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Seventh-day Adventist
The Official Directories

Published by
Review and Herald Pub. Assn.
Taiona Washingtozi. D. C.

The Great Advent
A Brief History of the Rise and
Progress of the S. D. A.
Undoubtedly there is no more fascinating narrative
than the story of the rise and progress of the Seventh-
day Adventist denomination. The work done by this
people, who started in a simple and almost penniless
way, shows the direct workings of the Spirit of God.
Elder J. N. Loughborough, the author of " The Great
Advent Movement," was one of the first Seventh-day
Adventists. In addition to this, his extensive travels
and access to all the papers and documents concerning
the rise of this great movement, make him well qual-
ified to write a history of this people.
In " The Great Advent Movement " a chapter is de-
voted to each of the different lines of work attempted
by the denomination, such as the publishing work,
the sanitarium work, and the educational work, show-
ing the growth and development of each. A section
is also devoted to the spirit of prophecy, answering
many of the charges which have been made against
it, and showing the direct fulfilment of over twenty
predictions made by Mrs. White.

473 pages. Cloth $1,75


New, York City WASHINGTON, D. C. South Bend, Ind.

Seventh # day Adventist


Comprising a Complete Directory of the Gen-

eral Conference, Union and Local Confer-
ences and Mission Fields, Educational
Institutions, Publishing Houses, Periodicals,
Sanitariums, together with a Statement of
Fundamental Principles, and the Constitution
of the General Conference

(ReconF;,-,..; 1.1 1, ,, )


A Happy New Year

A happy new Year " it will be if it's

new :
New visions of all that is noble and true,
New powers for service, new knowledge
of God,
New zeal for the ways that the heroes
have trod,
New comforts, new courage, new graces,
new joys,
New peace where the evil assails or an-
New friendship, new helpers, new faith,
and new love,
New treasures on earth and new treas-
ures above,
New wisdom, new glory, new health, and
new cheer,
Nothing old, all things new, in the happy
new year!
- Selected.

This, the nineteenth issue of the denominational Year Book, indi-

cates that for the year 1909 excellent progress was made in various
lines of conference and institutional work. A comparison of the pres-
ent standing with that fOr one and two decades ago will be of value
in showing how the work has grown in recent years. This comparison
relates to conferences, missions, churches, membership, institutions, etc.
As it is too early to give returns in all cases for 1909, the figures for
1908 are used in some instances.
In 1888 there were only 32 local conferences; in 1898, 39, and in
1909, 107.
In 1888 there were seven mission fields; in 1898, 27; and in 1909, 70.
The number of churches organized in 1888 was 901; in 1898, 1654;
in 1908, 2,835.
The membership of these churches, in 1888, 26,112; in 1898, 59,447;
in 1908, 88,954. The membership of organized companies and other
communicants bring the total to approximately 100,000.
The number of educational institutions in 1888 was eight; in 1898,
21; and in 1909, as shown by the following pages, 83, all doing work
above the primary grades. These schools, located in twenty-two coun-
tries, have an enrollment above 6,521, employ 476 - teachers, and -their
estimated value is $1,625,670.56. In 1908 the schools doing primary
work (Grades 1-8) numbered 535, employing 625 teachers, and having
an enrolment of 10,487, and a valuation of $147,749.
In 1888 there were only six publishing houses, while in 1898 the
number had increased to twelve; but in 1909, as shown in the following
pages, there were twenty-seven publishing houses, issuing literature
in sixty-two languages, with an annual circulation of approximately
$1,300,000, in the form of 333 bound books, 287 pamphlets, 124 period-
icals, and 1,096 tracts, a total of 1,840 publications, one copy of each
being valued at $493.
The number of sanitariums operated by the denomination in 1888
was three; in 1898, 16; in 1909, there were 81 institutions, with which
were connected nearly 2,000 physicians and nurses. The total valuation
of these institutions was $2,766,346.50. In connection with this work
there is annually expended in charity nearly $100,000:
The total number of evangelistic laborers connected with the denom-
ination is, for 1908, 4,007; institutional laborers, 3,459; a total of 7,466,
which number is related to the entire membership as 1 to 13. The per
capita of all funds contributed for evangelistic work during 1908
($1,770,649.07), based upon the entire number of communicants con-
nected with the denomination, was $18.14. The per cent of gain in
assets of all institutions during 1908 was 18.15.
During 1909, 134 additional workers were sent out for service in
foreign mission fields.
Changes occur so frequently in this growing work that it is very
difficult to compile a directory showing the correct position and address
of the various officers and laborers. An endeavor has been made to
have all the revisions reach this office at the same time; but in the
short time necessary to print the directory, changes occur, and these
have been indicated in the latter pages, to which the reader is referred
for the latest information obtainable at the time of going to press.

gar For changes made in directories while the work on this book was
in progress, see page 233.

The languages in which publications are issued in the manner re-
ferred to on the preceding page, are the following:
Arabic Hindi Santali
Armenian-Greek Hungarian Servian
Battak Icelandic Sesuto (So. Africa)
Bengali Italian Slovakian
Bohemian Japanese Spanish
Bulgarian Java-Malay Swahili
Burmese Kafir (Xosa) Swedish
Cantonese (China) Korean Tahitian
Chasu (East Africa) Laplandish Tamil (India)
Chitonga (So. Africa) Lettonian Tongan
Danish-Norwegian Lithuanian Turkish
Dutch Malay (Singapore) Turkish-Armenian
English Mandarin (China) Turkish-Greek
Esthonian Manganja (E. Africa) Urdu (Roman)
Fijian Maori (New Zealand) Urdu (Persian)
Finnish Polish - Welsh
French Portuguese Wendic
German Raratongan Wen-li (China)
Greek (Modern) Rumanian Yiddish
Hawaiian Russian Zulu
Hebrew Samoan
Total languages, 62.


The figures indicating population, churches and their membership,

.and companies and their membership, in the following table, were
taken from the statistical report for 1908. When this table was compiled
it was too early to secure returns for 1909; and in harmony with the
vote of the General Conference in its thirty-seventh session, June, 1909,
the previous statistical report is made the basis of this table.
Some changes, however, were necessary in these figures, from the
fact that the field has been re-arranged,. new union conferences having
been formed, local conferences organized, names changed, territorial
lines transferred, and missions established. Also one Union Conference,
theSouth American, which did not report at all for the 1908 statistical
report, now sends in partial returns for this issue, thus making neces-
sary some changes for that Union.
The returns which will be published in due time in the statistical
report for. 1909 will be of a later date than those published here;
these figures are inserted here simply as a matter of convenience. How-
ever, the arrangement of names of conferences follows the same order
as that of the directories which appear in the body of this work, and
may therefore be used as a table of contents if desired,
Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-
nies ship
Atlantic Union 14,130,044 i86 4,975 33 , 211
Central New England 2,787,816 28 1,019 4 23
Greater New York 5:000,000 23 920 1 13
Maine 694,466 21 429 1 17
New York 1,875,000 36 782 20 98
Northern New England 772,762 22 526 2 16
Southern New England 1,500,000 20 496 4 22
Western New York 1,500,000 36 803 1 22

Canadian Union 5,191,699 39 851 5 31

Maritime 930,341 9 234 1 21
Ontario 2,182,942 22 414 3,
Quebec 1,853,416 7 160 1 10
Newfoundland 225,000 1 43

Central Union 6,792,874 250 8,621 6o 566

Colorado 500,000 33 1,700 8 40
Kansas 1,656,799 90 2,589 25 250
Nebraska 1,036,090 51 2,207 17 202
North Missouri 1,209,365 13 538 1 10
Southern Missouri 1,897,300 29 807 6 42
Western Colorado 268,320 15 390 ..
Wyoming 225,000 19 390 3 22

Columbia Union 17,929,066 215 6,376 21 194

Chesapeake 1,475,000 15 566 ..
District of Columbia 339,403 5 548 1 10
Eastern Pennsylvania 4,000,000 28 1,135 5 80
New Jersey 2,144,134 19 562 4 46
Ohio 4,157,545 78 2,036 .. ..
Virginia 1,854,184 25 509 1 10
West Pennsylvania 3,000,000 33 787 7 26
West Virginia 958,800 12 233 3 22

Lake Union 11,828,940 382 52,473 29 2 77

East Michigan 1,170,029 53 1,822 9 36
Indiana 2,516,462 70 1,878
Northern Illinois 2,932,033 31 1,315
North Michigan 611,684 41 ' 1,082 10 85
Southern Illinois 1,889,519 23 599
West Michigan 639,271 66 2,929 1 56
Wisconsin 2,069,942 98 2,848 9 100

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-

nies ship
Northern_ Union 5,357,686 256 5,98o
Iowa 2,231,853 116 2,428
Misinesota 1,979,912 79 1,650
North Dakota 672,671 28 917
South Dakota 473,250 33 985

North Pacific Union 1,944,580 143 5,724 30 333

Montana 243,329 16 448 1 4
Southern Idaho 150,000 18 527 1 15
Upper Columbia 425,000 30 1,550 6 106
Western Oregon 530,000 40 1,658 3 35
Western Washington 536,251 39 ,1,541 19 173
Alaska 60,000 ....

Pacific Union 2,620,000 117 7,440 22 18I

Arizona 200,000 7 242 3 19

California 1,465,000 75 4,643 5 40
Southern California 600,000 30 2,350 11 92
Utah .355,000 5 205 3 30

Southeastern Union 7,129,466 6o 1,632 27 146

Cumberland 796,931 13 530 5 12
Florida 434,165 20 460 ..
Georgia 2,323,635 5 191 4 33
North Carolina 2,100,000 13 277 10 50
South Carolina 1,474,735 9 174 8 5]

Southern Union 8,886,187 66 1,564 15 143

Alabama 1,923,074 16 309 3 54
Kentucky 2,009,665 8 259 3 27
Louisiana 1,381,625 11 275 2
Mississippi 1,551,207 15 221 5 20
Tennessee River 2,020,616 16 500 2 20

Southwestern Union 6,560,040 136 4,353 24 238

Arkansas 1,311,564 20 533 5 46
New Mexico 425,000 8 285 5 102
Oklahoma 1,525,000 71 1,889
Texas 2,798,476 34 1,475 10 50
West Texas 500,000 3 171 4 40

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-

nies ship
Western Canadian 1,460,000 34 818 2 21

Alberta 225,000 10 284

British Columbia 300,000 12 230 2 21
Manitoba 675,000 9 220
Saskatchewan 260,000 3 84

Total for North America 89,830,582 1,884 60,807 268 2,341

Australasian Union 1 40,551,122 117 3,750 45 331

New South Wales 1,596,569 23 - 935 6 57
New Zealand 928,978 16 458 11 85
Queensland 550,404 7 257 6 29
South Australian 381,148 10 323 5 18
Victoria-Thsmania 1,387,517 22 1,045 6 89
West Australian 263,846 16- 362 2 15
Cook Islands Mission 12,250 1 13
Fiji Mission 8,000 13 172 4 25
Friendly Islands Mission 22,000 1 10 2 2
Java Mission 32,000,000 1 4
New Guinea Mission 350,000 .. 1 3
Norfolk Island Mission 700 1 25
Pitcairn Island Mission -155 1 68
SamoanJslands Mission 36,755 1 6
Society Islands Mission 12,800 4 72
Sumatra Mission 3,000,000 1 4

British Union 2 45,015,429 67 . 1,674

North England 16,722,072 25 599
South England 17,207,419 18 640
South Scotland 3,108,990 7 144
Wales 1,896,000 9 202
Ireland 4,363,351 8 86
North Scotland .... 1,717,597 3

East German Union 74,548,684 172 4,299

German Union District 3,295,000 10 929

1 The figures for Tasmania included in those for Victoria, as that

conference has been merged into the Victoria Conference; the Philip-
pine and Singapore missions transferred to Asiatic division.

The figures indicating churches and their membership for all the
European Union Conferences include also the organized companies and
their membership.

PopulationChurches Membership Compa- Member-

nies ship
East German 4,966,500 26 421
Hungarian 18,048,106 28 485
Middle German 5,448,000 20 451
Prussian 3,671,922 40 809
Saxon 4,508,601 12 434
Silesian 6,929,248 28 592
Adriatic 7,466,885 1 8
Balkan 10,815,615 5 137
Galacian 9,398,807 2 33

Latin Union 110,036,846 40 96o

French Conference ] 6,391,486 16 216
Roman-Swiss 1,025,256 14 564
Algerian & Tunis Miss. 7,060,745 1 7
Italy - 33,909,776 2 41
Northern France 22,860,781 1 44
Portugal 5,423,132 2 13
Spain 19,702,585 2 35
Walloon, or French Belgian 3,663,085 2 40
Levant Union Mission 52,723,891 18 265
Greece , 2,631,952 3
Persia and Arabia.. . . 10,450,000 .. ..
Syria-Egyptian 18,093,783 3 29
Turkey 21,548,156 15 233

Russian Union Conference 151,084,000 114 3,077

Baltic 6,419,300 14 545
Caucasian 12,247,950 32 820
South Russian 11,642,650 18 543
Central Asian 11,118,000 2 30
East Russian 12,035,000 17 339
Little Russian 17,091,500 11 392
Middle Russian 50,849,000 1 29
Siberian 6,893,000 5 83
West Russian 22,787,600 14 296

Scandinavian Union Conf 13,379,882 86 2,839

Denmark 2,588,919 -- 19 896
Finland 2,925,300 7 137
Norway 2,345,700 25 897
Sweden 4,628,550 33 844
Iceland 90,363 1 40
North Sweden 801,050 1 25
Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-
nies ship
West German Union Conf . . 62,813,751 139 4,222
Bavarian Conf. 5,638,539 8 311
German-Swiss 2,500,000 14 477
North German 5,162,498 26 578
Rhenish-Prussian 6,436,337 24 1,001
South German 8,132,628 24 724
West German 7,250,000 20 521
Austrian 17,217,260 6 108
Holland & Flemish Belgium 9,401,745 16 238
West German Union Dist. 1,074,744 -1 264

African Missions 19,020,801 4 26

Abyssinia 8,279,551 1 4
British East Africa .. . 4,038,250 1 7
German East Africa 6,703,000 2 15

Total for European Unions,

also African Missions
(operated by European
Unions) 528,623,284 64o I7,361

South African Union 7,598,328 21 679 9 _88

Cape Colony 2,794,849 12 471 3 22
Natal-Transvaal 2,658,107 4 79 5 57
Barotseland (Rhodesia) 350,000 1 19
Basutoland (Kolo) 218,903 1 3
Malamulo (Nyasaland) 850,705 1 17
Maranatha (Kafir) 120,000 1 9
Umkupuvula (Rhodesia)
Solusi (Bulawayo) 1 60
Somabula (Gwelo) 1 30

South American _Union 42,256,550 66 2,303

Argentine 6,000,000 16 547
Chile 4,000,000 9 260
Rio Grande 1,370,000 8 382
Santa Catharina and Parana 800,000 12 580
Bolivia 2,235,000 1 4
Ecuador 1,400,000 1 6
North Brazil 17,356,000 5 230
Peru 4,559,550 1 10
Sao Paulo 2,800,000 4 73
Upper Parana 696,000 6 146
Uruguay 1,040,000 3 65

Population Churches Membership Compa- Member-

nies ship
West Indian Vnion 11,576,410 81 3,297 44 762
British Guiana 432,596 10 350 6 37
Central American 3,433,842 -7 215 2 15
Jamaica 806,690 29 1,164 24 582 /
South Caribbean 875,000 15 800 1 5
West Caribbean 1,000,000 10 423 5 50
Cuba 2,028,282 3 77
East Caribbean 700,000 5 220
Hayti 900,000 1 40 6 73
Porto Rico 1,400,000 1 8

Asiatic Division 803,270,499 21 601

China 435,000,000 5 128
India 297,970,499 6 207
Japan 50,000,000 4 119
Korea 12,000,000 4 100
Philippines 8,000,000 1 3
Singapore 300,000 1 44

Miscellaneous 65,188,000 5 155

Bermuda 18,000 1 37
British West Africa 50,000,000 1 24
Hawaii 170,000 1 24
Mexico 15,000,000 2 70
Grand Totals 1,588,894,775 2 ,835 88,954 366 3,522
North American Division 89,830,582 1,884 60,807 268 2,341
Australasia 40,551,122 117 3,750 45 331
European Division 528,623,284 640 17,362
Miscellaneous Unions 61,431,288 168 6,279 53 850
Asiatic Division 803,270,499 21 601
Miscellaneous Missions 65,188,000 5 155

107 Conferences; 70 Mission Fields.

Directory of the Seventh-day
Adventist Denomination.
Organized May 21, 1863.
Territory: The following-named Treasurer: W..T. Knox, Takoma
Union Conferences: Atlantic, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Canadian, Central, Gilumbia,
Lake, Northern, North Pacific, APPOINTED ASSISTANTS.
Pacific, Southeastern, Southern, Assistant Secretary for Europe:
Southwestern, Western Cana- Guy Dail, Grindelberg l'5a, Ham-
dian, Australasian, British, East burg, Germany.
German, Latin, Russian, Scan- Subtreasurer for Europe: Miss
dinavian, West German, South , Alice Ktissner, Grindelberg 15a,
African, South American, West Hamburg, Germany.
Indian; the Levant Union Mis- Home Secretary: T. E. Bowen,
sion; the missions of Bermuda, i Takoma Park Station, Wash-
British West Africa, East Af- ington, D. C.
rica, China, Hawaii, India, Ja- Statistical Secretary: H. E. Rog-
pan, Mexico, the Philippines, ers, Takoma Park Station,
and Singapore. Washington, D. C.
Cable Address: Adventist, Wash-
ington. (A B C and Western
Union cable codes used.)
Telegraphic Address: General Con- GENERAL CONFERENCE COM-
ference,' Washington, D. C. MITTEE.
(NOT Takoma Park.) GENERAL.
Express and Freight Address:
General Conference, Takoma A. G. Daniells, Takoma Park Sta-
Park, D. C. (NOT Washing- tion, Washington, D. C.
' ton.) Consign freight via B. & L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a,
0. Ry. Hamburg, Germany.
Post-office Address: Takoma Park G. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, District of tion, Washington, D. C.
Columbia, U. S. A. I. H. Evans, Box 993, U. S. Postal .
Agency, Shanghai, China.
OFFICERS. W. A.' Spicer, Takorna, Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Stti-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Vice-President for European Divi-
sion: L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg PRESIDENTS OF UNION CON-
15a, Hamburg, Germany. FERENCES.
Vice-President for North American In the United States and Canada.
Division: G. A. Irwin, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Atlantic: W. B. White, South Lan-
Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- caster, Mass.
sion: I. H. Evans, Box 993, U. S. Canadian: Wm. Guthrie, Fitch
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Bay, Quebec.
Secretary: W. A. Spicer, Takoma Central: E. T. Russell, College
Park Station, Washington, D. C. View, Nebr.

Columbia: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta- SECRETARIES OF DEPART-

koma Park Station, Washing- MENTS.
ton, D. C. Sabbath-school: G. B. Thompson,
Lake: Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., Takoma Park Station, Washing-
South Bend, Ind. ton, D. C.
Northern: R. A. Underwood, 2'718 Publishing: E. R. Palmer, Takoma
Third Ave., South, Minneapolis, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Minn. Educational: Frederick Griggs,
North Pacific: C. W. Flaiz, Col- Takoma Park Station, Wash-
lege Place, Wash. ington, D. C.
Pacific: H. W. Cottrell, Mountain Medical: Dr. W. A. Ruble, Ta-
View, Cal. koma Park Station, Washing.
Southeastern: Chas. Thompson, ton, D. C.
Graysville, Tenn. Religious Liberty: K. C. Russell,
Southern: C. F. McVagh, 57 Cole Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. ington, D. C.
Southwestern: C. Santee, Keene, Missionary Volunteer: M. E. Kern,
Tex. Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Western Canadian: H. S. Shaw, ton, D. C.
Box 244, Regina, Saskatchewan, North American Foreign: 0. A.
Canada. Olsen, Room 650, 324 Dearborn
St., Chicago, Ill.
IN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. North American Negro: A. J.
Haysmer, 61 Lindsley Ave.,
Australasian: J. E. Fulton, " Els- Nashville, Tenn.
nath," Burwood St., Burwood,
N. S. W., Australia. OTHER MEMBERS.
British: W. J. Fitzgerald, Stan- W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
borough Park, Watford, Herts, Station, Washington, D. C.
England. W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal.
East German: H. F. Schuberth, G. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Fla.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- S. N. Haskell, Box .597, Oakland,
many. Cal.
Latin: L. P. Tieche, Gland, Switz- W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park,
erland. Watford, Herts, England.
Russian: J. T. Boettcher, Kleine C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia. H. R. Salisbury, Takoma Park
Scandinavian: J. C. Raft, Mar- Station, Washington, D. C.
grethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
South African: R. C. Porter,
"Wynnton," Salons Road, Clare- SABBATH-SCHOOL DEPART-
mont, South Africa. MENT.
South American: J. W. Westphal,
Casilla 481, Buenos Ayres, Ar- OFFICERS.
gentina, South America. Secretary: G. B. Thompson, Ta-
West German: J. H. Schilling, koma Park Station, Washing-
Rotlintstrasse No. 21, II, Frank- ton, D. C.
furt a. M., Germany. Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. L.
West Indies: U. Bender, Rivers- Flora Plummer, Takoma Park
dale, Jamaica, West Indies. Station, Washington, D. C.
W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
China: W. A. Westw9rth, Box Station, Washington, D. C.
993, U. S. Postal Agency, Shang- M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View,
hai, China. Cal.

W. A. Spicer, Takoma Park Sta- H. H. Cobban, Cristobal, Canal

tion, Washington, D. C. Zone, Republic de Panama.
Mrs. Vesta J. Farnsworth, Ta- W. D. Burden, 846 Sendagaya-
koma Park Station, Washing- machi, Tokyo, Japan.
ton, D. C. A. Pages, Estacao Sao Bernardo,
F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta- S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
tion, Washington, D. C. South America.
Mrs. Fannie Dickerson Chase, Ta- W. E. Perrin, The Watchman
koma Park Station, Washing- Press, 19 Banks Road, Lucknow,
ton, D. C. India.
T. E. Bowen, Takoma Park Sta- H. W. Miller, Box 993, U. S.
tion, Washington, D. C. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
W. H. Wakeham, Stanborough L. E. Boyle, 1420 Avenida 20, Ta-
Park, Watford, Herts, England. cubaya, D. F., Mexico.



Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.

tion, Washington, D. C. L. W. Graham, 32 Union Square,
East, New York, N. Y.
OFFICERS. J. W. Mace, 215 Dean Building,
Secretary: E. R. Palmer. South Bend, Ind.
Assistant Secretary: N. Z. Town. I. A. Ford, Takoma Park Station,
Missionary Secretary: A. J. S. Washington, D. C.
Bourdeau. James Cochran, 1109 East Twelfth
St., Kansas City, Mo.
GENERAL MEMBERS. J. F. Beatty, 508 East Everett.
St., Portland, Oregon.
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Napa W. V. Sample, Box 244, Regina,
Co., Cal. Saskatchewan, Canada.
I. H. Evans, Box 993, U. S. Postal R. L. Pierce, 411 West Railroad
Agency, Shanghai, China. Ave., Fort Worth, Tex. -
L. R. Conradi, Grindelberg 15a, L. D. Randall, 169 Bryan St., At-
Hamburg, Germany. lanta, Ga.
R. C. Porter, " Wynnton," Selous S. B. Horton, Twenty-fourth Ave.,
Road, Claremont, South Africa. North, Nashville, Tenn.
D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
S. N. Curtiss, Takoma Park Sta-
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
R. Hook, Jr., Twenty-fourth Ave., R. J. Bryant, R. F. D. No. 2, Sar-
North, Nashville, Tenn. atoga Springs, N. Y.
F. F. Byington, College View, E. R. Numbers, 59 Boone St.,
Nebr. Cumberland, Md.
B. B. Noftsger, 173 Second Ave., J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs,
Ottawa, Ontario: Mich.
W. C. Sisley, Stanborough Park, Ira S. Jones, 553 Arlington Ave.,
Watford, Herts, England. West, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.
H. Hartkop, Grindelberg -15a, A. F. Harrison, Twenty-fourth
Hamburg, Germany. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
J. Robert, 29 rue de la Synagogue, W. W. Eastman, Keene, Tex.
Geneva, Switzerland. V. 0. Cole, Graysville, Tenn.
W. D. Salisbury, Warburton, Vic- C. G. Bellah, 1109 East Twelfth
toria, Australia. St., Kansas City, Mo.

RT. R. Beatty, 508 East Everett C. W. Irwin, care .Pacific College,

St., Portland, Oregon. St. Helena, Cal.
W. L. Manful, Elk Point, S. Dak. H. C. Lacey, Stanborough Park,
C. E. Weaks, The Watchman Watford, Herts, England.
Press, 19 Banks Road, Lucknow, Otto Luepke, Friedensau, Post
India. Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger-
J. M. Johanson, Warburton, Vic- many.
toria, Australia. Principal Latin Union School,
Samuel Joyce, 78 Gregory Boule- Gland, Switzerland.
vard, Nottingham, England. MI E. Cady, College Place, Wash.
E. Lind, Kungsgatan 34, Stock- Mrs. F. D. Chase, Takoma Park
holm, Sweden. Station, Washington, D. C.
Maximo Trummer, Casilla 481, H. R. Salisbury, Takoma Park
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Station, Washington, D. C.
America. W. W. Prescott, Takoma Park
G. H. Clark, 56 Roeland St., Cape Station, Washington, D. C.
Town, South Africa. M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Sta-
H. Tonjes, Estacao Sao Bernardo, tion, Washington, D. C.
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Mrs. L. Flora PlUmmer, Takoma
South America. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
T. H. Davis, Apartado 3, Ambato, B. E. Huffman, College View,
Ecuador, South America. Nebr.
J. A. P. Green, No. 1420 Avenida C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
20, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn.
GENERAL MISSIONARY SEC- M. B. Van Kirk, Graysville, Tenn.
W. J. Blake, Huntsville, Ala.
S. M. Butler, Mount Vernon, Ohio.
Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg, Den-
F. M. Dana, South Lancaster, mark.
Mass. J. G. Lamson, Stuart, Iowa.
I. G. Bigelow, 59 Boone St., Cum- W. C. John, Diamante, Argentina,
berland, Md. South America.
T. D. Gibson, 2718 Third Ave., C. P. Crager, Kenilworth, Cape,
South, Minneapolis, Minn. South Africa.
Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen- O. J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash- W. E. Straw, Berrien Springs,
ville, Tenn. Mich.
Mrs. Helen D. Dowsett, 169 Bryan F. W. Field, 30 Oiwake-cho,
St., Atlanta, Ga. Hong ku, Tokyo, Japan.
A. H. Piper, " Elsnath," Burwood J. L. Shaw, Takoma Park Station,
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus- Washington, D. C.
tralia. Ida Thompson, Mauston, Wis.
H. H. Votaw, 60 Lower Kemmen-
dine Road,-Kemmendine, Burma.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCA- John Lipke, Estacao Sao Ber-
TION. nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Office: TakOma Park Station, C. S. Longacre, South Lancaster,
Washington, D. C. Mass.
MEMBERS. J. L. Stansbury, Williamsdale,
East, Nova Scotia.
Secretary: Frederick Griggs, Ta- J. I. Beardsley, Lacombe, Alberta,
koma Park Station, Washing- Canada.
ton, D. C. L. A. Hoopes, Warburton, Vic-
C. C. Lewis; College View, Nebr. toria, Australia.
B. F. Machlan, Cooranbong, N. S. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy,
W., Australia. China.

MEDICAL COUNCIL. Geo. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead,

Cape, South Africa.
OFFICERS. H. C. Menkel, M. D., Sanitarium,
Mussoorie, India.
Secretary: W. A. Ruble, M. D.,
Takoma Park Station, Wash-
ington, D. C.
Field Secretary: D. H. Kress, RELIGIOUS LIBERTY ASSO-
M. D., Takoma Park Station,
Washington, D. C. CIATION.
Field Secretary: L. A. Hansen, OFFICERS.
Takoma Park Station, Wash-
ington, D. C. Secretary: K. C. Russell, Takoma.
Office Secretary: G. H. Heald, Park Station, Washington, D. C.
M. D., Takoma Park Station, Corresponding Secretary: W. A.
Washington, D. G. Colcord, Takoma Park Station,
Washington, D. C.
H. F. Rand, M. D., Sanitarium, J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, Cal.
Cal, Allen Moon, 215 Dean Bldg., South
W. A. George, M. D., Nashville, Bend, Ind.
Tenn. W. M. Healey, 657 Eighteenth St.,
A. B. Olsen, M. D., Caterham, San Diego, Cal.
Surrey, England. G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Orville Rockwell, M. D., College Station, Washington, D. C.
View, Nebr. C. NI. Snow, Takoma. Park Sta-
Maria L. Edwards, Sanitarium, tion, Washington, D. C.
Napa Co., Cal. L. A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth
J. D. Shively, M. D., Boulder, Colo. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
V. L. Fisher, M. D., Mount Ver- W. T. Bartlett, Stanborough Park,
non, Ohio. Watford, Herts, England.
J. W. Hopkins, M. D., Madison, D. W. Reavis, Takoma Park Sta-
Wis. tion, Washington, D. C.
L. J. Otis, M. D., Nevada, Iowa. F. M. Wilcox, Takoma Park Sta-
H. W. Vollmer, M. D., Mt. Tabor tion, Washington, D. C.
Station, Portland, Oregon. J. S. Washburn, 665 Decatur St.,
W. E. Bliss, M. D., Melrose, Mass. Memphis, Tenn.
F. C. Richards, M. D., Wahroonga, L. A. Hoopes, Warburton, Vic-
N. S. W., Australia. toria Australia.
P. A. DeForest, Gland, Switzer- W. A. 'Westworth, Box 993, U. S.
land. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
N. P. Nelson, M. D., Skodsborg, A. J. S. Bourdeau, Takoma Park
Denmark. Station, Washington, D. C.
E. Meyer, M. D., Friedensau, Post W. H. Thurston, 821 West Fifth
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- St., Topeka, Kans.
many. S. B. Horton, 57 Cole Bldg., Nash-
R. H. Habenicht, M. D., Casilla ville, Tenn.
481, Buenos Ayres, Argentina, J. S. Wightman, 1109 East
South America. Twelfth St., Kansas City, Mo.
A. C. Selmon, M. D., Mokanshan, C. S. Longacre, South Lancaster,
Chekiang Province, China. Mass.
W. C. Dunscombe, NI. D., 30 Oi- J. G. Lamson, Stuart, Iowa.
wake-cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash.
Japan. C. E. Knight, Casilla 481, Buenos
Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan, Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
Korea. ica.

W. A. Hennig, 1210 Twelfth St., nardo, Estado de Sao Paulo,

N. W., Washington, D. C. South America.
Eugene Leland, Lorne Park, On- Mrs. H. H. Cobban, Cristobal,
tario. Canal Zone, Republic de Pan-
H. R. Salisbury, Takoma Park
YOUNG PEOPLE'S MISSIONARY Station, Washington, D. C.
VOLUNTEER DEPARTMENT. Frederick Griggs, Takoma Park
Station, Washington, D. C.
OFFICERS. Mrs. L. Flora Plummer, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: M. E. Kern, Takoma Mrs. Fannie D. Chase, Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Corresponding Secretary: Miss Luther Warren, Loma Linda, Cal.
Matilda Erickson, Takoma L. H. Christian, 2406 Bloomington
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Ave., MinneapOlis, Minn.
OTHER MEMBERS. Mrs. Helen Conard, Loon Lake,
F. M. Dana, South Lancaster, G. A. Grauer, College View, Nebr.
Mass. Anna. Knight, 209 Green's Ferry
W. J. Blake, Box 414, Huntsville, Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Ala. C. L. Benson, College View, Nebr.
E. E. Farnsworth, Campion Sta- S. Mortenson, 5942 Peoria St.,
tion, R. F. D. No. 3, Loveland, Chicago, Ill.
Colo. Meade MacGuire, care Sanitarium,
S. M. Butler, College, Mt. Vernon, Boulder, Colo.
Ohio. Miss Ida Thompson, Mauston,
W. E. Straw, Berrien Springs; Wis.
J. G. Lamson, Stuart, Iowa.
0. K. Butler, 598 Hutchinson St., NORTH AMERICAN FOREIGN
Montreal, Quebec.
H. G. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal. DEPARTMENT.
Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker, Graysville,
Department Headquarters and
Tenn. Office: Room 650, 324 Dearborn
Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen-
ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash- St., Chicago, Ill.
ville, Tenn. OFFICERS.
Bertha Lofstad, Port Hammond,
British Columbia. Department Secretaiy: 0. A. Ol-
Edith Graham, " Elsnath," Bur- sen, office address.
wood St., Burwood, N. S. W., Corresponding Secretary: Adolf
Australia. Boettcher, Room 404, 32 Union
W. H. Wakeham, Stanborough Square, East, New York, N. Y.
Park, Watford, Herts, England.
Guy Dail, Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Advisory Council: 0. A. Olsen
burg, Germany. (chairman), G. F. Haffner, L. H.
Jean Vuilleumier, Gland, Vaud, Christian, S. Mortenson, W. B.
Switzerland. White.
Mrs. Emma Fenner, Grindelberg ADVISORY COPLATITTEE.
15a, Hamburg, Germany.
L. Muderspach,' Margrethevej 5, 0. A. Olsen, G. F. Haffner, S.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Mortenson, L. H. Christian, G.
Mary E. Robertson, 43 Wolhuter A. Irwin, E. W. Farnsworth,
St., Jeppestown, Johannesburg, B. F. Kneeland, M. L. Andrea-
South Africa. sen, E. T. Russell, R. A. Under-
John Lipke, Estacao Sao Ber- wood, E. R. Palmer, W. A.

Spicer, Wm. Covert, W. B. Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Tenn.

White, A. T. Robinson, Allen Clarence Santee, Keene, Tex.
Moon, L. W. Graham, F. C. Gil- C. P. Bollman, Madison, Tenn.
bert. J. E. White, 1713 Cass St., Nash-
ville, Tenn.
F. R. Rogers, Box 474, West
Jackson, Miss.
G. F. Haffner (Superintendent), C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Shattuck, Okla. M. C. Strachan, 240 Flint St.,
C. J. Kunkel, Box L, Harvey, N. Asheville, N. C.
Dak. W. H. Green, 1528 Fifth St., N.
G. A. Grauer, College View, Nebr. W., Washington, D. C.
Henry Shultz,Lodi, Cal. D. E. Blake, 316 Foster St., Nash-
, 32 Union Square,
Adolf Boettchr ville, Tenn.
East, New York, N. Y. T. H. Branch, 2806 California St.,
VISORY COMMITTEE. J. K. Humphrey, 1693 Dean St.,
Brooklyn, N. Y.
S. Mortenson (Superintendent), Sydney Scott, 601 Green Ave.,
5942 Peoria St., Chicago, Ill. Greenville, S. C.
August Anderson, College View, Page Shepard, Asheville, N. C.
Nebr. Thomas Murphy, 1100 Marengo
G. E. Nord, 462 East 137th St., St., New Orleans, La.
New York, N. Y. W. H. Sebastian,Louisville, Ky.
J. F. Anderson, 827 Magnolia St., C. M. Jones, 121 Elm St., Waco,
St. Paul, Minn Texas.
A. J. Stone, 5718 Alaska St., Ta-
coma, Wash.
Note.Representatives, one from
DANISH-NORWEGIAN DEPART- each union conference in the North
MENT COMMITTEE. and Canada, not yet appointed by
L. H. Christian (Superintendent), those unions.
2406 Bloomington Ave., Minne-
apolis, Minn.
L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty-sec- RELIEF BUREAU.
ond St., Ballard Sta., Seattle,
M. L. Andreasen, 32 Union Square,
East, New York, N. Y. Secretary: Frederick Griggs, Ta-
M. S. Reppe, College View, Nebr. koma Park Station, Washing-
Lars Nielson, Mohall, N. Dak. ton, D. C.
Corresponding Secretary: W. A.
Foreign Literature Depository: Ruble, Takoma Park Station,
Manager, L. W. Graham, 32 Washington, D. C.
Union Square, East, New York,
W. C. White, Sanitarium, Cal.
G. A. Irwin, Takoma Park Sta-
NORTH AMERICAN NEGRO DE- tion, Washington, D. C.
PARTMENT. E. R. Palmer, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
Secretary: A. J. Haysmer, 61 A. J. Haysmer, 61 Lindsley Ave.,
Lindsley Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Nashville, Tenn.
OTHER MEMBERS. 0. A. Olsen, Room 650, 324 Dear-
born St., Chicago, Ill.
C. F. McVagh, 1712 Simkin St., G. B. Thompson, Takoma Park
Nashville, Tenn. Station, Washington, D. C.

M. E. Kern, Takoma Park Station, GENERAL CONFERENCE ASSO-

Washington, D. C. CIATION.
L. A. Hansen, Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Incorporated 1887.
Legal Title: " General Conference
Association of the Seventh-day
Constituency: The General Con-
W. T. Knox, Takoma Park Sta- ference delegates.
tion, Washington, D. C. (Also
general agent for transatlantic
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C.
steamship lines.)
C. H. Jones, Mountain View, Cal.
(Also general agent for trans- OFFICERS.
pacific steamship lines.)
Review and Herald Publishing President: A. G. Daniells, Takoma
Association, Room 404, 32 Union Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Square, East, New York, N. Y. Treasttrer: W. T. Knox, Takoma
Wm. Covert, Room 650, 324 Dear- Park Station, Washington, D. C.
born St., Chicago, Ill. Secretary: H. E. Rogers, Takoma
A. Bacon, 84 Upper Tollington Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Park, London, N., England.
R. T. Dowsett, 169 Bryan St.,
W. A. cox, il 57 Cole Building,
Nashville, Tenn. W. A. Spicer, W. W. Prescott,
C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex. K. C. Russell, G. A. Irwin, 0. A.
N. B. Emerson, College View, Olsen, F. M. Wilcox, S. E. Mc-
Nebr. Neill, H. R. Salisbury, Allen
Meade MacGuire, Colorado Sani- Moon, Wm. Covert, A. G.
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Haughey, R. A. Underwood, H.
C. M. Everest, Box 989, Minne- W. Cottrell, S. N. Curtiss, D. W.
apolis, Minn. Reavis, J. R. Scott, T. E. Bowen,
J. F. Beatty, 508 East Everett St., Frederick Griggs.
Portland, Oregon. Executive Committee:' A. G. Dan-
iells, G. A. Irwin, I. H. Evans,
S. N. Curtiss, H. E. Rogers.
Incorporated 1904.
Legal Title: " General Conference
Corporation of Seventh-day Incorporated 1899.
Constituency: The General Con- Legal Title: " Foreign Mission
ference delegates. Board of Seventh-day Advent-
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- ists."
tion, Washington, D, C. Trustees: A. G. Daniells, W. A.
Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells; Spicer, W. T. Knox, 0. A. Olsen,
Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W. H. R. Salisbury, W. A. West-
T. Knox. worth, G. A. Irwin, G. B.
Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells, Thompson, W. W. Prescott.
I. H. Evans, W. T. Knox, W. W. Officers: Pres., A. G. Daniells;
Prescott, G. A. Irwin, S. N. Sec., W. A. Spicer; Treas., W,
Curtiss, W. A. Spicer. T. Knox,

LABORERS ENGAGED IN GEN- Station, Washington, D. C.

ERAL WORK UNDER THE Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta-
GENERAL CONFERENCE. tion, Washington, D. C.
(Only the names and addresses Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
of general workers not connected tion, Washington, D. C.
with mission fields appear in this Thompson, Geo. B., Takoma Park
list; names of workers connected Station, Washington, D. C.
with mission fields appear under Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta-
the directories of Miscellaneous tion, Washington, D. C.
Mission Fields. This is done to White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven,"
save useless repetition of names.) Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
MINISTERS. White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa
Co., Cal. -
Brown, Geo. M., R. F. D. No. 1, Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Greensboro, N. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Butler, Geo. I., Bowling Green,
Christian, L. H., Room 650, 324
Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill. Boettcher, A., 32 Union Square,
Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- East, New York, N. Y.
tion, Washington, D. C. Bourdeau, A. J. S., Takoma Park
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Station, Washington, D. C.
Hamburg, Germany. Crisler, C. C., Sanitarium, Cal.
Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta- Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
tion, Washington, D. C. - burg, Germany.
Evans, I. H., Box 993, U. S. Postal Haskell, Mrs. H. H., Box 597, Oak-
Agency, Shanghai, .China. land, Cal.
Farnsworth, E. W., Takoma Park Hayton, C. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Griggs, Frederick, Takoma Park Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla. Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Haskell, S. N., Box 597, Oakland, tion, Washington, D. C.
Cal. Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Irwin, G. A., Takoma Park Sta- tion, 'Washington, D. C.
tion, Washington, D. C. Sisco, H. N., 1 and 2 Iowa Circle,
Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Washington, D. C,
tion, Washington, D. C. Snow, C. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- tion, Washington, D. C.
Kress, D. H., Takoma Park Sta-
tion, Washington, D. C. Erickson, Matilda, Takoma Park
Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal. Station, Washington, D. C.
Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St., Farnsworth, Mrs. V. J., Takoma
Chicago, Ill. Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Olsen, 0. A., Room 650, 324 Dear- MacEnterfer, Sara, Sanitarium,
born St., Chicago, Ill. Cal.
Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta- Plummer, Mrs. L. Flora, Takoma
tion, Washington, D. C. - Park Station, Washington, D. C.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Rogers, H. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Station, Washington, D. C. tion, Washington, D. C.
Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Sta- Sisco, Dr. Patience S. Bourdeau,
tion, Washington, D. C. 1 and 2 Iowa Circle, Washing-
Salisbury, H. R., Takoma Park ton, D. C.
Orgadized 1901.
Territory: The Conferences of L. Andreasen, Room 404, 32
Maine, Northern New England, Union Square, East, New York,
Central New England, Southern N. Y.
New England, New York, Negro Representative: J. K. Hum-
Greater New York, and West- phrey, 1693 Dean St., Brooklyn,
ern New York. N. Y.



Wag R N

* MOM 0), E 11, AMMATERS

Iviuot111. {101,11

Office: South Lancaster, Mass. Jewish Representative: F. C. Gil-

OFFICERS. bert, office address..
Executive Committee: W. B.
President: W. B. White, office ad- White, the presidents of the
dress. conferences composing the Un-
Vice-President: F. H. De Vinney, ion, M. L. Andreasen, C. S.
317 West Bloomfield St., Rome, Longacre, R. J. Bryant, W. E.
N. Y.- Bliss, F. W. Stray, H. C. White,
Secretary: Miss Pearl Rees, office F. M. Dana.
address. " Atlantic Union Conference As-
Treasurer and Auditor: C. L. Kil- sociation of Seventh-day Ad-
gore, office address. ventists: " Trustees: William
Religious Liberty Secretary: . B. White (Pres.), Horace B.
Educational Secretary: C. S. Long- Tucker (Sec. and Treas.),
gore, office address. Charles S. Longacre, Herbert C.
Field Missionary Agent: R. J. Hartwell, Frederick H. De Vin-
Bryant, R. F. D. No. 2, Saratoga ney, Oliver Montgomery, Rollin
Swings, N. Y. D. Quinn.
i Secretary: F. M. Dana,
office address. ' MINISTERS.
Young People's Secretary: F. M.
Dana, office address. W. B. White, South Lancaster,
Medical Secretary: W. E. Bliss, Mass.
M. D., Melrose, Mass. C. S. Longacre_, South Lancaster,
Scandinavian Representative: M. Mass.

R. J. Bryant, R. F. D. No. 2, Sar-
atoga Springs, N. Y. H. C. Hartwell, South Lancaster,
F. M. Dana, South Lancaster, Mass.
Mass. L. S. Wheeler, 127 Maywood St.,
Worcester, Mass.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. F. C. Gilbert, South Lancaster,
J. L. Johnson, 553 Forty-fifth St., Arthur E. Sanderson, 20 Clifford
Brooklyn, N. Y. St., Roxbury, Mass.
C. L. Kilgore, South Lancaster, P. F. Bicknell, South Lancaster,
Mass. Mass.
Miss Pearl Rees, South Lancaster, J. H. Anderson, 24 Quincy St.,
Mass. Quincy, Mass.
L. T. Nicola, East Lee, Mass.
E. E. Miles, South Lancaster,
CENTRAL NEW ENGLAND E. E. Gardner, South Lancaster,
Organized 1903, out of territory
formerly comprising the New LICENTIATES.
England Conference.
Territory: Massachusetts. C, F. Ulrich, Westfield, Mass.
Office: South Lancaster, Mass. W. R. Uchtmann, 64 Pleasant St.,
Gardner, Mass.
OFFICERS. Seth W. Walker, Chelmsford Cen-
President: H. C. Hartwell, South ter, Mass.
Lancaster, Mass. John K. Jones, Mansfield, Mass.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- H. Pannkoke, 5 Adelaide St., J. P.,
ference and Tract Society: H. B. Boston, Mass.
Tucker, South Lancaster, Mass. Charles P. Lillie, 8 Jackson St..
Executive Committee: H. C. Hart- Natick, Mass.
well, F. C. Gilbert, A. E. San-
derson, P. P. Lane, M. 0. Brad-
ford, A. V. Farnsworth, H. B. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Secretary of Sabbath-school and H. B. Tucker, South Lancaster,
Young People's Work: Mrs. L. Mass.
S. Wheeler, 127 Maywood St., C. E. Palmer, 7 Upland Road, Ev-
Worcester, Mass. erett, Mass.
Missionary Secretary: J. W. Sy- H. C. Wilcox, South Lancaster,
pher, South Lancaster,Mass. Mass.
Field Missionary Aget: H. C. Mrs. Ella M. Wilber, South Lan-
Wilcox, South Lancaster, Mass. caster, Mass.
Medical Missionary Secretary: Dr. W. E. Bliss, care New England
Mary Sanderson, M. D., 46 For- Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.
est Park Ave., 'Springfield, Mass. Mrs. L. S. Wheeler, 127 Maywood
Secretary Jewish Department: F. St., Worcester, Mass.
C. Gilbert, South Lancaster, Mary Sanderson, M. D., 46 Forest
Mass. Park Ave., Springfield, Mass.
Educational Secretary: Mrs. L. S. Mrs. M. A. Wheeler, 20 Clifford
Wheeler, 127 Maywood St., St., Roxbury, Mass.
Worcester, Mass. Miss Ethel Meek, Mansfield, Mass.
Religious Liberty Secretary: L. S. Miss Jennie Person, care Good
Wheeler, 127 Maywood St., Tidings Home, Concord, Mass.
Worcester, Mass. Miss Bertha Stewart, care New

England Sanitarium, Melrose, GREATER NEW YORK CON-

Dr. Estella Houser, care New Eng-
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Organized 1902.
Dr. V. L. Mann, care New Eng-
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Territory: The City of Greater
Julius G. White, care New Eng- New York, Long Island, and the
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.. counties of Westchester, Rock-
Clifford A. Wilkinson, Salem, land, Putnam, Orange, Dutchess,
Mass. and Ulster, in the State of New
A. H. Adams, 20 Clifford St., Rox- York.
bury, Mass. Office: Room 404, 32 Union Square,
Mrs. D. H. Jones, R. F. D. No. 2, East, New York, N. Y.
Southbridge, Mass.
Mrs. Anna Vanderbilt, care Good OFFICERS.
Tidings Home, Concord, Mass.
Miss Margaret Stuhrke, 5 Ade- President: R. D. Quinn, office ad-
laide St., J. P., Boston, Mass. dress.
Mrs. E. H. Watson, 45 Villa Ave., Secretary and Treasurer: L. W.
Everett, Mass. Graham, office address.
J. W. Sypher, South Lancaster, Executive Committee: R. D.
Mass. Quinn, M. L. Andreasen, L. W.
Miss Cora A. Spencer, 57 Russell Graham, A. V. Cotton, J. L.
St., Worcester, Mass. Johnson, J. B. Mallory.
Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. ple's Missionary Volunteer De-
partments: Secretary, Mrs. L.
Miss Clara M. Stark, 17 D St., H. Proctor, 434 Fifty-third St.,
Lowell, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Miss Dorothy L. Harris, Union St., Medical Department: B. B. Kinne,
Leominster, Mass., care Edmund M. D.; H. P. Vaughan, M. D.;
Curry. E. .H. M. Sell, M. D.
Miss Marie Weller, care M. 0. Educational Department: Mrs. L.
, Mass.
Bradford, Acushnet II. Proctor:Mrs. M. L. Andrea-
Miss Minnie Ismert, Simes Farm, sen, Miss Hilda Norman.
Petersham, Mass. Religious Liberty Department:
Miss Carrie Kern, South Lancas- Amos Mitchell, Claude Maybel,
ter, Mass. Louis Klebahn.
Miss Matilda Thaler, 4 East Ken- Orders for publications should be
dall St., Worcester, Mass. sent. to Review and Herald Pub.
Assn., 32 Union Square, East,
Dr. W. E. Bliss, care New Eng-
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. MINISTERS.
Dr. V. L. Mann, care New Eng-
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. R. D. Quinn, Room 404, 32 Union
Dr. Estella Houser, care New Eng- Square, East, New York, N. Y.
land Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. M. L. Andreasen, Room 404, 32
Miss Bertha N. Stewart, care New Union Square, East, New York,
England Sanitarium, Melrose, N. Y.
Mass. A. V. Cotton, 542 Bainbridge St.,
Dr. Mary Sanderson, M. D., 46 Brooklyn, N. Y.
Forest Park Ave., Springfield, J. K. Humphrey, 1693 Dean- St.,
Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y.
Dr. J. P. Bradford, 25. Main St., L. H. Proctor, 434 Fifty-third St.,
Nev Bedford, Mass. Brooklyn, N. Y.


R. Calderone, 689 De Kalb Ave., Organized 1867.
Brooklyn, N. Y.
Stephen Halusic, 415 East Sev- Territory: The State of Maine.
enty-third St., New York, N. Y. Office: 1377 Washington Ave.,
J. J. Kennedy, R. F. D. No. 1, Woodfords Sta., Portland, Me.
Englewood, N. J. OFFICERS.
R. H. Martin, 234 West Thir-
teenth St., New York, N. Y. President: G. Montgomery, office
Amos Mitchell, 257 Flatbush Ave., address.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Vice-President: A. J. Verrill, Me-
G. E. Nord, 462 East 137th St., chanic Falls, Me.
New York, N. Y. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
John D. Sivak, 434 East Seventy- ference and Tract Society:
second St., New York, N. Y. Miss Eliza H. Morton, office ad-
Otto Schwedrat, Room 404, 32 dress.
Union Square, East, New York, Assistant Secretary and Treas-
N. Y. urer Conference and Tract So-
ciety: Mrs. W. G. Howe, office
Mrs. John Brown, 2165 Pacific St., Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
Brooklyn, N. Y. retary, Mrs. W. 0. Howe.
N. Guadagnino, 18 Hopkins St., Young People's Missionary Vol-
Brooklyn, N. Y. - unteer Department: Secretary,
H. P. Hansen, 566 Henry St., Jennie R. Bates, office address;
Brooklyn, N. Y. Assistant Secretary, Mrs. Lilla
Mrs. J. C. Hennessy, 535 West Grant, office address.
110th St., New York, N. Y. Religious Liberty Department:
Miss E. Hervick, 464 Fifty-fifth Secretary; W. G. Howe, office
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. address.
Miss E. Kehrein, 350 Beekman Educational Department: Secre-
Ave., New York, N. Y. tary, Miss Eliza H. Morton.
Mrs. R. Leo, 1159 Intervale Ave., Field Missionary Secretary: .
New York, N. Y. Field Missionary Agent: .
A. 0. Lund, 350 Beekman Ave.,
C. Massimino, 689 De Kalb Ave.,
Brooklyn, N. Y. Executive Committee: 0. Mont-
John Manuel, 100 West Moreland gomery, A. J. Verrill, B. F.
Ave., White Plains, N. Y. Davis, R. S. Hobbs, W. 0. Howe.
J. B. Mallory, 307 West 146th "Benevolent Association of S. D.
St., New York, N. Y. Adventists: " Pres., George W.
Miss A. Meyer, 78 Norwood Ave., Whitney (8 Winter St., Au-
Brooklyn, N. Y. gusta); Vice-Pres., B. F. Davis
Miss Edith M. Nord, 462 East (Hartland) ; Clerk and Treas.,
137th St., New York, N. Y. E. C. Taylor (Norridgewock);
Miss Hilda Norman, 1693 Dean Auditor, Miss Eliza H. Morton;
St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Trustees, W. J. Dunscomb, J. B.
C. A. Reidt, 504 Wales Ave., New Goodrich, E. C. Taylor, G. W.
York, N. Y. Whitney, Chas. H. Harmon, B.
Fred Scharff, 426 East Sixty-sev- F. Davis, S. J. Hersum.
enth St., New York, N. Y. MINISTERS.
0: Montgomery, 1377 Washington
Miss Florence Kidder, 1065 Six- Ave., Woodfords Sta., Portland,
tieth St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Me.

J. B. Goodrich, Blaine, Me. Educational Department: Secre-

S. J. Hersum, Richmond, Me. tary, Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136
P. B. Osborne, Skowhegan, Me. Elmwood Ave.; Syracuse, N. Y.
H. C. Giles, 2 Park Place, Port- Religious Liberty Department:
land, Me. Secretary, A. J. Clark, 177 War-
A. J. Verrill, Mechanic. Falls, Me. ren St., Albany, N. Y.
LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
E. E. Osborne, Skowhegan, Me. retary, Mrs. F. C. Webster, 20
F. B. Grant, 1377 Washington Mary St., Amsterdam, N. Y.
Ave., Woodfords Sta., Port- Young People's Missionary Vol-
land, Me. unteer Department: Secretary,
W. 0. Howe, 1377 Washington Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136 Elm-
Ave., Woodfords 'Sta., Portland, wood Ave., Syracuse,'N. Y.
Field Missionary Agent: A. R.
Me. Scott, 20 Mary St., Amster-
Executive Committee: F. H. De-
E. H. Morton, 1377 Washington Vinney, F. N. Johnson, F. C.
Ave., Woodfords Sta., Portland, Webster, H. C. White, William
Me. Clayton.
Jennie R. Bates, 1377 Washington " New York Conference Associa-
Ave., Woodfords Sta., Portland, tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Me. ists: " Trustees: F. H. DeVin-
Mrs. W. 0. Howe, 1377 Washing- ney (Pres.), H. C. White (Vice-
ton Ave., Woodfords Sta., Port- Pres.), F. N. Johnson (Sec. and
land, Me. Treas.), L. A. Ferris (Auditor),
Cenie P. Wood, Skowhegan, Me. F. C. Webster, William Clayton,
Geo. W. Howard, Keaw Falls, Me. C. D. Green.
Ethel J. Sanderson, 652 Congress
St., Portland, Me. F. H. DeVinney, 317 West Bloom-
Mrs. Alice Smith, Cliff Island, Me. field St., Rome, N. Y.
A. J. Clark, 177 Warren St., Al-
bany, N. Y.
F. C. Webster, 20 Mary St., Am-
Organized 1862; Reorganized 1906. D. G. Turk, 525 State St., Bing-
Territory: Eastern portion of the hamton, N. Y.
State of New York, east of the
eastern boundaries of the coun- NOT IN ACTIVE EMPLOY.
ties of Cayuga, Tompkins, and
Tioga, excepting the counties H. H. Wilcox, R. F. D. No. 5,
of Westchester, Rockland, Put- Potsdam, N. Y.
nam, Orange, and Dutchess, also S. B. Whitney, Frankfort, N. Y.
the city of Greater New York. F. Wheeler, West Monroe, Oswego
Office: 317 West Bloomfield St., Co., N. Y.
Rome, N. Y.
President: F. H. DeVinney, office
address. C. D. Sharp, 4 Eleanor St., Schen-
Secretary and Treasurer: F. N. ectady, N. Y.
Johnson, office address. H. F. Taylor, 317 West Bloomfield
Tract Society Secretary and St., Rome, N. Y.
Treasurer: F. N. Johnson, office W. S. Jenkins, St. Johnsville, N. Y.
address. W. C. Mathewson, Vienna, N. Y.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Secretary of Sabbath-school and

Mary A. Millington, 3 Union Educational Departments: Miss
Place, Broadway, Troy, N. Y. Gertrude Sims, North Hyde
Emma L. Lawrence, 4 Eleanor St., Park, Vt.
Schenectady, N. Y. Secretary Missionary Volunteer
Mrs. W. S. Jenkins, St. Johnsville, Department: Mrs. W. H. Holden,
N. Y. office address.
Mrs. D. G. Turk, 525 State St., Medical Missionary Secretary: Dr.
Binghamton, N. Y. C. F. Ball, Rutland, Vt.
Mrs. Bessie J. Rice, 136 Elmwood Religious Liberty Secretary: W.
Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. H. Holden, office address.
Mrs. Vesta J. Webster, 20 Mary Executive Committee: W. H.
St., Amsterdam, N. Y. Holden, 0. 0. Farnsworth, T. H.
F. N. Johnson, 317 West Bloom- Purdon, A. P. Needham, F. W.
field St., Rome, N. Y. Stray.
A. R. Scott, 20 Mary St., Amster-
dam, N. Y.
W. H. Holden, 190 North Win-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS ooski Ave., Burlington,Vt.
W. C. Mathewson, Vienna, Oneida T. H. Purdon, 14 Jacs on Ave.,
Co., N. Y. Rutland, Vt.
Miss Ella Osborn, 136 Elmwood H. J. Farman, R. F. D. No. 1,
Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. Barnet, Vt.
Mrs. Arthur Evans, Norwich, 0. 0. Farnsworth, Jamaica, Vt.
Chenango Co., N. Y. F. W. Stray, 3 Lyndon St., Con-
Elizabeth Dunscombe, North cord, N. H.
Creek, Warren Co., N. Y. LICENTIATES.
Lizzie Bruce, Igerna, Warren Co.,
N. Y. F. S. Hartwell, 3 Lyndon St., Con-
Mable S. E. Termier, Lincklaen ' cord, N. H.
Center, N. Y. L. A. Cousens, 695 Water St.,
Emma L. Lawrence, 4 Eleanor Fitchburg, Mass.
A. R. Evans, 190 North Winooski
NORTHERN NEW ENGLAND Ave., Burlington, Vt.
CONFERENCE. Mrs. W. H. Holden, 190 Winooski
Organized as the Vermont Confer- Ave., Burlington, Vt.
ence, June 15, 1862. Frank H. Raley, 190 Winooski
Ave., Burlington, Vt.
Territory: The States of Vermont
Office: 190 North Winooski Ave., Gertrude Sims, North Hyde Park,
Burlington, Vt. Vt.
Mrs. Lillian Kelsey, Jamaica, Vt.
President: W. H. Holden, office
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- CONFERENCE.
ference: Frank H. Raley, office
address. Organized in 1903 from territory
Secretary and Treasurer of Tract formerly comprised in the New
and Missionary Department: England Conference.
Frank H. Raley. Territory: The States of Connec-
Field Missionary Secretary: ticut and Rhode Island.
Field Missionary Agent: A. R. Office: 51 Whitmore St., Hartford,
Evans, office address. Conn.


President: C.. H. Edwards, office FERENCE.
address. Organized 1906.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
ference and Tract Society: W. Territory: The State of New
E. Fortune, office address. York west of the eastern bound-
Sabbath-school Department: . ary of the counties of Cayuga,
Young People's Missionary Volun- Tompkins, and Tioga.
teer Department: Secretary, C. Office: 8 East Jefferson St., Sal-
H. Reimers, East Main and amanca, N. Y.
Williams St., Meriden, Conn.
Religious Liberty Bureau:
Field Missionary Agent: Chas.
Dyer, 1 Providence St., Provi- President: H. W. Carr, office ad-
dence, R. I. dress.
Executive Committee: C. H. Ed- Vice-President: J. F. Piper, 170
wards, H. F. Henry, D. A. Bid- Silver St., Rochester, N. Y.
well, G. P. Coates, J. A. Tefft, Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
W. R. Andrews, F. B. Reed. ference and Tract Society: Mrs.
" Southeni New England Confer- H. W. Carr, office address.
ence Association of Seventh- Assistant Secretary of Conference
day Adventists, Incorporated: " and Tract Society: Miss De-
Trustees, D. B. Parmelee _ light M. Landon, office address.
(Pres.), (Sec. and Treas.), Educational Department: Secre-
C. H. Edwards, F. B. Reed, J. tary, Miss Lora Tarbell, Route
A. Tefft. 10, Medina, N. Y.
MINISTERS. Missionary Secretary: A. W. Coon,
170 Silver St., Rochester, N. Y.
C. H. Edwards, 51 Whitmore St., Field Missionary Agent: A. W.
Hartford, Conn. Coon, 170 Silver St., Rochester,
J. C. Stevens, 79 Olive St., Bridge- . N. Y.
port, Conn. Religious Liberty Secretary: T. B.
W. R. Andrews, 53 Hancock St., Westbrook, 28 East Balcom St.,
Pawtucket, R. I. Buffalo, N. Y.
Elof Johnson, 244 Chestnut St., Sabbath-school Department Sec
New Britain, Conn. retary: Mrs. E. .E. Prescott, 451
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Elmwood Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Mrs. Eva B. Daggett, 8 Evergreen Young People's Missionary Volun-
St., Bridgeport, Conn. teer Department: Secretary,
Mrs. M. A. Scribner, 51 Whitmore Miss Delight M. Landon, office
St., Hartford, Conn. address.
Miss Margaret Weir, 51 Whitmore Executive Committee: H. W. Carr,
St., Hartford, Conn. J. F. Piper, J. W. Raymond, F.
Mrs. Marian Teats, care 53 Han- H. Hicks, T. B. Westbrook, F.
cock St., Pawtucket, R. I. E. Kriley, David McCready.
Mrs. Clara Ellis, 438 Elm St.,
New Haven, Conn. MINISTERS.
W. E. Fortune, 51 Whitmore St.,
Hartford, Conn. H. W. Carr, 8 East Jefferson St.,
Salamanca, N. Y.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. J. W. Raymond, 211 Main St.,
Miss Bessie E. Tilton, Turnerville, Hornell, N. Y.
Conn. F. Peabody, West Valley, N. Y.
Mrs. H. E. Warner, Clintonville, J. F. Piper, 170 Silver St., Roches-
Conn. ter, N. Y.
Miss Theodora Stearns, Westerly, T. B. Westbrook, 28 East Balcom
R. I. St., Buffalo, N. Y.

LICENTIATE. E. A. Manry, Tunesassa, N. Y.

Miss Wilhemina Miller, 43 Peck-
F. H. Hicks, 6 East Jefferson St.,
Salamanca, N. Y. ham St., Buffalo, N. Y.
Miss Lora Tarbell, R. F. D. 10,
A. W. Coon, 170 Silver St., Roch-
Mrs. Eva Jenks, 533 High St., ester, N. Y.
Lockport, N. Y. Mrs. E. E. Prescott, 451 Elmwood
Miss Effa Gilbert, 68 Seneca St., Ave., Buffalo, N. Y.
Wellsville, N. Y. A. Vermelin, Jamestown, N., Y.
Mrs. H. W. Carr, 8 East Jefferson CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHER.
St., Salamanca, N. Y.
Miss Delight M. Landon, 8 East Miss Lora Tarbell, R. F. D. 10,
Jefferson St., Salamanca, N. Y. Medina, N. Y.


Organized 1901.
Territory: The Conferences of rie, B. B. Noftsger, J. 0. Miller,
Maritime, Quebec, and Ontario, C. H. Keslake, G. H. Skinner,
and the Newfoundland Mission Eugene Leland, I. S. Jones, J. L.
Field. Stansbury.
Office Address: 173 Second Ave., Religious Liberty Secretary: Eu-
Ottawa, Ontario. gene Leland, Lorne Park, On-


Auditor: R. A. Heard, St. Thomas,

Educational Secretary: J. L.
President: Wm Guthrie, Fitch Stansbury, Williamsdale, East,
Bay, Quebec. Nova Scotia.
Secretary and Treasurer: B. B. Missionary Field Agent: I. S.
Noftsger, office address. Jones, 553 Arlington Ave., West,
Executive Committee: Wm. Guth- Ottawa, Ontario.

Wm. Guthrie, Fitch Bay, Quebec. A. A. Livingston, Liverpool, Nova
C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. John's, Scotia.
Newfoundland L. D. Longard, Tantallon, Nova
F. W. Johnston, Bay Roberts,
Newfoundland. Miss Mabel A. Dimock, Box 7,
B. B. Noftsger, 173 Second Ave., Moncton, New Brunswick.
Ottawa, Ontario. Miss Mable Patterson, Williams-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. dale, East, Nova Scotia.
Miss Beatrice A. Heisler, Box 7,
I. S. Jones, 553 Arlington Ave., New Brunswick.
West, Ottawa, Ontario.

Organized 1902. Territory: The Province of On-
Territory: The Provinces of New tario lying east of the 89th Par-
Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and allel.
Prince Edward Island. Office Address: Lorne Park, On-
Office Address: Box 7, Moncton, tario.
New Brunswick.
President: Eugene Leland, office
President: J. 0. Miller, 17 Met- address.
calf St., St. John, New Bruns- Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
wick. ference: C. D. Terwillegar, of-
Secretary and Treasurer: Beatrice fice address.
A. Heisler, office address. Secretary Sabbath-school and
Secretary of Sabbath-school De- Young People's Departments:
partment: Beatrice A. Heisler, Miss Margaret Shanks, 213
office address. Dalhousie St., Brantford, On-
Secretary of Young People's De- tario.
partment: Mabel A. Dimock, Executive Committee: Eugene Le-
office address. land, J. T. Errington, J. T:
Missionary Secretary: Mabel A. Smith, Charles Smith, R. A.
Dimock, office address. Heard.
Religious Liberty Secretary: A. A. " Ontario Seventh-day Adventist
Livingston, Liverpool, Nova Conference Association: " Trus-
Scotia. tees: Eugene Leland, Chas.
Field Missionary Agent: Geo. W. Smith, J. T. Errington, R. A.
Miller, office address. Heard, J. T. Smith.
Executive Committee: J. 0. Mil- Religious Liberty Secretary: Eu-
ler, Ira J. Gault, Wattson gene Leland.
Steeves, J. L. Stansbury, W. H. Educational Secretary: H. T.
Cooke. Curtis, Lorne Park, Ontario.
Auditor: Ira J. Gault, Williams- Missionary Secretary: Miss Sadie
dale, East, Nova Scotia. Baker, Stratford, Ontario.
J. 0. Miller, 17 Metcalf St., St. Eugene Leland, Lorne Park, On-
John, New Brunswick. tario.
J. A. Strickland, 87 Willow St., Isaac Sanborn, 55 Stanley St., St.
Halifax, Nova Scotia. Thomas, Ontario.

J. T. Errington, 151 West More- H. W. Ingham, Fitch Bay, Quebec.
land St., Toronto,, Ontario. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
H. T. Curtis, Lorne Park, Ontario.
M. J. Allen, Simcoe,Ontario. Miss Eva V. Johnston, Fitch Bay,
B. E. Manuel, Brantford, Ontario. Quebec.
Miss Gladys H. Butler, Fitch Bay,
Miss Sadie Baker, Stratford, On- Mrs. G. H. Skinner, Fitch Bay,
tario. Quebec.
Miss Margaret Shanks, 213 Dal-
housie St., Brantford, Ontario.
Mrs. J. T. Errington, 151 West Miss Eva V. Johnston, Fitch Bay,
Moreland St., Toronto, Ontario. Quebec.
Mrs. J. Eva Leland, Lorne Park,
QUEBEC CONFERENCE. Territory: The Island of New-
foundland and Labrador.
Organized 1880. Office Address: Box 217, St.
Territory: Province of Quebec. John's, Newfoundland.
Office Address: South Bolton,
Quebec. ' OFFICERS.
Superintendent: C. H. Keslake.
President: William Guthrie, Fitch Directors: C. H. Keslake, J. R.
Bay, Quebec. Johnston, G. H. Morgan, J. 0.
Secretary and Treasurer: D. Ding- Miller, Wm. Guthrie.
man, South Bolton, Quebec. Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath- Elizabeth Milley, 15 Hamilton
school and. Young People's De- St., St. John's, Newfoundland.
partments: Miss Gladys H.
Butler, Fitch Bay, Quebec. MINISTER.
Missionary Secretary: Miss Gladys
H. Butler, Fitch Bay, Quebec. C. H. Keslake, Box 217, St. John's,
Missionary Field Agent: Ira S. Newfoundland.
Jones, 173 Second Ave, Ottawa,
Religious Liberty Secretary: Wm. F. W. Johnston, Bay Roberts,
Guthrie, Fitch Bay, Quebec. Newfoundland.
Executive Committee: Wm. Guth-
rie, D. Dingman, Geo. H. Skin- MISSIONARY NURSE.
ner, Oscar Davis, J. W. Booth.
Miss Lucinda Der, Box 217, St.
MINISTERS. John's, Newfoundland.
Wm. Guthrie, Fitch Bay, Quebec.
Geo. H. Skinner, Fitch Bay,
Quebec. Miss Elizabeth Milley, 15 Hamil-
0. K. Butler, 598 Hutchinson St., ton St., St. John's, Newfound-
Montreal, Quebec. land.
Organized 1902.
Territory: The Kansas, Nebraska, Branch of the Pacific Press Pub-
North- Missouri, Southern Mis- lishing Association, the manager
souri, Colorado, Western Col- of the International Publishing
orado, and Wyoming Confer- Association, the General Can-
ences. vassing Agent, and the Mission-
Office: College yiew, Nebr. ary Secretary.
Educational Department: Secre-
OFFICERS. tary, B. E. Huffman.
President: E. T. Russell, College Young People's Department:
View, Nebr. Religious Liberty Secretary: J. S.
Vice-President: A. T. Robinson, Wightman, College View, Nebr.
905 North California Ave., Hast- Missionary Secretary: .
ings, Nebr. General Canvassing Agent: C. G.





Secretary: B. E. Huffman, College Bellah, 1109 East Twelfth St.,

View, Nebr. Kansas City, Mo.
Auditor: C. T. Cavaness, College Educational Advisory Board: Edu-
View, Nebr. cational Secretary of Union
Treasurer:' Union College, College Conference, President of Union
View, Nebr. College, Educational Superin-
Executive Committee: E. T. Rus- tendents of local conferences in
sell, A. T. Robinson, the presi- Union. Chairman, B. E. Huff-
dents of the local conferences in man.
the Central Union Conference, Official Board having in charge the
the President of Union College, Christian Record and the work
the Secretaries of the Medical, for the blind: E. T. Russell, B.
Educational, Young People's, M. Emerson, D. R. Callahan, F.
and Religious Liberty Depart- F. Byington; editor, Chas. N.
ments of the Union Conference, Miller; Treasurer, B. M. Emer-
the manager of the Kansas City son; Secretary, Mettie E. Cor-
30 nell.

" Central Union Conference Asso- OFFICERS.

ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
ists: " E. T. Russell, D. R. Cal- President: C. R. Kite, office ad-
lahan, B. M. Emerson, F. F. By- dress.
ington, J. H. Morrison. Secretary: H. M. J. Richards, of-
fice address.
MINISTERS. Treasurer: Ralph Emery, office
kAll the Ministers, Licentiates, address.
and Missionary Licentiates Executive Committee: C. R. Kite,
named below may be addressed E. E. Farnsworth, J. W. Lair,
at College View, Nebr.) H. M. J. Richards, H. F. Ket-
E. Russell, J. H. Morrison, C. Tract Society Department: Secre-
C. Lewis, B. E. Huffman, August tary and Treasurer, Ralph
Anderson, J. S. Wightman, G. A. Emery, office address.
Grauer, P. E. Berthelsen, F. M. Field Missionary Agent: Charles
Burg, H. R. Johnson, C. L. Ben- B. Sutton, office address.
, son, M. S. Reppe. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
LICENTIATES. retary, Mrs. Mae Warfle, Boul-
der, Colo.
C. G. Bellah (1109 East Twelfth Missionary Volunteer Depart-
. St., Kansas City, Mo.), F. F. ment: Secretary, Ralph Emery,
Byington, E. C. Kellogg, D. E. office address.
Huffman, E. C. Witzke, Mrs. Religious Liberty Department:
Lulu Wightman, Chas. N. Miller, Secretary, H. F. Ketring, 3529
Theo. E. Valentiner. West Forty-fourth Ave., Den-
Medical Department: Secretary,
A. Swedberg, Mrs. J. L. Jones, C. A. Hansen, M. D., office . ad-
Mrs. B. E. Huffman, Mrs. Eliza- dress.
beth Lewis, Mrs. Winnifred Church-school Department: Sec-'
Rowell, C. T. Cavaness, Mertie retary, E. E. Farnsworth, Cam-
Wheeler, Mettle Cornell, Mrs. C. pion Academy, Loveland, Colo.
L. Benson, C. N. Roberts, A. G. " The Seventh-day Adventist As-
Taylor, Sarah Peck, Hansigne sociation of Colorado " (legal
Strunge, Rudolph Schopbach, corporation): C. R. Kite (Pres.),
Mrs. Rudolph Schopbach, E. E. Judge C. C. Holbrook (Vice-
Boden, L. L. Caviness, H. U. Pres.), H. M. J. Richards (Sec.),
Stevens, B. M. Emerson, Rubie E. E. Farnsworth, J. W, Lair,
Owen, W. H. Buxton, Dr. W. S. H. F. Ketring.
Butterbaugh, S. A. Smith, Mrs. Board of Education: Pres., W. A.
H. U. 'Stevens, Frieda Rein- Hankins .(R. F. D. No. 3, Love,
muth (3655 Wisconsin Ave., St. land, Colo.), E. E. Farnsworth,
Louis, Mo.). Robert Beaird, H. M. J. Rich-
ards, C. H. Parker.


(At the annual session in 1909 the C. R. Kite, 1112 Kalamath St.,
name was by vote changed from Denver, Colo.
the Eastern Colorado Confer- G. W. Anglebarger, 1024 Colorado
ence to Colorado Conference.) Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo.
Organized 1883; divided and reor- E. E. Farnsworth, Campion Acad-
ganized 1908. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Territory: Colorado east of the J. W. Lair, 425 North St., Boulder,
Continental Divide. Colo.
Office: 1112 Kalamath St., Denver, H. M. J. Richards, 1112 Kalamath
Colo. St., Denver, Colo

H. F. Ketring, 3529 West Forty- MEDICAL MISSIONARY

fourth Ave., Denver, Colo. LICENTIATES.
C. A. Hansen, M. D., 1112 Kala-
math St., Denver, Colo. Dr. J. D. Shively, Colorado Sani-
Meade MacGuire, Colorado Sani- tarium, Boulder, Colo.
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Dr. Eva Shively, Colorado Sanita-
H. A. Aufderhar, Bennett, Colo. rium, Boulder, Colo.
G. M. Alway, 521 Veta Ave., Pu- Dr. Kate Lindsay, Colorado San-
eblo,' Colo. itarium, Boulder, Colo.
Carl Svenson, 4524 Irving St., Dr. J. 0. Stow, Colorado Sanita-
Denver, Colo. rium, Boulder, Colo.
Thomas H. Branch, 2806 Califor- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
nia St., Denver, Colo.
U. P. Long, Sedgwick, Colo. Harry - Westphal, Campion Acad-
M. D. Waite, Boulder, Colo. emy, Loveland, Colo.
Watson Ziegler, Fort Collins, Mary Miles, Campion Academy,
Colo. Loveland, Colo.
B. L. Dieffenbacher, D. D. S., Canon Carrie Stenborn, 5174 Thompson
City, Colo. Ct., Loveland, Colo.
Louise Wyss, 603 Dewey Ave.,
LICENTIATES. Boulder, Colo.
Nannie Parker, 603 Dewey Ave.,
Judge C. C. Holbrook, Alamosa, Boulder, Colo.
Colo. Mrs. L. P. Thompson, 423 Gay St.,
W. D. Emery, 1112 Kalamath St., Longmont, Colo.
Denver, Colo. Emma Arnbrecht, R. F. D. No. 1,
B. Berglund, 4524 Irving St., Den- Lyons, Colo.
ver, Colo. H. F. Neumann, R. F. D. No. 1,
C. B. Sutton, 1112 Kalamath St., Lyons, Colo.
Denver, Colo.
I. W. Cobb, 1112 Kalamath St.,
Denver, Colo.
J. E. Carmichael, Monte Vista, KANSAS CONFERENCE.
Colo. Organized 1875.
G. C. Mathiesen,R. F. D. No. 4,
Fort Collins, o.
ol Territory: The State of Kansas.
Office: 821 West Fifth St., To-
Ralph Emery, 1112 Kalamath St.,
Denver, Colo. President: W. H. Thurston, office
Roy Hay, 719 Eleventh St., address. '
Greeley, Colo. Secretary and Treasurer: J. A.
Peter Mathiesen, R. F. D. No. 4, Westermeyer, office address.
Fort Collins, Colo. Executive Committee: W. H.
Rachel W. Jones, Berthoud, Colo. Thurston, N. W. Kauble, B. W.
Mrs. Mae Waffle, Boulder, Colo. Brown, N. T. Sutton, H. S.
Alice Finch, 712 South Union Osterloh, C. T. Cavaness, Fred
Ave., Pueblo, Cobb. Schaeftler.
Bessie Sufficoo1 1039 Ogden St., " Kansas Seventh-day Adventist
Denver, Colo. Conference Association: " Trus-
F. A. Page, Loveland, Colo. tees: W. H. Thurston, J. A.
Mrs. Ella Anglebarger, 1024 Col- Westermeyer, B. W. Brown,
orado Ave., Colorado Springs, H. S. Osterloh, Fred Schaeffier.
Colo. Medical Missionary Association:
Mrs. Bertie C. Richards, 1112 Kal- H. S. Osterloh (Pres.); T. S.
amath St., Denver, Colo._ Dock (Sec. and Treas.), W. H.

Thurston, J. D. McBroom, J. P. R. L. Bradford, Kansas City, Kans.

Yates, H. A. Schneider, W. A. A. B. Campbell, Thayer, Kans.
McCroskey, C. T. Cavaness. E. A. Mathwig, 821 West Fifth
St., Topeka, Kans.
TRACT SOCIETY DEPARTMENT. J. A. Minner, Springfield, Kans.
Secretary: H. E. Meyer, office MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Treasurer: J. A. Westermeyer, H. M. Hiatt, 416 Washington
office address. Boulevard, Kansas City, Kans.
J. L. McGee, 821 West Fifth St.,
Dr. J. E. Heald, Kansas Sanita-
Educational: H. M. Hiatt, 416 rium, Wichita, Kans.
Washington Boulevard, Kansas T. S. Dbck, Kansas Sanitarium,
City, Kans. Wichita, Kans.
Young People's: B. W. Brown, 323 J. A. Westermeyer, 821 West Fifth
Cherry St., Ottawa, Kans. St., Topeka, Kans.
Religious Liberty: D. E. Welch, 1310 Lane St., To-
Sabbath-school: D. E. Welch, 1810 peka, Kans.
Lane St., Topeka, Kans. H. L. Shaffer, 1216 East Seventh
Canvassing Agent: J. L. McGee, St., Newton, Kans.
821 West Fifth St., Topeka, Mrs. N. W. Kauble, Oswego, Kans.
Kans. Susie Masted, 416 Washington
Boulevard, Kansas City, Kans.
DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENTS. rs. Agnes Follett, 321 East
Eighth St., Hutchinson, Kans.
District Superintendents: B. W. Alice Wammack, Beloit, Kans.
Brown, N. T. Sutton, A. S. Lizzie Sutton, Coffeyville, Kans.
Bringle, M. G. Huffman. Esther Bergquist, 324 Parallel
Ave., Kansas City, Kans.
Mrs. T. S. Dock, Kansas Sanita-
W. H. Thurston, 821 West Fifth. rium, Wichita, Kans.
Eunice Le Master, 821 West Fifth
St., Topeka, Kans.
N. W. Kauble, Oswego, Kans. St., Topeka,Kans.
B. W. Brown, 323 Cherry St., Ot- M. W. Neal,umbus,
ol Kans.
tawa, Kans. B. W. Roberts, Ottawa, Kans.
L. T. Preston, Beloit, Kans.
N. T. Sutton, 321 East Eighth St.,
Wm. Tatro, Garnett, Kans.
Hutchinson, Kans.
Edd Neff, Ottawa, Kans.
Jacob Riffel, Lehigh, Kans. Ray Stauffer, Emporia, Kans.
A. S. Bringle, Wellington, Kans. Bessie Hyatt, Coffeyville, Kans.
J. A. Morrow, Station A, Wichita, Maggie Ogden, Clearwater, Kans.
Kans. H. E. Meyer, 821 West Fifth St.,
M. G. Huffman, 821 West Fifth Topeka, Kans.
St., Topeka, Kans.
R. R. Reinhold, 324 Parallel Ave., MEDICAL MISSIONARY LICEN-
Kansas City, Kans. TIATE.
M. H. Gregory, 821 West Fifth
St., Topeka, Kans. Dr.- J. E. Heald, Kansas Sanita-
rium, Wichita, Kans
F. C. Clark, corner Ninth and Mrs. Ida M. Phillips, Wauneta,
Penn. Sta., Leavenworth, Kans. Kans.
W. H. Clark,, Ottawa, Kans. Miss Goldia Frost, Ottawa, Kans.
H. R. Godfrey, Great Bend, Kans. Miss Grace E. Miller, Berryton,
W. L. Nott, Haviland, Kans. Kans.

Miss Edna Decius, 328 East F St., DEPARTMENTAL SECRETARIES.

Hutchinson, Kans. Missionary: M. E. Ellis, 905 North
Mrs. B. F. Balance, Route 4, Kan- California Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
sas City, Kans. Educational and Young People's:
Wm. F. Mohr, Shaffer, Kans. G. C. George, 905 North Califor-
H. W. Schmidt, Shaffer, Kans. nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
John Harder, Nekoma, Kans. Temperance and Religious Liberty:
Miss Sarah Sutton, Thayer, Kans. L. A. Spring, 2770 Cuming St.,
Miss Carrie Moon, Liberal, Kans. Omaha, Nebr.
Miss Myrtle Davis, Kincaid, Kans. Sabbath-school: Winnie P. Hunt,
Miss Hazel Baldwin, Oswego, 905 North California Ave., Hast-
Kans. ings, Nebr.
Miss Belle Higgins, Syracuse, Book Depository: C. C. Kenaston,
Kans. 905 North California Ave., Hast-
Miss T. G. Watkins, El Dorado, ings, Nebr.
Kans. Canvassing Agent: E. M. Oberg,
Miss Edith Manny, Oswego, Kans. 905 North California Ave., Hast-
Miss Hattie Abbott, Fortis, Kans. ings, Nebr.
Miss Mina Dixon, Portis, Kans.
John Bland, 436 North Exposition MINISTERS.
St., Wichita, Kans.
Miss Beta Thorp, Belleville, Kans. A. T. Robinson, 905 North Califor-
Miss Emma Segebartt, Argonia, nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Kans. R. F. Andrews, College View,
L. E. Johnson, Ringgold, Nebr.
C. A. Beeson, Arcadia, Nebr.
NEBRASKA CONFERENCE. J. H. Kraft, College View, Nebr. -
L., A. Spring, 2770 Cuming St.,
Organized 1878. Omaha, Nebr.
Territory: The State of Nebraska, H. Hansen, Box 401, Benson, Nebr.
excluding the ten western coun- Fred Johnson, College View, Nebr.
ties belonging to the Wyoming B. M. Garto-n, 103 East Tenth St.,
Conference. Grand Island, Nebr.
Office Address: 905 North Cali- C. H. Miller, Wayne, Nebr.
fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Wm. Batterson 2769 California
Ave., Omaha, 'Nebr.
OFFICERS. 0. E. Jones, 417 East High St.,
Hastings, Nebr.
President: A. T. Robinson, office F. M. Corbaley, 740 North Nye
add re ss. Ave., Fremont, Nebr.
Vice-President: C. H. Miller,
Wayne, Nebr.
Secretary: M. E. Ellis, office ad- Pearl Field, College View, Nebr.
dress. A. D. Gilbert, College View, Nebr.
Treasurer: Anna M. Peterson, of- M. E. Ellis, 905 North California
fice address. Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Executive Committee: A. T. Rob- Irvin Blue, College View, Nebr.
inson, C. H. Miller, M. E. Ellis, A. F. Kirk, Firth, Nebr.
A. F. Kirk, D. R. Callahan, H. Paul Sampson, 1213 Grant St.,
Hansen, J. H. Kraft. Beatrice, Nebr.
" The Nebraska Conference Asso- G. W. White, 905 North California
ciation of the Seventh-day Ad- Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
ventists: " A. T. Robinson E. M. Oberg, 905 North California
(-Pres.), Anna M. Peterson (Sec Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
and Treas.), Lyman Middaugh, G. C. George, 905 North California
D. R. Callahan, L. B. Johnson. Ave., Hastings, Nebr.

C. J. Paulson, Strang, Nebr. Mrs. Emma Ellis, 905 North Cali-

J. H. Wierts, College View, Nebr. fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
B. H. Shaw, Valentine, Nebr. Mrs. Winnifred George, 905 North
C. A. Thorp, College View, Nebr. California Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Earl D. Hahn, 420 Bell St., Fre- Josephine Schee, College View,
mont, Nebr. Nebr.
Mrs. Ura Spring, 2770 Cuming St., Lillie Holaday, 1730 North Thir-
Omaha, Nebr. tieth St., Lincoln, Nebr.
Eloda Messimer, Oconto, Nebr.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mary E. Kinniburgh, Tecumseh,
Winnie P. Hunt, 905 North Cali- Justina Maxson, Loretto, Nebr.
fornia Ave. Hastings, Nebr. Enoch J. Ellison, 509 South Twen-
Esther Smith, North Platte, Nebr. ty-ninth St., Omaha, Nebr.
Mrs. A. T. Robinson, 905 North
California Ave.,. Hastings, Nebr.
Mrs. E. M. Peebles, 2720 Franklin
St., Omaha, Nebr.
Miss Minnie Hahn, 420 Bell St., NORTH MISSOURI CONFER-
Fremont, Nebr. ENCE.
Miss Lizzie Lockwood, Allen, Organized 1908.
Miss Maud Cotton, 1617 North Territory: The counties of Jack-
Twenty-ninth,St., Omaha, Nebr. son, Saline, and Lafayette
James Johnson, Station B, Box 22, south, and all counties north,
Omaha, Nebr. of the Missouri River, in the
Ida Johnson, College View, Nebr. State of Missouri. -
Lena Jensen, 634 South Twenty- Office: Utica, Mo.
eighth St., Omaha, Nebr. OFFICERS.
Anna Nelsen, 634 South Twenty-
eighth St., Omaha, Nebr. President: A. R. Ogden, Utica, Mo.
E. L. Cook, 905 North California Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Allie Guthrie, Utica, Mo.
Arvid Bjurstrom, College View, Executive Committee: A. R. Og-
Nebr. den, E. A. Merrell, A. F. French,
A. C. Hamilton, 145 East Fifth J. C. Bradley, J. W. Beams.
St., Hastings, Nebr. " North Missouri Conference Asso-
ciation: " A. R. Ogden, E. A.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Merrell, J. C. Bradley, James
Cochran, T. M. Clark.
Blanche Postier, College View, Religious Liberty Department:
Nebr. Secretary, E. A. Merrell, 2636
Anna A. Pierce, College View, Bellefontaine Ave., Kansas City,
Nebr. Mo.
Edna Schee, College View, Nebr. Missionary Volunteer Department:
Miss Esther Francis, College View, Secretary, Virbrook, Nutter, 111
Nebr. Sixth St., Macon, Mo.
Miss Bertha Lewis, College View, Educational Superintendent: T. J.
Nebr. Roach, Route 1, Ethel, Mo.
Bertha . Downs, Ringgold, Nebr. Missionary Secretary and Field
Melissa Beeson, Arcadia, Nebr. Agent: M. P. Manny, Utica, Mo.
Mattie Beeson, Bartley, Nebr. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
L. L. Rockwell, College View, ment: Mrs. E. A. Merrell, 2636
Nebr. Bellefontaine Ave., Kansas City,
Howard Peebles, 2720 Franklin St., Mo.
Omaha,Nebr. Medical Missionary Secretary:
Minnie rouse, Lena, Nebr. Dr. G. A. Droll, 2301 East,

Fourteenth St., Kansas City, Secretary and Treasurer: E. R.

Mo. Allen, office address.
Tract Society Secretary: Executive Committee: D. U. Hale,
W. F. H. Schroeder, M. Mack-
intosh, H. E. Lysinger, J. Z.
A. R. Ogden, Utica, Mo. Walker.
E. A. Merrell, 2636 Bellefontaine " The Southern Missouri Confer-
Ave., Kansas City, Mo. ence Association: " Trustees:
J. W. Beams, Hamilton, Mo. D. U. Hale (Chairman), E. R.
M. G. Huffman, 2320 Spruce Ave., Allen (Secretary), R. P. Hoff
Kansas City, Mo. (Treasurer), Dr. C. Moore, H. F.
C. H. Chaffee,Ethel, Mo. Magoon.
J. M. Campbl l, 1804 East Twen- Secretary Religious Liberty De-
ty-fourth St., Kansas City, Mo. partment: M. Mackintosh,
Windsor, Mo.
LICENTIATES. Educational Superintendent and
A. F. French, Hamilton, Mo. Secretary Missionary Volunteer
Virbrook Nutter, 111 Sixth St., Department: Miss Lillie George,
Macon, Mo. office address.
G. H. Kisner, 1703 North Second Missionary Secretary: Miss Eva
St., St.,Joseph, Mo. Hough, office address.
J. C. Bradley, Goldsberry, Mo. Field Missionary Agent: A. A.
Cone, Greenfield, Mo.
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Mrs. E. R. Allen, office
Mrs. E. A. Merrell, 2636 Bellefon- address.
taine Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Miss Allie Guthrie, Utica, Mo. MINISTERS.
M. P. Manny, Utica, Mo.
Mrs. G. H. Kisner, 1703 North Sec- D. U. Hale, 520 West Lynn St.,
ond St., St. Joseph, Mo. Springfield, Mo.
T. J. Roach, Route 1, Ethel, Mo. W. F. H. Schroeder, Bland, Mo.
M. Mackintosh, Windsor, Mo.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. L. F. Trubey, 2462 Geraldine Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo.
T. J. Roach, Route 1, Ethel, Mo.
Mrs. Etta Turner, Ethel, Mo. LICENTIATES.
Miss Jessie M. Miller, 1920 North
Second St., St. Joseph, Mo. H. C. Tarr, Windsor, Mo.
Miss Lillian Lickey, Hamilton, Mo. Jas. H. Smith, Veve, Mo.
Robert C. Zuehlke, 937 Utah Ave.,
St. Louis, Mo.
C. E. Boynton, 2472 Geraldine
FERENCE. H. E. Lysinger, La Russell, Mo.
J. Z. Walker, Monteer, Mo.
Organized 1908.
Territory: All of Missouri south
of the Missouri River, except Miss Eva Hough, 520 West Lynn
the counties of Saline, Lafay- St., Springfield, Mo.
ette, and Jackson. Miss Lillie George, 520 West Lynn
Office: 520 West Lynn St., Spring- St., Springfield, Mo.
field, Mo. E. R. Allen, 520 West Lynn St.
Springfield, Mo.
OFFICERS. Mrs. E. R. Allen; 520 West Lyns
President: D. U. Hale, office ad- St., Springfield, Mo.
dress. Miss Mabel Carmen, 520 West
Vice-President: W. F. H. Schroe- Lynn St., Springfield, Mo.
der, Bland, Mo. A. A. Cone, Greenfield, Mo.

Mrs. A. E. Daniels, 4419 a Cote tion of Western Colorado: "

Brilliante Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Trustees: W. F. Kennedy, J. L.
Miss Abbie St. John, 1511 a Goode, Humbert, W. G. Cope, J. E.
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Pearson, M. P. Walker.
M. E. George, Jefferson City, Mo.
W. F. Kennedy, 134 South Eighth
Arthur G. Fox, R. F. D. No. 1, St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Washburn, Mo. J. T. Spriggs, 134 South Eighth
Miss Ethel Morlan, Turners, Mo. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Miss Florence Burgess, Joplin, Mo. Geo. 0. States, Cedaredge, Colo.
Miss Vita Tindall, Turners, Mo.
Eldridge Morlan, Turners, Mo. LICENTIATES.
Miss Mamie Garvin, Versailles, Wm. M. Andress, 134 South Eighth
Mo. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Miss Maisie Brown, Mountain A. J. Waters, 134 South Eighth
Grove, Mo. St., Grand Junction, Colo.
C. S. Prout, 134 South Eighth St.,
Grand Junction, Colo.
WESTERN COLORADO CON- Clyde E. Englund, 134 South
FERENCE. Eighth St., Grand Junction,
Organized 1908.
Territory: That part of Colorado
west of the Continental Divide. J. L. Humbert, 134 South Eighth
Office: 134 South Eighth St., St., Grand Junction, Colo.
Grand Junction, Colo. Mrs. J. T. Spriggs, 134 South
Eighth St., Grand Junction,
President: W. F. Kennedy, office A. M. Woodall, Palisades, Colo.
address. Jas. A. Nielson, Grand Junction,
Secretary: Wm. M. Andress, office Colo.
address. C. F. Innis, 134 South Eighth St.,
Treasurer: J. L. Humbert, office Grand Junction, Colo.
address. Grace Dowden; 851 Rood Ave.,
Educational Secretary: A. M. Grand Junction, Colo.
Woodall, Palisades, Colo. John A. Pearson, Palisades, Colo.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Carrie Dowden, 851 Rood Ave.,
ment: Grace Dowden, 851 Rood Grand Junction, Colo.
Ave., Grand Junction, Colo.
Secretary Missionary Volunteer
Department: Chester Prout, of-
Secretary Religious Liberty De-
partment: Wm. M. Andress, of- Organized 1907.
fice address. Territory: The State of Wyo-
Field Missionary Agent: S. F. ming; the following-named
Lawrence, office address. counties in Nebraska: Sioux,
Secretary and Treasurer of Tract Dawes, Sheridan, Box Butte,
Society: J. L. Humbert, office Scotts' Bluff, Morrill, Banner,
address. Kimball, Cheyenne, Deuel; the
Executive Committee: W. F. Ken- following-named counties in
nedy, J. T. Spriggs, Wm. M. South Dakota: Butte, Meade,
Andress, A. J. Waters, J. A. Lawrence, Pennington, Custer,
Nielson. Fall River.
" Seventh-day Adventist Associa- Headquarters: Crawford, Nebr.

OFFICERS. R. T. Baer, 8 Lillian Terrace,

President: E. A. Curtis, Crawford, Cheyenne, Wyo.
Nebr. L. B. Porter, Lander, Wyo.
Vice-President: G. A. Kirkle, H. E. Reeder, Sheridan, Wyo.
Minatare, Nebr. A. C. Anderson, Lead City, S. Dak.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- LICENTIATE.
ference and Tract Society: Asa
Smith, Crawford, Nebr. J. M. Fletcher, Eastwood, Nebr.
Educational. Superintendent and
Nora Hough, Bayard, Nebr.
Religious Liberty Secretary: R. T. Mrs. Vern Stewart,Wayside,Nebr.
Baer, 8 Lillian Terrace, Cher Miss Nora Hough, Bayard, Nebr.
enne, Wyo. F. Burton Jewell, Oelrichs, S. Dak.
State Agent and Missionary Sec- Mrs. F. B. Jewell, Oelrichs, S.
retary: F. Burton Jewell, Oel- Dak.
richs, S. Dak. Asa Smith, Crawford, Nebr.
Executive Committee: E. A. Ctir-
tis, G. A. Kirkle, G. W. Berry,
A. C. Anderson, L. B. Porter. Prof. M. J. Rockwell, Healing-
Wyoming Conference Association ford, Nebr.
of the Seventh-day Adventists: Miss May Surber, Hemingford,
Trustees: E. A. Curtis (Pres.), Nebr.
Asa Smith (Sec.), L. B. Hall Miss Emma Meyers, .Wright,
(Treas.), G. A. Kirkle, G. W. Wyo.
Berry. Miss Minnie Kirkle, Carroll, Wyo.
Miss Ella Lull, Sheldon, Wyo.
MINISTERS. Mrs. W. W. Brown, Sheridap,
E. A. Curtis, Crawford, Nebr. Wyo.
G. A. Kirkle, Minatare, Nebr. Mrs. R. V. Cheney, Minnekahta,
G. W. Berry, Angora, Nebr. S. Dak.


Organized 1907.
Territory: The Conferences of General Missionary Secretary and
Ohio, Eastern Pennsylvania, Secretary Young People's Work:
West Pennsylvania, New Jer- I. G. Bigelow, office address.
sey, District of Columbia, Ches- Educational Secretary: .
apeake, Virginia, and West Vir- Medical Secretary: H. N. Sisco,
ginia. M. D., 2 Iowa Circle, Washing-
Office: 59 Boone St., Cumberland, ton, D. C.
Md. Religious Liberty Secretary: W.
OFFICERS. A. Hennig, 1210 Twelfth St.,
N. W., Washington, D. C.
President: B. G. Wilkinson, Ta- Executive Committee: B. G. Wil-
koma Park Station, Washing- kinson, H. H. Burkholder, E. R.
ton, D. C. Brown, the presidents of the
Vice-President: H. H. Burkholder, conferences composing the
Bellville, Ohio. Union, S. M. Butler, H. N.
Secretary and Treasurer: E. R. Sisco, E. R. Numbers, I. G.
Brown, office address. Bigelow, D. W. Reavis.
General Missionary Agent: E. R. " Columbia Union Conference As-
Numbers, office address. sociation: " Trustees: B. G.

Wilkinson, H. H. Burkholdef, OFFICERS.

E. R. Brown, H. W. Herrell, F.
D. Wagner, S. M. Butler, F. I. President: F. I. Richardson, office
Richardson, W. H. Heckman, address.
B. F. Kneeland. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Officers: Pres., B. G. Wilkinson; ference and Tract Society:
Sec. and Treas., E. R. Brown. Emma S. Newcomer, office ad-
MINISTERS. Field Missionary Agent: J. E.
Jones, office address.
B. G. Wilkinson, Takoma Park Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss
Station, Washington, D. C. Emma S. Newcomer, office ad-
H. H. Burkholder, Bellville, Ohio. dress.



* UNION 001101010AVERS

S. M. Butler, Mount Vernon, Ohio. Educational and Missionary Vol-

I. G. Bigelow, 59 Boone St., Cum- unteer Secretary:
berland, Md. Religious Liberty Secretary: Car-
lyle B, Haynes, 4107 Massachu-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. setts Ave., Baltimore Md.
E. R. Numbers, 59 Boone St., Executive Committee:,F. I. Rich-
Cumberland, Md. ardson, John F. Jones, G. P.
Gaede, R. M. Rosin, G. R. Ap-

CHESAPEAKE CONFERENCE. F. I. Richardson, 2 Loudon Ave.,

Station D, Baltimore, Md.
Organized 1899. J. F. Jones, Fords Store, Md.
C. B. Haynes, 4107 Massachusetts
Territory: Delaware, and Mary- Ave., Baltimore, Md.
land, except the counties of L. E. Sufficool, 30 West Side Ave.,
Montgomery and Prince George. Hagerstown, Md.
Office: 2 Loudon Ave., Station D, Fred M. Fairchild, Cumberland,
Baltimore, Md. Md.

G. P. Gaede, 222 South East Ave., MINISTERS.

Baltimore, Md. W. A. Hennig, 1210 Twelfth St.,
F. H. Seeney, Cheswold, Del. N. W., Washington, D. C.
LICENTIATE. W. H. Green, 1528 Fifth St., N.
W., Washington, D. C.
L. L. Ashton, 2 Loudon Ave., Sta-
tion D, Baltimore, Md. LICENTIATE.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. D. U. Pickard, Warrenton, Va.

Joseph E. Jones, 2 Loudon Ave., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Station D, Baltimore, Md. Miss L. M. Slocum, 1528 Ninth
Emma S. Newcomer, 2 Loudon St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Ave., Station D, Baltimore, Md. Miss Ella M. Leach, 1537 Ninth
St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Margaret Howard, 2207 Georgia
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Miss Edna Cockrell, 2627 Sher-
CONFERENCE. man Ave., N. W., Washington,
Organized 1909. D. C.

Territory: The District of Colull-

bia, the counties of Montgomery EASTERN PENNSYLVANIA
and Prince George, in Maryland, CONFERENCE.
and the following counties in Organized 1903, out of territory
Virginia: Alexandria, Fairfax, comprising the Pennsylvania
Loudoun, Prince William, Fau- Conference, which was organ-
quier, Stafford. ized in 1879.
Office Address: Takoma Park Sta- Territory: That portion of Penn-
tion, Washington, D. C. sylvania lying east of the east-
erly line of Potter, Clinton,
Center, Mifflin, Huntingdon, and
President: W. A. Hennig, 1210 Fulton Counties.
Twelfth St., N. W., Washing- Office: 4910 Arch St., Philadel-
ton, D. C. phia, Pa.
Secretary: H. E. Rogers, office ad- OFFICERS.
Treasurer: S. E. McNeill, office President: W. H. Heckman, of-
address. fice address.
Executive Committee: W. A. Vice-President; 0. 0. Bernstein,
Hennig, H. R. Salisbury, F. M. office address.
Wilcox, W. A. Ruble, W. H. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Green, H. E. Rogers, and the ference and Tract Society: A. L.
Field Missionary Agent. Bayley, office address.
Educational Secretary: Frederick Medical Department: W. H.
Griggs. Smith, M. D., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Religious Liberty Secretary: W. Philadelphia, Pa.
A. Colcord. Field Missionary Secretary: Win.
Missionary Volunteer Secretary: ' T. Hilgert, 1212 North Fifty-
Miss Matilda Erickson. sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Field Missionary Agent: G. W.
Medical Secretary: Dr. W. A. Holman, R. F. D. No. 3, Telford,
Ruble. Pa.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. C. Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
Lawry. ple's Departments: Secretary,
Field Missionary Agent: . , office address; Treasurer,
Auditor: E. R. Brown. A. L. Bayley.
. .
Religious Liberty Secretary: A. R. NEW JERSEY CONFERENCE.
Bell, 706 Pennsylvania Ave.,
York, Pa. Organized 1902.
Executive Committee: W. H. Territory: The State of New Jer-
Heckman, 0. 0. Bernstein, sey.
Henry Baumgartner, I. M. Mar- Office: 815 Genesee St., Trenton,
tin, C. S. Wiest. N. J.
President: B. F. Kneeland, 351
W. H. Heckman, 4910 Arch St., Schiller Ave., Trenton, N. J.
Philadelphia, Pa. ' Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
0. 0. Bernstein, 4910 Arch St., ference and Tract Society: D.
Philadelphia, Pa. K. Royer, office address.
Chas. Baierle, Cresco, Pa. Religious Liberty Department:
Henry Meyer, 2426 Poplar St., Secretary, Geo. W. Spies, Al-
Philadelphia, Pa. loway, N. J.
A. R. Bell, 706 Pennsylvania Ave., Field Missionary Agent: C. E.
York, Pa. Grey, 56 South Ave., Bridgeton,
R. E. Harter, 4910 Arch St., Phila- N. J.
delphia, Pa. Sabbath-school, Missionary Volun-
C. S. Wiest, 607 Washington Ave., teer, and Educational Depart-
Scranton, Pa. ments: Secretary, Mrs. Anna E.
LICENTIATES. Rambo, Fairton,N. J.
Executive Committee: B. F. Knee-
B. M. Heald, 1942 North Seven- land, Geo. W. Spies, J. G. Han-
teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. hardt, W. H. Smith, H. J.
W. T. Hilgert, 1212 North Fifty- Adams, Geo. E. Leslie.
sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Auditor: E. R. Brown.
Chas. S. Baum, 531 North Centre " New Jersey Conference Associa-
St., Pottsville, Pa. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
P. L. Hoen, 4910 Arch St., Phila- ists: Trustees: P. F. Kneeland
delphia, Pa. . (Pres.), H. J. Adams (Vice-
Pres.), D. K. Royer (Sec. and
Henry Baumgartner, Vera Cruz, Pennington, B. J. Blinn, Geo.
Pa. E. Leslie.
G. W. Holman, R. F. D. No. 3, MINISTERS.
Telford, Pa.
Miss Jessie M. Weiss, 175 Wyo- B. F. Kneeland, 351 Schiller Ave.,
ming Ave., Kingston, Pa. Trenton; N. J.
Miss Nellie B. Underwood, 5834 J. G. Hanhardt, 99 Kipp Ave.,
Ashland Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. Hasbrouck Heights, N. J.
W. H. Smith, M. D., 1929 Girard Geo. W. Spies, Alloway, N. J.
Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. W. H. Smith, 170 Linden Ave., Ir-
A. L. Bayley, 52 North St. Benard vington, N. J.
St., Philadelphia, Pa. W. G. Kneeland, 30 Seidler St.,
Mrs. Retta K. Gemberling, 52 Jersey City, N. J.
North St. Benard St., Philadel-
J. W. Hirlinger, 449 Manor, Lan- E. E. Pennington, Little Falls,
caster, Pa. N. J.
Miss Hanna Borchrevink, 643 East John Wilson, 504 Cornell St., Perth
Cornwall, Philadelphia, Pa. Amboy, N. J.
Sevelon Rockwell, Roaring Branch,
Miss Kate Earle, 1942 North Sev- D. P. Boersma, 25 Crooks Ave.,
enteenth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Lake View, Paterson, N. J.

Cort Nelson, 340 Kirkland St., Shannon, 1366 Grand Ave.,

Perth Amboy, N. J. Toledo, Ohio.
Charles E. Grey, 56 South St., Medical Missionary Secretary: H.
Bridgeton, N. J. M. Jump, 945 North Main St.,
B. H. Welch, 29 .Rahway Ave., Bowling Green, Ohio.
Elizabeth, N. J. Custodian of Conference Prop-
D. K. Royer, 815 Genesee St., erty: G. C. Quillin, Killbuck,
Trenton, N. J. Ohio.
Mrs. Anna E. Rambo, Fairton, Auditor: E. R. Brown, 59 Boone
N. J. St., Cumberland, Md.
Miss Ammy W. Welch, 57 Atlan- Executive Committee: H. H. Burk-
tic St., Jersey City, N. J. holder, R. R. Kennedy, R. G.
Miss Anna M. Cately, Alloway, Patterson, A. C. Shannon, C. T.
N. J. Redfield, M. V. Downing, W. E.
Miss Anna S. Cooper, 220 South Beebe.
Tenth St., Newark, N. J. " The Ohio Conference Association .
Miss Bessie Smith, 170 Linden of the Seventh-day Adventist
Ave., Irvington, N. J. Church:" H. H. Burkholder
Mrs. Harriet Spies, Alloway, N. J. (Pres.), R. R. Kennedy (Vice-
Pres. and Business Agent), R.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHER. G. Patterson, A. C. Shannon,
Miss Mary Barrett, 79 South Ave., C. T. Redfield, M. V. Downing,
Bridgeton, N. J. W. E. Beebe; Auditor, E. R.

OHIO CONFERENCE. H. H. Burkholder, Bellville, Ohio.
Organized 1863. R. R. Kennedy, Wheelersburg,
Territory: The State of Ohio. A. C. Shannon, 1366 Grand Ave..
Office Address: Box 187, Mt. Ver- Toledo, Ohio.
non, Ohio.
R. G. Patterson, 2070 East 105th
St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Francis M. Fairchild, 37 Pleasant
President: H. H. Burkholder, St., Dayton, Ohio.
Bellville, Ohio. C. T. Redfield, 382 South Central
Vice-President and Recording Sec- Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
retary: R. G. Patterson, 2070 W. E. Bidwell, R. F. D. No. 1, Mt.
East 105th St., Cleveland, Ohio. Vernon, Ohio.
Assistant Treasurer: H. D. Hol- John P. Gaede, College Hill, Ohio.
tom, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. H. F. Graf, 2325 East Eighty-sev-
Tract Society Secretary: L. C. enth St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Mitchell, Box 187, Mt. Vernon, C. C. Webster, 416 Fremont Ave.,
Ohio. Springfield, Ohio.
Educational Superintendent: Miss H. M. Jump, 945 North Main St.,
Bessie E. Acton, Box 187, Mt. Bowling Green, Ohio.
Vernon, Ohio. F. H. Henderson, R. F. D. No. 3,
Educational Secretary: Miss Bessie Reinersville, Ohio.
E. Russell, Box 187, Mt. Vernon,
Field Missionary Secretary: F. H. Walter C. Moffett, 110 Hobson
Henderson, R. F. D: No. 3, Rei- Ave., Cambridge, Ohio.
nersville, Ohio. F. E. Gibson, 213 Edwards St.,
Field Missionary Agent: E. R. Youngstown, Ohio.
Numbers, R. F. D., Delaware, John W. Shultz, Delta, Ohio.
Ohio. J. J. Marietta, Box 194, Chilli-
Religious Liberty Secretary: A. C. cothe, Ohio.

W. J. Venen, 4109 Prospect Ave., Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio.

Cleveland, Ohio. Miss Alice Black, Ohio City, Ohio.
G. C. Quillin, Killbuck, Ohio. Miss Bernice Hammond, 446 East
L. R. Williams, Convoy, Ohio. Southern Ave., Springfield, Ohio.
Mrs. N. A. ,Honeywell, 304 Pleas-
C. V. Hamer; Mt. Vernon, Ohio. .
Miss Cora B. Gibson, 2045 East
Seventy-ninth St., . Cleveland, VIRGINIA CONFERENCE.
Ohio. Organized 1883,
Miss Bessie E. Russell, Box 187,
Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Territory: The State of Virginia,
Miss Ella M. Talmage, R. F. D. except the counties of Fauquier,
No. 4, Mt. Gilead, Ohio. Loudoun, Prince William, Fair-
W. M. Campbell, 554 Tuscarawas fax, Stafford, and Alexandria,
Ave., New Philadelphia, Ohio. which belong to the District of
Mrs. W. M. Campbell, 554 Tus- Columbia Conference.
carawas Ave., New Philadelphia, Office:. New Market, Va.
Miss Anna E. Smith, 2619 Hem- OFFICERS.
lock St., Cincinnati, Ohio. President: H. W. Herrell, R. F. D.
M. Hortense Howell, 2619 Hem- No. 3, Richmond, Va.
lock St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
Miss Ida M. Walters, 736 West Secretary: A. M. Neff, New Mar-
Chapel St., Columbus, Ohio. ket, Va.
L. C. Mitchell, Box 187, Mt. Ver- Treasurer: 0. F. Dart, 1300 North
Twenty-eighth St., Richmond,
non, Ohio. Va.
E. R. Numbers, R. F. D., Dela-
Secretary and Treasurer Tract
ware, Ohio. Society Department: A. M. Neff,
J. I. Cassell, Laura, Ohio. New Market, Va.
Bessie E. Acton, Box 187, Mt.
Vernon, Ohio. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Miss Naomi M. Herrell,
R. F. D. No. 3, Box 28, Rich-
mond, Va.
Miss Dorthy White, Box 186, Col- Religious Liberty Secretary: B. L.
lege, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. House, 224 South Cherry St.,
-Miss May Aungst, 1299 Kutchins Richmond, Va.
Court, Columbus, Ohio. Field Missionary Agent: V. 0.
Miss Rosella Draper, Dresden, Punches, 316 South Laurel St.,
Ohio. Richmond, Va.
Miss Lottie Gibson, West Clarks- Secretary Educational Depart-
field, Ohio. ment: Carl A. Maxwell, New
Mrs. Phena Greenup, Clyde, Ohio. Market, Va.
Miss Florence Hottes, Station L, Missionary Secretary, and Secre-
Cincinnati, Ohio. tary of Volunteer Department:
Miss Fannie Stanford, Coshocton, J. Greer Hanna, 1110 Pierce St.,
Ohio. Lyrichburg, Va.
Miss Myrtle Laughery, Grafton, Executive Committee: H. W. Her-
Ohio. rell, R. D. Hottel, A. C. Neff,
Miss Leona Gibson, Chagrin Falls, 0. F. Dart, J. E. Gardner.
Ohio. " Virginia Conference Agency of
Miss Bertha Laughlin, Ravenna, Seventh-day Adventists" (legal
Ohio. corporation): Pres., H. W. Her-
Miss Mabel Wolcott, 849 South ren; Sec. and Treas., A. M.
Arch St., Alliance, Ohio. Neff; other members of Board:
Miss Anna Franklin, 945 South A. C. Neff, 0. F. Dart, R. D.

Hottel, J. E. Gardner, A. W. Secretary and TreaSurer: A. V.

Painter. Williams, Corydon, Pa.
Assistant Secretary: Mrs. A. V.
MINISTERS. Williams, Corydon, Pa.
H. W. Herrell, R. F. D. No. 3, Secretary Educational Depart-
Richmond, Va. ment: F. H. Robbins, Route 7,
R. D. Hottel, New Market, Va. Buffalo Road, Erie,
A. C. Neff, Quicksburg, Va. Secretary Religious Liberty De-
D. E. Lindsey, Meherrin, Va. partment: N. S. Ashton, Wil-
B. L. House, 224 South Cherry kinsburg; Pa.
St., Richmond, Va. Sedetary Sabbath-school Depart-
Leslie Munce, 40 Johnson Ave., ment: Mrs. A. V. Williams, of-
Norfolk, Va. fice address.
F. G. Warnick, 500 Holbrook St., Field Missionary Agent:
Danville, Va. Executive Committee: F. D. Wag-
J. Greer Hanna, 1110 Pierce St., ner, I. N. Williams, W. F.
Lynchburg, Va. Scwartz, F. H. Robbins,J. E.
Veach, F. C. Owens, Fre Shaw.
LICENTIATES. " West Pennsylvania Conference
Association of Seventh-day Ad-
G. A. Stevens, Colonial Beach, Va. ventists" (legal corporation) :
A. J. Painter, Stanleyton, Va. Trustees: F. D. Wagner (Pres.),
C. A. Maxwell, New Market, Va. I. N. Williams (Sec. and Treas.),
W. F. Schwartz, J. E. Veach,
V. 0. Punches, 316 South Laurel MINISTERS.
St., Richmond, Va.
Miss Anna C. Rice, 209 West F. D. Wagner, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
Canal St., Richmond, Va. I. N. Williams, Corydon, Pa.
C. A. Hennage, R. F. D. No. 3, J. W. Watt, R. F. D. No. 8, Indi-
Richmond, Va. ana, Pa.
A. M. Neff, New Market, Va. W. F. Schwartz, 521 Union St.,
Mrs. Jane Wooding, Spencer, Va. Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Mrs. Ella Ragsdale, News Ferry, J. E. Veach, Saxton, Pa.
Va. F. H. Robbins, R. F. D. 7, Buffalo
Mrs. F. G. Warnick, 500 Holbrook Road, Erie, Pa.
St., Danville, Va. N. S. Ashton, Wilkinsburg, Pa.
E. W. Durkee, 223 Merrill St.,
Clearfield, Pa.


FERENCE. George West, 7026 Frankstown
Ave., Pittsburg, Pa.
Organized 1903.
Territory: All of Pennsylvania
lying west of the easterly line Miss Gertrude Williams, Corydon,
of Potter, Clinton, Center, Mif- Pa.
flin, Huntingdon, and Fulton Irvin Hewitt, R. F. D. No. 8, In-
Counties. diana, Pa.
Office: Corydon, Warren Co., Pa.
President: F. D. Wagner, Wil-
kinsburg, Pa. Organized 1887.
Vice-President: I. N. Williams, Territory: The State of West Vir-
Corydon, Pa. ginia.

Office: 914 Seventh St., Parkers- Executive Committee: W. D. Mac-

burg, W. Va. Lay, John F. Steele, S. F. Ross,
A. T. Halstead, W. H. Snider.
President: W. D. MacLay, office
address. W. D. MacLay, 914 Seventh St.,
Vice-President: John F. Steele,900 Parkersburg, W. Va.
Grant Ave., Moundsville, . Va. John F. Steele, 900 Grant Ave.,
Secretary and Treasurer: , Moundsville, W. Va.
office address. W. R. Foggin, Reedsville, Ohio.
Secretary and Treasurer of Tract T. Godfrey, 1911 Fourth Ave.,
Society, and Missionary Secre- Huntington, W. Va.
Field Missionary Agent: A. T.
Halstead, St. Albans, W. Va. W. L. Adkins, Little Birch, W. Va.
Religious Liberty Secretary: John MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
F. Steele, 900 Grant Ave.,
Moundsville, W. Va. Blanche Grubb, 914 Seventh St.,
Secretary of Sabbath-school and' Parkersburg, W. Va.
Educational Department: Mrs. Mrs. Mary L. Haddix, 2404 Twen-
M. L. Haddix, 2404 Twenty- ty-third St., Parkersburg, W.
third St., Parkersburg, W. Va. Va.


Organized Igor.
Territory: The Conferences of Training-school Representative: 0.
East Michigan, Indiana, North- J. Graf, Berrien Springs, Mich.
ern Illinois, North Michigan, Medical Secretary: .
Southern Illinois, West Michi- Religious Liberty Secretary:
gan, and Wisconsin. Executive Committee: Allen Moon,
Office: 213-215 Dean Bldg., 113 W. H. Edwards, the Presidents
South Lafayette St., South of the Conferences of East Mich-
Bend, Ind. igan, Indiana, Northern Illinois,
North Michigan, Southern Illi-
OFFICERS. nois, West Michigan, and Wis-
consin, and 0. J. Graf, W. E.
President: Allen Moon, office ad- Straw, J. B. Blosser.
dress. " Lake Union Conference Associa-
Vice-President: S. E. Wight, 545 tion of Seventh-day Advent-
West Allen St., Springfield, Ill. ists: " Directors: Allen Moon,
Recording Secretary and Treas- Win. Covert, S. E. Wight, E. K.
Slade, W. H. Edwards, A. G.
urer: W. H. Edwards, office ad- Haughey, C. McReynolds.
Auditor (for books of the Union Officers: Pres., Allen Moon; Vice-
Conference): J. H. Haughey, Pres., S. E. Wight; Sec. and
Berrien Springs, Mich. Treas., W. H. Edwards; Au-,.
General Missionary Agent: J. B. ditor, E. K. -Slade.
Blosser, Berrien Springs, Mich. MINISTERS. .
Sabbath-school and Educational
Field Secretary: Walter E. Allen Moon, 213-215. Dean_ Bldg.,
Straw, Berrien Springs,, Mich. 113 South Lafayette St., South
Missionary Secretary:' Bend, Ind.

J. B. Blosser, Berrien Springs, ston, Oakland, Macomb, St.

Mich. Clair, Lapeer, Genesee, Shia-
wassee, Clinton, Gratiot, Sag-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. inaw, Tuscola, Sanilac, Huron,
W. H. Edwards, 213-215 Dean Bay, Midland.
Bldg., 113 South Lafayette St., Office: Holly, Mich.
South Bend, Ind.




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ENCE. President: E. K. Slade, Holly,
Organized 1902, from territory Secretary and Treasurer: E. I.
formerly comprising the Mich- Beebe, Holly, Mich.
igan Conference. Tract Society Department: Secre-
Territory: The southeastern por- tary and Treasurer, Frank
tion of Michigan, including the Hiner, Holly, Mich.
following counties: Hillsdale, Field Missionary Secretary: A. R.
Lenawee, Monroe, Wayne, Wash- Sandborn, Holly, Mich.
tenaw, Jackson, Ingham, Living- Field Missionary Agent: J. H. Mc-
Eachern, -Holly, Mich.

Educational Department: Superin- H. L. Cohoon, 39 Bryant St., De-

tendent, H. A. Boylan, Lansing, troit, Mich.
Mich. Frank Hiner, Holly, Mich.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Marie Harriman, 413 Teneyck St.,
retary, Miss Tillie E. Barr, Jackson, Mich. -
Holly, Mich. Beatrice Harter, 413 Teneyck St.,
Medical Department: Superintend- Jackson, Mich.
ent, L. G. Wagner, Box 136, -Ann Mina Pierce, R. F. D., Milford,
Arbor, Mich. Mich..
Religious Liberty Department: Mabel Reavis, 300 North Warner
Secretary, C. N. Sanders, R. F. St., Bay City, Mich.
D. No. 10, Battle Creek, Mich. H. A. Weaver, 1904 E1k St., Port.
Executive Committee: E. K. Slade, Huron, Mich.
A. R. Sandborn, D. P. Wood, E. Katherine Weaver, 1904 Elk St.,
I. Beebe, E. N. Hatt. Port Huron, Mich.
" East Michigan Conference Asso- L. G. Wagner, Box 136, Aiin Ar-
ciation: " E. K. Slade, A. R. bor, Mich.
Sandborn, D. P. Wood, E. I.
Beebe, E. N. Hatt, E. F. Dresser.
Winnifred Tefft, Holly, Mich.
Floyd Fish, Edenville, Mich.
E. K. Slade, Holly, Mich. Nettie Stevenson, Mayville, Mich.
E. I. Beebe, Holly, Mich. Agnes Everest, Owosso, Mich.
J. L. Edgar, 400 Fifth St., Flint, Ivah Krome, St. Charles, Mich. s
Mich. Alfaretta Sherman, Jefferson,
L. G. Moore, -213 Pine St., North, MiCh.
Lansing, Mich. Ardene May, Otter Lake, Mich.
Wm. Ostrander, 417 Thirty-fourth Mildred Rathbun, Hazelton, Mich.
St., Norfolk, Va. Mildred Smith, Jackson, -Mich.
A. R. Sandborn, Holly, Mich. Ethel Burnette, Prattville, Mich.
C. N. Sanders, R. F. D. No. 10, Myrtie Fishell, Ithaca, Mich.
Battle Creek, Mich. Mrs. D. Malin, Vassar, Mich.
B. F. Stureman, 213 Pine St., Lan- Hazel Vail, Fairgrove, Mich.
sing, Mich. Reta Fenner, Munger, Mich.
E. R. Lauda, Croswell, Mich.
Delmar P. Wood, 413 Teneyck St.,
Organized 1872.
Territory: The State of Indiana.
H. A. Boylan, Lansing, Mich. Office: 521 East Twenty-third St.,
J. H. McEachern, Holly, Mich. Indianapolis, Ind.
Claude White, 202 Annealy St.,
Saginaw, Mich. OFFICERS.
Fred Hoxie, Ithaca, Mich. President: Morris Lukens, 2937
Dr. G. G. Brown, 1026 Warren Paris Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
Ave., West, Detroit, Mich. Secretary and Treasurer: A. N.
H. S. Guilford, St. Charles, Mich. Anderson, 521 East Twenty=
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Financial Agent: W. P. Cunning-
Anna L. Boehm, 152 Welch Ave., ham, Middletown, Ind.
Anderson, S. C. Educational Superintendent: Prof.
Tillie E. Barr, Holly, Mich. C. L. Taylor, R. F. D. No. 1,
Katherine Dunham, 300 North Fairland, Ind.
Warner St., Bay City, Mich. Educational Secretary: Mrs. R.
Nora Ammon, 544 Fifteenth St., W. McMahan, 805 Meridian St.,
Detroit, Mich, Anderson, Ind.

Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. J. M. Ellis, Idaville, Ind.

Morris Lukens, 2937 Paris Ave., B. Hagle, Wolcottville, Ind.
Indianapolis, Ind. Victor Thompson, Russiaville,
Medical Secretary: Wm. W. Wor- F. M. Roberts, Jonesboro, Ind.
ster, M., D., care Wabash Val- 0. S. Hadley, 1721 Broadway, In-
ley Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind. dianapolis, Ind.
Religious Liberty Secretary:. A.
L. Miller, 1012 Oxford St., In- LICENTIATES.
dianapolis, Ind. Wm. W. Worster, care Wabash
Missionary Secretary: R. C. Spohr,
521 East Twenty-third St., In- Valley Sanitarium, Lafayette,
dianapolis, Ind. Ind.
Tract Society Secretary: A. N. R. W. Leach, 1602 Fourth Ave.,
Anderson, 521 East Twenty- Terre Haute, Ind.
third St., Indianapolis, Ind. R. C. Spohr, 1014 Oxford St., In-
Field Missionary Agent: Burt dianapolis, Ind.
White, R. F. D. No. 21, Need- E. C. Townsend, 402 Michigan
ham, Ind. Ave., South Bend, Ind.
Auditor: W. H. Edwards, 215 Thos. Hubbard, Waldron, Ind.
Dean Bldg., South Bend, Ind. J. H. Niehaus 430 Packard Ave.,
Executive Committee: Morris Lu- Ft. Wayne, 'Ind.
Young, Victor Thompson, T. A.
Goodwin, J. W. Johnston, W. P. Mrs. R. W. McMahan, 805 Merid-
Cunningham. ian St., Anderson, Ind.
" Indiana Association of Seventh- T. A. Goodwin, 2515 Broadway,
day Adventists: " Trustees: Indianapolis, Ind.
Morris Lukens (Pres.), C. J. Bu- C. L. Taylor, R. F. D. No. 1, Fair-
halts (Vice-Pres.), W. A. land, Ind.
Young (Sec.), T. A. Goodwin Burton Castle, R. F. D. No. 1,
(Treas.), W. P. Cunningham Fairland, Ind.
(Auditor); Councilmen, J. W. Mrs. Florence Niehaus, 430 Pack-
Johnston, Victor Thompson. ard Ave., Ft. Wayne, Ind.
" The Indiana Medical Missionary Mrs. Mary Buhalts, Lafayette,
and Benevolent Association: " Ind.
Pres., Morris Lukens; Vice- Miss J: Theresa Thompson, 610
Pres.,C. J. Buhalts; Sec., Wm. High St., Huntington, Ind.
W. orster, M. D.; Treas., T. Miss Lora Duncan, 521 East Twen-
A. Goodwin; Auditor, W. H. Ed- ty-third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
wards; Councilmen,W. P. Cun- Chas. E. Allen, R. F. D. No. 1,
ningham, J. W.odwin.
o Ockley, Ind.
A. N. Anderson, 521 East Twenty-
MINISTERS. third St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Morris Lukens, 2937 Paris Ave., Mrs. Ida V. Hadley, 1721 Broad-
Indinapolis, Ind. way, Indianapolis, Ind.
W. J. Stone, 2524 South Meridian Jesse Jared, 1128 Broadway, Lo-
St., Indianapolis, Incl. gansport, Ind.
W. A. Young, 904 College Ave., Mrs. Sadie Jared, 1128 Broadway,
Indianapolis, Ind. Logansport, Ind.
A. L. Miller, 1012 Oxford St., In- Miss Marie Sahli, Fayette Sanita-
dianapolis, Ind. rium, Connersville, Ind.
C. J. Buhalts, 1815 North Thir- Mrs. Ada Worster, Wabash Valley
teenth St., Lafayette, Ind. Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind.
U. S. Anderson, 1707 South Mad- Miss Bessie States, Wabash Val-
ison St., Muncie, Ind. ley Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind.
Luzerne Thompson, R. F. D. No. Miss Cora Whaley, Wabash Val-
30, Zionsville, Ind. ley Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind.

Burt White, R. F. D. No. 21, Secretary: .

Needham, Ind. Treasurer: E. A. Bristol, 510 Pe-
toskey St., Petoskey, Mich.
Tract Society Department: Secre-
J. Harvey Shrock, 2326 Jackson tary and Treasurer, E. A. Bris-
St., Anderson, Ind. tol, 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey,
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawson, R. R. D. Mich.
No. 9, Anderson, Ind. Field Missionary Secretary:
Miss Beatrice Murphy, R. F. D. Field Missionary Agent: H. W.
No. 3, Bluffton, Ind. Johnson, 413 Pearl St., Pe-
Miss Bertha Bartholomew, R. F. toskey, Mich.
D. No. 1, Fairland, Ind. Educational Department: Super-
Miss Lena M. Vance, R. F. D. No. intendent, Edith McClellan, 606
1, Dana, Ind. Howard St., Petoskey, Mich.
Miss Mayna Miller, 1711 Central Executive Committee: J. J. Irwin,
Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. M. C. Guild, E. A. Bristol, R. J.
Miss Belva Vance, R. F. D. No. 4, Bellows, M. Stephens.
Middletown, Ind. " North Michigan Conference As-
Miss Sylva Vance, R. F. D. No. 6, sociation of Seventh-day Ad=
Box 52a, Rockville, Ind. ventists: " J. J. Irwin (Pres.),
Miss Alta Custer, 416 West E. A. Bristol (Sec. and Treas.),
Twelfth St., Muncie, Ind. M. C. Guild, J. L. Mann, M.
Geo. F. Knapp, R. F. D. No. 1, Stephens.
Tell City, Ind.
Miss Linnie Vance, R. F. D. No.
9, New Castle, Ind. J. J. Irwin, 220 Michigan St., Pe-
Miss Myrtle Robertson, Nobles- toskey, Mich.
ville, Ind. M. C. Guild, 621 West Eighth St.,
Miss Aurie Johnson, R. F. D. No. Traverse City, Mich.
6, Petersburg, Ind. R. J. Bellows, Friday's Station,
Miss Glenn Harris, R. F. D. No. 1, via Brampton, Mich.
New Palestine, Ind. E. A. Bristol, 902 State St., Petos-
Harold A. Lukens, 1336 Fourth key, Mich.
Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.
Miss Beatrix K. Spohr, R. F. D. LICENTIATES.
No. 5, Sullivan, Ind.
H. C. Chapman, R. F. D. No. 5, E. F. Peterson, 93 Montezuma St.,
Albion, Ind. Houghton, Mich.
F. E. Fenner, Onaway, Mich.
Karl Stenberg, 712 Empire St.,
ENCE. M. B. Butterfield, 119 State St.,
Alpena, Mich.
Formerly a part of the Michigan N. H. Pool, 409 Fancher Ave.,
Conference, organized in 1861; South, Mount Pleasant, Mich.
divided and reorganized in 1902. L. G. Nyman, Marion, Mich.
Territory: All of Michigan north
of the counties of Bay, Midland, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Gratiot, Montcalm, Newaygo, W. L. Avery, Cedar Lake, Mich.
and Oceana, including the north- Miss Isabella R. Campbell. 510
ern tier of townships in Mont- Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich.
calm County. . Mrs. M. M. Faulkner, 327 Maple
Office: 510 Petoskey St., Petoskey, St., Alpena, Mich.
Mich. Miss Inez A. E. Lay, 430 Phillips
St., Menominee, Mich.
President: J. J. Irwin, 220 Mich- Miss Edith McClellan, 606 Howard
igan St., Petoskey, Mich. St., Petoskey, Mich.

H. W. Johnson, 413 Pearl St., vert, F. J. Harris, M. C. Kirk-

Petoskey, Mich. endall, C. Meleen, C. W. Weber,
H. E. Moon, B. A. Wolcott.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. " The Illinois Conference Associa-
Florence Crouch, Petoskey, Mich. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Armilda Bogar, Alden, Mich. ists: " Pres., Wm. Covert; Vice-
Jane Sweet, Lake Ann, Mich. Pres., M. C.. Kirkendall; Sec.
Mrs. Myrtle Reed, Moorestown, and Treas., H. E. Moon; Coun-
Mich. cilmen, J. W. Cummings, J.
Ruby Hastings, Cedar Lake, Mich. Klooster.
Della Starkey, Harrison, Mich. " Northern Illinois Medical Mis-
Elmer Ross, Edmore, Mich. . sionary and Sanitarium Associa-
Inis Morey, Edmore, Mich. tion: " Wm. Covert, S. P. S.
Ella Rasmusson, Petoskey, Mich. Edwards, H. C. Winslow, Jacob
Ethel Cooper, Byron Center, Mich. Klooster, W. A. Marsh, Jr., W.
Sadie Hogan,Hancock, Mich. C. Foreman, Mrs. Maria L. Ed-
Genie Symod s, Marion, Mich. wards, M. C. Kirkendall.


NORTHERN ILLINOIS CONFER- Win. Covert, Room 650, 324 Dear-

ENCE. born St., Chicago, Ill.
L. D. Santee, 1219 Thirteen One-
Formerly part of the Illinois Con- half St., Moline, Ill:
ference organized in 1871; di- J. C. Harris, Sheridan, Ill.
vided and reorganized in 1902. Wm. Lewsadder, 301 South Fifth
Territory: The northern portion St., Streator, Ill.
of the State of Illinois to the F. J. Harris, Holcomb, Ill.
southern boundary of the coun- C. W. Weber, 3417 North Clare-
ties of Iroquois, Ford, Living- " mont Ave., Chicago, Ill.
ston, Woodford, Peoria, Knox, M. C. Kirkendall, 28 Thirty-third
Warren, and Henderson, exclu- Place, Chicago, Ill.
ding the city of Peoria. C. Meleen, 3250 Berteau Ave.,
Office: Room 650, 324 Dearborn Chicago, Ill.
St., Chicago, Ill. B. A. Wolcott, Sheridan, Ill.
Chas. T. Everson, 3722 Irving
OFFICERS. Park Blvd., Chicago, Ill.
E. F. Collier, 7711 Prairie Ave.,
President: Win. Covert, office ad- Chicago, Ill.
dress. P. E. Broderson, 1643 North
Secretary of Conference and Tract Springfield Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Society Department:. H. E.
Moon, office address.
Treasurer: H. E. Moon, office ad- LICENTIATES.
Field Missionary Agent: Oliver Bernhard Petersen, 1045 North
Morris, Sheridan, Ill, Humboldt St., Chicago, Ill.
Educational and Sabbath-school J. Tabor, 314 East Forty-fifth St.,
Department Secretary: Nellie D. Chicago, Ill.
Plugh, 7150 Langley Ave., Chi- C. R. Magoon, 183 Woodlawn Ave.,
cago, Ill. Aurora, Ill.
Religious Liberty Bureau: Chair- E. B. Van Dorn, La Grange, Ill.
man, Dr. J. H. Allen, 4712 Green- E. C. Parker, Waldron, Ill.
wood Ave., Chicago, Ill.; Sec., J. M. Burdick, 3431 North Irving
C. U. Beach,1351 Balmoral Ave., Ave., Chicago, Ill.
Chicago; Ill. R. W. Schimek, 2639 South Forty-
Executive Committee: Wm. Co- second Ave., -Chicago, Ill.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. and including the city of Peoria.
Elizabeth Harvey, 4069 Princeton Office: 300 West Alleri St., Spring-
Ave., Chicago, Ill. field, Ill.
Mrs. E. B. Van Dorn, La Grange, OFFICERS.
Jean Phillips, 3431 Jansen Ave., President: S. E. Wight, 545 West
Chicago, Ill. Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Ruth Santee, 1721 South Main St., Secretary: Miss Nettie Eaton, 300
Rockford, Ill; West Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
Anna Hibben, 3431 Jansen Ave., Treasurer: Southern Illinois Tract
Chicago, Ill. Society.
Ella Hancock, 7150 Langley Ave., Tract Society Secretary and Treas-
Chicago, Ill: - urer: Miss Nettie Eaton, 300
Gertrude. Merriner, 472 St. Charles West Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
St., Elgin, RI. Field Missionary Agent: C. J.
H. E. Moon, Room 650, 324 Dear- Tolf, 300 West Allen St., Spring-
born St., Chicago, Ill. field, Ill.
Helen Odell, Room 650, 324 Dear- Educational and Sabbath-school
born St., Chicago, Ill. Secretary: Edith E. Shepard,
Oliver Morris, Sheridan, Ill. 300 West Allen St., Springfield,
Sophia 1Vahlberg, 213 Oak St.,
Chicago, Ill. Religious Liberty Secretary: S. E.
Hugo Danke, 2128 Fletcher St., Wight, 545 West Allen St.,
Chicago, Ill. Springfield, Ill.
Luella Rasmussen, 3722 Irving Medical Secretary: " R. B. Craig,
Park Blvd., Chicago, Ill. 120 East North St., Decatur,
Miss J. A. Lauter, 2411 Gilead Ill.
Ave., Zion City, Ill. Executive Committee: S. E.
Wight, R. B. Craig, Wm. Wood-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. ford, C.. J. Tolf, W. C. Dalbey.
Miss Mabel Rank, Aledo, Ill. "The Southern Illinois Conference'
Miss Carrie Burdick, 17 West Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Second St., Streator, Ill. ventists: " Trustees, S.. E.
Miss Marion Johnson, Chicago, Ill. Wight, R. B. Craig, W. C. Dal-
Miss May Warren, 28 Thirty-third bey, Wm. Woodford, C. J. Tolf.
Place, Chicago, Ill. MINISTERS.
Miss Ethel Fosler, 7150 Langley
Ave., Chicago, Ill. S. E. Wight, 545 West Allen St.,
Miss Zada Hibben, Sheridan. Ill: Springfield, Ill.
Miss Eva Andrews, care F. E. J. B. Locken, Brownstown, Ill.
Endriss, Stockton, Ill. C. H. Bliss 309 Sixth St., Peoria,
Miss Vera Pierce, Kingston, Ill. Ill.
Miss Nina Laudon, Rockford. Ill. Wm. Woodford, Albion, Ill.
S. S. Gray, 315 South Clay Ave.,
ENCE. L. W. Browne, 814 South Fif-
Formerly a part of the Illinois teenth St., Springfield, Ill.
Conference, organized in 1871; W. E. Schwartz, Jacksonville, Ill.
divided and reorganized in 1902. E. F. Ferris, Flora, Ill.
Territory: The southern portion J. L. Shuler, Flora, Ill.
of the State of Illinois, south of
the counties of Iroquois, Ford. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Livingston, Woodford, Peoria, C. J. Tolf, 300 West Allen St.,
Knox, Warren, and Henderson. Springfield, Ill.

Nettie Eaton, 300 West Allen St., Missionary Secretary: S. D. Hart-

Springfield, Ill. well, Charlotte, Mich.
Mary B. Craig, 312 North Prairie Sabbath-school Secretary: C. A.
St., Jacksonville, Ill. Hansen, Otsego, Mich.
Edith E. Shepard, 300 West Allen Tract Society Secretary: E. L.
St., Springfield, Ill. Richmond, Otsego, Mich.
Field Secretary: . L. Denslow,
Otsego, Mich.
R. B. Craig, 120 East North St., Religious Liberty Secretary: S. D.
Decatur, Ill. Hartwell, Charlotte, Mich.
Mrs. R.,B. Craig 120 E. North St., Missionary Volunteer Secretary:
Decatur, Ill. 0. L. Denslow, Otsego, Mich.
Anna Balding, Champaign, Ill. Auditor: - W. H. Edwards, 215.
Inez Howell, Champaign, Ill. Dean Bldg., South Bend, Ind.
Martha Craig, Peoria, Ill. Executive Committee: A. G.
Harry Shepler, Springfield, Ill. Haughey, S. D. Hartwell, W. R.
W. C. Dalbey, Du Quoin, Ill. Matthews, C. A. Hansen, E. L.
Mrs. W. C. Dalbey, Du Quoin, Ill. Richmond.
" West Michigan Conference Asso-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
ists: " A. G. Haughey (Pres.),
Beulah Hough, Springfield, Ill. S. D. Hartwell, W. R. Matthews,
Marie Asey, 1819 South Four- C. A. Hansen, E. L. Richmond
teenth St., Springfield, Ill. (Sec. and Tress.).
Lillian Banning, Decatur, Ill.
Ruth Saxby, Brownstown, Ill. MINISTERS.
Ada Erase, Peoria, Ill.
Ola Williamson, Makanda, Ill. A. G. Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
Elsie Newlan, Du Quoin, ILL W. C. Hebner, Shelby, Mich.
Grace Evans, Du Quoin, Ill. A. C. Bourdeau, 1211 March St.,
Kalamazoo, Mich.
W. R. Matthews, 22 Cass Ave.,
Grand Rapids, Mich.
WEST MICHIGAN CONFER- S. D. Hartwell, 335 John St., Char-
ENCE. lotte, Mich.
Formerly a part of the Michigan C. A. Hansen, Otsego, Mich.
Conference, organized in 1861; W. E. Videto, Berrien Springs,
divided and reorganized in 1902. Mich.
M. S. Burnham, Otsego, Mich.
Territory: Southwestern Michigan A. Smith, 156 Pipestone St., Ben-
south of the counties of Mason, ton Harbor, Mich.
Lake, Mecosta, and Isabella; G. W. Amadon,303 West Van
and west of the counties of Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Mecosta, Gratiot, Clinton, Ing- J. M. Wilbur, 15 Jordan St.,
ham, Jackson, and Hillsdale, ex- Battle Creek, Mich.
cept the north row of town- R. C. Horton, Lawrence, Mich.
ships in Montcalm County. John W. Covert, Allegan, Mich.
Office: Otsego, Mich. E. Van Deusen, Lowell, Mich.
H. Nicola, 123 Manchester St.,
Battle Creek, Mich.
President: A. G. Haughey, Ot- LICENTIATES.
sego, Mich.
Vice-President: S. D. Hartwell, A. C. Haughey, Otsego, Mich.
335 John St., Charlotte, Mich. E. A. Merriam, Otsego, Mich.
Secretary and Treasurer: E. L. Fred Green, Otsego, Mich.
Richmond, Otsego, Mich. L. Richmond, Otsego, Mich.
Educational Secretary: C. A. Roscoe Garrett, Berrien Center,
Hansen, Otsego, Mich. Mich.

Reid Shepard, Otsego, Mich. WISCONSIN CONFERENCE.

Oliver L. Denslow, Otsego, Mich.
0. S. Thompson, Allen, Mich. Organized 1871.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Territory: The State of Wiscon-
Eva Howe, Otsego, Mich. Office Address: Box 57, Grand
Jennie DeYoung, 15 Lyman Blk., Rapids, Wis.
Muskegon, Mich.
Edith Wilbur, 350 North Front
St., Grand Rapids, Mich. OFFICERS.
Mrs. Clebra Green, care Academy,
Otsego, Mich. President: C. McReynolds, office
Ellen Oxley, care Tabernacle, address.
Battle Creek, Mich. Secretary and Treasurer: John C.
Mattie H. White, care Tabernacle, McReynolds, office address.
Battle Creek, Mich. Missionary Department: Mission-
ary Secretary, P. C. Hanson,
Poysippi, Wis.
Mable Jenkins, Otsego, Mich. Field Missionary Agent: F. B.
Clifford Russell, R. F. D. No. 7, Numbers, office address.
Battle Creek, Mich. Tract Society: Secretary and
Mrs. Flora H. Williams, 467 Ham- Treasurer, Mabel Cutler, office
blin Ave., Battle Creek, Mich. address.
Mrs. Harriet Heffiey, 226 West Sabbath-school Department: Mary
Van Buren St., Battle Creek, Howell, office address.
Mich. Educational Department: Secre-
Mabel Baker, 27 Buckeye St., tary Missionary Volunteers:
Battle Creek, Mich. Byron Post, 727 Fourth St.,
Mrs. B. M. Butterfield, Berrien Milwaukee, Wis.
Springs, Mich. Superintendent of Primary
Forest Schoonard, Bedford, Mich. Schools: Bertha L. Rathbun,
Glenn Schoonard, Berlamont, office address.
Mich. Religious Liberty Department:
Edna Ayars, Bauer, Mich. Secretary, H. W. Reed, Clear
Susie Klose, Covert, Mich. Water Lake, Wis.
Ruth Peel, R. F. D. 3, care T. B. Medical Department: Secretary,
Olds, Hastings, Mich. John W. Hopkins, M. D., Sani-
Hattie Brassington, 520 Horatio tarium, Madison, Wis.
Ave., Charlotte, Mich. Executive Committee: C. McRey-
Anna Collige, R. F. D. No. 1, care nolds, John Hoffman, P. M.
C. A. Merriam, Hesperia, Mich. Hanson, John W. Hopkins,
Edith Colburn, Glenwood, Mich. M. D., Prof. C. L. Stone, D. H.
Hattie Hansen, 243 Highland Ave., Oberholtzer, P. C. Hanson.
Grand Rapids, Mich. " Wisconsin Conference Associa-
Thank Halverson, R. F. D. No. 4, tion of Seventh-day Advent-
care Simeon Smith, Grand ists: Pres., C. McReynolds; Sec.
Ledge, Mich. and Treas., John C. McRey-
Fyrnn Ford, R. F. D. No. 41, nolds; other members, Alex.
care Chas. Steele, Lake Odessa, Paton, J. C. Petersen.
Mich. Medical Missionary Board: Chair-
Mrs. Mina Hege, R. F. D. No. 5, man, C. McReynolds; Secretary
Allegan, Mich. and Business Manager, J. H.
Mrs. J. M. Hoyt, McBrides, Mich. Bramhall; other members, J. W.
Flossie Hall, R. F. D. No. I, care Hopkins, M. D., 'J. H. Hoffman,
W. B. Pike, Coopersville, Mich. A. C. Woodbury, F. Stebbeds,
.Edna Cooper, Buchanan, Mich. W. H. Holmes.

MINISTERS. Mary Howell, Grand Rapids, Wis.

Mary Snow, Bethel, Wis.
C. McReynolds, Grand Rapids,
W. W. Stebbins, Madison, Wis.
John H. Hoffman, Grantsburg, John W. Hopkins, M. D., Madison,
Wis. Wis.
T. G. Lewis, Appleton,Wis. Amy R. Humphrey, Madison, Wis.
M. H. Serns, Elroy, .is John H. Bramhall, Madison, Wis.
C. Edwardson, Kenosha, Wis. Mattie Smith, Madison, Wis.
P. M. Hanson, Bethel; Wis. Laura Nielsen, Madison, Wis.
Byron Post, Milwaukee, Wis. Lucy Shorey, Madison, Wis.
C. L. Stone, Bethel, Wis. Pearl Shetler, Madison, Wis.
D. H. Oberholtzer, Madison, Wis.
H. W. Reed, Clear Water Lake, CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
K. Rasmussen, Milltown, Wis. Ada Judd, Milton Junction, Wis.
M. Stueckrath, 865 Fifth St., Laura Antisdel, Route 5, Ft. At-
Milwaukee, Wis. kinson, Wis.
Ruby McSparren, Blue River,

J. B. Scott, Chetek, Wis. Ella Keizer, LaFarge, Wis.

F. Stebbeds, Blue River, Wis. Ethel Proctor, Sparta, Wis.
J. C. Nielsen, Bethel, Wis. Mabel McConnell, 1456 Menomonie
H. P. Anderson, Union Grove, Wis. St., Eau Claire, Wis.
W. S. Shreve, Wauzeka, Wis. Carrie Borg, Route No. 5, Box 55,"
Mill Creek, Wis.
LICENTIATES. Vesta Cash, Bethel, Wis.
Vera Mueller 434 Eleventh St.,
A. W. Hallock, Hawthorne, Wis. Grand Rapids, Wis.
Israel Hill, West DePere, Wis. Lottie Fox, New Franken, Wis.
P. C. Hanson, Poysippi; Wis. Luella Eighme, R. F. D. No. 1,
Lewis Drews, Wausau, Wis. Clear Lake, Wis.
A. G. Holmes, Milton Junction, Rebecca DePas, West Bend, Wis.
Wis. Estella Corwin, Plainfield, Wis.
A. J. Olsen, Bethel, Wis. Emma Trummer, Almond, Wis.
S. C. Hannon, Clear Water Lake, Beryl Cummings, Merrill, Wis.
Wis. Martha Borg, Route 8, Franks-
ville, Wis.
Bertha Cass, 826 Seventeenth It.,
David Chapman, Route 2, West
J. Steinel, Milwaukee, Wis. De Pere, Wis.
Sue Jones, Merrill, Wis. Vina M. Sherwood, Adkins, Wis.
Marie Olsen, Milwaukee, Wis. Dena Reefm an, Sturgeon Bay,
Mabel Wampole, Kenosha,Wis. Wis.
Anna Woodbury, Beloit, .is Lottie Jasperson, Route No. 1,
Sina Gjerde, Chippewa Falls, Mosinee, Wis.
Wis. Jennie Judson, 1501 Lawrence
F. B. Numbers, Grand Rapids, Ave., Beloit, Wis.
Wis. Ida Cook, Route No. 2, Cassville,
Arthur E. Serns, Elroy, Wis. Wis.
Eugene Nelson, Chippewa Falls, Anna Nelson, Poysippi, Wis.
Wis. Hattie Rathbun, Chetek, Wis.
E. Lovold, Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. C. W. Coberly, Clear Water
J. S. Beggs, Almond, Wis. Lake, Wis.
Organized rgoz.
Territory: The Conferences of wood; Vice-Pres., S. E. Jack-
Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, son; Sec. and Treas., T. D. Gib-
and South Dakota. son.
Office Address: 2718 Third Ave.,
South, Minneapolis, Minn MINISTERS.

President: R. A. Underwood, of- R. A. Underwood, 2718 Third Ave.,

South, Minneapolis, Minn.
fice address. J. G. Lamson, Stuart, Iowa.
Vice-President: M. N. Campbell,
Stuart, Iowa.

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Secretary and Treasurer: T. D. LICENTIATES.

Gibson, office address. T. D. Gibson, 2718 Third Ave.,
General Missionary Agent: W. L. South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Manful, Elk Point, S. Dak. W. L. Manful, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Educational Secretary: W. W.
Ruble, Alexandria, Minn.
Executive Committee: R. A. Un- IOWA CONFERENCE.
derwood, M. N. Campbell, C. J. Organized 1863.
Kunkel, G. F. Watson, S. E. Territory: The State of Iowa.
Jackson, T. D. Gibson, J. G. Office: Nevada, Iowa.
Lamson, W. L. Manful, Dr. C. P.
Medical Department: Secretary, President: M. N. Campbell, Ne-.
Dr. C. P. Farnsworth; Board, vada, Iowa.
the Medical Secretaries of the Secretary: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas;
Union and Local Conferences. Nevada, Iowa.
" Northern Union Conference As- Treasurer: G. C. Hoskin, Nevada,
sociation of Seventh-day Ad- Iowa.
ventists: " Pres., R. A. Under- 55

Secretary Educational Depart- M. Ni. Hare, Nevada, Iowa.

ment: Prof. M. M. Hare, Ne- H. B. Allen, Stuart, Iowa.
vada, Iowa. S. B. Kephart, Stuart, Iowa.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- Geo. S. Juhl, Stuart, Iowa.
ment: Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas,
Secretary S. D. A. Missionary
Volunteers: Prof. M. M. Hare, Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas, Nevada,
Nevada, Iowa. Iowa.
Secretary Religious Liberty De- Anna Camp, 5 Arno Flats, Du-
partment: W. D. Parkhurst, buque, Iowa.
1209 Fremont St., Des Moines, Geo. J. Seltzer, Atlantic, Iowa.
Iowa. T. J. McComas, Nevada, Iowa.
Secretary Medical Department: H. H. Howard, Stuart, Iowa.
L. J. Otis, M. D., Stuart, Iowa. G. C. Hoskin, Nevada, Iowa.
Secretary Iowa Tract Society: G. S. Sorensen, Ute, Iowa.
C. Hoskin, Nevada, Iowa. Dora B. McKibben, 806 South Sev-
Assistant Secretary: A. R. enth St., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Smouse, Nevada,Iowa. C. W. Hollingsworth, Stuart, Iowa.
Field Missionary Sc
retary: C. W. E. May Chaney, 717 Foster St.,
Hollingsworth, Stuart, Iowa. Burlington, Iowa.
Executive Committee: M. N. Nellie Bonjour, Hampton, Iowa.
Campbell, J. C. Clemens, E. G. Laura Buck, " Argyle," Flat 2,
Olsen, A. P. Hansen, G. R. Davenport, Iowa.
Hawkins, J. W. Dorcas, M. M. W. C. Boynton, Sioux Rapids,
Hare. Iowa.
"Iowa Seventh-day Adventist As- Rose E. Boose, Exira, Iowa.
sociation: " Trustees: M. N. Alma Nelson, 1447 Walker St.,
Campbell, J. M. Whitney, J. Des Moines, Iowa.
Shively, J. W. Dorcas, N. W. W. A. McKibben, 806 South Sev-
Hartwick, B. 0. Reynolds, G. C. enth St., Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Hoskin. Chas. Metzger, 312 East Fifth St.,
Muscatine, Iowa.
MINISTERS. Lena M. Hunt, Stuart, Iowa.
Maude Affolter, Mason City, Iowa.
John Myhre, Stuart, Iowa.
M. N. 'Campbell, Nevada, Iowa.
J. C. Clemens, Nevada, Iowa. A. R. Smouse, Nevada, Iowa.
Meta Peterson, Mason City, Iowa.
E. G. Olsen, Forest City, Iowa. Stemple White, Brighton, Iowa.
G. R. Hawkins, Atlantic, Iowa. B. Q. Reynolds, Stuart, Iowa.
W. D. Parkhurst, 1209 Fremont A. Helen Wilcox, "Argyle," Flat
St., Des Moines, Iowa. 2, Davenport, Iowa.
M. W. Lewis, 717 Foster St., Bur-
Wm. J. Johnson, Iowa City, Iowa.
E. Rosenwold, Gowrie, Iowa. H. M. Colburn, Sioux Rapids,
J. W. Dorcas, Nevada, Iowa. Iowa.
Otto Madsen, 223 Logan St., Coun- Mrs. H. M. Colburn, Sioux Rapids,
cil Bluffs, Iowa. Iowa.
Miss Essie Ferguson, Stuart, Iowa.
LICENTIATES. Miss Maude Ferron, R. F. D. No.
4, Council Bluffs, Iowa.
Mrs. G. R. Hawkinsy Atlantic, Miss Gertrude Hunt, Nevada,
Iowa. Iowa.
Mrs. Minnie Syp; Stuart, Iowa. Miss Anna Johnson, R. F. D. No.
J. W. McComas, Mason City, Iowa. 2, Exira, Iowa.
Jones A. Johnson, Madrid, Iowa. Miss Emily Johnson, Hawarden,
L. J. Otis, Stuart, Iowa. Iowa.

Miss Gussie Olsen, Forest City,'- Missionary Secretary: C. M. Bab-

Iowa. cock, office address.
Miss Anna L. Peterson, Newell, Medical Secretary: Dr. E. P.
Iowa. Hawkins, Montrose, Minn.
Miss Emily Stanfield, 1310 West
Second St., Boone, Iowa. MINISTERS.
Miss Bessie Stanfield, 1310 West
Second St., Boone, Iowa. S. E. Jackson, Box 989, Minne-
C. V. Starr, Decatur, Iowa. apolis, Minn.
Ross J. Syp, Sharpsburg, Iowa. A. W. Kuehl, Box 989, Minneap-
Miss Bernice Walker, Avery, olis, Minn.
Iowa. Andrew Mead, R. F. D. No. 2,
Brainard, Minn.
Hans Steen, 716 Maryland St., St.
Organized 1862. C. L. Emmerson, Philbrook, Minn.
J. F. Anderson, 1136 Edgerton St.,
Territory: The State of Minne- St. Paul, Minn.
sota. C. M. Babcock, Box 989, Minne-
Office: 336 East. Lake St., Minne- apolis, Minn.
apolis, Minn. W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Minn.
Office Address: Box 989, Minne- E. M. Chapman, Alexandria, Minn.
apolis, Minn. W. A. Alway, Maple Plain, Minn.
Geo. L. Budd, Alexandria, Minn.
OFFICERS. 0. J. Nerlund, 1718 New St., Du-
luth, Minn.
President: S. E. Jackson, office A. V. Olson, 819 East Sixth St.,
address. Duluth, Minn
Vice-President: W. W. Ruble, A. D. Ewert, Bingham Lake, Minn.
Alexandria, Minn. 0. E. Johansen, Fergus Falls,
Secretary: A. W. Kuehl, office Minn
address. C. A. Pedicord, 724 Carrol St., St.
Treasurer: H. R. Gay, office ad- Paul, Minn.
Executive Committee: S. E. Jack- LICENTIATES.
son, W. W. Ruble, A. W. Kuehl,
0. J. Nerlund, A. V. Olson, E. H. J. Sheldon, Maple Plain, Minn.
M. Chapman, C. M. Babcock. C. K. Reiswig, Westbrook, Minn.
" The Minnesota Conference Asso- H. 0. Olson, Box 989, Minneapolis,
ciation of Seventh-day Advent- Mimi
ists: " S. E. Jackson (Pres.), W. H. Sherrig, Box 989, Minne-
H. R. Gay (Sec. and Treas.), J. apolis, Minn.
F. Anderson, Gust. Hendrickson,
Tract Society Secretary: H. R.
Gay, office address. F. F. Fry, Box 565, Anoka, Minn.
Sabbath-school and Home Dept. F. E. Rew, Box. 989, Minneapolis.
Secretary: Ella E. Merickel, Minn.
Mankato, Minn. Ella E. Merickel, Mankato, Minn.
Secretary Educational and Mis- Gust Hendrickson, Box 989, Min-
sionary Volunteer Departments: neapolis, Minn.
W. W. Ruble, Alexandria, Minn. Alice M. Burghart, 903 East
Religious Liberty Secretary: A. V. Fourth St., Duluth, Minn.
Olson, 819 East Sixth St., Du- Ellen V. Nelson, Box 989, Minne-
luth, Minn. apolis, Minn.
Field Secretary: F. F. Fry, Box P. 0. Johnson, Thief River Falls,
565, Anoka, Minn. Minn.

H. R. Gay, Box 989, Minneapolis, Simon, Box L, Harvey, N. Dak.

Minn. Young People's Secretary: B. C.
N. R. Nelson, Box 989, Minneap: Haak, Box 104, Harvey, N. Dak.
olis, Minn Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. B.
Soren Ruskjer, Box 989, Minne- C. Haak, Box 104, Harvey, N.
apolis, Minn. Dak.
May Jensen, 819 East Sixth St., Tract Society Secretary: E. L.
Duluth, Minn. Spencer, office address.
Dorthy Olsen, 2406 Bloomington Missionary Secretary: B. C. Haak,
Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn. Box 104, Harvey, N. Dak.
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. B.
- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. C. Haak, Box 104, Harvey, N.
Miss Kathryne Adams, Dodge Cen- Dak.
Field Agent: W. B. Payne, James-
ter, Minn. town, N. Dak.
Miss Betty Iverson, Box 989, Min- Medical Missionary Secretary: H.
neapolis, Minn. F. Meeker, Beach, N. Dak.
Miss Bessie Christenson, Dodge Religious Liberty S,ecretary: C. J.
' Center, Minn. Kunkel, R. F. D. No. 4, Harvey,
Miss Florence Dittes, Monticello, N. Dak.
Minn. " The North Dakota Conference
Miss Clara Krassin, Waseca, Minn. Association: " C. J. Kunkel, J.
Mrs. Mary Kelsey, Wells, Minn.
Mrs. R. S. Townsend, Verndale, G. Walker; F. H. Robinson, A,
Minn. V. Rhoads, Lars Nielson.
Miss Laura King, Maple Plain,
Miss Jeanette Franklin, Good
Thunder, Minn. C. J. Kunkel, R. F. D. No. 4, Har-
vey, N. Dak.
A. V. Rhoads, Minot, N. Dak.
Lars Nielson, Mohan, N. Dak.
NORTH DAKOTA CONFER- Geo. Wagner, Manfred, N. Dak.
ENCE. N. M. Jorgenson, Grand Forks,
N. Dak.
Organized 1902. Chas. Leer, Lincoln, N. Dak.
Territory: The State of North J. G. Walker, R. F. D. No. 4,
Dakota. Harvey, N. Dak.
Office Address: Box 285, Fargo,
J. J. Reiswig, Jamestown, N. Dak.
President: C. J. Kunkel, R. F. D. J. H. Seibel, Bowdon, N. Dak.
No. 4, Harvey, N. Dak. Martin Olson, Valley City, N.
Vice-President: A. V. Rhoads, Dak'
Minot, N. Dak. H. F. Meeker, Beach, N. Dak.
Secretary: B. C. Haak, Box 104, J. F. Simon, R. F. D. No. 4, Har-
Harvey, N. Dak. vey, N. Dak.
Business Agent: L. Krieger, Box Mrs. Bertha Jorgenson, Grand
L, Harvey, N. Dak. Forks, N. Dak.
Treasurer: E. L. Spencer, office
Executive Committee: C. J. Kun-
kel, A. V. Rhoads, J. G. Walker, Richard Graham, Rock Lake, N.
Chas. Leer, Lars Nielson, J. F. Dak.
Simon, Ludwig Krieger. F. H. Robinson, Box 285, Fargo,
Educational Secretary: J. F. N. Dak.

Mrs. A. H. Robinson, Box 285, ment: Secretary, Dr. C. P.

Fargo, N. Dak. Farnsworth, Chamberlain, S.
B. C. Haak, Box 104, Harvey, N. Dak.
Dak. Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
Peter Efemenko, Dogden, N. Dak. retary, Miss Florence Miller,
W. B. Payne, Jamestown, N. Dak.- Elk Point, S. Dak.
Mrs. W. B. Payne, Jamestown, N. Religious Liberty Department:
Dak. Secretary, R. E. Harter, Lang-
Henry Berg, McClusky, N. Dak. ford, S. Dak.
J. H. Roth, Medina, N. Dak. " South Dakota Conference Asso-
Miss Katy Roth, Medina, N. Dak. ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
Peter Richert, New Home, N. Dak. ists: " Trustees: G. F. Watson,
J. A. Reiber, Leonard, N. Dak. Chairman; G. W. Stilson, Sec.
and Treas.; Alfred Jensen, N. J.
Ronlund, F. R. Isaac.


G. F. Watson, Box 686, Sioux

Organized 1879. Falls, S. Dak.
Territory: The State of South N. J. Ronlund, Box 686, Sioux
Dakota, excluding the Black Falls, S. Dak.
Hills. N. P. Neilsen, Irene, S. Dak.
Office: 732 South First Ave., Conrad Reiswig, Milltown, S. Dak.
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. J. H. Wheeler, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
Office Address: Box 686, Sioux

Daniel Wall, Box 686, Sioux Falls,

S. Dak.
Frank S. Busz, Box 686, Sioux
President: G. F. Watson, office Falls, S. Dak.
address. A. C. Christensen, Wessington
Vice-President: Albert Tucker, Springs, S. Dak.
Elk Point, S. Dak. J. B. Clymer, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Secretary: N. P. Neilsen, Irene, Dr. C. P. Farnsworth, Chamber-
S. Dak. lain, S. Dak.
Treasurer: G. W. Stilson, Box Louis Hansen, Irene, S. Dak.
686, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. Albert Tucker, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Business Agent: F. R. Isaac, Elk D. D. Kurtz, Bridgewater, S. Dak.
Point, S. Dak.
Corresponding Secretary: Florence MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Miller, Elk Point, S. Dak.
Transportation Agent:. G. W. Stil- F. R. Isaac, Elk Point, S. Dak.
son, office address. G. W. Stilson, -Box 686, Sioux
Executive Committee: G. F. Wat- Falls, S. Dak.
son, Albert Tucker, N. P. Neil- Florence Miller, Elk Point, S.
sen, F. R. Isaac, Dr. C. P. Dak.
Farnsworth, J. B. Clymer, Al- Adam F. Schmidt, Elk Point, S.
fred Jensen. Dak.
Tract Society Secretary: G. W. A. L. Shidler, Mitchell, S. Dak.
Stilson; Assistant Secretary, Fred Cole, Box 686, Sioux Falls,
Mrs. Elizabeth Stilson. S. Dak.
Field Secretary: A. L. Shidler,
Educational Department: Secre-
tary, Mrs. Flora Watson, office Annie Isaac, Leola, S. Dak.
address. Lizzie Magnussen, Florence, S.
Health and Temperance Depart- Dak.

Lulu Jones, Sioux Falls, S. Dak. MEDICAL MISSIONARIES.

Halcyon Shoals, Wood, Meyer Co.,
S. Dak. Dr. W. T. Lindsay, Chamberlain,
Ethel Currier, Chamberlain, S. S. Dak .
Dak. Dr. Anna B. Farnsworth, Cham-
Belle Twining, Elk Point, S. Dak. berlain, S. Dak.
Mary C. Voth, Tolstoy, S. Dak. Edith Cilley, 216 Fourth Ave.,
Ida Stratton, Parker, S. Dak. West, Aberdeen, S. Dak.
Alice Kier, Broadland, S. Dak. -


Organized rgo6.
Territory: Oregon, Washington, Secretary Religious Liberty Bu-
Idaho, Montana, and Alaska. reau: A. J. Breed, College Place,
Office: Rooms 15 and 16 Die Wash.
Briicke Block, Walla Walla, General Missionary Agent: W. R.
Wash. Beatty, College Place, Wash.
Post-office Address: Box 429, Auditor: A. G. Adams, Mt. Tabor
Walla Walla, Wash. Station, Portland, Oregon.



ADeu arias
iiiiii 1.3St

OFFICERS. Executive Committee: C. W. Flaiz,

Geo. E. Langdon, H. W. Decker,
President: C. W. Flaiz, College A. J. Breed, S. W. Nellis, F. S.
Place, Wash. Bunch, J. C. Foster, J. M. Wil-
Vice-President: Geo. E. Langdon, loughby, Lewis Johnson, M. E.
College Place, Wash. Cady, C. M. Christiansen, W. R.
Secretary and Treasurer: S. J. Beatty, S. J. Lashier.
Lashier, Box 429, Walla Walla, "North Pacific Union Conference
Wash. Association of Seventh-day Ad-
Educational Secretary: .M. E. ventists: " Directors: C. W.
Cady, College Place, Wash. Flaiz, S. W. Nellie, T. H. Star-

buck, G. E. Langdon, S. J. Lash- Tract Society Secretary: A. E.

ier, H. W. Decker, A. J. Breed. Everett.
Officers: President, C. W. Flaiz; Educational Secretary: W. A.
Vice-President, A. J. Breed; Gosmer.
Secretary and Treasurer, S. J. Religious Liberty Secretary: J. C.
Lashier. Foster.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. J.
MINISTERS. B. Everett, office address.
Field Missionary Agent: Noble
C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Wash. Rittenhouse, office address.
H. W. Decker, Mt. Tabor Station, Executive Committee: J. C. Fos-
Portland, Oregon. ter, W. A. Gosmer, Paul Iver-
A. J. Breed, College Place, Wash. son, A. E. Everett, S. C. John-
0. A. Johnson, College Place, son, H. 0. Shields, C. J. Rider.
Wash. " The Montana Conference Asso-
H. A. Washburn, College Place, ciation of Seventh-day Advent-
Wash, ists: " J. C. Foster, W. A. Gos-
John Isaac, College Place, Wash. mer, A. E. Everett, W. D. Rit-
E. L. Stewart, College Place, tenhouse, S. C. Johnson.
A. M. Dart, Mt. Tabor Station,
Portland, Oregon.
J. C. Foster, 812 Cherry St., Mis-
W. A. Gosmer, Bozeman, Mont.
C. M. Christiansen, College Place, Paul Iverson, Great Falls, Mont.
Wash. C. J. Rider, Bozeman, Mont.
W. R. Beatty, College Place,
S. J. Lashier, Box 429, Walla
Walla, Wash. A. E. Everett, Bozeman, Mont.
Wm. F. Furber, Ketchikan, Al- Noble Rittenhouse, Bozeman,
aska. Mont. '
Fred W. Temple, Ketchikan, Al- C. H. Rittenhouse, Bozeman, Mont.
aska. Geo. Wikander, Bozeman, Mont.
Miss Pearl Cook, Box 429, Walla Mrs. Teresa Gosmer, Bozeman,
Walla, Wash. Mont.
Mrs. J. B. Everett, Bozeman,
Mrs. Lena Foster, 812 Cherry St.,
Mrs. Mary Iverson, Great Falls,
Organized 1898. Mont.
Territory: The State of Montana.
Office Address: Box 118, Bozeman,
Organized 1907.
President: J. C. Foster, 812 Cherry Territory: That part of Idaho
St., Missoula, Mont. south of the forty-fifth parallel
Vice-President: W. A. Gosmer, (including all of Lemhi County),
office address. and the, counties of Wallowa,
Secretary: Mrs. Teresa Gosmer, Union, Baker, and Malheur, in
office address. Oregon.
Treasurer: A. E. Everett,. office Office: Room 223, Boise National
address. Bank Building, Boise, Idaho.

Office Address: Box 43, Boise, UPPER COLUMBIA CONFER-

Idaho. ENCE.
OFFICERS. Organized 1880.
Territory: That portion of the
President: J. M. Willoughby, of- State of Washington lying east .
fice address. of the Cascade Mountains; the
Vice-President: J. A. Casebeer, State of Oregon lying east of
Emmett, Idaho. the Cascade Mountains except
Secretary and Treasurer: T. L. that portion of Wasco County
Copeland, office address. lying west of the Deschutes
Missionary Secretary and Treas- River, Klamath County, and
urer: T. L. Copeland, office ad- the first tier of counties on
dress. the eastern border of the State,
Educational Superintendent: J. M. viz.,Wallowa, Union, Baker,
Willoughby, office address. an Malhuer; and the State of
Educational, Missionary Volun- Idaho north of the 45th par-
teer, and Sabbath-school Sec- allel, except Lemhi County.
retary: May Bell, office address. Office: College Place, Wash.
Executive Committee: J. M. Wil-
loughby, Jas. S. Peach, J. A. OFFICVIRS.
Casebeer, A. C. Bird, A. Moon,
E. E. Smith, John Heffner. President: G. E. Langdon, office
MINISTERS. Vice-President: L. A. Gibson,
The Dalles, Oregon.
J. M. Willoughby, Box 43, Boise, Secretary and Treasurer: T. G.
Idaho. Johnson, office address.
E. E. Smith, Union, Oregon. Tract Society Secretary and
A. C. Bird, Caldwell, Idaho. Treasurer: T. G. Johnson.
Assistant Secretary: Alberta
Field Missionary Agent: A. D.
Arthur Moon, Council, Idaho. Guthrie, office address.
J. A. Casebeer, Emmett, Idaho.. Home Missionary Agent: F. J.
E. 0. Sanders, Cove, Oregon. Ogden, East 601 Webster Ave.,
Spokane, Wash.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Educational Secretary: E. W.
Catlin, R. F. D. No. 2, Selah,
Lucy Post, Parma, Idaho. Wash.
T. L. Copeland, Box 43, Boise, Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
ple's Missionary Volunteer De-
Idaho. partments: Secretary, Mabel
May Bell, Box 43, Boise, Idaho. Dimond, office address.
Mrs. E. E. Smith, Union, Oregon.
Wellington Frost, Baker City, Executive Committee: G. E.
Langdon, L. A. Gibson, T. L.
Oregon. Ragsdale, E. W. Catlin, Oscar
Dr. J. E. Froom, Boise, -Idaho. Hill, E. H. Huntley, John Isaac.
Airs. L. J. Chase, North Powder, Upper Columbia Mission Society:
Oregon. Pres., G. E. Langdon; Sec.,
R. W. Conard, R. F. D. No 1, John Isaac.
Eagle, Idaho.
G. E. Langdon, College Place,
Miss Alice Clinkenbeard, Cam- Wash.
bridge, Idaho. L. A. Gibson, The Dalles, Oregon.

Oscar Hill, College Place, Wash. Miss Martha Bordow, 03934 Divi-
F. D. Starr, Forest, Idaho. sion St., Spokane, Wash.
E. W. Catlin, R. F. D. No 2,
Selah, Wash.
E. H. Huntley, 03934 Division St.,
L. H. Ells, Farmington, Wash. ENCE.
John Isaac, College Place, Wash.
C. L. Ford, 538 Euclid Ave., Formerly part of the North Pa-
Sandpoint, Idaho. cific Conference; organized
1877; reorganized 1902.
Territory: All of the State of Or-
C. K. Hoover, Conconully, Wash. egon lying west of the summit
F. M. Oliver, Dayton, Wash. of the Cascade Mountains, and
John Oster, Midvale, Idaho. Wasco and Klamath Counties;
J. A. Rippey, Malaga, Wash. east of the range.
James Standage, Gilmer, Wash. Office: 508 East Everett St.,
J. K. Luther, Cof
ax, Wash. Portland, ,Oregon.
E. N. Sargeant, College Place,
Otto Coy, Republic, Wash.
F. J. Ogden, Spokane, Wash. President: F. S. Bunch, office ad-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: F. S. Bunch,
P. A. Hanson, W C Emmerson,
T. G. Johnson, College Place, T. H. Starbuck, F. A. Detamore,
Wash. W. F. Martin, S. J. Lashier.
Dr. W. H. Warner, College Place, Secretary: T. H. Starbuck, Dallas,
Wash. Oregon.
A. D. Guthrie, College Place, Treasurer: F. W. Peterson, office
Wash. address.
Maude Posey, 2207 Empire Ave., Missionary Secretary and Treas-
Spokane, Wash. urer: F. W. Peterson, office ad-
Emma Wilkinson, 916 Five and dress.
One-half St., Couer d' Alene, Secretary of Young People's Mis-
Idaho. sionary Volunteer Societies and
Alberta Green, College Place, Sabbath - school Department:
Wash. Edith Starbuck, Dallas, Oregon.
Mabel Dimond, College Place, Field Missionary Agent: W. C.
Wash. Thompson, office address.
Educational Secretary: R. W.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Airey, Gaston, Oregon.
Religious Liberty Secretary: W. F.
Kathrine B. Hale, College Place, Martin, 80 East Sixty-first St.,
Wash. North, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Bertha Allen, College Place, Wash. " Western Oregon Conference As-
Adelphia Miller, College Place, sociation of Seventh-day Ad-
Wash. ventists: " Trustees: F. S.
Miss Ida Salton, Milton, Oregon. Bunch, P. A.. Hanson, W. C.
Miss Anna Johnson, North Ya- Emmerson, T. H. Staru ck, F.
kima, Wash. A. Detamore. Pres., T. H. Star-
Miss Lillian Johnson, Cceur buck; Sec. and Treas., F. W.
d'Alene, Idaho. Peterson.
Miss Bertha Kinney, Granger,
F. A. Bower, Wilcox, Wash.
Mrs. S. J. Cloake, Farmington, F. S. Bunch, 508 East Everett St.,
Wash. Portland, Oregon.

C. J. Cole, St. Johns, Oregon. F. W. Peterson, 508 East Everett

J. M. Comer, Cottage Grove, Ore- St., Portland, Oregon.
gon. W. C. Thompson, 508 East Ev-
W. L. Black, Grants Pass, Ore- erett St., Portland, Oregon.
F. A. Detamore, Gaston, Oregon. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Daniel Nettleton, 508 East Ev-
erett St., Portland, Oregon. Miss Myra Camp, Amity, Oregon.
P. A. Hanson, Falls City, Oregon. Miss M. Wilber, Montavilla, Ore-
T. H. Starbuck, Dallas, Oregon. gon.
R. W. Airey, Gaston, Oregon. Miss Lena Mead, Roseburg, Ore-
W. F. Martin, 80 East Sixty-first gon.
St., North, Mt. Tabor, Oregon. Miss Fannie Haney, Cottage
H. J. Dirksen; 930 Rodney Ave., Grove, Oregon.
Portland, Oregon. W. H. Coffin, Woodburn, Oregon.
G. W. Pettit, Forest Grove, Ore- Miss Viola Brown, Falls City,
gon. Oregon.
A. M. Dart, care Portland Sani- Miss Grace Ellis, West Scio, Ore-
tarium, Mt. Tabor, Oregon. gon.
W. C. F. Ward, 508 East Everett Miss Minnie Corner, Gravel Ford,
St., Portland, Oregon. Oregon.
C. A. Wyman, Gaston, Oregon.
SUPERANNUATED. Lowell Tupper, Medford, Oregon.
R. D. Benham, Mt. Tabor, Oregon.
Fried. Jorg, 508 East Everett St.,
B. C. Tabor, 508 East Everett St.,
Portland, Oregon. FERENCE.
C. A. Wyman, Gaston, Oregon. Organized 1902.
C. Johnson, McMinnville, Oregon.
J. E. Graham, Ballard, Wash. Territory: All of the, State of
Washington west of the Cas-
H. W. Babcock, Cottage Grove,
cade Mountains.
Oregon. Office: 309 Second Ave., North,
LICENTIATES. Seattle, Wash.

N. C. Erntson, Oakland, Oregon. OFFICERS.

T. G. Bunch, Marshfield, Oregon.
C. F. Folkenberg, Milwaukee, Ore- President: S. W. Nellis, office ad-
T. L. Theumler, 508 East Everett Vice-President: W. W. Sharp,
St., Portland, Oregon. 1801 Second Ave., North, Se-
attle, Wash.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Secretary and Treasurer: H. A.
Green, office address.
John Peterson, Woodburn, Ore- Corresponding Secretary of the
gon. Sabbath-school 'and Young Peo-
Mrs. B. B. Tabor, 508 East Ev- ple's Society: Miss S. Lela
erett St., Portland, Oregon. Hoover, office address.
Miss Edith Starbuck, Dallas, Ore- Religious Liberty Secretary: W.
gon. W. Sharp, 1801 Second Ave.,
S. J. Lashier, 508 East Everett North, Seattle, Wash.
St., Portland, Oregon. Field Missionary Agent: S. L.
Mrs. W. L. Black, Grants Pass, Davis, office address.
Oregon. Ed u c a t ioha&l Superintendent:
Miss Eliza Cole, St. Johns, Ore- Prof. N. W. Lawrence, R. F. D.
gon. No. 1, Manor, Wash.

Executive Committee: S. W. C. L. Davis, 309 Second Ave.,

Nellis, J. A. Holbrook, W. W. North, Seattle, Wash.
Sharp, L. Johnson, A. J. G. F. Wolfkill, Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Stone, J. J. Clark, J. E. Gra- S. Lela Hoover, 309 Second Ave.,
ham. North, Seattle, Wash.
Western Washington Missionary H. A. Green, 309 Second Ave.,
Society: H. A. Green, Secretary North, Seattle, Wash.
and Treasurer, 309 Second Ave., S. C. Hanson, R. F. D. No. 1,
North, Seattle, Wash. Manor, Wash.
" Western Washington Conference Magda Madsen, 1801 Second Ave.,
Association of Seventh-day Ad- North, Seattle, Wash.
ventists: " Trustees: S. W.
Nellis, J. A. Holbrook, W. W. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
Sharp, L. Johnson, J. J. Clark.
Officers: Pres., S. W. Nellis; Elsie Goodell, Green Lake Sta-
Vice-Pres., J. A. Holbrook; tion, Seattle, Wash.
Sec., W. W. Sharp; Treas., H. H. W. Larson, Deming, Wash.
A. Green. Gregg C. Robinson, Oakville,
MINISTERS. Bertha. Burrows,Ferndale, Wash.
Alma Phillips, 27 Main St., Van-
S. W. Nellie, 309 Second Ave., couver, Wash.
North, Seattle, Wash. Mrs. 'Mabel Hudson, Carrollton,
J. J. Clark, Puyallup, Wash. Wash.
J. A. Holbrook, R. F. D. No. 1, Ruth M. Watson, Harper, Wash.
Manor, Wash. Inez Rowe, Station E, Seattle,
W. W. Sharp, 1801 Second Ave., Wash.
North, Seattle, Wash. Marthea Matterand, Stanwood,
A. J. Stover, R. F. D....No. 2, Wash.
Ridgefield, Wash. Mrs. Bertha Gray, Snohomish,
L. Johnson, 3022 West Sixty- Wash.
second St., Seattle, Wash. Lulu Pound, Ridgefield, Wash.
A. J. Stone, 5718 Alaska St., Ta- Mrs. Inez Loop, 13011 South J
coma, Wash. St., 'Tacoma, Wash.
J. W. Boynton, 2320 Broadway, Anna L. Johnson, Mt. Vernon,
Bellingham, Wash. Wash.
J. E. Graham, 2846 West Sixty- Mrs. Effie Booth, Shelton, Wash.
first St., Seattle, Wash. Mrs. Emma" Shafer, Stanwood
N. W. Lawrence, R. F. D. No. 1, Sta.,R. F. D. No. 2, Vancouver,
Manor, Wash. Waa.
Myrtle Cornell, Etna, Wash.
LICENTIATES. Mrs. Kate Martin, Centralia,
Wm. J. Boynton, Everett, Wash. Nellie Clark, Meadow Glade, R. F.
George Harlow, Centralia, Wash. D. No. 2, Manor, Wash.
W. E. Gillis, Pitt Meadow, Brit-
ish Columbia.
A. E. Swanson,R. F. D. No. 1,
Green Lake, ffash. ALASKA MISSION.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Superintendent a n d Minister:

Mrs. W. W. Sharp, 1801 Second MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

Ave., North, Seattle, Wash.
Mrs. J. A. Holbrook, R. F. D. No. Wm. F. Furber, Ketchikan, Al-
1, Manor, Wash. aska.
Mrs. L. E. Cox, 309 Second Ave., Fred. W. Temple, Ketchikan, Al-
North, Seattle, Wash. aska.
Organized xgoz.
Territory: California, Nevada, Medical: M. L. Edwards, M. D.
Utah, Arizona. (Secretary); H. F. Rand, M. D.;
Office: Mountain View, Cal. L. M. Bowen; J. A. Burden;
Julia A. White, M. D.; R. S.
OFFICERS. Cummings, M. D.; C. Bush,
M. D.
President: H. W. Cottrell, Moun-
Secretary: J. J. Ireland, Moun- ASSOCIATION.
tain View, Cal.
Treasurer: . Main Office: Mountain View, Cal.
Executive Committee: H. W. Cot- President: H. W. Cottrell.




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trell, E. E. Andross, S. N. Field Director and Corresponding

Haskell, S. G. Huntington, J. J. Secretary: J. 0. Corliss.
Ireland, J. R. Leadsworth, J. 0. FIELD SECRETARIES.
Corliss, M. C. Wilcox, H. G.
Thurston, C. W. Irwin, H. H. G. A. Snyder, 2051 West St., Oak-
Hall. land, Cal.
W. M. Healey, 657 Eighteenth
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View,
Publishing: H. H. Hall (Secre- Cal.
tary), W. H. Covell, Mrs. M. E. E. Andross, 1018 Broadway
T. Poston, E. S. Horsman. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Educational: C. W. Irwin (Sec- H. G. Thurston, Box 876, Phoenix,
retary), L. A. Reed, E. D. Ariz.
' Sharpe, I. O. Colcord, E. S. Bal- S. G. Huntington, 415 Hooper
lenger. Bldg., Salt Lake City, Utah.
MINISTERS. M. Serna,. Globe, Ariz.
H. W. Cottrell, Mountain - View, LICENTIATES.
M. C. Wilcox, Mountain View, Isaac P. Dillon, Box 876, Phcenix,
Cal. Ariz.
A. 0. Tait, care Pacific College, Geo. G. Sims, Box 876, Phcenix,
St. Helena, Cal. Ariz.
Juan Garcia Orozco, Globe, Ariz.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Eugene A. Brown, 347 North Sec-
ond Ave., Phcenix Ariz.
H. H. Hall, Mountain View, Cal.
J. J. Ireland, Mountain View, Cal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

A. J. Cole, Box 876, Phcenix,

ARIZONA CONFERENCE. Mrs. M. T. Poston, Phcenix, Ariz.
Territory: Arizona. Miss Jessie Bond, Phcenix, Ariz.
Office Address: Box 876, Phcenix, Miss Leona Lewis, Flagstaff,
Ariz. Ariz.
J. E. Aycock, Phcenix, Ariz.
President: H. G. Thurston, office MEDICAL WORKERS.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. M. E. C. Bond, M. D., Phcenix, Ariz.
T. Poston, office address. J. M. Bond, Phcenix, Ariz.
Missionary Secretary: Mrs. M. T.
_ Poston, office address.
Educational Secretary: H. G.
Thurston, office address. CALIFORNIA CONFERENCE.
Religious Liberty Secretary: H.
G. Thurston, office address. Organized 1873.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
M. T. Poston, office address. Territory: All of California north
Field Missionary Agent: W. 0. of Tehachapi and Santa Ynez
James, Box 876, Phcenix, Ariz. Mountains, and the State of
Legal Corporation: "Arizona Con- Nevada.
ference Corporation of Seventh- Office: Mountain View, Cal.
day Adventists: ". Pres., H. G.
Thurston; other members, F. W. OFFICERS.
Wheeler, Clem Stump, G. A.
Roberts, Geo. G. Sims President: S. N. Haskell, Box 597,
Executive Committee: H. G. Oakland, Cal.
Thurston, F. W. Wheeler, Juan Secretary and Treasurer: Claude
Garcia Orozco, Clem Stump, Conard, office address.
G. A. Roberts. Executive Committee: S. N.
Haskell, H. Shultz, J. H. Beh-
MINISTERS. rens, E. D. Sharpe, B. L. Howe,
A. Brorsen, G. A. Snyder.
II. G. Thurston, Box 876; Phcenix,
J. E. Bond, Box 1884, Globe,
Ariz. Tract Society and Missionary
F. W. Wheeler, Box 876, Phcenix, Secretary: S. 0. White, office
Ariz. address.

Tract Society Treasurer: Claude H. Shultz, Lodi, Cal.

Conard, office address. G. A. Snyder, 2051 West St., Oak-
Field Missionary Agent: W. H. land, Cal.
Covell, office address. J. Adams Stevens, 309 West Fifth
Superintendent of the Educa- St., Reno, Nev.
tional and Missionary Volunteer C. L. Taggart, 1429 Angus St.,
Departments: I. C. Colcord, Fresno, Cal.
Healdsburg, Cal. C. L. Taylor, Sanitarium, Cal.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Mrs. Carrie R. King, LICENTIATES.
office address.
California Conference Associa-
tion of the Seventh-day Ad- J. D. Alder, Stockton, Cal.
ventists: " President, H. W. F. E. Brown, Hanford, Cal.
Cottrell; Secretary, Claude G. I. C. Colcord, Healdsburg, Cal.
Conard; Board of Directors: W. H. Covell, Mountain View,
II. W. Cottrell, S. N. Haskell, Cal.
W. T. Knox, W. E. Whalin, E. Robert S. Fries, Melrose, Cal.
E. Parlin, J. E. Scoggins, C. W. Mrs. S. N. Haskell, Box 597, Oak-
Irwin. land, Cal.
C. H. Moler, 337 Fifth Ave., San
MINISTERS. Rafael, Cal.
James Taphouse, 916 Laguna St.,
San Francisco, Cal.
S. N. Haskell, Box 597, Oakland, J. R. Patterson, Red Bluff, Cal.
Cal. W. L. Sims, Eureka,Cal.
W. T. Knox, Mountain View, Cal. C. W. Irwin, careific
ac College,
J. W. Bagby, R. F. D. No. 2, St. Helena, Cal.
Hanford, Cal.
H. C. Basney, 130 Pennsylvania
B. E. Beddoe, 1305 Vine St.,
Fruitvale, Cal. Dr. F. F. Abbott, Sanitarium, Cal.
J. H. Behrens, Mountain View, Mrs. A. C. Bainbridge, 4487
Cal. Twenty-third St., San Fran-
Fred Brink, Chico, Cal. cisco, Cal.
Andrew Brorsen, 829 Thirty- Claude Conard, Mountain View,
fourth St., Oakland, Cal. Cal.
J. 0. Corliss, Mountain View, G. A. Hamilton, Modesto, Cal.
Cat L. L. Hutchinson, Mountain View,
D. T. Fero, Lodi, Cal. Cal.
C. M. Gardner, Modesto, Cal. Mrs. C. R. King, Mountain View,
B. L. Howe, Box 62, Armona, Cal. Cal.
M. C. Israel, Oakdale, Cal. Geo. A. Kuhns, 916 Laguna St.,
C. E. Leland, 1911 H St., Sacra- San Francisco, Cal.
mento, Cal. Lottie Kuhns, 916 Laguna St., San
Isaac Morrison, Sebastopol, Cal. Francisco, Cal.
A. J. Osborne, Turlock, Cal. Mrs. C. 14. Moler, 337 Fifth Ave.,
J. D. Rice, 6270 Racine St., Oak- San Rafael, Cal.
land, Cal. Miss Laura B. Morrison, 87 South
G. W. Rine, Healdsburg, Cal. Branciforte Ave., Santa Cruz,'
Dores Robinson, Sanitarium, Cal. Cal.
A. Schlotthauer, R. F. D. No. 1, Mrs. E. E. Parlin, 909 Steiner St.,
Fresno, Cal. San Francisco, Cal.
H. A. St. John, Sanitarium, Cal. Chas. W. Peter, 1454 Pomona
E. D. Sharpe, Western Normal Ave., Fruitvale, Cal.
Institute, Lodi, Cal. Dr. H. F. Rand, Sanitarium, Cal.

Mrs. Cora A. Rice, 6270 Racine SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA

St., Oakland, Cal. CONFERENCE.
S. G. White, Mountain View, Cal.
Organized 1901.
Territory: That part of Califor-
Miss Lida Ackley, R. F. D. No. 7, nia south of the summit of the
Box 58, Fresno, Cal. Tehachapi and Santa Ynez
Miss Lottie Bell, care Western Mountains.
Normal Institute, Lodi, Cal. Office: Rooms 1018 and 1019
J. W. Bressie, R. F. D. No. 3, Broadway Central Bldg., Los
Chico, Cal. Angeles, Cal.
Mrs. J. W. Bressie, R. F. D. No.
3, Chico, Cal. OFFICERS.
Mrs. W. C. Baldwin, care West-
ern Normal Institute, Lodi, Cal. President: E. E. Andross, office
Mrs. B. Blakely, 23 Calistoga address.
Ave., Napa, Cal. Secretary and Treasurer: Frank
Mrs. F. E. Cottrell, Bishop, Cal. Lane, office address.
Miss Frances Fry, Mountain Educational Secretary and Super-
View, Cal. intendent of Church Schools:
Miss Elizabeth Gregory, 354 West Prof. H. G. Lucas, Fernando
Fourth St., Reno, Nev. Academy, San Fernando, Cal.
Miss Esther Geer, Box 169 A, Rt. Tract Society Department Secre-
6, Merid Rd., San Jose, Cal. tary: L. T. Curtis, office ad-
Miss Jessie Hicks, 2301 K St., dress.
Sacramento, Cal. - Tract Society Department:
Max Hill, Sanitarium, Cal. Treasurer, Frank Lane.
Mrs. P. L. Hansen, Lodi, Cal. Religious Liberty Secretary: W.
B. L. Howe, Armona, Cal. M. Healey, 657 Eighteenth St.,
Mrs. B. L. Howe, Armona, Cal. San Diego, Cal.
Miss Attie Howe, Armona, Cal. Missionary Secretary: Jennie L.
Mrs. A. Holden, Fleming Ave., Ireland, office address.
Box 42, San Jose, Cal. Canvassing Agent: E. S. Hors-
Chas. T. E. Johnson, Healdsburg, man, office address.
Cal. Executive Committee: E. E. An-
Miss Matie Landis, Laton, Cal. dross, E. J. Hibbard, C. E. Ford;
Geo. B. Morrison, R. R. 7, Box J. A. Burden, H. G. Lucas, J. J.
133a, Fresno, Cal. Wessels, M. H. St. John.
Miss Emma Marcus, Sanitarium, Educational Committee: H. G.
Cal. Lucas, M. P. Robison, M. H. St.
Miss Daisy Morse, Ukiah, Cal. John.
Miss Hernice Moon, 417 Butte St., Committee on Young People's
Vallejo, Cal. Work: M. H. St. John, H. 0.
Miss Genevieve Otis, General De- Lucas, Luther Warren.
livery, Turlock, Cal. " Southern California Association
H. P. Parker, Red Bluff, Cal. of Seventh-day Adventists: "
J. W. Rich, Mountain View, Cal. (Incorporated) Board of Direct-
Miss Mabel Robertson, Corning. ors: E. E. Andross, J. A. Bur-
Cal. den, C. E. Ford, H. G. Lucas,
Miss V. Pearl Stone, Glennville, E. J. Hibbard, J. J. Wessels,
Cal. M. H. St. John.
Miss Naoma Severy, 416 Santa Fernando Academy Board of Man-
Rosa Ave., Santa Rosa, Cal. agers: E. E. Andross, H. G.
Leland Schram, Sebastopol, Cal. Lucas, E. J. Hibbard, C. E.
W. E. Whitmore, Atwater, Cal. Ford, J. A. Burden, J. J. Wes-
W. A. Williams, St. Helena, Cal. sels, M. H. St. John.
Miss Louisa Wood, Eureka, Cal. Medical Missionary Advisory

Council: J. R. Leadsworth, J. LICENTIATES.

E Colloran , T. J .Evans Julia
White, R. S. Cummings. C, F. Marvin, Route 2, Orange,
"Sanitarium Association of Sev- Cal.
enth-day Adventists of South- H. J. Hoare, 1018 Broadway Cen-
ern California: " President, E. tral Building, Los Angeles, Cal.
E. Andross; Sec. and Treas., R. W. Miller, Santa Barbara, Cal.
Frank Lane; Directors: E. E. T. S. Whitelock, 631 Twenty-first
Andross, J. A. Burden, T. J. St., San Diego, Cal.
Evans, H. W. Lindsay, E. G. A. S. Booth, 1018 Broadway Cen-
Fulton, J. J. Wessels, J. R. tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Leadsworth. E. M. Adams, Station M, Los An-
geles, Cal.
Silas Davis; Carpenteria, Cal.

E. E. Andross, Room 1018 Broad- Jennie L. Ireland, 1018 Broadway

way Central Bldg., Los An- Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
geles, Cal. Mrs. M. E. Hoyt, 2909 G St., San
J. W. Adams, Station M, Los An- Diego, Cal.
geles, Cal. Henry Zutt, 1018 Broadway Cen-
W. M. Healey., 657 Eighteenth St., tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
San Diego, Cal. Frank Lane, 1018 Broadway Cen-
E. J. Hibbard, San Fernando, Cal. tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
R. S. Owen, Lorna Linda, Cal. L. T. Curtis, 1018 Broadway
A. G. Christiansen, San Fernando, Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Flora M. Eggers, 1018 Broadway
J. A. Burden, Loma Linda, Cal. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
J. L. Kay, San Fernando, Cal. Mrs. H. C. Stevens, Santa Bar-
Luther Warren, Loma Linda, Cal. bara, Cal.
C. E. Ford, 2909 G St., San Diego, Dr. A. Winegar-Simpson, Long
Cal. Beach, Cal.
M. H. St. John, 149 Kern St., Los Julia A. White, Loma Linda, Cal.
Angeles, Cal. G. K. Abbott, Loma Linda, Cal.
H. G. Lucas, San Fernando, Cal. T. J. Evans, Loma Linda, Cal.
E. S. Ballenger, Box 7, Tropico, J. E. Colloran, Glendale Sanita-
Cal. rium, Glendale, Cal.
E. H. Adams, Station M, Los R. S. Cummings, Paradise Valley
Angeles, Cal. Sanitarium, National City, Cal.
Stewart Kime, 1018 Broadway J. R. Leadsworth, Santa Ana, Cal.
Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Lillis Wood-Starr, San Fernando,
E. L. Cardey, 1018 Broadway Cen- Gal.
tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Glendale San-
J. W. McCord, 1018 Broadway itarium, Glendale, Cal.
Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Ethel Keough, 1018 Broadway
D. A. Parsons, 1018 Broadway Central Building, Los Angeles,
Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Cal.
G. A. Rauleder, Escondido, Cal. Beulah Baker, 1018 Broadway
Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Amy R. Temple, 1038 El Molino
Not in Conference Employ. St., Los Angeles, Cal.
Grace Jennings, 1018 Broadway
J: H. Rogers 1639 East Forty- Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal. G. P. Loy, 1018 Broadway Central.
S. Thurston, San Fernando, Cal. Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
B. E. Fullmer, 33771 South Hill Meta Miramontez, Ocean Park,
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Cal.

J. J. Wessels, Glendale Sanita- Mrs. Belle P. Baker, 1323 Tober-

rium, Glendale, Cal. man St., Los Anveles, Cal.
.H. W. Lindsay, Paradise Valley T. S. Carswell, 1018 Broadway
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Central Building, Los Angeles,
Geo. McCready Price, Loma Linda, Cal.
Cal. H. C. Stevens, Santa Barbara, Cal.
E. S. Horsman, 1018 Broadway Mrs. Estelle Hendrick, 346 East
Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Thirty-third St., Los Angeles,
CHURCH-SCHOOL .TEACHERS. Mrs. Kate Williams, 1018 Broad-
way Central Building, Los An-
Mrs. B. F. Harris, Compton, Cal. geles, Cal..
Laura Wagner, Pomona, Cal. Josephine Gotzian, Paradise Val-
Grace Robison, Riveria, Cal. ley Sanitarium, National City,
Mrs. J. L. Kay, San Fernando, Cal.
Mrs. H. G. Lucas, San Fernando,
Genevieve Johnson, San Fernando,
J. F. Gaster, San Fernando, Cal. Organized 1902.
Geo. McCready Price, Loma Linda.
Cal. Territory: State of Utah.
M. P. Robison, San Fernando, Office: Room 415, Hooper Build-
Cal. ing, Salt Lake City, Utah.
B. B. Davis, San Fernando, Cal.
Mrs. B. B. Davis, San Fernando, OFFICERS.
Ernestine Topliff, Glendale, Cal. President: S. G. Huntington, of-
Grace Boss, Station M, Los An- fice address.
geles, Cal. Secretary: Mrs. K. L. Hunting-
Nellis FIensey, Station M, Los ton, office address.
Angeles, Cal. Secretary' of Sabbath-school and
Ada Somerset, 2107 G St., San Missionary Volunteer Depart-
Diego, Cal. ments: Mrs. K. L. Huntington.
Grace White, Loma Linda, Cal. Executive Committee: S. G. Hunt-
Ina Marchus, Loma Linda, Cal. ington. S. T. Hare, W. 0. Wil-
Ida Shirley, Garden Grove, Cal. lard, W. J. Felt, E. Treganza.
James I. Robison, Escondido, Cal. "Utah Conference Corporation of
Miss Alice Chapman, Long Beach, Seventh-day Adventists:" Pres-
Cal. ident, S. G. Huntington; Sec-
Willis Jones, R. F. D. No. 1, Es- retary, Mrs. K. L. Huntington.
condido, Cal.
Ruth Jones, 1018 Broadway Cen-
tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. MINISTERS.
Robert Saunders, San Bernardino,
Cal. S. G. Huntington, Room 415,
Delilah Davis, Paradise Valley Hooper Bldg., Salt Lake City,
Sanitarium, National City, Cal. Utah.
Waldo Miramontez, 1018 Central- S. T. Hare, 748 Twenty-third St.,
Broadway Bldg., Los Angeles, Ogden, Utah.

J. L. Jones, 428 West Pico St., H. G. Gjordine, 4 Phipps Court,

Los Angeles, Cal. Salt Lake City, Utah.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Mrs. K. L. Huntington, Room 415,

Hooper Bldg., Salt Lake City,
E. D. Washington, Boise, Idaho. Utah.
Mrs. Louisa McPherson, Provo,


Organized 19o8.
Territory: The Conferences of Secretary and Treasurer: R. T.
Cumberland, Florida, Georgia, Dowsett, office address.
North Carolina, and South Car- Religious Liberty Secretary: .
olina; and the Bahama Mission. Medical Department Secretary:
Office Address: 169 Bryan St., L. A. Hansen, Graysville,, Tenn.
Atlanta, Ga. Educational Secretary: M. B. Van



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. OFFICERS. Kirk, Graysville, Tenn.

Missionary Secretary: Mrs. Helen
President: Chas. Thompson, D. Dowsett, office address.
Graysville, Tenn. Secretary of Young People's
Vice-President: G. W. Wells, Work: Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker,
Hildebran, N. C. Graysville, Tenn.

Field Missionary Agent: V. 0. CUMBERLAND CONFERENCE.

Cole, Graysville, Tenn.
Executive Committee: Chas. Organized 1900.
Thompson, G. W. Wells, the
presidents of the conferences Territory: Eastern Tennessee, the
composing the Union, and L. A western boundary being the
Hansen, M. B. Van Kirk, Y. 0. western line of the counties of
Cole, R. T. Dowsett. Macon, Smith, Dekalb, Warren,
Auditor and Transportation Grundy, and Marion; also seven
Agent: R. T. Dowsett, office counties in Northwestern Geor-
address. gia; viz., Dade, Walker, Ca-
Southeastern Union Conference toosa, Whitfield, Murray, Tan-
Association: Chas. Thompson, nin, and Gilmer. (During 1909
Pres.; R. T. Dowsett, Sec. and the counties of Dekalb, Smith,
Treas.; G. W. Wells. and Macon were ceded by the
Tennessee River Conference to
UNION NEGRO MISSION DE- the Cumberland Conference.)
PARTMENT. Office: Graysville, Tenn.
Superintendent: Chas. Thompson.
Secretary and Treasurer: R. T. OFFICERS.
President: P. G. Stanley, Grays-
Field Secretary: M. C. Strachan, ville, Tenn.
240 Flint St., Asheville, N. C. Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
ference and Tract Society: Miss
MINISTERS. Minnie L. Hildebrand, Grays-
ville, Tenn.
Religious Liberty Secretary:
Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Tenn. Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Knox-
M. B. Van Kirk, Graysville, Tenn. , ville, Tenn.
R. T. Dowsett, 169 Bryan St., Educational Secretary: .
Atlanta, Ga. Secretary of Sabbath-school and
Smith Sharp, draysville, Tenn. Young People's Work: Mrs.
H. S. Miller, Graysville, Tenn. Mettie S. Lenker, Graysville,
G. H. Babel, Graysville, Tenn. Tenn.
I. M. Martin, 238 Haywood St., Field Missionary Agent: S. F.
Asheville, N. C. Reeder, R. F. D. No. 5, Dayton,
M. C. Strachan, 240 Flint St., Tenn.
Asheville, N. C. Medical Secretary:. R. A. Lovell,
Page Shepard, Asheville, N. C. 513 Union St., Knoxville, Tenn.
Executive, Committee: P. G. Stan-
ley, Cyrus Simmons, R. L. Wil-
LICENTIATES. liams, S. F. Reeder,A. D. West,
J. H. Dortch, C. . Slade.
" Cumberland Conference Associa-
L. A. Hansen, Graysville, Tenn. tion of Seventh-day Advent-
V. 0. Cole, Graysville, Tenn. ists: " P. G. Stanley, Cyrus Sim-
Dr. J. H. Neall, 169 Bryan St., mons, A. D. West, R. L. Wil-
Atlanta, Ga. liams. Office address: Box 522,
Knoxville, Tenn.
Mrs. Mettie S. Lenker, Graysville, P. G. Stanley, Graysville, Tenn.
Tenn. E. L. Sanford, Graysville, Tenn.
Mrs. Helen D. Dowsett, 169 Bryan H. L. Shoup, Athens, Tenn.
St., Atlanta, Ga. 0. M. Kittle, Johnson City, Tenn.


W. W. Williams, Vonore, Tenn.
C. G. Howell, Daylight, Tenn. Organized 1893.
J. E. Caldwell, Dayton, Tenn.
0. C. Godsmark, Chattanooga, Territory: The State of Florida,
Tenn. excepting the counties of Es-
H. S. Miller, Graysville, Tenn. cambia, Santa Rosa, Walton,
Holmes, Washington, Jackson,
LICENTIATE. and Calhoun.
Office: Orlando, Fla.
D. W. Dillen, Graysville, Tenn.

R. A. Lovell, 513 Union St., Knox- President: R. W. Parmele,

ville, Tenn. Drawer 28, Orlando, Fla.
Cyrus Simmons, Box 522, Knox- Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
ville, Tenn. ference, Sabbath-school, and
Missionary Departments: Mrs.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. R. G. Stringer, Orlando, Fla.
Office Assistant: Mae Hollings-
Maude Dortch, Graysville, Tenn. worth, office address.
S. F. Reeder, R. F. D. No. 5, Day- Religious Liberty Secretary: R.
ton, Tenn. W. Parmele, Drawer 28, Or-
Delia Russell, R. F. D. No. 6, lando, Fla.
Knoxville, Tenn. Secretary of Educational and
Young People's Work! LeRoy
T. Crisler, 1728 North Jefferson
St., Tampa, Fla.
Medical Missionary Secretary:
Lydia E. Parmele, M. D.,
Mrs. W. W. Williams, Vonore, Drawer 28, Orlando, Fla.
Tenn. Missionary Field Agent: E. R.
Mrs. F. Bland, ChattanOoga, Tenn. Button, office address.
Executive Committee: R. W. Par-
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. mele, LeRoy T. Crisler, E. W.
Webster, W. H. Hall, H. A.
Mrs. E. C. Spire, R. F. D. No. 3, Shreve.
Rossville, Ga. " Florida Conference Association
W. E. Haskell, Brayton, Tenu. of Seventh-day Adventists: "
Mrs. Cyrus Simmons, Knoxville, R. W. Parmele (Pres.), W. H.
Tenn. Hall (Sec. and Treas.); Trus-
Miss Lora Purvis, R. F. D. No. 2, tees: R. W. Parmele, W. H.
Byington, Tenn. Hall, LeRoy T. Crisler.
Miss Goldie Baldwin, Cleveland, Executive Committee for Negro
Tenn. Mission Department of Florida
Miss Marie Wirth, 513 Union St., Conference: R. W. Parmele,
Knoxville, Tenn. LeRoy T. Crisler, J. W. Manns.
Mrs. W. H. Maynor, 1103 Clinch Florida Sanitarium and Benevo-
St., Knoxville, Tenn. lent Association: Trustees: R.
W. Parmele (Pres.), Chas.
Thompson, R. T. Dowsett, H.
NEGRO MISSION. A. Shreve, - C. V. Achenbach,
LeRoy T. Crisler, W. H. Hall;
Ministerial Licentiate: W. H. Sec. and Treas., Lydia E. Par-
Maynor, 1103 Clinch St., Knox- mele, M. D., Drawer 28, Or-
ville, Tenn. lando, Fla.

MINISTERS. Grace Hunter, Jacksonville, Fla.

Alma Crook, Lakeland, Fla.
R. W. Parmele, Drawer 28, Or- Welda W. Wilson, East Palatka,
lando, Fla. Fla.
E. W. Webster, Orlando, Fla. Mrs. John W. Manns, Orlando,
LeRoy T. Crisler, 1728_ North Fla.
Jefferson St., Tampa, Fla.

Geo. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Organized 1901.

Fla. Territory: The State of Georgia,
L. H. Crisler, Orlando, Fla. except seven counties in north-
R. G. Stringer,Orlando, Fla. western part of State, belong-
J. C. Mikkes en, Knights Sta- ing to the Cumberland Confer-
tion, Fla. ence.
Irving Keck, Bowling Green, Fla. Office: 169 Bryan St., Atlanta,
W. L. Bird, St. Petersburg, Fla. Ga.

W. H. Branson, Orlando, Fla. President: C. B. Stephenson, of-

W. K. Achenback, New Port fice address.
Rooms, Jacksonville, Fla. Secretary and Treasurer: South-
C. V. Achenback, Drawer 28, Or- eastern Union Conference.
lando, Fla. Field Missionary Agent: W. S.
Fulbright, office address.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
ple's Depts.: Miss Gradye
C. P. Whitford, Orlando, Fla. ' Brooke, office address.
Mrs. R. G. Stringer, Orlando, Fla. Missionary Secretary: Mrs. Helen
, Lydia E. Parmele, M. D., Drawer D. Dowsett, office address.
28, Orlando, Fla. Religious Liberty Department:
E. R. Button, Orlando, Fla. C. B. Stephenson, office address.
M. M. Martinson, M. D., Drawer Executive Committee: C. B.
28, Orlando, Fla. Stephenson,W. S. Fulbright,
Mrs. LeRoy T. Crisler, 1728 North S. T. Shae l, J. E. Bowen, Dr.
Jefferson St., Tampa, Fla. J. H. Neall.
C. B. Stephenson, 169 Bryan St.,
Mrs. 0. I. Butler, Bowling Green, Atlanta, Ga.
Fla. S. T. Shade], Alpharetta, Ga.
Mrs. L. H. Crisler,. Orlando, Fla.
Mrs. E. R. Button, Orlando, Fla. LICENTIATES.
Mrs. R. E. Webster, Orlando, Fla.
A. L. Manou.s, Cartersville, Ga.
NEGRO DEPARTMENT MINISTER. D. G. Stephenson, 169 Bryan St.,
Atlanta, Ga.
John W. Manns, Orlando, Fla.
LICENTIATES. Miss M. M. Osborn, 618 Capitol
Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. 0. N. Whetsel, R. F. D. No. Miss Gradye Brooke, 169 Bryan
2, 4 Jacksonville, Fla. St., Atlanta, Ga.
Ella Sanks, Plant City, Fla. W. S. Fulbright, 169 Bryan St.,
Lula Mmnford, Plant City, Fla. Atlanta, Ga.

M. H. Brown, Route 1, Greens-

boro, N. C.
LICENTIATE. D. T. Shireman, Route 5, Hick-
ory, N. C.
S. G. Dent, St. Simons Mills, Ga. J. 0. Johnston, Eufola, N. C.
R. T. Nash, Hickory, N. C.

Miss Anna Knight, 209 Greens- LICENTIATES.

ferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga.
Mrs. E. Smith, .1918 Albany St., J. W. Beach, Hildebran, N. C.
Brunswick, Ga. W. L. Killen, High Point, N. C.
Teacher: R. E. Smith, 209 Greens-
ferry Ave., Atlanta, Ga. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Negro Mission Committee: C. B.
Stephenson, 169 Bryan St.. At- H. B. Tilden, Mrs. Alice Church.
lanta, Ga.; Miss Anna Knight,
209 Greensferry Ave., Atlanta, MEDICAL WORKERS.
Ga.; S. A. Maxwell, R. F. D. M. H. Johnston, Mrs. M. H. Johns-
No. 4, Boston, Ga.; J. E. Bowen, ton,.Burton Church, Frank Paul.
Alpharetta, Ga. Mrs. Nellie Hunter.


Organized 1901. ENCE.
Territory: The State of North
Carolina. Organized 1907.
Office: Route 1, Greensboro, N. C. Territory: The State of South
OFFICERS. Office: R. F. D. No. 5, Spartan-
President: G. W. Wells, Hilde- burg, S. C.
bran, N. C.
Secretary and Treasurer: M. H. OFFICERS.
Brown, Route 1, Greensboro,
N. C.
Missionary Secretary: M. H. President: T. H. Jeys, Campo-
Brown, Greensboro. bello, S. C.
Executive Committee: G. W. Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Wells, M. H. Brown, H. B. Til- Eliza Warner, office address.
deri, F. A. Slate, J. W. Beach. Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Field Missionary Agent: H. B. Volunteer Secretary: Miss
Tilden, Hildebran, N. C. Eliza Warner, office address.
Secretary Sabbath-school, Educa- Religious Liberty Secretary: T.
tional, and Missionary Volun- H. Jeys, Campobello, S. C.
teer Departments: Mrs. Emma Educational Secretary: Miss Eliza
B. Rogers, Route 3, High Point, Warner, office address.
N. C. Field Missionary: H. B. Gallion,
Secretary Religious Liberty De- 152 Welch Ave., Anderson, S. C.
partment: G. W. Wells, Hilde- Executive Committee: T. H. Jeys,
bran, N. C. E. W. Carey, H. B. Gallion,
Wm. C. Rahn, A. A. Johnson.
MINISTERS. Negro Mission Committee: T. H.
Jeys, H. B. Gallion, Sydney
G. W. Wells, Hildebran, N. C. Scott.
MINISTERS. Miss Mary Presley, R. F. D. No.
T. H. Jeys, Campobello, S. C. 2, Greenville, S. C.
E. W. Carey, Aiken, S. C. Miss Jenet Presley, Greers, S. C.
W. H. Armstrong, R. F. D. No. 2, George Jeys, Campobello, S. C.
Blythewood, S. C. Mrs. Agatha Crichlow, 601 Green
Sydney Scott, Box 303, Columbia, Ave., Greenville, S. C.
S. C. Mrs. Anna A. Travis, Cherokee,
H. B. Gallion, 152 Welch Ave.,
Anderson, S. C.
Miss Eliza Warner, R. F. D. No.
5, Spartanburg, S. C. BAHAMA MISSION.
Miss Anna Boehm, 152 Welch Entered 1909.
Ave., Anderson, S. C.
Mrs. Fannie Scott, Box 303, Co- Territory: The Bahama Islands.
' lumbia, S. C. Address: Nassau, Bahama Is-
Minister: W. A. Sweany.
Miss Mae Foote, R. F. D. No. 5, Missionary Licentiate: Mrs. W.
Spartanburg, S. C. A. Sweany.


Organized Igor.
Territory: The Conferences of ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash-
Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, ville, Tenn.
Mississippi, and Tennessee Executive Committee: C. F. Mc-
River. Vagh, S. B. Horton, W. A. Wil-
Office: Room 57, Cole Building, cox, C. P. -Bollman, A. F. Har-
Corner Union St. and Fourth rison, W. A. George, W. J.
Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Blake, J. R. Bagby, A. J. Hays-
OFFICERS. mer, A. 0. Burrill, E. L. Max-
well, W. S. Lowry, W. R. Bur-
President: C. F. McVagh, office row, M. B. Van Kirk, R. Hook,
address. Jr.
Vice-President: A. J. Haysmer,
office address. Medical Secretary: W. A. George,
Secretary: S. B. Horton, office care Sanitarium, Nashville, Tenn.
address. " Southern Union Conference As-
Religious Liberty Secretary: S. B. sociation of Seventh-day Ad-
Horton, office address. ventists: " Directors: C. F. Mc-
Treasurer: W. A. Wilcox, office Vagh (Pres.), S. B. Horton, R.
address. Hook, Jr., M. F. Knox, P. T.
Field Educational Secretary: M. Magan, W. A.. Wilcox, C. P.
B. Van Kirk, Graysville, Tenn. Bollman.
Missionary Secretary: Mrs. M. H. Southern Missionary Society: C.
Crothers, 2123 Twenty-fourth F. McVagh, F. R. Rogers, C. P.
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. Bollman, P. E. Palmer, Chas.
General Missionary Agent: A. F. Thompson, J. F. Pogue, W. R.
Harrison, office address. Burrow.
Secretary Young People's Society: Officers: Pres., C. F. McVagh; Sec.
Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen- and Treas., C. P. Bollman.

MINISTERS. B. W. Spire, Nashville Sanita-

C. F. McVagh, 1712 Simkin St., rium, Nashville, Tenn.
Nashville, Tenn. r
A. J. Haysmer, 61 Lindsley Ave., MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Nashville, Tenn.
F. R. Rogers, Box 474, West R. Hook, Jr., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Jackson, Miss. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
W. J. Blake, Box 414, Huntsville, W. A. Wilcox, 57 Cole Bldg.,
Ala. Nashville, Tenn.

$Amti llAn 01

C. P. BoMilan, Madison, Tenn. W. H. Williams, Box 414, Hunts-
P. T. Magan, Madison, Tenn. ville, Ala.
E. A. Sutherland, Madison, Tenn. Mrs. M. H. Crothers, 2123 Twen-
F. W. Halladay, Box 414, Hunts- ty-fourth Ave., North, Nash-
ville, Ala. ville, Tenn.
S. B. Horton, 57 Cole Bldg., Nash- 0. R. Staines, R. F. D. No. 3,
\ ille, Tenn. Box 50, East, Nashville, Tenn.
LICENTIATES. Miss M. Bessie De Graw, Madi-
A. F. Harrison, 2123 Twenty- son, Tenn.
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Madison,
Tenn. Tenn.
Dr. W. A. George, Nashville San Dr. Lyra George, Nashville Sani-
itarium, Nashville, Tenn. tarium, Nashville, Tenn.

Nashville Sanitarium Food Fac- N. B. King, 352 Davis St., Jack-

tory: Office, Nashville, Tenn.; son, Miss.
factory, Madison, Tenn; Man-
ager, M. F. Knox, Madison, LICENTIATES.
D. E. Blake, 316 Foster. St.,
Nashville, Tenn.
S. A. Jordan, 712 South Third St.,
Organized 1909. J. H. Lawrence, 110 Early St.,
Montgomery, Ala.
Continuing the work of Southern G. E. Peters, 1104 North Davis
Missionary Secretary, especially St., Pensacola, Fla.
for the Negro population.
Territory: The Southern Union MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Office: 57 Cole Bldg., Nashville, Julia Lowe, Edgefield, Tenn.
Tenn. Mildred Anderson, 1135 Tusca-
loosa St., Gadsden, Ala.
W. A. S. Henry, 659 South Cedar
Superintendent: C. F. McVagh, St., Mobile, Ala.
57 Cole Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Mrs. W. A. S. Henry, 659 South
Field Secretary: A. J. Haysmer, Cedar St., Mobile, Ala.
61 Lindsley Ave., Nashville, Mrs. J. H. Lawrence, 110 Early
Tenn. St., Montgomery, Ala.
Office Secretary: P. E. Palmer, Mrs. G. Hurley, 110 Early St.,
57 Cole Bldg., Nashville, Tenn. Montgomery, Ala.
Educational Secretary: F. R. Mrs. G. E. Peters, 1104 North
Rogers, Box 474, West Jack- Davis St., Pensacola, Fla.
son, 1Vliss. Delia Wilson, 1104 North Davis
Treasurer: C. P. Bollman, Madi- St., Pensacola, Fla.
son, Tefin. D. V. Barnes, R. F. D. No. 3, Syl-
Executive Committee: C. F. Mc- acauga, Ala.
Vagh, A. J. Haysmer, S. B. Mrs. D. V. Barnes, R. F. D. No.
Horton, W. A. Wilcox, C. P. 3, Sylacauga, Ala.
Bollman, P. E. Palmer, W. R. Ethel Wilson, Box 44, Newellton,
Burrow, A. 0. Burrill, J. R. La.
Bagby, W. S. Lowry, E. L. Stella Glasco, 1100 Marengo St.,
Maxwell, F. R. Rogers, W. J. New Orleans, La.
Blake, J. E. White, D. E. Blake, Mrs. M. A. Anderson, 1100 Ma-
Thomas Murphy, W. H. Sebas- rengo St., New Orleans, La.
tian, T. B. Buckner, N. B. King, W. F. Gaskin, 536 Edwards Ave.,
S. A. Jordan, A. Barry, J. A. Clarksdale, Miss.
Chiles. Mrs. W. F. Gaskin, 536 Edwards
Ave., Clarksdale, Miss.
MINISTERS. Lucile Carter, Ellisville, Miss.
Johnnye Vaughan, R. F. D. No. 2,
A. Barry, 1701 Simkin St., Nash- Box 54, Ellisville, Miss.
ville, Tenn. Mrs. M. Conner, 1512 Ninth Ave.,
T. B. Buckner, Bell Ave. and North, Columbus, Miss.
East St:, Birmingham, Ala. S. D. Miller, 514 Union and
W. H. Sebastian, Louisville, Ky., Gately Sts., Greenville, Miss.
Thomas Murphy, 2037 Jena St., Mrs. S. D. Miller, 514 Union and
New Orleans, La: Cately Sts., Greenville, Miss.
A. C. Chatman, 1100 Marengo St., Mrs. H. C. Field, care D. D.
New Orleans, La. Butcher, Greenwood, Miss.
C. M. Kinney, 1109 Ament St., Ada Allen, 352 Davis St., Jack-
Nashville, Tenn. son, Miss.

Mrs. E. Gammon, 13 Minor St., LICENTIATES.

Natchez, Miss.
Josephine Montgomery, 13 Minor E. L. Iles, Cullman, Ala.
St., Natchez, Miss. R. S. Lindsay, Rowland, Ala.
Nancy Everett, Palmer, Miss.
Gracie Knight, R. F. D. No. 3,
Box 59, Soso, Miss. R. I. Keate, Fort Payne, Ala.
J. W. Allison, 1115 Fayette St., Mrs. Helen M. Keate, Fort Payne,
Vicksburg, Miss. Ala.
Mrs. J. W. Allison, 1115 Fayette Mrs. Laura Whitgrove, 1828 Rush
St., Vicksburg, Miss. Ave., Birmingham, Ala.
Katie Holston, 1115 Fayette St.,
Vicksburg, Miss.
C. A. Crichlow, 408 Clay St., KENTUCKY CONFERENCE.
Yazoo City, Miss.
Mrs. C. A. Crichlow, 408 Clay Organized 1908.
St., Yazoo City, Miss.
Territory: All the State of Ken-
tucky excepting the eight coun-
ties west of the Tennessee
River belonging to the Ten-
ALABAMA CONFERENCE. nessee River Conference.
Organized 1901. OFFICERS.

Territory: The State of Alabama, President: A. 0. Burrill, Milledge-

and the following counties in ville, Ky.
Florida: Escambia, Santa Rosa, Secretary and Treasurer: -Mrs.
Walton, Holmes, Washington, Clara Jacobs-Russell, Grays-
Jackson, and Calhoun. . ville, Tenn.
Office: Fort Payne, Ala. Educational and Religious Lib-
erty Secretary: E. G. Hayes,
OFFICERS. 116 East Jacob St., Louisville,
President: J. R. Bagby, Cullman, Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. L.
Ala. J. Burrill, Milledgeville, Ky.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. Secretary Sabbath-school a n d
Helen M. Keate, Fort Payne, Missionary Volunteer Depart-
Ala. ments: Miss Dollie H. Callender,
Field Missionary Agent: R. I. R. F. D. No. 4, Henderson, Ky.
Keate, Fort Payne,Ala. Missionary Field Agent and Mis-
Religious Liberty ecretary: E. sionary Secretary: C. F. Dart,
L. Iles, Cullman, Ala. Moreland, Ky.
Secretary of Tract Society, Sab- Executive Committee: A. 0. Bur-
bath-school, Educational, and rill, Walter Jones, E. G. Hayes,
Missionary Volunteer Depart- C. F. Dart, H. U. Jacobs.
ments: Mrs. Helen M. Keate, "Seventh-day Adventist Associa-
Fort Payne, Ala. tion of Kentucky: " A. 0. Bur-
Executive Committee: J. R. rill, E. G. Hayes, H. U. Jacobs,
Bagby, A. F. Prieger, R. I. Walter Jones, C. F. Dart.
Keate, W. S. Cruzan, C. E.
MINISTERS. A. 0. Burrill, Milledgeville, Ky.
E. G. Hayes, 116 East Jacob St.,
J. R. Bagby, Cullman, Ala. Louisville, Ky.
W. S. Cruzan, Semmes, Ala. J. M. Irving, 404 Alford Ave.,
A. E. Christian, Graysville, Tenn. Lexington, Ky.

Walter Jones, R. F. D. No. 4, Hen- John E. Hanson, Hodge, La.

derson, Ky. I. T. Reynolds, Pineville, La.
0. F. Frank, 304 Hodges St., Lake
Charles, La.
A. B. Russell, Graysville, Tenn. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES-
H. U. Jacobs, McKinney, Ky.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. W. P. McLennan, 3324 Constance
St., New Orleans, La.
Mrs. Clara Jacobs-Russell, Grays- Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Woodlawn, La.
ville, Tenn. Mrs. E. H. Rees, Welsh, La.
Miss Anna Horning, Graysville, Mrs. Bettie C. Saxby, 810 Jack-
Tenn. son Ave., New Orleans, La.
Miss Dollie Callender, R. F. D. No. Miss Frances P. Goodwyn, 4021
4, Henderson, Ky. . Camp St., New Orleans, La.
Mrs. L. J. Burrill, Milledgeville, Miss Margaret E. Young, Pine-
Ky. ville, La.
Mrs. E. G. Hayes, 116 East Jacob Miss Cassie A. Wilson, 810 Jack-
St., Louisville, Ky. son Ave., New Orleans, La.
C. F. Dart, Moreland, Ky. Miss Edna L. Walker, 810 Jack-
son Ave., New Orleans, La.


Organized 1901. Organized 1901.
Territory: The State of Louis- Territory: The State of. Missis-
iana. sippi.
President: E. L. Maxwell, Ham- President: W. S. Lowry, Amory,
mond, La. Miss.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. C. Secretary and Treasurer: F. R.
A. Saxby; Woodlawn, La. Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian,
Educational and Y. P. M. V. Sec- Miss.
retary: Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Religious Liberty Secretary: M.
Woodlawn, La. C. Whitmarsh, 1931 Twenty-
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. E. fifth Ave., Meridian, Miss..
H. Rees, Welsh, La. Field Missionary Agent: H. G.
Field Missionary Agent: I. T.. Miller, 611 South Congress St.,
Reynolds, Pineville, La. Jackson, Miss.
Executive Committee: E. L. Max- Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
well, E. H. Rees, W. H. Saxby, ple's Secretary: Mrs. Mary M.
I. T. Reynolds, F. Peabody. Crawford, Box 29, Vicksburg,
" Louisiana Conference Associa- Miss.
tion of Seventh-day Advent- Educational Secretary: Sam Moy-
ists: " E. L. Maxwell, E. H. ers, Amory, Miss.
Rees, W. H. Saxby, C. A. Tract Society Secretary: The
Saxby, E. E. June, M. D. Brous- Mississippi Conference has no
sard, W. J. Singletery. Tract Society, but Mrs. Mary
M. Crawford, Box 29, Vicks-
MINISTERS. burg, Miss., may be addressed
on this line of work.
E. L. Maxwell, Hammond, La. Executive Committee: W. S.
W. H. Saxby, 810 Jackson Ave., Lowry, ,F. R. Shaeffer, T. C.
New Orleans, La. Coltrin, H. G. Miller, J. D. Mc-
E. H. Rees, Welsh, La. Echern.


W. S. Lowry, Amory, Miss. President: W. R. Burrow, Ra-

- F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246, Meridian, leigh, Tenn.
Miss. Secretary and Treasurer: Thos.
M. C. Whitmarsh, 1931 Twenty- E. Pavey, Hazel, Ky.
fifth Ave., Meridian, Miss. Executive Committee: W. R. Bur-
row, R. M. Kilgore, J. S. Wash-
burn, C. F. Parmele, L. A. Cal-
T. C. Coltrin, R. F. D. No. 1, licott, T. D. Rowe, A. H. Jones.
Amory, Miss. Religious Liberty Secretary: J. S.
James Bellinger, R. F. D. No. 1, Washburn, 665 Decatur St.,
Amory, Miss. Memphis, Tenn.
Field Missionary Agent: C. F.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Parmele, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
Mrs. F. R. Shaeffer, San Fran- Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
cisco, Cal. retary, Mrs. Bertha Parmele,
H. G. Miller, 611 South Congress 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
St., Jackson, Miss. Nashville,. Tenn.
Mrs. Mollie Miller, 611 South Missionary Volunteer Department:
Congress St., Jackson, Miss. Secretary, Miss Amanda Gahr,
Everett L. Marley, 1931 Twenty- Memphis, Tenn.
fifth Ave., Meridian, Miss. Educational Department: ,Secre-i
L. V. Crawford, Box 29, Vicks- tary, Thos. D. Rowe, Hazel, Ky.
burg, Miss.
Mrs. Mary M. Crawford, Box 29, MINISTERS.
Vicksburg, Miss. W. R. Burrow, Raleigh, Tenn.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. J. S. Washburn, 665 Decatur St.,
Memphis, Tenn.
Mrs. Syntha J. Smith, R. F. D. T. D. Rowe, Hazel, Ky.
No. 2, Amory, Miss. R. M. Kilgore, Dickson, Tenn.
Mrs. C. Oberg, Box 29, Vicksburg, MINISTERS NOT IN CONFERENCE
Mrs. F. R. Rogers, Box 474, West
Jackson, Miss. S. S. Smith, Waverly, Tenn.
H. 0. Balsbaugh, Dickson, Tenn.
C. N. Martin, Madison, Tenn.
ENCE. C. F. Parmele, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Organized 1888. Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
F. T. Wales, Memphis, Tenn.
Territory: Western Tennessee, the
eastern boundary being the LICENTIATES NOT IN CONFER-
eastern line of the counties of ENCE EMPLOY.
Sumner, Trousdale, Wilson, W. M. Crothers, 2123 Twenty-
Cannon, Coffee, and Franklin; fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
and the following-named coun- Tenn.
ties in Kentucky: Ballard, Mc- M. F. Knox, 2123 Twenty-fourth
Cracken, Marshall, Graves, Ful- Avenue, North, Nashville, Tenn.
ton, Hickman, Carlisle, and Cal- L. A. Smith, 2123 Twenty-fourth'
loway. (During 1909 the coun- Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
ties of Dekalb, Smith, and Ma-
con, in Tennessee, were ceded to MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
the Cumberland Conference.) Mary Balsbaugh, Dickson, Tenn.
Office: Hazel, Ky. Thos. E. Pavey, Hazel, Ky.

Mrs. R. H. Hull, 2123 Twenty- W. J. Keele, Cedar Grove, Tenn.

fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Richard Hook, Sr., Nashville,
Tenn. Tenn.
Mrs. P. T. Magan, Madison, Tenn.
Mahelle R. Rowe, Hazel, Ky.
B. N. Mulford, Fountainhead, Miss Maymie Harper, Miss
Tenn. Amanda Gahr, Miss Pearl West,
Amanda Gahr, Memphis, Tenn. Miss Nelson.


Organized Igor; reorganized 19oz.
Territory: The Conferences of General Missionary Agent: W. W.
Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Eastman, Keene, Tex.
New Mexico, and West Texas. Secretary Young People's Work:
Office: Keene, Johnson County, C. Sorenson, Keene, Tex.
Texas. Religious Liberty Secretary: H. E.

*.t.n. Corr xr ,....cireAs




OFFICERS. Giddings, Bynum, N. Mex.

Medical Secretary: Dr. Ida Nel-
President: Clarence Santee, Keene, son, 323 West Seventh St., Okla-
Tex. homa City, Okla.
Secretary and Treasurer: C. N. Executive Committee: Clarence
Woodward, Keene, Tex. Santee, the presidents of the
Auditor: H. H. Hamilton, Keene, Arkansas, Oklahoma, and Texas
Tex. Conferences, C. Sorenson, C. N.
Educational Secretary: C. Soren- Woodward, A. Nelson, V. B.
son, Keene, Tex. Watts, R. L. Pierce.

Transportation Agent: C. N. MINISTERS.

Woodward, Keene, Tex.
" The Southwestern Union Con- J. W. Norwood, Fayetteville, Ark.
ference Association of Seventh- V. B. Watts, Elm, Ark.
day Adventists: " Trustees: J. S. Rouse, Fort Smith, Ark.
Clarence Santee (Pres.), C. N. A. P. Heacock, R. F. D. No. 2, Hot
Woodward (Sec.), C. Sorenson, Springs, Ark.
T. J. Eagle, V. B. Watts, A. Leslie Littell, Hardy, Ark.
Nelson, W. W. Eastman, Wil- J. W. Dancer, 1521 Chester St.,
liam V oth. Little Rock, Ark.
R. H. Devereaux, R. F. D. No. 5,
MINISTERS. Hazen, Ark.
Clarence Santee, Keene, Tex. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
C. Sorenson, Keene, Tex.
W. W. Eastman, Keene, Tex. D. H. Kinzer, Fayetteville, Ark.
H. E. Giddings, Bynum, N. Mex. Mrs. A. P. Heacock, R. F. D. No.
C. B. Hughes, Keene, Tex. 2, Hot Springs, Ark.
N. J. Etheredge, Hamby, Tex. Mrs. J. S. Rouse, Fort Smith,
C. J. Dart, Fayetteville, Ark.
C. N. Woodward, Keene, Tex. 0. P. Wilson, Fayetteville, Ark.
Mrs. R. D. Musselman, Siloam
Springs, Ark.
Miss Josephine Wilson, Gentry,
J. A. Tucker, Fayetteville, Ark.
Organized 1888. J. L. Burgess, Millard, Ark.
Territory: The State of Arkansas.
Office: Fayetteville, Ark. CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.

OFFICERS. W. I. Morey, Fayetteville, Ark.

Ira H. Newkirk, Frisco, Ark.
President: J. W. Norwood, of- Mrs. E. A. Spring, R. F. D. No. 2,
fice address. Hot Springs, Ark.
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Robert L. Bradford, Fayetteville,
ference and Tract Society: C. Ark.
J. Dart.
Asst. Secretary Tract Society:
Field Missionary: J. A. Tucker,
office address. Organized 1909.
Secretary of Educational and
Missionary Volunteer Depart- Territory: New Mexico, and El
ments: J. S. Rouse, Fort Smith, Paso County, Texas.
Secretary Religious Liberty De- OFFICERS.
partment: J. W. Norwood.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart- President: H. L. Hoover, Estan-
ment: C. J. Dart. cia, N. Mex.
Executive Committee: J. W. Nor- Secretary: Mrs. Frank Weeks,
wood, J. S. Rouse, V. B. Watts, Box 114, Albuquerque, N. Mex.
J. H. Smith, C. J. Dart, Leslie Treasurer: J. J. Graf, Plateau,
Littell, J. A. Tucker. N. Mex.
" Arkansas Conference Associa- Sabbath-school and. Tract Society
tion of Seventh-day Advent- Secretary: Mrs. Frank Weeks.
ists: " Trustees: J. W. Nor- Field Missionary Agent: J. J.
wood, J. S. Rouse, V. B. Watts. Jobe, Las Vegas, N. Mex.

MINISTERS. Secretary of German Missionary

Volunteer Dept.: Bernard Voth,
. H. L. Hoover, Estancia, N. Mex. Route 1, Hitchcock, Okla.
H. E. Giddings, Bynum, N. Mex. Sabbath-school and Corresponding
W. A. Theo. Miller, Alamogordo, Secretary: Miss Faye Eagle,
N. Mex. office address.
LICENTIATES. Field Missionary Agent:. G. C.
Jenks, office address.
Roy L. Benton, Roswell, N. Mex. Executive Committee: David Voth,
Burt Bray, Las Cruces, N. Mex. U. B. Dake, E. L. Neff, A. J.
Voth, Matthew Larson, C. M.
" Oklahoma Conference Associa-
M. R. Proctor, 1110 Texas St., El tion of Seventh-day Advent-
Paso, Tex. ists: " David Voth, Thomas J.
Mrs. Minnie Procter, 1110 Texas Eagle, Uriah B. Dake.
St., El Paso, Texas.
Frank Weeks, Box 114, Albuquer- MINISTERS.
que, N. Mex.
Mrs. Frank Weeks, Box 114, Al- David Voth, Box 1198, Oklahoma
buquerque, N. Mex. City, Okla.
Mrs. M. E. Giddings, Bynum, N. Andrew Nelson, 323 West Seventh
Mex. St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mrs. R. L. Benton, Roswell, N. A. J. Voth, Kiel, Okla.
Mex. U. B. Dale, Cement, Okla.
Mrs. W. A. T. Miller, Alamo- D. F. Sturgeon, Gage, Okla.
gordo, N. Mex. T. J. Hickman, Harper, Okla.
Mrs. Victory Hoover, Estancia, William Braley, Perry, Okla.
N. Mex. I. A. Crane, Rocky, Okla.
J. J. Jobe, Las Vegas, N. Mex. E. L. Neff, Box 1198, Oklahoma
City, Okla.
C. M. McDonald, Wewoka, Okla.
J. H. Krum, Keene, Tex.
OKLAHOMA CONFERENCE. C. H. Bates, Muskogee, Okla.
N. Clausen, Stillwater, Okla.
Organized 1894. Matthew Larson, Newkirk, Okla.
Territory: The State of Okla- LICENTIATES.
Office: 217. West Seventh St., J. B. Hampton, Taloga, Okla.
Oklahoma City, Okla. Bernard Voth, R. F. D. No. 1,
Post-office Address: Box 1198, Hitchcock, Okla.
Oklahoma City, Okla. J. F. Harder, Hooker, Okla.
R. P. Montgomery, Walter, Okla.
OFFICERS. C. S. Lightner, Crescent, Okla.
R. B. Coberly, Crescent, Okla.
President: David Voth, office ad- W. F. Talburt, Stratford, Okla.
dress. W. R. Hanson, Capitol Hill, Okla.
Treasurer: T. J. Eagle, office ad- Ray Hickman, R. F. D., Elk City,
dress. Okla.
Secretary: William Voth, office C. M. Hayhurst, R. F. D. No. 4,
address. Woodward, Okla.
Tract Society Secretary and W. T. Ramsey, Catesby, Okla.
Treasurer: T. J. Eagle.
Supt. of Educational Department MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
and Sec. of Young People's
Work: E. L. Neff, office ad- T. J. Eagle, Box 1198, Oklahoma
dress. City, Okla.

William Voth, Box 1198, Okla- Stephens, Eastland, Comanche,

homa City, Okla. Mills, San Saba, Mason,
Mrs. Sopha V. Parker, Capitol Kimble, Edwards, and Val^
Hill, Okla. Verde.
Miss Faye Eagle, Box 1198, Okla- Office: Keene, Tex.
homa City, Olda.
Miss Mary Baxter, Box 1198, OFFICERS.
Oklahoma City, Okla.
Miss Nellie Sturgeon, Ames,Okla.
G. C. Jenks, Box 1198, Okahoma President: L. W. Terry, Keene,
City, Okla. Tex.
Mrs. W. R. Hanson, Capitol Hill, Secretary and Treasurer: Edward
Okla. Harris, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. R. P. Montgomery, Walter, Tract Society Secretary and
Okla. Treasurer: Edward Harris.
Miss Lottie White, Crescent, Okla. Secretary Sabbath-school Dept.:
Mrs. Grace Corwin, Keene, Tex.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Field Secretary Young People's
Work: B. E. Miller, Keene, Tex.
Carl Voss, Shattuck, Okla. Superintendent of Educational
H. L. Wilcox, R. F. D. No. 3, Department: Mrs. E. E.
Waurika, Okla. Hughes, Keene, Tex.
Miss Lorena Wilcox, Waurika, Field Missionary Agent: J. W.
Okla. Davis, Keene, Tex.
Mrs. M. C. McCullock, Thomas, Missionary Secretary: Miss Isora
Okla. Watts, Keene, Tex.
Miss Margaret Reese, Woodward, Transportation Agent: C. N.
Okla. Woodward, Keene, Tex.
Miss Minnie Prince, Hinton, Okla. Executive Committee: L. W.
Mrs. May Hanley, Thomas, Okla. Terry, C. W. Miller, N. V. Wil-
Mrs. Viola McClaflin, Tiawah, less, W. M. Cubley, E. B. Hop-
Okla. kins, J. I. Taylor, J. D. Mat-
Miss Nita Gronemyer, Capron, thews.
Okla. " Texas Conference Association
Mrs. W. R. Hanson, Capitol Hill, of Seventh-day Adventists: "
Okla. L. W. Terry, C. N. Woodward,
J. L. McCurdy, Crescent, Okla. J. D. Matthews, Sidney Smith,
Miss Bee Runnels, Claremore, H. H. Hamilton.
Miss Elsie Klostermyer, 1314 F
St., Perry, Okla. MINISTERS.
Miss Sydney Smith, Cleburne,
Tex. L. W. Terry, Keene, Tex.
J. F. Harder, Hooker, Okla. W. A. McCutchen, Keene, Tex.
N. V. Willess, Keene, Tex.
W. M. Cubley, Keene, Tex.
E. B. Hopkins, Keene, Tex. .
W. R. French, Keene, Tex.
TEXAS CONFERENCE. C. W. Miller, R. F. D. No. 2,
Organized 1878. Waurika, Okla.
J. I. Taylor, 1917 Kane St., Hous-
Territory: That part of the State ton, Tex.
of Texas lying east, and south Methuselah Jones, 1219 Elm St.,
of a line drawn from the Red Waco, Tex.
River to the Rio Grande, on the J. A. Leland, R. F. D. No. 8,
eastern line of the following San Antonio, Tex.
counties: Wichita, Archer, Young, A. W. Jenson, Amarillo, Tex.

LICENTIATES. ble, Edwards, and Val Verde,

excepting the county of El
B. E. Miller, Keene, Tex. Paso, which is attached to the
J. W. Field, Keene, Tex. New Mexico Conference. '
Address: R. .F. D. No. 1, Abilene,
Miss Minnie Robbins, Keene, Tex. OFFICERS.
Mrs. Cora Peterson, Keene, Tex.
Edward Harris, Keene, Tex. President: T. W. Field, office ad-
J. W. Davis, Keene, Tex. ' dress.
Miss Isora Watts, Keene, Tex. Secretary of Conference and Tract
Miss Enie Martin, Keene, Tex. Society: Mattie Field, office ad-
Mrs. C. C. Howell, Keene, Tex. dress.
Miss Robin Hunter, Keene, Tex. Treasurer of Conference and Tract
Miss Margaret Warnock, Keene, Society, and Secretary of the
Tex. Educational Department: W. F.
Edmon Gates, Keene, Tex. Field, office address.
Mrs. Q. V. Shaw, 305 West Fif- Secretary of the Sabbath-school
teenth Ave., Corsicana, Tex. Department: Mrs. Jessie G.
Young, office address.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Field Missionary Agent: E. S.
Taylor, Plainview, Tex.
Mrs. C. Sorenson, Keene, Tex.
Miss Flora Moffitt,. care J. H. MINISTERS.
Griffin, Avinger; Tex.
Miss Annie Watts, R. F. D. No. T. W. Field, R. F. D. No. 1, Abi-
2, Lorena, Tex. lene, Tex.
Miss Selma Schramm, care A. H. Clay Griffin, Atoka, Tex.
Belz, Valley View, Tex. G. A. Lagrone, Oplin, Tex.
Miss Lela Woodruff, Keene, Tex. LICENTIATES.
Miss 011ie Taylor, Keene, Tex.
Miss Josephine Wilson, Keene, Isaac Baker, Oplin, Tex.
Tex. E. S. Taylor, Plainview, Tex.
Mrs. A. Y. Broiles, R. F. D. No. 1, W. F. Field, R. F. D. No. 1, Abi
Nacogdoches, Tex. lene, Tex.
Mrs. J. G. Petty, Bryans Mill,
Joe King, Wills Point, Tex. J. S. McMullen, R. F. D. No. 1,
Abilene, Tex.
Organized 1909. W. F. Field, R. F. D. No. 1, Abi-
lene, Tex.
Territory: That part of the State Mrs. Jessie Young, Abilene, Tex.
of Texas lying west of the east- J. S. McMullen, Abilene, Tex.
ern lines of the following coun- W. J. Ward, R. F. D. No. 2,
ties: Wichita, Archer, Young, Santa Anna, Tex.
Stephens, Eastland, Comanche, Ellen Lambeth, Amarillo, Tex.
Mills, San Saba, Mason, Kim- Mrs. Isaac Baker, Oplin, Tex.
Organized 1907. .
Territory: The Conferences of Vice-President: To be supplied.
Manitoba, Alberta, and British Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. H.
Columbia, and the Saskatche- S. Shaw, office address.
wan Mission. Executive Committee: H. S. Shaw,




Office Address: Box 244, Regina; and the presidents of the Mani-
Saskatchewan, Canada. toba, -Alberta, and British Col-
OFFICERS. umbia Conferences, and the Sm-
President: H. S. Shaw, office ad- perintendent of the Saskatche-
dress. wan Mission Field.

MINISTERS. H. Block, 'Box 55, Leduc, Alberta,

H. S. Shaw; Box 244, Regina, Sas- J. C. Christensen, Diamond City,
katchewan, Canada. Alberta, Canada.
Christian Sulzle, Fenwood, Sas-
katchewan, Canada. LICENTIATES.
A. C. Gilbert, Saskatoon, Box 852,
Saskatchewan, Canada.. Hans Bonde; Manville, Alberta,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. H. Humann, Crossfield, Alberta,
Mrs. H. S. Shaw, Box 244, Regina, Canada.
Saskatchewan, Canada. N. J. Aalborg, Lacombe, Alberta,

ALBERTA CONFERENCE. H. E. Shelstad, Lacombe, Alberta,

Territory: The Province of Al- Mrs. Hattie G. Emmons, 517 Hei-
berta, Canada. minck Ave., Edmonton, Alberta,
Office: Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Canada.
OFFICERS. Miss Stella B. Lowry, Lacombe,
Alberta, Canada.
President: C. A. Burman, La- Mrs. Anna Aalborg, Lacombe, Al-
combe, Alberta, Canada. berta, Canada.
Vice-President: H. Block, Box 55,
Leduc, Alberta, Canada. C. L. 'Holdeman, Lacombe, Al-
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss berta, Canada.
Stella B. Lowry, Lacombe, Al- F. L. Hommel, Lacombe, Alberta,
berta, Canada. Canada.
Secretary of the Sabbath-school Mrs. F. L. Hommel, Lacombe, Al-
Department: Mrs. Anna Aal- berta, Canada.
borg, Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Miss Essie Barber, Lacombe, Al-
Secretary of the Educational and berta, Canada.
Missionary Volunteer Depart-
ments: J. I. Beardsley, Lacombe,
Field Missionary Agent: C. L.
Holdeman, Lacombe, Alberta, ENCE.
Canada. Organized 1902.
Executive Committee: C. A. Bur-
man, H. Block, F. J. Hippach, Territory: British Columbia.
S. M. Torgenson, Dow James. Office: Port Hammond, British
" Alberta Conference Association Columbia.
of Seventh-day Adventists:"
C. A. Burman, H. Block, F. J. OFFICERS.
Hippach, S. M. Torgenson, Dow
James. President: W. M. Adams, office
Alberta Tract Society Secretary: address.
Miss Stella B. Lowry, Lacombe, Secretary and Treasurer: Bertha
Alberta. Lofstad, office address.
Educational Secretary: K. R.
MINISTERS. Haughey, Pitt Meadows, British
C. A. Burman, Lacombe, Alberta, Religious Liberty Secretary: F. H.
Canada. Conway, 1251 Pandora St., Vic-
A. C. Anderson, Harmattan, Al- toria, British Columbia.
berta, Canada. Secretary Sabbath-school a n d

Young People's Depti.: Bertha MANITOBA CONFERENCE:

Provincial Agent: John Nichol, Organized 1903.
office address.
Tract Society Secretary: Bertha Territory: Manitoba, and the
Lofstad. western portion of Ontario to
Health and Temperance Secre- the eighty-ninth parallel.
tary: P. P. Adams, Silver Office Address: Box 104, Portage
Creek, British Columbia. la Prairie, Manitoba.
Executive Committee: W. M. OFFICERS.
Adams, T. H. Watson, S. A.
Wilband, F, H. Conway, Geo. President: W. C. Young, office
- Alcock. address.
" British Columbia Association of Vice-President: M. J. Fritz, of-
Seventh-day Adventists: " F. H. fice address.
Conway, Pres.; J. J. Dougan, Secretary and Treasurer of Con-
Sec. and Treas.- Trustees: F. H. ference and Tract Society: J. T.
Conway, J. J. Dougan, F. Thompson, office address.
Stubbs, Sr., Joseph Wolfer, J. L. Field and Missionary Secretary:
. Wilson. E. Russell Potter, office ad-
MINISTERS. Health and Temperance Depart-
ment: Secretary, E. R. Potter.
W. M. Adams, Port Hammond, Educational Department: To be
British Columbia. supplied.
J. L. Wilson, 609 Gore Ave., Van- Religious Liberty Department:
couver, British Columbia. Secretary, W. C. Young.
T. H. Watson, Lodi, Cal. Secretary Sabbath-school and
F. H. Conway, 1251 Pandora St., Young People's Departments:
Victoria, British Columbia. Mrs. Ethel W. Thompson.
P. P. Adams, Silver Creek, Brit- Executive Committee: W. C.
ish Columbia. Young, M. J. Fritz, E. Russell
Potter, D. H. Carmichael,

Henry Pierce (Indian), Port Simp- MINISTERS.
son, British Columbia.
David Dodge, 609 Gore Ave., Van- W. C. Young, MacGregor, Mani-
couver, British Cobunbia., toba.
Bertha Lofstad, Port Hammorid, M. J. Fritz, Box 104, Portage la
British Columbia. Prairie, Manitoba.
Mrs. Birdie Conway, 1251 Pan-
dora. St., Victoria, British Co-
Lillian Burrows, Pitt Meadows,
British Columbia. E. Russell Potter, Box 104, Port-
K. R. Haughey, Pitt Meadows, age la Prairie, Manitoba.
British Columbia. Jas. T. Thompson, Box 104, Port-
Mrs. K. R. Haughey, Pitt Mead-- age la Prairie, Manitoba.
ows, British Columbia.


Beatrice Haines, Pitt Meadows, Margaret Vantrees, MacGregor,

British Columbia. Manitoba.

SASKATCHEWAN MISSION. Field Secretary: R. P. Mooney,

McLean, Saskatchewan, Canada.
Organized 1907. Religious Liberty Secretary: A. C.
Territory: The Province of Sas- Gilbert, Box 852, Saskatoon,
katchewan, Canada. Saskatchewan, Canada.
Office Address: Box 244, Regina, Mission Field Committee: H. S.
Saskatchewan, Canada. Shaw, Christian Sulzle, A. C.
Superintendent: H. S. Shaw, of-
fice address. H. S. Shaw, Box 244, Regina, Sas-
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. H. katchewan, Canada.
S. Shaw, office address. Christian Sulzle, Fenwood, Sas-
Tract Society, Sabbath-school, and katchewan, Canada.
Corresponding Secretary: Mrs, A. C. Gilbert, Box 852, Saskatoon,
H. S. Shaw. Saskatchewan, Canada.


Organized 1894.
Territory: The Conferences of Tract and Missionary Depart-
New South Wales, New Zea- ment: General Missionary
land, Queensland, South Aus- Agent, L. A. D. Lemke, office
tralia, Victoria-Tasmania, West address.
Australia, and the Mission Field Missionary Secretary: A. H.
Fields of Micronesia, Melanesia, Piper, office address.
and Polynesia. Educational Department: Secre-
Cable Address: "Union," Syd- tary, L. A. Hoopes, Warburton,
ney. Victoria, Australia.
Office: " Elsnath," Burwood St., Medical Department: Secretary,
Burwood, N. S. W., Australia. A. W. Semmens, Sanitarium,
Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
OFFICERS. Religious Liberty Department:
President: J. E. Fulton, office ad- Secretary, L. A. Hoopes, War-
dress. burton, Victoria, Australia.
Vice-President: E. H. Gates, Publishing Department: Secre-
office address. tary, J. M. Johanson, Warbur-
Secretary: Miss Edith M. Gra- ton, Victoria Australia.
ham. office 'address. Book Committee: W. D. Salis-
Treasurer: C. H. Pretyman, office bury, J. M. Johanson, A. W.
address. Anderson, G. Teasdale, W. L.
Executive Committee: J. E. Ful- H. Baker.
ton, the presidents of the local Island Book Committee: J. E.
Conferences, and E. H. Gates, Fulton, R. W. Munson, E. H.
W. D. Salisbury, J. M. Johan- Gates, L. A. Hoopes, Miss E. M.
son, B. F. Machlan, L. A. Graham.
Hoopes, E. S. Butz, A. H. Piper, Malaysia Union Mission Advisory
A. W. Semmens. Committee: J. E. Fulton,G. F.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Jones, G. Teasdale,. W.
retary, Mrs. Anna L. Hindson, Fletcher, G. A. Wantzlick.
office address. Central Polynesian Union Mission

Advisory Committee: B. J. C. V. Bell, Avondale School,

Cady, W. W. Palmer. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus-
Eastern Polynesian Union Mission tralia.
Advisory Committee: F. E. J. M. Johanson, Signs Publishing
Lyndon, G. L. Sterling, J. R. Office, Warburton,. Victoria,
McCoy, P. J. Deane. Australia.
A. W. Semmens, Sanitarium,
MINISTERS. Wahroonga, N. S. -W., Aus-
J. E. Fulton, " Elsnath," Bur- W. W. Fletcher, 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
wood St., Burwood, N. S. W., Singapore, Malay Archipelago.
Australia. S. W. Carr, Port Moresby, British
E. H. Gates, Sanitarium, Wall New Guinea.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. W. W. Palmer, Nukualofa, Tonga,





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L. A. Hoopes, Warburton, Vic- Pacific Islands.

toria, Australia. G. L. Sterling, Arorangi, Raro-
B. J. Cady, Buresala, Ovalau, tonga, Pacific Ocean.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. A. Stewart, Buresala, Ovalau,
R. W. Munson, r; Elsnath," Bur- Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Pauliasi Bunoa, Suva You, Fiji,
Pacific Ocean. J. R. McCoy, Pitcairn Island, care
F. E. Lyndon, Papeete, Tahiti, British Consul, Papeete, Tahiti,
Society Islands, Pacific Ocean. Society Islands, Pacific Ocean.
J. W. Hofstra, Soember Wekas E. E. Thorpe, Soember Wekas,
Prigen, Java, East Indies. Prigen, Java.
Alipati Rainama, Buresala, Ova-
LICENTIATES. lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean.
G. E. Marriott, Suva Vou, Fiji,
B. F. Machlan, Avondale School, Pacific Ocean.
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Aus- Gordon Smith, Port Moresby,
tralia. British New Guinea.

H. Mitchell; Norfolk Island, Pa- Miss Myra Ford, Elsnath, Bur-'

cific Ocean. wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Lewis Mobbs, Soember Wekas, Australia.
Prigen, Java. Miss Rhoda Hard, Launceston,
Mrs. G. Marriott, Suva Vou, Fiji, Tasmania.
Pacific Ocean. Miss Rita Ford, " Elsnath," Bur-
Mrs. S. W. Carr, Port Moresby, wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
British New Guinea. Australia.
Mrs. E. E. Thorpe, Soember We- Miss A. Walker, " Elsnath," Bur-
kas, Prigen, Java. wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Miss E. M. Graham, Elsnath," Australia.
Burwood St., Burwood, N. S. Miss M. Lambert, Sanitarium,
W., Australia. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Aus-
H. E. Piper, Haapai, Tongan Is- tralia.
lands, Pacific Ocean. Miss P. Prismall, Warburton, Vic-
H. S. Fowler, Papeete, Tahiti, So- toria, Australia.
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Miss J. Sigley, 93 Franklin St.,
Mrs. A. L. Hinson, Roland Ave., Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
Wahroonga, N. S. W.; Aus- tralia.
tralia. H. E. Sharp, 103 William St.,
Mrs. B. J. Cady, Buresala, Ova- Perth, West Australia, Aus-
lau, Fiji. tralia.
Miss P. Tunheim, Pangoengsen, Miss Millie Dawkins, 103 William
Tajoe, Java. St., Perth, West Australia,
Miss A. Nordstrom, Pangoengsen, Australia.
Tajoe, Java. Miss Kathleen Giblett, 103 Wil-
Mrs. Fletcher, 12 Dhoby Ghaut, liam St., Perth, West Aus-
Singa7pore, Malay Archipelago. tralia, Australia.
Miss C. Judge, Zee Stradt, Pa- Miss Amy Clarke, 103 William
dang, Sumatra. St., Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Mrs. L. Thomas, Papeete, Tahiti, tralia.
Society Islands. Miss Sheppard, Bishopsbourne,
The following may be addressed
at Avondale School, Cooranbong,
N. S. W., Australia.
J. H. Paap, R. Sisley, W. E. Rob-
bins, Mrs. J. H. Paap, Eva Ed- NEW SOUTH WALES CONFER-
Wards, Mrs. W. E. Robbins, ENCE.
Miss W. Trunk. Organized 1895.
H. E. Piper,Haapai, Tongan Is- Territory: The State of New
lands, Pacific Ocean. South Wales.
Mrs. H. E. Piper, Haapai, Tongan Office: " Elsnath," Burwood St.,
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Burwood, N. S. W., Australia.
Mrs. A. Stewart, Buresala, Ova-
lau, Fiji, Pacific Ocean. OFFICERS.
Mrs. G. L. Sterling, Arorangi,
Rarotonga. President. J. H. Woods, office
M. S. Roberts, Pangoengsen, Ta- address.
joe, Java. Vice-President: R. E. Burke.
Miss N. Sisley,.Nakualofa, Tonga, Secretary and Treasurer: L. J.
Pacific Ocean. Imrie, office address.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Executive Committee: J. H.
Woods, E. H. Gates, R. E.
Miss Edna Brown, Hobart, Tas- Burke, G. S. Fisher, H. K
mania. Blunden, P. B. Rudge.

Tract and Missionary Department: NEW ZEALAND CONFERENCE.

Sec. and Treas., Miss F. E.
Mills; Field Missionary Agent, Organized 1889.
H. E. Blunden; Field Mission-
ary Secretary, R. Govett. Territory: The Colony of New
Sabbath-school Department: Sec., Zealand.
.Miss L. M. Bree. Cable Address: " Mastery," Wel-
Young People's Department: Sec., lington, New Zealand.
Miss Ethel James. Office: Queen's Road, Lower Hutt,
Religious Liberty Department: Wellington, New Zealand.
Committee: J. H. Woods, J. H.
Paap, R. E. Burke, C. H. OFFICERS.
Schowe, Secretary.
Educational Department: Supt.,
President: J. Pallant, office ad-
L. J. Imrie.
Vice-President: W. J. Smith, office
MINISTERS. address.
Secretary and Treasurer: Miss E.
J. H. Woods, " Elsnath," Burwood Executive Committee: J. Pallant,
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus- Eric Caro, W. J. Smith, S. H.
tralia. Amyes.
R. E. Burke, " Elsnath," Burwood Tract Society Department: Sec.
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus- and Treas., Miss I. M. Sharp;
tralia. Field Missionary Agent, A. E.
W. G. Brittain, " Elsnath," Bur- Hodgkison.
wood St., Burwood, N. S. W., Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
Australia. ple's Departments: Secretary,
Miss J. Johnstone.
C. K. Meyers, " Elsnath," Bur- Educational Department: Sec., W.
wood St., Burwood, N. S. W., J. Smith, office address.
Australia. 'Religious Liberty Dept.: J. Pal-
L. J. Imrie, " Elsnath," Burwood lant.
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus-
tralia. MINISTERS.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. Pallant, Queen's Road, Lower

Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
W. H. Pascoe, Queen's Road,
All of whom may be addressed Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
at " Elsnath," Burwood St., Bur- Zealand.
wood, N. S. W., Australia. J. L. McElhaney, Queen's Road,
Miss Annie E. Pearce, Miss J. H. Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Robertson, Miss H. R. Pearce, Zealand.
R. Govett, P. B. Rudge, H. E.
Blunden, W. Westerman, R. C.
Stewart, Miss E. M. James, LICENTIATES.
Miss F. E. Mills, Miss L. M.
Bree. W. J. Smith, Queen's Road, Lower
Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. W. R. Carswell, Queen's Road,
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Miss A. Walker, Miss Rita Ford, G. G. James, Queen's Road,
Miss May Lambert, Miss Myra Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
Ford. Zealand.
Miss F. Harker, Miss F. Knowles, ENCE.
Read Smith, Mrs. Read Smith. Organized 1899.
Territory: The State of South
QUEENSLAND CONFERENCE. Office: 93 Franklin St., Adelaide,
Organized 1899. South Australia, Australia.

Territory: The State of Queens- OFFICERS.

Office: 186 Edward St., Brisbane,
Queensland, Australia. President: J. M. Cole, office, ad-
OFFICERS. Vice-President: G. A. Wantzlick,
office address.
President: T. H. Craddock, office Secretary: A. H. Rogers, office
address. address.
Vice-President: J. H. Mills. Treasurer: P. H. Pretyman, of-
Secretary and Treasurer: J. H. fice address.
Mills. Executive Committee: J. M. Cole,
Executive Committee: T. H. Crad- G. A. Wantzlick, A. H. Rogers,
dock, G. Hubbard; J. H. Mills, S. N. Walter, Dr. W. H. James,
H. J. Cooper. A. S. Thorpe, P. H. Pretyman.
Tract Society: Sec. and Treas., Tract Society Department: Sec.
J. H. Mills; Field Missionary and Treas, P. H. Pretyman;
Agent, , Cor. Sec., Miss M. Field Missionary Agent, J. A.
E. Learned. Chaney.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec- Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
r etary and Treasurer, Mrs. T. and Treas.,Miss Ethel Carter.
H. Craddock.' Religious Libr
ty Department: J.
Religious Liberty Department: M. Cole.
Sec., T. H. Craddock. Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss
Young People's Dept.: Sec., Miss Ethel Carter.
M. E. Learned. -
J. M. Cole,93 Franklin St., Ade-
laide, outh Australia, Aus-
T. H. Craddock, 186 Edward St., tralia.
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. G. A. Wantzlick, 93 Franklin St.,
C. A. Paap, 186 Edward St., Bris- Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
bane, Queensland. tralia.

G. Hubbard, 186 Edward St., Bris- A. H. Rogers 93 Franklin St.,

bane, Queensland, Australia. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. J. E. Steed, 93 Franklin St., Ade-
laide, South Australia, Aus-
Emil Dernoth, J. H. Mills, Mrs. N. J. Walldorff, 93 Franklin St.,
T. H. Craddock, Miss M. E. Adelaide, South Australia, Aus-
Learned. tralia.


Dr. W. H. James, B. Cozens, C. D. J. Allen, Heathorn Buildings,

Baron, P. H. Pretyman, Miss Liverpool, St., Hobart, Tas-
L. Goodhart. mania, Australia.
G. Steward, Heathorn Buildings,
Liverpool St., Hobart, Tasmania,
F. L. Sharp, Gordon St., Toorak,
FERENCE. Victoria, Australia.
(During 1909 the Tasmania Con-
ference was merged into the A. H. Ferris, David Ferris, An-
Victoria Conference.). drew Ferris, G. Burgess; Mrs.
L. J. Lear, Miss H. L. Cozens,
Territory: The States of Victoria A. Chelberg.
and Tasmania.
Office: Gordon St., Toorak, Vic- CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS.
toria, Australia.
Miss Edna Brown, Hobart, Tas-
mania, Australia.
President: C. H. Parker, office Miss Eva Edwards, Launceton,
address. Tasmania, Australia.
Vice-President: E. S. But; office Miss D. Sheppard, Bishopsbourne,
address. Tasmania, Australia.
Secretary and Treasurer: J. Gil-
lespie, office address.
Executive Committee: C. H. WEST AUSTRALIAN CONFER-
Parker, E. S. Butz, W. D. Salis-
bury, J. Gillespie, J. A. Mc- ENCE.
Ainsh, C. Smith. Organized 1902.
Tract Society Department: Sec.,
Miss E. H. Gregg; Treas., J. Territory: The State of West
Gillespie; Field Missionary Australia.
Agent, J. J. Potter. Office: 103 William St., Perth,
Corresponding Secretary of Tract West Australia, Australia.
Society and Young People's
Work: Miss A. S. Higgins. OFFICERS.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
and Treas.: Miss E. H. Gregg. President: W. L. H. Baker, office
Religious Liberty Department: A. address.
W. Anderson. Vice-President: E. Hilliard, office
MINISTERS. Secretary and Treasurer: A.
Mountain, office address.
C. H. Parker, Gordon St., Toorak, Executive Committee: W. L. H.
Victoria, Australia. Baker, E. Hilliard, H. Ward, J.
E. S. Butz, Hobart, Tasmania, L. Branford, C. E. Ashcroft.
Australia. Tract Society Department: See:
F. W. Paap, Gordon St., Toorak, and Treas:, Miss C. Rule; Field
Victoria, Australia. Missionary Agent, J. L. Bran-
G. Teasdale, Gordon St., Toorak, ford.
Victoria, Australia. - Sabbath-school Department: Sec.
A. W. Anderson, Warburton, Vic- and Treas., Mrs. A. Mountain.
toria, Australia. Educational Department: Sec., H.
A. Smart, Gordon St., Toorak, Vic- R. Martin, office address.
toria, Australia. Religious .Liberty. Department: A.


Young People's Department: Sec-
retary, Miss L. Clarke. Address: Nukualofa, Tonga,
Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
MINISTERS. Director and Licentiate: W. W.
W. L. H. Baker, 103 William St., Missionary Teachers: H. E. Piper,
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Mrs. H. E. Piper, Miss N. Sisley.
E. Hilliard, 103 William St.,
Perth, West Australia, Aus-
tralia. JAVA 'MISSION.
C. P. Michaels, 103 William St., Address: Soember Wekas, Prigen,
Perth, West Australia, Aus- via Bangil, Java, East Indies.
tralia. Minister: J. W. Hofstra.
Missionary Licentiates: Miss P.
Tunheim, Miss A. Nordstrom,
(All of whom may be addressed at. E. E. Thorpe, Mrs. El E. Thorpe,
103 William St., Perth.) Miss. Dorothy Knight, G. A.
Wood, J. Van de Groep, Lewis
Mrs. E. Hilliard, Miss' M. Chan- Mobbs.
dler, A. Mountain, C. E. Ash-
croft, Mrs. Freeman, Miss Daw-
kins, J. L. Branford, R. H. Con- NEW GUINEA MISSION.
standt. Address: Port Moresby, British
New Guinea.
CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS. Director and Licentiate: S. W.
H. E. Sharp, Miss Millie Dawkins, Carr.
Miss Kathleen Giblett, Miss Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. S.
Amy Clarke. W. Carr, Gordon Smith, Mrs. G.


Address: Norfolk Island, Pacific
Address: Arorangi, Rarotonga, Ocean.
Cook Islands, South Pacific. Missionaries: Mrs. S. T. Belden,
Ocean. ' H. Mitchell.
Director and Licentiate: G. L. Sabbath-school Secretary: H.
Sterling. Mitchell.


FIJI MISSION. Address: Pitcairn Island, Pacific
Ocean; care British Conkil, Pa-
Address: Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, peete, Tahiti, Society Islands.
Pacific Ocean. Missionary Licentiates: J. R. Mc-
Director: B. J. Cady. Coy, M. W. Carey.
Ministers: B. J. Cady, Pauliasi Sabbath-school secretary: M. W.
Bunoa. Carey.
Licentiate: A. Stewart.
Missionary Licentiates: G. E. Mar-
riott, Alipati Rainama, Mrs. A. SAMOAN MISSION.
Stewart. Address: Apia, Upolo, Samoa, Pa-
Sabbath-school Secretary: Miss A. cific Ocean.
M. Williams, Buresala, Ovalau, Director and Missionary License:
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. A. H. White.


Address: Papeete, Tahiti, Society Address: Padang, West Coast
Islands, Pacific Ocean. Sumatra, Netherlands, East In-
Director and Treasurer: F. E. dies.
Lyndon. Director and Treasurer:
Minister: F. E. Lyndon.
Missionary Licentiates: H. L.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. F.
E. Lyndon. Bernard Judge, Miss C. Judge.


Organized 19o2.
Territory: The Conferences of OFFICERS.
North England, South England,
South Scotland, Wales, and the President: W. J. Fitzgerald
Missions of Ireland and North Vice-President: S. G. Haughey.
Scotland. Secretary and Treasurer: Miss
Edith Chapman.


88)ram Urns*
cot,,,r17ENCE, if


Cable Address: " Hygiene," Gars- Executive Committee: W. J. Fitz-

ton, Herts, England. gerald, W. H. Wakeham, W. C.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Sisley, W. H. Meredith, J. J.
ford, Herts, England. Gillatt, S. G. Haughey, M. A.
(All persons named below may be Altman, H. E. Armstrong, H. C.
addressed as above.) Lacey, Dr. A. B. Olsen.

Transportation Agent: A. Bacon, Haughey, A. S. Marchus, W. A.

84 Upper Tollington Park, Lon- Shafer, W. M. Scott, W. H.
don, N., England. Baldwin.
Secretary S. S. and Young Peo-
ple's Departments: W. H. Wake- MINISTERS.
" Seventh-day - Adventist Union S. G. Haughey, A. S. Marchus,
Limited." (Incorporated 1906.; W. A. Shafer, Wm. Knight.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- LICENTIATES.
ford, England.
Officers: Chairman, W. J. Fitz- A. S. Rodd, J. Ellis, H. F. De'Ath,
gerald; Treas., W. C. ' Sisley; A. Cheesbrough, Jas. B. West.
Sec., W. T. Bartlett. Ex. Com.:
W. J. Fitzgerald, H. C. Lacey, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
H. E. Armstrong, J. J. Gillatt,
W. H. Meredith, S. G. Haughey, Jas. E. Bell, J. Andrews,' A. G.
M. A. Altman, W. C. Sisley, W. Briscombe, Geo. Hawkins, Wm.
T. Bartlett. M. Scott, Mrs. E. G. Jackson,
Miss Clara Sanders.

W. J. Fitzgerald, W. T. Bartlett,
H. C. Lacey, W. H. Wakeham.
A. B. Olsen.
Organized 1902; formerly a part
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. of the British Conference organ-
ized 1898.
Miss Edith Chapman.
Territory: The southern half of
England, south of the northern
boundary of the counties of
NORTH ENGLAND CoNFEtc- Norfolk, Cambridge, Hunting-
ENCE. don, Bedford, Buckingham, Ox-
ford, and Gloucester.
Organized 1902; formerly a part Office: 17 Sellon's Ave., Harlesden,
of the British Conference organ- London, N. W., England.
ized 1898.
(All persons named below may be
Territory: The northern half of addressed as above.)
England, including all north of
the southern borders of Wor- OFFICERS.
ctster, Warwick, Northampton,
and Lincoln. President: W. H. Meredith.
Office: 78 Gregory Boulevard, Not- Secretary and Treasurer: H. D.
tingham, England. Clarke.
(All persons named below may be Secretary of the Sabbath-school
addressed as above.) and Young People's Depart-
ments: H. D. Clarke.
OFFICERS. Canvassing Agent: S. Joyce.
Executive Committee: W. H. Mer-
President; S. G. Haughey. edith, W. T. Bartlett, J. Bunker,
Secretary and Treasurer of Con- Jay J. Nethery, G. Nickels.
ference, Sabbath-school, and
Missionary Volunteer Depts.: MINISTERS.
A. G. Briscombe.
Canvassing Agent: S. Joyce. W. H. Meredith, George Nickels,
Executive Committee: S. G. Jay J. Nethery.


A. D. Armstrong, L. F. Langford, Organized 1908.
John Taylor, J. D. Gillatt.
Territory: Wales.
Office: "Alta Vista," Leanishen St.,
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Heath, Cardiff, South Wales.
(All persons named below may be
T. Whittle, G. W. Bailey, H. D. addressed as above.)
Clarke, F. A. Spearing, Miss D.
Bacon, Miss G. Brewer, Mrs. D. OFFICERS.
McClelland, R. Borrowdale.
President: H. E. Armstrong.
-Secretary and Treasurer: Miss D.
Secretary Sabbath-school and
SOUTH SCOTLAND CONFER- Young People's Departments:
ENCE. Miss D. McDougall.
Canvassing Agent: S. Joyce.
Organized 1908. Executive Committee: H. E. Arms-
strong, Isaac Powell, J. W.
Territory: That portion of Scot- Ford, C. T. Penrose, W. H.
land lyirig south of the north-
ern boundaries of Forfarshire,
Perthshire, and Argyleshire. MINISTERS.
Office: 62 Dundrennan Road, Lang-
side, Glasgow, Scotland. H. E. Armstrong, C. E. Penrose.
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.) LICENTIATE.
W. Read.

President: M. A. Altma,n. Mrs. Myrtle Asay, Miss Alice

Secretary: A. E. Bacon. Powell, Miss D. McDougall, R.
Secretary of Sabbath-school De- Jacques, Miss Jessie McKay,
partment: Mrs. A. E. Bacon. Mrs. S: Buckman.
Treasurer: Miss Edith Chapman.
Auditor: Jas. Hoatson.
Canvassing Agent: L. A. Hart-
Executive Committee: M. A. Alt- IRELAND MISSION.
man, A. E. Bacon, S. H. Murphy,
F. Whitehead, Robert Campbell. Office: Church Street Mission,
Downpatrick, Ireland.
MINISTERS. (All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)
M. A. Altman, A. E. Bacon. OFFICERS.
Director: J. J. Gillatt.
Treasurer: Miss Edith Chapman.
D. Morrison. Canvassing Agent: S. Joyce.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATE. Advisory Committee: J. J. Gillatt,
R. Whiteside, A. Cunningham,
Miss Jane Archibald. R. Mussen.


J. J. Gillatt, R. Mussen. Territory: That portion of Scot-
land lying north of the north-
LICENTIATES. ern boundaries of Foffarshire,
Perthshire, and Argyleshire.
Robert Whiteside, B. Armstrong. Office: Ivy Bank, Attadale Road,
Inverness, Scotland.
Director and Minister: D. P.
Mrs. E. McCulla, Mrs. M. Austin. Miller.
Missionary Licentiate: Wm.


Organized agog.
Territory: Eastern part of the Executive Committee: H. F. Schu-
German Empire the Prussian berth, J. F. Huenergardt, G. W.
provinces of Saxony, Branden- Schubert, G. Perk, L. Mathe, W.
burg (including Berlin), Pome- Prillwitz, E. Bahr, 0. Schwencke,
rania, Silesia, East Prussia, Otto Liipke, Dr. E. Meyer, W.
West Prussia, Posen; the king- Krumm.
dom. of Saxony; the. Saxon- Legal Association: " Deutseher
Thuringian States; Anhalt; Verein filr Gesundheitspflege."
Brunswick; Hungary; Rumania; President, L. R. Conradi; Manager,
Bulgaria; Servia; Croatia, Sla- W. Krumm; Trustees, L. R. Con-
vonia, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Mon- radi, W. Krumm, H. F. Schu-
tenegro, Galicia, Bukowina, and berth, Otto Liipke, Dr. E.
eastern part of Austrian Silesia. -Meyer, J. H. Schilling, J. T.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Boettcher, J. G. Obliinder, J. F.
Conradi, Hamburg, Grindelberg. Huenergardt, H. Hartkop.
Office Address for East German Members: E. Frauchiger, G. W.
Union Conference and all East Schubert, J. Erzberger, L. Mathe,
German Union Fields and Work- E. Bahr, C. Sinz, H. Fenner, G.
ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Perk, W. Prillwitz, J. Wolfgar-
Germany. ten, Q. E. Reinke, E. Enseleit.
Medical Committee: President, Dr.
E. Meyer; Assistant, Dr. E.

President: H. F. Schuberth, Berlin. MINISTER.

Vice-President: J. F. Huenergardt,
Peczel, i. Ungarn.
Secretary of Conference, Sabbath- H. F. Schuberth.
school and Missionary Depart-
ments for all East German Un- MISSIONARY LICENTIATE.
ion Fields not otherwise pro-
vided for: L. Trautmann.
Treasurer for all East German L. Trautmann.
Union Fields not otherwise
provided for: B. Severin. MEDICAL MISSIONARY.
Assistant Treasurer: Olga Hempel.
Auditor: H. Hartkop. Dr. E. Behn.

EAST GERMAN UNION DIS- Schubert, 0. Liidtke, P. Fenner,

TRICT. H. Limpert.

Organized 1909. MINISTERS.

Territory: Berlin, Charlottenburg, G. 'W. Schubert, H. Baumann, R.

Potzdam, Rixdorf, Schoneberg, Cunitz.
Brandenburg; District Jiiter-
bogk, Luckenwalde, Teltow, LICENTIATE.
Zauch-Belzig, and southern part K. Amelung.
of Niederbarnim.
Address: Grindelberg 15a, Ham- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
burg, Germany.
F. Rohne, H. Glass, A. Rebens-
OFFICERS. burg, P. Stocker, A. Schmitt,
Max Uldokat, H. Palm, 0.
President: H. F. Schuberth. Schildhauer.
Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Treasurer: B. Severin.
Executive Committee: H. F. Schu-
berth, M. H. Wentland, 0.
Luepke, W. Schulz, Dr. E.

Organized 1907.
Territory: Hungary.
M. H. Wentland, C. Bruck.

P. Drinhaus, W. Schafer, R. Lusky. President: J. F. Huenergardt.

Secretary: J. Hiircher.
MItiSIONARY LICENTIATES. Treasurer: B. Severin.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
L. Trautmann, H. Langenberg, Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Stef. Demetrescu, E. Walther, H. Treasurer of Conference Poor
Junker. Fund: M. Botyanszky.
Executive Committee: J. F. Huen-
argardt, J. Seefried, M. Bot-
yanszky, M. Oesz, J. Bukurenes.
Organized 1901. -
J. F. Huenergardt, J. Seefried, F.
Territory: Provinces- of Branden-
- burg, Pomerania (except that Kessel.
part in East German Union Dis- LICENTIATES.
. trict).
OFFICERS. P. Todor, H. Meyer.
President: G. W. Schubert. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Secretary: 0. Schildhauer.
Treasurer: Olga Hempel.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary J. Horcher, F. A. Darner, A. Weg-
Secretary: L. Trautmann. ener, Istvan Kelemen, S. Bot-
General Canvassing Agent: H. yanszky, Helen Kraus, E. Mei-
Limpert. tert, Judit Ftilop, E. Schafer, R.
Executive Committee: G. W. Oesz.


Ewald Bahr, G. Domnick, J. Chris-
Organized 1909. toffers, F. L. Ott.
Territory: The Proifince of Sax- LICENTIATES.
ony (excepting Friedensau, Dis-
trict Jerichow I and II), the C. Kapitz, M. Schtirer, 0. Kaptiz,
Thuringian St ate s, Anhalt, Ferd. Adomeit.
Brunswick, and the southern
part of the Province of Han- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
F. Leplatoni, F. Uldokat, Martha
OFFICERS. Brentke, 0. Gassmann, K. Kas-
zemek, Luise Kudritzki.
President: W. Prillwitz.
Secretary: G. Freund.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Secretary: L. Trautmann. SAXON CONFERENCE.
Canvassing Agent: H. Box. Organized 1908.
Treasurer: Olga Hempel.
Executive Committee: W. Prill- Territory: The Kingdom of Sax-
witz, H. Dierking, H. Box, R. ony.
Lusky, G. Spilker.
President: L. Mathe.
IV. Prillwitz, H. Dierking. Secretary: M. Rosenbusch.
Treasurer: Olga Hempel.
LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school and Missionary
G. Freund, A. Woysch. Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Canvassing Agent: H. Brzezinski.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: L. Mathe,
G. Schiirer, G. W. Hockarth. M.
Aug. Langholf, K. Fliigel, 0. Rosenbusch, P. Horn.
Kelle, P. Glide, A. Sommer, M.
Becker, M. Thilmmel, M. R8-

L. Mathe, d. W. Hockarth, Paul


Organized 1903. W. Hoffmann.

Territory: East and West Prussia. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

OFFICERS. Aug. Krautschick, Th. Will, Paul

Rosel, L. Voigt, H. Jaster, W.
President: Ewald Bahr. Oestreich, H. Ehehalt.
Secretary: M. Sebiirer:
Treasurer: Olga Hempel.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary SILESIAN CONFERENCE.
Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Canvassing Agent: W. Koller. Organized 1907.
Executive Committee: E wald
Bahr, W. Koller, G. Domnick, F. Territory: The Provinces of Si-
Uldokat, G. Unruh. lesia and Posen.


President: G. Perk. Territory: Rumania and Bulgaria.
Secretary: W. Herbert.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary OFFICERS.
Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Treasurer: Olga Hempel. Director: 0. Schwenecke.
Canvassing Agent: H. Dietrich. Secretary: A. Bereck.
Executive Committee: G. Perk, Treasurer: B. Severin.
C. Dangschat, H. Forster, H. Sabbath-school and Missionary
Dietrich, St. Reckziegel. Secretary: L. Trautmann.
Advisory Committee:. 0. Schwen-
MINISTERS. ecke, G. Danile, G.. Kruger.
G. Perk; C. Dangschat, A. Rockel. MINISTER.
LICENTIATE. 0. Schwenecke.
R. Schutz.
R. P. Paulini, J. Mantu, A. Ber-
H. Freybott, Andrew Krautschick, eck, G. Dimitroff, C. Popescu.
E. Furle, W. Bartsch, J. Muller,
St. Zilienski, W. Herbert, E.
von Oppen.
Entered 1908. Territory: Galicia, Bukowina, and
eastern part of Austrian Silesia.
Territory: Croatia and Slavonia,
Bosnia, Herzegovina, Servia, and MINISTERS.
MINISTER. Ed. Enseleit.
Th. Brzoson, G. Geier, R. Dietrich,
A. Menik, M. Ludwig. L. Rowlin.


Organized 1907.
Territory: The Roman-Swiss and Latin Union fields, whose ad-
the French Conferences, and the dresses are not given, may be
Spanish, Italian, No r the rin reached through this office ad-
France, Portuguese, French- dress.)
Belgian, Algeria-Tunis -Mission
. Fields. OFFICERS.
General Office: 29 rue de la Syna-
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. President: L. P. Tieche.
(All the workers in the various Secretary: Maurice Walther.


Sabbath-school Secretary: E. Rob-
ert. Territory: The French- and Ital-
Executive Committee: L. P. ian-speaking parts of Switzer-
Tieche, H. H. Dexter, Joseph land.
Curdy, J. Robert, Jean Vuilleu- Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue,
mier, P. A. De Forest, W. G. Geneva, Switzerland.
Bond, G. Roth, L. Zecchetto, C. (All persons named below whose
E. RentfrO. addresses are omitted may be
Committee of Publication: Execu- addressed as above.)
tive Committee of the Latin
Union Conference. OFFICERS.

MINISTER. President: J. Curdy.

Secretary: L. Benezet.
L. P. Tieche, Gland, Switzerland. Treasurer: International Tract
Society (Geneva).
Sabbath-school Secretary: A. Gu-
Executive Committee: J. Curdy,
Organized 1907. Pierre Schild, A. Guenin, J.
Robert, A. Borle.
Territory: Southern France.
Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue, MINISTERS.
Geneva, Switzerland.
J. Curdy, Villa des Fougeres, Pe-
OFFICERS. seuX, Neuchatel, Switzerland.
Jean. Vuilleumier, Gland, Switzer-
President: H. H. Dexter. land.
Secretary: L. A. Mathy.
Treasurer: International Tract So- LICENTIATES.
ciety (Geneva).
Sabbath-school Secretary: E. Rob- Henri Provin, Alfred Vaucher,
ert. Jules Rey, M. Raspal.
Executive Committee: H. H. Dex-
ter, T. Nussbaum, J. P. Gout- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
guet, S. Bernard, A. Jaccard.
Louise Berlie, M. Hanhardt, Jo-
MINISTERS. seph Momier.
H. H. Dexter, 87 rue Moncey, Ly-
ons, France.
T. Nussbaum, 4 rue Fournarie, ALGERIAN AND TUNIS
Montpellier, Herault, France. MISSION.
J. P. Badaut, Beauvoir, Branges,
Saone et Loire, France. Territory: Algeria and Tunis.

F. Blanzat, E. Fawer. U. Augsbourger, 14 rue Aubert,

Plateau de Saulieres, Alger, Al-
Jeanne Bourquin, Victor Matte,
L. A. Mathy, Esther Beaudoin. A. Guyot, 14 rue Aubert, Plateau
de Saulieres, Alger, Algeria.
Miss E. Pommier. Jose Abella, 14 rue Aubert, Pla-

teau de Saulieres, Alger, Al- MINISTERS.

Paul Badaut, 16 rue des Fosses St.
Jacques, Paris, France.
WALLOON, OR FRENCH-BEL- Paul Steiner, 16 rue des Fosses
GIAN MISSION. St. Jacques, Paris, France.
Territory: French-speaking Bel- ,
gium. J. C. Guenin, 10 rue Didong, Rouen,
G. Roth, Vauban, Jambes-Namur,
Belgium. Maurice Walther, 66 rue Daguerre,
Paris, France.
LICENTIATE. Jean Walther, 66 rue Daguerre,
A. Girou. Paris, France.
E. Valat, 66 rue Daguerre, Paris,

MINISTER. Territory: Portugal.
L. Zecchetto, via Armenia 1: 28, MINISTER.
Genoa, Italy. C. E. Rentfro, Avenida Conselheiro
LICENTIATES. Ferreira, Lobo 197, Laveiras,
Caxias, Portugal.
P. A. Fant, via Armenia 1: 28,
Genoa, Italy.
L. Benezet, St. Reman, Puglie,
Pietro Creanza, Piazza Domenico MINISTERS.
da Gravina, Gravina, Bori, Italy.
W. G. Bond, Calle Zaragoza 112-10,
San Gervasio, Barcelona, Spain.
Frank Bond, Paterna, Valencia,

Territory: Northern France. Lope Nicolas, Lola Casals..


(Operated under the direction of the General Conference Commit-
tee in Europe.)
Territory: Greece and Crete, Turk- Awada Abd-Elshaheed, Luxor,
ish Empire,- Egypt, Persia, and Upper Egypt.

GRECIAN MISSION. George Keough, Maison Korabi,

Chareh el Kobesi, Cairo, Egypt.
Territory: Greece. Edgar Hartmann, General Deliv-
ery, Alexandria, Egypt.
Missionary Licentiate: F. F. Oster, L. Krug, Deutsche Post, Jerusa-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- lem, Palestine, Syria.
many. Wilhelmine Muller, Deutsche Kol-

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ASIA r,""
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SYRIAN-EGYPTIAN MISSION. onie, Haifa, Palestine, Syria.

W. Scholz, Deutsche Post, Beirut,
Territory: Syria and Egypt. Syria.
Director: W. C. Ising. A. Mertke, Deutsche Post, Jeru-
Executive Committee: W. C. Ising, salem, Palestine, Syria.
George Keough, Awada Abd- Fr. Gregorius, Jaffa, Deutsche
Elshaheed. Post, Palestine, Syria.
L. Brefin, Deutsche Post, Jaffa,
MINISTERS. Palestine, Syria.
W. C. Ising, Deutsche Post, Bei- Ida Schlegel, Maison Korabi,
rut, Syria. Chareh el Kobesi, Cairo, Egypt.

TURKISH MISSION. Robt. S. Greaves, British Post-

office, Smyrna, Asia Minor.
Territory: Crete, and Turkish Z. G. Baharian, British Post-office,
Empire (excepting Syria). Galata, Constantinople, Turkey.
Address: German Post-office, Gal- Alexander Buzugherian.
ata, Constantinople, Turkey.
F. Scior, Deutsche Post, Galata,
Director: E. E. Frauchiger. Constantinople.
Treasurer: C. Voigt, German Post, Carl Voigt, Deutsche Post, Galata,
Galata, Constantinople, Turkey. Constantinople.
Executive Committee: E. E. Enock Ayvazian, V. Pai5apaian,
Frauchiger, Robt. S. Greaves, Garabed Simionyan.
Z. G. Baharian.

E. E. Frauchiger, German Post- Eunice Kalf a, 'British Post-office,

office, Galata, Constantinople, Smyrna, Asia Minor.
Turkey. Aznive Inedjian.


(Organized 1907, at Riga; began its separate existence Jan. I, rgo8.)
Territory: The Russian Empire, Territory: The Baltic Provinces
exclusive of Finland. (Esthonia, Livonia, Courland),
Address: Kleine Newastr. 12, and the governments of St.
Riga, Russia. Petersburg and Poskov.

President: J. T. Boettcher. President: J. T. Boettcher.

Secretary: S. Bojanus. Vice-President: J. Sprohge.
Treasurer and Sabbath-school and Secretary: J. Schneider.
Missionary Secretary for all the Executive Committee: J. T. Boet-
Russian Fields: P. Brandt. tcher, J. Sprohge, J. Teesneek,
Executive Committee: J. T: Boet- E. Efimow, A. Klement.
tcher, H. J. Loebsack, D. Isaak,
J. F. Hinter, 0. Wildgrube, H. K. MINISTERS.
Loebsack, J. Sprohge.
Auditor: H. Hartkop.
J. Sprohge, J. Jurikson.

J. T. Boettcher. LICENTIATES.

If. Hintz, J. Schneider.


(Organized 1907, at Riga, the or-
ganization going into effect Jan. J. Pachla, J. Wilson, K. Hahn, J.
1, 1908.) Lwow.

President: D. Isaak.
Organized in 1901 as South Rus- Secretaries: G. Fritz,
sian Conference. Treasurer: P. Brandt.
Territory: Cis- and Trans-Cauca- Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
sus and Don District I. Secretary: P. Brandt.
Executive Committee: D. Isaak,
K. Schamkow, M. Demidow, J.
President: K. A. Reifschneider. Albrecht, G. Sawatzki.
Secretaries: J. Isaak and E.
Executive Committee: K. A. Reif-
schneider, P. Kohn, A. Sittnikow. D. Isaak, G. Tetz, K. Schamkow.
K. A. Reifschneider. B. Schmidt.

P24514 o' .7

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E. Griidjin, A. Osol, W. Schlegel, G. Fritz.

F. Koch.
G. Zirat, D. Wolf. (Cut off from the East Russian
Mission, Jan. 1, 1909; under the
direction of Russian Union Con-
ENCE. Territory: Central Asia, Kliiva,
(Au organized Conference from and Bokhara.
Jan. 1, 1908.)
Territory: The governments of
Bessarabia, Kherson, Yekatrinos- Advisory Committee: J. T. Boet-
laf, Taurien, Don District II. tcher and J. Ebel.


J. Ebel. Territory: The governments of
Archangel, Yaroslaf, Kaluga,
Kazan, Kostroma, Kursk, Mog-
EAST RUSSIAN MISSION. hilef, Moscow, Nijni-Novgorod,
Territory: Astrakhan, Saratov, Novgorod, Olenetz, Orel, Penza,
Samara, Orenburg, and Ufa Perm, Riazan, Simbirsk, Smo-
governments. lensk, Tambof, Tula, Tver,
Vitebsk, Vladimir, Vologda,
Voronej, Viatka.

Director: J. F. Hinter. Director: 0. Wildgrube.

Secretary: T. Wagele. Secretary: S. Bojanus.
Treasurer: P. Brandt. Advisory Committee: 0. Wild-
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary grube, J. T. Boettcher, M. Jur-
Secretary: P. Brandt. kin.
Advisory Committee: J. F. Hinter, MINISTER.
G. Hetze, J. Wuckert, G. Leh-
mann, A. Gontar. 0. Wildgrube.


Kusmin Reputin, F. Gaidischar.

J. F. Hinter, G. Hetze.

H. Ostwald, A. Gontar, H. Gael, (Cut off from East Russian Mis-
Th. Wagele. sion, Jan. 1, 1909; under direc-
tion of Russian Union Confer-
ence.) -
Territory: Siberia.
LITTLE RUSSIAN MISSION. Advisory Committee: J. B. MR-
tcher, H. K. Lobsack, G. Tittle.
(Cut off from Middle Russia and MINISTER.
South Russia, Jan. 1, 1909, and
placed under direction of Rus- H. K. Lobsack.
sian Union Conference.)
Territory: Governments of Kief,
Podolia, Poltava, Chernigof, and K. Dlick.
(To date filom Jan. 1, 1908.)
Advisory Committee: J. T. Boet-
tcher. J. Perk. Territory: Poland, Kovno, Vol-
Minister: J. Perk. hynia, Grodno, Minsk, Vilna.
Licentiate: J. Pilkewitsch. OFFICERS.
Missionary Licentiates: P. Swiri-
dow, S. Prowalowsky. Director: H. J. Ltibsack.
Missionary Nurses: Rosa Kleist, Secretary: D. H. Turowsky.
Olga Naukas. Treasurer a n d Sabbath-school

and Missionary Secretary: P. LICENTIATES.

Executive Committee: H. J. Lob- K. Rempfert, H. Schmitz.
sack, H. Schmitz, K. Rempfert,

MINISTERS. D. H. Turowsky, K. Geisler, P.

H. J. LObsack, R. Voss.


Organized Igor.
Territory: The Conferences of Office: Margrethevej 5, Copenha-
Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and gen, V., Denmark.
Finland, and the Icelandic, and (All persons named below may be
North Swedish Missions. ' addressed as above.)
Office: Margrethevej 5, Copen-
hagen, V., Denmark. OFFICERS.
(Workers in this field whose ad-
dress is omitted can be reached
through the Union office ad- President: C. C. Jensen.
dress.) Vice-President: L. Muderspach.
Secretary: A. Andersen.
OFFICERS. Treasurer: Jens Olsen.
Secretary Sabbath-school and Mis-
President: J. C. Raft. sionary Depts.: Christian Peter-
Vice-President: S. F. Svensson, sen.
Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Swe- Secretary of Young People's De-
den. partment: L. Muderspach.
Secretary: Erik Arnesen, Skods- Field Missionary Agent: P. Han-.
borg, Denmark. sen.
Treasurer: Jens Olsen. Auditors: A. C. Christensen, John
Executive Committee: J. C. Raft, P. Hansen.
N. C. Bergersen, S. F. Svens- Executive Committee: C. C. Jen-
son, C. C. Jensen, Fred Ander- sen, L. Muderspach, N. P. Nel-
son, E. Lind, J. C. Ottosen, Erik son, Jens Olsen, E. C. Sonne,
Arnesen. Jens Iversen Henriksen, Chr.
J. C. Raft, Margrethevej 5, Co-
penhagen, V., Denmark. C. C. Jensen, L. Muderspach, P.
Christensen, Z. Sherrig.

N. P. Hansen, Chris. Juhl.
Organized 1880.
Territory: Denmark. Alfred Petersen, H. Toppenberg,
Cable Address: Expedit, Copen- Jens Svendsen, Anna Moller,
hagen. Clara Bech, Sofie Christensen.


Organized 1909. Fred Anderson, F. R. ()berg.
Territory: Finland. LICENTIATE.
Office: Unionsgatan 4, Helsing-
f ors, Finland. Hugo Mikkonen.


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President: Fred Anderson. Nestor Savander, Alma. Bjugg.

Executive Committee: Fred An-
derson, F. R. Oberg, N. Ham-
mar, N. Sucksdorff, and K. L. NORWAY CONFERENCE.
Secretary: F. R. Oberg. Organized 1887.
Treasurer and Field Missionary
Agent: N. Rammar. Territory: Norway.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. W. Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
Sucksdorff. Christiania.

Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-

Norway. ment: Teekla Rosenholm.
(All persons named below may be Field Missionary Agent: E. Lind,
addressed as above.) Arboga, Sweden.
Auditors: Karl Mattson, J.
OFFICERS. Bergstrom.
Executive Committee: S. F. Svens-
President: N. C. Bergersen. son, E. Lind, P. A. Ahlstrom, J.
Secretary: C. B. Jensen. M. Erikson, Ole Nelson.
Treasurer: Selma Ringstrom. Conference Association: " Sall-
Secretary Sabbath-school a n d skapet Sanningens Harold."
Tract and Missionary Depts.: Pres., E. Lind; Vice-Pres., S. F.
Anders Olsen. Svensson; Sec., J. M. Erikson;
Field Missionary Agent: J. M. Treas., J. R. Lindqvist; other
Narem. members, Ole Nelson, P. A. Ahl-
Executive Committee: N. C. Ber- strom, A. F. Blomkoist; Audi-
gersen,N. P. Nelsen, 0. J. Olsen, tors, K. Mattson, J. Bergstrom.
L. Havorsen, C. B. Jensen.
K. A. Fernstrom, E. J. Ahr6n, J.
N. C. Bergersen, N. P. Nelsen, 0. M. Erikson, S. F. Svensson, Ole
P. Norderhus. Nelson.

Chr. Tobiassen, A. 0. Narem. Oscar Carlsson.

Mathilda Olsson, Tilda Lindgren.
Johanne Bjorkelund, Hilda Andal,
Nilia Myer, Lauritz Stene.

Territory: Iceland and Greenland.
SWEDISH CONFERENCE. Address: Reykjavik, Iceland.
Organized 1882. LICENTIATE.
Territory: Sweden, except Norr- Nils Andersson.
botten, VII sterbotten, Vaster-
norrland, Jamtland, and a part MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
of Gafleborg Lan, which are in-
cluded in the North Swedish
Mission. Sigridur JonsdOttir, Bothildur
Office: Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Bjornsdottir.
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)


President: S. F. Svensson. Territory: Counties of Norrbotten,
Vice-President: E. Lind. Vasterbotten, and Vasternorr-
Secretary and Treasurer: Teekla land, Jamtland, and part of
Rosenholm. Gafleborg Lan (in Sweden).

OFFICERS. A. J. Settergren, Kungsgatan 34,

Stockholm, Sweden.
Director: 0. Johnson.

0. Johnson, Amot, Sweden. Vendla Ericson.


Organized 1909.
Territory: Western Germany Executive Committee: J. H. Schil-
the Prussian provinces of Rhine- ling, J. G. blander, C. Sinz,
land, Westphalia, Hesse-Nassau, 0. E. Reinke, H. Fenner, R. G.
Hanover, Sleswick-Holstein; the Klingbeil, J. Wolfgarten, F.
kingdoms of Bavaria and. Wur- Prieser, D. P. Gaede, J. Erzber-
temberg; the grand duchies of ger, H. Hartkop, P. John.
Mechlenburg-Schwerin, Mechlen- Legal Association: " Hamburger
burg-Strelitz, Oldenburg, and Verein der Siebenten Tags Ad-
Baden; principalities of Schaum- ventisten." President, L. R.
burg-Lippe, Lippe-Detmold, and Conradi; Accountant, H. Hart-
Waldeck; Alsace-Lorraine, Ho- kop; Trustees, L. R. Conradi, H.
henzollern, a n d Luxumberg; Hartkop, H. F. Schuberth, J. H.
German - Switzerland; Holland Schilling, W. Krumm, J. T.
and Flemish Belgium; and Aus- Boettcher,Otto Liipke, Dr. E.
tria (including Dalmatia), ex- Meyer, J..G. ()blander, J. F.
cepting the territory of the Gal- Huenergardt.
ician Mission field. Members: J. Erzberger, G. W.
Cable and Telegraphic Address: Schubert, E. Frauchiger, G. Perk,
Conradi, Hamburg, Grindelberg. E. Bahr, C. Sinz, L. Mathe, H.
Office Address for West German Fenner, W. Prillwitz, R. G.
Union Conference and all West Klingbeil, 0. E. Reinke, J. Wolf-
German Union fields and work- garten, E. Enseleit.
ers: Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,

OFFICERS. J. H. Schilling, J. Erzberger.

President: J. H. Schilling, Rotlint- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.

strasse No. 21, II, Frankfurt
a.M., Germany. R. Rall, Cl. von Fintel, J. Chris-
Vice-President: J. G. Oblander,
Dorotheenstrasse 95, Bonn, Ger-
Secretary of Conference and Sab- BAVARIAN CONFERENCE.
bath-school and Missionary De-
partments for all West German Organized 1910.
fields not otherwise provided
for: R. Rall. Territory: The kingdom of Ba-
Treasurer for all West German varia, excluding Rhenish Ba-
Fields not otherwise provided varia.
for: N. Schlatterer. OFFICERS.
Assistant Treasurer: Anna, Obst.
Auditor: B. Severin. President: F. Prieser.


Sabbath-school a n d Missionary ENCE.
Secretary: R. Rall.
Treasurer: N. Schlatterer. Organized 1907.
Canvassing Agent: E. Fuchs.
Executive Committee: F. Prieser, Territory: Province of Hannover
H. Steiner, J. Hopf, J. Dorn- (except the southern part, with
hofer, E.chs.
u Gottingen), Oldenburg, Bremen,
Liibeck, Mecklenburg, Schles-
MINISTERS. wig-Holstein (excepting Altona
and Wandsbeck).
F. Prieser, H. Steiner.
President: C. Sinz.
R. Werner, F. Gassmann. Secretary: H. Feddersen.
Treasurer: A. Obst.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Secretary: R. Rall.
J. Lanks, G. Werner, A. Sachsen- Canvassing Agent: C. Wetzel.
maier, B. Ried, A. Hauschild, Executive Committee: C. Sinz, W.
Sobina Landauer. Hegmann, C. Wetzel, E. Mister,
B. Morick,


Organized 1901.
Territory: German Switzerland.
Address: Nonnenweg 22, Basle, F. Gating, A. Milller.
OFFICERS. Hugo Feddersen, P. Zahl, A. Gra-
big, H. Gilldenzopf, Friedr. Ham-
President: 0. E. Reinke. brock, F. Weinmann, Elsie
Secretary: C. H. Ebner. &Mitt, Helen Klages, Martha
Treasurer: W. Sebald. Scheifele.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Secretary: Mrs. L. Sebald.
Canvassing Agent: A. Gloor.
Executive Committee: 0. E. RHENISH-PRUSSIAN CONFER-
Reinke, J. Erzberger, W. Kiiry, ENCE.
W. Sebald, H. Weiss.
Organized 1903.
Territory: Rhenish Province and
0. E. Reinke, F. Horner, K. Un-
termeyer. OFFICERS.

LICENTIATES. President: J. G. ()blander.

Secretary: Otto Staubert.
Joh. Fehr, Friedr. Grieser. Treasurer: Anna Obst.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Treasurer of Conference Poor
J. Frei, E. Ebner, Magd. Kobele. Fund: A. Matern. .

Canvassing Agent: C. Hacker. WEST GERMAN CONFERENCE.

Executive Committee: J. G. Ob-
Milder, 'C. Hacker, H. Behr, A. Organized 1898.
Matern, J. Drinhaus.
Territory: The Province of West-
MINISTERS. phalia, Hesse-Nassau, Grand
Duchy of Hesse, Waldeck,
J. G. ()blander, H. Behr, W. Varle- Schaumburg-Lippe, Lippe-Det-
mann, R. Kiimpel. mold, and District of Wetzlar.
E. Gugel, F. Klein, R. Muller. President: H. Fenner.
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. Secretary: W. Ernenputsch.
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
A. Offermann, Joh. Penner, 0. Secretary: R. Rall.
Staubert, P. Uldokat, W. Schick, Canvassing Agent: A. Kollhosser.
H. Zimmermann, Josef Braun, Treasurer: Anna Obst.
R. Kiepe, I. Pagels, K. Jonuleit, Executive Committee: H. Fenner,
Elly Reuss, M. Benner, M. Lahm. A. Kollhosser, A. Lammel, F.
H. Fenner.
Organized 1902. H. Dirksen, H. Erzberger.
Territory: Rhenish Bavaria, Wur- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
temberg, Baden, Alsace-Lorraine,
Hohenzollern, and Luxemburg. D. Brinkmann, G. Blihre, W. Er-
nenputsch, W. von Oppen, L.
OFFICERS. Eichler, L. Adams.
President: D. P. Gaede. AUSTRIAN MISSION.
Secretary. -
Sabbath-school a n d Missionary Entered 1901.
Secretary: R. Rall.
Treasurer: N. Schlatterer. Territory: Austria (excepting Gal-
Canvassing Agent: G. Zollmann. icia and Bukowina, and eastern
Executive Committee: D. P. Gaede, part of Austrian Silesia), inclu-
F. Zerndt, C. Wittig, Ludwig ding Dalmatia.
Schafer, G. Zollmann.
Director: J. Wolfgarten.
D. P. Gaede, F. Zerndt, K. Kamm. Secretary: H. Walz.
-Treasurer: N. Schlatterer.
LICENTIATE. Sabbath-school a n d Missionary
Secretary: R. Rall.
A. Striibel. Advisory Committee: J. Wolfgar-
ten, F. Gruber, E. Seidl, C.
Johannes Steffen, R Liechte, H. MINISTER.
Albrecht, Ernst Divehus, M.
Disch, Ella Ludwig. J. Wolfgarten.
F. Gruber, J. Muth, C. Motzer.
J. Loots, M. Arendse, T. Luchten-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. berg, Fr. Jochmanns, J. H. Weid-
ner, H. Littvoij.
J. Makovsky,- C. Reihlen, A.
Thomas, H. Bischoff, R Thoss,
K. Graf, H. Walz, M. Friesel, E.
Bible Workers and Colporteurs: WEST GERMAN UNION DIS-
G. Skakal, F. Prauhardt.
Organized 1909.
GIUM MISSION. Territory: Hamburg, Altona,
Wandsbeck, Vierlanden.
Territory: Holland and Flemish
Belgium. OFFICERS.

OFFICERS. President: J. H. Schilling.

Secretary: R. Rall.
Director: R. G. Klingbeil. Treasurer: N. Schlatterer.
Secretary: J. Wibbens. Executive Committee: J. H. Schil-
Treasurer: N. Schlatterer. ling, A. 0. Janert, H. Hartkop,
Sabbath-school and Missionary P. John, C. vonFintel.
Secretary: R. Rall.
Canvassing Agent: A. Postema. MINISTER.
Advisory Committee: R. G. Kling-
beil, J. Wibbens, J. Wintzen, A. A. 0. Janert.
Postema, Chr. Westerdaal.

R. G. Klingbeil, J. Wintzen, J. C. vonFintel, J. Christiansen,

Wibbens, P. Schilstra. Amanda Severin, Frieda Kroll.

The African Missions north of Local Committee: A. Grundset,
German East Africa are operated Director; P. N. Lindegren, F. W.
under the direction of the Gen- Vasenius, J. Persson, V. E. Top-
eral Conference Committee in penberg.
Minister: A. Grundset.
Missionaries: P. N. Lindegren, Dr.
F. W. Vasenius, J. Persson, V.
Opened 1907.
Territory: Italian Colony of Eri- BRITISH EAST AFRICAN MIS-
trea and Abyssinia. SION.
Address: Asmara, Eritrea, Poste Established 1906.
Restante (via Brindisi, Italy),
East Africa. Territory: British East Africa.

Head Station: Gendia, Kisumu, I. South Pare Mission Field.

British East Africa.
Local Committee: B. Ohme, Di-
Local Committee: A. A. Carscal- rector; E. Kotz, H. Drangmeis-
len, Director; J. D. Baker, H. ter, M. Ponig, M. Kunze, W.
H. Brooks, B. L. Morse. Kolling.
Minister:- A. A. Carscallen. Ministers: B. Ohme, E. Kotz.
Missionary: B. L. Morse. Missionary: Mrs. B. Ohme.
Second Station: Wire Hill, Kis- Second Station: Kihuifio, Post
umu, British East Africa. Bwiko.
Missionaries: J. D. Baker, Mrs. J. Missionaries: H. Drangmeister,
D. Baker. W. 'Vining, Mrs. E. Drang-
Third Station: Gem, Kisumu, Brit- meister.
ish East Africa. Third Station: Vuasu, Post Bwiko.
Missionary: H. H. Brooks. Missionaries: M. Ponig, M. Kunze.
a. Victoria Nyanza Mission Field.
Local Committee: A. C. Buns, E.
GERMAN EAST AFRICA. Riissler, E. Dominick.
Entered 1903. Stations: Busegwe, Post Shirati,
German East Africa, and Ma-
Territory: German East Africa. jita, Post Shirati.
Head Station: Friedenstal, Post
Bwiko, via Tanga, German East Missionaries: A. C. Enns, E.
Africa. Rassler, E. Dominick.


Organized 1902.
Territory: The Conferences of Executive Committee: R. C. Por-
Cape Colony (including Orange ter, H. J. Edmed, M. C. Stur-
River Colony) and Natal-Trans- devant, F. B. Armitage, S. C.
vaal, and the Missions of Ba- Austen, R. C. Honey, J. C. Bau-
sutoland, Barotseland, Mara- mann, J. V. Wilson, and the
natha, Somabula, Solusi, and president of the Cape Colony
Nyasaland. Conference.
Cable Address: Adventist, Cape Sabbath-school Department: Mrs.
Town. A. P. Tarr, Richmond, Tweesprit,
Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, Orange River Colony, South
South Africa. Africa.
Young People's Department: Sec-
OFFICERS. retary, Miss Mary E. Robertson,
43 Wolhuter St., Jeppestown,
President: R. C. Porter, " Wynn- Johannesburg, South Africa.
ton " Selous Road, Claremont,
South Africa. MINISTERS.
Vice-President: W. S. Hyatt, 56
Roeland St., Cape Town, South R. C. Porter, " Wynnton," Selous
Africa. Road, Claremont, South Africa.
Secretary and Treasurer: J. V. W. S. Hyatt, Kenilworth, Cape,
Willson, office address. South Africa.

M. C. Sturdevant, Solusi Mission, LICENTIATE.

Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
C. R. Sparrow, S. D. A. Mission,
rica. Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
F. B. Armitage, Maranatha Mis-
sion, Trumpeters, near Grahams- rica.
town, Cape Colony, South Af- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
J. C. Rogers, Malamulo Mission, Mrs. M. C. Sturdevant, Solusi
Cholo, near Blantyre, Nyasa- Mission, Bulawayo, Rhodesia,
land, British Central Africa. South Africa.



*MOM eon N.1004,01MIS

i1.111.4 HOVSE

W. H. Anderson, S. D. A. Mission, Mrs. F. B. Armitage, Maranatha

Pemba, Northwest Rhodesia, Mission, Trumpeters, near Gra-
South Africa. hamstown, Cape Colony, South
W. G. Walston, Somabula Mis- Africa.
sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Mrs. J. C. Rogers, Malamulo Mis-
Africa. sion, Cholo, near Blantyre, Ny-
M. E. Emmerson, Kolo Mission, asaland, British Central Africa.
Wepener, 0. R. C., South Af- Miss E. Edie, 58 Victoria St., Ger-
rica. miston, Transvaal, South Africa.

R. Moko, Debe Nek, Cape Colony, J. M. Freeman, Bloemfontein,

South Africa. Orange River Colony, South Af-
M. D. Kalaka, Wepener, Orange rica.
River Colony, South Africa. G. W. Shone, Dewetsdorp, Orange
H. C. Olmstead, 56 Roeland St., River Colony, South Africa.
Cape Town, South Africa.
J. R. Campbell, Pemba, Northwest LICENTIATES.
Rhodesia, South Africa. G. Thomason, M. D., Plumstead,
S. M. Konigmacher, Malamulo Cape, South Africa.
Mission, Cholo, near Blantyre, D. C. Theunissen, 56 Roeland St.,
Nyasaland, British Central Af- Cape Town, South Africa.
Mrs. M. E. Emmerson, Kolo Mis- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
sion, Wepener, 0. R. C., South
Africa. J. V. Willson, 56 Roeland St., Cape
Town, South Africa.
CAPE COLONY CONFERENCE. Mrs. J. V. Willson, 56 Roeland St.,
Cape Town, South Africa.
Formerly the South African Con- T. J. Gibson, Somabula Mission,
ference, organized 1892. Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
David Sparrow, 7 Cheapside, Kim-
Territory: Cape Colony and berley, South Africa.
Orange River Colony. Mrs. M. E. Smith, 56 Roeland St.,
Office: 56 Roeland St., Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
South Africa. Mrs. C. Morgan, 56 Roeland St.,
OFFICERS. Cape Town, South Africa.
President: E. R. Williams, office CHURCH-SCHOOL TEACHERS..
Secretary and Treasurer: J. V.
Willson, office address. Miss Victoria Sutherland, Heis-
Executive Committee: E. R. Wil- terbach, Bethlehem, Orange
liams, R. C. Porter, J. V. Will- River Colony, South Africa. .
son, D. F. Tarr, T. P. Louwrens, Miss Olive Pote, Uitenhage, South
J. H. Commins, 0. 0. Fortner. Africa.
International Tract Society: Sec. Miss Minnie Tarr, Tarsus, Cath-
and Treas., J. V. Willson. cart, Cape Colony, South Africa.
Sabbath-school Secretary: H. S.
Beckner, 1 Grovewalki, Clare-
mont, Cape, South Africa.
Young People's Secretary: H. S. NATAL-TRANSVAAL CONFER-
Beckner, 1 Grovewalk, Clare- ENCE.
mont, Cape, South Africa.
Medical Missionary Board: R. C. Organized 1902.
Porter, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed- Territory: The Colonies of Natal
med, E. R. Williams, Dr. Geo. and Transvaal.
Thomason, E. Engle, F. Reed. Telegiaphic Address: "Watch-
Officers: Chairman, Geo. Thoma- man," Maritzburg, Natal, South
son; Sec., E. Ingle; Treas., Geo. Africa.
Webb. Office: Stranach Street, Pieter-
MINISTERS. maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
E. R. Williams, 56 Roeland St., OFFICERS.
Cape Town, South Africa.
I. J. Hankins, 56 Roeland St., President: H. J. Edmed.
Cape Town, South Africa. Vice-President: J. C. Baumann.
D. F. Tarr, Third Ave., Clare- Secretary and Treasurer: F. Mac-
mont, Cape, South Africa. donald.

Executive Committee: H. J. Ed- MISSIONARY COLPORTEURS.

med, J. C. Baumann, G. Webber,
G. H. Clark, Dr. Williams, D. Miss C. Dixie, T. G. Crouch.
H. Groenewald, F. Macdonald.
Tract Society: Secretary and
Treasurer, F. Macdonald.
Sabbath-school Department: Sec-
retary, Miss A. Strachan. BAROTSELAND MISSION.
Young People's Department: Sec-
retary, Miss M. E. Robertson, 43 Established 1905.
Wolhuter St., Jeppestown; Jo-
hannesburg, Natal, South Africa.
Medical Worker: Dr. J. J. Bell, Address: S. D. A. Mission, Pemba,
Natal Health Institute, Long- Northwest Rhodesia, South Af-
market St., Pietermaritzburg, rica. .
Natal, South Africa,. Director and Minister: W. H.
Nurse: C. Robinscin.
MINISTERS.' Missionary Licentiates: J. R.
Campbell and Mrs. J. R. Camp-
H. J. Edmed, Stranach St., Pieter- This mission has a farm of five
maritzburg, Natal, South Af-, thousand acres, and two hundred
rica. acres with each out-school. They
D. H. Groenewald, Stranach St., are at present establishing nine
Africa. more out-schools, two hundred
Wm. H. Haupt, Stranach St., acres of land with each, and one
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South main station, in connection with
Africa. these . nine out-schools, with five
hundred' acres of land.

H. Schmidt, Stranach St., Pieter-

maritzburg, Natal, South Af-


Miss M. E. Robertson, 43 Wol- Address: Kolo Mission, Wepener,

huter St., Jeppestown, Johan- Orange River Colony, South
nesburg, Natal, South Africa. Africa.
Mrs. H. J. Edmed, Stranach St., Director and Minister: M. E. Em-
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South merson.
Africa. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M. E.
Miss A. Strachan, Stranach St., Emmerson, Mrs. P. A. Frost.
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South Mission School Teacher: Murray
Africa. Kalaka. Attendance, 30.
Mrs. L. Groenewald, Stranach St., This mission is supporting itself,
Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South aside from the director's sal-
Africa. ary, from the profits on the can-
Miss H. Smith, Stranach St., Pie- vassing work. Every house and
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- hut in Basutoland is entered with
rica. literature, none beihg passed by.
F. Macdonald, Stranach St., Pie- The territory will have been sys-
termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- tematically worked in this way be-
Af rica. fore the end of 1910.

MARANATHA MISSION. plans for two more out-schools.

Average attendance at the Sab-
Established 1906. bath-school, 455. Sabbath serv-
(A mission among the Kaffirs.) ices are held at seven different
Address: Maranatha Mission,
Trumpeters, near Grahamstown,
Cape Colony, South Africa. SOLUSI MISSION.
Director and Minister: F. B. Ar- (Formerly Matabele Mission.)
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. F. B. Established 1894.
Armitage, Miss Mabel Japtha.
Teachers: G. A. Ellingworth, Miss Address: Solusi Mission, Bula-
Violet Armitage. wayo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
This mission has a farm of two Director and Minister: M. C. Stur-
hundred acres given the free use of devant.
as long as used for mission pur- Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M.
poses. C. Sturdevant, Victor Wilson.
Teacher: Victor Wilson. Five out-
schools; attendance, 264.
This mission will soon start two
, NYASALAND MISSION. more out-schools. They employ 15
native teachers. Their farm con-
(Acquired 1902.) sists of 12,200 acres of land.
Address: Mal amulo Mission,
Cholo, near Blantyre, Nyasa-
land, British Central Africa. SOMABULA MISSION.
Mission Farm consists of. 2,000 (Formerly Gwelo Mission.)
acres; has a school of 150 na- Established 1901.
tives, and a church of 43 mem-
bers. Address: o m a b ul a Mission,
Branch Stations: Matandane, Mo- Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Africa.
nekera. Director and Minister: W. C.
Director and Minister: J. C. Rog- Walston.
ers. Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. W. C.
Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. J. C. Walston, T. J. Gibson, Mrs. T.
Rogers, S. M. Konigmacher, J. Gibson.
Mrs. S. M. Konigmacher. Teachers: W. C. Walston, Mrs.
Mission School Teachers: Mrs. J. T. J. Gibson.
C. Rogers, Miss Ina Austen, Attendance in main school, 30;
Miss Etta Austen. Six out- two out-schools with an attend-
schools; attendance, 472, at main ance of 20 in each. Eight native
and out-schools. Are laying teachers.
Organized 1906.
Territory: Argentina, Bolivia, Caixo do Correio 768, Rio de
Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Falkland Janeiro, Brazil, South America.
Isldnds, Paraguay, Pru, Uru- Secretary and Treasurer: G. E.
guay. Hartman, post-office address.
Cable Address: Adventist, Buenos Sabbath-school Department Sec-
Ayres. retary: Mrs. Lydia Oppegard,
Post-office Address: Casilla 481, office address.
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Executive Committee: J. W.
America. Westphal, F. W. Spies, John




PUall 1. ie. NO.JC

Office Address: Florida, F. C. R., Lipke, F. H. Westphal, W.

Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South Ehlers, J. V. Maas, Dr. R. H.
America. Haebnicht, A. Pages, C. D. Lude,
F. L. Perry, Damaso Soto.
OFFICERS. Spanish Publishing Committee: J.
W. Westphal, Arthur Fulton,
President: J. W. Westphal, post- J. V. Maas, F. H. Westphal, E.
office address. W. Thomann.
Vice-President: F. W. Spies, General Institutional Committee:



F. W. Spies, John Lipke, W. Ramon Beltran, Casilla 1002,
Ehlers, Emilio Hoelzle, A. Pages, Lima, Peru, South America.
Wm. Stein, Geo. Wischral. .Julio N. Espinoza, Casilla 1002,
For River Plate Fields: J. W. Lima, Peru, South America.
Westphal, J. V. Maas, Luis T. H. Davis, Casilla 43, Correo 3,
Ernst, W. C. John, C. D. Lude, Santiago, Chile, South America.
R. H. Habenicht. Octavio Navarette, Casilla 43,
For West Coast: J. W. Westphal, Correo 3, Santiago, Chile.
F. H. Westphal, E. W. Tho- A. Pages, Estacao Sao Bernardo,
mann, G. W. Casebeer, Damaso Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
Soto, C. E. Krieghoff. ica.
Henry Tonjes, Estacao Sao Ber-
MINISTERS. nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
J. W. Westphal, Casilla 481, Bue- Camillo Jose Pereira, Caixa do
nos Ayres, Argentina, South Correio 768, Rio de Janeiro,
America. Brazil, South America.
Ed. W. Thomann, Casilla 43, Cor- Jose Lindermann, Sr., Caixa do
reo 3, Santiago, Chile, South Correio 768, Rio de Janeiro,
America. Brazil, South America.
Luis Ernst, Villa Encarnacion, F. A. Stahl, Casilla 7, La Paz,
Paraguay, South America. Bolivia, South America.
F. W. Spies, Caixo do Correio 768, Otto Schultz, Casilla 7, La Paz,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South Bolivia, South America.
America. E. T. Wilson, Casilla 1002, Lima,
J. V. Maas, Nueva Helvecia, Uru- Peru, South America.
guay, South America. 0. H. Maxson, Casilla 1002, Lima,
A. N. Allen, Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru, South America.
Peru, South America: G. E. Hartman, Casilla 481, Buenos
Ernesto Schwantes, Caixo do Cor- Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
reio 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ica.
South America. Max Trummer, Casilla 481, Buenos
H. S. Prener, Estacao Sao Ber- Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South ica.
America. J. P. Novak, Casilla 481, Buenos
John Lipke, Estacao Sao Ber- Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South ica.
Am erica.
W. W. 'Wheeler, Apartado 3, Am-
bato, Ecuador, South America. ARGENTINE CONFERENCE.
W. R. Pohle. Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America. Organized 1902.
LICENTIATES. Territory: Argentina, excepting
Territory of Misiones, and Falk-
Julio Ernst, Nueva Helvecia, Uru- land Islands, South America.
guay, South America. Post-office Address: Casilla 481,
Ignacio Kalbermatten, Calle Lib- Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
ertad 369, Asuncion, Paraguay, America.
South America. (All persons named below may be
Wm. Stein, Estacao Sao Bernardo, addressed as above.)
Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Amer-
J. C. Kroeker, Estacao Sao Ber-
nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South President: C. E. Knight.
America. Vice-President: G. Block.

Secretary: Guillermo Emmeneg- Executive Committee: F. H. West-

ger. phal, Carlos E. Krieghoff, Da-
Treasurer: G. E. Hartman. maso Soto, Enrique Balada.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Luisa P. Everist. MINISTERS.
Executive Committee: C. E.
Knight, G. Block, R. H. Habe- F. H. Westphal, Enrique Balada,
nicht, 0. Oppegard, G. E. Hart- D. Soto, G. W. Casebeer, San-
man, W. C. John, Max Trum- tiago Mangold.
C. E. Krieghoff.
C. E. Knight, R. H. Habenicht, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Gott Block, V: E. Thomann.
F. W. Bishop, Octavio Navarette,

C. D. Lude, George Riffel, L. A.

Rojas, Pablo Bonjour.
Organized 1906.
0. Oppegard, Mrs. Lydia Oppe Territory: The State of Rio
gard,.Mrs. C. E. Knight, Guil- Grande do Sul, Brazil.
lermo Emmenegger, W. C. John, Office Address: Taquary, Rio
Federico Hillmann, R. Hetze, Grande do Sul, Brazil, South
Mrs. Luisa P. Everist, A. Brack, America.
Miss Anna Hansen, Miss Calista (All persons named below may be
Nelson, Julian Mangas, Jorge addressed as above.)
Block, John Wiedektimpfer.

President: W. Ehlers.
Vice-President: Ricardo Olin.
CHILE CONFERENCE. Secretary and Treasurer: A.
Organized 1907. Sabbath-school Secretary: A.
Territory: Chile, South Arherica. Executive Committee: W. Ehlers,
Cable Address: Adventista, San- Ricardo Olm, G. Preuss, M.
tiago, Chile, South America. Kuempel, Jacob Michel.
Office Address: Correo 3, Casilla
43, Santiago, Chile, South Amer-
(All persons named below may be
addressed as above.) W. Ehlers.
R. Olm.
President: F. H. Westphal. MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Secretary and Treasurer: Carlos
E. Krieghoff. August Preuss, Arturo Schulen-
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. burg, Ludwig Lotz, Ernst Hahn-
Maria T. Westphal. feld.


Established 1906.
Organized 1906. Territory: Ecuador, South Amer-
Territory: The States of Santa Address: Apartado 3, Ambato,
Catharina and Parana, Brazil,
South America. Ecuador, South America.
Office Address: Curityba, Parana, OFFICERS.
Brazil, South America.
Superintendent and Minister: Wil-
OFFICERS. liam W. Wheeler, Apartado 3,
Ambato, Ecuador, South Amer-
President: Emilio Hoelzle. ica.
Secretary and Treasurer: A. B.
Executive Committee: Emilio Ho-
elzle, Aug. Anniess, A. Hort, J. NORTH BRAZIL MISSION.
WiseIffal, G. Richter.
Organized 1906.
Territory: All of Brazil north of
Emilio Hoelzle, Curityba, Parana, Sao Paulo.
Brazil, South America. Address: Caixa Postal 768, Rio
Chas. F. Knott, Curityba, Par- de Janeiro, Brazil, South Amer-
ana, Brazil, South America. ica.
Superintendent: F. W. Spies.
LICENTIATES. Executive Committee: F. W.
Spies, Joseph Lindermann, Sr.,
Joseph Lindermann, Jr., Curityba, Wm. Denz, Julio Buehler, Er-
Parana, Brazil, South America. nesto Schwantes.
Frank Beltz, Brusque, Santa
Catharina, Brazil, South Amer- MINISTERS.
ica. F. W. Spies, Ernesto Schwantes.
A. B. Stauffer. Camillo J. Pereira, Jose Linder-
mann, Sr.

Established 1907.
Established 1906.
Territory: Republic of Bolivia,
South America. Territory: Republic of Peru, South
Post-office Address: Casilla 7, La America.
Paz, Bolivia, South America. Address: Casilla 1002, Lima, Peru,
Telegraphic Address: "Adventis- South America.
tas," La Paz, Bolivia. Cable and Telegraphic Address:
Casilla 1002, Lima.
OFFICERS. (All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)
Superintendent: Fernand A. Stahl.
Superintendent and Treasurer: A.
F. A. Stahl, Mrs. F. A. Stahl. N. Allen.

Secretary and Assistant Treas- UPPER PARANA MISSION.

urer: 0. H. Maxson.
Canvassing Agent: E. T. Wilson. Established 1906.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. E. Territory: Paraguay and the Ter-
T. Wilson; Assistant, David ritory of Misiones, Argentina.
Cespedes. Address: Casilla 481, Buenos
Young People's Society Secretary: Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
-Mrs. A. N. Allen; Assistant, ica.
David Cespedes. Superintendent: Luis Ernst.
Medical Secretary: 0. H. Maxson. Secretary and Treasurer: G. E.
Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
MINISTERS. ment: Mrs. Lydia Oppegard.
A. N. Allen, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America. Luis Ernst, Villa Encarnacion, via
W. R. Pohle, Arequipa, Peru, Posadas, Paraguay, South Amer-
South America. ica.
Julio Nerio Espinoza, Huacho,
Peru, South America.
Mamon Beltran, Tarma, . Peru,
Mrs. E. T. Wilson, Casilla 1002,
Lima, Peru, South America. Established and organized 1906.
0. H. Maxson, Casilla 1002, Lima,
Peru, South America. Territory: Uruguay Republic,
Mrs. 0. H. Maxson, Casilla 1002, South America.
Lima, Peru, South America. Address: Nueva Helvecia, Uru-.
Mrs. A. N. Allen, Casilla 1002, guay, South America.
Lima, Peru, South America.
Mrs. W. R. Pohle, Arequipa, Peru,
South America. Superintendent: John V. Maas,
Nueva Helvecia, Uruguay, South
Secretary and Treasurer: G. E.
Hartman, Casilla 481, Buenos
SAO PAULO MISSION. Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
Established 1906. Executive Committee: John V
Maas, Julio Ernst, Alexander
Territory: The State of Sao Paulo, Ernst, Antonio Guinovart.
Brazil. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart
Address: Estacrio Sao Bernardo, ment: Mrs. Lydia Oppegard.
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil,
South America. MINISTER:
Superintendent: F. W. Spies.
Executive Committee: F. W. Spies, John V. Maas, Nueva Helvecia,
A. Pages, G. Stein, John Lipke, Uruguay, South America.
G. Meyer, Jr.
Ministers: H. S. Prener, J. C. LICENTIATE.
Licentiate: Win. Stein. Julio Ernst.
Organized June 26, 1906.
Territory: The Conferences of Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
British Guiana, Central Amer- ment: Mrs. Nannie E. Bender,
ica, Jamaica, South Caribbean, Riversdale, Jamaica.
West Caribba n, and the Mis-
sion Fields of Cuba, East Car- MINISTERS.
ribbean, Hayti, and all islands
in the Caribbean Sea. 'U. Bender, Riversdale, Jamaica,
Cable Address: " Watchman," West Indies.
Colon. E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mar-
Office: Cristobal, Canal Zone, Re- ianao, Cuba, West Indies.
public de Panama. W. J. Tanner, Cape Haytien, Hayti,
West Indies.
OFFICERS. B. E. Connerly, Cristobal, Canal
Zone, Republic de Panama.
President: U. Bender, Riversdale, D. E. Wellman, 58 James St.,
Jamaica, West Indies. Kingston, Jamaica, West In-


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Vice-President: D. E. Wellman, 58 J. H. Matthews, Christiansted, St.

James St., Kingston, Jamaica, Croix, Danish West Indies.
West Indies. H. C. J. Walleker, Charlotte
Secretary and Treasurer:. H. H. Amalie, St. Thomas, West In-
Cobban, Cristobal, Canal Zone, dies.
Republic de Panama. Philip Giddings, Roseau, Dominica,
Executive Committee: U. Bender, British West Indies.
D. E. Wellman, J. B. Beckner,
H. C. Goodrich, W. J. Tanner, LICENTIATE.
E. W. Snyder, B. E. Connerly,.
Wm. Steele, H. C. J. Walleker, Michel Nord Isaac, Cape Haytien,
H. H. Cobban, E. C. Wood. Hayti.

Sts, New Amsterdam, British

Mrs. B. E. Connerly, Cristobal, LICENTIATES.
Canal Zone,Republic de Panama.
H. H. Coba n, Cristobal, Canal T. J. Kennedy, Aurora, Essequebo
Zone, Republic de Panama. River, British Guiana, South
C. D. Kinsman, Nuevitas, Cuba. America.
J. E. Anderson, Omaja, Cuba. R. Hyder, 293 Oronoque St.,
Guy Holmes, Minas Camaguey, Georgetown, British Guiana,
Cuba. South America.
S. H. Carnahan, San Cristobal,
Mrs. Ida Fischer-Carnahan, San
Cristobal, Cuba. H. Beck, 293 Oronoque St., George-
Mrs. U. Bender, Riversdale, Ja- town, British Guiana, South
maica, West Indies. America.
Gregoire Obas, Cape Haytien, J. C. Wilson, 293 Oronoque St.,
Hayti. Georgetown, British Guiana,
South America.
Mrs. Carrie E. Davis, 188 Oro-
noque St., Georgetown, British
Guiana, South America.

Organized 1906. Miss Ella A. Burrows, 293 Oro-

noque St., Georgetown, British
Territory: British Guiana; with Guiana, South America.
Dutch and French Guiana as a Miss Blanche Haynes, 293 Oro-
Mission Field. noque St., Georgetown, British
Office: 293 Oronoque St., George- Guiana, South America.
town, British Guiana, South T. J. Kennedy, Aurora, Essequebo.
America. River, British Guiana, South
OFFICERS. America.
H. Beck, 293 Oronoque St., George-
President and Treasurer: 0. E. town, British Guiana, South
Davis, 188 Upper Charlotte St., America.
Georgetown, British Guiana,
South America.
Secretary: T. J. Kennedy, Aurora,
Essequebo River, British Gui- CENTRAL AMERICAN CONFER-
ana, South America. ENCE.
Secretary Sabbath-school a n d
Young People's Work: Mrs. Organized 1908.
Carrie E. Davis, 188 Upper Char- Territory: British Honduras,
lotte St., Georgetown, British Spanish Honduras, Guatemala,
Guiana. San Salvador.
Executive Committee: 0. E. Davis, Office Address: Buzon 218, Guate-
T. J. Kennedy, T. L. M. mala City, Guatemala, Central
Spencer, H. Beck, H. M. Bowen. America.
0. E. Davis, 188 Upper Charlotte President:
St., Georgetown, British Guiana, Secretary and Treasurer: C. E.
South America. Morgan, office address.
T. L. M. Spencer, Main and Pilot Sabbath-school and Young Peo-

pie's Secretary: Alma Osgood, JAMAICA CONFERENCE.

Lower Cays Bonacca, Spanish
tral America.
Honduras, Cen Organized 1903.
Executive Committee:
C. E. Morgan, D. Haylock, W. Territory: Island of Jamaica, and
Cayman Islands, West Indies.
E. Hancock, C. Jones. Cable Address: " Adventist,"
MINISTER. Office Address: 58 James St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, West' In-
L. E. Wellman, BuzOn 218, Guate-
mala City, Central America. (All persons named below may be
addressed as above.)

President: D. E. Wellman.
C. E. Morgan, Buzon 218, Guate- Secretary and Treasurer: William
mala City, Central America. Hayward.
W. E. Hancock, Buzon 218, Gua- Tract and Missionary Department
temala City, Central America. Secretary: William Hayward.
Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. ple's Departments: Mrs. D. E.
Executive Committee: D. E. Well-
Frank Cary, Northeast Bight, man, E. C. Cushman, W. H.
Bonacca, Spanish Honduras, Randle, Linton Rashford, W. F.
Central America. Burkley, R. M. Rennalls.
Alma Osgood, Lower Cays, Bon-
acca, Spanish Honduras, Central MINISTERS.
Mrs. W. E. Hancock, Buzon 218, D. E. Wellman, W. H. Randle,
Guatemala City, Central Amer- Frank Hall, W. E. Baxter, Lin-
ica. ton Rashford, C. E. Peckover,
Miss Alice Fieldberg, Buzon 218, Hubert Fletcher.
Guatemala City, Central Amer-

S. U. Powell, L. Mullings, J. A.
Frank Cary, Northeast Bight,
Bonacca, Spanish Honduras, A. E. Speid, Mrs. D. E. Wellman.
Central America.
W. E. Hancock, Buzon 218, Gua-
temala City, Central America.
Mrs. W. E. Hancock, Buzon 218,
Guatemala City, Central Amer- SOUTH CARIBBEAN CONFER-
Eleanor Bodden, Utilla, Spanish ENCE.
Honduras, Central America. Organized 1906.
Mrs. C. E. ' Morgan, Buzon 218,
Guatemala, Central America. Territory: Trinidad, Tobago, Gren-
Mable Bennet, La Ceiba, Spanish ada, The Grenadines, St. Vin-
Honduras, Central America. cent, St. Lucia, and Barbados.
Miss Alice Fieldberg, Buzon 218, Office Address: 31 Dundonald St.,
Guatemala City, Central Amer- Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
ica. West Indies.


President: J. B. Beckner, office FERENCE.
Organized 1906.
Secretary and Treasurer: A. G:
Peart, office address. Territory: Panama, Costa Rica,
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. Nicaragua, Saint Andrews, Old
J. B. Beckner, office address. Providence, and Corn Islands.
Young People's Secretary: P. C. Office Address: Cristobal, Canal
Carrington, office address. Zone, Panama.
Executive Committee: J. B. Beck-
ner, E. C. Widgery, J. J. OFFICERS.
Smith, Elliott Osborne, W. G.
Hinkson. President and Treasurer: H. C.
Goodrich, office address. '
MINISTERS. Secretary and Assistant Treas-
urer: 0. L. Robinson, office ad-
J. B. Beckner, 31 Dundonald St., dress.
Port of. Spain, Trinidad, Brit- Sabbath-school and Young Peo-
ish West Indies. ple's Work: Mrs. Anna E.
E. C. Widgery, 31 Dundonald St., Goodrich, office address.
Port of Spain, Trinidad, British Executive Committee: H. C. Good-
West Indies. rich, B. E. Connerly, S. P. Smith,
A. N. Durrant, San Fernando, H. L. Mignott, J. A. Reid, and
Trinidad, British West Indies. A. E. Connor.
F. G. Lane, Osborne, Strath-Clyde,
Bridgetown, Barbados, West

LICENTIATES. H. C. Goodrich, Cristoba,l, Canal

Zone, Panama.
H. L. Mignott, Cristobal, Canal
J. J. Smith, Scarborough, Tobago, Zone, Panama.
British West Indies. B. E. Connerly, Cristobal, Canal
W. D. Forde, Castries, St. Lucia, Zone, Panama.
British West Indies.
A. A. Clarke, Bridgetown, Bar-
bados, British West Indies. LICENTIATES.
P. C. Carrington, 31 Dundonald
-St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, S. Parker Smith, Saint Andrews,
British West Indies. Colombia, South America.
T. M. Brown, Bocas del Toro,
J. A. Reid, Bocas del Toro, Pan-
Miss B. D. Moore, Middle St., ama.
Hillsborough, Carriacou, British J. B. Stuyvesant, Casilla No. 29,
West Indies. San Jose, Costa Rica, Central
Miss Annie Osborne, Middle St., America.
Hillsborough, Carriacou, British
Nest Indies.
Miss Letitia Samuels, Bridgetown, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Barbados, British West Indies.
Arthur G. Peart, 31 Dundonald A. J. Wright, Bluefields, Nicara-
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, gua, Central America.
British West Indies. Sheridan Archbold, Cristobal,
Mrs. E. C. Widgery, 31 Dundonald Canal Zone, Panama.
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, Mrs. H. C. Goodrich, Cristobal,
British West Indies. Canal Zone, Panama.


Established- 1905. Superintendent: H. C. J. Wal-

leker, office address.
Territory: Cuba and Isle of Pines. Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs.
Cable Address: Ventistad, _Mabel Walleker, office address.
Office Address: Apartado 35, Marc MINISTERS.
ianao, Cuba, West Indies.
H. C. J. Walleker, St. Thomas,
OFFICERS. Danish West Indies.
' J. H. Matthews, Christiansted, St.
Director: E. W. Snyder, office ad- Croix, Danish West Indies.
dress. Philip Giddings, Roseau, Dominica,
Secretary and Treasurer: British West Indies.
Sabbath-school Secretary: C. D.
Kinsman, Nuevitas, Cuba.
E. W. Snyder, Apartado 35, Mar-
ianao, Cuba, West Indies. Territory: Republic of Hayti.
Address: Cape Haytien, Republic
C. D. Kinsman, Nuevitas, Cuba. OFFICERS.
J. E. Anderson, Omaja, Cuba. Director: W. J. Tanner.
Guy Holmes, Minas Camaguey,
S. II. Carnahan, San Cristobal,
Cuba. W. J. Tanner.
Mrs. Ida Fischer-Carnahan, San -
Cristobal, Cuba. ' LICENTIATE.
School: San Claudio; Mrs. Ida Michel Nord Isaac.
Fischer-Carnahan in charge.

Gregoire Obas.
Organized as a Mission 1909. PORTO RICO MISSIJN.
Territory: Virgin Islands, and Territory: Porto Rico, Santo Do-
Leeward Islands to and includ- mingo.
ing Martinique. Office Address: Mayaguez, Porto
Office Address: St. Thomas, Dan- Rico, West Indies.
ish West Indies. Director and Minister: Wm. Steele.
Set off in rgog.
Territory: China, India, Japan, Hankins, J. J. Westrup, F. A.
Korea, Malay Peninsula, Phil- Allum, R. F. Cottrell, B. L. An-
ippine Islands, Straits Settle- derson, H. H. Winslow.
Headquarters: Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. FIELD DIVISIONS AND ORGAN-
Vice-President for Asiatic Divi- Eastern Mission Field, composed
sion: I. H. Evans. of Kiangsu, Chekiang, and Anh-
Advisory Committee: I. H. Evans, wei Provinces, with headquar-
W. A. Westworth, Superinten- ters at Shanghai.
dent of India Mission, F. W. Acting Field Superintendent: Dr.
Field, C. L. Butterfield, L. V. H. W. Miller, Boic 993, U. S.
Finsterl G. F. Jones. ' Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Central Mission Field, composed
of Honan, Hupeh, Hunan, and
Kiangsi Provinces, with head-
CHINA UNION MISSION. quarters to be located.
Superintendent: Dr. A. C. Selmon,
Established 1901. IVIokanshan, Chekiang Province,
Territory: China proper and de- China. '
pendencies. Southern Mission Field, composed
Cable Address: Adventist, Shang- of Fukien, Quangtung, and
hai. Kwangsi Provinces, and the Is-
Post-office Address: Box 993, ' lands of Formosa and Hainan.
United States Postal Agency, Superintendent: W. C. Hankins,
Shanghai, China. Kulangsu, Amoy.
Office Address: P600 North Honan The Northwestern Mission Field,
Road, Shanghai, China. composed of Shensi and Kansu,
with suggested headquarters at
OFFICERS. Singan-fu.
Superintendent: J. J. Westrup,
Superintendent: W. A. West- Hsiao Iao, via Cheo Chia K'o,
worth, office address. China.
Assistant Superintendent: J. N.
Anderson, office address. Western Mission Field, composed
Secretary and Treasurer: H. H. of Szechuen, Kweichow, and
Winslow, office address. Yunnan, with suggested head-
Secretary. of Sabha th-s-honl P,,- quarters at Chengtu.
partment: Mrs. B. A. Roberts, Superintendent: F. A. Allum,
office address. Cheo Chia K'o, Honan, China.
Secretary Educational Dept.: B. L.
' Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy,
Secretary Publishing Dept.: 11. F.
Cottrell. office address. (Not yet organized.)
Secretary Medical Dept.: Dr. H.
W. Miller, office address. The Northern Mission Field, com-
Advisory Committee:, W. A. posed of Chihli, Shansi, and
Westworth, J. N. Anderson, A. Shantung, with suggested head-
C. Selmon, H. W. Miller, . C. quarters at Peking.

Manchuria, Mongolia, Chinese LICENTIATES.

Turkestan, and Thibet, each to P. J. Laird, Changsha, Hunan, via
be an independent mission field. Hankow, China.
MINISTERS. Fred Lee, Box 993, U. S. Postal
Agency, Shanghai, China.
W. A. Westworth, Box 993, U. S. Otis J. Fisher, Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
J. N. Anderson, Box 993, U. S. Geo. Harlow, Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
J. J. Westrup, Hsiao Iao, via Cheo
Chia K'o, Honan, China.
A. C. Selmon, M. D., Mokanshan, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
Chekiang Province, China.
H. W. Miller, Box 993, U. S. Postal Law Keem, M. D., Fat Shan, via
Agency, Shanghai, China. Canton, China.


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W. C. Hankins, Kulangsu, Amoy, Mrs. Edith M. Keem, Fat Shan,

China. via Canton, China.
R. F. Cottrell, Box 993, U. S. Pos- Mrs. Bertha L. Selmon, M. D.,
tal Agency, Shanghai, China. Mokanshan, Chekiang Province,
B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Amoy, China.
China. Mrs. Susan H. Wilbur, Tung-shek-
F. A. Allum, Cheo Chia K'o, Ro- kok, Canton, China.
nan, China. Mrs. Emma T. Anderson, Box 993;
E. H. Wilbur, Tung-shek-kok, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
Canton, China. China.
E. W. Wolfe, Box 993, U. S. Postal Miss Ida E. Thompson (on fur-
Agency, Shanghai, China. lough in AmeriCa).
0. A. Hall, Box 993, U. S. Postal Miss Amanda Vanscoy, care Brit-
Agency, Shanghai, China. ish Post-office, Canton, China.
Nga Pit Keh, Kulangsu, Amoy, Mrs. Huldah J. Westrup, Hsiao
China. Iao, via Cheo Chia K'o, Honan.

Mrs. Bessie. L. Hankins, Kulangsu, INDIA MISSION.

Amoy, China.
Mrs. B. L. Anderson, Kulangsu, Established 1895.
Amoy, 'China. Territory: India, Burma, and Cey-
Mrs. Eva Allum, Cheo Chia K'o, lon.
Honan, via Hankow, China. Cable Address: Adventist, Luck-
Dr. Emma Perrine-Laird, Chang-
sha, Hunan, via Hankow,China. General Office: 19 Banks Road,
J. P. Anderson, Wai Ca o Fu,
Lucknow, India.
Quangtung, via Canton, China.
Mrs. Myrtie B. Cottrell, Box 993, OFFICERS.
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
China. Director:
Pauline Schilberg, Cheo Chia K'o, Asst. Director: W. W. Miller, 19
Honan, China. Banks Road, Lucknow, India.
Mrs. Marie E. Miller, Box 993, Treasurer: Mrs. M. M. Quantock,
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, office address.
China. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. E.
Mrs. Bothilde Miller, Box 993, U. E. Bruce, 50 Park St., Calcutta,
S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, India.
China. Advisory Committee: The director,
B. A. Roberts, Box 993, U. S. W. W. Miller, H. C. Menkel, J.
S. James, H. H. Votaw, J. C.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Little, A. G. Watson, L. J. Bur-
Mrs. Louise H. Roberts, Box 993, gess, G. F. Enoch.
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
H. H. Winslow, Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. W. W. Miller, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India.
Mrs. Mary L. Winslow, Box 993, G. K. Owen, Annfield House, Mus-
U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai, soorie, India.
China. H. H. Votaw, 60 Lower Kemmen-
Mrs. E. W. Wolfe, Box 993, U. S,. dine Road, Kemmendine, Bur-
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. ma.
Mrs. Fred Lee, Box 993, U. S. Geo. F. Enoch, 9 Kahun Road,
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Poona, India.
Mrs. 0. A. Hall, Box 993, U. S. J. S. James, Nazareth Post-office,
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Tinnevelly District, South India.
J. C. Little, 19 Banks Road, Luck-
S. A. Nagel, Box 993, U. S. Postal now, India.
Agency, Shanghai, China. G. G. Lowry, 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Mrs. S. A. Nagel, Box 993, U. S. now, India.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. S. A. Wellman, 19 Banks Road,
C. Sparks,' Box 993, U. S. Postal Lucknow, India.
Agency, Shanghai, China. R. B. Thurber, 60 Lower Kemmin-
dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
Mrs. C. Sparks, Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. LICENTIATES.
Dr. A. G. Larson,.Box 993, U. S.
Postal AgencyShanghai, China. H. B. Meyers, 3 Fawnbrake Ave.,
Mrs. A. G. Larson, Box 993, U. S. Lucknow, India.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. H. C. Menkel, Mussoorie Sanita-
rium, Mussoorie, India.
Dr. M. M. Kay, Box 993, U. S. R. R. Cook, 60 Lower Kemmendine
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
Mrs. G. Harlow, Box 993, U. S. L. G. Mookerjee, 11 Wellington
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Square, Calcutta, India.

A. G. Kelsey, 19 Banks Road, Mrs. Geo. F. Enoch, 9 Kahutt Road,

Lucknow, India. Poona, India.
C. E. Weaks, 19 Banks Road, Mrs. C. E. Weaks, 19 Banks Road,
Lucknow, India. Lucknow, India.
A. G. Watson, 50 Park St., Cal- Mrs. Lucy B. Cook, 60 Lower
cutta, India. Kemmendine Road, Kemmen-
R. A. Beckner, 60 Lower Kent- dine, Burma.
mendine Road, Kemmendine, W. E. Perrin, 19 Banks Road,
India. Lucknow, India.
T. J. Grenville, 50 Park St., Cal-
Mrs. T. J. Grenville, 50 Park St.,
Miss Anna Orr, on leave. Calcutta, India.
Mrs. J. C. Little, 19 Banks Road, F. 0. Raymond, 50 Park St., Cal-
Lucknow, India. cutta, India.



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Mrs. Caroline Votaw, 60 Lower David Hpo Ma, 60 Lower Kern-

Kemmendine Road, Kemmen- mendine Road, Kemmendine,
dine, Burma. Burma.
Miss Della BuIroway, Karmatar, Mrs. M. M. Quantock, 19 Banks
E. I. R., India. Road, Lucknow, India.
L. J. Burgess, 19; wanks Road, Mrs. S. A. Wellman, 19 Banks
Lucknow, India. Road, Lucknow, India.
Mrs. G. G. Lowry, 19 Banks Road,
Mrs. Georgia A. Burgess, 19 Banks Lucknow, India.
Road, Lucknow, India. Mrs. L. G. Mookerjee, 11 Welling-
Maung Maung, 116 Cowasjee Ter- ton Square, Calcutta, India.
race, Montgomery Road, Burma. Mrs. R. B. Thurber, 60 Lower
Mrs. A. O'Connor, 12 Lytton Road, Kemmendine Road, Kemmendine,
Dehra Dun, India. Burma.
Mrs. A. G. Kelsey, 19 Banks Road,
Miss Estella Secrist, 15 Tenas- Dr. H. C. Menkel, Mussoorie San-
surum Road, Moulmein, Burma. itarium, Mussoorie, India.

Mrs. H. C. Menkel, Mussoorie MINISTERS.

Sanitarium, Mussoorie, India.
Dr. 011ie Oberholtzer, 15 Tenas- F. W. Field, 30 Oiwake-cho,
surum Road, Moulmein, Burma. Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Dr. Ruth M. Miller, 19 Banks H. Kuniya, 846 Sendagaya-machi,
Road, Lucknow, India. Tokyo, Japan.
Mrs. Thekla Black-Mackey, 50 T. H. Okohira, 846 Sendagaya-
Park St., Calcutta, India. machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Miss D. Ella Smith, 19 Banks W. D. Burden, 846 S'endagaya-
Road, Lucknow, India. machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Mrs. Edith E. Bruce, 50 Park St.,
Calcutta, India.
Miss A. Boardman, Mussoorie LICENTIATES.
Sanitarium, Mussoorie, India.
J. H. Reagan, 50 Park St., Cal- H. F. Benson, Kami Yanagi cho,
cutta, India. Hiroshima, Japan.
Miss C. May Brunson, 19 Banks W. C. Dunscombe, M. D., 30 Oi-
Road, Lucknow, India. wake-cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Ja-
Miss L. M. Sholz, 19 Banks Road, pan.
Lucknow, India. W. L. Foster, 8 of 18, Yamamoto-
Miss May Loveday, Mussoorie dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan.
Sanitarium, Mussoorie, India.
R. A. Leech, Mussoorie Sanita- MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
rium, Mussoorie, India.
Mrs. M. B. Leech, Mussoorie Sani- Mrs. W. D. Burden, 846 Senda-
tarium, Mussoorie, India. gaya-machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Miss B. M. Kurtz, 19 Banks Road, Mrs. Effie . Field, Sanitarium,
Lucknow, India. Napa Co., Cal.
Mrs. Minnie James, Nazareth John Herboltzheimer, 8 of 18,
Post-office, Tinnevelly District, Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, Kobe,
South India. Japan.
Miss M. B. Shryock, Nazareth P. Mrs. J. Herboltzheimer, 8 of 18,
0., Tinnevelly District, South Yamamoto-dori, Nichome, Kobe,
India. Japan.
Mrs. Helen Benson, 8 of 18, Yam-
amoto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Ja-
JAPAN MISSION. Mrs. W. Foster, 8 of 18, Yama-
moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Ja-
Territory: Japan. pan. s
Cable Address: Adventist, Tokyo, Mrs. Hattie Dunscombe, 30 Oi-
Japan. wake-cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Ja-
Office Address: 30 Oiwake-cho, pan.
Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan. Miss Etta Cornish, 8 of 18, Yama-
moto-dori, Nichome, Kobe, Ja-

Director: F. W. Field, 30 Oiwake-

cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Secretary and Treasurer: H. F. KOREAN MISSION.
Benson, Kami Yanagi cho, Hiro- Established 1908.
shima, Japan.
Executive Committee: F. W. Territory: Korea.
Field, W. D. Burden, W. C. Cable Address: Adventists, Seoul,
Dunscombe, T. H. Okohira, H. Korea.
Kuniya. Office Address: Seoul, Korea.

OFFICERS. sell, M. D., Kim Ku Hyok, Le

Superintendent: C. L. Butterfield, Pong Seung.
office address. MINISTERS.
Secretary and Treasurer: Harold
A. Oberg, office address. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Korea.
Secretary of Medical Work: Riley W. R. Smith, Wonsan, Korea.


* ,01,11

Russell, M. D., Soonan, Korea. LICENTIATES.

Sabbath-school a n d Educational
Secretary: Mimi Scharffenberg, Riley Russell, M. D., Soonan,
office address. Korea.
Advisory Committee: C. L. Butter- R. C. Wangerin, Seoul, Korea.
field, W. R. Smith, Riley Rus- Howard M. Lee, Soonan, Korea.
Miss Mimi Scharffenberg, Seoul, R. A. Caldwell, Mrs. L. V. Finster.
Miss May Scott, Soonon, Korea.
Mrs. W. R. Smith, Wonsan, Ko-
Mrs. R. Russell, S'oonan, Korea.
Mrs. R. C. Wangerin, Seoul, Ko- SINGAPORE MISSION.
Harold A. Oberg, Seoul, Korea. Transferred from the Australasian
Mrs. C. L. Butterfield, Seoul, Union Dec. 31, 1909.
Mrs. Carrie Lee, Soonan, Korea. Address: 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Singa-
pore, Malay Archipelago, Pa-
cific Ocean.
Director and Minister: G. F. Jones,
PHILIPPINE ISLANDS MIS- 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore,
SION. Malay Archipelago, Pacific
Ocean. .
Transferred from the Australa- Licentiate: W. W. Fletcher, 12
sian Union Dec. 31, 1909. Dhoby Ghaut, Singapore, Malay
Archipelago, Pacific Ocean.
Address: 390 Nozaleda, Manila, Missionary Licentiates: Mrs. M.
Philippine Islands. V. Jones, Mrs. W. W. Fletcher.
Director and Minister: L. V. Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs. M.
Finster. V. Jones.

Under General Conference Direction.
BERMUDA MISSION. Secretary and Treasurer Sabbath-
school Department: Mrs. D. C.
Territory: Bermuda. Babcock.
Address: Box 144, Hamilton, Ber- Advisory Committee: D. C. Bab-
muda Islands. cock, T. M. French, C. E. F.
Thompson, J. A. Fife, J. B.
Minister: M. Enoch. MINISTER.
Sabbath-school. Secretary: Mrs.
M. R. Enoch. D. C. Babcock, 'Freetown, Sierra .
Leone, West Africa.
BRITISH WEST AFRICAN T. M. French, Freetown, Sierra
MISSION. Leone, West Africa.
Address: Freetown, Sierra -Leone, MISSIONARY LICENTIATES.
West Africa.
Director: D. C. Babcock, office R. P. Dauphin, Freetown, Sierra
address. Leone, West Africa.
Secretary and Treasurer: Mrs. D. C. E. F. Thompson, Freetown,
C. Babcock. Sierra Leone, West Africa.

Mrs. Mina Babcock, Freetown, MEXICAN MISSION.

Sierra Leone, West Africa.
'Mrs. T. M. French, Freetown, Si- Territory: The Republic of Mex-
erra Leone, West Africa. ico.
I. W. Harding, Freetown, Sierra Office: No. 1420, Avenida 20, Ta-
Leone, West Africa. cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
W. H. Lewis, Freetown, Sierra OFFICERS.
Leone, West Africa.
Mrs. Estella B. Lewis, Freetown, Director: G. W. Reaser, Avenida
Sierra Leone, West Africa. 20, Nllm. 1420, Tacubaya, D. F.,
Treasurer: G. W. Caviness, Ave-
nida 22, Num. 1599, Tacubaya,
Established 1895. Secretary Sabbath-school Depart-
ment: Mrs. Alice M. Swayze,
. Address: 767 Kinau St., Honolulu; Avenida Libertad, No. 60, Gua-
Hawaiian Territory. dalajara, Mexico.



$ MOD. xEaoa nA TEAS


. 41...

OFFICERS. Advisory Board: G. W. Reaser,

G. W. Caviness, W. S. Swayze,
.Superintendent: C: D. M. Williams, J. W. Erkenbeck, and Julius
office address. Paulson.
Sabbath-school Secretary: Mrs.
Lena E. Williams, office address. MINISTERS.
MINISTER. - G. W. Caviness, Avenida 22, Num.
C. D. M. Williams, 767 Kinau St., 1599, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory. G. W. Caviness, Avenida 22, Num.
1599, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Mrs. Lena E. Williams, 767 Kinau
St., Honolulu, Hawaiian Terri- J. F. Blunt, Avenida 20, Min.
tory. 1420, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.

MISSIONARY LICENTIATES. tad, No. 60, Guadalajara, Mex-

Mrs. G. W. Caviness, Avenida 22, ico.
Nam. 1599, Tacubaya, D. F., Dra. Alice M. Swayze, Avenida
Mexico. Libertad, No. 60, Guadalajara,
Juan Robles, Ila Hidalgo 14, San Mexico.
Luis Potosi, Mdxico. Dr. U. C. Fattebert, Cerritos Es-
A. Marchisio, Avenida 20, Mm. tado de San Luis Potosi, Mex-
1420, Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. ico.
Manuel Zavaleta, Ave. Libertad Dra. Petra B. Toral de Colunga,
No. 60, Guadalajara, Mexico. Arteaga No. 24, San Pedro, E.
H. L. Rawson, Chilueahua, Mex- de Coah, Mexico.
Mrs. A. L. Gregory, Calle de Lopez
Portillo No. 747, Guadalajara, Sala de Curaciones Hidroterapicas
Mexico. (Hydrotherapeutic Treatment
MEDICAL MISSIONARIES. Parlors), Calle de Lopez Por-
tillo, No. 747, Guadalajara,
Dr. J. W. Erkenbeck, Hotel Amer- Mexico. Owned and controlled
icano, Ameca, E. de Jalisco, by the Mexican Mission.
Mexico. Dr. A. L. Gregory, physician in
Dr. A. L. Gregory, Calle de Lopez charge.
Portillo, No. 747, Guadalajara, Board of Management: Advisory
Mexico. Committee of, the Mexican Mis-
Dr. W. S. Swayze, Avenida Liber- sion.
At the convention called by the Educational Department of the
General Conference, and held at College View, Nebr., June 28 to July
10, 1906, it was recommended that the work of the Intermediate Schools,
Academies, and Colleges, be organized upon a unit basis. A unit means
one study, twelve weeks, five days in the week, with recitation periods
as follows: Intermediate schools, thirty minutes; Academies, forty
minutes; Colleges, forty-five minutes. Requirements for entrance to,
and completion of, the various courses are as follows:
Age at Requirements for
Entrance. Completion.
Intermediate Course 14 90 units
Academic Course 16 66 units
College Courses 18 60 units.
Training Courses:
For Ministers, Missionaries, and Bible
Workers 20 36 units
For Missionary Teachers 18 39 units
For Preparatory Medical Students 18 36 units
For Music Teachers 16 48 units
For Business Workers 16 36 units
-For Stenographers and Secretaries 16 33 units
For Nurses' Courses, the course of in-
struction and training given in our
sanitariums 18
Relation of Courses
Church-school Academy College -

1 2
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
I 7 8 9 10

Lists of church-schools and teachers will be found in connection with
directories of the Conferences in which such schools are located. Direc-
tories of Colleges, Academies, and Intermediate Schools follow.

(Colleges, Academies, and Intermediate Schools, in Alphabetical Order.)


Addington, Okla. Holly, Mich.
Established 1909. Established 1904.

Board: . Corporate Name: Adelphian Acad-

Faculty: Principal, H. L. Wilcox; emy Association.
Assistant, Miss Lorena Wilcox. Board of Officers: E. K. Slade,

Chairman; E. F. Dresser, Sec.; Herr, Primary Grades; J. C.

Tillie E. Barr, Treas.; A. R. Nelson, Assistant; Leroy
Sandborn, Delmar P. Wood, E. Froom, Organ and Drawing;
I. Beebe, E. N. Hatt. Mrs. Nettie Moran, Matron.
Faculty: Principal, E. F. Dresser,
Bible, History, and Science; E.
A. von Pohle, Preceptor, Bible
and Literature; Miss Mary E.
Lamson, Preceptress, Language, AVONDALE SCHOOL FOR
Physiology,, and Simple Treat- CHRISTIAN WORKERS.
ments; C. G. Clymer, Arith-
metic, Botany, Agriculture and Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Supt. Farm Department; A. Established 1894.
C. Nelson, Commercial Branches
and Supt. Printing Department; Board: J. E. Fulton (Pres.), J.
Miss Bertha Nelson, Higher H. Woods, E. H. Gates, Dr. F.
Mathematics and Matron; Mrs. C. Richards, B. F. Machlan, L.
Mabel von Pohle, Grammar and A. Hoopes, G. S. Fisher. -
Geography; Don Lewis, Supt. Faculty: B. F. Machlan, Prin-
Tent-Making Department. cipal, Pedagogics; R. Hare,
Bible and History of Missions;
J. H. Paap, English Language
and Literature; W. E. Robbins,
ALBERTA INDUSTRIAL ACAD- Preceptor, a n d Commercial
EMY. Studies; C. V. Bell, Physiology
and Hygiene; C. H. Schowe,
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Greek and History; Mrs. M. S.
Boyd, Preceptress and Matron;
Established 1907. Mrs. J. G. Robbins, Science;
Mrs. J. H. Paap, Instrumental
Board: C. A. Burman, H. Block, Music; Miss W. Trunk, Math-
F. J. Hippach, Dow James, and ematics; Miss Eva Edwards,
Principal of School. Primary Department.
Faculty: Principal, J. I. Beardsley, Special Lecturers: J. E. Fulton,
Business Manager, Bible; I. G. Missions and Mission Work;
Ortner, Preceptor, Mathematics E. H. Gates, Church Organiza-
and German Bible;. Mrs. I. G. tion; L. A. Hoopes, Religious
Ortner, German, and Primary Liberty; Dr. Franklin Richards
Department; Mrs. Leona Bur- and Dr. Eulalia Richards;
man, English; Miss Essie Bar- Healthful Living.
ber, Preceptress, Matron, and Business and Industrial Depart-
Hydrotherapy; Mrs. A. J. ments: B. F. Machlan, Busi-
Beardsley, Science and History. ness Manager; J. D. K. Aitken,
Superintendent of Avondale
School. Press; C. V. Bell, Super-
intendent of Health Food Dept.;
AMES INDUSTRIAL ACADEMY. J. H. Paap, Supt. of Farm; Mrs.
Eagle, Idaho. J. H. Paap, Drawing and Paint-
ing; Mrs. Boyd, Cooking; Miss
Established 1909. - Piper, Sloyd; Mrs. Arthur, Sew-
ing and Store; S. Escreet,
Board of Managers: J. M. Wil- Blacksmithing and Engineering;
loughby, J. S. Peach, J. A. Case- S. M. G. Lister, Carpentry; E.
beer, A. C. Bird, A. Moon, E. E. Behrens, Apiary and Horticul-
Smith, John Heffner. ture; J. Croker, Electrical En-
Faculty: R. W. Conard, Principal, gineering; C. H. Schowe, Ac-
Intermediate Grades; Rose E. countant.

BAKER'S MOUNTAIN INDUS- Taylor, Bible and History; Pre-

TRIAL SCHOOL AND OR- ceptor, Burton Castle, History
and Science; Preceptress, Miss
PHANS' HOME. Elizabeth Bailey, Language and
Hickory, N. C. Bible; Matron, Miss Martha
Bailey, Assistant Bible and
Established 1909. Science; Mrs. Cnfton L. Taylor,
Sewing and Dressmaking; Mrs.
(Not a conference institution.) Burton Castle, Accountant, Bible
Board: D. T. Shireman, Presi- and Hydrotherapy; Wm. W.
dent; M. H. Johnston, Chas. Hopkins, Mathematics and
Maples, James Link, James Printing.
Principal: Chas. Maples; Secre-
tary, Mrs. Minnie Maples; Ma-
tron, Mrs. Nellie M. Shireman.
Malaga, Wash.
Established 1908.
ACADEMY. Board of Directors: G. E. Lang-
don, E. W. Catlin, J. E. Van De
Battle Creek, Mich. Mark, J. A. Rippey, C. D. Shaw,
W. R. Wright, L. I. Stiles.
Established 1904. Faculty: Principal, L. I. Stiles;
Primary Grades, Stella McDon-
Faculty: Clifford A. Russell, Prin- ald.
cipal, Bible, Science, History;
Mrs. Harriet Heffley, Bible,
Mathematics, Language; Miss
Mabel Baker, Intermediate De-
partment; Mrs. Flora Williams, BETHEL ACADEMY.
Primary Department; Mrs. Ella
King Sanders, Manual Training Bethel, Wis.
Department; Miss Luella Sel-
lers, German, Assistant Primary Established 1899.
Board of Managers: C. McReyn-
olds, Chairman; C. L. Stone,
Secretary and Treasurer; Frank
Foote, J. A. Cash, J. C. McChes-
BEECHWOOD MANUAL TRAIN- ney, John Cutler, A. J. Olsen.
Faculty: Principal and Business
ING ACADEMY. Manager, C. L. Stone, Bible,
Vocal Music; G. R. Fattic, Pre-
Fairland, Ind. ceptor, History; Louis A. Dahl,
Established 1902. Science, Mathematics; Mrs. C.
L. Stone, English, Drawing;
Educational Board: Morris Lukens, Miss Kate L. Macy, Preceptress,
President; Mrs. R. W. McMahan, Domestic Science; Miss Maude
C. L. Taylor, Wm. Applegate, Warren, Instrumental Music;
S. L. Strickler, M. D. Miss Amy G. Foote, Commercial
Management: Business Manager, Department.
Clifton L. Taylor; Treasurer, Industries: Agriculture, Carpen-
Burton Castle. try, Sewing, Dressmaking, Cook-
Faculty: Principal, Clifton L. ing, Dairying, and Horticulture.


SCHOOL. kins, F. Visser.
Faculty: Principal, C. P. Crager;
Viola, Idaho. Matron, Miss Mary J. Cobban;
other teachers: Helen M. Hyatt,
Established 1909. Preparatory Dept.; Miss Frieda
Instructors: Principal, L. B. Rags- Elffers, Dutch; C. P. Crager,
dale; Primary Grades, Mrs. L. B. Bookkeeping; R. G. Ryan Inter-
Ragsdale; Industrial Supt., Mr. mediate Dept:; Miss Beatrice
Miller. Austen, Primary Dept.; Mrs. W.
S. Hyatt, Colored Dept.; Miss
N. Schonken, Music Dept.
Established 1899. SCHOOL.

Board of Managers: J. J. Irwin, Clearwater Lake, Wis.

M. C. Guild, E. A. Bristol, R. J. Established 1906.
Bellows, M. Stephens, W. L.
Avery, L. A. Curtis. Board: C. McReynolds, D. H. Ober-
Faculty: Principal, W. L. Avery, holtzer, S. C. Hannon, H. Peter-
Bible, History, Mathematics, sen, Chas. W. Coberly, Robt. Mc-
Agriculture; Business Manager, Kellar.
L. A. Jacobs, Bible, Bookkeep- Faculty: S. C. Hannon, Principal;
ing, Civics; Bertha Spohn, His- Mrs. C. W. Coberly, Primary
tory of Missions, English, Ger- Dept.; Mrs. S. C. Hannon, Ma-
man, Geometry; Mrs. W. L. tron.
Avery, Bible, Grammar, Science;
Ethel Cooper, Primary Depart-
ment; Matron, Mrs. Ella Fox, COLORADO WESTERN SLOPE
Domestic Science. ACADEMY.
Palisades, Colo.
Faculty: Principal, A. M. Wood-
Armona, Cal. all; Assistants, M. C. Corbit,
Mrs. Emma Voris, Miss Stella
Established 1906. Voris.
Faculty: B. L. Howe (Principal),
Mrs. B. L. Howe, Miss Attie

CLAREMONT UNION COLLEGE. R. F. D. No. 2, Daylight, Tenn.

Kenilworth, near Cape Town, Established 1902.

South Africa. (Not a Conference institution.)

Established 1892. Board: C. G. Howell, J. E. Vos-
burgh, Art Westphal, Ona E.
Board of Trustees: R. C. Porter Offerle.
(Chairman), J. V. Willson (Sec- Teachers: Clifford G. Howell, Mrs.
retary), W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed- Elsie M. Howell.

DARLING RANGE SCHOOL. Adam Schmidt, German Depart-

ment; Clara Gates, Matron.
Heidelberg, West Australia, Aus-
Board of Managers: W. L. H. LEGE. '
Baker, H. R. Martin, C. E. Ash- Berrien Springs, Mich.
croft, G. H. Palmateer, A.
Mountain. Established 1901.
Trustees: G. Chapman, L. Moul-
ton, James Clarke, C. E. Ash- Board of Trustees: Allen Moon,
croft, R. Howie. Wm. Covert, J. H. Haughey, C.
Faculty: Principal, R. W. Brown; McReynolds, A. G. Haughey, W.
Assistant Teachers, H. R. Mar- H. Edwards, Morris Lukens, E.
tin, S. L. Clarke; Matron, Mrs. K. Slade, S. E. Wight, J. B.
Brown. Blosser, J. J. Irwin, 0. J. Graf.
Officers of the Board: Pres., Allen
Moon; Vice-Pres., S. E. Wight;
Treas., W. H. Edwards; Sec.,
EMY. Faculty: President, Otto J. Graf,
History, Philosophy; Joseph H.
R. F. D. No. 3, Loveland, Colo. Haughey, Mathematics, Ancient
Board of Managers: W. A. Han- Languages; , Wm. E. Videto,
kins (Chairman), E. E. Farns- Bible, Public Speaking; George.
worth (Secretary), H. M. J. Runck, M. D., Natural and
Richards, Robert Baird, C. H. Physical Sciences; Gerard Ger-
Parker. ritsen, Musical Director, Voice;
Faculty: E. E. Farnsworth, Prin- C. E. Perry, Commercial De-
cipal; Harry Westphal, Assist- partment; Alma J. Graf, Pre-
ant; Miss Mary Miles, Primary ceptress, German; Mrs. F. Otto
Grades; Mrs. Della V. Oliver, Rathbun, English; Mrs. Lou
Piano and Organ; Mrs. E. E. Curtis, Normal Studies, Latin;
Farnsworth, Matron; G. C. Mrs. Roxetta Runck, M. D.,
Hankins, Commercial Depart- Physiology; Margaret Mallory;
ment. Piano; Chancy Wood, Preceptor,
Bible; Mrs. Roberta Graf, His-
tory, English; R. B. King, As-
sistant Business Manager, Agri-
culture; F. Otto Rathbun, Math-
ELK POINT ACADEMY. ematics, Printing; Mrs. E. D.
Nyman, Matron, Cooking, Do-
Elk Point, S. Dak. mestic Science; U. S. Clymer,
Established 1902. Carpentry, Architectural Draw-

Board: G. F. Watson, Chairman; Industrial Department: 0. J.

J. B. Clymer, Sec. and Treas.; Graf, Superintendent; J. H.
John Merkel, M. K. Thrall, Wm. Haughey, Horticulture and Api-
Reiner, P. H. Christenson, W. O. culture; R. B. King, General
Nesmith. . Agriculture; W. E. Videto, Gar-
Faculty: J. B. Clymer, Principal, dening; George Runck, M. D.,
Bible and History; Preceptor, Floricul,ture; C. E. Perry,
Frank Isaac, Mathematics; Grou.nds; F. 0. Rathbun, Print-
Emma Christensen, English and ing; U. S. Clymer, Carpentry;
Geography; Preceptress, Mrs. Herbert Campbell, Assistant
Ida Clymer, Sewing; Mrs. Grace Horticulturist; Mrs. Emma
Isaac, Instrumental Music; Piper, Dressmaking.


Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific
Eufola, N. C. Ocean.
Established 1905. Established 1904.
(Not under Conference super- Superintendent: A. Stewart; As-
vision.) sistant Teacher, Mrs. A. Stew-
Board: J. 0. Johnston, D. T.
Shireman, S. L. Stafford, J. L.
Atwell, H. C. Johnston.
Faculty: Principal, J. 0. Johns-
ton; Assistant Teachers, Emma FIRESIDE CORRESPONDENCE
Van Doren, Wahnita M. Johns- SCHOOL.
ton; - Matron, Mrs. Hannah
Johnston. Takoma Park Station, Washing-
ton, D. C.
Established 1909.

Management: Department of Edu-

FERNANDO ACADEMY. cation of the General Confer-
San Fernando, Cal. Board of Managers: F. Griggs, E.
R. Palmer, G. B. Thompson, M.
Established 1902. E. Kern, W. E. Howell.
Board of Managers: Chairman, E. Faculty: Principal, W. E. Howell,
E. Andross; Secretary and with nine assistants.
Treasurer, H. G. Lucas; E. J.
Hibbard, J. A. Burden, C. E.
Ford, J. J. Wessels, M. H. St.
Faculty: Harry G. Lucas, Prin-
cipal, Commercial Department, FOREST HOME INDUSTRIAL
German; Elder E. J. Hibbard, ACADEMY.
Bible, History; Joseph L. Kay,
English, Mathematics, Spanish; Mt. Vernon, Wash.
Lillis Wood-Starr, M. D., Sci-
ence, Medical Missionary Train- Established 1904.
ing, Latin; Milton P. Robison,
Normal Supervisor; Mrs. Harry Board of Managers: W. W. Sharp,
G. Lucas, Shorthand and Type- W. J. Boynton, Lewis Johnson,
writing;, Mrs. Joseph L. Kay, William McMoran, 0. C. Hollen-
Preceptress, New Testament beck.
Bible; J. Franklin Gaster, Pre- Faculty: G. F. Wolfkill, Princi-
ceptor, Superintendent; Gene- pal, Academic Grades; Mrs.
vieve Johnson, Sacred Music, G. F. Wolfkill, Intermediate
Vocal and Instrumental; Mary Grades, English; Anna L. John-
L. Zener, Intermediate Depart- son, Primary Department; Ger-
ment; B. B. Davis and Mrs. B. trude S. Shaffer, Piano, Organ,
B. Davis, Assistants Normal Voice; Mrs. F. R. Cornell, Pre-
School; Mrs. J. Franklin Gaster, ceptress and Matron; J. M.
Dressmaking; Mrs. E. C. Davey, Watson, Business Manager,
Matron. Farm Work.


Fort Ogden, Fla. Goldsberry, Mo.

Established 1907. EStablished 1908.

Board: J. C. Bradley, R. B. Tur-
Board: W. F. Martin, B. D. Gul- ner, Felix Turner.
lett, Irving Keck, Mrs. J. L. Faculty: T. J. Roach, Mrs. Etta
Cowart. Turner.
Principal: B. D. Gullett.


FOX RIVER ACADEMY. Gravel Ford, Coos Co., Oregon.

Established 1900.
Sheridan, Ill.
Board of Managers: W. H. Bunch
Established 1900. (Chairman), E. A. Mereen
(Sec.), 0. S. Coleman, A. F.
Educational Board: Wm. Covert, Kirshinan, F. S. Bunch.
Jacob Klooster, Geo. McIntyre, Faculty: Principal, Albert Carey,
B. A. Wolcott, D. S. Burgeson. 'M. D.; Matron, Mrs. Albert
Faculty: B. A. Wolcott, Principal; Carey; Miss Minnie Corner.
Miss Rose F. Pringle, Precep-
tress; 0. A. Wolcott, Preceptor;
Miss Hilda C. Hanson, Matron; '
Mrs. 0. A. Wolcott; Mrs. B. A. GUATEMALA ENGLISH
Wolcott, Music; Miss Zada Hib-
ben, Primary. SCHOOL.
Buzon 218, Guatemala City, Gua-
temala, Central America.
Established 1908.
FRIEDENSAU INDUSTRIAL Board: The members of the Cen-
SCHOOL. tral American Conference Corn-
Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez. Faculty: Principal, W. E. Han-
Magdeburg, Germany. cock. Other teachers: Mrs. W.
E. Hancock, Miss Alice Field-
berg, Mrs. C. E. Morgan.
Established 1899. Business Manager: C. E. Morgan.
Principal: Otto Liipke.
Other Teachers: Dr. E. Meyer, H.
Teich, 0. Itzmann, R. Lusky, HAAPAI SCHOOL.
Dr. E. Behn, Ch. Zybach, M.
Zieger, C. Grunert, F. Schwerdt; Haapai, Tongan Islands, Pacific
Preceptor, R. Lusky; Precep- Ocean.
tress, Ch. Zybach; Matron, L.
Schiel; Business Manager, W.. Established 1908.
Krumm; Treas., C. Banas.
Languages: German, Russian, Teachers: H. E. Piper, Mrs. H. E.
English, French. Piper.


Hamby, Texas.
R. F. D. No. 3, Northeast Station,
Postal Address: R. F. D. No. 1, Nashville, Tenn.
Abilene, Tex.
Established 1908:
Established 1909.
(For Colored Students.)
Board: W. A. Peters (Chairman),
M. J. Whitfield (Secretary), A. Board of Managers: A. 'J. Hays-
J. Husk, J. A. Frame, A. W. mer, A. J. Harris, H. E. Simkin,
Haynes, R. L. Blackwelder, G. 0. R. Staines, F. Bralliar, W. J.
W. Henderson. Pflugradt, F. R. Rogers.
y: W. F. Field, Principal; Faculty: F. Bralliar, 0. R. Staines.
Mrs. Jessie Young and J. S. Mc-
Mullen, Assistants.

Keene, Tex.
SCHOOL. Established 1894.

Hastings, Nebr. Board of Managers: C. Santee,

William Voth, L. W. Terry, J.
Established 1909. W. Norwood, C. E. Smith, C.
Sorenson, J. J. Cochran, J. C.
School Board: G. C. George Mosley, J. D. Matthews, W. W.
(Chairman), M. E. Ellis (Sec. Eastman, C. N. Woodward, C.
. and Treas.), C. C. Kenaston, A. B. Hughes.
T. Robinson, H. A. Hebard. Officers of the Board: Chairman,
Faculty: Mrs. M. E. Ellis, Prin- C. Santee; Secretary, C. Soren-
cipal; Mrs. G. C. George, .As- son; Treasurer and Business
sistant; Miss Josephine Schee, Manager, C. E. Smith.
Primary Grades. Faculty: Principal, C. B. Hughes,
New-Testament Greek; Secre-
tary, H. H. Hamilton, Commer-
cial Department and Art; Pre-
ceptor, W. R. French, Bible and
History; Preceptress, Mrs. Re-
HEMINGFORD INTERMEDIATE becca Allee; Matron, Miss Nellie
SCHOOL. J. Sturgeon; C. Sorenson, Bible
and Pastoral Training; A. D.
Hemingford, Nebr. Field, Mathematics and Ger-
man; Dr. C. C. Cooke, Hydro-
Established 1908. therapy and Physics; Miss Nora
A. Hiatt, English and Spanish;
School Board: E. A. Curtis, Pres- Mrs. C. Sorenson, Pedagogy and
, ident; Nora Hough, Secretary; Methods; Miss Almetta Garrett,
John Sauerwein, Treasurer; L. Common Branches; Miss Grace
B. Hall, Albert Hedgecock. Taylor, Instrumental and Vocal
Faculty: Principal, Prof. M. J. Music; Miss Ruby Phillips, As-
Rockwell; Assistant, Miss May sistant in Instrumental Music;
Surber; Matron, Mrs. Elida E. E. Backus, Arithmetic; L. N.
Lull; Assistant, Mrs. Emily Carter, Stenographer and Book-
Lull-Rockwell. keeper.

Normal Department: Principal, LAURELWOOD INDUSTRIAL

Mrs. C. Sorenson; Lela Wood- ACADEMY.
ruff, 011ie Taylor, Josephine
Wilson. Gaston, Oregon.
Industrial Department: C. E.
Smith, Manager Food Factory Established 1904.
and Store; James Butka, Man-
ager Broom Factory; Jos. R. Board of Managers: F. S. Bunch
Warren, Assistant Manager (Chairman), P. A. Hansen, W. C.
Broom Factory; E. E. Backus, Emmerson, T. H. Starbuck, F.
Manager Tent Factory and A. Detamore, W. F. Martin, R.
Farm. W. Airey, S. J. Lashier.
Faculty: F. A. Detamore, Prin-
cipal and Preceptor; Mrs. F. A.
Detamore, Preceptress; Anna F.
Elder, Instructor; Mrs. W. C.
KOREAN BOYS' SCHOOL. Thompson, Instrumental Music;
G. G. Coffin, Vocal Music; Mrs.
Soonan, Korea. Mary Kendall, Matron; W. C.
Established 1907. Emmerson, Business Manager;
Advisory Members, R. W. Airey,
Board of Management: Mission C. A. Wyman.
Under supervision of Riley Rus-
Legal Title: College of Medical
Evangelists of Loma Linda.


Chinnampo, Korea. Established 1906.

Established 1909. Chartered as a Medical College

Board of Management: Mission
Committee. Board of Trustees: J. A. Burden
(Pres.), E. E. Andross, Geo. K.
Under supervision of Mimi Scharf- Abbott, Julia A. Whit, H. W.
fenberg. Lindsay, R. S. Owen, T. J.
Evans, Luther Warren, J. R.
Leadsworth, Lucinda A. Marsh.
Faculty: George Knapp Abbott,
M. D., President, Hydrotherapy
and Practise of Medicine; Rod-
LATIN UNION SCHOOL. erick S. Owen, Bible, Pastoral
Gland (Vaud), Switzerland. Training; T. J. Evans, M. D.,
Diseases of Stomach; A. W. Tru-
Established 1904. man, M. D., Physiology and His-
tology; Luther Warren, Field
Board of Management: J. Vuilleu- Evangelist; Lucinda A. Marsh,
mier, L. P. Tieche, P. A. De M. D., Tropical Diseases; John
Forest, J. Robert. A. Burden, Spirit of Prophecy;
Teachers: J. Vuilleumier, Dr. P. Julia A. White, M. D., Supt.
A. De Forest, E. Noulay, L. P. Lady Nurses, Obstetrics and
Tieche, Jaques Erzberger, Her- Gynecology; Cora M. Abbott,
minie Roth. M. D., Pediatrics, Mental Dis-
Language: French. eases; George McCready Price,

Secretary, History, Physical MAPLEWOOD ACADEMY.

Sciences; Ora Barber, M. D.,
Hygiene, Materia Medica; Grace Maple Plain, Minn.
White, Spanish and German;
Bertha M. Orchard, Matron,
Practical and Surgical Nursing; Established 1904.
Charlotte Hoffman, Practical
Hydrotherapy and Massage; Board of Managers: S. E. Jack-
Wm. T. McMillan, Practical son, W. W. Ruble, H. J. Shel-
Hydrotherapy and Massage; J. don, A. W. Kuehl, A. V. Olson,
J. Weir, Laboratory Instructor; C. M. Babcock, E. M. Chapman,
Hans S. Anderson, Hygienic 0. J. Nerlund.
Cookery. Faculty: Principal, H. J. Sheldon,
History and Algebra; W. A. Al-
way, Bible; Wavie D. Tubbs,
Grammar and Literature; Pre-
ceptor, Ernest Sheldon; Precep-
tress, Caroline Hopkins, Arith-
LORNEDALE ACADEMY. metic and Geometry; Matron,
Lena Rosenthal; Mary D. Hop-
Lorne Park, Ontario. kins, Stenography and Type-
writing, Music; M. Gertrude
Established 1903. Thompson, Latin; Marius Chris-
tensen, Farm Manager.
Board of Managers: Eugene Le-
land, Charles Smith, J. T. Smith,
R. A. Heard, J. T. Errington.
Faculty: H. T. Curtis, Principal;
Mrs. J. Eva Leland, Preceptress,
Shorthand; C. D. Terwillegar,
Common Branches; Miss Olive MEADOW GLADE INDUSTRIAL
Pangburn, English.

R. F. D. No. x, Manor, Wash.

Board of Managers: L. D. House,

MANSON INDUSTRIAL ACAD- Chairman; G. G. Clark, Man-
EMY. ager; J. R. Clark, Secretary; S.
C. Hanson, Treasurer; Prof. N.
Pitt Meadows, British Columbia. W. Lawrence, J. A. Holbrook.
Faculty: Principal, S. C. Hanson,
Academic Grades, Preceptor,
Established 1907. Chorus, and Orchestra; Mrs.
N. W. Lawrence, Intermediate
Board of Directors: W. M. Adams, Grades; Miss Nellie Clark,
F. H. Conway, S. A. Wilband, Church- School Department;
Geo. Alcock, Geo. Freeman, T. Mrs. S. C. Hanson, Instrumen-
H. Watson, Kenneth R. tal Music, Sight-Singing, Har-
Haughey. mony; Clyde E. Babcock, Short-
Faculty: Kenneth R. Haughey, hand and Typewriting; Pearl
Principal; Lillian Burrows, Eng- S. Watts, Drawing; Walter
lish and Commercial; Mrs. K. Knokey, Asst. in Grades; Mabel
R. Haughey, Music, Assistant F. Moody, Asst. in Grades and
Mathematics, and Preceptress; Primary; Day D. Coffin, Ac-
Beatrice Haines, Primary De- countant; Mrs. Dora F. King,
partment; Matron, . Preceptress and Matron.

MOUNT ELLIS ACADEMY. and Civil Government; Blanche

De Spelder, Music; C. C. Pul-
Bozeman, Mont. ver, Commercial Department;
Established' 1901. Mrs. A. E. Hall, Stenography
and Bookkeeping; Lawrence An-
Board of Managers: J. C. Foster, derson, Preceptor; Nellie B.
President; W. A. Gosmer, Sec- Leach, Preceptress and Assist-
retary; A. E. Everett, W. D. ant in Science; Dorothy E.
Rittenhouse, Paul Iverson, W. White, Teacher in Training
W. Palmer. School; Drawing and
Faculty: W. A. Gosmer, Principal, Painting; Mrs. V. L. Fisher,
Bible Doctrines, Prophecies, Ad- Assistant in Medical Missionary
vanced English, Rhetoric, Liter- Department; Mrs. M. C. White,
ature; W. S. Boynton, Precep- Matron; Nettie I. Porch, Sew-
tor, Geometry, Algebra, Arith- ing, Cutting, and Fitting; S. M.
metic, History, Science, Civil Butler, Business Manager.
Government; Mrs. W. A. Gos-
mer, Piano, Organ, Voice Cul-
ture, Grammar; Mrs. W. S.
Boynton, Asst. Teacher, Inter-
mediate Department; Miss Han-
nah Boyson, Primary Depart- NASHVILLE AGRICULTURAL
ment, Geography; Mrs. E. John- AND NORMAL INSTITUTE.
son, Matron and Preceptress.
Madison, Tenn.

Established 1904.
MOUNT VERNON COLLEGE. Incorporators: S. N. Haskell,
George I. Butler, Mrs. E. G.
Mount Vernon, Ohio. White, Mrs. S. N. Haskell, M.
Established 1893. Bessie DeGraw, Percy T. Ma-
gan, Edward A. Sutherland,
Officers: B. G. Wilkinson, Presi- Mrs. N. H. Druillard, Mrs. E. C.
dent; S. M. Butler, Secretary Gray, Mrs. Josephine Gotzian.
and Treasurer; E. R. Brown, Board of Managers: S. N. Haskell,
Auditor. President; George I. Butler, W.
Board of Trustees: B. G. Wilkin- A. Wilcox, E. A. Sutherland, C.
son, H. H. Burkholder, W. H. L. Kendall, Newton Evans, M.
Hecm an, B. F. Kneeland, I. N. D., C. F. McVagh, L. A. Hansen,
Williams, H. W. Herren, W. D. P. T. Magan, Secretary; Mrs.
MacLay, L. F. Starr, V. H. N. H. Druillard, Treasurer; Mrs.
Cook, R. G. Patterson, S. M. E. C. Gray, W. R. Burrow, Mrs.
Butler. Margaret Lenker, M. Bessie De
Faculty: Sylvester M. Butler, Graw, Mrs. Josephine Gotzian,
President, Pastoral Training E. E. Brink, M. B. VanKirk.
and Public Speaking; 0. F. Faculty and Instructors: Edward
Butcher, English Bible; David A. Sutherland, President; Percy
D. Rees, English Language and T. Magan, Dean; Mrs. N. H.
Literature; Otto M. John, Sci- Druillard, Treasurer; Newton
ence; Lawrence Anderson, Evans, M. D., Supt. of Sanita-
Mathematics; Dr. Virgil L. rium; M. Bessie DeGraw, Sec-
Fisher, Medical Missionary De- retary; Lillian E. Magan, M. D.;
partment; Myrta M. Kellogg, Mrs. E. C. Gray, Business Man-
Normal Department and Psy- ager; E. E. Brink, Mrs. Sallie
chology; A. Earl Hall, History V. Sutherland, Ida V. Owen.

NEVADA INTERMEDIATE Faculty: Principal, Walter J.

SCHOOL. Blake, Bible, History, English;
W. H. Williams, Business Man-
Nevada, Iowa. ager, Commercial Department;
Fred W. Halladay, Preceptor,
Established 1909. Mechanical Department; Clar-
Board: ence J. Boyd, Farm Manager,
Faculty: Principal, Miss Bessie Agriculture, Mathematics; Cecil
Stanfield; Assistant, Miss Ger- S. Corkham, Secretary, Short-
trude Hunt. hand, Typewriting; Mrs. C. J.
Boyd, Matron, Sewing, Domestic
Science; Amy I. Bascom, M. D.,
Science, Nursing; Ida Dunlap,
NEW HOPE SCHOOL. Music, Vocal and Instrumental.

New Hope, Tex. (Post-office,

Bryans Mill, Tex.) OTSEGO ACADEMY.
Established 1909. Otsego, Michigan.
Board: . Established 1908.
Faculty: James G. Pettey; As-
sistant, Mrs. Alice Pettey. Board of Managers: A. G.
Haughey (Chairman), S. D.
Hartwell, W. R. Matthews, C.
A. Hansen, E. L. Richmond
NORTHERN CALIFORNIA IN- (Sec.), G. H. Crandall, Fred
Faculty: C. A. Hansen, Principal, -
Chico, Cal. Bible Doctrines and Public,
Speaking; Fred Green, Business
Established 1907. Manager, Bible, Bookkeeping,
Board: W. D. Dortch (Pres.), General History; Minnie 0.
Nettie Dunn (Sec. and Treas.), Hart, Bible, English, Science,
Mr. and Mrs. Landis, Frank and Vocal Music; Reid Shepard,
Horning, J. W. Bressie. Preceptor, Bible, Latin, History,
Faculty: Principal, J. W. Bressie; Science; Lulu Cobb, Instrumen-
ASsistant, Olive A. Bressie. tal Music; Mable Jenkins, Pri-.
mary; Mrs. Cleora Green, Ma-
tron and Preceptress.


(Colored.) St. Helena, Cal.
Huntsville, Ala. Established 1909.
Established 1895. Board of Managers: California
Conference Association of Sev-
Board of Managers: C. F. Mc- enth-day Adventists.
Vagh, Chairman; W. J. Blake, Board of Directors: H. W. Cot-
Vice-Chairman; W. H. Wil- trell (Pres.), S. N. Haskell, W.
liams, Secretary and Treasurer; T. Knox, W. E. Whalin, E. E.
C. Santee, C. Thompson, A. J. Parlin, J. E. Scoggins, C. W.
Hay saner, C. P. Bollman, L. A. Irwin (Asst. Treasurer of Asso-
Hansen, W. H. Sebastian. ciation for College).

Local Managing Committee: C. PUKEKURA TRAINING

W. Irwin (Chairman), W. T. SCHOOL.
Knox, H. W. Cottrell, S. N.
Haskell, A. 0. Tait. Cambridge West, Waikato, New
Faculty: C. W. Irwin (President Zealand.
and Business Manager), A. 0.
Tait, G. W. Rine, Mrs. C. W. Established 1907.
Irwin, Miss Hattie Andre, Miss
Lois Randall. Board: J. Pallant, F. L. Chaney,
W. J. Smith, J. Hare, 0. Ander-
Principal: F. L. Chaney.
PINE GROVE INDUSTRIAL Teachers: W. J. Smith, Mrs. F.
ACADEMY. L. Chaney, Miss Mabel Piper,
J. Mills, Mrs. J. Mills, Mrs.
Amory, Miss. Edith Caro.
Established 1907.
Board of Managers: W. S. Lowry, ROYAL INTERMEDIATE
Sam Moyers, M. T. Bellinger,
Richard Weaver, and John SCHOOL.
Harp. Cottage Grove, Oregon.
Faculty: Principal and Business
Manager, Sam Moyers"; Precep- Established 1907.
tress, Matron, and Assistant
Teacher, Mrs. Flora Moyers. School Board: C. W. Flaiz, F. S.
Bunch, T. H. Starbuck, W. C.
Emmerson, F. A. Detamore, P.
A. Hanson, W. F. Martin.
PORTAGE PLAINS ACADEMY. Faculty: G. E. Johnson, Principal;
Miss Fannie Haney, Miss Grace
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. Innis, Primary Department;
Established 1904. Mrs. Gertrude M. Wheeler, Ma-
tron and Piano and Organ In-
Board of Managers: The Mani- structor; J. Prescott Wheeler,
toba Conference Committee. Business Manager and Precep-
" The school has been discon- tor; A. D. Owens, E. A.
tinued this year, because of in- Wheeler, Associate Members.
ability to secure a principal."


Colegio Adventista del Plata, Dia-
Pila; Chile. mante, Prey. Entre Rios, Ar-
gentina, South America.
-Established 1906.
Established 1898.
Board of Managers: Committee of
the Chile Conference. Board of Managers: Chairman, J.
Faculty: Principal, G. W. Case- W. Westphal; Secretary and
beer, Mrs. Fany de Raina; Treasurer, C. D. Lude; R. H.
English, Mrs. G. W. Casebeer; Habenicht, G. Lust, Ernest
Spanish Language and Primary Roscher, 0. Frick, W. C. John;
Grades, Gertrude Leiva; Culin- Business Manager, Luis Em-
ary Dept., Miss Lily de Raina. mengger.
Languages: English, Spanish, and Faculty: Principal, W. C. John;
German, other teachers; C. D. Lude;

Primary Department, Margarita SIOUX RAPIDS INTERME-

Ernst; Matron, Mrs. Carrie Seg- DIATE SCHOOL.
ebartt-Lude, R. H. Habenicht,
M. D., L. A. Rojas, Mrs. W. C. Sioux Rapids, Iowa.
Languages: Spanish, German, and Established 1909.
Board: H. Hanson (Pres. and
Treas.), C. Davis (Set.), J. Hol-
lingsworth, L. S. Scott, A. N.
Cardey, M. M. Hare.
SHENANDOAH VALLEY Teachers: H. M. Colburn, Mrs. H.
New Market, Va.
Established 1908.
Board of Trustees: H. W. Herrell SOUTH LANCASTER ACAD-
(Pres.), C. V. Woods (Sec.), A.
M. Neff (Treas.), R. D. Hottel, EMY.
A. C. Neff, 0. F. Dart, J. E.
Gardner, R. T. Fultz, A. W. South Lancaster, Mass.
Painter, A. J. Painter, W. H. Eitablished 1882.
Zeidler, C. A. Maxwell.
Faculty: Principal, C. A. Maxwell, Officers of the Corporation: Pres.,
Bible, Language, and Mathe- W. B. White; Sec., H. W. Bar-
matics; Mrs. Maria M. Maxwell, rows; Treas., C. S. Longacre.
Music, Primary Grades; Flor- Board of Management: C. S.
ence N. Swan, Assistant in Longacre, Business Manager;
Primary Grades. H. W. Barrows, Asst. Business
Manager; Mrs. Lenora C. Olsen-
Barrows, Accountant.
Faculty: C. S. Longacre, Principal,
Bible; E. E. Gardner, Bible and
SHEYENNE RIVER ACADEMY. History; Leon W. Cobb, Pre-
Harvey, N. Dak. ceptor, Science; Mrs. Sara J.
Hall, English Language; H. A.
Established 1903. Morrison, Mathematics; J. M.
Peterson, Ancient and Modern
Board of Managers: C. J. Kunkel Languages; Miss Susie E. Sis-
(Chairman), J. G. Walker, J. F. ley, Preceptress, Hydrotherapy;
Simon, A. V. Rhoads, Lars Niel- W. A. Wilber, Commercial De-
son, Chas. Leer, D. D. Kurtz. partment, Shorthand Course;
Faculty: Principal, J. F. Simon, Mrs. V. W. Gustin, Commercial
German Bible and History; Department, Business Course;
George Crawford, Preceptor, Miss Ona M. Russell, Bookkeep-
English Bible" and Mathematics; ing; Mrs. E. M. Long, Assistant
Anna J. Olson, English Lan- English and Manual Training;
guage, History, and Science; Mrs. H. E. Osborne, Peda-
Mrs. J. F. Simon, German Lan- gogies; Miss Carrie Kerns,
guage; Mrs. Cora Hayward, Supt. Normal Department; E.
Preceptress, Vocal and Instru- H. Dexter, Vocal and Choral
mental Music; Ludwig Krieger, Director; Miss Edna S. Farns-
Business Agent, Agriculture, and worth, Music; Robert M. Grey,
Farm Management; Mrs. M. J. Drawing and Painting; Miss
White, Matron, Cooking and Susie H. Barrows, Culinary De-
Sewing. partment; M. N. Cross, Broom-

making; J. A. Miller, Agricul- SCANDINAVIAN UNION MIS-

tural Department; J. H. Bots- SION SCHOOL.
ford, Engineering, Electricity,
and Plumbing. Skodsborg, Denmark.
Established 1908.
Board of Managers: Scandinavian
Union Conference Committee.
Teachers: Erik Arnesen, Anna
SOUTHERN TRAINING Moller, and J. Bech-Jensen.
SCHOOL. Languages: Danish and Norwe-
Graysville, Tenn.
Established 1896.
Board of Managers: Chas. Thomp- Stanborough Park, Watford,
son, M. B. Van Kirk, G. H. Herts, England.
Baber, C. H. Moyers, R L. Wil-
liams, C. F. McVagh, A. J. Established 1901.
Haysmer, J. F. Pogue, A. F.
Harrison, L. A. Hansen, and E. Board of Directors: W. J. Fitz-
A. Sutherland. gerald (Chairman), W. C. Sis-
ley, H. C. Lacey, A. B. Olsen,
Officers: President, Chas. Thomp- IV. H. Meredith, S. G. Haughey,
son; Secretary, M. B. Van M. A. Altman, W. H. Wake-
Kirk; Business Manager and ham, J. J. Gillatt.
Treasurer, G. H. Baber. Business Manager: H. C. Lacey.
Faculty: Principal, M. B. Van Treasurer: J. W. Hoatson.
Kirk, Mental Science and Instructors:. H. C. Lacey, Prin-
Pedagogy; Harry S. Miller, cipal, History, Psychology, An-
Sciences; A. I. Lovell, M. D., cient Languages; W. H. Wake-
Advanced Physiology and Sim- ham, Bible, Physiology, Pas-
ple Treatments; R. V. Cory, toral Training; G. Wakeham,
Commercial Department and Preceptor, English, Science,
Mathematics; G. H. Baber, Pre- Music; Miss Jessie Bacon, Pre-
ceptor, History, Bible, and Span- ceptress, Bible Reading; Mrs. L.
ish; Mrs. G. H. Baber, Precep- Lacey, Mathematics, Bookkeep-
tress, Assistant in the Interme- ing; Monsieur Jean Curdy,
diate Department; Miss Mattie French; J. H. Wiedner, Hebrew;
B. Tefft, English, Latin, and G. Baird, Assistant Teacher in
German; Miss Beatrice L. English and Latin.
Tucker, Department of Music; Industrial Department: M. Val-
Hanserd K. Presley, Stenog- iance, Carpentry; A. Watson,
raphy and Assistant in Elemen- Farm Foreman; H. Casson,
tary Mathematics; Miss Rochelle Greenhouse and Horticulture.
Philmon, Preparatory Depart-
ment; Miss Frances Kennedy,
Industrial Departments: G. H. Oswego, Kans.
Baber, Business Manager; M.
B. Van Kirk, Printing; H. W. Established 1906.
Pierce, Blacksmithing; Mrs.
Clara Phillips, Domestic Science; Board: N. W. Kauble (Pres.),
Mrs. Ruby Leighton, Sewing and W. H. Thurston, A. Hamilton,
Dressmaking. H. M. Hiatt, H. G. Leffingwell.

Faculty: Principal, N. W. Bauble; Teachers: E. B. Beuchel, Miss

Matron, Mrs. H. E. Bauble; Mary F. Rice, Miss Etta M.
other teachers, H. G. Leffing- Spicer, C. H. Hayton.
well, Mrs. H. G. Leffingwell,
John B. White.
Taquary, Rio Grande do Sul,
Brazil, South America.
Stuart, Iowa.
Established 1903.
Established 1903.
Name: Escola da Missio dos Ad-
Board of Management: M. N. ventistas do Setimo Dia de Rio
Campbell (Pres.), J. G. Lamson Grande do Sul.
(Sec. and Treas.), J. C. Clemens, Board: Rio Grande Conference
A. B. Hansen, J. W. Dorcas, M. Committee.
M. Hare, G. R. Hawkins, E. G. Faculty: M. Kiimpel, Principal.
Olsen. Languages: Portuguese and. Ger-
Faculty: J. G. Lamson, Principal, man.
Bible, Language, Mathematics;
H. H. Howard, History, Natural
Science; Lena M. Hunt, English, TOLUCA INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL.
Bible, Mathematics; Mrs. H. B. Cleveland Mills, N. C.
Allen, Vocal and Instrumental
Music; Mrs. H. H. Howard, Do- Established 1905.
mestic Science, Hydrotherapy;
Mrs. J. G. Lamson, Shorthand, (Not a Conference Institution.)
Bookkeeping, Typewriting.
Board: H. Smallwood, D. T. Shire-
man, M. H. Johnston, James
Sain, J. C. Smallwood.
SWEDISH MISSIONARY Faculty: H. Smallwood, Manager
SCHOOL. and Principal; Mrs. J. C. Small-
wood, Matron.
Nyhyttan, Jarnboas, Sweden.
Established 1898; reorganized
Board of Managers: Swedish Con- Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is-
ference Committee. lands, Pacific Ocean.
' Teachers: Karl Mattson, Maria
Haglund, Ole Nelson. Established 1906.
Language: Swedish. Superintendent: W. W. Palmer;
Assistant, Miss N. Sisley.

Established 1907.
Tunesassa, N. Y.
Board: T. E. Bowen, President; Established 1907.
A. J. Bristol, Secretary; H. E.
Rogers, Treasurer; Frederick Board: Pres., H. W. Carr; Sec.,
Griggs, C. M. Snow, Mrs. Fannie F. H. Hicks; Miss L. I. Tarbell,
D. Chase, Mrs. Cora E. Palmer. J. F. Piper, E. A. Manry.

Faculty: Principal and Business Department; Mrs. Rudolph
Manager, E. A. Manry; Assist- Schopbach, Drawing and Paint-
ant Teacher, Miss Lottie Lucas; ing; Mertie A. Wheeler, Regis-
Matron, Mrs. Geo. Owens. trar, Assistant in Phonography
and Typewriting; Mrs. Inez H.
Stevens, Assistant in History;
Eugene Rowell, Assistant in
UNION COLLEGE. English and Latin; Eunice
College View, Nebr. Crawford, Assistant in Arith-
metic and Oldfrestament His-
Established 1891. tory.
Industrial Classes: Agriculture,
Board of Managers: The presi- S. A. Smith; Broom-making,
dents of the following confer- Peter Collins; Carpentry,
ences: Central Union, Nebraska, , Cooking and Domestic
North Missouri, Southern Mis- Science, Mrs. C. C. Lewis;
souri, Kansas, Colorado, West- Dressmaking, Rubie Owen;
ern Colorado, Wyoming, North- Floriculture, Farming, Horticul-
ern Union, Minnesota, North ture, Farm Animals, S. A.
Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa; Smith; Hydrotherapy, W. S.
the Educational Secretary of the Butterbaugh, Mrs. P. A. Field;
Central Union, President of Laundering, Mrs. E. M. Whitte-
Union College, B. M. Emerson, more; Manual Training, Sarah
R. F. Andrews. E. Peck; Printing, F. F. Bying-
Executive Committee: E. T. Rus- ton; Poultry Keeping, L. L.
sell, C. C. Lewis, B. M. Emerson, Caviness; Photography, E. C.
A. T. Robinson, N. B. Emerson, Kellogg; Steam and Electrical
R. F. Andrews, B. E. Huffman. Engineering, B. M. Curtis; Sew-
Faculty: President, Charles C. ing, Rubie Owen; Surveying,
Lewis, Pedagogy, Psychology, W. H. Buxton; Tailoring, J. F.
Logic, Moral - Science; F. M. Nelson.
Burg, English Bible, Ministers' Administration: C. C. Lewis,
Training Course; W. H. Buxton, President; B. M. Emerson, Busi-
Higher Mathematics; H. U. ness Manager; Eugene Rowell,
Stevens, Physical Sciences; Mrs. P. A. Field, A. G. Taylor, Pre-
Winifred P. Rowell, English ceptors; Mrs. B. E. Huffman,
Language and Literature; C. L. Preceptress; Mrs. J. L. Jones,
Benson, Ancient and Modern Matron.
History, History of Missions; German Department: G. A. Grauer,
Ernest C. Kellogg, Mathematics; Literature, Bible Doctrines, Min-
Mrs. Elsie A. Benson, Grammar isters' Training; Rudolph Shop-
and Higher English; Leon L. bach, Rhetoric, Bible History,
Caviness, Romance Languages; Physiology.
Emil C. Witzke, English-Ger- Dano - Norwegian , Department:
man, New - Testament Greek; Peter E. Berthelsen, Bible, Lan-
Albion G. Taylor, Bookkeeping, guage, and History; M. S.
Typewriting, Phonography; Col- Reppe, Language; H. R. John-
lege Physician, W. S. Butter- son, Bible. . -
baugh, M. D., Biological Sci- Swedish Department: August An-
ences, Hydrotherapy; D. E. Huff- derson, Bible, Language, and
man, Elocution and Oratory; B. History;. R E. Boden, Lan-
E. Huffman, New-Testament guage and History.
History, United. States History, School of Music: C. Nevison Rob-
and Superintendent of Domestic erts, Director, Pianoforte,
Work; Mrs. C. C. Lewis, Testi- Chorale and Orchestral Work,
monies and Domestic Science; Theory;. Carl Engel, Violin,
Sarah E. Peck, Director Normal Viola; J. L. Crouse, Sight-Sing-

ing and Hymnology, Harmony, Nelson, Mathematics and Sci-

and Band Instruments; Mrs. ence; Miss Clara Rogers, Eng-
Marion C. Smith, Vocal Culture, lish; B. B. Smith, Commercial;
Pianoforte; Irma Edna Lewis, John Isaac, German Depart-
Reed-organ, Pipe Organ; Ada J. ment; I. F. Witting, Swedish
Madison, Mandolin and Guitar. Language; Miss Winifred L.
Holmden, Language, Shorthand,
and Typewriting; W. H. War-
ner, M. D., Supt. Sanitarium,
VIENNA INTERMEDIATE Physiology and Hydrotherapy;
SCHOOL. George B. Miller, Musical Di-
rector; Miss Kathryn Foster,
Vienna, Oneida Co., N. Y. Piano and Organ; Kathrine B.
Hale, Normal Director; Miss
Established 1909. Bertha E. Allen, Asst. Director;
Board: F. H. DeVinney, W. H. Mrs. Moore, Preceptress and
Lewis, W. A. Palms, Chas. H. Matron; Samuel L. Frost, Asst.
Coe, F. N. Johnson,William Science and Mathematics and
Clayton, W. C. Mathwson. Preceptor; C. M. Christiansen,
Principal: W. C. Mathewson. Business Manager.
Industrial Department: C. M.
Christiansen, Supt. of Indus-
tries; John Isaac, Floriculture;
WALDERLY SCHOOL. Allen Thompson, Cooking; Mrs.
A. G. Adams, Hygienic Dress-
Hawthorne, Wis. making; Miss Alice Owen,
Established 1907. Sloyd; Glen McKenzie, Print-
ing; W. E. Nelson, Mechanical
Board: C. McReynolds, A. W. Hal- Drawing; W. H. Warner, Nurs-
lock, P. M. Hanson, Rosma ing and Treatment; Dallas
Whalen, Mrs. Clara L. Port, C. Kime, Baking; W. E. Nelson,
W. Hess, Mrs. Mae Hess. Electrical Engineering; J. A.
Faculty: A. W. Hallock, Prin- Rowe, Mechanical Engineering;
cipal; C. W. Hess, Preceptor; C. J. Cummings, Broom-making;
Miss Rosma Whalen, Mrs. Clara Samuel L. Frost, Farm and
L. Port, Mrs. Mae Hess. Garden; Chas. B. Craig, Car-


College Place, Wash.
. Established 1892.
Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Board of Managers: President, ington, D. C.
C. W. Flaiz; Secretary, M. E.
Cady; Treasurer, C. M. Chris, Legal Title: "Washington _Train-
tiansen; F. S. Bunch, H. W. ing College."
Decker, T. L. Ragsdale, W. W. Established 1904.
Steward, G. E. Langdon.
Faculty: Collegiate Department, Constituency: Executive Commit-
President, M. E. Cady, Science tee of the General Conference
and Philosophy; 0. A. Johnson, and the President of each local
Bible and Scandinavian Depart- conference in the United States.
ment; I. F. Witting, Swedish Board of Trustees: A. G. Daniells,
Mathematics; H. A. Washburn, H. R. Salisbury, W. W. Pres-
History and Prophecy; W. E. cott, T. H. Evans, W. A. Ruble,

G. B. Thompson, F. M. Wilcox, Goodrich, J. B. Beckner, E. C.

G. A. Irwin, F. Griggs. Cushman, R. M. Rennalls, 0. E.
Officers of the Board: President, Davis.
A. G. Daniells; Secretary, H. Faculty: Principal,
Edson Rogers; Treasurer, H. R. Bible and History; E. C. CuSh-
. Salisbury. man, Mathematics; E. C. Wood,
Faculty: Homer R. Salisbury, English; Mrs. Mary Cushman,
President, History, Hebrew, Physiology and Simple Treat-
History of Missions and Relig- ments; Mrs. Pearl G. Wood,
ions; E. W. Farnsworth, Eng- Organ.
lish Bible, Pastoral Training;
John L. Shaw, Bible Doctrines,
History and Missions of India;
Warren E. Howell, New-Testa- WESTERN NORMAL INSTI-
ment Greek; Mahlon E. Olsen, TUTE.
Rhetoric and Higher English; Lodi, Cal.
Gabriel Loftfield, German and
Spanish; Clemen Hamer, Voice Established 1908.
Culture, Vocal and Instrumen-
tal Music; Robert S. Ingersoll, Board: P. J. Wolfson (Chairman),
M. D., Tropical Hygiene, Sani- F. A. Lashier (Sec. and Treas.),
tation, General Diseases; Laur- E. D. Sharpe (Business Man-
etta Kress, M. D., Physiology, ager), 0. 0. Osborne, B. E. Bald-
Anatomy, Hydrotherapy; Lenna win, C. H. Fink, C. P. Moon.
W. Salisbury, Latin, French, Faculty: E. D. Sharpe, President,
Physical Culture; Mrs. Gabriel Pedagogy; D. T. Fero, Bible;
Loftfield, Oratory, Public Speak- M. W. Newton, Mathematics;
ing; Lynn H. Wood, Science and J. A. L. Derby, Science; Mrs. E.
Mathematics; Charles H. Hay- D. Sharpe, Preceptress, History;
ton, South African History and Alameda Haughey, English; C.
Missions, Photography; W. D. E. Nixon, Languages; Mrs. Mina
Workman, Business Manager; Mann, Methods; Lottie Bell,
Mrs. C. H. Hayton, Preceptress; Methods, Critic Grammar
Mary Stephens, Matron. Grades; Mrs. M. W. Newton,
Industrial: Karl J. Snow, Printing Methods, Supervisor Interme-
Department;.; Hugh Peden, Tent diate Grades; Mrs. W. C. Bald-
Manufacturing. win, Methods, supervisor Prim-
ary Grades; F. A. Lashier, Pre-
ceptor, Clerk; C. E. Shull, Com-
SCHOOL. Manual Arts Department: Mrs. P.
Freetown, Sierra Leone, West M. Buchanan, Matron; George
Africa. G. Carlson, Cooking; W. C.
Baldwin, Agriculture; Edith
Established 1908. Pierce, Dressmaking; A. L. Phil-
Faculty: T. M. French. Mrs. T. M. brick, Carpentry.
French, Henry Lynch. Institute of Music: Oliver S.
Beltz, Director, Voice Culture,
Methods; Mrs. 0. S. Beltz,
WEST INDIAN TRAINING Piano, Methods; William Wal-
SCHOOL. lace, Wind and Stringed In-
Riversdale, Jamaica, West Indies. struments; Mrs. Abbie 0. Bald-
win, Church-School Music; Miss
Established 1907. Alpha Loper, Assistant an
Managing Board: U. Bender, Piano and Organ; Miss Jessie
Chairman; C. B. Hughes, W. E. Allen, Assistant in Piano and
Baxter, D. E. Wellman, H. C. Organ.

WILLIAMSDA LE ACADEMY. son Steeves, James Hannah, 'J.

L. Stansbury, L. D. Longard.
Williamsdale, East, Nova Scotia.
Faculty: Principal, J. L. Stans-
Established 1904. bury; Asst. Teacher and Pre-
ceptress, Mrs. J. L. Stansbury;
Board of Management: Chairman, Language Teacher, Miss Mable
J. 0. ' Miller; Secretary and Patterson; Matron, Miss Emily
Treasurer, Ira J. Gault; other McDiarmid; Business Manager,
members, Geo. W. Miller, Watt- Lyman Gray.
(In alphabetical order.)
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Board: J. H. Woods, E. H. Gates, Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
B. F. Machlan L. A. Hoopes, America.
J. E. Fulton, F. C. Richards, G.
S. Fisher. Cable Address: Adventist, Btienos
Manager: J. A. D. Aitken. Ayres.
(This institution is operated as a Pose-office Address: Florida, F. C.
department of the Avondale C. A., Buenos Ayres, Argentina,
School, the work being done by South America.
students.) Name: "Imprenta Adventista del
Publishing Board: 0. Oppegard, J.
V. Maas, Juan Bonjour.
Editors: La Verdad Presente,
BRAZIL PUBLISHING HOUSE. Mrs. Lydia Oppegard; Corre-
sponding Editors, J. W. West-
Office Address: EstacEio Sao Ber- phal, R. H. Habenicht; La Re-
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, vista Adventista, Mrs. Lydia
Brazil, South America. Oppegard.
Publishing Boara: Manager, A.
Pages. Committee for Publish-
ing: F. W. Spies, Emilio Ho-
elzle, A. Pages, G. Stein. CANADIAN PUBLISHING AS-
Editors: 0 Arauto da Verdade SOCIATION.
and Revista Mensal: Guillermo 173 Second Ave., Ottawa, Ontario.
Stein, Sao Bernardo, Sao Paulo,
Brazil; Rundschau der Adven- Publishing Committee: Wm. Guth-
tisten, A. Pages, Silo Bernardo. rie, B. B. Noftsger, I. S. Jones;
Eugene Leland.
Manager and Treasurer: B. B.
Editor Canadian Union Messen-
International Tract Society,
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat-
ford, Herts, England. Espejo, Santiago, Chile, South
Cable Address: Hygiene, Gar- America.
ston, Herts, England." Established 1908.
Publishing Board: Chairman, W.
T. Bartlett; Manager, W. C. Cable Address: Adventista, Santi-
Sisley; Sec.,.W. R. Wite; Di- agO, South America.
rectors, W. C. Sisley, W. J. Post-office Address: Casilla 43,
Fitzgerald, W. H. Meredith, W. Correo 3, Santiago, Chile, South
T. Bartlett, W. R. White. America,
Editors: Present Truth, W. T. Corporate Name: Imprenta Ad-
Bartlett; The Missionary ventista.
Worker, Miss E. Chapman; Publishing Board: The President
Good Health, A. B. Olsen, M. D. of the South American Union

Conference, the Superintendents DENMARK PUBLISHING

of the Ecuador, Peru, and Bo- HOUSE.
livia Mission Fields, the Presi-
dent of the Chile Conference, Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen, V.,
and Carlos E. Krieghoff, G. W. Denmark.
Casebeer, Danaaso Soto, and Ed.
W. Thomann. Corporate Name: Dansk Bogfor-
. Officers of the Board: Chairman, lag.
F. H. Westphal; Sec. and Treas., Cable Address: Expedit, Copen-
Carlos E. Krieghoff. hagen.
Editor: Sellales de los Tiempos, Secretary and Treasurer: Jens Ol-
Ed. W. Thomann; Assistant sen.
Editor and Manager, Carlos E.
(Continuing the Advocate Pub-
MISSION PRESS. Berrien Springs, Mich.
P 5gg and boo North Honan Road, Established 1904.
Shanghai, China.
Board of Managers: A. Moon, S.
Post-office Address: Box 993, U. S. E. Wight, Wm. Covert, C. Mc-
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Reynolds, A. G. Haughey, E. K.
Officers: Manager, H. W. Miller; Slade, Morris Lukens, J. J. Ir-
Supt., B. A. Roberts; Treas., win, J. H. Haughey, 0. J. Graf,
H. H. Winslow. W. H. Edwards, J. B. Blosser.
Editors: Shi Chao Yueh Pao (The Publishing Board: A. Moon, 0. J.
Signs of the Times), H. W. Mil- Graf, J. H. Haughey, A. G.
ler; Associate Editors, A. C. Haughey, W. H. Edwards.
Selmon, E. H. Wilbur. Manager: 0. J. Graf; Asst. Busi-
ness Manager, R. B. King;
Printer, F. 0. Rathbun.


HOUSE. Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Pacific
Corporate Name: Den norske Bog-
mission. Established 1896.
Office: Akersgaden 74, Christiania,
Norway. Manager: A. Stewart.
Cable Address: Sundhedsbladet,
Christiania, Norway.
Publishing Board: N. C. Berger-
sen, N. P. Nelson, C. B. Jensen FINLAND PUBLISHING HOUSE.
(Norway), E. Arnesen, C. C. Unionsgatan 4, Helsingfors,
Jensen, L. Muderspach (Den- Finland.
Treaturer: Selma Rigstrom. Corporate Name: Aikain .Vartija
Editors: Sundhedsbladet, J. C. Forlagsktiebolag.
Ottosen, M. D.; Evangeliets Sen- Publishing Board: N. Hammar,
debud, E. Arnesen. Hugo Mikkonen; N. Savander.

Editorial Board: Aikain Vartija, nationale Traktatgesellschaft,

Fred Anderson, W. Sucksdorff, Nonnenweg 22, Basel, Switzer-
Agnes Wickholm. land.
Managing Board: L. R. Conradi,
Chairman; H. Hartkop, W. Se-
bald, 0. E. Reinke, W. Miry.
Traktatgesellschaft in Russia:
HOUSE. Kleine Newastr. 12, ' Riga,
Internationale Traktatgesellschaft Russia.
in Hamburg, Grindelberg 15a, Board of Trustees: L. R. Conradi,
Hamburg, Germany. H. J. Lobsack, D. Isaak, H. K.
Lobsack, D. P. Gaede, 0. Wild-
Established 1895. grube, J. Sprohge, H. Hartkop,
J. T. Bottcher.
Cable Address: Conradi, Ham- Attorney: J. T. Bottcher.
burg, Grindelberg. Hamburg Levant Branch: Inter-
Publishing Board: L. R. Conradi, nationale Traktatgesellschaft,
Chairman; H. Hartkop, H. F. German Post, Galata, Box 109,
Schuberth J. H. Schilling, J. T. Constantinople, Turkey. Man-
Bottcher, W. Krumm, 0. Liipke, ager, C. Voigt. Publishing in
Dr. E. Meyer, J. G. Obliinder, the following languages: Greek,
J. F. Huenergardt. ' Armenian, Turkish-Armenian,
Auditors: W. Krumm, Alice Miss- Turkish-Greek, and Turkish.
Local Committee: H. Hartkop, J.
H. Schilling; P. John, G. Dail.
Editors: Herold der rheit,
R. Conradi, H. F. Schuberth;
Gute Gesundheit, E. Behn, M.D., The Watchman Press, 19 Banks
P. A. De Forest, M. D.; Road, Lucknow, India.
Der Protestant (the Protestant) Languages in which publications
(German), H. F. Schuberth; Der
Erzieher (the Educator) (Ger-
are issued: English, Bengali,
Hindi, and Santhali.
man), 0. Liipke; Teekenen des Editors: Oriental Watchman and
Tijds (Holland), R. G. Kling- Eastern Tidings: G. F. Enoch,
beil; De Arbeider (Holland W. E. Perrin.
church paper); Unser kleiner
Manager: W. E. Perrin.
Freund, M. Creeper; Zions
Wachter, , Az Utolso
Uzenst (Hungarian), J. F. Hu-
energardt; Maslina (Russian),
janus, Th. Itzmann, H. J. Lob- ASSOCIATION.
sack; Hlasatel ,Pravdy (Herald
of Truth) (Bohemian), Editorial College View, Nebr.
Committee, J. Wolfgarten, R. Established 1903.
Rall, G. Skakal; Semnele Tim-
pului (Signs of the Times). Officers: President, E. T. Russell;
(Rumanian), Editorial Com- Vice-President, A. T. Robinson;
mittee, 0. Liipke, R. P. Paulini, Secretary, Wm. Asp; Treas-
0. Schwenecke; Zianas Sargs urer and Business Manager, F.
(Lettonian), Editorial Commit- F. Byington:
tee, J. T. Bottcher, J. Sprohge, Trustees: E. T. Russell, A. T.
J. Schneider; Sioni Wahimees Robinson, 0. A. Olsen, F. F.
(Esthonian). Byington, August Anderson, G.
Hamburg Branch Houses: Inter- F. Haffner, M. S. Reppe.

Counselors: S. Mortenson, L. H. H. H. Dexter, J. Curdy, J. Rob-

Christian, Henry Shultz, J. F. ert, J. Vuilleumier, G. Roth, W.
Anderson, Chas. Leer, N. P. G. Bond, P. A. De Forest, L.
Nielsen, G. A. Grauer, H. Han- Zecchetto, C. E. Rentfro.
sen, Fred Johnson, J. H. Kraft, Editors: Le Messager and Les
A. J. Stone, 0. F. Schwedrat, Signes des Temps, J. Vuilleu-
D. R. Callahan, J. H. Morrison, mier; Le Vulgarisateur, P. A.
Lars Nielson, A. P. Hansen, B. De Forest, M. D.
F. Kneeland.
Committees on Foreign Litera-
ture: German: G. F. Haffner, G.
A. Grauer, 0. F. Schwedrat, MEXICAN PUBLISHING HOUSE.
Theo. Valentiner, C. J. Kunkel. Office: No. 1420, Avenida 20, Ta-
Swedish: S. Mortenson, August cubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Anderson, F. Johnson, E. E. Corporate Name: " Compafiia de
Boden, A. Swedberg. Danish- Publicapiones, 'La Verdad,' S.
Norwegian: L. H. Christian, L. A."
Johnson, P. E. Berthelsen, M. Cable Address: " Verdad," Mex-
L. Andreasen, C.. A. Thorp. ico City, Mexico.
Editors: Evangellets Sendebud, Publishing Committee: G. W.
Editor, M. S. Reppe; Sions Vak- Reaser, G. W. Caviness, W. S.
tare, Editor, A. Swedberg; Sig- Swayze, L. E. Borle, J. A. P.
nalen, Editor, S. Mortenson; Green.
Asst. Editor, A. Swedberg; Officers: President, W. S. Swayze;
Christlicher Hausfreund and Secretary, Alfred Cooper; Treas-
Deutscher Arbeiter, Editor, T. urer, G. W. Caviness; Auditor,
Valentiner. M. B. Erkenbeck.
Committee to confer with Book Editors: Las Senales de los Tiem-
Committee in Europe: G. F. pos, G. W. Caviness; El Amigo
Haffner, S. Mortenson, L. H. de los Ninos, Mrs. G. W. Cav-
Christian. iness.

846 Sendagaya-machi, Tokyo, ASSOCIATION.
Established 1875.
Established. 1909.
Manager: W. D. Burden: Main Office: Villa Street, Moun-
tain View; California.
Cable Address: Uprising, Moun-
KOREAN S. D. A. MISSION tain View, California.
PRESS. Branch Offices: 1109 East Twelfth
Seoul, Korea. St., Kansas City, Mo.; 61
North Park St., Portland, Ore-
Established 1909. gon; Box 666, Regina, Saskatch-
Manager and Treasurer: C. L. ewan, Canada. '
Butterfield. Territory: The Pacific, North Pa-
cific, Central, Northern, and
LATIN UNION PUBLISHING Western Canadian Union Con-
HOUSE. Directors: H. W. Cottrell, M. C.
Soci6te Internationale de Traites. Wilcox, A. 0. Tait, C. H. Jones,
Office: 29 rue de la Synagogue, H. H. Hall, H. G. Childs, B. R.
,Geneva, Switzerland. Nordyke.
Publishing Board: L. P. Tieche, Officers: President, H. W. Cot-

trell; Vice-President, C. H. York, N. Y., L. W. Graham,

Jones; Secretary and Treasurer, Manager.
H. G. Childs; Auditor, J. J. Ire-
land; General Manager, C. H. Constituency: The Executive Com-
Jones; Manager of Book De- mittees of the General Confer-
partment, H. H. Hall. ence, Atlantic Union, Columbia
Manager of Kansas City Branch:, Union, Canadian Union, Lake
James Cochran. Union, Northern Union, and of
Manager of Portland Branch: J. the local conferences therein, as
F. Beatty. well as former stockholders of
Manager of Regina Branch: W. V. the Seventh-day Adventist Pub-
Sample. lishing Association who hold cer-
Publishing Committee: H. H. Hall, tificates of membership in this
C. H. Jones, M. C. Wilcox, A. 0. corporation.
Tait, H. W. Cottrell, B. R. Nor- Board of Trustees: W. W. Pres-
dyke, H. G. Childs, Max Hill, cott, S. N. Curtiss, I. H. Evans,
F. H. Gage, J. R. Ferren. F. M. Wilcox, H. R. Salisbury,
Editor Signs of the Times: M. C. G. B. Thompson, D. W. Reavis,
Wilcox; Associate Editor, L. A. T. E. Bowen.
'Reed; editor Signs of the Times
Monthly, L. A. Reed; Associate Officers: President, F. M. Wilcox;
Editor, M. C. Wilcox. Vice-President and Treasurer,
S. N. Curtiss; Secretary, W. B.
Editor Our Little Friend: Kath- Walters; Auditor, E. R. Brown.
rina B. Wilcox; Associate Edi-
tor, M. C. Wilcox. Editors: Review and Herald, W.
The Pacific Press Publishing A. Spicer; associate editors, F.
Assn. handles publications in M. Wilcox, C. M. Snow, W. W.
French, German, Danish, Swedish, Prescott. The Youth's In-
Spanish, and the Oriental lan- structor, Mrs. Fannie Dickerson
guages. It also gives special at- Chase. Life and Health, Dr.
-tendon to standard school text- George H. Heald; associate edi-
books and juvenile publications. tors, Dr. G. A. Hare and Dr. D.
Complete catalogue sent free on H. Kress. Liberty, C. M. Snow;
application. associate editors, K. C. Russell
and W. A. Colcord. The Sab-
bath School Worker, Mrs. L.
Flora Plummer; associate edi-
tor, G. B. Thompson. The Prot-
estant Magazine, W. W. Pres-
REVIEW AND HERALD PUB- cott. Christian Education, Fred-
LISHING ASSOCIATION. erick Griggs; associate editor,
W. E. Howell.
Incorporated 1903.
Book Committee: S. N. Curtiss,
Main Office: Takoma Park Sta- ' Chairman; D. W. Reavis, Sec-
tion, Washington, D. C. retary; W. W. Prescott, W. A.
Cable Address: .Review, Washing- Colcord, C. M. Snow, E. R.
ton. Palmer, G. H. Heald.
Territory: The Atlantic, Colum- Foreign Publications: The New
bia, Canadian, and Lake Union York Branch of Review and
Conferences. Herald Publishing Association
Branch Offices: Western Branch, carries a very large and com-
212 South Lafayette St., South plete assortment of the tracts,
Bend, Ind., J. W. Mace, Man- pamphlets, and books issued by
ager; New York Branch, Room our various foreign publishing
404, 32 Union Square, East, New houses. Send for catalogue.


Office: Warburton, Victoria, Aus- 2123 Twenty-fourth Ave., North,
tralia. Nashville, Tenn.
Cable Address: " Signs, Warbur-
ton," Australia. Established 1901.
Publishing Board: Chairman, W. Territory: The Southeastern,
D. Salisbury; Secretary, A. W. Southern, and Southwestern
Anderson; Manager, W. D. Sal- Union Conferences.
isbury; Treasurer, N. D. Faulk- Constituency: The Executive
head; Directors, J. E. Fulton, Committees of the foregoing
W. D. Salisbury, J. M. Johan- Union Conferences.
son, A. W. Anderson, N. D. Board of Managers: C. F. Mc-
Faulkhead, C. H. Parker, A. W. Vagh, C. P. Bollman, R. Hook,
H. Merritt. Jr., Chas. Thompson, L. A.
Editors: Signs of the Times, A. W. Smith, A. F. Harrison, P. T.
Anderson. Magan, R. L. Pierce, S. B. Hor-
Officers: President, C. F. Mc-
Vagh; - Vice-President, C. P.
Bollman; Secretary, Treasurer,
Hook, Jr.
HOUSE. Editors: The Watchman, L. A.
Smith; Associate Editor, C. P.
56 Roeland St., Cape Town, Bollman; Corresponding Edi-
South Africa. tors, Geo. I. Butler, P. T. Ma-
gan; Gospel Sentinel, C. P. Boll-
Publishing Committee: College man; Associate, L. A. Smith;
Board and Faculty. Report of Progress, Mrs. M. H.
Printing Works: Manager, Shaw Crothers.
Tarr. Branch Offices: 411 West Rail-
Editors: South African Sentinel, road Ave., Fort Worth, Tex.;
managing editor, I. J. Hankins; Manager, R. L. Pierce. 169
editorial staff, R. C. Porter, W. Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga.; L. D.
S. Hyatt, H. J. Edmed; South Randall, Manager.
African Missionary, Mrs. R. C.

COMPANY. Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm,
South Lancaster, -Mass.
Corporate Name: Skandinaviska
Committee: The Executive Com- Directors: E. Lind, E. J. Ahr6n,
mittee of the Central New J. R. Lindqvist.
England Conference. Secretary and Treasurer: J. R.
Officers: President, H. C. Hart- Lindqvist.
well; Superintendent, Leonard Editor: Tidens Tecken, E. J.
J. Smith; Treasurer, H. B. Ahr6n. Missionaren, E. J.
Tucker. Ahren.

WATCHMAN PUBLISHING Cobban, A. F. Haines, E. W..

ASSOCIATION. Snyder, C. E. Morgan.
Officers: Chairman, U. Bender;
Secretary, A. F. Haines;
Cristobal, Canal Zone, Republic Treasurer and Manager, H. H.
de Panama. Cobban.
Editors: The Caribbean Watch-
Cable Address: Watchman," man, B. E. Connerly; associate,
Colon. H. H. Cobban; El Centinela de
Territory: West Indian Union la Verdad, B. E. Connerly; As-
Conference. sociate Editor, Lillian S. Con-
Publishing Board: U. Bender, D. nerly; West Indian Messenger,
E. Wellman, J. B. Beckner, B. H. H. Cobban; Associate, B. E.
E. Connerly, H. C. Goodrich, H. Connerly.

The Advent Review and Sabbath editor,. Mrs. Fannie Dickerson
Herald (denominational church Chase.
paper); weekly; twenty-four Liberty (organ of the Religious
pages; annual subscription, Liberty Association); a forty-
$1.75; published at Takoma eight page quarterly magazine
Park Station, Washington, D. of religious freedom, devoted
C.; editor, W. A. Spicer; asso- to the promulgation of the fun-
ciate editors, F. M. Wilcox, C. damental principles of the
M. Snow, W. W. ,Prescott. rights of the people; annual
The Signs of the Times (leading subscription, 25 cents; pub-
missionary paper and prophetic lished by Review and Herald
expositor); illustrated weekly; Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta-
sixteen pages; annual subscrip- tion, Washington, D. C.; ed-
tion, $1.75; to foreign countries, itor, C. M. Snow; associate
$2; published by Pacific Press editors, K. C. Russell, W. A.
Publishing Assn., Mountain Colcord.
View, Cal.; editor, M. C. Wil- The Present Truth (devoted to a
cox; associate, L. A. Reed. presentation of the doctrine of
Signs of the Times Monthly Mag- the second coming of Christ,
azine; forty-eight pages and and general Bible truth); week-
cover; $1 a year; to foreign ly; sixteen pages; annual sub-
countries, $1.25; published by scription, 6s 6d ($1.60); Stan-
the Pacific Press Pub. Assn., borough Park, Watford, Herts,
Mountain View, Cal.; editor, England; editor, W. T. Bartlett.
L. A. Reed; associate, M. C. The Australasian Signs of the
Wilcox. Times (devoted to an exposi-
The Watchman; general mission- tion of Bible truth and signs of
ary paper and Bible expositor; the times); weekly; twelve
illustrated monthly magazine pages; annual subscription, 4s
of forty-eight or more pages 6d; to countries outside of Aus-
and covers; annual subscription tralia, and in the Postal Union,
(including Canada), $1; to for- 8s 6d ($2); Warburton, Vic-
eign countries, $1.25; published toria, Australia; editor, A. W.
by the Southern Publishing As- Anderson.
sociation, 2123 Twenty-fourth The Oriental Watchman; monthly;
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.; sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
editor, L. A. Smith; associate tion, Rs. 2-8 (eighty cents);
editor, C. P. Bollman; corre- International Tract Society, 19
sponding editors, Geo. I. Butler, Banks Road, Lucknow, India;
P. T. Magan. editor, Geo. F. Enoch.
The Youth's Instructor (organ of The Caribbean Watchman; month-
Young People's Missionary Vol- ly; sixteen pages and cover; 36
unteer Dept. of the General cents a year; Cristobal, Canal
Conference, and contains its Zone, Republic de Panama; edi-
Reading Courses, also the S. S. tor, B. E. Connerly; associate
lessons for the youth); week- editor, H. H. Cobban.
ly; sixteen pages; annual sub- South African Sentinel (devoted
scription, $1; Takoma Park to an exposition of the signs of
Station, Washington, D. C.; the times and Sabbath truth);

monthly; twelve pages; annual protesting against ecclesiastical

subscription, 36 cents; to coun- error and promoting gospel
tries outside of South Africa truth; annual subscription, 25
and in the Postal Union, 40 cents; published by Review and
cents; managing editor, I. J. Herald Publishing Association,
Hankins; editorial staff, R. C. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Porter, W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Ed- ington, D. C.; editor, W. W.
med; Kenilworth, Cape, South Prescott.
Africa. Christian Education (organ of Ed-
Life and Health (devoted to health ucational Department of the
in the home and general san- General Conference); a forty-
itary topics) ; monthly; sixty- eight page bi-monthly magazine
four pages (magazine form); devoted to the promotion of a
annual subscription, $1; pub- broad, thorough, and rational
lished by Review and Herald education, based upon true
Pub. Assn., Takoma Park Sta- Christian principles; annual sub-
tion, Washington, D. C.; editor, scription, 50 cents; published by
Dr. G. H. Heald; associate edi- Review and Herald Publishing
tors, Dr. G. A. Hare, Dr. D. H. Association, Takoma Park Sta-
K ress. tion, Washington, D. C.; editor,
The Australasian 'Good Health; Frederick Griggs; associate ed-
monthly; sixteen pages; annual itor, W. E. Howell.
subscription, 2s M; beyond the Sabbath School Quarterly: Forty-
commonwealth, 3s; Avondale. eight pages; containing the S.
Press, Cooranbong, N. S. W., D. A. International Sabbath-
Australia; editor, Dr. F. Rich- school lessons; annual subscrip-
ards; assistant editor, J. P. tion, 20 cents; Pacific Press Pub.
Gregory; board of management, Assn., Mountain View, Cal.
F. Richards, B. F. Machlan, J. Bible Students' Library: Send for
P. Gregory. topically arranged list, to Pa-
Good Health (devoted to hygiene cific Press Publishing Assn.,
and the principles of healthful Mounain View, Cal.
living); monthly; thirty-two Apples of Gold Library: Send for
pages; yearly subscription, is topically arranged list to Pacific
6d; Stanborough Park, Wat- Press Publishing Assn., Moun-
. ford, Herts, England; editor, A. tain View, Cal.
B. Olsen, M. D. Our Little Friend (a child's
The Sabbath School Worker (or- paper); illustrated weekly;
gan of the Sabbath-school De- eight pages, annual subscrip-
partment of the General Confer- tion, 60 cents. Pacific Press
ence); monthly; sixteen pages; Publishing Assn., Mountain
annual subscription, 35 cents; View, Cal.; editor, Kathrina B.
in clubs of two or more, 30 Wilcox; associate, M. C. Wilcox.
cents; published at Takoma
Park Station, Washington, D. Gospel Sentinel, The; sixteen
C.; editor, Mrs. L. Flora Plum- pages; weekly; 75 cents; pub-
mer; associate editor, G. B. lished by the Southern Pub.
Thompson. Assn., Nashville, Tenn.; editor,
The Protestant Magazine; a sixty- C. P. Bollman; associate editor,
four-page quarterly magazine, L. A. Smith.
Atlantic Union Gleaner (official Santee, associate editor; pub-
organ of the Atlantic Union lished at Keene, Tex.
Conference); weekly; eight Report of Progress (organ of the
pages; 50 cents a year; Miss Sotithern Union Conference);
Pearl Rees, editor, published at weekly; four pages; 50 cents
South Lancaster, Mass. yearly; published by the South-
Canadian Union Messenger (offi- ern Publishing Assn., 2123
cial organ of the Canadian Twenty-fourth Ave., N., Nash-
Union Conference); weekly; 35 ville, Tenn.; editor, Mrs. M. H.
cents; Lorne Park, Ontario; edi- Crothers. -
tor, H. T. Curtis. North Pacific Union Gleaner (offi-
Columbia Union Visitor (official cial organ of the North Pacific
organ of the Columbia Union Union Conference); weekly;
Conference); eight pages; week- eight pages; 50 cents a year;
ly; 50 cents; published at Mt. published by the North Pacific
Vernon, Ohio; editor, D. D. Union Conference, Rooms 15 and
Rees. 16, Die Briicke Block, Walla
Lake Union Herald (official or- Walla, Wash.; editor, S. J.
gan of the Lake Union Confer- Lashier.
ence); weekly; eight pages; 50
cents a year; Mrs. Lou K. Cur- Union Conference Record (official
tis, editor; published at Berrien organ of the Australasian Un-
Springs, Michigan, and printed ion Conference); weekly; eight
by Emmanuel Missionary Col- pages; annual subscription, 4s;
lege Press. published by the Australasian
Northern Union Reaper (official Union Conference, " Elsnath,"
organ of the Northern Union Burwood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Conference); weekly; eight Australia; editor, Mrs. A. L.
pages; 50 cents a year in the Hindson, Roland Ave., Wah-
United States, 75 cents in Can- roonga, N. S. W., Australia.
ada and foreign countries pub- Zions-WAchter (organ of the Ger-
lished by the Northern Union' man Union Conference); semi-
Conference, at 347 East Lake monthly; sixteen pages; annual
St , Minneapolis, Minn.; editor, subscription, 40 cents; Interna-
T. D. Gibson, 2718 Third Ave., tionale Traktatgesellschaft,
South, Minnbapolis, Minn. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Pacific Union Recorder (official many.
organ of the Pacific Union Con- The Missionary Worker (official
ference); weekly; six pages; organ of the British Union Con-
fifty cents a year; editorial ference); semimonthly; eight
committee, J. J. Ireland, H. W. pages; is a year; post-paid, is
Cottrell, Claude Conard; pub- 6d; International Tract Society,
lished at Mountain View, Cal. Ltd., Stanborough Park, Wat-
Field Tidings (official organ of ford, Herts,. England; editor,
the Southeastern Union Confer- Miss Edith Chapman.
ence); six pages; semimonthly; South African Missionary; week-
25 cents; editor, M. B. Van ly; four pages; annual subscrip-
Kirk; assistant editor, Mrs. tion, 60 cents;- to countries out-
Mettie S. Lenker; published at side of South Africa and in the
Graysville, Tenn. Postal Union, 75 cents; editor,
The Southwestern Union Record Mrs. R. C. Porter, " Wynnton,"
(official organ of the Southwest- Selous Road, Claremont, South
ern Union Conference); eight Africa.
pages; weekly; 50 cents; C. N. Rundschau der Adventisten (Ger-
Woodward, editor; Clarence man paper for circulation among

S. D. A. churches in South cents a year; Cristobal, Canal

America); eight pages; month- Zone, Republic de Panama;
ly; published by the Brazil editor, H. H. Cobban; assistant,
Publishing House, Sao Ber- editor, B. E. Connerly.
nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Union Conference Sheet (organ of
Brazil, South America; editor, the Western Canadian Union
A. Pages. - Conference); two pages; month-
West Indian Messenger (organ of ly; Box 244, Regina, Saskatch-
the West Indian Union Confer- ewan, Alberta, Canada.
ence); monthly; eight pages, 24


(Arranged Alphabetically by Conferences.)
Alberta: Alberta News Letter; Indiana: The Indiana Reporter;
four pages, bimonthly; 25 cents; semimonthly; six pages; 25
Alberta Tract Society, Lacombe, cents; Indiana Conference S. D.
Alberta, Canada. A., 521 East Twenty-third St.,
Bermuda: The Scriptural Voice; Indianapolis, Ind.
four pages, monthly; 25 cents; Iowa: The Workers' Bulletin;
editor, M. Enoch, Hamilton, weekly; four pages; 40 cents;
Bermuda. Iowa Tract Society, Nevada,
British Columbia: British Colum- Iowa; editor, Mrs. Flora V.
bia Visitor; monthly; 50 cents; Dorcas.
British Columbia Tract Society, Kansas: Kansas Worker; weekly;
Port Hammond; British Colum- four pages; 35 cents; Kansas
bia; editor, Miss Bertha Lof- Conf. Assn., 821 West Fifth
stad. St., Topeka, Kans.; editor, H. E.
Colorado: Echoes from the Field; Meyer.
semimonthly; four pages; an- Manitoba: Manitoba Worker;
nual subscription, 25 cents; Col- monthly; five pages; 50 cents;
orado Tract Society, 1112 Kal- Manitoba Conference, Box 104,
amath St., Denver, Colo; editor, Portage la Prairie, Manitoba.
Ralph Emery. Mexico: El Campo Mexicano; four
Central American Herald; month- pages; monthly; published at
ly; four pages; Central Amer- 1420 Avenue 20, Tacubaya, D.
ican Conference, Buzon 218, F., Mexico.
Guatemala City, Guatemala, Missouri: The Workers' Record;
Central America; editor, Mrs. issued -semimonthly for the
W. E. Hancock. North and Southern Missouri
.East Michigan: East Michigan Conferences; four pages; 25
Banner; weekly; 25 cents; pub- cents; Utica, Mo.; editor, Mrs.
lished at Holly, Mich.; editor, Mae Ogden; field editor, A. R.
A. C. Nelson. Ogden.
India: Eastern Tidings; monthly; Montana: Montana Bivouac;
six pages; Re.1.a year; printed monthly; four pages; 25 cents;
by the Watchman Press, 19 editor, A. E. Everett, Bozeman,
Banks Road, Lucknow, for the Mont.
International Tract Society. Nebraska: Nebraska Reporter;
Herald of Health; ' monthly; 16 semimonthly; , four pages; 25
pages; annual subscription, Rs. cents; Nebraska Conference, 905
1-8; International Tract Society, North California Ave., Hastings,
19 Banks Road, Lucknow, Nebr.; editor, M. E. Ellis.
Dr. H. C. Menkel, editor. Newfoundland: The Advent Mes-

senger; four pages; monthly; 25 Monon Bldg., Chicago, Ill.; edi-

cents; editor, C. H. Keslake, tor, H. E. Moon.
Box 217, St. John's, Newfound- North Michigan: North Michigan
land. Conference News Sheet; month-
New Zealand Messenger (official ly; 25 cents; 510 Petoskey St.,
organ of the New Zealand Con- Petoskey, Mich.
ference); monthly; four pages; Western Coldrado: The Gleaner;
published by the New Zealand monthly; 25 cents; 134 South
Conference, at Cambridge, near Eighth St., Grand Junction,
Auckland, New Zealand. Colo.; editor, J. L. Humbert.
New York: The Indicator; week- Wisconsin: The Wisconsin Re-
ly; four pages; 25 cents; New porter; weekly; four pages; 35
York Tract Society, 317 West cents: Wisconsin Tract Society,
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y.; Grand Rapids, Wis.
editor, F. N. Johnson. Wyoming: Wyoming Enterprise;
Northern Illinois: The Northern four pages; monthly; 25 cents
Illinois Recorder; semimonthly; annually; published by the Wy-
four pages; 25 cents; Northern oming Conference, Crawford,
Illinois Conference, Room 650, Nebr.; editor, Asa Smith. .

(Alphabetically arranged by languages.)
BENGALI. by the Seventh-day Adventist
Mission Press, at P599-600 North
Juga Lakhyan (Signs of the Honan Road, Shanghai, China;
Times); eight-page quarterly; post-office address, Box 993,
published at 19 Banks Road, U. S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
Lucknow, India; L. G. Mooker- China.
jee, editor.

BOHEMIAN. Evangeliets Sendebud; semi-
H l a sat el Pravdy (Herald of monthly; sixteen pages; annual
Truth); monthly; 16 pages; subscription, kr. 2.50; rate for
church and missionary paper; America, $1; Akersgaden 74,
subscription, kr. 2 (America, 50 Christiania, Norway, and Mar-
cents). Editorial Committee: J. grethevej 5, Copenhagen, ,V.,
Wolfgarten, R. Rall, G. Skakal; Denmark; editor, Erik Arnesen.
published by Internationale Sundhedsbladet (health journal);
Traktatgesellschaft, Grindelberg monthly; twenty-four pages;
15a, Hamburg, Germany. annual 'Subscription, in Norway,
kr. 2.50; in Denmark, 3.00; rate
for America, 85 cents; Akers-
gaden 74, Christiania, Norway,
CHINESE. . and Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen
V., Denmark; editor, J. C. Otto-
Shi Chao Yueh Pao (The Signs of sen.
the Times); twenty-page month- Evangeliets Sendebud; weekly;
ly; 35 cents; editor, H. W. Mil- sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
ler; associate editors, A. C. Sel- tion, $1.50; College View, Nebr.;
mon, E. H. Wilbur; published editor, M. S. Reppe.

Missionaeren; monthly; eight gogue, Geneva, Switzerland; ed-

pages; annual subscription, 50 itor, P. A. De Forest.
cents; College View, Nebr.
Lys over Landet; devoted to
health and temperance; thirty-
two pages; quarterly; 35 cents; GERMAN.
International Pub. Assn., College
View, Nebr. Herold der Wahrheit; semimonth-
ly; eight pages; annual sub-
scription, Mk. 2. (60 cents for
America); Grindelberg 15a,
ESTHONIAN. Hamburg, Germany; editors, L.
Sioni Wahimees; sixteen pages; Gute R. Conradi, H. F. Schuberth.
eight numbers a year; illus- Gesundheit (health paper) ;
trated; 50 cents; published at monthly; sixteen pages; annual
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- subscription, Mk. 2 (for Amer-
many. ica, 50 cents);' Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany; editors, E.
Behn, M. D.; P. A. De Forest,
M. D.
FIJIAN. . Unser kleiner Freund (child's
paper) ; monthly; 16 pages; an-
Rarama; monthly; eight pages; nual subscription, 80 Pfg. (for
Buresala, via Levuka,. Fiji, Pa- America, 30 cents); Grindelberg
cific Ocean; editor, A. Stewart, 15a, Hamburg, Germany; editor,
" Elsnath," Burwood St., Bur- M. Creeper.
wood, New South Wales, Aus- Der Protestant; religious liberty
tralia. quarterly; twenty-four pages;
annual subscription, 1 mk. (for
America, 25 cents) ; Grindelberg
15a, Hamburg; editor, H. F.
FINNISH. Schuberth.
Aikain Vartija; monthly; eight Der Erzieher; educational quar-
pages; annual subscription, 50 terly; twenty-four pages; an-
cents; Unionsgatan 4, Helsing- nual subscription, 1 mk. (for
fors, Finland; editors, Fred An- America, 25 cents) ; Grindelberg
derson, W. Sucksdorff, Agnes 15a, Hamburg; editor, Otto
Wickholm. Liipke.
Christlicher Hausfreund; semi-
monthly; 16 pages; annual sub-
scription, $1; College View,
FRENCH. Nebr.; editor, T. Valentiner.
Deutscher Arbeiter; semimonthly;
Les Signs des Temps; monthly; eight pages; annual subscrip-
annual subscription, fr. 1.50 (30 tion, 50 cents; College View,
cents); published at 29 rue de Nebr.; editor, T. Valentiner.
la Synagogue, Genevi, Switzer- Der Jugendbote (Youth's Messen-
land; -editor, J. Vuilleumier. ger), an eight-page monthly for
Le Messager (church paper) ; German young people; 50 cents
semimonthly; annual subscrip- a year; International Pub.
tion, fr. 2 (40 cents); 29 rue de Assn., College View, Nebr.
la Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer- Der Jugendfreund (German paper
land; editor, J. Vuilleumier. for the young people of South
Le Vulgarisateur et Messager de America); eight pages; bi-
1'Hygiene; monthly health monthly; published by Brazil
paper; sixteen pages; fr. 3.00' Publishing House, Rho Ber-
(60 cents) ; 29 rue de la Syna- nardo, S. P. R., Sfio Paulo,

Brazil, South America; editor, JAPANESE.

John Lipke.
Owari No Fukuin; semimonthly;
twelve pages; annual subscrip-
tion, 50 cents; 846 Sendagaya-
machi, Tokyo, Japan; editors,
T. H. Okohira, F. W. Field.
Teekenen des Tijds (Signs of the
Times), Holland (formerly Zions LETTONIAN.
Wachter); monthly; eight
pages; annual subscription, 75 Zianas Sargs; sixteen pages;
Holl. cents; to foreign countries, monthly; illustrated; 50 cents;
1 florin (40 cents); Interna- Editorial Committee: J. T.
tional Tract Society, Grindel- Blittcher, J. Sprohge, J. Schnei-
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany; der; published at Grindelberg
editor, R. G. Klingbeil. 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
De Arbeider; eight pages; quar-
terly; 80 Holl. cents; to foreign
countries, 30 cents; Internation-
ale Traktatgesellschaft, Grindel-
berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. MALAY.
De Wachter; twelve pages;
monthly; editor, Hubertus Elf- Zaman Pnghabisan (alternate edi-
fers, "Rustica," Wynberg, Cape, tions in Dutch-Malay and Singa-
South Africa. pore-Malay); monthly; eight
De Zuidafrikaanse Zendigbode; pages; 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Singa-
four pages; monthly; Kenil- pore, Malay Archipelago, Pa-
worth, Cape, South Africa. cific Ocean; editor, G. F. Jones.

Te Karere o to Pono; monthly;
Az Utolso Uzenet (The Last 'Mes- four pages; published by the
sage); sixteen pages; monthly New Zealand Conference.
missionary paper; 50 cents a
year (2 Kronen); editor, Janos
F. Huenergardt, Peczel, Hajnal-
rutca 415, Hungary; published
by the Internationale Traktat- PORTUGUESE.
gesellschaft, Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. 0 Arauto da Verdade; monthly;
sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
tion, 60 cents; in clubs of ten
or more copies, 45 cents each;
Estacao Sao Bernardo, Sao
Paulo, Brazil, South America;
ITALIAN. editor, Guillermo Stein.
Revista Mensal; monthly; four
L'Ultimo Messaggio; quarterly; pages; published by the Brazil
sixteen pages; 40 cents in Italy; Pub. House, Estacao, Sao Ber-
50 cents to United States; edi- nardo, S. P. R., Sao Paulo,
tor, L. Zecchetto, via Armenia 1: Brazil, South America; editor,
28, Genoa, Italy. Guillermo Stein.

RARATONGAN. El Amigo de los Ninos (a paper

for children); monthly; Mrs. G.
Tuatua-Moa; monthly ' eight W. Caviness, editor, Apartado)
pages; editor, Mrs. F. N. 1554, Mexico City, Mexico.
Waugh, " Elsnath," Burwood Senales de los Tiempos; monthly;
St., Burwood, New South Wales, eight pages; 60 cents a year;
Australia. published by the West Coast
General Institutional Commit-
tee, Correo 3, Casilla 43, Santi-
ago, Chile, South America; edi-
RUMANIAN. tors, E. W. Thomann, C. E.
Semnele Timpului (Signs of the Krieghoff.
Times); monthly; sixteen pages; El Centinela de la Verdad; twelve
missionary paper; subscription pages; monthly; 50 cents; pub-
price, Fr. 2.50 (to America, 50 lished at Cristobal, Canal Zone,
cents). Editorial Committee: Republic de Panama; editor, B.
0. Ltipke, R. P. Paulini, 0. Sch- E Connerly.
wenecke; published by the In- La Revista Adventista; monthly;
ternationale Traktatgesellschaft, sixteen pages; annual subscrip-
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- tion, 50 cents; Florida, F. C. C.
many. A., Buenos Ayres, Argentina,
South America; editor, Mrs.
Lydia Oppegard.
La Salud y Vida; monthly health
RUSSIAN. journal; Florida, F. C. C. A.,
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
Maslina (Olive-tree); sixteen America; editors, R. H. Habe-
pages; monthly; missionary nicht, M. D., Mrs. Lydia Oppe-
paper; subscription price, 50 gard.
cents a year (Russia, 1 Rbl.);
supplement (eight numbers an-
nually) containing Sabbath-
school lessons and field reports,
80 Kop, or 40 cents; Maslina SWEDISH.
and Supplement, 1.50 Rbl., or
75 cents. Editorial Committee: Tidens Tecken; semimonthly;
S. Bojanus, Th. Itzmann, H. eight pages; annual subscrip-
J. Ltibsack; published by Inter- tion, kr. 2; rate for America, 85
nationale Traktatgesellschaft, cents; Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
Gindelberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- holm, Sweden; editor, E. J.
many. Ahren.
Missionaren (with S. S. lessons
for adults and children); semi-
monthly; eight pages; kr. 1.20
SPANISH. (60 cents for America); Scan-
dinavian Publishing Association,
Las Senales de los Tiempos; il- Kungsgatan 34, Stockholm, Swe-
lustrated sixteen-page monthly, den; editor, E. J. Ahren.
devoted to the exposition of the Sions Vaktare; weekly; sixteen
prophecies, Bible doctrines, and pages ; annual subscription;
health and temperance topics; $1.50-; College View, Nebr.; ed-
annual subscription (in Mexico), itor, A. Swedberg.
50 centavos; (outside of Mex- Signalen; monthly; eight pages;
ico), 50 cents United States 50 cents; International Publish-
money; editor, G. W. Caviness, . ing Assn., College View, Nebr.;
Apartado 1554, Mexico City, editor, S. Mortenson; Asst. Ed-
Mexico. itor, A. Swedberg.

Te Maramarama (The Light); Talafekan Moone; monthly; four
monthly; eight pages; editor, pages; editor, W. W. Palmer,
Mrs. I. F. Cady, Papeete, Ta- Nukualofa, Tonga, Friendly Is-
hiti, Society Islands, Pacific lands, Pacific Ocean.
Bible Training School (devoted to four pages; ten cents a year;
the interests of house-to-house published by the Southern Un-
Bible work); sixteen pages; ion Conf. Assn., in the interests
monthly; 25 cents a year; South of the Oakwood Manual Train-
Lancaster, Mass.; editor, S. N. ing School, Box 414, Huntsville,
Haskell. Ala.
The Christian Record (a paper The Student Idea; issued monthly
printed for the blind, in Im- by South Lancaster Academy,
proved Braille and in New York for the students; 50 cents for
Point); monthly; thirty-two nine months; published, at South
pages; $2 a year, or sent free to Lancaster, Mass.
those who can not pay; pub- The Columbian (official organ of
lished at College View, Nebr.; the Educational Department of
- editor, Chas. N. Miller. the Columbian Union Confer-
The Educational Messenger (rep- ence); sixteen pages; monthly;
resenting the Educational De- 50 cents; editor, D. D. Rees, Mt.
partment of the Central Union Vernon, Ohio.
Conference); semimonthly; eight Toluca and Baker's Mountain In-
pages; 50 cents; Central Union dustrial Advocate; a four-page
Conference, College View, Nebr. journal in the interest of the
Good Tidings of the Messiah; a Toluca and Baker's Mountain
monthly paper devoted to the Schools, edited by D. T. Shire-
interests of gospel work among man, Toluca, N. C.
the Jews; twelve pages; 25
cents; Concord, Mass.; F. C.
Gilbert, editor and publisher.
The Gospel Herald; monthly; eight
pages; twenty-five cents; pub- Summary.
lished by the North American
General papers 22
Negro Department, Box 414,
Union papers 17
Huntsville, Ala.; editor, C. P.
Bollman. Local. papers 24
Foreign papers 50
The Life Boat; an illustrated Private papers 11
monthly journal devoted to
charitable, philanthropic health- Total 124
and soul-saving work; thirty-
two pages; annual subscription, Weekly 25
50 cents; to foreign countries, Semimonthly 18
65' cents; published by the Monthly 66
Workingmen's Home and Life Bimonthly 4
Boat Mission Assn., Hinsdale, Quarterly 11
III.; editor, David Paulson,
M. D. Total 124
The Medical Evangelist; quar- Total pages of one copy of
terly; sixteen pages; 25 cents; each of the foregoing jour-
published by the Loma Linda nals 1632
College of Evangelists, Loma
Linda, near Redlands, Cal.; Combined annual subscrip-
editor, J. A. Burden. tion price - $61.00
Southern Field Echo; monthly; No. languages ,, , 24
(Arranged alphabetically.)
ADELAIDE SANITARIUM. L. A. Hoopes, J. H. Woods, G. S.
Barker Road, Nailsworth, Ade- Under the auspices of the Avon-
laide, South Australia, dale School.
Established 1908.
Board of Directors: Dr. W. H. BOULDER-COLORADO SANITA-
James, J. M. Cole, S. N. Walter, RIUM.
A. S. Thorpe, A. H. Rogers.
Medical Superintendent: Dr. W. Boulder, Colo.
H. James. Established 1896.
Head Nurses: W. F. Rudge, Mrs.
Macdonald. Board of Directors: J. G. Weller,
Meade MacGuire, J. D. Shively,
C. E. Rice, Kate Lindsay, J. H.
Wheeler, A. Bernsen, and the
ALBERTA SANITARIUM. Presidents of the Central Union
and the Colorado Conferences.
Lacombe, Alberta, Canada. Officers of the Board: J. G. Weller,
Vice-President; Meade Mac-
Established 1908. Guire, Secretary and Treasurer.
Executive Committee: J. G. Wel-
(Not under Conference control.) ler, Vice-President; Meade Mac-
Board: F. L. Hommel, C. A. Bur- Guire, General Manager; J. D.
man, F. J. Hippach, L. 'Morgen- Shively, M. D., Medical Superin-
son, Dow James. tendent; Chas. E. Rice, Steward;.
Mrs. Rosella Collie, Matron;
Florence R. Harper, R. N., Head
Nurse; with other members of
ATLANTA SANITARIUM. the legal board present.
Medical Faculty: Jay D. Shively,
243 South Boulevard, Atlanta, Ga. M. D.; Eva M. Shively, M. D.;
Kate Lindsay, M. D.;, J. G.
Established 1903. Stow, M. D.
Board: Chas. Thompson, C. B. Nurses' Training-school: Florence
Stephenson, V. 0. Cole.
R. Harper, Superintendent and
Officers: President, Chas. Thomp- Food Department: Charles E. Rice,
son; Secretary, Manager, and
Manager; James G. Weller,
Treasurer, R. T. Dowsett; Med- Manager Denver Branch, 1515
ical' Supt., J. H. Neall, M. D. Stout St., Denver, Colo.


Cooranbong, New South Wales,
Australia. so Park St., Calcutta, India.
Board: B. F. Machlan, J. E. Ful- Board: The Director, J. H. Rea-
ton, E. H. Gates, F. C. Richards, gan, Mrs. Edith Bruce.


Plumstead, .Cape, South Africa. Orlando, Fla.
Established 1908.
Established 1904.
(Not a Conference Institution.)
Board of Trustees: R. C. Porter,
W. S. Hyatt, H. J. Edmed, E. Florida Sanitarium and Benevo-
R. 'Williams, Dr. G. Thomason, lent Association: Trustees: R.
E. Ingle, F. Reed. W. Parmele (Pres.), L. T. Cris-
Officers: Geo. Thomason, Chair- ler, H. A. Shreve, W. H. Hall,
man; E. Ingle, Sec.; Geo. W. C. V. Achenbach; Sec. and
Webb, Treas. Treas., Mrs. Lydia E. Parmele,
Medical Superintendent: Geo, M. D.
Thomason, M. D.; Matron, Miss Medical Staff: Superintendent, M.
Ida Thomason; Business Man- M. Martinson, M. D.; Lady Phy-
ager, G. W. Webb. sician, Lydia E. Parmele, M. D.;
Matron, Miss May Grenville.

Friedensau, Post Grabow, Bez.
Caterham, Surrey, England. Magdeburg, Germany.
Established 1899.
Established 1903.
" Deutscher Verein fur Gesund-
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley; heitspflege: " Legal organization
A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett. for holding the Friedensau prop-
Officers: Chairman, W. C. Sisley; erty.
Secretary and Treasurer, A. B. Trustees: L. R. Conradi, Dr. E.
Olsen. Meyer, Otto Liipke, H. F. Schu-
Medical Superintendent: A. B. Ol- berth, W. Krumm, H. Hartkop,
sen, M. D.; Matron, Miss Mabel. J. G. ()blander, G. W. Schubert,
Pringle. J. Erzberger, L. Mathe, J. H.
Schilling, J. F. Huenergardt, W.
Prillwitz, E. Bahr, H. Fenner, G.
Perk, K. Sinz, 0. E. Reinke, J.
Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; Vice-
Akersgaden 74, and Thor Olsens Liipk; Auditor, H. Hartkop.
Medical Faculty: Supt., Dr. E.
Gade r, Christiania, Norway. Meyer; Asst., Emmy Behn, M.
Corporate Name: Kurbadet. D.; Head Nurses, Joseph Esser,
Superintendent: C. M. Scott. Miss Lilly Borman.
Officers: Matron, Miss Helene Bar-
tel; Business Manager, W.
Krumm; Treasurer, C. Banas.

'Papanui, Christchurch, New RIUM.
Zealand. Frederikshavn, Denmark.
Board: J. Pallant, G. A. Brand- Officers: Danish Conference Com-
stater, A. Carrick, S. H. Amyes. mittee; Director, J. C. Ottosen,
Manager: G. A. Brandstater. M. D.

GLENDALE SANITARIUM. Trustees: W. C. Sisley, W. T.

Bartlett, A. B. Olsen, W. J.
Glendale, Cal. Fitzgerald, S. G. Haughey, W.
Established 1904. ' H. Meredith, M. A. Altman,
Harry Armstrong, H. C. Lacey,
Board of Directors: E. E. Andross, W. H. Wakeham, W. M. Scott,
Pres.; J. J. Wessels, Sec. and H. J. Williams, Redhead, J.
Treas.; J. A. Burden, H. W. J. Gillatt.
Lindsay, J. E. Colloran, M. D. Health Food Factory.
Learned, E. G. Fulton. The International Health Associa-
Physicians: J. E. Colloran, M. D.; tion, Ltd.
D. D. Comstock, M. D., and Mrs. Stanborough Park, Watford,
D. D. Conistock, M. D. Herts, England.
Manager: J. J. Wessels. Directors: W. C. Sisley, Dr. A. B.
Matron: Mrs. E. S. Comstock. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett, W. _H.
Head Nurse: Miss Frances John- Meredith, W. R. White.
son. Manager: W. C. Sisley; Sec., W.
Training School Faculty: J. E. R. White.
Colloran, M. D.; D. D. Comstock,
M. D.; Mrs. D. D. Comstock, M.
D.; Mrs. L. A. Parsons, Miss IOWA SANITARIUM.
Frances Johnson, L. M. McAbee,
W. P. Dougherty. Nevada, Iowa.
City Offices and Treatment Rooms: (Continuing the Sanitarium estab-
Broadway Central Building, 424 lished at Des Moines in 1899.)
South Broadway, Los Angeles,
Cal. Corporate Name: Iowa Sanita-
rium and Benevolent Associa-
Board of Directors: M. N. Camp-
GRAYSVILLE SANITARIUM. bell, Jacob Shively, J. W. Jen-
sen, J. M. Whitney, P. A. Han-
Graysville, Tenn. sen, C. W. Heald.
Established 1900. Officers: Medical Supt., C. W.
Heald, M. D.; Business Manager;
Board of Directors: L. A. Hansen, Wilbert Wilcox; Chaplain, Elder
A. I. Lovell, M. D., H. R. Miller, J. C. Clemens; Matron, Mrs. F.
C. H. Moyers, Chas. Thompson, A. Washburn.
R. L. Williams, M. B. Van Kirk. Medical Faculty: C. W. Heald, M.
Officers: A. I. Lovell, M. D., Chair- D.; Elsie B. Merritt, M. D.
man; L. A. Hansen, Sec., Treas., Training-school Faculty: Medical
and Business Manager; Statie S. Supt., C. W. Heald, M. D.; Elsie
Robinson, Matron. B. Merritt, M. D.; Elder J. C.
Medical Superintendent: A. I. Lov- Clemens.
ell, M. D.

LTD. Wichita, Kans.
Incorporated 1903. Established 1904.
Office: Stanborough Park, Wat- Board of Management: J. Emer-
ford, Herts, England. son Heald (Chairman), T. S.
Officers: Chairman, W. J. Fitzger- Dock (Sec. and Treas.), Chas.
ald; Secretary, A. B. Olsen, M. Thompson, H. S. Osterloh, J. D.
D.; Treas., W. C. Sisley. McBroom.

Medical Superintendent: J. Em- LOMA LINDA SANITARIUM.

erson Heald, M. D.; Business
Manager, T. S. Dock; Matron, Loma Linda, Cal.
Mrs. T. S. Dock.
Established 1905.

Board of Trustees: J. A. Burden

KIMBERLEY BATHS. (Pres.), E. E. Andross (Vice-
7 Cheapside, Kimberley, South Pres.), S. S. Merrill (Sec. and
Africa. Treas.), J. J. Wessels, H. W.
Lindsay, H. G. Lucas, Dr. G. K.
Board of Trustees: Executive Abbott, Dr. Julia A. White.
Committee of the, Cape Colony. Medical Staff: T. J. Evans, M. D.,
Conference. Medical Supt.; G. K. Abbott,
Manager: David Sparrow; Matron, M. D.; Julia A. White, M. D.;
Mrs. David Sparrow. A. W. Truman, M. D.; Ora Bar-
ber, M. D.; Lucinda Marsh,
M. D.
, Gland, Ct. Vaud, Switzerland.
Organized 1904.
Madison, Wis.
Corporate Name: "Societe Philan-
thropique de la Ligniere." Established 1902.
Board of Directors: L. R. Con-
radi, Jules Robert, P. A. De For- Board of Directors: C. McReynolds
est, L. P. Tieche, A. Guenin. (Chairman), P. L. Larson, John
Officers: Pres., L. R. Conradi; W. Hopkins, M. D., J. H. Hoff-
Sec. and Treas., J. Robert. man, W. H. Holmes, A. C.
Local Board: L. P. Tieche, J. Rob- Woodbury, F. Stebbeds.
ert, J. Vuilleumier, P. A. De Medical Faculty: Superintendent,
Forest. John W. Hopkins, M. D.; Assist-
Medical Superintendent: P. A. De ant, Amy R. Humphrey, M. D.
Forest, M. D.
Matron: Mrs. R. Tieche.



82 Regent Road, Leicester, Eng- Corner Sugar and Mulberry Sts.,

land. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Established 1903. (Continuing College Springs Sani-

Branch of Caterham Sanitarium.
Operated as a department of Mt.
Board of Managers: W. C. Sisley, Vernon College.
A. B. Olsen, W. T. Bartlett.
Manager: W. M. Scott. Medical Superintendent: V. L.
Medical Superintendent: A. B. Ol- Fisher, M. D.; Miss Cora A.
sen, M. D.; Matron, Mrs. Wini- Miller, Matron; J. R. Kennedy,
fred Scott. Manager.


Mussoorie, India. College View, Nebr.
Board of Management: The Di-
rector, W. W. Miller, H. C. Established 1894.
Menkel, Mrs. H. C. Menkel, Mrs.
Edith Bruce. Board of Trustees: Orville Rock-
Medical Superintendent: H. C. well, D. R. Callahan, L. L.
Menkel, M. D. Jones, E. T. Russell, A. T.
Robinson, C. A. Thorp, H. B.
Officers of Board: Orville Rock-
NASHVILLE SANITARIUM. well, Supt.; D. R. Callahan,
Business Manager; Josephine
Nashville, Tenn. Nelson, Secretary; Miss H.
Incorporated 1905. Lawson, Matron.
Medical Staff: Orville Rockwell,
Directors: C. F. McVagh, C. P. M. D.; Dorothy Harbaugh, M. D.
Bollman, W. A. Wilcox, W. A.
George, M. F. Knox, B. W.
Spire, W. R. -Burrow.
Officers: C. F. McVagh, Pres.; C.
P. Bollman, Vice-Pres.; Dr. W.
A. George, Medical Supt.; B. W. NEBRASKA SANITARIUM.
Spire, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Business Manager. Hastings, Nebr.
Medical Faculty: W. A. George,
M. D., Lyra H. George, M. D.; Dedicated Dec. 10, 1908.
Matron and Head Nurse, Miss
Ida Simmons. Under same general management
as Nebraska Sanitarium, College
View, Nebr.
Superintendent: L. L. Jones, M.
NASHVILLE AGRICULTURAL D.; Local Manager and Treas.,
AND NORMAL INSTITUTE H. B. Steele; Matron, Mrs. H.
Madison, Tenn.
Established 1908.
Incorporators and Board of Man- NEW ENGLAND SANITARIUM.
agers: Same as for the Insti-
tute. Melrose, Mass.
Physicians: Newton Evans, M. D.,
Supt.; Lillian E. Magan, M. D. Established 1899.

Officers of Board: A. P. Needham,

President; J. G. White, Sec. and
Longmarket St., Pietermaritzburg, Supt.; G. B. Starr, Chaplain;
C. P. Frye, Steward; Mrs. J. G.
Natal, South Africa. White, Matron.
Medical Faculty: W. E. Bliss, M.
Board: J. C. Baumann, Dr. H. J. D.; V. L. Mann, M. D.; M. Es-
Williams, F. McDonald. tella Houser, M. D., Lady Physi-
Superintendent: Dr. H. J. Wil- cian; Miss Bertha N. Steward,
liams. Supt. of School for Nurses.

PENNSYLVANIA SANITARIUM. W. C. John (Sec. and Treas.),

C. D. Lude, J. Lust.
1929 Girard Ave., Philadel- Medical Faculty; Director, R. H.
phia, Pa. Habenicht, M. D.; G. B. Rep-
Established 1903. logle, M. D.

Corporate Name: Pennsylvania

Sanitarium and Benevolent As-
Officers: President, W. H. Heck-
man; Sec. and Treas., J. W. 316 Foster St., Nashville, Tenn.
Faculty: W. H. Smith, M. D., (For Colored.)
Established 1908. '

PORTLAND SANITARIUM. Board: C. P. Bollman, Chairman;

D. E. Blake, Secretary and Man-
Mt. Tabor Station, Portland, ager; W. A. George, M. D.,
Oregon. Surgeon; Lottie C. I. Blake, M.
Founded, 1893; reorganized, 1902; D., Medical Supt.; G. W. Hub-
became an institution of the bard, M. D., C. F. McVagh, P.
North Pacific Union Conference, E. Palmer.
Board of Directors: C. W. Flaiz
(Pres.), S. J. Lashier (Sec.), C. ROSTREVOR HILLS HYDRO.
M. Everest (Treas.), H. W.
Decker, F. S. Bunch, S. W. (Formerly Belfast Sanitarium.)
Nellis, A. G. Adams. -
Officers and Medical Faculty: C. Rostrevor, County Down, Ireland.
M. Everest, Supt. and Business
Manager; W. B. Holden, M. D., Established 1902.
Medical Director; M. N. Can-
field, AL. D., House Physician; Board of Managers: J. J. Gillatt,
A. M. Dart, Chaplain; Mrs. E. H. Brown, A. Cunningham.
Mayme McFarlane, Matron; Officers: A. Cunningham, Chair-
Miss Selma Dahl, Head Nurse. man.
Training School Faculty: M. N. Medical Superintendent: E. H.
Canfield, M. D., Superintendent; Brown; Matron, Mrs. E. H.
Mrs. Mayme McFarlane, Do- Brown.
mestic Science; W. H. Brink-
man, Culinary Dept.; Miss
Selma Dahl, Bath Room Ma-
tron, and Nursing; A. M. Dart, SKODSBORG SANATORIUM.
Skodsborg, Denmark.
RIVER PLATE SANITARIUM. Officers: Director, J. C. Ottosen,
M. D.; A. C. Christensen, Busi-
Diamante, Entre Rios, Argentina, ness Manager and Treasurer;
South America. R. J. Aagaard, Inspector.
Medical Faculty: J. C. Ottosen,
Established 1909. M. D.; W. P. Larsen, M. D.;
Board of Managers: R. H. Habe- N. P. Nelson, M. D.; A. H. Lar-
nicht (Pres.), J. W. Westphal, son, M. D.

ST. HELENA SANITARIUM. Board of Directors: J. E. Fulton,

President; A. W. Semmens, G.
Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal. S. Fisher, E. H. Gates, Edith M.
Established 1878. Graham (Sec. and Treas.), Dr.
F. C. Richards, B. F. Machlan.
Board of Directors: L. M. Bowen
(Pres.), W. T. Knox, H. E.
Randall, Secretary and Treas-
urer; H. F. Rand, Camillus SYDNEY SANITARIUM.
Bush, H.- W. Cottrell, E. E. Par-
lin, W. C. White. Wahroonga, N. S. W., Australia.
Officers: H. F. Rand, Medical Su-
perintendent; L. M. Bowen, Established 1902.
Business Manager; C. L. Tay-
lor, Chaplain; Mrs. J. L. Ings, Board: J. E. Fulton, F. C. Rich-
Matron; H. McDowell, Steward. ards, Mrs. E. Richards, A. W.
Medical Faculty: H. F. Rand, M. Semmens, Mrs. A. W. Semmens,
D.; F. F. Abbott, M. D.; Effie G. S. Fisher, E. H. Gates.
A. Brown, M. D.; Maria Ed- Medical Faculty: F. C. Richards,
wards, M. ,D. M. D.; Mrs. E. S. Richards, M.
D.; A. W. Semmens, Mrs. A. W.


Incorporated Aug. 1, 1902. CAFE.
Equipment: Three-story building, Address: Auckland, New Zealand.
28-ft. ovens, 30 H. P. plant; Board: J. Pallant, A. W. Wilkin-
wine plant complete, one 10-bbl. son, L. Harvey, Mrs. J. Harri-
flour mill. son.
Capacity: Ten tons a day. Manager: Miss Sandberg.
Land under control: Five acres.
Directors: L. M. Bowen, Presi-
dent; W. T. Knox, H. W. Cot-
trell, H. E. Randall (Secretary SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD
and Treasurer), E. E. Parlin COMPANY, COORANBONG, N.
(Attorney), W. C. White, H. F.
Board: F. C. Richards, G. S.
Fisher, J.. H.. Woods, B. F.
Machlan, A. W. Semmens.
Wahroonga, New South Wales,
Constituency: J. E. Fulton, B. F. CAFE.
Machlan, L. A. Hoopes, E. H.
Gates, J. H. Paap, C. H. Prety- Address: 45 Hunter St., Sydney,
man, J. A. Aitken, J. Pallant, N. S. W., Australia.
L. A. D. Lemke F. C. Richards, Board: G. S. Fisher, F. Richards,
G. S. Fisher,J. H.
' Woods, J. M. M. D., J. H. Woods, A. W. Sem-
Johanson, Eith M. Graham, A. mens, B. F. Machlan.
W. Semmens. Manager: 0. S. Fisher.

SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD Mrs. Maria L. Edwards, William

CAFE. Lewsadder, F. J. Otis.
Medical Faculty: F. J. Otis, M.
Address: 289 Collins St., Mel- D., Supt.; Estella G. Norman,
bourne, Victoria, Australia. M. D., Lady Physician.
Board: C. Hallam, G. S. Fisher, Business Manager: W. C. Fore-
C. H. Parker, J. Gillespie. man.
Manager: C. Hallam. Chaplain: Elder L. D. Santee.



Address: 28 Waymouth St., Ade- La Fayette, Ind.

laide, South Australia. Established 1906.
Board: G. S. Fisher, Miss E.
Hare, P. H. Pretyman, J. M. Board of Directors: Morris Lu-
Cole. kens, T. A. Goodwin, C. J. Bu-
Manager: Miss E. Hare. halts, W. W. Worster, W. H.
Edwards, W. P. 'Cunningham,
J. W. Goodwin.
Officers: Morris Lukens, Presi-
SANITARIUM HEALTH FOOD dent; C. J. Buhalts, Vice-Presi-
CAFE. dent; Wm. W. -Worster, M. D.,
Secretary; T. A. Goodwin, Treas-
Address: Manners St., Welling- urer W. H. Edwards, Auditor.
ton, New Zealand.
Board: J. Pallant, E. W. Ward, Medical Staff: Wm. W. Worster,
M. D., Supt.
R. K. Piper, J. Walsh.
Manager: E. W. Ward.
Established 1905.
Address: Christchurch, New Zea- Board of Directors: G. E. Lang-
land. don, C. W. Flaiz, C. M. Chris-
Board: J. Pallant, G. A. Brand- tiansen, T. L. Ragsdale, W. H.
stater, A. Carrick, Miss M. Warner, A. G. Adams, E. W.
Hawkins. Catlin.
Manager: Miss M. Hawkins. Officers of Board: Pres., G. E.
Langdon; Sec. and Treas., W.
H. Warner.
TRI-CITY SANITARIUM. Medical Staff: W. H. Warner,
M. D.; I. A. Dunlap, M. D.
1213 Fifteenth St., Moline, Ill.
Established 1900.
Incorporated as " Northern Illi-
nois Medical Missionary and Takoma Park Station, Washing-
Sanitarium Association." ton, D. C.
Board of Directors: William Co- Dedicated June 12, 1907.
vert, M. C. ,Kirkendall, W. C.
Foreman, H. C. Winslow, Jacob Corporate Name: Washington (D.
Klooster, W. A. Marsh, Jr., C.) Sanitarium Association..

Constituency: The Executive Com- Olive Ingersoll, M. D.; Mrs. P.

mittees of the General Confer- S. Bourdeau-Sisco, M. D.; W. A.
ence and of the following Con- Ruble, M. D.
ferences: Atlantic Union, Ches-
apeake, Virginia, West Virginia,
District of Columbia, and the
Board of Trustees: G. A. Irwin, TARIUM.
A. G. Daniells, I. H. Evans, W.
A. Ruble, D. H. Kress, F. M. Nos. r and 2 Iowa Circle, Wash-
Wilcox, T. C. Nethery. ington, D. C.
Officers: President and Treasurer, Officers: W. A. Ruble, M. D.,
G. A. Irwin; Vice-President, I. Superintendent; H. N. Sisco,
H. Evans; Secretary and Busi- M. D., Asst. Supt.; Mrs. W. M.
ness Manager, T. C. Nethery; Lee, Matron.
Auditor, E. R. Brown. Medical Staff : W. A. Ruble, M.
Medical Faculty: D. H. Kress, M. D.; H. N. Sisco, M. D.; Mrs. P.
D.; Mrs. Lauretta Kress, M. D.; S. Bourdeau-Sisco, M. D.; R. S.
R. S. Ingersoll, M. D.; Mrs. Ingersoll, M. D.



Acushnet Sanitarium, 25 Main St., New Bedford, Mass.; Supt., J. P.

Bradford, M. D.
Adirondack Sanitarium, Lake George, N. Y.; Supt., E. F. Otis, M. D.;
other members mediCal faculty, Mrs. Clara B. Otis, M. D.; Mrs.
Maud Otis-Vollmer, M. D.
Arizona Sanitarium,515 Central Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.; Supt., E. C.
Bond, M. D.; . M. Bond, M. D. Also has a branch institution
near Phoenix, for the care of those suffering from lung trouble.
Bellair Hydropathic, Bellair, near Durban, Natal, South Africa; Supt.
F. Baumann.
Black River Valley Sanitarium, 1008 Washington St., Watertown,
N. Y.; Supt., Isadore L. Green, M. D.
Boise Sanatorium, Rooms 324-330, Boige City National Bank Building,
Boise, Idaho; Supt., J. E. Froom, M. D.
British Guiana Sanitarium, 97 and 98 Young St., Kingston, British
Guiana; Mrs. Chas. Cave, in charge.
Chamberlain Sanitarium, Chamberlain, S. Dak.; Pres., C. P. Farns-
worth, M. D. Sec. and Treas., W. T. Lindsay, M. D.
Colorado Springs'Sanitarium, Colorado Springs, Colo.; Manager, F. W.
Detroit Treatment Rooms, Lenox Apartments, 58 Madison Ave., De-
troit, Mich.; Jean A. Vernier, M. D., in charge.
El Reposo, 2222 Chapel St., Berkeley, Cal.; Supt., A. J. Sanderson, M. D.
Fayette Sanitarium, 1941 Virginia Ave., Connerville, Ind.; Supt., Miss
Marie Sahli.
Fayetteville Sanitarium, Fayetteville, Ark.; Manager, C. A. Long.
Fort Worth Sanitarium, 1430 Lipscomb St., Fort Worth, Tex.; Supt.
D. C. Ross, M. D.
Garden City Sanitarium, San Jose, Cal.; Supt., L. J. Belknap, M. D.
Grampian Hills Hydropathic, Crieff, Scotland; Supt., S. H. Murphy.


Hinsdale Sanitarium, Hinsdale, Ill.; Medical Supt., David Paulson;

Business Manager, H. E. Hoyt; Medical Faculty, David Paulson,
M. D.; Mary Wild-Paulson, M. D.
Home Sanitarium, St. Peter, Minn.; Manager, Jethro Kloss.
Japanese Sanitarium, 18 Fukiai Hatatsuka dori, Gochome, Kobe, Japan;
Supt., Dr. Kiku Noma; Business Manager, T. Kawano.
Jared Sanitarium, 1128 Broadway, Logansport, Ind.; Supt., Jesse
Lindsay Sanitarium, Lindsay, Ontario; Supt., A. E. Henderson.
Little Rock Sanitarium, 1223 Wolfe St., 'Little Rock, Ark.; Supt. and
Manager, W. C. Green, M. D.
Long Beach Sanitarium, Long Beach, Cal.; physicians, R. Selden An-
thony, M. D.; Mrs. Abbie Winegar-Simpson, M. D.
Middletown Sanitarium, 10 Benton Ave., Middletown, N. Y.; Medical
Supt., B. B. Kinne, M. D.
Montrose Sanitarium, Montrose, Minn.; Medical Supt., E. P. Hawkins,
M. D.
Nauheim Sanatorium, 470 Twenty-eighth St., Oakland, Cal.; Medical
Supt., W. H. Maxson, M. D.; Mrs. H. S. Manson, M. D.
Nauheim Sanitarium, 46 Forest Park Ave., Springfield, Mass.; Medical
Supt., Mary Sanderson, M. D.
North Yakima Sanitarium, North Yakima, Wash.; Supt., F. M. Rossiter,
M. D.
Northwestern Sanitarium, Port Townsend, Wash.; Medical Supt., W.
R. Simmons, M. D.
Otter Lake Medical and Surgical Sanitarium, Otter Lake, Mich.;
Supt., P. E. Marsh, M. D.; Business Manager, M. N. Dawson.
Paradise Valley Sanitarium, near San Diego, Cal.; Manager, H. W.
Salt Lake City Treatment Rooms, 122% Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah;
Physicians, W. L. and Eva M. Gardner.
Santa Barbara Sanitarium, 118 West Figueroa St., Santa Barbara,
Cal.; Supt., M. E. Eastman, M. D.
South Bend Treatment Parlors, 137 South Michigan St., South Bend,
Ind.; Supt., H. B. Boram, M. D.
Swedish S. D. A. Mission (Sanitarium Treatment Rooms), 213 Oak
St., Chicago, Ill.; Carl Young, Supt.
Weatherford Sanitarium, Weatherford, Okla.; Supt., D. Gaede, M. D.
Abbott, Geo. K., Loma Linda, via Droll, G. A., 2301 East Fourteenth
Redlands, Cal. St., Kansas City, Mo.
Abbott, F. F., Sanitarium, Napa Dunscombe, W. C., 30 Oiwake-cho,
Co., Cal. Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Anthony, R. S., Long Beach, Cal. Dunlap, I. A., College Place, Wash.
Ball, Clarence F., Rutland, Vt. Eastman, M. E., 118 West Fig-
Barber, Ora, Loma Linda, via ueroa St., Santa Barbara, Cal.
Redlands, Cal. Edwards, S. P. S., Sanitarium,
Bascom, Amy I., Box 414, Hunts- Napa Co., Cal.
ville, Ala. Edwards, Mrs. Maria, Sanitarium,
Behn, Emmy, Friedensau, Pdst Napa Co., Cal.
Grabow, Bez. Magdeburg, Ger- Erkenbeck, J. W., Hotel Amer-
many. icanO, Ameca, Jalisco, Mexico.
Belknap, L.' J., San Jose, Cal. Evans, Newton, Madison, Tenn.
Bell, J. J., Stranach St., Pieter- Evans, T. J., Loma Linda, Cal.
maritzburg, Natal, South Af-
rica. Farnsworth, C. P.; Chamberlain,
S. Dak.
Blake, Lottie Isbell, 316 Foster
St., Nashville, Tenn. Fattebert, U. C., Cerritos, San
Bliss, W. E., care New England Luis Potosi, Mexico.
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Fisher, V. L., Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Bond, E. C., 515 North Central Froom, J. E., Rooms 324-330,
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Boise City National Bank Bldg.,
Boise, Idaho.
Bond, J. M., 515 North Central
Ave., Phoenix, Ariz. Gaede, D., Weatherford, Okla.
Boram H. B., 137 South Michigan Gardner, W. L., 1221/2 Main St.,
St., South
' Bend, Ind. Salt Lake City, Utah.
Bossert, S. C., Sharpsburg, Iowa. Gardner, Eva M., 1221/2 Main St.,
Bradford, Joel P., 25 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah.
New Bedford, Mass. George, W. A., care Sanitarium,
Brighouse, Henrietta E., Healds- Nashville, Tenn.
burg, Cal. George, Lyra H., care Sanitarium,
Brown, Effie A., Sanitarium, Napa Nashville, Tenn.
Co., Cal. Gray, Etta, Glendale, Cal.
Butterbaugh, W. S., College View, Green, W. C., 1223 Wolfe St.,
Nebr. Little Rock, Ark.
Green, Isadore L., 1008 Washing-
Caldwell, J. E., Dayton, Tenn. ton St., Watertown, N: Y.
Canfield, M. N., Mt. Tabor Station, Gregory, A. L., Calle de Lopez,
Portland, Oregon. Portillo, No. 747, Guadalajara,
Carey, A., Gravel Ford, Coos Co., Mexico.
Cave, Chas., 97 Young St., Kings- Habenicht, R. H., Casilla 481,
ton, British Gniana, South Buenos Ayres, Argentine Re-
America. public, South America..
Colloran, J. E., Glendale, Cal. Hansen, C. A., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Colunga, Mrs. A. N., Arteaga No. Denver, Colo.
24, San Pedro, E. de Coah, Mex- Harbaugh, Dorothy, College View,
ico. Nebr.
Comstock, Daniel D., Glendale, Cal. Harding, G. T., Jr., 240 East State -
Comstock, Mrs. D. D., Glendale, St., Columbus, Ohio.
Cal. Hare, G. A., Fresno, Cal.
Cooke, C. C., Keene, Tex. Hawkins, E. P., Montrose, Minn.
Heald, G. H., Takoma Park Sta-
De Forest, P. A., Gland, Ct. Vaud, tion, Washington,D. C.
Switzerland. Heald, C. W., Nevaa , Iowa.

Heald, J. E., Wichita, Kans. Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass.

Hetherington, A. J., 2515 Milan Martinson, M. M., Orlando, Fla.
St., New Orleans, La. Martinson, Stella C., Orlando, Fla.
Holden, W. B., Mt. Tabor Station, Marsh, Phillip E., Otter Lake,
Portland, Oregon.- Mich.
Hopkins, John W., Madison, Wis. Marsh, Lucinda A., Loma Linda,
Houser, M. Estella, care New Cal.
England Sanitarium, Melrose, Martinson, Elsie M., 2081/2 West
Mass. Madison St., Tampa, Fla.
Humphrey, Amy R., Madison, Maxson, W. H., 470 Twenty-
Wis. .eighth St., Oakland, Cal.
Maxson, Mrs. W. H.,-470 Twenty-
Ingersoll, Robert S., Takoma Park eighth St., Oakland, Cal.
Station, Washington, D. C. Menkel, H. C., Mussoorie Sanita-
Ingersoll, Mrs. Olive P., Takonaa rium, Mussoorie, India.
Park Station, Washington, D. C. Merritt, Elsie B., Nevada, Iowa.
Meyer, E., Friedensau, Post Gra-
James, W. H., Medical Institute, bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany.
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Miller, Ruth Merritt, 19 Banks
tralia. Road, Lucknow, India.
John, A. Allen, care College, Mt. Miller, H. W., Box 993, U. S. Pos-
Vernon, Ohio. tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Jones, L. L.,- Hastings, Nebr. Myers, J. J., Box 18, Dos Palos,
Jump, Howard M., 945 North Main Cal.
St., Bowling Green, Ohio.

Kay, M. M., Box 993, U. S. Postal Neal, J. H., 243 South Boulevard,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Atlanta, Ga.
Keem, Law, Fat Shan,. via Can- Nelson, N. P., Skodsborg, Den-
ton, China. mark.
Kinne, B. B., 10 Benton Ave., Mid- Nelson, Mrs. Ida, 323 West Sev-
dletown, N. Y. enth St., Oklahoma City, Okla.
Kress, D. H. Takoma Park Sta- Noma, Kiku, 18 Fukiai Hatatsuka
tion, Washington, D. C. dori, Gochome, Kobe, Japan.
Kress, Mrs. Lauretta, Takoma Norman, Estella G., 1213 Fif-
Park Station, Washington, D. C. teenth St., Moline, Ill.

Laird, Mrs. Emma Perrine, Chang- Oberholtzer, 011ie, 15 Tenassurum

sha, Hunan, China. Road, Moulmein, Burma.
Larsen, W. P., Sanatorium, Skods- Olsen, A. B., The Hydro, Cater-
borg, Denmark. ham, Surrey, England.
Larson, A. G., Box 993, U. S. Otis, Elmer F., Sanitarium, Lake
Postal Agency; Shanghai, China. George, N. Y.
Larson, A. H., care Sanatorium, Otis, Mrs. Clara B., Sanitarium,
Skodsborg, Denmark. Lake George, N. Y.
Leadsworth, J. R., Santa Ana, Otis, L. J. Stuart, Iowa.
Cal. Otis, F. J., 1213 Fifteenth St.,
Lindsay, Kate, Sanitarium, Boul- Moline, Ill.
der, Colo. Ottosen, J. C.:, Sanatorium, Skods-
Lindsay, W. T., Chamberlain, S. borg, Denmark.
Lockwood, S. A., Medford, Oregon.
Lockwood, Mrs. Myrtle, Medford, Pampaian, Vahon, Grindelberg
Oregon. 15a, Hamburg, .Germany.
Lovell, A. I., Graysville, Tenn. Parmele, Mrs. Lydia E, Drawer
28, Orlando, Fla.
Magan, Lillian, Madison, Tenn. Paulson, David, Hinsdale, Ill.
Mann, V. L., care New England Paulson, Mary W., Hinsdale, Ill.

Rand, H. F., Sanitarium, Napa Beach, Cal.

Co., Cal. Sisco, H. N., 1 and 2 Iowa Circle,
Replogle, G. B., Diamante, Entre Washington, D. C.
Rios, Argentina, South Amer- Sisco, Mrs. P. S. Bourdeau, 1
ica. and 2 Iowa Circle, Washington,
Richards, Frank C., Wahroonga, D. C.
N. S. W., Australia. Smith, W. H., 1929 Girard Ave.,
Richards, -Mrs. Eulalia S., Wah- Philadelphia, Pa.
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. Stansbury, E. M., Oshkosh, Nebr..
Rockwell, Orville, College View, Starr, Mrs. Lillis Wood, San Fer-
Nebr. nando, Cal.
Ross, D. C., 1430 Lipscomb St., Stevens, Nellie, R. F. D. No. 1,
Fort Worth, Texas. Galion, Ohio.
Rossiter, F. M., 214-216 Miller Stow, J. 0., Boulder, Colo.
Bldg., North Yakima, Wash. Swayze, W. S., 60 Libertad, Gua-
Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- dalajara, Mexico.
tion, Washington, D. C. Swayze, Mrs. Alice M., 60 Liber-
Runck, Geo., Berrien Springs, tad, Guadalajara, Mexico.
Runck, Mrs. Roxetta L., Berrien
Springs, Mich. Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape,
Russell, Riley, Soonan, Korea. South Africa.
Truman, A. W., Loma Linda, Cal.
Sanderson, A. J., 2222 Chapel St.,
Berkeley, Cal. Vernier, Jean A., 58 Madison
Sanderson, Mary, 46 Forest Park Ave., Detroit, Mich.
Ave., Springfield, Mass. Vollmer Maud 0., Sanitarium,
Selmon, A. C., Mokanshan, Che- Lake George,
' N. Y.
kiang Province, China. Vollmer, H. W., Mt. Tabor Sta-
Selmon, Mrs. Bertha L., Mokan- tion, Portland, Or6gon.
slian, Chekiang Province, China.
Shively, J. Dow, care Sanitarium, Warner, W. H., College Place,
Boulder, Colo. Wash.
Shively, Eva M., care Sanitarium, White, Julia A., Loma Linda, via
Boulder Colo. Redlands, Cal. '
Simmons, W. R., Port Townsend, Williams, H. J., Pietermaritzburg,
Wash. Natal, South Africa.
Simpson, Abbie Winegar, Long Worster, W. W., La Fayette, Ind.
Only the names of ordained and Alway, G. M., 521 Veta Ave.,
licensed ministers appear in Pueblo, Colo.
this list. To determine the na- Amadon, G. W., 303 West Van
ture of any person's appoint- Buren St., Battle Creek, Mich.
ment, reference should be made Amelung, K., Grindelberg 15a,
to the directory of the Con- Hamburg, Germany. "
ference operating in the field Anderson, August, College View,
where the worker is located. Nebr:
This applies to the workers Anderson, A. C., Lead City, S.
named above, as well as all Dak.
other classes. Anderson, B. L., Kulangsu, Amoy,
Aalborg, N. J., Lacombe, Alberta, China.
Canada. Anderson, H. P., Union Grove,
Abd-Elshaheed, Awada, Luxor, Wis.
Upper Egypt. Anderson, Fred, Unionsgatan 4,
Achenbach, C. V., DraWer 28, Or- Helsingfors, Finland.
lando, Fla. Anderson, J. N., Box 993, U. S.
Achenbach, W. K., New Port Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Rooms, Jacksonville, Fla. Anderson, John F., 1136 Edgerton
AcMoody, C. D., R. F. D. No. 3, St., St. Paul, Minn.
Texico, N. Mex. Anderson, J. H., 24. Quincy St.,
Adams, J. W., Station M, Los Quincy, Mass.
Angeles, Cal. Anderson, A. C., Harmattan, Al-
Adams, P. P., Silver Creek, Brit- berta, Canada.-
' ish Columbia. Anderson, A. W., Warburton, Vic-
Adams, E. H., Station M, Los toria, Australia.
Angeles, Cal. Anderson, U. S., 1707 South Mad-
Adams, E. M., Station M, Los ison St., Muncie, Ind.
Angeles, Cal. Anderson, W. H., S. D. A. Mission,
Adams, W. M., Port Hammond, Pemba, Northwest Rhodesia,
British Columbia. South Africa.
Adkins, W. L., Little Birch, W. Andersson, Nils, Reykjavik, -Ice-
Va. land.
Adomeit, Ferd., Grindelberg 15a, Andreasen, M. L., Room 404, 32
Hamburg, Germany. Union Square, East, New York,
Ahr6n E. J., Kungsgatan 34, N. Y.
olm, Sweden.
Stockh Andress, Wm. M., 134 South
Airey, R. W., R. F. D. No. 1, Eighth St., _Grand Junction,
Gaston, Oregon. Colo. .
Allen, A. N., easilla 1002, Lima, Andrews, W. R., 53 Hancock St.,
Peru, South America. Pawtucket, R. I.
Allen, H. B., Stuart, Iowa. Andrews, R. F., College. View,
Alder J. D., Stockton, Cal. Nebr.
Allen, J., Heathorn Buildings, Andross, E. E., 1018 Broadway
Liverpool St., Hobart, Tas- Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
mania, Australia. Anglebarger, G. W.,1024 Colorado
Allen, M. J., Simcoe, Ontario. Ave., Colorado prings, Colo.
Allum, F. A., Cheo Chia K'o, Ho- Armitage, F. B. Maranatha Mis-
nan, China. sion, Trumpeters, near Gra-
Altman, M. A., 62 Dundrennan hamstown, Cape Colony, South
Road, Langside, Glasgow, Scot- Africa.
land. Armstrong, B., Church Street
Alway, W. A., Maple Plain, Mission, Downpatrick, Ireland.
Minn. Armstrong, W. H., R. F. D. No. 2,
192 Blythewood, S. C.

Armstrong, H. E., "Alta Vista," Baum, Cha's. S., 531 North Centre
Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, St., Pottsville, Pa.
South Wales. Baumann, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Armstrong, A. D., 17 Sellon's Ave., Hamburg, Germany.
Harlesden, London, N. W., En- Baxter, W. E., 58 James St.,
, gland. Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Ashton, L. L., 2 Loudon Ave., Sta. Beach, J. W. Hildebran, N. C.
D, Baltimore, Md. Beams, J. W., / Hamilton, Mo.
-Ashton, N. S., Wilkinsbuyg, Pa. Beckner, J. B., 31 Dundonald St.,
Aufderhar, H. A., Bennett, Colo. Port of Spain, Trinidad, West
Augsbourger, Ulysee, 14 rue Au- Indies.
bert, Plateau de Saulieres, Al- Beckner, R. A., 60 Lower Kem-
ger, Algeria. mendine Road, Kemmendine,
Babcock, D. C., Freetown, Sierra Beddoe, B. E., 1305 Vine St.,
Leone, West Africa. Fruitvale Cal.
Babcock, H. W., Cottage Grove, Beebe, E. I., Holly, Mich.
Oregon. Beeson, C. A., Arcadia, Nebr.
Babcock, Charles M., Box 989, Behr, IL, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Minneapolis, Minn. burg, Germany. -
Baber, G. H., Graysville, Tenn. Behrens, J. 11., Mountain View,
Bacon, A. E., 62 Dundrennan Cal.
Road, Langside, Glasgow, Scot- Bell, A. R., 706 Pennsylvania Ave.,
land. York, Pa.
Badaut, Paul, 15 rue Forses St. Bell, C. V., Avondale- .School,
Saone et Loire, France. Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia.
Badaut, Paul, 15 rue Forses St., Bellah, C. G., 1109 East Twelfth
Jacques, Paris, France. St., Kansas City, Mo.
Baer, R. T. 8 Lillian Terrace, Bellinger, James, R. F. D. No. 1,
Cheyenne, Wyo. Amory, Miss.
Bagby, J. W., R. F. D. No. 2, Bellows, R. J., Friday's Station,
Hanford, Cal. via Brampton, Mich.
Bagby, J. R, Cullman, Ala. Beltz, Frank, Brusque, Santa
Baharian, Z. G., British Post- Catharina, Brazil, South Amer-
office, . Galata, Constantinople, ica.
Turkey. Bender, U., Riversdale, Jamaica;
Bahr, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- West Indies.
liurg, Germany. Benezet, Leopold, St. Reman,
Baierle, C., Cresco, Pa. Puglie, Italy.
Baker, Isaac, Harper, Okla. Benham, R. D., 1582 East Hoyt
Baker, W. L. H., 103 William St., St., Mount Tabor, Oregon.
Perth, West Australia, Aus- Benson, H. F., Kami Yanagi cho,
tralia. Hiroshima, Japan.
Balada; E., Correo 3, Casllla 43, Benson, C. L., College View, Nebr.
Santiago, Chile, South America. Benton, Roy L., Roswell, N: Mex.
Ballenger, E. S., Box 7, Tropico, Bergersen, N. C.; Akersgaden 74,
- Cal." Christiania, Norway.
Balsbaugh, H. C., Dickson, Tenn. Berglund, ., 4524 Irving St.,
Barry; A., 1701 Simkin St., Nash- Denver, Colo.
ville; Tenn. Bernstein, 0. 0., 4910 Arch St:,
Bartlett, W: 'T., Stanborough Philadelphia, Pa.
Park, Watford, England. - Berry, G. W., Angora, Nebr.
Basney, H. C., 130 Pennsylvania Bertbelsen, P. E., College View,
Ave., Santa Cruz, Cal. , Nebr.
Bicknell, P. F., South Lancaster,
Bates, C. H., Muskogee, -Okla. Mass.
Batterson,' Wm., 2769 California Bidwell, W. E:, R. 'F. D. No. 1,
Ave., Omaha, Nebr. Mt. Vernon, Ohio.

Bigelow, I. G., Kendall Creek Sta- Braley, Wm., Perry, Okla.

tion, Bradford, Pa. Branch, Thomas H., 2806 Califor-
Bird, A. C., Caldwell, Idaho. nia St.,_ Denver, Colo.
Bird, W. L., St. Petersburg, Fla. Branson, W. H., Orlando, Fla.
Black, W. L., Grants Pass, Oregon. Bray,t,ur Las Cruces, N. Mex.
Blake, D. E., 316 Foster St., Nash- Breed, A. J., College Place, Wash.
ville, Tenn. Bringle, A. S., Wellington, Kans.
Blake, W. J., Box 414, Huntsville, Brink, Fred, Chico, Cal.
Ala. Bristol, E. A., 902 State St., Pe-
Blanzat, F., 29 rue de la Syna- toskey, Mich.
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. Brittain, W. G., " Elsnath," Bur-
Bliss, C. H., 309 Sixth St., Peoria, wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Ill. Australia.
Block, Gott, Casilla 481, Buenos Broderson, P. E. 1643 North
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Springfield Ave., 'Chicago, Ill.
ica. Brorsen, A., 828 Thirty-fourth St.,
Block, Henry, Leduc, Alberta, Oakland, Cal.
Canada. Brown, Eugene A., 347 North Sec-
Blosser, J. B., Berrien Springs, ond Ave., Phoenix, Ariz.
Mich. Brown, F. E., Hanford, Cal.
Blue,Irvin, College View, Nebr. Brown, G. G., _1026 Warren Ave.,
Blut , J. F., 1420 Avenida 20, West, Detroit, Mich.
Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico. Brown, M.. H., R. F. D. No. 1,
Boettcher, A., 32 Union Square, Greensboro, N. C.
East, New York, N. Y. Brown, G. M., R. F. D. No. 1,
Boettcher, J. T., Kleine Newastr. Greensboro, N. C?
12, Riga, Russia. Brown, B. W., 323 Cherry St.,
Bollman, C. P.,Madison, Tenn. Ottawa, Kans.
Bond, J. E., ox 1884, Globe, Ar- Brown, T. M., Bocas del Toro,
izona. Panama.
Bond, Frank, Paterna, Valencia, Browne, L. W., 814 South ' Fif-
Spain. teenth St., Springfield, Ill.
Bond, W. G., Calle Zaragoza 112- Bruck, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
10, San Gervasio, Barcelona, burg, Germany.
Spain. Bryant, R. J., R. F. D. No. 2,
Bonde, Hans, Manville, Alberta, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.
. Canada. Buckner, T. B., Bell Ave. and East
Bonjour, Pablo, Casilla 481, Buenos St., Birmingham, Ala.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Bud, Geo. L., Alexandria, Minn.
ica. Buhalts, C. J., 1815 North Thir-
Booth, A. S., 1018 Broadway Cen- teenth St., Lafayette, Ind.
tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Bunch, F. S., 508 East Everett St.,
Bourdeau, A. C., 1211 March St., Portland, Oregon.
Kalamazoo, Mich. Bunch, T. G., Marshfield, Oregon.
Bourdeau, A. J. S., Takoma Park Bunoa, Pauliasi, Suva Vou, Fiji,
Station, Washington, D. C. Pacific Ocean.
Bowen, T. E., Takoma Park Sta- Burden, W. D., 846 Sendagaya-
tion, Washington, D. C. machi, Tokyo, Japan.
Boylan, H. A., Lansing, Mich. Burden, J. A., Loma Linda, via
Boynton, C. E., 2472 Geraldine Redlands, Cal.
Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Burdick, J. M., 3431 North Irving
Boynton, J. W., 2320 Broadway Ave., Chicago, Ill.
St., Bellingham, Wash. Burg, F. M., College View, Nebr.
Boynton, Wm. J., Everett, Wash. Burke, R. E., " Elsnath," Bur-
Bradford, R. L., Kansas City, wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Kans. Australia.
Bradley, J. C., Goldsberry, Mo. Burkholder, H. H., Bellville, Ohio.

Burman, C. A., Lacombe, Alberta, Catlin, E. W., R. F. D. No. 2,

Canada. Selah, Wash.
Burnham, M. S., Otsego, Mich. Caviness, G. W., 1599 Avenue 22,
Burrill, A. 0., 1VIillidgeville, Ky. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Burrow, W. R., Raleigh, Tenn. Chaffee, C. H., Ethel, Mo.
Busz, Frank S., Box 686, Sioux Chapman, E. M., Alexandria,
Falls, S. Dak. Minn.
Butcher, 0. F., care College, Mt. Chatman, A. C., 1100 Marengo St.,
Vernon, Ohio. New Orleans, La.
Butler,. eo I., Bowling Green, Cheesbrough, A., 78 Gregory
Fla. Boulevard, Nottingham, Eng-
Butler, S. M., care College, Mt. land.
Vernon, Ohio. Christian, A. E., Graysville, Tenn.
Butler, 0. K., 598 Hutchinson St., Christian, L. H., Room 650, 324
Montreal, Quebec. Dearborn St., Chicago, Ill.
Butterfield, C. L., Seoul, Korea. Christian, J. W., Alcester, S. Dak.
Butterfield, Myron B.,. 119 State Christensen, A. C., Wessington
St., Alpena, Mich. Springs, S. Dak.
Butz, E. S., Ileathorn Buildings, Christensen, P., Margrethevej 5,
Liverpool St., Hobart, Tasmania, Copenhagen, V., Denmark.
Australia. Christensen, J. C., Diamond City,
Byington, F. F., College View, Alberta, Canada.
Nebr. Christiansen, A. G.,, San Fernando,
Cady, B. J., Buresala, Ovalau, Fiji, Christoffers, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Pacific Ocean. Hamburg, Germany.
Cady, M. E., College Place, Wash. Clark, A. J., 177 Warren St., Al-
Calderone, B., 689 De Kalb Ave., bany, N. Y.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Clark, J. J., Puyallup, Wash.
Caldwell, J. E., Dayton, - Tenn. - Clark, F. C.) cor. Ninth and Penn-
Campbell, A. B., Thayer, Kans. sylvania Ave., Leavenworth,
Campbell, M. N., Nevada, Iowa. Kans.
Campbell, J. M., 1804 East Clark, G. H., 56 Roeland St., Cape
Twenty-fourth St., Kansas City, Town, South Africa.
Mo. Clark, W. H., Ottawa, Kans.
Cardey, E. L., 1018 Broadway Cen- Clarke, A. A., Bridgetown, Bar-
tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. bados, West Indies.
Carey, E. N., Aiken, S. C. Clausen, N., Stillwater, Okla.
Carlsson, Oscar, Kungsgatan 34, Clemens, J. C., Nevada, Iowa..
Stockholm, Sweden. Clymer, J. B., Elk Point, S. Dak.
Carmichael, J. E., Monte Vista, Cobb, S. M., Wahroonga, N. S. W.,
Colo. Australia.
Carr, H. W., 8 East Jefferson St., Cobb, L. W., South Lancaster,
Salamanca, N. Y. Mass.
Carr, S. W., Port Moresby, Brit- Coberly, Robert, Crescent, Okla.
ish New Guinea. Colcord, I. C., Healdsburg, Cal.
Carrington, P. C., 31 Dundonald Colcord, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
St., Port of Spain, Trinidad, tion, Washington, D. C.
British West Indies. Cole, C. J. St. Johns, Oregon.
Carscallen, A. A., Gendia, Kisumu, Cole, J. M., 93 Franklin St., Ade-
British East Africa. laide, South Australia, Aus-
Carswell, W. R., Queen's Road, tralia.
Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Cole, V. 0., Graysville, Tenn.
Zealand. Collier, Edward F., 7711 Prairie
Casebeer, Geo. W., Pfia, Chile, Ave., Chicago, Ill.
South America. Collins, J. A., 5S James St., Kings-
Casebeer, J. A., Emmett, Idaho. ton, Jamaica, West Indies.

Coltrin, T. C., R. F. D. No. 1, Dangschat, C., Grindelberg 15a,

Amory, Miss. Hamburg, Germany.
Comer, J. M., Cottage Grove, Ore- Daniells, A. G., Takoma Park Sta-
gon. tion, Washington, D. C.
Connerly, B. E., Cristobal, Canal Dart, A. M., Mt. Tabor Station,
Zone, Republic de Panama. Portland, Oregon.
Conradi, L. R., Grindelberg 15a, Davis, 0. E., 188 Upper Charlotte
Hamburg, Germany. St., Georgetown, British Guiana,
Conway, F. H., 1251 Pandora St., South America.
Victoria, British Columbia. Davis, Silas, Carpenteria, Cal.
Cook, R. R., 60 Lower Kemmen- De' Ath, H. F., 78 Gregory Boule-
dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. vard, Nottingham, England.
Corbaley, F. M., 740 North Nye Decker, H. W., Mt. Tabor Sta-
Ave., Fremont, Nebr. tion, Portland, Oregon. -
Corliss, J. 0., Mountain View, Cal. Denslow, Oliver, Otsego, Mich.
Cotton, A. V., 542 Bainbridge St., Dent, S. G., St. Simons Mills, Ga.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Detamore, F. A. Gaston, Oregon.
Cottrell, H. W., Mountain View, Devereaux, R. H., R. F. D. No. 5,
Cal. Hazen, Ark.
Cottrell, R. F., Box 993, U. S. Pos- De Vinney, F. H., 317 West Bloom-
tal Agency, .Shanghai, China. field St., Rome, N. Y.
Courter, H. F., Hughson, Cal. Dexter, H. H., 87 rue Moncey,
Cousens, L. A., 695 Water St., Lyons, France.
Fitchburg, Mass. Dieffenbacher, B. L., Canon City,
Covell, W. H., Mountain View, Colo.
Cal. Dieiking, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Covert, John W., Allegan, Mich. Hamburg, Germany.
Covert, Wm., Room 650, 324 Dear- Dillen, D. W., Graysville, Tenn.
born St., Chicago, Ill. Dillon, Isaac P., Box 876, Phcenix,
Coy, Otto, Republic, Wash. Ariz.
Craddock, T. H., 186 Edward St., Dirksen, H. J., 930 Rodney Ave.,
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia. Portland, Oregon.
Crane, I. A., Rocky, Okla. Dirksen,' Henry, Grindelberg 15a,
Crisler, O. C., Sanitarium, Cal. Hamburg, Germany.
Crisler, L. H., Orlando, Fla. Dominick, E., Busegwe, Post
Crisler, L. T., 1728 North Jefferson Shirati, German Eastica. fr
St., Tampa, Fla. Domnick, ' G., Grindelberg 15a,
Crothera, W. M., 2123 Twenty- Hamburg, Germany. _
fourth Ave., North, Nashville, Dorcas, J. W., Nevada, Iowa.
Tenn. Dowsett, R. T., 169 Bryan St.,
Cruzan, W. S., Semmes, Ala. Atlanta, Ga.
Cubley, W. M., Keene, Tex. Drews, Louis, Wausau, Wis.
Cunitz, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Drinhaus, P., Grindelberg 15a,
burg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Curdy, J.; Villa des Fougere, Pe- Dunscombe, W. C., 30 Oiwake-
seux, ,Neuchatel, Switzerland. cho, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Curtis, E. A., Crawford, Nebr. Durkee, E. W., 223 Merrill St.,
Curtis, H. T., Lorne Park, On- Clearfield, Pa.
tario. . - Durrant, A. N., San Fernando,
Trinidad, British West Indies.
Dail, Guy, Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany. Eastman, W. W. Keene, Tex.
Dake, U. B., Cement, Okla. r Ebel, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Dana, F. M., South Lancaster, burg, Germany.
Mass. Edgar, J. L., 400 Fifth St., Pint,
Dancer, J. W., 1521 Chestnut St., Mich.
Little Rock, Ark. Edmed, H. J., Stranach St., Pie-

termaritzburg, Natal, South Af- Fitrnstrom, K. A., Kungsgatan 34,

rica. Stockholm, Sweden.
Edwards, C. H., 51 Whitmore St., Farnsworth, E. W., Takoma Park
Hartford, Conn. Station, Washington, D. C.
Edwardson, C., Kenosha., Wis. Farnsworth, C. P., Chamberlain,
Ehlers, W., Taquary, Rio Grande S. Dak.
do Sul, Brazil, South America. Farnsworth, 0. 0., Jamaica, Vt.
Ellis, J., 78 Gregory Boulevard, Farnsworth, E. E., Campion Aca-
Nottingham, England. demy, Loveland, Colo.
Ellis, J. M., daville, Ind. Fawer, Emil, 29 rue de la Syna-
Ellis, M. E., 905 North California gogue, Geneva, Switzerland.
Ave., Hastings, Nekr. Fehr, 7oh., Nonnenweg 22, Basle,
Ells, L. H., Farmington, WaSh. Switzerland.
Emmerson, C. L., Philbrook, Minn. Fenner, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Emmerson, Milo E., Kolo Mission, burg, Germany.
Wepener, 0. R. C., South Af- Fenner, F. E., Onaway, Mich.
rica. Ferguson, A. F., Stuart, Iowa.
Emery, W. D., 1112 Kalamath St., Fero, D. T., Lodi, Cal.
Denver, Colo. Ferris, E. F., Flora, Ill.
Englund, Clyde E., 134 South Field, F. W., 30 Oiwake-cho,
Eighth St., Grand Junction, Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
Colo. Field, Pearl, College View, Nebr.
Enns, E. C., Busegwe, Post Shi- Field, T. W., R. F. D. No. 1, Abi-
rati, German East Africa. lene, Tex.
Enoch, Geo. F., 9 Kahun Road, Field, W. F., R. F. D. No. 1, Abi-
Poona, India. lene, Tex.
Enseleit, E., Grindelberg 15a, Field, J. W., Keene, Tex.
Hamburg, Germany. Finster, L. V., 390 Nozaleda,
Erikson, J. M., Kungsgatan 34, Manila, Philippine Islands.
Stockholm, Sweden. Fisher, Otis J., Box 993, U. S.
Ernst, Julio, Nueva Helvetia, 'Ur- Postal Agency, Shanghai, China.
uguay, South America. Fitzgerald, W. J., Stanborough
Ernst, Luis A., Villa Encarnacion, Park, Watford, Herts, England.
via Posadas, Paraguay, South Flaiz, C. W., College Place, Wash.
America. Fletcher, Hubert, 58 James St.,
Ernston, N. C., Oakland, Oregon. Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Errington, J. T., 151 West . More- Fletcher, W. W., 12 Dhoby Ghaut,
land St., Toronto, Ontario. Singapore, Malay Archipelago.
Erzberger, J., Grindelberg 15a, Fletcher, J. M., Eastwood, Nebr.
Hamburg, Germany. Foggin, W. R., Reedsville, Ohio.
Erzberger, H., Grindelberg 15a, Folkenberg, C. F., Milwaukee,
Hamburg, Germany. Oregon.
Ftheredge, N. J., Hamby, Tex. Ford, C. E., 2909 G St., San Diego,
Evans, I. H., Box 993, U. S. Postal Cal.
Agency, Shanghai, China. Ford, C. L., 538 Euclid Ave., Sand-
Everson, C. T., 3722. Irving Park point, Idaho.
Blvd., Chicago, Ill. Forde, W. D., Castries, St. Lucia,
Ewert, A. D., Bingham Lake, West Indies.
Minn. - Foster, J. C., 812 Cherry St., Mis-
soula, Mont.
Fairchild, Francis M., 37 Pleasant Foster, W. L., 8 of 18, Yamamoto-
St., Dayton, _Ohio. dori, Nichome, Kobe, Japan.
'Fairchild, Fred M., Cumberland, Frank, 0. F., 304 Hodges St., Lake
Md. Charles, La.
Fant, P. A., via Armenia 1: 28, Frauchiger, E. Ed., German Post-
Genoa, Italy. office, Galata, Constantinople,
Farman, H. J., Barnet, Vt. Turkey.

Freeman, J. M., Bloemfontein, Mission, Downpatrick, Ireland.

Orange River Colony, South Af- Gillis, W. E., Pitt Meadows, Brit-
rica. ish Columbia.
French, A. F., Hamilton, Mo. Gjording, H. G., 4 Phipps Court,
French, T. M., Freetown, Sierra Salt Lake City, Utah.
Leone, West Africa. Godfrey, H. R., Great Bend, Kans.
French, W. R,, Keene, Tex. Godfrey, T., 1911 Fourth Ave.,
Freund, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Huntington, W. Va.
burg, Germany. Godsmark, 0. C., Chattanooga,
Fries, Robert S., Melrose, Cal. Tenn.
Fritz, M. J., Box 104, Portage la Goetting, F., Grindelberg 15a,
Prairie, Manitoba. Hamburg, Germany.
Fullmer, B. E., 337% South Hill Goodrich, Fr. C., Cristobal, Canal
St., Los Angeles, Cal. Zone, Panama.
Fulton, J. E., Elsnath," Burwood Goodrich, J. B. Blaine, Me.
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Ans- Gosmer, W. A., Bozeman, Mont.
. tralia. Gradjin, E., Grindelberg. 15a, Ham-
burg, Germany.
Gaede, D. P., Grindelberg 15a, Graf, H. F., 2325 East Eighty-
Hamburg, Germany. seventh St., Cleveland, Ohio.
Gaede, G. P., 222 South East Ave., Graham, J. E., Ballard, Wash.
Baltimore, Md. Grant, F. B., 1377 Washington
Gaede, John P., College Hill, Ohio. Ave., Woodfords Sta., Portland,
Gardner, E. E., South Lancaster, Me.
Mass. Grauer, G. A., College View, Nebr.
Gardner, C. M., Modesto, Cal. Gray, S. S., 315 South Clay Ave.,
Garrett, Roscoe, Berrien Center, Jacksonville, Ill.
Mich. Greaves, Robt. S., British Post-
Garton, B. M., 312 East Eleventh office, Smyrna, Asia Minor. "
St., Grand sland, Nebr. Green, W. H., 1528 Fifth St., N.
Gassmann, F., Grindelberg 15a, MT., Washington, D. C.
Hamburg, Germany. Green, Fred, Otsego, Mich.
Gates, E. H., Sanitarium, Wah- Gregory, M. H., 821 West Fifth
roonga, N. S. W., Australia. St., Topeka, Kans.
George, G. C., 905 North Califor- Grieser, Friedr., Nonnenweg 22,
nia Ave., Hastings, Nebr. Basle, Switzerland.
George, W. A., Nashville Sanita- Griffin, H. Clay, Atoka, Tex.
rium, Nashville, Tenn. GriggS, Frederick, Takoma Park
Gibson, F. E., 213 Edwards St., Station, Washington, D. C.
Youngstown, Ohio. Groenewald, D. H., Stranach St.,
Gibson, L. A., The Dalles, Oregon. Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
Gibson, T. D., 2718 Third Ave., Africa.
South, Minneapolis, Minn. Gruber, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Giddings, H. E., Bynum, N. Mex. burg, Germany.
Giddings, Philip, Roseau, Domin- Grundset, A., Asmara, Eritrea,
ica, British West Indies. Poste Restante (via Brindisi,
Gilbert, F. C., South Lancaster, Italy), East Africa.
Mass. Guenin, J. C., 10 rue Dulong, Ro-
Gilbert, A. C., Box 852, Saskatoon, uen, France.
Saskatchewan, Canada. Gugel, E., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Gilbert, A. D., College View, Nebr. burg, Germany.
Giles, H. C., 2. Park Place, Port- Guild, M. C., 621 West Eighth
land, Me. St., Traverse City, Mich.
Gillatt, J. D., 17 Sellon's Ave., Guilford, H. S., St. Charles, Mich.
Harlesden, London, N. MT., Eng- Guthrie, Wm., Fitch Bay, Quebec.
land. Guyot, A., 14 rue Aubert, Plateau
Gillatt, John J., Church Street de Saulieres, Alger, Algeria.

Habenicht, R. H., basilla 481, Harrison, A. F., 2123 Twenty-

Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South fourth Ave., North, Nashville,
America. Tenn.
Hadley, 0. S., 1721 Broadway, Harter; R. E., 4910 Arch St., Phil-
Indianapolis, Ind. adelphia, Pa.
Haffner, G. F., Shattuck, Okla. Hartmann, Edgar, General De-
Hagle, B., Wolcottville, Ind. livery, Alexandria, Egypt.
Hahn, Earl D., 420 Bll St., Fre- Hartwell, F. S., 3 Lyndon St.,
mont, Nebr. Concord, Mass.
Hale, D. U., 520 West Lynn St., Hartwell, H. C., South Lancaster,
Springfield, Mo. Mass.
Hall, Frank, 58 James St., Kings- Hartwell, S. D., 335 John St.,
ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Charlotte, Mich.
Hall, 0. A., Box 993, U. S. Postal Haskell, S. N., Box 597, Oakland,
Agency, Shanghai, China. Cal.
Halladay, F. W., Box 414, Hunts- Haskell, Mrs. H. H., Box 597, Oak-
ville, Ala. land, Cal.
Hallock, A. W., Hawthorne, Wis. Haughey, A. C., Otsego, Mich.
HalusiC, S., 415 East Seventy- Haughey, A. G., Otsego, Mich.
third St., New York, N. Y. Haughey, S. G., 78 Gregory Bou-
Hampton, J. B., Taloga, Okla. levard, Nottingham, England.
Hancock, W. E., Buzon 218, Gua- Haupt, Wm. H., Stranach St.,
temala City, Guatemala, Central Pietermaritzburg, Natal, South
America. Africa.
Hanhardt, J. G., 99 Kipp Ave., Hawkins, G. R., Atlantic, Iowa.
Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. Hawkins, Mrs. Emma, Atlantic,
Hankins, W. C., Kulangsu, Amoy, Iowa.
China. Hayes, E. G., 116 East Jacob St.
Hankins, I. J., 56 Roeland St., Louisville, Ky.
Cape Town, South Africa. Hayhurst, C. M., R. F. D. No. 4,
Hanna, J. G., 1110 Pierce St., Woodward, Okla.
Lynchburg, Va. Haynes, Carl B., 44 Loudon Ave.,
Hannon, S. C., Clear Water Lake, Baltimore, Md.
Wis. Haysmer, A. J., 61 Lindsley Ave.,
Hansen, N. P., Margrethevej 5, Nashville, Tenn. -
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Hayton, C. H., Takoma Park Sta-
Hansen, Louis, Irene, S. Dak. tion, Washington, D. C.
Hansen, L. A., Takoma Park Sta- Heacock, A. P., R. F. D. No. 2, Hot
tion, Washington, D. C. Springs, Ark.
Hansen, H., Box 401, Benson, Heald, B. M., 1942 North Seven-
Nebr teenth St., Philadelphia, Pa.
Hansen, C. A., Otsego, Mich. Healey, W. M., 657 Eighteenth St.,
Hanson, P. M., Bethel, Wis. San Diego, Cal.
Hanson, C. A., M. D., 1653 High Hebner, W. C., Shelby, Mich.
St., Denver, Colo. Heckman, W. H., 4910 Arch St.,.
Hanson, P. A., Falls City, Oregon. Philadelphia, Pa.
Hanson, John B., Hodge, La. Hegmann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Hanson, W. R., Capitol Hill, Okla. Hamburg, Germany.
Harder, J. F., Hooker, Okla. Henderson, Fred H., R. F. D. No.
Hare, Robert, Cooranbong, N. S. 3, Reinersville, Ohio.
W., Australia. Hennig, W. A., 1210 Twelfth St.,
Hare, M. M., Nevada, Iowa. N. W., Washington, D. C.
Hare, S. T., 748 Twenty-third St., Herrell, H. W.,
R. F. D. No. 3,
Ogden, Utah. Richmond, Ira.
Harlow, George, Box 993, U. S.
Postal Agency, Shanghai, China. Hersum, S. J., Richmond, Me.
Harris, F. J., Holcomb, Ill. Hetze, G., Grindelberg 15a,, Hani-
Harris, J. C., Sheridan, Ill. burg, Germany.

Hibbard, E. J., San Fernando, Cal. Hoxie, Fred, Ithaca, Mich.
Hickman, T. J., Harper, Okla. Hubbard, G., 186 Edward St.,
Hickman, Ray, R. F. D., Elk City, Brisbane, Queensland, Austra-
Okla. lia.
Hicks, F. H., 6 East Jefferson St., Hubbard, Thomas, Waldron, Ind.
Salamanca, N. Y. Huenergardt, J. F., Grindelberg
Hilgert, Wm. T., 1212 North Fifty- 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
sixth St., Philadelphia, Pa. Huffman, B. E., College View,
Hill, Oscar, College Place, Wash. Nebr.
Hill, Israel, West De Pere, Wis. Huffman, D. E., College View,
Hilliard, E., 103 William St., Nebr.
Perth, West Australia, Austra- Huffman, M. G., 821 West Fifth
lia. St., Topeka, Kans.
Hinter, J. F., Grindelberg 15a, Hughes, C. B., Keene, Tex.
Hamburg, Germany. Humann, H., Crossfield, Alberta,
Hintz, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Canada.
burg, Germany, Humphrey, J. K., 1693 Dean St.,
Hoare.; H. J., 1018 Broadway Cen- Brooklyn, N. Y.
tral Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal. Huntington, S. G., Room 415,
Hockarth, G. W., Grindelberg 15a, Hooper Building, Salt Lake
Hamburg, Germany. - City, Utah.
Hoelzle, Emilio, Curityba, Parana, Huntley, E. H., 03934 Division
Brazil, South America. St., Spokane, Wash.
limn, P. L.; 4910 Arch St., Phila- Hyatt, W. S., Kenilworth, Cape,
delphia, Pa. South Africa.
Hoerner, F., Nonnenweg 22, Basle, Hyder, R., 293 Oronoque St.,
Switzerland. Georgetown, British Guiana,
Hoffman, J. H., Grantsburg, Wis. South America.
Hoffmann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Iles, E. L., Cullman, Ala.
Hofstra, Jacob W., Soember Imrie, L. J., " Elsnath," Burwood
Wekas, Prigen, via Bangil, St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus-
Java, East Inies. tralia.
Holden, W. H., 190 North Win- Ingham, H. W., Fitch Bay,
sooki Ave., Burlington, Vt. Quebec.
Holbrook, C. C., Alamosa, Colo. Irving, J. M., 404 Alford Ave.,
Holbrook, J. A., R. F. D. No. 1, Lexington, Ky.
Manor, Wash. Irwin, G. A., Takorna Park Sta-
Holmes, A. G., Milton Junction, tion,. Washington, D. C.
Wis. Irwin, C. W., care Pacific College,
Hoopes, L. A., Warburton, Vic- St. Helena, Cal.
toria, Australia. Irwin, J. J., 220 Michigan St.,
Hoover, C. K., Coneonully, Wash. Petoskey, Mich.
Hoover, H. L., Estancia, N. Mex. Isaac, John, College Place, Wash.
Hopkins, E. B., Keene, Tex. Isaac, Michel Nord, Cape Haytien,
Horton, R. C., Lawrence, Mich. Hayti.
Horton, S. B., 57 Cole Bldg., Nash- Isaak, Daniel, Grindelberg 1.5a,
ville, Tenn. Hamburg, Germany.
Hottel, R. D., New Market, Va. Ising, W. C., Deutsche Post, Bei-
House, B. L., 224 South Cherry rut, Syria.
St.; Richmond, Va. Israel, M. C., Oakdale, Cal.
Howe, B. L., Box 62, Armona, Cal. Iverson, Paul, Great Falls, Mont.
Howe, W. 0., 1377 Washington
Ave., Woodfords Sta., Portland, Jackson, S. E., Box 989, Minne-
Me. apolis, Minn.
Howell, C. G., Daylight, Tenn. Jacobs, H. U., McKinney, Ky.
Howell, W. E., Takoma Park Sta- James, J. S., Nazareth Post-office.
tion, Washington, D. C. Tinnevelly District, South India.

James, G. G., Queen's Road, Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio.

Lower Hutt, Wellington, New Jurikson, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Zealand. Hamburg, Germany.
Janert, A. 0., Grindelberg 15a,
Hamburg, Germany. Kalbermatten, Ignacio, Calle Lib-
Jenkins, W. S., St. Johnsville, ertad 369, Asuncion, Paraguay,
N. Y. South America.
Jensen, C. C., Margrethevej 5, Kamm, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. burg, Germany.
Jenson, A. W., Amarillo, Tex. Kapitz, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Jeys, Thos. H., Campobello, N. C. burg, Germany.
Johansen, 0. E., Fergus Falls, Kapitz, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Minn burg, Germany.
Johanson, J. M., Signs Publish- Kauble, N. W., Oswego, Kans.
ing Office, Warburton, Victoria, Kay, J. L., San Fernando, Cal.
Australia. Keck, Irving, Bowling Green, Fla:
Johnson, Elof, 244 Chestnut St., Keh, Nga Pit, Kulangsu, Amoy,
New Britain, Conn. China.
Johnson, Lewis, 3022 West Sixty- Kellogg, E. C., College View, Nebr.
second St., Seattle, Wash. Kelsey, A. G., 19 Banks Road,
Johnson, Fred, College View, Lucknow, India.
Nebr. Kennedy, J. J., R. F. D. No. 1,
Johnson, H. R., College View, Englewood, N. J.
Nebr. Kennedy, W. F., 134 South
Johnson, Jones A., Madrid, Iowa. Eighth St., Grand Junction,
Johnson, L. E., Ringgold, Nebr. Colo. _
Johnson, Wm. J., Iowa City, Iowa. Kennedy, R. R., Wheelersburg,
Johnson, 0., Amot, Sweden. Ohio.
Johnson, 0. A., College Place, Kennedy, T. J., Aurora, Esse-
Wash. quebo River, British Guiana,
Johnson, C., R. F. D. No. 1, Box South America.
66, McMinnville, Oregon. Keough, George, Maison Korabi,
Johnston, J. 0.,Eufola, N. C. Chareh el Kobesi, Cairo, Egypt.
Johnston, F. ., Bay Roberts, Kephart, S. B., Stuart, Iowa.
Newfoundland. Kern, M. E., Takoma Park Sta-
Jones, J. F., Fords Store, Md. tion, Washington, D. C.
Jones, John K., Mansfield, Mass. Keslake, C. H., Box 217, St. John's,
Jones, G. F., 12 Dhoby Ghaut, Newfoundland.
Singapore, Malay Archipelago, Kessel, F., Grindelberg 15a; Ham-
Pacific Ocean. burg, Germany.
Jones, "Methusaleh, 1219 Elm St., Ketring, H. F., 3529 West Forty-
Waco, Tex. fourth Ave., Denver, Colo.
Jones, 0. E., 417 East High St., Kilgore, R. M., Dickson Tenn.
Hastings, Nebr. Kilgore, C. L., South Lancaster,
Jones, Walter, R. F. D. No. 4, Mass.
Henderson, Ky. Killen, W. L., High Point, N. C.
Jordan, S. A., 712 South Third Kime, Stewart, 1018 Broadway
St., Memphis, Tenn. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Jorg, Fried., 508 East Everett St., Kime, S. H., Rollins, Mont.
Portland, Oregon. King, N. 'B., 352 Davis St., Jack-
Jorgensen, N. M., Grand Forks, son, Miss.
N. Dak. Kinney, C.. M., 1109 Ament St.,
Jorgensen, Mrs. Bertha, Grand
Nashville, Tenn.
Forks, N. Dak.
Juhl, Christian, Margrethevej 5, Kirk, A. F., Firth, Nebr.
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. Kirkendall, M. C., Lorne'Park, On-
Jump, Howard M., 945 North tario.

Kirkle, G. A., Minatare, Nebr. Langdon, Geo. E., College Place,

Kisner, G. H., 1703 North Second Wash.
St., St. Joseph, Mo. Langford, L. F., 17 Sellon's Ave.,
Kite, C. R., 1112 Kalamath St., Harlesden, London, N. W., En-
Denver, Colo. gland.
Kittle, 0. M., Johnson City, Tenn. Larson, Matthew, Newkirk, Okla.
Klein, F.,Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Lauda, Emil R., Croswell, Mich.
burg, ermany. Lawrence, J. H., 110 Early St.,
Klingbeil, R. G., Grindelberg 15a, Montgomery, Ala.
Hamburg, Germany. Lawrence, N. W., R. F. D. No. 1,
Kneeland, B. F., 351. Schiller Ave., Manor, Wash.
Trenton, N. J. Leach, Robert W., 1602 Fourth
Kneeland, W. G., 30 Seidler St., Ave., Terre Haute, Ind.
Jersey City, N. J. Lee, Fred, Box 993, U. S. Postal
Knight, C. E., Casilla 481, Buenos Agency, Shanghai, China.
- Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Leer, Chas., Lincoln, N. Dak.
ica. Leland, Eugene, Lorne Park, On-
Knight, W., 78 Gregory Boule- tario.
vard, Nottingham, England. Leland, C. E., 1911 II St., Sac-
Knott, C. F., Curityba, Parana, ramento, Cal.
Brazil, South America. Leland, J. A., R. F. D. No. 8,
Knox, W. T., Takoma Park Sta- San Antonio, Tex.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lewis, C. C., College View, Nebr.
Knox, M. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth Lewis, M. W., 717 Foster St., Bur-
Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn. lington, Iowa.
Kotz, E., Friedenstal, Post Bwiko, Lewis, T. G., Appleton, Wis.
via Tanga, German East Africa. Lewsadder, Wm., 301 South Fifth
Kraft, J. H., College View, Nebr. St., Streator, Ill.
Kress, D. H., Takoma Park Sta- Lightner, C. S., Crescent, Okla.
tion, Washington, D. C. Lillie, Charles P., 8 Jackson St.,
Krieghoff, Carlos E., Correo 3, Natick, Mass.
Casilla 43, Santiago, Chile, Linderman, Joseph, Jr., curitbya,
South America. Parana, Brazil, South America.
Kroeker, J. C., Estacao Sao Ber- Lindsay, R. S., Rowland, Ala.
nardo, S. P. P., Sao Paulo, Bra- Lindsey, D. E., Meherrin, Va.
zil, South America. Lipke, John, Estacao Sao Ber-
Krum, J. H., Keene, Tex. nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South
Kuehl, A. W., Box 989, Minneap- America.
olis, Minn Littell, Leslie, Hardy, Ark.
Kiimpdl, R., Grindelberg 15a, Little, J. C., 19 Banks Road, Luck-
Hamburg, Germany. now, India.
Kuniya, H., 846 Sendagaya-machi, Livingston, A. A., Liverpool, Nova
. Tokyo, Japan. Scotia. _
Kunkel, C. J., R. F. D. No. 4, Har- Locken, J. B., Brownston,
vey, N. Dak. Loebsack, H. J., Grindelberg 15a,
Kurtz, D. D., Bridgewater, N. Dak. Hamburg, Germany.
Loebsack, H. K., Grindelberg 15a,
Lacey, H. C., Stanborough Park, Hamburg, Germany.
Watford, England. Long, U. P., Sedgewick, Colo.
Lagrone, G. A., Oplin, Tex. Longacre, C. S., South Lancaster,
Lair, J. W., 425 North St., Boulder, Mass.
Colo. Longard, L. D., Tantallon, Nova
Laird, P. J., Changsha, Hunan, via Scotia.
Hankow, China. Loughborough, J. N., Lodi, Cal.
Lamson, J. G., Stuart, Iowa. Lovell, R. A., 513 Union St., Knox-
Lane, F. G., Osborne, Strath-Clyde, ville, Tenn.
Bridgetown, Barbados, West In- Lowry, G. G., 19 Banks Road,
dies. Lucknow, India.

Lowry, W. S., Amory, Miss. Matthews, James H., Christian-

Lucas, H. G., San Fernando, Cal. sted, St. Croix, Danish West In-
Luepke, 0., Friedensau, Post Gra- dies.
bow, Bez. Magdeburg, Germany. Matthews, W. R., 22 Cass Ave.,
Lucie, C. D., Casilla 481, Buenos Grand Rapids, Mich.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Mathewson, W. C., Vienna, N. Y.
ica. Maxwell, C. A., New Market, Va.
Lukens, Morris, 2937 Paris Ave., Maxwell, E. L., Hammond, La.
Indianapolis, Ind. Maynor, W. H., 1103 Clinch St.,
Lusky, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Knoxville, Tenn.
burg, Germany. McComas, J. W., Mason City,
Luther, J. K., Colfax, Wash. Iowa.
Lyndon, F. E., Papeete, Tahiti, So- McCord, J. W., 1018 Broadway
ciety Islands, Pacific Ocean. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Lysinger, H. E., La Russell, Mo. McCutchOn, W. A., Keene, Tex.
McDonald, C. M., Wewoka, Okla.
Maas, J. V., Nueva Helvecia, Uru- McEachern, J. H., Holly, Mich.
guay; South America. McElhaney, J. L., Queen's Road,
Mac Guire, Meade, Colorado Sani- Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
tarium, Boulder, Colo. Zealand.
Machlan, B. F., Avondale School, McReynolds, C., Grand Rapids,
Cooranbong, N. S. W., Australia. Wis.
Mackintosh, M., Windsor, Mo. McVagh, C. F., 1712 Simkin St.,
MacLay, W. D., 914 Seventh St., Nashville, Tenn.
Parkersburg, W. Va. Mead, Andrew, R. F. D. No. 2,
Madsen, 0., 223 Logan St., Council Brainerd, Minn.
Bluffs, Iowa. Mead, C. B., 58 James St., Kings-
Magan, P. T., Madison, Tenn. ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
Magoon, C. R., 183 Woodlawn Ave., Meeker, H. F., Beach, N. Dak.
Aurora, Ill. Meleen, C., 3250 Berteau Ave.,
Manful, W. L., Elk Point, S. Dak. Chicago, 111'.
Mangold, Santiago, Correo 3, Ca: Menkel, H. C., Mussoorie Sanita-
silla 43, Santiago, Chile, South rium, Mussoorie, India.
America. Meredith, W. H., 17 Sellon's Ave.,
Manns, John W., Orlando, Fla. Harlesden, London, N. W., En-
Manous, A. L., a,rtersville, Ga. gland.
Manuel, B. E., Box 44, Brantford, Merrell, E. A., 1713 North Second
Ontario. St., St. Joseph,: Mo.
Marchus, Ainos S., 78 Gregory Merriam, E. A., Otsego, Mich.
Boulevard, Nottingham, -En- Meyer, H., 2426 Poplar St., Phila-
gland. delphia, Pa.
Marietta, J. J., Box 194, Chilli- Meyer, H., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
cothe, Ohio. burg, Germany.
Ma-tin, W. F., 80 East Sixty-first Meyers, C. K., " Elsnath," Bur-
North, Mt. Tabor, Oregon. wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Martin, C. N., Madison, Tenn. Australia.
Martin, I. M., 238 Haywood St., Meyers, H. B., 3 Fawnbrake Ave.,
Asheville, N. C. Lucknow, India.
Martin, R. H., 234 West Thir- Michaels, C. P., 103 William St.,
teenth St., New York, N. Y. Perth, West Australia, Aus-
Marvin, C. F., Route 2, Orange, tralia.
Mathe, L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Mignott, H. L., Crist obal, Canal
burg, Germany. Zone, Panama.
Mathieson, G. C., R. F. D. No. 4, Mikkelsen, J. C., Knights Station,
Ft. Collins, Colo. Fla.
Mathwig, E. A.. 821 West Fifth Mikkonen, Hugo, Unionsgatan 4,
St., Topeka, Kans. Helsingfors, Finland.

Miles, E. E., South Lancaster, Miller, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-

Mass. burg, Germany.
Miller, D. P., Ivy Bank, Attadale Muller, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Road, Inverness, Scotland. burg, Germany.
Miller, B. E., Keene, Tex. Mullings, L., 58 James St., Kings-
Miller, C. H., Wayne, Nebr. ton, Jamaica, West Indies.
Miller, C. W., R. F. D. No. 2, Munce, Leslie, 40 Johnson Ave.,
Waurika, Okla. Norfolk, Va.
Miller, H. S., Graysville, Tenn. Munson, R. W., " Elsnath," Bur-
Miller, C. N., College View, Nebr. wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Miller, A. L., 1012 Oxford St., In- Australia.
dianapolis, Ind. Murphy, Thomas, 2037 Jena St.,
Miller, R. W., Santa Barbara, New Orleans, La.
Cal. Mussen, Richard, Church Street
Miller, W. W., 19 Banks Road, Mission, Downpatrick, Ireland.
Lucknow, India. Muth, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Miller, H. W., Box 993, U. S. Pos- burg, Germany.
tal Agency, Shanghai, China.
Miller, J. 0., 17 Metcalf St., St. Narem, A. 0., Akersgaden 74,
John, New Brunswick. Christiania, Norway.
Miller, W. A. T., Alamagordo, N. Nash, R T., Hickory, N. C.
Mex. Neall, J. H., 169 Bryan St., At-,
Minner, J. A., Springfield, Kans. lanta, Ga.
Mitchell, Amos, 257 Flatbush Ave., Neff, A. C., Quicksburg, Va.
Brooklyn, N. Y. Neff, E. L., Box 1198, Oklahoma
Moffet, W. C., 110 Hobson Ave., City, Okla.
Cambridge, Ohio. Neilsen, N. P., Irene, S. Dak.
Moler, Chas. H., 337 Fifth Ave., Nellie, S. W., 309 Second Ave.,
San Rafael, Cal. North, Seattle, Wash.
Montgomery, 0., 1377 Washing- Nelsen, N. P., Akersgaden 74,
ton Ave., Woodfords Sta., Port- Christiania, Norway.
land, Me. Nelson, Andrew, 323 West Sev-
Montgomery, R. P., Walter, Okla. enth St.,Oklahoma City, Okla.
Mookerjee, L. G., 11 Wellington Nelson, los., 563 Alexander
Square, Calcutta, India. Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Moon, Al en, 213-215 Dean Bldg., Nelson, Ole, Kungsgatan 34, Stock-
113 Smith Lafayette St., South holm, Sweden. -
Bend, Ind. Nerlund, 0. J., 1718 New St., Du-
Moon, Arthur, Council, Idaho. luth, Minn.
Moore, L. G., 213 Pine St., North, Nethery, Jay J., 17 Sellon's Ave.,
Lansing, Mich. Harlesden, London, N. W., En-
Morgan, C. E., Buzon 218, Guate- gland.
mala City, Guatemala, Central Nettleton, Daniel, 508 East Ev-
America. erett St., Portland, Oregon.
Morrow, J. A., Station A, Wichita, Nickels, G., 17 SellOn's Ave., Har-
Kans. lesden, London, N. W., England.
Morrison, D., 62 Dundrennan Road, Nicola, II., 123 Manchester St.,
Langside, Glasgow, Scotland. Battle Creek, Mich.
Morrison, Isaac, R. F. D. No. 1, Nicola, L. T., South Lancaster,
Box 96, Napa, Cal. Mass.
Morrison, J. H., College View, Niehaus, J. H., 430 Packard Ave.,
Nebr. Ft. Wayne, Ind.
Mortenson, S., 5942 Peoria St., Nielson, J. C., Bethel, Wis.
Chicago, Ill. Nielson, Lars, Mohall, N. Dak.
Motzer, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Noftsger, B. B., 173 Second Ave.,
burg, Germany. Ottawa, Ontario.
Muderspach, L., Margrethevej 5, Nord, G. E., 462 East 137th St.,
Copenhagen, V., Denmark. New York, N. Y.

Norderhus, 0. ,P., Akersgaden 74, Owen, Roderick S., Loma Linda,

Christiania, Norway. via Redlands, Cal.
Norwood, J. W., Fayetteville, Ark.
Nott, W. L., Haviland, Kans. Paap, F. W., Gordon St., Toorak,
Nussbaum, T., 4 rue Fournarie, Victoria, Australia.
Montpellier, Henault, France. Paap, C. A., 186 Edward St., Bris-
Nutter, Virbrook, 111 Sixth St., bane, Queensland, Australia.
Macon, Mo. Painter, A. J., Stanleyton, Va.
Nyman, Leon G., Marion, Mich. Pallant, J., Queen's Road, Lower
Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
oberg, F. R., Unionsgatan 4, Hel- Palmer, E. R., Takoma Park Sta-
singfors, Finland. tion, Washington, D. C.
Crberg, E. M., 905 North California Palmer, W. W., Nukualofa, Tonga,
Ave. Hastings, Nebr. Friendly Islands, Pacific Ocean.
' D. H., Madison, Wis. Pannkoke, H., 5 Adelaide St., J.
()blander, J. G., Grindelberg 15a, P., Boston, Mass.
Hamburg, Germany. Parker, C. H., Gordon St, Toorak,
Ogden, A. R., Utica, Mo. Victoria, Australia.
Ogden, F. J., Spokane, Wash. Parker, E. 0., Waldron, Ill.
Ohme, B., via Tanga, Friedenstal, Parkhurst, W. D., 1209 Fremont
Post Bwiko, German East Af- St., Des Moines, Iowa.
rica. Parmele, C. F., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Okohira, T. H., 846 Sendagaya- Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
machi, Tokyo, Japan. Parmele, R. W., Drawer 28, Or-
Oliver, T. M., Dayton, Wash. lando, Fla.
Olm, R:, Taquary, Rio Grande do Paisons, D. A., 1018 Broadway
Sul, Brazil, South America. Central Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Olsen, A. J., Bethel, Wis. Pascoe, W. H., Queen's Road,
Olsen, 0. , Room 650, 324 Dear- Lower Hutt, Wellington, New
born St., Chicago, Ill. Zealand.
Olsen, M. E., Takoma Park Sta- Patterson, J. R., Red Bluff, Cal.
tion, Washington, D. C. Patterson, R. G., 2070 East 105th
Olsen, A. B., Sanitarium, Cater- St., Cleveland, Ohio.
ham, Surrey, England. Paulson, C. J., Strang, Nebr.
Olsen, 0. J., Akersgaden 74, Chris- Peabody, F., West Valley, N. Y.
tiania, Norway. Pedicord, C. A., 724 Carroll St., St.
Olsen, E. G., Forest City, Iowa. Paul, Minn.
Olsen, -Martin, Valley City, N. Peckover, C. E., 58 James St.,
Dak. Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies.
Olson, A. V., 819 East Sixth St., Pennington, E. E., Little Falls,
Duluth, Minn. N. J.
Olson, H. 0., Box 989, Minneapolis, Penrose, Chas. E., " Alta Vista,"
Minn. Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff,
Orozco, Juan Garcia, Globe, Ariz. ,South Wales.
Osborne, E. E., Skowhegan, Me. Perk, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Osborne, P. B., Skowhegan, Me. burg, Germany.
Osborne, A. J., Turlock, Cal. Perk, J., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Osol, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- burg, Germany:
burg, Germany. Perry, F. L., Arvilla, N. Dak.
Oster, John, Midvale, Idaho. Peters, G. E., 1104 North Davis
Ostrander, , 417
m. Thirty-fourth St., Pensacola, Fla.
St., Norfolk, Va. Peterson, Bernhard, 1045 North
Ott; F. L., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Humboldt St., Chicago, Ill.
burg, Germany. Peterson, E. F., 93 Montezuma St.,
Otis, L. J., Stuart, Iowa. Houghton, Mich.
Owen, G. K., Annfield House, Pettit, G. W., Forest Grove, Ore-
Mussoorie, India. gon.

Pickard, U. D., R. - F. D. No. 2, Rauleder, G. A., Escondido, Cal.

Warrenton, Va. Raymond, J. W., 211 Main St.,
Pilkewitsch, J., Grindelberg 15a, Hornell, N. Y.
Hamburg, Germany. Read, W., " Alta Vista," Llanishen
-Pilquist, E., College View, Nebr. St., Heath, Cardiff, South
Piper, A. H., " Elsnath," Burwood Wales.
St., Burwood, N. S. W., Aus- Reager, G. W., 1420 Avenida 20,
tralia. Tacubaya, D. F., Mexico.
Piper, J. F., 170 Silver St., Roches- Redfield, C. T., 382 South Central
ter, N. Y. Ave., Columbus, Ohio.
Pogue, J. F., Cleveland, Tenn. Reed, H. W., Clear Water Lake,
Pohle, W. R., Arequipa, Peru, Wis.
South America. Reeder, H. E., Sheridan, Wyo.
Pool, Nathan H., 409 Fancher Ave., Rees, E. H., Welsh, La.
South, Mount Pleasant, Mich. Reid, J. A., Bocas del Toro, Re-
Porter, R. C., " Wynnton," Selous public de Panama.
Road, Claremont, South Africa. Reifschneider, K. A., Grindelberg
Porter, L. B., Oakdale, Nebr. 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
Post, Byron, Milwaukee, Wis. Reinhold, R. R., 324 Parallel Ave.,
Potter, E. Russell, Box 104, Port- Kansas City, Kans.
age la Prairie, Manitoba. Reinke, 0. E., Nonnenweg 22,
Powell, S. U., 58 James St., Kings- Basle, Switzerland.
ton, Jamaica, West Indies. Reiswig, Conrad, Milltown, S.
Prener, H. S., Estacao SRo Ber- Dak.
nardo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, South Reiswig, C. K., Westbrook, Minn.
America. Reiswig, J. J., Jamestown, N. Dak.
Prescott, W. W., Takoma Park Rempfert, K., Grindelberg 15a,
Station, Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.
Prillwitz, W., Grindelberg 15a, Rentfro, C. E., Avenida Conselheiro
Hamburg, Germany. Ferreira, Lobo 197, Laveiras,
Prieser, F., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Caxias, Portugal.
burg, Germany. Reppe, M. S., College View, Nebr.
Proctor, L. H., 434 Fifty-third St., Rey, Jules, 29 rue de la Syna-
Brooklyn, N. Y. gogue, Geneva, Switzerland.
Prout, C. S., 134 South Eighth St., Reynolds, I. T., Pineville, La.
Grand Junction, Colo. Rhoads, A. V., Minot, N. Dak.
Provin, Henri, 29 rue de la Syna- Rice, J. D., 6270 Racine St., Oak-
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. land, Cal.
Purdon, T. H., 14 Jackson Ave., Richards, H. M. J., 1112 Kalamath
Rutland, Vt. St., Denver, Colo.
Richardson, F. I., 2 Loudon Ave.,
Quillin, G. C., Killbuck, Ohio. Sta. D, Baltimore, Md.
Quinn, R. D., Room 404, 32 Union Richmond, E. L., Otsego, Mich.
Square, East, New York, N. Y. Rider, C. J., Bozeman, Mont.
Riffel, Jacob, College Place, Wash.
Raessler, Ernst, Busegwe, Post Riffel, G., Casilla 481, Buenos
Shirati, German East Africa. Ayres, Argentina, South Amer-
Raft, J. C., Margrethevej 5, Co- ica.
penhagen, V., Denmark. Rine, G. W., Healdsburg, Cal.
Ramsey, W. T., Catesby, Okla. Rippey, J. A., Malaga, Wash..
Randle, W. H., 58 James St., Robbins, F. H., 914 Seventh St.,
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Parkersburg, W. Va.
Rashford, Linton, 58 James St., Roberts, F. M., Jonesboro, Ind.
Kingston, Jamaica, West Indies. Robinson, A. T., 905 North Cali-
Rasmussen, K., Milltown, Wis. fornia Ave., Hastings, Nebr.
Raspal, M., 29 rue de la Syna- Robinson, Dores E., Sanitarium,
gogue, Geneva, Switzerland. Cal.

Robinson, H. E., 28 Rockland St., Schamkow, K., Grindelberg 15a,

Roxbury, Mass. Hamburg, Germany.
Rockel, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Schilling, J. H., Grindelberg 15a,
burg, Germany. Hamburg, Germany.
Rodd, Arthur S. 78 Gregory Boule- Schillinger, R., Grindelberg 15a,
vard, Nottingham, England. Hamburg, Germany.
Rogers, A. H., 93 Franklin St., Schilstra, P., Grindelberg 15a,
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- Hamburg, Germany.
tralia. Schimek, R. W., 2639 South
Rogers, J. H., 1639 East Forty- Forty-second Ave., Chicago,
eighth St., Los Angeles, Cal. Ill.
Rogers, F. R., Box 474, West Schlegel, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Jackson, Miss. Hamburg, Germany.
Rogers, Joel C., Malamulo Mis- Schlotthauer, A., R. F. D. No. 1,
sion, Cholo, near Blantyre, Ny- Fresno, Cal.
asaland, British Central Africa. Schmidt, B., Grindelberg 15a,
Rojas, L. A., Casilla 481, Buenos Hamburg, Germany.
Ayres, Argentina, South Amer- Schmidt, H., Stranach St., Pie-
ica. termaritzburg, Natal, South Af-
Ronlund, N. J., Box 686, Sioux rica.
Falls, S. Dak. Schmitz, H., Grindelberg 15a,
Rosenwold, E., Gowrie, Iowa. Hamburg, Germany. .
Roth, G., Vauban, Jambes-Na- Schneider, J., Grindelberg 15a,
mur, Belgium. Hamburg, Germany.
Rouse, J. S. 1101 Denison St., Schroeder, W. F. H., Bland, Mo.
Little Rock, Ark. Schubert, G. W., Grindelberg 15a,
Rowe, Thos. D., Hazel, Ky. Hamburg, Germany.
Ruble, W. A., Takoma Park Sta- Schuberth, H. F., Grindelberg 15a,
tion, Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.
Ruble, W. W., Alexandria, Minn. Schuerer, M.. Grindelberg 15a,
Russell, K. C., Takoma Park Hamburg, Germany.
Station, Washington, D. C. Schatz, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Russell, E. T., College View, burg, Germany.
Nebr. Schwantes, Ernesto, Caixa Postal
Russell, A. B., Graysville, Tenn. 768, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil,
Russell, Riley, Soonan, Korea. South America.
Schwartz, W. F., 521 Union St.,
Salisbury, H. R., Takoma Park Hollidaysburg, Pa.
Station, Washington, D. C. Schwartz, W. E., Jacksonville,
Sanborn, Isaac, 55 Stanley St., Fla.
St. Thomas, Ontario. Schwedrat, Otto, Room 404, 32
Sandborn A. R., Holly, Mich. Union Square, East, New York,
Sanders,' C. N. R. F. D. No. 10, N. Y.
Battle Creek, Mich. Schwenecke, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Sanders, E. 0., Cove, Oregon. Hamburg, Germany.
Sanderson, Arthur E., 20 Clifford Schwenecke, 0., Grindelberg 1ga,
St., Roxbury, Mass. Hamburg, Germany.
Sanford, E. L., Graysville, Tenn. Scior, F., Deutsche Post, Galata,
Santee, Clarence, Keene, Tex. Constantinople, Turkey.
Santee, L. D., 1219" Thirteen and Scott, Sydney, Box 303, Colum-
One-half St., Moline, El. bia, S. C.
Sargeant, E. N., College Place, Scott, J. B., Chetek, Wis.
Wash. Sebastian, W. H., Louisville, Ky.
Saxby, W. H., 810 Jackson Ave., Seefried, J., Grindelberg 15a,
New Orleans, La. Hamburg, Germany. .
Schafer, W., Grindelberg 15a, Seeney, F. H., Cheswold, Del.
Hamburg, Germany. Seibel, J. H., Bowdon, N. Dak.


Selmon, A. C., Mokanshan, Che- Sivak, John D.; 434 East Seventy-
kiang Province, China. second St., New York, N. Y.
Semmens, A. W., Sanitarium, Skinner, Geo. H., Fitch Bay,
Wahroonga; N. S. W., Australia. Quebec.
Serna, Marcial, Globe, Ariz. Slade, E. K., Holly, Mich.
Serns, M. H., Elroy, STis. Smart, A., Gordon St., Toorak,
Settergren, A. J., Kungsgatan 34, Victoria, Australia.
Stockholm, Sweden. Smith, A., 156 Pipestone St.,
Shadel, S. T., Alpharetta, Ga. Benton Harbor, Mich.
Shaeffer, F. R., Box 246, Meridian, Smith, W. J., Queen's Road, Lower
Miss. Hutt, Wellington, New Zealand.
Shafer, W. A., 78 Gregory Boule- Smith, E. E., Union, Oregon.
vard, Nottingham, England. Smith, S. S., Waverly, Tenn.
Shannon, A. C., 1366 Grand Ave., Smith, Jas. H., Veve, Mo.
Toledo, Ohio. Smith, John J., Scarboro, Tobago,
Sharp, C. D., 4 Eleanor St., Sche- British West Indies.
nectady, N. Y. Smith, S. Parker, Saint Andrews,
Sharp, F. L., Gordon St., Toorak, Colombia, South America.
Victoria, Australia. Smith, L. A., 2123 Twenty-fourth
Sharp, W. W., 1801 Second Ave., Ave., North, Nashville, Tenn.
North, Seattle, Wash. Smith, W. H., 107 Linden Ave.,
Sharp, Smith, Graysville, Tenn. Irvington, N. J.
Sharpe, E. D., Western Normal Smith, W. R., Wonsan, Korea.
Institute, Lodi, Cal. Snow, C. M., Takoma Park Sta-
Shaw, B. H., Valentine, Nebr. tion, Washington, D. C.
Shaw, J. L., Takoma Park Sta- Snyder, E. W., Apartado 35,
tion,- Washington, D. C. Marianao, Cuba.
Shaw, H. S., Box 244, Regina, Snyder, G. A., 2051 West St.,
Saskatchewan, Canada. Oakland, Cal.
Sheldon, H. J., Maple Plain, Minn. Sorenson, C., Keene, Tex.
Shepard, Reid, Otsego, Mich. Soto, Damaso, Correo 3, Casilla
Shepard, Page, Asheville, N. C. 43, Santiago, Chile, South Amer-
Sherrig, W. H., Box 989, Minne- ica.
apolis; Minn. Sparrow, C. R., S. D. A. Mission,
Sherrig, Z., Margrethevej 5, Co- Bulawayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
penhagen, V., Denmark. rica.
Shireman, D. T., Route 5, Hick- Spencer, T. L. M., Main and Pilot
ory, N. C. Sts., New Amsterdam, British
Shone, G. W., Dewetsdorp, Orange Guiana, South America.
River Colony, South Africa. Spicer, W. A., Takoma Park Sta-
Shoup, H. Lesley, Athens, Tenn. tion, Washington, D. C.
Shreve, W. S., Wauzeka, Wis. Spies, F. W., Caixa Postal 768,
Shuler, J. L., Flora, Ill. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, South
Shultz, H., Lodi, Cal. America. '
Shultz, J. E.,Mt. Vernon, Ohio. Spies, Geo. W., Alloway, N. J.
Shultz, John W., Delta, Ohio. Spire, B. W., Nashville Sanita-
Simmons, Cyrus, Box 522, Knox- rium, Nashville, Tenn.
ville, Tenn. Spohr, R. C., 1014 Oxford St., In-
Simon, J. F., R. F. D. No. 4, dianapolis, Ind.
Harvey, N. Dak. Spriggs; J. T., 134 South Eighth
Sims, Geo. G., Box 876, Phcenix, St., Grand Junction, Colo.
` Ariz. Spring, L. A., 2770 timing St.,
Sims, W. L., Eureka, Cal. Omaha, Nebr. -
Sinz, C., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Spring, Mrs. Ura, 2770 Coming
burg, Germany. St., Omaha, Nebr.
Sisco, H. N., 1 and 2 Iowa Circle, Sprohge, J., Grindelberg 15a,
Washington, D. C. Hamburg, Germany.

Standage, Jan'ies, Gilmer, Wash. Stone, W. J., 2524 South Meridian

Stanley, P. G., Graysville, Tenn. St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Starbuck, T. H., Dallas, Oregon. Stover, A. J., R. F. D. No. 2,
Starr, G. B., care New England Ridgefield, Wash.
Sanitarium, Melrose, Mass. Strachan, M. C., 240 Flint St.,
Starr, L. F., Garland, Wyo. Asheville, N. C.
Starr, F. D., Forest, Idaho. Stray, F. W., 3 Lyndon St., Con-
States, Geo. 0., Cedaredge, Colo. cord, N. H.
Staubert, P., Grindelberg 15a, Strickland, J. A., 87, Willow St.,
Hamburg, Germany. Halifax, Nova Scotia. '
Stebbeds, F., Blue River, Wis. Stringer, R. G., Orlando, Fla.
Stebbins, W. W., Madison, Wis. Striibel, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Steed, J. E., 93 Franklin St., Ade- burg, Germany.
laide, South Australia, Aus- Stueckrath, M., 865 Fifth St., Mil-
tralia. waukee, Wis.
Steele, J. F., 900 Grant Ave., Sturdevant, M. C., Solusi Mission,
Moundsville, W. Va. Bula*ayo, Rhodesia, South Af-
Steele, Wm., Mayaguez, Porto rica.
Rico, West Indies. Stureman, B. F., 213 Pine St., Lan-
Steen, H. 716 Maryland St., St. sing, Mich.
Paul, Minn. Sturgeon, D. F., Gage, Okla.
Stein, Wm., Estacao Silo Bernardo, Stuyvesant, J. B., Box 29, San
S. P. R., Sao Paulo, Brazil, Jose, Costa Rica, Central Amer-
South America. ica.
Steiner, Hans, Grindelberg 15a, Sufficool, L. E., 30 West Side Ave.,
Hamburg, Germany. Hagerstown, Md.
Steiner, Paul, 16 rue des Fosses Sulzle, Christian, Fenwood, Sas-
St. Jacques, Paris, France. katchewan, Canada.
Stenberg, Karl, 712 Empire St., Stitherland, E. A., Madison, Tenn.
Ishpeming, Mich. Sutton, C. B., 1112 Kalamath St.,
Stephenson, C. B., 169 Bryan St., Denver, Colo.
Atlanta, Ga. Sutton, N. T., 321 East Eighth St.,
Stephenson, D. G., 169 Bryan St., Hutchinson, Kans.
Atlanta, Ga. Svenson, Carl, 4524 Irving St.,
Sterling, G. L., Arorangi, Rara- Denver, Colo.
tonga, Cook Islands, Pacific Svensson, S. F., Kungsgatan 34,
Ocean. Stockholm, Sweden.
Stevens; G. A., Colonial Beach, Sweany, W. A., Nassau, Bahama
Va. Islands.
Stevens, J. C., 266 West Ivy St., Swanson, A. E., R. F. D. No. 1,
New Haven, Conn. Green Lake, Wash.
Stevens, Jas. Adams, 309' West Syp, Mrs. Minnie, Stuart, Iowa.
Fifth St. Reno, Nev.
Steward, W. W., Box 43, Boise, Tabor, J., 314 East Forty-fifth St.,
Idaho. Chicago, Ill.
Stewart, A., Buresala, Ovalau, Tabor, B. C., 508 East Everett St.,
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. Portland, Oregon.
Stewart, E. L., College Place, Taggart, C. L., 1429 Angus St.,
Wash. Fresno, Cal.
Stewart, H. M., Ira, Mo. Tait, A. 0., care Pacific College,
Stewart, G., Heathorn Buildings, St. Helena, Cal.
Liverpool St., Hobart, Tasmania. Talburt, W. F., Stratford, Okla.
St. John, H. A., Sanitarium, Cal. Tanner, W. Jay, Cape Haytien,
St. John, Milton H., 149 Kern St., Republic of Hayti, West Indies.
Los Angeles, Cal. Taphouse, Jas., 916 Laguna St.,
Stone, C. L., Bethel, Wis. San Francisco, Cal.
Stone, A. J., 5718 Alaska St., Ta- Tarr, D. F., Third Ave., Claremont,
coma, Wash. Cape Colony, South Africa.

Tarr, H. C., Windsor, Mo. Uchtmann, W. R. 64 Pleasant St.,

Taylor, C. L., Sanitarium, -Cal. Gardner, Mass.
Taylor, E. S., Plainview, Tex. Ulrich, C. F., 34 Orange St., West-
Taylor, H. F., 317 West Bloom- field, Mass.
field St., Rome, N. Y. Underwood, R. A., 2718 Third
Taylor, John, 17 Sellon's Ave., Ave., South, Minneapolis, Minn.
Harlesden, London, N. W., En- Untermeyer, K., Nonnenweg 22,
gland. Basle, Switzerland.
Taylor, ,J. I., 1917 Kane St., Hous-
ton, Tex. Valentiner, Theo. E., College View,
Teesdale, Geo., Gordon St., Toorak, Nebr.
Victoria, Australia. Van Deusen, E., Lowell, Mich.
Terry, L. W., Keene, Tex. Van Dorn, E. B., La Grange, Ill.
Tetz, G., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Van Horn, I. D., 146 Manchester
burg, Germany. St., Battle Creek, Mich.
Theumler, T. L., 508 East Everett Van Kirk, M. B., Graysville, Tenn.
St., Portland, Oregon. Varlemann, W., Grindelberg 15a,
Theunissen, D. C., 56 Roeland St., Hamburg, Germany.
Cape Town, South Africa. Vaucher, Alfred, 29 rue de la
Thomann, E. W. Casilla 43, Correo Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer-
3, Santiago, Chile, South Amer- land.
ica. Veach, J. E., Saxton, Pa.
Thomann, V. E., Casilla 481, Bue- Verrill, A. J., Mechanics Fall, Me.
nos Ayres, Argentina, South Veven, W. J., 4109. Prospect Ave.,
America. Cleveland, Ohio.
Thomason, Geo., Plumstead, Cape, Videto, W. E., Berrien Springs,
South Africa. Mich.
Thompson, Chas., Graysville, Tenn. Voigt, C., Deutsche Post, Galata,
Thompson, G. B., Takoma Park Constantinople, Turkey.
Station, Washington, D. C. Voss, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Thompson, Luzerne, R. F. D. No. burg, Germany.
30, Zionsville, Ind. Votaw, H. H., 60 Lower Kemmen-
Thompson, 0. S., Allen; Mich. dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma.
Thompson, Victor, Russiaville, Voth, A. J., Kiel, Okla.
Ind. Voth, Bernard, R. F. D. No. 1,
Thorp, C. A., College View, Nebr. Hitchcock, Okla.
Thurber, R. B., 60 Lower Kemmen- Voth, David, Box 1198, Oklahoma
dine Road, Kemmendine, Burma. City, Okla.
Thurston, H. G., Box 876, Phoenix, Vuilleumier, J., Gland, Vaud,
Ariz. Switzerland.
Thurston, S., San Fernando, Cal.
Thurston, W. H., 821 West Fifth Wagner, F. D., Wilkinsburg, Pa.
St., Topeka, Kans. Wagner, Geo., Manfred, N. Dak.
Tieche, L. P.,Gland, Switzerland. Wakeham, W. H., Stanborough
Tobiassen, hr., Akersgaden 74, Park, Watford, Herts, En-
Christiania, Norway. gland.
Todor, P., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Wales, F. T., Memphis, Tenn.
burg, Germany. Walker, John G., R. F. D. No. 4,
Town, N. Z., Takoma Park Sta- Harvey, N. Dak.
tion, Washington, D. C. Walker, J. Z., 520 West Lynn St.,
Townsend, E. C., 402 Michigan Springfield, Mo.
Ave., South Bend, Ind. Walker, S. W., Chelmsford Cen-
Trubey, L. F., 2462 Geraldine Ave., ter, Mass.
St. Louis, Mo. Wall, Daniel, Box 686, Sioux
Falls, S. Dak.
Tucker, Albert, Elk Point, S. Dak. Walldorff, N. J., 93 Franklin St.,
Turk, D. G., 525 State St.; Bing- Adelaide, South Australia; Aus-
hamton, N. Y, tralia.

Walleker, H. C. J., Charlotte Am- Westworth, Wm. A., Box 993, U.

alie, St. Thomas, Danish West S. Postal Agency, Shanghai,
Indies. China.
Wallenkampf, J., Kungsgatan 34, Westrup, J. J., Hsiao Iao, via
Stockholm, Sweden. Cheo Chia K'o, Honan, China.
Walston, W. C., Somabula Mis- Westphal, J. W., Casilla 481,
sion, Gwelo, Rhodesia, South Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South
Africa. America.
Wangerin, R. C., Seoul, Korea. Westphal, F. H., Correo 3, Casilla
Wantzlick, G. A., 93 Franklin St., 43, Santiago, Chile, South
Adelaide, South Australia, Aus- America.
tralia. Wheeler, L. S., '127 Maywood St.,
Ward, W. C. F., 508 East Everett Worcester, Mass.
St., Portland, Oregon. Wheeler, F. W., Box 876, Phoenix,
Warfle, M. D., Boulder, Colo. Ariz.
Warnick, F. G., 500 Holbrook St., Wheeler, F., West Monroe, N. Y.
Danville, Va. Wheeler, J. H., Aberdeen, S. Dak.
Warren, Luther, Loma Linda; Cal. Wheeler, W. W., Apartado 3,
Washburn, J. S., 665 Decatur St., Ambato, Ecuador, South Amer-
Memphis, Tenn. ica.
Washburn, H. A., College Place, White, Claude, 202 Annealy St.,
Wash. Saginaw, Mich.
Waters, A. J.,134 South Eighth White, J. E., 1713 Cass St., Nash-
St., Grand unction, Colo. ville, Tenn.
Watson, A. G., 50 Park St., Cal- White, Mrs. E. G., " Elmshaven,"
cutta, India. Sanitarium, Napa Co., Cal.
Watson,. G. F., Box 686, Sioux White, W. C., Sanitarium, Napa
Falls, S. Dak. Co., Cal.
Watson, T. H., Lodi, Cal. White, W. B., South Lancaster,
Watt, J. R. F. D. No. 8, In- Mass.
diana, Pa. White, G. W., 408 West Ninth St.,
Watts, V. B., Elm, Ark. North Platte, Nebr.
Weaks, C. E., 19 Banks Road, Whitelock, T. S., 631 Twenty-first
Lucknow, India. St., San Diego, Cal. '
Weber, C. W., 3417 North Clare- Whiteside, Robert, Church Street
mont Ave., Chicago, Ill. Mission, Downpatrick, Ireland.
Webster, C. C., 416 Fremont Ave., Whitmarsh, M. C., 1931 Twenty-
Springfield, Ohio. fifth Ave., Meridian, Miss.
Webster, Fred C., 20 Mary St., Whitney, S'. B., Frankfort, N. Y.
Amsterdam, N. Y. Wibbens, Jacob, Grindelberg 15a,
Webster, E. W., Orlando, Fla. Hamburg, Germany.
Wellman, D. E., 58 James St., Widgery, E. C., 31 Dundonald St.,
Kingston, Jamaica; West In- Port of Spain, Trinidad, British
dies. West Indies.
Wellman, L. E., Buzon 218, Gua- Wierts, J. H., College View, Nebr.
temala City, Guatemala, Central Wiest, Chas. S., 607 Washington
America. Ave., Scranton, Pa.
Wellman, S. A., 19 Banks Road, Wight, S. E., 545 West Allen St.,
Lucknow, India. Springfield, Ill.
Werner, R., Grindelberg 15a, Ham- Wightman, Mrs. Lulu, 803 Cleve-
burg, Germany. land Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
Wells, G. W., Hildebran, N. C.
Wantland, M. H., Grindelberg 15a, Wightman, J. S., 803 Cleveland
Hamburg, Germany. Ave., Kansas City, Mo.
West, Jas. B., 78 Gregory Boule- Wilbur, E. IL, Tung-Shek-Kok,
vard, Nottingham, England. Canton, China.
Westbrook, T. B., 28 East %Acorn Wilbur, J. M., 15 Jordan St.,
St., Buffalo, N. Y. , Battle Creek, Mich.

Wilcox, F. M., Takoma Park Sta- Wolfgarten, J., Grindelberg 15a,

tion, Washington, D. G. Hamburg, Germany.
Wilcox, H. H., R. F. D. No. 5, Wood, Chancy, Berrien Springs,
Potsdam, N. Y. Mich.
Wilcox, M. C., Mountain Vieiv, Wood, Delmar P., 413 Teneyck St.,
Cal. Jackson, Mich.
Wildgrube, 0., Grindelberg 15a, Woodford, Wm., Albion, Ill.
Hamburg, Germany. Woods, J. H., " Elsnabh," Bur-
Wilkinson, B. G., Takoma Park wood St., Burwood, N. S. W.,
Station, Washington, D. C. Australia.
Willess, N. V., Keene, Tex. Woodward, C. N., Keene, Tex.
Williams, I. N., Corydon, Pa. Worster, W. W., Wabash Valley
Williams, E. R., 56 Roeland St., Sanitarium, Lafayette, Ind.
Cape Town, South Africa. Woysch, A., Grindelberg 15a, Ham-
Williams, C. D. M., 767 Kinau St., burg, Germany.
Honolulu, Hawaiian Territory. Wyman, C. A., R. F. D. No. 1,
Williams, L. R., Convoy, Ohio. Gaston, Oregon.
Williams, W. W., Vonore, Tenn.
Willoughby, J. M., Box 43, Boise,
Idaho. Young, W. C., MacGregor, Man-
Wilson, J. L., 609 Gore Ave., Van- itoba.
couver, British Columbia. Young, W. A., 904 College Ave.,
Wilson, John, 504 Cornell St., Indianapolis, Ind.
Perth Amboy, N. J..
Wintzen, J., Grindelberg 15a, Zecchetto, L., via Armenia 1: 28,
Hamburg, Germany. Genoa, Italy.
Witzke, E. C., College View, Zerndt, F., Grindelbergi 15a, Ham-
Nebr. burg, Germany.
Wolcott, B. A., Sheridan, Ill. Ziegler, Watson, Ft. Collins, Colo.
Wolfe, E. W., Box 993, U. S. Postal Zuehlke, Robert, 937 Utah Ave.,
Agency, Shanghai, China. St. Louis, Mo.
" They rest from their labors; and their works do follow them."
Dr. F. A. Washburn, Grand Junc- Vita Morrow, Kansas City, Mo.;
tion, Colo.; January 16. July 24.
A. A. Reinke, Mexico; February 4. Archer Wright, Bedford, Ind.;
Miss Fannie Fondersmith, Pitts- August 5.
burg, Pa.; February 9. Elder J. B. Wilson, Pueblo, Colo.;
Elder Henry Woodruff, Tex.; Feb- August 23.
ruary 11. Elder H. J. Schnepper, College ,
Miss Eliza J. Burnham, Nashville, Place, Wash.; August 24.
Tenn.; February 12. Elder H. F. Phelps, Minneapolis,
J. C. Hennessy, New York City, Minn.; September 7.
February 22. Elder J. G. Wood, Springfield,
Elder J. M. Rees, President of Ohio; October 11.
West Virginia Conference; April Washington Morse, De Land, Fla.;
8. November 9.
Cornelia T. Murphy, Vicksburg, Elder C. W. Olds, Long Beach,
Miss.; April 19. Cal.; November 12.
Elder C. J. Herrmann, Antigo, Miss Sue M. Andrews, Philadel-
Wis.; June 3. phia, Pa.; November 30.
Elder W. S. Greer, Hagerman, N. Mrs. Ella Drangmeister, German .
Mex.; June 3. - East African Mission; December
A. R. Henry, Battle Creek, Mich.; 23.
June 26.


In the following list of confer- Australasian Union Conference:

ences and missions arranged al- " Elsnath," Burwood St., Bur-
phabetically the address of each wood, N. S. W., Australia.
conference or mission headquarters P.J. E. Fulton.
is given. The president of the con- S. Miss Edith M. Graham.
ference, or the superintendent of Austrian Mission: Grindelberg
the mission, is indicated by the 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
letter P. The initial S indicates P. J. Wolfgarten.
the conference secretary, and, gen- S.H. Walz.
erally, the Tract Society Secretary. Balkan Mission: Grindelberg 15a,
Where the Tract Society Secretary Hamburg, Germany.
the one who fills orders for pub- P. 0. Schwenecke.
lications is another person, the S.,A. Bereck.
letters T. S. are used. If the ad- Baltic Conference: Kleine New-
dresses of these officers are the astr. 12, Riga, Russia.
same as that of the headquarters, P. J. T. Boettcher.
no mention is made of the address; Barotseland Mission: S. D. A.
. otherwise, the address follows the Mission, Pemba, Northwest
name of each person. Rhodesia, South Africa.
P. W. H. Anderson.
Abyssinia Mission: Asmara, Eri- Basutoland Mission: Kolo Mis-
trea, East Africa. sion, Wepener, 0. R. C., South
P. A. Grundset. Africa.
Adriatic Mission: Grindelberg 15a, Bavarian Conference: Grindelberg
Hamburg, Germany. 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
P. R. Schillinger. P F. Prieser.
Alabama Conference: S. R. Rall.
R. Bagby, Cullman, Ala. Bermuda Mission: Hamilton, Ber-
S.Mrs. Helen M. Keate, Fort muda Islands.
Payne, Ala. P.M. Enoch.
Alberta Conference: Lacombe, Al- Bolivia Mission: Casilla 7, La Paz,
berta, Canada. Bolivia, South America.
P. C. A. Burman. P. F. A. Stahl.
S.Miss Stella B. Lowry. British Columbia Conference: Port
Algeria and Tunis Mission: Hammond, British Columbia.
P. U: Augsbourger 14 rue Au- P. W. M. Adams.
bert, Plauteau de Saulieres, S.Bertha Lofstad.
Alger, Algeria. British East African Mission:
Argentine Conference: Casale 481, Gendia, Kisumu, British East
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, Africa.
South America. P. A. A. Carscallen.
P. C. E. Knight. British Guiana Conference: 293
S. Guillermo Emmenegger. Oronoque St., Georgetown,
Arizona Conference: Box 876, British Guiana, South Amer-
Phcenix, Ariz. ica.
P.H. G. Thurston. P. 0. E. Davis, 188 Upper
S. Mrs. M. T. Poston. Charlotte St., Georgetown.
Arkansas Conference: Fayette- S. T. J. Kennedy, Aurora, Es-
ville, Ark. sequebo River, British Guiana,
P. J. W. Norwood. South America.
S. C. J. Dart. British Union Conference: Stan-
Atlantic Union Conference: South borough Park, Watford,
Lancaster, Mass. Herts, England.
R W. B. White. P. W. J. Fitzgerald.
S. Miss Pearl L. Rees. S. Miss Edith Chapman.

British West African Mission: Colorado Conference: 1112 Kala-

Freetown, Sierra Leone, West math St., Denver, Colo.
Africa. R. Kite.
P. D. C. Babcock. S. H. M. J. Richards.
S.Mrs. D. C. Babcock. T. S.Ralph Emery.
California Conference: Mountain Columbia Union Conference: Bal-
View, Cal. timore, Md.
P. S. N. Haskell, Box 597, P. B. G. Wilkinson Takoma
Oakland, Cal. Park Station, Washington,
S.eClaude Conard. D. C.
T. S. S. G. White. S. E. R. Brown.
Canadian Union Conference.: 173 Cook Islands Mission: Arorangi,
Second Ave., Ottawa, Ontario. Raratonga; Cook Islands,
P. Wm. Guthrie, Fitch Bay, South Pacific Ocean.
Quebec. P. G. L. Sterling.
S. B. B. Noftsger. Cuban Mission: Apartado 35, Mar-
Cape Colony Conference: 56 Roe- ianao, Cuba, West Indies.
land St., Cape Town, South P.- E. W. Snyder.
Africa. Cumberland Conference: Grays-
P. E. R. Williams. vile, Tenn.
S. J. V. Wilson. P. P. G. Stanley.
Caucasian Conference: S. Miss Minnie L. Hildebrand.
P. K. A. Reifschneider, Kleine
Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia. Denmark Conference: Margreth-
S. J. Isaak. evej 5, Copenhagen, V., Den-
Central American Conference: Bu- mark.
zon 218, Guatemala City, Cen- P. C. C. Jensen.
tral America. S. L. Muderspach.
P. . District of Columbia Conference:
S. C. E. Morgan. Takoma Park Station, Wash-
Central Asian Mission: ington, D. C.
J. Ebel, Kleine Newastr. 12, P.W. A. Hennig, 1210 Twelfth
Riga, Russia. St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Central New England Conference: S. H. E. Rogers.
South Lancaster, Mass. East Caribbean Mission: St.
P. H. C. Hartwell. Thomas, Danish West Indies.
S. H. B. Tucker. P. H. C. J. Walleker.
Central Union Conference: College S. Mrs. Mabel E. Walleker:
View, Nebr. East German Conference: Grindel-
P. E. T. Russell. berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
S. E. E. Farnsworth. P. G. W. Schubert.
Chesapeake Conference: 2 Loudon S.-- 0. Schildhauer.
Ave., Station D, Baltimore,
Md. East German Union Conference:
P. F. I. Richardson. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
S. Miss Emma S. Newcomer. Germany.
P.'H. F. Schuberth.
Chile Conference: Correo 3, Casilla S. L. Trautmann.
43, Santiago, Chile, South
America. East German Union District:
P.F. H. Westphal. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
S. C. E. Krieghoft. Germany.
China Union Mission: P600 North P. H. F. Schuberth.
Honan Road, Shanghai, China; S., L. Trautmann.
Postal Address, Box 993, U. S. East Michigan Conference: Holly,
Postal Agency, Shanghai, Mich.
China. P. E. K. Slade.
P. W. A. Westworth. S. E. I. Beebe.
S. H. H. Winslow. T. S.Frank Hiner.

Eastern Pennsylvania Conference: Grecian Mission:

4910 Arch St., Philadelphia, F. F. Oster, Grindelberg 15a,.
Pa. Hamburg, Germany.
P. W. H. Heckman. Hawaiian Mission: 767 Kinau St.,
S. A. L. Bayley. Honolulu, Hawaiian Terri-
East Russian Mission: J. F. tory.
Hinter, Kleine Newastr. 12, P. C. D. M. Williams.
Riga, Russia. Haytian Mission: Cape Haytian,
Ecuador Mission: Apartado 3, Republic of Hayti, West .In-
Ambato, Ecuador, South dies.
America. P. W. J. Tanner.
P. W. W. Wheeler. Holland and Flemish Belgium
Egyptian Mission: Mission: Grindelberg 15U,
(See -Syria-Egyptian Mission.) Hamburg, Germany.
Fiji Mission: Buresala, Ovalau, P. R. G. Klingbeil.
Fiji, Pacific Ocean. S. J. Wibbens.
P. B. J. Cady. Hungarian Conference: Grindel-
Finland Conference: Unionsgatan berg 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
4, Helsingfors; Finland. P. J. F. Huenergardt.
P. Fred Anderson. S. J. Horcher.
S. F. R. Oberg. Icelandic Mission: Reykjavik, Ice-
Florida Conference: Orlando, Fla. land.
P. R. W. Parmele. Nils Andersson.
S. Mrs. R. G. Stringer. Indiana Conference: 521 East
French Conference: 29 rue de la Twenty-third St., Indianapo-
Synagogue, Geneva, Switzer- lis, Ind.
land. P. Morris Lukens, 293.1 Paris
P. H. H. Dexter, 87 rue Mon- Ave., Indianapolis, Ind.
cey, Lyons, France. A. N. Anderson.
S. L. A. Mathy. Indian Mission: 19 Banks Road,
French Belgian Mission: Lticknow,
G. Roth, rue Vauban, Jambes- P. W. W. Miller.
Namur, Belgium. S.Mrs. M. M. Quantock.
Friendly Islands Mission: Nukua- Iowa Conference: Nevada, Iowa.
lofa, Tonga, Friendly Islands, P.-- M. N. Campbell.
Pacific Ocean. S.Mrs. Flora V. Dorcas.
P. W. W. Palmer. Ireland Mission: Church Street
Galician Mission: Grindelberg 15a, Mission, Downpatrick, Ire-
Hamburg, Germany. land.
Georgia Conference: 169 Bryan P. J. J. Gillatt.
St., Atlanta, Ga. Italian Mission:
P. C. B. Stephenson. L. Zecchetto, via Arnienia I.,
German East African Mission: Via Int. 28, Genoa, Italy.
Tanga, Friedenstal, Post Jamaica Conference: 58 James
Bwiko, German East Africa. St., Kingston, Jamaica, West
P. B. Ohme. Indies.
German-Swiss Conference: Non- P. D. E. Wellman.
nenweg 22, Basle, Switzer- S. Wm. Hayw.ard.
land. Japan Mission: 30 Oiwake-cho,
P. 0. E. Reinke. Hongo ku, Tokyo, Japan.
S. C. H. Ebner. P. F. W. Field.
Greater New York Conference: S.H. F. Benson; Kami Yanagi
Room 404, 32 Union Square, cho, Hiroshima, Japan.
East, New York, N. Y. Java Mission: Soember Wekas,
P.R. D. Quinn. Prigen, Java, East Indies.
S. L. W. Graham. P. J. W. Hofstra.

Kansas Conference: 821 West Middle German Conference: Grin-

Fifth St., Topeka, Kans. delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
P. W. H. Thurston. many.
S. J. A. Westermeyer. P.W. Prillwitz.
T. S.H. E. Meyer. S. G. Freund.
Kentucky Conference: Milledge- Middle Russian Mission: Kleine
ville, Ky. Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia.
P. A. 0. Burrill. P. 0. Wildgrube.
S.Mrs. Clara Jacobs-Russell, S. S. Bojanus.
Graysville, Tenn. Minnesota Conference: Box 989,
Korean Mission: Seoul, Korea. Minneapolis, Minn ; office, 336
P. C. L. Butterfield. East Lake St.
S. Harold A. Oberg. P. S. -E. Jackson.
SS.Miss Mimi Scharffenberg. S.A. W. Kuehl.
Lake Union Conference: 213-215 T. S. H. R. Gay.
Dean Bldg., 113 South Lafay- Mississippi Conference:
ette St., South Bend, Ind. P.W. S. Lowry, Amory, Miss.
P. Allen Moon. S. F. R. Shaeffer, Box 246,
S.W. H. Edwards. Meridian, Miss.
Latin Union Conference: 29 rue T. S.Mrs. Mary M. Craw-
de la Synagogue, Geneva, ford, Box 29, Vicksburg, Miss.
Montana Conference: Box 118,
P.L. P. Tieche.
Bozeman, Mont.
S.Morris Walther.
P. J. C. Foster, 812 Cherry
Levant Union Mission: (No head-
quarters as yet.) St., Missoula, Mont.
S. Mrs. Teresa Gosmer.
Little Russian Mission:
J. Perk, Kleine Newastr. 12, T. S.A. E. Everett.
Riga, Russia. Natal - Transvaal Conference:
Louisiana Conference: (No Gen- Stranach St., Pietermaritz-
eral Office or Tract Society.) burg, Natal, South Africa.
P. E. L. Maxwell, Hammond, P.-- H. J. Edrned.
La: S. F. Macdonald.
S.Mrs. C. A. Saxby, Wood- SS. Miss A. Strachan.
lawn, La. Nebraska Conference: 905 North
Maine Conference: 1377 Washing- California Ave., Hastings,
ton Ave., Woodfords Sta., Nebr.
Portland, Me. P. A. T. Robinson.
P. 0. Montgomery. S. M. E. Ellis.
S.Miss Eliza H. Morton. T. S.C. C. Kenaston.
Manitoba Conference: Box 104; Newfoundland Mission: Box 217,
Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. St. John's, Newfoundland.
P. W. C. Young. P. C. H. Keslake.
S.Jas. T. Thompson. New Guinea Mission: Port Mores-
Maranatha Mission: Trumpeters, by, British New Guinea.
near Graham's Town, Cape P. S. W. Carr. .
Colony, South Africa. New Jersey Conference: 815 Gen-
P.F. B. Armitage. esee St., Trenton, N. J.
Maritime Conference: Box 7, P.B. F. Kneeland, 621 Wil-
Moncton, New Brunswick. liam St., Trenton, N. J.
P. J. 0. Miller, 17 Metcalf S. D. K. Royer.
St., St. John, New Brunswick. New Mexico Conference: Box 114,
S. Miss Beatrice A. Heisler. Albuquerque, N. Mex.
Mexican Mission: 1420 Avenida H. L. Hoover, Estabcia, N.
20, Taeubaya, D. F., Mexico. Mex.
P.G. W. Reaser. S.Mrs. Frank Weeks.

New South Wales Conference: North Missouri Conference:

" Elsnath," Burwood St., Bur- Utica, Mo.
wood, N. S. W., Australia: P. A..3,. Ogden.
P. J. H. Woods. S. Miss Allie Guthrie.
S.L. J. Imrie. North Scotland Mission: Ivy
T. S. Miss F. E. Mills. Bank, Attadale Road, Inver-
New York Conference: 317 West ness, Scotland.
Bloomfield St., Rome, N. Y. P. D. P. Miller.
P. F. H. De Vinney. North Swedish Mission: Amot,
S. F. N. Johnson. Sweden.
New Zealand Conference: Queen's P. 0. Johnson.
Road, Lower Hutt, Welling- Northern France Mission:
ton, New Zealand. Paul Badaut, 16 rue des Fosses
P. J. Pallant. St. Jacques, Paris, France.
S. Miss E. Clark. Northern Illinois Conference:
T. S. Mrs. I. M. Sharp. Room 650, 324 Dearborn St.,
Norfolk Island Mission: Norfolk Chicago, Ill.
Island, Pacific Ocean. P. Wm. Covert.
S. H. Mitchell. S. H. E. Moon.
North Brazil Mission: Caixa Northern New England Confer-
Postal 768, Rio de Janeiro, ence: 190 North Winooski
Brazil, South America. Ave., Burlington, Vt.
P. F. W. Spies. P. W. H. Holden.
North Carolina Conference: Route S. Frank Raley.
1, Greensboro, N. C. Northern Union Conference: 2718
P. G. W. Wells, Hildebran, Third Ave., South, Minne-
N. C. apolis, Minn.
S. M. H. Brown. P. R. A. Underwood.
North Dakota Conference:, Box S. T. D. Gibson.
285, Fargo, N. Dak. Norway Conference: Akersgaden
P. C. J. Kunkel, R. F. D. No. 74, Christiania, Norway.
4, Harvey, N. Dak. P. N. C. Bergersen.
S. B. C. Haak, Box 104, Har- S. C. B. Jensen.
vey, N. Dak. Nyasaland Mission: Malamulo
T. S. E. L. Spencer, Box 285, Mission, Cholo, near Blan-
Fargo, N. Dak. tyre, Nyasaland, British Cen-
North England Conference: 78 tral Africa.
Gregory Boulevard, Notting- P. J. C. Rogers.
ham, England.
S. G. Haughey. - Ohio Conference: Box 187, Mt.
S. A. G. Briscombe. Vernon, Ohio.
North German Conference: Grin- P. H. H. Burkholder, Bellville,
delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger- Ohio.
many. S.. R. G. Patterson, 2070 East
P. C. Sinz. 105th St., Cleveland, Ohio.
S. H. Feddersen. T. S. L. C. Mitchell, Box 187,
North Michigan Conference: 510 Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Petoskey St., Petoskey, Mich. Oklahoma Conference: 217 West
P. J. J. Irwin, 220 Michigan Seventh St., Oklahoma City,
St., Petoskey, Mich. Okla.; Box 1198.
P. David Voth.
T. S. E. A. Bristol. S. William Voth.
North Pacific Union Conference: T. S. T. J. Eagle.
Box 429, Walla Walla, Wash. Ontario Conference: Lorne Park,
P. C. W. Flaiz, College Place, Ontario.
Wash. P. M. C. Kirkendall.
5, 5. J. Lashier. S. C. D, Terwillegar.

Pacific' Union Conference: Moun- Samoan Mission: Apia, Upolo,

tain View, Cal. Samoa, Pacific Ocean.
P. H. W. Cottrell. P. A. H: White.
S.J. J. Ireland. Sao Paulo Mission: Estacao Salo
Peruvian Mission: Casilla 1002, Bernardo, S. P. R., Silo
Lima, Peru, South America. Paulo, Brazil, South America.
P. A. N. Allen. P. F. W. Spies.
S. 0. H. Maxson. Santa Catharina and Parana Con-
SS.. Mrs. E. T. Wilson. ference: Curityba, Parana,
Philippine Islands Mission: 390 Brazil, South America.
Nozaleda, Manila, Philippine P. Emilio Hoelzle.
Islands. S.A. B. Stauffer.
P. L. V. Finster. Saskatchewan Mission: Box 244,
Pitcairn Island Mission: Pitcairn Regina, Saskatchewan, Can-
Island, Pacific Ocean, care ada.
British Consul, Papeete, Ta- P.H. S. Shaw.
hiti, Society Islands. S.Mrs. H. S. Shaw.
S. M. W. Carey. Saxon Conference: Grindelberg
Portuguese Mission: 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
C. E. Rentfro, Avenida Consel- P. L. Mathe.
heiro, Ferreira, Lobo 197, S. M. Rosenbusch.
Laveiras, Caxias, Portugal. Scandinavian Union Conference:
Prussian Conference: Grindelberg Margrethevej 5, Copenhagen,
15a, Hamburg, Germany. V., Denmark.
P. Ewald Bahr. P. J. C. Raft.
S. M. SchUrer. S. Erik Arnesen, Skodsborg,
Quebec Conference: South Bol- Denmark.
ton, Quebec. Siberian Mission: Kleine New-
P. Wm. Guthrie, Fitch Bay, astr. 12, Riga, Russia.
Quebec. J. T. Boettcher.
S. Darwin Dingman. Silesian Conference: Grindelberg
Queensland Conference: 186 Ed- 15a, Hamburg, Germany.
ward St., Brisbane, Queens- P. G. Perk.
land, Australia. S. W. Herbert.
P. T. H. Craddock. Singapore Mission: 12 Dhoby
S. J. H. Mills. Ghaut, Singapore, Malay Arch-
Rhenish - Prussian Conference: ipelago, Pacific Ocean.
Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg, P. G. F. Jones.
, Germany. Society Islands Mission: Papeete,
P. J. G. ()blander. Tahiti, Society Islands, Pacific
S. Otto Staubert. Ocean.
Rio Grande Conference: Taquary, P. F. E. Lyndon.
Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, Solusi Mission: Bulawayo, Rho-
South America. desia, South Africa.
P. W. Ehlers. P.M. C. Sturdevant.
S. A. Preuss. Somabula Mission:. Gwelo, Rho-
Roman-Swiss Conference: 29 rue desia, South Africa.
de la Synagogue, Geneva, P. W. C. Walston.
Switzerland. South African Union Conference:
P. J. Curdy. 56 Roeland St., Cape Town,
S. L. Benazet. South Africa.
Russian Union Conference: Kleine P. R. C. Porter, " Wynnton,"
Newastr. 12, Riga, Russia. Selous Road, Claremont, South
P. J. T. Boettcher. Africa.
S. S. Bojanus. S. J. V. Willson.

South American Union Confer- Southern California Conference:

ence: Casilla 481, Buenos Rooms 1018 and 1019, Broad-
Ayres, Argentina, South way Central Bldg., Los An-
America. geles, Cal.
P. J. W. Westphal. P. E. E. Andross.
S. G. E. Hartman. S. Frank Lane.
South Australian Conference: 93 T. S. Miss Rena Stevenson.
Franklin St., Adelaide, South Southern Idaho Conference: Room
Australia, Australia. 223, Boise Nat'l Bank Bldg.,
P. J. M. Cole. Boise, Idaho; address, Box 43,
S. A. H. Rogers. Boise, Idaho.
T. S. P. H. Pretyman. P. J. M. Willoughby.
South Caribbean Conference: 31 S. T. L. Copeland.
Dundonald St., Port of Spain, Southern Illinois Conference: 300
Trinidad, British West Indies. West Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
P. J. B. Beckner. P. S. E. Wight, 545 West
S. A. G. Peart. Allen St., Springfield, Ill.
South Carolina Conference: R. F. S.Miss Nettie Eaton.
D. No. 5, Spartanburg, S. C. Southern Missouri Conference: 520
P. T. H. Jeys, Campobello, West Lynn St., Springfield,
S. C. Mo.
S. Miss Eliza Warner. P. D. U. Hale.
South Dakota Conference: 732 S. E. R. Allen.
South First Ave., Sioux Falls, Southern New England Confer-
S. D.; office address, Box 686, ence: 51 Whitmore St., Hart-
Sioux Falls, S. Dak. ford, Conn.
P. G. F. Watson. P. C. H. Edwards.
S.N. P. Neilsen, Irene, S. Dak. S. W. E. Fortune.
T. S. G. W. Stilson. Southern Union Conference: 57
South England Conference: 17 Cole Bldg., Nashville, Tenn.
Sellon's Ave., Harlesden, Lon- P. C. F. McVagh.
don, N. W., England. S. S. B. Horton. ,
P. W. H. Meredith. Southern Union Mission: 57 Cole
S.H. D. Clarke. Bldg., Nashville, Tenn.
South German Conference: Grin- P. C. F. McVagh.
delberg 15a, Hamburg, Germany. S. A. J. Haysmer, 61 Lindsley
P. D. P. Gaede. Ave., Nashville, Tenn.
S. R. Rall. Southwestern Union Conference:
South Pare Mission: Via Tanga, Keene, Johnson Co., Texas.
Friedenstal, Post Bwiko, Ger- P. Clarence Santee.
man East Africa. S. C. N. Woodward.
P. B. Ohme. Spanish Mission: ,
South Russian Conference: W. G. Bond, Calle Zaragoza
P. D. Isaak, Kleine Newastr. 112-10, San Gervasio, Barce-
12, Riga, Russia. lona, Spain.
S. G. Fritz. Sumatra Mission: Padang, West
South Scotland Conference: 62 Coast Sumatra, Netherlands;
Dundrennan Road, Langside, East Indies.
Glasgow, Scotland. P.B. Judge.
P. M. A. Altman. Swedish Conference: Kungsgatan
S. A. E. Bacon. 34, Stockholm, Sweden.
Southeastern Union Conference: P. S. F. Svensson.
169 Bryan St., Atlanta, Ga. S. Teekla Rosenholm.
P. Chas. Thompson, Graysville, Syria-Egyptian Mission:
Tenn. P. W. C. Ising, Deutsche Post,
S. R. T. Dowsett. Beirut, Syria.

Tasmania Conference: Merged into West Australian Conference: 103

Victorian Conference. William St., Perth, West
Tennessee River Conference: Ha- Australia, Australia.
zel, Ky. P. W. L. H. Baker.
P. W. R. Burrow, Raleigh, S. A. Mountain.
Tenn. T. S. Miss C. Rule.
S. Thos. E. Pavey. West Caribbean Conference: Cris-
Texas Conference: Keene, Tex. tobal, Canal Zone, Panama.
P. L. W. Terry. P. H. C. Goodrich.
S. Edward Harris. S. 0. L. Robinson.
Turkish Mission:
E. E. Frauchiger, German Post- West German Conference: Grin-
office, Galata, Constantinople, delberg 15a, Hamburg, Ger-
Turkey. many.
Upper Columbia Conference: Col- P.H. Fenner.
lege Place, Wash. S. W. Ernenputsch.
P. G. E. Langdon. West German Union Conference:
S. T. G. Johnson. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
Upper Parana Mission: Casilla 481, Germany.
Buenos Ayres, Argentina, P. J. H. Schilling.
South America. S.R. Rall.
P. Luis Ernst. West German Union District:
S. G. E. Hartman. Grindelberg 15a, Hamburg,
Uruguay Mission: Nueva Helvecia, Germany.
Uruguay, South America. P. J. H. Schilling.
P.John V. Mass. S..R. Rall.
S. G. E. Hartman.
Utah Conference: Room 415, West Indian Union Conference:
Hooper Bldg., Salt Lake City, Cristobal, Canal Zone, Repub-
Utah. lic de Panama.
P. S. G. Huntington. P. U. Bender, Riversdale, Ja-
S. Mrs. K. L. Huntington. maica, West Indies.
S.H. H. Cobban.
Vermont Conference: (Changed to
Northern New England Con- West Michigan Conference: Ot-
ference.) sego, Mich.
P. A. G. Haughey.
Victorian Conference: Gordon St., S. E. L. Richmond.
Toorak, Victoria, Australia.
P. C. H. Parker. West Pennsylvania Conference:
S. J. Gillespie. Corydon, Warren Co., Pa.
T. S. Miss E. H. Gregg. P. F. D. Wagner, Wilkins-
burg, Pa.
VictOria Nyanza Mission: Bu- S. A. V. Williams.
segwe, Post Shirati, German
East Africa. West Russian Misdion: H. J. Lob-
P.--A. C. Enns. sack, Kleine Newastr. 12, Riga,
Virginia Conference: New Market,
Va. West Texas Conference: R. F. D.
P.H. W. Herrell, R. F. D: No. No. 1, Abilene, Texas.
3, Richmond, Va. P. T. W. Field.
S. A. M. Neff, New Market, S. Mattie Field.
Va. T. S. W. F. Field.
Wales Conference: " Alta Vista," West Virginia Conference: 914
Llanishen St., Heath, Cardiff, Seventh St., Parkersburg, W.
South Wales. Va.
P. H. E. Armstrong. P. F. H. Robbins.
S. D. McDougall. S. Mrs. Mary Haddix.

Western Canadian Union Confer- P. F. S. Bunch.

ence: Box- 244, Regina, Sas- S. T. H. Starbuck, Dallas, Ore-
katchewan, Canada. gon.
S. Shaw. T. S. F. W. Peterson.
S. Mrs. H. S. Shaw. Western Washington Conference:
Western Colorado Conference: 134 309 Second Ave., North, Se-
South Eighth St., Grand Junc- attle, Wash.
tion Colo. P. S. W. Nellis.
P. W. F. Kennedy. E. H. A. Green.
S. Wm. M. Andress.
T. S. J. L. Humbert. Wisconsin Conference: Box 57,
Western New York Conference: 8 Grand Rapids, Wis.
East Jefferson St., Salamanca, P. C. McReynolds.
N. Y. S. John C. McReynolds.
P. H. W. Carr. T. S. Mabel Cutler.
S. Mrs. H. W. Carr. Wyoming Conference: Crawford,
Western Oregon Conference: 508 Nebr.
East Everett St., Portland, P. E. A. Curtis.
Oregon. S. Asa Smith.



The statistical report for 1908 shows the following totals:

Number of Union Conferences 21
Number of Union Missions 1
Number of local conferences 101
Number of mission fields 66
Number of organized churches 2,537
Membership 83,145
Number of companies 729
Membership 9,170
Other Sabbath-keepers 5,264
Total Sabbath-keepers 97,579
Tithe paid in 1908 $1,101,396.47
Tithe per capita $11.29
Number of church buildings 1,177
Approximate value , $1,514,549.80
Approximate seating capacity 185,027
Ordained ministers 779
Licensed ministers 427
Licensed missionaries 1,017
Book and periodical canvassers 1,681
Total laborers l 4,007
Retail value of book and periodical sales in 1908 $1,286,981.24
Amount of tithe appropriated to fields outside of conference $136,082.26
Total offerings to foreign missions, except from S. S. and
Contributions for home mission work $139,653.50
Contributions for local church work $104,028.86
Grand total contributions for all purposes $1,770,649.07
Per capita $18.14

Sabbath-school Department

Number of Sabbath-schools 3,825

Membership 91,230
Total contributions $104,620.77
Offerings to foreign missions $95,280.90

Educational Department

Number of church-schools 535

Teachers 625
Enrolment 10,487
Estimated value of buildings and equipment $147,749.05
Expense of annual maintenance $101,371.55

Missionary Volunteer Department.

Number of Societies 539

Membership 10,148
Contributions for foreign work $9,469.38
Contributions for home mission work $5,244.23
Contributions for local society work $1,458.26
Total contributions $16,282.52


Not including children.)

1901-02 107
1903 60
1904 40
1905 60
1906 76
1907 58
1908 140
1909 134

First Sabbath in February Religious Liberty Work.
First Sabbath in April Orphanage Work and Care of Aged.
First Sabbath in July Midsummer Offerings for Missions.
First Sabbath in October Work Among the Colored People.
December, Week of Prayer Annual Offering for Missions.
By the late Uriah Smith.
Seventh-day Adventists have no creed but the Bible; but they hold
to certain well-defined points of faith, for which they feel prepared to
give a reason " to every man that asketh " them. The following propo-
sitions may be taken as a summary of the principal features of their
religious faith, upon which there is, so far as is known, entire unanim-
ity throughout the body. They believe:
1. That there is one God, a personal, spiritual being, the Creator
of all things, omnipotent, omniscient, and eternal; infinite in wisdom,
holiness, justice, goodness, truth, and mercy; unchangeable, and every-
where present by his representative, the Holy Spirit. Ps. 139: 7.
2. That there is one Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Eternal
Father, the one by whom he created all things, and by whom they do
consist; that he took on him the nature of the seed of Abraham for
the redemption of our fallen race; that he dwelt among men, full of
grace and truth, lived our example, died our sacrifice, was raised for
our justification; ascended on high to be our only mediator in the sanc-
tuary in heaven, where through the merits of his shed blood, he secures
the pardon and forgiveness of the sins of all those who persistently
come to him; and as the closing portion of his work as priest, before he
takes his throne as king, he will make the great atonement for the sins
of all such, and their sins will then be blotted out (Acts 3: 19) and
borne away from the sanctuary, as shown in the service of the Levitical
priesthood, which foreshadowed and prefigured the ministry of our
Lord in heaven. See Leviticus 16; Heb. 8: 4, 5; 9: 6, 7.
3. That the holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments were
given by inspiration of God, contain a full revelation of his will to
man, and are the only infallible rule of faith and practise.
4. That baptism is an ordinance of the Christian church, to follow
faith and repentance,' am ordinance by which we commemorate the
resurrection of Christ, as by this act we show our faith in his burial
and resurrection, and through that, in the resurrection of all the saints
at the last day; and that no other mode more fitly, represents these
facts than that which the Scriptures prescribe, namely, immersion.
Rom. 6: 3-5; Col. 2: 12.
5. That the new birth comprises the entire change necessary to fit
its for the kingdom of God; 'and consists of two parts: First, a moral
change wrought by conversion and a Christian life (John 5: 3); sec-
ond, a physical change at the second coming of Christ, whereby, if
dead, we are raised incorruptible, and if living, are changed to immor-
tality in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye. Luke 20: 36; 1 Cor.
15: 51, 52.
6. That prophecy is a part of God's revelation to man; that it is
included in that Scripture which is profitable for instruction (2 Tim.
3: 16); that it is designed for us and our children (Dent. 29: 29) ; that
so far from being enshrouded in impenetrable mystery, it is that which
especially constitutes the word of God a lamp to our feet and a light
to our path (Ps. 119: 105; 2 Peter 1: 19); that a blessing is pronounced
upon those who study it (Rev. 1: 1-3) ; and that, consequently, it is
to be understood by the people of God sufficiently to show them their
position in the world's history and the special duties required at their

7. That the world's history from specified dates in the past, the rise
and fall of empires, and the chronological succession of events down to
the setting up of God's everlasting kingdom, are outlined in numerous
great chains of prophecy; and that these prophecies are now all fulfilled
except the closing scenes.
8. That the doctrine of the world's conversion and a temporal mil-
lennium is a fable of these last days, calculated to lull men into a
state of carnal security, and cause them to be overtaken by the great
day of the Lord as by a thief in the night (1 Thess. 5: 3) ; that the
second coming of Christ is to precede, not follow, the millennium; for
until the Lord appears, the papal power, with all its abominations, is
to continue (2 Thess. 2: 8), the wheat and the tares grow together
(Matt. 13: 29, 30, 39), and evil men and seducers wax worse and worse,
as the Word of God declarek 2 Tim. 3: 1, 13.
9. That the mistake of Adventists in 1844 pertained to the nature
of the event then to transpire, not to the time; that no prophetic
period is given to reach to the second advent, but that the longest one,
the two thousand and three hundred days of Dan. 8: 14, terminated in
1844, and brought us to an event called the cleansing of the sanctuary.
See Note 1. -
10. That the sanctuary of the new covenant is the tabernacle of God
in heaven, of which Paul speaks in Hebrews 8 and onward, and of
which our Lord, as great high priest, is minister; that this sanctuary
is the antitype of the Mosaic tabernacle, and that the priestly . work
of our Lord, connected therewith, is the antitype of the work of the
Jewish priests of the former dispensation (Heb. 8: 1-5, etc.); that this,
and not the earth, is the sanctuary to be cleansed at the end of the
two thousand and three hundred days, what is termed its cleansing
being in this case, as in the type, simply the entrance of the high priest
into the most holy place, to finish the round of service connected there-
with by making the atonement and removing from the sanctuary the
sins of believers (Acts 3: 19), and occupies a brief but -indefinite space
in the first apartment (Leviticus 16; Heb. 9: 22, 23); and that this work
in the"*aTaitype, beginning in 1844, consists in actually blotting out the
sins of believers (Acts 4: 19), and occupies a brief but indefinite space
of time, at the .conclusion of which the work of mercy for the world
will be finished, and the second advent of Christ will take place.
H. That God's moral requirements are the same upon all men in
all dispensations; that these are summarily contained in the com-
mandments spoken by Jehovah from Sinai, engraven on the tables of
stone, and deposited in the ark, which was in consequence called the
" ark of the covenant," or testament (Num. 10: 33; Heb. 9: 4, etc.);
that this law is immutable and perpetual, being a transcript of the
tables deposited in the ark in the true sanctuary on high, which is
also, for the same reason, called the ark of God's testament; for under
the sounding of the seventh trumpet we are told that " the temple of
God was opened in heaven, and there was seen in his temple the ark
of his testament." Rev. 11: 19.
12: That the fourth commandment of this law requires that we
devote the seventh day of each week, commonly called Saturday, to
abstinence from our own labor, and to the performance of sacred and
religious duties; that this is the only weekly Sabbath known to the
Bible, being the day that was set apart before Paradise was lost (Gen.
2: and which will be observed in Paradise restored (Isa. 66: 22,
23); that the facts upon which the Sabbath institution is based con-
fine it to the seventh day, as they are not true of any other day, and
that the terms, Jewish Sabbath, as applied to the seventh day, and

Christian sabbath, as applied to the first day of the week, are names
of human invention, unscriptural in fact, and false in meaning.
13. That as the man of sin, the papacy, has thought to change times
and laws (the law of God, Dan. 7: 25), and has misled almost all
Christendom in regard to the fourth commandment, we find a prophecy
of reform in this respect to be wrought among believers just before
the coming of Christ. Isa. 56: 1, 2; 1 Peter 1: 5; Rev. 14: 12, etc.
14. That the followers of Christ should be a peculiar people, not fol-
lowing the maxims, nor conforming to the ways, of the world; not
loving its pleasures nor countenancing its follies; inasmuch as the
apostle says that " whosoever therefore will be " in this sense, " a friend
of the world is the enemy of God " (James 4: 4); and Christ says
that we can not have two masters, or, at the same time, serve God
and mammon. Matt. 6: 24.
15. That the Scriptures insist upon plainness and modesty of attire
as a prominent mark of discipleship in those who profess to be the
followers of Him who was " meek and lowly in heart; " that the
wearing of gold, pearls, and costly array, or anything designed merely
to adorn the person and foster the pride of the natural heart, is to be
discarded, according to such scriptures as 1 Tim. 2: 9y 10;. 1 Peter 3: 3, 4.
16. That means for the support of evangelical work among men
should be contributed from love to God and love of souls, not raised
by church lotteries, or occasions designed to contribute to the fun-lov-
ing, appetite-indulging propensities of the sinner, such as fairs, fes-
tivals, crazy socials, etc., which are a disgrace to the professed church
of Christ; that the propdrtion of one's income required in former dis-
pensations can be no less under the gospel; that it is the same as
Abraham (whose children we are, if we are Cfirist's. Gal. 3: 29) paid
to Melchisedec (type of Christ) when he gave him a tenth of all (Heb.
7: 1-4) ; the tithe is the Lord's (Lev. 27: 30); and this tenth of one's
income is also to be supplemented by offerings from those 'who are able,
for the support of the gospel. 2 Cor. 9: 6; Mal. 3: 8, 10.
17. That as the natural or carnal heart is at enmity with God and
his law, this enmity can be subdued only by a radical transformation
of the affections, the exchange of unholy for holy principles; that this
transformation follows repentance and faith, is the special work of
the Holy Spirit, and constitutes regeneration, or conversion.
18. That as all have violated the law of God, and can not of them-
selves render obedience to his just requirements, we are dependent on
Christ, first, for justification from our past offenses, and, secondly, for
grace whereby to render acceptable obedience to his holy law in time
to come.
19. That the Spirit of God was promised to manifest itself in the
church through certain gifts, enumerated especially in 1 Corinthians 12
and Ephesians 4; that these gifts are not designed to supersede, or take
the place of, the Bible, which is sufficient to make us wise unto salva-
tion, any more than the Bible can take the place of the Holy Spirit;
that, in specifying the various channels of its operations, that Spirit
has simply made provision for its own existence and presence with the
people of God to the end of time to lead to an understanding of that
word which it had inspired, to convince of sin, and to work a transfor-
mation in the heart and life; and that those who deny to the Spirit
its place and operation, do plainly deny that part of the Bible which
assigns to it this work and position.
20. That God, in accordance with his uniform dealings with the race.
sends forth a proclamation of the approach of the second advent of
Christ; and that this work is symbolized by the three messages of

Revelation 14, the last one bringing to view the work of, reforin on
the law of God, that his people may acquire a complete readiness for
that event.
21. That the time of the cleansing of the sanctuary (see proposition
10), synchronizing with the time of the proclamation of the third
message (Rev. 14: 9, 10), is a time of investigative judgment, first,
with reference to the dead, and secondly, at the close of probation, with
reference to the living, to determine who of the myriads now sleeping
in -the dust of the earth are worthy of a part in the first resurrection,
and who of its living multitudes are worthy of translation, points
which must be determined before the Lord appears.
22. That the grave, whither we all tend, expressed by the Hebrew
word " sheor and the Greek word " hades," is a place, or condition, in
which there is no work, device, wisdom, nor knowledge. Eccl. 9: 10.
23. That the state to which we are reduced by death is one of silence,
inactivity, and entire unconsciousness. Ps. 146: 4; Eccl. 9: 5, 6; Dan.
12: 2.
24. That out of this prison-house of the grave, mankind are to be
brought by a bodily resurrection, the righteous having part in the first
resurrection, which takes place at the second coming of Christ; the
wicked in the second resurrection, which takes . place in a thousand
years thereafter. Rev. 20: 4-6.
25. That at the last trump, the living righteous are to be changed
in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and that the risen righteous
are to be caught up to meet the Lord in the air, so forever to be with
the Lord. 1 Thess. 4: 16, 17; 1 Cor. 15: 51, 52.
26. That these immortalized ones are then taken to heaven, to the
New Jerusalem, the Father's house, in which there are many mansions
(John 14: 1-3), where they reign with Christ a thousand years, judging
the world and fallen angels, that is, apportioning the punishment to
be executed upon them at the close of the one thousand years (Rev.
20: 4; 1 Cor. 6: 2, 3); that during this time the earth lies in a desolate,
chaotic condition (Jer. 4: 23-27), described, as in the beginning, by the
Greek term " abussos " (bottomless pit, Septuagint of Gen. 1: 2) ;
and that here Satan is confined during the thousand years (Rev. 20:
1,. 2), and here finally destroyed (Rev. 20: 10; Mal. 4: 1) ; the theater
of the ruin he has wrought in the universe being appropriately made for
a time his gloomy prison-house, and then the place of his final execution.
27. That at the end of the thousand years the Lord descends with
his people and the New Jerusalem (Rev. 21: 2), the wicked dead are
raised, and come up on the surface of the yet unrenewed earth, and
gather about the city, the camp of the saints (Rev. 20: 9), and fire
comes down from God out of heaven and devours them. They are then
consumed, root and branch (Mal. 4: 1), becoming as though they had
not been (Obadiah 15, 16). In this everlasting destruction from the
presence of the Lord (2 Thess. 1: 9), the wicked meet the " everlasting
punishment" threatened against them (Matt. 25: 46), which is ever-
lasting death. Rom. 6: 23; Rev. 20: 14, 15. This is the perdition of
ungodly men, the fire which consumes them being the fire for which
" the heavens and the earth, which are now, . . . are kept in store,"
which shall melt even the elements with its intensity, and purge the
earth from the deepest stains of the curse of sin. 2 Peter 3: 7-12.
28. That new heavens and a new earth shall spring by the power of
God from the ashes of the old, and this renewed earth with the New
Jerusalem for its metropolis and capital shall be the eternal inherit-
ance of the saints, the place where the righteous shall evermore dwell.
2 Peter 3: 13; Ps. 37: 11, 29; Matt. 5: 5.

NOTE 1, REGARDING PROPOSITION 9.The Adventists of 1844 expected

that the end of the world would come in that year, because they held that
certain prophecies would then transpire, which they believed reached to the
coming of the Lord. Chief among these was the prophecy of Dan. 8: 13, 14,
which says that at the end of the prophetic period of 2300 days (years)
the sanctuary should be cleansed. They believed that the earth was the
sanctuary then to be cleansed, and that its cleansing was to be accomplished
with fire, which would accompany the manifestation of the Lord from
heaven. From these premises, the conclusion seemed inevitable that when
the 2300 years ended, in 1844, the Lord would come.
But the day passed, and no Saviour appeared. Suspended between hope
and fear, and waiting until every plausible allowance for possible inac-
curacies of reckoning and variations of time, was exhausted, it became at
length apparent that a great mistake had been made, and that the mistake
must be on one or both of the following points : either, first, the period of
the 2300 days did not end at that time, and they had made a mistake in
supposing that they would terminate in that year; or, secondly, the cleans-
ing of the sanctuary was not to be the burning of the earth at the second
coming of Christ, and hence they had made a mistake in expecting such an
event at that time. While there was a possibility that they had made a
mistake on both these points, it was certain that they had made a mistake
on one of them ' and either one would be sufficient to account for the fact
that the Lord did not then appear.
A movement which had enlisted the whole interest of thousands upon
thousands, and thrilled their hearts with enthusiastic hope, was not to be
abandoned, especially by its more conservative and sincere adherents, with-
out earnest thought and reflection. The whole field of evidence was there-
fore carefully resurveyed. It soon became apparent that two methods were
being adopted to account for the fact that the Lord did not, come when
he was expected, and to explain the consequent disappointment.
One class, at a rash bound, reached the conclusion that they had made
a mistake in the time, and that the prophetic periods had not expired. This
was, of course, to abandon the whole previous movement, with all its ac-
companying manifestations of divine power ; for if the time was wrong,
everything was wrong.
Another class, impressed with the fact that God had given too much
evidence of his connection with the movement to allow them to abandon it,
carefully reviewed the evidence on every point. The result with them was
a clearer conviction of the strength and harmony of the argument on
chronology. They saw no ground to change their views upon the reckoning
of the time, but felt more convinced than ever that the 2300 days were cor-
rectly applied, and that they terminated at the time appointed in 1844.
Thus they became satisfied that the error lay in their previous views of the
subject of the sanctuary and its cleansing, and that they had made a mis-
take in supposing that the earth would be burned at the end of the 2300
days, because the prophecy said that then the " sanctuary " should " be
This brings us to note the difference between Seventh-day Adventists and
those called First-day Adventists, as respects chronology. The latter, believ-
ing that the prophetic periods were given to make known the time of
Christ's coming, and that they have not yet ended, are held to one of two
conclusions : either that all that is said in the Bible about these periods
is so much of revelation unrevealed, or else that the time of Christ's com-
ing is to be known. The first conclusion, as consistent believers in the Bible,
they can not adopt, and hence their continual efforts to readjust the pro-
phetic periods, and fix upon some new time for Christ to come. From this
has arisen, in these later years, all the fantastic time-setting which has
very naturally disgusted the world, and worse than this, has brought a stigma
of reproach upon all prophetical study. On the other hand, Seventh-day
Adventists set no time. While they believe that the prophetic periods are
to be understood, they believe also that these periods have been correctly
interpreted, and have all terminated , so that now there is no data from
which to reason respecting a definite time for their Lord to come.

In the catalogue of publications issued by the Review and Herald

Publishing Association, Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C., will
be found works treating at length upon the principle themes mentioned
in the Statement of Fundamental Principles, See page 224. Classified
lists, giving the names of all the tracts treating on various subjects
can also be supplied. Catalogue of publications in English or in foreign
languages, sent free.
(As amended at the thirty-seventh session of the General Conference of
Seventh-day Adventists, held at Takoma Park, Washington,
D. C., May 13 to June 6, 1909.)

Article I Name.

This organization shall be known as the General Conference of Sev-

enth-day Adventists.

'Article II Object.

The object of this Conference is to teach all nations the everlasting

gospel of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Article III Membership.

Section 1.The membership of this Conference shall consist of:

(a) Such Union Conferences as have been or shall be properly
organized and accepted by vote.
(b) Such local conferences not embraced in any Union Conference, as
have been or shall be properly organized and accepted by vote.
(c) Such mission fields as are properly organized and accepted by
Sec. 2. The voters of this Conference shall be designated as fol-
(a) Delegates at large.
(b) Regular delegates.
Sec. 3. Delegates at large shall be:
(a) The General Conference Executive Committee.
(b) Such representatives of missions of the General Conference and
superintendents of work among the various foreign-speaking peoples in
the United States as shall receive delegates' credentials from its Exec-
utive Committee, such credentials to be given only by the consent of a
majority of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 4. Regular delegates shall be such persons as are duly accred.
ited by Union Conferences, local conferences not included in Union Con-
ferences, or properly organized missions.
Sec. 5. Each Union Conference shall be entitled to one delegate
without regard to numbers, an additional delegate for each conference
in its territory, and an additional delegate for each five hundred of its
membership. Each local conference not included in the union conference
shall be entitled to one delegate, without regard to numbers, and one
additional delegate for each five hundred members. Each union mission
shall be entitled to one delegate, without regard to numbers and an
additional delegate for each five hundred members. Each organized
mission, not included in a union mission, shall be entitled to one
Article IV Executive Committee.
Section 1. At each session the Conference shall elect an Executive
Committee for the carrying on of its work between the sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of the president,

three vice-presidents, the secretary, the treasurer, the presidents of

union conferences, the superintendents of organized union missions, the
secretaries in charge of duly organized departments, namely, the Pub-
lishing, Medical, Educational, Sabbath-school, Religious Liberty, Young
People's Missionary Volunteer, North American Foreign, North Amer-
ican Negro, and seven other persons.
Article V Officers and Their Duties
Section 1. The regular officers of this Conference shall be a presi-
dent, three vice-presidents, a secretary, and a treasurer, who shall be
elected by the Conference. Two or more auditors shall also be elected
by the Conference.
Sec. 2. President: The president shall act as chairman of the Ex-
ecutive Committee, and labor in the general interests of the Conference,
as the Executive Committee may advise.
Sec. 3. Vice-presidents: The first vice-president shall labor in the
European Union Conferences and Missions, as the Executive Committee
may advise, and preside at the councils of the members of the Executive
Committee, which may be held in Europe, in the absence of the president.
The second vice-president shall labor in the American Union Con-
ferences and Missions, as the Executive Committee may advise, and in
the absence of the president, preside at the councils of the members of
the Executive Committee which may be held in America.
The third vice-president shall labor in the Asiatic division, as the
Executive Committee may advise, and, in the absence of the president,
he shall preside at the councils of the members of the Executive Com-
mittee, and at missionary conferences which may be held in the Asiatic
Sec. 4. The Secretary: It shall be the duty of the secretary to keep
the minutes of the proceedings of the Conference sessions and of the
committee meetings, and to collect such statistics and other facts from
Union and local Cenferences and missions as may be desired by the
Conference or the Executive Committee, and to perform such other
duties as usually pertain to such office.
Sec. 5. The Treasurer: It shall be the duty of the treasurer to
receive all funds and disburse them by order of the president, and to
render such financial statements at regular intervals as may be desired
by the. Conference or the Executive Committee.
Sec. 6.' Election of Officers: All officers of the Conference, except
members of the Executive Committee who are presidents of Union Con-
ferences or superintendents of Union Mission Fields, shall be chosen by
the delegates at the regular quadrennial sessions of the General Confer-
ence, and shall hold their offices for the period of four years, or until
their successors are elected and appear to enter upon their duties.
Article VI Incorporations, Departments, and Agents
Section 1.-- Such, incorporations may be authorized and departments
created as the development of the work requires.
Sec. 2. At each regular session of this Conference the delegates
shall elect the trustees of all corporate bodies connected with this or-
ganization, as may be provided in the statutory laws governing each.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall employ such committees, secretaries,
treasurers, agents, ministers, missionaries, and other persons, and make
such distribution of its laborers as may be necessary to effectively
execute its work. It shall also grant credentials or licenses to its min-
isters and missionaries.

Article VII Sessions.

Section 1. This Conference shall hold quadrennial sessions at such

date and place as the Executive Committee shall designate by a notice
published in the Advent Review and Sabbath Herald at least three
months before the date for the session.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee may call special sessions at such -
time and place as it deems proper, by a like notice, and the transac-
tions of such special sessions shall have the same force as those of the
regular sessions.

Article VIII By-laws.

The voters of this Conference may enact By-laws and amend or

repeal them at any session thereof, and such By-laws may embrace any
provision not inconsistent with the Constitution.

Article IX Amendments.

This Constitution or its By-laws may be amended by a two-thirds

vote of the voters present at any session, provided that, if it is proposed
to amend the Constitution at a special session, notice of such purpose
shall be given in the call for 'such special session.


Article I Regular Sessions.

Section 1.At each session of the Conference the Executive Commit-

tee shall nominate for election the presiding officers for the session.
Sec. 2.--( Previous to each session of the Conference, the Executive
Committee shall provide such temporary committees as may be neces-
sary to conduct the preliminary work of the Conference.

Article II Executive Committee.

Section 1. During the intervals between sessions of the Confer-

ence, the Executive Committee shall have full administrative power,
with authority to grant and withdraw credentials and licenses, and to
fill for the current term any vacancies that may occur in its officers,
boards, committees, or agents, by death, resignation, or otherwise,
except in cases where other provisions for filling such vacancies shall
be made by vote of .the General Conference. The withdrawal of creden-
tials or filling of vacancies on the Executive Committee shall require
the consent of two thirds of the members of the Executive Committee.
Sec. 2. Any five members of the Executive Committee, including
the president or a vice-president, shall be empowered to. transact such
executive business as is in harmony with the general plans outlined by
the Committee, but the concurrence of four members shall be necessary
to pass any jmeasure.
Sec. 3.Meetings of the Executive Committee may be called at any
time or place, by the president or a vice-president, or by the secretary,
upon the written request of any five members of the Committee.

Article. III Departments

Section 1. The work of the departments of this organization shall
be in charge of the secretaries elected by the General Conference, asso-
ciated with the committees selected by the Executive Committee, when
not otherwise provided for by the Conference.

Article IV Finance.
Section 1. This Conference shall receive a tithe from all of its Union
and local conferences, and the tithe of its Union and local Mission
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall be authorized to call for
such special donations as may be necessary to properly prosecute its
. work.
Sec. 3. The Conference shall receive offerings devoted to missions.

Article V Audits.
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall have the accounts of the
Conference and of its several departments audited at least once each
calendar year, and shall report upon the same to the General Confer-
ence at its regular sessions.
Sec. 2. The Executive Committee shall appoint annually eight per-
sons not in its employ, who, with the president, the vice-presidents, the
secretary, the treasurer, and not less than seven presidents of Union
Conferences, shall constitute a committee for auditing and settling all
accounts against the General Conference.


The rates of postage on domestic matter are as follows:
Letters and other sealed matter, two cents an ounce.
Magazines, newspapers and other periodicals, when sent entire, one
cent for each four ounces, or fraction thereof.
Books, circulars, and miscellaneous printed matter, including photo-
graphs, seeds, bulbs, roots, scions, and plants, one cent for each two
ounces, or fraction thereof.
All other matter one cent an ounce.
The domestic rates apply on matter sent between the following
countries: United States, Cuba, Hawaii, Philippines, Porto Rico,
Tutuila (Somoa), Windward Islands, Canada, Newfoundland, Mexico,
Panama, Shanghai, China (subject to duty, payable on delivery), Great
Britain, Ireland, and Germany.

The rates of postage on matter to be sent to countries of the Uni-
versal PostO Union other than those named above, are as follows:
Letters, and other sealed matter, five cents for the first ounce, and
three cents for each additional ounce or fraction thereof.
Commercial papers, for the first ten ounces or less, five cents; and
for each additional two ounces, or fraction of two ounces, one cent.
Limit of weight, four pounds, six ounces.
Postal cards, two cents each.
Magazines, newspapers, etc., two ounces for one cent.
In the few days required to print the foregoing pages, the following
changes were reported, arid may be noted on the pages indicated by
those who wish to secure the latest revisions of the directory:
Page 21: L. T. Nicola,South Lancaster, Mass.
C. F. Ulrich, 34ngera St., Westfield, Mass.
Page 26: J. C. Stevens, 266 West Ivy St., New Haven, Conn.
Field Missionary Agent of the Western New York Conference:
A. L. Griffis, 271 Mulberry St., Lockport, N. Y.
Page 27: A member of the Canadian Union Conference Executive Com-
mittee in the place of Eugene Leland, M. C. Kirkendall.
Page 28: President of the Ontario Conference, M. C. Kirkendall.
Member of the Ontario Conference Executive Cominittee in the
place of Charles Smith, H. T. Curtis.
Religious Liberty Secretary of the Ontario Conference: B. B.
Noftsger, 173 Second Ave., Ottawa, Ontario.
Missionary Field Agent of the Ontario Conference: Wesley Wells,
Lorne Park, Ontario.
Page 2g: Additional Missionary Licentiates of the Ontario Conference:
Mabel Hillyard, 82 Salem St., Toronto, Ontario. Ethel Lyng, 503
Downie St., Stratford, Ontario. H. A. Neirgarth, 573 English St.,
London, Ontario. Barbara Sherk, West Moreland Ave., Toronto,
Ontario. G. W. Sowler, 17 Albany Ave., Toronto, Ontario.
Page 30: Central Union Conference: Secretary of Conference, of Educa-
tional Department, and of Young People's Department: E. E.
Missionary Secretary: Paul Curtis.
Medical Secretary: Dr. C. A. Hansen, 1112 Kalamath St., Denver
Religious Liberty Secretary: J. S. Wightman, 803 Cleveland Ave.,
Kansas City, Mo.
Pages 31 and 211: Omit the name of Mrs. Lulu Wightman.
Page 33: Jacob Riffel transferred to the Upper Columbia Conference.
Page 34: B..M. Garton, 312 East Eleventh St., Grand Island, Nebr.
Under Ministers of Nebraska Conference add: L. B. Porter, Oak-
dale, Nebr.
G. W. White, 408 West Ninth St., North Platte, Nebr.
Omit the name of Paul Sampson.
Page 35: Mrs. E. M. Peebles, College View, Nebr.
Omit the following names: James Johnson, Ida Johnson, Arvid
Bjurstrom, and Howard Peebles.
Under Nebraska church-school teachers add: Clara Underwood, 950
North Twenty seventh St., Omaha, Nebr.
Religious Liberty Secretary of the North Missouri Conference:
E. A. Merrell, 1713 North Second St., St. Joseph, Mo.
Page 36: Address of E. A. Merrell as above.
J. Z. Walker, 520 West Lynn St., Springfield, Mo.
Omit Miss Eva Hough, Miss Mabel Carmen.
Page 37! Omit M. E. George, Miss Maisie Brown.
Page 38: State Agent and Missionary Secretary of Wyoming Confer-
ence: Vacant. ,
L. B. Porter transferred to Nebraska Conference.
Office address of Columbia Union Conference: Baltimore, Md.
General Missionary Secretary and Secretary of Young People's
Work: Vacant.

Page 39: The Chesapeake Conference has a legal association, the direc-
tors being the Conference Committee, and the 'officers the same as
those for the Conference.
C. B. Haynes, 44 Loudon Ave. Station D, Baltimore, Md.
Page 4o: U. D. Pickard, R. F. D. No.' 2, Warrenton, Va.
Page 42: Ohio Conference: Field Missionary Agent: F. B. Numbers,
Box 187, Mt. Vernon, Ohio.
Page 44: Secretary Educational Department of the West Pennsylvania
Conference: Vacant.
Field Missionary Agent and Missionary Secretary: I. G. Bigelow.
Kendall Creek Station, Bradford, Pa.
Page 45: President of West Virginia Conference, F. H. Robbins; Secre-
tary and Treasurer of Conference and Tract Society, Mrs. Mary
Page 53: Field Missionary Agent of Wisconsin Conference: Frank
Halderson, Box 57, Grand Rapids, Wis.
Page 63: Add to the list of Upper Columbia ministers, Jacob Riffel,
College Place, Wash.
Add to the list of Missionary Licentiates, Ellen Swensen, Spokane,
Page 68: Isaac Morrison, R. F. D. No. 1, Box 96, Napa, Cal.
Page 69: Tract Society Secretary of Southern California Conference:
Miss Rena Stevenson.
Page 84: J. S. Rouse, 1101 Denison St., Little Rock, Ark.
Page go: Manitoba onference: Omit the name At) M. J. Fritz as Vice-
President and member of the Executive Committee.
Add to the list of Licentiates, Charles Nelson, 563 Alexander Ave.,
Winnipeg, Malitoba.
Page xoo: Office of the Wales Conference: " Alta Vista," Llanishen St.,
Heath, Cardiff, South Wales.
Page no: West Russian Mission, and not West Prussian.
Page 118: Executive Committee of the South African Union Conference:
R. C. Porter, H. J. Edmed, M. C. Sturdevant, W. S. Hyatt, I. J.
Hankins, J. H. De Beer, E. R. Williams, Geo. Thomason, C. P.
Page 123: Office address of the South American Union Conference:
Florida, F. C. C. A., Buenos Ayres, Argentina, South America.
Page 18o: Board of Trustees of the Cape Sanitarium: The members of
the South African Union Conference Executive Committee.
Page 187: Add East Lake Health Home, Decatur, Ga.; Supt., C. F.
Curtis, M. D.

A BYSSINIAN Mission, directory of

Academies, directories of
Acushnet Sanitarium
Addington School 14?
Adelaide Sanitarium 179
Adelphian Academy 142
Adirondack Sanitarium 187
Adriatic Mission 104
Advocate Publishing Co. (see Emmanuel Miss. College Press)
Africa, Conferences and Missions in 117, 121, 122
Alabama Conference 80
Alaska Mission 65
Alberta Conference 89
Alberta Industrial Academy 143
Alberta. Sanitarium 179
Algerian Mission 105
Ames Industrial Academy 143
Annual Offerings 223
Arabia 107
Argentine Conference 124
Arizona Conference 67
Arizona Sanitarium 187
Arkansas Conference 84
Asiatic Division 133
Atlanta Sanitarium 179
Atlantic Union Conference 20
Australasian Union Conference 91
Austrian Mission 116
Avondale School for Christian Workers 143
Avondale Health Retreat 179
Avondale Press 162

B AHAMA Mission
Balkan Mission
Baker's Mountain Industrial School and Orphans' Home
Baltic Conference 108
Barot seland Mission 121
Basutoland Mission 121
Battle Creek Academy 144
Bavarian Conference 114
Beechwood Manual Training Academy 144
Belfast Sanitarium (see Rostrevor Hills Hydro)
Bellair Hydropathic 187
Bengali Language, periodical in 173
Berean Industrial School 144
Bermuda Mission 139
Bethel Academy 144
Black River Valley Sanitarium 187
Bohemian language, periodical in 173
Boise Sanatorium 187
Bolivia Mission 126
Boulder-Colorado Sanitarium 179
Brazil Publishing House 162
236 INDEX.

British Columbia Conference 89

British East African Mission 117
British Guiana Conference 129
British Guiana Sanitarium 187
British Publishing House 162
British Union Conference 98
British West African Mission 139
Buenos Ayres Publishing House 162

ALCUTTA Bath and Treatment Rooms

C California Conference
Canadian Union Conference
67, 68
Canadian Publishing Association 162
Cape Colony Conference 120
Cape Sanitarium 180
Caterham Sanitarium 180
Caucasian Conference 109
Cedar Lake Academy 145
Cedardale Intermediate School 145
Central American Conference 129
Central Asian Mission l09
Central California Intermediate School 145
Central New England Conference 21
Central Union Conference 30
Chamberlain Sanitarium 187
Chesapeake Conference 39
Chile Conference 125
Chile Publishing House 162
China Union Mission 133
Chinese language, periodical in 173
Chinese S. D. A. Mission Press 163
Christchurch Sanitarium 180
Christiania Health Home 180
Christiania Publishing House 163
Claremont Union College 145
Clearwater Industrial School 145
Colleges, directories of 142-161
Colorado Conference 31
Colorado Sanitarium (see Boulder Sanitarium)
Colorado Springs Sanitarium 187
Colorado Western Slope Academy 145
Columbia Union Conference 38
Conference periodicals 169-178
Connecticut, Conference in 25
Constitution and By-laws of General Conference 229
Cook Islands Mission 97
Cuban Mission 132
Cumberland Conference 73
Cumberland Industrial School 145

ANISH-NORWEGIAN language, periodicals in

D Darling Range School
Delaware, Conference in
Denmark Conference 111
Denmark Publishing House 163
Denominational literature, languages in which issued 4
Denominational periodicals 169-178
INDEX. 237

Detroit Treatment Rooms 187

Diamante School 154
Directory of Ministers 192-212
Directory of Physicians 189-191
District of Columbia Conference 40

AST Africa, missions in 117, 118, 122

E East Caribbean Mission.
East German Conference
East German Union Conference 101
East German Union District 102
East Michigan Conference 46
East Russian Mission 110
Eastern Colorado Academy 146
Eastern Colorado Conference (see. Colorado Conference)
Eastern Pennsylvania Conference 40
Echo Publishing Company, Ltd. (see Signs Publishing Assn.)
Ecuador Mission 126
Educational Department of the General Conference 14
Educational Institutions, Directories of 142-161
Outline of courses in 142
Egypt, Mission in 107
Elk Point Academy 146
Emmanuel Missionary College 146
Emmanuel Missionary College Press 163
England, Conferences in 99
English Periodicals 169-178
Errata 233
Esthonian, periodical in 174
Eufola Agricultural and Mechanical Academy 147
Europe, Conferences and Missions in 98-117

AYETTE Sanitarium 187

F Fayetteville Sanitarium
Fernando Academy
Fiji Mission 97
Fijian language, periodical in 174
Fijian Press 163
Fiji Training School 147
Finland Conference 112
Finland Publishing House 163
Finnish language, periodical in 174
Fireside Correspondence School 147
Florida Conference 74
Florida, Conferences in 74, 80
Florida Sanitarium 180
Foreign languages, periodicals issued in 173-177
Foreign Fields, workers sent to, 1901-1909 223
Foreign Mission Board 18
Foreign periodicals 173-177
Forest Home Industrial Academy 147
Fort Ogden Intermediate School 148
Fort Worth Sanitarium 187
Fox River Academy 148
French language, periodicals in 174
French Conference .. 105
French Belgian Mission 106
238 INDEX.

Friedensau Industrial School 148

Friedensau Sanitarium 180
Friendly Islands Mission 97
Frydenstrand Sanatorium 180
Fundamental, Principles of Seventh-day Adventists 224

GARDEN City Sanitarium

General Conference, directory of
Constitution and By-laws
Laborers engaged under 19
Mission fields under direction of 139-141
Galician Mission 104
General Conference Executive Committee 11
General Conference Association 18
General Conference Corporation 18
Georgia Conference 75
German East African Mission 118
, German language, periodicals in 174
German-Swiss Conference 115
Glendale Sanitarium 181
Good Health Assn., Ltd. 181
Goldsberry Intermediate School 148
Grampian Hills Hydropathic 187
Gravel Ford Academy 148
Graysville Sanitarium S7'----.
Greater New York Conference 22
Grecian Mission 107
Greenland, mission in 113
Guatemala English School 148
Gwelo Mission (see Somabula Mission)
School 148
H Hamburg Publishing House 164
Hamby Intermediate School 149
Hastings Intermediate School 149
Hawaiian Mission 140
Haytian Mission 132
Hazel Industrial Academy (officers failed to report)
Hemingford Intermediate School 149
Hillcrest School Farm 149
Hinsdale Sanitarium 187
Holland and Flemish Belgium. Mission 117
Holland language, periodicals in 175
Hungarian Conference 102

Idaho, Conferences in
Conferences in
61, 62
50, 51
Indiana Conference 47
India Mission 135
India Publishing House 164
Intermediate Schools 142-161
International Publishing Association 164
Iowa Circle Sanitarium (see Washington Branch Sanitarium)
Iowa Conference 55
Iowa Industrial Academy (see Stuart Academy)
Iowa Sanitarium 181
INDEX. 239

Ireland Mission 100

Sanitarium in (see Rostrevor Hills Hydro)
Italian language, periodical in 175
Italian Mission 106

Conference 130
Japan Mission 137
Japanese, periodical in 175
Japanese Publishing House 165
Japanese Sanitarium 188
Jared Sanitarium 188
Java Mission 97.

ANSAS Conference
K Kansas Sanitarium
Keene Industrial Academy
Kentucky Conference 80
Kimberley Baths 182
Kobe Sanitarium 188
Korean Girls' School 150
Korean Mission 137
Korean Boys' School 150
Korean S. D. A. Mission Press 165

,A FAYETTE Sanitarium (see Wabash Valley Sanitarium)

ILake Geneva Sanitarium 182
Lake Union Conference 45
Languages in which denominational literature is issued 4
Latin Union Conference 104
Latin Union Publishing House 165
Latin Union School 150
Laurelwood Industrial Academy 150
Legkl Corporations of the General Conference 18
Leicester Sanitarium 182
Lettonian, periodical in 175
Levant Union Mission 107
Licentiates under the General Conference 19
Lindsay Sanitarium 188
List of periodicals issued 169-178
Literature, denominational, languages in which published 4
Little Rock Sanitarium 188
Little Russian Mission 110
Local Conference Periodicals 172.
Local periodicals 172, 173
Logansport Sanitarium 188
Loma Linda Sanitarium 182
London Publishing House (see British Publishing House)
Long Beach Sanitarium 188
Lornedale Academy 151
Louisiana Conference 81

ADISON Sanitarium
M Maine Conference
Malay language, periodical in
Manitoba Conference 90
Manson Industrial Academy 151
Maori language, periodical in 175
240 INDEX.

Maplewood Academy 151

Maranatha Mission 122
Maritime Conference 28
Maryland, Conferences in 39, 40
Massachusetts, Conference in 21
Matabele Missions (see Solusi)
Meadow Glade Industrial School 151
Medical Council 15
Mexican Mission 140
Mexican Publishing House 165
Michigan, Conferences in 46, 49, 52
Middle German Conference 103
Middle Russian Mission 110
Middletown Sanitarium 188
Ministerial Directory - 192-212
Ministers under the General Conference 19
Minnesota Conference 57
Miscellaneous Missions under the General Conference 139-141
Missionary Licentiates under the General Conference 19
Missionary Volunteer Department of the General Conference 16
Missions under the General Conference 139-141
Mississippi Conference 81
Missouri, Conferences in 35, 36
Montana Conference 61
Montrose Sanitarium 188
Mt. Ellis Academy 152
Mt. Vernon College 152
Mt. Vernon Sanitarium 182
Mussoorie Sanitariuin 183

ASHVILLE Agricultural and Normal Institute 152

N Nashville Agricultural and Normal Institute Rural Sanitarium 183
Nashville Sanitarium 183
Natal Health Institute 183
Natal-Transvaal Conference 120
Nebraska Conference 34
Nebraska Sanitarium (College View) 183
Nebraska Sanitarium (Hastings) 183
Nevada Intermediate School 153
Nevada, Conference in 67
Newfoundland Mission 29
New England Sanitarium. 183
New Guinea Mission 97
New Hampshire, Conference in 25
New Hope School 153
New Jersey Conference 41
New Mexico Conference 84
New Sbuth Wales Conference 93
New York Conference 24
New York, Conferences in 22, 24, 26
New Zealand Conference 94
Norfolk Island Mission 97
North American Foreign Department of the General. Conference. - 16
North American Negro Department 17
North Brazil Mission 126
North Caribbean Mission (see Porto Rico)
North Carolina Conference 76
INDEX. 241

North Dakota Conference 58

North England Conference 99
North German Conference 115
North Michigan Conference 49
North Missouri Conference 35
North Pacific Union Conference 60
North Scotland Mission 101
North Swedish Mission 113
North Yakima Sanitarium 188
Northern California Intermediate School 153
Northern France Mission 106
Northern Illinois Conference 50
Northern New England Conference 25
Northern Union Conference 55
Northwestern Sanitarium 188
Northwestern Training School (see Portage Plains Academy)
Norway Conference 112
Nyasaland Mission 122

AKLAND Sanitarium 188

O Oakwood Manual Training-school
Obituary Record for 1909
Offerings, Annual 223
Ohio Conference 42
Oklahoma Conference 85
Ontario Conference 28
Oregon, Conferences in 61, 62, 63
Oswego Industrial School (see Strode Industrial School)
Otsego Academy 153
Otter Lake Sanitarium 188

PACIFIC Press Publishing Assn

Pacific College
Pacific Union Conference 66
Papers issued 169-178
Paradise Valley Sanitarium 188
Pennsylvania, Conferences in 40, 44
Pennsylvania Sanitarium 184
Periodicals issued 169-178
Persia 107
Peruvian Mission 126
Philippine Islands Mission 139
Physicians, directory of 189-191
Pine Grove Industrial Academy 154
Pitcairn Island Mission 97
Portage Plains Academy 154
Portland Sanitarium 184
Porto Rico Mission 132
Portuguese language, periodicals in 175
Portuguese Mission 106
Postage Rates 232
Principles of Seventh-day Adventists 224
Private Periodicals 178
Private Sanitariums 187, 188
Prussian Conference 103
P&L Training School 154
Publishing Department of the General Conference 13
242 INDEX.

Publishing Houses, directories of 162468

Pukekura Training-school 154

UEBEC Conference . 26
Q Queensland Conference 95

ARATONGA, Mission in 97
R Periodical in 176
Relief Bureau 17
Religious Liberty Association 15
Review and Herald Publishing Association 166
Rhenish-Prussian Conference ,. 115
Rhode Island, Conference in 25
Rio Grande Conference 125
River Plate Academy 154
River Plate Sanitarium 184
Rock City Sanitarium 184
Roman-Swiss Conference 105
Rostrevor,.Hills Hydro 184
Royal Intermediate School 154
Rumanian language, periodical in 176
Russian Union Conference 108
Russian, periodical in 176

ABBATH-SCHOOL Department of the General Conference 12

S Samoan Mission
Salt Lake City Treatment Rooms
Sanitariums, Directories of 179-188
Santa Barbara Sanitarium 188
Santa Catharina and Parana Conference 126
Sao Paulo Mission 127
Saskatchewan Mission 91
Saxon Conference 103
Scandinavian Union Conference 111
Scandinavian Union Mission School 156
Schools (see Educational Institutions)
Scotland, Conference and Mission in 100, 101
Scotland Sanitarium (see Grampian Hills Hydropathic)
Seventh-day Adventists, fundamental principles of 224
Shenandoah Valley Training Academy 155
Sheridan Industrial Academy (see Fox River Academy)
Sheyenne River Academy 155
Siberian Mission 110
Signs of the Times Pubishing Assn., Ltd 167
Silesian Conference 103
Singapore Mission 139
Sioux Rapids Intermediate School 155
Skodsborg Sanitarium 184
Society Islands Mission 98
Solusi Mission 122
Somabula Mission 122
South African Union Conference 118
South African Publishing House 167
South American Union Conference 123
South Australian Conference 95
South Bend Treatment Parlors 188
South Caribbean Conference 130

South Carolina Conference 76

South Dakota Conference 59
South Dakota, Conferences in 37, 59
South England Conference 99
South German Conference 116
South Lancaster Academy 155
South Lancaster Printing Company 167
South Russian Conference 109
South Scotland Conference 100
Southeastern Union Conference 72
Southern California Conference 69
Southern Idaho Conference 61'
Southern Illinois Conference 51
Southern Missouri Conference 36
Southern New England Conference 25
Southern Publishing Association 167
Southern Training-school 156
Southern Union Conference 77
Southern Union Mission 79
Southwestern Union Conference 83
Spanish Language, periodicals in 176
Spanish Mission 106
Springfield Sanitarium 188
Stanborough Park Missionary College 156
Statistical Tables of Union Conferences 5-10
Statistical Report for 1908, Summary of 222
St. Helena Sanitarium 185
St. Peter Sanitarium 188
Stockholm Publishing House 167
Strode Industrial School 156
Stuart Academy 157
Sumatra Mission 98
Summary of Conference Officers 214-222
Swedish Conference 113
Swedish Missionary School 157
Swedish language, periodicals in 176
Swedish S. D. A. Treatment Rooms 188
Sydney Sanitarium 185
Syria-Egyptian Mission 107

Mission in 98
Tahitian language, periodical in 177
Takoma School 157
Taquary Training-school 157
Tasmania Conference (see Victoria-Tasmania Conference)
Tennessee, Conferences in 73, 82
Tennessee River Conference 82
Texas Conference 86
Texas, Conferences in 84, 86, 87
Toluca Industrial School 157
Transportation Agents 18
Tri-City Sanitarium 186
Tonga School 157
Tongan language, periodical in 177
Tunesassa Intermediate School 157
Turkish Mission 108
244 INDEX.

NION College 158

U Union Conference Statistical Tables
Union Conference periodicals
Upper Columbia Conference 62
Upper Parana Mission 127
Uruguay Mission 127
Utah Conference 71
ERMONT Conference (see Northern New England Conference)
V Victoria-Tasmania Conference _
Vienna Intermediate School
Virginia Conference 43

ABASH Valley Sanitarium 186.

W Walderly School
Wales Conference
Walla Walla College 159
Walla Walla Sanitarium 186
Walloon Mission 106
Washington, Conferences in 62, 64
Washington Sanitarium 186
Washington Branch Sanitarium 187
Washington Forcign Mission Seminary 159
Watchman Publishing Association 168
Weatherford Sanitarium 188
West Africa, Mission in 139
West African Training-school 160
West Australian Conference 96
West Caribbean Conference 131
West German Conference 116
West German Union Conference 114
West German Union District 117
West Indian Training-school 160
West Indian Union Conference 128
West Michigan Conference 52
West Pennsylvania Conference 44
West Russian Mission 110
Nest Texas Conference . 87
West Virginia Conference 44
Western Canadian Union Conference 88
Western Colorado Conference 37
Western New York Conference 26
Western Normal Institute 160
Western Oregon Conference 63
Western Wasington Conference 64
Williamsdale Academy 161
Wisconsin Conference 53
Workers' Directory 192-212
Workers sent to Foreign Fields 223
Workers' Obituary Record for 1909 213
Wyoming Intermediate School (see Henningford Intermediate School)

YOUNG People's Missionary Volunteer Department of the Gen-

eral Conference 16
This Year Book was revised to Jan. 25, 1910.
Made by an Industrial School
The large pavilion used at the General Conference, held
in Washington, D. C., last year, was a production of our shop
it spoke for itself.
By adding more machinery, we are better prepared than
ever before to give you first-class goods, and to care for your
orders promptly.

We feel sure that we
have the best folding
canvas bench for
camp use and tent
efforts that can be
found. It solves the seating problem. Let us talk to you about
it. It will be to your advantage.

Write us about these
if you are at all inter-
ested. We have them
a very good article.
The demand for them
at our last camp-meeting was more than we could supply.
The people said, " They are so convenient."
Address all correspondence to the
Branch of the manual training department of Adelphian Academy
Made to your own order, of
any kind of duck, in most any
size, at very reasonable prices.

We should be pleased
to correspond with you.

Keene Industrial Academy

Tent Factory
Keene - Texas
The Following Few Points Demonstrate the
Superiority of the C. G. Gospel Tents
i. Extra heavy pitch, making tent water-proof.
2. Heavier ropes than are ordinarily used.
3. Unoiled rope which prevents rotting.
4. Where strain comes, at ridge and eaves, C. G. Gospel
Tents are strongly reinforced with extra strips of canvas,
enabling the tent to withstand the roughest usage.
5. Pole holes are securely leathered.
6. Stakes are iron ferruled.
7. Mt. Vernon and U. S. Army Duck.
Also Lights, Seats, Flags, etc.
Last year we were extensively patronized by the Seventh-
day Adventists, and we will be pleased to give you the satis-
fadtion obtained through the C. G. goods and service. Write
for our new Catalogue with prices and samples.


Of merit on a Tabernacle or Camp Tent is the BAKER trade-
mark. It stands for Highest .Quality and Lowest Prices. We
make an appeal for your tent business on the ground of the merit
of our goods, the low price at which they are sold, and the care
and prompt attention every order receives. If you have any
good reason for not giving us your tent orders, write and tell
us about it.


Kansas City, Mo.

Send for Our 128 Page Catalogue, Mailed Free.


i. College Courses. 2. Academic and Prepara-
tory. 3. Ministerial. 4. Normal. 5. Commercial.
6.. Conservatory of Music. 7. Preparatory Medical
(Affiliated with the Medical Department of Nebraska
University). 8. German (native students and teach-
ers). g. Danish-Norwegian (native students and
teachers). io. Swedish (native students and teach-

1. Enrolment, 1907-08, five hundred sixty. Larg-
est except that of 1892-93. 2. Assets, $175,000. 3.
Important improvements completed._ 4. Strong,
united faculty. Courses on permanent basis. 5.
Healthy moral and missionary spirit. A dozen mis-
sionary training bands.


1. Expenses average about $150 a year. 2. Col-
lege gave $3,000 worth of work to students last year.
3. Quite a number of places to work for board. 4.
Scholarships for canvassers.
For catalogue giving full information, address

C. C, Lewis, President, College View, Neb,

Walla Walla Sanitarium, College Place, Wash.
Located in the
fruit belt of the
Walla Walla Val-
ley, on the Pacific
Coast. It is owned
and controlled by
the Upper Columbia
Conference of Sev-
enth-day Adventists.
The quiet restful-
ness of this modern
Sanitarium appeals
to every visitor. Its
skilful methods and
pleasing environ-
ment, as well as its
common sense treat-
ments, bring confi-
dence to every patient. Its equipment for effective treatment and efficient
service are most complete. Especially has the surgical work done been re-
markably successful.
. Abundant Water-Supply
Both institutions are supplied with artesian water throughout the entire
buildings, with a fifty-two-pound pressure for fire protection.

Walla Walla College, College Place, Wash.

Departments of Work
1. Literary and Scien-
tific Courses. 2. Aca-
demic and Preparatory.
3. Biblical and Histor-
ical. 4. Normal Train-
ing, with Practise Teach-
ing. 5. Ministerial, and
Bible Workers. 6. Com-
mercial and Steno-
graphic. 7. Conserva-
tory of Music. 8. Pre-
paratory Nurses a n d
Medical. 9. German and
Scandinavian (n at i v e
teachers and students.
so. Industrial Print-
ing, Carpentry, Dressl
making, etc., etc.
Expenses moderate, about $150 a year. Interurban street-car service from'
Walla Walla City hourly,
For Calendar giving full information, address
M. E. CADY, President
Emmanuel Missionary College
The school is most beau-
tifully located on a large
farm in the fruit belt of
Michigan, twelve miles from
Lake Michigan, and about
one hundred miles from Chi-
A navigable river, a beau-
tiful brook, constantly flow-
ing springs, extensive or-
chards, fields of grain, and
shady woods are to be found on the College Farm, and help to make Emmanuel
Missionary College a delightful place for the lover of nature and nature's God.
The School: 1. Combines the moral, mental, and physical training. 2. A
strong united Faculty. 3. A conservatory of music. 4. Steam heat and electric
lights. 5. Christian ideals. 6. A cheerful home life. 7. Over $5,000 worth of
work given to students last year. 8. Expense for the year about $150. 9. Ex-
tensive improvements now being made.
Courses of Study: 1. College Literary. 2. College Scientific. 3. Ministerial.
4. Preparatory Medical. 5. Advanced Normal. 6. Elementary Normal. 7.
.Academic. 8. Stenography. 9. Accounting.
Equipment: 1. A 3,000-volume library. 2. Eleven Bausch & Lomb micro-
scopes fitted with two-thirds and one-sixth objectives. 3. A new four-inch
telescope, with latest appliances. 4. Chemical and physical laboratories. 5.
A $5,000 printing plant, containing large cylinder press, power paper-cutter,
stitcher, job presses, etc. 6. A well-equipped commercial department.

Send for Catalogue Giving Full Information. Address

0. J. GRAF, President, Berrien Springs, Mich.

Sheyenne River Academy

Harvey, N. D.
This School Stands for a Christian Training
The harmonious development of body, mind, and soul

offers studies covering grades five to twelve.

cBible, history, and language offered also in the German.
IIJActive missionary work forms a part of the program.,
4i1A good course in both instrumental and vocal music is
cIndustrial training an important feature of the school.

Catalogue on Request
Material, Construction, and Finish
And THE PRICE IS RIGHT. Send us size of your church,
and we will promptly give you plan of seating, and delivered price.

The De Wolf Furniture Co., Garnett, Kan.


HIS latest volume of the Testimonies should be in
T the hands of every Seventh-day Adventist. It con-
tains a wealth of information upon many lines of work.
The, entire contents of this volume will be of great en-
couragement and help to every individual who is in any
way interested in, or associated with, the special message
for this time; and the one section, dealing with the " Spirit
of Unity" will be found of most vital importance to the
church at this particular time. This one section alone is
of sufficient present interest to demand its thorough study
by every Sabbath-keeper. No family of believers ought to
delay securing and studying this book. Orders may now be
placed with tract societies.
Price, post-paid, cloth, 75 cents; limp leather, $1.25. Thin
edition, in limp leather binding, $1.25.


Takoma Park,.D. C.
Testimonies for the Church

THE Testimonies given to the Church by the Spirit

of Prophecy are bound in eight volumes under the title
of " Testimonies for the Church." These eight volumes
contain all the Testimonies for the Church, with the
exception of some of the earliest visions, which were
never published under the title of a Testimony, as they
occupied a position somewhat different from the pres-
ent Testimonies, being " views " of the great Advent
Movement and the final reward of the faithful. Also
some of the earlier visions which were given for warn-
ing, reproof, and correction, either for individuals or
for particular churches, were not published. Believers
in this work at the time these Testimonies were given
were few, and each message was supposed to have
accomplished its purpose when delivered. But as the
work enlarged, it was seen that these messages, though
often addressed to individuals, might be of great ben-
efit to many; they were preserved and printed, and are
included in the eight volumes of the " Testimonies for
the Church."
Volumes I to VI, bound in cloth, $1.00 a copy; Vol-
umes VII and IX, cloth, 75 cents a copy. The full set,
therefore, in uniform cloth, costs only $8.25 post-paid.
The full set, Volumes I to IV, bound in library, and
Volumes V to IX bound in flexible leather, can be
had for $12.75 These leather bindings make a very
attractive combination, and will be found to be very
durable in a set of books used as frequently as the
Testimonies should be.
Can be secured of any State tract society, publish
ing house, or the

Review and Herald Publishing Association

Takoma Park Station, Washington, D. C.
- - - The - - -
Desire of Ages
T HE DESIRE OF AGES " is a large volume of
866 7 x io-inch pages, the key-note of which
is the great truth that " God was in Christ rec-
onciling the world unto himself."
Christ said, "And I, if I be lifted up, will draw
all men unto me." The working out of this pur-
pose is traced through the life of Christ on earth.
It is shown how. Christ, as man's representative,
endured the temptations by which man is over-
come, and conquered in his behalf; and that man,
becoming partaker of the divine nature, is enabled
to overcome as Christ overcame. God in Christ,
and Christ in his followers, can withstand all the
power of Satan. And as Christ came to reveal
the love of God, so his followers are to reveal
the love of Christ.
From another standpoint this volume is a study
of the life of Christ and his disciples. It is

A Grand Book, and

Can Not Be Praised Too Highly
Its illustrations alone cost over six thousand
dollars, and are strikingly beautiful.


Cloth, marbled edges . $3.00

Half morocco, marbled edges . 4.50
Full morocco, marbled edges . 6.00


Washington, D. C.
South Bend, Ind. New York City
Christlicher Hausfreund _ (German), $1 ; Deutsche
, Arbeiter (German), 5o cents; Evangeliets Sendebud
(Danish-Norwegian), $1.25; Sions Vaktare (Swe-
dish), $1.25 ; The Christian Record (for the blind),
$2. - .
College View, Nebr.


Wahrheit and Prophetischer Erklarer (German), 6o
cents; Gute Gesundheit (German), $1.60; Unser
kleiner Freund (German child's paper), 3o cents;
Zions-Wachter (Holland), 75 cents; Maslina (Rus-
sian), 25 cents.


Grindelberg i5a, Hamburg, Germany


debud (Danish-Norwegian), $1 ; Sundhedsbladet
(Danish-Norwegian), 8o cents ; Tidens Tecken (Swe-
dish), 85 cents.


Akersgaden 74, Christiania, Norway


Health (English), 75 cents; The Present Truth
(English), $1.6o.

45 1 Holloway Road, London, N., England

Times (English), $2 ; Good Health (English), 75 cts.
Warburton, Victoria, Australia
Pacific Press Periodicals
AN illustrated, religious, prophetic, educational, and temper-
ance journal, devoted to the exposition of the gospel as found
in both the Old and New Testaments, and as preached by Christ
and his apostles.
The fulfilment of the prophetic portion of the Scriptures as
shown by the important events constantly transpiring is made
especially prominent.
Subscription Price
Weekly edition (5o numbers), $1.75 a year.
Monthly magazine, $1 a year.
Combination offer: Weekly journal and Monthly magazine, $2.25
a year.
Send for sample copies.
An eight-page illustrated weekly child's paper. Subscription rate,
6o cents a year. Special rates on clubs.
Mountain View, Cal.

Southern Periodicals
A FORTY-EIGHT-PAGE monthly, embracing every phase of the
gospel. Prophecies relating to the present time are given a
practical setting which can not fail to interest every Bible stu-
dent, and arrest the attention of the casual reader. Subscription
rate, $i a year. Forty-five cents in clubs of five or more.
Special rates on quantities.
A four-page monthly, devoted to the interests of the work
among the colored people. Subscription rate, io cents a year.


24th Ave. North, Nashville, Tenn.
Review and Herald. The international denominational
church paper issued in the interests of all denominational
work. The general medium of communication between the
workers in all lands and the people in their homesthe de-
nominational voice. $1.75 a year; go cents, six months; so
cents, three months.
The Youth's Instructor. An illustrated weekly of 16 large
pages, devoted to educating and encouraging young people
in a high conception of life, supplying the mind with prac-
tical information, invigorating the morals, increasing the devo-
tion, and stimulating a high conception of God and impress-
ing individual obligation. $1 a year; 5o cents, six months; 5
or more copies a year, 75 cents each.
The Sabbath School Worker. A monthly journal of spe-
cial features; practical instruction in Sabbath-school lessons.
35 cents a year. Two or more copies, one year, 3o cents each.
Life and Health. A live 64-page health journal presenting
facts rather than theory; issued for the purpose of helping the
well to remain well, and the sick to get well. $1 a year;
single copies, 10 cents. Special rates to agents.
Liberty. A 48-page quarterly. The only publication in the
United States devoted exclusively to keeping before the peo-
ple the vital truths of religious freedom. 25 cents a year;
single copies, to cents. Special rates to agents.
The Protestant Magazine. A 64-page quarterly magazine
protesting against error and promoting truth; defining clearly
the principles of Protestantism and Catholicism; interpreting
prophetic utterances of the Bible and citing their fulfilment.
25 cents a year; single copies, 10 cents. Special rates to
Christian Education. A 48-page bimonthly magazine for
home and school; issued in the interest of a thorough and
rational education, based upon true Christian principles, ex-
panding the present conception of education to the harmo-
nious development of the physical, mental, and spiritual
powers. so cents a year; single copies, to cents. Special rates
to agents.


Takoma Park, Washington, D. C.
The Practical Guide to 11

A Treatise on Anatomy, Physiology, and Hygiene
With a Scientific Description of
Diseases : Their Cause and Treatment
By F. M. Rossiter, M. D.
This work was prepared by a physician of a large
and successful practise, both in private and as super-
intendent of a sanitarium. The book is intended to be
just what its name signifies a practical guide to
The first part of the work outlines in a charming
way the construction of the human body and the use
and work of the different organs.
The second part of the book gives a thorough course
in diseases and their treatment. Hygienic prescrip-
tions are recommended which can be effectively ap-
plied in the home.
" Practical Guide to Health " will prove an invalu-
able text-book for nurses, combining as it does the
study of anatomy, physiology, and hygiene, with a
course in diseases and their treatments.
The illustrations were prepared by one of New
York's most clever anatomical artists, many of the
colored plates in the department on diseases being
drawn from life in one of the New York hospitals.
635 pages. Bound in three substantial styles :
Marble $3.00
- Half Leather . 4.00
Persian Morocco r 5.00


New York City WASHINGTON, a South Bend, Ind.
Mountain View California

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