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Psychology, Pedagogy,

and Assessment in
Serious Games

Thomas M. Connolly
University of the West of Scotland, UK

Thomas Hainey
University of the West of Scotland, UK

Elizabeth Boyle
University of the West of Scotland, UK

Gavin Baxter
University of the West of Scotland, UK

Pablo Moreno-Ger
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

A volume in the Advances in Game-Based

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Chapter 5
Neurofeedback and
Serious Games
Manuel Ninaus Jrgen Kurzmann
University of Graz, Austria University of Graz, Austria

Matthias Witte Erwin Hartsuiker

University of Graz, Austria Mind Media BV, The Netherlands

Silvia E. Kober Christa Neuper

University of Graz, Austria University of Graz, Austria & Graz University of
Technology, Austria
Elisabeth V. C. Friedrich
University of Graz, Austria Guilherme Wood
University of Graz, Austria

Neuroscience as well as computer gaming have rapidly advanced in the last decades. Yet, the combina-
tion of both fields is still in its infancy. One example of an emerging alliance is neurofeedback, where
participants are required to learn controlling their own brain activity. So far, this kind of training is
mostly applied in therapeutic settings, for example improving symptoms in epilepsy, attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder, or autism spectrum disorder. However, there are some promising approaches
that used neurofeedback in everyday situations for healthy subjects. This may prove especially valuable
for serious games that aim to improve learning capabilities and cognitive aspects of individual users.
The following chapter introduces the basic concepts and standards of neurofeedback. The different
non-invasive imaging techniques are introduced along with successful applications in neurofeedback.
Finally, benefits and pitfalls for future combinations of neurofeedback and games are discussed: while
the former may profit from realistic and motivating video scenarios, the latter is expected to be a tool
for evaluating and monitoring the direct effects on the users brain.

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4773-2.ch005

Copyright 2014, IGI Global. Copying or distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
Neurofeedback and Serious Games

INTRODUCTION state, so that the user can determine whether he

or she is in the right mood for learning. In this
In recent years, the number of neuroscientific stud- way, the ultimate goal of serious games, which is
ies trying to modify either behavioral or cognitive to optimize learning success, is further supported.
performance of people via the use of feedback The aim of the present review is to discuss
training is rising enormously. There is ample evi- the usefulness of combining neuroscience and
dence that the successful regulation of ones own gaming. First, we will elaborate on neurofeed-
brain activity can lead to improvements in either back concepts and their history. Second, we will
of those domains (Coben & Evans, 2010). As the elaborate on the benefits of combining serious
term feedback training already suggests users games or game-elements and neurofeedback. In the
are required to gain control over brain activity in third part of this review, we will describe different
repeated training sessions. This continued learn- neuroimaging techniques and their application
ing process can take about ten training sessions to to neurofeedback. A comprehensive examina-
achieve positive effects on cognitive performance tion of the neuroscientific literature combining
(Vernon, 2005), whereas up to 30 or 40 training neurofeedback and game-like feedback modules
sessions are necessary to improve behavior such will be presented. In the last part of this article
as attentional and self-management capabilities we summarize our findings, present some possible
in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity limitations of neurofeedback and outline future
disorder (ADHD) (Gevensleben et al., 2010). perspectives.
Keeping the users motivation high over prolonged
time periods is thus one of the main challenges.
Yet, traditional neurofeedback trainings generally BACKGROUND
use rather simple visual feedback modalities such
as two-dimensional moving bars on a computer Neurofeedback (NF) is a kind of biofeedback, also
screen representing brain activity in real-time. called neurotherapy in the literature (Lofthouse,
In this context, games offer a motivating, en- Arnold, & Hurt, 2012). In NF applications, the
tertaining, innovative, and sensory rich alternative users brain activation is depicted in real-time with
to traditional feedback modalities and seem to the goal of helping the user to gain control over
be well suited for feedback applications. While specific aspects of the activity in his/her central
the primary purpose of conventional games is nervous system. Hence, the user receives direct
entertainment, we will refer to the term serious feedback about his/her actual brain activation pat-
games as games that have educational and/or tern and consequently can learn to gain voluntary
health-related aims besides entertainment (Wang, control over neural signals. By watching and listen-
Sourina, & Nguyen, 2010, Breuer & Bente, 2010). ing to real-time multi-media representations of its
The implementation of these kind of games or own activity, the brain can modify its functional-
game elements in neurofeedback applications ity and even its structure (Budzynski, Budzynski
might proof beneficial in terms of maintaining Kogan, Evans, & Abarbanel, 2009). The theory
motivation over repeated training session. of NF often refers to these mechanisms as operant
On the other hand, serious games may also conditioning of brain activation (Kropotov, 2009):
benefit from neurofeedback: Physiological pa- healthy, age appropriate brain activity is rewarded
rameters of users can be recorded during gaming with visual, auditory or even tactile stimulation. In
and directly fed back to the user. For instance, contrast, undesirable patterns of brain activity are
brain activation patterns can provide the user with ignored or even penalized (Coben & Evans, 2010).
feedback about ones current affective or arousal

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

NF is often confused with brain computer of slow EEG frequencies (4-7 Hz) and a lack of
interface (BCI). BCI provides an independent faster EEG frequencies (15-20 Hz) compared to
non-muscular channel for communication and normal kids. Therefore, ADHD kids are trained
control by means of translating signals of the to enhance fast EEG frequencies combined with
brain into an output that reflects the users intent inhibiting slow frequencies. This EEG based NF
(Wolpaw, Birbaumer, McFarland, Pfurtscheller, training shows positive effects on behavior, such
& Vaughan, 2002). While in both, NF and BCI as a reduction of negative hyperactive/impulsive
the users brain signals are directly displayed to behaviors with simultaneous improvement of at-
the participant in real-time, these applications tentional capabilities (Gruzelier & Egner, 2005).
differ conceptually. BCI can be seen as a direct Nowadays, NF approach is used to regulate a vari-
communication pathway between a human brain ety of brain dysfunctions and psychiatric disorders,
and external devices such as a wheelchair, a such as schizophrenia, addiction, depression, or
computer, or prosthesis (Kropotov, 2009). In obsessive-compulsive disorder (Kropotov, 2009).
BCI applications, the recorded brain signals are Generally, when participants become successful
translated in real-time into commands that oper- in regulating their own brain activity, e.g. increas-
ate a computer display or other devices (Wolpaw ing voluntary specific EEG frequency bands,
et al., 2002). In contrast, in NF applications, the improvements in cognition and behavior usually
feedback parameters are used for self-regulation follow (Coben & Evans, 2010). However, NF is
of the brain itself (Kropotov, 2009). Participants not only useful for people with deficits in specific
learn to control their own brain activity by means cognitive domains. In specific situations healthy
of contingent feedback of measures of the brain people can benefit from NF as well. Recent studies
activity during NF experiments (Weiskopf, 2012). were able to show that EEG based NF is useful to
In recent studies, both, NF and BCI approaches improve memory performance in healthy young
have been used to control games without muscular students (e.g. Nan et al., 2012). This confirms
activity (e.g. Wang et al., 2011; Yan et al., 2008; findings of prior studies indicating that EEG
Zhao et al., 2009). NF training leads to improvements in cognitive
Different neuroimaging techniques have been performances in healthy adults (Angelakis et al.,
used in NF research and a detailed review of the 2007; Gruzelier, Egner, & Vernon, 2006; Hoedl-
major features will be given later in this chapter. moser et al., 2008; Vernon, 2005; Vernon et al.,
For now, we want to introduce some of the main 2003). The majority of NF studies are based on
applications. Historically, electroencephalography EEG signals, but the derived EEG parameters are
(EEG) based NF was first applied in clinical prac- not the only physiological parameters that reflect
tice for treatment of epileptic patients. Epilepsy functioning of the brain. Recently, the number of
patients who learned to control their electrical NF studies using hemodynamic/metabolic activ-
brain activity using EEG based NF training showed ity of the brain measured by functional magnetic
a reduced seizure rate (Kotchoubey et al., 1999). resonance imaging (fMRI) or near-infrared spec-
Later, NF was mainly applied to reduce attention troscopy (NIRS) as NF signal is rising (Yoo et
deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms al., 2008). The fMRI and NIRS signal can be fed
in children, such as inattention and overactivity back to the participants and, consequently, can
(Gruzelier & Egner, 2005). There is ample evi- be used for voluntary control of brain functions
dence that children with ADHD show an excess (Kropotov, 2009).

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

AN EMERGING NEW FIELD: How should I act to make it work? or What

HOW NEUROFEEDBACK AND does it feel like to control the task? Of course the
SERIOUS GAMES CAN BENEFIT instructor will provide information on the general
FROM ONE ANOTHER task design and what the user is supposed to do.
However, as typical for procedural learning, ver-
Cognitive capacity of our brain and performance bal instructions alone are not sufficient to reach
in computer games are tightly coupled (Feng, mastery (i.e. being able to describe how to ride a
Spence, & Pratt, 2007; Green & Bavelier, 2003; bicycle does not imply any ability driving one on
Green, Pouget, & Bavelier, 2010; Oei & Patter- the streets in reality). Instead, the way to master
son, 2013). With the increasing complexity of NF initially involves a lot of trial-and-error
modern games one has to process huge amounts learning. That is, desirable brain states may appear
of sensory information, make ultra-fast decisions, by chance but because of the immediate positive
memorize previous events of the game and finally feedback manifest themselves over time. During
react with an appropriate motor response. This later stages of NF training this link between brain
human-computer interaction is interactive and due signals and feedback has consolidated so that us-
to highly realistic scenarios the popular media has ers can intuitively switch between desirable and
begun to speak of a new sensory reality. undesirable brain states.
Research combining neuroscience and gaming The crucial point here is to establish the elec-
is a very young discipline that faces a lot of chal- trophysiological signature of a desirable brain state
lenges. The following section is aimed at introduc- and how to activate and maintain it. The pattern
ing potential benefits for these two fields. First, of brain activation should be highly specific,
we will consider the role of attention in NF and distinct and reproducible. These characteristics
how game design could help to ensure a focused, will greatly facilitate the reliable detection using
motivated user. Second, we will discuss how one non-invasive neuroimaging methods and therefore
can incorporate different brain states into serious help to ensure a consistent brain-feedback link.
games to improve learning. Finally, critical issues Producing such patterns is not straightforward:
will be outlined, especially with respect to the The NF literature has mostly suggested a state of
complexity of multimodal feedback. As we will relaxed but focused mind of the user (Gruzelier,
see, some of these issues may actually relate to Egner, & Vernon, 2006; Gruzelier, Inoue, Smart,
discrepancies in the general conceptualization in Steed, & Steffert, 2010; Pfurtscheller, 1992; Ser-
both disciplines. ruya & Kahana, 2008). Let us thus briefly review
what is known about motivational and attentional
Cognitive Aspects Determining factors and their influence on NF performance.
the Individual Ability to Learn In his seminal book Rhythms of the Brain
from Neurofeedback (Buzski, 2006) Buzski nicely outlined the be-
ginning of NF: the so called alpha movement
As defined earlier in this chapter, NF is based on in the 1970s tried to commercialize a feedback
training paradigms that enable users to gain vol- therapy where enhancement of 8-12 Hz brain
untary control over brain signals. This is usually oscillations was promised to promote a state of
achieved with a direct, ongoing sensory feedback. deep relaxation. The idea was somehow inspired by
Two stages of this learning process can be roughly meditation techniques, like Zen or Yoga training,
outlined: In the beginning of the NF training, the and indeed these mental practices can influence
user most probably does not know how to control brain rhythms to some degree (Fell, Axmacher, &
his brain activity. He may thus ask questions like Haupt, 2010; Green & Turner, 2010). However,

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

relaxation and a state of enhanced attention, or so Two studies on self-regulation of 12-15 Hz

to say focused mind, may not represent the same and 15-18 Hz EEG components showed a direct
processes. Moreover, there are different compo- feedback effect on attention and behavior in healthy
nents of attention (Posner & Raichle, 1994) which participants (Egner & Gruzelier, 2001, 2004). The
are associated to the activity in partially segregated P300b, an event-related EEG potential reflecting
neural networks: one for orienting towards sen- processes that update stimuli information in work-
sory stimuli, another that is maintaining a state ing memory, was evaluated as output measure in
of alertness and a third one involved in executive a continuous performance task. This task required
control of goal-directed behavior. The neural participants either to respond to auditory target
correlates of these attentional processes are not stimuli by pushing a switch or to withhold motor
localized in a single brain area but instead emerge response. Following NF training of only ten ses-
in large networks that additionally interact with sions using the signals mentioned above, these
each other. For this reason, enormous scientific authors found increased amplitudes of the P300b
efforts have been made since the 1990s to describe component that correlated with the success of the
the cognitive constructs in their complexity and training. Moreover, it was shown that errors rates
specificity. Solving these open questions may thus were reduced and participants responded faster.
help to identify the objective physiological and The important conclusion is that successful NF
psychological predictors of the individuals ability learners showed selective enhancement in atten-
to voluntarily regulate brain activity. tional processing that ultimately resulted in better
First insights came from slow cortical po- behavioral performance.
tentials, large amplitude fluctuations that re- With the growing interest in BCI in the last
flect threshold modulations of local networks 15 years, many additional factors have been con-
(Birbaumer et al., 1999; Daum et al., 1993). sidered that may influence brain activity and the
These oscillations play a crucial role in setting interaction with computerized feedback. Although
the excitability level of the brain and have been researchers have applied all recording techniques
employed in the treatment of pathological states available, different algorithms to extract brain
of oscillatory activity, like epilepsy and ADHD. activations and various types of feedback signals,
However, there are large inter-individual differ- one problem is omnipresent: BCI illiteracy, i.e.
ences in both healthy and diseased participants so the finding that about 10-40% of users fail to
that the training duration and effectiveness of NF gain significant BCI control (Blankertz et al.,
paradigms using slow cortical potentials can vary 2010; Guger, Edlinger, Harkam, Niedermeyer, &
a lot. Neuropsychological tests have suggested Pfurtscheller, 2003). The reasons for this failure
that general attentional abilities correlate, at least are still unknown and only weak and unsystematic
partly, with the variations seen during NF (Daum relations between factors like mood, motivation,
et al., 1993; Holzapfel, Strehl, Kotchoubey, & intelligence and personal traits have been found
Birbaumer, 1998; Roberts, Birbaumer, Rockstroh, (Hammer et al., 2012; Nijboer et al., 2008) . How-
Lutzenberger, & Elbert, 1989). A plausible inter- ever, two interesting points were raised in these
pretation of these results is that we only possess a studies. First, Hammer and colleagues reported
limited amount of attentional resources that can be that inefficiency in a BCI using motor imagery
allocated and reallocated during cognitive tasks. (n=84 participants) could be best predicted by a
For successful NF control this means that users test of fine motor skills. This may indicate that
have to focus on the task and have to develop and learning to regulate physiological parameters, like
retrieve certain mental strategies that result in the the amplitude of EEG components, is linked to
desired patterns of brain activity. processes of motor learning. Second, the work of

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

Figure 1. Summary of possible factors influencing

Nijboer and colleagues dissociated four different
NF performance
motivational factors: mastery confidence, incom-
petence fear, challenge and interest. Although the
user population in these studies was a small group
of paralyzed patients revealing ambiguous results,
an important issue was raised, for the influence
of psychological factors may also depend on the
initial level of performance. For example, users
who can perform well from the beginning of the
training could be hampered by incompetence fear
while initially worse users may in fact experience
a motivational boost driven by this fear. Related
to this idea is the concept of the locus of control
of reinforcement (LOC; (Beier, 2004; Rotter,
1966). That is, people with an external LOC tend
to attribute results of their actions to external
sources such as luck, chance or unpredictable
circumstances. In contrast, people with an internal
LOC attribute the results of their actions to their
own capacity and abilities. In terms of technical neuroscience has mostly relied on simple visual
environments, people with an internal LOC feel feedback, like a moving bar, gaming design can
more comfortable and confident to control devices. contribute more vivid scenarios which in itself
So far, there is only one study that demonstrated might ensure high attentional involvement of us-
a correlation between LOC and BCI feedback ers. Indeed, there is ample evidence that increased
performance (Burde & Blankertz, 2006) but the engagement or involvement in a game can spur
general idea stating that trust in technologies is motivation and can also improve training and
an important factor seems convincing and thus learning outcome (Garris & Driskell, 2002; Ott &
needs further exploration. Tavella, 2009). The level of engagement in games
To summarize, we have seen evidence for an with a graphic surface is mainly influenced by
important contribution of different psychological technology-related factors such as stereoscopy, im-
factors, like motivation or attention, to the abil- age motion, a realistic and detailed design, display
ity to self-regulate brain signals in NF and BCI devices, etc. (Kober, Kurzmann, & Neuper, 2012).
paradigms (Figure 1). However, there is no gen- Positive consequences of increased engagement
eral rule guiding these influences but any effect are that the user enjoys what he/she is doing, and
seems highly specific to the respective paradigm persists over a longer time (Garris & Driskell,
and individual user. One important empirical 2002; Ott & Tavella, 2009; Rowe, Shores, Mott,
question is how to overcome current limitations. & Lester, 2010). All of this is of central relevance
Developments from the field of serious games for transferring results from laboratory experi-
could provide valuable tools in several respects. ments to applications for home use, where there
As described earlier, a key point is to maintain or are many sources of distraction and monitoring
even increase motivation and attention of poten- by an instructor is missing. A milestone in this
tial users so that their engagement in the task is development is to tailor such gaming-inspired
consistently high without increasing the amount tasks to the cognitive capacities and personal
of motor artifacts and eye movements. While needs of individuals: the optimal training would

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

thus constantly adjust the level of difficulty to bal- cessful learning. This is often independent from
ance challenging and rewarding aspects for each conscious perception so that instead of verbal
individual user. Another limitation is that a clear reports by users one can rely on more objective
connection between NF training and enhanced patterns of brain activity. Going one step back, a
performance is often hard to validate (Vernon, second way to incorporate knowledge from NF
2005), especially when one aims to report long- is to carry out pre-training screens (Blankertz et
term effects. Here serious games offer additional al., 2010; Maeder, Sannelli, Haufe, & Blankertz,
criteria, for example the amount of training it takes 2012). Short recordings of brain activity during
to progress to the next level of the game. Because rest may help to assess the overall level of relax-
users presumably spend significant time playing ation and arousal. In turn, this could have two
games this will facilitate future exploration of a important consequences: first, it indicates when
potential causal relationship. to avoid lengthy but ineffective training sessions
and second, it indicates and adjusts for the most
Incorporating Brain States into appropriate initial level of difficulty.
Serious Games As we have learned in the previous sections,
the participants internal motivation and the ex-
So far we considered basic principles and issues pected reward have been shown to modulate brain
from the field of neuroscience and cognitive psy- signals. For example, oscillatory 4-8 Hz activity in
chology. But how is that relevant for the gaming fronto-parietal brain areas does not only indicate
industry in any way? The answer for serious games whether an event is subsequently remembered but
is straightforward: if one wants to go beyond the also seems to be related to the anticipated reward
mere fun factor of commercial video games (Fell et al., 2012; Gruber, Watrous, Ekstrom,
and aims at beneficial training effects in terms Ranganath, & Otten, 2013; Musallam, Corneil,
of health, well-being or education, one definitely Greger, Scherberger, & Andersen, 2004). These
needs to acknowledge how the human nervous kinds of signals can help evaluating whether a
system responds to gaming. Human brains do given game design produces the desired effects:
have an immense capacity for plastic changes a highly motivating feedback recruits those brain
throughout the whole lifespan and this is where regions helping to enhance memory. Altogether,
one wants to make a difference. physiological signals and tools from the field of
Recent advancements in neuroscience have neuroscience and psychology can provide ad-
demonstrated that we are able to decode differ- ditional information for the implementation and
ent brain states, for example dissociating periods evaluation of serious games.
of resting from preparatory activity and action-
related brain signals. This is especially important
for neuroprosthetics, i.e. when technical devices DIFFERENT NEUROIMAGING
are used to substitute dysfunctional modalities of TECHNIQUES AND THEIR
the body. Indeed, first successful approaches in APPLICATION IN NEUROFEEDBACK
monkeys have been reported that allow for auto-
matic detection of the transition from one state to A reasonable application of gaming elements
another during arm reaching movements (Kemere in NF supposes that developers have a solid
et al., 2008). This kind of real-time monitoring understanding of the resources and limitations
of fluctuations between different mental states of neuroimaging techniques. That is, all people
is a promising tool for serious games to detect involved from engineer to software programmer
when the user is in an optimal condition for suc- to medical assistant - should know the strengths

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

and weaknesses of a given technique and find Silva, 2005). Generally, averaging techniques are
a common language to communicate emerging used to detect such ERP (Pfurtscheller & Lopes
problems from their field to the other disciplines. da Silva, 1999). SCPs reflect changes in cortical
We therefore will introduce the most common polarization, such as negative and positive trends
neurophysiological methods here and give some in the EEG, lasting from about 300ms to several
examples on feedback paradigms that have been seconds after an eliciting event. Several studies
realized so far (see Table 1.) have demonstrated associations between electro-
cortical negativity and behavioral measures such as
short-term memory performance or reaction time
EEG (Birbaumer, Elbert, Canavan, & Rockstroh, 1990).
In the following we will discuss some of the
The most frequently applied neurophysiological most interesting and promising NF and BCI-
method for NF and BCI applications is the elec- applications for serious games and virtual environ-
troencephalogram (EEG). This technique uses ments using EEG. In most cases game elements
electrodes to measure the electrical activity of the have been integrated in traditional NF or BCI
brain at the scalp surface, which is reflecting the protocols to increase participants motivation. One
summed potential of ionic currents across mem- reason is that NF is often used for the treatment of
branes of single cells. The EEG contains a wide clinical disorders e.g. ADHD, anxiety-disorders,
frequency spectrum that can be split up in different phobias and social problems where a substantial
frequency sub-bands. From a psychophysiological part of the treatment involves an active contribu-
viewpoint, the most important sub-bands which tion of participants. Thus, a combination of NF
are clinically relevant are: Delta (below 3.5 Hz), and games is highly promising particularly since
Theta (4-7.5 Hz), Alpha (8-13 Hz), Beta (14-30 traditional feedback screens are often monotonous
Hz), and Gamma (above 30 Hz) (Niedermeyer & consisting of two-dimensional moving bars, spots,
Lopes da Silva, 2005). These EEG frequencies are or lines. These modalities of training may quickly
associated with specific brain functions: Delta is become boring, what in turn can lead to decreased
prevalent in the EEG of infants or during sleep, training performance or a stagnated progression
Theta is associated with drowsiness but at the same of the clinical treatment.
time Theta is generally increased during spatial There is empirical evidence that the imple-
navigation, memory and language processes, mentation of simple game elements as feedback
Alpha is prevalent in the EEG during relaxation, modality can improve NF or BCI performance. For
Beta is associated with attentional processes and instance, Ron-Angevin and Daz-Estrella (2009)
concentration, and Gamma is linked to problem compared two different visual feedback protocols:
solving and memory work (Birbaumer & Schmidt, One group of participants received a conventional
2006; Kober & Neuper, 2011). For NF studies, the visual feedback consisting of a horizontal bar
power in different EEG frequency bands can be on a computer screen, which extends in varying
fed back to the user, but there are also EEG based degrees to the left or to the right depending on
NF applications using event-related potentials the classification result of the BCI classifier.
(ERP), such as slow cortical potentials (SCP), as The second group saw a car via a head mounted
feedback signal (Budzynski et al., 2009; Coben & display, which was driving down the middle of
Evans, 2010; Kropotov, 2009). ERP are defined three lanes. Additionally the participants had to
in the time domain as the electrical activity of the avoid obstacles appearing on the left or right lane.
brain that is triggered by the occurrence of par- Participants were able to control the cars position
ticular events or stimuli (Niedermeyer & Lopes da by means of voluntary changes in their EEG signal.

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

Table 1. Summary of NF studies using game-like feedback modalities

Reference Neuroscientific NF/ Physiological Mental Task Game-Like Feedback

Method BCI Parameters Used as
Feedback Signal
Ron-Angevin EEG BCI EEG power in different Mental relaxation vs. mo- Virtual car driving game,
& Daz-Estrella frequency bands tor imagery (visual)
Zhao et al. EEG BCI EEG power in different Motor imagery (left Virtual car driving game
(2009) frequency bands hand-, right hand- and (visual)
foot-imagery) vs. resting
Cho et al. EEG NF Controlling EEG beta Virtual classroom (visual)
(2004) wave ratio
Wang et al. EEG NF EEG power in different Relaxation vs. concentra- 2D (Pipe and Brain
(2011) frequency bands tion Chi) and 3D (Dancing
robot and Escape) NF
games (visual)
Doud et al. EEG BCI Controlling EEG SMR Motor imagery Navigating a virtual he-
(2011) (12-15 Hz) frequency licopter through a virtual
space (visual)
Gruzelier, EEG NF Controlling different EEG Interaction with virtual
Inoue, Smart, frequency bands theatre auditorium (vi-
Steed, & Stef- sual)
fert (2010)
Yan et al. EEG NF EEG power in different Controlling different
(2008) frequency bands games
Matsuyama et NIRS BCI Relative concentration Mental arithmetic task vs. Moving a humanoid robot
al. (2009) changes in oxy-Hb resting period (visual)
Coyle et al. NIRS BCI Relative concentration Motor imagery Mindswitch Game
(2007) changes in oxy-Hb (visual)
Power et al. NIRS BCI Relative concentration Mental arithmetic task vs. Answer multiple choice
(2012) changes in oxy-Hb mental singing task vs. questions (visual)
no-control state
Ayaz et al. NIRS BCI Relative concentration Intention-related cognitive Controlling of objects in
(2011) changes in oxy-Hb activity 3D virtual environment
DeCharms et fMRI BCI BOLD signal in rostral Brightness of virtual fire
al. (2005) anterior cingulate cortex image and movement
(rACC) of scrolling line graph
Yoo et al. fMRI BCI BOLD signal Mental calculation, Navigation through a
(2004) mental speech generation, simple 2D maze (visual)
left and right hand motor
Mueller et al. fMRI BCI BOLD signal Virtual 3D maze and a
(2012) virtual 3D city environ-
ment (visual)
Sorger et al. fMRI BCI BOLD signal Motor imagery, mental Answer multiple choice
(2009) calculation, inner speech questions (visual)

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

In both groups, the BCI training was carried out agery tasks can enhance motivation and mental
discriminating between two mental tasks: mental toughness (Mahmoudi & Erfanian, 2006). Ad-
relaxation and imagining a movement of the right ditionally motor-imagery tasks can also improve
hand. Ron-Angevin and Daz-Estrella (2009) were real motor skills (e.g. Mahmoudi & Erfanian,
able to show that there were significant differ- 2006), which could be a relevant implication for
ences in classification error rates between both rehabilitation purposes. However, conventional
visual feedback protocols. The visual feedback rehabilitation tools or protocols are often mono-
protocol that contained the car produced higher tone and the success of rehabilitation relies on
accuracy than the conventional visual horizontal patients compliance (Cameirao, Bermudez i
bar protocol. These results demonstrate that even Badia, & Verschure, 2008). Adding game ele-
slight changes of a conventional protocol can pro- ments could enhance therapy by increasing the
duce significant effects for BCI. By integrating motivation of the patients to participate in the
further game elements or by implementing virtual rehabilitation process.
reality technology (e.g. head mounted displays) An important issue in paradigms of increased
into traditional protocols it is even possible to complexity is how to design a vivid feedback while
improve therapeutic outcomes and increase the at the same time controlling for possible side ef-
participants perceived motivation (e.g. Leeb et fects. As one step in this direction, the successful
al., 2007). application of virtual reality to NF protocols has
More complex scenarios have already been been demonstrated (e.g. Cho et al., 2002), espe-
implemented and may provide an additional level cially for cognitive training. A NF study by Cho
of control in future serious games. One example and colleagues (2004) examined the effectiveness
is the study by Zhao, Zhang, & Cichocki (2009), of NF, along with virtual reality, for reducing the
where participants were able to control a virtual car level of inattention and impulsiveness in male
in 3D dynamically changing virtual environment. participants with social problems. To this end,
The researchers implemented a BCI system which the researchers created a virtual classroom. One
was able to distinguish between four mental states: group of participants used a head mounted display
motor imagery states of left hand-, right hand- and to visually orient themselves in the virtual world
foot-imagery as well as relaxation. These different (VR group). Another group only used a computer
mental tasks were decoded and used to control the monitor for their NF training. Both groups should
virtual car in the virtual environment: turning left learn to control the beta activity of their brain
or right, speedup and none command, respectively. signal (15-18Hz). Beta activity is closely related
Doud and colleagues (2011) trained participants to attention and impulsiveness. When the beta
to modulate their EEG activity through motor activity of the participants EEG signal was greater
imagery to achieve three-dimensional movement than a baseline threshold, participants earned a
of a virtual helicopter. Participants successfully score for a positive reinforcement outcome in
learned to control the helicopter with the goal of the virtual environment. The environment used
flying through rings in a 3D space. in this NF training was similar to a game. By
The examples mentioned so far can be consid- increasing the beta wave ratio a dinosaurs egg
ered as a proof-of-principle and one can foresee rose from a desk in the virtual classroom, which
different applications in everyday life. With re- then split in two. From the broken egg, each part
spect to serious games, users may experience an of a dinosaur picture puzzle gradually appeared
increased awareness of the learning content and on a whiteboard, if the participants were able to
higher motivation due to the enriched feedback. further increase the beta wave ratio. The game
Furthermore, controlling BCI systems with im- ended when all the puzzle pictures of the dinosaur

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

egg were completed on the whiteboard. The VR ability. The authors applied two 2D-(Pipe and
group with the head mounted display achieved Brain Chi) and two 3D-games (Dancing robot
better results than the group without VR in a test and Escape) in combination with a commercial
that was able to measure the ability to respond EEG system that detected the level of concentra-
and pay attention. Furthermore, the VR group tion. All these games used the same general game
paid more attention and made their decisions strategy: points could be earned or lost by the user
more rapidly in a continuous performance task. depending on whether concentration was in- or
The results of this study imply that NF training decreased (game examples are given at http://
within an immersive virtual reality is helpful in
attention enhancement. Similar results, regarding html; Sourina, 2013). Changing the game strategy
a better training outcome with more immersive in this setup, that is either enhancing concentration
NF training, have also been shown by Othmer or relaxation, provided a way of flexible training.
and Kaiser (2000) in a retrospective data analysis. Based on this common design, games may
The researchers examined different 2D and 3D implement different virtual environments and dif-
applications used for different NF trainings. They ferent tasks. The game Brain Chi for example is
discovered that 3D applications outperformed 2D a 2D single-player game, where the player controls
applications. The researchers conclude that some a little boy hero by using his/her brain power
tests of cognitive function show better outcomes (e.g. concentration level). The task was to help
with 3D applications. These findings imply that this little boy hero to fight against evil bats using
participants could benefit from a more complex a protection ball. The size of the protection ball
and information-rich feedback compared to con- is actually controlled by the brain power of the
ventional NF trainings. Virtual reality applications player: by increasing the size of the protection
for NF training seem to improve training outcome ball the player can eliminate all the bats and win
and should therefore be considered as an important the game.
part for future NF protocols. A sophisticated variant of this approach is
Recent studies took advantage of these promis- Escape by Wang, Sourina and Nguyen (2011).
ing findings and implemented game elements and This 3D single-player game has an educational
virtual reality technique for their NF trainings (e.g. purpose. The game-story requires the player to
Wang, Sourina, & Nguyen, 2011; Yan et al., 2008). solve different educational puzzles. If the player
While most paradigms mentioned above have been is able to solve the puzzle he or she could get a
driven by questions from a neuroscientific view, password to unlock doors in the virtual environ-
one can also recognize an increasing interest from ment to escape. However, when the player is not
game-inspired research. As mentioned in the study able to solve the puzzle in a conventional way an
by Wang and colleagues, EEG is widely used in alternative possibility is to analyze the concentra-
serious game design and becomes even more tion level of the player via the EEG. The player
prominent since more wireless headsets that meet has to stay concentrated for a specified amount
consumer criteria for affordability, portability and of time to get the password that he/she needs to
ease-of-use are available at the consumer market. pass through the door. In case the player uses his
For game implementation researchers have used brain power to get the password, the overall game
different sorts of game engines, which provide time allocated for the player to escape is reduced.
different tools and utilities designing and creating These examples provide insight on how NF
games. In a study by Wang, Sourina and Nguyen and games may be combined in future training
(2011) 2D and 3D NF games have been imple- approaches. NF might use game design principles
mented to help the user to improve concentration to make such training more fun, immersive and

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

Figure 3. Walking rabbit game with scrolling

engaging. At the same time, future games and
background and interaction with environment
especially serious games can incorporate brain
(Mind Media, 2003)
and other physiological signals as new control
To make these future perspectives come true
an intensive exchange between researchers and
companies such as Mind Media BV (http://www. is needed that play an important
part in developing new, efficient and engaging NF
applications as well. In the early 1990s, Mind-
Media developed one of the first applications of-
fering true multimedia feedback on a standard PC
(NeuroTrace software; V1.0 1994, Mind Media).
NeuroTrace for instance allowed controlling video and collects points when certain landmarks are
and bitmap animations to play or pause when user discovered. The movement of the rabbit was
definable physiological thresholds were met (see driven by physiological signals.
Figure 2.) When the first computer game elements were
The objects shown in the animations were used for NF, a new generation of feedback tech-
pre-rendered in 3D graphics software and played nology was introduced. As game technology
back to the user, providing a new sort of feedback. improved, new elements were introduced and
The user was rewarded by interesting and colorful biofeedback driven games became more intelligent
computer graphics, rather than a simple line graph. and more versatile. A (flash based) game, which
The first computer games used in commercially Mind Media introduced in the year 2005, may
available neuro- and biofeedback systems were serve to illustrate this. In this game Mind Media
relatively simple and still rather close to animated introduced the idea that up to three individual
sequences. The client could move backward and programmable signals control up to three moving
forward freely, while the environment would also objects in the game (Figure 4). This game is a
provide some interaction. An example is shown race where each caterpillar has their own color
below (Figure 3). In this game, a rabbit makes a and signal attached to it. For a single person this
journey through a horizontally scrolling landscape could mean training three EEG frequency bands
such as Theta, Beta and the Sensory Motor Rhythm
(SMR; 12-15 Hz). In the example below, the green
Figure 2. Example of first generation of bitmap caterpillar (SMR) is supposed to win, by having
animations used for feedback training (Mind more time over threshold, than Theta and Beta.
Media) This game could however also be used to connect
two or three people and do Biofeedback on EMG,
respiration, HRV and so on, where each caterpil-
lar represents a person. So they would be playing
against each other or more positively put: with
each other.
In these flash games the user was also allowed
to define how the physiological signals would
impact the parameters of the game and environ-
ment. So a signal could drive movement of objects,

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

Figure 4. Neurofeedback driven games controlling up to 3 objects

their speed, direction, color, brightness and so on. companies. The graphics were improved as well
This introduces many degrees of freedom of how as the game play, but the essence did not change.
the brain signal could be fed back and was an- The physiological signals are used to drive ele-
other step forward in NF driven computer games ments of the game such as the main objects and
in the commercial sector of NF. the environment and the game present new chal-
Another example of a NF-game is space invad- lenges and rewards in various ways, such as through
ers (Figure 5). In this game, the movement of the new levels. As long as the game sticks to the
laser gun (ship at the bottom of the screen) was principles of operant conditioning and provides
controlled either by the user or therapist (via the meaningful feedback, game technology can enrich
keyboard) or automatically by the computer. The NF training and will continue to do so.
laser gun would shoot whenever all criteria were By highlighting also the perspective of an
met. Example: the laser gun would shoot when industrial company devoted to the manufacturing
SMR activity went over threshold (enough neu- of NF-devices and software we can be confident
rons firing in that frequency) and when Theta and that game elements become more and more
EMG artifact was low enough (below threshold). important for serious applications such as NF,
Besides 2D games, games with a 3D environ- especially for commercially available devices.
ment were developed by Mind Media and other As already mentioned above, the most frequently

Figure 5. Space Invaders: firing the laser gun is driven by brainwave activity

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

applied neurophysiological method for NF and of fMRI based feedback studies lies mainly on the
BCI applications is EEG. Due to its affordability, implementation of the continuous monitoring of
portability and ease-of-use EEG is also the most the BOLD response in real time rather than on
popular neurophysiological method for NF in the how these changes in the BOLD response can
industry. Nevertheless EEG is not the only method be fed back to the user optimally. Hence, only a
to fed back neurophysiological signals. few fMRI based feedback studies implemented
gaming elements as feedback modality. Goebel
and colleagues for example created a computer
MRI game based on table tennis that people can play
via self-regulated brain activity (Goebel, Sorger,
There are also attempts to use other neurophysi- Kaiser, Birbaumer, & Weiskopf, 2004).
ological methods than EEG for feedback studies. DeCharms and colleagues (2005) trained par-
Hemodynamic activity of the brain measured by ticipants to gain control over the endogenous pain
functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) or modulatory system to enable voluntarily control
near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) is an additional over pain by using real-time fMRI. Therefore,
candidate signal for NF in this sense (S. Yoo, Lee, participants learned to increase or decrease activity
OLeary, Panych, & Jolesz, 2008). in the rostral anterior cingulate cortex (rACC), a
Magnet resonance imaging (MRI) is a non- region putatively involved in pain perception and
invasive brain imaging method that uses strong regulation. Activity in the rACC was fed back to
magnetic fields to create images of biological participants by means of visual feedback. Partici-
tissue. With functional MRI (fMRI) changes in pants received real-time fMRI information from
brain function, typically increases or decreases in the target brain region in the rACC as a scrolling
blood oxygenation, are measured during mental line graph of BOLD signal from the entire brain
activation by assessing changes in magnetization region and a continuous video display depicting
between oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor blood. the same information as a larger or smaller virtual
Hence, fMRI measures brain activity by detecting fire image. Hence, whenever the BOLD signal
associated changes in blood flow in the brain. fMRI in the rACC increased the scrolling line graph
uses the blood-oxygen-level-dependent (BOLD) moved up and the virtual fire got brighter. When
contrast as its basic measure. The BOLD hemo- participants deliberately induced increases or
dynamic response is defined as the relative con- decreases in rACC fMRI activation, there was a
centration change of deoxygenated hemoglobin corresponding change in the perception of pain
(oxygen-poor blood) following neural stimulation. caused by an applied noxious thermal stimulus.
After stimulus onset the concentration of deoxy- Spatial navigation by thoughts is also a hot topic
genated hemoglobin increases rapidly peaking at in the context of real-time fMRI applications. Yoo
about two seconds after stimulus onset, and then et al. (2004) used fMRI based BCI for navigation
declines to a minimum value about six seconds through a simple 2D maze solely through thought
after onset, before returning to baseline about ten processes. For navigation control, four different
seconds after stimulus onset (Huettel, Song, & Mc- mental tasks were used: mental calculation for
Carthy, 2009). One advantage of fMRI over EEG moving up, mental speech generation for moving
is its spatial resolution, which allows researchers down, right hand motor imagery to move to the
to target at the activation in anatomically specific right side, and left hand motor imagery to move
regions of the brain. to the left in the maze. These different mental
Real-time fMRI is a relatively new feedback tasks activate specific regions in the brain. When
technique compared to well-established EEG a participant wanted for instance to turn left in
based feedback applications. Therefore, the focus the virtual maze, he/she imagined a left hand

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

movement which led to an increase of activation & Chance, 1997). Activation in a specific brain
in the right (contralateral) motor cortex. This area leads to a localized vascular response that
change in the BOLD signal in the right motor causes an inflow of oxygen-rich blood to the ac-
cortex is detected online by the BCI system and tive brain area and its surrounding tissue. Thus,
consequently the curser moves to the left side in oxy-Hb increases and deoxy-Hb decreases in the
the maze. Hence, real-time fMRI applications can active brain region (Matthews et al., 2008). Such
be used to detect specific brain activation patterns a decrease in deoxy-Hb in active brain areas is the
and to translate these patterns into distinct BCI major source of the BOLD contrast as measured
commands. In the context of spatial navigation with fMRI (Telkemeyer et al., 2011). Hence, NIRS
by thoughts, Mueller and colleagues (2012) de- represents an adequate alternative to measure the
veloped neuroinformatics techniques that enable BOLD effect in cortical areas (Weiskopf, 2012).
real-time fMRI studies in virtual reality (VR) There is only a handful of NIRS based NF
environments. They designed a virtual 3D maze or BCI studies using other feedback modalities
and a virtual 3D city environment which could than moving bars. In one of these rare studies,
be combined with real-time fMRI. a NIRS based BCI was developed, which was
Real-time fMRI is also used to answer multiple- used to generate motion of a humanoid robot.
choice questions. By using different mental tasks Relative concentration changes in oxy-Hb were
(motor imagery, mental calculation, inner speech), assessed over frontal and temporal brain regions
participants voluntarily changed their BOLD while participants performed mental arithmetic
signal in specific brain regions to answer simple tasks compared to a resting period. Whenever the
questions. For instance, they were asked which oxy-Hb concentration level exceeded a specific
color did they like most. They could choose one threshold during the mental task, the brain machine
of four different answers, in this case red, blue, interface sent a control signal to a humanoid robot
green, or black. The participants task was to that was raising its right arm as visual feedback
select one of the four response options displayed (Matsuyama, Asama, & Otake, 2009).
at a screen and encode the corresponding letter Moreover, Coyle and colleagues (2007) used
(A, B, C, or D) by performing a certain mental NIRS based BCI to control a simple game called
task in a specific time window. In 94.4% of all Mindswitch. Mindswitch presents a basic on/
questions the participants answers were encoded off switching option to the user, where selection
correctly (Sorger et al., 2009). of either state takes 1 min by using motor imagery
strategies. NIRS optodes were placed over the
motor cortex to detect changes in oxy-Hb during
NIRS motor imagery.
Power et al. (2012) extended this two-choice
NIRS is a new non-invasive optical neuroimaging BCI system (Coyle et al., 2007), in which only
technique. With this method, relative concentra- two mental states (e.g., a mental task and rest)
tion changes of oxygen-rich and oxygen-poor are discriminated, and used three different mental
blood on the surface of the brain can be measured, states for controlling a game. Participants had to
which are indicative of local changes in brain ac- either perform mental arithmetic tasks, a mental
tivation. More precisely, NIRS measures changes singing task, or they had to allow natural thought
in oxygenated hemoglobin (oxy-Hb) and deoxy- patterns to occur without restriction (no-control
genated hemoglobin (deoxy-Hb) in the cerebral state) and change their oxygenation level in the
vessels based on their different absorption spectra prefrontal cortex voluntarily. With these mental
for light in the near-infrared range (Villringer strategies they could answer multiple choice

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

questions. For instance, participants saw three movement imagery were assessed in real-time
different animals at a screen, such as a turtle, over the motor cortex using NIRS. There is ample
a dog, and a fish. The task was to name those evidence that motor imagery activates motor areas
animals capable of walking. The three animals similar to those activated during motor execution
were highlighted one after each other. To choose of the same movement (Neuper, Scherer, Reiner,
the turtle and the dog for the correct answer, & Pfurtscheller, 2005; Wriessnegger, Kurzmann,
participants had to perform the mental strategies & Neuper, 2008). Hence, imagery of a left hand
as long as these animals were highlighted. When movement leads to increased brain activation over
the fish was highlighted, participants had to relax the contralateral (right) motor cortex and vice
themselves to indicate that they did not want to versa. After ten NF training sessions, the majority
select the fish. With this three-choice NIRS BCI of participants successfully learned to control the
system they reached classification accuracies of penguin. Hence, participants learned to play this
62.5% at maximum. Hence, in 62.5% of all pos- simple game, in which no muscular activity is
sible answers the participants could successfully needed for controlling the penguin (unpublished
change their oxygenation level in prefrontal brain data) (see Figure 7.)
regions to give the correct answer.
There are also attempts to use NIRS based Pros and Cons of Different
BCI systems for environmental control. Ayaz Neuroimaging Techniques Used for
et al. (Ayaz, Shewokis, Bunce, & Onaral, 2011) NF
developed and tested a new BCI design that uti-
lizes intention-related cognitive activity within In summary one can see that different neuro-
the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex recorded by physiological methods can be used successfully
functional near infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS). for NF and BCI applications. However, a critical
NIRS signals were used to augment interactive comparison of these brain imaging techniques
behavior within the 3D environment. Navigation commonly used for NF applications reveals that
through the virtual environment was controlled each method is associated with various advantages
by using a keyboard, but interaction with virtual and disadvantages. For instance, a crucial point
objects was controlled via the NIRS based BCI. for NF applications is the temporal resolution of
Participants consistently utilized the NIRS based the feedback signal. EEG has a high temporal
BCI with an overall success rate of 84% and voli- resolution compared to NIRS and fMRI, which
tionally increased their cerebral oxygenation level are based on relatively slow metabolic changes.
to trigger actions within the virtual environment. When using EEG as NF signal, changes in electri-
In one of our NF studies (unpublished data) we cal brain activity can be detected immediately and
developed a NIRS based NF protocol implement- fed back to the user with no time delay. In contrast,
ing a game-like feedback modality to increase NIRS and fMRI based NF systems have a latency
motivation and entertainment during repeated NF of several seconds in responding to a change in
training sessions. The aim of the feedback game users behavioral or mental states. This delayed
was to navigate a penguin either to the left or the feedback response limits the practical use of these
ride side of a feedback screen to catch a fish and systems (Cui, Bray, & Reiss, 2010).
avoid crashing into a barrier (see Figure 6.) Par- A further important issue is the spatial reso-
ticipants could move the penguin to the right side lution of the brain imaging technique. The big
when imaging a right hand movement or to the advantage of fMRI based NF over EEG and NIRS
left side of the screen when imaging a left hand based approaches is the whole-brain coverage,
movement. Changes in blood oxygenation during overcoming limitations of most EEG-based NF

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

Figure 6. Feedback screen of a NIRS based NF paradigm. The arrow indicated whether a participant
should imagine a right hand movement to steer the penguin to the right side of the screen or a left hand
movement to steer the penguin to the left. The aim was to catch the fish. The penguin moved in a constant
speed forward, left and right movements of the penguin corresponded to the oxygenation level in the left
and right motor cortex.

Figure 7. Projections of the 24 NIRS channel positions on the cortical surface (over the left and right
motor areas). NIRS positions are overlaid on a MNI-152 compatible canonical brain that is optimized
for NIRS analysis according to a procedure of (Singh, Okamoto, Dan, Jurcak, & Dan, 2005). The left
panel shows relative concentration changes in oxy-Hb over the right motor cortex during a left hand
movement, whereas the right panel pictures increased activation over the left motor cortex during move-
ment of the right hand.

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

studies (Weiskopf, 2012). Using fMRI, it is pos- Recently, wireless and portable instruments are
sible to measure activity in deep brain structures available which might be useful when using NIRS
such as the hippocampus or the amygdala. In or EEG in the gaming context (Muehlemann,
the majority of EEG based NF studies only a Haensse, & Wolf, 2008; Sitaram et al., 2009).
rather small number of electrodes were used to While lying in a MR-scanner, some participants
accelerate the measurement preparation process. even experience discomfort because of the noise
Such a small number of electrodes allows only and the narrow scanner. Additionally, fMRI is
for unreliable localization of active brain areas locally bounded to the installation site and re-
and results in limited access to deep sub-cortical stricted in study design due to the limitation of
brain areas. Even with modern multi-channel EEG the participants free moving (Weiskopf, 2012).
systems electric source localization in the brain The last point refers to the costs of the different
is an intrinsically ill-posed problem (Weiskopf, brain imaging methods. While fMRI is the most
2012). Using NIRS, it is only possible to measure expensive technique, both in terms of purchase and
changes in hemodynamic responses at the surface maintenance, EEG is highly cost-effective. Table 2
of the brain. The penetration is a limitation of summarizes the above mentioned advantages and
NIRS, because one can only measure changes in disadvantages of the different neurophysiological
oxy- and deoxy-Hb a few centimeters (0.5 2 cm) methods used for NF and BCI applications. NIRS
from the surface of the head, with a relatively low seems to have great potential for future NF studies.
signal-to-noise ratio (Huppert, Hoge, Diamond,
Franceschini, & Boas, 2006).
The quality of the assessed neurophysiological FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS
data is also crucial for NF applications. Compared
to fMRI and EEG, NIRS has the big advantage As outlined so far, the different neuroimaging
of a reduced sensitivity to motion-artifacts and techniques have various advantages and disad-
can accommodate a higher degree of movement vantages. However, improvements in technology
(Lloyd-Fox, Blasi, & Elwell, 2010; Nambu et al., will increase the possibilities of using neuroimag-
2009). For instance, NIRS can be adequately used ing techniques during serious gaming especially
to measure brain activation patterns during play- when devices become more user friendly and meet
ing a dance video game, where participants had consumer criteria for affordability, portability and
to move extensively (Tachibana, Noah, Bronner, ease-of-use. In general the combination of NF
Ono, & Onozuka, 2011). While lying in the narrow and serious games can lead to major advance-
space inside the MR-scanner, participants should
not move their head to avoid motion artifacts which
can confound the fMRI results. Table 2. Advantages and disadvantages of EEG,
In neuroscientific studies, factors such as mea- NIRS, and fMRI for NF applications
surement preparation or comfort for participants EEG NIRS fMRI
should be considered as well. The montage of
Spatial resolution - +
the NIRS optodes is very fast and repeated NIRS
Temporal resolution + - -
measurements are also more comfortable for par-
Portability + + -
ticipants compared to EEG measurements since
Costs + -
there is no abrasive gel needed, which could lead
Motion tolerance - + -
to skin irritations. Compared to fMRI, EEG and
NIRS are more flexible and portable (Huppert et Measurement preparation - + +

al., 2006; Sitaram, Caria, & Birbaumer, 2009). Comfort for participants - + -

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

ments in both fields. Intuitively, one could come (Salmoni, Schmidt, & Walter, 1984; Schmidt,
to the conclusion that the best way to increase Young, Swinnen, & Shapiro, 1989) suggests that
game efficiency is to provide as much feedback practice with concurrent feedback results in the
information as possible to the user. There is in- fusion of them: the feedback becomes a central
deed evidence that multimodal sensory feedback part of the task as the new skill consolidates.
allows reaching the threshold of a given neural Future work will thus have to assess long-term
activation faster and therefore enhances learning effects of individualized, multimodal NF strate-
(Shams & Seitz, 2008). This finding relates to gies on cognitive improvements in serious games
theories that suggest a distributed cognitive load approaches.
in multimodal tasks (Burke et al., 2006; Sigrist,
Rauter, Riener, & Wolf, 2012).
However, one should be careful not to gen- CONCLUSION
eralize this concept. Firstly, the amount and
complexity of feedback seems to have different In the present review, we focused on the combina-
effects depending on the task complexity (for a tion of NF and serious games. We outlined the
review see Sigrist et al., 2012). For instance, in benefits of this combination such as improved
simple visuomotor tasks a vivid, real-time feed- learning outcomes and increased motivation and
back approach can actually interfere negatively attention of users. But we also tried to point out
with learning processes. Secondly, the impact of its limitations, for instance highly complex games
artifacts has to be considered with great care. Eye can interfere with the learning outcome. Overall,
movements and muscle activity, for example, can we foresee that neuroscience and gaming will
produce large amplitude signals superimposed to become more tightly coupled but future studies
brain activity reflecting the genuine activation of are mandatory to address remaining issues. We
cognitive functions. These kinds of artifacts, often particularly identified shortcomings in a common
not consciously perceived by users, can easily language and a coherent study design between
provide an effective way of control over feedback both disciplines. Overcoming this limitation will
and mimic the recruitment of cognitive functions. likely be a key point for success.
The failure to detect and isolate the influence of After an extensive literature search it turned
this kind of artifact on signal may completely out that feedback studies using games as feedback
prevent effective use of NF to optimize learning. modality are rare. The majority of studies used
Therefore, more than simply trying to combine simple two-dimensional moving objects as feed-
feedback on EEG signal with games, one should back modality. For instance, voluntary changes
check for plausibility and aim for an artifact-free in EEG power spectra were visually fed back to
control signal that presumably will result in more the participant as a bar moving up and down on
targeted impact on brain functions. a computer screen. Nevertheless, there are some
Ultimately, one may be able to take advantage promising approaches that started to implement
of the optimal sources, i.e. one can combine game-like aspects. So far, those examples have
sensory modalities in a task-specific manner. One often focused on spatial aspects, for example
can take into consideration the fine spatial details producing a control signal in virtual reality envi-
our visual system is able to resolve and add to that ronments. The next step is to develop true serious
the high temporal resolution of the hearing system. games that incorporate knowledge about attention
The challenge is to create individual solutions: and memory capacities coming from the cognitive
which feedback is optimal for different tasks and neurosciences. This novel aspect should take us
different users? And will this change during the one step closer to the ultimate goal of boosting
learning process? Evidence from motor learning human brain performance.

Neurofeedback and Serious Games

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and/or health-related aims besides entertainment.
Virtual Reality: A computer generated envi-
ronment that simulates physical presence in real
KEY TERMS AND DEFINITIONS: or artificial worlds.

Biofeedback: Using Biofeedback, one gets

direct feedback about different physiological


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