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Ira Leroy Sasota
Mc Jethro Pov Talamayan
Orlie Tabausaris

The JALOMI Hardware is engage on a retail business where in the
purchase officer has difficulty in ordering supplies from the suppliers, there
are different suppliers so the difficulty multiplied as well as the change of
cost of the supplies. So the firm developed a purchase order system to
lessen the work of the purchase officer. The function of the system is to
input all the records of the purchases as well deduct when there are sales
made, this system helps the purchase officer to easily track the supplier in
case of defective merchandise as well the cost per unit, and the system
can reliably help the purchase officer by easily adding a record, a purchase
as well as preview the report and print the report so that it can be submitted
and reviewed by the manager.

General objectives
The project will design and develop a system that will help the
management ensure the right amount of inventory up to the latest purchase
or sale, to be able to accommodate the customers with computerized
systematic, correlated retail information with regards to the product they
purchase with their respective prices, the quantity they purchase, and with
less time burden.
Specific objectives
Specifically, the system will allow the user to:
1. Automatically compute the totals cost of the purchase transaction
by multiplying the cost per unit and the quantity purchased.
2. Generate and print reports that contain necessary information
such as the supplier name, date upon which the merchandise was
purchased and when there are sales made, the quantity
purchased as well the quantity of sales and the cost per unit.
3. Store and retrieve purchase transactions between the purchase
officer of jalomi hardware and the supplier officer of the supplier.
4. Log in function to provide secured access to the system. The only
person authorized to access the system in the purchase officer
and that only he/she may hold the username and password.
Scope and limitation
The scope of the sales/purchase system is it can record purchases
as well as sales, the system can add purchase record as well as sales
record, it can easily edit the quantity of the merchandise if there is
impairment or defect, it can track the supplier, and the user can preview
and print sales or purchase report.

The limitation of the system is that it cant compute the total proceeds
of the sale of merchandise as well as it cant compute the total payment of
the customer if it is sales on account , it cannot eliminate the risk of cannot determine the buyer of the merchandise. It cant reliably
determine the expiration of some merchandise. The use of barcode is not
Importance of the project
The purchase officer can reliably determine the cost per unit of the
product as well as the amount to be paid to the supplier, he/she can easily
determine the supplier in case of purchase return for defective
merchandise, and the report of the system can help the management in the
decision making. It helps the management to decide what to buy, how
much to buy and when to buy. The system provides a basis for comparison
during the year-end physical count of the books. It provides a safe, secure
and reliable record of the purchase transaction through a login function.

Purchase officer
User stories

Purchase officer
The purchase officer will login in the system
The purchase officer will determine the product needed
The officer will send a purchase request to the manager
The purchase officer will receive an approved purchase request
The purchase will send a purchase inquiry to the supplier
The purchase officer will receive the sales price of merchandise
The purchase officer will send a purchase order
The purchase officer will receive the purchase merchandise
The purchase officer will record the transaction
The officer will logout in the system
The supplier will receive a purchase inquiry from jalomi hardware
The supplier will send the sales prices of the merchandise
The supplier will receive a purchase order from jalomi hardware
The supplier will the deliver the merchandise ordered.
The customer will inquire in the jalomi hardware
The jalomi hardware will give the sales prices of the merchandise
The customer will order merchandise in the jalomi hardware
The customer will receive the ordered product
The manager will receive a purchase request given by the purchase
The manager will review the inventory report
The manager will approved the purchase request
The manager will send the sales receipt to the purchase officer
The manager will received the impaired merchandise and dispose it if
Proposed Context Diagram

The proposed context diagram shows the data flow between the
users and the system. The one who interacts directly with the system is the
purchase officer. He can login to the system to access it. Then he can view
the purchase records and add new ones or update the previous ones. He
can view the purchase inventory report and print it to send to the
management. He can also send a purchase inquiry to the supplier and
receive the merchandise info. He can then send to the management a
purchase request and will after approval he can finally order the
merchandise and receive it. If there is defective merchandise, he can return
it to the supplier and if there is impaired merchandise, he can send it to the
management who will dispose it. At every regular reporting period, the
purchase officer will receive a performance report regarding his activities.
Shown in above process is the indirect usage of the management and the
supplier. The customer also indirectly uses the system by buying
merchandise which will cause the purchase officer to update the system
and the customer will receive a purchase receipt from the management.
Proposed user case diagram

The proposed user diagram show the action that the user does in the
purchase/sale inventory system, first the purchase officer must login in the
system for security purposes, after having access in the system the
purchase officer will add the new purchased product in the system. If the
purchase officer discover any unrecorded purchase transaction he can
modified and edit the purchase record and if there is any unnecessary
purchase transaction, the purchase officer can delete the purchase record
according to his discretion. Then after the available information of the
system is ready, upon the request of the manager the purchase officer will
print the purchase inventory report. If the purchase is going to purchase a
product or merchandise he/she will send a purchase request to the
manager and after the manager approved the request the manager, the
manager will send a purchase inquiry to a supplier then after giving a
purchase inquiry the manager will receive the sales price of such product to
be purchase. The manager will purchase such product and give the receipt
to the purchase officer and record it to the system. If the purchase officer
discovers a defective product, he/she will return the product to the supplier
and if there is product which are impaired during the operation the impaired
merchandise shall be deliver to the management and dispose it. The
purchase officer can also update all the information stored in the system if
any is not yet updated
Existing context diagram

The context diagram shows the inflow and outflow of information

between the user and actors of the system. First the purchase officer will
send a purchase request to the manager and will give an inventory report.
After the approval of the manager the purchase officer will send a purchase
order to be processed by the manager, then the manager will send a
purchase inquiry to the supplier, then the supplier will send the sales price
of the products, next the manager will send a purchase order to be
received by the supplier. Next the supplier will deliver the purchase
products as well as the purchase receipt to be received by the purchase
officer, so he/she will update the system. In case there is a customer. The
customer will submit a purchase inquiry, then the manager will give the
customer the sales price of the product, then the customer will send a
purchase order. Lastly the manger will deliver the products sold and as well
as the sales receipt. The manager will send a copy of sales receipt to the
purchase officer so that the system will be updated.
Existing User Case Diagram
The use case diagram shows the functions or actions of the
companys actor. First the purchase officer will send a purchase request to
the manager and will give an inventory report. After the approval of the
manager the purchase officer will send a purchase order to be processed
by the manager, then the manager will send a purchase inquiry to the
supplier, and then the supplier will send the sales price of the products,
next the manager will send a purchase order to be received by the supplier.
Next the supplier will deliver the purchase products as well as the purchase
receipt to be received by the purchase officer, so he/she will update the
system. In case there is a customer. The customer will submit a purchase
inquiry, then the manager will give the customer the sales price of the
product, then the customer will send a purchase order. Lastly the manger
will deliver the products sold and as well as the sales receipt. The manager
will send a copy of sales receipt to the purchase officer so that the system
will be updated.

Functions Used
Add, Edit, Refresh, Show Report, Search, View All
Forms Used



frmAbout frmShortcut
Reports Used



Data Environment Used

denItemReport denSalesReport
Tables Used




Codes Used

Dim b As Integer
Private Sub cmdLogin_Click()

If txtUsername.Text = "JALOMIPO" Then

If txtPassword.Text = "hardware" Then
Unload Me
MsgBox "You have entered the wrong Password!", vbCritical
txtUsername.Text = Clear
txtPassword.Text = Clear
End If
MsgBox "You have entered the wrong Username", vbCritical
txtUsername.Text = Clear
txtPassword.Text = Clear
End If
If b = 0 Then
MsgBox "You have failed to login too many times. Program will now end."
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

End Sub

Dim a As Integer

Private Sub cmdContinue_Click()

tmrLoading.Enabled = False
a = "0"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()

frmSplash.MousePointer = 11
a = "0"
tmrLoading.Enabled = True
End Sub

Private Sub tmrLoading_Timer()

If a < 100 Then
tmrLoading.Enabled = True
lblLoading.Caption = "Loading: " & a & "%"
pgbLoading.Value = a
cmdContinue.Enabled = True
frmSplash.MousePointer = 0
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdLaunchPI_Click() Case Is = "WELCOM"
frmMain.Show lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "E"
Unload Me Case Is = "WELCOME"
End Sub lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "!"
Private Sub cmdLaunchS_Click() Case Is = "WELCOME!"
frmMainSales.Show lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "!"
Unload Me Case Is = "WELCOME!!"
End Sub lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "!"
Case Is = "WELCOME!!!"
Private Sub Form_Load() lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
lblUpdates.Caption = "4/17/2016: v0.8 - All functions planned Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
have been programmed. Needs design and more lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
bugtesting." & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
vbNewLine & "If you have questions or problems dont lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
hesitate to email me at:" Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
lblUpdates.Caption = "4/18/2016: v0.9 - Designs finished. lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
Used a light blue color for background and dark blue for Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
command buttons." & vbNewLine & lblUpdates.Caption lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
lblUpdates.Caption = "4/18/2016: v1.0 - Preliminary bug Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
testing by me has been done. Project is eligible for lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
checking." & vbNewLine & lblUpdates.Caption Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
lblUpdates.Caption = "4/19/2016: v1.1 - Added shortcut to lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
second level menu commands and a shortcut help form." & Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
vbNewLine & lblUpdates.Caption lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
lblUpdates.Caption = "4/20/2016: v1.2 - Deleted Logout Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
menu and Shortkut key for Logout." & vbNewLine & lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
lblUpdates.Caption Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
lblUpdates.Caption = "Updates:" & vbNewLine & "4/21/2016: lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
v1.3 - Renamed typos." & vbNewLine & lblUpdates.Caption Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
End Sub lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
Private Sub mnuAbout_Click() lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
frmAbout.Show Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
Unload Me lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
End Sub Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
Private Sub mnuPI_Click() lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
frmMain.Show Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
Unload Me lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + " "
End Sub Case Is = "WELCOME!!! "
Private Sub mnuExit_Click() lblStreamer.Alignment = 0
If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Exiting lblStreamer.Caption = "ELCOME!!!"
Program") = vbYes Then Case Is = "ELCOME!!!"
End lblStreamer.Caption = "LCOME!!!"
End If Case Is = "LCOME!!!"
End Sub lblStreamer.Caption = "COME!!!"
Private Sub mnuSales_Click() Case Is = "COME!!!"
frmMainSales.Show lblStreamer.Caption = "OME!!!"
Unload Me Case Is = "OME!!!"
End Sub lblStreamer.Caption = "ME!!!"
Private Sub mnuShortcut_Click() Case Is = "ME!!!"
frmShortcut.Show lblStreamer.Caption = "E!!!"
End Sub Case Is = "E!!!"
lblStreamer.Caption = "!!!"
Private Sub Timer1_Timer() Case Is = "!!!"
Select Case lblStreamer.Caption lblStreamer.Caption = "!!"
Case Is = "" Case Is = "!!"
lblStreamer.Caption = "W" lblStreamer.Caption = "!"
Case Is = "W" Case Is = "!"
lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "E" lblStreamer.Alignment = 1
Case Is = "WE" lblStreamer.Caption = ""
lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "L" End Select
Case Is = "WEL" End Sub
lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "C"
Case Is = "WELC" Private Sub Timer2_Timer()
lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "O" lblTD.Caption = Time & vbNewLine & Date
Case Is = "WELCO" End Sub
lblStreamer.Caption = lblStreamer.Caption + "M"
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Items where Item = '"
frmMain + txtSearch.Text + "' or Supplier= '" + txtSearch.Text + "'"
If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
Dim a As Single
MsgBox "Data not Found", vbCritical, "Message"
txtSearch.Text = Clear
Private Sub cmdAdd1_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Items"
fraInfo.Enabled = True
fraButtons.Enabled = False
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End Sub
Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
Private Sub cmdBack_Click()
End If
Unload Me
End Sub End Sub

Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() Private Sub cmdShowReport1_Click()

On Error Resume Next rptItemReport.Show
Adodc1.Recordset.CancelBatch End Sub
fraInfo.Enabled = False
fraButtons.Enabled = True
fraSales.Enabled = False Private Sub cmdUpdate_Click()
fraRetImp.Enabled = False a = Val(txtImpaired.Text) + Val(txtreturns.Text)
txtImpaired.Text = Clear
txtreturns.Text = Clear fraInfo.Enabled = True
End Sub fraButtons.Enabled = True
fraSales.Enabled = False
Private Sub cmdDelete1_Click()
If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Delete If a <= txtQuantity.Text Then
Record") = vbYes Then txtQuantity.Text = Val(txtQuantity.Text) - a
Adodc1.Recordset.Delete Else
MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbInformation, "Delete" MsgBox "You seemed to have made a mistake! Please
End If correct the amount you have entered!", vbCritical
End Sub txtImpaired.Text = "0"
txtreturns.Text = "0"
Private Sub cmdEdit1_Click() End If
fraInfo.Enabled = True End Sub
fraButtons.Enabled = False
fraSales.Enabled = True Private Sub cmdViewAll_Click()
txtreturns.Text = "0" Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Items"
txtImpaired.Text = "0" Adodc1.Refresh
End Sub Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
txtSearch.Caption = Clear
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click() End Sub
On Error Resume Next Private Sub tmrTD_Timer()
Adodc1.Recordset.CancelBatch lblTD.Caption = Date & vbNewLine & Time
fraInfo.Enabled = False End Sub
fraButtons1.Enabled = True
fraSales.Enabled = False
fraRetImp.Enabled = False
txtImpaired.Text = Clear
txtreturns.Text = Clear
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()

txtTotalCost.Text = Val(txtCostperUnit.Text) *
MsgBox "Record Saved", vbInformation, "Save"
fraInfo.Enabled = False
fraButtons.Enabled = True
fraSales.Enabled = Falset
txtImpaired.Text = "0"
txtreturns.Text = "0"
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()

fraSalesInfo.Enabled = False
frmMainSales fraButtons.Enabled = True
Dim a As Single

Private Sub cmdAdd_Click() End Sub

fraSalesInfo.Enabled = True
fraButtons.Enabled = False
End Sub Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Sales where
Private Sub cmdBack_Click() ItemSold = '" + txtSearch.Text + "'"
frmMenu.Show Adodc1.Refresh
Unload Me If Adodc1.Recordset.EOF Then
End Sub MsgBox "Data not Found", vbCritical, "Message"
txtSearch.Text = Clear
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click() txtSearch.SetFocus
On Error Resume Next Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Items"
Adodc1.Recordset.CancelBatch Adodc1.Refresh
fraSalesInfo.Enabled = False Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
fraButtons.Enabled = True Else
End Sub Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
End If
Private Sub cmdDelete_Click() End Sub
If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Delete
Record") = vbYes Then Private Sub cmdShowReport_Click()
Adodc1.Recordset.Delete rptSalesReport.Show
MsgBox "Record Deleted", vbInformation, "Delete" End Sub
End If
End Sub Private Sub cmdViewAll_Click()
Adodc1.RecordSource = "Select * from Sales"""
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click() Adodc1.Refresh
fraSalesInfo.Enabled = True Adodc1.Caption = Adodc1.RecordSource
fraButtons.Enabled = False txtSearch.Text = Clear
End Sub End Sub

Private Sub cmdExit_Click() Private Sub tmrTD_Timer()

If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "log lblTD.Caption = Date & vbNewLine & Time
out") = vbYes Then End Sub
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdOK_Click()
Private Sub cmdLogout_Click()
Unload Me
If MsgBox("Are you sure?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Log
Out") = vbYes Then
End Sub
Unload Me
Private Sub Form_Load()
End If
lblDescription.Caption = "Special Thanks to:" & vbNewLine &
End Sub
"Kriszle E. Laging for Additional Information" & vbNewLine &
"Sasota Family for providing a venue for programming" &
Private Sub cmdRefresh_Click()
vbNewLine & "Artemio Cabangbang JR."
End Sub
On Error Resume Next
fraSalesInfo.Enabled = False frmShortcut
fraButtons.Enabled = True
End Sub Private Sub Form_Load()
lblShortcut.Caption = "Ctrl+P : Show Purchase Inventory
Private Sub cmdSave_Click() Form" & vbNewLine & "Ctrl+S : Show Sales Form" &
txtSaleDate.Text = Date vbNewLine & "Ctrl+Q : Quit Application" & vbNewLine &
txtTotalPrice.Text = Val(txtQuantitySold) * Val(txtSalesPrice) "F1 : About" & vbNewLine & "F2 : Shortcut Help"
Adodc1.Recordset.Update End Sub
MsgBox "Record Saved", vbInformation, "Save"

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