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I I.E.

S- (OIU ) 200(1 I ol 14


I. ln an open U tube conwinmg mercury , 2. Cooling nnd deJJUmidilication
kerosene of specific gra1ity 0-8 is poured 3. Cooling and humidification

into one of its limbs so thaJ the length or
4. Heating and humidilicalion
colutml of kerosene is about -10 em. The
level of mercury column on that limb os Code;
lowered approximately by how much'' A B c D
a 2Acm u. 2 4 3
b. 1,2cm b 4 3 2 1

c, 31icm c. 2 3 .j

d. 0.6 CUI d. .j I 2 3

Whoch one of the following ts correcrl Th 5. Wluch one of' the following ts correct'' On
caplllruy nse on depression on <I small psychrometric chan. 01e cotiSiant \\el. bulb
diameter tube is temperature lines coinctde woth
a. directly proportional lo the Specific ra a. constant relati,e humidity lines
weight of the Uuid b. constant enthalpy lmes
b. invcrsel, proportoonal to the surface c. constant dew point lines
d. constant olwne lines
c. inversely propol1ionallo the diameter (, Which one of following is rorrucr! In a
d proportional to the surface area sensible heating or cooling process
3. What os the pressure Inside a bubble. a. dl)' bulb temperature remains constant
over the atmospheric pressure ir its

b. wei bulb temf)<lrature remains constant

doamcter ts 2 em and surface tension s
c. the. humidtty rnuo remains c<>nstant
tl.l lir d. the relative bunudity re!llilins consuu>i
7 Which one of folio" ing is correel'/

a. o\.4 N/m1
b. 4.ll N/m;
Equal friction method designing duo IS is
c. 40.0 N/m 2
a. when system is balanced

d. 4(1(1, N/m1 b. when S)'Siem is not balanced

4. Matcl1 List l with List 11 and select the c. only for return ducts
correct ans"er using the cooe g1ven below

the lists: d, for any system

Lost-1 R Wluc.b non -dimensional number relates the
ihermal bow1druy cr and hydrodynanlic

!Devices) boundary layer'l

i\, Coolmg tower
a. Rayleigh number
B Air coolers b. Peclet uwnbe.r
C E' apornror coil c. Grushof
D Air cooled condenser
d. Prandtl number
Ltstll '}, Match list I 11'1 List II and select the.
(Process unde,rgone by air) correc.t answer usmg the code given below
Heatmg lists:
Zuf l l
List-! d. loge 2 log. 3
(Application) 13 In which one of the following matetials. is
A 0.$ 10 liquid, the heat energy propagation ntinimum due
to conduction heat transfer?
B. Space vehicle
a. Lead
c Condenser
b. Copper
D. Air pre-heater
c. Water
d . Air
(TYJle of Heat E.xchanger)

14 Match List l wiU1 List U and select tl>e
I Compact
correct answer u;;ing tlle cod" given bc.luw
2 Shel l and T11be the lists:
3. Finnod tube List I
4. Regenerative A Heat transfer through solid
Code B Heat transfer from hot surface to

A B c [) surrnunding n uid
11. 2 4 3 C Heat transferin boiIing liquid

b. 3 1 2 4 D. Heat transfer from one body another
c. 2 J 3 4 body separatod io space
d 3 4 2 List 0
10 Which one of the following is correct'/ ra I Radiation heat tran;;fer
Fins are used to increase the heat transfer 1 , Fouri er's law of heat conductio11
from a surface by 3 Convection heat
a. increasing tlte temperature difference 4. Newton's law of cooling
b the effective surface area Code:
c increasing the convective heat transfer A B c D
coeflic.i ent
a. 3 2 4

d none of the above

b. 3 1
II The value of thermal conduct! vity of
c. 2 .l 4
themtal insulation applied to a hollow
spherical vessel containing very hm d. 3 4 2 I

material is 0.5 The 15.

m-K c

heat transfer coefficient at the outer
surface of insulation is 10 Wlm2 K. What

is the critical radius or the. sphere'' T1 = 1325' C 25'C

a. 0. 1 m
- - - - - 't<- 300 mm -->!

b 0.2 m
A wall as shown above, is made up of two
c. I.Om Jayer. (A) and /B) rhe temperatures are
d. 2.0 also shown in the sketch. The rario of


12 A composite wall of a I'(Jmace has 2 layers thermal conductivtly of two layers is

of equal thickness having thermal k
conductivities in the rati o of3 . 2 What is
_ ._1

the ratio or the temperature drt>p across the
two lay en;? What is the ratio of thickness of two
a. 2 3
a. 0. 105
b. 3 . 2
b. 0.2 13
c I2
0 , 0.555
o l 14
d. 0.840 Re;oson (R): l'hc of the
16. What is the oritiC31 mdiu. ofins uL1.tion lor cenlrtt of pressure from the tree suriacc <>f
the tiqui;l for n vertical

n sphere equal to? $ul>merged
in liquid is indClpcndcnt of lbc density of
k - thermul C<Jnclw:mttv In - - : the liquid.
w 21. i\ rectongtolnr plate 0.75m " 2..4 m t.
[ It : hem coefficiem in immersed in a liquid of relotive density
tu K 0.85 witlo it$ 0,75 "' s ide horizuntol and
n. just t Ill<> water &w:l:>ce. Jf the pl:we nf
plate mal--es an nngle of 611 with the

" 2kih hori?.onral. what is the
k/h l><cSJ<utc force on un<> sid<:: of the
d. .J2klt a. UOkN
b. 15.60 kN
Each of the following four (4) items c. 18.00 leN

consists of two sootements. one labelled as tho d. 24.00 kN
Ass<::rtion (A)' and the other II$ 'Rc.1son (R\' \"u The stream fwoction in a Jluw field is
a.rc to examine two stntomonts carefully and

given by 2xy. In tl1c same flow fiold.
select the ans.-''OB io the'e items using the codefi
what is the velocity 111 poi no (2. I)?
given below:
a, 4 unit
b. 5.4 unit
(3) !:loth A and R .re ondividually U"Ue ond R ra
is U>e correct el'planation of A 1.1:-
(b) Both A nnd Rare individually true but R 1o d. +.47 unit
nol lhe c.orrect cxplanatiun Of A 1.3. A steady. incompressible Oow ls given by:
A os true but R is lalse u = 2>0 + y' and v : -
(d ) 1\ i false bul R true Wha1 iR the etJnVeetive along
, dirt:dion 3l poln l ( t. 2)'1

a. a. = 6un it
17. Assertion (AI: lu tlu: boundary lay... b. tlx ::- U unit
concept. the stress I the outer edg" c._ '.l :: 8 unit
of >he layer t considered to be 7.01'0, d. -24 unit

1-ctoal velocity i!\ uhnoo;l equal to velocity 24. Wllich one of Uoe toUo" iug is correct? Fot
ln potenlinl flow. Oo\\ of M ideal lluid evlindcr. from
IK As;enion lA): A normal shock wave can the front stagnation point,

occur any section iu :t conver;genl a, pre&Sllre fU"Sl dccrcmte!i tlnm increases

b. velocity 1irst decrctl5\JS- lhcn incruascs
Reason (R): A !lollul shock vve ocouos

c.. p1cssurc rc:maUt'i lhc

only wbL'D Ute flow of the flllid is
s upersonic nod U10 flow after d. velocil) remains tloe snm o
the shock is subsrnuc. 25. Two Oows re spedl;ed as

19. Af<ser1ion (A): Non-metal> are having A. u y. v =-

higher th<:rmDI !han met.!&. a. u = xy:.._ v = x':y
Reason (R): 1:ree electrons in the melols Which one of the foUow ing c;m be
:ore higher thn those of nonme!n ls . concluded
20. A-.enion (A); l'hc ce11t.rt: of for 4. Both flow ore rotation I
\'crt.ical surf,_.., s ubmf:t'gcd in a liquid lie$ 1>. Both flows oru uTotationol
nbow the centroid (centre of or
the 1 enic,.l surfce. c. Flo" A is rottional "!tile 11ow B is
.1or 11
d. flow A is irrotaliona( while Ouw B is d. Jo c
rotational 'l'wo pulytropie prt>ccsses undergone hy u
1(). Which llne l'f the 1s In perfect gas are shown below in the
the now past btun'bodies pressure-volume co-ordinates.
a. pressure drag is s maller than friction
h. (iiction dl'tlg occupies the major part ol'
total drag
c. pressure drag occupies the major pan Which representation shows correctly lite

of tuta! drag above processes on the temperature
d. pressure drag is Jess than Umt ot' t ntropy co-ordinate-s 'I
meamlined bod) ,. 1
Which one of the following is correct? In a

tlevelopro region of the flow.

a. the velocity proli lc continuous ly a.
c.hanges lrom linear lo parabolic shape 3
b. the pressure gradient remains constant L-- - - S

iu the tlownstream direction
c._ pressure gradie-nt tonli.uuously
changes exceeding the wall shear stress
in the downstream direction ra
d. the pipe Is not running full
28. A balloon wlrich is initially collapscJ and b.
flat is s lowly lilted with a gas at 1()0 kPa
so as to limn it into a sphere of I m radius. L----S
Wlmt is the work clone by tlle gas in the
bulloun during the fi ll lng
a. 428.\1 kJ

b. 420.9 k.l r I t

c. 4 16.9 kJ
d. 4 18.9 kJ

29. An ideal gas at 17" C is at constant

pressure till Its volume becomes three
times. What would be then the temperature

a. 8 1 C
b. 627 c


c. 543 c
d. 327 c

30. A k W. 10 Iitre water heater is switched d.

on for H) minutes. l'he heat capac.ity <:. for 2
is 4 kJ/kg K. Assuming nil the 1-- ---S
electrical enerro has gone imo heating the
warcr, what is the increase. of lhc- 32. A Carnot engine op<:rates between 327 C
temperature? and 27c . If the eng1ne produces JOO kJ of
a. I5 C \York. entropy change during heal what is
b. !()"('
Ute additiou?
a. 0.51<.1/K
c. 26 c
b. 1.0 kJ/K
S nt 14
c. I.S k.ltK 1>. Q =Q1 H = FI 1 H,
d. 2,0 I<JIK c. Q Ho H,
JJ. Whiolt of the foUowing statement.> i& d. Q - q, + q, ll = lit ; lh
c.orrect? 38. Why multi$lll@ing in ot-'T\triJugal puruO$
a, Ute utoJ'CO.e in entropy i>
from given qunntit}' of heat transfor . for high now rille
at a low tempeFalure.
1>. Por high head
b. The change in <>ntropy mny be
c. Fur htgh spc<Jd
o-egard...J ru; o n1easu"' of the mte. of

Ute >vnilallllily of heal for d. For lugh efticiency
lr:lllsfonnation into work. 39, th.:c fnll()wing to
c. Ute entropy thu maximum re$JI<:Cl '>f Kaplau Tltrbine:

amount "f work obtnimtblc per degree l . lt 1$ a reaction turbme.

drot>io lcmpcratur" 2. fi ls n mi.w d flow turl>ine.

ct. All ol'the 3. It h>s ;ldjusl>ble blade$.
34. \Vha! is the loss of avni hblc cnergy Which of tho s llltcmotlls given above oro
with '"" lransf<.,. or 1000 1<.1 nl' correct'/

)teal from n at a. 1. 2 and 3
600 K [() n<>thotr M 400 K "hen Ute
environmcntnl ternpemmro is K1 b. 2 And 3 urdy
. 1 50 1<.1 c. I 4lld 3 oul y
d. I and 2 nnl)
b. 250 kJ
c. 166.67 kJ
.10. Which one o.J' the litllllwing is correct.?
d. 180 kJ If lhe numl)er ofjets in Pohron turbine , .
oL then thespeciticspeed is
35. Why is an au used in a
rt. Tl:
'" To obtai" a continuous SUJIPIY of "'"ter b. -< n

at uniform rntc c. t. 0 ttl

b. To reduce uctioo he<1d .. d. independent of n
To incre.'ISe th<> delivery bead Which one of tbe tollowins is correct'/
d. To reduce c.wlt.. tion A turbine pump is D c<:ntrifttgol

36. Centrifugal pump; have which of the pump equipped additionnlly With
following advantages'/ a. backward culvcd blades
I. Low initio I cost b. vuned dill'u,ion

2. Compact. occup)'ing less llonr rce c. inlet guide blades

3. hasy hnndUng at' highly vlsoo1111 flmds d. adjustable blades

Select lht COO'el!t JUS\\'C1' '"'ing u.e code: 42. \Vha1 dOCll Euler's equa1ion of turhn
srve:n below ona.:hin"'' o'(:lute lll 1
a.. t. 2 ""a 3 a. Discharge and power

b. 1 ond2only b. Discharge and veif,cily

c. J llnd 3only c. Head ond power
d. 2 nnd 3orily d . llt:ad and w locity
1\vo pump< can operate ind"Jlendently at \\lltidt one of lbe litllowing is correct?
hcds H,. B: nd discharge O,. Q2.
1f the pumps are counoot"d i..u

pru'llllel, Uten whal "'" the resulting a, connecls two shafu rotating al nboui
disdtarge (()) and head (H)'/ <>mo speed

n. Q = Q, - Q,.. H = H.t + H1
6 ul IJ
h. two slfts running ut b. Luw pressure low mass
different <tJ=ls J1ow
c. is used to ougmenl the torque to lhe e; High llte&sure rntio, high mass flow
driwn d. Low rolio. llsl> mass flow
d. is used to connect the centritugal pump jO, Which one of the following u C<ltTect? In
and it.q clcetrkal lllt)tuJ li.r ctJidcnt ide:Jl regener.Hi\le cycle I he tempernmre of
opera linn ste.1m entering tl1e lmbine is same as that
Why"'" taukl; used in pipe lilte'l of
a. To reduce jj ic:tiooal loss iu pipe a, wate1 entering llte tmh.iue.

b. To """""' UJliform t1ow in pipe b. Willer lh" turbine
c. To relieve the due to water e; r;team Iewing U1e turbine
hammer d. water at -any secllon of' the turbine
d. To reduce cavitation Sl. one of Ute following io correct? In A
45. Which one of the following is correct'/ & turbin<>cycle with regeneration.

Watertui1C boilers are prcfC:rn:d lo r a. pressure ratio incre.1scs
a. high presnre and high output b. "'ork output docreoscs

b. hi!!h pre"' "'" and low output """ thea mal lncrcasQ
c. low preosure ond high output d. h""l i.opol iucr.:ases
d. low ond lo\\ output 52 he foll1wing
46. Wllioh one oftltc foUowiug is cotroct1 for ra IICrt.\Jning LO spocifit $poed or turbO
flow di' erging SO<ltion machines:
acts as 3 diffuser for Jlow which L Sp<:!Olilic $pod \liU1 $Mpe
runner :tnd oller p011s of
u. only
2 Machines with hi.!lhen specific speeds
b. superi>Qnic only ore lrmil:ed to low he.1d.
c. ht1lh subsonic. nnd 1n1penwnic 3. Specific speed i t;limeninnless on1l IR
inderendent of van31iun ()t' rype of

Given_ fluid used.
Which of the s tatements given ahove nre
.,, eiTicicncy
.,, = nozz.le efficiency a. I. 2 and 3

l'Jt, - hlodo cll:ictcncy. b. I oml

\Vhich one of the foUowing is ccnct? C. 2 and 3 only

n. 'lo ; 'lnlOo d. I and :; only

I> 1'\h = .,,.,, 53. In which oue of ll1c following in
c. 'l> X , = I X a dosed sytem lhe lh=l energy

transli:JTed I t) a ga.< i completely

d. '1 l'Jb fin ccn,ertod to int.emal energy resulting in an
4N. Which oou uf the lo llowm!l I)'Tl<:-< of increMc in tempCTillure?

impcllcrvanc..s nt'C: r.r'&os-1 COiut.rionly in

cenlrifug:tl type compn:sstl0<7 a. lsochoric
ForwMd .:urved b. Adiabatic prOI!t:!IS
b. Radi:JI c. lsothormo l pi'I>C<:Ils
c..- Uaukwartl curved d. freeexpl\<iou
54. Which one uf the following <:.XJ>re'"es the
wo"' hy the system
A c-enlnfugal compressor 1 for (ttady flow betwet::n sttlleo I and 2?
oftl1e foUowing?
n. High prcssun: rati<.l. htW mJss Jlow
7 ol IJ
" Jp d Hydrogen, and
b - Jdp What is Ute amount of oxygen (in kg)
I '"quired for complete combustion of c:m:b
2 one af the above respectiveli/
. I. 8, 8/3.
JI p "" b. 4/7, I, 8, 813
! c. 813. At1. s, l

u. Jvdp d. 8, L -i/7, 813
55. llu: ln specific cntrupy of a system 60. the f1llowing nuclear fuels:
undergoing 01 roverslhlc proceu is given l . Pull!>
l>y 2. um

So S! fC, Cy) Jot (V,I\"1). uJJJ
1l1ls is valid for which one of tho 4.
tollowing'l What is the correct of tltc abbw

n. Adiabatic proce..s undergone by an nucloa.r fuels in order of increasing hn lf
ideal g life'l
b. lothermal proce..s undergone by on a. 1-2-3-4
ideal 8'" ra b. 1-3-2-<1
c. procoss undo:rgone by r<ml c. 2-4-3-1
d. Lsob;Jtic phase C!hlll\ge fl"om Liquid to
Which one of the following statements Is
36. Which one ofthv following is corn:ct7 Tlw
spec.l:Jlc vniUJue uf \\ lller when llonlcd
1 The mass defoct L
from 0C a. chnroclt:ristic of certain elem<ml

firgt increases :Utd tbeu decreases b. a term used to prove the re.lation<hip
b. fi.l'sl dcCI'Cascs and then Utc.ruascs between mass and energy
I!, VICl'ellS''> SIC;odiJy c. a mta.sure energy

d. d...:reases ste.1dily d. the diJference between m>SS nl' 1hc

nucleus and sum of the masses of tJ1c
Which on;o of following is correct'I At nucleons
crilieol point of vaporization
62. Uranium 238 is represented by

What dOllS it represent?
a. dciiCII\lt:11t <In ltcli[>CI"illute
92 ueutnms and 238
b. maximum

b. 92 po'Olons and neutrons

c:. ntioimum
c. 92neutruns and l46 pmtons
<1. zen"J
d. 1)2 prutons and I 46 neuoons

5&. Which one of tha following set of

63, J'v lot.c:h List 1 with List U ond select the
materials L< most common ly usiOd in
.:atalytlc eonverl<:rs for Cl ,,ginos'l correct onswer using the code given below
n. Platinum . palladium rhodium
List l
h. rhodium nncl mthcnium
(1. -\\)
c. Rhodium. nctheninm and platinnm
A. Fourier' l.nw
d Rcuhcnium, platinum nncl pollnclium
B. Stefan B<> ltzmnru1 Lw
59 C'oi1Ji i<IC1' the following:
C. Newtcm's Low nfCooliog
D. Fick 1-'lw 1. Vapour pressure of woter at3 7:.
List D K is 10 1.5 X 103
tEfiil<lt) 2. Capillary he>ght in em for water in
contact with glass tube and air is (tube
L MilS$lrliW<ft1'
2. Couduction
3. Bh>1rd is a Ncwtcmian lluid.
3. Convection
Which of the st.a tements given abo"' is/are
Ctln'CCl ?
Code: a. 1 <lilly

il. B c D b. 1 and .3
3 2 4
b. 2 4 3 J
c. I and 2
d. 2 only
<:. 3 4 2 68. \Vltat '' the unit of dynomic of
d. 2 I '
4 11uid tenned 'poiRe equiv:ilentlo''

rwo wall< of arne "nd C(Q5S a. dynefcm!
sectional area.luwe thermal conductivities b. gmslcm
ln the l'lllio I: 2. lf same temperntur"

C. i.lync ..s/CIU:
diJ:Tcrcncc is maintainOO ncros$ the two
tacC-< of both Ihe wall, what is Ihe ratio of d. gm-CntJ'S
heal Onw Q 11(Jz? 69. Is the r,....surc difll:n!nce hetwot:n
a. 11'2 ra inside outside of druplct of 'YtoJ'I
b. 1 a. 2o/cl
c. 2 b. 4<1/d
d. 4 c.
65. A lln of lcn&U> 1 protrudes from a .urfo< d. 12old
held at tcmpetoturc'fo: It being higher thnn where '<7' Is the surface tension ' d' I<
the ambient temperature 1', 'fbe heat U111 diamc!(lf of tl1c dropkt.

dissipation from the free end of the lin is

st:.tcd to be negligibl,l' IWlall \Vhal IS the 70. n,e lower prrrtion of a Vtubc ol' unilorm
bot<> having both limbs wrtical lnd open
temperature g,.,dienl ( tll'_ ) ut the tip lo is initially ftlled with
Jx x -1 liquid of spe.cific gmity 35. .-\ lighter

of the !in'' liquid ol' specific gt'3vity S U; lh"l! poured

n. l.ero into one of lito limbs such thol U1c length
of column of l.ightcr llq uid is X. What is
r0 r1

b, the resulting movemen t of the mOliiscus of

I Ule. heavier liquid in U1c other limb?
c:. '(7'o- r. } a. X

h. >112
d. 11-T. C1 "Xt3
d. X.6

66. Which one of tho fi>llmving is conect? 11c

71. How is tbo cliffeJ'I!nce of pressure lu:ad,
eO'ectivene.s nf :1 fin will lx: m>xil1lum in
:to c::nviroument wilh "h' measured by a mercury-oil differential
manometer expressed'!
a. free convecl-ion .
h forced onnvec:tion
c. radi:ilion
. l :+-tJ
d. conv"c.tion and rndiat.ion
Co"" idl:t tho foUowing sllltements
b. II - x[Sg -Sn)
lo the fluid pt<ltle>1ics:
1 nf I I
c. /1 =.r[s 0 J wbertl I = Momo:ul of inertia of tloe
pfllll o f the floating body Ul the 1\'Uter

J. -i] surfue<>
V Volume of the hotly ,ubmergetl in

where =manometer l'l!ading: s. nnd BG between the c.:mre of
gravity (G) and the centre or buoyancy
01e grnvities of mercury und oil. (13).
TO>lJCCtivcly, 76. Stability \If a Ooating I>QJy can be

72. What is the venical '"'mpone111 of ptessure Improved by wbich oft he lollowing'l
Ioree on sttbmcrgcd curved equal 1. its width large
2. Making the dral\ small
a. Its horizon to I comJ1<lnent
3. Keeping centre of mass low
l!. lloe ""'"" Qn u vertical projetliuu of
-1. Reducing i1s

dle curved surfnee
c. 01e product of the pressure at centroid
tlte correct answer usiug the code
and surfaoo area given below
a. I, 2. 3 tmd 4

d. llle t!fuvily li:lrce uf liquid vertJcllll>
nll\wc the cotrved surface up to the free b. I, 2 und J onl}
s:urfhce c. 1 and 2 only
' 7J. What is tl1e depth oJ centre uf pressure or u ra d. 3 nnd 4 only
vertical immersed SI,Jrfoce rrt)IH frue 77. fhe distance fmm tl1c centre of buoyancy
surlitceo rl lqutd equal to1 to tloe meta-centre is given by UV where
lr; - V, is thu volume of lluicl dispi&L'Cci Whut
a. -:b .. , does I represent?

'r'' -
b. ......!.- + It
n. Moment of inertin of u horizoorul
section of tltt hody at the surfac<>
nflhe lluid

1, )i It b. Moment or inenin about irs venicu1
A ceuiJ'oidal "''
Ah - c, Polar moment of inertia
d. - - h
,,. d. Moment of inertia llbout its horizoniul

(Symbols have their ""'" I meaning)
74. Wlint is buoyant ti>rce? 78. What acceleration would cause the free
storfacc of a liquid contained in an upcn

a Latetal force acting on u submerged tnnk moving. in a horizontal track to din by

body 45'.'
b. fNa: acting on a submerged a. g/2

b. lg
c. Resultant force due to water on a
c. g

d. hydroStatic force on u bod>

due ill fluid surrounding il d. (312lg
75. I low is Ute metuceruric expressed'! heigl>t. 79.

l /=
a, OM = Bl).(IIV)
b. GM = (V/1) BG
c. GM = UIV) OG lodl5'h -
d. GM = Llli- (VII) Tite tcmpet"ature distributiou curve lor u
heat cxcJoungcr shnwn in the figure
nhove (with U5 \L11 nototions.) refen< to b. 111Tld 2
which ont of tht lilllowjng? c. 3 and 4
parallel flow heot a.xchanger ll 4 only
b. Tube in ntbe tlo" he..t 83. number i> ratio uJ' wlticlt or the
e.xchanger following?
c. Boller a. Product of D'IJISS coeffic[ont
d. Condenser net diameter to diffusiVity of fluid
R(l. llte 'l'iTU' (Nuntbcr of TmnsiC. llnits) in b. Kinem:tlic \'iscm ity to. l ll<nnnl
a he:.t l!l(changer is given hy which nne of dit'fusivity M. fluid

lhllowing? c.. Kinemalio viscosity IO dillU.ion
'"'efficient of fluid
d. Thermo I d ifft ivity tn diffusion
weflicienl of fluid
b. 84. What t< the equivalent emis$ivity far

c,""" t"dinol bet\\ cc11 V a V
e. UJI - bod) (cmisivity - O..t') in n very
large cttci()O)tue (emiivity - Q.S)?

('mnx a. 0.5
C miu
b. 0.4
A Heal nrcn ra d. U.l
l1 Owra UIleal transfer cocffici.ut
C- I loot capudty 85. The he..t exchange between a small body
having erniS$ivity e1 Mea At and a
E = F ll'ect iveness
l!lr_ge entlosure having emi..,.sivity and
A sphere. a cube and thin circular pbte.
""'" A1 i; giv"n by:
all n1ade oJ same moateri.!\l and havmg s:une
roM re initilly lteot.:d to o LL'tllpi!rowr 'II-: ; -ltEtcr( Tj


of 250 C nd then lo;:tl in oir t room

for cooling. Then. whtch f>n" Whol is the ns.umplion for Ibis ec1uoliotl'l
Ill' the l'ollnwing is corrcet? a, &r t
" All will be cooled otlhesame rntc b. , =()

b. Circular plate will be coo led at lowest c . ,.\ 1 is v<;ry (.'tunpnred hl Ai

d. SmaU bcxly i !II cenU'e of cnclo! ure
c. Sphcn: "ill be cmlcd f'aster 86. For oimpl" \'npour cycll!,

d, Cube wi II be cooled Ji!ter ihan sphere cntho lpy l suclioo 1600 kJikg. \ '
but slower tliJio drcular pi:Ue enUtalpy ot discharge from the <-ompre5sor
Naturnl convection heat 1800 kJikg, entl13!py nt from

coefficients over of a vertical ptp<: condcruor - 600 kJikg. What is llic COP
nnd Ycrticnl tlot pblc for same hdgJ11 and ror this rerrigerntion cycle?
tluid aro equnl. What tnre the possibl<> n. ..'......'..

reasons ror lb is'/ b. 5.0

I Some heil!)tt
2. Both vertical "'
d. 45
3. Same tluid $1. Motoh List I with List II ond sel""t the
4. Same lluic! now 3nswer using tlte code given below
answer U>ing the t:(ldo lh.;
given btlo\v l, ist-l
tl. l only (Cycle)
11 ul IJ
A. Air relrigerotion Which of the folio wing properties
B. V npour compression refrigeration decreasc(s) wiolt hcatinl! of air-
water vapour milaure?
C. Y pour ab>orption
I. Relauve humidity
D. Stoam jet rofrigcmtion
List-11 2. Humidit} ratio
3, Specific enthalpy of nir-vapour
4. \Vet bulb l<mperature
2 , r tosh cltamlx:r
Select the correct answer tilling the c11de

3. Tilt'binc given l>tlnw
a. I only
b. 1 and 3
1\ B c D c. 2and 3
a, 2 4

d. 2aud 4
b. 4 3 2 93. CoMider the fo llowing sttto:ments
I 2 regarding psydnomctJic

d. 3 L Sensible healing i a process in \VhiciL
88. Whllt is an azeotrope1
I 2
" moi"hsrc content remnius unch!lngc..>d.
II, non-ltalogcnic rdrigeranl
A 2. In the dchuntidification proc<M<
dew point remain.$ Jame.
h. A reliiger-nt dissolved in olcohol ra
c, A mixture of refngernnt. without 3, The of nddins at
phase seprntion
conslllnt Jry bulb tempernmre is
known D$ pure I111m iditkation procos..
d. An oco-frienclly refriger:tnl
Which of the statements given i$/3l'c
S9. Which one of the following is correct'/ conect?
Environmental prote.:uoo advise
a. I aud2
agoln.-t the. use of chlorofluoroc11tb011
b. I and 3

refrigcront.s bec:Juse these rcoct with

n. wnler vapour and caUse :tcid rniu c. 2 aud :<
h. plants and cau.,e green bouse elfcct d. 1 only
c, oxygen and cause its depletion 94. Con!idc-rthe fullo1 iltg

d. O?..One byer and iL depletion Jn PYchromclric chart

\)() What is hunting of lhemwstntic exp:rns iun I. UnilS indicate W<t bulb
valve:'? tt."lrtptJta

a. A variation of evaporator load with 2. borizooLol lin<:l! indicate.

degree of super heat humjdit)'.
b. A vonallon in prcssurc M lhu 3. scttsiblc o cooliJJ!! is
w>Ornwr with vari:ltion o.f'load r<lpn:sooted by ap inclined Line.

c. Alt.:mate O\''erfccding ond of '\Vhich of tl1c stntements eivcn above is/3Jc.
cQnect'l ...

I'Cfrigooul Oow ID the evapor:tlor

u. Tltis is nut used iu with a, I only
...:xp:m.sion v:slvc: b. 2 o11ly
91. Ou psycbromclric "bart. what doos a c. 3
vctticl downwnrd line represent? <l I, 2 ani) 3
a, Adiabatic s-aturalion 95. Which one of lhe ti>llowin2 is cor'recl?
b. Smiblo cooling During "''""iblc ""uliug of ;;,oist air. its
c. Ddtum i tlitic:lt iuu hUimdity
d. Humidification a, ittCt&!ru,es
h. daes not change 1. Decrease in compre-.ion nttio
c. dcet'eases 2 . E.ihaust gas 1-eciNulalion
d. affects >lldCifie humidity 3. Usc nti.XIllfl:
9(i. Whiclt gas pow<:r .:yclt ol four 4. of oxidation catAlysts in "'!(JwuJ;t
proceMCl> during which work alone
trunsfem:d during two processe! and heM Scltct con ecl ons,,_or ll.'iing tlte oode
alone is transferred during the otl1er two given below:
a. I and 2 unly
Atkinson cycle

b. 1 and 3 only
b. ('.arnot cycle
c L 2and-l
Diesel cyde
d. ONo cycle
d. 2 ;md 4 only
IVhieh one of the following is correct'/
97 11te llllction prc:ssure ;, l bllr and
A nucle:Jr is snid to he critical
is J 2S bM. Whnt i the I

intcnncdiat.c prcssur'e nt th.: end or lil'$t
J..slit!!c :tir compressor? the nemron pCl(lulotion m the re<telflf core
a. 25 bar

a. rapidly increosing leading to the point
h. 5 l><rr
of ""plosiou
c. IUhar
b. dc'Creasb1g from weciljc va luo
tL 20 har ra c, reduced to :z,:rn
98. In a Sf ongiotc. stage f takes I
d. constant
ms and combustion stllge 11 1.5
when tloc engine run$ al I00() IJlni. If tagc I 03 ln an the following henr
T time duo.,tion i indcpendont uf engine stress-time rote or she.1f Mira in values are
peed what will be the additinnal obtained f9t a lluid:
:odv,mce neco;snry when engine peed rote ofshear : ll 2 3 -1
i doubled? strain (lis)

n" 0" S hear (kP.o) : I) I ,4 2.6

h. 6 Jlcm corolhe IJuid b<>closilid7
c. 12' a. No" tt>nian fl uid
d. 24" b. Bingham plnstic

99. Fot minimizing kootk:in.g tendency is Sl c, l'eudo 1ll ic

engine. where s hould the space plug ba d. OUotant

104. .\ gM tu rbine pl:mt working on Joule

Near inlet valve
produc.cs 4()()() I. \V uf powoo. If iL< wort.
b. Aw3y &ant both tJc va_lvc:s rttlt<) 40"'o, wloat is tho 1>uwcr ctnour'ol"d

.:. N enr cxh us t v a.lve by lloc corrlJ>r<>ssor?

d. Midway beiW<:t.'O Inlet and a. 2000 kW
b. 4000 kW

1()1), 11oc Uucc way caulytic conl'ortur ""-nllOt c,

conttol which one of ll1e follow in&? d. kW
b. co
105. What is tho ratiQ of the <tatic enthalpy rise
in tbe rotor to the static dllthalpy 1-ise in Ute
NOx emission of an oxiol flow oompressor defined
"d. PM=issioll as'l
10 I. Oxide of niU'Ogen in the engine e.W\ISt Jl. cr iJiput fitetor
can be reduced by wh;c.h of the foliDwing b. Flow eoeflki<nl
c. TemperMure cod'lictenl l HI. An incOm]ll'eliAiblc fluid liow
d. Degree ofreaction radiaiJy outward from a W.e sour<:<: in
stead) matmer. llQ" doe!l tho velocity in
106. Titc volute of a ccnlrifugul pump
any radial direction vary'/
hM whicb of!he following fitnctions7
a. r
J, Eliminating los due IQ
in velocity nflor exit from impeller. b.
2. Dircclll tl1e !low low ords tl1c delivery c. 1/r;
]>ipe d. 1/r
3. rnnve11s u J>:lr1 of the ve1ocit) head 1n II I C'onsider the liJio" ing st3tcm ents:

lwatl 1. The friction foetor in laminar flow
4. Give< constant velocity of flow through pipe ;. independent of
Select t-he correct using U1e C()da- roughness.
given below: 2. The friction fuctor for laminar flow
a. 1.2:md.l through pipes is directly proportional

to Reynolds number.
b. 2 ond 3 only
3. rlt fully turbukul !low. through pilles.
c. 1 ond 4 only
friction f.ctor i indep.,dent of

<l 2 nod Reynold< numbor.
107. '""'of the tilUowiug stat(>tuenll! i \Vhkh of the statements given abo,e are
not corJ\:cl in respect of corrwt1
ra 3 . I. 2 und 3
"' (Speod) is proportional to (I!Diameter)
b. land 3 only
b (Power) proportionIto (Spc-edl
c. 2 and 3 only
c. (Pol\) is ptllportionalto (Fleodt-''Z
d. 1 and 2 uuly
tl. (Spcetl) is proportiopallo (Head{'
112. What is bydl'aulic diru.neter used in place
IOS. A v"locity focld ill given by u = 3xy und of diameteo for non-circular ducts cqual
1 = %( x2 - )'!}. What Is Ute relcvam to'/

a, N m
equation of a stromtine'1
b. 4Aim

. -
= "---"-
J': ) c. ,\,(4m)
d. -lm/A

dy ,\)'
where .-\ of tlO\\ and m = perim.oter.
113. The velocity distrihulion in a htrbulonl
botondary laJer is given by u!U : (y/of'

Whot Llle displacement tlticknes< r.1

a. o

b. 0/7
cl< 0:. ( 718) ii
d. - -: -'---"-

ely Ll)' d. 6/8

109 For sle;,dy flow. if the o-
114. For h_vdr.tulical ly most tlfidonl symmetric
. of \'Ciocity i.s u
uonlpom."nt Ac<_ t.hun lrap.,zuicwl sc'Ctiun uf an 11pcn
which une of Ute li>Uowing is the flc
w hat is tho v-coniponent of velocity?
>. A<!
a. \Vetted perimeter is minimum for a
h. A c>/)1 g..ive:n 3re.:1 of flow ,;edion
c. -Aey b. llydraullc radius U. halt'lhe flow depth
d. -Ac'
I I nt 14
c, Width at top liquid is twice the List r
hydraulic. depOt (Dimenioni<Silnumbcr)
d. Discharge Is ma"imum for given rea A. EuleJ number
of flow, bod slope roughness
B. Weber uutnber
liS. l'he p<lWer per unit length ln
C. number
lnm imar now for u.e same discharge. varies
directly D" where D i> Ute dinrncter of D. l'roude numher
the (lipe. \1/h:\t thcvnlue orn'? II
OL lf2_ (Notur" of fon:es mvolved)

b. 12 1. SudDcc
2 2. Grcovity
d. -1 3. Pn:ssure
tJO. l'he velocil)' profile m a laminar boundary 4 . F.laslic
layer i.' given by ull' = Yr6. The ratio of ('ode;

momentum tbicln<:ss to dL.placcment A H (' ()
thickness for boundAry is given by
whic.h on<: of the lollowinJf' :l 4 2

n. 2:3 b. 3 4 l 2
b. I : 2 4 2 3
d. 4 2 l
c. l ! 6 '
d. 1 ! 3
I 19
ra \Vhkh one of the following is correct'/
117. 1\lntcb L-ist J wiUo Lit U and selec:l tloe In a nomtal shock waYe in one
con-eot answer using Ute code given belo11 dimensiun:ll now
the lists: u. enlrQpy remui"" con"unt
Listl h. the entropy increases -across the shoc"k
CV ru'inblt:J c. tlte entropy decreoscs across the shod<
A. \'iscosil)' d. tile velocity. prt8sure und density

B. Mamcnl ul' momentum Increase a the shock

C. Power 1'2(). Con.ider the following <lnlomcmts for
compressible t1ow through a vnrying ore.1
D, Volume mocluln.< of elasticity passage: n

I. For convergent no?.zle. if lite exit

(Oiruem ionol Expression) pl'eSSure l<:s> Utan ctitic:aL external
L MI} T 3 flow wiU not be iscniJ'OJ>iQ.

z. 1\.0.: 'r' 2. Supcl'!lonic-.ubsouic would

:l. ML''T'' nppenr similar lo nozzle nd works
without irreversibility.
4. MI.'T'

Which of tho slotemcnts giV'l."rr abo\'e is/are

3. Ml? f't COm:<:-t'l
Code: a. I only

A. 13 c D b. 2orily
4 2 3 c. Both 1 ond 2
h. ' 5 l 2 d. 1 nor 2
c. 5 2 .:;
d 3 4 2
118 Mnldt List l wiUt Li$l Ll und select the
corre<:l on$wer ustng tho> code given
lists .
l .E.S- (OBJ ) 20118 I ol I I

I. \Viwt is the ndditlooal tuuc: nv:llnbli.: for the d. Double .s11mpllng results iu 1110I't
pcrfonl!ancc. of nn acthity in PERT and CPM itlspcctiou than single stlutpling if lhc
culculatcd on the basis tlul nlJ uctivltits "ill incoming quality is vcr.v bad

stan allhcir earliest sllu't rime. cnllcd1 7. Which one of llte folio'' utg statemems is nol
a. Slack correct"!
b. Totnlllo3t n. A linear problem \\ ith 2
c. Frtc noaL vadables nnd 3 constrnims can be solved
d. independent lloat by Graphical Method.
2. In the basic EOQ rnodcL if demand is 6U per b. In blgM method if the artificial l'ariable

month. ordering cosl is Rs. 12 per orde-r. can nol be driven 001 it depicts an optimnl
holding cost is R$. I U per unil per month. solution.
is 01e EOQ'/ c . Duo I of o dual is the primal problem.
a. 12

d. For nli:-<cd constraints either big-M
b. 14.1 method or two phase method cnn be.
c 14 employed,
d. 28 In Order for 11 tmnsJ)()nation maJrh \rhich has
3. W11ie-h one of the (bllo\\lng. is correct'! ln tile ra six rows and four columns not to
basic EOQ model. if lead rime increases from whal is the number of <>ccupied celled in the.
5 to 10 day$. 01e EOQ will matrix'?
n. double a. c;
b. decrease by n foetor of' two b, II
c. rcnlnin lhc same c. 15
d. The data is insutr.cientto fmd EOQ d. 24
.I \Vhjch ooc of the followi ng stmements is not '). Lu a smglc sencr queuing system with nrnvnl
COITC(;.l rnte of J: nnd mcun .service cirnc of.,.._ the

n. Work sruupling is n 1cchuiquc or "ork 11Utllbcl' of CUSIOIUCrs 1n the is

mcasurcnteut -l
b. McUHxl study is a tcclUiiquc aimed >u
evolving improved methods.
{.11 -J.) '
c. Symhctic dala is not u tecluuquc oovcrcd Whm ls the- ex-pected wnit.ing_ tiiUc por

under pre-determined motion time systems CUSIQJlll:lf in L11c S)' Stcm?

d. ' Select' is the first step ofmetl1od study Al
A time standard for a data Clltl') clerk is to be
set A job is mtcd ot 120 percent. it utkcs 30 " (p .l)

sctonds to enter each rec.ord and lhe b. p -J.

uUowauccs un: l5%, 'Vhat is 1.ho oommJ time'! I
n. 25 seconds <>.

b. 30 seconds 11-J
c. 36 seconds
d. 40 seconds d.

6 Which one of the foUowmg s tatements is not 10. Matcb Listl with listfl and select the
correct? <1n.swcr using t1H! code gh en beJow Lhe
a . 'fhc operating chnroc1ensrio c.unc of an lists:
acceptance sampling plan shO\\ s LISII
o r the plan to distingmsh bell\ een {CQmpoiiC!IIS)
good and bad lots A, Control unit
h No sampling plan cnn g1vc corhpletc B. Aridnuetic unit
pn.necrion +Jgainst 1he acccpumce or C. Memory
defective products. D. Output del'icc
c. C chan has srrnighl line limits and U ohart List:a
has L.igzog
( Fu11ctioos)
"2 of11
l.ogcr.l checks and cniculal>ons hty that the proJeol m il be
Stores LDstnu..'l.lons and.Jal8 completed m 2-tmoth:<'!
3 \ onYOrl$ remdL. .nd pfi:Sen\5 tfl tho user 1585,
J ( 'nnvcrl.s rnstrudlons M cutles b 68.3 "
" R(:ll;ll.."fVe:s 1nsLrucuoru. and ti"'rm"' C: 84.2 o.,;
operauMs. d
C'oJ.c 17 O>mm<>n contacl 1'3110 vJ'. Pillf or "f'UI pllllon
A B C' D and g(!.lr JS
a 1 I l1. 3 a. Less I fl
5 3 2 I b <<jUIIIto 1
c l 3 4 I '" ;an"1 3

5 I 3 tl. !ft e,atet !.han 3
II The Pror.e:ssmg Uni' nf =t mm1 IS In Cll'"' of om p dtsc if n, is w
computers which oi' fc>li<IWlll!\ blnck..: numberordi,.,iau lhedrivmg-slllll\ nd n, is lh<>
1 Memory UmL nun>b<r of disc nn the driven &ba 11, ll>on whst
2 Control Umt is the number of pain or surface<?
3. lJmt a. na

-1 Outptrt Unil
\1 "' T "' - I
Sclttt the COI1tCI IUISWet USIJl!l the .:ode c n1 + n:, T l
O.lm.- d " ' ..
a. l z F<>r rttlltr cham dnw \Vtth hvog W

b l will 3 toM the l'cl,'City of lbc drivon tball wnh
" 2 lind 3 respec11n lh;,t nf dnve wdl be ilpprmum>tely
J, I lllld 4 -n same
Whtch ono of tho fol lowing_ 51atements abol!l b above to :5% below
w nnl correc<? 5a.... ah()ve

" GOT0999
b r"ON'lTNUE 099

d. Jx,Jo\v
Which of 10. lollowmg m-Ime euaines
c. J>RJNT 999 working on lour-stroke completely
d. DlMENSION A (999) balnnccd mhen..
13. Bouom gating syolm IS $t)m<Um"" prtrcrroa a. 1 cylinder engl!le
m because b 3 cylinder ongtnc
" it en11bl"" mp1d tilling Qf moald "'""'" c, .i cylinder engme

b it ,. t-..ler to ptovdt 1n the moulll J. <i cylinda tngint

c- it provides clenncr metal Mnlch I..Jstf m th 1.\SI-D .00 elect Ihe <<'mlCl
J. il reduces >t>la>;hinll and turbulence atti;wet us lhe codet?i' en below ill< hsts
H The paU.crn odoptcd fur tho"" o<lSttog5 where List-1
there are some \Vh1ch llrC strucluraiJy (l:.ey.;.-phne)

v.<ak and ore hkety to break bv [IJrec of B. Gib hoaJ kcv

111mming are en Hod C. \Voudruffk<y
Loose P'"'" 11auern D. Parallel key
b. l'ollow bi.1md pallcm E. Splu\o

c Sl."elton paltem

J. Single poucm (Apphoation)
lS Wb1ch of the lollawmg ooslmg prooes""" does I Self nbgmng

not/do not requite ct:ntrnl core for prodtlcmg _ fuct1nm.. -_ s rcmovul

ptp<7 3 Mostly used
I Sand ptilo;:s 4 Axial m<>V<m<:nl fl'lSSJble

2 D tc cusLLog rr'Mcss Cndc:

" Centrifugral castmg prf'Ces3 A B C I)
SclccL cotti!Gl Ans\Ver using the C:C)dc: given. a ! 3 4
below" b 4 z 3
landl c 3 4
b :! only d l 4 3
c land3 21 liight bnhs lire "' be selec':led fur f1xmg tit<
3 only 1)\' "' ol' a cyllncleo subJc1o:<i w
lo. rf ormOOI piilh of 14 pfOjl"C:t IS 1U munths With " maxunum load of 980 175 l N. If 1he d""ign
slandrd derwauve 4 WhM 1he " res.< ti:>f the 31' N mml. what
is lhe diAml'lL"f of c:.ach boll?
3 of 11
n 10 mm c IS less Lbnn nKillL' of Mohr'< circle
b. 22mm d. could oftht ubove
c. 30 nun Maumurn deileclion of c:mulewr bC!IDI nf
l.L 36mm length I <mymg uruformly tltStnbutc<l load w
Coru;idcr thu follo:n\1Ill! p.;r urut length ,.,u
I 'nle am<',unl lf -tntetferencc needed tu a lVI' lEI)
cr""'" a jomt van.:< wilh o.liOJllc-tcr oJ b WI' (4 1il)
the shaft c. Ill}
2.. An int.eJti.Yeoce fie creates no $lles5 s1ote tn d WI' (384 El)
the shaft JWhcru R,.. modu1u of oflsflm m.1hrri'lll md I
!Mfttent orl'IC!".ws
3 The SITOS.< SIMe m hub is <im1lar en ,,

thick-w..JJcd (lVIuldtJ intcrnJll 2& ln 1:.1' u beam .stlbJect.:<.l to tnnsversc-

pressure shear 10rce. tltc ma:timum shear sll t!S8 tS

V.'JiiCh o r \l)e :ltRtemonl$ IJ.TV<rl llh<l\" are d<wloped
correct" a. at the Web
I.:: and 3 b tbo edge nf the '"P Jl1111g
b. l and 2 only c '"the bouom edge of the top llange

c. 2 and 3 only d None

J. l md 3 onlv f.n case A be.tn1 of' QltCUIAt

!3 Coll!lidcr fQllowmg .tdtomcnto: sul!jected to trMsve<l!' ln3dtll& ch maxutlwn
sbeur -iilte!ol.S in the beam is gre..uer
A nomenclarure <fPU den('(.:s t.Mt

I bole dllm.tclc!r IS 50 mm.
lll<ln tho hoar tress by
2. It is a !'haft base sys1.em,
3. 8 1nd1C11tes fundumentol d<'Vturion. b 33%
\J.'hich of thl! l!iven i.!W'are e.
correct"' ....
ra d If>%
u.. l. 2 and .3
J(l A structurl membor ubJCCL<d to on ""'"I
omprcsslVI: t'o<oo LS collod
I ;111d 2 only
e. 1Md3mlv beam
b column
d 3onlr

V-belts arc spcci.fioo h:y thcir d. strut
31 Suuct wc of a poly mer i.s
I nomm l tn'!lde !otlgiJl 1n mm
a. Long cham

J. noulmal p!lch length

b RhombiC
3 bell ems. '""lion ")'mho!
a Cub1c
4 WG>ghti\Jrut length oi tht ""It
\\'hicb oflhc 1\bn\'c: nt1! co,rec:t? d f' losed pa<:l hexgonal
Consider tht foUuwinl! stah!tnt!nh
o l,2.lond4
I Mellll Ji>mllng d;;.reases

b 1 and 2 onl)'
I and 3 nnl) of und improves meclmnlelll
d 3 Md 4 <lnly 5lr<1l!!Lh
Cousldc.r the 2. M<ta l pt<>Ct:l!S IS a pl;.'tiC

r.hear induced m u rower dcoormahon

3 Vy tn trtC3IC shupc$ ten b produc:d by
trnltMl.ILttng sh,,tt I
I din:ctly propmllonol to tnrquc oomg forg1ng proc.:.. u.. "'

mwrsdy proponlonal to the uube of ,,_.

Wltich of the: sta\"<3menL<> gwen above
a 1 2and3

J. directly prop<>ruonul to ill!- pJia1 momcrtt

otmeni:t , b. I Jllld 2 on ly
c 2 and 3 on!)
\Vhith of tho $lot<tncnts !!JVa> above arc
c:orn:ct'l d l nd 3 nnlr
33 l\1II(cb I..!Si-1 with List,ll 11M <ltct Lho correct
fl .3
b 1 ond >unly lt<lnl! the code g1ven below the hS1s
l And } only L ist -!
<I I 2 nnlv ""tl
Mitximult'l shi."Af iii ts .1\:(ah( s C.trdc-
\rorjpng T.,hmqw)
A. Smllh 1'\lrgong
" i equnl to rndius ufMohr' circle
B. Dror Forgms
b. i.s _gll!&tcr tb4D raditb of}..1obJ.. s ctrclt C' l'ress Forgmg
D. Mochmc Forgmg
I uf I I
l, osl-11 1 1
tl'roccss\ d. M + JM t T
1. Motcriol i onl)' upset to get the desirotl 4H. nw r:uio or tol'llll< carryiny capacity tf a solid
shope shafi to thutofo hollow sbufl is given by:

C:liTied Olll IIUUIU3ily in unen ( 1-K' )
3. Pone in clo'"'d impro:ssioo dies by b. ( I K' ) 1
l1ammers Ju bJo,vs c. K''
4. Done. in t!lusc<J impression dies by d. J/K'
K = -D,
continuou!' sqi.U!eziog, force

D1 lnstdo ..tilimcter o(hoUow sh:.H
a. 2 3 4 I OuLSidc shaft Shaft fii'C"
4 3 l I !he .Siln1C:.
c. 2 4 3 11le l'rincipal stresses at n poim in
LL 4 2 3 StreSS' are a, anJ 01 and
34. A cylind1ical vessel with Oat lx>Hom c.flll be correspo11ding o1e- c 14U\d If
dcop drawn b) E and I' denote m<)dulus- and

ol. shallow drawing PoJs.sons ra1io. respectively. then which Ol\e
single actioo deep or the following is c::orrecl'?
c. double action deep dmwing a. a 1 =Es1
d, 1riple: ::action de!.!!p drawing

35. Which one of the following methods is used b. a1=--, [e1 TV&2 j
for the maoufatmre of oollapsible toolhpasll! 1-V"
tuhes'! E
Impact extrusion c. a 1= --1 [s 1- Vs, J
1-11 -
b. Oirec1 ext'ttLSion
d. Piercing
o. at =E(s, - Vc1)
A poi.m i.n a two dimensional smtc of strain is
36. Small amount vi catbonaceous matcrfal s ubjcctt.!d to pure shearing strain of magnitudc-
sprink:k-d 01.1 Ihe inner surf:1ce or mnul(l cuvi1y y radians. WWch ooo o r the foDowing is the
1s cal led maximum nrindpal strait1'?
u. Backing saud a.
b. sand

c. Green sand b. rry t

d. Dry S(md
37. In Hook. s joint is u.scd betw..:cn 0, 1 2
which of the ft,llowing? d. 2r,y
a. Clutch and gear box ,,.

b. Gear box and diffcr<mrial

c. DifJf.renJial aod
d. Flywheel and clutch

38_,_ In a llul drive Ule can be subjooled lo

a ma).;mum ten!:IOn T and centrifugal lension Consider Lhc Mohr"s circfC" ahoVC":
i'L- \\'hn1 i.s the oondition f"r uao<llJission oF What is lbc state of strl'Ss repr<..-senwd by
maximum power'.' circle?

a. T = Tc a. a-, # 0. -r"\ = 0
b. T= .{3 T, b. 0', =a, =O. fw0
<. T = 2Tr c . o-:.- = 0, <Ty = !'(\ -J; 0

T = 3Tt cl. a"" :.f.. 0, <Tr = t "\ = 0

39. A s hali is to l'Ombincd twisting \Vhm is the re.lmkmship bl!'tween rhe
moment T and bending moment M. Wha1 ls elastic pruperties Young's mcK.iulus (E),
the bcuding momcnl? rigidity modulus (0) and (Kl'l

v, (JM1 +T2}
I 9 3
a. 3. - =-+-
3 9 l
h. JM1+7'1 b. - =-+-
\1, M + "'',\..-=(1,..-+-T-=-
2} \1 3 J
c. - =-+-
5 of I I
9 1 3 +8. What is Shape of the shearing stress
d. - : -+- distribution across a rec.wngulor cross- seclion
1; (;
45. A I00 111111 , 5 mm x 5 mm steel bar fcc. to mm?
expand is he.arcd fiom 15(C lo 40. C. What
1 1 a. Triangular
shall be dC\'cloped'/ b. Parabolic Mly
rt. Tensile stre-ss c. Redangular only
d.. A combination of rectangular and
b. Compressi\le stress
c. Shear stress parabolic. sh8J"'
A solid shaft trunsmil'i 3 lorquc T. 111c
d. N\l.ttess
ullowublc sheario!l 'lteSs is t. \VhQi is lhc
diameter shuft?

The shearing rorce diayam tor a b<am is
sbowu iu 1he obove figure. 'll1e bending.
b. rg

mome111 diagram i represented b)' which one c.
of the following?


'I d.

Which of Lhe foHowillg e;\presse.s lhe.
stress factor K used tOr design of close-.d coiled
v -------. ra hdical spring?
4C - 1
4C' - 1 0.615
b. - -+- -
'[:7 4C - 4
4C - 4 0.615
c. 4C-I+C
" 4C - 1

d. 4( - 4
\Vl1cn: C = sprin
51. A helicut coil spring witl1 win: diamett:r 'd'
c and coil diameter 'D' is 10 external

IOlld. A coustaot ratio of d and D has tu be

47. Match Listl with l.istll and select the c<Jrl't'ct
m:rimained. such that we cxlc,tsion of spring is
answer using the code givt:;n bdow lists
Independent of d ond D. What is this rn1io?
List I
a IJ3 I d
( Ponnu

A. Ctape)ron'sthcorcm h. d3 / 1)4
B. Maculnys
C. Perr) 's formulu 0 413

( Dcols with 1oplc)
I. Dcllcc1ion of beam

1.. Eccentrically loaded column

3. Riv<:ucdjoints
A closed c-nil t,elicaJ spring or lUcan coil
-1. Conltnuous diameter I)' and made from a wire uf'
Code: diameter "d. subjected to a "T' ab{luL
A 13 c the nxis <If the spring. What is the ma.xinium
!l. 3 2 I stress developed in the spring wire?
b. 4 I
c. 4 l 3
d. 1 4 J a. ltd3
b. c. b'" incluted to f
bitUcl l.:are norrcoplnna1 nou
intct!W!Cti ng
e. trt/3 (I() Winch ooe oflhe rollowne rs oorrecfl
MaiiMbility ,. tho propCJly by wltich o metal
64T or olloy can be deformed by
/rc/3 applying
dOes the mwtimum hoop sire..,. 10 u a haruu.Jc !\tress
thtok oylrndor Wider e:emol pres.rure <'Oovr7 b bendillJ! SlrCSS
u Al lbe c. sbeur $lt""s

b Al lhc -inner sur!Occ d sUd$
c. Al th.o mi<J.thtcl<ness 61 Wlucb of the follnwtng ekoo<tus gwen below
d. Al W., 213"' olll.<r ra<IIWl Jetennine (3) lhe OUiUnnh le
If one <ml of o hmgt-d column L'
tix< hardn= m steel"
ond tho oth free. how much lh< cntleol L Chrulnilun
load comp""'d to til<' Dligirud value" 2 Mangane$e

1'4 3_ Carbon
b. 112 4 Molybdenum
c- Twice Selocl lhe wrrect answer usuJS the c<XIe
J. Po..u lunts bdow

\\'ho pPl"tnl(lted the dmtonum 1 only
magy b. I
II , TfCtiCR o 3 only
b Rankine d. 2 and-!
e Sl Veoont
ra Co<::llicicol ofExpmuuon ts. prt,allcu11y n1J Uta
d. 1\'hses-Henl,y paruoular alloy What IS thtS &II>}?
In tile au>mc hard-pl.ero mndel of th< o. fladticld M.>IIJ!Oitcsc Steel
lcoglh of b Jnvar
unit cel17 c Y!lalbunt
u : d Sle ll itc
63 Cons1<ler the followlllll S\atemen\3 relotrllil to
b. (4 1 Ji')X A IOIIIIC radou> mocbruuc:llpropet li"" of ccrnmics.
I Ten I strength ts theo,.,ucallv high but m

c. (2.Jl)" Alonuc md1us prdL1.irt qunc- low.

d, ,fi X AlOmJC rodlus 1 Compn.!SSI\"U s1r"ngth tS mJJny lime, lo\\'cr
57 \Vhkh one of the foiJowin_g is eorrectr1 1han 1enstle
When "devitnficanon'' of morgamc ts J Sh= .u,mglh "' htgh.

dooe> 4 T rnT\.,Wen>e strength s eM;y 1n -ascertnin

Which of !he giV<ll buVc Ill'<
n siMs trnnsio""" fu>m CtY""'IIine lo non-
cry.sranmt corrocl?
b gl"' tran>fomlll miry a fu lly trnn<prml a. I and3

mawnal b 1
c glosttM<tbllllO from noootJstoUmo stole 0- lnnd3
10 polypc:rystaltrne <Str:tt- tl 2

J. glass ts relleve<J of llll<mo.l stresses l\ IA.<imum ngulat \eloclly of th CQnn.>ctin.g

5$ \\'hat ,. a urfuce tmpcnecton. w1uch rod wilb crank to c<>nnecllng md rolm I S fur
<>t' drlTe,..,n <>ri<11lotlmlS m a oranl.. Jpct..J of 3000 'I"" is orouruL
a 30\Jradls

poly-< ugwt-gute. e.1llcd"

ndge d!slncotJrm I> 60 ''"dis
b. Jltull c J() ... d,l
c Gnun boundary J. 3ll<l1J radls
d. Screw 1n three b.1.ll hc:orings rdouttficd .._. SKF 2015,
59 Which one of lbe followinl! slatentt'l'll; i< 311:; and
correct in Ibe case of screw disloc.1llnn>1 a bote lS common but Wldth 1:; thcreaJ,mg
b outer dumteler 1,_-; t.ommon hut l:k.rro JS
(b = Bll1l!<<$ VcctQr f = lm&gln.$1) Vector) mot<!l>ing
h tA retP.:ndloularto l c WJdtb j., comm,011 hut outer chametcr 1s
b b lS to i ueoreasmg
7 ul II
d bore 1s ooounrm bu1 O\lter duuneter IJ: t;l)ltctublll i.VtfiUy wul k ln:l the ;ms'tl!<t"$ ,.., Otcr< 1tcr11f
d..'Cftoslng Ol!int lho ooda P\n\)(!IQW""
Whtch IJne .,f the follo'""S stotcmcnt.s 111) lc\.Jth A M,l R mdividuaUy tme nl'ld It ., tll-i!- C\tnect
rt:gardmg. cumpuk'"l s ts not <.Y\ITet:11 expblJ'UliiM or A
'' DotDb"''"' oonl<lin field> .mJ rOc<>r<l.,; Ball\ A ;vul R bulivitlnlillly fnw 1!111 A t pol lf
b. The organi2ed Jiet of msiruotion!t given lu tX(llllluUi.Uu u( A

lb.-:. computer to $0lvo problem is to\lle.J

(.:) ;\ In titl.wI
(<h A !. filbc ftt1 true
v Collocuon t>f3 btU; Is ca)Jod a byte
U. Sprea&ih'-"1 to u."n used 111 POR'J'RAN 71 A<$<1'1lon (A): Vlue f!nBLD<Xttn Is

ctlnccmed with lllCtoosing 1M qlll111ty o( th<
b7. \\llich unt of lhc [OJiowmg J$ not u cuttilnAJ\d
product c..-en at enhnncod Cor.l to fUIIill the
moa... mo customer rJUirements.
il C'reah!' Rt11s.on (R): C'ust'<'Olcr rc.qwtc3111.."Tll.:. arc
b LtSI
changmg very rupidly .mel survaval o1 11
c Sort llldu.<tl)' u llnkoo with
d. Remove fulfilhng 1he customers requir("ITients

GR <:'onstder lhe foUowms. "'temcnls obnUI 7'l (A)i L.::vor can be- "'
UJJttfru:tJoo beunngs rolntiv'-" of t>llMt!i pft.:.'!k'-1\l
I 'Th<trlocalton mfluro0<>1 the lolerul crili"'' ' anv teTnperature
spi*d af ,, rotor

Rt'1lsun (R): Rule- 18 tc:dJ 1tltcLI to 1

2 RoUct b<:oritu:.s oN oniJfricl.ll:)n estiJllate relftiJVe ph:><es. only f Ihey ore sohd
Whtch of the rol<men"
300\'< i!<li!n!
corral? 7J ;\ s....-tion (1\): To co!\C <>t Canlrol Chart tor
1. I unly fratllOa l.,.ohan }
h z"niY
c. !3oth I nd 1
d Netther I nor 2
ra dt:ilribUUctl is weed
Rl.'tl<em (R) In buwmtal dllitnbUltl'n
probabiJih oJ the eve.11t vunes With each draw
Consider lh foUowmst.1tcrn-c.nts. 1d An oruon (A)l In ru<e uf C'ctJllfol C'h8m for
One wny of
I v1brauon t."Solauon
the ovoragez of sut>-w-oups uf
ro the mass of tho MtdJng> ure plotlod inJ.tMd of ploo.irtg
obj..l indtvtdual reachngs
2 For dl'e<:trve ;..,lotion, the n.11uml R"'!IO" (R): U boo boen 1:>tovcct

1m1uency of Ute system should be: flll' '""' experimerrt5 that \\.,.til fmm no:msl
than!.; tho oxotllng freq\l<n<'l' CUNI!.
1\'htch of lh< sl4l<'mtnlll gwen abn\'e tslurc 7S. Assl"rlion In centra rizcd ins:pccuon.
correct" matert'l handhn& ts le.o;s
a. I nnly R c-J>on (R): less number of gauglo;s IUld

b 1 only instruments ;ue reqmred Ui

c 8<>th l nnd ; CRi[ncd out m. one location
J l'IOlther I nor 2 76 A"""rtion {\): Submcrgocl iiN wdrltng '' nnt
7U Coru:rdi:J the tbllowing tn rcs:pec.t

r<COIJIIIll:mled for hogb carbon steels. toQJ

nf !)feels 5tctl:'i, nlummniDl. de
I Austt.nitic ..St4inlcSi:S .:uc hlll Jc:ued Rcnon (R): llus t>ec.u.., of unAvllilnbihty
and strengl.het!ecl 1\y <:Old of suitilhle nuxes, r<a<11\ ltr Ill lugh

J. Austc;mtit stiunlc:ss steels c&nnoc. bc- l\J\d I0\.\1 sublirnntion

qucncbed ond tempered.
Whtcb lh< slakmcnls Ill""" uhvc 77_ AM<'I'Uon tA): Tht Lewi> tqu:nion for dosign

of gear tooth po-e<hc!S 1he '""'ic load cop.1ctly
o 1 only at' a <Mid<''" b"''m Qf uruform ;trenglh
b. Zonly
R'" '""' (R): According to law of gear.
I ''"d 1 lnterchan&l'!lhht) ..; posslble nul:; wb.en
d Nethcr I nur 2 s1une p1 t':!!futc. iltlg_lll utot!ulc.
78 Ast'r tion (A): F.leroents are cl>so>fied inlo
metals Aull ot..ln--melill.s L1D Lh.c- b-Asi$ uf lbL-u

1..1"-oUt:d t111 lbt> -,.\liefUliC'i lAY .utd W II$ tR) Retsun (R): The V!llcooc olectron slfUttures
'Ill' t(' '-'JU1l'llill f tWO cootnbutc t:o I be p11ml)' bondllll!""n the
atoms 10 form
8 o f II
Assertion (f\ ): In des1sn of douhle 611rJ :1re complex m
"ddmg of Wl:l)lmrnetncl so:etlon.> WJ!h plate.s a. Jobproductton shop smaU
<ab)e<Jted to lo.1do lengths of pmllel number of p ieces rynly once
wddb lire maJe uno;:aual b j<>hph>ducuon shcop Jr<>ducmg small
Rcoson lR): ll1!lths nf p.unllel in numb" of Jli= intcrtn1ttcntly
lillet welding of an un)'mnle,t rical "ecllon c bi1tch production h<lr> pTOOJIC1111l a hmch
with l>lo"' are $0 Jl(oportlonod d>at lh< $Um onll' once
of resishng moments of welds .1btlul thc- d b:Jtch production shop producujg o batch
C<'nlre of gT3VlW axJS ts zorn at oJTegular mtcrval.s
go AssC'rtion (A): A cotter jolnt is to rig_1ill) 81 \\'lUch one: of the follmving i!t -not
cn"nect rwo coaxull rfods caoymg 1et)sjle lt111d correct?

(R): Taper 1n tbe co&l\!t .cs prov1diXIl\) a. Schcdllh.:. chflrt show:s lhe pi'OCCSSl.tlg of li
fi&cilttatc its rernQvnJ when i1 fails duo:. Ill tchear Jtlh on vnnous wodc: ngau's' ume
81 A,.ertinn (A): Two pulleys connecteJ hy a b load clwt shows U1e proeessmg of
totatt in OJlJ:IOSite vnriou.s Jllhl\ on W()rk centre ago1nst tim..:
Rea'"" (R): 'fhe leoath of the cros.OO hell c D1spatcluns '" the actl\1tv related wllh
1..:-mains dipatohUJg_ of gOO<b to the c.ust<ln><'-'

Assertion (A): In steuly romtmg cond1tmn 1ho d RoullJ18 ts tho nclivtty mth dtc
joum l mstde a hyurodyna11llc JOurnal bearmg op<.taUons and scqua>ct to b...
rcmmn !looting oo oJI tilm. pcrfomwd on job
R<>llson (R): Th< hydrodymm11c P' ""'""' 88 What ttrm IS u'ied tr' dostgnate th< Jtrti"n ..r


tn $tcut,ly rol.4ting oondluon.' to ptedlllt1Wlll N l140 bv
Jllumnl beonng;; bnlanc"' 1he load on 1he m&Chlnmg opernt1on?
Jouml RotJg)m<l."<
Wluch one of tho: followmg l$ nol ra b LRy
c-nrr-ccl-t c \VVJne:<s
u .PERT i> ucli\'lty oriented And CPM i d. Cut off
eveni onetll"OO 'Vhat ;;v1nb(ll 1' used hi mthtilfe $ltrl3ce
b. In PERT, tbrte time cstunAtcs are n;ade. ro\lgbnoSS?

wbetcas m CPM only one hme'e 1s
c in P6RT slnck IS CtJiculatcd whereas 1.n
b ..r
CPM l1011t' ore calculatoo c.

d Both PERT I!Dd CPM. re us< for proj<et d .\

Q(l M&cb Lts<..l w11b LL51-U owl select Ihe correor
A PER'f acuvny has n optumSlJ( wn... using tlu.\ code gjven below the hsts.
ol... 3 days. a time cstimilt.c- l. lstl
of 8 days. and a most ltkely limo e<tJmatc of (Uocon\rcnlJootd machrntng

l(J dovs i the oxpocto.i ttmc. of tim A. Electro pobshing

uctcvrty'' B. ElectrochomJC41mllChmmg
n d.w C,
b. 75 duJ D. Elcctncal diScharge mochmma

c 11 <Lws L ist-11
J. 8.5 days (Bnstc prnces.)
85 the rollowmg step!i lfl pmduatli'lfll I Thermal Meohsn1cal

plllnn1ng and controL 2. Moclutnjcal

1 C'opc1ty pl nruog 3 Eloctmth<mJonl
2. 1\lalmld r<QOU<'IIl<DI nlmuung 4 Cb"''llcal

3 Purohosms
-4 l:lesign dNJSions B r 1.)
W!tJch ODe O[ tfu- ti,1UOWII\g i> !be' O<llr<et a. 3 2 1
>qucnc;e of tho step in ororoll<>ns t> -1
management? c. 4 2 3
(1 23-1-1 d l 1 -1
b l-431 QJ In J ayllir'o> tll<ll ll(t equaLJon 15 Vi"'= "''osllinl
c + 1 23 \Vhtt:t ts the vnluc of n. for Clcr:umc, toc)lli'1
tl. a.
\"''hJch one nf Ihe foiiOIVJl11l ts b (H to0 55
PHXh.wtion.. pltmtu11g ttnd eonliDI functions c n.6io0 7>
? nl II
d ()8t.o0.9 c bolt<
What lll't the reasons for rtducuon qf tool w;, d- ciUlc:.b Unors
m n machmms opernhon" 97 Wha1 ro tho process by which two or mol'<'
I T"nptrAtwo: r ise of cumng cdg< chemiMUy monum<rs M'

Ch1pJ>1ng nf ""'' edge du< tn moltb., ni<:t\1 polymcn:Jcd to fonn cro.s liok pol)'mcr
imp8t together wnh .a by-produc1 such as. water m
3 Ornd\llll ool powt ammoni. known Of?
.I in feed nf cut <>l constMt cmtong a. Additton pc>lynteri?.arion
lbrce b Co>-polym<JIS<Jtlon
Sclt'Cl the cunce1 using tiJl" code _gavcn c. Lincnr potymcti,..tion
he low d !'(llym<nrnuon

u. 1, 2 -uttd 3 98 AU.lcb LJst.J with LISt-U wJ >dOJl lhc <ouocl
h 3 4 answer USJD8 the c:oOOstven beJpw the las1.n
e I. 3 nd -1 L it-1
cl. 1, h n<l -1 (Pn nc:1pol Method)
93 V.'luch machmmg prnce:;.<s<:s are u.od for gear .A . construction
mtlnufocture'! B. Rcnucdy'slh c-orem

I Foflll mJiilll!l C. D'Aiemhert',pnnoiple
2. D. Grubld s rult
Roll torrmng Lit-TI
4 Hnl>bi.Qg Apphtati1ln )

Sck ctlb.> illmVC'I'IlS.UlS oo<k S''"'"' I ln$lanlJ!DooU$ C<!Oters 111 hnkugos
below ke,Bt1ve 1H.:ceteratlon of hnkages
l. ::.;.nd 3 3 MobJhtv of
b. ra 4 Dynam c forces m linknges
c l. 2 31)d 4 C<xle'
d. A 13 c D
C'o11$1der the followm&taienleniS a. 4 1 2 3
dli onhogonlll cuumg the cutlin_g ranu IS b. :! 3 4 I
tound h> be 075 The eutt"!lfl""d "'
c 4 3 2 I
cl<l m, mm .nnd <kpth of cut 24 mm. d zcl 3 I
1\'htch ot' lho follnwms nr c:orro<:l7 99 Which mo<banism produces inleaniltod rotry
I Chipval<>clly will be 45 m/mm motion Uom mt;uy mot1oo,.

2. Clup vclociiV wiU bc SO mlnuu. \Vbltwonb mochnnim

1 t' lup thickne"' Wlll b< 18 mm b Srotch Yoke
-1 Chip Lhlcl:ncss will b<t 3l mrn c;, Gc:nevn mecba.msm
Sllk ct Ux: oorrc.:t iUl.Sww USIIl!llhe oo<k gM:n d Elllpt,col trnmmcl
below: I/)II A J<>Limal beallng Wllh

o hndl lubtJCAIJon LS runntl'IS str:adUy Wlll! I

b. I rmd 4 Bmounl of mtntmum Glm 1h1ckn<s \\q,., the
" 2 ill'ldl IOll<l nd sp.lcd ar" doubled. hnw dt)<s tll<-
J. 2 und 4 mimmu.m film thl(lknd:. vnry,

<'old ti..-gmg resuiL m Lffii'I'OVed quahty due -a Remmns unchan..ged

\I bich of the followmg ? b. Get> Joublcd
I Hatter mech:.mtcn) flTOremes nf ihe c Clets r<uaed to ona.fourth of

p<ocess \'nlue.
l U nhrokcn gram flow J Gels re<IU<od to holf of ongm.,l value
3 Sm.>Olha 1(11 lntcrt'<:renco bdW<>=n n m'"lute gear rmd

-1 J1tgb P"'''""" pllltoO CAD by which of !h.<

Solect !h.: corre<:l .1nnver usnllJlhe C<Jde SO'"" iollm.,ng
be.low. I Increasing lhc p1-:ssur6 unglc of <he tcctb
II } 1 11nd J Ul tho the numbct r\1' teeth n:n\.liDi111!
b l , .:!and -1 1he same
" 2.3ond 4 2. Deerea. ins lho oddU1dum of the g""r t1h
11 1. 3 and -1 and mcreasing_ tOr 1he piniC.)n
'"bleb of 1h 1> corr<:cL? 1ectb b' <he ms ..mnunL
Babbitt. it>r Selcct lhe llru>Wor u1uug tho 19ven
:i gears belnw
b. - I only
Ill ul II
b 2\tnly A hydrodylinmll' slitkr bconOI!
Both I nnd 2 d<;velops lo;td beanng capactty mumly because
Neuher I ll!lr 2 or
102 Whtch one of the f1>llnwing tS >rrect? a. slider vcluclly
When '" o mth pro tiles ol' ore h. wcdgr <hapcd otl tilm
conjugrue. velocity between them t oil compressibility
a ,s nhuys zero, ull through th< path of d f>il viscosity
h 7.Cro, ut cemun po1nts u1ong lhc path of
'"o.nttil!t 108
c IS uw unywht.'ift: on the fMi h uf

tian he made 1.em hy pi'Oper sele\:tmn of
profiles At gtv!n a disc: IS sp1nmng, wnt1
103 For n speed rat to of lOti stnnllcsl gear hox ts angular velocity "' pluur ot rtght ru>!!lcs to the
obtamcd by usmg which of the followmg? paper, jsec the figure) and aJi,r a >hon mtcrvul
u A rmir ofSPIr gears or Ot ll IS spmnmg wtth angular velOCity

b A pair of bevel nd u prur of spur gcurs tn m+N6 and the axos or spin has chnnge!l
c<ltn(l(>tmd gcur tr(tin . dtrecuon by the amount oO.
c. A p11ir of heltcal and a pair ol' spur gears 111 In ''hal ts the cumponem nt'
Gompouod gear tftlln

pnrnllel 011''
ti A plltr of helical and n pair of worm gears . dl)/dt
tn compout>d gcor train b, N(dll/dt)
104 the lollo\\lng four designs of u
c. tltl/tlt
tlvw..;-cl wnh gown nUts:; M(kg) and e<temul ra <L dOidr1
diameter D(m). \\htch is the line \\1th the
1119 one urthe folio\\ ts rorrect'l
htghcst encri!Y 1orugo
When n nut is tighten<'<! b} llliiCIOI.! 11 '""l>er
u. Platn wcular disc or undurm
b Ouubk oumcal disc d111ker al the centre below the bolt he sul:\je<.wd to ''ill
a. comprcs."lon only
and thonncr 111 the penphery
b. lenston
c Double comcnl dose thrnncr nt the ccmn:
c. shcnr anly
and thicker at the p.,jphory
tl. compress100 and
d Clf\'ulnr nng woth pukes
I Ill Which matcnnl used lOr hushes m the

bushcd-pmtypc offlc.XJblc coupling'/
a. Gotlmellll
Sro ;l_ c
b. Ploshc
d. Alummium

' Il l nJC balls of the ball he011ngs nn:: manufuctun::d

frmn .Sh.'d rods. The ,,pcmlions mvolvdlare,
The liglll'c abQvc shows tho schcmuue of un
I Groull<l
automobile havml! n
- o r 900 lg ond th"

1. Hot tor!!ed oil hammers

<'rStxiC) N/m lf1t
J licut treatca
trovels at n SJ)"<d of 72 km/hr ()n a rough road
4. Pohshod
\\lth p:nndu: wuvmcss showu 1s the
What IS d'k: correct sequcncl1 vt' th( ubnvc

lreqtt<\ncy of tho rooo on the wlteel" from stnrt7

u 1111 1
h 4 liz
a. 3-2-4-1
b. 3-2-1-4
< 1.5

c 1-J-1-4
d 20 liz
ti 2-J-4-1
1116 Whrch 0<\C or the lollo\\lll!' rncrhamsms
an mvenaon ur the- single- slitJer
112 Weekly productoon or a product
are 11)00 ttonts Th< cycl< tunc or IM'Oductng
Crunk chain'
(the product on u mnchn1< i> Ill minute>. The
u. Elltpticul tmtnmcl
fuctory works on l\\ o bi!$js in \'vhich total
l> Oldham.<cOHpling.
ovutlohlc ttme ts 16 hours Out of tl1c
c Whn\\onh 'Iuick mechamsm
lime oboul 25'1 is to be wasted on
d P.dnto.grbph meeh1lnlsn1
d0"1lS, motcrrol unuvotlablltty an!l
107 Whtch one of the foli0\\10g oscorrect'l
r<lntcd problems The factory works
I I ut' I I
for 3 days 111 a \\ec.l. How DlilnY macluncs arc I 16. Consader tllc rollowmg c.hamctcriS1Jc.s
required to fulftll d1c prodtJcllon rcquJrCmcnts? or asscmbb hnc balwJcmg:
n. 2 I. npportlonmcnl o f scqucJitiaJ work
b. 3 uctivatJcs into \\ork
c. l . high utilir.ation of oquipmcut
d. (l 3. minill1 1l.JJ(Iou orIdle dJne
Which of the st11tcmcnts ghcn abo1e on:
113. a. 1. 2and 3
b, I and 2 on I}
c. 2 and 3 only

d. I and 3 onl)'
J 17 ln d1c production of a product the fixed cosls-
are Rs. 6,(\()IJ/ and the voriable rost is Rs. 0/
Consider the obovo network. AcUvlt} times per producL if lbo sale price of the producl is
are _given in numbe-r or days. T he earliest Rs. I ll. the break e1cn 1olume of products to
<<peeled occurrence rime (TE) fo r O\'ont j(J is: be made will bo:

n. 22 .
b. 23 b. 3(1011
c. 24 0 4(ijl()
d. 2S d.

I H. or
Which one the followmg is not a technique 118 1'bo mter-arrhal times Ol u tool crib ure
of Range Forocnstllg? c:<pouential with an nn:rage hme of IU
a. Mnrkct Research and M:wket Sul'vey mh,utes n.nd lhc length of the scrvtcc
b. D<:lpln assullled to be cxponcutinl with menn 6
"' Collect we

d. Corrclat1on and Regres.s:ion
Using the smooth.iJtS method of
ra minutes The probability that u person arri1 ins
at the l)ooth will ho1 e to wait s eqnal tu:
a I) Ll
forecasting, what will be. the forecast for the b. t).4t1
founl1 1\eek if the actual and fnree.1Sted c. 0.42
demand for thud week is 48u and 501) d. ll.(
respcclll'ei)' and "= 0.2 tf A ts grcalcr Uwn B then 1i IS. expressed in
a. 411\1 FORTRAN ns:

b. 496 u. A > B
c. 511!1 b. AGTB
d. :104 c. A.OT ,B
d. AGT,B

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