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411 human beings

Manual for human rights education

An illustrated practica! guide to help pupils, '-U
students and teachers at primary and secondary
levis, all over the world, to understand the
universal elements of human rights. It aims at
promoting the common aspiration to social
progress and better living conditions in a context
of greater freedom, as laid down in the Universal
Declaration of Human Rights.
It does not seek to be exhaustive, but rather
to propose material that can be developed
and supplemented in an ongoing process. It is
for educators and learners, in their own cultural
contexts, to discover how human rights can
acquire meaning in their daily lives.

ISBN qa-3-LQ3vS15-b
The designations employed and the
presentation o material throghout ,this
guide do not imply the expression of any
opinin whatsoever on the par of UNESCO
c-oncerning the legal status of any coimtry,
territory, city or rea or of its authorities,
or concerning Ihe delimitalion o it Irontiers
or boundaries.
Published in 1998 by llie United Nations
Educalional, Scicndk' and Ciillural
7, place de Fontenoy
75352 Paris 07 SP
Graphic design, layout and illustrations by
Atelier Takavoir
(Estelle Martin and Emmanel Labard)
25 ru Michel Le Comte, 75003 Paris
Printed by Europa, B-1428 Lillois-Wiiterzee
ISBN 92-3-103512-6
Printed in Belgium
The mportance of the role of human rights education in the global context of
the realization of human rights cannot be ignored. Universal and effective
human rights protection can only be achieved through an informed and
continued demand for human rights protection by the people; only through
knowing the rights of all and the means to ensure their respect can we defen
and ullimately realize them. In this sense, human rights education constitutes
an esscntial contribution to the long-term prevention of human rights abuses
and an important investment towards the achievement of a just society in
which all persons are valued and respected.
This Manual for Human Rights Education represents a valuable contribution
to i h i s aim. It provides ideas for educational activities to be developed in
primary and secondary schools, with due atiention to the developmental stag
o pupils and students, in order to make human rights principies meaningful
to thc'ir daily Uves and experience.
Il s important to stress that human rights education within education
sysiems requires ihe full involvement not only of students but all those
concerned, including teachers, administrators and parents. It should constitut
a parlicipatory practice, in an atmosphere of mutual respect, to develop
logethcr understanding of a common responsibility to make human rights a
realily in our communities.
This is why human rights education is not only education about human
rights but also/or human rights. It is on this assumption that the United
Nalions Decade for Human Righls Education (1995-2004) - a global project
within which governments, international organizations, non-governmental
organizations,-professional associations, all sectors of civic society and
individuis have been called upon to establish partnerships and to concntrat
efforts for human rights promotion - is based.
Furthering the Decade's goals through the organization of formal and non
formal education programmes; working in local community programmes
directcd to the protection of human rights; organizing public events to raise
awareness of human rights and violations thereof; making institutions aware
the importance of human rights protection and promotion; actively
participating in activities of human rights organizations - thcse are all courses (ontents
of aclion we can take to contrihute to global efforts towards the full
realization of human rights for all. I count on your support, since the
aehievement of this ultmate goal will enlirely dcpend on the contribution Foreword
that each and everyone of us will be willing to make.

!. An approach to human rights

Peace and human rights
^L Democracy and human rights
Human rights and the question of vales
Mary Robinson Combating discrimination and racism
United Nations High Commissioner Human rights are universal and indivisible
for Human Rights Human rights are clearly defined
Human rights and specific rights
Human rights have had to be fought for
Regional organizations, conventions, and safeguarding and watchdog arrangements

2. A method for human rights education

Concepts and knowledge
Practice and projects for action
Debate and discussion about vales
Suggestions for primary schools
Suggestions for secondary schools

3. Understanding human rights in the classroom

Civil and political rights
Economic and social rights
Cultural rights
The right to development
The right to a balanced environment
The right and freedom of access to the natural and cultural heritage,
including the common heritage of humanity

Games based on the rights of the child

A game based on the French jeu de I' ole
'leunes vos droits!'

A PPendices

Appendix i. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Appendix 2. The Convention on the Rights of the Child

"ndex Of basic rights and freedoms


The World Conference on Human Rights (Vienna, 1993) took the position that human
rights education, training and public Information were essential in order to crate and
Bromte stable and harmonious relations among different communities and to foster
Ijnutual understanding, tolerance and peace.
UNESCO has prepared this Manual for Human Rights Education as a contribution to the
' fiftieth anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on 10 December 1998
' and to.the United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education (1995-2004). While
intended mainly for educators, it may also be useful to secondary-school students and in
the context of non-formal education.
The Manual is the result of teamwork, with participation by numerous educators and
experts from various regions of the world. A preliminary versin was submitted to the
delgales of UNESCO Member States at the 29th session of the Organization's General
Conference and has since been tested in several schools throughout the world.
The Manual is addressed to primary- and secondary-school teachers and to instructors
in non-formal education for children and adults. It is a teaching aid providing both
theory and practical advice. However, parts of it can be used directly, without any
teacher, by young people from the age of 14 upwards.
Part 1 sets out an approach to the concepts essential if human rights education is to be
rigorous, have a scientific basis, expand knowledge and promote thought. This part is to
be read by teachers who wish to impart human rights education. It can be understood by
secondary students aged 14 and over. It incorporates the basic components of the
Declaration and Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace, Human Rights
and Democracy (1994).
Part 2 is addressed to schoolteachers and those in positions of responsibility. It is
essentially a tool for teaching. It opens up avenues, makes suggestions and gives advice
on how all educational disciplines can embrace the objectives inherent in human rights
education. Obviously all teachers are free, in the light of their own cultures and
individual pedagogical choices, to invent and crate approaches and situations different
from those suggested here.
Part 3 presents a number of pedagogical examples that have been tried out and that
provide an approach for educational work concerning a specific right. The plan follows
that of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which is quoted and referred to at

lis part may be regarded as an educational demonstration of the features of this
n, the fiftieth anniversary of which is being celebrated by UNESCO and the
Jtions in 1998.
ichers and organizers can be guidcd by the experiments presenled here lo
2 information, training and reflection. There is no need to follow any particular
the need arises, a particular right (such as the right to health care or the right to
vell-balanced environment) can be introduced before or af'ter another right, or
This Manual has been planned and produced under the authority of Kaisa Savolai:
may be on a single right. However, the order o ihe anieles in the Universal
TV -tor Section for Humanistic, Cultural and International Education, UNESCO.
m makes it an eminently coherent whole, which is why we have followed it
It was compiled by Francine Best, agrge in philosophy, Honorary Director of t
'preen Institu National de Recherche Pdagogique, on the basis of contributions
art may be used by secondary students, either as a whole or in part.
requested by UNESCO from the following experts and institutes: Patrice Meyer-Bi
3lion presented can be interpreted as an acconnt of a spediic experience
Co-ordinator at the Institute of Ethics and Human Rights of the University of Fribov
e by children or adolescents in a specific part of the world.
Switzerland; Betty Reardon, Director of the Peace Education Program at Teachers
contains, as it were, a series of 'educational tales'. These provide practical tools
College, Columbia University, United States of America; the Cairo Institute for Hi
rs who will be able to reproduce the situations described or imagine others.
Rights Studies (CIHRS), Egypt; and the Instituto Interamericano de Derechos
>ped that, with examples i'rom all over the world, the Manual will promote
Humanos (IIDH), Costa Rica, whose proposals have been extensively used in drafti
ral understanding. We aim to provide an educational tool that will help
the Manual.
md teachers in whatever regin they may be to understand the universal
Associated Schools and other schools from various parts of the world have provi
of human rights which apply to all cultures and that it will guide them in
examples of pedaggica! activities in human rights education.
a common aspiration to social progress and better living conditions in a context
The United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Geneva, was also
freedom, as laid down in the Universal Declaration.
anual does not seek to be exhaustive but rather to propose material which can
Paolo Fontani, Associate Expert, provided indispensable assistance and the ben
ped and supplemented in an ongoing process. It will be for educators and
his knowledge throughout the preparatory process?*Ongoing assistance was also ava
n their own cultural contexts, to discover how human rights can acquire
from the team in the Section for Humanistic, Cultural and International Educa
n their daily lives.
We are deeply grateful to Louis-Edmond Pettiti, Judge at the European Courl
Human Rights, for his guidance and advice.
UNESCO also thanks the following Associated Schools and other schools, institu
and individuis whose support to this work was invaluable:

Associated Schools and other schools

Belgium, Bulgaria, Cuba, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Finland, Fr
Germany, Guyana, Hait, Italy, Kuwait, Malawi, Poland, the Russian Federation, Sei
Slovenia, Spain, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Togo, Trinidad and Te
and Yugoslavia.

Aabo Akademi University, Department of Law, Finland; Cuban National Commissio
UNESCO; Educatioi% ; for Peace Unit, Office of Rural Education, Ministry of National
Education, Burundi; European Trade Union Committee for Education and the educators
from twelve African countries who participated in the Dakar and Ouagadougou
workshops; Fondation Roi Baudouin, Belgium; Guyanese National Commission for
UNESCO; Haitian National Commission for Co-operation with UNESCO; Italian National
Commission for UNESCO; Malawian National Commission for UNESCO; Philippine
National Commission for UNESCO; Senegalese National Commission for UNESCO;
Yugoslav National Commission for UNESCO.
Bruce Coleman, Human Rights Commission of New Zealand; Angela Commisso and
PEER-Somalia; Johan de Wilde and UNESCO Quito; Terence Duffy, University of Ulster,
United Kingdom; Pekka Elo and Olli Hakala, National Board of Education, Finland;
Martha Falconier de Moyano, United Nations Population Fund Support Team for Latn
America and the Caribbean; Nancy Flowers, Amnesty International; Martine Guerchon
and the Commission of the French Republic for Education, Science and Culture;
Sandra Gift, Sub-Regional Co-ordinator, ASP, UNESCO Port-of-Spain; A. Kannan,
Theosophy Science Centre, Madras, India; Sami Khasawnih, Academic Vice-President,
University of Jordn; Mary Klaver and the New Zealand National Commission for
UNESCO; Cheryl Law, Birkbeck College, University of London; Janine Marn and the
World Federation of UNESCO Centres, Clubs and Associations; Isaac Nguema, President
of the African Commission for Human and Peoples' Rights; Sylvanus Olotu-Leigh, United
Nations Population Fund Support Team for Southern frica; Ignace Sanwidi and
UNESCO Bujumbura, Burundi; Klaus Trnudd, Geneva Centre for Security Policy;
Isabelle Tremblay, Mond'Ami, Quebec, Canad; Margaret Tuomi, University of Jyvskyl,
Finland; Jos Tuvilla, Educator, Almera, Spain; Felice Yeban, Gradate College,
Philippine Normal University; and all the participants in the three seminars organized by
the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies (CIHRS) to evalate the preliminary versin
of this Manual.
Education Sector, UNESCO
Fax: (+33) 1 45 68 56 22
Peace and human rights RTjbjMs] and [cjjliyEJJTJNS]. They are specific rights, which
no't n'y subtend or reform specific laws, but can also be laught.
| Over and above humanrightsteaching as such, humanrightsare
o, tn e wellspring of any education that is concerned not only with
a I learning and knowledge but also with behaviour and attitudes.
From the teaching point of view it is t h u s preferable, in
Men, women and children long to live in peace, but it is not dealing with the inseparable twin concepts of peace and human
always easy to establish peace. Wars are becoming increasingly rights, to include the question of peace and the human ideal it
diverse, ranging from civil war to genocida. All too often, human represents in the overall problem of human rights. We must
beings, imprisoned in poverty and disease, are ignorant of the fact f pursue two goals at once: the construction of peace and respect
that after the Second World War universal rights valid ior all were for human rights.
proclaimed so as to enable all members of the world community Our task in schools is to provide inormation and set in motion
to live in peace. These rights are enshrined in the international actions that will make trese two goals a reality, without
I 1
treaties in forc for the States that have[R_ATI_F_l_EDj them as well as [subordinating either to the other.
in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. They are legal A culture of peace, constructed in the minds of each human
principies to be incorporated in the legislation of all States, and being and in all corners of the world, must necessarily be
they are also ethical vales which can freely and rationally guide ' accompanied by human rights education. These rights can testify
the attitudes and actions of all individuis, irrespective of their to universal vales such as freedom, justice and equality for all.
ethnic, national or cultural backgrounds. They express principies and vales that enable the members of
How can human rights be respected in a part of the world the human community to live together, settle their conflicts and
ravaged by war? It is in the context of peace that individuis can reglate social lile. They are the essential ingredients of a culture
respect one another, enjoy their right to lie and exercise all their of peace.
fundamental rights.
Education in human rights and in respect for human rights
can instil in the mind of any individual the basic elements of a
culture of peace. In the words of UNESCO's Constitution:
'. . . since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of
men that the defences of peace must be constructed'.
Merely to desire peace and to abhor war and be moved by the
suffering it causes are not enough. It is important to realize that
knowledge of and respect for human rights can lead each
individual and the human race as a whole towards the universal
peace to which we all aspire. Human rights are set forth in
LftRATIONSjand L<9!1YEJ!!1?NSJ. They are specific rights, which
not only subtend or reform specific laws, but can also be taught.
Over and above human rights teaching as such, human rights are
the wellspring of any education that is concerned not only with
learning and knowledge but also with behaviour and attitudes.
From the teaching point of view it is thus preferable, in
dealing with the inseparable twin concepts of peace and human
rights, to include the question of peace and the human ideal it
represents in the overall problem of human rights. We must
pursue two goals at once: the construction of peace and respect
for human rights.
Our task in schools is to provide information and set in motion
actions that will make these two goals a reality, without
subordinating either to the other. DECLARATION
A culture of peace, constructed in the minds of each human Document whose
being and in all corners of the world, must necessarily be authors (the legal
representatives of
accompanied by human rights education. These rights can testify governments) express
to universal vales such as freedom, justice and equality for all. their agreement with
They express principies and vales that enable the members of given aims, objectives
and principies.
the human community to live together, settle their conflicts and
The conten of a
reglate social life. They are the essential ingredients of a culture declaration constitutes
of peace. a moral obligation, but
it is not legally binding.

Agreement between
States, a form of treaty,
usually multilateral. It
is binding only on the
States that have agreed
to be bound by it.

Democracy and human rights

Human rights, the rule of law andTDEMOCRACY] are closely

intertwined. Respect for human rights and fundamental freedonis
is one of ihe characteristics o a democracy. In more general
terms, the democratic functioning of a human group implies ihe
possibility of dialogue among all its members: between the Staie
and its citizens, government and governed, and people o all
bclies and opinions. Democracy is a way of living together and an
expression of respect for other people; it must be rooted in a
genuine democratic culture, a culture of debate and dialogue.
In education everything that promotes the ctizen's demand lor
democracy is bound up wilh respect for h u m a n rights and
learning how to achieve it. A critical attitude should therefore he
developed in children and young people towards the institutions As for nstitutional policy unes, effident forms of
that govern a State or reglate lite in a given society. management and partidpation must promote the
Teaching human rights at school means tackling the whole implementation of democratic school management, nvotving
problem of democracy in a h u m a n conimunity. The democratic teachers, pupils, parents and the local community as a
functioning of schools is a prerequisite for the genuineness and whole.'
credibility of human rights education. Without it, human rights Integrated Framework of Action on Education for Peace,
teaching remains a dead letter because it is separated from the lile Human Rights and Democracy, approved by the General
and reality of the social group with which it is concerned. Conference of UNESCO at its 28th session, 1995,
para. 20, Paris, UNESCO, 1996.

lcal "ghts define the conditions under which citizens exercise

1 Clr psponsibilities. To be democratic, the organization of

and social lile mus respect the individual rights of

s Of society. The typical fundamental freedoms of a
acy (freedom of expression, thought, assembly and

t >
> >n ' arc themselves part of human rights. These freedoms

e c ' assroom: dialogue and debate on the rights of

peP!e and their accompanying obligations are all

We write our school laws ourselves
An example of learning about democracy I

, power known as the grounds of nationality, offensive

Let me tell you how school laws and I now come to the way that laws
references to physical defects, and
democracy work n a Moscow 'school are prepared. First, some student ad.i er's
that it would be better unworthy behaviour by an individu
based on self-determination'. Some members of the Council put forward
! laws. However, the such as drunkenness, torture of
years ago a number of students at proposals for laws. At the beginning
sembly looked nto the animis, extortion, theft and other
our school began to establish laws to of the school year, all members of the
confirmed that we need acts which are violations of right an
reglate school Ufe, to promote Council decide on the draft laws they
herefore turned down the dignity. In our school we can do
justice, discipline and order and to are to propose by a set date. At the
roposal. anything, provided that we do not
develop democracy in school. next session of the Council they
riew, after this meeting of vilate the health or uves of citizens
The School Council was set up distribute these texts and discuss
il Assembly some of the or their rights or dignity.
for this purpose. The Council has them. After long discussion, some of
hanged their mirids about
legislative powers and is one of the them are approved, while others may
ow they are drawn up and
school's most important bodies. Only be turned down. Some of the
e realize that laws mean a
the General Assembly can overturn members then consider ways and
There is no life n school
ts decisions. The General Assembly means of applying each approved
without ; w. We have a school book
comprises students from the sixth to law. They use the class computer to
entitled / Have a Right. This book
the eleventh grades, and teachers. print the text and distribute it to the
contains the school's constitution
The Council has some twenty-three whole school.
, on laws and democracy.
members who are students, teachers This is how we agree on laws.
It has MI written by students and
and parents elected by the 'citizens' If we do not like a particular law, we
^^Htad teacher.
of the school for one year. It has convene a general meeting to reject
he school has a Court of
more students than teachers. It the project. In most cases, all
fr. This is not a legislative body,
prepares the school's constitution students and citizens of the school
in accordance with the law
and laws, and supervises and agree with the laws passed by the
'fence of honour and
organizes school life. For example, Council.
'ity'. All citizens of our school can
the Council draws up rules for However, in the last year we have
I to this Court of Honour.
educational aims, confirms the had serious problems with laws.
regard as insults to honour
school year plan, supervises school Some citizens considered that the
administration and management, laws were not obeyed in school. They
blackmail, moral insults
draws up a programme of measures had the impression that the laws
and sees that they are carried out. It
can overturn decisions by the head
were not working and that students
were breaking them. The Council
( htheuseofdisagreeable
mes, signsof social

teacher or his deputy. therefore attempted to crate an
Human rights and the question
of vales
' F R E E D O M s both a principie and a valu. It is because human
beings are free that ihey are the L?R?f?L?J^JL.**]and are
creators and holders of rights. Freedom and human rights are
basic to each other. Since the fundamental reedoms which are SUBJECT OF LAW
the practical expression of this principie are lar from being All huiran beings
are subjects of law.
enjoyed by all, it can also be said that human freedom has yet to
Human rights are principies on the basis of which individuis can be achieved and is our common future. It is a valu to be attained
a el and states legislate and pass judgement. But they are also and made real.
vales that reflect human aspirations. As vales, human rights Fundamental freedoms (freedom of opinin, conscience,
represen! an ideal and a supreme goal which, although never association, movement, etc.) are human vales and rights. These
ully reached, can give meaning to life in society. Throughout the freedoms are defined by legal terms such as the right of assembly
hislory of humanily, the rights of h u m a n beings have been and the right to freedom of movement. By 'public freedoms' is
defined and enshrined with reference lo the vales of the dignity rneant fundamental freedoms that are protected by the State.
of each individual and of freedom, equality and justice. All human beings, irrespective of their differences and varied
These vales are universal. Cultures and societies differ so origins, are born free and equal before the law. This is an
much that their expression takes varying orrns, but diversity in underlying principie of the universality of human rights. EQUALITY
no way affects the Foundation of inalienable vales constituted by is a valu, an ideal for people who live a hard day-to-day Ufe of
human rights. economic inequalities - unemployment, sweat-shop labour -
Each individual, without distinction as lo Family, social or social inequalities caused by the privileges enjoyed by some
cultural background, must be recognized as an end in himself or people and the exploitation of pthers, and inequality of
herself, as a representative of humankind. In other words, h u m a n educational opportunity. Equality must always be l'ought for.
DIGNITY resides in each of us, and this dignity must be recognized Freedom and equality are both indispensable: it is out of the
and respected by all. question, from the point of view of human rights, to combat *
inequalities by abolishing freedom. When this happens, the resull
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and ofthe equal is dictalorship, the absolute and arbitrary power of some human
and inalienable rights of all members ofthe human family te beings over others. Imprisonment, torture, ill-treatment - in
the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world.' short, any i'orm of arbitrary power that destroys the freedom of
Preamble to the Universal Dedaration of Human Rights other people - are fundamentally opposed to equal rights between
human beings.
As a universal valu, equality concerns the freedoms and rights
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights.' of each individual: other people are different from me bul are my
Article i ofthe Universal Declaration of Human Rights equals, and I respect their freedom in the same way as I assert my
own. My ability to decide, to choose vales and to particpate in
the making of laws - in other words, my independence - depends
on the recognition of other people. This equality forbids any form
o discrimination on the grounds of race, nalionality, sex, religin,
a ge or mother tongue. It is only by combining freedom with

equality that we can achieve jmtice.

Having equal rights, human beings are all answerable for their combating discrimination
actions when they deny other people their freedom and rights.
Bul one can be answerable for one's actions in a 'just' way only il and racism
judgements are given in the framework o democratically
established laws and courts. Henee the great emphasis placed by
human rights on access to JUSTICE as a fundamental right and the
right of opposing parties to be heard prior to judgement. Another In everyday life, opposition to human rights is found for example
aspect of justice is social justice. This consists in sharing wealth in the t'orm o discrimination and racism: contempt for other
with a view to greater equality and the equal recognition of each neople because they are different, with a different colour of skin,
individual's merits. Social justice is a valu to which people aspire culture, religin, nationality or ethnic background. Contemptuous
and which should be the aim not only o States, bul also o behaviour, malevolenl insults and instances of aggression are
individuis, who are all jointly responsible for what happens to unfortunately still legin throughout the world.
humankind. The refusal to consider other people as one's equals results in
Human rights give pride of place to the requirement of justice widespread distrust between individuis and promotes
as an ideal. Human rights are a prerequisite for justice in everyday xenophobic and racist eelings. In 1950, 1951, 1964 and 1967,
life, and whoever fails to respect them flouts interpersonal UNESCO convened four expert groups to discuss possible sdentitic
equality and denies the freedom of others. To apply human rights bases of racism. They all concluded their work by declaring that
to everyday life we must have an ethical attitude in which valu all human beings belong to the same species and have a common
judgements, moral judgements and the ability to think in origin. In 1978, the General Conference o UNESCO adopted the
universal terms ('universal' being defined as what is legitmate Declaration on Race and Racial Prejudice.
and valid for all human beings) play a decisive role. It is to combat racism, one of the most widespread forms of the
In everyday life human rights, as ethical principies, give violation o human rights, that associations and
meaning to the relationships between people and to their NON-GOVERNNENTAL ORGANIZATIONS fot the deence o human
individual and social Uves. A human being is not an isolated rights have been set up.
individual, or is human dignity exclusively individual. Non-governmental organizations that have grown up over the
Human dignity encompasses all the social and collective aspects years to defend human rights play a vital role: they conduct
of individuis and their rightul place in the natural and cultural surveys on violations and the state of human rights throughout
environment. It is the criterion of respect for other people, the the world. This is made easier for them by their international
obligation to make one's own action consonant with the whole character. They denounce violations to the States concerned and
range o human rights, which makes it possible for social to international organizations such as the United Nations or to
relationships to be just, civil and civic, and to have a legal and regional organizations throughout the world. They bring influence
ethical basis. It is because they enable us to 'live together' 3 " ear n governmental and intergovernmental institutions and
peacefully, settling individual and social conflicts by means of conferences, they appeal to individuis for international solidarity
negotiation and dialogue, that human rights make it possible to humanitarian aid, they promote human rights education, and
genuinely harmonize individual morality with the laws that e Y Particpate more or less directly in the conduct of certain
govern social relationships. 1 ed Nations programmes or provide them with expert
Human rights education can become a vital lool for combating I I Human rights are universal
racism. Non-governmental organizations, most of which are
recognized by the United Nations, take part in such education or I and indivisible

themselves organize training courses for tcachers and group

a leaders. They can make Information and documenlation available
to educators seeking to prepare and carry out a human rights
education project. Human rights t'orm a whole. They are valid everywhere and for
everyone without distinction of any kind, such as eolour, sex,
cmintry, religin, wealth or opinin. They are based on universal
vales (dignity, freedom, equality and justice) which, while
represen ting an ideal for humankind, are also principies which
can reglale the lives of men, women and children. In addition to
being universal, human rights are spcciic, because they
characterize certain forms of activity as inhuman, for example,
slavery, torture and the deprivation of freedom without due
process of law. We mus, all of us, take an ethical stance to speak
oul publicly against human rights violations, since each individual
right is valid for the human race as a whole.
, In this sense, all human beings are the subject of law, and
particpate more or less directly in the making o laws. They are in
principie creators of rights, of the law, and at the same time
holders of rights, of all human rights, bearing in mind their
obligations and duties in respect of the public interest. -
Human rights are both universal and indivisible. They i'orm a
whole. We cannot either selecl some of them or give exclusive
preference lo any particular category of rights without
immediately undermining the very concept of human rights.
The originality of the Universal Declaration o H u m a n Rights
resides in the fac that it gives equal emphasis to cultural rights,
economic and social rights, and civil and political rights.
Just how meaningful is the right to lite or to participation in
1 itical ufe, i poverty, destitution and epidemics prevent

viduals rom enjoying freedom of movement, freedom lo vote,

o marry and so on? The importance o E C O N O M I C AND SOCIAL
H 'S
as the essential prerequisite for the effectiveness and
Cl!>!>t o all the rights recognized for human beings is plain for

St 'f. The developing countries are having a still harder

88le than others to achieve the exercise of these rights on a

lasting basis, with the problems of economic giobalization
presenting new challenges.
We must, moreover, beware of enforcing economic rights
alone, to the detriment of individual rights (CIVIL RIGHTS} and the
rights of all individuis to decide their own fate and the future of
their country (POLITICAL RIGHTS).
There is an indestructible link between civil and political rights,
on the one hand, and economic and social rights on the other.
All human rights are interdependent and, therefore, indivisible and
inseparable one from the other. Each category of rights guarantees
an aspect of the valu of the human person and human dignity.
The universality of human rights points up the question of the
diversity of cultures and that of the specific nature of CULTURAL
RIGHTS. The Universal Declaration recognizes the right of all
individuis to particpate in the cultural life of their community
and of their country, to receive education and training, and to be
Cultural diversity admits of no waiver of the universality of
human rights. There is, however, a school of thought that stresses
'cultural relativism' and calis into question the universality of
these righls. The idea that traditional customs and standards could
burden a society forever, and hold individuis in a straitjacket, is
not one we can accept. While cultural elements do indeed
influence individual altitudes and thought, cultures develop and
can go on developing. Culture is not set in its ways but is a
perpetual onward movement. The over-emphasis on relativism
which might result from recognition of the diversity of cultures
would lead to a denial of the universal basis provided by human
rights as a whole. We cannot therefore adduce cultural differences
as a pretext for not respecting human rights.
On the contrary, all kinds of cultures can promote human
Pghts and especially cultural rights. They differ in their
'evements, but they are equal in dignity where they are
ressions of freedom. At any given time or place, men, women
ri h ldren use t n e i r cult "re to invent ways of making human
Q{ a lving reality. Diversity enriches us if it respects the valu

lndividual as an end in himself or herself, and if it takes

nt o human rights as a
Human rights are clearly defined

The indivisible nature of human rights does not make them a
vague set of desires and needs. As with every right, in the legal
sense of the term, a human right is characterized by a subject,
i.e. the holder of the right, a spedfic object and a guarantee. In
the case of human rights, the subjects or holders of rights are the
whole human race, men, women, children, irrespective of sex,
religin, ethnic and geographical origin, and age. The object of a
law is specified and stated in internationally recognized texts or
national law. Por example, education, freedom of expression,
freedom of thought, nationality and culture are objects of law in
the declarations, conventions a n d i C O V E N A N T S drawn up by
international bodies. Every right is enforceable against a third
party who does not respect it. The right of appeal must be
guaranteed. In the case of human rights, guarantees are afforded
primarily by international institutions. But they should also be
ensured by all the institutions responsible for people's everyday
lives (States, regional institutions, specialized institutions,
ministries, etc.) and by each individual as a responsible human
We cannot demand a whole series of freedoms and say
endlessly 'I am entitled to . . .', without respecting other people as
much as ourselves and without recogni/.ing that they have the
same freedoms and rights. or can anyone decide that certain
human rights are more important than others. Human rights form
a whole, and represent an aggregate of vales and principies that
all human beings in all countries and all cultures must respect. Human rights are not a promise of happiness. They do not
All individuis can and should invoke for themselves, and for replace any religin. They are not a simple list of vales to which
others, the full range of human rights. one might continually add new special ad hoc elements or from
which certain righls might be withdrawn depending on
Preferences, cultures or the level of the economy. New challenges
exist, such as those of the environment or the genetic heritage of

"uinankind. We are all responsible, individually and collectively,

for taking up these^hallenges and developing international law.
: Human rights and specific rights beings in their "wn right and as subjects of law. The text
aS Kf in many arcas such as Ihat concerning the relations
is S|H parents and children, and that concerning the role of the
a * hich have a responsibility to inorm children of their rights
8 " H t t 'd violating their dignity. The 1989 Convention was and still
The universality and indivisibility of the human rights sel orih n erriding importance in cnsuring that all the world's children
the Universal Dedaration of Human Rights do not precludc the nuincly regarded as human beings, as full-fledged people, and
strengthening and enhancement of certain rights for certain .they are holders ' r 'S n t s ' t n a t tne Y are aware of them and can
categories of people so as to make them real and cl'I'cctive. exercise ihcin.
The rights of women, of children, of disabled people, of migranis These righis t'all into major categories, such as the right to
and refugees, and of people belonging to minorities are not ontskir specific proleciion, the rights involved in the prevention of
but rather inside the body of human rights. They concern people violations of physical and moral integrity, and rights to
who are more vulnerable than others. This particular vulnerability narticipation in the social and cultural lile of the community (the
is what has made it necessary to devise conventions, covenanis, right to iniormation, sclf-cxprcssion, play, cultural leisure
[?K(?KXHpJBf[]MS]and[REVq]b}ls]to complement the 1948 facilities, sport, etc.). A comparison of the rights of the child with
Universal Declaration. those set forth in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
RESOLUTION Specific rules are laid down to protect human rights. These clearly shows Ihat the Convention on the Rights o the Child
Text adopted by a rules are defined with respect to living conditions and events t h a i forms par and parec o the indivisible whole represented by
dedsion-making body the world community considers to be violations of fundamenlal human righis.
(for example, the human vales. The two examples below show how concern for Sorne anieles o the Convention are aimed at greater
United Nations General
Assembly) that
groups suffering from special forms of injustice has given rise to protection o ihe righis of the child and are specific. Examples are
expresses ts firrn certain conventions. Anieles 32 to 36, 38, 39 and also Artides 10 and 11.
ntention on a given The protection of children from sexual exploitation"5nd forced
subject. It s binding on
labour depends on the implementation of all these artides by
the body that adopts t. Human rights and the rights of the child States, and the action of non-governmental organizations and
The condition of man y of the world's children who live in associations thai defend children.
poverty, are uncared for (as regards nutrition, health and Even in cases where the economic situation of a given nation
Text produced by a
dedsion-making body education) and are exploited for their labour or in the sex trade, niakes l l dillicult lo implement certain rights in practice, such as
(for example the has stimulated the international community to envisage the 1 "iTight to education, the Convention obliges the States that have
General Conference of protection of the rights of the child. This movement led firsl o a " r<1"ped u lo adapi their laws to the legal and ethical principies
UNESCO) urginga
lo the promotion of a Declaration of the Rights of the Child in <" ained m its provisions. International pressure and the
specific line of conduct.
It has no binding forc. 1958. However, the need for a treaty with legal forc to protect Pination of all adults are necessary if progress is to be made.
children became glaringly evident. A collective International efU'f
resulted in the adoption of the (ONVENTION ON THE RIGHTS OF
THE C H I L D in 1989. This convention is certainly to date the mosi
comprehensive of all the texts that go to make up the body o
human rights and marks a change in the altitudes of governrnen
and public opinin towards children. Children are now regarde'

Points common to the Universal Declaration
of Human Rights . . .
. . . and the Convention on the Rights of the Child
Art. 5. No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or
Art. 37. States Parties shall ensure that: (a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other
cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment...
Art. n. (i) Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent
until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees
necessary for his defence.
Art. 40. (i) States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged as, accused of, or
recognized as having infringed the penal law to be treated in a manner consistent with the
promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the child's respect for the
human rights and fundamental freedoms of others ...
Art. 15. (i) Everyone has the right to a nationality. (2) No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of
his nationality or denied the right to change his nationality.
Art. 7. (i) The child shall be registered immediately after birth and shall nave the right
from birth to a ame, the right to acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know
and be cared for by his or her parents.
Art. 18. Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religin; this right
includes freedom to change his religin or belief, and freedom, . . . to manifest his religin or
Art. 14. (i) States Parties shall respect the right of the child to freedom of thought,
conscience and religin. (3) Freedom to manifest one's religin or beliefs may be subject only to
such limitations as are prescribed by law ...
Art. 19. Everyone has the right to freedom of opinin and expression; this right includes
freedom to hold opinions without nterference and to seek, receive and mpart information and
deas ... regardiess of frontiers.
Art. 13. (i) The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include
freedom to seek, receive and mpart Information and deas of all kinds, regardiess of frontiers,
either orally, n writing or n print, n the form of art, or through any other media of the child's
Art. 20. (i) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. (2) No
one may be compelled to belong to an association.
Art. 15. (i) States Parties recognize the rights of the child to freedom of association and to
freedom of peaceful assembly.

Art. 24 and 27. Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, nduding reasonable limitation
ofworking hours and periodic holidays with pay (Art. 24).
(i) Everyone has the right freely to particpate in the cultural Ufe of the community, to enjoy the
arts and to share in scientific advancement and its benefits (Art. 27).
Art. 31. (i) States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and leisure, to engage in
play and recreational activities appropriate to the age of the child and to particpate freely n
cultural life and the arts.

Art. 25. (i) Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-
being of himself and of his famly, including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services ...
Art. 27. (i) States Partes recognize the right of every child to a standard of living adequate
for the child's physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social development.

Art. 26. (i) Everyone has the right to education. Education shalt be free, at least in the
elementary and fundamental stages ...
(2) Education shall be drected to the full development of the human personality and to the
strengthening of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
understandng, tolerance and friendshp among all nations, racial or relgous groups, and shall
further the activities of the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
Art. 28. (i) States Parties recognize the right of the child to education, and with a view to
achieving this right progressively and on the basis of equal opportunity ...
i Art. 29. (i) States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to:
(a) The development of the child's personality, talents and mental and physical abilities to their
fullest potential;
(b) The development of respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and for the
[ principies enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations ...

The conclusions of the Fourth World Confcrencc on Women
As children and young people represent the future of
(Beijing, 1995) and the World Conference on Human Rights
humanity, this convcntion is particularly important. It is gradually
demonstrated clearly that, throughout the world, women probab
becoming the chief instrument through which children and young
suffer more than men from human rights violations and all kinds
people can acquire knowledge of human rights. Any form of
of discrimination. For women, these include gender-specific
education, in accordance with the message of the Convcntion and
violations which must be understood and recognized as such.
the 1948 Universal Declaration, should work towards spreading
Women's rights education must be approached with cultural
knowledge of these rights and promoting them throughout the
sensitivities in mind. However, as stated in the Beijing Platform
for Action, culture must not be used as a pretext for violating thi
The right to education, firmly stated in Article 26 of the
fundamental rights of women and girls.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 28 of the 1989
Since the outset o pro-democracy movements, women's
Convention on the Rights of the Child, is at the very heart of this
claims to equal civil and political righls have broadened in scope
Manual, and also at the heart of all forms of education of the
However, this aspiration to equalily was not fully taken into
future adult and citizen responsible for his or her actions. Such
account until the United Nations was in a position to provide
education aims at providing knowledge of and ensuring respect
gender-related data on the extent and severity of discrimination
for the rights of all.
against women. During the United Nations Decade for Women:
Since the right to education is crucial for the future of
Equality, Development and Peace (1976-85) a Convcntion on th
humankind, all schools and their teachers should provide
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women was
instruction on human rights through a study of both the
prepared and adopted by the General Assembly (1979).
Convention on the Rights of the Child, which deals very directly
The United Nations thus became the main advcate of the rights
with pupils under the age of 18, and the Universal Declaration o
of women.
Human Rights. Both these texis concern human rights, the rights
of everyone, which are universal and indivisible rights. It would
be a mistake to make children believe that they are on the fringe
of humanity and that only specific rights apply to them. We must
stress the idea that all human beings, without exception, are
holders of the rights asserted in the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights.

Human rights and women

The equal status of women and their rights are frequently a
controversial suhject; this is a sensitive rea, since the purpose of
women's rights afects almost every human being in a very direct
and personal way. Gender roles and the concepts of masculinity
and femininity vary from one culture or context to another.
Nevertheless, gender is a universally significant factor in the
interpretation and implementation of human rights.
Human rights have had to be importan! period for the history of human rights was
fought for undeniably that between 1945 and 1948. In 1945, awareness of
the atrocities and tragedies of the Second World War led States to
crate the United Nations as an organization to eslablish and
maintain world peace.
Through the Charter of the United Nations, signed on
Human rights have a long history, having been i'ormulated by 20 June 1945, the peoples expressed their determination 'to save
philosophers and jurists over ccnluries. Faced with injustice, succeeding generations from the scourge of war; to reaffirm aith
arbitrariness, torture and slavery, great thinkers rebelled and in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the
fought for the establishment of written laws that would apply to human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of
all human beings. nations large and small; to promote social progress and better
The history of human rights goes back a very long way: all the standards of lile in larger freedom'. Similarly, the Constitution of
civilizations, religions and philosophies that set a valu on the UNESCO (adopted on 16 November 1945) states that 'a peace
human being contributed to the birth of the idea of human rights based exclusively upon the political and economic arrangements
as it is to be found loday in the legally binding international texts. of governments would not be a peace which could secure the
We should also note the role played by art and literature in the unanimous, lasting and sincere support of the peoples of the
emergence of the concept of the human being as endowed with world, and that the peace must therefore be founded, if it is not to
essential dignity. fail, upon the intellectual and moral solidarity of mankind'.
Human rights will no doubt continu to be expressed in The founding of the United Nations reflects the need for a
changing language, as will the legal guarantees required to ensure world where tolerance, peace and solidarity among nations will
their observance. The fight for justice, freedom and human help to achieve social and economic advancement for all peoples.
dignity will, however, be eternal, and the vales inherent in Even more, it recognizes that independen! individual action by
human rights will always constitute a benchmark for humanity. single States is not enough to guarantee the progress and,welfare
The proclarnation o freedoms in texts known as 'declarations', of the human race.
'bilis' or 'acts' took place first of all in England and then in the The purposes oi ihe Uniled Nations, as expressed in its
United States. The Magna Carta (1215) provided guarantees Charter, are 'To maintain international peace and security and to
against arbitrary action by the Crown and the Rabeas Corpus Act that end: to take effective collective measures . . . to strengthen
(1679) was the first allempt to preven! Ilegal detention. The universal peace [and] to achieve international co-operation in
American Dedaration of Independence of 4 July 1776 proclaimed solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural or
the natural human rights that were to be respected by the humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging
governrnent. The declaration was based on the Virginia respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all
Convention of 12 June 1776, which proposed the concept of without distinction as to race, sex, language or religin . . .'.
individual rights belonging to each person. As the nations were convinced that the effective protection of
The French Declaration des Droits de I'Homme et du Citoyen human rights was essential to achieving these objectives, on
(1789) and the demands made throughout the nineteenth and 10 December 1948 the United Nations General Assembly
twentieth centuries for freedoms, including the freedom of proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
peoples, widened the scope of human rights and defined Even today, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights is
economic and social rights. However, in the twentieth century the regarded as the cardinal document that enshrines and gives
mpetus to the promotion of human rights. The authority and organizations,
moral valu that it has acquired over the past fifty years make it a
fundamental reference point. Nearly a U documents concerning
conventions, and safeguarding
human rights quote the declaration and some states reer to it and watchdog arrangements
directly in their national constitutions.
The importance accorded today to the Declaration is indeed
extraordinary when we consider that it is only a formal In the years preceding or following the Second World War, numerous
expression of the wishes of the United Nations and that States are regional organizations were sel up, some developing from existing
not legally bound to rsped it. Given this situation, it was bodies and others heing entirely new. From these organizations
considered necessary soon after the Declaration was proclaimed to emanated instruments for the protection of human rights.
prepare treaty provisions that, while speciiying the rights stated in
the Declaration, would at the same time establish legal obligalion The Council of Europe adopted the CONVENTION FOR THE
on those States ratifying it. This process resulted in the adoption PROTECTION OF HUMAN RIGHTS AND FUNDAMENTAL FREEDOMS
of three significant instruments in 1966: the International (informally the European Convention on Human Rights) in 1950.
Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, the This represents a very important step towards the creation of an
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the effective system o protection for human rights. The countries of
Optional [PROTOOLJ to the latter covenant. Europe decided to include in their convention only a limited
A form of treaty
The period between 1945 and 1966 was one of struggle for number of rights taken from the Universal Declaration, in order to
or convention.
decolonization. This led the countries of the Third World to provide for better collective enforcement of those rights.
campaign for the right of self-determination for all peoples to be The European Convention has therefore established regional
included in the 1966 instruments. The campaign was successful machinery to supervise its implementation by the Member States of
and this right is listed in Article 1 of both covenants. the Council o Europe.
Despite the creation of two seprate covenants, the The two organs created by the European Convention are the
International Conference on Human Rights (Tehern, 1968) European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court
reaffirmed that 'the enjoymenl of civil and political freedoms and of Human Rights, in Strasbourg.
that of economic, social and cultural rights are interconnected and The Commission functions as a regulatory body between States.
interdependent'. It deals with petitions by individuis, groups of individuis or non-
The Universal Declaration o Human Rights and the three governmental organizations claiming that one of the contracting
1966 instruments together with the Second Optional Protocol to states has violated the human rights set forth in the Convention.
the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, aiming at The Commission tries to secure a friendly settlement of the matter.
the abolition of the death penalty (adopted by the United Nations H it is unsuccesstul, the Commission can, when it considers the case a
General Assembly in 1989), constitute the 'international bil of legitmate one, reer it to the Court of Human Rights. The Court,
human rights'. The 1966 covenants established two committees to consisting of independent judges, reaches a decisin which has the
implement their provisions. But n fact what is needed are forc o a legal judgement and the state concerned is required to
measures to make the covenants more effective and to have them comply with this judgement.
duly implemented. To declare the importance of human rights The importance of this machinery is that it represents the first
was essential, but since we wish to build a more just and peaceful attempt to set up an international judicial system for the protection of
world, these vales must be not only recognized but also human rights.
universally respected.
The Organization of American States (OAS), set up in 1948, In 1981, OAU adopted the AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN AND
originates from the International Union of American Republics set PEOPLES' RIGHTS, also known as the 'Banjul Charter'. This charter
up in 1890. The thirty-our countries o North, South and Central includes among the rights envisaged certain elements of Alocan
America and the Carribean that signed and ratified the OAS culture. For example, stress is laid on duty and the importance to
Charter were 'resolved to persevere in the noble undertaking that be accorded to the community nature of rights. From this point o
humanity has conferred upon the United Nations', whose view, h u m a n rights set the individual in a cise relationship with
principies and purposes they solemnly reaffirmed. his or her group, family and community. To quote Lopold Sedar
The purposes of the organization are to strengthen the peace Senghor, the amous Senegalese President and poet: 'In the Euro-
and security of the American conlinent, to promote and American sense, the individual is a responsible human being who
consoldate representative democracy and to promote, by co- occupies a given social rank with its attendant responsibilities and
operative action, their economic, social and cultural development. honours. Black Arican thought offers an alternative and more
In 1969, OAS adopted Ihe AMERICAN CONVENTION ON H U M A N complex concept, one which is more social than individual.'
RIGHTS, also known as the 'Pact of San Jos'. This charter has set up an African Commission on Human and
The Convention provides for two bodies, the Inter-American Peoples' Rights, responsible for promoting and protecting the
Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of rights set forth in the Banjul Charter. The system of protection,
Human Rights, both o which are responsible for the proteclion of based on the commission, enables a state party that considers that
the rghts usted in the Convention. Both states and individuis another state has violaled one o the rights listed in the Charter to
can appeal to these bodies when they consider that human rights submit a written complaint to the commission, which in turn will
have been violated by one o the States Parties to the convention. try to secure an amicable settlement of the dispute.
The mechanism is closely comparable to the one provided by the
European Convention on Human Rights. The League of Arab States, founded in 1945, is the oldest of the
regional organizations set up at the end of the Second World War,
The Organization of Arican Unity (OAU) was set up in 1963 by even predating by some months the creation of the United -
il'ty Ai'rican States 'conscious of the fact that freedom, equality, Nations. The League has established an ARAB C O M M I S S I O N ON
jtistice and dignity are essential objectives for the achievement of HUMAN RIGHTS, which irsl met in 1969.
the legitmate aspirations o the Arican peoples'. Although the Pact of the League of Arab States was adopted
The OAU Charter also expresses the conviction of States that before the Charter of the United Nations, it provided for both
conditions conducive to peace and security need to be established collaboration with the future world organization and any
and maintained, and 'that the Charter o the United Nations and amendments to the pact that mighl prove necessary to meet
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights . . . provide a solid international obligations deriving from the Charter.
oundation for peaceful and fruitful co-operation among our The Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) was
States . . .'. established in 1971 with a view to promoting solidarity among its
The objectives of OAU are lo promote the unity and solidarity members and strengthening co-operation in the economic, social,
of Arican States, and to co-ordinate and intensify their co- cultural and scientiic fields.
operation and eforts in order to achieve a better Ufe for the
peoples of frica.
I the United Nations in 1989, set up an expert committee to
monitor expected progress in this field. This gives children
throughout the world some assurance that their rights will be
cti enforced in each signatory state.
The guarantees provided by these regional conventions and
international instruments thus represent the stages of a slow but
steady progression of human rights in the world. But much
remains to be done. The battle for human rights is never-ending.
The words of Giuseppe Sperduti, former Vice-President of the
European Commission of Human Rights, are an apt conclusin to
this discussion: 'Above all, we must recall the date of
10 December 1948, when the United Nations General Assembly
proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. That date
marked the threshold of a new period in history, when the family
of nations adopted the fundamental objective of safeguarding the
dignity and worth of the human person. Admittedly, subsequent
events - ranging from international wars to domestic conflicts and
including the persecution of individuis and whole groups of
people - have not always reassured us. But there is no doubt that
this solemn commitment has not been vain, and that even if the
seed sown may have difficulty in taking root, it will never die.'*
Giuseppe Sperduti,
'Introductory Address',
Proceedings ofthe
Internationa! Symposium
on the Concept ofLaw
and the State in the Era
ofthe Defence ofthe
Dignity ofthe Human
Person, Rome, 1994.
Learning what the rights of all human bcings are cannot be a
passive process in which the pupil is lorced lo lollow an
authoritarian teaching model. The rights of the child are also
those of the pupil in the cJassroom, who must be respected and
have his or her dignity and freedom recognized. Thus the most
appropriate methods for human righls teaching place pupils in tlu-
centre of the educational process and stimulate them to think for
themselves. Active methods are therefore especially appropriate.
Human rights education is geared to three interdependent
reas of emphasis: learning, knowledge and concepts; educational
practice and interdisciplinary projects; and debates about vales.
This pedaggica! triptych avoids widening the gap that all too
ofien exists between knowledge and action. To be content with
reciting human rights and learning them by heart is not
appropriate for education that is aimed at creating altitudes of
respect for other people and actions to promote the law and
rights. Children are acutely aware of the gap between the precepts
professed by adults and their altitudes, between what they say
and what they do. They see this as a lack of sincerity, as not being
fair and square with them, and this in turn leads them to lose
their trust in adults and thus to doubt the validity of what is said Messages addressed to children must bear the stamp of sincerity,
about human rights. and the teacher's body language, speech and allitude must be the
What is vital is to establish genuine communication. This is the first signs of a message of peace.
only way to get messages across from one person to another. 'Question and answer' exercises form part of communication.
There are several forms of interpersonal communication: non- Children should listen to one another and to the teacher, and the
verbal communication (for example, body language), self- teacher should also listen to them. The teacher should express in
expression and dialogue. All these ways of communicating help other words what pupils have said and then ask them, 'Do yon
pupils to develop their skills for independent thinking and the understand?' The teacher should remind them that they are
ability to express themselves. expected to think and to express their ideas and feelings.
Non-verbal communication - eye contad, facial expression, After asking a question, it is better to pause until somebody
body language - enables the teacher to see whether the pupils replies. The queslion should not be immediately explained and
understand what has been said and are motivated by the activity the answer should not be given too quickly. All teachers engage
proposed, or are tired or bored. In addition, pupils receive m the art of communication. Discussions, stories, drawings,
messages from the teacher that are never put into verbal form: il Sanies, songs, posters and written texts can be used to help
the teacher's voice or body language is aggressive, talk about children learn about human rights.
peace and human rights will have little effect. Pupils easily realize
when teachers do not themselves believe in what they are saying.
ractice and proiects ffor action
Concepts and knowledge

tematic mslruc t tm in civics, oven if primarily focused on a
Even if, in a field such as human rights, action should knowledge o human rights, is not enough to ensure that the
predomnate, it is also essential for children to know the terms o ttitudes and behaviour of all involved will be guided by the idea
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and international of human rights. Teachers should therefore encourage solidarity-
conventions, and above all, to understand their underlying based activities and the organization of events (exhibitions of the
concepts (see Part 1) in order to be fully aware of their valu. children's work on a given human right, for example). Such
The basic texts should therefore be presented to pupils eithcr proiects are in keeping with the philosophy of human rights,
in lull, or through abstrais and analysis of ceilain articles that which calis for co-operation between individuis and States, and
have a direct bearing on the personal experiences of children and with project-based practice, or teaching by direct methods.
adolescents. Projects will be all the more successful if they are international
Many countries provide classes in civics or social education. in character and lead to correspondence between schools in
Such classes should focus on human rights, democracy and peacc, difieren! countries. Dramatic activities invented by pupils,
since these are the building blocks o gentiine citizenship. They examples of which are reponed to UNESCO by many countries
can be a forum for debates on rights and universal vales, and and show how a given right may be flouted and then
provide an opportunity for analysing day-to-day actions in the subsequently recognized, constitute educational practices that are
light of human rights. ideal for human rights education. Parlour and board games that
The founding concepts of human rights can also be illustrated cali for discussion and team work can be adapted to the themes of
and expressed by the children in their own words during the human rights or the rights of the child, in both primary*and
process of drafting texts that echo the basic principies contained in secondary schools. Educational projects are necessarily
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights or in the Convention interdisciplinary. They involve various subjects, such as history,
on the Rights of the Child. In the field of learning, active methods geography - including geopolitics - the visual arts, literature and
are also to be preterred. In addition to civics, all the subjects
taught in school can contribute to the establishment of the
concepts required for an understanding of human rights.
Debate and discussion
about vales Freedom of thought and expression ideas is not an opinin but;
form part of human rights. A given offence.
situation or a crisis (theft between The holding of a debate is thi
pupils, an oFfensive remark or an acl form of training designed to shov
Debates about each of the human rights set forth in the 1948 of violente) can be an opportunity for pupils that debate is a componen!
Universal Declaration can be organized in particular in secondary a teacher to improvise a debate. ' part of democracy. The teacher's role
schools. Part 3 of this manual contains many examples of subjecis Pupils frequently confuse a debate is vital. Over and above the subject
for discussion among pupils and-students. Debates should be with a televisin chat show. A teacher chosen, the teacher will ensure that
introduced and conducted by the teacher. Human rights are not should therefore point out that pupils understand the very concept
subjective or emotional impressions, but principies underlying schoois a place for learning about of debate in a practica! context.
positive law and precise texts with legal implications. The democracy. Debate s not merel'y a Debate in practice should be strii
organization of debates should therefore both ensure respect for ussion or an exchange of followlng formal rules, especialb
each participant's freedom of speech and gradually bring to light opinions, it is a way in which all when the subject is one that gi\
the rationality and universality of human rights. individuis can express their rise to soul-searching, anxiety or
The implementation of human rights is not self-evident and is thoughts: Corning face to face with impassioned feelings.
incvitably the subject of debate. It is through dialogue that pupils oughts of other people is a It is us'eful to begin this formal
can genuinely make the vales their own and weave them inlo qusite for debate and the training early in the school year so
their present and future actions. To impose human rights without ."n oa democratic sciety. that it can be continued and
previous discussion would be to reject their very basis - that is, i.i for the law and ts improved throughout the year.
human freedom. roments does not deprive Careful formal organizaron of a
During these debates, young people will learn the concepts o individuis of the right to critidze, debate should promote exchanges.
human rights and democracy. Democracy cannot work without put forward clairns. Here the traditional layout of a
freedom of expression, and human rights - which are an obligation ;om of expression g'oes hand dassroom s not very suitable.
for all States - are bound up with the idea of democracy. d with acceptance f diversity The.teacher must arrange for pupils
ught, and debate gives diversity to be see and listen to one
neo to be expressed. It should another. Exchanges should respect
rfheless avoid encouraging the the principies of the right to spea
: hat all opinions are of equal valu. and the right to be heard. Obviou
The expression of a plurality of shouting and personal attacks
i ! s of view should respect should be forbidden and correct
ocratic vales and relate to the language should be used.The
framework in which freedom is teacher should encourage pupih
:nze.d: The expression of racist be detached and not to make
Convention on the Rights of the Child
personal remarks. Pupils should express themselves, to listen to
learn that subjective experiences do other people and to be willing
not always have universal valu. to change their minds without I convention should be introduced and explained at primary-
Teachers should define their of'losingface'. school leve '- Children will learn that they are people and holders
roles. They can choose to intervene Of rithts. U is very importara that they understand that they are
only at the end in order to sum up, or Back-up documents entitled to respect for their physical and moral integrity, and that
at regular intervals to give specific for official civics they nitist respect all other human beings, near or far, children or
curricula n lower
legal, historicalorethical
secondary schools adults.
information. They should prevent the in France. Certain rights to protection, such as the right to reject sexual
debate from degenerating into a a m>irssion or child proslitution, must be explained with the
mere exchange of views orfrom nccessary precautions so as not lo arouse feelings of anxiety.
resulting in hasty generalizations. Children must be warned against acts of violence that may be
Pupils can select a chair who will dirccted at them, and inl'ormcd that they can defend their rights
give the floor to the different bel'ore ihe law. Action to protect children from ill-treatmenl
partidpants in turn, as and when indudes making them aware of their own rights.
they ask to speak. One or two The presentation and explanation of the right to education
rapporteurs will be made responsible gives spccilic meaning to compulsory schooling and education.
for recording the different It is for the beneit of children and their future that States are
nterventions. under an obligation to build schools, to equip them and to
For pupils, learning to debate is provide universal access - for girls as well as boys - to the basic
learning how to think, to listen and to primary level. It is the responsibility of teachers to say this,
arge. For teachers, organizing a explain it and place ihe right to education at the cerifre o
debate is learning to lead and to activities.
reglate. This means helping pupils Within the context of the convention, children read and make
to learn how to build up their up stories, and act out plays about children and adults who wish
personality while at the same time to see children's rights respected throughout the world. Free-hand
respecting the requirements of truth, drawings can be used to Ilstrate this or that article of the
ethics and the law. This provides an convention.
opportunity to address the question Lastly, it should be borne in mind that play is necessary for the
of identity: pupils must learn to "itellectual and emotional development of children, and that
Sanies nurture the ability to live in society. The Convention on
the Rights of the Child can provide the subject or back-up for
a rlour games, which children love. Some examples of such

Sanies are found at the end o this manual.

The rights of women and girls Hferespect, can we be ully respectul o other human differences
of ethnicity, race, religin, class, etc.?
Respect for differences is important for learning and living
Recognizing differences and developing mutual respect together in school and for living in peace in our eommunilies.
between boys and girls Respect between boys and girls is essential in the amily, the
Young children, girls and boys alike, should learn together, nation and the world. We should stress the fact that the United
through activities experienced in common, that the idea o Nations has stated that equality between men and women is an
differences between human beings is a positive one and that it importan! basis of world peace. We should also comment on
helps social groups lo be receptivo lo the idea o equality between UNESCO's World Agenda for Gender Equality adopted at the
men and women, boys and girls. poiirth World Conference on Women (Beijing, i995).
For example, we can ask children lo point out many situations
in which they behave in the same way at the same age, the Equality for all
similarities between their bodies and their human needs for ood, The principie of Ihe universal right to education is a lead-in for
care, shelter, etc. We can next ask certain questions: How are we introducing children to the idea o discrimination between boys
different and in what ways (in size, likes and dislikes, difterent and girls, for example, by mentioning the case of societies in
hair and eye colour)? How and why do these differences enrich which girls have less access to education than boys.
the group? An activity may be organized in which children are invited to
The message to be put across must be clear: we are all difieren! draw a picture of the job ihey would like to have when they grow
from one another, girls and boys are difieren!, but we are all up. When the children have explained their drawings, they can
equal in rights. We are all equally importan! and we should discuss the kind of training or instruction they will need for the
consider that at school we are all entitled lo the same activilies. job. Is t one traditionally performed by men, by women or by
We should all be treated with equal respect and have equal access bolh men and women? Would t be beller for families and society
to the resources of our communities. ; if mis job were performed by everyone, both men antf women?
With older children, teachers can introduce reflection on the What kind of education does it require? In our town, village or
different roles and functions of girls and boys. What differences country, do girls and boys have access to such education?
are there in the games they play? Why is it sornetimes more liin Why is a well-educated population so important for a nation?
to play only boys together or only girls together? Why is it Do girls have the saine opporlunities as boys to go to school?

importan! to respect others even when they are difieren!? !t is useful to think of ways in which families, communities
Children must be sensitized to the importance of the eelings o and countries could benefit if more people were educaled and, in
others and their own self-respect. How have they felt when oiher s Particular, if girls were grantcd access to all lypes of training.
are disrespectul to them? 1 should also be noted that the idea of 'equal access' does not

How do boys tease girls? When they do, do the girls rebuke T ude lne existence o seprate schools for boys and girls.
the boys or treat them scornfully? Pupils should think aboul wl: verriding criterion must be equity, as regards both financial
it is important for boys and girls to rsped each other. It may be cation s and the quality of teaching, for all sectors o the
useful to elicit accounts from pupils on experiences they have had ' au'on. Education must not be limited, still less denied, on the
of gender-based differences, even in a community where people s o gender or other aspects of human identity.

are more alike than different. If gender can be a pretext for

Combating stereotypes The teacher can also tcll twentielh-century 'real lite' stories of
To combat stereotypes, 1 may be uscful lo select stories or tales events such as the Chipko movement in India, where people
from which children can analyse the typology of the behaviour o defied the bulldozers preparing to destroy their forests; the
different individuis. Stories should be read by children or told to niovement of the Mothers o the Plaza de Mayo, who protested
them in several classes over a sulliciently long period for the againsl the arbitrary arrest o their children; or the Rigoberta
children to remember them in detail. After each story is read, Mench Tum movement to defend the rights o the indigenous
children may be invited to describe the main characters and the populations o Guatemala and so on.
way they have been presented.
When pupils have listened to several stories, they may be
asked lo note the common traits to be found in the male and
female characters in each of them. It is more than likely that these
features will correspond to current prejudices about men and
In small groups, children can imagine 'rewriting' the story by
ascribing to women the prejudices currently ascribed to men, and
vice versa. If they cannot do this, the teacher can suggest thal
they make up an entirely ditlerent story following the same plan,
that is by swapping the stereotyped roles. This will provide an
opportunity for explaining the idea of stereotypes in general and
gender stereotypes in particular. If this activity is conducted in a
mixed class o boys and girls, the groups may be all boys, all girls
or mixed. There are lessons lo be learned from observing the
differences between groups, both in the stories they invent and in
the difficulties they encounter in imagining the role reversis.
A discussion can then be introduced in which the boys and ilu'
girls think about those of their personal experiences that do not
reflect the stereotypes identified in the stories. This may lead to
the conclusin that there are, quite simply, human feelings wlm'l 1
can be experienced by both men and women, and that girls and
boys, men and women have both different and shared
characteristics. In the sphere of human rights, the importan! idea i s
that all individuis should be able to develop all their human
capacities in accordance with their own identities and personalH 11 - 1
Suggestions for primary schools F tists and inusidans who crale works ihal reflecl our needs for
| aiity and expression. All these are differences between groups
I f individuis prolected by the principies of human rights.
T achers can also explain that diferences exist between human
roups originating roin difieren! countries of the world. H u m a n
beings have diilerent customs and different languages, because
In primary schools, what is most importan! is to develop altitudes ! jier geographical and historical environmenls are different. This
o respect for human dignity and diversity. This is a starting-point ariety in human idenlity and experience is an immense assel for
for adhering lo ihe vales ihal are al ihe core of ihc concepis and humanity as a whole. It enables ils individual members to follow
principies of human rights. The fundamental relationship between diferenl paths to achieve the same goals and to mcel the same
human righls and responsibilily should be inlroduced al every
stage of education. If we follow this rule, a range of diferem reas When these ideas have been presented, leachers can
can be used to Ilstrate human rights concepts. encourage pupils to explore the various ways chosen by human
Knowledge of the nalural world is linked al one and Ihe same beings lo meet the same needs, by using stories, illuslralions,
lime lo science, social science, lileralure and Ihe arls. Lessons in history and geography lessons, etc.
Ihese subjecls can direclly highlighl the complexity of Ihe ecology This enhances the concept of CULTURAL DIVERSITY as a human
of the Earth, and of its different regions and localities. Children attribule, protecled by h u m a n rights. The concepts o universalily
can be taughl about the ecosystems and the specific gedgraphical and diversity are essential to the protection and fulfilmenl of
features of Iheir own lown or village. Teachers can point oul how human dignity.
human lite depends on everyone's responsibility for his or her Slories provide a wide range o possibilities for bringing home
own natural environment. As the quality o Ihe environmenl to children the fac that the Earlh, which provides food and water,
depends on human responsibility, and individual well-being belongs first of all to the whole human family and must be
depends on the environment, we are in a relalion of preserved; that Ihe community in which children live rreeds their
inlerdependence with our environment. This interdependence parlicipalion and afectionate commitmenl; and ihat respect for
Ilstrales lwo characleristics o human righls, namely, that they others is fundamental. Stories can be told or read by the teacher
reflect human needs and Ihal they depend on human and laken up by the children, who then invent 'how the story
responsibility. Thus we arrive at the concept of the RIGHT TO A goes on'.
Lessons on human diversity, very irnportanl to ensure justicc
and respect in community lite, can be introduced in the earliesi
grades of educalion. Teachers can show how a well-balanccd
environmenl promoles diverse forms o lite, each wilh its own
way of lunclioning ihal is necessary to its survival. They can draw
parallels with the features dislinguishing different human beings,
which help maintain socielies and meet our needs.
Society needs the lalenls of each individual: ihose of scienlists
who design tools and solve cerlain kinds of problems; and ihose d
Suggestions for secondary Economic rights, such as the right to work and the right to a
fair vvage, can provide an opportunity for comparing and
schools analysing graphs on employment and unemployment, broken
down by gender or rnembership of an ethnic group. Similarly,
comparisons and diagrams can be used to show the percentage
differences between one population category and another.
In secondary schools, there can be many opporlunities for debates
and the give and take o well-argued discussion. The Universal
Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Righis o
Computer science
the Child should be systematically presented, displayed and In this context, the teacher can choose a concept related to a
studied. human right and run an Internet search for information. Students
History, geography and civics lessons provide a hosl o can also choose a country in which to study the human righls
opportunities for organizing interdisciplinary explanations and for situation. When ihis first research stage is compleled, reports can
promoting discussion. Human rights teaching can be introduced be made lo ihe class as a whole. Through discussion, the class can
into most school subjecls. Below are a few examples of how provide full or partial answers which they transmit to the
h u m a n rights issues can be integrated into difieren! subjects. Internet. A class can select a human rights topic and set up its
own site to com mmica te with other sludenls on the subject.
The students can discuss all the replies received and draw general
Mathematics conclusions about the opinions of students around the world on
Mathematics is an especially appropriate subject for dealing with the chosen subject. As appropriate, they may decide on follow-up
the problems of economic and social rights, certain cultural righls action or continu an exchange on the World Wide Web.
and specific rights, such as those of the child.
In connection with cultural rights, use can be madc of statislics
on literacy, enrolment ratios and access to higher education, by
means of tables or graphs. A comparison between men and All generations and categories of rights can be incorporated inlo
women may be inlroduced here as an example of the fact that courses and lessons on literature (whether national or foreign
gender can be an obstacle to the full achievement of these rights. literature). Literature is especially useful in presenting the origins
Statistics can also be used to estmate the percentage of citizens f concepts and principies of human rights and present-day
by country and by regin who have access to data. Teachers can societies' experience of them, as well as in describing the
then show how cultural righls are bound up with both economic conditions under which human beings have been led to promote
and political rights. Statistics provided by the United Nations or iu s Pecific categories of rights.

Specialized Agencies such as UNESCO, the United Nations Short stories and novis have frequently contributed to
Children's Fund (UNICEF), the International Labour Organizaon 1 ollective awareness of instances of injustices, such as slavery,

(ILO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) can be used for ai'u labour and discrimination against women, ihat have been

this purpose. Teachers can also note that the compilation and |ier Petrated against specific groups of people.

distribution of vital Information of this kind is one of the key Teachers can encourage students to read a variety of works,
functions of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, aiul ner as a whole or selections from them. Works can be selected

henee one way of achieving human rights. ' ft! the literature oj each country. In addilion, some publications
have gained universal literary status and are available in Harding, can help students to understand racism and
translations into a great varicty of languages. Major dassics vd to combat this evil. These are a few examples o
iraphies that can be used to achieve the educational objectives
include Les miserables by Vctor Hugo (France), Oliver Twist by
Charles Dickens (England), nele Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher ] t Naturally, one's own national literature is the best
Stowe (United States), Burmese Days by George Orwell (England) ' 'ding gi'ound I' rom which Icachers can draw their examples,
and Cry, the Beloved Country by Alan Patn (South frica). , -c students find t easier to understand human rights violations
Authors in the Arab world have taken up arms vigorously SLhen they experience them in their own cultural and social
against political and economic injustice. Examples are Abdel Bbntext.
Rahman Moneif's Cides ofSalt and Eastern Mediterranean, whicli
describe how political oppression compounded by economic
dependence denles a people of purity, truth and authenticity.
History and social studies
Tahar Water, an Algerian, denounces in his writings the gradual It is essential I'or history teaching lo he presented in the light of
undermining of a people by the humiliating hegemony o Bvolving h u m a n rights. Movernents lo promote human rights, and
bureaucracies that systematically practise economic exclusin and he proclamation of standards and principies in declarations,
deprivation. Bfonventions and protocols can be traced through history.
By way of an introduction to these works, teachers can help There are severa! possible approaches to teaching the various
sludents by asking questions such as: What i'orms does human periods of rnodern world history by introducing issues related to
suffering take? What events or conditions cause suffering? What human rights and inslances of their violation. Por example, the
are the vales and principies that should guide us in eighteenth century and the early nineteenth century in Europe
understanding that these cases o suffering are forms of injustice and America can be presented in the light of the rights stated in
which we must combat? the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It should be noted that
After discussion, the teacher can summarize the role of the progress of these standards and concepts occupies a
literature in social change. Authors such as Nelson Mndela, fundamental place in the political hislory and the burgeuning of
Jean-Marie Adiafi, Wole Soyinka and Breyton Breytenbach in philosophy preceding the major revolutions that lelt their mark
frica; Gandhi, Baby Kamble and Viramma in India; Tahar Ben on the world between 1776 and 1917.
Jalloun and Layla Hothman in the Arab world; and Alexander Similarly, the history of the industrial revolution and of other
Solzhenitsyn from Europe, provide difieren! examples of literaltirc social movements can be introduced by a review of the issues
committed to the defence of human rights. Hnked lo economic, social and cultural rights.
Biographies are also a very appropriate form of literature lor The period of major discoveries and waves of imperialisl
learning about particular human rights violations. Por example ex pansion can be used lo study the rights of indigenous peoples.

Biko, by Donald Woods, can be used to teach about apartheid and For example, it rnay be observed that back in the ifteenth century
the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime a Spanish missionary denounced the enslavement of the

of Apartheid; Night, by Elie Wiesel, provides food f'or thought on ln digenous peoples o Lalin America and asserled that they were

anti-Semitism, genocide, and how to present the Convention on le t'quals ot Enropeans. Another study can be made of how the

the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide; nu People of Japan organized themselves to claim their cultural

/, Rigoberta Mench, by Rigoberta Mench Tum, can help in g ntity. Uselul reference can also be made to the indigenous

understanding the need i'or a Convention on the rights of es of North America. The International Decade of the
indigenous peoples; and Martin Luther King: The Inconvenient Hciv, Indigenous Peopje (1994-2004), proclaimed by the United
Nalions General Assembly, is a l'inn statement of the will of the Universal Dedaration of Human Rights or of the Convenlion on
international community to pul an end to al] the forms of the Rights of the Child; or, against a musical background, they can
spoliation resulting from colonization. invent poetical texts.
The Second World War can be introduced, along with the
Universal Declaralion o H u m a n Righls, lo Ilstrate the
relationship between h u m a n rights and peace. The teacher can Visual arts
point out how these rights are violated by war and, redprocally, Classical or contemporary works of art such as those of Goya or
how such violations frequently engender war. Tashi Maruki that raise human rights issues can be chosen for
The sludy of the fight for nalional independence and the s tudy and comment. Students can be invited to imagine the

rejection of colonialism can be used lo discuss the right o peopk-s artist's point of view and study the techniques used to match the
to self-determination. Lessons on contemporary issues such as ideas or feelings reflected in the work of art.
development, ethnic conllicls, balanced environments and Naturally, students can also themselves represent human rights
cultural recognition can be based on the history of how dilierent y drawings, paintings, collages, sculplures and exhibilions.
declarations and instruments for the defence of h u m a n rights
have come into being.
Natural sciences
When studying the composition and properties of water, teachers
Civics education can point out that access to drinking water is such a fundamental
Civics is an especially suitable subject for the introduction of need that one might even recognize a 'right to water'. Ways of
discussion on human rights and can provide a context for a meeting water requirements can Ilstrate the differences in the
delailed study of international instruments. II can lay special achievemenl of econornic and social rights. In many rural reas,
emphasis on the rights and responsibilities of citizens as usted in it is women and girls who mus Iclch and carry waler, often over
international instruments. great distances. This represents endless hours of hard work for"*
them. This situation is an obstacle to their right to rest and leisure
and, in the case of young girls, to their right lo schooling.
Artistic education in all its forms and at all levis is a highly
appropriate subject for human rights education. Folk music and The true source of rights is duty. If we all discharge our
songs, which irequently correspond to popular and social duties, rights will not be far to seek. If leaving duties
movements, can be used to arouse awareness of the history o unperformed we run after rights, they will escape us like a
local struggles to achieve respect for human rights. Students can will-o'-the-wisp.'
research the historical events that gave rise to popular works and Mahatma Gandhi
the conditions in which social groups produced them. These
events and conditions can be classified under the categories o
rights today recognized by international instruments, such as th 1 '
right to fair wages, to good working conditions and to trade unions-
The teacher can also suggest that students compose the lyrio>
and music of songs, taking as their basis the language of the
Civil and political rights A 'rights of the child' treasure chest
he rights of the child form part
f human rights. In order to learn
about human rights, young
Article 1 : children first need to learn that
Rsped for persons. equality, a spirit children have rights.
of brotherhood
Respect for h u m a n rights implies recognilion ihat eaeh person is Children under 6. Nursery The children use coloured
free, autonomous and responsiblc. Endowed as thcy are wilh schools and kindergartens. papers to decrate the large
conscience and reason, men, women and children are able lo Possible for 6- to 8-year-olds. cardboard box, which is the class
think about the concepts of law and ethics, and to consider ever 'treasure chest'.
human being as a 'person' and a 'person before the law'. Human' Each child then decrales his
beings are entitled to rights because lliey belong to ihe 'human '.I To crate awareness of the or her own individual box.
famly'. Even if they apply to individuis, human rights do nota importance of respect for other Every day, children put in the
encourage individualism. On ihe conlrary, t h e y deinand respect people's dignity. class treasure chest objects
for all other human beings; they are rooted in solida rit y wilh To encourage solidarity with concerning the rights of children,
other people's history and ful u re in a commilmenl lo 'a spiril of children all over the world. drawings and pictures of
brotherhood'. children, small dolls from
different parts of the world and
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: A large cardboard box. newspaper articles.
Article i Small boxes. Before a child puts something
All human beings are born free and equal n dignity and in the collective box, he or she
rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and has a short discussion with the
should act towards one another n a spirit of brotherhood.' teacher about the significance of
Basic community
the picture or object.
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: school (UNESCO Each child rounds off the class
Associated School), activity by filling and organizing
Article 4
Human beings are inviolable. Every human being shall bel 41748 Viersen,
his or her own 'rights of the
entitled to respect for his ufe and the integrity of his person Germany. child'treasure chest.
Article 5
Every individual shall have the right to the respect of the
dignity inherent in a human being and to the recognition Q(
his legal status.'
Article 2: The principie of non-discrimination

The major enemies of human rights are racism, anti-Semitism,

xenophobia and sexism: in short, all l'orms o contempt tor ihose
differcnt from oneself. For this reason the battle against
stereotypes and the prejudiccs that give rise to racism or sexism
must be unrelenting and must be a core concern of education.
The equality o all human beings should be constantly pointed
to as the principie that must shape our altitudes and behaviour.
Without this recognition of the equality of all human beings,
however difieren! they may be, it is impossible for human beings
lo uve peaceully togelher in society.
The very diversity of human beings is a orm of weallh. Lack
of respecl for olhers on Ihe grounds ihal Ihey are difieren! from
oneself prevens people from living togelher harmoniously and is
inconsislenl with a culture o dialogue and democracy.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Article 2
Everyone s entitled to a the rights and freedoms set forth n
this Declaration, without distinclion of any kind, such as race,
colour, sex, language, religin, political or other opinin,
national or social origin, property, birth or other status.
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of Convention on the Elimination of All Forms
the political, jurisdictional or inlernalional status of the of Discrimination against Women:
country or territory to which a person belongs, whelher it be Part i, Article i
independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other For the purposes of the present Convention, the term
"discrimination against women" shall mean any distinction,
limitation of sovereignty.'
exclusin or restriction made on the basis of sex which has

Convention on the Rights of the Child: the effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the
recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of
Article 2
i. States Parties shall rsped and ensure Ihe rights set forth their marital stalus, on a basis of equality of men and
women, of human rights and fundamental freedoms ...'
... without discrimination of any kind, irrespective of the
child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race, colour,
sex, language, religin, political or other opinin, national,
ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other
The principie of non-discrimination

Sales of cakes and biscuits discrimination gave rise to it?

Children aged 6 to 11. organized by the children, the Preparing a collection of Some teachers may wish to take
profits from which will be sent to newspapers and magazines or this further and study the
a centre for street children. asking pupils to do their own context in which the convention
To prevent pupils from abroad Correspondence between the research n the media. Each pupil was drawn up.
from feeling left out. school and children from a street should find up to three examples Round off this activity by
To show that cultures all have children's centre. of the violation of women's discussing what the convention
their own richness and have The sales of cakes and biscuits rights. He or she will relate the tells us about the state of human
something to contribute to the should be organized by each facts, stating who committed the rights in the late twentieth
educational community. class in turn, each pupil having a violation and who suffered from century.
To give all pupils the clearly-defined role. The teachers it and which rights were violated. Ask students to find a few
opportunity to act positively must work closely together and A full text of the Universal examples of stereotypes in
towards underprivileged students must be enthusiastic if Declaration of Human Rights and textbooks, the media and
children. this type of activity s to be an abridged versin of the everyday altitudes and speech.
successful. Convention on the Elimination of Start a discussion about the
All Forms of Discrimination negative effect of stereotypes on
Extracts from televisin C. Maumey Prima against Women will be needed. human rights. What harm do
programmes. School (UNESCO Pupils' exposs will be the they do to men and women?
Associated Scho
Newspaper and magazine starting-point for a debate. What can be done to counter
articles. these stereotypes?
Photographs brought
by pupils of foreign origin,
objects, individual and OTHER ACTIVITIES
collective background material. )strbute the conventii
> all pupils.
At secondary level, racism and Divide the pupils into groups
Classwork on respect for its evils may be analysed n and ask them to analyse the
others, nternational history lessons. In some convention, article by article.
understanding and the rights of countries an annual anti-racism Instruct each group to study
thechild. week is organized. This can be two to five articles and ask the
Talks by pupils from abroad an opportunity for pupils to following questions: What
about their countries. organize exhibitions and benefits and what guarantees
Press reviews focusing on debates, using material from does each article give women?
cases where the principies of non-governmental organizations Taking a specific article, what
equality are not respected. and anti-racism organizations. denial of rights or what form of
Article 3: The right to life

The right to life is the bedrock and cornerstone of all other hiiin c 1 n
rights. This presupposes the existence of human life: this is so self
evident that no comments or demonstration seem necessary.
It is, however, useful to consider the right to life as represen t i m
the complementarity and interdependence of human rights.
Why does life seem inseparable from the freedom and security o
the person? Is existence possible without freedom and securiiy?
It is clear that the purpose of this right is to preserve the
physical existence of human beings, and to condemn severely
those states and groups that assume the right to take human lile.

$9 Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Article 3
Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.'

W Convention on the Rights of the Child:

Article 6
1. States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent
right to life.
2. States Parties shall ensure to the mximum extent
possible the survival and development of the child.'

International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:

Article 6
1. Every human being has the inherent right to life. This right
shall be protected by law. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived
of his life.
2. In countries which have not abolished the death penalty, 3. When deprivation of life constitutes the crime of genocide,
sentence of death may be imposed only for the most serious t is understood that nothing in this article shall authorize any
crimes in accordance with the law n forc at the time of the State Party to the present Covenant to dergate in any way
commission of the crime and not contrary to the provisions or from any obligation assumed under the provisions of the
the present Covenant and to the Convention on the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of
Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. This Genocide.'
penalty can only be carried out pursuant to a final judgemen
rendered by a competent court.
tolerance and peace Telling a story that questions What type of arguments do
in nter-ethnic relations violent and non-violent altitudes, pacifists use in response? With
for example by using a sporting whom do you agree? Do you
property, closure of schools, activity or a game (see box have to be brave to go against
Pupilsaged 7 to 18. famine. below). Asking questions such what most people think? Why do
15 minutes for pupils aged Think about possible as: What do aggressive people you think this is so? Have you
6 to 9. justifications for fighting enerally think about pacifists? ever been brave like this?
i hour for pupils aged 9 to 18.

To enable chitdren to:

someone, and ways of avoiding
nter-ethnic conflict.
End by stressing the
importance of tolerance and
The winner After a while the fighters
returned. They were hungry and
understand and grasp the acceptance of others, whatever Once, a group of fighters calted on thirsty. Some had been killed.
implications of the concept of their ethnic status. Egal Shidad. 'Let us go and fight our Others were maimed or wounded.
tolerance. enemies,' they told him. As they limped to their homes, the
transpose into children's own 'I will come with you,' Egal said, passed Egal looking relaxed and
words the need to maintain Ouagadoi
'but first let me go and get my surrounded by children.
ofthe Cor
peace in nter-ethnic relations. weapons.' 'Coward,' they taunted him.
Francophone d
l'ducation 'Go,' they said, 'but hurry.' 'You are not a real man. It is bette
I will be a fool to go and fight, to die than to stay with the wome
Pictures and photographs Egal told himself. Why should and children while real men fight.
of conflictual situations. I go to a place where people are Egal laughed. '1 am brave anc
The texts of, or relevant fighting, getting killed and intelligent," he told them. 'I know
extracts from, regional or OTHER ACTMTIES destroying property? There must what is'good and what is bad for i
international conventions. be an alternative to all this fighting. I went with the children to play
Organizing debates about the I have to get out of this situation. among the trees and win games.
death penalty. Point out that it I wonder what I can do. We had no problems. We were ver
Point out that wars and nter- still exists n some countries, Suddenly, Egal had an idea. happy,' said Egal. 'But you,' he
ethnic conflicts exist today. whereas others have abolished He went to the village and collected continued, 'you have been wounded
Look at pictures, photographs it. These debates will focus the all the chitdren. He took them to the and some of you killed. Who is the
and videocassettes showing attention of pupils on the village clearing and there he started winner here? I think I am, and '
wounded persons and refugee processes and means whereby playing with them. Soon, all the are the losers,' he said, and walk
camps. human rights are buttressed in children were running, jumping, away.
Analyse the situation and look international treaties and chasing one another and having a
for causes: Who wages war and instruments. very good time. The group that had Peace Eucation Pack,
why? come to get Egal Shidad left without UNESCO-PEER,
Think about the consequences: him because they could not find him.
loss of human life, destruction of
Article 4:
Prohibition of slavery and forced labour

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights clearly states that

slavery is prohibited, yet many different iorms of slavery,
especially of children, still exist in different pars of the world.
The prohibition of slavery provides an excellent example of
the way in which the concept of human rights has gradually
developed. ll is shocking and surprising to think that, not so long
ago, slavery was legally recognized and morally accepted as an
institution. In the same way, some practices that are widely
accepted today will probably scandalize future generations.
Furthermore, slavery has, unfortunately, nol been lotally
eradicated today. It still survives in different forms which mus be
vigorously comba ted.
Slavery is a practice that degrades the person subjected to it,
since it treats some human beings as Instruments and as
extensions of the will o others. It deprives human beings of the
right to make choices and decisions, and to pursue their personal
development. Convention on the Rights of the Child:
States tnust undertake to not practise slavery or forced labour, Article 19
and mus also undertake to ensure that no one under their i. States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative,
jurisdiction indulges in these degrading practices. They must nol administrative, social and educational mea&ures to protect
authorize such practices in the prvate sphere and must firmly pul the child from all forms of physical or mental violence, injury
an end to them when they persist. or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment, maltreatment or
exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the
Article 4 care of the child.'
No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the
slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.' International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 8
1. No one shall be held in slavery; slavery and the slave trade
in all their forms shall be prohibited.
2. No one shall be held n servitude.
3. (a) No one shall be required to perform forced or
compulsory labour...'
A child in domestic service
Melissa's Day, by Esery Mondsir, a student of education
treated only in Mr and Mrs Paul's at CREFI (Hait)
Children aged 9 and 10. country?
'Melissa! Melissa! Melissa, get up! house to be subjected to me
Ask the children to write an
Do you know what time it is? Do I and physical violence.
account of a real-life case similar
always need a whip to wake you up?' Mr and Mrs Paul settle
To warn children of the dangers to Melissa's involving children
Mrs Paul cried, but the child was fast family differences by fighting and
of present-day forms of siavery. whose rights are ignored.
asleep and had clearly gone to bed violent shouting. On several
The groups pool their
late. She stirred on her pile of urine- occasions, Mrs Paul s slapped in the
conclusions and a class
soaked rags: it was four n the face when her husband loses control
Documents concerning the discussion is held.
morning and for her a new day of and flies nto a rage.
rights of the child, primarily the The class makes proposals
violence was beginning. All too often, the children are
Convention on the Rights of the about rsped for children's
Melissa s 10 years od, an age at whipped as part of their upbringing.
Child. rights. This type of activity helps
which other children still have time Melissa loses count of the
Drawings and photographs pupils to feel concern for
to dream and enjoy life. Her parents number of slaps she receives n a
of street children or children children of their own age who
were too poor to keep her with them day. As for the humiliating ames she
in domestic service. are underprivileged.
n the provinces and a few years is called, they are best passed over n
They understand that these
before had had to send her into silence. She s never caressed, never
children, too, are human beings
domestic service in the capital. kissed on the cheek and never gets
Distribute the account of and nave rights.
This was a brutal shock for a child any thanks. Finally the sun sets n a
'Melissa's Day' (see box) and
still in need of loving care. blaze of glory in the west, but for
the text of the Convention on Centre de Recherchee
Each day s a long and terrible Melissa it has yet to rise.
the Rights of the Child. Formation en Science
l'ducation et d'lntero nightmare for Melissa. She has to What hope s there for this little
Emphasize the concern felt by
Psychologique (CREFI) girl whose heart is stamped with
the internationat community for carry out the worst drudgery.
Her ame s heard more than anyone violence and shrouded in hatred?
children in general and for
else's n the househotd, not because By destroying her person and her
underprivileged children in OTHER ACTIVITIES
she is held n affection but because personality, her mistress s teaching
particular (e.g. describe the
she is useful. Melissa rises at her to perpetate a culture of
workofUNICEF). In history lessons at secondary-
cockcrow and the household Jobs violence and to go on accepting
Read the text to the class. school leve!, studying the stages
she has to do throughout the day are violence.
Divided into small groups, whereby legislation on the
more suitable for someone at least Violence must be nipped in the
the class examines Melissa's prohibition of siavery gradually
bud, n the family and at school, if we
situation in the light of the twice her age. Worse still, she is
developed in different nations.
whipped and humiliated for any want to build for Melissa and other
Convention on the Rights of the Taking advantage of the
childlike action or behaviour. She s children of her age a ust society
Child. commemoration of the abolition of
treated with violence and contempt. which respects the human person
Ask the children: Do you know siavery to discuss siavery, showing
Melissa is not the only one in th both physically and morally.
of any cases like Melissa's in how the slave trade was inhuman
your country? Are children ill- and the negation of the most <
basic rights.
Article 5: The prohibition of torture International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 7
Over the centuries, people holding political power have often No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman
seized the right to use any means - including physical and or degrading treatment or punishment. In particular, no one
mental torture - to achieve their objectives. The use of torture to shall be subjected without his free consent to medical or
forc a suspect to confess, for example, has often been considered scientific experimentation.'
legitimate practice.
The prohibition of torture is a perfect example of how human
rights limit the powers of a state. Today, states are forbidden to
use inhuman and'degrading methods to achieve their aims
Being tortured for one's opinions
(usually to make someone talk, to extract information).
The prohibition of torture - in other words, respect for a They then act t out, sharing
person's physical, mental and moral integrity - is one of the the roles betwen them.
Pupils aged 12 to 18'.
human rights that admits of no exception and that must always Afterwards, a debate can be
be applied whatever the situation.
launched: What to do in Youssef
To get across the message that or Linda's situation? Would you
V Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
rio representative of a state, have written what you thought
Article 5
ncludmg the plice, and no f you were the journalist?
No one shal! be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman individual, has the right to Would you have decided to keep
or degrading treatment or punishment.'
torture, attack or detain people. quiet to avoid having problems?
Do you know of any cases of
V Convention on the Rights of the Child: kidnapping, torture or Ilegal
Article 37
Tell the following story: 'Your detentfon?
States Parties shall ensure that:
ame is Youssef, Pierre, Nadia or
(a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel,
Linda. You are a journalist. Yu
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Neither report n your newspaper an
capital punishment or life mprisonment without possibility incident mplicating quite well-
of relase shall be imposed for offences committed by
known people and you comment
persons below eighteen years of age;
(b) No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty unlawfully
on it. This annoys these people, (D
whom you do not know. The next OTHER ACTIVITIES
or arbitrarily. The arrest, detention or imprisonment of a child day the people come to your
shall be in conformity with the law and shall be used only as home and take you off In secondary schools,
a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate organizing talks and debates
somewhere and give you a
period of time.'
violent beating. No one knows taking as their starting-point a
where you are. You cannot get reading of annual reports from
away from the place.' non-governmental organizations
Pupils write a scenario about the ncidence of torture in
dramatiziog this situation. the world.
Article 6: Tire right to recogjiition The right to the protection of the law
as a person before the law
Pupils then read their answers
All human beings are persons before the law. National and Children aged 10 and over. to one another, discussing them
international laws refer to and are applicable to everyone. in groups of five or six.
This right applies not only to individuis but also to legally Ask the class to compare
constituted associations pursuing legitmate goals. To get children to understand answers. Classify these. Show
People may not therefore be deprived of rights for reasons of the importance of the law, of the that the answers to question 3
race, gender, colour, social or marital status, religious belies, fact that it enables problems to are the most important.
political opinions, etc. Recognition as a person before the law is of be solved by the use of verbal
paramount importance for the respect of human rights. Slavery, reasoning and via the law, henee NICEFfactsheet
for example, is a practice that deprives a category of persons of without physical violence, and in Article 2 of the
their legal personality: being regarded as chattels which can be niversal Declaration',
enables life in societyto be
nthe World Wide Web
sold and exchanged, and as beings who cannot express their own regulated.
opinions, wishes and desires and who cannot have rccourse to the To make pupils aware that
law, they are purely and simply refused the status of human everyone is a person before the
being. t is now recognized that all persons are entitled to the law.
guarantees and obligations established by national and OTHER ACTMTIES
international law, and this naturally includes human rights. aterais
Once again we see that human rights are indivisible and icils, blackboard. For secondary-school pupils
aged 15 and over, organizing
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Ask pupils to complete the Choosing a case reported n
Article 6
following sentences: the media where either a child or
Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person 1.1 am a woman is not recognized as a
before the law.'
(write your ame, plus some person before the law, and
individual characteristics) discussing it.
International Covenant on Civil and Poltica! Rights: 2.1 am Showing that when the right to
Article 16
(state your nationality and recognition as a person before
Everyone sha have the right to recognition everywhere as a possibly ethnic status, adding the law is denied, all the other
person before the law.' some specific features of the human rights suffer.
group of affiliation)
3.1 am a human
(write down what makes you a
member of the human family,
with features common to all)
rtille 7: Equality before the law The concept of law
uman rights form part of the legal ramework that states Assemble the whole class and
stablish for themselves by acceding to conventions and covcnants and over. compare each group's results.
hat set forth and define the civil and political rights of persons. Look at past punishments for the
oor and rich, people with power and ordinary citizens, all are same misdemeanourand see
qual before the law. To make pupils understand whether all pupils were punished
The equality of men and women under legislation covering that the law is instituted for alt equally.
ork and earnings must be stressed, since in many cases it is arija citizens without exception, for all Working together, draft a text
deal that exists in theory rather than in practice. human beings. defining the correlation between
The principie of non-discrimination is particularly importan! in The judicial system makes misdemeanour and punishment,
he sphere of the law and the judicial system. reference to the law and s and, the need o apply the same
Equality before the law has many implications that spread lar governed by the law and by sanctions for the same offences.
eyond the legal sphere. Other human rights - the right to vol, rigorously defined rules. Present this text to the head
he right to be elected or appointed to oicial public functions (a teacher.
ight that in the past was restricted to certain social strata) and End by stressing that everyone
ermine equality between men and women - can be put into Ask pupils what meaning they s responsible for applying the
ractice only via the affirmation of equality before the law. attach to the concept of law. law, that everyone is responsible
nce again, we see how human rights are interdependent. Who proposes laws?,How are before the law, but that everyone
they applied? may also propose amendments
V Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Choose a section of the school to the law.
Article 7 rules which may n this context
All are equal before the law and are entitled without any be considered as the 'law' of the
discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled school.
to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of Divide pupils into small groups
this Declaration and against any incitement to such and ask thern to imagine a
discrimination.' graduated scale of punishment Reading and commenting on
for increasingly serious an article of the law of one's
Convention on the Elimination of all Forms misdemeanours, such as country asserting the equality
of Discrimination against Women: keeping a pupil in detention after of men and women.
Part 2, Article 7 school for one hour, two hours,
States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to etc. Divide a sheet of paper into
elimnate discrimination against women in the political and two columns; in the first column
public life of the country and, n particular, shall ensure to note the punishment and
women, on equal terms with men, the right: opposite give examples of
(a) To vote . . . and to be eligible for election to all publicly misdemeanours (arriving late, or
elected bodies; not handing in work on the
(b) To particpate n the formulation of government policy and required date, for example).
the mplementation thereof and to hold public office and
perform all public functions at all levis of government.'
Artilles 8, 10 and 11: v
The right to a fair trial
The idea of equality before the law only became a reality in carly
modern times. This principie is the foundation o what are
recognized as 'judicial guarantees', the right to the beneit of a
prompt, effective, fair and impartial trial organized by the State.
States mus adhere to certain basic principies in administering
justice and implementing the law: a presumption of an accused
person's innocence, accused persons having the opportunity to
defend themselves before an impartial judge or tribunal and a
guarantee that no one shall be ound guilty of an act which was
not an offence at the time when it was committed.
Independence of the judiciary from the government is one of
the characteristic principies o a democracy. Separation of powers
between the judiciary, and the legislature and the executive
authorities is e&ential.
Verdicts must be preceded by a debate presenting the
arguments for and against: law grounded in human rights gives
everyone the opportunity to defend themselves and to use the
spoken word to make their case. It is possible in this way to move
beyond the violence and physical aggression which would be
inevitable if there were not one justice and one law for everyone. Article 11
i. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be
fe Universal Declaration of Human Rights: presumed nnocent until proved guilty according to law in a
Article 8 public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary
Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the for his defence.'
competent national tribunals for acts violating the
fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or by law. Convention on the Rights of the Child:
Article 10 Article 40
Everyone s entitled in full equality to a fair and public i. States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged as,
hearing by an independen! and impartial tribunal, in the accused of, or recognized as having infringed the penal law
determination of his rights and obtigations and of any to be treated in a manner consistent with the promotion of
criminal charge against him. the child's sense of dignity and worth, which reinforces the
child's respect for the human rights and fundamental
freedoms of others and which takes into account the child's
age and the desirability of promoting the child's reintegration
and the child's assuming a constructive role in society.'
The judicial system Article 9: Liberty and security of person

Act out the scene. This right refers to the protection citizens may legitimately claim
Pupils aged 13 and over. Round-up and discussion: were to save thernselves from arbitrary arrest and deprivation of liberty,
the ground-rules of this fictitious which mus always be subjecl to the law. The aim is to provide
trial fair? If not, how might they guarantees so that individuis are not arrested and imprisoned
To understand the importance be changed? How can equality unfairly and arbitrarily.
of the right to a debate in court and justice be guaranteed? This right was set forth to protect people from State instituons
presenting the arguments for Write on the blackboard all that act outside the law, solely on the grounds o suspidon.
and against. suggestions made by pupils. The conjunction of 'liberty' and 'security' in this expression is
To understand the importance highly significan!. It may be understood in two ways: on the one
of the concept of a defence and hand, we have the right to live in security and the State has an
e assistance of a lawyer. obligation to guarantee us this right by organizing forces of law
(army, plice, etc.) which ensure our protection; on the other
hand, as citizens, we should have a guarantee that State agents -
A classroom arranged as a the same forces of law - will not use torce arbitrarily and will not
courtroom, with seprate reas harass us or threaten our physical security. Our responsibility
for the judges, the accused, the consists of influencing the State so that it guarantees this right to
defence and the plaintiffs. Organi/ing a visit to the law everyone.
courts so that pupils can attend Article 3 of the Universal Declaration modifies the meaning of
hearing and observe how the right to ufe by speaking of people's security. Life, liberty and
Choose a court case reported justice is done. Have the security o person are considered as the aspects of a single right.
in the media. students find outwhich laws Article 9 defines the concepts of liberty and security. "*
Explain the roles of judge, and which articles of the legal
lawyer, accused and plaintiffs. code are being applied. w Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Allocate these roles to pupils Article 3
or let thern choose their roles. Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
Place everyone so that the Artcle 9
plaintiffs or opposing parties and No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention or
the lawyers assisting them can exile.'
be seen by all the actors.
One group of pupils will International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
represent the plaintiffs family Article 9
and friends; atiother will i. Everyone has the right to liberty and security of person.
represent the opposing party. No one sha be subjected to arbitrary arrest or detention.
No one shall be deprived of his liberty except on such
grounds and in accordance with such procedure as are
established by law.
4. Anyone who s deprived of his liberty by arrest or
detention shall be entitled to take proceedings before a
court, n order that that court may decide without delay on OTHER ACTIVITIES

the lawfulness of his detention and order his relase if the

detention is not lawful.' In secondary schools, studying In primary schools and
the machinery incorporated in secondary schools within the
the judicial and plice systems same rea, organizing a poetry-
to prevent arbitrary acts. writing competition on the
Secondary-school teachers subject of freedom.
Liberty, liberties and students could find out Reading poems about freedom.
about cases of arbitrary Asking each pupil or student to
Look at the pictures and imprisonment by contacting the write and Ilstrate a poem about
Young people aged 12 to 18 in photographs of the arrests. national branches of non- freedom.
young people's assodations or What do they show? governmental organizations, Making a collection of the
village co-operatives, or pupils Who is arresting these young such as Amnesty International, poems and publishing them n
or students aged 12 and over. people? Why? Is this right? that defend human rights. the school magazine or as a
Discuss the question: seprate anthology.
Do children and young people
To raise awareness of the have the right to express their
existence of rights and freedoms. dissatisfaction?
To get across the idea that all Provide Information about the Amnesty International
states and human groups mus conditions of legal arrest by
respect freedom of persons. referring to the constitution and For more than thirty-five years, denoTnce 'disappearances' anc
To teach young people to to laws and regulations. Amnesty International, like many poltica! assassinations;
defend their right to protection Show how nternational non-governmental organizations, has oppose the death penalty; and
against arbitrary decisions. Instruments strengthen the right been engaged in a worldwide demand a fair trial within a
of persons to freedom and struggle to ensure respect for human reasonable lapse of time for political
security. rights. It acts to: prisoners, even if they have used
Press cuttings. End with the idea that the free prisoners of consciente; violence.
Pictures, videocassettes. State s bound to respect free combat torture and all forms of
The media. expression by all - chitdren as cruel, inhuman and degrading
well as adults. treatment;

Choose an event in the news,

e.g. young people demonstrating
to show their dissatisfaction at a
rise in registration fees are
arrested by the plice.
Article 12: The right to privacy Correspondence
The aim is to protect people's privacy and prvate lives from
possible abuses or excesses of authority on the par of the State, 015.
groups or individuis. Existing as a person and upholding our
own dignity is to feel that we are recognized as free to have
personal feelings and prvate correspondence, and to live as par Writing paper.
of a family and have friends, without everything we do and say
being monitored and controlled.
States are obliged to respect this right and to make provisin Organize an international
for laws and legal machinery to ensure that this obligation is exchange of letters between
universally respected. classes of children of the same
age, using either town twinning
fe Universal Declaration of Human Rights: schemes or educational
Article 12 networks such as the Freinet
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his network.
*- privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon After several months of OTHER ACTIVITIES
his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the exchanging tetters written by the
protection of the law against such interference or attacks.' class as a whole, find each pupil In secondary schools,
an individual penfriend. organtzng a debate on the
% Convention on the Rights of the Child: Scrupulously respect the conflict and contradictions that
Article 16 'confidentiality' of these arise n modern societies
1. No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful individual letters, except if a between the protection of prvate
nterference with his or her privacy, family, home or young pupi! needs help in life and freedom of information.
correspondence, or to unlawful attacks on his or her honour reading one. For example, the lives of famous
and reputation. Point out the difference people are often revealed n the
2. The child has the right to the protection of the law against between a collective press. If journalists did not make
such interference or attacks.' correspondence and a such revelations, how would the
correspondence between public react? Would people feel
fe International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: individuis, which should be they were being insufficiently
Article 17 confidential. nformed or misinformed?
1. No one shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful Yet surely people in public life
interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, have the right to a prvate life?
or to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against
such interference or attacks.'
Articles 13 and 14: x
Freedom of movement and right of asylum
Human beings have the right lo a nationality. Closely linked to '
this right is the right to move around freely in one's country and/1
to reside where one wishes within its borders.
Just like the reedom to associatc- - or not to associale - with M
other persons, the right to move or not to move in complete
freedom within a given country is guaranteed. At the same time '1
the right to leave one's country should also be guaranted.
This right implies that everyone, in compliance with the
legislation in forc, has the right to enler and leave his or her own
country and to move around freely within it, the objective being |
to guarantee a ree and dignified lile for everyone.
(b Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
*- Article 13
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and
residence within the borders of each state.
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his
own, and to return to his country.'
fe International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 12
1. Everyone lawfully within the territory of a State shall,
within that territory, have the right to liberty of movement
and freedom to choose his residence. represented for the purpose before, the competent authority
2. Everyone shall be free to leave any country, including his or a person or persons espedally designated by the
own. competent authority.
4. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of the right to enter his
own country. Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 13 Article 14
An alien lawfully in the territory of a State Party to the 1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other
present Covenant may be expelled therefrom only in countries asylum from persecution.
pursuance of a decisin reached in accordance with law and 2. This right may not be invoked in the case of prosecutions
shall, except where compelling reasons of national security genuinely arising from non-political crimes or from acts
otherwise require, be allowed to submit the reasons against contrary to the purposes and principies of the United
his expulsin and to have his case reviewed by, and be Nations.
! ; ; !'oodni; of mov.':i"i)S' the right of asylurn Article 15: The right to a nationality

the prohibition on movement. Nationality is a factor in personal identity. At present t is an

Students aged 15 and over. This notice s displayed in each importanl aspect of the way we know and identify ourselves.
room. It inhienccs the developmenl of our personality and helps to
The game ends with a meeting express our dignity as human beings.
Several rooms or several of solidarity among players. In a world organized along political lines, in countries that are
clearly defined reas, possibly It is followed by a debate about nation-States il is undeniably a great disadvantage to be without a
out-of-doors. freedom of movement and the nalionality. Not only are people in this situation immediately
Imitation identity cards right of asylum. deprived of political rights (the right to vote and to be elected to
(yellowcards). public office, for example), they may also lack access to the health
Imitation passports and educa tion services that States are expected to provide for their
(green cards). citi/eus. A person without a nationality may also encounler many
jficulties in nioving from one country to another. Possession of a
n a t i o n a l i l y is thus an extremely important human right.
The leader divides the young In secondary schools, asking B u t no one chooses their place of birth. Nationality is a matter
people into six groups, each of students how the place where o chance. This being so, il is also important to establish the right
which is allocated a fictitious they live their lives fe.change one's nationality when one wishes, thus avoiding a
nationality and a specific place. and their occupations. {conflid w i l h t h e iaws o one's country.
Within each group, one or more In which world regin or
pupils act'as non-governmental country would they like to live i! Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
organizaron memtaers, the they had the opportunity? Why? Article 15
others have either a yellow card, Organizing research into the 1. Everyone has the right to a nationality. "*
a green card, or no papers, country's arrangements for 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality or
depending on the group. taking in foreigners. Are there denied the right to change his nationality.'
Two groups have no papers different kinds of status for
and are not allowed to leave foreigners? Why? What are the Convention on the Rights of the Child:
their room. Two groups can move conditions for requesting asylum Article 7
from room to room (green cards). Organizing a discussion of tlv i. The child shall be registered immediately after birth and
Two groups can enter only one reasons why people leave their shall have the right from birth to a ame, the right to acquire
other room (yellow cards). country and go to another. Are a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to know and be
The four groups that can move there ways of encouraging such cared for by his or her parents.'
around gradually become people to return to their country
concerned about the groups that
cannot leave their room.
The non-governmental
organization representatives
meet and draft a notice lifting
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Article 16:
Article 24 The right to marry and round a family
2. Every child shall be registered immediately after birth and
shall have a ame. These human rights establish a link between the family as a
3. Every child has the right to acquire a nationality.' natural and fundamental element in society and marriage as the
'act that founds a family. Marriage may take place only with the
free and full consent of the intending spouses and there should be
full equality before and during the marriage and at the time of its
dissolution, if this should occur.
Although marriage and the family belong to the sphere of
Nationality, a factor in iden prvate life, the state is required to take precautionary measures to
protect them in the interests of society as a whole; these
Assemble the full class to precautionary measures are taken in order to ensure that husband
Children aged 10 and over. compare notes. and wife are equal before the law.
On the blackboard, classify the Furthermore - and this is an importan! point - this right
dentity documents into different guarantees that the law will not impose restrictions on marriage
To understand the feeling of types. linked to race, colour, social class, nationality or religin. This is a
belonging to a nation and to Who issues these documents? fresh example of a human right that may seem to us natural and
distinguish this from Where are they obtained? sel-evident, but is actually the outcome of a long struggle to
nationalism. overeme constraints and prejudices.
To understand the importance econdary i
of identity documents. -ducation P. Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 16
1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to
Copies of identity documents race, nationality or religin, have the right to marry and to
(personal identity cards, OTHER ACTIVI found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to
passports) from various marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
countries. Organizing a debate on the 2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full
relationship between the nato:; consent of the intending spouses.
and cultural dentity. In regions 3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of
Divide pupils into groups of five. where there is considerable society and is entitled to protection by society and the State.'
Each group receives two or ethnic and cultural diversity, thr
three copies of documents of topic should lead to a tively International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
different types (passports, voter exchange of opinions. For this Article 23
registration cards, identity cards). debate, use a world map 2. The right of men and women of marriageable age to marry
Pupils read, examine and showingthe location of the and to found a family shall be recognized.
describe documents. different nations and of the 3. No marriage shall be entered into without the free and full
regions of the world. consent of the intending s
women in marria Article 17: The right to own property

Exchanges between the groups The right to acquire and own property - regarded as a means of
Childreri aged 10 to 15. which put forward their sell'-fulfilment and of social development - is recognized as a
arguments for or against the h u m a n right.
marriage insisted on by the This right provides a guarantee against possible arbitrary actioi
To combat forced marriage. parents. by a state, which should not dispossess individuis.
To make boys and girls aware Conclusin of the game: the The right to own property acknowledges the superiority o the
that freedom to choose one's girl will marry the man she public interest over the prvate interest and means that personal
husband or one's wife should be chooses. The parents finally property may not be expropriated without fair compensation for
respected. accept that the girl has the right those concerned.
to a prvate life once she is adult.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Props symbolically separating Article 17
groups of actors. 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well
as in association with others.
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.'
The children divide up into
groups. One group represents
the parents; a second represents
a girl who wants to get engaged
to a young man of her choice; a
third represents the family
Presentation of the scene to be
acted: a girl feels od enough to
become engaged and wants to
marry the man of her choice.
Her parents want to make her
marry a rich man.
Violations of property rights at school Article 18:
Freedom of thought, conscience and religin
At the end of the role playing,
PupHs aged 8 and over. the teacher outlines the luman rights help to safeguard the right of persons belonging to
sanctions that could be taken political and religious minorilies to i h i n k and bclieve differenlly
against the guilty party, showing from the majority. The state should never enact discriminatory
Cases of theft and extortion that theft and extortion damage laws as a result of a situation connected with religious belief or
may occur in all schools. The social relations in the school. lack o belief. States are also bound to ensure that no one and no
activity is designed to make it Conclude with a debate on the prvate body u n d e r their jurisdiction vilales this right. Each of us
clear that they are violations of a right to own property. mus rsped otbers and act against all forms of discrimination we
right of the person and deprive a ; see around us.
person of something that S
belongs to him or her and is part % Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
of him or her. Article 18
OTHER ACTIVITIES Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and
religin; this right includes freedom to change his religin or
A classroom rearranged with In secondary schools, belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others
precise seating (for the victim, organizing a debate on the and in public and prvate, to manfest hs religin or belief in
for the suspect and for the following subject: does teaching, practice, worshp and observance.'
teacher who will chair the possession of material goods
debate) n order to simlate a (house, land, objects, books) V Convention on the Rights of the Child:
disciplinary board. circumscribe or encourage the Article 14
development of human beings? . States Parties shall respect the right of the cWld to
freedom of thought, conscience and religin.'
The teacher chairing the
council relates the facts. w International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
The victim is assisted by Article 18
another pupil acting as counsel. 1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of thought,
The suspect or suspects reply, conscience and religin. This right shall include freedom to
assisted by another pupil who have or to adopt a religin or belief of his choice, and
plays the role of defence freedom, either individually or n community with others and
attorney. in public or prvate, to manifest his religin or belef n
worship, observance, practice and teaching.
2. No one shall be subject to coercin which would impair his
freedom to have or to adopt a religin or belief of his choice.'
African Charter on Human and Peoples' Rights: Respect ;or bf!r;s, us tolerara
Article 8 '**
Freedom of conscience, the profession and free practice of
religin shall be guaranteed. No one may, subject to law an Conclude by saying that
3upils aged 8 to 14. everyone has a duty to respect
order, be submitted to measures restricting the exercise of
heir neighbour's religin.
these freedoms.'
To encourage respect for the
beliefs - or lack of beliefs - of
Pictures or photographs
depicting persons with visible
signs of their religious affiliation:
Christians, Muslims, jews,
Hindus, Animists, etc.
The teacher shows the Religious tolerance can be
photographs and pictures. taken as the therne for a history
Ask the class to identify the lesson. Many people mantain
figures in terms of their religious their religious beliefs (thereby
affiliation. adding to the world's cultural
By means of questions, the diversity) by resisting oppression
teacher encourages the children and not because of the respect
to: for different beliefs which States
cite cases of religious should guarantee. Duringthe
intolerance; colonial and post-colonial
say whetherthey periods, many States persecuted
experience such situations people professing certain
n their neighbourhood or religious beliefs. What is the
village; situation today?
say what they think about
this kind of behaviour;
show that tolerance s a
factor of peace.
Article 19: Freedom of opinin and expression
\t would our right to hold our chosen beliefs and opinions be
worth if we had no right to express them in public?
The right of all persons and groups to express and disseminate
Information and opinions, using media technology and other
means, is sel forth and protected. It should be noted that the
instruments of protection stipulate that restrictions on the right of '
expression are not applicable to ideas, i. e. States cannot legislate
against an opinin or an idea.
States are permitted to reglate freedom of expression to a
certain extent in the public interest and to protect certain
categories o more vulnerable persons. Convention on the Rights of the Child:
The right of expression is fundamental in a dcmocracy. Article 12
An extremely critical situation is created when a State reserves i. States Parties shall assure to the child who s capable of
the right to decide what information and opinions may be forming his or her own views the right to express those views
eUsseminated via the mass media. freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of the child
This right has a positive and beneficial effect on social lile being given due weight in accordance with the age and
through its support for the free flow of ideas. Societies that have maturity of the child.
severely restricted this right have sooner or later suffered as a Article 13
result of their decisin because they have thereby been drained of J 1. The child shall have the right to freedom of expression;
vitality and capacity for change. this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and mpart
information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
Universal Dedaration of Human Rights: either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or
Article 19 through any other media of the child's choice.
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinin and expression; 2. The exercise of this right may be subject to certain
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by
nterference and to seek, receive and mpart nformation and law and are necessary ...'
deas through any media and regardless of frontiers.'
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Article 19
1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression;
this right shall nclude freedom to seek, receive and mpart
nformation and deas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
either orally, n writing or n print, in the form of art, or
through any other media of his choice.'
Article 20: Freedom of assembly and association
'The diference between an assembly and an association is a matter
o dcgree. In assemblies, people meet for a limited time, whereas
Make sure that associalions have a more pcrmanent existence on the basis o
condary-school correspondence and school conimon goals and objectives. Associations can thus claim the
newspapers are reay status o legal entities, responsible beore the law. The right to
despatched to their addressees. assemblc lemporarily or peaceful purposes and to sel up a
perma ncnt association recognized as a legal entity is protected.
To crate awareness of the This right safeguards not only freedom to pursue civic, political
ght to self-expression. i and religious activities, bul also reedom to orm trade unions and
workrrs' associations. It encompasses difieren! aspects of social ufe
? and is very important for the exislence o harmonious rclalions in
'aper and f possible computar a democratic society.
with word processing software, Where real freedom exists, it does so because the freedom to
or typewriters. associate or not to associate with others is preserved.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

From among the school In secondary schools, Article 20
population as a whole,1 organize debating the following 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly
one group of volunteers to be questions: When and why can and association.
responsible for International freedom of opinin and 2. No one may be compelled to belong to an association.'
correspondence and another to expression be limited? Does
act as the newspaper's editorial censorship exist in our country? Convention on the Rights of the Child:
committee. In the classroom? At home? Article 15
Aocate writing and 1. States Parties recognize the rights of the child to freedom
managernent assignments to of association and to freedom of peaceful assembly.
group members. 2. No restrictions may be placed on the exerdse of these
Organize the writing of letters rights other than those imposed in conformity with the law
and articles. and which are necessary in a democratic society in the
Have the first proofs of the interests of national security or public safety, public order
newspaper read to all classes, (ordre public), the protection of public health or moris or th<
invitingcriticism and protection of the rights and freedoms of others.'
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights: Setting up
Article 21 and organizing
The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. an association
No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right
other than those imposed in conformity with the law and
which are necessary in a democratic society in the interests' Suggest setting up a UNESCO
of national security or public safety, public order (orare Pups aged 15 to 18. Club to defend human rights.
publc), the protection of public health or moris or the An entire school class or group Provide information about local
protection of the rights and freedoms of others. of students. sections of international non-
Article 22 governmental organizations.
1. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association
with others, including the right to form and join trade unions To crate awareness that
for the protection of his interests. associations form part of a
2. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right community's democratic culture.
other than those which are prescribed by law and which are
necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national
security or public safety, public order (orare public) ...'. Paper, coioured penis.
Assemble student votunteers. In primary schools, organizing
Ask them to discuss the meetings of the school co-
function and title of the operative where pupils take
association they want to set up turns to be Chair, Treasurer and
n their school. Secretary. The teacher organizes
Suggest designing a logo for the discussion, which s led by
the association. This activity may the Chair. The teacher takes care
give rise to a competition open to see that pupils decide for
to all students. themselves how the school co-
Produce mernbership cards operative should be run, how its
inscribed with the logo. funds should be used and what
Offer these cards to other actions t should launch.
Show via these actions that
students' associations are a
social model whereby people can
and should play a role in the
conduct of their affairs and in the
organizaron of school activities.
Article 21: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
Freedom to take part in public affairs Article 25
Every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without
When we speak of the t'reedom to take part in public affairs, we any of the distinctions mentioned in articte 2 and without
are lalking about an esscntial riglil in the lield o civil and politicafl unreasonable restrictions:
rights. Without real cquality in this field, the meaning and natural (a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or
of democracy are distorted. through freely chosen representatives;
This right has two inseparable aspects: the right to elect one's (b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections
representatives by vote; and-the right to be elected and to have which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be
access to public office. These two rights are enjoyed by all those ' ; held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the
with the legal capacity to do so. The law should allow very few will of the electors;
restrictions on them. (c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public
This right was formulated only recently. During the first half ofl service n his country.'
the twentieth century, for example, women slill did not possess
this right.
Once again, it is useful to think here about the
im-erdependence of human rights. If freedom of association
(guaranteed by Article 20 of the Universal Declaration) did not
exist, how could the right to set up assodations and political
parties, indispensable instruments for participation in public
affairs, be guaranteed?
Genuine democracy cannot exist without 'free' and 'fair'
elections, which means that several candidatures must be officially
accepted, freedom of assembly before the elections must be
guaranteed, voters must be allowed to make their choice secretly
and anonymously (by secret ballot), the counting of votes must be
done or overseen by duly-designated tellers, voting must be
monitored by sworn officials and by representatives of all the lists
of candidates, and electoral lists must be complete and carefully
V Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
Article 21
. Everyone has the right to take part in the government of
his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public service in
his country.'
Learning how to make judgements, Economic and social rights
learning about democracy

and the rights of the child.

Students aged 12 and over. Lastly, a debate can be held on
the fundamental rights each
person exercises n a social Article 25: The right to an adequate standard
To acquire discussion and group.
of living
debating skills.
To learn how to confer and Joliot Curie Bilingu
Secondary School Standard of living, or quality of life as it is often called nowadays,
reach a conclusin.
(UNESCOAssociat comprises health, housing and nutrition, and constitutes a large
To make students aware that School), 9005 Varr
par of the body of rights generically known as social and
human beings are 'law-makers'. Bulgaria.
economic rights-.
When an adequate standard of living is not achieved, people
School rules. live in poverty, which is an affront to human dignity. Poverty is a
Paper, pencils, blackboard. viola tion of human rights and even, in many cases, vilales the
Convention on the Rights of the In primary schools, learning right to lite.
ild. how to choose a piece of writing It is important to stress that States are pledged to ensure that
(by an author or written by the the effective exercise of this right is available to everyone, without
children) by voting (reference to discrimination. This right constitutes an important part of a State's
Each student writes down his Freinet teaching methods). purpose and raison d'etre.
or her 'wishes' and 'needs' n Learning to vote forms part of I n t e r n a t i o n a l co-operation is one way of achieving an
two seprate columns. education for citizenship and of adequate standard of living for all humanity. The idea of'sodarity
Compare notes and point out human rights education. between all human beings is a mainspring of this right.
that most human rights are In secondary schools,
responses to fundamental needs describing the nature and main Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
of human beings. characteristics of parliamentary Article 25
Working n small groups, and governmental institutions. i. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate
students draw up a list of the Showing in what sense they are
for the health and we-being of himself and of his family,
group's main needs. The list is mainstays of democracy. Setting
induding food, clothing, housing and medical care and
displayed. up an experimental 'students'
necessary social services, and the right to security n the
Still working in groups, parliament' s an excellent
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood,
students draft rules valid for opportunity to take stock of the
od age or other lack of livelihood in circumstances beyond
their own group, classifying them resources and the difficulties
undertwo headings: 'authorized' involved in the democratic his control.'
and 'forbidden'. process via a comparison of
Before the fut class, the opinions, reasoned argument,
teacher compares the class rules receptiveness to others and the
which have just been drawn up search for a consensus.
Convention on the Rights of the Child A cali to practise solidarity
Article 24
i. States Parties recognize the right of the child to the
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health and
to facilities for the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of 3 Students aged 15.
health. States Parties shall strive to ensure that no child \s
deprived of his or her right of access to such health care
services. To raise awareness of the need dcienly, among all the
Article 27 for international co-operation. ssacres that frica endures,
i. States Parties recognize the right of every child to a .. - found out about one affecting
standard of living adequate for the child's physical, mental the Ugoni civilizaron ... 500,000
spiritual, moral and social development.' school magazine. people who work a land whose
computer or typewriter. rich oil deposits are coveted arid
International Covenant on Economic, Social media. tead to conflict'. Bridget Yorgure,
and Cultural Rights: with her big eyes and short plaits,
Article 11 told us despairingly that her
i. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the Meet a lonely, unhappy person, mother had been slaughtereti and
right of everyone to an adequate standard of living for out of school, then n school. that she needed to go back to
himself and his family, including adequate food, clothing and Discuss remedies for this frica immediately: she would
housing, and to the continuous improvement of living situation and ways of being suffer immensely if she could not
conditions. The States Parties will take appropriate steps to supportive. see her mother's corpse one last
ensure the realization of this right, recognizing to this effect Suggest making an appeal for time. Since then, among many
the essential importance of international co-operaton based solidarity in the school misunderstandings, attempts have
on free consent.' magazine. been made to intgrate this lovely
Collective drafting of an articl lost girl, whose only possession s
(see example n box). the label 'refugee'. We found it
hard to'help her to solve her
o Tcnico
urgent problem. And then, the
dustriale Statfile G fears, the rights and wrongs, etc.
ernini (UNESCO
need discussion without empty
ssodated School),
orne, Italy.
letoric. Are you interested?
r Article 22: The right to social security
Social security systems are 'ounded on the principie of solidarity,
Contacting a humanitarian The term 'quality of life' means on ilie idea that those members of society who are able to offer
non-governmental organization different things to different hclp should olnain resources for those in need.
and encouraging pupils to take people. Introduce to pupils a list The purpose of social security systems is to provide a country's
part in outreach activities, in une of needs, asking them to classify population with social cover in various fields, e.g. health,
with their individual capacities. these needs as essential or employment, retirement, disability, etc.
Setting up a co-operatve peripheral. The results can be Any of us may fall ill, lose our job or be disabled. We shall all
twinning arrangement between discussed by analysing the grow od and one day retire. The State has an obligation to
two schools, one of which scheme established in 1985 by organi/c social services to provide social cover on the basis of the
belongs to a regin in the world Michael Atchia, who conducted a resources oblained from taxpayers.
where poverty is rife. The survey in eight countries to find The righl to social security is one o the so-called 'social' rights
twinning will gain from nter- out what factors contribute to and cmphasizes the need for solidarity and interdependence
school correspondence, the the quality of life. What would be among human beings with the aim of providing adequate living
dispatch of equipment and your choice of essential and conditions for the whole population.
technological exchanges. aeripheral needs? Social security systems as we know them today are recent
instilulions, but the principie of universal access to such systems
now forms part.of the body of human rights.
This right was not expressly stated until the Universal
Good, stable government Declaralion of Human Rights was adopted. There is still a long
way lo go before all human beings, especially in the poorer
Creative abilities Adequate supply of wholesome food
counlries, have eective access lo this right.
Moral and spiritual vales

Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Justice, equality
Personal qualities Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social
Social relationships:
Play, leisure time security and is entitled to realization, through national effort
Environment and international co-operation and in accordance with the
organization and resources of each State, of the economic,
Family life social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the
Peace of mmd free development of his personality.
development and success

Security and adequate provisin for od age

Simple living

Essential factors Source:

Peripheral factors
Nations En\e
Article 25 The right to protection and assistance in case
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate f ''1 of impairment of physical or mental capacitie
the health and well-being of himself and of his family, I
including food, clothing, housing and medical care and
necessary social services, and the right to security in the Pupils aged 10 to 16.
event of unemployment, sickness, disability, widowhood, od OTHER ACTIV1TIES
age or other lack of livelihood n drcumstances beyond his
control. To raise awareness of the Organizing a discussion about
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special care and potential and needs of people the importance of social security
assistance. All children, whether born n or out of wedlock, with disabilities. and how difficult t is for sick
shall enjoy the same social protection.' To take into consideration the people to obtain medical care
rights of the child. when no social security system
Convention on the Rights of the Child: exists.
Article 26 Organizing a visit to the
1. States Parties shall recognize for every child the right to An outline scenario: 'During a nearest hospital or personally
benefit from social security, including social insurance, and meeting, parents have to decide helping an elderly or disabled
shall tflke the necessary measures to achieve the full whether a child with a disability person by going to see them at
realization of this right in accordance with their national law.' can be a pupil at their children's their home.
school. They are nitially quite As a Kinshasa primary school
International Covenant on Economic, Social favourable to this, but when they did (Kinshasa-Gombe, Democratic
and Cultural Rights: learn thatthe child hasan Republic of the Congo, a UNESCO
Article 9 intellectual disability they begin Associated School), Organizing a
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the to hesitate and to feel concerned role-playing game on the
right of everyone to social security, including social about the possible impact on following theme: 'Some sick
insurance. their own children.' people have been waiting since 7
Article 10 o'clock in the morning at a
2. Special protection should be accorded to mothers during a. hospital entrance. At 9 o'clock
reasonable period before and after childbirth. During such Distribute the scenario. the doctor begins consultations.
period working mothers should be accorded paid leave or Read it together, then act it A rich and important man
leave with adequate social security benefits.' out. arrives. The doctor sees him
A debate could be organized before all the others.'
lrke Heitmeier, afterwards around the fact that, Conclude by writing a letter to
"terbeberich if human rights are to be the doctor expressing surprise at
respected, one's own interests this discrimination.
must sometimes be relegated to
second place.
rticle 23: The rigjt to work ^ Child labour
xercise of this right is linked to a specific context, the economic Display the photographs and
nd social conditions in which job opportunities are created. The tudents aged 10 to 18. the students' answers.
ight to work then ceases to be merely a subjective possibility (th
ndividual right to want to work) and becomes a social right INICEF fact sheets, on
ranted to persons capable of working. To encourage demonstrations of he World Wide Web at:
The high level of unemployment and underemployment is the solidarity. labor/quiz.htm]
esult of structurally-malfunctioning State economies, endemic
overty or an unfair distribution of wealth.
The International Labour Organization (ILO) is concerned w i i h UNICEF fact sheets proposing
he right to work; its mission is to ensure the implementation questions and answers.
orldwide of programmes to promote fu 11 employment and posters produced by ILO and OTHER ACTIVITiES
igher living standards. This organization thus plays a vital role. UNICEF.
Article 6 o ihe I n t e r n a t i o n a l Covenant on Economic, Social videocassettes produced by In secondary schools, talking
d Cultural Rights refers to full realization of the right to gain UNICEF. about geo-economic labour
ne's living by conditions in one's own country.
Work out how many Jobs (and
i Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Look at photographs or videos what type of Jobs) are really
Article 23 of children working at a loom, in available for people wanting to
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of a brick factory or down a mine. work and achieve professional
employment, to just and favourable conditions of work and to | Ask students to examine and success.
protection against unemployment.' comment on the pictures. Analysing whether the
Answer, verbally or in writing, economy depends primarily on
International Covenant on Economic, Social questions like: agriculture, industry or services.
and Cultural Rights: i. Where do you find most Study the rate of population
Article 6 working children? (In places growth and other factors that
. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the where products are exported may influence the existence or
right to work, which includes the right of everyone to the to rich countries? On farms? lack of Jobs.
opportunity to gain his living by work which he freely chooses or In the street?) Asking students what
accepts, and will take appropriate steps to safeguard this right. 2.How can child labour be measures they would take to
2. The steps to be taken by a State Party to the present combated? (By consumers? crate more Jobs if they were
Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right shall include By governments?) Prime Minister or Minister of
technical and vocational guidance and training programmes, 3.ln which countries is child Labour in their country.
policies and techniques to achieve steady economic, social labour a problem?
and cultural development and full and productive there a link between child
employment under conditions safeguarding fundamental labour and poverty?
political and economic freedoms to the individual.'
World march against chid labour: Not a sirigfle c Artilles 23 and 24:
The right to fair conditions of work
During the industrial employed as domestic In order lo prevent: (health and safety, rest, the right to fair pay)
upheavals of the nineteenth servants by diplomis who Iragic occurrences, Ihe
century, Europe exploited take advaritage of iheir International Labour Office All human beings ha ve the right to various legal and material
children abominably: children, diplomatic immunity and the has drawn up a convention provisions which guarantee that they begin and continu their
nfants even, were put to work ignorance of their young prohibiting child labour. working life in decent conditions.
for long hours in faetones and servants, which they Unforlunalely, only 51 oul These provisions are legally guaranteed (a fair salary, holidays,
mines, where they were often deliberalely preserve. Since of the 173 member countries 'limited hours of work, severance pay). Facilities in firms and at
the victims of terrible'bullying. Ihey cannol speak the have ralfied it! This is why a the workplace are also guaranteed (cleanliness, safety, etc).
There are stil many of language of the counlry where world march against child These working conditions are considered essential, especially
these child victims in the Ihey are living, these girls do labour has been organized, rest periods, leisure time and paid holidays. The basic idea is that
world today. The International nol lo run away. Even has crossed France in May, work must not become an intolerable burden or an end in itself,
Labour Organizaron when they are freed, which and will end in Geneva at the draining all a person's energy.
estmales that there are 250 sometimes happens thanks lo beginningof June. Work must be regarded as an activity which, in addition to
million child workers aged 5 associations such as ihe Children ... must be fully providing a livelihood, permits self-fulfilment.
(yes, five) to 14, half of whom Commiltee against Slavery, protecled and al Ihe same People must have the benefit of rest and leisure and free time
are 'used' full-time, especjally these young people are marked time Irined to shoulder the for their prvate lives.
in Asia and South America. for life and their development responsibilities which will one
But there are slll many child is arrested al childhood. Such day be Ihers. Everyone mus Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
workers in Europe: n was the fate oa Somal girl work togelher to ensure that Artide 23
Portugal, in Italy, in Great named Sophia who was trealed not a single child is ever agan 1. Everyone has the right to work . . .
Britain and also in France. like a slave in Ihe Pars ill-treated, degraded, 2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has'the right to
Catering is often mentioned as suburbs, that of a little humlialed, exploted - n a equal pay for equal work.
a sector where, despite the Indonesian girl named Ismah word, deslroyed, 3. Everyone who works has the right to just and favourable
law, children are sometlmes and that of many others. This s the first duty of remuneration ensuring for himself and his family an existence
made to work excessively long UNICEFfthe United humanity today. worthy of human dignity, and supplemented, if necessary, by
hours, 50 to 6o hours per Nations Children's Fund) other means of social protection.
week ... Industries such as believs thal chld labour Article 24
the garment manufacturing has'two facis: il may make Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, ncluding
business often exploit young, children feel proud lo be reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic holidays
more or less Ilegal, helping their familes to with pay.'
immigrants who are afraid to survive and il may teach them
return to their home country, a trade, bul t may also be
for to do so would spell failure inlolerable and personally
and debt and would bring destructive. In some cases Ihe
intolerable shame on their ding line belween the
amily. Other children are : soon crossed.
Convention on the Rights of the Child: , (i) a decent livng for themselves and their famlies ...;
Article 31 (b) Safe and healthy working conditions;
i. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and (c) Equal opportunity for everyone to be promoted ...;
leisure, to engage n play and recreational activities (d) Rest, leisure and reasonable limitaton of working hours
appropriate to the age of the child and to particpate freely n and periodc holidays with pay, as well as remuneration for
cultural ufe and the arts. public holidays.'
Article 32
1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to be
protected from economic exploitation and from performing
any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the
child's education, or to be harmful to the child's health or
physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
2. States Parties shall take legislative, administrative, social Fair oav and safstv at wor
and educational measures to ensure the implementation of
the present article. To this end, and having regard to the
relevant provisions of other international instruments, States a wage ncrease, reinforced
Parties sn"all in particular: Students aged 15 and over. safety measures and longer rest
(a) Provide for a minimum age or mnimum ages for periods'.
admission to employment; Divide the students into two
(b) Provde for appropriate regulaton of the hours and To gve students the capacity to groups, employers and
conditions of employment; negotiate their conditions of ernployees.
(c) Provde for approprate penalties or other sanctons to ork. Each team puts forward its
ensure the effective enforcement of the present artcle.' demands and arguments va
International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Newspapers. Afterwards, ask the students
Rights: Classroom arranged as a to explain the difficulties they
Article 7 gotiating room. encountered.
The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the
right of everyone to the enjoyment of just and favourable
conditions of work which ensure, in particular: With the aid of newspaper
(a) Remuneraron which provides all workers, as a minimum, ticles, ask students to describe
with: a workplace (farm, mine, civil
(i) fair wages and equal remuneration for work of equal valu engineering firm, etc.).
wthout distnction of any kind, in particular women beng Present the followng scenario:
guaranteed conditions of work not inferior to those enjoyed 'Workers on ths site decide to
by men, with equal pay for equal work; put various demands to the
management: they want
formation about management,
The right to work (and freedom to {prm
and join trade unions)
The right to work - the freedom to choose one's Job - and lo have
real access to employment presupposes the exislence of other
rights: the right to set up workers' associalions and unions, and
the right to decent wages.
What mus be highlighted here is the cise relationship
between the basic right to work and the right to set up unions:
the one entails the other. The existence of unions and their eforts',
to defend workers' rights not only strengthen the right to work
within each society; they also guarantee that work will be fairly
remunerated and that working conditions will be decent.
W International Covenant on Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights:
Article 8:
The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to
(a) The right of everyone to form trade unions and join the
trade unin of his choice, subject only to the rules of the
organization concerned, for the promotion and protection of
his economic and social interests. No restrictions may be
placed on the exercise of this right other than those
prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic
society in the interests of national security or public order...; International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
(b) The right of trade unions to establish national federations Article 21
or confederations and the right of the l?tter to form or join The right of peaceful assembly shall be recognized. No
international trade-union organizations; restrictions may be placed on the exercise of this right other
(c) The right of trade unions to function freely subject to no than those imposed in conformity with the law and which are
limitations other than those prescribed by law and which are necessary in a democratic society in the nterests of national
necessary in a democratic society n the nterests of national security or public safety, public order (orare public), the
security or public order or for the protection of the rights and protection of public health or moris or the protection of the
freedoms of others ...' rights and freedoms of others.
Article 22
i. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of association
with others, including the right to form and join trade unions
for the protection of his interests.'
Equitable treatment Cultural rights
of employees,
ocial justice

udents aged 14 and over.

Article 26: The right to education and training

b raise awareness of the fact The right to education, which is crucial to the advancement of
that the principie of equality can human rights, is protected by most international instruments anc
be applied n the sphere of work, by national constitutions and laws. It is accepted that education
by means of a fair divisin of a enables human beings to progress on their own initiative,
country's resources. dcveloping and achieving the highest level o dignity in their
OTHER ACTIVITiES dealings with other people and other peoples. Consequently, the
riglu to education is regarded as an essential right that enables
Articles from trade unin Inviting a unin representative human beings to promote and enjoy the other rights.
newspapers. to give a talk about his or her
Statistics. union's role and activity. Universal Dedaration of Human Rights:
During a history lesson, Article 26
studying the history of the trade 1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall be
Find out the average unin movement in one's own free, at least in the elementary and fundamental stages.
remuneration for different trades country and in the world regin Elementary education shall be compulsory. Technical and
and posts: doctors, lawyers, to which it belongs. Pointing out professional education shall be made generslly available an
bricklayers, farmers, Members of the existence of international higher education shall be equally accessible to all on the
Parliament, etc. confederations of unions. basis of merit.
Examine and compare these Ask students to read a shorl 2. Education shall be directed to the full development of the
salaries. story or part of a novel human personality and to the strengthening of respect for
Discuss differences in pay describing working conditions human rights and fundamental freedoms. It shall promote
levis n a given country. fifty years ago and today. understanding, tolerance and friendship among all nations,
Explain the role and the racial or religious groups, and shall further the activities of
efficiency of progressive taxation the United Nations for the maintenance of peace.
in contributing to greater social 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of education
justice. that shall be given to their children.'

Instituto of Human
Rights, Costa Rica.
Convention on the Rights of the Child: ie sct'0,01 as a'fon ror
Article 28
i. States Parties recognize the right of the child to education,
and with a view to achieving this right progressively and on
the basis of equal opportunity, they shall, in particular: Class qf children aged 6 to 12
(a) Make primary education compulsory and available free to all; non-formal literacy group.
(b) Encourage the development of different forms of OTHR ACTIVITIES
secondary education, including general and vocational
education, make them available and accessible to every b.pass on the message that In secondary schools,
child, and take appropriate measures such as the education is a right. providing Information about
introduction of free education and offering financial To raise awareness of the need, technical and vocational training
assistance in case of need; ir basic education. courses.
(c) Make higher education accessible to all on the basis of Promoting technical education
capacity by every appropriate means ...' and explaining the importance
lackboard. of technology.
Tale or story about the right to Spreading the dea that higher
education (see example education shoud be open to all,
whatever their gender and social
Read the story in class.
Start a discussion about this
Ask pupils to imagine a
possible follow-up to the story,
orally, then in writing.
Write a similar story set in.your
own partof the world, with
features from your cultural
Abdi's dream comes tru
Article 27: The righl to particpate n cultural Ufe
Abdi has lived with his nele Juma Ahmed told his teacher about
since his parents died. He s 10 years Abdi and the teacher decided to meet The right to participate fully and freely in the cultural life of the
od but has never been able to go to this nice boy who dd not go to community is of fundamental importance. Like many other
school. No one really looked after school. human rights, it has two facets. Firstly, it has to do with individua
him. Each morning he would walk That very evening, the teacher potential (the individual's right to choose how to take part in or
past the school when he was taking went to Ahmed's house and asked benefit from certain cultural products) and secondly, with the
the cows to pasture. Sometimes he him where Abdi lived. Then he went State, which must ensure that a large proportion of citizens enjoy
stopped n front of the school and let to see Abdi's nele who was milking the products of culture in the sciences and the arts.
the cows wander off. He dreamt he one of his cows. After an exchange
was a pupil in class with the others. of greetings, the teacher asked
fe Universal Declaration of Human Rights:
He dreamt of new books, full of jumal: 'Can you send your nephew
Article 27
pictures. He magined he was writing to school tomorrow?' 'What?' said
1. Everyone has the right freely to participate in the cultural
his ame on the blackboard and the Jumal. 'What right have you to
life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to share in
other pupils were dapping. But Abdi interfere in my business?" 'None,'
scientific advancement and its benefits.
knew it was only a dream! the teacher replied hesitantly, 'I only
2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and
One day he decided to leave the want to help you.' 'What help is such
cows and go to the village school. advice to me?' retorted the nele.
material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or
He stopped in front of the window The teacher realized he would artistic production of which he is the author.'
and listened and watched what was not manage to convince Jumal. Then
happening in the classroom. he met one of the community wise International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural
He heard the children singing and men and spoke to him about Abdi Rights:
reading. He saw them drawing. and his nele. 'Don't worry,' the wise Article 15
The teacher explained some man replied. 'I promise you that Abdi 1. The States Parties to the present Covenant recognize the
numbers, then talked about the life shall go to school.' The following day right of everyone:
of different: animis. Abdi wanted the wise men went to see Jumal. (a) To take part in cultural life;
more and more to go to school. 'We have come to talk about Abdi,' (b) To enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and its
Every evening Abdi visited his they told him. 'You too, you want him applications;
friend and neighbour, Ahmed. Abdi. to go to school?' said Jumal, starting (c) To benefit from the protection of the moral and material
loved to sit next to Ahmed while he to get really confused. One of the interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic
was doing his homework. Ahmed wise men answered him in calm,
production of which he is the author.
decided to talk about him to his soothing tones: 'It s our duty to
2. The steps to be taken by the States Parties to the present
teacher. edcate our children for they will
Covenant to achieve the full realization of this right shall
'Teacher,' said Ahmed 'I am very have to face a future different from
include those necessary for the conservation, the
proud to be a good pupil. But it s my ours. We must think of their future.'
development and the diffusion of science and culture.
friend Abdi who helps me to be such Jumal thought and thought again,
3. The States Parties to the present Covenant undertake to
a good pupil.' and concluded that the wise men
respect the freedom indispensable for scientific research and
The teacher was surprised were right. 'All right, alt right...
and asked: 'Who s Abdi? Tell me From tomorrow Abdi will go to
creative activity.'
about him.' school!' *
Vienna Declaration and Action Programme
Part I, Para. 19 Each group states its
s The persons belonging to minorities have the right to enjoy arguments for 5 minutes; the
their own culture, to profess and practise their own religin spectator group asks questions
and to use their own language n prvate and in public, freely and the other groups each spend
B and without nterference or any form of discrimination.' 10 minutes answering them.
The teacher notes the
8 arguments in two columns on
the blackboard (one column in
favour of the vernacular, the
other against). OTHER ACTIVITIES
Each pupil writes down his or
her opinin, giving reasons. Examining the different ways
A 'jury' of pupils counts the in which young people can take
verdicts and notes them on the part n the cultural life of their
Respect for cultural and linguistic dentity blackboard. community.
in schools Proposals for action are put Compiling a list of clubs and
before the authorities, the associations that smooth the
their parents who regard use of parents and the local press. way for integration into a
Children aged 6 to 10 for whom the language f the former community's cultural life.
teaching s provided not in the colonial power as a stepping Discussingthe mportance of
vernacular but in the language stone to higher social status. Use leisure time in order to take part
resulting from colonization. of the vernacular is often n extsting cultural activities and
forbidden at school, even during to launch new ones.
playtime. Suggesting that pupils should
To understand that it is fulfilling The teacher explains the local ask their family and friends
to be bilingual or trilingual, while situation regarding use of whether they take part in
retaining one's linguistic dentity. languages in school. cultural activities; whether they
Three groups are formed: go to the theatre or the cinema
1. Supporters of exclusive use of or attend literary or scientific
Blackboard. the vernacular. lectures; whether they help to
2. Supporters of exclusive use of revive musical traditions;
the language of the former whether they draw, paint or
Children are sensitive about this colonial power. sculpt.
issue and often disagree with 3. Spectators who ask questions. Finding out whether cultural
activities are State-subsidized
or depend solely on individual
Article 19: The right to information

This right has two important aspects: the right to impart

information without restriction; and the right to receive
information openly and freely. These two aspects of the right to
information are reciproca! and therefore interactive: informing
and information-gathering are two sides of the same coin.
If freedom of information does not exisl, a society cannol
guarantee its own right to information and does not f u n c t i o n
This is both a civil and political right, and a cultural right.

fe Universal Declaration of Human Rights:

Article 19
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinin and expression;
this right includes freedom to hold opinions without
interference and to seek, receive and mpart information and
ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.'

fe Convention on the Rights of the Child:

Article 13
1. The child shall have the right to freedom of expression;
this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart
Information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or
through any other media of the child's choice.
2. The exercise of this right may be subject to certain
restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided by
law and are necessary:
(a) For respect of the rights cr reputations of others; or International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights:
(b) For the protection of national security or of public order Article 19
(orare public), or of public health or moris.' 1. Everyone shall have the right to hold opinions without
2. Everyone shall have the right to freedom of expression;
this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart
information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers,
either orally, n writing or in print, in the form of art, or
through arty.,other media of his chpice.'
Pluratism The right to development
in the written press

The newspaper pages studied

Young people aged 12 to 18. and each group's conclusions
cari be displayed.
People's development and well-being do not result solely from
To crate awareness of the Centre de Liaison
their personal eforts; they depend to a large extent on the effort:
importance of consulting ducation-Mdia- o States and the international community.
Inforrnation (CLEIVU
different sources of Information Paris, France.
Implicit in the right to development is the principie of
n order to become an active, solidarity, which should direct the efforts of nations and the
clear-thinking citizen. inlernalional community towards the implementation of
econoniic, social and cultural objectives that are bcncTidal to all
OTHE TVITI and enable all the world's dti/ens to develop.
Three or four front pages from Despite the great importance of these principies, the resource;
different daily papers published Inviting a journalist or a needed to implement the right to development are not always
on the same date. Communications professional available. In recent years, governments and States have invested
Paper, blackboard or poster. to talk about their profession's less and less in social programmes devoted to education, health,
code of ethics in relation to the housing and food, and this is a major obstacle to the sustainable
right to receive and mpart development of populations living in the countries.
Divide pupils or students into information. The arguments for international co-operation also fall to a
groups of four or five. Organizing a debate about large extent on deaf ears and do little to even out the huge
Distribute the front pages. censorship: should there be a uiequalities between the different world regions flr to alleviate
Each group observes and political authority to pass the extreme poverty rife in many countries.
analyses: layout, headlines, judgement on the intellectual Today the right to development is regarded as essential to the
importance (column-inches) and artistic conten of creative very existence o the other human rights. If the conditions for a
attached to a given event. work? Can censorship be dignified lile do not exist, it is impossible to exercise any other
Each group summarizes its justified on grounds of public political, civil or cultural rights.
observations in writing. interest? The Declaration on the Right to Development (1986) and the
Before the whole class, each Writing and organizing a Vicua Declaration and Programme of Action ( f 9 9 3 ) are of
group states the conclusions of school newspaper or writing an spc-cinl importance in this rea.
its analyses and observations. article for submission lo the
The teacher or group leader local press, taking into account
notes these conclusions on the Ihe reslriclions on Ihe righl of
blackboard or on a poster. expression slated in Article 13
of the Convention on the Rights
ofthe Child.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights: , The right of every chld to life and development
Article 22
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to social Write a text together to raise
security and is entitled to realization, through national effort lildren aged 8 to 12. awareness among parents and
and international co-operation and in accordance with the other adults about the problems
organizaron and resources of each State, of the economic, of street children and to defend
social and cultural rights indispensable for his dignity and the make children aware of their the right to development.
free development of his personality.' ghts and of the importance of
Dlidarity among them.
Declaration on the Right to Development:
Article i
1. The right to development is an inalienable human right by Text of the Convention on the
virtue of which every human person and all peoples are Rights of the Child.
entitled to particpate in, contribute to, and enjoy economic, Paper, pencils.
social, cultural and political development, in which all human
rights and fundamental freedoms can be fully realized. OTHER ACTIVITIES
2. The hurrfen right to development also implies the full Narrative read by the teacher:
realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, 'Little Ali has just died. He was 9 Analysing the most important
which ncludes, subject to the relevant provisions of both years od. He lived in the street factors n development and
International Covenants on Human Rights, the exercise of with other children who were on encouraging pupils to discuss
their inalienable right to full sovereignty over all their natural their own like him. He ate food them. Studying the social
wealth and resources.' that people gave him or that he services (health, education,
found himself. He had been II for housing and food) and other
Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action: several months but had received factors in social development:
Part I, Para. 10 no treatment.' Communications, transport,
The World Conference on Human Rights reaffirms the right Debate between the teacher urban infrastructure, access to
to development... as a universal and inalienable right... and the children: culture, sport and other leisure
As stated n the Declaration on the Right to Development, Ali s dead. What did he die of? activities.
the human person s the central subject of development. Why? Organizing a debate on the
Many children die very young. need for international solidarity.
Why? Endeavouring to launch
Some children are thin and ill. collective action to assist
Why? developing countries, with the
How can these tragedles be help of international
avoided? humanitarian organizations if
The right to a baanced Water is necessary to life
environment riverside carne to be polluted.
aged 10 to 12. Emphasize the main causes, for
nstance, the first and most
serious may be the discharge of
Recently, humanity has begun to recognize the importance of a 'o raise awareness of the need industrial waste, the second
healthy and ecologically baanced environment. This right stems to protect ecological balances. being sewage from the housing
from the conviction that development of human beings is possible nearby. Take samples of plants
only in a harmonious environment. and animis from the river.
Many people fear that defence of the environment and jpographical maps. After the excursin, assemble
ecology lead to the abandonment of many productive aclivities all the pupils for a discussion.
involving natural resources. Others believe that the economic and They show the plants, animis
industrial development of humanity implies the impoverishment An excursin to a local site and water samples, analyse
and degradation of the planet's natural resources. selected for ts physical and them and compare them with
The concept of sustainable development shows that other geographical features (a river samples taken from another
approaches can be envisaged. The economic development of flows through it) and affording a unpolluted site in the rea. The
humanity and the satisfaction of human needs are feasible, in view of the river banks, a hill and degree of pollution at one point
harmony with the environment, if the protection of resources the causes ofpollution. and its absent'at the other are
essential to life, such as water, air, forests and other factors of Before the excursin, show the noted. The pupils themselves
ecological balance, are integrated into development plans. pupils a map of the site. Ask suggest ways of protecting the
The International community has made two important them to lcate the school and riverside environment.
declarations based on the idea that environmental protection is a the physical and geographical
duty of humanity: the Declaration of the United Nations features they will be observing
Solivia primary
Conference on the Human Environment (adopted in Stockholm (the river and its banks). Choose
chool (UNESCO
on 16 June 1972) and the Rio Declaration on Environment and the excursin route by tsodated
chool), Ved1"1"
Development (Rio de Janeiro, 14 June 1992). identifying the shortest path
The Rio Declaration is of fundamental importance, since it along the river bank and on the
introduces the concept of sustainable development, which selected part of the hillside.
considerably modifies our perception of the environment. It states Make a list of materials required.
that it is 'essential' to achieve sustainable development to The following day, the pupils
eradicate poverty and to reduce differences in living standards go on the excursin so that they
worldwide, that 'full participation [of women] is . . . essential to can understand from first-hand
achieve sustainable development' and that 'States should reduce observaron and analysis of
and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and water and waste samples what
consumption and promote appropriate demographic policies'. causes the pollution. They go to
(Principies 20 and 8.) the bank, where they are told
about how the river and the
The right and freedom of access
to the natural and cultural
In secondary schools,
numerous activities n the life
Describing the situation and
the various causes of biological,
heritage, induding the common
sciences and the earth sciences aesthetic, economic and social heritage of humanity
or geography could have the damage (fishing, hunting,
following goals: dumping of waste, trampling and
Teaching citizenship and theft of plants, etc.). All human beings should benefit from the scientific and cultural
responsibility towards the Acquiring nformation about achievements of humanity, as well as from natural and biological
environment. maintenance services and their resources. Access to the heritage is thus a universal right.
Teaching students about the cost. The word 'heritage' originally referred to whal one inherited
pleasures of research and Learning about local authority from one's parents and passed on to one's children, i. e. personal
discovery, and helping them to regulations appcable to the property. In the eighteenth century, the word began to be used in
acquire a rational attitude which green rea. the sense of collective property: 'human beings are merely the
reconciles economic imperatives Cleaning and enhancement of trustees of property about which the great human family has the
with respect for the environment part of the rea n question n right to cali you to account' (Abb Grgoire, 1794).
and heritage. partnership with local authority The concept of the conservation of monuments and movable
Making students aware oftheir services (taking away detritus, objects was initially restricted but has now considerably
role and their responsibility for getting rid of pollution, making a broadened. The concept of heritage has expandid and now
the environment and heritage. path). includes the archaeological, industrial, urban, rural and maritime
Curricula in civics, the life and Drawing up a charter for heritages as well as the heritage of literary works, films,
earth sciences, and geography comparison with local authority photographs, culinary recipes and costumes. The criteria of
can provide material for an regulations. protection have ceased to be merely aesthetic. Everything which
interdisciplinary project on an bears witness to the past and allows us to understand the presen!
environmental topic, e.g. helping deserves protection and swells the list of what are today called the
to maintain and protect a green 'new heritages'. In response to these concerns, the General
space. Each discipline can make Conference of UNESCO adopted the Convention for the
its own contribution within the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage on 16
following framework: November 1972.
Identifying the site's social
functions. Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational,
Scientific and Cultural Organizaron . . .
Noting thttt the cultural heritage and the natural heritage
are increasingly threatened with destruction not only by
the traditional causes of decay, but also by changing
social and econornic conditions which aggravate the .Stiidy pf.a. bult
situation with even more formidable phenomena of rniftg pan
damage or destruction, >f the'h.eritaee
Considering that deterioration or disappearance of any tem
of the cultural or natural heritage constitutes a harmful respective roles of the various
impoverishment of the heritage of all the nations of the Pupils aged 11 to 14. local, national and international
world, actors n heritage preservation.
Considering that, in view of the magnitude and gravity of the To raise awareness of each
new dangers threatening them, t is ncumbent on the person's responsibility towards
international community as a whole to particpate in the the conservaron of the historie
protection of the cultural and natural heritage of heritage for future generations.
outstanding universal valu, by the granting of collective
assistance which, although not taking the place of action
by the State concerned, will serve as an effective Organize an excursin to a site
complement thereto, cise to the school.
. v. Sitate the building in its
Jopts this sixteenth day of November 1972 this Convention.' present environment.
Observe and analyse the Organizing visits to museums
building's plan, site and to learn what the,heritage is and
accessibility. how to appreciate t.
Observe and analyse the In secondary schools,
harmony and balance of its lines, discussing the concept of culture
building materials, decoratioh along the following lines: a
and room layout. culture is both evidence of the
Do research in the municipal development of the human mind
library and the local or county and the expression of the
archives to find out about the personalities of creative artists.
historical background. Broadly speaking, it can be seen
Observation: find any as the manifestaron of the way
alterations or damage. human beings express their
Ask whether the heritage is visin of the world, their vales
jrotected. Talk about the and their sensibility.
Informing pupils about the
efforts made by States, by local
authorities and by UNESCO to
promote access for all to cultural
Dperty and to the heritage.
the game described
was invented and
A game based on the French played by children
(aged 6 to 12) from

leu de l'oie Saint-Exupry School

No. 2, Sarcelles,

Materials box, it will move forward four more

This game can be played: boxes (it is possible to play without
either on a game board: a 'goose' boxes: in that case this
sequence of numbered boxes double move will not exist).
arranged n a spiral shape s A team landing on a 'song' box
decorated with drawings by the (No. 30 for example) has to sing a
children depicting rights and pictures song about the rights of the child.
ofgeese A team landing on a 'poem' box
or on the ground by chalking or (No. 50) has to recite a poem about
marking in sand a sequence of boxes the rights of the child.
arranged in a spiral. The song and the poem are put
The game usually consists of before a jury of children who mark
sixty-three boxes, but can be played the performance from i to 10; the
with fewer. mark will be added to the total at the
In order to play you need: finish.
two dice A team landing on an 'impro-
four counters (or pebbles of very visation' box has to improvise on the
different shapes) subject of the right presented. It has
a list of questions corresponding to one minute to prepare. All players
various numbered boxes have a role and must speak. A jury of
a list of themes for short children assesses the sketch.
improvised sketches A team landing on a 'question' SUGGESTED IMPROVISATIONS SUGGESTED QUESTIONS
a list of rules per team box (see list opposite) must answer I ->
the text of the Convention on the the question. If it cannot find the What s the number of the help-line
The right to play
Rights of the Child displayed on a answer immediately, t has to find t for ill-treated children?
The right to be clothed
board orn the ground in the text of the Convention. If it still
The right to self-expression WhatisUNICEF?
cannot find the answer, t misses a
The right to attend school In whch country do children go hungry?
Rules turn.
The right to receive health care In which country do children have to work?
The game is played with four teams To end the game, a team must
The right to tolerance In which country are children sexually
of four players each. It is preferable throw the exact number to get to the
The right to gender and racial equality exploited?
for the teams to be mixed. 'finish' box. If too many points are
The right to have a family In which country do children go to prison?
Each team throws the two dice thrown, the team has to go back. For
The right to have a nationality In which country are children victims of war?
to decide who will start. The one example, a team s three boxes from
The right to have a home In which country are children ill-treated?
throwing the highest number will the end, and it throws a 6. It moves
begin, and so on in descending forward three boxes, then goes back The right to go where one likes
order. three boxes. The duty to respect the teacher
A team landing on a 'goose' box The duty to respect one's parents
moves forward the number of boxes The duty not to fight
just thrown. For example, if a team The right to eat
throws a 4 and lands on a 'goose'
Jeunes, vos droits!
This game s inspired by the game If the first player lands on a
of' Monopoly' 'question' square he/she takes a
XI 'question' card and tries to answer
A board with squares illustrating by referring to the text of the
O the rights of the child (there are Convention. Then the same system
forty-two squares in the Jeunes, a applies as for the 'situation' cards.
vos droits! game from Slestat The first to finish wins, but the
described below), with a 'start' game is over only when all teams
square and a 'finish' square. have reached the 'finish' square.
a dice.
one counter per player (two to six Source:
players or four teams of severa! a lo-year-old child from
Saint-Exupry School No. 2,
Sarcelles, France; Human
ten to twenty 'question' cards
Rights Centre, ru Froelich,
corresponding to numbered squares. 67000 Slestat, France. This
ten to twenty 'situation' cards centre developed the more
bearing numbers of squares. complex game, leunes, a vos
text of the Convention on the droits!, presented here,
Rights of the Child. offering a wide range of
situations, questions, etc.
The cards are placed face down in a
pile on the table or in the middte of
the board.
Each player throws the dice and
moves forward a number of squares
equivalen! to the number thrown.
A player landing on a number
corresponding to a 'situation' card
takes one of the cards and has to
find which article of the Convention
corresponds to the card. The other
players decide whether the answer is
corred. If so, the player throws the
dice again and goes on. If it is wrong,
he/she misses a turn.
Appendix i
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights"
Preamble Article i
Whereas recognition of the inherent dignity and of the All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and
equal and inalienable rights of all members of the rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience
human family is the foundation of freedom, justice and should act towards one another in a spirit of
and peace in the world, brotherhood.
Whereas disregard and contempt for human rights have
Article 2
resulted in barbarous acts which have outraged the
Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms set
conscience of mankind, and the advent of a world in
forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any
which human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech
kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religin,
and belief and freedom from fear and want has been
political or other opinin, national or social origin,
proclaimed as the highest aspiration of the common property, birth or other status.
people, Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the
Whereas it is essential, f man is not to be compelled to basis of the political, jurisdictional or international
have recourse, as a last resort, to rebellion against status of the country or territory to which a person
tyranny and oppression, that human rights should belongs, whether it be independen!, trust, non-self-
be protected by the rule of law, governing or under any other limitation of sovereignty.
Whereas it is essential to promote the development of
friendly relations between nations, Article 3
Whereas the peoples of the United Nations have in the Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of
Charter reaffirmed their faith in fundamental human person.
rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person Article 4
and in the equal rights of men and women and have No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery
determined to promote social progress and better and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their
standards of Ufe n larger freedom, forms.
Whereas Member States have pledged themselves to
achieve, n co-operation with the United Nations, Article 5
the promotion of universal rsped for and No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel,
observance of human rights and fundamental inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
freedoms, Article 6
Whereas a common understanding of these rights and Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a
freedoms is of the greatest importance for the full person before the law.
realization of this pledge.
Now, therefore, the General Assembly proclaims this Article 7
Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a common All are equal before the law and are entitled without any
standard of achievement for all peoples and all discriminaron to equal protection of the law. All are
nations, to the end that every individual and every entitled to equal protection against any discrimination
organ of society, keepingthis Declaration constantly in violation of this Declaration and against any
incitement to such discrimination.
n mind, shall strive by teaching and education to
promote respect for these rights and freedoms and Article 8
by progressive measures, national and inter- Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the
national, to secure their universal and effective competen! national tribunals for acts violating the
recognition and observance, both among the fundamental rights granted him by the constitution or
peoples of Member States themselves and among by law.
the peoples of territories under their jurisdiction.
* Adopted by the United Nations on 10 December 1948.
Article 9 Article 16
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary arrest, detention 1. Men and women of full age, without any limitation
or exile. due to race, nationality or religin, have the right to
marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal
Article 10 rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its
Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public dissolution.
hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in 2. Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and
the determination of his rights and obtigations and of full consent of the intending spuses.
any criminal charge against him. 3. The family is the natural and fundamental group unit
of society and is entitled to protection by society and
Article 11 the State.
1. Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right
to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according Article 17
to law in a public trial at which he has had all the 1. Everyone has the right to own property alone as well
guarantees necessary for his defence. as in association with others.
2. No one shall be held guilty of any penal offence on 2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property.
account of any act or omission which did not constitute
Article 18
a penal offence, under national or international law, at
Everyone has the right to freedom of thought,
the time when it was committed. or shall a heavier
conscience and religin; this right includes freedom to
penalty be imposed than the one that was applicable at
change his religin or belief, and freedom, either alone
the time the penal offence was committed.
or in community with others and in public or prvate, to
Article 12 manifest his religin or belief in teaching, practice,
No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with worship and observance.
his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to Article 19
attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has Everyone has the right to freedom of opinin and
the right to the protection of the law against such expression; this right includes freedom to hold
nterference or attacks. opinions without interference and to seek, receive and
Article 13 impart information and ideas through any media and
1. Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and regardless of frontiers.
residente within the borders of each State. Article 20
2. Everyone has the right to leave any country, 1. Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful
ncluding his own, and to return to his country. assembly and association.
2. No one may be compelled to belong to an
Article 14 association.
1. Everyone has the right to seek and to enjoy in other
countries asytum from persecution. Article 21
2. This right may not be invoked in the case of 1. Everyone has the right to take part in the government
prosecutions genuinely arising from non-political of his country, directly or through freely chosen
crimes or from acts contrary to the purposes and representatives.
principies of the United Nations. 2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public
service in his country.
Article 15 3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the
i. Everyone has the right to a nationality. authority of government; this will shall be expressed in
2. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his nationality periodic and genuine elections which shall be by
or denied the right to change his nationality. universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by
secret vote or by equivalen! free voting procedures.

Article 22 respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship
social security and is entitled to realization, through among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
national effort and nternational co-operation and in further the activities of the United Nations for the
accordance with the organization and resources of maintenance of peace.
each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of
indispensable for his dignity and the free development education that shall be given to their children.
of his personality.
Article 27
Articte 23 1. Everyone has the right freely to particpate n the
a. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to
employment, to just and favourable conditions of work share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right and material interests resulting from any scientific,
to equal pay for equal work. literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and
favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his Article 28
family an existence worthy of human dignity, and Everyone is entitled to a social and international order
supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this
protection. Declaration can be fully realized.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to oin trade
unions for the protection of his interests. Article 29
1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone
Article 24 the free and full development of his personality is
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including possible.
reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone
holidays with pay. shall be subject only to such limitations as are
determined by law solely for the purpose of securing
Article 25
due recognition and respect for the rights and
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living
freedoms of others and of meeting the just re-
adequate for the health and well-being of himself and
quirements of morality, public order and the general
of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
welfare in a democratic society.
medical care and necessary social Services, and the
3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be
right to security n the event of unemployment,
exercised contrary to the purposes and principies of
sickness, disability, widowhood, od age or other lack
the United Nations.
of livelihood n circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special Article 30
care and assistance. All children, whether born n or Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as
out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. implying for any State, group or person any right to
engage in any activity or to perform any act aimed at
Article 26
the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall
be free, at least n the elementary and fundamental forth herein.
stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
Technical and professional education shall be made
generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the ful! development
of the human personality and to the strengthening of
Article 22 rsped for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship
social security and is entitled to realization, through among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
national effort and international co-operation and in further the activities of the United Nations for the
accordance with the organizaron and resources of maintenance of peace.
each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of
indispensable for his dignity and the free development education that shall be given to their children.
of his personality.
Article 27
Article 23 1. Everyone has the right freely to particpate in the
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to
employment, to just and favourabie conditions of work share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right and material interests resulting from any scientific,
to equal pay for equal work. literary or artistic production of which he s the author.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and
favourabie remuneration ensuring for himself and his Article 28
family an existence worthy of human dignity, and Everyone s entitled to a social and international order
supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this
protection. Declaration can be fully realized.
i\. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade
unions for the protection of his interests. Article 29
1. Everyone has duties to the community in which alone
Article 24 the free and full development of his personality s
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, ncludng possible.
reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone
holidays with pay. shall be subject only to such limitations as are
determined by law solely for the purpose of securing
Article 25
due recognition and respect for the rights and
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living
freedoms of others and of meeting the just re-
adequate for the health and well-being of himself and
quirements of morality, public order and the general
of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
welfare in a democratic society.
medical care and necessary social services, and the
3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be
right to security n the event of unemployment,
exercised contrary to the purposes and principies of
sickness, disability, widowhood, od age or other lack
the United Nations.
of livelihood n circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special Article 30
care and assistance. All children, whether born in or Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as
out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. implying for any State, group or person any right to
Article 26 engage n any activity or to perform any act aimed at
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set
be free, at least n the elementary and fundamental forth herein.
stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
Technical and professional education shall be made
generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development
of the human personality and to the strengthening of
The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Preamble the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration

The States Porfes fo the present Convention, of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General
Considering that, n accordance with the principies Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized n
proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the
recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in
and inalienable rights of all members of the human particular in articles 23 and 24), n the International
family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in
n the world, particular in article 10) and in the statutes and
Bearing in mind that the peoples of the United Nations relevant instruments of specialized agencies and
have, n the Charter, reaffirmed their faith n international organizations concerned with the
fundamental human rights and n the dignity and welfare of children,
worth of the human person, and have determined to Bearing n m/ncthat, as indicated in the Declaration of the
promote social progress and better standards of life Rights of the Child, 'the child, by reason of his
in larger freedom, physical and mental immaturity, needs special
Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal safeguards and care, including appropriate legal
Declararon of Human Rights and in the International protection, before as well as after birth',
Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed Recalling the provisions of the Declaration on Social
that everyone is entitled to all the rights and and Legal Principies relating to the Protection and
freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster
kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religin, Placement and Adoption Nationally and Inter-
poltica! or other opinin, national or social origin, nationally; the United Nations Standard Mnimum
property, birth or other status, Rules for the Administraron of Juvenile lustice (The
Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Bejing Rules); and the Declaration on the Protection
Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed
childhood is entitled to special care and assistance, Conflict,
Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of Recognizing that, n all countries in the world, there are
society and the natural environment for the growth children living in exceptionally difficult conditions,
and well-being of all its members and particularly and that such children need special consideraron,
children, should be afforded the necessary protection Taking due account of the mportance of the traditions
and assistance so that it can fully assume its and cultural vales of each people for the protection
responsibilities within the community, and harmonious development of the child,
Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious Recognizing the mportance of international co-operation
development of his or her personality, should grow up for improving the living conditions of children in every
n a family environment, in an atmosphere of country, in particular in the developing countries,
happiness, love and understanding, Have agreed as follows:
Considering that the child should be fully prepared to live
an individual life in society, and brought up in the
spirit of the ideis proclaimed in the Charter of the
United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of PART I
peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and
solidarity, Article i
Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to For the purposes of the present Convention, a child means
the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of every human being below the age of eighteen years

'.Adopted and open for signatura, ratificaron and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989.
Entered into forc on 2 September 1990, n accordance with Article 49.

Article 22 respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms. It
Everyone, as a member of society, has the right to shall promote understanding, tolerance and friendship
social security and s entitled to realization, through among all nations, racial or religious groups, and shall
national effort and international co-operation and n further the activities of the United Nations for the
accordance with the organization and resources of maintenance of peace.
each State, of the economic, social and cultural rights 3. Parents have a prior right to choose the kind of
indispensable for his dignity and the free development education that shall be given to their children.
of his personality.
Article 27
Article 23 1. Everyone has the right freely to particpate in the
1. Everyone has the right to work, to free choice of cultural life of the community, to enjoy the arts and to
employment, to just and favourable conditions of work share in scientific advancement and its benefits.
and to protection against unemployment. 2. Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral
2. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right and material interests resulting from any scientific,
to equal pay for equal work. literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
3. Everyone who works has the right to just and
favourable remuneration ensuring for himself and his Article 28
family an existence worthy of human dignity, and Everyone is entitled to a social and international order
supplemented, if necessary, by other means of social in which the rights and freedoms set forth n this
protection. Declaration can be fully realized.
4. Everyone has the right to form and to join trade
unions for the protection of his interests. Article 29
1. Everyone has duties to the community n which alone
Article 24 the free and full development of his personality s
Everyone has the right to rest and leisure, including possible.
reasonable limitation of working hours and periodic 2. In the exercise of his rights and freedoms, everyone
holidays with pay. shall be subject only to such limitations as are
determined by law solely for the purpose of securing
Article 25
due recognition and respect for the rights and
1. Everyone has the right to a standard of living
freedoms of others and of meeting the just re-
adequate for the health and well-being of himself and
quirements of morality, public order and the general
of his family, including food, clothing, housing and
welfare in a democratic society.
medical care and necessary social services, and the
3. These rights and freedoms may in no case be
right to security n the event of unemployment,
exercised contrary to the purposes and principies of
sickness, disability, widowhood, od age or other lack
the United Nations.
of livelihood in circumstances beyond his control.
2. Motherhood and childhood are entitled to special Article 30
care and assistance. All children, whether born n or Nothing in this Declaration may be interpreted as
out of wedlock, shall enjoy the same social protection. implying for any State, group or person any right to
engage n any activity or to perform any act aimed at
Article 26
1. Everyone has the right to education. Education shall the destruction of any of the rights and freedoms set
be free, at least in the elementary and fundamental forth herein.
stages. Elementary education shall be compulsory.
Technical and professional education shall be made
generally available and higher education shall be
equally accessible to all on the basis of merit.
2. Education shall be directed to the full development
of the human personality and to the strengthening of
Appendix 2

The Convention on the Rights of the Child

Preamble the Rights of the Child of 1924 and in the Declaration

The States Paes to the present Convention, of the Rights of the Child adopted by the General
Considering that, n accordance with the principies Assembly on 20 November 1959 and recognized in
proclaimed in the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in the
recognition of the nherent dignity and of the equal International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (in
and inalienable rights of all members of the human particular n articles 23 and 24), in the International
family is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (in
in the world, particular in article 10) and in the statutes and
Bearing n mind that the peoples of the United Nations relevant instruments of specialized agencies and
have, in the Charter, reaffirmed their faith in international organizations concerned with the
fundamental human rights and in the dignity and welfare of children,
worth of the human person, and have determined to Bearing in mind that, as indicated n the Declaration of the
promote social progress and better standards of life Rights of the Child, 'the child, by reason of his
n larger freedom, physical and mental immaturity, needs special
Recognizing that the United Nations has, in the Universal safeguards and care, including appropriate legal
Declaration of Human Rights and in the International protection, before as well as after birth',
Covenants on Human Rights, proclaimed and agreed Recalling the provisions of the Declaration on Social
that everyone is entitled to all the rights and and Legal Principies relating to the Protection and
freedoms set forth therein, without distinction of any Welfare of Children, with Special Reference to Foster
kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religin, Placement and Adoption Nationally and Inter-
poltical or other opinin, national or social origin, nationally; the United Nations Standard Mnimum
property, birth or other status, Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice (The
Recalling that, in the Universal Declaration of Human Beijing Rules); and the Declaration on the Protection
Rights, the United Nations has proclaimed that of Women and Children in Emergency and Armed
childhood is entitled to special care and assistance, Conflict,
Convinced that the family, as the fundamental group of Recognizing that, in all countries in the world, there are
society and the natural environment for the growth children living in exceptionally difficult conditions,
and well-being of all its members and particularly and that such children need special consderation,
children, should be afforded the necessary protection Taking due account of the importance of the traditions
and assistance so that t can fully assume its and cultural vales of each people for the protection
responsibilities within the community, and harmonious development of the child,
Recognizing that the child, for the full and harmonious Recognizing the importance of international co-operation
development of his or her personality, should grow up for improving the living conditions of children n every
in a family environment, in an atmosphere of country, n particular in the developing countries,
happiness, love and understanding, Have agreed as follows:
Considering that the child should be fully preparad to live
an individual life n society, and brought up in the
spirit of the ideis proclaimed in the Charter of the
United Nations, and in particular in the spirit of PART I
peace, dignity, tolerance, freedom, equality and
solidarity, Article i
Bearing in mind that the need to extend particular care to For the purposesofthe present Convention, a child means
the child has been stated in the Geneva Declaration of every human being below the age of eighteen years

* Adopted and open for signature, ratification and accession by General Assembly resolution 44/25 of 20 November 1989.
Entered into forc on 2 September 1990, n accordance with Article 49.

unless, under the law applicable to the child, majority s Article 5
attained earlier. States Parties shall respect the responsibilities, rignts
and duties of parents or, where applicable, the members
Article 2 of the extended family or community as provided for by
1. States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set local custom, legal guardians or other persons legally
forth n the present Convention to each child within their responsible for the child, to provide, in a manner
jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, consistent with the evolving capacities of the child,
(respective of the child's or his or her parent's or legal appropriate direction and guidance in the exercise by the
guardian's race, colour, sex, language, religin, political or child of the rights recognized in the present Convention.
other opinin, national, ethnic or social origin, property,
disability, birth or other status. Article 6
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to 1. States Parties recognize that every child has the
ensure that the child is protected against all forms of inherentright to life.
2. States Parties shall ensure to the mximum extent
discrimination or punishment on the basis of the status,
possible the survival and development of the child.
activities, expressed opinions, or beliefs of the child's
parents, legal guardians, or family members.
Article 7
i.The child shall be registered immediately after birth and
Article 3
shall have the right from birth to a ame, the right to
1. In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken
acquire a nationality and, as far as possible, the right to
by public or prvate social welfare nstitutions, courts of
know and be cared for by his or her parents.
law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies,
2. States Parties shall ensure the implementation of these
the best interests of the child shall be a primary
rights in accordance with their national law and their
obligations under the relevant international instruments
2. States Parties undertake to ensure the child such
in this field, n particular where the child would otherwise
protection and care as is necessary for his or her well-
be stateless.
being, taking into account the rights and duties of his or
her parents, legal guardians, or other individuis legally Article 8
responsible for him or her, and, to this end, shall take all 1. States Parties undertake to respect the right of the child
appropriate legislative and administrative measures. to preserve his or her identity, including nationality, ame
3. States Parties shall ensure that the nstitutions, and family relations as recognized by law without un-
services and facilities responsible for the care or pro- lawful nterference.
tection of children shall conform with the standards 2. Where a child is illegally deprived of some or all of the
established by competen! authorities, particularly in the elements of his or her identity, States Parties shall provide
reas of safety, health, in the number and suitability of appropriate assistance and protection, with a view to
their staff, as well as competen! supervisin. speedily re-establishing his or her identity.
Article 4 Article 9
States Parties shall undertake all appropriate legislative, i. States Parties shall ensure that a child shall not be
administrative, and other measures for the im- separated from his or her parents against their will, except
plementation of the rights recognized n the present when competent authorities subject to judicial review
Convention. With regard to economic, social and cultural determine, in accordance with applicable law and
rights, States Parties shall undertake such measures to procedures, that such separation is necessary for the best
the mximum extent of their available resources and, interests of the child. Such determination may be
where needed, within the framework of international co- necessary in a particular case such as one involving abuse
operation. or neglect of the child by the parents, or one where the
parents are living separately and a decisin must be made
as to the child's place of residence.
2. In any proceedings pursuant to paragraph i of the Article 11
present article, all interested parties shall be given an 1. States Parties shall take measures to combat the illicit
opportunity to particpate n the proceedings and make transfer and non-return of children abroad.
their views known. 2. To this end, States Parties shall promote the conclusin
3. States Parties shall respect the right of the child who is of bilateral or multilateral agreements or accession to
separated from one or both parents to maintain personal existingagreements.
relations and direct contad with both parents on a regular
basis, except if it is contrary to the child's best interests. Article 12
4. Where such separation results from any action initiated 1. States Parties shalf assure to the child who is capable of
by a State Party, such as the detention, imprisonment, forming his or her own views the right to express those
exile, deportation or death (including death arising from views freely in all matters affecting the child, the views of
any cause while the person is n the custody of the State) the child being given due weight in accordance with the
of one or both parents or of the child, that State Party age and maturity of the child.
shall, upon request, prvida the parents, the child or, if 2. For this purpose, the child shall in particular be
appropriate, another member of the family with the provided the opportunity to be heard n any judicial and
essential information concerning the whereabouts of the administrative proceedings affecting the child, either
absent member(s) of the family unless the provisin of the directly, or through a representative or an appropriate
Information would be detrimental to the well-being of body, n a manner consisten! with the procedural rules of
the child. States Parties shall further ensure that the national law.
submission of such a request shall of itself entail no
adverse consequences for the person(s) concerned. Article 13
1. The child shalt have the right to freedom of expression;
Article 10 this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and
1. In accordance with the obligation of States Parties impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of
under article 9, paragraph i, applications by a child or his frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, n the form of
or her parents to enter or leave a State Party for the art, or through any other media of the child's choice.
purpose of family reunification shall be dealt with by 2. The exercise of this right may be subject to certain
States Parties n a positive, humane and expeditious restrictions, but these shall only be such as are provided
manner. States Parties shall further ensure that the by law and are necessary:
submission of such a request shall entail no adverse (a) For respect of the rights or reputations of others; or
consequences for the applicants and for the members of (b) For the protection of national security or of public
their family. order (ordre public), or of public health or moris.
2. A child whose parents reside in different States shall
have the right to maintain on a regular basis, save in Article 14
exceptional circumstances, personal relations and direct 1. States Parties shall respect the right of the child to
contacts with both parents. Towards that end and in freedom of thought, conscience and religin.
accordance with the obligation of States Parties under 2. States Parties shall respect the rights and duties ofthe
article 9, paragraph i, States Parties shall respect the parents and, when applicable, legal guardians, to provide
right of the child and his or her parents to leave any direction to the child in the exercise of his or her right n a
country, including their own, and to enter their own manner consistent with the evolving capacities of the
country. The right to leave any country shall be subject child.
only to such restrictions as are prescribed by law and 3. Freedom to manifest one's religin or beliefs may be
which are necessary to protect the national security, subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law
public order (ordre public), public health or moris or the and are necessary to protect public safety, order, health or
rights and freedoms of others and are consisten! with the moris, or the fundamental rights and freedoms of others.
other rights recognized in the present Convention.

Article 15 development of the child. Parents or, as the case may be,
i. States Parties recognize the rights of the child to legal guardians have the primary responsibility for the
freedom of association and to freedom of peaceful upbringing and development of the child. The best
assembly. nterests of the child will be their basic concern.
i. No restrictions may be placed on the exercise of these 2. For the purpose of guaranteeing and promoting the
rights other than those imposed n conformity with the rights set forth in the present Convention, States Parties
law and which are necessary in a democratic society n the shall render appropriate assistance to parents and legal
interests of national security or public safety, public order guardians n the performance of their child-rearing
(orare public), the protection of public health or moris or responsibilities and shall ensure the development of
the protection of the rights and freedoms of others. institutions, facilities and services for the care of children.
3. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to
Article 16 ensure that children of working parents have the right to
1. No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful benefit from child-care services and facilities for which
interference with his or her privacy, family, home or they are eligible.
correspondence, or to unlawful attacks on his or her
honour and reputation. Article 19
2. The child has the right to the protection of the law 1. States Parties shall take all appropriate legislative,
against such interference or attacks. administrative, social and educational measures to
protect the child from all forms of physical or mental
Article 17 violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment,
States Parties recognize the important function maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse,
performed by the mass media and shall ensure that the while in the care of parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any
child has access to nformation and material from a other person who has the care of the child.
diversity of national and International sources, especially 2. Such protective measures should, as appropriate,
those aimed at the promotion of his or her social, spirituai include effective procedures for the establishment of
and moral well-being and physical and mental health. To social programmes to provide necessary support for the
this end, States Parties shall: child and for those who have the care of the child, as well
(a) Encourage the mass media to disseminate nformation as for other forms of prevention and for dentification,
and material of social and cultural benefit to the child and reporting, referral, investigation, treatment and follow-up
in accordance with the spirit of article 29; of instances of child maltreatment described heretofore,
(b) Encourage international co-operation in the and, as appropriate, for judicial involvement.
production, exchange and dissemination of such
information and material from a diversity of cultural, Article 20
national and international sources; 1. A child temporarily or permanently deprived of his or
(c) Encourage the production and dissemination of her family environment, or in whose own best interests
children's books; cannot be allowed to remain in that environment, shall be
(d) Encourage the mass media to have particular regard to entitled to special protection and assistance provided by
the linguistic needs of the child who belongs to a minority the State.
group or who is indigenous; 2. States Parties shall in accordance with their national
(e) Encourage the development of appropriate guidelines laws ensure alternative care for such a child.
for the protection of the child from information and 3. Such care could include, nter alia, foster placement,
material injurious to his or her well-being, bearing in mind kafalah of Islamic law, adoption or, if necessary,
the provisions of articles 13 and 18. placement in suitable institutions for the care of children.
When considering solutions, due regard shall be paid to
Article 18 the desirability of continuity in a child's upbringing and to
i. States Parties shall use their best efforts to ensure the child's ethnic, religious, cultural and linguistic
recognition of the principie that both parents have background.
common responsibilities for the upbringing and
Article 21 such a child and to trace the parents or other members of
States Parties that recognize and/or permit the system of the family of any refugee child n order to obtain
adoption shall ensure that the best interests of the child information necessary for reunification with his or her
shall be the paramount consideration and they shall: family. In cases where no parents or other members of the
(a) Ensure that the adoption of a child is authorized only family can be found, the child shall be accorded the same
by competen! authorities who determine, in accordance protection as any other child permanently or temporarily
withapplicable lawand procedures andn the basisof all deprived of his or her family environment for any reason,
pertinent and reliabte information, that the adoption is as set forth in the present Convention.
permissible in view of the child's status concerning t
parents, relatives and legal guardians and that, if Article 23
required, the persons concerned have given their 1. States Parties recognize that a mentally or physically
informed consent to the adoption on the basis of such disabled child should enjoy a full and decent ufe, in
counselling as may be necessary; conditions which ensure dignity, promote self-reliance
(b) Recognize that inter-country adoption may be and faciltate the child's active participaron in the
considered as an alternative means of child's care, if the community.
child cannot be placed in a foster or an adoptiva family or 2. States Parties recognize the right of the disabled child
to special care and shall encourage and ensure the
cannot in any suitable manner be cared for in the child's
extensin, subject to available resources, to the eligible
countryof origin;
child and those responsible for his or her care, of
(c) Ensure that the child concerned by inter-country
assistance for which application s made and which is
adoption enjoys safeguards and standards equivalen! to
appropriate to the child's condition and to the cir-
those existing in the case of national adoption;
cumstances of the parents or others caring for the child.
(d) Take all appropriate measures to ensure that, in inter-
3. Recognizing the special needs of a disabled child,
country adoption, the placement does not result in
assistance extended in accordance with paragraph 2 of
improper financial gain for those involved n it;
the present article shall be provided free of charge,
(e) Promote, where appropriate, the objectives of the
whenever possible, taking into account the financial
present article by concluding bilateral or multilateral
resources of the parents or others caring for the child, and
arrangements or agreements, and endeavour, within this
shall be designed to ensure that the disabled child has
framework, to ensure that the placement of the child in
effective access to and receives education, training,
another country is carried out by competen! authorities or
health care services, rehabilitation services, preparation
organs. for employment and recreation opportunities in a manner
conducive to the child's achieving the fullest possible
Article 22 social integration and individual development, including
1. States Parties shall take appropriate measures to his or her cultural and spirtual development
ensure that a child who s seeking refugee status or who 4. States Parties shall promote, in the spirit of
is considered a refugee n accordance with applicable international co-operation, the exchange of appropriate
international or domestic law and procedures shall, information in the field of preventive health care and of
whether unaccompanied or accompanied by his or her medical, psychological and functional treatment of
parents or by any other person, receive appropriate disabled children, including dissemination of and access
protection and humanitarian assistance in the enjoyment to information concerning methods of rehabilitation,
of applicable rights set forth in the present Convention education and vocational services, with the aim of
and in other international human rights or humanitarian enabling States Parties to improve their capabilities and
nstruments to which the said States are Parties. skills and to widen their experience in these reas. In this
2. For this purpose, States Parties shall provide, as they regard, particular account shall be taken of the needs of
consider appropriate, co-operation in any efforts by the developingcountries.
United Nations and other competent intergovernmental
organizations or non-governmental organizations co-
operating with the United Nations to protect and assist

Article 24 Article 26
1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to the 1. States Partes shall recognize for every child the right to
enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health beneft from social securty, ncluding social insurance,
and to facilities for the treatment of illness and and shall take the necessary measures to achieve the full
rehabilitation of health. States Parties shall strive to realizaton of this rght n accordance with their national
ensure that no child is deprived of his or her right of law.
access to such health care services. 2. The benefits should, where appropriate, be granted,
2. States Parties shall pursue full implementation of this taking into account the resources and the circumstances
right and, in particular, shall take appropriate measures: of the child and persons having responsibility for the
(a) To diminish infant and child mortality; maintenance of the child, as well as any other
(b) To ensure the provisin of necessary medical consideration relevant to an application for benefits made
assistance and health care to all children with emphasis by or on behalf of the child.
on the development of primary health care;
(c) To combat disease and malnutrition, ncluding within Article 27
the framework of primary health care, through, nter alia, 1. States Parties recognize the right of every child to a
the application of readily available technology and standard of living adequate for the child's physcal,
through the provisin of adequate nutritious foods and mental, spiritual, moral and social development.
clean drinking-water, taking into consideration the 2. The parent(s) or others responsible for the child have
dangers and risks of environmental pollution; the primary responsibility to secure, within their abilities
(d) To ensure appropriate pre-natal and post-natal health and financial capacities, the condtions of living necessary
care for mothers; for the child's development.
(e) To ensure that all segments of socety, in particular 3. States Parties, in accordance with natonal conditons
parents and children, are informed, have access to and within their means, shall take appropriate measures
education and are supported in the use of basic to assist parents and others responsible for the child to
knowledge of child health and nutrition, the advantages implement ths right and shall in case of need provide
of breast-feedng, hygiene and environmental sanitaton material assistance and support programmes, particularly
and the prevention of accidents; with regard to nutrition, clothing and housng.
(f) To develop preventive health care, guidance for 4. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to
parents and famly planning education and services. secure the recovery of maintenance for the child from the
3. States Parties shall take all effective and appropriate parents or other persons having financial responsibility
measures with a view to abolishing traditonal practices for the child, both within the State Party and from abroad.
prejudicial to the health of children. In particular, where the person having financial res-
4. States Partes undertake to promote and encourage ponsibility for the child Uves in a State different from that
nternational co-operation with a vew to achieving of the child, States Parties shall promote the accession to
progressively the full realizaton of the right recognized n internatonal agreements or the conclusin of such
the present artcle. In this regard, particular account shall agreements, as well as the making of other appropriate
be taken of the needs of developing countres. arrangements.
Article 25 Article 28
States Parties recognize the rght of a child who has been i. States Parties recognize the rght of the child to
placed by the competen! authorities for the purposes of education, and with a view to achieving this rght
care, protection or treatment of his or her physical or progressively and on the bass of equal opportunity, they
mental health, to a periodic revew of the treatment shall, n particular:
provided to the child and all other circumstances relevant (a) Make prmary education compulsory and available
to his or her placement. free to all;
(b) Encourage the development of different forms of
secondary education, ncluding general and vocatonal
education, make thern available and accessible to every principie set forth in paragraph i of the present article and
child, and take appropriate measures such as the to the requirements that the education gven in such in-
introduction of free education and offering financial stitutions shall conform to such mnimum standards as
assistance in case of need; may be laid down by the State.
(c) Make higher education accessible to all on the bass of
capacity by every appropriate means; Article 30
(d) Make educational and vocational Information and In those States in which ethnic, religious or linguistic
guidance available and accessible to all children; minorities or pqrsons of indigenous origin exist, a child
(e) Take measures to encourage regular attendance at belonging to such a minority or who is indigenous shall
schools and the reduction of drop-out rafes. not be denied the right, in community with other members
2. States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to of his or her group, to enjoy his or her own culture, to
ensure hat school discipline is administered n a manner profess and practise his or her own religin, or to use his
consistent with the child's human dignity and in or her own language.
conformity with the present Convention.
3. States Parties shall promote and encourage Article 31
internatonal co-operation in matters relating to edu- 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to rest and
cation, in particular with a view to contributing to the leisure, to engage in play and recreational activities
elimination of gnorance and illteracy throughout the appropriate to the age of the child and to particpate
world and facilitating access to scientific and technical freely in cultural life and the arts.
knowledge and modern teaching methods. In this regard, 2. States Parties shall respect and promote the right of the
particular account shall be taken of the needs of child to particpate fully in cultural and artistic life and
developingcountries. shall encourage the provisin of appropriate and equal
opportunities for cultural, artistic, recreational and leisure
Article 29 activity.
1. States Parties agree that the education of the child shall
be directed to: Artkle 32
(a) The development of the child's personality, talents and 1. States Parties recognize the right of the child to be
mental and physical abilities to their fullest potential; protected from economic exploitaton and from per-
(b) The development of rsped for human rights and forming any work that is iikely to be hazardous or to
fundamental freedoms, and for the principies enshrined interfere wth the child's education, orto be harmful to the
in the Charter of the United Nations; chld's health or physical, mental, spirtual, moral or social
(c) The development of respect for the child's parents, his development.
or her own cultural identity, language and vales, for the 2. States Partas shall take legislative, administrative,
national vales of the country in which the child is living, social and educational measures to ensure the m-
the country from which he or she may orignate, and for plementation of the present article. To this end, and
civilizations different from his or her own; having regard to the relevant provisions of other in-
(d) The preparation of the child for responsible ufe in ternational Instruments, States Parties shall n particular:
a free society, in the spirit of understanding, peace, (a) Provide for a mnimum age or mnimum ages for
tolerance, equality of sexes, and friendship among all admission to employment;
peoples, ethnic, national and religious groups and per- (b) Provde for appropriate regulation of the hours and
sons of indigenous origin; conditions of employment;
(e) The development of respect for the natural en- (c) Provide for appropriate penalties or other sanctions to
vironment. ensure the effective enforcement of the present article.
2. No part of the present article or article 28 shall be
construed so as to interfere with the lberty of individuis Article 33
and bodies to establish and direct educational n- States Parties shall take all appropriate measures,
stitutions, subject always to the observance of the including legslative, administrative, scjcial and edu-

cational measures, to protect children from the illicit use so and shall have the right to maintain contact with his or
of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as defined her family through correspondence and visits, save in
in the relevant nternational treaties, and to prevent the exceptional circumstances;
use of children n the illicit production and trafficking of (d) Every child deprived of his or her liberty shall have the
such substances. right to prompt access to legal and other appropriate
assistance, as well as the right to challenge the legality of
Article 34 the deprivation of his or her liberty before a court or other
States Parties undertake to protect the child from all competent, independen! and impartial authority, and to a
forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. For these prompt decisin on any such action.
purposes, States Parties shalt in particular take all ap-
propriate national, bilateral and multilateral measures to Artkle 38
prevent: 1. States Parties undertake to respect and to ensure
(a) The inducement or coercin of a child to engage in any respect for rules of international humanitarian law
unlawful sexual activity; applicable to them in armed conflicts which are relevant to
(b) The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other thechitd.
unlawful sexual practices; 2. States Parties shall take all feasible measures to ensure
(c) The exploitative use of children in pornographic that persons who have not attained the age of fifteen
performances and materials. years do not take a direct part in hostilities.
3. States Parties shall refrain from recruiting any person
Article 35 who has not attained the age of fifteen years into their
States Parties shall take all appropriate national, bilateral armed forces. In recruiting among those persons who
and multilateral measures to prevent the abduction of, the have attained the age of fifteen years but who have not
sale of or traffic in children for any purpose or n any form. attained the age of eighteen years, States Parties shall
endeavour to give priority to those who are oldest.
Article 36 4. In accordance with their obligations under international
States Parties shall protect the child against all other humanitarian law to protect the civilian population in
forms of exploitation prejudicial to any aspects of the armed conflicts, States Parties shall take all feasible
child's welfare. measures to ensure protection and care of children who
are affected by an armed conflict.
Article 37
States Parties shall ensure that: Article 39
(a) No child shall be subjected to torture or other cruel, States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. Neither promote physical and psychological recovery and social
capital punishment or life imprisonment without reintegration of a child victim of: any form of neglect,
possibility of relase shall be imposed for offences exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel,
committed by persons below eighteen years of age; inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment; or armed
(b) No child shall be deprived of his or her liberty conflicts. Such recovery and reintegration shall take place
unlawfully or arbitrarily. The arrest, detention or im- n an environment which fosters the health, self-respect
prisonment of a child shall be in conformity with the law and dignity of the child.
and shall be used only as a measure of last resort and for
the shortest appropriate period of time; Article 40
(c) Every child deprived of liberty shall be treated with i. States Parties recognize the right of every child alleged
humanity and respect for the inherent dignity of the as, accused of, or recognized as having infringed the
human person, and in a manner which takes into account penal law to be treated in a manner consisten! with the
the needs of persons of his or her age. In particular, every promotion of the child's sense of dignity and worth, which
child deprived of liberty shall be separated from adults reinforces the child's respect for the human rights and
unless it is considered in the child's best nterest not to do fundamental freedoms of others and which takes into
account the child's age and the desirability of promoting dealing with such children without resorting to judicial
the child's reintegraron and the child's assuming a proceedings, providing that human rights and legal
constructive role in society. safeguards are fully respected.
2.To this end, and having regard to the relevant provisions 4. A variety of dispositions, such as care, guidance and
of international instruments, States Parties shall, in supervisin orders; counselling; probation; foster care;
particular, ensure that: education and vocational training programmes and other
(a) No child shall be alleged as, be accused of, or alternatives to institutional care shall be available to
recognized as having infringed the penal law by reason of ensure that children are dealt with in a manner
acts or omissions that were not prohibited by national or appropriate to their wll-being and proportionate both to
international law at the time they were committed; their circumstances and the offence.
(b) Every child alleged as or accused of having infringed
the penal law has at least the following guarantees: Article 41
(i) To be presumed innocent until proven guilty according Nothing in the present Convention shall affect any
to law; provisions which are more conducive to the realization of
(ii) To be informed promptly and directly of the charges the rights of the child and which may be contained in:
against him or her, and, if appropriate, through his or her (a) The law of a State Party; or
parents or legal guardians, and to have legal or other (b) International law in forc for that State.
appropriate assistance in the preparation and pres-
entation of his or her defence;
(iii) To have the matter determined without delay by a
competen!, independen! and imparta! authority or PART II
judicial body in a fair hearing according to law, in the
presence of legal or other appropriate assistance and, Article 42
unless it s considered not to be in the best interest of the States Parties undertake to make the principies and
child, in particular, taking into account his or her age or provisions of the Convention widely known, by ap-
situation, his or her parents or legal guardians; propriate and active means, to adults and children alike.
(iv) Not to be compelled to give testimony or to confess
guilt; to examine or have examined adverse witnesses and Article 43
to obtain the participation and examination of witnesses 1. For the purpose of examining the progress made by
on his or her behalf under conditions of equality; States Parties in achieving the realization of the
(v) If considered to have infringed the penal law, to have obligations undertaken in the present Convention, there
this decisin and any measures imposed in consequence shall be established a Committee on the Rights of the
thereof reviewed by a higher competen!, independen! and Child, which shall carry out the functions hereinafter
impartial authority or judicial body according to law; provided.
(vi) To have the free assistance oan interpreter if the child 2. The Committee shall consist of ten experts of high
cannot understand or speak the language used; moral standing and recognized competence in the field
(vi) To have his or her privacy fully respected at all stages covered by this Convention. The members of the
ofthe proceedings. Committee shall be elected by States Parties from among
3. States Parties shall seek to promote the establishment their nationals and shall serve in their personal capacity,
of laws, procedures, aulhorilies and inslilutions spe- consideraron being given to equitable geographical
cifically applicable to chitdren alleged as, accused of, or distribution, as well as to the principal legal systems.
recognized as having infringed the penal law, and, in 3. The members of the Committee shall be elected by
particular: secret ballot from a list of persons nominated by States
(a) The establishment of a minimum age below which Parties. Each State Party may nomnate one person from
children shall be presumed not to have the capacity to among its own nationals.
infringe the penal law; 4. The initial election to the Committee shall be held no
(b) Whenever appropriate and desirable, measures for later than six months after the date of the entry into forc

of the present Convention and thereafter every second members of the Committee established under the present
year. At least four months before the date of each election, Convention shall receive emoluments from United Nations
the Secretary-General of the United Nations shall address resources on such terms and conditions as the Assembly
a letter to States Parties inviting them to submit their may decide.
nominations within two months. The Secretary-General
shall subsequently prepare a list in alphabetical order of Article 44
all persons thus nominated, indicating States Parties 1. States Parties undertake to submit to the Committee,
which have nominated them, and shall submit it to the through the Secretary-General of the United Nations,
States Parties to the present Convention. reports on the measures they have adopted which give
5. The etections shall be held at meetings of States Parties effect to the rights recognized herein and on the progress
convened by the Secretary-General at United Nations made on the enjoyment of those rights:
Headquarters. At those meetings, for which two thirds of (a) Within two years of the entry into forc of the
States Parties shall constitute a quorum, the persons Convention for the State Party concerned;
elected to the Committee shall be those who obtain the (b) Thereafter every five years.
largest number of votes and an absolute majority of the 2. Reports made under the present article shall indcate
votes of the representatives of States Parties present and factors and difficulties, f any, affecting the degree of
voting. fulfilment of the obligations under the present
6. The members of the Committee shall be elected for a Convention. Reports shall also contain sufficient
term of four years. They shall be eligible for re-electon if information to provide the Committee with a
renominated. The term of five of the members elected at comprehensive understanding of the mplementation of
the first election shall expire at the end of two years; the Convention in the country concerned.
immediately after the first election, the ames of these 3. A State Party which has submitted a comprehensive
five members shall be chosen by lot by the Chairman of initial report to the Committee need not, in ts subsequent
the meeting. reports submitted n accordance with paragraph i (b) of
7. If a member of the Committee dies or resigns or the present article, repeat basic information previously
declares that for any other cause he or she can no longer provided.
perform the duties of the Committee, the State Party 4. The Committee may request from States Parties further
which nominated the member shall appoint another information relevan! to the implementation of the
expert from among ts nationals to serve for the remainder Convention.
of the term, subject to the approval of the Committee. 5. The Committee shall submit to the General Assembly,
8. The Committee shall estabsh its own rules of through the Economic and Social Council, every two years,
procedure. reports on ts activities.
9. The Committee shall elect ts officers for a period of two 6. States Parties shall make their reports widely available
years. to the public in their own countries.
10. The meetings of the Committee shall normally be held
at United Nations Headquarters or at any other con- Article 45
venient place as determined by the Committee. The In order to foster the effective mplementation of the
Committee shall normally meet annually. The duration of Convention and to encourage nternational co-operation
the meetings of the Committee shall be determined, and in the field covered by the Convention:
reviewed, if necessary, by a meeting of the States Parties (a) The specialized agencies, the United Nations Chil-
to the present Convention, subject to the approval of the dren's Fund and other United Nations organs shall be en-
General Assembly. titled to be represented at the consideraron of the
11. The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall implementation of such provisions of the present
provide the necessary staff and facilities for the effective Convention as fall within the scope of their mndate. The
performance of the functions of the Committee under the Committee may invite the specialized agencies, the
present Convention. United Nations Children's Fund and other competent
12. With the approval of the General Assembly, the bodies as it may consider appropriate to provide expert
advice on the mplementation of the Convention n reas thirtieth day following the date of deposit with the
fatling within the scope of their respective mndales. Secretary-General of the United Nations of the twentieth
The Committee may invite the specialized agencies, the instrument of ratification or accession.
United Nations Children's Fund and other United Nations 2. For each State ratifyng or acceding to the Convention
organs to submit reports on the implementation of the after the deposit of the twentieth instrument of ra-
Convention in reas falling within the scope of their tification or accession, the Convention shall enter into
activities; forc on the thirtieth day after the deposit by such State
(b) The Committee shall transmit, as it may consider of its instrument of ratification or accession.
appropriate, to the specialized agencies, the United f
Nations Children's Fund and other competen! bodies, any Article 50
reports from States Parties that contain a request, or 1. Any State Party may propose an amendment and file it
indcate a need, for technical advice or assistance, along with the Secretary-General of the United Nations. The
with the Committee's observations and suggestions, if Secretary-General shall thereupon communicate the
any, on these requests or indications; proposed amendment to States Parties, with a request
(c) The Committee may recommend to the General that they indcate whether they favour a conference of
Assembly that it request the Secretary-General to un- States Parties for the purpose of consdering and voting
dertake on its behalf studies on specific issues relatingto upon the proposals. In the event that, wthin four months
the rightsof the child; from the date of such communcation, at least one third
(d) The Committee may make suggestions and general of the States Parties favour such a conference, the
recommendations based on Information received pur- Secretary-General shall convene the conference under the
suant to articles 44 and 45 of the present Convention. auspices of the United Nations. Any amendment adopted
Such suggestions and general recommendations shall be by a majority of States Parties present and voting at the
transmitted to any State Party concerned and reported to conference shall be submitted to the General Assembly
the General Assembly, together with comments, if any, for approval.
from States Parties. 2. An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph i
of the present article shall enter into forc when it has
been approved by the General Assembly of the United
Nations and accepted by a two-thirds majority of States
PART III Parties.
3. When an amendment enters into forc, t shall be
Article 46 binding on those States Parties which have accepted it,
The present Convention shall be open for signature by all other States Parties still being bound by the provisions of
States. the present Convention and any earlier amendments
which they have accepted.
Article 47
The present Convention s subject to ratification. Article 51
Instruments of ratification shall be deposited with the 1. The Secretary-General ofthe United Nations shall receive
Secretary-General of the United Nations. and circuate to all States the text of reservatons made by
States at the time of ratification or accession.
Article 48 2. A reservation incompatible with the object and purpose
The present Convention shall remain open for accession ofthe present Convention shall not be permitted.
by any State. The instruments of accession shall be 3. Reservations may be withdrawn at any time by
deposited with the Secretary-General of the United notification to that effect addressed to the Secretary-
Nations. General of the United Nations, who shall then inform all
States. Such notification shall take effect on the date on
Article 49 which t is received by the Secretary-General
i. The present Convention shall enter into forc on the

Article 52
A State Party may denounce te present Convention by
written notification to the Secretary-General of the United
Nations. Denunciation becomes effective one year after the
date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary-General.
Article 53
The Secretary-General of the United Nations is designated
as the depositary of the present Convention.
Article 54
The original of the present Convention, of which the
Arabic, Chnese, English, French, Russian and Spanish
texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the
Secretary-General of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS THEREOF the undersigned plenipotentiaries,
being duly authorized thereto by their respective gov-
ernments, have signed the present Convention.

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