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Oleh :
Dr. Dedison Gasni

Pelatihan Applied Approach Universitas Andalas,

11 Juli 2017
Comparison of Higher Education Curriculum*
Year 1994 Year 2000 / 2002 Year 2012
Content based Competency based Higher education curriculum (KPT or
curriculum (KBI) curriculum (KBK) K-DIKTI)
National curriculum Core and institutional
Kepmendikbud No. Kepmendiknas No. UU No.12/2012
056/U/1994 232/U/2000; Perpres No. 8/2012
Kepmendiknas No. Kepmendikbud No. 73/2013
Giving priority to Giving priority to the Prioritizing equality of learning
IPTEK achievement of competence outcomes
Not formulate ability Not specified limits of Consist of attitude and value,
Courses required S1 science that must be workability, knowledge, authority
100-110 sks from 144- mastered and responsibility
160 sks Determination of the core Formulation of minimal learning
competencies based on the outcomes listed in SNPT and the
agreement of similar study agreement of similar study program
*Pedoman Penyusunan dan Evaluasi Kurikulum, LP3M Unand, 2015
T-Shape Engineer
Transformation of Teaching

1. Content Reinforcement

2. Engagement

3. Formative Assessment

3. Interpersonal/Professional Skills

5. Summative Assessment /Evaluation

Content Instruction/Reinforcement
Improve student understanding and skills with
content of the discipline
Increase Student Engagement
Students involved in class
Students alert

Students generating ideas

Students sharing ideas

Students learning
Include Formative Assessment
Gather information on the
level of understanding and
comfort of your students

Adjust instructional
practices of class
(activities/lectures) in
Provide Opportunities for Professional
and Interpersonal Skill
Soft Skills Professional Skills
Opportunities to improve student capability
in areas which are not explicitly taught
(presentation skills, critical thinking, etc.)
Summative Assessment /Evaluation
What is measured gets done

Continuous improvement needs

continuous effort


Assessment is one or more process that
identify, collect, and prepare data to evaluate
the attainment of students outcomes.

Effective assessment uses relevant direct,

i n d i re c t , q u a nt i tat i ve a n d q u a l i tat i ve
measures as appropriate to the outcomes to
be measured.
Methods of Assesment
Formative Assessments techniques monitor
student learning during the learning process.
Example : - Written reflections
- Polls/Surveys
- Check for understanding
- Wrappers

Summative Assessments techniques evaluate

student learning
Example : - Exam
- Papers/Project/Presentation
An Assessment Continuum
Comparison of Formative and Summative

Formative Assessments Summative Assessments

Purpose To improve instruction and To measure student
provide student feedback competency

When administered Ongoing throughout unit End of unit or course

How students use results To selft-monitor To gauge their progress
understanding toward course or grade-
level goals and benchmark

How teachers use results To check for For grades, promotion

Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey, Checking for understanding formative assesssment techniques for your classrooms
Formative of Assesment
Unhappy Moments
When we discover often while grading
the final examthat what our students
have learned is not at all what we thought
we were teaching.

Faculty, and for that matter students, need

effective ways of monitoring learning
throughout the semester.
Purpose of Formative Assessment
(Classroom Assessment)
1. Formative : to inform teaching and
improve learning
2. Context-Specific : Chosen to fit the subject
matter and needs of the particular class
Clasic CATs (Clasroom Assesssment Techniques)
that Assist Active Learning

Thumb up and Thumb down

Minute paper
Muddiest point
One sentence summary
What is Minute Paper?

A concise note (taking one minute !), write by

students (individually or by groups), that
focuses on a short question presented by
instructor to the class, usually at the end of
Why Use the Minute Paper?
The Minute Paper provides the real-time
feedback from at a class to find out if students
recognized the main points of a class session -
or were confused for them! - and so help the
instructor craft changes for the next class.
What is The Muddiest Point?
Give students two to three minutes to answer
the folowing question:

What was the muddiest point for today's


Yuo are asking what is not clear to the

Why we use the Muddiest Point?
Allow you to collect
written feedback
about what students
are not
understanding in

Gives students more

involment in the
What is the one sentence summary?
Students summarize the main idea and vital
details in one sentence.
Use as at the bigining of the lesson to activate
what students knew before or as a closure
activity at the end of lessons.
Can be completely by orally, used as journal
entry, or written on a post-it note.
Why use the One Sentence Summary?

Alow you to summarize, describe, sequence,

compare and contrast and show
One-Sentence Summay Template
A ______is kind of _______that _______
________begin with, continue with _____and ends with
______and _____are similar and that both_____,
_____________causes _________
_________wanted _________ but ______so _______
Benefits of CATs
For faculty, frequent use of CATs can:
Provide short-term feedback about the day-to-
day learning and teaching process at a time
when it is still possible to make mid-course

Provide useful information about student

learning with a much lower investment of
time compared to tests, papers, and other
traditional means of learning assessment.
Benefits for Students
For students, frequent use of CATs can:
Engage students in the assessment process.
Help students become better monitors of
their own learning.
Point out the need to alter study skills.
Allow them to be as honest as possible when
done anonymously.
Summative of Assesment
Proses Pembelajaran Semester

C. Pembelajaran

Capaian Pembelajaran-AB Capaian Pembelajaran-CD

Syamsul Arifin, Panduan Pengembangan Kurikulum.

Prinsip Penilaian
Penilaian yang memotivasi mahasiswa agar
Edukatif mampu memper b a ik i ca ra b ela j a r u nt u k
mencapai capaian pembelajarannya.
Penilaian yang berorientasi pada proses belajar

Otentik yang berkesinambungan dan hasil belajar yang

mencerminkan kemampuan mahasiswa pada
saat proses pembelajaran berlangsung.
Penilaian yang berdasarkan standar yang

Objective disepakati antara dosen dan mahasiswa serta

bebas dari pengaruh subjectivitas penilai dan
yang dinilai.
Penilaian yang dilaksanakan sesuai dengan
Akuntabilitas prosedur dan kriteria yang jelas, disepakati pada
awal kuliah, dan dipahami oleh mahasiswa.

Penilaian yang prosedur dan hasil penilaiannya

Transparan yang dapat diakses oleh semua pemangku
Penilaian Pembelajaran
Bentuk Tes:
Ujian tulis: kuis, esai, pilihan ganda, uts, uas, dll.
Bentuk non-Tes:
Ujian lisan, wawancara, makalah, presentasi,
bermain peran, review jurnal, dll.
Instrumen non-Tes:
Rubrik: Rubrik Holistik, Rubrik Analitik (Diskriptif dan
Skala Persepsi)
Portofolio: Portofolio perkembangan, Portofolio
pamer/showcase, dan Portofolio koprehensif
lRubrik merupakan panduan penilaian yang
menggambarkan kriteria yang diinginkan
dalam menilai atau memberi tingkatan dari
hasil kinerja belajar mahasiswa. Rubrik terdiri
d a r i d i m e n s i ya n g d i n i l a i d a n k r i t e r i a
kemampuan hasil belajar mahasiswa ataupun
indikator capaian belajar mahasiswa.
Contoh 3 macam rubrik, yakni:
1. Rubrik holistik adalah pedoman untuk
menilai berdasarkan kesan keseluruhan atau
kombinasi semua kriteria.
2. Rubrik deskriptif memiliki tingkatan kriteria
penilaian yang dideskripsikan dan diberikan
skala penilaian atau skor penilaian.
3. Rubrik skala persepsi memiliki tingkatan
kriteria penilian yang tidak dideskripsikan
namun tetap diberikan skala penilaian atau
skor penilaian.
Rubrik Holostik

Syamsul Arifin, Panduan Pengembangan Kurikulum.

Rubrik Deskriptif
Rubrik Skala Persepsi

Syamsul Arifin, Panduan Pengembangan Kurikulum.

Penilaian portofolio merupakan penilaian
berkelanjutan yang didasarkan pada kumpulan
informasi yang menunjukkan perkembangan capaian
belajar mahasiswa dalam satu periode tertentu.

Informasi tersebut dapat berupa karya mahasiswa dari

proses pembelajaran yang dianggap terbaik atau
karya mahasiswa yang menunjukan perkembangan
kemampuannya unt uk m e ncapai capai an
3 macam penilaian portofolio:
1. Portofolio perkembangan, berisi koleksi hasil
karya mahasiswa yang menunjukkan
kemajuan pencapaian kemampuannya sesuai
dengan tahapan belajar yang telah dijalani.
2. Portofolio pamer/showcase berisi hasil karya
mahasiswa yang menunjukkan hasil kinerja
belajar terbaiknya.
3. Portofolio koprehensif, berisi seluruh hasil
karya mahasiswa selama proses pembelajaran.
Growth Portfolios
Showcase Portfolios
Evaluation Portfolios
Syamsul Arifin, Panduan Pengembangan Kurikulum.
Terima kasih

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