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Table of Contents

Understanding the Plan.............................................................................................7
Phases of the Plan.......................................................................................................8
The Spec Ops Secret................................................................................................. 11
Nutrition.................................................................................................................... 16
Hormones.................................................................................................................. 18
Exercise Descriptions............................................................................................... 41
Additional Secrets for Staying Lean......................................................................107
Specforce Supplement Stack.................................................................................109
Conclusion............................................................................................................... 115

Disclaimer - Please Read This

The information provided in this workout program is for educational purposes only.

The author, Todd Lamb, is not a doctor and this information shouldnt be taken as medical

You should get a physicians approval before attempting any of the information in this
program. This program is designed for healthy adults of 18 years and older.

If you have any existing injuries, conditions or health issues, please seek your physicians
approval before attempting any type of information in this program.

The author is not liable or responsible for any damages, resulting from the use of this

**The user acknowledges any risk of injury, caused or alleged, with the use of this
information. If your physician advises to not use the information provided in the program,
please abide by those orders.**

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, transmitted, or
translated in any language, without the written permission and signature of Todd Lamb and
Rogue Syndication Inc.


Welcome to the SpecForce Abs Program and User Manual. In this manual an explanation
of the program movements along with the rationale behind why I have approached ab
development from a holistic 360 degree perspective. This manual is supported by video
to assist you along the way.

I will also cover the nutritional information required to actually remove belly fat and give
you the results you are after.

My approach is a combination of the most effective exercises for building a strong lean
midsection supported by nutritional principles that work.

I think it is important to point out that regardless of your age or gender, proper abdominal
and trunk development is very important for long term health.

What I outline in this manual works for both women and men of all ages. Creating strong
abdominals, obliques and posterior chain should be the foundation of any program that
involves fat loss and movements where you are doing resistance training whether its
bodyweight or using weighted movements.

The problem with many approaches to creating and displaying abs is that the training is
linear in its methodology and doesnt take into account the actual physiological function
of the abs and trunk.

By introducing a training methodology anchored in the function of the abs, we are able
to create a midsection that not only looks like sculpted art, but functions to prevent injury,
improve strength and supports long term health and wellness.

This program and its ability to reduce belly fat and create a slim strong midsection works
equally as well for women as it does for men.

We start out with very basic movements and progress to some movements that at first
glance, might seem intimidating or overwhelming.

I cover these more complex/compound movements in detail, and make no mistake about
it by the time you get to these movements you will be more than ready and I will be
there to guide you.

An Operator requires the ability to function across a wide range of movement planes and
the abdominals, more correctly, the trunk must be able to support these movements to
ensure that injuries are avoided. Which in truth is no different than how you move every

It is also why Special Forces operators (man or woman) have lean muscular and well-toned

Proper Ab development is what gives an Operator the ability to be agile with a 60 lb. ruck
(or bergen depending where you are from), throw an injured mate over their shoulder and
get to safety or stand and fight.

Now you might be thinking Im not headed into battle or dont require a shooting
stance that puts 9X the bodyweight load on your low back, but in addition to creating
an attractive physical appearance, strong abs and trunk dramatically improve your
performance across a broad range of areas including the bedroom!

The benefits move beyond external performance but also your internal systems which
reduces your risk of diabetes, certain types of cancer and heart disease.

You may only simply want to develop your abs and reduce belly fat so your mid-section
is eye popping with the added benefit of having the stability of a stone pillar. Perfect! You
are in the right place.

Development of the abs to the point where you can both visibly see them and enjoy
proper functionality has been the subject of both popular culture and popular science. For
this manual I have stuck with science, because in the Spec Ops world, exercises that work
have been studied to death and I wanted you to be exposed to the best information.

It is highly unlikely you have done a program that approaches development of your
complete trunk from top to bottom and front to back.

By taking the 360 degree approach to your abs and trunk you are ensuring long term
health and a life filled with activity, mobility and enjoyment.

I have selected a regime of exercises that are scientifically proven to recruit and develop all
aspects of your abs, obliques and posterior chain.

Something else you should know is that you dont need to be able to do every exercise
outlined in this manual to get the results of a flat belly with strong abs.

There is a combination of weighted and non-weighted exercises for building your mid-
section. I progress you through both and you can start the program at any point based on
your current level.

This is a progressive program that consistently builds and you have the flexibility to
progress at your own rate.

We all have limitations we must work around. I have certainly have injuries that I must
manage just like many of you.

There are no exercises that are TOO hard for you in this program. When you can complete
one step, this means your body has developed the tissue and motor control to allow you
to begin your next progression.

Whether you are a 75 year old Grandmother of 6 or a 21 year old man who is ready to join
the military the only thing that is likely to be different is your rate of progression.

There wont be a single person who is not able to do the program and get a benefit from
each and every phase.

Some may simply decide that they have achieved the lean belly in the early stages and
dont wish to progress to the advanced moves while others may decide the later phases
are an exciting challenge.

The bottom line is this. Properly supporting your spine by developing the abs and trunk is
a critical key to remaining youthful, confident and amazingly energetic.

Reducing belly fat and lowering your body fat percentage will reduce your exposure to
unwanted disease.

This will ultimately improve the quality of your life moving forward.

Understanding the Plan

The most well-known and prominent abdominal muscle is the rectus abdominis. It is
the long, flat muscle that extends vertically between the pubis and the fifth, sixth, and
seventh ribs.

A strong tendinous sheath called the linea alba, or white line, divides the rectus
abdominis down the middle, and three more horizontal tendinous sheaths give the
muscle its familiar washboard look in Operators.

The rectus abdominis helps to flex the spinal column, narrowing the space between the
pelvis and the ribs. It is also active during side bending motions and helps stabilize the
trunk during movements involving the extremities and head.

We are going to develop the abdominis, but also the obliques and erectors (well the entire
posterior chain) in this program.

Ab development program is broken down into various stages of development by

classification of Phases and subphases.

I am about to go to geek factor 9 which is similar to Defcon 5 so strap in.

There are three phases; Alpha, Bravo and Charlie. Depending on your current level of
strength you can start at any phase.

It is important you begin the Ab development program with the appropriate phase as you
will not be able to progress if the exercises are too difficult.

The Ab manual has different phases that build in a level of difficulty and stress placed
on the body. This rationale is based off of a few simple but foundational strength and
conditioning theories;

Progressive overload principle: The principle is described as The systematic increase

in training frequency, volume and intensity in various combinations. Typically as intensity
increases, volume decreases. (NSCA. P421).

This principle determined the skeletal structure of the Alpha/Bravo/Charlie phase

progression. With each phase there is a gradual increase of stress placed upon the body.
This increased stress results in a renewed demand for tissue adaptation.

SAID Principle: Is an acronym for Specific Adaptations to Imposed Demands.

The underlying principle is that the type of demand placed on the body dictates the type
of adaptation that will occur (NSCA p379).

Due to the end goal of the program, which is the ability to perform some very high
skilled core movements; we will need to develop strength in the positions outlined in the

We need to stress the appropriate musculature and time domains for that particular skill.

What are the Phases?

The Recon Phase is a movement preparatory phase where we address tissue quality and
introduce the basics of creating abdominal tension.

Mobility is addressed in the thoracic spine, using active flexion/extension drills, rotation
drills and self- mobilizing protocols.

Tissues that share a close relationship with spinal position are addressed through self-
myofacial release techniques; these tissues include the Diaphragm, Latissimus Dorsi,
Erectors, Psoas and Illiacus.

The Alpha Phase is the most important of the ab/trunk development program in that it
lays foundational strength. If you never do anything other than the Alpha Phase you will
still develop the abdominal musculature required to display your abs.

Alpha phase ensures appropriate muscle recruitment of the core; activating central to
peripheral. Correct movement mechanics require the core to be recruited first, this
ensures the spine maintains a neutral position.

The Core is a grouping of muscles which includes the; TVA, Internal Obliques, Diaphragm
and Pelvic Floor. These tissues work in a three dimensional manner to keep the spine
stable. Spinal neutral position is important in that it decreases chance of injury and
increases the ability to transfer power through the extremities.

Once the core has adequate strength, peripheral tissue recruitment is introduced to the
drills; this includes an increased demand for trunk musculature; rectus abdominus, the
erector, scapular musculature and hip musculature.

This inside-out method allows for quick progression and the ability to execute the drills
properly. Quality of movement is most important, in that you cant fake strong, so
skipping progressions wont get you far. During this phase we will find where spinal
neutral is and create positional awareness.

The Bravo Phase is an extended phase that significantly increased the stress placed on
the trunk. Initial progressions of the Bravo Phase focus on positions slightly out of neutral;
this includes positions that emphasize global extension and flexion.

These positions are safe for the spine as the entire spinal structure work together to
create a slight concavity (global flexion) and slight convexity (global extension). The
musculature working around the spine is actively co-contracting to fine tune and control
these movements. Intermediate progressions of the bravo phase increase the demand on
more peripheral tissues. The shoulders and hips will be challenged in both mobility and
stability. So make sure you do only what you have prepared yourself for. Your body wont

The advanced progressions of the Bravo Phase are the exercises that must be proficiently
executed in order to progress to the Charlie Phase.

The Charlie Phase is highly advanced and it may take substantial time to reach this
progression depending on your level of ability. You may even choose to never complete
this phase of the program which is why it was put in as an optional bonus to provide you
with a challenge. You will certainly achieve results in your abs without going to this phase.

This phase brings all other progressions to life, which means you have developed the
tissue and your central nervous system is firing and recruiting all of the necessary motor
units in proper sequence. These movements require substantial awareness and control of
body mechanics. Simply put, once you are at this level you can do anything!

Since many of these exercises work perpendicular to gravity the core must be extremely
strong to maintain a neutral position. Static shoulder strength is imperative as the hands
are the only point of contact to stabilize the body.

Rationale within the phases:

Volume and intensity:

Each phase has a number of exercises within it. The general structure of the ab manual
is to have the volume increase of each exercise, once you can complete a given exercise
with the full volume of the last step, it is more demanding to increase the intensity of the
exercise rather than continue to stress the body by increasing the volume.

This is why there are so many phases and subphases. The intensity of the exercise
increases with each phase. When you begin the next phase the volume drops down to
accommodate the increase in stress.


Quality is probably the most important aspect of any program. These exercises done
accurately and appropriately will stress the body and demand a change.

Done improperly the exercises will feel easy and could lead to an injury. Only increase the
volume if you can complete the given number of sets and reps with quality reps, if you
begin to get sloppy and loose tension, then regress to the previous step or stay at the
current progression/phase.

Depending on the phase you may progress quite quickly, other phases may take more
time to complete, dont rush your advancement through the phases as you will not be
able to perform the exercises adequately and it defeats our end goal.

Planes of Motion

The exercise selection is predominantly single planar, each plane is addressed in the
Charlie phase exercises.

The Charlie phase exercises are isometric and antigravity in nature. Depending on the
plane which they occur this will increase the demand on the tissues who address that
particular plane.

The rectus abdominus and the erectors are the main stabilizers for anti-gravity in the
sagittal plane.

The Spec Ops Secret

Here is why it works.

The foundation of any Special Operations training is based on progression (often called
work ups) and using the most effective tactics or movements to produce a desired result,
which is successful completion of the mission.

As you will read throughout this manual, you can progress at your own rate depending on
your strength and skill level at the time you begin training with me.

The foundation of the movements is actually a lot less movement to build a lot more

We capitalize on all of the science done on Special Operators and high performance
athletes, which has clearly demonstrated that isometric tension, done correctly, produces
the most abdominal muscle stimulation.

This is especially interesting for those who have, or are recovering from injuries that limit
range of motion. It also allows for rehab around damaged joints.

Studies have also shown significant increases in strength across different lifts.

Here is how it works.

Isometric activation results in the muscle fibres being pulled from both ends of the
contracting muscle at a much higher intensity than traditional exercises.

This causes your body to recruit more muscle fibres per contraction which creates
production of additional muscle and increased efficiency.

Regardless of whether you are a man or woman and you want a well-muscled mid-
section or that lean flat belly, this program will guide you to your goal.

Bracing, Ab Development, Core and Stability

The term core stability has been debated

within the exercise and rehab community for
years. What is my core? How can the world of
Spec Ops or help me eliminate belly fat and
develop a lean midsection?

Im glad you asked!

There have been many different descriptions

used to describe the core but this is the one I

Your core is your body minus your arms and legs. The term core stability, refers to your
bodys ability to stabilize your spine using your torso muscles.

In addition to stabilizing your spine, a healthy working core is a vital component of all
human movement.

If your core isnt activated when you reach overhead, then sooner or later you will develop
back pain or injure your shoulder.

It may not happen the first time you move incorrectly, but one day something will have to
give. Like the first time it happened to me when I was brushing my teeth

I know from experience and it has resulted in an over mobile SI joint and bulging disc in
my back. I had to relearn how to properly brace, hollow and activate my trunk.

As I mentioned before, there are many different descriptions used to describe core
stability. There are also different theories about which muscles are important when it
comes to stabilizing your spine and preventing back pain.

As luck would have it, we are going to develop all of them so not only do you get true
SpecForce Abs which are eye popping but the added benefit of complete functionality to
protect you from injury as I mentioned earlier.

The two main theories centre around the importance (or lack of importance) of a deep
abdominal muscle called the Transverse Abdominis (referred to as the TVA).

If you have spent much time in gyms or attended Pilates classes in the last 10 years you
may well have heard of it.

I know I keep geeking out and I apologize in advance but I think it is vital that you
understand specific things in order to properly develop your abs and trunk.

The human body is very complicated and there is no simple way of explaining this stuff.
If this doesnt sound like your cup of tea and you are not interested in the hows and whys
then you might just want to learn the practical portion of bracing/ core activation.

Remember though, the more you learn about your body, the more control your

Abdominal Hollowing (TVA)

In 1999 a clinical group in Australia

(Richardson, Hodges, et all), discovered
motor control disturbances (disturbed
movement patterns) in the TVA and
Multifidus muscles.

By the waylearning how to properly

activate my multifidus muscles saved my

Anyway, these disturbances occurred, in

some people following injury or the onset
of back pain.

They theorized that dysfunction and poor motor control in these muscles compromised
core stability. Their conclusion was that delayed contraction of the TVA creates faulty
motor patterns and compromises the spine.

The exercise and rehabilitation community went nuts for this. Particularly the Pilates and
Personal Training crowd.

Unfortunately, as usually happens with these things, people misunderstand and over
simplify things. What happened, was that everybody concentrated on training the TVA at
the expense of everything else.

Trainers and Pilates instructors were stuffing blood pressure cuffs under peoples backs
and Physical Therapists were using ultrasound and electrical stimulators to ensure that the
TVA was working and firing at the correct time.

A whole industry was created selling wobble boards and inflatable gym balls.

The theory was that the TVA should contract/activate before any other muscle, during any

This is supposed to do two things. Firstly increase intra-abdominal pressure (pressure in

your belly that helps stabilize your spine) and secondly correct the faulty motor control
problem identified in the original study.

The abdomen can be thought of as a sealed

chamber with the diaphragm forming the lid and the pelvic floor muscles forming the

The TVA wraps around the abdomen like a belt and attaches into the thoracolumbar
fascia (a diamond shaped piece of connective tissue at the base of the spine).

When the TVA contracts it increases the pressure inside the abdomen (intra-abdominal
pressure) thus adding stability to the spine. The TVA is however, only one thin sheet of
muscle and its not strong enough to stabilize the spine on its own during most human

Drawing in the lower abdomen (using the TVA) also slightly narrows the base of support
of the torso. This narrower base of support actually decreases stability.

Its a bit like squeezing the centre of a new tube of toothpaste. Once you have squeezed it,
the tube just becomes more floppy.

Contracting the TVA also seems to turn off other abdominal muscles. This is particularly
true with the internal oblique muscles which are very important when it comes to
preventing or controlling rotation of the trunk.

This theory is now over 14 years old. Some of the experts who were part of the original
study even state, that the TVA shouldnt be worked in isolation.

Despite this, a lot of trainers and therapists are still obsessed with strengthening this
muscle on its own.

There are still trainers and therapists out there laying people on their backs and instructing
them to suck their belly buttons towards their spine. You know what the main problems
is... this isnt realistic, our spine is supported as we stand not laying down. We need 360
degree support


The majority of this program can be completed with just your body weight, however
to complete the more advanced movements you should consider a small investment in
either a pull up bar or a set of rings.

Your total investment is probably less than a hundred bucks because you can find these
things on a local used sites every day.
If you intend on doing the bonus strength programs which contain some very good
compound lifts, you may either need to invest in some dumbbells, kettlebells or go to a

You can see images of the exercise demonstrations toward the back of this manual
and of course there are the videos to assist you as well. You should now possess a solid
understanding of the rationale behind this program and how I intend on developing your
mid-section to be strong and lean.

I want to go through your diet and talk about how you might want to consider eating for
success. By now you have probably realized that while ab development and nutrition are
separate they are not mutually exclusive.

You cannot have one without the other. Yes

you can create a strong trunk but even tissue
development and motor function require the
correct nutritional fuel to be optimized.

I suspect your goal is not only to be strong but to

be able to either peel of your shirt and be proud
or put on a bikini and go to the beach without
feel self-conscious or anxious.

There is something important that you need to understand if you want a lean flat belly or
chiseled six pack, and that is the importance of nutrition. I dont say this to discourage you

because I know you have heard it before. I do take the time to simplify it for you, however
I cant be there to put the fork in your mouth so to speak.

Listen, you should know that I have made every nutritional mistake out there on my path
to getting lean and it tortures me to include this image, but I do it so you understand that
it is possible to change your body without pills or potions but rather through some simple
balance and timing protocols which I outline for you a bit later.

I thought carb loading and getting huge and ripping down was the answer but that just
left me in a soft flabby mess. Thats why I focused on nutrition as the cornerstone of my

Muscular development of the abs is necessary for making abs visible but the undeniable
fact is that your body fat percentage will determine how visible they are. As a guideline
men need to get below 10-11% body fat for abs to be displayed prominently (and your
skin looks paper thin with good vascularity from 5-8%).

A guideline for women is around 16-19% body fat to display abdominals. It is important for
women to monitor how a reduced body fat percentage affects hormonal cycles.

These are general guidelines and each individual person will look differently at different

Once you understand the nutritional principles you can apply them almost like a switch.
You can turn it on to get as lean as you want or turn it off to allow yourself to enjoy a two
week holiday for example.

Ultimately nutrition boils down to the manipulation of bacteria and hormonal responses
to create desired effects in our bodies. Whether it is lipolysis (fat reduction) or creation
of testosterone for muscle creation (more so for guys), your body is optimized through
strategic nutrition to elicit the desired hormonal response.

An added benefit of getting a lean flat tummy or definitively cut abs, is your overall health,
well being and quality of life dramatically improve. I cant stress this enough as it should be
the goal of any program.

Lets quickly cover some essential information.

Lets first start by defining exactly what is meant by the term hormone.

What is a Hormone?

In simple terms, a hormone is a molecule released by a gland or endocrine gland in order

to elicit a response or otherwise affect other tissues further away in the body.

A quick example of this process is the release of the hormone insulin by the endocrine
gland known as the pancreas in response to the ingestion of carbohydrates, or more
precisely, glucose.

Every hormone serves its own purpose within the body, and in the example insulin the
purpose would be to reduce blood sugar levels.

At this point it is worth mentioning that there are various classes of hormones, such as
steroid hormones like testosterone which are created from the lipid cholesterol, and
peptide hormones such as oxytocin which are made via a sequence of short chain amino

Classifying all of the different hormones is somewhat beyond the scope of this lesson, but
we will look at the various glands associated with each hormone so that you can develop
a clearer picture in your mind of the different functions taking place within your own

Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones

As we are about to see, there are many hormones released by glands that actually act
upon other glands within the body1.

This can create a hormonal cascade, creating an intricate network of endocrinological




The hypothalamus is a small gland nestled below the thalamus in the brain, sitting slightly
above the brainstem.

The Hormonal Switchboard

Acting upon the anterior pituitary gland to trigger the subsequent release of other
hormones, hypothalamic hormones include Somatostatin, Growth Hormone Releasing
Hormone (GHRH), and Corticotrophin Releasing Hormone (CRH).

These hormones are also referred to as releasing hormones for obvious reasons.

The hypothalamus is an integral part of the autonomic nervous system, regulating

all manner of processes in the body such as temperature, hunger, and even circadian

Anterior and Posterior Pituitary

The anterior and posterior pituitary glands form a larger structure referred to simply as the
pituitary gland2.

The pituitary gland is situated just below the hypothalamus in the brain, and it releases
hormones involved in everything from growth to the regulation of stress.

As we saw above, the hypothalamus releases Growth Hormone Releasing Hormone

(GHRH) which triggers the secretion of Growth Hormone in the anterior pituitary.

Tissue Growth and Repair

Growth Hormone acts upon bone, muscle, and organ tissues to promote growth and
repair; this should hopefully serve to illustrate the interconnectedness of the various
endocrine glands and their roles.


We will touch on the adrenal hormone known as aldosterone in a moment, but it is also
worth mentioning that the pituitary gland releases a hormone known as vasopressin.

Vasopressin acts on the kidneys and blood vessels to regulate blood pressure by
controlling the retention of salt and fluids through the constriction of said blood vessels.


If you have ever read up on weight loss and metabolic rate then you are probably familiar
with the thyroid and parathyroid glands.

The thyroid gland is seated in the neck just below the Adams apple, and is largely
controlled by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) which is produced by the anterior

Interestingly, the release of TSH is also regulated by the hypothalamic hormone

thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH). This is exactly the kind of hormonal cascade we
discussed earlier.

Thyroxine (T 4) and tri-iodothyronine (T3) are the two major thyroid hormones which are
essential for the maintenance and regulation of metabolic rate.

In addition to controlling energy balance and the use of proteins in the body, the thyroid
gland is also directly involved in regulating the sensitivity of other tissues and glands to

From this we can see that optimal functioning of the thyroid gland is absolutely essential
for the maintenance of our health and well-being, both in the short term and the long

Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are conditions which describe underactivity and

overactivity of the thyroid gland respectively. These conditions can wreak havoc on the
bodys metabolic rate and hormonal profile as a whole.


The adrenal glands are located just above the kidneys, and are involved in the production
of hormones that you have probably heard of such as cortisol and adrenaline.

Cortisol - The Misunderstood Hormone

Cortisol is a very complicated hormone that forms part of the circadian rhythm and helps
to regulate a number of factors within the body, including inflammation, blood sugar
levels, blood pressure, and correct functioning of the immune system.

The hormone cortisol is secreted acutely during the hours of 4-6 AM as part of our
circadian rhythm, and this is what helps us to wake up in the early morning.

You may have heard me stating that cortisol is a stress hormone that is best minimized.

While it is true, the subject of cortisol is certainly not as simple as this, and in fact the acute
secretion of the hormone is essential for correct functioning of a multitude of bodily

It is the chronic excessive release of cortisol that can potentially lead to health issues, and
this is usually the result of factors such as prolonged lifestyle stress, poor diet, and a lack of
quality sleep.

Aldosterone and Diuretic Effects

Another hormone produced by the adrenal glands is aldosterone, which acts upon the
kidneys to help regulate correct salt and fluid balance in the body.

Sudden and drastic changes to your water and or sodium intake can affect the secretion
of aldosterone, leading to either an increase in water retention or diuretic effects; that is,
the shedding of water from the body.

This mechanism is often exploited by physique competitors such as bodybuilders and

other types of athletes such as boxers and powerlifters who need to make weight for a
given weight class within their sport.


The pancreas releases three different hormones, known as insulin, glucagon, and

Insulin acts on fat cells and muscle tissues and to lower blood sugar levels by essentially
storing or transporting nutrients into these tissues.

As you might already be aware, frequent exercise and intense training, especially resistance
training with weights, can help to improve the insulin sensitivity of muscle tissues. This
helps the body preferentially store nutrients in muscles rather than depositing them as
body fat.

Contrary to insulin, glucagon plays the role of increasing the blood sugar levels by acting
on the liver.

Somatostatin acts to inhibit the actions of both insulin and glucagon.

Insulin Sensitivity and Exercise

With the advent of popular low-carb diets insulin has received a pretty bad rap.

Just as we mentioned with cortisol above, the demonizing of any particular hormone or
bodily process typically leads to a gross oversimplification of the matter.

Used intelligently, carbohydrates and insulin can be incredibly useful for building and
retaining lean muscle mass, and even in helping the body to mobilize its fat stores and
burn them off as energy.

Prolonged periods of low-carb dieting can actually lead to a state known as insulin
resistance, which is somewhat similar to the type of resistance experienced by obese
individuals who have trouble utilizing carbohydrates effectively.

At this stage the most logical approach to carbohydrate intake if you are looking to
maintain a lean and muscular physique would be to eat the majority of your carbs around
your workouts.

We have gone into far greater detail on this subject in the Macro Timing section so be sure
to check that out for more information.

Other Endocrine Glands

Before we move on to how you can optimize your hormones in the context of fat loss and
ab development, there are a few other endocrine glands that are worth mentioning.

We are all familiar with the ovaries and testes, which are responsible for sexual
development and reproductive health in women and men respectively.

The testes are responsible for the production of testosterone in men.

Testosterone is a critically important steroid hormone to keep in check if you want to get
the most out of your training as it is responsible for regulating protein synthesis and other
mechanisms associated with recovery and muscular development.

The stomach and duodenum produce hormones such as gastrin and cholecystokinin
(CCK), both of which play a role in the secretion of stomach acid, bile, and digestive

The stomach also produces serotonin which causes constriction of the stomach walls
while at the same time acting as an important neurotransmitter responsible for regulating
mood and energy levels.

Moving on, the kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin which stimulates red
blood cell production in bone marrow, while the heart itself produces a hormone known
as atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) which helps to regulate blood pressure.

Last but by no means least, the skin produces Vitamin D.

Vitamin D plays an innumerable number of crucial roles within the human body, but most
relevant to this discussion is its stimulation of the uptake of calcium in the small intestines.

This vitamin also aids in the retention and release of calcium from bones, making it very
important for maintaining healthy bones and joints while lifting heavy weights on a
regular basis.

Optimizing your nutrition and supplementation can help to increase your hormonal
functions and turn that belly into a picture of strength and health.

Dietary Supplementation

Lets look at some items you can add to your diet to balance your bacteria, crank up your
hormonal output and keep your endocrine glands running at full capacity. We already
discussed adding a probiotic supplement so these suggestions are to balance your other

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Healthy fats such as Omega-3 Fatty Acids found in oily fish like salmon, sardines, and
mackerel are essential for optimal brain function and can be incredibly useful when it
comes to improving the health of your hypothalamus and pituitary glands3.

From combating depression and anxiety to increasing focus, concentration, and energy
levels, the list of health benefits provided by Omega-3 Fatty Acids is seemingly endless.

If you find it difficult to fit oily fish into your budget on a frequent basis then you might
want to consider investing in a fish oil supplement as this can prove to be a far more cost-
effective solution.

Other healthy fats such as those found in extra virgin olive oil, avocados, and walnuts are
also incredibly useful in this context.

B Vitamins

Vitamin B1, also known as Thiamine, is another nutrient that offers untold brain-boosting
benefits by stimulating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands4.

Thiamine is also used by the body in the production of adenosine triphosphate or ATP,
which is the medium of exchange used by the cells in our body for the transfer of energy.


Vitamin B12 plays a role in maintaining the integrity of DNA, as well as regulating various
energy systems within the body.

Individuals with compromised digestive health often have difficulty absorbing Vitamin
B12, so this is well worth considering in the context of gastrin production in the stomach.

To ensure you are receiving a full spectrum of B vitamins we recommend using a B

complex supplement, and if absorption is a concern then using digestive enzymes such as
the plant-derived papain and bromelain would be a great idea5.

Vitamin E

This vitamin is a fat-soluble nutrient which helps to protect cells from the oxidative
damage caused by free radicals and environmental toxins6.

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition demonstrated that
Vitamin E helps to protect the pituitary gland from oxidative damage, potentially slowing
the ageing process as a result7.

Dietary sources of Vitamin E include eggs, nuts, oily fish, carrots, and sweet potatoes.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is essential for the health of your pituitary and thyroid glands8.

This fat-soluble vitamin affects the way the pituitary gland interacts with the thyroid gland,
playing a crucial role in the maintenance and regulation of various metabolic processes.

Earlier we discussed Thyroid Stimulating Hormone or TSH, and it is this hormone which is
released by the pituitary gland to stimulate thyroid function; Vitamin A can be excellent
way of facilitating this process.


If you do not want to invest in a Vitamin A supplement then you can increase your dietary
intake by consuming more foods such as egg yolks and oily fish.


When discussing the relationship between the pituitary and thyroid glands we shouldnt
neglect to mention iodine.

We mentioned that Vitamin A enhances communication between these two glands, but
iodine also helps the thyroid gland to respond efficiently to signals sent from the pituitary

You can easily add more iodine to your diet by purchasing iodised table salt.

If adding extra sodium to your diet is a concern then you can also source iodine from kelp
or a stand-alone iodine supplement.

Liquorice Root and Phosphatidylserine

Liquorice root can be used by individuals suffering from underactive adrenal glands.

This root not only helps to stimulate adrenal function but also plays a role in regulating
levels of circulating cortisol in the body, potentially helping to alleviate acute stress and

While were on the subject of cortisol and the adrenal glands it is worth mentioning

This nutrient is most commonly used to reduce cortisol levels but, interestingly, it can also
be used to treat both underactive and overactive adrenals.

If you found yourself feeling tired and lethargic on a regular basis - common symptoms
of adrenal fatigue often caused by excessive caffeine consumption - then adding these
nutrients to your diet might be just what you need.


Liquorice root can be purchased in the form of a tea, which provides the added benefit of
a hot caffeine-free beverage for you to enjoy in the evening.

A Pantry for Your Pancreas

Onions, garlic, blueberries, and broccoli11 have all been shown to provide a host of benefits
to the pancreas.

Generally speaking, any food that is high in fiber and contains antioxidants will help your
body to regulate is production of insulin while also regulating blood sugar levels more

Glucose disposal agents such as Alpha Lipoic Acid, apple cider vinegar, Chromium, and
even cinnamon all help to increase the sensitivity of your bodys cells to the effects of

This means that your pancreas will not have to produce as much insulin to effectively
regulate blood sugar levels.

Making your body more sensitive to carbohydrates and insulin is an incredibly effective
way of improving your body composition. This means not only creating a leaner physique
but also making it easier for you to build muscle due to the positive influence that these
foods and supplements have on nutrient partitioning.

Simply put, adding some of these nutrients to your diet will make your body more likely to
shuttle nutrients into your muscle tissues rather than depositing them as body fat stores.

Zinc and Magnesium

The last two nutrients we are going to look at are zinc and magnesium, both of which
play a crucial role in testosterone production in the testes12. (Obviously for guys) and
magnesium is required for the proper growth and maintenance of bones which is vitally
important more so for women than men.


Magnesium is also required for the proper function of nerves, muscles, and many other
parts of the body.

In the stomach, magnesium helps neutralize stomach acid and moves stools through the

Low levels of zinc can lead to increased activity of estrogen receptors while decreasing the
sensitivity of androgen receptors.

Androgenic hormones are naturally occurring steroids which are produced by the adrenal
cortex and are directly responsible for muscular development and male characteristics as a

Suffice to say, enhancing your androgen production while increasing the sensitivity of
androgen receptors is something you definitely want to do in order to develop a lean and
muscular Alpha Physique.

Magnesium is used to maintain cardiovascular health as well as correct functioning of the

central nervous system.

In addition to this, a study published in 2011 showed that older men with low levels of
magnesium tended to have lower levels of both free and total testosterone than those
with higher levels of magnesium.

You can reap the benefits of both of these minerals by using either a multi-mineral
supplement or ZMA, which combines zinc, magnesium, and Vitamin B6.

By now you should have compiled a shopping list of all the different foods and
supplements you need to ensure optimal hormonal function throughout your body.

There is no need to take fistfuls of pills every day but adding a few select supplements
on top of a well-balanced diet will help to keep you on top form week after week, month
after month.

The importance of endocrine health in hard-training individuals such as you cannot be

emphasized strongly enough, so make sure this is something you do not neglect!

Macro Timing

This section of the manual outlines the foundational nutritional principles of all of my
programs. I believe macro-timing, or macro flex as I call it, is the most effective method of
reducing fat and properly fueling for training.

The three macronutrients are proteins, carbohydrates, and fat.

These big three nutrients were not made equal, and understanding how best to utilize
them according to your goals can pay dividends both in the short term and the long term.
Regardless of what time of day you hit the gym there is an optimal approach for you and
I am going to lay out a strategic macro timing plan suitable for morning, afternoon, and
evening workouts.

Program Your Metabolism

Before we dive into the specifics of each macro timing plan, there is a highly effective rule
of thumb that you can implement right away to transform your body into a fat-burning,
muscle-building machine... and you wont believe how simple it is!

Dont eat carbs at breakfast!

Now youre probably thinking is that it?!

To make sense of why this is so helpful it is important to understand that early in the
morning your body is naturally a fat-burning state.

This is partly due to the fact that you have been essentially fasting through the night,
making your body fat the only available energy substrate.

Cortisol and Insulin

Another interesting point is that your cortisol levels are naturally higher between around
6 AM and 8 AM; this forms part of your bodys natural circadian rhythm and is what wakes
you up in the morning.

Cortisol is typically considered to be a stress hormone and a bad one at that. This is
largely because it is associated with the breakdown of tissues, namely lean muscle mass.

Although chronically high levels of cortisol can hold you back from achieving your goals,
this acute natural release of cortisol can actually be used to your advantage because of
the fact that it is also associated with the breakdown of lipids (fatty tissues).

Eating carbohydrates first thing in the morning will trigger a release of insulin which blunts
cortisol and basically switches off this fat burning and causes your body to enter into what
can most easily be described as more of a state of storing nutrients (carbohydrates in this

On the other hand, avoiding carbs and relying instead on protein will help to trigger
muscle protein synthesis and stimulate your metabolism.

Furthermore, adding a small amount of natural fat into the mix can program your body
to continue using fat for hours to come.

A good example of a healthy protein-and-fat breakfast would be a spinach omelette

cooked in organic virgin coconut oil.

This strategic approach to metabolic programming will keep your body in a fat-burning
state for many hours longer each day than it would have been otherwise, while at the same
time improving your insulin sensitivity so that when you do eat carbs later in the day your
muscles will be primed to soak them up and store them as muscle glycogen.

If you really want to ramp up your fat loss then you may want to consider keeping the
carbs out of subsequent meals, saving them for post-workout and later in the evening.

Now we are going to take a look at how you might time your macronutrients intake based
on what time of day you work out.

Morning Workouts

If you train early in the morning then you will more than likely find yourself having to
break the no carbs in the AM rule; however, you can still take great advantage of the

pronounced fat-burning state that your body is in upon waking by consuming a pre-
workout meal devoid of carbs.

Although you will want your pre-workout meal to be high in protein it will also be a good
idea to include some fat in order to slow digestion a little and provide a more steady
release of amino acids into your bloodstream while you train.

For those of you thinking that fasted training will yield superior results, remember that
research has shown the opposite to be true, with a 2011 study advising that [...] when
moderate endurance exercise is done to lose body fat, fasting before exercise does not
enhance lipid utilization; rather, physical activity after a light meal is advisable.

The spinach omelette mentioned above is a suitable choice, and cooking your eggs in
coconut oil will also provide a great source of medium-chain triglycerides or MCT.

Medium-chain triglycerides are digested very quickly, providing your body with a more
immediate source of fuel in a similar manner to carbs (but of course without the insulin
spike we are trying to avoid).

If you find that something like the spinach omelette is a little too heavy on your stomach
first thing in the morning then you could substitute this with a protein shake and
tablespoon of natural peanut butter or almond butter.

Your post-workout meal will include some carbs and should be kept fairly simple to allow
for easy and rapid digestion.

The most obvious example would be chicken breast with jasmine rice as both of these
items are very low in fat and fiber, allowing for a quick release of proteins and carbs into
your system when they are needed most.
The remainder of your carbohydrate intake would be best allotted to your final one or two
evening meals, depending on how many meals you eat per day.

Many people find that eating the majority of their carbs in the evening allows for a much
better nights sleep, not to mention the fact that the stored muscle glycogen will be
readily available for your next workout the following morning.

To summarize, your daily meal plan would look something like this:

Meal 1 (Pre-Workout)
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 2 (Post-Workout)
Protein + Carbs

Meal 3
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 4
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 5
Protein + Carbs + Veggies

As mentioned above, your meal plan might look slightly different if you are eating more
or less frequently, plus if you require a particularly high carb intake then you may find it
preferential to spread it over meals 4 and 5.

Afternoon Workouts

If you train in the afternoon then your daily meal plan isnt likely to look very different, but
you will have the advantage of being able to prolong the early morning fat-burning state
that your body is in.

If we continue to assume that you are eating around five meals per day, your plan would
look something like this:

Meal 1
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 2
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 3 (Pre-Workout)
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 4 (Post-Workout)
Protein + Carbs

Meal 5
Protein + Carbs + Veggies

Of course the specific positioning of your pre- and post-workout meals may differ slightly
depending on exactly what time of day you are training, so there is a little wiggle room

Evening Workouts

The vast majority of people will find themselves having to train in the evening after
leaving work, and although this can be a challenge for some, it will allow you to keep
your insulin levels rock bottom for longer than those who are training in the morning or

For evening workouts your meal plan will look like this:

Meal 1
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 2
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 3
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 4 (Pre-Workout)
Protein + Fat + Veggies

Meal 5 (Post-Workout)
Protein + Carbs (+ Veggies - optional)

Notice that you are eating protein-and-fat meals pretty much all day before taking most or
even all of your carbs at the end of the day (post-workout).

Remember that there is some variation when it comes to the carbohydrate requirements
of different individuals, and it is generally advisable that you dont drop below 100 g of
carbs per day. However there are specific times when I will have you go well below that or
maintain a 50-100 gram carb intake cycle.

With this in mind, you might find it better to include some carbs in either meal 2 or meal 3
as this will enable you to still keep breakfast and pre-workout meal carb free.

Of course if you want to get really aggressive with your fat loss efforts then you will simply
have to eat all of your carbs in your post-workout meal.

The vegetables in your post-workout meal for this plan have been added as an optional

This is because, although we want rapid absorption of the proteins and carbs, you will also
want to make sure that your body remains well fed throughout the night so that you dont
wake up wanting to chew off your own arm due to hunger!

If you find yourself feeling particularly hungry at the end of a long work day and a
hard workout then adding a small amount of fat to this final meal will also help to slow
digestion further so that you feel fuller for longer.

Eat Your Greens

Vegetables have been included in most of the meals in each of the three plans we have
laid out.

This is because although we place a lot of emphasis on macronutrient timing, it is

important that you do not neglect your micronutrient intake.

Eating vegetables at most of your meals will not only provide you with the fiber you need
for optimal digestive health; you will also be able to reap the benefits of all manner of
vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients that you would otherwise be
unable to obtain.

Besides boosting your immune system and enhancing your overall health on a daily basis,
these essential micronutrients will also help to promote a greater rate of recovery from
your workouts so that you can keep coming back bigger, stronger, and leaner.

It doesnt matter whether you work a 9-5 office job or a shift pattern, there is always a
way to adjust your routine and create a plan that works for you based on your goals and
personal lifestyle.

This principle applies to both your diet and training regimen, and if you truly want to
transform your body to be lean with abs, then you wont make excuses; you will find a way
to make it work so you can get your workouts in and eat in a way that is conducive to your

Good Nutritional Habits

Whether you are a seasoned athlete or youre embarking on your first weight loss journey,
there is almost always room for improvement when it comes to diet.

Developing good nutritional habits is usually a gradual process which involves

implementing various strategies and approaches as you figure out what works for you
based on your body and personal preferences.

Although there can be some variation from person to person in terms of specific dietary
recommendations, there are a number of hard and fast rules of thumb that you can
adopt to help sculpt the physique you want in less time and with less overall effort.

In todays lesson we are going to look at some handy hints and tips that you can apply to
improve your dietary habits and get you where you want to be.

Make the Right Decisions at the Market

One of the first hurdles that you are likely to encounter, and one that is unfortunately the
downfall of so many hopeful dieters, is the grocery store.

From two-for-one offers on your favorite brand of ice cream to the unspeakably tempting
baked goods placed front and centre as you enter the store, it is no surprise that we find it
so difficult to stay strong with faced with so many goodies!

Fortunately there are a couple of tricks that you can use to, at the very least practice a little
damage control when you next shop for groceries.

Firstly, make a list, check it twice, and stick to it!

If you know exactly which foods you intend to buy then you can step into the store with a
sense of purpose and direction.

This has to be better than aimlessly wandering about, being drawn in by whatever junk
food is on special offer this week.

Know the Territory

Secondly, if you pay attention to the layout of most supermarkets you will notice that
the fresh produce and meat tend to be near the front of the store, or generally on the
outermost aisles.

There are some exceptions to this rule but the innermost aisles are where you will be far
more likely to find candy, cookies, and all kinds of processed Frankenstein foods.

With your shopping list firmly in hand, or saved on your smartphone, you should find it far
easier to safely circumnavigate this epicentre of obesity!

Replace Negative Habits With Good Ones

We all start off trying to lose weight with the best of intentions, immediately eliminating
all of our favorite bad foods, exercising excessively, and generally adopting an overly
restrictive mindset.

This may sound like a decent enough idea on paper but for the vast majority of people
this ends quickly in a burnout.
Hunger levels go through the roof, energy and motivation go through the floor, and the
whole thing quickly becomes unsustainable; why do you think 95% of people fail to follow
through on their New Years resolutions?

While there is always going to be some hard work involved, it is equally important to work

Identify some of your existing habits that might be holding you back from achieving your
fat loss and muscle building goals. Once you have done this you will be in far better shape
in terms of gradually replacing these negative habits with more positive ones.

Some negative habits that you might want to consider replacing include things like:
Drinking soda
Adding sugar and creamer to your coffee
Not keeping your refrigerator stocked with plenty of healthy foods

Examples of positive habits include:

Drinking at least several glasses of water per day
Preparing extra food at dinner so you have a convenient lunch for the following day
Making sure you get enough quality sleep on a consistent basis
Eating plenty of lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats

If you often find yourself struggling with willpower when trying to lose weight, then
simply start by choosing one or two habits to change.

Once you feel comfortable with your new habits you can begin to make additional
changes, and before you know it you will have given your lifestyle a complete overhaul.

Remember Energy Balance

There are so many different types of weight loss diets these days, and anyone with access
to the Internet can quickly become overwhelmed by the amount of choice there is.

We have low-carb diets, low-fat diets, the Paleo diet, Intermittent Fasting, carb
backloading, and everything in between; its enough to make your head spin!

The bottom line when it comes to weight loss is that you need to be consuming fewer
calories than your body is burning on a daily basis.

Now this is not to say that you should be sourcing all of your calories from Twinkies
because there are a multitude of health issues beyond simple weight loss and weight gain.
The general rule of calories in versus calories out is undeniable.

How Many Calories Should I Eat Per Day?

Calculating how many calories you should be consuming on a daily basis is very quick and

There are a number of free online Calorie Calculators that enable you to input factors such
as your age, gender, weight, and activity level in order to obtain a fairly accurate estimation
of how many calories you burn on a daily basis.

Once you have this number, simply subtract 200 - 500 calories and this will usually be
sufficient to allow you to lose around 1 - 2 lbs per week.

It is worth noting that obese and heavily overweight individuals are likely to see some
initial weight loss simply from using our previous tip of replacing negative habits with
better ones.

If you are already in decent shape or are only slightly overweight then you will more than
likely need to become more mindful of your food intake to ensure you are truly in a calorie
deficit at the end of each day.

Count Your Macros (An Extension of MacroTiming)

Again macro refers to proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, as opposed to micronutrients

which refers to things like vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and so on.

Keeping track of your macros is an incredibly effective way of knowing for sure that you
are on the right track with your diet.

It is all well and good saying that you should eat more protein, include healthy fats, and
consume a reasonable amount of carbohydrates, but how are you supposed to know that
you are eating right for your goals unless you keep track of your food intake?

Track Your Macros With the BlackOps MacroFlex Nutrition App

You might feel as if counting is excessive or borderline obsessive but using our Black Ops
MacroFlex Nutrition app will make the process quicker and easier than you might have

Within this app, youll be able to create your own food database tailored to your personal
tastes and preferences. All you have to do is enter the type of food you are eating at each
meal, and the size of your portion.

This will provide you with a breakdown of your macronutrient, fiber, and total caloric
intake for each meal and for the day as a whole.

The beauty of counting your macros is that you are consistently aware of how many grams
of each macro you have left for subsequent meals throughout the day. This allows you to
fit more enjoyable meals into your plan in a flexible fashion and remember Macro Timing.

Stay Flexible

Between work and family obligations, not to mention trying to maintain some semblance
of a social life, it can sometimes be a real challenge to stay 100% on your diet while still
having an enjoyable and fulfilling life.

With this in mind, it is important to adopt a flexible attitude so that you can enjoy
occasional treats and not stress about being unable to prepare your own food due to an
unexpected social gathering or work event.

Using the Black Ops MacroFlex Nutrition app in combination with this Nutrition Guide, will
give you everything you need to get the job done while still remaining flexible enough to
enjoy your day-to-day life.

A Drop in the Ocean

It is okay to occasionally eat foods that are not part of your diet plan providing they fit into
the overall scheme of your daily macronutrient allotment.

Now before you take this to mean that you can subsist on nothing more than Pop Tarts
and Whoppers; sorry to disappoint you but that is NOT the case!

On the bright side, it does mean that if you are counting your macros then you will find it
easier to stay flexible with your diet without feeling as if you have fallen off the wagon or
somehow failed in your weight loss efforts.

Ensure that at least 90% of your meals fall into your diet plan and the occasional
indulgence will be like a drop in the ocean!

Play the Long Game

We discussed earlier that for many people weight loss is a process of gradually adopting
positive habits.

However, even if you are already in decent shape and are simply looking to up your game
in time for summer, you must stay realistic with your expectations.

If you try to rush your weight loss by adopting a crash diet or performing too much
exercise too soon... well, lets just say that is usually a recipe for disaster!

How Much Weight Should I Be Losing Each Week?

Unless you are heavily overweight you should be aiming for an approximate weekly
weight loss of 1 - 3 lbs because this will ensure that most of the weight you are losing is
body fat rather than lean muscle mass.

Even if you have no muscle building aspirations it is important to understand that having
more muscle on your body makes it easier to lose fat by stimulating your metabolic
rate; that is, the number of calories youre burning on a daily basis (remember what we
discussed about calories in vs calories out).

Ladies, I dont want you to get worried by that statement. We are not talking about
getting bulky or bulging muscles. We are talking about lean mass which is vital for your
long term quality of life in addition to the benefits for converting body fat.

If you want to lose 40 lbs then by giving yourself a deadline of just a couple of months you
are only setting yourself up for disappointment.

Focus instead on consistent and sustainable weight loss while still being able to enjoy
some of the foods you love and feeling good throughout the process.

This is a balanced, realistic, but nonetheless determined mindset that will ensure your
long-term weight loss success and help you to keep those excess pesky pounds off for
good - all without having to resort to drastic measures!

Exercise Descriptions

Abdominal bracing

I consider this to be the most important aspect to developing your abs in the correct

This is the foundational movement in this program and it will develop your abs and
strengthen you at the same time allowing you to perform feats of strength you might not
have thought possible.

I refer to it over and over in the videos and will constantly remind you to ensure you are

Here is some of the theory:

Dr. Stuart McGill challenged the

importance of the TVA muscle in
relation to spinal stabilization and
back pain.

McGills theory is that all of the

torso muscles are important when
it comes to preventing back pain
and stabilizing the spine.

There is no wonder muscle that

protects the spine or stops back pain from occurring. Rather, any muscle (or group) can be
the most important stabilizer of the spine at any one instance of time.

The importance of individual muscles will subtly change dependent on task required.
Muscles work together in multiple directions to sustain posture, create movement, prevent
movement and maintain stability.

McGill championed a technique known as abdominal bracing.

As bracing activates multiple muscles, many different lines of stiffness are created. Some of
these lines of stiffness can be seen in the picture above.

In abdominal bracing, you are simultaneously co-activating all layers of core muscles, in
addition to activating your lats, quadratus lumborum, and back extensors. This means the
entire abdominal wall is activated from all angles, sides, and directions, causing the three
layers of the muscles to actually physically bind together.

This binding enhances the stiffness and stability of the core to a much greater degree than
what would otherwise be produced by the sum of each individual part.

This is what McGill refers to as superstiffness. It is this stiffness that provides us with 360
degrees of spinal stability, making us injury resilient and helping us achieve optimal

You see, stiffness is actually key for spinal stability and spine health. Having a stiff core
eliminates micro-movements in the joints that lead to spine and tissue degeneration.

Without stiffness, these micro-movements would gradually gnaw away on our nerves,
eventually causing pain and even disability.

Stiffness braces these micro-movements and takes away the pain, essentially building a
spinal armor.

Bracing: Knees bent with neutral spine (flat on the ground). Once in position place
one hand on your sternum and one hand near your pelvis. Then activate all of your
abdominals and obliques - similar to coughing.

Kendalls muscle test:

You can use these tests to determine the strength of your abdominal muscles.

Rectus Abdominal Muscle Strength:

Step One - Lay flat on a firm surface, a table or the floor with your legs straight. Using
an exercise mat on the floor is recommended for comfort. Place your hands behind your

Perform a traditional sit-up in the position, lifting your shoulders and head off the floor. Lift
your upper body all the way up keeping your back in a curled position. If you are able to
complete this movement, then you have what is considered normal strength.

If you are unable to lift yourself up in this position, try the next step.

Step Two - Follow the instructions in step one except instead of placing your hands
behind your head, fold your arms across your chest. If you were unable to complete step
one, but are able to successfully complete step two, then you have what is considered
good strength.

If you are unable to lift yourself up in this position, try the next step.

Step Three - Follow the instructions in step one except instead of placing your hands
behind your head, extend both of your arms forward. If you were unable to complete step
two, but are able to successfully complete step three, then you have what is considered
fair strength.

Oblique Abdominal Muscle Strength:

Lay flat on a firm surface, a table or the floor with your legs straight. Using an exercise mat
on the floor is recommended for comfort. Have someone hold your legs down. Place your
hands behind your head and lift your body into the position pictured here (bending your
back and rotating to one side).

You will grade this test as follows:

Normal - The ability to hold the test position with your hands behind your head.

Good - The ability to hold the test position with your hands folded across your chest.

Fair+ - The ability to hold the test position with both of your arms extended forward.

Fair - The ability to hold the test position in enough bend in your back and rotation to
raise both of your shoulder blades off the table.

When rotating to the left side, you are testing the external oblique on the right side and
the internal oblique on the left side.

When rotating to the right side, you are testing the external oblique on the left side and
the internal oblique on the right side.

This test is especially important for people who have scoliosis because usually one side
will be weaker than the other.

Lower Abdominal Muscle Strength:

Lay flat on a firm surface, a table or the floor with your legs straight. Using an exercise mat
on the floor is recommended for comfort.

Fold your arms across your chest. Do not raise your head or shoulders during test.

Raise your legs to a vertical position one at a time (or have someone assist you in doing
this) Keep back flat on the floor by drawing in your abdominal muscles.

Slowly lower your legs together to the mat. Strength is graded on your ability to keep your
low back flat on the table while slowly lowering both legs.

The angle between your legs and the floor when your back arches and you are no longer
able to keep it flat determines your strength as follows:

Normal: 0-15 degrees

Good: 30 degrees

Fair +: - 60 degrees

Fair: 75 degrees

Lateral Trunk Flexors Abdominal Muscle Strength:

Lay on your side on a firm surface, a table or the floor with your legs straight. Using an
exercise mat on the floor is recommended for comfort.

Place a pillow between your legs. Keep your top arm along your side and cross your other
arm across your chest. You will need someone to hold your legs down.

Lift your body off the floor bending your back sideways.

Normal: Able to fully lift and bend your back sideways.

Good: Able to lift and bend your back sideways with your shoulder 4 inches from the floor.

Fair: Able to lift and bend your back sideways with your shoulder 2 inches from the floor.

If weakness is noted, I highly recommend you follow this plan closely!

Diaphragm Release:

Using a lacrosse ball, place the ball under your Xiphoid Process (the bump where your ribs
join at the bottom).

Laying on the ground with your face down and arms at your side and work the ball
through the area of your diaphragm.

T-Spine - Foam Roller:

Place the foam roller on the ground and lay with your back on top of the roller.

Move in a manner that cause the roller to move along your back.

To increase the pressure, bend legs at 90 degrees and raise hips toward the ceiling and roll
up and down and side to side on the roller.

T-Spine - Peanut:

Lying on your back, place peanut (2 lacrosse balls in a sock or taped together so they
look like a peanut - see video) along your thoracic spine at an angle no more than 30-40
degrees, with the lower ball on the side that is MOST limited with rotation.

Perform 5-10 hip bridges with a dumbbell or plate resting on your sternum to provide
extra pressure.

Couch Stretch:

Bracing the spine first allows us to bias the lower body and emphasize the hip, knee, and
ankle complex without creating an upstream compensation pattern that puts slack into
the system. Dont arch your back. Get the knee joint tucked toward the wall or on the
couch back if you have one. Dont let it come away from the wall.

Now you can either bring the other leg up or if there is too much tension in the hip leave
the leg back (almost like in the starter sprint stance - see video).

Dead Bug:

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet on floor. Brace your trunk, then one leg at a time bring
both legs up to 90 degrees. When doing this, do not allow your back to arch or pelvis to
tilt anterior. Once you brace your core, your back position is not allowed to move at all.

Bring both arms up in 90 degrees relation to your body.

Lower the opposite arm and leg toward the floor then return to the start position.

Alternate limbs

Although it may feel like or seem like this is an easy exercise, it isnt. When done correctly
this will activate the core muscles in a very effective way thus building your ability to
appropriately press and move heavy weight.

Open Book:

Lie on your side and bend your knees at 90 degrees. Place your arms out to your front
with your hands together.

Rotate your arm opening your body maintaining stable hips. Rotation should occur in
your back creating mobility in your arm. See Video Demonstration.

Cat Cow (Also called Cat Camel):

Get down on your hands and knees on the floor.

Relax your head, and allow it to droop.

Round your back up toward the ceiling until you feel a nice stretch in your upper, middle,
and lower back with good flexion through your hips. See Video Demonstration

Banded Hip Distraction:

Wrap a band on something solid at hip height so you have a loop you can step into. Put
one leg in the band loop and move forward to engage tension in the band ensuring it is
up high close to your hip.

Straighten your leg and hinge forward at the hips with your free leg behind you. Move
your trunk down toward your knee of the banded leg and hold. See Video Demonstration

Glute bridge:

Lie on your back, knees bent to 90 degrees, feet flat on floor. Brace you trunk and do not
change pelvic or spinal position throughout the movement.

Squeeze your glutes and extend your hips hold at the top position for 10 sec/rep. See
Video Demonstration

Bird dog:

In quadruped position (kneel on all fours) with hands under shoulders and knees under
hips. Start with pelvis in neutral then brace core.

Start with a small progression of lifting opposite hand and knee 2 off the floor.

Alternate sides. Do not let pelvis or trunk rotate and overextend. If stable, move to
extending the arm and leg fully for each rep.

Plank RKC style:

Recruits more than a regular plank as youre trying to generate more muscle tension
In plank position; elbows under shoulders, toes together, head in neutral, the body should
be in a straight line. A couple cues to generate more tension;

1. Squeeze your first tight

2. Generate scapular external rotation by thinking about rotating first out.
3. Squeeze your quads (focus on extending your knees)
4. Squeeze your butt (push heels together)
5. Think about drawing your elbows to your heels and your toes up to your elbows.

Side Plank:

Lying on your side, support yourself on your bottom elbow. Make sure the elbow is
directly under the shoulder and that your feet and hips are perfectly stacked.

Now brace your core and lift your hips up off of the ground. Keep your body in line
therefore not allowing yourself to tip forward or back.

Hollow Rock Hold:

This is the first progression of many. It requires full body tension. Lie on your back, your
pelvis will be in slight posterior rotation while pulling your rib cage down. Your lower back
will be in contact with the ground.

Squeeze your butt, legs straight and tight together with toes pointed. Push your heels
together. Your arms should be straight overhead and glued to your ears. Hold this position.
Remember to breath!

Easier progressions are arms at your side, single leg in the air bent at 90 degrees or double
legs bent at 90 degrees.

The progression shown below is an easier version of the hollow rock hold.

This is a demonstration of the easier progression with leg bent at 90 degrees (single leg).

The hold demonstrated below is with both legs at 90 degrees.

KB or DB pull over:

The start position of this is similar to the deadbug progression. You will lie on your back,
both hip and knees at ninety degrees. You will hold a KB up overhead at 90degrees.

Slowly lower your legs toward the ground while maintaining that hollow position.

Find a position with your legs where your back position just starts to extend, hold legs
there for the duration of all the reps, Slowly lower the KB overhead with arms extended
then return to the 90 degrees position.

AB roll out:

Done best with a proper ab roller however a Swiss ball, foam roller or barbell may be
used. Place knees on floor or mat and hands on roller. Roll out so that your hips become
extended and your hands are directly underneath your shoulders. This is where the
rep begins and ends. It is important to maintain a neutral position in this exercise; over
extension of the spine will lead to pain.

Slowly begin to extend arms, only lower as far as you can maintain a position. If you can
roll out completely so that your shoulders are open and your torso is almost touching the
floor, then return to the start position.

Always keep hips extended on this exercise, flexing the hips to return to the start position
is a no rep.

Bridge plus leg lift:

Start position is the Glute bridge (Lie on your back, knees bent to 90 degrees, feet flat
on floor. Brace your trunk and do not change pelvic or spinal position throughout the

This progression requires you to maintain the bridge position and lift one foot up at a
time. Begin with lifting foot 2 off the floor. Keep hands on pelvis, do not allow hips to
rotate or drop throughout the movement.

The next progression of this exercise is to raise the height of your shoulders to a bench
then a Swiss ball.

Arms across your body will increase the difficulty.

Bicycle crunch oblique:

Lie on your back, maintain neutral spine and extend legs straight out and raised to a level
that your spine remains neutral. Place hands at the sides of your head.

Slowly raise one leg towards 90 degrees and slightly twist the opposite elbow toward
the opposite knee. Ensure you are completely braced and do this exercise slowly while
maintaining tension. See Video Demonstration.

Hollow rocks (progressions):

The next progression of the hollow rock holds exercise is dynamic.

The first progression of the hollow rock is to tuck the knees to 90 degrees and bring
the shoulders down to be inline with the body, elbows extended. Maintain that slightly
hollowed position with ribs down and pelvis neutral.

Sometimes referred to a banana rock; rock back and forth from shoulders to bum.

Do not let any part of your body change positions throughout the exercise.
The next progression of this is to let one leg extend out while the other is still tucked.
Point the toe.

Once this progression is met you can extend both legs out while still keeping arms flush
to torso. The final progression is arms overhead, keeping them close to your ears.

The final progression and level of difficulty is arms overhead keeping them close to your

Rock up making sure you are not hinging at the hips but maintaining bracing and

Arch rocks:

Similar movement pattern to the hollow rock this exercise targets the posterior chain.
Start position will require you to will lie on your stomach, arms extended overhead
squeezing ears, toes together and pointed. Squeeze your glutes to protect your back.

Maintain this tight positioning and rock back and forth from chest to hips.

Active shoulder push:

This progression is to begin gaining strength through your pushing musculature while
maintaining and strong trunk.

Here you will hold onto a pull up bar and push against the bar so that your torso begins to
move horizontally beneath it.

When gaining tension on the bar, pull scapula down and think about pulling your
shoulders into its socket.

While doing this maintain a braced progression and keep the spine and pelvis in neutral,
dont allow for over extension of the spine to occur.

Plank plus limb lift:

This exercise done properly is very difficult, done improperly is quite easy. Easier
progressions are to lift one leg at a time, harder progression is to lift your leg and arm.
The idea is to hold a plank (RKC style) then lift one limb at a time, when this occurs, there
is no movement whatsoever throughout the body. The hips do not drop, flex or rotate.
Brace the body with full tension before lifting the limb.

Note in the image below - the left arm is raised slightly while the remainder of the body
stays engaged.

Side plank plus leg lift:

This exercise will target the hip musculature on top of the obliques.
Begin in side plank position; is it important that you do not let the hips drop back and
allow your torso to face up.

Hips completely square, lift your top leg up and slightly posterior, return to start position.

Handstand hold (front to wall):

Walk up the wall with your stomach facing the wall. Is is important that you maintain
the hollow body position in this exercise. Squeeze your butt, ribs down. Think about
pushing your heels together, reaching your toes to the roof and pushing your hands
firm into the floor.

Hanging leg raise:

Hang from the bar arms extended overhand grip, maintain an active shoulder position
(see alpha phase).

L Sit (knees tuck):

This exercise has a few variations, mainly on grip. It can either be a pushing or pulling grip,
for our purposes of progression a hanging grip will transfer better towards the levers.
Hanging from a bar or rings maintain an active shoulder position. Keep the ribs down and
spine in neutral, Bring knees up to ninety degree and hold this position for max time.

L Sit ( Single Leg)

Do as above however once at 90 degrees extend one leg out straight.

L Sit Bilateral (two legs)

Hanging from the bar or rings simultaneously raise straight legs, hinging at the hips and
maintaining neutral spine as in the previous images.

Hollow rocks:

Building upon the progression of the alpha hollow rocks progression, this exercise requires
both legs to be extended and arms to be overhead. Do not allow hips to flex to allow the
transfer of energy in the rock. The closer both legs are towards the floor the more difficult
the exercise.

Back extensions:

Requires a machine or partner to do correctly. Lie on bench, or hyperextension bench so

that your torso can completely clear the pads. Lower torso toward the floor, hinging at the

Squeeze glutes, brace core and bring torso in line with hips. Do not over extend the
lumbar spine in this exercise when returning to the start position.

Knees to elbows:

The next progression from a hanging knee raise. Hold onto the pullup bar with an active
shoulder position and hollow body. This exercise demands more strength from the lats
and upper body musculature. Arms should be flush against the ears.

Push against the pull up bar to raise hips; tuck knees up to touch the elbows. Try
not swinging too much, as it will take away from the trunk development. See Video

Toes to Bar:

Similar to knees to elbow with the shoulders and hollow body position.

Keep your legs straight, push against the pull up bar to raise hips and rotate toes toward
the bar. Avoid swinging. See Video Demonstration

Skin the cat (progression 1):

The Skin the Cat is a fundamental movement to develop shoulder strength at full range of

By hanging using the rings and rotating the entire body through, this movement takes
your through from full shoulder flexion to extension - where you can then hang out for a
stretch. It is important that your shoulders and arms are warmed up well before practicing
this movement as you are pushing and pulling your full bodyweight at full range of
motion. Make sure your hands are in the anatomical position with facing up.

Bring your knees down toward your chest as you start to roll through.

Skin the cat (progression 2):

Similar body position and rolling motion through the rings however one leg is tucked. Roll
back to straight to finish.

When you have successfully mastered the single leg progression of skin the cat you can
move to the double leg with both extended out.

Gently lower your feet to the ground and prepare to roll back up.

Roll back down and place your feet on the floor to exit the move.

Reverse Hyper Extension:

Lay torso and waist on bench and grasp handles. Feet should be above floor with legs

Raise legs by extending hips as high as possible until legs are nearly straight. Lower legs to
original position. Repeat.

Handstand Single Arm:

The key is to start with both hands close together directly under the shoulder.

Next, lead with the feet and lean over to one side and stack your center of mass over one

This should unload your other hand and allow you to lift it up.

Start by leading with the feet and allow them to angle over, followed by the hips, and
stack over your shoulder.

Once you are stacked over the shoulder you will feel the pressure come off your other
hand and you can simply bring that up to your side.

Candle Stand:

Because we are not going for Olympic gold, this movement will be a bit less dynamic than
on a gymnastics mat. We will start on the ground.

The basic version is to support the hips using your hands and then the more advanced
progression is to keep your hands flat by your side.

Back Lever Tuck:

Start in an inverted hang, bend both your legs and bring thigh towards your chest, Keep
the arms straight and the back as flat as possible.

Allowing the body to descend backward as one piece and keeping the rings behind you
Hold a horizontal position for 2 seconds and raise back up by driving through the hip.

Back Lever Single Leg:

Start in an inverted hang, bend one leg and bring thigh towards your chest.

With arms straight and upper body and extended leg in a hollow body position. Start
allowing the body to descend backward and keeping the rings behind you hold a
horizontal position for 2 seconds and raise back up by driving through the hip.

From the position you see below, ensure your hand position is correct and leg is extended
straighten your back so you achieve a straight position.

Back Lever Banded:

Put the band in between your first and second fingers leaving some slack in the band.

Start in an inverted hang and keep both legs straight. With arms straight and upper
body and extended leg in a hollow body position. Start allowing the body to descend
backward and keeping the rings behind you hold a horizontal position for 2 seconds and
raise back up by driving through the hip.

Front Lever Tuck:

Start in an inverted hang.

Bend both your legs and bring your thighs towards your chest.

Keep the arms straight and the back as flat as possible allowing the body to descend
forward as one piece and keeping the rings in front of you. Hold a horizontal position for 2
seconds and raise back up by driving through the hip.

Front Lever Single Leg:

Start in an inverted hang.

Bend one leg and bring that thigh towards your chest. Keep the arms straight and the
back as flat as possible allowing the body to descend forward as one piece and keeping
the rings in front of you.

Hold a horizontal position for 2 seconds and raise back up by driving through the hip.

Front Lever Banded:

Put the band in between your first and second fingers leaving some slack in the band.

Start in an inverted hang and keep both legs straight. With arms straight and upper body
and extended leg in a hollow body position.

Start allowing the body to descend down and keeping the rings in front of you hold a
horizontal position for 2 seconds and raise back up by driving through the hip.

Front Lever:

Find a hollow body position while in the inverted hang.

Without breaking hollow body position allow your heels to lead the descent into a
horizontal hold. Focus on pushing hands toward your hips and keeping your shoulders
back and down. Initiate the ascent maintaining hollow and thinking of driving through the

Additional Secrets For Staying Lean

Alcohol Consumption

One thing I have noticed is the proliferation of the wine culture and a wider spread
general practice of routine alcohol consumption.

Listen, putting back 2-3 beers or glasses of wine a night and then having a weekend
blinder is going to seriously inhibit your efforts.

I am all for having a couple of drinks during the week or one evening during the weekend
maybe a bit more, but anything more than that and you might as well not even get

Study after study has shown conclusively that people who engage in excess alcohol intake
compared to those who dont use alcohol, have more belly fat. The calories are simply
useless not to mention what happens to your will power after pounding back a couple of
Next thing you know you will be chucking back an entire bag of lays chips or a bucket of

The body, specifically the liver, uses the calories in alcohol rather than burning off your fat
stores for energy

Now if you are the kind of person who can keep it to just one glass per day...reasonable
sized glass... then you should still be able to get lean without an issue.

Something that is important for those of you who are avid beer drinkers. The hops in beer
is not your friend. It contains phytoestrogens which are estrogenic plant compounds.
These compounds will produce the same hormonal response when ingested.

While pounding back a 12 pack of your favorite brew may seem like a manly thing to do, it
is killing your six pack.

Keep it moderate and you will be successful in your journey to your six-pack.


Ok... all of the health gurus out there are going to tell you to drink plenty of water. Im not
going to do that. This is a controversial concept I know.

I am going to say to stay hydrated however so to be clear concept of hydrating your cells
is consistent. I just cant do it with water alone.

In fact I hydrate primarily with tea. Drinking three or more cups of tea a day is as good for
you as drinking plenty of water and may even have extra health benefits, say researchers.
The work in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition dispels the common belief that tea

The benefit of staying hydrated is basically your body will be completely optimized.
Maximizing your potential starts at the cellular level and having cells that are properly
hydrated promotes lipolysis.

No... orange juice and other sweet drinks are not the same so avoid these. My
recommendation here is to stay consistent with tea or water.


If you have a bit of a sweet tooth or you like to add sweetener to your coffee or tea I
would encourage you to use honey as opposed sugar.

The primary difference between the two is that the compounds that are present in both
are configured differently. Fructose and Glucose are present in sugar and honey however
in sugar they are bonded together and in honey they are separate.

Honey has a lower glycemic index than does sugar and is absorbed at a slower rate
keeping your blood-glucose levels from rising excessively quick. Ideally, if you are able, raw
honey is your best option.

There are additional health benefits which you can realize from using honey and certainly
when compared to sugar.



You will notice I dont focus much on cardio, that is not to say that it doesnt have its
place in terms of improving the performance of an energy system, but rather I am not
a proponent as a primary method for fat loss. It can play a support role, but in limited
volume and duration.

If you have the time, I highly recommend an early morning walk. My day typically starts
with waking up, drinking a cup of tea, and taking the dog on a short brisk walk.

This is simply a method for priming your system to function properly throughout the day.
The specific method is to do so on an empty stomach, walk for 30 minutes, and then
dont eat until 30 minutes has elapsed.

Remember you have slept all night and there is limited glycogen stored. Your body will
quickly deplete these stores and move to burning fat as an energy source. Simple yet

Try to add a walk on an empty stomach to boost your metabolism and crank up your fat
burning potential.

The Specforce Supplement Stack

Now that you know what will be expected of you throughout the Anabolic Finishers
Protocol, its time to take a look at some supplements that you will seriously want to
consider adding to your regimen especially during this training.

This supplement stack will help to cover the basics of recovery, training performance, and
overall health and longevity.

Testosterone Supplement

Without question when you are lifting, recovering and working to add size and strength
supplementing your Testosterone levels naturally is a must.

You will be working your body to its maximal output and you are using science to give
you an advantage in your workout protocol, why not do the same with your nutrition?

Using a natural testosterone supplement can be a bit confusing so I have always looked
for ingredients that perform dual roles. I want ingredients that promote natural test
production but that also block estrogen.

A great choice is Test Reload. Listen, guys cant afford to be running a system that is
missing the most critical ingredient for losing low belly fat and building muscle. Give
yourself the best opportunity for success and support your system with a natural
testosterone supplement.

Whey Protein

The first supplement to think about is perhaps the most basic of them all - whey protein.
A whey protein powder supplement provides you with an incredibly convenient and
cost-effective way of increasing your protein consumption on a daily basis. As far as I am
concerned there is only 1 or 2 brands worth mentioning and I highly recommend BioTrust
Low Carb protein.

Everyone wants to know why. I will keep this short. It has no artificial crap that can actually
make you sick. It is a 4 protein blend as well as ProHydrolase for maximum absorption of
the protein.

It is also worth mentioning that whey protein is a very high-quality protein source, with a
full profile of essential amino acids, a relatively low amount of fat and carbs.

If you purchase a fast-digesting whey protein powder, such as whey protein isolate or
hydrolysed whey protein, then you can also use it as an effective post-workout shake to
speed up recovery and boost your gains.

Creatine Monohydrate

Creatine monohydrate is one of the safest and most extensively researched sports
supplements ever created, and one that should be a staple in just about everyones
supplement stack.

To quote the International Society of Sports Nutrition:

It is the position of the International Society of Sports Nutrition that the use of creatine as a
nutritional supplement within established guidelines is safe, effective, and ethical.

[...] creatine monohydrate remains one of the most extensively studied, as well as effective,
nutritional aids available to athletes. Hundreds of studies have shown the effectiveness of
CM supplementation in improving anaerobic capacity, strength, and lean body mass
in conjunction with training.

In addition, CM has repeatedly been reported to be safe, as well as possibly beneficial in

preventing injury.

Creatine helps to increase intra-cellular concentrations of a substance called adenosine

triphosphate or ATP.

ATP acts as a medium of energy exchange between cells, which basically means that
consuming more creatine will cause your body to have a greater availability of energy for
high-intensity, short-duration activities; namely, lifting!

An additional benefit of creatine monohydrate is that it helps to pull fluid into the muscle
cells and keep them thoroughly hydrated.

This action also promotes a greater delivery of nutrients into your muscles while
enhancing pumps and creating a moderate strength boost.


Branched-chain amino acids or BCAAs are essential amino acids which play a pivotal role
in the stimulation of muscle protein synthesis.

Because BCAAs are free-form amino acids they are able to enter the bloodstream
extremely rapidly, making them a fantastic supplement to use during your workouts.

The most important BCAA is L-Leucine because it is this amino acid, in amounts of
approximately 3 g per dose, which is responsible directly for triggering muscle protein

synthesis and essentially jumpstarting the muscle-building mechanisms within the human

To illustrate this we turn to a 2004 study published in the Journal of Nutrition which
showed that supplementing with BCAAs can help to reduce exercise-induced muscle

[...] BCAA supplementation before and after exercise has beneficial effects for decreasing
exercise-induced muscle damage and promoting muscle-protein synthesis; this
suggests the possibility that BCAAs are a useful supplement in relation to exercise and sports.14

Another study which was published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research in
2010 had this to say about amino acid supplementation:

Athletes nutrient intake, which periodically increases amino acid intake to reflect the increased
need for recovery during periods of overreaching, may increase subsequent competitive
performance while decreasing the risk of injury or illness. 15

This is an important consideration to make when you are embarking upon an intense
training program.

If you make sure you dont neglect the recovery aspects of your training then you will
almost definitely reap the benefits both in the gym and outside the gym.

Citrulline Malate

L-Citrulline is an amino acid which essentially acts as a precursor in the production of


You may be familiar with nitric oxide supplements which are used to enhance pumps and
vascularity during training.


These products can be very effective at improving performance and enhancing the
delivery of nutrients to muscles; however, citrulline is arguably more effective for this
purpose than arginine itself.

There was a very interesting study published in the European Journal of Applied Physiology
in 2010 which showed that citrulline malate has an interesting effect on the way that the
body utilizes BCAAs, suggesting a powerful synergistic relationship between the two.

The researchers found that citrulline malate not only increased concentrations of growth
hormone in subjects, but that it can also [...] enhance the use of amino acids, especially
the branched chain amino acids during exercise and also enhance the production of
arginine-derived metabolites such as nitrite, creatinine, ornithine and urea.16

Other research has shown citrulline malate to be of general benefit to athletic

performance while also potentially reducing muscle soreness from training.17

Omega-3 Fatty Acids - Krill Oil or Fish Oil

The average Western diet tends to be excessively high in omega-6 fatty acids18, such as
those found in vegetable oils such as canola oil. Ideally we should seek a ratio of around
1:1 or 2:1 in favor of omega-6, but many people eat a ratio of as much as 30:1. 40:1, or even

It is argued that this imbalance contributes to a great many ailments such as heart disease,
rheumatism, and metabolic syndromes such as Type II diabetes.

By increasing the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet, you can help to reduce your
risk factors for hyperlipidemia19 or high levels of triglycerides in the bloodstream, while also
reducing total cholesterol levels20.

At the very least, omega-3 fatty acids offer powerful anti-inflammatory benefits, and as
one study published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition states:


There have been a number of clinical trials assessing the benefits of dietary supplementation
with fish oils in several inflammatory and autoimmune diseases in humans, including
rheumatoid arthritis, Crohns disease, ulcerative colitis, psoriasis, lupus erythematosus, multiple
sclerosis and migraine headaches.21

Even if the more serious conditions amongst these are of little concern to you, you can at
least rest assured that you are providing your joints and ligaments with some assistance in
terms of recovering from training.

Fish Oil vs. Krill Oil

The two omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA come in the form of triglycerides when found
in fish oil.

A promising alternative to fish oil is krill oil, which features these two fatty acids in what
is known as a double-chained phospholipid structure, mimicking the way fats are
constructed in the cells of the human body.

This makes the omega-3 fatty acids found in krill oil far easier for the human body to
absorb and utilize.

Whats more, the EPA in krill oil contains a powerful antioxidant known as astaxanthin, as
well as vitamins A, D, and E.

The Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity or ORAC value of a compound is, simply
put, a metric used to determine the degree to which something provides the cell with
protection against the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.

Due to its far enhanced absorption rates and additional nutritional content, krill oil boasts
an ORAC value that is a 48 times higher than that of fish oil.


Coenzyme Q10 is another interesting substance, particularly for the health of men entering
into their 30s, 40s, and beyond.


CoQ10 in its more bioavailable form called ubiquinol has been shown to significantly
lower blood pressure22, and according to a 2012 study published in the Journal of
Biofactors, can even help to improve glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in patients
suffering from type 2 diabetes23.

Whats more, another study from 2013 set out to investigate the effects of CoQ10 in
trained athletes, finding a significant increase in physical performance as measured by
maximum power output.

It is also worth noting that: While adherence to a training regimen itself resulted in an
improvement in peak power output, as observed by improvement in placebo, the effect
of Ubiquinol supplementation significantly enhanced peak power production in
comparison to placebo.24

First I want to take this chance to thank you for going through this manual. The goal is to
undeniably create a strong, flat and functional mid section. In addition to making you feel
good about yourself, my hope is your quality of life will improve.

You have an opportunity to completely change how your body looks, feels and moves.
Follow the progressions, stay focused and commit to the process. I encourage you to set
very specific goals related to your program. Yes you will lose weight, yes you will develop
a strong mid-section, but be even more granular like, I want to lose 9 lbs over the next 4
weeks, something like that. This will make all the difference!

Youre in the driver seat, its time to get after it.


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