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El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 2017

Message From Presidente Dayton

Using Preach My Gospel to Make Us Better Missionaries

During our recent Zone Conferences, our two Assistants, Elder Merrill and Elder Barton, gave a
marvelous presentation on how to improve our study and especially how to use Preach My
Gospel more effectively. The El Faro Study Journal they provided, the schema to help us use
the Boxes at the end of the chapter, their El Faro Topic source and their many suggestions to
make our personal study more effective were inspired and will bless those who take them
seriously and use them to guide your study efforts in the future. Our thanks to them for their
outstanding presentation.

The truth is that Preach My Gospel is a most remarkable resource for missionaries. It contains
all of the things learned in 187 years of robust missionary work by the most missionary -minded
church on the face of the earthChrists church. I remember a quote that said, It was
organized on the other side of the veil and put together here on earth. It has been
personally vetted by living apostles and prophets who have given their stamp of approval
that this great resource is the approved missionary handbook for the Church. The First
Presidency has stated, Preach My Gospel is intended to help you be a better-prepared,
more spiritually mature missionary and a more persuasive teacher. We urge you to use it daily
in your personal and companion preparation, and in your district meetings and zone

We are told to, Use Preach My Gospel to meet your needs as a missionary. You can spend
an entire study session on just a few paragraphsor an entire chapter. You can study
chapters in order or plan another sequence that better meets your needs. This flexibility allows
you to study what you need when you need it and as directed by your mission president.
Most of the chapters are addressed to you personally. Chapter 3 is obviously addressed to
the investigators. Remember, Preach My Gospel focuses on the fundamentals of missionary
work. It does not answer every question or situation you will encounter. You will be required
to do much research, study the scriptures, pray, ponder and meditate, and review
Conference addresses to fill in the gaps. Use Preach My Gospel and The District liberally in
personal study, companionship study, district meetings and zone enfoques.

I remind you that Preach My Gospel has a number of features designed to help you become
a more effective missionarysomething that we all seek. First, it strongly encourages us to
have a Study Journal and to make notes in that journal when we have insights, inspirations, or
revelations about something we have read in Preach My Gospel. Elder Richard G. Scott
taught, Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Record and
organize your thoughts and impressions in a way that fits how you learn. Use the Index provided in
the new study journals to easily access your notes and thoughts. You study journal should be used in
personal and companionship study, district and zone enfoques, zone conferences and after
interviews with the mission president. A particularly important time to use it is at the time of General

The Information Boxes were discussed at length by the Ayudantes so I wont go into the same detail.
However, remember there are 5 boxes: Consider This, Remember This, Scriptures Study, Activity, and
Red Boxes. Consider This boxes ask a question at the start of the chapter to direct your focus.
Remember This boxes comprise a summary of the high points of the chapter you just read.
Scripture Study boxes contain most of the scriptures you will need to preach the gospel here in
Spain. I hope every single missionary will read every single scripture and make a small summary note
out to the side that tells what the scripture is about. Activity boxes are suggested activities to do to
enhance your learning and application. Red boxes give general missionary-oriented information
and suggestions. I hope that our missionaries will pay attention to the boxes and use them to direct
your studies.

Finally, the boxes entitled Ideas for Study and Application contain ideas for personal and
companion study as well as district meetings, zone enfoques and zone conferences. These should
enrich your study of this marvelous manual and resource and provides examples of effective ways to
learn the material.

When I was a missionary in 1969, there was no Preach My Gospel and we had to come up with our
own study manuals and guides, scriptures to be memorized, and helpful hints on how to best do
missionary work. The availability of PMG is a much better way! If you have read PMG once and feel
that you know its contents, let me reassure you---you do not! PMG is very much like the scriptures in
that we must read it over and over as moved on by the Spirit to truly understand its contents. May
we as the Spain Barcelona Mission become Preach My Gospel missionaries by reading it, praying
about it, and following its counsel and direction is my prayer.

Con gratitud por Predicad Mi Evangelio,

Presidente Merril T Dayton

El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 2017

Message From Hermana Dayton


Generosity is carefully managing our resources so we can give to those around us. It is managing
our time, talents and physical substance so we can freely give without the thought or expectancy
of any reward or recompense.

We are admonished throughout the scriptures to be generous with others. In Mosiah 4:16 we are
told to "administer of your substance unto him that standeth in need" and in verse 26 King
Benjamin again says, "impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which
he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their
relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants." In 3 Nephi 2:42 the Savior says,
"Give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn thou not away." There
are many examples of generosity in the Book of Mormon--Nephi, Mosiah, Benjamin, Mormon,
Moroni, Alma and Amulek.

The paradox of generosity is that the more one gives away, the happier he or she becomes.
Giving truly does bring more happiness than receiving. I have had many personal examples in my
life of people who were generous. I remember my uncle coming to our family when I was a young
girl. He sat with my mom and dad and explained that he wanted to give them $10,000. I
overheard the conversation and was stunned--$10,000!!! That was a lot of money in the 80's. He
explained that he never wanted to receive the money back...and his request was that they help
another family in need one day when they felt impressed to help. I have always remembered
that. That uncle was the happiest man I knew...and I often wondered how many visits he made
throughout his life giving large sums of money. I have a brother who is very much like my uncle, he
gives to family, friends, organizations--not only financial gifts but gifts of time and energy. When
President and I had only been in Spain a month, we went to a tapas place for dinner. We were
trying to figure out how to order and as we stood in front of the large display of tapas, a couple
approached us and explained how to order and then invited us to join them for dinner. We sat
and shared a delightful meal together. At the end of the evening we tried to pay the cashier and
were informed that the meal had been paid for by our friends. We left that night with such
gratitude for the generosity of our new found friends. What thoughtfulness and such generosity to
people they did not even know. I have been grateful and inspired by each of these individuals --
they have given me a greater desire to be generous.

One way we can freely give is through our tithes and offerings. As we return to God one tenth of all that
he has already given us, and as we give our fast offerings, we can bless the lives of those around us.
"Thou shalt truly tithe all thy increase of thy seed....That thou mayest learn to fear (respect) the Lord thy
God always" (Deuteronomy 14:22-23). We learn that generosityfollows the law of the harvest. The more
we sow, the more we reap. In 1 Corinthians 9:6 we read, "He which soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly;
and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully." The more generous we are in sowing, the
greater will be our harvest in true riches. If we are generous in giving back to God He protects and
increases our wealth. If we do not give back we run the risk of our wealth being lost by situations and
circumstances beyond our control. We are also reminded by the Lord to not lay up for ourselves
treasures on earth but to lay up for ourselves, "treasures in Heaven." Matthew 6:20. As we do this we
break the bondage of greed and overcome the love and worship of money, which gives the illusion
that life is made up of things that we possess. In General Conference we were encouraged by our
church leaders to pay our tithing, to help the refugees, to give to the poor, and to comfort and support
those who are going through difficult times. We were also encouraged to give not only abundantly but
also joyfully. Each time we offer assistance temporally, emotionally or physically we are becoming
more generous and God loveth a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:7).

I've noticed that those who are generous have a bright Christlike countenance. There are many ways
we can be generous as missionaries. We can generously share our message of the Gospel of Jesus
Christ, we can praise the good we see in others, and give of our time and talents to all we meet. We
can thank Heavenly Father daily for ALL he has given us, we can serve our investigators, ward, members,
and companions, and we can share the material items we have--our food and clothing.

President Dayton and I love to observe how generous you are in giving your all to building the kingdom.
You work hard each day, and are diligent in sharing this important life changing message with others.
You have radiant countenances because you are going about doing much good. We love you and
feel privileged to be serving with you in the Spain Barcelona Mission!

Hermana Dayton

Christlike Attributes- Faith, Charity, Love, Virtue, Hope, and Humility, Knowledge & Wisdom,
Patience, Diligence, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Generosity, Forgiveness, Dependability, Availability,
Orderliness, Gratitude, Endurance, Persuasiveness, Compassion, Alertness, Character, Decisiveness,
Determination, Truthfulness, Benevolence, Honor, Sincerity, Punctuality, Joyfulness, Gentleness, Self
Control, Initiative, Cautiousness, Loyalty, Meekness, Sensitivity, Obedience, Discernment, Boldness,
Discretion, Responsibility, Attentiveness, Hospitality, Thoroughness, Deference, Justice,
Contentment, Tolerance, Resourcefulness, Thriftiness, Security, Contentment, Truthfulness. Virtue,
Forgiveness, Honor, Gentleness, Benevolence, Dependability, Generosity
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 2017

Message From Elders Merrill and Barton

Elders and Hermanas,

We hope that you have enjoyed the recent Zone Conferences! We wanted to do some quick
follow-up on our commitment that we extended to all of you. The deal was that you would
receive the study journal if you used it to come to know the Gospel of Jesus Christ better.

Preach My Gospel says:

Preach My Gospel frequently asks that you use a study journal to help you understand, clarify,
and remember what you are learning. Elder Richard G. Scott taught, Knowledge carefully
recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in
a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the
likelihood of your receiving further light (Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge, Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86).
Review your study journal to recall spiritual experiences, see new insights, and recognize your

Benefits of Keeping a Study Journal:

Improves focus and attention to detail
Boosts comprehension and retention
Teaches prioritizing and organization skills
Extends attention span (keeps you alert during studies)
Creates a condensed record of your study for future review

When scripture study is combined with our prayers, we can of a certainty know that the Gospel of
Jesus Christ is true. Thomas S. Monson. We know that what President Monson said is true. As we
use all of the tools given us to study effectively, we will obtain an unwavering faith in the Gospel of
the Lord Jesus Christ.

Elders: We love you!

Hermanas: Keep on keeping on!

Elders Merrill and Barton

El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 2017


Josephine Anderson Tarragona A lderes Christensen y Jones

Maria Paula Ruiz Guzman Valencia 1B lderes Peay y Hunsaker

Abel Ricardo Mora Salazar Palma 2B Hermanas Sperry y Johnson

Oyindamala Eniola Aderoju Tortosa lderes Cushing y Bristol

Richard Peralta Ramon Manacor lderes Dixon y Astorga

Sany Daniela Cruz Bacca Menorca lderes Bowles y Holmes

Precious Ossai Hospitalet 1A lderes Bronson y Compton

Maria Avelina Calero Carranza Granollers B Hermanas Gonzalez y Muoz

Iker Andreu Casal Hube Ibiza A lderes Garr y Lattin

Dariely Lorenzo Gonzalez Vilafranca lderes Riggs y Triana

Florencio Cabestany Creixell Vilafranca lderes Riggs y Triana

Confirmaciones esta semana 11
Confirmaciones este mes 27
Confirmaciones hasta la fecha este 128

Eran contados y se 29 5 12 19 26 5 12 19 26 4 9 16 23
inscriban sus nombres Jan Feb Feb Fen Feb Mar Mar Mar Mar Abr Abr Abr Abr

Bautismos 7 13 4 10 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4 11

Confirmaciones 7 14 4 9 9 11 9 11 7 4 8 4 11

Fechas bautismales 119 112 109 143 152 140 119 119 121 154 153 134 125

Inv reunion
203 210 192 193 202 215 187 206 175 155 172 187 163

Nuevos Investigadores 858 428 567 628 633 608 569 517 600 581 643 629 508
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 2017

And the Spirit shall be given unto you by the prayer of faith.
Doctrine & Covenants 42:14

Compaerismos que lograron Oremos por estos investigadores con

las pautas de excelencia: fechas bautismales para esta semana:
Barcelona 3B Luis, Viviana
CINCO: Barri Gotic Encaterina
Barcelona 2 Daria
Terrassa B Tania
CUATRO: lderes Bronson y Compton Terrassa C Marc
lderes Cushing y Bristol Manresa Teresa
Badalona 2B Joan, Yago, Christian
Gerona A Francisca, Silvestre
Gerona B Kathy
Vic A Virginia, Ashley
Bilbao A Marta, Louis
San Sebastain A Yadira, Diana

The Zone
Hospitalet is in the Zone!
-With 5 Baptisms!
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

t's been another wonderful ride. With fixing everything for
week here! We're still working Elvis's baptism and all, it has
and I'm still loving it! Sometimes I flown by. But the area is doing has been suffering with a lot.
just pause and the thought runs well, honestly we aren't having He had a huge addiction to
through my mind that I'm a much success finding news as tobacco. He was going
missionary. I'm a missionary. For of late, and it's kinda worrying through a lot and months ago
Jesus Christ. This work is so me. But I know that as long as I some people from our church
important. And I feel so blessed work as hard as I can, the Lord passed by his house. It just so
to be able to be set apart and will bless me. And if the happens that 19 years later
called to do it. The baptism of numbers aren't great, doesn't right after picking up the Book
Lourdes was so wonderful. I just matter because I know and of Mormon for the first time two
love her so much. Such a the Lord knows that I have missionaries pass by. Sadly his
wonderful lady with a sweet raised my voice. A miracle I shirt was off so he didn't open
spirit. Her sons have been saw was yeah Elvis being the door. A time after he had
coming to church activities, so baptized!!! First baptism of the been reading once more in
we're going to pass over the mission, and it was incredible. I the Book of Mormon, he took a
lessons with her sons. Anyways, have really learned the truth of wrong street and ran into the
thank you for all that you do for hard work and obedience missionaries. He felt prompted
us! Including your support at the brings blessings. Seeing one of to talk with them who later
baptisms of our investigators! my best friends that we have passed the reference to us. We
worked so hard with go down passed by one day, invited him
Beln was baptized! What a into the water was beautiful. I to church and he didn't come.
wonderful week it was here in thank the Lord so much for the We saw him in the street and it
Badalona as we saw one of our testimony that He has builds in was a complete miracle
dear friends enter the waters of Elvis's heart. The next night we because we had passed by
baptism. It was a beautiful read a scripture in Alma 29:9 and he was never home. We
service, however it was quite which talks about the joy in testified how the gospel was
sad because Beln had no bringing a soul to Christ. I feel going to help him through his
family or friends with her to share that joy. challenges. We helped him
this moment. What a beautiful quit smoking, really he did it all
moment it was when all who Wow what an incredible week! by himself. It was also a miracle
were present at the baptism Our friend Juan was baptized! to see you here for interviews
approached her and We were so grateful for all the he was able to see even more
welcomed her as a new changes he has made to get the importance of what he
member of the church. As to this point. We as the was doing. We gave him a
missionaries we were secretly missionaries really didn't do blessing to help him quit
rejoicing when we saw many much, the Lord planted so smoking and a member from
offering her advice and even many miracles along the way an alcohol synonymous group
sharing their phone numbers. It for us to reap. I'm so glad that within the church walks in.
was even more of a miracle we were able to be tools in the Everything just lined up
when the Elder's Qurum Lords hand to help with the perfectly and we saw a
President of the other ward bringing to pass of this miracle baptism.
stood up to welcome Elvis into baptism. Juan was looking
the ward, but first putting his into the church over 20 years This week was great! We've
atencion to Beln and the ago. He at this point was been meeting with Maria more
importance of women in the together with a lady who was often to prepare here for her
eyes of God. Never before have completely against the baptism! We're really looking
I felt the spirit so strong in a church. It was hard for him at forward to it. We practiced the
baptismal service. It truly was the time because he was interview questions with her
beautiful! young and he had no support. and she answered all of them
Well it turns out that years later perfectly! I feel so lucky to be a
Wow this last week has been a they separated. As of late he part of this process with her
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

The Miracle of Baptism

and I know that this will be a We had such an amazing people that got baptized
day she'll never forget. miracle this week! We have shared their testimonies, it
a wonderful friend named really hit home for Rosa and
My area is going super well! Magda and we've been she started crying at how
Elder _____ and I were able seeing her for quite a while beautiful it was. She told me
to set two fechas the other because she was in the that "the feeling was
night! One of the greatest hospital in our zone. But, amazing to experience the
miracles for me this week, when she got out of the entire baptism" I know she
was Zone Conference. I had hospital, she moved back felt the presence of the Holy
been praying so hard to Ghost. I'm very excited for
home which was out of our
her as she has been
receive some help or area. Because missionaries
understanding the big
guidance for a few things. work in a certain area, we
picture lately.
And it was such a miracle to weren't going to be able to
see how everything that see her anymore, but the This week we saw a big
was taught seemed to be Elders in a different area miracle. We had been
directed towards me. I was were going to visit her. But contacting on Sunday night
touched to see that God we met with her for the last for almost 3 straight hours,
truly does answers our time to pass her off to the and no one would even
prayers, but in such a Elders, and she told us that stop and talk to us. But, we
unique and unexpected she's MOVING TO OUR didn't get discouraged and
way for me. That AREA!! At the end of this right before we were going
conference was the most month. And she told us that to our next plan, we
spiritual conference that I it's about one street away contacted and found a
have ever been to. I had from the church. She told us beautiful Colombian family
the most beautiful that she knows that this is of 5. We recognized the
impression while you were not a coincidence but blessing for our diligence
teaching, I had the rather a sign from God. and thanked God, then all
impression that the whole She's so amazing! We love of a sudden another good
chapel was full of angels her so much and I know new investigator we had
and my ancestors. It felt as if that God had a PERFECT found earlier in the week
they were all they were passed us on the street. We
plan for every single one of
talked to him a little
testifying to me to what you us :)
confirming our next visit;
taught was true. It felt as if I
then directly after that, our
was given a big old hug My most spiritual experience investigator with fecha, Uyi
from every one of them as this week is when Rosa walks up to us and we teach
well. I don't know why the attended a baptismal him as well. It was amazing.
impression came to me, but service. She really enjoyed
it was an experience that I everything, especially the
will never forget. testimonies. When the two

hacemos todo lo que podemos a fin de que la obra avance;

pero sta es la obra del Seor, l la dirige y l est al mando. Nos
maravillamos al verlo abrir puertas que nosotros no podemos
abrir y efectuar milagros que apenas podemos imaginar
lder Neil A. Andersen
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

17 18 19 20 21 22 23
Bar/ Bilbao Palma Valencia Hospitalet
Badalona Conference Conference Conference Conference

24 25 26 27 28 29 30
Mission Mission Mission Viejo
President President President Interviews
Seminar Seminar Seminar

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Viejos Transfers Transfers Barcelona Barcelona
Interviews Stake Stake
Conference Conference

8 9 10 11 12 13 14
El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Granollers B Menorca

El Clarn de El Faro 23 de Abril de 132017
de abril de 2014

Noticias de la misin
Bautismos en la Misin

Tarragona A Ibiza A


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