor.
English, M. B. Johnson. French, A. Le Coultre.
History, N. E. Ashby, 0. B. Edwards. History, C. 0. Smith.
Language, N. E. Ashby. Home Economics, A. Severson.
Mathematics and Science, L. E. John- Mathematics, Verda A. Deer.
son. Music, Daisy Dingwall-Marsden,
Music, 0. B. Edwards. Malvina Zachery Taylor.
Nursing Science, H. F. Christie.
Dairy and Mechanics, E. U. Carter. Science, H. F. Christie, C. W. Shan-
Farm, D. L. Crosby. kel.
Laundry and Store, E. I. Cunning-
ham. Farm, H. Lofthouse.
Matron, Mrs. A. Vickers.
Elementary School, N. E. Burrell, Wood Factory, N. J. Wagar.
Principal ; Mrs. A. Bailey, Mrs.
Charles Galley. Elementary School, Esther Neufeld.

PACIFIC UNION COLLEGE Home Economics, Lydia Kime-Wolf-

kill, Doris Carlsen.
Angwin, Napa County, California Library Science, Berna S. Sutton.
Established 1909 Machine Shop, H. C. White.
Mathematics, H. M. Lashier.
Music, N. E. Paulin, lvalyn Law-
Legal Name: Pacific Union College Biloff, Gladys Manchester-Walin,
Association. J. W. Osborn.
Nursing Education, Mary Monteith.
Board of Trustees: L. K. Dickson, Physical Education and Woodcraft,
President; W. I. Smith, Secretary; H. S. Ackerman.
A. W. Johnson, Treasurer; C. E. Physical Sciences, R. E. Hoen.
Andross, C. L. Bauer, L. E. Biggs, Physiology and Health, Mary Cook
T. L. Copeland, E. E. Cossentine, McReynolds.
J. E. Fulton, E. F. Hackman, H. H. Printing, G. H. Jeys.
Hicks, M. C. Lysinger, A. C. Nelson, Secretarial Training, Grace Martin
M. W. Newton, H. W. Vollmer, D. Johnson.
Voth. Spanish, G. B. Taylor.
Typewriting, Elizabeth Anderson.
Local Board of Management: W. I.
Smith, Chairman ; A. W. Johnson, Critic Teachers:
Secretary; W. R. French, M. W.
Newton, C. E. Weniger. English, Alice C. Babcock.
History and Spanish, A. R. Monteith.
Administration : Science, H. M. Lashier.
President, W. I. Smith. Grammar Grades, Mildred Martin.
Business Manager, A. W. Johnson. Intermediate Grades, Ruth Arbuckle.
Registrar, Anna J. Olsen. Primary Grades, Lucile Lewis Tuttle.
Librarian, Berna S. Sutton. Academy Faculty:
Dean of Men, W. B. Clark.
Dean of Women, Minnie E. Dau- Principal, A. R. Monteith.
phinee. Bible, B. C. Clark.
Dean of School of Theology, W. R. Biology, G. Fallon.
French. English, Alice C. Babcock.
Director of Summer Session, G. F. History, B. C. Clark.
Wolfkill. Home Arts, Zelma Fallon.
Principal of Academy, A. R. Mon- Machine Shop, H. C. White.
teith. Music, N. E. Paulin, Gladys Man-
Director of Elementary Teacher Train- chester-Walin, Ivalyn Law-Biloff,
ing, Myrtle Maxwell. J. W. Osborn.
Assistant Business Manager, James Printing, G. H. Jeys.
Oss. Science, H. M. Lashier.
Accountant, Marie Onsberg-Olsen. Typewriting, Elizabeth Anderson.
Matron, Lysle Spear. , Woodwork, H. C. Ackerman.
Physician, Mary Cook McReynolds.
President, W. I. Smith.
Agriculture, 0. C. Baldwin. PHILADELPHIA ACADEMY
Art, Doris Carlson. 3256 Germantown Avenue,
Astronomy, M. W. Newton. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Auto Mechanics, J. E. Craver.
Bible and Evangelism, W. R. French, Board: C. W. Guenther, Chairman; J.
F. B. Jensen. R. Lusse, Secretary.
Biblican and Modern Languages, L.
L. Caviness. Faculty:
Biological Science, H. W. Clark, J. G.
Fallon. Principal, H. W. Bass.
Business Administration, H. D. Bible, H. W. Bass.
Wheeler. English, Ella May Dyer.
Chemistry, D. A. Courville. French, Rose DeBenedetto.
Education, G. F. Wolf kill, Myrtle History, H. W. Bass.
Maxwell. Mathematics and Science, Harry
English, C. E. Weniger, C. D. Utt, Fandrich.
Madge Morrill. Music, Esther Kunau.
French, Agnes Lewis Caviness. Typewriting, Harry Fandrich.
German, J. M. Peterson.
History and Political Science, A. W. Elementary School, Rose DeBenedetto,
Johnson, Mark Hamilton. Mrs. C. J. Sumner.

PHILIPPINE UNION COLLEGE Health and Hygiene, H. C. Honor,

M. A. Perez.
College Place, Caloocan, Rizal, History, E. A. Gerona, Wm. C. Wil-
Philippine Islands liams.
Established 1917 Home Economics, Irene J. Stump,
Gracia Diaz.
Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila, Industrial Arts, J. A. Villanueva.
Philippine Islands. Japanese, K. Yasui.
Mathematics, L. L. Quirante, Merle
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 1772, Manila, Silloway, C. L. Witzel (on fur-
Philippine Islands. lough).
Board of Trustees: Music, Ausil Gift-Witzel (on fur-
lough), R. Manalasay.
L. C. Wilcox, Chairman; L. M. National Language, E. R. Cupino.
Stump, Secretary ; H. L. Dyer, Treas- Physics, Angelina T. Ferrer.
urer ; E. M. Adams, V. T. Arm- Physiology, R. Santos.
strong, B. 0. Bautista, 0. A. Blake, Science, C. C. Morrison.
W. P. Bradley, P. R. Diaz, H. C. Sewing, Juana C. Imperio.
Honor, J. A. Leland, E. N. Lugen- Shorthand and Business Practice, Q.
beal, E. A. Moon, C. C. Morrison, G. Tamayo.
A. N. Nelson, F. A. Pratt, A. M. Spanish, A. A. Poblete.
Ragsdale (on furlough), W. B. Rif- Typewriting, R. C. Ferrer.
fel, E. J. Urquhart, R. S. Watts.
Critic Teachers, Dionisia Akyatin,
Executive Committee: L. C. Wilcox, Margarita Arriola, Mercedes Roda,
Chairman; L. M. Stump, Vice-Chair- Ester Villanueva.
man ; H. L. Dyer, Secretary ; 0. A.
Blake, A. M. Ragsdale (on fur- Industries:
lough), E. J. Urquhart. Laundry, Mrs. Dolores Brion.
Poultry, C. L. Witzel (on furlough).
Administration: Wood Factory, C. L. Witzel (on
President and Business Manager, L. furlough), R. C. Ferrer.
M. Stump.
Treasurer and Assistant Manager,
H. L. Dyer.
Registrar, Q. G. Tamayo.
Librarian, Merle Silloway. PLAINFIELD ACADEMY
Dean of Men, T. A. Pillar. 622 W. 8th St., Plainfield, New Jersey
Dean of Women, It. C. Poblete.
Deans of College of Theology, A. A. Established 1926
Douglas (on furlough), C. W. Lee. Board: M. G. Conger, Chairman, W. F.
Dean of College of Business Admin- Miller, Secretary ; H. J. Adams, H.
istration, H. L. Dyer. J. Detwiler, C. C. Ellis, Mrs. M. H.
Dean of College of Education, B. B. Ellis, R. H. Fickling, R. S. Fries, T.
Davis. A. McCoy, W. B. Mohr, J. P. Neff,
Dean of College of Liberal Arts, C. S. G. Silvers, B. G. Wilkinson, Miss
C. Morrison. E. F. Williams.
Dean of Graduate School, A. N. Nel-
son. Faculty:
Preceptor, V. G. Tamayo. Principal and Registrar, Mrs. M. H.
Principal of Academy, L. L. Quirante. Ellis.
Normal School Director, R. E. At- Business Manager, C. C. Ellis.
Accountant, E. R. Cupino. Bible, C. C. Ellis, Mrs. B. P. Wilcox.
Matrons, Irene J. Stump, J. A. Vil- English, Mrs. M. Baker, Miss R. C.
lanueva. Wilcox.
History and Civics,. Mrs. M. H. Ellis.
Faculty: Language, Mrs. M. Baker.
President, L. M. Stump. Mathematics and Science, Mrs. A.
Bible, A. A. Douglas (on furlough), F. Reynolds.
C. W. Lee.
Biology, R. C. Imperio.
Bookkeeping, B. 0. Bautista.
Economics, L. L. Pan. Redfield, South Dakota
Education, B. B. Davis, Ruth E. At-
well. Established 1902
English, A. A. Poblete, Merle Sillo-
way. School Board: H. L. Rudy, Chairman;
French, Wm. C. Williams. J. V. Peters, Secretary.


Principal, and Manager, J. V. Peters. Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A.,
Preceptor, L. D. Klopfenstein. Lisbon, Portugal
Preceptress, A. E. Kleist.
Accountant, M. C. Binder. Established 1936
Bible and German, F. W. Bieber.
Biology, J. V. Peters. School Board: A. J. Girou, Chairman;
Commercial, M. E. Keene. A. D. Comes, Secretary ; P. B. Ri-
English, L. J. Walerk. beiro, Treasurer.
History, M. C. Binder, M. E. Keene. Faculty: A. D. Comes, Principal; E.
Manual Training, F. W. Bieber. Ferreira, Miss M. A. Figueiredo, Mrs.
Medical Cadet Training, L. D. Klop- Maria Galvao Lourenco, Miss R.
f enstein. Raposo.
Music, A. E. Kleist.
Physics and Geometry, L. D. Klopfen-
Broom Shop, Don Smith. BOARDING SCHOOL
Dairy, Gilbert Bader.
Matron, Mrs. George Unterseher. (Tamil Mission)
Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
School, Prakasapuram, Tinnevelly
District, South India
Board: R. H. Pierson, Chairman; M.
POONA ELEMENTARY DAY Amirtham, J. C. Dean, G. Guru-
SCHOOL batham, V. D. Koilpillai, S. Thomas.
(Marathi Mission) E. D. Willmott.
Faculty: V. D .Koilpillai, Principal; I.
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School, Chelliah, E. W. Holroyd, Mrs. Gnana-
Salisbury Park, Poona, India poo Joseph, K. Joseph, A. Manuel,
Board: R. B. Thurber, Chairman; C. Miss S. T. Rebecca, Joy Sugirtham,
N. Abraham, P. A. Dass, A. M. Job, Y. G. Thomas, G. Vedamoney
C. H. Mackett, M. S. Prasada Rao, Industries: Agriculture, Tailoring.
Nihal Singh, F. E. Spiess, J. M.
Steeves, Miss F. Tuckey.
Faculty: A. M. Job, Headmaster; Miss
Rachel Borge, Miss T. N. Storer. RANGOON ELEMENTARY DAY
(Irrawaddy Delta Mission)

PORTLAND UNION ACADEMY Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,

68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon, Burma
9837 North East Couch Street,
Portland, Oregon Board: W. W. Christensen, Chairman ;
Bro. Donaldson, Pein Gyi, Mrs. Pein
Faculty: Gyi, Bro. Johns, Duane Johnson, Miss
E. Lehmann, Dr. Walker.
Principal, W. R. Emmerson.
Bible, B. E. Schaffner, W. I. Johnson. Faculty: Miss Emma Lehmann, Prin-
Denominational History, B. E. Schaf- cipal; Mrs. F. Mainstone, Ma Than
ner. Ye.
English, Kathleen Kemph, Isabelle
French, Isabelle Zumwalt. REDWOOD EMPIRE ACADEMY
Geometry and Chemistry, P. G. Baden.
History, W. R. Emmerson. 95.0 Wright Road, Santa Rosa,
Music, Wayne Hooper. California
Sewing, Kathleen Kemph. Faculty:
Typewriting and Bookkeeping, W. I. Principal and Business Manager,
Johnson. 0. D. Hancock.
Registrar and Librarian, Ethel Hassel-
Matron, Mrs. B. C: Schaffner. tine.
Woodwork, P. G. Baden.
Bible, Otto D. Hancock.
Elementary School, Hazel Gregoire, English and Sewing, Mable Jean
Mrs. G. H. Hibbaro, Gale Rood. Stevens.

Mathematics and Science, Alban W. Spanish, Mrs. F. G. Drachenberg.

Millard. Elementary School: Ruth Hantsch,
Music and Typewriting, M. Anita
Olinda Valega, J. J. Vallejos.
Spanish, Alban W. Millard. Industries:
Elementary School, Lawrence A. Bakery and Store, Miguel Valega.
Wheeler, Principal ; Levaughn Tar- Engineers, R. Kaerst, Juan Lapide.
penning, Marian Toews. Farm and Dairy, Americo Daliesi.
Garden and Fruit, Miguel Croce.
Poultry, A. Tabuenca.


(Colegio Adventista del Plata)
Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Medford, Oregon
Argentina, South America
Established 1926
Established 1898
Board of Management: C. G. Clymer,
Telephone: Crespo 55. Chairman ; K. E. Groves, Secretary-
Board of Directors: R. R. Figuhr, Presi-
dent ; Thos. W. Steen, Secretary ; C. Faculty: K. E. Groves, Principal; Mrs.
Becker, P. M. Brouchy, N. W. Dunn, Gladys Beasley, Lois Dorland, Mrs.
W. A. Ernenputsch, F. L. Harrison, K. E. Groves, Grace Prentice, E. C.
J. B. Johnson, E. R. Maas, G. E. Root, H. L. Strever.
Norris, L. A. Rojas, W. Schubert,
Ner Soto, J. Wagner, N. Wensell,
C. E. Westphal.
Executive Committee: R. R. Figuhr, SCHOOL
Chairman ; Thos. W. Steen, Secretary ; (United Provinces Mission)
C. Becker, N. W. Dunn, F. L. Harri-
son, E. R. Maas, W. Schubert, N. Seventh-day Adventist Mission High
Soto, J. Wagner. School, Roorkee, U. P., India
Administration: Board: 0. 0. Mattison, Chairman ; H.
C. Alexander, Miss M. H. Bel-
President, Thos. W. Steen. chambers, B. A. Howard, R. L.
Business Manager, Ner Soto. Kimble, R. P. Morris, B. Peter, F. M.
Registrar, Mrs. D. J. von Pohle. Sajid, E. R. Streeter.
Librarian, Mrs. J. D. Livingston.
Dean of Men, Victor Ampuero. Faculty: E. R. Streeter, Principal;
Dean of Women, Sara Rode. Mrs. Christo, H. Hamel, Mrs. Hamel,
Accountant, Gino. Ernst. B. A. Howard, F. Juriansz, Chaman
Principal Primary School, J. J. Lal, Akbar Masih, F. M. Sajid, Mrs.
Vallejos. Streeter.
College Physician, C. E. Westphal.
Industries: Agriculture, Farming.
President, Thos. W. Steen.
Bible, J. D. Livingston.
Carpentry, D. J. von Pohle. RUMANIAN UNION TRAINING
Commerce, Gino. Ernst. INSTITUTE
Domestic Science, Sara Rode. ("Institutul Biblic")
Dressmaking, Mrs. Ner Soto. Brasov, Stupini No. 113
Education, Victor Ampuero, Mrs.
Gmo. Ernst. Established 1924
English, Mrs. T. W. Steen, Mrs. D. Address: Casuta Postala No. 71, Brasov,
J. von Pohle. Rumania.
German, Pablo Bismark.
Health Principles, Mrs. E. Esparcia. Board of Management: D. Florea, Chair-
History and Geography, Jose Bern- man; P. Paunescu, Secretary.
Literature, Victor Ampuero. Faculty:
Mathematics, D. J. von Pohle. Director, P. Paunescu.
Music, Ruth Lust. Registrar, D. Dragomirescu.
Natural Sciences, F. C. Drachenberg. Treasurer, M. Parvan.
Radio, Gmo. Itin. Preceptor, G. Proksch.
Secretarial Training, Mrs. Teresa Preceptress and School Nurse, Miss
Rubatto. V. Boldescu.

Agriculture, T. Karschty. Bible, A. Vaucher.

Bible, St. Demetrescu. Commerce, Miss L. Eppner.
Commerce, M. Parvan. French, M. Tieche.
Cooking, Mrs. E. Albulescu. Latin and Greek, M. Mathy.
Engineering, C. Pascariu. Mathematics and Science, H. Evard.
English, St. Demetreseu. Music, W. I. Owen.
French, E. Niculeseu. Normal Training, M. Tieche.
Geography and History, E. Niculescu. Miss I. Krebs.
German, G. Proksch. Gardens, L. Vez.
Language and Music, I. Ranea. Farm, E. Bernard.
Science, D. Dragomirescu. Printing, Jean Abot.
Elementary School, Miss E. Jac.


Tamparuli, Tuaran, British North SEOUL JUNIOR TRAINING
Established 1940 Menbokuri, Outside East Gate, Keizyo,
Managing Board: British Borneo Mis- Chosen
sion Committee. Established 1939
Faculty: N. T. Sibadogil, Principal; M. Board of Directors: M. Hirayama, Chair-
Hoetabarat, G. B. Youngberg. man ; N. Matsumura, Secretary ; H.
Hiraoka, S. Hiraoka, S. Kanamori, Y.
Kaneziro, S. Kinbara, H. Kunihara,
H. Kunimoto, R. Matsuyama, Y.
SAN DIEGO UNION ACADEMY Motoe, K. Shirakawa, A. Yasumoto.
3057 G St., San Diego, California
Board of Management: M. Hirayama,
Faculty: Chairman ; A. Yasumoto, Secretary ;
Principal and Business Manager, J. S. Kinbara, H. Kunimoto, N. Matsu-
E. Young. mura, W. Nagai.
Registrar and Accountant, Mollie Faculty: A. Yasumoto, Principal; S.
Young. Hirayama, K. Kanaumi, N. Matsu-
Bible, E. 0. Westermeyer. mura, Y. Minami, W. Nagai, Mrs.
Commercial and Spanish, Neva Sand- A. Yasumoto.
English and Home Art, Zella Rine.
History, E. 0. Westermeyer.
Mathematics and Science, J. A. Mc- SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTIST
Music and Art, Stanley Ledington. Takoma Park, D. C.
Physical Education and Vocations, (Successor to Advanced Bible School)
W. B. Greene.
Established 1934
Elementary School, Lucelia Bower,
W. B. Clawson, Sarita Gillam, Board of Managers: J. L. McElhany,
Frances Ross. President; H. A. Morrison, Vice-
President; M. E. Kern, Secretary;
W. E. Nelson, Treasurer ; M. L.
Andreasen, G. W. Bowers, W. H.
Branson, Glenn Calkins, L. H. Chris-
SEMINAIRE ADVENTISTE DU tian, A. W. Cormack, E. D. Dick,
SALEVE H. T. Elliott, I. H. Evans, L. E.
Collonges-sous-Saleve, (Haute-Savoie), Froom, Frederick Griggs, G. E. Jones,
France J. K. Jones, H. J. Klooster, E. L.
Established in present location, 1921 Neff, A. H. Rulkoetter, W. I. Smith,
W. H. Teesdale, W. G. Turner, J. E.
Board of Management: A. V. Olson, Weaver, F. M. Wilcox, B. G. Wil-
Chairman ; F. Charpiot, Secretary. kinson, W. H. Williams, J. F. Wright.
Faculty: Executive Committee of the Board:
Principal and Business Manager, F. L. H. Christian, E. D. Dick, M. E.
Charpiot. Kern, J. L. McElhany, H. A. Morri-
Registrar and Treasurer, Miss L. son, W. E. Nelson, W. G. Turner.
Preceptor, M. Mathy. Faculty:
Preceptress, J. Revert. President, Milton E. Kern.

Registrar, Roland E. Loasby. Faculty:

Librarian, Benjamin P. Hoffman. Principal and Manager, W. C. Han-
Antiquity and Archaeology, Lynn H. nah.
Wood. Preceptor, Robert L. Reynolds.
Biblical Exegesis, Milian L. Andrea- Preceptress, Grace Fields.
sen, B. P. Hoffman. Assistant Librarian, LaVeta Payne.
Church History, Frank H. Yost. Accountant, Mrs. W. C. Hannah.
Evangelical Methods, John L. Shuler. Agriculture, D. L. Millam.
Greek and Hebrew, Roland E. Loasby. Bible, W. T. Weaver, Grace Fields.
Special Instructors: Business Principles, W. C. Hannah.
Domestic Science, Ethel Eitel.
Conference Administration, 0. Mont- English, Alma E. Davis.
gomery. French, LaVeta Payne.
Denominational History, LeRoy E. History, W. C. Hannah, Robert L.
Froom. Reynolds.
Speech, Charles E. Weniger and Mathematics, Science and Library,
Ivamae Small Hilts. Wallace Smith.
Music and Typewriting, Dorothy
INSTITUTE Matron, Ethel Eitel.
102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China Elementary School, Mae Painter.
Established 1933
Board of Directors: Executive Commit-
tee of the Shantung Mission.
Harvey, North Dakota
SHELTON ACADEMY Established 1903
Shelton, Nebraska
Established 1919 Board of Managers: DeWitt S. Osgood,
President ; G. J. Lang, Secretary.
Telephone: 7902. Faculty:
Board of Managers: 0. T. Garner, Principal and Manager, G. J. Lang.
Chairman ; Adam Rudy, Secretary. Preceptor, V. D. Wall.
Faculty: Preceptress, Celia Johnson.
Accountant, Mrs. A. H. Liebelt.
Principal and Business Manager,
Adam Rudy. Bible, Wilbur Holbrook.
Preceptor, J. 0. Iversen. Commercial, Mrs. A. H. Liebelt.
Preceptress, Mary McConaughey. English, Mrs. A. H. Liebelt, Celia
Accountant, Ronald Stretter. Johnson.
School Nurse, Mrs. R. W. Wentland. German, V. D. Wall.
History, W. 0. Lenz, V. D. Wall.
Bible, R. W. Wentland. Industrial Arts, W. 0. Lenz.
Commerce, J. 0. Iversen, Ronald Mathematics and Science, Edwin
Stretter. Minesinger.
English, Mary McConaughey, Ada Music, Eleanor Cowles.
German, Adam Rudy. Farm, W. 0. Lenz.
History, J. 0. Iversen, R. W. Went- Matron, Mrs. W. 0. Lenz.
Music, Ada Townsend.
Physics, Ronald Stretter.
Matron, Essie Barber. SCHOOL
(Assam Mission)
Seventh-day Adventist Mission School,
SHENANDOAH VALLEY ACADEMY Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam
New Market, Virginia
Established 1908 Board: Assam Mission Committee.
Board of Trustees: J. W. MacNeil, Faculty: Mrs. J. F. Ashlock, Principal;
President; W. C. Hannah, Secretary. D. K. Mawflang, Miss Islora Rajee.


606 E. 46th Street, Chicago, Illinois P. 0. Box 41, Aba, Nigeria, West
Coast, Africa
Established 1933
For Girls
Faculty :
Principal, Mrs. J. Baugh Pearson. Established 1936
Health, Mrs. Mary Graham.
Languages, P. Giddings. Principal: Miss M. Morgan.
Science, J. Price Pearson.
Sewing, Mrs. Orpah Williams.
Elementary School, Luvada Lock-
Collegedale, Tennessee
Established 1896 at Graysville, Tenn.,
SOLUSI TRAINING SCHOOL as the Southern Training School; re-
moved to Collegedale, Tenn., in 1916.
Solusi Mission, P. 0. Box 573,
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa Board of Managers: J. K. Jones, Presi-
dent; D. E. Rebok, Secretary; C.
Established 1928 V. Anderson, LeRoy Coolidge, L. C.
Evans, C. 0. Franz, R. I. Keate,
School Board: Zambesi Union Executive H. E. Lysinger, J. R. Mitchell, C. A.
Committee, E. J. Barnes, Peter Len- Russell, E. A. Sutherland, M. V.
galenga, Isaac Xiba Nkomo. Tucker, H. W. Walker, E. C. Waller.
Faculty: E. J. Barnes, Director, Head- Administration:
master, Business Manager ; W. M.
Cooks, Mrs. W. M. Cooks, R. L. President and Business Manager, D.
Garber, Mrs. R. L. Garber, F. B. E. Rebok.
Jewell, Mrs. F. B. Jewell, Isaac Registrar, Theodora Wirak.
Xiba Nkomo and 8 other native Librarian, S. D. Brown.
teachers. Dean of Men, Daniel Walther.
Dean of Women, Mary Carter-Cham-
Assistant Business Manager and
Treasurer, M. D. Howard.
SOUTH CHEKIANG TRAINING Cashier, Eric Lundquist.
INSTITUTE Matron, Norma Lou Rhodes.
Wenchow, Chekiang, China Nurses, Edythe Cobet-Williams, W.
E. Williams.
Organised 1920
Faculty :
Faculty: Chen Yu-Shih, Principal; R. H. ' President, D. E. Rebok.
Dinsbier, Business Manager ; T. T. Bible, P. E. Quimby.
Chang, D. S. Chiang, F. Y. Chou, Mrs. Biology, J. 0. Jones, Mary Carter-
R. H. Dinsbier, S. Wu. Champion.
Business Administration, R. K. Boyd,
Elsie Ortner-Johnson
Chemistry, J. 0. Jones, Ola K. Gant
South Lancaster, Massachusetts English and Literature, Maude I.
Jones, D. C. Ludington.
Established 1882 Expression, Olive Rogers-Batson.
Greek, H. E. Snide.
Board of Trustees: Same as Atlantic History, H. E. Snide,' Daniel Walther.
Union College. Home Economics, NorMa Lou Rhodes,
Faculty: Ola K. Gant (on leave).
Mathematics, Mary Carter-Champion,
Principal, L. G. Sevrens. G. J. Nelson, Maude I. Jones.
Bible, P. C. Jaynes. Modern Languages, Mary Holder-
Commercial, Mrs. E. H. Capman. Dietel.
English, Mrs. V. N. Clymer. Music, H. A. Miller, Olive Rogers-
French, Mrs. P. W. Churchward. Batson.
History, Rowena Pardon. Nursing Education, Edythe Cobet-
Mathematics, R. 0. Lamont. Williams.
Printing, V. N. Clymer. Physical Education, W. E. Williams.
Science, L. G. Sevrens. Physics, G. J. Nelson.
Woodwork, P. W. Churchward. Teacher Training, I. M. Gish.

Elementary Supervisors, Olivia Brick- SPICER JUNIOR COLLEGE

man-Dean, Nellie Ferree. (Division Institution)
Spicer College, Bangalore Heights,
Industries: South India
Broommaking and Woodcraft, J. W. Board: G. G. Lowry, Chairman; R. A.
Gepford. Garner, E. J. Henning, M. D. Joseph,
Engineer, P. T. Mouchon. F. H. Loasby, C. H. Mackett, 0. 0.
Farm and Dairy, J. B. Pierson. Mattison, E. M. Meleen, E. W. Pohl-
Hosiery Mill, D. T. Carnahan. man, L. C. Shepard, South India
Laundry, Esther Holsten-Williams. Superintendent, F. E. Spiess, E. D.
Matron, Norma Lou Rhodes. Thomas.
Printing, A. N. Hall.
Principal, Business Manager and
Treasurer, E. W. Pohlman.
Registrar and Supervisor Girls' Dormi-
tory, Mrs. Pohlman.
Preceptor, M. I. Pakkianathan.
SOUTHWESTERN JUNIOR Preceptress, Ellen Koilpillai.
COLLEGE Accountant, M. D. Joseph.
Bible, E. W. Pohlman, M. I. Pak-
Keene, Texas kianathan.
English and Elementary Methods,
Established 1894 Mrs. Berntson.
History, E. W. Pohlman.
Board of Management: J. W. Turner, Home Economics, Mrs. Pohlman.
Chairman ; H. H. Hamilton, Secre- Library and Bookkeeping, M. D.
tary ; W. E. Abernathy, V. A. La- Joseph.
Grone, E. A. Manry, J. L. McConaug- Mathematics and Science, E. J. Hen-
hey, I. C. Pound, E. Remsen, R. J. ning.
Roy, H. L. Shull, F. D. Wells. Shorthand and Typewriting, Mrs.
Teacher Training, Z. R. Berntson .
Matron, Ellen Koilpillai.
President, H. H. Hamilton. Printing, M. D. Joseph.
Business Manager and Treasurer, H.
L. Shull. Industries: Z. R. Berntson, Supervisor;
Registrar and Librarian, Marie Ander- Dairy, Food Products, Poultry, Print-
son. ing.
Dean of Men, I. T. Crowder.
Dean of Women, Esther Ambs.
Accountant, W. C. Robinson.
Matron, Ruth Judge. SUNNY HILL SCHOOL
Staff Nurse, Leona Bassham.
Third Mile Simanggang Road,
Faculty: Kuching, Sarawak
Established 1925
President, H. H. Hamilton.
Bible, H. B. Lundquist, J. C. Turner. Managing Board: Sarawak Mission
Commerce, S. W. Dake, Theresa Brick- Committee.
man. Faculty: W. W. R. Lake, Principal ; A.
Education, Winnie Walters-Turner. Chong, Y. F. Chong, C. G. Koay,
English, Letha Taylor. Miss Leong, M. P. Sormin, P. Tam-
History, A. E. Hall. boenan, D. Tan.
Home Economics, Esther Ambs.
Languages, D. W. Palmer.
Mathematics and Science, P. M.
Music, C. W. Dortch, Mabel Wood. SWEDISH MISSIONARY SCHOOL
Pre-nursing, Leona Bassham.
Farm, J. C. Turner. (Ekebyholms Missionsskola)
Maintenance, B. Putnam. Ekebyholm, Rimbo, Sweden
Planing Mill, E. S. Kyle. Established 1898 ; reorganized 1908
Printing, M. E. Moore. (moved from ,Dirnboas 1932)
Elementary School, Flora Moyers, Board: Alfred Andersson, 0. Angervo,
Maude Reid, Mary Woodward. A. Blomstedt, C. Gidlund, W. Johans-

son, E. H. Larson, J. Larsson, G. Faculty:

Linde, G. A. Lindsay, I. Unbiill. President and Principal of National
School, 0. E. Santo.
Faculty: Treasurer, Dermival Stockier.
Principal, C. Gidlund. Preceptor, Oscar Reis.
Preceptress, Stina Hoglind. Preceptress, L. Scheffers.
Bible, C. Gidlund. Agriculture, L. C. Marquart.
Bookkeeping and Shorthand, E. Ed- Bible, Oscar Reis, Dermival Stockier.
fors. Chemistry and Physics, G. N. Vieira.
Business, C. Gidlund. Cooking, C. N. Vieiera.
Cooking, Stina Hoglind. Drawing, Jose Reis, M. G. Santo, 0.
English and Philosophy, G. Linde. E. Santo.
History, Ingrid Albiner, Helga Hele- English, M. G. Santo.
nius. Geography, M. G. Santo, G. Denz.
Languages, Helga Helenius. History, G. Denz.
Mathematics and Science, Emma Mathematics, 0. E. Santo.
Gustaysson. Music and Admission Course, A. R.
Music, E. Edfors. Azevedo.
Swedish and German, Ingrid Albiner, Natural History and Sciences, G. N.
G. Linde. Vieira.
Physical Education, G. N. Vieira,
Delpinio Reis.
Portuguese, G. Denz, 0. E. Santo.
Sewing, Ilde Reis.
TAKOMA ACADEMY Carpentry and Manual Training,
Takoma Park, District of Columbia Jose Reis.
Established 1933 Elementary School, D. Reis.
Board of Trustees: F. H. Robbins,
Chairman ; C. N. Rees, Secretary ;
other members same as Washington UBOL S. D. A. MISSION SCHOOL
Missionary College Board.
Ubol, Thailand
Principal, C. N. Rees. Established 1934
Registrar, Mrs. Fae Rees. Managing Board: Thailand Mission
Librarian, Mrs. Bertha Terry. Committee.
Bible, H. T. Terry, J. H. Lawhead. Faculty: Puie Tonasudh, Principal and
English, Linnie Keith. Business Manager ; Miss Aree, Kru
History, E. M. Andross, C. N. Rees. Kampoon, Kru Khen, Miss Ourai,
Home Economics, Harriette Hanson. Mrs. Siang, Kru Sorot, Mrs. Surhart,
Mathematics, E. M. Andfoss. Kru Boon Tong, Miss Urit, Miss
Music and French, Joan Mead. Utai, Kru Yoi, Mrs. Yoi.
Physical Education and Woodwork,
E. L. MacDonald.
Printing, J. S. Cowdrick.
Science, C. T. Jones. UNION COLLEGE
Spanish, P. de F. Henderson. College View Station, Lincoln, Nebraska
Typewriting, Mrs. Margie Kemmerer.
Established 1891
Board of Trustees: The presidents of
the following conferences: Central
TAQUARA ACADEMY Union, Northern Union, Southwestern
(Giniisio Adventists) Union, Nebraska, Missouri, Kansas,
Ginasio Adventista, Taquara, Rio Colorado, Minnesota, North Dakota,
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South South Dakota, Iowa, and Oklahoma ;
America the educational secretaries of the
Central, Northern, and Southwestern
Established 1937 Union Conferences; the secretary-
treasurers of the Central and North-
Executive Committee: G. Streithorst, ern Union Conferences; the presi-
President; 0. E. Santo, Secretary; dent of Union College; the president
L. C. Marquart, Oscar dos Reis, Der- of Southwestern Junior College; M.
mival Stockier. E. Carlson, H. C. Hartman, J. M.
Board of Managers: G. Streithorst, Howell, F. J. Nenno, G. A. Williams.
President ; J. A. Krueger, S. Kuempel, Executive Committee: N. C. Wilson,
0. E. Santo, Galdino N. Vieira. Chairman ; A. H. Rulkoetter, Secre-

tary ; M. V. Campbell, G. F. Eich- UNION COLLEGE ACADEMY

man, 0. T. Garner, H. C. Hartman, Faculty:
J. M. Howell, J. L. McConaughey,
F. W. Schnepper. Principal, F. E. Bresee.
Bible, F. E. Bresee, Esther Sonnen-
Administration : berg.
President, A. H. Rulkoetter. Business, Ray W. Fowler.
Dean and Personnel Director, J. M. English, Elizabeth Cowdrick.
Howell. Foreign Language, Esther Sonnen-
Business Manager and Treasurer, H. berg.
C. Hartman. History, F. E. Bresee.
Registrar, Ruby E. Lea. Home Economics, Anne Devnich
Librarian, Floda Smith. Dunn.
Dean of Men, J. P. Laurence. Mathematics and. Science, A. D.
Dean of Women, Pearl L. Rees. Holmes.
Director of Summer Session, E. N. Music, C. C. Engel, Maudie Hartman.
Dick. Physics, Robert W. Woods.
Principal Academy, F. E. Bresee. Typewriting, Irma Watt.
Director of Boarding Hall, Eunice
Accountant, H. L. Keene.
Faculty: Union Springs, New York
President, A. H. Rulkoetter. Established 1921
Bible and Religion, L F. Blue, J. W.
Rowland. Faculty:
Biblical Languages, J. N. Anderson. Principal and Business Manager, E.
Biology, F. L. Marsh, Eunice Kelly- A. Robertson.
Greene. Librarian, Mrs. E. W. Nelson.
Business Administration and Eco- Preceptor, E. W. Nelson.
nomics, R. W. Fowler. Preceptress, Eunice Ekstrom.
Chemistry, G. C. Jorgensen, John Accountant, R. G. Hunt.
Christensen. Bible, R. T. Minesinger.
Education, J. M. Howell, E. M. Cad- Biology, W. A. Sowers.
wallader, F. E. Bresee, A. D. Bookkeeping, E. L. Van Sanford.
Holmes. Domestic Science, Estella Hills.
English, L. W. Cobb, Hilda Boettcher English, Mrs. E. L. Van Sanford.
Hagstatz, Gertrude B. Rulkoetter. French and Expression, Eunice Ek-
German, H. G. Reinmuth. strom.
History and Political Science, E. N. History, R. T. Minesinger, E. A.
Dick, G. D. Hagstotz, J. P. Lau- Robertson.
rence. Mathematics and Chemistry, E. W.
Home Economics, May Stanley, Ann Nelson.
Devnich Dunn. Music, Mrs. R. T. Minesinger.
Mathematics, E. B. Ogden. Shorthand and Typewriting, R. G.
Medical Cadet Corps Training, Wal- Hunt.
ter Crawford.
Music, C. C. Engel, Estelle W. Kiehn- Farm, W. A. Sowers.
hoff, Perry Beach, Maudie Hart- Matron, Estella Hills.
man. Printing, E. L. Van Sanford.
Nursing Education and Health, Doro-
thy Sampson.
Physics, R. W. Woods.
Romance Languages, Pearl L. Hall. VALLEY GRANDE ACADEMY
Secretarial Training, Irma V. Watt. Weslaco, Texas.
Supervisory Teachers in Elementary Board: H. R. Beckner, Chairman.
Demonstration School, Maurine
Peterson, Frances Stoddard, George Faculty: Carl Franz, .Principal; Mrs.
Stone. Carl Franz, Mrs. Alna Grant, Hilda
Fern Remley.
Bookbinding, E. E. Hagen.
Farm and Dairy, J. E. Stout. Vatu Vonu, Buca Bay, Vanua
Laundry, V. S. Dunn. Levu, Fiji
Power and Maintenance, F. R. Established 1932
Printing, J. B. Krauss. Headmaster: S. C. Pennington,
Woodworking, R. J. DeVice. Assistant: Miss J. Mitchell.

VINCENT HILL SCHOOL AND G. S. Belleau, G. W. Bowers, L. E.

JUNIOR COLLEGE Esteb, H. C. Kephart, H. C. Klement,
E. L. Neff, W. B. Ochs, F. W. Peter-
(Division Institution) son, J. J. Reiswig, C. A. Scriven.
Vincent Hill School, Mussoorie, U. P.,
India Officers of the Board: E. L. Neff, Chair-
Established 1911 man; G. W. Bowers, Secretary; F.
W. Peterson, Treasurer.
Board: G. G. Lowry, Chairman; B. G.
Butherus, R. A. Garner, J. M. Hnaty- Administration :
shyn, F. H. Loasby, 0. 0. Mattison, President, G. W. Bowers.
E. M. Meleen, G. A. Nelson, E. W. Business Manager, F. W. Peterson.
Pohlman, L. C. Shepard, South India Registrar, Irene Smith Black.
Superintendent, F. E. Spies, J. M. Librarian, Mollie Lay Sittner.
Steeves, A. F. Tarr, E. D. Thomas. Dean of Men, L. B. Losey.
Dean of Women, Dorothy Foreman.
Principal of Academy, E. K. Vande
Principal and Treasurer, R. A. Gar- Vere.
ner. Student Welfare and Personnel, H.
Registrar, R. E. Rice. R. Sittner.
Librarian, W. C. Mackett. Accountant, Mrs. M. Aplington.
Preceptor, B. G. Butherus. Physician, J. E. Potts.
Preceptress, R. Meister.
Accountant and Bookkeeper, I). E. College Faculty:
Martins. President, G. W. Bowers.
Medical Officer, Dr. Dunbar. Agriculture, L. B. Losey.
Small Boys' Matron, Miss L. Baird. Ancient Languages and Antiquities,
Small Girls' Matron, Mrs. Tancred. Holger' Lindsjo.
Bible, R. A. Garner, M. 0. Manley. Art, Lulu Hill Miller.
Bookkeeping, D. E. Martins. Bible, F. M. Burg, Vernon E. Hender-
English, Mrs. B. G. Butherus, W. C. shot, Virgil Becraft, J. I. Robison.
Mackett. Biology, Veda S. Marsh, Ernest
French, W. C. Mackett. Booth.
Geography, R. E. Rice. Business Administration, E. S. Cub-
History, W. C. Mackett, M. 0. Man- ley, Myrtle M. Walker.
ley. Chemistry, G. W. Bowers, C. E.
Journalism, Mrs. B. G. Butherus. Thurston.
Mathematics, B. G. Butherus, R. E. Education, H. R. Sittner, Alice Neil-
Rice. sen.
Music, Mrs. R. A. Garner, Miss B. English, T. A. Little, K. A. Apling-
Jelowitz. ton, Richard B. Lewis, Dorothy
Public Speaking, M. 0. Manley. Foreman, Helen Foreman Little.
Science, B. G. Butherus. History, P. W. Christian.
Sewing, Cooking, and Homecraft, Mrs. Home Economics, Daisy Schluntz.
Owens. Library Science, Mollie Lay Sittner.
Shorthand and Typewriting, Mrs. N. Mathematics, R. M. Davidson.
Ritchie Modern Languages, Agnes L. Soren-
Teacher Training, Miss R. Meister. son.
Urdu, C. Biswas. Music, Victor Johnson, S. K. Gernet,
John T. Hamilton, Anna Pierce,
Bakery, D. E. Martinz. Stanley Walker.
Food Matron, Mrs. Owens. Physical Education, Orason L. Brin-
Gardening, M. 0. Manley. ker.
Handicraft, R. E. Rice. Physics, G. G. Kretschmar.
Hospital Matrons, Mrs. W. Mackett, Speech, R. B. Lewis.
Mrs. F. Tomlinson. Teacher Training, Alice Neilsen.
Intermediate College, Mrs. R. A. School of Theology:
President, G. W. Bowers.
Elementary School, Miss L. Baird, Deans, F. M. Burg, Vernon E. Hender-
Miss A. Belchambers, Mrs. R. E. shot.
Rice, Mrs. Tancred. Ancient Languages and Antiquities,
Holger Lindsjo.
Applied Theology, V. E. Hendershot,
J. I. Robison.
WALLA WALLA COLLEGE Bible, F. M. Burg. V. E. Hendershot,
College Place, Washington Virgil Becraft.
Established 1892 School of Music:
Board of Trustees: V. G. Anderson, Director, Victor Johnson.

Piano, Sterling K. Gernet, Stanley rison, J. P. Neff, C. C. Pulver, F. H.

Walker. Robbins, 13. G. Wilkinson.
Pipe Organ, Stanley Walker.
Theory, Sterling K. Gernet, Victor Administration:
Violin, Victor Johnson. President, B. G. Wilkinson.
Voice, John T. Hamilton, Anna Junior Dean, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
Pierce. Business Manager, C. C. Pulver.
Registrar, Blanche Black-Ost.
Librarian, T. G. Weis.
Academy Faculty: Dean of Men, Walter Oct.
Principal, E. K. Vande Vere. Dean of Women, Minnie E. Abray.
Bible, W. S. Boynton. Associate Dean of Women, Maybelle
Commerce and Language, H. Sonnen- Vandermark.
berg. Physician, D. Josephine Walworth-
English, Lillian Beatty. Furness.
History, E. K. Vande Vere. Director of Cafeteria,
Mathematics and Science, Violet Nurses, Ella May Stoneburner,
Scott. Pauline Wendell.
Accountant and Cashier, Martin
Elementary School: Kemmerer.
Ethel A. Johnson, Eleanor Marks
Lindsjo, Bernice E. Searle, Mavis Faculty:
Smith. President, G. B. Wilkinson.
Art, T. K. Martin.
Vocational: Bible, L. A. Semmens, H. T. Terry.
Superintendent, F. W. Peterson. Biology, F. H. Quimby, Eleanor
Auto Mechanics, F. M. Schiller. Chemistry, Robert Lay, E. C. Blue.
Baking, Frank Gibbon.
Bindery, Hartley Ludden. Commerce, S. W. Tymeson, Minnie
Farm, E. 0. Becker. E. Abray.
Heat and Light, William Merkel. Education, Mrs. Vera Morrison.
Laundry, Mrs. E. A. Haggett. Elementary Education, Lorena Wil-
Matron, Kathleen Keen Zolber. English, P. T. Gibbs, L. F. Thiel.
Printing, R. L. Collins. History, A. W. Werline (on leave),
Store, John Bauer, Jr.
Woodwork and Carpentry, H. F. W. J. McComb, F. 0. Rittenhouse.
Ernmerson. Home Economics and Dietetics, Har-
riette Hanson.
Library Science, T. G. Weis.
Modern Languages, Otto Schuberth,
L. S. Davis, P. de F. Henderson.
Music, Gilmour McDonald, George
WASHINGTON MISSIONARY Greer, Mrs. Ethel Casey, George
Nursing Education, Edyth T. James.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Physical Education, E. L. MacDonald.
Physics and Mathematics, W. L.
Established 1904; reorganized 1914 Whitson.
Political Science, W. J. McComb.
Telephone: Shepherd 2135. Typewriting, Margie Kemmerer.
Legal Title: Washington Missionary Vocational Education and Woodwork,
College Corporation. E. L. MacDonald.

Board of Trustees: F. H. Robbins, Chair- Normal Training School:

man ; 13. G. Wilkinson, Secretary ; M.
G. Conger, H. J. Detwiler, H. T. Elli- Principal, Lorena Wilcox.
ott, T. M. French, W. C. Hannah, R. Critic Teachers, Mrs. Doris Brown,
A. Hare, J. K. Jones, L. H. King, C. Grace Harrison, Gwendolyn Somers-
V. Leach, C. S. Longacre, J. W. Mac- Harris, Louise Stuart, Irene
Neil, W. B. Mohr, H. A. Morrison, Walker.
C. C. Morris, J. P. Neff, C. C. Pulver,
W. M. Robbins, C. A. Russell, W. H. Industries:
Teesdale, J. C. Thompson, C. E.
Welch, F. M. Wilcox, W. H. Wil- Bakery, Fred Toal.
liams. Electrician, L. G. Small.
Printing, S. Arason.
Local Board: H. J. Detwiler, C. V. Store, Frank Detwiler.
Leach, C. S. Longacre, H. A. Mor- Woodwork, Jesse 0. Gibson.

WATERLOO TRAINING SCHOOL Cable Address: "Adventist," Mande-

ville, Jamaica.
Sierra Leone, West Africa
Board of Directors: W. E. Murray,
Established 1909 Chairman ; M. J. Sorenson, Secretary ;
Board of Management: The Mission W. E. Atkin, J. W. Cole, A. It.
Committee. Haig, W. S. Nation, A. H. Roth, A.
C. Stockhausen, E. W. Storing, F.
Faculty: H. Rasmussen, Principal and S. Thompson.
Industrial Director ; A. 0. Kennick,
S. M. Sanko, J. B. Terry, D. B. Local Board: W. E. Atkin, Chairman;
Thomas. M. J. Sorenson, Secretary; W. A.
Holgate, A. C. Stockhausen, F. S.
WEST AUSTRALIAN MISSIONARY President, Manager and Treasurer,
COLLEGE M. J. Sorenson.
Carmel, West Australia Registrar, Mrs. C. L. von Pohle.
Dean of Men, Alwyn Parchment.
Established 1907 Dean of Women, Mrs. C. B. Smith.
Board: W. Chapman, T. J. Dowling, A. Accountant, Miss E. C. Parchment.
W. Gersbach, A. F. J. Kranz, L. D. A. Faculty:
Lemke, B. H. McMahon, L. C. Naden, President, M. J. Sorenson.
E. E. Price, C. H. Watson. Accountancy, Miss E. C. Parchment.
Faculty: A. F. J. Kranz, Principal; Bible, W. A. Holgate.
Wm. Chapman, Vice-Principal; Miss Commerce, Miss H. Gauntlett.
G. M. Clark, Miss M. Dawkins, A. W. English, A. W. Parchment.
Gersbach, Miss E. Piper, Miss E. History, M. J. Sorenson, B. R. Hamil-
Stewart, L. S. Wood. ton.
Home Nursing, Mrs. C. B. Smith.
Mathematics and Science, C. B.
Normal, Mrs. C. L. von Pohle.
INSTITUTE Elementary School, Miss Dell Brodie,
Da Bao, Tsitsikow, Szechwan, China Mrs. M. J. Sorenson.
Organized 1932 Industries:
General Board: West China Union Ex- Agriculture and Sheet Metal, L. A.
ecutive Committee. Morrison.
Bakery, B. R. Hamilton.
Local Board: M. E. Loewen, Chairman ; Matron, Miss V. Buckharn.
James D. Wang, Asst. Chairman, Printing, C. L. von Pohle.
Secretary ; A. Fossey, Julia Li, Woodwork, J. E. Brodie.
Wang Heng-Yang, Wang Wen-Tien,
Yang Djung-pei.
Principal and Treasurer, James D. JUNIOR TRAINING INSTITUTE
Registrar, Wang Heng-Yang. Pichieh, Kweichow, China
Preceptor, Liu Dz-shih. Teachers: Chen Wen-Kuan, Li Gi-An.
Preceptress, Mrs. Julia Li.
Teachers: Fang Wen-hwa, Giang
Chao-wen, Ho Wen-Djieh, Ting
Printing, Wang Wen-Tien. Near Buena Vista on the Island of
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 502, Iloilo,
Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
WEST INDIAN TRAINING COLLEGE. Board of Management: F. A. Pratt,
Coolsworthy, Mandeville, Jamaica Chairman ; James Lee, Secretary ;
Established 1918 P. S. Arriola, Treasurer; Z. B.
Cahilig, G. de Guzman, L. D. Dori-
Postal Address: Box 22, Mandeville, quiz, T. H. Jamandre, F. H. Jornada,
Jamaica. L. M. Stump, L. C. Wilcox.

Faculty: Faculty:
Principal and Business Manager, J. M. Principal and Business Manager, 0.
Lee. E. Schnepper.
Treasurer, P. S. Arriola.
Registrar, Mrs. James Lee. Registrar and Accountant, Mrs. L.
Librarian, Ruth Y. Reyes. A. Horning.
Preceptor, Dionisio Laurico. Librarian, and Preceptress, Fedalma
Preceptress, Inocenta Caspe. Taylor.
School Nurse, Mrs. P. S. Arriola. Preceptor, W. E. Eiseman.
Matron, Mrs. F. H. Jornada.
Bible, James M. Lee, Inocenta Caspe.
Bookkeeping and Economics, P. S. Bible, H. E. Weaver.
Arriola. Biology and Mathematics, L. A.
English and Physical Education, Horning.
Dionisio Laurico. Bookkeeping and History, C. W.
History, Ruth Y. Reyes. Smith.
Mathematics and Woodwork, S. S.
Flores. Chemistry and German, W. E. Eise-
Medical Corps and First Aid, Dionisio man.
Laurico, Mrs. P. S. Arriola. English, Mrs. W. E. Eiseman, Fedalma
Science, Marieta Suansing. Taylor.
Sewing, Inocenta Caspe. Home Economics, Mrs. C. W. Smith.
Shorthand and Typewriting, P. S. Music, Mrs. W. E. Eiseman, Mrs. 0.
Arriola. E. Schnepper.
Elementary School, Antonio Aguilar,
Spanish, Mrs. 0. E. Schnepper.
Enriqueta Tauro.
Typewriting, Mrs. L. A. Horning.


Granger, Washington Dairy, Poultry and Farm, C. W.
Established 1920 Smith.
Executive Board: L. E. Esteb, Presi- Matron, Mrs. C. W. Smith.
dent; 0. E. Sehnepper, Secretary. Woodwork, L. A. Horning.
ADVENT PRESS Postal Address: Caixa Postal 34, Santo
Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Kenya South America.
Colony, East Africa
Board of Managers: R. Belz, Henrique
Manager: R. A. Carey. Bergold, R. Butler, Oscar Castelani,
Board: Kenya Union Mission Commit- Quirino Dau, J. J. de Oliveira, E.
tee. Doehnert, J. It. dos Passos, D. Pei-
xoto, G. Ritter, B. E. Schuenemann,
Nelson Schwantes, I. Waldvogel.

ADVENT PRESS, NIGERIA Local Executive Committee: R. Belz,

E. Doehnert, A. Mendes, D. Piexoto,
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 19, Ibadan, G. G. Ritter, B. E. Schuenemann, L.
Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Waldvogel.
Board of Managers: L. Edmonds, W. T. Officers:
B. Hyde, W. McClements, W. G. Till. President, R. Belz.
Vice-President, D. Peixoto.
Periodical Published: Manager, E. Doehnert.
Alore Superintendent, A. Mendes.
Editor, W. T. B. Hyde. Auditor, F. L. Harrison.
(All communications to Advent Press.)
Periodicals Published:
0 Atalaia
Editor, L. Waldvogel.
CIATION Editor, L. Waldvogel ; Assistant,
(Sierra Leone Depository) R. Reis.
Organized 1930
Vida a Saude
S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Sierra Editor, L. Waldvogel.
Leone, West Africa Book Committee:
Manager: S. Broberg. R. Belz, J. L. Brown, J. C. Culpepper,
E. Doehnert, D. Peixoto, G. Ritter,
Secretary-Treasurer: A. S. Nuka. L. Waldvogel.
Publishing Board: S. Broberg, H. Wil-
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
139 ter Chemin du Telemly, Algiers, England
Manager: J. Erzberger. Established 1889
Cable Address: "Stanpress," Watford,
Herts, England.
Telephone: Garston 2271-2.
P. 0. Box 592, Jerusalem, Palestine
Board of Directors: W. L. Emmerson,
Manager: A. G. Rodgers. 'R. S. Joyce, G. D. King, H. W.
Lowe, A. Warren.
(Casa Publicadora Brazileira) Manager, A. Warren.
Established 1905 Secretary-Treasurer, J. C. Craven.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ata- Periodicals Published:
lain," Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao British Advent Messenger
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Editor, W. L. Emmerson.

Church Officers' Leader BULGARIAN BOOK AND BIBLE

Editor, J. Harker. HOUSE
Good Health Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria
Editor, W. L. Emmerson.
Present Truth Established 1924
Editor, W. L. Emmerson. Corporate Name: Knigoisdatelstvo "Nov
Progressive Volunteer Schivot."
Editor, J. Harker. Telegraphic Address: Sofia, Solunska 10.
Book Committee: Postal Address: Solunska 10, Sofia,
W. L. Emmerson, J. M. Howard, G. D. Bulgaria.
King, H. W. Lowe, A. Warren. Telephone: 2-64-16.
Local Committee: B. Kiriloff, D. Kiroff,
J. Mihailoff.
BUENOS AIRES PUBLISHING Literature Committee: D. Harboff, D.
HOUSE Kiroff, B. Nickoloff, K. Waswasoff.
"Casa Editors Sudamericana"
Buenos Aires, Argentina, Manager: D. Kiroff.
South America
Established.. 1897
Telegraphic Address: Casa Editors Sud-
americana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario
Aires, Argentina. Telephone 302
Postal Address: Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South Amer- Organized 1895; Incorporated 1920
ica. Territory: The Canadian Union Con-
Telephone: 31 Florida (741).
Board of Directors: E. A. Beavon, A.
Board of Managers: Carl Becker, P. M. Clark, W. A. Clemenson, C. W. Deg-
Brouchy, J. C. Culpepper, E. M. Davis, ering, E. S. Humann, H. M. Johnson,
W. E. Ernenputsch, M. I. Fayard, A. E. Miliner, J. C. Neithercut, W. B.
R. R. Figuhr, F. L. Harrison, J. B. Ochs, C. L. Paddock, D. N. Reiner,
Johnson, L. D. Minner, F. B. Moore, Dr. Roberts, C. W. Shankel, H. A.
W. E. Murray, L. A. Rojas, W. Shepard, John Toop, S. G. White.
Schubert, Niels Wensell.
Local Executive Committee: J. B. John- President, W. B. Ochs.
son, Chairman ; S. Ferri, Secretary ; Vice-President, A. E. Miliner.
S. A. Ayvazian, Edgar Brooks, M. I. Secretary-Treasurer, C. L. Paddock.
Fayard, P. S. Galy.
Department. Managers:
Officers: Book and Periodical Department,
President, R. R. Figuhr. C. L. Paddock.
Vice-President, F. L. Harrison. Periodicals Published:
Secretary-Treasurer and Manager,
J. B. Johnson. Canadian Watchman Magazine
Superintendent, P. S. Galy. Editor, C. L. Paddock.
Auditor, J. Wagner. Le Messager
Editor, A. LeCoultre.
Periodicals Published:
El Atalaya
Editor, M. I. Fayard.
Editor, H. J. Peverini. ASSOCIATION
La Revista Adventists College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
Editor, Edgar Brooks.
Established 1900
Book Committee: J. B. Johnson, Chair-
man ; M. I. Fayard, Secretary ; Edgar Board of Trustees: N. C. Wilson, Presi-
Brooks, P. M. Brouchy, J. C. Culpep- dent ; D. D. Rees, Secretary ; F. W.
per, W. W. Ernenputsch, Daniel Ham- Schnepper, Treasurer ; H. T. Elliott,
merly, W. E. Murray, H. Peverini, W. E. Nelson, J. J. Nethery, E. H.
Walter Schubert. Oswald, M. L. Rice, W. G. Turner.


President, N. C. Wilson. Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Estonia
Secretary, D. D. Rees.
Treasurer, F. W. Schnepper. Established 1922
Periodicals Published: Corporate Name: S. P. A. Eesti Liidu
The Christian Record, a monthly mag- kirjandusladu.
azine for the blind. Board: Estonian Conference Committee.
The Christian Record Sabbath School
Monthly, containing the denomina- Officers:
tional lessons. Manager, M. Barengrub.
The Bible Expositor, dealing more Treasurer, A. Kallaste.
particularly with doctrinal subjects. Periodicals Published:
The Children's Friend, a monthly Juhised Noortele
journal in Braille for children on Editor, V. Suve.
the order of Our Little Friend. Meie Aeg
The first three of these publications Editor, M. Barengrub ; Associate,
are printed in Revised Braille and New H. Pilt.
York Point types and all are furnished Misjoniteated
free to the blind who desire them. Editor, M. Barengrub ; Associate,
Editor and Manager, D. D. Rees.
The Christian Record Benevolent As- H. Pilt.
sociation also has a free circulating
library department, containing denomi-
national books and pamphlets and other FIJI MISSION PRESS
books of general interest for free circu-
lation among the blind. These are sent Suva Vou, Fiji
to the reader and returned to the office Directors: Fiji Mission Committee.
franked by the government.
Superintendent: L. V. Wilkinson.


Berrien Springs, Mich. Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland
Established 1901 Established 1897
Board of Managers: Emmanuel Mission- Corporate Name: Aikain Vartija.
ary College Board of Trustees.
Publishing Board: G. A. Lindsay, I.
Officers: Heikkinen, John Larsson, Y. Miet-
Manager, V. E. Adams. tinen, A. Rintala, T. Seljavaara, K.
Superintendent, Paul Applegate. Soisalo, V. Sucksdorff.
Local Board: I. Heikkinen, Y. Miet-
tinen, K. Soisalo.
COPENHAGEN PUBLISHING Periodicals Published:
Aikain Vartija
Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V., Denmark Editor, K. Osola.
Corporate Name: Dansk Bogforlag. Siionin Ystava
Editor, K. Osola.
Cable Address: "Expedit," Copenhagen. Terveys
Local Board: E. Bjaanes,Chr. Hansen, Editor, V. Sucksdorff.
R. F. Jensen, H. Muderspach, 0. S.
Sorensen, A. Varmer.
Business Manager: R. F. Jensen. FRENCH INDO-CHINA PRESS
61 bis Route Localle 22, Gia Dinh,
Saigon, French Indo-China
Established 1939
EASTERN POLYNESIAN MISSION Board: Executive Committee of the
Malayan Union Mission.
Tipaerui, Papeete, Tahiti, Society Manager: R. H. Howlett.
Languages in which publications are
Superintendent: F. Hollingsworth. issued: French, Annamese.


Librairie "Les Signes des Temps," Budapest I., Nemetvolgyi ut 26,
Dammarie-les-Lys (Seine et
Marne), France Established 1912
Corporate Name: Advent Kiadohivatal
Established 1896 Fiokja, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi ut 26.
Telegraphic Address: "Signes," Dam- Managing Board: The Union Commit-
marie-les-Lys (S.-et-M.). tee.
Telephone: Melun 521. Manager: B. Gyarmati.
Publishing Board: A. V. Olson, Presi-
dent ; E. Meyer, Secretary ; W. R.
Beach, F. Charpiot, G. Desmet, J. ICELAND S. D. A. PUBLISHING
Fehr, Ch. Gerber, R. Gerber, E. HOUSE
Grisier, J. C. Guenin, G. Haberey,
A. Meyer, 0. Meyer, J. Nussbaum, Postal Address: Box 262, Reykjavik,
A. Roeland. Iceland.
House Committee: C. Dudragne, Ch. Manager: M. Helgason.
Gerber, H. Hecketsweiler, E. Meyer, Periodicals Published:
M. Plancon, R. Villeneuve.
Officers: Editor, 0. J. Olsen.
Manager, E. Meyer. Geislinn
Treasurer, Miss J. DeWolf. Editor, 0. J. Olsen.
Periodicals Published:
La Revue Adventiste
Les Signes des Temps
Editor, Charles Gerber. Manager: H. E. Hargreaves, Shah Ave.
Moniteur et Bulletin Mensuel 638, Teheran, Iran.
Editor, R. Gerber.
Vie et Sante (including German edi-
tion "Leben and Gesundheit," and
Flemish edition, "Leven en Gezond- ITALIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE
held") (Casa Editrice "L'Araldo della Verita")
Managing Editor, Charles Gerber. Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy
Editorial Council: D. A. R. Aufranc, Established 1923
H. Muller, J. Nussbaum.
Telephone: 42.850.
Manager: G. Fenz.
Periodical Published:
S. D. A. Mission, Box 45, Bekwai, via L'Araldo della Verita
Takoradi, Gold Coast, West Africa Editor, F. Sabatino.
Manager: J. Clifford.


Delighiorghi 14, Athens, Greece (Toa Fukuinsha)
In Charge: A. N. Stabellos. Established 1908
Address: 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Sugi-
nami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
HAMBURG PUBLISHING HOUSE Cable Address: "Adventist," Tokyo.
"Vollmer and Bentlin, Kom.-Ges.," Grin- Telephone: Ogikubo 2051.
delberg 15a, Hamburg 13, Germany Officers:
Established 1889; Reorganized 1938 Manager, R. Y. Okohira.
Field Missionary Secretary, Tetsuzo
Editorial work temporarily suspended. Kato.

Publishing Committee: Executive Com- LITHUANIAN DEPOSITORY

mittee of the Union Mission. Vokieciu g-ve 57, Kaunas, Lithuania
Publishing Board: H. Imura, Takeo Established 1925
Kato, Tetsuzo Kato, S. Ogura, R. Y. Corporate Name: Lietuvos knygu, lei-
Okohira, M. Sasaki, H. Yamamoto. dykla "Uola."
Periodicals Published: Directors: Lithuanian Mission Commit-
Kodomo no Gakuen (Little Friend) tee.
Editor, M. Sasaki; Associate, S.
Editor, M. Sasaki. "Ny Fitarikandro"
Shimei (The Message) Established 1930
Editor, M. Sasaki.
Address: Librairie Adventiste Ambohi-
jatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
Cable Address: Adventiste, Tananarive.
JUGOSLAVIAN PUBLISHING Telephone: Tananarive No. 2-91.
HOUSE Board of Directors: The Madagascar
Established 1919 Mission Committee.
Manager: R. Erdmann.
Corporate Name: Izdavacka Knjizara,
"Preporod." Periodicals, tracts, and books published
in Malagasy.
Postal Address: Vojvode Protica 12,
Beograd VIII, Jugoslavia (P. 0. Box
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Pre- (Southeast African Union)
porod, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Established 1926
Managing Board: Union Committee. Postal Address: P. 0. Malamulo Mis-
sion, Nyasaland, Africa.
Local Committee: A. Lorencin, A.
Mocnik, W. Schupnik. Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Cholo,
Manager: W. Schupnik. Managing Board: Union Executive Com-
Literary Editor: A. Mocnik.
Manager: W. B. Higgins.
Literature Committee: K. Kastl, Z. Publications in Chinyanja: Sabbath
Krdjalic, A. Lorencin, A. Mocnik, School Quarterly, Advent Messenger,
N. Slankamenac. Malamulo Tidings, Baptism Manual,
and tracts.
Periodicals and books published in Ser-
bian, Croatian, Slovenian.


399 Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia Established 1917
Established 1922 Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad-
ventist," Singapore. Codes: Western
Corporate Name: "Rel. say. Latvijas Union, Fve-Letter Edition, and A.
.septitas dienas Adventistu draudzu B. C., Fifth Edition.
savienibas gramatnica." Board: Malayan Union Mission Execu-
Local Committee: A. Colders, A. Jurke- tive Committee.
vies, E. Klotin, E. Krievs, J. Oltin. Manager: L. I. Bowers.
Manager: E. Krievs. Languages in which publications are
issued: Cambodian, Dusun, English,
Periodical Published:
Lao, Malay (Arabic, English-Roman-
Adventes Vestnesis ized, and Dutch Romanized), Thai
Editor, A. Jurkevics. (Siamese).

MAURITIUS MISSION DEPOSITORY Languages in which publications are

Librairie Polyglotte, Salisbury Street, issued: Dutch, Malay (Dutch Roman-
Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean ized), Batak (Toba), Javanese, Sun-
danese, Nias.


(Formerly Scandinavian Publishing
S. D. A. Mission, Kalgan, Chahar, China House)
Akersgt. 74, Oslo, Norway
Established 1879; Reorganized
"Stichting: Boekenhuis der Advent-Zen- Corporate Name: Norsk Bokforlag.
ding," van Weede van Dijkveldstraat Cable Address: Sunnhetsbladet, Oslo.
77, The Hague, Netherland
Telephones: 10486, 12550.
' Telephone: The Hague 554140.
Board of Trustees: A. Almo, E. Bjaa-
Board: F. Backer (advisory), H. Eel- naes, A. C. Christensen, Einar Gards-
sing, J. van Iterson (advisory), F. J. rud, C. B. Jensen, Magnus Larsen,
Voorthuis, J. Wintzen. Alf Lohne, P. G. Nelson, L. A. Nil-
sen, Trygve Opsahl, Thv. Paulsen, T.
Chairman-Manager: F. J. Voorthuis. Tobiassen, T. S. Valen, with A. A.
Periodicals Published: Andreassen, Paul Frivold, and L. J.
De Adventbode Stene as supplementary members.
Editors, J. Wintzen, H. Eelsing. Board of Directors: P. J. Olsen, Trygve
De Vriend der Kinderen Opsahl, S. A. Rasmussen, E. Stines-
Editor, F. J. Voorthuis. sen, L. K. Tobiassen, T. Tobiassen,
De Zendingsvriend T. S. Valen, with A. A. Berger, J. M.
EditOrs, J. Wintzen, F. J. Voor- Nielsen, and Di. Rost as supplemen-
thuis. tary members. Consultatives: S. H.
Tekenen des Tijds Myklebust, E. Solberg.
Editors, J. Wintzen, F. J. Voor- Board of Management: J. M. Nielsen,
thuis. P. J. Olsen, Trygve Opsahl, Bj. Rost,
E. Stinessen, L. K. Tobiassen, T. To-
biassen, T. S. Valen.
PUBLISHING HOUSE President, T. S. Valen.
(Advent Boeken Depot) Secretary, L. K. Tobiassen.
Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Auditors, R. Abrahamsen, P. Petter-
Netherlands East Indies sen.
Power of Attorney, P. J. Olsen, T. S.
Established 1929 Valen, Trygve Opsahl.
Cable Address: "Adventzending," Ban- Managers and Department Heads:
doeng. General and Circulation Manager,
Territory: Netherlands East Indies. P. J. Olsen.
Manufacturing Manager, Trygve Op-
Publishing Board: The Netherlands sahl.
East Indies Union Mission Committee. Office Manager, J. M. Nielsen.
Manager: E. Gillis. Publishing Board: L. K. Tobiassen, T.
Periodicals Published: Tobiassen, T. S. Valen.
De Werker Periodicals Published:
Union Superintendent, I. E. Gillis. Evangeliets Sendebud
Pertandaan Zaman Editors, P. J. Olsen, L. K. Tobias-
Union Superintendent, M. E. Di- sen.
redja. Norsk Advent-Ungdom
Editor, E. Stinessen.
Union Superintendent, Mrs. K. Til- Sunhetsbladet
stra. Editor, Arthur Collett; Associates,
Hakon Uggedal, L. K. Tobiassen.
Warta Geredia
Union Superintendent, M. E. Di- Tidens Tale
redja. Editor, L. K. Tobiassen.


Post Box 35, Salisbury Park, Mountain View, Calif.
Poona, India Established 1875
Established 1898 Cable Address: "Uprising," Mountain
Telegraphic Address: "Watchman," View, Calif.
Poona. Territory: The Pacific, North Pacific,
Board of Directors: G. G. Lowry, Chair- Central, and Northern Union Confer-
man ; R. B. Thurber, Secretary ; C. N. ences and the Inter-American Divi-
Abraham, J. S. Dason, J. M. Hnaty- sion Conference.
shyn, F. H. Loasby, C. H. Mackett, Board of Directors: H. G. Childs, T. L.
0. 0. Mattison, E. M. Meleen, G. A. Copeland, L. K. Dickson, E. W. Ever-
Nelson, M. S. Prasada Rao, L. C. est, J. R. Ferren, Frederick Griggs,
Shepard, F. E. Spiess, E. D. Thomas. E. F. Hackman, J. L. Jones, A. S.
Officers : Maxwell, R. P. Rowe.
Chairman, G. G. Lowry. Advisory Committee: R. R. Breitigam,
Vice-Chairman, Manager, Treasurer, J. H. Cochran, E. M. Fishell, J. E.
L. C. Shepard. Fulton; the presidents of the Union
Secretary, R. B. Thurber. Conferences in the Pacific Press ter-
Accountant, M. S. Prasada Rao. ritory in the United States, and the
Literature Committee: L. C. Shepard, presidents of the local conferences in
Chairman ; J. M. Hnatyshyn, C. H. the State of California, except the
Mackett, F. E. Spiess, J. M. Steeves, above-named members of the Board
It. B. Thurber, E. D. Thomas. of Directors.
Book Committee: L. C. Shepard, R. B. Officers:
Thurber, E. D. Thomas. President, Frederick Griggs.
Periodicals Published: Vice-Presidents, H. G. Childs, I. J.
The Oriental Watchman and Herald Treasurer, H. G. Childs.
of Health Secretary and Associate Treasurer,
Editor, R. B. Thurber; Associate R. P. Rowe.
Editor, H. C. Menkel. Auditor, General Conference Auditor.
Eastern Tidings Managers and Department Heads:
Editor, It. B. Thurber.
Tamil Nalvazhi (Good Way) General Manager, H. G. Childs.
Associate Manager, I. J. Woodman.
Editor, E. D. Thomas ; Associate Book Department, E. W. Everest;
editors, J. S. Dason, D. W. Sem- Assistant, D. A. Cone.
mens. Periodical Department, J. R. Ferren;
Burmese Kyan-Ma-Yai (Burma's Assistant, G. A. Perrine.
Health) Superintendent, J. L. Jones.
Editor, Saya Saw U.
Publishing Committee: Edythe Ayers,
Languages in which publications are A. W. Browne, H. G. Childs, J. H.
issued: Bengali, Burmese, English, Cochran, D. A. Cone, T. L. Copeland,
Gujarati, Gurmukhi. Hindi, Kanarese, L. K. Dickson, M. B. Drake, E. M.
Khasi, Malayalam, Marathi, Mundari, Everest, J. R. Ferren, E. M. Fishell,
Oriya, Pwo Karen, Santali, Sgau W.-R. French, J. E. Fulton, Frederick
Karen, Singhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Griggs, E. F. Hackman, J. L. Jones,
Urdu. (Literature is being published C. N. Lake, Ada M. Leavett, E.
in Pwo Karen, Khasi, Oriya, and Lloyd, B. 0. Maxson, A. S. Maxwell,
Mundari, but not in our own insti- M. L. Neff, G. A. Perrine, R. P.
tutions.) Rowe, J, M. Rowse, David Voth, I. J.
Book Depots: Woodman.
Burma: 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon, Periodicals Published:
Burma. Manager, Thra Saw Yai. Health
Northeast India: S. D. A. Mission, Editor, P. T. Magan ; Associate
Baragain, Ranchi. Manager, R. S. Editor, H. 0. Swartout ; Manag-
Fernando. ing Editor, M. L. Neff.
Northwest India: Regal Building, Our Little Friend.
Connaught Place, New Delhi. Man-
ager, D. C. Jacob. Editor, Ernest Lloyd.
South India: 9 Cunningham Road, Signs of the Times
Bangalore. Manager, I. K. Moses. Editor, A. S. Maxwell.
Western India: P. 0. Box 64, Poona. (Editors of foreign periodicals listed
Manager, C. H. Mackett. with International Branch, Brookfield,

Ill., and Inter-American Branch, Cris- Swedish, Ukrainian, Yiddish, and

tobal, Canal Zone.) English-Yiddish.
Central Branch Sabbath School Lesson Quarterlies in
Bohemian, English, German, Hun-
2508 Farnam St., Omaha, Nebr. garian, Italian, Polish, Rumanian,
Manager: R. E. Bowles. Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, and
Northwest Branch
Books, Pamphlets and Tracts in Arabic,
2101 N. E. Flanders St., Portland, Oreg. Armenian, Bohemian, Croatian, Dan-
Manager: D. A. Lower. ish-Norwegian, Dutch, English, Fin-
nish, French, German, Greek, Hun-
Pacific Branch garian, Icelandic, Italian, Lettonian,
Box 548, Mountain View, Calif. Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Ru-
manian, Russian, Serbian, Slovakian,
Manager: J. M. Rowse. Spanish, Swedish, Syrias, Ukrainian,
Yiddish and English-Yiddish ; and
Inter-American Branch Factory stocks in the Oriental languages.
Box 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone
Manager: A. V. Larson.
Advisory Committee: A. V. Larson, PAPUA MISSION PRESS
Chairman; Wesley Amundsen, W. A.
Bergherm, Glenn Calkins, C. P. Cra- Mirigeda, Papua
ger, G. C. Nickle, R. L. Odom, H. I.
Smith. Superintendent: G. H. Engelbrecht.

Periodical Published: Language: Motuan.

El Centinela
Editor, R. L. Odom.
Brookfield, Ill. Established 1914
Manager: B. L. Grundset. Postal Address: Box 813, Manila, Phil-
Manager Book and Periodical Depart- ippine Islands.
ments: B. L. Grundset. Cable Address: "Philipunion," Manila.
House Committee: B. L. Grundset, Factory Location: 165 San Juan St.,
Chairman ; J. C. Christensen, Olaf Pasay, Rizal, Philippine Islands.
Granlund, L. E. Lenheim, J. B. Pen- (Please do not direct mail to this
ner, E. Thuesen, C. A. Thorp. address.)
Periodicals Published: Executive Committee: L. C. Wilcox,
Deutscher Botschafter Chairman ; J. A. Leland, Secretary ;
Editor, J. B. Penner. E. M. Adams, E. W. Bahr, 0. A.
, Blake, Abdon Capobres, P. R. Diaz,
Evangeliets Sendebud
Editor, C. A. Thorp. F. A. Pratt, W. B. Riffel, E. J. Urqu-
hart, Regino Villanueva.
I Segni Dei Tempi
Editor, J. Creanza. Local Board of Management: L. C.
Wilcox, Chairman ; J. A. Leland,
Sions Vaktare Vice-Chairman; Regino Villanueva,
Olaf Granlund. Secretary; E. W. Bahr, 0. A. Blake,
Zeichen der Zeit E. J. Urquhart.
Editor, J. B. Penner.
Yiddish Magazine Officers:
Editors, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Manager, J. A. Leland.
Kaplan. Treasurer, Regino Villanueva.
Periodicals Published:
Managing Editor: B. L. Grundset.
Mizpa (Cebuan Church Paper)
The Pacific Press Publishing Associa- Editor, E. J. Urquhart; Associate
tion at its main office and two factory Editors, W. B. Riffel, Isabelo
branches, issues: Kintanar, L. C. Wilcox.
Periodicals and Magazines in Bohemian, Mizpa (Ilocano Church Paper)
Danish-Norwegian, English, Finnish, Editor, E. J. Urquhart ; Associate
German, Italian, Polish, Rumanian, Editors, E. N. Adams, Regino
Russian, Serbian, Slovakian, Spanish, Villanueva, L. C. Wilcox.

Mizpa (Panayan Church Paper) Nichol, C. E. Palmer, M. L. Rice,

Editor, E. J. Urquhart; Associate E. L. Richmond, J. D. Snider, W. H.
Editors, F. A. Pratt, L. C. Wil- Williams.
cox, E. Ferrer. Officers :
Mizpa (Tagalog Church Paper) President, F. M. Wilcox.
Editor, E. J. Urquhart ; Associate Vice-Presidents, E. D. Dick, W. P.
Editors, L. C. Wilcox, J. 0. Bau- Elliott.
tista, Jacinto Suban. General Manager, W. P. Elliott.
Pag-taengan ken Salun-at (Ilocano) Assistant Manager, E. L. Richmond.
Editor, E. J. Urquhart; Associate Secretary-Treasurer, L. W. Graham.
Editors, L. C. Wilcox, Jacinto Auditor, General Conference Auditor.
Department Managers:
Patnubay ng Buhay (Tagalog)
Editor, E. J. Urquhart ; Associate Book Department, J. D. Snider ; Asso-
Editors, Jacinto Suban, Regino ciate, D. A. Bailey.
Villanueva, L. C. Wilcox. Periodical Department, C. E. Palmer.
Superintendent, E. L. Richmond.
Undated Magazines in Pampangan,
Pangasinan, Bicol, Cebuan, and Book Committee: W. P. Elliott, Chair-
Panayan man ; J. D. Snider, Secretary ; M. R.
Editor, E. J. Urquhart. Thurber, Assistant Secretary ; M. L.
Languages in which publications are Andreasen, D. A. Bailey, H. M. Blun-
issued: Bicol, Cebuan, Ibanag, Ilo- den, C. L. Bond, L. H. Christian,
cano, Pampangan, Panayan, Panga- Lora E. Clement, E. D. Dick, I. H.
sinan, Samareno, Tagalog. Evans, E. E. Franklin, L. E. Froom,
L. W. Graham, C. B. Haynes, M. A.
Hollister, M. E. Kern, Frederick Lee,
T. J. Michael, H. A. Morrison, F. D.
POLISH PUBLISHING HOUSE Nichol, M. E. Olsen, C. E. Palmer,
("Polski Dom Nakladowy" Lim.) A. W. Peterson, E. L. Richmond,
Ul. Turecka 1, Warschau, General- J. A. Stevens, R. G. Strickland, H. M.
gouvernement Walton, G. W. Wells, F. M. Wilcox,
L. H. Wood, F. H. Yost.
Established 1921
Periodicals Published:
(Editorial work temporarily suspended.) Advent Review and Sabbath Herald
Editor, F. M. Wilcox; Associate
Editors, J. L. McElhany, W. A.
Rua Joaquim Bonifacio M. A.,
Lisbon, Portugal Church Officers' Gazette
Editor, Roger Altman ; Associate
Established 1924 Editors, R. G. Strickland, A. W.
Managing Board: Portuguese Union Peterson.
Committee. Journal of True Education
Local Board: A. J. Girou, A. D. Gomel, Editor, W. H. Teesdale ; Associate
P. Ribeiro. Editors, H. A. Morrison, J. E.
Manager: P. Ribeiro. Liberty
Editor, C. S. Longacre ; Associate
Editors, H. H. Votaw, F. D.
REVIEW AND HERALD PUBLISH- Nichol ; Managing Editor, Fred-
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Life and Health
Established 1849; Incorporated 1861; Editor, F. D. Nichol ; Consulting
Reincorporated 1903 Editors, A. E. Coyne, R. A. Hare,
Cable Address: "Randh," Washington. H. M. Walton.
Territory: The Atlantic, Columbia, and The Ministry
Lake Union Conferences. Editor, L. E. Froom ; Associate
Editors, J. L. McElhany, R. A.
Board of Trustees: F. M. Wilcox, D. A. Anderson, Louise C. Kleuser.
Bailey, M. E. Dawson, F. H. Robbins,
E. D. Dick, W. P. Elliott, L. W. Gra- Present Truth
ham, M. E. Kern, Frederick Lee, H. Editor, F. D. Nichol ; Associate
A. Morrison, J. J. Nethery, F. D. Editor, M. R. Thurber.

Sabbath School Worker yanja, Chishona, Chitonga, English,

Editor, J. A. Stevens; Associate Kiluba, Kingwana, Lambe, Runya-
Editors, S. A. Wellman, W. K. ruanda, Sechwana, Sesuto, Silozi,
Ising, Rosamond D. Ginther. Umbundu, Xoaa, Zulu.

The Youth's Instructor

Editor, Lora E. Clement ; Associate
ver, S. A. Wellman, Frederick
Lee. Warburton, Victoria, Australia
BOok Editor: M. R. Thurber. Established 1905
Cable Address: "Signs," Warburton.
Board: J. Pascoe, Chairman ; A. H. Bet-
RUMANIAN PUBLISHING HOUSE tye, Miss M. Hay, A. L. King, E. Mil-
Established 1920 ler, T. A. Mitchell, E. Parkinson, J. J.
Potter, L. Rose, E. B. Budge, T. A.
Corporate Name: "Cuvantul Evanghe- Sherwin, J. C. H. Shirley, R. Wallace,
liei," S. A., Institut de Arte Grafice C. H. Watson.
si Editura.
Manager: J. J. Potter.
Office Address: Strada Mitropolitul Ghe-
nadie Petrescu 116, Bucuresti IV, Periodicals Published:
Rumania. Health
Editor, R. M. Wallace.
Managing Board: Rumanian Union
Committee. Our Little Friend
Editor, Miss M. Hay.
Local Committee: I. Dengel, D. Florea, Signs of the Times
V. Florescu, I. Tomp, A. Vacareanu. Editor, A. L. King.
Manager, A. Vacareanu.
Treasurer, I. Tomp.
Book Committee: St. Demetrescu, D. ING HOUSE
Florea, V. Florescu, P. P. Paulini,
V. Truppel, A. Vacareanu. 515 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China

Editors: V. Florescu, M. Ionescu. Established 1905

Circulation Department: I. Dengel. Cable Address: "Signs," Shanghai.

Board of Management: N. F. Brewer,
Chairman ; Y. H. Chu, Division Home
SENTINEL PUBLISHING COMPANY Missionary Secretary, East China
Union Field Missionary Secretary,
Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape S. L. Frost, Benjamin Gia, Goh Chao-
Province, South Africa Oh, W. I. Hilliard, Kiangsu Mission
Established 1916 Director, S. J. Lee, E. L. Longway,
John Oss, Superintendents of Union
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sen- Missions, Wang Sung Tao.
tinel," Kenilworth, Cape.
Managing Board: . . , Chair- Manager and Treasurer, S. J. Lee.
man; J. G. Slate, Secretary; C. W. Superintendent, Benjamin Gia.
Bozarth, J. R. Campbell, J. J. B.
Combrinck, E. D. Hanson, J. L. Mil- Periodicals Published:
ford, L. L. Moffitt, M. Robison, A. W. An Shi Rih Hsioh Liang Dzu (The
Staples, L. A. Vixie. Sabbath School Helper)
Manager and Treasurer: J. G. Slate. Editor, Bessie Mount; Assistant,
Chen Ming.
Periodicals Published: Mo Shi Muh Sheng (Last Day Shep-
Signs of the Times herd's Call)
Editor, J. L. Milford. Editor, ; Associate Editor,
The Southern African Division Out- Y. H. Chu, Goh Chao-Oh, John
look Oss, S. L. Frost.
Editor, Mrs. G. F. Visser, Jr. Shi Djao Yueh Baa (Signs of the
Languages in which publications are Editors, John Oss, Y. H. Chu ;
issued: Africaans, Chibemba, Chin- Associate Editor, Y. M. Shan.

Book Department: Board of Managers: C. V. Anderson,

General Editor, John Oss. R. L. Benton, H. K. Christman, I. M.
Associate Editors, Y. H. Chu, Goh Evans, J. A. P. Green, W. A. Harvey,
Chao-Oh. J. K. Jones, J. E. Shultz, M. V.
Tucker, C. E. Weaks, W. R. White.
ING HOUSE Vice-President and General Manager,
M. V. Tucker.
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo, Chosen Secretary-Treasurer, W. R. White.
Established 1909 Department Managers:
Postal Address: Box 2, Seiryori-machi, Book Department, C. E. Weaks.
Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen. Periodical Department, H. K. Christ-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: "Ad- Superintendent, W. A. Harvey.
ventist," Keizyo. Assistant Superintendent, L. F. Du-
Board of Directors: The Chosen Union
Mission Committee: I. Akiyama, F. Publishing Committee: M. V. Tucker,
Kunimoto. Chairman ; C. E. Weaks, Secretary ;
Board of Management: M. Hirayama, C. V. Anderson, H. M. Burwell, H. K.
Chairman ; S. Kanamori, Secretary ; Christman, F. A. Coffin, R. F. Cot-
I. Akiyama, C. Kanemura, S. Kin- trell, T. M. French, W. R. French,
bara, F. Kunimoto, H. Kunimoto. W. A. Harvey, S. G. Haughey, Varner
Johns, 0. Montgomery, Mary H.
Officers: Moore, L. A. Semmens, J. L. Shuler,
Manager, J. M. Lee. J. E. Shultz, H. M. Walton, W. R.
Treasurer, S. S. Ko. White, W. G. Wirth, the Presidents,
Field and Home Missionary Secreta-
Periodicals Published: ries of the Southern and Southwest-
Church Compass ern Unions.
Editor, I. Akiyama ; Associate Edi-
tor, M. Hirayama. Periodicals Published:
Life and Health The Message Magazine
Editor, I. Akiyama ; Associate Edi- Editor, J. E. Shultz.
tor, M. Hirayama. The Watchman. Magazine
Editor, J. E. Shultz.


Batuna, Marovo Lagoon, Solomon
Superintendent: A. R. Barrett.
(Editorial Espanola)
Apartado 4078, Madrid, Spain


Telegraphic Address: Advent, Madrid.
S. D. A. Mission, Box 41, Aba,
Southern Nigeria Publishing Board: Mission Committee.
Manager: D. Santafe.


2119-2125 Twenty-fourth Ave., North, Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden
Nashville, Tenn.
Established 1901 Established 1895
Cable Address: "Watchman," Nashville. Cable Address: Advent, Stockholm.
Territory: The Southern and South- Corporate Name: Skandinaviska For-
western Union Conferences. lagsexpeditionen.
1111111111.1 an-

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Waterloo Training School 238 White Estate 15

Welsh Mission 124 White Memorial Hospital 276
West Australian Conference 61 Wholesale Food Branches 281
West Australian Missionary College 238 Willowvale Mission District 156
West Bengal Mission Field 173 Wisconsin Conference 35
West China Union Mission 90 Workers' Directory 300
West China Union Training Insti. 238 Workers' Obituary Record 369
West Chosen Mission 96 Workers sent to foreign fields 293
West Cuba Conference 111 Wuhan Sanitarium and Clinic 277
West Denmark Conference 130 Wurtemberg Conference 72
West German Union Conference 72 Wyoming Mission 27
West Hungarian Mission 184
West Indian Training College 238
West Java Mission 102 Y
West Kenya Mission 151
Yakima Valley Academy 239
West Kweichow Mission 92
Yencheng Sanitarium-Hospital 277
West Kweichow Prov. Jr. Tr. Insti. 238 262
West Manchurian Mission 84 Yiddish language, periodical in
Yoruba language, periodicals in 262
West Muntenian Conference (see
Bucegi-Marea Conference) Young People's Missionary Volunteer
128 Dept. of the General Conference 14
West Nordic Union Conference 291
West Pennsylvania Conference 31 Statistics of
68 Yunnan Mission 92
West Saxonian Conference
West Szechwan Mission 92
West Virginia Conference
West Visayan Academy
238 z
West Visayan Mission 106 Zambesi Union Mission Field 160
Western India Union Mission 178 Unattached fields of 162
Western Transvaal Mission District 155 Zululand Mission District 155

For Biblical and Historical

in the 31/4" x 4", the 31/4" x 31/4" and 2" x 2" sizes

312 W. Louisiana Ave. Tampa, Fla., U.S.A.

Southern African Division 146 Texas Conference 55

Institutions in . 167 Texico Conference 56
Southern Asia Division 169 Thai language, periodicals in 261
Institutions in 180 Thailand Mission 100
Southern California Conference 48 Thambani Mission Station 158
Southern California Junior College Thekerani Mission Dispensary 280
(see La Sierra College) Thekerani Mission Station 158
Southern European Division 181 Tibetan Mission 91
Detached Missions .. 193 Tibetan Mission Hospital 275
Institutions in 193 Tibetan Mission Press 251
Southern Junior College 232 Timis-Olt Conference 192
Southern Luzon Mission 105 Toivonlinna Summer Sanitarium .. 275
Southern New England Conference 21 Tokyo Sanitarium and Hospital 275
Southern Publishing Association 250 Tongan language, periodical in 261
Southern Rhodesia. Mission Field 163 Tongan Mission 63
Southern Union Conference 49 Transportation Department 16
Institutions in 53 Transylvania Conference 184
South West Africa 156 Treatment Rooms, list of 278
Southwestern Junior College 233 Tunis Dispensary 280
Southwestern Nigerian Mission 128 Tunis Mission 189
Southwestern Union Conference 54 Turkish Depository 251
Institutions in 56 Turkish Mission 197
Soviet Republics 197
Spanish language, periodicals in 260
Spanish Mission 193
Spanish Publishing House 250 U
Special Days 292 Ubol Mission School 234
Spicer Junior College 233 Ukrainian language, periodicals in 261
Dispensary of 280 Umtata Mission District 156
Stanborough Park Sanitarium 275 Union College 234
Stanborough Press 240 Union College Academy 235
Statistical Tables 283 Union College Press 251
Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute 280 Union of Socialist Soviet Republics 197
Stockholm Publishing House 250 Union Springs Academy 235
Suceava-Prut Conference 192 United Provinces Mission Field 175
Sudeten Conference 68 Upper Amazon Mission of Peru 141
Suji Mission Station 166 Upper Burma Mission Field 170
Sungari Mission 83 Upper Columbia Conference 41
Sunny Hill School 233 Upper Magdalena Mission 117
Surat Hospital 275 Upper Nile Union Mission 159
Surat Medical Mission 179 Urdu language, periodical in 262
Swatow Mission 90 Uruguay Mission 137
Swazi-Eastern Transvaal Mission Utimbaru Mission Station 167
District 155
Swedish language, periodicals in 261
Swedish Missionary School 233
Swiss Union Conference V
Sydney Sanitarium 275 Valley Grande Academy 235
Sydney San. Treatment Rooms 280 Vatu Vonu Central School 235
Syrian Mission 195 Vejlefjord Mission School (see Dan-
ish Mission School)
Venezuela Mission 117
T Veracruz Dispensary 280
Victorian Conference 60
Tagalog language, periodicals in 261 "Vie et Sante" Institute 280
Tahitian language, periodical in 261 Vincent Hill School and Junior Col 236
Taiwan Mission 97 Votaw Welfare Center
Takoma Academy 280
Tamil language, periodicals in 261
Tamil Mission Field
Tanganyika Mission
Tapo Mission District 163 Waldfriede Sanitarium and Clinic
Taquara Academy 234 (see Krnkenhaus Waldfriede)
Tasmanian Conference 60 Walla Walla College 236
Tati Mission District 166. Walla Walla Sanitarium 276
Tehuantepec Mission 119 Warburton Sanitarium 276
Telugu language, periodical in 261 Washington College Press 251
Telugu Mission Field 178 Washington Conference 41
Temperance Society 15 Washington Missionary College 237
Tenassarim Mission Field 170 Washington Mission Hospital Disp. 280
Territory of New Guinea 63 Washington Sanitarium 276

Rumanian language, periodicals in 259 Signs Publishing Co. (Australia) 249

Rumanian Publishing House 249 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Rumanian Union Conference 190 (China) 249
Rumanian Union Training Institute 229 Signs of the Times Pub. House
Rusangu Mission Dispensary 280 (Chosen) 250
Rusangu Mission District 162 Silesian Conference 68
Rusangu Mission Station 162 Simla Sanitarium 274
Russian language, periodicals in 259 Sind Local Mission Field 175
Ruthenian language, periodicals in 259 Sining Dispensary 280
Rwankeri Mission Dispensary 280 Sioux language, periodical in 260
Rwankeri Mission Station 149 Sittang Mission Station (see Shwen-
yaungbin Mission Station)
Skodsborg Sanitarium 275
S Slovakian language, periodicals in 260
Slovakian Conference 75
Sabah Training School 230 Slovenian language, periodical in 260
Sabbath School Department of the Solomon Islands Mission 63
General Conference 14 Solomon Islands Mission Press 250
Statistical Tables of 290 Solusi Mission Dispensary 280
St. Helena Island Missi-on 156 Solusi Mission Station 166
St. Helena Sanitarium 273 Solusi Training School 232
St. Thomas Island Mission 190 Somes-Mures Conference 191
Sai-Pei Mission 85 Songa Mission Hospital 275
Sala Mission Station 162 Songs Mission Station 149
Salvador Mission 115 Soonan Hospital-Dispensary 275
Samoan language, periodical in 260 South African Union Conference . 151
Samoan Mission 63 South American Division 134
San Diego Union Academy 230 Institutions in 145
Sanitariums, directory of 266 South Australian Conference 59
Papers by 264 South Austrian Conference (ace
Statistics of 289 South Eastmark Conference)
Santo Domingo Mission 110 South Bantu. Mission Field 155
Sao Paulo Clinic 280 South Bavarian Conference 72
Sao Paulo Conference 144 South Brazil Union Conference 142
Sarawak Mission 99 South Caribbean Conference 113
Sava Conference 187 South Celebes Mission 102
Savage Island Mission 62 South Central Luzon Missidn 105
Scandinavian Publishing House (see South Chekiang Mission 82
Norwegian Publishing House) South Chekiang Training Institute 232
School Journals 264 South China Union Mission 87
Schools 198 South Chosen Mission 96
Scottish Mission 123 South Dakota Conference 38
Seminaire Adventiste (France) 230 South Eastmark Conference 71
Sentinel Publishing Company 249 South England Conference 123
Seoul Junior Training Institute 230 South France Conference 183
Seoul Sanitarium and Hospital 273 South Fukien Mission 90
Serbian language, periodicals in 260 South German Union Conference 70
S. D. A. Theological Seminary 230 South India Training School (see
Seychelles Islands Mission 186 Spicer College)
Shanghai San., Hospital, and Clinic 274 South India Union Mission 176
Shansi Mission 85 South Italian Mission 186
Shantung Mission 85 South Kenya Mission 151
Shantung Training Institute 231 South Lancaster Academy 232
Shelton Academy 231 South Manchurian Mission 83
Shenandoah Valley Academy 281 South Moldavian Conference (see
Shensi Mission 87 Dunarea de Jos Nistru Conf.l
Shensi Mission Disnenso-y 280 South Netherland Conference 61)
Shen Yang Clinic-Hospital 274 South New South Wales Conference 59
Shen Yang Sanitarium-Hospital 274 South New Zealand Conference .... 60
Sheyenne River Academy 231 South Norway Conference 130
Shillong Elementary Day School 231 South Sumatra Mission 102
Shillong Mission Station 172 South Swedish Conference 125
Shiloh Academy 232 South Yungas Sanitarium (see Chu-
Shiloh Dispensary 280 lumani Sanitarium and Hospital)
Shiloh Mission Station 154 Snotheast 4f-ican Union Miss. Field 157
Shwenyaungbin Dispensary 280 Unattached Missions of 157
Shwenyaungbin Mission Station 171 Southeast Nigerian Book Depository 250
Siam Mission (see Thailand Mission) Southeast Nigerian School 232
Siamese language (see Thai language) Southeastern California Conference 47
Sierra Leone Mission 132 Southeastern Nigerian Mission 127

Northern European Division 121 Penang Mission Clinic 280

Detached Missions of 130 Penang Sanitarium and Hospital 272
Institutions in 132 Periodicals issued 252
Northern French Cameroons Miss 131 Persia, Missions in (see Iran)
Northern Luzon Academy 224 Peru Mission 141
Northern Luzon Mission 105 Philadelphia Academy 226
Northern New England Conference 20 Philippine Publishing House 247
Northern Rhodesian Mission Field 161 Philippine Union College 227
Northern Union Conference 36 Dispensary of 280
Institutions in 38 Philippine Union Mission 103
Northwest Branch Publishing House 247 Phnom Penh Maternity Home 280
Northwest China San. and Hospital 271 Pinkiang Mission (see North Man-
Northwest China Union Mission 86 churia Mission)
Northwest China Union Tr. School 224 Plainfield Academy 227
Northwest India Union Mission 174 Plainview Academy 227
Northwest Kenya Mission 150 Polish language, periodicals in 259
Northwestern Nigerian Mission 127 Polish Publishing House 248
Norway S. D. A. Mission School 224 Polish Union Conference (see Gen-
Norwegian language, periodicals in 258 eral Government)
Norwegian Publishing House 245 Polyclinic of Advent Mission 280
Nova Lisboa Dispensary 279 Pomeranian Conference 68
Ntusu Mission Station 166 Poona Elementary Day School 228
Nyanchua Mission Station 151 Poona Mission Station 180
Nyhyttans Sanitarium 280 Porter Sanitarium and Hospital . 272
Portland Union Academy 228
Portland Sanitarium 272
0 Portuguese Conference 190
Oak Park Academy 224 Portuguese language, periodicals in 259
Oakwood Junior College 225 Portuguese Publishing House 248
Obituary Record for 1941 369 Portuguese Training School 228
Offerings, Special 292 Portuguese Union Mission 189
Ohio Conference 30 Potomac Conference 31
Ohndaw Dispensary 280 Prakasapuram Dispensary 280
Ohndaw Elementary School 225 Prakasapuram High School 228
Oklahoma Conference 55 Pretoria Mission District 154
Ontario-Quebec Conference . 24 Publicity Bureau 16
Orange Free State Mission District 154 Publishing Dept. of General Conf. 13
Orayan Mission Station 172 Statistics of 290
Oregon Conference .. 40 Publishing Houses, directories of 240
Oriental Branch Home Study Inst. 215 Puerto Rico Mission 110
Oriental Watchman Pub. House 246 Punjab Local Mission Field 174
Orissa Mission Field 173
Oshawa Missionary College 225
Oslo Health Home 280 Q
Ovimbundu Outstations 147 Queensland Conference 59

Pacific Branch Publishing House 247 Rabat Dispensary 280
Pacific Colombia Mission 117 Rand Mission District 154
Pacific Mexican Mission 119 Rangoon Elementary Church School 228
Pacific Press Publishing Association 246 Rangoon Mission Station 170
Pacific Union College 226 Rarotongan language, periodical in 259
Pacific Union Conference 42 Rawalpindi Mission Station 174
Institutions in 49 Redwood Empire Academy 228
Padang Mission (see South Sumatra Religious Liberty Department 13
Mission) Rest Haven Sanitarium and Hosp. 272
Palaniappapuram Dispensary 280 Reunion Mission 185
Palestine-Transjordan Mission 195 Review and Herald Publishing Assn. 248
Palmberg Station 131 Rhenish Conference 74
Pampangan language, periodicals in 258 Rhodesia-Bechuanaland Conference 160
Panama Conference 115 Rio-Espirito Santo Mission 138
Panayan-Visayan language, periodi- Rio Grande do Sul Conference 144
cals in 258 Rio-Minas Geraes Mission 139
Pangasinan language, periodicals in 258 River Plate Junior College 229
Papers issued 252 River Plate Sanitarium 273
Papua Mission 63 Riverside Sanitarium 273
Papua Mission Press 247 Rogue River Academy 229
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 272 Roorkee High School 229
Parana-Santa Catarina Conference 143 Roraima Indian Mission District 112

Medical Dept. of General Conference 11 Netherlands East Indies Train. Sch. 223
Meiktila Dispensary 279 Netherlands East Indies Un. Miss. 100
Meiktila High School 221 Nevada-Utah Conference 45
Mexican Union Mission 118 Nevasa Mission Station (see Central
Michigan Conference 34 Marathi Mission Station)
Midlands Mission District 165 Newbold Missionary College 223
Mindanao Mission 104 Newfoundland Junior Academy 223
Ministerial Association 12 Newfoundland Mission 24
Ministerial Directory 300 New England San. and Hospital .. 271
Ministers under the General Conf 16 New Guinea, Territory of 63
Minnesota Conference 37 New Guinea Training School 223
Mirigeda Training School 221 New Hebrides Mission 62
Missionary Licentiates under the, New Jersey Conference 29
General Conference 18 New South Wales, North, Conf. 58
Missionary Volunteer Department of New South Wales, South, Conf. 59
the General Conference 14 New York Conference 20
Statistics of 291 New Zealand Missionary College .. 223
Missions, Appropriations to 288 New Zealand, North, Conference .... 58
Missouri Conference 26 New Zealand, South, Conference . . 60
Modesto Union Academy 221 Ngoma Medical Mission Station, 149, 271
Mombera Mission Station 158 Nicaragua Mission 115
Monamona Mission 62 Nigerian Union Mission 127
Mondora Mission District 165 Ninghsia Dispensary 279
Mongolian Mission (see Sal-Pei Mis- Ninghsia Mission 87
sion) Niue Mission 62
Mongolian Mission Press 245 Nokuphila Hospital 271
Montana Conference 40 Nordic Philanthropic Society 129
Moradabad Mission Station 175 Norfolk Island Mission 62
Morava Conference 187 North African Union Mission 188
Moroccan Mission 188 North Agra Mission (see Hapur
Mountain View Union Academy 222 Mission Station)
Mrewa Mission District (see Head- North American Conference Corpo-
lands-Mrewa Mission District) ration of Seventh-day Adventists 16
Mt. Ellis Academy 222 North American Negro Department 13
Mt. Province Mission 104 North Argentine Mission 136
Mt. Vernon Academy 222 North Austrian Conference (see
Munenga Mission Station 162 North Eastmark Conference)
Munguluni Mission 158 North Bantu Mission Field 153
Munguluni Mission Dispensary 279 North Brazil Union Mission 141
Musofu Mission Dispensary 279 North Celebes Mission 101
Musofu Mission Station 162 North China Training Institute .... 223
Mwagala Mission Station 166 North China Sanitarium and Hosp. 271
Mwami Mission Station 158 North China Union Mission 84
Mwami Mission Hospital 271 North Chosen Mission 95
Myaungmya Dispensary 279 North Coast Mission 142
Myaungmya Elementary School 222 North Dakota Conference 37
Myaungmya Mission Station 170 North Eastmark Conference 71
North England Conference 123
North France Crnference 182
N North Fukien Mission 89
162 North Italian Mission 186
Nadezwc Mission District North Kiangsu Mission
Namba Mission Station 147 81
279 North Manchuria Mission 83
Nanga-Eboko Dispensary North Moldavian Conference (see
Nanning, Kwangsi, Hospital 271
222 Suceava.-Prut Conference)
Narsapur High School North Netherland Conference
Narsapur S. D. A. Dispensary 279 69
165 North New South Wales Conference 58
Nata Mission District North New Zealand Conference
Natal Mission District 154 58
153 North Norway Conference 130
Natal-Transvaal Conference
Nchwanga Mission Station 159 North Pacific Union Conference 38
223 Institutions in 42
Nchwanga Training School
Ndola Mission District 162 North Queensland Mission 62
Ndora Mission Station 149 North Sumatra Mission 101
Ndoumbi Dispensary 279 North Swedish Conference 125
Nebraska Conference 27 Northeast India Union Mission 171
Neero Dept. of General Conference 13 Northeast Mission 138
Netherland language. periodicals in 255 Northeast Saxonian Conference 67
Netherland Publishing House 245 Northeastern Nigerian Mission 127
Netherland Union Conference 69 Northeastern Rhodesia Mission Field 163
Netherlands East Indies Pub. House 245 Northern California Conference .... 46

Katima MUM Mission Station 162 Lima Training School 219

Kaumba Mission Station (see Na- Lithuanian Depository 244
dezwe Mission District) Lithuanian language, periodical in 258
Kazungula Mission Station (see Lithuanian Mission Field 122
Bwengwa Mission District) Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary 279
Kempsey Mission 62 Liumba Hill Dispensary 279
Kendu Hospital 269 Liumba Hill Mission Station 163
Kentucky-Tennessee Conference 53 L'odi Academy 219
Kenya Coast Mission 150 Loma Linda Academy . 220
Kenya Hospital (see Kendu) Loma Linda Sanitarium and Hosp 270
Kenya Union Mission 150 Lord Howe Island Mission 62
Kern Academy 217 Lower Amazon Mission 142
Khunti Elementary Boarding School 217 Lower Gwelo Mission Hospital 270
Khunti Mission Station 172 Lower Gwelo Mission Station 165
Khurda Station (see Orissa Mission Lower Shangani Mission District 165
Field) Luanginga Mission District 163
Kiangsi Mission 80 Luapula Mission Station 163
Kiangsu Mission 81 Luembe Central School 149
Kikamba Mission Station 149 Lubero Mission Station 149
Kireka Mission Station 159 Lucusse Mission Dispensary 279
Kirin Mission (see Central Man- Lucusse Mission Station 147
churia Mission) Lucknow Mission Station 175
Kirundu Mission Dispensary 279 Lusikisiki Mission District 156
Kirundu Mission Station 149 Luwazi Mission Dispensary 279
Koforidua Mission Station 126 Luwazi Mission Station 157
KolhaPur Mission Station 179 Luz Mission Dispensary 279
Kollegal Elementary Board. School 217 Luz Mission Station 147
Kolo Mission Dispensary 279 Lwambi Mission District 163
Kolo Mission Station 154 Lynwood Academy 220
Konola Station 131
Korean language, periodicals in 257
Kottarakara Dispensary 279 M
Kottarakara High School 217
Kottawa High School 217 Madagascar Mission 185
Krankenhaus Walf riede 269 Madeira Islands Mission 189
Krishnarajapuram Dispensary (see Magellan Mission 136
Kanarese Mission Dispensary) Majita Mission Station 166
Kwangsi Mission 89 Malagasy language, periodical in 258
Kyushu Mission 98 Malagasy Publishing House 244
Malamulo Mission Hospital 270
Malamulo Mission Press 244
L Malamulo Mission Station 157
Malamulo Mission Training Inst. 220
Laborers under General Conference 16 Malay language, periodicals in 258
Lahore Mission Station 175 Malay States Mission 99
Lake Geneva Sanitarium . .. 269 Malayalam language, periodical in 258
Lake Mission (see Pacific Mexican Malayalam Mission Field 177
Mission) Malayan Seminary 220
Lake Titicaca Mission 140 Malayan Signs Press 244
Lake Titicaca Training School .... 218 Malayan Union Mission 98
Lake Union Conference 33 Manchurian Union Mission 82
Institutions in 36 Manchurian Un. Bible Train. Inst. 221
Lake View Mission Station 157 Manila Sanitarium and Hospital .. 270
Languages in which denominational Manitoba-Saskatchewan Conference 23
literature is issued 287 Mapani Mission Station 165
Lasalgaon High School 218 Maplewood Academy 221
La Sierra College 218 Maranke Mission District 165
Latvian Conference 121 Marathi Mission Field 179
Latvian Conference School 219 March Lusatian Conference 67
Latvian language, periodical in 258 Maritime Conference 23
Latvian Publishing House 244 Maroua Dispensary 279
Laurelwood Academy 219 Matandani Mission Dispensary 279
Leeward Islands Conference 112 Matandani Mission Station 158
Legal Corporation of the General Matto Grosso Mission 143
Conference 16 Maun Medical Mission Station 160, 271
Leman Conference 193 Mauritius Mission 185
Liberian Mission 131 Mauritius Mission Depository 245
Liberian Mission School 219 Maymyo Mission Station (see My-
Libertad Dispensary 279 aungir va Mission Station)
Licentiates under the General Conf. 18 Mbeya Mission Station 166
Liiwa Station 131 Medical Cadet Training 15

Grecian Mission 196 Indiana Academy 215

Greek Depository 243 Indiana Conference 34
Guatemala Mission 114 Institutions, Number of 289
Guiana Conference 112 Instituto Biblico 216
Gujerati Mission Field 179 Institute Teologieo Adventista 209
Gujranwala Mission Station 175 Inter-American Division 108
Gulf Mission 119 Institutions of 120
Gwaai Mission Station 164 Inter-American Branch Factory Pub-
lishing House 247
Internat'l Branch Publishing House 247
H International Insurance Company 16
Hainan Mission 88 Investment, denominational .... 284, 285
Haitien Mission 109 Inyazura Mission Dispensary 279
Haitien Seminary (see Colege Ver- Inyazura Mission Station 165
tieres) Iowa Conference 36
Hakka Mission 88 Iowa Sanitarium 268
Hamburg Publishing House 243 Iraq Mission 195
Hamburg S. D. A. Association 65 Iran Literature Society 243
Hanke Mission Station 164 Iran Mission 196
Hanover Conference 73 Irish Mission 122
Hansa Conference 74 Irrawaddy Delta Mission Field .... 170
Hapur Dispensary 279 Italian language, periodicals in 257
Hapur Elementary School 213 Italian Publishing House 243
Hapur Mission Station 175 Italian Union Mission 186
Harbin Training Institute 213
Harvest Ingathering, Statistics of 286
Hawaiian Mission 45 J
Hawaiian Mission Academy 213
Headlands-Mrewa Mission District 165 Jalirpar High School 216
Helderberg College 214 Jalirpar Hospital (see Gopalganj
Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute 279 Mission Hospital)
Hessia-Westphalian Conference 74 Jalirpar Mission Station 173
Hokkaido Mission 97 Jamaica Conference 110
Home Missionary Department 11 Japan Junior College 216
Statistics of 286 Japan Publishing House 243
Home Missions, Bureau of 10 Japan Union Mission 96
Home Study Institute 214 Japanese language, periodicals in .... 257
Oriental Branch 215 Japanese Mandated Islands Mission 97
Honan Junior Training Institute 215 Jengre Station 127
Honan Mission 79 Jerusalem Institute for Massage .... 279
Honduras Mission 114 Jowai Boarding School 216
Hopei Mission 85 Jowai Mission Station 171
Hospitals 266 Jugoslavian Publishing House 244
Htugi Dispensary 279 Jugoslavian Union Conference 187
Htugi Mission Station 170 Jugoslavian Union Training School 216
Hultaf ors Sanitarium 268 Juliaca Clinic 269
Hunan Mission 79
Hungarian Publishing House
Hungarian language, periodicals in 257
243 K
Hungarian Union Conference 183 Kakoro Mission Station 159
Hupeh Mission 79 Kalyan Mission Station 179
Kamagambo Training School 217
I Kamamaung Mission Station
Kanarese Mission Dispensary
lbadan Station 128 Kanarese Mission Field 176
lbadan Training School 215 Kanarese Mission High School (see
Iberian Union Mission (see Portu- Bangalore School)
guese Union Mission) Kansai Chugoku Mission 97
Ibo language, periodical in 257 Kansas Conference 26
Iceland S. D. A. Publishing House 243 Kansu Mission 86
Iceland-Faroes Conference . 129 Kanto-Tohoku Mission 97
Icelandic language, periodicals in .. 257 Kanyadoto Mission Station 151
Idaho Conference 39 Kanye Hospital 269
Ikizu Mission Station 166 Kanye Medical Mission Station 160
Ikizu Training School 215 Karachi Mission Station 175
Illinois Conference 33 Karmatar High School 217
Ilocano language. periodicals in 257 Karmatar Mission Station 172
Inca Union Mission 139 Karura Mission Station 150
Indian Ocean Union Mission . 184 Katanga Mission Station 149
Indian Ocean Union Training School 215 Katima Mulilo Mission Dispensary 279

Durban Indian Mission . ........ 153 Finland Swedish Conference 125

Dutch language, periodicals in 255 Finnish language, periodicals in 256
Fireside Correspondence School (see
E Home Study Institute)
Flemish language, periodical in 256
East Bengal Mission Field 172 Florida Conference 51
East Brazil Academy 209 Florida Sanitarium and Hospital .. 267
East Brazil Union Mission 137 Foochow Junior Training Institute 211
East China Union Junior Training Food Companies 281
Institute 209 Foreign Fields, Workers sent to,
East China Union Mission 80 1901-1940 293
East Cuba Conference 109 Foreign Languages, Periodicals in .. 254
East Denmark Conference 129 Forest Lake Academy 211
East France Conference 182 Formosa (Taiwan) Mission 97
East German Union Conference 66 Fort Victoria Mission District 164
East Hungarian Mission 184 Franco-Belgian Union Conference .... 181
East Java Mission 101 Franconian-Thuringian Conference.. 71
East Kweichow Mission 91 French Indo-China Mission 99
East Nordic Union Conference 124 French Indo-China Press 242
East Pennsylvania Conference 29 French Indo-China Training School 211
East Persian Mission (see Iran Mis- French language, periodicals in 256
sion) French Publishing House 243
East Prussian Conference 67 French West Indian Mission 112
East Szechwan Mission 91 Fresno Union Academy 211
East Thailand Dispensary 278 Friedensau Missionary Seminary 212
East Visayan Academy 209 Fui On Hospital-Dispensary 267
East Visayan Mission 104 Fulton Training School 212
Eastern Polynesian Mission 61 Fundamental Beliefs 4
Eastern Polynesian Mission Press 242
Eastern Province Mission District 155
Eastern Uganda Mission 159 G
Ecuador Mission 140
Educational Dept. of General Conf 10 Gem State Academy 212
Board of Regents 198 Gendia Mission Station 151
Statistics of 291 General Conference
Survey Committee 198 Appropriations 288
Educational Institutions 198 Association 15
Outline of courses in 198 Constitution and By-Laws 294
Egyptian Mission 195 Corporation 16
Ekebyholm Summer Sanitarium 267 Departments. 10
Elele Station 128 Detached Missions 194
Ellen G. White Publications 15 Directory 7
Emmanuel Mission Station 154 Executive Committee 8
Emmanuel Missionary College 209 Insurance Service 16
Emmanuel Missionary College Press 242 Laborers 16
English periodicals 252 Presidents and Secretaries 284
Enterprise Academy 210 Sessions of 283
Equatorial African Mission 130 General Government Conference 75
Estonian Conference 121 Georgia-Cumberland Conference 52
Estonian language, periodicals in 256 German language, periodicals in 256
Estonian Publishing House 242 German-Swiss Conference 192
Estonian Mission School 210 Gifford Mission Hospital 268
Ethiopian Mission 196 Ginasio Adventists 234
Ethiopian Schools 210, 211 Gitwe Mission Dispensary 278
Gitwe Mission Station 148
F Gitwe Training School
Glendale Sanitarium and Hospital
Far Eastern Academy 211 Glendale Union Academy 212
Far Eastern Division 94 Glen Grey Mission District 156
Institutions in 106 Guiana Mineira Mission 143
Faroe Islands (see Iceland-Faroes Gold Coast Depository 243
Conference) Gold Coast Union Mission 126
Fengtien Mission (see South Man- Golden Gate Academy 213
churian Mission) Good Health Association, Ltd. 268
Fiji Mission 61 Good Hope Training School 213
Fiji Mission Press 242 Gonalganj High School (see Jalirpar
Fijian language, oeriodical in 256 High School)
Filabusi Mission Station 164 Gopalganj Mission Hospital 268
Finland Conference 125 Gopalgani Mission Station 173
Finland S. D. A. Mission School . 211 Greater New York Academy 213
Finland Publishing House 242 Greater New York Conference 19

Chinese language, periodicals in 254

Chinghai Mission 86
Cafes 281 Chiu Chuen Dispensary 278
Calcutta Elementary Church School 203 Choiseul Intermediate School 205
Calcutta Mission Station 173 Choni Dispensary 278
Calendar of offerings 292 Chosen Junior Training Institute 205
Campaigns, dates of 292 Chosen Union Mission 95
Campion Academy 203 Chosen Union Workers Train. Inst 205
Canadian Junior College 203 Christian Record Benevolent Assn 241
Canadian Union Conference 22 Chuadanga Mission Station 173
Institutions in 25 Chuharkana Dispensary 278
Canadian Watchman Press 241 Chuharkana Mandi Elemen. School 205
Cancele Mission Dispensary 278 Chuharkana Mission Station 174
Cancele Mission Station 155 Chulumani Sanitarium and Hospital 267
Canton Sanitarium and Hospital 267 Chungking Medical Center 267
Cantonese Mission 88 Churches, Number of 286
Cape Conference 152 Cinyama Mission Station 157
Cape Mission Field of S. D. A. 156 Cinyanja, periodical in 255
Cape Verde Islands Mission 189 Clinica Adventista de Monterrey 278
Caribbean Training College 204 Clinica Adventista de Saltillo 278
Caribbean Union Conference 111 Clinica Tacubaya 278
Carolina Conference 51 Colege Vertieres 206
Cebuan language, periodicals in 254 Colegio Adventista de Cuba 206
Cebu Public Health Dispensary 278 Colegio Adventista del Titicaca 218
Cedar Lake Academy 204 College of Medical Evangelists 206
Central Amazon Mission 141 College Press (Berrien Springs) 242
Central American Factory Branch Colleges, Directories of 198
Publishing House (see Inter- Periodicals by 264
American Branch Factory) Colombia-Venezuela Union Mission 116
Central American Union Mission 113 Colombia-Venezuela Union Training
Central Argentine Conference 135 School 208
Central Branch Publishing House 247 Colombo Station (see Ceylon Mission
Central California Conference 44 Field)
Central China Junior Training In- Colorado Conference 25
stitute 204 Columbia Academy 208
Central China Union Mission 78 Columbia Junior College 208
Central Chosen Mission 95 Columbia Union Conference 28
Central European Division 65 Institutions in 32
Detached Organizations 75 Commission on National Service and
Institutions in 76 Medical Cadet Training 15
Central German Conference 73 Congo Union Mission 148
Central Hungarian Mission 183 Constitution of General Conference 294
Central Kenya Mission 150 Cook Islands Mission 61
Central Luzon Mission 103 Copenhagen Clinic 278
Central Marathi Mission Station 179 Copenhagen Publishing House 242
Central Manchuria Mission 82 Costa Rica Mission 114
Central Mexican Mission 118 Croatian language, periodicals in 255
Central Rhenish Conference 70 Cuale Mission Dispensary 278
Central Uganda Mission 159 Cuale Mission Station 147
Central Union Conference 25 Cuba Conference (see East and West
Institutions in 28 Cuba Conferences)
Ceram Dispensary 278 Curacao Mission 116
Ceylon Mission Field 176 Cuvantul Evangheliei 190
Chahar-Suiyuan Mission (see Sal Cuyo Mission 136
Pei Mission) Czechian (Bohemian), periodicals in 255
Changamwe Mission Station 150
Charlottenbad Dispensary
Chebwai Mission Station
Chesapeake Conference 28 Danish Mission School 208
Chiduku-Makoni Mission District 164 Danish language, periodicals in 255
Children's Home (Emmanuel Mission Danube Conference 187
Station) 154 Danzig-Warthe Conference 66
Children's Home and Dispensary 278 Delhi Mission Station 175
Chile Conference 136 Demo Mission Station 161
Chileka Mission Station 157 Denominational Investment 284, 285
Chillan Training School 204 Denominational Periodicals 252
Chimpempe Mission Dispensary 278 Dimbwe Mission Station 161
Chimpempe Mission Station 163 Directory of Ministers 300
China Division '77 Dispensaries 278
Institutions in 93 iring Moi Dispensary 278
China Training Institute 205 Dunarea de Jos Nistru Conference 191
Baltic Union Conference 121
A Ban at-Crisana Conference (see Timis-
Aba Station 128 Olt Conference)
Academia Adventista Hispano-amer- Bangalore Elementary Day School 200
icana 198 Bangkok Mission Clinic 266
Adayal Mudalur Dispensary 278 Bangkok Mission Sanitarium 266
Adelphian Academy 199 Bangkok Mission School 200
Advent Mission, Society 65 Bassein Mission Station 170
Advent Press (East Africa) 240 Batouri Dispensary 278
Advent Press, Nigeria 240 Battle Creek Academy 200
Advent Publishing Association 240 Batuna Training School 201
Advent Welfare Work Assn. 65 Bechuanaland Mission District 154
Adventist Eye Clinic 278 Bee Hwa Training Institute 201
Afrikaans, periodical in 254 Bekwai Mission Station 126
Agona Mission Station 126 Bekwai Training School 201
Agona Training School (see Bekwai Belgian Conference 182
Training School) Beliefs, Fundamental 4
Agua Escondido. Dispensary 278 Benito Juarez Dispensary 278
Alabama-Mississippi Conference 50 Berlin Conference 66
Alaska Mission 39 Bermuda Mission 19
Alberta Conference 22 Bethel Academy 201
Algerian Mission 188 Bethel Mission District 155
Algerian Publishing House 240 Bethel Training College 201
Allahabad Mission Station 175 Beulah Training School 201
Amazon Mission of Peru (see Upper Bhuket Mission Clinic 266
Amazon) Bicol, periodicals in 254
Ambon Mission 100 Bihar Mission Field 172
American Temperance Society 15 Bikobo Hill Mission Station 148
Amyes Memorial Hospital 266 Blind People's Home and Dispensary 278
Angola Union Mission 146 Bohemian language, periodicals in 254
Anhwei Mission 80 Bohemian-Moravian Conference 75
Annamese, periodical in 254 Bolivia Mission 139
Antillian Union Mission 108 Bolivia Training School 202
Aore Training School 199 Bombay Mission Station 179
Appropriations to Missions 288 Bonaerense Conference (see Buenos
Arabic Literature Society 240 Aires Conference)
Arabic, periodical in 254 Bongo Mission Hospital 266
Arabic Union Mission 194 Bongo Mission Station 147
Arak Mission Hospital 266 Bongo Mission Training School 202
Arizona Academy 199 Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 266
Arizona Conference 43 Brazil Junior College 202
Arkansas-Louisiana Conference 54 Brazil Publishing House 240
Assam Mission Field 171 Brightlands Nursing Home 278
Atlantic Colombia Mission 116 British Borneo Mission 98
Atlantic Union College 199 British Columbia Conference 23
Atlantic Union Conference 19 British Honduras Mission 114
Institutions in 22 British Publishing House 240
Auburn Academy 200 British Union Conference 122
Austral Union Conference 134 Broadview Academy 202
Australasian Division 57 Broken Hill Mission District 161
Institutions in 63 Brookfield Branch Publishing House 247
Mission Fields in 61 Bucegi-Marea Conference 191
Australasian Missionary College 200 Buenos Aires Conference 135
Australasian Union Conference 57 Buenos Aires Publishing House 241
Institutions in 63 Buganda Mission Station .. 148
Awtun Station 127 Bukit Nyala Mission Dispensary 278
Ayer Manis School 200 Bulawayo Mission District 164
Azores Islands Mission Station 189 Bulgarian Mission 196
Bulgarian Book and Bible House . 241.
Bureau of Home Missions 10
B Buresala Training School (see Ful-
ton Training School)
Bad Aibling Sanitarium 2G6 Burma Union Mission 169
Baden Conference 70 Burmese, periodical in 254
Bahamas Mission 109 Butea Academy 203
Bohai Mission 138 Bwenga Mission District 161
"They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."

Adams, J. W., December 18, Redlands, Johnson, J. L., September 9, Long

Calif. Beach, Calif.
Allison, T. H., October 20, Chicago, Ill. Johnson, William J., July 6, Glendale,
Baer, R. T., January 15, Grand Junc- Calif.
tion, Colo. Jorgensen, Mrs. L. G., September 1,
Baptiste, Mrs. E. A., May 13, Caribbean Lincoln, Nebr.
Union. Kilgore, C. L., May 18, South Lancaster,
Beckner, Mrs. Judson 13., June 5, Brea, Mass.
Calif. Knight, I. G., November 18, 1940,
Beckner, R. A., April 23, Glendale, Prospect, Oreg.
Calif. Lidner, Mrs. Minnie Emely, March 5,
Behrens, Mrs. Ellis, March 15, Inver- Minneapolis, Minn.
stone, Tasmania. Lindsay, W. B., May 31, Los Angeles,
Beltz, Mrs. 0. S., May 9, Melrose, Mass. Calif.
Bowers, Mrs. Lyman I. June 22, Jessel- Lowry, William Sidney, August, Jeffer-
ton, British North Borneo. son, Tex.
Brash, Mrs. T. A., June 19, New South Lucas, V. H., October 4, Pasadena,
Wales, Australia. Calif.
Brown, G. M., November 27, Searcy, Macpherson, Alfred W., June 18, Los
Ark. Angeles, Calif.
Bryan, B. F., June 19, Greenbelt, Md. Molokomme, L. S., February 16,
Burley, S. G., La Grange, Ill. Johannesburg, South Africa.
Burrill, Mrs. A. 0., July 7, Chico, Calif. Moore, Llewellyn Odell, September 8,
Buss, Dr. Loren Addison, June 28, Laurence County, Tenn.
Southern Union. Moyo, Samuel, October 24, Nyasaland,
Clark, Mrs. Mina Davis, July 4, Kala- British Central Africa.
mazoo, Mich. Munro, S. W., October 20, San Fran-
Coon, Arthur Willard, October 9, An- cisco, Calif.
derson, Ind. Nethery, T. C., December 26, Covina,
Curtis, Mrs. E. A., March 10, Loma Calif.
Linda, Calif. Paul, Dr. Roger W., August 29, Takoma
Dake, U. B., May 20, Keene, Tex. Park, D. C.
Drake, E. J., April 6, Glendale, Calif. Paulson, N. W., April 4, Hinsdale, Ill.
Dunn, Abner B., June 25, Mentone, Pedersen, C., August 14, Skodsborg,
Calif. Denmark.
Errington, Mrs. John Thomas, June 9, Porter, Mrs. Ross, November, Lake
Lula Island, British Colombia. Union.
Farnsworth, Anna Mary, May 22, Glen- Rasmussen, Steen, March 5, Takoma
dale, Calif. Park, D. C.
Farnsworth, Mrs. 0. 0., September 8, Rue; H. P., April 13, Los Angeles,
Angwin, Calif. Calif.
Field, Mrs. F. W., May 17, Orlando, Shirvanian, V., Teheran, Iran.
Fla. Smith, Mrs. Jasper Green, June 16,
Fletcher, Hubert, June 10, Jamaica, Calif.
British West Indies. Spriggs, John Thomas, June 2, Little
French, H. B., September 12, Keene, River, Kans.
Tex. Steed, Harry R., March 22, Sydney,
Goude, Albert Gottfried, December 22, Australia.
1940. Sutton, N. T., September 20, Denver,
Hall, Robert W., November 20, Boston, Colo.
Mass. Tait, A. 0., April 8, Mountain View,
Hein, Conrad D., March 13, Oklahoma Calif.
City, Okla. Thompson, Luzerne, August 26, Glen-
Hoover, H. L., December 13, Perris, dale, Calif.
Calif. Weber, C. W., September 18, Pitts-
Hopkins, E. B., October 28, Jefferson, burgh, Pa.
Tex. Wilson, Howard F., April 27, Sanita-
James, Dr. W. H., June 30, Melbourne, rium, Calif.
Australia. Wright, P. J., December 14, Australia.
Jewel, Mrs. H. J., August 10, Los Young, W. J., February 26, Devon,
Angeles, Calif. England.


Yang, Kai-hsuen (1), S. D. A. Mission, Zakeyo, R. (1), Gitwe Mission, P. 0.

Chengtu, Szechwan, China. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Yang, Kuo-Kwang (1), Shen Yang Post East Africa.
Office, Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo. Zamfir, V., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Yang, Ming-ding (1), S. D. A. Mission, Cernauti, Rumania.
Pichieh, Kweichow, China. Zamora, M. M. (1), Box 39, Lucena,
Yang, Sin-Seng (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tayabas, Philippine Islands.
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Zaragoza, J. A. (1), Patrocinio No. 20,
Yasumoto, A. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho- Zarka, D., Nagy Sandor u. 21, Szekes-
sen. fehervar, Hungary.
Yates, H. L. (1), 20 Prospect Ave., Zaynos, F. B., Apartado 605, Guadala-
Lock Haven, Pa. jara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Y eh, T. S. (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Zechariah, P. (1), P. 0. Musoma, Tan-
Road, Shanghai, China. ganyika Territory, East Africa.
Yen, S. M. (I), 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Zechariah, T. V. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Shanghai, China. Quilon, Travancore, South India.
Yeretzian, Z., Mission Adventiste, Zemba, Noel (1), Inyazura Mission, P.
Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Camer- 0. Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Af-
oon, West Africa. rica.
Yohana, L., Gitwe Ruanda, via Usum- Zerne, Nils, Wasagatan 12, Goteborg,
bura, Belgian East Africa. Sweden.
Yohana, M., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum- Zertuche, Daniel (1), Apartado 139,
bura, Belgian East Africa. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.
Yonatani (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum- Zettwoch, H., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt-
bura, Belgian East Africa. gart-S, Germany.
Yorac, M. G., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Zielinski, J., Juliusstr. 4, Wohn. 14,
Philippine Islands. Litzmannstadt, Germany.
Yoshita, Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Zielinski, M., Steindamm 32a, III.,
Seishin, Chosen. Konigsberg, Pr., Germany.
Yost, F. H., Theological Seminary, Zigmund, T. J., Schanzstr. 24a, IT.,
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Pressburg, Slovakia.
Young, F. G., 1121 N. Franklin St., Zimmer7nann, A. H., Post Box 226,
Colorado Springs, Cob. Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Young, J. E., 3057 G St., San Diego, Zimmermann, H., Eschenheimer Anlage
Calif. 32, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany.
Young, J. R. (1), Box 564, Ft. Pierce, Zinove, R., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
Fla. Cluj, Rumania.
Young, W. C., 6 Manor Circle, Takoma Zins, E. (1), 15 Beechwood Ave., Lon-
Park, Washington, D. C. donderry, North Ireland.
Youngberg, A. G., 15 Jackson St., Ziprick, 0., 18131,4 Michigan Ave.,
Saugus. Mass. Los Angeles, Calif.
Youngberg, G. B., P. 0. Box 34, Jessel- Zorub, E. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
ton, British North Borneo. Paulo, Brazil, South. America.
Youngs, Dallas, 324 Rural Ave., Wil- Zuma, N. G. (1), 19 Union House,
liamsport, Pa. Union St., East London, Cape Prov-
Yovan, J., P. 0. Box 124, Cagayan, ince, South Africa.
Misamis Oriental, Philippine Islands. Zumwalt, A. L. (1), Route 4, Bozeman,
Yutuc, Lorenzo, P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Mont.
Philippine Islands. Zunga, Moses, Munenga Mission Dis-
trict, c /o Mr. A. Hartzenburg, Esq.,
Private Bag, Livingstone, Northern
Rhodesia, Africa.
Zungu, P. (1), lla Beckett's Buildings,
Zacharias, H. (1), Advent Zendings- President St., Johannesburg, South
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Africa.
Noord-Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Zurek, A., Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag-Kgl.
Netherlands East Indies. Weinberge, Protectorate, Germany.
Zaharis, T. D., 3228 Boise St., Berkeley, Zytkoskee, Gordon (1), 308 N. 7th St.,
Calif. Brainerd, Minn.

Wirth, Wm. G., 5447 El Verano Ave., Wortman, L. M. D., Naripan 63, Ban-
Eagle Rock, Calif. doeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
issner, U. (1), 404 Avenue Bldg., Sas- Wosu, R., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box
katoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. 41, Aba, Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.
Wittenberg, W. N., Box 544, Ukiah, Wray, Francis (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Calif. Hapur, Meerut Dt., India.
Wittig, 11., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurn- Wright, J. F. Takoma Park, Wash-
berg, Germany. ington, D. C.
Wittschiebe, C. E. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Wright, K. A., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Hong Kong. Wright, 0. D., 28 Forest St., Clinton,
Witzel, C. L. (1), Auburn Academy, Mass.
Auburn, Wash. Wrigley, C. A., Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
Wloka, C. (1), Arndtstr, 37a, Stettin, South Australia, Australia.
Germany. Wu, D. C., Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Road,
Woesner, Eugene (1), 734 Main St., Shanghai, China.
Nevada, Iowa. Wu, Dz-shan (1), Northwest China
Wolcott, B. A., Rt. 1, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Union Mission of 5, D. A., Lanchow,
Wolf, W. (1), Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Kansu, China.
Chemnitz, Germany. Wu, Kao-Fu (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Wolfe, E. W., 1110 So. 32nd St., Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Omaha, Nebr. Wu, T. S., 20 Gao Lou Men, Nanking,
Wolfkill, G. F., Angwin, Napa Co., Kiangsu, China.
Calif. Wu, Tien-En, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Woo, D. C., Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Road, Shanghai, China.
Shanghai, China. Wu, Tze-Shan, Shensi Mission of S.D. A.,
Woo, T. S., S. D. A. Mission, Waichow, Outside West Gate, Sianfu, Shensi,
Kwangtung, China. China.
Wood, C. E., Route 1, Day Court, New Wucherer, G. (1), Adlerstr. '70, Diissel-
Albany, Ind. dorf, Germany.
Wood, Chancy, 305 Monongalia St., Wurzberger, P. (1), Neustadt-Contres-
Charleston, W. Va. carpe 30, Bremen, Germany.
Wood, D. P., 394 Cedarwood Terrace, Wuttke, P. (I), Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf,
Rochester, N. Y. Germany.
Wood, E. C. (I), Box 145, Baguio, Wyborn, D. H. (I), "Tereora," The
Philippine Islands. Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Wood, G. A., Advent Zendingsgenoots- Australia.
chap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling North- Wyman, C. A., Route 1, Box 25A, Au-
Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijnslaan 16, burn, Wash.
Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Wyman, F. A., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
Wood, H. L., Box 2841, Juneau, Alaska. goon, Burma.
Wood, J. D., Box G6, Port-of-Spain, Wyman, M. A., 222 S. Nance, Minden,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Nebr.
Wood, K. H., 522 - 3d St., Paso Robles,
Wood, K. H., Jr. (1), 448 N. Orange
Ave., Lindsay, Calif.
Wood, L. H., S. D. A. Theological
Seminary, Takoma Park, Washington, Xabba, A. J., 11a Beckett's Buildings,
D. C. President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Wood, S. H. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- vaal, South Africa.
church, New Zealand.
Woodfield, A. J. (1), 780 St. Albans
Road, Watford, Herts, England.
Woodland, C. A. (1) Apartado 261, Y
Barranquilla, Colombia, South Amer-
ica. Yacob, Nashid, 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Woodman, I. J., Pacific Press Publish- Heliopolis, Egypt.
ing Assn., Mountain View, Calif. Yakovenko, P. G., 9517 - 118th Ave.,
Woods, C. L. (1), Emmanuel Mission- Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
ary College, Berrien Springs, Mich. Yakush, Andrew, 1715 Packer St., Mc-
Woods, R. F., Route 2, Timberlake Rd., Keesport, Pa.
Lynchburg, Va. Yamamoto, H., Japan Junior College,
Woodward, H. G., S. D. A. Mission, Showa Machi, Kimitsu Gun, Chiba
Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Ken, Japan.
V)'ooller, K. J., "Tereora," The Boule- Yamamoto, K. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Junan, (Soonan), Chosen.
tralia. Yang, Han-Chang (1), S. D. A. Mis-
Worster, W. W. (1), 1043 Roses Road, sion, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shan-
San Gabriel, Calif. tung, China.

Whittaker, E. G., 8 Yarra St., Haw- Williams, A. F. (1), Native Post Office,
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Kingwilliamstown, C. P., South Af-
Whittaker, M. IL, "Tereora," The rica.
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Williams, A. H., 50, Purbrock Avenue,
Australia. Watford, Harts, England.
Wibbens, Jacob, 11-13 rue Ernest Williams, B. F., 1243 E. Wilson Ave.,
Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Glendale, Calif.
Wickman, Paul, P. 0. Box 508, Port Williams, C. D. M., 227 West B Avenue,
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Glendale, Ariz.
Africa. Williams, G. A. (1), 1405 S. 7th St.,
Wicks, H. B. P., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Lincoln, Nebr.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Williams, H. W., 711 S. Arnold Ave.,
Australia. Mt. Pleasant, Mich.
Wickwire, C. L., 1501 West St., Pueblo, Williams, J. A. (1), Apartado 107,
Colo. Puebla, Puebla, Mex.
Wiedemann, M. F., 918 S. Seventh St., Williams, J. H., 4120 Clara St., New
Burlington, Iowa. Orleans, La.
Wieland, Robert (1), 56 Carrera St., Williams, J. N., 176 Orange St., Kings-
St. Augustine, Fla. ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Wierts, J. H., 615 Corlies Ave., West Williams, M. S., S. D. A. Mission,
Allenhurst, N. J. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Wierzbowski, J. (1), . Turecka 1, War- Williams, P. L. (1), Post Box 226,
schau S 36, General Government, Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Germany. Williams, W. H. (1), Takoma Park,
Wiest, C. S., 4281A S. 4th St., Mankato, Washington, D. C.
Minn. Williamson, J. J. (1), 1405 S. 7th St.,
Wight, S. E., 207 E. Ewing Ave., Lincoln, Nebr.
South Bend, Ind. Willis, U. S., 7017 Cedar Ave., Cleve-
Wilcox, C. C., Route 1, Hood River, land, Ohio.
Oreg. Willmore, P. W. (1), P. 0. Box 573,
Wilcox, E. H., 11 N. 11th Ave., Yakima, Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Wash. illmott, E. D., Roadside House,
Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park, Washing- Ootacamund, South India.
ton, D. C. Willoughby, H. E., 910 Carolina St.,
Wilcox, L. A., 300 Chiquita Ave., Bellingham, Wash.
Mountain View, Calif. Wilmshurst, F. J. (I), 6, Wenham Drive,
Wilcox, L. C., P. 0. Box 401, Manila, Westcliff on Sea, Essex, England.
Philippine Islands. Wilson, G. I., Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
Wilcox, R. A., Caixa Postal 341, For- South Australia, Australia.
taleza, Ceara, Brazil, South America. Wilson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo,
Wild, W. A., Apartado 218, Guatemala, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Republic of Guatemala, Central Wilson, J. L., 3250 Fraser Ave., at
America. Kingsway, Vancouver, British Co-
Wilfarth, R. J., Caixa Postal 768, Rio lumbia, Canada.
de Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Wilson, J. 0., Route 2, Gentry, Ark.
Wilhelm, C. A., 436 S. Hill St., Griffin, Wilson, J. V., Helderberg College, P.
Ga. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, C. P.,
Wilkins, L. R. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, South Africa.
Peru, South America. Wilson, M. L., 2716 Virginia Ave.,
Wilkinson, B. G., Washington Mission- Shreveport, La.
ary College, Takoma Park, Washing- Wilson, N. C., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln,
ton, D. C. Nebr.
Wilkinson, G. L., S. D. A. Mission, Wilson, Thaddeus, 15 Rochelle Place,
Yencheng, Honan, China. New Rochelle, N. Y.
Wilkinson, L. V., Suva Vou, Suva, Wimer, C. E. (1), 817 W. Nora Ave.,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Spokane, Wash.
Wilkinson, Wm. (1), 1112 S. School St., Winandy, Ch., 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital,
Lodi, Calif. Paris 13e, France.
Will, T., Jasczolta 20, Ruda-Pabjanicka Winders, R. J., 29 Kentucky St., Dan-
b. Lodsch, Germany. ville, El.
Wille, H., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, Winders, R. L., Box 476, Kannapolis,
Bremen, Germany. N. C.
Willett, E. F. (1), Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Wineland, W. H. (1), Box M, Cris-
Ohio. tobal, Canal Zone.
Willey, T. 0. (1), 745 Exchange St., Winston, W. H., 145 Deweese St.,
Astoria, Oreg. Lexington, Ky.
Willi, H., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Wintzen, J., Lange Beestenmarkt 102,
Zurich, Switzerland. The Hague, Netherlands.

Weisse, A. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Vv estcott, H. B., 524 W. Main St., Tur-
Braunschweig, Germany. lock, Calif.
Welch, C. E. (1). c/o Mt. Vernon Westerhout, W. A., Route 5, Box 150,
Hospital-Sanitarium, Mt. Vernon, Muskegon, Mich.
Ohio. Westerman, A. (I), "Mizpah," Wah-
Welch, H. J., Madison College, Tenn. roonga, New South Wales, Australia.
Welch, L. W., College Heights, Alberta, Westerman, W. J., "Mizpah," Wah-
Canada. roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Weller, 0. C. (1), 521 Pennsylvania Westermann, 0. (1): Adlerstr. 70, Dtis-
Ave., York, Pa. seldorf, Germany.
Wellman, A. F., 225 Emory Ave., Or- Westermeyer, H. E., 490 Chiquata Ave.,
lando, Fla. Mountain View, Calif.
Wellman, D. E., 6604 - 1st St., N. W., Westermeyer, W. H., 1319 - 19th Ave.,
Takoma Park, D. C. Meridian, Miss.
Wellman, L. E., Box 233, Mountain Westhofer, B., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-
City, Tenn. A 16, Germany.
Wellman, S. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Westlake, G. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
ington, D. C. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Wellman, W. L. (1), 622 S. Main St., Westman, E. J., Box 166, Bend, Oreg.
Greensburg, Pa. Westman, G. E., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus,
Wells, F. Brock (1), 613 Lynn St., Denmark.
Cadillac, Mich. Westphal, A. L., 400 Danforth St.,
Wells, F. D., 2838 Hemphill St., Ft. Taunton, Mass.
Worth, Tex. Westphal, C. E., La Ceiba, Republic
Wells, G. W., Takoma Park, Wash- of Honduras, Central America.
ington, D. C. Westphal, F. H., 217 N. Verdugo Road,
Weniger, C. E. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Glendale, Calif.
Calif. Westphal, H. J., Avda Italia 2360,
Wennerberg, A. W., R. R. 6, Hagers- Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
ville, Ontario, Canada. Westphal, J. W., Weslaco, Tex.
Wensell, Neils, Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Wheeler, C. E., Liumba Hill Mission,
Corrientes, Argentina, South America. P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rhodesia,
Wensell, P. E. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao Africa.
84, Nictheroy, Brazil, South America. Wheeler, G. A., 10827 So. Prairie Ave.,
Wentland, H., 324 - 2nd Ave., W., Forest Inglewood, Calif.
Grove, Oreg. Wheeler, J. H., Marsland, Nebr.
Wentland, M. H., College Place, Wash. Wheeler, L. S., Union Springs, N. Y.
Wentland, R. H., 2077 South Corona Whelpley, J. E., Route 1, Box 379,
St.. Denver, Colo. Holly Hill, Fla.
Wentland, R. W., Shelton Academy, White, A. H., "Tereora," The Boule-
Shelton, Nebr. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Wenzel, E., Adlerstr. 70, Dfisseldorf, tralia.
Germany. White, Arthur L., Takoma Park, Wash-
Were, L. F., Box J. 1011, Adelaide, ington, D. C.
South Australia, Australia. White, B. J., 401 Ryland St., Reno, Nev.
Werline, A. W. (1), 506 Flower Ave., White, C. L., Washington Sanitarium,
Takoma Park. Washington, D. C. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Werner, A. J. (1), Box 139, Sugarhouse White, D. R., Paradise Valley Sani-
Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. tarium, National City, Calif.
Werner, H. (1), Haydenstrasse 16, White, E. E. (I). Wessex, Buchnall's
Dresden-A 16, Germany. Lane, Watford, Herts, England.
Werner, R., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt- White, H. (1), Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
gart-S, Germany. South Australia, Australia.
Wertenauer, H. (1), Friedensau bei White, J. G., Madison College, Tenn.
Burg, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, White, S. G., 404 Avenue Bldg., Sas-
Germany. katoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
West, G. L., R. F. D. 1, Mt. Vernon, White, W. B., 902 S. Rogers St.,
Ohio. Bloomington, Ind.
West, G. R.. 1530 - 27th Ave., San White, W. W., Loma Linda, Calif.
Francisco, Calif. Whitehead, E. R., "Tereora," The
West, J. B., 14 Avon Close, Yeading, Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Hayes, Middlesex, England. Australia.
West J. P. (1), 176, Rainsford Road, Whiteside, R., Hall Road, Kimpton,
Chelmsford, Essex, England. Hitchin, Herts, England.
West, W. W. (1), 125 Beau Forest Whitlow, Paul (1), 729 E. 8th St., N.,
Drive, Oakland, Calif. Newton, Iowa.
Westbrook, T. B., 2838 Hemphill St., Whitsett, R. M., 827 N. E. 24th St.,
Ft. Worth, Tex. Oklahoma City, Okla.

Walton, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- Watanabe, Y., 31 Kitakyo-machi 1-

ington, D. C. Chome, Matsuyama, Japan.
Wan, Yun Chong (1), 140 Bukit Bin- Waters, N. H. (1), 2928 Campbell St.,
tang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Kansas City, Mo.
Malay States. Watson, A. H., Drumnascamp, Laur-
Wandea, E. (I), P. 0. Musoma, Tan- encetown, Portadown, North Ireland.
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Watson, C. H., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Wang, A. H., S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu. N. S. W., Australia.
Szechwan, China. Watson, G. F., 735 N. I St., McMinn-
Wang, Chuen-Yung (1), S. D. A. Mission, ville, Oreg.
75 Fu Dzen St., Changsha, Hunan, Watson, L. A., 4, Ardpatrick Road,
China. Cabra, Dublin, Eire, Ireland.
Wang, Deh-Dzi, S. D. A. Mission, 75 Fu Watts, R. S., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Dzen St., Changsha, Hunan, China. Watts, V. B., Box 189, Upper Lake,
Wang, F. Y., Shen Yang P. 0., Box 36, Calif.
Mukden, Manchukuo. Weaks, C. E., Southern Pub. Assn.,
Wang, G. Y., 147 E. San Ma Lu, 2119 - 24th Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn,
Hsinking, Manchukuo. Wearner, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa Co.,
Wang, Ging-Bo, S. D. A. Mission, Calif.
Yencheng, HOnan, China. Weaver, E. P. (1), Adelphian Academy,
Wang, Hsi-Tien (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Holly, Mich.
Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Weaver, H. E., Granger, Wash.
Wang, Hain-Bang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Weaver, J. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Pichieh, Kweichow, China. ington, D. C.
Wang, H. Y., S. D. A. Mission, 36 Chu Weaver, W. T., Shenandoah Valley
Kan Hsinag, Peking, Hopei, China. Academy, New Market, Va.
Wang, Ih-Dj (1), Yencheng, Honan, Webb, A. E., 2524 Tracy St., Kansas
China. City, Mo.
Wang, J. D. 11), S. D. A. Mission, Webb, L. F. (1), 1425 Roberts Ave.,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Beaumont, Tex.
Wang, Lih-San, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Webb, W. C. (1), Oakwood Junior Col-
Road, Shanghai, China. lege, Huntsville, Ala.
Wang, Te-chun, S. D. A. Mission, Kal- Webber, P. A., Madison College, Tenn.
gan, Menchiang, China. Weber, I., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie
Wang, T. S. (1). Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru-
Road, Shanghai, China. mania.
Wang, Tsi-Yuen, Shen Yang P. 0., Box Weber, L. D., 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
36, Mukden, Manchukuo. Honolulu, T. H.
Wang, Wen-Hwei, S. D. A. Mission, 41 Weber, S. C., Cervantes 144, Parana,
Hsiao Giao Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
China. ica.
Wang, Ya-ju (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kal- Webster, C. C., 41 Grant St.. New
gan, Menchiang, China. London, Ohio.
Wang, Yu-Tien (I), Tsing Kiang Pu, Webster, C. R., Route 2, Box 509, Ven-
Kiangsu, China. tura, Calif.
Ward, Buford (I), Battle Ground, Wash. Webster, D. A. (1), Grove Ave., Clare-
Warden, V. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton mont, Cape Province, South Africa.
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Webster, F. C., Route 1, Chattanooga,
Warland, E. R., 15, Spring Gardens, Tenn.
Garston, Watford, Herts, England. Webster, F. C., Jr. (1), 143 Centre St.,
Warner, David (1), 1414 V St., N. W., Bryan, Ohio.
Washington, D. C. Webster, M. M., P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre,
Warner, T. J., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Nyasaland, British Central Africa.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Weeks, Frank, Box 119, Stearns, Ky.
Warnick, R. F., 733 E. Walker Ave., Wegener, A., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Salz-
Memphis, Tenn. burg-Aigen. Germany.
Warren, M. C., Northwest China Union Wehrmann, H., Neustadt-Contrescarpe
Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, 30, Bremen, Germany.
Kansu, China. Weigel, Fr., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen 19,
Bavaria, Germany.
Wasenmiller, J. A., 2336 Melrose Ave.,
Chicago, Ill. Weil, A. H., Atchin, New Hebrides,
Pacific Ocean.
Washburn, H. A., Route 1, St. Helena, Weinand, P., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Salz-
Calif. burg-Aigen, Germany.
Washburn, J. S., 702 W. Washington Weinert, A., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
St., Hagerstown, Md. Sudetenland, Germany.
Wasidlow, M., Steindamm 32a, III., Weis, C. C., 3250 Fraser Ave., Van-
KOnigsberg, Pr., Germany. couver, British Columbia, Canada.
Waswasoff, Kosta, Solunska 10, Sofia, Weiss. S., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Bulgaria. South America,

Vince, L. D., 780 St. Albans Road, Wagner, B. E., Box C, Berrien Springs,
Watford, Herts, England. Mich.
Vince, R. A. (1), 193 Gloucester Road, Wagner, E. A. (1), 2913 E. 8th St.,
Cheltenham, Glos., England. National City, Calif.
Vine, A. C., Stanborough Park, Wat- Wagner, Fred, Anchorage, Alaska.
ford, Harts, England. Wagner, Jacob, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Vine, R. D. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Florida F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
parley Park, Nottingham, England. Argentina, South America.
Vinglas, R. (1), Merepuiestee 14a, Tal- Wagner, J. H., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
linn, Estonia. Wagner, K., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Chem-
Vinkel, M. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, nitz, Germany.
Kangting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China. Wahl, M. K. (1), Box 575, Shattuck,
Visser, R. (I), P. 0. Box 508, Port Okla.
Elizabeth, C. P., South Africa. Wahungana, Enoch (1), Inyazura Mis-
Vitrano, J., 2046 W. Hopkins St., sion, P. 0. Inyazura, Southern Rho-
Milwaukee, Wis. desia, Africa.
Vixie, L. A., Grove Avenue, Claremont, Wakeham, W. H., Loma Linda, Calif.
Cape Province, South Africa. Walde, E. R. (1), 1634 S. E. Hawthorne
Vogel, R., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen 19, Blvd., Portland, Oreg.,,
Bavaria, Germany. Waldeck, H. (1), Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm
Voget, K. (1), Adlerstrasse 70, Dussel- i. W., Germany.
dorf, Germany. Waldorf, N. J., 514 Progress Place,
Vogt, F. (1), Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, Los Angeles, Calif.
Cottbus, Germany. Waldvogel, L., Caixa Postal 34, Santo
Voigt, M., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Berlin W. 50, Germany. South America.
Vollmer, A. (I), Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Walean, F. (1), Advent Zendingsgenoot-
burg 13, Germany. schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord-
Vollmer, H. W., 2215 E. Glenoaks, Celebes. Tondano, Celebes, Nether-
Glendale, Calif. lands East Indies.
Vollrath, H., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber- Walean, R. 0., Advent Zendingsgenoot-
lin-Wilmersdorf,, Germany. schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Cost-
von Pohle, A. E., 1214 - 18th St., Java, Buttewegstraat 3, Soerabaja,
Greeley, Colo. Java, Netherlands East Indies.
von Pohle, E., 1191 Maple Ave., Temple, Walgren, C. A., 4108 Tompkins, El
Ariz. Paso, Tex.
Voorhees, H. E. (1), 1455 - 7th St., Walker, Allen, Box 645, Winter Haven,
Parkersburg, W. Va. Fla.
Voorthuis, F. J. (1), Lange Beesten- Walker, H. W., 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
markt 102, The Hague, Netherlands. St. Paul, Minn.
Voorthuis, P., Badhuisweg 14, Apel- Walker, 0. C., Basseterre, St. Kitts,
doorn, Netherlands. British West Indies.
Vore, G. T., 3201 N. L St., Fort Smith, Walker, W. W., 222 E. Gadsden St.,
Ark. Pensacola, Fla.
Vories, C. L., 1611 S. 13th St., Bur- Wall, D. N., 734 Main St., Nevada,
lington, Iowa. Iowa.
Votaw, H. H., Takoma Park, Wash- Wallace, H. L., 1602 Alcatraz Ave.,
ington, D. C. Berkeley, Calif.
Votaw, W. B., S. D. A. Mission, Khunti Wallace, S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
P. 0., Ranchi District, India. Victoria, Australia.
Voth, Bernard, Box 76, Woodward, Walleker, H. C. J., 317 E. Smith Ave.,
Okla. Orlando, Fla.
Voth, C. C., 101 - 7th St., N. E., Cal- Wallenkampf, J.. T1111nelgatan 25,
gary, Alberta, Canada. Stockholm, Sweden.
Voth, David, 1801 Orchard Ave., Glen- Wallenstern. A. v., Bruckenstrasse 34a,
dale, Calif. Hamm /Westf., Germany.
Vuilleumier, J., 130 Boulevard de
Pllopital, Paris 13e, France. Waller, E. C. (1), Box 1331, Asheville,
Vuloaloa, Semi, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, N. C.
Pacific Ocean. Walter, Marvin (I), Box 675, Holbrook,
Walters, T. W. (1), Box 691, Caldwell,
w Idaho.
Walther, D. (I), Southern Junior Col-
Wachi, N., 7 Hanazono Cho 3 Chome, lege, Collegedale, Tenn.
Tainan, Taiwan, Japan. Walton, B. A. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Wade, A. E. (1), 702 Lakeview Ave., Elele, Ahoada, via Port Harcourt,
New Boston, Ohio. Nigeria, West Coast, Africa.

Van Kirk, M. B., 3308 Newton St.,

U Denver, Colo.
Vanko, M. (1), Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc,
U, Saw (1), 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Hungary.
goon, Burma. Van Noty, A. E. (1), 2838 Hemphill St.,
Uchtmann, W. R., School St., Town- Fort Worth, Tex.
send, Mass. Van Putten, C. G., Box 194, Frederik-
Udbjorg, Oscar, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, sted, St. Croix, U. S., Virgin Islands.
Norway. Van Waardenburg, D. (1), Advent Zend-
Ulfstrom, K., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- ingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
holm, Sweden. Oost-Java, Buttewegstraat 3, Soera-
Ulrich, A., Tizianstr. 18, Miincben 19, baja, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Bavaria, Germany. Varga, G., 75 E. 78th St., Chicago, Ill.
Umali, R. (1), Artacho, Sison, Panga- Vargas, Matias (1), Reserve, N. Mex.
sinan, Philippine Islands. V arlemann, W., Bruckenstr. 34a,
Unger, W., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg Hamm j Westf., Germany.
13, Germany. Varmer, Axel, Suomisvej 5, Copen-
Unhola, A. (1), Annank. 7, Helsingfors, hagen, Denmark.
Finland. Vasquez, I. (1), La Ceiba, Republic of ,
Unruh, T. E., P. 0. Box 512, Madison, Honduras, Central America.
Wis. Vasquez, Miguel, Patrocinio No. 20,
Unterseher, W. I., Box 267, Topeka, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Kans. Vaucher, A., HOheweg 17, Berne, Swit-
Urbanoso, J. (1), Box 271, Iloilo City, zerland.
Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Vauvau, Taniela (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
Urquhart, E. J., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Philippine Islands. Veach, H. R., 1529 Monroe Ave., Scran-
Utterback, K., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- ton, Pa.
holm, Sweden. Vegele, F. (I), Rua Lopes Trovao 84,
Uttley, S., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Nictheroy, Brazil, South America.
church, New Zealand. Veiga, Jose, Apartado 30, Camaguey,
Vela, J. (1), Apartado 1325, San Jose,
Costa Rica, Central America.
Velazquez, Benigno (1), Apartado No.
8, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
V acquer, I. M., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Venacio, Bongo Mission, P. 0. Lepi,
Chile, South America. Angola, Portuguese West Africa.
V ail, W. R., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Venden, D. E., 917 Henry St., S. E.,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Valdez, J. A., Artacho, Sison, Panga- Venden, M. L., 652 Fuller St., S. E.,
sinan, Philippine Islands. Grand Rapids, Mich.
Valdez, Moises (1), Apartado 313, Cali, Venen, W. J., 222 Sinclair Ave., Glen-
Colombia, South America. dale, Calif.
Valen, T. S., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Venter, P. A., Jr., P. 0. Box 7768,
Norway. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Valencia, E., Apartado 568, Ciudad rica.
Trujillo, Rep. Dominicana. Ventzke, H. (1), Koblenzer Str. 3,
Valera, E., Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Berlin-Wilinersdorf, Germany.
Philippine Islands. Veszelovszky, J. (1), Szekely Bertalan-
Valerio, Raffele, 175 Amity St., Brook- utca 13, Budapest VI, Hungary.
lyn, N. Y. Veuthey, E., Salisbury Road, Rose Hill,
Vandeman, G. E. (1), Emmanuel Mis- Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
sionary College, Berrien Springs, Videro, N. J. (I), Box 262, Reykjavik,
Mich. Iceland.
Vandeman, H. A., 3512 Stevens Ave., S., Videto, W. E., Route 7, Box 816,
Minneapolis, Minn. Battle Creek, Mich.
Van der Merwe, J.. P. 0. Box 508, Port V ijsma, E. H. (I), Advent Zendingsge-
Elizabeth, Cape Province, South Af- nootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Oost-
rica. Java, Buttewegstraat 3, Soerabaja,
Van der Merwe, P. J., P. 0. Box 7768, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Vilba, J. (1), Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn,
rica. Estonia.
Vande Vere, E. K. (1), College Place, Villanueva, R. (1), Box 401, Manila,
Wash. Philippine Islands.
Vandromme, J. (1), 11-13 rue Ernest Villeneuve, E., Mission Adventiste, Am-
Allard, Brussells, Belgium. bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
Van Geel, F. (1), 11-13 rue Ernest Vinayagam, N. (1). Roadside House,
Allard, Brussels, Belgium. Oataeamund, South India.

Tolan, V., Calea Bucurestilor 57, Crai- Tso. W. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission,

ova, Rumania. Hoihow, Hainan Island, China.
Tolhurst, H. L., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Tsotetsi, A. A. (1), Maun Medical Mis-
land, New Zealand. sion, P. 0. Maun, Bechuanaland,
Tolici, C., Mission Adventiste, Ambo- South Africa.
hijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Tsui, Yu-Djang (I), Ta-Tung Lu, Dao-
Toltesy, I., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Li, Harbin, Manchukuo.
Cluj, Rumania. Tsukudu, H. R. S., Kanye Medical Mis-
Toop, J. A. P. 0. Box 574, St. John's, sion, P. 0. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechu-
Newfoundland. analand Protectorate, South Africa.
Toppenberg, V. E.,P. 0. Box 22, Kam- Tuan, Yung-Chien, S. D. A. Mission, 36
pala, Uganda, ast Africa. Fu Hsi Chieh, Taiyuan, Shansi, China.
Torkelson, T. R., S. D. A. Mission, Tuasuun, L. (1), Adventzendingsgenoot-
Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab, India. schap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Ambon,
Torreblanco, Eduardo (I), Carlos Pel- Amboina, Moluccas, Netherlands East
legrini 1645, Corrientes, Argentina, Indies.
South America. Tuasuun, Z. (1), Adventzendingsgenoot-
Torres, Antonio, Apartado 139, Saltillo, schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Zuid-
Coahuila, Mexico. Celebes, Tamarindeweg, Makassar,
Torrey, C. L., Boulder-Colorado Sanita- ' Celebes, Netherlands East Indies.
rium, Boulder, Colo. Tucker, A. R. (1), Route 4, Bozeman,
Tortal, T. B. (1), P. 0. Box 271, Iloilo Mont.
City, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Tucker, C. (1), Marovo Lagoon, via
Toth, J., Szekely, Bertanlan-utca 13, Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Budapest VI, Hungary. Ocean.
Townsend, C. E. (1), Box M, Cristobal, Tucker, E. R. (1), Gordon Ave., Ham-
Canal Zone. ilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South
Townsend, V. C., Circleville, N. Y. Wales, Australia.
Toyohara, H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tucker, J. A., Oak Park Academy,
Taiden, Chosen. Nevada, Iowa.
Toyohara, S., S. D. A. Mission, Taiden, Tucker, J. L., 5845 S. E. Taylor St.,
Chosen. Portland, Oreg.
Toyokawa, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tucker, M. V., 2119 - 24th Ave., N.,
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho- Nashville, Tenn.
sen. Tudor, R., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Bowen
Toyokawa, S., S. D. A. Mission, Seishin, Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Aus-
Chosen. tralia.
Toyota, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Taiden, Tulaszewski, K., Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
Chosen. toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Treat, A. T., 286 Pierce St.; Twin Falls, America.
Idaho. Tupper, L. E., 3730 F St., Eureka,
Treeck, H. (1), Neustadt-Contrescarpe Calif.
30, Bremen, Germany. Turk, D. G., 857 Chenango St., Bing-
Tribbensee, W., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, hampton, N. Y.
Germany. Turner, E. A. (1), "Tereora," The
Trifunac, M., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Australia.
Trinidad, Paciente, Apartado 107, Turner, H. R. (1), 430 S. W. 2d St..
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Pendleton, Oreg.
Trotter, 0. J., 838 E. 9th St., Oklahoma Turner, J. W., Keene, Tex.
City, Okla. Turner, L. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wah-
Troy, 0. A., 735 Winona Ave., Pasa- roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
dena, Calif. Turner, Raymond (1), Box 55, Los
Trubey, C. 0. (1), Kern Academy, Angeles, Calif.
Shafter, Calif. Turner, W. G., Takoma Park, Wash-
Truesdell, G. A., 920 E. 6th St., Tulsa, ington, D. C.
Okla. Turturica, F., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Truman, A. W., Glendale Sanitarium, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Glendale, Calif. Tuttle, H. L. (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Trummer, E. M., Apartado 261, Barran- Honolulu, T. H.
quilla, Colombia, South America. 'rutty, R. H., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Truppel, Victor, Strada Clemenceau 5 / a, Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated Territory
Cluj, Rumania. of New Guinea.
Tshi, T. P., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Twijnstra, H., Advent Zendingsgenoot-
Canton, China. schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord-
Tshoi, Sze Man (1), S. D. A. Mission, Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijnlaan 16,
Tungshan, Canton, China. Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies.
Tso, C. N., S. D. A. Mission, Tungshan, Tyson, Elbert, Jr. (1), 714 N. Indiana
Canton, China. Ave., Kokomo, Ind.

Terauchi, 0. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Thompson, F. S. (1), 176 Orange St.,

Taiden, Chosen. Kingston, Jamaica, British West In-
Terry, J. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, dies.
Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Thompson, G. A., 745 Exchange St.,
Tertle, F. (1), Hans-Sachs-Str. 9, Chem- Astoria, Oregon.
nitz, Germany. Thompson, H. G., Route 3, Box 35-A,
Tatars, D. S. (1), 106 W. High St., Visalia, Calif.
Bryan, Ohio. Thompson, J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Thalmann, W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A Victoria, Australia.
16, Germany. Thompson, J. C., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Thanh, Phan (1), 61 bis Route Localle Thompson, J. T., Box 434, Loma Linda,
22, Gia-Dinh, Saigon, Indo-China. Calif.
Theiss, G. F., 2860 N. 11th St., Mil- Thompson, W. A. (1), 1411 - 1st Ave.,
waukee, Wis. Charleston, W. Va.
Theodore, Antoine, Casier A-55, Port- Thomsen, H. J. (1), 520 N. Lake St.,
au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Miles City, Mont.
Theunissen, D. C., Claremont Chambers, Thorp, C. A. (1), 3327 Sunnyside Ave.,
Main Road, Claremont, Cape Prov- Brookfield, Ill.
ince, South Africa. Thorp, F. W., Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora,
Theunissen, G. (1), Claremont Cham- Havana, Cuba.
bers, Main Road, Claremont, Cape Thorpe, E. E. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamil-
Province, South Africa. ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Aus-
Thiel, L. F. (1), Washington Missionary tralia.
College, Takoma Park, Washington, Thrift, R. A., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
D. C. New South Wales, Australia.
Thiele, E. R., College Station, Berrien Thuemler, T. L., Box 186, Gridley,
Springs, Mich. Calif.
Thiele, K., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Chem- Thumwood, F. E. (1), 24 rusting Ave.,
nitz, Germany. Catonsville, Md.
Thiermann, W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden- Thurber, E. W., Williamstown, Vt.
A 16, Germany. Thurber, H. R., 243 Pope St., New
Thirlwell, T. W., Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Bedford, Mass.
Ohio. Thurber, R. B., Box 15, Poona, India.
Thomann, D. (1), Apartado 92, Mana- Thurston, C. E. (1), College Place,
gua, Rep. de Nicaragua, Central Wash.
America. Thurston, H. G., 461 Durant St.,
Thomann, E. W., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Fresno, Calif.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Tieche, M. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Argentina, South America. Switzerland.
Thomann, V. E., Casilla 2830, Santiago, Tiesnes, E., Troppauerstr. 11, Posen,
Chile, South America. Germany.
Thomas, A., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau Tikivili, Semi (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
13, Germany. Pacific Ocean.
Thomas, D. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tilgner, E. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.,
Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Thomas, E. D., Box 15, Poona, India. Tilgner, H. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
Thomas, F. H., Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu, Braunschweig, Germany.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Till, W. G., S. D. A. Mission, Awtun,
Thomas, H. B. (1), 2012 E. Glenoaks, via florin, Nigeria, West Coast, Af-
Glendale, Calif. rica.
Thomas, John, Munguluni Mission, P. 0. Tillgren, J. A., Kjopmannsgt. 28, Trond-
Munhamade, Dist. de Quilemane, heim, Norway.
Portuguese East Africa. Tillman, A. M., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Thomas, J. G., 715 N. Lee St., Americus, South America.
Ga. Tilstra, K., Naripan 63, Bandoeng,
Thomas, Paul (1), Chuharkana Mandi, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Punjab, India. Tindall, J. H. N., 2034 Glendora, West
Thomas, R. J., General Delivery, Sheri- Covina, Calif.
dan, Wyo. Ting, Fu-Chen (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Thomas, S., Roadside House, Ootaca- Chungking, Szechwan, China.
mund, South India.
Thomas, Y. G. (1), Roadside House, Tobiassen, Chr., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Ootacamund, South India. Norway.
Thompson, B. L., Casilla 44, Quito, Tobiassen, L. K. (1), Badesanatoriet,
Ecuador, South America. Skodsborg, Denmark.
Thompson, Charles, Southern Pub. Assn., Tobiassen, T., Kjopmannsgt. 28, Trond-
2119 - 24th Ave., N., Nashville, Tenn. heim, Norway.
Thompson, F. E., 2161 N. Alabama St., Toke, Po, 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon,
Indianapolis, Ind. Burma.

Sumutwa, E., Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Takayama, Z. (1), S. D. A. Mission,

Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
East Africa. sen.
Sundin, Carl, 9151/2 Fir St., N., Brai- Takazima, Z. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
nerd, Minn. Junan (Soonan), Chosen.
Sung, Shiang-Ming (1), Court 1207 Yu- Takehara, K., S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
Surman, P., Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag- Tamboenan, K., Advent Zendingsgenoot-
Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger- schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling North-
many. Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijnlaan 16,
Sutherland, E. A., Madison College, Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies.
Tenn. Tamura, K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Junan
Sutor, F. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun- (Soonan), Chosen.
schweig, Germany. Tan, C. T. S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Sutta, K., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Amoy, China.
Sutton, A. G. (1), P. 0. Box 580, San Tan, Hsin-hsu (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia
Jose, Calif. Hutung, Peking, Hopei, China.
Sutton, C. B., Box 78, Georgetown, Tan, Kia Ou, 399 Upper Serangoon
British Guiana, South America. Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements.
Suve, V. (I), Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Tan, N. S., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Estonia. Philippine Islands.
Svensson, 011e (1), Wasagatan 12, Gote- Tang, Hain Loh, S. D. A. Mission,
borg, Sweden. Yencheng, Honan, China.
Svensson, R., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Tantia, E., Box 271, Iloilo City, Iloilo,
holm, Sweden. Philippine Islands.
Svenzon, Eric, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Tapping, A. G. (1), 49, Oulton Road,
holm, Sweden. Lowestoft, Suffolk, England.
Swaine, D. M. (1), Kamagambo, P. 0. Tarr, A. F., Box 15, Poona, India.
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Tarr, A. P. 19 Union House, Union St.,
Swanson, E. H., 2507 Dove Ave., Al- East London, C. P., South Africa.
toona, Pa. Tarr, D. F., P. 0. Box 508, Port Eliza-
Sweany, W. A., 1269 Kassebaum Ave., beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
El Monte, Calif. Tarr, E. L., Rwankeri Mission, via
Swen, Tsung Gwang, Tsing Kiang Pu, Usumbura, East Africa.
Kiangsu, China. Tarr, E. V. (1), P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Swenson, Carl, 1400 S. Downing St., wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Denver, Colo. Tarr, E. W., Bethel Training College,
Swinson, Swin, 390 Park Ave., Fresno, P. 0. Butterworth, C. P., South Af-
Calif. rica.
Symons, J. E., Box 468, Bloemfontein, Tarr, W. C., lla Beckett's Bldgs.,
Orange Free State, South Africa. President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Sype, R. J., Box 449, Decatur, Ga. vaal, South Africa.
Szabo, J., Nagy Sandor u. 21, Szekes- Taylor, C. L., 19 Foster St., Springfield,
fehervar, Hungary. Mass.
Szigethy, J., Nagy Sandor u. 21, Szekes- Taylor, F. L. (1), "Tereora," The Boule-
fehervar, Hungary. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Taylor, G. B., Box 174, Angwin, Calif.
Taylor, G. E., 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Honolulu, T. H.
Taylor, H. B., 9753 N. Martindale Ave.,
T Detroit, Mich.
Taylor, H. F., 2308 Mentone Blvd.,
Mentone, Calif.
Tabuenca, P. R. (1), Cervantes 144, Taylor, H. W. (1), Box 308, Oshawa,
Parana, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Ontario, Canada.
America. Taylor, J. I., Route 3, Sherman, Tex.
Tachici, Ilie, Calea Bucurestilor 57, Taylor, L. W. (1), Box 17, Wetaskiwin,
Craiova, Rumania. Alberta, Canada.
Tai, A. F. (I), 526 Ningkuo Road, Te, T. N. (1), 61 bis Route Localle 22,
Shanghai, China. Gia-Dinh, Saigon, French Indo-Chin'a.
Taiga, Richard (1), Maranke Mission Teel, C. W. (1), 4127 Eichelberger St.,
District, P. 0. Odzi, Southern Rho- St. Louis, Mo.
Teesdale, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
desia, Africa. ington, D. C.
Tajti, S. (1), Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Teichmann, Hans, Grindelberg 11, I.,
Cluj, Rumania. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Takayama, N. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Teply, B. (1), Mfinchenerstr. 35, Prag-
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho- Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger-
sen. many.

Stevens, G. A., 625 N. Adams St., Stratford, S. V., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,

Glendale, Calif. N. S. W., Australia.
Stevens, J. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Stratton, F. E., Touchet, Wash.
ton, D. C. Straw, W. E., College Station, Berrien
Stevens, J. C., 2331 Hollister Terrace, Springs, Mich.
Glendale, Calif. Stray, F. W., Box 125, Moncton, New
Stevens, 0. B., S. Central Ave., Lodi, Brunswick, Canada.
Calif. Strba, J. (1), Schanzstr. 24a, II., Press-
Stevens, W. H., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- burg, Slovakia.
land, New Zealand. Street, J. F. (1),.617 Avenue G, Green-
Stevenson, E. J. (1), P. 0. Box 7768, wood, Miss.
Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af- Streeter, E. R., 23, Curzon Road, New
rica. Delhi, India.
Stevenson, G. S., 19 Union House, Union Streeter, H. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
St., East London, C. P., South Africa. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Stevenson, H. W. 11), P. 0. Fort Man- Streifling, W. B. (1), Dawson Creek,
ning, Nyasaland, Africa. British Columbia, Canada.
Stevenson, Peter (1), Caixa Postal No. Streithorst, G., Rua General Vitorino
3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
West Africa. Sul, Brazil, South America.
Stewart, A. G., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Streithorst, G., Jr. (1), Caixa Postal
New South Wales, Australia. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Stewart, G. G., "Tereora," The Boule- America.
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Strever, H. D., 40 Bush St., Ashland,
Stewart, R. E., Box 1812, Madison Oreg.
College, Tenn. Strickland, R. G., Takoma Park, Wash-
Stewart, W. A. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., ington, D. C.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Strickland, W. E., 4322 Taylor Blvd.,
Stinessen, Elmer, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Louisville, Ky.
Norway. Striplin, C. D., 700 Kimlin Drive, Glen-
Stockhausen, A. C., 176 Orange St., dale, Calif.
Kingston, Jamaica, British West In- Strohl, W., Ludendorffstr. 21, Goten-
dies. hafen, Germany.
Stockil, F. R., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Struve, H., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Switzer-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. land.
Stoehr, C. (1), Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Stuart, N. C., Cape Field of S. D. A.,
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Claremont Chambers, Main Road,
Stoehr, H. G., 6040 Linden St., Brook- Claremont, C. P., South Africa.
lyn, N. Y. Stump, L. M., Box 401, Manila, Philip-
Stoehr, W. W., Caixa Postal 378, pine Islands.
Recife, Brazil, South America. Sturzenegger, K., Mission Adventiste,
Stoics, I., Nagy Sandor u. 21, Szekes- Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
f ehervar, Hungary. car.
Stokes, F. L., Box 60, Koforidua, via Stuyvesant, J. B., Alpine, Calif.
Accra, Gold Coast, West Africa. Styk, P. (1), Schanzstr. 24a, II., Press-
Stoltenberg, H., Grindelberg 11, I., burg, Slovakia.
Hamburg 13, Germany. Su, Dien Ching, S. D. A. Mission,
Stone, C. L., 411 Greenwood Ave., Yencheng, Ronan, China.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Su, J. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Stonebrook, I. V. (1), 31 Hwang Pei Shanghai, China.
Road, Hankow, Hupeh, China. Succar, 0. A., Box 59, Station H,
Storch, G. S., Caixa Postal 658, Belem, New York, N. Y.
Para, Brazil, South America. Suckert, G., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin,
Storing, E. W., 176 Orange St., Kings- Germany.
ton, Jamaica, B. W. I. Sulzle, C., College Place, Wash.
Storz, A. F. (1), Box 161, Fortuna, Sumayku, J., Advent Zendingsgenoot-
Calif. schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Ambon,
Stotesbury, V., 91, Depot Lines, Ka- Amboina, Moluccas, Netherlands East
rachi, India.
Sumbera, F., Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag-
Stotz, J. C., Grantsburg, Wis. Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger-
Strachen, M. C., 1651 Louisiana Ave., many.
Jacksonville, Fla. Sumicad, A. (I), P. 0. Box 124, Caga-
Strahle, J. J., Takoma Park, Washing- yan, Oriental Misamis, Philippine
ton, D. C. Islands.
Strala, A. (1), Augasse 11, Reichenberg, Summerfield, C. E. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Sudetenland, Germany. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Strangar, St., Petra Zrinjskog ulica 13, Summerville, T. M., 720 N. Chestnut,
Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Green Bay, Wis..

Sol, del R. (1), Patrocinio No. 20, Sprogis, A., P. 0. Musoma, Tangan-
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. yika Territory, East Africa. ,
Solea, I., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bu- Staben, C. F., Rancho Grande, Glen-
curesti II, Rumania. wood, N. Mex.
Soloniuk, George, 3250 Fraser Ave., at Stacey, G. E., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru,
Kingsway, Vancouver, British Co- South America.
lumbia, Canada. Stacey, H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Somoso, A., P. 0. Box 124, Cagayan, New South Wales, Australia.
Oriental Misamis, Philippine Islands. Stahl, F. A., Paradise, Calif.
Sondakh, C. L. (1), Advent Zendings- Staines, 0. R., Loma Linda, Calif.
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Stammberger, A., Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Noord-Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Nurnberg, Germany.
Netherlands East Indies. Stanescu, I. (I), Str. Mitropolitul
Sorensen, C. P., 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti
koma Park, Washington, D. C. IV, Rumania.
Sorensen, 0. S. (1), Badesanatoriet. Stanley, P. G., 721 - 1st St., N. E.,
Skodsborg, Denmark. Madison, S. Dak.
Sorenson, C. M., Route 1, Box 202, Staples, A. W., P. 0. Box 7768,
Santa Cruz, Calif. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South
Sorenson, M. J., D'Strampee No. 252, Africa.
Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba. Staples, J. M. (1), P. 0. Box 7768,
Sormin, M. (1), Advent Zendingsgen- Johannesburg, Transvaal, South
ootschap in N. O. I., Afdeeling Oost- Africa.
Java, Buttewegstraat 3, Soerabaja. Starks, Walter (I), General Delivery,
Java, Netherlands East Indies. Augusta, Ga.
Sosa, Acencio, Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Starr, G. B., 306-A Vallejo Drive,
South America. Glendale, Calif.
Sosola, Yokoniah, Chileka Mission, P. Staton, J. R., 816 - 4th St., Rapid
0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, City, S. Dak.
British Central Africa. Staubert, P. (1), Friedensau bei Burg,
Soto G., Ner (1), Calle V. Vergara 3227, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger-
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, many.
Argentina, South America. Stauffer, G. L. (1), R. F. D. 3, Zanes-
Sousa, A. R., 145 William St., Taunton, ville, Ohio.
Mass. Stearns, H. R. (1), Route 2, Eldorado,
Southwell, C. P. (I), 47 Hay St., Su- Ill.
biaco, Perth, West Australia, Aus- Stebbeds, F., Clearwater Lake, Wis.
tralia. Steele, Wm., 513 Sligo Parkway,
Sowler, G. C. (I), 106 Summit St., Takoma Park, D. C.
Portage, Wis. Steen, T. W., River Plate Junior Col-
Spalding, A. W., Madison College, Tenn. lege, Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios,
Spanghagen, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Argentina, South America.
holm, Sweden. Steeves, J. M., P. 0. Box 15, Poona,
Sparrow, B. E., 9, Cresta Gardens, India.
Sherwood, Nottingham, England. Stein, R., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf,
Sparrow, H. M., P. 0. Musoma, Tan- Germany.
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Steinert, A. G., College Place, Wash.
Spear, B. R., 11100 Elm St., Lynwood, Steinke, R. D. (1). 3250 Fraser Ave.,
Calif. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Spearing, F. A., '7, Lansdowne Road, Steinweg, B. W., Caixa Postal 658,
Regents Park, Southampton, England. Belem, Para, Brazil, South America.
Specht, W. F., Box 96, Libby, Mont. Stekla, Fr., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau 13,
Speck, D. A. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Germany.
Perth, West Australia, Australia. Stenberg, C. E. (1). Box 175, Port-of-
Spencer, R. M., Dewart, Pa. Spain, Trinidad. British West Indies.
Speranza, Vincenzo, Via Generale F. Stene, L. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Pignatelli 15, Napoli, Italy. Norway.
Spicer, Joseph, 3137 W. 30th St., Cleve- Stenhano, S. (I). Gitwe, Ruanda, via
land, Ohio. Usumbura, Belgian East Africa.
Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park, Wash- Stephenson, C. B., Brooker, Fla.
ington, D. C. Sterling, G. L., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Spiess, F. E., Box 64, Poona, India. N. S. W., Australia.
Spillman, Don, 1922 - 6th West, Seattle, Steudel, Curt, Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
Wash. Braunschweig, Germany.
Spivey, E. M. (1), 911 N. Mangum St., Steunenberg, F. W., 1110 - 4th St., W.,
Durham, N. C. Billings, Mont.
Spring, L. A., '701 W. Sugar St., Mt. Stevens, F. H., 430 Lincoln Ave.,
Vernon, Ohio. Albany, Ga.

Sila, N., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Smith, A. R. (1), 1813 Orchard Ave.,
Belgian East Africa. Glendale, Calif.
Silalahi, A. (1), Box 34, Jesselton, Smith, C. D., Route 3, Stilwell, Okla.
British North Borneo. Smith, C. E., 2204 Emerson Ave., N.,
Silombe, Clarence, P. 0. Box 573, Bula- Minneapolis, Minn.
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Smith, C. H. (I), 1632 E. 46th St.,
Simandjoentak, B. P. (1), Advent Zen- Indianapolis, Ind.
dingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeel- Smith, C. J. (I), 6th and E. Lander,
ing West-Java, Naripan 63, Ban- Pocatello, Idaho.
doeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies. Smith, C. L. (I), 734 Main St., Nevada,
Simbombo, W. (1), P. 0. Box 573, Iowa.
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Smith, C. 0., Oshawa Missionary Col-
Simoes, F., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. lege, Box 308, Oshawa. Ontario,
A., Lisbon, Portugal. Canada.
Simon, E., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46, Smith, D. W., Bethel Chapel, Alfred
Cottbus, Germany. House Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo,
Simon, Simon (1), Lake View Mission, India.
P. O. Fort Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Smith, Floyd (1), Wolfpit Road, Wilton,
Africa. Conn.
Simonson, J. A., Loma Linda, Calif. Smith, G. A. E., 176 Orange St., Kings-
Simpson, G. H., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Simpson, P. K., Box 215, Milton, Oreg. Smith, G. H., 12563 Bradley Ave., San
Sinaga, Elam (1), P. 0. Box 54, Fernando, Calif.
Kuching, Sarawak, Borneo. Smith, J. A., 105 Farraday, Monte
Singh, Sher (1), S. D. A. Mission, Vista, Colo.
Hapur, Meerut Dt., India. Smith, J. D., So. Lancaster, Mass.
Singleton, H. D., 1 Dare Terrace, Smith, J. H., 518 King George Ave..
Chavis Heights, Raleigh, N. C. S. W., Roanoke, Va.
Sine, K., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurn- Smith, J. L., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
berg, Germany. (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Siregar, Mampe (1), 140 Bukit Bin- Smith, M. W. (1), Nome, Alaska.
tang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Smith, N. B., 1403 E. Washington St.,
Malay States. Greensboro, N. C.
Siti, Andrea, P. 0. Musoma, Tangan- Smith, R. H. (1), 176, Elm Drive, West
yika Territory, East Africa. Hove 4, Sussex, England.
Sitompoel, S. F. (1), Advent Zendings- Smith, W. D., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Noord-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn- Smith, W. I., Pacific Union College,
laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Indies. Smith, W. J., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
Sittner, F., Cervantes 144, Parana, church, New Zealand.
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Smith, W. K., R. F. D. 1, Bourbon, Mo.
ica. Smith, W. It., Box 110, College Place.
Sittner, J. F. (1), Carlos Pellegrini Wash.
1645, Corrientes, Argentina, South Smith, W. T., 219 Calhoun St., Charles-
America. ton, S. C.
Sivonen, E. (1), Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Smithwick, R. A., 126 Quincy St..
Finland. Bakersfield, Calif.
Skadsheim, M. N., 2914 West North Smouse, A. R. (1); 2718 - 3d Ave.,
Avenue, Chicago, Ill. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Skau, 0. A., S. D. A. Mission High Smyk, S: (1), Turecka 1, Warschau S
School, Meiktila, Burma. 36, General Government, Germany.
Skinner, G. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Snide, H. E., Collegedale, Tenn.
Skinner, L. A., 2478 Cole St., Oakland, Snider, J. D. (1), Review and Herald,
Calif. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Skrla, J. (I). Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag- Snipes, 0. R., 55 South Main St.,
Kg1. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger- Rochester, N. H.
many. So, K. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Ku-
Skyllstad, It. J., Akersgaten 74, Oslo, langsu, Amoy, China.
Norway. Soares, Manoel (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Slade, E. K., 437 Elvina Drive, Glen- Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
dale, Calif. Sobotka, J. (1), Schanzstr. 24a, or.,
Slankamenac, N., Nemanjina ul. 11, Pressburg, Slovakia.
Nis, Jugoslavia. Soetbeer, A. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dilssel-
Slater, F. B., 215 Guarantee St., Peters- dorf, Germany.
burg, Va. Sohlmann, K., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
Smart, A., "Tereora." The Boulevards, Budapest I, Hungary.
Strathfield, New South Wales, Aus- Soisalo, K., Annank. 7, Helsingfors,
tralia. Finland.

Semkovic, Djordje, Nemanjina ul. 11, Shepard, H. A. (1), Box 396, Oshawa,
Nis, Jugoslavia. Ontario, Canada.
Semmens, D. W. (1), Gifford Mission Shepard, L. C., Box 15, Poona, India.
Hospital, Nuzvid, Kistna District, Shepard, Lyle, Otsego, Mich.
South India. Shepard, Melzar, 1917 Harrison Ave.,
Semmens, L. A., Washington Mission- Eureka, Calif.
ary College, Takoma Park, Washing- Shephard, W. H., Route 2, Loveland,
ton, D. C. Colo.
Senecal, B. T., 220 North Glenn, Sheppler, P. E., Rockland, Wis.
Wichita, Kans. Sherman, A. R., Apartado 986, Caracas,
Seng, G., Diemershaldenstr. 23, Stutt- Venezuela, South America.
gart-O, Wurtemberg, Germany. Sherwin, T. A. (1), "Mizpah," Wah-
Senson, Roman, Northern Luzon Acad- roonga, New South Wales, Australia.
emy, Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan, Shih, Ru Ling, S. D. A. Mission, Yen-
Philippine Islands. cheng, Honan, China.
Seresere, Isimele, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Shih, Y. C. (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Nan-
Pacific Ocean. king, Kiangsu, China.
Settergren, A. J., Tunnelgatan 25, Shimabwachi, Seth (1), Demu Mission,
Stockholm, Sweden. P. 0. Pemba, Northern Rhodesia,
Shade], S. T., 132 N. Prairie St., White- Africa.
water, Wis. Shirakawa, K., S. D. A. Mission, Junan
Shafer, A. N. (1), Park Terrace Heights, (Soonan), Chosen.
Binghamton, N. Y. Shone, G. W., P. O. Buxton, via Bal-
Shafer, W. J., 4 Geneva Ave., Takoma four, C. P., South Africa.
Park, D. C. Short, D. K. (1), Mbeya. Mission, P. 0.
Shakespeare, P. E., 2001 - 24th Ave., N., Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, East
Nashville, Tenn. Africa.
Shamalambo, Paul, Munenga Mission, Shoup, H. L., 606 W. Washtenaw St.,
c/o A. Hartzenberg Esq., Private Lansing, Mich.
Bag, Livingstone, Northern Rhodesia, Shrewsbury, 0. H., Pacific Union Col-
Africa. lege, Angwin, Calif.
Shamilimo, Andrew (1), P. O. Box 573, Shuler, J. L., Theological Seminary,
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Takoma Park, D. C.
Shan, Lo-T'ien, No. China Training In- Shull, H. L. (1), Southwestern Jr. Col-
stitute, Fengtai, Hopei, China. lege, Keene, Tex.
Shan, Ying Min (1), 526 Ningkuo Shull, J. C. (I), 2525 S. Downing St.,
Road, Shanghai, China. Denver, Colo.
Shankel, C. W., Box 308, Oshawa, On- Shull, J. R. (1), Cedar Lake Academy,
tario, Canada. Cedar Lake, Mich.
Shankel, G. E., Grove Ave., Claremont, Shultz, J. E., 2119 - 24th Ave., N.,
Cape Province, South Africa. Nashville, Tenn.
Shaquiro, B. (1), P. O. Musoma, Tan- Shultz, J. H., Madison College, Tenn.
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Shultz, J. W., Route 4, Bucyrus, Ohio.
Sharman, R. C., c /o 324 Birks Bldg., Shwe, Po, S. D. A. Mission, Myaung-
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. mya, Burma.
Sharp, F. L., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Siagian, D. P. (1), P. 0. Box 34,
land, New Zealand. Jesselton, British North Borneo.
Shaw, B. H., 1130 McChesney Ave., Sibadogil, M. T., P. 0. Box 34, Jesse].
Nashville, Tenn. ton, British North Borneo.
Shaw, H. J., 419 Laurel St., Brea, Sibagobe, Harry, P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Calif. wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Shaw, J. L., Loma Linda, Calif. Sibarani, L. S., P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Shaw, L. (1), 12, Sudbury Court Drive, British North Borneo.
Harrow, Middlesex, England. Sibianu, G. (1), Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Shaw, T. A. (1), 171 Blossom St., Craiova, Rumania.
Fitchburg, Mass. Sibley, David, 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Sheldon, E. L., Mountain Sanitarium, Victoria, Australia.
Fletcher, N. C. Sickler, M. W. (1), 46 Oxford St.,
Sheldon, H. J., 600 N. Kauffman Ave., Bradford, Pa.
Temple City, Calif. Siegenthaler, W. J. (1), 1422 N. 47th
Shen, C. P., S. D. A. Mission, 102 Wei St., Seattle, Wash.
I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Siepman, A. (I), Gitwe Mission, P. 0.
Shen, H. C., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shan- Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
hai, China. East Africa.
Shen, Hsuen Hung (1), S. D. A. Mis- Siepman, J. G., lla Beckett's Buildings,
sion, 41 Hsiao Giao Chang, Kiukiang, President St., Johannesburg, South
Kiangsi. China. Africa.
Shen, T. R. Court 1207 Yu Yuen Road, Sikongo, Geo. (I), P. 0. Box 573,
Shanghai, China. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.

Schmeider, W., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, Schuster, T. (I), SCr. Pictor Bucewschi
Germany. 2, Cernauti, Rumania.
Schmitz, H. (1), Lange Beestenmarkt Schutt, C. A., S. D. A. Mission, 9 Cun-
102, The Hague, Netherlands. ningham Road, Bangalore, South
Schmutzler, A., Badhuisweg 14, Apel- India.
doorn, Netherlands. Schiitte, W., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham-
Schneebauer, L., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna burg 13, Germany.
XV /101, Germany. Schwab, M., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna
Schneider, C. C., Caixa Postal 2898, XV /101, Germany.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Schwantes, Nelson, Caixa Postal 60,
Schneider, H. E. (1), Box 1313, Orlando, Goiania, Goiaz, Brazil, South America.
Fla. Schwantes, S. (1), Caixa Postal 2898,
Schneider, Isaac, Box 84, Bakersfield, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Calif. Schwarz, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Schneider, Orville (1), Box 933, Little- Nurnberg, Germany.
field, Tex. Schwarz, H., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen
Schnepper, F. W., 4547 Calvert St., 19, Bavaria, Germany.
Lincoln, Nebr. Schwedrat, 0. F., 4215 Springle Ave.,
Schnepper, 0. E., Granger, Wash. Detroit, Mich.
Sehnetzler, Joseph, 28 Hask all St., Schwenecke, 0., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz
Hagaman, N. Y. 46, Cottbus, Ge-many.
Schnotzinger, H., Tizianstr. 18, Mun- Schweneeke, W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-
chen 19, Bavaria, Germany. A16, Germany.
SchOn, W., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg Schwerin, G. A., 2119 Sanders Ave., San
13, Germany. Antonio, Tex.
Schor, H., Badhuisweg 14, Apeldoorn, Schwindt, F. F., 316 W. Frierson St.,
Netherlands. Tampa, Fla.
Schor, J., Pelzgasse 2 /10, Vienna XV Schwital, J., Steindamm 32a, III.,
/101, Germany. Konigsberg, Pr., Germany.
Schornstein, P. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Scoggins, P. E., Sanitarium, Calif.
Braunschweig, Germany. 'Scott, B. T., 19 Union House; Union
Schowe, C. H. (I), "Mizpah," Wall= St., East London, South Africa.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Scott, L. R., 42 McDaniel Ave., James-
Schram, George (1), 528 S. Lafayette town, N. Y.
Ave., Grand Rapids, Mich. Scott, W. W. (1), 113 N. Pine St.,
Schrattenholzer, F., Hinterm Bahnhof Mobile, Ala.
30, Niirnberg, Germany. Scragg, W. M. R., Box J. 1011, Ade-
Schreyak, Th., 8 Ave. de 1'Eglise An- laide, South Australia, Australia.
glaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Scriven, C. A., 2719 Second North,
Schroder, Rudolf, Grindelberg 11, I., Seattle, Wash.
Hamburg 13, Germany. Searle, B. (1), Musofu Mission, Private
Schroeder, W. F. H., Bland, Mo. Bag, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Af-
Schroter, Carl. Regensburgerstrasse 22, rica.
V.. Berlin W. 50, Germany. Seat, E. T., 709 Glenmore Blvd., Glen-
Schubert, E., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, dale, Calif.
Germany. Sebastian, W. H., 550 Greenville Ave.,
Schubert, G. W., Route 1, Box 304, Staunton, Va.
Anaheim, Calif. Sebro, F. A. (1), Castries, St. Lucia,
Schubert, Walter, Uriarte 2429, Buenos British West Indies.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Seefried, J., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin-
Schuberth, H. F., Htinibach-Thun, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Switzerland. Segatwa, M., Gitwe Mission, P. 0.
Schuberth, 0.,Washington Missionary Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
College, Taoma Park, D. C. East Africa.
Schuenemann, B. E. (1), Rua General Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak.
Vitorino No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Seidl, P. (1), Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
Grande do Sul, Brazil, South America. do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
Schuil, P. (1), Newbold Missionary America.
College, Packwood Haugh. Packwood,
near Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, Seino, E., 77 Torikai Cho 1 Chome,
Fukuoka, Japan.
Schulte, K., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Seljavaara, T., Annank. 7, Helsingfors,
Germany. Finland.
Schultz, H. A., 1103 S. W. Goodwin Seltzer, G. J., 2828 S. E. 29th Ave.,
Drive, Pendleton, Oreg. Portland, Oreg.
Schulz, B., Steindamm 32a, III., KOnigs- Seltzer, L. M ., 711 - 12th St., S.,
berg, Pr.. Germany. Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada.
Schuster, M. II., 1965 S. Emerson, Den- Selvanayagam, A. (I), Roadside House,
ver, Colo. Ootacamund, South India.

Salay, I. (1), Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Schaffner, B. E., 702 S. E. 70th Ave.,
Cluj, Rumania. Portland, Oreg.
Salazar, J. A., Apartado 605, Guada- Schaffner, R. G., 3418 South G St.,
lajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Tacoma, Wash.
Sales, J. B., Apartado 30, Camaguey, Schaller, H. (I), Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
Cuba. 13, Germany.
Sallee, A. M. (1), 130 Boulevard de Schank, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niirn-
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. berg, Germany.
Salton, R. A., Gordon Ave., Hamilton Schaper, H., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chem-
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. nitz, Germany.
Same, A. C., Box 271, Iloilo City, Scharffenberg, W. A., Takoma Park,
Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Washington, D. C.
Sample, H. E. (1), Box 2238, Boise, Scheele, K., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt-
Idaho. gart-S, Germany.
Samuel, John (1), Roadside House, Scheibitz, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Ootacamund, South India. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Samuel, K. (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Schell, H. E. R. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
Usumbura, Belgian East Africa.
Samuel, K. G. (1), Roadside House, doeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Ootacamund, South India. Schenck, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3,
Sandefur, Cree, 935 Cottonwood, San Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Antonio, Tex. Scherf, A. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
Sanders, C. N., 617 W. Broadway, Braunschweig, Germany.
Whittier, Calif. Scherr, B. A., Drawer 36, Watertown,
Sanders, F. 0., 310 E. 23d St., Indian- S. Dak.
apolis, Ind. Schick, L. B., 123 Argonne, Long Beach,
Sanders, W. S. (1), 605,/2 Indiana Ave., Calif.
Des Moines, Iowa. Schieber, K., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
Sanderson, A. E., Prospect Hill, Ware- schweig, Germany.
house Point, Conn. Schierman, D. R., 461 N. Fruit Ave.,
San Juan, A. (1), Artacho, Sison, Fresno, Calif.
Pangasinan, Philippine Islands. Schildhauer, Otto, Regensburgerstrasse
Sant Ana, E. (1), Caixa Postal 198, 22, V., Berlin W. 50, Germany.
Cidade do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, Schilling, J. H., 432 N. Ninth St.,
South America. Allentown, Pa.
Santini, Ray (1), 11233 Virginia St., Schillinger, R., Vojvode Protica 12,
Lynwood, Calif. Beograd VII, Jugoslavia.
Sanz, Pedro, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Schleicher, A. (1), Nemanjina ul. 11,
Spain. Nis, Jugoslavia.
Sarcanski, M., Dezeliceva 77, Zag-reb,
Jugoslavia. Schleifer, S. M., 655 Waldo St., S. E.,
Sargeant, E. N., 1422 N. 47th St., Atlanta, Ga.
Seattle, Wash. Schlilter, F., Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm /
Sargent, A. J., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran- Westf., Germany.
goon, Burma. Schmalkoke, G., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen
Sather, G. L. (1), 3250 Fraser Ave., 19, Bavaria, Germany.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Schmehl, F. W. (1), Star Route, Edney-
Saunders, J. E., 604 Carroll Ave., ville, N. C.
Takoma Park, D. C. Schmid, A., 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise,
Saunders, N. H., So. Lancaster, Mass. Lausanne, Switzerland.
Saur, 0., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Schmidt, E. A. (1), 3017 - 23d Ave.,
Frankfurt, a. M., Germany. Oakland, Calif.
Sauza, V. A. (1), Apartado 139, Saltillo, Schmidt, H., Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
- Coahuila, Mexico. Niirnberg, Germany.
Savage, Ben (I), Box 1107, Denver, Schmidt, H., Ktirnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
Colo. 13, Germany.
Scalliet, A. (1), 130 Boulevard de Schmidt, H. H., 2008 Jones St., St.
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Joseph, Mo.
Schacht, W. H., 5332 Sumner Ave., Schmidt, I. C., 416 S. Main St., Clinton,
Eagle Rock, Calif. Mo.
Schafer, E. (1), Arndtstr. 87a, Stettin, Schmidt, J. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Karls-
Germany. ruhe i /B., Germany.
Schafer, K., KOrnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau Schmidt, R. (1), Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin,
13, Germany. Germany.
Schafer, R., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chem-
Schmidt, Santiago, Rua Lopes Trovao
nitz, Germany. 84, Nictheroy, Brazil, South America.
Schaeffier, William, Calle V. Vergara
3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Schmidt, W. F., 920 N. Walnut St.,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Frederick, Md.


Rokesala, Feresi, Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Rudy, H. L., Drawer '36, Watertown,
Pacific Ocean. S. Dak.
Rolfe, 11. It., 22 Pearl St., Montpelier, Ruf, A. F., Union Springs, N. Y.
Vt. Ruf, G. F., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Rollo, D. W. (1). Gordon Ave., Hamilton South America.
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Ruhling, R., Takoma Park, Washing-
Romulo, P. H. (1), P. 0. Box 401, ton, D. C.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Ruiloba, Ed. (I), Apartado 1325, San
Ronisch, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Jose, Costa Rica, Central America.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Rulkoetter, A. H., 3800 S. 48th St.,
Roocks, E., Goedbels-Str. 40, Wohn. 5, Lincoln, Nebr.
Bromberg, Germany. Ruminson, W. M., 327 DeMo St., Fresno,
Roper, F. G. (1), Colfax, Wash. Calif.
Roper, G. (1), 41, Gartmore Road, Ilford, Runolf, W., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm,
Essex, England. Sweden.
Rori, Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi, Solo- Rush, T. L (1), 418 E. Washington St.,
mon Islands, Pacific Ocean. Ann Arbor, Mich.
Rosenberg, H. (1), Wasagatan 12, Gote- Russell, A. B., 810 Houston Ave., Ta-
borg, Sweden. koma Park, D. C.
Rosendahl, E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Russell, C. A., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Victoria, Australia. Russell, E. E., 408 W. Spring St.,
Rosenvold, Emil, 45461/2 Eagle Rock Lima, Ohio.
Blvd., Eagle Rock, Calif. Russell, James (1), c/o 289 Central
Rosiecki, J., Turecka 1, Warschau S Ave., Albany, N. Y.
36, General Government, Germany. Russell, Nathan (I), 55 South Main St.,
Rosier, 0. H. (1), 71, Eastcott Hill, Rochester, N. H.
Swindon, Wilts., England. Russell, Riley, 1616 Del Valle Ave.,
Ross, J. B., 2200 Kavanaugh, Little Glendale, Calif.
Rock, Ark. Rustad, G. H., Box 1491, Jamestown,
Ross, John, Box 573, Bulawayo, So. N. Dak.
Rhodesia, Africa. Rustig, H., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
Roth, A. G.,Casier A-55, Port-au-Prince, Sudetenland, Germany.
Haiti, est Indies. Rutherford, H. G., c /o Hasso Bros.,
Roth, A. H., Box 2006, Balboa, Canal Baghdad, Iraq.
Zone. Rutz, A. (1), Caixa Postal 810, Curitiba,
Roth, D. F., 225 Michigan St., Pitts- Parana, Brazil, South America.
burgh, Pa.
Roth, Ernesto, Caixa Postal 233, Vi-
toria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
America. S
Roth, F., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stuttgart-
S, Germany. Sabatino, F. (1), Casella Postale 408,
Roth, G. G., 139 ter, Chemin du Telemly, Florence, Italy.
Algiers, Algeria. Saboe-Larsen, L., Akersgaten 74, Oslo,
Roth, J. H., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Norway.
Rothe, M. (1), Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau Saborowski, H. (1), Hans-Sachsstrasse
13, Germany. 9, Chemnitz, Germany.
Rouhe, 0. (1), Songa Mission, Boite Saborowski, It. (1), Arndtstr. 37a,
Postale Kamina, Congo Beige, Africa. Stettin, Germany.
Rouse, J. S., 1233 W. 38th St., Los Sabrine, D. C., Box 119, Cebu City,
Angeles, Calif. Philippine Islands.
Rowe, T. M., 269 Lenox Ave., New Saburi, Paolo, P. 0. Musoma, Tangan-
York, N. Y. yika Territory, East Africa.
Rowland, J. W., 3800 S. 48th St., Lin- Sachsenmeyer, A., Eschenheimer An-
coln, Nebr. lage 32, Frankfurt a. M., Germany.
Rowse, J. M. (I), Pacific Press, Moun- Sage, A. 0., 126 Claremont St., San
tain View, Calif. Jose, Calif.
Roy, R. J., Box 128, Keene, Tex. Saiwa, Sopha, Cinyama Mission, P. 0.
Ruble, W. A., New England Sanitarium, Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British
Melrose, Mass. Central Africa.
Ruble, W. W., 4707 Park Blvd., Oak- Sakul, A. (1), Advent Zendingsgenoots-
land, Calif. chap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord-
Ruddle, F. W. (1), Hepler, Kans. Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Nether-
Rudge, E. B., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, lands East Indies.
N. S. W., Australia. Salakian, Haik (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Rudge, W. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton Shah Ave., 638, Teheran, Iran.
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Salau, S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Box 52,
Rudy, Adam, Shelton Academy, Shel- Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New
ton, Nebr. Guinea.

Riffel, W. B., P. 0. Box 124, Cagayan, Robertson, John (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Oriental Misamis, Philippine Islands. Portland, Oreg.
Rihs, Ch. (1), Mission Adventiste, 40, Robertson, R. H., 176 Orange St.,
ru de la Republique, Rabat, Morocco. Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Riley, A. E., North St., St. Johns, Indies.
Antigua, British West Indies. Robinson, A. T., 4037 Mt. Veeder Road,
Finder, F., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- Napa, Calif.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Robinson, C., Inyazura Mission, P. 0.
Ringoot, M., 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Brussels, Belgium. Robinson, D. E., General Conference,
Rintala, A., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Takoma Park, D. C.
Finland. Robinson, G., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Rippey, J. A., Route 3, Box 88, Sher- land, New Zealand.
wood, Oreg. Robinson, H. A. B. (1), Apartado 107,
Risbey, A. C. (1), "Mizpah," Wah- Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Robinson, R. P., Chimpempe Mission,
Rischmiiller, Fr., Briickenstr. 34a, P. O. Kawambwa, Northeast Rho-
Hamm /Westf., Germany. desia, Africa.
Risley, E. H., Loma Linda, Calif. Robinson, V. E. (1), Malamulo Mission,
Riston, W. R., Route 3, Rockville, Md. P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, British
Rita, A. S. (1), P. 0. Box 119, Cebu Central Africa.
City, Philippine Islands. Robinson, W. R. (1), 1377 Clifton Ave.,
Ritch, Ben, Thekerani Mission, P. 0. Apt. L, Columbus, Ohio.
Thekerani, Nyasaland, British Central Robison, J. I., Walla Walla College,
Africa. College Place, Wash.
Ritchie, C. A. W., Roadside House, Robison, M., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Ootacamund, South India. Cape Province, South Africa.
Ritchie, C. J., Box 584, Arlington, Robson, H., Suji Mission, Private Bag,
Calif. P. 0. Tanga, Tanganyika Territory,
Ritchie, R. J. (1), 37 Lawrance Road, East Africa.
Lahore, India. Roda, A. (1), Artacho, Sison, Panga-
Ritonga, S. (1), Advent Zendings- sinan, Philippine Islands.
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Rodd, A. S., The Kloof, Lanner, Red-
North-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn- ruth, Cornwall, England.
laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East Rodgers, A. G. (1), Box 592, Jerusalem,
Indies. Palestine.
Rittau, R., Adlerstrasse 70, Dusseldorf, Rodgers, P. G., 10511 S. Hoover St.,
Germany. Los Angeles, Calif.
Rittenhouse, C. H., Box 202, Loma Rodinoff, P. V. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Linda, Calif. 62 Ta Fang Chia Hutung, Peking,
Rittenhouse, L. K. (1), Ngoma Medical Hopei, China.
Mission, P. 0. Gitwe, Usumbura, Rodriguez, Alfonso (I), Apartado 605,
Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Rittenhouse, S. N., 84 Willet St., Al- Rodriguez, Rudolph (1), 4412 Central
bany, N. Y. Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.
Ritter, G. G., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Rodriguez, Vicente, Apartado 107,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Ritz, A. P., Gem State Academy, Cald- Roedel, Andrew (1), Box 2238, Boise,
well, Idaho. Idaho.
Rivera, J. I., Apartado 568, Ciudad Roeland, A., 11-13 Rue Ernest Allard,
Trujillo, Rep. Dominicana. Brussels, Belgium.
Rivera, Juan (1). Apartado 568, Ciudad Roenfelt, E. E., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Trujillo, Rep. Dominicana. New South Wales, Australia.
Rizea, A., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bu- Rogers, A. H., 361 Argyle St., North
curesti II, Rumania. Hobart, Tasmania.
Robbins, A. J., Washington Missionary Rogers, J. C., P. 0. Box 1500, Durban,
College, Takoma Park, D. C. Natal, South Africa.
Robbins, Earl (1), c/o J. M. Hoffman, Rogers, L. E. (I), Box 254, Durango,
527 Forest St., Mansfield, Ohio.
Robbins, F. H., 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Colo.
koma Park, D. C. Rohde, Max (1), Caixa Postal 146,
Robbins, Leon, R. F. D. 1, Box 267, East Campo Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil,
Akron, Ohio. South America.
Robbins, W. M., Box 831, Mt. Vernon, Rohde, W., Bruckenstrasse 34a, Hamm /
Ohio. Westf., Germany.
Roberts, G. A., White Memorial Hos- Rohwedder, H. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dussel-
pital, Los Angeles, Calif. dorf, Germany.
Roberts, John, Box 66, Part-of-Spain, Roibescu, D., Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Craiova, Rumania.
Robertson, E. A. (1), Union Springs, Rojas, L. A., Casilla 2830, Santiago,
N. Y. Chile, South America.

Rees, D. R. (1), 123 Bell Ave., Ala- Reye, E. A., Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
mosa, Colo. South Australia, Australia.
Reeves, C. A., 3250 Fraser Ave., at Reye, R., Apia, Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
Kingsway, Vancouver, British Coltn- Reyes, F. (1), P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
Ida, Canada. Philippine Islands.
Reichelt, J. (1), Kjopmannsgt. 28, Reyes, Francisco (1), Apartado 139,
Trondheim, Norway. Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico.
Ileichenbaugh, C. E. (1), Falls Creek, Reynaud, J., Mission Adventiste, 40,
Pa. rue de la Republique, Rabat, Morocco.
Reid, D. B., 176 Orange St., Kingston, Reynolds, A. F. (1), R. D. 1, 2119 Park
Jamaica, British West Indies. Ave., Plainfield. N. J.
Reid, F. G. (1), Ikizu Training School, Reynolds, C. J., "Tereora," The Boule-
P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Territory, varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
East Africa. tralia.
Reid, J. A., 176 Orange St., Kingston, Reynolds, E. R., 905 N. Ninth St.,
Jamaica, British West Indies. Phoenix, Ariz.
Reid, 0. P., Box 78, Georgetown, Reynolds, T. T. (I), 216 Poppy Ave.,
British Guiana, South America. Monrovia, Calif.
Reihlen, C., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt- Reynolds, L. A., 817 W. Nora Ave.,
gart-S., Germany. Spokane, Wash.
Reile, B. A., 1011 South Central Ave., Reynolds, L. B., 317 Quindaro Blvd.,
Lodi, Calif. Kansas City, Kans.
Reile, L. L. (1), 404 Avenue Building, Reynolds, W. 0., 1902 Wolcott Ave.,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Wilmington, N. C.
Reile, S. A., P. 0. Box 244, Aberdeen, Rhoads, A. V., Sedro-Woolley, Wash.
S. Dak. Rhoads, Bert (1), Hawarden, Iowa.
Reiner, D. E., 2718 - 3d Ave., So., Rhoads, J. H., 2838 Hemphill St.,
Minneapolis, Minn. Ft. Worth, Tex.
Reiner, D. N., Box 396, Oshawa, On- Rhodes, J. W. (1), 210 Figaro St., Mo-
tario, Canada. desto, Calif.
Reinheimer, W., Str. Pictor Bucewschi Rice, F. E., 1415 Makiki St., Honolulu,
2, Cernauti, Rumania. Hawaii.
Reis, R. (1), Caixa Postal 34, Santo Rice, M. L., South Lancaster, Mass.
Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Rice, W. W., South Lubec, Maine.
South America. Rich, J. W., 1855 Lucerne St., Stockton,
Reisig, A. J., Box 743, Bozeman, Mont. Calif.
Reiswig, J. J., Box 743, Bozeman, Mont. Richards, Clarence (1), 2100 Emmer-
Reiswig, L. R., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. son St., Evanston, Ill.
Reit, Ioan, Str. Mitropolitul Ghena- Richards, H. M. J., 385 Termino Ave.,
die Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Long Beach, Calif.
Rumania. Richards. H. M. S., 2461 Bywood Drive,
Remsen, Emanuel, Keene, Tex. Glendale, Calif.
Ren, Djen-Hsing (1), S. D. A. Mission, Richards, W. J., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Pichieh, Kweichow, China. land, New Zealand.
Rendon, Jorge (I), Apartado 313, Cali, Richardson, J. N. (1), 705 S. Franklin,
Colombia, South America. Mobile, Ala.
Renn, W. S., Jr. (1), "Mizpah," Wah- Richmond, E. L. (1), Review and Her-
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. ald, Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Renschler, Clarence, (1), Drawer 36, Richter, H., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16,
Watertown, S. Dak. Germany.
Rentfro, C. E., 165 Stichman St., Bald- Richter, J., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
win Park, Calif. Sudetenland, Germany.
Rentfro, H. A., 306 South Fourth East, Rick, P. A., College Heights, Alberta,
Provo, Utah. Canada.
Replogle, J. D., Casilla 12, Trelew Rick, W. C. (I), Box 337, Oshawa,
Chubut, Argentina, South America. Ontario, Canada.
Replogle, Leon, Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Rieckmann, C. H., 13 Sharia Abdul
Nictheroy, Brazil, South America. Monein, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt.
Requenez, Tomas (1), 631 S. Sangamon Rieckmann, W. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
St., Chicago, Ill. Braunschweig, Germany.
Riedel, H. (1), Tizianstr. 18, Miinchen
Reth, H. (1), Dezeliceva 77, Zag-reb, 19, Bavaria, Germany.
Riemens, David, 139 ter, Chemin du
Revelo, E. (1), Apartado 92, Managua, Telemly, Algiers, Algeria.
Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America. Riffel, Andres (1), Casilla 2830, San-
Rey, Eugene, 139 ter, Chemin du tiago, Chile, South America.
Telemly, Algiers, Algeria. Riffel, J., Box 45, College Place, Wash.
Rey, Jules, 8 Ave. de l'Eglise Anglaise, Riffel, Juan, Uriarte 2429, Buenos Aires,
Lausanne, Switzerland. Argentina, South America.

Rampton, F. G., "Tereora," The 13oule-

varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Ramuai, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Rabalotu, Williams, Suva Vou, Suva, Pacific Ocean.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Randall, L. D. (1), 4675 E. Conway
Rabello, R. M., Caixa Postal 233, Road, Atlanta, Ga.
Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South Randle, W. H., 176 Orange St., Kings-
America. ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Racker, F., Bruckenstr. 34a, Hamm / Rankin, R. T., La Ceiba, Rep of Hon-
Westf., Germany. duras, Central America.
.Racker, W., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- Rantoeng, It. S. (1), Advent Zendings-
Wilmersdorf, Germany. genootschap in N. 0. 1., Afdeeling
Radancevic, M. (1), Nemanjina ul. 11, Noord-Celebes, Tondano, Celebes,
Nis, Jugoslavia. Netherlands East Indies.
Radivojevic, Radun, Nemanjina ul. 11, Rantoeng, S. (1), Advent Zendings-
Nis, Jugoslavia. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Radke, R. F. (1), 117-A S. 7th St., Las Zuid-Sumatra, Palembang, Sumatra,
Vegas, Nev. Netherlands East Indies.
Radke, W., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46, Rao, P. Sundar (II, S. D. A. Mission,
Cottbus, Germany. Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India.
Radoi, G. (1), Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2, Rapnale, C. H. (1), Apia, Samoa, Pacific
Cernauti, Rumania. Ocean.
Radovanovic, B. (1), Petra Zrinjskog Raposo, A. F., Nossa Senhora do
ulica 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. Monte, Brava, Cape Verde Islands.
Radulescu, I. D., Calea Bucurestilor 57, Rapp, G. S., 917 Flower Ave., Takoma
Craiova, Rumania. Park, D. C.
Ragoso, Kata, Marovo Lagoon, via Rasamoelina, A. (1), Mission Adven-
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific tiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mad-
Ocean. agascar.
Ragsdale, A. M., 67 Essie St., Alex- Rashford, L., 176 Orange St., Kings-
andria, La. ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
Rasi, M. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Rahm, F. H., Box 316, Susanville, Aires, Argentina. South America.
Calif. Kaska, P., Munchenerstr. 35, Prag-Kgl.
Railave, Tevita (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Weinberge, Protectorate, Germany.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Rasmussen, H. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Raitt, A. J. (1), Newbold Missionary Waterloo, Sierre Leone, West Africa.
College, Packwood Haugh, Packwood, Rasmussen, L. It., Box 584, Arlington,
near Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, Calif.
England. Raspal, M., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Raitt, W. C. S., P. 0. Box 273, Mom- Paris 13e, France.
Vasa, Kenya Colony, E. Africa. Rathbun, F. 0. (1), Box 356, Nassau,
Rajaonize, N. (1), Mission Adventiste, Bahamas.
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mada- Rathke, E., Steindamm 32a, HI.,
gascar. Konigsberg, Pr., Germany.
Rajee, R. E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Rathod, C. K. (1), Box 64, Poona, India.
Nongthymmai, Shillong, Assam, Raubenheimer, J. H., P. 0. Box 7768,
India. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Rakotovao, Jacob (I), Mission Adven- rica.
tiste, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Rawson, A. E., S. D. A. Mission, 36
Madagascar. Park St., Calcutta, India.
Raley, W. C., South Lancaster, Mass. Read, W. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Raley, W. H. (1), 2690 S. Downing St., ton, D. C.
Denver, Colo. Reaser, G. W., 5232 Eagledale Ave.,
Ram, Mela, Chukarkana Mandi; Punjab, Eagle Rock, Calif.
India. Reavis, J. D., 313 Johnston St., Talla-
Ramamordisoa, J., Mission Adventists, hassee, Fla.
Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Mada- Rebensburg, A., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin,
gascar. Germany.
Rebok, D. E., Southern Junior College,
Ramos, I. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Collegedale, Tenn.
South America.
Recalde, T. G., Box 271, Iloilo City,
Ramos, J. K. (1), P. 0. Box 271, Iloilo Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
City, Iloilo, Philippine Islands. , Reed, H. V., 309 W. 10th St., Morris,
Ramos, J. P., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru, Minn.
South America. Reed, L. E., Box 900, Lansing, Mich.
Ramos, Jose (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Rees, D. D., 3705 S. 48th St., Lincoln,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Nebr.

Pohlman, A. 13. (1), 140 Bartlett Ave., Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Pittsfield, Mass. ington, D. C.
Pohlman, E. W., Box 15, Poona, India. Preston, B. M., Box 449, Decatur, Ga.
Polder, I., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie Pretyman, C. H. (1), "Tereora," The
Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W.,
Rumania. Australia.
Polednik, K., Munchenerstr. 35, Prag- Prevlitz, I., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger- Cluj, Rumania.
many. Price, G. McCready, 507 Texas St.,
Poley, P. C., Stanborough Park, Wat- Pomona, Calif.
ford, Harts, England. Price, R. N. (I), 84 Jervois Road,
Polishuk, W., 103 Manning Ave., To- Auckland, New Zealand.
ronto, Ontario, Canada. Priebe, W. A. (1), 331 E. Puente,
Ponce, E., Apartado No. 8, Tacubaya, Covina, Calif.
D. F., Mexico. Prillwitz, W., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30,
Ponce, Xavier (I), Apartado 107, Puebla, Bremen, Germany.
Puebla, Mexico. Prince, C. C. (1), Boulder-Colorado
Pond, D. V., 176 Orange St., Kingston, Sanitarium, Boulder, Colo.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Prince, R. W., Box 3005, Santurce,
l-'ontynen, W. B., Napier and Union, Puerto Rico.
Benton Harbor, Mich. Printemps, Victor (1), 8a Ave. Norte
Popa, S., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bucu- No. 57, San Salvador, Republica de
resti II, Rumania. El Salvador, Central America.
Popescu, C., Str. Lascar Catargiu No. Pritchard, F. C. (1), Praca Oswaldo
26, Galati, Rumania. Cruz 139, Manaos, Amazonas, Brazil,
Popov, A., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2, South America.
Cernauti, Rumania. Pritchard, S. C., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Pored), A. B., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A South America.
16, Germany. Prout, C. S., 562 W. 150th St., New
Porter, J. T., 4300 Los Flores St., York, N. Y.
Lynwood, Calif. Prout, R. B. (1), 640 Corwin Ave.,
Pose', M., Augasse 11, Reichenberg, Glendale, Calif.
Sudetenland, Germany. Provin, H. (1), La Ligniere, Gland
Post, B. L., 235 W. 22d St., Holland, (Vaud), Switzerland.
Mich. Pruitt, C. W., 2935 Winter St., Fort
Nitschke, H., Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm / Wayne, Ind.
Westf., Germany. Prtill, M., Eschenheimer Anlage 32,
Potter, E. R., 80 Newberry St., Pontiac, Frankfurt a Main, Germany.
Mich. Pryor, L. J., 4437 Douglas St., N. E.,
Potter, J. J., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Washington, D. C.
N. S. W., Australia. Pudewell, W. J., S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
Potts, C. R. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
South America. Pulver, C. C. (1), Washington Mission-
Potts, J. E. (1), College Place, Wash. ary College, Takoma Park, Washing-
Potwana, G. (1), 1063 Location, Queens- ton, D. C.
town, Cape Province, South Africa. Pupo, Emmanuel (I), Apartado 30,
Pound, I. C., 1919 W. 10th, Little Rock, Camaguey, Cuba.
Ark. Purcell, A. F., 530 Glenwood Ave.,
Powrie, R. H., Box J. 1011, Adelaide, Prescott, Ariz.
South Australia, Australia. Purdey, A. J. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Prakasam, M., S. D. A. Mission, Nuz- Portland, Oreg.
vid, Kistna Dist., South India. Purdom, C. A., 3456 - 23d Ave., W.,
Prakasam, Y. G. (I), Bethel Chapel, Seattle, Wash.
Alfred House Gardens, Colpetty, Co- Purmalis, P. M., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
lombo, Ceylon. Latvia.
Prakasham, K. G. (1), 140 Bukit Bin- Pyle, C. A. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
tang Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Los Angeles, Calif.
Malay States
Pratt, F. A., Box 271, Iloilo City, Iloilo,
Philippine Islands.
Pratt, L. D. (1), 278 Liberty St.,
Newburgh, N. Y.
Prazan, A. (1), Munchenerstr. 35, Quackenbush, Curtis (1), Rock Hall,
Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Md.
Germany. Quackenbush, Russell, 3906 Fairview
Prem, Masih (1), Chuharkana Mandl, Ave., Norfolk, Va.
Punjab, India. Quimby, P. E., Collegedale, Tenn.
]'renier, H. S., Box 3673, Florida Sani- Quintero, Jose (1), Apartado 605, Gua-
tarium, Orlando, Fla. dalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.

Peterson, John, 2005 - 5th Ave., Mil- Pierson, R. H., "Roadside House,"
waukie, Oreg. Ootacamund, South India.
Petrescu, Al., Str. Eduard Grand 25, I'ietrasz, Alexander, 1414 N. Maplewood
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Petrescu, I., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2, Piez, A. (1), Atchin, New Hebrides,
Cernauti, Rumania. Pacific Ocean.
Petrovic, P. (1), Nemanjina ul. 11, Nis, Pike, C. M., 324 Connecticut Ave., New
Jugoslavia. London, Conn.
Petrovic, St., Nemanjina ul. 11, Nis, Pike, V. R., 1 Union St., White River
Jugoslavia. Junction, Vt.
Pettey, J. G. (1), Vallarta Sur 644, Pikoli, S. (1), Cancele Mission, P. 0.
Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. Cancele, via Mount Frere, East Gri-
Pettis, J. L., 2928 Campbell St., Kansas quiland, Cape Province, South Africa.
City, Mo. Pilar, R. A., Artacho, Sison, Panga-
Pettis, L. W., 1405 S. 7th St., Lincoln, sinan, Philippine Islands.
Nebr. Pilar, T. A., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
Pettit, G. W., Route 1, Box 168-B, Philippine Islands.
Vancouver, Wash. Pingenot, E. L., 10 University St.,
Petzold, G., Arndstr. 37a, Stettin, Ger- Battle Creek, Mich.
many. Pioch, Albert, Briickenstrasse 39a,
Peugh, V. E., 133 High Ave., Willmar, Hamm /Westf., Germany.
Minn. Piontek, K. L., Turecka 1, Warschau S
Peverini, H. (1), Avenida San Martin 36, General Government, Germany.
4555, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Piorr, A. (1), Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Bremen, Germany.
Pferschy, G., via Trieste 17, Florence, Piper, A. H., "Tereora," The Boule-
Italy. vards, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Pfingstl, F., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna tralia.
XV /101, Germany. Piper, E. A., 925 E. 7th St., Duluth,
Phang, Nyuk-thin, 399 Upper Seran- Minn.
good Road, Singapore, Straits Settle- Piper, H. E., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
ments. N. S. W., Australia.
Phang, Yin Hee, 140 Bukit Bintang Piper, J. F., 4547 Calvert St.,'Lincoln,
Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Nebr.
Malay States. Pison, Chamyolo (I), Musofu Mission,
Phasge, P. R. (1), Box 64, Poona, India. Private Bag, Ndola, Northern Rho-
Pheng, Eng (I), 61 bis Route Localle 22, desia, Africa.
Gia-Dinh, Saigon, French Indo-China. Pistorius, E., KIrnerstr. 6/8, Breslau
Philbrick, M., 158 Scotia St., Winnipeg, 13, Germany.
Manitoba, Canada. Pitt, A. A. (1), lla Beckett's Buildings,
Philips, N. W., 1802 N. Van Ness, President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Hollywood, Calif. vaal, South Africa.
Phillips, A. K. (1), Box 801, Raymond- Place, A. E., 1028 E. Santa Clara St.,
ville, Tex. San Jose, Calif.
Phillips, E. B., Newbold Missionary Plata, Carlos J. (1), Apartado Nacional
College, Packwood Haugh, Packwood, de Correos 436, Bogota, Colombia,
near Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, South America.
England. Plata, Eugenio, Apartado Nacional de
Phillips, G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Correos No. 436, Bogota, Colombia,
Victoria, Australia. South America.
Phillips, Joseph, Arizona Academy, 1325 Platonovs, D., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
N. 14th St., Phoenix, Ariz. Latvia.
Philpott, L. L., 104 W. Main St., Plenc, Juan, Casilla 355, La Paz,
Frostburg, Md. Bolivia, South America.
Phipps, F. C., 1054 Wesley Ave., Cin- Plesko, J., Dezeliceva 77, Zag-reb,
cinnati, Ohio. Jugoslavia.
Phipps, J. A., Apartado 3005, Santurce,
Plesko, V., Dezeliceva 77, Zag-reb,
Puerto Rico. Jugoslavia.
Piatek, K., Turecka 1, Warschau S 36,
General Government, Germany. Plue, Ora S. (1), Box 528, Oklahoma
Pichot, Henri, 139 ter, Chemin du City, Okla.
Telemly, Algiers, Algeria. Po, Myat, 68 U Wisara Road, Rangoon,
Pickard, U. D., Lake Ariel, Pa. Burma.
Pidoux, Juan, Carlos Pellegrini 1645, Pohan, J. T., P. 0. Box 59, Kuching.
Corrientes, Argentina, South America. Sarawak, Borneo.
Pidoux, Marcelo, Avda. Italia 2360, Pohland, W., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. schweig, ermany.
Pieringer, F. (I), Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna Pohle, W. R., 4202 Cambridge St.,
XV /101, Germany. El Paso, Tex.

Parusel, J. (1), Kiirnerstr. 6/8, Bres- Pechtol, J., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13,
lau 13, Germany. Budapest VI, Hungary.
Pascoe, C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Peckham, H. A., Box 607, Medford,
Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated Territory Oreg.
of New Guinea. Peden, H. L., Route 4, Box 225, Albu-
Pascoe, J., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, querque, N. Mex.
Victoria, Australia. Pedersen, E. W., P. 0. Mubende,
Pascoe, M. (1), "Tereora," The Boule- Uganda, East Africa.
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- Peixoto, Domingos, Collegio Adventista,
tralia. Santo Amaro, Sao Paulo, Brazil,
Pascoe, W. 13,, Gordon Ave., Hamilton South America.
(P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Peltonen, E. (I), Annank. 7, Helsing-
Australia. fors, Finland.
Pascoe, W. L. (1), "Mizpah," Wah- Peltonen, 0., Annank. 7, Helsingfors,
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Finland.
Pascu, I., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bucu- Peng, Hsien-Djung, S. D. A. Mission,
resti II, Rumania. Yencheng, Honan, China.
Pascual, M. C., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Peng, Hsien-Wu (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Philippine Islands. 41 Hsiao Giao Chang, Kiu-kiang,
Passebois, L. F., 920 Arcadia St., Kiangsi,. China.
National City, Calif. Penner, J., Pelzgasse 2 /10, Vienna
lassos, J. R., Caixa Postal 146, Campo XV /101, Germany.
Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil, South Penner, J. B., Pacific Press, Brookfield,
America. Ill.
Pasuhuk, A. K. (1), Advent Zendings- Perales, P., Apartado 3005, Santurce,
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Puerto Rico.
West-Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Perepelitza, M. J. (1), 1602 Corunna
Java, Netherlands East Indies. Ave., Owosso, Mich.
Pasztor, Iosef, Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Perez, B., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Zone.
Cluj, Rumania. Perez, J. E., Apartado 139, Saltillo,
Patterson, G. E., Box 384, Lebanon, Coahuila, Mexico.
Oreg. Perez, M. F., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru,
Patterson, J. R., Weaverville, Calif. South America.
Pattyranie, H., Advent Zendingsgenoot- Perkins, H. J. (1), Drawer 36, Water-
schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord- town, S. Dak.
Celebes, Tondano, Celebes, Nether- Perrine, A. W. (1), Hinsdale Sanitarium,
lands East Indies. Hinsdale, Ill.
Fatzer, R. (1), 808 N. Main St., Colfax, Perry, F. L., Paradise, Calif.
Wash. Perry, J. C. H., Marovo Lagoon, via
Patzig, R., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16, Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific
Germany. Ocean.
Patzkowski, J. E., 2819 Frederick Ave., Peter, B., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur,
Baltimore, Md. Meerut Dist., India.
Paulini, P. P., Str. Mitropolitul Ghe- Peter, K. S., S. D. A. Mission, Quilon,
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Travancore, South India.
Rumania. Peter, Thra, S. D. A. Mission, Kama-
Paully, Stephen (1), 1455 - 7th St., maung, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton Dist.,
Parkersburg, W. Va. Burma.
Paun, C. (1), Str. Eduard Grand 25, Peters, Benjamin, S. D. A. Mission,
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Baragain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry.,
Paunescu, P., Str. Mitropolitul Ghe- India.
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Peters, G. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Rumania. ton, D. C.
Paw, K. (I), 633 Suriwongse Road, Peters, W., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf,
Bangkok, Thailand (Siam). Germany.
Payne, Nathaniel, Box 66, Port-of-Spain, Petersen, B., 1222 - 5th Ave., S. E.,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Pe, Myat (1), 68 U Wisara Road, Petersen, N. C.. 463 - 21st St., San
Rangoon, Burma. Bernardino, Calif.
Peacock, G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Peterson, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash-
Victoria, Australia. ington, D. C.
Peak, H. M., 9 Cunningham Road, Peterson, E. F., 1745 - 3d St., Napa,
Bangalore, South India. Calif.
Pearson, Gordon, P. 0. Musoma, Tan- Peterson, F. L., 127 E. 47th St., Los
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Angeles, Calif.
Pearson, R. W., 7828 S. W. 35th Ave., Peterson, H. W., 614 - 50th St., Brook-
Multnomah, Oreg. lyn, N. Y.
Pease, N. F., Auburn Academy, Auburn, Peterson, J. M. (1), Angwin, Napa Co.,
Wash. Calif.

Oster, F. F., 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz Pan, Shui-Ru, 1207 Yu-Yuen Road,
Para, Istanbul, Turkey. Shanghai, China.
Osterburg, H., Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf, Panaga, A., Artacho, Sison, Pangasi-
Germany. nan, Philippine Islands.
Osterreich, A., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Panait, A., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
burg 13, Germany. Cernauti, Rumania.
Ostoich, Milan, 1147 So. Rowan Ave., Pandjaitan, Kr. (1), Advent Zendings-
Los Angeles, Calif. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Oswald, E. H., 309 S. Kentucky Ave., North-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn-
Mason City, Iowa. laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East
Oswald, H. (1), Grindelberg 11, I., Indies.
Hamburg 13, Germany. Pandjaitan, M. V. (1), Advent Zend-
Oswald, J. C., 518 - 13th Avenue, Bel- ingsgenootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeel-
mar, N. J. ing Noord-Sumatra, P. Siantar,
Oswald, T. L., 202 S. Palouse St., Colijnlaan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands
Walla Walla, Wash. East Indies.
Oswald, W., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Pandjaitan, S. H., Advent Zendings-
Chemnitz, Germany. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Oti, S. D. A. Mission, P. 0, Box 62, Oost-Java, Buttewegstraat 3, Soera-
Rabaul, Mandated Territory of New baja, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Guinea. Pang, S. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Otsuki, K., 31 Kitakyo-machi 1-chome, Shanghai, China.
Matsuyama, Japan. Fannkoke, H., 1631 Palmcroft Way,
Ott, F. J., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Phoenix, Ariz.
Frankfurt a. M., Germany. Pansegrau, K., Hans-Sachs-strasse 9,
Ottschofshi,, G. (1), Str. Pictor Bucew- Chemnitz, Germany.
schi 2, Cernauti, Rumania. Panzig, 0., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
Ouatu, St., Str. Eduard Grand 25, schweig, Germany.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Paolo, Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura.
Overstreet, C. E., 532 Grove Ave., Belgian East Africa.
Petersburg, Va. Papastamoulis, N. S., Post Box 71,
Owen, F. M., Box 217, Armona, Calif. Athens, Greece.
Owen, W. P. (I). Katima Mulilo Mis- Paprotny, P., Briickenstrasse 34a,
sion, P. 0. Sesheke, Northern Rho- Hamm /Westf., Germany.
desia, Africa. Paraschiv, D., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Oyama, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Taiden, Chosen. Parchment, E. E., 176 Orange St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, British West
Parfitt, A. G., Prosperidad No. 86, Tacu-
P baya, D. F., Mexico.
Parhankangas, V. (I), Annank. 7, Hel-
Paap, F. W., 504 S. Boyle Ave., Los singfors, Finland.
Angeles, Calif. Parker, A. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Pacco, M. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, land, New Zealand.
South America. Parker, A. H. (1), Bethel Academy,
Paddock, C. L., Canadian Watchman Arpin, Wis.
Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, Parker, G. J., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Canada. Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Paden, C. M. (1), 1455 - 7th St., Park- Parker, H. B., College Place, Wash.
ersburg, W. Va. Parkin, J. H. (1), 42, Holland Gardens,
Paez, Abraham, Apartado No. 8, Tacu- Garston, Watford, Harts, England.
baya, D. F., Mexico.
Page, F. A. (1), Route 2, Box 156, Parkin, S. H. (1), 226, Errwood Road,
Loveland, Colo. Levenshulme, Manchester, England.
Pai, Tze-Heng, S. D. A. Mission, 36 Parmele, R. W., 1460 E. California St.,
Chu Kan Hsinag, Peking, Hopei, Glendale, Calif.
China. Paroi, P. N. (1), S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Palmateer, G. V. (1), 47 Hay St., Jalirpar, Faridpur Dist., Bengal, In-
Subiaco, Perth, West Australia, Aus- dia.
tralia. I'arrish, F. H., 3526 Oakes St., Everett.
Palmer, C. E. (1), Review and Herald, Wash.
Takoma Park, D. C. Parsons, D. A., Box 252, Vista. Calif.
Palmer, C. S., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Parsons, E. H.. Gordon Ave., Hamilton'
N. S. W., Australia. (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wale::,
Palmer, S. W., Route 3. Caldwell, Australia.
Idaho. Parsons, R. B., Bongo Mission, P. 0.
Pals-son, G. (1), Box 262, Reykjavik, Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
Iceland. rica.

Nzota, T. (1), P. 0. Musoma, Tangan- Olsen, Paul, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor-
yika Territory, East Africa. way.
Olsen, V. (1), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,
Olson, A. J., Auburn Academy, Auburn,
O Wash.
Olson, A. V., Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Oakes, F. T. (1), Box 580, San Jose, Switzerland.
Calif. Olson, B. E. (I), 836 E. Matthews St.,
Oberg, E. M., 1120 - 4th East, Olympia, Sikeston, Mo.
Wash. Olson, D. K., Box 52, Staples, Minn.
Oberg, H. A., 411 S. King St., Centralia, Olson, H. 0., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos
Wash. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Oberg, R. E. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Olson, L. H., Apartado 313, Cali, Co-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. lombia, South America.
()blander, J. G., Route 1, Enid, Okla. Olson, Martin, 3716 N. E. 4th Ave.,
Oborny, J., 35, Prag-Kgl. Portland, Oreg.
Weinberge, Protectorate, Germany. Olson, 0., Box 1331, Asheville, N. C.
Ochiai, K., Korror, Palau, West Caro- Olsson, H. (1), Annegatan 7, Helsing-
line Islands, Pacific Ocean. fors, Finland.
Ochs, D. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Olteanu, Pavel, Str. Eduard Grand 25,
ton, D. C. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Ochs, P. W. (1), Box 267, Topeka, Oltins, J., Brivibas iela 11, dz. 15,
Kans. Riga, Latvia.
Ochs, W. B., Box 396, Oshawa, On- Omine, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
tario, Canada. Seishin, Chosen.
Odegaard, M. H. (1), 91 Norwood Ave., Onwere, P., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Superior, Wis. Box 41, Aba, Nigeria, West Coast,
Odero, James, P. 0. Musoma, Tangan- Africa.
yika Territory, East Africa. Oossanen, P. v., Badhuisweg 14, Apel-
Odom, R. L., Box 2006, Balboa, Canal doorn, Netherlands.
Zone. Oprisan, A. (1), Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Oestreich, E. (I), Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz Bucuresti II, Rumania.
46, Cottbus, Germany. Oriola, J., S. D. A. Mission, Awtun,
Oestreich, H. H. (1), Kaiser-Wilhelm- via Ilorin, Nigeria, West Coast,
Plaz 46, Cottbus, Germany. Africa.
Offerman, K. A., Walnut Ave., Route 1, Ortner, A. W., 55 Victoria Road, Hart-
Downers Grove, Ill. ford, Conn.
O'ffill, Daniel (1), Box 1040, Clovis, N. Ortner, C. G. (1), 642 Woodland Ave.,
Mex. S. E., Atlanta, Ga.
Ogden, A. R., Box M, Cristobal, Canal Ortner, G. (1), South Lancaster,
Zone. Mass.
Ogura, S., 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Ortner, W. P., 422 Prospect Road,
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Peoria, Ill.
Ohme, A. (1), Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Osborn, Calvin (1), R. F. D. 4, Spring-
Frankfort a.M., Germany. field, Ohio.
Ohme, B., Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau 13, Osborn, J. W., 4132 Grove Ave., Brook-
Germany. field, Ill.
Okohira, A. T., 1963 Pennsylvania Ave., Osborne, A. J., Sanitarium, Napa Co.,
Los Angeles, Calif. Calif.
Oliva, U. (1), P. 0. Box 119, Cebu City, Osborne, E. E., Box 93, Lancaster,
Philippine Islands. Mass.
Oliver, C. J. (1), Union Springs, New Osborne, Joseph (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
York. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Oliver, F. M., 212 - 18th St., Lewiston, Osgood, D. S., Box 1491, Jamestown,
N. Dak.
Olmstead, H. C., Route I, Box 49-E,
Placerville, Calif. Oshita, Hideo (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Olmstead, J. F., Route 2, Marengo, Honolulu, T. H.
Ohio. Osmunson, E. R., S. D. A. Mission,
Olney, Stephen B., Powell, Wyo. Quilon, Travancore, South India.
Olsen, D. L., 1709 N. 36th St., Kansas Osola, K., Annank. 7, Helsingfors,
City, Kans. Finland.
Olsen, Mahlon E., Takoma Park, Wash- Oss, John, 526 Ningkuo Road, Shanghai,
ington, D. C. China.
Olsen, Monrad E., Apartado 107, Puebla, Oss, Melvin, 817 W. Nora Ave., Spo-
Puebla, Mexico. kane, Wash.
Olsen, 0. J., Box 262, Reykjavik, Ice- Ost, M., Caixa Postal 768, Rio de
land. Janeiro, Brazil, South America.

Ng, Yuk-Pin, S. D. A. Mission, Wai- Nkomo, Isaac Xiba, P. 0. Box 573,

chow, Kwangtung, China. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ngaiyaye, Simon, Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Nkosi, B. S. (1), Solusi Mission, P. 0.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, British Cen- Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rho-
tral Africa. desia, Africa.
Ngo, E. H., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Nkosi, David, Mombera Mission, P. 0.
Amoy, China. Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Central
Ngo, T. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Africa.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Nkosi, T. A. (1), P. 0. Mahamba,
Ngwenya, N. M. (1), lla Beckett's Swaziland, South Africa.
Buildings, President St., Johannes- Nkuluchila, Jacob (1), P. 0. Box 573,
burg, South Africa. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Ngwenya, Stephen, Private Bag, Gwelo, Noa, M. (1), Gitwe Mission, P. 0.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Nichol, F. D., Review and Herald, East Africa.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Noack, W., Steindamm 32a, III., Konigs-
Nichols, J. D. (1), West Locust St., berg, Pr., Germany.
Greenfield, Iowa. Nobukawa, K. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Nicholson, W. J., 780 St. Albans Road, Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Watford, Herts, England. sen.
Nickle, G. C., Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora, Nolan, W. H. (1), Mirigeda, Port
Havana, Cuba. Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Nickless, Arva, 1455 - 7th St., Parkers- Nolda, 0. W., 23, Curzon Road, New
burg, W. Va. Delhi, India.
Nicol, S. C., S. D. A. Mission, Waterloo, Noltze, H. (1), Eschenheimer Anlage
Sierra Leone, West Africa. 32, Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
Nicolas, C. S., 1265 Safford Ave., Fresno, Noltze, K. F., Konola Mission, Post
Calif. Kakatown, Monrovia, Liberia, West
Niedoba, E., K6rnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau Africa.
13, Germany. Norcott, V. C. (1), S. D. A. Church,
Niedoba, J., Bydgoszcz, Lipowa 9, Keat's Ave., Durban, Natal, South
Poland. Africa.
Niedoba, 0., Turecka 1, Warschau S Nord, G. E., 5011 Prescott St., Lincoln,
36, Gen. Government, Germany. Nebr.
Nielsen, E. (I), Suomisvej 5, Copen- Nordstrom, J. A., 912 W. 31st St.,
hagen, Denmark. Minneapolis, Minn.
Nielsen, F. (1), Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Norman, C. M., 1724 S. Marion St.,
Denmark. Denver, Colo.
Nielsen, H. L. (1), Box 221, Port-of- Normington, L. (1), Stanborough Park,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Watford, Herts., England.
Niemann, E., Post Box 226, Singapore, North, W. S., 2847 California St., Den-
Straits Settlements. ver, Colo.
Niermeyer, L. E., 2116 S. E. 29th Ave., Nott, W. L., Thayer, Kans.
Portland, Oreg. Noval, Doroteo (1), Box 119, Cebu
Nigani, John, Filabusi Mission, c /o City, Philippine Islands.
Mayfair Mine Store, P. 0. Mayfair Nowfel, S., Boite Postale 595, Beirut,
Mine, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Lebanon.
Nightingale, R. H., 2118 W. Sharp Nowicki, K. (1), Franziskastr. 1.9/21,
St., Spokane, Wash. Lodsch 3, Stare-Rokicie, Germany.
Nigri, M. S. (1), Caixa Postal 1830, Nozaki, K., 2103 Bush St., San Fran-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. cisco, Calif.
Nikkar, L., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, Ntilosanje, Beriat (1), Mombera Mis-
Estonia. sion, P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland,
Nikoloff, B., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- British Central Africa.
garia. Ntsikeni, D. D., 19 Union House, Union
Ninaj, L. (1), 432 - 3d Ave., New York, Street, East London, South Africa.
N. Y. Ntwana, S. K., 19 Union House, Union
Ninow, W., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- St., East London, South Africa.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Numbers, R. W., 2424 - 4th Ave.,
Nixon, J. C., Box 584, Arlington, Calif. Boulder, Colo.
Nixon, J. W. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., Nussbaum, J. (1), 116heweg 17, Berne,
Christchurch, New Zealand. Switzerland.
Nkiwani, Harry (I), P. 0. Box 573, Niissle, A. (I), Kriegsstr. 84, Karls-
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. ruhe i.B., Germany.
Nkomazana, Philip, Mapani Mission, Nygaard, Peter, 8a Ave. Norte No. 57,
c /o P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, South- San Salvador, Republica de El Salva-
ern Rhodesia, Africa. dor, Central America.
Nkomo, Elmer, Rusangu Mission, P. 0. Nylander, J. H. (1), Box 141, Lakeview,
Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Mich,

Nash, G. R., P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Nelson, C. E. (I). Paradise Valley Sani-
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. tarium, National City, Calif.
Nataniel, R. (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Nelson, G. A. (1), "Lai Amli," Civil
Usumbura, Belgian East Africa. Lines, Surat, India.
Nathaniel, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nelson, H. R. (1), 6609 Ogontz Ave.,
Quilon, Travancore, South India. Philadelphia, Pa.
Nation, W. S., 176 Orange St., Kingston, Nelson, J. B., Route 3, Troy, Idaho.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Nelson, J. R., 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Nau, H., Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Portland, Oreg.
Frankfurt a.M., Germany. Nelson, L. M. (1), P. 0. Box 532,
Naucukidi, Anitipasa (1), Suva Vou, Madera, Calif.
Suva, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Nelson, N. R., 101 Clifton Ave., Minne-
Navara, N., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, apolis, Minn.
Pacific Ocean. Nelson, P. G., Badesanatoriet, Skods-
Nawara, T., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, borg, Denmark.
Pacific Ocean. Nelson, R. W. (1), 603 N. Kentucky,
Ncube, John (1), 19 Union House, Roswell, N. Mex.
Union St., East London, South Nelson, W. A., P. 0. Box 580, San Jose,
Africa. Calif.
N cube, Philemon (1), Private Bag, Nelson, W. A., 624 E. 54th St., Indian-
Gwelo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. apolis, Ind.
Neuka,, J. (1), Native Post Office, Nelson, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Kingwilliamstown, Cape Province, ington, D. C.
South Africa. Nembhard, M. G. (1), Box 356, Nassau,
Ndabambi, Joshua, lla Beckett's Build- Bahamas.
ings, President St., Johannesburg, Nemes, A., Str. Clemenceau 5 /a, Cluj,
South Africa. Rumania.
Ndebele, James, Hanke Mission, P. 0. Nepomuceno, Bernardino, P. 0. Box
Selukwe, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. 39, Lucena, Tayabas, Philippine
Ndhlovu, Luck, Rusangu Mission, P. 0. Islands.
Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Nerlund, 0. J., 311 Fulton Ave., Jer-
Ndhlovu, Register (1), Mondora Mis- sey City, N. J.
sion District, P. 0. Featherstone, Nerness, J. M., c/o General Conference,
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Takoma Park, D. C.
Nedelciu, I. (1), Str. Eduard Grand 25, Nesmith, R. A., Box 528, Oklahoma
Bucuresti II, Rumania. City, Okla.
Neef, B., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16, Nethery, Jay J., Box C, Berrien Springs,
Germany. Mich.
Neff, E. L., 202 S. Palouse St., Walla Nethery, R. J., 5645 Arlington Ave.,
Walla, Wash. Riverside, Calif.
Neff, J. P. (1), 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- Neubauer, 0., Diemershaldenstr. 23,
koma Park, Washington, D. C. Stuttgart-O, Wurtemberg, Germany.
Neff, M. L., Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Neufeld, D. A. (1), 2938 Millsbrae,
Mountain View, Calif. land, Calif.
Nehemya, K. (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Neufeld, D. D., Waldheim, Saskatche-
Usumbura, Belgian East Africa. wan, Canada.
Nehls, W. (1), Regensburgerstrasse 22, Neufeld, D. F. (1), 404 Avenue Bldg.,
V., Berlin W. 50, Germany. Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Neil, J. L., 2515 Fairfields Ave., Baton Neufeld, J. D., 941 Alfred Ave., Winne-
Rouge, La. peg, Manitoba, Canada.
Neilsen, J. A., 3545 Boston Ave., Oak- Neumann, H., KOrnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
land, Calif. 13, Germany.
Neilsen, N. P., Route 2, Box 130, Neumann, H. F., 4230 S. Flower St.,
Sabastopol, Calif. Los Angeles, Calif.
Neithercut, J. C. (1), Box 337, Oshawa, Neuwirth, T., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
Ontario, Canada. Sudetenland, Germany.
Nelson, A. C., 2661 Hollister Terrace, Newbold, D. C., College Station, Berrien
Glendale, Calif. Springs, Mich.
Newman, R. R., Enterprise, Kans.
Nelson, A. Edwin, 537 - 25th St., Oak- Newmyer, C. B., 2719 Cylburn Ave.,
land, Calif. Baltimore, Md.
Nelson, A. G., 1721 National Ave., San Ney, E., 545 W. 150th St., New York,
Diego, Calif. N. Y.
Nelson, A. N., College Station, Berrien Ng, Hi-long (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Springs, Mich. Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Nelson, Andrew, Sanitarium, Napa Co., China.
Calif. Ng, Mia-Cheng (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Nelson, C. A. (1), Box 370, Hamilton, Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwang-
Bermuda. tong, China.

Mpheza, Victor, Thambani Mission, P. Murphy, T., 1618 Burnet St., San An-
0. Mwanza, Nyasaland, British Cen- tonio, Tex.
tral Africa. Murray, W. E., D'Strampes No. 252,
Mredlane, A. (1), 19 Union House, Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba.
Union St., East London, C. P., South Mustafa, A., Str. Clemenceau 5 /a, Cluj,
Africa. Rumania.
Mseli, Y. (1), P. 0. Musoma, Tangan- Mustard, A. J., 780 St. Albans. Road,
yika Territory, East Africa. Watford, Herts, England.
Msuseni, Simon, Mombera Mission, P. Muwile, Simon (I), P. 0. Box 573,
0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, British Cen- Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
tral Africa. Muzemala, Jeremiah, Mombera Mission,
Mu, W. H. (1), 147 East San Ma Lu, P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, British
Hsinking, Manchukuo. Central Africa.
Muderspach, F. H., P. 0. Box 22, Mwananyau, Harry (1), P. 0. Box 573,
Kampala, Uganda, East Africa. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Muderspach, H., Norre Alle 30, Aarhus, Mwanje, E. (1), P. 0. Box 22, Kampala,
Denmark. Uganda, East Africa.
Muderspach, L., Skodsborg Badesana- Mwenda, Simon (1), P. 0. Box 573,
torium, Skodsborg, Denmark. Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Muhaya, A., Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Mwesa, J. (1), Chimpempe Mission, P.
Usumbura, Ruanda- Urundi, Belgian O. Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia,
East Africa. Africa.
Mulholland, W. R. (I), Vallarta Sur Mwimo, Joseph (1), Rusangu Mission,
644, Monterey, N. L., Mexico. P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia,
Muller, A. W., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Africa.
Nurnberg, Germany. Mwinga, Simon (1), P. 0. Mission,
Muller, E. (1), Fischerhuttenstr. 99-109, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Myeba, James (1), P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Muller, O. P., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chem- wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
nitz, Germany. Myengwa, William (1), P. 0. Box 573,
Muller, R., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurn- Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
berg, Germany. Myers, F. D. (1), 858 N. 6th St., Read-
Muller, W., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, ing, Pa.
Germany. Mying, Tha, S. D. A. Mission, Karns-
Mulomba, Stephen, Rusangu Mission, maung, P. 0. Shwegon, Thaton Dist.,
P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Burma.
Munger, M. E., 64 Cunard Road, Buf-
falo, N. Y.
Mungome, Joseph (1), P. 0. Box 51,
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central N
Miinnich, F., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
Sudetenland, Germany. Naden, L. C., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Munoz, Rafael (I), Vallarta Sur 644, Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Monterrey, N. L., Mexico. Nagara, Tereti (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
Munroop, D. (I), Salisbury Rd., Rose Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Nagele, C. J. (1), Box 139, Sugarhouse
Munson, A., 3604-A McCorriston St., Station, Salt Lake City, Utah.
Honolulu, T. H. Nagy, A. D., 54 Charles St., Metuchen,
Munson, H. K., 22, Cunliffe St., Wrex- N. J.
ham, Denbigshire, Wales, England. Nahirni, G., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Munteanu, C., Str. Mitropolitul Ghena- Cernauti, Rumania.
die Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Nakasamai, M., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Rumania. Pacific Ocean.
Muranyi, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Nakauchi, S. (1), 171 Amanuma
Hungary. Chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Murchison, C. (1), 40 Bealey St., Nalaubo, Saimoni (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
Christchurch, New Zealand. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Murdoch, L., Seats Hill, Seaton, Hull, Nallathampy, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Yorks, England. Quilon, Travancore, South India.
Murdoch, M. C., P. 0. Kakamega, Nalo, Masing, Atchin, New Hebrides.
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Pacific Ocean.
Murdoch, W. G. C., Newbold Missionary Namaswala, G. ( I), P. 0. Box 22,
College, Packwood Haugh, Packwood, Kampala, Uganda, East Africa.
near Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, Nanyamta, Amos (I), Members Mission.
England. P. 0. Mzimba, Nyasaland, British
Murphy, H. R., 122 W. Stokes St., Central Africa.
Danville, Va. Napangana, Spurgeon (I), Chileka Mis-
Murphy, L. L., Indiana Academy, sion, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa-
Cicero, Ind. land, British Central Africa.

Mitchell, T. A., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Moran, Jenaro (1), Casilla 85, Puno,
N. S. W., Australia. Peru, South America.
Miura, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Seiryori- Moran, J. L., Oakwood Junior College,
machi, Keizyo (Seoul) Chosen. Huntsville, Ala.
Miyake, Shohei, 1112 Keeaumoku St., Morel, E. L. (I), P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasa-
Honolulu, Hawaii. land, B. C. Africa.
Mlalazi, Emory, P. 0. Box 573, Bula- Moreno, Vicente (1), Apartado 313,
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Cali, Colombia, South America.
Moala, James (1), Nukualofa, Tonga, Moreta, A. (1), Apartado 568, Ciudad
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean. Trujillo, Rep. Dominicana.
Mobley, A. E. (1), 2327 N. Alabama Morgado, Julio (1), Apartado 605, Guad-
St., Indianapolis, Ind. alajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Mocanu, Vlad., Calea Bucurestilor 57, Morgan, Arthur (1), 668 Roosevelt Ave.,
Craiova, Rumania. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Mock, C. A., 4602 Bancroft, Lincoln, Morgan, P. H. (1), 1815 Maria St.,
Nebr. College Homes, Knoxville, Tenn.
Mocnik, A., Vojvode Protica 12, Beo- Morikone, S. (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
grad VII, Jugoslavia. Honolulu, T. H.
Moctezuma, Cutberto (I), Apartado 107, Morlan, C. C., Box 1025, Lancaster,
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico. Calif.
Moeletsi, M. R. (1); P. 0. Taungs, Morosan, P., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Bechuanaland, South Africa. Cernauti, Rumania.
Moffett, W. C., 2339 Allen St., Allen- Morris, C. C., Mt. Vernon Academy,
town, Pa. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Moffitt, L. L., 340 Lenox Ave., Oakland, Morris, R. P., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur,
Calif. U. P., India.
Mogobola, Jeremiah (1), P. 0. Box 573, Morris, W., "Tereora," The Boulevarde,
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Mohr, F. I. (1), Apartado 1059, San Morrison, D., 65, Duthie Terrace,
Jose, Costa Rica, Central America. Mannofield, Aberdeen, Scotland.
Mohr, M. M. (1), Box 263; Winlock, Morrison, H. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Wash. ington, D. C.
Moldrzyk, E., 2336 So. 56th Ave., Cicero, Morse, H. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
171. Kong.
Mondics, B. (1), General Delivery, Morton, H. C., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Wooster, Ohio. South America.
Monks, C. M. (1), 3250 Fraser Ave., Moschinger, H., Stampfenbachstr. 85,.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Zurich, Switzerland.
Monnier, Ch., 8 Ave. de 1'Eglise Ang- Mosedi, K. (1), Shiloh Mission, P. 0.
laise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Lunsklip, via Potgietersrust, Trans-
Monnier, Henri, Gitwe Mission, P. 0. vaal, South Africa.
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Moseley, C. E., Oakwood Jr. College,
, East Africa. Huntsville, Ala.
Monnier, J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Moses, J., 140 Bukit Bintang Rd., Kuala
Paris 13e, France. Lumpur, Federated Malay States.
Montgomery, 0., 110 E. Smith Ave., Mote, F. A., 2928 Campbell St., Kansas
Orlando, Fla. City, Mo.
Montgomery, R. P., 615 Mt. Auburn St., Mote, R. M., Lower Gwelo Mission,
Dallas, Tex. Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho-
Mookerjee, L. G., S. D. A. Mission, desia, Africa.
Baragain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry., Motoe, Y., S. D. A. Mission, Seishin,
India. Chosen.
Moon, A. L. (11, 2525 So. Downing Motorca, G., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie
St., Denver, Colo. Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru-
Moon, C. E., Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- mania.
terey, N. L., Mexico. Motzer, C. A. Richard-Wagner-Str. 28,
Moon, E. A., 399 Upper Serangoon Hannover-N, Germany.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Moulds, H. G., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Moon, R. D., P. 0. Box 132, Pacific land, New Zealand.
Palisades, Calif. Mountain, A., 3016 Honolulu Ave., La
Moore, F. B., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Crescenta, Calif.
Argentina, South America. Moya, J. S., lla Beckett's Buildings,
Moore, R. W., 44 Reynolds. St., South President St., Johannesburg, South
Portland, Main. Africa.
Moores, P. (1), Box 125, Moncton, New Moyo, James, c /o "Stanhope," Fort
Brunswick. Victoria, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Moran, F. A., Box 22, Loma Linda, Mozar, D. A., 340 E. 184th St., New
Calif. York, N. Y.

Mershon, L. B., 1020 Harrison Ave., Miller, D. P., 3502 S. 51st St., Lincoln,
Helena, Mont. Nebr.
Messer, C. B., 712 S. 10th St., Escanaba, Miller, David (1), Box 126, Melvin, Ky.
Mich. Miller, F. W., 14120 Delano St., Van
Metzger, C. J., 1801 Byers St., Joplin, Nuys, Calif.
Mo. Miller, H. J., 1041 S. 34th St., Louis-
Meyer, A. A., 807 S. Cherokee Lane, ville, Ky.
Lodi, Calif. Miller, H. R. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Meyer, Albert, 8 Avenue de 1'Eglise Miller, H. S., Route 4, Jefferson, Tex.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Miller, J. H. D. (1), New Hebrides Mis-
Meyer, E. (1), Fischerhuttenstr. 99-109, sion, Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific
Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany. Ocean.
Meyer, F., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A. Miller, Job (I), Roadside House, Oota-
16, Germany. camund, South India.
Meyer, H. J., 3649 Blanche St., Pasa- Miller, W. F., Box 629, Globe, Ariz.
dena, Calif. Miller, W. Franklin (1), 1574 Brunswick
Meyer, Oscar, 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Paris 13e, France. Miller, Wm. L. (1), 380 Hill Drive,
Meyer, P., 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Mar- Glendale, Calif.
seille, France. Miller, W. W., Sanitarium, Napa Co.,
Meyer, R. (1), 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Calif.
Marseille, France. Millner, A. E., Box 337, Oshawa, On-
Meyer-Bartschy, H., La Ligniere, Gland tario, Canada.
(Vaud), Switzerland. Mills, Merle (1), 4140 Carthage Road,
Meyers, E. H., Cedar City, Mo. Toledo, Ohio.
Meyers, H. J., 37 O'Connell Terrace, Mills, W. G., 1425 Banks St., Jackson.
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Miss.
Australia. Milne, R. M., c/o General Conference,
Mgqamqo, S. S., 19 Union House, Union Takoma Park, D. C.
St., East London, C. P., South Africa. Miiiam, Julio, Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
Mhango, Paulos, Luwazi Mission, P. 0. do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, British Cen- America.
tral Africa. Minchin, E. L., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Michael, T. J., Takoma Park, Wash- N. S. W., Australia.
ington, D. C. Minchin, G. H., Australasian Missionary
Michael, W., Friedensau bei Burg, Post College, Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus-
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. tralia.
Michalenko, J. C., Route 1, Arpin, Wis. Minck, A., Regensburgerstrasse 22 V.,
Michals, N. J., 2740 W. 14th St., Cleve- Berlin W. 50, Germany.
land, Ohio. Minesinger, R. T. (1), Union Springs,
Michel, R. S. (1), Box 1055, Sequim, N. Y.
Wash. Minifie, K. H., P. 0. Musoma, Tangan-
Michnay, L., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, yika Territory, East Africa.
Budapest VI, Hungary. Minner, L. D., Casilla 1003, Lima:
Mihailoff, J., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul- Peru, South America.
garia. Miramontes, W. B., 426 Bailey Ave.,
Miklos, J. C. (I), 51 Oneita St., Battle Mountain View, Calif.
Creek, Mich. Mireles, P. (1), Taos, N. Mex.
Miles, M. L. (1), Box 866, Wrangell, Miriuca, T., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Alaska. Cernauti, Rumania.
Milford, J. L. (1), Sentinel Publishing Misiri, Baxter (1), P. 0. Box 51, Blan-
Co., Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape tyre, Nyasaland, British Central Af-
Province, South Africa. rica.
Milhorat, W. (1), 5 Boulevard Long- Mitchell, A. I., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
champ, Marseille, France. Victoria, Australia.
Millard, F. R., c/o General Conference, Mitchell, A. 14, (1), 84 Jervois Road,
Takoma Park, D. C. Auckland, New Zealand.
' Millard, Glenn, 2831 Wynwood Lane,
Los Angeles, Calif. Mitchell, C. E., Mirigeda, Port Moresby,
Miller, A. L., 1024 First St., Nevada, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Iowa. Mitchell, H., "Tereora," The Boule-
Miller, B. E., 109 Haws Ave., Norris- varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
town, Pa. tralia.
Miller, C. B., S. D. A. Mission, Chung- Mitchell, J. A. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
king, Szechwan, China. Christchurch, New Zealand.
Miller, C. H., 1120 Josephine St., Den- Mitchell, J. G., 6039 Columbia Ave.,
ver, Colo. Philadelphia, Pa.
Miller, C. W., R. F. D. 6, Box 210, Mitchell, J. R. (I), 613 Candler Build-
Lincoln, Nebr. ing, Atlanta, Ga.

Maxwell, S. G., Post Box 1352, Nairobi, McLennan, S. H. 1104 N. 12th St.,
Kenya Colony, East Africa. St. Petersburg, Fla.
May, D. J., Claremont Chambers, Main McLennan, W. P., 355 W. Campbell
Road, Claremont, Cape Province, Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
South Africa. McLeod, N. S., 12 Lyth Ave., Buffalo,
Mayaba, G. S., 19 Union House, Union N. Y.
St., East London, Cape Province, McMahon. B. H., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
South Africa. N. S. W., Australia.
Mayer, Edward, Fangelsbachstrasse 11, McMillan, J. A., 15 Rowallan Gardens,
Stuttgart-S, Germany. Broomhill, Glasgow W. 1, Scotland.
Mayr, C. H., Casilla 2830, Santiago, McMullen, Russell (1), 2838 Hemphill
Chile, South America. St., Ft. Worth, Tex.
Mazart, W. L. (1), 359 S. 5th St., McMurphy, E. J. (1), 809 Griswold St.,
Gadsden, Ala. Worthington, Ohio.
Mbono, Paul, Lower Gwelo Mission, McNay, G. R. E., 524 Birch St., Santa
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho- Ana, Calif.
desia, Africa. McNeil, D. E. (1), Route 5, Fayetteville,
McAdams, D. A. (I), D'Strampes No. Ark.
252, Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba. McNichols, A. P. (1), 51 Adams St.,
McClements, W., S. D. A. Mission, Box Asheville, N. C.
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast Af- McVagh, C. F., Pine Castle, Fla.
rica. McWhinney, H. E., 705 Union Ave.,
McClure, A. V., 2414 S. Adams St., Porterville, Calif.
Marion, Ind. McWilliam, J. R., P. 0. Box 4929,
McClure, H. E., 2001 - 24th Ave., N., Atlanta, Ga.
Nashville, Tenn. Medairy, G., P. 0. Box 208, Cleveland,
McClure, W. E., Helderberg College, Tenn.
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Medina, V. C. (1), P. 0. Box 7, Baguio.
Province, South Africa. Mt. Province, Philippine Islands.
McComas, J. W., 430 S. W. 2d St., Mednis, A. (1), Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Pendleton, Oreg. Latvia.
McConaughey, J. L., Box 528, Oklahoma Meeker, B. A., Box 356; Nassau, Ba-
City, Okla. hamas.
McCormick, Sherman (1), Box 103, Megrant, Francisco, Box 3005, San-
Lewisburg, Tenn. turce, Puerto Rico.
McCoy, T. A., 90 May St., Hawthorne, Meier, A. L., Caixa Postal 146, Campo
N. J. Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil, South
McCready, W. G. (1), R. F. D. 2, GastOn, America.
Oreg. Meier, Juan, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
McCrow, H. W., 20, Abbotts Road, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Kings Heath, Birmingham, England. Argentina, South America.
McCully, W. S., 680 Atkins Drive, Meier, J. H., Casilla 2830, Santiago,
Glendale, Calif. Chile, South America.
McDaniels, P. W. (1), 525 N. 1st St., Meintzer, F. D. (1), Box 222, Baxley,
Longview, -Tex. Ga.
McDow, A. P. (1), 817 W. Nora Ave., Meissner, Henry (1), 401 E. Magnolia
Spokane, Wash. St., Ft. Collins, Colo.
McEachern, J. H., 375 W. 6th St., Meleen, C. A., 11141 Elm Ave., Lyn-
Pomona, Calif. wood, Calif.
McElhany, J. L., Takoma Park, Wash- Meleen, E. M., 68 U Wisara Road,
ington, D. C. Rangoon, Burma.
McFeters, D. C. (1), 10820 - 76th Ave., Melendy, L. S. 141 Wall St., Box 1154,
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Shaf ter, Calif.
McGhee, W. H. (1), 820 Monroe St., Mellor, Charles (1), 2665 Military St.,
Wenatchee, Wash. Port Huron, Mich.
McGill, Neil, White Rock, British Co- Melnic, T., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2.
lumbia, Canada.
Cernauti, Rumania.
McGougan, I (1), 1, The Gardens,
Manor Road, Colchester, England. Melo, A. S., Rua General Vitorino
McHenry, W. H., S. D. A. Mission, No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande
Post Box 64, Poona, India. do Sul, Brazil, South America.
McKeague, R. J., 1425 Kinau St., Mendez, Manuel, Box 3005, Santurce.
Honolulu, Hawaii. Puerto Rico.
McKee, A. C. (1), Box 930, Charlotte, Meng, Chung-i, 526 Ningkuo Road,
N. C. Shanghai, China.
McKee, A. D. (1), Route 1, Crossville, Menkel, H. C., 23, Curzon Road, New
Tenn. Delhi, India.
McKinley, L. L., 2928 Campbell St., Meredith, W. H. 839, St. Albans Road,
Kansas City, Mo. Garston, Watford, Herts, England.

Manullang, U. H. (1), Advent Zendings- Martin, S. 0., 660 Pettis Ave., Moun-
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling, tain View Calif.
North-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn- Martinez, Jose (1), Apartado 261, Bar-
laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East ranquilla, Colombia, South America.
Indies. Marzocchini, N., via Generale F. Pigna-
Maquera, A. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, telli 15, Napoli, Italy.
South America. Masina, D. (1), Nokuphila Hospital,
Maracle, C. G. Box 335, Oshawa, Western Native Township, Johannes-
Ontario, Canada. burg, South Africa.
Marais, C. C. (1), Helderberg College, Mason, W., Box 573, Bulawayo, South-
P. 0. Box 22, Somerset West, Cape ern Rhodesia, Africa.
Province, South Africa. Massengill, Wayne (1), 490 Spruce St.,
Marbury, B. F. (1), 12071/2 W. 13th St., Manchester, N. H.
Sanford, Fla. Massey, Joseph (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Marchus, Douglas (1), 1147 Broad St., Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab, India.
Wilmington, Calif. Masters, F. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton
Marcolla, J. (1), Miinchenerstr. 35, (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Masters, G. M., Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Germany. New South Wales, Australia.
Marcus, E. G., Nokuphila Hospital, Maszczak, A., Turecka 1, Warschau S
native Western Township, Johannes- 36, General Government, Germany.
burg, South Africa. Mateescu, F., Lascar Catargiu No. 26,
Margarido, Manuel, Caixa Postal 1830, Galati, Rumania.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Mateescu, T. (1), Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Marietta, J. J., 117 Locust St., Newark, Craiova, Rumania.
Ohio. Mathews, G. M., 1323 W. Lenawee St.,
Mariko, S. (1), Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Lansing, Mich.
Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian Mathy, L. A., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopi-
East Africa. tal, Paris 13e, France.
Marinescu, N., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Matsumura, N., S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
Bucuresti II, Rumania. yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
Marrero, Antonio, Apartado 3005, San- Matsuyama, R. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
turce, Puerto Rico. Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Marriott, G. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, sen.
Victoria, Australia. Matter, A., Ngoma Medical Mission,
Marsa, Leonard (I), 1048 W. Tuttle, Gitwe, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian East
Decatur, Ill. Africa.
Marsa, P. S. (1), via Usumbura, Ruanda- Matthews, H. A., Box 1757, Nairobi,
Urundi, Belgian East Africa. Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Marsh, C. W., 2928 Campbell St., Matthias (1), Chuharkana Mandi, Pun-
Kansas City, Mo. jab, India.
Marsh, J. 0., 734 Main St., Nevada, Mattison, B. W., 2018 Douglas St., Salt
Iowa. Lake City, Utah.
Marshall, B. C. (1), Hinsdale Sanita- Mattison, C. C. (1), 210 Webb Drive,
rium, Hinsdale, Ill. Glendale, Calif.
Marshall, J. D., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Mattison, H. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Honolulu, T. H. Karmatar, E. I. R., India.
Marshall, J. S., D'Strampes No. 252, Mattison, 0. 0., 23, Curzon Road, New
Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba. Delhi, India.
Marshall, R. F., 1030 N. Washington Mattison, R. R., Box M, Cristobal,
St., Enid, Okla. Canal Zone.
Martensson, F., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Mattsson, Ernst, Wasagatan 12, Gdte-
holm, Sweden. borg, Sweden.
Marter, E. W., Helderberg College, P. 0. Mattsson, Karl (1), Route 1, La Grange,
Box 22, Somerset West, Cape Prov- Ill.
ince, South Africa. Matula, Paul, 17834 Hull St., Detroit,
Martin, A. W., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Matus, De La Paz (I), Apartado 107,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Martin, Edward, Malamulo Mission, Maudsley, W., 22 Zulla Road, Mapper-
P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, British ley Park, Nottingham, England.
Central Africa. Maung, Chit, 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
Martin, Florentine (1), P. 0. Box 2494, goon Burma.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Maxson, B. 0. (I), Pacific Press Pub.
Martin, H. K., South Lancaster, Mass. Assn., Mountain View, Calif.
Martin, I. M., Boulder Dell, Higganum, Maxwell, A. S., Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Conn. Mountain View, Calif.
Martin, L., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun- Maxwell, L. G., Box 31, Rarotonga,
schweig, Germany. Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.

Maier, E., Eschenheimer Anlage 32,

M Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
Malinki, James, Rusangu Mission, P. 0.
Maas, E. R., Calle V. Vergara 3227, Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Malinki, Morrison, Chi leka Mission,
Argentina, South America. P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Maas, J. V., 42 Manchester St., Battle British Central Africa.
Creek, Mich. Maliro, Fred, Malamulo Mission, P. 0.
Mabona, Henry, Nadezwe Mission Dist., Malamulo, Nyasaland, British Central
P. 0. Mazabuka, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
Africa. Mall, Mehnga (1), Chuharkana Mandi,
Mabuti, Job, P. 0. Box 573, Bulawayo, Punjab, India.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Mall, Viru, Chuharkana Mandi, Pun-
Macanovs, P., Brivibas iela 11, dz. 13, jab, India.
Riga, Latvia. Mallory, J. B., Route 1, Box 84, Gor-
Macaulay, A. W. (1), 40 Bealey Ave., donsville, Va.
Christchurch, New Zealand. Maloney, M. A., Box 89, Hammonton,
MacGuire, Meade, Route 5, Box 1304, N. J.
Modesto, Calif. Maloney, V. J., 3746 - 26th St., San
Maclntyre, J. G. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Francisco, Calif.
Kulangsu, Amoy, China. Maltsev, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, 62 Ta
Mackett, C. H. (1), Box 15, Poona, Fang Chia Hutting, Peking, Hopei,
India. China.
Mackintosh, Donald, 424-11 A St., N.W., Mamora, A. (1), Advent Zendingsge-
Calgary, Alberta, Canada. nootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Macko, S. (1), Schanzstr. 24a, II., North-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijnlaan
Pressburg, Slovakia. 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East In-
MacLafferty, G. M. (1), 414 S. E. 39th dies.
Ave., Portland, Oreg. Manase, M. (1), Gitwe Mission, P. O.
MacNeil, J. W., 324 Oglethorpe St., Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
N. W., Washington, D. C. East Africa.
Madgwick, G. A. S. (1), S. D. A. Mis- Manchen, M., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
sion, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Cluj, Rumania.
Africa. Mandias, K., Advent Zendingsgenoot-
Madgwick, W. R. A., 99, Mellington schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Zuid-
Ave., East Didsbury, Manchester, Sumatra, Palembang, Sumatra, Neth-
Madhu, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, erlands East Indies.
P. 0. Jalirpar, Faridpur Dist., Ben- Manea, M., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
gal, India. Bucuresti Rumania.
Madsen, A. C. (1), Modesto Union Manestar, S. (1), Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb,
Academy, 210 Figaro St., Modesto, Jugoslavia.
Calif. Mangatas, S. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang
Maffey, J. D. (1), c/o 78, Attwyll Ave., Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated
St. Loyes Road, Exeter, Devon, Eng- Malay States.
land. Mangold, Santiago, Calle V. Vergara
Mafuru, Ezekieli, P. 0. Musoma, Tan- 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
ganyika Territory. East Africa. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Magan, P. T., 304 N. Boyle Ave., Los Mankayi, D. (1), Cancele Mission, P. 0.
Angeles, Calif. Cancele, via Mount Frere East Gri-
Miigi, E. Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, qualand, Cape Province, South Africa.
Estonia. Mannesmann, A., Neustadt-Contre-
Magnussen, A. E. (1), 361 Argyle St., scarpe 30, Bremen, Germany.
North Hobart, Tasmania. IVianongi, Elisa, P. 0. Musoma, Tan-
Magombo, Willard (1), Lake View Mis- ganyika Territory, East Africa.
sion, P. 0. Fort Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Manoram, C., Box 78, Georgetown,
British Central Africa. British Guiana, South America.
Magotsi, Abel (1), Ila Beckett's Bldgs., Manry, E. A., Box 128, Keene, Tex.
President St., Johannesburg, South Mansell, E. P., Munguluni Mission,
Africa. P. 0. Munhamade, Portuguese East
Magsalin, P. S. P. O. Box 2494, Manila, Africa.
Philippine Islands.
Mahlatini, Jack (I), Bwengwa Mission Mansker, W. K. (1), 13 West St.,,
District, P. 0. Mafize, Northern Rho- Brockton, Mass.
desia, Africa. Mantell, P. H. (1), P. 0. Box 468,
Mai, G., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Bloemfontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Manuel, B. E., Route 1, Leesburg, Va.
Maier, C., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, Ger- Manuel, P. W. (1), 572'N. Braddock St.,
many. Winchester, Va.

Loewen, George, 1005 - 12th St., Rapid Lu, Shou-dao (1), S. D. A. Mission,
City, S. Dak. Chengtu, Szechwan, China.
Loewen, M. E., c/o 900 Carroll Ave., Lubschina, F., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81,
Takoma Park, D. C. Salzburg-Aigen, Germany.
Logan, Ralph (1), Route 3, Elm Grove, Lucas, H. G., 218 Webb Drive, Glendale,
W. Va. Calif.
Loh, Wen-13i (1), S. D. A. Mission, Lucas, Theodore, 919 O'Sheridan, Madi-
Pichieh, Kweichow, China. son, Wis.
Loh, Yun-Djang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Ludewig, M., Dezeliceva 77, Zagreb,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Jugoslavia.
Lohne, Alf. (1), Badesanatoriet, Skods- Ludgate, T. K., 35 Hickory Ave., Ta-
borg, Denmark. koma Park, D. C.
Liihner, R., Pelzgasse 2/10, Vienna Ludington, D. C. (1), Collegedale, Term.
XV /101, Germany. Liidtke, A., Kiirnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau 13,
Lombard, S. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Germany.
Londa, A., Advent Zendingsgenootschap Ludwig, G. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dussel-
in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Noord-Celebes, dorf, Germany.
Tondano, Celebes, Netherlands East Ludwig, W. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46,
Indies. many.
Cottbus, Ger
Long, A., Mission Adventiste, Ambo- Ludwig, W. H. (1), Box 803, Casper,
hijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Wyo.
Long, A. C., Montrose Hospital, Mont- Liiftner, E., Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
rose, Colo. Sudetenland, Germany.
Long, Clarence (1), Box 337, Oshawa, Lugenbeal, E. N., Calle V. Vergara
Ontario. Canada. 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Long, M. L., Peoria, Alberta, Canada. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Longacre, C. S., Takoma Park, Wash- Lukens, Melvin (1), 1012 S. Hicks St.,
ington, D. C. Los Angeles, Calif.
Longway, E. L., S. D. A. Mission, Lukens, T. R. (1), Route 1, La Grange,
Chungking, Szechwan, China. Ill.
Loomer, L. E. (1), Box 803, Casper, Lumpisau (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton,
Wyo. British North Borneo.
Loosen, C. H., Tizianstr. 18, Miinchen Lund, A. 0., 5500 W. Kammerling Ave.,
19, Bavaria, Germany. Chicago, Ill.
Lopez, A. J. (1), Apartado 4078, Madrid, Lundquist, H. B., Southwestern Junior
Spain. College, Keene, Tex.
Lopez, Israel (1), Apartado 139, Saltillo, Lundstrom, S., Wasagatan 12, Gote-
Coahuila, Mexico. borg, Sweden.
Lorencin, A., Vojvode Protica 12, Beo- Lung, Ping-Hang (1), S. D. A. Mission,
grad VII, Jugoslavia. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Lorenz, J. D., Route 1, Box 627, Lupahla, John (1), P. 0. Box 573, Bula-
Arlington, Calif. wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
Lorenz, W., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Ntirn-
Liipke, G. (1), Friedensau bei Burg,
berg, Germany. Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger-
Lorntz, E. J., 711 - 25th St., San Diego,
Losey, L. B. College Place, Wash. Lupke, S., Friedensau bei Burg, Post
Losu, E. (1)% Advent Zendingsgenoot- Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
schap in N. 0. I. Afdeeling Zuid- Lusk, W. A., Route 2, Gentry, Ark.
Celebes, Tamarindeweg, Makassar, Lusky, R., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16,
Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. Germany.
Lotawa, Joeli (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Lutz, E. L. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Pacific Ocean. Lutz, 0. (1), Grindelberg 11, I., Ham-
Louden, R. E., 1805 Adams St., Monroe, burg 13, Germany.
La. Luukko, E. (1), Annank. 7, Helsingfors,
Loveless, W. C., 426 Sinclair, Glendale, Finland.
Calif. Lyberg, 0. A., 625 Holbeck St., Wau-
Lovell, V. P., Box C, Berrien Springs, pace, Wis.
Mich. Lyman, L. W. (1), 2908 - 4th, W.,
Lowe, H. W., Stanborough Park, Wat- Seattle, Wash.
ford, Herts, England. Lynch, H. E. A., S. D. A. Mission,
Lower, D. A.,2101 N. E. Flanders St., Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Portland, reg. Lyndon, F. E., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Lowry, G. G., Box 15, Poona, India. Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Lowry, M. E. (1), Apartado 39, Me- Lynes, C. A. (1), P. 0. Box 421, Chatta-
dellin, Colombia, South America. nooga, Tenn.
Lowry, Morris (I), Route 2, Gentry, Lysinger, H. E., Box 930, Charlotte,
Ark. N. C.

Liao, Hwa (I), 62 Ta Fang Chia Lippolis, G. L., via Trieste 17, Florence,
Hutung, Peking, Hopei, China. Italy.
Libby, R. H., 2001 - 24th Ave., N., Lipski, J. (1), Turecka 1, Warschau S
Nashville, Tenn. 36, General Government, Germany.
Libonati, E., Via Trieste 17, Florence, Liscombe, George (1), Cedar Lake
Italy. Academy, Cedar Lake, Mich.
Lichy, J., Schanzstr. 24a, II., Pressburg, Litster, W. R. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Slovakia. Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Lickey, A. E., 150 - 74th St., Brooklyn, Little, T. A. (I), College Place, Wash.
N. Y. Litwinenco, J. A., Max, N. Dak.
Lickey, C. F., 2535 Brinker St., Ogden, Liu, B. A., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Utah. hai, China.
Lidner, V. A., .5838 - 35th Ave., S., Liu, Chang-hsi (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Minneapolis, Minn. Kalgan, Mengchiang, China.
Lie, 0. S., Badesanatoriet, Skodsborg, Liu, Djen-Bang, S. D. A. Mission,
Denmark. Yencheng, Honan, China.
Liem, Daniel (1) 140 Bukit Bintang Liu, Djung-Gwang, S. D. A. Mission, 76
Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Fu Dzen St., Changsha, Hunan, China.
Malay States. Liu, Fuh-An (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Lien, A. C., 212 W. High St., Jackson, Shanghai, China.
Mich. Liu, Hen-Ih (1), S. D. A. Mission, 87 N.
Light, L. W., 1567 W. Hazelhurst, Gate St., Kunming, Yunan, China.
Ferndale, Mich. Liu, Herbert (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
Lightner, Charles, 2625 Charles St., Shanghai, China.
Omaha, Nebr. Liu, Hsiao-chiu (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Lillie, C. P. Gruetli, Tenn. 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung,
, Boulder-Colorado Sani-
Lilly, L. J. (1) China.
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Liu, Shiao-Tien, S. D. A. Mission,
Lima, D. S., Caixa Postal 810, Curtiba, Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Parana, Brazil, South America. Liu, Wei-An (1), Shensi Mission of
Lin, Han-Ching (1), S. D. A. Mission, S. D. A., Outside West Gate, Sianfu,
Chingtu, Szechwan, China. Shensi, China.
Linares, J. M. (I), Casilla 85, Puno, Livingston, J. D., Calle V. Vergara
Peru, South America. 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Lind, M. E., Box 49, Mbale, Uganda, Aires, Argentina, South America.
East Africa. Llaguno, R. S., P. 0. Box 124, Cagayan,
Lind, Walter (1), Box 584, Arlington, Oriental Misamis, Philippine Islands.
Calif. Lloyd, Ernest, care Pacific Press, Moun-
Lindbeck, L. H., 1024 Graham St., tain View, Calif.
St. Louis, Mo. Lo, Gwei-Ih (1), S. D. A. Mission, 87 N.
Lindberg, Ch. (1), Wasagatan 12, G5te- Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, China.
berg, Sweden. Lo, Sin-Tsai, S. D. A. Mission, Wai-
Lindo, S. G. (1), Box 356, Nassau, chow, Kwantung, China.
Bahamas. Lo, T. N., S. D. A. Mission, Waichow,
Lindquist, G. E. (1), 2910 Warren Ave., Kwangtung, China.
Seattle, Wash. Lo, Tet-Tsun, S. D. A. Mission, Wai-
Lindsay, G. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- chow, Kwangtung, China.
holm, Sweden. Loasby, F. H., S. D. A. Mission, Bara-
Lindsay, V. (I), 22 Mill St., Mont- gain, Ranchi, Bihar, India.
gomery, Ala. Loasby, R. E. 913 Hadden Drive,
Lindsey, Harold (1), 1632 W. 35th Takoma Park, D. C.
Place, Los Angeles, Calif. Lock, L. N. (1), Mirigeda, Port Moresby,
Lindsjo, Holger (1), College Place, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Wash. Lock, W. N., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Lindt, S. H., Southwestern Union Con- New South Wales, Australia.
ference, Keene, Tex. Locke, 0. F. (1), 41 S. 3d Ave.,
Ling, Bu-Hi (1), S. D. A. Mission, Glendale, Calif.
Foochow, China. Locken, J. B., Box 1313, Orlando, Fla.
Ling, Buong-Sieng (1), S. D. A. Mis- Lockert, A. J., 413 Irvine Ave., Bemidji,
sion, Foochow, China. Minn.
Ling, Ging-Ciong (1), S. D. A. Mission, Lockett, E. A. (1), 43 South West
Foochow, China. Drive, New Haven Conn.
Lingenfelter, C. L., Star Route, Box Lockwood, W. P. (1), Box 1095, Auburn,
1-A, Escondido, Calif. Calif.
Linker, R. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, Loe, L. I. (1), Advent Zendingsgenoots-
Germany. chap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West-
Lipke, John, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Netherlands East Indies.

Laurence, J. II., 2160 N. Capitol Ave., Lehnhoff, S. (1), Route 2, Lindale, New
Indianapolis, Ind. Richmond, Ohio.
Lautaret, E. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Lei, Hsien-Gwang (1), 20 Gao Lou Men,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Nanking, Kiangsu, China.
Lavanchy, Fr.,11-13 Rue Ernest Allard, Lei, Sai-Kwong (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Brussels, Beg ium. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Laweloa, J., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Lei, T. M., S. D. A. Mission, Nanning,
Pacific Ocean. Kwangsi, China.
Lawrence, G. W., c/o Frank Lawrence, Leigh, J. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Perryville, Md. Waterloo, Sierra Leone, West Africa.
Lawrence, N. W., Route 2, Battle Leiske, A. A., 1081 Marion St., Denver,
Grounds, Wash. Colo.
Lawrence, W. S., 4614 Biltmore Ave., Lejniek, A. (1), BriviDas iela 11, Riga,
Chattanooga, Tenn. Latvia.
Lawry, Clarence (I), 622 Olin Ave., Leland, J. A., Box 96, Angwin, Calif.
Madison, Wis. Lemke, L. D. A., 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Lawson, H. P., 176 Orange St., Kings- Perth, West Australia, Australia.
ton, Jamaica, British West Indies. Lemon, E. A. (1), Box 103, Wauchula,
Lawson, J. A., "Tereora," The Boule- Fla.
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Lengalenga, Peter, Ndola Mission, P. 0.
Lawson, T. C., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
N. S. W., Australia. Lenheim, L. E., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill.
Lay, William, Route 2, Box 84, Gaston, Lenk, L. (1), Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc,
Oreg. Hungary.
Lazaro, M. (1), P. 0. Musoma, Tan- Lennox, W. M., Glengarth, Burniston
ganyika Territory, East Africa. Road, Scarborough, Yorks, England.
Leach, C. V., 24 Fusting Ave., Catons- Lenzi, 0. (1), Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Salz-
ville, Md. burg-Aigen, Germany.
Leal, M., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Leon, Esteban (1), Apartado 605, Gua-
Lisbon, Portugal. dalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Le Butt, A. C., P. 0. Box 508, Port Leon, P. P. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Elizabeth, C. P., South Africa. South America.
Lecoultre, Andre, 7751 St. Andre, Mon- Leskien, Fr., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin,
treal, Villeray, Quebec, Canada. Germany.
Lecoultre, D., 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Leslie, .7. D. (1), 1932 Prince St.,
Paris 13e, France. Berkeley, Calif.
Lee, C. F. (1), 2928 Campbell St., Lesovsky, W., Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Kansas City, Mo. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Lee, C. W., P. 0. Box 401, Manila, Lester, J. H. (1), 520 Dorchester St.,
Philippine Islands. Hampton, Va.
Lee, Frederick, Review and Herald, Leung, H. S. (1), Box 310, Hong Kong.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Leung, Ton-Leung (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Lee, H. M., 1825 New Jersey, Los Tungshan, Canton, China.
Angeles, Calif. Leung, W. Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Lee, H. T. (1), Shen Yang P. 0., Box Hoihow, Hainan Island, China.
36, Mukden, Manchukuo. Lewis, G. A., Nyanchua Mission, P. 0.
Lee K. Y. (I), Court 1207 Yu Yuen Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa.
Road, Shanghai, China. Lewis, J. R. (1), Stanborough Park,
Lee, Ken-yu, S. D. A. Mission, Chung- Watford, Herts, England.
king, Szechwan, China. Lewis, M. D. (I), 544 - 7th Ave., W.,
Lee, L. C., 1411 - 19th St., Des Moines, Kalispell, Mont.
Iowa. Lewis, P. M. (I), 922 Lawrence, Madi-
Lee, Milton, S. D. A. Mission, 87 N. son, Wis.
Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, China. Lewis, R. G. (1), 2332 Oregon St.,
Lee, Theng-Huan (1), S. D. A. Mission, Berkeley, Calif.
Lewis, W. H., Box 216, Bridgetown,
Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Barbados, British West Indies.
China. Leytes, M., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Lee, W. S., 305 W. Palm Ave., Tampa. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Fla. Argentina, South America.
Leeder, S. T., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Li, Chuan-An (1), S. D. A. Mission,
land, New Zealand. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Lefebvre, F. (I), Mission Adventiste, 40 Li, Deh-Hsing (I), S. D. A. Mission,
rue de la Republique, Rabat, Morocco. Kweiyang. Kweichow, China.
Lefevre, R. (1), 130 Boulevard de Li, Gwang-Ren (I), S. D. A. Mission, 75
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Fu Dzen St.. Changsha, Hunan, China.
Lehmann, G., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau Li, Wan-chuan, S. D. A. Mission,
13, Germany. Pichieh, Kweichow, China.
Lehnhoff, E. H. 0. (1). 286 N. Grove St., Liang, Rei-Ho (1), Shen Yang P. 0.,
East Orange, N. J. Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo.

Kulessa, E., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, Lane, F. G., Box 146, Lomita, Calif.
Germany. Lane, L. E. A., 2, Harington Terrace,
Kulessa, J. (1), Steindamm 32a, Konigs- Cambridge Road, Edmonton, London
berg, Pr., Germany. N. 18, England.
Kunert, A. (1), Augasse 11, Reichen- Lane, R. W., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
berg, Sudetenland, Germany. (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales,
Kunihara, H., S. D. A. Mission, Taiden, Australia.
Chosen. Langa, M. M. (1), Ila Beckett's Bldgs.,
Kunimoto, 13. (1), S. D. A. Mission, President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Seishin, China. vaal, South Africa.
Kunimoto, H., S. D. A. Mission, Seir- Langberg, T. M., Route 1, Box 110,
yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen. Arlington, Calif.
Kunimoto, T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Lange, 0. W., S. D. A. Mission, Jowai,
Taiden, Chosen. via Shillong, Assam, India.
Kuniya, Hide, 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Lange, R., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. i /B., Germany.
Kuniya, Hiroshi, 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Langenberg, Herman, 4859 Lowell Ave.,
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Lincoln, Nebr.
Kunkel, C. J., 3912 Boyce Ave., Los Langholf, It., Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
Angeles, Calif. 13, Germany.
Kunze, M., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt- Langner, H., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46,
gart-S, Germany. Cottbus, Germany.
Kureyama, E. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Langworthy, Lewis (1), 704 S. 16th St.,
Seishin, Chosen. Herrin, Ill.
Kurz, K., Box 198, Great Bend, Kans. Lanier, W. E., 3222 E. 5th Ave., Knox-
Kurz, L. W. (1), Box 36, Charlestown, ville, Tenn.
Md. Lankhorst, J., Badhuisweg 14, Apel-
Kuschel, E., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurn- doorn, Netherlands.
berg, Germany. Lanoix, B. (1), Casier A-55, Port-au-
Kuty, J. (1), Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag- Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger- Larrabee, H. M. (1), Apartado 1059,
many. San Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
Kuzma, L. (1), Steindamm 32a, Konigs- ica.
berg, Pr., Germany. Larsen, B., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Kwan, S. Y. (1), Shen Yang P. 0., Box South America.
36, Mukden, Manchukuo. Larsen, C. A., 827 C Ave., Nevada, Iowa.
Kwiecinski, St. (I), Turecka 1, War- Larsen, C. F., S. D. A. Mission, Tung-
schau S. 36, General Government, shan , Canton, China.
Germany. Larsen, C. J. (1), Box 3673, Orlando,
Larsen, F. M., 3411 Adeline, Berkeley,
L Larsen, M. (1), Badesanatoriet, Skods-
borg, Denmark.
Lacey, H. C., 2452 Clarendon Ave., Larson, A. V. (1), Box 2006, Balboa,
Huntington Park, Calif. Canal Zone.
Lacey, K. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Larson, G. V. (1), Box 2238, Boise,
Park, Nottingham, England. Idaho.
La Grone, G. A., Route 2, Box 137a, Larson, L. J. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Amarillo, Tex. Quilon, Travancore, South India.
LaGrone, V. A., Box 1040, Clovis, Larsson, John, Annegatan 7, Helsing-
N. Mex. fors, Finland.
Lake, W. W. R., P. 0. Box 54, Kuching, Lashier, F. A. (1), 950 S. Dora St.,
Sarawak, Borneo. Ukiah, Calif.
Lal, Piyare (1), S. D. A. Mission, Lashier, S. J., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln,
Hapur, Meerut Dist., India. Nebr.
Lambeth, C. E., Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Latham, W. L., 627 S. 10th St., Lafa-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. yette, Ind.
Landa, E. (1), 139 ter, Chemin do LaTourette, D. P. (1), 4986 Plabplachai
Telemly, Algiers, Algeria. Road, Bangkok, Thailand.
Landeen, W. M., 612 Michigan Ave., Lauda, C. H., 1666 McKee Road, San
Pullman, Wash. Jose, Calif.
I.anderos, Daniel (1), Apartado 139, Lauda, E. R., 420 S. Wisconsin, Mitchell,
Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. S. Dak.
Landers, K. (1). Claremont Chambers. Lauder, W. D. (I), Gordon Ave., Hamil-
Main Road, Claremont, Cape Prov- ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Aus-
ince, South Africa. tralia.
Landis, C. C., 1001 Woodland Ave., Lane. H., Kiirnerstr. 6-0, Breslau 13,
Chico, Calif. Germany.

Koch, E., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chemnitz, Krautschick, G. (1), Hans-sachs-str. 9,

Germany. Chemnitz, Germany.
Koch, E. F., Route 1, Box 24, Harrison- Kress, D. H., 405 Niblick Ave., Orlando,
burg, Va. Fla.
Koch, W. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun- Krick, G. M. (1), Boite Postale 595,
schweig, Germany. Beirut, Lebanon.
Koh, Chiao-liang, North China Training Krick, R. K., 157 Fernwood Ave.,
Institute, Fengtai, Hopei, China. Trenton, N. J.
Kohen, A. G. (1), Jamestown, St. Krieghoff, C. E., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
Helena Island. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Kohler, Clarence (I), 3334 Vernon Ave., Argentine, South America.
Brookfield, Ill. Krietzky, M. S., Butte, N. Dak.
Kohler, Karl, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, Krievs, E., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Cottbus, Germany. Latvia.
Kohler, Kurt, Hans Sachstrasse 9, Kristensen, T., Badesanatoriet, Skods-
Chemnitz, Germany. borg, Denmark.
Kohtanen, V., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Kristoff, D. M., Solunska 10, Sofia,
Finland. Bulgaria.
Koilpillai, V. D., S. D. A. Mission Kroeger, T. J., 2519 Sanford Ave, Alton,
School, Prakasapuram, Mukuperi Ill.
Post, Via Nazareth, Tinnevelly Dis- Krohn, C. C. (1), P. 0. Box 1674,
trict, India. Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
lling, W. J., Post Box 226, Singa- Kroulik, V., Munchenerstr. 35, Prag-
pore Straits Settlements. Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger-
Kon, Vui-leong, 633 Suriwongse Rd., many.
Bangkok, Thailand (Siam). Krstic, Dragomir, Petra Zrinjskog ulica
Konderth, Th., Calea Bucurestilor 57. 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Craiova, Rumania. Krug, L., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Niirn-
Konigmacher, S. M., 1120 Keeaumoku berg, Germany.
St., Honolulu, T. H. Kruger, Albert, 817 W. Nora Ave.,
Konstantinoff, St., Solunska 10, Sofia, Spokane, Wash.
Bulgaria. Kruger, E. (1), Lehnestr. 7, Wohn. 6.
Konvalina, Frant., Miinchenerstr. 35, Graudenz, Germany.
Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Pr., Germany. Kruk, A. (1), Kbrnerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
Kopp, F. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.., Ham- 13, Germany.
burg 13, Germany. Krum, J. H., Route 1, Box 27, New
Korinth, W. (I), Koblenzer Str. 3, Smyrna Beach, Fla.
Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany. Krynsky, D. (1), Munchenerstr. 36,
Korsch, H., Steindamm 32a, III., Ko- Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate,
nigsberg, Pr., Germany. Germany.
Kortenhorn, G., Grindelberg, 11, I., Ku, Hyuk Min (1) P. 0. Box 34, Jessel-
Hamburg 13, Germany. ton, British North Borneo.
Kosam (1), Boite Postale 3, Kongolo, Kubecka, A. (1), Munchenerstr. 35,
Belgian Congo, Central Africa. Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate,
Kote, T. (1), lla Beckett's Bldgs., Germany.
President St., Johannesburg, Trans- Kuboni, E. Ka-J., 1 la Beckett's Bldgs.,
vaal, South Africa. President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Kott, Clarence, 1117 Colby St., Madi- vaal, South Africa.
son, Wis. Kuehl, A. W., 3419 S. 48th St., Lincoln,
Kotz, H. E., Box 930, Charlotte, N. C. Nebr.
Kovacs, K. (1), Fabilin-utca 5, Miskolc, Kuehne, H. R., 890 - 2d St., S., Car-
Hungary. rington, N. Dak.
Kozel, J. C. (1), Box 1871, Phoenix, Kuempel, F. R., Caixa Postal 810, Curi-
Ariz. tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.
Kraft, E. J. (I), Box 1871, Phoenix, Kuempel, Manoel, Caixa Postal 810,
Ariz. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, South Amer-
Kramer, H., Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm / ica.
Westf., Germany. Kuempel, S., Rua General Vitorino No.
Kranz, A. F. J., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
N. S. W., Australia. Brazil, South America.
Krause, 0., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, Kuester, W. E. (I), 1127 Victoria St.,
South America. Ft. Myers, Fla.
Krause, V. (1), Vokieciu g-ve 57, Kuhn, 0. B., Pacific Union College,
Kaunas, Lithuania. A ngwin, Calif.
Krautschick, A., Kaiser-Wilhelm-platz Kujur, P. D., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
46, Cottbus, Germany. Ghagra, Ranchi Dist., India.
Krautschick, A. I. (1), Post Box 226, Kulak, J.. Turecka 1, Warschau S 36,
Singapore, Straits Settlements. General Government, Germany.

Kern, M. E., Takoma Park, Washington, Kiou, Gi Sieu (1), S. D. A. Mission,-

D. C. Foochow, China.
Kessel, F., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Kirk, H. F., South Lancaster, Mass.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Kirkelokke, L. J., Suomisvej 5, Copen-
Kestner, M., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2, hagen, Denmark.
Cernauti, Rumania. Kisack, W. J. (1), 1702 N. 5th St.,
Kestner, Rud., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Milwaukee, Wis.
Cluj, Rumania. Kisku, Barko (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Ketola, T. (1), Liiwa Mission, Post Karmatar, E. I. R., India.
Kakatown, Monrovia, Liberia, West Kittle, 0. M., 2120 E. 10th St., National
Africa. City, Calif.
Kezer, R. H., 2829 E. 8th St., National Kitto, Robert, 4307 Sanborn Ave., Lyn-
City, Calif. wood, Calif.
Khajekar, Hanock (1), Box 64, Poona, Klatt, G. D., Calle V. Vergara 3227,
India. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Khalil, I., Box 592, Jerusalem, Palestine. Argentina, South America.
Khan, Jhande (1), Chuharkana, Mandi, Klein, Obed (1), 816 S. Broad St., Bel-
Punjab, India. ding, Mich.
Khng, K. T., P. 0. Box 310, Hong Klement, A., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn,
Kong. Estonia.
Khonje, Harry, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Klement, H. C., 202 So. Palouse St.,
Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Walla Walla, Wash.
Kiana, Titus, Lubembe Central SchOol, Klingbeil, J., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9,
Chisunku Village, Mokamba, via Chemnitz, Germany.
-Elisabethville, Congo Beige, Africa. Klinger, R., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16,
Kibble, H. W., Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Germany.
Kiehl, F. (1), 5 Blvd. d'Anvers, Stras- Kloetty, R. (1), 5 Boulevard d'Anvers,
bourg, Alsace, France. Strasbourg, Alsace, France.
Kiehnast, 0., Schlageter-Str. 8, Danzig- Klooster, H. J., College Station, Berrien
Langfuhr, Germany. Springs, Mich.
Kieltsch, M. (1), Str. Pictor Bucewschi Klose, J. C., 2700 Madison Court, Cov-
2, Cernauti, Rumania. ington, Ky.
Kiesz, A., Box 575, Shattuck, Okla. Kloss, W., Steindamm 32a, III., Konigs-
Kilgore, J. S. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave., berg, Pr., Germany.
Portland, Oreg. Klotins, E., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Killoway, T. (1), 9 Cunningham Road, Latvia.
Bangalore, South India. Kluth, E., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau 13,
Kimble, R. L., S. D. A. Mission, 17 Germany.
Abbott Road, Lucknow, India. Knauft, Emil (1), Box 2238, Boise,
Kime, D. S., c/o General Conference, Idaho.
Takoma Park, D. C. Knecht, L. P., Box 401, Cowpens, S. C.
Kime, Stewart, Box 307, Pasco, Wash. Kneeland, B. F., Box 683, Morganton,
Kimura, K. (11, S. D. A. Mission, Junan N. C.
(Soonan), Chosen. Kneeland, W. G., Route 1, Box 154,
Kimler, 0. (1), Miinchenerstr. 35, Morganton, N. C.
Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Pr., Germany. Knight, A. W., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Kinbara, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, N. S. W., Australia.
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho- Knight, C. E., Route 1, Box 242-K, Los
sen. Gatos, Calif.
King, A. L. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Knight, N. H. (1), Stanborough Park,
N. S. W., Australia. Watford, Herts, England.
King, G. D.. Stanborough Park, Wat- Knight, 0. W. (1), 84 Jervois Road,
ford, Herts, England. Auckland, 'New Zealand.
King, L. H., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa. Knipschild, J. F., Box 370, Hamilton,
King, N. B., 368 Washington St., Bermuda.
Knoblach, H. (1), Augasse 11, Reichen-
Yazoo City, Miss.
berg, Sudetenland, Germany.
Kingston, H. W. (1), Gordon Ave., Knoner, H., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., schweig, Germany.
Australia. Knox, P. L., 685 Atkins Drive, Glen-
Kinman, B. F. (1), 22 Zulla Road, dale, Calif.
Mapperley Park, Nottingham, Eng- Knudsen, Paul (1), General Conference
land. office, Takoma Park, D. C.
Kinney, C. M., Riverside Sanitarium, KObele, F., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe
Route 3, Nashville, Tenn. i.B., Germany.
Kinney, C. II., 28 Paine Ave., Cran- Kobs, H., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16.
ston, R. Germany.
Kinzer, N. H., Apartado 1059, San Jose, Koch, A. C., St. Helena Sanitarium,
Costa Rica, Central America. Sanitarium, Calif.

Kaneko, S., Minami 9 Jo, Nishi 16 Kawamoto, K. (1), S. D. A. Mission,

Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Kanemura, K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, sen.
Junan (Soonan), Chosen. Kawamura, T. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Kanemura, Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Junan, (Soonan), Chosen.
Taiden, Chosen. Kazemba, Simon (1), P. 0. Box 573,
Kaneta, R., S. D. A. Mission, Junan Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa.
(Soonan), Chosen. Kearbey, C. F. (1), General Delivery,
Kaneyasu, T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Flat River, Mo.
Junan (Soonan), Chosen. Keate, R. I., P. 0. Box 4929, Atlanta,
Kanazawa, T. S. D. A. Mission, Junan Ga.
(Soonan), Cho Kegley, R. J., Drawer 36, Watertown,
Kaneziro, S., S. D. A. Mission, Junan S. Dak.
(Soonan), Chosen. Keh, N. K., S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu,
Kaneziro, T. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Amoy, China.
Taiden, Chosen. Keh, T. K. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Kaneziro, Y. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho- Keiser, C. V., 917 Garfield Ave., Beloit,
sen. Wis.
Kanjanga, Soldier, Thekerani Mission, Keith, J. B., Atchin, New Hebrides,
P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland, British Pacific Ocean.
Central Africa. Keith, W. J., 423 Hand St., Jackson,
Kanjira, Hamilton (I), Matandani Mis- Miss.
sion, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasa- Keitts, F. S., 1011 Fair St., S. W.,
land, British Central Africa. Atlanta, Ga.
Kanna, E. (1), Merepuiestee 14a, Tal- Kelemen, St., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
linn, Estonia. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Kansu, Lotson (1), P. 0. Box 573, Kellar, C. C., Route 3, Box 304, Santa
Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Cruz, Calif.
Kanzok, J., Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau 13, Kelle, 0., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Nurn-
Germany. berg, Germany.
Kapitz, C., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, Keller, K., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau 13,
Bremen, Germany. Germany.
Keller, R. E. (1), Sterling Road, Jack-
Kaplan, S., 1783 Marmion Ave., New sonville, Oreg.
York, N. Y. Kelley, H. M., Box 1313, Orlando, Fla.
Kapusta, St., Turecka 1, Warschau S Kelly, C. H. (1), 900 Carroll Ave.,
36, General Government, Germany. Takoma Park, D. C.
Karallashvilly, K. D., Court 1207 Yu- Kelly, P. J., S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid,
Yuen Road, Shanghai, China. Kistna Dist., South India.
Karl, A., Via Trieste 17, Florence, Kelsey, Verne (1), 1115 S. 2nd St.,
Italy. Monroe, La.
Karmas, V. (1), Merepuiestee 14a, Kemmerer, M. E. (1), 1022 Carroll Ave.,
Tallinn, Estonia. Takoma Park, D. C.
Karonga, Jeremiah (I), Chileka Mission, Keng, Chiao-chun, 36 Chu Kan Hsinag,
P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland, Peking, Hopei, China.
British Central Africa. Keng, Fu-kuang, 36 Chu Kan Hsinag,
Karwatzke, E. (1), Steindamm 32a, III., Peking, Hopei, China.
Konigsberg, Prussia, Germany. Kent, H. M., S. D. A. Mission, 9
Kasa, J. W., 1428 Kenilworth Ave., Cunningham Road, Bangalore, So.
Cleveland, Ohio. India.
Kasonga, Philip, Malamulo Mission, Kent, J. F., South Lancaster, Mass.
P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, British Kent, J. R. (I), "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Central Africa. N. S. W., Australia.
Kastl, Karl, Vojvode Protica 12, Beo- Kent, J. W., Gordon Ave., Hamilton,
grad VII, Jugoslavia. (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Katona, S., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Kent, L. J. (1), Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
Hungary. South Australia, Australia.
Kaufmann, E., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Kent, T. R., "Tereora," The. Boulevarde,
burg 13, Germany. Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Kaufmann, Richard, Neustadt-Contre- Keough, G. A. (1), Boite Postale 595,
scarpe 30, Bremen, Germany. Beirut, Lebanon.
Kauntul, M., Advent Zendingsgenoots- Keough, George, Box 592, Jerusalem,
chap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling West- Palestine.
Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Kephart, H. C., 202 S. Palouse St.,
Netherlands East Indies. Walla Walla, Wash.
Kausu, Lotson (I) , P. 0. Mission, Kepkey, R. E. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Portland, Oreg.

Johnson, J. B., Avenida San Martin Jugha, Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi,
4555, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Jurke, F., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A 16,
Johnson, J. D., Blair, Nebr. Germany.
Johnson, J. E., 606 N St., N. W., Jurkevics, A., Brivibas iela 11, dz. 16,
Washington, D. C. Riga, Latvia.
Johnson, J. R. (1), 514 Brandon St.,
Greensburg, Pa.
Johnson, K. D. (I), 1013 E. 25th St., K
Cheyenne, Wyo.
Johnson, S. (I), c/o Box 507, Bozeman, Kabarnbe, Jonathon, Chileka Mission,
Mont. P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Johnson, V. R. (1), 2016 - 15th St., British Central Africa.
Meridian, Miss. Kachel, H. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Dusseldorf,
Johnson, W. B., 1081 Marion St., Den- Germany.
ver, Colo. Kachoka, Tom (1), Lake View Mission,
Johnson, W. S. (1), Box 235, Greens- P. 0. Fort Mlangeni, Nyasaland,
burg, Pa. B. C. Africa.
Johnson, Werber (1), 933 Bonsella Ave., Kaelin, A. D. (1), Box 930, Charlotte,
Walla Walla, Wash. N. C. -
Johnston, F. W., Box 267, Oceanside, Kagegera, D., Gitwe Mission, P. 0.
Calif. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Jonas, M. (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via East Africa.
Usumbura, Belgian East Africa. Kajiyama, T., 171 Amanuma 1 Chome,
Jonasson, Sigward, Tunnelgatan 25, Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Stockholm, Sweden. Kalabugin, M. A., 9 Tsitsihar St., Nan
Jonathan, A. D. (1), 9 Cunningham Kang, Harbin, Manchukuo.
Road, Bangalore, South India. Kalbermatter, I., Calle V. Vergara
Jones, C. L. (1), Box 66, Port-of-Spain, 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Trinidad, British West Indies. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Jones, G. E., South Lancaster, Mass. Kalbermatter, S. (1), Casilla 44, Quito,
Jones, J. K., Box 449, Decatur, Ga. Ecuador, South America.
Jones, J. W., 241 Ferrill Ave., Savan- Kalezic, Djordje, Petra Zrinjskog ulica
nah, Ga. 13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia.
Jones, L. L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Kaliba, Simon (1), Rusangu Mission,
Victoria, Australia. P. 0. Mission, Northern Rhodesia,
Jones, R. G., Apartado 92, Managua, Africa.
Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America. Kallaste, A. (1), Merepuiestee 14a,
Jones, W. H. (1), 4240 York Road, Tallinn, Estonia.
Philadelphia, Pa. Kaltenheuser, K., Caixa Postal 233,
Jonsson, J. G. (1), Box_262, Reykjavik, Vitoria, Espirito Santo, Brazil, South
Iceland. America.
Jonuleit, K., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chem- Kalustian, K. (1), 14 Saray Arkasi,
nitz, Germany. Ayas Pasa, Istanbul, Turkey.
Jordahl, Ole, Akersgaten 74, Oslo, Nor- Kamea, John (1), Suva Vou, Suva,
way. Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
Jordan, W. H., S. D. A. Mission, Shahu- Kamm, C., 5 blvd. d'Anvers, Stras-
puri, Kolhapur, India. bourg, Alsace, France.
Jorgensen, L., G., 4547 Calvert St., Kamwendo, Yolam, Malamulo Mission,
Lincoln, Nebr. P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, British
Jornada, F. H., Box 271, Iloilo City, Central Africa.
Iloilo, Philippine Islands. Kamwenje, Moses (1), P. 0. Box 61,
Joseph, G. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central
Nuzvid, Kistna Dist., South India. Af ries.
Joseph, M., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum- Kanachky, B. (1), 1491 Brook Ave.,
bura, Belgian East Africa. New York, N. Y.
Kanada, T., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Joshua, J., S. D. A. Mission, Quilon, Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Travancore, South India.
Kanamori, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Joyce, C. S., Box C, Berrien Springs, Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Mich. sen.
Joyce, R. S., 42, Patterdale Road, Kanamori, S. (1). S. D. A. Mission,
Nottingham, England. Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Joyce, S., 48, Sheepcote Lane, Garston, sen.
Watford, Herts, England. Kanaumi, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Joyce, S. G., 22 Zulla Road, Mapperley Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Park, Nottingham, England. sen.
Judge, A. G., 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Kanayama, F. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
land, New Zealand. Seichin , Chosen.

Jackson, P. T. (1), 431 - 12th St., Co- Jensen, M. H., 1405 So. 7th St., Lincoln,
lumbus, Ind. Nebr.
Jacob, A. C, S. D. A. Mission, Quilon, Jensen, R. F. (1), Badesanatoriet,
Travancore, South India. Skodsborg, Denmark.
Jacob, J. V. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Jensen, W. C., 24 Weston St., Pittsfield,
Quilon, Travancore, South India. Mass.
Jacobs, D. E. (1), 1434 N. 1st St., Jessen, A. F., Bethel Chapel, Alfred
Phoenix, Ariz. House Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo,
Jacobs, J. T., P. 0. Box 385, Grants Ceylon.
Pass, Oreg. Jesudawson, A. M., Roadside House,
Jacobs, R. L., Casilla 1003, Lima, Peru, Ootacamund, South India.
South America. Jewell, E. B., P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre,
Jacobson, A. G. (1), Box J. 1011, Ade- Nyasaland, British Central Africa.
laide, South Australia, Australia. Jewell, F. B. (1), Solusi Mission, P. 0.
Jager, E., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, Box 573, Bulawayo, Southern Rho-
Cottbus, Germany. desia, Africa.
Jakavula, E. S., Bethel Training Col- Jewkes, H. W. (1), 2610 Nob Hill Ave.,
lege, P. 0. Butterworth, Cape Prov- Seattle, Wash.
ince, South Africa. Jewson, E. P., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
James, E. H., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. (P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales,
James, H. C. (1), Covelo, Calif. Australia.
James, H. E. (1), Sanitarium, Calif. Jimenez, Aurelio, Apartado 107, Puebla,
James, J. R., Gordon Ave., Hamilton Puebla, Mexico.
(P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Jochmans, F., 130 Boulevard de 1116-
James, J. S., Box 32, Collegedale, Tenn. pital, Paris 13e, France.
James, 0. (1), 19 Union House, Union Joe, Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific
St., East London, Cape Province, Ocean.
South Africa. Joel, Atchin, New Hebrides, Pacific
Jameson, J. S., 1904 Pennsylvania Ave., Ocean.
Augusta, Ga. Johannes, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Janda, Edward, Inyazura Mission, P. 0. Gopalganj P. 0., Faridpur Dist.,
lnyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Bengal, India.
Janert, 0., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Johanson, E. J., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ-
burg 13, Germany. church, New Zealand.
Jarnes, P. C. (1), South Lancaster, Johanson, J. A., 68 U Wisara Road,
Mass. Rangoon, Burma.
Jean-Baptiste, A. J., Casier A-55, Port- John, C. (1), Roadside House, Oota-
au-Prince, Haiti, French West Indies. camund, South India.
Jean-Elie, S. 13., Casier Postal 16, Fort- John, C. K. (1), 9 Cunningham Road,
de-France, Martinique, French West Bangalore, South India.
Indies. John, Ch. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid,
Jefferson, S. M. (1), Box 665, Mendo- Kistna District, South India.
cino, Calif. John, W., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg
Jefferson, W. R., 2854 Piedmont Ave., 13, Germany.
La Crescents, Calif. Johns, A. H., 1983 E. Glenoaks Blvd.,
Jeffreys, W. C. (1), 632 Line St., Cam- Glendale, Calif.
den, N. J. Johns, Alger (1), Box 355, Blythe, Calif.
Jelen, K., Fleischergasse 18, Gratz bei Johns, V. J., Loma Linda, Calif.
Posen, Germany. Johnson, Adolph, Route 2, Box 137,
Jemison, T. H. (1). Loma Linda, Calif. Roseburg, Oreg.
Jen, Yung-chang (1), S. D. A. Mission, Johnson, A. R. P., 408 Highland Ave.,
102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, Johnson City, Tenn.
China. Johnson, A. W. (1), Pacific Union Col-
Jenkins, F. H., Fresno, Calif. lege, Angwin, Calif.
Jenkins, T. J. (1), 1347 - 23rd St., Johnson, C. S., 210 S. E. 50th Ave.,
Newport News, Va. Portland, Oreg.
Jensen, Christian, S. D. A. Mission, Johnson, David (1), 123 White St.,
Chuadanga P. 0., Nadia District, Syracuse, N. Y.
Bengal, India. Johnson, E. R., Box 33, Angwin, Calif.
Jensen, C. C., 1804 E. Glenoaks Blvd., Johnson, Fred, Monroe, Wash.
Glendale, Calif. Johnson, F. M7., Northwest China Union
Jensen, E. E. (1), Box 362, Benkelman, Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, Kansu,
Nebr. China.
Jensen, F. B., Pacific Union College, Johnson, G. E., 132 Academy St., Mon-
Angwin, Napa County, Calif. tesano, Wash.
Jensen, Johannes, Suomisvej 5, Copen- Johnson, H. M., College Heights, Al-
hagen, Denmark. berta, Canada.
Jensen, J. P. U., "Bethania," Rbnne, Johnson, H. T. (I), Tetherdown, Middle-
Denmark. bank Crescent, Dundee, Scotland.

Hunter, D. W., 1401 W. Michigan Ave., Imai, S., 316 U St., Sacramento, Calif.
Lansing, Mich. Imasiku, Gladstone, Liumba Hill Mis-
Hunter, Le Roy, S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. sion, P. 0. Kalabo, Northern Rho-
Jalirpar, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, desia, Africa.
India. Imperio, J. M., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila,
Huntington, L., S. D. A. Mission, Qui- Philippine Islands.
Ion, Travancore, South India. Imrie, L. J., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
Hurdon, W. J., 3250 Fraser Ave. at (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Kingsway, Vancouver, British Co- Ingle, A. N., P. 0. Box 7768, Johannes-
lumbia, Canada. burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Hurlow, H. J., Kolo Mission, P. 0. Inoue, K., 8625 Latona St., Seattle,
Mahlalefi, Basutoland, South Africa. Wash.
Hurlow, W. H., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- lonescu, C. G., Str. Mitropolitul Ghen-
fontein, 0. F. S. South Africa. adie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV,
Hutapea, W. U. (I), Advent Zendings- Rumania.
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Iorga, I., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bu-
West-Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, curesti II, Rumania.
Java, Netherlands East Indies. Irod, Dumitru, Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Hutches, G. E., 1856 Marshall Ave., Craiova, Rumania.
St. Paul, Minn. Irwin, J. J., Copemish, Mich.
Hutchinson, L. L., Route 2, Box 133, Isaac, Ce (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Lemoore, Calif. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, British Cen-
Huxtable, T. R., 109 Hilton Ave., Ta- tral Africa.
koma Park, D. C. Isaac, Daniel, 261 Academy Place,
Hwang, David, 1207 Yu-Yuen Road, Dinuba, Calif.
Shanghai, China. Isaac, F. R., Boulder-Colorado Sani-
Hwang, Djung-Seng, S. D. A. Mission, tarium, Boulder, Colo.
75 Fu Dzen St., Changsha, Hunan, Isaac, John, Route 1, Box 146A,
China. Shafter, Calif.
Hwang, Dz-Chiang, S. D. A. Mission, Isaac, M. N., Casier A-55, Fort-au-
Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
Hwang, Dzi-Ling (1), S. D. A. Mission, Isaac, N. (1), Casier A-55, Port-au-
75 Fu Dzen St., Changsha, Hunan, Prince, Haiti, French West Indies.
China. Isaac, V., Roadside House, Ootacamund,
Hwang, Joseph (1), S. D. A. Mission, South India.
Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, Isaiah, G., S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid,
China. Kistna District, South India.
Hyatt, W. L., 717 Church St., Greens- Icing, W. K., Takoma Park, Washing-
boro, N. C. ton, D. C.
Hyde, C. J. (1), Kanyadoto, P. 0. Kisii, Ismond, W. (1), No. China Training
Kenya Colony, East Africa. Institute, Fengtai, Hopei, China.
Hyde, J. J., S. D. A. Mission, Jengre Israel, 0. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid,
Railway Station, via Jos, Northern Kistna District, South India.
Nigeria, West Coast, Africa. Istrate, P. (1), Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Hyde, S. G., 6, Tyglass Road, Llanishem, Cernauti, Rumania.
Cardiff, Glam, Wales, England. Itumeleng, K. I. (1), P. 0. Taungs,
Hyde, S. W., 404 Madison St., Petoskey, Bechuanaland, South Africa.
Mich. Ivanoff, N. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia, Bul-
Hyde W. T. B., S. D. A. Mission, Box garia.
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast Iwanoff, W. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia,
Africa. Bulgaria.

Ibbott, E. B. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Jabola, F. L., P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi,
Victoria, Australia. Albay, Philippine Islands.
Ide, 0., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio, M. A., Jackson, A. S. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Lisbon, Portugal. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Iek, Sing (I), S. D. A. Mission, Foochow, Jackson, F. S., 53, Lon Masarn, Sketty.
China. Swansea. South Wales, England.
Ihrig, I. H. (1), South Lancaster, Mass. Jackson, J. M., Review and Herald,
Iliescu, B., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie Takoma Park, D. C.
Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru- Jackson, J. S., Gordon Ave., Hamilton
mania. (Box 27). N. S. W., Australia.
11lyes, F., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Cluj, Jackson, M. J., 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Rumania. Honolulu, T. H.

Holden, W. B. (1), 6347 S. E. Yamh:II Howe, P. L. (1), Ndora Mission, c/o

St., Portland, Oreg. Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usumbura, Ru-
Holden, W. H., 133 S. 22nd St., La anda-Urundi, Belgian East Africa.
Crosse, Wis. Howe, W. A., 100 Fairview Ave., N.,
Holgate, W. A., 176 Orange St., Kings- St. Paul, Minn.
ton, Jamaica, British West Indies. Howell, J. M., 3800 S. 48th St., Lin-
Holland, J. C., 900 Carroll Ave., Ta- coln, Nebr.
koma Park, Washington, D. C. Howell, L. I. (1), Mirigeda, Port Mores-
Hollenweger, 0., Stampfenbachstrasse by, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
85, Zurich, Switzerland. Howell, W. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
Holley, Leighton (1), 520 E. 2nd St., ington, D. C.
Spencer, Iowa. Howse, H. T., Norfolk Island, Australia.
Holley, W. R. (1), Advent Zendings- Howse, J., Marovo Lagoon, via Tulagi,
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Zuid-Celebes, Tamarindeweg, Makas- Hoyler, Jorge, Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
sar, Celebes, Netherlands East Indies. do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
Hollingsworth, F., Papeete, Tahiti, So- America.
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Hsiao, Djeng Hsio (1), Choni, Kansu,
Hollister, M. A., Takoma Park, Wash- China.
ington, D. C. Hsiao, Tzi-Fu (1), S. D. A. Mission, 147
Holloway, C. B. (1), 603 So. 6th Ave., East San Ma. Lu, Hsing-king, Man-
Laurel, Miss. chukuo.
Holman, G. W., Shiloh, N. J. Hsu, Chi-li (1), S. D. A. Mission, 102
Holman, K. C. (1), Pateros, Wash. Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China.
Hoist, A. E., 2347 Jefferson St., Blue- Hsu, Sin-Tang (1), 107 Woo Tsu St.,
field, W. Va. Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Holt, C. A., 3818 W. 107th St., Ingle- Hsu, T. C. (1), Ta-Tung Lu, Dao-Li,
wood, Calif. Harbin, Manchukuo.
Hon, E. (1), "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Hsu, Wen-Ping (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Hutung, Peking, Hopei, China.
Hooper, W. T., "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Hu, D. R., S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow,
N. S. W., Australia. Chekiang, China.
Horn, P., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, Cott- Huang, C. C. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang
bus, Germany. Rd., Kuala Lumpur, Federated Ma-
Horn, S., Post Box 226, Singapore, lay States.
Straits Settlements. Hubbard, T. F., 1003 S. 4th St., Terre
Hcerner, G. F., Kriegsstr. 84, Karls- Haute, Ind.
ruhe i /B., Germany. Hubbe, R. L. (I), South Lancaster,
Hosford, G. W., 386 W. Washington Mass.
St., Bradford, Pa. Hubley, R. A., 9912 - 115th St., Ed-
Hoskin, G. C., 105 W. Adams St., Chi- monton, Alberta, Canada.
cago, Ill. Huddleston, S. B., 2818 McDermett St.,
Hottel, J. Z., 303 S. State St., Ephrata, Dallas Texas.
Pa. Hudson, R. T., 1315 Day St., Des Moines,
Hottel, R. D., Box 57, New Market., Va. Iowa.
Houghton, Alexander, 1019 Boyd St., Huenergardt, A. B., Route 1, Box 168-A,
Watertown, N. Y. Hemet, Calif.
House, H. F., Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- Huenergardt, J. F., 2424 Marathon St.,
terrey, N. L., Mexico. Los Angeles, Calif.
Houser, L. E. (1), 2 Roger Ave., Lon- Hufnagel, H., Hans-Sachsstr. 9, Chem-
don, Ontario. Canada. nitz, Germany.
Hovhannessian, N. (1), Boite Postale Hughes, A. E.. 1119 Peachtree St., N. E.,
595, Beirut, Lebanon. Atlanta, Ga.
Howard, A. W. (1), 780 St. Albans Humann, E. S. (1), Rest Haven Sani-
Road, Watford, Herts, England. tarium, Sidney, British Columbia,
Howard, B. A., 23, Curzon Road, New Canada.
Delhi, India. Humann, H. H., 25 N. Blandena. St.,
Howard, E. P., R. F. D. 1, Box 648, Portland, Oreg.
Arlington, Calif. Hummel, G., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46,
Howard, J. M., Stanborough Park, Cottbus, Germany.
Watford, Herts, England. Humphrey, A. B. T. (1), Box 402,
Howard, M. D., Southern Jr. College, Scottsbluff, Nebr.
Collegedale, Tenn. Humphries, H. (1), Stanborough Park,
Howard, W. H., Union Springs, N. Y. Watford, Herts, England.
Howarth, James (1), 1707 Orchard Ave., Hung, C. Y., S. D. A. Mission, Kul-
Glendale, Calif. angsu, Amoy, China.
Howe, B. L., Route 5, Box 1309, Mo- Hung, K. H. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
desto, Calif. Kong.

Herbert, A. S. (1), 40 Healey Ave., Hilton, G. F. (1), 425 S. & L. Building,

Christchurch, New Zealand. Wenatchee, Wash.
Herbert, W., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun- Hilweg, K., Steindamm 32a, III., Kii-
schweig, Germany. nigsberg, Pr., Germany.
Herculano, Caixa Postale 3. Nova Lis- Hintz, M. (1), Turecka 1, Warschau S
boa, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. 36, Gen. Government, Germany.
Herholdt, A. .J., P. 0. Box 7768, Hioara, M.. Lascar Catargiu No. 26,
Johannesburg. Transvaal, South Af- Galati, Rumania.
rica. Hiraoka, S. (1), S. D. A, Mission,
Hermann, P. H., Str. Mitropolitul Seiryori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Cho-
Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, I3ucuresti sen.
IV, Rumania. Hirayama, M., S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
Hermanson, E. V., Rua Antonio J. yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
d'Almeida, Funchal, Madeira Islands. Hirlinger, J. W., Holly, Mich.
Hermansson, Goesta, Wasagatan 12, Hiscox, A. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Goteborg, Sweden. P. 0. Box 62, Rabaul, Mandated Ter-
Hernandez, B. (1), Apartado 3005, San- ritory of New Guinea.
.lurce, Puerto Rico. Hiten, George (1), Songa. Mission, Boite
Hernandez, R. (I), Apartado 3005, San- Postale Kamina, Congo Beige, Central
turce, Puerto Rico. Africa.
Herr, Theodore (1), Enterprise, Kansas. Hiten, S. G., P. 0. Box 7768, Johannes-
Hershberger, 0. S. (1), P. 0. Box burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
831, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Hiten, S. S., P. 0. Box 7768, Johannes-
Herwick, 0. W., Ketchikan, Alaska. burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Herwick, P. G., 247 Brown Ave., Hemp- Hivale, B. J. (1), Box 64, Poona, India.
stead, L. I., N. Y. Hlubi, J. M., lla Beckett's Buildings,
Hesse, 0. (1), Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf, President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
Germany. vaal, South Africa.
Hesse], A., S. D. A. Mission, Shah Ave. Hmelevsky, G. G., 510 Harmon St.,
638, Teheran, Iran. Detroit, Mich.
Hesseltine, Leland (1), General De- Hnatyshyn, J. M. Box 15, Poona, India.
livery, Ontario, Calif. Ho, Ai-deng, S. D. A. Mission, 87 N.
Hesseltine, Waldo (1), 973 Blossom Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Way, Hayward, Calif. Ho, Ching (1), S. D. A. Mission, Huei
Heubach, P. C., 5400 El Camile, Oak- Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
land, Calif. China.
Heuser, H. (1), Neustadt-Contrescarpe Ho, Ping-Duan (1), 526 Ningkuo Road,
30, I., Bremen, Germany. Shanghai, China.
Hewlett, Gordon (1), Box 125, Moncton, Ho, W. Y. (1), Box 310, Hong Kong.
New Brunswick. Hoag, G. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Bars-
Hiatt, H. M., 1615 S. Ferry St., Anoka, gain, Ranchi, B. N. Ry., India.
Minn. Hochmuth, M., Haydnstrasse 16, Dres-
Hickman, N. R., Box 134, Rock Springs, den-A 16, Germany.
Wyo. Hodde, E. F. (1), 2305 Parrish Ave.,
Hicks, H. H., Box 139, Sugarhouse Newport News, Va.
Station, Salt Lake City, Utah. Hoen, R. E. (1), Angwin, Calif.
Higgins, W. A. (1), Box 831, Mt. Ver- Hoetapea, M. (1), Advent Zendings-
non, Ohio. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Higgins, W.. B., Malamulo Mission, P. Noord-Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijn-
0. Malamula, Nyasaland, B. C. Af- laan 16, Sumatra, Netherlands East
rica. Indies.
Hilgert, W. T., Route 2, Gaston, Oreg. Hoffman, B. P., Theological Seminary,
Hill, C. (1), Box J. 1011, Adelaide, South Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Australia, Australia. Hoffman, J. M. (1), 527 Forest St.,
Hill, F. W. (1), Bethel Chapel, Alfred
House Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo, Mansfield, Ohio.
Ceylon. Hoffmann, H., Rua General Vitorino
Hill, R. B. (1), 388 W. Warren Ave., No. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do
Youngstown, Ohio. Sul, Brazil, South America.
Hill, T. S., 1317 Merrill St., Kalamazoo, Hoffmann, K., Hans-Sachstr. 9, Chem-
M ich. nitz, Germany.
Hill, W. B., 1455 - 7th St., Parkersburg, Hogendorp, L. (1), Advent Zendings-
W. Va. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Hilliard, W. I. (1), Box 145, Baguio, West-Java, Naripan 63. Bandoeng,
Philippine Islands. Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Hillman, V. R. (1), 3102 Hall Ave., Holbrook, J. A., Box 364, Clear Lake,
Marinette, Wis. Wash.
Hilmer, F., Adlerstr. 70, Dfisseldorf, Holbrook, Wilbur, Route 1, Box 7,
Germany. Harvey, N. Dak.

Harker, H. C., "Tereora," The Boule- Hawken, W. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus- thorn, Victoria, Australia.
tralia. Hayakawa, T. (1), 31 Kitakyo-machi 1-
Harker, J., Stanborough Park, Wat- chome, Matsuyama, Japan.
ford, Herts, England. Hayashi, N., S. D. A. Mission, Seiryori-
Harres, Karl, Neustadt Contrescarpe 30, machi, Keizyo (Seoul, Chosen.
Bremen, Germany. Hayden, R. A., Casilla 240, Iquitos,
Harriott, R. (I), 176 Orange St., King- Peru, South America.
ston, Jamaica, British West Indies. Hayes, E. G., Box 871, Glendale, Calif.
Harris, S. C. (1), Takoma Hospital, Haynal, A. D., Box 235, Greensburg, Pa.
Greeneville, Tenn. Haynes, C. B., Takoma Park, Wash-
Harris, W. J., 2234 Hollister Terrace, ington, D. C.
Glendale, Calif. Haynes, D. F. (1), 329 Elizabeth St.,
Harrison, C. R., 1908 - 31st St., Arling- Ft. Collins, Colo.
ton, Calif. Haynes, J. D., Box 580, San Jose, Calif.
Harrison, C. W. (1), "Mizpah," Wah- Haynes, S. R., 1224 E. Forty-eighth St.,
roonga, New South Wales, Australia. Savannah, Ga.
Harrison, F. L. (1), Calle Pino 3801, Haysmer, A. J., 383 Fulton St., Med-
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South ford, Mass.
America. Haysmer, C. A., (1), New England
Harrison, I. H. (1), Box 573, Bulawayo, Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
S. Rhodesia, Africa. Hayter, W. H. (1), Good Hope Training
Hartin, L. H., Atlantic Union College, School, Klipfontein Road. Athlone,
South Lancaster, Mass. Cape Province, South Africa.
Hartman, B. F. (1), 67 Dyer St., Hayton, C. H., 5230 La Roda Ave.,
Presque Isle, Maine. Eagle Rock, Calif.
Hartman, H. C., 3800 S. Forty-eighth Head, C., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Vic-
St., Lincoln, Nebr. toria, Australia.
Hartman, J. I. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Heald, B. M., 520 Bard Ave., West
Peru, South America. Brighton, Staten Island, N. Y.
Hartmann, Max, Augasse 11, Reichen- Heaton, L. T., Wahiawa, Oahu, Terri-
berg, Sudetenland, Germany. tory of Hawaii.
Hartwell, H. C., 117 Derby St., Cocoa, Hegeman, John (1), 231 S. 10th St..
F1a. Griffin, Ga.
Hartwell, R. H., Box 2272, Raleigh, Heggie, R. N. (1), 84 Jervois Road,
N. C. Auckland, New Zealand.
Hartwick, C. W., 1261 Magnolia Ave., Heiderstadt, A. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.,
Redding, Calif. Hamburg 13, Germany.
Harvey, F. W. (1), Box 768, Bradenton, Heikkila, V. (1), Annank. 7, Helsing-
Fla. fors, Finland.
Harvey, J. (I), Gordon Ave., Hamilton Heim, E. F., Lodi Academy, Lodi, Calif.
(P. 0. Box 27), New South Wales, Heinrich, F., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A.
Australia. 16, Germany.
Harvey, L. R., 361 Argyle St., North Heitman, Claude (1), 2812 E. 7th St.,
Hobart, Tasmania. National City, Calif.
Hasegawa, T. (1), Minami 9 Jo, Nishi Helm, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
16 Chome, Sapporo, Japan. Wi lmersdorf , Germany.
Hasiboean, A. (1), Advent Zendings.- Hempel, A. E., Box 216, Bridgetown,
genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling Barbados, British West Indies.
Zuid-Sumatra, Palembang, Sumatra, Hempel, H. W. (1), Route 2, Battle
Netherlands East Indies. Ground, Wash.
Hassenpflug, B. L., Box 2238, Boise, Hendershot, V. E., College Place, Wash.
Idaho. Henderson, F. II., 130 S. 6th St., Terre
Hastings, L. R. (1), 1036 - 22nd St., Haute, Ind.
West Palm Beach, Fla. Heng, Seng-Teck (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Hatada, K. (I), 77 Torikai Cho 1 Huei Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung,
Chome, Fukukoa, Japan. China.
Hanger, A., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt-
Haufe, P., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Chem- gart-S, Germany.
nitz, Germany.
Hennecke, E., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham-
Haughey, A. G., 727 N. Twelfth St., burg 13, Germany.
Waco, Tex. Henri, C. D. (1), 2457 Monroe St.,
Haughey, K. R., 1718 West End Ave., Gary, Ind.
Nashville, Tenn. Henriksen, H. D., 3250 Fraser Ave. at
Haughey, S. G., 2119 - 24th Ave., N., Kingsway, Vancouver, British Colum-
Nashville, Tenn. bia, Canada.
Haupt, W. H., P. 0. Nongoma, Zulu- Henry, C. D.. Box 66, Port-of-Spain,
land, South Africa. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Haussler, J. C., La Sierra Station, Heppenstall, E., La Sierra Station,
Arlington, Calif. Arlington, Calif.

Haignere, P. (1), 130 Boulevard de Hanhardt, J. G., 4911 Calvert St., Lin-
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. coln, Nebr.
Haining, G. B., 1616 Trenton Ave., Hanhardt, W. H., General Delivery,
Glendale, Calif. Saginaw, Mich.
Halasz, L., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Hankins, W. C., 703 Michigan Ave.,
Hungary. Gladstone, Mich.
Haldar, A. C., S. D. A. Mission, Bars- Hanna, J. G., 35 Laurel Ave., Takoma
gain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry., India. Park, D. C.
Haldar, B. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Hannah, W. C. (1), Shenandoah Valley
P. 0. Jalirpar, Dist. Faridpur, Ben- Academy, New Market, Va.
gal, India. Hansen, C. Avery, Route 4, Box 204,
Haldar, U. N., S. D. A. Mission, 36 Park Mt. Vernon, Wash.
St., Calcutta, India. Hansen, H. A., S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid,
Hale, D. U., 2315 David St., Corpus Kistna District, South India.
Christi, Tex. Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Hall, C. E., 121 W. Bush St., P. 0. Box ington, D. C.
9, Hanford, Calif. Hansen, V. M., 1315 E. Main St., Al-
Hall, Frank, 176 Orange St., Kingston, hambra, Calif.
Jamaica, British West Indies. Hansen, W. R., Route 2, Box 2116,
Hall, 0. A., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Napa, Calif.
Hall, Ora B., 3224 S. Boots St., Marion, Hanson, D. H., Route 5, Enosburg
Ind. Falls, Vt.
Halladay, F. W., Route 6, Frankfort, Hanson, E. D., P. 0. Box 508, Port
Ind. Elizabeth, Cape Province, South
Halladay, H. K., 310 E. 23rd St., In- Africa.
dianapolis, Ind. Hanson, E. L., 24 Fusting Ave., Catons-
Halliwell, L. B., Caixa Postal 658, ville P. 0., Baltimore, Md.
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. Hanson, H., S. D. A. Mission, Casella
Hallock, A. W. (I), Rockland, Wis. Postale 145, Addis Ababa, A. 0. I.
Hallsted, L. W., 302 N. 7th St., Mt. Hanson, H. S., 414 S. E. Thirty-ninth
Vernon, Wash. A ve., Portland, Oreg.
Halswick, L., Takoma Park, Washing- Hanson, J. 0. (1), Box 528, Oklahoma
ton, D. C. City, Okla.
Ham, A. L., P. 0. Box 310, Hong Hanson, P. M. 700 Woodward Ave.,
Kong. Chippewa Fall s, Wis.
Hambrock, F., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Hansson, Erik, Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
Chemnitz, Germany. holm, Sweden.
Hamel, C. H. (1), 23, Curzon Road, New Harboff, D. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia,
Delhi, India. Bulgaria.
Hamel, J. F. (1), Box 2238, Boise, Idaho. Harder, A. C., Caixa Postal 198, Cidade
Hamilton, G. A., 15 Club Back Road, do Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, South
Byculla, Bombay, India. America.
Hamilton, H. H., Southwestern Jr. Col- Harder, D. P., Route 1, Box 147,
lege, Keene, Tex. Shafter, Calif.
Hamilton, J. J., S. D. A. Mission, Elele, Harder, F. E. J. (1), 420 Calhoun St.,
Ahoada, via Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Macon, Ga.
West Coast, Africa. Harder, J. C., Route 2, Detroit Lakes,
Hamilton, R. S. J., Box 216, Bridge- Minn.
town, Barbados, British West Indies. Harder, J. F., Route 1, Box 147, Shafter,
Hammerly, D. A., Uriarte 2429, Buenos Calif.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Harding, I. W., Palmberg Mission, c /o
Hammill, R. L. (1), P. 0. Box 401, M. J., Grand Bassa, Liberia, West
Manila, Philippine Islands. Africa.
Hampel, W. (1), Grindelberg 11, I., Hardinge, L. G., 15 Rowallen Gardens,
Hamburg 13, Germany. Broomhill, Glasgow W. 1, Scotland.
Hampton, Harold (I), 3011/2 W. Main Hardt, J. D., Angwin, Napa Co Calif.
St., Miami, Okla. Hare, E. B., 68 U Wisara Road, Ran-
goon, Burma.
Hampton, J. B., 403 E. 31st St., Austin, Hare, M. M.. 2383 Colorado Blvd., Eagle
Tex. Rock, Calif.
Han, L. S. (1), Court 1207 Yu Yuen Hare, R. A., Washington Sanitarium,
Road, Shanghai, China. Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
Hancock, John (1), 325 N. Oregon St., Hare, R. E., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Yreka, Calif. N. S. W., Australia.
Hancock, 0. D. (1), 1335 Wright Road, Hare, Robert, "Tereora," The Boule-
Santa Rosa, Calif. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Handysides, D. J. (1), 15, Meadow View tralia.
Road, Meadowhead, Sheffield, Eng- Hargreaves, H. E. S. D. A. Mission,
land. Shah Ave. 638, Teheran,
' Iran.

Greaves, E. S. (1), Box 78, Georgetown, Guenther, C. E., 8 Bedford Ave.,

British Guiana, South America. Hamden, Conn.
Greaves, R. S. Post Box 225, Nicosia, Guenther, C. W., 1948 Penfield St.,
Cyprus, Mediterranean Sea. Philadelphia, Pa.
Green, C. B., R. F. D., Norridgewock, Gugel, E., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V.,
Maine. Berlin W. 50, Germany.
Green, E. L. (1), Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Guild, C. B., S. D. A. Mission, Chengtu,
Green, H. A. (1), Boulder-Colorado Sani- Szechwan, China.
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Guild, M. C., 2512 Sanitarium Ave.,
Green, J. A. P., Vista, Calif. Orlando, Fla.
Green, Matthew (1), 56-0 Harris St., Guilliard, E. H., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Charleston, S. C. New South Wales, Australia.
Greenidge, L. E. (I), Apartado 39, Gulbrandson, David, 3642 Blaisdell Ave.,
Medellin, Colombia, South America. S., Minneapolis, Minn.
C:regorius, F., Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt- Guldenpfennig, W., Kornerstr. 6 /8,
gart-S, Germany. Breslau 13, Germany.
Gregory, B. F., 312 N. Boyle Ave., Guldhammer, A., Norre Alle 30, Aar-
Los Angeles, Calif. hus, Denmark.
Grellmann, F., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau Gunther, F. (1), Fangelsbachstr. 11,
13, Germany. Stuttgart-S, Germany.
Grieser, F. C., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls- Gunther, H. (1), Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-
ruhe i /B, Germany. A 16, Germany.
Grieser, J. F., Tizianstr. 18, Miinehen Gurubatham, G., Roadside House, Oota-
19, Bavaria, Germany. camund, South India.
Grieve, Robert, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Guthrie, William, Route 3, Box 61,
New South Wales, Australia. Whittier, Calif.
Griffin, A. C., 305 Morning Side Drive, Gutwald, 0. (1), Augasse 11, Reichen-
Fort Worth, Tex. berg, Sudetenland, Germany.
Griffin, C. J., 40 Bealey Ave., Christ- Guwedeko, H. C. M. (1), P. 0. Box 49,
church, New Zealand. Mbale, Uganda, East Africa.
Griffin, R. E., 3908 Patterson Ave., Guyot, A., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital,
Richmond, Va. Paris 13e, France.
Griffith, Herbert (1), 129 Sinclair, Guzman, Gil de, Box 271, Iloilo City,
Glendale, Calif. Iloilo, Philippine Islands.
Griggs, Frederick, 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Los Angeles, Calif.
Grin, M., 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Heliopolis,
Egypt. H
Grinbergs, E., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Latvia. Ha, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Tung-
Griott, Luis, Casilla 2830, Santiago, shan, Canton, China.
Chile, South America. Haag, A., Hinterm Bahnholf 30, Niirn-
Grizzle, A. A., Box M, Cristobal, Canal berg, Germany.
Zone. Haarhoff, P. J. A. (1), P. 0. Box 7768,
Grolimund, M., "Tereora," The Boule- Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
verde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. rica.
Groves, K. E. (1), Route 1, Medford, Haas, W., Eschenheimer Anlage 32,
Oreg. Frankfort a. M., Germany.
Gruber, F., Pelzgasse 2 /10, Vienna Haase, 0., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46,
XV /101, Germany. Cottbus, Germany.
Gruesbeck, C. M., Route 1, Gobles, Habenicht, G. W. (1), Broadview Acad-
emy, La Grange, Ill.
Haberey, Georges, 5 Boulevard d'An-
Grundset, Anol, Box 831, Mt. Vernon, vers, Strasbourg, Alsace, France.
Ohio. Hackett, W. J. (1), 1723 N. Locust St.,
Grundset, B. L. (1), Pacific Press, Denton, Tex.
Brookfield, Ill. Hackman, E. F., 5944 Taft St., Oak-
Grundset, H., R. F. D. 3, Clear Lake land, Calif.
Wis. Hadfield, B. E., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Grunke, L. V., 2928 Campbell St., Victoria, Australia.
Kansas City, Mo. afenrnayr, Peter, 15 Bristol Ave.,
Cu, Shao Chiao (1), 20 Gao Lou Men, Luray, Va.
Nanking, Kiangsu, China. Hagen, A. E., Box 452, North Platte,
Gudmundsen, G., P. 0. Box 22, Kam- Nebr.
pala, Uganda, East Africa. Hagen, M. E., Box 803, Casper, Wyo.
Guenin, J. C., 5 Blvd. Longchamp, Hahn, W. F. (1), Box 144, College
Marseille, France. Place, Wash.
Guenin, R. (1), Mission Adventiste, Am- Haig, A. R., 176 Orange St., Kingston,
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. Jamaica, British West Indies.


Ghiorghita, N. (1), Str. Mitropolitul Goeltom, P. R., Advent Zendingsgenoot-

Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, 13ucuresti schap in N. 0. 1., Afdeeling West-
IV, Rumania. Java, Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java,
Giang, T. G., 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- Netherlands East Indies.
hai, China. Goffar, G. L., Agate Beach, Oreg.
Gibbons, Virgil (1), P. 0. 13ox 584, Soh, Chao-O. 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang-
Columbus, Ohio. hai, China.
Gibbs, C. R., 1116 Tangier St., Coral Golola, S. (1), P. 0. Box 22, Kampala,
Gables, Fla. Uganda, East Africa.
Gibson, L. A., Route 2, Redlands, - Calif. Glilzer, K., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen 19,
Gibson, T. D. (1), 342 N. Segrave St., Bavaria, Germany.
Daytona I3each, Fla. Domes, A. D., Rua Joaquim Bonifacio,
Gibson, T. J. (1), Penticton, British M. A., Lisbon, Portugal.
Columbia, Canada. Gomola, R., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau 13,
Gibson, W. G. (1), 310 N. 8th St., Germany.
Vineland, N. J. Gomolla, J., Lindenstr. 9, Bromberg,
Giddings, 0. U., Box 930, Charlotte, Germany.
N. C. Gonzales, Petronilo (1), Box 119, Cebu
Giddings, P., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, City, Philippine Islands.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Gooding, Nathaniel, Box 66, Port-of-
Gidlund, C., Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Sweden. Goranson, W. C., Casilla 1002, Lima,
Gifford, F. (I), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Peru, South America.
New South Wales, Australia. Gordon, A. J., 718 S. Summitt, Sioux
Gil, Camilo, Calle V. Vergara 3227, Falls, S. Dak.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Gordon, Calvin, Enterprise Academy,
Argentina, South America. Enterprise, Kans.
Gilbert, A. C., 292 Bailey Ave., Moun- Gosmer, W. A., College Place, Wash.
tain View, Calif. Gotferth, I., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
Gilbert, F. C., Takoma Park, Washing- Cluj, Rumania.
ton, D. C. Glitting, F., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- .
Gillatt, J. J., Box 337, Oshawa, Ontario, burg 13, Germany.
Canada. Glitz, W., Steindamm 32a, In, Konigs-
berg, Pr., Germany.
Gillett, T. L. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box Giitzinger, K. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.,
19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Africa.
Hamburg 13, Germany.
Gillis, I. E. (I), c/o General Conference, Graf, H. F., Ruo General Vitorino No.
Takoma Park, D. C. 77, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul,
Gillis, W., Gordon Ave., Hamilton (P. 0. Brazil, South America.
Box 27), N. S. W., Australia. Graf, 0. J. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Gillis, W. E., Box 691, Caldwell, Idaho. Graham, H. L. (I), 4244 Merrill Ave.,
Ginal (1), P. 0. Box 34, Jesselton, Riverside, Calif.
British North Borneo. Graham, L. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Ging, Ko Bing, S. D. A. Mission, land, New Zealand.
Foochow, China. Graham, L. W. (I), Review and Herald,
Ging, Su-Tang, S. D. A. Mission, Foo- Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
chow, China. Gram, H. P., 129 Pennsylvania. Ave.,
Girard, P., 83 Rue Dauphine, St. Denis, Binghamton, N. Y.
Reunion Island. Grandon, C. L. (1), 1010 Rice St., Little
Girou, A. J., 130 Boulevard de l'Hopital, Rock, Ark.
Paris 13e, France. Grand Pre, L. L. (1), 734 Main St.,
Glass, H., Steindamm 32a, III., Konigs- Nevada, Iowa.
berg, Pr., Germany. Grandy, B. M., Vista, Calif.
Glockler, P. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck- Granlund, 0. (1), Pacific Press Branch,
land, New Zealand. Brookfield, Ill.
Gliickner, C., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Grant, C. E., 1239 Washington St.,
burg 13, Germany. Denver, Colo.
Grant, N. J., Route 3, Box 3, New Bern,
Ghemling, Otto, Richard-Wagnerstr. 28,
ilannover-N., Germany. N. C.
Grau, M. F., 229 - 3d Ave., E., Dickin-
Gmelin, E. (1), Avda. Italia 2360, Mon- son, N. Dak.
tevideo, Uruguay, South America. Graure, G. Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bucu-
Gnadjin, M., Calle V. Vergara 3227, resti II, Rumania.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Graves, C. F., 729 S. Lawrence, Mont-
Argentina, South America. gomery, Ala.
Gnutzmann, J. (1), Caixa Postal 658, Gray, D. H. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamilton
Belem, Para, Brazil, South America. (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Australia.
Glibel, Heinrich, Kriegsstrasse 84, Karls- Gray, H. P., 1525 S. 8th St., Alhambra,
ruhe 1/13., Germany. Calif.

Fuchs, W., Salisbury Road, Rose Hill, Garcia, V. J., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
Mauritius, Indian Ocean. Spain.
Fue, Isaiah, P. 0. Musoma, Tanganyika Gardiner, L. H., Piscaderaweg 22,
Territory, East Africa. Mundo Nobo, Curacao, Netherland
Fukuyama, T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, West Indies.
Junan (Soonan), Chosen. Gardner, A., S. D. A. Mission, Hapur,
Fulton, J. E., 10181 Durkee St., Tn- Meerut Dist., India.
junga, Calif. Gardner, E. E., Loma Linda, Calif.
Fung, Y. T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gardner, T. R. (1), 1110 Scott St.,
Tungshan, Canton, China. Little Rock, Ark.
Fuss, Max, Apartado 107, Puebla, Garner, 0. T., 1405 S. 7th St., Lincoln,
Puebla, Mexico. Nebr.
Futcher, C. F. W. (I), Newbold Mis- Garner, R. A., Box 15, Poona, India.
sionary College, Packwood Haugh, Garner, It. 0., Apartado 39, Medellin,
Packwood, near Hockley Heath, War- Colombia, South America.
wickshire, England. Garrarde, H. E. (1), Box 235, Greens-
burg, Pa.
Garrett, M. R., 720 State St., New
Orleans, La.
G Garrett, It. U., Pewee Valley, Ky.
Garton, B. M., Pharr, Tex.
Gabarra, M. B. (1), Box 32, Legaspi, Gast, W., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Salzburg-
Albay, Philippine Islands. Aigen, Germany.
Gackenheimer, E. T., 118 S. Leonard St., Gates, E. M., 305 W. 15th St., Corsi-
Sioux City, Iowa. cana, Tex.
Gade, S., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, Pacific Gathercole, A. J. (1), 8 Yarra. St., Haw-
Ocean. thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Gaede, D. P., Loma Linda, Calif. Gauger, W., Arndstr. 37a, Stettin,
Gaede, G. P., 553 Walnut St., Marion, Germany.
Kans. Gauterau, F. D., 2237 Grove St., Oak-
Gaede, J. P., 123 Orchard Lane, Colum- land, Calif.
bus, Ohio. Gay, H. R., 10632 N. E. Shaver St.,
Gaede, P. J., Route 1, Box 155-A, Portland, Oreg.
Shaf ter, Calif. Gayen, P. C., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Gaitens, J. C. (1), Box 1313, Orlando, Jalirpar, Faridpur District, Bengal,
Fla. India.
Gajan, Johann, Schanzstr. 24a, II.,
Pressburg, Slovakia. Gehl, Wilhelm, Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
Nurnberg, Germany.
Gams, Alfred, Lower Gwelo Mission,
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho- Geier, G.. Augasse 11, Reichenberg,
desia, Africa. Sudetenland, Germany.
Games, J. F., 4219A - 12th St., Phoenix, Geisler, L. (1), Turecka 1, Warechau S
Ariz. 36, General Government, Germany.
Gander, S. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Gemeinhardt, W., Eschenheimer Anlage
P. 0. Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated 32, Frankfurt a. Main, Germany.
Territory of New Guinea. George, W. A., Loma Linda, Calif.
Cane, E. It., "Tereora," The Boulevarde, Georgescu, V., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Ganes., N., LaScar Catargiu No. 26, Georgieff, A. (1), Solunska 10, Sofia,
Galati, Rumania. Bulgaria.
Ganeff, M., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria. Geraty, T. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Gangaza, Mark, Box 573, Bulawayo, Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Gerber, Charles, 130 Boulevard de
Gant, K. L., 2718 - 3d Ave., S., Minne- l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France.
apolis, Minn. Gerber, Robert, Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Ganzleben, M., Tizianstr. 18, Miinchen Switzerland.
19, Bavaria, Germany. Gerhart, 0. B., Box 201, Stoney Creek,
Garber, V. E. (1), 245 N. Kendall St., Ontario. Canada.
Battle Creek, Mich.
Garbrah, J. K., S. D. A. Mission, Box Gericke, Walther, Hinterm Bahnhof 30,
45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Niirnberg, Germany.
Garbutt, L. L., Box 123, Belize, British Gernet, B. P., 615 N. 17th St., Harris-
Honduras. burg, Pa.
Garcia, David (1), Apartado 1059, San Gerrard, P. D., 2718 - 3d Ave., S.,
Jose, Costa. Rica, Central America. Minneapolis, Minn.
Garcia D., Julio, Apartado 986, Caracas, Geserick, A. (I), Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-
Venezuela, South America. A 16, Germany.
Garcia, J. G.. Caixa Postal 2898, Sao Ghiorghisor, I., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Bucuresti II, Rumania.

Fleck, Fr., Tizianstr. 18, Mtinchen 19, Foulston, W. R., Box 337, Oshawa,
Bavaria, Germany. Ontario, Canada.
Fleck, K., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Sale- Fountain, T. M., 2806 Centennial Blvd.,
burg-Aigen, Germany. Nashville, Tenn.
Fleck, Karl, Eschenheimer Anlage 32, Fourie, S. J. (I), Claremont Chambers,
Frankfurt a.M., Germany. Main Road, Claremont, Cape Prov-
Fleitas, Rafael (1), Apartado Nacional ince, South Africa.
de Correos No. 436, Bogota, Colombia, Fowler, F. 0., Box 298, Santa Rosa.
South America. Calif.
Fleming, Charles, Jr. (I), P. O. Box Fowler, F. S. (1), 918 Saunders St.,
4929, Atlanta, Ga. Sharon, Pa.
Fleming, W. D., 521 - 53d Ave., Fraatz, E., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30,
Meridian, Miss. Bremen, Germany.
Fletcher, Frank, 176 Orange St., Kings- Franklin, E. E., Takoma Park, Wash-
ton, Jamaica, British West Indies. ington, D. C.
Florea, D., Str. Miltrop, Ghen. Petrescu Franklin, J. W. (1), Asheville Agri-
116, Bucuresti IV, Rumania. cultural School, Fletcher, N. C.
Florea, J., 15348 Wildemere St., Detroit, Franz, C. 0. (1), Box 449, Decatur, Ga
Mich. Fraser, R. (1), "Tereora," The Boule-
Floren, R. C. (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Aus-
Bolivia, South America. tralia.
Flory, Vernon, Route 1, Sonora, Calif. Frauchiger, E., La Ligniere, Gland
Fodor, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, (Vaud), Switzerland.
Hungary. Frauenberger, R.. Augasse 11, Reichen-
Fogelis, K., Brivibas iela. 11, Riga, berg, Sudetenland, Germany.
Latvia. Frazee, W. D., 2515 Fairfields Ave.,
F'olkenberg, L. E., 2335 West Blvd., Baton Rouge, La.
Los Angeles, Calif. Freeman, George, 3250 Fraser Ave. at
Folkenberg, S. L. (1), Apartado 3005, Kingsway, Vancouver, British Colum-
Santurce, Puerto Rico. bia, Canada.
Follett, Orno, Route 1, Box 389, Phoe- Freeman, H. A. L. (1), Gordon Ave.
nix, Ariz. Hamilton (P. 0. Box 27), New South
Follette, L. S. (1), Box 381, 22d St. Wales, Australia.
Station, St. Petersburg, Fla. Frei, J. P., 5 Blvd. d'Anvers, Stras
Forbes, A. II. (1), Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji, bourg, Alsace, France.
Pacific Ocean. Freire, J. (1), Caixa Postal No. 349,
Ford, I'. A. (1), 1426 E. Chevy Chase St. Thomas, West Africa.
Drive, Glendale, Calif. French, C. R. (1), General Delivery,
Ford, Orley, Apartado 1325, San Jose, Palmetto, Fla.
Costa Rica, Central America. French, J. C. (1), 143, Broad Lane,
Forde, W. D., 1614 Fay St., Flint, Mich. Bramley, Leeds, England.
Fordham, W. M. (1), 415 Institute St., French, T. M., 1701 Conlyn St., Phila-
Salisbury, N. C. delphia, Pa.
Fordham, W. W., 1474 W. 5th St., French, W. R., Pacific Union College,
Jacksonville, Fla. Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Forsblom, G., Annegatan 7, Helsing- Frenning, 0., Kjopmannsgt. 28, Trond-
fors, Finland. heim, Norway.
Forshaw, W. G.. Route 2, Box 368-A, Freund, G., Koblenzerstr. 3, Berlin-
Walla Walla, Wash. Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Forshee, C. D. (1), Review and Herald, Frick, J. E. S. D. A. Mission, 41
Takoma Park, D. C. Hsiao Giao 'Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi,
ortune, A. A., Plymouth, Montserrat, China.
British West Indies. Fridlin, M., Mission Adventiste Nanga-
Fossey, Alfred, S. D. A. Mission, Chung- Eboko, par Yaounde, Cameroon, West
king, Szechwan, China. Africa.
Fries, R. S., 211 Cordova Place, Pleas-
Foster, E. G. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
thorn, Victoria, Australia. antville, N. J.
Frivold, Paul (1), Kjopmannsgt. 28,
Foster, E. H. (I), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Trondheim, Norway.
parley Park, Nottingham, England. Froom, F. E. (1), 8109 Roanoke Ave.,
Foster, J. C., Route 2, Box 18, Newberg, Takoma Park, Md.
Oreg. Froom, L. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Foster, J. G. (1), Maun Medical Mission, ton, D. C.
P. 0. Maun, Bechuanaland Protecto- Frost, S. L., Box 145, Baguio, Philippine
rate, South Africa. Islands.
Foster, L. P. (1), Ntusu Mission, P. 0. F'u, Ben-Dzen (1), S. D. A. Mission, 87
Maswa, Lake Province, Tanganyika North Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan,
Territory, East Africa. China.
Foster, P. G., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Fu, Y. Y. (1), Court 1207 Yu Yuen
Victoria, Australia. Road, Shanghai, China.

Everson, C. T., c/o 1574 Brunswick Gate St., Kunming, Yunnan, China.
Ave., Trenton, N. J. Fenner, Hans, Hunaeusstr. 7, Hannover,
Ezekiel, M., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum- Germany.
bura, Belgian East Africa. Fenner, J., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
schweig, Germany.
Fernando, It. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Baragain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry.,
F India.
Ferraris, G., Via Generale F. Pignatelli
Faass, G., Post Box 226, Singapore, 15, Napoli, Italy.
Straits Settlements. Ferraro, Giuseppe, Via Generale F. Pig-
Faetting, A., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, natelli 15, Napoli, Italy.
Cottbus, Germany. Ferren, J. R. (I), Pacific Press, Moun-
Fagal, W. A. (1), 56 Hoffman St., tain View, Calif.
Elmira, N. Y. Ferri, Juan, Uriarte 2429, Buenos Aires,
Fairchild, F. M., Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Argentina, South America.
Ohio. Ferris, David, Marovo Lagoon, Via. Tu-
Fairchild, P. B. (1), Lower Gwelo Mis- lagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
sion, Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Ferris, F. E., 508 Washington St.,
Rhodesia, Africa. Joliet,
Falcao, J. (I), Luz Mission, Caixa Pos- Ferris, N. A., Box J. 1011, Adelaide,
tale 33, Vila Luzo, Districto de Mox- South Australia, Australia.
ico, Angola, Portuguese West Africa. Ferris, W. G., Suva You, Suva, Fiji,
Fan, Chih-Hsiang, 107 Woo Tsu St., Pacific Ocean.
Hankow, Hupeh, China. Ferris, W. H. (1), Gordon Ave., Hamil-
Fan, Deh-Yu (I), S. D. A. Mission, 31 ton (P. 0. Box 27), N. S. W., Aus-
Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, Hupeh, tralia.
China. Ficker, F. H. A. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
Fang, K. C. (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen doeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Road, Shanghai, China. Fickling, R. H., 1696 Brunswick Ave.,
Farag, Samuel (I), 16 Av. de Koubbeh, Trenton, N. J.
Heliopolis, Egypt. Field, A. H., Box 1871, Phoenix, Ariz.
Farcas, D., Strada Clemenceau 5/a, Field, F. W., 2506 Sanitarium Ave.,
Cluj, Rumania. Orlando, Fla.
Farley, R. F., Route 1, Mt. Vernon, Fielding, T. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Ohio. Agona, Ashanti, Gold Coast, West
Fiirnstriim, K. A., Tunnelgatan 25, Africa.
Stockholm, Sweden. Fields, 0. I. (1), Bongo Mission, P. 0.
Farnsworth, 0. 0., Angwin, Napa Co., Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Af-
Calif. rica.
Farrar, R. (I), Lord Howe Island, Figuhr, R. R., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos
Australia. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Farrell, S., Apartado 1325, San Jose, Fillman, C. E., Casilla 85, Puno, Peru,
Costa Rica, Central America. South America.
Farrow, A. E. (I), 780 St. Albans Road, Fillman, Glenn (1), Box 1491, James-
Watford, Herts, England. town, N. Dak.
Fattic, G. R., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln, Finck, E. F., 1253 N. Clay St., Spring-
Nebr. field, Mo.
Faurescu, David, Lascar Catargiu No. Finley, G. R. (1), 8415 Woodcliff Court,
26, Galati, Rumania. Piney Branch Apts., Silver Spring,
Fawer, Emile, 130 Blvd. de l'Hopital, Md.
Paris 13e, France. Finney, R. E.. Jr., 1343 S. 5th, W.,
Fayard, M. r. (1), Avenida San Martin Missoula, Mont.
4555, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Finster, L. V., c/o 1455 - 7th St.,
Aires, Argentina, South America. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Fayard, S. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Fischbacher, K., Stampfenbachstr. 85,
Chile, South America. Zurich, Switzerland.
Fearing, A. C., Jr., 733 Pennsylvania Fischdick, E. (1), Fasanenstr. 63, I.,
Ave., Erie. Pa. Braunschweig, Germany.
Feddersen, H., Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Fischdick, G., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun-
Niirnberg, Germany. schweig, Germany.
Feder, Daniel, Cervantes 144, Parana, Fischer, R. (I), Augasse 11, Reichen-
Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- berg, Sudetenland, Germany.
ica. Fish, H. A., Route 2, Box 1, Centralia,
Fehr, J., Stampfenbachstrass-e 85, Wash.
Zurich, Switzerland. Fish, J. K., Box 26, Grant's Pass, Oreg.
Felte, A., Benderstr. 34, Thorn, Ger- Fishell, E. M., 231 Sinclair, Glendale,
many. Calif.
Peng, D. S., S. D. A. Mission, 87 N. Flaiz, T. R., Wapato, Wash.

Effenberg, J. H., 31 Hwang .Pei Road, Engelbrecht, G. H., Mirigeda, Port

Hankow, Hupeh, China. Moresby, Papua, Pacific Ocean.
Eglitis, A., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, England, W. H., Apartado 568, Ciudad
Latvia. Trujillo, Rep. de Dominicans.
Ehlers, Emanuel, Loma Linda, Calif. Englert, P., Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau 13,
Ehlers, W., Estacao de Turve, R. V. P. Germany.
S. C., Santa Catarina, Brazil, South Engstrom, R. W., 48-A - '74th St.,
America. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Eicher, D., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe Enoch, G. F., 4214 Los Flores, Lynwood,
i /B., Germany. Calif.
Eichhoff, H., Steindamm 32a, Konigs- Enriquez, Isaac, P. 0. Box 39, Lucena,
berg, Pr., Germany. Tayabas, Philippine Islands.
Eichman, G. F., 1365 Washington St., Erbes, Th. (1), Pelzgasse 2-10, Vienna
Denver, Colo. RV /101, Germany.
Eichwald, Rudolf, Adlerstrasse 70, Dus- Erenius, E., Wasagatan 12, Goteborg,
seldorf, Germany. Sweden.
Ekka, Ohma (I), c/o Pastor P. D. Erich, 0. G. (l), 31 Hwang Pei Road,
Kujur, S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Ghagra, Hankow, Hupeh, China.
Ranchi Dist., India. Erlecke, F. K., Post Box 226, Singa-
Eldridge, C. E., 90 Prospect St., Ames- pore, Straits Settlements.
bury, Mass. Ernenputsch, W. A., Calle V. Vergara
Eldridge, P. H. (I), P. 0. Box 401, 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
Manila, Philippine Islands. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Elias, K. (1), 22, Zulla Road, Mapperley Ernst, F. (I), Adlerstr. '70, Diisseldorf,
Park, Nottingham, England. Germany.
Ellingworth, B. (1), Thekerani Mission, Ernst, Luis, Calle V. Vergara 3227,
P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland, B. C. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Africa. Argentina, South America.
Ellingworth, G. A., Songa Mission, P. 0. Ernston, N. C., 825 Belmont St., Salem,
Kamina, Congo Beige, Central Africa. Oreg.
Erzberger, H., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen
Elliott, H. T., Takoma Park, Washing-
19, Bavaria, Germany.
ton, D. C. Escandon, Jorge (I), Apartado 986,
Elliott, W. P., Review and Herald, Caracas, Venezuela, South America.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Escobar, A. J. (1), General Delivery,
Elliott, W. R., 917 S. Garvin St., West Los Angeles, Calif.
Evansville, Ind. Espinosa, J., Casilla 44, Quito, Ecuador,
Ellis, C. C., 622 W. 8th St., Plainfield, South America.
N. J. Esquilla, V. W., 1000 N. Royal, Jack-
Ellis, Ishmael, Box M, Cristobal, Canal son, Tenn.
Zone. Essery, E. G., Innisfree Villas, Sheep-
Ellis, W. W. (1), 628 W. Maumee St., cote Lane, Garston, Watford, Herts,
Adrian, Mich. England.
Ellstrom, G. M. (1), 1723 N. Locust St., Essien, S. B., S. D. A. Mission, Box 45,
Denton, Tex. Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Elssmann, 0. (1), Hinterm Bahnhof 30, Esteb, A. A., 131 Bailey Place, Glen-
Niirnberg, Germany. dale, Calif.
Emerson, B. M. (1), 441 Salem, Glen- Esteb, L. E., 817 W. Nora Ave.,
dale, Calif. Spokane, Wash.
Emery, It. T. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave., Estes, Lowell (1), St. Helena Sanita-
Portland, Oreg. rium, Sanitarium, Napa Co., Calif.
Emery, W. D., 202 S. Palouse St., Estey, J. A. Highmore, S. Dak.
Walla Walla, Wash. Eva, W. D., Lower Gwelo Mission,
Emmenegger, G. E. (1), Casilla 2830, Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho-
Santiago, Chile, South America. desia, Africa.
Emmer, A. G., Broadview Academy, Evans, I. H., Takoma Park, Washing-
La Grange, Ill. ton, D. C.
Evans, I. M., 437 E. Ponce de Leon Ave.,
Emmerson, E. H., 811 Kennebec Ave., Decatur, Ga.
Takoma Park, Md. Evans, L. C., 515 Highland St., Orlando,
Emmerson, W. L., Stanborough Park, Fla.
Watford, Herts, England. Evans, N. G. (1) , 312 N. Boyle Ave.,
Emmerson, W. R. (I), 5644 S. E. Stark Los Angeles, Ca lif.
St., Portland, Oreg. Evard, Henri (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne,
Endaenda, Lawson, Sala Mission, c/o Switzerland.
Shangara Store, P. 0. Lusaka, North- Evens, H. P., 320 William St., Lansing,
ern Rhodesia, Africa. Mich.
Engel, B., Adlerstr. '70, Dusseldorf, Everest, E. W. (1), Pacific Press,
Germany. Mountain View, Calif.

Donaldson, S. (1), 4648 W. Avenue 41, Duplouy, Maxime (I), Gitwe Mission,
Los Angeles, Calif. P. 0. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi,
Donga, Moses, Box 573, Bulawayo, Belgian East Africa.
Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Durichek, M. S. (1), 927 - 7th Ave.,
Doolittle, H. J., 125 E. Palm Drive, Iowa City, Iowa.
Lakeland, Fla. During, N. S., Konola Mission, Post
Dorland, 0. M., 78, Park Grove, Hen- Kakatown, Monrovia, Liberia, West
leaze, Bristol, England. Africa.
Dornburg, C. A. (I), 342 Lynwood Ave., Diirolf, G., Grindelberg 11, I., Hamburg
Trenton, N. J. 13, Germany.
Darner, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin- Diirr, F., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe i. B.,
Wilmersdorf,, Germany. Germany.
Dorobat, Nicolaie (I), Str. Mitropolitul Durrant, A. N., Route 1, Box 125,
Ghenadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti Sharonville, Ohio.
IV, Rumania. Dustin, Ross, 520 W. 5th St., Topeka,
Dorsinville, Dorce, Casier A-55, Port- Kans.
au-Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Dwehus, E., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46,
Douay, P., 2 Rue de l'Eglise, Tunis, Cottbus, Germany.
Tunisia. Dyason, A. J. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Doubraysky, J., Miinchenerstr. 35, Prag- Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Kg1., Weinberge, Protectorate, Ger- Australia.
many. Dyason, A. P., Suva Vou, Suva, Fiji,
Dougherty, R. W. (1), c/o 16, Knock- Pacific Ocean.
breda Gardens, Ormeau Road, Belfast, Dyason, L. A., Nukualofa, Tonga,
North Ireland. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Douglas, A. A., Pacific Union College, Dyreson, Dyre (I), Pacific Press Pub.
Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
Douglas, S. A., 812 Bryant Ave., N., Dzik, F., Humboldstr. 21, Kalisch,
Minneapolis, Minn. Warthegau, Germany.
Dower, N. R., 5286 Miller Road, Flint,
Downs, L. E. (I), Caixa- Postal 2898,
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Drachenberg, F. G. (1), Calle V. Ver- Eastman, W. W., 1551 Latham St.,
gara 3227, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Mountain View, Calif.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Eberhardt, W., Friedensau bei Burg,
Drayson, R. D. (I), Box 607, Medford, Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger-
Oreg. many.
Drikis, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga, Latvia. Ebinger, G. F. (1), Caixa Postal 768,
Drinhaus, P., Post Box 226, Singapore, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
Straits Settlements. ica.
Droualt, Henri (1), Altamont Pines, Eckenroth, M. K., 519 W. 11th St.,
Coalmont, Tenn. Anderson, Ind.
Druge, K., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, Eckman, C. N., Box 528, Oklahoma
I., Bremen, Germany. City, Okla.
Da, Shu-ren, S. D. A. Mission, 41 Hsiao Edener, W., Tizianstr. 18, Munchen 19,
Giao Chang, Kiukiang, Kiangsi, Bavaria, Germany.
China. Edmonds, L., S. D. A. Mission, Box
Dube, S. B. (1), Lower Gwelo Mission, 41, Aba, South Nigeria, West Coast,
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho- Africa.
desia, Africa. Edwards, A. V., Bethel Training Col-
Ducret, Edouard (1), 130 Blvd. de l'Ho- lege, P. 0. Butterworth, Cape Prov-
pital, Paris 13e, France. ince, South Africa.
Duffield, Clarence (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave., Edwards, C. A., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
St. Paul, Minn. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Dunbar, E. W., 1901 E. Glenoaks, Edwards, F. (1), 22 Zulla Road. Map-
Glendale, Calif. perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Edwards, H. E., College Station, Berrien
Duncan, E. E. (1), 926 W. Nora Ave., Springs, Mich.
Spokane, Wash. Edwards, J. E., 411 Cedar St., Takoma
Duncan, R. H. (1), 312 N. Boyle Ave., Park, D. C.
Los Angeles, Calif. Edwards, L. A. (I), Maplewood Acad-
Dunn, A. 0., Box 66, Port-of-Spain, emy, Hutchinson, Minn.
Trinidad, British West Indies. Edwards, 0. B., Oakwood Junior Col-
Dunn, L. L., Apartado 3005, Santurce, lege, Huntsville, Ala.
Puerto Rico. Edwardson, C., 740 Ash St., Hutchin-
Dunn, N. W., Calle Pino 3801, Buenos son, Minn.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Eelsing, H., Badhuisweg 14, Apeldoorn,
Dunn, W. A., Box 911, Bishop, Calif. Netherlands.

Dent, C. A. (1), Riverside Sanitarium, Dinsbier, R. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission,

Nashville, Tenn. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Derlath, W., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A Diredja, M. E. (1), Naripan 63, Ban-
16, Germany. doeng, Java, Netherlands East Indies.
Desmet, Gerard (1), 130 Bonlevarde de Dirksen, A. A., Box 265, Scottsbluff,
l'Hopital, Paris 13e, France. Nebr.
Desmet, J. (1), 11-13 rue Ernest Allard, Dirksen, D. E., 125 E. H St., Arlington,
Brussels, Belgium. Calif.
Dessain, W. A., 220 W. 76th St., Dittberner, J. L. (1), Box 1040, Clovis,
Chicago, Ill. N. Mex.
Detamore, F. W., Box 55, Los Angeles, Dittmar, F. J. J., Post Box 226, Singa-
Calif. pore, Straits Settlements.
Detlefsen, E. (1), Briickenstr. 34a, Divison, Ce (1), Munguluni Mission,
Hamm / Westf., Germany. P. 0. Munhamade, Dist. de Quilemane,
Detlefsen, Hugo, Adlerstr. 70, Dussel- Portuguese East Africa.
dorf, Germany. Dixon, H. R. (1), Loma Linda, Calif.
Dettmar, R., Richard-Wagnerstr. 28, Djang, Djen-Chiang, S. D. A. Mission,
Hannover-N., Germany. Chungking, Szechwan, China.
Detwiler, H. J., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Djang, Djen-Hai, S. D. A. Mission,
Park, Washington, D. C. Yencheng, Honan, China.
Devadass, Ch., S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid, Djang, Dzi-Chien (1), Shensi Mission of
Kistna District, South India. S. D. A., Outside West Gate, Sianfu,
Devasahayam, Ch. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Shensi, China.
Nuzvid, Kistna District, South India. Djang, Ging-Yuen (1), 20 Gao Lou Men,
Dever, J. C. (1), "Tereora," The Boule- Nanking, Kiangsu, China.
varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia. Djang, Gwoh-Djen (1), S. D. A. Mission,
De Vinney, F. H., 118 Denver St., Yencheng, Honan, China.
Jackson, Miss. Djia, Tai-Hsiang (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Dewald, J. A. (1), 1215 W. Losey St., Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Galesburg, Ill. Djiao, Ming-Shien (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Dexter, H. H., Route 1, Box 980, Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Orange, Calif. Djou, C. F. (1), 160 Fuh Teh Giai, Chin-
Deyo, A. E., Box 372, Orlando, Fla. Hsien, Chin-Chow Province, Manchu-
Diaconescu, V., Str. Mitropolitul Ghe- kuo.
nadie Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Dju, Gien-Pan (1), 20 Gao Lou Men,
Rumania. Nanking, Kiangsu, China.
Diaz, Cayetano (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Dju, T. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wen-
Peru, South America. chow, Chekiang, China.
Diaz, P. R., Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Dju, Yung-Ting (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Philippine Islands. Pichieh, Kweichow, China.
Diaz, V. (1), Box 271, Iloilo City, Iloilo, Dobbins, H. D., 1401 Russell St., Berke-
Philippine Islands. ley, Calif.
Dick, Avery (1), 525 N. Park Ave., Dobbs, J. D., Box 871, Laurel, Miss.
Montrose, Colo. Dobias, Joseph (1), 195 - 19th Ave.,
Dick, E. D., Takoma Park, Washing- Irvington, N. J.
ton, D. C. Dobinski, F. (1), Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt
Dick, E. N. (I), 4612 Stockwell St., 46, Cottbus, Germany.
Lincoln, Nebr. Dobinski, K., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin,
Dickerson, A. L. (1), Route 1, Roanoke Germany.
Rapids, N. C. Dobre, T., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bucu-
Dickinson, G. T., 852 W. 8th St., resti II, Rumania.
Eugene, Oreg. Doehnert, Emilio (1). Caixa Postal :34,
Dickson, L. K., Box 146, Glendale, Calif. Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
Dietrich, G.. 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Brazil, South America.
Suginami Ku, Tokyo, Japan. Dolling, A., Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Chem-
Dietrich, H., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46,
nitz, Germany.
Cottbus, Germany.
Dietrich, R. Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platt 46. Dollinger, J. J., 928 O'Sheridan, Madi-
Cottbus, Ger many. son, Wis.
Diffenbacher, B. L., 945 Brown St., Dombrowsky, F., Koblenzer Str. 3, Ber-
St. Helena, Calif. lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Dillett, E. S., 4556 Aldine St., St. Louis, Domingo, J. S. (1), P. 0. Box 2494,
Mo. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Dillon, I. P., Route 1, Box 76, St. Helena, Dominski, J. A., Route 1, Mountain Top,
Calif. Pa.
Din, Umar (1), Chuharkana Mandi, Dompas, B. C. (I), Advent Zendings-
Punjab, India. genootschap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling
Dinius, C. L., Apartado 139, Saltillo, West-Java, Naripan 63, Bancloeng,
Coahuila, Mexico. Java, Netherlands East Indies.

Currow, L., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn, Daumichen, R., Koblenzer Strasse 3,

Victoria, Australia. Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Curtis, C. W., P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Dauniika, Maika, Suva Von, Suva, Fiji,
Nyasaland, British Central Africa. Pacific Ocean.
Curtis, E. A., Loma Linda, Calif. David, Deacon, 68 U Wisara Road,
Curtis, F. IT., Route 2, Box 376, Med- Rangoon, Burma.
ford, Oreg. David, P. K., Roadside House, Ootaca-
Curtis, Mrs. Jessie W. (1), Lehman, Pa. mund, South India.
Cushman, E. C., Dulzura, Calif. David, S. N., S. D. A. Mission, Quilon,
Czembor, W., Turecka 1, Warschau S Travancore, South India.
36, General Government, Germany. Davies, L. H., Box 146, Waterloo, Que-
bec, Canada.
Davies, V. (1), Bikobo Hill Mission,
B. P. 3, Kongolo, Belgian Congo,
Central Africa.
Davis, B. B. (1), Box 401, Manila,
Dabritz, Otto, Arndt-Str. 37a, Stettin, Philippine Islands.
Germany. Davis, C. H., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif.
Dabu, F. G. (1), P. 0. Box 39, Lucena, Davis, E. M., Calle Pino 3809, Buenos
Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Dahl, 0. J., 1111 Ridge Ave., Rockford, Davis, IL A., Skokomish Valley, Shel-
711. ton, Wash.
Dahlsten, N. 0., Box 900, Lansing, Mich. Davy, W. L., Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Dale, Charles (I), 526 Ningkuo Road, Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, B. C. Africa.
Shanghai, China. Dealy, M. G. (1), 2926 - 2d N., Seattle,
Dalisay, F., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Wash.
Philippine Islands. Dean, J. C., Roadside House, Ootaca-
Dangschat, C., Brilckenstr. 34a, Hamm mund, South India.
i. W., Germany. De 'Ath, H. F., 18, Holland Gardens,
Dangschat, R., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- Garston, Watford, Herts, England.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. De Beer, B. P., 292 Louis Botha Ave.,
Danhauser, I., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Orange Grove, Johannesburg, Trans-
Hungary. vaal, South, Africa.
Daniel, J., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn, De Beer, D. A. (1), Box 508, Port Eliza-
Estonia. beth, Cape Province, South Africa.
Daniel, M. P., S. D. A. Mission, Nuzvid, De Beer, J. N., Claremont Chambers,
Kistna District, South India. Main Road, Claremont, South Africa.
Danila, I., Lascar Catargiu No. 26, Debreceni, S., Nagy Sandor u. 21,
Galati, Rumania. Szekesfehervar, Hungary.
Danke, K. (1), Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- de Fluiter, Henry (I), 1037 E. 1st St.,
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Long Beach, Calif.
Dantos, I., Lascar Catargiu No. 26, Degering, C. W., 11029 University St.,
Galati, Rumania. Alberta, Canada.
Danyi, Istvan, Petra Zrinjskog, Ulica de la Cruz, F. (1), Artacho, Sison, Pan-
13, Novi Sad, Jugoslavia. gasinan, Philippine Islands.
Dare, S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 19, Delafield, Arthur, 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
Ibadan, Nigeria, W. C. Africa. Honolulu, T. H.
Darst, Donald (1), 203 Nichols Ave., Delafield, R. E., Box 1225, Sweetwater,
Dinuba, Calif. Tex.
Dart, A. 0., 411 Cedar St., Takoma Park, Delhove, D. E., Kirundu Mission, Kirundu,
D. C. via Kindu, Province Orientale, Congo
Dart, C. J., 1317 N. E. 11th St., Okla- Beige, Central Africa.
homa City, Okla. Dell'Anno, Gene, 5136 Clark St., Oak-
Dart, W. B. (1), 11081 Locust St., land, Calif.
Lynwood, Calif. De Ligne, Alfred, 11-13 Rue Ernest
Das, Harnam (1), Chuharkana Mandi, Allard, Brussels, Belgium.
Punjab, India. Demchuk, S., 2615 Johnstone Ave., Los
Dasent, J. G., 2616 Republic St., New
Angeles, Calif.
Orleans, La.
da Silva, W. R., Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Deming, M. W. 4457 Delaware St.,
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Gary, Ind.
Dason, J. S. (1), Box 15, Poona, India. Denga, Nelson (1), Matandani Mission,
Dasoveanu, Gr., Lascar Catargiu No. 26, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre, Nyasaland,
Galati, Rumania. British Central Africa.
Pau, Querino, Caixa Postal 810, Curi- Denney, F. C. (1), Box 580, San Jose,
tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America. Calif.
Daumichen, H. (1), Friedensau bei Burg, Dennis, W. S. (I), Wahpeton, N. Dak.
Post Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- Denslow, 0. L., 1013 Wm. H. Taft Road,
many. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Cooks, J. B. (1), P. 0. Box 7768, Johan- Crary, 0. B., 804 Capitol Ave., S. E.,
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. Atlanta, Ga.
Coon, C. J., 906 Flower Ave., Takoma Craven, E. E., 16, Knockbreda Gardens,
Park, D. C. Ormeau Road, Belfast, North Ireland.
Coon, G. A., 621 W. Onondaga St., Craven, J. C. (I), 44, Purbrock Ave.,
Syracuse, N. Y. Watford, Herts, England.
Coon, L. 0., 815 W. 11th St., Wilming- Crawford, C. M. (1), Box 66, Port-of-
ton, Del. Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies.
Coon, M. R., De Ruyter, N. Y. Crawford, L. S., 176 Orange St., Kings-
Cooper, T. H., 7, High Park, Hawarden, ton, Jamaica, British West Indies.
North Chester, England. Crawford, R. E. (1), P. 0. Box 4929,
Coopwood, T. H., Keene, Tex. Atlanta, Ga.
Copeland, T. L., Box 580, San Jose, Crichlow, J. F., 911 E. Clinch St.,
Calif. Knoxville, Tenn.
Copeland, T. S., P. 0. Box 4929, Atlanta, Crider, Charles (1), Spencer, Ohio.
Ga. Crisan, P., Calea Bucurestilor 57, Craiova,
Cormack, A. W., Takoma Park, Wash- Rumania.
ington, D. C. Crisler, L. T., 2612 Sanitarium Ave.,
Cormack, J. (I), Marovo Lagoon, via Orlando, Fla.
Tulagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Cristil, D., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Ocean. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Cornaz, Ch. (I), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Crofoot, K. S. (1), Box 133; Front Royal,
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Va.
Corona, Gilberto (1), Agricultura No. 79, Cross, C. G., 4547 Calvert St., Lincoln,
Colonia Eseandon, Tacubaya, D. F., Nebr.
Mexico. Crowe, F. N. (I), 1319 Chapin St.,
Corral, Jose (j), Apartado 139, Saltillo, South Bend, Ind.
Coahuila, Mexico. Cruz, Pedro, Patrocinio No. 20, Vibora,
Corsini, A. (1), 8 Avenue de l'Eglise Havana, Cuba.
Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland. Csammer, E., Kriegsstr. 84, Karlsruhe
Cortesi, S. (1), 2 Rue de l'eglise, Tunis, i. B., Germany.
Tunisia. Csedula, St., Calea Bucurestilor 57,
Cortez, Francisco (1), Apartado 605, Craiova, Rumania.
Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. Csizmar, L., Fehifin-utca 5, Miskolc,
Cosendai, A. (1), Mission Adventists, Hungary.
Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cam- Csongvay, C., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
eroon, West Africa. Cluj, Rumania.
Cossentine, E. E., La Sierra Station,
Arlington, Calif. Csongvay, D., Strada Clemenceau 5 /a,
Cossentine, R. M., 1046 W. 35th Place, Cluj, Rumania.
Los Angeles, Calif. Cubley, E. S. (1), College Place, Wash.
Costomschi, P., Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2, Cucurezeanu, P.', Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Cernauti, Rumania. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Cott, M. A. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Culpepper, J. C., Calle Pino 3801. Bue-
N. S. W., Australia. nos Aires, Argentina, South America.
Cottrell, R. F., 140 Harvey Drive, Culver, M. S. (1), Adelphian Academy,
Glendale, Calif. Holly, Mich.
Cottrell, R. F., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Cummings, F. W., 108 Amherst St.,
Counsel], I, V., Takoma Park, Wash- Worcester, Mass.
ington. D. C. Cummings, P. (1), 780 St. Albans Road,
Cowin, D. V. (1), Box 29, Brookfield, Ill. Watford, Herts, England.
Cowper, W. (I), P. 0. Box 7768, Johan- Cummins, J. F. (1), Rua Lopes Trovao
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa. 84, Nictheroy, Brazil, South America.
Cox, E. (1), 180, Histon Road, Cam- Cundasamy, V. (1), Salisbury Road,
bridge, England. Rose Hill, Mauritius, Indian Ocean.
Cox, J. E., 406 Jefferson Ave., Brooklyn, Cunitz, R. J., Siidstr. 96, Zoppot,
N. Y. Germany.
Cox, J. M., Box 930, Charlotte, N. C.
Coy, E. F., Box 267, Topeka, Kans. Cupertino, Guiseppe, Casella Postale
Coyne, A. E., Washington Sanitarium, 408, Florence, Italy.
Takoma Park, D. C. Curdy, J., La Ligniere, Gland (Vaud),
Craan, Julien (1), Casier A-55, Port-au- Switzerland.
Prince, Haiti, West Indies. Curetu, D. (I), Str. Pictor Bucewschi 2,
Crager, C. P., Vallarta Sur 644, Mon- Cernauti, Rumania.
terrey, N. L., Mexico. Curmatureanu, I. (I), Mission Adven-
Crandall, H. H. (1), 604 N. Harrison St., tiste, Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde,
Ludington, Mich. Cameroon, West Africa.
Crane, E. A., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. Curran, Howard, Box 146, Glendale,
Crane, I. A., Route 4, Cleburne, Tex. Calif.
Crane, Wesley (1), Box 55, Los Angeles, Currow, A., 65 Broadway, Los Gatos,
Calif. Calif.

Chu, Y. H. (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Coble, R. R. (1), Box 1040, Clovis,
Shanghai, China. N. Mex.
Chu, Yun-Ting (1), 160 Fuh Teh Giai, Coconcea, T., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
Chin-Hsien, Chin-Chow Province, Man- Bucuresti II, Rumania.
chukuo. Coffin, D. D. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong
Chung, W. P. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Kong.
Tungshan, Canton, China. Coffin, F. A. (1), 2112 - 23d Ave., N.,
Chunuimia, F. (1), Casilla 355, La Paz, Nashville, Tenn.
Bolivia, South America. Colburn, H. D., 183 Rosemont Garden,
Cikapa, Dickson (1), Thekerani Mission, Lexington, Ky.
P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland, British Colcord, C., Scappoose, Oreg.
Central Africa. Colderis, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Cimera, Roman, Lake View Mission, Latvia.
P. 0. Fort Mlangeni, Nyasaland, Colders, A., Brivibas iela 11, dz. 18,
British Central Africa. Riga, Latvia.
Cionca, Filip, Strada Clemenceau 5 /a, Cole, C. F., 516 Orondo, Wenatchee,
Cluj, Rumania. Wash.
Clapp, R. B., 57 E. Wellsboro St., Cole, C. J., 3107 H St., Vancouver,
Mansfield, Pa. Wash.
Clark, A., Box 396, Oshawa, Ontario, Cole, J. W. (1), Room 802 - 30 Irving
Canada. Place, New York, N. Y.
Clark, A. J., Route 4, Box 37, Asheville, Cole, T. M., Box 715, Parkland, Wash.
N. C. Cole, V. 0., Route 5, Box 100, Jackson-
Clark, B. C., Angwin, Napa Co., Calif. ville, Fla.
Clark, E. L. (1), Box 64, Poona, India.
Clark, G. H. (1), 821 Tazewell Ave., S. E., Collett, J. C. H., Chuharkana Mandi,
Punjab, India.
Roanoke, Va.
Clark, H. W. (1), Angwin, Napa Co., Collins, D. E. 202 S. Palouse St., Walla
Walla, Wash.
Clark, J. J., Battle Ground, Wash. Collins, V. W., 31 Glenwood Ave.,
Clark, S. L. (1), 900 Carroll Ave., Pawtucket, R. I.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Collison, C. L., 1429 N. W. 35th St.,
Clark, W. H., 301 W. 12th St., Hutchin- Miami, Fla.
son, Kans. Colson, E. R. (1), Atlantic Union Col-
Clarke, A. W., 166 Jerome St., West lege, South Lancaster, Mass.
Medford, Mass. Colthurst, R. T., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Clarke, D. J. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map- Trinidad, British West Indies.
perly Park, Nottingham, England. Combes, Ralph (1), 206 South Ave.,
Clarke, Samuel (1), Box M, Cristobal, Shenandoah, Iowa.
Canal Zone. Combrinck, J. J. B., P. 0. Box 7768,
Clarke, W. A. (1), Box 71, Kinder, La. Johannesburg, Transvaal, South Af-
Claus, H. (1), Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm / rica.
Westf., Germany. Comer, J. M., Route 5, Box 268, Salem,
Claus, W. P. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Oreg.
Auckland, New Zealand.
Conde, Simon, Apartado 605, Guadala-
Clemenson, W. A., 3250 Fraser Ave.,
jara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
Cleuciuc, G. (1), Str. Pictor Bucewschi Cone, A. A., 2229 N. 56th St., Mil-
waukee, Wis.
2, Cernauti, Rumania.
Cleveland, W. J. (1), 64 Lincoln Court, Cong, Ga-Ciong (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Foochow, China.
Paducah, Ky.
Clifford, Edmond (1) 1723 Mestena St., Conger, M. G., 1574 Brunswick Ave.,
Corpus Christi, Tex. Trenton, N. J.
Clifford, F. G., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem- Conley, J. B., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
fontein, Orange Free State, South New South Wales, Australia.
Africa. Conmack, J. G. (I), General Delivery,
Clifford, J., Box 45, Bekwai, via Tako- La Grange, Ga.
radi, Gold Coast, West Africa. Conradi, L. E. (1), Fischerhiittenstr.
Coats, H. R., 516 W. Bristol Ave., 99-109, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Germany.
Saginaw, Mich. Conroy, D. (1), 22 Zulla Road, Map-
Cobb, L. W. (I), 3800 S. 48th St., perley Park, Nottingham, England.
Lincoln, Nebr. Constantinescu, L Str. Pictor Bucew-
Cobban, H. H, (1), Takoma Park, Wash- schi 2, Cernauti, Rumania.
ington, D. C. Conway, F. H., 314 W, 29th St., Van-
Coberly, R. B., 71 Pennsylvania Ave., couver, Wash.
Santa Cruz, Calif. Conway, N. H., Route 4, Cleburne, Tex.
Coberly, Z. H., Box 145, Baguio, Philip- Cook, A. W. (D , 29 Spring Gardens,
pine Islands, Garston, Watford, Herts, England,

Chao, Tien-Tseng (1), Shen Yang Post Chodura, J., Kornerstr. 6 /8, Breslau
Office, Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo. 13, Germany.
Chapman, E. M., Route 3, Armstrong, Chona, Ben, P. 0. Box 51, Blantyre,
British Columbia, Canada. Nyasaland, British Central Africa.
Chapman, G. T. (1), La Sierra Station, Chong, K. E. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
Arlington, Calif. Waichow, Kwangtung, China.
Chapman, G. W., Apartado 39, Medellin, Chong, Y. F. (I), P. O. Box 54, Kuching,
Columbia, South America. Sarawak, Borneo.
Chapman, M. E., 317 E. Smith St., Choo, Yun-fatt (1), 140 Bukit Bintang
Orlando, Fla. Road, Kuala Lumpur, Federated Ma-
Chapman, William (1), "Mizpah," Wah- lay States.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Chou, Hei-Nien (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Charlton, J. A. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Nanning, Kwangsi, China.
Perth, West Australia, Australia. Chow, Hsin-min (1), 62 Ta Fang Chia
Charpiot, F., HOheweg 17, Berne, Swit- Hutung, Peking, Hopei, China.
zerland. Chow, K. L. (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Chastain, C. L. (1), 140 Bartlett Ave., Road, Shanghai, China.
Pittsfield, Mass. Chow, P. H. (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen
Chavan, S. S. (1), Box 64, Poona, India. Road, Shanghai, China.
Chavez, B., Casilla 240, Iquitos, Peru, Chowla, S. (1), 91, Depot Lines, Karachi,
South America. India.
Chavez, Raul (1), Casilla 1002, Lima, Chrisman, Cecil (1), 841 W. Belmont,
Peru, South America. Fresno, Calif.
Chavrenko, A., 1801-A Orchard Ave., Chrispens, Branson (1), 52 Vernon St.,
Glendale, Calif. Bangor, Maine.
Cheatham, W. L., Route 2, College Road, Christensen, A. L. (1), D'Strampes No.
Dover, Del. 252, Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba.
Chen, Feng-Lin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Christensen, C. D., Casilla 1003, Lima,
Kweiyang, Kweichow, China. Peru, South America.
Chen, I-Fu (1), Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Christensen, H., 235 E. 4th St., Fon du
Road, Shanghai, China. Lac, Wis.
Chen, I-Ming (1), S. D. A. Mission, Christensen, J. E. (1), 31 Hwang Pei
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Road, Hankow, Hunch, China.
Chen, Lan-Fang, Court 1207 Yu-Yuen Christensen, 0. H., 941 Borton St.,
Road, Shanghai, China. Essexville, Mich.
Chen, Ming (1), 526 Ningkuo Road, Christensen, W. W., 68 U Wisara Road,
Shanghai, China. Rangoon, Burma.
Chen, Peh Dao (I), S. D. A. Mission, Christenson, J. C., Box 29, Brookfield,
Outside West Kate, Sianfu, Shensi, Ill.
China. Christian, H. B. (1), 40 Bealey Ave.,
Chen, Wen-Hsioh, Northwest China Christchurch, New Zealand.
Union Mission of S. D. A., Lanchow, Christian, H. W. (1), 1854 Roblyn Ave.,
Kansu, China. St. Paul, Minn.
Chen, W. S. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Christian, I. A., 1839 California St.,
Wenchow, Chekiang, China. N. W., Washington, D. C.
Chen, Y. S., S. D. A. Mission, Wenchow, Christian, J. W., 924 - 8th Ave., S. E.,
Chekiang. China. Rochester, Minn.
Cheung, Pai-Hung (1), S. D. A. Mission. Christian, L. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. ington, D. C.
Cheung, S. M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Christian, P. W. (1), Walla Walla Col-
Tungshan, Canton, China. lege, College Place, Wash.
Cheung, Yan-Kin (1), S. D. A. Mission, Christian, R. J., South Lancaster, Mass.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China. Christiansen, A. G., 8420 Imperial Ave..
Chiang, Djung-Gwang (1), S. D. A. La Mesa, Calif.
Mission, Wenchow, Chekiang, China. Christiansen, A. P. (1), Apartado 39,
Chiao, W. L., S. D. A. Mission, 102 Medellin, Colombia, South America.
Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung, China. Christiansen, P. A. (I), Badesanatoriet.
Chin, T. C. (1), P. 0. Box 310, Hong Skodsborg, Denmark.
Kong. Christie, H. F. (1), Oshawa Missionary
Chin, Y. S. (I), Shen Yang Post Office, College, Oshawa, Ontario, Ca^a,,a.
Box 36, Mukden, Manchukuo. Christman, H. K., 2119 - 24th Ave., N.,
Chiodo, Philip, 1079 Franquette St., Nashville, Tenn.
San Jose, Calif. Christoffers, E. (I), Brtickenstr. 34a,
Chipao, Harrison (I), P. 0. Box 51, Hamm i. W., Germany.
Blantyre, Nyasaland, British Central Christoffers, J., Neustadt-Contrescarpe
Africa. 30, I., Bremen, Germany.
Chiwanga, Matthew (1), Box 573, Bula- Christoforides, C. A., Post Box 71,
wayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. Athens, Greece.

Capobres, E. (1). P. 0. Box 119, Cebu Castilho, E. M., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
City, Philippine Islands. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Cara, C. M., P. 0. Box 2494, Manila, Castillo, Alfonso (1), Apartado 605,
Philippine Islands. Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico.
Carcich, T., 9 Arborway Terrace, Ja- Castillo, Jose, Apartado 139, Saltillo,
maica Plain, Mass. Coahuila, Mexico.
Cardey, E. L., Box 508, Port Elizabeth, Castle, Burton (1), 338 N. Sheridan
Cape Province, South Africa. Ave., Ottumwa, Iowa.
Cardey, 0. D., c/o 2001 - 24th Ave., N., Castle, C. H., 1333 N. Sumner St.,
Nashville, Tenn. Salem, Oreg.
Cardey, P. C., c/o P. 0. Box 4929, Castrejon, Jose (1), Apartado 107,
Atlanta, Ga. Puebla, Puebla, Mexico.
Carethers, A. R., 3225 Beulah Ave., Catalano, Anthony, 3919 W. Congress
Houston, Tex. St., Chicago, Ill.
Carey, A. (1), Stanborough Park, Wat- Cavalcante, G., Via Trieste 17, Flor-
ford, Herts, England. ence, Italy.
Carey, E. W., 6931 Georgia Ave., N. W., Caviness, L. L., Angwin, Napa Co.,
Washington, D. C. Calif.
Carlill, R. (1), 324 Birks Bldg., Edmon- Ccausu, D., Str. Eduard Grand 25,
ton, Alberta, Canada. Bucuresti II, Rumania.
Carlsson, David, Wasagatan 12, Gote- Cepl, J., Munchenerstr. 35, Prag-Kgl.
borg, Sweden. Weinberge, Protectorate, Germany.
Carlstjerna, C. 0., Wasagatan 12, Gote- Cesario, G. (1), Via Generale F. Pigna-
borg, Sweden. telli 15, Napoli, Italy,
Carman, E. E., 1227 Windsor St., Read- Chai, G. U., S. D. A. Mission, Foochow,
ing, Pa. China.
Carnes, 0. G., 826 Bellefonte Ave., Chaij, F. (1), Avenida San Martin 4555,
Lock Haven, Pa. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Carpentero, Jose, Apartado No. 8, Tacu- Argentina, South America.
baya, D. F. Mexico. Chaij, N. (I), Cervantes 144, Parana,
Carr, H. W., Burt, N. Y. Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Carr, S. W., 37 O'Connell Terrace, ica.
I3owen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, Chambe, Luciano (I), Casilla 85, Puno,
Australia. Peru, South America.
Carrier, F. C., 4384 - 36th St., San Chambers, G. W., 414 S. E. 39th St.,
Diego, Calif. Portland, Oreg.
Carrington, J. T., Box 221, Port-of- Chambilla, F. (1), Casilla 85, Puno,
Spain, Trinidad, British West Indies. Peru, South America.
Carscallen. A. A., Box 78, Georgetown, Champion, M. G., The Retreat, Roorkee,
British Guiana, South America. U. P., India.
Carswell, W. R. (1), "Tereora," The Chan, S. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Boulevarde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Tungshan, Canton, China.
Australia. Chand, Albert (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Carter, C. A., Box 145, Baguio, Philip- Hapur, Meerut Dist., India.
pine Islands. Chand, Faquir, Chuharkana Mandi,
Carter, G. H. (1), 331 York Road, Punjab, India.
Hatboro, Pa. Chaney, F. L., 50 Carroll Manor Circle,
Carter, G. R., 15227 Hilliard Road, Takoma Park, D. C.
Lakewood, Ohio. Chaney, J. A., Route 1, Box 436, Vista,
Carter, J. B., 1346 E. Vasser St., Calif.
Denver, Colo. Chang, Chao-Lin (I), Ta-Tung Lu,
Carter, Lee, Box 1040, Clovis, N. Mex. Dao-Li, Harbin, Manchukuo.
Carter, R. M., Route 2, Rogersville, Mo. Chang, Chien-kuang, S. D. A. Mission,
Carvalho, A. (1), Caixa Postal 243, 102 Wei I Lu, Tsinan, Shantung,
Man aos, Amazonas, Brazil, South China.
America. Chang, Chien-Kuo M. S. D. A. Mission,
Lanchow, Kansu, China.
Casebeer, G. W., 1029 Olive St., El Paso,
Chang, Jen-Chu (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Tex. 36 Chu Kan Hsinag, Peking, Hopei,
Casebeer, George (1), Box 55, Los An- China.
geles, Calif. Chang, P. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Casebeer, H. D., 223 Sinclair Ave., 36 Chu Kan Hsinag, Peking, Hopei,
Glendale Calif. China.
Cash, It. E., Box 221, Port-of-Spain, Chang, P. R. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Trinidad, British West Indies. Wenchow, Chekiang, China.
Castellani, 0., Caixa Postal 378, Recife, Chang, Z. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Wen-
Brazil, South America. chow, Chekiang, China.
Castellano, J. C. (1), Casilla 2830, Chao, H. L., Kansu Mission of S. D. A.,
Santiago, Chile, South America. Lanchow, Kansu, China.

Burns, N. C., 361 Argyle St., North

Hobart, Tasmania. C
Burns, R. J., 84 Jervois Road, Auckland,
New Zealand. Cabaluna, T. (I), P. 0. Box 119, Cebu
Burnside, G. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck- City, Philippine Islands.
land, New Zealand. Cabansag, Q. (1) Artacho, Sison, Pan-
Burton, I. B., Rusangu Mission, P. 0. gasinan, Philippine Islands.
Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa. Cabardo, A. 0., P. 0. Box 124, Cagayan,
Burwell, H. M., Box 584, Arlington, Oriental Misamis, Philippine Islands.
Calif. Cadwallader, E. M., 3800 S. 48th St.,
Busch, M., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V., Lincoln, Nebr.
Berlin W. 50, Germany. Cady, M. E., 70 Flower Ave., Takoma
Bush, F. F., 806 Poincianna St., Ocala, Park, Washington, DI C.
Fla. Caenel, J. A. de, 139 ter, Chemin du
Bustamante, Gilberto (1), Apartado 261, Telemly, Algiers, Algeria.
Barranquilla, Colombia, South Amer- Cahilig, R. B., Box 119, Cebu City,
ica. Philippine Islands.
Bustos, B., Avda. Italia 2360, Monte- Cairus, J. H. (1), Avda. Italia 2360,
video, Uruguay, South America. Montevideo, Uruguay, South America.
Butherus, D. C., 466 Clarkson St., Calderon, A. J. (1), Vallarta Sur 644,
Denver, Colo. Monterrey, N. L., Mexico.
Butler, A. B. (1), 1030 Front St., Tyler, Calderone, Joe (1), 1004 Kerlerec, New
Tex. Orleans, La.
Butler, A. E. (1), Box 156, McCleary, Calderone, R., 30171/2 Pasadena Ave.,
Wash. Los Angeles, Calif.
Butler, F. J. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, Caldwell, C. B. (1), 1899 Selby Ave.,
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, St. Paul, Minn.
Australia. Cales, Raymond, 601 S. Delphia, Park
Butler, George, South Lancaster, Mass. Ridge, Ill.
Calkins, E. D. (1), 417 E. Spruce St.,
Butler, L. A., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Saulte Ste Marie, Mich.
Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Calkins, Erling (1), 1350,A 2d St., N.,
Butler, 0. K., 902 S. Rogers St., Bloom- Wisconsin Rapids, Wis.
ington, Ind. Calkins, Glenn, Box 2006, Balboa, Canal
Butler, R. de A. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Zone.
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. Calvo, V. M. (1), Apartado No. 8, Tacu-
Butler, S. C (1), Box J. 1011, Adelaide, baya, D. F., Mexico.
South Australia, Australia. Cameron, H. (1), 3250 Fraser Ave., at
Butler, T. M. (1), c/o 310 E. 23d St., Kingsway, Vancouver, British Colum-
Indianapolis, Ind. bia, Canada.
Butler, V., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Cammarata, G. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Zurich, Switzerland. Aires, Argentina, South America.
Butler, W. A., Takoma Park, Washing- Campbell, A. J., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
ton, D. C. Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated Territory
Butterfield, A. D. (1), Loma Linda, of New Guinea.
Calif. Campbell, G. A., Loma Linda, Calif.
Butterfield, L. A., 958 Forrest Ave., Campbell, J. M., 1321 S. White Ave.,
Memphis, Tenn. Pomona, Calif.
Butterfield, M. B., General Delivery, Campbell, J. R., Gitwe Mission, P. 0.
Douglas, Ariz. Usumbura, Ruanda-Urundi, Belgian
Butters, E. A. (1), 131 Mungalhead East Africa.
Road, Falkirk, Stirling, England. Campbell, M. N., Route 1, Paw Paw,
Butz, E. S., 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Victoria, Australia. Campbell, M. V., 2718 - 3d Ave., S.,
Minneapolis, Minn.
Bux, Nabi (1), Chuharkana Mandi, Campbell, P. 0., 715 Cleveland Ave.,
Punjab, India. Oakland, Calif.
Buyck, R. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest Allard, Campbell, R. G., 3728 Raymond Ave.,
Brussels, Belgium. Brookfield,
Buzgo, M., Szekely Bertalan-utca 13, Campbell, V. H. (1), Emmanuel Mis-
Budapest VI, Hungary. sionary College, College Station, Ber-
Buzugherian, A., Calle V. Vergara 3227, rien Springs, Mich.
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Cannon, W. J. 4, Oxford Ave., Bam-
Argentina, South America. ford, Rochdale, Lanes, England.
Bwint, Ohn (1), S. D. A. Mission, Cantwell, C. C., Box 64, Poona, India.
Kamamaung, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton Capman, H. J., 1703 - 24th Ave.,
District, Burma. Meridian, Miss.
Byers, Floyd (1), General Delivery, Capman, Joseph, c/o 2001 - 24th Ave.,
Sterling, Colo. N., Nashville, Tenn.

Breitigam, R. R., Box 146, Glendale, prOwning, R. E., 505 W. 17th St., Ada,
Calif. Okla.
Bremer, A., Briickenstr. 34a, Hamm / Brownlee, J. F., R. F. D., East Flat
Westf., Germany. Rock, N. C.
Brendel, A., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46, brozio, 0., Regensburgerstr. 22, V.,
Cottbus, Germany. Berlin W. 50, Germany.
Brennan, D., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Bruck, Carl, 1844 E. 85th St., Cleveland,
Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated Territory Ohio.
of New Guinea. Bryant, F. J., 1007 Izard St., Little
Brennan, H. R., 70 Brighton Ave., Rock, Ark.
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Bryant, H. G. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Brennwald, F. (1), Hoheweg 17, Berne, Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Switzerland. Bryant, R. J., Box 81, Carlsbad, Calif.
Bresee, F. E., 3800 S. 48th St., Lincoln, Brzezinski, J., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A
Nebr. 16, Germany.
Bresee, H. N.. 215 S. Main St., Miami, Buckle, F. D. (1), 8, Mapperley St.,
Okla. Nottingham, England.
Bresee, R. F., 1002 - 5th St., Coeur Buckley, E. A., P. 0. Box 468, Bloem-
d'Alene, Idaho. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa.
Breuninger, F. (1), Kriegsstr. 84, Karls- Buckley, R. A., Emmanuel Mission, P. 0.
ruhe i. B., Germany. Leribe, Basutoland, South Africa.
Brewer, N. F., Box 145, Baguio, Philip- Buckwalter, J. A., Box 337, Oshawa,
pine Islands. Ontario, Canada.
Bringle, A. S., Enterprise, Kans. Budd, G. L., College Place, Wash.
Bringle, C. P. (1), Lower Gwelo Mission, Budnick, M., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Rho- lin-Wilmersdorf, Germany.
desia, Africa. Bufano, C., Route 9, Box 531, Fresno,
Brinkmann, D., Arndtstr. 37a, Stettin, Calif.
Germany. Buhalts, C. J., Route 1, Box 18, Quit-
Prinkmann, H., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden- man, Miss.
A 16, Germany. Bull, S., 39, Arnolds Gardens, Palmers
Bristol, E. A., Box 43, Loma Linda, Green, London, N. 13, England.
Calif. Bullas, Ray, "Tereora," The Boulevards,
Britt, J. R. (1), 71 Crawford St., Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Newark, N. J. Bunch, T. G., 310 W. St. Joseph St.,
Brobecker, E. (1), 5 Blvd. d'Anvers, Lansing. Mich.
Strasbourg, Alsace, France. Bunker, C. M., Room 2605, Paramount
Broberg, Sv., S. D. A. Mission, Water- Bldg., 1501 Broadway, New York, N. Y.
loo, Sierra Leone, West Africa. Bunsode, Kemuel (1), Box 64, Poona,
Brockett, Miller, General Delivery, Har- India.
bor City. Calif. Bunsode, P. M. (I), Box 64, Poona,
Brodersen, H. N., Box 743, Bozeman, India.
Mont. Bunyani, Simon, Luwazi Mission, P. 0.
Brodersen, R. H. (1), Box 293, Grand Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, British Cen-
Forks, N. Dak. tral Africa.
Brooks, Edgar, Avenida San Martin Burden, H. G. (1), 2525 S. Downing St.,
4555, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Denver, Colo.
Aires, Argentina, South America. Burden, J. A., Loma Linda, Calif.
Brouchy, P. M., Avda. Italia 2360, Burden, W. D., Route 1, Box 185,
Montevideo, Uruguay, South America. Redlands, Calif.
Brown, B. W., 2244 Don Julian Road, Bureaud, M. J. 5 Boulevard Long-
Puente, Calif. champ, Marseille, France.
Brown, E. A., Box 353, Santa Rosa, Burg, F. M.. College Place, Wash.
Calif. Burger, A.. Koblenzer Strasse 3, Berlin-
Brown, G. G., Route 1, Box 276, Chow- Wilmersdorf, Germany.
chilla, Calif. Burger, H. (I), Grindelberg 11, I.,
Brown, H. C., D'Strampes No. 252, Hamburg 13, Germany.
Santos Suarez, Havana, Cuba. Burgess, G. T., 2838 Hemphill St., Fort
Brown, H. F., 111 N. Chestnut St., Worth, Tex.
Lansing, Mich. Burgess, L. J., 623 Arcadia St., National
Brown, J. L., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, City, Calif.
Nietheroy, Brazil, South America. Burgess, M. A., 2512 Center Ave.,
Brown, R. J. (1), 2525 - 4th St., Boulder, Pittsburgh, Pa.
Colo. Btirk, K. (1), Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt-
Brown, R. P. (1), 84 Jervois Road, gart-S, Germany.
Auckland, New Zealand. Burke, I. M., La Sierra Station, Arling-
Brown, S. D. (1), Collegedale, Tenn. ton, Calif.
Brown, W. J., Rua Lopes Trovao 84, Burkhardt, F. L. (1), 1405 S. 7th St.,
Nictheroy, Brazil, South America. Lincoln, Nebr.

Block, Godofredo, Cervantes 144, Parana, BOttcher, T., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Platz 46,

Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Cottsbus, Germany.
ica. Boulting, C. J. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw-
Block, R. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, thorn, Victoria, Australia.
Chile, South America. Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park, Washing-
Block, T. E., Casilla 2830, Santiago, ton, D. C.
Chile, South America. Bowers, G. W., Walla Walla College,
Blomstedt, A., Wasagatan 12, Goteborg, College Place, Wash.
Sweden. Bowers, L. I., 140 Bukit Bintang Road,
Blosser, J. B., Cooks, Mich. Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay
Blue, I. F., 3800 S. 48th St., Lincoln, States.
Nebr. Bowett, T. S. (1), Rest Haven Sanita-
Blunden, H. M., Takoma Park, Wash- rium, Sidney, British Colombia, Can-
ington, D. C. ada.
Boaten, C. K. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box Bowles, R. E. (1), 2508 Farnam St.,
45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa. Omaha, Nebr.
Boehm, E. (1), Mirigeda, Port Moresby, Box, H., Regensburgerstrasse 22, V.,
Papua, Pacific Ocean. Berlin W. 50, Germany.
Boehm, J. H., Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Boyd, P. M., 1613 S. Branson St.,
Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Marion, Ind.
Boehrig, G. H. (1), 414 Williston St., Boykin, C. A., S. D. A. Mission, 36 Park
Waterloo, Iowa. St., Calcutta, India.
Bohlmann, J., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Boynton, A. R. (1), 2525 S. Downing
burg 13, Germany. St., Denver, Colo.
BOhm, Franz, Augasse 11, Reichenberg, Boynton, C. E., Route 2, Ooltewah,
Sudetenland, Germany. Tenn.
Bohn, A. D., 4106 Burke, Seattle, Wash. Boynton, Paul (1), Box 401, Cowpens,
Bohner, J. F., Union Springs, N. Y. S. C.
Bohner, L. F. (1), 399 Upper Serangoon Boynton, W. S., College Place, Wash.
Road, Singapore, Straits Settlements. Bozarth, C. W., Grove Ave., Claremont,
Boix, Jose, Apartado 4078, Madrid, Cape Province, South Africa.
Spain. Bracero, Rafael, Box 3005, Santurce,
Bollman, C. P., 31 Westmoreland Ave., Puerto Rico.
Takoma Park. Washington, D. C. Bradford, R. L., 1411 Riely Road, N.
Bolton, R. T., 106, Fordel Road, Catford, Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa.
London, S. E. 6, England. Bradford, R. L. (1), 1504 N. Ash St.,
Bommer, J., Stampfenbachstrasse 85, Wichita, Kans.
Zurich, Switzerland. Bradley, T., 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Perth,
Bond, C. L., Takoma Park, Washing- West Australia, Australia.
ton, D. C. Bradley, W. H., Route 7, Box 455,
Bone, H. G. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco, Olympia, Wash.
Perth, West Australia, Australia. Bradley, W. P., c/o General Confer-
Boneff, B., Solunska 10, Sofia, Bulgaria. ence, Takoma Park, D. C.
Bongini, Riccardo, Via Trieste 17, Brager, R., Adlerstr. 70, Diisseldorf,
Florence, Italy. Germany.
Bonjour, J. A. (1), Uriarte 2429, Buenos Brandstater, R., "Tereora," The Boule-
Aires, Argentina, South America. varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Bonney, C. R. Innescrone, London Road, Brandt, Fr., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30,
ugh, Bucks, England.
Langley, Slo Bremen, Germany.
Bontemps, P. B. (1), 2007 E. 114th St., Brandt, P. A. (1), Rostocker Str. 70,
Los Angeles, Calif. III., Hamburg 5, Germany.
Bookhart, J. A., 526 Mary St., New Branson, E. L., 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Smyrna Beach, Fla. Heliopolis, Egypt.
Boothby, R. L., 507 Flower Ave., Branson, W. H., Takoma Park, Wash-
Takoma Park, Md. ington, D. C.
Borg, S. T., 226 Nordina, Redlands, Branster, G., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Calif. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland,
Borgas, L. A., Oak Forest, via Cairns,
North Queensland, Australia. Brash, T. S., "Tereora," The Boule-
Borge, Dayanand (1), S. D. A. Mission, varde, Strathfield, N. S. W., Australia.
Braun, Carl, La Plant, S. Dak.
Post Box 64, Poona, India.
Braun, J., 507 - 1st Ave., N., James-
Sorge, Govind (1), Box 64, Poona, India. town, N. Dak.
Borody, J. (1), Turecka 1, Warschau S Braun, Luiz, Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
36, General Government, Germany. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
Borrowdale, L. J., Box 246, Loma Linda, Bray, Burt, Route 1, Box 35, Beaumont,
Calif. Calif.
Borrowdale, R. J., S. D. A. Mission, Bredenkamp, 0. 0., Box 468, Bloem-
Karmatar, E. I. R., India. fontein, 0. F. S., South Africa,

Bement, W. E., General Delivery, Bethmann, E., c/o Box 15, Poona,
Gallup, N. Mex. India.
Bender, U.,43 W. Willard Ave., Battle Betram, W., Lange Beestenmarkt 102,
Creek, ich. The Hague, Netherlands.
Benezech, E., Mission Adventiste, Am- Bevan, J. G., 10, Park Ave., Lurgan,
bohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagascar. County Armagh, North Ireland.
Benezech, Paul, Mission Adventiste, Bhaggian, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Nanga-Eboko, par Yaounde, Cam- Quilon, Travancore, South India.
eroon, West Africa. Bidwell, W. E., 228 Rollins, Orlando,
Benjamin, Ce (1), Luwazi Mission, P. 0. Fla.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, British Cen- Bieber D. J. (1), Maplewood Academy,
tral Africa. Hutchinson, Minn.
Benjamin, M. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Bieber, F. W. (I), Plainview Academy,
Nuzoid, Kistna District, South India. Redfield, S. Dak.
Benson, H. F., c/o General Conference, Bietz, A. L., 2755 Prince St., Berkeley,
Takoma Park, D. C. Calif.
Benton, R. L., Box 128, Keene, Tex. Bietz, E. E., Indiana Academy, Cicero,
Bentz, A. V., 2211 - 1st W., Seattle, Ind.
Wash. Bietz, R. R., Box C, Berrien Springs,
Benyovsky, A., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc, Mich.
Hungary. Biggs, Lloyd, Box 584, Arlington, Calif.
Berchin, A., Florida 1444, Villa Hipo- Biller, R.. Hans-Sachsstrasse 9, Chem-
drome, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza, F. C. P., nitz, Germany.
Argentina, South America. Billes, L. S., P. 0. Box 7768, Johannes-
Berg, A. (1), Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, burg, Transvaal, South Africa.
Denmark. Binanzer, E. (1), Bruckenstr. 34a, Hamm
Berg, Henry, 3133 Hackberry St., Cin- i. W., Germany.
cinnati, Ohio. Binanzer, W., Adolf-Hitler-Kai 81, Sals-
Bergh, H. T. (1), 100 S. E. 53d Ave., burg-Aigen, Germany.
Portland, Oreg. Binnebossel, F. (1), Grindelberg 11, I.,
Berghauer, T., Szekely Bertalanutca 13, Hamburg 13, Germany.
Budapest VI, Hungary. Bird, A. C., Route 3, Caldwell, Idaho.
Bergherm, W. A., Box 2006, Balboa, Bird, A. F., 16, Bush Hill, Northampton,
Canal Zone. England.
Bergherm, W. H., Apartado 39, Medellin, Bird, C. E., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Colombia, South America. N. S. W., Australia.
Berglund, GOsta, Wasagatan 12, Gote- Bird, W. L., 2950 E. 6th St., National
borg, Sweden. City, Calif.
Bergstrom, R. H. (1), Mission Adven- Birzgal, A., Vokieciu g-ve 57, Kaunas,
tiste, Maroua, French Cameroons, Lithuania.
West Africa. Birzins, J., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Berle, E., Casier Postal 16, Fort-de-
France, Martinique, French West Latvia.
Indies. Bisel, H. E., 609 - 8th Ave., Alpena,
Berner, E., Kriegsstrasse 84, Karlsruhe Mich.
i / B., Germany. Bishai, Basta, 16 Av. de Koubbeh,
Bernstein, 0! 0., 6311 Blanchard Canyon Heliopolis, Egypt.
Drive, Tujunga, Calif. Bjaanaes, E., Badesanatoriet, Skods-
Berry, G. W., Route 2, Box 62, Boulder, borg, Denmark.
Colo. Black, Dennis (1), 3234 - 10th St.,
Berry, R. E. (1), 543 Jefferson St., Riverside, Calif.
Americus, Ga. Black, L. J. (1), Box 652, Loma Linda,
Berry, V. E., D'Strampes No. 252, Calif.
Vibora, Havana, Cuba. Blackburn, R. S. (1), Box 930, Charlotte,
Berry, W. 0., Box 507, Mt. Vernon, Ill. N. C.
Bertalot, Elia, Via Generale F. Pigna- Blair, Ainsley, Box 125, Moncton, New
telli 15, Napoli, Italy. Brunswick, Canada.
Berthelsen, P. E., Enterprise, Kans. Blair, R. E. G. (1), 84 Jervois Road,
Berthold, J. W., Lange Beestenmarkt Auckland, New Zealand.
102, The Hague, Netherlands. Blair, V. 0. (1), 4035 - 15th, N. E.,
Berzencey, IC., Szekely Bertalan-utca Seattle, Wash.
13, Budapest VI, Hungary. Blake, 0. A. (1), Box 401, Manila,
Beskow, H. P., Avda. Italia 2360, Monte-
video, Uruguay, South America. Philippine Islands.
Beskow, P. C. (1), Caixa Postal 2898, Bland, F. L., 1701 Conlyn St., Phila-
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South America. delphia, Pa.
Betea, P., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie Bland, L. H., 24 Fusting Ave., Catons-
Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, ville Branch, Baltimore, Md.
Rumania. Blandford, C. L., Westville, N. H.

Bartlett, C. A. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Beck, C., 428 E. 157th St., New York,
Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Coast, West N. Y.
Africa. Beck, Henry, Box 78, Georgetown, Brit-
Bartlett, S. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck- ish Guiana, South America.
land, New Zealand. Becker, Carl, Cervantes 144, Parana,
Bartlett, W. T., 41 Hazel Gardens, Entre Rios, Argentina, South Amer-
Edgware, Middlesex, England. ica.
Barto, W. P., 1112 Keeaumoku St., Becker, V. W., Room 2605, 1501 Broad-
Honolulu, T. H. way, New York, N. Y.
Bartz, E., Brtickenstr. 34a, Hamm / Beckner, H. R., 1005 Nebraska Ave.,
Westf., Germany. Weslaco, Tex.
Bass, H. W. (1), 3256 Germantown Ave., Becraft, V. C., Box 305, College Place,
Philadelphia, Pa. Wash.
Bates, F. E. Osceola, Iowa. Beddoe, E. E., 804 E. 7th St., Tucson,
Bates, G. D. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Ariz.
Hapur, Meerut Dist., India. Beddoe, H. E. (1), General Conference,
Satin, Arthur (1), S. D. A. Mission, Takoma Park, D. C.
Myaungmya, Burma. Bedwell, H. W. (1), 235 N. Norah St.,
Bettye, W. E., 361 Argyle St., North Fort William, Ontario, Canada.
Hobart, Tasmania. Bee, C. M., 116 Prospect, Tomahawk,
Baucke, F., Koblenzer Str. 3, Berlin- Wis.
Wilmersdorf, Germany. Beeler, C. R. (1), Route 1, Batesville,
Bauer, A. W. (1), 890 - 2d St., S., Ark.
Carrington, N. Dak. Beem, K. C. (I), 1215 Marshall, Little
Bauer, C. L., 1923 Eden Ave., Glendale, Rock, Ark.
Calif. Beer, Luigi, Casilla Postale 408, Flor-
Bauer, H., Str. Mitropolitul Ghenadie ence, Italy.
Petrescu No. 116, Bucuresti IV, Ru- Begemann, W., Neustadt-Contrescarpe
mania. 30, Bremen, Germany.
Baughman, L. A. (1), Riverton, Wyo. Behr, H., Eschenheimer Anlage 32,
Baum, C. S., 1608 S. 53d St., Phila- Frankfurt a.M., Germany.
delphia, Pa. Behrendt, P., Steindamm 32a III,
Baumbach, E., Neustadt-Contrescarpe Konigsberg, (Pr.), Germany.
30, Bremen, Germany. Behrens, A., Koblenzer Strasse 3, Ber-
Bauscher, 0., Kornerstr. 6/8, Breslau, lin, Wilmersdorf, Germany.
Germany. Behrens, E., 361 Argyle St., North
Bautista, J. 0., P. 0. Box 39, Lucena, Hobart, Tasmania.
Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Behrens, J. H., 1112 Gower St., Los
Baxter, W. E., Apartado Nacional de Angeles, Calif.
Correos No. 436, Bogota, Colombia, Beier, J., Kaiser-Wilhelm-Pl. 46, Cott-
South America. bus, Germany.
Baxter, W. E., Jr. (1), Apartado 986, Belding, M. A., Route 1, Box 78, Boring,
Caracas, Venezuela, South America. Oreg.
Baybarz, A. M., 125 Avenue 0, S., Belich, Ilija, 12260 Mackay St., Detroit,
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Mich.
Bayliss, J. H., 114 Crofts Road, Kenton, Bell, A. R., 2209 Young St., Bellingham,
Middlesex, England. Wash.
Beach, W. R., Hoheweg 17, Berne, Bell, C. V. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Switzerland. Victoria, Australia.
Beall, W. A. (1), 5701 - 16th St., N. W., Bell, G. R., 55, Monmouth Ave., Wey-
Washington, D. C. mouth, Dorset, England.
Beams, J. W., Mentone, Calif. Bell, J. E., 14, Broughton Road, Wal-
Beane, G. L. (1), Route 2, Battle Ground, lasey, Cheshire, England..
Wash. Bell, 0. J. (1), Box 1040, Clovis, N. Mex.
Beans, L. G. (1), Box 422, Newcastle, Bellah, C. G., Fredericktown, Mo.
Wyo. Belleau, G. S., Box 2238, Boise, Idaho.
Bellows, R. J., 412 Water St., Paw Paw,
Beardsell, S. W. (1), Kamagambo, P. 0. Mich.
Kisii, Kenya Colony, East Africa. Belloy, J. (1), 11-13, rue Ernest Allard,
Beardsley, J. I., Adelphian Academy, Brussels, Belgium.
Holly, Mich. Belloy, L. (1). 11-13 rue Ernest Allard,
Beatty, W. A. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Brussels, Belgium.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Belote, L. W.. 124 W. Monument Ave.,
Beaven, Winston (1), c/o Atlantic Hatboro, Pa.
Union Conference, South Lancaster, Belton, B. (1), 87, Sherwood Vale,
Mass. Nottingham, England.
Beavon, E. A., Box 125, Moncton, New Belz, F. (I), Caixa Postal 1830, Sao
Brunswick, Canada. Paulo,' Brazil, South America.
Beazley, A. L., 1204 S. 6th St., Spring- Belo, Rudolpho, Caixa Postal 2898, Sao
field, Ill. Paulo, Brazil, South America.

Baciu, Gh., Calea Bucurestilor 57, Baldwin, W. C., Route 1, Box 202,
Craiova, Rumania. Turlock, Calif.
Backus, E. E., Cathay, Calif. Baldwin, W. 0. (1), 6391 Heatheridge
Badaut, Paul, 5 Boulevard Longchamp, Road, Oakland, Calif.
Balharrie, G. S., 4250 Western Ave.,
Marseille, France.
Badcock, A. M. (1), 8 Yarra St., Haw- Westmount, Quebec, Canada.
thorn, Victoria, Australia. Ball, A. C. (1), 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Badderuddin (1), Chuharkana Mandi, land, New Zealand.
Ball, M. S., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Punjab, India. N. S. W., Australia.
Badescu, D., Lascar Catargiu No. 26,
Ballack, M., Haydnstr. 16, Dresden-A
Galati, Rumania.
Badgley, R. L., Box 175, Port-of-Spain, 16, Germany.
Balmer, F. T., 404 Avenue Bldg., Saska-
Trinidad, British West Indies.
Baecker, F. A., Lange Beestenmarkt toon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
102, The Hague, Netherlands. Balodis, 0., Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Baerg, Henry (1), 650 Glenmore Blvd., Latvia.
Balogun, A. L., S. D. A. Mission, Box
Glendale, Calif. 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West Coast, Af-
Baerg, John, Caixa Postal 658, Belem,
Para, Brazil, South America. rica.
Baez, A. T. (1), Apartado No. 8, Tacu- Balser, Cecil (1), 1016 W. Mallon St.,
Spokane, Wash.
baya, D. F., Mexico. Banfield, M. S., 251 Mt. Vernon St.,
Baler, R., Stampfenbachstrasse 85,
Camden, N. J.
Zurich, Switzerland. Bangloy, J. (1), Artacho, Sison, Panga-
Bahr, E. W., P. 0. Box 401, Manila,
sinan, Philippine Islands.
Philippine Islands.
Bahr, E., Bruckenstrasse 34a, Hamm / Banks, E. C., 3651 Green St., Jackson-
ville, Fla.
Westf., Germany. Banks, Nathaniel, 3133 Logan Ave.,
Bahr, O., KOrnerstr. 6/8, Breslau,
San Diego, Calif.
Germany. Baracat, J., Caixa Postal 768, Rio de
Baierle, Chas., Providence Road, Route
Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
1, Media, Pa. Barboza, A. (1), Caixa Postal 146, Campo
Bailey, D. A. (1), Review and Herald,
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. Grande, Matto Grosso, Brazil, South
Bailey, F. C., Maybank, Rayleigh Road, America.
Barclay, W. L., 2838 Hemphill St.,
Hutton, Essex, England. Fort Worth, Tex.
Bailey, M. R., 5024 U St., Sacramento,
Bard, Alphonse (1), 139 ter, Chemin du
Calif. Telemly, Algiers, Algeria.
Bailey, W. E. (1), Box 544, Wauchula, Barengrub, M., Merepuiestee 14a, Tal-
Fla. linn, Estonia.
Bainbridge, R. H. (1), 50 Zinzar St.,
Reading, Berks, England. Bar-Joel, J. (1), Mission Adventists,
Bairagee, I. B. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Ambohijatovo, Tananarive, Madagas-
P. 0. Jalirpar, Dist. Faridpur, Bengal, car.
Barkat Masih No. 1 (1), S. D. A. Mission,
India. Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab, India.
Bairagee, T. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Gopalganj P. 0., Faridpur Dist., Ben- Barkat Masih No. 2 (I), Chuharkana
Mandi, Punjab, India.
gal, India. Barker, L. G. (1), Box 745, Rifle, Colo.
Baird, G. W., Newbold Missionary
College, Packwood Haugh, Packwood, Barlow, W. A. (I), S. D. A. Mission,
near Hockley Heath, Warwickshire, Baragain, P. 0. Ranchi, B. N. Ry.,
England. Barnabas (1), Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum-
Baird, H., S. D. A. Mission, Kamamaung, bura, Belgian East Africa.
P. 0. Shwegon, Thaton Dist., Burma.
Barnedo, C. B. (1), Box 32, Legaspi,
Bajor, L., Fabian utca 5, Miskolc, Albay, Philippine Islands.
Hungary. Barnes, A. E. (1), 1042 N. California
Baker, A. L., 165 Washington Ave., N., St., Burbank, Calif.
Battle Creek, Mich. Barnes, L. S. (1), 47 Hay St., Subiaco,
Baker, C. H., Mountain View, Calif. Perth, West Australia, Australia.
Baker, Isaac, 601 Maxwell St., Siloam Barnes, P. H. (1), Casilla 1003, Lima,
Springs, Ark. Peru, South America.
Baker, R. C., 127 Santa Rita Ave., Barr, W. E., Glendale Sanitarium,
Modesto, Calif. Glendale, Calif.
Bakke, Mogens (1), Norre Alle 30, Barrett, A. R., Marovo Lagoon, via Tu-
Aarhus, Denmark. lagi, Solomon Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Balan, Leon, Str. Pictor Bucewschi, 2, Bartha, B., Str. Clemenceau 5 /a, Cluj,
Cernauti, Rumania. Rumania.
Baldwin, J. W. (1), 68 U Wisara Road, Bartholomew, P. (1), 1843 Oregon Ave.,
Rangoon, Burma. Klamath Falls, Oreg.

Appleyard, G. E. (1), 11 Emerson St., Ashun, J. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Box 45,

Kingston, N. Y. Bekwai, Gold Coast, West Africa.
Aquino, Cornelio, Apartado 107, Puebla, Asiano, D. Via Generale F. Pignatelli
Puebla, Mexico. 15, Napoli, Italy.
Arasola, A., Annank. 7, Helsingfors, Astleford, Lunney, Box 125, Moncton,
Finland. New Brunswick, Canada.
Arcaliefscky, N., Lascar Catargiu No. Atachi, T. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
26, Galati, Rumania. yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
Archbold, B. L. (1), Box M, Cristobal, Atherly, W. H. (1), 411 Cedar St.,
Canal Zone. Takoma Park, D. C.
Archbold, Fulton (1), Apartado 218, Atiga, T. P., Artacho, Sison, Panga-
Guatemala, Republic of Guatemala, sinan, Philippine Islands.
Central America. Atkin, W. E., 176 Orange St., Kingston,
Archbold, W. R., Box 1491, Jamestown, Jamaica, British West Indies.
N. Dak. Atkins, A. S. S. D. A. Mission, P. 0.
Archuleta, Ray (1), Box 241, Mercedes, Box 52, Raba ul, Mandated Territory
Tex. of New Guinea.
Arguzon, G. (1), Box 32, Legaspi, Albay, Atteberry, A. N. (1), 1122 Park St.,
Philippine Islands. Bowling Green, Ky.
Arias, E. (1), Casilla 2830, Santiago, Atteberry, Mrs. Minnie Sype (1), St.
Chile, South America. Cloud, Florida.
Aritonang, H., Advent Zendingsgenoot- Atwood, W. P. (1), 738 W. Onondaga
schap in N. 0. I., Afdeeling North- St., Syracuse, N. Y.
Sumatra, P. Siantar, Colijnlaan 16, Aufderhar, H. A., 1036 E. 4th St., Bend,
Sumatra, Netherlands East Indies. Oreg.
Arloo, J. M. (I), Box 45, Bekwai, Gold Aug, A., Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinn,
Coast, West Africa. Estonia.
Armitage, F. B., 831 Pleasant Lane, Augsburger, F., 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
National City, Calif. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Armstrong, A. D., 2644 Puesta del Sol, Augsburger, Ulysse, 8 Avenue de l'Eglise
Santa Barbara, Calif. Anglaise, Lausanne, Switzerland.
Armstrong, A. K., 7 Leighton Road, Austen, A. W., Rusangu Mission, P. 0.
Hartley Vale, Plymouth, Devon, Eng- Mission, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
land. Austin,.E. T. (1), Bethel Chapel, Alfred
Armstrong, V. 'I., College Place, Wash. House Gardens, Colpetty, Colombo,
Armstrong, W. W., 1 West Close, Green- Ceylon.
ford, Middlesex, England. Austin, T. (1), 8 Yarra St., Hawthorn,
Arnesen, Erik, Badesanatoriet, Skods- Victoria, Australia.
borg, Denmark. Auzins, R. (I), Brivibas iela 11, Riga,
Arnold, A., Grindelberg 11, I., Ham- Latvia.
burg 13, Germany. Avery, F. W. (1), 119 E. Division St.,
Arnone, A., 139 ter, Chemin du Telemly, Kewanee, Ill.
Algiers, Algeria. Avery, W. L., 1148 Glenn Ave., San
Arouca, W., Caixa Postal 1830, Sao Jose, Calif.
Paulo, Brazil, South America. Avila, Manuel, Patrocinio No. 20,
Arriaga, Ladislao, Apartado 107, Puebla, Vibora, Havana, Cuba.
Puebla, Mexico. Axelson, A. E., Oak Park Academy,
Arriagada, Fernando (1), Casilla 2830, Nevada, Iowa.
Santiago, Chile, South America. Ayars, E. U. (1), 901 Maple Ave., Ta-
Arroya, Rafael, Apartado No. 8, Tacu- koma Park, D. C.
baya, D. F., Mexico. Azevedo, E. R., Caixa Postal 810, Curi-
Arumanayagam, S. K. (1), Roadside tiba, Parana, Brazil, South America.
House, Ootacamund, South India. Azevedo, 0. (1), Caixa 1830, Sao Paulo,
Arzoo, A. (I), S. D. A. Mission, Shah Brazil, South America.
Ave. 638, Teheran, Iran.
Ascione, Andres, Uriarte 2429, Buenos
Aires, Argentina, South America.
Ashbaugh, F. G., 1961 Eden Ave.,
Glendale, Calif.
Ashbaugh, Kraid (1), Susanville, Calif.
Ashlock, C. J., P. 0. Box 128, Panama Baasch, H. E., 309 N. 4th St., Alhambra,
City, Fla. Calif.
Ashlock, J. F., S. D. A. Mission, Nong- Babcock, C. M., Route 3, Kirksville, Mo.
thymmai, Shillong, Assam, India. Babienco, T. T., 914 Avenue G, North,
Ashod, A. E. (1), 14 Saray Arkasi, Ayaz Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Pasa, Istanbul, Turkey. Bacela, J. N., lla Beckett's Buildings,
Ashton, E (1), 44 Mersey Road, Ips- President St., Johannesburg, Trans-
wich, Suffolk, England. vaal, South Africa.
Ashton, N. S.. 15341/2 Washington St., Bachmann, E. (1), Stampfenbachstr. 85,
Charleston, W. Va. Zurich, Switzerland.

Aldridge, F. R. (1), South Lancaster, Anderson, C. V., 2001 - 24th Ave., N.,
Mass. Nashville, Tenn.
Alencar, M. (IL Caixa Postal 768, Rio de Anderson, D. W. (I), 7335 Harwood
Janeiro, Brazil, South America. Ave., Wauwatosa, Wis.
Alexander, H. C. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Anderson, G. T. (1), South Lancaster,
Hapur, Meerut Dt., India. Mass.
Alexander, L. R. (1), 1405 S. 7th St., Anderson, H. P.; Milton, Wis.
Lincoln, Nebr. Anderson, J. D., 84 Jervois Road, Auck-
Alexe, C. (1), Str. Eduard Grand 25, land, New Zealand.
Bucuresti II, Rumania. Anderson, J. F., 2301 S. Riverside Drive,
Alexe, N., Str. Eduard Grand 25, Bucu- Ft. Worth, Tex.
resti II, Rumania. Anderson, J. N., 4612 Stockwell St.,
Alinsod, R. P. (1), P. 0. Box 39, Lucena, Lincoln, Nebr.
Tayabas, Philippine Islands. Anderson, J. P., S. D. A. Mission,
All, J. E., 1750 Clay St., Paducah, Ky. Tungshan, Canton, China.
Allen, A. N., c/o Box 1313, Orlando, Anderson, L. R., 318 W. Malvern St.,
Fla. Fullerton, Calif.
Allen, L. E., S. D. A. Mission, Gujran- Anderson, M. E., 448 Garfield Ave.,
wala, Punjab, India. Eau Claire, Wis.
Allison, J. W., 1513 - 18th St., Santa Anderson, 0. K., 37 O'Connell Terrace,
Monica, Calif. Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Quensland,
Allison, J. W., Jr. (1), 1230 N. 1st St., Australia.
Phoenix, Ariz. Anderson, R. A., Takoma Park, Wash-
Allum, F. A., Gordon Ave. (P. 0. Box ington, D. C.
27), Hamilton, New South Wales, Anderson, T. A., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
Australia. N. S. W., Australia.
Almonte, Eliel, Casilla 2830, Santiago, Anderson, V. A., 543 Lincoln Ave.,
Chile, South America. Manchester, N. H.
Alonzo, Jose (1), Apartado 568, Cuidad Anderson, V. G., 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
Trujillo, Republica Dominicans. Portland, Oreg.
Althoff, W., Fasanenstr. 63, I., Braun- Anderson, W. E. (1), Sheyenne River
schweig, Germany. Academy, Harvey, N. Dak.
Altman, Roger, Takoma Park, Washing- Anderson, W. H., Grove Ave., Claremont,
ton, D. C. Cape Province, South Africa.
Alva, A. A., Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, Andrean, 0. D., Apartado 92, Managua,
South America. Rep. de Nicaragua, Central America.
Alva, A. J. (1), Casilla 85, Puno, Peru, Andreasen, M. L. Theological Seminary,
South America. Takoma Park, 'D. C.
Amansec, G. (1), Artacho, Sison, Panga- Andreassen, A. A. (I), Akersgaten 74,
sinan, Philippine Islands. Oslo, Norway.
Ambs, K. F. (1), La Sierra Station, Andress, W. M., New England Sani-
Arlington, Calif. tarium, Melrose, Mass.
Ambs, Karl F. (1), Gitwe Train. School, Andrews, W. N. (1), 2838 Hemphill St.,
Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usumbura, Urundi, Fort Worth, Tex.
Belgian East Africa. Andrews, W. R., 52 Washington St.,
Amelung, K., Hans-Sachs-Str. 9, Chem- Middletown, N. Y.
nitz, Germany. Andross, C. E., Box 1871, Phoenix, Ariz.
Amian, W., Neustadt-Contrescarpe 30, Andross, E. E., Box 221, Port-of-Spain,
Bremen, Germany. Trinidad, British West Indies.
Ammundsen, W. B., 11100 Pine St., Ang, K. H. (1), S. D. A. Mission,
Lynwood, Calif. Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
Amundsen, Wesley, Box 2006, Balboa, Angell, I. M. (1), D'Strampes No. 252,
Canal Zone. Santos Suarez. Havana, Cuba.
Anderson, Alf., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock- Angervo, 0., Tunnelgatan 25, Stock-
holm, Sweden. holm, Sweden.
Anderson, A. N., Box 313, Davao, Phil- Annofsky, E. G., 1299 S. Central Ave.,
ippine Islands. Lodi, Calif.
Anderson, August, Route 1, Box 190, Ansel, Albert, Fangelsbachstr. 11, Stutt-
Grandy, Minn. gart-S., Germany.
Anderson, A. S., 1427 Genesee St., Ansley, I. A. (1), Malamulo Mission,
Utica, N. Y. P. 0. Malamulo, Nyasaland, British
Central Africa.
Anderson, A. W., "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
N. S. W., Australia. Ansley, R. E., Cancele Mission, P. 0.
Cancele, via Mount Frere, East Grl-
Anderson, B. L., S. D. A. Mission, Huei
qualand, Cape Province, South Africa.
Chia Tau, Swatow, Kwangtung, China.
Apigian, J. H. Box 332, McCook, Nebr.
Anderson, C. P. (1), 451 E. 6th St., Apollon, F. D., Casier A-55, Port-au-
Erie, Pa. Prince, Haiti, West Indies.
Anderson, C. R., White Memorial Hos- Appel, G. J., S. D. A. Mission, Chung-
pital, Los Angeles, Calif. king, Szechwan, China.
The names of only ordained and licensed ministers appear in this list,
the latter indicated thus: (1).

Adams, Milton (1), 903 Arcadia Place,

A National City, Calif.
Adams, P. P., 221 - 4th St., Pacific
Aaboe, N. J. (I), 715 - 5th Ave., S. E., Grove, Calif.
Jamestown, N. Dak. Adams, W. E. (1), G. M. Reese Courts,
Aalborg, N. J., 610 N. 15th St., Parsons, J-4, Meridian, Miss.
Kans. Adams, W. L., Box M, Cristobal, Canal
Abanda,William (1) , Luwazi Mission, P.O. Zone.
Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, B. C. Africa. Adams, W. M., 1317 Volney Drive, City
Abas, E. (1), Box 119, Cebu City, Philip- Terrace, Los Angeles, Calif.
pine Islands. Adamsky, W., Steindamm 32 a III.,
Abawag, A. J. (1), P. 0. Box 2494, Konigsberg (Pr.), Germany.
Manila, Philippine Islands. Adkins, W. L., Banner Elk, N. C.
Abbott, D. H. (1), Grove Ave., Clare- Adolph, E., Hinterm Bahnholf 30, Niirn-
mont, Cape, South Africa. berg, Germany.
Abbott E. M., S. D. A. Mission, P. 0. Aeschlimann, A., Florida 1444, Villa
Box 52, Rabaul, Mandated Territory Hipodromo, Godoy Cruz, Mendoza,
of New Guinea. F. C. P., Argentina, South America.
Abbott, F. L., 815 S. Cherokee Lane, Aeschlimann, E. (1), Casilla 44, Quito,
Lodi, Calif. Ecuador, South America.
Abbott, G. K., Sanitarium, Calif. Aeschlimann, V. C., Cervantes 144, Pa-
Abbott, R. H. (1), 37 O'Connell Terrace, rana, Entro Rios, Argentina, South
Bowen Hills, Brisbane, Queensland, America.
Australia. Afa'ese, Sanika, Apia, Samoa, Pacific
Abdy, R. (1), 140 Bukit Bintang Road, Ocean.
Kuala Lumpur, Federated Malay Afenir, J. 0., Artacho, Sison, Panga-
States. sinan, Philippine Islands.
Abegg, S. J. (1), 3951 N. E. 36th Ave., Agian, M. (1), Box 34, Jesselton, British
Portland, Oreg. North Borneo.
Abel, R. P., 633 Suriwongse Road, A gnello, S. (I), Via Generale F. Pigna-
Bangkok, Thailand (Siam). telli 15, Napoli, Italy.
Abeli, Mp., Gitwe, Ruanda, via Usum- Aguilar, I., Apartado 4078, Madrid,
bura, Belgian East Africa. Spain.
Abernathy, W. E. (1), Box 128, Keene, Aguilar, Jose, Apartado 218, Guatemala,
Tex. Rep. of Guatemala, Central America.
Abney, B. W., Box 6007, Station B, Aguilar, M. (1), Casilla 1002, Lima,
Miami, Fla. Peru, South America.
Abney, B. W., Jr. (11, 413 N. Spruce St., Airy, R. W., Box 115, Gaston, Oreg.
Daytona Beach, Fla. Aitken, J. J. (1), General Delivery,
Abrahamsen, K., Badesanatoriet, Skods- Bird City, Kans.
borg, Denmark. Akiyama, I. (1), S. D. A. Mission, Seir-
Ackerman, J. M., 324 Birks Building, yori-machi, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen.
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Akondwe, Robert (1), Luwazi Mission,
AcMoody, C. E., 1266 Veale Ave., R. R. P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, B. C.
1, Martinez, Calif. Africa.
Acosta, Alberto (1), Apartado 986, Ca- Aladen, V. (1), 1112 Keeaumoku St.,
racas, Venezuela, South America. Honolulu, T. H.
Acosta, Eduardo (1), Sa Ave. Norte No. Alberro, S. (I), Casilla 240, Iquitos,
57, San Salvador, Republica de El Peru, South America.
Salvador, Central America. Alberth, E. (1), Tizianstr. 18, Munchen
Acosta, Eloy, Box 3005, Santurce, Puerto 19, Bavaria, Germany.
Rico. Albrecht, J., Fabian-utca 5, Miskolc,
Adair, R. H. (1), "Mizpah," Wahroonga, Alcaraz, A. A. (1), P. 0. Box 2494,
N. S. W., Australia. Manila, Philippine Islands.
Adams, E. H., Box 23, Shell Beach, Alcock, H. J., 92 Gates Ave., Brooklyn,
Calif. N. Y.
Adams, E. M., Artacho, Sison, Panga- Alderson, P. C. (1), 414 S. E. 39th Ave.,
sinan, Philippine Islands. Portland, Oreg.
Adams, Melvin (I), 449 E. 2d North, Alderson, R. F., 1415 Makiki St., Hono-
Price, Utah. lulu, Hawaii.

presidents of union conferences, shall constitute a committee to audit the expense

accounts of employees, and to fix their wages for the succeeding year.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall have power to make such adjustment
from time to time in the wage of clerks, stenographers, and other routine workers
as maybe necessary.
Article XVFunds
Sec. 1. The funds of the General Conference shall be as follows:
(a) A tithe of the tithe receipts of the union conferences and union missions
and of the local conferences and missions not included in union conferences and
union missions.
(b) Regular missions offerings.
(c) Special donations.
(d) Such percentage of the regular tithe of local conferences as may be deter-
mined at a joint meeting of the Executive Committee and conference presidents.
(e) Surplus tithes which may be appropriated by local and union conferences
for the mission fields.
(f) A tithe of the profits of publishing houses, sanitariums, and other profit-
earning institutions which are under the control of the General Conference, or
which, because of the character of their work, have more than local influence and
responsibility. Such percentage of the annual profit also of these institutions, after
deducting the tithe, as may be arranged by joint council of the Executive Committee
of the General Conference with the board of management of each institution.
(g) Such percentage of the funds of union conferences and missions and of
institutions and tract societies, as may be arranged by the General Conference
Committee in counsel with conference presidents, the same to be known as the
Sustentation Fund for the support of aged and infirm workers, and for the de-
pendent widows and orphans of workers.

Article XVIAppropriations
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall make its appropriations for home and
foreign work at the Autumn Councils, said appropriations to be based on budgets
from the fields requiring financial help.
Sec. 2. Appropriations shall be made subject to the receipt of the full amount
of funds estimated in the General Conference budget. In case of a shortage, the
distribution shall be on a pro-rata basis to all the interests represented in the
Sec. 3. Appropriations for major permanent investments shall be held in trust
for the purpose for which the appropriation was designated. In case the project
is abandoned, the funds shall revert to the General Conference. Other funds
appropriated to division fields shall be administered by the division committees.
Sec. 4. All funds raised in division fields, except the regular funds belonging
to the General Conference, as indicated under Article XV, may be used for the
advancement of the work in the fields in which they were raised.
Sec. 5. General Conference funds in all the world shall be made available to
meet the annual appropriations of the General Conference.

Article XVIIFinance
Sec. 1. The Treasurer of the General Conference shall carry a Reserve Fund
to tide over a possible financial depression, equal to one-fourth the regular appro-
priations of the preceding year, said Reserve Fund to be held in cash and in readily
convertible securities.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee acting through its legal agency, the General
Conference Corporation, shall have power to make such annuity contracts as may
seem desirable: but all moneys obtained in this way shall be invested in securities.
and not be made available for appropriation until the annuity contracts have
Sec. 3. The tithes and mission offerings received by the General Conference
shall be held as a trust for appropriations to the work of the Seventh-day Adventist
denomination. It shall not be within the prerogative, therefore, of the General
Conference Committee, the Treasury Department, nor of any agent or agency of
the denomination, to loan these funds to private individuals, to indorse notes, sign
bonds or other securities, or in any way to divert the funds of the General Confer-
ence from their intended purpose.
Sec. 4. The basis for computing per capita funds shall be the average of the
membership of the four quarters of the second preceding calendar year as publisbed
by the Statistical Secretary in his quarterly reports.

Article XDivision Committees

Sec. 1. In each division outside of North America, a division committee :hall
be constituted as hereinafter provided, for the transaction of business perta.ning
to the division.
Sec. 2. The members of a division committee shall be the President, the
Secretary, and the Treasurer of the Division, the Presidents of union conferences,
the Superintendents of union missions, the Division Field Secretaries, the Division
Departmental Secretaries, and any other members of the General Conference
Committee present. Other persons may also be appointed as members of the
Division Committee.
Sec. 3. The actions taken by Division Committees pertaining to the adminis-
tration of affairs in the division field, shall be considered final, provided they are
in harmony with the plans and policy of the General Conference as set forth in
the Constitution and By-Laws, and in its Executive Committee actions at regular
Autumn Councils.
Sec. 4. It shall be arranged as far as practicable for each division field outside
of North America to send its President or such representatives as may be chosen,
to the annual Councils of the General Conference Executive Committee.
Sec. 5. Five members of a division committee, including the chairman, shall
constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. When the chairman is to be
absent from headquarters, he and the committee shall designate an acting chair-
man. Minority meetings of less than five members of the division committee may
be held for the transaction of necessary routine business, but actions taken at such
meetings shall not be final until the minutes of such meetings have been approved
in a meeting with a quorum present.
Sec. 6. As the Australasian field consists of only one union organization, the
time and extent of the development of the division feature of that organization
shall be optional with the Australasian Union Conference, it being understood that
until the divisional feature is developed, the president of the Australasian Union
Conference shall he a Vice-President of the General Conference, and the Austral-
asian Union Conference will function as a division of the General Conference in
all phases of its relation to the world movement.

Article XICorporation Boards

At each regular session of the General Conference the requisite boards of
trustees, according to their respective Constitutions and By-Laws, shall be elected
for each legal corporation serving and holding properties and receiving gifts and
legacies for the General Conference unincorporated. The trustees of the General
Conference Corporation shall also constitute the Board of Trustees of the General
Conference Association.
Article XIIDepartments
Sec. 1. The Departmental Secretaries and Associate Secretaries elected by the
General Conference shall work under the direction of the Executive Committee of
the General Conference, and shall occupy an advisory relation to the field.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint a representative departmental
committee of counsel for each department. Such committee shall in each case he
composed of the secretaries of the department, the secretaries of departmental
work in the divisions, and of such other persons as the Executive Committee may
deem necessary.
Article XIIIAuditors and Audits
Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the General Con-
ference and of its legal corporations audited at least once each calendar year, and
the Auditor or one of the associate auditors shall report upon the same to the
Executive Committee annually. The Auditor or an associate auditor, as may be
arranged, shall report also, for the quadrennial period, to the General Conference
at its regular sessions. The General Conference Auditor and the associate auditors-
shall also be made available for auditing the accounts of union conferences and
general institutions, as well as division accounts. The auditors shall be under the
general direction of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2. The division committees shall have authority to appoint an auditor
or auditors to audit the books of such organizations or institutions within their
territories as the division committee shall direct.

Article XIVWages and Expenses

Sec. 1. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight persons not in
its employ who, with the officers of the General Conference, and not less than seven

Article VAssistant and Division Departmental Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "assistant departmental secretary" shall be used to designate
such persons as are appointed to assist the Departmental Secretaries and their
Associate Secretaries in the Departmental work of the General Office.
Sec. 2. Division Departmental Secretaries shall be elected for the respective
division fields, and shall labor under the direction of the division committee.
Sec. 3. Division committees shall appoint such other secretaries as may be
needed to serve in special capacities, to labor under the direction of the division
Article VIGeneral Field Secretaries
Sec. 1. The term "general field secretary" shall be used to designate such
persons as may be employed by the General Conference to travel extensively both
at home and abroad in the interests of the general work.
Sec. 2. Such General Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed
necessary to assist the officers of the General Conference in carrying on the world-
wide work, and they shall labor under the direction of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 3. Such Division Field Secretaries shall be elected as may be deemed
necessary to labor in the divisions under the direction of the division committees.
Article VIIUndertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers
An Undertreasurer and Assistant Treasurers shall be elected to share with the
Treasurer the work of his office. They shall perform such duties connected with the
Treasury Department as may be assigned to them by the Treasurer or by the
Executive Committee. They may be authorized by the Executive Committee to
sign checks under the instruction of the Treasurer.

Article VIIIDivision Treasurers

Sec. 1. The term "division treasurer" shall be used to designate the treasurers
elected for the respective divisions outside of North America.
Sec. 2. A Division Treasurer shall be elected for each division outside of
North America.
Sec. 3. It shall be the duty of the Division Treasurers to receive and disburse
the funds of the General Conference made available for their territory, under the
direction of the division committee, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office.

Article IXExecutive Committee

Sec. 1. During the intervals between the sessions of the General Conference,
the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power, with authority to
grant credentials and licenses, and to fill for the current term any vacancies that
may occur in its offices, boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation or
otherwise. The Executive Committee shall also have power to withdraw credentials
or licenses by a two thirds' vote of the members present and voting at any regular
committee meeting.
Sec. 2. A majority of the full membership of the Executive Committee, in-
cluding the President or any other officer of the General Conference appointed
temporarily as chairman, is empowered to transact business at any time and place.
Any seven members of the Executive Committee, including an officer of the Gen-
eral Conference, shall, after due notice to available members, constitute a quoruro
of the Executive Committee, and shall be empowered to transact such executive
business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by the committee at the
designated place of meeting of the Executive Committee as hereinafter provided.
Sec. 3. All meetings of the Executive Committee, except majority meetings,
shall be held at the general headquarters, or at such other place as may be defi-
nitely arranged by a majority meeting of the Executive Committee, or by the
quorum of at least seven members meeting in regular session at general head-
Sec. 4. Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any time by the
ranking officer of the Conference who may be present at headquarters, and such
officer, or any member of the committee appointed by him, shall act as chairman
of the meeting.
Sec. 5. Minority meetings of less than seven members of the Executive Com-
mittee may be held at the General administrative office for the transaction of
necessary routine business, but actions taken at such meetings shall not be final
until the minutes of such meetings have been approved in a regular session of the
Executive Committee.

Article XAmendments

This Constitution or its By-Laws may be amended by a two thirds' vote of the
voters present and voting at any session: provided that, if it is proposed to amend
the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose shall be given in the
call for such special session.


Article IDivision Sections

Sec. 1. The General Conference shall conduct its world-wide work in division
sections, each section to operate within a specified territory in harmony with the
Policy of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. Union conference and union mission field organization shall be pre-
served, and such fields, together with all other organizations and institutions within
the territory, shall be responsible to the respective division committees.
Sec. 3. The division fields shall be known as, Australasian Division, Central
European Division, China Division, Far Eastern Division, Inter-American Division,
North American Division, Northern European Division, South American Division,
Southern African Division, Southern Asia Division, Southern European Division,
and Soviet Russia Division. The boundaries of these division sections shall be
subject to adjustment only at the General Conference sessions, or at- biennial
council sessions, provided no division territorial lines shall be changed when such
division is not represented at the council by one of its executive officers, or other-
wise when such division has not given consent, except under an emergency such
as war; in such case the General Conference Committee shall make such provision
as is necessary for the conduct of the work in the territory concerned.

Article IIVice-Presidents
Sec. 1. Vice-Presidents shall be elected as follows: three Vice-Presidents for
general administrative work, and one additional Vice-President for each division
of the General Conference.
Sec. 2. The General Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in his adminis-
trative work as the Executive Committee may direct. The Vice-President for
North America shall work under the direction of the General Conference Com-
Sec. 3. The Vice-Presidents elected for the divisions outside of North America
shall act as chairmen of the division committees operating in their respective fields,
and shall have charge of the work in those fields under the direction of the division
committees, and shall be designated within their respective division territories as
presidents of the divisions over which they preside.

Article IIIAssociate and Statistical Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "assocate secretary" shall be used to designate the Secretaries
elected to be associated with the Secretary of the General Conference, or such
secretary or secretaries as may be elected to be associated with any Departmental
Secretary, in carrying the primary responsibilities of his office.
Sec. 2. Associate Secretaries shall be elected to share the work of the General
Conference Secretary. Such Associate Secretaries shall also be elected as may be
deemed necessary to assist the Departmental Secretaries in the conduct of their
Sec. 3. At each regular session the Conference shall elect a Statistical Secre-
tary, whose duties shall be to compile statistics of the world work, reporting .the
same under the direction of the Executive Committee.

Article IVDivision Secretaries

Sec. 1. The term "Division Secretary" shall be used to designate the person
elected to serve as secretary of a division.
Sec. 2. A Division Secretary shall be elected for each division outside of
North America.
Sec. 3. The Division Secretaries shall work under the direction of the division
committees. It shall be their duty to keep the minutes of the division committee
meetings, to furnish to the President, the general Vice-Presidents, Treasurer, and
Secretaries of the General Conference a copy of their minutes, to collect informa-
tion and to make such reports as may be required, and to do such other work as
usually pertains to such office.

Sec. 5. Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all funds of
the General Conference, and disburse them in harmony with the actions of the
Executive Committee of the General Conference, and to render such financial state-
ments at regular intervals as may be desired by the Conference or by the Executive
Sec. 6. Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, and the members of
the Executive Committee, except the presidents of union conferences and superin-
tendents of union missions, shall be chosen by the delegates at the regular quad-
rennial sessions of the General Conference, and shall hold their office for the period
of four years, or until their successors are elected, and appear to enter upon their
Article VAuditor and Associate Auditors
At each regular session the Conference shall elect an auditor and one or more
associate auditors.
Article VIExecutive Committee
Sec. 1. At each regular session the Conference shall elect an Executive Com-
mittee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Vice-
Presidents, the Secretary, the Associate Secretaries, the Division Secretaries, the
Treasurer, the Undertreasurer, the Assistant Treasurers, the division Treasurers,
the Statistical Secretary, the General Field Secretaries, the division Field Secre-
taries, the presidents of the union conferences, the superintendents of union mis-
sions, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries of the Ministerial Association, the
General Conference Auditors, the Secretary and Associate Secretaries of each duly
organized General Conference Department, namely, the Publishing, Medical, Educa-
tional, Sabbath School, Religious Liberty, Young People's Missionary Volunteer,
Home Missionary, North American Negro, and North American Bureau of Home
Missions, the division Departmental Secretaries, the ex-presidents of the General
Conference having credentials from this Conference, and other persons not to
exceed twenty in number.

Article VIIIncorporations and Agents

Sec. 1. Such incorporations may be authorized by the General Conference in
session, or by the General Conference Executive Committee, as the development
of the work may require.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference, the delegates shall elect such
trustees of corporate bodies connected with this organization as may be provided
in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries, treasurers,
auditors, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make such dis-
tribution of its laborers, as may be necessary effectively to execute its work.
Sec. 4. The Conference shall grant credentials or licenses to ministers and
missionaries except in division fields, in union and local conferences, and in
organized union missions.

Article VIIISessions
Sec. 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such time and
place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice published in the
Advent Review and Sabbath Herald in three consecutive issues at least four months
before the date for the opening of the session. In case special world conditions
seem to any Autumn Council to make it imperative to postpone the calling of the
session, the Executive Committee shall have authority to make such postponement
not to exceed two years, giving notice to all divisions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions of the General
Conference at such time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice as of
regular sessions, and the transactions of such special sessions shall have the same
force as those of the regular sessions.
Sec. 3. The election of officers, and the voting on all other matters of business
shall be by viva voce vote unless otherwise demanded by a majority of the delegates
Article IXBy-Laws
The voters of this Conference may enact By-Laws and amend or repeal them at
any session thereof, and such By-Laws may embrace any provision not inconsistent
with the Constitution.

(As revised at the 44th session held in San Francisco, Calif., in 1941)

Article IName
This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Seventh-day
Article IIObject
The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the commandments of God
and the everlasting gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Article IIIMembership
Section I. The membership of this Conference shall consist of :
(a) Such union conferences and- union missions as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
(b) Such local conferences and properly organized missions not included in any
union conference or in any union mission as have been or shall be properly organ-
ized and accepted by vote of the General Conference in session.
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as follows:
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) All members of the General Conference Executive Committee, and such
members of the division committees as are not members of the General Conference
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and of general
institutions and departments of work, and such general laborers and field secretaries
as shall receive delegate's credentials from the Executive Committee of the General
Conference, such credentials to be ratified by the General Conference in session.
The number of these delegates thus seated shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total
number of delegates in attendance otherwise provided for.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accredited by division
committees and union conferences.
Sec. 5. Each division shall be entitled to one delegate for each union mission
organization within its territory, and one delegate for each one thousand members
or fraction thereof within its union mission territories.
Sec. 6. Each union conference shall be entitled to one delegate in addition to
its president without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each local con-
ference and organized mission in its territory, and an additional delegate for each
one thousand or fraction thereof of its membership. In the case of union confer-
ences operating under division committees, these delegates shall be appointed in
counsel with the division committees, and shall be seated as part of the division
Article IVOfficers and Their Duties
Sec. 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a president, vice-presi-
dents, a secretary, associate secretaries, a treasurer, and an undertreasurer, who
shall be elected by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The President shall act as chairman of the Executive Com-
mittee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference, as the Executive
Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-Presidents: The Vice-Presidents shall preside over the division
fields to which the General Conference has elected them, and shall assist the
President in administering the affairs of the Conference as may be directed by the
General Conference in session, or by the General Conference Committee.
Sec. 4. Secretary and Associate Secretaries: It shall be the duty of the Secre-
tary and the Associate Secretaries to keep the minutes of the proceedings of the
General Conference sessions and of the General Conference Committee meetings,
and to collect such statistics and other facts from union and local conferences and
missions as may be desired by the Conference or by the Executive Committee, to
maintain correspondence with the fields, and to perform such other duties as usually
pertain to such office.


(Not including children or workers returned from furlough)

Year Workers Year Workers
1901-02 107 1922 137
1903 60 1923 110
1904 40 1924 142
1905 60 1925 175
1906 76 1926 216
1907 58 1927 184
1908 140 1928 159
1909 134 1929 155
1910 61 1930 183
1911 74 1931 119
1912 97 1932 67
1913 157 1933 64
1914 103 1934 72
1915 76 1935 123
1916 147 1936 131
1917 59 1937 137
1918 103 1938 148
1919 83 1939 92
1920 310 1940 122
1921 212
Total since 1900 4,693



Special Days for Which Programs Are Provided

January 3 Home Missionary Day

January 31 Religious Liberty Day
February '7 Christian Home Day
February 28 Temperance Day
March 7 Home Missionary Day
March 14-21 Missionary Volunteer Day and
Week of Prayer
April 4 Medical Missionary Day
April 18 Spirit of Prophecy Day
May 2 Home Missionary Day
May 16 Sabbath School Rally Day
June 6 Home-Foreign Day
July 4 Home Missionary Day
July 25 Educational Day
August 1 Harvest Ingathering Rally Day
September 5 Home Missionary Day
October 3 Home Missionary Day
October 31 Colporteurs' Rally Day
(Home Missionary Day)
November 14-21 Week of Sacrifice
December 5-12 Annual Week of Prayer

Dates of Campaigns in 1942

January 17-31 Liberty Magazine Campaign

February 21-March 7 Signs of the Times Campaign
April 26-May 2 Missions Extension and Big Week
August 1-September 26 Official Ingathering Campaign
October 3-17 Watchman and Message Campaign
December 1-31 Review and Herald Campaign

Dates of Special Offerings in 1942

January 31 Religious Liberty Offering

March 28 Elementary Schools Offering
May 2 Missions Extension Offering
July 18 Midsummer Offering for Missions
November 21 Week of Sacrifice Offering
December 12 Annual Offering
Note.The Autumn Council of 1933 designated the second Sabbath of each
month for a Second Sabbath Foreign Mission Offering. These dates do not appear
in the above schedule of offerings, but should be observed in those months where
a special offering is not listed for the second Sabbath.

Thirteenth Sabbath Offerings in 1942

March 28 Overflow for South American Division

June 27 . Overflow for Southern European Division
September 26 Overflow for China Division
December 26 Overflow for Far Eastern Division


Year Societies Members Contributions
1902 186 3,478 $
1905 196 3,741
1906 400 5,400 5,744.40
1907 461 8,933 11,122.60
1910 647 12,408 18,807.03
1913 964 19,428 24,380.20
1914 1,070 19,898 34,676.53
1915 1,196 23,442 44,497.58
1916 1,342 25,836 54,944.59
1917 1,369 26,337 75,652.48
1918 1,446 27,879 78,983.50
1919 1,681 32,921 115,724.98
1920 2,030 41,916 191,848.80
1921 2,147 45,012 196,492.92
1922 2,285 46,933 157,292.33
1923 2,341 48,760 140,731.99
1924 2,574 53,522 114,780.54
1925 3,042 59,723 143,723.47
1926 3,121 66,031 167,859.52
1927 3,320 65,186 182,674.00
1928 3,555 75,776 180,619.15
1929 3,694 78,094 171,475.28
1930 3,825 84,823 154,527.14
1931 4,211 86,668 145,759.11
1932 4,064 94,203 103,494.78
1933 4,730 107,861 115,621.02
1934 5,068 112,126 126,526.37
1935 5,381 116,883 123,997.17
1936 6,611 122,679 123,399.92
1937 5,923 130,748 139,371.77
1938 6,230 134,486 163,554.58
1939 6,512 140,826 174,274.10
1940 6,622 148,698 144,693.70
No. Elementary Elementary Elementary No. Colleges
Year Schools Teachers Enrolment Acad., etc. Teachers Enrolment
1872 1 3 90
1880 1 1 15 1 20 490
1890 9 15 350 7 56 979
1900 220 250 5,000 25 199 2,357
1915 692 849 13,413 67 574 4,897
1916 824 1,069 17,178 68 583 5,217
1917 738 869 15,635 68 669 6,178
1918 848 1,043 18,105 77 729 6,811
1919 881 1,166 20,525 88 884 8,033
1920 928 1,273 23,481 97 1,020 9,540
1921 1,196 1,614 27,730 114 1,110 9,583
1922 1,259 1,718 34,034 123 1,159 9,766
1923 1,265 1,632 34,553 122 1,314 10,219
1924 1,225 1,647 38,267 133 1,430 11,544
1925 1,413 1,847 48,769 148 1,506 11,640
1926 1,479 2,041 46,028 121 1,399 12,389
1927 1,307 1,787 38,008 144 1,433 13,591
1928 1,348 1,957 37,778 175 1,758 15,597
1929 1,971 2,640 64,563 204 1,596 16,426
1930 1,977 2,547 67,719 201 1,794 17,058
1931 1,937 2,584 66,288 196 1,791 16,094
1932 1,650 2,171 55,268 204 2,189 13,199
1933 2,064 2,807 71,579 207 2,325 12,830
1934 2,130 2,896 72,625 214 2,459 14,166
1935 2,357 3,074 81,052 208 2,698 15,603
1936 2,514 3,283 83,605 221 2,432 16,873
1937 2,526 3,471 88,048 243 2,633 18,155
1938 2,483 3,356 81,268 255 2,673 18,114
1939 2,511 3,491 83,786 252 2,749 18,061
1940 2,626 3,753 91,594 251 2,782* 19,185
* Includes also teachers in Elementary Schools connected with colleges and


Per Cent to
Year No. Schools Membership Contributions Missions
1878 177 5,851 $ 25.00
1880 451 11,821 2,784.35
1885 716 19,579 6,898.74
1890 1,414 33,783 28,642.75 61.83
1895 2,143 50,266 44,629.16 44.39
1900 2,334 50,804 46,794.40 53.94
1905 3,170 75,305 68,613.71 72.72
1910 4,151 101,161 138,037.72 97.67
1915 5,225 147,784 412,759.28 100.00
1920 6,151 195,653 1,441,962.40 100.00
1921 6,690 211,973 1,305,995.04 100.00
1922 6,770 224,717 1,164,646.46 100.00
1923 7,292 249,089 1,392,041.82 100.00
1924 7,472 274,455 1,584,411.23 100.00
1925 7,957 287,752 1,674,446.40 100.00
1926 8,276 311,018 1,776,746.96 100.00
1927 8,502 323,992 1,816,419.18 100.00
1928 9,021 342,434 1,906,506.28 100.00
1929 9,521 358,844 1,973,497.22 100.00
1930 9,966 382,743 1,870,343.13 100.00
1931 10,578 410,714 1,727,089.97 100.00
1932 11,140 431,118 1,504,985.23 100.00
1933 11,466 465,755 1,309,704.47 100.00
1934 11,967 491,067 1,384,872.19 100.00
1935 12,630 519,990 1,447,961.97 100.00
1936 13,009 541,489 1,546,466.78 100.00
1937 13,320 553,389 1,669,833.86 100.00
1938 13,636 588,358 1,726,392.68 100.00
1939 14,010 611,123 1,718,204.93 100.00
1940 14,817 618,507 1,765,277.38 100.00
No. Pub. Em- Peri- Languages-all Total Tot. Val. 1 Copy
Year Houses ployees odicals Publications Annual Sales Each Pub.
1850 1 1 $ (1846) .93
1855 1 7 2 1 2,000.00 (1854) 6.08
1860 1 17 2 1 3,000.00 (1862) 7.50
1865 1 20 2 1 4,000.00 8.33
1870 1 30 3 1 7,000.00 12.49
1875 3 71 8 2 18,000.00 29.57
1880 4 128 10 7 40,000.00 53.30
1885 6 232 21 9 121,692.36 96.60
1890 7 412 24 12 734,397.00 171.55
1895 11 585 40 23 250,000.00 243.60
1900 13 600 96 39 250,000.00 267.84
1905 20 400 89 46 548,067.03 300.00
1910 28 610 126 67 1,560,510.58 525.00
1915 40 698 120 95 2,174,591.94 640.00
1922 51 961 154 114 3,656,481.31 1,153.23
1923 51 923 156 114 4,067,460.49 1,244.15
1924 52 953 156 114 4,236,120.09 1,301.68
1925 53 965 177 128 4,631,706.47 1,417.23
1926 56 933 194 131 4,831,431.43 1,523.51
1927 56 1,000 201 132 4,638,127.18 1,594.00
1928 56 1,057 215 141 4,716,601.54 1,700.68
1929 58 1,114 215 141 4,939,917.08 1,746.29
1930 67 1,145 219 146 4,715,709.89 1,814.73
1931 68 1,090 237 152 4,002,774.54 1,885.80
1932 68 1,075 246 157 3,499,304.93 1,951.87
1933 69 1,060 249 161 3,387,682.66 2,004.87
1934 69 1,090 250 169 3,416,345.80 2,087.50
1935 69 1,090 256 171 3,546,804.60 2,146.76
1936 73 1,154 282 194 3,622,299.38 2,283.29
1937 75 1,271 310 194 4,066,181.07 2,397.95
1938 79 1,221 316 195 4,190,330.13 2,485.89
1939 79 1,324 321 199 4,532,743.77 2,570.15
1940 83 1,255 329 202 4,324,906.93 2,655.21

Publishing Treatment Advanced Food Corn- Grand
Year Houses Sanitariums Rooms Schools panics, etc Total
1920 4.6 33 8 81 183
1925 53 34 31 148 266
1926 56 31 31 121 16 255
1927 56 32 39 144 20 291
1928 56 30 51 175 16 328
1929 58 44 51 204 18 375
1930 67 51 55 201 25 399
1931 68 58 54 196 41 417
1932 68 58 50 204 44 424
1933 69 66 57 207 42 *441
1934 69 69 62 214 29 443
1935 69 72 64 208 33 446
1936 73 95 68 221 32 489
1937 75 89 64 243 27 498
1938 79 85 74 255 30 523
1939 79 86 72 252 29 518
1940 83 90 68 251 29 521
*Beginning with 1933 a varying number of self-supporting schools and medical
institutions have been included.


No. of Sanitariums
Year and Treatment Rooms No. of Physicians Total Employees Assets
1866 1 2 14 $ 24,800.60
1870 1 6 35 44,221.54
1875 1 7 125 70,189.22
1880 2 10 165 190,956.74
1885 2 13 225 310,808.81
1890 3 15 315 548,923.45
1895 7 33 477 800,786.99
1900 27 74 1,216 1,294,474.73
1905 55 80 1,300 1,600,000.00
1910 74 116 1,989 3,368,041.46
1915* 40 65 1,663 2,774,058.94
1920 41 80 2,225 4,309,701.10
1921 44 82 2,331 4,580,093.90
1922 50 83 2,428 5,361,230.10
1923 51 117 2,953 6,386,311.32
1924 63 138 3,091 6,634,477.72
1925 65 127 3,281 6,599,665.15
1926 62 130 3,302 7,088,086.56
1927 71 155 3,434 7,318,624.16
1928 81 139 3,454 7,345,047.23
1929 96 143 3,965 7,525,972.48
1930 106 146 3,867 7,999,591.83
1931 112 151 3,683 8,267,221.92
1932 108 138 3,371 8,229,915.09
1933* 123 165 3,656 8,459,711.05
1934 131 178 4,341 8,903,507.13
1935 138 193 4,565 9,192,943.67
1936 163 232 5,157 9,992,574.27
1937 153 242 5,544 9,574,428.86
1938 159 254 5,550 9,538,708.48
1939 158 220 5,738 9,585,186.19
1940 158 251 6,184
* Between 1912 and 1933 self-supporting sanitariums and treatment rooms were
not included in the General Conference statistics. Hence the smaller number of
institutions, physicians and total workers between these dates. The assets through-
out are for denominationally-owned institutions only.


Foreign All Per Cap.
Year Membership Annual Tithe Miss. OtIgs. Other Eds. Tot. Fds.
1863 3,500 $ 8,000.00
$ $ $ 2.29
1865 4,000 12,000.00 3.00
1870 5,440 21,822.96 4.66
1875 8,022 32,618.62 536.57 4.13
1880 15,570 61,856.88 3,160.22 2,784.35 4.35
1885 20,547 122,641.69 21,649.85 6,898.74 7.36
1890 29,711 225,433.98 50,495.63 10,935.36 9.66
1895 47,680 309,142.76 73,331.54 24,819.40 8.55
1900 66,547 510,258.97 130,151.09 21,558.93 8.79
1905 77,443 858,014.91 169,335.11 153,567.62 13.52
1910 90,808 1,338,689.65 458,943.70 426,134.17 21.27
1915 136,879 1,968,168:26 872,666.84 566,463.07 24.89
1918 162,667 3,841,317.96 2,072,917.21 981,484.65 42.39
1919 178,239 4,989,305.28 2,091,278.38 1,496,467.20 48.12
1920 185,450 7,195,463.04 3,251,550.01 1,407,391.18 63.92
1921 198,088 4,237,745.31 2,781,728.23 1,488,682.65 42.95
1922 208,771 4,230,230.04 2,765,461.51 1,325,170.29 39.86
1923 221,874 4,814,554.87 3,004,641.73 1,337,585.35 41.45
1924 238,657 5,466,431.17 3,344,723.07 1,530,407.03 43.33
1925 250,988 5,909,496.99 3,520,347.95 1,665,502.37 44.21
1926 261,834 5,964,331.83 3,757,579.06 1,730,206.30 43.74
1927 274,064 6,211,759.20 3,770,888.29 1,962,167.53 43.58
1928 285,293 6,373,147.36 3,881,879.95 2,016,726.29 43.01
1929 299,555 6,696,038.51 4,163,357.98 1,961,795.75 42.80
1930 314,253 6,230,362.04 4,020,398.21 1,861,849.29 38.54
1931 336,046 5,641,514.44 3,649,455.31 1,743,192.47 32.84
1932 362,101 4,736,430.93 3,022,870.89 1,497,735.61 25.56
1933 384,151 4,491,730.36 2,730,641.22 1,420,280.85 22.50
1934 404,509 5,318,630.57 3,024,983.07 1,549,601.03 24.46
1935 422,968 5,743,281.80 3,150,404.29 1,599,448.13 24.81
1936 438,139 6,429,793.46 3,394,894.00 1,785,291.99 26.49
1937 452,758 7,032,921.31 3,603,504.70 1,976,753.61 27.86
1938 469,951 7,356,544.01 3,692,266.87 2,093,111.06 27.96
1939 486,670 7 631 829' 39 3,701,109.16 2,167,034.55 27.74
1940 504,752 8,0
' .-r 1,653.75
' 3,827,536.59 2,327,139.24 28.18
Totals-78 years $163,284,133.23. $85,871,411.29 $44,666,495.57
Per Cent of Total 55.57 29.23 15.20


The amounts following have been taken from the annual receipt and dis-
bursement statements of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists for
the several years. Prior to 1905 these reports were made up on a somewhat differ-
ent plan than since that date, and are not easily comparable. The amounts here
given represent mission contributions and percentages of tithe receipts, and other
General Conference income from the entire world field; and General Conference
expenditures for foreign mission and home appropriations, and for the General
Conference headquarters administration.
Year Receipts Expenditures Year Receipts Expenditures
1905 172,948.17 143,796.86 1923 3,686,742.38 3,802,512.38
1906 212,296.85 163,755.56 1924 3,802,872.25 3,486,154.76
1907 232,956.47 253,445.74 1925 4,176,969.30 4,023,415.31
1908 270,405.96 272,873.08 1926 4,595,758.32 4,398,270.02
1909 377,972.79 357,532.56 1927 4,679,659.66 4,773,640.18
1910 374,639.37 410,611.48 1928 5,063,554.70 4,867,933.27
1911 427,861.98 404,922.53 1929 5,217,631.99 5,384,941.16
1912 653,458.28 495,361.92 1930 5,043,215.76 5,381,604.28
1913 586,977.11 550,375.90 1931 4,733,209.45 4,938,606.82
1914 643,556.03 632,130.16 1932 3,943,385.15 3,997,644.92
1915 734,276.89 734,276.89 1933 3,081,923.38 3,217,012.65
1916 808,062.44 859,586.38 1934 3,721,069.36 3,533,725.65
1917 1,221,878.86 1,045,920.32 1935 3,906,791.04 3,614,950.04
1918 2,123,371.06 1,751,892.64 1936 4,051,769.27 3,801,000.57
1919 2,404,263.32 1,906,283 90 1937 4,316,458.97 4,264,406.64
1920 3,371,331.62 3,109,073.95 1938 4,329,530.32 4,273,289.48
1921 4,065,871.44 3,836,136.83 1939 4,533,405.82 4,325,387.37
1922 3,313,246.35 3,675,419.04 1940 4,840,231.02 4,361,355.51


N. Europe t S. Africa S. America S. Asia S. Europe t European '"' Totals

$ 14,136.77
$12,942.18 627,724.23
$ 8,837.47 25,296.06 $ 88,788.97 762,064.33
8,936.45 27,920.36 $ 5,702.75 71,137.57 744,648.99
13,518.81 33,408.18 8,852.30 77,781.35 818,858.68
15,245.10 39,555.21 6,474.15 123,274.59 897,946.60
14,854.50 40,053.56 7,098.00 149,898.64 979,502.45
17,129.45 29,850.01 5,599.00 152,337.02 1,017,042.96
16,136.18 27,892.85 6,813.98 171,350.08 1,098,845.10
22,951.76 29,376.48 5,060.55 179,905.13 1,219,515.00
$ 92,489.65 27,186.15 34,168.76 5,246.05 $42,323.29 1,304,838.83
99,595.20 29,556.12 32,182.83 11,981.45 47,058.83 1,298,035.44
87,332.93 28,097.32 32,491.64 9,850.92 50,381.77 1,108,128.46
73,164.31 24,086.53 27,775.75 8,825.71 46,512.06" 913,009.47
97,870.05 27,205.26 25,182.17 10,103.06 45,595.45 925,428.50
102,623.93 31,289.87 27,796.29 14,611.71 44,569.37 1,028,349.86
107,567.94 35,403.84 30,996.63 15,770.56 43,490.15 1,123,276.19
111,346.95 42,181.06 31,976.34 18,695.78 40,141.63 1,225,136.66
119,939.25 51,521.35 33,213.29 17,427.69 50,999.18 1,288,616.79
121,836.02 50,535.44 33,803.32 17,161.59 50,819.55 1,327,291.32
113,008.51 57,040.20 31,091.68 14,079.02 31,494.15 1,301,080.15
73,630.33 59,130.72 29,991.29 19,231.05 29,973.01 1,308,749.44
$1,200,405.07 $580,843.58 $636,963.88 $208,585.32 $523,358.44 $1,014,473.35 $23,588,505.36
*** United European Division, 1921-1928, inclusive.
j European Division divided into Central, Northern, and Southern Divisions in 1929.


Also Countries in Which Representatives Are Locatedby Years

Printed Printed
and Oral Coun- and Oral Coun-
Year Languages tries * Year Languages tries *
1921 179 108 1931 455 141
1922 194 115 1932 485 275
1923 220 119 1933 504 295
1924 224 119 1934 539 325
1925 252 124 1935 578 353
1926 256 126 1936 649 378
1927 279 127 1937 714 385
1928 347 135 1938 766 387
1929 394 139 1939 820 404
1930 417 141 1940 824 412
* Since 1932 including islands or island groups.


Year Australasia C. Europe t China Far East Inter-Amer. N. America

1908 $ 14,136.77
1909 41,183.46
1910 41,643.92
1911 32,654.45
1912 50,164.45
1913 56,282.99
1914 57,598.73
1915 78,333.25
1916 125,953.10
1917 169,170.18
1918 $22,735.58 **199,920.49
1919 33,781.36 $ 5,864.71 340,992.47
1920 61,921.26 6,129.41 546,731.38
1921 93,290.40 18,232.66 527,618.77
1922 78,234.22 14,839.51 537,878.13
1923 73,722.80 16,087.21 $15,589.00 579,899.03
1924 79,136.36 22,441.69 22,090.17 589,729.33
1925 76,050.84 20,019.07 21,119.38 650,408.46
1926 71,270.94 23,298.40 21,242.48 696,315.66
1927 76,960.61 18,729.63 24,591.93 756,369.84
1928 73,050.75 55,445.18 26,464.19 827,261.96
1929 78,100.15 $87,031.61 57,024.93 29,851.69 861,416.55
1930 75,460.30 93,354.44 80,009.43 27,047.04 801,789.80
1931 62,161.33 98,634.35 $16,236.61 11,595.61 23,249.38 688,096.60
1932 63,793.55 85,556.95 17,889.45 17,154.08 19,540.39 528,710.69
1933 62,244.84 82,722.53 22,523.76 17,143.90 14,478.13 520,359.35
1934 60,622.89 52,250.94 17,768.01 18,912.15 18,494.59 639,410.11
1935 60,722.07 54,896.74 20,669.01 21,712.03 24,389.53 707,657.69
1936 65,144.78 67,637.39 18,403.45 25,309.02 26,480.93 787,819.33
1937 60,050.43 56,807.89 5,272.95 37,044.52 30,203.43 826,136.81
1938 64,461.97 49,286.24 9,199.85 45,541.69. 33,801.92 850,843.73
1939 63,773.07 7,583.77 24,813,90 43,025.35 33,317.38 881,853.12
1940 67,919.93 5,200.07 16,102.01 45,288.12 34,538.68 927,744.23
Totals $1,524,610.43 $730,962.92 $168,879.00 $620,848.30 $446,490.24 $15,932,084.83
* Prior to 1931 included in Far East.
** Hawaii included in 1918 and each succeeding year.
Netherlands only.


Mem- Sabbath Mem- Miss. Vol. Mem- and
Churches hers Schools hers Societies bers Welfare
Australasia 434 20,378 747 33,213 485 13,746 49
Central Europe Sec. I 1,141 42,387 1,139 42,384 307 3,408 747
Central Europe Sec. II 195 11,058 343 10,793 44 745 5
China 294 19,481 678 24,191 124 4,366 25
Far East 736 33,602 1,133 39,768 501 9,916 125
Inter-America 670 37,607 1,813 60,489 686 16,403 116
North America 2,624 185,788 3,152 181,248 2,106 43,464 1,558
Northern Europe 692 39,471 1,523 65,525 557 11,399 68
South America 256 32,964 1,463 39,278 646 11,793 82
Southern Africa 230 32,289 943 60,036 724 24,867 51
Southern Asia 141 7,042 400 12,930 68 2,132 21
Southern .Europe 758 26,172 833 32,652 294 6,259 343
Soviet Russia * 753 16,513 650 16,000 80 1,200
8,924 504,752 14,817 618,507 6,622 148,698 3,190
* Estimated.


Per Per
Year Amount Capita Year Amount Capita
1907 $ 7,281,645.29 $ 90.01 1924 44,971,881.12 188.44
1908 8,436,309.41 101.46 1925 45,648,299.24 181.87
1909 9,562,722.05 108.05 1926 48,025,317.33 183.42
1910 10,086,245.27 111.07 1927 49,293,887.27 179.86
1911 11,204,962.35 119.99 1928 50,281,614.54 176.24
1912 12,084,438.13 123.26 1929 53,314,348.60 177.98
1913 12,812,783.61 111.84 1930 54,115,482.55 172.20
1914 14,039,279.39 111.56 1931 54,114,844.52 161.03
1915 14,254,615.45 104.14 1932 53,235,460.37 147.02
1916 15,284,216.27 108.02 1933 53,979,143.72 140.52
1917 16,873,422.54 109.66 1934 56,045,968.38 138.55
1918 19,975,500.49 122.80 1935 57,745,120.18 136.52
1919 25,432,582.52 142.69 1936 60,026,066.23 137.00
1920 30,699,461.49 165.54 1937 64,271,475.01 141.96
1921 34,196,049.15 172.63 1938 60,348,878.04 128.42
1922 36,903,593.95 176.77 1939 62,128,579.07 127.66
1923 40,675,238.72 183.33 1940 64,704,751.82 128.19


Union Local Mission Total Denomi-

Year Conf erences Conferences Fields Institutions national Invest.
1866 7 1 1 $ 38,712.53
1875 13 2 5 282,179.55
1885 28 3 11 885,382.97
1895 1 36 22 29 2,868,725.82
1905 13 80 56 126 4,799,419.51
1910 23 106 87 188 10,086,245.27
1912 23 126 100 196 12,084,438.13
1913 25 126 101 151 12,812,783.61
1914 26 128 106 147 14,039,279.39
1915 26 130 109 147 14,254,615.45
1916 26 130 113 149 15,284,215.27
1917 31 135 119 156 16,873,422.54
1918 35 141 117 164 19,975,500.49
1919 44 133 141 172 25,432,582.52
1920 46 148 153 183 30,699,461.49
1921 51' 139 160 204 34,196,049.15
1922 55 143 153 224 36,903,593.95
1923 54 146 150 234 40,675,238.72
1924 52 138 164 248 44,971,881.12
1925 60 139 180 266 45,648,299.24
1926 65 143 198 255 48,025,317.33
1927 64 146 211 291 49,293,887.27
1928 65 153 222 328 50,281,614.54
1929 67 155 245 375 53,314,348.60
1930 71 160 270 399 54,115,482.55
1931 71 155 278 417 54,114,844.52
1932 70 144 289 424 53,235,460.37
1933 70 146 309 441 53,979,143.72
1934 70 144 318 443 56,045,968.38
1935 69 146 320 446 57,745,120.18
1936 70 143 328 489 60,026,066.23
1937 69 145 333 498 64,271,475.01
1938 69 136 315 523 60,348,878.04
1939 69 133 306 518 62,128,579.07
1940 69 136 194. 521 64,704,751.82
. Including only regularly organized mission fields.


Name Date of Service
1. John Byington May 21, 1863, to May 17, 1865
2. James White May 17, 1865, to May 14, 1867
3. J. N. Andrews May 14, 1867, to May 12, 1868
4. James White May 12, 1868, to Dec. 29, 1871
5. George I. Butler Dec. 29, 1871, to Aug. 10, 1874
6. James White Aug. 10, 1874, to Oct. 6, 1880
7. George I. Butler Oct. 6, 1880, to Oct. 17, 1888
8. 0. A. Olsen Oct. 17, 1888, to Feb. 19, 1897
9. G. A. Irwin Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
10. A. G. Daniells April 2, 1901, to May 11, 1922
11. W. A. Spicer May 11, 1922, to May 28, 1930
12. C. H. Watson May 28, 1930, to May 26, 1936
13. J. L. McElhany May 26, 1936, to


Name Date of Service
1. Uriah Smith May 21, 1863, to May 12, 1868
2. M. S. Burnham May 12, 1868, to May 18, 1869
3. Uriah Smith May 18, 1869, to Nov. 14, 1873
4. S. Brownsberger Nov. 14, 1873, to Aug. 10, 1874
5. Uriah Smith Aug. 10, 1874, to Sept. 19, 1876
6. C. W. Stone Sept. 19, 1876, to Sept. 20, 1877
7. Uriah Smith Sept. 20, 1877, to Dec. 1, 1881
8. A. B. Oyen Dec. 1, 1881, to Nov. 8, 1883
9. Uriah Smith Nov. 8, 1883, to Oct. 17, 1888
10. Dan T. Jones Oct. 17, 1888, to Mar. 5, 1891
11. W. A. Colcord Mar. 5, 1891, to Mar. 6, 1893
12. L. T. Nicola Mar. 7, 1893, to Feb. 19, 1897
13. L. A. Hoopes Feb. 19, 1897, to April 2, 1901
14. H. E. Osborne April 2, 1901, to April 11, 1903
15. W. A. Spicer April 11, 1903, to May 11, 1922
16. A. G. Daniells May 11, 1922, to May 27, 1926
17. C. K. Meyers May 27, 1926, to Oct. 17, 1933
IS. M. E. Kern Oct. 22, 1933, to May 26, 1936
19. E. D. Dick May 26, 1936, to
In the two preceeding tables the dates given indicate the time when the Confer-
ence sessions were convened.


Organization North America Foreign Tot al
From 1940 Financial Statement:
Conferences $5,884,712.44 $ 5,398,793.62 $11,283,506.06
Associations 5,009,975.91 10,679,043.67 15,689,019.48
Book and Bible Houses 343,036.15 224,447.07 567,483.22
Schools 8,096,172.86 2,393,300.39 10,489,473.25
Publishing Houses 1,945,903.90 1,764,808.40 3,710,712.30
Sanitariums 7,158,641.73 2,528,815.76 9,687,457.49
Food Companies 291,074.05 312,689.17 603,763.22
Totals $28,729,517.04 $23,301,897.98 $52,031,415.02
From 1940 Statistical Report:
Church Buildings 8,216,121.93 3,067,176.28 11,283,298.21
Church School Buildings 1,118,098.06 271,940.53 1,390,038.59
Totals 9,334,219.99 3,339,116.81 12,673,336.80
Grand Totals, 1940 $38,063,737.03 $26,641,014.79 $64,704,751.82
Per Cent 58.83 41.17 100.00

Session Delegates Date of Convening Place of Holding

1 20 May 20, 1863 Battle Creek, Mich.
2 20 May 18, 1864 Battle Creek, Mich.
3 21 May 17, 1865 Battle Creek, Mich.
4 19 May 16, 1866 Battle Creek, Mich.
5 18 May 14, 1867 Battle Creek, Mich.
6 15 May 12, 1868 Battle Creek, Mich.
7 16 May 18, 1869 Battle Creek, Mich.
8 22 March 15, 1870 Battle Creek, Mich.
9 17 February 7, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
10 14 December 29, 1871 Battle Creek, Mich.
11 18 March 11, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
12 21 November 14, 1873 Battle Creek, Mich.
13 19 August 10, 1874 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
14 18 August 15, 1875 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
1st Special 15 March 31, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
15 16 September 19, 1876 in camp, Lansing, Mich.
2d Special 16 November 12, 13, 1876 Battle Creek, Mich.
16 20 September 20, 1877 In camp, Lansing, Mich.
3d Special 22 March 1, 1878 Battle Creek, Mich.
17 39 October 4, 1878 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
4th Special 29 April 17-21, 1879 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
18 39 November 7, 1879 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
5th Special 28 March 11-15, 1880 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
19 38 October 6, 1880 In camp, Battle Creek, Mich.
20 41 December 1, 1881 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
21 47 December 7, 1882 S. D. A. Church; Rome, N. Y.
22 65 November 8, 1883 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
23 67 October 30, 1884 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
24 70 November 18, 1885 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
25 71 November 18, 1886 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
26 70 November 13, 1887 S. D. A. Church, Oakland, Calif.
27 91 Oct. 17 to Nov. 4, 1888 S. D. A. Ch., Minneapolis, Minn.
28 109 Oct. 18 to Nov. 5, 1889 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.

(At the 28th session it was voted to hold biennial sessions.)

29 125 March 5-25, 1891 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.

30 130 Feb. 17 to Mar. 6, 1893 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
31 150 Feb. 15 to Mar. 4, 1895 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
32 140 Feb. 19 to Mar. 8, 1897 S. D. A. Ch., College View, Nebr.
33 149 Feb. 15 to Mar. 7, 1899 S. D. A. Ch., So. Lancaster, Mass.
34 237 April 2-23, 1901 Tabernacle, Battle Creek, Mich.
35 139 Mar. 27 to Apr. 13, 1903 S. D. A. Church, Oakland, Calif.
36 197 May, 11-30, 1905 Washington, D. C.

(At the 36th session it was voted to hold quadrennial sessions.)

37 328 May 13 to June 6, 1909 Washington, D. C.

38 372 May 15 to June 8, 1913 Washington, D. C.
39 451 Mar. 29 to Apr. 14, 1918 San Francisco, Calif.
40 581 May 11 to May 28, 1922 San Francisco, Calif.
41 577 May 27 to June 14, 1926 Milwaukee, Wis.
42 577 May 29 to June 12, 1930 San Francisco, Calif.
43 671 May 26 to June 8, 1936 San Francisco, Calif.
44 619 May 26 to June 7, 1941 San Francisco, Calif.

Christchurch, New Zealand.-698 Colombo St.

Dunedin, New Zealand.-8 George St.
Hobart, Tasmania.-43 Elizabeth St.
Melbourne, Victoria.-293 Little Collins St.
Perth, West Australia.-757 Hay St.
Sydney, N. S. W.-13 Hunter St.
Wellington, New Zealand.-83 Willis St.
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium Food Company.Boulder, Colorado. Established 1895.
Board of Trustees: R. J. Brown, G. F. Eichman, 0. T. Garner, S. J. Lashier,
A. L. Moon, J. F. Piper, C. C. Prince, J. H. Roth, J. W. Turner. Denver
Branch: 433 Fourteenth St., Denver, Colo.
Buenos Aires Food Company (Alimentos Granix, Sociedad Anonima).Avenida San
Martin 4625, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, Argentina. Established 1938.
Board of Trustees: W. E. Murray, President; J. Wagner, Vice-President; Carl
Becker, P. M. Brouchy, W. A. Ernenputsch, J. B. Johnson, E. R. Maas, G. E.
Norris, L. A. Rojas, Walter Schubert, T. W. Steen, Niels Wensell, C. E.
Westphal. Board of Managers: W. A. Ernenputsch, J. B. Johnson, W. E.
Murray, Ner Soto G., Walter Schubert, J. Wagner; G. E. Norris, Manager.
Copenhagen Food Factory.Baldersgade 14, Copenhagen, N., Denmark. Business
Manager, H. Westerlund.

Food Factory "Pur Aliment."Rue du Mont-Cenis 128, Paris 18, France. Business
Manager, Oscar Ganty.
German Health Food Factory.Hamburg 26, Campestr. 18, De-Vau-Ge Gesundkost-
werk Vollmer & Liihr KG [formerly: Deutscher Verein fur Gesundheitspflege
Hamburg (e.V.)]. Board: A. Vollmer, President; A. Minck, Vice-President;
W. Liihr, Manager ; H. Niemann, Treasurer ; 0. Schildhauer. Other members:
H. Box, 0. Brozio, M. Budnick, M. Busch, H. Fenner, E. Gugel, W. Hans,
W. Michael, W. Mueller, G. Seng, M. Voigt. Local Committee: M. Liihr,
W. Liihr, H. Niemann, C. Thalmann.

Granose Foods, Ltd. (British Health Food Factory).Stanborough Park, Watford,

Herts., England. Established 1899. Board of Directors: H. W. Lowe, J. Rigby,
R. S. Joyce, W. L. Emmerson, G. D. King. Officers: H. W. Lowe, Chairman ;
J. Rigby, Manager and Secretary ; H. Benwell, Sales Manager ; A. W. Leth-
bridge, Treasurer.
Gland Hygienic Food Factory (Fabrique de Produits Alimentaires Hygieniques
"Phag").Gland, Switzerland. Established 1896. Corporate name: Societe
Philanthropique de la Ligniere. Board of Directors: F. Brennwald, Robert
Gerber, A. V. Olson, A. Meyer, H. Schild, H. Muller, O. Fasnacht, W. R. Beach,
F. Charpiot, J. Fehr, 0 Meyer, L. Monnier, A. Schluchter, J. Robert. Local
Board: 0. Fasnacht, Manager; R. Schild, Robert Gerber, H. Muller, R. Grin.

Loma Linda Food Co.Arlington, Calif. Incorporated 1935. Board of Directors:

C. L. Bauer, L. E. Biggs, G. T. Chapman, E. E. Cossentine, L. K. Dickson,
E. F. Hackman, 0. A. Hudson, E. H. Risley, L. V. Roberson, A. A. Sprengel,
W. G. Turner, David Voth. Officers: L. K. Dickson, President; C. L. Bauer,
Vice-President; G. T. Chapman, Secretary; L. V. Roberson, Treasurer.

Sanitarium Health Food Company.Head Office, "Mizpah," Fox Valley Road,

Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia. General Secretary, C. F. L. Ulrich ; Assistant
Secretaries, B. 0. Johanson, A. W. Dawson ; District Secretaries, C. W. Tin-
worth, T. J. Dowling,W. Kilroy.


Adelaide, South Australia.-151 Gouger St. G. R. Hopkins, Manager.
Brisbane, Queensland.-57 James St., The Valley. A. Carton, Manager.
Melbourne, Victoria.-118 Union St., Windsor. L. Unwin, Manager.
Newcastle, N. S. W. -Tudor St. (Hamilton). R. J. Riley, Manager.
Papanui, New Zealand.P. 0. Box 11. L. A. Piper, Manager.
Perth, West Australia.-240 Lake St. T. J. Dowling, Manager.
Sydney, N. S. W.- -Brown St. (Lewisham). C. J. Howell, Manager.


Auckland, New Zealand.-174 Queen St. G. C. Lane, Manager.

Brisbane, Queensland.-138 Adelaide St. R. W. Westerman, Manager.

Nyhyttans Sanitarium.J5.rnboas, Sweden. Established as summer sanitarium

1905 in connection with the missionary school. Reorganized at the time of the
removal of the school 1933. Manager, A. Axelsson.
Ohndaw Dispensary.Ohndaw, Shwegon P. 0., Thaton District, Burma. In charge
of Ma Shwe.
Oslo Health Home.Akersgat. 74, Oslo, Norway. Corporate name, "Kurbadet."
Established 1900. Director, Bj. Rost; Chairman, T. S. Balen.
Palaniappapuram Dispensary.Palaniappapuram, Tinnevelly District, South India.
In charge of K. C. David.
Penang Mission Clinic.-422 Chulia Street, Penang, Straits Settlements. In charge
of G. H. Hebard.
Philippine Union College Dispensary.P. 0. Box 1772, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Nurse in charge, Miss M. A. Perez.
Phnom Penh Maternity Home and Clinic.Villa Nanou, Rue Verdun, Phnom
Penh, Cambodia, Indo-China. Mrs. R. Bentz, Nurse in charge.
Polyclinic of the Advent Mission.Tanah Tinggi 16, Batavia Centrum, Java,
Netherlands East Indies. In charge of Mrs. A. H. Horn.
Prakasapuram Dispensary.Prakasapuram, Mukupeeri Post, Tinnevelly District,
South India. In charge of Dr. Benjamin.
Rabat Dispensary.-9 Avenue Dar-el-Maghzen, Rabat, Morocco.
Rusangu Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Mission Siding, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
In charge of I. B. Burton.
Rwankeri Mission Dispensary.Rwankeri, P. 0. Kigali, Ruanda, Central Africa.
In charge of Miss L. Delhove.
Sao Paulo Clinic (Casa de Saude Liberdade).Established 1939. Rua Tamandare
495, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Board of Managers: Executive committee, Sao Paulo
Conference ; C. C. Schneider, Physician ; Miss Freda Trefz, Nurse.
Shensi Mission Dispensary.Outside West Gate, Sianfu, Shensi, China.
Shiloh Dispensary.P. 0. Lunsklip, via Potgietersrust, Northern Transvaal, South
Shwengaungbin Dispensary.Shwengaungbin, Burma. Operated by Mrs. Baird.
Sining Dispensary.Sining, Chinghai, China.
Solusi Mission Dispensary.Bulawayo, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. In charge of
F. B. Jewell, and Mrs. R. L. Garber.

Spicer College Dispensary.Bangalore Heights, South India.

Stockholm Hydro-Electric Institute.Humlegardsgatan 18, Stockholm, Sweden.

Manager, P. Lindberg.

Sydney Sanitarium Treatment Rooms.-13 Hunter St., Sydney, N. S. W., Aus-

Thekerani Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Thekerani, Nyasaland, Africa. In charge of
Mrs. B. Ellingworth, assisted by one native orderly.
Tunis Dispensary.-2, rue de l'Eglise, Tunis, Tunisia, North Africa.
Veracruz Dispensary.Dias Aragon 51, Veracruz, Ver., Mexico. Management:
Tehuantepec Mission Committee. In charge, Natividad Zarate.
"Vie et Sante" (Life and Health) Institute.Part d'Hydra, Birmandreis, Algiers,
Algeria, North Africa.
Votaw Welfare Center.Salisbury Park, Poona, India.
Washington Mission Hospital Dispensary.-1262 Sixth St., S. W., Washington,
D. C., U. S. A. Director and Manager, H. G. Hadley ; Advisory Board : H. H.
Cobban, Claude Conard, M. A. Hollister.

Hapur Dispensary.Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Hapur, Meerut District, India.

In charge of Mrs. R. P. Morris.
Helsingfors Hydro-Electric Institute.Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland. Corpo-
rate name: Helsingfors Fysikaliska Institut. V. Sucksdorff, Manager.
Htugyi Dispensary.--Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Htugyi, Burma.
Inyazura Mission Dispensary.Inyazura, Southern Rhodesia, Africa. In charge
of Mrs. C. Robinson.
Jerusalem Institute for Massage, Hydrotherapy, and Electrotherapy.Box 592,
Jerusalem, Palestine. Nurses: Bror Faernstroem, Valborg Larsson.
Kanarese Mission Dispensary.Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore Distict, South India.
Established 1924.
Katima Mulilo Mission Dispensary.--P. 0. Sesheke, Northern Rhodesia. In charge
of Mrs. W. P. Owen.
Kirundu Mission Dispensary.Kirundu, via Kindu, Province Orientals, Congo
Beige, Central Africa. In charge of Mrs. D. E. Delhove.
Kolo Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Mohlalefi, Via Morija, Basutoland, South Africa.
In charge of II. J. Hurlow.
Kottarakara Dispensary.Kottarakara, Travancore, South India. In charge of
Mrs. L. J. Larson.
Libertad Dispensary.--Lista de Correos, Comalcalco, Tabasco, Mexico. In charge
of J. T. Perez.
Little Eden Hospital-Dispensary.Shek Lo Tau St., Fatshan, Kwang-tung, China.
In charge of P. H. Leung, with four native assistants. Board of Directors:
Cantonese Mission Committee.
Liumba Hill Dispensary.P. 0. Kalabo, Barotseland, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
In charge of Mrs. C. E. Wheeler.
Lucusse Mission Dispensary.Caixa Postale, No. 34, Missao de Lucusse, Vila Luzo,
Angola, Portuguese West Africa. In charge of Mrs. A. J. Rodriques.
Luwazi Mission Dispensary.---P. 0. Nkata Bay, Nyasaland, Africa. In charge of
Mrs. W. L. Davy, assisted by two native orderlies.
Luz Mission Dispensary.Caixa Postale No. 33, Missao de Luz, Vila Luzo, Angola,
Portuguese West Africa. In charge of J. Falcao.
Maroua Dispensary.Mission Adventiste, Maroua, Cameroon, French Equatorial
Matandani Mission Dispensary.Blantyre, Nyasaland, Africa. In charge of Mrs.
M. M. Webster, assisted by native orderly.
Meiktila Dispensary.Meiktila, Burma.
Munguluni Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Munhemade, Distrito de Quilemane, Portu-
guese East Africa. In charge of Mrs. E. P. Mansell.
Musofu Mission Dispensary.Private Bag Ndola, Northern Rhodesia, Africa.
In charge of Mrs. B. Searle .
Myaungmya Dispensary.Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Mosokwin Road, Myaung-
mya, Burma. Established 1928. In charge of Ma Aye Byu.
Nanga-Eboko Dispensary.Mission Adventiste, Nanga-Eboko, Cameroon, French
Equatorial Africa.
Narsapur Dispensary (Telugu Mission).Narsapur, W. Godavary District, South
India. Established 1925. In charge of L. B. Devasikhamoney.
Ndoumbi Dispensary.Mission Adventiste, Ndoumbi, Cameroon, French Equatorial
Ninghsia DispensaryNinghsia, Ninghsia, China.
Nova Lisboa Dispensary.--Caixa Postal No. 3, Nova Lisboa, Angola, Portuguese
West Africa. In charge of Mrs. P. Stevenson and one native assistant.
Adayal Mudalur Dispensary.Adayal Mudalur, Tinnevelly District, South India.
In 'charge of J. Japheth.
Adventist Eye Clinic.Tabriz, Iran. Director, H. E. Hargreaves.
Agua Escondida Dispensary.Villa Allende, Chiapas, Mexico. In charge, Celestino
Batouri Dispensary.Mission Adventiste, Batouri, Cameroon, French Equatorial
Benito Juarez Dispensary.Calle 9 Poiente 1702, Puebla, Pue., Mexico. In charge
of Vicente Rodriguez. Management. Tehuantepec Mission Committee.
Blind People's Home and Dispensary.Sipogoe, Post Sipirok, Tapanuli, Sumatra,
Netherlands East Indies. In charge of Pastor and Mrs. G. A. Wood.
Brightlands Nursing Horne (Upper Burma).Maymyo, Burma. Board of Manage-
ment: E. M. Meleen, Pein Gyi, 0. A. Skau, F. A. Wyman, Mrs. J. W. Baldwin.
Mrs. J. W. Baldwin in charge of the Nursing Home.
Bukit Nyala Mission Dispensary.Bukit Nyala, Tatau River, via Bintulu, Sarawak,
Borneo. E. Sinaga, in charge.
Cancele Mission Dispensary.Cancele Mission, P. 0. Cancele, via Mount Frere,
East Griqualand, South Africa.
Cebu Public Health Dispensary.P. 0. Box 119, Cebu City, Philippine Islands.
Nurse in charge, Miss L. Garcesa.
Ceram Dispensary.Roemahkay, via Ambon, Moluccas, Netherlands East Indies.
Charlottenbad.Charlottenstr. 24, Hamburg 19, Germany. Held by Vollmer &
Esser, Hamburg. Manager, J. Esser.
Children's Home and Dispensary.Gadobangkong, near Tjimahi, Netherlands East
Indies. In charge of Mrs. L. M. D. Wortman.
Chimpempe Mission Dispensary.P. 0. Kawambwa, Northeast Rhodesia, Africa.
In charge of Mrs. R. P. Robinson.
Chiu Chuen Dispensary.Chiu Chuen, Kansu, China.
Choni Dispensary.Choni, Kansu, China.
Chuharkana Dispensary.Chuharkana Mandi, Punjab, India. Operated by Mies
Z. Miller. Vernacular Assistants: 2.
Clinics Adventista de Monterrey.Calle Vallarta Sur 644, Monterrey, N. L., Mexico.
Telephone, 56-57. Medical Superintendent, Raymundo Garza. Managing Com-
mittee: Executive committee of the Mexican Union Mission.
Clinica Adventista de Saltillo.Calle Hidalgo Sur 114, Saltillo, Coah., Mexico.
Lorenzo Molkau and Elizabeth Perez. Management: Gulf Mission Committee.
Clinica Tacubaya.Calle Agricultura 73, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Superintendent,
Alfonso Baez. Management: Central Mission Committee.
Copenhagen Clinic, Fysisk Kuranstalt.St. Kongensgade 36/38, Copenhagen K.,
Denmark. Directed by the Skodsborg Sanitarium.
Cuale Mission Dispensary.Duque de Braganca, Malange, Angola, Portuguese West
Africa. In charge of Teacher Colino.
Dispensary No. 1 de Chiapas.Morelos 57, Huamanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico. In
charge of J. R. Alejandro.
Miring Moi Dispensary.Djiring, Annam, Indo China. Mr. Sodeme in charge.
East Thailand (Siam) Dispensary.--Kulu, Ubol, Thailand (Siam). Established 1935.
In charge of Boon Mee Suvanakut.
Gitwe Mission Dispensary.Gitwe, P. 0. Usumbura, Central Africa. Mrs. M.
Dupluoy in charge.


35 Hwang Pei Road, Hankow, China Lowanho, Yencheng, Honan
Main Institution: East Lake, Wuchang, Incorporated as the Central China
Hupeh. Union Sanitarium-Hospital
May, 1931
City Medical Office: 35 Hwang Pei Board of Directors: Central China Un-
Road, Hankow. ion Committee.
Board: G. J. Appel, Chairman Du Shu- Administration:
ren, J. H. Effenberg, J. E. Frick, Medical Director,
Stanley Ho, E. H. James, S. Y. Leng, Assistant Medical Director, Tsao Sen-
I. V. Stonebrook, A. F. Tai, G. L. Yuen.
Wilkinson. Treasurer, 0. G. Erich.
Chaplain and Preceptor, Mao Rung-
Administration: Hsing.
Medical Superintendent, Superintendent of Nurses,
Treasurer, A. F. Tai. Preceptress and Laboratory Techni-
Chaplain, Y. C. Lo. cian, Ma Hwa-Yin.
Steward, I. B. Chao. Ladies' Head Nurse, Mrs. Liu Hsuch-
Preceptress and Matron, Miss Yen Min.
Shu-bin. Men's Head Nurse, Wang Hsioh-Wen.
Pharmacist and Laboratory Techni- Surgery Supervisor, Mrs. Yu Ging-
cian, Stanley Ho. Fan.

WALLA WALLA SANITARIUM ing ; Mrs. Berenice Loasby, Assist-

AND HOSPITAL ant Director of School of Nursing
Mrs. Doris Clapp, Acting Supervisor
Walla Walla, Washington of Instruction ; Marjorie Vaughn,
Established 1905 Night Supervisor; J. H. Nies, Busi-
ness Manager ; Emma Hughes, School
Legal Name: Upper Columbia Medical Physician ; E. H. Emmerson, Bible
Missionary and Benevolent Associa- Instructor; Mrs. Waive Green, Super-
tion. visor of Nurses' Residence.
Board of Directors: L. E. Esteb, Chair-
man ; Werber Johnson, Secretary ;
W. A. Gosmer, Clyde Harris, C. D.
Hobbs, A. P. McDow, F. W. Peterson.
Manager, Werber Johnson. Corner Boyle and Michigan Ayes.,
Superintendent of Nurses, Isabelle Los Angeles, California
Established 1918
Medical Staff: Three' Seventh-day Ad-
ventist doctors and 22 other doctors Board of Trustees: Frederick Griggs,
in Walla Walla constitute the Medical Chairman; C. L. Bauer, L. E. Biggs,
staff. A. D. Butterfield, W. C. Clough, G. H.
Curtis, L. K. Dickson, Newton Evans,
H. A. Hall, 0. A. Hudson, G. S.
Luther, W. E. Macpherson, P. T.
WARBURTON SANITARIUM Magan, J. L. McElhany, F. B. Moor,
W. E. Nelson, E. L. Neff, J. J. Neth-
Warburton, Victoria, Australia ery, Tesla Nicola, J. F. Piper, 0. B.
Pratt, E. H. Risley, G. A. Roberts,
Established 1910 Alfred Shryock, George Thomason,
Board: A. H. Battye, E. Miller, J. F. A. W. Truman, W. G. Turner, David
Newman, J. Pascoe, J. J. Potter, Voth, H. M. Walton, T. I. Zirkle.
T. A. Sherwin, C. H. Watson.
Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs,
Medical Superintendent: T. A. Sherwin. President; L. K. Dickson, First Vice-
President; P. T. Magan, Second Vice-
President ; 0. A. Hudson, Comptrol-
ler and Treasurer; G. S. Luther, Sec-
WASHINGTON SANITARIUM retary; G. H. Curtis, Assistant Secre-
tary; S. S. Merrill, Assistant Treas-
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. urer.
Dedicated June 12, 1907
Administration :
Corporate Name: "Washington (D. C.) Medical Director, 0. B. Pratt.
Sanitarium Association." Business Manager, G. H. Curtis.
Chaplain, W. G. Wirth.
Board of Directors: W. E. Nelson, Director of Nurses, Martha Borg.
Chairman; F. M. Wilcox, Vice-Chair-
man ; J. H. Nies, Secretary ; H. J. Staff Physicians: Medical Staff of the
Detwiler, H. T. Elliott, I. H. Evans, White Memorial Hospital is composed
R. A. Hare, J. L. McElhany, J. W. of the physician members of the fac-
MacNeil, B. G. Wilkinson. ulty of the clinical division of the
Administration: College of Medical Evangelists. (For
list of names see College of Medical
Medical Director, R. A. Hare. Evangelists.)
Business Manager and Treasurer,
J. H. Nies. School of Nursing Administration: 0. B.
Credit Manager, P. L. Baker. Pratt, Medical Director ; Martha
Chaplain, E. H. Emmerson. Borg, Director of School of Nursing ;
Director of Nurses, Metta Hudson. Ellen Vogel, Assistant Director
Staff Physicians: H. S. Brown, A. E. of Nursing; Mary Kisz, Supervisor
Coyne, G. M. Gibbs, R. A. Hare, of Instruction ; Bessie Falconer, As-
Emma Hughes, J. N. Kimble, R. L. sistant Director of Nursing Service :
Runk, P. V. Starr, A. E. Gesehke. Inez Smith, Night Supervisor ; G. H.
Curtis, Business Manager; Monroe
School of Nursing Administration: Lay, School Physician ; Myrna Lee,
R. A. Hare, Medical Director; Metta Bible Instructor ; Mrs. Hazel Triehle,
Hudson, Director of 'School of Nurs- Supervisor of Nurses' Residence.


(Skodsborg Badesanatorium) Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Surat,
Skodsborg, Denmark Bombay Presidency, India
Established 1897 Superintendent: G. A. Nelson.
Administration: Staff: Miss K. 0. Annamma, J. Deva-
Director and Business Manager, C. dason, K. K. George, Gladys Hurd,
Hansen. D. M. Khajekar, P. C. Kondamma,
Treasurer, B. Albertsen. C. K. Matthew, Z. Pranji, C. K.
Rathod, D. Ressellamma, D. Solanky,
Staff Physicians: A. Andersen, Eskild Ethial Solanky, V. Y. Wiswas.
Hansen, C. Lassen, Erling Tobiassen.


LEPER COLONY Wahroonga, New South Wales,
B. P. Kamina, Belgian Congo, Australia
Central Africa
Established 1902
Director: 0. Rouhe.
Board: G. E. Adair, R. H. Adair, G. S.
Nurse: Miss M. Haseneder. Fisher, C. W. Harrison, G. H. A. Mc-
Laren, W. L. Pascoe, E. B. Rudge,
A. K. Tulloch, C. H. Watson.
SOONAN DISPENSARY-HOSPITAL Faculty: Manager, G. S. Fisher; Matron,
Miss M. Burnside; G. E. Adair, R. G.
Junan (Soonan), Chosen L. Cooper, F. R. Dawson, C. W. Har-
Established 1908 rison, A. W. Knight, G. H. A. Mc-
Board of Directors: The West Chosen Laren, E. S. Richards, J. L. Simpson,
Mission Committee. A. K. Tulloch, Miss L. Vetter.

Board of Managers: K. Shirakawa,

Chairman ; T. Fukuyama, Secretary ;
J. Kiyokawa, N. Nobuyasu, S. H. TIBETAN MISSION HOSPITAL
Youn, Z. Takazima.
Administration: Kanting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China
Medical Director, J. Kiyokawa. Medical Superintendent: Martin Vinkel.
Treasurer, Z. Takazima.
Superintendent of Nurses, S. H. Youn.
(The Stanboroughs) Piikkid, Finland
Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts., Medical Superintendent:
England Business Director: A. Rintala.
Established 1912
(Temporarily taken over by the Gov-
ernment for National Service.)
Board of Directors: H. W. Lowe, Chair- TOKYO SANITARIUM-HOSPITAL
man ; A. H. Thompson, Secretary ; (Tokyo Eisei Byoin)
E. E. Craven, J. H. Craven, W. L. 171 Amanuma 1 Chome, Suginami-Ku,
Emmerson, J. Harker, S. G. Hyde, Tokyo, Japan
R. S. Joyce, G. D. King, J. A. Mc-
Millan, W. G. C. Murdoch, J. Rigby, Established 1928
A. Warren, A. H. Williams, B. A. Telephone: Ogikubo 2051.
Administration: Cable Address: "Adventist,"Tokyo.
Chairman, H. W. Lowe. Board: M. Fukazawa, H. Imura, T.
Secretary and Administrator, A. H. Itagaki, T. Kajiyama, S. Ogura, Y.
Thompson. Okohira, H. Yamamoto.
Matron, Mrs. A. H. Williams. Superintendent: S. Kitamura.
Accountant, J. H. Craven.
Almoner, Miss G. Rawson. Manager: H. Imura.

SHANGHAI SANITARIUM-HOSPITAL Supervisor Men's Hydrotherapy, Wil-

AND CLINIC liam Swen.
Supervisor Women's Hydrotherapy,
Box 1281, Shanghai, China Grace Lee.
Supervisors, Elizabeth Hu, Nancy
Established 1917 Shu.
Pharmacist and Laboratory Techni-
Telegraphic and Cable Address: "Sani- cian, Juliet Tsao.
tarium," Shanghai.
School of Nursing Faculty: Director,
Sanitarium: 150 Rubicon Road, Shang- Thora Thomsen ; Bible and Evange-
hai. (Telephone 29566.) lism, Y. T. Chu, H. W. Kwo; Dietet-
ics, Joseph Wang; Hydrotherapy and
City Clinic: 171 Range Road, Shanghai. Anatomy, William Swen ; Pharmacy
(Telephone 42339.) and Laboratory Methods, L W. Tsao ;
City Office: 318 Hamilton House, Shang- Surgical Procedure, N. Chabanuk.
hai. (Telephone 11919.)
Board of Directors: N. F. Brewer, Chair-
man ; G. J. Appel, Chaplain ; Y. H.
Chu, C. L. Dale, S. L. Frost, 0. A. SHEN YANG CLINIC-HOSPITAL
Hall, A. L. Ham, W. I. Hilliard, Y. C. 47 Hwang Shi Da Giai, Beh Shih
Hsu, David Hwang, S. J. Lee, M. E. Chang, Mukden. Manchukuo
Loewen, C. B. Miller, A. N. Nelson,
K. H. Wood, the Director of Kiangsu Established 1931
Mission, the Medical Superintendent
Shanghai Sanitarium, and the Super- Telegraphic Address: Clinic "Advent-
intendent of Nurses. ist," Mukden. (Telephone, 2-2344.)
Administration: Postal Address: Shen Yang Post Office,
Acting Superintendent Sanitarium Box 36.
Clinic, C. L. Dale.
Clinic Resident Physician, Andrew Board of Directors: F. Y. Wang, Chair-
Chen. man ; Y. T. Chu, H. W. Kwo, Thora
General Manager and Treasurer, Y. C. Thomsen, K. H. Wood, and all mem-
Hsu. bers of Manchurian Union Executive
Assistant Treasurer, W. S. Lin. Committee.
Chaplain, D. C. Woo.
Acting Superintendent of Nurses, Administration :
Abraham Lu. Medical Superintendent,
Assistant Superintendent of Nurses, Assistant Medical Superintendent,
Mrs. A. Lu. Doctor Woo.
W. Worm. Treasurer, T. C. Tsui.
Superintendent of Nurses,
Assistant Superintendent of Nurses,
Thora Thomsen.
SHEN YANG SANITARIUM AND Surgical Supervisor, N. Chabanuk.
HOSPITAL Obstetrical Supervisor, Grace Meng.
Peiling, Mukden, Manchukuo Bible Worker and Preceptress, H. C.
Established 1931 Cashier, May Fu.
Telegraphic Address: Sanitarium, "Ad- Nurses: Rachel Chen, Edith Ha, Esther
ventist," Mukden. Tien, Peter Tsai, Paul Wang.
Telephone: 2-2161.
Board of Directors: F. Y. Wang, Chair-
man ; Y. T. Chu, H. W. Kwo, Thora SIMLA SANITARIUM AND
Thomsen, K. H. Wood, and all mem- HOSPITAL
bers of the Manchurian Union Execu-
tive Committee. "Carton House," Simla, India
Administration: Established 1915
Medical Superintendent, Managing Committee: Under super-
Superintendent of Nurses, vision of Northwest India Union
Assistant Superintendent of Nurses, Committee.
Thora Thomsen.
Chaplain, Y. T. Chu. Medical Director: H. C. Menke].

A. E. Millner, W. B. Ochs, C. L. Pad- ST. HELENA SANITARIUM

dock, D. N. Reiner, W. H. Roberts, Sanitarium, Napa County, California
G. W. Shankel, H. A. Shepard, J. A.
Toop, S. G. White. Established 1878
Administration : (Operated by the California Medical
House Physician, W. H. Roberts. Missionary and Benevolent Associa-
Manager, E. S. Humann. tion, a corporation.)
Chaplain, T. S. Bowett.
Superintendent of Nurses, R. E. Board of Directors: E. F. Hackman,
Stickle. Chairman ; E. F. Stow, Secretary ;
G. K. Abbott, C. L. Bauer, T. L.
Copeland, L. K. Dickson, M. D. El-
kins, Edward Hoehn, A. W. Johnson,
R. G. Lewis, F. T. Oakes, C. E.
RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM Parrish, E. F. Peterson, E. L. Place,
(Sanatorio Adventists del Plata) W. I. Smith.
Puiggari, F. C. E., Entre Rios, Administration:
Argentina, South America
Medical Director, G. K. Abbott.
Established 1908 Business Manager and Treasurer,
E. L. Place.
Board of Directors: . , Chair- Credit Manager, Lowell Estes.
man ; J. Wagner, Secretary ; Carl Chaplain, P. E. Scoggins.
Becker, P. M. Brouchy, A. Ernen- Director of Nurses, Irene Robson.
putsch, M. Hammerly, J. B. Johnson,
E. R. Maas, Ner Soto G., G. E. Nor- Staff Physicians: G. K. Abbott, Edward
ris, L. A. Rojas, W. Schubert, T. W. Hoehn, H. E. James, Ruth Miller,
Steen, Niels Wensell, C. E. Westphal. C. E. Parish, Clara Radabaugh.

Executive Committee: C. E. Westphal, School of Nursing Administration: G. K.

President; Ner Soto G., Secretary; Abbott, Medical Director; Irene Rob-
Oreste Biaggi, C. de Ampuero, M. son, Director of School of Nursing ;
Hammerly, G. Itin. Eulala White, Assistant Director
School of Nursing ; Naomi Gowan,
Administration: Supervisor of Instruction ; Frances
Medical Superintendent, C. E. West- Lysinger, Night Supervisor; E. L.
phal. Place, Business Manager ; Clara
Assistant Medical Superintendent, M. Radabaugh, School Physician ; P. E.
Hammerly. Scoggins, Bible Instructor; Christine
Business Manager and Treasurer, N. Manson, Supervisor of Nurses' Resi-
Soto G. dence.
Ladies' Head Nurse, C. de Ampuero.
Men's Head Nurse, Oreste Biaggi.
Matron and Dietitian, Mrs. Cleo
School of Nursing: Director, C. E. HOSPITAL
Kikeicho, Keizyo (Seoul), Chosen
Established 1934
RIVERSIDE SANITARIUM AND Telephone: Higashi 1285.
(For Colored) Board of Directors: K. Hirayama, K.
Ugawa, and the Chosen Union Mis-
Young's Road, Nashville, Tennessee sion Committee.

Board: J. K. Jones, Chairman; L. E. Board of Managers: M. Hirayama,

Ford, Secretary-Treasurer. All other Chairman ; S. Kinbara, Secretary ; K.
board members same as Oakwood Hirayama, Y. Kaneziro, H. Kunimoto,
Junior College. M. Toyokawa, K. Ugawa.

Administration: Administration:
Medical Director, C. A. Dent. Medical Director, K. Ugawa.
Manager; L. E. Ford. Treasurer, M. Toyokawa.
Superintendent of Nursing and Di- Superintendent of Nurses, K. Hira-
rector of Nursing Service, Ruth yama.
Frazier. Resident Physician, 0. Ohara.

Local Board: Chao Hsi-Liang, Cho PORTER SANITARIUM AND

Ching-Mei, F. W. Johnson, C. B. HOSPITAL
Miller, C. C. Wang, and the Sani- 2525 S. Downing St., Denver Colorado
tarium Treasurer.
Established 1930
Medical Superintendent: C. C. Wang.
Board of Directors: Central Union Con-
ference Committee.
Executive Board: N. C. Wilson, Chair-
PARADISE VALLEY SANITARIUM man ; J. C. Shull, Secretary-Treasurer ;
AND HOSPITAL G. F. Eichman, 0. T. Garner, S. J.
Lashier, A. L. Moon, C. C. Prince,
National City, California J. H. Roth, A. H. Rulkoetter, C. L.
Incorporated as Paradise Valley Torrey.
Sanitarium and Hospital
Established 1906
Medical Director, A. L. Moon.
Telephone: National 61. Business Manager, J. C. Shull.
Chaplain, J. B. Carter.
Board of Directors: L. E. Biggs, Chair- Superintendent of Nurses, Edna Judd.
man ; C. B. Hardin, Secretary ; C. L. Matron, Mrs. Emily Grote.
Bauer, H. M. Burwell, L. K. Dickson,
C. It. Harrison, H. W. Hartzell, R. H.
Kezer, A. C. Larson, C. E. Nelson,
V. L. Sanders, Sydney Smith, A. R. PORTLAND SANITARIUM AND
Administration: 932 S. E. 60th Ave., Portland, Oregon
Medical Director, C. E. Nelson. Established 1893 ; reorganized 1902
Assistant Medical Director, A. R.
Stadin. Telephone: Lancaster 4121.
Business Manager, A. C. Larson. Legal Corporation: Portland Sanitarium
Treasurer, V. L. Sanders. and Benevolent Association.
Chaplain, R. H. Kezer.
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Leah Griffee. Board of Directors: V. G. Anderson,
Chairman ; R. W. Nelson, Secretary ;
Staff Physicians: H. W. Hartzell, Myr- St. Clair Diamond, G. T. Dickinson,
tle Lockwood, C. E. Nelson, A. R. F. H. Doleman, R. T. Emery, W. B.
Stadin, E. J. Stevens, E. A. Wagner, Holden, E. L. Neff, J. R. Nelson.
J. W. Warren, Josie Warren.
School of Nursing Administration: C. E.
Nelson, Medical Director ; Mrs. Leah Medical Director, W. B. Holden.
Griffee, Director of School of Nurs- Business Manager, It. W. Nelson.
ing ; Ellen Wilson, Assistant Director Director of Nurses, Mrs. Bertie Crick.
School of Nursing ; Mrs. Christina Staff Physicians: W. B. Holden, E. E.
Rees, Supervisor of Instruction ; Rippey.
Grace Olsen, Night Supervisor; A. C.
Larson, Business Manager ; Myrtle School of Nursing Administration:
Lockwood, School Physician ; Mrs. W. B. Holden, Medical Director ; Mrs.
Mary Little, Bible Instructor; Bertha Bertie Crick, .Director of School of
Hanger, Supervisor of Nurses' Resi- Nursing ; Anne Stratton, Supervisor
dence. of Instruction ; Ruth Schierman,
Night Supervisor ; R. W. Nelson,
Business Manager ; Pearl Stafford,
Bible Instructor ; Ernestine Gill, Su-
PENANG SANITARIUM AND pervisor of Nurses' Residence.
465 Burma Road, Penang, Straits
Board of Managers: E. A. Moon, Chair- Sidney (Near Victoria), British
man ; P. Y. Yeo, Secretary ; L. F. Columbia, Canada
Established 1921
Telephone: Sidney 61-L.
Superintendent and Business Man-
ager, -. Board of Directors: E. A. Beavon, Alex.
Treasurer, P. Y. Yeo. Clark, W. A. Clemenson, C. W. Deg-
Superintendent of Nurses, ering, E. S. Humann, H. M. Johnson,

Nurses' Home Supervisor, Miss M. Irene Wood, Night Supervisor; H. E.

Geslani ; Nursing Arts Supervisor, Rice, Business Manager; Genevieve
Miss M. Capule. JOY, School Physician ; W. M. An-
dress, Bible Instructor ; Mrs. Mattie
Edgerton, Supervisor of Nurses' Resi-
P. 0. Mann, Bechuanaland Protecto-
Director: J. G. Foster. Care Gitwe Mission, P. 0. Usumbura,
Urundi, Central Africa
Nurses: Miss P. Hovig, Hazel Mote.
Physician: L. K. Rittenhouse.
Nurse: Miss F. Spillman.
P. 0. Fort Manning, Nyasaland, Africa
New Western Native Township, Johan-
nesburg, Transvaal, South Africa
Hospital Board: W. R. Grant, E. D.
Nanning, Kwangsi, China Hanson, E. G. Marcus, L. L. Moffitt,
Hospital Board: P. T. Lo, Chairman ; J. G. Siepman, A. W. Staples, J. E.
Annie Lo, Secretary; Cheung Yan- Symons, and the Native Commis-
Kueng, Chick Tai-Kueng, Lei Hang- sioner, Witwatersrand Area.
Sung. Administration:
Medical Superintendent, E. G. Marcus.
Secretary-Treasurer, A. A. Pitt.
Melrose, Massachusetts Staff: Mrs. W. J. Baxter, Miss R. A.
Curtis, W. R. Grant, and 21 native
Established 1899
nurses in training.
Board of Trustees: M. L. Rice, Presi-
dent ; H. E. Rice, Secretary ; W. M.
Andress, D. A. Bailey, A. M. Bond,
Howard, G. E. Jones, H. A. Munson, HOSPITAL
W. A. Nelson, J. E. Osterblom, W. A. North China Hospital, Kalgan,
Ruble, J. D. Smith. Mengchiang, China
Local Board: M. L. Rice, Chairman; Established 1931
H. E. Rice, Secretary; C. M. Bunker, Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Kal-
C. A. Haysmer, R. L. Hubbs, W. A. gan.
Ruble, J. D. Smith, Mrs. Edith
Strand. Board of Directors: North China Union
Mission Executive Committee.
Medical Director, W. A. Ruble. Local Board: Koh Chiao-liang, Koh
Business Manager and Treasurer, Chung-yueh, Li Su-liang, Shen Tze
H. E. Rice. Ming.
Chaplain, W. M. Andress. Sanitarium Staff: Koh Chung-yao, Jack
Director of Nurses, Mrs. Edith Strand. Kuo, Li Yu-ching, Li Su-liang, Miss
Staff Physicians: A. J. Bischoff, A. M. Wang.
Bond, Roderick Carruthers, C. A.
Haysmer, Genevieve Joy, W. A.
School of Nursing Administration: AND HOSPITAL
W. A. Ruble, Medical Director ; Mrs. Lanchow, Kansu, China
Edith Strand, Director of School of Established 1934
Nursing ; Louise Chatfield, Assistant
Director School of Nursing ; Amanda Board of Directors: Northwest China
Sloane, Supervisor of Instruction : Union Mission Executive Committee.

LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM AND Executive Committee: Southern Rho-

HOSPITAL desia Mission Field Committee.
(Incorporated with College of Medical Director: C. P. Bringle.
Loma Linda, California Nurse: Miss H. Furber,
Established 1905
Board of Directors: Frederick Griggs,
Chairman ; C. L. Bauer, L. E. Biggs, MALAMULO MISSION HOSPITAL
A. D. Butterfield, W. C. Clough, G. H. AND LEPER COLONY
Curtis, L. K. Dickson, Newton Evans, (Southeast African Union)
H. A. Hall, 0. A. Hudson, G. S. P. 0. Malamulo Mission, Nyasaland,
Luther, W. E. Macpherson, P. T. Africa
Magan, J. L. McElhany, F. B. Moor,
E. L. Neff, W. E. Nelson, J. J. Neth- Established 1908
ery, Telsa Nicola, J. F. Piper, 0. B. Telegraphic Address: Malamulo, Cholo,
Pratt, E. H. Risley, G. A. Roberts, Nyasaland.
Alfred Shryock, George Thomason,
A. W. Truman, W. G. Turner, David Hospital Board: Union Executive Com-
Voth, H. M. Walton, T. 1. Zirkle. mittee, Mrs. I. L. Ansley, Miss M.
Johnson, Yolam Kamwendo, Edward
Officers of the Board: Frederick Griggs, Martin.
President; L. K. Dickson, First Vice-
President; P. T. Magan, Second Administration:
Vice-President ; 0. A. Hudson, Comp- Medical Superintendent, E. L. Morel.
troller and Treasurer ; G. S. Luther, Nurses, Mrs. I. L. Ansley, Miss L. M.
Secretary; G. H. Curtis, Assistant Delhove, Miss M. Johnson, Miss H. E.
Secretary ; S. S. Merrill, Assistant Lode, assisted by 11 native orderlies.
Medical Director, A. D. Butterfield. MANILA SANITARIUM AND
Business Manager, G. S. Luther. HOSPITAL
Chaplain, F. A. Moran.
Bible Worker, Mrs. Marguerette Wil- 1875 Donada St., Pasay, Rizal,
liamson. Philippine Islands
Director of Nursing Service, Ethel Established 1928
Cable Address: "Philipunion" or "Ad-
Staff Physicians: Dulcie Blunden-Mor- ventists," Manila.
ris, A. D. Butterfield, E. C. Ehlers,
C. R. Lovell, N. I. Reeves, E. L. Postal Address: P. 0. Box 3242, Manila,
Rogers, M. C. Shroder, C. S. Small, Philippine Islands.
R. T. Smith, Walter Stilson, T. I. Board of Trustees: L. C. Wilcox, Chair-
Zirkle. man ; H. C. Honor, Vice-Chairman ;
School of Nursing Administration: W. E. Guthrie, Secretary-Treasurer;
A. D. Butterfield, Medical Director ; E. M. Adams, J. 0. Bautista, 0. A.
Ethel Walder, Director of School Blake, P. R. Diaz, E. N. Lugenbeal
of Nursing ; Verdelle Ells, Nursing (on furlough), Bertha Parker, F. A.
Arts Instruction ; Mrs. Marian Bow- Pratt, W. B. Riffel, L. M. Stump,
ers, Assistant Director of Nursing E. J. Urquhart.
Education ; Mrs. Catherine Graf, As- Local Board of Management: L. C.
sistant Director of Nursing Service; Wilcox, Chairman; H. C. Honor,
Lucile Talmage, Assistant Director Vice-Chairman ; W. E. Guthrie, Sec-
of Nursing Service Nights ; G. S. retary; 0. A. Blake, Bertha Parker,
Luther, Business Manager ; R. T. L. M. Stump, E. J. Urquhart.
Smith, School Physician ; F. A. Mo-
ran, Bible Instructor ; Pauline Hart, Administration:
Supervisor of Kate Lindsay Hall. Medical Director, H. C. Honor.
Business Manager and Treasurer,
W. E. Guthrie.
Chaplain, J. M. Imperio.
Superintendent of Nurses, Bertha
Private Bag, Gwelo, Southern Parker.
Rhodesia, Africa Admittance, Bessie Chase.'
Established 1931 Accountant, R. R. Umali.
Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," School of Nursing Faculty: Director,
Gwelo. Bertha Parker; Bible, J. M. Imperio;

Corporate Name: "Iowa Sanitarium and KRANKENHAUS WALDFRIEDE

Benevolent Association." Fiseherhuttenstrasse 99-109, Berlin-
Board of Managers: D. N. Wall, Chair- Zehlendorf, Germany
man ; Eugene Woesner, Secretary ; Established 1920
George Lauterbach, L. C. Lee, J. 0.
Marsh, I. W. Reek, A. Tucker.
Telegraphic Address: Krankenhaus
Administration: Waldefriede, Berlin-Zehlendorf, Ger-
House Physician, W. B. Sperow. many.
Manager and Treasurer, Eugene Woes- Administration:
Chaplain, A. L. Miller. Medical Superintendent: L. E. Con-
Supervisor of Nurses, Esther Stotz. radi.
Men's Physiotherapy, H. T. Staff. Medical Director, E. Meyer.
Women's Physiotherapy, Mrs. Jess Surgical Director, P. Sinz.
Adams. Business Manager, Ernst Muller.
Accountant, Salomea Woesner. Matron and Head Nurse, Elisabeth
Male Head Nurse; Carl Rohleder.
Staff Physicians: F. Beetz, L. E. Con-
JULIACA CLINIC radi, K. Gregorius, J. Hertel, E.
Meyer, P. Sinz, R. Wollin.
(Clinica Juliaca)
Casilla 22, Juliaca, Peru, Capacity: 130 patients. The institution
South America is conducted as general hospital for
internal medicine, surgery, gynecology
Established 1922 and obstetrics. It has government
recognition as a benevolent institu-
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Clinica, tion, as a nurses' training school, and
Juliaca, Peru. for surgical internship. Operated by
Officers: C. E. Fillman, President; J. I. Verein Krankenhaus Waldfriede, Der-
Hartman, Secretary-Treasurer. lin-Zehlendorf.
Medical Superintendent, C. R. Potts.
Treasurer, J. I. Hartman.
Superintendent of Nurses, Anita An- LAKE GENEVA SANITARIUM
gulo. "La Ligniere," Etablissement Medical,
Dietetique et Physiotherapique, Gland,
Canton de Vaud, Switzerland
KANYE HOSPITAL Established 1904

P. 0. Kanye, via Lobatsi, Bechuanaland Corporate Name: Societe Philanthrop-

Protectorate, South Africa ique de la Ligniere.
Director: Telephone: Gland 98.061.
Nurse: Miss W. Fourie. Board of Directors: P. Brennwald,
President ; Robert Gerber, Secretary ;
W. R. Beach, F. Charpiot, Oscar
Fasnacht, J. Fehr, A. Meyer, 0.
Meyer, L. Monnier, H. Muller, A. V.
KENDU HOSPITAL Olson, J. Robert, H. Sehild, A.
Kendu Hospital, Gendia, P. 0. Kisumu,
Kenya Colony, East Africa Local Board: P. A. de Forest, 0. Fas-
nacht, Miss M. Gerber, Mrs. L. Mair,
Established 1924 A. Mayer, A. Meyer, Miss D. Meyer,
P. Moor, H. Muller.
Board: Kenya Union Mission Commit-
tee. Administration:
Superintendent: L. G. Ermshar. Medical Director and Business Man-
ager, H. Muller.
Nurses: Miss K. Nielsen, Miss C. Olsen, Assistant Manager, Miss D. Meyer.
Miss D. Nielsen. School of Nursing Faculty: Supervisor
African Dressers: 14. of Instruction, H. Muller ; Bible, A.
Meyer; Miss H. Fehr, Miss M. Ger-
Dispensaries: Kamagambo, Muhuro. ber, Mrs. A. Kury, E. Weiser.

GIFFARD MISSION HOSPITAL OF Nursing Service; Mrs. Clotilda Bur-

SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS dine, Night Supervisor ; H. B. Thomas,
Nuzvid, KiStna District, South India Business Manager ; Ethel Walker,
School Physician ; W. E. Barr, Bible
Established 1924 Instructor ; Mrs. Elizabeth Barr, Su-
Name of Mission: Telugu Mission. pervisor of Nurses' Residence.

Managing Committee: Superintendent

of the Hospital and an Executive
Committee appointed by the India GOOD HEALTH ASSOCIATION,
Financial Association, the Chairman LIMITED
being the Superintendent of the Stanborough Park, Watford,
South India Union Mission. Herts., England
Administration: Incorporated 1903
Medical Superintendent, D. W. Sern- Officers: H. W. Lowe, Chairman ; A. H.
mens. Thompson, Secretary.
Credit Manager, B. S. Moses.
Hospital Evangelist, M. Prakasam. Board of Directors: E. E. Craven, J. H.
Matron, Kunjamma Peter. Craven, W. L. Emmerson, J. Harker,
S. G. Hyde, R. S. Joyce, G. D. King,
Staff: Nursing Superintendent, Miss E. H. W. Lowe, J. A. McMillan, W. G. C.
Binder; Nursing Supervisor, Miss B. Murdoch, J. Rigby, A. H. Thompson,
Gore ; Elizabeth Hiscox. A. Warren, A. H. Williams, B. A.


Glendale, California Seventh-day Adventist Mission, Gopal-
ganj, Faridur District, Bengal, India
Established 1905
Established 1929
Incorporated as Glendale Sanitarium
and Hospital Hospital Board: S. N. Arinda, R. S.
Fernando, P. C. Gayen, LeRoy
Street Address: 1509 E. Wilson Ave. Hunter, J. Johannes, F. H. Loasby.
Postal Address: P. 0. Box 871. Superintendent: J. Johannes.
Board of Directors: L. K. Dickson, Superintendent of Nurses: Mrs. J.
President; David Voth, Vice-Presi- Johannes.
dent ; H. B. Thomas, Secretary ; W. E.
Barr, C. L. Bauer, S. Donaldson, Indian Helpers: T. C. Bairagee, Evan-
Walter Macpherson, G. B. Nelson, gelist; S. N. Arinda, J. C. Bairagee,
Riley Russell, Wilburn Smith, A. W. Chillaranjan Bala, Mrs. C. M. Biswas,
T_mman. C. R. Sircar, Mrs. Sircar, R. N.
Administration :
Medical Director, A. W. Truman.
General Manager, H. B. Thomas. HULTAFORS SANITARIUM
Treasurer, G. B. Nelson. Hultaf ors, Sweden
Assistant Treasurer, C. C. Martin.
Credit Manager, L. L. Provencher. Established 1926
Chaplain, W. E. Barr. Business Manager: Axel Bengtsson.
Director of School of Nursing, Ruth
Bunston. Staff Physicians: E. Garby, I. Unhall.
Staff Physicians: H. Arndal, M. S. School of Nursing Faculty: Director
Bourdeau, M. F. Godfrey, H. Hata, and Superintendent of Nurses, Asta
F. M. Hebard, T. S. Kimball, D. W. Svenson ; Bible, Nils Zerne ; Chief
McGuffin, A. T. McGuffin, A. W. Supervising Instructor, I. Unhall.
Truman, Ethel Walker.
School of Nursing Administration:
A. W. Truman, Medical Director ; IOWA SANITARIUM
Ruth Bunston, Director of School of Nevada, Iowa
Nursing; Enola Davis, Assistant Di-
rector of School of Nursing and In- Established at Des Moines, Iowa, in
structor of Nursing Arts; Franke 1399. Removed and established at Ne-
Cobham Supervisor of Instruction; vada, Iowa, in 1909. Reincorporated
Elva Wallack, Assistant Director of June 15, 1915.

School of Nursing Administration: C. C. Local Board: A. Fossey, Gung Ping-

Prince, Medical Director; Genevieve San, Herbert Liu, Mrs. Herbert Liu,
Hansen, Director of School of Nurs- E. L. Longway.
ing; Mrs. Edna Judd, Director of
Nursing Service of Affiliated Porter Medical Director: Herbert Liu.
Sanitarium and Hospital; Mrs, Verna
Johnson, Supervisor of Instruction;
Ruby Barnett, Night Supervisor; C.
L. Torrey, Business Manager; L. J. EKEBYHOLM SUMMER SANI-
Lilly, School Physician ; F. R. Isaac, TARIUM
Bible Instructor ; Mrs. F. R. Isaac, Bimbo, Sweden
Supervisor of Nurses' Residence.
Medical Superintendent: Georg Fogel-
Business Manager: C. Gidlund.
Sam Yuk Road, Tungshan,
Established 1931
Orlando, Florida
Telephone: 15032. Established 1908
Board of Directors: A. L. Ham, Chair- Legal Name: Florida Sanitarium Be-
man ; D. D. Coffin, Vice-Chairman nevolent Association.
and Secretary; Helen Anderson, J. P.
Anderson, H. S. Leung, H. H. Morse, Postal Address: Drawer 3673 ; 601 E.
Y. C. So, C. N. Tso. Rollins Ave.
Administration: Telephone: 3141.
Medical Superintendent and Manager, Board of Directors: J. K. Jones, Chair-
D. D. Coffin. man ; R. G. Bowen, Secretary ; C. V.
Treasurer, T. T. Wong. Anderson, L. C. Evans, C. 0. Franz,
Preceptresses, Helen Anderson, Mrs. R. I. Keate, C. J. Larsen, H. E. Ly-
S. M. Tsoi, W. C. Yue. singer, J. C. Thompson, H. W. Walker.
Medical Director, C. J. Larsen.
CHULUMANI SANITARIUM AND Business Manager, R. G. Bowen.
HOSPITAL Credit Manager, L. T. Hall.
(Sanatoria y Hospital de Chulumani) Chaplain, H. S. Prenier.
Chulumani, Sud Yungas, Depto de Director of Nurses, Mrs. Ada Pickett.
La Paz, Bolivia Staff Physicians: L. N. Christensen,
Telegraphic Address: "Hospital," Chulu- C. J. Larsen, R. W. Rosenquist.
mani, Bolivia. School of Nursing Administration: C. J.
Board: Juan Plenc, Chairman; R. C. Larsen, Medical Director ; Mrs. Ada
Floren, S. M. Leon, W. R. Robinson. Pickett, Director of School of Nurs-
ing; Violet Dybdahl, Supervisor of
Administration : Instruction ; Edith Munn, Assistant
Physician and Surgeon, R. C. Floren. Director of Nursing Service and In-
Manager and Treasurer, structor of Nursing Arts; Mrs. Gladys
Matron and Superintendent of Nurses, Jones, Acting Night Supervisor ; R.
G. Bowen, Business Manager ; R. W.
Daniel Utz. Rosenquist, School Physician ; H. S.
Prenier, Bible Instructor; Mrs. Lucia
Lee, Supervisor of Nurses' Residence.


Telegraphic Address: "Adventist," Waichow, Kwangtung, China.
Board of Directors: T. S. Woo, Chair-
Board of Directors: West China Union man ; Lei Huan-ging, Secretary ;
Mission Executive Committee, Herbert Chong Kwet-En, Chung Yuk-Hon, So
Liu, Mrs. Herbert Liu. Wai-Chuen, Vun Schau-Vun.
Island of Kolombangara, 807 Lan Luang Road, Bangkok,
Solomon Islands Thailand
Director: Established 1940
Board of Managers: E. A. Moon, Chair-
Assistants: J. Gosling, Mrs. J. Gosling,
and a number of white and native man ; G. G. Innocent, Vice-Chairman ;
missionary nurses. Ruth Munroe, Secretary ; R. P. Abel,
L. F. Bohner, D. P. LaTourette, J.
Medical Superintendent and Business
ARAK MISSION HOSPITAL Manager: G. G. Innocent.
Arak, Iran
Esablished 1930
Director and Manager: A. Arzoo. BHUKET MISSION CLINIC
Bhuket, Thailand
Board: Iran Mission Committee.
Established 1940
Board of Managers: E. A. Moon, Chair-
man ; R. P. Abel, L. F. Bohner,
Bad Aibling, Kurhotel Wittelsbach,
Oberbayern, Germany Medical Superintendent and Business
Established 1920
Nurses: Miss S. G. Goh, Y. S. Goh,
Board: W. Amelung, W. Edener, E. C. H. Yao.
Mayer, W. Meinhardt, A. W. Milner,
0. Neubauer, A. Sachsenmeyer, L. Assistants: R. M. Dass, M. S. Teo.
Schneebauer, G. Seng, A. Wegener,
A. Wicklein.
Lepi, Angola, Portuguese West Africa
Director: R. B. Parsons.
4986 Plabplachai Road, Bangkok, Native Nurse: 1.
Thailand (Siam)
Established 1937 Native Assistants: 5.

Board of Managers: E. A. Moon, Chair-

man ; G. G. Innocent, Vice-Chairman ;
Ruth Munroe, Secretary; R. P. Abel, BOULDER-COLORADO SANI-
L. F. Bohner, D. P. LaTourette, J. TARIUM
Wong. Boulder, Colorado
Medical Superintendent and Business Established 1895
Manager: G. G. Innocent.
Board of Trustees: N. C. Wilson, Presi-
Staff Nurses: Mrs. B. Ambhai, Miss dent; C. L. Torrey, Secretary; G. F.
Chan, Mrs. N. F. Rang, Mrs. A. Lim, Eichman, 0. T. Garner, H. A. Green,
Mrs. Ludda, Ruth Monroe, Mrs. Vien S. J. Lashier, A. L. Moon, C. C.
Seniwonse, Miss Seto, Mrs. R. F. Prince, J. H. Roth, J. C. Shull.
Waddell, Mrs. P. Wen, Mrs. J. Wong.
Assistants: Mrs. Arb, N. F. Kang, Administration:
Lilly Lim, Choy Mengko, Mrs. Kuan Medical Director, C. C. Prince.
Rose, Miss S. E. Tan, Enoch Tang, Business Manager and Treasurer,
M. H. Teo, Pleng Vitiamyalaksna, C. L. Torrey.
Mrs. Sang Walya, J. Wong, Mr. Chaplain, F. R. Isaac.
Yang, Mrs. Siew Yin, Kar Yoke. Director of Nurses, Genevieve Hansen.
School of Nursing Faculty: Superin- Staff Physicians: C. B. Ermshar, H. A.
tendent, Ruth Munroe; Instructor, Green, L. J. Lilly, Donald Page, Mabel
Mrs. D. P. LaTourette ; Translator, Page, C. C. Prince, Dorothy Prince.
Mrs. Ludda. Paul Weeks.

of the College include the catalog The Spirit of M. V. A.: 4-page monthly,
issue, summer session bulletin, out- 50 cents per year; published by the
line of curriculums and schedule of students of Mt. Vernon Academy, Mt.
classes, the preparatory school bulle- Vernon, Ohio ; editor, Charles Mi-
tin and the second semester bulletin. chaelis.
The Reflector: Published every six The Student Echo: 4-page bi-monthly ;
weeks during the school year by the 25 cents a year; by Indiana Academy,
Forest Lake Academy, Maitland, Fla. ; Cicero, Ind. ; editor, Roland Fuller.
subscription price, $.50 per year;
editor, Student Forum: 4-page semi-monthly ;
The Seminarian: 4-page bimonthly, free ; published by the Student Forum staff
published by the Seventh-day Advent- of Enterprise Academy, Enterprise,
ist Theological Seminary, Takoma Kans. ; 50 cents a year ; editor, Mary-
Park, Washington, D. C. belle Huffman.
Shen-Val-Lore: 4-page biweekly ; pub- The Student Movement: 8 pages; bi-
lished by the Shenandoah Valley weekly ; $1 a year ; 18 issues ; pub-
Academy, New Market, Va. ; 25 cents ' lished at Berrien Springs, Mich. ;
a year; editor, Edgar Cunningham. editor, Betty Shadel.
Shiawassian: 4-page bimonthly ; pub- The Sun Dial: 4-page monthly, 50 cents
lished by the Student Association of per year; published by Shelton Acad-
Adelphian Academy, Holly, Mich. ; emy, Shelton, Nebr.; editor, Ada
50 cents a year ; editor, Roy Matthews. Townsend.
The Sligonian: Issued biweekly during
the school year; annual subscription, Sunshine News: 4-page semimonthly
$1 ; published by the Students' Pub- during school year; by Publishing
lishing Association, Washington Mis- Association of Plainview Academy,
sionary College, Takoma Park, Md. ; Redfield, S. Dak. ; 50 cents per
editor, Ramira Steen-Eaton. school year; editor, Delphia Dufloth.

Southern Junior College Catalog: One The Takoma Globe: 4-page monthly;
number a year, usually about 65 published throughout the school year
pages; distributed free; published in by the Students' Association of
the interests of the school; edited by Takoma Academy, Takoma Park, Md. ;
a committee appointed by Southern 25 cents per year; editor, David
Junior College Faculty, Collegedale, Wilson.
Union College Alumnus: 4-page bi-
Southern Views: 4-page periodical monthly published by the Alumni
issued monthly during the school Association of Union College, Lincoln,
year by the West Visayan Academy; Nebr.; subscription price, $.25, or
annual subscription, Pesos 1.00, for- with association membership; editor,
eign, US$.50. Elva Babcock Gardner.
The Southland Scroll: 4-page periodical Walla Walla College Bulletin: Yearly;
published at Southern Junior College, free; published by the Faculty Pub-
Collegedale, Tenn., once each month lication Committee at College Place,
throughout the calendar year. Wash.
School and Sanitarium Journals
Academy Echo: 4-page, semi-monthly ; College, College Place, Wash. ; $1 a
60 cents a year; published by the year ; editor, Luverne Vixie.
students of Union Springs Academy,
Union Springs, N. Y.; editor, Glenda Emmanuel Missionary College Bulletin:
S. Rolfe. Yearly; free; published by faculty
publications committee at Berrien
The Bethelight: 8 pages, published ten Springs, Mich.
times during the school year; Bethel
Academy, Arpin, Wis. ; editor, Lenore The Frontiersman: 4 to 6 pages, bi-
monthly ; 50 cents per school year ;
Hearn. published by students of Campion
Boulder Canon Sentinel: 4-page, issued Academy ; editor, Kenneth Cope.
quarterly, by the Boulder-Colorado The Gateway: 4-page monthly; 50 cents
Sanitarium Nurses Allumni Assn., a year; published by the students of
Boulder, Colo. ; subscription price 50 journalism, Lodi Academy, Lodi,
cents per year; editor, Verna John- Calif.
son ; associate editors, Mrs. C. Shrews-
bury, Tins Lawrence, Ena Mae Nel- Golden Memories: 36-page annual ; 60
son and Ralph Grounds. cents ; by Indiana Academy, Cicero,
Ind.; editor, --.
The Broadview Exponent: 4-page,
monthly; 50 cents a year; editor, The Hillside Radiogram: A monthly
Charlene Smith, Broadview Academy, publication, issued by the Alumni As-
La Grange, Illinois. sociation of the St. Helena Sani-
tarium and Hospital Training School
The Campus Chronicle: 4-page weekly; for Nurses; subscription price, 60
published by Pacific Union College cents per year ; free to Alumni mem-
during the school year ; $1 per year; bers; editor, Dena M. Woodruff.
faculty advisor: C. D. Utt; student
editor, Walter C. Utt, Angwin, Calif. The Lancastrian: Bimonthly, 18 num-
bers; published by the student body
The Clock Tower: Published on alter- of Atlantic Union College and South
nate Fridays of the school year and Lancaster Academy, South Lancaster,
monthly during the summer vacation, Massachusetts; editor, Walton Smith.
by the students of Union College;
subscription price per year, United Lynwood Log: published monthly Oc-
States, $1 ; Canada and foreign coun- tober to May inclusive at 638 Kimlin
tries, $1.25; College View Station, Drive, Glendale, Calif., for the stu-
Lincoln, Nebr. ; editor, Margaret dents of Lynwood Academy ; sub-
Blue. scription price, $.50 per year; editor,
College Criterion: 4-page weekly; pub-
lished by the students of La Sierra The Medical Evangelist: Devoted to
College, Arlington, Calif. ; subscrip- health reform and medical mission-
tion, $1 ; editor, Royal Sage. ary work ; published semi-monthly
by the College of Medical Evangelists,
The College Key: 4-page, 10 issues per at Loma Linda, Calif., with no sub-
year ; published by the students of scription price; editor, 0. R. Staines.
Glendale Union Academy, Glendale,
Calif. ; 50 cents a year ; editor, Bonnie The Mountain Ash: Published yearly by
Rae Barnes. the Associated StudentS of Walla.
Walla College; about 128 pages;
Our College Tidings: 4-page monthly ; price, $1.50 ; editor, Dorothea Palmer.
published by Caribbean Training Col-
lege, Port of Spain, Trinidad, British Mountain View Reflector 4 pages,
West Indies. eight times a year ; 50 cents ; Moun-
tain View, Calif. ; editor, Mervyn
The College Voice: 8-page; semimonthly Maxwell.
during the school year, monthly dur-
ing the summer months ; subscription The Northern Clarion: 4-page periodical
price per year, Philippines, Pesos 1.00 ; issued monthly during the school
foreign countries, US$1.00 ; official year by the Northern Luzon Academy ;
organ of the Philippine Union Col- annual subscription, Pesos .75 ; for-
lege, College Place, Caloocan, Rizal, eign, US$.40.
Philippines ; editor, Arsenio A. Yob-
lete. Pacific Union College Bulletin: Quar-
terly; free; published by the Faculty
The Collegian: 4-page weekly, by The Publication Committee, at Angwin,
Associated Students of Walla Walla Napa Co., Calif. The publications

Central Union Reaper: Organ of Cen- Palouse St., Walla Walla, Wash. ;
tral Union Conference; 8-page editor, H. C. Kephart.
weekly ; annual subscription, 50
cents; published at College View Northern Union Outlook: Official or-
Station, Lincoln, Nebr. ; managing gan of the Northern Union Confer-
editor, F. W. Schnepper ; editor, Ava ence ; 6-page weekly ; 50 cents yearly ;
Covington. Published by Oak Park Press, Nevada,
Iowa, for Northern Union Conference
Columbia Union Visitor: Official organ of Seventh-day Adventists, 2718 Third
of the Columbia Union Conference; Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.;
8-page weekly; 50 cents; published editor, A. R. Smouse.
at Washington College Press, Takoma
Park, Washington, D. C.; editor, Notes of Progress: Published monthly
Warren F. Adams. by the Malayan Union Mission, 399
Upper Serangoon Road, Singapore,
Field Gleanings From the Caribbean S. S.; editor, L. F. Bohner.
Union: Published monthly by the
Caribbean Union Conference of Sev- Pacific Union Recorder: Official organ
enth-day Adventists, Box 221, Port- of the Pacific Union Conference : 8-
of-Spain, Trinidad, B. W. I. Price page weekly ; 50 cents ; editor, C. L.
per year, 48 cents ; C. E. Stenberg, Bauer ; mail address, Box 146, Glen-
editor. dale, Calif.

Lake Union Herald: Official organ of The Record: Official organ of the South-
the Lake Union Conference; 8 to 16- western Union Conference; 8-page
page weekly; $1.00 a year; published weekly; 75 cents; published at Keene,
at Berrien Springs, Mich., and Texas ; editor, W. E. Abernathy ;
printed by the College Press ; editor, associate editor, J. W. Turner.
George Schultz; advisory editor, R.
M. Harrison. Southern Tidings: Organ of the South-
ern Union Conference ; 8-page weekly ;
North Pacific Union Gleaner: Official 50 cents yearly; published by South-
organ of the North Pacific Union ern Union Conference, 437 E. Ponce
Conference; 8-page weekly; 50 cents de Leon Ave., Decatur, Ga. ; printed
a year ; published by the North by College Press, Collegedale, Tenn. ;
Pacific Union Conference, 202 S. editor, J. S. James.

Local Periodicals
El Alentador: (Spanish) A mimeograph lished by the Haitian Mission, Port
News Sheet published by the West au Prince, Haiti ; furnished free to
Cuba Conference, Patrocinio No. 20, the constituency ; editor, A. G. Roth.
Vibora, Havana, Cuba; editor, G. C.
Nickle; for use among the churches Heraldo Puertoriqueno: (Spanish) A 6-
and members of the West Cuba Con- page printed sheet published by the
ference. Puerto Rico Mission, Apartado 3005,
Santurce, Puerto Rico ; editor, L. L.
El Animador: (Spanish) A mimeograph Dunn; for use among the churches
News Sheet published by the East and members of the Puerto Rico Mis-
Cuba Conference, Calle G. Gomez No. sion of Seventh-day Adventists.
65, Camaguey, Cuba ; editor, J. B.
Sales ; for use among the churches
and members of the East Cuba Con- The Jamaican Visitor: 6-page monthly:
ference. annual subscription, 1 shilling ; pub-
lished by the Jamaica Conference of
El Clarin Adventista: (Spanish) A 4- Seventh-day Adventists, 176 Orange
page printed sheet published by the St., Kingston, Jamaica : printed by
Santo Domingo Mission, Apartado the West Indian Training College,
568, Ciudad Trujillo, Santo Do- Mandeville, Jamaica, B. W. I. ; ecl:tor,
mingo ; editor, W. H. England ; for W. E. Atkin.
use among the churches and members
of the Santo Domingo Mission. Malamulo Tidings: Monthly ; 1 /6 per
year; printed by Malamulo Press,
Haitian Messenger: (French) 12-page Malamulo, Nyasaland, British Central
periodical, 6 issues per year; pub- Africa ; editor, V. E. Robinson.

The Watchman of Truth: monthly mis- YIDDISH

sionary paper published and printed
by the College Press, College Heights, The Future Unfolded: (also in Yiddish-
Alberta, Canada. Annual subsrcip- English) ; 25 cents. Pacific Press
tion, $1 ; editor-in-chief, S. J. Dem- Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill. ;
chuk. editors, F. C. Gilbert, Samuel Kaplan.

Alore: 16 pages ' 2d per copy ; published
Qasid-Jadid: a monthly church paper and printed by the Nigerian Advent
published by the Northwest India Press, Box 19, Ibadan, Nigeria, West
Union Mission, Regal Building, New Coast Africa ; editor, W. T. B. Hyde.
Delhi ; editor, 0. 0. Mattison, Sev-
enth-day Adventist Mission, Chuhar- Sabbath School Quarterly. Printed at
kana, Punjab, India. above address.

Division Periodicals
The Advent Survey: Organ of the Pesos 1.00; foreign, US$.50 per year;
Northern European Division of the editor, W. P. Bradley.
General Conference, 8-page monthly;
annual subscription 2 /6 ; editor, W. T. Inter-American Division Messenger
Bartlett, 41 Hazel Gardens, Edg- (English) : 8-page monthly; 50 cents
a year ; Box 2006, Balboa, Canal
ware, Middlesex, England.
tone; W. C. Raley, editor. A similar
Australasian Record: Official organ of paper is published in Spanish as "El
the Australasian Union Conference; Mensajero de la Division Inter-
8-page weekly ; annual subscription americana."
5s ; foreign countries, 5s ; published
by the Australasian Union Confer- Quarterly Review: Organ of the South-
ern European Division of the Gen-
ence, "Mizpah," Wahroonga, N. S.
eral Conference; editor, W. R. Beach,
W., Australia.
17 Hiiheweg, Berne, Switzerland.
The China Division Reporter: Organ
of the China Division of the General South American Bulletin: Organ of the
Conference; 8 to 12 pages monthly; South American Division of the Gen-
subscription price, '75 cents gold a eral Conference; 8-page monthly; an-
year ; editor, Mrs. Minnie Crisler ; nual subscription price, 50 cents gold
issued at 526 Ningkuo Road, Shang- a year; issued at Calle Pino 3801,
Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
hai, China. America ; editor, H. 0. Olson ; asso-
Eastern Tidings: Official organ of the ciate editor, R. R. Figuhr ; assistant
Southern Asia Division ; 8-page editor, Esther M. Adams.
semi-monthly ; Rs. 2. a year ; editor,
R. B. Thurber, Post Box 35, Poona, Southern African Division Outlook:
India. Fortnightly ; annual subscription 2 /6 ;
published by the Southern African
Far Eastern Division Outlook: Organ Division of the General Conference of
of Far Eastern Division, P. 0. Box Seventh-day Adventists, Claremont,
226, Singapore, Straits Settlements ; Cape, South Africa; editor, Mrs. G.
8-page monthly; subscription price, F. Visser, Jr.

Union Conference Periodicals

Atlantic Union Gleaner: Official organ Park, Watford, Herts, England;
of the Atlantic Union Conference; editor, W. L. Emmerson.
8-page weekly.; 50 cents a year; pub-
Canadian Union Messenger: Official or-
lished at South Lancaster, Mass.;
editor, Eva M. Linscott. gan of the Canadian Union Confer-
ence ; 8-page biweekly ; 50 cents a
British Advent Messenger: Official or- year; published by the Canadian
gan of the British Union Conference; Union Conference at College Heights,
8-pages; published fortnightly; an- via Lacombe, Alberta; editor, H. A.
nual subscription, 3 /6, Stanborough Shepard, Box 396, Oshawa, Ontario.

Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires, editors, L. C. Wilcox, J, 0. Bautista,

Argentina, South America ; editor, Jacinto Suban.
1 H. J. Peverini ; associate editor, N. W.

Eco Estudiantil: monthly, by Academia Tiarama (the Light) : 8-page monthly

Adventista Hispanoamericana, Apar- annual subscription 1 /-; issued by the
tado 1320, San Jose, Costa Rica, Eastern Polynesian Mission at Tahiti,
Central America. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.

El Eco: 14 pages; published each school TAMIL

Period by the students of The Lima
Training School (Colegio Industrial), Messenger: a monthly church paper
Lima, Peru. published by the Tamil Mission and
printed at Spicer College, Bangalore
La Voz del Colegio: 4-page bi-monthly ; Heights, South India; editor, R. H.
issued by the student body of the Pierson, 9 Cunningham Road, Banga-
River Plate Junior College; $0.75 per lore, South India.
year ; published at Puiggari, Entre
Rios, Argentina, South America. Nalwazhi (The Good Way) : a monthly
missionary paper, published and
printed by the Oriental Watchman
SWEDISH Publishing House, Post Box 35,
Sions Vaktare: 8-page weekly church Poona, India; editor, E. D. Thomas,
and missionary paper ; annual sub- Post Box 15, Poona ; associate editors,
scription, $1.75 to U. S. ; outside, $2 ; J. S. Dason, D. W. Semmens.
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
field, Ill.; editor, Olaf Granlund. TELUGU

Avdelningsbrevet: 4-page quarterly; 25 Messenger: a monthly church paper

cents ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., published by the Telugu Mission and
Brookfield, Ill.; editor, 0. C. Gran- printed at Seventh-day Adventist
lund. Mission High School, Narsapur, West
Godavary, South India ; eitor, H. G.
Sundhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 24- Woodward, Seventh-day Adventist
page monthly; annual subscription, Mission, Nuzvid, Kistna District,
kr. 6:00, for other countries, kr. 7:00; South India.
Tunnelgatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ;
editor, I. Unhall. THAI (Siamese)
Tidens Tecken: 16-page monthly; an- Chu Chart: 80-page health and religious
nual subscription, kr. 4:00; rate for undated magazine; $.15 per copy;
other countries, kr. 5 :00 ; Tunnel- published by the Malayan Signs Press,
gatan 25, Stockholm, Sweden ; editor, Singapore, S. S.; editor, R. P. Abel.
0. Angervo.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 64 pages;
Missioniiren: 16-page monthly ; annual published quarterly by the Thailand
subscription, kr. 2:50; rate for other Siam Mission, 633 Suriwongse Road,
countries, kr. 3 :00 ; Tunnelgatan 25, Bangkok, Thailand (Siam) ; $.40 per
Stockholm, Sweden ; editor, Sven year; translated from Junior English
Bjur. Quarterly.
Ungdomens Budbarare: Students' paper TONGAN
of the Mission School, Ekebyholm,
Rimbo, Sweden ; 12-page monthly ; True Messenger: 4 pages ; six times a
subscription, kr. 3 :00 ; editor, Gillis year; 25 cents; by the Tongan Mis-
Linde. sion.

Patnubay ng Buhay: 16-page monthly; Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
Pesos 2.00 a year; foreign, US$1.00 ; containing the General Conference
Philippine Publishing House, P. 0. . Sabbath School Department lessons
Box 813, Manila, Philippines; editor, in Ukrainian ; annual subscription, 20
E. J. Urquhart; associate editors, cents ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
L. C. Wilcox, Jacinto Suban, Regino Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
The Signs of Our Time: Monthly mis-
Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly; church pa- sionary paper published by the Cana-
per ; Pesos 1.00 a year ; foreign, US dian Union Conference, at College
$.50 ; Philippine Publishing House, Heights, Alberta, Canada. Annual
P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippines ; subscription, 60 cents; editor-in-chief,
editor, E. J. Urquhart; associate L. J. Demchuk.

Talamoni: 8 pages; six times a year; Salud y Hogar (Health and Home) : 16-
subscription, 2 /-; by Samoan Mis- page monthly ; annual subscription,
sion. 5.00 pesetas ; to foreign countries, 6.50
pesetas ; editor,
La Revista Adventists Iberica: 16-page
Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Messen- monthly ; free ; editor,
ger) : 8-page monthly church paper;
published by Izdavacka Knjizara El Auxiliar de la Escuela Sabatica: 16-
"Preporod," Vojvode Protica ul. 12, page monthly; annual subscription,
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. 50 cents; published by the South
American Division of the General
Preporod (Regeneration) : 16 pages; Conference of Seventh-day Adventists
published by Izdavacka Knjizara for the Sabbath School Department,
"Preporod," Vojvode Protica ul. 12, Calle Pino 3801, Buenos Aires, Argen-
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. tina, South America ; editor, Edgar
Zivot in Zdravlje (Life and Health) : Brooks; associate editors, E. M. Davis,
16 pages; devoted to healthful liv- Wesley Amundsen.
ing ; published by Izdavacka Knjizara Programas: 16-page monthly ; published
"Preporod, Vojvode Protica ul. 12, by the South American Division of
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. the General Conference of Seventh-
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; day Adventists, for the Missionary
containing the General Conference Volunteer Department, Calle Pino
Sabbath School Department lessons 3801, Buenos Aires, Argentina, South
in Serbian ; published by Izdavacka America ; editor, N. W. Dunn ; asso-
Knjizara "Preporod," Vojvode Pro- ciate editors, Arthur Roth, Marjorie
tica ul. 12, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. Fields.

Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; El Centinela: 20-page monthly; annual
containing the General Conference subscription, $1; 10 cents per copy.
Sabbath School Department lessons Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Box
in Serbian ; annual subscription, 20 5007, Cristobal, Canal Zone; editor,
cents ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., R. L. Odom.
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. El Mensajero de la Division. Inter-Amer-
icana: 8-page monthly; 50 cents a
SIOUX year; Box 2006, Balboa, Canal Zone;
The Dakota Messenger: Issued monthly editor, W. C. Raley.
in the Sioux language by the South El Atalaya: 20-page monthly ; $2.30 m /n
Dakota Conference of Seventh-day 'a year; foreign, US$1.00 ; published
Adventists, Drawer 36, Watertown, by the Casa Editora Sudamericana,
S. Dak., U. S. A. Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
Argentina, South America; editor,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; La Revista Adventista: Spanish Church
containing the General Conference paper; 16-page semimonthly; pub-
Sabbath School Department lessons lished by the Casa Editora Sudamer-
in Slovakian ; annual subscription, 20 icana, Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos
cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Aires, Argentina, South America;
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. editor, Edgar Brooks; assistant editor,
Pramen Zivota (Fountain of Life) : 16- Fernando Chaij.
page quarterly; published by Slovak- Lecciones pars la Escuela Sabatica: 36
ian Conference, Schanzstr. 24a, II., pages; containing the General Confer-
Pressburg, Slovakia; editor, J. Lichy. ence Sabbath School Department les-
Biblicke ulohy (Sabbath School Lessons sons in Spanish; annual subscription,
Quarterly) : Published by Slovakian 20 cents; Casa Editors Sudamericana,
Conference, Schanzstr. 29a, II., Press- Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Aires,
burg, Slovakia ; editor, J. Lichy. Argentina, South America.
Note.Separate Quarterlies are pre-
SLOVENIAN pared for the adults' and children's
lessons as well as for Indian member-
Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing ship.
the General Conference Sabbath
School Department lessons in Sloven- Juventud: Spanish youth's paper; 8-
ian ; published by lzdavacka Knjizara page bi-weekly ; annual subscription,
"Preporod," Vojvode Protica ill.- 12, $2.00 m /n ; foreign, US$.75 ; pub-
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. lished by Casa Editors Sudamericana,

pine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813, RAROT'ONGAN

Manila, Philippines ; editor, E. J.
Urquhart. Tuatua-Mou: 8-page monthly; annual
subscription, 1 /- ; published by the
POLISH Cook Islands Mission, Rarotonga,
Cook Islands, Pacific Ocean.
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages;
containing the General Conference
Sabbath School Department lessons RUMANIAN
in Polish ; annual subscription, 20 Gazeta Slujbasilor (Church Officers' Ga-
cents ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., zette) : 16-page quarterly, containing
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. instructions to church officers and
Editorial work temporarily suspended programs for the Missionary Volun-
on the following publications: teer Societies and the Home Mission-
ary Department; annual subscription,
Zycie i Zdrowie (Life and Health) : 12 Lei 40.-; editor, V. Florescu.
numbers annually, 20 pages.
Curierul Misionar (The Missionary Mes-
Zrcidlo Zycia (Fountain of Life) : 4 senger) : 16-page monthly church pa-
numbers annually, 16 pages. per; annual subscription, Lei 100.-;
Nasze Pola Misyjne (Missions Quar- editor, V. Florescu.
Slugs Zboru (Church Servant) : Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Times).:
monthly church paper, 16 pages. 16-page bi-monthly missionary paper ;
Lekcje Biblijne (Sabbath. School Quar- annual subscription Lei 48 ; editors,
terly) : 4 numbers annually. D. Florea, V. Florescu.
Urzednik Zboru (Church Officers' Ga- Sfetnicul Vietii (The Counsellor of
zette) : 12 numbers annually, 8 pages. Health) : 16-page monthly paper ; an-
Wiadomosci dla KaznodziejOw (Gospel
nual subscription, Lei 96; editor, V.
Workers' Paper) : 12 numbers an- Florescu.
nually, 8 pages.
Organ KolporterOw (Book Evangelist Amicul Tinerimii (Youth's Friend) : 16-
Bulletin) : 12 numbers annually, 6 page bi-monthly ; annual subscription,
pages. Lei 48-; editor, M. Ionescu.
PORTUGUESE Spicuitorul (Gleaner) : 32-page quar-
terly ; annual subscription, Lei 40-;
O Atalaia: 20-page monthly; 12$000 a editor, D. Florea.
year ; published by the Casa Publica- All printed at the Rumanian Pub-
dora Brasileira, Caixa Postal 34, lishing House, "Curvantul Evan-
Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, gheliei," S. A. Institut de Arte
Brazil, South America ; editor, Luiz Grafice si Editura, Strada Mitrop,
Waldvogel. Ghenadie Petrescu 116, Bucharest IV,
Revista Adventists: 32 pages; annual
subscription, 10$000; published by the Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages ;
Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa containing the General Conference
Postal 34, Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Sabbath School Department lessons in
Paulo, Brazil, South America; editor, Rumanian; annual subscription, 60
Luiz Waldvogel. cents ; Pacific Press Publishing Assn.,
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A.
Sabbath School Lessons: Sabbath School
Lessons for the entire Portuguese RUSSIAN
field for both adults and children ; an-
nual subscription, 38000 ; published by Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing
the Casa Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa the General Conference Sabbath
Postal 34, Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao School Department lessons in Rus-
Paulo, Brazil, South America. sian; annual subscription, 40 cents.
Pacific Press Publishing Assn., Brook-
Vida e Sande: 24-page monthly; field, Ill., U. S. A.
18$000 a year; published by the Casa
Publicadora Brasileira, Caixa Postal Cerkowny Wiestnik (church magazine) :
34, Santo Andre, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Editorial work temporarily suspended
Brazil, South America ; editor, Luiz at Turecka 1, Warsaw, Poland.
Revista Adventists: 16-page quarterly ; (Ukrainian)
annual subscription, 5$00; published
by the Portuguese Publishing House, Majak (Watchman) and Biblijne Lekcje
Rua Joaquim Bonif acio, M. A., Lis- (Sabbath School Quarterly) : Editorial
bon, Portugal ; editor, A. D. Comes. work temporarily suspended.

tion, Y 3.00 ; foreign, US$3.00 ; pub- East Indies ; ti 2.50 a year ; editors,
lished by the Signs of the Times Pub- Union Superintendent, Mrs. K. Til-
lishing House, Keizyo, Chosen (Korea) ; stra.
editor, I. Akiyama ; associate editor,
M. Hirayama. MALAYALAM

Kyo Hoi Chi Chim (Church Compass) : Messenger: a monthly church paper,
32-page quarterly; annual subscrip- published by the Malayalam Mission,
tion, Y 1.00 ; foreign, US$.60 ; pub- and printed at Spicer College, Banga-
lished by the Signs of the Times Pub- lore Heights, South India ; editor,
lishing House, Keizyo, Chosen (Korea) ; E. R. Osmunson, S. D. A. Mission,
editor, I. Akiyama ; associate editor, Quilon, Travancore, South India.
M. Hirayama. NORWEGIAN
LATVIAN Tidens Tale: monthly missionary paper;
annual subscription, n. kr. 6.00;
Adventes Vestnesis (Advent Messen- Akersgt. 74, Oslo, Norway; editor,
ger) : 32-page monthly ; Ls. 3.50 ; edi- L. K. Tobiassen.
tor, A. Jurkevics, Brivibas iela 11,
Riga, Latvia. Evangeliets Sendebud: monthly church
paper ; Akersgt. 74, Oslo, Norway ;
LITHUANIAN editors, P. J. Olsen, L. K. Tobiassen.

Dabarties Klausimai (Present Ques- Sunnhetsbladet: monthly health jour-

tions) : 16-page bi-annual illustrated ; nal ; annual subscription, n. kr. 10.00 ;
editor, K. Strazdauskas, Vokieciu g-ve Akersgt. 74, Oslo, Norway ; editor,
57, Kaunas, Lithuania. Arthur Collett; associate editors, Ha-
kon Uggedal, L. K. Tobiassen.
MALAGASY Noisk Advent-Ungdom: monthly young
Ny Vavolombelona (The Witness) : A people's paper ; annual subscription,
missionary paper ; 32 pages ; bi- n. kr. 3.50 ; Akersgt. 74, Oslo, Nor-
monthly ; annual subscription 4 fr. way ; editor, E. Stinessen.
50 ; editor, R. Erdmann, Ambohija- PAMPANGAN
tovo, Tananarive, Madagascar.
Mizpa: A church paper in Pampangan ;
MALAY (Dutch) published by the Central Luzon Mis-
sion of S. D. A., P. 0. Box 2494,
Pertandaan Zaman (Signs of the Manila, Philippines; editor, E. J.
Times) : published monthly by the Urquhart.
Netherlands East Indies Publishing
House (Advent Boeken Depot), Nari- Also an undated missionary paper
pan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands in Pampangan ; published by the
East Indies ; fl 1.75 a year ; editors, Philippine Publishing House, P. 0.
Union Superintendent, M. E. Diredja. Box 813, Manila, Philippines; editor,
E. J. Urquhart.
Warta Geredja (Union church paper) :
Published monthly by the Netherlands PANAYAN-VISAYAN
East Indies Publishing House (Ad-
vent Boeken Depot), Naripan 63, Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church pa-
Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East per ; Pesos 1.00 ; foreign, US$.50 a
Indies ; fl 1.00 a year ; editors, Union year ; Philippine Publishing House,
Superintendent, M. E. Diredja. P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippines ;
editor, E. J. Urquhart; associate
Sabbath School Quarterly, Senior: Pub- editors, L. C. Wilcox, F. A. Pratt,
lished by the Netherlands East Indies E. Ferrer.
Publishing House (Advent Boeken Also an undated missionary paper
Depot), Naripan 63, Bandoeng, Java, in Panayan ; published by the Philip-
Netherlands East Indies; fl .80 a year. pine Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813,
Sabbath School Quarterly, Senior and Manila, Philippines; editor, E. J.
Junior combined: Published by the Urquhart.
Netherlands East Indies Publishing
House (Advent Boeken Depot), Nari- PANGASINAN
pan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands Mizpa: A monthly church paper; pub-
East Indies ; fl .60 a year. lished by the Northern Luzon Mis-
Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the sion, Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan,
Times) : Published monthly by the Philippines ; editor, E. J. Urquhart ;
Netherlands East Indies Publishing associate editor, E. M. Adams.
House (Advent Boeken Depot), Nari- An undated missionary paper in
pan 63, Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands Pangasinan; published by the Philip-

Editorial work temporarily suspended US$1.00; Philippine Publishing House,

on the following publications: P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippines ;
editor, E. J. Urquhart; associate edi-
Herold der Wahrheit (Herald of Truth):
tors, L. C. Wilcox, Regino Villanueva,
16-page monthly.
Jacinto Suban.
Gate Gesundheit (Good Health) : 16-page
monthly. Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church pa-
per; Pesos 1.00 a year; Philippine
Unser kleiner Freund (Our Little Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813,
Friend) : monthly; 8 pages. Manila, Philippines ; editor, E. J.
Der Adventhote (The Advent Messen- Urquhart; associate editors, L. C.
ger) : semimonthly church paper ; 16 Wilcox, E. M. Adams, Regina Villa-
pages. nueva.
Gegenwartsfragen (Questions of To-
day) : hi-monthly; 16 pages. Sabbath School Quarterly: Containing
the General Conference Sabbath School
HUNGARIAN Department lessons in Italian ; an-
Az Idlik Jelei (Signs of the Times) : nual subscription, 40 cents; Pacific
semimonthly, 16 pages; annual sub- Press Publishing Assn., Brookfield,
scription, 30 cents; editor, L. Mich- Ill., U. S. A.
nay, Budapest VI, Szekely Bertalan- I Segni Dei Tempi: monthly; $1 a year,
utca 13, Hungary. U. S. A.; foreign, $1.10 a year;
Boldog Elet (Happy Life) : monthly, 16 editor, J. Creanza; Pacific Press
pages; annual subscription, 60 cents; Publishing Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
editor, B. Gyarmati, Budapest I, L'Araldo della Yenta (Herald of
Nemetviilgyi ut 26, Hungary. Truth) : 16-page bi-monthly ; annual
subscription for Italy, 4.60 lire ; for-
Advent Hirniik (The Advent Messenger) eign countries, 7 lire; editor, F. Saba-
4 numbers a year, 16 pages; annual tino, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy.
subscription, 30 cents, church paper
for the Hungarian Union ; editor, B. Messaggero Avventista (Advent 11. -
Gyarmati, Budapest I, Nemetvolgyi view): 8-page monthly; annual sub-
ut 26, Hungary. scription for Italy, 5.60 lire, foreign
countries, 7.50 lire ; editor, F. Saba-
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; tino, Via Trieste 17, Florence, Italy.
containing the General Conference
Sabbath School Department lessons JAPANESE
in Hungarian ; annual subscription,
20 cents; Advent Kiadohivatal Fiokja, Kenko to Jinsei (Life and Health) : 32-
Budapest, Nemetvolgyi ut 26, Hun- page monthly; annual subscription
gary. Y 3.00 ; foreign, US$2.00 ; published by
the Japan S. D. A. Publishing House,
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Suginami Ku,
containing the General' Conference Tokyo, Japan ; editor, M. Sasaki.
Sabbath School Department lessons in
Hungarian ; annual subscription, 20 Shimei (The Message) : 32-page monthly :
cents; Pacific Press Publishing Assn., annual subscription, Y 1.50 ; foreign,
Brookfield, Ill., U. S. A. US$1.00; published by the Japan
Seventh-day Adventist Publishing
IBO House, 171 Amanuma 1-chome, Sugi-
Sabbath School Quarterly: Printed in nami Ku, Tokyo, Japan ; editor, M.
Nigeria, W. Africa. Sasaki ; associate editor, K. Kioka.
Kodomo No Gakuen (The Little Friend) :
ICELANDIC 16-page monthly; annual subscrip-
Braedrabandid (Church Paper) : 8-page tion Y 1.50 ; foreign, US$1.00 ; pub-
bimonthly; editor, 0. J. Olsen, Box lished by the Japan Seventh-day Ad-
262, Reykjavik, Iceland. ventist Publishing House, 171 Ama-
numa 1-chome, Suginami Ku, Tokyo,
Geislinn: editor, 0. J. Olsen, Box 262, Japan; editor, M. Sasaki; associate,
Reykjavik, Iceland. S. Yamada.
Stjarnan (The Star) ; 8-page mission- Gakkyu (Japan Junior College Paper) :
ary monthly ; $1 ; editor, Miss S. 8-page monthly annual subscription,
Johnson, 404 Avenue Bldg., Saska- $.25 gold ; published by the Japan
toon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Junior College Printing Department.
Pagtaengan Ken Salun-at: 16-page Kunkang Saing Whal (Life and
monthly ; Pesos 2.00 a year ; foreign, Health) : 32-page monthly; subscrip-

Bandoeng, Java, Netherlands East (French) for Switzerland, 6.00

Indies; ft. 1.00 a year; editors, Union francs (Swiss) ; for other countries,
Superintendent, I. E. Gillis. 30.00 francs (French). Managing
Editor, Ch. Gerber ; Editorial Coun-
ESTONIAN cil, J. Nussbaum, H. Muller, D. A. R.
Meie Aeg (Present Time) : 16-page
monthly ; annual subscription, EKr. Revue Adventiste (The Advent Review) :
2.50 ; Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Es- 16-page semimonthly church paper ;
tonia ; editor, M. Barengrub. annual subscription, for France, 15.00
francs (French) ; for Switzerland,
Misioniteated (Missionary News) : 16- 5.00 francs (Swiss) ; for other coun-
page monthly ; annual subscription, tries, 16.00 francs (French). Editor,
EKr. 1.50 ; Merepuiestee 14a, Tallinna, Charles Gerber, Dammarie-les-Lys
Estonia; editor, M. Barengrub. (S. et M.), France.
Juhised Noortele (Youth's Instructor) : Moniteur et Bulletin Mensuel (Sabbath
12-page monthly; annual subscrip- School Worker and Monthly Bulle-
tion, EKr. 1.25 ; Merepuiestee 14a, tin): 16-page monthly paper; annual
Tallinna, Estonia; editor, V. Suve. subscription, for France and colonies,
10.00 francs (French) ; for Switzer-
FIJIAN land, 2.50 francs (Swiss) ; for Bel-

Rarama: 8-page monthly; annual sub- gium, 12.00 francs (Belgian). Editor,
scription, 2 /-; published at the Fiji It. Gerber, 17 H8heweg, Berne,
Mission Press, Suva, Fiji. Switzerland.

FINNISH Echo du Saleve: monthly; 6 French

francs; editor,
Aikain Vartija: 16-page monthly; an-
nual subscription, in Finland, Fmk. Le Messager (The Messenger): 16-
30.00, for other countries Fmk. 40.00 ; page monthly ; $1.00 a year ; Canadian
Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland; Watchman Press, Oshawa, Ontaria,
editor,--. Canada ; Editor, A. Le Coultre.
Siionin Ystava: 12-page monthly; an-
ual subscription, in Finland Fmk. GERMAN
/20.00, for other countries, Fmk.
/30.00, Annegatan 7, Helsingfors, Zeichen der Zeit: 8-page Missionary
Finland ; editor, weekly; annual subscription, $1.75 to
U. S.; outside, $2.00 ; Pacific Press
Terveys: 20-page monthly ; annual sub- Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill. ; editor,
scription, in Finland Fmk. /48.00 for J. B. Penner.
other countries Fmk. /60.00 ; Anne-
gatan 7, Helsingfors, Finland ; editor, Deutscher Botschafter: 8-page Church
V. Sucksdorff. semi-monthly ; annual subscription,
$2.00 to U. S.; outside, $2.25 ; Pacific
FLEMISH Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.;
Leven en Gezondheid (Life and Health, editor, J. B. Penner.
Flemish), 16-page monthly health pa- 3abbatschul-Lektionen (Sabbath School
per; annual subscription, for Bel-
gium: 25 francs (Belgian) ; for Bel- Lessons) : quarterly; containing the
gian Congo, 30 francs (Belgian) ; for Seventh-day Adventist Sabbath School
Department lessons in German ; an-
Holland and other countries: 2.75 fl.
nual subscription, 40 cents ; Pacific
(Dutch) ; Managing Editor, Ch. Ger-
ber; Editorial Council, J. Nussbaum, Press Pub. Assn., Brookfield, Ill.
H. Miller, D. A. R. Aufranc. Leben and Gesundheit (Life and Health,
German) : 16-page monthly health
paper; annual subscription, for
Les Signes des Temps (Signs of the France, 25.00 francs (French) ; for
Times) : 16-page monthly ; annual Switzerland, 6.00 francs (Swiss) ; for
subscription, for France, 15.00 francs other countries, 30.00 francs (French).
(French) ; for Switzerland, 3.50 Managing Editor, Ch. Gerber; Edi-
francs (Swiss) ; for other countries, torial Council, J. Nussbaum, H.
18.00 francs (French) ; editor, Charles Miller, D. A. R. Aufranc.
Gerber, Dammarie-les-Lys (S. et M.),
France. Advent-Echo (Advent Echo), 8-page
church paper, published monthly ;
Vie et Sante (Life and Health) : 16- single copy, Fr. 0.15: Southern Euro-
page monthly health paper ; annual pean Division, Hoheweg 17, Berne,
subscription, for France, 26.00 francs Switzerland ; editor, F. Charpiot.

Ningkuo Road, Shanghai, China.) Kr. 6.00 ; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,

Shi Djao Yueh Bao (Signs of the V., Denmark ; editor, L. Muderspach.
Times) ; 36-page monthly magazine; Missionsefterretninger: (Church paper) ;
yearly subscription, $8.00 n. c.; 8-page monthly published for Den-
editors, John Oss, Y. H. Chu ; asso- mark; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
ciate editor, Y. M. Shan. Denmark ; editor, L. Muderspach.
Mo Shi Muh Sheng: (The Last Day Sundhetsbladet (Health Journal) : 24-
Shepherd's Call) 32-page monthly; page monthly; anual subscription,
yearly subscription, $2.00 n. c. ; edi- Kr. 9.00 ; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,
tor, associate editors, Goh V., Denmark; editor, C. Ottosen,
Chao-O, John Oss, Y. H. Chu, S. L. Skodsborg, Denmark.
An Shi Rih Hsioh Liang Dzu (The Sab- Advent-Ungdom (Young People's pa-
bath School Helper) ; 80-page quar- per) : 16-page monthly; annual sub-
terly; subscription, 50 cents n. c.; scription, Kr. 4.00 ; published f or
editor, Bessie Mount ; assistant editor, Denmark; Suomisvej 5, Copenhagen,
Chen Ming. V., Denmark ; editor, Mogens Bakke.
Evangelists Sendebud: 8-page weekly
CINYANJA church and . missionary paper ; an-
The Malamulo Mission Press, at Cholo, nual subscription, $1.75 to U. S.; out-
Nyasaland, Africa, issues two peri- side, $2.00 ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
odicals in the Cinyanja language, as Brookfield, Ill.; editor, C. A. Thorp.
follows: Sabbath School Quarterly,
and the Advent Messenger. Afdelings-Baandet: 4-page quarterly;
25 cents ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
CROATIAN Brookfield, Ill.; editor Louis Hals-
Preporod (Regeneration) : 16-page; pub-
lished by Izdavacka Knjizara "Pre- DUTCH (NETHERLAND)
porod," Vojvode Protica ul. 12, Bel-
grade, Jugoslavia. Tekenen des Tijds (Signs of the Times) :
Zivot i Zdravlje (Life and Health) : 16-page monthly; annual subscription,
16-page; published by Izdavacka fl. 1.50 ; editors, J. Wintzen and F.
Knjizara "Preporod," Vojvode Pro- J. Voorthuis; Stichting: Boekenhuis
tica ul. 12, Belgrade, Jugoslavia. der Advent-Zending, van Weede van
Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Nether-
Adventni Glasnik (The Advent Mes- land.
senger) : 8-page monthly church pa-
per; published by Izdavacka Knjizara De Adventbode (The Advent Messen-
"Preporod," Vojvode Protica ul. 12, ger) : 12 numbers annually ; 8 pages ;
Belgrade, Jugoslavia. annual subscription, fl. 1.40; editors,
J. Wintzen, H. Eelsing ; Stichting :
Sabbath School Quarterly: 32 pages; Boekenhuis der Advent-Zending, van
containing the General Conference Weede van Dijkveldstraat 77, The
Sabbath School Department lessons Hague, Netherland.
in Croatian ; published by Izdavacka
Knjizara "Preporod," Vojvode Pro- Bijbellessen (Sabbath School Quarterly) :
tica ul. 12, Belgrade; Jugoslavia. Stichting: Boekenhuis der Advent-
Zending, van Weede van Dijkveld-
CZECHIAN (BOHEMIAN) straat 77, The Hague, Netherland.
Straz Sionskti (Advent Messenger) : Bi- De Vriend der Kinderen (Friend of the
monthly, published by Bohemian- Children) : 16 pages ; editor, F. J.
Moravian Conference, Miinchenerstr. Voorthuis; Stichting: Boekenhuis der
35, Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate Advent-Zending, van Weede van
Bohemia and Moravia, Germany ; Dijkveldstraat 77, The Hague, Nether-
editor, J. Cepl. land.
Biblicke likoly (Sabbath School Lessons, De Zendingsvriend (The Friend of Mis-
Quarterly) : Published by Bohemian- sions) : 20 pages; editors, J. Wintzen,
Moravian Conference, Mfinchenerstr. F. J. Voorthuis; Stichting: Boeken-
35, Prag-Kgl. Weinberge, Protectorate huis der Advent-Zending, van Weeds
Bohemia and Moravia, Germany ; van Dijkveldstraat 77, the Hague,
editor, J. Cepl. Netherland.
De Werker (Union Church Paper) :
Published monthly by the Nether-
Tidens Tale: (Missionary paper) ; 24- lands East Indies Publishing House
page monthly; annual subscription, (Advent Boeken Depot), Naripan 63,

The Signs of the Times (devoted to Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth, Cape,

an exposition of Bible truth and South Africa; editor, J. L. Milford.
signs of the times) : 16-page weekly,
annual subscription, 5 /- to countries ANNAMESE
outside of Australia, and in the
Postal Union, 8/6 ($2), Warburton, Bai-hoc Truong Sa-bat (Sabbath School
Victoria, Australia; editor, A. L. Quarterly) ; 40 pages; containing the
King. General Conference Sabbath School
Department lessons; annual subscrip-
Signs of the TimesTekens van die tion, 40 cents, F. I. C. currency ;
Tye: Devoted to an explanation of French Indo-China Tract Society,
the signs of the times and Sabbath 61 bis., Route Localle 22, Gia Dinh,
truth; 16-page monthly; annual sub- Siagon, French Indo-China.
scription, 3 /6 ; editor, J. L. Milford.
Published by the Sentinel Publishing ARABIC
Company, Rosmead Ave., Kenilworth,
Cape, South Africa. Life and Health: 16-page quarterly;
annual subscription, for North Africa,
Temperance Bulletin: The official or- 9.- francs (Frch) ; for other countries,
gan of the American Temperance 12.- francs (Frch) ; editor, E. Rey,
Society of Seventh-day Adventists ; 139ter Chemin du Telemly, Algiers,
published quarterly; devoted to facts, Algeria.
statistics, and testimonials relative BICOL
to the evil effects of alcohol and nar-
cotics. Sent free to all workers and Mizpa: A church paper in Bicol ; pub-
temperance leaders for publicity pur- lished by the Southern Luzon Mission
poses. Single copy, 5 cents; 75 cents of S. D. A., P. 0. Box 32, Legaspi,
for one hundred, and $5 a thousand Albay, Philippines ; editor, E. J.
copies. Published by the General Urquhart; associate editor, Pedro
Conference, Takoma Park, Washing- Diaz.
ton, D. C.; editor, C. S. Longacre. Also an undated missionary paper
in Bicol ; published by the Philippine
The Watchman Magazine: General mis- Publishing House, P. 0. Box 813,
sionary journal and Bible expositor ; Manila, Philippines ; editor, E. J.
an illustrated monthly magazine; an- Urquhart.
nual subscription, $1 ; published by
the Southern Publishing Association, BOHEMIAN
Nashville, Tenn.; editor, J. E. Shultz.
Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly: Con-
The Workers' Aid: A 2-page, notebook taining lessons and notes translated
size printed bulletin ; contains helpful from the English. Per year, 60
material not easily available other- cents ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
wise, to workers for young people. Brookfield, Ill.
Published by the Young People's De-
partment of Missionary Volunteers of BURMESE
the General Conference and sent free
to Missionary Volunteer secretaries Burmese Kyan-Ma-Yai (Burma's
for distribution to ministers and other Health) : A monthly missionary pa-
young people's workers. per published by the Oriental Watch-
man Publishing House, Post Box 35,
The Youth's Instructor: Organ of Poona, India ; editor, Says Saw U,
Young People's Missionary Volunteer S. D. A. Mission, Meiktila, Burma ;
Department of the General Confer- printed at the Meiktila School Press,
ence; also contains the Sabbath Burma.
school lessons for the youth ; published
weekly ; annual subscription, $2.15 ; CEBUAN
Six months, $1.25. Published by the Mizpa: 8-page semimonthly church pa-
Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta- per; Pesos 1.00, a year; foreign, US
koma Park, Washington, D. C. ; $.50 ; Philippine Publishing House,
editor, Lora E. Clement; associate P. 0. Box 813, Manila, Philippines ;
editors, C. L. Bond, J. E. Weaver, editor, E. J. Urquhart; associate
S. A. Wellman, Frederick Lee. editors, L. C. Wilcox, W. B. Riffel,
Isabelo Kintanar.
Also an undated missionary paper in
FOREIGN LANGUAGES Cebuan by the Philippine Publish-
ing House, P. 0. Box 813, Manila,
AFRIKAANS Philippines ; editor, E. J. Urquhart.
Tekens van die Tye (combined with the CHINESE
Signs of the Times) : 16-page month-
ly ; annual subscription 3 /6 ; pub- (Periodicals issued by the Signs of
lished by the Sentinel Publishing Co., the Times Publishing House, 515

koma Park, Washington, D. C.; Our Little Friend: A child's paper; il-
editor, C. S. Longacre ; associate lustrated weekly ; annual subscrip-
editors, H. H. Votaw, F. D. Nichol; tion, $1 ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
managing editor, Frederick Lee. Mountain View, Calif ; editor, Ernest
Life and Health: An illustrated month-
ly ; a practical journal for the com- Our Little Friend: Semimonthly; 5/6
mon people; yearly subscription, $1; a year; Signs Pub. Co., Warburton,
published by the Review and Herald Victoria, Australia; editor, Miss M.
Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Wash- Hay.
ington, D. C. ; editor, F. D. Nichol ; The Present Truth: A one-topic 8-page
consulting editors, H. M. Walton, semimonthly for general missionary
Robert A. Hare, A. E. Coyne. purposes ; illustrated. Single sub-
scription, 35 cents. Published by the
Message Magazine: A missionary mag- Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-
azine containing articles setting koma Park, Washington, D. C. ;
forth Bible truths written by leading editor, F. D. Nichol ; associate editor,
Negro evangelists and writers of the M. R. Thurber.
country. Fully illustrated, featuring
Negro events and activities. Annual Senior Sabbath School Quarterly: 40
subscription, 90 cents ; published bi- pages; containing the senior Sabbath
monthly, January to April; monthly, school lessons ; annual subscription,
May to December, by the Southern 20 cents ; Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Publishing Assn., Nashville, Tenn. ; Mountain View, Calif.
editor, J. E. Shultz. Junior Sabbath School Quarterly: Con-
taining the Sabbath school lessons
The Ministry: 48-page monthly ; annual for the junior division; annual sub-
subscription, $1..50; official organ of scription, 20 cents ; Review and Herald
the Ministerial Association of Sev- Pub. Assn., Takoma Park, Washing-
enth-day Adventists ; also medium of ton, D. C.
communication between members of
the Medical Missionary Association Primary Sabbath School Quarterly: 32
of Seventh-day Adventists; published pages; containing the Sabbath school
for the Ministerial Association by lessons for the primary division ; an-
the Review and Herald Pub. Assn., nual subscription, 20 cents ; Pacific
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. ; Press Pub. Assn., Mountain View,
editor, L. E. Froom ; associate editors,
J. L. McElhany, R. A. Anderson, Youth's Sabbath School Quarterly: 16
Louise C. Kleuser ; office editor, Mable pages; containing lessons for the
A. Hinkhouse. youth's division ; annual subscription,
20 cents ; Review and Herald Pub-
Missionary Leader: 8-page monthly, lishing Assn., Takoma Park, Wash-
published by the Australasian Union ington, D. C.
Conference, "Mizpah," Wahroonga,
N. S. W., Australia ; editor, Sabbath School Worker: Organ of the
Sabbath School Department of the
The Morning Watch: A 32-page booklet General Conference ; 32-page monthly ;
arranged by the Young People's De- annual subscription, 95 cents; in
partment of Missionary Volunteers clubs of two or more, 80 cents; pub-
of the General Conference and pub- lished by the Review and Herald Pub.
lished by the Review and Herald Assn., Takoma Park, Washington,
Publishing Association, Takoma Park, 'D. C. ; editor, J. A. Stevens; asso-
Washington, D. C. It contains a ciate editors, S. A. Wellman, W. K.
Bible verse for each day's meditation Ising, Rosamond D. Ginther ; as-
throughout the year, a number of sistant editors, Margaret Weir, Doro-
choice quotations and poems in keep- thy Ford.
ing with the theme of the memory
texts, brief suggestions for efficient The Sentinel: 20-page monthly; annual
Bible study, and Senior and Junior subscription S. S. $1.50; published by
Bible Year check pages for the year's the Malayan Signs Press, 399 Upper
reading assignment. Price, 5 cents ; Serangoon Road, Singapore, Straits
de luxe, 15 cents. Settlements ; editor, L. I. Bowers.

The Signs of the Times: A missionary

The Oriental Watchman and Herald of paper and prophetic expositor ; il-
Health: 40 pages including cover; lustrated 16-page weekly; annual sub-
issued monthly ; annual subscription scription, $1.50; published by the
Rs. 5 ; editor, R. B. Thurber, Post Pacific Press Pub. Assn., Mountain
Box 35, Poona, India. View, Calif. ; editor, A. S. Maxwell.

General Periodicals

Advent Review and Sabbath Herald: and Young People's Missionary Vol-
Denominational church paper, es- unteer Society meetings. Annual
tablished 1849 ; published weekly ; subscription, $1.00 ; in clubs of two
annual subscription, $2.75 ; Review or more, 85 cents ; published by the
and Herald Publishing Association, Review and Herald Pub. Assn.,
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. ; Takoma Park, Washington, D. C. ;
editor, F. M. Wilcox; associate edi- editor, Roger Altman ; associate
tors, J. L. McElhany, W. A. Spicer, editors, R. G. Strickland, Alfred W.
F. D. Nichol, Frederick Lee. Peterson ; assistant editors, Mrs.
Grace D. Mace, Mrs. Marjorie W.
The Bible Expositor: a 12-page monthly Marsh.
journal for the blind, printed in
Revised Braille and New York The Church Officers' Leader: 8-page
Point, dealing with Bible doctrines ; monthly ; annual subscription, 2 /6 ;
published by the Christian Record Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Benevolent Association, College View England ; editor, J. Harker.
Station, Lincoln, Nebr. The Dorcas Letter: A medium of ex-
The Christian Record Benevolent
Association also has a free Cir- change between dorcas society lead-
ers throughout the world. Printed
culating Library department con-
taining denominational books and 4-page ; issued quarterly. No charge.
pamphlets and other books of gen- Good Health: devoted to hygiene and
eral interest for free circulation principles of healthful-living ; 24
among the blind. These are sent pages monthly; annual subscription,
to the reader and returned to the 4 / -, England; 5 / 6 abroad; ($1.35).
office franked by the government. Stanborough Park, Watford, Herts,
Canadian Watchman Magazine: 16-page England ; editor, W. L. Emmerson.
monthly; annual subscription, $1; Health: Illustrated 28-page monthly ;
published by the Canadian Watchman annual subscription, $1.50; published
Press, Box 398, Oshawa, Ontario, by the Pacific Press Pub. Assn.,
Canada; editor, C. L. Paddock. Mountain View, Calif. ; editors, P. T.
Magan, H. 0. Swartout, M. L. Neff.
The Children's Friend: a monthly jour-
nal for blind children, made up Journal of True Education: Official
largely from Our Little Friend, organ of Department of Education
printed in Braille by the Christian of Seventh-day Adventists; journal of
Record Benevolent Association, Col- Christian education in elementary,
lege View, Lincoln, Nebr. secondary, and collegiate fields; a
32-page magazine; published quar-
The Christian Record: printed for the terly, with a special summer num-
blind in Revised Braille and in New ber; yearly subscription, $1 ; nub-
York Point, monthly, 56 pages, sent
lished by Review and Herald Pub.
free to blind persons; published by
Assn., Takoma Park, Washington,
the Christian Record Benevolent As-
sociation at College View, Lincoln, D. C.; editor, W. H. Teesdale ; asso-
ciate editors, H. A. Morrison, J. E.
Nebr.; editor and manager, D. D. Weaver.
The Lay Preacher: Printed 4-page bi-
The Christian Record Sabbath School monthly; furnished free to lay
Monthly: containing the denomina- preachers as a medium of exchange
tional Sabbath school lessons ; pub- in the interests- of world-wide lay
lished by the Christian Record Ben- evangelism.
evolent Association, at College View,
Lincoln, Nebr. Liberty: a magazine of religious free-
dom ; an illustrated quarterly ; organ
Church Officers' Gazette: 32-page of the Religious Liberty Association ;
monthly, devoted to general sugges- single copy, 15 cents ; yearly sub-
tions and helps for church officers, scription, 50 cents. Published by the
and outlines for Home Missionary Review and Herald Pub. Assn., Ta-

Publishing Board: Alf r. Anderson, 0. DEPOSITORY IN TURKEY

Angervo, C. Gidlund, S. Jonasson, A. Barlas, P. 0. Box 2214, Istanbul-
E. H. Larsson, G. A. Lindsay, I. Beyoglu, Turkey
(Do not use the name of Depository)
Manager: E. H. Larsson.
Periodicals Published:
Editor, Sven Bjur.
College View Station, Lincoln, Nebr.
Editor, I. Unhall. Manager: J. B. Krauss.
Tidens Tecken
Editor, 0. Angervo.
Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
TIBETAN MISSION PRESS Board of Managers: College Board.
Kangting (Tatsienlu), Sikang, China Manager: S. Arason.
Director: (This institution is operated as a de-
partment of the Washington Missionary
Translator: Swen Ming-Sen. College, a large part of the work being
Press: Ko Ming. done by students.)

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