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Science Project

Reproduction in Animals
1. Introduction:
Animals reproduce to ensure continuation of their species. Through reproduction, they also evolve to
succeed and survive in the changing environment.
What is reproduction? How do animals reproduce?
Reproduction is the process by which animals give birth to offspring similar to itself in sexual or
asexual way.
Animals reproduce in two ways. First, some animals such as humans, cows, dogs etc. give birth to
young babies. Second, some animals such as birds, fish, frogs etc. lay eggs from which new babies
are born.
2. Animals that lay eggs:

Birds- Egg and Life cycle of a hen: Hen lay eggs, which has a hard outer shell that protects it. The
yellow portion in the center is called yolk. The yolk has a white bright spot that develops into a baby.
A growing baby inside the egg is called embryo, which obtains food from the yolk. The embryo
grows into a baby bird called chick. The white substance, known as albumen, protects the embryo
from shocks and provides water.

The life cycle of a hen starts with laying of eggs. The male or female hen sits on the eggs for weeks
to keep it warm, a process known as incubation. When the embryo grows big, it breaks open the egg
shell and comes out. This process is called hatching. The parent hen feed the babies until they become
adult. The development of a bird from its embryo to becoming an adult is called its life cycle.

Frog-life cycle: A female frog lays many eggs in a lake or pond in small clusters known as spawns.
The eggs are protected by a jelly like substance. Tiny young babies, called tadpoles, hatch out of
eggs. Tadpoles eat water plants and swims in water like a fish. After 5 weeks, tadpoles loses tails, and
grows organs and limbs. After 11 weeks, it becomes fully developed frog. The development of a frog
from its young stages is called metamorphosis.

Insects- life cycle of a Housefly: The housefly lays hundreds of eggs at a time. Each egg hatches to
produce a young one called larva. The larva of a housefly is called maggot. A larva looks like a worm,
and does not have legs or wings. The maggot changes into pupa after few days, which looks like a
barrel. The pupa is covered by a cocoon. The cocoon breaks open in a week, and young butterfly comes

Reptiles: Reptiles such as snakes, crocodiles, turtles lay eggs, from which young reptiles hatch out
after few weeks.

Fish: Fish lay hundreds eggs at a time. Eggs are hatched to give birth to new babies.
3. Animals that give birth to young ones:
Mammals: Mammals are animals that give birth to young babies. Example, humans, lions, tigers etc.
The younger babies grow inside the body of their mother for many weeks/ months. When the babies
are born, mother takes care of them until they grow adult and can take care of themselves. Mother feeds
them with their own milk. Mammals like tigers teach the young ones how to hunt.
Marsupials: Some animals such as kangaroos carry the young babies in a pouch in their bodies.
Such animals are called Marsupials.
4. Conclusion: From this project, we learn, why and how different animals reproduce to give birth to
new babies. They either lay eggs or give birth to young animals. In this process, they continue with
their species.

1. Flowchart for animal reproduction

2. Lifecycle of a chicken

2. Lifecycle of a frog 2. Lifecycle of a housefly

2. Lifecycle of snake (Reptile)
2 . Lifecycle of a fish

3. Marsupials
3. Lifecycle of a mammal ( cow)

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