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Adam Richards

June 28th, 2017

Presented to,
The Game of Thrones Community

Contains Spoilers and Foreshadowing,

Read at your Own Discretion.




PART 1: Overview of Symbols..........5

Fibonacci Spiral/Golden Spiral........6

Phi/Golden Mean/Golden Ratio/Divine Proportion.....8

Goldilocks Theory/Golden Middle Way.9



Ten-Pointed Star....11

Concentric Circles..11

Evil Eye..13

Tree of Life/Sacred Trees..................................................................................................13

Night King Sigil.................................................................................................................15

Gods Eye............................................................................................................................16


PART 2: Photo Gallery.................................................................................................................18

Ending Comments on Pictures...........................................................................................22

PART 3: The Endgame: What the Symbols Tell Us....................................................................22

Opening Remarks...............................................................................................................22

The Narrator of GRRMs Story.........................................................................................23

Cyclical Time.....................................................................................................................23

Bran=Night King?..................................................................................................26

A Quick Note on the Night King...........................................................................28

Conclusion to Cyclical time...................................................................................28


Magical Imbalance in Planetos..............................................................................30

Jon Snow and the Extremes...................................................................................30

The Gods Eye and The Isle of Faces.................................................................................31

History at the Gods Eye and the Isle of Faces.......................................................33

Conclusion to the Gods Eye and the Isle of Faces.................................................35


Wrapping it All up.............................................................................................................36

Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa....................................................................................36

How it Ends............................................................................................................39

Scenario One..............................................................................................39

Scenario Two.............................................................................................41

The Pact of Ice and Fire.................................................................42

Daenerys as the NQ.......................................................................42

Scenario Two Contd.................................................................................43


Some Last Statements........................................................................................................45

Enlarged Picture URL........................................................................................................47


This essay is far from conclusive, while ironically, trying to be as conclusive as it can be

based on the source material to date. This is my best and honest attempt to uncover the hidden

meaning(s) behind the symbols we see in Game of Thrones. While I try to be a reasonable man

who follows the evidence where it leads, I will be the first to admit I could be wrong. Obviously,

only the unfolding of events on the TV show will really expose the hidden message(s) in the

symbols. As well, not all of my thoughts are completely original. I spend most of my days on

Reddit and Youtube, reading and watching the Game of Thrones/ASOIAF community,

speculating on all things Game of Thrones/ASOIAF. This entire essay has been a work in

progress, gathering a little bit of information here, and a little there. For the most part, the data I

have collected has my own personal twist(s) on the subject at hand. The biggest helps and

inspirations come from a variety of people. Some of those include Kyle Foster, the youtuber

whose channel is channel Azor Ahype, the Youtube channel ScreenPrism, Chris who runs the

Youtube channel SmokeScreen, and Nex from the Youtube channel Game of Theories. I would

include the rest but I cannot recall the countless websites I have viewed over the past year, the

videos I have watched, Reddit posts I have read, or blogs I have skimmed. Saying that, I intend

for this to be best and most expansive study on topic that I have came across. For those who are

in the community of Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, I welcome any and all feedback on this work. If

anyone sees a symbol in the show that I have missed, disagrees with my analysis on said topic,

or wants to offer their mind in this endeavor I myself would greatly appreciate it. You may also

notice I switch between you we our and I quite often. This is because when you read

this paper I want you to feel apart of it, because if you are in the ASOIAF/GoT community you

are apart of it. This has truly been a cumulative effort by everyone. Lastly, as of the writing of

this essay, the series still has two seasons to go until its conclusion and I am sure we will see

more symbols to come. I plan to add to, but not completely rewrite this as the series continues to

unfold. Having said all that, lets get to the matter at hand.


One of the benefits of George R. R. Martins novel series, A Song of Ice and Fire being

adapted to the television screen is obviously the visuals. The show runners David Benioff and

Dan Weiss can add bits of foreshadowing that text simply cannot do. This is precisely what they

have done through the use of many ancient symbols. Starting in episode one of season one, the

first scene we see is a pattern laid out by the White Walkers. Throughout the series we continue

to see a recurrence of the same symbols over and over, with the most recent being seen in the

Season seven trailers. The scope of this essay is to come to an understanding of these symbols

and speculate on what David and Dan are getting out with the placement of these ancient

symbols in regards to the endgame.


There are a plethora of repeated symbols demonstrated in Game of Thrones, starting in

episode one, and repeated as recently as the newest trailers released to promote season 7. Those

symbols in no particular order are: Golden Spirals (also know as Fibonacci Spirals), the symbol

(known as Phi from the Greek alphabet), the symbol (known as Theta from the Greek

alphabet), the Ten-Pointed star, Concentric Circles, Circumpuncts, Heptagrams, the Evil Eye, the

Tree of Life, the Gods Eye, and the Astrolabe. I will explain each symbols meaning first in their

historical contexts and then I will piece each symbol together within the narrative of Game of

Thrones. To conclude, I will hypothesize the best theories based on the evidence to explain the



Even historians cannot come to a consensus on when this shape originated. It dates back

over 3,000 years to cultures predating the Egyptians.1 The key to the Fibonacci spiral is that for

every quarter turn it expands from the center, it has a growth ratio of 1.618, also known as Phi or

the golden ratio (More depth on this later).2 It is believed that the Egyptians used it to build

their pyramids, Leonardo Di Vinci used it in his art, and that other ancient cultures throughout

history have used the golden ratio in a variety of ways.3 Countless objects in our world display

the features of the Golden Spiral such as, hurricanes, galaxies, flowers, and leaves, to name a

few are all said to display features of the Golden Spiral.4 The growth in distance at a constant of

the golden ratio is said to convey balance and beauty.5 To the human eye its symmetry is

attractive and appealing.6

Spirals as such also convey and hold meaning. The spiral has meant different things to

different people over the years with some subtle differences and commonalities. For the ancient


Minoans of Knossos, Greece, the spiral was a symbol of infinity.7 For the ancient Celts, it was a

symbol for birth, growth, and expansion.8 In more Gnostic and Occultic (but not limited to)

traditions it represents cyclical time and the never ending cycle of the soul.9 Buddhists and

Hinduistic traditions also have their own take on it. The spiral represents life in its most generic

and broadest sense with the Wheel of Time or Wheel of History is a representation of their

view on the human soul and life.10 These religious traditions hold to a belief in rebirth and

reincarnation to achieve Samsara/Nirvana.11 Simply put, the soul goes through countless

cycles in order to achieve their idea of salvation and variations of circles and spirals have been

used to convey this.12

A representation of cyclical time,

Wheel of History

As we can see, the spiral represents a variety of things involving time, the condition and

process of the soul, and infinity. For the purposes of this study, an emphasis has to be put on

the Golden ratio/Phi as is evident in the Fibonacci/Golden Spiral. This leads us to our next

symbol overview.




Phi has many different facets. Phi is used in mathematics, the Greek Alphabet, as well as

in philosophy. In Mathematics it has many common names such as the Golden Mean, Golden

Ratio, and Divine Proportion. In philosophy, philosophers regard it as a symbol for balance, the

middle way, or nothing in excess.13 Phi in philosophical terms is also used to denote a

generic act.14 Some aspects of Phi (Which I will refer to as for the rest of this study mostly) have

already been hinted and touched on above in the Golden Spiral section. To reiterate, Phi is found

in the Golden Spiral as its growth factor. The symbol is used in mathematics to denote the

Golden Ratio.15 Renaissance artists used the Golden Mean extensively in their paintings and

sculptures to achieve balance and beauty as stated above. Its reference as divine is fitting

because it is seen by many to open the door to a deeper understanding of beauty

and spirituality in life, unveiling a hidden harmony and connectedness.16 Furthermore, many

synonymous principles have been derived from the concept of Phi, each involving a desire of




Goldilocks Theory/Golden Middle Way

Everyone knows the story of Goldilocks and the three bears. As she enters the home of

the Three Bears she tries their soup, sits in their chairs, and lies in their beds. She picks the soup

that is neither too hot nor too cold. She picks the chair that is neither too hard nor too soft. Lastly

she picks the bed that is neither too hard nor too soft. The moral of the story here is balance. The

Goldilocks theory suggests the desirable middle of two extremes.17 This is also known as the

Golden Middle way, a perfect balance between two counterparts.18

As we can see Phi has many names. What should be taken away from this study of Phi,

whether its mathematically or philosophically, is the idea of balance. In areas of excess and

deficiency, the middle route, or balance is what should be sought after.


The symbol is another letter in the Greek Alphabet, as well a symbol with

philosophical connotations behind it. It is most commonly known from ancient times as a symbol

of death.19 It should also be noted that the Egyptians used a symbol for Kosmos in the form of


theta, with a fiery circle representing the world, and a snake spanning the middle representing

Agathos Daimon (Literally meaning Good Spirit).20


The Heptagram is a seven-sided star. The heptagram was used in Christianity to symbolize the

seven days of creation and became a traditional symbol for warding off evil.21 It is also a

symbol of perfection (or God) in many Christian sects.22 Lastly, The Heptagram is also known

among neopagans as the Elven Star or Fairy Star. It is treated as a sacred symbol in various

modern pagan and witchcraft traditions. Blue Star Wicca also uses the symbol, where it is

referred to as a septegram. The second heptagram is a symbol of magical power in

some pagan spiritualties.23

This is the first of two sections where I will explain this symbol in Part 1 rather than Part

3 as it is highly speculative and does not terribly deal with the endgame. (It does but not directly

to the endgame conflict between humanity and the WWs) The Heptagram symbol is seen in our

story as the symbol for the Faith of the Seven. Some fans have theorized that the seven aspects of

the faith represent characters in our story that will play apart in our endgame. (I will not discuss

these possible candidates because they vary greatly based on whose theory you are reading.)


While I can very well see this being the case, there is not enough canonical evidence how this

will play out or who the exact candidates are. (Some are rather straight forward such as Gendry

as the Smith, and Arya as the Stranger, but other aspects of the Faith such as the Father and

Warrior are more ambiguous) Based on the historical evidence there could be seven major

figures left over who serves as those in the rebuilding or creation of the new Westeros and

helping in warding off the evil of the WWs.


Also known as a decagram, the ten-pointed star is used in gnostic and Kabbalistic

backgrounds. In Jewish mysticism, also know as Kabbalah, it represents the Tree of Life (More

depth on this in a bit), 10 interconnected nodes that compile the Sephirots.24 As well, it also

symbolizes the union of opposites.25


Concentric circles are circles that have a parallelism to them as the circles move away

from a center point. The circles, as seen above, get bigger and bigger as they extend away from


the center. These types of patterns in circles represent a variety of things. Concentric circles

represent, processes, interrelationships, wholeness, and a systemic view of nature and

universe. 26 Another note of interest involving concentric circles is that they are usually

physically represented as a place or location from which stories and experience emanated

and to which the people and stories are historically tied.27


Circumpuncts are one of the oldest symbols found in ancient history. Its most common

use is to represent the Sun.28 It is also used to represent the Sun God Ra.29 One type of

circumpunct relative to our story is a nazar (which will come full circle in Part 2). A Nazar is an

amulet created to protect against the evil eye. 30(Read below)

A Nazar Amulet



The evil eye is a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, usually given to a person

when they are unaware.31 Many cultures believe that receiving the evil eye will cause

misfortune or injury.32

This is the second of the two sections I will explain in regards to the story and not just on

the historical context in Part 1. The reason I am doing this is because it is very minor in regards

to the endgame, but nonetheless is a recurring symbol that needed to be touched on. The Evil

Eye is given by the NK in the promotional releases for S7 with Jon Snow, Daenerys, and Cersi in

his eye. The meaning of this is very straightforward: destruction is coming their way. As well, in

the most recent promotional releases all of the main characters are giving the Evil Eye with the

NK in their pupil, meaning the exact same thing in regards to the NK: destruction is coming for

him and the WWs. (Or at least an attempt)



Many ancient religions have ties to the Tree of Life, also referred to as a World Tree.33

The tree of knowledge, connecting to heaven and the underworld, and the tree of life, connecting

all forms of creation, are both forms of the world tree or cosmic tree, according to the

Encyclopdia Britannica and are portrayed in various religions and philosophies as the same

tree.34 Lets go over some interesting facts regarding the Tree of Life, as well as sacred groves

compromised of many sacred trees.

Sacred trees are sometimes referred to as a place of meeting where ancient rituals are

performed; it is also a place of refuge for many in times of danger.35 Another interesting fact

is many of the worlds ancient belief systems also include the belief of sacred groves, where

trees are revered and respected and there are priests and priestesses attending to them who

also serve as guardians, preventing those who wish to tear down the trees by means of

ancient magic and elaborate protection rituals.36 The Tree of life is also considered to be a

map of the universe and the psyche, the order of the creation of the cosmos, and a path to

spiritual illumination.37 It goes without saying, but sacred trees are also associated with

wisdom.38 There is even a belief in nature spirits, who may dwell in trees or other natural

places.39 Lastly, to expound on the ten-pointed star and its reference to the tree of life, Jewish

mysticism depicts the Tree of Life in the form of ten interconnected nodes, as the central symbol



of the Kabbalah. It comprises the ten Sephirot powers in the Divine realm. The panentheistic and

anthropomorphic emphasis of this emanationist theology interpreted the Torah, Jewish

observance, and the purpose of Creation as the symbolic esoteric drama of unification in the

Sephirot, restoring harmony to Creation.40


The Night Kings sigil is unique to Game of Thrones and to date is impossible to 100%

pinpoint its true meaning. Nonetheless, it is a symbol that needs to be analyzed so we will try

our best. First off, the outline of the sigil undoubtedly resembles the skull of a raven or crow.

The interior components of the sigil are still up for debate. Some redditors theorize that the top

half of the sigil resembles a castle-turret, possible alluding to the Nightfort where the Nights

King took up residence. (The Night King and the Nights King are presumably different people

given the timeline of the creation of the Night King in the show, and the timing of the 13th Lord

Commanders residency as the Nights King at the Night Fort in the Novels. Unless we are given

further evidence in the seasons to come, we are left to believe they are separate people for the

time being, though there may be some correlation. Which I believe there will be) The bottom

half of the sigil may represent the dragonglass plunged through his heart at the time of his

creation. The bottom half in combination with the upper outline of the sigil resembles the symbol

for, evening and the setting sun. To reiterate, nothing is conclusive regarding this symbol and


will probably unfold as the series wraps up. Based on what we can break down regarding the

sigil, the Night King has some tie(s) (or may be) the Three-Eyed Raven(s) and/or the Nights

Watch. The Nights Watch makes since considering they are referred to as crows and the story

of the infamous 13th Lord Commander. Even more so, he does have greensight as seen in S6 E5

making it very plausible that he has some sort of relation to the Three Eyed Raven(s) or may

even be one as stated earlier. Lets finish this with two ending notes. First, Brynden Rivers was

both a man of the Nights Watch, and a greenseer know as the Three-Eyed Raven, so their can be

some overlap as well, not just either/or. Second, the sigil may also be an Easter egg from book to

show in regards to the 13th Lord Commander.

A birds skull, Possible explanation of sigil

A Raven or Crows

Dragonglass, potentially the

bottom half of the sigil


While the traditional symbol known as a Gods Eye is not found in the series or novels, a

location known as the Gods eye is, and what we can draw from the beliefs surrounding Gods

Eyes (the object) are of importance (This will come full circle in a bit). A Gods Eye is a spiritual

and votive object made by weaving a design out of yarn upon a wooden cross.41 Often they

reflect a confidence in all-seeing Providence.42 The God's Eye is also symbolic of the power of

seeing and understanding that which is unknown and unknowable.43 A type of Gods Eye is

known as the Nierika to traditional Huichols ranchos Indians in Western Mexico, and is used as a

important ritual artifact.44 (The terms Gods Eye and Nierika are synonymous; Nierika is the

named used by its respective people group) One of the principal meanings of "nierika" is that of

a metaphysical vision, an aspect of a god or a collective ancestor."45 The term nierika is

etymologically rooted in the verb nieriya, to see.46 The nierika is used to evoke an ancestor,

thanks it with blood offerings, and invokes its favors.47 To close, Gods Eyes are traditionally

made in what are called learning circles.48 The learning circle is a mechanism for organizing

and honoring the collective wisdom of the group and is present in many indigenous cultures.


47 Ibid.

48 Ibid.

For example, in early native councils of elders came together to understand problems in a spirit

of shared community in wisdom circles.49


An Astrolabe is an elaborate inclinometer, historically used by astronomers and

navigators, to measure the inclined position in the sky of a celestial body, day or night. It can

thus be used to identify stars or planets, to determine local latitude given local time and vice

versa, to survey, or to triangulate.50 We see the astrolabe every episode in the opening theme and

we see it for the first time in footage when Sam arrives at the Citadel. Two main points that need

to be noted here: the first being that it is a clue in regards to one aspect of the endgame (Not in

regards to the War for the Dawn, more on this later), and two, the very middle is the sun. I will

not further break down the astrolabe because the details, for the most part, do not compliment

this paper and what it is trying to accomplish. For more fan speculation in regards to the

astrolabe, visit this link.


Symbol Phi/ left by the

WW in S1 E1

49 Ibid.


Jon Snow in the BOTB S6 E9
The Vales army breaking through
Makes the symbol with Jon in
The middle

Fibonacci Spiral/Golden Spiral

Left by WW, and used by D&D for
Thematic and narrative significance
Involving the NK (in the middle to the bottom left),
Jon Snow (in the middle to the right),
and Daenerys Targaryen (in the middle to the left)

This last Fibonacci/Golden Spiral

Is seen at the Isle of Faces, in the
Gods Eye.

Khal Dragos funeral pyre making

The symbol Theta/ , to the left
Emphasis on the outer fiery circle
Also circumpuncts

Right Sansa Stark wearing a Theta/
Necklace. Left Faith of the Seven

NK changes Crasters baby into WW

Inside a 10-point star, S4 E4. Union of opposites

To the left, NK giving the Evil Eye,

In this Promotional GIF released by
HBO, Jon Snow, Dany, and Cersi can
Be seen in the center of his pupil.
To the right, potentially a giant, WW,
Or the NK again.
In the link above, Season 7 promotional posters featuring the entire main cast, giving the evil eye
to the NK who is in their pupils.

Daenerys and Jon centered in the

Middle of crowds, with the people
Making concentric circles as the
Camera pans out. To the left Dany,
S3 E10, to the right Jon, S6 E9
Also, circumpuncts

To the left, The NK with his sigil
Under his neck, to the right, an
Enhanced picture of his sigil.

To the left a Weirwood found north

Of the wall and the Weirwood where
The NK was made, to the right an
Identical Weirwood to the one found
Where the NK was made, but in the Gods
Eye at the Isle of Faces.

Location of the Gods Eye, also



Some of the photos have overlaps in symbolism. For instance, if you were to draw circles

starting from the center of the spirals left by the WW and move outwards, there would be

concentric circles as well. The Theta found in Khal Drogos funeral pyre could also be seen as a

circumpunct, and consisting of concentric circles. The ten-pointed star can also be seen as a

circumpunct as well. Based on the contexts of all the symbols discussed above, none of these

overlapping symbols contradict one another. For example, Khal Drogos funeral pyre as a theta

and circumpunct, both represent death and fire respectively. Furthermore, the spirals and its

resemblance of concentric circles to the eye do not contradict as well, as concentric circles in one

aspect represent interrelationships. (As the Spirals are only seen with Jon, Dany, and the NK,

who undoubtedly tie into together for the endgame) Lastly, the photos of Jon and Dany in the

center of masses of people can also be seen as circumpuncts from a birds eye view, and once

again fails to be contradictory, as they both have ties to fire. Saying that, lets bring all this data

brought forth full circle and connect the dots as best as we can.



To reiterate and to be as blunt as possible, my conclusions could be wrong. Saying that, I

think I happen to be right on certain aspects regarding the endgame (As well as are many other

fans who have pondered these issues), and on other aspects the jury is still out. This final part

sets out to tie all the symbolism together and make sense of all the foreshadowing D&D has left

us over the years. We will discuss in progression on which aspects of the endgame I think are

most probable/certain, and descend into areas of the endgame that are still far from conclusive.

This part of the paper has been my favorite and most fun to write and I hope you all enjoy. Now,

lets get to it.


We will first discuss one of our favorite characters Samwell Tarly. Samwell is presently

at the Citadel learning to become a Maester. As mentioned above, when stepping into the

Citadels library we see the astrolabe for the first time other than when we see it in the opening

theme. What does this suggest you may ask? (Or already know) It suggests that Maester Samwell

is telling us our story sometime in the future. (A long time fan theory) As the name of the series

is A Song of Ice and Fire, it makes sense someone is telling us this song, as songs in medieval

times represented and told a story. Another piece of evidence that supports this theory has to deal

with GRRMs admitted admiration for J. R. R. Tolkein and his novel series The Lord of the

Rings. At the end of the story Frodo (the protagonist) allows his best friend Sam to finish the last

couple of pages of the entire story they just embarked on. As you may have noticed, the story is

setting for the exact same thing to happen as sort of homage to Tolkein done by GRRM. Sam is

Jon Snows, (the main character) best friend and Sam is becoming a Maester who happen to be

those that record the histories of Westeros. So I believe it is safe to say with certainty, that Sam

makes it to the end of the coming Long Night to tell the Song of Ice and Fire.


I believe we can say with certainty that this universe where our story is unfolding is

bound by cyclical time. To put it plainly, history is always repeating itself. As mentioned in the

Golden Spiral section, the spiral can be seen to represent cyclical time/reincarnation. There are

also tons of other evidences that suggest the inhabitants of Planetos live in a sort of Dj vu

reality. Lets name some examples that support this hypothesis. Many historical events happening

in the present time of our story have happened in the past. The Long Night is repeating, Aegons

conquest is happening again through Daenerys, the coming of Azor Ahai/TPTWP. The Last

Hero is repeating, and so on. If the plot leaks are to be trusted (As of two weeks before the airing

of S7, there is no reason to deny their authenticity because at every turn they have been proven

right through all the promotional releases by HBO) some other events that will repeat are the

Field of Fire 2.0, and the King in the North kneeling to the Targaryen conqueror. You all get the

point and when you put your mind to it can name a plethora of other examples of history

repeating itself.

One of the bigger pieces of evidence in regards to cyclical time is Brans storyline. There

is something very peculiar going on with Bran Stark as well. When Bran gets to the Three-Eyed

Ravens cave in S4 E10, the 3ER has some very interesting words for Bran. He tells Bran that

Jojen came and helped Bran get there so that Bran could find what he has lost. Bran

immediately believes/hopes that what he will regain is his ability to walk. The 3ER tells him no,

he will not regain his ability to walk, but that he will learn to fly. Before getting too ahead of

ourselves, let us discuss what Brandon could have possibly lost.

Bran Stark is a very young boy, so what could he have possibly lost that even he

couldnt recall? I believe Bran will learn how to fly... again. The answer is found in a fan theory

that is as old as the first novel and what I believe to also be a certainty as well in some facet.

That theory is that Bran is or has some connection with certain/if not all Brandon Starks in the

Stark family. The primary evidence for this theory is found in Old Nans tales in which she

confuses all the Bran Starks of history as one. GRRM has told us that we ought to listen to Old

Nan and pay attention to what she has to say. The latest season of Game of Thrones has also

bolstered this theory. We now see that Bran can go back in time through his greensight, and can

in fact manipulate and travel to the past as we saw in E5 with Hodor and before when young

Ned heard him at the Tower of Joy. In S1 when Arya asks Ned what will become of Bran, Ned

tells her maybe he will, Raise castles like Bran the Builder. The foreshadowing for this is quite

suggestive in both the novels and the show. For the moment let us accept this theory as canon

hypothetically (Which I believe is true, but if you disagree for the sake of the argument believe

in its truthfulness hypothetically). If true, we have our answer to what Bran has lost, and that is

his ability to fly through time. If Bran is/or is connected to certain/all Brans of history in the

Stark lineage, the 3ER must have been talking about his greensight ability. What else could he

have been talking about? As we said, he is a very young boy and there really was not much for

him to lose but, if he is/has a connection to 1,000s of years of other Brandons then there is

definitely something there in which he could have lost and that is his ability to control his

greensight. For this reason alone is why the 3ER has waited and watched over Bran, so that he

can equip him in his greensight abilities to be ready for the War for the Dawn. These reasons

mentioned suggest some aspect of reincarnation/wheel of time as suggested by the Golden

Spiral. Now in what way is Bran connected to the Starks of old is still yet to be seen. He could in

future episodes/books travel through and actually be those individuals. The Bran

Starks of old who were greenseers could have went to live in the Weirwoods and waited from the

next Brandon to be born and inhabit that particular Bran. I believe either of those two

suggestions are plausible but personally I lean towards the latter as it what would solve the

problem of what Bran has lost, and that is in past lives he had control over his greensight and

in present time is regaining it.

Bran=Night King?

Since we are on the topic of Bran Stark I should mention a theory that has plausibility

and deals with this theme of cyclical time/history repeating itself. This theory was first brought

to my attention by Nex from the Youtube channel Game of Theories, and also suggested by Dan

from the Youtube channel Talking Thrones prior. That theory is that Bran Stark is actually the

Night King. The theory makes a lot of sense (though it does have holes) and we will dive into it

here as it really puts a nail in the coffin in regards to the theme of cyclical time, if true. In S6 E5

we see the NK being created presumably against a Weirwood with the Golden Spiral present.

(The same actor that plays the NK was the man up against the Weirwood. Also, recall phi is used

to denote a generic act). As Bran is in his vision the camera pans back to him and Bran is seen

to be in the same exact position that the First Man is seen in up against the Weirwood tree. Bran

also grimaces as if the dragonglass is being plunged through his heart. When he tells Leaf about

his discovery, she says some very peculiar words. Those words were that they needed to protect

themselves, From You, from men. The line of thinking goes that Bran will go back in time to

try and stop the NK from ever being created and in doing so will drown and be taken by the

COTF and turned into the first WW. There happens to be foreshadowing that Bran will drown

in his greensight visions. The 3ER warns him against staying in visions too long and as we

know, no dialogue in this series can go overlooked. If Bran were in fact the NK it would reveal a

lot about the NKs ontology, reasons for his actions, and motivations. The saying goes, All

Crows are liars. When the NK looks at the 3ER right before killing him you get the sense of

some sort of familiarity between the two. What if the 3ER withheld this knowledge from Bran in

the present and in doing so, subjected him to over 8,000 years of icy existence beyond The Wall

by not mentioning his future to him? To say the least, that would piss the NK off just a tad. It

should also be noted that Old Nan believed that Nights King of the Nights Watch name was

Brandon Stark as well. (As stated in the Night King Sigil portion, the timelines would have to be

reconciled in some way, but it is interesting that in the S5 DVD the included the 13th Lord

Commanders Story in the History and Lore suggesting it may play a part in the series, as well as

GRRM being very vague on the subject of their relationship) Another interesting note is that

Bran would also literally fly on the back of Viserion after he raises him from the dead at the end

of S7. Lastly, it would make for the bittersweet ending GRRM has promised us. What if Jon had

to kill his own brother/cousin, or at the least came to the realization that the main enemy was his

brother/cousin? Here though is where I stop myself as we have stranded a little far away and a

little ahead of ourselves. If this theory is true it only bolsters the idea of cyclical time and if not,

it does not hurt it one bit. (The evidence for cyclical time/reincarnation/history repeating itself

without this theory is still conclusive.) Another way this could unfold more simply is Bran wargs

that NK and becomes him. Recall that Bran becomes and feel like his Direwolf Summer when he

is inside him. Personally, I am 50/50 on this theory as I see some holes in it though it should also

be said; I hope this theory is in fact true! The actor playing the man up against the Weirwood is

much older than Bran and there are physical differences in their physique. Jojen also told Bran

that in his own greensight visions he saw the, Only thing that matters and that was Bran. If

Bran is the major villain, I do not see how he can be much help in regards to stopping himself,

especially if he is drowning in a greensight vision. If you wish to dive further into this theory

check out Nexs video on Bran being the NK in this link

A Quick Note on the Night King

Lets pause for one more quick note on the NK before moving on. We see in S6 E5 his

creation in what is presumably the Lands of Always Winter, and that he is still fixated on this

spot over 8,000 years later as seen in Brans greensight vision (The Fibonacci Spiral is present

there. See the picture galley above). It is evident that the NK is bound by an endless cycle or

wheel of this wintery existence. That Weirwood and spiral are reminders of what his life has

become, (and may be the key to fixing his curse, possibly explaining his fixation with the tree),

a life devoid of true humanity and icy existence, being alienated from the world. The NKs

humanity was taken from him, and he has since been bound to the lands north of The Wall. Due

to lack of evidence we do not know why the WWs attacked during the first Long Night, or what

ended it. The same is true this time around, as we cannot conclusively say what he is after or his

end goals are. (Though I believe we have some really good ideas on what they are... Well get

there!) I believe it is safe to say the WWs are back to try and finish the job of what they could

not finish the first time. They are back to try and stop the cycle and to break the wheel.

(Sound familiar?)

Conclusion to Cyclical Time

Finally, let us wrap up this section. I have argued that the universe of Planetos consists of

cyclical time. The major evidences for this are the fact that major historical events keep

repeating themselves, Brans overall story line with or without ones acceptance of Bran=NK

theory, and the history of the NKs endless cycle of existence. I believe we can say based on the

Fibonacci Spiral, its historical context, and the evidences put forth in the show that a cyclical

time/Wheel of Time/History repeating itself universe is a certainty.


We now progress to our second aspect of the end game that I believe we can say will

happen for certain. That certainty is that balance will be achieved. We discussed at length the

Fibonacci Spiral and its growth factor of phi, the Golden Ratio. We then went into detail the

philosophy behind phi by discussing the Goldilocks Theory. To revisit, the philosophy behind

phi is to obtain the desirable measure between two extremes. (Check out the section on phi for

a refresher)

In our story the symbol phi revolves around three people, the NK, Jon Snow, and

Daenerys. In S1 E1, in the opening scene, Will from the Nights Watch witnesses the symbol phi

left by the WWs. Jon Snow is seen in the middle of the Fibonacci spiral (remember growth

factor of phi) in S3 E3 at the Fist of the First Men. Again, in S6 E9 Jon Snow is associated with

the symbol phi when he is seen in the middle of the carnage during the BOTB and the Vale army

breaks through the Boltons defenses. Daenerys Targaryen is associated with the symbol in S5

E10 when the Dothraki pick her up in the Dothraki Sea.

The next question we need to ask is what the three people represent and it is quite simple.

The NK represents Ice for obvious reasons, including the likely possibility that he is and has

Stark blood. (The Starks are notoriously known for the reputation with Winter/Ice) Daenerys

represents fire with her Targaryen/Valyrian blood and affinity for Dragons. (The Targaryens are

notoriously known for their reputation with fire/Dragons.) Lastly, Jon Snow represents fire and

ice based on his blood consisting of both fire and ice, fire from his father Rhaegar Targaryen and

ice from his mother Lyanna Stark. You have probably already pieced together the catch and

major point I am trying to emphasize, that being Jon Snow is the balance, (and/or the one who

creates) the perfect balance of ice and fire. Jon Snow is the desirable measure between two

extremes and will be catalyst in making or creating the balance on Planetos.

Magical Imbalance in Planetos

There is an obvious imbalance of magic in GRRMs universe. We need to look no farther

than the two biggest cataclysms in Planetoss history and the vessels of their respective magics.

The first magical imbalance has to deal with ice and is made evident by the Long Night and the

WWs. The Long Night brought a darkness that lasted a generation and a seemingly endless

winter. The second magical imbalance deals with fire and is seen by the event known as the

Doom of Valyria and Dragons. The Doom of Valyria was an event where the Valyrian freehold

was destroyed in a matter of moments due to a mysterious fire event. The seasons also allude to

this magical imbalance as GRRM has said the reason for the seasons being so out whack (long

summers and long winters) is a magical one. When our story is all said in done it is a justifiable

thought to believe that the seasons will be restored to order.

Jon Snow and the Extremes

In regards to the endgame, many fans have anticipated Jon Snow being the key to

defeating the WW. While this is true, and I believe it to ultimately be the case, all three of the

aforementioned characters are key in creating balance. All three play a role (perhaps the most

vital) in the end game. This is why all three of the characters mentioned are associated with the

symbol phi and concentric circles which represent togetherness/interrelationships. We have

already stated that Jon Snow is the balance (and/or the one who creates balance), but what does

that exactly mean? I believe it means Jon Snow will be the biggest factor in fixing the magical

imbalance in the world. (While Jon Snow is the one who ultimately does this, he will also do it

with the help of many others) The next logical question is how does Jon Snow do this? I believe

there are only two possible ways that balance can be achieved. The first possible way this can be

achieved is by eradicating the two extremes of ice and fire. That means no more Daenerys or

Dragons and no more Night King and WWs, leaving Jon Snow the balance of ice and fire as

the only survivor of the three in the endgame conflict. The second possible way Jon Snow could

achieve balance is to create balance. (More on this later)


I have argued in regards to the End Game that the theme of cyclical time exists and that

the magical imbalance in the world will be fixed one way or another. Next, lets pinpoint where

our story ends and where the cycle for the NK will be broken based on the symbols and

evidences set forth in the show. (I am not saying this is where the exact last scene will take place

in GoT, but I am saying the endgame goes directly through there) I believe we can once again

say with certainty that the endgame goes through the Gods Eye and Isle of Faces. I said in the

Gods Eye section that my reason for including that symbol would come full circle so here it is.

You may have noticed the pictures I included in the photo gallery regarding the Gods

Eye. As you can see, the Gods Eye resembles the ancient symbol of a circumpunct, and consists

of two concentric circles. (The shoreline of the isle serving as the first circles and the shore ling

of the riverlands being the second) As stated, circumpuncts are related to fire and concentric

circles deal with interrelationships, and that they are represented physically by a place in

which people are historically tied. As well, you may have pondered the picture with the

overhead view of the Isle of the Faces and wondered why it was included. Upon close inspection

of that particular picture you can see that the Fibonacci Spiral is present at the Isle of Faces, the

only other known geographical location the symbol is associated with. (That picture is from the

History and Lore of S6 E5) This piece of evidence is the biggest in why I believe the endgame

goes through the Gods Eye, but we still need to dig a little deeper.

Lets now talk about the symbol left by the WWs in S1 E1 in greater detail and really

inspect the symbol phi they left behind. Ask yourself, why did the WWs leave that symbol. We

know that phi is a symbol for balance. Is it reasonable to conclude that the WWs are looking to

create balance themselves or at the least achieve balance in sort of some way? I think the answer

has to be yes, or else why would they leave that symbol? (I know you are getting tired of me

saying this, but more on this subject shortly) Now, let us visually break down that symbol for

other clues.

I wish I could take credit for this because it is absolutely mind blowing, but I have to give

it all to Nex from the Youtube channel Game of Theories. He argues, and I believe conclusively,

that this symbol here represents the location that the WW are headed, the Gods Eye and the Isle

of Faces. The circle with the line through resembles an eye. The heads on spikes located around

the symbol represents the Isle of Faces. Lastly, the one in tact body they left behind hanging

from a tree was a small child, representing the hierarchy of the children of the forest, their

creators. GRRM has stated he has drawn inspiration on this story from Ralph Waldo Emersons

poem Fire and Ice, and in that poem ice represents revenge. I believe in unison with Nex that the

WWs are headed to the Isle of faces to exact their revenge on their remaining creators

located at in the Gods Eye, in the hope that destroying their magical creators will destroy

the magic that binds them. I am going to go a bit further and say that at this location is where

balance will be achieved one of the two ways mentioned in the Jon Snow and the Extremes

section. Here is a link to Nexs video breaking down this symbol.

History at the Gods Eye and the Isle of Faces

The Gods Eye and Isle of Faces has very seldom been mentioned in our story. I do not

believe it has ever been mentioned in the show at all. (Correct me if I am wrong please). Only

two known people have been to the island recently, that being Addam Velaryon and Howland

Reed. The Isle is most famous for having been the sight of the Pact between the First Men and

the COTF ending their war that had waged for generations and being the biggest grove of

Weirwoods in the south. (Probably the biggest grove in the world actually) In celebration of this

pact every tree on the Isle was given a face and the Order of the Greenhand was established to

protect the grove. It is also possible/believed that the greenseers, at the Isle enacted their magic

to raise the Hammer of the Waters to destroy the Arm of Dorne during the First Mens invasion,

and later again enacted their magic to flood The Neck through blood magic. (In AWOIAF it first

mentions these events took place at Moat Cailin, but in the later section on Dorne brings this

subject back up as the Isle as the possible location. It should be remembered that the

author/narrator of AWOIAF is often seen as an unreliable narrator) In AWOIAF when

describing this pact, on the same page it mentions that it is, unknown if the children still remain

there, precisely confirming that COTF are still there. (Why else include that?)

GRRM has also had some interesting things to mention regarding the Isle of Faces and

the Order of the Greenhand. GRRM has previously stated that ASOIAF was originally intended

to be a trilogy. We see the Isle and Greenmen mentioned early in A Game of Thrones. When

asked about the reference to them, and subsequently no other references recently regarding the

two, he said he included it early because he had envisioned a trilogy and not a seven book series,

implying that they were meant to be visited sometime based on the foreshadowing and inclusion.

(Probably originally in the third book of the originally planned trilogy. Even more so, a fan asked

him bluntly if the Isle and the Greenmen would show up in either of the last two unreleased

books on his website, and to which GRRM replied back with a yes.

Conclusion to the Gods Eye and the Isle of Faces

I have argued based on the symbols of phi left by the WWs and the Fibonacci present as

seen in the photo of the Isle of Faces, as well as remarks from GRRM himself that this is where

our endgame leads up to and finishes. I believe this is our fourth point we can say will happen

with certainty.


Weirwoods obviously play a huge role in ASOIAF/GoT. Bran through his greensight

holds the key to seeing and unlocking the past. I believe it is a commonly held position that Bran

is going to find out something in regards to beating the threat of the WW by using his greensight.

(Probably at aka the Isle of Faces) I also hold this belief, and more so believe his

mind will play a huge role in mental warfare between him and the NK. On this point though I do

not want to dive to deeply in. I rather want to discuss the 10-pointed star and how earlier we

discussed its connection to the tree of life/Weirwoods. We noted that the NK was fixated on the

place of his creation, which was a location with the Fibonacci Spiral and Weirwood present.

When he created and transformed Crasters baby into a WW is where we see the 10-pointed star,

which again alludes to Weirwoods in our story. We know that blood in our story is necessary for

all the magics in our universe. Daenerys needed fire and blood to hatch her dragons, the

Weirwoods are powered by blood, Melisandre sacrificed Shireen so the winter storms would

calm for Stanniss army to march on Winterfell, the forging of Lightbringer as Azor Ahai needed

to plunge steel into Nissa Nissas heart, etc. Our endgame will also see its fair share of blood

magic I believe and I believe (yet again) that we can see this with certainty regarding the


As we have stated we are in a history repeating itself type of world. The NK is fixated on

the spot of his creation, and as I argued for our story is going to end at the Gods Eye. If you

would, go back and reference in the picture gallery the picture of the overhead shot of the Isle of

Faces and the overhead shot of the location of the NKs creation. They are identical. A

Fibonacci Spiral with a large Weirwood in the center. Now while I cannot say this for certain

(you were probably waiting for that) I do believe we are going to see an analogous event (recall

phi and it representing a generic act) take place at that Weirwood centered in the Isle of Faces.

This may be why the NK is so fixated on that location; he may want what was done to him

undone. While this is a possibility I think his fixation on that spot is more of a reminder of what

was done to him by his creators, and serves as motivation for his revenge. I do not think we will

see a scenario where the dragonglass is removed from his heart at the Isles Weirwood. What I

do believe though based on the foreshadowing is that an analogous event will happen at that

identical Weirwood found at the Isle of Faces, and that the NK knows the Weirwood(s) play a

role in the endgame.


We have finally reached the end! Based on all the symbols found in GoT I have

concluded that the NK, Daenerys, and Jon Snow all play a factor in creating balance on Planetos,

with Jon Snow (ice and fire) being the ultimate catalyst to carry that act out. I have also

concluded that time is cyclical and the wheel of time keeps on keeping on, that being that history

repeats itself and that the NK is in an endless cycle of wintery existence. As well, the Gods Eye

and the Isle of Faces serves as our auditorium for the endgame events, with blood magic and the

Weirwoods playing a vital role. Now it is time to try and really give a detailed explanation on

how this all unfolds. Up until now I have been certain that what I just mentioned above will

indeed happen. How that balance is achieved is what we will now discuss to wrap this all up. I

stated that it has to happen one of two ways. The first possible way this can be achieved is by

eradicating the two extremes of ice and fire. That means no more Daenerys or Dragons and no

more Night King and WWs, leaving Jon Snow the balance of ice and fire as the only survivor

of the three in the endgame conflict. The second possible way Jon Snow could achieve balance is

to create balance. Lets go more in depth on these issues and I will tell which of the two I believe

to be the events that will unfold. (It is the one I do not want to see happen, but I believe this is

what the evidence suggests.)


When the red star bleeds and the darkness gathers

Azor Ahai shall be reborn admist smoke and salt
To wake dragons out of stone. He shall draw from the fire
A burning sword, Lightbringer, the sword of Heros.

You cannot talk endgame without talking Azor Ahai and his wife Nissa Nissa. Azor

Ahai/TPTWP/The Last Hero was a mythological hero that ended the first Long Night. The story

goes that Azor Ahai created a heros sword known as Lightbringer by thrusting the blade into his

wifes heart, and in doing so created a weapon that fought back the WWs, effectively ending the

Long Night. The Last Heros story is a little different in that the Last Hero with his horse, dog,

and 12 companions sought the COTFs help and after all his friends died, created the Nights

Watch and defeated the WWs with the COTFs help, effectively ending the Long Night. (I

believe Jon Snow and Bran will seek the COTF out at in the Gods Eye) While opinions differ if

these stories are talking about the same person or not, I believe they do. I believe over time these

legends and myths took on the biases and worldviews of different groups around the world. The

Last Hero story sounds more Westorsi, while Azor Ahai takes on similarities to the religion of

Rhllors beliefs revolving around fire, and TPTWP takes on more of a Valyrian twist. This is

very similar to myths and legends in real life history. Most cultures of antiquity have stories

involving a global flood though the details differ from culture to culture and religion to religion

with their own twists on it. I believe the same thing has happened in GRRMs story.

To be blunt, Jon Snow is Azor Ahai. No it is not Daenerys. Daenerys has been set up as

Azor Ahai from the very beginning, and this is exactly why she is not Azor Ahai, she is a

massive red herring. Though she does fulfill the prophecy of Azor Ahai 100% literally, Jon

Snow fulfills the prophecy 100% figuratively. Jon was born under a bleeding star. (The Dayne

ancestral sword that was forged from the heart of a fallen star, and present at Jons birth with Ser

Arthur Daynes blood on it at the foot of the bed.) He was reborn amidst smoke and salt when

Melisandre and Ser Davos were present at his resurrection. (Melisandre fulfills the smoke aspect

as her flame/faith in Rhllor was smoldering following the events that took place with Stannis,

and Ser Davos is known as the Onion Knight, and Onions make you cry, and tears on more than

one occasion in our story have been thought to fulfill the salt aspect of the prophecy) While Jon

has not woke dragons from stone yet in our story yet, I believe it is reasonable to assume this

will come to pass as well. I believe this will happen in a figurative fulfillment as well; perhaps he

leads the Targaryens at Dragonstone to their awakening regarding the coming threat in the

WWs? (Assuming Tyrion is a Targ... I have my doubts) Nonetheless, this will happen. The

biggest evidence for Jon Snow being Azor Ahai is the fact that he is ice and fire. He is phi. His

parentage was also hidden for over 25 years, and finally revealed at the end of S6. There was a

reason George kept this a huge mystery for so long and that is because Jon is the Protagonist and

has the biggest involvement in the endgame. Lastly, it would be a huge disservice to Jon Snows

overall story arch. He has been the one character out of the plethora of characters to be on the

forefront fighting against the White Walkers. For Daenerys to come in and take on this role and

sweep it from Jon does not seem likely or justifiable. (She will have a huge role obviously)

Daenerys is going to fulfill the role of Nissa Nissa I believe. Especially in the show, they

are setting this up big time. Based on the plot leaks we know we are going to get epic boat sex

between Jon and Daenerys in the season finale. (Shout out to the Reddit bot) It is safe to say

these two are going to be a power couple soon in Westeros and teaming up to fight the WWs.

As we know Nissa Nissa was sacrificed, and I believe Daenerys will also be sacrificed.

So what are Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa going to do this time around? The exact same

thing they did last time but in completion. There will not be a third Long Night, we can be

assured of that.

How it Ends

Once we get to the Isle of the Faces, how will the events unfold? As I have stated a

couple of times, it has to unfold one of two ways. Either the eradication of fire and ice magic,

meaning no more Daenerys, Dragons, NK, or WWs, or Jon Snow creates the balance, by fixing

the magical imbalance in the world. How does this look and go down though? Lets first discuss

the first possibility in which ice and fire magic are both eradicated.

Scenario One

This first scenario is rather straightforward. The NK dies, along with his fellow WWs

and Daenerys dies along with her dragons. This would be the penultimate battle and likely the

last or second to last episode of the series. Daenerys being Jon Snows Nissa Nissa would bear

her breast and Jon would plunge his steel (Perhaps Longclaw, Dawn, or maybe even

dragonglass) in her heart at the Gods Eye, forging or making Lightbringer in a blood magic

ritual with the help of the native greenseers on the isle. We know that massive magical events

have possibly gone down there at the Isle. Some legends claim that thousands were sacrificed to

the Weirwoods to conjure up the Hammer of the waters. Also, thanks to Melisandre we know

there is power in kings blood/valryian blood. Based on the historical context we mentioned

regarding the nierika, it was used to call on ancestors (those living in the Weirwoods) through

blood magic and evoke their favor. (Perhaps similarly to what the Last Hero did when he sought

out the COTF) Moving on, we know Daenerys is yet to light her third fire for love. (The first

two fires were the fires to hatch her dragons, and her fire at Vaes Dothrak) The story of Azor

Ahai and Lightbringer mentions that Lightbringer was taken from the flames, and I believe this

fire for Jon and Daenerys will be her third fire. For the record, I personally do no believe

Lightbringer is an actual, literal sword for a couple reasons. What possibly could this mystical

sword do that dragonglass or Valyrian Steel cannot already do? We know that these weapons are

both effective in killing the WWs. Another reason I believe it is probably not literal is because,

as with the stories on Azor Ahai/the Last Hero/TPTWP, comes from a story thousands of years

old and is the product of myth and legend. It seems a tad bit underwhelming as well for it to be

just another sword. While I believe that it is not a literal sword I do acknowledge it could very

well be. Maybe Valyrian steel is not strong enough to defeat the NK himself. More so, a flaming

sword could be quite effective against the wights as steel is not as effective against them. I must

admit, it would be quite sick for Jon to go boss status and defeat them all with a sword, but

nevertheless, I do not see this going down. Lets get into some other possibilities of Lightbringer

Now I want you to think about the story of the creation of Lightbringer and how we

know the first WW was created. Both people were sacrificed, with a weapon plunged through

their chest, to create a weapon. I believe Nissa Nissa was not necessarily killed in the act but

either turned into a magical weapon or a fire version of a WW. (See scenario two below) We

are given the imagery with Nissa Nissa that she was warm, as it says Lightbringer was, warm

as Nissa Nissa was warm. It is my conviction that the point GRRM is trying to get across with

this language is that she had the magical fire blood as well. So to recap thus far, Jon creates

Lightbringer through sacrificing Daenerys as she lit her third fire for love at the Gods Eye (recall

the breakdown of circumpuncts), turning her into a magical weapon to fight and destroy the

WWs. In this act, Daenerys also dies along with the NK. While it might not exactly quite unfold

as I am suggesting, I am 100% convinced Daenerys dies in some sort of way. (Or at the very

least Daenerys loses her humanity, effectively dying) She is going to be Nissa Nissa, who was

sacrificed, and if you go back to the picture gallery you can see that Daenerys is one of the two

characters associated with the symbol theta, signifying death. As well, in that same picture of

Khal Drogos funeral pyre, the outer fiery circle signifies the world, so based on these evidences;

Daenerys will die a sacrificial death for the world, (remember her third fire is for love, the love

of her people and Jon Snow) breaking the wheel she promised to do but not in the way she

envisioned. In this scenario we have the eradication of ice and fire magic with Jon Snow the

balance still remaining.

Scenario Two

Now lets dive into the second scenario, and the scenario I believe to be the one that will

happen based on the totality of evidence involving foreshadowing and evidence for the canon of

ASOIAF/GoT and the symbols. I believe we are going to see another repeat of history in our

cyclical universe. I believe the Pact of Ice and Fire will be fulfilled and the NK gets his NQ in

Daenerys restoring the magical imbalance of ice and fire in some way as fire and ice come

together balancing one another.

The Pact of Ice and Fire

The Pact of Ice and Fire was an agreement between House Stark and House Targaryen

during the Targaryen civil war, the Dance of Dragons. Prince Jacaerys Velaryon flew to

Winterfell gain the help of the Starks for his mother Queen Rhaenyra in the conflict. By giving

the Targaryens his support, the royal pact called for a Targaryen Princess to marry in the Stark

family. After the civil war ended, the pact went on to be unfulfilled as a Targaryen princess

never married into the family. Many fans have stated that this pact was fulfilled when Lyanna

Stark and Rhaegar married, being that they are the opposites of ice and fire. (Based on the plot

leaks, their marriage will be revealed in S7. Regardless, it is safe to assume they were married

secretly anyways.) The catch here is that Rhaegar is a prince not a princess. Other people have

went on to say that if Daenerys and Jon marry, this will also fulfill the pact but not so fast. Jon

Snow is a Targaryen first and for most based on blood and his father as you go by your father

when it comes to lineage. Based on these two different marriages we can still see that the Pact of

Ice and Fire has not and will not be fulfilled in these marriages. I believe the pact will be fulfilled

when Daenerys becomes the NQ 2.0. (This assumes the NK is a Proto-Stark and/or Bran Stark.

Old Nans tales suggest he is a Stark) How fitting it would be for the Song of Ice and Fire to

conclude in the pact of the same name, the Pact of Ice and Fire.

Daenerys as the NQ

Believe it or not, that has been some foreshadowing that Daenerys could become the NQ.

First, she fits the description of the original NQ to an extent. The NQ was said to have skin, As

white as the moon and eyes like blue stars. The biggest evidence for this is when we see

Daenerys step through and out the wall in he House of the Undying vision. The similarities

between her and the NK are strikingly similar, as if D&D are trying to allude to this in the future

perhaps. As well, she goes to see Khal Drogo and her unborn son Rhaego in a tent beyond the

wall, perhaps signifying her death and eternal dwelling place. (It should be noted that she left the

tent so this is not conclusive) Another detail that should be noted is that she left Daario behind in

Mereen, so that she could use marriage as a tool for uniting the seven kingdoms. So this

possibility of Daenerys as the NQ is not out of the question. Her fire blood untied with the COTF

to create WWs would balance out the Stark blood in the original WWs. To finish, the NQ was

referred to as a corpse queen and as we know corpses are dead, therefore Daenerys would

satisfy the symbol Theta foreshadowing of her death.

allusions of Dany as NQ

Scenario Two Contd

I believe this unfolds in the same way as we discussed in scenario one with subtle

differences. Daenerys still lights her third fire for love at the Gods Eye, Jon as the catalyst

creates Lightbringer creating balance, but instead of Lightbringer being a weapon that ends the

Long Night, Lightbringer turns out to be a fire version of a WW who brings the light back into

the world. This scenario also fits Jons character arch the best as well. Jon has been a mediator

the entire series. He fixed relations between the Wildlings and and the Nights Watch, integrating

them into society. He is going to be the one to unite the Seven Kingdoms against the coming

WWs again, and him mediating between the humans and the WWs seems like a likely scenario.

We have talked briefly about the NK and as of now in our story, it is safe to assume the

Night King and Nights King (13th Lord Commander) are different entities. I have a gut feeling

and sneaking suspicion that the NK is based off of or is the Nights King and that this will be

reconciled in the show. Their names are too similar; George has been suspiciously vague on the

topic, and the NK sigil all hint at some relation. If this is the case then the story of the NKs

queen cannot go overlooked. We have also stated that these stories George has added to this

universe cannot go overlooked and he gave them to us for a reason.

This also fulfills the criteria GRRM has promised us of a bittersweet ending. The

bitterness lies in Westeros being in utter ruins from the second Long Night, and some if not most

of our beloved characters will have deceased. Daenerys would probably leave with the WWs

(maybe they get integrated into society with humanity? As well as, what is dead may never die)

It would be sweet that peace was finally reached between humanity and the WWs and the

magical imbalance would be restored, effectively fixing the seasons.

I believe this conclusion takes into consideration the totality of the evidences the best. It

surely is bittersweet. We have yet another repeat of history as the first major pact was agreed

upon at the Isle satisfying the cyclical time/wheel of time criteria as seen in the Fibonacci Spiral.

It explains the stories of Azor Ahai and Nissa Nissa. Lastly, the Pact of Ice and Fire is fulfilled,

as it is identical to the name of our story.


We have reached the end! To summarize this paper in its entirety, I set out to study and

write this paper on the symbols on the endgame because I was convinced D&D were leaving us

hints, that if we were smart and delve into, could undoubtedly find out some clues to how this

story ends. Based on the symbols found in the story I argued that our story ends at the Isle of

Faces, breaking the wheel, in either one of two scenarios. While I believe either two of the

scenarios could unfold, I believed my second scenario sums up the evidences the best. As I stated

in the Preface, I admit I could be TOTALLY wrong or that I could be wrong in some of the

minor details in how it unfolds. This is my best educated guess, based on the evidences on how

ASOIAF/GoT unfolds and at the very least I hope you enjoyed reading this paper!


There are a couple of issues and topics I want to hit on that I did not go into detail to in

the bulk of the paper. One symbol I did not mention in the paper is the O in GoT, with three

vertical lines inside of it. To the best of my knowledge, this is a symbol created by the show

runners D&D as I did not come across anything from antiquity that resembles this symbol except

for an ancient Japanese family crest. Some people have theorized that it alludes to Rhaegars

harp. While this is a possibility, I have never seen a harp with three strings, and any drawing of

Rhaegar and his harp does not suggest his harp only had three strings. It is my belief that the

three lines represent the three biggest characters and characters most prominent in the endgame.

Jon Snow (ice and fire), Daenerys (fire), and the NK (Ice). As well, I did not mention the highly

debated topic of the three dragon riders, regarding the prophecy Daenerys hears Rhaegar mention

in her vision, The Dragon has three heads. It could be that the prophecy is not even referring to

three literal dragonriders. (If it is I believe those three riders will be the same three characters

mentioned above as is needed to create/make balance: Jon, Daenerys, and the NK). It could be

that it is referring to a literal three-headed dragon yet to be introduced to our story yet.

Nonetheless, in my study of the symbols I did not come across anything that would give some

insight on this particular prophecy. I did also include a picture of Sansa Stark wearing a necklace

that is the symbol theta. As we know, the symbol theta represents death and it could be

foreshadowing leading to Sansas death. I know this is not a popular opinion among fans. Most

people believe and hold to the Direwolf theory. That being that the name of the Stark kids

Direwolves alludes to each individual characters endgame. (Jon Snow will become a ghost of

some sort, or became one momentarily, Rickon had a shady dog story as he really did not have

much to do in affecting the narrative, Bran will be responsible for helping Summer come along,

Sansa will become Lady of Winterfell, etc) I do not necessarily hold to this theory but I do in a

sense lean that way. That being said, I could also see Sansa dying.

Jon Snows blood should be mentioned too. He is the only known character with the fire

and ice blood, and I cannot help but ask how his blood could be used in blood magic. In my

endgame scenarios I did not mention the possibility of Jons blood being used in a ritualistic

manner. This could happen, but in my heart of hearts, I just do not see him dying again. Him

being the catalyst for the balance in some way seems much more likely. (Though this could be

done with his blood in a magical ritual as well.)

Another topic and character I did not much touch in is Bran Stark. Let me start by saying

that Bran Stark will have a huge role to play in the endgame. Through his Weirwood visions and

greensight ability I believe he will figure out how to defeat the WWs and relay this information

to Jon Snow and Daenerys. Furthermore, I believe he will help fight the war on a second front, in

his mind against the NK who is also a greenseer. Something that should also be taken into

consideration is the Bran=NK theory (see above). If Bran is the NK then everything regarding

him should be applied to Bran. I admit as well, that Bran could actually be the penultimate

character in defeating the NK (Though I heavily believe it is Jon Snow). Again, I admit humbly,

I could be totally wrong in all aspects of this paper. (Though I do not think I am, I believe I have

reasonably followed the evidences) The Endgame could unfold totally differently and I want to

make that known. I was and am not trying to be arrogant in my conclusions regarding the

Endgame. That being said, thank you all for reading! Below I am going to include the link to all

the pictures I used in this essay. I realize they are quite small and some are hard to see. I tried to

be consistent in the sizes of the pictures so the paper would not be unnecessarily long and




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