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Periodontal force: A potential cause of relapse

Thomas E. Southard, DDS, MS," Karin A. Southard, DDS, MS, b and Elizabeth A. Tolley, PhD
Iowa City, Iowa, and Memphis, Tenn.

Relapse of aligned mandibular anterior teeth and the progressive collapse of the mandibular arch is
a significant problem for orthodontists. However, identification of a specific cause of such relapse
has proved elusive. The transseptal fiber system is thought to stabilize teeth against separating
forces. It is hypothesized that this fiber system may actually maintain the contacts of approximating
teeth in a state of compression, the long-term result of which could be contact slippage and collapse
of the arch. The interproximal force (IPF) at the mandibular first molar-second premolar contact was
investigated on the basis of previous studies with this representative contact. The IPF was measured
in 10 subjects at six different widths of contact separation. By means of graphic plotting techniques,
the IPF at zero separation was calculated to estimate the contact force when the molar and premolar
were actually touching. The mean IPF at zero separation was found to be 36.7g (SE = 6.6g), and a
t test confirmed the hypothesis that a state of compression between contacts exists (p < 0.0001).
After chewing, the mean IPF at zero separation was 57.2g (SE = 9.1g), and a paired t test revealed
an increase in contact compression had resulted (p < 0.01). It was concluded that the periodontium
exerts a continuous force on the mandibular dentition and that this force acts to maintain the
contacts of approximating teeth in a state of compression. This force is increased after occlusal
loading and may help to explain long-term crowding of the mandibular anterior teeth, physiologic
drifting of teeth, and maintenance of posterior dental contacts after interproximal wear. (AM J

P e r h a p s one of the most striking deficiencies posttreatment dental alignment 2 clearly underscores our
in orthodontics is our lack of understanding of post- lack of understanding of relapse etiology.
treatment relapse. Dentists claim that almost 50% of The periodontium itself may be linked to posttreat-
the United States population needs orthodontic treat- ment relapse. As cited 50 years ago by Waldron, 4 Ru-
ment, 1 but 90% of the patients treated have unaccept- dolf Kronfeld suggested that a function of the trans-
able dental alignment 10 to 20 years after retention. 2 septal fiber system was to stabilize the teeth against
Although orthodontic appliances and mechanics used separating forces. If such stabilization is accomplished
to correct malocclusions have improved in recent by maintaining the contacts of approximating teeth in
decades, the identification of etiologic factors that cause a slight state of compression, then the long-term effect
corrected alignment to relapse has proved elusive. of this compression could be slippage of dental contacts
Assessment of treated orthodontic patients has and collapse of the arch. The purpose of this study was
shown no descriptive characteristics (such as Angle to determine whether the periodontium maintains the
class, length of retention, age at start of treatment, or contacts of approximating mandibular teeth in a con-
gender), no dental model parameters (such as initial or tinuous state of compression.
end-of-treatment alignment, overbite, overjet, arch
width, or arch length), and no cephalometric parameters
(such as maxillary and mandibular incisor proclination, If a thin material is inserted between two approxi-
patterns of horizontal and vertical growth, or mandib- mating teeth, the two teeth will be displaced mesio-
ular plane angle) that are of value in predicting long- distally by a distance (x), the width of the inserted
term stability of dental alignment. 2'3 The recent rec- material. Therefore, the displaced teeth will exert a
ommendation that lifelong retention be used to ensure reactive force against the material, a force that we define
here as the interproximal force (IPF). Intuitively, IPF
should vary as a function of the material thickness. That
aAssistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, The University of Iowa. is,
bAssistant Professor, Department of Orthodontics, The University of Iowa.
CAssistant Professor, Department of Biostatistics and Epidemiology, The Uni- IPF = IPF(x) or IPFx (1)
versity of Tennessee.
8/1/26754 An estimate of IPFo, the actual contact force that

222 Southard, Southard, and Tolley Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
March 1992

lil,5 ~


Fig. 1. Interproximal force (IPF) measurement technique. A, The tension transducer was hooked
through a perforated stainless steel strip. B, The strip was slipped interproximally and withdrawn.

exists between approximating teeth with no material finishes, we constructed an apparatus to determine the
inserted (x = 0.0 mm), may be estimated by measuring value of p~ for each steel. A known IPFx was applied
IPFx with .different material thicknesses, graphically between sectioned halves from five extracted teeth. A
plotting the relationship between IPFx and x, determin- strip made from a selected steel was slipped interprox-
ing a suitable equation to approximate this relationship, imally, and FF was measured as the strip was with-
and then extrapolating IPFx to x = 0.0 mm. On the drawn. The mean coefficient of dynamic friction was
basis of the work done by Parfitt 5 and our own under- calculated for the five extracted teeth with equation 2
standing of biomechanics, we hypothesized that IPFx and found to be 0.178 (SE = 0.007), 0.161 (SE =
varies exponentially as a function of x and that 0.004), and 0.137 (SE = 0.001) for strips of 0.00279
I P F o > 0.0g. mm, 0.00764 mm, and 0.0367 m m thickness, respec-
tively. Although we attempted to measure IPFx through-
out our experiments in a dry field, saliva contamination
was possible. We therefore decided to find the coeffi-
Technique of measuring IPFx
cient of dynamic friction in the presence of saliva for
The technique used to measure IPFx was previously dis- each steel and to average this value with that previously
cussed and was based on frictional force concepts. 6'7 Briefly,
found under dry conditions to give an overall value of
a thin stainless steel strip (6 x 15 mm) was slipped into the
~z for each steel. The coefficients of dynamic fric-
mandibular left first molar-second premolar contact and was
withdrawn with a digital tension transducer (Fig. 1). IPG tion in the presence of saliva were found to be
was related to the frictional force resisting withdrawal (FF) 0.209 (SE = 0.012), 0.171 (SE = 0.009), and 0.139
and the coefficient of dynamic friction (Ix) between tooth (SE = 0.004), and the average dry and wet values were
enamel and stainless steel by the following equation: found to be 0.193, 0.166, and 0.138 for steel strips of
0.00279 m m , 0.00764 mm, and 0.0367 mm thickness,
IPF~ = G/21x (2)
Force measurements were made with strips of six Two digital force gauges were used. The most sen-
different thicknesses. In other words, IPFx was mea- sitive gauge (Accuforce Cadet Force Gauge, Ametek,
sured for six values of x. These thicknesses were x = Largo, Fla.) had an accuracy of 0. l g and was used for
0.00279 mm (Hamilton Precision Metals, Lancaster, measurements with the three thinnest strips. A less sen-
Penn.), 0.00764 m m (Hamilton Precision Metals, Lan- sitive gauge (Accuforce III, Ametek, Largo, Fla.), with
caster, Penn.), 0.0153 mm, 0.0229 mm, 0.0305 mm, an accuracy of 1.0g, was used for larger measurements
and 0.0367 m m (Healthco, Inc., Boston, Mass.). The with the three thicker strips.
0.0153 mm, 0.0229 mm, and 0.0305 mm strips were We chose to study the left first molar-second premolar
fabricated with layers of steel 0.00764 mm thick. contact as a representative mandibular contact for two rea-
Since the three steels had slightly different surface sons. First, access precluded measurement of the second
Volume 101 -- - - ojvPerlo'~rce
~lonta/ 223
Number 3

molar-first molar contact. Second, we had previously dem- IPF V A R I A T I O N - SUBJECT 1 INITIAL
onstrated that the first molar-second premolar contact has the 10000
highest IPF magnitude of all contacts in either arch when
measured with a 0.0367 mm steel strip? The thinnest steel
strips that we used in this study were approximately 1/15 of 1000
the 0.0367 mm strip thickness, and we anticipated that the
force readings with the thinnest strips would be small. It
therefore seemed reasonable to study the force in the contact v
that would provide the largest possible readings for each strip 14.
thickness. That is, if IPFo > 0.0g than our ability to detect,
it would be greatest at the tightest contact. Finally, the left 10
side of the arch was chosen because of operator convenience.

Subject selection and experimental procedure

1 i i i
Ten men participated. All the subjects had complete den- 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

titions from the second molars forward, had approximating A

contacts between all adjacent mandibular teeth, and had been x [mm~
requested not to eat for at least 1 hour before the experiment.
Each subject rinsed his mouth with water, and the mandibular
first molar-second premolar contact was air dried. With the
maxillary and the mandibular dental arches apart, frictional 10000
forces were first measured with the thinnest stainless steel
strip and then repeated with progressively larger strips.
IPF x = 5 2 . 7 e 86"9x R 2 = 0.99
Each subject then chewed bilaterally on hard crackers for 1000
5 minutes. Frictional forces were measured with the thinnest
strip. The measurement procedure was then repeated with
progressively thicker strips after 1-minute intervals of chew- 100 '
ing. All values of IPF~ were then calculated, both initially it.
and after chewing, with equation 2.
Statistical analysis
Statistical analyses were performed with the SAS 9 statis-
tical software package. The nonlinear regression procedure 1 i i i
0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
produced estimates of the parameters IPFo and k for the fol-
lowing model: B
x (mm)
IPFx = IPFoe~ (3)
Fig. 2. Mandibular first molar-second premolar interproximal
This model is a transformation of the relationship between force, measured with six different widths (x) of stainless steel,
displacement of teeth and applied force as described by for a typical subject. A, Initial measurements and best-fit model
Parfitt? The model simply states that the interproximal force representing this relationship on a semilog plot. Note that the
(IPFx), measured for any mesiodistal displacement of teeth estimated IPFx intercept, at x = 0.0 mm (IPFo), is 19.4g. B,
(x), equals the interproximal contact force at zero mesiodistal Measurements after chewing. Note that IPFo has increased from
19.4g to 52.7g after chewing.
displacement (IPFo) multiplied by an exponential function
(ekx). The exponent is a product of the displacement multiplied
by some constant, k, which should vary between subjects.
Note that at a displacement of 0.0 mm,
A t test was used to test our hypothesis that IPFo > 0.0g. A
IPFx = IPFoe"x = IPF,,e = IPFo (4) paired t test was also used to detect changes in IPFo after
The IPFo and k coefficients were generated for each sub-
ject twice, initially and after chewing. Experimental values RESULTS
were weighted as the inverse of the standard error of the mean The m a n d i b u l a r first m o l a r - s e c o n d p r e m o l a r inter-
to correct for increasing IPFx variance with increasing x (het- p r o x i m a l force, measured with six different widths (x)
eroscedasticity). R 2, the proportion of variation accounted for of stainless steel, is plotted in Fig. 2, A for a typical
by the model, was calculated for each model as:
subject. T h e mathematical m o d e l , generated by the non-
R2 = (Regression sum of squares) (5) linear regression procedure, w h i c h closely fits this re-
(Uncorrected total sum of squares) lationship (R 2 = 0.99), is:
224 Southard, Southard, and Tnlle,~ Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
March 1992

Table I. Interproximal force (IPFx) model* coefficients for each subject, generated from
initial measurements
IPFo asymptotic 95%
confidence interval

Subject IPFo Lower Upper Model R2

1 19.4 7.6 31.1 112.7 0.99

2 86.9 40.5 133.3 97.4 0.99
3 45.8 23.5 68.1 89.1 0.98
4 6.0 -4.8 16.9 102.8 0.90
5 29.7 22.4 37.0 103.3 0.99
6 34.9 19.1 50.7 88.2 0.98
7 33.0 - 3.3 69.3 103.1 0.96
8 37.1 9.1 65.1 82.0 0.96
9 33.9 23.4 44.4 98.5 1.00
10 40.5 16.6 64.4 106.4 0.99

*IPFx = IPFoekX[g].

Table II. Interproximal force (IPFx) model* coefficients for each subject, generated from measurements
after chewing
IPFo asymptotic 95%
confidence interval

Subject IPFo Lower Upper Model R z

1 52.7 36.4 68.9 86.9 0.99

2 ' 127.6 -36.9 292.3 87.4 0.93
3 84.6 -6.6 175.9 72.3 0.91
4 51.6 8.0 95.1 68.9 0.94
5 41.3 32.7 49.8 95.1 1.00
6 43.5 19.9 67.0 83.1 0.98
7 59.8 -6.0 125.7 94.4 0.98
8 46.3 9.0 83.6 81.3 0.96
9 31.8 11.9 51.7 107.4 0.99
10 32.6 12.3 53.0 113.7 0.99

*IPFx = IPFoee' [g].

IPFx = 19.4e .... [g] (6)

Continuous compressive forces were estimated to exist
In other words, for this subject an estimated 19.4g between the teeth in all subjects. Initial IPFo ranged
(IPFo) of compressive force is present when the first from 6.0g to 86.9g. The smallest initial IPFo was noted
molar and the second premolar are actually contacting in subject 4, who reported not having chewed anything
(x = 0.0 mm). Fig. 2, B plots the variation of inter- during the previous 20 hours. The mean initial IPFo was
proximal force with steel strip width after chewing for 36.7g (SE = 6.6g). The mean asymptotic 95% con-
this same subject. The mathematical model describing fidence interval for initial IPFo was 15.4g to 58.0g.
this relationship is as follows: IPFo increased in eight subjects and decreased in
two subjects after chewing. Its value after chewing
IPFx = 52.7e ..... [g] (7)
ranged from 31.8g to 127.6g. The mean IPFo after
That is, after chewing, the estimated compressive force chewing increased to 57.2g (SE -- 9. lg), and the mean
existing between these teeth when they are actually asymptotic 95% confidence interval ranged from 8.0g
contacting was more than doubled. to 106.0g. It should be noted that subject 4 also had
IPFo and k model coefficients for all 10 subjects, the greatest increase in IPFo (800%) after experimental
generated from measurements made initially and after chewing.
chewing, are presented in Tables I and II, respectively. A plot o f the mean initial variation of interproximal
Volume 101
Number 3 Periodontal jorce 225

force with steel strip width is present in Fig. 3, A, and IPF V A R I A T I O N - MEAN INITIAL
a plot of the same relationship after chewing is provided 10000
in Fig. 3, B. As a result of the t tests, our original
hypothesis that initial IPFo > 0.0g was determined to IPF x = 36,7e 98-4x R 2 = 0.97 ..~ "~
be correct (p < 0.0001) and an increase in IPFo after 1000

chewing was demonstrated (p < 0.01).

The results of our research indicate that contacts of m

approximating mandibular teeth are maintained in a 10

continuous state of compression. This compressive
force is generated by the supporting periodontium and
acts through the dental contact points, even when the 1 I I I

dental arches are apart. Further, this force is increased 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04

for a period after chewing. A x (mm)

The existence of IPFo could be of clinical impor-
tance in explaining several phenomena, such as long-
term collapse of the mandibular dental arch and mi- IPF V A R I A T I O N - MEAN A F T E R C H E W I N G
gration of teeth. However, as stated by Edwards, l the
physiologic basis for the periodontal generation of a
force is an enigma. In a study of approximal tooth drift
IPF x = 57.2e 89.1x R 2 = 0.96
in monkeys, Moss and Picton ]~ proposed that removal 1000
of approximal tooth contact allowed the transeptal fiber
system to contract and produce approximation of the
adjacent teeth. Such fiber contracture could account for 100
IPFo. Another possible explanation is that teeth are com- a.

pressed and held mesially under action of the anterior

component of occlusal force. 6 This effect could also
explain the increase in mean IPFo after chewing that
we observed. 1 I I I

The major limitation of this research was the use 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04
of curve fitting and extrapolation to obtain IPFo. An
exponential equation appears suitable for approximat- B x (mm)
ing the graphic relationship between IPF~ and x (Figs. Fig. 3. Mean (n = 10) mandibular first molar-second premolar
2 and 3), but there always exists a danger in extra- interproximal force, measured with six different widths (x) of
polating a function to an area outside the given data stainless steel. The error bars indicate the standard error of the
range, in this case to x = 0.0 mm. However, as pre- mean. A, Initial measurements and best-fit model on a semilog
plot. B, Measurements and best-fit model after chewing.
viously noted, we have greater than 97.5% confidence
that the true mean IPFo > 15.0g. Perhaps an IPFo of
much less magnitude could be capable of exerting pro-
nounced clinical effects since teeth can be moved by a time in persons with untreated normal occlusions and
continuously acting force of only a few grams.'2 in persons receiving orthodontic treatment with or with-
Another limitation was that IPFo was estimated only out extractions. 2.13.14Relapse of orthodontically aligned
for the mandibular first molar-second premolar con- anterior teeth is unpredictable; no cephalometric param-
tact. However, our findings should apply to all man- eters, including growth, are useful in establishing a
dibular approximating contacts, although we anticipate prognosis. 3
that the respective IPFo magnitudes will be less. The existence of a continuous, compressive force
(IPFo), originating in the periodontium and acting on
Posttreatment relapse and clinical implications
approximating teeth at their contact points, may help
Some mechanism in modern man causes a progres- explain long-term arch collapse (Fig. 4). Although we
sive long-term collapse of the mandibular anterior den- have previously found correlations (0.53 to 0.59,
tal arch. Decreased intercanine width, decreased arch p < 0.05) between mandibular anterior malalignment
length, and increased incisor crowding are seen over and IPF measured with the 0.0367 mm thick steel
*~,, JT~'te" Am. J. Orthod. Dentofac. Orthop.
226 Southard, Southard, and M a r c h 1992

central incisors and its rapid, spontaneous closure (re-

lapse). Such closure is based on rebound of the stretched
periodontium and not on lip and tongue forces. Simi-
larly, we speculate that arch expansion and excessive
incisor proclination may stretch the periodontium, pos-
sibly resulting in increased IPFo levels, and may ac-
celerate arch collapse after retention. In other words,
a strict nonextraction approach to orthodontic treatment
of dental crowding, irrespective of the resulting degree
of arch expansion, could be questioned.

Attrition, migration, and equilibrium positions of

the teeth
The proximal contact of teeth is maintained under
normal circumstances in spite of continual interproxi-
mal wear and the resultant decrease in mesiodistal
crown dimension. The existence of a force that contin-
uously compresses tooth crowns together may help ex-
plain this observation because as teeth wear interprox-
imally, they may be held together by IPFo. Our finding
that IPFo increases with chewing may also explain the
high levels of mandibular mesiodistal attrition found by
Begg 16 in the Australian aboriginal man. That is, with
a tough aboriginal diet, greatly increased IPFo forces
Fig. 4. A, Schematic representation of continuous compressive would be anticipated during chewing and increased
interproximal contact force (iPFo) originating in periodontium enamel abrasion would result as the more compressed
and acting through dental contacts. B, The action of such a teeth move across each other at the interdental contacts.
force may help explain long-term slippage of dental contacts After extraction of first premolars in crowded man-
and collapse of the mandibular anterior arch.
dibular arches, the canines drift laterally and distally
into the extraction sites, whereas the incisors become
more upright over basal bone and less crowded. 17
strip, 1~it would be simplistic to suggest that IPFo could Alexander 18has suggested delayed banding of the lower
be solely responsible for arch collapse. Rather, if IPFo arch after extraction to allow unaided physiologic distal
does exert an influence on dental alignment, it probably drifting and unraveling of the anterior teeth. Such spon-
acts in conjunction with lip and cheek forces to collapse taneous migration through an extraction site could be
the arch and is opposed by tongue force, which tends evidence of the same inherent periodontal force that
to expand the arch. It follows that the influence of IPFo causes IPFo.
should be more evident in the anterior region of the Occlusal forces have been dismissed as having too
arch where the contact points are narrower, the crowns short a duration to move teeth buccally or lingually.12
more tapered, and the expansive force from the tongue However, the results of this study indicate that occlusal
more intermittent than in the posterior region of the loading of teeth causes them to become increasingly
arch. compressed together, at least in the "contained" man-
The IPFo varies widely between persons and be- dibular arch, for a period after the occlusal load is
tween periods of occlusal function. If IPFo is a factor withdrawn. That is, occlusal forces exhibit a prolonged
in posttreatment crowding, then its influence also varies influence and may have a significant effect in deter-
dramatically between persons and probably acts as a mining the equilibrium position of teeth.
function of their occlusal loading, including parafunc- In conclusion, the results of this study indicate that
tional habits. the periodontium exerts a continuous force on the man-
When a rapid maxillary expansion appliance is used dibular dentition, and this force acts to maintain con-
to open the midpalatal suture, the orthodontist antici- tacts of approximating teeth in a state of compression.
pates both the formation of a diastema between the This force is increased after occlusal loading and may
Volume 101
Number 3 Periodontal Jorce 227

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