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Assessing Antisocial and Psychopathic
29 Personalities

Carl B. Gacono and J. Reid Meloy

The assessment of antisocial and psychopathic personalities presents special challenges for the forensic
evaluator. This chapter emphasizes use of the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R), Rorschach,
and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) for a comprehensive evaluation of these patients.
These measures lend incremental validity to understanding these difficult patients, especially when
combined with testing of intelligence and cognitive functioning. Integrating data from multiple domains is
essential to answering the psycholegal and forensic treatment questions surrounding the antisocial and
psychopathic patient. The forensically trained clinical psychologist is best suited to assess psychopathy, a
task that historically has been overlooked or avoided in traditional mental health settings.

Keywords: antisocial, forensic evaluation, psychopathy, PCL-R, Rorschach, MMPI

Understanding that antisocial personality disorder psychopathy requires a formal assessment with the
and psychopathy are distinct but related constructs Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; Hare,
is crucial to clinical and forensic assessment of these 1991, 2003) that typically involves a review of collat-
patients. While antisocial personality disorder eral information and a semistructured interview
(ASPD; DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association (Gacono, 2005).
[APA], 1994, 2000) evolved from a social deviancy Two additional findings support the need to
model (Robins, 1966) and the term sociopathy differentiate between these terms. First, base rates
(DSM; American Psychiatric Association (APA), for ASPD and psychopathy are not the same.
1952),1 the construct of psychopathy can be traced Although most psychopathic subjects will meet
to the more traditional psychiatric conceptualizations criteria for ASPD, at most one-third of ASPD sam-
originating in late nineteenth-century Germany ples in maximum-security prisons will meet the
(Cleckley, 1976). ASPD criteria are primarily PCL-R criteria for psychopathy (Hare, 1991,
behavioral, while psychopathy criteria include both 2003). The clinical importance of this fact can be
behaviors and traits that significantly overlap with stated differently. Most ASPD adults, male or
most of the DSM-IV Cluster B syndromes (narcis- female, are not psychopathic and will not meet
sistic, histrionic, borderline, and antisocial personality the factor analytic definition of this construct, in
disorders; Gacono, Nieberding, Owen, Rubel, & particular the personal qualities and behavior char-
Bodholdt, 2001). A clinician arrives at a diagnosis of acterized by a callous and remorseless disregard for
ASPD by verifying that the patient meets specific the rights and feelings of others and a chronic
criteria outlined in the DSM-IV-TR (APA, 2000), antisocial lifestyle (Hare, 1991, 2003).
which include (a) a pervasive pattern of disregard for Second, an ASPD diagnosis provides far less
and violation of the rights of others since age 15; (b) a predictive utility in clinical/forensic decision
history of conduct disorder prior to the age of 15; and, making than PCL-R scoring (Hare, 2003; Lyon &
(c) age 18 or older. In contrast, the diagnosis of Ogloff, 2000). An impressive body of literature


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(see Hare, 2003) has demonstrated that, when com- person, an institution, or legal proceeding (Meloy,
pared with low scorers, prisoners with high PCL-R 1988, 2001).
scores The forensic psychologist must always evaluate
the validity all data, particularly unsubstantiated self-
commit a greater quantity and variety of
reports, obtained from antisocial and psychopathic
offenses (Hare & Jutai, 1983);
patients. Gathering data from three different
commit a greater frequency of violent offenses
sourcesface-to-face interviews, independent his-
in which predatory violence (Meloy, 1988, 2006) is
torical information, and testingaids the evaluator
used against male strangers (Hare & McPherson,
in addressing potential deception and combines to
1984; Williamson, Hare, & Wong, 1987);
form the foundation of the evaluation (Meloy,
have lengthier criminal careers (Hare,
1989). Interviewing involves a face-to-face contact
McPherson, & Forth, 1988);
with the individual long enough to complete a
have a poorer response to therapeutic
mental status exam, assess specifically targeted areas
intervention (Ogloff, Wong, & Greenwood,
(malingering, psychopathy level, and so forth), and
1990), which, in some cases, may be followed by
gather self-reported problems and historical data.
an increase in their subsequent arrest rates for violent
Additionally, face-to-face interviewing may provide
crimes (Rice, Harris, & Cormier, 1992); and
the interviewer with adumbrations of possible trans-
are at high risk for problematic and disruptive
ference and countertransference reactions, which in
behavior while in treatment (Gacono, Meloy,
turn may inform or flesh out the interpersonal
Sheppard, Speth, & Roske, 1995; Gacono, Meloy,
section of the evaluation (Kosson et al., 2000).
Speth, & Roske, 1997; Young, Justice, Erdberg, &
Independent historical or contemporaneous informa-
Gacono, 2000).
tion refers to any data that are not self-reported by
Additionally, PCL-R item analysis provides valu- the examinee, and includes such things as other
able information for treatment planning with offen- psychiatric and psychological records, medical
ders (Gacono, 1998; Gacono, Jumes, & Grey, 2008). records, school and military records, employment
These robust findings make psychopathy assessment a records, criminal records, and interviews with histor-
useful, and in some cases essential, tool for clinical/ ical and contemporary observers of the examinee
forensic examiners evaluating antisocial and/or psycho- (parents, siblings, legal, and health care profes-
pathic patients (Gacono & Bodholdt, 2001; Gacono, sionals). Testing refers to psychological, neuropsy-
Loving, Evans, & Jumes, 2002). chological, and medical tests, historical or
contemporary, that provide objective reference
Forensic Assessment and Issues points to further understand the psychology or psy-
In all cases the forensic psychologist, as chobiology of the examinee. All three sources of
evaluator rather than therapist, is performing an information are necessary when assessing antisocial
investigation to gather data. He is not an agent of and psychopathic patients.
change. Confusion between these two fundamen- When evaluating antisocial and psychopathic
tally different roles may lead to misuse of informa- patients, the psychologist must have a clear under-
tion and unethical behavior (Meloy, 1989; standing of his or her purpose for assessing psycho-
Goldstein, 2007). The psychologist must have a pathy level or the presence or absence of a
clear conception of his or her role before the psychopathic syndrome. The need to assess psycho-
assessment begins. pathy varies with the nature of the setting and the
The psychologist must also consider that psycho- function of the evaluation (Bodholdt, Richards, &
pathic individuals are chronically deceptive and will Gacono, 2000; Gacono, 2000a; Gacono, Loving, &
lie to and mislead the assessor at every turn. Bodholdt, 2001; Gacono, Loving et al., 2002). For
Deceptive behaviors often include projection of example, prior to sentencing the psychologist is
blame, malingering or exaggeration of psychiatric usually called upon to aid the trier of fact, the judge
symptoms, and/or conscious denial: all important or jury, in answering a psycholegal question, such as
behaviors to be noted as part of the assessment intent, motivation, dangerousness, or sanity.
process (Kosson, Gacono, & Bodholdt, 2000). The Subsequent to institutional commitment, referral
goal of the psychopathic patient, and to a lesser questions stem from institutional concerns and may
degree the nonpsychopathic antisocial patient, is involve severity of antisocial personality disorder, mal-
usually to gain a more dominant or pleasurable ingering, treatment amenability or planning, sanity,
position in relation to his objects, whether a violence risk, threat management, sadism, sexual


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sadism, recommendation for outpatient treatment, PCL-R is a 20-item, 40-point scale completed fol-
and other issues related to diagnosis, treatment, or lowing a review of independent historical and con-
risk management (Bodholdt et al, 2000; Gacono, temporaneous data and completion of a
1998, 2000a; Gacono, Jumes et al., 2008). semistructured interview (see Gacono, 2005).
Having clarified the psycholegal issue and context Additional psychological testing is not necessary
of the evaluation, the forensic psychologist will next to determine a patients psychopathy level or to
have to determine what historical and personality arrive at a designation of psychopathy.
information is needed to address the referral issues A growing body of research has demonstrated the
and which methods are most efficacious in obtaining PCL-Rs reliability and validity for prison and for-
the desired information. With this in mind, ensic psychiatric populations (Hare, 2003).
Monahan and Steadmans (1994) risk assessment Psychologists may be called upon to demonstrate
model provides a useful guide for matching appro- their knowledge of PCL-R reliability and validity
priate assessment domains and methods (Gacono, studies, the demographics of these studies, validation
2002). Monahan et al. (2001) emphasized gathering groups, normative scores with male, female, and
data from four primary domains that included dis- delinquent incarcerated samples, criticism of the
positional factors, clinical or psychopathological fac- test and its psychometric properties, and clear and
tors, historical or case history variables, and simple explanations of the test to the trier of fact,
contextual factors. The psychologist determines judge or jury (Gacono et al., 2002a). Several caveats
which domains are relevant to the referral question are essential to these ends (see Gacono, 2000;
and then chooses reliable and valid methods and/or Gacono & Gacono, 2006). First, it is very important
instruments for obtaining data from each (Acklin, to remember that the lay person may misconstrue
2002; Beutler, Harwood, & Holaway, 2002; the terms antisocial, psychopathic, and sociopathic
Weiner, 2002). Results are subsequently integrated as synonymous, essentially describing a bad person
into opinions that address the referral question. for whom they have little empathy and less compas-
Key forensic issues essential for the forensic psy- sion. Psychologists must be able to educate the court
chologist assessing antisocial and psychopathic concerning the relevance of these distinctions.
patients include: Second, methodological issues, such as the use of
lowered PCL-R cutoffs or use of an instrument
Be clear as to ones professional role and the
other than the PCL-R for designating psychopathy
referral question
groups, severely impact the generalizability of studies
Be skeptical and evaluate the validity of all data
and make cross-study comparisons problematic
(particularly self-report)
(Gacono & Gacono, 2006; Gacono, Nieberding
Gather data from multiple sources and always
et al., 2001). The most glaring, and unfortunately
include collateral information
too frequently occurring, problem occurs when
Have a clear rationale for assessing
inferences are formed about psychopathy from sam-
psychopathy level
ples that contain no primary or severe psychopaths.
Have a clear rationale for choosing assessment
Given multiple problems in the published literature,
what at first appear to be discrepant research findings
In this chapter we focus on several methods and are easily explained as artifacts of the divergent meth-
instruments, such as the PCL-R (Hare, 1991, 2003), odologies (Gacono & Gacono, 2006; Gacono,
Rorschach, and Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Nieberding et al., 2001).
Inventory-2 (MMPI-2), that are of considerable Finally, it is essential to understand that psycho-
value when assessing antisocial and psychopathic pathy is used as both a categorical (PCL-R  30)
patients. and a dimensional construct (Gacono & Gacono,
2006). Categorical designations are appropriate and
The Psychopathy Checklist-Revised preferred for comparative research when the concern
With specialized experience and training, the is how psychopaths (PCL-R  30) nomothetically
forensic evaluation of psychopathy is relatively differ from nonpsychopaths (PCL-R < 30).
straightforward (Gacono, 2000a, b; Gacono & Dimensional uses are idiographically favored in the
Hutton, 1994; Hare, 1991). The only published vast majority of clinical/forensic settings (Bodholdt
reliable and valid method to date for arriving at a et al., 2000). In these contexts, psychopathy is con-
psychopathic designation (taxon) with adult ceptualized on a continuum, such that individuals
patients is the PCL-R (Hare, 1991, 2003).2 The who obtain moderate or high PCL-R scores exhibit


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more serious and pervasive behavioral problems than Focus on scoring each item separately; avoid
those with lower PCL-R scores. One is more clinically letting speculation about the total score influence
interested in finding out the psychopathy ranges and individual item scoring (confirmatory bias)
scores that are best at predicting behavior in a given Avoid introspection about etiology or
setting, than whether or not a given individuals score preconceived notions of psychopathy
meets the traditional threshold for a designation of Frequently refer directly to the PCL-R Rating
psychopathy (PCL-R  30; also see Quinsey, Harris, Booklet (Hare, 2003) to maintain the scoring
Rice, & Cormier, 1998). Psychopathy level or degree prototype (Gacono, 2000a)
(dimensional) rather than a diagnosis of psycho-
pathy (categorical) becomes one of several weighted Additionally, when testifying, the evaluator
factors in clinical and forensic decision making should be prepared to provide evidence concerning
(Gacono, Nieberding et al., 2001; Gacono, Loving his qualifications and training, the appropriateness
et al., 2002). of the instruments used with this particular patient
Several key issues related to PCL-R administra- or defendant (normative samples), the adequacy of
tion and scoring are also worth highlighting collateral information available for scoring, and the
(Gacono, 2000a). Prior to administering the psy- rationale for arriving at conclusions (Gacono,
chopathy checklists, the following should be Loving et al., 2002).
ensured: Since the term psychopathy is not an official diag-
nostic label, it is recommended that it be defined as a
The evaluator is a licensed mental health constellation of behaviors and traits (Bodholdt et al.,
professional with forensic experience (the exception 2000; Meloy & Gacono, 2000). Most criminal psy-
to this is the P-SCAN, a nonclinical measure of chopaths meet the criteria for ASPD and should be
psychopathy developed for law enforcement) diagnosed as such, but some will not be. The severity
The evaluator has participated in adequate of the ASPD diagnosis can be determined by the
training which has included his or her demonstrated patients PCL-R score, with ranges designating the
ability to reliably score the instrument (see Bodholdt ASPD diagnosis as mild (19), moderate (2029),
et al., 2000; Kosson et al., 2000) or severe (30) (Meloy, 1988, 1992). This parallels
The evaluator is familiar with the current what is used in the DSM-IV diagnosis of conduct
psychopathy research (Patrick, 2006) disorder. Since the ASPD criteria are primarily beha-
The patient is similar to a sample upon which vioral, the use of secondary, more trait-based, Axis II
the instrument has been validated diagnoses allows the clinician to more accurately
There is available independent historical reflect the patients personality. Additionally, research
information has demonstrated that PCL-R Factor I items correlate
Collateral information is always reviewed with narcissistic and histrionic personality disorders
before the interview (Gacono, 2000a) (NPD and HPD, respectively) and Factor II correlates
more strongly with ASPD. Consequently, a patient
The examiner establishes a mind set for con-
who is diagnosed with ASPD and NPD, while not
ducting the interview, geared toward reducing
necessarily psychopathic, will elevate on the PCL-R
scoring bias and halo effects (Gacono, 2000a).
and likely have a severe or moderate ASPD diagnosis.
Throughout the PCL-R administration process
An ASPD patient, on the other hand, with a concur-
the following should be foremost in the evalua-
rent avoidant personality disorder diagnosis will likely
tors mind:
carry an ASPD (mild) diagnosis. The patients clinical
Conduct the PCL-R interview as a separate picture is further clarified in the reports finding sec-
part of the overall psychological evaluation tion by using factor scores and item analysis as a basis
Use a semistructured interview schedule, such for describing existing traits and behaviors (Gacono,
as the Clinical and Forensic Interview Schedule for 1998, 2000c; Gacono & Hutton, 1994). The ASPD
the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised and criteria, when conceptualized as an ordinal scale, cor-
Screening version (CFIS; Gacono, 2000c, 2005),3 relates with severity of psychopathy as measured by
to aid in systematically recording essential the PCL-R (Hare, 2003).
information and facilitating the development of Although the PCL-R alone suffices to determine
rapport with, and a sense of empathy for, the patient the presence or absence of psychopathy, assessment
Rate items based on lifelong patterns and generally involves more than arriving at a simple
typical functioning label (Gacono, Nieberding et al., 2001). Other


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personality instruments such as the MMPI-2 frequencies (Gacono & Meloy, 1992, 1994), at
(Butcher, 2006; Butcher, Dahlstrom, Graham, least in research settings. Rorschachs taken for for-
Tellegen, & Kaemmer, 1989; Hathaway & ensic purposes in pre-trial criminal cases may be
McKinley, 1943) and Rorschach Inkblot method constricted; however, the examiner should aggres-
(Exner, 2003; Exner & Erdberg, 2005; Rorschach, sively pursue a valid protocol (R  14; according to
1942) add to our clinical understanding of the Exners (2003) guidelines).
ASPD diagnosed or psychopathic individual. While Although the clinician should administer and
these instruments were not specifically designed to interpret the Rorschach according to the
diagnose psychopathy, and not surprisingly fail to Comprehensive System (Exner, 1993, 2003), other
do so (Gacono, Nieberding et al., 2001), neither do psychoanalytically informed empirical measures of
the Psychopathy Checklist-Screening Version the Rorschach are also quite valuable. Two methods
(PCL:SV; Hart, Cox, & Hare, 1995) nor the having acceptable interrater reliability that comple-
newer experimental self-report measures of psycho- ment the Comprehensive System are an object rela-
pathy (Hare, 1991; Lilienfeld & Andrews, 1996).4 tions measure (Kwawer, 1980) and two measures of
We recommend that several other tests be employed defenses (Cooper & Arnow, 1986; Lerner & Lerner,
to further delineate the individualized behavioral 1980). Kwawer (1979) found that his 10 categories
and intrapsychic characteristics (dimensional aspects) of primitive interpersonal modes (1980) were able
of antisocial and psychopathic subjects. to significantly differentiate between a borderline
and an age- and gender-matched control sample of
The Rorschach patients Rorschachs. Cooper, Perry, and Arnow
The assessment of antisocial and psychopathic (1988) reported interrater reliabilities for each of
patients begins as a gross categorization of chronic their 15 defense categories ranging from .45 to .80,
antisocial behavior (DSM-IV), moves to a determi- with a median of .62 (intraclass correlation coeffi-
nation of the degree of psychopathic disturbance cients). Inter-rater reliability for borderline defenses
(PCL-R), and is further refined through the as a group, most commonly seen in psychopathic
Rorschach to measure the internal structure and protocols, was .81. The authors did not, however,
dynamics of the particular patient. The Rorschach find any particular defense mechanism related to
is ideally suited for contributing to this assessment the presence of antisocial personality disorder
(Cunliffe & Gacono, 2008; Gacono & Meloy, (DSM-III-R), and speculated, consistent with high
1994; Gacono, Gacono, & Evans, 2008; Meloy, frequencies in forensic settings (5075%), that the
1988), as it avoids the face validity of self-report diagnosis of ASPD may be too psychodynamically
measures, yet provides reliable and valid information heterogeneous.
about the individuals personality structure and Evaluators should also be familiar with a growing
function (Exner, 2003; Exner & Erdberg, 2005). database of forensic Rorschach samples (Bannatyne,
While the Rorschach is generally scored in a Gacono, & Greene, 1999; Cunliffe & Gacono,
reliable manner (Viglione & Meyer, 2007), if 2008; Gacono & Gacono, 2008; Gacono &
scoring questions arise, consultations should be Meloy, 1994; Gacono, Meloy, & Bridges, 2000,
sought, informing the colleague that his or her 2008; Gacono, Gacono, & Evans, 2008; Singer,
name may be referenced in pending litigation as a Hoppe, Lee, Olesen, & Walters, 2008), keeping in
consultant before the talk begins. Despite the mind how these samples differ from Exners non-
importance of reliable scoring, improper adminis- patient and clinical norms (Exner & Erdberg, 2005).
tration rather than scoring issues are more likely to A series of studies with antisocial and psychopathic
impact the validity of an individual Rorschach pro- patients (Gacono, 1988, 1990; Gacono & Meloy,
tocol (Gacono, Evans, & Viglione, 2002). 1991, 1992, 1994; Gacono, Meloy, & Heaven,
Although the Rorschach can be malingered, we 1990; Meloy & Gacono, 1992; Meloy, Gacono, &
have found that the test is usually only beaten Kenney, 1994; Young et al., 2000) have validated
by the antisocial or psychopathic patient who suffi- the use of the Rorschach as a nomothetically sensi-
ciently constricts his response frequency (Ganellan, tive instrument in discriminating between psycho-
1994, 2008; Perry & Kinder, 1990). Such a psy- pathic ASPD and nonpsychopathic ASPD subjects
chometrically invalid protocol (Exner, 1988), how- (also see Smith, Gacono, & Kaufman, 1995, and
ever, may still yield worthwhile psychodiagnostic Loving & Russell, 2000, for an extension of these
information (Weiner, 1998). We have found that findings to conduct-disordered adolescents), and
ASPD males in general produce normative response supported the assertion that these individuals


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function at a borderline level of personality organi- Table 29.1. Select Rorschach variable means from a
zation (Kernberg, 1984; Meloy, 1988, 2001). sample of 33 male prisoners identified as
Compared to nonpsychopathic ASPDs, psycho- psychopathic.
pathic ASPDs exhibit more pathological narcissism Responses 21
(Gacono et al., 1990; Young et al., 2000), less Core characteristics
anxiety, less capacity for attachment (Gacono & Lambda >.99
Meloy, 1991), and some indications of increased D 0
sadism (Meloy & Gacono, 1992). Their Rorschach Adj D 0
protocols indicate a virtual absence of idealization Affects
and higher-level neurotic defenses, coupled with a FC:CFC 1:4
reliance on primitive defenses such as devaluation, Afr <.50
denial, projective identification, omnipotence, and Pure C >0
splitting (Gacono, 1990; Gacono, Meloy, & Berg, T 0
Y 0
1992). Object relations are also preoedipal, with
Space >2
psychopathic ASPDs evidencing significantly more Interpersonal relations
Rorschach measures of narcissistic mirroring, Pure H 2
boundary disturbance, and violent symbiosis when (H)Hd(Hd) 2.5
compared to nonpsychopathic ASPD Rorschachs Good COP 0
(Gacono & Meloy, 1992). A typical psychopathic Ag 0
Rorschach protocol can be expected to reflect these Sx 1
findings and contain a certain number of abnormal Self-perception
structural characteristics (see Table 29.1). Rf 1
Deviations from these typical findings should PER >2
deepen the understanding of the individual differ- W:M >3:1
ences within any one patient, but do not necessarily
X% 54
rule out a psychopathic disturbance. For example, a F% 56
more histrionic psychopath might produce a pro- X% 22
tocol with some idealizing defenses, a color projec-
tion (CP) response, a low lambda (L), and an Note: From Gacono, C. B., & Meloy, J. R. (1994). Rorschach assessment of
aggressive and psychopathic personalities. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
elevated affective ratio (Afr). On the other hand, a
paranoid psychopath might produce a constricted
protocol, elevated Dd responses, a low
H+A:Hd+Ad ratio, and a positive hypervigilance should be thoroughly familiar with these resources
index (HVI). A psychopathic patient with schizo- when using the Rorschach in the assessment of anti-
phrenia or bipolar disorder might significantly social and psychopathic personalities.
depart from the above-identified structural charac-
teristics, and may instead produce severe reality dis- The MMPI-2
tortion (X-% > 30) and an elevated PTI (for SCZI Our overview of psychopathy assessment next
data, see Gacono & Gacono, 2008). turns to the psychometric workhorse of the profes-
Forensic evaluators should be thoroughly familiar sion, the MMPI-2. Although self-report measures in
with recent Rorschach studies (Weiner, 1996) and criminal populations must be interpreted with a
their relationship to legal standards for admissibility keen awareness of the possibility of attempts at
of scientific evidence (McCann, 1998). The deception or willful distortion, the MMPI-2
Handbook of Forensic Rorschach Assessment should be used with other instruments in the assess-
(Gacono, Evans, Kaser-Boyd, & Gacono, 2008) ment of antisocial and psychopathic patients for the
provides essential guidelines for the use of the following reasons:
Rorschach in various forensic contexts. Other arti-
cles have guided the manner in which Rorschach To provide convergent validity for the other
data can be presented in court (Meloy, 1991; sources of data
Weiner, 2008), the admissibility of Rorschach data To measure self-report of psychopathology
in court (Weiner, Exner, & Sciara, 1996), and the with an instrument that is sensitive to distortion
weight of Rorschach data in court (Meloy, 2008; To measure domains of behavior that are not
Meloy, Hansen, & Weiner, 1997). Psychologists empirically abnormal


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To support evidentiary standards for interpretation of Scale 4 (Butcher, 2006; Dahlstrom

admissibility as a scientific method or procedure et al., 1975; Friedman, Lewak, Nichols, & Webb,
(Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, 113 2001; Graham, 1978; Greene, 1980; Nichols,
Sup. Ct. 2786) 2001). The Harris and Lingoes (1955) Pd subscales
help to further understand Scale 4 nuances
The latter standard, applicable in all federal and (Caldwell, 1988).
some state jurisdictions in the United States, is met The Scale 4 items underwent virtually no changes
through the courts determination that the measure between the MMPI and the MMPI-2. The 50 items
is relevant to the case and scientifically valid (the remained, and 4 were reworded. Norms for the
court uses the term reliable when it actually means revised scale show a drop of 10 T-score points for
valid). The evaluator must always remember that if males and 5 T-score points for females. The Pd scale,
the instrument is unreliable, it cannot be valid. moreover, is not affected by educational level in
The clinical scale most sensitive to a variation in either the MMPI-2 male or female normative sam-
the direction of psychopathy (McKinley & ples (Butcher, 1990).
Hathaway, 1944, p. 172) is, of course, Scale 4 The Harris and Lingoes subscales were substan-
(Pd). Most criminal populations will show homo- tially changed on the MMPI-2. The Pd3 subscale,
geneity by elevating on this scale. Scale 4, however, social imperturbability, lost half its items. This mea-
does not significantly correlate with PCL-R scores, sure of what Nichols (personal communication,
and is more related to Factor II (chronic antisocial April, 1993) calls insouciance has received consis-
behavior or social deviancy) and ASPD than to tently high negative loadings on anxiety and may
Factor I (aggressive narcissism or affective-interper- best capture the social aggression of antisocial and
sonal deficiencies). MMPI-2 Scale 4 alone should psychopathic personalities. The MMPI-2 deletions
never be used in isolation for determining the pre- may have affected the subscales meanings. Further,
sence or absence of psychopathy, no matter how scale reliability has declined as a function of these
extreme. Scale 4 is not measuring psychopathy, but item eliminations. Although these subscales were
does correlate with the more heterogeneous ASPD compromised and may be less adequate than they
diagnosis. were, we still think they deserve clinical attention
McKinley and Hathaway (1944) developed the since the MMPI-2 changes eliminated off scale items
original MMPI Scale 4 by contrasting two norma- and better organized the content of Scale 4 into
tive groups, married adults and college applicants, homogeneous subscales to aid in interpretation.
with a sample of female and male delinquents (ages Further research is necessary.
1722) referred by the Minnesota courts to a psy- Several MMPI-2 content and component scales
chiatric setting. These young adults had a long that relate to external aggressive tendencies (Butcher,
history of minor criminal behavior: stealing, lying, 2002)antisocial practices (ASP), anger (ANG),
truancy, sexual promiscuity, alcohol abuse, and cynicism (CYN), aggression (AGG), and discon-
forgery. There were no homicide offenses in the straint (DISC)may also be useful in understanding
histories of these subjects, of whom the majority were the attitudes and predictable behaviors of antisocial
girls. Cross-validation indicated that a T-score of and psychopathic patients. Sellbom, Ben-Porath,
70 on Scale 4 was achieved by 59% of a sample of Lilienfeld, Patrick, & Graham (2005) examined var-
100 male federal prisoners (McKinley & ious MMPI-2 scales and subscales and their relation-
Hathaway, 1944). This original criterion group ship to psychopathy as measured by the psychopathic
was already incarcerated and had been selected for personality inventory (PPI) in a large sample of male
psychiatric study. Temporal reliability of this scale and female college students. They found that AGG
ranges from .49 to .61 for intervals up to a year in and DISC both significantly correlated with the affec-
this population (Dahlstrom, Welsh, & Dahlstrom, tive-interpersonal and social deviance factors of the
1975), compared to .71 in normals (McKinley & PPI (essentially equivalent to Factor 1 and Factor 2 of
Hathaway, 1944). the PCL-R, respectively). Certain scales measuring
Scale 4 is composed of 50 items, of which the introversion (INTR), negative emotionality
deviant response is answered true on 24 items, and (NEGE), and fears (FRS) also had significant negative
false on 26 items. Factor analysis has generally correlations with Factor 1 of the PPI.
yielded five factors: shyness, hypersensitivity, delin- The ASP content scale has two facets: antisocial
quency, impulse control, and neuroticism (Greene, attitudes and antisocial behaviors. In the Sellbom et al.
1980). Several texts are relevant for validation and (2005) study, it significantly correlated with the social


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deviance factor of the PPI (0.52), but had no signifi- Table 29.2. Pearson product-moment correlations
cant relationship to the affective-interpersonal factor between PCL-R scores and MMPI, MMPI-2 Pd
(0.07). In an earlier study, Lilienfeld (1996) found scores in samples of NGI acquittees.
the ASP did demonstrate incremental validity for
N = 40 N = 34
global indices of psychopathy in undergraduate stu-
dents utilizing the PPI over and above Scale 4. MMPI MMPI-2
The AGG scale was specifically designed to
Pd .21 .20
measure grandiosity, dominance, and instrumental
Pd1 Family discord .00 .10
(predatory) aggression (Nichols, 2001), and may Pd2 Authority problems .34* .31*
show promise as an important measure that vali- Pd3 Social imperturbability .20 .23
dates other research indicating that psychopaths are Pd4 Social alienation .17 .10
more predatorily violent than other criminals Pd5 Self-alienation .05 .22
(Meloy, 2006). Williams (2002) found that both
Note:* p < .05 (one-directional test).
instrumental and reactive violent offenders were
significantly different from nonviolent offenders
on Scale 4, ASP, and CYN. All of these scales subjects were Caucasian males diagnosed with para-
need further research with psychopathic subjects noid schizophrenia, and had committed a violent
in prison utilizing the PCL-R as the independent crime. The data are presented in Table 29.2.
measure of psychopathy. Whereas the data suggest that there is a positive
The most useful MMPI typology for classifying relationship between elevations on MMPI and
criminals was developed by Megargee and Bohn MMPI-2 Pd and the PCL-R, the product moment
(1979), and has been reformulated utilizing the correlations are modest and nonsignificant (as noted
MMPI-2 in a large sample of incarcerated men in Table 29.2). Our findings are consistent with
(N 2,619 inmates) and women (N 797 inmates) Hare (1991, 2003), who found that correlations
(Megargee, 2006a). In their original sample of 1,214 between the MMPI Pd scale and the PCL-R
federal inmates, 96% of the MMPI profiles could ranged from .19 to .25. We think this is primarily
be assigned to one of their 10 subtypes. Early due to the Pd scales measurement of Factor II of the
research supported the typologys concurrent PCL-R (chronic antisocial behavior) rather than
validity (Booth & Howell, 1983; DiFrancesca & Factor I (interpersonal and affective deficiency). If
Meloy, 1989; Hutton, Miner, & Langfeldt, 1993; the PCL-R factors are separately correlated with Pd,
Nieberding et al., 2003), but questioned its predic- Factor I ranges between .05 and .11 and Factor II
tive validity (Louscher, Hosford, & Moss, 1983). ranges between .28 and .31 (Hare, 1991).
The revised typology represents a substantial The Harris and Lingoes subscale correlations
improvement, and classifies 95% of inmates across with the PCL-R indicate that Pd2, authority pro-
10 neutrally worded types (Able, Baker, Charlie, blems, are highest, and Pd1, family discord, are
etc.). The classification system is available in a com- virtually nonexistent. Pd3, social imperturbability,
puter-based software program (Megargee, 2000), is not significantly correlated, but increases slightly
and provides both concurrent and predictive validity on the MMPI-2 version. Most compelling is the
data for each subtype. Many of the dependent find- negative correlation between the PCL-R and the
ings that emerged when the classification system was MMPI-2 Pd5, self-alienation, which we mentioned
originally developed with the MMPI are quite earlier as a measure of guilt. This is consistent with
similar to the findings with the MMPI-2, and pro- the psychopaths lack of guilt, self-blame, or remorse
vide a superior interpretation system to the typical 1- concerning his antisocial acts (Caldwell, 1988; Hare,
point and 2-point profile interpretations for criminal 2003). These findings also suggest that correlations
offenders (Megargee, 2006a, b). between the PCL-R and Pd, although modest, do
How do Scale 4 and its subscales contribute to a not appear to change between criminal and forensic
clinical understanding of psychopathy in forensic psychiatric samples.
psychiatric samples? The PCL-R, MMPI Scale 4, The Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales were
and MMPI-2 Scale 4 scores were compared in two developed by Tellegen et al. (2003) to improve
samples of male subjects who had been found not the convergent and discriminant validity of the ori-
guilty by reason of insanity and were committed to ginal Clinical Scales. Items were removed which
an involuntary outpatient treatment program measured a common affect-laden construct they
(Meloy, Haroun, & Schiller, 1990). Most of these called demoralization. The RC Scales are more


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homogeneous and less intercorrelated than the original Measures of Cognition and Intelligence
Clinical Scales. Sellbom et al. (2005) found that RC4 Although not central to the assessment of person-
and RC9 were optimal predictors of the social deviance ality, a standardized measure of intelligence, such as
factor of psychopathy among college students, and the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-IV or the
when coupled with low scores on RC2 and RC7 Kaufman Adolescent and Adult Intelligence Test,
(purportedly measuring the affective-interpersonal should be incorporated into the battery when asses-
factor of psychopathy), they accounted for nearly all sing psychopathy. In the absence of time to do a
of the PPI variance predicted by the MMPI-2. complete intelligence battery, the Quick Test
Megargee (2006a) found considerable redun- (Ammons & Ammons, 1977) gives a reliable esti-
dancy, however, between the RC Scales and the mate of intelligence, and it has been validated in
MMPI-2 content and PSY-5 scales in his large forensic settings (Husband & DeCato, 1982;
sample of male and female inmates. Over half of Randolph, Randolph, Ciula, Padget, & Cuneo,
the RC Scales also fell below the mean of the 1980; Sweeney & Richards, 1988). An estimate
MMPI-2 normative sample, and none of the RC of general intelligence provides a baseline for
Scale scores reached clinical significance (T > 65): interpretive performance on other instruments,
findings that are grossly inconsistent with what is although IQ has repeatedly been shown to not to
known about psychopathology among inmates. The correlate with psychopathy (Hare, 1991, 2003).
mean RC4 score for male inmates was 55.74 and for Neuropsychological measures may provide useful
female inmates was 53.99. The highest correlation information to the clinician, but gross differences
for RC4 was not Pd, but instead Addiction between psychopathic and nonpsychopathic sub-
Admission Scale (AAS), a validated measure of sub- jects have yet to be consistently demonstrated
stance abuse (.78). The RC4 correlation with Scale 4 (Hare, 1991, 2003).
was 0.52. In a large analysis of multiple criminal Some neuropsychological tests are also useful for
forensic samples, RC4 correlations with AAS suggesting malingering because of their limited face
ranged from .68 to .82, but RC4 correlations with validity. Psychopathic malingerers will often per-
Pd only ranged from .51 to .61 (Rouse, Greene, form worse than the expected norms for neurologic
Butcher, Nichols, & Williams, 2008). or psychiatric patients. They will also evidence more
Although these data do not address the relation- impairment than observed behavioral functioning
ship between RC4 and psychopathyagain, we would suggest. Dependent on the context of the
emphasize that Pd has a nonsignificant relationship examination and nature of the referral question,
with PCL-R scoresthe RC scales in criminal clinicians are frequently called upon to assess mal-
populations appear to be problematic as measures ingering when evaluating antisocial and psycho-
of both psychopathology in general and antisocial pathic personalities. The reader is referred to
behavior in particular. Rogers (1988) and Rogers & Cruise (2000) for a
Since response style should be considered more detailed discussion of assessing malingering.
(Bannatyne et al., 1999; Gacono & Gacono, Two points are most salient to the use of neu-
2008), and distortion should be assumed in all for- ropsychological instruments in the assessment of
ensic evaluations (Meloy, 1989), the MMPI-2 psychopathy. First, any measures of performance
validity scales take on special importance when asses- are subject to motivational factors, and psychopathic
sing psychopathy. It appears that Scales L and F patients may quickly realize that decrements in their
remain the most useful in classifying fake-bad and performance on neuropsychological tests will con-
fake-good profiles (Timbrook, Graham, Keillor, & tribute to their disability and perhaps avoidance of
Watts, 1993), but attention must be paid to the personal responsibility. Second, the genuine pre-
relative configurations of VRIN, TRIN, Fb, Ds, sence of neuropsychological impairment does not
and F(p). Megargee (2006b) has also developed a rule out psychopathy, and may in fact be consistent
criminal infrequency scale (Fc) which may prove with cognitive and emotional deficits already estab-
to be helpful in identifying problematic profiles lished in research with psychopaths (Hare, 1991,
among criminal offenders. The clinician is referred 2003).
to the extensive work of both Butcher et al. (1989) Neuropsychological impairments that appear
and Caldwell (1988, 1997) for their interpretive genuine, moreover, may warrant further neurobio-
refinements concerning deviant responding to the logical workup with methods that eliminate motiva-
MMPI-2, and the texts of Friedman et al. (2001), tional factors and measure brain structure or
Nichols (2001), and Megargee (2006a). function (these procedures could include magnetic


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resonance imaging [MRI], functional MRI [fMRI], patchwork quilt that is just beginning to be woven,
computed tomography [CT], positron emission but will eventually help us further understand brain
tomography [PET], or electroencephalography behavior relationships within psychopathy.
[EEG] studies). For example, one sexual murderer
(PCL-R 37) produced generally invalid psycholo- Integration of Findings
gical test results due to malingering, and was diag- Perhaps the most difficult task of the psychologist
nosed with both ASPD and NPD on Axis II. He was is to integrate the findings from various assessment
found, moreover, to have an abnormal visual evoked procedures into an empirically accurate and theore-
potential test using EEG technology and an tically consistent clinical picture of the patient
abnormal PET scan indicating decreased metabolic (Gacono, 2002). In the case of the psychopath in a
uptake in certain areas of his prefrontal cortex and forensic setting, findings will also need to withstand
midbrain. Based on these findings, and corollary the rigors of cross-examination (Gacono, Evans, &
behaviors, he received an additional Axis I diagnosis Viglione, 2008; Meloy, Hansen, & Weiner, 1997;
of organic personality syndrome, explosive type Pope, Butcher, & Seelen, 1993). Again, we cannot
(DSM-III-R). overstate the importance of the history and clinical
Raine and his colleagues originally conducted a interview and their usefulness to validate, or invali-
series of studies (Raine & Buchsbaum, 1996; Raine, date, test findings. Test results, moreover, provide
Buchsbaum, & LaCasse, 1997; Raine et al., 1994; contemporaneous and objective reference points for
Raine et al., 1998) which investigated differences in the support or refutation of developing clinical
prefrontal cortical function when comparing mur- hypotheses, as well as data relevant to the manage-
derers referred for neuromaging to various compar- ment of psychopathic patients in an institution
ison groups, and when comparing affective and (Gacono & Evans, 2008; Gacono, Loving et al.,
predatory murderers. A recent meta-analysis of 43 2001; Meloy, 2007).
neuroimaging studies of psychopathic, antisocial, In forensic evaluations the specific psycholegal
and criminal subjects indicated that both structural question(s) to be addressed should be clear to the
(reduced gray matter) and functional (hypofron- examiner before work begins on the case. In evalu-
tality) problems are present, but functional abnorm- ating insanity, a diagnosis may be only the first step
alities predominate. Research interest is focusing in determining whether or not there is a mental
upon the orbital-frontal area and middle gyrus of disease or defect, and then questions of responsi-
the prefrontal cortex. There is a large effect size for bility or culpability are the next step in the causal
the differences between such samples and normals chain, refocusing the examiner on the facts of the
(Yang, Glenn, & Raine, 2008), and a large herit- crime and any test findings that might support or
ability for severe psychopathy (Viding et al., 2005). refute certain states of mind in the perpetrator at
Studies such as these which empirically support a the time of the criminal act. Then again, test results
relationship between neurobiology and criminal that address unstable emotional conditions, such as
behavior are not probative of criminal responsibility depression, may be irrelevant to prospective or
in any one case, but provide directions for future retrospective hypothesis formulation. In most
research and the possible use of neuroimaging in cases, however, psychopathy as a character or per-
forensic cases. Raine (1993) has also reviewed and sonality disorder has the temporal stability to cast
contributed to a substantial body of work that an illuminating light on the historical propensities
strongly suggests biological loadings for what he of the individual.
refers to as habitually violent criminality, The tests we have emphasizedthe PCL-R, the
including physiological measures that indicate a bio- Rorschach, and the MMPI-2are central to under-
logical trait of chronic cortical underarousal in the standing antisocial and psychopathic patients. The
habitually violent criminal. PCL-R is based on observed attitudes and docu-
Research findings such as these extend the ori- mented behavior (history) of the individual. PCL-
ginal work of Hare (1970) which found peripheral R total scores nomothetically inform conclusions
autonomic hypo-reactivity to aversive stimuli among due to their correlations with risk for recidivism,
psychopaths, and suggest that biological measures, including violent recidivism, institutional miscon-
broadly or discretely defined, will eventually play a duct, and poor treatment outcome. Idiographically,
role in the psychodiagnosis of psychopathy. Until PCL-R item analysis is useful to understand specific
that time, the evaluator should treat the neurobiolo- vulnerabilities to risk and areas to target for inter-
gical findings concerning psychopaths as a large vention (Gacono, 1998). Combined with findings


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from the Rorschach (which accesses personality Notes

structure and functioning) and the MMPI-2 1. Appearing in the first DSM (APA, 1952), sociopathy included
(which measures conscious self-report of psycho- a variety of conditions such as sexual deviation, alcoholism,
pathology and its distortion), these instruments pro- and dyssocial and antisocial reactions. While only the
antisocial reaction was similar to traditional conceptualizations
vide both discriminant and convergent data and
of psychopathy (Jenkins, 1960), the replacement of
allow for a more incisive and individualized under- Sociopathy with ASPD in DSM-II (APA, 1968) and the
standing of antisocial and psychopathic patients. subsequent increased focus on behavioral criteria widened the
For example, a patient is scored 2 on the PCL-R gap between ASPD and psychopathy.
Item 13, lack of realistic or long-term goals, partially 2. Forth, Kosson, and Hare (2003) have developed a
Psychopathy Checklist Youth version (PCL:YV) and Paul
arrived at on the basis of a series of frequent job Frick and others have developed instruments for assessing
changes in the subjects employment record. The psychopathic traits in children (Frick, Barry, & Bodin,
MMPI-2 indicates a Pd2 (authority problems) 2000). These instruments show promise of applied usage
T-score of 75, providing insight into one of the with younger patients.
reasons for frequent job changes, which is further 3. The CFIS (Gacono, 2005) facilitates a rapid accumulation of
PCL:SV and PCL-R data similar to the format of other semi-
confirmed through the subpoena of employer
structured interview schedules. It links data to individual
records. The Rorschach is scrutinized and yields items, allows for an easy check of inter-rater reliability, is
S > 2 (H: chronic anger), Lambda > .99 (H: a tailored to individual evaluations, and eliminates the need to
simple, item-by-item approach to problem solving), purchase multiple forms (use with PCL-R and PCL:SV). The
and FC:CF C of 1:4, with two Pure C responses CFIS reduces administration time by a third to a half of what is
accomplished with the existing PCL-R schedule and is appro-
(H: unmodulated affect with a marked propensity to priate for clinical, forensic, and research settings. The first
emotional explosiveness). Further study of the author developed this semistructured interview.
employment records indicates several incidents of 4. While the Psychopathy Checklist-Screening version (Hart
angry outbursts toward employers. A look at the et al., 1995) is diagnostically useful as a screening instru-
long sought after military record also indicates a ment, it is most appropriately used in acute care settings
and should not be utilized by itself in forensic evaluations
less than honorable discharge. The evaluator then due to its high false-positive rate. Although the majority of
compares these findings with his clinical interview MMPI Clinical Scales were developed by extracting items
with the patient and recalls his countertransferential endorsed differentially by psychiatric patients belonging to
feelings of anxiety as the patient aggressively ques- distinct diagnostic groups, the correspondence between
tioned his credentials before the interview began. Clinical Scale elevations and formal diagnosis was found
to be less than originally promised; thus, with considerably
Taken together, these approaches to understanding
greater assessment information, the MMPI-2 can be seen
this hypothetical patient provide clinical under- as informing diagnosis, not establishing it (see Friedman
standing that is at once broader and more mean- et al., 2001; Hathaway & McKinley, 1943).
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