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1- Read the fragment:

With the exploding green movement, a host of
environmental compliance laws, and the adoption of
green principles within industry, many manufacturers are
turning to lifecycle analysis to best turn their business

We can see 3 verbs (, 5 nouns and 4 groups of words

(noun + adjectives = nominal groups).

2 - Nominal groups
Os verbos e os substantivos so as classes de palavras mais
importantes das lnguas. a partir delas que construmos
o significado.
Em um texto, existem mais substantivos, acompanhados
de seus respectivos adjetivos ou no, do que verbos, que
so a segunda classe de palavras significativas mais comum
em textos.
Grupos nominais so os substantivos e seus modificadores
(adjetivos e palavras com funo de adjetivo).

3 - The structure of Nominal Groups

- Diferentemente da lngua portuguesa, a ordem da maioria dos
grupos nominais em ingls :
- Ex.: the + exploding green + movement
- Determinantes so os artigos, pronomes, numerais que
acompanham os substantivos.
- Modificadores so palavras com funo de adjetivo.
- Ncleo o substantivo ao qual os determinantes e modificadores se referem.
- Traduo do grupo nominal: o movimento verde em exploso

4 - How to translate nominal groups into Portuguese

- Como a estrutura dos grupos nominais em ingls inversa da

maioria em portugus, a leitura e a traduo devem ser feitas da
direita para a esquerda (leitura reversa), comeando pelo
substantivo (ltima palavra do grupo nominal)

Ex.: environmental compliance laws

Traduo: leis de conformidade ambiental
Se houver, inicia-se a leitura/traduo pelo determinante e
depois vai-se para o substantivo e passa-se aos modificadores.
the potential effects = os efeitos potenciais
5 - Find the nominal groups
Text 1

Attention to materials and processes at the design stage can help. Lifecycle assessment
software packages help give engineers pertinent supplier and material information. It's
all about comparisons, says Terry Swack, chief executive officer of Sustainable Minds.
The software lets the product development team model the potential effects of
sustainability so they can make rapid tradeoff decisions as they're exploring different

A ateno aos materiais e processos da estapa do processo pode ajudar. Os pacotes de

software de avaliao do ciclo vital do aos engenheiros informaes pertinentes de
fornecedores e materiais. tudo atravs de comparaes, diz Terry Swack, diretor
executivo da Mentes Sustentveis. O software proporciona a equipe de desenvolvimento
do produto modelo os efeitos potenciais da sustentabilidade para que eles possam tomar
decises rpidas de compensao medida que exploram diferentes opes.

Nominal groups
Text 1
Attention to materials and processes at the design stage can help.
Lifecycle assessment software packages help give engineers
pertinent supplier and material information. "It's all about
comparisons," says Terry Swack, chief executive officer of
Sustainable Minds. "The software lets the product development
team model the potential effects of sustainability so they can make
rapid tradeoff decisions as they're exploring different options."

6 - Find the nominal groups

Text 2
Determining the impact a product has on the environment
means giving every aspect of production intense inspection.
"One thing you have to look at is the footprint of all the energy
that went into producing everything in it," said Peter Bilello, vice
president of the product lifecycle management consulting firm
CimData, "And an OEM won't be responsible for all of that
content. The suppliers produced a lot of the product's content.
So then you have to get all that energy use information from the
supplier. Then you have to think of shipping-and you need to
account for shipping the part to the plant and then the product
to where it's going."

Nominal groups
Text 2
Determining the impact a product has on the environment
means giving every aspect of production intense inspection.
"One thing you have to look at is the footprint of all the energy
that went into producing everything in it," said Peter Bilello, vice
president of the product lifecycle management consulting firm
CimData, "And an *OEM won't be responsible for all of that
content. The suppliers produced a lot of the product's content.
So then you have to get all that energy use information from the
supplier. Then you have to think of shipping-and you need to
account for shipping the part to the plant and then the product
to where it's going."

*OEM - Original Equipment Manufacturer

- fabricante de equipamento original, companhia que utiliza componentes de outros
fabricantes para montar e comercializar produtos com a prpria marca.



1) pertinent supplier
2) Sustainable Minds
3) the potential effects
4) different options

1) supridor pertinente
2) Mentes Sustentveis
3) os efeitos potenciais
4) opes diferentes


1) the design stage

2) material information
3) lifecycle analysis
4) lifecycle assessment software packages
5) that energy use information

1) a etapa do projeto
2) informao de material
3) anlise do ciclo vital
4) pacotes de software de avaliao do ciclo vital
5) essa informao de uso de energia



1) rapid tradeoff decisions

2) environmental compliance laws
3) Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM

1) decises de negociao rpida

2) leis de conformidade ambiental
3) fabricante de equipamento original


The suppliers produced a lot of the product's content

Traduo: o contedo do produto


As siglas na lngua inglesa so sempre grupos nominais. Algumas so bem conhecidas.

Tente traduzi-las:

AIDS Acquired immunological deficiency syndrome

CBS - Columbia Broadcasting System
CEO - Chief Executive Officer
FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation
CIA - Central Intelligence Agency
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
VIP - Very Important Person
WC - Water Closet
RPG - Role Playing Games

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