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Trenes de engranajes

M.C. Pedro Jorge De Los Santos

25 de julio de 2017

Universidad Politecnica de Guanajuato

Engranes: introduccion

Los trenes de engranes se utilizan en toda clase de mecanismos y maquinas, desde

abrelatas hasta portaaviones. Siempre que se requiere cambiar la velocidad o par
de torsion de un dispositivo rotatorio, se emplea un tren de engranes o uno de sus
primos, el mecanismo de transmision de banda o cadena.

Tipos de engranes

Tipos de engranes

Engranes rectos: terminologa

Engranes rectos estandarizados

La American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) define el diseno y fabrica-

cion de engranes:

Engranes rectos estandarizados

La American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA) define el diseno y fabrica-

cion de engranes:

Ejemplo 1

Ejemplo 2

Cinematica de engranajes

Formally, the velocity ratio, V R, is defined as the angular speed of the driver gear
(gear 1) divided by the angular speed of the driven gear (gear 2):

driver 1 r2 d2 N2
VR= = = = =
driven 2 r1 d1 N1
Because a ratio is valid regardless of units, the velocity ratio can be defined in
terms of revolutions per minute, radians per time, or any other convenient set of
rotational velocity units. In practice, a velocity ratio of 3 would be indicated as 3:1
and pronounced three to one. Likewise, a velocity ratio of 1/3 would be indicated
as 1:3 and pronounced one to three.
Cinematica de engranajes: ejemplo 03

Cinematica: trenes de engranajes

When multiple gear pairs are used in a series, the overall velocity ratio is termed a
train valueTV. The train value is defined as the input velocity to the gear train
divided by the output velocity from the train. This is consistent with the definition
of a velocity ratio. A train value is the product of the velocity ratio of the individual
mating gear pairs that comprise the train. In equation form, it is stated as:

TV = = (V R1 )(V R2 )(V R3 )

The algebraic sign resulting from the multiplication of individual velocity ratios
determines the relative rotational direction of input and output shafts. Positive
values reveal that the input and output shafts rotate in the same direction, and
negative values indicate opposite rotation.

Cinematica: trenes de engranajes

Trenes de engranajes simples

Cinematica: trenes de engranajes

Trenes de engranajes simples

Trenes de engranajes compuestos

Cinematica: trenes de engranajes, ejemplo 4

Example. A gear train is shown in figure. The gears have the following properties:
N2 = 18 teeth; N3 = 72 teeth and Pd = 10; N4 = 16 teeth and Pd = 8; and N5 =
48 teeth. Determine the velocity of gear 5 as gear 2 drives at 1200 rpm clockwise.
Also determine the center distance between gears 2 and 5.


1. Mabie, H. H., Reinholtz, C. F. (2008). Mecanismos y dinamica de

maquinaria. Mexico: Limusa.
2. Norton, R. L. (2009). Diseno de maquinaria: Sintesis y analisis de maquinas y
mecanismos. Mexico D.F: McGraw-Hill.
3. Myszka, D. H. (2012). Machines and mechanisms: Applied kinematic analysis.
Upper Saddle River, N.J: Pearson Prentice Hall.


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