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City Impact Missions (March 19-24, 2018)

What Is City Impact?

City Impact has been in existence for 33 years now with a consistent mission: To see a spiritual
awakening in the Tenderloin, the toughest district of San Francisco. Roger Huang (founder) was
called here by God 33 years ago to stand in the gaps and intercede for the forgotten and ignored
people of the Tenderloin. These people are not just ignored by society, but also by Christians.

Within the Tenderloin there are 30,000 people and only a handful of Bible believing churches, leaving
us to estimate that only 150 200 people will be in a solid church on any given weekend. That is less
than .5%! Our call is the same as Rogers was, to stand in the gaps and intercede for these people
who have no Christians in their lives to share the good news with them. This includes very tangible
acts of love and kindness such as feeding the hungry (rescue mission, meal deliveries), clothing the
naked (thrift store), educating the children (school), loving our neighbor (adopt a building), and
making disciples.

General Information:

We will meet and depart from Pleasant Hill Adventist Academy at 12:15 pm.

796 Grayson Rd. Pleasant Hill, CA 94523

Check-in is between 1:00-3:00pm on Monday. At 3:00pm, we will begin our orientation.

The Week-Long Trip (Spring):

$400 per person (Monday afternoon-Friday evening OR Saturday morning)
$90 per person per additional night (i.e. arriving early, leaving late)
25% non-refundable deposit to register your group
Full payment required 7 weeks in advance of trip

We will usually conclude our night between 8:00pm and 8:30pm. Wednesday night ends a little
earlier, around 7:00pm. Those times are available to you the leader to determine what you would like
to do. Often leaders will use that time to debrief the day.

Our group will sleep on the floor of one of the main ministry sites. These are very secure (many of
our staff live in those buildings as well). You will want to bring sleeping bags, and if you have a
sensitive back, feel free to bring an air mattress or cot.

There will be about a 8:1 student to adult ratio. There will also be SF City Impact workers to help
other groups.

What does a typical day look like?

Our group will be divided up among the different ministries during the day. We will be given a
schedule for the week to determine who will be placed to which sites. Below is an example of that
schedule. In the morning, people are divided up based on what is needed at each site, then we come
back together for lunch at 1pm. In the afternoon we divide back up. Our morning gathering is a time
where a staff member shares a message to challenge and encourage the group and leads the group
in worship and prayer before we start our day.

On Saturday, we will depart from SF City Impact at 9:00 am to have worship and lunch on the beach.

Check out for additional information.

Weekly Tentative Schedule
Monday (Arrival Day) Friday
1:00-3:00pm: Arrival at HQ (136 Taylor) 8:00am: Breakfast
3:00- 5:00pm: Orientation 8:30-10:00am: Morning Gathering
5:00-6:00pm: Dinner 10:00-1:00pm: Ministry Opportunities
6:30-7:30pm: Prayer walk 1:00-2:00pm: Lunch
7:30pm: Team time (free time) 2:00-7:00pm: Afternoon Getaway
(includes Dinner)
Tuesday 8:00pm: Team time (free time)
8:00am: Breakfast
8:30-10:00am: Morning Gathering Saturday
10:00-1:00pm: Ministry Opportunities 9:00am: Departure
1:00-2:00pm: Lunch 9:30-12pm: Sabbath at the Beach
2:00-5:00pm: Ministry Opportunities 12-1pm: Lunch
5:15-6:00pm: Dinner 1:00pm: Departure
6:00-8:00pm: Street Ministry
8:00pm: Team time (free time)

8:00am: Breakfast
8:30-10:00am: Morning Gathering
10:00-1:00pm: Ministry Opportunities
1:00-2:00pm: Lunch
2:00-5:00pm: Ministry Opportunities
5:00- 6:00pm: Prayer/Worship
6:15-7:00pm: Dinner
7:00pm: Team time (free time)

8:00am: Breakfast
8:30-10:00am: Morning Gathering
10:00-1:00pm: Ministry Opportunities
1:00-2:00pm: Lunch
2:00-5:00pm: Ministry Opportunities
5:15-6:00pm: Dinner
6:00-8:00pm: Street Ministry
8:00pm: Team time (free time)

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