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Standard 2.

6 Instructional Design
Candidates model and facilitate the effective use of research-based best practices in instructional
design when designing and developing digital tools, resources, and technology-enhanced
learning experiences. (PSC 2.6/ISTE 2f)

The artifact attached is the Online Learning Experience. This experience was a culmination of
assignments that spanned 3 courses to earn my online teaching endorsement. As part of the experience I
had to design and implement a 4-6 week online or blended learning unit. My online experience took place
in a senior level Economics class covering the topics of international Economics and personal finance.
Attached in the artifact are screenshots that explore the different parts of the course. The artifact shows
how I designed the course after learning about my students, used differentiation to provide different
learning avenues for the students, and allowed them to learn concepts that they will use after they leave
high school.

This artifact demonstrates my mastery of standard of 2.6 because it shows my ability to model and
facilitate the effective use of research-based best practices in instructional design when designing
and developing digital tools, resources, and technology-enhanced learning experiences. The
Online learning experience artifact shows each step through the design based off of research
based strategies in the tools, resources and technology used. These tools enhanced the learning
experience for the students by giving them authentic learning experiences, allowed asynchronous
communication, and access to tools and simulations that would not be available without

From this project I learned that there is a great amount of planning that goes into creating an online or
blended unit. Technology can provide great options to create authentic learning experiences for the
students. It is also good to try out the technology tools to gain a greater knowledge before implementing
them into a lesson. It is important to get to know your students strengths and weaknesses so that you can
better understand how to create a meaningful learning experience for them. I also learned through this
experience that you have to be flexible when using technology tools. I ran into some problems with
content and tools that I had to adjust along the way. In the future I would try to oriente my students more
with the tools they will be using before starting the unit. Some students larger learning curve than others. I
would also try to get more student feedback along the way, possibly at the end of each unit.

The work that went into this experience impacted the school improvement by me being able to share what
I learned with other teachers. Other teachers in Economics have discussed using the outline for their units
in the future. I can also use what I learned to caution teachers on what not to do in the future. The tools I
used for differentiation will also be shared. The impact can be assessed through student feedback and also
through schools on local school tests and state tests.

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