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The role of sodium in hypertension is more

complex than simply elevating arterial pressure
Edward D Frohlich* and Jasmina Varagic

A large body of evidence has emerged from
Excessive salt intake exacerbates hypertension and further increases
clinical epidemiological and interventional
left-ventricular mass in clinical essential and experimental hypertension.
investigations as well as experimental studies
Additionally, a growing body of evidence strongly suggests that high
that have repeatedly identified a positive rela-
dietary salt loading exerts detrimental cardiac effects independently of
tionship between salt and hypertension. The
its hemodynamic load. The clinical evidence of cardiac structural and
multinational Intersalt study1,2 clearly related
functional alterations associated with salt is, however, scarce. In order to
dietary sodium and blood pressure across
explore the purported beliefs in humans, in this review we draw on our
many populations and, even more difficult to
experimental studies in naturally occurring hypertension and discuss the
demonstrate, within populations. In support of
clinical implications of the nonhemodynamic mechanisms underlying
these epidemiological findings, well-controlled
these salt-related changes.
clinical trials have provided strong evidence
KEYWORDS dietary salt loading, hypertension, left-ventricular hypertrophy,
ventricular dysfunction, ventricular fibrosis
that reduction of sodium intake lowers arte-
rial pressure in both hypertensive and normo-
REVIEW CRITERIA tensive people.3,4
We searched the National Library of Medicine MEDLINE database using following In addition to elevated arterial pressure, left-
keywords: hypertension, salt, left ventricle, hypertrophy, fibrosis, and left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is an independ-
ventricular function. Only English-language articles were obtained, all of them
in extensor, which were searched to identify other relevant articles. ent cardiovascular risk factor in hypertension
in association with impaired coronary hemo-
dynamics, ventricular fibrosis and dysfunction,
and apoptosis.57 Over many years, clinical and
experimental studies have demonstrated the
additional potential of salt to adversely affect
cardiac structure and function independ-
ently of its influence on arterial pressure.811
This finding is exceedingly important since
only a small fraction of hypertensive patients
are said to demonstrate SODIUM-SENSITIVE
HYPERTENSION. In some large epidemiological
studies,12,13 but not in others,14 high sodium
intake has notably been indicated as a strong
and independent contributor to increased
cardiovascular risks and mortality.
This review summarizes the increasing
strong clinical and experimental evidence that
supports the concept that sodium, rather than
simply elevating arterial pressure, has a far
ED Frohlich is the Alton Ochsner Distinguished Scientist and Jasmina Varagic more complex role in hypertension. Although
is a staff scientist at the Oschner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA, USA. not comprehensive, we present compelling
evidence for a pattern of cardiac structural
*Ochsner Clinic Foundation, 1514 Jefferson Highway, New Orleans, LA 70121, USA
and functional changes that accounts for the observed cardiovascular risk of increased
sodium consumption. Where clinical evidence
Received 2 July 2004 Accepted 11 September 2004
is less strong, we add our experience from
doi:10.1038/ncpcardio0025 studies with experimental naturally occurring



300 - 8- GLOSSARY
Systolic arterial pressure (mmHg)


LV-mass index (mg/g)

250 - 6- Increased arterial pressure
response to sodium loading
200 - 4- FAILURE
ab Symptomatic impaired
3- systolic ventricular function
150 - 2-


100 - 0-

0.22 - 0.90 -
a ab

LV end-diastolic diameter (cm)

Posterior wall diameter (cm)

0.21 - a 0.85 -
0.20 - 0.80 -

0.19 - 0.75 -

0.18 - 0.70 -

0.17 - 0.65 -

0.16 - 0.60 -
Control Salt Salt Control Salt Control Salt Salt Control Salt
without with without with
Young SHR Old SHR Young SHR Old SHR

Figure 1 Systolic arterial pressure and left-ventricular geometry in salt-loaded younger (16 weeks) and
older (52 weeks) adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Data are presented as mean value 1 SEM.
aP <0.05 vs respective control group. bP <0.05 vs salt without congestive heart failure. CHF, congestive
heart failure; SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rats.

hypertension to provide important clinical rel- In the adult spontaneously hypertensive rat,
evance and to establish the validity for further which is the best experimental model of natu-
clinical investigation. rally occurring hypertension, we have deter-
mined the cardiac response to different levels
SALT AND ALTERED LEFT-VENTRICULAR of dietary salt excess.21,8 Rats were given 8%
STRUCTURE salt in food, roughly corresponding to twice
Salt and left-ventricular mass the salt intake in human societies with the
Excess dietary salt exacerbates hypertensive higher salt consumption. Younger rats started
disease14 and further increases LV mass in their high-salt diet at 8 weeks of age and older
clinical essential and experimental hyper- rats began salt loading at 20 weeks. The groups
tension. 811,1517 Although an expanded were studied echocardographically at age
intravascular volume in response to high salt 16 weeks in the younger and 52 weeks in the
intake may also occur, sodium intake in hyper- older group. In most rats, salt excess induced
tensive patients correlates more strongly with concentric LVH associated with impaired
LV wall thickness than with LV end-diastolic ventricular relaxation and increased arte-
diameters.17,18 Furthermore, a growing body rial pressure. Of the younger group, however,
of clinical and experimental evidence also sug- 25% developed OVERT CARDIAC FAILURE; and
gests an important interaction between salt and these were the only rats in which LV diastolic
myocardial mass that may be independent of diameter increased significantly with sodium
hemodynamic overload. Thus, increased salt loading, reflecting impaired ventricular func-
intake is a critical independent predictor of tion (Figure 1). Notably, sustained salt excess
LV enlargement in patients with essential elevated arterial pressure only slightly (17%)
hypertension.11,1720 in younger and older adult spontaneously


GLOSSARY 7.5 - ab open new avenues in clinical evaluation of salt-

EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX related cardiac structural alterations.
A stable complex of 7.0 - In experimental hypertension, the potential of

concentration (mg/g)
macromolecules that

LV hydroxyproline
surrounds cells in the
6.5 -
salt to exaggerate collagen deposition has been
ventricular interstitium
recognized. In stroke-prone spontaneously hyper-
6.0 - a tensive rats, 6 weeks of 1% salt in drinking water
increased collagen mRNA in the left ventricu-
5.5 -
lum.25 Increased LV hydroxyproline concentra-
4.5 -
tion (an index of ventricular collagen content)
can be seen in response to dietary salt excess in
4.0 -
Control Salt Salt Control Salt
younger and older adult spontaneously hyperten-
without with sive rats (Figure 2). Fibrosis was also more prom-
inent in younger rats that developed heart
Young SHR Old SHR
failure.21 Furthermore, in a morphological study,
Figure 2 Left-ventricular hydroxyproline
increased interstitial as well as perivascular col-
concentration in spontaneously hypertensive lagen deposition was demonstrated in Wistar
rats receiving high-salt diet. Data are presented Kyoto and spontaneously hypertensive rats receiv-
as mean value 1 SEM. aP <0.05 vs respective ing a high-salt diet.9 Although the profibrotic
control group. bP <0.05 vs salt without congestive effect of salt has usually been coupled with
heart failure. CHF, congestive heart failure; SHR, elevated blood pressure, an increasing body of
spontaneously hypertensive rats.
experimental evidence supports the concept of a
pressure-independent link between salt and the
hypertensive rats, but it substantially increased EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. Indeed, the Wistar
LV-mass index in young adult rats (88%) as Kyoto rats receiving salt excess developed cardiac
compared with the older rats (25%).21 We also fibrosis to a similar extent as the untreated spon-
demonstrated that the correlation between the taneously hypertensive rats, and their systolic
level of sodium-intake and cardiac mass was pressure was much lower.9 Additionally, a calcium
stronger than between mean arterial pres- antagonist reduced the degree of salt-induced col-
sure and cardiac mass.8 Even in normoten- lagen deposition in stroke-prone spontaneously
sive Wistar Kyoto control rats receiving excess hypertensive rats in the absence of blood-pressure
dietary salt, LV mass increased without hemo- changes, providing further evidence for a
dynamic changes.8,10 On the other hand, there pressure-independent effect of salt.25
is increasing evidence from clinical as well
as experimental studies demonstrating that EFFECTS OF SALT EXCESS ON
reduction in salt intake diminishes LV mass LEFT-VENTRICULAR FUNCTION
independently of arterial pressure changes.22,23 As suggested above, LVH has been recognized
These findings provide further support to the for many years as a major risk factor for cardiac
concept that increased LV mass associated failure, ventricular dysrhythmias and coronary
with sodium excess may not totally reflect the arterial disease. Moreover, increasing evidence
pressure overload. It seems, therefore, that indicates that, in hypertension, salt excess
in hypertension, dietary sodium overload further increases LV mass and fibrosis out of
exacerbates cardiac hypertrophic response to proportion to any rise in arterial pressure; this
pressure increase. finding has major implications concerning
cardiovascular risk.
Salt and myocardial fibrosis The possible relationship between salt and
Although ventricular fibrosis frequently com- LV functional changes has rarely been tested
plicates hypertensive LVH clinically and experi- clinically. Two reports have demonstrated that
mentally,6 few clinical studies have addressed impaired LV diastolic filling was positively cor-
the role of salt as a mediator of cardiac fibro- related with sodium excretion or blood-pressure
sis. Serum carboxy-terminal propeptide of sodium sensitivity.26,27 For example, a reduced
procollagen type I and carboxy-terminal telo- maximum of early diastolic filling velocity (VE) as
peptide of collagen type I have been shown clin- well as an early to atrial (VA) filling velocity ratio
ically to be useful markers of collagen turnover (VE/VA) were demonstrated in sodium-sensitive
in the myocardium,24 and these surrogates may essential hypertensive patients but not in sodium-


55 - 0.06 - GLOSSARY
50 -
a Inability of heart to fill with
0.04 - blood during diastole

IVRT (s)
45 -
FS (%)

40 -
0.02 - determined time interval
ab between aortic-valve
35 - closure and the start of
mitral flow

3.0 - 30 - determined time interval
between the peak of early
2.5 - b diastolic filling velocity
25 - a and the intersection of the
deceleration of flow with the
2.0 -
VP (cm/s)

1.5 - a 20 -

1.0 -
15 -
0.5 -

0- 10 -
Control Salt Salt Control Salt Control Salt Salt Control Salt
without with without with
Young SHR Old SHR Young SHR Old SHR

Figure 3 Echocardiografically measured systolic and diastolic function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
fed with an 8% salt diet. Data are presented as mean value 1 SEM. aP < 0.05 vs respective control group.
bP <0.05 vs salt without congestive heart failure. CHF, congestive heart failure; FS, fractional shortening;
IVRT, isovolumic relaxation time; SHR, spontaneously hypertensive rats; VE/VA, early and atrial filling
velocity ratio; Vp, propagation velocity of early filling.

resistant patients whose arterial pressure was Thus, salt-induced myocytic hypertrophy and
comparable.26 accumulated fibrillar collagen within the extra-
In our studies of spontaneously hypertensive cellular matrix seems to promote LV functional
rats, dietary salt excess increased arterial pressure alterations clinically and experimentally. It has
more than in rats receiving normal salt diets and been suggested that diffuse interstitial fibrosis
promoted DIASTOLIC DYSFUNCTION manifested interferes with ventricular relaxation and con-
by extended ISOVOLUMIC RELAXATION TIME, tributes importantly to abnormal ventricular
decreased VE/VA ratio and slower propagation stiffness.28 Additionally, perivascular fibrosis
velocity of early filling (VP , Figure 3).21 These might restrict coronary vasodilation, thereby
echocardiographically measured ventricular relax- diminishing blood supply to the hypertrophic
ation abnormalities were associated with a further LV, having increased oxygen demand.2931 We
increase in LV mass and hydroxyproline concen- demonstrated profound impairment in LV
tration. Moreover, the subgroup of younger salt- coronary vasodilatory reserve response (to
loaded spontaneously hypertensive rats developed dipyridamole) in salt-loaded young adult spon-
heart failure with impaired systolic (decreased taneously hypertensive rats as compared with
fractional shortening) and diastolic function asso- untreated rats of the same age (ED Frohlich,
ciated with a still greater LV mass and myocardial unpublished data). Therefore, sodium-loading
fibrosis. The significantly increased VE /Vp ratio in such rats seems to be manifested not only by
(an index of LV filling pressure) and restrictive fill- further elevated pressure but also by significant
ing pattern (shorter DECELERATION TIME OF E) LV functional impairment related to enhanced
clearly indicated a stiffer chamber (Figure 4). ventricular fibrosis.


GLOSSARY 0.05 - water. Additionally, experimental data increas-

TRANSFORMING ingly suggest that even a short period of salt
a excess is harmful in early life.21,33 This finding
A factor synthesized in
various tissues that is 0.04 - is supported by our experimental work; spon-
involved in transformation taneously hypertensive rats are more suscepti-

DTE (s)
with respect to inflammation
and fibrosis ble to cardiac damage when high dietary salt is
introduced earlier in life.21 Therefore, a care-
0.03 -
ful evaluation of cardiovascular consequences
of salt excess at a young age is also strongly
0.02 -


0.05 -
ab In addition to the hemodynamic factors
0.04 - cited, nonhemodynamic salt-induced adverse
cardiovascular mechanisms must be con-
0.03 -
sidered. In particular, evidence suggests that

salt-related cardiomyocyte hypertrophy and

exaggerated accumulation of fibrillar col-
0.02 - lagen within the extracellular matrix are, at
least in part, independent of hemodynamic
0.01 - load.9,18,22,33,34 In some clinical studies,
Control Salt Salt Control Salt reduction in salt intake modulated the hemo-
without with
CHF CHF dynamic response to noradrenalin, imply-
Young SHR Old SHR ing overactive adrenergic function.35 General
Figure 4 Deceleration time of mitral E wave sympathetic activity is enhanced with excessive
and left-ventricular filling pressure. aP < 0.05 vs sodium intake in some studies10,15,36,37 but
respective control group. Data are presented as not in others.38 Intriguingly, salt loading did
mean value 1 SEM. bP <0.05 vs salt without not increase plasma noradrenalin concentra-
congestive heart failure. CHF, congestive heart tions in patients;39 cardiac sympathetic activity
failure; DTE, deceleration time of E; SHR,
tended to be diminished in some experimental
spontaneously hypertensive rats; VE/VP , ratio of
early to propagation velocity of early filling time.
studies.10,22 Additionally, Grassi et al.40 dem-
(Figure used with permission from the American onstrated that reduced sodium intake, after
Journal of Physiology.) 1 or 8 weeks increased sympathetic activity
in essential hypertensive patients and thereby
could aggravate damage to target organs. This
DOES AGE MATTER? and other reports relating reduced salt intake
Considerable evidence has been derived from to risk of myocardial infarction associated with
population studies indicating that blood pres- elevated plasma renin activity41,42 raise some
sure progressively increases with increasing concern about severe salt restriction, although
age, and that the prevalence of hypertension is they are heavily criticized.43,44
also related to salt consumption.1,2 Therefore, a The possible role of certain growth-promoting
moderately restricted sodium diet has been rec- hormones and factors in salt-induced cardio-
ommended for healthy adults worldwide, par- vascular alterations has also been raised. To
ticularly for older individuals and patients with this end, participation of locally as well as sys-
hypertension and renal disease. Equally impor- temically generated components of the renin-
tant are the conclusions drawn from the funda- angiotensin-aldosterone sytem,4548 endothelin49
mental and clinical studies that have addressed and TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR-9 has
the detrimental effects of high salt intake early been suggested.
in life. For example, in the trial conducted by Finally, in-vitro studies have added sup-
Pomeranz et al.,32 formula milk diluted with port to the concept that salt may have a direct
high-sodium tap water increased blood pres- influence on cardiovascular growth.50 Elevated
sure in neonates compared with that in children sodium concentration in culture medium
fed formula prepared with low-sodium spring induced hypertrophy of both cardiac myoblasts


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