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April 30, 2017


RE: MY AUNT Brenda Sokolowsky

1. My Aunt Brenda has literally alienated my Dad and his immediate family from the rest of our
family and many of our former family friends.

2. My Aunt Brenda has directly alienated My Dad, myself, and most of the rest of our immediate
family from my Grandmother.

3. Although I grew up with my Aunt's daughters and was close to them most of my life we are now
estranged. One of my Cousins attended a meeting whereby her Mother and Reverend Lynne
Donovan gave me ultimatums to cease my advocacy attempts at exposing systematic child
abuse to face a report against me as a parent to the Children's Aid Society. I felt that this was a
form of black-mail.

4. My Aunt is mean to children that she doesn't like. I've seen this behaviour first hand and I do
not agree with how my aunt psychologically abuses children that she dislikes. I have seen my
Aunt ridicule and exploit the children in her care just for fun. I also believe that at least two
foster children had grievances against my Aunt for the way that they were treated in her home
and I even believe that at least two complaints were made against her foster home by those
same two children.

5. My Aunt psychologically abused me for years before I took that power away from her. Now she
seems to retaliate against me any chance she gets.

6. I used to get very embarrassed with the way that my Aunt would behave when she was under
the influence of alcohol, which was an often occurrence when I was in her life. My Aunt would
often get very sexual while under the influence and the inappropriate things that she would say
in those times made me question her overall stability. I put my Aunt to bed one night after a
campfire. She was very intoxicated. I recorded what she was saying on my phone and I doubt
anyone in this world would believe what she said unless they heard it with their own ears. I
love my Aunt and have never wanted to embarrass her. I have therefore never released that
recording but I think the time may be coming where others need to know what she's really all
about so that I can afford to protect myself and/or my family in potential upcoming life
scenarios. There are also other things about me on that recording that I'd rather not release for
public scrutiny but the time is coming where the truth is more important that a minor personal
embarrassment I might endure. When pushed too far I'll always do the right thing no matter
what it might cost me personally!

7. I was working at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church in Picton when my Cousin Jennifer was
becoming a Minister. At the same time, two other people from our home church were becoming
Ministers too. I couldn't believe just how badly my Aunt would attempt to sabotage or talk shit
about the other two Ministers so that her Daughter could get more attention and recognition. I
was very ashamed of her behaviour at that time!

8. Many years ago now, I observed my Aunt to be very mean and intentionally cruel to a foster
child named George Lake.. George eventually killed himself because of all the turmoil in his
young life.
9. My Aunt has historically made it appear as though she's helped me out so much in life. Well,
the truth is my Aunt has never helped me financially. NEVER. She has bought me meals while
we were on trips together and she covered my trip to P.E.I because my kids were in the
wedding party when one of her daughter's married into the Donnelly from P.E.I. My Aunt and
her kids have always given me and others in my immediate family their hand-me-downs. It
always made them feel so good about themselves that they were able to 'help' us with the
name brand shit they no longer needed or wanted. I was always extremely grateful for any
material items that my Aunt or her kids did toss my way. Besides that my Aunt has done sweet
fuck all for me.

10. My Aunt has talked a lot of shit about my parents. My Aunt would sell my Mother out in a
heartbeat though pretending to be her friend. She always sets my Father up to appear as
though he's a giant loser who's mean to her for no reason. Well, the truth is that my Father isn't
mean to her. He simply has no use for her and ignores her as best as he can. The further truth
is that even if he were mean to her I'd say he has a lifetime of reasons that would justify it but
he isn't mean to her. He simply ignores her. He's been the bigger person all along while my
Aunt goes into victim mode when she doesn't get what she wants.

11. It also seems to me that my Aunt would paint a dysfunctional picture of me to others. Well, my
childhood wasn't as bad as she makes it out to be and even if it were as bad as she makes it
out to be then I dare say that she's a really shitty person who epicly fails children and leaves
them to wallow in abuse for years on end. My parents were great parents and they did their
best with what they had. They didn't intentionally abuse me or my siblings and I can honestly
say that my father has never hit me like I've heard my uncle hit my cousins when they were
being spanked as children. In fact, I am still haunted by a spanking episode that I was witness
to, at my Aunt's house, in my youth.

12. I actually feel that any traumas that I did happen to suffer as a child were induced by my Aunt's
never-ending drama and bullshit. I was a wild teenager but I didn't do anything so bad that it
should be held against me into my adulthood. As an adult I did struggle with some issues but
she only exaggerated those issues and attempted to exploit me instead of ever actually helping
me out. My Aunt's 'help' always seemed to be so that she could have an avenue to exploit me
and/or my family and I've never done anything so bad that she should've been so eager to
exploit me for in the first place..

13. I used to feel bad for my Aunt's husband when he had to work so much when I was younger. It
seemed that he was always having to work but when he would go to work my Aunt would get
so angry with him. As far as I know my Aunt has always had an issue with living beyond her
means and I even believe that she was made to cut up all of her credit cards at one point. Still,
even though I have no debt whatsoever and I pay my own way, my Aunt makes it seem like I'm
trying to rip off my Grandmother and/or my elderly friend. Well, I don't think I'm the one we
have to worry about in this regard...

14. Eric Sokolowsky, my Aunt's Brother-in-law, was recorded by vigilantes targeting child predators
as he was trying to pick up an underage child. Eric Sokolowsky has frequented my Aunt's
daycare and I know this because he has dropped by several times in the past while I was
present during daycare hours. Eric was also present for several family BBQ's and other events
whereby my children were scantily clad for pool activities and whatnot. Eric also hit up my
Plenty of Fish Profile when I was luring in area professionals in an online sting a few years
back. I told my Aunt that Eric, who was in a relationship at the time, had hit up my profile. She
agreed with me that he was a very strange man. When Eric got caught trying to pick up a child
my Aunt's family seemed to act like they were the victims with the exposure. Now maybe they
know how it feels when they exploit others.. not nice eh? Telling truth makes no one a victim
and if it makes you feel like a victim then you have some shit to get straight in your own head
as far as I'm concerned!

15. My Aunt has historically run down my mother's side of the family and I feel that my Aunt further
alienated me away from that side of my family since my birth.

16. Historically, I remember my Aunt making fun of her mother-in-law, and my Uncle's two sisters. I
do not remember my Aunt having anything nice to say about these people and she always
seemed to get some sort of a thrill out of degraded her own Husband's family. I never
understood how my Uncle tended to tolerate the comments about his own family and I should
have understood these people for who they were based on that moral fact alone!

17. I'm telling the truth in this document, however, in my experience, the truth infuriates people.
My Aunt and/or her family will be angry with my words, I have no doubt. Still, I'm sure they
know in their bones that I'm not lying or exaggerating and if they do then they can attempt to
make me accountable for my words through criminal or civil avenues. I invite that action
because I am well prepared to tell it how it really is and what better place to do that than in an
alleged court of law?

18. I tried to work with my Aunt and her family for a long time and so did others in my family but
she just doesn't stop playing her games.

19. I believe that the alienation issues in my family also stems from the Masonic side of my
Paternal family. It's a nightmare really. That part of the family has never treated me with
decency for the most part and it seems like the 'family of families' only has room for sell outs.
Pfttt. I've never done anything to the people in the MacDonald side of the family but I still feel
their hate and rejection. Whatever. Knowing what I know now, I want nothing to do with them
anyhow, I just feel it's worth a mention. They refer to themselves as the Family of Families
because they're all about long as the head honcho doesn't blackball ya that is.

20. My friend (a long time family friend) had been somewhat disgruntled with the way that my Aunt
had been treating me and/or my Father. In my Grandfather's final days, before his passing, my
long-time friend arranged to come up to see him one last time. My Aunt was present when my
friend visited but my friend did not say anything to my Aunt given the circumstances we were
all in and she simply attempted to avoid her. My Aunt was inside the house when my friend first
arrived to visit with my Grandfather. My friend initially sat with my parents and I outside having
discussion. My Aunt eventually came outside and attempted to hug my friend just as she would
have done in the past when we were all much closer. My friend respectfully received the hug
but it was obvious that she did not return it. Knowing my Aunt and how she deals with rejection
and embarrassment I turned to my parents and said this is not going to go over well. I knew
at that point that my Aunt would retaliate. I told my parents that my Aunt would never let that
sort of public humiliation slide and that there would be some sort of hell to pay. It's just how she
operates in my experience. Sure enough, within 2 months two of my friends Daughters showed
up at my house unannounced and they told me to stay away from their Mother and Father.
They said that their Mother was 'acting out of character' because of me and they even
threatened to involve the police which I welcomed and further encouraged them to do. I told
them that I had nothing to hide and that it was me who was being harassed. Still, they 'warned'
me and then rudely left as quickly as they had arrived. It's my opinion this happened because
my friend rejected my Aunt. I did not ask my friend to do this. Anyone who knows my friend
darn well knows that she is stubborn and that she will speak her mind in most cases, so to say
that I twisted her arm in any way, shape or form is a total insult to her intelligence and strong
will. I think it was very wrong of my friends Daughters to verbally and emotionally abuse me the
way that they did, however, I have to let it go so that it doesn't put stress on my elderly friend
who I, and my family, happen to care deeply for and continue to have a relationship with. My
kids have been calling this woman and her Husband Grandma and Grandpa for years and
years and we're supposed to just stop loving her because my Aunt didn't get a hug? Pfffttttt... I
don't think so! What I do know is that this sort of stress is not fair to my friend so I try not to
make her deal with it. I wonder if I'll be informed if something ever happens to her but I highly
suspect I won't be. It's alright. I love her, she loves me and whatever will be will be. My friend
taught me to have faith and faith I shall have! I will always love that amazing woman no matter
what her family thinks about me. This is just one example of how my Aunt affects my

21. In approximately 2005 I gave my Aunt a copy of my CAS file for safe keeping. In 2007 I gave
her a copy of an audio recording (CD) that captures my ex-Mother-in-law assaulting me after
learning that I recorded her inappropriately strange behaviour. I would like these items back
from my Aunt. If she doesn't return these items then I will simply call her as a witness in
regards to those matters if and/or when necessary.

22. I've just simply had enough. My Aunt has been a negative force in my life for far too long now. I
am left with the good memories and I'll treasure them forever. I truly did my love Aunt. I've
opened my eyes and I simply want to let her go and move forward. I leave her behind in the
past where she belongs but I'll always try to remember the good times and the love. It's hard
but I know I can never be whole until this phase of my life is over for good. I'm cutting it the
fuck loose. Period. Goodbye.

23. I issue the above twenty-two (22) statements, without malice or purposeful deceit, as part of
my evolving personal Record of events.

In the light
Brenda Everall

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