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Laura Cassidy


Assignment 2
Unit Plan

Learning Focus

Year Level: 1

Topic: How everyday life has changed over time

Content Descriptor: Differences and similarities between students daily lives and life during their
parents and grandparents childhoods (ACHASSK030)

Sub strand: History

Achievement Standard:

They explain how some aspects of daily life have changed over recent time while others have
remained the same (ACARA 2015)

They share stories about the past, and present observations and findings using everyday
terms (ACARA 2015)


The unit based on the similarities and differences between students daily lives and the life of their
parents and grandparents childhoods ultimately allows students to develop an understanding and
appreciation for the world and how it has changed over time. Hoodless and Ebrary 2008 explain that
history allows students to understand that the past has many different facets from the next and
different to todays contemporary society which is essentially what they will be learning throughout
this topic. In addition to this, Keller and Goodman 2002, outline that understanding how past events
were experienced by people of that time can enable the development of empathy while history can
also allow individuals to understand that regardless of how different generations may be, they each
cope with the world and have the same basic needs. Therefore, through this unit of work, students
can understand the perspectives of people such as their parents and grandparents and how their
lives are similar, or may differ to their own today through different activities and experiences.


While all of the skills inquiry skills will be developed throughout this unit of work, an emphasis will
be on questioning as students will not only pose questions about past and present objects, people,
places and events (ACARA 2015, ACHASSI018) but also analysing through comparing objects from the
past with those from the present and considering how places have changed over time (ACARA 2015,
ACHASSI023). This will be achieved through the various learning activities and assessment which will
allow students compare everyday life in the past with their own lives through posing questions and
analysing different perspectives.

Furthermore, throughout the unit, students will be given the opportunity to utilise different
resources such as books, interactive websites and objects to compare different objects and areas of
life that have changed throughout time. Questioning will be utilised by students while using these
resources before, during and after their use to demonstrate what they already know and what they
learn throughout the activity. Within the final assessment, students will utilise questioning to gain

Laura Cassidy

information from parents and grandparents to gain an understanding of an objects background and


Throughout the unit, the value of ecological and environmental sustainability will be developed. As
stated by ACARA 2015, designing action for sustainability requires an evaluation of past practices. As
such, the unit on How everyday life has changed over time and the concept of continuity and
change, will allow students to compare the different aspects of life that have changed over time and
consequently consider what might continue to change in the future. Through looking at this student
can begin to understand the need for sustainability in order to protect the earth and its resources
when considering the implications if life continues to change in the way it has in the past. According
to King et al. 2016, sustainability is a concept that recognizes the importance of using what we need
now without compromising the needs of future generations. Therefore, we need to be be mindful of
how the land is used and ultimately minimize negative impacts to the earth. Huang, Zhong and Deng
2016, also outline how an immense damage is caused to the global environment when mankind
conquers the nature and satisfies self-demand. Enabling students to learn about such an important
value within todays society can provide them empowerment and confidence in their choices and
actions while assisting them to participate in conversations about the future and develop the
necessary skills to address problems (King et al. 2016).

Cross curricular priorities

Where possible, the cross curricular priority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and
Cultures will be incorporated. While understanding about how students own lives are different to
their parents and grandparents is important, students can also understand and learn about how their
ever day lives are different to the way in which Indigenous Australians lived as children. As stated by
ACARA (2015) young Australians gaining knowledge about the histories and cultures of Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islanders provides the opportunity to enrich learners abilities to participate in the
ongoing development of Australia. One of the key concepts examines the diversity of Aboriginal and
Torres Strait Islander Peoples culture through their language, way of life and experiences which will
link in with the topic based on looking at how everyday life has changed over time through looking at
different points of view. Therefore, while we will not only be looking into the perspectives of
individuals such as our parents and grandparents and the way they lived, we can also look at the way
in which Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders lived in the past and compare it to how children live
today. Through which, students can develop a sense of empathy, through considering the ways in
which different groups of people lived their life in comparison to their own.

Laura Cassidy

Teaching sequence

Teacher Focus Learner Activity Resources Assessment Cross-curricular

What is it? Purpose? What will students
Engagement: Read book Papa and the Olden Days allow time Papa and the Olden Days by Ian Edwards English:
Students begin to discuss what has changed over time and what for students to observe each page looking at the White board/IWB Discuss characters and events
has stayed the same. The resource will be used to engage pictures. White board markers in a range of literary texts and
students in the topic and the activities following will allow them Butchers Paper share personal responses to
to make connections with their own lives. Discuss: these texts, making
- Whose perspective are we seeing in this book? connections with students'
Students will learn about how everyday life is different for them - What were some of the things that you noticed own experiences (ACELT1582)
now, compared to what it was like in the past for others. in Papas life that were different to today?
Students will learn about the different aspects of life that have - Why do you think Papas day to day life was
different to ours?
changed technology, transport, school etc.
- What are the areas of life that have changed?
Students will learn about the different ways in which they can (i.e. clothes, toys, transport, technology).
gain information about the past primary resources/secondary - How might Papas life differ to someone of a
resources different cultural backgrounds gage what
students understand about different cultures

Students complete a Y chart in groups to

demonstrate what has changed between
themselves, their parents and grandparents.
(Me, My Grandparents, Parents)

Group discussion
Make a Y chart on the board
Share ideas and record on the Y chart
After completing the Y chart on the board discuss
how else we can find out about the past
researching, family members (parents and

Homework: Students to go home and ask their

parents/grandparents about how their life was
different as a child to today.
- If students are unable to ask
parents/grandparents allow them to
research into the past and how people lived
scaffold what they should search for.
Developing a question: Follow up on first lesson discuss the different Print off pictures of objects, tools, appliances, clothing,
The use of the activity gallery walk will allow students to aspects of life that have changed over time. events, school etc. from the past (See Appendix 1)
demonstrate their prior knowledge and understandings of the - What are some of the areas we discussed
different aspects of life that have changed over time. The activity have changed since our grandparents and
will not only allow discussion but students to pose questions and parents were children?
in turn identify possible questions to investigate throughout the - What are some examples of the different
unit. things that have changed?

Laura Cassidy

Students will learn about the use of comparing and discussing Students to share what they asked their
photographs and oral histories to discover how daily lives have parents/grandparents.
changed - What types of toys did they play with?
Students will learn about different perspectives and how each - How did they describe how life was different
individual has their perspective about somethings meaning or then to what it is today?
purpose - What types of clothes did they wear?

Gallery walk - Provide a range of photos from the

past of different objects, events, technologies etc.
Students to stand with the photo that resonates with
- Why did you choose to stand with this
- What does it mean to you?
- What might it look like today?
Researching Introduce the resource How Times Change on Access to computers/ipads
With the provision of the resource How Times Change students interactive white board and demonstrate how to
will work in groups to gather information about specified aspects navigate the site. 682c-467f-a3b6-
of the past. They will allocate tasks to work cohesively as a group 59ad89ad859f/1/
and collate their information. Students to use the resource How Times Change.
Split class into 4 groups each group will look at one
Students will collect data and information from exploring sources section of the site each (Home, toys/games, school
such as pictures to gain information about the past. or getting around).
They will learn about how life has changed in specific aspects of Students will work in groups and allocate who will
life and make comparisons with their own lives look at what page of their section and
Have students look at the pages What was used
then and What is used now if time permits
complete the activity Old or new.

At the completion of this, conclude with a class

discussion of each of the sections. Students to share
what they find in their allocated section with the
- What was used then?
- What was used now?
- How was life described in the past?
Collecting, analysing and managing information Discuss how food is cooked in present time Screen/Computer
Within this lesson student will learn about different perspectives - What do we use now? White board
and the way different individuals lived compared to how they live - What would our parents/grandparents have White board makers
today. Through considering the perspectives of Aboriginal and used? What do we know about the way in!/media/103154/
Torres Strait Islanders, students will challenge their own which Indigenous Australians cook? Multiple copies of - Look see, look at me by Leonie
knowledge and beliefs about the way they lived. They will be able Norrington and Dee Huxley
to learn new information through looking at secondary resources Using the resource Splash look at cooking in the
and in turn assist them in answering initial questions. past and present.
Follow up: What were some of the different ways we
Students will develop a sense of empathy through looking at saw people cook?
different points of view
Students will consider aboriginal perspectives and how they lived What do we know about the way Indigenous
their lives as children, the different tools they used etc. Australians lived their everyday lives?
How are they different or similar to our own?

Laura Cassidy

In small groups write down all of the different ways

Indigenous Australians lived in the past and how it is
different or the same today.
Use the book Look See Look at Me to assist
(students just look at pictures to support their
Class discussion to bring ideas together.

*If class has Indigenous students approach prior to

lesson and see if they want to share any stories or
artefacts etc.*
Making sense of information Begin with class discussion students to pose Then and Now by Heather Amery Formative assessment
Students will represent and demonstrate information and ideas questions about areas of uncertainty, clarifying Question box Use of students
discussed throughout lessons previously. They will present information and ideas that have been learnt thus far. Sticky notes completion of the task
information by discussing the concept of how daily life has Ask questions to prompt: Textas Children then and
changed over time and through use of the resource Then and - What have we learnt about up until now? Children now to monitor
Now they can interpret and synthesise their ideas. - How has life changed? students understanding of
- Are there any areas you are unsure about? how aspects of daily life
Students will develop their questioning skills through posing Use a question box students to write questions have changed over time.
questions about past and present objects (ACHASSI019) they have on a piece of paper and place in box.

Read book Then and Now:

Students to recap on what they have learnt so far
and demonstrate the different ways in which people
have lived - students will work individually to
describe children then children now
Under each heading they can write the many ways in
which children lived/live.
*Students can draw pictures if unable to write
Planning and implementing actions We have look at how life has changed in the past and Belonging by Jeannie Baker Geography:
This phase of the inquiry process will assist students in making the different ways that everyday life has changed. The natural, managed and
links of the concepts learnt to other situations. It will assist in - What might everyday life look like in the future and constructed features of
identifying an action to follow the inquiry. what impact might this have on the environment? places, their location, how
Read Belonging by Jeannie Baker they change and how they can
Students will: Class discussion: be cared for (ACHASSK031)
Learn about the concept of continuity and change and how it is - How does this book make you feel? What
linked with sustainability does it mean to you? English:
Learn how natural, managed and constructed features or places - What are we seeing? Personal responses to the
can be cared for - What changes occur? ideas, characters and
Imagine what the future may hold based on what they know of - How do you think these changes effect the viewpoints in texts Discuss
the past and present environment? characters and events in a
Propose action they could take to improve a place or influence a - What changes have you seen take place range of literary texts and
positive future around you? share personal responses to
Share viewpoints and personal responses based on a text and - What might we see through the window in these texts, making
make connections with own experiences the future? connections with students
own experiences (ACELT1582)
Creative writing write a short paragraph describing
what you think every day life will be like in the future
what it might look like, what will be happening.
Extension Draw a picture to accompany this

Laura Cassidy

- What are some local features or places in
our community?
- What are some actions we can take to care
for local features or places?
Reflecting and evaluating Create a timeline word wall with the headings: Sticky notes
Students will have the opportunity to reflect on what they have What did you learn? Butchers paper
learnt throughout the topic and consider how their views have Did any of your views or ideas change? Textas
changed from the beginning, to what they are now. Students can What more would you like to know? White board
reflect on how they gathered information in order the process of
inquiry. Using sticky notes students will have time to
respond to the questions and demonstrate and
Students will reflect and express their ideas during discussion reflect how they have learnt throughout the unit.
Draw simple conclusions based on discussions and collected
information As a class we will go over some of the notes in each
section and students can respond and share their
thoughts and ideas.

Bring in a box of toys from the past and toys from

today. Pick up each item and discuss:
Whether it is from the past or present, its purpose
what it is used for, what it might have looked like in
the past, what it might look like today, has anyone
used or seen this object before?

Introduce Final Assessment Allow time for student

to begin working on it
- Choose two objects one from the past and
one from the present
- Consider their purpose and how they have
changed throughout time

Allow time for questions to clarify task

Communicating Demonstrate: Teacher bring in two objects and Students objects for presentation Summative assessment: English:
Students will present their objects and share the information that present them to the class highlighting their purpose, Rubrics Presentation of chosen Engage in conversations and
they have gathered. They will communicate how specific aspects how they have changed and a story about their use. Camera objects and description of discussions, using active
such as the objects they have selected have remained or changed their purpose and how listening behaviours, showing
over time while describing their purposes, meanings and Students will then present their objects/pictures they have remained the interest, and contributing
experiences with these objects or items. chosen. same or changed over ideas, information and
After each presentation allow 2 questions Students time. questions (ACELY1656)
Students will learn about how different objects have changed or to think about what/where/who/why/how (open
remained the same over time ended questions).
Oral presentations Make short
Students will learn about how different objects have different
meanings or purposes to individuals *Presentations may need to be carried out over two presentations using some
introduced text structures and
lesson if time does not permit*
language, for example
opening statements
Photos of items will be taken to present them in a
class museum or gallery. (ACELY1657)

Laura Cassidy

Resource List:

Papa and the Olden Days by Ian Edwards Butchers Paper!/media/103154/
Look see, look at me by Leonie Norrington and Dee Huxley Pictures of objects, tools, appliances, clothing, events, school Question box
Then and Now by Heather Amery etc. from the past. Sticky notes
Belonging by Jeannie Baker Access to computers/ipads Textas
White board/IWB Rubrics
White board markers a3b6-59ad89ad859f/1/ Camera


HaSS Strand: History Year 1

Name of the Objects from the past and present
Task purpose and background (relate to the Content description/s)

The purpose of this task is for students to demonstrate their understanding of how some aspects of daily life
have changed over recent times through sharing stories about the past and present observations and findings.
Throughout the unit, students have explored the differences and similarities between daily lives and life
during their parents and grandparents childhoods (ACHASSK030) particularly through developing the skills
of pose questions about past and present objects, people, places and events (ACHASSI018) and analysing
through comparing objects from the past with those from the present and considering how places have
changed over time (ACHASSI023).

Achievement Standards aspects to be assessed in this task:

The aspects of the Year 1 Achievement Standards being assessed are:
Explain how some aspects of daily life have changed over recent time while others have remained
the same
Students relate stories about life in the past
Respond to questions about the past using sources

The task (clearly communicate what is required of the students provide the scaffolding for student thinking
and actions)
In a two-three-minute presentation to the class, present one object (can be a toy, photo, appliance etc.) from
the past that is your parents/grandparents and one that you use today. Share their purposes or a story
describing how they are used and how they have changed over time.

*Adjustment If unable to get an object from home/grandparents can pick two pictures of objects to talk

Students should prepare questions to ask their parent/grandparent about their object:
Possible questions to guide students:
- When was the object used?
- What was it used for?
- Where is it used?
- Why did you choose this objects?
- What might this object look like today?

Compare this with your own object and answer the questions yourself.

Assessment Conditions:


To be presented as an oral presentation (time of 2-3mins).


Objects from the Past and Present

Student: _____________________

Criteria (Assessable A B C D
Elements) Excellent Good Satisfactory Partial

Explain how some Highly descriptive and Detailed explanation of Capable explanation of Partial explanation of
History Knowledge and

aspects of daily life comprehensive changes over time about changes over time about changes over time about

have changed over explanation of changes particular objects particular objects particular objects
recent time, while over time about particular
others have remained objects
the same

Students relate stories Highly informed and Well-informed related Reasonably informed Partially informed story
about life in the past, related story describing story describing life in the related story describing describing life in the past
using objects life in the past using past using objects life in the past using using objects
History Inquiry Skills

objects objects

Respond to questions Highly-informed and Well-informed descriptive Descriptive responses Partially descriptive
about the past using descriptive responses responses about the past about the past using responses to questions
sources about the past using using sources sources about the past using sources


Appendix 1 Pictures from the past - Gallery walk

Australian Childrens Television Foundation and Education Services Australia 2011


Australian Childrens Television Foundation and Education Services Australia 2011, Stills Gallery, My
Place, Education Services Australia, Viewed 20/12/16, <>

Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) 2014, F-10 Curriculum,
Humanities and Social Sciences: History, Foundation to Year 10 Curriculum v8.2, Australian
Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority, viewed 20/12/16

Hoodless, P and Ebrary, I 2008, Teaching history in primary schools, Learning Matters, Exeter.
Huang, N, Zhong, J and Deng, S 2016, 'Vision of Curriculum and teaching from Ecological
Sustainability', MATEC Web of Conferences, vol. 63, no. 05005, pp. <xocs:firstpage
Keller, M and Goodman, J 2002, Teaching history in primary elementary grades: A study of teachers
who dare to try, Ann Arbor, Indiana University.
King, K, Moughamian, A, Goyal, M, Chambers, P and Sindt, C 2016, An Early Childhood
Curriculum for Teaching Environmental Sustainability, United States California, ProQuest.

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