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16 Affirmations to Turbocharge Your Intuition

by Carol Tuttle
February 17, 2014







Be perfectly honest without yourself right now. Could your intuition use a little jumpstart?
Even if youre committed to living an intuitive life, sometimes your intuition isnt quite as vivid as it could be. It leaves you feeling
directionless or disconnected.
Right now is the perfect moment to charge up your intuition so you can feel guided, inspired, and connected to your lifes purpose.

How your intuition works:

Your intuition (your inner vision or psychic ability) is connected to the 6th chakra in your subtle energy system. Its known as your third
When you charge up this energetic center in your body, you amplify your personal intuition. As you do, you may feel like youre
opening your eyes.

How affirmations work:

Affirmations are statements of intent.

They focus your attention and your energy on the experience you want. If you want vivid intuition, psychic ability, and connection to your
inner vision, these affirmations will support you in creating that experience.
Say these out loud. Post them in a place where theyll remind you daily. Repeat them until they become part of you.

1. I am intuitive.

This affirmation might seem a little basic. But I promise its the perfect place to start, particularly if youve felt disconnected
from your intuition before, or worried that you dont have intuition at all. (Thats a myth, by the way!) Stating the truth of your
intuitive power is a great way to get connected to it.

2. I am knowing.

When your intuition is charged up, you know things. Not just facts. You know what to do, even though it might not necessarily
make sense for you to know. If you want that experience, tell yourself you already have it.

3. I am psychic.

I believe everyone is psychic. Do you believe YOU are psychic? You are. By claiming that you are, you set yourself up to trust
your psychic hits, rather than questioning yourself.

4. I am alive in the now.

Your intuitive power gets clouded when you dwell on the regrets of the past or the worries of the future. TODAY is the time to
practice your gift of intuition.

5. I am connected to my own inner vision.

Another word for intuition is insight. Its an inner sight, an inner vision. In the way physical eyes help people see their physical
world, your inner sight can help you see your lifes purpose.

6. My inner vision is strong.

If your intuition has ever felt vague, or just out of reach, you want to affirm to yourself that its capable of being strong.

7. I am having strong instincts from my intuitive self.

Your intellect makes decisions based on whats already knownyour past story. Your intuitive self (your expanded, soul self)
works with the unknown. Use this affirmation to remember to pay attention to supportive information that comes from within.

8. I am listening to my intuitive self.

Your intuition can battle with your intellect. Start training your intellect to hear your intuition and consider the messages it

9. My intuition can be trusted.

You might hear your intuition, but then doubt it. Do one thing today that you feel inspired to and trust that it will be for your

10. I am trusting and acting.

When your intuition is vibrant, you act with confidence based on your inner knowing. Your intuition is a constant guide that you
trust. This is a great affirmation to use if you question yourself excessively.
11. I am connected to my true path and purpose.

What your intuition will tell you is connected to your higher lifes purpose. Always.

12. I am true to myself.

Your intuition will never tell you to be something youre not. Your lifes purpose will not be contradictory to your core self. Trust
that your intuitive self has a strong sense of your own inner truth. Listen to it.

13. I have unlimited possibilities.

The limits on your success are placed there by your thinking mind and your past storiesnever by your intuition. If you ever
hear yourself saying, Id love to do that, but I cant, you can be sure your intuition isnt the one talking.

14. I am seeing the possibilities and bringing them into my reality.

The intuition can see futures that dont yet exist in the physical realm. If youre listening and trusting your inner vision, you will
act on intuitive hits that create outcomes you couldnt have just thought your way through.

15. I am connected to my amazing potential futures.

Your future is beautiful, awesome, and inviting. Its going to support you. So think of it that way. Think of your future as
supportive, fabulous, and abundant. Then shine the light of your intuition into your future to see your way forward.

16. I am clear.

Imagine a pair of smudged glasses. You could see through them, but not as well as you could if you cleaned them. Close your
eyes and visualize yourself cleaning the lens of your third eye.
See your life come into focus.
Above all, invite (dont struggle for) your intuition.
Being connected to your intuition is such a natural, satisfying experience. So if youre closed off from it, you can feel directionless, or
even desperate to reconnect with it. You might even try to think your way into being intuitive, which just sets you up for struggle.

Use these affirmations to invite the intuitive experience you want. Then take a deep breath and allow it to show up. Trust
that it will.

Want to know more? Learn how to enter an alternate state of mind for enhanced relaxation, clarity,
healing and intuition with Carols course, Chakra7, on the Mindvalley Academy.
Click Here to Learn More About Carol Tuttles Chakra7 Program

Carol Tuttle is an author, teacher, speaker, and energy therapist. Carol began with Reiki and Rapid Eye Therapy, then on to EFT,
Tapping and Energy Medicine. She has her Master Certification in several modalities, and for over 20 years, she has supported tens
of thousands worldwide in understanding and living true to their energy.

Tags: AffirmationCarol TuttleEnergyIntuitionThought

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