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!Bienvenidos mis estudiantes! Welcome to the beginning level of Spanish- a course designed to
prepare you for communicative proficiency in the target language. As a class, we will experience the true
importance of acquiring a second language and how it can positively influence our perception of the
world. You will learn to talk about yourself and others, using words, phrases or short-sentences. You will
also learn how to ask simple questions to get information that you need or want. Throughout the year it
will become easier to understand spoken and written Spanish. Stay positive because we are going to learn
a lot and have a lot of fun too! Here you can find my expectations for you as world language learners.

National Standards for Students Learning a World Language

Standard 1 Communication: Communication is at the heart of second language study; whether the
communication involves understanding and producing interpersonal information such as opinions and
emotions, interpreting various texts and speech, or presenting on a variety of topics to an audience.

Standard 2 Cultures: Through the study of other languages, students gain a knowledge and
understanding of the cultures that use that language and, in fact, cannot truly master the language until
they have also mastered the cultural contexts in which the language occurs. We will focus on both the
cultural products and practices of Spanish-speakers.

Standard 3 Connections: Learning languages provides connections to additional bodies of knowledge

that may be unavailable to the monolingual English speaker.

Standard 4 Comparisons: Through comparisons and contrasts with the language being studied, students
develop insight into the nature of language and the concept of culture and realize that there are multiple
ways of viewing the world.

Standard 5 Communities: Together, these elements enable the student of languages to participate in
multilingual communities at home and around the world in a variety of contexts and in culturally
appropriate ways.
Students in Spanish 1 will be able to:

Communicate about the alphabet & numbers, classroom objects, clothing & colors, daily activities, telling
the time, family, food & beverages, greetings, farewells & personal information, places & locations,
seasons & weather in the target language.

Utilize the following verb tenses: present, stem-changing verbs, regular t commands, verb + infinitive,
present progressive, Gustar-like verbs and tener expressions.

Understand basic spoken Spanish and respond in an appropriate manner.

Gain understandings of different cultures and people through readings, history and culture.

Grading Policy
This class will be graded using a weighted system. The grades will be weighted into the following

Summative: 60% quizzes, end of chapter performance assessments, major projects, and
final exam
Formative: 30% graded homework, class work, formative speaking assessments (some
10% attendance, daily participation, and homework completion
90-100% 80-89% 70-79% 60-69% 0-59%

Classroom Procedure
A. Attendance: It is recommended that all students be present in class at all times. It is required that
students are seated once the bell has rung with their warm up out on their desk. Tardiness or multiples
absences will affect your grade. Students that are late MUST have a pass to class.
B. Homework/Tarea: Students will be expected to complete homework assignments by the day that they
are due. The purpose of the homework assignments are to help students to prepare for tests and quizzes.
-Assignments will be handed out in class and/or on Schoology this year.
C. Late work: Late work will be accepted until the day before the unit test, after which point will earn
zero credit. The penalty for late work will be an automatic reduction of 5% each day that it is late. NO
exceptions unless you have an excused absence.
D. Make-ups: Students will have two weeks from the day that they were absent to make up a quiz or test
that was missed in class. Students should not expect the teacher to remind them of missed work. BE
-Make up times and Tutoring Times: Mondays I am not available. Students can make an appointment to
meet with me before school, during lunch, after school. This can be done by email or in person.
E. Assessments: There will be announced quizzes, tests and projects that students should expect.
Participation, homework completion, asking questions and studying are what will prepare students. Test
corrections will be allowed if student receives a score of a 74% or lower. Only half points may be earned
back for incorrect questions.
F. Cheating: Absolutely NO CHEATING! If caught cheating on a test or quiz that will result in an
automatic zero and a phone call home. If caught cheating on the final exam that will result in an automatic
F for the final grade and those credits will have to be taken again.
G. Cell Phone Policy: Phones are NOT allowed in class. The only time they are allowed is if I say
phones may be used for a class activity.
* If a students phone is out again then it will be taken away and given back at the end of
the class period.
*If a student refuses to give their phone when using it at an inappropriate time, that will
involve an immediate removal from class to speak with an administrator in the office.
*Nederland Middle-Senior High School Cell Phone Agreement:
NMSHS students are expected to be responsible digital citizens. This means understanding and working
within the parameters of the schools expectations in regards to use and allowance of electronic devices
while on school property.


Students may have silenced cell phones and mobile communication devices on their person. The use of
these devices during instructional time without proper permission from NMSHS staff, or in a disruptive
manner in the school setting is prohibited.

Playing music through phones, speakers or other devices is prohibited.

Violating these expectations will result in the following:

1st infraction = loss for the day
2nd infraction = parent contact and loss for a week
Continued infraction = insubordination and subject to longer length of lost privilege and possible
suspension; parent pick up only

Students must turn in their phone if requested by a staff person. Students refusing to comply with a phone
request will be sent to the office for possible disciplinary action.
Our goal with the electronics policy is to safely manage cell phone use while teaching our students digital
H. Behavior:
-Come to class with a positive attitude.
-Be respectful to your classmates and teacher.
-Bullying is NEVER acceptable and will have consequences.

Daily Required Materials

*It is the students responsibility to come to class prepared.

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