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It is the main "Brain" or "Heart" of a computer system.

-A.PROCESSOR B.Main Circuit

What is the two type of memory?


What is used as permanent storage for data?

- A.HARD DRIVE B.Optical Drive

What is the most common pointing device used in PC's?

- A.MOUSE B. Keyboard

What is the computers working storage space that holds data?

-A.Double Storage B. PRIMARY STORAGE

What is used to play sound?


What device that print text or illustrations on paper?

-A.Monitor B.PRINTER

What is a nonmagnetic, polished metal disk used to store digital information?

- A.DVD (B.CD)

The _____ is an inexpensive print that works by pushing heated pins against heat - sensitive paper.
-A. THERMAL PRINTER B.Digital Printer

What is the main part of a computer that sometimes called chassis?

-A. Systematical unit B. SYSTEM UNIT


It is printed-circuit boards that also called interface cards.

-A.Keyboard B.ADAPTERS C.Mouse

What device that is composed of a device that accepts data and instructions from the user?
-A. INPUT DEVICE B.Scanning Device C. Output device

It allows more than one program to run concurrently.

-A. Multiprocessing B. Multitreathing C.MULTITASKING
What is a small , portable disk drive used primarily for backing up and archiving person computer files?
- A. Disk Drive B. SMART BOARD C. Keyboard

It is non-volatile, meaning it holds data even when the power is on or off.


It allows two or more users to run programs at the same time.

-A. Multithreading B. Multiprocessing C. MULTI-USER

What is the pathway between several hardware components inside or outside a computer?
- A. Expansion card B. Expansion way C. EXPANSION BUS

It supports running a program on more than one CPU.

- A.Multitasking B.MULTIPROCESSING C.Multi-user

It allows different parts of a single program to run concurrently.

- A.MULTITHREADING B. Multitasking C. Multiprocessing

What is the device that uses lasers to read data on the optical media?
-A. Optical lasers B. Laser media C. OPTICAL DRIVE


What is the two types of input devices?

- keyboard and direct entry

What are the three categories of direct entry devices?

- Pointing, Scanning, and Voice-input devices

What are the types of monitor?


What are the types of printer?

- ink-jet or bubble jet, laser, LCD and LED ,thermal, and line printer

What are the types of pointing devices?

- Mouse, touch screen, light pen, and digitizer tablet

What is a random access , removable data storage medium that can be used with PC?
- floppy diskette
What is a drive which supports a special floppy diskette ?

It is a all , portable disk drive used primarily for backing up and archiving PC files.
- Zip drive

What is the meaning of LCD?

- liquid crystal display

What is the meaning of CRT?

- cathode ray tubes

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