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B1- C Pool


Day 01
Unix Environments

Any mention to "login" or "login_x" refers now to the format

Task 0
Go to the Microsoft Forms Website. Please answer the questions honestly.

Task 1
Using the intranet, register for all of the weeks activities.
Go to Open your mailbox and read your emails.

Task 2
Yammer Community
First, join our Yammer network.
Then, join your graduating class group: Yammer - Promo #PROM.
Finally, join your citys group (Yammer - #CITY #PROM) and ask your referent to personally approve your registration.

You must register with your email address.

Please use the following format:

Task 3
Discovering the Linux Environment
First, take some time to discover your working environment (keywords, commands,...)
Then learn how to lock your workstation by carefully reading the xlock manual.
Remember, Its very important to keep Linux updated!

shell, terminal, window manager

Use the "pkcon update" command to update Linux.

Task 4
Create a Delivery Directory
Create a directory named delivery in your home directorys root.
Within that directory, create another one named task04, which will contain:
an empty file named test01, containing default permissions,
a file named test02 containing "Whats Up, Doc?". Everyone must be have the rights to read and execute this
file, but only you can write in it,
a symbolic link (symlink) named test03, which is a reference to test02.

Read the ln manual carefully!

Task 5
Create a file, /delivery/task05/z, which displays the character Z followed by a carriage return (\n) when the
binary cat is used to read it:
Terminal + x
/B-CPE-042> cat z

Task 6
Write in /delivery/task06/midLS, a command that lists the current repositorys files and repositories (without
hidden files, ellipses, or files starting with a dot).
Files and directories should be separated by commas and directories must end with a slash.

Add execution permission to everyone

Task 7
Its time to take a break. While youre relaxing, you should check out Yammer.

Task 8
Create your ssh key
In order to access your repositories, create a ssh key named id_rsa.
This key will allow you to access them remotely without password.

ssh-keygen + a ssh key with a length of 2048 bits is usually considered sufficiently secure.

Task 9
Upload your key
Upload your public key previously created with blih. The filename should end with .pub.
There are a simple way to verify if your upload has been successful: You should be able to have a remote access to
our servers. Example:
Terminal + x
/B-CPE-042> ssh
PTY allocation request failed on channel 0

Hi looneytunes! Youve successfully authenticated,

but I do not provide interactive shell access.

Connection to closed.

Task 10
Create your repository for the delivery of the day
Create a repository named CPool_Day01. Add enough rights to your repository to be collected.

This is a particular user named ramassage-tek. For further information, see the documentation avail-
able on the intranet (here).

Task 11
Clone a repository
Now, it is the time to check if the previous exercice really work. To do so, We are going to clone the repository.
The repository is available by following this address :
If it worked, you should have a result similar to:
Terminal + x
/B-CPE-042> git clone
Cloning into CPool_Day01...
warning: You appear to have cloned an empty repository.
Checking connectivity... done

Task 12
Move your work to the Repository
Now, You have to move all task directories (previously created) into the repository of the day (CPool_Day01).
Then, you have to inform git of your wish to add these files.
After that, you have to create a new local revision which contains all these modications. Finally, you have to push this
revision to the remote server.
From now on, commit and push at the end of each exercice.

Make sure that the file permissions have not been altered during the copy / move.

Have you read the document on the intranet already?

Task 13
Write into a file named mr_clean - stored at the root of the repository of the day - a command to find and delete
every files from the current directory and all subdirectories which end by ~ or which start and end by #.
Give execution rights to the owner of the file.

Only one command is allowed (no ;, neither && or anything...)

Read carefully the manual of find

Task 14
Reproduce the folders structure displayed below.
Terminal + x
/B-CPE-042> tree -FQ task14 | head -n 32
| "1910s"/
| | "1911" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/The theory of radiation and quanta"/
| "1913" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/The structure of matter"/
| "1920s"/
| | "1921" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/Atoms and electrons"/
| | "1924" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/Electric conductivity of metals and
related problems"/
| "1927" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/Electrons and photons"/
| "1930s"/
| | "1930" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Physics/Magnetism"/
| | "1931" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Chemistry/Constitution and Configuration of
Organic Molecules"/
| | "1934" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Chemistry/Oxygen, and its chemical and biological
| "1937" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Chemistry/Vitamins and Hormones"/
| "1940s"/
| "1947" -> "../Solvay Conferences on Chemistry/Isotopes"/
| "1950s"/
| "Professors"/
| | "Frdric Swarts"
| | "Hendrik Lorentz"
| | "Paul Karrer"
| | "Paul Langevin"
| "William Jackson Pope"
| "Solvay Conferences on Chemistry"/
| | "Constitution and Configuration of Organic Molecules"/
| | "chair" -> "../../Professors/William Jackson Pope"
| | "Isotopes"/
| | | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Paul Karrer"
| | "participants"/
| | "Oxygen, and its chemical and biological reactions"/
| | "chair" -> "../../Professors/William Jackson Pope"
| "Vitamins and Hormones"/
| "chair" -> "../../Professors/Frdric Swarts"

Terminal + x
/B-CPE-042> tree -FQ task14 | tail -n 24
"Solvay Conferences on Physics"/
? | "Atoms and electrons"/
? | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Hendrik Lorentz"
? | "Electric conductivity of metals and related problems"/
? | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Hendrik Lorentz"
? | "Electrons and photons"/
? | | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Hendrik Lorentz"
? | "participants"/
? | | "A. Einstein"
? | | "E. Schrodinger"
? | | "H.A. Lorentz"
? | | "M. Planck"
? | | "M. Sklodowska-Curie"
? | | "N. Bohr"
? | | "W. Heisenberg"
? | "W.L. Bragg"
? | "Magnetism"/
? | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Paul Langevin"
? | "The structure of matter"/
? | "chair" -> "../../Professors/Hendrik Lorentz"
? "The theory of radiation and quanta"/
? "chair" -> "../../Professors/Hendrik Lorentz"

30 directories, 23 files

(Please do not take in consideration the character "?", it is currently used to keep the alignment on the subject)

Git handles empty directories differently.

Task 15
Create a compressed tarball of the previous task.
Delivery: CPool_Day01/task15/task14.tgz

man tar

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