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Direccin: Joshua Michael Stern

Protagonista: Ashton Kutcher

Pas: Estados Unidos

Ao: 2013

La pelcula empieza en 2001 con Steve Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) presentando el iPod en una
reunin de Apple. Luego retrocede al ao 1974

Posteriormente, la pelcula se ambienta en 1976, cuando Jobs est de vuelta en la casa de

sus padres adoptivos, Paul y Clara. Entonces se encuentra trabajando para Atari y forma una
sociedad con su amigo de infancia, despus de que este construyera una computadora personal, la
Apple I. A su empresa le dan el nombre de Apple Computer, aunque ya existe una compaa llamada
Apple Records que pertenece al grupo The Beatles. Hacen una demostracin del Apple I en donde
Jobs recibe un contrato. Jobs le pide permiso a su padre, un mecnico y carpintero, para utilizar el
garaje familiar como base para su nuevo emprendimiento, luego contacta a nuevas personas para
comenzar a construir computadores Apple I. Buscan capital en otra parte. Despus de varios
intentos fallidos por conseguir apoyo monetario, Mike Markkula invierte en la compaa,
permitindoles progresar.

Jobs y su equipo desarrollan el Apple II y lo presentan en una feria de 1977. Al Apple II le va

bien y sbitamente la compaa se vuelve exitosa. Jobs comienza a distanciarse de sus viejos amigos.

Jobs nombra a John Sculley como presidente de la empresa. Mientras su comportamiento

se vuelve cada vez ms errtico, Jobs es sacado del grupo Lisa para integrarlo al grupo Macintosh,
donde trabaja. Tambin fuerza la salida del lder original de Macintosh. Aunque el computador
Macintosh es presentado con fanfarrias en 1984, Jobs es expulsado de la compaa por Sculley al
ao siguiente.

La pelcula avanza hasta 1996. Jobs est casado y ha aceptado a Lisa como hija. Tiene un hijo
llamado Reed y est al mando de la compaa NeXT, la cual es adquirida por Apple. Despus de la
transaccin, el presidente de Apple, Gil Amelio, le pide regresar a la compaa como asesor. Jobs
acepta y eventualmente se convierte en presidente, momento que aprovecha para despedir a
Amelio y a Markkula. Jobs se interesa por el trabajo de Jonathan Ive y se esmera en reinventar Apple.
La pelcula culmina cuando Jobs graba el dilogo para el comercial Think Different en 1997.
Address: Joshua Michael Stern
Starring: Ashton Kutcher
Country: United States
Year: 2013
The film begins in 2001 with Steve Jobs (Ashton Kutcher) presenting the iPod at a meeting
of Apple. Then it goes back to the year 1974

Subsequently, the film is set in 1976, when Jobs is back at the home of his adoptive parents,
Paul and Clara. Then is working for Atari and formed a partnership with his childhood friend, once
this build a personal computer, the Apple I. Your company give you the name of Apple Computer,
although there is already a company called Apple Records belonging to the Group The Beatles. They
make a demonstration of the Apple I where Jobs received a contract. Jobs asks permission to his
father, a mechanic and Carpenter, to use the garage of the family as the basis for its new venture,
then contact new people to begin to build computers Apple I. seeking capital elsewhere. After
several failed attempts to get monetary support, Mike Markkula invests in the company, allowing
them to progress.
Jobs and his team developed the Apple II and present it a fair in 1977. Goes to the Apple II
well and suddenly the company becomes successful. Jobs began to distance himself from his old
Jobs appoints John Sculley as President of the company. While his behavior becomes
increasingly erratic, Jobs is removed from the Lisa Group to integrate the Group Macintosh, where
he works. It also forces the exit of the original leader of Macintosh. Although the Macintosh
computer is presented with fanfares in 1984, Jobs is expelled from the company by Sculley the
following year.
The film advances until 1996. Jobs is married and been accepted as a daughter Lisa. He has
a son named Reed and is in charge of the NeXT Company, which was acquired by Apple. After the
transaction, Apple Chairman Gil Amelio, asks him to return to the company as a consultant. Jobs
accepted and eventually becomes President, time that leverages to dismiss to Amelio and
Markkula. Jobs is interested in the work of Jonathan Ive and is striving to reinvent Apple. The film
culminates when Jobs recorded the dialogue for the commercial 'Think Different' in 1997.

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