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Angels of Men

Religious doctrines are believed, tend to differ from person to person, Church to
church, and from religion to religion, And there is also those doctrines that are not
unique to any particular group but their beliefs are pretty much accepted
throughout all of Christendom.

Using just the Bible that I have here, although, if i have to be real honest every
single version of the english translations of any bible are all incorrect we need to
strip them back to the original Greek and Hebrew writings, to uncover the incorrect

I dont want to distress you, are even confuse you but hopefully towards the end It
will all start making sense And hopefully you will experience the joy spoke about at
John 8:32 The truth will set you free.

At Hebrews 5:13-14 Paul at acknowledged, Learning the truth is the process, he

compared the spiritual feeding of the Christian congregation, to the physical feeding
of babies into their physical maturity and adulthood in the past I stood up to my
religious beliefs, which I now recognise as foolishness, and at the time I would have
been offended if someone else told me differently, I would do my best to try and get
my point across, prove whatever they where saying to be incorrect or false The
chances are youll feel the same as you read on but Im not trying to offend
anyone, im just showing you how most of our current translation of english version
of the bible as being so twisted its unreal

The theme of the Bible is a war against Gods kingdom and Satan's empire or if
you prefer between creation and civilisation but the aspect that we are going
discuss, is the Angels involvement towards the last days and our current day and
also their involvement in the past and where we fit into all this.

The best way to think about this war would be between the Angels and the Demons
Although many would have you believe that the actual Bible is all about rules
humans and what we need to do, to gain Jehovah's favour for everlasting life. But
this isn't the case.

To any casual bible readers this may not seem like a bad thing or big issue, And this
is why for good reason the churches have spent the last 2000 years trying to conceal
the truth and this information from us and the actual theme of the Bible,

The 1st primary ways they have done this is by concealing significance and
identity of the Angels firstly.

The purpose of Satan system is to make us all good citizens, to show our obedience
to authority, to build our faith in the hierarchy system referred to as civilisation as if
where the only way for us to live.

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Satan's religious system is designed to convince us of the depressive state of
humanity, and destruction of Jehovahs planet And That this is actually okay and
pleasing to the creator.

Thanks to the Bible, Most people believe that the Bible is about how God has a
torture chamber reserved for the people if they dont happen to not follow all his
rules, And some believe, that if we don't follow all his rules and preach the good
news of the kingdom that we will be cut off eternally from everlasting life. Whether
that will be preaching the good news, attending meetings, going to church every
Sunday morning, and trying to live a perfect life in a Un-perfect world.

And that judgement is reserved for anybody who has sex without license from the
government which is controlled by Satan Empire, or even non-members Whether
they have sex or not, or even whats classed as natural or not.

Satans propaganda program is so effective that even people who have being
reading the bible for thousands of years to his current day are still often fooled,
because by the time most of us are ready to read it for what it actually is for
ourselves we have been already exposed to all these lies and false doctrines of
church propaganda And it starts becoming hard to figure out truths from actual
lies, and it becomes even more confusing

Even non-believers who have never stepped foot inside any place of worship, or
even picked up the Bible and read it once in their life, will have some basic core
beliefs that have been influenced by this propaganda program or second hand

The single most revealing feature of this war, is the activity of the angels as recorded
in the Bible, as humans this war as a profound effect on us However, not like you

For the most part we are just victims of this war, just like any other war that is taking
place in this current world - These wars tend to be between two countries fighting
over either oil, land or whatever else it may be Everybody ends up being involved
whether they like it or not.

And this same rule applies for us here, it's the war between the Angels &
Demons, (fallen Angels) Its there War, We just happen to be here living here and
playing the part of piggy in the middle would be a better way to describe it

The Bible was given to us by Jehovah so that we wouldn't be left wondering what
was going on in our current world And everything we see today is all playing a part
major part in this war, we might not be able to physically see whats happening
behind close doors and up in heaven, but know is taking place and we are seeing
some of the effects here on earth

The best way to look at the Bible from a human perspective Is that God gave us a
blueprint of his plans for this restoration of the earth and how it's going to do it and
what needs to take place first

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Just like if someone was planning on building next to your property, even though it
may have nothing to do with you, you can still go to your local Council and see what
these plans are, And what they intend to do

How long its going to take, How they intend to do it, And if this may have any effect
on you or your property The important thing to remember here is that, even
though its nothing to do with you, these things have been put in place for your own
peace of mind, so you know whats going on

Like l have said, we just happen to be victims of this war for the moment, and the
Angels are the true participants of this war, not us Hence, why Jehovahs hand is
words recorded in the Bible for us, His plans for restoring his Creation They

1) How Jehovah created the Heavens and the earth

2) How creation was, and how he intended life to be.
3) How someone then destroyed this original plan for planet earth.
4) Whats needed to take place in restoring this original plan back. (current day)
5) How he intends to sort it out, and put it back to when he (Jehovah) thought it was
Very Good.
6) And, it even goes on to tell us what life will be like once its restored back to the
way he intended earth to be like, and once everything as been placed back into
its correct proper dwelling place.

And, we mere mortals just happen to be in the middle of this war like it or not
between the Angels and these fallen Angles - Jehovah wants his creation back to the
way he original intended it to be, to put it simple! However, before this happens
certain steps need to be taken first in order for achieving this to actual happen.

This war began soon as Eve ate that fruit, And its still being going on to this current
day Although we might not be able to see this physical war between the Angels
and those fallen angels We can safely say it's taking place around us.

Yet the religions of the world ( Satans Empire) Have used the Bible to their own
advantage in twisting it, changing it, then using it as a very powerful tool towards

This as helped them gain full mind control, and authority over all of us, with all these
so called rules and regulations to be considered as Holy in the eyes of the lord
Just like Satan intended and wants us to believe . We soon become burdened with
guilt, fear, and start to feel that we are not worthy of Gods approval

Even though we are lead to believe that God only excepts Holy people, this again
is yet another lie which Satans empire which he as enforced on us

The word Holy when correctly translated means To be separate or set apart It
does not mean, To be perfect, are trying to be perfect in a Un-perfect world,
because creator, Jehovah God already knows you are not, Otherwise if we all

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were they wouldnt have been any point in sending his son Jehovah is fully
aware of this matter

Except who you are, know your imperfections, throw your burdens on Jehovah, keep
out of it and try your best to love everyone, and Jehovah will sort every thing else out

Holy, also does not mean Walking around in sandals with Long hair preaching all
day, Attending churches or meetings at any given time opportunity, singing in the
choir, ensuring to you wear shirt and tie at all times, ensuring your lawn is well kept,
wearing a cross or symbol to represent your faith, holding charity events and coffee
mornings, it doesnt mean trying to be someone youre not

It actually means to be separate or better away of putting this, would be set apart

But set apart from what?

from, Satans empire this current civilisation Which I will go into more detail

Either way we are allowed to choose, we can either be part of it or we can be set
apart from it So if we choose to show our support for Satan civilisation, or his
religious system, political system, economic system thats up to you

But there is No way we can actually participate in this physical combat of this war
which will soon take place

As Ephesians 6:12 says our fight isnt for flesh and blood, but against the true
ruler's of the world - Satans Angels

The churches want us to take sides with Gods political system in this war against
Satans political system, take sides with Gods economic system in this war against
Satan economic system, and also take sides with Gods religious system in the war
against Satans religious system.

The bible is filled with good advise about how to cope with these Systems in place,
but contrary to what the churches want us to believe - God as No such Systems.

So which ever side you decide to support on this war you are still taking satans
side either way. This may sound confusing to you which side do I take then? ..
Hopefully itll make more sense as you get towards the end.

1 John 5:19 says, We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is
lying in the power of the wicked one.

Rev 16:13-14 says, And I saw three unclean inspired expressions that looked like
frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon and out of the mouth of the wild beast and
out of the mouth of the false prophet. They are, in fact, expressions inspired by

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demons and they perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the entire inhabited
earth, to gather them together to the war of the great day of God the Almighty.

As you can see the verse you have just read, there is no mention anywhere in these
two verses of God requiring any humans to participate in this war or upcoming battle,
Its up to you if you decide to I guess, other then that No human involvement is

When this battle does begin, Many humans will stupidly involve themselves, because
they have been conditioned since birth to believe it is their christian duty to do so
And all of Satans other religions have been conditioned in the same way.

In the last Century are so, a very popular religious belief has come into existence
which is gaining more and more support worldwide, even though the world is a bad
place to live at present, God as chosen people and a chosen land over which hell
return and rule the bible does not in anyway support such an idea. After Jesuss
death, much of the bible was combined to fit in with this doctrine.

In fact before even Jesus came the 1st time round, the prophets was telling us this
was a false belief, Many of the visions that the prophets had where of Rulership of
the promised land that been abandoned by Jah and been taken over by Satan.

Ezekiel in no uncertain terms witnessed a vision of Jehovah, in which the ark of

covenant, the cloud of the holy spirit, the cherubs and everything else which was
necessary for the Jewish system of things to continue on leaving the temple,
exiting the door, and going up to heaven. - Even though the cloud of the holy was
present in the temple for hundreds of years, where the Ark of the covenant was
housed, And the 10 commandments that Ezekiel personally witnessed. The
cherubs removed them all from the temple, never to be seen again.

This account for the most part is what the entire book of Ezekiel is about, But the
part where the cherubs carry off the manifestation of Jehovah holy spirit can be
found at Ezekiel 11:21-25

Another set of Scriptures about satans rule of the promised land can be seen at
Zachariah 3:1

The theologians have been struggling for years to find something for this scripture to
be about something else other then what it is either by miss translation or miss
interpretation, but for the most part the rulers of Christendom's religious Empire tend
to avoid these particular Scriptures.

if you can clear your mind and read the bible fresh, youll soon notice that most of the
bible is about the activity of angels rather than humans, nearly most of all the stories
that we are told are about humans involvement, when in fact there actually talking
about Angels Usually recorded to show us in the fleshly way, things that have
either taken place in the past, or soon to take place in the near future in the spirit

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The main thing you need to keep in mind and understand is the amount of serious
effort that the empire and satans religious system as put into place in concealing the
actual roles of the Angles from us If this wasn't the case then the bible would be
much easier to understand confusing us about the roles of the Angles in the bible
is one of the easiest, yet most affective ways in confusing us about the overall theme
of the bible which is the War between civilisation and creation. if we read the
Bible thinking its something its not then, then chances are well only see it in this
way because weve had years of people telling us that this means that and that
means this And at that time we had no reason to doubt what we were told.

As you are probably aware of the tactics that they use for misinterpretation or
mistranslation. Just one small little tiny twist of a Scripture can send you a
completely different course or path Its just enough to make you think something
that is actually a demon or angle is actually referring to fleshly being even an
animal, statue, Image or concept

Another tactic that they use when they speak of Heaven Whenever you see this
word in the Bible the churches will affectively use this in describing God home
and in any verses that use or say the word heaven must be referring to Heaven!
- When in fact the word Heaven is often used when speaking about earth. Yes,
Heaven is Gods home It is the location in which God rules over the Kingdom of
Heaven .. But the Kingdom of Heaven is not Heaven But the Kingdom of
Heaven is the whole creation which God rules over In the wild, by tradition,
groups of sheep and goats are referred to as herds. It is only when under the control
of a shepherd that groups of sheep and goats are referred to as flocks.
including Earth and also including the realm of heaven itself

This is why when asked how to pray, which Jesus spoke of in the Book of Matthew..
He said to pray for Gods Kingdom to come on earth as it is in Heaven. - This may
not sound like a big deal, but the churches have used this small bit of confusion to
make it sound like its actual an event is something which seems to be taking place in
heaven, when in fact this isnt the case But this event is an earthly event.

However, this kind of twisting over years, that might only seem small, are not a big
deal to some however, This sends the bible into a completely different direction
altogether and we soon start lose the actually purpose the correct theme.. Therefore
causing so much confusion throughout the world, like it already is today.
There are Scriptures that talk about snakes, however these are not referring to
actually snakes that we can see in the wild are at zoos but are in fact referring to
satans angels or himself they are also scriptures that talk about goats in the
same way, which can either be mean the same - Satans Angles or a particular group
of people, even an actual physical goat - Animal. It just all depends in which content
it is written, Including sheep.

We live in a world where we now have the internet and all other foams of finding out
whatever we wish to research, some is good and some is bad and some can be
complete rubbish, either ways this all helps towards figuring out the truth and lending
to more clues which may be beneficial. So check for yourself.

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There are a few Scriptures in the Bible that the churches do not hide from us that
speak of Angels as well as Bad Angels appearing to humans, so any that professes
a belief that the bible is a real Account of everything, must least acknowledge that
the bible does not hold back of speaking about Angels even in our English
translations as actual living beings with the ability to help people, direct people and
control people The problem is that most people are only aware of these few bible
Scriptures, that the churches have not missed translated or interpreted But that is
not at all the case when we about such things as the bible.

Most Theologians say that the scriptures which speak about false gods or not
speaking about living beings, but in fact fictional gods or statues made to
represent such gods, and in fact the bible often speaks of people worshipping these
statues, but the bible also specifically speaks about people worshipping false gods,
they are scriptures that associate the worship with these false gods with false gods
with the worship of statues and vice versa, but many scriptures about the worship of
false gods are not in anyway about the worship of statues but instead are about
the worship of actual living wicked Angels.

The bible always speaks of the Bale as real and never even remotely alludes to
such creatures being fictitious characters.

At Colossians 2:18 Paul specifically speaks of religion as the worship of Angles, but
even the scriptures that speak specifically of people worshipping lifeless statues
such as the ones that are mentioned here in Colossians 2:18 and Corinthians
10:20 - Makes it clear that such worship is some way or another really supports the
actual living wicked Angels That those statues represent.

Many of the accounts recorded in the bible regarding Angels indicate that specific
wicked Angles assigned to leadership positions over specific group of humans,
when Daniel prayed for help Gabriel was sent However, didnt arrive until 21
days later At the Daniel 10:13 Gabriel explained that he had left immediately after
Daniel prayed, But the King of Persia fought him, and it was not until 21 days later
when the Angle Michael came to his aid, and he was able to actually make it to
Daniels side.

This Prince, from the Royal realm of Persia was the bale or lord of Persia this
king that struggled with Gabriel was not a fleshy prince, no human being could
engage in non stop physical combat for 21 days, straight! With the Angel Gabriel -
This Ruler of Persia, This was the Angel that had been given Rulership of Persia - By
Satan Throughout the bible, Satan is always spoken of as the Angel having
authority to grant positions of rulership to other Angels as well as to humans.

You May have noticed that sometimes the Bible speaks of Bale without mentioning
any nation after the word Bale When the word Bale or Lord is found in the
bible without any prefix or suffix descriptors associated with it, it is specifically
speaking of the Bale of the Bales, or the God of the Gods - Satan. In our english
bible it is very easy to distinguish the true God from the false gods.

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Jehovah or God almighty the true God or any of the other titles that are in our
english bible assigned to the creator.

Satan is spoken of as the ruler many times, but unlike the other Bale mentioned in
the bible, He is never spoken of as the ruler of any common nation, Nations are
areas of land that are considered by humans to be sovereign entities, such countries
like Germany, Mexico, or China In the bible Satan is only spoken of as ruling over
nations But unlike nations their sovereignty is listed by geographic boundaries,
Empires are nations that rule over other nations Just as one example - Germany
is a Nation, but although the current ruling world empire requires that Germany
provides troops for its occupational campaign - Germany itself is not allowed to
occupy any other nation other then the ones that it is ordered to occupy is assigned,
It is a sign of its allegiance to the ruling world empire, Germany is not an empire

However within what is supposed to be Germanys sovereign borders or thousands

of occupational troops under the command of the Ruling world empire At last
count I heard that the 199 so-called sovereign nations 188 are under military
occupation by the empire that controls the earth today that does not mean that
those other 11 unoccupied nations are truly sovereign!

It must be acknowledged that such figures are for the most part speculative Many
so called sovereign nations are so closely associated with other occupied nations
that it is impossible to distinguish any true independence I am not a political
science major, but feel that the reason that most of these last 11 nations are officially
under military occupation is because they are not economically or politically
significant nations that do not print their own money but use the money of some
other nation which itself is enrolled in the British banking system maybe? are
maybe be on somebodies else list of true sovereign nations, but if only if such a
list was based on a very loose definition of the word sovereign.

Other sovereign nations which may not currently quality as part of the empire at least
publicly are Iran and North Korea, are definitely on the list of nations that will soon be
part of this empire for the most part these few details that independent entities could
easily be eliminated in short order with or without military intervention by something
as simple as few signatures on a piece of paper These definitions of what is and
what isnt an Empire according to scholars is not exactly the same as the what Im
telling you In other words you're not likely going to be able to find this on Wikipedia
article, or something on a government website stating that Satan Rules over all of
the over nations.

However, the five named nations listed in the bible as Empires directly under the rule
of Satan are all included on each and everyone of those scholars lists

The Nations named in Bible as satans empires are as follows Egypt, Assyria,
Phoenicia, Greece, Rome.

Some will say that Phoenicia isnt one but Ill mention this towards the end of
this very soon

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Being the Ruling world empire, is not forever, these nations only got to act as
Empires until they were a serb by the next nation on the list, the bible only records
Satan as being the ruler of a nation in accounts that take place while that nation is
the ruling world power the bible also indicates that Satan ruled over Babel even
though Babel never ruled over any other nation, But at the time of satans rulership
they were No other nation, so it can still be said that at one time Babel was the ruling
world empire the reason that the word Bale and Babel are so similar is
because Bale means The God while Babel means The gateway of God
Babel also means Confusion . However, Babel got its name before God confused
the languages, The tower of Babel story is about the reestablishment of satans
civilisation after the flood.

When Jesus was on earth Rome was the ruling Empire or world power However, it
is obvious from the bible account that Romes position was tenuous at best, in the
book of Revelation, John describes satans civilisation, as a seven headed beast,
and the bible specifically says that the seven headed beast had seven heads which
represented 7 kings Even though only 6 Empires specifically ruled by Satan had
previously been mentioned in the bible, John explained in chapter 17:10, when John
said that One of those empires had not yet arrived

Matthew 4:10 - Records that while Jesus was on the earth, Satan offered him
rulership of the Empire, but Jesus refused saying Away with you Satan, for it is
written you shall worship the Lord your God in him only you shall serve

After describing the seven headed beast, John also spoke of a 8th Nation ruled buy
Satan, that is somehow different from all of the other empires in very significant way,
the identity and purpose of that nation will be revealed soon as you read on

Every time Phoenicia is mentioned or pointed out as being one of the empires of the
7 headed beast, someone always disagrees so let me explain, Ill use the Empire
of Egypt to illustrate to why that is The word Egypt occurs over and over again in
fact nearly 700 times in our English translations of the bible

Egypt is spoken of in the book of Genesis and also the book of Revelation, and
many of the other books throughout the bible However, in the original Hebrew
youll find no such word because at the time the land that we know as modern day
Egypt was called something else That being Rahim and in the Greek portion of
the bible it is referred to as He-Got-Toes ( sounds like) - We know that the nation
now known in english as Egypt is located in the same area that was once known as
Rahim so to make things easier the translators recored both Rahim and
He-got-Toes as Egypt That way as we transition into the New Testament were
left confused by the name change It is a certainty that the Rahim that Moses
wrote about 3500 years ago is the same as the He-got-toes that John wrote about
1500 years later. Egypt is the modern English pronunciation of the name of both
these places now.

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The Origin of the Word, Egypt"

Over the millenniums, Egypt has had many names in many different languages.
Today, its official name is Jumhuriyah Misr al-Arabiyah, which in English means the
Arab Republic of Egypt. Egyptians themselves refer to Egypt as Misr, though this can
also be a name for Cairo. Interestingly, it is common for Egyptians to refer to Egypt
as Misr, if they are resident in Cairo, but if outside of Cairo, then they will refer to
Cairo as Misr. In a certain respect, this is a custom that dates to the earliest times of
ancient Egypt.
Basically, we can examine three groups of names which have applied to Egypt.
In the early period of Egypt, during the Old Kingdom, Egypt
Was referred to as Kemet (Kermit), or simply Kmt , which means the Black land.
They called themselves "remetch en Kermet", which means the "People of the Black
Land". The term refers to the rich soil found in the Nile Valley and Delta. But it was
also sometimes referred to as Deshret, or dshrt
, Which refers to the "Red Land", or deserts of which Egypt is mostly comprised.
Later, Egyptians referred to their country as "Hwt-ka-Ptah" (Ht-
ka-Ptah, or Hout-ak Ptah) , which means "Temple for Ka of Ptah", or more properly,
"House of the Ka of Ptah" Ptah was one of Egypt's earliest Gods. As in modern
Egypt, this was both a name for the administrative centre of Egypt, what we call
Memphis today, as well as the name of the country as a whole.
Egypt, as many people of the world refer to the country today, is a derivative of this
ancient name. Even today, people who speak one language often change the
spelling of words in another

With Phoenicia is not like that The ancient word Phoenicia sounds something
like our english word Canaan in both the Hebrew portion of the bible as well as the
Greek portion of the bible The Translator knew that Phoenicia and Canaan
were the same place just in two different languages, but since the name recorded in
the bible didt change much from the Old Testament to The New Testament they
simply transliterated it, rather translated it as was done with the case of Egypt
The Capital of Canaan was Tyre in the bible, And the Bible refers to the Capital of
Canaan as Tire Chapter 28 of Ezekiel is a direct acree against Satan in which
he is referred to as The king of Tyre to anyone that doesnt want to accept that
Canaan was the Ruling world Empire at one time they are countless articles at any
Library or look up online which will indicate this.

Phoenicia to this day is recognised as one of the greatest sea powers to ever exist
and the bible confirms this at Isaiah 23:8 Tyre is called the bestower of Crowns
meaning worlds empire!! The Empire of Canaan, did not in fact dictate the
rulership of other nations and secular history confirms this The Empire referred to
over a hundred times as Canaan in the Bible is the same Empire that secular history
refers to as Phoenicia

We humans refer to Presidents, Kings, Popes and Industrialist and Prime ministers
as the rulers of this earth because they are the ones with all power to tell people
like us what to do, But in the bible Angles are called the kings of the earth,
because they are the ones that tell the Presidents, Popes, kings, Prime Ministers
what to actually do The Angles that are in Power right now are the ones that

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follow Satan Jude referred to them as the Angles that forsook their proper dwelling

Revelation 5:10 said that after the Resurrection - Jesus, as well as the Angles that
followed him, will be the kings of the earth and in 1st Corinthians 15:24 says That
they will remain in that position until Jesus hands rulership back over to his father
after the 1000 years reign .. Only then does it truly become and not before
Gods Kingdom.

Another means the Churches use to employ more confusion to us about the identity
of angel is to confuse us about who are actually Angels and who are actually Human
which Ill now try and explain in Regards to Sodom and Gomorrah

Satans empire and his propaganda program known in the as Bible as Babylon the
great as used this confusion to keep man canned in spiritual darkness for
thousands of years, since all of the actual combat in this war takes place between
the angels that follow Jesus and those fallen Angels that follow Satan confusing us
about which is which and who is who has proven to be extremely effective means of
keeping us from discovering what the Bible is truly actually all about

One way to cover up the identity of many of the angels in the Bible is to make it
appear as though they are humans this is not as difficult as you might think,
because in the bible a distinction it's often quite subtle.

Hebrew 13:2 says that some humans have spent time with angels unaware that they
were angels, and the churches of Christendom have exploited this subtly many times
in order to mislead and abuse the fine Shepherds sheep in the distant past the
Bible spoke of angels both good and bad having the ability to somehow appear
inhuman foam, and in Jesus's day we are told about Demon possession if good
angels and that lintels are both angels in the Bible specifically say that bad in Joes
can control it least influence a persons behaviour then it stands to reason that good
in Jules also add the ability to influence humans behaviour.

In fact it appears from the words of Jesus in Matthew 12:43-45 and also Luke
11:24-26 .. That this is in fact the case, this was at least because back in Jesuss
day, and I've never really found a scripture yet to indicate that this situation has
changed however, from Jesus's words is appears that a person can only be
manipulated by good angel or bad angels but also that person least in part can
choose which angels are permitted to do this in any case most accounts in the Bible
reveals enough details about the characters involved to determine if there are in fact
humans or angels.

I'll give you an example so that you can see for yourself just now easy a religionist
can twist a bible teaching about angels to suit their agenda

In chapter 18 and 19, of the Book of Genesis. The Bible says that Jehovah, Took
note of Abraham, in some versions of the Bible where we are told that Jehovah
appeared to Abraham, however that is somewhat misleading there is nothing in the
original Hebrew that would indicate that Jehovah made any kind of appearance,

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Anyway in any case after saying that Jehovah took note of Abraham, it's immediately
says that Abraham looked up and saw three men, there are several Hebrew and
Greek words that render as men and the English version of the bible. In Hebrew
the word Adam is the word that we most often think of as man, However the word
Adam is really more like our word Human.

The word that is rendered as man here is not Adam but i-now-wsh (sounds like)
which means Males - And would be applied to both spirit male of fleshy males
These men are also called Angles, However the Hebrew word is rendered
Angels is actually Mal-lac (sounds like) is accurately translated as Messenger
this word is also used throughout the bible, but it too is used to describe both spirit
creature which are acting as messages, and humans that are also acting as

So really none of these words can be used to determine whether these men are in
fact spirit males are human males

But there is a very easy way to figure out which is which.

1st) I guess the first way, pray for understanding.

2nd) concentrate on removing all you ever being told about the bible and start
reading it for yourself with a clear mind.
3rd) read the bible for yourself without anything else, just as it is you don't need
anything else to compliment it.

At first it will be confusing probably very confusing like it was for me, and still is
because you still comparing to things you think you knew, but after reading it a few
times maybe several times and Itll start making more sense But after some time
the Bibles narrative will become increasingly easy, and once you start to understand
it without other influences then there is nothing a religionist can do that will be able to
fool you again

In the account Abraham feeds the 3 men veil, bread, milk and curds. - nowhere in
the Bible does it say that angels cannot eat, and nowhere in the Bible does it says
that angels have wings either Anyway, we still don't know if these men are angels
are Demons, but two of the men after eating travelled to Sodom and after entering
Lots house, the men and women of Sodom surrounded and demand Lot to bring
these men out so that they can have sex with them the men in Lots house
miraculously strike all the men attacking the house blind then drag Lot and his
family out of Sodom and cause fire and sulphur to rain down on everything which is
within the promised land, except for one Zoar

Lot was able to reason with these men that Zoar is not large enough to qualify as a
city, so the men spare Zoar, I decision which Lot will regret later

Once we have read all these facts of this account, we can easily conclude that these
three men were spirits, as Massagers they could be either Humans or Angles?
However the message that they were delivering was from God, The Bible repeatedly

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makes the point that spirit messages at the ability to travel back and forth between
heaven and earth but humans do not!

These miraculously blinded all the men of Sodom, and called down fire and sulphur
on all the cities of the promised land. - there is nothing in the Bible that would lead us
to believe that human at these abilities at that time, the people of Sodom were
unreasonably driven to rape these two angels that entered Lots house, However,
there is absolutely nothing at all in the Scriptures to indicate one way or another if
they were heterosexual are homosexual, or some kind of combination there is also
nothing recorded in the Bible that would lead us to believe that they were sexually
interested in one another, lots are even Lots two daughters However, we are told
only of there unnatural desire to have sex with these angels, although the account
specifically says that The men were trying to break into the house in the original
Hebrew it uses the word am ( Strong number 5971) which actually means All the
people both male and females to describe, who were waiting for the angels to be
dragged out by these man!

Strong's Concordance
am: folk
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: am
Phonetic Spelling: (am)
Short Definition: folk

The folk meaning both men and woman - all the people

In the original Hebrew this account is clearly about the men of Sodom was trying to
drag these Angels out of Lots house to force them to have sex with the woman of
Sodom! - Not for them, they were only trying to break the door down to help drag
them out for the woman.

No doubt weve all heard the story and the reason behind this story told as youve
probably guested, the religious version of the story is different from the actual story
about our God rained fire and sulphur on a city full of gay men when theres
nothing mentioned about their sexuality, this version of the story doesnt make sense
And if it doesn't make sense then you need to look at the original translation or at
very least the interpretation to figure out why this is

In the 3 thousand years of human history recorded in the bible, prior to this account
human sexuality is never at all once mentioned in the bible, nor would of being if this
account wasnt misinterpreted, Im not saying that homosexuality is approved by
Jehovah, nor does it or doesnt it break natural law What Im telling you is up until
this point in the bible, other then the command to be fruitful & multiply -there was no
mention of any restrictions regarding human sexuality had ever even come up with
one exception Prior to the flood the bible records that humans were having sexual
relations with Angels and their children called Nepheline were being produced from
these sexual acts, the bible specifically says at Genesis 6:11 - that this practice was
leading to a violent ruining of Gods planet, the bible narrative is not a nonsensical
collection of unrelated stories about ancient superstitions - But is in fact a written
history of the world governed by a level of continuity that as never equaled by any
other book ever written The bible says that Lot even offered to sacrifice his two

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daughters to the maniacs of Sodom to stop them from committing this great badness
against Jehovah, in fact the way that this story is presented Lot actually begged
the citizens of Sodom to not do this act -Does it really seem logical that a father
would be willing to have a crowd rape his children, one by one in front of him.. rather
rape some men that hes only just met that day??

Heres where the continuity that Im speaking of comes into play Lot would have
been very aware how vicious the nepheline where and now terrible life before the
flood had become, Hence why Jehovah destroyed everyone apart from 8 people (
thats 8 people out of thousands if not Millions) Not only would he have heard stories
about the world before the flood, but also stories directly from one of the flood
survivors, Lots great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great
GrandfatherSham .

Sham, was one of Noahs sons he had actually help build and construct the ark with
his father and two brothers, and were still very much alive when Sodom was
destroyed, Abraham, Lot and Sham would have all lived in the relatively close
proximity to one another in the promise land, and were very much aware of one
another present, Lot would of understood that God brought the flood in order to stop
the breed of the Nepheline, and he knew that God would do something equally if not
even more dramatic if any attempt was ever made again to bring Nepheline back.

The reason what I think its important to point all this out, is so that you can see how
easy it is to be manipulated by religionist, if you are unaware of the subtle difference
between angels and Humans or the significance of Angels in the bible narrative

Nearly everyone that has ever visited a place of worship believe that the story of
Sodom and Gomorra, is about God hatred towards homosexuals, when in fact this
account has absolutely nothing to do with that at all - loosely translated the words
fornication means socially unacceptable or illegal sex in our society the word
of fornication means sex between two people who are not legally licensed by the
government or state to have sex but none of the Hebrew and Greek words that we
translate as fornication in the bible, could be defined in this way, almost every word
in the bible that we translate as fornication means sexual intimacy between
humans and angels - including the Scripture found at 1st Corinthians 6: 9-10

Such sex acts would have broken Gods law, also known as natural law later when
the nation of Israel entered into covenant law with Jehovah, the word that we
translate as fornication were used to describe acts of sexual intimacy between
humans in that covenant with humans in satans covenant.

In the New Testament there is one example at 1st Corinthians 5:12 about a word
we translate as fornication being used to describe conduct that was illegal under
that covenant law of Moses is recorded at Leviticus 18:8 - however at that time the
covenant law of Moses was still in effect.

The point being at Jude 1:7 the bible say, That Sodom was condemned because of
fornication and going after other flesh depending on when the book of Jude was
written this example of fornication could have been referring to either illegal sex act

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under covenant law or sex between an Angel and human but the phrase other
flesh means Other then Human .

I know that some bibles also say that the people of Sodom after Strange flesh but
the word which is translated as strange flash is Heterosis and appears in the
bible 99 times, and 98 of those times 99 occurrences it is always translated as
other others or another - this particular scripture is the only time that the
translators chose to render it as strange in a rather weak attempt to cover over
the fact that Sodom was condemned for going after none human flesh, Jude says
the people of Sodom was going after hetero flesh - Meaning other flesh.

In the original coin greek this phrase cannot in anyway indicate that the men of
Sodom were condemned for going after the flesh of men, such an act would be
described as going after the same flesh What in Greek would be Ko-
Tows (sounds like) flesh, not hetero flesh.

The flesh of a male human and the flesh of another male human would be b-hut-tos
( sounds like) flesh, Linguistically the passage in the book of Jude in its original coin
Greek could never be translated in anyway that would describe a homo-sexual act,
In fact our english word for sex between a man and a woman is Hetero - sexual. -
the word heterosexual is based on the fact that a mens gender is different to that of
a woman's gender.

The fact that the Bible specifically says that Sodom was condemned for going after
Other sex could never be twisted to mean that they where destroyed for
participating what we consider being heterosexuality - which is sex between Man
and Woman.

The account of Sodom and Gomarah is recorded in the book of Genesis, the very
same book that records the command to be fruitful and multiply - from the same God
that commanded men to be fruitful and multiply - is in fact, the same God that had
Sodom and Gomorah destroyed. - God does not destroy people for following his

It is very obvious from the bibles account that none of the original nepheline
survived the global deluge and it also seems that the wicked angels were no longer
able to produce any more offspring, which I'll explain very soon

Taking all this into consideration the most logical explanation for this very unique
group of Scriptures would be that the citizens of Sodom, was trying to re-establish
the pre-flood civilisation with a new group of nepheline, produced through the rape
are these loyal angels - This information may be new to you, but these are the facts
behind the actual story.

But what we are taught in either churches are other places of worship, these
teachings really don't match the original accounts as recorded in the original
ancient texts of the bible at all.

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I am reasonably certain that most people understand at least to some degree that
these two men were in fact angels, but religions of the world have blurred the
significance of this fact with just enough Satanic propaganda to confuse us, about
the actual meaning of this account a religious trend that has popped up over the
last century or so, and is gaining more popularity is the belief that the nepheline are
still around.. There are some English versions of the Bible that can be interpreted to
make it appear this is at least possible but in the original Hebrew and Greek texts
that our English versions are supposed to be based upon, this is not at the case.

At the beginning the nepheline were their hybrid offspring of angels that are immortal
and humans that are mortal it is possible that the spirit part of the nepheline survived
in the spirit world, these could even be the spirit creatures that possessed humans
back in Jesus's day, and maybe doing so in our day with you even though all the
time.. But personally I just don't know and I'm not aware of anything in our bible to
confirm this or deny such a belief. - the reintroduction of the nepheline after the flood
and even in our day maybe taking place somewhere, but once again I just don't
know, such a belief is simply not expressed in the Bible, so until I see presidents,
Queens and prime ministers being replaced by these men with physical attributes
that are significantly different to that of the human, I'll just stick to my opinion that the
nepheline I no longer ruling the Earth as they once were prior to the flood. - at least
not in the same manner as the pre-flood nepheline.

Some accounts of human spirit interaction in the bible are very easy to catch
because they are not words and phrases that are used to describe humans, and
words which could never be used to describe angels such as man born of woman
and likewise there are words and phrases that are used to describe angels that are
never used to describe humans, such as Sons of the true God

The translators of our English version of the Bible took it upon themselves to decide
if an Angel was a human or not, by translating the Hebrew and Greek from
messages as all of the time as messages and the overall of the time as angels, it
purposely became confusing. So please keep in mind when reading the bible and
you see the word messenger or even the word Angel just stop and think about
what's going on in that situation and text, and determined for yourself if this is in fact
a human messenger or a Spirit messenger is this messenger is it all to walk
through walls and rain down on fire there is a pretty good chance that is the spirit
messenger and not a human messenger.

Unlike the Old Testament the New Testament makes it very clear distinction between
who is an Angel and who is the Human Many people believe that the old
Testament and the new Testament are different because the New Testament is about
Jesus while the old Testament is not about Jesus this is just another lie you get
told, which theyve used for thousands of years to manipulate you both books are
all linked together and are about the war between Satan's empire known has
civilisation and Gods kingdom the only distinction between them both is that the
original books, The Old Testament was written in Hebrew while The New Testament
was written in Coin Greek.

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While the Hebrew word for messenger malak ( sounds like) can either mean
human messenger are a spirit messenger The coin Greek as two distinctive
words for messenger apostolos (sounds like) which means Human messenger
and aggelos (ang-el-os) which means spirit messenger.

This is where we get our english word apostle and angel but you will not find
any english version of the bible that stays true in its translation of the two words
you have to use a concordance to see the original word for yourself, translators
seem to randomly translate these words as messenger, apostle or angel but, in
fact these translations are not that all random the inconsistencies in these
translations are by design to manipulate you just like all the other misinterpretations,
and missed translations perpetrated by the religions of Babylon the great.

These tricks are being used to conceal the actual theme of the Bible, as well as to
perpetrate certain Satanic doctrinal myths regarding the significance of the 12 man
he was in Jesuss inner circle.

Prior to the flood, humans may have known the angels by name, they would have
come to know their individual love and hates, and they would of known what they
looked like But there isn't any reason to think that those people would have
understood the workings of the angels digestive system for instance, or how they
were able to travel back-and-forth from Heaven and earth so, we shouldn't think
that we could know such information from reading about angels, in fact I am not
really able to understand why we are so curious about such things, but often people
are driven to learn more than what they really need to know and reach the
conclusions about things that they cannot prove.

Each and everyone one of us wakes up every morning with a desire not to work,
and just to pay bills and rent, and whatever else we need to pay to get through the
week or month, when ever we go away, we all wish and hope that we could just stay
on holiday, and even when we do get back we are soon wishing that we were away
on holiday again I think deep down we all have natural desire to live in a world
where we can live in a natural world, eat natural food, never have to work and just
chill and enjoy all the natural wonders that are within this planet we call home
without all the unnecessary stress and hassle which we have today This is now
life once was, but life like this is no longer possible for the moment So as a
substitute to these natural instinctive desires, we cower inside of structure is
designed to protector us from the harsh heat and cold whether that civilisation has
done to this planet

We engage in whatever foam of sexual release is comfortable to us, We destroy our

bodies by consuming mass produced processed food, and we work in harsh slavery
conditions for the most part of our working lives, we are given a minimum wage,
which might as well be a ball and chain, and provided with entertainment known as a
TV so that things seem better, and we are enslaved to work for most of out
waking lives to make other people richer just so we can afford the privilege of living
like this Others engage in shopping, gambling, Sports, pornography, drug abuse
both legal and illegal, alcoholism the list could go on and on

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There are many unnatural things that we as humans use to help us deal with the
stresses and burdens of this unnatural world which we didnt have a choice of been
born into this is why the bible says That ALL men have sinned and ALL fell short
of the glory of God

Jehovah hates all of these unnatural things equally whether that's playing
competitive sports or watching porn but he also recognises that we are all made
of dust and water Dealing with our own short comings is enough to keep us all
busy But the short comings of anybody else isnt our busy But the creator knows
and acknowledges our situation - None of us was asked to be born into this world
He doesn't expect us to be perfect, in an unperfected world.

This is in fact this is a bible teaching that comes up over and over again throughout
its pages

Very soon the earth will be returning back to state very similar, if not better to that
which existed on the day when Jehovah said Everything is very good

At this point sin will probably no longer appeal to the most of us when that takes
place we will probably all have a close relationship with those beings that God
choose as Messages and perhaps if you've ever got a question about one of them
probably ask one, for now the information about them that is recorded in the bible is
all we need in order to with a clear understanding of truth and for now its enough.

But even before the earth is restored The bible says at Acts 2:17

your sons and daughters will prophesy, see visions and have dreams

The bible also says at Amos 3:7 God does not do anything unless he first reveals it
to his prophets

So who are the Prophets well if the Angels deliver messages to humanity, then it
would be safe top say that prophets are the humans you receive these messages.

Some very powerful prophets are mentioned in the bible by name, but they are not
the only prophets, the bible speaks of many without even mentioning there names or
giving any details about what they did that qualified them to be prophets Many of
the prophets mentioned in the bible or men, but woman too was also called prophets
the Angels delivered messages to a group of people called in the bible known as
Sears The first people that were actually called prophets appeared on the
scene just before the Babylonian conquest of the promised land, and you can see in
the bible for yourself that during Jesuss days those doing his work known as the
Apostles - where both groups of Men and Woman delivering these messages about
some kind of change that was going to happen as a direct act of God which Ill
start getting into now

Snakes, Goats, Scorpions, Birds and Dinosaurs

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We have already talked about the difference between humans and angels, and as
the religionist try to blur the line between the two, and this also the case when it
comes to the differences between animals and Angels.

Bible truth is very easy to understand but only if you read it in its pure form without
any preconceived ideas, The religionist of the world don't want you to figure this out
because they know that if you understood the Bible you wouldn't pay much attention
to them, Power is like a drug, and religious leaders are no different then economic
and political leaders, it's not about the money!

A major key to Bible understanding, is understanding what is going on in the spirit

realm, as I've mentioned before the theme of the Bible is the war between satans
Empire and Gods kingdom the war between the angels and Demons, if you prefer
the war between creation and civilisation - the outcome of this war is going to change
everything that you ever thought you knew about the world around you, on the
surface it seems as if our very existence and in the balance, however the outcome of
this war as already being determined the final battle of this war is about to be
fought and if you wish to choose sides you really need to be able to tell the bad guys
from the good guys The religious leaders of the Empire have invested huge
amounts of resources into keeping us ignorant about this war, because they know if
they can keep us all confused about Gods word and is correct purpose for all
mankind, we are more likely to side with them on their war against the creator.

Before we start getting into depth, I think is important to understand one of the
methods that the churches and other places of worship use to confuse us and that
involves translation, most of us believe that a translator is someone that takes a
body of text in a different language, and produces an identical body of text in a
different language to the one that has just been translated Word for Word, I don't
want to be perceived as splitting hairs but that is not entirely the truth are accurate
Word for Word translations of the Bible wouldnt be easy to understand as an
example here is the word for word translation of the scripture we are all familia with

1)Like this certainly love the god the earth, that a unique son he gave us a gift, that
collectively understanding unto themselves not destruction but the possessing of life

Now heres the same version or the same Scripture in the King James version

2) for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, so that whoever
believeth in him, should not perish but have everlasting life

Another version based on the same scripture of body of text man says something
like this.

3) Gods Love for the earth, was such, that he was willing to give his unique son as
gift So that we could stop having faith in death, but instead have faith in
everlasting life.
Both of these verses of this Scripture have the potential to be accurate renderings of
the original text into English, but they import two completely different conflicting

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ideas the first one said we can have everlasting life But only if we believe in
While the second one said, that Jesus came so that we might/could believe in
everlasting life?

So out of the translator decide which first represents the original thought that God
wanted to express. It looks at the scripture and interprets which version best
matches the rest of the bible as he or she perceives it, if a translator believe that the
Bible that the overall message is that only members of Christendom's Churches can
have everlasting life, that is translation might resemble the King James version, but if
the translator believes the bibles overall message that Jesus died for all mankind
then its rendering might sound like 3rd one which I made up

This was just an example, Im just trying to get the point across, it all depends on the
person doing the translating and their circumstances, they might not understand
words so they put their ideas in the text or something that they can relate too, or
something they strongly believe in regardless to whether its correct or not, we just
don't know the circumstances around that people who was translating the text,
whether its to suit there needs or suit someone elses needs Are in most cases
they do this on purpose to stop as finding something else out?

Another point Im trying to get across Is there a big difference between translation
and interpretation, and that difference is why people who work in the field of
translating are called interpreters.

Flawed interpretations are the key factor to why none believers are always accusing
the bible of contradicting itself, and this why now I was always check the text if
something doesnt make that much sense, against the original text in either the
original Hebrew or Greek - so that you can examine the translation of the
contradictory verse.

Any religious doctrines can be supported by most scriptures Ive found if needed, But
no religious doctrines has the support of bible at all - I think that that is one reason
why God made the bible so big - if the rulers of the empire decided for example that
one day they weren't enough people for carnal warfare then all they have to do is call
up on all the religions sub rulers to peach a little more, miss use Scriptures, and
encourage more innocent citizens into joining army or military, based on the fact it
says so, and it's pleasing to God and that God is with them, and there are enough
misinterpreted scriptures available in our english translations to support such an

I know that it may seem as if this concept is too difficult and seems very hard work
for us to grasp, But most of all mistranslations are so contradictory and so obvious
that they only thing stopping us and keeping us from just figuring that out ourselves
is a combination of two things that being our busy life styles today and years of
religious propaganda.

One method they always use is to confuse us is to translate a word in its proper
name, when it should instead be a translation as a descriptive noun or at least

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understood as such a good example of what I'm talking about would be the word
And in a hebrew the word Sham means Reputation so it says the bible

let us build a tower with its top in the heavens, so that we can make a great
Sham for ourselves

We would obviously translate this word so that it says

lets make a great reputation for ourselves or name for ourselves

But in another scripture from the same book of Genesis, we read that the name of
Noahs son was Sham And english bibles interpreter would not translate this
Scripture to say that the name of Noahs son was name but they would instead
transliterated. This would be so that the scripture says That the name of Noahs son
was Sham. - But its absolutely essential that we understand that Shams name
actually means reputation or name - if we are going to understand shams
significance to the role that he played in bible history.

When the translation of the word is based on its meanings, its called a translation,
but when a translation is based on the sound of a word it is called Transliteration

Choosing to wether to translate a word or Transliterate a word can completely

change the theme or meaning of that body of text, giving the overall theme a whole
different theme or meaning towards the end it will either send you onto a different
path or completely confuse you to what the story is about or the purpose of the entire
text. - But regardless of which option a translator chooses their responsibility to use
discernment still falls on that person doing the reading

Anyone wishing to get a deeper understanding of the Bible needs to understand at

least the basics of Bible translation Preaches, Priests, Elders, Ministers, and other
such ambassadors of the empires religious system will use any means that they can
to control us, they are masters of deception and manipulation However once you
become aware off there tricks they will no longer have any power over you with
these basic principles we can learn a lot about the Bible was the churches don't want
to know today, and in many cases they themselves are just teaching what theyve
been told without any understanding too.

We are going to use this basic understand of translation combined with just two
Scriptures to expose a whole bunch of truth about Angels, that Satan has been
keeping secrets for thousands of years in Genesis 3: 14-15

The bible says at Genesis 3: 14-15

1) Then Jehovah God said to the serpent, Because you have done this, you are
the cursed one out of all the domestic animals and out of all the wild animals of the
field. On you're belly you will go, and you will eat dust all the days of your life. And I

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will put enmity between you and the woman and between your offspring and her
offspring. He will crush your head, and you will strike him in the heel.

And the 2nd scripture can be found at Revelation 12: 7-10 which says,

2) 7 And war broke out in heaven: Michael and his angels battled with the
dragon, and the dragon and its angels battled 8 but they did not prevail, nor was a
place found for them any longer in heaven. 9 So down the great dragon was
hurled, the original serpent, the one called Devil and Satan, who is misleading the
entire inhabited earth; he was hurled down to the earth, and his angels were hurled
down with him. 10 I heard a loud voice in heaven say:

Now have come to pass the salvation and the power and the Kingdom of our God
and the authority of his Christ, because the accuser of our brothers has been hurled
down, who accuses them day and night before our God!

These two scriptures are probably the single most important keys to bible
understanding found in the entire bible for several reasons

The 1st scripture describes the beginning - The war between the Angels and

While the 2nd scripture describes events that will take place near to the end of this

Quite a few words used occur over and cover agin, alone and in combination with
one another to identify Satan, as well as his Angels that follow him.

The 1st scripture was originally written in ancient Hebrew language while the 2nd
scripture was originally written in ancient Greek, which then gives us the ability to
see the continuity of the story, as well as the individuals involved in two different
languages. And for the most part Most people are completely unaware just how
important these two Scriptures to understanding what the bible is actually all about
and combined with the fact that each and every word is incredibly important, in both
of these scriptures Let me try and explain why, We are told that Satan is a
serpent, the Hebrew and greek words translated as Serpent or Seraph (Sounds
like) and ophis (of-is) (sounds like) - Greek.

Most of the scriptures use these words seem to be speaking about Demons, many
say that these words actually mean sneak, but I dont see believe that is the case
I dont believe that Ophis is the greek equivalent of the Hebrew word Seraph .
It is more likely that the word Ophis (sounds like) is used to describe a fleshy
creature that is more like our word Reptile.

The Hebrew word that is used Seraph is more like the Greece word
Drukon (sounds like)

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I will explain more about this shortly, On at least one occasion Jesus called the
religious leaders of the empire the offspring of serpents and snakes, so there is a
relationship between the two words, but seeing scriptures about snakes and reptiles
doesnt mean that such scriptures are always actually about demons, because the
bible also speaks of fleshy creatures that we call snakes such as the one that is
mentioned for example that bite Paul in Acts 28:3 - But in this scripture it does not
say that Paul was bitten by a serpent, but by that of a snake or viper depending
which bible you happen to use. Paul was most likely not bitten by a wicked Angle,
that means that even though the word Seraph often appears means that of a

We still have to look at the surrounding scriptures to make final determination as to

whether or not this scripture is referring to a wicked Angle or fleshy animal - What
is important is that we understand that most scriptures that mention serpents, snakes
and vipers or even reptiles are actually referring to wicked Angles in most cases. -
Which then youll start to realising that the Bible is actually referring more about
Angels then is actual about humans Youll stop perceiving this book about silly
rules for humans to obey

At Luke 10:19 it says

Look! I have given you the authority to trample underfoot serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing at all will harm you.

The translators and the churches always render this in such away as to make it
appear that it is speaking about the fleshy creatures that we call snakes, and
because of this there are quite a few of Christendoms cults that teach the true
christians cant be harmed by poisonous snakes Because, this scripture speaks
of snakes in conjunction with scorpions it is just assumed by everyone that since
scorpions are fleshy creatures, Then snakes must be fleshly creatures as well.

However, this scripture isnt just about snakes and scorpions, but also about the
enemy, in the bible the only person specifically called or referred to as The Enemy
is Satan himself.

So what do scorpions have to do with serpents and Satan? It involves the 1st
scripture which is mentioned at Genesis 3:15 - were it says, that he shall wound
you in the heel

In this scripture the ancient Hebrew word for heel is aw-kabe (sounds like) The
ancient word for scorpion is Ak-rawb only difference from Ak qeb (sounds like)
by one letter, because the Hebrew word for scorpion means heel wounder

Strong's Concordance - Hebrew

aqeb: heel, footprint, hind part
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: aqeb
Phonetic Spelling: (aw-kabe')
Short Definition: heel

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Strong's Concordance - Hebrew
aqrab: scorpion
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: aqrab
Phonetic Spelling: (ak-rawb')
Short Definition: scorpions

Luke 10:19 Is a direct reference to Genesis 3:15 and would of being understood
by Jesuss listeners as I am giving you the power to tread on Satan, and his heel
wounder and his serpents

Another scripture that confirms this at be seen at 1st Kings 12:11

At one time Solomon was the ruler of Israel before he died he had turned from
worshipping Jehovah, to worship of wicked angels which led to him becoming
extremely oppressive, when he died his son Re-ho-bo-am" became king, so people
petitioned for Re-ho-bo-am to be kinder then his father had been, So Re-ho-bo-am
responded sarcastically

The way that most interpreters render this scripture does not make sense, At 1st
Kings 12:11 Re-ho-bo-am says My father whips did punish.. but I, with scorpions
will punish

The people of Israel would have understood that Rehoboam was actually saying
was unlike my father who punished them by wounding their backs, Rehoboam would
punish them by wounding there heels - They also would have understood that
Rehoboam was formally announcing his allegiance with the demons.

Strong's Concordance - Greek

skorpios: a scorpion
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: skorpios
Phonetic Spelling: (skor-pee'-os)
Short Definition: a scorpion
Definition: a scorpion.

If the Hebrew word Ak-rawb and the Greek word Skorpios actually means
scorpion. - It does not mean scorpion anywhere in the scriptures/bible. I have
looked up, and read every scripture that contains the word scorpion, and have not
found single scriptures that uses this word to mean any kind of fleshy creatures so
now we know about even more Angels mentioned in bible, that the religions of the
world have been trying to hide from us, which Ill explain later too

The next lot of Animals that they also hide from us the correct meaning for goats - In
our english bibles wicked angels are also referred to as goats, and this can also be
for people who may follow him too.

Such as in the particular disturbing misinterpretation of the scripture at Isaiah 13:21

The desert creatures will lie down there;

Their houses will be filled with eagle owls, The ostriches will reside there,

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And wild goats, will skip about there. - New word translation.

And from the King James version reads

But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful
creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.

Which I came across while looking up other things researching some scriptures
That these creatures are called Demons and I also saw that they were also
referred to goats too, even as goat idols - But then I noticed different bibles referred
to them in different way some even as goat shaped demons, so then I decided to
take a look at the original language these texts, to see why there is so much
confusion which, is now all this came about, I was actually reaching Matthew 25
and 1st Corinthians 6 to see their original texts, which I will mention soon.

The Actual Hebrew word Satyr and is also closely related to the word
Satar (sounds like) which means to Bring terror - No bible consistently translate
this word the same way from start to finish - Just the King James version alone
translates it differently from the New world translation Ive also seen in all other
bibles the following terms kid goat ,Hairy rough,Devil ,He-goat and Se-ir or

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance

devil, goat, hairy, kid, rough, satyr
Or sabir {saw-eer'}; from sa'ar; shaggy; as noun, a he-goat; by analogy, a faun -- devil, goat,
hairy, kid, rough, satyr.
see HEBREW sa'ar

NAS Exhaustive Concordance


Word Origin
from the same as sear
NASB Word Usage
hairy (3), shaggy (2).


Word Origin
from the same as sear
male goat, buck
NASB Word Usage
goat (6), goat* (1), goats (3), male (25), male goat (9), male goats (1).

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Word Origin
from the same as sear
a satyr, demon
NASB Word Usage
demons (1), satyrs (1).

8163 - all mean the same, just translated differently.

Genesis 37:31

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when you click on the right hand column on Sear This brings up this ( see below)
The original hebrew translate it as Iz-zim - Click onto this and you get this Strong's
izzm: female goat
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Noun Feminine
Transliteration: ez
Phonetic Spelling: (aze)
Short Definition: goat

Genesis 37:31 users the word Si-er in conjunction with the hebrew translation for
female goat When it says that they killed sear of the female goats I am certain
from this particular usage that the phase isnt Husbandry term I also think that it is
unnecessary to translate this word.

The word Si-er is where we get our english word today Sire which still in usage
today. That is why we still call a stud animal sire and its ancient custom to call ruler
of satans empire Sire for this very reason.

noun: sire; plural noun: sires
1 1.
the male parent of an animal, especially a stallion or bull kept for breeding."the sire is one of the country's top
thoroughbred stallions"

2 2.
a respectful form of address for someone of high social status, especially a king.
a father or other male forebear.

verb: sire; 3rd person present: sires; past tense: sired; past participle: sired; gerund or present participle: siring
1 1.
be the male parent of (an animal)."Castor twice sired two champions in a litter"

(of a person) be the father of."his father had just that measure of talent which so often sires a genius"


Middle English (in sense 2 of the noun): from Old French, from an alteration of Latin senior (see senior). Sense 1 of the noun
dates from the early 16th century.

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King Jame himself would have insisted on being addressed as sire when he filled
that position.

Just as is the case with other animal demons which we already mentioned-reading
about a Sire (sear) or Goat in the bible, does not necessarily mean a demon or
Goat and sires many times in reference to fleshy animals that we are familia with
that are actually goats and stud animals.. so just as any other demon that are
referenced as animals, we have to look at the context,

So lets look at Isaiah 13:21

And before I offend you, just keep an open mind and look it up for yourself and
please use a Lexicon and concordance and see for yourself Im not lying to you,
trying to shock you or offend you. However the Bible is Gods word and its not bound
by civilisations rules on politeness and political correctness speech.

But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful
creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there. (KJV)

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The desert creatures will lie down there; Their houses will be filled with eagle
owls.The ostriches will reside there, And wild goats will skip about there. (NWT)

Ok, 1st - The ancient Hebrew, Owl doesnt appear anywhere in this scripture, this
word was inserted here to replace the two words that are supposed to be here

So as you can see on the right hand side, the word Owl (255) from an unused word.
Now if you click on 255

Youll find the word that should be here, however its being replaced with the word
Owl so we click on the Hebrew at the top of the page which you cant see on this
so now Ive clicked on Hebrew ( which will show me the original Hebrew)

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We get this page

So from here we click on . strongs - 1st column in from the left on Owl [1323*]
* strong code. - the word we are clicking on is b-n-w

Then we get this ( little different from Owls)

Strong's Concordance
bath: daughter
Original Word:
Part of Speech: noun feminine; feminine; proper name, feminine
Transliteration: bath
Phonetic Spelling: (bath)
Short Definition: daughter

So once again, we can see how the churches have hide what the scripture is actually about,
those two are Bath meaning Daughters of humans

b-n-w - which is the word weve just translated = Daughters of men

ya--nh, (10th down 2nd row) - Being an unknown word describing some
predatory bird, the translators rather transparent explanation is that the daughters of
birds must be owls? Some argue that its Ostriches other speculate that this
describes some kind of extinct bird, but the exact definition is predatory birds of

ya--nh = Predatory birds of Satan

They are many scripture about wicked entities that we use the word bird, several of
Jesuss parables which spoke of birds are obviously about Demons, or Demonic

Anytime we see the word Owl or Ostrich in modern bibles you should keep in
mind that the actual english translation should be the daughters of men that are
dedicated to the birds

It may be even more accurate to translate this phase as The daughters of men
that are dedicated to the sons of the demons

It also needs to be understood that the word dance, it's not at all the word dance,

y-raq-q-- [7540] - shall dance

Englishman's Concordance
yraqq- 1 Occurrence
Isaiah 13:21
NAS: and shaggy goats will frolic there.
KJV: there, and satyrs shall dance there.
INT: Ostriches and shaggy will frolic there-frolic

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verb: frolic; 3rd person present: frolics; past tense: frolicked; past participle: frolicked;
gerund or present participle: frolicking
1 1.
play or move about in a cheerful and lively way."Edward frolicked on the sand"
2 synonyms:
3 frisk, gambol, cavort, caper, cut capers, sport, scamper, skip, dance, romp, trip,
prance, leap, spring, hop, jump, bounce, bob; Morerarecurvet, rollick, capriole
"the children frolicked on the sand"

noun: frolic; plural noun: frolics
1 1.
a playful and lively movement or activity."film of her poolside frolics"
2 synonyms:
3 antic, caper, game, romp, stunt, escapade, exploit, revel, spree, sport, fling;
Moreprank, jape;
giggle, laugh;
fun (and games), merrymaking, amusement;
informallark, skylark
"the youngsters enjoyed their frolic

So lets look at the word wild goats or satyr

Strong's Concordance
sa'iyr: devil
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Adjective; noun masculine; noun masculine
Transliteration: sa'iyr
Phonetic Spelling: (saw-eer')
Short Definition: devil

Strong's Concordance
sair: hairy
Transliteration: sair
Short Definition: hairy
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from the same as sear

Sear or Si-er = Male stud Goat ( Referred to as Fallen angel)

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The word fornication as Ive mentioned before - can mean any inmate relationship
between a disloyal angel and human, whether sexual in nature or not I
believe that the Hebrew word that we translate as formation always involves a
sexual act but at this time I can not back up the grammatically but
instances just as this which describes the act of stud goat having sex with the
daughters of men

Their can be no doubt, i do not believe that there is any other word to interpret what
is in effect the ancient hebrew word equivalent to our F word, but since it's a
fact that demon possession of fleshy humans took place back in Jesuss day,
it is possible that these scripture could be speaking of sexual relations, not
necessarily between demons & humans but instead between demon
possessed men and human females. The bible doesnt clearly spell out the
exact details of how such intimate relationships were accomplished only that
they did take place.

A much more accurate translation of this particular scripture once looking at all the
key words and seeing the original hebrew words and there actual meaning
would be . Isaiah 13:21

Their shall dwell the howlers and there families shall be made up
of exiled beasts, and they're the stud goat that ruled shall
stretch out and have sex with the daughters of men that are
dedicated to the children of the wicked angles

And Remember that the word I have translated as have sex is not the same as the
standard Hebrew word for sexual intercourse as found in other scripture but a
slang word.

From start to finish the bible speaks of sexual relations between Male angles and
Human females, such scriptures can be found in Genesis and Revelations
and many of the books in between - I did not really want to speak of this,
because I know its a little disturbing and not what you might expect to find in
the Bible, I'll however, all the facts are there.

Again this is another story related to fallen angels having sexual relations with
human females, and throughout the bible there are loads of stories relating to
this and now Jehovah finds these relationship disgusting.

There are still people that strongly believe that Nepheline either survived the flood or
reappeared on the scene after flood, this information may seem to support
that belief, I personally don't believe that to be so There are many scriptures
that could be used as evidence in support to the nepheline after the flood, and
then again there is evidence to also support, that no such thing could happen
again after the flood and they not did not return.

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But at this point I am not aware of a single scripture that could be said to
prove either assertions all of the proof texts that have been shown to me are
only found in english interpretations of the bible, I feel that the existence of
Nepheline today or in Jesuss day would have been a very big issue and
would have been recored somewhere in the bible in no uncertain terms. - as
you will see towards the end of this, The Demons ( fallen angles ) however
are a big issue and that the whole point and story of the bible .

Throughout the bible narrative these fallen angels are spoken about hundreds
of times if not thousands of times that being the case, there should be some
kind of definitive reference to the Nepheline as well if they were causing
problems after the flood, the fact that the bible speaks of sexual relations
between humans & demons is not proof that offspring was produced after the

The bible does not say that Nepheline did not exist after the flood, but it
doesn't say that they did either, There are stories of taller then average men
recorded in the bible after the flood, but there is not anything in the bible or
the original hebrew and greek texts that would indicate that Nepheline were
taller then humans.

However, in secular history they are images engraved into ancient temples
and buildings and monuments which do indicate such things whether this is
true, who knows, including the finding of there remains.

These are Just 8 photos out of thousands-

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During the time of Moses, its recored that he sent out 10 spies into the land,
And the 10 spies returned saying that was Nepheline still in the land, but
immediately after that the Bible specifically says that those 10 spies was liars.

Jesus specifically called the religious leaders of the jewish people, offspring of
serpents (fallen angel) - if they were from the fleshly offspring of Nepheline,
then that would have made them Nepheline too - but he most likely was
speaking figuratively, Im not trying to avoid taking a stand, However I've
found that if i do take a stand one way or another, on something without very
strong scriptural proof or support-I eventually do find something to support
this, And then I make myself look stupid. I am not able to produce scripturally
any evidence to say that Angels lose their ability to reproduce after choosing
to follow Satan, however we can prove scripturally that's a very profound
physical change does in fact take place in an angel wants to make that
choice, when Satan sinned, he was told because you have done this cursed
how are you above all livestock and all wild animals you will crawl on you're
belly and you will eat dust all of the days of your life. This scripture clearly
shows that some kind of change does or did occur at least with Satan, at
Genesis 3:24 the Bible says that cherubs guided the entrance to the
garden of Eden, without any explanation to what a cherub actually is
throughout the Bible cherubs are mentioned many times and in each instance
it is very obvious that the cherubs are angels that are loyal to Jehovah, at
least at the time that they are mentioned has being cherubs. At Ezekiel 28:14
- the bible refers to Satan as a cherub, but only does so when speaking of his
time in the garden of Eden, prior to his sinning Later in the Bible he is not
referred to as a cherub but as a drakon in Greek.., which would be a
Seraph in Hebrew,

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A Drukons is not a cherub, the word dragon in our English transliteration of the Greek word
Drukon. Drukon is specifically a flying fiery reptile with wings and feet - Some translators
argue that word feet is actually Testicles others debate whether the word fiery is a
reference to an actual fiery red or orange skin colour, or a venomous bite? However in any
case with this basic definition of fiery flying reptile - we can find other dragons in the hebrew
portion of the bible - The word for Dragon in the hebrew portion of the bible is Seraph you
will not find this word in any bible instead this word is always translated as fiery .. fiery
serpent or Seraphim's in the scriptures where this word is recorded as
trasaraph (sounds like)

The churches always try to convince us that Seraphs are good Angles, their explanation is
that since they are spoken of as being in heaven they must be good since the bible clearly
indicates that all angels have the ability to freely travel back and forth between heaven and
earth this explanation is not scripturally supported In the Book of Job, chapter 2 it is
recorded that all of the Angels are gathered around Jehovah including Satan, one of the sins
that the bible accuses Satan of that of setting himself above God, when Isaiah reported
seeing Seraph at Chapter 6:16 ( Isaiah 6:16)

Isaiah 6:16 At that, one of the seraphs flew to me, and in his hand was a
glowing coal that he had taken with tongs from the altar.

he specifically says that the Seraphs are above God - Nowhere in the bible are Cherubs
ever spoken of as being above God, But as always as either beneath are around him, in the
account Ezekiel realises what this vision of me and he becomes horrified, he begins to cry
out that he is a man of unclean lips, and one of the Seraphs sears his tongue with a burning
coal and cells tells him not yo worry about it, also while flying about the Seraphs are
covering their faces, and their feet! The reason to why they are doing this, is to conceal who
they are, where they have been and what they have been doing
This is also why the Christendom as being telling us for 1000s of years that the Seraphs are
good Angels The reasons to why all of Christendom have dedicated so many resources
and so much effort into the concealing of their identities of these wicked angels is because
they are fully dedicated to supporting these wicked angels or Seraphs - The same creatures
are not spoken of in the book of Isaiah, but also spoken of in the Book of Revelation as well,
One feature that makes really difficult for us to believe that these creatures are demons and
not Angles is the fact that the bible says that they continually fly around Gods throne saying
Holy Holy Holy Holy without Rest!

The way that our english Bible depict this makes it seem as if these Seraphs can only be
good angels, what the scriptures are actual convey in the original languages (greek and
hebrew) We can easily see that there is no way that these creatures would qualify as good

The word Holy is a made up word that has no meaning, this word is supposed to be a
translation of words such as hogious and qadosh which mean Set apart or
separated There are many words in the Bible that could be translated as set apart and
separated and they are all used to indicate that something is set apart or separated from
satans Civilisation

To those people that consider ourselves to be set apart - we think of the word Holy And
people dont really seem to get offended when someone tells them that they stand out as
different from world, to most people who are on this path, being different is nothing New
As Adults we may have no desire to compromise our integrity in order to fit in, but can we
truly say that it makes us happy when someone reminders that we are different from them
and we dont fit in like themselves?

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Many religions have songs that refer to being Holy And most places of worship sing
these songs about been Holy Theres a famous Catholic one which is called Holy, Holy
Holy which to anyone singing these songs probably think this sounds a great song to

But when you put this song into original context and translated it into real english this song
would actually sound something like this set apart, set apart, set apart, set apart You
are set apart, You always have been set apart and you will be set apart Same word just
correctly translated .. But you have to admit sounds a little scary and rude and doesn't have
the same feeling and thought?

Seraphs were standing above him; each had six wings. Each covered his face
with two and covered his feet with two, and each of them would fly about with
two. And one called to the other: Holy, holy, holy is Jehovah of armies. The
whole earth is filled with his glory.

To anyone who is set apart

from civilisation its wonderful,
or to the vast majority of
humanity.. civilisation is
wonderful, those calling people
who are set apart from
civilisation are not paying them
a compliment and the Seraphs
that are calling Jehovah set
apart were not paying him a
compliment either The world
Glory at the end is actually
the Hebrew word
kabowd which means

< The word Kabowd

So this scripture should read as follows Set

apart, set apart, set apart is Jehovah of armies,
The whole earth is filled with his inglorious.
(in glory)

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The Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, vol. 2, p. 817, summarises what most
authorities say about qodesh and hagios, " . . . the meaning of 'separation' is
paramount ... the more elemental meaning seems to lie with 'separation'." The same
dictionary, in vol. 4, p.210, says, "The basic sense of the Hebrew root qadash, as of its
Greek equivalent in the Biblehagios, seems to be 'separateness'." Likewise, Vine's
Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words repeatedly emphasises the fact of the
fundamental meaning of the word to be: "separation" (see under "holiness" and
"sanctification"). With the discovery of the true meaning of this word, namely,
separate and separation, we can now understand why qodesh is used in a positive
sense, a good sense, and that it can equally be used in a negative and evil sense.
Someone is, or something is separated unto Yahuweh, or he/it is separated unto evil.
Thus, the word qodesh applies to both.
Why then, if the Hebrew word qodesh as well as the Greek hagios both mean "separation", why
has the word "holy" been used instead? Is it possible that the father of all lies, the Great
Deceiver, had cunningly proceeded with his master plan of bringing idolatrous worship into

True Worship?

The Bible repeatably says that will come when ALL would worship Jehovah, so seeing the
seraphs worshipping Jehovah in the part of the bible shouldnt us, Another very revealing
part of this scripture is the fact the bible specifically says that the seraphs have no rest this
word is from the greek word Anapausis

Strong's Concordance
anapausis: cessation, rest
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: anapausis
Phonetic Spelling: (an-ap'-ow-sis)
Short Definition: rest, cessation from labor, refreshment
Definition: rest, cessation from labor, refreshment.

And is always a good thing, saying that these seraphs have no anapausis it is a recurring
theme in the bible that the wicked who refuse to Rest, while those who are not obedient to
Gods natural law do not enter in that Rest, Revelation 4:8 ( see above the word Rest found
in this scripture) Those that enter into Anapausis are always good, while those that the bible
accuses of refusing to enter in to Anapausis are always wicked

Remember that in Genesis 3:14-15 .. Jehovah told Satan that he would be the lowest of the
animals, it is also important to remember that humans (Man) was to have every animal into
subjection, and the Angles are a little higher then a human, this is the hierarchy of Jehovahs
creation it is the Natural way that things are supposed to be, and the demons are right at
the bottom where they belong.

In satans hierarchy which we call civilisation the order is in reverse describing the Demons
in animal turns is just letting us know how the creator feels about angels that form his

Humans were put here to watch over the best interests of the animals, while angels to watch
over us and our best interest Will go more into this relationship as I go on

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Even though there are no fleshy creatures called Cherubs, they are fleshy creatures
mentioned in the bible called Seraphs - So heres the part about dinosaurs
Remember that the word Seraphs actually translates into the English word fiery flying reptile,
to me a snake would not qualify as a fiery flying reptiles, in the ancient Hebrew language,
there are words that mean red or orange and there are words that mean fast if these
creatures were fast and orange, the bible would no doubt just say or refer to them as fast
and Orange, it is unlikely that they would be called flying fiery retiles, if in fact they were
simply fast orange snakes, In english we would call such a creature a pterodactyl,
pterodactyl are not as distinctive species but a class of flying reptiles varying in size from
about 1 foot to maybe 10 foot, perhaps ever larger?

This word Seraphs isnt just used to describe wicked Angels, but also the name of those
creatures that bit the Israelites as they were travelling to the promised land, The Seraphs
that bit the Israelites probably didn't have six wings like the Seraphs described in Isaiah
flying above Jehovahs throne, but more likely resembles the fossilised creatures that are
now found in museums around the world today, There are quite a few scriptures about this
event and all of them confirm that the Israelites were bitten not by snakes, but by fiery flying
reptiles - Numbers 21:6 - This is the first scripture in the bible that describes this time in

So we have 3 choices here, we can believe that these people where bitten by demons, that
they were bitten by dragons or was in fact bitten by some variety of fiery flying reptile

Since the word Dragon is just a transliteration of the word Drakon which means flying fiery
reptile - Those two choices are really just one choice, any of these possibilities would fit with
the bible narrative, of course the scientific community could easily debunk my theory that the
Israelites were bitten by dragons or Demons, because it is a scientific fact that dragons and
Demons are mythical creatures and they could also debunk my theory that they were flying
reptiles by simply pointing out that it is also a scientific fact that all dinosaurs went extinct
during some well known event that occurred millions of years ago such as an Ice age, comet
strike or some other story from their religion, however with hundreds of well-documented
reports available to see online and within libraries throughout the world, which report
dinosaur sightings well into the 19th century, it is very unlikely that I will be subscribing into
the religion of science any time soon. Regardless to whether people believe in a creator,
Science is also a religion when people fully put their faith in the theory of evolution and
creation. And I often find that people believe in evolution seem to have more faith because
they base their faith on a theory, rather than facts. Otherwise when you think about it, it
would be the facts of evolution rather than the theory of evolution.

On a yearly basis mankind destroys and extincts around nearly 50,000 species per year,
whether thats insects or mammals, or fish during the course of our lifetime alone we can
probably think of several if not more animals that have now become extinct due to man
destroying this planet for greed or pleasure, that's just within our life time alone And there
is still plenty of animals which are due to go extinct very soon within the next couple of years
if not sooner. So who's to say that dinosaurs wasn't included in this.

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Science will tell you that
because dinosaurs were large and had Sharp teeth, they must have eaten meat including
people However again this is just a theory, there is no scientific proof that dinosaurs ever
ate meat, there is no scientific proof that dinosaurs were dangerous Due to Hollywood and
filmmaking dinosaurs are portrayed as a vicious man eating creatures, but the chances are
when looking at all the evidence presented that these were just like any other animal we see
today for example, Panda bears have razor sharp teeth for eating bamboo, if the panda
bear became extinct within the next couple of years, I am more than sure that in 400 or 500
years into the future you will have scientists trying to explain to children that panda bears,
were vicious man eating creatures, that prayed on humans, due to their sharp teeth. And I
am also very sure that in the near future when once his current system has been destroyed
and Jehovah restore his planet back to its rainforest condition, that these dinosaurs are
creatures including all the other animals which are now extinct will be there just as it were
When Jehovah said in the book of Genesis it was very good

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The First bit of proof that Dinosaurs once lived was first discovered in 1676 However,
science will tell you that Dinosaurs was before Modern Man even involved.

These building, rocks and cave art date back 1000s of years, either way, well before 1676.

Anyway, hopefully now you are starting to see that angels are a much bigger part of the
Bibles narrative, rather than the book all about humans and that religions conceal this
information from us, and use this book in helping to controllers with all their rules and

The Sheep, The Goats and the fine Shepherd..

We have been talking of different means that the churches of Christendom use in
preventing us from finding out the truth, all the messages from the Bible in
concealing the identities of the angels, as well as their significance, against the war
between Gods kingdom and Satan's empire, what I'm about to explain to you now in
great details will either shock you or offend you but please read on every thing I'm
about to explain is supported by the bible

Stories about sheep, goats and shepherds are recorded throughout the Bible, and
are related to the overall theme of the Bible, the war between gods kingdom and
Satan's empire is civilisation, because another way of looking at this war is between
the shepherds and the builders, in English we think of a shepherd as someone who
raises sheep for either meat or money but the two Hebrew words which we
translate as Shepherd simply means someone who cares for living things and with
the word meaning migrator . It is no coincidence that these words truly mean that
one who travels around caring for living things. This understanding places
Shepherds in direct conflict with builders, the definition would be converts living
things into economic resources and material possessions

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The Biblical word for builder would be the exact opposite to the biblical word for
Shepherd, it is undeniable fact that Shepherds from the Bible are always referred to
as righteous, as the builders are always spoken of as being wicked the Bible says
cain was a builder and Abel was a shepherd shortly after the flood Nimrod the
ruler of Babel was accused of being a builder, in the account of Abrahams life,
Abraham left the city of Eur to become a shepherd, at some point Abraham left the
promised land and came into conflict with Pharaoh who was also a builder. Lot was
also a Shepherd that came into conflict with the citizens of sodom, who was also
builders he then left sodom and fled, and came into contact with the citizens of
Zohar, which was also made up of builders, which he had flee once again. - Isaac
the shepherd came into contact with Abimalin King of the Philistines who were also
was a builder. Jacobs entire family were shepherds, they were eventually enslaved
by the Egyptians who where also builders.

Genesis 46:34 says quite plainly, that's the builders had a deep hatred for the
shepherds, King David was a shepherd while is son Solomon was a builder

Jesus was often referred to as a shepherd, and even though Satan himself was
never referred to as a builder, he is though referred to as the god of those who where
builders. - the Bible says that the builders rejected Jesus, and in our english bibles
we are told that Jesus said that humans are like she without a Shepherd, and it is a
fact that we are much like sheep we want guidance, infant we crave it!

Atheist.. accuse Christians of being sheep, because they allow themselves to be led
by the churches, those Atheist who refuse to be lend by the churches in fact lead by
the networks, and institutes of higher learning or even political systems Those who
are awake to the corruption of the established political system, that we live under
accuse those who are awake of being sheeple. However, the same excuses never
become independent, but always fall under the direction of some other false sheep.

Everyone, who has ever been to any christian place of worship or even read the
Bible will be familiar with this scripture or story, it is the parable of the sheep and the
goats found in Matthew 25:31-46

And I think you're going to like this one, once translated back to its original Greek
youll find that this one verse alone changes the entire theme of the Bible as we
know it.

Also, Some may say that Jesus was a builder, Mark 6:3

Completely different concept Tekton=Artisan (builder of baskets, fishing nets, songs,

poems, household objects)

Jesus was the Stone that the builders (oikodome) rejected. Completely different

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Anyway Matthew 25:31-46 reads as follows Ill be using the KJV and the New
world Translation of the holy Scriptures.

31When the Son of man comes in his glory, and all the angels with
him,then he will sit down on his glorious throne. 32All the nations
will be gathered before him, and he will separate people one from
another, just as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats.
33And he will put the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on his

34Then the King will say to those on his right: Come, you who
have been blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for
you from the founding of the world. 35For I became hungry and
you gave me something to eat; I was thirsty and you gave me
something to drink. I was a stranger and you received me
hospitably;36naked and you clothed me. I fell sick and you looked
after me. I was in prison and you visited me. 37Then the righteous
ones will answer him with the words: Lord, when did we see you
hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink?
38When did we see you a stranger and receive you hospitably, or
naked and clothe you? 39When did we see you sick or in prison
and visit you? 40In reply the King will say to them, Truly I say to
you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these my
brothers, you did it to me.

41Then he will say to those on his left: Go away from me, you who
have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil
and his angels. 42For I became hungry, but you gave me nothing to
eat; and I was thirsty, but you gave me nothing to drink. 43I was a
stranger, but you did not receive me hospitably; naked, but you did
not clothe me; sick and in prison, but you did not look after me.
44Then they too will answer with the words: Lord, when did we
see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison
and did not minister to you? 45Then he will answer them, saying:
Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did not do it to one of
these least ones, you did not do it to me. 46These will depart into
everlasting cutting-off,but the righteous ones into everlasting life.

Obviously the religions of the world want you to think that the Bible is book about
punishment for the wicked and rewards for the righteous and this is a great example
and they couldnt get their point across better then this .

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Although there is one huge problem with this story - it doesnt make sense!!!
And this doesnt make sense with the rest of the bible - to some this verse may
make sense, simple the wicked die and the righteous get live forever however this
is incorrect!

But thats ok, if something seems strange or doesnt make much sense, all you have
to do is look at the original Greek or Hebrew translation of such verses - to their
original language, using a Lexicon or Concordance or even an interlinear bible so
you can figure out that something strange has been done to these translations of the
Scriptures, and as you're about to see there is something really strange indeed as
been to these particular verse in our English translation bible. - please Check this out
yourselves !!!!!

Any time that Jesus spoke it was to always to import some very important
information, every word was important and crucial to understanding the point he was
trying to make He never got into specifics, unless the specifics where important
to the story - so we have to wonder why Jesus liked sheep but he didnt like goats?

I have done lots of research into this Ive read up on sheep as well as goats, Ive
checked and crossed referenced the Hebrew and Greek, and looked into what other
religions say about this

And everything I found from all religions is that sheep are good and goats are very
bad! But they all agree with one another - Sheep follow, while goats are independent
- and sheep are docile, while goats are aggressive The only problem with the
churches explanation is pure fiction, are which I like to call a bold faced outrageous

If you have ever dealt with sheep or Goats are even studied them, then youll quickly
come to realise that personality wise there is no discernible difference and are pretty
much identical. Im sure there are people out there that will disagree with me
about different breeds or that's goats may have a different reputation that
corresponds with traits, that at least some the churches speak off But I am certain
that other individuals and breeds exhibit traits that are exactly the opposite
personality wise there is no discernible difference between sheep and goats - And
theres no reason to believe that the ancient Shepherds that Jesus was addressing
would have had any contact with any of varieties of sheep and goats that would have
exhibited such tendencies.

There is no reason to spend any time to what possible reason Jesus had to
preferring sheep over goats because Jesus always made is teaching easy for the
common man to figure out, in other words Jesus would not make it necessary to get
a college degree in flock biology to understand the meaning of his parables.

Those listening to Jesus at the time would've understood actually what he was
referring to, simply because they would've spoken the same language as Jesus did
and they would have had personal contact with sheep and goats themselves

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So now we are going to look at some deep scientific traits of sheep and goats, in
order that we may extract every tiny bit of information available, but we really don't
need to study them any deeper than simply to observe them

But as usual the case may be, the most important key to understanding Jesus words
is, is to figure out what Jesus actually said as it's recorded in the original Greek,
that the new Testament was originally written in

In doing research for this I simply started looking up words in our English bibles that
was translated as sheeps or goats, and what I found with these particular words
that are associated with sheep and goats that are found in the Bible are husbandry
terms to describe sheep and goats in the Bible, or a bit more specific than what
A builder would be familiar with but the same words would be common everyday
words to someone that was a shepherd, All our English versions of the Bible that are
available today.. That's all of them, have been produced by the builders as
described in the Bible.

Translating an ancient Greek or Hebrew word meaning a young female sheep,

into our english word sheep May not seem like a big deal to someone that
doesnt care about animals, but doing so would render a scripture in a way that
would lack accuracy. But not only that, but in many instances doing so completely
changes the meaning of the story

Even though sheep and goats flock together sheep are not goats, the same way
that goats or not sheep - And also in the same way that Humans are not Angels
there completely different species from one another and yet the terms that the
bible uses to describe sheep and goats, is just as ambiguous as the terms to
describe angels and humans just has the Hebrew word for Male human is the
same as the word for Male Angel There are also Hebrew words for Male Goat
that are the same word for Male Sheep by the same token, and just that
sometimes they are terms that are specific only for humans, and they are terms that
are only specific only to angels, they are also terms spoken of that are only specific
sheep or specific only to goats

so we as bible readers have to use just as much discernment when reading about
goats and sheep, that we have to use when reading about accounts regarding
angels and humans the similarity that the Bible presents between goats and
sheep, and the way the bible presents the relationship between Angels and Men are
so obvious because those stories that are supposed to be about sheep and goats
really there to teach us about humans and angels ( All humans are refereed to as
sheep, because they always follow someone, whether thats good or bad! & Goats
are referred to as wicked Angles - Fallen Angles)

Anyone who reads the Bible from start to finish without wonder why there are so
many detailed stories about sheep, goats and shepherds, prior to the information of
the nation of Israel, nearly all the bible relates in some way to actual sheep, goats
and shepherds And nearly all of the humans in these stories are either shepherds
or builders.

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During the part of history when the law of Moses was in effect, nearly every single
related story related in some way to animal sacrifices under that law, and most of
those sacrifices involved goats and sheep, the bible says that those sacrifices would
prefigure the sacrifice of gods own son Jesus.

Later when Jesus as the Lamb of God is to for-fill the sacrifice required by that law
- he himself used stories of sheep and goats to teach his disciples, but not only was
Jesus referred to as a lamb he was also referred to as a shepherd.

And in John's vision that's recorded in the last book of the Bible Revelation he refers
to this imagery as well.

After reading everything single passage in the Bible that I could locate about
anything to do with sheep, goats and shepherds - I have not located a single
passage in the entire bible that specifically uses the ancient Hebrew or Greek words
that we could translate as sheep or goats The bible is a very big book, but if
possible such word are in there i have not been able to located them there are
words and phrases, that I believe probably mean such things as Female sheep or
Male stud goat or even baby flock animal but no words that simple mean
Sheep or goat? if such words are in the bible, my only excuse for not finding them is
although I have read the passages and Scriptures many times throughout the Bible,
each time that I read it, Im reading this in English, But thats because English is the
only language and the only one I understand fully and I'm not able to read the
Bible properly in its original languages, I read it in English and manually look up
every English word that could potentially be translated from the ancient words
dealing with flocked animals in this case

The problem is that English Bible translators have taking a great deal of liberties of
their interpretation of gods word, and have used the words Sheep and goats to
translate a great many words to associate these words with animal husbandry.

To someone who is familia with the treachery of the churches, translation choices
might seem arbitrary, I promise you the words chosen by the churches translators
are not arbitrary at all the first objective of each person of corporate entity that as
ever undertaken the task of translating the Bible, has been to preserve certain the
demonic teachings that they don't want people to find out the truth of the Bible is
actually about, that's not found in the original text their second objective is for you
and I not to find out about there 1st objective that being the case, most translators
recognise that's a fine line exists between tweaking the bible in secret, and been

The reason that I know that they have it wrong, is because if you look at any English
language word having to do with sheep or goats, and compare the original language
words that they are translated from, then there isn't any consistency. It doesn't make
sense to use one word to mean Flock and later translate the same word as Ram
lack of consistency!

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In the translation of the bible its sure thing that someone is trying to hide something
from us since the churches are obviously not going to be telling us what theyre
trying to hiding from us We are going to have to try and figure this one out for
ourselves which means we are going to have to get a basic understanding of a few
characteristics that makes the relationship between sheep and goats that is so
important to understanding the relationship between Humans and Angels

The first thing I would like to point out, which I think is important is the dietary habits
between sheep and goats sheep eat soft vegetation such as grass, while goats
like to eat things which are more woody, such as vines, shrubs. Animals that are
starving or in some way compromised and will eat nearly anything that they can
swallow, however, Sheep in general enjoy grass, while goats prefer shrubs this is

In our modern society fuelled with abundance of petroleum, consumerism and

pharmaceuticals combined with the factory mentality But most who keep sheep or
goats will not keep both!! In the ancient world without petroleum based agriculture,
keeping one or the other would not make sense, a shepherd in the ancient world
would by a necessity kept a balanced flock

In our modern Society we use the word flock to describe a group of sheep or group
of goats the English word Flock is rarely used to describe a group of sheep and
goats mixed together but shepherds in the ancient world would have had no
concept the hebrew word Sung (sounds like) and the Greek world pro-bo-
ton (Sounds like) that we translate as Flock, would not have ever been used to try
and describe a flock of sheep or a flock of goats but would only be used to
describe a group that is made up of both full stop no exceptions!

Sheep and goats in the ancient world were not just walk round pound signs () like
they are in todays current society where they are grazed for money they were
tools that Shepherds used to tend the lamb, sheep are able to do things that goats
can not do and vice versa, they are so to speak fellow workers when the Angel
appeared to John in Revelation 19:10 John fall on his hands and knees in
order to worship him, but the angel warned him not to this, because as the Angel
explained it he was only a fellow worker with John. Angels do things that humans do
not, And Humans do things that Angles do not As fellow workers sheep and goats
together can maintain a balanced pasture, Angels and humans working together can
maintain a balanced earth

In the bible they are quite a few references made about Humans and Angles
interacting sexually, according to the Bible is sexual interaction brought about the
existence of Hybrid creatures Known as the nepheline, if we were to ask the
scientist if this could be possible, we would be told on no uncertain terms - No!

1st off according to science, they are no such things as Angles and 2nd - if they were
such things as angels, they would not be compatible because they're not the same
species as from the same family! - Guess what? Sheep and goats are not from the
same Family either or the same species yet, these to reproduce they are quite a
few species that have reputation for reproducing with other species, but in each

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instance the same family Most are familiar with the fact that horses & Donkeys
are able to breed and reproduce their Hybrid offspring are called Mules - A Donkey
as 62 chromosomes and a horse as 64 chromosomes That is a 2 chromosome

These animals are very similar, and they are from the same family, the mules
produced from such a mating would split the difference from having 63

The biology involved in reproducing offspring from species that are closely related is
not at all the same as reproducing offspring from a mating of sheep and goats,
Sheep and goats are not at all in the same family, she 54 chromosomes while goats
have 60 chromosomes that is a 6 chromosomes difference.

As is the case with the mating between Humans and Angels Scientist would tell
you that that the successful mating between goats and sheep is an impossibility.
Where it not for the fact that sheep goat hybrid exist and according to the Bible at
least for a time Human and Angel hybrid also existed as well !

Another trait which will be important for this would relate to the fact that sheep and
Goats are follows But who do the sheep and goats follow? They follow the
Shepherd! Jesus, alluded to this tendency when he said when his sheep knows
his voice!! But what if there was no Shepherd, in such an instance the sheep and
goats would which ever member became the alpha male, I am not making this up the
concept of an alpha male is actual observable phenomena, this character trait is so
predictable.. That slaughter houses have been using this method to make there
work easier for thousands of years The Judas Goat in areas of the world
where sheep are an important form of meat, they will employ what is known as a
Judas Goat, this older male goat is sent in to befriend all the other sheep and take
the lead, it is also trained to enter the slaughter house by command the sheep
follow and are brought for slaughter, then the Judas Goat takes a different door and
leaves, just to repeat the process over and over again. - Sheep fair much better
when ruled by a Shepherd, then ruled by a Judas Goat, or even when ruled by
another sheep!!

Now we will discuss the parable between the sheep and the goats mentioned in the
book of Matthew

As you have probably guessed the word sheep from this parable is not translated
from the Greek word sheep, but from the word Probaton"-which means flock of both
sheep and goat

While trying to figure out why every translator of the English version of the Bible
would translate this same word in the same exact incorrect way every time, I found
that the explanation was the same every time as well according to the churches even
though the word Probaton means flock of sheep and goats in every single insert of
where it appears from outside of the Bible, it always means sheep when it appears
inside of the Bible to

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Those men that are used to write the Bible in Hebrew and Greek - didn't use
different versions of Hebrew or Greek then the rest of the world, the Hebrew at the
time was identical to the secular Hebrew at that time and the coin Greek used to
write the new Testament was also identical to the secular Greek when used when
the New Testament were being written if everybody on the planet two thousand
years ago could understand the word Probaton to mean flock of both sheep and
goats - then those men who penned the book of the New Testament would've
understood it in the exact same way.

So now, we have another problem if Jesus said he was going to separate the
Probaton" which means both sheep and goats from the sheep and goats
then such a phrase would not make any sense whatsoever, the sheep and goats are
referred to as being together yet they still get separated from something?

So what Jesus was going to actually separate?

According to the original Greek he was going to separate them from the Hairy foes
or as recorded in the following versus the hairy thong the singular and plural
foam are the same word this word is only used in one place in the bible in that
particular verse it is obviously speaking in singular, in the parable of the Prodigal son
Jesus spoke of two brothers, one always did his father proud of what he was told
while the other did not, when the second brother realised he had squandered
everything that is father had given him he decided that he would go back and ask
is father if he could return however not as a son but as a worker, but seeing as his
father recognised in a decided to throw a party, and kill the fatted calf in response to
this the first son which is recorded at Luke 15:11-32.

11Then he said: A man had two sons. 12And the younger one
said to his father, Father, give me the share of the property that
should come to me. So he divided his belongings between them.
13A few days later, the younger son gathered all his things together
and traveled to a distant country and there squandered his property
by living a debauched* life. 14When he had spent everything, a
severe famine occurred throughout that country, and he fell into
need. 15He even went and attached himself to one of the citizens of
that country, who sent him into his fields to herd swine. 16And he
longed to be filled with the carob pods that the swine were eating,
but no one would give him anything.

17When he came to his senses, he said, How many of my fathers

hired men have more than enough bread, while I am dying here
from hunger! 18I will get up and travel to my father and say to
him: Father, I have sinned against heaven and against you. 19I am
no longer worthy of being called your son. Make me as one of your
hired men. 20So he got up and went to his father. While he was

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still a long way off, his father caught sight of him and was moved
with pity, and he ran and embraced him and tenderly kissed him.
21Then the son said to him, Father, I have sinned against heaven
and against you.I am no longer worthy of being called your son.
22But the father said to his slaves, Quick! bring out a robe, the
best one, and clothe him with it, and put a ring on his hand and
sandals on his feet. 23Also bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and
let us eat and celebrate, 24for this son of mine was dead but has
come to life again; he was lost and has been found. And they started
to enjoy themselves.

25Now his older son was in the field, and as he returned and got
near the house, he heard music and dancing. 26So he called one of
the servants to him and asked what was happening. 27He said to
him, Your brother has come, and your father slaughtered the
fattened calf because he got him back in good health. 28But he
became angry and refused to go in. Then his father came out and
began to plead with him. 29In reply he said to his father, Look!
These many years I have slaved for you and never once did I disobey
your orders, and yet you never once gave me a young goat to
enjoy with my friends. 30But as soon as this son of yours arrived
who squandered* your belongings with prostitutes, you slaughtered
the fattened calf for him. 31Then he said to him, My son, you have
always been with me, and all the things that are mine are yours.
32But we just had to celebrate and rejoice, for your brother was
dead but has come to life; he was lost and has been found.

The word young goat or kid (KJV) here is actually originally translated as Hairy
foes and the same word translated goats is plural in this scripture, that we are
now examining - so hopefully you can see the inconsistency of translating the word
Hairy foes in one Scripture as young goat or kid in singular form for our word
young goat.

while translating it in another scripture in its plural form in our English word is not
for young goat but simply for goats which indicates in no way the age of the goats

Below is a example of how you can Translate all the words in the original
Hebrew and Greek - every word is coded, so if the two words dont
appear as the same number, then you know something as been changed,

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e.g., A verse may say sheep in the book of Matthew, its code may be 1234,
however they may be another verse in the book of Luke that also says
sheep, however its code may be 1236 .. therefore you know that
something as been changed or added from the original language.

Lexicon :: Strong's G4263 - probaton

pro'-b-ton (Key)

Part of Speech
neuter noun
Root Word (Etymology)
Probably from a presumed. derivative of (G4260)
Dictionary Aids
Vine's Expository Dictionary: View Entry
TDNT Reference: 6:689,936
KJV Translation Count Total: 41x
The KJV translates Strongs G4263 in the following manner: sheep (40x),
sheepfold (with G833) (1x).
Outline of Biblical Usage [?]
1 any four footed, tame animal accustomed to graze, small cattle (opp. to large cattle, horses,
etc.), most commonly a sheep or a goat
1 a sheep, and so always in the NT

Strongs Definitions [?]

(Strongs Definitions Legend)
prbaton, prob'-at-on; probably neuter of a presumed derivative of G4260; something
that walks forward (a quadruped), i.e. (specially), a sheep (literally or figuratively):sheep(-fold).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon [?]

Anyway, right now I would like to share with you a few basic facts about meat
production which is going to become incredibly important to all of this towards the

1st.. The highest quality meat available for Human consumption is the fatted calf, its
tender and its tasty, there is no domesticated animal kept for consumption that even
compares to anyway like beef, and young beef is better then any other beef that is
one reason why people are willing to pay so much for it. However, the worst meat
that exists that is raised by humans is the adult male stud goat, this meat is basically
uneatable - there is nothing you can do to make it eatable, castrating a baby male
goat will make its meat taste just like the meat of a female goat - but castrating a
older male goat will normally kill it, although i have read that farmers have been

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successful at castrating older male goats without killing them but this is rare and
doest usually happen.

Why male goats meat tastes so terrible is because of there mating and social habits,
that little billy goat beard that they have, is used to attract other female goats, they
mate and let other male goat's know who they are and where they are. When a
male goat pees he does not do so on the ground, but instead sprays his pee directly
into his beard, He does this every time he pees - And by the time a male goat
features maturity he smells so disgusting that it's difficult to get around, the smell of
that beard penetrates into the meat and causes the meat of that older male stud goat
to taste like now the beard actually smells

This word eriphos" does not mean kid but adult male stud goat - it could mean
Male sheep or Male Goat But due to the context of the story, we just like Jesus
listeners should understand that in this particular instance the contents could only be
about a goat - Because the idea of the good son, and the story about the prodigal
son is trying to get across to his father, is the iniquity of his treatment compared to
that of his brother In our english versions of the bible it sounds like a good son is
upset that his father butchered a large animal for his brother even though he had
never even butchered a small animal for him, but the original sense of the passage is
while his father butchered the highest Quality meat animal for his brother, he had
never even butchered the lowest quality meat animal for him

Im not basing my understanding of the word eriphos solely on how it sounds in this
passage, I am only showing you how well our understanding of the bible improves
once we remove all the things and mistranslation that shouldnt be there The
twisting of the scriptures which as being done throughout all of our english versions
of the bible
When I began to figure out what the words eriphos" and Eriphs
meant, I soon realised that these words where the Greek equivalent to the Hebrew
word Satyr Male Stud Goat
But could not locate any words similar to those words of the ancient languages of
the areas surrounding the promised land, with all the Internet at my disposal and all
the search engines including every translation tool that's available online I couldn't
find anything to look up the words Sheep, goats and Ram.. Which I thought would be
really easy - and I even researched all the modern languages surrounding the
Mediterranean without finding anything too then I noticed the astrological symbol
Aries The Ram .. Aries doesnt mean Ram so much as it means The Ram ,
And heres the part thats going to shock you - The astrological symbol for Aries is a
diagram of the females reproductive organs, there's no denying it this story is the
same story told in the entire Bible over and over again, that at the beginning Male
angels came to earth to have sexual relations with Human females as spoken about
the book of Genesis. (Genesis 6:1-3 )

Also in the same chapter, verse 4 its says they bore children to them, and they
were mighty and the ones were of old and the men of fame in verse 5, Jehovah
says that the earth was bad, knowing this he killed every single human ( small and
old to stop the spread of nepheline) apart from one family, (Noahs) Then its fair to

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say, that the earth must have been in a pretty bad state, if only 8 people was
saved. verse 12 says the earth was ruined so he brought about the flood. -

Anyway, In the parable of the sheep and the goats, Jesus said

he would come just as a Shepherd comes to separate The Male Stud Goat, from
the rest of the flock

We have to wonder why Jesus would say such as thing?

Unless shepherds actually did separate the male stud goats from the rest of the
flock. and, infant they did! and they even still do this even today its necessary
part of keeping goats, Goats - are not so much neater animals are milk animals,
goats milk is I in demand and they guess you could say things are never changed,
while goat meat is not high demand Goat Milk from female goats that are kept with
Male Stud Goats is undrinkable, baby goats may be able to drink it, but humans can
not And for this same reason that the meat of the males can not be eaten Milk
from the female goats that are kept with their Ram tastes like think white pee!

Im not talking from personal experience, this is just what I've researched I'll come
across while looking stuff up online, understanding that the word probaton which
means flock animal and can only apply to flocks made up of just sheep and
goats mixed together And understanding Eriphos means Male Stud goat, while
Eripho means Male stud goats.

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Probaton = Flocked animals ( Applys only to sheep and
goats mixed together)

Eriphs/ = Male Stud Goat (Singular)

Eriphia / eriphos (origin) = Male Stud Goats - (Plural)

As we see he goat is refereed to as Male stud goat

mentioned in Verse 33 - [2055] - meaning different from the previous page, and
different from the original Greek text. ( x2 lots of different goats)

v.32 - Sheep [4263] probate flock {both sheep and goats} matchers v.33 Sheep [4263]
v.32 - goats [2056] eriphon v.33 Goat [2055] eriphia

In the wild, by tradition, groups of sheep and goats are referred to as herds. It
is only when under the control of a shepherd that groups of sheep and goats
are referred to as flocks.

There is quite a bit of evidence to indicate that the word Probata actually
means flock made up of both goats and sheep. - please research this word
yourself and youll see that a flock in biblical times always consisted of both
sheep and goats, so it's only natural when Jesus was speaking back then to
anybody listening they would've understood it as a flock made up of sheep
and Goats. - because that was what a flock was back then today it isnt.

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The Greek word used in this passage talking about this she needs right going
into life and the courts on his left going into aionion chastening, The word for
goat is ERIPHIA ( And variations with greek grammar and all that) which is to
say KID, baby goat. They arent adult goats, but the sheep arent called
lambs, they are a in revelations the word for lamb is ARNION

Below are a few articles I found online, out of

many which indicates that the word Probata
used in the original greek scriptures means
flocked animals made up of both Sheep and

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Matthew 25:31

The Sheep and the Goats ( in its Original Greek)

Matthew 25: 31 in its Original Greek

31. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)
(10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)
(18) , (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

(1)Strongs Concordance
hotan: whenever
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: hotan
Phonetic Spelling: (hot'-an)
Short Definition: when, whensoever
Definition: when, whenever.

PAGE !57 OF !123

(2)Strongs Concordance
de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: de
Phonetic Spelling: (deh)
Short Definition: but, on the other hand, and
Definition: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the other hand,

(3) Strongs Concordance

erchomai: to come, go
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: erchomai
Phonetic Spelling: (er'-khom-ahee)
Short Definition: I come, go
Definition: I come, go.

(4)Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.

(5)Strongs Concordance
huios: a son
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: huios
Phonetic Spelling: (hwee-os')
Short Definition: a son, descendent
Definition: a son, descendent.

(6)Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.

(7)Strongs Concordance
anthrpos: a man, human, mankind
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: anthrpos
Phonetic Spelling: (anth'-ro-pos)
Short Definition: a man, one of the human race
Definition: a man, one of the human race.

PAGE !58 OF !123

(8) Strongs Concordance
en: in, on, at, by, with
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: en
Phonetic Spelling: (en)
Short Definition: in, on, among
Definition: in, on, among.
(9) Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.
(10) Strongs Concordance
doxa: opinion (always good in N.T.), hence praise, honor, glory
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: doxa
Phonetic Spelling: (dox'-ah)
Short Definition: honor, renown, glory splendor
Definition: honor, renown; glory, an especially divine quality, the unspoken manifestation of God,
(11) Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.
(12) Strongs Concordance
kai: and, even, also
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: kai
Phonetic Spelling: (kahee)
Short Definition: and, even, also, namely
Definition: and, even, also, namely.
(13) Strongs Concordance
pas: all, every
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: pas
Phonetic Spelling: (pas)
Short Definition: all, the whole, every kind of
Definition: all, the whole, every kind of.
(14)Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article

PAGE !59 OF !123

(15) Strongs Concordance
aggelos: an angel, messenger
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: aggelos
Phonetic Spelling: (ang'-el-os)
Short Definition: an angel, messenger
Definition: a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news
or behests from God to men.

(16)Strongs Concordance
meta: with, among, after
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: meta
Phonetic Spelling: (met-ah')
Short Definition: with, after
Definition: (a) gen: with, in company with, (b) acc: (1) behind, beyond, after, of place, (2) after, of
time, with nouns, neut. of adjectives.
17) Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.
(18) Strongs Concordance
tote: then, at that time
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: tote
Phonetic Spelling: (tot'-eh)
Short Definition: then
Definition: then, at that time.
(19) Strongs Concordance
kathiz: to make to sit down, to sit down
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: kathiz
Phonetic Spelling: (kath-id'-zo)
Short Definition: I set, make to sit
Definition: (a) trans: I make to sit; I set, appoint, (b) intrans: I sit down, am seated, stay.
(20) Strongs Concordance
epi: on, upon
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: epi
Phonetic Spelling: (ep-ee')
Short Definition: on, to, against, on the basis of, at
Definition: on, to, against, on the basis of, at.
(21)Strongs Concordance
thronos: a throne
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: thronos
Phonetic Spelling: (thron'-os)
Short Definition: a throne, seat

PAGE !60 OF !123

Definition: a (king's) throne, seat; meton: power, dominion; a potentate.
(22) Strongs Concordance
doxa: opinion (always good in N.T.), hence praise, honor, glory
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Feminine
Transliteration: doxa
Phonetic Spelling: (dox'-ah)
Short Definition: honor, renown, glory splendor
Definition: honor, renown; glory, an especially divine quality, the unspoken manifestation of God,

(24)Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.

PAGE !61 OF !123

Matthew 25: 32 in its Original Greek

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ,

(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) , (13) (14) (15)
(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) ( 21),

( 1) Strongs Concordance
kai: and, even, also
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: kai
Phonetic Spelling: (kahee)
Short Definition: and, even, also, namely
Definition: and, even, also, namely.

(2) Strongs Concordance

sunag: to lead together, i.e. bring together, hence come together (pass.), entertain
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: sunag
Phonetic Spelling: (soon-ag'-o)
Short Definition: I gather together
Definition: I gather together, collect, assemble, receive with hospitality, entertain.

( 3 )Strongs Concordance
emprosthen: before, in front of (in place or time)
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Adverb; Preposition
Transliteration: emprosthen
Phonetic Spelling: (em'-pros-then)
Short Definition: in front, before the face
Definition: in front, before the face; sometimes made a subst. by the addition of the article: in front of, before the
face of.

( 4 )Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.

( 5 )Strongs Concordance
pas: all, every
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: pas
Phonetic Spelling: (pas)
Short Definition: all, the whole, every kind of
Definition: all, the whole, every kind of.

( 6 )Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.

PAGE !62 OF !123

( 7 )Strongs Concordance
ethnos: a race, a nation, pl. the nations (as distinct from Isr.)
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: ethnos
Phonetic Spelling: (eth'-nos)
Short Definition: a race, people, the Gentiles
Definition: a race, people, nation; the nations, heathen world, Gentiles.

(8) Strongs Concordance

kai: and, even, also
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: kai
Phonetic Spelling: (kahee)
Short Definition: and, even, also, namely
Definition: and, even, also, namely.

( 9 )Strongs Concordance
aphoriz: to mark off by boundaries from, i.e. set apart
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: aphoriz
Phonetic Spelling: (af-or-id'-zo)
Short Definition: I rail off, separate, place apart
Definition: I rail off, separate, place apart.

( 10 )Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.

( 11 )Strongs Concordance
apo: from, away from
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: apo
Phonetic Spelling: (apo')
Short Definition: from, away from
Definition: from, away from.

( 12 )Strongs Concordance
allln: of one another
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Reciprocal Pronoun
Transliteration: allln
Phonetic Spelling: (al-lay'-lone)
Short Definition: one another
Definition: one another, each other.

( 13 )Strongs Concordance
hsper: just as, even as
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Adverb
Transliteration: hsper
Phonetic Spelling: (hoce'-per)
Short Definition: just as, as
Definition: just as, as, even as.

PAGE !63 OF !123

( 14 )Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.
( 15 )Strongs Concordance
poimn: a shepherd
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: poimn
Phonetic Spelling: (poy-mane')
Short Definition: a shepherd
Definition: a shepherd; hence met: of the feeder, protector, and ruler of a flock of men.
( 16 )Strongs Concordance
aphoriz: to mark off by boundaries from, i.e. set apart
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: aphoriz
Phonetic Spelling: (af-or-id'-zo)
Short Definition: I rail off, separate, place apart
Definition: I rail off, separate, place apart.
(17)Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.
(18) Strongs Concordance
probaton: a sheep ( which actually means flock of both Sheep and goats)
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: probaton
Phonetic Spelling: (prob'-at-on)
Short Definition: a sheep [ 4263 ]
Definition: a sheep.
(19) Strongs Concordance
apo: from, away from
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: apo
Phonetic Spelling: (apo')
Short Definition: from, away from
Definition: from, away from.
(20)Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.
(21) Strongs Concordance
eriphos: a young goat
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: eriphos
Phonetic Spelling: (er'-if-os)
Short Definition: a goat [2056] - eriphos
Definition: a goat.

PAGE !64 OF !123

33 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8),
(9) (10) (11) (12) (13) .

(1) Strongs Concordance

kai: and, even, also
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: kai
Phonetic Spelling: (kahee)
Short Definition: and, even, also, namely
Definition: and, even, also, namely.
( 2 ) Strongs Concordance
histmi: to make to stand, to stand
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Verb
Transliteration: histmi
Phonetic Spelling: (his'-tay-mee)
Short Definition: I cause to stand, stand
Definition: trans: (a) I make to stand, place, set up, establish, appoint; mid: I place myself, stand, (b) I
set in balance, weigh; intrans: (c) I stand, stand by, stand still; met: I stand ready, stand firm, am
(3) Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.

PAGE !65 OF !123

(4) Strongs Concordance
men: truly, indeed
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Particle, Disjunctive Particle
Transliteration: men
Phonetic Spelling: (men) = (Male)
Short Definition: truly, indeed Definition: an untranslatable particle, generally answered by de,
each of the two introducing a clause intended to be contrasted with the other.

( 5 )Strongs Concordance
probaton: a sheep
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: probaton
Phonetic Spelling: (prob'-at-on)
Short Definition: a sheep + male = (Ram) [ 4263 ] Alpha Ram
Definition: a sheep.
(6) Strongs Concordance
ek or ex: from, from out of
Original Word: ,
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: ek or ex
Phonetic Spelling: (ek)
Short Definition: from out, out from among, from
Definition: from out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards.
( 7 )Strongs Concordance
dexios: the right hand or side
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: dexios
Phonetic Spelling: (dex-ee-os')
Short Definition: on the right hand, right hand, right
Definition: on the right hand, right hand, right.
( 8 ) Strongs Concordance
autos: (1) self (emphatic) (2) he, she, it (used for the third pers. pron.) (3) the same
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Personal Pronoun
Transliteration: autos
Phonetic Spelling: (ow-tos')
Short Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same
Definition: he, she, it, they, them, same.
( 9 )Strongs Concordance
ho, h, to: the
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Definite Article
Transliteration: ho, h, to
Phonetic Spelling: (ho)
Short Definition: the
Definition: the, the definite article.
( 10 )Strongs Concordance
de: but, and, now, (a connective or adversative particle)
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Conjunction
Transliteration: de
Phonetic Spelling: (deh)
Short Definition: but, on the other hand, and
Definition: a weak adversative particle, generally placed second in its clause; but, on the
other hand, and.

PAGE !66 OF !123

( 11 )Strongs Concordance
eriphion: a little young goat
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: eriphion
Phonetic Spelling: (er-if'-ee-on)
Short Definition: a goat, kid [ 2055 ] - eriphion
Definition: a goat, kid.
( 12 )Strongs Concordance
ek or ex: from, from out of
Original Word: ,
Part of Speech: Preposition
Transliteration: ek or ex
Phonetic Spelling: (ek)
Short Definition: from out, out from among, from
Definition: from out, out from among, from, suggesting from the interior outwards.
( 13 ) Strongs Concordance
eunumos: of good name, euph. for left
Original Word: ,
Part of Speech: Adjective
Transliteration: eunumos
Phonetic Spelling: (yoo-o'-noo-mos)
Short Definition: on the left-hand side, left
Definition: (lit: well-named, to avoid the evil omen attaching to the left), on the left-hand side, left.

How that Jehovahs angel as shared this information with us we can get a very
clear understanding exactly what Jesus was trying to teachers us, So let's relook at
the story of the Sheep and the Goats Once again, However Only this time using
the proper English translations of the original story in its original Greek translation
that Jesus meant for us to hear it.

Matthew 25: 31-46 Should actual read like follows .

When the son of man comes in his glory and all of the angels with him, he will sit on the
thrown of his glory and all the different kinds of people will be gathered before him, and he will
separate the one from another as a shepherd separates the flock from the Male Stud goat
(singular-Satan) he will put the flock (All humans) on his right hand, and the Male stud goats
(Plural - fallen Angels) on his left, then the king will say to those on his right come you who
are blessed by my father take your inheritance the kingdom prepared for you since the
creation of the world, as you fed me when I was hungry, you give me something to drink when
I was thirsty, you was hospitable to me, you clothed me when I needed clothes, you took care
of me when i was sick, and you visited me during my imprisonment, Then the righteous will
respond, when did we see you hungry and feed you, are thirsty and give you something to
drink, when were we hospitable to you or needing clothes and clothed do you, when did we
see you sick in prison and go to visit you The king will reply truly I tell you, what ever you
did from one of the least of my brothers you did for me Then he will say to those on is left,
depart from me you who are cursed into the internal fire prepared for the devil and is angels, I
was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink,
you was never hospitable to me, you did not cloth me when i need it, you never took care of
me when I was sick, and you never visited me during my imprisonment, They will answer,
Lord, when did we see you hungry or Thirsty, or a stranger, or needing clothes, or sick, or in
prison, and did not help you. He will reply, truly I tell you what ever you do do for one of the
least of these, you did not do it for me, And then, they will go away into permanent correction,
but the righteous to eternal life

PAGE !67 OF !123

When the last days begin and Jesus arrives in all is Glory and destroy this current
system of civilisation, the sheep and Goats, (The Flock made up of all humans) Will
then have the opportunity to change and live their life accordingly to Jehovah God,
natural law, And how he first intended man to live The (flock) made up of both
righteous and unrighteous The righteous to eternal life, and the unrighteous to
chance of starting again without Satan messing with everybody's minds, And this will
be start of the resurrection Where Everyone that as died comes back again,
regardless to whether they were naughty or good-I will go into this in more details

Matthew 7:21 says that not everyone who says lord lord will enter into the kingdom
of heaven.

The Kingdom of Heaven will only begin after the second death, not before This
only begins when Jesus hands the Earth back over to his father. If people then
are still not willing to change and live according to Gods natural law during this time,
while everyone as the opportunity to live without Satan being around manipulating
and messing with their minds, then Jehovah cant be any more fair then that. (The
day of Judgment is this 1000 year reign of christ)

Then, if they still wish to live not according to Gods natural law, like he first intended
they will experience whats referred to as the second death in Revelation. When
that will take place no one knows, however It will be before the 1000 year reign of
christ comes to end Then hell hand it back to his father. - And only then does it
become the Kingdom of God.

However, there is No scriptural support our evidence anywhere in the bible, to

indicate that the people that might die during Armageddon, cannot be resurrected
after Armageddon. - The best way to look at this,

If you have a child who you love dearly, however that child keeps playing with
matches, so you take the matches off him/her and explain why you dont like them
playing with these matches, the two main reasons would injury to themselves, or
possible injury to someone else, worse cause they could start a fire which could lead
to death or you losing everything in a possible fire however, youve explained
nicely hoping the child would listen, then you find out that the child is still ignoring
you, and the message isnt sinking in so then youll either smack the child or
punish the child hoping next time theyll listen and wont want to play with those
matchers, as any loving parent would, because you know they could cause serious
The child may be upset and hurt from that smack only for a short period of time,
however, this smack doesnt stop the love you have for this child, youve got to be
curl to be kind as the saying goes The same rule appeals here, in the last days if
people still dont want to listen, and carry on playing with fire, then Jehovah will
punish them, hoping that next time round theyll listen - However, This doesnt stop
any love for particular child, you just hope he/she learns their lesson, and hopefully
they will.

PAGE !68 OF !123

The Bible says that there will be a resurrection of both the just and the unjust, we are
taught that it was a resurrection of both the righteous and the unrighteous, because
the wicked will not get a resurrection, or the ones that are killed at Armageddon will
not receive a resurrection, but there is not one shred of scriptural support for those

The word that translates as unrighteous at Acts 24:15 is adikos which means those
who act unjustly. There are too many verses that associate the adikos (unjust) with
wickedness. But the Bible also says that the adikos will be punished .

2Peter 2:9 The only logical way that so many verses about this subject can make
any sense at all is to conclude that the day of judgment will take place long after the
resurrection. But, before Jesus hands the kingdom over to his father.

Acts 17:31 says "because he has fixed a day on which he will judge the world in
righteousness by a man whom he has appointed; and of this he has given assurance
to all by raising him from the dead. Since this verse is very obviously about Jesus,
who will rule for a thousand years, and since 2Peter 3:8 says, "But do not overlook
this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a
thousand years as one day." And since Revelation 20:4 says, "I saw thrones on
which were seated those who had been given authority to judge. And I saw the souls
of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony about Jesus and
because of the word of God. They had not worshiped the beast or its image and had
not received its mark on their foreheads or their hands. They came to life and
reigned with Christ a thousand years. I believe that it is safe to say that the
Judgment Day will be that thousand year period.

By simply changing a couple of the keywords just a tiny bit the religious systems of
the world are able to present this story in such a way or Manner to make us believe
this story is about only humans, in their version humans are rewarded for being good
and following the rules of civilisation and its punishment for those ones who don't
follow the rules of civilisation and that is eternal burning and torture or its eternal
cutting off from Gods kingdom.

But when correctly translated there is no possible way to make this story about
demonic propaganda make sense, in Jesus's version of this story in its original, is
not about separating good people from bad people, but about separating is flock
made up of both righteous and unrighteous humans, from Satan and all is Angels
knowing as the fallen Angels.

We can determine this from the way Jesus said he was going to separate from the
Ram (singular) - and that he was going to put Rams (plural) on this left side.

Please remember Sheep and goats will follow their shepherd, and in the
shepherds absence then simply follow the Alpha male, or as the case may have
been the Alpha Ram

This behaviour is instinctive, god does not judge people for doing what he
instinctively made us do but he can, and will just people for breaking natural law,

PAGE !69 OF !123

which I will discuss very soon, however once Satan and all the angels are out of the
picture, we will All be given the opportunity to follow our Shepherd Jesus and his
angels, for 1000 years without any interference from Satan and his angels messing
and corrupting our minds, if then we cant follow Jehovahs natural law during this
thousand year reign of Christ, then what is known in the book of Revelation as the
second death will be applied, however in satans absence, judgement Will be more
than fair!!!! -

Trying to be perfect humans, in the unnatural world which isn't perfect doesn't make
sense, and is nothing more than to burden people with guilt, regret, depression.. Just
like Satan wants - And Jehovah our Father is fully aware of this.

Since Jesus said he was going to separate the Male stud goats (Alpha Ram) from
the flock which is made up from both Sheep and Goats, Then we should understand
that this action was not just designed to save only mankind, but also the fallen
angels into a second chance too. - referred to as the goats.

The theme of salvation for Human beings that everybody is always talking about is
only part of this story, the salvation of the angels ( fallen Angles) is a re-occurring
theme as well, they are quite a few Scriptures that say things that Jesus came to die
for All not some, not a few, but All so far I have found none that specifically
uses the words that only apply to only Humans just as is the case of speaking
with, Angels and Humans

Hopefully this is all making sense to you, but if not then go to the Book of Revelation,
and read chapters 2 and 3 In this part of the bible the apostle John's is told to
record seven messages to 7 Angels that are ruling over seven different groups of
people in Asia Minor In each message, the angels are personally written too on
things that they are doing while being scolded for doing bad things that they are
doing, if our spirit creatures are simply good angels are wicked Demons this part of
the Bible wouldn't make any sense, just like us The Angels that are being written
about in chapters 2 and 3 are imperfect and sinful, they are faced with the same
problems that we (Humans) after deal with, attempting to function accordingly to
natural law, in a unnatural world.

Witnesses, trying to explain this part by saying that the word angel means
messenger, and that these messages are freshly Elders within the congregation, but
as I said earlier there is no ambiguity in the ancient Greek language which is
associated with angelic messages. Freshly messages - In the new Testament, the
ancient Greek word aggelos (sounds like) is where we get a word angel which
always means Spirit messenger . While the word apostolos (ap-os-tol-os)
sounds like) is where we get the word apostle which always means fleshly
messenger There is nothing in the Bible to indicate these words anyway are

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Strong's Concordance
aggelos: an angel, messenger
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: aggelos
Phonetic Spelling: (ang'-el-os)
Short Definition: an angel, messenger
Definition: a messenger, generally a (supernatural) messenger from God, an angel, conveying news
or behests from God to men.

Strong's Concordance
apostolos: a messenger, one sent on a mission, an apostle
Original Word: , ,
Part of Speech: Noun, Masculine
Transliteration: apostolos
Phonetic Spelling: (ap-os'-tol-os)
Short Definition: an apostle, a messenger, an envoy, a delegate
Definition: a messenger, envoy, delegate, one commissioned by another to represent him in some
way, especially a man sent out by Jesus Christ Himself to preach the Gospel; an apostle.

In verse 6 in the book of Jude, Satan and his angels are called the angels that left
their proper dwelling, in fact specifically says, they left their original of they're

Isaiah 14:12 says

How you have fallen from heaven,

O shining one, son of the dawn!

How you have been cut down to the earth,

You who vanquished nations!

Ezekiel 28: 14 says

I assigned you as the anointed covering cherub. You were on the holy mountain of God,
and you walked about among fiery stones

The religious systems treat all the Scriptures as if God intended for them be a
mystery to us mere mortals but the bible doesn't even attempt to hide the fact - the
phrase son of the dawn or morning star (KJV) means SUN of the dawn, also
throughout the Bible the word Sun is often used when speaking of celestial
objects. the 12 foundation stones of the heavenly city was the 12 phases of the
moon, prior to the flood it is common sense that fiery stones would be stars, and
our sun is in fact, what we would call a star .

Ancient secular history, which has now become known as mythology supports what
the Bible plainly states throughout the Bible ancient empires are spoken of as being
directly Ruled by Satan, those empires were Babel, Egypt, Assyria, Persia, Greece and
Rome what is recorded in the Bible nothing remains of the original Babel, I
however there is enough archaeology evidence to prove beyond a doubt that the
other five empires actually existed, and that all these 5 empires, based their religious
System on Sun worship.

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Those empires that the Bible associated with Satan have been proven to exist, in
archaeology evidence supports that some foam of sun worship was practised in each
of these empires,

In the parable of the sheep and the goats in his original Greek, the Bible says that
Satan and his angels are to be sent to the everlasting fire, that's as been prepared
specifically for them - the parable also says Jesus flock is going to be sent off to
everlasting life, and his kingdom as the specifically prepared for them, this word
prepared does not indicate any action in the present tense, in other words, this
passage shouldn't be interpreted as if Jehovah was in the act of preparing these
locations, back at the time when Jesus was speaking about them, but these prepared
past tense locations where are already in place.

In fact the Shepherd in the parable says to the Proboton (flock of both sheep and
goats) inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.

This part of the Bible is not about some kind of torture or imprisonment, - but about
putting everything and everyone back to where they originally belonged, this passage
is about putting everything back to the way it was in Genesis 1:31 where it says and
God saw everything he had made, and behold it was very good

The criteria for determining who shall be sent where, it's also very interesting those
who are sent into everlasting fire are sent there because they have been treated very
specific Group of people, Jesus call them the least of his brothers who would
qualify as one of Jesus's brothers?

In the Bible humans, are always called brothers with one another but Jesus came
to the earth and was actually a freshly human being at one point in time, he would
qualify as a brother to both so he is specifically referred to this group as least of
brothers - would only be the humans so the angels that are sent to everlasting fire
would be sent there depending on how they treated the humans that were in their

Jesus would never send humans to the sun, as fleshly creatures as it's obvious the
conditions on the sun would not exactly be fit for humans, but in fact it would
probably be extremely uncomfortable. But in the same case, Angels there is nothing
in the Bible to indicate that they are affected by environmental concerns.

Specifically, if Jude said it was their original proper place of dwelling.

Without a doubt in the bible the whole theme is about Jehovah restoring the Earth
back to its original place, exactly as it was in the garden of Eden when everything
was very good, they are many Scriptures that support this as you are aware, just like
the one in Genesis 1:31 Look everything is good especially when combined with
the thought recorded in the book of Revelation which says, I am making all
things new or a better way to maybe look at it is Look Im making everything
even more better again

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This Scripture is obvious direct reference to the scripture mentioned in Genesis,
Point being there was a time before sin entered the earth, that God was satisfied with
everything he ever created, and after Armageddon there will come a time when
Jehovah will be once agin be satisfied with things, it is very obvious that Satan was
alive and was still residing in his proper dwelling place when Jehovah was satisfied
the first time round it's only makes sense if God was satisfied when Satan was in
this proper dwelling place, that he could also be satisfied with Satan once he is
returned to that proper dwelling place.

Please don't be distressed, if you are having a hard time trying to take this in or
understand this then consider this, we are supposed to be waiting Christ return
that being the case, hes not already be here, if he was he wouldn't need to return as
you are aware, the point being that Jesus must be somewhere else then?

1 john 5:19 calls Satan the ruler of this world, for that to be the case he would have
to be here on the earth. Maybe hiding, not even in physical foam yet, but hes here

The Bible associates all the problems facing mankind with Satan's presence, it is only
logical that the big issue is not the torturing of simple Human beings for not been
able to function properly in an unnatural world, but about bringing Jesus here and
sending Satan somewhere else.

One of the verses in this parable says That Satan and his Angels he shall go away
into everlasting punishment - This sounds quite harsh, maybe not to some.. as we
would understand English form, but just as in all the versus of the Bible, the
translator was given a choice to translate this particular verse, dramatically any of
those choices would be correct including the traditional rendering that we just read
The actual word used here is Col-las-cease (sounds like) And it is not the same
word as translated as punishment in other parts of the Bible, this particular
rendering was most likely chosen not because of its accuracy, but because of how
frightening it sounds! however, An alternate interpretation of this verse that is
every bit lidget would've been.

they shall be transferred into a permanent correction

Such an interpretation would significantly alter our understanding, often the idea of
punishment and correction can be the same idea, but not always the case if you look
at this word Col-las-cease (sounds like) as it appears in this verse, You'll find it is
only used in one other place in the entire text of the bible where it says.

Love requires correction

We could say that love requires punishment, and they are some that would agree
with this statement. we have all heard the saying, you have got to be cruel to be

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In fact most bibles do interpret this word in that way, but to a reasonable person it
would only make much more sense to use the other English word correction in
both these versus.

Because the way that we perceive punishment would be appropriate in either one of
the statements recorded in the Bible where the word is used

Especially when you consider the Bibles promise I am making all things very good

Restoring Satan and his angels, to what Jude called their original home at the
beginning would be in effect permanent correction.

Remember, even in our traditional English versus of the Bible it specifically say

the goats on the Kings left or to be sent off to everlasting fire reserved for Satan
and his angels

Being reserved for Satan and his angels is pretty solid proof that it isn't reserved for
you Humans! Only Satan and his angels

So even in the mis-translation of our English versions, in this text you will find no
support from Jehovah Who Does Not use any kind of burning torture chamber
reserved the nasty humans.

As I said earlier these verses in their traditional English form, don't make any sense
with the rest of the Bible-but once translated correctly they do make sense, if the
bible was a book about punishing naughty humans for not obeying rules, then these
verses would fit right in, but hopefully now you are starting to understand you are
already aware that this is not what the bible is actually all about

Our Father has made this so simple to see, so that it will stand in stark contrast to
what Satan's Religious System teaches. Anyone that would willingly chose Church
over simple truth deserves to die. Especially if you consider that all those who die
will be resurrected too better off for the experience.

Who are the 144,000. As Bible books goes Revelations is unique and the imagery
that is used in the book of Revelation is not like anything that you, or I have ever
experienced and even though the book of Revelation is dependent on all the other
65 books, the book of Revelation is nothing like all these other books in the bible.

To the ancient people who spoke Greek as there first language and still had access
to the original Greek Bible or Scripts, or one of the original copies of revelations
much of it would of still read strange to them, certain things would be instantly
understood by those people, the Scriptures which was easy to understand would act
like a foundation in figuring out the things which aren't so easy to understand in
our English translations of the Bible the easy stuff is seems to be translated by
people who had no experience with Greek, and not much experience with English

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either. That combined with the fact that the other parts are confusing even
though they are translated properly does really good job at rendering the entire book
even more confusing

One thing that would be very obvious to those ancient people is the fact that John's
revelation was written to and was for the angels!

I'm not saying that we as humans are not supposed to read it, the book is in our
human Bible but it is very obvious that we are supposed to read it, the unusual
way that this information is presented is in fact for our benefit, in the opening
chapters of revelation John a human is told to write down in a scroll messages
delivering to 7 angels we often hear of angels delivering messages to Humans but
don't really hear of a human delivering messages to angels this is why its unique in
all of the Bible

John, as seen a vision which allows him to see and participate in things, that no
human could actually hope to see are participate in much of what is affecting our
lives is taking place in the invisible world, and Jehovah wants us to know so we have
not been left out in the cold most people realise that revelation is a view into the
future, but rarely does anyone talk about the fact that this is a view into a world that
we cannot see. Most people also realise a lot of what is recorded in secular history
and the archaeology record also supports the bible, so they have no problem in
using secular history to try and decipher the Bible to try and figure out parts which
sounds confusing the problem is as representatives of Satan's religious Empire
here on earth, are required to focus all their efforts and attention into shearing people
away from the bible and so they often turn to secular history and information to try
and explain Bible passages even when it isn't necessary.

And always try to make the Bible appear to support civilisations political system,
economic systems and their religious systems.

They are confusing passages from the book of Revelation however confusing they
may sound it appears to seem as if these things were just common knowledge for
the people back in ancient Greek and for the people living in the ancient past they
may actually be common knowledge to them, when those living thousands of years
after the official writings of ancient Greek it is now just lost knowledge.
I will do my best to explain the 144,000 using nothing more than the Bible I have
here the Bible is original language is very clear in its identification of these proving
to absolutely no doubt - who they are and what they represent. but, as important
as it is, so you know who they are? It is also important to understand what they
represent, that information isn't so easy to figure out ..The bible speaks about angels
and Men many times throughout the book of Revelation.

At present there are 7 billion humans that occupy this planet at the moment.. Soon to
be nearly 8 billion and even though we are unable to perceive how many angels
are around us in one particular instance the bible speaks of gathering of angels
into the thousands, knowing that the universe is inhabited today by billions of Human
beings - it has to make one wonder why the Bible would use the number of those
spoken of in chapter 7 and 14 of the Book Revelation, as precisely 144,000?

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Nothing in the Bible is by accident, if we are told that exactly 144,000 surround the
heavenly thrown, then the number 144,000 has got to be significant.

There are two Bible passages outside the book of Revelation to what this number
actually represents, to you get a clear understanding we are going to have to
uncover some lost knowledge, that was once common knowledge. It'll take a little
research and I hope you check it out for yourselves and youll find out that I am
correct because the information and the knowledge is still out there, it just involves
some research and you can find this out all this for yourself too. We how live in what
is called the information age, at at the click of button we can pretty much research
and find anything we like online so clues to this special number are all around us,
we have to do is find out where to look.

I have been investigating the correlation for what is found in the bible and for what is
also found in secular history for the last couple of years and for the moment I
haven't found anything that is going to contradict what Im hopefully going to explain
to you the more I look into this, the more i find more to confirm the information im
going to give you undeniable, and absolute truth. every culture of the Earth as
stories of gods and demigods, such as Greek mythology for as a example the
bible associates all the false gods of ancient secular history with fallen angels - in
fact the Bible does not hold back from calling these fallen Angels Gods.

It should need no surprise that the bible should speak of events of these fallen
Angels - using imagery similar to the imagery found in ancient cultures worshipping
those gods The bible was written as the means of importing information to us
about the actual world around us They are some ideas about the 144,000 that
seem to be universal, the first one is that these 144,000 are the elite, and whenever
you hear some speak of the 144,000 as been the elite wherever that may be they
are most likely speaking of humans that are worthy to go to heaven, are worthy to be
christs bride, or even some other kind of Worthy that we could never hope to attain

The work that is translated elect in the bible is actually the word ( sounds like)
eklektos (Sounds like) means in english Chosen we use the word chosen all the
time in English and never really attribute any special powers to it. Another word that
particularly means the same word in English would be Picked - both these words
are basically the same, another version as the word eklektos ( sounds like) in greek
is Hec-toe-May-I ( Sounds like) - Both are simply different versions of our English
word Chosen

The churches however want us to believe that these words are simple some kind of
title, in other words if you ask someone from a church or meeting, and asked them
who lives in heaven the chances are youll get a answer back say Jesus and the
elect or 144,000 if you look or either of these words in the online concordance or
online lexicon you seem pretty quickly by the way that they are used that neither
word is uniquely a title! Both words are applied to people, places and things and
neither word is uniquely good. - In other words a person, place or thing can be

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chosen for honour or chosen for ridicule. The Scripture at 1st Corinthians 1:27 is
used both ways.

The word is only used once at Revelation 17:14 Where it say these will battle with
the lamb, but because he is lord of lords and king of kings, the lamb will conquer
them. Also those called chosen and faithful with him (will do so).

Humans in the Bible are spoken of as being either on the earth or been in Hades (
Greek ) or Sheol ( Hebrew) - which means mankinds common grave. - awaiting
the resurrection to earth, or on earth after the resurrection. There as been a few
prophets including John, which was given visions of heaven but only one alludes to
actually taking place in heaven, that one is found in 2nd Corinthians 12:2 .. only
sounds this way in english, to us it seems as if Paul is saying he is not aware of the
man who experienced the vision went to heaven, or in his body or not in his body.

But the original Greek wording only applies that Paul was aware of the physical
manifestation that the man actually saw with is freshly eyes, or if the vision was only
in the mans head, much like a dream!

In any case, just a years earlier at John 3:13 - Jesus plainly said that NO human as
ever been to heaven and he didnt finish his sentence with the word yet, so
there is no indication what so ever that this indication was ever going to change.

Before telling us where the 144,000 are, and what they are doing the bible tells us
several things about them so that we can precisely identify who they.

1st, we are told that these are sealed from all the 12 tribes of Israel, 12,000 each
from the 12 tribes - but the list of tribes that they are from is not the same as the
tribes of fleshly Israel, the tribe of Dan is missing discovering why the tribe of Dan
is excluded is a clue to determine who the 144,000 are.

When the nation of Israel was brought out of Egypt and through the Jordan they
were specifically told there was given inheritance in the land, the nation was to be
divided up, and each tribe given a fair share - Gods law strictly forbid the nation from
harassing people outside of the promised land, in Gods law each tribe had to live in
there allotted territory and that none of the nation was to leave that allotment.

Dan decided that the territory allotted to them wasn't enough even though the bible
clearly indicates the land was divided fairly, So in blatant disregard to Gods law, the
tribe of Dan went out of the promised land and invaded, slaughtered and enslaved
people of Lesh-um - in effect forsaking their proper dwelling place In verses 5 &
6 of the book of Jude, Those tribes of Israel, that was delivered out of the land of
Egypt but still did not have faith, our compare to the angel that forsaken there
proper dwelling place. The comparison, is obvious intentional and not just a
random combination of two unrelated points in other words there is an obvious
comparison be made between the 144,000 that did not forsook there there proper
dwelling place, as opposed to the angels, as opposed to the angels in Jude that did
forsook there dwelling place

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It's important to keep this point in mind as we examine several of the points that the
bible makes about identifying these144,000 that are taken from the 12 tribes of
Israel, another important point in typing all this together is the fact that they invaded
Lesh-um which corresponds to one of the original months to the calendar but
existed before the Flood, as well as one of the precious stones that was on the
breastplate of the high priest that correspond to that month, and one of the
foundation stones to heavenly Jerusalem - which also corresponds to that month -
after the invasion the area is not referred to as Lesh-um but instead as lay-shem -
which corresponds to the astrological sign Leo the lion, the sun God. Which would
cover the same time period as pre-flood time month - corresponding to lay-shem

In extra Biblical mythological texts Satan is often referred to as the sun God, this
is also not a coincidence, this scripture is about replacing Satan the lion outside gods
kingdom and his angels with Jesus - The lion with the tribe of Judah and his angels.

Please keep in mind, the Book of Revelation is about the restoration of all things
including the relationship of the earth, moon and sun prior to the flood, the colour
of the moon would have been the colour of Lay-shem stone, during parts of the
corresponding to post flood, astrological sign Leo Probably this would be roughly
our modern month August, after the flood the moon would have been full and white,
after the Babylonian conquest the moon would have been altered as it is today..
Changing to full and dark, positioned relative to the Earth and sun this is why so
much of the book celestial bodies and phenomena, according to the book of
Revelation, the Moon will be returned to its pre-flood condition.

The next point the bible makes about identifying 144,000 is that they have not defiled
themselves with women, this Scripture is not missed translated but instead it's
misunderstood, Remember the book of Revelation primarily too.. and is about the
Angels, this Scripture is a direct reference to the original Angels prior to the flood of
Noahs day, who forsook there proper dwelling place, came to earth, and
impregnated humans females I have never heard of anybody speak of this
scripture before at any meeting, this tends to be a Tabou subject.

However, explaining why only virgin men, get to go to heaven or to be numbered

with the elite, would be a very difficult subject to discuss, for God I've never at once
in any given point in the Bible ever showed any preference to male virgins in fact if
you look at the list of every single man that God showed preference to - only one of
them are said to be a virgin, none of the patriarchs, none of the prophets, none of the
judges, none of the kings.. And not even the apostles were said to be virgins

In fact, when you read any of the Bible, you will very quickly discover that many
have wifes or had wifes that they obviously have sex with!.. And possibly maid
servants that more likely would have had sex with too Many point to Paul has be a virgin, since he
was not married and often spoke of been chasteness.. Fact is nowhere in the Bible, does it
allude to Paul being a virgin even the most famous virgin mentioned in the Bible, Mary the
mother of Jesus stopped being a virgin shortly after she gave birth, and she was the woman,
so even if she remained a virgin, she would not have qualified either way as the so-called
elect, saying that the 144,000 did not defile themselves with women is appropriate the
original Greek word Gyn-A (sound like) which is where we get our English word
gynaecology does in fact mean women. - but in order to fully understand how to perceive

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this word, a clear way to translate this passage would be these are the ones that did not
defile themselves with female humans

Nowhere in the Bible, Are we lead to believe that sexual contact with Human males and
Human females can render anyone defiled or dirties - the only scripture reference to the
defiling sexual contact between males and females in the entire bible are always in
reference to unnatural sexual contact between members of different species such as sex
involving sheep and goats, sex involving humans and animals and sex between Humans
and Angels

Once again, this verse is without a doubt on about Satan and his male angels that forsook
their proper dwelling place, came to earth had sexual relations with female humans,
fathering the human angel Hybrid - known in the Bible as nepheline.
Since no one really speaks of this, most people are not really familiar with these Scriptures
mentioned in the book of Genesis and throughout the bible, Jehovah only condemns these
relationships between Angels and Humans But not Humans and Humans

Another scripture where we can see this translation is when we look at 1st Corinthians 6:
9-11 (KJV) when you compare the original Greek with today's modern translation of the
Bible, it is extremely obvious as this has been misinterpreted throughout the years of

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mistranslation where the churches of the Empire have used this to their advantage to have
a hold over people, so there in control to who goes where.

9) Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived:
neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of
themselves with mankind, 10) Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor
extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11) And such were some of you: but ye are
washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the
Spirit of our God.

When it should read like the following below

Don't you know, that the unrighteous will not take possession of God's Kingdom?
Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral (pornos=those who sell their bodies), nor
idolaters (eidololatres=those who idolise), nor adulterers (moichos=those who are
unfaithful (to god)), nor men who practice homosexuality (heb. malakos=those who are
clothed with, or like moloch (mars) Malak (ruler/king) Malach (angels)nor arsenokoitis
(those who have males lying within them (demon possession)), nor thieves, nor the greedy,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will take possession of God's Kingdom. And such
were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

9 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

; (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15)
(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21)

Are the correct way to this verse would read:

Don't you know, that the unrighteous will not take possession of God's Kingdom?
Do not be deceived: (pornos=those who sell their bodies), nor idolaters (eidololatres=those
who idolise),(moichos=those who are unfaithful (to god)), (heb. malakos=those who are
clothed with, or like moloch (mars) Malak (ruler/king) Malach (angels)nor arsenokoitis
(those who have males lying within them (demon possession)), nor thieves, nor the greedy,
nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will take possession of God's Kingdom. And such
were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

A particular good example of a word being seriously perverted in order to make it

seem as if God obsesses over sex, is found in verse 9. The word effeminate (KJV)
is actually the word malakos, which is found in two other places in The Bible.
Matthew 11:8, and Luke 7:25.

In those verses Jesus ask people what they expected from John The Baptist? "But
what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft (malakos) raiment? behold, they
that wear soft (malakos) clothing are in kings' houses."The thought being that, in the
cults, of The Empire, people expect their religious leaders to be wearing nice
clothing. Jesus understood this, and was explaining that God does not use well
dressed men to represent him. Jesus would not be addressing the idea that people
expect God's spokesmen to be cross dressers. Religion is disgusting.

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Same sex relationships seem to go against living by natural law, and will likely not
exist after the resurrection. But, that being said, driving Chevrolets, looking for
Pokemans, Watching TV, playing golf, eating processed food, and all kinds of other
things go against natural law, as well, and you never hear a televangelist getting on
his high horse about any of that stuff.

For example lets say: Homosexuals, may want to go on and on about how they are
just as God made them, and how being homosexual is what makes them who they
are, but the same argument might be made about someone loyal to Chevrolet, or
someone addicted to golf. After the resurrection everyone will be changed.

Matthew 7:21 says that not everyone who says lord lord will enter into the kingdom
of heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven will begin after the second death, when Jesus
hands the Earth back over to his father. there if people are not willing to change
during this time, 1000 year reign of christ, then theyll experience whats referred to
as the second death in Revelation.

In English it is traditional to translate these verses in this way, but... In Greek, there
isnt anything about homosexuality mentioned. The words that are translated as
such actually mean any who lie down with the males (angels) Those who pornia
(conjunction with the wicked angels) Those who Malekos (clothed with the ruling
angels). Those who participate in religion. (wicked angel worship)

In English it says that fallen angels took wives, but in the original language, what is
said is that The Fallen Angels took for themselves Ishsha. Which translates as
female tribal leaders, or also as free women. As opposed to wives, which is usually
translated as slave women. However, those women entered into a covenant with the
fallen angels, an unnatural sexual covenant with anyone is wrong, but especially
between different species. I think that the Bible highlights the fact that those women
were free, as in free to choose to enter into those covenants. After entering into
those covenants, they would not have been free at all.

Two of the ten commandments address this. Thou shalt not commit adultery. Which
actually would be better translated as Do not commit a sexual act that goes against
law Initially this command was against natural law, but later was incorporated into
the Jewish law code for sexual offences such as sex between animals and humans.
Sex with people engaged in a sexual contract with another person (marriage) sex
with a close family member such as a mother or father, or sex between members of
the same gender.

Another set of laws was specifically aimed at the Angels that forsook their proper
abode, and came to Earth to become gods over humanity. Do not covet your
neighbours wife was specifically aimed at those angels who coveted the female sex
partners designed for male humans. Do not covet your neighbours house, would be
better translated as do not desire your neighbours' family. Do not covet your

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neighbours slaves, or servants, would be better translated as do not desire
members of your neighbour's tribe (extended family)

According to Jewish law (The Law of Moses) fornication was understood as sex with
humans that belong to other humans (husbands and wives of others) So, while the
law of Moses was in effect those people who broke the sex rules would be subject to
those rules of that nation during that time. But prior to Exodus and After Jesus. I
would say NO. Outside of that small window of human history, I don't see anything
scriptural about humans having sex with humans. But that doesn't free us from the
consequences of having illegal sex according to current social norms

Another scripture that seems to be confusing to some people is at

Revelations 20:4 .. which says these are the one that did not except the mark of
the beast However in Revelation 13: 16-17 specifically says

16 - And it puts under compulsion ALL persons, the small and the great, and the
rich and the poor, and the free and the slaves, that they should give these a mark in
their right hand or upon their forehead, 17- and that nobody might be able to buy or
sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its

That word ALL is actually the Greek word POSS which is actually the same as
our word ALL in english, its not the Greek word for some or Most which would
indicate less then whole, but it fact All which does indeed mean - All the entire
number of Mankind! - So if the bible very specifically states That All mankind are
given the mark of the beast - Then how can only those that dont get the mark of the
beast, be among the elect?

Their area couple of very basic things that must be understood here, before we can
go any further the 1st, Most people think or believe that the Beast mentioned is
actually Satan himself, which would be in effect make the mark of the Beast, the
mark of Satan But in the book of Revelation Satan is constantly referred to as
Not the beast, But as the Dragon, And in Chapter 13:12 it says it is the Dragon
Satan that gives the beast its power, Its sight, and its authority

So, if nothing else this scripture plainly shows that the Beast is not Satan? Knowing
that the Beast is not Satan, that we have to now determine what the Beast is?

The identification of the beast is actually in fact civilisation, which Ive already
mentioned and I will go into more detail shortly, Understanding the meaning of the
All seeing eye which many people refer to the illuminati in todays modern world, is
a fundamental teaching of understanding the entire bible, for example this particular
scripture in Revelation 13 - It is very clear and easy to understand, however if its
some what confusing like it was for me at first getting my head around this

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Its about, The creators hatred towards civilisation, if not then the chances are youll
likely spend the rest of your life speculating the identification of the Beast, without
ever figuring it out just like all the other religions in the world

Much of why people are confused about the Mark of Beast is the fact, that even
though we are all born into illegal slavery into this civilisation, we are not born with a
physical mark on our bodies - denoting ownership.

The Scriptures does say-That ALL would receive a mark, in the past and even today
people are marked as slaves Such things like circumcision, tattoos, nose
piercings and nose piercings and in fact all these methods of marking Human
beings as property, spoken of throughout the entire Bible.

To figure out why no mark is visible, all we have to do is look in the Bible, this is
where the mark is placed

At Revelation 14:9-10 say specifically

9Another angel, a third, followed them, saying in a loud voice: If anyone worships
the wild beast and its image and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,
10he will also drink of the wine of the anger of God that is poured out undiluted into
the cup of His wrath, and he will be tormented with fire and sulphur in the sight of the
holy angels and in the sight of the Lamb

The word we translate Forehead is the Greek word for Met-O-pon (sound like)
which means the space inside your skull, directly behind the eye socket most of us
are aware that you human brain occupies this space, specifically the choroid plexus,
hypothalamus, pineal gland

In 1929 a extremely powerful narcotic was created, as for those who created this
narcotic they named it that same Greek word Metopon [ ] the reason
why is because of this ancient Greek word, because it means The mind - The
Metopon is not the forehead and its not even under the skin of the fore head, but
deep inside the Brain!!

The other location for the Mark of the Beast is said to be in the hand, the Greek word
hand is cheiros () does in fact mean hand However, to anyone reading
the bible its obvious that they often used as a metaphorically (Metaphor).

In Chapter 13:16 - This Mark specifically said to be placed dexias cheiros ( sounds
like - Greek) [ ] which in English translates as right-hand.

When the Bible says that Jesus sat down at the right hand of God - Its understood
that he did not sit down on Gods physical hand, but instead took a position of
authority granted to them by his father - This is also why the mother of Jesuss
disciples John and James also known as Sons of Thunder asked Jesus after
entering into his Kingdom if he would allow her sons to sit - one on Jesuss left and
the other on the right - This is also why Jesus said He cant make that decision,
because only this father had that authority.

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This conversation was more than a mother wanting the best for her children, but was
in fact a spiritual drama representing a much more greater struggle over authority
which is taking place in the spirit realm right now For thousands of years,
civilisation was not allowed to have political control over the promised land

However, after the nation was released from Babylonian captivity and returned to the
promised land capital of settings Empire that being Babylon, was given political
control over that part of earth and Zachariah, had a vision of this political
arrangements in Zachariah 3:1 it says that he saw Joshua, the high priest
stationed before Jehovah and Satan at his right hand. This word that we translate as
right hand is Jah-Mean (sounds like - Hebrew) the Hebrew equivalent to the
ancient Greek phrase dexias cheiros meaning Right Hand.

Hopefully by examining the use of the phrase right hand as it appears in the bible, is
enough to convince you that the mark of civilisation is not going to be any kind of
Mark or object that humans will have placed on or within their physical bodies,
actuate rendering of the thought been conveyed by Scriptures that this time using
the idiomatic phrasing of our current culture would be if anyone except
civilisations precepts along with this hierarchy arrangements, that person is going to
suffer the consequences as reserved for them but that isn't all this scripture is
English for still lacks accuracy, which you are about to see.

Once again if we look at the original language what is actually said is These are the
ones that did not Lamb-Barn-O ( Sounds like) the mark of the beast

The Greek word for Lamb-Barn-O ( sounds like) cannot possible have anything to
do with someone been forced to be marked as a slave, in fact this word is not
expect at all. It would be more like our English phrases Creased it denotes
taking hold off through deception or grasping greedily or procuring through

As Humans we were ALL born slaves - like it or not! The mark of that Beast is
placed on us at Birth In Revelation the

Dragon is referred to = Satan

and the Wild Beast is referred to as = Satans creation = civilisation

And the Mark of the Beast is anything that identifies us as part of = Satans
Empire. = His ownership of us, like it or not!

Birth certificate, even death certificate, National insurance number, marriage

certificate, University and schooling grades, Credit score, mortgage, passport and
driving license, titles, etc

Before this current wicked system comes to an end every single person living on this
planet, will be registered to their government, the things Ive mentioned above are
forced upon us, This is not going to be some microchip, as some may believe but

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this is still a possibility But as you can see we are already, and without these
marks we can buy or sell

What the bible is saying here whether we like it or not is that we have already
received mark with the beast from birth which cant be helped, and Jehovah
understands this, and this is why his hatred for civilisation is so strong.

A even better way now to understanding this Scripture, would be say if anyone
Wilfully accepts or involves themselves with this mark then they are excepting
civilisation! - For example People who wilfully vote and put their faith in a human
government system, believes in the hierarchy, follows the world trying to fit in to the
this System..even believes that soon economy System will sort all there problems
out, and the religious system And wants to defend their country, Then they are
wilfully accepting civilisation. - the mark of the beast. They suffer the consequences
that Jehovah as reserved for them.

Its only under deception that we except this mark at all, its forced up on us - And
Jehovah is holding all the fallen angles & Satan accountable for this upon us, There
is nothing is the bible that says Jehovah will hold us accountable for been born into
this current wicked system of things

Revelation13:17 says without this mark, No one can buy or sell or do anything
basically in this current world.

Everyone will be marked, even the people in the tribes of the rainforest will in some
form or another be registered or known to their Government, the bible makes it very
clear that every single human on the planet will receive the mark - satans ownership
of us.

Jehovah recored this in his words, on how he feels about how satans & angles treat
us, he sees this agreement for what it truly is-Nothing more then illegal slavery.

The sacrifice of Jesuss life is constantly referred to in Hebrew as Kop-Her & in

Greek as Apple-lu-tro-sis (sounds like) Both these words can only mean Ransom
- The definition of both these word mean price paid for someone who as been
taken from their own free will, In English Ransom means the same - The Price paid
for someone or victim of a kidnapping Most modern english bible translations use
the word Redemption or some other inappropriate word in order to conceal the
concept of what the bible is actually presenting.

Under satans direction the religious system of this current world, are constantly
reminding us that God is our father, and he is going to hold us accountable for our

But what kind of a loving parent would punish their child for being kidnap? - unless
they willing went off with the kidnapper? Which, the chancers are you wouldnt
without putting up a flight or screaming for help.

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Those that are in charge of Satans propaganda programme are in no way
associated with our heavenly father Jehovah. - It is down to us to put as much
distance between ourselves & Satans empire and All religious systems of this
current world as we can. - Jehovah views All religion that are humans controlled
and organised - As Wrong! - Not all but one but All. - The Greek word Poss ..
Means All - however good they seem or appealing.

By studying the bible, we can clearly see at the beginning the earth moved around
the sun 360 days per year ( which i will go into this in greater detail towards the end)
Abraham lived in a time when the year was 360 days long, when speaking with
Abraham the creator said - that people would be enslaved for 400 years who be
equally to 144,000 days ( 360 days x 400 = 144,000 days) later on in the bible while
Stephen was about to be stoned, Stephen confirmed this when he related that gods
people would be enslaved for 400 years however, when Stephen made this
statement something had changed - 400 years in Stephens life was no longer equal
to 144,000 days but instead would represent a period of 146,097 days Stephen
was born into a world where the years were now about 365 1/4 days long - Not 360

2700 years ago Jehovah altered the calendar by changing the relationship between
the Sun, earth and Moon ( Daniel 2:21)

The original Hebrew texts when translated states Years and Months - Not times and
seasons Check this out for yourself if you go to an online concordance, and click
on either word.

All we do, is click on word times [H5732]

And then the following pops up, this on appears 13 times in the bible, and is
Referred to as Years in the original text.

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Then we need to check the the word Season [2166] When clicking on seasons
the get these 4 words epochs and zeman and including

Although not much comes up other then these two words, which both state season
and Time, so we need to do a litter more research into these two words and there
actually original meaning. All the evidence which I found indicated that these two
words, indicated a set period of time within the year.

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Most religions teach that the 144,000 are either the chosen ones which have been
selected from earth to rule as rulers in heaven or that they will be ruptured from the
earth towards the last days. Are even now dead and ruling in even already, while
some are still alive awaiting to die this claims are unique to Christendom.

If we keep in mind the general theme of the bible & we recognise the bible promises
that Jesus would one day return to rule and replace earths current ruler ( 1st John
5:19) clearly says Satan is the Ruler at the moment.

It should be quite obvious to us and easy to except that Jesus and his 144,000 are
going to replace satans and his 144,000 - The religions of the empire serve only one
purpose - this is to make out that civilisation is acceptable in the eyes of Jehovah.

On the day that Satan & his Angels are driven from this earth-every single religion on
this planet will crease to exist forever. Known as the fall of Babylon the Great. -
Babylon the Great is not just the religious system, but also satans political system,
economic system his greater civilisation. Babylon itself was only small when
compared to the entire planet - where Satan first took up his thrown, now his
civilisation is on a global scale.

The flood of Noahs day was it actual event - Nearly every artefact before the flood
was lost with a few exceptions, however in museums and archaeological sites from

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around the globe we are now starting to see some of the most amazing objects
ever discovered and these still remain from the time before the flood - Although
these objects was once proudly displayed by satans previous empires, the current
empire is doing everything it can to keep these things from unlocking the secrets,
From us in finding out the truth. And, These things didn't survive by chance but
through divine intervention for us to help in unlocking the truth.

Identifying the 144,000 and what do they represent as many religions teach
that the 144,000 are special humans are even holy humans that go to heaven, to
rule as kings and Priest, over mankind towards the last days However, the Bible
identifies them as loyal angels, however all the angels in the book of Revelation are
spoken of as if they where celestial objects, are a better way of putting this would be
- as if they are witnessing and participating in some celestial event. If we are willing
to acknowledge that God created everything including the stars and planets then we
should have no problem in accepting that he would also have the ability to alter how
these objects function whenever he choose are pleased.

Several examples that the churches have not attempted to hide from us, would be
the lengthening of days, earthquakes, fire raining down from heaven, and of course
the global deluge of Noahs day but there are quite a few things that the churches
are actively concealing from us from the Bible that are celestial in nature

ok, before I go on to try and explain the best I can Basically the book of Genesis
is about how God created the Earth and everything he did.-Then it suddenly went
wrong! - however, when you get to the book of Revelation is it's the opposite its
about the restoration of the planet and now Jehovah is going Restore everything
back to its original purpose the way he planned right at the beginning of time. When
everything was Very Good - The book of Genesis and the book of Revelation are
very closely tied together and linked for this reason, one is about creation and the
mess up, and the other one is about restoration. It's basically a blue print on how
intends to do this and that's basically it.

About the celestial events and phenomena mentioned in the book of Revelation I first
need to explain a few facts about world history - however you are probably not going
to hear about this from the public educational system, our higher learning centres for
example universities scientists are university lecturers are even our networks, local
meetings are churches. Most people recognise about what is recorded in secular
history and the archaeology record supports whats recorded in the Bible so they
have no problem using secular history do you try and decipher parts of the Bible
which are not easy to figure out, the problem is that is representatives satans empire
here on earth, the churches are required to focus all their effort and attention into
steering people away from creation but more towards civilisation that means that
they have no choice but to use secular history and archaeology to explain nearly
everything in the Bible, as I go on it will all start to make more sense towards the end
of this, but please read it all!!! - I will be referencing secular history and archaeology
in order to lend support to what I am going to try and explain to you from the Bible
but I am not going to use secular history to explain the Bible.

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Whenever you come across something in the Bible that doesn't make much sense or
seems confusing it is best to try and cross reference it with similar stories regarding
the same topic of discussion looking at all the Scriptures so hopefully it becomes
more sense and understandable from the same event. The Bible is very good at
explaining itself. The more you read it the more it makes sense. There are passages
in the Bible that would've made more sense to people back at the time when it was
written then it today, as it would be common knowledge back then. But to us now it
may seem a mystery

However, the more you research things and the more you look into things you will
find there is thousands and thousands of things that's been left in archaeology
records which confirms the Bible is the truth, and stuff which is mentioned in the
bible, but never brought up in detail.. but sometimes you just need to scratch the
surface and dig a little deeper and you start to see the bigger picture, because
Jehovah goes into great detail about everything, and there is so much more then you
actually think involved . Rather, Then listening to the sugarcoated version.
Jehovah did this on purpose so that we can start to find the truth.

Us humans, living now thousands of years after the original writings what was once
common knowledge then, is now lost knowledge But we live now in what is known
as the information age - which means we have excess to more information today
then any other time in human history - thats good information, as well as bad
information, both the good and bad information can provide us with useful clues in
our search for lost knowledge many cultures from around the earth all have so
called myths stories, and nearly ever single culture on the planet have so called
Flood myths as well as other myths, these stories are not identical, but they often
share certain details with one another.. such as the preservation of animals life, one
Version that many people are familia with is the Lost City of Atlantis Another
version of this story appears in our bibles, the bibles version of this story is so plainly
spelt out, that we have no problem in excepting that the so called flood myth -
probably described actual event. That being the case we probably except that those
flood myths even though not in complete agreement with Noahs flood and the
account we can see in the bible, and most likely secular accounts of the same flood
that is spoken of in the bible - that we so voluntarily perceive as truth.

Other so called myths involve Mighty Gods and demigods supposedly once these
gods, ruled the earth as Gods - may have been false gods to Jehovah, but these
ruled earth as though they were gods and people worshipped them, and believed
them to be gods ( Mighty Giants that men feared) Most of us who have a basic
understanding of the bible will be aware that it speaks about fallen Angels interacting
with humans and even speaks about powerful bret beings resulting from the mating
of this fallen angels and humans. - (you can research this for yourself. just type
Nepheline or ancient Giants in any search engine online) regardless to how we
understand such Scriptures, if the bible is real to us then we will have no problem in
making the correlation between the bible stories about Angels and nepheline and
secular stories about gods and demigods.

I always say there is really no such thing as mythology only secular history, and
ancient secular history is very much the same as our modern history today, its is very

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difficult for us to determine what is believable and what's not believable, but there is
one big difference between the stories that are been created in our days and those
of the ancient past, todays mythology is been created by a small group of singular
minded, extremely wealthy men these men have at their disposal the most
advanced electronic communication network on the planet if they want you believe in
something, all they do is get their story together, and whatever they come up with is
nearly instantaneously dispersed to every man, Woman and child in the
industrialised world, in whatever language they happen to speak. Supposedly back
in the ancient past such a system didn't exist, if we where to Believe what we were
taught when we were back at school, then many nations was unaware of each
others existence, these kind of teachings are the grounds of such beliefs as the
myths of the Discovery America that being the case, we have to at least give some
credit to any story that is told in any culture that resembles a similar story as told in
any other culture especially if those two cultures supposedly no contact with one
another, that being the case, we would have no choice but to believe that they must
be some truth at least to the story and at sometime in the distant past a global
deluge must have occurred because even if the story was never be recorded in the
Bible, the same can be said for the stories involving gods and demigods if every
culture around the earth had a ice age myth, we would have to give again some
credit to these stories been generated by the religions of science, according to
science early man experienced a global catastrophe which caused a large portion of
the inhabited earth to become encased in, it would be ridiculous to put anything in
such a story when you consider that all these cultures that supposedly experienced
the ice age, would not bother to leave any evidence or records of such an event ever
happening, no cave art, no thing! considering it incased half the upper earth?

However, nearly every single one of cultures did however leave detailed records of
events involving gods and demigods including a Global deluge, But not a single thing
regarding an ice age, even though we are taught this in school! in attempting to
disprove what I am saying, practices of the religious higher education system say
that the similarity of these stories are due to migration, in other words at sometime in
the distant past our ancestors or small group of humans from which we involved from
experience a local flood, therefore while spreading out to all four corners of the Earth
they took their stories of the flood with them, this explanation would allow for the
spread of a lie in other words its pretty much impossible but every single culture
around independently comes up with the same story from one another that matches,
but it is possible a lie to have a point of Origin. And then to be dispersed due to
migration, this is the empires explanation to why so many diverse cultures from so
many parts of the earth have so many matching outlandish stories in regards to the

There is the story of another catastrophe even greater in magnitude then the actual
flood, and its been told over and over again in all ancient cultures after another
The Story of the Sky Many ancient cultures around the world, left behind
descriptions of the night sky that matched each other cultures, even though they
where thousands of miles away from each other But no longer resemble the sky
that we are now sitting under today These stories are much more difficult to
explain away, it could be possible that the stories was all created at one point of
origin and then dispersed away by migration but the stories that are told describe

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things that no human being would know prior to the invention of the Telescope, the
planets which are spoken of in the ancient nights sky are spoken of in great detail as
if there was very close to the earth at one point, and they appear to be the same
planets, which we have today because they are the same colours and have the
same features - that we can view ourselves from earth using man made instruments
such as telescopes and satellites - Just not in the same location or travelling in the
same pattern.

these myths are also similar in that many Record at some point, that one planet was
destroyed in a collision with another planet it was not until the early 18th hundreds
that scientist located orbital path between Jupiter and Mars with filled debris which
could easily resulted in such a collision, the moon that once orbited that planet was
not destroyed but to this day still follows its mother planet debris field as it travels
around the sun scientists have named this moon Severus they refuse to
acknowledge that Severus was once the moon of that destroyed planet, if scientists
was to acknowledge that human beings in the ancient past was visually witnessed
the collision that because the formation of the Astro belt, then they would have to
expect that they might be the some truth to the other I witness accounts of incredible
celestial phenomena as well. All of which supports the Bible Account.

Throughout the Bible celestial phenomena is spoken of as markers historical events

associated with the war between Satans Empire and Jehovahs Kingdom but it
isn't until we get to the book of Revelation that the celestial events become
prominent Revelations tells the story using celestial bodies and the phenomena in
describing the end days - which I will go into more details shortly, However, just like
when is referring to you humans hell refer to them as animals such as goats and

I've heard several people over the years who don't believe in a creator, give out Long
drawn out explanations for why the Bible is no different from any other ancient book
of astrology and mythology And theyll base all there facts and assumptions on
similarities in the subject involving celestial objects and phenomena, that are found
in the bible particularly found in the Book of Revelation, but there is a very big
difference in the way stars and planets are presented and the way that they are
presented in astrology and mythology!

Astrology and Mythology, always speaks of movement of the stars and planets
governing our lives, but the bible always speaks about how Jehovah governs the
movement of the stars and planets and the so-called Mythology is is just ancient
history, since every culture of the earth experienced these global events and every
other culture as experienced it would be understandable that they must be a
common thread connecting all these ancient cultures with one another - a common
thread would also explain why all religions are nothing more than a different version
of the same religion, in all those ancient religions their gods are associated with
celestial objects and phenomena. Those gods were also associated with days,
months, feasts, and festivals it should be obvious that these similarities that
existed in cultures that spread out over the entire earth, in a period covering human
history cannot consequently.

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To anyone who does not believe in a creator, pointing out the similarities between the
bible and mythology I say thank you.

Several of those celestial events recorded in the bible would be be the presence of
of the seven so-called spirits of Jehovah - when we consider the book of revelation
about the restoration of things, it seems to match perfectly with the ancient accounts
that speak of a time when seven planets which were clearly visible from Earth in
great detail that suddenly disappeared in our English bibles the restoration of
these seven planets to their proper willing place is described as stars falling from
heaven to the earth however many English bibles translate this by saying that
the stars fell from the heavens on to earth making it appear that this account is
about catastrophic event of another planet or star hitting earth or a astroid. - when
this isn't the case.

In the original language of coin Greek the word A-Star-Ta ( Sounds like) means
Star or planet

And the word A-Est ( sounds like ) can only be translated as either into or onto
or towards in the case of the planet and stars our english word towards would
be more appropriate in the case of the actual angel onto might be more appropriate
in ancient Greek both concepts would have been automatically been understood

it must be acknowledged that the Samaritans was extremely ancient society, they
actually told stories of the time when there was 10 planets clearly visible from earth,
the bible has a clear simple explanation why these three planets are not spoken off,
called the seven spirits of Jehovah. - but well mention that later on.

Another event would be the Moon turning into blood which would describe a Solar
eclipse and Lunar eclipse such an event is impossible in current solar system, as we
only have one moon and none of the planets between us and the sun are close
enough to cause the solar eclipse However there is a lot of data and evidence that
cant be ignored.

In the ancient past the Romans celebrated what is called the saturnalia, a holiday
to the planet Saturn this holiday is where we get the a current holiday Christmas
today, these two holidays are practically the same however much earlier in human
history, the planet Saturn was told to rule over the first hour of the seventh day, in
modern times we call the seventh day of the week Saturday which comes from
Roman era.

dear- Sateer- di- (sounds like) meaning Saturn-day many languages refer to this
day - The Day of Rest for as a example In Spanish Saturday is known as
Sabado and in Jewish simple the sabbath, which we use today. Every religion
considers this day to be a holy day. All these days are supposed to be based on the
fact that something profound occurred on this day, on the seventh day in the ancient

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Since there is nothing that happens on the seventh day in our current world it's only
reasonable to guess that something has changed in our current world today, there is
still a big dispute amongst religions of the world to which day is actually classed as
Holy. But in the past when solar system still function properly, everyone would have
observed there holy day or day to some observable event which happened in the
sky. We are not likely to ever guess what this would have been like until the creator
of the heavens, start to restore the heavens again.

In ancient cultures, gods people would have observed a day of rest once a week,
satanism on the other hand would of required its followers to perform a ritual once a
week rather than rest once a week

Nearly every single religion around the world, people still willingly attend these
religious services, and still involve themselves in this religious services at least once
a week if not more. Hence why people still go to Church on a Sunday.

Humans are not nocturnal meaning active at night, this is because we instinctively go
to sleep when it is dark and wake up when it is light, it is possible that every
Seventh-day would have resulted in a eclipse over the promised land due to Saturns
appearance, understanding this fact gives us some insight why gods people would of
be observant of natural law and would rest during this day While people under
Satans law or whom are taking part in satanic rituals these people would be
under covenant law - these would attend religious services or rituals and they would
not rest on this day.

The ancient priest back then who practised Saturn worship would of worn black
robes just like many modern religions do today who also still wear black robes for
there worship too, and this also can includes the lawmakers who also still wear Black
robes such as judges, lawyers, and they still wear these today. This is why the Bible
refers to Black as sack cloth supposed to simply saying the sun was darken, such
Scriptures are direct references to the satanic usage of black robes in their worship
to the planet Saturn, Saturn's rings are memorialised as rings around the heads of
many of there gods of different religions including the Gods of Christians and their
saints. Saturns rings are referred to as a halo.

And in ancient art the rings around the pictures of gods are also called halos as well,
Saturn is so far away that it appears in the night sky as a small spec of light far
enough away that it was not discovered until 1655 which is 47 years after the first
Telescope was invented using a telescope, Galileo was able to detect that this
planet had some strange features compared to other planets but was unable to
recognise it's features as rings. However ancient art appears to depict Saturn having
rings when supposedly we didn't learn of these rings until thousands of years later, if
Saturn was actually close enough to the Earth at one time then an eclipse would
have been possible for part of the day as the planet passed the Earth and the sun,
And it's very likely that the rings of Saturn passed between the earth and sun they
could have been some kind of colourful display, such a colourful display of lights are
also depicted in ancient images of the sky. There is no way to scientifically prove that
Saturn was ever closer to the earth then it is today, but the evidence is compelling.

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Art well before the Discovery of Saturns rings, indicates that people must've seen
the rings of Saturn well before that was discovered.

The Bibles depiction of the earth, as well as our solar system after the resurrection
doesn't sound like anything from our current earth and our solar system. We cannot
say what part of the earths surface would have been affected by Saturns
appearance, and the other celestial objects for that matter, before the relative recent
accounts there isn't anything detailed data about the distance orbital path or tilt
rotations - or other such nonsense to prove or disprove anything other than people in
the ancient past claimed to have witnessed things that would not be possible as our
solar system is currently configured.

Scientists make the claim that they can provide data that what Im saying isn't
possible, but please keep in mind they can also provide data to claim that the flood
also never happened, they can also produce data saying that the earth is only 4 1/2
billion years old And last but not least scientists can also prove that there is no
existence of God. - They can prove what ever they like, then feed it to us this, and
expect us to Believe it Because theyve been university had higher education, and
that the diploma in whatever, from the state of the Empire.

Another solar event mentioned in the Bible in Revelations 8:11

11The name of the star is Wormwood. And a third of the waters turned into
wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because these had been
made bitter.

HELPS Word-studies
599 apothnsk (from 575 /ap, "away from," which intensifies 2348 /thnsk, "to die") properly, die off (away
from), focusing on the separation that goes with the "dying off (away from)."
599 /apothnsk ("die off, from") occurs 111 times in the NT. It stresses the significance of the separation that
always comes with divine closure. 599 (apothnsk) stresses the ending of what is "former" to
bring what (naturally) follows.

Here it mentions about making the waters turn bitter by the star wormwood which
is a serious abuse of the Greek phrase - Apsinthos" [] (sounds like) this is
a reference to some celestial orbiting the Earth causing a conjunction of water and
returning them to what the Bible calls the sea of ice also mentioned in Revelation.

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Also mentioned in revelation are the two witnesses, the bible also speaks in other
verses of the sun and the moon as being his (Gods) two witnesses. Revelation 11:4
- calls these two witnesses two olive trees and two oil lamps.

Also another obvious reference to the celestial lights. In the bible oil lamps provide
light with the burning of olive oil, which comes from the olive trees Placing these
two oil lamps next to these two olive trees would be an indication that this would
provide a endless source of light from two unending sources of olive trees meaning
that these two celestial lights would be sustained forever.

If you see these Scriptures for yourself you will find that many bibles translate as not
as oil lamps but as candle sticks, but this is just another attempt by the churches to
mislead us ( Lish-Na-Her.. Greek, sounds like) can only be translated as oil lamps
and to translate this word as candlestick is stupid. The original Greek did not say
candlesticks, however oil burners when translated correctly.

The two witnesses are said to be killed and left out on the Broadway for 3 1/2 days

The Broadway, is a reference to the surface to the Earth that the sun and moon
which Passes over in the course of the year in our broadway day.

That Broadway would be the compass area between the two imaginary lines as the
tropics of cancer and the tropics of Capricorn, however since the cities of sodom,
Egypt, and Jerusalem are said to be on that Broadway are hundreds of miles north

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of that area today this is quite obvious that something on our planet axis as changed
drastically at some point in the distant past.

All of these celestial objects mentioned in the book of Revelation represent angels
and the two witnesses are no exception.

Now that we have noticed that there is a connection between the celestial objects
and the angels we need to figure out what all this means with the 144, 000 and what
it stands for?

In the first book of the Bible in Genesis chapter 1:14 it clearly says that God
created the luminaries of the Heavens to mark the passing of days, months and
years, in the original Hebrew It can also be understood that the movement of the
planets and stars was there to remind us of sacred events, Some English bibles
word it the first way and others word it the second way.

It appears that both ways are correct!

The Bible very clearly associates celestial bodies with Genesis 1:16 openly
stated that the sun would have governmental domination over the day and the moon
would governmentally over the night and these words in Hebrew are actually
governmental domination which is easy to see.

Because the Bible uses the same words when speaking of authority of political rulers
just as Solomon.

The word which we translate as Star is actually is kokab which is actually translated
as star or planet this is clearly demonstrated at Amos 5:26 where ko-kawb is
spoken of.

Strong's Concordance
kokab: a star
Original Word:
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: kokab
Phonetic Spelling: (ko-kawb')
Short Definition: stars

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proper name, of deity Amos 5:26, probably = Assyrian kaivnu, planet Saturn (Arabic

and Persian Syriac ), regarded as god; original pronunciation SchrCOT on the passage,
compare Kii. 151 (pointing intended to suggest as something established, firm); kaimnu = kainu,
according to JenCosm. iii. 502 who derives from ( compare Thes; so ZimBP 17); > HptZA ii. 266, 281 f. reads ( for
)* , reading the Babylonian name Kamnu; see also M-AJBL 1892, xi. 86 n. 39.

In english this is literally translated as the planet Saturn everyone that has ever taken
part in the translation in ancient Hebrew is very aware that Kiyun,chiun (Amos 5;26)
is thought by some to refer to the planet Saturn.

Closely related to Assysrian, Kaivanu or Kaiwan

And cannot be translated any other way, the churches choose to translate this verse
as the star KAIWAN (KA-UN) or star god - this is just another attempt at hiding
gods truth from us and humanity, the surrounding versus in this Scripture God is
telling the nations of Israel that he hates all sacred feasts and festivals including the
sabbath. Telling them that their observation of the Sabbath is nothing more but
Saturn worship!!!

In the bible Angels are often spoken of as stars, and Angels are often referred to
as rulers over humans. Satan himself is referred to in detail has the ruler of Babel,
Egypt, Assyria, Phoenicia, Greece and Rome.. as well as our current Empire today.

But What do the sun, moon and stars and planets rule over? They rule over time
and time rules over all living things including mankind this concept is important if we
want to understand the Bible including the 144,000.

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At first it may be difficult to make the connection between the rulership of time and
the rulership of people, but that relationship came extremely important very early in
human history when Adam and Eve were created they were created to a world that
was ruled by natural law part of that law was spelt out in the first book of the Bible
in Genesis 1: 14 -16 which says

Let luminaire come to be in the expense of the heavens to make a division

between the day and the night; and they must serve as signs, and for seasons
and for days and years, And they must serve as luminaries in the expanse of the
heavens to shine upon the earth. And it came to be so (2) And God proceeded
(Then) to make the two great luminaries, the greater luminary for dominating the day
and the lesser luminary for dominating the night, and also the stars

The Sun and Moon seem to have been created, after the planets was first created to
serve as signs for the passing of time.

The way they would do this, is by visibly appearing in the nights sky or during the

As Human we depend on our sight for the majority of our input, we use this for our
day-to-day activities - also all other living things also rely on this as well, some
creatures just rely on their senses to sense things such as sound, taste, smell and
touch Some animals even use senses that we as humans cant use.. Such as
magnetic senses or fields for such species the appearance of celestial objects
may not have served the same purpose, as they would have done for humans. but
for humans the visible appearance of celestial objects in the sky would be a natural
way for us to mark the passing of time when the sun sets our bodies, like all all other
living things-would tell us that we need to sleep, and this would show our obedience
towards natural law Our obedience of sacred feasts and festivals would be ruled
by this natural system of tracking time.

Nowhere in the bible as gods people ever been given instructions to observe any
events using a time piece are what we may call a clock today, instructions from our
creator regarding the observation of time always depended of easily observant
phenomena, such as the setting of the sun. It is obvious from the wording of the
following verses mentioned now that we would see more precisely of the passing of
day into night, By examine the bible we should be able to figure out celestial
phenomena that humans living at the dawn of creation might witness in the heavens,
to mark the passing of time. I have already spoken of Saturns purpose in the ancient

However there is little in the bible of life before the Flood, but after the flood our solar
system was still functioning normally and quite a bit of the Bible was written during
about this time in human history (360 days) in the law of Moses every year on the
first day of the seventh month someone will be appointed to signal the appearance of
lunar eclipse the sounding of the chaffer, it is clear from the wording in the bible
this would have been dependable and an annual event. Anyone could look into the
sky with a naked eye and see the shadow of the surface of the moon as we passed
the sun No special instrument was used on or was necessary for the Jews to mark

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the passing of time of this event from this date every feast and festival of the
Jewish religious year would be determined by the gift of sight which our creator give
us, this was enough for us to see this event, our instinctive perception of the passing
of time will be measured by this clearly visible celestial phenomena.

Jehovah put a end to this 1000s of years ago by altering the movement of the Earth
and the moon, we no longer have an annual event of the lunar eclipse to mark the
first passing of the first day of the seventh month the fact that this annual event
once took place is preserved in the rituals of many of the religions today many of the
Jewish festivals and Christian festivals still intend to make their rituals the Lidget.

By using not the lunar eclipse as the Bible requires but the moon phase, the rules
they try to use to try and achieve this are truly weird, no one can agree an actual
correct timing for their rituals to take place as this is one of Jehovahs ways to put
an end to these ritual. Attempts at keeping them alive.. Is nothing more than direct
attack by the churches against Jehovah.

Keeping Gods word from mankind as allowed us to be fooled into taking part in
these rituals and many other religious practices. Jesus lived 700 years after Jehovah
took the sun and the moon out of conjunction, even still there are many that I will
swear blue in the face that Jesus always got involved in these rituals and
observants. - because they have been told that he always did so with the Bible
always speaks of Jesus as a grown man keeping only one, that been the Passover
at which he was killed and slaughtered during Jesus's life he was once asked why
he did not do the Jewish festival and his reply was worded in Mark 2:19

and Jesus said to them; while the bridegroom is with them the friends of the
bridegroom cannot fast, can they? As long as they have the bridegroom with them
they cannot fast

In the bible the sun and moon are constantly referred to the groom and bride, the
sun and moon are also universally referred to in this way in all ancient religions as
well in our day the religions of the Empire hide this information by saying that the
son ( Jesus ) would regularly be involved in these practices and rituals. Then they
can make it appear as if Jehovah (God) approves of this. Also above most
important the Jewish law code was the sabbath, Ive already explained what in
history states about this practice and ritual - about the marking of the seventh day,
prior to the flood and this should be clear to anyone at that time that the seventh
day at begun, simply by looking into the sky whether or not there was anything
noticeable on the seven day (Sabbath) on Moses day isnt clear, but what people
dont understand is that the sabbath wasnt just every 7th day, but also every 7th
year as well Jewish law even require the observance of this every 49 years
because it were sabbath of sabbath year. This 49 year is referred to as a Jubilee all
of this was recorded for an even spectacular event, that is mentioned in the book of
Revelation which speaks of the sabbath millennium also knowing as Christs
thousand year region .

Our creator, didn't require that we keep count of how many times Saturn appeared
To help us determine which was a Jubilee or which sabbath year are the beginning

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of the sabbath year it would be safe to say that something more spectacular would
occur at the beginning of the sabbath year which would occur on a typical day.

And that the Jubilee would be even more spectacular still in the ancient past cultures
from around the world recorded planetary alignment which was seemingly more
spectacular than anything recorded in modern history or even recorded today.

It is clear from these accounts that our solar system, does not in any way resemble
the solar system of the ancient past, from the description found in the book of
Revelation, it is clear to me that the objects in our Solar system are going to be
involved in celestial phenomena spoken of in the book of Revelation.. where all the
planets will return to their proper dwelling places, the tracking of time will be quite
simple.. in fact it will be more significant. Our keeping track of time will require
nothing more than obedience to natural law.

Sometimes around 4000 years ago, the creator Jehovah Made Abraham fall into a
deep sleep, which is recorded in Genesis 15:13 Where God told Abraham that his
descendants would be enslaved for 400 years, later at Acts 7:36 - Stephen recounts
this event as he was being executed according to religions of Christianity and
Judaism this prophecy had its fillfillmelnt when the nations of Israel was enslaved by
the Egyptians.. But anybody with a pencil and paper can add up that the years of
Israelites enslavement, comes up 100s of years short.

The churches are expert liars so they have created several doctrines to conceal this
very important prophecy, to what it is actually all about what was actually said in
his dream, is that is descendants would actually be enslaved by the AR-BAYA-ACT-
NASH-NAR ( Sounds like) which in English is better translated as circle of 400 years,
Stephen confirmed this when Abrahams descendants would be enslavedSounds
like ( Tec-Kro-troos-A-toes - sounds like) the 400 years

The reason to why this prophecy is important to us, is made clear when we take into
consideration that when Abraham had this dream, the creator had not yet altered the
earths orbit around the sun Abraham years was still 360 years long so what
Jehovah was telling Abraham is that his people would be enslaved to the 144,000

400 years x 360 days = 144,000 days

When Jehovah told Abraham that mankind will be enslaved by the circle of the 400
years, its clear that he is speaking of a regular cycle of time ruled by some natural
system that could be detected earth wide Since Genesis says the creator near the
luminaire is to realise it's only reasonable to come to the conclusion that the 400
year cycle would not be determined by only our vision and so celestial object the
heavens. Our natural ability to observe the luminaire of the heavens was Jehovahs
chosen where are you moving to recognise the passing of time. This 400 year cycle
had to be something more involved then simply being able to look into the sky and
observe the position of the creators luminaries.

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When first humans was placed into the Garden of Eden are rainforest as it actually
was they woke up in a world ruled by natural law, every living thing which had
been created before then, was subjected to this law as well, every tree, every plant
and every animal followed a cycle which allowed them to take in matter from the
surroundings soil, absorb moisture and use the energy from the sun to convert things
into useable nutrients, these nutrients would then allow the plants and trees to grow
and reproduce Then the animals would use their fruits and leaves and seeds to
create energy from these plants so to that they to can also grow and reproduce
offspring themselves, these natural cycles required that all of these things followed a
single synchronised pattern not just with those of the same species. But would
also synchronise with all other surroundings plants and animals as well.

This world that once was, Would best be described as a global rainforest with every
single animal-including all those that man as kill and made extent today Including
dinosaurs, as well as plants & tree to sustain a healthy life. There are several quotes
throughout the bible in regard to the large trees and the trees that hide us from sun
so we dont get scorched from the burning heat, And the rain fell as a mist similar to
a rain forest today this is how they work.

People who study the fossil record say that 99% of all life foam that once existed that
are in the fossil record No longer live or exist as living species, alterations made in
those natural circle is certainly the cause of the animal and plants no longer being
here today. Many of these plants and animals become extinct in modern times and
every single observance of carers as involved damage done to the earths natural
circle by us humans.

No other living thing or species have the ability to break free from voluntary
observance of the natural cycle. The ability of a species to observe the passage of
time and to be obedient to the cycle which over time as governmental authority is

This instinctive obedience to time is a form of knowledge, it was not the kind of
knowledge that a living creature would require over its life, but knowledge that it
would possess at birth many living things do become more knowledgeable over
the course of their life.. However even this learning process is there natural instinct..
for example baby chicks from birth require water just like all living things.. but its
not until the mother hen takes the chick to the water and shows it how to drink.. that
the chicks gains knowledge of how to take/drink water this behaviour is instinctive.
The mother hen, knows instinctively that she has to teach her chicks to drink, and
the baby chicks know instinctively to watch their mother basically imitate her
behaviour. Hence behaviour is learnt instinctively. However when baby chicks arrive
from a factory, or farm theyll arrive with instructions on how to feed and guidelines
on how to take care of them the first instruction on this list is to take each chick
individually and dip its beak into a water source Hence, instinctive behaviour which
is learnt unnaturally.

People of the churches of this current empire of this world are spiritually dead the
difference between these two ways of learning to drink water are inconsequential to
drinking water, it doesn't matter how they do so as long as they receive the water

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regardless to whether this is natural or unnatural. However to anyone who loves God
and wants to learn of his ways is nothing at all like the natural way - for the baby
chick and the mother hen, the instinctive learning providers gratification the mother
hen gets pleasure from teaching her chicks and the chick gets pleasure from their
mother teaching them how to drink using this unnatural way not only deprives the
mother and chick from this natural instinctive pleasure but actually also causes them

And considering that the empires high and mighty - The hierarchy and their
civilisation is based on slavery there is also going to be humans that experience
discomfort due to this and its unnatural ways of doing things as well.

Even though many creatures can learn new things which are natural and beneficial
most cannot, and will not learn to do things which are not un-natural or non-

Some animals like dogs, dolphins can learn to do tricks like jump through hoops
but you cannot teach a spider, alligator or even a rose bush to repeat any unnatural
non-beneficial tasks such as jumping through hoops. Humans are a Higher form of
mammal - And can be taught to jump through hoops, therefore can be taught to
repeat unnatural, non beneficial behaviours.

The churches teach that humans are not animals because animals dont have souls
like humans they also don't have the capacity to feel or express love, but as is
always the case these teachings are not supported by the Bible and not supported
by any kind of science - in fact a better way of saying this is demon inspired

The reason why I am mentioning this is so we can have a clear understanding of a

very important trait which makes humans different from any other single species on
this planet even though animals such as dogs and dolphins are different from
other animals and living things and their ability to perform natural things they never
pass on this unnatural learnt behaviour to their children. Dogs and dolphin can jump
through hoops as a form of play and their young may instinctively follow them,
however no such animal will teach there young to jump through hoops on command.

Humans are the only part of this creation that can do such a things, humans will
spend hours filling out forms which are about things which are nobody else's
business will stand in line for hours and theyll request permission to use something
which is actually a natural human right.

So therefore being forced to engage in something we don't want to do could best

be described or be referred to as jumping through hoops.

We are told by society that is correct to wear clothes that we must use a knife and
fork to eat, that we must sleep in a bed, that we must use plates to eat food from..
That blue is for boys and pink is for girls when really these are just colours males
must wear trousers while girls must wear skirts sitting in front of the television
while eating pizza even though this may be enjoyable it's still unnatural And not
how the creator intended us to live. Living in a five bedroomed house while being

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told to mow the lawn and keep the lawn in a good condition by the local authority,
may be natural to some however again this is not how our creator intended us to
live Been told to wake up unnaturally by an alarm clock and have work 9 to 10
hours a day just to feed ourselves and pay bills is again not natural been given
water from a bottle which is laced with chemicals which as being sat on a shelf for
weeks if not months again is not natural, eating processed food, driving around in a
car, playing video games all day, collecting art, even body grooming, the list can go
on and on but these are just a few examples of all the unnatural things we do as a
society or civilisation.

When a child is born and its mother or father tries to dress this child it naturally
refuses to wear clothes because this is its natural instinct, that it shouldn't wear
clothes However, from an early age we force the child unnatural behaviour. We
then at the age of three or four, hand them over for illegal slavery into Satan's empire
and belief system for the rest of their life.

We do not instinctively do these things we are just like other trained animals which
are forced into doing these things by other humans or forced into doing this for the
sake of society to fit in or be excepted.

In the garden of Eden, human beings were ruled by natural law throughout the
Bible we are constantly reminded that Jehovahs law remains forever - that been the
natural law, therefore gods will is the Natural law and living according to Natural
law when Jehovah, placed Adam and Eve in the garden The only law that was
given to them was to follow his natural law, therefore look after the garden, look after
the animals, enjoy the fruits and chill out and relax. - Thats it simple, no other rules!
When Jehovah said everything was very good, this was basically Jehovah saying he
is finished, he couldnt do any more, Everything was very good So just enjoy all
that I have given you, This is the Sabbath-The rest period because he had achieved
everything he intended to do on the earth and done all the hard work himself - We
are lead to believe that the Sabbath should be a ONE day of rest -this is not actually
the case, the sabbath is the period that we are now living in today, And as humanss
All we have done during this time is destroy the original Forest that God intended us
to live in, weve ripped out nearly all the trees, killed off nearly all the animals and
polluted the seas and air and are still going strong and completely destroying
everything on it, including ourselves - Because we thought we could do better
without the creators guidance. All this as happened during the Sabbath period -
when God said rest.

There was no other laws given other than these simple few. When Jehovah
completed the garden of Eden he said quite clearly it was Very good.. Therefore he
couldn't do any more because everything was working perfectly with each other from
the ecosystem, to the plants to animals there was nothing more he could do
everything was very good. - Perfect balance between every think.

Some may ask the question Why would God put the tree in the garden of Eden
just to tempt two humans into possibly disobeying God and placing temptation there?
Even though there is nothing really mentioned on this subject if we look a little further
into this we can find that any tree needs to grow its fruits at least three times round

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for the fruit becomes reproductive and edible on yearly basis-it is picked early, then
the chances are it won't grow fruit the following years, this could be the case with this
particular tree, if the fruit wasnt ripe yet to eat, therefore not ready to eat and they
were told not to eat it until then either way, we cannot ignore the fact that she
decided to ignore this fact, And go against god and disobey his orders, however we
look at this we can't ignore the fact that the first lie and first act of disobedience was

However, part of that law was not to eat of the tree of life in exchange for not eating
off that tree Jehovah promised humans would live forever, however humans had
the ability to make their own decisions, they could choose to follow Gods natural
law or they could choose not to follow gods unnatural law

Hence, they chose the latter, which then begun the 6000 year history of jumping
through hoops.

The only law mentioned in the Bible thats outside of natural law is known as
covenant law, very early in human history a very powerful angel referred to in the
bible as a cherub, approach the first woman Eve with an offer to enter into
covenant Law-( Covenant law is an illegal law between two parties and is also
unnatural) The angel offered the woman to learn about things that only the creator
and the angels were aware of according to our modern English bible he promised
her knowledge that would actually make her like God another promise that he
made her was exactly the same as the creator had promised her - that she should
live forever. This covenant was sealed when she ate the fruit from the tree of
knowledge which she later did, she was able to also get Adam to eat of this fruit from
the tree of knowledge too.. Which then also brought him into this covenant
agreement, this Angel that did this would no longer be spoken of as a cherub, but as
such terms as Satan meaning Adversary also meaning enemy or astray. By
definition - Covenant law as to be different from natural law otherwise covenant
law would be natural law.

Since natural law required human to be subject to the passage of time - to observe
that passage using the luminaire of the Heavens, those entering into covenant law
could now observe the passing of time by other means since the sabbath day
marks the passage of time which we referred to as a week we could ask ourselves if
the cycle of 400 years is a special number of weeks, since 144,000 is not devisable
by seven is clear that the cycle of 400 years is not as special number of weeks, we
could also determine the same thing by repeating the process for the sabbath years
and jubilees if we should do so, we should find that neither a cycle or 7 years or a
cycle of 49 years was part of the cycle of 400 years

Another natural occurring cycle mentioned in the Bible would be the month at one
time a month what exactly all 30 days long meaning that every year also add exactly
12 months ( 12x30 days = 1 year) *

* 360 days in many ancient calendars from around the globe all work under 360 day
calendar, however this as not always being the case. We can see an account of this
in the book of Daniel, Daniel 1:26 where it says And he (Been Jehovah) is

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changing times and seasons removing kings and setting up kings giving wisdom to
the wise ones and knowledge to those knowing discernment - however in the
original language or the original Hebrew this will be better translated as years and
months. When Jehovah placed Abraham into a deep sleep at the time the Earth
was currently rotating on a 360 day calendar, However when we get Stephen before
he was executed something had changed and re called something was wrong, and it
was 365 days calendar. The Mayan calendar is also set at 360 days too. Which I will
discuss later on in more details however by simply changing the earths orbit this was
putting an end to all the religious festivals, satanic rituals and all the disgusting things
that Jehovah disapproved of before the Flood, Jehovah's way of trying to destroy
religion and all is rituals once and for all However, in this current Empire, Satans
Empire, he still misleaders us into engaging in all these pointless unnatural rituals.

So it's no surprise that since 144,000 is equal to 400 years.

If we divide the 144,000 by 30 this would equal = 4800 months in a 100 year period.

It is clear that the Bible shows no significant to the number 4800 since this number is
never mentioned in the Bible anywhere within its text, there also seems to be no
special significance to 4800 in the archaeology record, methodology and even other
ancient information so the 400 year cycle is not related to any special number of

In gods word it was told that 1000 years is like day and the day is like 1000 years

Scriptures about this concept recorded in gods word has received a lot of attention of
those practising the religions and those believing evolution.

However in the original languages Scriptures have very little bearing in that conflict,
However, what is being said is that the creator recognises millennium as a standard
cycle of time, if we do the maths we will find that a cycle of 400 is not related to
millennium which is a cycle of 1000, 1000 is not devisable by 400.

This information is really important to understand this basic maths related to gods
way of keeping track of time and Satan's way of also keeping track of time, there is
no way that Jehovahs way off tracking time is ever going to be like Satan's way of
tracking time.

We need to understand To make mankind obedient to the unnatural way of

tracking time of the passing of time is one of Satan's biggest achievements, one of
the first things Jehovah did was make the luminaries of the Heavens - this was to
give mankind and all other living things the ability to instinctively take part in the
cycles of the natural world, by simply altering this cycle mankind no longer knows
when to do basic things like eat, sleep, socialise, reproduce and my migrate, We are
now fully isolated from the natural world which was created by Jehovah to care for all
our needs. There is a big difference from being ruled by the heavens and being ruled
by a clock, in the ancient past celestial phenomena marked off the passing of time
not a man made time piece Just as a clock.

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If you cant get to grips with this and are unwilling to believe what I am saying
Then you are going to have to come up with some other explanation why so many
cultures around the globe with archaeology evidence was aware of a planet with the
rings as well as why so many churches (Religions) around the globe recognise 7
days as a standard unit for the measurement of time.

When looking really closely at the archaeology record its overwhelming with
evidence supporting this, however the archaeology evidence for civilisations cycle of
400 is even more overwhelming.

If you are aware of all the signs and most things are in plain sight then you realise
that this is all starting to come together and this is where youll start to love what Im
going to say next

In the bible Satan is referred as the ruler of seven empires - secular history records
these empires once existed at one time in fact they are seven of the greatest
empires ever recorded and that existed in the world ancient world they are as
named in the Bible: 1 Babylonian, 2 Egypt, 3 Assyria, 4 Persia 5 Greece and 6

And, also what the bible refers to as what will follow after Rome, meaning our
current world empire - this is why Satan is called the seven headed dragon and
civilisation referred to the seven headed beast all these empires either did or is
following 400 year calendar

Dragon = Satan
The Wild Beast = Satans creation - Civilisation.
The Mark of the Beast = illegal slavery **

**This is placed on us at birth, like it or not We are all marked by it!! Anything
that identifies us as part of Satans Empire like it or not whether this be a passport
to travel, Credit cards, national insurance number, marriage certificate, School
grades, Credit report, money, mortgage, Before this current system comes to an end
every single person will be marked/registers to their government whether that be a
number or something else, this isn't going to be a microchip as some may lead you
to believe. I will go into greater detail on this at the end of this, just not to confuse
you at the moment, however you are probably getting the idea that Jehovah hates
civilisation, and people who wilfully want to be involved in it without being forced.

When we read the book of Revelation we can see in chapter 18, that Jehovah isn't
talking about just the fall of religion known to many as Babylon the great,
however he is talking about civilisation as a whole just as we know it today, this
also includes all religions and all there false teachings, political system, economy,
everything to do with Satans Empire and the illegal slavery he has trapped us all into
(Mankind) Better way to describe this is the fall of civilisation and everything we
know it as today, this includes the banking system, Communication for examples Wi-
Fi and mobile phones, the Power grid, and every think we use on a daily basis we
take for us through the week - basically a better way of putting this would be back to
the Stone Age

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Babylon was the first city of the first civilisation of Satans towards the end of his
current system we can see Satans civilisation is everywhere! Hence Babylon the
great its just got a whole lot bigger to a global scale, not just some ancient city
that was in the Far East.

Around the world you find the ancient pyramids some believe these pyramids was
built by aliens and where used as an alien Base, even a landing platform for aliens
from another world, even communication devices or an ancient power generator -
either way there are lots of stories and theories concerning why these pyramids were
built and their purpose - Evidence to support such theories are rather sketchy at the

However understood by everyone studying these pyramids, are that these pyramids
were built for the marking of the passing of time in some form or another.

You will find pyramids build in all four corners of the Earth, including under the sea!
most of them - if not all, at least once a year would mark of the passing of the
summer solstice, but just like the smaller counterparts the Sundale these did much
more youll find monuments all around the Earth supporting this - closest one to us
is Stonehenge, even though not a pyramid it would of still being used for this
purpose. - to track time and the passing of time, an unnatural way and would more
then likely involved Satanic rituals.

The great pyramid was built before the Flood, and its possible that others too was
also built before the flood, also they would have been pyramids built just after the
flood again.

There is really no way to knowing for sure how these structures would have marked
the passing of time because so many pieces to the archaeology sights have been
removed or missing. Plus, has I said earlier our solar system has also been
altered since the time of creation So therefore there is no possible way of saying
how these pyramids would have functioned properly back then.
But there are clues to how some structures and functions in particularly the great
Pyramids of Giza since the pyramid use light from the sun in its mechanism in
tracking time from the sun this is a big clue to what the pyramid might of done so
some might claim that the sun was involved, and that natural law wasn't broken
because the sun is one of Jehovahs luminaires, this hasn't always been the case
the pyramids were not for tracking the movement of the sun but instead the
movement of our own planet Earth, likewise to other monuments found around the
globe - relative to what some might state - The sun! The earth would not qualify as
one of our luminaires if we think of the earth as a large Clock then it would
represent the hands on the clock the pyramid was not constructed to tell us if it
was morning or if it was afternoon it was designed to do much much more

The Bible calls Jesus the stone that the builders rejected the builders of the Bible
which was spoken about in these verses was represented by an extremely powerful
group of people, you could even say Demon possessed evil men - the descendants
of these men still rule the Earth today and are still possessed by Demons that

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possessed their forefathers. To put it simple the builders of civilisation and all that
we see today, they have created . The wars, the famines, cities, politics, belief
systems, economics, agriculture, money and greed basically all the things that
make up a civilisation or society. - are what we know as life today.

In ancient Hebrew the Scriptures mentioned in the book of Daniel about a stone
being removed from a mountain is not on about a stone being removed from an
actual mountain but in fact the capstone being removed from the pyramid the
word Mountain does not appear in any of the Scriptures in the original text The
translators are well aware that the actual Hebrew word used in this Can only be
translated as pyramid later this is called the chief Cornerstone once again the
churches of the empire who translated this,
know that the words constantly translated as
the cornerstone is actually the Greek word for

However it's weird that each and every Empire

mentioned in the Bible as been directly under
Satans control using the image of a Capstone -
The one dollar bill as a symbol of their
civilisation if you look on the back of a one
dollar bill you can see this ownership but if you look at the image youll notice it
was not just of the Cap-Stone But also of the pyramid itself.

Remember what the Bible says Jesus is the stone that the builders rejected, the
image on the back of the one dollar bill is of the Cap-Stone that of the builders

Please keep this in mind knowing that there are multiple references to the pyramids
in the Bible, then this a major clue to what the structural symbol is majorly important,
In the way of life associated with satanism - also Known as Civilisation. Money is
civilisation and civilisation need money to survive and keep going.

As we are led to believe that Jehovah excepts civilisation When in fact Jehovah
cant stand civilisation and everything that it stands for because ALL this is not
according to his natural law therefore anybody who wants to follow civilisation and
feels like they have to fit into civilisation is actually going against All Bible principles
and Bible teachings.

One of the greatest clues identified of the 144, 000 Is built into the pyramids itself,
The great Pyramids of Giza is made up of nearly 2 million stones, however for the
most part of these stones are low quality And have very little symbolic importance
to us - There as never been any way to actually view these stones. However the
stones on the exterior wall of the pyramid was of very high quality, and was highly
polished to represent a mirror finish to act as a reflector - from a distance this huge
stone reflector would add the appearance of a star, each of the exterior stones
weighted about 15 tons. Scientists say that if these exterior stones was still in
place today, then they would actually be visible from the moon, it is also said that the
pyramid would have been visible from the mountains of the promised land and

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particularly the mount in Jerusalem This is very important piece of information
towards the end of this so please keep this in mind for us to understand the
meaning of the 144, 000.

Is the year 1356 AD (Bahri Saltan & An Nasir Din al Hasan) had the outer stones
removed and many of these stones were used in other construction of buildings of
his empire (Although there is very little and not that much information online to
where these outer stones went and how they were used after been removed, and
why he went out of his way to remove all these outer stones from the pyramids, other
then he removed them all)

This ultra slick surface from 150 feet up, and then use the stones for common
construction work seems strange and very hard work

But its safe to say that it would have been much easier to Quarry the stones and
start from scratch, Then remove all these stones from the pyramids.

Satan put this idea into his head to do this in order to cover up a major secret The
obvious reason for doing such a thing can be understood if we examine what was
taking place at this current time in the world

When the stones were removed the only bible available was the Latin Bible, and the
only people who could understand the Latin bible were the religious leaders at that
time the Catholic church whos sole purpose was to conceal this information in
their lives so that the Bible couldn't be understood from the rest of humanity.
However the Bible was about to be translated into English the common mans
language, in less than 30 years a gentleman by the name of John Wycliffe would be
publishing parts of the Bible into the common language, which would then eventually
become known as the Anglo American world empire John Wycliffe was well known
throughout Europe to his opposition to the kings of the empires throughout the
kingdoms of Europe and their teachings towards world religious systems 30 years
after his death the pope had his remains removed so that is bones could be ground
up and dumped into the River Thames in London in any case, Satan knew that
eventually the Bible would be published in nearly every language and was ready to
start being published, and this he didn't want, because then the churches would
have no power over people And people for themselves could realise the truth for

The exterior stones had to be destroyed before the bible became available to the
general public, but thankfully historians from the ancient past have already examined
these stones and made records and accounts on how they looked, in regard to their
appearance. Several historic historians texts which have been found and eyewitness
accounts prior to the flood stated that the great Pyramid was unlike all of the other
pyramid at that time. Because its at no Cap Stone!- and more important still the
main body of the pyramid was exactly 144,000 outer stones!

This is not by chance the precise number of 144,000 casing stones isn't the only
similarity recorded here, the interior stones for the most are part intact we can
know for a fact that the pyramid was symmetrically internally and that there is no

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reason to doubt that all four sides would have been equally symmetrical that being
the case there would be an equal amount of casing stores on each side of the

This would be 36,000 on each side of the pyramid

36,000 x 4 = 144,000

Perfect alignment with each other, Cardinal points of the compass

36,000 facing North

36,000 facing East
36,000 facing South
36,000 facing West

Revelation says the

144,000 would be equally
divided up between the
12 tribes of Israel, 12,000
from each of these 12
tribes if we go back to
the second chapter of
Numbers we will see that
the 12 tribes of fleshly
Israel was commanded to
make camp around the
tabernacle as they
travelled through the
wilderness in their journey
from Egypt, the location
of the great pyramid to
the promised land - 3
tribes to the north, 3
tribes to the east, 3 tribes
to the west and 3 tribes to
the south.

It is very clear that if the 12 tribes that are mentioned in revelations of the 144,000
follow the rules set down for the fleshly tribes in the book of Numbers then they
would be 36,000 each, facing each Cardinal points of the compass as with the case
with the great pyramid.

In Christendom it is a common teaching that the tents were laid out in the shape of a
cross, however there is nothing in the original language of Hebrew that supports this
fact and that the tenant would be laid out in such a pattern, the command to foam up
around the tabernacle use the word n-gig ( sounds like) which means

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conspicuously round about or insight of, the concept of the cross wasn't even
introduced into the Bible until it was translated into Latin by the Roman Church, in
Jesus's day neither the word Cross existed, no such word appeared in any original
language of the bible - the word which we translate as crucified is St-Ro ( Sounds
like) meaning to a fix to a uprighted pointed steak, prior to the establishment of
Christendom there was no words in any form of language describing a crucifixion
involving anything in the shape of a cross.

I think it should be very obvious since the first culture to create such a word was
Christendom, it is very probable that Christendom was the first culture to initiate the
use of such an evil devise.

However, some of the earliest accounts of the cross being used involved Christians
but not as the vitamins however the ones doing the executing and inflicters of this
form of torture.

The pyramid CapStone represents satans Trinity system His political system or
politics, The economic system and his Belief system. (Therefore creating a triangle
which you will see on the back of a one dollar note)

Once again their similarity when viewed from over head the fleshly nation of Israel
would have be stationed in their smaller tents and a larger tent known as the
tabernacle, which housed the Ark of the covenant.

From over head the positioning of the tents would have represented the casing
stones of the great pyramid around the cap stone within that Ark, Jehovah had
his version of a political system the 10 Commandments also Jehovahs version of
an economic system and Jehovahs version of the religious system - Aaron's Rod.
Which was associated with several miraculous events like coming to life as a serpent
and later by coming to life by sprouting leaves. There are also similarities of Johns
vision of Heaven that the 144,000 are stationed around our provider Jesus Christ
who referred to himself as the Bread of life And who in the manner of life Mil-
kis-a-dac ( sounds like) who was both a king and priest.

Once again in response to each of civilisations foundation stones which I've already
mentioned, which are (1) economic system the (2) political system and (3) the belief
system many are familia with the phrase sacred geometry, most of what we
identify as sacred geometry, is basically identical just plain old geometry today. This
field of study as developed around the world and much the same way geometry is
essential in architecture and particular ancient architecture, men from around the
world have been building marvellous architectural structures for thousands of years,
and the instruments used to do this seem to be standardised from around the
globe However, keep in mind that these cultures and civilisations apparently didn't
have no contact with each other yet these buildings all seem to be built in exactly the
same way and format, even though these instruments share similarities, they differ in
units of measure just as we have countries that use inches and centimetres, back
then you would have a different cultures using different measurements as well just
like today, some use centimetres while other countries use inches. With one
exception, All cultures from around the world measure an angle based on the circle

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being divided by 360 this unit was chosen based on the fact that the earths year
was once 360 days long.

Religion of higher education teachers that the ancient people of the past was unsure
how long a year actually was, despite the fact that they build some of the greatest
wonders of the world, forgetting the fact that they used extremely precise
instruments, based on a 360 day year. My theory is that anyone with such obvious
advance understanding of architecture and geometry certainly would know how long
a year would be In our days Kings, President, Industrialists, Uni professors,
scientists as well as popes are very well aware that there is about 365 and 5 1/4
days long, even minimum wage workers, migrant workers, prisoners, pretty much
everyone is also fully aware of this basic fact that the year is 365 days and 5 1/4
long. Even the indigenous people of the planet all the way back from the seventh
century B.C to the time of their redaction they also understand that the year is 365
days and 5 1/4 long.

However, prior to this in every culture on the surface of the Earth understood the
year to be 360 days long Its a disputable fact that everyone living back then
understood that the earth took 360 days to complete this journey around the sun.
There is no other viable possibility.

They are pyramids all around the world and they all seem to share similar design
characteristics most if not all are associated with calendars that kept track of time in
400 year cycles based on a 360 day year calendar.

If Christopher Columbus really didn't discover America until 1492 then finding an
identical way of tracking time in the Americas, would have to prove beyond a doubt
that in the ancient past really was ruled by a 400 year cycle of 360 day years. Just as
is the case all around the world they are pyramids including the Americas, many of
these pyramids are thought to have been built by the people known today as the
Mayans. These pyramids are on the opposite side of the planet but yet all of them
are associated with Mayans long Count calendar which kept track of time using a
400 year cycle of 360 day year calendar. Once again for a total of 144,000 days - in
ancient Hebrew this cycle was referred to as AR-Bay-A-Ash-A Nar (Sounds like)
in the ancient language of coin Greek it was called Tek-Kro-Tes-A-Toes ( Sounds
like) in the Mayan tongue it was called BoK-Toon (Sounds like) but all these words
mean the same thing The 400 year cycle of the 144,000 days.

So with all this in mind we can see without a doubt that the people back in ancient
times all followed a 400 year calendar.

We don't really have to explain why, remember what I said at the beginning if
cultures at one part of the earth left records detailing something that doesn't seem
possible yeah it sounds very similar to a story from another part of the world
thousands of miles away we have to believe their must be some truth to this and
behind this even if it doesn't sound applaudable.

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Stories of Gods and Demi Gods and stories of a global deluge, unusual descriptions
of the neighbouring planets, and an official calendar to track 400 cycles of 360 day

Are from diverse cultures from around the world cannot simply be ignored.

The preponderance of so much evidence from so many witnesses, from so many

cultures, from so many years from human history - Would have to be excepted as
proof if presented to a judge and Jury opened to logic.

We do not need secular history to explain what the bible is all about - The bible
explains what the bible is all about. Secular History only confirms that the bible is a
true history of the world as seen through the eyes of God.

If someone can understand the bible for what it actually is, and empty there minds
from all the lies the churches have used to try and explain the bible, we can start to
understand the world around us for what it actually is Understanding what the
bible is actually all about, can unlock so many mysteries, like for example the so
called mystery of the pyramid.

Ive already explained why the pyramid had 144,000 casing stones But until now I
havent explained to you what those casing stones actually did - We know that the
exterior casing stones reflected light, because many of those stones was used in
other structures and can still be viewed today within those structures. But another
feature that nobody seems to be able to explain, is the fact that each side of the
pyramid is slightly creased down there centre causing two half's of each side of the
pyramid to face angles that differ by 1 degree, this causes each of the pyramids
faces actually be two different panes facing into one another - If you want to see
what Im talking about , then do a Google search for a 8 sided pyramid, and click on
images. - This feature is virtually invisible and can only detectable at only certain
times of the day when the sun is at the right angle. And when the reflective stones
were in place would have been even less detectable then it is today 1 degree of
angle over so large a pane does not actually alter the appearance of the pyramid
four faces, and does not add any structural integrity. What it did do is add insane
level of difficulty to the actual design and construction of the pyramid - Only the bible
can explain why so much effort was put into creating something that didnt serve no

In the ancient past our

planet appeared much
different than it does
today like Saturns rings
our planet had a feature
made up of frozen water
molecules above the
atmosphere referred to
in the Bible as the sea
of ice . - Revelations

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We are not supposed to
know about this feature so
our English translation of
the Bible calls it the sea
of crystal or the sea of
glass . Just a rendering
makes it virtually
impossible for anybody
reading a modern Bible to
ever figure out what the
Bible is actually talking

In the book of Genesis it's referred to as the sky window but once again our
English translations, we read about it as the floodgates of the heavens none of
the ancient Hebrew words appearing in this part of the Bible could be anywhere
translated as flood," Gate or floodgate . And in other Scriptures from the book
of Genesis it is referred to as the waters above the expanse when it would
be so much easier to translated it properly as the waters above the
atmosphere (Dome around earth) but as I just said earlier the religions of the world
do not want you to find out what the Bible is actually all about.

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Englishman's Concordance
wauddw 1 Occurrence - This is only used once in the entire
Amos 9:6
HEB: ( )
NAS: And has founded His vaulted dome over
KJV: and hath founded his troop in the earth;
INT: the heavens step his vaulted over the earth

vault 1 |vlt|


1 a roof in the form of an arch or a series of arches, typical of churches and other large,
formal buildings. a Gothic ribbed vault.

literary a thing resembling an arched roof, especially the sky: the vault of heaven.

Anatomy the arched roof of a cavity, especially that of the skull: the cranial vault.

2 a large room or chamber used for storage, especially an underground one. a wine vault.

a secure room in a bank in which valuables are stored. The masterpieces were deposited
in the vaults of Swiss banks.

a chamber beneath a church or in a graveyard used for burials. a family vault.

verb [ with obj. ] (usu. as adj.vaulted)

provide (a building or room) with an arched roof or roofs: a vaulted arcade.

construct (a roof) in the form of a vault: an unusual brick vaulted ceiling.

Amos 9:6 speaks to of this dome that was once around the earth.

The reflective stones from the exterior of the pyramid - would have reflected light
from the sun onto the Sea of ice (Dome before the flood) creating a light show
over a very large area probably encompassing the entire land of Egypt as it existed
at that time.

The 4 sides of that pyramid would not have reflected that light from 4 sides, but 8
sides, even though only 1 (degree) of difference existed between each 4 sides of
the pyramid, over the miles that the reflected light would have to travel to reach the
sea of ice, they would have been a considerable amount of separation between the
two halfs of each side.

The Capstone itself is not available for examination today but almost certainly would
not have had the duel pane feature like the other 4 sides of the pyramid, that being
the case, each side of the pyramids Capstone would have reflected light 1- 1/2
(degrees) out from each side of the lower half of the pyramid.

So once again, the 12 fields of light that would have appeared on the sea of
ice ( Dome around the earth) would have created a direct correlation between
satans pyramid and Jehovahs 12 tribe nation, which was a response to that
pyramid. There is no way that I know of to duplicate the effect that this would have
had, we can only speculate about the colours or shares that would have appeared in
the sky back then, but that probably would not actually lead to correct description to
what the ancient people would have witnessed.

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We can know that as the sun came up, it would have reflected off one or two sides at
the most however during the course of the day it would have probably reflected off
3 or as many as all 4 sides But it would only be as the sun passed directly over the
top of the capstone that they would be a perfectly symmetrical patten which would
appear around our sun in the days sky, for this to happen the conditions would have
to be perfect and would only last for a moment if that.

Knowing that the earths axis has shifted at some point in the past, we cannot know
for sure where the pyramid was at the time of its construction relative to the equator
are relative to the tropics of cancer or the tropics of Capricorn. However if the
capstone of the pyramid was at one time directly over the equator it would have put
on a display twice a year during the thermal Equinoxes if it was at either end of
the boundaries of the tropics, this would only put a display on once a year, the
original festival of lights would of ended 1000s of years prior to the saturnalia,
celebrated by the Roman Empire, So we cant even know if the two festivals took
place at the same time of year.

If the pyramid was originally constructed at this location directly over at that time of
the equator - they would of being a night time effect too, as midnight approached,
people living at this time would have been able to see 12 reflections of the Moon
gathered around our actual moon, I personally don't believe that the pyramid would
have been positioned at this location, However it would have produced a perfect
display ( day time display) every 200 years has to supposed to every 400 years
preserved in a Satanic cycle. - Spoken of twice in our bible, we do know that
cultures around the globe recognise our year as part of a 400 year cycle, which
means even though they would of been solstices and equinoxes every year, they
would have not taken place over the same spot every year, but only once every 400

Let me clarify, every year the so called solstices would reach its limits of it annual
cycle over directly it's imaginary line finding that limit, but over the exactly over the
exact same spot. The sun would not remain on the Equator of either of the tropic
lines for the entire 24 hours of that day. But would only touch briefly on it, at which
time it was immediately reverse course and begins its Journey back from it came
from, one year the sun might reach that spot directly over Egypt, and other years it
might reach that spot maybe directly over the Pacific ocean the light show from the
pyramid would of being quite striking every year, but only once every 400 years
would it be perfect - because only once every 400 years would sun be precisely over
the capstone of the pyramid.

Much as being written about the pyramids, who built them, how they did, and why?
But nobody from anywhere in the world as the slightest clue about the actual truth! -
but now you do as well. :)

Civilisations religious system as dedicated a huge amount of resources to the task

of concealing what the bible is actually all about from mankind, every reference to
the ice shield sea of ice ( Dome) encased around the earth as been removed from
all the english translations of the bible And every account related to the ice shield

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( Dome ) recorded in mythology as been dismissed, without this information nobody
could ever hope to understand function of the pyramid.

It should be obvious, without modern scientific instruments, no humans could hope

to understand that the earth solstices occurred in 400 year cycles. Certainly no one
living at the time the pyramids was constructed could have hope to figure this out.

In Isaiah 14:12 Satan is called Lucifer, which means light bearer or shinning
one . Lucifer is actually the translation of the Hebrew word al-low ( Sounds like)
which is actually the word will we get our word - Halo.

And at 2nd Corinthians 11:14 it says that Satan keeps transforming himself into an
angel of light

Without satans assistance no Human would ever figure out that the earths
solstices would be occurring in 400 year cycles the 400 year solstice cycle is
a very true and real scientific proven fact. Check it out yourself.

Our planets solstices are still bound by a cycles of 400 years even today - thats
144,000 days todays current empire still teaches that the reason why every
culture on the planet, as a 360 day year calendar, is because it didnt have the
technology to determined the actual length of the year.

It doesnt take a whole lot of Technology for any person to tell when its summer and
when its winter, when the days are short and whens the days become long Over
the cause of just a couple of years anybody could figure this out themselves by
sticking a stick or rod into the ground and measuring its shadow every day.

However, the 400 year cycle would not be so easy to detect, in fact it's only recently
that our modern culture as advanced enough scientifically to be able to figure that
our solstices are governed by 400 year cycles.

It is possible that ancient Egyptians had advanced technology that was simply lost
over time, there are quite a lot of people that believe this is the case, however, for
those who want to prescribe to such a belief, youre going to have a hard time
explaining how the Roman Empire was able to figure out the same thing in 1582,
that would have only been as little as 400 years ago? - The dark ages had long gone
since passed, and our records of this time are fairly complete, there are literally
thousands of volumes of literature from that time describing every Device imaginable
that existed and absolutely nothing available to Pope Gregory 13th, that would of
allowed him to figure out that the earths solstice cycle was 400 years. (144,000

And yet the Gregorian calendar which is still in use today is based on repeating cycle
of 400 years (144,000 days) - The Bible specifically says that the Empire of Rome
was possessed by Satan the devil, and at the time Pope Gregory 13th was the
actual Empire of Rome - prior to the Babylonian conquest of the promised land about
2700 years ago - every culture on the planet as Records indicating that the year was
360 days long After Jehovah altered our solar system and ended the earths 360

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day year cycle - every culture on the planet scramble trying to figure out what the
heck as just happened, and whats gone wrong.

We have ancient calendars from this time based on every possible combination of
numbers you can imagine, and without conformity what so ever.

Even in Greece during the time the time it was the worlds dominant power we find
that nearly every city had its own calendar, and fewer of them match the calendars of
neighbouring cities - if you look up the Gregory calendar youll find information to
why Gregory created this calendar At the time youll find that different churches was
celebrating Easter at different days of the year, so Gregory created his own Calendar
on order to unify Christianity in its celebrations, to what he at the time called the
sacred days But if you do check it out, youll notice that according to the Gregory
calendar is that Easter is on a different day each year and even at that time the
churches still continue to celebrate Easter at different times from one another But
what nobody understood is that the sacred days that Gregory was observing was
the Scared days of the 400 year satanic calendar!! Satan had promised Eve
enlightenment and the 400 year calendar of the Empire would be proof that he
had kept his promise!

If you are unable to see what the creator as just showed you, you are lost if you
still insist in being involved in one of the many 1000s of religions Then please
keep in mind that Jehovah hates them all Not one but All!

In the very near future, for those who love truth and one another this instinctive
understanding to what is happening to the world around us you will know that the
end of this civilisation is coming to an end without fail, we shall rejoice at the same
time !! However, the member of the empires Religions, however good they sound or
even as close to telling the actual truth will be cowering in there churches with
absolutely no idea to what is going on or taking place praying to there gods for
answers with nothing back in return Jehovah is not one to be mocked - And
Anyone who still continues to practice in one of the Empires beliefs Systems
However good it sounds as we start to approach the last days is Mocking God!

When he does so the seventh millennium will begin, this millennium will also be
knowing as Christs Thousand year reign will begin on that day, humanity will enter
into what the Bible calls gods rest this will take place on the final day of the 15th
cycle of 400 years.

The 15th Bok-Toom ( sounds like)

The 15th Tec-Kro-troos-A-toes ( Sound like ) Greek and the
15th AR-Bay-A-Ash-A Nar ( Sounds like ) Hebrew.

We are now currently in the 6th millennium, how far we are into this millennium, I
don't know.

They will not be a 16th of Satan's observation 400 year cycle, at the end of Christ
thousand year reign ( Rulership) hell hand it back to his father, on a day not at all
related to 400 cycle.

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The fact that the Bible says that Christ will rule with his 144,000 - it is Gods
guarantee that when Christ does so, that the heavens will be restored. - everything
in our sky (The Heavens) exactly as it was when Jehovah said Everything is
very Good.

In the very near future no one will need to check schedule or a diary again, nobody
will ever even think to refer to the calendar or look at the watch - when the luminaries
of the Heavens are restored to their proper place, we will instinctively know
everything we need to know about our place inside the stream of time simply by
using these luminaire that Jehovah provided for us. Also in the very near future this
slavery based world, demonic system that we call civilisation will be done away with

Malachi means The Angle of the Lord when translated and throughout the entire
bible there isn't any single reference to this particular person, as there is written
regarding other people that wrote the Bible many people and some religions, teach
that the stories of Jonah and the big fish wasn't true And that this story is only
there to teach the lesson about disobeying the Lord!

However throughout the Bible there are several references to himself and to this
story Ellie taking place.

But with Malachi there isn't anything mentioned other then this one book, there is
no reference to him anywhere else in the bible and there is no indication anyway in
the Bible to say that the word was ever used as a proper name, if you look at the
book there isn't a lot of information recorded is just lots of messages to the Nation of
Israel, just random things like why have you done this and why have you done that,
then the people of Israel say, they didn't and it kind of goes on a bit like that so the
people are being reminded of all the bad things that they have done in repayments to
God, from the good things he had done for them But towards the end of this book
it says, In the last days I will send Elijah the prophet however Elijah was dead, and
is still dead he was an actual human beings as far as we know, and he had real
parents, so he wasn't just like an angel that came to earth in spirit, he was fleshy
person that was born from freshly human parents but when we get to the New
Testament John the Baptist was asked if he was Elijah, but later the apostles were
speaking to Jesus, about Elijah saying why do our teachers tell us Elijah Will
come in the last day, so they were probably unaware that at the Book of Malachi, its
says that Elijah will come, so Jesus says to them if you are going to listen to this
and understand this, John the Baptist is Elijah, so who is telling the truth John the
Baptist denied being Elijah, but Jesus said he was in fact Elijah?

Sort of figure this one out to go back in history turn events which we've already
highlighted Where Abraham is sitting in his tent and he sees 3 men and these
men come to them and talk to him, apparently in the accounts Abraham was
shocked to see them so Abraham prepares and elaborate meal for these three
men, and these three men consume the meal, and some fleshly foam they can just
be fleshy men because it refers to one of the men as being Jehovah, and Jehovah
speaks to the other two men bad things are happening in Sodom and could you go

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and check out and see whats going on over there, so the other two men leave and
head to Sodom, The one thats called Jehovah says with Abraham, and the other two
go to Sodom and this is the story where Abraham talks to Jehovah about letting
the good people come out but the only good people there are lot and his family, so
these angels wrestling about with these people in Sodom, verbally and finally
convinces them to leave Sodom Lot and his family leave, and these two men or
Angels as we found out make it rain fire and sulphur on these cities of that region, as
Jehovah said nothing could be built in the promised land but yet here is five of
them But Zoar doesnt get destroyed because Lot talks him in to leaving this one
out which he later regrets, anyway getting back to the story it is very obvious, that
these are not Mortal human beings, what in fact angels yet they eat food, so we
got a little further along with this story and we get to the days of Moses, and Moses
is taking the people of Israel out of Egypt, I'm bringing them into the promised land
they get right there, before the promised land then they send out 12 men to spy
out the land so the 12 then go into the promised land, look all around and come
back with reports, however 10 of them lie, in our English bible it says that 10 of them
bring a bad report, but i think the word would be better used as saying false report
10 of them say you cant go in there, it's really bad, while the other two Joshua and
Caleb, Say no way God split the red sea, we came this far he fed us, poured
water out of a rock and youre going to worry about these people, they cant stop
us we can go in there so because people wouldn't go in in the end God doesn't
allow them to go into the promised land at all, So he told them, instead you can
wander round for 40 years, because you spied out the land for 40 days and came
back with a lies, so for your 40 days of spying you can have 40 years in the
wilderness however the ones you didn't go along with this, the ones he was telling
the truth, Joshua and Caleb were still alive at the end of the 40 years, but the rest of
them died, well, when the 40 years was up Moses had been replaced by Joshua,
one of the original spies Now it's Joshua turn to take these people into the
promised land, so this time around he doesn't send out 12 spies he only sends out 2
and the two spies come back with a good report and they go in and destroy
Jericho, and so they enter the promised land.

So there is an occasion where youve got 2 spies again, or two messages again
but these are obviously human, Joshua and Caleb have their lineage recorded in the
bible so we know that they had parents and children Real people!

So now we need to go forward to recent times, in the new Testament, there is

another story, and it involves angels however with the old Testament, it is very
difficult to determine who is an Angel and who is a Human, because the word we use
for Angel Which actually means messenger And in the Hebrew portion of the
Bible Which is the old Testament and you see the word messenger you have to
use your head to figure out whether they are talking about a spirit messenger or
Human messenger. Because in the Hebrew language there was not two different
words to describe this like there is in the Greek new Testament, in the Greek portion
of the Bible there are two separate words to describe spirit messenger and fleshly
messenger .And those words are on-gallows which we translate as Angle and
the other Ap-A-stole-Lay. (Sounds like) which means fleshly (Human) - which we
also translates as apostles, There is a clearly defined difference between spirit
messenger and freshly messenger, so in the bible in the new Testament there are

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quite a few references to Angels and there are quite a few references to Human
messages and we know who they are because they are two different words unlike
the old Testament where it was just the one word however with one exception,
John the Baptist remember Jesus said John the Baptist, was Elijah, even though
John the Baptist said he was not when John the Baptist baptised Jesus, he
instantly recognises Jesus is the Messiah, he told Jesus that he couldn't do this and
that he wasn't worthy enough to do this, and expressed he wasnt worthy of doing
such an act in reply I guess you can say Jesus turn round and said yes I know
however, right now we need to do it this way for the people to see, so John the
Baptist, baptises and Jesus, he obviously know that Jesus is the Messiah.. Then a
couple of years later John the Baptist is in prison, And he sends two men to ask
Jesus are you the Messiah, or should we be looking for someone else? But it very
specifically says that those two men are angels, not fleshly messages but spirits
messages, and it very clearly says that John the Baptist, is an Angel not a
messenger. But once again, we know that John the Baptist was a Human
Because in the very early part of the new Testament, Gabriel the Angel goes to his
parents and tells them that you have a child you are going to give birth to a son
and you will call him John, if Fleshy human and Gabriel even tell his father that
you're going to be the one who makes his wife pregnant. So without a doubt we
know that John the Baptist was a freshly Human.

So why would Jesus say that he was Eliza? Remember in the Bible they are both
good and bad angels, as humans we think of these as angels and Demons So
what do we know about Demons, we know that Demons can possess someone, so if
this is the case what is the difference between a bad angel and a good angel,
basically good angels are good and Bad Angels are Bad there is no difference
other than that, if we were to categorise angels they would be in individual species
there is nothing in the Bible to indicate that there are different types of species in
reference to angels, although we can't be 100% certain I know for sure. But there is
no scriptural support to indicate otherwise.

But if a bad angel can possess someone who is not to say that a Good Angel cannot
possess someone as well but, what is to say that the angel that possessed Eliza,
was not the same angel that also possessed John the Baptist, then Jesus would be
correct in saying that Eliza was John the Baptist and John the Baptist would be
correct in saying, that he was not Eliza, I hope you are understanding what I'm trying
to get across when Jesus cast out angels, the apostles asked him about it, what
was the point of casting out this angel if this person doesn't take in a good clean
spirit then that spirits, the bad spirit that as just being cast out is going to wonder
around see some other bad spirits, and tell them that the place hes just left is
cleaned out and ready to take in. And they can go over there together.

More than one angel can possess somebody because when Jesus asked Elgin is
name he said there was a whole lot of us in here, and even though Demon
possession sounds like a violation, it is actually part of a personal choice, because
Jesus tells these people if they don't take in a good spirit they have to take a bad
spirit So it's the same thing with a good angel, if you chose to have a good angel,
take him in but that doesn't me is going to stay there is nothing to indicate they
going to stay there all the time because when John was born it was already in him

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and it never left it may just be like a guardian angel watching over John as he was
growing up, occasionally going into his mind and influencing him and teaching him
things, but I don't think is the same thing as being forced to have this spirit, in order
for John to be possessed with this good angel, he would've had to have chosen to
be possessed by this good Angel, so it's not a violation. Even though all the things I
mentioned just now or not spelled-out directly in the Bible Word for word,

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