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University of El Salvador

School of Sciences and Humanities

Department of foreign languages
Introduction to English Linguistics
Students name:
Walter Ernesto Garcia Moran GM15024
Ronald Eduardo Bonilla Hernandez BH15006
June 29th 2017

The importance of linguistic in the preparation of Professional English Teachers

To being with the topic it is necessary to clarify what is linguistics, Linguistics is the

scientific study of language. (Department of Linguistics University of Washington N.D.)

This is why linguistics is important for the English teachers because without knowing this

study they will have lack of knowledge on different areas at the moment of teaching

English. Linguistics has different branches that they are apply in the classroom such as

contrastive linguistics, sociolinguistic and diachronic Linguistics.

Contrastive linguistics is branch of linguistics concerned with showing the differences

and similarities in the structure of at least two languages or dialects. (2017 Merriam-

Webster, Incorporated) taking into account this branch the teachers can identify where the

students is doing a mistake; since, they know the first language and the second language

they can compare both structures of each language.

An example where contrastive linguistic can be use it, is at the moment of transfer in

the words of Yule, G. means using sounds, expressions or structures from L1 when

performing in the L2. (The study of language, 2014, p.191). For instance, a Spanish

student who says actually Im studying at UES (at the moment Im studying at UES). It is
using the expressions actually because this word is similarly to word actualmente

which stand for right now or at the moment in Spanish. Having knowledge of the

contrastive linguistic the teacher will know what the student is trying to communicate he or

she will able to correct the learner.

Regarding to the sociolinguistic The Philosopher Fanon F. wrote that, to speak a

language is to take on a world, a culture (Black skin, White Masks, p 38). This part of

the linguistic will help the teacher to determine whether the student is using appropriately

the expressions. Because every language has it is own way to express its thought, is

necessary for the teacher learn when an expression can be use it or not; if the student do not

learn how to use it and when, it can creative some troubles at the moment of communicate

his or her thoughts specially with a native speaker. For example, it will be rude to say shut

up Im trying to sleep instead of please be quiet, Im trying to sleep.

Therefore, knowledge of sociolinguistics and the proper use of it, can be a great tool

for many teachers. Since they as professional teachers studying this branch could help their

students learn different dialects of the same language in this case the English language. In

addition, good use of it could teach its students the small details of the language that will

help them reach the level of a native speaker. The goal of a teacher is to become his student

better than himself for that reason acquiring knowledge in this area will undoubtedly have a

great impact on the process of English acquisition of students.

Finally, diachronic Linguistics is the study of the language across the time. It is

believe that the use of this branch of the linguistic is useless at the moment of teach, but in

fact this is really relevant at classroom, because when a student ask to teacher the mean of a

word, he or she will be able to answer correctly thanks to his or her knowledge of this
branch. As you might know every word has evolve across the time and the mean of it has

change and be conscious of this will help to the teacher to have a great performance at the

moment of teaching English.

This branch of linguistics has a final aim and is to try to describe in the simplest and

faithful way possible the functioning and grammar of a language in all its extension. While

the purpose of didactics is to indicate the methodology to be used so that the student learns

easier, faster and more adequate the practical mastery of said language. Although didactics

and diachronic linguistic seem to have different ends; In fact, both walk together in a very

narrow way with the purpose of making the student obtain a deeper knowledge of the

language. By applying this area of expertise to the professional preparation of teachers,

students will acquire English language in an easier but also more extensive way.

To conclude, studying linguistics as English teachers will help us to understand the

problems and interferences that students can present when studying English for the barriers

of the native language. Also, we will be able to perform better as teachers by using different

dialects of the English language and being able to educate students to use a more

convenient dialect than they have learned. Furthermore, having a deep knowledge about the

history of language, as teachers we will be better able to explain the evolution of words and

the general language of the English language. For these reasons, the applied linguistics in

the development of the teachers could lead the future students of the English language to

higher levels and with more profound knowledge of language. "Linguistics is largely a

science, it is a human science, one of the human sciences, and it is one of the most

interesting human sciences." (Samuel R. Delany, n.d.).


Department of Linguistics University of Washington. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Fanon, F. (n.d.). Black skin, White Masks. Retrieved from Google play books:




Merriam-Webster, Incorporated. ( 2017). Obtenido de https://www.merriam-

YULE, G. (2014). The Study of Language. In G. YULE. Londo: Cambridge University press.

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