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Altered expression of -catenin/E-cadherin in


Article in Histopathology September 2006

DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2006.02440.x Source: PubMed


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5 authors, including:

Bernd Romeike Martin Jung

Universittsklinikum Jena Universitt des Saarlandes


Eckart Meese
Universitt des Saarlandes


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Histopathology 2006, 49, 178187. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2006.02440.x

Altered expression of b-catenin/E-cadherin in meningiomas

E C Brunner, B F M Romeike,1 M Jung,2 N Comtesse & E Meese
Institute of Human Genetics, 1Institute of Neuropathology and 2Institute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical
School, University of Saarland, Homburg Saar, Germany

Date of submission 24 August 2005

Accepted for publication 22 September 2005

Brunner E C, Romeike B F M, Jung M, Comtesse N & Meese E

(2006) Histopathology 49, 178187
Altered expression of b-catenin/E-cadherin in meningiomas

Aims: Meningiomas are generally slow-growing benign membrane in 34% of meningiomas independent of
tumours representing approximately 20% of all pri- their WHO grade. Loss of membranous b-catenin
mary intracranial tumours. The hallmark of tumori- occurred in 79% of meningiomas. An intense peri-
genesis of meningiomas is the loss of chromosome 22, nuclear granular immunoreactivity of b-catenin with-
including loss of heterozygosity of the neurofibromato- out nuclear location was detected in the majority of
sis type 2 (NF2) gene. The NF2 encoded protein merlin meningiomas. Both immunofluorescence and Western
appears to function as a tumour suppressor gene by blot analysis of fractionated meningioma cells located
controlling cadherin-mediated cellcell adhesion. The b-catenin mostly on the Golgi apparatus and ER Golgi
E-cadherin cell adhesion system includes b-catenin that intermediate compartment (ERGIC). Cytogenetic ana-
indirectly connects cadherin to actin filaments. The lysis of meningiomas showed no correlation between
aim of this study was to analyse the expression and the NF2 loss and the loss of the proper location of
subcellular location of E-cadherin and b-catenin in b-catenin.
human meningiomas, including meningiomas of dif- Conclusions: The lack of membranous b-catenin and or
ferent histomorphological subtypes and different World membranous E-cadherin in meningiomas may indicate
Health Organization (WHO) grades. an altered interaction between meningioma cells inde-
Methods and results: Immunohistochemical analysis pendent of loss of NF2 and independent of the tumour
revealed lack of E-cadherin expression at the cell grade.
Keywords: b-catenin, cellcell contact, E-cadherin, meningiomas
Abbreviations: ER GIC, endoplasmic reticulum Golgi intermediate compartment, NF2, neurofibromatosis

have a wide range of histological appearances. Of the

various subtypes, arachnoidal (meningothelial), fibro-
Meningiomas are neoplasms of the leptomeninges blastic and transitional meningiomas are the most
covering the brain and the spinal cord. They are common. Meningiomas represent approximately 20%
generally slow-growing benign tumours corresponding of all primary intracranial tumours and are among
to grade I in the World Health Organization (WHO) the most common tumours of the human nervous
classification (MI). Atypical meningiomas (WHO system.1,2
grade II, MII), which are characterized by increased Loss of chromosome 22, including loss of hetero-
cellularity and increased mitotic activity, account for zygosity (LOH) of NF2, is a consistent chromosomal
approximately 8% of this tumour type. Anaplastic alteration in this tumour.35 Mutational inactivation of
meningiomas (WHO grade III, MIII) account for the second allele of NF2 occurs in up to 60% of all
approximately 2% of this tumour type. Meningiomas meningiomas. Recent studies indicate that the NF2
encoded protein merlin functions as a tumour suppres-
Address for correspondence: Eckart Meese PhD, Institute of Human
sor by controlling cadherin-mediated cellcell contact.6
Genetics, Medical School, University of Saarland, Building 60, 66421 Cadherins are transmembrane glycoproteins locali-
Homburg Saar, Germany. e-mail: zed in the cell plasma membrane. The cytoplasmic
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Limited.
b-Catenin E-cadherin in meningiomas 179

undercoat proteins for cadherins are catenins, inclu- modified Eagles medium (DMEM; BioWhittaker, Walk-
ding b-catenin, which interact with cadherins through ersville, MD, USA) supplemented with 10% fetal calf
their cytoplasmic domains. There is mounting evidence serum (FCS) and 1% penicillin streptomycin. Cells
that the E-cadherin cell adhesion system plays a were grown in 5% CO2 atmosphere.
significant role during multistage human tumorigen-
esis. Altered expression of b-catenin occurs in several
human cancers including gastric cancer, colon cancer
and hepatocellular and oesophageal tumours.7,8 Chromosomal analysis of meningioma primary cell
Studies on meningiomas have also shown that cultures was performed according to standard proto-
E-cadherin plays a role in the morphogenesis of this cols.12 Karyotypes were prepared by Giemsa-trypsin
tumour.9 Recent studies have failed to provide evidence (GTG)-banding of chromosomes according to the
for E-cadherin expression in malignant meningioma International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomen-
while showing E-cadherin expression in benign men- clature.13
ingiomas, regardless of their histological subtype.10
Other studies have shown expression of E-cadherin at
i mm u no h i sto c h e mi s t r y
the cell borders in syncytial and transitional subtypes
of meningioma but have failed to show E-cadherin Expression of beta-catenin and E-cadherin was ana-
expression in fibroblastic subtypes.11 lysed in paraffin-embedded sections of 38 meningiomas
Our aim in this study was to analyse the expres- and two adenocarcinomas (brain metastases of colo-
sion and the subcellular location of E-cadherin and rectal carcinomas) and normal non-tumorous arach-
b-catenin in human meningiomas. We analysed 38 noid tissue as controls.
meningiomas of different histological subtypes and The sections were deparaffinized in xylene and rehy-
different WHO grades by immunohistochemistry. Anti- drated in ethanol. Endogenous peroxidase activity was
body reactivity was confirmed by Western blot analysis quenched by incubation in 1.0% H2O2 for 10 min. The
of tissue lysates. b-Catenin and E-cadherin protein sections were microwaved for 20 min at 700 W in
expression was analysed by Western blot analysis of citrate buffer. Incubation with the primary antibody was
fractionated primary cell cultures from meningiomas. done for 30 min at 37"C in a humid atmosphere. The
affinity-purified monoclonal mouse anti-b-catenin anti-
body (Zymed Laboratories, South San Francisco, CA,
Materials and methods USA) was used at a dilution of 1 : 100 (concentration
5 lg ml). The monoclonal mouse anti-E-cadherin anti-
t u mo u r s a m p l e s
body (clone G-10; Santa Cruz Biotechnology, Santa
The tumour tissues were used with consent from the Cruz, CA, USA) was used at a dilution of 1 : 50
patients. The 38 patients (35 with primary meningi- (concentration 4 lg ml). The specificity of the antibod-
oma and three with relapse) underwent surgery in the ies was confirmed by Western blot analysis. The secon-
Institute of Neurosurgery, Medical Faculty, University dary antibody was a biotin-labelled rabbit anti-mouse
of Saarland. The 24 females and 13 males had a IgG (Dako Cytomation, Glostrup, Denmark). The incu-
median age of 58 years (range 3186 years) at the bation was carried out for 20 min at 37"C in a humid
time of surgery. Tumours were histologically classified atmosphere at a concentration of 1 : 300. The slides
at the Institute of Neuropathology. Grading is given in were treated with streptavidin (1 : 300; Dako Cyto-
Table 1. Two adenocarcinomas (brain metastases of mation) for 20 min at 37"C in a humid atmosphere
colorectal carcinomas) from one female and one male and incubated with the chromogen diaminobenzidine
patient served as positive controls for the immuno- (1 : 50; Dako Cytomation) for about 5 min at room
histochemical analysis. For immunohistochemistry tis- temperature. The slides were counterstained with haem-
sue blocks from the tumours were embedded in paraffin atoxylin, dehydrated with ethanol and xylene and
after fixation in buffered formalin. Tissue samples for mounted with Entellan (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany).
Western blot analysis were frozen in liquid nitrogen Sections were examined by light microscopy and inter-
immediately after surgery and stored at ) 70"C. preted by two persons (E.C.B., B.F.M.R.).

cell culture w es t e r n bl ot a n a ly s i s
The meningioma primary cell cultures were derived Expression of b-catenin and E-cadherin was analysed
from fresh tumour tissues. Cells were kept in Dulbeccos by Western blotting of lysates from meningioma
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
180 E C Brunner et al.

Table 1. Immunohistochemical analysis of 38 meningioma tumour samples of different tumour grades using antibodies against
beta-catenin and E-cadherin
IHC-staining with
IHC staining with b-catenin antibody E-cadherin-antibody

Identification Cytoplasm clusters Cytoplasm
no of Grading without perinuclear without Cytogenetic
meningioma regarding Cytoplasmic cytoplasmic and in Cytoplasmic cytoplasmic aberrations
tumours typing membrane membrane cytoplasm membrane membrane chr. 22 Invasion

H355 MI ara. + + NA

H362 MI ara. +* + N

H372 MI ara. + + +* NA

H374 MI ara. + + + N

H375 MI ara. +* + +* N

H403 MI ara. + + +* N

H413 (relapse) MI ara. + + NA

H446 MI ara. + + + NA

H448 MI ara. + +* N

H392 MI fibro. +* ) 22

H395 MI fibro. + + NA

H398 MI fibro. +* (+) del22,(q11) Osseous invasion

or ) 22

H445 MI secr. + + +* ) 22 Dura invasion

H497 MI secr. +* + NA

H521 MI secr. +* + N

H376 MI trans. + + +* ) 22

H480 MI trans. + + N

H514 MI trans. + + del22,(q13)

H350 MII + + ) 22

H365 MII +* +* +* ) 22 Osseous invasion

H416 MII + +* NA Dura invasion

H419 MII + +* N

H421 MII + + +* ) 22 Osseous and soft

tissue invasion

H427 (relapse) MII +* + + ) 22

H429 MII + + + ) 22

H444 MII + + ) 22

! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
b-Catenin E-cadherin in meningiomas 181

Table 1. (Continued)
IHC-staining with
IHC staining with b-catenin antibody E-cadherin-antibody

Identification Cytoplasm clusters Cytoplasm
no of Grading without perinuclear without Cytogenetic
meningioma regarding Cytoplasmic cytoplasmic and in Cytoplasmic cytoplasmic aberrations
tumours typing membrane membrane cytoplasm membrane membrane chr. 22 Invasion

H449 MII + + +* NA Dura invasion

H457 MII +* + ) 22

H469 MII + + N Dura invasion

H490 MII + +* ) 22

H492 MII + + +* N

H500 MII + + + N Dura invasion

H526 MII + + ) 22

H533 MII + + + ) 22

H386 MIII + + NA Dura invasion

H386 (relapse) MIII + + +* N Brain invasion

H451 MIII + + + ) 22 Brain invasion

H588 MIII +* +* +* ) 22 Brain invasion

Cytogenetic analysis regarding chromosome 22 aberrations and analysis of the invasion pattern. +, Positive immunoreactivity;
, negative immunoreactivity; (+), faint staining; *focal stained areas of cells in tissue slides; ara., arachnoidal; fibro.,
fibroblastic; secr., secretory; trans., transitional; N, normal; NA, not analysed; del, deletion; , no invasion.

tissues. Frozen tissue samples were homogenized in 5 min at 98"C. Samples were centrifuged for 30 min
lysis buffer (125 mm TrisHCl (pH 6.8), 6% sodium do- at 20 375 g at 4"C. One volume loading buffer was
decyl sulphate (SDS), 10% glycerol, 10% b-mercapto- added to supernatants. All samples were stored at
ethanol and 10% complete protease inhibitor cocktail )70"C.
(Roche, Mannheim, Germany). Samples were incuba- Samples were denatured by boiling for 5 min at 98"C
ted at room temperature for 10 min and centrifuged at and separated by electrophoresis in a 10% SDS-poly-
1800 g for 10 min at 4"C. Supernatants were treated acrylamide gel. The proteins were transferred to a
with ultrasound for 10 s twice and centrifuged as polyvinylidene fluoride membrane (Hybond-P; Amer-
before. Supernatants were boiled for 5 min at 98"C and sham Biosciences, Freiburg, Germany). Membranes
centrifuged for 30 min at 20 375 g at 4"C. Super- were blocked with 5% non-fat dry milk PBS for 1 h
natants were used as samples and diluted with one at room temperature. Membranes were incubated with
volume of loading buffer (Roti-load; ROTH, Karlsruhe, anti-b-catenin antibody (dilution 1 : 500, concentra-
Germany). tion 1 lg ml), respectively, with anti-E-cadherin anti-
As a positive control for Western blotting, protein body (dilution 1 : 100, concentration 2 lg ml) diluted
lysates were made from HeLa cell culture. Cells were in 1% non-fat dry milk PBS for 2 h at room tempera-
washed twice with 1 PBS buffer, scraped and ture. Blots were washed three times for 10 min with
resuspended in an appropriate volume of buffer. The 1 PBS and treated with horseradish peroxidase-
suspension was centrifuged for 5 min at 1006 g at conjugated antimouse IgG (Dianova, Hamburg, Ger-
4"C. Pellets were resuspended in an appropriate many) in 5% non-fat dry milk PBS for 1 h at room
volume of lysis buffer (see above) and boiled for temperature. Blots were washed again with 1 PBS
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
182 E C Brunner et al.

and developed after 5 min incubation with enhanced

i mmun o fl uore s cen ce
chemiluminescence reagent (ECL Plus; Amersham
Biosciences). Expression of b-catenin was analysed by immunofluo-
Membranes were stripped with buffer containing rescence in methanol-fixed cells from meningioma cell
0.5% SDS and 0.5% SSC, washed with 1 PBS and cultures and in HeLa cells. Cells were thawed from
blocked with 5% non-fat dry milk PBS for 1 h at N2-freezing, washed with 1 PBS buffer and dissem-
room temperature. Blots were washed three times for inated in DMEM-medium (BioWhittaker, supplemented
10 min with 1 PBS and incubated with the with 10% FCS and 1% penicillin streptomycin). Cells
primary monoclonal antibody anti-a-tubulin (Sigma, were grown on glass coverslips and washed three times
Munich, Germany) at a dilution of 1 : 10 000 with 1 PBS and fixed with 100% methanol for 5 min
for 1 h at room temperature. After further washing at ) 20"C. Methanol was removed, coverslips were
steps membranes were incubated with the secon- washed again with 1 PBS and were air dried.
dary antibody sheep anti-mouse at a dilution of Coverslips were covered with 1 PBS and incubated
1 : 30 000 in 5% non-fat dry milk PBS for 1 h at at 4"C. All steps in the immunofluorescence procedure
room temperature. Membranes were washed again were carried out in a humid atmosphere. After PBS was
and developed with ECL plus. removed from the coverslips, cells were incubated with
the primary antibody for 1 h at room tempera-
ture. Primary antibodies were anti-b-catenin (dilution
ce ll frac ti on at ion
1 : 100; concentration 5 lg ml) and the monoclonal
Cells were washed twice with 1 PBS buffer, scraped anti-Golgi-58K antibody (Sigma; dilution 1 : 50). Anti-
and centrifuged. The cell pellet was resuspended in lysis body was removed and coverslips were washed three
buffer and homogenized. Homogenate was centrifuged times with 1 PBS buffer. Residual buffer was removed
for 5 min at 2"C and 450 g. The pellet contained the and coverslips were incubated with the secondary
nuclei and larger cell fragments. antibody Alexa fluor 488 (1 : 400) or Alexa fluor 594
The postnuclear supernatant was centrifuged for (1 : 1000; Molecular Probes, Karlsruhe, Germany) for
5 min at 18 500 g and 2"C. The pellet contained 45 min at room temperature. Coverslips were washed
mitochondria and lysosomes. The postmitochondrial three times and the nuclei counterstained with 46-
supernatant was applied on a 2.5-m sucrose bed and diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) at a 1 : 1000 dilution
centrifuged for 30 min at 950 300 g at 4"C. After (concentration 1 lg ml) for 5 min at room tempera-
centrifugation the sucrose bed was separated into six ture. Coverslips were fixed on slides with antifade
fractions. reagent (Molecular Probes). Samples were analysed
The nuclei and cell membranes were separated by using an epifluorescence microscope (Olympus AX70).
a sucrose gradient with 2.52 m, 2.25 m and 2.15 m
sucrose layers. After centrifugation for 30 min at
950 300 g at 4"C, seven fractions were separated. After
sucrose gradient the samples were precipitated with We analysed the subcellular location of the cell
trichlorine acetic acid for 15 min at 11 200 g and 4"C adhesion components E-cadherin and its associated
and washed with acetone. Pellets were dried and protein b-catenin in 38 meningiomas of different
dissolved in laemmli buffer. Western blot analysis was tumour grades, including 18 common type (MI), 16
performed with the following primary antibodies: anti- atypical (MII) and four anaplastic (MIII) meningiomas.
E-cadherin (dilution 1 : 50), anti-b-catenin (dilution MI comprised nine meningiomas of the arachnoidal
1 : 500), anti-a-tubulin (dilution 1 : 10 000), anti- subtype, three fibroblastic meningiomas, three trans-
Golgi-58K (dilution 1 : 1000; Sigma, Munich, Ger- itional and three secretory meningiomas (Table 1). As
many), anti-680 ribosomal-(S3-protein) specific (rabbit positive controls we analysed two adenocarcinomas,
polyclonal, 5th blood, dilution 1 : 1000) and anti- which were brain metastases of colorectal carcinomas.
sec61a-endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-specific (rabbit In addition, we analysed the expression of b-catenin
polyclonal, 4th blood, dilution 1 : 1000). After incu- and E-cadherin in non-tumorous arachnoid tissue
bation with the primary antibody, membranes were sections. Prior to immunohistochemical analysis we
washed with 1 PBS buffer and incubated with the showed that the b-catenin and E-cadherin antibodies
appropriate secondary antibody (sheep anti-mouse, identified signals of the expected sizes in Western blot
Dianova, 1 : 30 000; goat anti-rabbit, Dianova, experiments (Figure 1a,b).
1 : 2500). Detection by ECL Plus was done as men- The adenocarcinomas showed intense focal immuno-
tioned above. reactivity of b-catenin at the cell membranes, in both
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
b-Catenin E-cadherin in meningiomas 183


Figure 1. Western blot analysis of protein lysates from different







150 kDa meningiomas and controls using antibodies against E-cadherin and
E-cadherin b-catenin. a, The expression of E-cadherin (124 kDa) was demon-
124 kDa strated in meningiomas H403 (MI), H444, H449, H457, H469 and
100 kDa
H492 (MII). Meningioma H386 (MIII) showed no E-cadherin
expression. a-Tubulin was used as control. b, The expression of
b-catenin (92 kDa) was demonstrated in all of the meningiomas and
-Tubulin in HeLa cells. Lower bands are likely to represent degradation
50 kDa
55 kDa
products. a-Tubulin was used as control. c, Lack of E-cadherin
expression was found in meningiomas H374 and H392. HeLa cells
(b) showed expression of E-cadherin. a-Tubulin was used as control.








d, Cell fractionation of protein lysates from a primary cell culture

derived from meningioma H392. Left panel, lane 1: whole protein

100 kDa
beta-catenin lysate; lane 2: postnuclear supernatant; lane 3: mitochondria,
92 kDa lysosomes; lane 4: postmitochondrial supernatant; lanes 511:
75 kDa nuclear and cellular membranes after fractionation by sucrose
gradient; right panel, lanes 16: postmitochondrial supernatant
fractions after sucrose bed separation. The cell fractions were
analysed by antibodies against the following cell components: Golgi,
50 kDa endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and ribosome fractions. a-Tubulin was
55 kDa
used as control.





150 kDa The typical staining along cellcell boundaries was

E-cadherin found in only eight out of 38 meningiomas (21%) and
100 kDa 124 kDa
was not homogeneous in all cells (Figure 2g). The
membranous b-catenin protein was detected in two out
of 18 MI meningiomas (11%), in five out of 16 MII
50 kDa 55 kDa
meningiomas (31%) and in one out of four MIII
meningiomas (Table 2).
The remaining meningiomas showed granular cyto-
(d) lane 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 1 2 3 4 5 6
plasmic b-catenin staining without membranous
100 kDa beta-catenin
92 kDa
accentuation but with an intense perinuclear granular
75 kDa
immunoreactivity in most of the cases (Figure 2e and
50 kDa Golgi 58K Table 2). These perinuclear clusters might represent
58 kDa accumulated protein in cytoplasmic compartments.
Primary cell cultures were grown from eight menin-
50 kDa
55 kDa giomas including four MI meningiomas, four MII
meningiomas and HeLa cells as positive controls. The
17 kDa ER 61 alpha cell cultures were analysed by immunofluorescence to
37 kDa
study whether cytoplasmic accumulated b-catenin was
mostly localized on the Golgi vesicles. Staining with the
17 kDa
Ribosomes 680 b-catenin antibody and an anti-Golgi antibody showed
25 kDa 30 kDa immunoreactivity on the membranes of the Golgi
vesicles (Figure 3). These results were confirmed by
double-staining experiments with both antibodies. In
cytoplasm and nuclei (Figure 2a). Non-tumorous arach- addition, the subcellular location of b-catenin was
noid cells showed b-catenin labelling at the cell mem- analysed by Western blot analysis of fractionated
brane (Figure 2c). Membranous location of b-catenin is meningioma primary cell cultures. b-Catenin was
common in cells with intact cell adhesion15. Nuclear found in cell fractions containing the ER and the Golgi
immunoreactivity indicates cells with translocation apparatus, presumably representing the ER Golgi
of b-catenin into the nucleus15. Immunohistochemical intermediate compartment (ERGIC) (Figure 1d).
analysis of meningiomas showed b-catenin expression in b-Catenin usually binds to the inner cytoplas-
all meningioma samples (38 38). Analysing the sub- mic domain of the integral membrane glycoprotein
cellular location, we found no nuclear immunoreactivity E-cadherin15. We analysed the expression of E-cadherin
in any of the analysed meningiomas (Table 1). in adenocarcinomas, in normal arachnoid tissue and in
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
184 E C Brunner et al.

Figure 2. Immunohistochemical analysis of paraffin-embedded tissues using antibodies against b-catenin and E-cadherin. Immunoperoxidase
diaminobenzidine method with haematoxylin counterstain. a, b-Catenin expression in the nucleus, at the cell membrane and in the cytoplasm of
an adenocarcinoma (N955 02; metastasis of a colorectal carcinoma). b, E-cadherin expression at the cell membrane of the same tumour sample
as in (a). c, b-Catenin expression at the cell membrane of non-tumorous arachnoid cells. d, Lack of E-cadherin expression in non-tumorous
arachnoid cells. e, Cytoplasmic b-catenin expression with granular clusters in meningioma H374. f, Membranous expression of E-cadherin in
meningioma H374. g, Membranous and cytoplasmic expression of b-catenin in meningioma H469. h, Membranous expression of E-cadherin in
the same area of meningioma H469 as in (g).

those meningioma tissues that were also tested for at the cell membrane in 25 out of 38 meningi-
b-catenin expression. The adenocarcinomas showed omas (66%) (Figure 2f,h and Table 2). Membranous
focal membranous E-cadherin expression (Figure 2b), E-cadherin expression was not associated with a certain
whereas the non-tumorous arachnoid cells did not tumour grade or histological subtypes. Seven cases did
show specific E-cadherin staining (Figure 2d). Immuno- not show any staining and six revealed staining of
histochemical analysis revealed E-cadherin expression the cytoplasm without membranous accentuation.
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
b-Catenin E-cadherin in meningiomas 185

a b c

Figure 3. Immunofluorescent staining of cell culture from meningioma H376 (MI) with the b-catenin antibody and an anti-Golgi antibody. The
same cells are double-stained with both antibodies but different secondary antibodies after methanol-fixation. a, Staining with b-catenin antibody
and a green fluorescent secondary antibody. b, Staining with anti-Golgi antibody and a red fluorescent secondary antibody. c, Staining with
b-catenin antibody and anti-Golgi antibody indicating colocalization.

Table 2. Immunohistochemical analysis of b-catenin and E-cadherin expression in meningiomas of different grades
b-Catenin expression E-cadherin expression

Positive at Positive in cytoplasm Positive at Positive in cytoplasm

cytoplasmic without cytoplasmic cytoplasmic without cytoplasmic
membrane membrane membrane membrane Negative

Percentage of the total number 21% 79% 66% 16% 18%

of analysed meningiomas (8 38) (30 38) (25 38) (6 38) (7 38)

Percentage of analysed MI 11% 89% 56% 16% 28%

(10 18) (3 18) (2 18) (16 18) (5 18)

Percentage of analysed MII 31% 69% 75% 12% 13%

(5 16) (11 16) (12 16) (2 16) (2 16)

Percentage of analysed MIII 25% 75% 75% 25% 0%

(1 4) (3 4) (3 4) (1 4) (0 4)

Notably, Western blot analysis did not show E-cadherin showed a membranous location of both b-catenin and
expression in primary cell cultures derived from men- E-cadherin, possibly indicating intact cellcell inter-
ingiomas (Figure 1c). Likewise, immunofluorescent action. These meningiomas included two of 18 MI
staining of fixed cells from meningioma primary cell meningiomas, four of 16 MII and one of four MIII
cultures did not show specific E-cadherin immuno- meningiomas.
reactivity at the cell membranes but only in the Regarding invasion, brain invasion was present in
cytoplasm. only three MIII meningiomas (Table 1), but there was
All seven cases without detectable E-cadherin expres- no correlation with a specific catenin cadherin stain-
sion showed no membranous b-catenin staining ing pattern.
including all meningiomas of the fibroblastic subtype. We performed cytogenetic analysis of primary cell
Seven out of eight meningiomas that showed b- cultures in the majority of meningiomas to identify
catenin expression at the cell membrane also showed meningiomas with loss of chromosome 22 (Table 1).
E-cadherin at the cell membrane. In addition, there The karyotypes did not indicate a correlation between
were 17 meningiomas with membranous E-cadherin the loss of chromosome 22 including loss of NF2 and
but without b-catenin signals at the cell membrane. an altered location of b-catenin or E-cadherin in the
Taken together, only seven of 38 (18%) meningiomas meningioma cells.
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
186 E C Brunner et al.

and E-cadherin in approximately 80% of all meningi-

omas provides evidence for an altered distribution of
E-cadherin and its associated intracellular catenins these proteins in meningiomas. Meningiomas that lack
play an important role in cellular integrity and mor- both membranous b-catenin and E-cadherin were found
phology. There is mounting evidence that impaired in two of 18 MI meningiomas, four of 16 MII and one of
cellcell adhesion also occurs in meningioma, which is four MIII meningiomas. Notably, only one of the nine
generally a benign human tumour. Our immunohisto- arachnoidal MI meningiomas had membranous expres-
chemical analysis revealed E-cadherin expression at the sion of both components. The latter case showed focal
cell membrane in 25 out of 38 meningiomas (66%). membranous b-catenin expression with most of the cells
Of the seven tumours that did not show E-cadherin showing cytoplasmic staining. A normal interaction of
expression, there were five MI meningiomas and two b-catenin and E-cadherin at the cell membranes appears
MII meningiomas. Several studies have described to be unlikely in these meningiomas.
reduced expression of E-cadherin in undifferentiated Concerning brain invasion, which is not part of the
cancers and elevated E-cadherin expression in more WHO grading system,2 two out of three MIII menin-
differentiated tumours.9,10 Immunohistochemical ana- giomas lacked membranous b-catenin staining; how-
lysis of non-tumorous arachnoid tissue showed no ever, there was no correlation with a specific staining
specific E-cadherin staining. These data are in agree- pattern.
ment with those of Yamashima et al., who did not The hallmark of tumorigenesis of meningiomas is the
identify E-cadherin at the cell membrane. However, loss of chromosome 22, including loss of heterozygosity
Yamashima et al. has shown E-cadherin in the cyto- of the NF2 gene. Recent studies have shown that
plasm of arachnoid villi.14 merlin, encoded by NF2, acts as a tumour suppressor
While there are conflicting results on the relation- by controlling cadherin-mediated cell contact.6 How-
ship between E-cadherin expression and tumour grade ever, the frequency of NF2 mutations varies with the
in meningiomas, our data argue against the assump- histological subtype. While fibroblastic and transitional
tion that increased malignancy is associated with loss meningiomas show mutations in 7080% of cases,
of E-cadherin expression in meningiomas. In contrast, these mutations occur in only 25% of arachnoidal
our data lend support to previous studies that have meningiomas. This has led to the assumption that
reported membranous E-cadherin to be independent of arachnoidal meningiomas have a different genetic
the tumour grade or histological subtype.11 origin.16 Moreover, reduced expression of the NF2
The cytoplasmic tail of E-cadherin binds b-catenin to gene product is seen in only a minority of arachnoidal
connect cadherin via a-catenin to actin filaments. This meningiomas but is frequent in other histological
complex formation is necessary to provide functional subtypes.17 We performed cytogenetic analysis in the
cellcell adhesion. In our study we found membranous majority of meningiomas to identify loss of chromo-
b-catenin in only 21% of meningiomas with a slightly some 22, including loss of one NF2 allele. Our
decreased frequency in MI meningiomas compared cytogenetic analysis of primary cell cultures from
with MII meningiomas. We also detected intense meningiomas showed no correlation between chromo-
perinuclear granular immunoreactivity in most of the some 22 loss and the altered localization of b-catenin
meningiomas without nuclear location of b-catenin. and E-cadherin. These results make it unlikely that
Our results indicate that loss of membranous b-catenin loss of NF2 expression is associated with loss of the
is frequent in meningiomas. Immunofluorescent stud- proper localization of b-catenin and E-cadherin in
ies of primary meningioma cell cultures showed accu- meningiomas.
mulation of b-catenin in Golgi vesicles, but also in Additional factors in the cell adhesion system have
other cytoplasmic compartments. This observation was also been reported to be involved in meningioma
supported by the Western blot analysis of fractionated development. The CD44 antigen is a transmembrane
cells showing b-catenin in cytoplasmic compartments, glycoprotein that is involved in cell adhesion and
specifically in the ER and the Golgi apparatus. trafficking as well as in tumour motility and progres-
b-Catenin also plays a decisive role in the Wnt sion. CD44-mediated signal transduction leads to
signalling pathway, which has been implicated in the activation of the GTPases Rac1 and Rho, resulting in
pathogenesis of various human cancers.15 The activa- reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton.18 CD44 is also
ted pathway leads to the stabilization of b-catenin a receptor for hyaluronic acid, which plays a role in the
and its translocation into the nucleus. Our analysis extracellular matrix of the brain. As we have previ-
of meningiomas did not show nuclear location of ously shown, the hyaluronidase MGEA519 causes a
b-catenin. However, the lack of membranous b-catenin humoral immune response in meningiomas, possibly
! 2006 The Authors. Journal compilation ! 2006 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Histopathology, 49, 178187.
b-Catenin E-cadherin in meningiomas 187

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