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SY 2017- 2018 SCHOOL BUS HANDBOOK AND A APPLICATION ee - Advance Copy fam Kudepuu Sebos| = For Ratonced afirmahin onl = Onan Nandloosd and a MUST be prekeed ak He schwl. DIRECTORY (sa susconteactors id ar TT res ta |HAWAmaUS CONTRACTORS aeons areata nas ara Weston Sed] eT Ear jtauiBus CONTRACTORS. jOLOKAIBUS CONTRACTORS IkaualBus CONTRACTORS [sTUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BRANCH [STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BRANCH ______—_| ee bis booklet cantains important information that wil agit you in preealstering your che for public schoo! bus eorice for the 2017-2018 schoo! year. The Department of Education (DOE) stongly encourages current bus riders to preegite by completing the school bus pass application fom on Page [At Provegaraton appt forms wil be accepted tMough May 26, 2017 (oow bus riders can rogitor at ine converionce). IMPORTANT: The DOE has s FIRM “No Refund” policy on all school bus pass purchases. ‘he DOE urges you to consi your chit’ transportation plans carefully before reiting payment in racogniton ofthe no refund poly. ‘obinty Students In Grades K-5 must reso 8 mie or more from the schol within thelr home attendance arse and Students in Grade 6-12 must reside 1.5 mlos or more fom the school wihin ther home atlendence area to ‘ual fc regis achol bus sence. RegUlar school bus servic fs limited to transportation from the home to School and back home again. ‘Students who do not attend the schoo! vithin their home school alendance area; reside within the minimum ‘ualiying Getancea ae lated above: or dese cher than home schootheme Wnspotation may recale "space ‘valable bus serves provides tht there are unused seals on tho bus and that accommodation wil not resi in ‘ional cost 10 te State. Petents who deske space avaiable bus senico must submit a Request fr Student to Ride Schoo! Bus on = Space. Avaliable eal (Form CS-10i, avaiable at te school ofie) along with tie completed Bus pas appteaion form (Form ST-70,locted ‘on page At of this boo!) Please submit boin forms to the school Shia CAUTION. Azurovaepynoeal ay take op Go fan mes, Your chil il NOT be pormited © G0 he ‘us unt your applcston ls approved. Pants must make contingeney plans dung the itr. Payment Plans [A bus riders (axcapt those who are approved for free but servos) must pay the prowling wanspataton fo. We eff tree payment-plan options: 4. Annual Payment Plan ~ on-ire cscount payment of $270 roundp or $198 one-way 2. Quarterly Payment Plan up to 4 clcounted easy payments of $7200 roundtip or $35.00 one-way 3 One-Way Bus Coupons ~ soln shes often coupona for $12.50 per shoe each only) + Students who inlord lo use the public schoo! bus system a6 thal primary means of going to andl ‘rom school ay Woughout the entre school year are encouraged fo eolct the ANNUAL payment plan + ‘Students who intend to vse the pubke schon bue systom ae tar primary mean of going to endlor from school daly But whose transportation needs might change form saademlc quater to scedomic ‘quarter are encouraged i select the QUARTERLY payment pla, “+ Students who inlend t0 use the ble schoo! bus system aniycozasionsil, and etudents who requre passage on & bus foule ater than their essigned bus route are encourapod to purchase One-way Bus {Coupons to migate the fnsncll burden. IMPORTANT: Please select your payment pian carefully! ‘Athough you wil be slowed o change your plan then needed, you wl net receive @ refund ofthe unused orion ofthe bus pass under the DOE's "No Retund” poy. ments Do not attach your payment tothe applcaton form. Payments wil only be accepted after your application is ‘approved by tha school. You can check on the situs of your ehik’s appleaton form by visitng ou Schoo! Bus ‘Transportation webat a Meelis 2-hvsiSBT nome aan or by caling the schol of. ‘Once your aplcaton is approved, you wil be asked to remit your payment either in poreon or by mall to tho schoo! offes (please do not mall In cash payments). All payments are due pror to the Fst day thal your chi Intends to use the bus eence, Plas call your chlt’s school offce for the dates and tines that bus pass payments will be received. ‘Accopted payment forms include cash, cashiers check and money order (made payate to The: Department of Education). Your che’s scheel may opto Incude personal checks as an accepted. payment form; pease cal 1 conf. However, one-way bus coupons can only be ald for wih cash, ed Checks (where applicable “There is @ $25 sorvce foo for all turned personal checks. Both the service fo and th pice of your child's bus pass must bo pat In porson at tho school offes by cash only win ono wook ofthe ratumed personal check. Fare to remit both payments by the deadine wil result in tbe Immediate suspension of your ches bus ring prvloges and confiscation of he bus pass. ‘Free Bus Pass ‘Students who atten the school within thelchome schoo! stendance area; reside more than the minim qualiving ‘dstanes rom school and mest one or more ofthe folowing cla may receve a es bus pass ‘Studont qualifies fer FREE lunch (Mote: Students who qualy for reduced luneh prices ar not elie fora too bus pass) ‘Student efector ch ‘Students homoloss (McKinney Vento alge) ‘Stuoent nas a Special Ecucaton IEFIM at eludes reguar ansporaton asa elated seroe: ‘Student wae ected bythe Dia! fo attend a schoo! ouside of the designated attendances ars ‘Student has atleast thee oler sings who are fare-payng bus riders al ther rexpective schoo. Please complete Part 3 of tho appication form i you belove your child is eligble for a fee bus pass, making ‘ortan to check al ofthe entra categories that apply. Schoo! Trans 1 your child transfors to another school during the schoo! year and is eile for bus sence atthe now school, te bus pass creat willbe tansfared to the new schoo. Bus Pass Yur chid wil be Issued 2 vad bus pass upon satisactory reclp of payment (students wo qually fr fee bus service may pck up ther bus pess upon avalebill). Once payment ls made, your cd wil oaW@ a temporary us pase (attached to th bottom ofthe rocapt) which wil enable hinher 1 start using the schol bus sence fight away. A pormanent bus pase card wil be made avaiable for pick up at your chc'a soo! whine Yow ays thereafter (ploaso cal the sche! offco to conf). Students must surrender thelr temporary bus pass Jn order to receive thelr permanent bus pass card. ‘Bus passes and coupons are nonranferale and are veld only on the assigned bue route, Students must be prepared to laplay thelr valld bus pass or coupon to the diver upon demand. Falue 10 do 29 may result In service disruptions 3s flows Middle School and Elementary School Students who fio dgpay a vad bus passin the mornings, ‘pon domand, wil bo transpored fo school. However, tho bus driver wi 1. Instruct the student fo obtsin a temporary bus pass fromthe school ofc before thai next ide: and 2 Report the lnldent to he schoo rnc NOTE: Continued fare to csp a valid bus pass nthe morning wil result in cscpnary action. High Sehoo! Students who fal or refuse to dsplay a vaie bus pass in the momings, upon demand, wll ot be permitiod to board the bus. ‘Students in all grade levels who fall o display a vad bus pass In the afternoons, upon demand, may be Tequited fo obian a roplacment temporary bus pass from the school office before boarding tho bus- Repeat ‘ffendors wil nt be permite to bear the bus, ‘Lost Bus Pass Fee If your cid ses Nsher permanent bus pass card, you wil be requved fo emits $5.00 replacement bus pa fee tothe school ofce except when epacing a fares bua pass. Your ch wl recave a temporary bus pass thet wil be valid for 20 ds. The replacemont permanent bus pass card wil be devores tothe schoo foo for pick Up. “The student must surender the temporary bus passin ofr lo receive the now permanent bus pate card ‘Bus Stop and Bus Rou ion CGeneraly bus stop locations and bus route scheduas wil remain unchanged rom last school year. Moneer aos ‘ate encouraged to check wth ther chs sche! ofce one t wo week pir tthe st day of school confirm bus stop locations and pick unliop of times. A the schoo! yoar progresses, changes lo bus schedules may become necessary. Parents can expect to reelve wien nolfcation of such changes minimum of te daysinsavence ‘Service Limitations Schoo! ransportation services are tod to alle pubic school student n grades K to 12 ony, Students are ‘advised to be at thelr aseigned bus sop 10 minutos belore their scheduled pek-p time. Parents, guaran, and fl other unauthorized indivivals wil not be permited 10 board a school bus at any time. wehout ror lutherzation om 2 OOE ofc Video Cameras ‘The DOE is commited to ensuring your chik's safety a all nes. To this end. parnie and ginans are avaed that the DOE ullaes video cameras on all school buses, Guidelines on the reticted use, appheation ‘2d retention of vdeo aurvlans fles can be obaned by contacting your Distt Transpvtaton Oicer. (9PS Bus Tracking ‘The DOE utlizes GPS tracking capably onal school bus vehicles. GPS technalogy allows the DOE to track the location, speed and route path of school buses (ncusing actual plcksp and dopo slop times and localions) 22 wall 28 ober evant aspects a the coroa. Complain you have 2 concern about your child's bus service, bus ever oF route achecle, please contact your Distt “Transporation Ofer at once Discioine ‘Students who misbehave on the bus may be denied sides and shal be subject to dciplnary acton as defined in Chaptr 19 of the Board of Educators Hawai Adminstrave Rule, When the schoo rcaives 2 School Bus Inetdant Report (Form ST-15) on your child. tha Prncipal (ora designee) wil conduct an Invesigton ofthe Incident and notly you ofthe cutzoma. If your child ls precluded from riding the school bus st a rest of the Principa’s disciplinary action, you will not receive a refund forthe unused portion of the bus pass. ‘All student riding school buses shall abide by the following requlroments: » » 9 A the designated schol bus stop end who boarding, students shal: 'A) not bring chien wo wl not be passengers on the bus or animals to the bus sop: 2) be on time a he designated echoo! bus stop o help keep the bus on schedule; C)_ stay off tha road while wating fr the bus conduct thmseivs in sae manor while wang: 1) Pot ak oud at bus slope which may tub nearby reefers: ) rater or deace publ or peate property at bus tops: F)_ not tespass on priate property while waling at bus stops; 6) ne up in an orderly, single fle and walt ntl the bus comes toa complete stop before ateotng to board the bus; H) walk on the ade of the robd facing tafe to gt tothe bus stop if here are a sow: 1) not xing articles onthe bus that may cause ir o passengers o cay on ates which ‘cannot be sored stoly under the seat; and 4) use the hance and vatch thelr step when Boarding tho bus. Wie onthe bus, students shalt |A) kp hands and heads inside the bu at lines; ') not steam alk or laugh loudly, engage in horeepay, or therwse behave In 2 manner hat may ‘vert the divers ateton and rut nan ecient, ©) teat bus eaupment as velusbefuntura. The offender othe oflender's pent shall pay fr damage to seat, windows, and thor equipment; rot eat or dink any beverages ona regular plo and om school unless necessary for medical reasons ) rot tamper with the bus er any ofits equipment F) hoop books, packages, coals, and al ober obec out ofthe aise: 6) remain in the busin case ofa road emergency, unass directed to do etorvse by te bus diver HH) not how anything out ofthe bus window, 1) remain inthe soats wile the busi in motion; 4) nat emeoke, nk, gamble, ight oF engage In any ther behavior that may endanger heh or ») toa; and 1) obey he cies. When leaving the bus and crossing stress, students shall serve the following procedures: |A) leave te bus ony at rgular bus sors, unless proper autorzstion has boon given in advance by the schoo! pnp 2) use the handail and watch thelr stp when gating of tho bus and (©) When erasing the eoet at 2 but slp, students shal walk twee fst in Font ofthe bus an lok to 200 ithe atlemating red lamps on tho top portion ofthe school bus are lashing the lamps are ‘ashing, they shal ook a the civr and wat for he criverto gv the slgnal to es. Ifthe red lamps ‘8 not fain, students shal ot cross the strat and shall not the civ that Ie red warning lamps are not working and ask the civer for aitance In cssing the soc. (Reto: § 9.28. Pasege SCs, How Admire Res) ‘Students sl ia detonated buses at spaced tines and locations as assigned, and may be assigned ost In species, Bus passes are not transferable and will be confiscated if they are given to another student Note Only Original Copies Apglicathe vill be EE HAWAL DEPAATIIENTOF EDUCATION [SchooL USE ONLY: STUDENT TRANSPORTATION SERVICES BRANCH Sunt uate oes pase ‘Dives Ono, FORM ST:70 Petit MEV ade wena) AT I: Acknowledgement. __Appicant MUST sign and date balou. acknowledge and accept the Hawai DOE's "No Refund” pole anal achool bus pass purchases. lags lcamy wn the transportation polcies and procedures ofthe Hawal DOE. I acknowledge thatthe Hawt DOE may lutitze video cameras to montor student behavior on school buses. When applicable, | authorize the Student [Tansportation Senices Branch o ven my chs fee lunch tatu withthe School Food Senices Branch Parent/Guardian signature: _X Date: SRRS aC Pacers [PART Il: Student Information (must fil out completely). ‘Select “Home Schoo” the student Ives within the schoo! stendance area, fot select “School of Oh “_ClHome Schoo! O'Scho0! of Origin ‘School name: ‘Students legal name: Grade: Tastname Fistname Wi Home address: ‘Sesto, ‘Seat name Fet-n0, iy Tp cote Parent/Guardian: = ct phone: Tatras Fistname See Bis Service and Payment Plan Selection (Please complete Parts A ® 6), ["EXLTION ro haven Barat ease hess me NG EPO Seo be bas pasos ‘A. Service Plan_(choose ONE of the folowing B. Payment Plan_(choose ONE of te folowing) Cl rouno tai ANNUAL El Rounditip $270.00 ‘Home to schoo Schoo to home; same rote se FS Nlonslwi = s13600_ C1 morning ony QUARTERLY C) Roundtrip $72.00 ‘Home o school ony —___L1ne way: ___ $98.00 D1 arternoon onty ‘Coupons El shest of 10: $1250 /shest ‘School to home oly FREE L} Must appiy below (Part). [PART IV: Compicte this section ONLY if applying for FREE bus Wansporiation, they quel for one or mare a the flowing. Place check al hat appv You ci ay eae Se ae oa Ti receives free meat [J ttometess (tfeKinney-Vonto Ad). * (Beja opera) ranean dtl tock pl nd equate Foster cite, residence (within the meaning of section 42 USCS §11302(a}(1)) and includes: cd iy banat (9c eo deepen ance ae re C1 ovrectes oy batt ‘ous, economis hard, ora Sar reason, ae vig intl hots, Valor pa Seana pound co oe ack alone eg Li'sudentnassormore — conmcaatons Se ng monporens site rol we sbndoned sider sings whe ey rican or sah ste a sara tortor bus passes: can and yout fo av pinay nightn rsorc tat p or ple ‘Name: ‘lace not designed for or orcnarly used as a regular siseping accommodation fer ee hhuman beings (mithin tha meaning of 42 USCS $11202(a) 210) = (@ Chitéon and youth who are ving in cars, parks, puble spaces, abandoned See, a cing, substandard reusing; bus or rain stations or smile sotigs: and te atgratory citron (as euch tam is dene in section 1909 ofthe Elementary and ——— Education Act of 1965) who quay as homeless for ho purposes of his Schl ‘subtle.

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