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Table 9.

4 Water Supply vs Projected Water Demand

Existing Water Treatment Capacity as a guide to how much raw water could At the household level, installing water
be abstracted for treatment. Table 9.5 saving devices shall be encouraged to Water Raw Water C u r r e n t Ultimate Design Water Demand
Table 9.4 shows the summary of individual provides some basic data of Lake Muhazi, reduce the water use (refer to Fig.9.1) Tr eat m e n t Source C a pa c i t y Capacity 2025 2040
water treatment plant capacity and the Lake Mugesera and Nyabarongo River while at the township level, the City should Plant (WTP) (m3/d) (m3/d)
water supply deficit that the City would be which could be considered in planning for be looking at using alternative water Kimisagara Yanze River 22,000 22,000
facing by Year 2025 and Year X. The deficit water abstraction from them. sources such as rainwater harvesting (refer
Nyabarongo Nyabarongo River 25,000 40,000
is derived based on the ultimate design to Fig.9.2) or treated effluent from STP for 369,078 622,089
capacity of these plants. Water Distribution System non-potable use. Karenge Lake Mugesera 12,000 12,000
Total 59,000 74,000
Potential Water Resource Most of the water supply within the City These strategies, if implemented properly, Deficit -295,078 -548,089
would be distributed through the expansion would be able to reduce the dependence
To overcome the water supply deficit, the of the existing water supply network. The on the potable water by 10 20%. Refer to
Table 9.5 Basic Data of Lake Muhazi, Lake Mugesera and Nyabarongo River
existing WTPs have to be expanded and planning of the water distribution network Table 9.6 to compare how other cities in the
new water resources must be identified to expansion is based on the following factors: world are managing their water usage. Potential Water Basic Data

augment the water supply. Planning considerations for the future Resources
water distribution system are: Nyabarongo River upstream, surface area: 2,700km2, annual rainfall: 1,500mm
Besides the plan to upgrade Nyabarongo downstream, surface area: 4,450km2, annual rainfall: 1,200mm
WTP from 25,000 m3/d to 40,000 m3/d, Topography to consider expansion of Average depth: 2 - 2.5m, Max. depth: 4.6m
another new water resource that is currently network in areas where the elevation is Lake Muhazi Max. length: 37km, Max. width: 0.6km
under planning is to abstract spring water not significantly higher than the existing Surface area: 33km2, Average depth: 10m
from Mutobo, Muzanse District near the network i.e. where pumping is still Max. depth: 14m, Water volume: 330 million m3
northern boundary of Rwanda. The project reasonable; Surface elevation: 1,443m
is being planned by EWSA. It is expected Lake Mugesera Surface area: 42km2, Average depth: 4m
to supply 120,000 m3/day of water for the Coverage of existing network in areas Max. depth: 4m, Water volume: 168 million m3
City of Kigali and the surroundings upon too remote from the existing network or
Source: Wikipedia
completion in 2017. The water quality is cut off by extremely high grounds, it may
better than the surface water and will not be feasible or economically viable to Fig.9.1 Water Saving Devices
Source: Envirogadget, Plumbing4home, Table 9.6 Water Demand Management Comparison
require minimum treatment. Even with the expand the network there
planned projects, the water supply will not Ecobuilder Water 30% of Singapore water supply comes from treated waste water (Newater)
be sufficient to meet the future demand. Water demand distribution the Recycling Tel Aviv recyles and reuses 100% of its sewage for non potable use.
expansion of the existing water supply
California State has a law that allow the use of treated waste water for
City of Kigali has an extensive network of network should focus on areas of
toilet flushing and in-building piping
river and quite a few big lakes surrounding high future demands. In rural areas
it. To date, only water from Yanze River, where the water demand is relatively Rainwater New Zealands rural population, who does not have access to the municipal
Nyabarongo River and Lake Mugesera is insignificant and scattered it would not Harvesting water supply network, depends on rainwater harvesting for both potable
and non potable uses
abstracted for treatment to supply to the be economically viable to expand the
City. Another lake closest to the City, Lake network there Mumbai has regulation that encourages all new developments to harvest
Muhazi, has the potential of being a new rain water
water resource for the City. Water Demand Management Household in Melbourne typically has a rainwater harvesting tank that is
used for non potable use
As there is limited information on the Besides augmenting the water supply, it Water Saving Singapore: 18% water demand reduction
existing water resource in Rwanda, an is advisable to manage the water demand Device Tokyo: 20% water demand reduction
estimation of the volumes of the lake serves from the household level to township level. Fig.9.2 Rainwater Harvesting Tank
Source: The Innovation Diaries Source: Wikipedia

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