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Glossary of Design and Clothing.

Author: Vilma Thomas

A 1
Amount: cantidad.
Analyze: analizar.
Animal print: diseo animal.
Armhole: agujero de la manga.
Avant garde: (idioma: francs) de avanzada.
Array of styles: gama, variedad o conjunto de estilos.

Back: atrs
Back facing: vista de atrs.
Backpack: mochila
Balaclava: pasamontaas.
Bathrobe: salida de bao.
Beading: pasamanera, perlas o mostacillas pegadas en una ropa.
Beige: marron claro.
Bell bottoms: pantalones anchos desde la rodilla.
Belt: cinturn.
Belt loops: presilla para cinturn.
Beret: boina.
Black-tie event: Evento formal, los hombres usan smoking.
Blazer: saco abotonado adelante, con solapa.
Blouse: blusa.
Blush: color rosa.
Body: cuerpo.
Bodice: cuerpo.
Boots: botas.
Boxer shorts: shorts calzoncillo.
Bra: corpio.
Brand frenzy: fanatismo por las marcas.
Brand awareness: concientizacin de marcas.
Brand loyalty: lealtad a la marca.
Brand logo: logo de la marca.
Bridal dresses: vestidos de novia.
Briefcase: maletin, portafolio.
Breast: busto.
Brief: bombacha ms grande.
Budget: presupuesto.
Bulky: abultado, grueso.
Bundling: empaquetar
Button: botn
Button hole: ojal.
Buckle: hebilla.
Burgundy: bordo.
C 2
Camel: marron claro.
Canvas: alpillera.
Cap: gorra.
Cape: capa
Capsule collections: colecciones reservadas.
Cardboard: carton
Cardigan: saco tejido abierto adelante.
Catsuit: Ropa de mujer, que cubre piernas y cuerpo en una sola pieza.(Enterito)
Catwalk show (british): pasarelas.
Center back: centro de atrs.
Charming: encantador.
Chemical bleach: lavandina qumica.
Chestnut: marron (avellana).
Childrenswear: ropa de nios.
Chinos: pantalones anchos hechos de algodn.
Checked: con cuadrados
Chest: pecho.
Client profiles: perfiles de los clientes.
Clogs: zuecos.
Clothing rack: Perchero.
Coat: saco.
Cocktail dress: vestido de cocktail.
Collar: cuello
Commercial patterns: patrones comerciales.
Conveyor: transportador
Corduroy: corderoy.
Cotton : algodon
Cranberry: tipo de rojo.
Crinoline: Miriaque a usar debajo de un vestido o pollera larga.
Crotch length: longitud de bragueta
Cuff: puo.
Cuffed trousers: pantaln con botamanga.
Custom: costumbre
Cut: /v/cortar.
Cutting line: linea de corte.

Dark: oscuro.
Daywear: moda del da, ropa de da.
Deck shoe: zapato chato hecho de tela.
Delivery truck: camin de reparto.
Depth: profundidad.
Design: diseo.
Designer sketches: dibujos del diseador.
Double knit: doble tramado.
Dress: vestir (v), y vestido(sust).
Dressmaker: fabricante de vestidos.
Double breasted vest: chaleco con abotonadura doble.
Draft: borrador.
Drape of a bodice: cada del cuerpo del vestido. 3
Draw: dibujar.
Drip-dry: ropa que no necesita plancha.
Duck: tela de algodn
Duffel coat: tapado de pao con capucha, (Montgomery)
Dye: teir.

Each: cada. Eg.: each side: cada lado. Endorse: endosar.
Ease of movement: facilidad de movimiento.
Ease allowance: amplitud permitida.
Elastic: elstico.
Elastic casing: dobladillo para elstico.
Elbow: codo.
Embellishment: embellecimiento.
Embroidered motif.: motivo bordado.
Emerald: esmeralda.(verde).
Endless: interminable, inagotable.
Endorse: endosar.
Extensions: extensiones.
Eye-popping colours: colores que resaltan a la vista.
Evening dress: vestido de noche.
Evening gown: vestimenta de noche.

Fabric: tela (e.g: wool (lana), chiffon, corduroy, Damask, lace, satin, linen)
Fashion journalist: periodista de modas.
Fashion label: etiqueta de moda.
Fashion magazines: revista de modas.
Fashion firestorm: una revolucin en moda.
Fish net stockings: medias red.
Fit: probar.
Fittings: pruebas de ropa.
Fix: (v) fijar, fijas e.g: fixed measurements, past.: fixed, fixing the length: arreglar el largo.
Flannel shirt: camisa de abrigo.
Flared hem: ruedo con amplitud.
Flare of a skirt: vuelo de la pollera.
Flawless: sin defectos.
Fleece: tela polar.
Floral: diseo floral.
Flounce: volado aplicado a un vestido, pollera o camisa.
Fly: Bragueta.
Fold: doblez de la tela.
Footwear: calzado e.g.: flats (chatitas), trainers (zapatillas), high heels (tacos altos).
Front: adelante
Frock: vestido.
Fuchsia: fucsia.
Fullness: amplitud.
Fur: piel con pelo de animales.
Fur-free: libre de pieles.
G 4

Gabaldine: gabardina
Garment: prenda de vestir.
Garter belt: portaliga
Gathers: fruncidos.
Gathering line: linea de frunce
Geometric print: motivos geomtricos.
Girdle: faja
Gloves: guantes.
Go out: pasar de moda.
Grouped together: agrupados.

Haircare: cuidado del cabello.
Hand fold: doblado manual.
Hand dyed: teido a mano.
Hand drawing: dibujo a mano
Hanger: percha.
Hang tag: etiqueta.
Hankie: pauelo, forma coloquial.
Hat: sombrero.
Heel: taco. High heels: taco alto.
Height: alto.
Hem: dobladillo.
Hemp: camo.
Hemline: lnea de ruedo.
Hip: cadera.
Holes: agujeros .(e.g: There are holes in the fabric.)
Hosiery: industria de las medias.

Identify: identificar.
Inner: interior.e.g: inner pocket : bolsillo interno.
Intimates: lencera (american English)

Jacket: campera, saco.
Jeans : pantalones vaqueros.
Join: juntar, unir.

Knee socks: medias hasta la rodilla.

Lace: encaje.
Lapel: solapa.
Laundering: lavado. 5
Leading brands: marcas lderes.
Leather: cuero.
Leg: pierna
Length: largo
Lightweight wool: lana suave
Lilac: lila.
Linen: lino, hilo.
Lingerie: lencera (British English)
Longer: (comparativo) ms largo
Long sleeve: manga larga.
Long johns: pijama con calzoncillo largo.
Lose focus: perder concentracin, o estar distrado.

Major labels: grandes marcas.
Manage: dirigir.
Manufacture: fabricar.
Market research: estudio de mercado.
Masquerade: Baile de disfraces.
Match: que hace juego. E.g.: The original design also included a matching hat, shoes and short gloves.
Measurements: medidas
Menswear: ropa de hombre.
Mirror: espejo.
Mittens: mitones
Mix and match: mezclar y combinar. Eg: Mix and match according to your own fashion sense and create
your own outfits.
Move up: mover hacia arriba
Move down: mover hacia abajo.
Multilabel: plurimarcas.
Mustard: color mostaza.

Navy: color azul marino.
Neck: cuello.
Neckline: escote.
Negligee: saco fino, lindo para usar arriba de un vestido de noche.
Nightgown: camison.
Nightwear: ropa de dormir (British English)

Offer: ofrecer
Off the peg: ropa que se hace en medidas standard.
Outdoor fashion show: show de moda al aire libre.
Overall: mameluco de trabajo/ Delantal.
Overcoat: tapado.
Overtake: tomar una marca, firma. 6
Overwhelming: arrollador, abrumador, aplastante, impresionante.
Own Brand: marca propia.

Paisley print: diseo de arabescos.
Pajamas: pijamas.
Pants: pantalones
Panties: bombachas.
Pantyhose: medias largas de nylon con bombacha.
Parka: campera
Patterns: moldes o patrones de diseo.
Pattern cutter: cortador de moldes.
Pay for: (something) pagar por algo.
Peplum top: blusa con faldn en la parte trasera.
Piece: parte.
Pin striped: rayado.
Pique: tipo de tela con rayas
Plaids: tablas.
Place an order: hacer un pedido.
Plastic bags: bolsas plsticas.
Pleat: table, pliegue.
Pocket: bolsillo.
Point: punto
Polka dot: diseo a lunares.
Poplin: tipo de tela, liviana.
Pressing (ironing): planchado.
Print: estampado.
Promote: promocionar, promover.
Product Launch: lanzamiento de producto.
Purse: monedero, cartera.
Put on: probarse (ropa).
Pyjama: pijamas

Rain boots: botas de lluvia.
Raincoat: piloto.
Ready- to - wear: listo para usar.
Red carpet event: Evento de alfombra roja.
Renewal: renovacin.
Regalia: ropa tradicional usado en ceremonias oficiales.
Revise: revisar.
Retail manager: Gerente minorista.
Runway show: (American) pasarela.

Sandal: sandalia.
Sarong: (Malasia e Indonesia) tipo de pollera suelta, que se envuelve alrededor de la cintura. 7
Sash: faja de la cintura o faja del hombro a la cintura.(plural: sashes.)
Sateen: satin
Savvy: comprensin. Eg: savvy shopper: comprador inteligente, savvy and safe: inteligente y segura.
Scarf: bufanda.
Scratch: borrador, de la nada. Eg: to build something from scratch. (construir algo desde la base con nada.)
Seam line: linea de costura.
Seam allowance: Margen de costura.
Sew: /v/ coser. S.Past: sewed/ sewn.
Sewing process: proceso de costura.
Sewing assistant.: asistente de costura.
Shape: forma, contorno.
Shaping seams: costuras que dan forma.
Shoelace: cordon de zapato.
Shoulder: hombro.
Shoulder seam: costura del hombro.
Show: (v): mostrar. (s.past: showed, p.participle: shown.)
Shorts: pantalon corto.
Short sleeve: manga corta.
Sketch: Dibujo, boceto.
Side: lado
Side wrapped sashi: lazo que se usa de costado, en un robe, blusa o yukata.
Size: talle.
Skirt: pollera
Sleeve: manga
Sleeve cap: copa de la manga.
Sleepwear: ropa de dormir (American English)
Slip: enagua.
Slippers: pantuflas.
Shoe: zapato.
Sole: suela de zapato.
Socks : zoquetes.
Source: fuente.
Sneakers: zapatillas
Snappy: aplicado a ropa, de moda y atractiva. Ej: snappy clothes.
Spread: extender.
Stitching line: lnea de costura.
Stitches: puntadas.
Straight: derecho.
Straight pins: alfileres derechos.
Stockings: medias largas.
Stripes: rayas
Striped: rayado.
Suit: traje.
Sunflower: Amarillo (color del girasol).
Sweater: pullover.
Sweatpants: (am.) pantalon de gymnasia, jogging
Sweatshirt: buzo.

Tank top: remera musculosa.
Tail: tails length : largo de cola.
Tailor: (profesin) sastre.
Tailoring: Sastrera.
Tailored jacket.: saco sastre.
Take in: achicar (ropa).
Talent: talento nato.
Tartan: tela de lana, hecha en telar. (proveniente de Escocia.)
Tissue paper: papel fino.
Teal: color verde azulado.
Textile Factory manager: Gerente de fbrica textil.
Thermal: trmico. (thermal vest or underwear: chaleco o ropa interior trmica).
Thread: hilo.
Thickness: grosor.
Tie: corbata
Tights: medias largas, tipo can can o con bombacha.
T-shirt: (also Tee-shirt) remera.
Torn jeans: Pasado verbo tear: romper, jeans rotos, raidos.
Trace: trazar, dibujar.
Try on: probarse (ropa).
Turquoise: turquesa.
Tuxedo: smoking
Tweed: tipo de tela.

Umbrella: paraguas.
Undershirt: ropa interior, camiseta.
Underpants: calzoncillo.
Uniform: uniforme.
Unsold stock: cantidad no vendida.
Upper collar: cuello exterior.

Vest: chaleco.
View: vista.

Waste : desperdicio
Waist: cintura
Waist line: lnea de cintura.
Waistband: banda de la cintura.
Wallet: billetera.
Weft: trama
Wear off: gastarse, borrarse, desaparecer, disminuir, pasar
Wear out: gastarse, desgastarse.
Well made: bien hecho.
Well dressed: bien vestido.
Welt pocket: bolsillo ribeteado.
Wholesaler: mayorista.
Width: ancho.
Wig: peluca.
Wigmaker: fabricante de pelucas.
Windbreaker: rompeviento.
Window display: vidriera.
Wool flannel: tela de lana, franela.
Womenswear: ropa de mujer.
Work for: (company,something,someone) trabajar para.
Wrinkles: arrugas.

Yarn: hilo.

Zip: cierre.


- Videos de Diseadores del NY Times. DIC.:

- Business of Fashion. BOF. :
- Book: English for the Fashion Industry. Autor: Mary E. Ward. Oxford University Press.
- Il Modellismo Uomo.P. 248 299. Pdf.
- Glosario Ilustrado de Estampados, en ingles:

Study Pages : 10

Index: Pages

1.- Patterns. Tipos de Estampados11 - 14

2.- Ropa de Mujer y Hombre..15-16

3.- Zapatos Shoes . ...17

4.- Tipos de Escote Cleavage...18

5.- Tipos de Polleras....18

6.- Carteras..19

7.- Rueda de Colores Como usarlos.....20

8.- Tipos de Telas.-......21

9.- Origen de la tela. ....22

Patterns. Tipos de Estampados 11

Paisley : Arabescos.

Paisleys are intricate patterns resembling a tear drop or a kidney. It can be traced all the way from India and
it became popular in the western part of the world as early as the 18th century. The term paisley is derived
from a town in Scotland where a large amount of it were produced.

Polka Dots (Lunares)

Pinstripes ( Rayas )

Pinstripes elevate an ordinary suits sophistication. Mens wear is all about details and pinstripes give the
whole look an extra boost..


Herringbones. It is also mostly used in overcoats and jackets as it is usually associated with fall and winter.

Plaid (Escocs)

The signature plaid of Burberry

Plaid has been trendy lately particularly in the casual wear. There are many types of plaid. The most
common ones are the Tartan, the Gingham and the Tattersall (checkered).

Tartan Plaid is commonly used as kilts in Scotland.Este es usado en polleras de Escocia.

Gingham is very popular with preppy kids nowadays.

Tattersall: This check pattern has regularly spaced vertical and horizontal stripes. The uniqueness of this
pattern is the repeated alternating colors of the stripes that can be in two, even three, different colors.

Argyl : The argyle pattern is one of the most favorite patterns in the world. It has been associated with
wealth, fashion and golf as well as found in writings throughout the last few centuries. Argyle goes in and
out of fashion every couple of decades or so and will probably remain one of the best-loved patterns of all


Pattern is all about personality. Whether you want it loud and proud or just mute and subtle, patterns are there to make
your look more interesting. Its time to evolve from the basics. Wear some patterns.

Ropa de Mujer y Hombre. 15
Tipos de Escotes Types of Cleavage.

In womens fashion there are a lot of different types of neckline, each seeking
to create a specific effect for the person wearing the dress, whether it's to
increase the size of the bosom, to display varying amounts of cleavage or
simply to achieve a greater degree of comfort.

Tipos de polleras Types of skirts.

Carteras Handbags 19
La rueda de colores es una herramienta excelente en el ropero. 20

Aca lo explico:
The color wheel is an excellent wardrobe tool!. Heres a quick breakdown:

You can make the following combos using the color wheel as your guide: Pueden hacer las
siguientes combinaciones usando la rueda de color como guia:

1. Colors directly next to each other (i.e. yellow and yellow-orange; yellow and yellow-
green; violet and blue-violet, etc.)
2. Colors that form right (90 degree) angles with each other (i.e. yellow and red-
orange; blue and violet-red; green and orange, etc.)
3. Colors directly across from each other (i.e. yellow and violet; blue and orange; red
and green, etc.)
4. Colors that form a T (i.e. blue, orange, and violet-red; yellow, violet, and red-orange;
yellow, blue-green, and red-orange, etc.)
5. Colors that form an X (i.e. blue, orange, violet-red, and yellow, violet, blue-green,
and red-orange, etc.).

2. Since brown is a neutral, it will go with virtually any color on the color wheel. I love to
pair a chocolate brown with cobalt blue or fuchsia or bright redsuch a fun and bold
combo. Of course white, black, and the hues of blue found in denim are also neutrals
that go with just about anything.

Clothing materials - Telas


Different materials:
Lace: encaje / Appliques: apliques / Taffetas: tafetas / Chiffon: chifon / Tulle: tul.
Origen de la tela: Sinttico, Semi Sinttico y Natural. 22
General Information on Fashion. Translation Practice
Fashions of dress arise in every context, from the subtle resistance in styling a school uniform
against the grain and to the placement of safety pins on a punks ripped denim jacket. Whenever a
uniform arises official or countercultural people feel out a means to differentiate identity or to
show membership of a group. People use dress to speak about themselves and send signals,
whether secretly or out loud, whether consciously or not.
Its a slippery term, fashion, and it can be argued that how one wants to talk about fashion and
clothing depends on the scale of the encounter. Up close, the erotics of fashion emerges as a
garment mingles with body warmth, with sweat and perfume and with the cultural fantasies of the
gendered body such as it is conjured in religion, art, literature, film and popular music. The
tangible vibration of velvet as one runs a hand over it; the insubstantial seediness of sheer
polyester; the lanolin stench of unbleached wool; the heady, decadent hues of heavy silk demand
the poetry of Robert Herrick; the lyrics of Bobby Vinton and Alfred Hitchcocks obsessive depiction
of the grey skirt suit in his films; and the lovelorn scribbling of teenagers fascinated by the sartorial
display of tentative sexuality. No one is excluded from the tactile lure of cloth rendered into a
garment to fit the human form.
Fashion has an artistic value that, like theatre or music, requires evaluation. Just as avid theatre-
goers do, passionate fashion fans want to read intelligent and critical analyses of the artistic merit
of what designers send down the catwalk each season. Fashion design also has a political value.
Over the centuries, ground-breaking clothing design and peoples demand to wear what they want,
have had the power to shock and challenge political or religious authority and to redefine how the
human body and its potential, are thought of.

The pricing and marketing of clothes can be inclusive or exclusive, and conveys class, economic
and social position. Fashions advertising and representation in magazines has been historically
wracked with issues of race, age, body size and sexuality.
Moreover, the production of clothing in a globalised economy has seen the Western consumer
enjoying inexpensive, fast fashion produced in grim conditions by workers in slave-like
relationships with factory owners. On the high streets of London and New York these workers are
largely out of sight and out of mind that is, until disasters like the Rena Plaza factory collapse in
Bangladesh, demand otherwise.
Rebecca May Johnson
Editorial Associate at Business of Fashion

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