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yoga styles series - courtesy of 'ayl' magazine

Power Yoga
Background to power yoga
In the late 1980s, American yoga teachers Beryl Bender Birch and Bryan Kest began
using the name power yoga to refer to a Westernised version of ashtanga yoga a
dynamic, movement-oriented style of yoga based on the teachings of Sri
Krishnamacharya and his disciple Sri K. Pattabhi Jois.

According to Birch, renaming the practice helped change the perception among
Westerners that yoga was just a mild body practice that required and developed little
fitness. The popularity of power yoga in America and other Western countries has been
fostered by a cadre of celebrity power yoga instructors including Birch, Kest, Baron
Baptiste and Rodney Yee.

Distinctive aspects of power yoga

The most distinctive feature of a power yoga class is the emphasis on connecting
postures via a seamless flow. This is achieved by holding postures for relatively short
periods of time (five to ten breaths) and by linking movement to the breath. Because of
the emphasis on flow, a power yoga class will generally focus less on technique and
precise alignment.

Both ashtanga and power yoga are physically demanding, aerobic styles of yoga. But
unlike ashtanga, which is traditionally practiced according to a set asana sequence, the
sequencing used in power yoga classes may vary dramatically. In addition, unlike the
traditional self-led (Mysore) ashtanga practice, power yoga classes are generally led by
a teacher.

Some power yoga studios will heat their practice rooms to approximately 28-30 degrees
Celsius. According to power yoga master Baron Baptiste, heating the room encourages
a healing sweat and helps students build and maintain a liquid quality to their

What to expect at a power yoga class

A typical power yoga classes is 90 minutes long and starts with a series of integration
postures such as childs pose (balasana) or standing forward bend (uttanasana).

Integration postures are followed by a flowing series of poses (vinyasa) based upon the

This brief yoga style overview sourced from australian yoga life magazine
ashtanga sun salutation (surya namaskara) sequence. The vinyasa is repeated several
times at the beginning of practice to warm the body and is then used throughout the
practice to link together discrete poses or sets of poses.

Classes will usually include a full range of yoga postures performed in sets (e.g.
balancing, back bending and inversions) and conclude with a rest period (savasana).
Some teachers may follow a set routine while others will vary the practice from class to
class. Other techniques used by some power yoga teachers include: ujjayi pranayama
(victorious breath), gaze (drishti) and core stabilisation (uddiyana bandha).

Although power yoga lives up to its name as a dynamic and challenging practice, many
studios offer classes specifically geared for beginners, or offer instruction in how to
modify poses to suit differing abilities. Most teachers will also assist students during
class by demonstrating poses and by offering adjustments.

Power yoga in Australia

Over the past five years, power yoga has become increasingly popular in Australia, with
studios across the country now offering classes. There is no centralised directory for
power yoga in Australia. To find a class near you, perform an Internet search using the
search terms power yoga or dynamic yoga.

Because of a lack of onshore training programmes, most Australian power yoga

teachers have received their training overseas through a combination of teacher training
courses and extended practical workshops. In 2006 Canada-based power yoga teacher
Wade Imre Morissette convened Australias first onshore power yoga teacher training
course, which comprises 200 hours of study.
There is no special certification system for power yoga teachers in Australia but many
overseas teacher training programmes adhere to Yoga Alliance guidelines, which
require a minimum of 200 hours of study.

For more information

Baron Baptistes Journey into Power provides a good overview of a basic power yoga
practice, including theoretical foundations and photographs and detailed information on
more than 50 asanas. This book also includes an easy-to-follow cleansing diet

Beryl Bender Birchs Power Yoga and Beyond Power Yoga are also popular
introductions into the practice.

This brief yoga style overview sourced from australian yoga life magazine

Link to ayl yoga styles series online styles&pastart_id=16

This brief yoga style overview sourced from australian yoga life magazine

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