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Welcome to Fourth Grade!

Parent Information Packet

Welcome to fourth grade! We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

Fourth Grade Teams

Each fourth grader will have the opportunity to learn from three different
teachers each day. Students will switch classes during the day. Your child will have
one teacher for Language Arts, one teacher for Mathematics, and one teacher for
Science and Social Studies! Your student will be placed on one of the two teams

Langauge Arts Math Science and Social

Team 1 Mrs. Smith Mrs. Benton Mrs. Thomas

Team 2 Mrs. Steward Mrs. Bledsoe Mr. White

Communication is key! We use many methods to keep parents informed, and are
striving to go paperless whenever possible. Each team will have a Remind account
to subscribe to. Please also visit our fourth grade website often for important
information and resources. We also utilize email to communicate. The best way to
get in contact with your students teacher is by email. This will yield the fastest

Fourth graders will have an average of 20 minutes of silent reading
homework each night. A reading log will be kept in their take home folder. Reading
twenty minutes at least 5 times a week will earn them an extra 100 in the gradebook
each six weeks. In addition to reading, a few at-home projects will be assigned
throughout the year.

Accelerated Reader
Each student will receive an AR goal for each six weeks. This goal is met by taking
comprehension quizzes after reading independently. At the end of each six weeks,
students who have met their goal can attend our AR party.

Extra Credit
One optional extra credit assignment will be offered each week in each class. It is the
students responsibility to pick up the extra credit and turn it in. These extra points
will be added to their lowest grades at the end of the six weeks. We encourage all
students to do all extra credit.

Unfinished and Missing Assignments

Students with unfinished work will be required to attend study hall to complete it.
Study hall will be provided during recess three days a week.

Classroom Incentives
Each teacher may offer additional classroom incentives, such as tickets that can be
used at a class store, coupons, positive notes and phone calls home, positive office
referrals, and other rewards.

Responsible, Organized Citizen (ROC) Party

At the end of each six weeks, students who are passing all classes, do not have an
missing assignments or zeroes in the grade book and have an S or higher for
conduct and specials grades can attend our ROC party.

Student Rules
1. Be Respectful
2. Be Responsible
3. Be Ready To Learn

Conduct and Citizenship Team 1

Students will discuss classroom expectations and consequences in detail with
their teachers the first week of school. We document behavior using our clip chart
system and recording sheet. Anytime a student makes a poor choice that prevents
them from being respectful, responsible or ready to learn, a verbal warning will be
given (except for repeated behaviors). After a verbal warning, the student will be
asked to move their behavior clip down a level. Any further misbehavior will result
in further clip downs that will be marked on the behavior calendar by the teacher
at the end of the day. This behavior calendar is kept in the student's Take Home
Folder. Parents must initial this calendar each night. The calendar is turned into the
teacher at the end of the six weeks to calculate their six weeks conduct grade. Please
not office referrals or serious incidents may result in an automatic U. Missing
behavior charts will be given an S as the highest score.

0-2 color changes (no changes to red or office referrals) = E

3-6 color changes (no changes to red or office referrals) = S
7-8 color changes = N (no changes to red or office referrals)= N
9 and up (office referrals may result in an automatic U) = U
Grading Policy
MISD utilizes the Skyward electronic grade book program. Each parent will
have access to their childs grades through this system. If you have any questions
about this program or would like your access information, please contact the office
for assistance.

Missing/Late Work- Students with missing or late work will attend study hall
to complete missing and late work.

- 1st day late 10 points deducted

- 2nd day late 20 points deducted
- 3rd day late a zero will be given in the grade book

***This does not apply if a student has been absent. Students that
are absent get one day for every day they were out to make up
work. ***

Special Points of Interest

MISD cafeteria rules state that you may not bring food for any child other than
your own. You may regulate your students lunch account online. We cannot
monitor the amount of snacks your child purchases each day.
If you need to meet with your childs teacher please schedule a conference
during our conference period. (2:30-3:30 daily).
4th graders will be responsible for taking three state mandated tests this year.
The STAAR tests will include a one day writing test (April 9), as well as, a math
and reading test (May 14th and 15th).
Students will be assigned a locker in their homeroom teachers classroom.
They will be allowed to access this locker every day before class starts, before
lunch and at the end of the day. Students are expected to have all necessary
supplies with them throughout the day. Most supplies will be collected by the
teacher and will be available in the classroom for students. ***Please make
sure your child has a pencil bag, take home folder, planner and library book
with them everyday. ***

Teacher Contacts

Team 1
Michelle Smith
Brandais Benton
Jennifer Thomas

Team 2
Sheri Bledsoe
Brian White brianwhite@misdmail.orhg
Tamonya Steward

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