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Learning to subitize quantities with the rekenrek in an online

mathematics learning system1

Carlos de Castro Hernndez, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid
Abstract: Proposal of activities developed with Smartick, an online system for learning mathematics,
aimed at the use of number arrays and the learning of conceptual subitizing with the Rekenrek. This
proposal, for students from 4 to 7 years, is an introduction to arithmetic and solving word problems
with a visual model that complements the use of counting in the initial learning of numbers.
Keywords: Arithmetic, counting, early childhood, problem solving, online learning systems,
subitizing, visualization.

In this article, I present a series of online activities for the use of numerical configurations,
learning subitizing, and the use of a special Dutch abacus, the Rekenrek, as a manipulative and
visual model for the first stages of calculation. A key concept required to understand the proposal is
that of subitizing. Subitizing is the ability to recognize and indicate the number of objects in a
collection at a glance (suddenly, immediately, instantaneously). Subitizing is a different procedure
of quantization and is complementary to counting. There are two different types of subitizing: if we
recognize one, two, or three objects (Fischer, 1992) at a glance because there are few of them,
which allows us to verify the number without counting, we talk about perceptive subitizing; if we
recognize a greater number of objects thanks to their spatial arrangement, if they form a
recognizable figure, we are faced with a case of conceptual subitizing (Clements, 1999). The
peculiarity of the proposal that I present is that, despite the capital importance of conceptual
subitizing in initial calculation, we are dealing with "invisible" content in the curriculum; that is to
say it does not appear in it, which impacts negatively on teaching.
The activities that make up this proposal of "ideas for the classroom" are designed for Smartick,
( an online method of learning mathematics for students from 4
to 14 years. Smartick is used in daily sessions of 15 minutes. Starting with an initial questionnaire, a
personalized curriculum is generated for each new student that adapts in real time based on the
answers that the student gives to the tasks set. In addition to the activities (that are corrected
immediately), the system presents guided problems and tutorials. The platform also provides an
environment for the student's tutor (father, mother, teacher, etc.) where information on the progress
of the student is supplied. The tutor also receives reports after each session via email.
All activities shown in this article are available in the "Didactic Resources" area of Smartick
(, which hosts more than 300 activities
from the system that can be used as resources in the classroom. In addition, the activities can be
performed outside of any technological environment, manipulatively, with a home-made Rekenrek.


The first type of numerical configuration that children use from their first year of life is forming
numbers using the fingers of their own hands. It's very common in the family environment that
parents or grandparents teach children to show their age after they celebrate their first birthday, by
lifting one finger as an automated response to the question: How old are you? Showing quantities
with the hands have a role in numerical learning: it reinforces the idea of cardinality; that is, that the
word "three" represents globally three raised fingers. Authors like Brissiaud (1992, 1993) have
developed proposals for work for children in infant education in which a systematic use of the
fingers is made to represent numbers.
Published in Spanish as: De Castro, C. (2015). Aprendiendo a subitizar cantidades con el rekenrek en un sistema
online para el aprendizaje de las matemticas. psilon. Revista de Educacin Matemtica, 32(2), n. 90, 49-57.
After the use of fingers, dice configurations play a role, within traditional board games like ludo
or snakes and ladders. These types of counting games become very important from 4 to 6 years, the
ages at which children begin to use them more (Secadas, 2004). Children from 4 to 6 years also
begin to use card games to learn mathematics (Kamii, 1995). Fingers, dice, and cards provide a
visual approach, through their characteristic configurations, to the learning of numbers, which
supplements counting. While when counting we treat collections of objects as unit aggregates,
through one-to-one correspondence between objects and numerals, when we use configurations we
approach the quantity of objects generally: four is associated with the figure that forms the vertices
of the square. In counting the procedure predominates, linked to the principles underlying it; in
configuration, the process of visualization predominates.

Figure 1. Initiation activities in the use of configurations.

In Figure 1, we see three types of Smartick activities with configurations. Initially, we hope that
the association between the different numerical representations is formed through counting.
Gradually, with practice and continued use, each configuration becomes internalized. The mental
image associated with a specific number is formed. The image of an open-palmed hand and another
beside it with one finger raised, or the image of two parallel rows with three objects in each
immediately conjure number the number six in our minds, when we have had enough experience
with these configurations. Furthermore, in Figure 1 we see two different ways of showing two with
fingers, or presenting dice with different orientations, so that the child does not rigidly associate a
number with a finger configuration or a given orientation.


Using dice and cards has an undeniable interest, but also a drawback. Although some
configurations suggest arithmetic relationships; the 6 on a die, for example, suggests the
decompositions 6 = 3 + 3 or 6 = 2 + 2 + 2, dice and cards do not allow for the development of a
visual systemized approach to addition and subtraction. Indeed, if we join two dice showing a two
and a three, we don't perceive the configuration that corresponds to five. This is where didactic
materials designed for configurations, as old as the table patterns of Stern (Stern and Stern, 1949),
or the plates of Herbinire-Lebert (Mialaret, 1955/1967) (Figure 2) intervene, which instead of the
configurations of the dice uses a two-by-two arrangement - called "arithmetic structural patterns" by
Stern and Stern. A current version inspired by these two materials are the configurations used in the
Numicon (Figure 2, right). In all these materials, if we join the configurations of the 7 and the 3, for
example, we see the configuration of the 10 (see the pink and yellow patterns of the Numicon).

Figure 2. The Stern tablets, H. Lebert plates, and the Numicon.

In Smartick, the Rekenrek is used as a visual model for learning arithmetic. The Rekenrek is an
abacus developed by Adrian Treffers, researcher at the Freudenthal Institute in the Netherlands
(Blanke, 2008). Rekenrek means "computing grid" (often called arithmetic rack, number rack, or
mathrack). As in the case of the Cuisenaire rods (Brissiaud, 1993), it is a resources that copies the
configurations of hands. As shown in Figure 3, in the center, just as 7 is shown by the hands using
one open hand and two fingers of the other, the Rekenrek represents 7 with five red beads
(corresponding to five fingers of one hand) and two white beads (two fingers of the other). This
association of the material with hands aims to meet two objectives: first, to offer meaningful
learning based on the knowledge that we have of the way hands represent quantities; secondly,
gradually reducing the use of the fingers, which are replaced by the Rekenrek.

Figure 3. First activities with the Rekenrek.

In Figure 3, we see different types of activities that are performed with a virtual Rekenrek. In these,
we use the Rekenrek to indicate how many there are, and make explicit the relationship of this
resource with the hands to show quantities. I also include an example of how the system provides
immediate feedback when a mistake is made.


When working with configurations, after a while, we learn to associate the configuration with the
quantity, without the need to count. This is what happens when children, after repeatedly counting
the five points on the face of a die, recognize the characteristic figure formed by the four corners of
the square with the dot in the middle and know they have rolled a 5. In Smartick, after many
activities in which counting is allowed, we move to a new block of activities that limit the time the
quantities are displayed to two seconds. In Figure 4, we see a purple icon that we must click to start
the activity. Next, an image of the Rekenrek appears, which disappears after two seconds (Figure 4,
right). At the bottom of the activity, we have a number line on which we must give the answer. As
shown in Figure 5, the image showing the 7 on the Rekenrek disappears after being displayed for
two seconds. Children are not given time to count, so the only way of solving the problem is
through the conceptual subitizing.

Figure 4. Activities displayed for a limited time.

Figure 5. The number line adapted to the Rekenrek.

As we can see in Figure 5, the number line we use in these activities is adapted to the Rekenrek,
allowing for it to represent a quantity (say 7) in three different ways: a) recognizing the numeral
"7"; b) counting 7 squares, c) subitizing seven squares, taking advantage of the fact that the squares
are colored like the Rekenrek. Moreover, a striking aspect when using the virtual number line is that
we use a cursory window, which emphasizes cardinal reading, but when moving the cursor the 7
boxes are left obscured and the figures in white, emphasizing a cumulative reading of the seven
initial boxes. This distinction between the two types of reading of a numerical band can be seen in
Brissiaud (1993).


In the previous activities we have learned to establish basic relationships between different types
of numerical representations. We have also gone from counting to subitizing. After learning the
basic function of the Rekenrek, we can use it as a model to solve arithmetic problems and to do
simple operations. Figure 6 proposes the problem: "If the Rekenrek shows 5 and we add 2 counters,
what number will it show?" This type of problem repeats with different quantities of beads.

Figure 6. Schematized problem involving change and horizontal addition.

Although it can be considered a verbal arithmetic problem, it is a schematized problem that
does not mirror a situation found in daily life, but instead presents a specific problem related to the
use of the Rekenrek. The objective of this problem is to establish the basic informal meaning of the
sum (addition) prior to the formal introduction of the sum in a subsequent activity (Figure 6, right).
In Figure 7, we try, with other problems of this kind, to expand the meanings of the sum, using
combination schemes, comparison, and equalization.
Figure 7. Extension of the meanings of addition.
Similarly, we start subtraction with the problem of a decreasing change with an unknown final
quantity. It is a schematized problem about removing. In Figure 8, we see the example of putting
nine counters on the Rekenrek and removing 2. This is the basic meaning of subtraction (taking away)
that we present. Subsequently, we move on to activities involving subtraction written horizontally
(Figure 8, right), which can also be modeled on the Rekenrek, as shown in the previous problem.

Figure 8. Schematized problem involving decreasing change problem horizontal subtraction.

After introducing subtraction, we present schematic problems of combination, comparison, and
equalization that are solved with subtraction. An example of this kind of problem (of comparison) can
be seen in Figure 9, where I illustrate how each problem can be modeled on the Rekenrek. The verbal
arithmetic problems outlined then give way to word problems that reflect everyday life situations.

Figure 9. Extension of the meanings of subtraction.

The activities that I have presented can be done with children from 4 to 6 years, but are not an
exhaustive list of activities for the Rekenrek. The natural continuation is the use of this visual model
for learning mental calculation strategies, such as using doubles. Working with the Rekenrek can
contribute to the response to a problem that we encounter daily in primary school classrooms: How
do we get children to stop using fingers to count and switch over to using mental math strategies?
While counting objects is essential for numerical learning in infant and early primary education,
there comes a time when children should calculate fluently, using more efficient strategies than
counting. All the visualization work done with numerical configurations constitute an attempt to
solve this problem.
Revisiting the ideas from the introduction, I think it is necessary that subitizing is explicitly
included in infantile and primary education, as an additional quantification procedure along with
counting, one-to-one correspondence, or estimation. When a technique does not have the status of
"content to be studied, present in the curriculum" it is very difficult to adequately include it in
classroom work. There are more and more proposals, such as that of Smartick that I have presented
here, Clements and Sarama (2009), or those materials like the Numicon, that affect a systematic
development of conceptual subitizing through the use of different configurations.
Regarding manipulative materials, as online resources are developed for mathematics learning,
richer and more nuanced comparisons are established between physical manipulative materials and
their virtual analogues. For example, in some virtual geoboards the interior of the figure delimited
by the virtual rubber band is colored which facilitates the consideration of a figure as a region of the
plane, which should not be confused with its edge. Also on the number line we see in Figure 5, the
boxes are colored by dragging the cursor, allowing several alternative and complementary readings
in the model that enrich the child's conception of numbers.
I hope the ideas I have presented in this article serve as stimuli to teachers and educators, to help
introduce subitizing and the use of configurations in the classroom, and to incorporate more and
more technological learning resources while having a clear idea of what these resources bring to
infant numerical learning.

Blanke, B. (2008). Using the rekenrek as a visual model for strategic reasoning in mathematics. Salem,
OR: The Math Learning Center. Recuperado de:
Brissiaud, R. (1992). A toll for number construction: Finger Symbol Sets. En J. Bideaud, C. Meljac
y J.P. Fischer (eds.), Pathways to number: Childrens Developing Numerical Abilities (pp. 191-
208). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Brissiaud, R. (1993). El aprendizaje del clculo: Ms all de Piaget y de la teora de los conjuntos.
Madrid: Visor.
Clements, D. H. (1999). Subitizing: What is it? Why teach it? Teaching Children Mathematics,
5(7), 400-405.
Clements, D.H. y Sarama, J. (2009). Learning and teaching early math: The learning trajectories
approach. New York: Routledge.
Fischer, J.P. (1992). Subitizing: The discontinuity after three. En J. Bideaud, C. Meljac y J.P.
Fischer (eds.), Pathways to number: Childrens Developing Numerical Abilities (pp. 191-208).
Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kamii, C. (1995). El nmero en la educacin preescolar. Madrid: Visor.
Mialaret, G. (1955/1967). Pedagoga de la iniciacin en el clculo. Buenos Aires: Kapelusz.
Secadas, F. (Coord.) (2004). Contar es fcil: Fundamentos psicopedaggicos del aprendizaje del
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Stern, C. y Stern, M.B. (1949). Children discover arithmetic: An introduction to structural
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