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Differences between adult

and pediatric septic shock
Departments of Critical Care Medicine and Pediatrics
University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

Sepsis is a significant public health problem that affects children and adults alike. Despite some similarities in
the approach to pediatric and adult septic shock, there are key differences as it relates to pathophysiology, clinical
presentation, and therapeutic approaches. In this review article, we discuss these differences under 4 headings: a)
Developmental differences in the hemodynamic response, b) Activated Protein C, c) Thrombocytopenia associated
multiple organ failure and d) Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis (HLH). (Minerva Anestesiol 2011;77:986-92)
Key words: Pediatrics - Sepsis - Shock, septic.

Similarities in pediatric and seconds or hypotension. Children who present

adult septic shock to the emergency room with either hypotension
(warm shock) or prolonged capillary refill (com-
I n daily practice, intensivists often extrapolate
the results of adult clinical research trials to
treat critically ill pediatric patients. Although,
pensated shock) experience a 5-7% mortality;
however, if both prolonged capillary refill and
hypotension (decompensated shock) are present,
this may be a useful therapeutic strategy for cer- the mortality drastically increases to 30%.1 Re-
tain problems in clinical medicine, it has its pit- versal of these shock states in the emergency
falls when used for the treatment of septic shock. room resulted in a two-fold reduction in mortal-
In this article, we highlight the differences be- ity and near complete prevention of functional
tween adult and pediatric septic shock as it re- morbidity. The take-home message is early recog-
lates to pathophysiology, clinical presentation, nition and rapid treatment. Sebat et al. reported
and therapeutic approaches. Before we empha- a similar experience in adult patients admitted
size the differences between adult and pediatric to community hospitals. Using a SHOCK pro-
septic shock, it is important to highlight the tocol that empowered non-physicians to activate
similarities. shock protocols, they reported a reduction in
Outcome from septic shock is dependent on the time until receipt of fluid resuscitation and
time sensitive therapies whether it is a child or a antibiotics from greater than three hours to less
big kid (i.e., an adult). In pediatrics, every hour than ninety minutes.2 This was associated with a
that goes by without using PALS/APLS guide- concomitant reduction in adult sepsis mortality
line is associated with a 40% increase in risk of rates from 50% to 10% over the five year imple-
mortality. For this reason, shock in children is mentation period.
tion of the Publisher.

defined by prolonged capillary refill time of >2 Rivers et al. assigned adult emergency room


Differences between adult and pediatric septic shock ANEJA
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patients with severe sepsis or septic shock to plex immune-pathological disease characterized
receive either six hours of early goal-directed by an initial pro-inflammatory response that
therapy (central venous oxygen saturation >70% shifts toward an anti-inflammatory immunosup-
and normal blood pressure) or standard therapy pressive state.7-9 Numerous trials using anti-in-
(as a control), prior to their admission to the flammatory agents in sepsis have failed; this has
intensive care unit. The in-hospital mortality in led many investigators to question if mortality in
the group assigned to early goal-directed therapy sepsis is due to uncontrolled anti-inflammation
was 30.5%, as compared to 46.5% in the group rather than pro-inflammation. Autopsy studies in
assigned to standard therapy (P=0.009). Patients adult and pediatric patients who died with sepsis
randomized to the goal-directed therapy arm had and multi-organ failure demonstrate lymphoid
higher mean central venous oxygen saturations, depletion due to apoptosis.10, 11 This lymphoid
lower lactate concentrations and base deficit.3 De depletion sets the stage for anergy, a state of non-
Oliveira et al. repeated this work in children and responsiveness to antigen. This anti-inflammato-
evaluated the role of goal-directed therapy aimed ry response, referred to as compensatory anti-
at maintaining central venous oxygen saturation inflammatory response syndrome (CARS), is an
levels >70%. He found that goal-directed thera- adaptive immune response that dampens an ag-
py over 72 hours, rather than 6 hours as noted in gressive, inflammatory process. It is also believed
the Rivers study, reduced mortality from 40% to to contribute to the increased susceptibility of
12%, with all of the benefits attained in children critically ill patients to secondary nosocomial in-
who had oxygen saturations <70% at the time of fections, due in part to sepsis-induced leukocyte
enrollment.4 immunoparalysis. Therapies for immune de-
PALS/APLS/ACCM guidelines also recom- pression remain a subject of active investigation
mend administration of antibiotics in the first in children and adults alike. These strategies in-
hour and subsequent removal of the nidus of in- clude therapeutic immune suppressant tapering
fection. In support of this approach, Kumar et during septic shock and multi-organ failure, an-
al. noted that initiation of antimicrobial therapy tibiotic/antifungal prophylaxis for lymphopenia,
within one hour of onset of hypotension in adult IVIg for hypogammaglobulinemia, and low dose
septic shock leads to higher survival i.e., 79.9% GM-CSF for immune paralysis (TH2 monocyte/
of patients survive hospitalization. Unfortu- macrophage).12
nately, the average time to receipt of antibiot-
ics in their cohort was 6 hours. They noted an Differences in pediatric and
increase of 7.6% in absolute mortality for every adult septic shock
hour that went by without administration of an-
tibiotics. This explained the 50% mortality rate Having mentioned the general similarities be-
in their North American study cohort.5 Barie tween adult and pediatric septic shock, we will
et al. evaluated the activated protein C trial in now highlight the key differences. We categorize
the adult surgical patient sub group. They found them under 4 headings: a) developmental differ-
that survival with complete removal of the nidus ences in the hemodynamic response, b) activated
of infection was 95% whereas survival without Protein C, c) thrombocytopenia associated mul-
removal of the nidus was only 4%, regardless of tiple organ failure and d) gemophagocytic Lym-
which study arm the patients occupied.6 Thus, phohistiocytosis (HLH).
time sensitive recognition and therapies includ-
ing resuscitation, antibiotic administration, and Developmental differences in the hemodynamic re-
nidus removal are the keystones of successful sponse to sepsis in children vs adults
management for children and adults alike.
After initial resuscitation, both children and Neonatal septic shock is often complicated by
adults develop post sepsis immune depression lack of the physiologic transition from fetal to
syndromes that contribute to ongoing multiple neonatal circulation. In utero, 85% of fetal cir-
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organ dysfunction syndromes. Sepsis is a com- culation will bypass the lungs through the pat-


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ent ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale into the children frequently respond well to aggressive
aorta. Prenatally, this flow pattern is maintained volume resuscitation. Almost 50% of children
by suprasystemic pulmonary artery pressures, but with septic shock present with cold clamped
at birth inhalation of oxygen triggers a cascade of down extremities, low CO and elevated SVR,
biochemical events resulting in reduction of pul- often referred to as Cold Shock.
monary artery pressure. The closure of the pat- Children have limited cardiac reserve as com-
ent ductus arteriosus and foramen ovale results pared to adults. The adult resting heart rate is 70;
in blood flow being directed to the pulmonary therefore, a twofold increase in heart rate from 70
circulation, thereby completing the transition to 140 beats per minute can be easily tolerated and
from fetal to neonatal circulation. Sepsis-induced used to maintain cardiac output when stroke vol-
acidosis and hypoxia increase pulmonary vascular ume is decreased. Similar mechanisms are not pos-
resistance and pulmonary artery pressures leading sible in babies and infants. A resting heart rate of
to patent ductus arteriosus, persistent pulmonary 140 beats per minute cannot be doubled to 280
hypertension (PPHN) and persistent fetal circula- beats per minute because there is not enough time
tion (PFC) in the newborn. Neonatal septic shock for diastolic filling. Therefore, the predominant re-
with PPHN is associated with increased right ven- sponse to a decreasing cardiac output in children
tricle afterload, cardiac failure, tricuspid regurgi- is vasoconstriction. This continued increase in va-
tation and hepatomegaly. Due to supra-systemic soconstriction is detrimental, as it further impairs
pulmonary artery pressures, therapies that are di- cardiac output leading to cardiac failure and death.
rected at reduction of pulmonary artery pressure This elevated systemic vascular resistance makes
are likely to benefit the critically ill neonate. Ex- hypotension a late sign of shock.18 Children com-
amples of such therapies that are potentially life- monly require inotropes, vasodilators and at times
saving in newborns, infants, and children include ECMO to support cardiac function.
inhaled nitric oxide, oxygen, phosphodiesterase In summary, the transition of fetal to neonatal
III inhibitors i.e. milrinone. In contrast, adult sep- physiology offers a distinct challenge for physi-
tic shock has been associated with increased pro- cians treating neonatal sepsis. The presentation of
duction of nitric oxide leading to hypotension, septic shock in children is different as compared
and development of multiple organ failure.13, 14 to adult patients and presents the bedside clini-
The presentation of septic shock is different in cian with a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge.
adults as compared to children. Almost 90% of We recommend that the reader review the algo-
the adult patients present with a hyperdynamic rithms for hemodynamic support of newborn and
shock syndrome or warm shock. The hemody- children with septic shock in reference 19 Clini-
namic response includes low systemic vascular cal practice parameters for hemodynamic support
resistance (SVR), hypotension, normal or in- of pediatric and neonatal septic shock: 2007 up-
creased cardiac output, tachycardia and elevat- date from the American College of Critical Care
ed oxygen concentrations in pulmonary-artery Medicine.19 The major change highlighted in
blood.15 Despite the hyperdynamic state, these the 2007 update is the recommendation to use
patients exhibit myocardial depression charac- peripheral intravenous epinephrine and not wait
terized by decreased ejection fraction, ventricular for central venous access. While central vascular
dilatation, and a flattening of the Frank-Starling access is being obtained, alternate options include
curve after fluid resuscitation.16, 17 Tachycar- intraosseous access for children, and umbilical ve-
dia and reduction in SVR is the primary com- nous access for newborns.
pensation mechanism for the declining cardiac
output. Patients whose SVR is not amenable to Activated protein C in adult vs. pediatric septic
manipulation with vasopressor agents is at high shock
risk of death. In comparison, the hemodynamic
response to sepsis is remarkably different in ne- The normal microvascular milieu is in a profi-
onates and older children. Severe hypovolemia is brinolytic and anticoagulant state and is convert-
tion of the Publisher.

a hallmark of pediatric septic shock; therefore, ed to a procoagulant and antifibrinolytic state by


Differences between adult and pediatric septic shock ANEJA
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inflammatory mediators and microbial prod- the secondary endpoints were 28-day mortality,
ucts. Protein C is a soluble, vitamin K-depend- major amputations, and safety. Children that re-
ent, plasma serine protease that plays a central ceived DrotAA when compared to the placebo
role in endogenous anticoagulation. Its activated group did not demonstrate any significant dif-
form is a potent anticoagulant enzyme and is ca- ference in either CTCOFR score or mortality.
pable of inactivating clotting co-factors Va and However, in comparison to patients that received
VIIIa and plasminogen-activator inhibitor 1.20 placebo, DrotAA patients had more episodes of
Reduced circulating concentrations of protein central nervous system (CNS) bleeding during
C and its activated form, activated protein C, the infusion and 28-day study period. The risk
are associated with an increased risk for death in of bleeding was higher in patients who were less
patients with sepsis.21 In the landmark Recom- than 60 days old and weighed less than 4 kg.24
binant Human Activated Protein C Worldwide As a result, of the adverse risk to benefit ratio,
Evaluation in Severe Sepsis (PROWESS) study, the use of DrotAA is not recommended in chil-
patients with severe sepsis were randomized to dren with sepsis (Table I).
receive an intravenous infusion of either placebo
or drotrecogin alfa (recombinant human acti- Thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ fail-
vated protein C) (DrotAA) for 96 hours. The ure
mortality rate was 30.8% in the placebo group
and 24.7% in the DrotAA group (P=0.005).22 Thrombocytopenia-associated multiple organ
The Surviving Sepsis Campaigns international failure (TAMOF) is a thrombotic microangio-
guidelines for management of severe sepsis and pathic syndrome and is defined by a spectrum of
septic shock suggest that adult patients with pathology that includes thrombotic thrombocy-
sepsis-induced organ dysfunction and at a high topenic purpura (TTP), secondary thrombotic
risk of death (APACHE II 25 or multiple organ microangiopathy (TMA), and disseminated in-
failure) should receive DrotAA.23 travascular coagulation (DIC).25 A discussion
Another global open-label phase 2 trial in adult of the entire spectrum of thrombotic microan-
and pediatric severe sepsis patients (Extended giopathy syndromes is beyond the scope of this
Evaluation of Recombinant Activated Protein C, manuscript; therefore, we will mainly discuss
or ENHANCE) was also completed gathering ad- TMA. Non-consumptive TMA is characterized
ditional mortality and safety data. Secondary anal- by thrombocytopenia associated multiple organ
ysis (in press: Dalton et al. Pediatr Critical Care failure, elevated prothrombin time (PT)/acti-
Med) found that children in the ENHANCE vated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) and
placebo group experienced increased activated little evidence of hemolysis on peripheral smear.
protein C activity over time, whereas adults in Unlike DIC, plasma concentrations of factors
the PROWESS placebo group did not. It is not V, VIII, and X and fibrinogen are normal or
known whether this is because of age specific dif- increased. Nguyen et al. demonstrated the role
ferences in coagulation, or because of differences of disintegrin and metalloprotease with throm-
in therapy. For example, fresh, frozen plasma has bospondin motifs (ADAMTS)-13, also known as
protein C activity, and it is administered more von Willebrand factor (VWF) cleaving-protease,
commonly in children than in adults. in the pathophysiology of secondary thrombotic
The RESOLVE (Researching severe Sepsis microangiopathy syndromes in pediatric sepsis.
and Organ dysfunction in children: a gLobal ADAMTS-13 is a zinc-containing metallopro-
perspectiVE) trial assessed the use of DrotAA in tease enzyme that cleaves the large thrombogenic
children with sepsis.24 In this double-blinded, von Willebrand factor (VWF) multimers. Sepsis
international trial, children were randomized to is characterized by a decline in ADAMTS-13
receive a 4-day course of DrotAA or placebo (in- activity (defined as <57% of control plasma)
travenous saline). The primary endpoint was a leading to the formation of ultra-large VWF
pre-defined Composite Time to Complete Or- multimers. These multimers attract platelets and
tion of the Publisher.

gan Failure Resolution (CTCOFR) score and fibrin leading to microthrombi, organ dysfunc-


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Table I.Compares therapies used in adults and children with septic shock.
Therapy Children Adults

Volume Usually need more fluid: may need up to Fluid resuscitation till CVP 12 cm H2O
and over 60 cc/kg
Antibiotics Early initiation of appropriate antibiotics Early initiation of appropriate antibiotics
recommended within 1 h recommended within 2 h
Inotropes and vasopressors First line peripheral Epinephrine for cold First line Norepinephrine dobutamine
shock Vasopressin for warm shock
Transition to central when able
Central norepinephrine for warm shock
Vasodilators Used for pulmonary hypertension; No role
Low cardiac output high SVR shock
Tight glycemic control Unresolved Harmful
ECMO Survival 80% in neonates and 50% in Evolving - H1N1 is popularizing its use
Inhaled NO Neonates with right ventricle failure No role for NO
Plasma exchange Used for patients with TAMOF including Effective in adults but rarely used
DIC/purpura fulminans
Activated Protein C Not recommended Recommended
Hydrocortisone Absolute Adrenal Insufficiency only Use if continue to be on vasopressors regar-
Post ACTH cortisol level <18 g/dl or ba- dless of adrenal status
seline <5 g/dL
Primary HLH protocol - Etoposide/cyclo- Used for primary HLH with familial hi- Not indicated
sporine A, dexamethasone, chemotherapy story, consanguineous parents, or perforin

tion and multiple organ failure.26 In addition, There are numerous case reports that discuss
autopsies from children who died with TAMOF the benefits of plasma exchange in adult and
and decreased ADAMTS-13 activity, showed pediatric septic shock. Despite the similarity in
VWF-rich thrombi in the microvasculature of patho-physiology and treatment options, plasma
brain, lung, and kidney. Similar findings were exchange in patients with TAMOF is more preva-
recently reported in children with meningococ- lent in the pediatric community as compared to
cemia.27 Plasma exchange removes ultra large the adult patients. A possible explanation for this
VWF multimers and replenishes ADAMTS-13 would be the limitation of resources in perform-
activity in these children. ing plasma exchange in adults. For example, a
A similar mechanism may be operational single volume exchange in a 10 kg child would re-
in adult patients with sepsis. In a single center quire 600 cc of plasma. Now, compare this to a 70
adult intensive care unit, ADAMTS-13 levels kg adult who would need approximately 4-5 liters
were examined in patients with organ failure due of plasma. At present, activated protein C is more
to severe sepsis and compared to organ failures commonly used in adults, and plasma exchange
unrelated to sepsis and controls. ADAMTS-13 in children with sepsis-induced TAMOF.
activity was decreased in patients with severe
sepsis as compared to patients with organ failure Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis a new dis-
unrelated to sepsis and controls.28, 29 Busund et ease
al. and Darmon et al. demonstrated reduction in
mortality in two separate randomized trials com- Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH)
paring plasma exchange to plasma infusion for is a non-malignant, inflammatory disorder re-
septic shock/severe sepsis and thrombotic mic- sulting from persistent and excessive activation
tion of the Publisher.

orangiopathy respectively.28, 30 of antigen-presenting cells (histiocytes) and T


Differences between adult and pediatric septic shock ANEJA
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lymphocytes. HLH is classified into two distinct eral and might lead to over diagnosis of SHLH.
forms, familial and secondary HLH. Familial Therefore, the bedside clinician should be ex-
HLH (FHLH) is a genetic disorder primarily tremely cautious when considering the diagnosis
occurring in infancy and early childhood. Con- of SHLH in a child, as the currently available
versely, secondary HLH (SHLH) has been de- therapies are radically different.
scribed in association with bacterial and viral Classically, HLH is predominantly thought to
infections.31-39 Histopathologically, lymphohis- be a disease of children, but lately case reports
tiocytic infiltrates with evidence of hemophago- describing HLH in adults have been published.43
cytosis by activated macrophages are present in Majority of these patients had Epstein-Barr vi-
multiple organs e.g., bone marrow, spleen, liver, rus and presented with signs and symptoms
lymph nodes and the central nervous system.40, suggestive of lympho-proliferative disease and
41 The prolonged and excessive activation of an- multi-organ failure. At this time, many ques-
tigen-presenting cells (macrophages, histiocytes) tions remain unanswered about the diagnosis
and CD8+ T cells leads to significantly elevated and therapeutic options available to treat HLH
serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines IL- in children. We need to understand the presenta-
1b, tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-6 and IL-8. tion and pathophysiology of the disease, before
This state of persistent hypercytokinemia leads we can offer alternative therapies compared to
to progressive organ dysfunction and death in the chemotherapeutic regimen being used at the
patients with HLH.41 present time. In summary, we have highlighted
The 2007 guidelines no longer differentiate the differences between adult and pediatric sep-
between FHLH and SHLH and use the follow- tic shock. These differences seek to reinforce the
ing criteria.42 To diagnose HLH five of the fol- notion that children are not little adults, and
lowing eight diagnostic criteria need to be met: attention should be paid to the treatment strat-
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in the peripheral blood; 3) hypertriglyceridemia adults and children.
and/or hypofibrinogenemia; 4) hyperferritine-
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Received on June 29, 2010 - Accepted for publication on January 31, 2011.
Corresponding author: R. K. Aneja, MD, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Childrens Hospital of Pittsburgh, Childrens Hospital
Drive, 4401 Penn Ave, Faculty Pavilion, Suite 2000, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA. E-mail:
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