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SNAME Transactions, Vol. 102, 1994, pp.


Integrating Ship Maneuverability with Safety

Carmine G. Biancardi, Member, Istituto Universitario Navale, Naples, Italy

ABSTRACT reduce operating expenses and increase profit, it is more likely

they would support the manoeuvring-safety programme as a
In 1994, the introduction of the Manoeuvring Standards solution to their requirements.
by the IMO (International Maritime Organization) will require To achieve maximum commercial benefits such as
Naval Architects, Ship Designers, Ship Owners and Ship payload and fuel economy, ship geometric parameters are fixed at
Operators to search for alternative ways to deal with safety and the preliminary design stage. Designs obtained in such a way may
manoeuvrability. This paper is a timely publication to provide the not possess desirable manoeuvring and safety characteristics.
maritime industry with a fresh methodology to cope with the new Despite the ability to theoretically or experimentally predict
IMO requirements. manoeuvrability of a vessel during design has increased over the
The paper begins by performing a critical review of years, [Biancardi, 1991; Burcher, 1972; Clarke, 1987; Coates,
existing approaches for dealing with Ship Manoeuvrability and 1987; Fujino, 1990; Kijima, 1991; Landsburg, 1983; Lewis, 1989;
Ship Safety and considering fresh understandings of these terms. Mikelis, 1990; Research, 1985], some problems on the reliability
Different attempts to integrate Safety with Manoeuvrability are of the methods for assessing and implementing required
then examined. The weak features of these attempts are manoeuvrability still remain unsolved, [Coates, 1987; Landsburg,
considered and scope for developing fresh approaches is then 1983; Mikelis 1980 ]. This situation would seem to place
presented. In order to meet the requirements for operational manoeuvring qualities in a secondary position in the ship's life
specifications and safety in a cost-effective way, the paper cycle. Sometimes, certain manoeuvring appendages are added to
proposes an approach for relating Safety with Manoeuvrability in the hull to compensate poor manoeuvrability or to achieve specific
the appropriate phases of a ship's life cycle methodology while operating conditions. On the other hand, manoeuvrability is a
introducing fresh indices and criteria for assessing the ship's significant part of ship's safety, [Biancardi 1993]. Success in
manoeuvrability. Two case examples are used to show how the incorporating safety with manoeuvrability can generate at least the
methodology can offer an effective approach for designing and following benefits:
operating ships that can meet improved manoeuvring-safety
requirements. One case example studies a dry cargo ship of a improve operational performances;
Mariner Type while the other studies a service ship of a Jackclass reduce cost of training;
Type. reduce down-time for repairs or modifications;
decrease losses through failure to complete contracts on time;
1. INTRODUCTION reduce economic loss to employee's family.
Statistics show that collisions and contacts are one of the
most common hazards of seagoing ships, [1Penow ,1984; Generally, using the most advanced technology without
Hollindole, 1979; Cahill, 1983; National, 1985; Marine 1989 ] and due regard to cost, it is relatively straightforward to meet a
poor manoeuvrability has been called as a significant element in demanding manoeuvring specification. Or alternatively, for the
some major accidents, [Marine , 1989: Johnson, 1991]. operation to have a very high level of safety if the efficiency of the
Moreover, a ship's own manoeuvrability may limit the range of operation is not a concern.
operability. So, poor manoeuvrability can impair both safety and In the past, there has been a vague idea of what relating
efficiency of ships. Furthermore, the maritime industry customers safety with manoeuvrability means. Looking to specific aspects of
will always be specifying manoeuvring qualities and an acceptable the problem-say operational procedures or constraining restricted
level of safety in relation to both human life and ocean area to ship with specific manoeuvrability-some studies, [Barr,
environment. Putting high pressure on technically trained staff to 1987; Biancardi, 1993; Eda, 1979; Landsburg, 1993; Roseman,
innovate, the maritime industry management is seeking technical 1987] have suggested attempts to associate safety with
solutions to these requirements. Indeed, management is interested manoeuvrability. Indeed, some of the available approaches are a
in profits and the return on investments, [Kuo, 1992]. If scatter collection of assessing, measuring or predicting
customers can be convinced that the implementation of improved manoeuvring performance of ships at different phases of its life
manoeuvrability and safety is cost-effective, i.e., that they will cycle. There are some tentatives of guiding the manoeuvring

assessment process at the design stage or to provide information to Environmental conditions: Manoeuvring performances are
the personnel. affected by environmental conditions such as the intensities of
Lately, IMO (International Maritime Organization), wind, current, wave, and water depths.
[RINA, 1993], has been seriously elaborating manoeuvring
standards. Because of these standards, a solution is definitely The study of the manoeuvrability is generally made in two
required for ensuring that the compulsory level of manoeuvring- directions. One is to assess manoeuvrability with a physical model
safety is achieved over a ship's entire life-cycle. either at full or reduced scale. The other is to assess
A number of possible solutions could be explored. manoeuvrability with a theoretical model, i.e. a set of equations of
However, the relationships between the variables cannot be motion, in which the equations' coefficients can be calculated
defined by analytical equations or numerical relations because they either by means of a theory or by means of a physical model. Both
are closely inter-related and highly complex. Moreover, some of methods are useful to ship designers and ship operators.
the elements involved are qualitative rather than quantitative. The The objective of this chapter is to present the different
way forward is based on a fresh approach. ways of describing and assessing the manoeuvrability of ships.
After devising a common understanding of the terms There are five parts. Each part describes one of the five main
"manoeuvrability", "safety" and "what are acceptable approaches to manoeuvrability, as follows:
manoeuvring qualities", the research efforts have been directed to
devise an approach that relates safety with manoeuvrability while Mathematical Model Techniques and Theoretical Prediction;
satisfying the three sets of criteria: operational specifications, Manoeuvring Simulators;
safety, cost-effectiveness. Such an approach is based on the Full Scale Trials;
understanding that safety is linked with manoeuvrability over the Model Experiments;
appropriate phases of a ship's life-cycle. The approach combines Statistical Analysis.
alternative manoeuvring criteria and a safety methodology within
the same framework. Examples are provided to illustrate the 2.1. Mathematical Model Techniques and Theoretical
practical applications. Prediction

2. APPROACHES TO MANOEUVRABILITY Goal: To describe and assess the manoeuvrability by means of

The term "Manoeuvrability" can have different analytical methods.
interpretations. Several sources, [Barr, 1987, 1991; Biancardi
1993; Daidola, 1991; Eda, 1979; Kempf, 1944; Saunders, 1965; Description: The basic dynamics of manoeuvring can be described
Spyron ,1990], provide sparse definitions of Manoeuvrability. One and analyzed using Newton's equations of motion in six degrees of
of the most accepted understanding is supplied by [Lewis, 1989]: freedom. However, to simplify the study of manoeuvrability,
"The controlled change in the direction of motion restriction to the horizontal plane is often used with accurate
(turning or course changing). Interest centers on the ease with results, [Research, 1985]. Basic equations in the horizontal plane
which change can be accomplished and the radius and distance can be considered first with reference to one set of axes fixed
required to accomplish the change". relative to the earth and a second set fixed relative to the ship. In
However, in the present context, it would be helpful to begin by the equations of motion, the hydrodynamic forces and moments
contributing with a fresh understanding of the word are normally described by a Taylor expansion [Lewis, 1989] about
"Manoeuvrability": the equilibrium condition, resulting in different terms (generally
"The quality which determines to what extent a called hydrodynamic coefficients or derivatives) necessary to
marine vehicle meets the requirements for changing or describe the ship dynamics. One of the most classical approaches
maintaining a specific direction and speed in a set of is described in [Lamb, 1932; Newman, 1977].
environmental conditions" Once the set of the differential equations is derived, the
There are a number of words in that statement calling for hydrodynamic coefficients have to be determined. Theoretical
some explanations: methods exist for calculating the hydrodynamic coefficients,
[Lewis, 1989; Newman, 1979], however their application is
Quality: Manoeuvrability is not something absolute, but a constrained by the main assumptions that:
QUALITY to be specified according to given a ship characteristics
and operational circumstances. For example, a stopping distance the fluid is assumed irrotational;
of 7 Ship lengths for one ship can be regarded as good, but may
not be acceptable for another ship. whilst the following effects can be considered negligible:

Requirements: different operational conditions can require lifting effects,

different level of manoeuvrability. Manoeuvrability has to satisfy free-surface effects,
the demand of operational conditions as well as those of regulatory viscous stresses and separation,
bodies and human operators. propeller-hull-rudder interaction.

448 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

On the other hand, other approaches have been On the other hand, standard procedures, used by most
developed to take into consideration the presence of the free ship manoeuvring testing facilities capable of conducting captive
surface effects. Typical approaches include the two-dimensional model experiments (physical model on scale), involve measuring
and three-dimensional methods. Two-dimensional methods have the hydrodynamic forces and, subsequently predicting ship
been successful applied, [Flagg, 1971; Mikelis, 1980], with manoeuvring characteristics using the equations of motion.
significant results. A three dimensional method has been presented
by Mikelis, [Mikelis 1980 a, b]. However the method requires 2.2. Manoeuvring Simulators
further investigation, [Mikelis, 1980].
On the other hand, the coefficients can be successfully Goal: To permit the study of ship manoeuvrability with
calculated with a physical model using the technique described in allowances, reruns and in some cases with the direct inclusion of
2.4. (Model Experiments). human responses by means of models representing the ship-
operator-environment system.
Advantages: When the coefficients have been calculated [Mikelis
, 1980 b], the method permits different manoeuvring performances Description: A ship in navigation is a man-machine system that
to be readily assessed by calculation. It is possible to introduce interacts with the environment. Manoeuvring simulation provides
different speeds and rudder angles as well as various set of a representation of the manoeuvring ship using a mathematical
environmental conditions. The method provides means of model or a compound of models or a physical model representing
evaluating manoeuvring qualities or operational characteristics of that system and environment, [Dand, 1987; Fujino, 1984; Kijima,
proposed design well in advance of construction. Moreover, it 1991; Oltmann, 1984].
contributes simple means of studying effects of practical variations Manoeuvring simulators are generally divided in two
of basic design which may be necessary to improve performance. main types:
The method can be used to determine effects of various
environmental conditions on performance, it can be used to study hydraulic simulators; and
overall performance of various combined systems. computer simulators.

Drawbacks: The equations of motion require an accurate set of The first type makes use of physical scale models.
ship hydrodynamic coefficients in order to provide reliable Harbour and vessel waterways system accurately
manoeuvring assessment. The accurate calculation of the modelling the hydraulic flow can be constructed and then free
hydrodynamic coefficients requires expensive facilities, see section running ship models can be piloted either remotely or with human
(2.4.). However, theoretical calculation of the coefficients may be operators on-board.
more cost-effective. On the other hand, the accuracy is constrained A computer hardware and its relative software developed
by the assumptions of the coefficients' theory, particularly for for the scope of representing ship manoeuvring behaviour is often
manoeuvres with large rudder angles. Indeed, in [Lewis, 1989; regarded as a computerized ship manoeuvring simulator. There
Newman, 1979], it is shown that theoretical assumptions lead to a are various types of such a simulator that may greatly differ in
reasonable correlation with experimental data for small motions accuracy and complexity. Each type has a specific structure of the
within the linear range. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that aforementioned model. These types of manoeuvring simulators are
theory seriously over-predicts some manoeuvring effects, [Lewis, controlled by computers employing mathematical models of
1989; Newman 1979]. varying complexity to predict the ship's trajectories. Effects of
shallow water, banks, currents, wind, waves, and tugs are often
Comments: Mathematical model technique has often been used included in the mathematical model.
since the wide availability of high speed computers. This
technique provides a solution and basic understanding of the Advantages: Manoeuvring simulators deliver the flexibility
dynamics of submerged and floating bodies. However, the necessary to investigate the different aspects of the real world that
differential equations of motion are comprised to a number of concern the ship control. Moreover, they provide the ability to
coefficients or derivatives which are of hydrodynamic origin. operate in real time and allow accurate use of the human beings.
Consequently to obtain solutions for any given Another main advantage is the ease of rerunning the program for
configuration, it is necessary to know the coefficients with a different set of variables (changing rudder angles, RPM, engine
reasonable accuracy. Several attempts have been made in the past power, type of rudder and propeller, environmental conditions),
to fulfil this requirement by utilizing various experimental [Dand, 1987; Fujino, 1984; Kijima, 1991; Oltmann, 1984]. Fast-
technique, theoretical calculation or a combination of both, time simulators are cost-effective and not time consuming. Fast
[Biancardi, 1991 b; Bishop, 1974; Eminente, 1985; Flagg, 1971; time manoeuvring trajectories can be rerun at a time fraction of
Fujino, 1984; Gadd, 1986; Kijima, 1991; Inoue, 1981; Mikelis, real time.
1980 a; Shangyoung, 1988]. However, there are very few
theoretical methods available to compute the hydrodynamic Drawbacks: A hydraulic simulator has the following main
coefficients, especially terms involving viscous flow. drawbacks. It has high cost and time requirements, and does not
usually address the navigation process or accurately model the

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 449

vessel trajectories because of the small ship models involved and manoeuvres can help ship operators to understand the
the time-scaling difficulties in using moving models. manoeuvring behaviour of the ship. Moreover. system
The case of computer simulators has also some identification results can be used to design simulators for specific
drawbacks when are used either for research either for training. training or operational research.
Two modes of operations are usually practised: fast-time and real-
time. Drawbacks: There are at least two main drawbacks. Firstly, the
Even tough only parts of a voyage usually need to be approach is costly and time consuming. Although, full-scale trials
simulated, real-time operations are time consuming and costly. are often included in the contract and usually performed at the
acceptance trials, only the minimum runs of manoeuvring tests are
Comments: The approach is mainly limited only by the accuracy done, e.g. turning circle and stopping trial. It is not usual to run
of its mathematical models of ship and waterway (including any other additional trial. So, the manoeuvring assessment can be
current), and by the physical and visual resemblance of the incomplete. In addition, the data gathered is applicable to similar
arrangements to reality. ships in identical environmental conditions, but it is not helpful to
Historically, manoeuvring simulators have been let it provide some general guide to new ship manoeuvrability.
associated with training instead of research. However since the
1970's research oriented manoeuvring simulators have been widely Comments: Ship manoeuvrability continues to be assessed by
used to investigate problems associated with marine means of full-scale trials, involving either few definite manoeuvres
transportation. Today manoeuvring simulators, particularly the or a complete set of tests. It is still the most reliable method for
ones using computer simulation, are largely applied in research, understanding the manoeuvring performance of a ship. The
design, development and training. approach has been in use for many years, so that considerable
experience now exists. Ship handlers often appeal to full-scale
2.3. Full Scale Trials analysis to develop an understanding of a ship's manoeuvring
performance. Ship designers can benefit of full-scale trials of
Goal: To evaluate ship manoeuvrability by means of full-scale existing ships when designing similar ships. On the other hand, the
trials and analysis, involving either few definitive manoeuvres or approach is helpless when developing new type of ships. Finally,
a complete set of tests. the approach facilitates to correct possible manoeuvring
deficiencies before ongoing commercial navigation.
Description: This approach is based on the measurements and
analysis of dynamic variables of full-scale trials. Many different 2.4. Model Experiments
kinds of tests, such as a speed trial, a turning circle, a stopping
trial, etc. can be carried out to know the manoeuvrability of ships. Goal: To provide experimental evidence in support of theoretical
The results of this approach can be used in two ways. One is the prediction for ships where manoeuvring capability is very
use of the results for a full-scale assessment of the important or for research purpose.
manoeuvrability. The other way is to employ a system
identification techniques to calculate the hydrodynamic force, Description: Model experiment techniques used in model testing
[Trankle, 1991], to be used with a manoeuvring simulator. are classified in the following sub-headings:
Because of the variety and methodology of trials, some
organizations have developed manoeuvring trials codes. At least Free running model tests. The technique makes use of a self-
four national and international bodies have such codes, however propelled scale model of the ship fitted with all appendages
these codes do not agree in details. and remote control, so that actual manoeuvres can be
The proposed coverage of manoeuvring trials codes of performed and manoeuvrability evaluated.
British Maritime Technology (BMT), Society of Naval Architects Captive model tests. The technique makes use of a model
and Marine Engineers (SNAME), Det Norske Veritas (DnV), and towed along a tank or it is towed round a circular path, or the
the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC) agree on the model is oscillated while it is being towed along a tank.
need to conduct three specific tests: Then, some known motions are imparted to the model and the
corresponding fluid forces are measured with some form of
Turning manoeuvres from full speed dynamometer.
Zig-zag or Z manoeuvres
Crash stop from full speed Generally, free running model testing can use the same
set of trials as at full-scale.
A description of manoeuvring characteristics and The captive model testing aim is to measure the
methodology of full-scale trials is included in [Lewis, 1989]. hydrodynamic force and moments acting on the hull and
appendages when the vessel is given a specific motion. By
Advantages: The full-scale trials provide a method of verification conducting a series of tests, changing only one parameter of
of manoeuvring performance in given environmental conditions. motion at a time it is possible to evaluate how the forces and
Full-scale representation of turning circle, stopping and other moments change with motion parameters. Analyzing the results,

450 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

the hydrodynamic coefficients for use in the equations of motion Drawbacks: Free running model tests have at least the following
can be calculated. drawbacks:
The simplest captive model test is the OBLIQUE TOW
TEST, [Eminente, 1985; Bishop, 1974; Lewis, 989]. It can be does not provide data which can be directly related to the
conducted without special facilities in a normal towing tank. design of body and individual appendages;
Basically, the test consists of towing the model down at constant does not provide data to directly support design changes to
speed similar to a resistance test. The run is repeated for different effect improvements in performance;
drift angles to the direction of the motion. The test yields sway and Froude or dynamic scaling necessary for mass, moments of
yaw moment linear coefficients. inertia, and metacentric stability.
In the ROTATING ARM TEST, [Lewis, 1989], the
model is supported on a carriage which can be moved along the Captive model tests have the following drawbacks:
arm to vary the curvature of the path. Also the yaw angle can be
changed. Series of tests can be conducted with various data are one step removed from directly indicating all the
combinations of curvature of path and yaw angle. Also the speed handling qualities;
of the arm can be controlled. The arm is designed to accelerate to method may become uneconomical for evaluating
constant speed. With this, linear and non-linear coefficients can be performance of one specific design;
calculated. requires expensive facilities.
Another technique is by means of the PLANAR
MOTION MECHANISM (PMM), [Lewis, 1989, Roseman 1987]. In addition, experimental results have some other limitations
This device can yield linear coefficients and non-linear ones if the including an undetermined manoeuvring scale effect.
motion is made large enough. The principle of PMM is that the
model is forced to oscillate whilst being towed down a ship tank. Comments: This approach provides a practical design method for
The resulting motion is a sinusoidal yawing and swaying. The assessing a prototype performance. The cost and time impacts of
normal method of testing is to conduct two separate forms of the tests on a design effort are of course part of any testing, and
oscillatory motion namely pure sway and pure yaw. On the other realistically only the final design configuration or I or 2 variants
hand, combined motion tests can be also conducted. can be studied. Correlation of the scale model results to full scale
The Oblique Tow, Rotating Arm and PMM are is not yet fully investigated and may generate problems when
complementary to one another. Complete information on the investigating some manoeuvring performance using free running
hydrodynamic forces is obtained by combining the results of the models. However, the results of the experimental approach are
three facilities. useful when investigating new type of ships or control devices. It
is definitely one of the most popular ways of studying
Advantages: Free running model tests have at least three manoeuvrabilityat a detailed design stage.
2.5. Statistical Analysis
direct evaluation of performance of specific design;
can be economical and expedient; Goal: To assess manoeuvring performances on the basis of
can be used to study manoeuvres which may be too previous work on similar hull forms whether full scale or model
complicated to examine by analytical or computer methods. scale.

Captive model tests have at least the following advantages: Description: Manoeuvrability of similar ships evaluated from the
results of full-scale or model-scale trials for many years is
provides basic data on which to support design of individual collected. Afterwards, the results are statistically summed up to
body and appendages; provide the advance, the transfer, the tactical diameter, the steady
provides basic data which can be used with the equations of turning radius of turning circles, and other major manoeuvring
motion in computer and simulator studies to evaluate inherent parameters. When historical data from similar ship tests are
and close-loop performance; accurate enough, it is possible to predict the manoeuvrability of
provides data which can be directly utilized in design of the planning ship.
automatic control systems; Generally, a statistical method makes use of two
results can be utilized to study effects of proposed design approaches. One is to use trial's data of similar ships to assess
changes without the need for additional model tests; manoeuvring performances such as stopping distance, turning
data are perpetuated so that further studies can be made at a diameter, etc., [Barr, 1987]. The other is to estimate the
later time without the need for additional model tests; hydrodynamic force on the basis of previous hydrodynamic data
provides a powerful tool for doing research or systematic measured'on ship or model tests, [Biancardi, 1991 b; Inoue,
series work; 1981]. Once the coefficients are known a computer simulation can
dynamic scaling not necessary. show the predicted manoeuvring performances of the planning
ship. Sometimes, some manoeuvring qualities of a ship design can

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 451

be quickly predicted by using specific charts for determining The study of ship safety is basically directed in three
rudder area, which are based on the results from a number of directions. One is the development of safety rules to be satisfied by
manoeuvrability tests with actual ships. The principle of this the system, such approach is called "Prescriptive". Another one is
method is again to judge the follow-up manoeuvrability by the application of risk analysis techniques to deal with the
comparing with actual results from conventional ships. technical safety aspects of the system. The other one is to approach
safety with preventive methodologies.
Advantages: This approach is another popular, most promising This chapter is divided in three parts. Each part describes
and inexpensive procedure available for predicting manoeuvring one of the three main approaches to safety:
performance, particularly if data of similar ships are at hand. When
using full-scale data it is possible to predict manoeuvrability Statutory or Prescriptive Approach;
without having many correlation's' problems. Reliability studies and Risk Analysis;
Preventive Approach.
Drawbacks: It is very difficult to take precisely into account the
differences of ship types. It is rather doubtful to apply old data to 3.1. Statutory or Prescriptive Approach.
the newer ship types, and special care is needed when using actual
data for full-bodied ships, because just a slight difference of Goal: To provide technical consistency between systems operating
arranging propellers or a rudder or difference in stem form may in the same industry.
give quite different manoeuvrability. New types of design cannot
be investigated because of the lack of data of previous work. This Description: The approach makes use of past practical and
approach constrains the choice of concepts for new designs. scientific experience within findings of major disaster to develop
and eventually improve the safety requirements. The requirements
Comments: This approach needs an analysis of previous data. are then translated in rules which are incorporated, verified and
Ship designers cannot realistically perform such an analysis that controlled during the entire life-cycle of the system.
requires specific knowledge. Research institutions are able to There are rules covering structural aspects as long as
perform such analysis. The approach can also be combined with dynamics and operational aspects of the system. Typical examples
results of theory. The theoretical description is useful in the of such approach are the rules, [RINA, 1993, International -
context of interpolation between sparse experimental data. The Lloyd's, 1986], used by the International Maritime Organization
approach can be more cost-effective than running model (IMO) which is the United Nation Agency for Maritime Affairs, by
experiments. National Governments or by Classification Societies such as
Lloyd's Register, RINA (Registro Italiano NAvale), Det Norske
When studying safety it is necessary first of all to find an
agreed definition of it. Several sources, [Asteo, 1987; Charlton, Advantages: This approach incorporates the past experience in a
1989; Francescutto, 1992; Glass, 1984; Hutchison, 1981; Lees, new system, particularly when involving ships similar to those
1980; Modarres, 1993; Neilsen, 1972], provide different already in service, [Glass, 1984] [Modarres, 1993; Roland, 1990].
understandings of safety. Where, the dictionary supplies the Moreover, action following major accidents will generate new or
following definition: improved rules so that new designs will benefit from it.

"Safety is the condition of being free from undergoing or causing Drawbacks: Rules and regulations are usually behind the latest
hurt, injury, or loss". technological advances or practice. This approach is also a passive
way in which safety is incorporated into the design.
While, for example, safety professionals may use the following The use of major disasters for stringent requirements can
one, [Roland, 1990]: make possible that too much emphasis is put on the causes of one
event and this may mislead the prevention of other unforeseen
"Safety is a quality of a system that allows the system to function problems.
under predetermined conditions with an acceptable minimum of
accidental loss". Comments: The thinking behind this approach is that rules and
regulations can reflect past experience. The approach is
Notwithstanding, in the present context, it is beneficial to initiate compulsory in practical ship design. It is a popular way of
by stating a fresh definition of the word "Safety" as presented by respecting safety requirements. However, its usefulness is limited,
Kuo, [Kuo, 1990]: especially in new situation.

"Safety is a perceived quality that determines to wliat extent 3.2. Reliability studies and Risk Analysis.
the management, engineering and operation of a system is free
of danger to life, property and environment." Goal: To decide whether a potential hazard has to be considered
for further investigation on the basis of associated risks.

452 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

Description: Risk analysis considers mainly two aspects of safety like the one suggested by Kuo, [Kuo, 1990, 1991, 1992 a, b,
accidents: frequency and severity, [ASTEO, 1987; Hutchison, c]. This approach consists of covering all the aspects of safety
1981]. Frequency refers to the likelihood of occurrence. Severity includit]g the previous two approaches (3.1 and 3.2) and still being
refers to the impact of loss in terms of money or physical cost-effective. Kuo suggested 9 main steps to implement safety in
impairment. Using these factors, a risk analysis develops classes of a system, [Kuo, 1990]. They include the identification of potential
severity and frequency. These classes are Used to rank the relative hazards, the study of causes and consequences, the involvement of
risk of various events, see [Modarres, 1993; Roland, 1990]. Each human actions, the scope for design modification, the engineering
class is defined in terms meaningful to the organization. For of containment system, the use of viable emergency solution and
example, "catastrophic" may, to one organization, refer to a sound practice, finally the approach checks the interface with rules
defined value of losses and which involves death or and regulations and includes the training of personnel. The
dismemberment, while another organization may have lower or approach is applied to each single phase of the life cycle.
higher standards. Events are ranked in terms of probability and
severity, and the ones that fall in the categories of combined risk Advantages: The preventive approach is a "total safety" approach
are given priority. Applying risk analysis to identify potential very comprehensive of the different elements concurring to make
hazards, it allows their level or risk to be estimated and activates safe systems. It also satisfies both operational requirements and the
the decision making process to its acceptability. demand for cost effectiveness and high level of safety. It can be
applied during the entire life cycle of a system.
Advantages: Other industries have applied this approach. This
know-how can be easily transferred to ships. The search for Drawbacks: Due to the particular type of method, it could be said
potential hazards is done in a systematic way. that there are not drawbacks to this approach. Its application
requires an involvement and an inside understanding of the entire
Drawbacks: It is difficult to define common classes of frequency life cycle of a ship, including both management and engineering.
and severity. The approach relies mainly on past data available on For these reasons it could be argued that its application may
the probability of occurrence of failure. Moreover, mis- become more tedious than other approaches for ship designers and
prioritising potential hazards may be counter-productive or even builders. On the other hand, a better understanding of the system
lead to more serious hazards. will generate a safer and more cost-effective engineering system.

Comments: Application of Risk Analysis may reveal aspects of Comments: Ships and marine vehicles are becoming more
the system which requires more consideration. Results of the complex with the introduction of completely new designs and the
analysis are used for the judgement about the acceptability of the use of advanced technology. The preventive approach can keep
risk and for decision making. However, in practice there is a pace with such advances while coping with rules and management.
tendency to place too much weight on numerical results, which Finally, drawbacks for designers and builders will turn to
can be highly mis-leading. This is because, even when based on advantages for customers.
accurate data, the derived results will only provide information
regarding technical aspects of the ship. These aspects may not 4. ATTEMPTS TO RELATE SAFETY WITH
necessarily be the most significant in comparison with human MANOEUVRABILITY
factors and operational procedures.
In the past, there has been a vague idea of what relating
3.3. Preventive Approach. safety with manoeuvrability means. Moreover, the regulatory
bodies-say IMP (International Maritime Organization),
Goal: To assess and control the total safety of a system over the classification societies and national authorities-have not yet
ship's entire life-cycle. provided a common understanding of standards or a common
explanation which can define the manoeuvring safety property
Description: In one of his paper, [Kuo 1990], Kuo refers to safety adequately. However, there are at least four international bodies
aim as: which have some interest in the subject. The IMP has a standing
".. to anticipate potential or expected failures by taking active steps committee on ship manoeuvrability and has produced and is still
to minimize the likelihood of their occurrence or to limit their developing a set of guidelines and standards for both design and
effects." operation. Another one is the Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) of
This definition well explains the contents of the SNAME (The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers,
preventive approach. It is also useful to remember that the U.S.A.) that is working in this area and has produced systematic
approach generates from the fact that when a situation exists that studies of manoeuvrability and is producing a manoeuvring design
creates loss or injury and when something can be done to avoid it, workbook, [Ankudinov, 1991]. The panel is also very active in
it is more effective to prevent the event to happen. Preventive setting manoeuvring standards working together with the US Coast
approach is largely applied in medicine. Guard and US Pilot Associations, [Barr, 1991; Landsburg, 1983 ].
Other industry have examples dating since the 50's. The third one is SNAJ (The Society of Naval Architects of Japan)
However none of the approaches is so comprehensive of the total which has a Technical Committee with the purpose of improving

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 453

the prediction of ship manoeuvrability, they have produced Advantages: The approach activates a safety design procedure
analytical methods and technical recommendations, [Research, regarding manoeuvrability. If national authorities enforce it, the
1985]. While, Lloyd's Register of Shipping has issued in 1986 the guidelines force the ship-builder to consider manoeuvrability
"Provisional Rules for the Classification of Ships Manoeuvring during the design stage and to indicate whether they have done so,
Capability", [Lloyd's, 1986]. and to give an explanation of the methods which have been used.
Other bodies have suggested attempts to relate safety with
manoeuvrability looking to a specific aspect of the problem, say Drawbacks: The guidelines seem too vague to be really employed
operational procedures, or constraining restricted area to ships and understood by ship designers. In any case it is a passive way in
with specific manoeuvrability. which safety is incorporated with manoeuvrability.
The whole subject can be divided in four main approaches:
Comments: The approach recognizes that most manoeuvring
the approach which makes use of design guidelines; qualities are inherent of the design and they should be evaluated
the approach which looks to the operational side requiring during the design process. In fact, if at the design stage the ship
manoeuvring information be provided to the on-board inherent manoeuvrability is predicted, ship designers can possibly
operators; avoid designs with "poor" manoeuvrability. However, to be
the tentative of setting up manoeuvring safety standards at effective the "guidelines" have to be enforced by National
full-scale; Administrations and then applied to all new ship designs as
the use of auxiliary or supplementary manoeuvring controls required. Even tough the guidelines provide that manoeuvring
to improve poor ship manoeuvring performances. evaluation is important at the design stage, it is not completely
clear in which way manoeuvring-safety is implemented at the
The aim of this chapter is to review these approaches. The chapter design stage. The only real outcome of setting this guidelines is the
is divided in four parts. Each part describes one of the four fact of attracting some attention on the subject.
4.2. On Board Manoeuvring Information.
4.1. Design Guidelines.
Goal: To enhance operational safety providing full-scale
Goal: To provide criteria for estimating manoeuvring qualities to manoeuvring information to the ship operators.
enhance safety at the ship design stage.
Description: This approach is a typical prescriptive safety
Description: The approach looks as a safety prescriptive approach, approach, its application is compulsory for some types of ships. It
but it does not have the compelled mandate of other regulations. It is based on a 1987 IMO Resolution A.691 (XV) "Provision and
is based on the IMO Resolution MSC/Circ. 389, 1985 "Interim Display of Manoeuvring Information On Board Ships", [Clarke
Guidelines for Estimating Manoeuvring Performance in Ship 1987, International]. Safety is achieved providing manoeuvring
Design", [Clarke, 1987; International, 1985]. The guidelines infurmation to the operators. The resolution declares that on board
declares that, in order to improve operational safety, all ships the following information should be available:
should have satisfactory manoeuvring qualities which permit them
to: Pilot Card
Wheelhouse Poster
keep course Manoeuvring Booklet
check turns The National Authorities should recommend that the following
operate at acceptable low speed information be provided:
- The Pilot Card, for all new ships to which the requirements of
This guidelines are applicable to all new ships greater SOLAS (Safety Of Life At Sea) IMO International
than 100 meters in length. The resolution requires that, at the Convention of ! 974 apply;
design stage, the manoeuvring performance, similar to the one at - All three, for all new ships more than 100 meters of length;
full-scale, see section 3.3., may be estimated for a particular ship - All three, for all new chemical tankers and gas carriers
by calculation, model testing, or use of data from similar ships regardless of their size.
(statistical approach). It is also requested that full-scale tests are
carried out on the ship and then compared with the design The Pilot Card contains: ship dimension and loading
estimations, in order to refine the whole estimation process. The condition, propulsion and manoeuvring equipment, and other
full-scale trials required are mostly based upon the ITTC code, see relevant navigational equipment.
section 3.3. The Wheelhouse Poster, to be permanently displayed in
the wheelhouse, contains the general particulars of the ship and its
propulsion machinery. It contains: turning circles and stopping

454 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

maneuvers, with loaded condition on the left handed side and the Maneuverability" requires that standards should be employed with
ballast condition on the right hand side. A man overboard the aim to minimize the production of ships with inherent poor
manoeuvre should also be shown. maneuverability. The draft includes both computer prediction and
The Manoeuvring Booklet contains comprehensive model scale testing as suitable methods to comply with the
details of the ship's manoeuvring characteristics, which should standards. However, when using computer predictions, full-scale
include both the information shown on the Wheelhouse Poster and trials should be conducted to validate the calculated results.
Pilot Card, together with other available information. Alternatively, full-scale trials may be conducted to demonstrate
compliance with the criteria. In any case, local authorities have the
Advantages: On board operators such as navigators and pilots can necessity to use reliable methods to control a ship's compliance
have an understanding of the ship manoeuvrability in given with the maneuvering standards.
environmental conditions and then, based on their own expertise,
to extrapolate in various navigational situations. Advantages: The standards give an explanation to the definition
of"good" or "satisfactory" manoeuvrability. It is a clear attempt to
Drawbacks: It does not improve human performance, it does not give a definition and a measure to acceptable manoeuvrability. If
implement any manoeuvring requirements. It is a gross "over- such standards are approved and activated, the ship design stage
simplification" of a such very complex problem. As a result, on will be forced to take in account such requirements. New designs
board operators can take decisions based on erroneous will benefit directly from their application.
assumptions because the information is valid only for a specific set
of environmental conditions. Drawbacks: The proposed standards are not fully comprehensive
of the whole range of manoeuvring performance. Their application
Comments: The human involvement is approached the wrong can overlook some other relevant manoeuvring aspects that can
way. The objective of providing information is not accomplished lead to serious casualties. Moreover, the standard regulation can
since only some vague and scattered results of manoeuvring trials be a long way behind the latest engineering practice.
are provided. So also the point of providing information can result
in improved safety standards is not met. Moreover, the Comments: Manoeuvring standards support the idea that ship
communication style of the information is not positive, because it manoeuvrability is itself a safety requirement. If ships can satisfy a
is unlikely for operators to have time to study this information common manoeuvring consistency the human involvement will be
during manoeuvring operations. decreased. It also gives a method for understanding what is an
acceptable level of manoeuvrability that can be useful to ship
4.3. Manoeuvrability Standards. designers, owners and operators.

Goal: To improve operational safety requiring manoeuvring 4.4. Adding Manoeuvring Appendages.
consistency between full scale ships.
Goal: To improve ship operational safety by adding specific
Description: This approach is a classical safety prescriptive manoeuvring appendages.
approach applied to the manoeuvrability case. Manoeuvring
criteria for conventional ships have been proposed through the Description: Even though it can not be regarded as an exemplary
years as research on manoeuvring has progressed. In 1944, Kempf safety approach, many organizations apply it to improve
was the first to propose a criteria, [Kempf 1944]. He proposed manoeuvring-safety. Manoeuvring-safety is not considered
executing a 10 degrees zig-zag test with the rudder angle switched important until evidence, either at full or model scale, shows that
four times, the distance from the first change to the point where poor manoeuvrability will effect the ship safety and operability
the heading is back to the original course divided by the ship and so its economical benefits. In this approach a corrective action
length is to be between 6-10 for "reasonable qualities". Since is considered when the operational safety of the ship is in
then, several criteria have been researched and proposed by jeopardy. Generally, there are two ways to acting. One is to act at
different authors, [Barr, 1987, 1991; Biancardi, 1990, 1991, 1992; the design stage. The hull is chosen based on other requirements
Fukuto 1990; Fujii, 1990; Hamamoto, 1990; Koyama, 1990; and then the manoeuvring requirements are satisfied adding the
Landsburg, 1983; Nomoto, 1957; Norrbin, 1990; Spyrou, 1990]. appendages. The other way is to improve or change the
IMO has developed Ship Manoeuvrability Standards, [R1NA, manoeuvrability of seagoing ships to meet the requirements such
1993], that includes: as new standards or routes or because of "poor" manoeuvring
performances. Several active controls are used. Typical examples
course keeping ability, based on 10 degrees zig-zag test and are: rudders, propellers, lateral thrusters, ducted propeller, others,
first and second overshoot angle; or combinations of them. Specific details of such appendages can
stopping ability, track < 15 L (Ship Length). be found in [Saunders, 1965].

During the testing the ship speed should be 90% of the full speed Advantages: Inadequate manoeuvring performance can readily be
or more. In addition, the 1MO "Draft Interim Standards for Ship improved with specific manoeuvring appendages.

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 455

Drawbacks: The adding of specific and complex arrangements of The maritime industry is awaiting and hoping for more
manoeuvring appendages can generate difficulty for on board findings from the researchers and developers to rightly face the
operators. They can be mis-leaded to accidents because of the problem of generating better manoeuvring and safer ships. The
wrong use of combination of the appendages. Moreover, the problem becomes peculiar and more complex when evolving a
method is not cost-effective because of the high cost of such ship destined for unusual services and/or requiring specific
appendages and their installation. superior manoeuvring characteristics. On the other hand, one may
ask if this is really a problem at all for many ships of the type and
Comments: In some cases, other stringent requirements may not function whose manoeuvrability and safety have been shown to be
make cost-effective to consider manoeuvring specifications. The "acceptable", see Appendix I and [Biancardi 1992, 1993, 1994],
method may be the only plausible solution to achieve manoeuvring over the years. The opinion here is that, even for these vessels, it
and safety requirements. It is a popular way of enhancing would be beneficial to know that once the principal characteristics,
manoeuvrability. It is not unlikely to find ships with complex form and active controls are selected the design would lead to a
arrangements of lateral thrusters, or other manoeuvring devices. ship of improved maneuvering-safety characteristics that most of
the past, within other constrains. So that the customers, i.e.
5. SCOPE FOR ALTERNATIVE METHOD. owners, operators and passengers, will have a higher manoeuvring
and consequently safer ship for the future they have to live with
5.1. Practical Exigencies the design. This includes the entire life-cycle of the ship.
Some investigations of recent major rammings and collisions,
[Marine, 1989; Johnson, 1991], by the Marine Accident 5.2. Improving Productiveness and Safety.
Investigation Branch of the Department of Transportation of the The benefit of a life-cycle approach is that a highly
United Kingdom and the National Transportation Safety Board of manoeuvrable ship may well be able to cut down docking fees,
the U.S.A., concluded that the causes of most of those accidents improves its safety by being better able to avoid a collision, and
can be summarized in three groups: even possibly to receive preferential treatment by harbour pilots
and avoid delays required by the pilot to adjust to the ship or trim
a) inherent poor manoeuvrability of the ship; conditions, wait for more favourable tides or current and in
b) human errors in misjudging or misunderstanding the docking when tugs are not available. Furthermore, the benefits are
manoeuvring behaviour of the ship; quires higher manoeuvrability.
c) faulty manoeuvring systems. Moreover, it is necessary to underline that the maritime
industry has an international and cyclic nature. It has been argued
In some cases, the investigators reported that the causes that for success in the maritime business environment an
were somehow inter-related. These conclusions support the fact organization must have the right market, management, money and
that manoeuvrability has to be considered over a ship's life cycle. manpower, and also ensure that these four Ms are developed in a
Indeed, the two following considerations can be readily done: balanced way at all times, see [Kuo, 1992]. Indeed, the word
"management" is also part of the safety definition. Management is
inherent manoeuvrability is definitely established during the interested in profits and the return on investments. If management
initial phases of the ship's life cycle, [Ankudinov 1991; can be convinced that safety and manoeuvrability implementation
Biancardi 1991, 1992; Daidola, 1981; Saunders 1965], is cost-effective, i.e., that they will reduce operating expenses and
normally known as the design stage. On the other hand, the increase profit, it is more likely to support the safety-maneuvering
other phases are still vital to the inherent manoeuvrability. programme. To convince management, ship designers must
support the fact that manoeuvring-safety is in the company's best
For example, if the designer has well considered and interests as well as employee's. So when facing the problem of
implemented the required manoeuvrability, a lack of quality manoeuvrability and safety, it should be accentuated that the
control in the other phases-say procurement and construction- maritime industry needs a philosophical way of thinking which
can invalidate the efforts of the ship designer. will keep peace for all the requirements of its business activities.

human errors in misjudging or misunderstanding the 5.3. Weakness of Previous Approaches

manoeuvring capability of the own ship are likely to be Scattered manoeuwing-safety approaches are not the
related to the operation phase of the ship's life-cycle, see [ solution to the problem. Unfortunately, in the previous
Hollingdale 1979; Lloyd 1982; National 1985; Penow 1984]. approaches, there are some ideas of guiding the manoeuvring
However, misinterpretation of the role of the human assessment during the design process and at full-scale or to
involvement and the training of the on-board personnel provide information to the personnel, which are just a part of the
during the other phases can lead to such errors. Some studies entire life-cycle. There is not clear interface between safety and
report that approximately 95% of manoeuvring accidents are manoeuvrability. For example, the proposed manoeuvring
due to human error, [Marine, 1991]. standards will be based on full scale trials at the commissioning
phase of a ship's life cycle. However, their application will
possible enhance one of the other approaches such as using the

456 Integratihg Maneuverability with Safety

design guidelines, or adding manoeuvring appendages which may purpose of the methodology, detailed consideration of cost-
belong to some other phases. Moreover, it is important to effectiveness would be outside the scope of this paper, if the three
underline some basic considerations which arise from some requirements are combined then to all three will be given equal
unconvincing points of previous attempts to relating safety with weighting and the three factors can be incorporated simultaneously
manoeuvrability and that will be useful for devising a sound and at the right level. In addition, the starting point of any project
methodology with wide utility: must be the identification of the desired goal, which in this study,
can be stated as follows:
a) Simultaneously satisfying operational and safety "To be profitable in the selected operation, by
requirements. Different operational requirements, including employing a ship with agreed operational specifications, while
manoeuvrability as well as safety ones, have to be meeting an acceptable level of safety and manoeuvrabUity and
concurrently satisfied at the design stage; at the same time fulfils the demand for cost-effectiveness ."
Manoeuvrability is usually regarded as only one out of
b) Providing for technological advances. Innovative technology several specifications required by the ship owner. However,
may influence or mis-lead the understanding of the concept of manoeuvrability can greatly affect the range of operations of the
"acceptable manoeuvrability". Moreover, the enforcement of ship and can generate hazards to the navigation. In some cases
manoeuvring-safety standards may diminish the development manoeuvrability is not expressly required as a customer
of innovational concepts. This should be taken into specification. Indeed, the case of a super-tanker which spends
consideration when integrating safety with manoeuvrability. most of its time in open sea navigation requires a lesser study of
manoeuvrability at the design stage. On the other hand, for
Finally, the main weakness of the previous attempts is example a ferry or a tug, which a relevant part of the operational
the lack of a methodology to relate safety with manoeuvrability time is spent in manoeuvring operations, can have higher
during the entire ship's life-cycle while satisfying the demand for requirements of manoeuvring-safety. Nevertheless,
other operational specifications and for cost-effectiveness. manoeuvrability can be important in open sea navigation as a
However, to be effective, any methodology will firstly need to "preventive safety" feature to avoid for example collisions or
provide an understanding of "good" or "acceptable" manoeuvring groundings which have proved to have catastrophic consequences,
qualities, this is contributed in the following chapter. On the other see [Johnson 1991; Marine 1989; Penow 1984].
hand, the problem of deciding how to discriminate between ships The objective is to approach manoeuvrability in such a
with acceptable and unacceptable manoeuvring-safety features fashion that the results would generate ships which have
needs a proper solution. A suitable solution can be achieved acceptable manoeuvring performances, see [Biancardi ! 991, 1992,
incorporating safety features with ship manoeuvring qualities at 1993] and Appendix I, related with an acceptable level of safety
the appropriate phases of a ship's life cycle-say ship's design while meeting the demand for cost-effectiveness.
stages-to later ones. Such a solution is discussed in the following This requires that manoeuvring criteria are incorporated
chapters. in a proper safety methodology over the appropriate phases of a
ship's entire life-cycle. When coupled with manoeuvring criteria,
6. PROPOSING AN APPROACH FOR INTEGRATING there is a safety methodology which appears to satisfy
SAFETY WITH SHIP MANOEUVRABILITY. simultaneously the requirements. This methodology, proposed by
Kuo, [Kuo 1990, 1991, 1992], is called PREVENT-IT Safety
6.1. Basic Requirements. Methodology. When integrating Safety with maneuverability, the
Before proceeding further with the description of the basic idea can be stated as follows:
methodology, it is useful to underline clearly the three individual
requirements to be satisfied: "to anticipate inherent or likely manoeuvring deficiencies by
(a) preferring ship design with acceptable maneuvering
a) Operational Specifications, with special emphasis on Ship qualities, and
b) An Acceptable Level of Safety (b) taking active steps to minimize the likely hood of their
c) Cost Effectiveness occurrence or to limit their effect;

Cost-effectiveness should not be confused with low cost. It may over the ship's entire life cycle while Satisfying the demand for
be right to pay a higher amount of money for an item or service if cost-effectiveness" [Biancardi, 1993]
it will yield the desired level of effectiveness. For example, a
higher manoeuvrable ship will expect to cost more but it will have 6.2 Proposing an Approach
lower running cost because of fewer docking problems or of the
flexibility to handle a variety of harbours otherwise interdicted. Ship's Life Cycle.
The crucial point is "effectiveness" and the decision on this must The first stage is to understand the complete process that
be based on both commercial and technical considerations. begins once the ship owner has outlined the basic requirements. A
Despite the fact that cost-effectiveness has been considered for the

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 457

way of representing it is to examine the "life-cycle" of a ship. The Concept Generation Phase
ship's life cycle is regarded as comprising eight phases, Table I. The aim of this phase can be stated as follows:
"To put forward sound feasible concepts which would meet
Table I SHIP'S LIFE CYCLE the customer's requirements"
Phase Result The output of this phase would be a design concept that
Concept Generation Sound possible concepts satisfies an acceptable level of manoeuvrahility and safety.
Preliminary Design Meeting the requirements
Detailed Design Specific design for production The following procedure is used in this phase:
Procurement Materials and equipment
a. To identify a number of feasible concepts generated through
Construction Convert design into ship
brain-storm sessions and from database of past experience
Commissioning Satisfying specifications
and that they all satisfy the alternative manoeuvring criteria
Operation Running the ship
given in Appendix 1;
Decommissioning Dismantling the ship
To apply the first two steps of the PREVENT-IT Safety
PREVENT-IT Safety Methodology Integrated with Methodology to these feasible concepts in order to provide
Manoeuvring Criteria. Then, the PREVENT-IT Safety safety data for decision making;
Methodology is employed to evaluate the manoeuvring-safety
factor in each phase of the life cycle. The PREVENT-IT c. To derive the preferred concept based on how well it satisfies
methodology consists of nine steps, see [Kuo, 1990] and Table 2. the manoeuvring-safety criteria.
However. it is required that only designs, design variations, ship's
samples, and operations which satisfy acceptable manoeuvrability The other steps of the PREVENT-IT Safety Methodology are not
can be further investigated. Alternative manoeuvring criteria, see [ directly relevant in this phase.
1991, 1992, 1993] and Appendix I, are applied to conform ship
samples with acceptable manoeuvring performances, in each phase Preliminary Design Phase
of the ship's life cycle. The aim of this phase can be stated as follows:
"To establish whether the preferred concept will meet the
Table 2 PREVENT-IT SAFETY METHODOLOGY agreed requirements in the most effective way to enable
Step Action management decision to be made".
! Predict Potential Manoeuvring Hazards The output of this phase is a preliminary design that will
2 Research into Manoeuvring Risk allow the customer to decide whether to go ahead with the
3 Establish the Role of Human Involvement proposal or to consider additional fresh concepts to meet the
4 Verif7 the Scope for Design Modifications desired objective.
5 Engineer the Containment Systems The following procedure is used in this phase:
6 Nominate Viable Emergency Solutions
7 Transmit Quality Requirements a) To apply the first four steps of the PREVENT-IT Safety
8 Interface with Manoeuvring and Other Regulations Methodology to the preferred concept in order to provide
safety data for decision making;
9 Train the Personnel
b) To derive a preliminary design that satisfies the manoeuvring-
safety criteria.
In practice the approach can be applied in many ways.
For the purpose of this study, it is believed that the activities
The other steps of the PREVENT-IT are not directly relevant in
associated with the design phases contribute directly to the
this phase.
inherent manoeuvrability of the ship. The approach may be
confined within the first two design phases of the ship's life cycle:
On the basis of the methodology presented in this paper,
it would be useful to examine the following issues:
Role of :Human Factors. Many studies have been proposed to
However, the choice of the first two phases of the life's
improve manoeuvring-safety, e.g. newer design ideas, better
cycle doesn't restrict further use of the proposed approach over the
technical aids, more stringent regulations.
entire life cycle which will be the natural path for a total
However, the present rate of manoeuvring casualties is
manoeuvring-safety program. In Appendices Ii and I11, practical
still unreasonably high. Available analysis of accidents have
applications of the approach are presented.
classified the cause of an accident in two main groups:

458 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

human errors; (c) To seek ways that will enable the effects of trim and
faulty systems. environmental conditions to be introduced into the proposed
criteria and into the manoeuvring performance prediction
The relative importance of these two factors varies method;
greatly with work situations. For example, a review of 12 studies
found that the percentage of accidents due to human errors ranged (d) To illustrate how the methodology of this paper at the design
from 4% to 90%, [Saunders, 1987]. On the other hand, a study of stage affects the application of the proposed approach at the
shipping accidents clearly reported that human error was involved operational phase;
in 96% of collisions, [Marine, 1991].
Whatever is the right percentage of human errors, one of 8. CONCLUSIONS
the main causes of manoeuvring casualties still remains the human Based on the contents of this paper the following
factors. Because humans are involved significantly in accidents, it conclusions can be drawn:
is essential to provide proper attention to human contributions by
the interested parties, they include: a) Critical reviews performed on available approaches for
treating ship manoeuvrability, safety and methods of
Ship Designers: Responsibility for Design Solution incorporating safety features with manoeuvrability indicated
Ship Operators: Controlling the Ship Manoeuvres that there is a wide scope for devising improved techniques.
Ship Owners: Management Policies
Regulators: Devising Regulations h) A fresh approach for integrating Safety with Ship
Manoeuvrability has been proposed and it involves
For these reasons, it is essential to incorporate human examining manoeuvring and safety features in the appropriate
factors along with the technical aspects, when enhancing phases of a ship's life-cycle while taking into account aspects
manoeuvring-safety. Since human factors is a broad subject, this of engineering, management and operation.
paper has emphasized on the technical aspects with only limited
attention being paid to the role of human factors. c) Practical applications of the proposed approach have
demonstrated that it is at the concept generation and the
Importance of Decisions Made at the Design Stage. A vessel's preliminary design phases that maximum improvement can be
manoeuvrability is established at the design stage either directly or achieved.
indirectly. Even if manoeuvrability is not explicitly considered by
the designer, the selected hull form, principal dimensions and d) In the two case examples, significant improvements were
characteristics, rudders and propellers will dictate the achieved in the acceptable level of manoeuvrability as
manoeuvring capabilities. Indeed, inherent manoeuvrability is determined in this research project, through the use of the
defined by choices made at the design stages. Particularly, proposed approach. While satisfying safety requirements,
decisions taken during the concept generation and preliminary the actual improvement for the Jackclass service ship is about
design phases are of primary importance to the final ship 27% and for the Mariner dry cargo ship is about 10%.
manoeuvring capability.
Although modifications can be and sometimes are made ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
during the detailed design and construction phases, these are ! would like to express my sincere thanks to Professor
usually only second order changes. Of course, manoeuvrability is Chengi Kuo, Department of Ship and Marine Technology,
only one of the many design requirements which must be met. University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, U.K., for his interest,
However, it is possible to expect that maximum improvement of discussions and constructive criticism. It has been a pleasure to
ship manoeuvrability would be commensurate with the other have scientific discussions with an individual who is continually
design requirements. open to new ideas and whose academic research is directed toward
relevant applications as well as scholarship.
Areas Requiring Further Attention. When applying It is impossible to acknowledge all those persons who
the proposed approach, additional care is needed in areas of over the time of this research have helped directly or indirectly.
practical interest, including the following: However, a special note of thank is entitled to Professor David R.
Dellwo of the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy, Kings Point, New
(a) To examine how best to incorporate human factors into ship York, U.S.A., who influenced to shape my thinking towards the
manoeuvring-safety during the application of the proposed classification of manoeuvring characteristics.
approach; Moreover, 1 would also like to acknowledge the
(b) To enhance the quality of the information stored on the
database used in devising the manoeuvring criteria; it is The members of Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) of
desirable to acquire more ship and model scale manoeuvring SNAME (The Society of Naval Architects and Marine
data and relevant design parameters; Engineers) for their contribution of useful information;

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 459

- The technical staff of the Department of Ship and Marine Biancardi C.G., "A Methodology for Integrating Safety with Ship
Technology, University of Strathclyde for their competent Maneuverability", PhD thesis Strathclyde University,
help in running the experimental trials; Glasgow, U.K., 1993.
- Captain Alexander van Baalen for providing the Jackclass
Type model; Bingham V.P. and Mackey T.P., "High-Performance Rudders -
- The Lecturers and the staff of the Istituto di Navigazione, with Particular Reference to the Schilling Rudder," Marine
lstituto Universitario Navale, Napoli, Italy and of the Technology, SNAME, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 312-320, Oct. 1987
Department of Ship and Marine Technology, University of
Strathclyde for their friendly co-operation. Bishop R.E.D., Burcher R.K. and Price W.G., "The Determination
of Ship Manoeuvring Characteristics from Model Tests,"
R E F E R E N C E S Published for Written Discussion, The Royal Institution of
Naval Architects, London, U.K., 1974
Aldwinckle D.S. and McLean D., "A Safety Review of Ships for
Liquefied Gases and Future Legislative Needs," Proceedings Burcher R.K., "Developments in Ship Manoeuvrability, "The Naval
of GASTECH 84, Amsterdam, November 6-9, 1984 Architect, The Royal Institution of Naval Architects, London,
U.K., 114,1, 1972
Ankudinov V.K., Controllability Assessment Using Computer
Techniques, Maneuvering Design Workbook, Chapter 6, Cahill R.A., Collisions and Their causes, Fairplay Publications,
Project Supported by SNAME Panel H-10 (Ship 1983
Controllability), Private Correspondence, 1991
Charlton R.M., "Safety in Exploration and Production
ASTEO, Risk Analysis for Offshore Structures and Equipment, Operations," Proceedings APEA, Australia. 1989
Published by Graham and Trotman, 1987
Clarke D., "Assessment of Manoeuvring Performance,
Barr R.A. and McCoy H.H., "Assessment of Numerical Measures "Proceedings of the International Conference on Ship
Proposed for Use in Ship Manoeuvring Performance Standards Maneuverability, Paper No.3, The Royal Institution of Naval
Using Data in the U.S. Coast Guard Ship Manoeuvring Data Architects, London, 1987
Base," Final Report, Panel H-10 (Ship Controllability) of the
U.S. Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, April Coates G.A., "A Shiphandler's View," Proceedings of the
1991 International Conference on Ship Maneuverability, Paper
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462 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

Transportation, Maritime Administration, Contract No. MA- Fn Froude number = V/~/Lg
80-SAC-01092, Washington, USA, August 1991 g gravity acceleration

van Baalen A.N., "A Flexible Offshore Craft Designed from APPENDICES
Practical Experience," Reed's Tug World, Annual Review
1986/87. APPENDIX !

Wahl J.E., "Investigation into the Survival Capability of RO/RO BASIS OF ALTERNATIVE MANOEUVRING CRITERIA.
Vessels," Det Norske Veritas Paper Series, Paper No. 839007,
April 1983 !. 1. Scope for Alternative Indices of Manoeuvrability
The need of deciding what is the acceptable level of
Young W., "Determining Trends from VTS Observations," Manoeuvring Qualities has stimulated the development of a
Proceedings of Seventh International Symposium on Vessel variety of quantitative measures of ship performances based on
Traffic Services, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June full-scale trials such as turning circle or zig-zag manoeuvres.
8-12, 1992. Steady state amplitudes, geometric features of steady trajectories,
and transient state exponents (e.g. Nomoto indices, [Nomoto,
1957]), have been employed as manoeuvring indices since the
NOMENCLATURE mid-fifties, [Barr, 1987; Fujii, 1990; Koyama, 1990; Lewis, 1990;
Nomoto, 1957; Norrbin, 1990]. More recently, overshoot angle,
B hull beam at waterline time to overshoot, side and head reach, time-to-second-execute, P-
cp prismatic coefficient ratio and phase advance have been used to assess the dynamic
cb block coefficient stability as well as the manoeuvring capabilities of ships, [Ban',
cm midsection coefficient 1987; Fukuto, i 990; Hamamoto, 1990; Koyarna, 1990; Norrbin,
mass moment of inertia with respect to vertical 1990].
axis Although, these measures have been largely discussed and used
and some of them are being used to set the IMO Manoeuvring
L mass moment of inertia with respect to
standards, [Bare 1991; RINA 1993], they do not be completely
longitudinal axis
i, mass moment of inertia with respect to represent the ship-handlers' requirements, [Biancardi 1993; Coates
1987 ; Koyama 1990, Nobukawa 1990].
transversal axis Despite the available measures of manoeuvrability assess
L hull length at waterline
the radius, distance, angle and time required to accomplish a
m mass
manoeuvre and they can be used to assure adequate ship
SI slenderness = (cb*B/L) manoeuvrability, the ship-handler's interest centers on the transient
T mean draft at waterline effects of small course corrections during a manoeuvre and on the
Ra rudder area ease with which the manoeuvring changes can be accomplished,
xr x-co-ordinate of rudder center of gravity [Coates, 1987; Koyama, 1990; Nobukawa, 1990].
RPM Revolution Per Minute Moreover, the conventional methods to assess those
Ass skeg area manoeuvring qualities requires full-scale trials such as spiral test,
xs x-co-ordinate of skeg center of gravity reverse spiral test and zig-zag manoeuvres, [Biancardi, 1990;
V forward speed of the CG Lewis, 1989; Norrbin 1990; Research 1985]. These testing
v'= vN=-sen (13) sway speed (non-dimensional) techniques can prove to be expensive and time consuming.
r'=r*L/V rate of turn (non-dimensional) Therefore, there is scope for investigating alternative ways of
u'=u/V=cos(13) surge speed (non-dimensional) measuring ship's manoeuvrability that satisfy the ship-handlers'
angle of attack requirements.
However, before suggesting alternative ways of
QH non-dimensional bare-hull index on
measuring ship's manoeuvrability, it is necessary to understand
approach to a steady straight course
! what are the ship-handlers' manoeuvring qualities' requirements.
QHR non-dimensional hull-rudder index on According to previous studies, [Koyama, 1990; Mikelis, 1980;
approach to a steady straight course Nobukawa, 1990], at least the following manoeuvring qualities are

QR of importance in piloting situations:

non-dimensional rudder index on exit
from a steady straight course
the ship ability to promptly response to the helm from a
W classification rules straight course, i.e. the responsiveness to rudder; and
standard deviation
statistical average
t time

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 463

the ship's ability to turn onto the straight steady course once The expression:
the rudder is returned in the neutral position when in a Q' = l i m ( l / L)(f~(t)/r(t)) (1.3)
turning motion, i.e. the straight line stability. t ---~ oo
is a non-dimensional measure of the ship's ability to turn onto the
Besides these requirements, it has also been argued, steady straight course. Here both f ( t ) and f ( t ) reduce to zero
[Coates, 1987; Nobukawa, 1990] that from the ship-handler's as t tends to infinity. If the ship is a bare-hull, then (1.3) is a non-
point of view, the most advantageous situation during a dimensional indicator of the hull's inherent tendency to drift
manoeuvre is that ideally the sway speed v should decay during transit to the steady straight course. In this case, Q' is
exponentially to zero, while the yaw rate r should decay at the
slower rate, [Coates, 1987; Saunders 1987]. Thus the ship can
referred to as bare-hull index and is denoted by OH"
turn onto a new course with essentially no drift. If the ship is a hull and rudder, then (1.3) defines the
The aim of this appendix is threefold: hull-rudder index QHR" The rudder, acting as a fin, modifies the

hull's tendency to drift as it turns. QHR provides a non-

to introduce the basic properties of alternative indices of
manoeuvrability from the ship-handler's point of view; dimensional measure of the modified hull's tendency to sway.
to analyse ship's manoeuvring performances using the These indexes can be used to represent a ship's straight line
alternative indices; and stability.
to propose manoeuvring criteria based on the alternative While, the expression:

indices of manoeuvrability. QR=lim(l/ L)(f~(t)/i'(t)) (1.4)

t- >0 +
Following, the alternative manoeuvring indices, their is a non-dimensional measure of the rudder's ability to turn the
properties and the associated criteria are derived and analyzed. ship from a straight steady course (responsiveness to rudder). Here
it is assumed that the ship's course was initially straight and steady
1.2. B a s i s o f A l t e r n a t i v e Manoeuvring Indices so that both 9 ( t ) and k ( t ) reduce to zero at t = 0.
During transit, it is useful to introduce a factor called
"Q" which is the rate at which the sway speed v varies with respect
!.3 A l t e r n a t i v e Manoeuvring Criteria
to yaw rate r: An ideal ship preserves its sway speed when
dv dvdt f~ manoeuvring about a steady straight course. For such a ship,
-- = - -- (I.I) , I !
dr dtdr i" QH' QHR and QR are each equal to zero. Although it may he
This rate is an indicator of the ship's tendency to alter its drift as it
unrealistic to identify a ship whose manoeuvring indices are zero,
turns. For example, on a straight course the ship's sway speed v is
it is possible to identify ships whose indices lie within acceptable
zero. From a ship-handler' s point of view, the sway speed v would
bounds. Conventional bounds can be derived by using the indices
ideally be kept to zero as the ship is turned to a new course.
to assess the behaviour of ordinary ships. The conventional range
in such a case Q would be zero. On the other hand, such
of each index is identified by evaluating the indices over a
value is unrealistic because ships tend to develop sway speed
database of 173 ships of international origin representing various
during a manoeuvre. However, two ships with different values of
design types and sizes dating from the late fifties. The database
Q will have different tendency to alter their drift during a
includes 70 container ships, 66 tankers (6 of which transport oil
manoeuvre. The ship with the smaller value of Q develops, during
and natural and petroleum gas), 9 tugs, 7 whalers, 7 ferryboats, 4
a manoeuvre, a smaller drift than the ship with a bigger value of Q.
naval vessels, 1 freighter, I pl[inning-boat, and 1 barge-tug, see
Thus Q can be used to describe the main ship-handlers' interest in
[Biancardi, 1991 a, 1993]. St~itistical methods are then used to
the transient effect of small course correction.
obtain the desired bounds, [Biancardi, 1991 a, 1993].
Physically, Q is a ratio of the lateral acceleration
Each ship provides a sample design, and the database is
dv / dt ( v ) to the rotational acceleration dr / dt ( r ): seen as a scattered set of points in a space of possible designs.
Performance criteria are developed for each index and are used to
Q = , / f (1.2) partition this scatter diagram into two distinct clusters: a normal
group of ships and an abnormal one.
Thus IQl<l for ships that support a lateral
The values of. Q H and OLRthat occur normally in
acceleration smaller in magnitude than While IQI >1 for practice were identified by solving the equation of motion for each
ships that support lateral acceleration bigger in magnitude than ship in the database see [Binacardi, 1991 a, 1993]. The calculation
was performed on a personal computer.
The results of the calculation show that the standard
During a steady straight course both ~) and r are zero.
Consequently, the right-hand side of (1.2) is indeterminate and a deviation of each index is an order of magnitude smaller than the
limiting process must be used to evaluate Q, see [Biancardi, 1993; index mean. The nearly uniform distributions of these measures
Kuo, 19921.

464 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

over a wide range of ships and ship types support their use as the distribution of conventional values is bimodal, rather than
indicators of normal and abnormal manoeuvring behaviour. normal, see [Biancardi, 1992; Biancardi 1993].
Bare Hulls Criteria. Conventional bounds for QH at 91 values are distributed uniformly over (-.142,-.082),
and the other 82 values are concentrated in a "spike" supported by
zero trim are calculated from the database. The index lies in the
the interval (-.147,-.142). The values of QR' that lie in the spike
interval (-.4,-.l). Its distribution is approximately normal with a
define the extreme lower range of conventional values. The spike
standard deviation of cr =. 024 about the mean/~ = - . 307, see [ distribution is nearly normal with a mean of ,/1 = -.144, and a
Biancardi 1991 a, 1993]. The average value u = - . 3 0 7 most
! standard deviation of O" = .001. Thus the unit standard deviation
likely reflects an attempt by designers to minimise QH while criterion for the spike,
satisfying other design requirements.
Moreover, the small standard deviation indicates that - . 1 4 5 < Q ~ < 0 for acceptable hull-rudders (1.7a)
conventional hulls exhibit acceptable turning behaviour only when

QH' lies near ~ = - . 3 0 7 . Thus,/,t - o- < QHLO or, Q ~ < - . 145 for unacceptable hull-rudders (I.7b)

-.331 < Q~ < 0 1.5a) provides a conventional rudder performance criterion when exiting
from a steady straight course at zero trim. It is noted that (I.7) is
based on 82 ships, not the full 173 ships in the database. Because
provides a unit standard deviation criterion for acceptable bare-
the values of O,~ of the remaining 91 ships satisfy the proposed
hulls at zero trim, and
criteria, the use of that criteria is justified as a first attempt to
Q~ <-.331 (l.5b) define conventional rudder criteria.

is the criterion for unacceptable hulls. Similar bounds can be
derived for Q'HR and Q ~ .
ILl. Objective
Bare Hulls with Rudders Criteria. Evaluation of Q'HR The overall objective of this case example can be stated
over a database of 173 hulls with rudders indicates that this index as follows:
lies in the range (-.386,-.215). "The selection and refinement of a dry cargo ship (of
The distribution of values is approximately normal with Mariner Type) in which there is a requirement for an
a mean bt =-.299 and a standard deviation t~= .032. see [ improved level of manoeuvrability and safety".
Biancardi 1991 a, 1993].
Similarly to the bare-hull criteria, the unit standard II.2. Concept Generation Phase
deviation criterion for conventional zero-trim hulls with rudders is:
a. To identify the feasible concepts. Ideally, the cargo carrying
- . 331 < Q'HR <-0 (l.6a) capacity of feasible ship concepts should satisfy the customer's
requirements. This would require that the all concepts should have
the same cargo carrying capacity. However, constrained to depend
for acceptable turning behaviour during transit to a steady straight
on the available data for risk analysis purpose, it was not possible
course, and
to satisfy this requirement and instead the three concepts selected
have different dimensions.
Q'HR < -.331 1.6b)
Three conventional bare hull concepts of the Mariner
for unacceptable behavior.
Type that satisfy the classification rule WH, see [Biancardi, 1991
Based on the considerations on the sensitivity of Q'HR, it is
a, 1993], are identified for further investigation:
possible to provide useful information on the index as follows, see
[Biancardi 1993]:
Concept WH L(m) B(m) T(m) cb
A -5.15 161.00 23.20 7.50 0.58
"sign magnitude manoeuvring performance
B -3.55 70.00 10.20 3.40 0.65
+<.331 unstable, acceptable rate of chan~e
C -4.86 100.00 14.30 4.80 0.60
+<.331 unstable, unacceptable rate of change
b. To apply PREVENT-IT. Each concept will now be examined
->.331 stable, acceptable rate of change
using the first two steps of PREVENT-IT.
- >.331 stable, unacceptable rate of change

STEP I: Predict Potential Manoeuvring Hazards.

Rudder Sensitivity Criteria. The values of Q ~ lie in the interval The following list of potential hazards, [Johnson, 1991;
(-.147,-.082). The index values are distributed about the main Penow, 1984], has been identified:
v a l u e / , / = -.135 with a standard deviation of y = .011. However,
1. Grounding and stranding

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 465

2. Collision with another ship Concept A has the best value of WH. Concept A is chosen for
3. Contacts and impacts, these include: striking or touching a further design satisfying both manoeuvring and safety criteria at
pier, an aid to navigation, a bridge, etc. the Conceptual stage.

STEP 2: Research into Manoeuvring Risks. 11.3. Preliminary Design Phase

Risk is defined as the product of probability of occurrence P
by consequences probability C, [Roland, 1990]. For this reason, a. To apply PREVENT-IT. According to the results of the
the analysis of manoeuvring risks required the determination of P previous phase, the concept to be used for further investigation has
and C. Published statistics, [Aldwinckle, 1984], reports that I 0.19, the following main characteristics:
6.64 and 2.08 per 1000 ship-years of dry cargo ships are involved
respectively in manoeuvring hazard No. 1, 2 and 3. Reports L = 161m;B = 2 3 , 2 m ; T = 7.5m
,[Jansson, 1981; Wahl 1983] show the distribution of the cb = 0 . 5 8 ; c p = 0 . 6 7 ; c m = 0 . 8 7 ; c w = 0.69
probability of occurrence P on the ship length of dry cargo ships.
For dry cargo ship of length of 161 m such as Concept A, it is STEP 1: Predict Potential Manoeuvring Hazards. Different
shown that 10.6% of the probability of occurrence of manoeuvring techniques can be applied to predict potential manoeuvring
hazards belong to this ship length. This means that 1.08 (10.19 x hazards. Techniques such as HAZOP and HAZAN can be used to
.106), 0.70 and 0.22 per 1000 ship-years are the probabilities of identify the hazards, in this case, however, the identification of the
occurrence for the three manoeuvring hazards for Concept A. potential hazards is based on available data from previous studies,
Expressing the probability of occurrence with the following scale: [Johnson, 1991; Marine, 1989; Young, 1992]. These studies
appraise collisions and contacts to be potential manoeuvring
Classes of Probability of Occurrence: scale 0 +1 I hazards. Considering collisions and contacts as one hazard type,
I (Frequent) = 3.39 in ! 000 ship-years [Young 1992] provides three different potential hazard's scenarios
I 0 (Improbable) = 0 in 1000 ship-~cears I as follows:

The previous values of probability of occurrence 1. Collision and contact in open waters
become 0.31, 0.21 and 0.06 respectively for hazard type No. I, 2 2. Collision and contact in restricted waters
and 3. 3. Collision and contact in port
The calculation of the consequences probability C requires
first of all to define the severity classes. The value C represents the STEP 2: Research into Manoeuvring Risks. The potential
conditional probability that the consequences with the specified manoeuvring hazards, probability of occurrence and consequences
severity class, see [Biancardi, 1993] will occur given that the drawn from published data, [Cahill, 1983; Hollingdale, 1979;
hazard occurs. Johnson, 1991; Marine, 1989; National, 1985; Penow, 1984;
Usually for complex systems such as ships, C is difficult to Young, 1992], were calculated in. The summary of results of the
calculate and thus becomes a matter of judgement, meaning it is risk analysis are as follows:
greatly driven by the analyst's prior experiences. However, C can
be based on the severity of the hazard ranging from 0 for zero
consequences probability to I for the total loss or death. Published CONCEPT A
statistics, [Jansson 1981; Wahl, 1983], reports that for each hazard Hazard P C R
type the total loss percentages are 27.6%, 12.3% and 10.1% 1 0.014 0.60 0.008
respectively for hazard 1, 2 and 3. While the distribution by ship 2 0.029 0.80 0.023
length gives 0% of total loss for Concept A. The derived values of 3 0.025 0.70 0.017
C for Concept A are 0.65, 0.6 and 0.55. Risk Average = 0.016

RISK ANALYSIS That the main causes of most collisions and contacts were
Hazard Concept due to:
Type A B C
I 0.21 0.615 0.900 C.1. inherent poor manoeuvring capability of the ship;
2 0.126 0.371 0.552 C.2. faulty manoeuvring systems;
3 0.033 0.110 0.160 C.3. human errors in misjudging or misunderstanding the
Average 0.120 0.365 0.537 manoeuvring behaviour of the ship.

c. To derive the preferred concept. From the risk analysis it is These causes are too general to be used further in the
possible to decide that Concept A is the preferred one from safety application of the methodology. However, examination of the
consideration because it has an overall risk average of 0.120 available data [Cahill, 1983; Hollingdale, 1979; Johnson, 1991 ;
against 0.365 of Concept B and 0.537 of Concept C. Moreover, Marine, 1989; National, 1985; Penow, 1984] permits of

466 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

expressing the first two causes C.I. and C.2. in other terms as d) the ensuring of individual competence and adequate training;
e) robust and comprehensive safety systems applying to all
C.l.a. Hull Reaction: The hull form is such that in some operating phases of activities;
conditions the ship does not execute a proper manoeuvre to yaw
stimulation. f) auditing to ensure that all of this is in place and working.

C.i.b. Rudder/s Sensitivity: Rudder-propeller-hull Interaction. Indeed, cause C.3. underlines the importance of the human
The combination of type, size and location of rudder/s and factors in manoeuvring hazards. A review of 12 studies found that
propeller/s generate sluggish ship sensitivity to the rudder the percentage of accidents due to human errors ranged from 4%
stimulation. In other words, it means that when the rudder is to 90%, [Sanders, 1987].
operated for controlling the ship, the turning force is not promptly On the other hand, a study of shipping accidents clearly
generated as expected for that type of ship. reported that human error was involved in 96% of collisions,
[Marine, 1991].
C.2. Manoeuvring Control: failure or malfunctionment of one or Because humans are involved significantly in accidents, it is
all rudders, propellers, thrusters and/or the main engine. essential to provide proper attention to human contributions by the
interested parties.
STEP 3: Establish Human Involvement Level. Ship In fact, people contribute in all causes at different level and at
Manoeuvring Casualties are the reflection of the loss of control of different time, [Aldwinckle, 1984; Marine, 1991; Jansson, 1981 ;
the work environment in different ways, [Penow, 1984]. If the Nobukawa, 1990; Sanders, 1987; Young, 1992].
assumption is accepted that humans tend to resolve their degree of For these reasons, it is essential to incorporate human factors
freedom to get rid of choice and decision during normal work and along with the technical aspects, when enhancing manoeuvring-
that errors are a necessary part of this adapting, the trick in design safety. However, this research has emphasized the technical
of reliable manoeuvring ships is to make sure that human operators aspects.
maintain sufficient flexibility to cope with ship system aberrations,
i.e., not to constrain them by an inadequate rule based system, STEP 4: Verify Scope for Design Changes. According to
[Marine, 1989; Marine, 1991; Penow, 1984; Johnson, 1991]. [Biancardi, 1990; Landsburg, ! 983], a "poor" inherent
Moreover, it would be essential for the operator to maintain manoeuvrability means that the ship generates an unnecessary
"contact" with manoeuvring hazards in such a way that they will additional surge and sway speed.
be familiar with the boundary to loss of control and will learn to Indeed, Appendix I has underlined that during a manoeuvre a
recover, [Marine, 1991]. ship should ideally have the sway speed (v) decaying
In manoeuvring, in which the margins between normal exponentially to zero, while the yaw rate (r) would decay at the
operations and loss of control are made as wide as possible, the slower rate. Thus the sway speed is attenuated more rapidly than
odds are that the operators will not be able to sense the boundaries the yaw rate and the hull turns onto the new course with
and, frequently, the boundaries will then be more abrupt and essentially no drift. The following possible design changes to
irreversible. For example, when radar was introduced to increase minimise the causes are suggested:
safety at sea, the result was not increased safety but more efficient
transportation under bad weather conditions. Design Chan~es
Another problem is produced by the changing requirements C. I .a. Hull Reaction:
of ship management. Present organisation structures and the hull can be designed to incorporate proper sway speed
management strategies in maritime industry still reflect a tradition variation with respect to yaw stimulation. Alternatively, lateral
that has evolved through a period when safety could be controlled thrusters can be introduced.
directly and empirically. C.l.b. Rudder/s Sensitivity:
Furthermore, safety depends on management awareness, and specific rudder can be designed and used to generate required
management safety systems are essential. Components of such hydrodynamic forces. The rudder-propeller-hull configuration
management safety system should include: can be modified to overcome the problem. Alternatively
specific type of propeller can be used to improve the forces.
a) a complete commitment to safety by every level at Manoeuvring Control and Human Errors:
management including the directors of the company; deserving further study.

b) the assignment of clear responsibilities; The implementation of the changes C.I. requires that the three
indices discussed in Appendix I are minimised in the ship design.
c) proper access by relevant line management to specialist safety The selection of the optimum hull form, rudder and propeller
and other technical advises, from staff management and needs that the indices of the manoeuvring criteria are calculated
others; for various design configurations. At the preliminary design
phase, the evaluation of the indices requires that the hydrodynamic

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 467

coefficients are calculated using a calculation method that take application, manoeuvring criteria are used in the step 4 of the
into account the ship geometric relationships and ship form. A preliminary design to propose scope for design changes. This has
calculation technique of the hydrodynamic coefficients has been been possible because of the hydrodinamic calculation method
developed for the purpose of this research. developed for the scope of this paper, see [Biancardi, 1993].
b. To derive a preliminary design. Five different stern designs The final output is a preliminary ship design that has the
were tested with simulation and three different rudders together following percentage of improved manoeuvring capability when
with various rudder-propeller location. The preliminary design compared with the acceptable level of manoeuvrability defined in
incorporating acceptable manoeuvrability and an improved level Appendix I.
of safety is derived with the main characteristics of Table I!. I. An
illustration of the bare-hull is presented in Figures 1I. ! and 11.2. Mariner T~'pe Dr), Car~o Ship
Manoeuvring performance Percentage of
Bare-hull Index ( Q ~ / ) 12.38%

Rudder Index (O,~) 10.34%

Bare-hull-Rudder-Propeller Index ( Q ~ R ) 7.25%



-10 II!.!. Objective

-5 0 5 18 15 20 25
The overall objective of this case example that is based
KEEL on an Jackclass Type model can be stated as follows
Fig. 1I.i
Adopted bow design. "To identify and advance the design of a specific service
vessel (of Jackclass Type) where the demand for higher
manoeuvrability and safety is an important aspect of its
0 ---

111.2. Concept Generation Phase

. ---- - - . . . .
a. To identify the feasible concepts. In this case
I~ I~e I~ id4 I~ le0 IM - Io $ o S tip
example the manoeuvring criteria and the Q-indices, are still valid.
To calculate the Q-indices, it is necessary to use a calculation
Fig. II.2 method of the manoeuvring coefficients and a method to
Adopted Ship design with stern N. I approximate hull-concept designs. Three concepts of the Jackclass
Type were identified for further study:
Table II.I Main parameters of the derived
ship design
Concept Q~/ L(m) B(m) T(m) cb
A -0.251 47.00 16.00 4.30 0.75
/ D =.535 B -0.294 40.00 14.00 3.75 0.70
x r / L =.472 C -0.249 45.00 15.00 4.00 0.72
Xp / L =.421
dp / T =.466 All three concepts have the bare hull Q-index within the
range of acceptable manoeuvring performances as defined in
p ~ =.290 Appendix 1.
Q,~ = - . 1 3 0
Q~R = - . 3 0 7 b. To apply PREVENT-IT. Each concept will now be examined
using the first two steps of PREVENT-IT.
!1.4 Key Results
This example has illustrated how the proposed approach STEP I. Predict Potential Manoeuvring Hazards. The
is put into practice in the case of a dry cargo ship design for following potential manoeuvring hazards were identified,
achieving improved manoeuvring-safety features. [Hollingdale, 1979; National, 1985]:
The use of the manoeuvring classification rules permits
earlier concepts to be identified. Later in the PREVENT-IT 1. Collision with another ship

468 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

2. Contacts with amobile installation c) side sway collision or contact
3. Contacts with a fixed installation
3. collision or contact when approaching or departing
STEP 2. Research into Manoeuvring Risks. Using a procedure 4. collision or contact of drifting vessel:
similar to the previous case example, the risk is calculated on the
basis of published data in [Hollingdale, 1979] and [National, a) sideways drifting: impact amidships
1985], that contains also distributions of casualties on the ship b) sideways drifting: bow or stern impact
size. The published data are then transformed in the severity c) forward drifting: bow impact
category and consequences probability. While, the probability of
occurrence scale is : STEP 2. Research into Manoeuvring Risks. Information on past
collisions of service ships (attendant vessels) with offshore
I Classes of Probabili~ of Occurrence: scale 0 + I structures including 107 reports of collisions and contacts are
I (Frequent) = i.61 in 1000 ship-years available from [National, 1985]. In this case, the risk analysis is
0 (Improbable) = 0 in 1000 ship-:tears faced with a collection of observed statistics. The observations in
[National, 1985] may not follow any known and well-established
The summary of the results of the risk analysis performed probability distributions.
from [Hollingdale 1979, National i 985] are as follows: However, these data can be represented through empirical
distributions, [Modarres, 1993].
RISK ANALYSIS The observed collisions for each scenario is reported in
Hazard Concept [National, 1985]. The measure of interest is the probability of
Type A B C collision associated with each scenario of a service ship. This is
I 0.160 0.240 0.300 obtained dividing each scenario frequency by the total number of
ships (107). Consequences for each scenario are published in
2 0.360 0.300 0.280
[National, 1985]. Then, the probability of occurrence and
3 0.120 0.150 0.120
consequences probability are calculated.
Average 0.213 0.230 0.233
The summary of results of the risk analysis performed from
the data in [National, 1985] are as follows:
c. To derive the preferred concept. F.rom the risk analysis it is
possible to deduce that Concept A is the preferred one for safety CONCEPT A
considerations because it has an overall risk average of 0.213
Hazard P C R
against 0.230 of Concept B and 0.233 of Concept C. Moreover, it
1 0.1 0.7 0.07
has been found that the risk of hazard No. 2 is the most relevant to
2 0.7 0.1 0.07
be minimized because of a value of 0.36. Moreover, Concept A
has also good manoeuvring index p ~ . concept A is chosen for 3 0.5 0.9 0.045
4 0.2 0.5 0.10
further design satisfying manoeuvring and safety criteria at the
Conceptual stage. Risk Average = 0.172
From the risk analysis it is possible to deduce that hazard 3 is
11.3. Preliminary Design Phase the most relevant and it needs to be minimised. Its risk value of
a. To apply PREVENT-IT. According to the previous 0.45 is about four time higher than any other three hazards.
phase and an available Jackclass prototype model, the following The causes, see [National, 1985], were identified as follows:
concept is now examined:
C.I. Active Control Causes: failure of functioning or
L = 47.00m;B = 16.00m;T = 4.30m malfunctionment of one or all rudders, propellers, thrusters and/or
the main engine.
cb = 0 . 7 5 ; c p = 0 , 7 6 7 ; c m = 0.923;cw = 0.825
C.2. Passive Control Causes: the design of the hull is such that in
some operating conditions the ship has a sluggish or too rapid
STEP 1. Predict Potential Manoeuvring Hazards. From a
ability in changing or preserving direction and speed.
detailed analysis of previous data of service ships, [National
C.3. Active-Passive Control Causes: wrong positioning,
1985], the potential hazards of Concept A are identified and
dimension, proportion, number, and type of rudders, propellers,
grouped in the following 4 scenarios:
thrusters, and/or position of ship's center of gravity may generate
failures in manoeuvrability.
1. heave collision or contact at the stem;
C.4. Hull-Environment Interaction Causes: presence of waves,
2. collision or contact when alongside (moored or joystick
wind, current, shallow water, bank, body, may reduce or change
the manoeuvrability of a ship.
Collision or contact impact force is function of the ship
a) stern surge collision or contact
motion. On the other hand, from the available data, [National,
b) stern sway collision or contact

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 469

1985], it is readable that contacts while manoeuvring are the most In fact, the prototype hull form is fitted with a double
severe because of the approaching speed. vectwin rudder system, see [Bingham 1987, Dewey !992] Figures
II1.1 and I11.2 and photo III.A illustrate the derived design.
STEP 3. Establish Human Involvement Level. The presence of
human operators operating the service ship makes this a high
priority. The preliminary design phase can contribute to minimise
the level of human involvement. The considerations of STEP 3 of
Case Example 1 still apply here. Indeed, people contribute in all
causes at different level and at different time, [Aldwinckle, 1984;
Marine, 1991; Jansson, 1981; Nobukawa, 1990; Sanders, 1987; j f
Young, 1992], except C.4. For example, relevant aspects of
human factors include at least the following:

STEP 4. Verify Scope for Design Changes. The objective here is

to verify scope for design changes so that proper ship
manoeuvrability can minimise the frequency of collisions and
contacts. The following design changes were proposed to
Fig. III.i
minimise the causes:
Body Plan of the design. Derived bow.

Design Changes
C.I. Active Controls: use of a Joystick control to co-ordinate
the control of rudder/s and propeller/s. In addition, the
following design improvement can be done:

1. position and type of rudders

2. position and type of propellers
3. position and type of thrusters
C.2.2. Passive control: inherent hull manoeuvrability
requires a hull design which take into account enhanced
manoeuvrin~; performances
C.2.3. Active-Passive Controls:
Fig. 1II.2
I. Avoid the use of side thrusters Body Plan of the design. Derived stern.
2. Use Propeller at constant RPM
3. Improve location of turning force II.4. Key Results
4. Increase Rudder Size The ship design generated by the two early Design
5. Use special rudders Phases has shown the application of the proposed approach for a
b. To derive a preliminary design. The objective of this section is design that uses a non-conventional hull and an innovative
to describe how the design changes are implemented in the manoeuvring system. Figures 111.3 and I11.4 illustrate the
prototype model. The design changes proposed are aimed to comparison between the bare-hull manoeuvring index and the
generate a ship that has the following manoeuvring characteristics: rudder index of the derived design and the indices of the 173 ships
in the database.
a) Change of course rapidly with minimum use of sea-room; The prototype model was tested with free running trials
b) Manoeuvre at slow speed, stationary and starting from the at the testing thank of Strathclyde University Glasgow U.K.,
rest; see [Biancardi, 1993]. The manoeuvring system of double
c) Retain control whilst accelerating/decelerating, also in wave- vectwin rudder system and two constant speed one-directional
wind condition; fixed propellers provides vessel control at all times, going ahead,
d) Minimise the risk of breakage of the propulsion system. astern, and sideways, without bow thrusters, gearboxes or other
These characteristics can be achieved as follows: propellers. [Bingham,1987; Dewey, 1992] provides a description
Using propellers at constant RPM; of the double vectwin rudder system and a comparison between
Fitting special rudders that can generate an hydrodynamic the results obtained with simulation and the free running model
force up to stop the vessel and to satisfy the manoeuvring measurements. As an example, Figure shows the comparison
criteria. between a computer simulation trial and an experimental

470 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

The derived design has the following manoeuvring

Q~ = -.251
Q~ = -.073
Q'HR= -.306

I f a skeg is employed, the value of Q'I4R increases to

Q'HR= - " 372

(skeg location at xst =-18.45 m from the center of gravity, and with
an height hs=l.98 m and chord cs=7.56 m, and skeg area Ass=7.48
m2). Often, the use of a skeg is related to the improvement of the
straight course stability. However, in this particular example the
presence of 4 rudders, of a total area = 14.616 m2, about double
than the skeg area, makes the skeg unnecessary.


_ --o.zs
u) Photo III.A
-o.3e A

| I | IA I I I I
~f. --,0.4
ii 0 0.05 0.1 o.te 0.2_ 0.2,5 0.3
Ster~r,r'Le~.~s - r_.b~BIL

Fig. III.3 2
A scatter diagram in the design space spanned by the
slenderness (cb*B/L) and the Bare Hull Sensitivity Index
(QH'). Each triangle represents a ship in a database of
173 ships. The square represents the design under .4a



a~ -0.06 A

--I. I I I

1/I -' 0 I 2_

-0.1B J ~ , A ,
0 0,0B 0,1 0.16 0.2 0.25 0.3 Fig. III.5
Slertc~rrtp.~s .. V_.b~B/L Model trajectory on a turning circle.
Fig. III.4 Free running model test = circles;
A scatter diagram in the design space spanned by the simulation = solid line. Approaching speed = 1.59 m/s;
slenderness (cb*B/L) and the Rudder Manoeuvring Index joystick angle = -45.
(QR'). Each triangle represents a ship in a database of
173 ships. The square represents the design under Figures III.3 and III.4 illustrates that the service ship is
consideration. more "fat" than any other of the 173 ships, but the absolute value
of the index (square on the figure) is very close to zero which

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 471

means that the proposed design sensitivity to react to a rudder
stimulation is better that most of the 173 ships in the database.
This ship design has the following percentage of improved
manoeuvring capability when compared with the acceptab!e level
of manoeuvrability defined in this paper:

Jackclass T~'pe service ship

Manoeuvrin~ Performance Percental~e of improvement
Bare-hull Index ( a ~ / ) 24.16%

Rudder Index (a~ 49.65%

Bare-hull Rudder-Propeller 7.5%
Index (QHR)

[Discussion and Closure follow]

472 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

David R. Dellwo, Member assessing safety, as described in Section 6, and his Alternative
Maneuvering Criteria, as described in Appendix 1. In view
[The views expressed herein are the opinions of the discusser and not of the general lack of agreement about these complex subjects,
necessarily those of the U.S. Department of Commerce or the Merchant an independent assessment of these potentially important
Marine Academy.] methods is needed. A careful review of the references is
The author presents a strong case in support of his view required for any assessment of the Prevent-It Methodology,
that the most effective way to produce maneuverable and safe which is only briefly described in the paper.
ships is to build criteria for these attributes into each stage The author has undertaken a perhaps overly ambitious task,
of the design process. The arguments presented in the paper and as a result the paper falls short in some areas. It does
are supported by a comprehensive review of previous work succeed, however, in exposing us to some potentially impor-
and by case studies that illustrate the author's methodology tant new concepts and methods which may have an important
and demonstrate its utility. impact on ship design, performance, and operating safety.
Dr. Biancardi describes a hierarchical process for establish-
ing ship design parameters. Primary parameters, like the ship's Alexander C. Landsburg, Member
length, are set during the initial phase. Secondary parameters,
like the rudder's area, are set during later phases. Maneuver- [The views expressed herein are those of the discusser and not necessarily
those of the Department of Defense or the Department of the Navy.]
ing and safety indices are used during each phase to fix param-
eters appropriate to that phase. The final design is arrived at I congratulate the author on his fine contribution to the
by successively refining an initial design. proper introduction of ship maneuverability into the process
Maneuvering and safety indices, criteria, and methodolo- of achieving safety and protection of the environment.
gies are key elements because they guide the design process The author has fit a great number of items into his paper
to its conclusion. The paper employs a maneuvering index and appears perhaps overly critical of the tools and techniques
that measures sway sensitivity to yaw rate variation and a used to evaluate maneuverability. I think the thing to keep in
safety index that measures the risk of accident. These are two mind is that the methods or approaches of analytical modeling,
of the many indices that could have been used. Would the simulation, full-scale trials, model experiments, and statistical
author please comment on the use of other indices and the analyses are just tools and techniques that have a wide variety
effect that these indices might have on the final design? In of purposes.
particular, have you made attempts to employ indices that Full-scale maneuvering trials, for instance, are considered
measure roll or surge sensitivity to yaw rate variation? With more of a test of the rudder and propulsion machinery than
reference to the comment: "For these reasons, it is essential as a comprehensive assessment of maneuverability. The tests
to incorporate human factors along with the technical as- normally done on a first of a class are not that expensive
pects . . . . " would you elaborate on the ways and means of because they are integrated with the endurance speed trials
incorporating human factors in the various stages of the design to establish machinery and propulsion performance.
process? The IMO maneuvering trial specifications are also a practi-
In closing, I would like to thank Dr. Biancardi for a useful cal means to compare maneuverability of full-scale ships and
contribution to ship safety and maneuverability. at the same time provide data through which mathematical
maneuvering models, our analysis tools, can be verified as
Roderick A. Barr, Member accurate and useful.
The author sails boldly into the turgid waters of ship design What Dr. Biancardi's work points out is that each of these
for good maneuvering performance and safe handling charac- techniques does not comprehensively address the total safety
teristics, but it is not clear how much better is his route problem. They are instead tools through which a "preventa-
through this tortuous passage than is that of his many prede- tive," or as noted earlier in these meetings, a total systems
cessors. He is to be commended for his attempt at a global approach can be taken for achieving safety and prevention of
discussion of the role of ship maneuverability in ship design environmental damage from accidents.
and operating safety. The paper contains many interesting, From a regulatory point of view there appears to be two
stimulating, and useful ideas, but it often loses clear focus as extremes--a prescriptive and a preventative (or risk manage-
a result of its attempt to cover too many diverse aspects of ment) approach. With the prescriptive approach, all require-
ship maneuverability. ments (design, construction, and operational) are laid out by
The problem of relating ship maneuvering performance to regulation and the ship is acceptable if they are met. This
both ship economics and ship operational safety is a difficult places the burden of the effort on the regulator and relieves
one and, given the limited role than maneuvering performance the shipowner from focusing on safety issues.
has traditionally played in ship design and in ship trials, it The preventative or risk management approach in its ex-
appears that few shipowners recognize any cost/benefit of treme would have no requirements except that the owner of
providing good or better maneuverability. The problem is the transportation system must show that an acceptable level
complicated by the fact that there is no agreement, even of risk will be achieved. Here innovation is not constrained
among researchers and designers, on what maneuverability but a large burden of effort lies with the designer and owner.
or handling properties a ship should possess. It is not yet clear A practical solution, until our analytical tools are far better
what effect the IMO maneuvering performance standards will and properly include the human factors aspect, will be a
have on ship design and safety--in the U.S. the Coast Guard combination of the two systems. Minimal requirements (which
is currently implementing only an advisory response to these are what the IMO maneuvering standards are) are set, hope-
standards and has no plans to impose any minimum maneuver- fully not constraining innovation, and appropriate standard-
ing performance requirements. ized information is provided onboard on maneuvering capabil-
The most interesting part of the paper is the discussion of ities so that pilots can judge capability.
the author's recent work on the Prevent-It Methodology for As I view the preventative or risk management system, it

Integrating Maneuverability with Safety 473

is the fabric through which all of these measures are effectively other design aspects were affected by optimizing maneuvering
utilized throughout the life cycle of the ship to ensure that performance?
acceptable levels of safety and risk of environmental harm are In closing, we would like to thank the author for adding
achieved. significantly to our growing body of technical literature on
Thanks again to the author for his stimulating paper and the subject of maneuvering and safety.
his enthusiasm toward achieving results in this area!
Author's Closure
First of all I would like to thank all the discussers for their
James C. Card, Member, and Philip R. Alman, interesting contributions to the paper.
Member Prof. Dellwo underlined the need for a procedure in inte-
grating ship maneuverability with safety. The case studies in
[Theviewsexpressedherein are thoseofthe discussersand not necessarily the paper have demonstrated the practical application at the
those of the Department of Transportation or the U.S. Coast Guard.] preliminary phases of a ship's life cycle. Another author, Prof.
Kuo, has presented the use of the Prevent-It Safety Methodol-
The author is to be congratulated on his preparation of an ogy along with stability criteria. However, I believe that other
excellent overview on the relationship between ship safety/ measures such as roll-surge indexes could be simultaneously
design methodologies and maneuvering. There are a couple integrated with safety and ship maneuverability by using the
of points we would like to note which could add to the method- proposed safety approach. In Step 3 of the case studies, an
ologies he has compiled. application for establishing human involvement at the design
With regard to full-scale trials we would like to mention stage is presented. However, ship designers could develop
that IMO Resolution A751(18) is evaluated based on full-scale further details of human factors following the proposed pro-
trials. These include 10-10 and 20-20 zigzags, an optional cedure.
spiral, turning circle, and crash stop. The standards are volun- Dr. Barr--The paper presents a fresh way of looking at
tary, but ships which expect to comply will have to conduct maneuvering and safety. It is misleading to say that the paper
the required trials to demonstrate they meet the prescribed covers many aspects of ship maneuverability. Any engineering
criteria. Sea trials data done in compliance with the resolution problem needs to be approached with a global view, and this
will be evaluated against the criteria over the next five years is particularly true when studying safety. The main issue of
when IMO will revisit the standards. IMO Circ. 644 "'Explana- the paper is that ship maneuverability is a global life-cycle
tory Notes" provides a complete discussion of how to meet safety quality. The Prevent-It approach has been largely pre-
the criteria. We should note that IMO Resolution A751 (18) sented in the past and a list of publications is reported in the
and MSC Circ. 644 will shortly be distributed to industry paper's bibliography.
under cover of NVIC. Mr. Landsburg--My opinion is that all the tools developed
The global relationship of maneuvering and safety does not for dealing with ship maneuverability can be more useful if
begin or end with criteria or standards but extends through integrated into a suitable life-cycle procedure. The paper has
the design and life-cycle management process. This has been presented a methodology for integrating ship maneuverability
the focus of much of the work done by Panel H-10 over the with safety. Management is only one aspect of safety, I have
last few years and is the central theme of their Maneuvering underlined that when dealing with safety it would be neces-
sary to take account simultaneously of engineering, opera-
Design Workbook. tional and management aspects. I would not limit a safety
The author has highlighted life-cycle management as an methodology only to risk management. In the proposed ap-
important element of the engineering process. We were par- proach, risk management is also considered an important part
ticularly interested to note his recommended approach which of the safety methodology along with other engineering and
integrated life-cycle design and the Prevent-It safety method- operational aspects.
ology to maneuvering safety. The exploration of fresh concepts RADM Card and Mr. Alman--I definitely agree with the
such as this hold the potential to expand our understanding need to search for a correlation between the proposed Q-
of the integration of maneuvering in the design process. We Indexes and the IMO maneuvering standards. The criteria
wonder if the author could provide more detail on his pro- used in the case studies are briefly presented in Appendix 1.
posed approach as the subject of future technical presenta- Mr. Guesch [oral] has underlined the operation phase of
tions? the ship's life cycle as the most important for the maneuvering
In his conclusion the author notes that two case examples safety of a ship. In this phase there are two methods to be
employing the proposed approach achieved significant im- employed simultaneously for improving safety. First is the
provements in the acceptable levels of maneuverability. Could training and formation of the personnel based on ship of
the author please elaborate on this? What were the criteria? different Q-indexes families, and second is to limit particular
Recognizing that ship design is the art of compromise, what navigational areas to ships with agreed minimum Q-indexes.

474 Integrating Maneuverability with Safety

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