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Nonli~mzrA~~sis, Theory, Methods &Applications, Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.

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Wniversitk Cadi Ayyad, Facultt des Sciences Semlalia, Departement de Mathematiques, B.P.S.15,
Marrakech, Morocco; and

SLaboratoire de Mathematiques Appliquies, Universite de Pau et des Pays de 1 Adour, URA 1204, 64000
Pau. France

(Receiued 8 Jury 1994; received in revised form 23 January 1995; received forpublication 21 February 1995)

Key words and phrases: Almost-periodic, pseudo almost-periodic, exponential-dichotomy, mean value
Module, ergodic perturbation, eigenvalues, Floquet multipliers, Lyapounov functions, Fourier expo-
nents, differential equations, asymptotically almost-periodic, stable and unstable spaces, trace.


In [l], C. Zhang has introduced an extension of the almost periodic functions, the so-called
pseudo almost periodic functions (abbrev. as p.a.p. functions) (for more details on this notion,
we can refer to [2]).
A well known extension of almost periodic functions is the class of asymptotically almost
periodic functions (which was introduced by Frechet), that is, functions of the type
where g is almost-periodic and 4) + 0 as t + 3~.
The definition of a p.a.p. given in [l] is as follows: any function f which can be written as a
f=g+ rp
where g is almost-periodic and cp is continuous, bounded and M(ll cpll) = 0. MC.) is the
asymptotic mean value, defined by

$J(s) ds.
/ -r
The main purpose of Zhangs [l] paper is to investigate existence of pseudo almost periodic
solutions of a pseudo almost periodic nonlinear perturbation of a linear autonomous ordinary
differential equation,

$0) =Ax(t) +f(t) + pG(x(t), t).

*This work is supported by the CNRS program of environment and the Med-Campus program.

370 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

In this paper, we first introduce a slight extension of the notion of pseudo almost periodic
function, namely, we do not assume that cp is bounded, nor that it is continuous.
We will then consider a nonlinear perturbation of the type (l), assuming that A is time
dependant, and has pseudo almost periodic coefficients. Under the assumption that the linear
equation has an exponential dichotomy we will prove an analogous existence theorem
concerning pseudo almost periodic solutions, using the technique of exponential dichotomy.
Our work is organized as follows: in Section 2, we state some facts on generalized pseudo
almost periodic functions; in Section 3, we recall the notion of exponential dichotomy; in
section 4, we prove the main theorem on pseudo almost periodic solutions of the linear
system; in Section 5, we study a perturbed linear system. Finally, we give a few examples.




alto = cp: R --) R, Lebesgue measurable, such that lim T& rlp(s)lds = 0
i r-a / -,

CJJ: 0 x IF!ct R, such that cp(x,.) E &%9,(R), for each X E 0 and
53%!z3gn x W) =
= 0 uniformly in x E a, where R c [w

where fi is a subset of R.

DeJinition 2.1. A function f : R -+ [w (respectively R x IR -+ lRn) is called generalized pseudo

almost periodic (pseudo almost periodic in t E R, uniformly in x E sZ> if

where g E&~@(R) (tiC(fi x R)) and cpE.Z@L&Y~([W)(.&@.@Y,((fiX I%>).

For some preliminary results on such functions we refer to [l].

Remark 1. Note that g and cp are uniquely determined. Indeed, since

is a norm on &?(l!@, then if f ~.d9Gi), f =g, + p1 =g, + p2 one has N(g, -g2) = 0,
which implies that g, =g,, thus, cpi = (p2. g and q are called the almost periodic component
and the ergodic perturbation, respectively, of the function f. Denote by 9%s&%lR);(resp.
PJJCP(~~ x R)) the set of generalized pseudo almost periodic functions (resp. generalized
pseudo almost periodic functions, uniformly in x E Cl)
Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 371


f(t) = sin I + sin 7rt + $

Hx, t) =f(t) cos x.

2.1. Properties

Remark 1. Similarly as in the case of almost periodic functions we can define the mean value,
the Fourier coefficients and the Fourier exponents for any generalized pseudo almost periodic
function. These are the mean value, the Fourier coefficients and the Fourier exponents of its
almost periodic component.

LEMMA 2.2. If f&b9 UR), then

!\: kr I --rrf(s)ds=M(f)

exists and is finite. It is the mean value of f. Moreover

M(f) = M(g).
Proof of lemma 2.2. Indeed

Since g E.&P then

lim & g(s) ds
r-+m / -r
exists and is finite [3]. Furthermore, we have
-I&)1 I p(s) I IqJ(s)l


ds = 0 = M(cp) and M(f) = M(g).

It is known [3] that for each A E R, the function f(s)exp(-i As) is also pseudo almost
periodic, with the almost periodic component equal to g(s)exp( -i As). So, we can define the
Fourier coefficients for f EL?%&?

!iit & />(s)exp( -ihs) ds = a(f, A)

312 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

exists for all almost periodic functions and any real number A. Moreover, there exists a
countable set of real numbers A, such that
df, A) = 0 if AeA
So if f = g + cp is an element of 9%9(R) then a(f, A) = a(g, A).

Remark 2. Pseudo almost periodic functions admit the same Fourier exponents as their almost
periodic component. The same is true for the Fourier coefficients. While the Fourier series of
a function in &9, this cannot be said for functions in 9%&Y.

LEMMA 2.3. If ~E&.&Y (IF@,and if g is its almost periodic component, then we have

gm cfo-4)
and furthermore if cp is continuous and bounded, we have
llfll2 llgll2 ,ElIg(t>l2 p(t)/
PROPOSITION 2.4. If f : R --) R (IR x 1R+ If%)

where g E&~([W)(&Z@(~I X [w)) and rp E&&~,,(R) ($&9&n X [w)), then
i) If lim,,,,, cp(t> exists, we have lim,,,,, cp(t> = 0.
ii) If fk0, then g20.

Proof. i> Suppose that the property does not hold, then there exists a constant (Y> 0, and
t, E IF!, such that q(t) > LYfor 12 t,, which yields

; i rlcp(s )(d s = Ir [ [lq(r)lds + [rlq(sllds] 2 :aC,I,,.

Passing to the limit as r --, to, we obtain

which contradicts the fact that cp~5%z@,,(R).

ii) For the proof of this part we need the following lemma

LEMMA 2.5. Suppose g E&Z@ (R) is such that for every E> 0,
meas{t:g(t)> -e,tE[-r,+r]} ~1
> as r+ +m.
Then, g 2 0

Proof. We will make a proof by contradiction.

Suppose the conclusion does not hold. This implies that g(x,) < 0 for some x0. Choose
E > 0, E < -g(x,).
Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 373

By continuity, there exists S > 0 so that: lx -x0] I 6 *g(x) < -E. In view of the Bohr
characterization of almost periodicity ([4]), there exists I> 0, so that in each interval I, of
length L, one can find almost period r with the property that

Ig(x + 7) -g(x)1 < ;.

Choose a sequence rk of almost periods, rk E [kl, (k + 1)1[ we have

g(x+7k)< -;, forxE [x,-6,x,+6]andeveryk~N.

Denote M= lx,,1 + 6.
We have

meas xE[-kkl-M,kl+M]:g(t)< -$,) 2 2k8.


meas XE [-kl-M,kl+Ml:g(t)< -3,) 2ki3

2kl+ 2M 2kl+2M
The right hand side does not tend to zero as k - t-m. This contradicts the assumption made
in the lemma. So g 2 0.
Now, we give the proof of the second part of proposition 2.4.
Assuming f 2 0, we want to show that g 2 0. We have f = g + cp, with

rl ( )lds=O
!i& / -y s
(But, we are not assuming here that q(t) ---)0 as t -+ + m.)
3, + +m,g(t + tJ +g(t), Vt
VE > O/Vr > 0; meas {tE [-r,+r]: p(t)> E] +O, asr+m
which implies that
meas{t:g(t)> --E,tE[--r,+rlj +1 asr+ --)3t
2r ?

This yields that g(t) 2 0 Vt. This completes the proof of proposition 2.4.

Remark 3. There exist functions cp such that cp is in .9&L@,(R), but lim,,,,,~(t) does not
exist. Consider, for example,
6, nIt_<n+;
q(t) =
i 0, t elsewhere
It is clear that lim,,,,, q(t) does not exist

PROPOSUION 2.6. 9%&P (W) is a translation invariant C * -algebra of C(R) containing the
constant functions. Furthermore

The proof is similar to the one given in the precedent section.

For H = (h,, h2,., .,., h,) E (C(R)), suppose that H(t) E Sz, for all t E R. Define
F(t) = (h,(t), h,(t) ,..., h,(t),t)
For f= Cfl,f2,., .,.,f,,) E&&P([W)~, let G = (gl,g2,., .,.,.g,) and @ = (50~~(p2,., .,.,q,J where gi
and cpi are the almost periodic component and the ergodic perturbation, respectively of fi,
i=12 ) ) . . . ..Iz.

THEOREM 2.7. [l] For i = 1,2 ,... n, let fli CC be a closed set, fi = II; fii CC. Let fE
9%f?Y(a X R) satisfy


for some L > 0. If H Skc&Y(lw)~ and H(t) E a, for all t E R, then f o F l 6.c@ (fi X R>

Let A(t) be a continuous square matrix on an interval .Z and let X(t) be a fundamental
matrix of the system

g(t) =A(tMt), (2)

satisfying X(O) = I, where Z is the unit matrix.

A system of differential equations (2) is said to possess an exponential dichotomy on the
interval J, if there exists a projection matrix P (P = P2) and constants k > 1, (Y> 0, so that

IlX(t)PX-(s)ll< k exp (-act -s>>, for s 5 t,

r IlX(t)(Z-P)X-(s>llIkexp(-a(s-t)), fortls.
We denote by (P, k, cu) a triple of elements associated to an exponential dichotomy.
We use the notation Y(t) for the projection matrix function X(t)PX-l(t). Note, that for all
t and s
X(t)PX-l(s) =X(t)X-(s>s(s) =.9zl(t>X(t)PX-l(s), (4)
X(t>(Z - P)x-l(s) =x01x-(s)(Z -9(s))
= (I -9(t))X(t )Px-l(s),
and that 9(t) is a solution of the matrix system

g(t) =A(t)X-x4(t). (6)

Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 375

So, 90) is determined by its value at one point [5]. When J = [O, ~3[,the range of S(O) must
be the stable subspace

5E ~~;~~~llx(r)x~(o)~ll< -), (7)

but the kernel may be any complementary subspace. When J = ] - 30,01, the kernel of P(O) is
the unstable subspace

~~~~;~~~lIX~t~x-~~O~SlI<~). (8)
However, the range may be any complementary subspace. So, when I = R, 9%) is uniquely
In [6] Coppel shows the following result.

PROPOSITION3.1. Let A(t) be an n x n matrix function, defined and continuous on R. Then

system (2) has an exponential dichotomy on R if and only if it has an exponential dichotomy
on both [O, m[ and I- m,O], and R is the direct sum of the stable and unstable subspaces.

LEMMA 3.2. Let A(t) be an n x IZ matrix function, defined and continuous on [O,a[ such that
the system (2) has an exponential dichotomy (P, k, cy) on [0, m[, t + B(t) is an application from
R, with values in f(lRn), (the space of linear and continuous applications from R to Rn)
continuous and uniformly bounded in t. If

s = supIB(t)l < s (9)

Then, the system

g = [A(t) + B(t)]x (10)

has an exponential dichotomy (Q, 5/2k2, (Y- 2kS) where Q is a matrix projection and
(5/2k2, (Y- 2k6) the constants of dichotomy.

COROLLARY3.3. Let A(t) be an n x II matrix function, defined and continuous on [O, x[, such
that the system (2) has an exponential dichotomy (P, k, a) on [O,m[. Let t + B(t) be another
matrix function continuous and such that

Then, the perturbed system (10) also has an exponential dichotomy, and if 9-(t) is the
corresponding projection matrix function, then
km> -.%)I + 0, as t-m.
Proof. Let k, (Y, be the constants involved in the exponential dichotomy for (2). From
proposition 2.4, B(t) -+ 0, as t -+ 30. So, there exists t, such that lB(t)l < a/4k2 for t 2 to for
any (~2 t, by applying lemma 3.2 it follows that (10) has an exponential dichotomy on [u, m[
with constants k,, a,, depending only on k, LY,and the associated matrix function 5$(t) can
376 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

be so chosen so that for f 2 c

Is(t) -q&)1 I 4a-k3c%>,
6(u) = supIB(t)l.
It follows that the equation (10) has an exponential dichotomy on [&,a[, since it has one on
[ ~,m[ [6]. Let .9(t) be any allowable projection matrix function with associated constants
L, p. LB(~) and gU(t) must have the same range for all t so that
9(t)9-w(t) =.q(t), .9JtMW =Nt).
Then, if Y,(t) is the fundamental matrix for (lo), with YV(~) = I,
Isav(t) -Nt)l= IqJt)(z-m))l= IY,(t)~~(a)(z-~(a))Y,(t)l
~lY~(t)~~(~)ll(Z-~(a))Y~-(t)l~k, exp(-cui(T--))Lexp(-p(t-fl)),
for t 2 (+ 2 t, (here we have used (3)). So, if u 2 t, and t L 2 u
km) -Nt>l s lqJt> -Lm>l + ID,(t) -9%t)l
s k,L exp(-(a, + p)o)) + 4a-k36(2u).
This last quantity tends to zero as u + m, it follows that Is(t) -g(t)1 + 0, as r -+ ~0.

COROLLARY 3.4. If A(t) is a pseudo almost periodic IZ x n matrix such that the almost
periodic part of system (2) has an exponential dichotomy, then (10) also has an exponential
When A(t) =A is constant, (2) has an exponential dichotomy on an infinite interval if and
only if the eigenvalues of A have a nonzero real part. When A(t) is periodic, (2) has an
exponential dichotomy on an infinite interval if and only if the Floquet multipliers lie off the
unit circle. The dimensions of the stable subspaces are the number of eigenvalues with
negative real parts (or the number of multipliers inside the unit circle).


For the column vector

G=(g,,g, ,... . ..g.f ES(i@,
IlGll = max {IlgiII: 1 I i 5 nI,
IlgJl = suplg,m,

for any bounded function.

In this section, we consider the following system

$0) =A(t)x(t) + F(t), (11)

where A(t) = (a,,(t)) is an IZ x n almost periodic matrix and F(t) = (f1,f2,.,.,.f,)~ Eg-@%!).
Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 377

THEOREM 4.1. Let A(t) = (~,~(t>) b e an n x n almost periodic matrix. Suppose that the system
(dx/dtXt) =A(t)x(t) satisfies an exponential dichotomy and suppose that F ~9d9(R).
Then (10, has a generalized pseudo almost periodic solution. Furthermore if F l 9&9(R)n,
then the pseudo almost periodic solution is unique, and one has llxll~ (Zk/a)IIFII
mod(x) c mod A + modF.
For the proof of theorem 4.1, we need the following results

LEMMA 4.2. If A(t) is almost periodic and determines an exponential dichotomy, then the
only solution with at most polynomial growth both at +m and -m, of the homogeneous

$0) =A(t)x(t) (12)

is x = 0.

Proo~Y In the case, where A determines an exponential dichotomy, there exists a Lyapunov
function V(x, t) such that (see [7])

-cllx11* I vex, t) I cllxl12 and

(dV/dt),,, (x,t) denotes the derivative of I/ with respect to the equation (2) We have two

Case 1. Suppose now that

V(x(t), t) 5 0, Vt E IL!,
let us denote W(t) = V(x(.),.X--t). Then, one has
dt - &(x)(.),.)(-t)l I -kllxll* I ;W(t).

From (13), we can see that

dVMt),t) > o

W(t) is nonincreasing, the W(t) < W(O), which given the following

Since W(t) < 0, there exists k, > 0, such that

dW < -k,. So, W(t) 5 -k,t, for t20.

dt -
Inductively, we get

for t 2 0
378 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

Then, by using inequality (13) we have that

llxll2 CAP, for all t 2 0, and nE.N
So, x grows faster than any polynomial at +m.
Case 2. V changes signs. In this case, there exists t, E R, such that
VMt), t> > 0, forall t2t,,
Using the formula (131, we have the following inequality.

W(t) S W(O) exp:t, for t 2 t,

which leads to the existence of constants p, (Y> 0, such that

x(t) 2 /3 exp (it
The proof of lemma is complete.

Proofoftheorem 4.1. We will first show uniqueness. For this purpose, we will use the lemma
4.2, that is we will show that every generalized pseudo almost periodic solution of 12 grows at
most polynomially. So, taking two solutions x1, x2. The difference grows at most polynomially
and is a solution of equation (12). So, by lemma 4.2, the difference x1 --x2 = 0. So, let x be a
generalized pseudo almost periodic solution, let us prove that x is polynomially bounded. If x
is a generalized pseudo almost periodic solution of (11) then, we can write x(t) = y(t) + z(t),
where y is the almost periodic component. If x is pseudo almost periodic and dx/dt is
pseudo almost periodic, let us put
3 = u(t) + u(t), with u almost-periodic.

x(t) = b(s)ds + c(s)d, +x(O)

We know that 10 u(s)ds is almost periodic if and only if /,j u(s) ds is bounded [4].
Since u is almo_st periodic, then u is bounded, so, there exists M such that (u(t)1 I M,
furthermore, u E~JY~,,(R) which yields that, there exists M, such that /,j u(s)dsl I M,t.
Consequently Ix(t)1 I (M + M,)t, which is the desired result.
Now, if we consider the equation

2(t) =A(t)x(t) + F(t),

and x is a generalized pseudo almost periodic solution with F generalized pseudo almost
periodic, then &)x(t) + F(t) is a generalized pseudo almost periodic, so (dx/dt) 01 is
pseudo almost periodic, which implies that x(t) is o(M) as k m. However, the equation 12 has
at most one solution with at most polynomial growth, then, (the unique bounded solution,
when we consider F bounded) a solution x(t) is represented as follows (see [SD

x(t) = G(t, s)F(s) ds, (14)

Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 379


X(t>PX-l(s), for tks,

GO, s) = (15)
X(t)(Z - P)x-(s), for t Is.

G(t, S) is a piecewise continuous function on the (t, s) plane, is a Green function

Ml=IIP--coGO, s)F(s) dsll I

IlG(t, sP(s)llds I
IIGO, s)ll IIF(s)llds

s IIFII IlG(t, s>llds 5 IIFII s)llds + IlFll IIGO, s)llds

(using the property of exponential dichotomy (3))

II.4 2 IIFII IlX(t>PX-(sjllds + IIFII IlX(t)(Z-P)X-(s>llds

I --r P,

I IIFII rkexp(-~(t-s))ds+llFll k exp(-a(s - t)>ds

/ --co Pf

I IIFll;(l + 1) = 29FII.

This gives the second part of theorem 4.1. Now, if

F(t) =g(t> + p(t), where g EL&?$W, and p E@d90(R)n


=P -cc
GO, s>g(s> ds + GO, s)&) ds.

It is known [9] that

G(t, s>&) ds

P --co

is an almost periodic function. If we put

at)= G(t,s)cp(s)ds,
380 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

in order to show that x is in &&P(R>n, we need to show that @ EL&W~(IW)~, i.e., we need to
show that

IlWt)lldt = 0. (16)

0 I pil2; llWt)lldt = !iiz & GO, s)cp(s) ds dt
/ --I /I

IIW, s)cp(s)llds

IIGO, s)q&s)llds

IIGQ, s)cp(s)llds + IKXt, s)&s)llds


+P f

= z1 + I,

k exp(-a(t--)) IIq(s>llds


+ k exp(-act--ss>>llq4s>ll
/ -r

k exp(-a(f-s)) Il&s)llds

-*k exp( - act -s)) llpo(s>llds.

Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 381



is bounded. Furthermore, cpEL@AW,(R)~, the I: + 0, as r + +m.

1 rdr -r
I: = !iE 5 IIq4s)llk exp(-a0 -S))ds,
/ -r / --3:

- %,l\% & ~ll~(t)//exp(-a(r +r))dt.

If we consider the quantity

h(r) = & Ilcp(t)llexp(-cy(t-r>)dt,

and, integrate by parts, we obtain

h(r)= &[( ~~ll~~.,id~)exp(-u(t-i))]:

+ 5 I( ~llp(u)lldu)exp(-o(f -r))dt.
It is clear that the first term in the above equality tends to zero as r + m and, by hypothesis
cpl 9%d9,(lTW, we have
5 / --Irlldt)lldt + 0 as r+m.
382 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

So, we have that there exists e(r) such that

Il+4u)lldu I Em.

Now, one has

- E(T)cx
r t exp(-a(t -r))dt

= 1 4r)(Y
E(r)CY -1
-- r a t exp(-act-t-r)) - - exp(-cz(t -r))dt
r r Pr

E(T)(Y +1 1 4r)Ly
=-(Yr--- a r

This last quantity goes to zero as r goes to infinity. By the same arguments, we prove that the

- $& [lIp(t)ll exp(-cr(t +r))dt

goes to zero as r goes to infinity.
Consequently, we have that Zf -+ 0 as r + co.
Consider now the quantity

We have

k exp(-cu(s-t))llcp(s)llds

fP ,
k exp(-cds - t>Np(s)llds)>,
Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 383


- exp(-(Y(r--t)))

Since -r I t 5 r, a > 0. So 1: + 0 as r -+ ~0,

k exp(-a(s -t))llv(s)llds

k 1
1; 5 a pi 5 rilcp(t)ll(exp(-cu(r-t))dt.
/ -r

Since -r I t I r, (Y> 0, then exp( - a(r - t)) < 1. Furthermore, cpE~~~~(LR), then 1; -+ 0,
as r+ Sm.
For the last part of the theorem we can refer to Fink [lo]. This completes the proof of
theorem 4.1 n

COROLLARY 4.2. If A(t) is w-periodic with the Floquet multipliers lying off the unit circle. Or,
if A(t) =A is a constant matrix, assume that the eigenvalues of A have nonzero real parts,
then we have the same conclusion as in theorem 4.1.


In the following section we consider the perturbed linear system.

$(I) =A(t)x(t) + F(t) + pGMt),t) (17)

p E C - (0) G ~9&9O(fi x [WY.

Using the same method as in [l], we have the following theorem

THEOREM 5.1. Let A, F be as in theorem 4.1. Let x0 the unique solution in ~P&d(llW of the
generating system of (17). Let ai > 11x0]], i = 1,. . . , n and 0 = {z E Cn,lzi] I a,), and assume
3&4 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

1) G l 9&9 (R>fl and such that

IIG(x,*) - G(yy.)II S L i IXi -yiI X, y E a;


1 Cai- llxoll>
O<Ip(< min
lll<ll 2nLi 7
Ly i
where k, (Y are exponential dichotomy constants. Then there exists a unique solution X =
(x r, x 2,.,.,.,x,)T EL%zS@(R)~ of equation (17) such that X(t) E fi for all t E IL!.

Boot We construct a sequence of approximations by induction. Let (xkjk, N be the

sequence defined by x0 is the unique pseudo almost-periodic solution of the equation

$(I) =A(t)x(t) + F(t)

and xk is the unique bounded solution of the equation

g(t) =A(t>xk(t) +F(t) + pG(t,xk-l(t))

If we put
H(t) =F(t) + /AGO, xk- l(t)>
It is easy to see that H(t) ~9&9(R), and that there exists one and only one pseudo
almost-periodic solution xk for this last equation which satisfies

d[xk -x0]
(t> =A(t)[xk -x](t) + /.LG(x~-(t),t)
lIXkll I llXk --x011+ llxOll

IIx~II I $GlI + llxll

Furthermore, xk (R) c R since

Now, using result of the precedent section, one can prove that the sequence (xk>, E N is a
Cauchy sequence, which is uniformly convergent, with the uniform limit is an element of
L~L&Y(R), and this limit is a solution of equation (17)
Exponential dichotomy and existence of pseudo almost-periodic solutions of some differential equations 385

Example. (Markus and Yamabe [8])

g(t) =A(t)x(t) + F(t) (18)

- 1 + ; cos*t - 1 + i cos t sin

A(t) = (19)
-1 - 5 cos t sin+1 + 5 sin?

I 1
cos n-t + -
1 +t2
F(t) =
sin 7rt + -
1 +t*

F(t) is periodic with period 2,A(t) is r-periodic and the eigenvalues h,(t), h,(t), of A(t) are

*,# = I- 1 + dm h (t)= [-i-m

4 2 4
and, in particular, the real parts of the eigenvalues are negative. On the other hand, one can
verify directly that the vector

(-cos f, sin t) exp i

( 1
is a solution of (18).
If pi = exp(A,w), j = 1,2,.,.,n, are the characteristic multipliers of A(t) where w is the
minimal period, h, the eigenvalues of A(t), then, we have

fi = exp IW traceA ds,


trace(A(s)>ds (mod G)

One of the characteristic multipliers is exp (7r/2). The other multiplier is exp( - 7~) since the
product of the multipliers is exp (- 7r/2). So, the system

g(t) =A(t)x(t),
has an exponential dichotomy. A(t) is 7~ periodic, then it is almost periodic.
cos 7-rt + -
1 +t*
sin rt + -
\ 1+t*/
386 E. AIT DADS and 0. ARINO

is a sum of periodic function and an ergodic function because

r 1 1 1
- -1 +t* dt= /ii? z;
/I( -~ 1 +t2 )I

= fly
& (arctan(t >I, 1 = lim 2 (arctan(2r)) =0
r-tm r
So, system (18) has one and only one pseudo almost periodic solution x(t) with
mod(x) c z + 7Tz.

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