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Pakistan International School, English Section

Subject: Biology Chapter 13: Coordination and response

Grade: 9 Worksheet 1 neurones and reflex arc
Name: ______________________________ Section: ______

1) The diagram shows a neurone. Which structures could be found at X and Y?


A brain intestine

B brain leg

C eye hand

D skin Spinal cord

2) The diagram shows the human nervous system. Which letter indicates a part of the central
nervous system?

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3) The diagram shows a person sweating in hot weather. What part is played by sweat glands
during the process of sweating?

A effector
B receptor
C sense-organ
D stimulus

4) The diagram shows a neurone carrying an impulse. Which row describes the type of neurone
and the direction of impulse?

Type of neurone Direction of impulse

A motor towards the spinal cord
B motor away from the spinal cord

C sensory towards the spinal cord

D sensory away from the spinal cord

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5) The diagram shows a cell. What type of cell is shown?

A ciliated cell
B motor neurone
C relay neurone
D sensory neurone
6) Which type of cells do all sense organs contain?
A ciliated
B effector
C mesophyll
D receptor
7) A man injures his arm in an accident. Afterwards, he can feel objects touching his hand, but he
cannot move his hand away from them. What could cause this?
A Receptors in his hand are damaged.
B The nerve connection is cut only between the receptors in his hand and his central
nervous system.
C The nerve connection is cut only between his central nervous system and the effectors in
his arm.
D Both of these nerve connections are cut.
8) A boy accidentally touches a very hot object and immediately takes his hand away. In this reflex
action, what is the effector?
A a heat receptor in his hand
B a motor neurone
C a muscle in his arm
D the spinal cord

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