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A Paper Vevoted to Philosophy, Science and 1\.


-775- -3000

Volume 3, No.4 Los Angeles, Calif., Wednesday, December 15th, 1926 10c a Copy






By Manly P. Hall
By M.anly f. Hall
Accompanying this article is a facsimile Students of occultism often ask concern
of the title page of the sixth edition of ing their position in the great wheel of
Burton's "Anatomy of Melancholy". This evolution, to what racial characteristics
are they still tied by their own, w owth an d
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perts in Baconian matters declare Burton's long? To clarify this point, we are going

to use an egg as the basis of analogy.

Anatomy to he in reality Francis Bacon's

There are three general types of heads in

scrapbook. ill which he gathered strange

the world at the present time and th ere ar e

and rare bits of knowledge during the also three general temperaments express

many years of his . eventfwl life. Like all ing the unfoldment of consciousness. We

Baconian items, there are many pe'cttliar

points in connection with this volume. Re
JAZZ VS. MUSIC will call them the objective, perceptiv e,

and reflective types, illustrated by th e'

membering that 89 is a peculiarly signifi three drawings of eggs.

cant number in connection with Baconian A Few Sharps and Flats . Figure 1. Represents the lov.:est stage

cryptograms, we turn to Page 89 and .find

of human expression. It is the egg with

it to be in order and without peculiarit'y. From a Lecture on "Music" by

But upon turning to Page' 189, we see the the' point upward and the greatest width

Manly P. Hall

inevitable indication of Baconian influ at point (a).

ence. Page 189 is entirely missing, and in Jazz music or jazz art is a perfect pic Figure 2. Represents the second or
tentionally so, for the material keeps right ture of the average mind of today, various average head, the greatest width at point
on as it should; the reading is connected hectic peculiarities tied together with dis
I (b). _
but one page has been dropped out of the cords. Figure 3. Represents the philosophic
Recognizing the fallibility of printers, head with the greatest Width at point (c) .
There is a rythm in civilization,
Bacon also used the interesting method of hastened, over rapid, discordant, not the Development through the expression in
causing intentional errors, such as invert true' rythm of Nature but the false rythm daily life of temperament and trait and
ing cuts or initia~ letters, using the wrong of man-made civilization. the exercising of brain organs is the basis
initials, leaving out part of a border, etc. of their expansion.
Wherever this is done, it behooves the This false rythm combines the clang of These' three eggs repre sents types of
student to note carefully for this is a cet' the street car, the honk of the taxi, the human faces. Figure 1 is commonly called
tain indication that the page upon which riveting machine on the skyscraper, the the Lemurian face, for those whose heads
the error appears conceals some' meaning typewriter, the adding machine; all the have their greatest breadth and strength
intended only for the initiated. The .title hurry, bustle and hectic rush of modern below the eye's and through the jaws and
page of Burton's "Anatomy of Melan life. chops are the lowest on the scale of hu
choly" contains a cipher. The key to it is man differentiation. Such an individual
supposed to be revealed by the pointing Modern music expresses this false has absorbed the consciousness of less
finger of the maniac in the lower right . rythm: the modern dance is an attempt than three hundred earth-lives out 6f an
(Continued on Page 5, Col. 1) (Continued on Page S, Col. 1) . approximate' eight hundr ed necessary for
Page 2 THE ALL-SEEING EYE December 15, 1926

one life wave, It is the face of gratifica tions along the path, and is therefore 'well from the bridge of the nose to the end
tion, the face of animal propensity, the on the homeward traiL of the nose, mental power and individu
face of the glutton. the slovenly person, Figure 4. Represents the human nose ality; from the bridge of the nose to the
the human hog, and is always true to type. seen from in front. The distance between top of the' forehead represents the ab
Such individuals live for the pure' joy of the eyes is always a measurement of soul stract-mental; while the dome of the head
growth. The more is the spiritual home where are found the
eating and sleeping and are rarely capable
__ ~ closely the' eyes are organs of altruism, ideality and inspiration.
of finer sentiment. Their lower brain or
~-~ ,~~ set together the In other words, beginning with the 1i>ot
gans are always the 1110st developed, es tom we have earth, water, fire and air,
lower the positioll of
pe'cially the cerebellum at the back of the which were the four elements of the an
the ego in conscious
skull. The organic quality of such types is ness. The further cients. The position of the ear is also very
usually low; they are apoplectic, stubborn apart the eyes, the important; it should be of the same size
hut not intelligent. shirk hard work, can older the, soul. Indi as the' nose and occupy the same position
usually be found surrounded by juicy beef viduals analyzing the organs of individu in the latitude of the head. When the top
steaks, and live purely for the' gratification ality which occupy the' space directly bt: of the ear is below the bridge of the nose
of the senses in some forlll. This type is tween the eyes at the bridge of the nose we have the criminal.
that of the' earthy man, he usually has the realize that the growth of this organ The Line of Incident, the middle line in
~aurian properties prec\o.minating. and his spreads the eyes apart and that the spread Figure S, is the polar line of the human
f' xpressiol1 does not often rise above ma of the organs of vision is the measurement face and in a well balanced head should
teriality. of the spiritual age. The length of the touch the' greatest protuberance of the
nose is also especially important and all forehead and the point of the chin with
things being equal, the long straight nose an absolutely perpendicular shaft. In the
is the symbol of power. A well balanced (Continued 011 Page 8, Col. 2)
face also demands that the distance be
tween the base of the nose and the point
of the chin be approximately the same as EVIL EYE
"FIG. 1 "F1G. FIG ..5 that frol11 the bridge to the end of the The Grand Lama of Tibet, most funda
nosC'. When this is the case we have a mental of Fundamentalists, has bowed t?
Figure 2. Is that of the Martial type,
well balanced, well organized brain with Science. His mystery palace, the' Potala,
usually expressing the vital and combative
sufficient courage to fight the battles of at Lhasa, now flashes with electricity, ac
system. This type' has the greatest
the w orld. cording to epochal word just received. Age
breadth directly over or between the ears,
after age, the grand Lama's seclusion has
is usually powerfully developed in the per
been a by-word to awe, Lhasa, the For
ceptive system, is observant, seH-reliant,
bidde'n City-what European had seen it?
~-=~~~~_~~~t~r~~~~~~~~~~ ~---4~.__--~
is just a little pelow the middle line such
A f ew 18th c entury Capuchlll friars; per--.- -
sis tent but mostly unsuccessful 19th Cen
types are often pugnastic. These' are
tury explorers. Not until 1904, under
usually attuned to Mars, make good sol
armed expedition of Col. Francis E ,
eliers, military people, policemen, detec
Younghusband, was there any adequate
tives, and are also found in our commer
desc ription. Since theri things have
cial and bl.lsiness avenues of life'. They
1110ve'd faster in the Buddhist Mecca.
are Atlantean in temperament and their
types can be found to run between three F1G.+-A A young Tibetan engineer. Rugby grad
to five hundred incarnations. They are" The nose is three-fold in general type uate, who has installed the magic light,
not noted for their 'philosophy but are as in Figure 4-a. The nose marke'd (1) is was recently reported to be regarded by
generally shrewd and discriminating. Such called the nose of erudition and is certain his fellow natives as in league with the
individuals live purely in the human side to be inquisitive, more or less combative, "evil one'." His machinery was hurled into
of things but are decidedly superior to iconoclastic in temperament but usually a gorge. The work went on.
the animal man of Figure 1. They are backed with tremendous power. either Last week a smallish, modest man, with
of the concrete-mental type. mental. spiritual or physical, usually one of shaven head, oval, slightly pock-marked
Figure 3, on the other hand is pure the first two. face, long, pointed,waxed mustaches,
Aryan and is that type of head found on (2) Is artistic and literary but neither promenaded from his Lhasa villa to the
tho,se who111 we might call the older souls as philosophical as (1) nor as deep a Potala, most magnificent of palaces. This
or those who are on the way back to thinker. If the nose is long and straight, was the Grand Lama himseH, famed po-
union with the'ir source. The highest part the life will be long and straight, while the litico-religious absolute primate of Buddha.
of the head predominates, the mind is that hoqked nose type will investigate and be Above him, to the topmost of its gold-ver
of ;l philosopher, a dreamer, a poet, or a given to sarcasm, as illustrated by Dante. milion finials, now caught by the last re
musician. The entire head is ethical and (3) Is the uncertain nose in which the flected glow of the sunken sun, soared
the upper part very often appears as an arch sinks. This is sometimes called the 436 feet in air his ancient palace, crown
overpowering mountain which makes the turn-up and is an invariable symbol of ing a green-clad mountain, The Grand
lower part of the face seem almost insig changeability, variability and what is com Lama passed within.
nificant. This is the Mercurial and Nep monly known as "temperament", often He pressed a button. A swarm of
tunian head and is always found on those concealing an uncertain disposition, jeweled lights, like golden bees, glittered
who have found and seen light in some Bridly defined: (1) analysis; (2) rigidity; down labyrinthine corridors; laughed to
waly. The best head for our race is the (3) inconstancy. dingy ~corn the former butter lamps; fo
egg-shaped with the largest end upward. Figure S. Represents the profile of the cuse'd the palace miracle-wise to the night
It ipdicates one who has risen out ()f the human f(J.ce. It is divided ipto four sec enshrouded startled gazers in the valley
10wer. a1).it~lal worlps, It indicates that the tions: the lel1gt.h ~rom the base of the below. "It is well," said the Grand Lama.
il1divjdual is at le~st six hll~dred incarna nose to the chin denotes physic.(J.lpo\over; "Remove the butter lamps,"-~it11e .
Decemb-er 15, 1926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Page 3

THE FLOWER OF THE HOUSE OF MING little potted plants of wax and silk lent
a delicate charm and a sens.e of life to the
A girlish figure sat huddled in the'
An Oriental Occult Novel
shadow of a great teakwood chair-over
By Manly P. Hall
her head reached the arm of the wailing
(Continued) th e blos som that grew in the garden of instrument. V\Tith the entrance of the
the gr eat :Ming Quang. human shadow the music stopped.
The Chinaman rose slowly to his feet
and, crossing his hands in his sleev es, Ming Quang seate;cl himself in the great
CHAPTER II carved chair beside his child. His long
howed very low.
Ming Quang stepped from his automo fingers rested upon her head and toyed
"I t gives me great pleasure to find that bile in front of his little rice shop with its
with the flowers woven in her hair, then
my honorable friend is such a -wise man over-hanging latticed balcony - and the
lif~ed th.e delicate face, and di scovered
indeed, a very sagacious individual. Let strange tree that stuck its head with snakytears on her cheeks_
him remain steadfast in his wisdom, for ringlets, Medusa-like over the garden
he will find that longevity and health are ""Vhy are the drops of dew upon the
wall. blossom?: - Does the flower droop its head
the hand-maidens of his sage reflections."
Passing through the shop, with its for want of sunshine?"
The last words were spoken very slowly
strange Chinese labels and wicker hamp The girl did not answer but finge'red
and with a distinct inflection of voice.
ers , where little joy bells tinkled in the the strings of the instrument, now out
Pink vVilson rolled oYer so that his air, the aged Chinaman entered a back of tune. Her father traced the carvings
back was to Ming Quong, saying: "G'bye! r00111 which was bare of furniture save upon the arms of the chair; his great
G' bye! l'm too sick to talk to anybody." for two chairs and the rattan matting on hunched back grew even more bowed a s
The Oriental reached the door, beside the floor . ' In one wall was a little niche he spoke.
which stood the old chiffonier litter ed with ,\' hen~in sat a strange porcelain Joss ,'" ith
"I have been to the house of the Ameri
various parts of Pink's ,'v ardrob e. Pick a grinning face that leered pleasantly at
ing up a comb that lay on the to p of the all who entered. Ming Quang pressed
dresser the Ori ental studiecl it refl e ctiv e l~' . lightly upon on e of the walls and it slip The child looked up and gazed into hel:
Among the long teeth w er e allumber of ped away disclosing a passageway and a f ather's face, crying:
faded hairs which exactly match ed Pink 's flight of 'w ooden steps leading downward. "You did not hurt him. father? "
pompadour. Very carefully Ming Quang The great Chinaman passed slowly down "No," answered the old man, "for I
extracted three hairs ancl, slipping the these steps and the door closed behind knew if I hurt him I would hurt my blos
gilded cap from one of his long finger him. The .soft perfume- of burning saildal sow. But I told him, kindly, as a friend,
a:-s',-: he inserted them into the sheath and wood and musk now fill d the air, _ an d uw
t,ha! he' was _b.reaking the_ hs:al't: of
qUIckly replaced it. Then , bowing again somewhere a sweet voice was singing, fl~wer. I told him he l~uSt come no mor~
very low, the Chinaman passed through keeping time to a wailing instrument. nor must your black eyes peer out from
the door, whispe'ring as he went: Once a gong dully sounded and the We'st behind the drapery. He comes not for
"Ming Quang goes back to his garden, ern world was left behind to be Sllp good, my little one, but evil. He comes ,
where the blossoms bloom. His life, his planted by the ever mysteriollS. to steal the' blossom like the thoughtless
honor and his goods protect his flower The voice of the singer charmed the who picks the flowers and lets them wilt.
from the cold heartlessness of the vVest aged man, for his stern face softened and Today you are his blossom-tomorrow he
ern world. Farewell, my honorable he lived again in anoth er world. Before will pluck another, and my little chrys
Pink! It is indeed a pleasure to deal with him a door opened, and stepping throug'h anthemum will be trodden in the dust at
so honest a gentleman ." he stood in the midst of his under ground his feet. You know that I am not like
palace, undreamed of by th e world at most Chinese fathers, my child, whe'n you
The door closed softly, and a few sec
large . find a good man and love him, you shall
onds later the great black closed car
swung around the corner and vanished This "vas a place of marvelous be-auty. have him, and if he be not rich I will
from sight among the winding streets of vVondrous rugs, soft as down, covered give him jewels. If he be true I will give
the quarter. the floor; great teakwood settings, carv him all that I possess-not for his sake,
ings of framed dragons and flying birds but for yours, my blossom. But this man
Pink lay still for a few moments and
with eyes of mother-of-pearl and ivory has not truth; he has been false' to many
then rolled over with a grin. muttering
to himself: came into faint relief in the soft lights and with him flows a stream of broken
of Chinese lante-rns. Doors on every side hearts-I have seen it."
"You old fool, you; your blossom will
were twined with wondrous carvings, and (To be continued)
soon be in the flower store, and I will
be the dealer. Chinese chrysanthemums
hring great prices wheri. the wealthy want
to buy. V\That would you say if you knew
that tomorrow night your daughter was
Ube <.tburcb of tbe lPeople
Trinity Auditorium-Ninth at Grand

MANLY P. HALL, Pastor; MAUD F. GALIGHER. Associate Pastor.

going to creep away from behind the

grated lattice and follow where your hon
Sundays, 10:30 A. M.

[J [J [J
orable friend leads? Dog-g one this bum
Dec. 19th-The Miracle.
\Vith a fevll more snorts, Pink cur1e'd Dec. 26th-Digesting Christmas.
up and, using the Police Gazette to shade Jan. 2nd-The Balance Sheet of 1926.
his eyes, proceeded to sleep off the jag Amado Fernandez, Soloist; Agnes Buisseret, Pianist;
fr0111 the previous night, ignoring the Emma C. Heatherington, Organist.
Preludes: Every Sunday morning, Mr. Hall will give consideration , in a prelude to his
resonant cadences of the dinner bell but sermon, to some item of human interest or problem in our da ily life
chuckling now and then as he thought of Come and bring your friends-Silver offering.
Page 4 THE ALL-SEE1NG EYE December 15,. 192~

A Weekly Paper Devoted to Philosophy,. changes, or should change in some way, Question 7. How may we know a true
Science and Religion. his religion with each experience and un qcculist?'
foldment which daily life brings; if he does Answer. A true occultist is living, or
not do this he is standing still. When we trying to live , every doctrine that he
Published every week by the Hall Pub are' inclined to look down upon creeds or teaches and is seeking the hidden truth in
lish'i ng Company, at 301 Trinity Auditor religions that seem primitive to us, we every creed with which he comes in con
ium Bldg., 9th at Grand Ave'., Los Angeles. should remember that the y are all steps in tact. He sees the unity of all life and that
California. a great plan that must be passed through diversify is mere'1y individualized expres
Application has been made for entry as before the Planner can be revealed. When sions of this unity. He recognizes th e
Se cond Class matter.
we have passed through and reached a divinity in them who differ from him or
Phone TUcker 2603 more elevated ideal, our broadened, apparently make his life unhappy, and
spiritual intellect should he'1p us to realize seeks experience and the growth given by
Subscription rates, lOc per copy. the need of all of the other steps, and the it above the' comforts of the lower man.
$2.25 per year, $1.00 for 20 weeks. For fact that a doctrine exists at all on this He realizes that with wisdom and service
eign rates $3.00 per year, $1.25 for 20
weeks. plane of nature is proof certain that it is comes all true happiness. He strives to
helping someone who would fall without
gain greater understanding that he may
We reserve the right to edit all advertising. the protection and inspiration that it serve better his brother and his God. He
gives, for nature' supports nothing any studies life and realizes t hat abstract
MANLY P. HALL ................................ ...... Editor

great length of time that is not of use in knowledge is of little value unless it helps
HARRY S. GERHART .......... .. M anaging Editor

MAUD F. GALIGHER .............. Associate Editor

the plan. him to solve his living problems. He

Question 5. What is a creed? studies life and applies the knowledge he
Answer. (reeds are steps in the un has gained to the problems of everyday
They who know God's laws know God.
They who keep God's laws keep their foldment of religious truth which have on existence, seeking the spirih,lalharmoni
co venan t with Him. M.P.H . . this plane of nature drawn around them zation of apparent physical c~ntradiction s .
Question 2. Who is forms which we call denominations. bringing it first into harmony with the
a mystic and how does Creeds are incarnations of spiritual truth , eternal plan. His great hope is not for
he differ from the oc functioning in ever better vehicles fur libe'ration from the responsibilities of life,
cultist? nished by the consciousness of those souls but that he may be able to carryon more
Answer. The mystic who are evolving through them. worthily his part of the Great Plan by re
who is seek Question 6. Which religions are occult? flecting the light that he has received to
the Answer. All religions have a hidden or others less fortunate than himself. His
The same may be said of true motive for self-development is greater
~sao~__Y~~~~deye "LQ~~~~~~~~~L~4~f .~~eligion~~~~~d a n ~~m ~~0~er~~~~ i n t_~ie ll~~~~~~
e n t u~~ s e f~u~~~~
l n e s~~~~~~
s. ronl ____~
ing the heart side of doctrine we see in a religion de'pends upon loving a few, he learns to love, honor, and
his nature' and to gain the e'soteric eyes we have developed in our admire all, realizing with his broadened
by intuition what the own spiritual natures. They who look consciousness that the God he serve's is
occulist searches for through the eyes of form can see' only within his brother man.
MANLY P. HALL by reason. It is
form and in religion only the history of Question 8. What can a teacher of any
the union of these' two paths, the mystic people now dead and countries now un
religion really teach?
and the occult, that gives the seeker the known; while to them who have evolved
balance that is necessary before the higher the spiritual sight, the life behind the Answer. Only that which he knows,
initiations are possible. \iVhen action of form (the' truth behind the allegory), is understands, has proven and lived for
the prope'r kind is added to this and the visible. All religions are steps in the un himself. Each living being sees the same
student applies his theoretical knowledge, foldment of one truth and they only clash thing differently according to the faculties
then the eternal triangle is perfected and when their spiritual ideals are crystallized that he has developed. It is only his view
balanced in man. into material forms. that he is capable of expressing.
Question 3. What is the true object of
.all the' Wisdom Teachings?
Answer. Their purpose, is, to show man Books by MANLY P. HALL
his true position in the great plan of crea
tion. They explain to the student the re
An Essay on the Fundamental Principles of
sponsibilities of life, and, through the Operative Occultism
knowledge that they give him, pre'pare him A New Book with Three Color Plates.
for the Great Work that a",raits all when A SYNTHETIC EMBLEMATIC CROSS
their days of schooling are over. THE OPENING OF THE THIRD EYE
Question 4. How should we regard a
Complete ........... - ......................... ..............................$4.00
r eligion? Plates separately mounted, each ........................ 1.00
Answer. A religion is a phase of truth Lost Keys of Masonry ............................................... ........... .................................... ... ........ $2.00
attuned to the states of consciousne'ss of The Ways of the Lonely Ones.............. .... ..... ...................................... ............ ................. 2.00
them who are evolving through it . It is Shadow Forms (Occult Stories) ........................................................................................ 2.00
Thirty-eight Thousand Miles of Impmressions ....... .. ......................... ............... 1.00
the doctrine, part of a still greater doc Talks to Students .......................... :.......... ............ .... .......... .................................................... .50
trine, to which we are drawn by the facul The Noble Eight-Fold Path ............. ............ .............. ........................................................ .50
ties we have developed and the' spiritual Evolution ....................................................... .... .................... ............. .. ....... .............................. .50
sight we have unfolded within ourselves. Death and After ................... .......... ........ ............ ...... ............................................................... .50
It is a changeable point. As we grow in Unseen Forces (just reprinted)............. ............................................................................. .50
Occult Anatomy (just reprinted).......................... ...................... ...................................... .50
experience and understanding, our re
ligion and re'ligious . concepts should 301 Trinity Auditorium Bldg. Los Angeles, California
broaden with us. Every living being
December 15, 1926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE PagllS

BACON-SHAKESPEARE , political influence from occupying his of the unhappy Hamlet-that melancholy
rightful position in the realm and in hourly prince of Denmark-whose cp'reer in many
(Continued from Page 1, Col. 1) iear that the secret of his birth would ways paralleled that of Bacon.
hand corner of the design. The planetary cause his ,death, ,there were many reasons Walter Conrad Arensberg, following in
symbols which appear in the clouds above why he should conceal the secrets of his the footsteps of an illustrious line. in seek
the figures marked 4. 6, 5, and 7 are sup own unhappy fife in a book dedicated to ing to establish Bacon as the author of the
po sed to signify the planetary configura the dissection , of me"lancholy. A reading Shakespeare plays with the aid of acrostic
tions which produce the form of mania de of the Shakespeare plays in the light of signatures, calls atte11tion to a very inter
picted in the illustration. The seated man Bacn's despondent acceptation of the ine esting example of such method of conceal
in the right central panel, with his head vitable will reveal much. We write best ing the identity of the author as it ap
resting upon his hand, is be'lieved by about that which we know best, and best pears in the first folio of the Shakespeare
Baconians to represent Sir Francis Bacon. of all we know those things through which plays, in the first Act and second Scene
Bacon's life was a tragedy from begin we ourselves have passed. Bacon was in of the' "Tempest." The following lines
ning to end. Prevented by the power of a very excellent position to write the fate conceal the acrostic signature:
Mira. You have often
Begun to tell me what I am, but stopt
And left me to a bootless Inquisition,
Concluding, stay: not yet.
The first let r of the second line is "B";
the first letter of the third line is "A"; and
the first three letters of the fourth line are
"Con." This gives the signature "Bacon."
While it is quite true that coincidences
happen, and such might well be true in an
isolated case like the one above; when it
is repeated se'v eral hundred tin1es through
out the text of a large volume, it becomes
worthy of w ore than passing considera
tion. While the simple acrostic is the
most common form of cipher concealed in
the Baconian and Shakespeare'an crypto
grams, because of its very simplicity it has
gone the furthest to establish the Eacon
ian irrgume m.
If you take the name "Bacon" and form
its numerical equiv'a lent by simply chang
ing the letters for corresponding numbers
(considering i and j as forms of the same
letter), as 1 for A, 2 for B, 3 for C, the
total will amount to 33, which is the nu
merical equivalent of the name "Bacon."
Thirty-three is a singularly important Ma
sonic number and also plays an important
part in all matters pertaining to the
Shakespearan and Baconian cryptograms.
In the first part of "King Henry the '
Fourth," Act II, Scene 4, the first name of
Bacon, i. e. Francis, appears 33 times for
no reason except to fulfill the needs of the
cipher. An example' of this reiteration is
as follows:
Prim. Anon Francis? No Francis, but
to morrow Francis: or Francis, on Thurs
day: or indeed Francis when thou wilt.
But Francis.
In the same way, the date of publica
tion of the first folio-1623-if the num
bers be changed back into letters (1 equal
ling A; 6, F; 2, B ; and 3, C), the result is
"F. Bac." By taking the' last two letters
from the end of the preceding line (the
word "London"), we then have "F. Bacon."
Similar secret methods of forming ' the
name of Bacon are to be found all through
the writings attributed to Shakespeare,
Marlowe and Johnson.
Occasionally synonyms for Bacon are
used, such as "Hog," "Pig," "Beacon," and
Page 6 THE ALL-SEEING EYE December 15, 1926

other words of a similar nature. But if no greater than ours, but through the LOS ANGELES OPENS CHRIST

the student of the subject will watch the power of attraction and the transmutation MAS FESTIVITIES T HIS

pages upon which the faulty paginations of its ever-increasing energies it has YEAR AT SHRINE

appear, he will find in almost every case reached its present proportions. This
either a direct Baconian signature or else Flame in man is the "light that shineth in
On December 19th, the Los An;
a hint sufficiently broad to prove worthy of darkness," It is the Spiritual Flame within
geles Oratorio Society, one of the
consideration. The use of the character himself. It lights his way as no exterior
three outstanding organizations of
of Hamlet to conceal much of the' tragedy light could do. This radiation from him
its kind in the United States, will
of Bacon's life is made quite evident QY brings into view, one by one, the hidden
'dividing the name into two parts; thus:
present Handel's MESSIAH at the
things of the Cosmos, and his ignorance is
Shrine Auditorium. This is the
Ham-let, where we have in "Ham" a dispelled in the exact proportion as his
Jpening of Christmas week and will
synonym for Bacon. Once this might be . light is spread, for the darkness of the un
be the event of the season.
an accident; twice or three' times a coinci known can only be displaced by light, and
dence but when similar occurences ap the greater the light the farther back the Under the direction of John
pear l'iterally hundreds of times', we reiter darkness is driven . . This is the Lamp of Smallman, such. soloists as Riccardo
ate that things look suspicius. the Philosopher, which he carries through Martin, tenor; Blythe Taylor, so
Next week we will consider another val the dark passageways of life and by whose pran'o ; Julia Claussen, contralto and
' uable old document undoubtedly involved light he walks among the stones an. along Fred Patton, bass, will appear sup
in the Shakespearean co roversy, in the edge of the narro'w cliff without fear. ported by a chorus of over four hun
which is found a key to the numerical But though he gain all all other things and dred trained voices.
cipher which gives 33 as the Baconian have not this light within hims f, he can The IVIESSIAH is perhaps the
number. The' general subject will be not know where he goes, he cannot watch greatest of all Christmas music and
"Cryptic Title Pages." his footsteps, and he cannot dispel his its presentation has been one of the
ignorance with the light of truth. historic events of the season in the
famous European centers of music.
Therefore, let each student watch the'
fire that burns upon his own altar. Let Tickets can be procured at any of
him make that altar (his body) as beau the larger music stores.
(Continued) tiful and harmoniolls as possible, and 'let
This bone for xlPs the base The work of this society is doin
him also sacrifice upon that altar the much to make Los Angeles the fore
of the spinal column, and is
frankincense and myrrh (his actions and most 11usic Center in America and
also the spear of the Passion.
his deeds). As in the Tabernacle he offers lovers of good music wait eagerly
Through it and the foramina
all upon the Altar of Divinity, so let him for the presentation on December
which pierce it pass the roots
day by day, through the mastery of the 19th, of "THE lVIESSIAH."
i th 8 iipipa 1 n@I<l;e, which are,, ~......;- -
' lower emotIo ns with 1lmself, ispel t11e
roots of the Tree of Life. This is the
symbols of mortality-the coffin and the
center through which are nourished and
open grave. Let him realize' that, no mat
fed the lower vcrtbrae of the spine-the
ter how crystallized or dead his life may
sacral and coccygeal bones that dig the
graves for all cre'ated things. This point
be, the fact that he exists at all proves
that the sprig of acacia-the promise of

has been beautifully symbolized by the

grave-digger's' spade, which has been used
by the brothers of many mystic organiza
life and immortality-is present some
where within himself; that even though PRINT SHOP

the flame of life may appear faint or cold, INCORPORATED

tions. The currents and forces ","orking
if he will supply the fuel by his daily ac
through these 100l\rer spinal nerves must be
tions he will kindle within himself once' 540 So. San Pedro St.
transmuted and lifted upward to feed the
more the Altar Flame; and this, shining
altar fire at the positive, or upper, end of BRoadway 3913 BRoadway 3914
forth, will help his brother also to kindle
the spine.
his flame and make it a living sacrifice to
The focussing of thought or emotion
the living God.
upon higher or lower things, as the case
may be, determines where this life energy
will be expended. If the lower emotions CHAPTER II.
predominate, the flame upon the altar THE SACRED CITY OF SHAMBALLA
burns low and flickers out, because the In every mythology and legendary re
Printing and Engraving
forces which feed it have been concen ligion of the world there is one spot that
trated upon the lower centers. But when is sacred above all others to the great
of all kinds
altruism predominates, the lower forces ideal of that rdigion. To the Norsemen it
, are raised upward and pass through the was Valhalla, the City of the Slain, built
purification which makes possible their use of the spears of heroes and where feasting
as fuel for the ever-burning lamp. Thus, and warfare were the order of the day.
J,ve see why it was a great sin to let the Here the heroes fought all day and reve'led
lamp go out, for the Pillar of Flame, puri by night. Each d ..y they killed the wild Satisfactory Prices a'n.d
fied and prepared after the directions of boar and feasted on it. and the next day Good Service Guaranteed
the Most High, which hovered over the it came to life again. In the Northland
Tabernacle, is the Spiritual Flame which, they tell us that Valhalla was high up on
hovering above man, lights his way the top of the mountains and conne'cted
wherever he may go. to the earth below by Befrost, the Rain
The sun of our solar system, that is the bow Bridge; that up and down this bridge Phone for Representative
Spiritual Sun behind the physical globe, is the gods passed, and Odin-the All-Father
one of these' Flan'les. Its beginning was (Continued on Page 7, Col. 1)
December 15) 1926 THE ALL-SEEING EYE Page 7

(Continued from Page 6. Col. 2) aerolite upon which Mohammed is said to

have' rested his foot. Old and young alike.
-came down from Asgard, the City of the some even carried, wind through desert
Gods, to work and labor with mankind. sands and endure t old hardships, many
Among the Greeks, Mount Olympus was coming from great distances, to visit the
held sacre'd and here the gods are said to place they cherish and love. In India we
have lived high up on the top of a moun find many sacred places to which pil
tain. The Knights of th e Holy Grail are g rims go, even as the Templars in our
said to have had their castle among the Christian religion went to the sepulcre
crags and peaks of Mount Salvart in of Christ. Few see in this anything l:nore
northern Spain. In every religion of the than an outward symbol, but the true stu
world there is a holy place: The' oriental dent recognizes the great esoteric truth
Meru, and Mount Moriah anel Mount contained therein. The spiritual conscious
Sinai upon which the Tablets of the Law ness in man is a pilgrim on the wav to
vvere given to man) are all symbols of one Mecca . As this consciousness passes' up
universal ideal. As each of these re ward through the centers and nerves of
ligions claimed a castle and a home among the oody, it is like the pilgrim climbing
the clouds, so it is said that all the re the heights of :Mount Sinai or the Knight
ligions of the world have their head of the Holy Grail returning to Mount
quarters in Shamballa , the Sacr ed City Salvart.
in the Gobi Desert of Mongolia. \Vhen the spinal fire of lIIan starts on
Among the oriental peoples there' are its up'ward journey, it stops at many
wonderful legends of this Sacred City, shrines and visits many holy places, for ,
where it is said the Great \iVhite Lodge, like the Masonic brother and his Jacob's
or Brotherhood, meets to carryon the Ladder, the way that leads to heaven is
conduct of world affairs. As the Assirs upward and inward. The spinal fire
of Scandinavia we're t\.velve in number passes through the centers, or see'd THE OPENING OF THE

and Mount Olympus had twelve dieties ground, of many great principles and wor THIRD EYE

so the Great White Brotherhood is said ships at the shrines of many divine es
Reproduced from an oil painting by the
to have twelve members who meet in sences within itself. It is et~rnally going
well-known Armenian artist, Mihran K.
Shamballa to direct the affairs of men. It upward, however, and finally it reaches the'
Serailian. Copyrighted 1926, by Manly P.
is said that this center of unive'rsal religion great desert, but only after pain and suf
descended upon the earth when the polar fering and long labor does it cross that
waste of sand. This is tl:li:.-Ge.thsemaUL.O. This painting of tn head of Minerva
c ap, which was-the.jirs.t pru:: t he earth's
the higher man, but finally he crosses the Shows. in -par t, the activitIes 01 the' pmeal - -
surface to crystallize, became solid enough
Sacre'd Desert and before him in the heart gland and the pituitary body at the time
to support life. Science now knows that
of the Lotus rises the Golden City, Sham of the phenomenon commonly termed
not only doe'S the earth have two motions
balla. "the opening of the Third Eye." The
-that of rotation upon its axis and revo
(To be Continued) Kundalini fire is en nsmg upward
lution around the sun-but that it also has
through the spinal canal into the' pons of
nine othet motions, according to Flam
the medulla oblongata. The golden light
marion, the French astronomer. One of
At a recent gathering of intelligentia, radiating from the base of the brain, at
these motion,S is that of the alternation of
during a momentary lull in conversation the back, gradually increases in size and
the everprese'nt "old-soul" was heard t~
the poles; in other words, some day that
intensity until it forms the nimbus, or halo,
part of the earth's surface which is now
say, "Yes, I have great psychic powers, I of the saint. The pituitary body is here
the North Pole' will become the South
see so many things, and go so many places shown surrounded by an e'lliptic rose aura.
Pole. It is, therefore, said that the Sacred
on the astral plane. Every night I flutter The pineal gland-the Third Eye of the
City has left its central position and, after
from planet to planet in my pituitary Mysteries-is here depicted as blue in
much wandering, is now located in Mon~
body." color and surrounded by a radiating blue
aura. In reality, however, this aur:t in
Those acquainted ,,,,,ith the Moham cludes within itse'lf all the colors of the
medan religion will see something of gre'at "No Place Like Holmes" spectrum, but blue decidedly predominates.
interest in the annual pilgrimage to the The tiny vibrating finger on the pineal
Kabba at Mecca, where thousands go to gland points directly toward the pituitary
The Holmes Book Company, with large
honor the stone of Abraham, the great body. This finger, vibrating at a very high
stores at five locations in downtown Los
Angeles, can supply everything from the rate of speed, is the actual cause' of true
latest novel or volume on Science, Philos spiritual illumination .
A Service Appealing to All Peo
ple in Those Matters of Individual ophy, or religion to some of the most in This painting, 9x13, beautifully repro
Preference as to the Right Care of teresting of the rare old editions. Stores duced in four colors. is one of three es
the Body. at 128 and 620 S. Spring, 333 and 742 S . pecially painted for Manly P. Hall, to ac
Main, and 814 W. 6th St.-Adv. company his newest book, "An Essay on
the Fundamental Principles of Operative'
Occultism". This book complete, $4.00.
COMPANY, Inc. Picture on matboard ready for framing
Funeral Directors
Commercial Printing and

721 West Washington Blvd.,


WEstmore 5151
443 S. San Pedro Street 301 Trinity A~ditoriu~ Bldg.,

V Andike 7Z13 . . Los Angeles, California . .

Page 8 THE ALL-SEEING EYE December 15, 1926

JAZZ VS. MUSIC Send The width of the nostrils indicates the
strength of the lungs; those with narrow
(Continued from Page' I,C61. 2) "The Alr.Seeing Eye" to nostrils are subject to tuberculosis, bron
of the body to attune itse'lf to modern
tntlsic,-the resl,llt is a peculiar series of
Y!>ur ~iends. chitis and generally have poor health,
a'ntics which closely resemble epilepsy. The eyes are especially important. The
Many More Subscriptions Are long, thin eye is phi-losophic; the eye
Great music is the tuning of the human Needed to Insure Its which is naturally partly covered by the
mind to the voice of birds, of tree's, of Success. lids is rather secretive; a widely opened
mountains, stars and celestial harmonies. eye denotes lack of thought, while the eye
which turns up slightly under the outside
, The Great Musician must suffer, must CHARACTER ANALYSIS corner indicates incarnations in the Orient.
be broken by the world. that its false Eyebrows that turn up ,on the ends are
r,y thm may no longer bind him, and the (Continued from Page 2, Col. 3) usually sarcastic and Saturnine; eyebrows
true rythm of Nature may well forth from prehistoric man' the line of incident, ill that are exceptionally bushy tend to
his soul. order to strike the point of chin and fore legality and pOl1derosity of temperment;
head. had to slant at an angle back those that meet in the center are sym
There' are those who have to write ward, thus demol1strating unequal mental bolical of ungovernable temper. Straight
music, and there are those who can't help ~eve'lopment with a predomination of
eyebrows are generally indicative of power
but write music. fhe animal temperment. On on unbal while those gently curved run to the ar
tistic and romantic.
anced thinker the line of incident strikes
' Some musical compositions and s,ome forward which shows powerful mentality The hair is also important, its fineness
paintinKs are perfect in technique, but but insufficient physical strength. All or coarseness showing the position of the
s~"'i.tlless ~;some are crude,-but alive. things being taken equally, a symetrical ego in evolution. Straight hair is gen
head is symbolical of power. The size, erally shrewd and calculating; wavy hair,
To bring yourse'lf into the presence of shape and quality of the human head dif open-minded and honest; curly hair ro
peace and hannony 'is the only ' ~e~e{y for mantic and changeable; while very finely
feTs with the quality and size of the body,
the existing nerve-fag of civilization. and two things are necessary in order curled hair that lies in kinks is usually
to give the best service to the" owner vain and untrustworthy, especially in heart
We have jazzed up our own natures un -first that the brain be well developed affairs. Black hair goes with a sharp
til we don't enjoy life unless we ,live on temper. more so if the' eyes are black.
and well balanced, and se'condly that the
the' ragged edge. body be large enough to support the Brown hair in the darker shades, all
brain . things of the face agreeing, tends to
Get aw ay once fn a while from the
1l0w1ing, fhe reaKing, tile earmg ana. tne
::t:n lengt- e life .s a-see'rtained by a philQgop hy~an d oug 1:)..t . 'gh-t bF0Wfl ha~.f'
small protuberance directly behind and able, eccentric, seldom reflective. --R
rending, and retire to the silence of the
slightly lower than the center of the ear is more romantic. Golden hair is change
-n6t the mastoid process but a clepression hair has the reputation of denoting an ele
or protuberance in the surface of it. An ment of pepper in the temperament but
We live in a noi _ age, but the' closer this is not always the case; it often show
individual with this area strongly de
we are to understanding of the great
veloped may safely expect long life even ing a susceptibity to poor health and gen
things, the more silent we are. Venera
though he should eat pig iron and ten eral lassitude.
tion produces silence.
penny nails, while those with a depre'ssion Wrinkles usually denote thought and
Fee'd the Spirit of Beauty in yourselves there will succumb to a passing draft. also a run down physical condition. Their
location is helpful in proving whether the
as well as your bodies.


person be a pessimist or an optimist.

The loss of beauty is the first step in
the decay of empires. Those' in the cheeks and running across
the forehe'ad are optimistic while those
Inste~d of a new ministry of beauty, the at the corners of the mouth and the cor
radi~ has brought a new ministry of ad 'FIG .G. ners of the eyes are usually pessimistic.
vertising. In Figue 6 are shown three types of The head which tilts forward when
chins. (a), tire semi-square chin has great walking is philosophic; that which tilts
Like a disease' man is creeping over the' musical promise and indicates possibility backward is egotistic; and that which is
earth destroying everything beautiful of a great singer. (b), the' purely square cocked on one side is sarcastic or else
that he tOl,lches. chin is usually stubborn, obstinate and shows an unequal development of brain
animalistic. (c), the pointed chin is timid, convolutions or possibly an affliction of
Japan has neve r forgotten her mmlstry vain, feministic in either sex, lacks cour the ears.
to beauty--':"'beauty at every turn,-even in age of ,conviction, is hysterical and easily In the use of these character readings
the' smallest garden plots, or poorest influenced by other people, and is often for the purpose of self-diagnosis, atten
homes,-a tonic to the lover of the beau spiteful but is sC'ldom dangerous. It is tion should be given to the weak features
tiful, a square meal to the soul. The J apa usually found on the faces of dreamers, of character and effort made toward the
nese garden may be too small to walk in, mystics, poets and thos.e whose tempera attainment of the stronger-HAs a man
but it is not too small for the mind to ments go to color, sentiment and to the thinketh in his heart, so is he."
roam in. fine arts. He who uses this method for the pur
Full lips are indicative of an artistic and pose of reading others should also seek to
Three ways to Minister .to Beauty. Go emotional tempc'rament while thin lips gain a greater understanding and sym
into the presence of Nature. Cultivate are invariable the sign' of mental, spiritual pathy with the nature expressed, and seek
Beauty in' your surroundings. Seek for or physical :conservation arid strictness to to harmonize with the contrasts in con
Beauty in the great arts. form, cus-tonl,...-habit and -idea. flicting natures.

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