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Canadian Marine Fisheries Management:

A Case Study



This chapter describes major trends in Canadas
marine fisheries and their management in recent
30.2.1. Trends in Canadas Marine
years. In just 30 years from 1960 to 1990, these fish-
eries went from underdevelopment to a situation of
substantial overcapacity. Regulatory interventions Canada has important fisheries on both the Atlan-
mushroomed during the 1970s and 1980s. These tic and Pacific coasts, in the Inland lakes and small
included the introduction of seasonal total allow- fisheries in the Arctic. The regional impact has his-
able catches (TACs), allocation of access among torically been the most significant in the provinces
fleet sectors, limited-entry licensing, and ultimately of Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward
individual quotas (IQs), some transferable. Initially, Island, and Nova Scotia. In British Columbia, the
major benefits appear to flow from Canadas exten- fisheries are economically relatively less important
sion of fisheries jurisdiction to 200 miles in 1977. than the Atlantic.
These were dissipated by overexpansion in both the Historically, in the Atlantic, groundfish and lob-
harvesting and processing sectors. ster were the prominent commercial species fished.
The bubble of euphoria burst in July 1992 with On the Pacific, salmon was king, particularly sock-
the dramatic collapse of the Newfoundland and eye. The harvest of Canadian commercial fisheries
Labrador northern cod fishery that had sustained peaked in 1988 at 1.6 million metric tons landed.
Atlantic Canadian coastal communities for hun- From 1990 to 1995, landings declined to 850,000
dreds of years. Most Atlantic groundfish stocks metric tons, largely due to the collapse of Atlantic
were placed under moratoria by 19931994. Pacific groundfish stocks. Landings then began a slow rise
salmon also underwent a dramatic downturn in the from 1995 onward to about 1.1 million metric tons
late 1990s. Draconian measures were implemented in 2004 (figure 30.1). The landed value increased
to address conservation concerns. dramatically, more than doubling between 1980
In contrast, the major shellfish stocks on the and 1987, and reached a peak of $2.2 billion in
Atlantic became extremely abundant. A decades- 2003 (figure 30.1).
long surge in Atlantic lobster landings continued, In the 1980s groundfish dominated Atlantic
and there were major increases in the abundance landings quantities, but shellfish (shrimp, lobster,
of shrimp and snow crab. These fisheries replaced and crab) constituted more than half the landed
groundfish in many areas of Atlantic Canada. value (figures 30.2 and 30.3). In the Pacific, salmon

394 Case Studies in Governance

Atlantic (Q)
Pacific (Q)
1,800,000 Atlantic+Pacific (V) 2,500,000

Pacific (V)
1,600,000 2,250,000
Annual Landings Quantities (metric tonnes)

Annual Landed Value (in thousands $CDN)



200,000 250,000

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FIGURE 30.1 Atlantic, Pacific, and total Canadian fisheries landings and landed value, 19762006. (Data
from Fisheries and Oceans, Statistics Division, Ottawa, Ontario)

accounted for 33 percent of the Pacific catch 30.2.2. Status of Canadas Major
(annual landings), while Pacific groundfish species Fish Resources
constituted 44 percent. Salmon was king of landed Atlantic Groundsh
value, at 60 percent of total average annual Pacific
landed value (figures 30.4 and 30.5). Commercial fisheries for most of Canadas Atlantic
Almost 20 years later, in 2004, the situation had groundfish stocks were placed under moratoria by
changed significantly following major upheavals 1994, thereby reducing the annual Atlantic ground-
and stock collapses in both the Atlantic groundfish fish landings. Many of these moratoria remain in
and the Pacific salmon fisheries. The species com- place 1516 years later. In the interim, there have
position of the Atlantic fisheries had completely been some very limited reopenings of small com-
transformed. Groundfish had dropped to only 14 mercial fisheries for cod. Many of the straddling
percent of landings and 8 percent of landed value. stocks of cod and other groundfish on the Grand
Shellfish species were dominant, accounting for 54 Banks also remain under moratoria (Parsons
percent of landings and 87 percent of landed value, 2005a) (figure 30.2).
with crab and lobster landings leading the way in There has been considerable debate about the
2004 at 32.5 percent and 31.3 percent, respectively reasons for the collapse of northern cod. Some
(figures 30.2 and 30.3). argued that overfishing was the primary reason for
The Pacific fisheries had also changed. In 2004, stock collapse (Hutchings and Myers 1994; Myers
Pacific groundfish species accounted for 71 percent et al. 1996, 1997). While overfishing was clearly a
of landings, with salmon accounting for only 10 contributing factor, it was not the only one. Oth-
percent. Groundfish also accounted for 39.2 per- ers have suggested that the collapse was caused
cent of landed value, with shellfish a close second by a combination of overfishing and detrimental
at 36.3 percent. Salmon had dropped to only 15 environmental conditions that reduced the stocks
percent (figures 30.4 and 30.5). productivity (Atkinson et al. 1997; Mann and
Annual Landings Quantities (metric tonnes)







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30.2 Canadian Atlantic landings by fishery (metric tons), 19762006. (Data from Fisheries and
Oceans, Statistics Division, Ottawa, Ontario)

Landed Value (in thousand of $CDN)

2,000,000 Crab





FIGURE 30.3 Canadian Atlantic landed value by fishery (nominal CA$),

19762006. (Data from Fisheries and Oceans, Statistics Division, Ottawa,

396 Case Studies in Governance

Drinkwater 1994; Parsons and Beckett 1997; Rose lobster resource. While the lobster fishery has so far
et al. 2000). defied doomsayers, it is hard to conceive how it can
Harsh environmental conditions can be linked continue to prosper as currently structured. The
to the changes that occurred in the North Atlantic question is not if, but when, the lobster bubble will
Oscillation Index (Parsons and Lear 2001). Drink- burst. As a result of the worldwide economic down-
water (2002) also provided evidence that ocean turn in 2009, lobster prices dropped dramatically,
climate conditions, cold temperatures in particu- prompting fishers to call for financial assistance.
lar, played an important role in the decline of cod.
The environmental changes affected many species Crab During the 1990s, Atlantic snow
other than cod, for example, capelin and Atlantic crab (or queen crab) abundance also increased dra-
salmon, were negatively affected, while various matically. Atlantic-wide, landings rose rapidly from
shellfish species, particularly lobster, crab, and 26,000 metric tons in 1990, peaking at 106,000
shrimp, experienced population booms. Halliday metric tons in 2002. By 2006 there was a drop in
and Pinhorn (2009) concluded that the occurrence landings to 89,000 metric tons. The question is
of a sudden large-scale ecosystem disruption in the whither from here (figure 30.2).
early 1990s provides a more coherent explanation Snow crab prefers cold water. A substantial
for all the biological changes observed in groundfish expansion of the areas of cold water off Newfound-
populations at that time. In contrast, there does not land in the late 1980s and early 1990s may have
appear to have been enough fishing effort to cause assisted in the unprecedented growth of the snow
the precipitous declines in groundfish biomasses crab stocks. The impact of the cod collapse on the
about 1990. They proposed that environmental, increase in snow crab remains unknown. Recently,
not fishing, effects were paramount in determining there has been a warming of bottom waters. This
the changes in groundfish populations in the early may have a negative impact on the crab stocks
1990s. (Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada
[DFO] 2000).
Dependence on snow crab has become very high. Atlantic Shellsh
In some areas, fishing enterprises depend on snow
During the 1990s, shellfish landings rose to record crab for between 90 and 100 percent of their incomes
high levels. Lobster, crab, and shrimp became the most (FRCC 2005). Following the snow crab boom from
lucrative Atlantic fisheries (figures 30.2 and 30.3). the mid-1990s to mid-2000s, there are now signs
of a downturn. Landings have declined somewhat. Lobster Lobster landings increased TACs for snow crab have declined in recent years in
dramatically through the 1980s, peaking at 53,000 several areas. Crab prices declined between 2004 and
metric tons in 2006 (figure 30.2). These increases 2006, leading to a 61 percent reduction in landed
occurred during a period when the exploitation rate value (figure 30.3). The surging Canadian dollar has
was high on juvenile lobsters. The synchronized also adversely affected profitability (Gardner Pinfold
increases in landings (figure 30.2) suggest that the Consulting 2006a). Thus, resource abundance is
increased recruitment was driven by environmental declining when markets are weak and costs of fish-
influences (Mann and Drinkwater 1994). ing effort are rising (e.g., fuel).
Atlantic lobster was reviewed by the Fisheries
Resource Conservation Council (FRCC) in 1995. Shrimp Shrimp populations also
The council recommended measures to increase increased dramatically off Newfoundland and Lab-
the level of egg production and to reduce signifi- rador during the 1980s and 1990s. Landings vir-
cantly both exploitation rates and the fishing effort tually quadrupled in a decade, rising from about
(FRCC 1995). In 2006, the FRCC reviewed the 45,000 metric tons to 175,000 metric tons (Gard-
1995 Conservation Framework in the most com- ner Pinfold Consulting 2006b). Favorable environ-
prehensive recent analysis of the lobster fishery mental conditions have probably led to the increase
(FRCC 2007). The FRCC reiterated the need for in shrimp stocks (Koeller 2000; Parsons and Col-
the industry to adjust and control fishing effort to bourne 2000; Parsons and Lear 2001). The surge in
maintain a balance with the available resource, and shrimp abundance also coincided with the decline
continued to warn that further increases in fishing in groundfish, releasing predation pressure (Lilly
effort represented a threat to sustainability of the 2006) (figure 30.2).
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 397

Shrimp are managed by TACs, subdivided into of the landed value of the British Columbia com-
individual quotas (IQs) or individual transferable mercial catch when abundance was high (Healey
quotas (ITQs) for the inshore sector, and enterprise 1993) (figure 30.5).
allocations (EAs) for the offshore. The number Over the past two decades many Pacific salmon
of participants expanded as TACs increased, first populations have come under increasing stress. By
through temporary permits, and then the conver- the late 1990s, conservation became the dominant
sion of these to regular licenses. priority. Pacific salmon abundance decreased sub-
The resource outlook for shrimp remained posi- stantially during the late 1990s. Commercial fish-
tive in 20062007. The exploitation rate remains ery landings declined from 107,000 metric tons in
low (about 1020 percent). The major challenge 1985 to only 17,000 metric tons in 1999 (figure
facing the shrimp industry is steadily declining 30.4). By the mid-1990s, aquaculture of Atlantic
prices, by 4050 percent over the last decade, and salmon along the Pacific coast and elsewhere in the
declining financial viability (Gardner Pinfold Con- world, notably Norway and Chile, had increased
sulting 2006b). the supply of cheap salmon to the point where the
economic viability of the commercial Pacific (wild)
salmon fishery was being questioned. Concurrently, Pacic Salmon
changes in the environment attributed to significant
Historically on Canadas Pacific coast the salmon decreases in marine survival rates for all wild spe-
fisheries have been the most valuable and the most cies of Pacific salmon, resulting in sharp declines
complex. Traditional management has been based in the abundance of Canadian salmon stocks, as
on ensuring an escapement of salmon to natural well as some salmon stocks in the United States
spawning beds to maximize subsequent recruitment, (Beamish et al. 1999; Noakes et al. 2002).
and on augmenting natural production by artificial Due to conservation concerns about coho and
propagation and improvements to spawning and chinook populations, severe fishing restrictions
nursery habitat. All five Pacific salmon species sup- have virtually eliminated all commercial fisheries
ported valuable commercial fisheries. Through the targeting coho and have substantially restricted the
1980s, Pacific salmon, accounted for 5070 percent harvest of chinook. These two species now account

Salmon Other
Annual Landings Quantity (metric tonnes)







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30.4 Canadian Pacific landings by fishery (metric tons), 19762006. (Data from Fisheries and
Oceans, Statistics Division, Ottawa, Ontario)
398 Case Studies in Governance


500,000 Salmon Other

Landed Value (in thousand of $CDN)





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30.5 Canadian Pacific landed value by fishery (nominal CA$), 19762006. (Data from Fisheries
and Oceans, Statistics Division, Ottawa, Ontario)

for less than 5 percent of the total catch. Sockeye and civil rights in fisheries such as transfers, rights
salmon fisheries have also been curtailed due to con- of inheritance, or conditions of leasing a provin-
servation concerns (Noakes et al. 2002). By 2004, cially owned fishery. The federal government was
salmon accounted for only 15 percent of the landed given the authority to regulate the conservation
value of the commercial fishery (figure 30.5). and preservation of fisheries resources, including
Pacific other stocks, including Pacific ground- such matters as type of fishing gear, limits on the
fish, herring, and invertebrates (all together), in amount of catch, close seasons, and the species and
2004 accounted for 71 percent of landings, with size of fish that may be caught. Federal jurisdiction
salmon accounting for only 10 percent. Other on these matters encompasses all Canadian waters,
Pacific stocks had 85 percent of the landed value in both marine and inland to the present (Parsons
2004, while salmon landed value had dropped to 1993a).
only 15 percent (figures 30.4 and 30.5). The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans exercises
the authority to manage the fisheries under the Fish-
eries Act, originally passed in 1868, and regulations
30.3. GOVERNANCE OF MARINE made under this act (DFO 1985). The minister is
FISHERIES IN CANADA accountable for the protection and sustainable use
of fisheries resources and their habitat. The minis-
The federalprovincial division of powers over ter also exercises broader powers under the Oceans
fisheries in Canada was established in the Consti- Act of 1997 (DFO 1996) and has certain responsi-
tution Act of 1867 (Department of Justice Canada bilities under the Species at Risk Act of 2002.
1867). Section 91 of the Constitution Act assigned The ministers authority includes the discre-
exclusive legislative authority over sea coast and tion and powers necessary to regulate access to
inland fisheries to the federal government. Prov- the resource, to license, and to impose conditions
inces could legislate on matters regarding property on harvesting and the enforcement of regulations.
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 399

Under the Oceans Act, the minister is also autho- Consequently, limited licenses have certainly
rized to conduct scientific research and operate ves- acquired a capital value, in many cases quite sub-
sels and laboratories for the purpose of meeting the stantial. Officially, the license is a privilege, which
obligations of the Act. Government laboratories confers no property rights. In practice, the license
conduct most scientific research in support of fish- holder can determine the recipient of the transferred
eries management. license when he retires from the fishery (Parsons
Systems for management of the marine fisheries 1993a). The very high prices that limited-entry
developed differently in different regions of Canada licenses now bring to those leaving the fishery is
(Parsons 1993a). The system has been described strong evidence that limited-entry licensing has
by some as a primarily command-and-control helped to improve fishermens incomes in many
system responsible for the research, assessment, fisheries. This leaves the major challenge of reduc-
allocation, licensing, regulation, and enforcement ing fishing capacity where significant overcapacity
aspects of the fishery (de Young et al. 1999; Lane exists. Limited license buyback schemes have been
and Stephenson 1998). tried in various fisheries. Overall, buyback pro-
grams have not been successful in reducing overca-
pacity (Holland et al. 1999).
MANAGEMENT 30.4.2. Catch Quotas
The 1960s through the 1990s were decades of The other major change in the 1970s was Canadas
dynamic change in the management of Canadas push for direct controls on the amount of catch to
marine fisheries. From World War II until the limit fishing mortality. The government had already
early 1960s, development and modernization were introduced catch quotas in the British Columbia
emphasized. During this period, the regulatory herring fishery, following the moratorium on fish-
regime was relatively laissez-faire. In the late 1960s, ing from 19681970. Canada was instrumental in
the emphasis shifted to the pursuit of conservation securing agreement within the International Com-
and economic/social objectives. During this period, mission for the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries in the
it became evident that major stocks were being early 1970s to introduce TACs accompanied by
threatened by intense fishing pressure. Regula- national allocations of these TACs, a now univer-
tory interventions mushroomed over the next two sally accepted practice in regional fisheries manage-
decades. ment organizations. These initial TACs were set too
The immediate objective following the 200-mile
30.4.1. Limited-Entry Licensing
limit in 1977 was to rebuild fish stocks that had
The federal government moved to limit entry into been reduced to low levels. Canada adopted a more
the fisheries, commencing with the Atlantic lobster conservative reference level of fishing mortality
and Pacific salmon fisheries in 1967 and 1968. By for setting TACs for most finfish stocks (Gulland
the mid-1970s, limited-entry licensing had been and Boerema 1973). While there was some stock
extended to virtually all major fisheries in Canada. rebuilding initially, in hindsight it is clear that this
Federal officials expected this to both reduce fishing was not achieved. A constant spawning escape-
pressure on threatened fish stocks and foster a more ment strategy continued to be pursued for Pacific
profitable industry. salmon, leaving the residual available for harvest.
Limited-entry licensing has had limited suc- This strategy was also not successful for sustaining
cess in curbing overcapacity and overinvestment Pacific salmon stocks.
in Canadian fisheries (Parsons 1993a). The Pacific
salmon limited-entry licensing program has been
30.4.3. Access and Allocation
judged unsuccessful by various analysts (Fraser
1979; Pearse 1982). The experience in the Atlantic Major battles occurred over the acquiring access
lobster fishery was more positive. In this effort con- to the limited resource. Allocations apportioning
trolled fishery, limited-entry licensing constrained access among fleet sectors developed in parallel with
additional entry when lobster abundance increased limited-entry licensing as ways to deal with prob-
substantially in the 1980s and 1990s. lems arising from the classical race for fish. This
400 Case Studies in Governance

race arises from the designation of fish as com- Winnipeg fishery and, in 1976, in the Bay of Fundy
mon property (Hardin 1968, 1998). The effects herring fishery (Munro 2000). Contrary to popular
of open access to fish resources became known as perception, Canada was a world pioneer in intro-
the tragedy of the commons. The underlying idea ducing IQs for managing fisheries.
is that fish belonged to no one in particular and A large-scale experiment with EAs (company
everyone in general. quotas) was introduced in the Atlantic offshore
Resource allocation is concerned with dividing groundfish fishery for 1982. Following a restruc-
a limited pie among many conflicting interests that turing in 1983, a system of EAs was adopted as a
have acquired access rights for stock exploitation. five-year experiment in this fishery (Parsons 1983).
The pie is rarely large enough to satisfy all those This was subsequently adopted for ongoing man-
seeking shares. The common property (or, more agement of the offshore groundfish fishery.
appropriately, the common pool; Ostrom 1990) By the end of the 1980s, IQs had been widely
nature of the resource promotes overcapacity in introduced in Canadas Atlantic fisheries (Burke
both the harvesting and processing sectors. A lack and Brander 2000). On the Pacific coast, the con-
of intervention at an early stage in the develop- cept had been tried in some small-scale fisheries. But
ment of a fishery inevitably compounds the prob- perhaps the most famous British Columbia exam-
lem. Overcapacity generates enormous conflict as ples are the Pacific halibut and sablefish fisheries
interest groups compete for their fair share of the where individual vessel quotas (IVQs) were intro-
resource. To most groups, fair share means meet- duced in 1990. This application is widely regarded
ing their needs at the expense of others. as successful (Turris and Sporer 1994).
On the Pacific, resource allocations involved Burke and Brander (2000) reported that IQs
disputes not only among commercial fleet sectors were then in place for more than 40 Canadian
but also between the respective needs and benefits fisheries or fishing fleets, accounting for half of
of the commercial and recreational sectors, and the value of Canadian fish landings in 2000 (table
between these two sectors and the developing allo- 30.1). By 2000, most quota-managed (TAC) fish-
cations for First Nations fisheries. Conservation, eries had been placed on IQs. The major non-IQ
native food fisheries, adjacency to the resource, and fisheries at that time were Pacific salmon (escape-
community dependence have been the dominant ment) and Atlantic lobster (effort controls), neither
criteria in resource allocation decisions. of which was managed by setting TACs. In 2008,
Through extensive consultations, consensus on IQ fleets accounted for an estimated 58 percent of
some resource allocation issues was achieved. But Canadian landed value, and competitive fisheries
there are always problem stocks where consensus for 42 percent of landed value (Leslie Burke, DFO,
is not possible. The problem then becomes one that personal communication).
the federal government is compelled to resolve. His- Advocates of ITQs stress certain features neces-
torically, a large number of such access and alloca- sary to achieve benefits, including security of title,
tion issues ended up on the ministers desk. exclusivity, permanence, and transferability (Scott
On the Atlantic, an independent panel was 1997). Security of tenure for license holders in Cana-
established in 2001 to review allocation criteria. dian marine fisheries is implicit but tenuous. Licenses
Following that report, sharing arrangements and are issued annually, and, under Section 7 of the Fish-
allocation criteria have been formalized. On the eries Act, the minister has absolute discretion
Pacific, sharing arrangements for Pacific salmon with respect to the issuing of licenses. Licenses are,
shifted in the late 1990s as a result of the conserva- however, rarely revoked, and the government has
tion crisis. Controversy over the share allocated to on several occasions sought to buy back licenses. (It
First Nations continues to this day. avoids the legal conundrum of buying what it owns
by offering compensation for voluntary retirement
30.4.4. Individual Quotas of licenses.) With respect to transferability, govern-
ment practice is to accept the recommendation of the
When it was concluded that limited-entry licensing departing fisher on who should benefit from the reis-
systems were not achieving the benefits envisaged sue of his license or quota. Of the cases listed in table
and stocks continued to decline, many switched 30.1, half had permanent transferability of quota,
horses in the 1980s and became fervent advocates often with conditions attached.
of the use of IQs and, in particular, ITQs. In Can- With respect to exclusivity, generally the num-
ada, IQs were first introduced in 1972 in the Lake ber of licenses has remained stable. But in instances
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 401

TABLE 30.1 IQ/EA programs in Canada 2000

Area and Species Fleet or Fishery Year Adopted Transfers?

Groundsh Mobile gear < 65 ft 4Ta (Gulf/Laurentian) 1989 Yes
Mobile gear < 65 ft 4VWX+5 (Scotia-Fundy) 1991 Yes
Fixed gear 4565 ft (Scotia-Fundy) 1997 Yes
Fixed gear cod < 65 ft, 3Ps Area 10 1998 No
Fixed gear cod < 65 ft, 2J3KL 1999 No
Mobile gear < 65 ft 4RS3Pn (Newfoundland) 1984 Yes
Mobile gear cod < 65 ft, 3Ps 1998 No
Offshore groundsh EA 1982 No
Midshore groundsh EA 1987 No
Pelagic Herring seiners > 65 ft 4RSTVn (Gulf, Newfoundland) 1983 Yes
Herring seiners 4WX+5 (Scotia-Fundy) 1976 Yes
Shellsh Snow crab areas 18/19, 25/26 (Gulf) 1979 Yes
Offshore clam EA 1987 No
Midshore snow crabzone 12 (Gulf/Laurentian) 1990 No
Snow crab area 1317 (Laurentian/Newfoundland) 1992 No
Snow crab (Newfoundland) No
Snow crab areas 2024 (Scotia-Fundy) 1994 No
Offshore scallop EA (Scotia-Fundy) 1986 No
Scallop Middle North Shore (Laurentian) 1991 No
Bay of Fundy scallop 1998 Yes
Offshore lobster (Scotia-Fundy) 1977 Yes
Shrimp 4RST (Gulf/Laurentian) 1991 Yes
Northern shrimp EA 1987 No
Shrimp 4VWX (Scotia-Fundy) 1996 Yes
Shrimp 4R (Newfoundland/Laurentian) No
Sea urchin (Scotia-Fundy) 1995 No

Lake Fisheries
All commercial freshwater sheries in Ontario 1984 Yes
Lake Winnipeg quota entitlement 1972 Yes
Cedar Lake IQ 1982

Groundsh Pelagic Sablesh IVQ 1990 No
Halibut IVQ 1991 Yes
Groundsh trawl IVQ 1997 Yes
Herring spawn on kelp IQ 1975 No
Shellsh Geoduck IVQ 1989 Yes
Abalone IQ program (closed) 1980 No
Red sea urchin IQ 1994 Yes
Green sea urchin IQ 1996 Yes
Sea cucumber IQ 1996 Yes
Numbers and letters indicate designations for statistical areas based on zones established by the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization.
Source: Adapted from Burke and Brander (2000).

where there have been dramatic increases in resource collapse. So-called temporary licenses were issued
abundance (e.g., Atlantic crab and shrimp), the issue in a number of these crab and shrimp fisheries.
of sharing the wealth has arisen. The government Recently, these temporary licenses have been made
has been pressured to grant new access, particularly permanent in the Newfoundland crab and shrimp
to fishers negatively impacted by the groundfish fisheries. These new licenses are IQ licenses.
402 Case Studies in Governance

There is no formal government policy to move procedures to allocate the total capacity for limited-
in the direction of IQs. Instead, IQs are allowed to entry fisheries and the TAC for quota fisheries, and
develop as extensions of fishing licenses where a creating a Pacific Fisheries Licensing Board as a
significant proportion of license holders in a fishing Crown corporation (Parsons 1993b)
fleet requests IQs and where they can reach agree- Pearses proposals were comprehensive, bold,
ment on a sharing arrangement and a fishing plan and imaginative, but they touched off a firestorm of
(Burke and Brander 2000; Peacock and Hansen protests from commercial fishermens associations.
1999). Fisheries Minister Pierre de Bane rejected the auc-
Has the use of IQs yielded benefits? Grafton et tion idea and the proposal for a Crown corpora-
al. (2007) concluded that British Columbias mul- tion, stating: I am not prepared to delegate to an
tispecies groundfish trawl fishery was much better outside body decision-making authority entrusted
managed than prior to the introduction of indi- to Parliament (quoted in Vancouver Sun February
vidual harvesting rights. The program led to bet- 19, 1983, as cited in Parsons 1993b). Following a
ter economic outcomes for vessels within the fleet. change of government later in 1983, demands for
Turris and Sporer (1994) showed that revenues fleet rationalization diminished with the resurgence
increased, and costs decreased, after the introduc- of the Pacific salmon fishery during the mid-to late
tion of IVQs in the British Columbia halibut and 1980s.
sablefish fishery. IVQs in the Pacific halibut and The 1982 Task Force on the Atlantic Fisheries,
sablefish fisheries (Munro 2000) and ITQs in the chaired by Michael Kirby, proposed a system of
Atlantic offshore scallop fishery (Peacock and Han- quota licenses that could be sold or traded (Kirby
sen 1999) resulted in substantial reductions in the 1982). It also proposed establishment of a quasi-
number of active vessels. judicial Atlantic Fisheries License Review Board
IQs can be developed in a piecemeal form, or as that would act in a review and appeal capacity for
parts of fisheries, or as parts of fleets (e.g., separated the current licensing system, as well as for the sys-
by gear type, fishing areas, or fishing periods) at a tem of enterprise allocations and quota licenses
time. Furthermore, IQs are possible without enabling (Kirby 1982). When the Kirby report was released,
legislation, provided that there is no legislation spe- the government announced it had accepted most
cifically prohibiting such development (as occurred recommendations. One recommendation that was
in the United States) (Burke and Brander 2000). rejected was the proposal for a quasi-judicial licens-
ing agency (Parsons 1993b).
In October 1991, then DFO Minister John Cros-
30.5. EFFORTS TO REFORM bie proposed the establishment of two agencies or
THE GOVERNANCE SYSTEM, boards, separate from the DFO, responsible for
19801995 licensing and allocation matters. Minister Crosbie
described the existing system requiring the minis-
The so-called command-and-control system of ter to make all the decisions as simply archaic
fisheries management in Canada has come under and too political. The rationale was the need to
criticism from several sources. One feature most replace an anachronistic system of decision making
criticized is the allocation and access or licensing based on ministerial discretion with a fairer, more
system, in particular, the ministers absolute discre- impartial system responsive to the needs and views
tion under the Fisheries Act. Two major external of industry. In 1993, Crosbie tabled legislation
reviews in the early 1980s (the Pearse Commission in Parliament to implement the reform proposal.
on Pacific salmon, and the Kirby Task Force on the Unfortunately, this proposal died when an election
Atlantic Fisheries) suggested that allocation and was called later that year (Parsons 1993a).
licensing be done by an independent body.
Peter Pearse, Commissioner of the Pacific Fish-
eries Inquiry, in his 1982 report on Pacific salmon 30.6. INSTITUTIONAL CHANGES
fisheries proposed that limited-entry licensing be AFTER THE GROUNDFISH
replaced by 10-year quota licenses in those fish- COLLAPSE, 19921995
eries where it is feasible to do so. He proposed
limiting limited-entry licenses and quota licenses Minister Crosbie did make some fundamen-
to terms of 10 years, adopting competitive bidding tal changes in the way conservation advice was
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 403

developed for a ministers consideration. The fishery sectors, including the smaller midshore
Canadian Atlantic Fisheries Scientific Advisory fleets. Dockside monitoring programs were intro-
Committee (CAFSAC), the peer-review body for duced to many fisheries, to verify landings infor-
government scientists, and the Atlantic Groundfish mation previously obtained from sales slips and
Advisory Committee, the Atlantic-wide consulta- vessel logbooks. Industry organizations managed
tive body for groundfish, were both dissolved (Par- funds collected directly from individual vessels
sons 1993a). The government established a new or enterprises and contracted directly for the ser-
body, the FRCC, to provide independent and pub- vices of observers and dockside monitors. These
lic advice on Atlantic fisheries conservation mat- use standards set out by DFO for data quality and
ters to the minister. The FRCC was a consultative coverage. These programs have improved the qual-
body and the minister retained the decision-making ity of data on fishery removals, reduced bycatch,
power. Initially, the FRCC focused on groundfish. and enhanced population sampling characteristics
Its mandate was restricted to conservation. It con- (Doubleday and Powles 1997).
sisted of 15 individuals with a background in the Comprehensive Joint Project Agreements were
fishing industry or academe, as well as provincial also used in some key fisheries during this period.
delegates and federal fisheries officials as ex officio A prime example of this was the industry-funded
members. survey for snow crab in the southern Gulf of St.
Initially, the FRCC followed up on the 1992 Lawrence. Other examples include the test fisher-
northern cod moratorium by recommending the ies for salmon and herring in British Columbia.
closure of many other groundfish fisheries and These arrangements have, however, fallen on hard
substantial TAC reductions in others. Associated times since the Federal Court of Appeal of Canadas
with the creation of the FRCC, other changes were (2006) decision on Larocque v. Canada. The court
implemented in the scientific process inputting into held that the DFO cannot use fish allocations to
the advisory process. CAFSAC was replaced by finance scientific and fisheries management activi-
local-level regional advisory process in each DFO ties. The DFO has had to scramble to find addi-
region. This process provided for greater involve- tional funding for such initiatives, pending revision
ment in the stock assessment process by fishing of the Fisheries Act.
industry participants and included the participation The FRCC took very conservation-oriented deci-
of interested academics. Overall, fishermen and sions in its first few years (to 1996), but after 1997
industry became much more involved. Rice (2005) came under criticism for recommending the reopen-
evaluated the approaches that tried to bring expe- ing of some fisheries prematurely. In particular, fish-
riential knowledge and transparency into fisheries eries for four cod stocks under moratoria resumed
science advisory processes. He concluded that invit- in 1997/1998, based on FRCC advice that they
ing fishers as individuals, not as representatives of could sustain small fisheries. But the TACs advised
an organization or sector, was most beneficial. by the FRCC for these cod stocks were unsustain-
Another initiative involved sentinel fisheries, able. In 2007, DFO Minister Loyola Hearn opened
organized by scientists and fishing organizations, a so-called stewardship fishery for northern
for the groundfish stocks where fisheries were cod. What little rebuilding that might have taken
closed. These were restricted fisheries that emulated place during the moratoria was quickly curtailed or
commercial fisheries practices. They were designed reversed by the reopened directed fisheries (Shelton
by DFO fisheries scientists to provide ongoing sta- 2007). There is little or no prospect for recovery
tistically valid information on catch per unit effort of these stocks under current removal levels, even
(a proxy stock size parameter), stock areal distribu- though these are low.
tion, and biological characteristics. By 1995, some
500 fishermen were occupied in sentinel fisheries at
114 locations throughout Atlantic Canada (Dou- 30.7. NEW LEGISLATIVE AND
bleday and Powles 1997). POLICY INITIATIVES, 19962005
The fishing industry also became more centrally
involved, for example, by substantially increasing New legislation, focused on the partnering con-
its contribution to fisheries monitoring. The cover- cept, was brought to Parliament in 1996 by DFO
age by the At-Sea Observer program was extended Minister Fred Mifflin. The approach would have
from large offshore vessels to a broader range of enabled binding agreements whereby industry
404 Case Studies in Governance

members could take formal responsibility for some Board. The minister would continue to make the
aspects of management. The legislation proposed final decisions on all access and allocation matters
the establishment of new tribunals to impose (Independent Panel on Access Criteria 2002).
administrative sanctions such as fines, quota reduc- On the Pacific, with the resurgence in salmon
tions, or license suspensions. Another election in in the late 1980s, the concept of major reform was
1997 derailed this legislative initiative. dropped, and managers got on with their normal
The partnering initiative had aroused hostil- business. One exception was the introduction of
ity among certain members of the fishing indus- IVQs and ITQs, spreading to many fisheries, except
try. DFO Minister David Anderson set up a panel Pacific salmon. By the mid-1990s chinook and coho
chaired by academic Donald Savoie to examine the stocks, the backbone of the growing recreational
issue. Responding to negative feedback from parts industry, were experiencing major declines. Some
of the fishing industry, the panel urged the minister sockeye stocks were also in trouble. In 1994, Pacific
not to go forward at that stage with the partner- salmon catches started plunging and declined to less
ing legislation (Savoie et al. 1998). Meanwhile, than 20,000 metric tons. In the late 1990s, catches
major policy renewal initiatives were launched on were curtailed because of the stringent conservation
the Atlantic coast from 2001 to 2004 and on the measures taken to protect chinook and coho.
Pacific Coast in the late 1990s, continuing to the In 1998, then DFO Minister Anderson released
middle of this decade. a New Directions discussion document on Pacific
The Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review, initiated salmon (DFO 1998). This was followed by other
in 2001, culminated in a 2004 report (DFO 2004) documents on a policy for wild salmon, allocation,
that emphasized giving resource users a stronger selective fishing, and improved decision-making
role in the stewardship of the resource and mak- processes.
ing the access and allocation decision-making pro- The first New Directions document emphasized
cess more transparent and predictable, although principles that fell into three categories: conserva-
authority was to remain in the hands of the DFO tion, sustainable use, and improved decision mak-
minister. It envisaged a transition whereby the role ing. Conservation of Pacific salmon stocks would
of DFO would evolve from one involving day-to- be the primary objective, a precautionary approach
day management of fleets and fishing activities, to would be applied, the department would aim for
one concerned primarily with developing policy, a net gain in habitat, and an ecological approach
setting direction, and evaluating performance. To would guide management. Regarding decision mak-
achieve this, certain fisheries management respon- ing, the document promised that future salmon
sibilities would be delegated to resource users. The management would be based on partnerships with
DFO would continue to provide sound scientific clients, governments and other parties. It also com-
advice, establish required conservation measures, mitted to pursue enhanced community, regional,
and ensure compliance. and sectorwide input to decision making through
It was envisaged that the access and allocation a structured management and advisory board sys-
of fisheries resources would be more stable and pre- tem. In October 1999, DFO released its allocation
dictable, and decisions would be made and conflicts policy for Pacific salmon, which included provisions
resolved through fair, transparent, and rules-based for an impartial Allocation Board (DFO 1999).
processes. The 2004 policy framework, however, In March 2001, the Institute for Dispute Reso-
contained no reference to independent allocation lution at the University of Victoria identified cer-
and licensing agencies. tain concerns regarding the planned Allocation
Early in the Atlantic Fisheries Policy Review pro- and Licensing Board among commercial and recre-
cess, the minister established an Independent Panel ational stakeholders and First Nations representa-
on Access Criteria. It recommended that an indepen- tives (Institute for Dispute Resolution 2001). After
dent Atlantic-wide Advisory Board be established as this report it appears that this particular proposal
a default mechanism to address decisions regarding was abandoned.
access that could not be resolved in a satisfactory In 2005, DFO Minister Gerald Regan released
manner within Atlantic Canada (Independent Panel a policy statement for wild Pacific salmon (DFO
on Access Criteria 2002). While most proposals 2005a). This document was silent on the gov-
were endorsed, the government rejected the pro- ernance process for dealing with allocation and
posal for an independent Atlantic-wide Advisory licensing issues. It was clear that the concept of
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 405

arms-length allocation and licensing boards was notion of license as privilege, but this is subject
dead on both coasts. to further litigation.)
New provisions would allow the minister to
allocate, for up to 15 years, shares of fish to fleets
30.8. FISHERIES ACT REDUX or groups in commercial, recreational, and Aborigi-
nal fisheries. The process would be transparent. The
In 2006, a new government revived the concepts of new Act would also provide authority for the min-
legislative change and fisheries management agree- ister to enter into legally binding fisheries manage-
ments. In December 2006, Minister Hearn tabled in ment agreements. These would provide a greater
Parliament a proposed overhaul of the 138-year-old opportunity for collaboration between DFO and
Fisheries Act. Highlights of the legislation included responsible groups. There appears to be widespread
an expanded role for fisheries participants in decision support for the proposed Fisheries Tribunal and
making, the adoption of clear principles dedicated an administrative sanctions system. The tribunal
to sustainable development, and a new sanctions would also handle appeals of licensing decisions.
system to be called the Canada Fisheries Tribunal, This legislation, introduced by a minority gov-
aimed at promoting more responsible fishing behav- ernment, died when a new election was called in
ior. The minister noted that the words absolute dis- 2008. It is unclear whether, if reintroduced, it would
cretion had been removed from the new Act. The be endorsed by Parliament given another minority
tribunal proposal for dealing with offenders in a government result.
manner potentially faster and more efficient than the
slower and more expensive court system was carried
over from previous attempts to amend the Act. 30.9. OCEANS-TO-PLATE
After the initial proposal was rejected, Minister POLICY, 20062008
Hearn introduced a revised version of the legisla-
tion in November 2007. This took into account In April 2007, Minister Hearn announced a new
some of the criticisms voiced in the interim. One policy named Oceans to Plate as the approach for
key change proposed in the preamble to the Act viable commercial fisheries and aquaculture (DFO
was an affirmation that the fisheries are a com- 2007). He described the policy as one where all
mon property resource. sectors would be working together toward a com-
The claimed benefits of the proposed new Act mon goal of a sustainable, economically viable,
were that it would provide for, among other things, and internationally competitive industry. In addi-
a greater role for fish harvesters in the management tion, the minister stated that regulatory tools will
of the resource, stability and predictability in access be developed to self-rationalize, that is, to adjust
and allocation decisions, and transparent decision industry size to market and resource realities in a fair
making in the fishery sector. The minister would and efficient manner. One of the principles stated:
retain full authority to decide access and allocation Fisheries policies and programs should foster self-
in the coastal fisheries but at the level of policy, not reliance and resilience in the seafood sector, such
by deciding individual cases. The minister would that communities, harvesters, processors and other
be obliged to take certain guiding principles into sector participants are able to address economic
account. challenges and opportunities and adapt to changing
There would be a move a way from the current resource and market conditions, without govern-
regime where licenses are issued by the minister. ment assistance (DFO 2007, emphasis added).
The minister could set policy that would be binding The emphasis on self-rationalization, and adap-
on DFO for the issuance of licenses, including eli- tation without government assistance, appeared to
gibility criteria. Licenses would be issued by license represent a departure from the approach of recent
officers, delegated by the minister. A key point is decades. This did not, however, mean a rush to
that licenses would not be considered to be prop- corporate privatization of the fishery. At the same
erty. (A possible complication is a recent ruling of time, the minister reaffirmed the governments
the Supreme Court of Canada in the case of RBC commitment to preserving the independence of the
v. Saulnier. The Court declared that, in the case of inshore fleet in Canadas Atlantic fisheries (DFO
bankruptcy, licenses were legitimate collateral. In 2007). Control of the fishery and the benefits from
so doing, they appeared to reject the DFO official harvesting were slipping from the hands of inshore
406 Case Studies in Governance

fishers as certain controlling trust agreements crisis by debt financing of processing plant expan-
were weakening owner-operator and fleet policies. sion at high interest rates. The federal government
Minister Hearn announced measures to arrest this expended several hundred million dollars for this
trend by creating a new independent core license purpose. The restructuring involved combining
holder category. This would be available only various Newfoundland companies into Fisher-
to fishers who retain control over the decision to ies Products International. The two major Nova
request a transfer of the licenses they hold. Scotiabased companies, H. B. Nickersons and
The Oceans-to-Plate approach also involved National Sea Products, were restructured into a
an increased focus on market demands as they relate new National Sea Products (Nickersons New-
to managing Canadas fisheries. The reference was foundland assets had been absorbed into Fisheries
to development of ecolabels and processes for Products International).
certifying seafood products as coming from sustain-
able fisheries. This was generating increasing pres-
sure on Canadas fishing industry and DFO to prove 30.10.2. Assistance and
that these fisheries were being managed sustainably. Adjustment Programs in the
The government committed to the greater integra- 1990s
tion of precautionary and ecosystem approaches in The Atlantic groundfish industry was again plunged
Canadian fisheries management. It also committed into crisis in the early 1990s due to the ground-
to develop sustainability checklists for all com- fish collapse. The first in a series of assistance and
mercial fisheries. The checklists would evaluate the restructuring programs over the next several years
status of management measures and their contribu- was the 1990 Atlantic Fisheries Adjustment Pro-
tion to conserving fish stocks. They would measure gram (AFAP). This provided $584 million over sev-
and review biological aspects of fisheries sustain- eral years. Gough (2008) concluded: Overall, the
ability and would also report on the progress being AFAP money went to useful work, but did little to
made to incorporate the precautionary and ecosys- reshape the industry in a major way.
tem approaches (DFO 2007). The Northern Cod Adjustment and Recovery
Plan (NCARP) followed. The government then
broadened assistance with the Atlantic Groundfish
Assistance Program (AGAP). Altogether, AFAP,
FOR CANADAS FISHERIES ON NCARP, and AGAP spent $510 million on income
THE ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC support, for which nearly 40,000 qualified at the
COASTS outset, although several thousand soon found other
work. Another $281 million went toward adjust-
The statement in the Oceans-to-Plate policy that the ment in the form of training and community eco-
fishing industry would be expected to become self- nomic development. The programs also devoted
reliant and adapt to changing resource and market $26 million to license retirement. This added up to
conditions without government assistance would, approximately $834 million in direct aid related to
if implemented, represent a radical departure from groundfish. These programs had a marginal impact
the practice of previous decades. Crowley et al. on removing people and licenses from the industry,
(1993) reviewed federal assistance to the Canadian affecting mostly marginal operators (Gough 2008).
fishing industry from 1945 to 1990. This included In 1994, DFO Minister Brian Tobin announced
regular programs and special initiatives. Many of another $1.9 billion for the Atlantic Groundfish
the programs had exacerbated excess capacity in Strategy (TAGS). TAGS provided funds for income
the industry. The regular assistance programs were support, employment counseling and training, and
discontinued by the early 1990s. long-term community economic development. It
also set a goal of reducing fishing capacity by 50
30.10.1. Atlantic Fisheries percent.
Restructuring In 1998, Minister Anderson announced a
financial assistance program for both coasts, the
In the early 1980s, the federal government had Canadian Fisheries Assistance and Restructuring
intervened to restructure the offshore groundfish (CFAR) program. CFAR provided another $730
industry. This had been plunged into financial million on the Atlantic. About $180 million went
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 407

to TAGS clients in lump-sum payments to compen- few though these opportunities were most of the
sate for the earlier-than-scheduled termination of time. The Kirby Task Force sunset provision for
TAGS; $250 million was allocated for an Atlantic FUI was rejected (Kirby 1982). In 1987, fishermen
groundfish license retirement program to buy fish- and their buyers, as their employers, nationally
ers permanently out of the fishery through reverse paid in $17 million and received benefits of $223
auctions. million. Plant workers receive benefits as well; the
NCARP removed about 1,300 fishermen, TAGS benefits in 1988 were $226 million.
about 800, and CFAR about 2,500 fishermen for a About 47,000 fishers engaged in the commercial
total of 4,500 retirees. But most were smaller oper- fishery from 2002 to 2005, approximately half the
ators or even marginal participants. Gough (2008) number of 1988. Only 12,000 of these were desig-
concluded that the license retirement programs nated as core fishers.
probably had no major effects on the viability of Schrank (2005) conducted the most comprehen-
the remaining fleet. The upsurge in shellfish, par- sive study of the impact of FUI on participation in
ticularly snow crab, in the 1990s was what restored the fishery. He examined the Newfoundland fish-
viability for the remaining enterprises. Meanwhile, ery 10 years after the northern cod moratorium.
the various Atlantic groundfish adjustment pro- He concluded that the perverse incentive effects of
grams had cost more than $4 billion. FUI kept fishermen from leaving the industry. He
On the Pacific, from the 1970s to 2000 there also observed that, despite the reforms, the system
were five vessel/license buyback initiatives. Two of was more generous in 2002 than it had ever been.
these occurred during the 19962000 period. In He concluded that the inshore harvesting sector of
1996, Minister Mifflin introduced an $80 million- Newfoundland continues to be a commercially non-
dollar voluntary license retirement program. This viable entity, dependent upon government transfers
program removed nearly 800 licenses, 19 percent for survival.
of the fleet. In 1997, Minister Anderson secured In the absence of government transfers (FUI), it
another $200 million (CFAR) for fleet reduction. is probable that the Canadian fisheries would be
This removed another 1,400 salmon licenses at a transformed substantially. But, given the commit-
cost of $192 million, about 30 percent of the origi- ment by politicians to continue to provide such
nal fleet. During the period 19841999 the number government transfers, the situation is not likely to
of vessels in British Columbia was reduced from change significantly, no matter which party is in
7,000 to about 3,900; the number of unregistered power.
fishermen, from 18,200 to 8,700 (Gough 2008).
The remaining fleet still had the capacity to harvest
many times the available catch. 30.11. ABORIGINAL
Grafton and Nelson (2005) examined the effects PARTICIPATION IN THE
of buyback programs in the British Columbia salmon FISHERY
fishery. They concluded that the benefits would be
short-lived, and fishing effort will creep back up The question of the nature and extent of Aborigi-
over time. While buybacks may have reduced the nal participation in commercial fisheries became a
severity of the problem and may have created an major lightning rod on both the Pacific and Atlantic
opportunity for change, they suggested that buy- coasts in the 1980s and 1990s. This led to major
backs had not provided a lasting solution. user conflicts on both coasts, particularly in British
30.10.3. Unemployment A historic decision by the Supreme Court of Can-
Insurance ada in 1990, the Sparrow decision (Supreme Court
of Canada 1990) concluded that Native peoples
Apart from these initiatives, the largest government had a right to harvest salmon for food, social, and
financial assistance program nationally was ongo- ceremonial purposes. In 1992, DFO developed an
ing, namely, Fishermens Unemployment Insurance Aboriginal fishery strategy to foster greater Native
(FUI), now known as Employment Insurance. FUI participation in the fishery in an orderly manner.
came into being in 1957. Over the ensuing decades DFO began to grant communal (band) licenses to
it led to thousands remaining in the fishery who take fish for food, social, and ceremonial purposes.
would otherwise have left for greener pastures, It also took steps to encourage Native participation
408 Case Studies in Governance

in the commercial fisheries. It helped Native people sustainable use. The precautionary approach and
acquire about 200 licenses in British Columbia and an ecosystem approach to fisheries have become
600 on the Atlantic. By 2000, about $60 million prominent features of Canadas marine fisheries
had been spent, mostly in British Columbia, help- management system in the first years of the 21st
ing Natives acquire licenses, vessels and fishing gear century.
(Gough 2008). In December 1996, the Canadian Parliament
The Native food fishery became a major bone adopted the Oceans Act (DFO 1996). This was the
of contention as nonnative fishers argued that the first comprehensive oceans management legislation
increased food fishery served as the guise for a com- in the world. The Act provides for the development
mercial fishery, with Natives selling the catch. Con- and implementation of a national oceans manage-
flict between the Natives and nonnative fishermen ment strategy based on the principles of sustainable
often became intense. development, integrated management, and the pre-
In September 1999, the Supreme Court, in the cautionary approach (Parsons 2005b).
Marshall decision, declared that Marshall, who Canadas 2002 Oceans Strategy statement
had been charged with illegally fishing eels and emphasized the principle of integrated manage-
selling them commercially, had a right to sell the ment, a commitment to planning and managing
eels stemming from treaties in 1760 and 1761 human activities in a comprehensive manner (DFO
(Supreme Court of Canada 1999). These gave 2002). The strategy also emphasized the promotion
Natives in the Maritime provinces a right to fish of an ecosystem-based approach to management
commercially. and introduced the concept of large ocean manage-
Faced with an uproar from commercial fisher- ment areas.
men and riots in some areas, DFO Minister Herb In 2004, DFO defined 17 (later modified to 19)
Dhaliwal decided that there would be no fleet marine ecoregions for the purpose of ecosystem-
expansion, nor would anyone be forced out of based integrated management. Actions envisaged
the existing fleet to make room. Instead, compen- included a new national network of marine pro-
sation would be offered to existing fishermen to tected areas (MPAs) in all three of Canadas oceans.
give up licenses on a voluntary basis. These would Initial pilot MPA areas had been identified in 1998.
be reissued to Native bands, which would decide A decade later, some of these have only recently
who would fish and how to share the benefits. come to fruition (DFO 2005b). Overall progress on
The department entered into negotiations with implementing MPAs has been slow. This has been
the aim of reaching agreements with the 34 bands attributed to the need to undertake extensive stake-
affected by the Marshall decision. About 200 com- holder consultations, but a lack of adequate fund-
mercial fishermen voluntarily relinquished their ing in the early years also contributed to the slow
licenses. DFO made agreements with the majority pace of implementation.
of bands. Confrontation occurred with two bands, Canadas approach to ecosystem-based man-
but overall the situation was resolved amicably. agement under the Oceans Act is broader than the
Although there are occasional flare-ups on both ecosystem approach to fisheries management pro-
coasts, Native fishermen are being integrated into moted by the Food and Agriculture Organization
the commercial fishery. The Native food fishery of the United Nations (FAO) and other agencies. A
for Pacific salmon remains a bone of contention in number of international fisheries legal instruments
British Columbia. now make explicit references to ecosystem consid-
erations. While there has been general agreement
on the need to take ecosystem considerations into
30.12. NEW APPROACHES TO account in managing fisheries, there is no clarity or
FISHERIES MANAGEMENT IN consensus on how this can best be done. Perhaps
CANADA the best-known framework is that articulated by
FAO (2003).
The downturn in Atlantic groundfish and Pacific Parsons (2005b) provided a comprehensive
salmon stocks emphasized the need for new man- review of recent initiatives with respect to an ecosys-
agement approaches. There has been a renewed tem approach in marine fisheries management glob-
emphasis on conservation as the first priority and ally. Parsons concluded that an ecosystem approach
the need for a broader approach to the concept of is not inconsistent with, nor a replacement for,
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 409

Critical Cautious Healthy

Zone Zone Zone

Limit Reference

Upper Stock
Removal Rate



Stock Status

FIGURE 30.6 Fisheries management framework consistent with a

precautionary approach. (DFO 2006)

existing fisheries management approaches. Nor is it The precautionary approach and elements of it
a panacea for the problems confronting world fish- have already been applied to some fisheries in Can-
eries. Parsons suggested that, realistically, we can ada. Initial work has focused on the identification
only move to an ecosystem approach incrementally, of reference points for the biomass and, in some
starting with more rigorous/cautious application cases, removal references. Sustainability checklists
and extension of single species methods, while tak- are also being developed, dealing with both science
ing other considerations into account. A key ele- and fisheries management. This approach appears
ment of an ecosystem approach would likely be to progressive, but it is too early to assess the imple-
set harvest rates for target species at even lower, mentation. Shelton (2007) argues that action has
more conservative levels than might be suggested not matched the statements about the commitment
by single species analysis. Fisheries management to use the precautionary approach. He contends
measures should also ensure the protection not that there has been an underutilization of science
only of target species but also of nontarget, associ- capacity to provide risk-based assessments and to
ated, or dependent species. evaluate management strategies for robustness to
Canada has developed a federal framework uncertainty and compliance with a precautionary
for the precautionary approach to ensure the approach.
precautionary concept would be applied consis-
tently across disciplines governmentwide (Privy
Council Office 2003). There have been several 30.13. CONCLUSIONS
initiatives in Canada to define the precautionary
approach for fisheries, to identify benchmarks Several groundfish stocks have failed to recover 15
consistent with the approach, and to apply it in years after the moratoria were initially imposed.
fisheries management. The Canadian precaution- Also, many stocks of Pacific salmon are at low
ary approach framework prescribes three stock levels, and the challenge remains of how to man-
status zones for fish stocks: a critical zone, a cau- age fisheries that intercept both abundant and
tious zone and a healthy zone, determined by threatened stocks of different species. Also there
limit reference points, an upper stock reference are concerns that the shellfish abundance (snow
point and a removal reference (figure 30.6) (DFO crab, shrimp, and lobster) on the Atlantic Coast,
2006). which is currently supporting much of the Atlantic
410 Case Studies in Governance

fishing industry, could take a downturn. The fac- as an important factor. Shelton et al. (2006) sug-
tors behind the increased abundance in shellfish are gested that the small amounts of surplus produc-
not well understood, although clearly there was an tion resulting from the combination of low stock
ecosystem shift off Newfoundland and Labrador, size and low stock productivity were being dissi-
in particular, during the late 1980s to early 1990s pated by the limited cod fisheries and by catch in
(Rice 2002; Halliday and Pinhorn 2009). Oceano- other fisheries.
graphic conditions have since reverted to an earlier A vast economic literature suggests that the
pattern. This might not augur well for the sustain- move to incentive-based approaches based on
ability of the current fisheries for crab and shrimp. property rights would foster the development of
Lobster remains a mystery. Despite repeated economically viable fisheries. There are notable
warnings over the past two decades about a pos- instances in Canada where this in fact has occurred,
sible imminent decline, lobster landings continue for example, Pacific halibut, sablefish, multispecies
at record levels. Should the shellfish bubble burst, groundfish trawl fishery, and southern Gulf crab
the implications could be catastrophic for Atlantic and offshore scallops in Nova Scotia. In many
coastal communities and fishers as they have now other fisheries, IQs are being used to curtail the
become extremely dependent on lobster or crab, race for fish. But incentive-based approaches will
depending on the area. not bring back the depleted cod stocks or prevent
The social assistance, industry restructuring, and a potential resource downturn in Atlantic shellfish
science augmentation programs that were intro- should changing environmental conditions reverse
duced at the time of the collapse were designed to the recent surge in productivity of lobster, crab, and
last for five years. The substantial expenditures on shrimp.
income support, retraining, and vessel and license In Atlantic Canada one major constraint on
retirements amounted to nearly $4 billion. A review achieving economically viable fisheries in the long
by Canadas Auditor General indicated that benefits term is the continued dependence of hundreds of
were hard to measure (Office of the Auditor Gen- coastal communities on fishing for survival. There
eral 1997). Some coastal communities survived, but is also a prevalent fishing culture that reflects that
this was due more to the lucrative new fisheries for fishing is the preferred way of eking out a liv-
crab and shrimp than to the government assistance ing. This is abetted by the generous income sup-
programs during the early years of the moratoria. port available through the employment insurance
The review concluded that vessel and license retire- system.
ments had been concentrated in the older vessels Ministers of differing political stripes chose,
and fishers (and marginal participants). The profits in the case of the upsurge in crab and shrimp
from the upsurge in shellfish were being reinvested abundance in the 1990s, to share the wealth
in new technologically sophisticated vessels capable rather than to make the existing license holders
of participating in many fisheries, including cod if it obscenely wealthy. This was done by issuing
recovered. This occurred despite the vessel replace- temporary licenses, which, when the high resource
ment constraints in effect that time. Overall, the abundance continued, were converted into perma-
Auditor Generals report concluded that, despite nent licenses. This particular choice reflects the
the expenditure of nearly $4 billion to adjust the dominant paradigm of making every effort to sus-
Canadian Atlantic groundfish fishery, effective fish- tain coastal communities dependent on the fish-
ing capacity was 160 percent of what it had been in ery and to achieve equity in the fisheries sector.
the early 1990s. The government in 2008, which participated in a
The major cod stocks will take a long time to share-the-wealth decision by making temporary
rebuild to historical levels, if ever. Recent produc- licenses permanent, has indicated that it is pursu-
tivity over the northern part of the range had been ing ecologically sustainable, economically viable
much lower than 20 years previously when several and internationally competitive fisheries (DFO
stocks recovered from less severe declines. The 2007). Its proposed revisions to the Fisheries Act
main contributing factors were identified, in order, contains some tentative steps in that direction, but
as increased natural mortality (due to predation), these fall far short of enshrining the ITQ approach
decreased body growth and, in some cases, reduced widely favored by the worlds fisheries economist
recruitment rates. Continued fishing in small community. Indeed, the proposed new Act states
directed and bycatch fisheries was also identified that licenses are not property. In Canada, the
Canadian Marine Fisheries Management 411

ultimate decision makers, politicians elected by Acknowledgments I express my appreciation

the voters, no matter what their political stripe, to Tim Downing for research assistance and, spe-
do not share the economists devotion to economic cifically, preparation of the figures. Thanks also to
efficiency, in favor of nonspecified, equity-based Dan Lane for his helpful comments and suggestions
socioeconomic objectives. for improvement of the manuscript. Finally, many
Canadas marine fisheries continue to be plagued thanks to my late wife Loretta for her support and
by instability due to various problems and con- encouragement over many years.
straints (Parsons 1993a):

Natural resource variability, often environ- References

mentally determined
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