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Timing Cupid

From A
Researchers Diary
Ron Bippus, Canada.

M any people have wondered about

the magic that drives the timing
of love and romance. All sorts
of theories have been proposed, some of
them rational and some of them clearly

Rules of the Love Game

1. In astrology, the houses that deal with

relationships are the 1st and 7th houses or

R on Bippus is a professional Astrologer

ascendant/descendant axis. For this
reason it is also known as the relationship
axis and the signs on its cusps indicate the
with 35 years experience. Ron has re-typed natives ability and desire to form
all of William Lilly's "Christian Astrology" partnerships, whether these are romantic
and it is now available in modern English. or business relationships. The planets that
This is the most informative book ever rule the signs that are on the cusps of
written on the art of horary astrology. As these houses are crucial to motivating
well, Ron has turned Lillys horary astrology people to start relationships. The 1st house
information into a modern horary textbook and its ruler represent the personal
entitled appropriately enough the Horary motivations of the native or person who
Handbook. He lives and practices in owns that natal chart. The 7th house and
Toronto, Canada. its ruler indicate the marriage partner.
2. In classical astrology, the Moon always co
rules the ascendant or 1st house and
describes the natives emotional needs.
Therefore, it is as important in
relationships as the planets that rule the
sign on the 1st house cusp. The
ascendant/descendant axis and its rulers
are always involved at the start of a

3. The 10th and 4th houses or MC/IC axis is also involved in relationships because having the
ability to earn money and financially support a marriage partner and children is crucial to
long term stability. The 10th house or MC rules career or business and allows the native to
earn the financial resources needed to support a marriage partner. The 4th house rules the
home and family and if the MC/IC axis or its rulers are activated by dynamic aspects then
the relationship generally grows into a marriage. Especially effective are easy aspects to the
MC/IC axis because a trine to the MC also is a sextile to the IC; a flourishing career or
business provides the native with the money to turn a romantic relationship into a
marriage. A square to the MC is also a square to the IC, and if a relationship starts under
such difficult aspects it is not as likely to evolve into marriage. Dynamic aspects to the
Nodes may also activate the relationship drive, but generally this is a minor issue unless the
Nodes are conjunct the angles and so drive a strong need for new social connections.

4. The 5th house and its ruler signify the natives sexual attraction or romantic feelings and the
desire to procreate and have children. You dont need to be married to have sex and
children, but it is beneficial for the children if they grow up in a stable home under the
nurturing guidance of both parents. The 5th house and its ruler generate intense excitement
and romantic feelings and are always involved at the start of romantic relationships for at
least one of the partners.
5. When the planets that rule the angles are moved by some dynamic method such as
progression, direction or transit and thereby make aspects to natal points then the native
will feel the urge for companionship. Or the reverse can also be true, with these planetary
rulers of the angles being aspected by any dynamic planet.
6. The dynamic methods most obviously useful in relationships are Secondary Progressions
and Solar Arc directions, except where the angles are in signs ruled by Jupiter or Saturn.
Jupiter rules the signs of Sagittarius and Pisces, and Saturn rules Capricorn and Aquarius.
In the above cases the transits are just as important as progressions. I use both the classical
and modern planetary rulers of the signs since the documented data clearly show that they
both work. This means that Uranus is co ruler of Aquarius and Pluto is coruler of Scorpio.
However, I always look at the classical rulers first since they are much more often involved
than the modern rulers. Venus and Mars play no role in the beginning of a romance unless
they rule an angle or the 5th house. In this case even their transits to natal planets and
angles are useful in triggering relationships.

In most cases it is quite easy to see who fell first or deeper in love by looking at the number
of dynamic aspects that activate the important relationship points. People who have a dozen
dynamic aspects activating the relationship points all at the same time have little choice but
to feel a deep need for romantic involvement. Whether the partners chart is activated to the
same extent does not seem to matter all that much. Generally, the more enthusiastic partner
powers the relationship and sweeps the other person off their feet. The above conclusions are
based on the analysis of 27 relationships, some of them celebrities, others very ordinary
people. What they all have in common is that they all react to exactly the same planetary

Example: DesiLucy

Below follows a detailed analysis of the romance between Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. She
was a B movie star who met Cuban born band leader Desi Arnaz on the set of the movie
Too Many Girls in May of 1940 and they got married six months later. Lucille Ball was born
on the 6th of August 1911, at 17:00 in Jamestown, New York. This gives her chart Capricorn
rising with Venus ruled Libra on the 10th and Taurus on the 5th. Assertive Mars ruled Aries
is on the 4th house cusp. Her father died when Lucy was four years old, and she was raised
mostly by her maternal grandparents. At sixteen she was sent to acting school by her mother
to keep her away from criminal friends. Her acting skills were not particularly good, and she
ended up playing roles in low grade movies. One of these parts was a role in the movie Too
Many Girls.
In order to set the stage for how the romance worked out I looked at the transits for a time
period of four months, starting with the month before the relationship began. That way I
could see the astrological motivators before, during and after the start of the relationship. I
also looked at progressions and directions for two months before and after the beginning of
the romance. Let us look at the progressions first.
In the following section I will state the dynamic aspect followed by its psychological
interpretation. In March, Lucy had Solar Arc Mercury, which is natally in her 8th house of
debt, square her Moon in the 1st. She needed money badly and felt stressed because of it. In
April her progressed Moon trined Venus ruler 5th and 10th, so she was ready to accept a new
5th house love and romance as well as 10th house career and financial opportunities. By July
the progressed Moon had conjoined natal Uranus in the 1st, bringing the excitement and
thrill of a new relationship with the sexy and much younger Desi Arnaz. Next the
progressed Moon squared the MC/IC axis, driving the need to expand her career as well as
cement her relationship to Arnaz by marriage and buying a home.
In April Saturn ruler 1st was transiting her 4th and trine the Ascendant and conjunct the
North Node; this set the stage for the focus on her relationship and family security needs.
By May, Saturn opposed Jupiter in the 10th, indicating that maybe her relationship with
Desi brought her unwanted notoriety at work. She really worried about the age difference.
Saturn also trined the Moon ruler 7th; she was obviously happy to have found a lover who
met her emotional needs. Transiting Jupiter was conjunct the 4th house cusp and trine the
Ascendant, again repeating the need for home and marriage.
In June, transiting Saturn trined Mercury, indicating her finances were much better now.
Transiting Uranus coruler 2nd trined Venus, repeating the theme of greatly improved
finances and also highlighting the sexual intensity of her new found romance. Transiting
Jupiter trined Moon ruler 7th, bringing thoughts of marriage to her mind. Transiting Saturn
squared natal Sun, indicating Lucy`s fear of social disapproval of her relationship with a
man who was six years younger. They eventually agreed to lie about their age and both
claimed to be born in 1914. Saturn then conjoined Mars ruler 4th in the 4th, driving the need
for marriage and a common family home.

Desiderio Arnaz was born on the 2nd of March 1917 at 12:17 PM, in Santiago de Cuba on the
island of Cuba. This gives him 23 Gemini rising, Pisces on the 10th and Libra on the 5th
house of romance. His family fled to the USA because of political troubles, and Desi was
raised in Miami. In April 1940 he had Solar Arc Mars ruler 6th of work and 11th of business
income, which is natally conjunct the MC, square the natal Moon. This activated his career
and work ambition as well as his sex drive. In May the progressed Moon sextiled Mars,
sextiled the Sun and sextiled the MC. His career and finances were doing fabulously well
and he could well afford to think about relationships.
In April transiting Jupiter ruler 7th and 10th sextiled Mercury ruler 1st, sextiled Uranus,
sextiled Ascendant, squared Saturn. The need to start a relationship must have taken over
his whole life. He was in love with love but had serious intentions with Saturn involved.
Transiting Saturn squared Neptune coruler 10th, conjoined Jupiter and sextiled the Moon.
With Neptunes involvement he just had to find his goddess and his feelings were over the
top. Also in May Uranus squared Mercury ruler 1st, and the need for the wild excitement of
a new love was definitely on his mind.
In May transiting Neptune squared the ascendant, indicating the likelihood of falling
helplessly in love and idealizing his partner to the utmost. Transiting Jupiter sextiled Venus
ruler 5th, sextiled Pluto, squared Neptune, conjoined natal Jupiter. The need to expand his
social and professional relationships as well as his romantic life was on his mind when he
met Lucy.

In June transiting Jupiter sextiled the Moon in his 1st and transiting Saturn sextiled the Sun
in his 10th and sextiled the MC. Desis career and relationship were doing incredibly well
and his romance with Lucy was seen in a positive light by the movie producers. In July
transiting Neptune squared the ascendant/descendant axis. The time had come to take this
romance to the next level and move forward with a commitment. Transiting Jupiter sextiled
Mars, Sun, and the MC. The movie really boosted his career and allowed him to consider a
permanent arrangement like marriage. Transiting Pluto coruler 6th of work conjoined
Neptune. The fame and fortune he had hungered for were falling in his lap. Desi and Lucy
were married on the 30th of November 1940. The marriage failed all too soon due to his
constant extramarital affairs. He simply could not turn down an offer of sex from a woman.
The rules for predicting romance in a chart are simple and predictable and appear to work all
of the time. One needs to see the rulers of some or all four of the angles activated, either by
being aspected by dynamic planets or these rulers of angles themselves moving through the
chart and activating other planets. It doesnt seem to matter in which direction the energy
flows, as long as it relates to the angles. Throw in the Moon as the indicator of the natives
emotional needs and the ruler of the 5th for romance and excitement and the picture is
mostly complete.
1. Male Ron Bippus 5 Feb 1945, 8:02 AM, Slupsk, Poland
Female Barbara Bippus 1 Nov 1946, 12:30 London, England
Met on her 23rd birthday, 1 Nov 1969.

He had: SA ASC sextile Mars, PR Moon ruler 5th trine Sun ruler 7th, sextile MC, SA Venus
sextile ASC,
TR Uranus coruler 1st conjunct Neptune in his 7th, and TR Pluto conjunct natal Jupiter in the
7th. TR Jupiter trine Sun ruler 7th, sextile MC, trine ASC, TR Saturn sextile Saturn, TR
Neptune square ASC/DES
She had SA Jupiter sextile Moon ruler 7th, PR Moon sextile Neptune and conjunct SN, TR
Jupiter trine Uranus in the 5th, square Moon, TR Uranus trine Saturn ruler 1st

Married on 24 Aug 1974

He had TR Pluto square Saturn ruler 1st, and TR Saturn trine Moon, conjunct NN, TR Jupiter
trine Moon, PR Moon opposite Uranus coruler 1st, sextile Sun ruler 7th
She had PR Moon square Jupiter and Sun, opposite Saturn ruler 1 st, SA ASC trine NN, TR
Saturn ruler 1st conjunct Descendant.

2. Male Ron Bippus 5 Feb 1945, 8:02 AM, Slupsk, Poland

Female Donna Ritch, 3 Oct 1951, 7:35:47 AM, Toronto, Canada

First Date 8 Jul 2006

She had PR Mars ruler 7th conjunct Mercury, SA Mars ruler 7th conjunct the ascendant, PR
Moon trine Node conjunct natal Moon; SA ASC Sxt Neptune
TR Jupiter ruler 5th trine NN, conjunct Moon, trine Uranus; TR Neptune coruler 5th trine natal
Neptune; TR Saturn ruler 4th trine Jupiter, sextile Sun, square Moon ruler 10th, sextile Neptune
coruler 5th, conjunct Pluto; TR Mars ruler 7th Sxt Neptune ruler 5th, sextile ASC; TR Venus
ruler 1st Sxt Jupiter 5th,Tri Neptune coruler 5 th.

He had PR Moon trine Uranus coruler 1 st, SA Jupiter ruler 10th square ASC/DES, square Moon
ruler 5th, conjunct Sun ruler 7th; SA ASC square Mercury ruler 4th; PR MC conjunct Sun ruler
TR Saturn ruler 1st conjunct Pluto, sextile Uranus coruler 1st, square Moon ruler 5th, opposite
Sun ruler 7th, trine MC; TR Neptune sextile MC; TR Jupiter ruler 10th
Cnj Moon, Sqr Sun, Tri Node.

Married 12 Sep 2008

He had PR Moon ruler 5th square Uranus coruler 1st, trine Moon, SA Mars opposite Jupiter
ruler 10th, TR Saturn square Uranus, sextile Moon, TR Jupiter sextile Moon
She had TR Jupiter ruler 5th opposite Uranus, TR Saturn ruler 4th sextile Moon ruler 10th and
Uranus, conjunct SN

3. Female Donna White, 3 Oct 1951,7:35 AM, Toronto, Canada

Male Bob Ritch 16 May 1949 Toronto, Canada No birth time
First Date: 1st of June, 1971
She had PR Moon coruler 1 st sextile Mercury, PR Sun sextile Mars ruler 7th, SA Pluto
sextile Moon coruler 1st. TR Saturn square Mars ruler 7th, sextile MC; TR Jupiter ruler 5th
square Mars ruler 7th, trine MC; TR Neptune coruler 5th sextile Mercury
Married 5 Jul 1974
She had PR MC conjunct Pluto ruler 2nd, PR Moon conjunct SN
TR Saturn square natal Saturn ruler 4th and Jupiter ruler 5th, trine Moon ruler 10th, trine NN, TR
Uranus conjunct ASC,

5. Female Amy Bippus 17 Dec 1983, 10:37 AM, Toronto, Canada

Male Derek Sturge 15 Aug 1979, 7:30 PM, Owen Sound, Canada

First Date 21 Sep 2002

She had: PR ASC square Uranus coruler 1st, PR Moon sextile Uranus, conjunct ASC, TR
Jupiter ruler 10th trine MC, conjunct DES, square Saturn, TR Saturn ruler 1st opposite Sun ruler
7th and opposite Neptune
He had: TR Jupiter ruler 10th conjunct Mercury ruler 5th, sextile Moon,
SA MC trine Venus in the 7th, PR Moon sextile Moon
Brokeup Sep 2008

6. Lucille Ball 6 Aug 1911, 17:00, Jamestown, NY

Desi Arnaz 2 March 1917, 12:17 PM, Santiago de Cuba
Met on set of film Too Many Girls May 1940, married 6 months later
She had SA Mercury Sqr Moon; PR Moon Tri Venus ruler 5th, Cnj Uranus, Sqr MC
TR Saturn Trine ASC, Cnj Node,
Saturn Opp Jupiter, Tri Moon; TR Jupiter Tri ASC, Cnj IC;
TR Saturn Trine Mercury; Uranus Trine Venus, TR Jupiter Trine Moon, TR Saturn Sqr Sun,
Cnj Mars
He had SA Mars Sqr Moon; PR Moon Sxt Mars, Sxt Sun, Sxt MC
TR Jup ruler 7th and 10th Sxt Mercury ruler 1st, Sxt Uranus, Sxt ASC, Sqr Saturn; TR Saturn
ruler 8th Sqr Neptune coruler 10th, Cnj Jupiter, Sxt Moon; Uranus Sqr Mercury.
TR Neptune coruler 10th Sqr ASC, TR Jupiter ruler 10th and 7th Sxt Venus ruler 5th, Sxt Pluto,
Sqr Neptune, Cnj Jupiter.
TR Jupiter Sxt Moon, TR Saturn Sxt Sun in 10th, Sxt MC.
th th th
TR Neptune coruler 10 Sqr ASC; TR Jupiter ruler 7 and 10 Sxt Mars, Sxt Sun, Sxt MC; TR
Pluto Cnj Neptune,

Married 30 Nov 1940

7. Kay Taylor April 1, 1954, 6:33 am

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

Klaus February 24, 1942, 4:56 am

Bremen, Germany
First Date: February 18, 2001, 7 pm in Emeryville, CA
She had SA Mars ruler 1 st sextile Sun ruler 5th; SA Venus ruler 7th square Moon; SA Neptune
trine Sun ruler 5th;
TR Uranus sextile ASC, TR Neptune square Saturn ruler 10th; TR Mars trine Sun
He had TR Neptune Cnj Venus ruler 10th and 5th; Uranus Sxt ASC; Jupiter ruler 1st Sxt
Pluto, Sqr Sun, Trine Venus, Uranus sqr Mars ruler 4th
th th
PR Moon Opp Venus ruler 10 and 5 ; SA ASC Sqr Moon; SA Venus Trine Pluto; PR Moon
Opposite Mercury ruler 7th, Sxt Jupiter ruler 1 st, Sxt Moon.

October 12, 2006, 6:04 pm in Emeryville, CA
She had TR Saturn ruler 10th trine ASC, TR Uranus sextile MC, TR Jupiter sextile natal Node.
He had Saturn square Mars ruler 4th, trine ASC, PR Moon sextile ASC, TR Jupiter opposite

8. Gary Paton: 4101968 Fairfax, Virginia. 3:06am

Caroline 12061966 12:20am Takoma Park, Maryland
First Date Jan 11, 1998 sometime in the late morning. we had breakfast and then I showed her
around town
She had PR Moon conjunct Neptune ruler 7th, trine Saturn ruler 5th, conjunct Mercury ruler 1 st
TR Jupiter ruler 7th square Mercury ruler 1st and square Neptune coruler 7th, trine MC, TR
Saturn ruler 5th trine Sun.
He had TR Jupiter ruler 10th conjunct ASC and opposite Jupiter in the 7th and sextile Sun ruler
7th. TR Pluto trine Mercury. PR Mercury ruler 5th sextile natal Mercury. PR Moon opposite
Saturn ruler 1st, Trine ASC. TR Saturn conjunct natal Saturn, sextile ASC
They married later that year.

9. Karen Bippus 5 Nov 1976, 4:05 PM, Toronto

Jeff Veerden 29 Apr 1980

First Date 5 July 2002

She had Pr Moon ruler 4th of home square MC/IC, trine Neptune, opposite Pluto. TR Jupiter
square Ascendant/descendant. Saturn ruler 10th sextile ASC, trine DES, opposite Venus ruler
He had PR Moon conjunct Jupiter ruler 7th, sextile Moon, conjunct Saturn ruler 10th TR Saturn
ruler 10th conjunct Ascendant and square natal Saturn, opposite Neptune, trine MC, sextile
Mercury ruler 5th TR Jupiter ruler 7th trine Uranus ruler 10th and square Mercury ruler 5th.
He lacked self esteem, later regretted involvement.

10. Michael Avery: 3 Jul 1980, 19:30, London, England

Met new boyfriend 11 Aug 2008
She had SA MC Trine Pluto; PR Moon Sxt ASC; PR Mercury Trine Moon; PR Venus ruler 7th
Trine Jupiter; SA Venus Sqr ASC
TR Saturn ruler 10th Sxt Uranus, Tri MC, Sqr Neptune, Sxt Mercury, Sxt Sun ruler 5th; TR
Jup Sxt Sun, Neptune Sxt ASC; Uranus Sqr Venus ruler 7th, Trine Mars ruler 1 st.

He had SA Moon Trine ASC; SA Mercury ruler 7th Trine Neptune, Cnj Node, SA Mercury
Sxt MC.
TR Saturn Cnj Jupiter ruler 1 st, Sqr Venus ruler 10th, Sqr ASC; Uranus Cnj Moon,

11. Caroline Kennedy 16 Jun 1940, 10 PM, Toronto, Ontario

Relationship Aug 2008 married in November
She had TR Saturn ruler 1st Tri Jupiter, Sxt MC, Sxt Venus ruler 4th, Trine Saturn, Trine ASC,
Sxt Moon; Uranus Tri Mars ruler 10th, Trine Mercury ruler 5th,
th st
PR Moon Cnj IC, Sxt Venus ruler 4 , Cnj Saturn ruler 1 , Trine ASC; SA Moon Trine

12. His birth data: Burcu Batur 16 July 1978 , 7:25 a.m Istanbul Turkey
His birth data: Omer Keskiner 9 Mar 1978 , 2.20 a.m Istanbul Turkey

Our first attraction was on 8 Sep 2008 , 21:00 Istanbul, Turkey
Our first date was on 10 Nov 2007 ; 23:00 Istanbul, Turkey
Our serious relationship started on 12 Jan 2008 ; 22:00 Istanbul, Turkey

8th Sep 2007 First meeting

He had TR Saturn ruler 7th Square Moon, Saturn Conjunct Saturn
trine MC conjunct Venus, and Jupiter ruler 5th of romance trine ascendant.
TR Saturn trine MC, TR Jupiter Sextile Pluto, Trine ASC.
SA MC Square Saturn, SA Pluto Square ASC,
Both romance and marriage are indicated.
She had TR Saturn trine ASC, sextile Jupiter ruler 1 st, TR Pluto opposite Jupiter, TR Uranus
conjunct Moon. PR Moon opposite Pluto
A sudden shift in relationship values that lead to more than a friendship.

10 Nov 2007 First date

She had TR Pluto Square Mercury ruler 7th, TR Jupiter ruler 1st sextile MC,
TR Jupiter square Mercury ruler 7th and Venus ruler 5th. TR Jupiter opposite Jupiter, TR Pluto
conjunct ASC. SA Mercury ruler 7th sextile Jupiter ruler 1st.
SA Mars Sextile MC, PR Moon Trine Neptune
Marriage and home are possible, career will flourish. Good time to start a possible marriage.
He had SA Neptune square Pluto ruler 4th. SA Pluto square ASC/DES
Dreams of a home with Omer. PR ASC conjunct Venus. He is in love.

12 Jan 2007 Committed relationship

He had Transiting Jupiter ruler 5th trine Venus and Trine MC, TR Pluto Trine Saturn ruler 7th.
Progressed Moon trine Saturn ruler 7th. SA ASC conjunct Venus, SA MC trine NN
Good time to pursue romantic and marriage goals.
She had TR Jupiter ruler 1st square Venus, square the Nodes.
PR Moon conjunct IC
She is ready to make new social connections and build a home.

13. My exboyfriend and I had our first date on Jan. 26, 2007 at 8pm in Oshawa.

Debbie Seeney, Nov 2, 1958, 2:35pm, Belleville, Ontario

No data for the man.

She had TR Saturn ruler 12th square Jupiter ruler 1st, TR Jupiter square ASC, TR Uranus coruler
12th trine Jupiter,

SA Saturn square Jupiter ruler 1 st. SA MC square Venus. Transiting Saturn trine natal Saturn,
TR Jupiter trine Uranus; Transiting Neptune coruler 1st trine IC

The aspects are mostly hard, so the relationship was doomed from the beginning. They broke up
9 months later.

14. Brad Pitt 18 Dec 1963, 6:31, Shawnee, Oklahoma

Angelina Jolie 4 Jun 1975, 9:09, Los Angeles, California
Romance began on set of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, November 2003, Australia
She had Pr Sun square Mars ruler 5th and Pr Moon square Venus and Ascendant

Tr Saturn ruler 7th square Moon ruler 1st and square Mars ruler 5th, TR Neptune sextile Mars
ruler 5th, Tr Jupiter sextile Saturn ruler 7th, Tr Saturn square Mars, TR Pluto coruler 5th sextile
He had Pr Moon opposite Mercury ruler 7th and trine Neptune ruler 4th; SA ASC conjunct
Moon, Tr Jupiter ruler 1st trine Mercury ruler 7th, sextile Neptune ruler 4th.

15. Richard Burton 10 Nov 1925, 14:48, Pontrhydyfen, Wales

Elizabeth Taylor 27 Feb 1932, 2:00, Hampstead, England
Met and fell in love during the shooting of Cleopatra in Rome Jul 1961
She had Pr Moon trine Jupiter ruler 1 st SA Neptune conjunct MC, SA ASC trine Neptune, Pr
Moon trine Uranus and Venus ruler 5th TR Pluto opposite Mercury
He had PR Sun Square ASC/DES, PR Moon ruler 5th conjunct MC and square ASC/DES,
sextile Mars in 7th, conjunct Venus in 10th, SA Uranus trine MC, opposite Mars in 7th, sextile
IC, SA Jupiter ruler 1 st opposite Neptune coruler 1 st, TR Jupiter sextile Mercury, TR Uranus
conjunct Neptune coruler 1st, TR Pluto square Mercury ruler 7th, TR Saturn sextile ASC/DES

16. Tom Hanks 9 Jul 1965, 11:17, Concord, CA

Rita Wilson 26 Oct 1956, 12:00, no birth time, Los Angeles, CA
Met on set of The Volunteers, Jul 1984 He was married, she engaged to another.
He had SA MC conjunct the Sun, trine Mars; PR Moon sextile MC, sextile Venus.
TR Jupiter ruler 7th opposite Mercury ruler 1st; TR Saturn ruler 5th square Moon; TR Uranus
trine Moon; TR Neptune coruler 7th trine Jupiter ruler 7th and 4th;

17. Paul Newman 26 Jan 1925, 6:30, Cleveland Heights, Ohio

Joanne Woodward 27 Feb 1930, 4:00, Thomasville, Georgia
Met on set of Broadway play Picnic which opened 19 Feb 1953
He had TR Jupiter trine Mercury ruler 5th and trine ASC, opposite Saturn ruler 1 st, trine Venus
ruler 4th; TR Neptune opposite Mars ruler 10th; TR Pluto ruler 10th conjunct Neptune.
PR Moon ruler 7th sextile ASC and Mercury ruler 5th, trine Pluto ruler 10th, trine MC, trine
Saturn ruler 1st
She had TR Jupiter trine ASC and sextile Venus ruler 5th and 10th, sextile Pluto in the 7th; TR
Saturn ruler 1st trine Moon ruler 7th
PR Moon trine Neptune and Nodes, conjunct Saturn ruler 1st, conjunct ASC.
PR Venus ruler 5th square ASC; PR Mars ruler 4th sextile Saturn.

18. Grace Kelly 12 Nov 1929, 5:31, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Prince Rainier 31 May 1923, 6:00, Monte Carlo, Monaco
Met in May 1955 at the Cannes film festival
She had: TR Jupiter ruler 5th trine Mars ruler 1st, square Venus ruler 7th, trine Moon; TR Saturn
trine Pluto coruler 1st; TR Uranus ruler 4th trine Mars;
PR Moon trine Saturn ruler 4th, Venus ruler 7th; PR Mars ruler 1st opposite Jupiter ruler 5th
He had: PR Moon sextile Moon, trine ASC, conjunct MC; TR Jupiter sextile Mercury ruler 1st
sextile Sun ruler 4th; TR Pluto sextile ASC; TR Saturn ruler 10th square Neptune ruler most of
the 10th

19. Ben Affleck 15 Aug 1972, 2:53, Berkeley, California

Jennifer Garner 17 Apr 1972, 8:30, Houston, Texas
Met on set of Daredevil June 2002
He had: PR Moon ruler 1st conjunct Neptune coruler 10th, trine Mercury ruler 4th;

TR Neptune opposite Mercury; TR Jupiter ruler 10th trine MC; TR Saturn ruler 7th square
MC/IC, sextile Sun, conjunct Saturn; TR Uranus sextile Jupiter
She had: SA Neptune ruler square Mercury ruler 1 st and 5th, PR Mercury trine Jupiter ruler 7th;
PR Moon trine Mercury, conj SN,
TR Saturn ruler 10th conjunct Moon, trine Uranus coruler 10th; TR Pluto sextile Uranus; TR
Jupiter ruler 7th square Sun ruler 4th,TR Uranus sextile Sun

20. Roy Rogers 5 Nov 1911 12:15, Cincinnati, Ohio

Dale Evans, 31 October 1912, Uvalde Texas No Time
They worked on several movies. He proposed in Sep 1947, married NY eve
He had TR Saturn ruler 1st square Sun ruler 7th, Saturn square Saturn, Saturn square Mercury
ruler 5th; TR Jupiter conjunct Mercury, conj MC, sextile Uranus coruler 1st, sextile Venus ruler
PR ASC opposite Venus ruler 4th; PR Moon trine Moon, trine Node; PR MC opposite Pluto
ruler 10th; SA Neptune trine Moon; SA Jupiter Opposite Pluto

21. Tom Cruise 3 Jul 1962, 15:10, Syracuse, NY

Katie Holmes 18 Dec 1978, 9:32, Toledo Junction, OH
Met in April 2005, engaged 2 months later in June
She had PR Moon conjunct Saturn ruler 7th, trine Mercury, conjunct Jupiter ruler 5th, trine MC;
SA ASC sextile Uranus coruler 7th;
TR Saturn ruler 1 st sextile Nodes in April; TR Jupiter ruler 5th sextile; TR Neptune opposite
He had PR Moon opposite Venus ruler 7th, trine Mercury; SA Uranus ruler 4th sextile Node
TR Uranus coruler 4th opposite Pluto coruler 1st; TR Jupiter ruler 5th square Sun ruler 10th,
sextile MC, trine Saturn ruler 4th, sextile Node; TR Saturn ruler 4th sextile Mars ruler 1st;

22. Humphrey Bogart 25 Dec 1899,13:30, New York, NY

Lauren Bacall 16 Sep 1924, 2:00, New York, NY
They met and fell in love on set of To Have and Have Not Aug 1943
He had SA MC Square Uranus; PR Moon Trine MC, Trine Venus ruler 1st; SA Pluto coruler
7th trine Jupiter; PR MC sextile Mars ruler 7th; SA Jupiter Trine ASC
TR Saturn ruler 10th conjunct SN, conjunct Neptune; TR Jupiter Sextile Moon,
TR Jupiter square ASC/DES, sextile Pluto coruler 7th
She had
SA MC opposite Saturn ruler 7th; PR ASC trine Jupiter; SA Mars ruler 10th and 5th
opposite Mercury; SA Sun conjunct IC
TR Jupiter Sqr Saturn ruler 7st, Cnj Venus ruler 4th, Tri MC; TR Saturn Sqr Uranus, Sxt Node,
Sqr Sun, Tri Mars; TR Uranus Sxt Venus ruler 4th; TR Pluto coruler 5th Cnj Venus

23. Brooke Shields 31 May 1965, 13:45, New York, NY

Chris Henchy 23 March 1964, New York, NY No birth time.
She started dating Henchy shortly after divorce from Andre Agassi in April 1999
She had PR Moon trine Mercury ruler 1st; PR MC sextile ASC; SA Node trine Saturn ruler 5th,
TR Jupiter ruler 7th sextile Jupiter, sextile Nodes, sextile Moon, sextile MC, sextile Venus, TR
Pluto opposite Jupiter ruler 7th ; TR Saturn ruler 5th trine Uranus, trine Pluto
Engagement; July 18 2000 PR Moon trine Nodes and Sun, TR Saturn ruler 5th conjunct Mercury
Wedding Apr 4 2001 TR Saturn conjunct Mercury, PR Moon trine Venus,
TR Uranus trine Venus, SA Node trine Neptune coruler 7th.

24. Elvis Presley 8 Jan 1935, 4:38, Tupelo, MS
Priscilla Presley 24 May 1945, 22:40, Brooklyn Heights, NY
Met in November 1959 in Germany
He had PR Moon Conjunct Mercury ruler 10th, Conjunct Node, SA Moon Conjunct IC,
TR Jupiter ruler 1st Sextile Venus, Sextile Node, Square Moon, Sextile Mars ruler 5th, Conjunct
ASC, Square Neptune ruler 4th

She had SA Saturn ruler 1st square Venus ruler 5th, PR Mercury sextile Pluto ruler 10th
TR Saturn ruler 1st Square Neptune, Conjunct ASC, Opposite Saturn, Sextile Moon, Trine
Mercury; Pluto ruler 10th Trine ASC; Neptune Trine Saturn, Sextile ASC

Married 1 May 1967

He had SA Venus conjunct Moon, SA Neptune coruler 4th square Sun, PR Moon trine
Neptune, PR MC trine Moon, TR Jupiter ruler 4th square Uranus, sextile MC, opposite Venus,
conjunct Pluto, conjunct SN, TR Uranus trine Mercury ruler 10th,
She had PR Moon trine ASC, SA Uranus square Neptune, PR Venus square Saturn, TR Saturn
opposite Neptune, square ASC, trine Pluto, square Saturn

25. John Lennon 9 Oct 1940, 18:30, Liverpool, England

Yoko Ono 18 Feb 1933, 20:30, Tokyo, Japan
They began their affair in spring of 1967
He had PR Venus ruler 7th Sxt Pluto; SA MC Cnj Moon; PR Mars ruler 1st Cnj DES; PR Moon
ruler 5th Tri Uranus, Tri Neptune.
TR Sat ruler 10th Opp Mars ruler 1 st, Sxt Moon, Trine Pluto, Sqr MC, Opp NNod; TR Jupiter
Sxt Mars, Opp Moon.
She had SA Moon ruler 10th trine Mars ruler 7th, PR Moon opposite Mars, SA MC opposite
Venus ruler 1st.
TR Uranus coruler 5th Sxt Pluto, Cnj Jupiter; TR Saturn ruler 4th Cnj DES, Sqr MC, Sxt Sat,
Tri Moon, Cnj Jupiter

Married 20 March 1969

He: PR Moon trine Sun, PR MC conjunct Moon. PR Moon sextile ASC
TR Uranus conjunct Mars ruler 1st, TR Jupiter trine Moon, conjunct Mars,
She: PR Moon trine Moon, PR ASC trine Nodes, PR ASC trine Mercury

26. Demi Moore 11 Nov 1962, 14:16, Roswell, NM

Ashton Kutcher 7 Feb 1978, 12:30, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Began dating April 2003, married 24 Sep 2005
She: PR Moon ruler 5th square Saturn, Cnj Mercury ruler 7th; PR MC conjunct SN; PR Venus
opposite Moon; SA Mercury Sqr ASC.
TR Saturn square ASC/DES, conjunct IC, trine Jupiter ruler 1 st; TR Jupiter square Mercury
ruler 7th, square Neptune coruler 1st, conj Mars,

He: PR Moon Sxt Uranus coruler 10th, Sqr Pluto; SA MC Trine Uranus, SA MC Sqr ASC; SA
Mars conjunct IC; SA Moon Trine Uranus;
TR Saturn ruler 10th trine Venus, conjunct Jupiter ruler 7th, sextile Saturn;
TR Pluto Sxt Sun ruler 4th; TR Jupiter Sqr Uranus coruler 10th, Sxt ASC

27. Santosh

19/05/1980, 11:50 am as per Indian standard time (+5.30)
place Berhampur, India 84E51 19N21

15/12/1986, 02:00am as per Indian standard time (+5.30)
place Barua, India 84E40 18N54

Relationship started on Akshaya Tritiya 20th April 2007

He had PR Sun ruler 1 st Sxt Nodes; PR Moon Trine Uranus coruler 7th, Sxt Sun ruler 1st; PR
MC Sxt Nodes; SA Nod Cnj Saturn ruler 7th , SA Uranus Sxt Pluto coruler 4th,
TR Saturn ruler 7th Sxt Pluto coruler 4th, Tri Neptune; TR Jupiter Sxt Pluto coruler 4th, TR
Pluto Trine ASC;

This is a very powerful social and personal commitment.TR Saturn ruler 7th sextiles Pluto ruler
4th of home.TR Pluto trines ASC. You have a need to build a home and family with a marriage

She had PR Moon ruler 10th Trine Pluto, Trine Venus ruler 1 st, Cnj Mars ruler 7th, Sqr Saturn
ruler 4th
TR Uranus coruler 5th Cnj Jupiter; TR Saturn ruler 4th Trine Nodes; TR Jupiter Trine Nodes,
Cnj Saturn, Jupiter Sqr Mars ruler 7th

This is a good financial match for her as well being a love match.

On the wedding day, 29/01/2008

He had: PR Venus sextile Sun ruler 1 st. SA Mercury conjunct Venus ruler 10th and PR Mercury
square Pluto ruler 4th. TR Pluto trines ASC. The focus is on building a career to build a home
and raise a family.

TR Jupiter opposite Venus ruler 10th. This marriage is primarily to start a home and family but
is also a very public spectacle to announce the marriage
She had: TR Saturn ruler 5th sextile Mercury. Words of love and romance will be heard. TR
Saturn square Moon ruler 10th. The wedding is very public and everyone admires her. PR Moon
squares Uranus ruler 5th and Sun ruler 11th. Her friends will have to take second place to her
romance and marriage.


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